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No. 892755
What ails you my
Previous sins:
>>>/ot/874172 No. 892828
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my boyfriends buddy is my type exactly. cute and charming and we have the same taste in bad netflix movies. he lives far enough away where i don’t see him often but seeing him last week has me feeling new again!! i’ve been with my bf for 5 years now and i lowkey miss being new and exciting to a boy :/
i really appreciated the attention(don't use emojis)
No. 892840
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I love cleaning my ears with these fuckers. I know it's terrible for me but it feels so nice.
No. 893045
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>Young and healthy
>Avoided wearing a mask wherever possible
>Haven't bothered reading about COVID
>Haven't bothered reading about the side effects of vaccines
>Haven't got tested and don't plan to
>Didn't isolate when somebody I live with was sick with COVID
The "not my problem" lifestyle feels good. I wish I would have adopted this mindset sooner.
No. 893268
>>893249Don't worry about the possibilities. It could be anything. One time I left people on read for six days and it was all because I dropped my phone in the toilet, got it out, turned it off and stuck it in rice.
If you want to give her a nudge, just message and say "oh, forgot to say, I've got a book to give you too."
No. 893297
>>893263I hope it's just that. I may sound a bit hypocritical since I tend to be slow to answer but I'm so quick to imagine the worst case scenarios when it goes the other way. She hasn't blocked me on anything, I'm probably imagining things.
>>893268Worst thing is that I've already done that, I replied to her messages on Monday, and I gave her the nudge on Thursday ("I finally found your book, btw you still have to tell me if you're okay with the museum"), this is wrecking my nerves.
No. 893335
>>893314NTA, but I like Lauren Bousfield stuff (Nero's Day At Disneyland) and Girls Rituals/Black Dresses/whatever the name is now. I thought the former was just some guy making cool/crazy/cartoony electronic music until I Googled and found the name, and thought the latter was just a woman with a deep voice until I found out it was two people and what they looked like. Was sad to find out the truth in both cases.
I want off the troon music ride, please recc things anon
No. 893342
>>893291I unironically like half of Gabbie Hanna’s music.
>>893327God I loveDaddy Issues, Freaky is unironically good.
>>893090Lol wtf is this I put it in 1.75x speed and I still couldn’t get through two minutes of this. Who watches this?
No. 893429
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>>893417>>893419You bitches went too far.
No. 893473
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Started chatting with a dude and I already have a giant crush on him. I watched him play VTM:B while in voice chat and my heart was thumping the whole time. Does anyone have tips on how to figure out if a guy likes you back? I find it personally hard to tell when a guy likes you but he's pretty quick on responding to me, pays attention to what I say, and almost always writes a pretty thoughtful response. Can't tell if he's just really good at being a friend or what.
I'm not trying to get my hopes up because he lives in a different country. But I just really needed to float my feelings out there.
No. 893785
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I want to talk about higurashi with someone on here SO bad. But everyone on lolcow thinks higurashi is shit. I don't want to have to go to a moid chan to talk about it, it sucks. Anyways I'm conflicted about sotsu.
No. 893787
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>>893785Anon I love Higurashi!! But I'm not sure if I'd be the best to talk with though, because I'm still playing through chapter 7. I think there's a
Higurashi thread on /m/ or on here. I watched a few clips of Sotsu on youtube and the style annoyed me for some reason kek. I know the old anime renditions were kind of shit but I preferred the style.
No. 893789
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I relate more to socially awkward men then I do to other women, Its not that I like them its just that I understand their loneliness and alienation
an entire adolescence of bullying and social exclusion can do that to you
I'm not a NEET, I live a normal life but I'm still distant from other people, I just can't truly connect to 99% of other human beings
even when I'm with other people. I just zone out, with the rest of the group starts talking without me and I don't know what I to say and when I do say something I know people find it odd or strange and they change the conversation again
No. 893799
>>893789I was bullied a lot as a kid and it made me somewhat misogynistic. Not internalized misogyny, mind you. Any misogyny I have is completely externalized.
The way that girls bully fellow girls is so incredibly insidious and evil. If a man has a problem with you, he'll say it to your face. Whereas women will pretend to be your friend and then stab you in the back when you least expect it. If anything, this website just made me more suspicious of other women.
No. 893842
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No one has ever been romantically attracted to me and I’m pretty sure a good chunk of that problem is because I’m a black woman and hairy fml
No. 893846
>>893805I was bullied by both genders in elementary and middle school but the males would go out of their way to insult me unprovoked far, far more often than girls did. I was a quiet kid so I would just be minding my own business most of the time until some faggot came along like
>I don't want to be your friend because you're ugly. I'm only friends with pretty girls.K bitch. Who even asked you?
No. 893849
>>893846I was bullied by some scrote in primary school and he would come up to me multiple times a day to tell me all the people who didn’t like me
>Rebecca doesn’t like you>Charlotte doesn’t like you>Timothy doesn’t like you>Mr Peterson doesn’t like you>Mr Rogers doesn’t like you>Stacy doesn’t like you>joe doesn’t like youHe would really go out of his way to ask people if they liked me or not and he was such a nuisance of a bully people would be forced to say what he wanted to hear. He also mercilessly bullied me in lessons yet my teachers would always make me sit next to him despite my mother actually requesting I be moved out of his class.
Karma came back around last years of secondary school cos he was being bullied for being a fat virgin.
No. 893852
>>893846true. Men would do it just to be cruel and for the fun of having a
victim they can torment in any way possible because teachers never give a shit about it or join in.
No. 893931
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>>893924I don't want to post anymore of my Uncle's pic online but this is what he somewhat looks like, except a lot older and has green eyes
No. 894044
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I aboustetly wish I could control how my child will end up like, I don't want him to mama's boy and be reliant on me, rather he becomes my Ideal type of man who would do good
I have an exact picture of him in my head and an idealized idea of how'll he act, I already plan on enrolling him in various sports group, as well the books I plan on buying for him
I want him to be great cause I feel I'm owed that after the time I spent carrying him and society in general needs better men
No. 894049
>>894047If I ever have a girl I'd be less hard on her, though I would intrude on certain aspects of her online life
If I have another male child then I'm gonna instill the same values as the older one's, I'm going teach them that they have responsibility to be good men
No. 894148
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>meet guy at uni, he's an annoying, pretentious little shit
>we have all our classes together until we get our bachelor's degree but don't really talk to each other because he's being an asshole to most people, especially my friends (none of us in my friend group are white, it'll be relevant later)
>turned out he dated someone we knew from uni for not very long, he most likely pumped and dumped her, and he used to send pics of him half naked to other, less close friends who would shit talk him with us behind his back
>since then we graduated we went on different paths so I had no direct news from him
>at some point he posts about his company/project (?) on facebook with a link to his company's twitter account
>it's all about his project, nothing personal
>he deletes his accounts and create another one a few years later, which I knew because of his perpetually online bff who followed me on twitter for some unknown reason because he didn't even recognize me
>the guy starts making his twitter more personal because his project flopped so he changed plan idk
>retweets basic SJW shit that makes him look like a hypocrite
>whines about his dysmorphia because no mater how much he works out he always feels like a skinny manlet, which is most likely why he spammed half naked selfies to the girls without their consent
>his rants about dysmorphia and going to a therapist feel even more hypocritical because of the things he said to my friends and how he was lowkey shit talking me for being a skinny womanlet due to physical health issues at that
>he starts posting selfies of himself wearing less and less clothes
>he actually looks kinda hot now
>mfw pic related
I'm disgusted with myself. What is wrong with me. Is this my punishment for looking for dirt on twitter?
No. 894149
>>894034Back in the day you were able to get one fairly easily.
>>893912Yeah you're right, no point in feeling bad about it kek
Thanks anon
No. 894153
>>894104 mentioned, otome and shoujo and drama CDs. Along with erotica and gone wild audio. Nsfw games mentioned on /m/ as well.
>>894132I guess that makes sense, especially when a lot of women turn that self-hate inwards instead of directed towards other people. It's almost like a lot of women use sex and even fantasies as a form of mental self-harm.
No. 894160
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>>894090>>894132>>894144I think these people are just degenerates who happen to be women, just have normal sex perverts
I don't need my tits electrocuted to satisfy myself, but I will say the logic they use to defend their fetishes is infuriating
I have seen certain women try to argue that its "feminist" to be into this kink-shit
They declare that anyone criticizing them is a boring vanilla prude man or some dumb conservative "white" woman
I have actually heard a version of this exact phrase from my dumbass libfem sister, her rational is that woman should be allowed whatever they want to themselves and that preventing/shaming them from doing those certain things, no matter how fucked up or irrational enforces the patriarchy
No. 894234
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I get vaguely uncomfortable when anons say 'how can she be so fat and still not have any ass or tits?' because I know that is probably what I would look if I was fat. I also find it uncomfortable when anons shame women for having a hank-hill ass because I don't have a round ass
No. 894364
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i miss him
No. 894451
>>894090I agree. I can't read reader-insert smut or erotica any more, because there's always the prevailing theme of the female protag/insert "begging" or humiliating themselves in some way. It's like weird bdsm themes somehow infiltrated inside every one's idea of sex, it's so damn sad.
>>894153What nsfw games specfically are you talking about? It also boggled my mind to hear anons discussing Huniepop on the /ngg/ thread, literally the most scrote-tier game you can get.
No. 895021
Ten years ago I fucked my then best friend's ex as revenge because my bestie always blamed her mental health for why we could never spend time or even talk on the phone, but somehow mysteriously she was fine everytime any other friend wanted to hang out. We had a friend break-up over the phone after sayibg some real nasty things and I haven't talked to her since. My life has changed completely in these years, I went to therapy, I got a job, I got my shit together, stopped blaming everyone else for everything and stopped cutting. I dated a string of girls who all resemble my ex best friend until I realized why I can't let go of her and still think of her so much to this day. I hate that I can't let go of her, I feel like a total creep for it, but I still think of her so often, wondering how she's doing, hoping she's okay, missing her and hating my then-untreated bpd ass. I know I'm a complete clown. I wonder if she ever thinks of me, and if she ever feels any sort of positive emotion for me. I don't think she does, though. I wonder if she ever knew how I actually felt about her. We used to kiss, briefly, and at night like this it drives me crazy sometimes. I'm fucked up.
No. 895039
>>895026I'm sure you're right. It just feels so pointless walking aroubd with all this sadness and longing about her. At the end of it we weren't really friends even, had barely spoken for over a year. Any attempt at interaction was shooed away. I was so dense that I couldn't take a hint and then her ex wanted to spend time with me all of a sudden. And my brain went "you can't be arsed to return a text, well, would you even be arsed if I got with your ex?" Because that was the mature, respectful and not-petty response to a dead friendship, obviously. Turns out she didn't care until months later when she called me to confront me and I had a full-on meltdown about why she never cared about me yada yada yada. It was awful of me, all of it, but in hindsight I can see that even without my emotional instability and my shitty behaviour, our friendship was long dead and I was beating a dead horse. No matter how even if I could take back what I did we still wouldn't be friends because we just… weren't. Not anymore. So while I can be upset with myself for acting like that, I still don't get why I miss her so much. She had checked out a long time ago, and my cruel behaviour is the cherry on top of something that should have ended there. I don't know if I'm making sense. It's my biggest regret and I guess some things are meant to haunt you if they're bad enough. I loved her, and I think she would hit me (rightly so) if she ever knew that.
Also, I'm sorry about what your friend did to you, and I hope she's realized by now that she lost someone valuable over petty drama. It cuts deep, and I'm sure I'm a hypocrite for saying that, but I'm still sorry for what you went through.
No. 895051
>>894835It doesn't make you a terrible person at all, of course it's very scary and risky experience. But after the birth the hormones will most likely take care of you and give you energy to power through it. I wish you and the baby the best
No. 895201
I feel like I've only ever been in love once. this was about 5 years ago. I was dating someone else at the time. the person I loved, he and I were best friends, and he confessed his feelings for me but I did not return them, because I thought I had a future with my then-boyfriend. I was trying to do the right thing, because I truthfully thought that my feelings were just friendship.
boyfriend and I broke up, just weren't compatible. exfriend had understandably long moved on. I look back now and realize I did love my friend, but felt guilty for my feelings and brushed it off, pretending I didn't feel anything for him. It was a situation I kind of couldn't win. I've always regretted how I handled it. I think I was too harsh, but I felt it best so his heart could heal, as dumb as that fucking sounds. he was pretty devastated..
he got married this year.
I'm glad he's happy. but of course, I will probably always wonder what could've been. I haven't felt anything as close with anyone else. that "spark". part of me feels like I truly don't deserve to have that feeling again. I had a devastating break up in 2019, then the pandemic happened. I work a lot so I don't have to think about any of this shit to be honest. i started buying stuff with the money i was making and even now I'm becoming so numb to my feelings. I think I'm truly fucked up and I feel like it's all my fault.
No. 895506
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I can confidently say that I haven't bought any anime merch in over a year, but I just spent over $100 on merch of one of my favorite guilty pleasure shows from a seller I follow who's been cleaning out her collection/got some new limited edition collab+movie goods. I'm flip flopping between feeling bad because it's a dumb amount of money to spend on dumb shit, but then telling myself that I haven't spent a cent on anime merch in over a year so who cares if I splurge every once in a while? The worst bit is that it isn't even that much merch, but since it's limited and hard to get, it was pricey.
No. 895599
>>895566Hey anon, I believe in you, don't give up! My field is very much a "who knows who" field, and I'm 5 years post grad and only in a position on the fringes of my field, but I've somehow made it here with no internship experience, only a summer job at a retail place during uni, and didn't even befriend those in my major except for one dude who just so happened to take this random Japanese class with me. Things are definitely made easier when you have the experience to back it up, but it's not the end all be all. You might just have to take a longer road than others, but that's okay! If there's a will, there's a way, I believe.
No. 895832
>>895822With a cat too?
Sure Jan
No. 896360
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There's this guy going to the same ratty basement gym as me and he stinks to high heaven. His smell makes me gag uncontrollably in his presence and the air around him is thick and after he leaves his smell lingers as a putrid air mass remnant at the back of my throat. He smells like literal ass dick shit piss, he smells so bad I had to gather up my courage and ask him why he smells so fucking bad and if there's something he can do about it. He looks unkempt to the point it's frightening. This man has a type of uncanny quality to him that makes it hard to determine whether I should equip myself with pepper spray or air freshener or maybe both. His eyes have a weird look to them too, he looks like he's disassociating 247 and when I confronted him about the stank he looked like he had forgotten how to speak human. His clothes are falling apart and his hair is a mess. He smells less these days but it's still pretty bad, I think he avoids coming at the same time as me too, but fails because I'm that inconsistent. He looks scared when I greet him normally or ask if he's done with equipment. I'm getting intrusive thoughts about domming and sexually bullying him whenever I remember him or see him. What the fuck. What the fuck.
No. 896493
I’ve been in a relationship for 13 years, but I’ve had feelings for someone else for about 5-6 years. We met at a place I worked, in a state I used to live in. As soon as we met I had an instant attraction to them, and I think they did to me too. We worked in different departments and had little time together. But I always caught them looking at me, and they would go out of their way to tell me good morning every morning we worked together. When I quit that job, I added them on Facebook, and it just kinda went from there. That being said, we’ve barely talked about anything meaningful. I know we have basic interests but it was just like shallow get to know you talk, sending nudes, snapchats, etc. That went on for about a year I want to say. My SO and I at one point invited them for a 3some but they politely declined, but we still continued talking after that. I think at one point I got too intense, asking to know their intentions, and I was confused and thought I wanted to leave my SO for them. This was our first round of not talking to one another, and it lasted for about about 1 1/2 years. Then there was an incident in 2018, I finally broke and messaged them about some facial hair they had grown. And we caught up a bit, eventually picking up where we left off- feeling wise. Later that year I was home for the holidays, without my SO due to work. We talked behind my SO’s back to plan a meet up. I can’t be dishonest so I caved and told my SO, for some reason they assumed it was purely physical and was okay with the scenario as long as they got video, photos, etc. (I have a weird relationship dynamic, okay?)
Fast forward, and we are finally together, alone. For the first time, after this weird 3 year dance we had done around each other. I was on cloud fucking nine but also so nervous. I wanted to be intimate with them and show them how I felt, but not in a way that my SO could pick up on. And I fucked it up. I got drunk in front of them and embarrassed myself, and don’t remember what was said, just remember myself being hella cringe. Maybe as a response to being so nervous? This person is my dream, and I’m so shy/clam up around them. My heart pounds and my entire body buzzes. I love my SO but I’ve never even felt like that with them! Not even in the beginning. Anyways, I remember being a hot mess, them basically stopping while I was on top, and driving me home. When I sobered up and inquired about it all I got “I just don’t think we should talk for a while”. And it’s been 3 years now.
When they tried to cut contact with me in the beginning, I kept reaching out like a fucking retard. Pouring my heart out and revealing everything I ever thought or felt about them. Mind you, they had always given me nothing, kept me in the dark, and been very reserved. All I actually did know was that they thought I was attractive. Had we met and I been single, I don’t even think I would have been relationship material to them. It’s pathetic. I have no reason to be this attached to someone who I really should have gotten over at this point. The feeling won’t go away and my heart aches so bad and I feel like such a fucking faggot!!! Like a creepy scote who can’t get over someone!!!
After 6 years of basically bullshit, I still day dream of what our life would be like together, and raising children. I fucking hate myself. I should be happy with my SO, they are so good to me. We want the same things in life and work well together. But this goddamn other person is always in the back of my mind. Even after not talking for 3 years. I don’t lurk on them too often but I know they have a partner now. They have coincidentally been together for about 3 years now I think. Which is even worse because that means they were together when I was pouring my heart out into the void, getting no response. They were reading them, probably with their new partner, and laughing at me. GODDAMN nonnies I’m a stupid pussy ass retarded bitch.
No. 896762
>>896493I don't mean this to be rude but I've definitely been in your position when I was younger and absolutely needed someone to sit me down and tell me this - you're being fucking nuts. I've been in their position as well and there is nothing flattering or appealing about being put on a pedestal by someone who doesn't actually even know you properly. You don't have feelings for a living human being. You have feelings for a made up person that you're projecting onto.
>I always caught them looking at me>they would go out of their way to tell me good morning every morning we worked togetherThis is normal human behaviour. You end up looking at the people who are always looking at you. You say good morning to your colleagues. This isn't a special connection, it's not love, it's not even enough for a friendship. If this is all it takes to get you in your feelings, you have self-esteem issues. People who aren't treated well or who don't love themselves will cling to the tiniest bit of kindness.
>we've barely talked about anything meaningful>shallow get to know you talk, sending nudes, snapchats, etc>they tried to cut contact with me in the beginningI'm really sorry but you were literally just a bit of fun and nothing else.
>They were reading them, probably with their new partner, and laughing at meI don't know if this will make you feel better or worse, but I doubt they were. I doubt you affect their lives like they affect yours.
No. 897031
>>896549I’m 28 I don’t know if that is young?
>>896762Thank you, that hurt, but I know it is probably the truth.
No. 897214
>>896493>was okay with the scenario as long as they got video, photos, etc. (I have a weird relationship dynamic, okay?) Fuck, this happened to me, anon (never again). Feels good to not be alone.
Anyway, I think you can forget this other guy with time. The other anon was right, it's a made up person you're imagining, and since he "got his" (sexually) he's probably kind of a dick and doesn't want anything else from you. You need to stop romanticizing him, I know it's harder than it sounds.
No. 899000
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I just ate a whole brick of tofu raw. I have done this many times before.
No. 899073
>>899018Sounds like ferrets,
oof. Forgive yourself. You did all of the planning and research one could do but no amount of preparation compares to living with a pet day in and day out. Life is too short to live with a stress that someone else could be getting joy from. See if you could get them on PetFinder or a similar site if youre not in the states or craigslist like
>>899055suggested. I had to give up my hamsters when I was younger on craisgslist (also because they ate their babies, lol) and it was a similarly positive experience. I screened via text for a few days and gained trust with a really sweet family and the amount of relief was immense when I finally handed them over.
For coping in the meantime, there are hundreds of people just like you on r/puppyblues. When you have bit off more than you can chew with a new pet it can literally feel like post partum depression- people experience loss of appetite, depression, nausea, and a hatred towards their new pet. It's normal, you're not a horrible person. You're allowed to rehome!
No. 899107
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>>899028>>899038>>899055>>899073>>899078>>899093You guys are so sweet and your stories, yikes…. if they started to eat each other I would probably just abandon the whole house and sleep outside lol. idk why people act like small animals are easier, my new conclusion is that anything that lives in a cage is a lifestyle pet that only makes sense if you're obsessed.
I do really need to rehome them, but unfortunately they aren't an exotic or even a hamster. They're rats and rehoming rats is complicated because people who keep them as pets are so outnumbered by people who use them as reptile food. You have to background check like a crazy stalker AND charge a fee that's more than what they cost in stores. I did try CL but wasn't confident about any of the responses. Right now my best option is one of the shelters who agreed to let me "foster" them and they will list them for me and pick someone. I have to take some really cute pictures, and then wait for them to find someone. Ugh, never again.
No. 899162
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I am 100% sure the internet fucked up any chance I had of being normal or happy. like don't get me wrong I was mental illness ridden before that, but the internet sealed my fate. I'm a very impressionable person and the internet crushed me. not to mention I have a tendency to be drawn towards negativity anyway. I got a myspace as a young teenager and went in chatrooms and shit, and a few guys tried to get naked pics from me. one time in a sailor moon chatroom someone sent me gore for no reason. also those chatrooms were RIDDLED with obvious predators that even 13 year old me could clock. later on I discovered various forums and other places on the internet where people say really shocking things and seem to seriously lack empathy (yes I understand the irony of saying this on lolcow). then I discovered porn and what most men jerk off to, how common incest, "teen", choking and other really disturbing certain types of porn are. now I just feel consumed by it all and when I try to live a normal life all I can think of is all the fucked up-ness out there. I've come to have a really hard time trusting people or thinking they have good intentions, especially men and when I do give them a chance they always let me down.
No. 899170
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>>899162same for me, don't get me wrong the the Internet is a wonderful tool but its been a net negative for so many people's mental health and social lives, there needs to be restriction of access specifically for kids and people with mental illnesses, though I've been trying to cut my internet time with Physical activities and martial arts and its proven successful, I used to spend my entire day online but now I spend just half that time and I wanna reduce it ever further, when I'm finished with online autism and organizing my thousands of PDSs, songs and Movies, I'll leave once and for all
No. 899286
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Don't ask me because I don't know, but I used to clean under my fingernails with my teeth sometimes and eat the dirt when I was a young kid. I vaguely recall the taste being salty, slightly metallic, and dirty but I liked it. It's baffling to me now as I can't fathom doing it again. Sick child.
No. 899316
>>899296She might be lying just to make you feel better (maybe she thinks that's what you secretly want to be-a stacy with lots of men, so she says outloud that she thinks you are one just to please you)
>>899000Japanese do this but they add soy sauce and sometimes green onions/bonito flakes
No. 899333
>>899316No because I don't even feel bad about being a virgin and I give zero fucks about men.
>>899327Yes, it's probably that, I know she wants the best for me but unfortunately she tends to think her best should be my best too, like she can't stop saying I look great with makeup and should wear more despite me hating it for various reasons. I don't think I should complain about my mom loving me lol.
No. 899768
>>899705some countries have very difficult systems in place for vet studies, mine has a competitive examination system with a very small number of spots, you need two years' preparatory studies and for a long time people who coudln't get in had to start undergrad again from scratch.
But yeah sure muh bootstraps.
No. 899819
>>899741Yeah. NTA, but I know several people who would be excellent doctors, but didn't have the grades. I also know a bunch of complete morons who study medicine because their parents knew how to navigate our school system.
I wouldn't mind if there was a standardized test to get into specific subjects, but instead the only thing that counts is every fucking grade you get as a junior and senior in high school. Had trouble at home when you were 16? Well, too bad, you're fucked forever and there's no way for you to ever prove you've changed and are smart enough to become a doctor. This is the same country that thinks it should take 7 years to become a lawyer and 10 is the right age to decide whether a child is white or blue collar material.
No. 899874
>>899827It’s impractical and your mindset comes from a privileged place. Scream and moan that me using that word is being a “twitterfag” but it’s true. Most things are out of someone’s control and no matter how much you try to individualize solutions it’s always going to be impacted by environmental limitations and the nature of chance. Anon probably lives in a different country where their society and values are completely different, she could live in a hierarchical society where hard work and submission to authority is the only way to survive and if you don’t align with those values you could have a really hard time living in said country. Open your eyes baby, I know it’s going to surprise you but the entire world is not Europe or the US.
>whining about injustices gets you know where go out and fulfill your dreams go girlboss blah blah blah This isn’t a shounen anime, some people really are just
victims to a system because most people don’t have the power or resources to achieve their dreams, your mindset is a fantasy. Anon probably thinks I’m being an idiot but what if she really is a brilliant person but the only way to succeed in her career is by academic marks?
No. 899911
>>899827your mentality os shitty and self-centered. someone who grew up economically disadvantaged, attended shitty schools and had no family or financial support won't have the samechances as someone who gets bankrolled through school.
To say nothing of people in third world countries. Muh bootstraps are going to do jack shit if your country goes bankrupt and you're considered undesirable as an immigrant.
No. 899914
>>899874>>899911You know nothing about my life.
And still you're using it to dodge personal responsibility. Personal responsibility doesn't magically disappear in the presence of injustices.
No. 899926
>>899736>>899756>>899757>>899768>>899819>>899874>>899891>>899911Thank you so much for all of your kind words, anons. There are lots of other people in different countries as well (who probably even have it way worse), who feel this way and that are disappointed that they cannot fulfill their dreams because of an unfair system, lots of academic pressure that will leave you drained and class differences. I feel better knowing that there are nice people out there that know and understand that life isn't a shounen power fantasy just like anon
>>899874 beautifully said. You guys deserve everything good. I am doing okay and I can be thankful that I have the opportunity to study something but sometimes I think about the stuff I would want to do if I didn't have to worry about anything at all and ever had the chance to do a job that my heart would choose if I asked for it's opinion. Thank you for listening.
No. 899934
>>899921I didnt act that way at all, I called anon out on blaming her country for not having good enough grades. Come on.
And to be honest, I'm all for strict entry criteria for doctors and vets. And I prefer them to err on the strict side.
No. 899979
>>899934>>strict criteriaDefine strict criteria. Why are you assuming that you agree with the criteria here when you didn't even ask what country anon is talking about? I'm
>>899819 and I didn't "whine about injustices", I pointed out that it's a systemic problem when incompetent people get into important professions (be it doctor, veterinarian or lawyers) because of anachronistic ill-fitting criteria, nepotism and a broken education system.
I'm fine, I like my job, I'm not whining and neither was the original anon. I want practical solutions. For instance, 5 years of excellent work in a similar profession (veterinarian assistant for example), should qualify for a veterinary medicine major.
>>899874Based. There's a fine balance between individualizing and criticizing systemic hurdles. Of course you should always try your best to avoid defeatism, but it's also healthier to be aware of the systemic hoops you have to jump through than to interpret everything as an individual failure.
No. 900002
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I wanted to genuinely answer a question of some nonnie but I’m sure it will only make the thread blow with different anons going apeshit because they do stuff differently. Sorry nonnie, you will have to figure this out by trial and error.
No. 900162
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your boyfriend should not have girl friends
hear me out
>if she is not open to being friends with you she is a pickme
>if she used to be into him, she will sabotage your relationship
>if he is more into the friendship than she is, your boyfriend is a simp
>if he used to hit on her but she friendzoned him, he might still have feelings for her
you should not be a raging pickmeisha separating them. simply watch if he will prioritize you and if she truly is an honest friend and not more.
No. 900171
>>900170if he lives in the American south I have bad news for you,
No. 900185
>>900162This is mostly true, all guys I've dated who had female friends or 'loved the women in his life and if I'm not okay with that we can't be together' ended up either
>having unrequited feelings for a female friend because they got friendzoned or someone got to her before he could make a move>having her as a booty call or backup gf in case we fight, if they used to be togetheror
>she wanted to get in his pants and was openly flirty with him despite having a boyfriend and him being in a relationshipIn the first case, they always vehemently denied having any feelings for her but it was dead obvious from the way they acted all chivalrous and cute with her but not with me, their actual gf. In the second case, it was hard to tell until I started snooping on his phone.
My current bf has a sister who trained him since childhood to do her bidding and no female friends, I'm kinda loving it.
No. 900197
>>900177most guys i knew who were friends with many women did it because other guys were too mean to them. i also observed their girl friends were all attractive.
have you seen a dude be best friends with an unattractive woman?
2 moids i knew would date overweight shy girls with bad style but their friends were always skinny and popular.
9/10 times the guy will befriend beautiful women who give him status as a good guy and potential to meet more women if not date one of them.
i don't deny there are a few who can be genuine friends to women but from my experience their girl friends are potential gfs, fwbs, unattainable love interests, or status symbols.
>>900185last time i tried befriending my then bf's girl friend she was really awkward about it. i found out they used to hook up before we started dating. when we became long distance they went to a ton of parties together despite him not being into that… lol
another ex used to talk of this friend of his from school. she kept coming up but we never met. he told me they were only friends from classes and mostly talked about lectures. i found her profile in his search history some insane amount. i must live in a retarded harem show.
No. 900211
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i was e-friends with a woman a few years older than for me for 6 years (i was a child for about 4 of those years) and i found out she was making fun of me the entire time, and had interfered with my personal life by messaging my partner.
when i sent her an email telling her how heartbroken i felt after this betrayal. she threatened to call ‘the authorities’ (she lived in a different continent!)
she claimed to be attending medical school, it would be really sad if someone like that actually found their way into medicine.
No. 900214
>>900211sucks anon
>she claimed to be attending medical schoolof course, all the worst bullies I know ended up in Medical, mostly Nursing
No. 900221
>>900093pinkpantheresss used to be (up until recently) pretty faceless. only 1/4 face pics. also…
corpse sorry had to
No. 900240
>>900214>nursing >medical schoolWat? It's not required to go to med school for nursing.
The reason why so many dumb bitches get into nursing is because all that's required to become a nurse is to complete a nursing program. Yet the belief that nursing requires as intense study as a physician, in combination with the hero culture surrounding nurses, gives really shit nurses a superiority complex.
There are people in my hometown who never left and had shit grades throughout high school who are in programs to become nurses. And they'll probably get streamlined through them regardless of how they perform because the country is in desperate need of hospital staff right now.
No. 900262
>>900214>>900233>>900240All of the bullies I know became dental assistants who all tried to bag the dentists they worked for kek
>>900237A psychologist that worked in the same school as me was a total pick me and behaved like a college student when she was well into her 40s kek. She also slept with one of the other teachers who was married.
No. 900267
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>>900260>>900262>>900240>>900237>>900233>>900230>>900215>>900214She was from Bahrain and told me she was studying as a Doctor. She was rich and her parents paid for her apartment & Dior bags, so i’m surprised she couldn’t find better entertainment than bothering me.
The friendship felt very real, she invited me to visit Bahrain and was often very flattering (I should’ve seen the red flag) and I even forgave her after she ‘pranked’ me by teaming up with a mutual IRL (who I wasn’t attracted to and was in another relationship at the time) to pretend he had a crush on me.
It’s funny you mention the saviour complex because she told my partner that she ‘tried to help me’ with my ‘mental problems’ but this was a lie as we never broached the subject of mental health.
I considered calling up the only medical school in her city and falsifying s confession that she tortured a small animal or something so that she’d be discharged, not out of revenge but if she wasn’t lying about studying as doctor, to spare any atrocities at her hand. She struck me as average intelligence so I’d be surprised if she was doing an MD.
People with no empathy are not cut out for that sort of work, and I told her as much when I sent my final communication to her.
Ethel, why did you do this? I know I was cringe when I was 14-18 but I thought we were friends
No. 900317
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I love xkcd comics, I'm ashamed to say it because if I imagined a random person who loves those comics I'd imagine a pretentious loser who likes to pretend they're smart
No. 900326
>>900305>stop telling everyone to go to a therapist like it’s the cure to cancer, it’s an actual scamtherapy is literally talking and the therapist reinforcing your feelings and plans for solution. this is something a friend, a group chat or an anonymous board could do, for free. normies really are scared to show any weakness in front of their so called friends.
i went once expecting to be presented with good insights and knowledge i did not already have on what could help me. the therapist recited something i could find in a buzzfeed selfcare post, so i asked for medication instead.
No. 900355
>>900338The problem is, some people burden others too much, even when they know their friends have their own personal problems and they might be adding to them.
I've told people to go to therapy before because hearing some shit is just too painful, and I can't help them. What the fuck else is there to do?
No. 900466
>>900448Anon, why do you feel like you need to hook up? It seems like not a nice experience when sober, and i don't think you enjoy it while drunk too. don't you think not hooking up would be a better choice overall? if it's about horniness, i get it. still there should be a better way to satify it.
>>900409im the person you replied to. problem is, its been a year. i didnt fantasize in the first 5-6 months or so, it came back in the last 6 months.
>>900388in my head i think i would choose him but why would i feel the need for an imaginary bf still if i felt content with him? but i should be content/fulfilled with him because he literally is mydream guyand did no wrong. not even once yelled at me, many romantic surprises, extremely loyal and understanding etc. if i prefer an imaginary bf over him, im pretty sure that i cant date a real person, ever.
i just feel like an incel obsessed with his 2d waifu wtf is wrong w me that i prefer imaginary men.
No. 900582
>>900514>people who find everyone else with their physical flaw (weight, nose shape, etc) attractive but just happen to hate it on themselvesI don't believe them tbh, I think they just feel guilty about thinking negatively about others looks and want to convince themselves they don't. And they simply have higher standards for themselves out of vanity and greed, like "it's fine for other people to be average or ugly, but I deserve to be hot".
Anyway the problem is that you think being attractive is more important than it is. Not everyone is attractive, that's just a fact. Some people are ugly or have ugly features, but that's fine and it's not the cruelest insult you could think about them.
No. 900824
>>900582>Anyway the problem is that you think being attractive is more important than it isThis is it. Not everyone is hot and being hot isn't the end all be all of human existence. I'm certainly not hot. But I've seen some people, men and women, ugly and pretty, straight up see you as lesser because you're not attractive.
I've been friends (not anymore of course) with girls who straight up respected me less because I'm ugly. In their heads it just translates to a lack of social capital. Some of them get so offended by my confidence or success in life/relationships, because I'm not pretty so how dare I act like I am? How dare I dress cute? I should be wearing a sack and crying into my tub of ice cream while worshipping girls prettier than me.
The fact is those people have no other assets to offer the world but their looks, which is a diminishing value as it is and a really stupid thing to base their worth around, and they value others accordingly.
No. 900833
>>900824I used to know a guy who would voice violent fantasies to me about beating and torturing people just for being ugly.
It's ironic because he looked really objectively sickly with crooked facial features and thinning greasy hair. I would have never really scrutinized him so much till he acted that way.
No. 900877
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my urge to correct people is so bad. I just saw a 6 year old comment on youtube saying something wrong and I have the strong urge to correct it, even though I knew I should just let it go
No. 901150
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I was
>>789414 in a previous thread, to further see karma working, said crazy skinwalker bitch has since finally lost even the most patient friends she had in her group and they have finally stood up to her so she's now pathetically remade, pretending to be an uwu small person on Twitter and sucks up to every 18 year old despite being a grown ass woman
always results in angry meltdowns that her stuff doesn't get nearly as much attention as the people she is copying and I am ninety percent sure that her repeated seething over me cost her some uwu points with multiple people too. This same girl who thinks she can use people and pretend to be sweet but is actually a miserable dickhead who spends her life being borderline sociopathic
I confess I further feel great watching her struggle to maintain these facades and fail to skinwalk, copy, or convincingly pretend to be anyone else after being so used to tricking others
It's interesting seeing someone who spent years abusing and skinwalking you and spreading rumors about you to try and replace your friendships reap what they sow to the point they're in their mid twenties fishing for attention online from nobody they have a genuine friendship with and also kind of sad but I'm still laughing
No. 901174
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>>892755I got a new home phone with a new phone number no-one knows. I called the guy I have a crush on just to hear him answer. It made me feel immensely satisfied, but now I'm starting to feel guilty for being a stalker.
No. 901184
I usually have a bit of an andro/almost butch style to me but now that I'm crushing on a guy and likely to bump into him… I find myself dressing in the girly shit I had at the back of my wardobe. He passed me in his car today and I was wearing something cute so all I could think was "god I hope he spotted me" lol
>>901174Anon I think I might turn into you down the line.. I'm looking at my future here
No. 901246
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>>901185same except it never really was a joke and I've always had BPD-esque mommy issues. as a radical feminist I am genuinely ashamed lul
No. 901344
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>>901336welp that's enough lc for today
No. 901552
>>901336the worst part about this is roasted peanuts arent even a remotely "sexy" food
sounds fucked up
No. 901793
>>901656My trich started at 11. My mom spotted that all my eyelashes were suddenly gone and she cried and told me I looked like a freak. Soon afterwards in school a kid leaned in and loudly pointed out my lack of lashes for everyone to then gawk at… again freak was the word they labelled me. Tbh my mom was usually nice, it was a blip in an otherwise good relatonship (she's passed now) It's been twenty years since this started and the one place I never stopped pulling was my lashes. I have no shame about it nowadays. I'll tell anyone about it without feeling like it's all that strange. I don't wear make up. I don't hide it. I can't remember what I look like with lashes.
Sorry you're still dealing with comments on it. It's such a tricky thing to try and stop. I mean ffs nobody wants to literally rip their hair out. Comments don't help.
No. 901811
>>901792Are you american? American doctors are shit, most doctors nowadays are useless.
One of my cousins got their cancer acting up because his doctor told him that my cousin didn’t need the medicine if he didn’t have any sort of symptoms, he even told my cousin that he still had a prostate when he got it removed.
And another doctor wanted a friend of our family to go to some sort of surgery and when he came back home, a doctor from our country told him that it wasn’t necessary, gave him some pill and now he’s fine.
I honestly just think that medicine isn’t s career that a bunch of people are taking seriously nowadays, like they’re trying to go full Dr.House by playing guessing games until they somehow get the right diagnosis.
No. 901826
>>901816I used to be like that back when I was mildly fat and perturbed.
I'm not trying to say you're secretly fat or anything, it's just that your post reminded me of my past self. If I could go back in time I'd forgive my insecure self over and over again, and tell them they can and should do better. Ain't gonna bully you. You just need to start seeing your mess for what it is; which is that, you're essentially unforgiving of mistakes made by none other than yourself, but you're fatigued by the cycle of shame and regret, so you're just sort of externalizing it in your mind by judging others who are like you. 0% shade and I hope you get better at life in general.
No. 901874
>>901850>>901857>>901859Ty for shaming me nonas, it's what I needed. Ik it's gross. It's the most shameful dumb crush I've ever had and need to get over.
>>901869I'm def not going to act on it because obviously he lacks the maturity to understand an adult relationship and it could psychologically fuck him up. Plus it would be pathetic of me.
No. 901906
>>901552It was more of joke than anything sexy. He bought me a bag of nuts but had picked up plain roast peanuts instead of salted roast peanuts. When I told him this he went out of the room and "salted" them for me. I don't think he intended for me to eat them afterwards.
>>901555The texture combination of hard and crunchy with wet and slimey was worse than the taste to be honest.
No. 901957
>>901906I was gonna suggest that he seems
abusive but there's obviously something wrong with both of you so I think you deserve each other.
No. 901961
>>901957anon is mad weird but how is busting into a packet of nuts
abusive? you sound like a redditor
No. 901979
>>901961It's weird and fucked up. It's like asking your partner to pick you up a brown t-shirt from the store, and when they bring you back a white t-shirt and you point out their mistake they take a shit and smear it all over the shirt. "Here's your brown t-shirt."
If you don't see what's wrong this this behavior then I don't know what else to tell you.
No. 902398
>>902208>>902274THIS 10000000%. And let's not forget you can get warts in your feet.
Also, nobody is going to judge you.
No. 902421
>>902208High school can be so tough.
But when you go to a gym with grown ass adult women, nobody gives a fuck, actually, if you’re not a complete retard who keeps some nice gym flip flops to take a shower with, you might even get some gym buddies to talk about stuff.
No. 902586
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I have a HUGE complex about my facial shape. I got this kind of rectangle shape with low cheekbones and I can't find it attractive even when I see models or celebs with similar facial shapes.
I feel like I can never been cute or pretty with this face, no one will ever look at me twice. No one will ever look at me and think "wow, she's cute".
No. 902745
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>>902569My protip is to have your partner's age be at least 80% of your own. It's an attempt at making sure that the amount of life experience both have in years is about the same girth. In turn, it's somewhere around 120% max for if the partner is older than you. These percentages are the ones that seem the most reasonable to myself, don't know how others would reason though because this is among the rare times I ever tried to discuss this idea I have.
No. 902761
>>902548This. It's tiring to hear this all the time and discourages women from seeking another woman's opinion. It stops being humorous after multiple women just spam "throw the whole man away" as a first solution to anything. Do these people really just respond to absolutely everything in their life by leaving? Do they really think relationships are about power moves where leaving means you win and if you don't you're a loser who brought it upon herself? Pathetic and infantile.
>>902591Grow a heart. Stop being a butthole with decorative limbs.
No. 902809
>>902761When I first started posting on here I was in a shitty age gap relationship where over time the power dynamic really went in his favor and I was putting up with some absolute bullshit. I never posted about him on here becasue tbh I knew very well I should've run a mile much earlier. I didn't want to hear the truth because moving is stressful and starting over is scary as fuck. That trapped me for a long time. Wasted the last few years of my twenties.
I get that it's hard to hear and even harder to act on that advice but I do think most saying 'girl dump him' are spot on and it's not thrown out as lightly as some make out.
No. 902818
>>902574Overall I get where you're coming from but I disagree with this in particular
>you're implying (…) the one venting is part of the problemBecause they are. Conflict always has two sides, not in the sense that both are equally to blame, but that you always have control over your own actions. In the case of an
abusive relationship, the onus really is on the
victim to get out of there. Obviously she doesn't deserve to be mistreated, and the scrote beating on her is 100% at fault for his violence. That doesn't change the fact that she's the one who must make up her mind to leave.
In any case if your mans is frustrating you so much that you need to anonymously vent on the farms, maybe you ought to reconsider the entire relationship.
No. 902908
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I get embarrassed when I remember mods can trace back all my shitty posts to the same person.
Reminds me when a girl was banned and pretended someone else using the same IP had written the posts she was banned for kek. What are the odds of that happening
No. 902929
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At times when I've been horny, single and without any toys.. I bought myself these 2 or 3 packs of 'giant bubble wands' and I fucked them. Like buying a pack of cheap disposable one-use dildos. I stopped because I got an actual toy but I hope there isn't anything in the plastic that could be harmful. I feel like some jelly or rubber toys are likely worse for your health anyway.
No. 902950
>>902943I did
>I stopped because I got an actual toyThis was during early covid when mail to my country was super slow so.. desperate times, desperate measures.
No. 903020
>>902798>talking over ppl>in text formatsorry you feel bullied and silenced, scrote defender
maybe consider you're in the wrong place to cape for men
No. 903028
>>902798If you're confused, please go to 4chan in literally any thread where they're talking about how women aren't good for anything aside from being living cum dumpsters. Look closely to see if a single anon responds like you have to stand up for women. See how empathetic you find them.
>b-but 4chan isn't representative of the average man! You can repeat this experiment with any real world group of men once they're on the subject of women when you've sufficiently integrated as one of the boys. Shouldn't be hard since you cape for them so hard. Have never once heard a man speak up for women when other men were ranting about them. Young, old, channer, normie. Except of course from "male feminists" who defend us the loudest to pull the exact same
abusive shit.
No. 903125
>>903098Sometimes a person being too frank or too forthcoming with an abuse story (when I barely know them) seems equally odd to me. But then the way we're talking about trauma and other mental health shit is all changing. Irl I hold back on telling people my depressing backstory. I downplay my diagnosed illnesses and I don't talk about dark family shit that happened long ago. I've noticed people younger than me are generally much more forthcoming with those topics. There's been a hell of a shift in just a few years.
I think somewhere in the middle is a healthy balance. And of course the best person to tell about your trauma is a pro if you can make that happen. Everyday people arent well equipped when it comes to saying the right thing in response to an admission of say serious abuse.
No. 903304
>>903098I have an
abusive childhood (I was raped by my stepfather from 8 to 10 years old almost everyday, and when I finally told it to my mother, she and the only other auntie who I also told it to both blamed me), and even though I do not mind speaking about it online when I'm anon, I am very much vague when talking about it irl, pretty much only saying "I had a crappy childhood" but nothing else. Actually for me, the reason I am so vague about it irl is exactly because of how bad it was, not the opposite.
I do get where you're coming from tho, as I knew a lot of people who had an okay childhood but whine about having tHe wOrSt because of some small things, but to be honest, at least for me, these are the people who are more prone to thinking they suffered the most and everyone else is exaggerating it.
I had a friend who would always whine about her
aBuSiVe childhood just because her mother was poor and couldn't give her everything she wanted, a few people mocked her on school because… well, she went to school dressed as knock-off Death Note's Misa, her father wasn't present in her childhood but still gives her money every month despite her being in her mid-twenties… And
she is the one who always say my childhood was perfect and I can't complain just because I do not yell at her face that I was raped for years lol
No. 903325
>>903304Yeah. I wasn't sexually abused but I had a very emotionally
abusive mom who threatened me and abused my dad emotionally as well. I know "emotional abuse" sounds like bullshit but she was very sadistic. I have jaw dropped therapists and my friends really sympathized with me after I started talking about it at age 20. My childhood sucked but I honestly feel like I experience worse sorrow now but everyone else thinks my childhood was the worst thing ever when in fact it's less important for me to talk about/complain about because as an adult I have more authority over my own life. I think it's really common as well for
abusive parents to tell you how good and easy your childhood was compared to others and it really sticks with you.
No. 903334
>>903098in a way I get what you're saying, ironically those that haven't gone through much abuse or real abuse just exaggerate the things they've been through, I think those people have narcissistic tendencies and are manipulative and have a
victim mind set. They make it very hard for actual abuse survivors to speak out and they also create a bad stereotype for those that were actually abused. I used to be very open about everything that has happened to me but unfortunately people can be very harsh and not understanding and it will also attract the fake mentally ill types that have a lot of resources and haven't even gone through actual abuse. In my experience, those people are horrible, they legitimately have narc/sociopathic tendencies and they will pretend connecting with you over abuse when their abuse is mostly not even real and if you dare suggest them that they should take a hold of themselves they will hurt you. These sorts of people also tend to make others side with them. I wish people wouldn't lie about shit or try to manipulate others or give justifications to themselves for not taking a hold of their shitty lives and being lazy.
No. 903369
>>903304Anon did he put his penis in you or was it weird sexual touching? What did you think was happening when you were younger (unless you already knew about sex)? How did you get him to eventually stop? What is your r/s with you mom like now?
Sorry for the weird specific questions, I've never spoken about this IRL and right now I have the novelty of being anonymous. Feel free to completely ignore me.
No. 903411
>>903304>>903148You guys definitely make a good point about it being weird if someone is too open about their trauma, and I can see how it could come off as oversharing. The people I know who have been very honest with me about their abuse are friends, so it obviously doesn't make sense to expect that level of candidness from strangers.
When it comes to people I haven't met before, what I think of when I say forthright/frank is less a willingness to pour out their soul or describe their past in gory detail, and more a firm, consistent, non-nonsense way of talking about their abuse. In an interview I read with a police interrogator, he talked about how someone who's lying often tries to avoid directly answering questions - instead of saying "no, I didn't kill so-and-so", they might say "what reason would I have for killing them?" Whether that's true or not, the difference between the two answers is basically what I'm getting at ("my parents were
abusive" vs "you don't know my past!").
Overall, I guess I just have trouble understanding the concept of validation being inherently valuable. Some anons talked about wanting to connect with other abuse survivors without having to go into detail about their trauma, which is fully understandable. Outside of that context though, what does validation from strangers on the internet mean when they don't even know what you're talking about?
No. 903441
>>903411Ayrt, there's also another thing. I simply do not want to tell anyone. My therapist doesn't know, my parents don't know, my friends don't know, my online friends only have a vague idea I was abused. I can't say it. I do not want to say it. I'm still ashamed and embarassed and scared almost a decade later. If anyone thinks I'm lying because I don't want to be specific that's their problem.
Idk about validation but a kind word is always nice, whether the person knows the full details or none at all.
No. 903494
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>>902923post them again
>>902929if you want a vibrator go to dollar tree and get this face massager
No. 903512
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>>902929Anon oh my fucking god I did the same thing when I lived with parents and couldnt hide dildos. I ended up preferring these though. We are going to die of pussy cancer one day
No. 903536
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>>903512I remember I went into a discount store before (the type that sells a lil bit of everything) and I browsed the kitchen tools looking for something with a nice shaped handle on it. I've probably never spent so long on choosing a purchase before. It was just to hold me over til my toy order arrived in the post but I was frustrated at seeing all the skinny handles they put on everything lol
No. 903581
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>>902929This but with mini shampoo hotel bottles. Pray we don't get pussy cancer or something.
No. 903638
>>903304 and I agree with
>>903411. I do not want to tell anyone irl about this, I don't want the stigma of being a CSA survivor neither the pity, and also it's pretty much my personal business and I legit don't think anyone has anything to do with it. Plus it's long past now.
>>903369It was PIV and sometimes oral (on me, I fortunately never had to put that disgusting thing inside my mouth). I didn't think much of it at the time, I knew it was a bad thing of course but I didn't know how bad it was pretty much. I thought just staying quiet about it would turn out ok somehow? If that makes sense. My mother had a really difficult life, so I kinda didn't want to make it worse by telling her, which actually… Made things worse for everyone. That's why it lasted for so long, so even though I know I'm not at fault I still feel guilty for letting it happen for so long.
He stopped when I told my mother about it, and never even tried anything of that kind again. I don't really know what kind of talk she had with him, but it worked. They are still together to this day and he never faced any consequence besides losing his little fucktoy at the time. The auntie I mentioned that I also told it to always blamed me because "your poor mother" and still dislikes me. She really like that guy too. I hated them all for quite a long time, but nowadays we're fine, I have a pretty ok relationship with my mother and even with her husband. I do find it kinda difficult to see and respect her really as my mother tho, even tho I do like her a lot. The way I talk to her and all is more akin to somewhat close friends than mother-daughter.
No. 903647
>>903638Samefag just to add that I tagged the wrong post, it was meant to be: I'm
>>903304 and I agree with
>>903441 No. 903692
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i despise furries with every fiber of my being but i saw this wolf lady and i am… in love……..
No. 903694
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>>903692I hate furries desperately and yet the idea of a boyfriend who can transform into an animal is nice. I don't want to fuck someone as an animal but just Fruits Basket tier shit. Granted fucking someone with supernatural traits like horns, wings, peculiar eyes, ect is hot though.
No. 903771
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I like the born sexy yesterday trope. I want a hot naive dude who is not as socialized as the average male, therefore not as terrible. I don’t think the male version of the trope is bad because most men would straight up take advantage of a girl homunculus robot or whatever. I would want to earn the affection of a hot Brendan Fraser as a caveman or Johnny Depp as a robot and have them fall in love with me and grow old with a devoted and adorable qt .
No. 903775
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>>903771Agreed. I would want to go slow to not take advantage but in my fantasy I imagine a man like that being smart and capable enough to know what he wants. It wouldn't be attractive if he didn't understand and want me too obviously. I just want a dude who isn't a rude pornsick ass and has a special connection to me so we both only want each other.
No. 903837
>>903744true, but they
should feel bad. we're better nona.
No. 903868
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>>903771>>903775You guys get it.
No. 904046
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I think he's actually kinda cute? Not in a 'I want to fuck him' or even 'I want to befriend him' kind of way, but in a 'if I was standing next to him in line or something and looked at him' sort of way. It's a shame he's fucking a fucking coocoo brain because I think if he was a normie he could probably glide through life pretty easy and have a decent, normal relationship with women. To some extent I think that it's a shame his cute face got wasted on him lol
No. 904080
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How do you cure your attraction to ''celebrities'' who have done more than repulsive things? It started when I was a teen and I thought I'd grow out of it with relationships and all that stuff but it didnt happen.
No. 904085
nonnie… i know it's absolutely awful and i try to suppress my fantasies but it's still self hatred inducing
No. 904096
>>893484Dont worry
nonnie im 21 and i get giddy anxious and my heart beats fast when a guy i like or just a charismatic dude is near me. I know it feels weird especially since the girls around you are all sexually mature :/ but im mentally stuck at that age too
No. 904105
>>904080Sometimes I wonder how popular narcissists get away with so much shit, and then these posts like
>help, I'm attracted to someone who dgaf about my existence and has done terrible things Explains everything. Just why.
No. 904106
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im a gay top..except for
No. 904180
>>904080you can try self administered exposure therapy. find the ugliest and most unflattering pictures you can. dwell in the worst aspects of their work, find and watch clips of those. your attraction must turn to repulsion. think of everything you hate about the celebrity, and let it become the central core of your thoughts and fantasies about them
this did not work for me! but it may work for you!
No. 904190
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I just spent like 15 mins looking at gifs of lesbian porn/nsfw stuff on fucking reddit of all places. I feel so guilty and gross; haven't watched porn (like a video of it) in almost 2 years and I am a really vocal anti-porn feminist. due to meds I've lost all libido but looking at that stuff briefly brought it back, and on top of the guilt, I feel lonely and unloved, lol.
No. 904218
>>904190It’s okay,
nonnie, at least you’ve done your best to not look at it, relapses can happen at any time, and as long as you know that porn is shit, you don’t really have to feel bad, I mean, it’s not like you’re buying it nor hiring a poor woman to do awful things.
You’re doing your best and that’s what matters.
No. 904226
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the scrote that i am talking to asked me if i'd ever consider fingering his butt. I thought he was joking at first so i laughed in his face and told him no and what made him ask me that. He told me he was reading up on it. To be honest its my fault because when he asked to do that to me i kept showing him funny pegging content and said that i'd do it if i got to do it to him. Well i guess now the time is here. I know this is such a sore subject on here and i have always been adamantly against it due to how porn sick and gross men are swiftly becoming. But Im so conflicted because my immediate reaction was eww gross no but i've been thinking about it a lot since he brought it up and it keeps turning me on. He is a very vocal lover. Every time we have sex and I go down on him he always moans so softly and its super sweet sounding. I cant explain it but it unlocks this feral energy in me and it makes me want to illicit more sounds from him. I hate myself because I feel like my feminism card will be revoked and i'll never be able to forgive myself. But on the other hand i've always wanted to make him my bitch and i guess now would be the chance? Id for sure use gloves though.. He is a very clean dude he always shaves and showers even if we arent having sex. The petty side of me also says that if he ever hurts me i could hold it over his head lmao jk. I know you guys are going to rip me a new asshole and call me a waste of space and i get it i am. I mean guys have a gspot back there anyway if the dude turns out to be gay then whatever i think i am too anyway LMAO.
No. 904237
>>904232lmao i forgot to add on reddit
vomits >>904231thank you! ill just try it once because clearly my body is not against it if i can't stop thinking about it. I hate it here lol.
No. 904244
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Sometimes I walk past my crushes house even though a slightly different route would make more sense to get where I'm going to. Slippery slope here lol
No. 904313
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Every time a bad romance movie comes out, and people begin to say that the movie will be improved if the girl dropped her boyfriend and became a lesbian, I instantly assume that those people have a cuck fetish. They are all mini-Dobsons on my eyes.
No. 904335
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>>904333Engrained in my memory
No. 904352
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>>904344I mean, you can have who ever you want as a pal, but you can go stupid go crazy or do absolutely nothing with a girl, too.
No. 904370
>>904358You're so right, baby gonna get a sore arm
>>904357I haven't had a genuine friendship that didn't get creepy with a guy since literal childhood, so I couldn't say. I just tend to think girls are cooler and smarter than most guys, and nicer too. I've never had a catty friend who said and did shit behind my back, but I've had male 'friends' who said weird shit about me to other guys, lied to me about random things, put me down in back handed ways to try and lower my self esteem, and be contrarian to every thing I say even when I know I'm correct and can prove it.
No. 904372
>>904352>>904360>>904361I agree to an extent. I like having male pals sometimes because I can talk to them about politics, dumb memes and such because my female friends are too PC, but just as this
>>904360 anon said, they'll make a move on you as soon as they can and sadly it's one of the main reasons why such friendships usually don't last very long for me.
No. 904388
>>904370same, anon!! i had a male “friend” who would screenshot our convos, my pictures, social media posts, and send them to his scrote group chat to make fun of me. male friends have insulted my body, hair, style, face, everything about me. male “friends”have told me to shut up when i was in the middle of talking. also had a guy friend go around telling all our coworkers that he was going to fuck me??? like saying “im going to fuck her by the end of the year” uhhhh?? we were literally work acquaintances and he went around saying that shit. im traumatized by being bullied by males, could never be friends with one again.
girl friends will just say shit to my face and i appreciate that.
No. 904405
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>>904396I never thought so until a guy from high school texted me after graduation and said he always thought I was "sex on legs" but I was a loser so he didn't want to ask me out. I don't know where he got the confidence to say this, when he looked like picrel
No. 904419
>>904409I'm glad this mongolian basketweaving forum has been helpful to you
nonnie ♥
No. 904424
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>>904409Aw jeez, sending you lots of love nona
No. 904431
>>904416 but honestly besides the hitting on me and trying to hook up, my guy friends were a lot more respectful than this weird creepshot stuff you guys are talking about. i would never even associate with these kinds of men and i’m not sure why you all were even in their circles to begin with. they sound like legit rapists.
No. 904442
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I wanted to get something like this for my dog just so my grandma would diss it. I loved the way she talked shit about others, it was amazing.
No. 904470
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>>904372I had an ex whose friends were my core group for the years during our relationship. They were friends since elementary school, they were da homies. When we would party and drank at least two of them occasionally had weird interactions with me like hugging for too long or slapping my thigh, touching my neck, picking me up and shit and I chalked it up to us being inebriated.
As soon as we broke up they immediately hit me up to hang out alone. Tbf I was pretty sad about it and didn’t have other friends so I accepted one of their invites and we did end up having sex during one of those times (yes cringe bpd behavior). Then this motherfucker casually said “I always knew we would end up fucking”, bruh. I never regretted having sex with someone so quickly after the act. What the fuck was the implication of that??? And like he had an over two year gf before/during the time I dated my ex, which was part of the reason my dumbass felt comfortable. Thank god she left him before my break up cause basically he admitted he wanted to fuck while still with her and those “flirty” actions were on purpose. I ghosted all of them and moved after that.
Bro code is bullshit and men don’t respect their boys boundaries let alone yours.
No. 904505
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nonny I feel the same way. Every time I see a poster be like “lolcow ruined my life” it’s surreal and unrelatable
No. 904513
>>904360My early to mid twenties was weirdly full of both male friends and male housemates hitting on me and getting way too intense when turned down. I didn't know how to deal with it at the time either so yay for me not being assertive enough when shit got kinda scary. Looks wise those were my good years yeah but I still don't think I was special enough to warrant all that. Guys just can't stop thinking about how you've got titties under your shirt I guess. It's caveman like. Look.. a woman who is often in my vicinity, I must try her someday.
I don't befriend men as much now. I'm sad thinking of how my most vulnerable early adult years were spent trying to carefully navigate horny scrotes whose feelings I dare not hurt. Semi scared of them and still worrying about their feelings as if it was even that deep to them.
No. 904518
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>>904409as someone who also has a horrible pickme loser narcissistic mom who abused me and a family who's shitty in other ways I was grateful for lc, especially during the pandemic. a lot has happened and while I'm not here as frequently and logged off for awhile, I am grateful I had an anonymous place to vent about things I could not tell to people in my life without judgment.
sometimes it can be really catty and bitchy and ruinous to my self esteem to be on here too much but its nice to see people's uncensored thoughts about their lives. as well as freedom from all the overly politically correct corners of the internet where people sperg out if you say retard or faggot once
No. 904548
>>904530Plenty of them are only goody goody for show though.
I'm really happy with my female friend circle but it's obvious that they often tiptoe around subjects and opinions while sometimes letting it slip that they agree with some of my stances or are ignorant and hypocritical when it comes to things they usually criticize others for.
No. 904615
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>>904593Picking apart posts is bad enough but then anons misreading shit is the worst lately.
No. 904627
>>904593I don't know what post that was but jesus christ.
I've basically stopped using the vent thread too recently for that reason. also people will just shit up the vent thread with posts that are in no way shape or form a vent like when someone posted a news article about how their country had passed some bill to home seniors and complained "they're spending money keeping vegetables who shit themselves all day alive" or something and anons mostly replied with support.
yet if you actually go to the vent thread to vent about work/relationships etc you will get attacked.
No. 904667
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>>903494 lucky for you i had an awful night here you go anon cheeky bobbiie
No. 904696
>>904627>>904599Same anon as
>>904616 >>904641 it's in vent thread 79
>>>/ot/833823towards the end of the thread
No. 904702
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>>904691not vanessa i went by another v name on here and did something weird a couple of months ago. also thanks anon, just scared my ex away, he blocked me on every platform and number so i needed the compliment lol
>>904702You’re pretty,
nonnie but you don’t really need to show your body to receive compliments. I hope you get to feel better, your ex is retarded and you deserve better.
No. 904713
>>904709my god anon, you don't need to show your body to be acknowledged. Although I know how painful it is to be lonely.
Well anon, I notice that you exist and please don't post your beautiful body on the internet. Just don't do it.
No. 904714
>>904709I see, but it’s still kind of worrisome to post naked pictures of yourself, like, I’m not trying to be rude or anything, I’m just saying that someone you know could recognize you or something and it would be pretty bad.
Mostly because scrotes lurk and you know how they always collect any pictures with women showing any skin for them to fap to and send to others.
So I think it would be better if you truly managed to workout your self-steem so you don’t do any more risky stuff like posting pictures of yourself on anonymous forums.
No. 904737
>>904718I'm in a country where we didn't have abortion til I was nearing 30. I avoided piv for long stretches of time and even had a whole 4 year long relationship without that type of sex ever happening.
I went 3 or 4 years between each sex session, basically. Every one of my friends had a pill baby, nuvaring baby etc
No. 904940
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>>904470>weird interactions with me like hugging for too long or slapping my thigh, touching my neck, picking me up and shitHindsight 20/20 but that should've been your or anyone's cue to get the hell out. I'm frustrated at the fact that girls are taught to be tolerant of men messing around and being disrespectful idiots, though. If we were conditioned to accept that it's ok to be rude and unforgiving even, even some of the mentally weakest of us would ruthlessly weed out shitty male friends instead of staying around.
I've gathered an ok circle of male friends and one of the biggest greenflags is that they never try to touch me and they actually pipe down and listen when I tell them they're wrong about something. I can also comfortably tell them when they're fucking up xyz and they actually respect and apply my advice instead of just using me as a therapist. Hell, they even thank me and explicitly tell me I was right. But these are totally not my first male friends, I have awful experiences of my own as well and I'd rather just actively remember none right now.
No. 904947
>>904940>if we were allowed to be rude and unforgivingntayrt, but i had a similar experience to her with a known creep around school when i was about 16/17. he got ‘tipsy’ at a party full of people and, when i walked past him with a bag full of rubbish after cleaning up, he said something condescending and suggestive to me and put his hand right on my lower back, far too low for comfort. the next day after being upset about it all night, i called him out for it at school - and his friends (including the women who took pity on him) told me i was blowing it out of proportion/gaslighting him/etc. my friends stayed silent. this went on to the point where they started legitimately accusing me of lying about being sexual assaulted by him (which never happened, obviously, i just told him he was a fucking creep), and that they’d report me to the head of the school for it. tldr: nothing happened, i was the one ‘punished’, and he got away with all the pity and continued to be invited to parties even though nobody liked him. the ‘unforgiving’ route really doesn’t work unless you have the tightest knit support group, and even then, you have to make sure they won’t just stay quiet for the sake of their own reputations (which is what happened to me, even from my female friends)
No. 905023
>>892755I don't usually get involved with petty social media drama but today I did and it kind of felt good and now I get to laugh at all the replies.
Some chick that's been gaining random traction from insta reels stacks filters and the results are usually hilarious. Someone else commented something like "she's out here filtering a filter" and of course she had to jump in with the usual "no! i ~naturally~ look like this!". I couldn't help myself and replied to op agreeing. Dumb insta hoe just had to reply to me with "whatever makes you feel better" so I said back "just like how those filters make you feel better".
The replies defending her are free entertainment for me now kek Some are even turning against each other. Whole conversation is dumb and useless but it's comical how serious people are taking it.
No. 905025
>>905023there’s one instawhore who uses a filter on her legs/body, can’t remember her username. but i had to block her because she kept popping up on my explore page and literally made me feel sick.
she uses some kind of editing to make her legs like 6ft long, denies editing and says “im just really tall and unique uwu!”
every one of her posts/videos is her contorting her body and doing weird body checks. she doesn’t even look human just straight up horrifying and disgusting. idk how people fall for that shit
No. 905030
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>>905015I dropped the fandom stuff at about 19 years old, last con that I visited was years ago and I only browsed for stuff I could impulse buy. Ultimately the better choice. Your interests don't have to be the core of your whole identity.
Sometimes I forget that the games and series I like actually have fandoms, but when I remember or God forbid look it up, I wish I didn't. A relatively new franchise that I like will soon have its fandom boom into an intolerable shitfest. I can sense it in the air. I can taste it in the water. The little fandom it already has is filled with dumbasses who unironically argue about which of the characters are pansexual or trans. Some of them were ready to cancel the author because their fujoshit brains thought a villain character had raped another character and all this because of a couple lines that vaguely mentioned how scary the dude was.
Wholeheartedly recommend to befriend people irl who couldn't be caught being that fucking idiotic online. Normies are based, and the 'normie' looking people I've befriended have been the ones that express genuine happiness when I do well in life WHILE sharing or trying out random new things together.
No. 905040
>>905038i can relate. everything about my mom disgusts me, the way she smells, her voice, her face.
i genuinely think the world will be a better place without her. i loved my grandma more than i will ever love my mom
No. 905072
>>905038>>905040I was just about to make a post among those lines. What irritates me even more is that she tries really hard to be more like me, shopping from places that I shop despite never shopping from there until I tell her, picking up habits I do, mimicking my behaviour and catch phrases and then gloating how similar we are when that's not true.
I have every reason to hate her, she's done me so much wrong she'd never admit. I'm glad I'm moving out soon so I can burn that bridge. God I hate her.
No. 905436
>>905411No matter how pickme or even shitty a woman is, no one's at fault for getting raped anon. Sure, they should've known better and all, but that's just
victim blaming. The fault is exclusively on the rapists.
No. 906063
>>905297Uh, porn shouldn't exist but because some old scrote watches it doesn't mean he's a pedo wtf.
Maybe I miss understood how the channel thing works, isn't it like "pornhub" Showing up in the search bar when looking up p-words?
No. 906128
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A keep a plastic yet serrated edged knife under my mattress for self harming purposes. It’s not sharp enough to cut deep but it gives me the same euphoria of cutting. When it gets too much a few slashes to my thighs and stomach does the job to ground me so I can focus on the burning sensation of pain instead of focusing on how much I don’t want to be alive because of how lonely and unwanted I am.
No. 906207
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I've loved steak since I was young, and I used to beg my mom to take me all the time to get some. One of the first times we went together, I ordered a steak and the waitress asked me how I wanted it done. I was like, 10 or something, and also a bundle of nerves of not wanting to fumble in front of my mom or this lady and being made fun of so I asked what my options were. I didn't even know there were options, my parents usually ordered for me so the steak just came out whatever way it was! The waitress told me how I could have it done, and I told her "well done" because I thought well done meant it would just… be made well. Well. Done. Needless to say, I was very disappointed when it came out. I think my parents used to order it medium for me, so I was sad when it was dry and cooked all the way through.
Anyway, I figured shit out soon after that and whenever I think of well done steaks I think of that moment.
No. 906405
>>906345There was an existing problem, and glasses provided a "shortcut" that allowed said problem to worsen instead of making their eyes work harder to correct.
>>906349Most functions of the body are degenerative with age, but if you're young and you go out of your way not to resolve something, of course it'll get worse faster
No. 906407
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>>906402Anon, it literally says what kind of knife it is in the op. "Plastic serrated knife" just sounds like of those knives you might get at a fast food restaurant.
No. 906468
>>906425There's still a chance that your eyes can recover (or at least not worsen further) if you abandon the glasses, you're just making them work harder when they didn't before.
I think most people don't do it either because they don't realize it's possible, or they get headaches during the process and it makes life a bit harder.
No. 906485
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>>906426This reminds me, I always thought if there was a small possibility of anons having crushes on other anons here (like in niche threads were not many anons go) and it warmed my heart when someone said they had a crush on komaedanon.
I want more lolcow love stories!
No. 906613
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I know people died and it was a disaster but I actually had a lot of fun when texas froze with no power in February. My housemates and I basically LARP’d living in post apocalyptic world. It might have been morbid and in bad taste because we were able bodied and had food and warmth but idk we felt like kids and felt more in moment than we have in years.
No. 906743
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>>906739you might have to make it yourself. sear a tenderloin medallion on a cast iron skillet for two minutes after rolling it in salt and pepper. put it in the oven for 6 mins at 400 degrees. let it rest for 5 mins after it comes out. there you go
No. 906754
>>906747you're welcome!!
>>906751and thank you I forgot this crucial bit of info
No. 906882
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>>906876nta but I'd feel disloyal. I am excessively dedicated to anyone I set my heart on.
No. 906885
>>906876Ayrt and I always see anons here saying "dump him if he jerks off to hentai" and I feel bad because I do it too and I dont think I'd be ready to throw the best orgasms of my life for disappointing sex and risks of STDs and pregnancy.
>>906879Yeah but he still wouldn't be my husbando lol, also his body type is unusual and I think it'd disgust me on a real guy.
No. 907065
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>>907026Nevermind, I guess you're just trolling.
No. 907220
>>907187People who say other people need therapy don't understand that only you can work through your own problems. Therapists can give you temporary coping mechanisms and excuses for your own behavior. But eventually these stop working, and you have to go back to your therapist to pick up another coping mechanism to last you another two weeks, or two months, or two years. You can live your whole life this way if you want, and coping mechanisms are inmportant for day to day life. Everyone has them to some extent about their insecurities. But I wouldn't want to live my whole life like that. Go in the woods and analyze your own self by yourself. Have you ever?
If you feel like a therapist knows you better than you know yourself, I hope you get to know yourself one day. I know this is radical doctrine so I won't be replying
No. 907254
>>907220based post
I am the beast I worship
No. 907272
>>906931imo it wasn't as bad as you think.Back when the Friend finder thing was around I talked to a couple people from here and most were chill.
One of them was very nice and we got along great(She was a gull too so that helped). The fujo discord was also surprisingly tame from what I saw and there wasn't any weird sperging. T thread did have it's fair share of autsim like underage trannies and scrotes trying to befriend people and some weird infighting drama. I don't think the thread would thrive today though with all the CP and stuff happening. Anons are better off on CC or even /cgl/ if you're a lolita/cosplay weeb.
No. 907350
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I've always felt that porn isn't the sole thing to blame for so-called "porn sickness": it's a lack of proper sex education for the youth, and a lack of mental willpower.
I, personally, am into a lot of depraved anime shit – but of course none of this affects my day to day because I'm not 1.) retarded or 2.) impressionable enough to allow it to affect me off extremely cloistered away places on the internet.
I don't know. Trying to blame external media for one's internal fuck ups just seems lazy to me. Get a better mind.
Yes, I'm partially making this post because I recently saw a thread on /r9k/ where a guy was crying about porn ruining his mind. Just stop being so easily influenced, man.
No. 907557
>>907350Honest question, how depraved are we talking about? Because there’s honestly a point in which you have to get up and think
>what the fuckLike, tentacles and even futanari aren’t as horrifying as it seems, but if you need to look at anime characters getting beaten up or little kids getting tortured, something is wrong, it’s pornsick.
And while overexposure does make people go full retard, I get you, porn won’t fuck up a person’s brain if they just rationalize like for a second and figure out that yeah, looking at anime porn of characters fucking their parents is fucking weird and that they should be ashamed of what they’re looking at
No. 907619
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>>907557I like those rape-y NTR doujins where the girl is convinced to leave her man for another. Don't condone infidelity in any way (of course) but the extreme/wild/silly nature of it is appealing. I don't "need" to look at it either. I just find it hot sometimes.
Since this
is the confession thread, though, here's a confession: I don't think anyone should feel "ashamed" for reading like, weird hentai. I could understand needing some level of self-shame if we were referring to videos of
actual women getting fucked by dogs or those 'barely 18 xD' things [I've personally not seen either of these – I'm going off of hearsay], but they're just…cartoons. It's fiction.
So long as you keep it away from IRL, and don't turn it into a facet of your personality, what's the issue? Outside of being seen as "weird" of course but, let's be real: if you're in a position where your porn is ever going to be up for public conversation, then you've already fucked up.
No. 907626
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>>907501Tentacles, futa, femdom, etc are weird but pretty neutral idk what you mean it's all degrading. Not all women are pure uwu angels and what if I just want to watch hentai and self insert getting fucked dumb by 10 tentacles?
>Find some self respect, for fucks sake. And no, being a fujo isn't any better.Scrote tier logic. I have more self respect by giving myself orgasms with dildo and hentai and not putting up with some useless male irl. I'm not fujo but fujos are based, seethe more, scrotes and handmaidens just bitter women found a sexual interest that men can't twist/invade.
No. 907666
>>907631>>907501Replying to these simultaneously because I feel my answer suits both, but: another thing for me, is that I've never self-inserted into my porn.
>>907626 reminded me of that.
I don't get any sort of emotional gratification from it (or whatever gratification one gets from self-inserting), so maybe that's why I've been able to live a "normal" life while occasionally getting off to weird shit.
No. 907773
>>907732how old are you
We have a whole thread in /m/ with an explanation for this, go check it out.
No. 907839
Jesus is og husbando.
No. 907860
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>>907826I mean just look at him, plus unconditional love and he sacrificed himself for you. Jesus was og 2D husbando.
No. 907876
>>907860I went out with a guy who looked almost exactly like Jesus. Nice dude. Pretty good kisser.
He had some sort of job in a metal music record label and i dress too normal so it didn’t work out.
He drove a pt cruiser so, no big loss.
No. 907992
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i'm going to fuck jesus stepdaddy instead, joseph deserves some good pussy, especially since mary cucked him and had a baby with god
No. 907996
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Hottest Jesus? I love this automaton. He blinks and moves his mouth. It's a shit vid, sorry. No. 908007
>>908001God in my cells, that's my celly
Made in the image of God, that's a selfie
God most definitely has a wonderful dick.
No. 908008
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>>907985to each their own now I have to repent for reading this
No. 908066
>>908032When I was in first grade I thought I was a werewolf and my friends were my pack. I growled when something annoyed me and convinced my friends to see random objects, like flying volleyballs, as sheep and our other classmates as prey.
Grew out of it in like 3 days though.
No. 908096
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>>908066Not any of those anons, but i used to believe that there was a really hot Angel protecting me from getting depressed.
He was my original husbando, then I mixed him with Link and he got even hotter, he would kind of look like pic related.
Religion saved me from killing myself as a kid but not in the way they wanted it to save me, I was extremely obsessed with angels and I still cringe about it.
No. 908127
>>908107there's no way to get more familiar with math other than a lot of rote practice, at least for me. It's definitely what I've always had to study the most for by far.
Maybe this is a cope, bit I suspect more people than you might think get sent to those Mathnasium type things by their parents, where they do exactly that - a lot of rote practice. And then when you're in HS math classes with them, it seems like there's always this group of people who are total math whizzes. Some of them are probably naturally gifted or whatever but I know for a fact that a few people entered my HS math classes basically already knowing the material so they just aced every test no problem. Good for them, but it does make people who didn't go to Mathnasiums feel like they must be retarded for not getting it as quickly as the tutored kids apparently do.
No. 908142
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I wish I was a man-eating monster from a 3edgy5me anime irl like picrel
No. 908251
It's insane how the current woke framework of the world falls apart so easily with the slightest critical thought. This is a confession because it's likely a cancellable opinion, which is bizarre to me because these people are genuinely the ignorant, unwoke ones.
I was wondering how come there is talk about islamophobia and antisemitism but never something wrt christianity. I guess it's the american centricness of it all, but it's absurd. In the world today there are christians (and other religions too) still being persecuted and killed, and historically there were a lot too including by nazis and communists yet it's treated with negative delicacy as opposed to the other groups. I feel like this whole woke thing started from academics who resented their own christian parents, I mean I know christian religion has done its fair share of damage to other groups, but the same is true even more so currently in islamic countries by muslims and even in israel. At least in america you won't be killed for being gay or of X religion versus the middle east or parts of africa. I can't feel any respect for sjws even when they bring up the downsides of christianity because there is blood being spilled right now, and it's not just christians but afaik it's not them who do it. This whole woke worldview is an americanized joke. The annoying thing is I went to the wikipedia article about this and it recommends at top of the page a "Christian persecution complex" article, can you fucking imagine someone using those words about Muslims or Jews? I'm not even christian or religious but this is such a big joke. Everything we're supposed to believe is a joke it's not just this but it's one example that got me thinking and honestly boils my blood because people are dying. In the west we're not even supposed to criticize something like islam but meanwhile their countries experience persecution much worse than anything ours have to offer, of multiple groups including gay people so it's not just so called horrible christians. Our western worldview still retains its criticized savior complex and it's still completely misguided. Ending my rant now, I just hate wokeness and that's my confession really
No. 908985
>>908971Why didn't the tragic event of America bombing literally any country it's bombed so far "change how people looked at the world"? The US bombed my country not one year before 9/11 happened, we don't get annual memorials and most people don't know it happened and don't care. Way more people died and it wasn't just 2 buildings but our whole country. I celebrated my birthday in a fucking basement thinking I was going to die at five years of age. Months of constant fear. You know what I'm told every time I bring it up? That I deserved it because some people in my country happen to be criminals.
Most people in the US watched it happen on television, I only wish to have had a screen between my eyes and what I saw at the time. I'll be respectful when I'm respected in return.
No. 908991
>>908985Care to specify what country/incident this is about specifically?
>I'll be respectful when I'm respected in return.People died in horrific ways, it's not their or their families' faults other people treat you with disrespect. What a childish outlook on things.
No. 908995
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when I was in a mental hospital when I was younger a guy said I looked like a piranha, therefore I am certified to chop dicks off
No. 909017
>>909014The people on the plane and in the twin towers are not the same people who "tried to kill you". I'm sure you'd get mad if someone grouped all of your people in the same bracket as an excuse to meme about tragedies.
Hopefully you grow up and out of your hatred soon.
No. 909043
>>909039You do realize that those old ass people at WTC had kids they left behind, since you're bringing the children into your argument. And once more, kids died that day too. No one is better than anybody. It's tragic that people have to grow up in war torn countries, and it's tragic when people who live in "peaceful" countries experience tragedies like 9/11.
What's hard to understand about that? Are we only allowed to feel bad for one side and other side can go fuck itself? War fucks over the common people wherever you go. The rich fucks who call the shots sit cozy at home laughing about it. Hate those guys.
No. 909071
>>909039>you think it's okay if kids from unstable countries die because somehow they're not innocent Literally no one said that.
The average American citizen is allowed to feel sad and remember a tragedy that happened on their soil to their citizens. By all means be bitter about America bombing your country but don't take it out on people who didn't deserve what happened to them on 9/11, they had no hand in what happened to you and your country. If you can't grasp that basic concept and level of understanding I don't know why I'm even bothering.
No. 909239
>>909231im afraid to look at women for too long because i dont want them thinking im a hater, im looking because you’re beautiful not because im weird/hating/jealous.
also when i see dykes in public i try not to look because i dont want them thinking im a homophobe or something. i just wanna observe. women are so gorgeous
No. 909280
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>>909239>im afraid to look at women for too long because i dont want them thinking im a hater, im looking because you’re beautiful not because im weird/hating/jealous.I can relate but I'm also guilty of thinking that women who look at me in public are staring because there's something wrong with me. A girl who was sitting next to me in a uni class once randomly complimented my eyelashes when the class was over, even though we didn't even talk to each other.
I was teased about my looks as a kid and given fake compliments, so it always reminds me of that one scene in Mean Girls where Regina Georoge compliments a girl's skirt, just to turn around and say that it's the ugliest she's ever seen.
No. 909707
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i firmly believe that relationships should be like some anime/disney romance, i refuse to accept anything less and also refuse to lose my virginity until i deeply connect with someone for at least a year or longer, unironically becoming soulmates. i think it would be nice if these things were treated as special by people other than bible thumpers, i hate the jaded careless attitude. i don't care if it's unrealistic or makes me a femcel or whatever, if no one can meet my standards then I'd rather die alone. romance and sex should be magical, meaningful, cute and everlasting and with one person forever and ever. i hate the real world.
No. 909753
>>909746> reality isn't a movieTrue! For example, being single doesn't mean being a miserable loser with no meaning or joy in their life the way it's always shown in tv and movies. Therefore anon is making a perfectly
valid choice if she'd rather be alone than in a relationship that doesn't meet her standards.
No. 909888
>>909878I'm happy for you anon!!
I turn down head most of the time too because guys are so awful at it, it makes me feel humiliated and pissed off. I can't even be nice to a dude after he licks my pussy like a dog drinking water
No. 910776
>>910476I agree about this for /ot/. I don't have social media so I'll miss seeing how my favorite cows are doing and enjoying the milk.
I've pledged to myself to never get into another chan/message board either. So when this is gone, I'll have to start watching TV kek.
No. 910852
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I’ve been hooking up with this guy who isn’t that physically attractive (he’s got a weird cuteness to his face but other than that…yea) and the sex has been great. It’s very odd constantly going between wanting to be dicked down by him and wishing he didn’t have a dad bod. I’m legitimately afraid for my friends and family to find out what he looks like. I feel bad for thinking this way but I can’t help it. I’m not interested in stopping because I struggle socially and I don’t feel like going into another dry spell, so I’m just swallowing my shame for now for the sake of having my body worshipped.
No. 911128
>>911111lucky digits tho, i hope you and
>>911119 are able to find jobs you enjoy soon
No. 911165
>>911111I'm about to quit my job after working 50 hrs a week all pandemic
I miss NEET life and I am not ashamed
No. 911318
>>909745>just having my friends and a nice, stable life by myself.Same! It’s so freeing to achieve this peace by the time I was 22. I’m untouchable by scrotes blackmailing me into fucking them.
Wahhh lower your standards or you’ll be single in your 30’s. Bitch I’m not scared to be single for the rest of my life. It has passively made me so much more confident and authentic which in turns attracted good friends and relationships into my life. Feels good.
>>909746Nah. Even women who don’t actively think life = fairy tales do all sorts of shit to make relationships as ideal and movie-like as possible to men, grand romantic gestures and embodying his desires. All pearls before swines. About time we gatekeep the manic pixie dream girlfriend experience until men start imitating romance novels and female fantasies for us.
No. 911347
>>911318>gatekeep the manic pixie dream girlfriend experience until men start imitating romance novels and female fantasiesBased.
>I’m untouchable by scrotes blackmailing me into fucking them.Godspeed
nonnie. I'm one of the people who didn't make it unscathed. I'm now married to the man I always wanted to find, but got initially duped into believing I wouldn't. I still feel like I showed these scrote motherfuckers who tried to tell me I'm worthless, though. I survived the scrote hell and am ready to tell girls it's not worth it. Men like to cry about the "cock carousel", but we need to be talking about Scrote Hell, because Scrote Hell is real and we're forced to walk through it.
No. 911349
>>909707100% based, anon. Am 30, been single for 10 years, no desire for a relationship because "just settling" isn't worth the trouble. It's perfect or nothing and I don't care if I'm staying alone for the rest of my days.
>>911318>About time we gatekeep the manic pixie dream girlfriend experience until men start imitating romance novels and female fantasies for us.Best take I've seen in a while
nonnie No. 911396
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From an early age, I was autistically invested in Naruto, anf in fifth grade I obsessively drew Sasuke in maid dresses. I then presented these drawings to my other (male) friends who also liked Naruto. Sometimes they'd ask me why I was drawing him like that. I'd just say I thought it was cute. I still have no idea why I did that or what it means. I've never liked men, especially not transvestites— though I admit I was exposed to a lot of questionable yaoi in my youth. Maybe I was just emulating what I saw from others.
Honestly I just feel really sorry for my friends and wish I'd been able to take back the comics I drew where we were all Akatsuki members. Firstly I'd like to read them again for the nostalgia. I remember them being fairly funny. But more importantly, I'm certain I wrote one of my weird, obvious fetishes (unrelated to the maid thing) into more than one comic because I was being groomed at the time. It's so embarrassing. I desperately hope the guy who last had them threw them away years ago.
No. 911422
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>>911396>Sasuke in maid dresses>comics I drew where we were all Akatsuki membersBased. It always make me happy to see fellow Narutofags. As imperfect as it was and soulless as it grew to be, Naruto just hit different when you were a kid. I will always love Sasuke bitch ass. I used to put Uchiha as last name on various forums lol
No. 912308
>>912300i know no good moids to do this for me. more upset i wasted the money on a nice dildo and lube, i'll probably go back to masturbating regularly.
>>912301well i have anxiety so that's not happening
>>912302no, this was today kek
No. 912388
>>912372 GuruGossiper, blogsnark, and PULL are all full of white upper-middle class mommies and rich kid asiaboos. The shit they care about and nitpick is dumb and boring as fuck and reeks of seething jealousy. To be fair, I don’t really read the cow threads because most people in them seem equally unhinged. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are largely the same people from those sites, actually.
I think lipstick alley is the most fun place kek
No. 912475
>>912388gurugossip mod morgan is also a totally unhinged psychopath but so are the people who started the gossip gate discord spin-off server that attempted to politically correct gossip with their overbearing rules and cultlike culture. if the gate server doesn't like users they will gang up on them and attempt to alienate and humiliate them. nothing that has come from gurugossip has been good and agreed it's full of white wino moms who love acting like theyre not boring and basic
lsa is unhinged sperging, racebait, and them eating their own so it's not like it's much better than gg or what pull was. all these sites also have a massive weeb and kboo problem. ofc this site has a massive weeb problem too because no matter where I go I can't seem to escape them but whatever
No. 912497
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Sometimes I wish I could just enlist. I live near a military area, so I'd like to work there, I've seen a few female soldiers walking around and doing groceries here. I'd have something to do, I'd earn some money, get some much needed discipline, get in shape, learn some combat skills. They even offer housing on site, even though I wouldn't need it since I literally live 5 minutes by feet away from it.
But not only it's not that easy to enlist here as a female, not only I'm way past the age range they look for recruits, but also my family hates the military (with good reason), so I'd get so much shit for joining. Sucks.
No. 912574
>>912553this, it's a lot easier than you would think especially if the guys you talk to are old and less internet savvy
t. used to scam coomers out of money on kik as a teenager by using pictures of tumblr camwhores, never got asked for verification, and made several thousand dollars in about a month before my brother snitched and i got my phone taken away for a while
No. 912902
>>912886It's important nonetheless to see how these people justified the lesser status of women in their time. Understanding how otherwise intelligent people justify their own sexism will allow you to more effectively attack sexism when you see it in your life.
Let's imagine a scenario where some dickhead says "Plato says women are weaker because they have smaller livers." Not a real thing but let's just say. Would you rather know nothing about Plato & his time to argue that with, or would you rather be able to say "Plato also said that in Nubia there was a race of men with their faces on their chests." (idk if Plato talked about that but it's in other Greek things).
If your only response to this kind of thing is "Well I don't care about history," I mean, ok, but ypu won't be coming off as the smarter one. Without being educated enough to discuss it, you're going to have philosophytube pieces of shit running snickering jerkcircles around you, but if you know things they don't, you can shut their retarded asses down.
No. 912919
>>912916>>912906it's not really that unusual to not have a connection to other people's kids or an urge to mother/care for them. you're more biologically inclined to care about the one that came out of you/is made from your dna than any others out there. like
>>912911 said, any visceral reaction you have to a crying child actually is a motherly instinct kicking in. if you actually had none the crying would not make you feel one way or another unless you are trying to sleep or study and it's keeping you up or something.
No. 912923
>>912902I understand what you're saying, but I also don't feel the need to reform anyone.
>Without being educated enough to discuss it, you're going to have philosophytube pieces of shit running snickering jerkcircles around you, but if you know things they don't, you can shut their retarded asses down.Do you have discussions like this in real life? Why would I be giving them attention instead of ignoring their existence and making them seethe? Anyone who holds these opinions is a retard. If someone says grass is neon pink to rile others up, don't you think it's a waste of someone's time and energy to engage them instead of doing something fun or productive with their time?
>>912911>>912919It's really weird you believe that's a motherly instinct instead of a strong reaction to an extremely loud, annoying noise.
No. 912973
>>912916My motherly instinct specifically gets
triggered by pugs. I feel nothing for human babies and never wanted to have them. Even as a little girl I didn't enjoy playing mommy to a doll. I hope one day I will be financially stable enough to adopt pugs w/ issues and take care of them.
No. 912987
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whenever i see a really pretty girl or a girl with an insane body i get a strong urge to cry and never leave my house. it’s extra embarrassing because i’m supposedly smart and successful so why am i still so sad about not being an insanely beautiful girl
No. 913022
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I 'accidentally' disconnected by quietly pulling out my laptop cable during online therapy so that the laptop would shut down. It is boring and feels futile anyway, and I can't talk to professionals without feeling observed closely/laughed at/secretly hated. Plus, I had stuff to do, like pretending to have stuff to do.
No. 913085
>>913051Has he threatened suicide before? And was it in the context of an argument or to otherwise gain something from you? If so, you don't have to worry about him killing himself. People who act like that rarely act on their threats in any meaningful way. Like they threaten to slit their wrists but end up with some paperclip scratches. And if he starts acting insane as you're walking out, you should call emergency services and make him their problem.
Either way, you're not responsible for his actions or his life. It sounds like your relationship was doomed from the start, and you already know it's over. I hope that you'll have the strength to move on from him soon. It sounds like you're taking good care of yourself and moving up in life. A big part of that is forging healthy relationships while preening out the ones that drain you.
No. 913097
>>913090that literally is trichotillomania though? what is with these anons lately that are like
>i love to pull out my own hair but idk if it's trich or notlike that's literally the definition
No. 913126
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>>913115it's definitely a "spectrum" disorder. i used to struggle with it a bit when i was a teen so i've seen some other people over the years with different manifestations of it. i knew a girl with a gorgeous head of long, thick hair that only pulled her eyebrows and eyelashes out, but it definitely still counts.
the shittier part about it is there are so few mental health professionals that actually specialize in trich because it's considered an "impulse disorder" rather than OCD. if it's something that you become actively concerned about in the future you can buy little bracelets that vibrate when you put your hands up to your face/head to make you conscious of it. it's what ended up helping me the most. it can also help with nail biting supposedly but i don't have that issue.
No. 913143
>>913126Holy shit
nonny that bracelet is so clever, i mostly pick my fingers but maybe something similar as a ring could work for me. Ty for posting
No. 913176
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>>913143>>913154>>913141so glad it was helpful for you all!
impulse disorders and OCD are a bitch to deal with/try to get help for.
No. 913612
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When I was a teenager I once masturbated to some erotic Homestuck audio roleplay I found on tumblr. Of all the fucked up and bizarre things I've gotten off to, that had to be one of the most shameful.
No. 913679
>>912886I love learning about history but about the societies as a whole, not about certain individuals. Maybe some things those individuals did, but I don't glorify anyone (except for those birds in the Great Emu War kek).
I think it's interesting because we humans follow patters and it's easy to predict the future of humanity by learning how people reacted to the past events but if you don't enjoy it I know nothing will change your mind.
No. 913937
>>913916i just googled a keyword and then after that entered the site address. it was really easy to find since the site has a very small userbase, probably smaller than this one
>>913917half discouraging half wholesome stuff lol
No. 914068
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I still masturbate to the memory of having sex with an old ex. I broke up with my last bf two weeks but ever since and even during our relationship I was having dreams about having sex with the guy before him. We would never make it work + he’s in a different country and I’m probably never gonna see him again but ever since I found out I’ll travel internationally for my job, I’ve been fantasising about being in his city and messaging him or meeting serendipitously and doing all the crazy dirty tantric stuff I’ve been dreaming of with him.
No. 914120
>>914115It's not the same thing as bragging about it to males you know irl. Pick me behavior, disgusting.
>>914117Who gives a fuck? Just say "you don't know them".
No. 914125
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>>914099>one of my male friends You're a discord bpd-chan aren't you.
No. 914130
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I don't understand toast. Why do people like dry ass bread so much? I do like crunchy foods myself, but toast just feels like eating air with a charcoal aftertaste.
It really only is decent with a truckload of hummus or any sugary topping. In that case, why not just have celery or a normal sweet? Depending on how long it's been in the toaster, it overbears the taste of your once scrumptious topping. Dark, crumbly toast straight out of the toaster with a joke for a spread of butter makes me depressed. I wouldn't eat that shit even if I were sick. Why ruin the bread? Watching people at work inhale bland and essentially burnt bread irrationally irks me idk
No. 914131
>>914116>>914120I wasn't trying to impress him lol he just brought up 4chan in a conversation and I was in a mood to expose myself. This site isn't exactly niche.
I apologize. I know now that it was wrong and I won't do it again. Thanks for calling me out, nonnas
No. 914170
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>>913426Most people graduate university at 23/22. My friends didn’t drop out/switch majors and they’re graduating at 23. What difference does one or two years make? I switched my degree at 19 and I’m graduating just 5 months before my 23rd birthday. I get where the anxiety about being “late” comes from, but it’s just counterproductive. If you’re going to do something, just do it without that “Is it too late?” bullshit.
No. 914226
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>>914215Aw, thank you nonna. Appreciate it. Wishing you all the best and good luck for your studies.
No. 914390
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I always had fun figuring out what were others wearing because most of the times I would hit the nail on the head.
Kek, even a friend I had sent me a picture right away because I somehow managed to figure out that she was wearing green pajamas.
People would then freak out thinking I somehow had a camera in their house or something.
Great times.
No. 914408
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>>914390Oh my god what?? What kind of super power is this?? Do you know what I'm wearing right now??!
No. 914426
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Thinking I’m gonna kill myself after I graduate this December. This way I don’t feel too much panic/despair over not being able to find a good job. Gonna get out of here one way or another.
No. 914536
>>914530nta but I am terrified of dolls and even mannequins, so seeing something like Noseybonk would freak me out
I can completely understand her fear
No. 914599
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>>914408You were wearing a hoodie, with a black t-shirt underneath, black sweatpants and mismatched socks.
I wonder if I’ve lost my power because I haven’t used it as much, I mostly tried to freak out pervs who were asking me what I was wearing so I would be like
>clothes duh, but I know what are you wearing, you don’t even have to tell meAnd then I would somehow figure out what they were wearing kek.
No. 914661
>>914619i might or might not know some people who works for an unspecified governmentIf it’s accounting, never disclose what you think about political stuff with anyone, be humble and friendly but shallowly.
If it’s more like Human Resources be firm and assertive because you will talk to people a lot and what they need is not a friend but someone they can trust, if asked about political stuff, always say you agree with what they say.
Opening up to anyone you hadn’t known for more than 5 years in a government’s job is basically asking for getting “demoted”
ie: sent to some shitty country with a low pay because some bitch ass moidsnake talked shit about a weekend you spent somewhere nicelyKeep “professional” accounts on social media, where you only post throwbacks because you will be monitored by everyone, and have a personal account where only your family and close friends follow you so you can post real-time, make sure none of them are in friendly terms with your coworkers, of course.
I hope this somehow works or something, this is just what I’ve seen in a shitty government, I hope your work is in a better place.
No. 914737
>>914727Aw! Ily2
>>914717Okay! Last one because I don’t want to clog the thread with guesses.
Let’s see, you’re probably wearing something like joggers with a t-shirt and sneakers.
No. 914861
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I bought vivziepop merch. I love this man too much.
No. 914864
>>914796Not to defend Melanie Martinez, but she was accused of raping and abusing another woman. Turns out the so called
victim was lying for attention lol. So I agree with this.
No. 914982
>>914661Thank you, anon! But here in my country, to get these positions, you actually have to pass written exams, that test you in subjects going from our writing capabilities, English, basic math to the specifics of the position, in this case it actually would include accounting too because it's for a government bank. But still, there's no job interview involved, they just check your criminal record and stuff like that. Which I like, that way they judge people based on their abilities rather than their appearance or sex. Those are the most sought after positions in my country because of this
No. 915030
I have 13 days to study for some exams that will determine my future, uni etc. I barely know any of the content as I avoided going to class.
This is my own doing
I feel a need for risk and danger in my life, and I have done pretty well for night before crams previously, and it gives me exhilaration.
However, this is also arrogance, and I think this is going to get the better of me very soon. Because this isn't a practice exam anymore. It's the real thing. I don't know why I have to be such a baka but if there are
any cramming tips, please help.
>>914766I want this too because of all stabbing and sexual assault cases. I'm pretty sure there was a high school stabbing and multiple weapon attacks in the supermarkets. Like not even safe in broad daylight or in your homes. Even home invasion violence/rape. Why can't they just let women have guns here? We're not even committing the crimes.
No. 915038
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>>914982That’s honestly really neat! Well, I hope you get to get that position,
nonnie, I’m sure that you will do everything greatly and that they will see that you have all the capabilities to do your future job.
No. 915105
>>915030For study tips, you should be reading all of the basic stuff your course has given you so far in a textbook or notebook with your notes in it. Whatever you are completely unfamiliar with (like you read it and don't even remember what it is/explain it), revise those topics first, in the order that they appear in the textbook. Then brush up on the things youre more knowledgable about. Take 5-10 minute breaks every 45 min-hour (whatever you can afford) so it doesn't feel like youre cramming and getting nothing in. If you really need a passing grade, stuff a few cheat sheets in your bra (preferably with info you know you're really rusty on or don'y know at all - it'll save you time/energy studying). When you answer all of the questions you know and are completely stumped on a couple of questions, ask to go to the bathroom and pull the cheat sheet out and read while you're IN THE STALL (if they let you have a cheat sheet on your table, even better - fit in as much info on that sucker as possible). Also, don't revise all the time. Even when you're on your way to the exam hall, check your notes on the bus and when you're waiting, but don't do it constantly - when you do that, it can cause you to completely blank. Again, don't study all the time, dedicate an alloted amount of time (11 am - 6pm) to study time, like a workday, if you can. There's not much else to it, it's just studying. You can't really hack yourself through that when you've got less than weeks left.
I know you have a decent amount og time, so you don't really need to pull an all-nighter. However, if you feel like it would help -
- get high on some stimulants - sugar, caffeine, adderall if you have it. Eat snacks inbetween so you don't completely crash.
- Drink PLENTY of water, not only for hydration, but also because it's more difficult to doze off when your bladder is full.
- Get a cool breeze going, even better if it's slightly cold.
- Bright lights help, too.
Good luck, anon!
No. 915112
>>915038Thank you so much,
nonnie! <3
No. 915191
>>915105Thank you
nonnie, if you were here I would literally give you the last coconut cookie in our house, that was reassuring and motivating.
When I am rich from acing my exams thanks to exam tips from, I will give you all my money and then you can say 'ah yes i am grateful i helped that dumb girl online because now i have money'
tl;dr <3
No. 915273
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>>915112>>915191That's not how you post a heart on lolcow. You add a # in front of it.
See pic
No. 915563
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>>892755i was in an argument with a sjw and when she started sperging about trans rights i sent her a link to /pol
No. 916306
>>915563…What a self own, embarrassing.
>le scary /pol/Lmao wtf did you think that was gonna do??? Explain. I wanna laugh at you more. You clearly have zero idea what /pol/'s take on trannies are if you think they're the opposite lolll there is a reason why the nazi tranny meme exist.