File: 1629358363074.png (1.17 MB, 1430x1232, 1628763835503.png)

No. 1303332
ISABELLA LORETTA JANKE was involved in attempting to cause Christian Weston Chandler to end his own life, to extort money from him and encouraged him into raping his mother. She was the person Chris is talking to in the tapes in which he admits to having sex with his mother.
She has already been involved, on the Texas Tech Campus, in allegedly causing the suicide of another student and appears to have a wide track record of sociopathic behavior and involvement in a variety of illegal and disturbing acts including abusing animals, vandalism and selling prescription medications.
It seems that the call may have been recorded and retained for blackmail purposes and then when shared by another Chris orbiter who leaked it out of panic, Bella went into damage control mode spinning off the saga that we have today.
Bella / Simon918 / NP2348 / redpilled single dad / Nobodysbusiness77897 / 10anon / Kelly Osborn
>Self-describes as "4chan lonely dweller who can't get along with another bitchy girls".>Doesn't shower and has fungal infections all over her body.>Has a charge in New York currently for illegal possession of weapons.Louis / louize / jordanloveboat
>Her no. 1 simp, Chess Club member.>A gross creep that approved of her actions.>White supremacist Indonesian loli fetishist.>Confirmed to have eaten one of the 8 hamsters Bella has killed.Omongidale / Allen / Alice / Griffith
>Chess Club member and Bella's co-conspirator.>Sexpest guy who is into shadman, loli and futa.>Witnessed Bella boiling a hamster and Louis taking a bite out of it.>Changed name to Alice in Discord to get close to Chris and eventually join the gayops.>Conspiring with Bella to make Louis ingest estrogen unknowingly.>Pre-med student, scared shitless of being deported out of the country.Jadin / Zorgoth / Zoe
>Former Chess Club member.>Suspended from university due to racism complaints.OTHERSFiona
>An autistic girl who wanted to bang Chris Chan and the subject of Bella's toxic affections.>The true hero who saved Barb from more months of rape by not listening to Bella and leaking the audio of the confession call.>Her parents cut off her internet and was briefly hospitalized after she got doxed because of GiBi.GiBi
>Tried to get a scoop to get internet points fast.>Unironically fell for Bella's manipulation.>Accidentally doxed Fiona and caused damage to her life.>Started backpedalling after Kiwifarms called him out and bullied him for being a piece of shit.>Got doxed himself.Psychic Espeon / WTC / Neko / Sean
>Obsessed with Randy Stair, MtF mass shooter who also killed himself because he thought that he could reincarnate as a cartoon.>Pushing CWC to follow the steps of Randy Stair.>Co-conspirator with Bella.>Was in Kiwifarms initially framing Fiona as the mastermind behind everything.Firion / zoefiri
>MtF ex of Isabella.>Collected the evidence for Roman's case.>Joined Kiwifarms, confirms animal abuse rumors & psychopathy.Roman
>FtM next door neighbor who was bullied by Bella at college.>Filed a Title IX case to the university against Bella.SPECIAL MENTIONSMax
>Died in a closet due to Bella's neglect.>Doxed Bella from beyond the grave.Calvin
>Hamster left to die in his cage wrapped with plastic.>Found by a recycling staffer and re-homed.Tendies
>Bella offered to give this hamster away in Reddit.>Possibly boiled alive and fed to Louis.Goober
>Bella and Louis's fetish cat>They feed inappropriate food to him to get him to fart and shit everywhere.>Bella wants Goober to be chunky for Reddit gold.RECAP OF LAST THREAD:>Allen shares his Discord auth token and gets all his private conversations leaked >>1296552>Kiwifarms is down and Bella/her father are suspected to be behind it >>1296536>Students in TTU are organizing a march >>1296705>Bella was not rolling around Bria's piss as she wanted, but the piss of Bria's cat >>1296713>Bella's passwords have been compiled from haveibeenpwned and used to access her emails and Facebook account >>1296756>Bella's dating woes >>1296795>Bella goes to 4chan to defend herself >>1296881 >Jadin alleges that Bella has CP on her computer >>1297254>Discussion about Psychic Espeon and Angry Canadian >>1297551>Anon finds Bella's tiktok, which was originally named after "Kelly Andes", CWC's sweetheart >>1298038>Bella has been planning Chris' suicide since April 2020 >>1298103>Discussion about Bella's suspicious Cashapp transactions >>1298293, >>1299081, >>1299708>Anons discuss things found in Bella's file repository >>1298425, >>1298424, 1298722>Bella found arguing in Christian preacher's video >>1298490>GiBi might be more involved than he is letting others know and was possibly working with Psychic Espeon >>1298776>Bella's Reddit posts are archived >>1299175>Texas Tech are silencing students mentioning Bella >>1299199>Compiled conversation when Bella tells the Chess Club about CWC's incest and recorded call >>1299337>Possibility that Bella is blackmailing Louis >>1299348>Compiled conversations of Bella talking about his father >>1299714>Someone (possibly a troll) was defending Bella in YouTube with the name NP2348 >>1299859 and uploads a video of a hamster in a pot of water >>1299901>Bunch of anons (possibly Bella) in 4chan and lolcow start questioning Spooky Bones' motives and ask for her to be doxed >>1300237, >>1300301, >>1300372>Reddit group larps as Bella and challenges people to play Roblox with them >>1300373, >>1300907>Bella simp appears in Hispachan >>1300576 and we discover Spanish is her first language >>1301045>Bella's other ex is interviewed >>1300978>Bella's email is hacked and a rare video of CWC is leaked >>1301298>Fiona goes to Reddit and answers some questions >>1301431>Repzilla makes a video on Bella >>1301714WARNING- Bella has made 6+ sock accounts in KF and loves to derail the conversation away from her by shifting blame or changing subjects.
- She has bragged about being a lolcow farmer and made one thread in /g/ to spread misinformation after the incest call leaked.
- Her father is an ex-CIA and is currently in charge of various tech companies that run cyber psyop campaigns.
- Please report thirstposting, baiting, derailing and suspicious posts. Don't engage with them.
Updated List of Bella's Known Information: Timeline: thread:
>>>/snow/1296532 No. 1303346
File: 1629361548987.png (337.65 KB, 652x1322, 1628999011103.png)

From Bella's imgur.
No. 1303347
File: 1629361609678.jpg (24.05 KB, 652x286, c.jpg)

From Kiwifarms:
>Just further to that the e-mail address was unlinked from cash app on 08/09/21, no more payments were received.
No. 1303348
File: 1629362059406.png (642.96 KB, 607x987, adad.png)

Happy belated birthday, Bella!
No. 1303349
File: 1629362227679.jpg (417.43 KB, 1536x2048, nnlGPAS_1.jpg)

More from her imgur.
No. 1303350
File: 1629362456167.png (1.47 MB, 2174x1018, 1629331997734.png)

On Christmas Eve, Isabella Janke shared a video clip of her annoying a young woman, it seems to switch from playing around to being very annoyed. Unfortunately there's no sound, so there's no context. Some screenshots from said video.
No. 1303352
File: 1629362563224.png (Spoiler Image,599.79 KB, 708x873, ftb1.png)

>>1303349Close-up of her feet.
No. 1303354
File: 1629362654350.png (1.97 MB, 1242x2008, YAjdmw5.png)

No. 1303362
File: 1629363766823.png (41.03 KB, 675x172, hispachan.png)

Anon from Hispachan comes back to defend Bella:
>Isabella did nothing wrong, it was Chris who wanted to rape the mother, whatever she does with her dogs or cats we don't know really and it's not problem of internet, leave her alone(not milk) No. 1303375
File: 1629366015641.jpg (3.79 MB, 4608x3456, bellajasnyc.jpg)

Dropping the Jasmine (other chess club girl) image again, this is the newest photo we have of Bella.
>>1303332I wrote the first character summary post and called Fiona "the true hero" for leaking the Chris audio, but after her reddit appearence she definitely seems nuts like everyone involved in this story.
No. 1303391
>>1303385"Athena" started sending payments every two days after July 20. All the payments stopped after July 30, the day that the call was leaked. In theory, she should have received another payment August 1, the day that Chris was arrested.
Tinfoil: Bella started sending herself money more often after finding out the incest to empty Chris' bank account faster.
No. 1303392
>>1303375she's always seemed strange to me. it's been a while but i think the reason why i felt off about her is because of what her friend grant said on kf - it gave me the impression that she leaked the audio out of fear of being an accomplice to a very real crime, not because she was concerned for barb or wanted chris to face consequences for his actions.
i am willing to give her some benefit of the doubt for sperging out over reddit. maybe she was put on meds or was otherwise disoriented from being committed which made her act so strangely. i think her actions were beyond her usual sperginess, but i guess that's more due to me not believing anyone could be
that retarded.
No. 1303449
File: 1629375589198.webm (Spoiler Image,16.5 MB, 434x854, ilj-assault-girl.webm)

>>1303350The girl Isabella is assaulting appears to say "holy shit" while pinned to the bed, before pushing back against Bella. Best I can make out is Bella is saying "I just want to…" something, twice. The second time, she might be saying, "I just want to, oh my god" as her
victim pushes out against her.
Tinfoil. I think she's saying something like "I just want to feel your pussy", but I can't really tell.
No. 1303450
>>1303350This is genuinely upsetting. It's one thing to hear that she sexually harassed women on campus, but it's another thing entirely to actually
see her forcing herself on a woman and dry humping her. You can see how stressed that woman is as she struggles to break free from Bella's bulk multiple times. I have a feeling that having the audio would just be more damning. This is the first time I've seen a woman who was genuinely on par with a scrote.
No. 1303452
>>1303449What I'm curious about is: why is Bella holding her phone in this scenario? The screen looks like it's just the wallpaper and nothing is going on.
At one point she drops the phone on the bed and gropes? the girl which makes her run away. And then she grabs the phone again. Meanwhile this is all being recorded by a third girl (Jasmine?) sitting on the bunk bed.
No. 1303456
>>1303352This pic matches the disgusting fungus pic and confirms it's real.
Funnily, in her defense posts Bella never said anything abouther feet but kept mentioning her tits and being defensive about them. She uses photoshop and clothing adjustments to desperately keep up that "curvy bombshell" look, but doesn't even care to wash her hair.
No. 1303474
File: 1629379181489.jpg (103.78 KB, 814x1080, E9A7MK5Iv0w.jpg)

From Encyclopedia Dramatica
No. 1303503
>>1303499From what I've seen so far, she's just not a frequent discord user. She seems to be racist and share the other values of the chess club, but she's not terminally online. Bella lusted after her little step-sisters in front of her.
She's also the only one who saw a glimpse of Bella's real life because she met Bella's mom, while on discord Bella keeps saying how her mom is an alcoholic.
No. 1303510
File: 1629383973851.png (112.85 KB, 1142x454, 1629381648583.png)

This is an interesting comment. In the discord chatlogs when Bella and Jasmine go to New York Louis says something like "aren't those your people, Bella" and she's like "yeah I feel more natural and not like in lubbock where everyone thinks I'm loud and annoying"
No. 1303524
File: 1629384845692.jpeg (207.62 KB, 2300x1470, 1628720944736.jpeg)

>>1303510But according to this article, Bella Janke was in Norwalk High School in 2017, not York Prep HS. Norwalk HS is located in Connecticut.
No. 1303527
File: 1629385112915.png (Spoiler Image,683.71 KB, 915x465, isabella.png)

>>1303449what a beast of a woman, good lord
some of those profile shots are things of nightmares
idk if it's cause it's zoomed in a little towards the end or if the other girl just seems smaller but bella looks like a massive ogre in comparison, she probably smells like a swamp even lmfao
im actually surprised she hasn't gotten into more physical altercations over her behavior. Like setting aside how fucked up she is, she just seems like a massive annoying faggot
No. 1303531
File: 1629385447096.png (538.39 KB, 760x534, Prezi.png)

>>1303510Picrel is a slide from Bella's 2015 Prezi presentation: The wall paint, whiteboard and lights look kinda similar to the photo in the article
>>1303524. They were possibly taken in two different classrooms from the same building. She might have attended Norwalk High School from 2015 to 2017.
No. 1303538
File: 1629385997525.jpg (Spoiler Image,344.86 KB, 1080x1845, IMG_20210819_171139.jpg)

>>1303352Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm starting to think the fungus pics aren't her.
Warning: NSFL don't click
No. 1303553
File: 1629387854526.jpeg (216.43 KB, 1213x2078, 4CAD3B33-E296-43E6-BBF2-F878E2…)

>>1303510Mark L
>>1295974 has returned.
No. 1303602
>>1303567jim berg created his account today so he's just a throwaway account. mark l on the other hand is using a 5 year old account so there might be more to him but i think they're both trolls making fun of the weens who take the bait.
No. 1303618
>>1303602This video
>>1303567 is the first result when you search for "Athena Pettit" and the second for "Michael Anthony Janke" in YouTube. Is there a way to look for all the name changes that a YT channel has had?
No. 1303695
File: 1629398297297.jpg (116.75 KB, 1080x760, 20210819_131156.jpg)

i'm posting this here instead of the chris chan thread, because isabella loretta janke deserves all of the scrutiny.
i'm pretty sure this account is the (or at least a major) scriptwriter for the huge 'jcs - criminal psychology' true crime channel. aside from it being one of only two channels linked (the guy i'm posting, and sometimes also the narrator) he makes many videos on cases with many of the same points before jcs ultimately makes similar videos on the same cases that get massive amounts of views.
what i'm trying to say is, i've been looking forward to the wine/dog-mom true crime channels potentially researching/making videos on portabella, but i'm also potentially seeing a 'step 1' in a true and honest jcs exposé.
i pray for an analysis of the chris chan call, including talking about how much better he is at banging his mom than 'robertchu' while isabella loretta janke maniacally encourages a turbo-autist to continue incest.
No. 1303711
File: 1629399040132.png (174.16 KB, 464x638, skyangel.png)

>>1303683>>1303684I tried to find out more about Bella's mom and stumbled upon this: Some guy met Athena and made this ridiculous blog with only one post asking if more people know anything about her. Some choice quotes:
>I saw the most beautiful female pilot in the history of aviation walk by -I just stared.>She was, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen was the pilot of my airplane.>I watched and heard her talking to the flight attendents -not only was she drop-dead beautiful, but extemely nice and had a super personality.>You could see all the men peeking over the seats to get a look at her.>Now, I don't usually get too crazy about beautiful women, but this one was smart, classy, and just had a air about her.>I asked if she landed the jet, she said "I did" with a naturally sexy smile. I was hooked. No. 1303765
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Milk time. I wonder if the march at TTU will happen this week.
No. 1303864
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nonny, kek - he's still linked in the description of the most recent video, and jcs used to include clips from the tcl channel at the end of videos.
No. 1303896
>>1303864jcs was/is just trying to help out tcl get more subs because it's a good channel in the true crime yt.
The only solid crime anyone can use for a video about mushroom girl is the weapons charge so far.
No. 1303914
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>>1303896a lil' low-to-no context shout out for over 2 years just 'because it's a good channel in the true crime yt'? the jcs account has mentioned it's a team of people.
they both mainly analyze body language in interrogation footage, and audio in phone calls. jcs is just a narrator over edited interrogation footage, kek - it's why so many 'jcs imitations' videos have flooded yt.
but obv a case is too far away to have enough footage for a jcs video, yet.
No. 1303927
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Bella in reality vs her own photoshop
No. 1303998
>>1303927lmao even on the left she's stuffing her bra. You're a plain dumpy girl bella, own it.
>>1303765it's kinda funny to me that "Zoe" is reporting bella for all this shit while talking to kiwifarms directly. So it's not ok for bella to dump you and call you a broken man, but it's ok when the tards from kiwifarms do it? Zoe is such a typical scorned moid. I don't care in this instance but he's only doing this shit to get back on her for pointing out he's male.
No. 1304276
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>>1303927That's not even how her boobs look in reality.
No. 1304405
File: 1629450863519.png (488.54 KB, 608x892, 1.png)

From Bella's Zoosk (online dating site):
Gender: Female
Interested In: Women
Height: 5'7"
Ethnicity: Middle Eastern
Body Type: Average
Religion: Atheist
Smoking: Smokes socially
Hello! I’m not picky, just looking for someone to have fun with! I like video games, reading, computers and I’m open to other suggestions! Let’s go get coffee sometime!
Perfect Match
Friendly, silly, good sense of humor
Ideal Date
Getting coffee and chatting for a bit
SpongeBob SquarePants
Video Games
No. 1304410
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These were leaked from Bella's thetenthanonymous ProtonMail
No. 1304412
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>>1304410Proof that she was a sock in Kiwifarms
No. 1304413
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>>1304410Bella cheating on her Physics class
No. 1304414
File: 1629451883083.jpg (64.95 KB, 835x712, w2.jpg)

>>1304410Bella sending an e-mail with malware + instructions on how to use it on someone else
No. 1304422
File: 1629452740046.jpg (46.34 KB, 853x519, o1.jpg)

>>1304410A e-mail (that bounced) requesting to host an onion site for "prorams" and trojans for Bella's colleagues.
No. 1305140
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So the other girl in the cake pic has been ID'd. her name is Jasmine. KF has a thread on her but for some reason they're giving her a break because her Dad died in war or some shit? The OP is pathetic and full of claims she's had a "hard life" kek. That apparently excuses her at least being aware of the animal abuse. She's very close with bella and there are logs of bella teaching her 12-year-old sister to hate jews and call allen a faggot. She seems like a clone of bella, which is probably the only thing more pathetic than being bella herself. She looks dirty as fuck.
No. 1305224
File: 1629522101947.png (23.74 KB, 626x256, 1628790867796.png)

>>1305221Not a meme, but it was also in the File Repository.
No. 1305236
The gore and cp were posted literally 15 mins or so after this post
>>1305140 bella stay mad your tubby ugly friend got doxed
No. 1305250
File: 1629527318119.jpg (592.84 KB, 1080x2133, IMG_20210821_082406.jpg)

Kiwifags are being fucking embarassing, but some info was posted about the last member of the cake clique. It's pretty much nothing though.
No. 1305268
>>1305263I feel like at this point either
1. This story spawned too many trolls, why would anyone bother to write all that up unless they're insane?
2. Bella is completely unhinged and crazy posting everywhere, but she doesn't seem capable of anything that isn't pure denial so I don't think it's her.
No. 1305314
File: 1629538344156.png (103.36 KB, 645x1030, Based Naruto Sisters 3.png)

>>1305304I had to go to KF and read the Discord logs… Yikes.
No. 1305321
File: 1629539035635.png (36.57 KB, 629x298, meaning.png)

>>1305318>Candy AND cunny?These people are so well versed on pedophile lingo.
No. 1305328
File: 1629539553962.png (80.39 KB, 831x766, Jasmine Chris Server 2.png)

Bella knows someone that works in lolcow? Does she mean or
No. 1305534
>>1305325>>1305326Cunny has been making the rounds on 4chan with this meaning since at least 2010. Uooohhh :sob: posting has been around for years too, but mainly in the context of weeb things, perhaps due to its origin being a Japanese tweet
Both are very mainstream on 4chan, but whereas uooohhh is mostly used to refer to anime, cunny is mainly IRL pedo shit associated and consequently rarely posted jokingly, except by the most edgy contrarians, the kind of gross person who would have this
No. 1305568
>>1305408The thing is that nobody cared enough, there's caps from a student discord and somebody is like
>this reached national news level (Chris Chan) it will sort itself out, what can students do? There's nobody involved enough to organise and step up, and a lot of it has to do with zoomer mentality. The
victims of Bella's behaviour should have been contacted and grouped up (Avery, Bri etc) and reached out to their friends for support.
Meanwhile kiwifags thought there would be some grand witchunt when just Bella's troon ex appeared and students don't care aside the permanently online ones.
No. 1306585
>>1305328she's talking about here but she is full of shit. she boasts about all kinds of things like this including becoming a KF admin.
No. 1310507
Bella's newly leaked imgur accounts: contain 250 files, which include:
>Loli>Porn>Bestiality>Gore and Torture>Animal abuse (RIP Tendies)>Waterboarding extra videos>Secretly recorded conversations of Mike and Mary Beth (her father and step-mother)>CP onion linksNote: The woman in
>>1303449 is Briana.
No. 1310602
File: 1630181640069.jpg (341.16 KB, 1080x1569, IMG_20210828_221146.jpg)

Tranny ex says TTU will take down Bella
No. 1319590
File: 1631183093462.jpg (141.6 KB, 1885x409, av.jpg)

Bella sent this email to get Avery suspended from his job.
No. 1319605
File: 1631185223353.jpg (52.68 KB, 1430x413, copied compsci projects.JPG)

Minor updates:
>A former Chess Club member, TheGambitt, comes forward. He confirms that Bella assaulted Briana and other female roommates and the animal abuse.
>GiBi's Discord was leaked. It is full of underage fans who were interacting with adults without mods. They discuss topics like personal issues, self-mutilation, abusive parents and extreme pornography. At one point, these minors were encouraged to contact Jacob Sockness and he eventually joins the server.
>The CWCiki Discord was also leaked. There is a debate whether they were protecting Bella or not, since they didn't allow people to discuss her in the server.
No. 1319607
File: 1631185337331.png (56.77 KB, 1705x559, 1630653803932.png)

>>1319605Leaked private conversation between TheGambitt and Bella (Deleted User).
No. 1320956
>>1320936I worked in law for a while and while it was generally accepted that your clients aren't gonna be good people, many times lawyers operated on a, "don't tell so I don't have to feel completely disgusted by you and can sort of justify representing you," basis.
However, in this specific situation it looks like they likely had to laboriously comb through all the pages and then brush up on libel cases/IIED cases/whatever other tort they might have deemed relevant to see if they could find anything that could justify the lawsuit their client was hoping for.
Them coming up empty and advising their client against a lawsuit says a fucking lot. I'd say they're likely as disgusted as we are.
No. 1337225
File: 1632908831893.jpg (302.62 KB, 1080x1189, IMG_20210929_114245.jpg)

Tiny saged update:
>bella nowhere to be seen at campus
>her mom apparently hired the lawyer that contacted kiwifarms
>students are becoming more and more aware of the gossip
>milk from the source is dead, spookybones is acting like a total retard on kiwifarms and classifying anything as drama, made a callout post for a random moderator and everyone called it shit
No. 1337429
File: 1632932470275.jpg (88.13 KB, 828x1020, 20210928_172719.jpg)

Also she's reporting youtube vids of herself
No. 1340451
File: 1633281348441.png (61.86 KB, 728x357, 1633185124484(1).png)

Bella is allowed to go on the internet again! Seems like she's schizo and contacting kiwi jannies saying she's just a girl that looks exactly like Bella and lives in New York so they should take everything down.
No. 1341676
File: 1633457681310.png (1.37 MB, 1066x594, 1632266977199.png)

Bella's mom appeared on fox news in relation to the Gabby Petito case
>>1340451>>1340664Yeah, spooky has gone full retard. She released the DMs that apparently had "more proof" that it's bella but she was just catfished like a total retard. After that, spooky is constantly justifying her actions and arguing with people on the subforum, kek. Now they want the subforum to get closed and everything merged and moved to the Chris Chan forum.
No. 1346617
File: 1634162058153.png (460.54 KB, 669x719, anitacaramella.png)

Sage for tinfoil, but I happened across a coomer account on twitter with an uncanny resemblance to Bella. She even has the same nostrils.
No. 1382527
>>1381202the sad thing is, this literally doesn't matter. She could easily just go to another university/college and continue on getting her degree regardless of the suspension in that specific school, or even continue in another country. Suspension means nothing.
She honestly should serve jail time. I'm surprised no one is going after her criminally.
No. 1405854
File: 1640982481877.jpeg (6.18 KB, 238x211, youarehere.jpeg)

No. 1405954
File: 1640995316225.jpg (90.62 KB, 509x339, girl snoring.jpg)

Bella is a dead meme and milked to extinction unless she does something spectacular, lbr. What more are you gonna do or say about Bella.
No. 1406263
File: 1641050899476.jpg (138.32 KB, 1080x830, bumpfagaccomodations.jpg)

No. 1406271
>>1406263█▄▀ █▀▀ █▄▀
█░█ ██▄ █░█
No. 1472868
File: 1647619836760.jpeg (929.55 KB, 1092x1543, 99DD5A30-FA0C-447D-B1D4-90BEBE…)

>>1472718go to bed momothewise
No. 1482426
File: 1648330684778.png (263.6 KB, 752x711, maxine sidero fb.png)

So Isabella has surfaced again, using the assumed name Maxine Sidero. In a spectacularly dumb move, she made social media under this name including similar bizarre SEO stuff talking about her inventing groundbreaking computers at MIT and other craziness. The new acccount is also linked with her old comparde Louis Herz among other things. Appropriately enough, Kiwis confirmed the dox with her mother's pet pig. Isabella simply cannot stop getting herself doxed by animals, kek.
No. 1482430
File: 1648330777537.png (359.65 KB, 724x470, wilbur the doxpig.png)

>>1482426Wilbur the Doxpig, who helped confirm Isabella's using the Maxine Sidero identity.
No. 1482431
File: 1648330832021.jpeg (81.67 KB, 983x983, maxine_sidero.jpeg)

>>1482426Isabella with contacts, some hair color, and makeup, and the new name Maxine Sidero.
Kiwi Farms thread here No. 1652565
>>1629989 I doubt it was her. Maybe some troll that wanted to pose as her.
Also post proof.
(sage your shit) No. 1661469
>>1629989I still think that Bella was done wrong, she was stripped of her privacy, mocked and bullied for no reason.
She is just a very retarded 20-year-old.
I don't believe anything that came out from her disturbed 'friends'.
I wish she was just left alone and made better decisions at picking her friends.