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No. 833823
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/825301Do you feel held by him? Does he feel like home to you? No? Then vent about it here! Or alternatively, watch his ungrateful ass burn to ashes
No. 833899
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>>833895>>833897kek anon, he's going to shoot you through your computer
No. 833906
>>833905same. google local women’s shelters and sexual assault resources, they can help and contact people for your privately without them knowing to obtain proof.
best of luck
No. 833922
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I could not touch my phone for months and I'd have 0 missed calls or messages. At this point my phone is just a big mp3 player with internet access.
No. 833966
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All I want is a pet tarantula, but my husband is terrified of spiders. I'm originally from the desert and moved to the tundra and I just want something to remind me of home! I really want a pink toe tarantula, look how cute it is, it has pink little toes! I don't get how you can be scared of it! Why is my husband such a baby? I have my own office in our house that he never goes into, I would keep it there, but he still said no! And if I went behind his back he would kill it. Ugh.
No. 833974
>>833966You should get it. If it's in your office it shouldn't bother him. If he kills the spider, kill him.
seriously though, I can't imagine being that bothered by a pet I would rarely even see. What a little bitch. If he has the courage to kill it, he can't possibly be that scared of spiders.
No. 833975
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>>833966I hope you can get your cute pinky toes tarantula someday,
nonnie! I love the bird eaters, they’re cute. I would call mine puppy or Roberto.
No. 834013
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Goddamn. There's no way my ex would be able to find my new identities online (nor my art-only account which I have yet to use), but I'm still scared of him potentially finding me and interacting with me. I wanna make fun videos and use my voice, but what if he finds me… I've made sure to not leave any breadcrumb trails that could link my art-only account with my personal ones/the new handles I use, and even if I somehow did he's too retarded to catch on anyway, but fuck. Our interests aren't overlapping right now, but what if! What if, what if, what if. Argh. I shouldn't live my life in fear but here we are.
No. 834042
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I HATE that football is so popular in my country, trying to get a nap in my own house but i cant because every fucking male outside is yelling at the screen watching the match of our country's ever-losing team; why cant they just shut the fuck up or go to a place where yelling is appropriate such as a bar of some sort; like every OTHER sport fan when their event is happening?
No. 834048
>>834041I'm neet because of illness too! I also like to spend my time alone, but it's been tough lately. I hope we get better and make some friends!
>>834042Are you from the same country as me?
Now I can hear guys outside screaming to the tv because of football lol
No. 834057
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I hate virgos. I will never date a virgo ever again. Worst mistake of my life
No. 834082
>>834065The saddest thing is virgos are insecure assholes. Like, they could had own it like Leo or Taurus, but no. They love to play the offended
No. 834088
>>834083Basically they're critical overthinkers and very insecure. They want to be loved but they push away others because of "muh rational brain". Then they play the poor baby card. It's dumb. Between virgo and pisces I don't know who's more unbearable for me, at least pisces is creative and SOMETIMES hides their stupid
victim complex.
No. 834104
>>834102Some of us do yeah, but just for fun
Plus coincidences are fun, some patterns do repeat in people
No. 834132
>>834124You can do a free chart on astrotheme, even if you don't know your time of birth you can at least figure out the signs for your planets but you won't know your rising or the order your houses go in.
A lot of people don't seem to know when you read horoscopes you're suppose to read your rising sign and not your sun sign because astrologers base everything on how the planets transition through the houses.
No. 834142
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My husband took a candid of me and I look like a fucking fridge. No hips no tits and giant shoulders with long orangutan arms, kms
No. 834196
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I saw the cutest girl ever working at the restaurant I went to and I kept discreetly peeking at her because she was ridiculously attractive Immediately felt shame and disgust with myself for thinking so because of my retarded fear of coming off as a perverted rapey lesbian. It's times like these that I wish I wasn't gay, I'm so tired of constantly feeling ashamed of feelings straight people take for granted.
No. 834220
nonny, as a baby lesbian I was traumatized by straight girls freaking out at me simply existing and being visibly and audibly disgusted by my presence because naturally all gay people are insatiable rapists. So now I feel a huge amount of shame every time I think a girl is cute and I don't know how to get over it.
I don't even compliment my female friends on their looks even when it's completely platonic because I don't want to make them uncomfortable. Made me miss my dating opportunities when I was younger so now I don't really have a grasp of what's crossing boundaries and what's not so I just don't interact at all. I'm so jealous of lesbians who had all the opportunities to be contempt with themselves and experiment to grow into emotionally healthy people.
No. 834242
>>834227>I fear that if lesbians were men they would just be incels.If literally any of us on lolcow were men we would be incels, what's your point?
Personality dictates predation, not sexuality. Some straight girls are hella pushy in regard to how they approach males (I've had to deal with the other side of it when shy dweebs are ??? because they're waiting for me to put the moves on
them since that's what they're used to, so then we are both just ??? and awkwardness ensues)
If a girl is sexually aggressive that's just her character, it is only considered bad by males when they won't be the target of the sexual aggression, hence the negative tropes about lesbians. If that same woman was lusting after cock suddenly the behavior is fine.
No. 834250
>>834227I'd assume this is bait if I hadn't heard this sentiment before on several occasions from retarded homophobes. Get back to me when lesbians are congregating en masse to discuss raping and murdering straight women. Show me a lesbian version of Elliot Rodger. Show me a single forum full of lesbians advocating for the sexual enslavement of women (trans "lesbians" don't count, if that wasn't obvious).
You and every other straight woman on earth are far safer around a lesbian than you ever will be around a scrote. Even a boyfriend or husband or family member. You're an idiot.
No. 834257
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>>834250>>834243>>834241the biggest lesbian mass shooter to date anon. she was rejected by a girl named monday, haven’t you heard??
No. 834276
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>>834267I don’t care if female or male homosexuals can’t reproduce, I’m just here to remind them that they’ll die alone and not be remembered while some sappy heterosexual male managed to pass his shitty bloodline. It’s so funny seeing a very small part of the world population scurrying to find romantic mates and denying everyone else’s sexuality when they can’t get some straight or bi woman who’s happy with her partner it’s a tragic comedy
(obvious bait) No. 834277
>>834276But who cares about those shitty males passing their bloodline? Only males care about that
Anon don't tell me you are one?
No. 834280
>>834276Without infighting, I feel like you are very wrong about lesbians. I don't think lesbians are as bitter as you think they are, single or not. A lot of lesbians exclude bi women and they (obvioulsy) exclude hetero women as well. Like, lesbians as a collective have better things to care about than what some hetero people do? Like, taking care of their partners and families, for example. Plus I think they're the least to be interested in """passing a bloodline"""" and even if they wanted children, you know they can adopt, or get fertilized in vitro, or use their own eggs to make a new baby right? Like, wanting to pass a bloodline is one of the stupidiest things to get in a relationship lmao get a hold of yourself, seriously normal people aren't this concerned about that, hetero or not
No. 834281
>>834276>It’s so funny seeing a very small part of the world population scurrying to find romantic mates and denying everyone else’s sexuality when they can’t get some straight or bi woman who’s happy with her partner Lmao homophobic straight women are a trip, where did you even get the impression that lesbians want you?
I'm pretty sure lesbians aren't the one's calling other women biphobic for only wanting to date other lesbians, that's thin-skinned bi women.
No. 834283
>>834279The logic would only barely work if you want to believe getting into a het relationship and having kids will necessarily prevent dying alone and unremembered.
Like go tell that to all the dying boomers entering the nursing homes whose kids hate their guts.
>>834281It's bait anyway anon. Ignore the twat.
No. 834286
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>>83428290% of dogs aren't "brutally domesticated", quite the opposite, they were bred for a purpose. Example, fila brasileiro, literally made to kill slaves if they ran away. It would do great in the wild
No. 834287
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>>834281Lol, the lesbians getting angry that straight woman look at them and think of them in disgust says otherwise. Look at this anon, do you really think people would want a lesbian that looks like a 15 year old male final fantasy character? Her haircut kek
(obvious bait) No. 834295
>>834276Anon, how much do you know about your great great grandparents? Most people don't even know the first names of their ancestors once you go about a hundred years back. No one will remember you. Kids are the worst way to leave a "legacy", history always forgets the unremarkable and if your only real accomplishment was pushing out babies then congratulations, you're no different than the vast majority of humans who have ever lived. People who's only sense of purpose in life is to pass on their genes are basically animals. Just following their most basic biological instincts to pass on their unexceptional genes.
Also, /most/ people die alone, especially women. Men usually die earlier, so don't count on a husband by your side on your deathbed. And kids more often than not stick their old and infirm parents in shitty nursing homes so they can be put on sedatives for the last five years of their miserable lives. I'd say a good 90% of the elderly residents in the nursing home I used to work at had kids, and a further 90% of that 90% had kids who didn't even /visit/ them.
No. 834304
>>834292I'm not making it up, sadly
It is one of the most aggresive and dangerious dogs in the world for that reason, only extremely skilled trainers can handle them
>The Fila Brasileiro or Brazilian Mastiff, is a large working breed of dog developed in Brazil.[1] It is known for its superb tracking ability, aggressiveness and an unforgiving, impetuous temperament. Rather than attacking its prey, the Fila traps it and waits for the hunter to arrive. Owing to these qualities, the Fila Brasileiro is used as a guard dog, as a cattle dog for livestock and as a hunting dog for tracking and controlling large game. When slavery was legal in Brazil in the 18th century, the Fila Brasileiro was used to return fugitive slaves unharmed to their masters.The "unharmed" part is debatable, they are known to maul strangers and this is why they are prohibited to own in many countries
No. 834307
>>834293it sounds like you're pretty self aware in terms of being not ready for motherhood atm, you did the absolute right thing, ensuring that the children you eventually have will have a mom that's ready and able to take care of them. What you've done takes a lot of courage, strength, and honest self assessment, and I know I'm just a stranger on the internet but I'm proud of you anon.
I think some counselling would be a solid idea, even just short-term to process your feelings. Does the clinic you visited have any resources they could connect you with?
Sending you love and care in the meantime. Hope you're able to get some rest and feel things through as you need.
<3 No. 834311
>>834306I don't think so, if you're so concerned about "passing down the bloodline" how can you be this mad about cool dogs?
Here's another one, tosa inu, literally a sumo wrestler
Domestication is good, it's like evolution but we're making it faster
And if you think "oh no but they're ill" most dogs aren't unless you're talking about very deformed ones like pugs. Dogs and humans have such a cool rich history that I would never see it as bad to want to own one, it's literally in our nature
No. 834314
>>834312I don’t think she gives a shit considering she is dead
No. 834316
>>834307Thank you anon, your words mean a lot. I have a follow up appointment this week and I’ll ask for some resources.
The second time I got pregnant, I was in a better spot but I lost the baby and that was something I never dealt with. I just want to cry and I feel so low. I know I made the right decision. It’s just a very difficult decision that I thought I wouldn’t have to make again. My bf said he wants kids but he wants to be better prepared. I hope things get better. I’m tired of waiting.
No. 834335
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>>834282Since prehistoric times we've had people who don't reproduce and have dogs instead
it's called living in a society
Plus what the hell is a "burning desire to have kids" lmao I want money, good food, and a strong body. I don't have this "burning desire" for anyone but to make myself happy, and that's how it should be.
"b-but you are selfish!" Loving yourself is a priority and it isn't selfish. It's more selfish to bring babies to this world on the pretense of having a "burning desire" kek just say you're horny like the rest of us.
No. 834344
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>>834340It’s called shitposting sweatie
(autism) No. 834349
>>834344Stunning and
valid for that Kim, I’m proud of her! Just wish Megan Fox can finally come to that realization too
No. 834353
>>834352It's so funny because you can tell they're newfags by not saging their shit and posting shit pictures like
>>834344It's so obvious this is a stupid scrote that wants to fuck lesbians lmao
No. 834358
>>834352It's even funnier because they get a ban and we just move on with our conversations.
>>834337>>834334>>834328>>834301>>834344Obviously some spergy scrote wrote this trying to be "funny" but just comes out as deranged and very stupid
No. 834363
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>>834358Please do not confuse me with other posters in the future thx
No. 834368
>>834276 is just projection, huh. If you're not a disgusting troon or man, I'm sincerely sorry for you.
No. 834369
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i’m adam driver sexual hunny~
No. 834375
>>834369Using our memes doesn't mean we can't tell you're some kind of degenerate scrote using lolcow lmao
>>834372>shitty opinion>doesn't sage>YOUR USERBASE>MODS DON'T CAREok /meta/ reject
(responding to bait) No. 834376
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>>834369>being attracted to thisDisgusting. Now it all makes sense.
No. 834378
>>834376You know that's not a driverfag, right? Just a scrote wanting to troll.
Also he looks very hot in that pic.
No. 834379
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>>834378I’m not trolling I’m really really desperate
No. 834382
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No. 834385
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>>834383My last post for the ladies here
Hopefully one day I will ascend and get a gf like u nonnies
Until then still failed scrote
No. 834386
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>wishing someone would notice your vents and be validating but everyone's too busy replying to baitposter who smelleth of the scrotum
No. 834387
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me knowing the mods are finally going to have to wake the fuck up, eat their shitty euro breakie with the beans and toast and delete my posts
No. 834397
>>834388I want to don’t get me wrong. I want to ascend and get gf. Instead I just fail at life.
Ok that’s my final post
Remember women you are BETTER THAN US
(nobody cares faggot) No. 834416
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>>834414That trannies are a fake science and a plague!
No. 834434
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worms for brains I’m too busy laughing(male)
No. 834494
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I'm having one of those nights where I know I'm going to stay up stupid late so I just wanna fall asleep on the couch watching tv but he's being whiny and begging me to come back to bed.
Until we get a king mattress that basically means laying like a sardine either in dark silence or on the lowest volume setting on the tv or phone until I finally get drowsy. He says I don't disturb him but I know I do and he's gotta wake up early, at least when he ducks out for work I can occupy the bed by myself and starfish out how I'd like to.
No. 834514
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>>834088I'm fucking seething I hate astrology and yet every time you bitches call me out word for word.
No. 834523
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That kitsune udon and tempura in Mariah's thread on /pt/ makes me really fucking hungry argghhh! I wish anons wouldn't post her food like that's milk, the bitch eats deliciously and I want it.
No. 834528
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I was screen recording heather explore's ig story about her flat tyre and cliff bar when I got so overwhelmed by how fucking little she actually has had to go through, yet she acts like a constant victim. Ma'am, some people are genuinely ill and have war in their countries and you made 3 stories about dropping some disgusting protein bar on the floor?
No. 834535
I hate bitches who complain about how abusive their S.O's are but end up defending them like little obeident dogs when push comes to shove. I know someone who gets abused by her husband (he literally forced himself back into her life after ghosting her for years, insults her about her body, intellect, ect on a daily basis) and the only reason he gets to stay is because he gives her gifts and keeps food on the table. This bitch is too lazy to find a fucking job and is okay leeching off of welfare money. And you know what this useless shit stain did while her "husband" was gone for some years? Instead of finding a JOB and saving money to support her young son, this fucking cunt went out to get drunk and party with friends all day. She even got a little pathetic boyfriend who's daughter wound up sexually abusing her son (under the direction of that pedo ass boyfriend). Bitch is fucking reckless.
I tried to be nice to this cunt and maybe see that she had changed for the better but nope, all I see her for the manipulative immoral sleazebag she is. You can be the most respectful person in the world and listen to all of their emotionally consuming rants about their life but if you dare say you dont like their favorite color red they accuse you of hating them and being "disrespectful". I got into it with her "husband" because as usual, this faggot was being a controlling domineering prick with me and I lashed out, and of course she took his side and lied that she never argues with him despite her literally screaming her brains out at him 24 7. She says she "needs" him for his money (which ok sure, you could have your money if you didnt fucking spend your money on the legal defense of your misogynistic oldest son beating the brains out of his girlfriend or wasting your dad's inheritance on a shitty mini cooper that you paid for all at once like a tard and is now obsolete by 7 years). Fucking useless!!! Bitch, you a fucking undiagnosed BPD im sure and a fucking useless, evil, manipulative, hypocrite who always makes yourself the victim and changes your feelings about people depending on the situation. I never met someone as useless and vile as you and I pray one day that your youngest son can finally heal from the psychological abuse you caused him all these years. You can honestly go to hell and die in there you freak
No. 834624
>>834593don't worry, anon - if anything the fact that it's obvious what a ludicrous twat that person is shows that it's not a normal view. your fears are
valid because they're your feelings, but please try not to base your feelings on internet morons who are afraid of their own sexuality etc. no one normal thinks of you like that.
fwiw as a bi woman i love getting attention from lesbians
No. 834673
>>834637I'm lighting a candle for all of us out here with fat faces and skinny bodies
>>834664My mom looks youthful but has wrinkles and jowls on top of chubby cheeks. My future is weird looking
No. 834715
>>834711I hate men
and women
and mostly myself No. 834773
>>834088The only time I'd meet people who would put 'i am a poor baby
victim' card were always Capricorns, which is the only thing that makes me believe in astrology a little bit.
It sucks how I can't "bond" with any of them. Everytime a person would be
abusive or full of themselves and treat me like dirt for their own gain would always be a Capricorn. But then they become hysterical when you tell them that they are wrong or just refuse to do something or babysit them.
No. 834797
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>>834773I don't believe in astrology, but no lies there.
No. 834852
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>>834057What I hate the most about virgos is how condencsending they are. They literally want to prove they're the smartest in the room and get frustrated when proved wrong. They want to be right so bad that go their way to literally prove their retardation and some of them think the loudest they are the better. They treat you as lesser or like a stupid cunt if you don't listen to them and are very stubborn even when presented with facts. Seriously, they're so unbeareable. I hate them, and the sweeter you are to them because "aaww they're kinda cool but sad" the more they treat you like an idiot. They deserve the loneliness they create for themselves.
No. 834872
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My husband eats like shit and it drives me crazy. He's not fat because he's male and can afford the calories, but just because he can get away with the weight doesn't mean this shitty food isn't doing anything to him.
I'm a great cook and I've been told so. I can make literally anything fresh and delicious. But often when I ask him what he's feeling for dinner, he replies that he wants fast food or a fried ready meal he can throw into the air fryer from the freezer.
I've never met someone before him who loves McDonald's as an adult as much as he does. Every time he wants the god damn clown. The food is so bland and not even that tasty! How do people want to eat there more than once a month, forget about multiple times a week? Yucky…
No. 834878
>>834872oof anon… its one thing wanting to eat mcd/bk when you feel like it every once in awhile, but eating it everytime you go out is a bit weird…
id honestly suggest maybe making homemade burgers as a test for him to realise that homemade stuff is actually ten times better…
Its a bit silly but i used to be addicted to this microwavable lasagna until me and my partner cooked our own together, realising that nothing would top it, along w many other dishes. Sorry for you anon.
No. 834882
>>834875Shoot I don't bother cooking for him when he says he wants that crap. I just worry about my meal, but still. I'm worried about his dumb ass too.
>>834878Yeah I think that's probably the most reasonable halfway I'm gonna get.
God homemade lasagna is so much better, welcome to the light side!
No. 834898
>>834872You learn so much about a person from their eating habits.
>but just because he can get away with the weight doesn't mean this shitty food isn't doing anything to himLacks common sense and doesn't give a shit about his body. Will let himself go completely and complain when this eventually kills all your attraction towards him because nobody wants a manbaby slob for a husband. Probably hates himself.
>But often when I ask him what he's feeling for dinner, he replies that he wants fast food or a fried ready meal he can throw into the air fryer from the freezer.No sentimentalism about sharing food or preparing food together. Will not appreciate you making food for him, nor will he ever bother to cook for you either. Probably thinks cooking is a woman's job too, men don't have to know how to cook.
>forget about multiple times a weekToo retarded, a modern wonder how he even manages to breathe. If he's addicted to garbage like McDonald's, he's probably addicted to porn and other vices too. Yuck.
No. 834968
>>834946Tell em Queen
Some farmers play themselves
No. 835027
>>835017I'd like this but I'd prefer something private plus I doubt it'd be used much
>>835020It's really annoying I feel like a lot of women are NEET as well and struggle especially with health issues who can't work but scrote NEETs are annoying incels who hate women
No. 835049
>>834831He just punched my head and shoulder
My mother said I deserved it and that everyone is against me
True that college wants me out but I have an exam today in a few hours. God.
I can get out but not now on this sunday night. I was studying in mc donalds til 10 pm.
No. 835078
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I don't want to have sex, I'm not attracted to anyone, stop telling me something is wrong with me, why am I not allowed to just feel how I feel
I just don't experience sexual attraction, I don't I'm sorry, it's not legally required of me, leave me alone
No. 835095
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I am fucking sick and tired of having to watch my grown ass, 32 year old sister constantly going out to "wine nights" and bday parties during a fucking pandemic, no one is even trying to social distance. Her baby was just in the hospital with pneumonia, yet she sees nothing wrong with dragging her along to cafes and to see people who are not wearing masks, unvaxxed and just fucking childish. Why the fuck do I have an actually serious illness that requires me to live with our mom for the time being, yet she has the fucking guts to haul her barely well baby to my mom's apartment (I don't live there, she kinda travels back and forth) with 0 quarantine period nor care towards me? When she heard about my diagnosis, she just said how young people rarely die from that. This stupid ass bitch, your baby has had to be tested for covid 4 times, you think that shit is normal? I am so fucking tired, I was gonna go to the hospital tomorrow but now the fucking baby was dumped to my mom's and I need someone here for aftercare, I wanna cry. How the fuck did she turn out this way.
No. 835110
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Someone I know and love dearly came to me last night confessing they were terminally ill and has less than a year. Hate death, don’t know how to handle it except for laying in bed and crying.
No. 835123
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I cut both of my thumbs while packing everything in the house and doing the dishes. My feet hurt and I want to murder my brother, he’s always twiwed, bwusy and stwessed uwu so he’s never capable of doing anything in the house, i hate him so much that I want to slap him with a metallic foldable chair.
No. 835135
>>835133Anon he's not gonna unfollow them because he knows you'll stay even if he doesn't. Doesn't that offend you? Your bf sounds pathetic tbh, a lot of guys ik wouldn't follow a girl they know irl who doesn't follow them back. He has to be cooming to them.
Personally I'd consider breaking up but ik some anon in here is gonna say "ahsduhduah this anon you're just a bitter femcel who is overreacting!" Ik this is just one event but "slowly eating at you" is usually a symptom of a much greater problem. I've had similar issues with men before and I wish I would have cut it off then instead of giving them chances and letting myself be disrespected over and over. You deserve to be happy anon.
No. 835173
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I'd been on the hormonal implant since 2013 and never had a period since. I'm married now and had it removed. Holy shit periods suck so fucking much. I forgot how awful and messy this shit is. Fuck. I actually have to go work and pretend to be happy meanwhile I'm in this fucking pain? FUCK.
No. 835181
That deerhoof obsessed psycho in her thread needs to be put down holy shit
>>833823I havent seen this movie but I hate how these cult people mimic what the main woman does. Pisses me off
No. 835193
>>835188The more you know about something, the easier it is to get interested/motivated in it. You're not going to be interested in abstract concepts, you need to know something to start loving it.
I recommend you watch free courses on various topics to familiarize yourself with them, it will make it easier to decide.
No. 835201
Something happened yesterday that shook me quite a bit and I don't know how to proceed from here and what to expect. For context, myself and my fiancé have been renting a garden cottage in the backyard of our landlord and his partner/soon to be wife for the past 1.5 years. Lets call the landlord K and partner M, both around 50. We've had virtually zero problems with them and have become pretty good friends, we have drinks with them sometimes, BBQs, etc. K is a nice guy, but his only "job" is renting out the cottage and he's a bit of a drunkard. Drinks every day, but takes it too far sometimes and gets absolutely smashed from as early as 6am. We've not encountered problems with it personally apart from him being a bit pushy to pour you an extra drink etc if we are visiting. They seem to have a good relationship and I've never heard them fighting and M is very accommodating of his BS, although she has expressed resentment to me over his drinking in private.
Yesterday K asks me about something around 3pm, clearly smashed already. Him and M end up going out at 6pm (likely for dinner at our local bar) and come back around 9pm. Both are really drunk at this point. My fiance and I heard M screaming their dog's name after we got home and I assumed the dog pissed on the carpet or something. But then we hear an array of "fuck yous" exchanged between M and K, more screaming and my fiancé overheard M saying she was going to call us. She shortly starts screaming my name and "help" so we rushed over to see what was going on (I assumed something was seriously wrong with the dog and she needed help getting to a vet or something). M was fucking hysterical and asked us to move the cars. We all have one car each in our driveway, so we often have to switch them around to get out. K's car is closest to the gate so M asks me to move it, then move our cars. It takes forever to get to that point between verbal abuse between the two, M throwing K's wallet at him and more uncomfortable shit. M gets in the car with nothing but the dogs, sobbing and asking me to find her a spare set of keys in the house while K argues with my fiancé about him not being allowed to move his car. Chaos ensues but ultimately K allows us to move his car and ours and let M go. Eventually M speeds away with the dogs after fighting with K about stealing them in the middle of the street. At this point all our neighbours are watching (its a quiet neighbourhood) and are on the verge of calling the police.
We received an awkward apology from K at that point and I've received a message from M telling me she's safe at a friend's place and apologizing for involving us in their "drama". We still have no idea what sparked everything, but my fiancé says he thinks he heard a "stop hitting me" but definitely a "stop touching me" before she started screaming for our help. I feel guilty that we just let her drive off - she was very drunk and it was after curfew. But our only other option was not moving the cars and leaving her stuck with a potential abuser or calling the police - there was no rationalizing with either of them. She's normally very level headed so I don't know what could've happened to get her so hysterical. On the other hand we've never seen her so drunk either. Now we have another month left on our lease and its awkward as fuck. I don't know when she'll be coming back but I know she has to fetch her things and I'll most likely be home when that happens as my lectures have moved online due to a third wave of covid in our country.
No. 835203
>>835201I need to stress that this is extremely out of character for them and we would've never anticipated something like this happening. I am so worried about her coming back and shit going down again, and I'm also so worried about her. I've been in kind of similar situations in my teens with an
abusive ex and leaving is so difficult - if that is along the lines of what happened here. Fiancé is at work (he can't take time off as its his last week before he starts a new job) and I'm home alone with K on the property. We don't have anywhere else to go, we have a few pets and our closest friends and family are 800km away from us. Its such a shitty situation I never thought I'd have to deal with seeing as living here has been amazing thus far.
No. 835204
>>835203K needs to go to Alcoholics Anonymous
This is the only advice I can give. Sorry for being useless
No. 835205
>>835133They're just old hs classmates it's not that big of a d-
>they don't follow him backLOL dump that motherfucker, he's cooming to their photos
No. 835262
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Coworker tricked me into saying something that could cause me problem at work and I'm really worried now.
Basically he sent me something to "give feedback on" and in the way he said it I understood that he made it; so I've talked like I'd talk to him normally, solid feedback but pretty critical because it wasn't good. Then he informed me it was made by a person that I have very strained professional relationship with and would never use the same words if giving feedback to him knowing it may strain our relationship even more; and now I worry said coworker may go behind my back and tell that other person what I've said. What do you think I should do, hope he will not backstab me like this and keep silent; or go to the guy I have problem with and maybe try to do some damage control in advance?
No. 835293
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i wish my family would just die or disappear i can’t stand them
No. 835325
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Sometimes I text my moid coworker on the weekend evenings because I actually want to befriend the guy but he's such an awkward sperg… To be fair, I did mention that I had been drinking and hell, maybe his dad beat the shit out of him while he's drunk or something. I'm not sure but he always gets awkward. I just want to talk about the interests we share but the fucker gets weird and then we don't talk the next day. And by weird, I mean… he seems annoyed. But then he messages me on the week days like nothing happened or like he wasn't being a massive weirdo. But when we text, he's just so annoye FFS man I literally don't have any friends besides my boyfriend, you're the only guy at work that even knows what anime is.
I don't care if he has a crush on me, he HIGHLY LIKELY doesn't, because he's a fucking weeb and I'm the exact opposite of the demographic he probs likes. (we all know what weebs like…….. image that, but the opposite – that's me). He's NOT local so we could likely never meet and he knows I have a boyfriend. He has never ever expressed interest in me or even shows "the signs" so I personally feel like he may be more annoyed. Truly I'm not sure what to do. If we don't talk for a while, he messages me randomly. I don't think he wants to be friends, not sure. What do you all think?
I can think of reasons he'd not want to be my friend. He recommends anime and music but I never have the time, so if he asks "Hey did you listen to XYZ? Hey, did you watch XYZ?" I always say no… He probs feels I don't value his suggestions, I guess.
No. 835393
>>835389They treat you so much better once you start treating them like garbage, they fall over themselves trying to please you.
I used to wonder why my friend had a caring, loving boyfriend even though she treated him like a useless idiot, meanwhile I danced to my ex's tune trying to please him and he seemed to just get meaner and meaner. I've seen the light now, I'm never going back.
No. 835433
nonny. I hate drawing men. Women are just so much more aesthetic.
No. 835435
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Just recently, at nearly 30 years old I've finally come to terms with and accepted I grew up in an emotionally/mentally abusive & neglectful home and that It's a major reason for my insane, self-destructive behavior over the years. That It's why I had trouble holding down a job, why I can't sleep at night, why my emotions are so volatile, why I have chronic anxiety in every aspect of my life, why I ruin all of my relationships and can't let people in. For so long I was in denial of it, for so long I kept telling myself "It wasn't that bad, my family loved me. He only slapped me on the my arms/hands, not on my face and only a few times. It's fine that I remember most of my childhood was spent being alone or yelled at, I'm sure a lot of people grew up that way. I'm just being pathetic. I'm just acting crazy.". But they did love me, I really truly think they did. They were just fucked up too. I'm still having a hard time accepting it, but I can't keep lying to myself when the truth is right in front of me. I would never stand and watch as a parent full on screams into their child's face for not acting 'properly' or doing something 'wrong'. Then to only scream more at them more for beginning to cry, calling them stupid & overreacting for crying after being terrorized by their parent. That's not normal, that's not healthy, that's not acceptable and it happened more times than I can count. That's just one example of the environment I grew up in. But It's still so fucking hard to accept that it was wrong, that it was abuse, even though I would never let that happen to another
I'm only now recognizing how many 'quirks' of mine and stupid shit I do are trauma responses. It's so fucking scary.
No. 835447
Some days ago there was a (for me unexpected) storm that I was caught in wearing my summer clothes. I was nearby a place from one of my dad's old friends and decided to take shelter there because I was soaking wet in a white croptop and the rain was horrible. Today I came in again to return the coat he had lent me. He said (in front of a friend who was there) that he found it funny and likened it to a wet t-shirt contest, continuing by saying that's why he took off his shirt so quickly to give me so I could cover my… And then he couldn't finish the sentence. I didn't know what a wet t-shirt contest was, so I was confused and asked "contest?". He joked with it further and emphasised how funny the situation was. I didn't really like that nor understand, as the situation was truly horrible, so I simply said it wasn't just my shirt that was wet, but also my pants and even shoes, which felt terrible and cold and was difficult to clean. I then went to the toilet and Googled what a wet t-shirt contest was. I was absolutely appalled that he would make such a comment, especially when it was about a situation that I felt terrible and alone in. For context, I'm 18 and he knew me since I was a little girl and he is 50 something and his friend was too. I feel really disgusted that I would be sexualised like that and constantly. He kept repeating himself one way or another and not taking my feelings seriously when I said it wasn't a nice experience. I feel immature for making a big deal out of this, but I just don't like being sexualised like this, especially not by adult male family and especially not when the situation was already really saddening and terrible.
No. 835466
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I was prescribed an oral steroid for my eczema and now I feel like beating the shit out of people every single day. Everything is fucking irritating me. I looked up what I was prescribed and there's fucking boomer memes about it so at least thats something to have a laugh at
No. 835501
>>835497Idk, my ex seemed like a wonderful guy when i met him and when we first started dating. Then he turned out to be a coomer and a pedophile. Its not like i just went "welp, this guy has a huge porn collection and loves underage girls, i think I'll date him!" They have a way of tricking you into thinking they're good.
Also, most scrotes are terrible, most of the good ones are taken.
No. 835526
I posted a few days ago about seriously considering quitting therapy
>>833952. Well, I just did. What I haven't considered was my therapist asking me to come to one more meeting so we can summarize our work together (so I could find out what she thinks and say what I think). I have managed to decline (I have decided it's not worth to continue for me ATM), but suddenly feel sad about it a few hours later. I guess maybe I'm curious what the therapist would say, or I'm craving validation. I wish I didn't have to penny pinch, cause I could just go… but I'm worried I would just waste more money.
No. 835531
>>835501>>835497Yeah, I think this is a pretty nuanced issue. Like, my ex was almost as garbage of a boyfriend as you can get and the red flags were there, but he always had an excuse,
valid seeming explanation, or would successfully gaslight me. It's been almost 8 years since I left him, but I still have a hard time forgiving myself for being such an idiot back then and not pulling the plug soon enough to save myself the horror show I went through because of him.
I thank god evrry day that I at least had the brains to never have a kid with him, though. One of my friends had an even worse boyfriend who she chose to procreate with and I will never understand what possessed her to be that fucking stupid.
No. 835537
>>835515anon, I can relate to you 100%. I often wish I could build some sort of online presence (even if it's just like group of 10-20 people circlejerking a common interest) but I am way too paranoid about being doxxed and I'm not sure how much of myself I want to put out there.
I censor myself to the point of complete silence, but without saying anything I cannot connect with others.
It's something I think about quite often, especially when I see controversial topics online and I have my own opinions but I end up keeping it to myself.
No. 835556
>>835447I really fucking hate men so much. You did nothing wrong. Why cant men just not be fucking weird with people. I would not go near him again.
You are not immature. You are not overreacting. You are using your women's instincts to tell you DANGER DANGER because this man might be a predator.
No. 835560
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My good friend of 10 years married a white cop who votes Republican and is now influencing her with his shitty racist rhetorik . I'm just so disappointed in her, and don't think we can be friends anymore.
No. 835595
>>835571Also nta, but
>influencing her with his shitty racist rhetorikmakes it sound like OP's friend is now saying racist shit, which is a good reason to drop someone imo. Not that you need a good reason though, no one is obligated to hang on to friends they no longer want.
No. 835614
>>835571>try not to alienate your friend for her retarded political viewsYeah but racism, anon?
The buck has gotta stop somewhere. Hanging out with racists is a bad association, and I'm assuming by the context here that anon's friend isn't white. It's not to her advantage to adopt those views by the very white people who'd sooner throw her under a bus, but hopefully she'd stay on their good graces as the token 'one of the good ones' minority among them.
No. 835627
>>835586I feel it's unfair to folks solely for the fact that poor people have already gotten away with having kids, and having those kids mostly funded by social welfare. To me it's more like a guilt trip for people with an actual conscience, who would delay having kids because of their status but would be more likely to work on it harder and be better to their kids for the fact.
Religious kooks and selfish narcs who are poor already don't give a fuck about their child's welfare and so that saying would fall deaf on ears who should've heeded it most.
Just my two cents…
No. 835630
I dont know why I attract the same fucking moids in my life over and over again for both relationships and even just friends. It's like clones of each other repeating over and over again; covert narcs with the same passive aggressive behavior manifesting in blatant ignoring and ghosting me until they need something (or the girl they wanted to date finally dumped their narc ass). On top of that I feel like my hands are tied in terms of setting boundaries and conditions because as a NEET I'm constently being reminded subtly that these people are doing me a favour making time for me when they could be doing important adult things, and that since I don't do shit with life supposedly I should just be on call 24/7 whenever.
What really kills is none of these fuckers are (besides having a job and money) any fucking better then me from an emotional/social point of view as human beings. One is semi-autist that just "discovered" imageboard/chan culture at the age of 40 via wallstreetbets and is obsessed with jailbait DDLG meme (despite zero real life evidence any woman under 28 wants to fuck with him). Another is literal the textbook covert narc, loner who soends 90% of his time alone, all his relationships are transactional, LARPS being a trendy socialist poors despite his family owning the largest commercial printing business in Australia. Is shocked that after years of ignoring me, showing his blatant contempt for me because I'm a "rich kid" when my dad literally got lucky and started making money when I was in my twenties, I didn't go to private school that took students on a 2-week vacation to fucking papua new guniea. Third is 48 year old man-child that gets drunk in bars and starts shouting random chapoid and lefttard anti-capitalist talking points at waitresses trying to take last call, thinks I'm the one who is "embarrassing" to be around because last time we went out together I was angry and in bad mood because of my fucking FRAUD DISPUTE with my bank. I think the one I have the most angrer toward is my ex though. I wasted six years of my life trying to build some kind of relationship with him, crying and feeling rejected (really the best years of my life in terms of my physical beauty tbh) and he doesn't have time in 2 fucking weeks to pick up the phone and give me advice about my fraud dispute or even fucking acknowledge me with a text reply back. Apparently for this almost 50 y/o man that plays pokemon go and looks like a cross between blackopscels and jared kushner, there are better fish in sea and since we don't date anymore he is not even required to acknowledge I exist, after telling me constantly he would always be there for me. Honestly I feel like sometimes I just exist in a world of retarded animals that see people in transactional means only; I can't wait for this current generation of 35-45 year old men to hit 50+ and come to dawning realization that they are gonna die alone, with almost no friends that they made any kind of meaningful relationships with, just a fucking dog and their stock portfolio.
No. 835634
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I'm still angry that the made up tumblr genders and sexualities somehow managed to survive and got worse. People took them so seriously that companies are now jumping on the band wagon. fucking clown world
No. 835635
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I really need to hide the news stories threads because they make me so angry. I'm so sick of women meeting terrible fates because of some retarded scrote.
No. 835642
>>835630>as a NEETThis is why anon.
You need your own income.
There's only a certain type of man who wants a woman who doesn't have an income for herself and it's almost never for good intentions.
You said it yourself that the men start treating you some type of way precisely because they know you're in a vulnerable position where you're more inclined to tolerate it.
No. 835643
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>>835634Ikr? it pisses me off, all this gendershit is so unsustainable, ridiculous, meaningless and stupid it surprises me that it didn't die on Tumblr like the fade it was, people are pathetic as fuck. Next generations are going to clown us for this (at best, at worst they're going to hate us).
No. 835652
>>835586I am in the early 30s and waited until i had a good career and relationship to even think of kids. We're trying this year since we felt trying during the pandemic was really irresponsible. But so many people i used to work with are 20 or 21 with a kid already and barely can afford to raise them without another job or another spouse to support and help out. it's cringe that a lot of young people are obsessed with being the 'cool young parent' and not financially or mentally ready to have kids.
>>835623This is exactly why women need to STOP accommodating and pandering to men. They would never do the same for us.
No. 835679
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>>835435Anon, I'm sorry… I feel you. Sending hugs from a similar boat.
At first, I heard about "high sensitive people" and I was like, "oh wow that's me!" then years later, I realized it was all the trauma making me a sensitive, nervous wreck. Welp…
No. 835690
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Well anons I’m doing it, I’ve decided to quit abusing adderall, see my pcp, cancel my prescription, and tell my pcp I need cardio examination so I can determine how much I fucked up my circulatory system. I’m scared and I don’t know where to turn so I’m dumping it all in this vent thread. So sick of relying on these stupid meds to control my moods and I’m getting too old for this bullshit and sick of having a health scare every other week.
No. 835707
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I don’t get my brain. I could be having lots of fun: at a party with my friends, traveling, eating nice food at a great restaurant, learning something new, working out…
And I would still think about hanging myself or suffering a quick death like the plane or car crashing and me being the only person dying, or catching some illness or getting murdered right there.
I have a great life, of course, like everyone else, I argue with people, I have low moments and such.
But ever since I’m like 10, I’ve been thinking about suddenly dying and not existing anymore, I do think about the consequences of death, but it’s like when a movie is over and everything goes black, then my mind goes blank for a few seconds and then I start thinking about something else or someone tells me something and such.
I don’t know how to stop this anymore, before I could start just thinking about something else and that was it, then I started imagining my husbando of the week helping me stop feeling like dying.
But now that doesn’t work anymore, I’ve even learnt how to tie a noose and I’ve practiced feeling the pressure on my neck.
I could be listening to a nice song, receiving good news or doing something I like and I would end up thinking about dying.
Maybe it’s because of the pandemic and my recently dead family members?
No. 835759
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>>835435Hypersensitive emotionally stunted old farmers unite
No. 835789
>>835759Yes I would like to apply.
You can speak to my friends and family for a good reference.
No. 835802
>>835435>It's fine that I remember most of my childhood was spent being alone or yelled at, I'm sure a lot of people grew up that way. I'm just being pathetic.Your post is 1 to 1 my experience but this one especially hit hard. Almost all of my childhood memories are about being alone or yelled at. Certain words unironically
trigger a trauma response and make me go back into being a 10-year old being screeched at and slapped across the head, then being yelled at some more after "overreacting" and crying. All of this over some mundane shit that did not warrant such a dramatic response, even looking back. Like you anon, I thought all of this was normal way into my mid to late 20's because my friends grew up in equally broken homes and I had no real perspective on how things should be. Needless to say I'm emotionally underdeveloped and unable to hold a relationship due to crippling self esteem issues.
The weird thing is that I have a good relationship with my parents now in my 30's and I love them more than anything, but it's still painful to think back to how they treated me as a child and I'm probably never getting an answer since they pretend it never happened. It's like I crossed timelines and got a set of new parents because they're nothing like the
abusive ones I grew up with.
No. 835813
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Why did I let my friend do my homework for me? I was under a lot of pressure and he insisted that he could handle it. Turns out he wasted time doing completely irrelevant parts and none of the important bits, even though it was very straightforward, with several example documents, and the teacher had written a plan for us. Now I have to do it anyway
No. 835876
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Okay now tell me why a socially stunted retarded introvert like me is pretending like I'm interested in commercial/sales in an interview. I really set my fucking self up.
No. 835895
>>835880This is why I dont post with the rodent communities.
>>835869I didnt even know this existed until now but that's sad I am sorry for your great grandmother. I'm not sure how your living situation is but I hope you're able to have a gf then marry if it's what you want anon.
No. 835983
>>835973Nayrt but it means pushing yourself to do something out of your comfort zone, realising that you don't die as a result of it and so becoming used to it and then pushing yourself a little further again next time. As you gain life experiences you learn that you can cope with things, if you never force yourself to do stuff then you stay incapable but also nobody is telling you to put yourself in actual dangerous situations.
Force yourself to go to events, to help others, to talk to people.
No. 836009
>>836000Why can't you take her word for it that it's okay you didn't complete college?
It's a fucking piece of paper. For example, my narc mother couldn't give two shits less about mine these days even though at the time she held an advanced degree over me like it was life and death. Now my student debts are my own burden to bear and our relationship is nonexistent despite meeting most of her silly expectations.
You have a great mom. I'm sure what would make her happy is knowing that you are happy. Figure that out, cause it sounds like the college ship might have sailed for now and you need a different path.
No. 836012
nonnie, I’m so sorry. That sounds like a lot of pressure you’re under. I wish I could offer some solid tried and true advice that would rectify the situation, it’d help me a lot too, but I haven’t got any answers. Only reassurances that you can keep trying. Plenty of people have felt similarly and come out on the other side. I hope for all of us who feel we strayed too far from our path and completely ruined our futures that we eventually heal and push through and come out on the other side happy and at peace.
No. 836024
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I hate the double standards on this site. I've had legit, perfectly civil conversations that mentioned ethnic groups by name (interethnic dating being one topic) and was banned for 'racebaiting'. How the fuck my posts were considered racebaiting, I'll never know. So anyway, I started using a VPN. I just logged into one, and it looks like this lolcow user used the same VPN. She was banned not for racebait, but for being off-topic. At least she was banned tho, 99% of the time disgusting comments fly as long as the target is anglos. Fuck this site.
No. 836030
>>836028ok fair enough.
>>836029I was banned on a different IP that expired a long time ago. I use VPNs on all sites now, just a change. I am aware this will probably cop a ban anyway. But who cares?
No. 836035
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>>836026god you just can't get over the fact that some people like to fish huh
No. 836098
>>835723My mom in a nutshell. I’m like 99% sure at least since she was always vehemently against getting a psychological evaluation which was my dad’s leverage on her. I wish I could find an actual community online for support kek. If anyone has any please link me, I swear every narcissistic parent support group or forum is full of people who demonize their mothers for the most asinine shit. My mom actually used to use our child support money on her nails and tanning. I worry about what will happen to her as she ages because I theorize she won’t be able to handle waning sexual interest.
But just to be clear despite having a mother like this, I know of no one whose mother fits the same bill but I do know dozens of people who have deadbeat fathers that are essentially as bad as my mom. I hate when MRA types take rare instances like my mom who is an actual narcissist or a sociopath and conflate it to “awalt” or whatever. Idk maybe other anons relate?
No. 836103
>>836024On a similar note I hate how every time you complain there’s always some anon on here who is hostile towards anons that have negative experiences with the mods. Clearly some of you haven’t been banned because the janny read your post wrong and flagged it as “blogposting” or “bait” mistakenly. Let me give examples, once I got banned because some stoner janny flagged my post as “bait” and banned me for 1 day after I posted my actual opinion about stoners and weed. I have strong and sometimes unpopular opinions but they’re never bait. IIRC I posted the weed opinion in the actual unpopular opinions thread. Then another time I got banned for blogposting when I wasn’t even doing that, the janny misread my post and banned me for 3 days with a petty message but when I went to meta to write about it I was swarmed with shitlicker farmers accusing me of bringing about the ban. I’ve seen this happen to other anons in meta, wtf is wrong with the anons who just camp out there to heckle people that get banned? If you have so much time and allegiance to lc then apply to be a janny ffs. And because some janny will check my post history I’m on mobile just for the record, not ban evading either.
My advice is to be conscious of which threads you use because some are very tightly moderated. Just don’t talk about race—imo a lot of that rule has to do with summoning polfags who are actual racists and are already on here lurking and posting (conspiracy thread is probably full of them tbh). Just for reference on other sites ofc using vpns is pointless if you don’t clear your trackers/cookies.
No. 836121
>>836103Those are a lot of words just to say you can't handle a time out from shitposting
It can be annoying when you get the ban notice as you're in the middle of writing a big post but those kind of bans are so short and easily appealed
No. 836216
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my sister and i share a bathroom with a separated shower and bathtub. she only likes to take baths and never takes showers. i only take showers and never take baths, it's a good system we have.
but she recently bought a pair of rats that she lets them play in the shower because they keep escaping from the playpen she got for them. they shit and piss everywhere and she rarely cleans it up. i'm gonna catch a fucking disease <3
No. 836240
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>>836236Look at the bushbaby
No. 836241
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>>836240ty anon thats pretty cute
No. 836243
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>>836240holy shit ive never known what these are called im crying they’re so cute
No. 836245
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>>836241I always feeeel like
Somebody’s waaatching meeeee
(And I have no privacy)
No. 836252
>>836234she's a fucking lolcow, if she ever posted on social media then she would 100% have a thread in /snow/, it's kind of sad but then again she's 30 and should know better
it's also worth mentioning that she won't let them in her tub because she thinks it's gross but has no problem leaving them in my area
>>836231i was thinking kill the vermin but that also works
No. 836280
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I managed to get a really good job with amazing benefits and I start next week, but I'm suddenly paralyzed with this weird anxiety over it. It's my first full-time job and I only get Sundays off. The idea of going from nothing to all my time revolving around a job for the rest of my life is making me insane. I should be excited and not bitch about it, but I can't stop this feeling. I hope it goes away after I've worked for a bit.
No. 836282
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my e-date says he looks like this and what can I say, he kinda really does down to the hunchback
I think I have shit taste
No. 836288
>>836260He's a junkie because he's addicted to drugs, i can almost guarantee that there's no tragic backstory.
Also this makes it 100% more likely he's bullshitting about being a self taught master hacker who doesn't need to work any more but chooses to have a warehouse job.
I'm not trying to be nasty when I say this, I know you're a virgin but if you're this naive about lame dudes you're going to fall for some downright dangerous shit. It's well worth learning to take a deep breath, step back, and not get caught up in the crushy feelings, because that's how you give away your ability to be objective about dudes who are awful. r/femaledatingstrategy has a wiki on building self esteem and how to vet shitty men. Good luck
No. 836299
>>836289Haha BPD machine go brrrrrrrrr.
Srsly tho that’s hallmark behaviour for bpdchans. DBT and CBT, start em yesterday.
No. 836312
>>836289Going against the grain here but I don’t see a massive problem with this if you’re actually cutting these people off. The problem I had with bpdchan friends is they would never actually leave, just cut me off then come back and fuck around again, rinse and repeat. Losing friendships of ones that did leave hurt too but was by far the better approach.
Accepting that people are complex are imperfect is part of life but if you’re unwilling to do that then it’s at least positive that you’re removing yourself from those situations.
No. 836319
I think my boyfriend may have still been dating his ex during the first six months of our relationship. At first I didn’t have any reason to suspect it since they had been long distance before we were dating and I was always going over to his apartment to hang out with him at the time. We’ve been dating for a year and a half now and two months ago I was trying to stalk his ex out of curiosity and found a Reddit account with the same username as her instagram and found that another user had called her by his ex’s name. That and other details he had told me about their relationship that lined up with the details given by the account, it really seems like it is his ex. I’m 95% sure at this point. About a year ago he told me he was going to help his family out by letting his cousin stay with him while she was returning from another state with higher cases so his aunt and uncle wouldn’t have to quarantine at home too. He said they didn’t have a lot of money and they really needed to keep working and I didn’t think anything of it at the time. But according to the account, they had broken up on the last day of the quarantine and the account said it was day two of the breakup and when looking at the date it was posted, it lined up with the last day of his and his cousin’s quarantine. I looked back at our texts that day and remembered how he wanted to text me all day and he apologized for being clingy and then told me later he was sad around that time but never told me why. So… I think they really were still going out. Some things still don’t make sense like I met his family a month before the quarantine, I could’ve met them a lot earlier than that but I was still too shy, and he had told them we were dating a week after we got together. I was also texting him all the time while he was in quarantine and about half of that was sexts, legit I don’t know how he could’ve gotten away with that when the account said the breakup came out of no where and never seemed to think there was anything wrong. I’ve also always known since the beginning of us going out, that he was unhappy in their relationship and when we were first having sexual, he wasn’t sure if he could maintain an erection. He ended up having no problems with me and he said he might’ve struggled with it before due to falling out of love with his ex.
Anyways, when I found that account I confronted him and he denied everything and said while the details seemed really similar to him, he had permanently broken up with her before we got together. We were talking on the phone and he seemed genuinely upset that I was having doubts in him and not trusting him. It actually made me feel like shit and I instantly believed him at the time because I really thought if I provided him with the account screenshots, he would tell the truth immediately. But while I was able to believe him at first, I’m having doubts again because there’s no way all of that was just a coincidence. Which sucks ass. He was my first ever boyfriend. My first kiss, my first everything and we get along so well and never had any major problems. I’m very happy with him and I thought he was very happy with me too. We were best friends before dating. I just hate life right now because I’m going back and forth between believing him and doubting him and I feel like even if I bring this up to him again, I’m not gonna get the reassurance I need. I’m also scared in the chance it really all was just a coincidence, I might fuck up the only relationship I’ve ever had. It’s hard I almost don’t want to break up with him in the case it is true because he’s made me so happy and he’s the only person I can call a friend at the moment, but at the same time I don’t want to be with someone who’s cheated on me. I can’t be with someone I can’t trust. I keep putting off having another conversation with him because I know it’s going to end with a lot of stress no matter what but it’s still killing me in the inside. I just feel like the world’s hugest dumbass right now. Sorry if shit post.
No. 836379
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I spent the majority of my life fighting through a fog of childhood trauma & mental illness. Now at 27, after a lot of work and experimental therapies, I feel like I've come alive again. One major thing is I've re-discovered my own creativity & love of drawing. I'm trying to catch up on all the lost time, and I really feel like my calling in life was to be an artist. But now it feels like it'll never happen, since I'm starting from 0 and other people my age pursuing a career in the arts have likely been studying their entire lives. Or at least started in their teens, not their late 20s. Not to mention how much competition there is in the field period. I'm still learning for my own enjoyment, but I'm not going to lie and say that It's not painful. It's painful even just to consider where I could have been by now and the things I could have done, had mental illness not robbed me of most of my current life.
I have no idea what direction to take my life, I'm giving myself one last summer vacation before I hunker down and try to seriously consider where to go from here in terms of schooling & a career path. It's scary, It's scary to only now in your late 20s to only now feel in full control of your mind and life. But I know my only choice is to keep putting my life back together, to keep moving forward.
No. 836394
>>836379Lily is that you?
I believe we both can become artists, no matter what age we are. I believe in you. Please don't give up.
No. 836418
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hold me bros, after coming to terms with other things i was in denial of all this time, i'm starting to think i really was sexually abused as a child. that i was just so young i don't really remember it. it would have been at the time i just started even having recorded memories. i just remember toddling down to where he was and him giving me an ice cream from the chest, because he'd showed me he had them before ….. it makes my heart race to remember even that much, and even that is so, so fuzzy. but then i start to wonder if i'm just creating false memories, but then part of me wonders if that's just me being in denial.
No. 836431
I've been able to make my relationship look quite good, but internally I'm wrecked over it. I pretty much only care about being validated through sex and I want to feel desired by my boyfriend. It's not like he doesn't do anything, but it's never enough for me in terms of me feeling desired. Like, I am starting to give up on that idea and I pretty much rely on validation from compliments by other people and strangers at the moment, I base my worth on it and by how fuckable I feel I am to them. I wish I could appreciate my relationship for what it is - we do things together, we play video games together, we create art together, we talk for long hours, but it's not stimulating to me. The only thing I like doing is sex, really, but since I've accepted I'll never feel desired or wanted from my boyfriend I just like it because I can use a warm body to cum. I love my boyfriend and I feel shitty for being like this, but I don't know how to stop. I read a lot of books and create art and work out and all that, but it's not fulfilling at all. I just want validation that I'm attractive. I feel hideous and it sucks that's how I feel worth anything, I wish I found value in my other attributes. But I don't.
No. 836484
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I've always been chubby, my family used to make fun of me for it and comment on my weight a lot… Now I lost a bunch of weight, buy they still comment on my weight, except now they call me "scrawny" and "gaunt" instead.
Can't fucking win with this shit!
No. 836516
>>836484your family is
toxic and it sucks, the problem was never you or your weight
No. 836597
>>836484congrats on the weight loss anon and fuck those malignant bitches
i'm proud of you !!
No. 836619
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My bf and I were making sims of eachother in ts3 yesterday. Really made me feel some type of way when he took a look at me and dragged that nasolabial crease slider way up.
No. 836631
>>836577It's so great you're learning something useful, that's awesome! The internet is such an incredible resource for learning anything but people just use it for Facebook and dog videos, the people you're talking to probably can't extend their mind past their owm dumb internet use.
I wish you the best!
No. 836701
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I was going to treat myself because I've been having a super rough week since everything keeps getting dropped in my lap and thing keep going wrong EVERY FUCKING DAY spilt bleach on laundry, close family member gets diagnosed with cancer plus My doctors are fucking me around with my birth controll AND THEN I see McDickheads got rid of one of the only things I eat from them IM FUCKING RAGING
And now my ED is perking up with the "you don't deserve to eat unless it's the one thing you planned" FUCKING CHRIST I hate this,the one thing I was looking forward to this week
No. 836717
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Scheduled myself for orthodontics just to end up getting a rude doctor…
When I came here I thought it would be an orthodontist, just to find out that he is not one, but a normal dentist. (I scheduled myself while explaining everything about my situation and what I need…)
In the end I get:
> Turned out that he is the same nationality as me, which turned him into a different person. Started being playfully rude.
> Kept trying to convince me to go travel to homecity because he doesn't believe in COVID, while the current situation is so bad there that they had to turn malls into hospitals.
> I had to even bs sayingy parents work in the "red corridor"(that's what we call a COVID hospital that is full of horribly rough cases), he kept insisting
> Asked why I moved out, I explained
> Asked was a guy who came with me my partner, I said yes
> Asked why I chose him, a person with a different nation
> I went ??? And just said "he is a good person" (why tf would I need to answer to such question in a first place)
> He snarkily said that "not all people are good, a lot of them are manipulators"
I am so pissed, I never had to encounter such weird doctor before?!
He recommended me an orthodontist with amazing ratings, but he said a lot of things about him, that he is a terrifying man who would be mad over anything, when I'd see that all 45 reviews are 5 star, saying that this orthodontist is like a psychologist at the same time…
No. 836734
>>836729Even commenting why I chose this nation and saying snarky shit about my partner without knowing him… It pissed me off so much.
This place opened only a week ago in our medical center but I can easily imagine how bad it's gonna get.
No. 836773
>>836764Nayrt but thank you. I think all the new BPDfags are from tiktok, because i keep seeing tiktokers go self-diagnose themselves with BPD.
I am very proud of you anon for controlling yourself and having a great mindset about it. I got a bpd-chan family memember who does nothing but shows out of her basement once every three months just to throw hysterical fits for attention instead of acting like a normal human n realising that people are not going to babysit your ass.
No. 836843
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I was thinking about my dogs mortality and now I’m sobbing uncontrollably. Fuck.
No. 836900
>>836852Anon I hate this so much. I'm so scared of the day I'll have to deal with this. Once I couldn't see her body move so I went to gently shake her awake but she didn't wake up and I almost lost my mind. She used to jolt awake if the floorboards even creaked a little as you approached her, but she's just a deep sleeper now. Still terrified and still do not look forward to the day I wake up or come home and she's no longer there. Actually, I don't know what's worse, coming home to my dog that passed away while I was out, or holding her in my arms at the vet as she's put down.
Now I'm just fucking sad.
No. 836918
I don't the hate the United States or the American people, but the US ruined any chance me and a hundered million other Muslim women ever had, Islamism was dying and had a reduced influence in society and we had nationalist secular leaders but cause the US was so terrified of "communism" they funded, worked with and helped spread Islamist and ideology and its not going to end in this life time
Take my country for example, the CIA helped remove our elected secular socialist prime minister and put in place a Islamist Military dictatorship, during this period we had new laws that would sentence people to death for leaving Islam, the blasphemy law which gave death for insulting i.e criticizing Muhammad or lslam and many others and even though he's died in a plane crash and has been dead for for 30 years now those laws are still place and you can't remove them, a politician once said we should remove the blasphemy law and he was assassinited by his own bodyguard, the people celebrated the killer the built 3 shrine's in his name
I mean there's no hope for us in the Muslim world, I mean maybe an all powerful dictator who reduces Islamist power is maybe the only hope, cause Its not going away naturally
No. 836927
>>836900The worst thing? The dog is just the first. Everyone you love will die. I used to be horribly afraid of death. I still equally am, I just now wish to die before my loved ones.
I cannot give you consolation. There is none. The only way to fight death is to celebrate life.
No. 836995
>>836948That sucks
nonnie. I worry about getting them! Kek my mom got them from weight/shit diet, my sister from losing weight too quickly, and my other sister like you didn't have any prior issues.
No. 837014
>>836843>>836945I think about my dog's mortality every few days and it's been like this since he's been tiny as well. I love him so much and nothing will change that. The only way I can console myself is by getting another dog earlier so that I am not alone when the thing happens
>>836918I would like to read more about that. Where should I start? I'm only asking if some anon is able to point me in the right direction without doing my research. Thank you in advance.
No. 837032
>>837021TF is "violating" about seeing a
normal body part wrapped in a normal piece of clothing? Don't go full twitterfag gc anons puheeelase
No. 837037
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It's funny my fiance is the most beautiful person i've ever met and the sweetest one too, but ever since he's been playing LoL the whole pandemic he became more and more aggressive and mad. He would lose one game he would be mad, and let it out on me. Whenever i ask if i should offer him some help and comfort, he refuses to and gets even more pissed at me. I tell him to have some space, he also gets mad over that and says he doesn't need it. I don't want to break up or anything, but i really want him to understand that his game isn't anything of importance and that it isn't justified for lashing out on me when i wasn't doing anything. I always tell him to relax and play a more relaxing game but he also refuses to do that. What the fuck am i even supposed to do?? im really out of ideas, and ending the relationship seems petty to me, considering it's just the game that is the problem and his temper. It's like im arguing with a toddler. Mind you he's one year younger than me and he's also almost in his 20s.
Even i get mad at games, but i never lash out on others. Nonnies, if you ever had such a similar problem, what did you do? or say? i really need some advice on this, because it's really messing with my mental health lately and i feel exhausted.
No. 837045
>>837037He doesn't want to get help, so that's a big mistake on his part. It doesn't matter if he was sweet before, what matters is the fact that he's making you uncomfortable and using you as an emotional punching bag. That isn't okay. Even if in the future he goes "back to normal", what if a pandemic happens again and this is how he decides to act again? The key here is that it's his choice to not be able to control his emotions from playing videogames. What about other kinds of hardships? How would he react?
I think he always was like this deep inside but never let it out until recently when he became more comfortable with acting angry and mad towards you. I would break up with him, specially because he's hurting you a lot.
No. 837060
>>837055I agree with this, even though I'm not a tradthot. I just think men in women clothing that is made with women's curves and bodies in mind is something I find disgusting
If men want to wear skirts and dresses designed for their bodies, fine. But let women wear what is intended to be for us only, I'm gatekeeping it
No. 837062
>>837057This reeks of twitterfag. Yaaas queen everything you feel is
No. 837071
>>837048I'd say you're the one that sounds like a twitterfag
>don't say violated!!!>it's manipulative to not want to see a dick in public!!!!!dicks are gross mate no matter what. I like dicks and even I don't want to see them in public, let alone in women's clothing because that's disgusting
No. 837073
>>837046I felt this. I hate that we have to include shit like
>be hygienic >control your anger>have some semblance of emotional intelligencein what you're looking for when that shit should be default. You don't see scrotes complaining about their ex who never washed their ass
No. 837096
>>837091>>837093He's the type to Dox though so i'm concerned he'd dox me and the other
victim and I don't want her to be reminded or have to deal with it
I've just emailed my case Detetive about it to see if the case is still going forward (my country sucks for SA cases) so I'm going to see if I can go the legal route
thank you anons for responding means alot
No. 837102
>>836918As that anon
>>837014 mentioned, I would also like to read more about it
No. 837118
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I often forget that my country is actually considered to have an ongoing war. It's not that I don't see it everyday, I certainly do when I watch the news. But since I see it everyday I just got used to it and now I see it as the the norm. People dying, corpses, gun fights, feminicide, kidnappings, human slavery and traffic. So I guess when people use pic related it does apply to me.
No. 837134
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I went to bloomingdales to get a perfume as a gift to myself because i had a miserable work week and the counter lady was so god damn rude. She ignored me the entire time and was speaking (very friendly) to another women she obviously knew. i got so discouraged that i left without buying anything. fuck you, bitch
No. 837176
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Recently, I was talking to a family member who mentioned she was attending a friend's wedding with her bf. She went on to say she really wanted to wear this big poofy white dress to it. We were trying to convince her not to since that would be pretty disrespectful for the bride, but she plays dumb and refuses to see why it would be a bad thing.
This isn't the first time she's done something like this either. Am I wrong for being concerned over this behavior? I'm pretty sure this girl just really wants attention or something.
No. 837190
>>837189It's literally not. My post was about brands advertising gay/straight men in lingerie.
I smell a scrote
No. 837193
>>837190You know I could just scroll back up and read the post that I originally responded to which said
>I actually do want skirts to equal female. I want female only spaces and traditionally female things to stay female only. So why the fuck are you lying lmao?
No. 837196
>>837193How tf are you going to freak out on
nonnie for wanting female only spaces and things ? Get a grip lol
No. 837199
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one of my best friends has turned into an absolute internet cow to the point they’re a dairy farm. i don’t consider them a friend anymore. the clout has caused them brain damage
No. 837216
>>837215And expecting people to believe you’re female.
The faggot doth protest too much.
No. 837218
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I feel like such an idiot for having such a hard time doing my own hair. This shit is fucking hard. I can't even braid.
No. 837220
>>837217I was replying to who I was replying to, you braindead faggot.
I was expanding on nonners point.
No. 837222
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>>837215>>837216It's a common figure of speech that was penned by William Shakespeare in the play Hamlet. William Shakespeare was a writer. A writer is someone who puts words together to make up a story. If your dumbass needs anything else explained to you please let me know.
No. 837227
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nonny, stay mad.
No. 837264
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I seriously want to kms. My dad walked in on me flicking the bean.
No. 837300
>>837291I relate more then you can ever know, I have a NEET sister in law as well and I've been trying to be friendly with her years but she's openly hostile towards me
She has this delusion that I'm stealing away her family. Cause I get along with my in-Laws and I genuinely want that all of us hang out together but she stays in her room all days and never bathes
No. 837317
>>837300thank you so much for responding, anon. That really helps. I don't have anyone to relate to at all. And kek, she never bathes too!! I remember when I tried befriending her at the very beginning, she admitted she hates showering… While wearing nothing but leggins and aliexpress sanrio hoodie all the time. You also described her exact way of thinking. Though, here its more about her being mad that nothing resolves around her.
She's been trying to turn her partners against me (thankfully they knew me before), but in the end gave up with it and turned a vunerable 18yo into her venting machine that listens to anything she says.
She kept claiming that her and my partner are like 'twins' just to end up becoming a petty, insufferable bitch who acts rude not only towards me, but him.
I kept trying to be friendly towards her too, just to end up always getting either nothing or some jealousy back.
Her only way of getting attention is through creating some random dramas, to a point where some of her friends who knew her for over 10 years just went 'fuck it', because she would keep nuking her discord server left and right cuz 'it was dead for a long time' when people would have at least short chats daily. Her friends are all busy with work or masters degree when she doesn't have any education (only a month of art school) or a job.
No. 837332
>>837325maybe writing something could help, too
i think its also nice to do some 7day (or more) art challenges, doesnt mean that you
have to draw only finished artworks, even doodles help!
No. 837334
>>837317Yeah my SIL is completely reliant on her parents, she has no IRL friends and spends her days locked in her room, for company she really has my husband and her parents and no one else
Anytime we visit, she goes up to him and shows him "cool video" she found, makes him watch it and then discuss it with her, and I sympathize with her and I wanna be her friend but she hates me for seemingly no reason
No. 837336
File: 1624523921226.png (197.19 KB, 589x529, airbnb.PNG) came across this article and I hate how this risk of staying at a stranger's flat/house has never even occured to me somehow; I hope it's because I was always staying in airbnb with someone else, not because i'm dumb and naive.
No. 837415
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My boyfriend off-hand-y called me a freak for dressing the way I like and told me I should grow up and that he was worried about me in for not caring how society perceives me.
Serves me right for dating a normie I guess, he just doesn't get how retard clothes and self expression brings me so much joy.
No. 837420
nonnie dump that scrote he doesn't understand queen shit
No. 837452
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>>837415I bet he dresses like picrel anon, moids are so lazy and unfashionable they don't understand anything about looking cool.
No. 837466
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>>837420Im on the verge of doing so, it depends on his reaction to the fact that he actually made me cry over this.
>>837452Worse anon, he dresses like picrel and thinks it makes him look professional and presentable.
No. 837475
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>>837415Absolute trash anon, he doesn’t deserve you
No. 837497
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reading the vent thread and seeing all the nonnies complain about how genuinely visceral their boyfriends are but still lowkey defending them makes me angry to my core
No. 837519
>>837509>how did the boundaries get fucked up this badMen never ask women for their numbers at work unless they want an "in" to escalate with you eventually, especially if he isn't on friendly terms with other women at work in that way. He took you giving your number to text (and sorry
nonnie, but texting back and forth about hobbies and getting to know you is preliminary date shit) as a greenlight to ask you for more.
Agree with the others. Lie about having a boyfriend and play dumb.
No. 837556
>>837554Cause that's what guys in romcoms do and they get the girl in the end. Must work the same IRL, right? Just prove your dedication by ignoring boundaries and the women of your dreams will become yours LMFAO.
Bet the guy is sure life is finally turning around now that he has a job with a cute waifu-to-be waiting for him there.
No. 837561
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>>837415dump him
nonnie>>837521What type of job are you loking for ? I hope you will find something soon!
No. 837572
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i'm playing an obscure roleplaying mmo (peak hours, it gets maybe ~160 players, generous estimate) and seeing people in the attached discord try to act "high and mighty" or just generally smug and rude pisses me off.
it's like, look. your character has no purpose outside of being a cum-dump for another, more important character. everyone knows it. literally everyone knows it. you have a track record of attaching yourself to people that are actually doing things. that's okay, but you're the LAST person who should be trying to make someone else feel bad about the way they're writing their character, or their goals for said character, etc. etc. etc.
and even beyond your own sins: this game is nerdy. okay? i love it but it's nerdy to hell and back. the lore is like a mish-mash of tolkien, game of thrones, and some autistic weebs ramblings in their "world-building xD" folder on deviantart. you play this game too, you're a nerd, what is the point of trying to be an asshole
yes i posted this in the wrong thread, i'm a fucker
No. 837608
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My mother is becoming a libertarian, my father has strong communist leanings, and I wish I was dead. Dinner conversations are hell on Earth.
No. 837610
>>837598You sure you're not gay,
No. 837626
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Why the FUCK am I crushing so hard on someone I barely even know. We've said maybe five words to each other and I'm already imagining our life together. Why do I have to be this way. I hate boys fuck fuck fuck fuck
No. 837627
>>837614Given that my mother has bought thousands of dollars of food for me in her apocalypse prepping, that isn't really an option. They are good people, I just can't stand them all the time.
It would be easier if my mother would let me get an actual job, but I am working online to try and save up a little.
No. 837643
>>837605Anon have you ever had the experience as a child where you would be comfortably reading a book or playing a game, or doing some kind of quiet hobby outside of your schoolwork, and your parents would say like "Oh good, since you're not doing anything can you do this chore/help me with xyz?"
If so, I think it's your turn. Retirees generally have already done enough tedious work in their lives to warrant a break, but to not even ask you how you're doing is so incredibly rude that I think he's earned an interruption in his chill time.
No. 837649
>>837626I feel you anon. I talked to someone for an hour and haven't spotted them again in the few weeks since that chat. Keep hoping to bump into them somehow.
Oh hope… hope only brings pain.
No. 837654
>>837643Thanks anon
When my dad retired he up and moved away to a bungalow in the countryside. He spent the first couple years telling me every bit he did to bring it up to scratch again. I asked. It's def the lack of asking that gets to me. I know he's too hands off to offer practical or financial help. But ask me how I'm doing given I have a history of being attacked in my own home and I have all these men here. He has to know this is my personal nightmare.
No. 837657
>>837653I don't know your details but I've told two partners about my csa and overall I regretted it both times. If I were going to selectively open up to a couple of people it really should've been female friends.
Few men have the capacity to truly care and show that with their actions. They say they care and then they trample on you not long afterwards.. all while being in possesion of your most painful and deeply guarded secret. My own father will never know about it now. They helped me to decide on that much.
No. 837697
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>>837672Are you able to get some mace or self defense keychains?
I just got one and if I were you, this would have been in his neck after 5 seconds.
No. 837704
>>837672I know you probably weren't clear in the mind to have thought it in the moment, but I would've gotten his plate number and called his company about the harassment.
Granted you live in a country that cares.
No. 837726
>>837710Omg, my ex did that exact same thing.
He would tell me how much he liked girls who had the opposite body type to me (and it was things i couldn't change). I told him it was tactless and rude to say to your partner how you're attracted to other people/features they dont have and he said that only "people with my mentality would agree" whatever that means. He had never had a gf before me and seriously thought it was just me who thought like that.
No. 837753
>>837509Dumb update but I think I figured out something. I have a tinder account that I made when I was bored a few weeks ago and I have it set to where I can see who swipes right on me. Something told me to check my likes and sure enough, my coworker was one of them. So he knows I'm single, or at the very least am on tinder. That's probably why he's getting more bold in asking me out. The "I have a boyfriend" lie might not work since he could just call me out for being on a dating app recently, although I could just say I'm seeing someone I met on there and/or my account is old.
I ended up texting him that I already have plans this weekend, just didn't say who with in case I do need to lie.
>>837519you're right anon, I saw the red flags but was afraid of coming across as mean. I should have drawn the line at giving him my number when I didn't want to.
>>837541Lmao that's honestly my worst fear. like if I say no because we're coworkers he might think there'd still a chance if the circumstances were different. Which means I'd be back at square one and have tell him the truth about not being romantically interested in him anyway.
If things take a turn then I think I might do a mix of the two, say something like "I'm currently interested in someone else but even if I wasn't, we work together and our relationship should remain platonic". If he throws a fit then fuck it, he's an adult and I shouldn't have to coddle his feelings.
No. 837758
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Having one of those insanity days where I am so upset that I refuse to eat, but I would maybe feel better if I did but even thinking about eating is disgusting and infuriating. Am I retarded?
No. 837791
>>837710I got my heart dragged by a guy who was too lazy to call me for 15 minutes once a week and insisted that compliments are only for narcissists
God, I was stupid. My thoughts were too clouded to see the guy was utterly romantically and sexuality boring. And he was broke and short. What the fuck.
No. 837877
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i’m quite literally in shock and awe how men are even allowed to exist, to eat, to shit, and even breathe. the problem is literally right in our faces, like why the fuck do men smile and laugh? does it look like you have a soul?
No. 837886
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>>837863it keeps coming doesn't it
No. 837902
triggering yourself and wasting your time anon. You can understand that the y chromosome is a disease without letting it consume your life. Just don't interact with them or waste your time thinking about them.
No. 837935
>>837889Having recurring thoughts about something/ being obsessive is not healthy, I'm not an expert but you should get checked for OCD, i
triggered myself everyday with horrifying stories about men because I was untreated, and it ruined my mental stability. Hell, i even did a rant exactly like yours a year ago.
>>837902 is right.
No. 837941
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I oddly really love the septum piercing I got and my new glasses. I’ve only owned one shitty pair of glasses previously and worn them twice because I felt so ugly in them so to not stick lenses to my dry eyeballs and not hate the look for once in my life has me genuinely giddy.
Now if only I could find flattering clothes or anything that makes me confident and not cry from seeing pictures of myself I’d be set. Too bad I’m terrible with fashion and finding stuff online since there’s not much stuff I like irl.
No. 837946
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>>837937Sorry for laziness and it being a slightly different concern, but here's something an anon replied to me with when I was in a similar boat.
I think the world in general gets pretty horrible, even when it comes to women there are many who enable or help their lovers/sons doing bad things, in my view it's humanity overall that sucks even though scrotes for sure do the brunt of it. All we can do is find the good, no matter how tiny an act or group of the population, join them and try to do good ourselves.
Also, genuinely some men are better than others but it's a small group and I understand if you still disagree. My point is that a bad person is a bad person and they're everywhere regardless; trust that you can still find good people and surround yourself with them. Try not to worry about the bad unless you can do something about it because it only impedes you.
No. 837947
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Nonnies, really cannot stop thinking about Nobara. I want a subtle tattoo of her or to be reminded of her. The thought of some gross coomer sexualising her annoys me and gets me upset. I've never felt this way about an anime character.
No. 837950
>>837947its cute you have someone you want to look up to but i wish people would stop normalizing shitty tattoos.
for such a prideful image conscious character, a tattoo id a poor way to show your love of her.
No. 837955
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why did anon delete the post about lockets it was cute
No. 837957
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Why is it so impossible to find a flattering hairstyle? My face is cute why can't my hair cute? Why it's always butt ugly even when I try really hard and take my time with it? I want to cut my hair and can't even pick a haircut because it will definitely look ugly in every shape and length. And I can't even bald because I don't have the bone structure to pull it off. Life is pain.
No. 837961
>>837957you have unreasonably high standards for yourself .its no secret that we judge ourselves harder than others ever will unless youre a celeb or sunset blvrd
do like i did, shave bald and start from zero
No. 837965
>>837955I was embarrassed but bless you
>>837957relate… we'll figure it out
nonny. I don't know what length I want but I'm going to experiment with styling because I never learned how to git gud. maybe you could ask someone you know, or a hairdresser, for suggestions. or do like the other anon said cause it's freeing to let go.
No. 837975
>>837957I know your pain,
nonnie. I disagree with the other nonnies about going bald because I'm growing my hair out from a very short pixie…hate it. Looks stupid. Find a qualified stylist whose work you like, get a consultation, and have them tailor the best cut for you. If you're still in doubt, most people look good with chest length hair cut with long layers, and some face framing highlights.
No. 837977
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>>837975>I disagree with the other nonnies about going baldyoure too serious. i was joking. i never went bald.
some of you ladies really need to loosen up
No. 837986
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Everyday I'm glad I was born a woman. It makes life more difficult and scary but it's better than being male.
No. 838000
>>837991There should be something done to judges who let these fucks go and punish
victims trying to defend themselves. Makes my blood boil seeing
victims of abuse sent to prison for trying to save themselves because of one retarded scrote judge.
No. 838005
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I disconnected from people so much I bought one of the new Jackbox party games and started playing it alone, imagining I am roleplaying as my OCs.
My close friends are busy with master's degree or we've got timezone issues, and I completely forgot over what it's like to make someone your friend on internet rather than because I've been used by so many people (I used to be a naive and kind person who would help everyone in need just to end up being thrown out).
I thought of somehow trying to ask my close friend to invite me to a gc of her friend who is known for being really nice and charismatic (my bf loved spending time with him too in the past, but his sister had some weird-ass drama with him (without telling us ofc) that he deleted both her and him) but I am not too sure on how to do that… I thought of chiming in with "hey, I am looking for new friendships. Is there any place you could recommend?" But I don't want to come off as pushy or bee too specific.
No. 838042
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Recently I was able to snag some of Kaneoya Sachiko’s official art prints and im very excited to frame them!! They’re so pretty in person
No. 838056
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I'll just post some cute art because of the scrote(s)
No. 838077
>>838073>no matter how hard they try for male validation, they get fucked overYeah, this is also what I finally realized in my… Mid-twenties, haha. If a man likes you, he likes you. Nothing you do can make him start liking you.
Men choose what makes their peepee most happy, and what other men want, because they care the most about impressing other men.
No. 838103
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I posted a comment on a friend's FB who was talking about being harassed by a scrote and was literally flagged for my comment. At this point, i honestly feel like lolcow is the last safe place on the entire internet for women's free speech. It's so depressing.
No. 838135
>>838123*Himself kek
Paging Dr Freud over here for that slip
No. 838160
>>838156good job
nonny, enjoy your clean room!
No. 838189
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i had my grad school interview today and i kept using the wrong word (i'm ESL and the program is in english) and calling everything 'exhausting' when i actually meant to say 'demanding'.
No. 838226
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I went to a restaurant with friends two weeks ago because they opened up after a very long lockdown, and soon after I arrived and one of my friends arrived after me, we were talking and I passed out because of low blood pressure. I woke up like one or two minutes later and still ate there because I might as well and it'd help me recover and be in shape to at least go back home in one piece, and staying with my friends in general is safer than leaving by myself. The waitress and the owner had to force me to sit down on a chair a few seconds before that so I wouldn't fall on the pavement, I'm sorry I scared them like that.
But even now I'm way more tired than usual and I'm guessing I haven't recover fully yet. And all of this happened right at the end of my holidays so I'm doing stupid shit at my job now because I'm tired and have a ridiculous schedule. I'm so tired I can't focus on anything and one of my friends just met me a few hours ago and told me I looked like a zombie. I thought I was gonna pass out again just from being tired not long after that.
No. 838229
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I might be literally done with this website, I can already slowly feel the newfags with their Twitter passive aggression and mediocre integration that makes the slight very slow and kind of empty at times. You can’t even shit talk men anymore without some “y’all” retard always responding to your post. I just wish there was an alternative but there isn’t, this is like neoliberalism
No. 838291
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Body positivity isn't real and most of the time it's just an excuse for ethots and instawhores to show off their body that they starved or got plastic injected into.
No. 838305
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Sometimes I literally just forget I'm an artist
it's very strange
No. 838311
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>>838304I mean, he has other works that aren't lolicon and he's a very good artist otherwise. As long as you are critical and try to enjoy his normal art it will all be okay. Pic related is an example of his lolicon art.
No. 838319
>>838316i concur with your assessment
t. someone who had an ex that i found out hoarded this kind of lolicon crap
No. 838321
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I feel so humbled by my terrible body-freezing social anxiety… Im never posting anything mean or smug again, I dont deserve to and its not true to my reality.
No. 838322
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My hair is thinning, and I didn't realize how bad it looked until today when I saw it in a dressing room mirror. I look like I'm balding what the fuck do I do?
No. 838393
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Due to a lot of denial about how bad my upbringing was coming undone, as well as other things, I'm starting to think that not only did my father rule over and terrorize my family by emotionally and mentally abusing us but that he sexually abused me and my older sister. If he did, I think I was just so little & traumatized that I just don't remember any of it/blocked it all out. It's so fucking horrifying to consider, I don't want it to be true, but there are so many things adding up …
No. 838398
>>8383901. Underageb&
2. You're not a tranny just because you're intersex, anon. Intersex itself is just a catch-all to describe men and women with "irregular" aspects/hormone issues. Some completely "normal" male LARPer who just wants to be a woman and screeches that he'll kill himself if he isn't given HRT and government-covered plastic surgery isn't even close to being the same thing.
No. 838400
>>838390read the rules
>you must be at least 18 years old to post here see you in 5+ years when your prefrontal cortex finally develops newfag
No. 838406
>>838398>>838403I get that they aren't really the same thing. It just feels like it is since they have to be on HRT forever and so do I. I get that I'm not literally a tranny or anything it's just fucking me up that I'm technically male, living as female, and going on HRT to continue living as female.
Cya in 2 years
No. 838412
>>838355anon……everyone starts bad with art. you shouldn't feel ashamaed of it. Of course AAriana Grande is a huge cow, but it's okay to want to use her as references, the other girl on the same red looked super cute (though her hair looked like KT reference i'd assume), but dont give up on drawing. We all start 'bad' but we all learn to do better over time, it's okay. In a year or so you will look at your old art as something cute or endearing, a thing that would make you realise over how much you improved.
However if you can't take any criticism at all, esp on such silly thing as imageboard, then…you need a break from social places. grow a bone, anyone would hate your drawings no matter what, there will always be 'that one' person.
No. 838420
>>838418you get offensive way too quickly
i literally said
> IFcalm down, anon-chan, i only tried to support you
No. 838426
>>838355Holy shit, anon, I say this with love: fucking grow a thicker skin
You're always posting on ghat thread and you usually receive praise. Two bad comments make you wanna give up on art completely? That's baby shit, you're acting like a teenager that found oug not everyone in class liked her.
Stop, study, improve. Stop posting it online because you will get critics even if you were Da Vinci. Or just grow ip and fucking ignore that shit. You're not 14.
No. 838453
> bf meets "gay man" at a DIY show and invites "him" over
> "guy" comes over
> oh my god, she's a TiF
> she's obviously hitting on my bf the whole time and ignores me even when I offer her beer or wine
> idc because my bf is uncomfortable with troons, but not yet a TERF
> she claims to be into industrial, but literally only listens to Psychic TV and early TG (and shitty Wax Trax party industrial)
> mention Death in June
> immediately thinks I'm a white supremacist despite me being half Mexican
A few months later
> our rent goes up from $1200 to $1600
> COVID happens and I lose my job
> can't afford rent on PUA
> TiF offers us an empty bedroom in her and her genderspecial gf's apartment
> sure, whatever
> have to find all my snakes homes and heartbroken over my boa, retic, and cobra
> move in to their tiny apartment in the ghetto
> upset that I kept my old leopard gecko, despite them having three mice and a cat
> meet TiFs gf
> she's autistic and is immediately a cunt to us
> she hides in her room talking to her incel brother all day
> won't call my dog by her name, but calls her "the dog"
> weirdly wants to give my dog a bath every week
a few months pass
> she's stealing my medication (benzos and weirdly my zofran)
> have to listen to TiF talk about top surgery non-stop
> bf finally peaks and admits he hates troons too
> Sophie dies on my birthday and suddenly it's all about him
> friends not allowed to sleep on couch even they're drunk
> I let them stay anyway, because i pay fucking rent too
> unneutered, male cat sprays their couch, apparently it's my dog's fault
> gf complains about having to bathe my dog weekly
> she's a short hair, indoor dog, you don't have to
> gf starts talking loudly on the phone about how much she hates me to her brother
> confront her about her problem with me
> "anon, you shouldn't eavesdrop"
> tell her to fuck off
> tell my bf we need to leave and he agrees
> TiF cries about how her and her gf won't be able to afford to surgery now
> turns out gf had over $10,000 saved and our rent money was going to them to botch their bodies
> the night we finally have all our shit out and are ready to leave the gf stares at us and asks my bf why we're moving
> tell her it's because we can't afford rent there anymore
> we gtfo
> bf tells me that gf hated that I'm thin and hid away, because she's a fucking whale (according to TiF)
> gf bitched that I was making her uncomfortable when I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer
> me talking about my cancer made her ~dysphoric~
> gf's based transphobic mom moves in
> TiF has a GoFundMe for her top surgery, despite gender reasignment surgery being covered by state health care in our state
Fuck the US, I'm going back to Italy. I have dual citizenship. Haven't been back in a few years though, how is the troon shit out there? What a fucking nightmare.
I've been holding this all in. I'm afraid of losing my current job or being kicked out of the punk scene for being called a TERF.
No. 838511
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I haven't visited my family for two years now during to COVID, and the more time passes the less there's a chance of visiting them (my only guardians) this year.
> First they decided to open football season and all of the tourists across the world chimed in because a) they want to "hang out" b) get free vaccination which is offered to everyone, the prices to hotel and everything is so high (thanks to COVID) now that they unironically started building tents around landscapes or vaccination places;
> Ever since COVID situation has been doing much worse; half of the hospitals are filled with tourists, in the end the city ran out of hospitals and they started turning MALLS into hospitals;
> Terrified of scaring the tourists away out that they stopped parking ambulance cars next to hospitals…
> Still decided to run a 10k people event (NOT counting tourists who bought tickets there) without facemasks or distance today;
No. 838538
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>>838524she probably would find this sexy hunk a beast in bed yummy~
No. 838635
>>838623yeah what
>>838627 said, and that moid has been making multiple threads since yesterday but the last one hasn't been deleted yet and it's been up for awhile. i'm sure after it is he'll make 5 more. i guess i'll just stop visiting for now, i wish there were a way to truly permaban that ugly fuck.
No. 838656
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I'm in mental pain that's all
No. 838810
>>837169My dad is like this and it's part of the reason I stopped talking to him. Watching him and my brothers interact is extremely embarrassing, it's so clear that they're all having their own separate conversations using the other person as a springboard to peddle their ideas. It's amazing that most men are too dumb to realize they aren't being truly listened to, probably why they also don't appreciate it when women go out of their way to listen carefully and intently.
>>838805This is a silly take, almost like you're implying that men share important and practical information.
No. 838812
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Stayed up all night and been trying to fall asleep the sun just came out I stayed up all night because I thought at some point my bf and I would have sex and then I'd fall asleep right after im honestly kinda resentful towards him right now because he was grinding on me and touching me then just passed out like ????
No. 838850
>>838832I love you,
No. 838856
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>>838832what the actual fuck, this is great
No. 838957
My brother recently turned 30 and around the same time he started opening up to me about his love life for some reason. At some point our conversations steered to male and female expectations of partners and the faggot thought it would be totally normal and cool for him to casually say to me now that he’s 30, he sees women his own age as “expired” and laughed it off as if he’s talking to one of the lads. We ended up in this long as fuck discussion (because I can’t argue with him) that was basically him trying to justify why it should be normal that couples have an older man and younger woman, and that both men and women should actively seek age gap relationships as well as a bunch of other misogynistic outdated shit about how woman should be, how terrible modern day women are, etc etc. It’s so funny how his first go-to when answering my mother’s nagging about marriage is that women his age don’t know how to cook or look after themselves AS IF he knows how to do that. AS IF I haven’t been forced to cook and clean after his ass since I was 13. AS IF the faggot knows how to even flush properly or use the fucking bidet. He said he prides himself in being able to chat to girls around my age (21) and tried to look down on my younger sister and claim that she’ll struggle to marry just because she’s headstrong, has higher career prospects than he ever did and is “argumentative” (only with him kek). She was also into feminism way before me at a young age and would happily talk about it in the house, she’s so amazing. So much more mature and brave than I ever was you’d think SHE was the older sister. I was cursed into having a personality that just follows my elders but she found that right balance where she listens to my mother’s wishes and pisses off my brother kek.
It’s all ironic because our own mother was still birthing into her late 30s with her youngest being the most mentally stable/normal of all of us. In a way, women his own age are fucking saved from having to talk to this pathetic scrote. On the other hand, there are so many girls my age who fantasise about having older men that bastards like my brother will target considering he’s good at pretending like he has his shit together.
There’s a hierarchy in my family so I couldn’t insult him and spit on the faggot’s face like I wanted to but it fucking infuriates me that I share DNA with this subhuman. He isn’t even your stereotypical internet addict basement dwelling incel, he’s outgoing, has a social life + gfs and yet he still has the same mindset as if his life is the complete opposite. It’s baffling that he’s so misogynistic considering he was raised in a single mother household by the strongest woman alive and my sister & I aren’t typically the ~type of girls he hates~ (ignoring the fact that we were raised to be ‘docile good girls’ by him) while his older male figures were abusive neglectful pieces of shit. It’s just fucking LAUGHABLE that even someone who has all the experiences to not turn into a typical misogynistic scrote STILL ends up as one with a severe case. I legitimately want to slit his throat at night and it fucking scares me that he’s going to eventually get married (after waiting years of course because, you know, “he has time”) and bring home a wife who is my age or younger. I hate him so fucking much. I already despised him before for various reasons, some which are why I’m so interested in radfem, but this was just the cherry on fucking top. Like, of COURSE he would turn into this as soon as he hits 30. It’s also been pretty amusing seeing him go through the stereotypical midlife crisis by suddenly being interested in dressing younger (think urban IG trendy shit) + dyeing his hair despite making fun of my sister for dyeing her hair and wanting his wardrobe to be “smart casual now that’s he’s all grown up” a few years ago.
My mother is an old fashioned immigrant so I don’t think she’d have as many issues with it either. A part of me wants to bring home someone his age just to give him a reality check but I obviously wont entertain a random creep even if out of spite.
Anyway if you’re around my age please don’t date moids several years older than you. Make it your rule. There’s too many fucking freaks of nature out there and you’ll only realize it when it’s too late. In a way I’ve been blessed because I’ve witnessed this braindead creature grow in my house which has opened my eyes earlier before an undesirable scrote can touch me. This obviously doesn’t apply if you’re much older and seeking even older men, I dunno shit about that experience but considering how mutated the Y chromosome is I can’t imagine it’s that different.
No. 839023
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I miss old cgl so much.
No. 839050
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>>839023What the fuck me too.4chan looks like ass and nothing makes sense anymore.
No. 839104
>>838957Girl I feel you. It hurts to watch your brother turn into a scrote, and eventually an old creep. When my brother hit 16 I realized he'd become a misogynistic porn addict. I thought fine, just another dumb scrote. I accepted it. But as he aged, I started to see a true pervert, a straight up cumbrain with no empathy for women.
Strange how your own flesh and blood can be such animals. At this point I consider my female family members to be much, much more human.
No. 839113
>>839023I don't even want to go to cgl anymore, I don't want to see what that place has become.
…And I know it will happen to this place as well.
No. 839135
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Anyone ever just wishes that your country will break down and go into martial law so you don’t even have to live in this organized hellhole. I rather have civil chaos and the breakdown of society happen than get a job, the only freedom you can ever feel is when things have turned to shit for humanity. Slowly realizing the dread that I’ll never be a financially responsible or stable person, I will never have friends, and that the only way I can truly live is to be like a bird. There is just so much fucking things in my way from being free, when you become an adult you don’t even become free you are transported to different prisons. And once you turn 30+ you just stop fighting and caring about anything, might as well just die.
No. 839151
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Man, I want a girlfriend again. My last relationship was garbage and I was hesitant to seek anyone else out after being hurt, but it's been a while now and I'm so over my inhibitions. I miss that warm fuzzy feeling, anons.
No. 839187
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my childhood friend came out to me as bisexual last night
he said he has not (can not) talk about this with anyone else (even his girlfriend) which put a surprisingly large emotional burden on me.
No. 839196
>>839190Anon who gives a shit what other people think. Looks only matter so long as he's sexually attracted to you, the rest of the relationship's compatibility is so much more important.
Since your self-esteem is so low I wanna make sure: does he neg you? Does he himself try to make you feel less attractive than him? If so, run. But if he doesn't do it, then your own low self-esteem is causing this. In that case, you are hurting yourself and leading yourself into a codependent relationship.
No offense either but the average man is so much uglier and ungroomed than the average woman so I doubt he's really gorgeous compared to you, but if he's not overweight then he's already like an 8/10 relative to other moids just based on that alone.
Shamefully gonna ask as well–if you don't mind do you wanna give some advice as to how you landed a good looking scrote? I'm a chronic downgrader and could use tips. How'd you two meet?
No. 839216
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>>839198>>839202I feel like everytime I look at historical photographs from the past two centuries men on average looked way more attractive and cared more about fashion and grooming themselves. Then somehow between the 90s and 00s it became common for people to think it's "gay" and feminine if a man takes care of his appearance too much. Men were so mad about women winning rights that they stopped washing their asses properly as revenge.
No. 839226
>>839190>>839198>>839216I get what you mean with regards to weight, I come from a family where the men are big eaters but they never seem to gain weight, the fattest guy in my family was my Uncle and he had a mild beer gut but he lost it just a couple months back, all he did was just slightly lessen his eating and drinking, didn't even exercise
male metabolism is a just crime against nature
No. 839230
>>839202Plenty of rape in chimps.
And bonobos still rape, the moms help the sons rape, and the leading females are just the prettiest bonobos. Its peak libfem culture.
I'm pretty sure it's just the natural progression of the y chromosome degrading. They're literally missing a functioning chromosome. Most kids were born from rape, that's some big epigenetics and why they're just getting rapier.
I've read some anthro texts that say the few matriarchies that existed were just wiped out by the raping pillaging killing tribes. They can get an automatic win by numbers if they force women to make kids constantly. Like Rome. Except in the end the society always fails because scrotes don't know how to lead society.
Anyways they're going to die soon, sperms tanking and their dicks can't even get it up. You abuse women, your race dies out, mother nature always gets the last laugh.
No. 839261
>>839230The Vent x Stupid question crossover you all waited for, does
>You abuse women, your race dies out, mother nature always gets the last laugh.rhyme?
t. ESL-chan
No. 839269
>>839236Read it on pinkpill (sadly gone) that talked about a female researcher who went solo to study bonobos and found that men really twisted the reality of bonobos (just like everything men touch in biology… from the lie that sperm swims valiantly to be first to penetrate the egg, to how the y chromosome is totally not a wasteheap of damaged DNA).
But here's an article that talks about attractiveness being a big part of winning conflicts: females have sex with eachother more because males aren't giving them orgasms. They just use sex as a 'calm tf down' for conflict:
>There are several theories to explain the function of same-sex sexual behavior in bonobos, including as a way to reduce social tension, prevent aggression or form social bonds. However, none of these theories can explain why such behavior occurs so frequently only among females.
> After sex, females often remained closer to each other than did mixed sex pairs, and females had measurable increases in urinary oxytocin following sex with females, but not following sex with males.(The roundabout way of saying males don't give females orgasms, so it's only function is to calm males down)
Alpha female bonobos sons have higher status than young females, and when females reach maturity they go find another group. So alpha females sons get their harem and free reign to rape, since they have higher status than young females.
>Interestingly, a male Bonobo often derives his status based upon his mother’s position and standing in the hierarchy. As a result, the son of an elder female could outrank a young female Bonobo. No. 839270
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>>839230babe they don’t help their sons rape, could have sworn that bonobo females literally kill males who attempt to do that or are violent within their in-group, they form groups to eliminate the monkey rapists. if only humans would stop being retarded and take notes from animals
No. 839274
>>839270The moms are very involved in their sons sex lives:'s not a stretch that they'd 'help' him even more. I mean human moms totally don't cover for their rapist sons right??
Enjoy your fake science filtered through mens dicks, though.
No. 839356
>>839353Why are you so worried? Isn't telling a parent the most blindingly obvious thing to do in that situation?
You're not the one posting publicly about murdering someone. Worst case scenario he's serious and you're potentially saving someone from harm. Best case scenario he's just being edgy, and you've outed him for something seriously lame and embarrassing. He deserves to be shamed over it at the very least.
No. 839358
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It's really fucked up that from ages 10-14 I had to tiptoe around my stepdads jealously and not mention other males, even family members, in an overly excited or positive manner or else he would get angry with me. I was constantly monitoring what I was doing while he was around, like changing the channel because God forbid he see me watching a Simple Plan video. This man got jealous over a stash of Naraku pics I had on the PC. I'm glad he's dead. I felt neutral about his death because I didn't want to think about any of it but I'm really glad he's dead.
No. 839382
>>839375They're usually only sensitive to their own feelings and nobody elses. That's the issue with them. An emotionally cold person at least doesn't suck the life out of you in the way an 'empath' does.
I know I was stupidly sensitive when I was younger but I was mentally ill and tbh very self interested/absorbed at my worst points. Fits in with what most empaths seem to be, that but with less self awareness and some bullshittery added in to dress it up as something sweet.
No. 839396
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I made a fellow bisexual friend in HS and was excited to finally have a nonstraight female friend. A decade later, and I've watched her just jump from boyfriend to boyfriend, never once having or persuing female companionship. The only chick she's been with was me one time when we were both drunk and she had just been broken up with (embarrassing, I know, sorry).
With her latest bf, she started flaking on me and now hasn't reached out in almost a year. Good riddance, dumbass. I'm sick of comforting her while she cries over moids, says she wants to go out to the gay bar with me, only to then run right into some boring man's arms.
No. 839406
>>839358>stepdad jealous of naraku picsi'm fucking howling, anon. imagine being so insecure of yourself, 2D fantasy men make you rage.
my dad was kind of similar, but it wasn't even 2D men, i was in kindergarden writing poems about girls and boys in my class and the one time i decided to show him, he scribbed out any instance of a boy's name and hit me with the belt.
No. 839407
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In 2018 I was randomly held at knifepoint by an actual incel. The event was traumatic and while I could be a lot more messed up, I have become a recluse. I don’t feel like going out in public often and while I want to be loved, touched, etc., I can not even imagine dating right now. But yet I want to be protected by a man and it kills me.
I just want a 6’5 300lbs brute that stares and grunts at people to walk around with me. Don’t want to fuck him or anything but just use as protection.
No. 839435
>>839224I don't know because even when they're being genuine about it it sounds like a humblebrag because it's a sensitive issue. I can understand the frustration of being called a sickly twig or not having breasts but when it's all said and done that's small beans compared to the large-scale scrutiny a normal weight woman gets for her perfectly average body for not having zero fat in her body.
In my experience the "I just eat and eat but never gain weight, I'm desperate and don't want to be underweight!!!" is a load of bullshit, the girls who claim this always have an underlying eating disorder and think 1000kcal a day is a normal intake.
No. 839440
>"He has time">suddenly being interested in dressing younger (think urban IG trendy shit) + dyeing his hairAll of these incel-type of moids think the "dating market imbalance" is gonna flip when they reach their 30s and women their age "hit the wall", until they start getting bald / their hairline begins to recede and they grow a belly gut (if they didn't have one already).
Funniest (or most depressing, if you're unfortunate enough to have to put up with one of these) shit of all is that a good amount of them keep lying to themselves and pretending they're in the best years of their life, and capable of snatching a girl +10 years younger than them.
No. 839452
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struggling financially big fucking time, not even during covid I was this broke.
Last time I was this broke I was staying over someone's place so I wouldn't be paying bills and I didn't have any responsibilities but now I have a cat, she's a long-hair and she had to go from upper range cat food to cheap supermarket dry food only because it's either that or she starves, I don't have enough money in my bank account as a whole for what I used to spend on her in two weeks, it's been a month since I put her on cheap food and her fur is getting greasy and clumpy even though I brush it daily, I spend half an hour every day brushing her and it's still greasy I don't want my cat's coat to get matted like ribmeat I'm wrecked I can't look at her I think I 'll give her a buzzcut
No. 839476
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Patiently waiting for society to realize polyamory is nothing but cheating but with extremely manipulative extra steps and stop normalizing that kind of insanity
No. 839492
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I’m a woman myself but man a lot of the times I can’t stand being around them, same thing with men.
>women are amazing
>women can do anything
>do anything you want
Does it look like I’m capable of being smart, going to college, getting an amazing job? Not every woman is like this, maybe this got too out of hand please kek. Let’s be honest, nothing amazing will happen to me and for a lot of women. I just can’t even place my faith in feminism anymore, the reality is that everyone fucking sucks. May be an immature viewpoint but it’s true, I’m still living out of resentment and spite and not because I’m happy about anything.
No. 839499
>>839491Please yall post more poly hate. I need to hear some actual fire about it, I'm sick of people pussyfooting around it with justifications like "oh it works for some people!"
Like fuck it's 99% disgusting men who want multiple gfs it's not fucking special or enlightened it is the basic entitled douchebag viewpoint with a cringe leftist overcoat. Goddamn I hate it.
No. 839504
>>839491Saw an aquaintance on my facebook trying to push polygamy marriage as an LGBT+ question and right. You really have to be drinking some special kind of kool-aid to not see the issue with that.
>>839499Honestly they should just be honest that they have attachment issues and don't know the difference between love and attraction. I always think about my friend in high school that had a habit of "falling in love" with any chick that talked to him for more than five minutes because he was too immature and stupid to understand that the hardness of his dick is not a love gauge. The whole polyamory bullshit thing is just the 2020's answer to hippie dippe bullshit
No. 839506
>>839476I (a very long time ago) was in a scene where there was alot of poly people. There was even cheating within those open relationships. They'd have very few rules to follow and the guys would still break those tiny rules and do stuff in private/do stuff that's off limits. Sneaking around when they didn't have to.
The fallout of a poly relationship ending was always the ugliest thing to witness. They'd leave one woman for another when they could technically have both..all because they trampled on boundaries or grew childishly spiteful over those tiniest of boundaries. Oh or someone would get pregnant and the demand a mono relationship, which screws over the other woman. I once saw the og woman get abandoned and treated like shit when the newer girl got pregnant after about a month of fucking. Messy.
No. 839511
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>>839506I've always thought polyamory is bullshit, but as people around me started normalizing it more I let myself catch the stupid and try out dating a poly guy for almost a year and it messed me up real bad, I don't think I've ever cried this much in a relationship as I did with him and I even considered breaking up with him a couple of times because of the stress and how he kept ignoring the few boundaries I had set (and he kept getting increasingly annoyed with me whenever I tried to communicate that I was unhappy with how he treated said boundaries), even trying to search for support and advice in poly communities was useless because I was more or less told to throw all reason out through the window and let him do what he wants because "monos could never understand how he feels".
It's all about the poly-people's ego, the partners are just their cattle. All those rules about importance of communication is just a huge smoke screen to make it sound somewhat appealing for easily manipulated people
No. 839516
>>839499This "poly" shit is just a rehash of the 60s-70s "free love" / swingers garbage & we know now that it mostly benefited men, and women were often in unhealthy, dangerous or even
abusive situations because of it. It wasn't the Cool Girl thing to do to not be on board with that shit, so some women felt they had to be open to sleeping around with multiple partners when they weren't okay with it, often at the whim of their boyfriend or husband, because they were trading pieces to the other man. We're stuck in some sexual puritan vs degeneracy loop or something.
No. 839532
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>>839499Have you read the kiwifarms poly hate thread? Not a fan of the farms, but there is a lot of insanity documented there. Also I highly recommend the one on the Kimchi Cuddles comic (or just the retarded cartoon), it's hilariously bad while attempting to moralize about poly. Instead it just showcases all the problems, including author cucking her mono husband who goes along with it despite being unhappy and not cheating on the side on his own. I cannot even tell if pic related is a parody or an actual Kimchi Cuddles comic
No. 839539
>>839492not with that attitude.
I also believe that sometimes that a lot of being successful or capable or smart, is due to the mentality.
Some say that genetics dictates, not only how big we are capable of growing when working out, but also the amount of time we are even willing to spend on working out and doing that.
The truth is, you are physically capable of most things, just not mentally and spiritually, which is a real and actual part of it! Since you are still incapable of doing these things.
You are capable of being smart and going to collage, because you have the mental capacity and opportunity. (this is what they are saying)
You are not capable of being smart and going to collage, because you lack the motivation and maybe self confidence. (this is what you are saying)
No. 839554
>>839516Poly even has manuals with prepackaged gaslighting techniques. More Than Two was written by a serial abuser with 8
victims. Franklin Veaux is a ugly little jobless troll who used the money to suck money, time, and emotional labor from a bunch of women at once.
No. 839572
>>839541>Disliking polyamory>Unpopular opinionGo back to twitter you cuck, most people here see polyamory as the
toxic joke it actually is.
On that note it would be nice to see a poly hate thread
No. 839574
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>>839563I feel like mentioning she's raising her child with an ever-revolving set of characters in her 'polycule'
No. 839581
>>839499Polyamarous people try so hard to put on a show to prove that it's "totes normal!" but they are the most degenerate people around. TLC has a show on polyamory about couples seeking a new woman to manipulate, one woman came out after the show and accused the Snowden couple of domestic violence. He'd choke her during sex with no warning or consent beforehand, and his own children were afraid of him. This is AFTER two other women left the couple for Dimitri's
abusive behavior. Another couple had to divorce so the man could get married to the sister wife, the original wife was clearly not okay with it. Horrifying to watch her discomfort as his husband makes out with this random Brazilian woman he met online. Literally just cheating and pitting women against each other
No. 839603
>>839536Lol relatable. I was venting this kink with some guy in DMs, but he dipped out, and now I'm really frustrated. There's one guy I can do it with, but I can’t really go as far as I’d like without things getting awkward.
I swear we need to start shilling this everywhere the way scrotes have been shilling dd/lg for years bc I’m tired.
ALL men should moan like girls. No. 839612
>>839574>Child is traumatized by the constant in/out stream of weird adults in her immediate proximity and intimate spaces such as her home but the important thing is that mommy gets to fuck around as she pleases!This is such narcissistic bullshit, her kid is going to talk about this in therapy when she's an adult.
As for polys two of my friends were dumb enough to be memed into poly relationships in their lives and both ended up being
abusive, the most miserable periods of their lives. It's always about one possessive fuck who needs to have fresh meat on the plate all the time or they'll get ~bored~ because they lack self control and commit only to their selfish hedonism. It's especially enraging when they drag kids into their mess.
No. 839617
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twitterfag genderspecial troon fakeboi BPD pick-me handmaiden newfag newfriend nonny anonnita feefees sage pussy sexworker sapphic terf lesbian bisexual reddit spacing dick wound moid scrote begone oldfag BL fujoshi adam driver lolcow sage your shit jannies ily nonny kek underaged zoomer tiktok women 30 fabulous marvelous bara titties /beg/
am I even speaking to actual humans anymore or just CIA agents?
No. 839625
>>839574The last guy I dated (wasnt a poly thing) had a son approaching puberty. I took my sweet time before being introduced because I'd never dated anyone with a kid before. We met. It was ok in the beginning but I felt some resentment and emotional issues within the kid. Natural given mom and more so dad had brought too many partners in and out of his short life.
His dad dumped me veeery suddenly one day and told me he'd be moving in with his new lover that apparently his son had already met (in on his affairs?) I just think back to how quickly the dad wanted me to meet him and how suddenly I was dropped and replaced with a different woman. The kid went nuts around the time of our break up. Refused to move in with this new woman and by extension refused to visit the dad anymore. I felt for him. Just post-divorce dating can fuck a kid up. Never mind piling on several partners at once and already knowing it'll end before it's started.
No. 839700
>>839652What's with the replies to this obvious rape wth???
Anon, you were raped.
You need to get tested and you need to go grab a few pregnancy tests to monitor this for the next few weeks. Maybe you'll find more resources than what anyone here could recommend at your local health clinic.
I've been around plenty of drunk people in my life and I've never had the urge to take them home and do shit against their consent. It takes a sick scrote brain to pull this off, and I hate to say it but he's done this before.
No. 839708
>>839700>What's with the replies to this obvious rape wth??? Right? I understand taking personal accountability, and I agree that she shouldn't have gotten so drunk, but getting blackout drunk doesn't mean anon deserved to be raped (and possibly pregnant). She even asked if the dude was going to use a condom. Some real
victim blame-y shit going on itt.
No. 839713
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>>839709Here is your (You), feel better soon
No. 839717
>>839700>What's with the replies to this obvious rape wth??? i think it's just bait posters tbh, they've been going all out today
nonnie No. 839722
>>839716Implying she did anything wrong is excusing the scrote's 100% culpability for the rape.
Has "boys will be boys" gotten women anything besides another generation of men who think women need to accommodate them 24/7? Didn't think so.
No. 839724
>>839716I didn't say that anyone needs to "coddle" her, I just think that posts like
>>839697 >>839686 are an awful way to respond. I can't imagine seeing someone post about getting raped while drunk and then asking them why they were using alcohol as a coping mechanism. I don't think I'm articulating this properly, but you can tell someone they made a mistake without saying that kind of stuff.
No. 839746
>>839722>Implying she did anything wrong is excusing the scrote's 100% culpability for the rape. No it doesn't
>>839724I'll agree with you there anon
No. 839850
>>839686Also samefag but the way you said “keep freaking out” to her….
Why didn’t you just keep your worthless opinion to yourself? People like you need to learn to shut up. You’re not a beacon of wisdom, you’re a self important, short sighted moron and you embarrass yourself with your lack of insight.
Kill yourself.