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No. 773785
Confess your woes, sins, regrets or pleasures, and let your soul ascend.
Last thread:
>>>/ot/756064 No. 773788>>773853>>774050>>785963
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I repeatedly rip off my scabs and let the blood drip because it’s psychological relief, baby
I’m a beast
No. 773851
>>773825It's ok
nonnie, we forgive you.
No. 773859
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>>773839You’re ruining the suspension of disbelief you absolute nonce.
Tug out your coochie flaps make wings out of it and then fuck off if it bothers youBelieve in the positive vibes, anon! Once you believe you can fool yourself out of the bitterness.
No. 773873
nonnie, it was funny.
No. 773905
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My ex keeps appearing in almost all my dreams. I have reoccurring dreams about us meeting again and in the dreams she apologizes for everything and I finally get some sort of closure. And every time I wake up again, realizing it was just a dream and I'm bitter for the rest of the day.
No. 774050
>>773788Tumblr personified.
Sidenote, it does feel good to see your own blood. Not sure why.
No. 774367>>774368
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>>774325>how is it possible to be guilty about something that happened over 7 years ago anons?Your mind is rumminating on it, so in your head events feel recent. I do that crap too, I randomly think of cringe shit I did on the past and I feel bad
The key is to not pay attention to those feels, and dissipate the thought. Just say "that's in the past, I've changed, I forgive myself" and try to move on. Easier said than done I know but yeah
One technique that helped me at some point was hopponopono. It sounds like new aged shit and it quite honestly is, but hey it might help you.
No. 774400>>774411
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If I were ever to choose to be murdered, I would want to be sliced in half. To subdue the quick pain you could probably pop a pill, but like I’m so curious it would make my body look like an artistic performance piece, blood everywhere. I wish human blood physics were like anime so it could ducking spurt like a popped pimple or something idk just a thought, it would be the greatest moment of my life a moment where I can finally be beautiful and know it in the most gruesome way possible
No. 774403
>>774386Same, I gained 2 dress sizes and 15kg over the last 2 years and I'm slowly losing it. I'm going to miss this soft body, it's very comfy and feels luxurious. If I had a gf with my belly I would be obsessed.
If all my clothes fitted amazingly I'd probably stay at this bf%
No. 774441
>>774325Posts like these fish for validation so badly lmao.
Oh yeah, you're totally to blame somehow because your fat friend who got hyped up by her mommy accused you of cheating at fucking swimming. You know the answer here, and you couldn't have felt even too bad about it at the time cause even a shitty friend probably would have thrown a round just to let the underdog have one.
(infighting) No. 774478>>774504
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The lady who went on that Bath and Body Works candle rant on youtube a few years ago makes vlogs on her channel and I weirdly enjoy watching them.
No. 774589>>774592>>774607>>774987
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I save every instance of an anon leaving their icon/pfp in a screencap. Once I have enough I'll put them in a big collage.
No. 774984>>775076>>775086>>775098>>775109
I hate porn and don’t watch it, but a lot of my sexuality was informed by it from a very young age, so now I have a mixture of retarded brainrot fetishes, and either hypersexual tendencies or an abnormally low libido. It’s also depressing to me that any guy I might get with definitely watches it, so I’ll have to not get mad at him for being a coomer, but basically teach him, and go over all the shit that turned me against it to get him to even try to stop. I’ll have to play nurse and teacher to a scrote with an addiction for the rest of my life, or risk getting murdered in my country and have my family ostracise me if I ever come out as bi and try to get into a long term relationship with another woman. I guess there’s always the option of choosing to be alone.
I resent that there’s a whole generation that has basically been groomed into normalising this shit, but the worst part is the fact that we’re always going to be fucking gaslit about it with stupid arguments like “Well what if all those women actually consented??” or “It prevents rape”. Fact of the matter, no 12 year old should know what a fucking bukkake is, no woman should have to do any of that shit just for a paycheck, and there are a lot of disgusting old pieces of shit who are getting money from warping people’s sexualities. I would almost prefer to be completely technologically incompetent and be among others who are the same than live in this hell.
No. 775004>>775635
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I'm straight, but I had a dream that I was visiting some sort of military academy, and it was full of beautiful women with big muscular arms and I wanted to marry them. I wish I was actually bisexual because masculine women are fucking hot. Maybe I am, idk.
No. 775021
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>>773785I cried over Lily's episode of Zombie Land Saga. I hope my sins can be forgiven, fellow terven.
No. 775065
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I haven’t eaten a single chicken wing in my 25 years of life because of the fear of being single that i got from my family. They used to tell me that if I ate chicken wings, I wouldn’t find a boyfriend for some reason, lovesick child me thought it was horrifying and never touched a single wing. Now I don’t eat them because they just somehow seem repulsive even though they’re not a bad thing.
No. 775097>>775100
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>>775070Lick dis pussy anon or enjoy the show
No. 775108
>>775103to be fair to some of the parents, we didn't have that in 2007
I'm nta though
No. 775109
>>774984Based take
The fact that CP can just be uploaded to porn sites and the
victims have to fight tooth and nail just to get it taken down disturbs the shit out of me. Fuck porn sites and the retards that defend it.
No. 775127
nonny I am managing.
No. 775129>>775155
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I like kuudere characters. They're not my most favorite archetype but I think the hate for them on imageboards is overblown. Maybe they're liked on other types of sites but on imageboards in particular they get shit on non-stop more than other anime girls for being "autistic" "boring" etc. but I think some of them can be interesting in a mysterious kind of way and I relate to quiet characters in general. Even the ones specifically made for waifufags get attacked by waifufags somehow. There's this weird mentality that aggressive is always good even when it's done in an annoying, unlikeable manner so even if an anime girl is written like a 3D scrote or a deranged psycho they're quicker to defend that than kuuderes because "reserved (hell even being nice from what I've heard)=boring" apparently.
No. 775159>>775170>>775172>>775179>>775199
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I got embarrassingly invested in the monster anon’s experimentation with a scrote on discord but she confessed she fell in love with him a few threads back and I stopped supporting her. I don’t understand how you can fall for a scrote, let alone your own subject of an imageboard sideshow social experiment. I feel like I’m remorseless when it comes to males. At some point they’re are game to me. They’re real people and everything but on some practically primal level I can’t consider them my equal under any circumstances. Maybe I dehumanize them to cope with how they fuck the world up and the real life threats they impose? But I can’t get myself to give a shit. I’ll obviously never act on this (how would I? men act like the worst thing in the world is when a woman tells them “no”) but deep down inside I hope another anon is willing to have time to waste so she can do the same thing and share her results.
No. 775172
>>775159it's normal to not feel empathy for males
women who "fall in love" with males just have a fetish
>>775170it was a bunch of posts over many threads, i think one of the lolcow caps thread had some of them compiled into one image
No. 775178
>>775151Precisely!sadly,you can unfortunately see repugnant fetish or porn crap when searching a cartoon character (mainly a popular one)even with safe search on
>>775103This was around 2010 or 2011 so such technology wasn't really advanced or common back then.
No. 775201
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I am kinda going through a witchy phase again
And although I wouldn't be caught dead telling anyone else IRL about it; as a solitary self care thing, the practices are actually really nice.
No. 775226
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I really want it to be fall…
No. 775270
>>775261you don't have to put up with people just because they have ~a condition~.
there are autistic people who aren't insufferable. admitting that you aren't patient enough is a form of maturity, imo. rather than subjecting yourself to this situation and eventually blowing up at them, distancing yourself would be better.
when i was a kid i wished i was patient enough to spend time with my mentally disabled neighbor, but why should i force myself to tard-wrangle when it obviously hadn't worked and i'd sometimes end up so frustrated i'd be dry or quiet?
No. 775668
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>>775642> ur young and pretty to be some old dudes fucktoy breeder If that doesn’t scream dusty saggy balls and dick cheese idk what does
No. 775684>>775688>>775693>>775834>>784152
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Shortly before graduating high school I admitted to my 50 year old teacher I had a crush on him and I asked him out. At first he was like "we will talk about it after graduation" but thank god he was a decent man because in the end he refused. I even cried in front on him. It's been 5 years and I still cringe when I think about it
No. 775724
I wanted to hang out with him after graduation, not when I was still a student lol. We met only once outside of school, I remember we spent like 2 hours at the park talking about music and shit, and it was even before I said I had some feelings for him. No one knew about it. I was an autist who desperately wanted a friend, I wasn't able to connect to boys and girls my age, I didn't have any adult I could talk to either, he was the only one, and I was starving for some connection with another person. We could talk about everything, life, literature, politics, movies etc. I could sperg out about my hobbies. I'm still a virgin and I'm sure that back then I wouldn't be able to have sex with anyone because I was grossed out by human biology even more than now, I just wanted to hang out with him. He was struggling with his feelings for me though, so I didn't push anything and I stopped talking to him after graduation
No. 775834>>775842
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>>775684Nah that’s not cringe, that’s an experience to cherish. You had the balls big enough to actually ask him, and he is a good man for declining. You learned, grew some thicker skin (hopefully), and it’s a great story.
>tfw that was his final lesson to you No. 775851>>775860>>775863
>>775262I literally think I’m psychic because I imagined this exact post appearing in this thread while I was taking a fat shit earlier today.
Anyway, you sound like a pedophile, applying adult responsibility (especially for adult content) to children. Tell me, why don’t a single one of those porn sites have a more hardline policy to keep kids out? All that’s necessary to clamp down on the problem by a large margin is a fucking ID check, or some other age verification method. Even a small one-time fee for access or a short, on-camera discussion with some attendant would do the trick (yes, I know coomers reading this who love to watch ands search for borderline illegal shit would be very angry at such a concept: Kill yourselves). You really think these companies are so naive to believe “Ohhh don’t click this if you’re below 18” will keep out literally any child who can use a computer? Why is it still this way when it’s basically a meme now that children bypass 18+ warnings? Why do SFW sites for streaming children’s cartoons have links to hentai games and ads like “Make sure no one is around when you open this”? Don’t try the “It’s your own browsing history” excuse, because even now that I don’t visit any porn sites, don’t search porn terms, am using an entirely different device from my childhood and only stream things through Incognito (when on my browser) and those watch apps like all those clones, I see them.
If you can’t come up with the answer yourself: It’s not just easy. It’s not just that they don’t care (though even that is a huge problem). It’s a deliberate, manipulative method to create addicts and lifelong consumers for their putrid content. It’s a form of grooming, by all means. Don’t play dumb or post stupid BS like this again just to defend porn companies.
And answer me again why the children’s toy brand Bratz was promoting sex work on their official IG, in 2021, where they knew kids would see. All a coincidence, it’s the kid’s fault for not looking away, nooo you can’t just call out these disgusting corporations monetising human trafficking and child exploitation while giving the populace collective brainrot noooo, etc. Retarded.
>inb4 “you are schizo”Don’t care, fuck porn and fuck anyone who downplays how fucked up it is.
No. 775863>>775877
>>775851>applying adult responsibility (especially for adult content) to childrenSome children are fucked up though
Littlee boys rape other children, little girls don't. Ask yourself why.
>muh porn makes them do itLittle girls watch porn too, yet they don't rape other children.
No. 775877>>775891>>775893
>>775863Nta, but probably because they’re not taught boundaries like how girls are taught? I’ve never seen a family telling their boys that they should behave and keep their hands to themselves, it’s always downplayed and that’s how they experiment with fucked up shit, because they don’t know that it’s a bad thing.
What I honestly think is that children shouldn’t use the internet until they’ve earned the trust of their parents, so like around their late teen years and with a really strict schedule and monitoring.
>but what about when they have to do homework You do it with them, like normal parents do, duh.
And if their friends are disgusting, you teach your kids about how disgusting they are and how they should avoid being like their friends.
No. 775910
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I was groomed by a lolicon hentai internet creep from ages 9 to 11
I started watching hardcore tentacle hentai and worse when I was nine
I had already been molested from kindergarten to first grade, so I was already too familiar with that kind of thing, it wasn't very hard to convince me that was just grown-up shit and I was mature and cool
I had really horrible I guess it would be called a porn addiction until I was 24
Now I'm completely sex-repulsed and can't even handle seeing nudity in movies
I'm fucked up and sad and I wish I could escape all of my memories
No. 775944
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I fantasize about having a lover who’s an androgynous android—with androgynous secondary-sex characteristics(whatever that is) and just, LEGO, no genitalia. And we telepathically give ourselves pleasure without touching; just sitting by each other. I hate sexuality, I hate sex.
I hate being scared and confused by intimacy. I wish I knew for sure if I was lesbian straight or bisexual. Fuck the internet. Fuck biology.
No. 775962>>775985>>776007>>776301
I'm severely mentally ill, I take all the medicine, but I still love dressing eccentrically. Not a lot of things make me happy, but particularly flashy clothes do. I wish I wasn't like this, but at the same time, I desperately want to be happy. I know it's wrong to draw attention to yourself like that, but it makes me happy when I look at myself and see myself looking exciting and pretty, at least to me. I don't mind when people ask questions or take pictures or laugh, and I get that that's normal to be curious when someone looks like this. I just want to be happy and I never am unless I can see myself looking like this, and knowing that that's what I look like. I'm not right and I feel guilty for it, and I know it's broadcasting to the world "hi everyone, I'm mentally ill and a social deviant," but what else can I do? If this is all that makes me feel better, I don't want to stop
just to be clear, it's not like skimpy clothes or lingerie or anything like that
No. 775977>>776033
Struggling a lot with being a lesbian lately since it's Easter weekend and I've always been a very spiritual type of person. A fast and pray a ton for Good Sunday, also patterns + earth appreciation + bunch of other weird shit sort to be more specific. I came out only recently after a life of denial and while I understand that everyone is forgiven and saved and ALSO have something of a weird, mixed view of theology where it's like ~this shit doesn't matter because Energy and God and Jesus are metaphors~ I can't help but feel somewhat cursed. On some level I still expect I'll end up staying in the closet and being with a man, having a kid or two, because that's simply the easiest life trajectory for me to visualize- it's what I expected. I don't hate myself, I don't have a low self esteem, and I accept that being imperfect is a fine and totally natural part of human life, trials are lessons, etc ect- it would nonetheless be unbearably more convenient if I wasn't like this. It doesn't help that I find a lot of other female-attracted people annoying- I know, most of them aren't, but the ones I've encountered create such friction with my nature. Like every single "wlw sapphic" i've met has been an obnoxious "ooo step on meee hee hee useless lesbian" sometimes POLY ass handmaiden bitch and I'm tired. I'm a Christian. How are they all bigger pickmes than a Christian?
Shit sucks. I have meditated a lot about it and yet I'm coming here, complaining about it on the night before Easter because it feels as though there's no way out without a shit ton of cognitive dissonance, even, once again, with my ridiculously specific allegorical views on the subject. Fitting for a confession thread, I suppose.
No. 775994>>776006
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>>775985I am going to get hate for it, but sweet lolita fashion, and idol/magical girl costumes but just the dress, not the accessories or shoes that come with, I accessorize the dresses the same way I do with lolita
I don't have any paraphilias and it's not a sex thing, not that it is for most lolitas, but it is something you feel like you have to say in some contexts
also sometimes just shit I make up, like pic related, which isn't me but I wish it was
No. 776033
>>775977We're somewhat similar in that I'm a lesbian that's still finding it hard to detach from my old Christian habits of praying/talking to God, not saying his name in vain, discerning meaning and morals in Biblical stories, etc. I find too much comfort in the idea that there's some cosmic being out there that loves me unconditionally to ever declare myself an atheist tbh. And I also share your irritation with other ~wooloowoo around me, lol. Tbh they all come off to me as attention seekers. Not that I'm even ashamed of my sexuality, I just don't think it's anyone's business but my own/my dating pool.
Anyway, I hope you're able to find peace somehow, without having to resort to going back in the closet and marrying a man. You deserve better than that.
No. 776063>>776064
>>776006I just mean that the dress itself looks cool
>>776007Thank you. I don't know, I don't really have any friends or use social media, so the only time I see people talk is on here and I see so many people say they think lolitas are creeps or at the least attentionwhores, and I can't imagine anyone would think better of someone wearing literal costumes too. I really don't mind when people say anything, but it does make me think I'm wrong or disturbing them and that makes me guilty
>>776040I use an iron but no one loves me anyway lol
No. 776105
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Saw some local blogger on the news or something and thought they looked so familiar, even the name was familiar. Thought it must be my preschool classmates with a kinda unique name, tell a friend and said I was going to google them and all that, but I am pretty certain.
My friend linked me a news thing, turns out it's a tranny who just picked my classmate's name, I feel like an imbecile
No. 776110>>776301>>776625
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I’ve raised donations for money I didn’t even need. I technically didn’t lie about what happened. Just said “hey guys, donating would really help me!!!”
Didn’t say I couldn’t afford it…
No. 776121
>>776115Wtf anon-chan, your self esteem is not a reason for you to end up becoming a weirdo with a huge clitoris. What's up with you?
There are many self-acceptance books out there on internet. It is difficult, sure, but it's better rather than destroying your life for nothing. In the end of you hate yourself a lot even such things as losing weight won't help, because you will keep finding something to nitpick on. Maybe get a good distraction such as a new hobby?
No. 776132
>>776115even if you do it, no one is every going to see you as a real man or treat you like one (because you aren't one). you will just end up even more miserable.
i'm not saying that to be mean, i just hope you get actual help for your self-hatred and don't mutilate yourself.
No. 776134
>>776115Anon, have you seen the health problems that come with taking T? It's serious, not all trans people like to talk about the negative side of things so look it up yourself.
If you really want to do this try doing it without any drugs first, try a haircut, a butch fashion style, see if baggy clothes make you more comfortable idk but please for the love of god don't cut off your tits on a whim.
If it's possible go to therapy before doing any life altering decision.
And stop visiting trans sites to see if it's something you really want or something you've been exposed to so much you think you want it.
No. 776301
>>775962if anyone should dress like they're mentally ill and not feel bad about it, I would think it would be mentally ill people
I think the old adage about it only mattering if it makes you happy counts here
>>776110I highly suspect everyone who isn't asking for insulin or chemo money does that
No. 776479
>>776443That actually warmed my actorfag heart
You're probably super sweet cause you seem like the kind of person that see a lot of the positive in thingsIn case you and
>>776393 ever watch a movie with him that you wanna talk about, it will be more than welcomed there, doesn't need to get to stan level
No. 776646>>776652>>776659>>776669>>776699
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For the longest time, I always wanted to be violated and sexually groomed by an older man. I guess it started around when I was 9? I was really into anime and as I got deeper into the culture, I found out about hentai. I started to get an addiction to it and watched it almost everyday. Then, I found out about lolicon. I always projected myself onto the lolis and wished I was them. I even stripped for this random old dude I found on a chat website on cam around that time.
As the years went on and I got into my teens, I still really wanted to get molested by an older man. I frequented chat sites (Like Kids Chat and Teen Chat) looking for pedophiles to talk dirty to me. I never did meet up with any of them in real life, though.
This want still follows me to this day. I'm an adult now, and still a virgin. I now use this AI roleplaying thing to play out all the fantasies I had in my head since I was a kid.
I don't think my thoughts are okay at all, but I've never been able to shake them off.
I have no idea what the fuck is wrong with me.
No. 776686>>776698
>>776665As a Fantasy. Pedophiles IRL should get the snip. Don't lay words into my mouth.
As a
victim of sexual abuse it help to cope with the trauma and it's 100% a power fantasy.
victims want love and seek it in sexual degeneration, because they got groomed into love = sex. I don't expect people to understand me but im just stating how I experienced it.
I only can repeat what I stated before, don't do it or with somebody with who you trust and have a long term relationship, the risk of getting exploited is too high.
>>776670Ofc you shouldn't this shit with a guy you barely know nor parade it around. I meant a partner you know for years and who you trust. Do you always tell your fucked up fantasies every guy you meet?
No. 776699>>776702
>>776646I’m kind of similar,
except I’m pretty sure I was abused before I even knew how to use a computer, and instead of an older man, I want a guy who’s not too far from my age, just a bit older, like a young teacher or an older brother.
I tried to kill it, and it only sort of worked. Now I just think of the kind of scrotes who like it and how many of them probably have fixations on actual young actresses like Shadman, and I start to feel ill. I just see it as something made by predators.
The problem is that my brain basically did a 180 using that logic, and now I’m into the exact opposite content, sh*ta. I feel less bad about liking that because 99% of the creators and fans are males self-inserting while fantasising about permanently thirsty, big tiddy women who are bigger than them. Also, in the cases where it’s not pure femdom, I suppose it makes rape scenarios seem less scary. It’s all super unrealistic, male-invented and tends to centre the male as the subject instead of the female, so I guess it just doesn’t seem as
I don’t really think about any of this much since I have a very low sex drive anyway, but your post reminded me of it. I think the only thing that could really help to ‘cure’ this sort of thing is to find an IRL lover and learn to enjoy normal, loving sex. That’s what I plan to do.
No. 776721>>776727>>776734
>>776659You're right, anon. It totally is a fantasy that, if carried out in real life, would most likely traumatize me more than I am right now.
If I get a loving partner one day, I'll probably dabble into some daddy kink with him. If I start to trust him enough, Maybe I'll tell him about my fantasies and go from there. That'll help me feel satisfied, I hope.
I just want to do anything to make me feel normal and not like a disgusting, wannabe groomer
Best option would probably be talking it out with a therapist, so I'll start there.
No. 776741>>776754>>776762
>>776734There is no evil message, I don't want to roleplay pedo or
abusive shit but it's still particular fantasy. Also I'm in therapy and it's not a magical fix for all my insane issues. I'm starting to doubt it will help me with sex problems at all since I'm not making huge progress
No. 776746
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I did a retarded movement like gif related irl, a few weeks ago, I did it unconsciously, I only noticed what i did a few minutes after. I haven’t even watched anime since 2018
No. 776754
>>776741If you want to do it, do it. This website is anti-kink/power play with the man being the one with power in the bedroom so you're going to hear a lot of "get therapy" if you are into being in a sub-type role.
Just know that roleplaying in the bedroom should not be a form of therapy. You can experiment with your fantasy, but don't rely on it as an escape or outlet for something else going on in your life because that's where is can get dangerous. Start slow and establish limits, and make sure you stay true to yourself and follow those limits.
Also respect your boyfriend and what he is comfortable doing. If he's not comfortable with that fantasy, drop it. If he is into or the idea of it, do not forget to establish those limits and make sure he follows them, or else never give him the opportunity again - make that clear and stand your ground.
No. 776762>>776771
>>776741Nta, but it is really important to consider why a man would feel comfortable rping as a predator molesting/grooming a young girl. Fantasy or not, that is kind of…concerning.
I mean, Travis Alexander was one of those dudes and look what happened lol. I just hope that whatever you do, you don't end up with a weirdo.
No. 776774>>776786>>776789
>>776771Sorry if this is autistic, but can someone explain the idea of fantasies? I always assumed people wanted to act out their fantasies, but obviously can't because they would either have to face the consequences of acting it out, or because it's physically impossible/can't find the right person/work out the logistics of the fantasy itself.
It always confuses me when people say "it's just a fantasy dont judge me!!" because you're still placing yourself in that situation mentally even if you aren't doing it. Like fantasizing yourself being abused is just simply fucked up and I still consider it a form of mental self-harm even if you aren't acting on it, especially when women do it
No. 776789
>>776774Me personally, fantasies are like reading a book. When I read a book I get immersed in that world and the characters, but once I'm done reading, that's it. It's over. I've rarely fantasized about being abused, but it's not a mental self-harm cause I can fully control everything that's going on in my head. If I don't like it, I just change the story/character. I like to daydream a lot and insert myself in stories I've read so to me it's the same as that. Not sure about the people who actually want to act out their fantasies tho, cause I don't want to.
>>776786Exactly, its not reality so the things that would have consequences/side effects I can just plot device it away. I fantasize about running away and living in the woods while sustaining myself from my garden, but that would take actual work which I would hate cause I'm lazy.
No. 776825>>776831>>776837>>776843>>776947>>781284
I’m becoming obsessed with this guy from Reddit I ERP with. We talk about our daily life alot, and we’ve sent each other (clothed) photos and videos. He’s actually pretty attractive (skinny but muscular, long dark hair, sharp teeth), and every once in a while, I send him little comics, dress up game characters or autistic SFW short stories I’ve made of him. It’s almost like I made an OC with his appearance and personality. I think he’s weirded out by me, but he definitely doesn’t hate the attention and thinks I’m attractive. I sorta want to send him nudes, but I know it’s not a good idea.
Based on his fantasies, he’s a complete degenerate and probably a psycho, but something about his personality keeps drawing me in. He just seems so innocent and soft in a way usual coomers aren’t. It’s really hard to explain. He’s almost like a shy girl. Not in a fake way like internet trannies, either. I’d tinfoil that he was an FtM if I hadn’t accidentally seen his nudes before. I don’t want to date him per se, but I can’t get him out of my head. It’s weird, help. I feel like a yandere anime character.
No. 776833>>776846
>>776831This is
really cute even though from the sounds of it reddit guy is not making cute fanfiction about you in return, which is criminal.
No. 776839
>>776800I know that you know your mindset is illogical, but any potential abusers probably haven’t targeted you because they can’t envision you as a
victim. If you’re going to base your worth on that (don’t), I’d argue that it means they know you’re too good for them. You may not have been targeted yet but your mindset is dangerous - already allowing fucked up people to define how lovable you are. Genuinely hope you’re able to overcome this outlook before you end up in a bad situation.
No. 776846>>777395
>>776832Kek, that saga actually filled me with secondhand embarrassment for the guy, because I kind of get it. At least I only did this after interacting multiple times with my person, though.
>>776833That’s true, he doesn’t do nearly as much for me. I think at this point, I might just projecting the character I made up onto him. He could even be lying about some parts of his life, and I wouldn’t even know.
>>776837Yeah, you’re right, anon. I’m just going to get hurt if I get caught up in my feelings. I think I’ll start keeping more of the weird stuff to myself and be a bit more normal with him. Hopefully he doesn’t notice and start asking if he did something wrong lmfao, then I’d start feeling bad.
At least my fictional husbando will never betray me.
No. 776870>>776883
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I had my first job at a restaurant when I was 15-17. It was a family business (I wasn't part of the family) so you can imagine how toxic it was, kek. There was a chef there who was always really nice to me so I liked him. He was into anime, he told me I should call him "senpai" and he'd call me "name-kun"… just now I'm realizing how creepy and weird that was. I laughed it off when he told me that, thank God I didn't do it and feed into his weirdo scrote fantasy
No. 776878>>776885
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I may just be paranoid but I am genuinely afraid my sister's bf is going to troon out.
He really likes cosplaying female characters and being in drag. I understand it's entirely possible he just likes the attention of dressing in drag and is comfortable being male. But it's always in the back of my mind…
No. 776892>>776915
>>776885Me too anon! I'll always support GNC dudes who like wearing feminine things and are comfortable with their sex.
I get worried tho since Tranny rhetoric is strong, especially on social media. I really don't want to go full
TERF on my sister if he does. I love her a lot.
No. 776945>>776960>>777006
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I can't stop reading the Korean manga sadistic beauty, I'm usually not that into femdom but something about this just works so well and plays into my ladyboner for dressing embarrassed flustered hot guys in panties and watching them try to cover up. Idk I'm fucking weird but it's like a different kind of fantasy I get from time to time and this read really helps get that out when a new chapter comes out. I would never tell anyone I'm into this ever irl or social media. I hope my tablet is burned when I die.
No. 776947
>>776825Serial-killer-ERP anon here and I need you to know that even I think this is pretty sad. You deserve someone who will love your autism, anonita.
(still not murdered btw)
No. 777000>>777008
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>>776998Idk if you're talking about masks like pic, but I also love them because of how warm they keep my face. I don't think I'll stop wearing them, even when restrictions are lifted
No. 777005>>777014
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I am married, have a good job, own a house, and am doing well for myself given I came from trash. I hate myself and my life though and I constantly think about killing myself. I keep sabataging my job and my gradschool progress for who knows what reason. I have been sitting on my bathroom floor pretending to shower for an hour so I can just cry to myself. I'm on Paxil for my ptsd but I don't think it's helping my chest always hurts and living feels unbearable.
One of the only things in life that brings me joy is matcha. I love everything about it, the color, the smell, the taste, the texture.. it's perfect and I'm going to get up now and take a shower + make myself some matcha and pretend this past hour didn't happen. I'll lie to my husband and tell him I was picking out ingrown hairs or something.
Posting this here instead of vent because I've never told anyone this before.
No. 777006
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>>776945I read this before and I get it. I would never tell people I read S Flower, which is like the shittier cousin of Sadistic Beauty story wise. I also would never, ever tell a soul irl or on social media (attached to my identity) that I read yaoi, or how much of it I’ve read. I tried to make a separate social media account for it and it’s fun to talk to others about these things but I don’t think I could live if I had to explain to anyone who knows me what this shit is and why I read it. I hope my tablet explodes when I die too. All of my devices actually. I didn’t want to sell my out of commission ipad from school (this is another confession,
I got an ipad from school years ago and used it for bullshit and would tell them I forgot it at home when they asked for inspections initially but really it was because I was fucking stupid and didn’t think to use dropbox or onedrive to save my cringe yaoi shit and would save it directly on the ipad. They never asked for them back so naturally I and many others did not give them back and that was how I solved that problem.) because I didn’t have a chance to wipe it before it broke and I fear that the traces of shitty webtoons and manga will still be there if anyone looks for it. There’s good, normal manga and webtoons on it too, but I don’t think that matters and it’s not nearly as humiliating as gay cartoon porn.
At one point my password was “ifyoutouchmyipadyouwilldie” or some shit because I was mad at my grandmother because she made me be around my cousin who I was fighting with. I was so deranged I even used it as an imaginary death note at one point because I was too retarded to reasonably explain how I feel and deal with consequences. If I could go back in time I would run myself over.
Also I’m like 1000% sure either the illustrator for Sadistic Beauty was responsible for Cherry Boy, That Girl or I’m stupid and this is a common enough art style for webtoons that just so happens to have the same instructions for drawing people, clothes, scenery, and movement even though I’ve never seen this style outside of a handful of webtoons and none match up as perfectly besides these two. But it even has a similar cross-dressing element and a prominent strong female main character and loser whiny guy chasing after her too. I swear they were created by the same person. There’s too, too many similarities. No. 777014
>>777005Have you tried other medications? Maybe Paxil just isn't the one for you. I swear by Lexapro, that shit really changed my life for the better. It got rid of my anxiety-induced stomach pains immediately. Went from 10mg to 15mg, then up to the 20mg I've been sitting on for about three-ish years now. Hydroxyzine works wonders when your mind and heart start racing. Can't be anxious if you're asleep! Do you see a therapist at all? That may help as well, should it be possible to get one. I know they can be costly…
If switching SSRIs doesn't work, your body may just not like them. There are also SNRIs (Venlafaxine), and tricyclic antidepressants (Amitriptyline). There are an absolute ton of medications for depression/anxiety/PTSD, and you might have to experiment until you find what fits best.
Matcha is truly wonderful, I love it too.
No. 777185
>>777093The only way to break the cycle is to stop restricting. If you keep restricting you will keep binging and if you keep binging you will keep restricting.
I got out of this by just forcing myself to eat 3 normal meals a day that neither my restrictive nor my binge side liked. But once you actually start fueling your body regularly your urge to binge on crap starts to go away. It's your brain sending out the wrong signals cause you are depriving your body.
It goes against your instinct and I still sometimes want to binge or restrict and it's not always perfect but so much better. Never gonna be normal about food, but it is what it is.
No. 777501>>777508
>>777450So she's still trying to send mail to a PO box she no longer pays for?
Pretty low, that isn't right and I'd tell her as much.
No. 777692>>777693>>777696
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>>777691One of these bad boys
No. 777852
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Out of nostalgia I visited the tumblr of someone I followed back in like 2015. Their last posts were vague messages about how they didn't use tumblr anymore and how they were happy and making money in their new career. I went from curious to totally obsessed in like an hour while combing their blog for clues I could use to find their new social media presence (I got a first name, city, hints at what that new career was, some selfies). I used those to find their new instagram and saw that they really were thriving, popular, and clearly happy. Now I'm momentarily emotionally invested in and extremely proud of a low-tier celeb who doesn't know I exist
No. 778006>>778218>>778243
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Here to post in my moment of weakness that I still wish I could cut my tits off
No. 778213>>778230>>778233
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when i was 4 i had an imaginary “holiday cabin” where i went to hang out with my favourite characters who all lived there. i had a layout of the rooms in my head and everything. whenever i was going to invite a new character i’d think of an elaborate story of how i met and befriended them and throw them a welcoming party. it was basically a harem because all my husbandos lived there.
my first guest was the danonino dinosaur.
No. 778245>>778250>>778252>>778257>>778259>>778260>>779626>>779689
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I’ve been thinking of making a suicide tips website or social media account
People should have the right to end their lives successfully
No. 778253>>778280
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i own over 20 furbys from the 90s, currently browsing shelves to display the new ones i have coming in the mail. why am i so retarded when it comes to spending money
No. 778259>>778270
>>778245One already exists, actually- there's a whole forum and it's just a little ways down the google results.
Ironically, I think the people who
could actually go through with a successful attempt all generally manage to find either that place or another method aggregate because they have the motivation to plan and execute the requisite actions.
People who don't have the motivation to dig for an answer typically have the brand of executive dysfunction that wouldn't have allowed for them following through in the first place; I get the impression they'd just ideate suicide and not induce it whether they were given resources or not. Little dark, but it really is an interesting dichotomy.
No. 778285
>>778270its an easy search. the general crowd sourced info is relatively 'safe' and effective but costly and even offered a subforum for pacts but doubtful you would have the means to support something that could be so risky.
warning are given to be careful who to meet up with because people could lure you for murder (lul) or sexual assault or robbery or whatever. the effects of a failed attempt could be horrendous, what if a member buys drugs or service from a supplier that fail to work? what if these means are used in murder? you as the owner could be culpable. just as you said, self chosen death or assisted suicide is frowned upon. so imagine you run a collective of a means for death.
No. 778347>>778360
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I'm going to buy a puppy from a breeder one day. I used to be strictly pro-rescue and adoption but the more I've though about it, I want to know all of the dogs past history and train them properly from the beginning instead of retraining a likely very traumatized ill-behaved adult aged shelter dog. I grew up with super sweet rescue dogs but there was so much odd behavior and mysterious histories that came with them and stayed their whole lives. I also just want a puppy so badly; a dog who's whole life I can spend with them. Of course I'd do my research and choose a reputable breeder that prioritizes health and temperament over aesthetics. I feel guilty about it though. Adoption is objectively the more ethical choice.
No. 778360>>778391>>778453
>>778347I hope you'll find the puppy of your dreams anon! I don't think there's anything wrong with getting a dog from a respected, reputable breeder. I think there are lots of people who equate it to puppy mills, but there's a lot of information out there now and that just isn't the case! Some people are not cut out for adopting a dog that may have a lot of trauma or issues, and some people may want a pet in their life but the adoption process can be so insanely difficult for some people. I have a friend who got his cat from some random lady off craigslist but the cat passed away, and now he's trying to adopt but shelters make it (for good reason) so insanely difficult. He has to relive the trauma of losing his first cat (they asked what happened), they want his paystubs, copies of his apartment lease, references from a whole bunch of people. Yes, wanting these animals to go to a good home is great! But sometimes it feels very off putting and jumping through the hoops time and time again feels so tiring.
My dog did not come from a reputable place. We got her when I was very young and the internet wasn't what it is today, so I didn't even know puppy mills were a thing. My poor dad had been trying to adopt a dog for the longest time for me, but shelters turned him away or let another family adopt the dog before us. I remember driving two hours somewhere with him to go to a shelter to meet a dog and going home with no dog. He got fed up and found a pet shop and we got my current dog. She doesn't have any insane health issues that aren't uncommon for her breed so I assumed maybe she came from a reputable breeder, but I found her records in our apartment and she definitely came from a backyard breeder lol. It sucks, but I know better now and what's done is done. Sorry for the breeder sperg. I have no problems with whichever reputable place people choose to get their pets from, but I don't like it when people equate responsible breeders to backyard breeders, or shame people who choose to get a dog from a breeder.
No. 778429>>778440
>>778391I remember reading a post somewhere about how this person wanted to adopt a dog, went through the whole application process and home checks and everything, but didn't get the dog. Fine, whatever, but then they saw the same shelter still posting about the dog needing a home. It seemed more like the shelter was too obsessed with finding the absolute
perfect home and willing to keep that poor dog in the shelter for way longer than necessary. I'm sure not all shelters are like this and it's just a part of the process, but it sucks that there are people who can definitely provide for these animals not getting to give them a home because of one misstep here or there.
No. 778453
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>>778360You made me feel a lot better about my possible future decision, thanks anon! Youre right about the massive difference between backyard breeders/puppy mills and responsible breeders.
I had kind of forgotten about the shelter process. Way back when my parents were trying to get our first dog we were rejected multiple times on the basis of my age. I was 8 or 9 at the time. I had a really middle class childhood: decently sized two story house, big front and back yard, and parents who were both in the position to work from home. What else did they want? I even recall at one particular shelter they wouldn't let you pick a dog but instead would match you with one after an interview. I get it to an extent but man, do you really have to wait for the perfect, moderately active, 30-something childless trust fund couple to arrive in order to send your dog to a loving home? I dunno.
No. 778528
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Whoever that anon or anons are who post yaoi on moid boards to piss them off, you guys are my heroes.
No. 778570>>778580>>779005
>>778456Assuming those dogs come from a puppy mill (not an usafag, but the low price points to it)…
I know it sucks for the puppy, especially since he's an innocent
victim in all of this, but by buying him you support people who breed his mother to death in a dark cellar and throw her away like trash once she's not needed if she somehow survives. There is also a high chance of the puppy having tons of genetic illnesses since puppy mills have no problem breedong a mother with a child or her brother etc.
No. 778601>>778654
>>778580Not sure if I understand you correctly but I imagine that the price hike goes like this
buying directly from a puppy mill -> buying from a pet store (if they get puppies from a mill) -> buying from a reputable, registered breeder
Speaking as an eurofag, I bought a purebreed dog from a breeder (I considered adopting from a breed-specific organization, however decided I'm not ready to take care of a dog with lifelong conditions that requires almost 24/7 care). I had to join a waitlist (waited like 9 months) and paid about $1000. To compare, puppies from a mill are being sold constantly (wonder why). No need for a waitlist, you just reply to an advert on a craigslist equivalent. The puppy costs around $500, often even less. The price of getting a cheap animal is supporting abuse as well as a huge risk of your dog suddenly fucking dying or developing serious health issues.
In my country there were several puppy mill rescue operation and the quality of life of the dogs there was appalling. Real nightmare shit.
No. 778621>>779005
>>778456I’m the anon who posted a bit earlier with a dog that came from a backyard breeder/pet shop and I can’t agree with this sentiment. Would I go back and make the choice to get
my dog again? Absolutely. Would I ever get from a pet shop who gets their supply from backyard breeders/puppy mills in the future? Absolutely not. Those dogs still deserve love but if I ever get a puppy mill dog it’ll be from a shelter who rescued one. There’s supply and demand and puppy mills will never stop bringing genetically fucked up dogs into this world as long as people demand it. Responsible, ethical breeders are expensive for a reason.
No. 778655>>778669
>>778637Didn't Pewdiepie met Marzia through fan DMs?
Anyway, you never know, if you're confident enough to not have the knowledge that women are very interested in your boyfriend ruin your day, maybe it will be fine. People like Mortem3r and Egoraptor seem to have a very good relationship and he's a pretty popular content creator so it's not necessarily impossible.
No. 778669>>778672>>778674>>778701>>778703>>778725>>778770
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>>778647I didn't know when I first messaged him, I really just wanted him to make a video about a topic I was interested in and we started talking and kinda hit it off
>>778665idk, I guess cause I am kind of a femcel and I don't know many normies who can laugh at funny internet memes with me and he tells me about all the girls who message him, none of them have been hotter than me so far tho, they are all pretty fat, but I am worried what will happen if one of them is really hot
>>778655thank you for the only positive reply so far, I really hope it will be fine cause I really like him
No. 778725
>>778594>>778669If he has a separate twitter/IG for his youtube fanbase it shouldn't be a problem for him to let you look through his DMs when you want to, since it should just be fans and people wanting to collaborate. I'm not really one of those people that thinks your phone should be unlocked for your partner to look through at all times but your boyfriend should understand this is a different situation and looking through his youtube related DMs should be equivalent to looking through someone's LinkedIn DMs. It's simply inevitable that one day a very attractive woman will start flirting or sending nudes; you can't just count on that never happening. I
do think men can resist this temptation, but how incel are we talking? Was he an autistic redditor before or an /r9k/ women-are-holes type?
>>778672It would be weird if he didn't. If my boyfriend got sent a nude by some girl I'd expect him to tell me about it. Keeping that sort of thing a secret is fishy.
No. 778878>>778917
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I met a farmer in the old /g/ friend finder and we actually ending up hitting it off pretty well in Discord. I ended up sperging a bunch about irrelevant shit and now I feel too cringe to message her back, plus I kind of had a crush on her but she had a BF. Anyway…hope she's doing well.
No. 779226
>>779155god i wish that were me
this pandemic has made me hopeless and suicidal, i haven't left my house at all in a year now
No. 779701>>784751
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>>779626>>779685Those type of site are exactly why the state should propose a solution for euthanasia. If we had more legal structure, we could maybe save some of those people who are just going through a dark time and allow the more desperate case to kill themself peacefully and in full security.
No. 779809
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I have forum RP as a hobby (you can think of it as collaborative story-telling, or D&D without the table) and I just try to avoid writing romantic scenes with male role-players if I can.
It makes me feel silly, but moids annoy me. I won't say I blanket hate them (because there are and have been some decent to good men in my life) but overall the majority of my issues have been with….men. Idk
No. 779948>>779950>>779992>>780041>>780128
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I think I've ruined my life in spite of having a solid upbringing and I don't know how to fix myself.
Not a druggie, alcoholic, or anything, but so damn neurotic. I don't think I'm capable of intimacy, and it kills me because I want it so much? But then I'm afraid of actual intimacy? Rip to sanity.
A lot of it stems from body image insecurity, probably. I want a QT boyfriend or girlfriend, but whenever a real possibility approaches, I immediately sabotage myself into thinking that they'd probably find me gross and my personality unappealing. That comes from being rejected a lot by people, I think.
But I don't get why I react this strongly to romantic partners? I have not had too many bad experiences, as my dating experience is limited, and I wasn't abused in childhood (or now, even), so I don't get why I am so avoidant to something that I want.
Any kernels of advice appreciated. Even if it's just GIT GUD SWEATY.
No. 779950
>>779948You are neurotic now, but I don't think this has to last forever. You can always change for the better!
What is it that bothers you about your self image? Have you thought that maybe other people like those certain things and don't ascribe to mainstream depictions of beauty? Those standars are lame either way. And well, maybe you spend too much time comparing yourself to other people? I think, if you go outside, you'll see more than 10 average to very not attractive couples dating and being happy. And they're having a blast!
I think you need to talk to a counselor about these issues. Go to some form of therapy. Your mental health and self image can be improved a lot, trust me. It's not the outside, it's the inside and the self sabotage. You don't have to suffer forever.
No. 780038
>>780037It’s like those men who say marriage aren’t for them but then get married within months with the next gf.
It’s weird, I get why you keep thinking about it, I would too
No. 780041
>>779948I'm scared of intimacy but it's because of sex, it just looks unnatural, alien and grotesque to me. I have no idea where it's from, I didn't grow up in a religious household nor was I abused, it's probably just plain old autism. This is why I'm 28 and still a virgin, but since I don't particularly crave intimacy, I don't really care.
You shouldn't consider yourself a failure because you don't have a romantic life, maybe you should first focus on other aspects of your life (like friends, hobbies or work) and seek improvement through them, making you into a better and more confident person in the end, and thus be ready for relationships.
No. 780044
>>780037Maybe he used mockery and insults as a cope for his secret attraction to fat girls. Hate and love aren't opposites, sounds like they were living rent free in his head.
Either way being a shitty deadbeat dad is a big red flag that he's a bad person and partner to begin with, maybe he just took whatever opportunity presented itself regardless of the consequences or what he actually wants out of life.
No. 780234
>>780037Whenever a guy protests too much about a kind of woman he supposedly hates or doesn't find attractive, that's when you know who to look out for. He'd never bring those women up if they weren't on his mind. Men lie because they're cowards and opportunists.
Cowards because they can't just admit who they really like. Opportunists because they keep lying to those they don't like while they wait for their chance to be with someone whom they do.
No. 780302>>780308
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One of my recurring daydream is literally me going to summer camp and meeting my twin flame soul sister a la The Parent Trap
I’m 20 sighhh
No. 780721>>780726>>780862
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the sensation of nails like picrel make me want to barf. i always cut my nails as short as possible. i cut all the white away. i can physically feel the white when it grows back in even a half a milimeter.
idc what other people do with their nails (though i find those really long ones people sometimes have on one finger repulsive) but on me i just cannot stand the feeling of nail length. i'll even deal with cutting too close and experiencing some pain from clipping my nail too short over letting a long nail stay
No. 780726>>780734
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>>780721Same! I tried to grow them out a few times, but it was unbearable. It feels like the nail equivalent of a dog walking in shoes to me, it restricts me so much lmao.
No. 780889>>780903
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>>780857It's embarrassing but here's a couple
No. 780922>>780923>>780927>>780943>>781029
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I am falling in love with my nose after years of internalized hatred and visiting a plastic surgeon I see that this is the nose of my ancestors. My nose is formed like this because my ancestors had to moisten their breath through their noses in the hot ass desert of like the Middle East or Macedonia or some shit. My nose is beautiful and striking. Yes I would look a lot softer with a button or slopy nose but I was always meant to have a strong looking face. And it’s not bad at all I’ve never had a problem getting peen or puss so why did I ever hate it so much?
No. 781097>>781106>>781122>>781142>>785595
File (hide): 1618157469072.jpg (66.7 KB, 640x456, 4abaafdb8c6b88f86f8b5658331c56…)

i used to think i was a lesbian until i played the devil may cry games about three years ago…
No. 781122>>781124
File (hide): 1618159120255.jpg (107.93 KB, 614x900, 1531569452245.jpg)

>>781097I don't want to start a husbando war but
Dante > Vergil
No. 781203>>781236
>>781138in the past i spent 4 years not talking to my brother a lot and it was surprisingly easy to reconnect and fall into a groove! it's not so difficult when it comes to family (unless there's obvious issues, but i don't think that's the case with you)
don't worry about annoying him anon! i'm sure he would love to hear from you more often too
No. 781251>>781252>>781254>>781259>>781272>>781279>>781286
File (hide): 1618170173011.jpg (45.7 KB, 600x450, c0324c644df884d971486668f3035f…)

I fucking hate the movie friends with benefits with mila kunis and justin timberlake with a burning passion because it glamorized the whole fwb and cool girl pick me thing. Fuck this shit.
No. 781692>>781701>>781710>>781946>>781947
File (hide): 1618229787385.jpeg (992.17 KB, 1367x760, 9C353B6E-5B71-4CA4-9D6D-201AD8…)

I feel maternal feelings towards Apu. Not Pepe. Just Apu. I think he's cute and I want to protect this sad little retard frog.
No. 781701>>781947
File (hide): 1618230764304.jpg (66.07 KB, 818x864, EolDWStXcAU7aH6.jpg)

>>781692I do too anon! Pepe is ugly as sin and I care not for him, but I something about Apu makes me want to protect him.
No. 781710>>781946>>781947
File (hide): 1618231621780.jpg (77.78 KB, 1080x764, EcBsu0CXgAIU0FX.jpg)

>>781692can someone please make an Apu thread? I just want to scroll through images of what goes on in his life
No. 781946
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>>781692>>781710I'm okay with this. I have some cute pics saved. I only hate on them because male posters use them.
No. 781989>>782089
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>>781947what the fuck anon, thats so messed up
No. 782086>>782093
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I wont respond to a redditors questions on the basis of their post history. I know this is some "Looked though your post history and Y I K E S" shit, but I cannot in god faith help a guy out who's most active subreddit is /r/femboyfitness or /r/incelswithouthate.
They do it to themselves too. They never post what they want me to critique, but instead say "Go find it in my post history". Never do they mention doing that requires going through 7 furry subreddits
No. 782291>>782293
>>782281Ayrt, it depends on a lot of factors. Like is the scar raised or dented, how deep, how old etc. It also depends on the artist. Some just aren't experienced at it. I got traditional so it's all thick black and it stuck well.
>>782282Mine were completely healed, around 5-4 years old. The advice on this varies a lot, my artist said 3 years minimum but I know some work on even year old scars.
No. 782305>>782307
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>>782289Tbh there’s nothing comfier than lazily flicking the bean and fantasizing until you doze off, don’t even bother finishing half the time tbh. I hate to say it but I understand why scrotes fall asleep with their hand in their boxers
No. 782369>>782392
>>782333Just cheat lol make sure your new lover knows what’s up tho
>>782367The best way to learn is to play anon
No. 782380>>782395>>782397>>782406
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>>782367I really want to play DnD just so I can own a pretty dice set without being told that I’m a filthy casual or something like that. I would definitely have matching dice sets with my bff.
No. 782392>>782418>>782438>>782895
>>782369what if i hurt my bfs feels really bad though like hes the only guy i've dated thats not addicted to anything or exclusively thinks with his dick. the sex is horrible but we were both(TMI
trigger idfk sorry) messed with as kids so i don't mind idk i want to kiss a girl so bad but the idea of guilt coming from cheating stops me and i don't wanna breakup bcus if im like "IM GAY" and then later on i date a man he may rightfully hate me. i hate men (except for him) but sometimes if they have big dicks its worth it? sorry im reatarded i hope this makes sense probably not though. what if he or one of his friends finds my tinder while im looking for a girl to kiss. what then
No. 782395>>782400>>782408>>782419
File (hide): 1618275702032.jpg (376.17 KB, 1000x925, IMG_20210312_174458.jpg)

>>782380I actually made a similar post these days, with picrel
I'd love to have the first and second sets!
But you don't need to play DnD, you could obviously play other tabletop RPGs (I don't like high fantasy so I prefer stuff like Call of Cthulhu), use for games that require one or two 6 sided dice and even some "choose your adventure" type of game/fanfic that use die to randomize your fate (someone posted something like that on that man thread on the media board if you want to check out what I am talking about)
No. 782402>>782403>>782410
>>782397nta but jesus anon, calm down, let the girl appreciate the aesthetics of freaking dices, who cares?
Go release your frustration on the infighting thread or something.
No. 782410>>782411>>782424
>>782400I try to lay low
>>782402>Go release your frustration on the infighting thread or something.That thread is unfortunately gone. She lived fast and died young, and won't be forgotten
No. 782424>>782437
>>782410I know
nonnie, I was just kidding. It's funny how we have to avoid saying those two blessed words to not get banned. The literal photoshop from a week back was hilarious!
No. 782437
>>782424What photoshop? Please post it on the shitpost thread
>>782408Report back when you do! There's actually so many varieties of tapletop RPGs, is just that DnD and other high fantasy ones are the most popular.
Cyberpunk ones were a bit on the rise again since it came back, and there are also a few zombie ones that are fun
The only downside is that playing with only 2 players is kinda boring imo because there's only one playable character and the one that gets to be GM is basically a God/NPC.
Anyway, good luck
No. 782438
>>782333>>782392If you do feel like you might actually end up having sex with or kissing someone else, then it's best to just leave him before that happens anon. Don't cheat on him. I hope some day you are able to find a woman (or man?) who can completely satisfy you and can also understand the pain you have been through
>i don't wanna breakup bcus if im like "IM GAY" and then later on i date a man he may rightfully hate meIf you breakup, you wouldn't owe anything to him as his ex. It wouldn't be any of his business who you date after him, regardless of what reason you give for a breakup.
No. 782480>>782492>>782552
File (hide): 1618281595684.png (630.61 KB, 588x661, nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn…)

I love my boyfriend so fucking much, I love him so fucking violently, I feel aggression when I look at him
When I squeeze his arms and put my hands on his face, I want to bite him so badly it's all I can do to stop myself
I shake when I'm around him, and not form anxiety or nervousness or anything like that, it's like the energy inside my body is too much to be contained, I want to attack him, I just fucking love him so much, I want to bite him
Sometimes he's said that I look at him in a way that's almost scary, but he smiles when he says it
I just fucking love him so fucking much, I've spent 11 years with him and I have never stopped wanting to maul him, I can still feel all the blood rush to my head when I see him walk in the door, I just fucking love him so much
I'm kind of scared that some day I may kill him because I just can't stand it, and in some way that I know doesn't make logical sense, but means something much further down in my monkey-brain, I just fucking want to have him with me forever in different deeper way
He's everything I want out of the world
No. 782616>>782643>>782782
File (hide): 1618298273554.png (18.43 KB, 603x450, file10.png)

When I feel sad, alone, depressed, unloved, and lead on, I watch or read yaoi. I never read or watch shojo manga cause it sucks. Anyone does this too? I feel like I lack love in my life.
No. 782695
>>782689I grew up hating men who take care of their own appearance and in turn want very well presented women… then I realized that many men out there who look like shit often preach the same high standards (except it's a one way street where only the woman makes an effort) and now I feel stupid for hating on those vain men so much. They're not the worst. At least there's some give and take there.
People need to just date within their own league.
No. 782769>>782779
>>782766The subconscious is weird, don’t worry,
nonnie, I hope you can forget everything about that shitty dream.
No. 782779
>>782769True, usually I just have a laugh and move on but this one made me so disturbed kek
At least in the same dream I went into a thrift shop and found a cute utena graphic shirt, I guess
No. 782804>>782895>>783099>>783143
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I used to only have to masturbate like 2 times a month, but in the last few months, I've been crushing on this fictional character whose personality and appearance I've fallen in love with, and for the first time in my stupid life I'm insatiably horny.
I feel like I've been cursed by some sort of nympho sex demon. At first it was fun but now I'm really suffering. All day, every day, no matter what I'm doing, I'm horny about this dude. I have to stop studying to msturbate. I stay up way too late because I can't stop msturbating!!! And the worst part is, after I finish I'm only satiated for like half an hour & then I'm right back into cat-in-heat mode. Nothing helps and I feel like a fool, complete with that stupid hat with the jingly bells.
I'm committed to staying celibate for political reasons but holy fucking shit I think this is my animal brain telling me to go out and fuck. Until now I was convinced I could deal with it by myself but these fucking mating instincts are strong as hell. Life is suffering.
No. 782895
I'm wfh and can't stop getting off during the workday and I honestly hate it, I'm so fucking dopamine deprived
>>782804>I'm committed to staying celibate for political reasonsI don't even want to know hahaha
>>782873There you fuckin go. Learn to cum for him, and you'll drive him nuts. Real ego boost for him :)
>>782392Break up or don't. What do you want, a relationship or always stimulating sex? Both require work. If you think cheating will hurt him, wait until you realize what it'll do to you. If he's extraordinarily good, you can talk to him about your feelings rather than act on them.
No. 782921>>782927>>782935>>782950>>782982
>>782873My ex use to neg me about pussy eating (she squirted in my mouth and it was probably piss! Most vaginas are ugly and gross and covered in bumps are too hairy with beef curtains, etc). I would never let him eat me out because if he's that picky towards other women's pussies what is he gonna say about me?
Apparently he was missing out because I tasted my own cooch off my boyfriends mouth and it tastes AMAZING. Like white chocolate covered honey lollipops. On top of that my cooch is attractive to porn standards anyway so fuck him lol
No. 782965>>782972
>>782955They can, but c'mon now.
Yes, my pussy taste like cherry cola too
No. 782988
File (hide): 1618344443078.gif (Spoiler Image,26.26 KB, 320x180, E9A1325D-554A-403A-A2EA-5B7D37…)

I’m usually the most lame vanilla girl ever but this scene was really hot.
No. 783070>>783127>>783255
>>782972anon did you even read the link you posted
>a third armpit>watery sauerkraut>milk and coins>a sweat-covered barbell>white chocolate covered honey lollipopsbitch one of these things is not like the others
No. 783143>>783178
As a military brat I moved a lot when I was young, every two or three years, and I'll never forgive my dad for that, it was probably the biggest factor into turning me into a solitary weirdo. I have zero childhood friend and no place I can call my hometown, and I'm sure my tendency to ghost friends every three years when I get bored of them is a direct consequence of that.
Also I'll never forgive my parents for making me skip a grade, the school apparently put a lot of pressure to make me do it, but they should have insisted. Worst thing is that I skipped my grade during the middle of the school year, couldn't they have just waited for the year to end to do that? Way to fuck me for years to come, bravo.
>>782804Out of curiosity, who is it?
No. 783180
A few months before the pandemic I went out to a club to celebrate my best friend's birthday. I rarely, almost never, go out, because I have low self-esteem, but ofc I had my mind on being there for her and having a good time.
Then at one point I'm just walking inside, in the middle of all the people, trying to get to my a friend and I stumbled into a guy, we look back at each other and I see him patting his friend's back to get his attention (doesn't break eye contact) and starts pointing at my face. He was making fun of me, laughing with his friend and talking directly to me (as if I wanted to listen to that) comparing my face with an specific object. It was so surreal, I just acted like I didn't listen and continued my night.
The club had a problem with the lights and everyone came together to a bar that was close. I'm there with my friends but for one second I'm walking alone and stumbled across this scrote again, he "recognizes" me and starts making fun of me again. One of my friends catches up with me in that exact moment and heard him, she defended me and we just walked away.
We never talked about it, the rest of the group doesn't know, it's like some sort of secret between us and mine. Seriously what makes people (men) that they can freely talk about other people's appearance. I mean I do know..
No. 783195>>783228>>784743>>785042
File (hide): 1618362491964.jpg (20.09 KB, 643x517, 1540760550044.jpg)

>total fucking loser
>type 1 diabetes, kidneys going bad, feet going numb, projectile vomitting multiple times daily possibly from diabetic neuropathy (haven't gotten an endoscopy yet), thyroid getting nodules, ovaries getting cysts, all from the fucking diabetes
>ptsd, bipolar, depression, anxiety all from the diabetes
>dropped out of high school to get a job to help my family
>and this is my reward
>get fired because I'm only trained to work in kitchens and you can't work with food puking all the time
>give the fuck up
>apply for disability
>try for year and a half to get a therapist that takes state insurance
>no one does
>disability takes literal years to get if they even take you
>attempt suicide
>fucking purse strap fucking breaks
>go to doctor next day for normal pre-scheduled diabetes shit
>wore turtle neck to hide mark
>doctor wants to see my neck to feel my thyroid
>shit fuck
>doc sees mark, knows why it's there
>says she's calling 911 and I can either go voluntarily where they can only keep me for up to a week, or involuntarily and they can keep me over a month
>go voluntarily
>they take my insulin pump
>will only give me two fucking shots of insulin daily
>be begging for insulin for days
>go into DKA (dying)
>still begging for insulin, telling all of the nurses what to do if they find me seizing or in a coma
>keep getting told to just go back to bed
>get phone time
>call my doctor who sent me here tell her they're refusing me insulin
>doctor says this isn't an uncommon way for type ones to die in hospitals
>she calls and demands they send me to the ER and get me on IV fluids, obviously including insulin, and give me a ketone test
>in order to not admit that it happened on their watch, instead they just discharge me early
>sit outside with no shoes and clothes from the lost and found because all of my belongings were lost waiting for my mom to pick me up
>go home
>still the same piece of shit in the same situation as before but now with the knowledge I may be murdered by hospital staff one day
>give all the way up
>ask various elderly family members if I can just stay with them and do their dishes and laundry
>actually all of them say yes
>buy some game consoles I wanted since high school
>buy a large rolling luggage to carry my life in
>for once in my life, actually start feeling kind of okay
>start showering more often
>start actually brushing my teeth
>stop wanting to kill myself so much
I am a loser piece of shit wandering vagrant mooching off the family I love most, but I am finally living easier.
Is it okay? I don't know. I'm finally as close to happy as I've ever been
All I ever wanted was to be with my family, I have lost so much time with them, and then to find out out, everyone wanted to see me all along and they don't even want anything from me at all, as if I'm not even a burden to be there.
My life has been such an utter burden to everyone involved, my parents were destroyed by the debt my illness caused, and I have always felt the pain I caused them.
To get away from all of this, to leave all of the evil in the medical ties behind, at least for most of the month, it's such a relief.
To just be somewhere quiet and watch wheel of fortune with people who love me, and I'm such a bad person, but I feel so much better now.
I feel guilty for feeling better, I don't deserve it, but I don't want to go back and I don't think I will.
No. 783228
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>>783195I can only say that you deserve to have good things in your life, anon, you’ve been doing your best and that’s what counts after all.
No. 783319>>783694
File (hide): 1618382199202.gif (19.73 KB, 434x32, anal avengers assemble.gif)

>>783318A scrote was posting a bunch of threads about the dangers of anal sex for a month or two. Most of his threads were deleted by mods, but you can probably still find some in the catalog if you ctrl + f "violence". Also, look in the funny caps thread for more Anorectal Violence stuff
No. 783326
>>783318It’s Anorectal violence
Anorectal violence
Anorectal violence
I can feel the trauma trauma
The girthy insertion in my anus
I can hear the fallacies fallacies
The CIA shill that, anorectalviolence
No. 783394>>783411>>783428>>783460>>783518
File (hide): 1618394730606.gif (997.58 KB, 500x375, tallulah-bankhead.gif)

I've never turned off adblock on youtube, even when watching the channels I like
No. 783713
File (hide): 1618438944433.png (101.11 KB, 356x417, based tranny janny.png)

>>783694No, he got busted by some other scrote who saw him posting on 4chan for months or possibly years before, specifically on the /gif/ board in threads for anal sex
Was pretty disappointing, but gave us a couple of funny redtexts
No. 783792
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I consume way too much sugar because I love flavored milk
And I try to excuse it by taking a ton of vitamins
No. 783858>>783866>>783870
File (hide): 1618460955933.gif (221.55 KB, 250x250, go1_250.gif)

Once I drew over some tranny fanart of one of my husbandos. Gave him the healthy girthy juicy penis he deserves to have. The og artist ended up finding out and sperged about it for days.
I have 0 regrets because she was a piece of shit and constantly harassed other artists.
No. 783866
>>783858that's awesome
good job
No. 783946
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I just read a fucked up but well written fanfic that got me disgusted at first but then turned me on in a primal way, like against my will, and now I can't stop self-inserting as a girl who fucked her outlaw uncle who turned out to be her actual father and she turned out to be a rape baby. I never thought about fucking my father or my uncle, I'm just very attracted to the character she wrote the fanfic about. Anyway, please god, heal my soul
No. 784179>>784196>>784330
File (hide): 1618512712933.jpeg (288.15 KB, 1024x780, tEHuo6b.jpeg)

I started ERPing with this guy who writes erotic stories in an obscure community. I’m doing this because I want to know what kind of backstory he has that gave him his weirder kinks. I found a facepost from a year ago after some digging. He’s actually cute and not some obese neckbeard, so that’s even weirder. The most noteworthy thing is that he has piercings.
The actual ERP is okay. I’m into some of it, and I don’t mind the writing exercise. It does get a bit extreme at some points, but I just go along as a trust building thing.
This whole thing is honestly getting a little stale for me, though. I need to find a way to get him in a more comfortable state to share his personal life. I wish the yandere Johan anon would come back and offer some tips. I don’t even know if I can call it a “crush” at this point. It somehow feels more manipulative than that, but it’s not even like I want to hurt him or control him. I just want to know more, and then I’ll probably fuck off once I understand. I’d genuinely be happy if I could just dox him for my own personal reading. I know I’m being a massive creep, but idc. It’s interesting.
No. 784307>>784979
>>784268Whenever I see posts like this, I feel like it's a tranny psyop to take everything fun/girly from actual women. Next someone will start saying that anons who like dress up games are also troons, followed by basic pop music enjoyer anons, then video game liking anons, then programming anons, etc.
J-fashion will never be tranny domain. They can't even do it right, they all buy the same stupid shit like those ":3" face masks coupled with pink or blue striped thigh highs and literally nothing cute/interesting.
The only thing those freaks have the right to is being diaperfags, groomers and abominations.
No. 784350>>784353
>>784346i haven't watched porn in like a month bc we haven't had sex and i've been too tired to masturbate cause i've been working too much. i've been feeling this way for a couple months now. it's just extra strong guilt today.
maybe i just need to have sex.
No. 784353>>784380
>>784346>>784343samefag but to add to that a little: pretty much everyone who watches porn after a while is unable to get the same stimulation with the content they've started with and have to reach for something more, often more degenerate, for a stronger stimulation. In your case it was more of a need for a variety, not necessarily degeneration level increase, but chances are eventually lesbian porn will stop doing it for you and you'll be looking for something more intense and more taboo too.
>>784350You definitely sound horny, go get that dick since he's next to you anyway. Maybe it would be good if you get him to spoil you a few times, massage session, a lot of eating out, to relive your stress and remind you of why you're with him? Kinda sounds like it may be because you're not taken care of properly, but just guessing here.
No. 784359
>>784342I totally get it
nonny. In my case I'm even more of a dumb hopeful bitch because my boyfriend used to be outright
abusive but he's been in therapy and doing work on his own and every time we've been together since (we live separately but meet regularly) he's been the guy I always wanted him to be. It's been some time and his current responses make me think he's improving. But I can't help but think he'll just flip on me again one day, especially if we ever move in together again. Regardless of what happens that's why I'm always going to maintain my own space, resources and a back-up plan. Sometimes being involved with him, even though nothing bad has happened in this stage, gives me more anxiety than happiness. I think the best way to enjoy what you have is to try and be in the moment but know your boundaries. I let too many things fly in the past but now I know I'm strong enough to ditch him forever if I see even the slightest backslide. In any case, I'm sorry for the things you and your sister went through and I hope your boyfriend really is one of the good ones.
No. 784685>>784694>>784706
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I pay for tinder. I know it’s pathetic but I pay so that I can pick from the 100s of men who I know already like me enough to swipe. I cannot bear to swipe someone and think “what if they don’t want to match me”. Plus it’s hard not to be unnaturally picky. It feels like an agonising decision, like “what if he’s THE ONE? And I’m putting him off cos he’s 5+ miles further away than I’d prefer”. Most women could leave their profile on discover for 24 hours and get 2000 likes. I do this, but for like 1 hour, then I turn it off because I don’t like picking from more than like 200 men. After I have them I go through them and swipe left all the shit cunts, weirdos, uglies, ones I have nothing in common with, too far away too old too young etc. Then I’ll be left with like 1 - 5. Then I will start talking to them.
I can’t tell you if this method works because I often just have an anxiety attack and delete my profile because I think im unworthy of a relationship, lose all my matches and delete their numbers. I’ve only gone on like, three dates. I’ve paid between £5.99 and £14 like 4 times for this shit just to freak out and delete it.
It is fun deleting the uglies though, I do it with a glass of wine and a spliff. It’s like a video game. Virtual scrote rejection.
No. 784694>>784702
>>784685Good for you but your post, and particularly this part
>It’s like a video game. reminds me why I dislike tinder and online dating culture in general. It's so dehumanizing.
honestly even you say that you get these periods of extreme anxiety and low self worth linked to it, and that your pickiness on the app is unnatural. Imagine how many great guys you'd click with on a real life date you've swiped left on because you just felt too picky. I don't know. Ultimately it's just not a thing for me, and I do know some people for whom it worked very well too.
No. 784702>>784721
>>784694Yes it’s completely unnatural but I am so isolated at the moment, due to pandemic restrictions etc. I don’t know how else I could meet someone.
The things that make me fall for a person is not looks or hobbies or anything superficial, it’s how they treat me and others, their innate humour and how it feels to be around them. You’ll never see that with OLD profiles, it’s not possible to portray that.
Part of the reason I have anxiety attacks is because I compare myself to people on there, and start thinking I’ve got nothing to offer except looks, and how could anyone love a person like me who is mentally ill, been single for 4 years and desperately trying to escape neetdom in their mid 20s. I give off a fake persona on there of someone who’s bright and cheery and productive, but I am not always that person. I don’t talk about the hours I spend lying in bed scrolling thru lolcow and other time wasting sites, or the fact that I can’t find a job and live with my parents, or the fact that I can’t go a day without smoking weed, or the fact that I’m a fucking hypochondriac who is convinced they have a brain tumour.
No. 784751>>784767>>784774
>>779701euthanasia shouldn't be allowed for depressed people because depression itself makes those people unable to make informed desicion on should they die or not. the idea that life will never get better is a symptom of depression itself.
edgy suicidefags can seethe about this but it is true. mentally ill people cannot consent to die.
No. 784783>>784787>>784791>>784792>>784801>>784802>>784812>>784825>>784830>>784834>>784840>>784854>>785084
>>784767normalfag, normalfag, your opinion is the most normie shit online along with all these retards who buy into the npc memes. babby's first existental thought, life is a virus, as if i haven't heard any other moron say this million times before.
everyone can say shit about how life is miserable, how no one consents to be born and all that edgy shit and think they're doing anything revolutionary, but it is the most basic braindead take you can have.
life is not good or bad. life is an experience. life itself is a value. i know i am a loser in most accounts when it comes to viewing if life is valuable or not, i am over 30, no education, no job, never had a long term relationship, since i did lose most of my life to depression and mental illness, all that shit people measure if your life is valuable or not. most people would deem my life worthless, but it isn't since like i said, life is a value itself. anyone who says my life is worthless can go fuck themselves because they are wrong.
it doesn't matter what i have achieved or what i have not, every day i can walk among other people, who are not just some bunch of npcs, but every single one of them is a unique experience that is made of memories, experiencs, heritage, temperament and pure coincidence. and that's what i am. my life is something that will never, ever exist on this planet ever again once i am gone. every time i look at someone i am looking at one of a million phenomenon in this world. i am individual among individuals, we are all connected and how i behave affects others, how others behave affects me. i stare at the same sun millions have stared at and millions are staring at right now and millions will stare at after me. i can see stones, trees, people laughing, weather change, birds, bugs, puke on the sidewalk, all kinds of random bunch of shit because i got the change to experience life. no one this world forces me to stay miserable. no god stepped out of the heavens and pointed a gun at me and said that i must suffer every single day till the rest of my life. i don't. i really, really don't. so i won't. and i will just live and experience the world i got the change to see.
this all sounds like total bullshit, but i am lifepilled and happy about it. and every single one of you miserable fools are children of someones's too, all lovable, all unique, silly assholes who i hope will get over it some day and go and shake hands with a tree or something, go and inspect some birds and eat a donut and just experience.
No. 784794>>784830
>>784787>>784791>>784792you all can continue to suffer and be bitter, no one forces you to do it but yourselves.
like i said, i am lifepilled and happy.
No. 784830>>784837
>>784783Ok anon, sorry for being an asshole. I respect your experience, you have the right to see things the way you see them. I'm not even denying that life has value wtf? I'm not denying the value of human experience, especially their suffering. I just think it's not worth the hassle of being born in the first place. In my opinion the bad outweights the good, the biggest pleasure you can imagine cannot outweight the biggest pain you can imagine, your greatest experience cannot outweight, say, the pain of a child having their eyeballs pushed out by a tumor in their head. One happy experience cannot set you for life, but one traumatic experience CAN surely fuck you up for life. Many such cases. Most of our pleasures are just a cope, a distraction, fulfilling biological needs of a meat-robot, or straight out escapism. There was no need to create all those needs in the first place.
>>784794But what if someone suffers from cancer or some other disease? They can't just choose something else, they can't switch bodies and stop suffering. Would you also deny them the right to hate everything? Not everyone copes with their illness with "dignity" - although media and the movie industry feed us only with pictures of people dying with "dignity" - I've seen people becoming bitter, hateful and agressive when they got sick. And there are those who wish they haven't been born. And they have the damn right to it. And I think that people who are in mental pain also have the right to it. Just because their state of mind isn't caused by a physical, terminal illness, doesn't mean their experience of suffering is less real or
No. 784837>>784851
>>784830i have incureable diseases myself. obviously my situation is different because i can still move and do things on my own. i will not judge someone with incurable cancer hating their life, or with some other disease that really effects their life in a negative way. i won't even judge someone with mental illness hating their life, i just hope they get over it and what i judge is them telling other mentally ill people that they have no change to recover and spreaing suicidal ideation.
but at the same time, there are deformed people, people witout legs, very sick people who still want to live and continue to live. it is not impossible to enjoy life despite whatever circumstances you have.
No. 784854
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>>784783Marry me, anon, we have the same views on how life works. I love you.
No. 784863>>784876
>>784827Of course this place isn’t good for deep trauma resolution but I can see how it may be therapeutic for some. I was privileged enough to receive therapy extensively from 14 to 21. I think I’ve heard everything there is to hear. It’s predictable after a while. I can play therapist to myself at this point kek
Lc is nice, it’s free. You get to put it out there, sometimes even get a nice feedback, nothing profound but it feels so much better than coming from a paid emotional hooker. Even from a negative response, I can usually reflect or derive catharsis from it in some way. I like inputing to others posts too. Don’t always practice what I preach, duh, but I’m consciously trying to internalize my own good advice.
The downside is it made me kind of addicted which rather diminishes the return kek
No. 784946
>>784890Based. When you're in person give everyone compliments except for him. Not in the same hang-out sesh, of course, but like each time you get together pick a person to say "Wow your hair/make-up/skin looks great today."
Never say it to him kek. Watch him seethe
No. 784979>>785028
>>784307Lmfao do you dress like that anon? I'm a woman and I do find j-fashion super cute, but I accept that it's going to look weird on me as a white woman in America who doesn't have a cute face at the very least to pull it off. While I find a lot of fashion to be amazing on models and celebrities I am socially conscious of how appropriate it is and how it would look on me personally. Same goes for bangs, I love them on other people but they look terrible on my face.
What I think is the difference between women and trannies is that most women are on average a lot more conscious of other people's opinions of their clothing and how it fits on us personally, whereas a hulking troon would literally buy an outfit set to look like their favorite loli and wear it to a fancy dinner.
This also goes for my observations irl. I've seen women who wear j-fashion in the appropriate context to do so (like lolita meets, cosplay conventions, etc) but the same women will tone it down when going out in public for other things because they know that doing full lolita would solicit looks from people. Of course there are some exceptions but aside from the few women who do, the majority of people who I've seen wear like blatant weeb clothes out in public to shop and do menial tasks are trannies. Do you understand now what I mean?
No. 785016>>785017>>785023>>785026>>785036>>785041>>785049>>785057>>785073>>785078>>785081>>785082>>785186>>785342>>785735>>785745>>785794
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I'm smoking weed and I feel nostalgia. Tw for autism
When I was 11-12 I belonged to a community of The Lion King fans. We were all incredibly autistic, making lion OCs on deviantart and writing fanfiction. At one point I had The Lion King x Naruto fanfic and it was literally one of the most autistic and cringe things I can think of. Also, I pretended to be a boy because I struggled with my attraction to girls and I thought that in order to hit on other girls I had to be a boy (later on I started to "identify" as a boy anyway), and, not gonna lie, I enjoyed the attention girls were giving me; there were only 3 guys among us; one is an openly gay man now, the other I know nothing about except "he" had a cringe japanese name, and the third "guy" was me. I was the most popular and my OC, which I drew myself, was the sexiest (btw the quality of our art was quite good, sure, we were no OmegaLioness or DolphyDolphiana, but for a bunch of 11-14 year olds drawing in MS Paint and PS we were quite good). At my peak I had like 14 different girls crushing on me. There was this girl who was older than me, she was the biggest Stacy in our community; she had the best art, the most popular fanfic and OC, the biggest amount of friends. She "dated" the guy with a cringe japanese name. But then we started exchanging personal messages and she fell for me. At first we were a couple only in rp, but then it turned into an actual internet relationship. I felt like an asshole for lying to her about being a boy irl, but I couldn't help it, I had a crush on her, I wrote her poems, I thought about her every day at school and I couldn't wait to talk to her again. It lasted almost a year. I was retarded enough to have two accounts on the messaging platform we were all using, one for actual me, and one for my male self, and before all that male-larping started, I interacted with community as a girl for a while, and she happened to have my first account on her contact list. So one day I accidentally put a status that was associated with my male OC on my orginal account, and she saw that before I managed to delete it. She then checked my IP and of course she found out both accounts have the same one. So she writes to me and screams what the fuck. I start to panic and I tell her I have a sister who's also roleplaying and we use the same pc and I just opened her account by accident. And she fucking bought it. So it went on for a few next months. We started to get into Pirrates of the Carribean fandom. She wanted to rp and of course I wanted to be her bf there too but she decided she doesn't want to have a human OC and she made a fucking gryphon OC, which didn't even fit the universe imo, but whatever (she still wanted her character to be in love with my human character to make it "tragic"). She also wanted me to have a human love interest. We couldn't really find anyone fitting for the role so I ended up roleplying with myself (that is, my fake male me with my real me who pretends to be the sister of the fake male me). You have no idea how stressfull it was to roleplay as two different people in real time. Now I'm pretty sure it supposed to be a test. After some time we went back to TLK rp. We already had children and granchildren. Girls were still hitting on me but I was faithfull to my queen. Then I commited the status mistake again. But this time she didn't have it, I thought she grew suspicious anyway, she wasn't stupid. I told her the truth and everything fell apart. She didn't want to talk to me and everyone kinda turned away from me. I was heartbroken but I knew I deserved it. To make things worse, she used the ideas I told her about as her own and put them in her fanfic. I was angry for not giving me any credit and I wrote her hate comments. She also continued to use my OC in her art and modifying its look without my permission. I was bitter and punished. Rejected by everyone, I turned to a group that was hated by my orginal community, that is, the narutards. I hated anime at that time, but I felt so alone and I had nowhere to go, and there was this one girl who liked my art and introduced me to Naruto and helped me make my own OC. She was the community Stacy, but with a twist of yandere. Nice at first, then she turned out to be a narcissist who threatened you with cutting and killing herself if you disagreed with her (she was, of course, a Sasuke fan). Around that time I commited my peak atrocity that was the TLK x Naruto fanfic, I deleted it quickly though after receiving comments from even more autistic Naruto fan about me being the "insult to all of shinobi". I think I just wanted to express my anger through writing post-ironic crap. Then I met another girl who became my best friend for a while and we made some of the most original OCs imo. We loved to dunk on mary sues such as Shizue Asahi and Sawaii Hitomi. I wrote a few Naruto parodies that people liked, I filled them with political and religious references and made every character into a degenerate. The narcissist Sasuke-stan stole my ideas for a story (certain people loved to steal my ideas for some reason). Lots of fun and autism. Unfortunately, my new best friend grew tired of being a socially awkward sperg like the rest of us and she was online less often and finally she stopped talking to me after sending me the last message about finding a great friend irl and not needing online friends anymore. So I was left alone again. At 14 I felt too tired for this rp shit anyway. I began to cultivate my autism in isolation.
No. 785023>>785129
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>>785016This was beautiful. I expected the autism to calm down but it went up and up, perfect, anon. I love you.
No. 785028
>>784979I deleted my first post saying tl;dr to this, because it somehow felt wrong to read the other anon's entire Naruto/Lion King post after ignoring this, but I ended up feeling exactly the same, lmao.
Let women be alt and tacky and cringe or whatever in peace. Female autists exist, and unsurprisingly, many of them opt to hang out on anonymous imageboards. Trannies still don't own shit but diapers and grooming lmao.
No. 785042
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>>783195I'm sorry your life is so difficult. But families are meant for "mooching." You help each other in all the ways possible that you can.
No. 785049>>785129
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>>785016This is probably my favorite post I haver ever read on lolcow, it's the absolute perfect mix of humour, autism and tragic gay stories that I love. I laughed so much, I unironically understand why people were stealing your ideas anon
No. 785057>>785129
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>>785016This is why children shouldn't have the Internet. The compulsion for autism is innate and the Internet allows for its expression in ways hitherto unknown to humankind.
No. 785078
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>>785016How is this even a thing
No. 785121
>>785061The case was shocking and senseless from what I recall, however I found the documentary to be kinda meh. They focused too much on the facebook sleuths who didn't really do much in the end. Sure, it was interesting how they predicted
Luka 's every move but they came across as cocky at times
Still a pretty interesting watch
No. 785129
>>785017>>785023>>785049>>785082Thank you anons, ily. I was hestitant to post it but I feel a little better now
>>785057Without the internet I wouldn't be able to sustain my hobbies and that's the only thing that kept my alive so I don't know how would I cope with that anon. I bet it's the same for many autists
>>785036It wasn't that great because I didn't interact with online rp communities anymore and with no interactions with other people there's less potential. I became obsessed with cinema. We had a couple of tv channels that don't exist anymore, that broadcasted old classic movies, not just american ones, but also european and asian ones. I was homeschooled for a few years so you know, before and after my lessons I would just watch movies constantly. Sitting all day in my pyjamas and watching movies was very comfy. I feel like movies awakened humanity in me, but also made me longing for interactions I can never have. I didn't have any irl friends or other activities so I was consumed by it. By the time I was 18 I rated at least 3k movies. Everything I owned, be it music CDs or audio files on my pc, had to be segregated not alphabetically, but chronologically (so in the order in which I heard the song/album for the first time), that way, when I get nostalgic, it's easier to trace my memories back to a certain song and recall the moment I heard it for the first time perfectly. I also drew a lot. I developed an unhealthy habit of maladaptive daydreaming. You know, if I loved a movie or a band, I could walk around my room for hours and imagine myself as the main actor or the frontman/guitarist, giving interviews etc. Sometimes my mother would walk in on me like this and ask what the fuck am I doing. I could waste an entire day doing just this (I still do). From time to time I get extremely obsessed about something. Like, 2017-2018 was a Yakuza (the game) year and it became more popular among western casual gamers and I always hate when that happens, but to make things worse the 6th game had such a terrible new engine and physics I had to shit on it for hours on /v/. I was a part of the Jojo fandom for a while - I'm stil a fan, I just don't interact with fanbase - and I caused a shitstorm on /a/ when part 5 anime came out because I hated it. I'm not doing this for attention, I just feel it's rightful to shit on something bad and when I'm done I'm leaving. But I had a few anons there who got absolutely obsessed with me and who followed me on a different board just to bully me or trying to hit on me, they would post about me in Jojo threads even when I wasn't posting anymore and accusing random anons of being me just because they had similar opinions to mine. I became a boogeyman for a few months. I also gained a couple of girl fans which was nice, I made some commissions for them etc. I still feel like shit because I left their discord, I just don't know how to handle a casual conversation with a people who just want to talk to me about random things, without having a specific topic to discuss.
No. 785142
>>785061same, I feel like these kind of docs don't usually get as graphic because most of the time they're about humans and it would be too disturbing for too many people
then again, surely animal torture is just as disturbing to a similar amount of people
No. 785186
>>785016I’m not reading all this shit but be yourself
nonny. Take no prisoners.
No. 785187
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>>783892A lot has happened in this thread since you posted this but bear with me anon. I’m in love with magic too, and I’d love to hear more about your thoughts on it! colors you love, what decks you built etc. your cube dreams
No. 785194
>>785193For no particular reason.
No. 785322>>785324
>>785298Oh, that one scene where he fucks him while he's male. And then it's all het scenes. It's such a bullshit manga and it's not "equal" in any way, it's just your regular coomer hentai trash with one gay scene. The mc's
boyfriend/fuckbuddy is so cringy too.
No. 785342
>>785016Just wanna drop in to throw my own rose at you like everyone else
nonny, amazing story, also brought me back to my dA days too kek
No. 785365>>785366
>>785362Half the time when I make posts here I delete them, bad habit. I'm glad to see more people who are yumejoshi
the word is so rarely used that I barely knew about it until a year ago despite experiencing being one for so long. I've been able to accept myself a bit more since it isn't that hard to see how irl men are frequently a danger/letdown. I think what really drove me over the edge even with "decent" men were the stats on how men leave/cheat on their partners when they get sick. I just want my husbando and a good group of friends at this point. It's escapism to the nth degree, but I don't think it really does that much harm in the grand scheme of things as long as you're able to distinguish fiction and reality + have a good community you've built for yourself. My self-improvement and general like of myself is usually more stable when I'm deep into it too. We are cringe and we are free.
No. 785419>>785445
>>785397>>785397>housewife from the 1800’s>can’t cook>can’t take care of children>most surely won’t clean up stuffSounds like the classic character that gets murdered either by her husband, who is having affairs with the maids and/or raping them, or that gets murdered by a maid trying to either get revenge from what the husband did to her or that wants to get the wife’s spot in the house.
Not exactly a good look, but don’t worry,
nonnie, you get over that perfect waifu mentality when you take care of a house for more than a few weeks and when you study something interesting for more than a few years.
typios No. 785496>>785530
>>785489A few years ago I was living in an apartment complex. I did a big clear out of my sex toys, bagged them up and binned them in one of the buildings big industrial bins.
Couple days later I saw a neighbors kid in the hallway with my tentacle shaped butt plug. Playing with it as if it were a kids toy. Guess the parents were dumpster divers but the whole bag I threw out was clearly all sex toys. Did they not know what it was? So many questions.
No. 785502>>785503
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when I'm done with my ankle weights I like to hold them out to my sides and drop them like Rock Lee
No. 785504>>785508>>785519
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a week ago i was on the tram and this guy (who had been working out outside judging by his outfit) comes on and he smells so good. it wasn't like he smelled sweaty, i guess it was his natural scent? anyway he smelled amazing, like it was all i could focus on for a while. god, i felt like i was in one of those cursed a/b/o fics. i'm glad i wore a face mask or else his scent would've been even stronger and i'd probably pass out.
No. 785506
>>785490Nta but I like to wear thongs when I go to a gym to workout so my underwear doesn’t show, and depending on the type of fabric, they can be quite comfortable and won’t bunch up like regular panties.
For example, I like the no show ones because they’re extremely soft, but also cotton ones because they have a bit more structure and won’t cause front wedgies like no show thongs.
i also have a huge ass, so I either wear thongs or any panty will turn into a thong after a while of walking around and the sorts then again, the Brazilian type of cut is also comfortable and a middle ground between regular panties and thongs.
No. 785551>>785564>>785571
A dude I was friends with in HS is going to a super shitty and expensive college, but I don't give enough of a shit to stop him.
To put in context the dude was kind of a proto-incel. He believed (Straight faced) the biggest threat to the USA was feminism along with other equally abysmal takes, he was conversationally terrible to talk with because if you didn't talk about the 1 of 3 things he loved he'd just say "uh huh", and he was a fat slob who wouldn't stop burping 24/7. He was kind of a shit head, but in HS I was lonely with no standards and I hanged out with him a bit.
I learned that he was into art and he was dead set on going to some animation college. I was also into art and I wanted to be art grind buddies with him so I asked him to show me his art. It was all shit. He was a junior who said he'd been drawing since he was a child, but his work was that of a toddler. He made basic art mistakes like pressing the pencil as hard as he could down and chicken scratching. I tried to give him advice or good resources, but he just ignored me and based all his improvement off of the coomer mikeymegamega and some anime book. He didn't even know anything about the industry as he assumed he be able to work on anime because he's asian, never mind the fact he's Korean and grew up in America. I didn't talk with him for a while because we had a falling over. Googled his school out of bordem and learned it was an infamous scammer school. At best you come out of the school decent if you put effort in, which to be honest he wouldn't do, and at worst most industries just throw your resume out once they see the college.
After meeting him again I tried the explain how his this school was a bad idea, but he said he did his own research and it's fine and a friend of his, also as moronic as him, is going there. He wont even get connections by going to the school because he's doing it online. In fact the only reason he chose the college was so he could live with his mother.
This wont even be a "Fuck the rich" story because he's middle class with only one parent working. Getting a useless degree with 100k+ of debt will destroy his and his mothers life most likely.
I'll see him one more time before he goes to the school to conceive him not, but I wont give it my all
A dickbag I know is going to get an uber expensive that will destroy his life, but I'm to sick of him to put all my effort into stopping him.
No. 785722
>>785673Mentally disturbed and mentally challenged
No. 785794>>785831>>785879
>>785016>Struggled with being a baby lesbian at 12, thus lied about being male online and started an internet relationship with another 12-year old girl who believed I was a boymy fucking god this exact shit happened to me
nonnie, I wonder if there are more of us out there
No. 785811
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I hate being associated with ill people but it also feels good to find someone relatable. Thought picrel was funny as hell even though it was posted with serious intent
No. 785963>>785976
I love weebshit clothes that are often beloved by scrotes and troons, like programming socks or those "realistic" cat ears that a lot of cosplayers have nowadays. I don't wear either myself but it sends me back to my baby weeb days in the late 2000's/early 2010's when life felt so much simpler.
>>773788I miss creepy-chan. Her old photos were so iconic.
No. 785976
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>>785963I know right, I really want to get matching cat ears with my best friend so we can be retarded together and meow at each other while at home.
My related confession is that I wish I could wear those shitty trending weeb outfits with my best friend, we could take dumbass pictures and larp at home. I also want matching seifukus, maid outfits and maybe even some random j-fashion stuff we drool over when we see them on Instagram.
If only we had money.
No. 785980>>785982>>785983
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I’m thinking about killing myself because I don’t want to get older and all my friends stopped talking to me because of my mental breakdowns
No. 785984
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>>785982I’ve tried talking to them. The two I’m having the most problems with haven’t spoken to me properly in nearly 6 months despite me being an annoying bitch and messaging them multiple times. I keep trying to remind myself that nobody gives a fuck about me but it’s hard when I give so many fucks about them. If I was religious I’d pray for death
(avatarfag) No. 785985
>>785875tbh made me question if i actually did post it
>>785872i hope someone buys and revives it, i can't cope
No. 786163>>786174
>>786153Walmart didn't care as the chat rep literally did it within a minute.
Wayfair was automated and the picture was optional.
No. 786262
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About 2-3 yr agoI had a friend group on discord. Pretty much everyone there knew eachother, except for me and some other girl. I met them from a mutual friend when I was learning league.. There was this guy who I'll call Coomer. He was really funny, really nice and welcoming, and we quickly became pretty close friends. I trusted him with a lot. typical weeb, pretty much sold his soul to coomerdom, drew art, a little airheaded but emotionally sensitive in mostly a good way.
We maintained a close relationship for a long time. The girl I mentioned before showed up in the server. She was great, we became really close instantly and she was a lot like me. I was with someone else in the friend group at the time. Anyway, summer rolled around of 2019 and she really liked Coomer man. i was supportive i think and they eventually got together…
So , they had some issues. She felt (understandably) jealous because coomer and i were close and i was kinda hurt at the time but i honestly understand now and i gave them distance regardless so i didnt fuck it up.
Coomer was getting anxious that they hadnt met up yet, (online relationship) and he never even heard her voice. im skipping and skipping but the girl and i both found out he was talking mad shit about both of us behind our backs, and it really sucked. he immediately got kicked by our resident edgelord from the group and it kinda put a rift between the friend group bc since we were the women of the group, half of them didnt really care that he fucked up and still wanted to hang with the funni coomer man.
I thought we were best friends, and it hurt a lot, and i became really depressed due to some other life issues, it felt like that was stacked on top of it. however my girl was in a much worse state. she was dealing with an abusive father and eventually attempted allegedly. it was such a sucky situation. my bf at the time and our edgelord in the group (who became closer to me as this happened) blamed coomer. i couldnt bring myself too. eventually i realized despite his major fuck up i still really wanted to talk to him, to msg him, to just be his friend again. and it killed me morally because he hurt my friend so bad, it was so wrong of me to want that but i still did.. eventually my bf and i broke up for unrelated reasons..and i actually am dating the edgelord now. its nice. hes really loyal, and funny, and we have so many similar experiences. but i cant help but really still want to talk to coomer. its been a year since i have talked to him now. idk why i feel this way. i want to message him so bad or hear his voice or something. i have dreams about him zsometimes(non sexual), and sometimes i hope he is thinking of me. i dont think its romantic attraction. Why am I retarded? How do I stop thinking about him. I told my bf honestly and he obviously isn't a fan of it but he tries to help… I just want to get over it..I'm seething…
No. 786338>>804310
>>786189You can't just mention an embarrassing category of porn without telling us what it is,
No. 786449>>786461>>786515
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I desperately want to learn kpop choreographies and figure out how to rap/compose music, but I am absolutely awful at all of those things, I can't even think of music in my head without it already being stuff that already exists. I would do it, but it would incredibly cringe, and there's nothing worse than being the koreaboo white girl who thinks she can dance
I basically want to be like Min Yoongi, he's so cool and seeing him be so passionate about music makes me want to try too
No. 786529
>>786461That's the problem anon, it'd be fine if I was 15,but I've been on the kpop pill for 6 years, the autism never stops
>>786515I don't have access to mirrors, but I think I could handle something super simple (been watching alot of 2nd gen mvs lately), thanks anon. Doing them does seem fun, so maybe I should just do it for that. Seokjin had the same amount of dance experience at my age, so that means I can get good too, r-right
No. 786682
>>786667Ooh don't cut yourself on all that edge-
No. 786706>>786709>>786710>>786715>>786721>>786722>>786742>>786763>>786766>>786767>>786904>>787039
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I found out I have tapeworm(s) living inside me today after wiping and finding a 3 inch long flat, ribbony creature in my toilet paper. I'm getting it treated tomorrow but found out you can have a tapeworm live inside you for over 20 years. I wonder if the only reason I'm not fat is because this little guy has been mooching off of me this whole time. I watch my calories loosely and I'm always surprised that I'm not heavier and I've always been able to have occasional binges with no consequence. In fact, since I have 0 negative symptoms why not just let him chill and share calories with me? I'm joking of course…… unless?
No. 786721>>788332
>>786706>since I have 0 negative symptoms Well, that you're aware of.
Tapeworms exist in two types of infections: Intestinal, or invasive. If they've only infected your intestines, then yeah it's true there probably isn't much to worry about besides some blockages that lead to infections, like appendicitis. But did you know that over time, tapeworms travel? They form cysts within your body as they dig through your intestinal walls and travel to other locations like your organs. When they start to attack your nervous system, they can cause seizures, dementia, and in some extreme cases can be fatal.
I'm not trying to be a know it all, but why do you think tapeworms never caught on in modern medical practice as an effective dieting strategy? People are willing to chop out half of their stomachs, go under the knife to suck out the adipose, and take all sorts of gross weight loss supplements–so it seems like swallowing some parasites wouldn't be outside the realm of crazy just because of creepy crawlies, right? Except the downside to parasitic infections is that they're unpredictable, and there is no guarantee of their efficiency or safety. You wouldn't know when the cutoff is to kill these fuckers, or even if you could. I'm glad you're getting antibiotics anon, this really isn't worth it.
No. 786750
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I occasionally visit the "shitty SJW art" thread on kf for a laugh but I hate when one of them tries to redraw/redesign a subject's OC. Everyone on there is an awful artist if not worse than the people they make fun of
No. 786763
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>>786706>after wiping and finding a 3 inch long flat, ribbony creature in my toilet paper.J-Jesus Christ.
No. 786964
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My dream drama would be for someone who's mega internet-famous to be outed as a lolcow user. I just think it'd be so fun
No. 787039>>787046>>787196>>788332
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>>786706why would you lie on the internet
No. 787334
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I hate that I'm on this website so much. It make me feel like shit and I don't get anything done but here I am constantly checking it anyway.
No. 787381
>>787375i agree but i do think handling /pt/ must be difficult
its supposed to have the classic cows, so someone like Kiki or Onion can only go there. no matter how dry they are, they are classic cows and earned their spot to /pt/ and should never be downgraded to /snow/. classic cows just need to be left to their sad no milk saged threads and die. but i dont think its bad, its just that not everyone gets to be /pt/ material
/pt/ is too dead currently. they need to add new cows. i think shayna should be in /pt/ by this point. she has "thrived" here for years. as stupid and nitpick as her threads can get, c'mon, compared to mariah shes a riot. its hard to name someone else though, cause /snow/ is so volatile and cows just come and go constantly.
i dont know, to me /pt/ is special and i understand mods being selective of the cows. but at the same time it is annoying that theres not much going on there at all.
No. 787415>>787502
>>787391I think most people give compliments this way. You're right to distrust them. Particularly if they are only complimenting you in front of others.
>>787392Compared to the people I don't compliment, yes.
>>787397Oh I hate compliment/sympathy fishing too. Those types of chronically miserable people are never satisfied. Same with people who constantly feel the need to whine about how "depressed/anxious/suicidal" they are.
No. 787928
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I'm almost 30 but JJBA makes me feel like 15 years old weeb again, I can't wait for the new anime
No. 788113>>804310
>>788004being honest with those we care about it hard :(
But by not being honest we risk getting detached, I feel like I sometimes have to take care of how I think of people who are close to me by being honest and getting into very uncomfortable situations.
I hate doing that because I don't want to hurt anyone, but if I don't I won't like them and won't enjoy spending time with them, I don't want to grow apart from good friends and good people anymore :(
No. 788124>>788126>>788130>>788141
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I spend 3-5 hours every week roleplaying sex online, but I've never had sex.
I'm in my late twenties
No. 788147>>788218
>>788141>HeyI'm not comfortable sending pictures of myself, if that's what you're looking for then keep looking elsewhere
>I wanna see you so much right now, please send me a picStop asking me for pictures
>I showed you mine, cmon you can post faceless and clothed picsListen here you little spoiled brat, no means no, you won't get far by not respecting other people's boundaries
You know, honestly ghosting isn't the worst action, but shame it can be a waste of time and nerves.
No. 788150>>788218
>>788141>But how do you reject the other person's requests for nudes or even faceless pics?As soon as they request pics or nudes I tell them "no thanks, I don't do that, please don't ask again, okay?", if they ask again I say goodbye, if they message again I'll block. Anybody like that is like that is a terrible partner regardless, so you're not wrong for ghosting because there's no coming back from that. Sometimes it's better to just play the male role and message the decent female profiles, that way you avoid the horny moid monke brain if its getting to you.
The bigger problem is more them falling apart after a play, venting about their real problems and you find yourself having to comfort them for a bit. That's happened a few times, but I don't really get offended with it. There's lots of unstable people doing it so it's to be expected.
Also these places are very cliquey and there's a surprising amount of drama. For certain eccentric fetishes and interests there's like the same thirty or so people that all talk to and know each other. Tbh often you find yourself just talking about IRL stuff 80% of the time and roleplaying the other 20%.
No. 788189>>788192>>788221
File (hide): 1619010627705.jpg (Spoiler Image,124.23 KB, 1080x1350, 50540176_2175044256082250_4511…)

Me: Fuck scrote "photographers" who only ever seem to take softcore sexy photos of women!!! reeeeeeeeeee
Also me: (would buy out AJ Hamilton/@thetogfather's entire inventory of prints if he ever opened a shop)
No. 788192>>788204
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>>788189I almost thought this was a renaissance painting. His work is gorgeous.
No. 788218
>>788147>>788150Thanks anons! I will keep that in mind but most of them get really pushy even after several noes so instead of arguing I just ghost.
I will definitely apply some of those tips.
No. 788254>>788283
>>788133I remembered hearing about an app called goodnight where it matches you with people to have audio calls with
I tried to Google it for user experience stories and found lolcow in my Google search results kek
>>555497 No. 788283>>788285
>>788254Oh shit I'll give it a look! Thanks
No. 788332
>>786721Don't worry, I'm going to the doctor tomorrow. I'm scared sufficiently considering I joke with my boyfriend a lot about having dementia since I'm often confused and forgetful and I also have chronic stomach issues. I've even made jokes about having brain worms. So I'm looking forward to getting these out of me.
>>787039>>786766Sorry I should have said pic related but I thought mentioning mine was 3 inches and this one being outrageously long would make it clear. It's one of the first results when you google image tapeworm.
No. 788420>>788422
File (hide): 1619037007521.jpg (282.54 KB, 2048x1691, tomboy_gf.jpg)

I unironically want a tomboy gf
No. 788429>>788432
>>788422It’s weeb bullshit. This
>>788424 anon’s explanation really only ever commonly appears in anime
No. 788626>>788640
When I was younger my mom dragged me out to a gathering at her friend's house or something. I knew one of the kids there, he was one of my childhood friends, and he was nice enough to keep me company (he knew all of the other kids there but decided to hang out with me). I couldn't work up the courage to ask where the bathroom was in the house, because for some reason in my child brain that was something like admitting something embarrassing, even though he excused himself to go to the bathroom at some point. I don't know why I didn't just ask him after he came back where it was. So I held in my pee. I held it in for so long. This wasn't a 'your bladder is half full and signaling you to pee but eventually after you hold it in long enough the urge goes away', my bladder was completely full and the urge to piss was not going away. On the car ride back, with all the bumps, it was fucking unbearable. After we got dropped off in front of our building, my mom decided that we should go to the supermarket. All I could wonder was if they had a bathroom I could pee in. All I remember next is we went up the building my aunt lived in (next door to ours) for whatever reason instead of just going back to our own home and my bladder couldn't take it and I just pissed myself in the elevator and couldn't stop. I pissed like half of it out, managed to stop it, then we got into her apartment and I peed out the rest. I still don't remember why we went up to her apartment instead of our own, the entrances are a couple of feet apart and we live on a lower floor too.
Anyway, sometimes when I have to hold in my pee and it gets too much, I always remember this memory. I still sometimes think it's embarrassing when I go to someone's home and have to ask where the bathroom is, even though I'm now an adult and know that no one gives a fuck lmao.
No. 789193>>789200>>789208>>789218
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I bought Wal Mart sushi for the nostalgia and I enjoyed it. Took me back to a time where I lived in bumfuck nowhere. My mom was too racist and picky to have ever driven me to the city for a legit sushi experience. So sometimes when supermarkets had frozen "sushi" she'd buy it for me as it was cheap and a pity token. The indistinguishable rice, the vaguely sweet surimi salad in the middle, and–if one is lucky–perfectly yellow avocado instead of brown. Nothing can replicate the taste.
When I was a kid sometimes my mother would get a craving for chinese buffet, and I remember my first ever "sushi" being a simple pickled radish roll at one because it was cheap filler. But I didn't care, I thought it was so fancy. Eventually I would go on to have real sushi, but this stuff still has a place in my heart when I was a young weeb who yearned. I wonder if other people associate trash food with happy memories like I do, and even trick their brains into thinking it's decent?
No. 789199>>789396
>>789013You don't need to love being a woman so much as you just accept that you will always be one. Womanhood is absolute hell most of the time, so nobody can blame you for wanting to escape it. Personally I only came to love being female when I realised all men are fucking garbage and I'm better by default. Like
>>789195 said you're not a piece of shit and you can say whatever you want on here. I hope you feel better soon.
t. former enby
No. 789208
>>789193Oatmeal, that stuff makes me feel like I’m back at my happiest days during my preschool times, my grandma would make some delicious oatmeal that she would let cool to perfection, it had a huge stick of cinnamon in the middle and it was like eating an oatmeal pudding, it made me feel like the happiest person in the whole world.
I wish I could make it as great as she did back then, but I don’t know, maybe the milk has changed or the oatmeal I buy.
No. 789218>>789254
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>>789193I grew up poor, but once a month when my mom got paid she would buy me white rice and a weeb magazine. Sometimes the rice wasn't cooked right and it was hard, those times really sucked. It was a simpler time for sure, I miss the uncomplicated life I had back then.
No. 789242>>789256
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>>789235congrats on your bpd or you cowtip too much who knows
No. 789341
>>789326His tifdies are definitely nice, but he has manlet proportions. I appreciate you trying to humour me though,
nonnie, you are the real cutie
No. 789348
>>789342i know this is confessions, but stupid question incoming; how are a healthy (ie. neither over- nor underweight) man's boobs supposed to be like? since you mention gynecomastia i take this as they actually shouldn't be (maybe just
this?) squishy??
No. 789354
>>789353I think the thing is that objectification means that you think the person is just a piece of meat and nothing else, you would be looking only at the butt and you wouldn’t care about whatever the person is doing or saying.
So, if a woman said something really interesting and insightful, you wouldn’t care because
boobies ooga booga hurr hurr.
Or if she’s saying something crazy and retarded, you wouldn’t care because boobies are more important than whatever the boobies are saying.
No. 789414>>789418>>789519
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There's this girl who was at the same university as me and then within the same circle of friends who spent over four years skinwalking, abusing and being obsessive about me even when I distanced from her, but because we both share the same best friend she'd glue to her very aggressively whenever she knew we were together. Since the start she would have these horrible abusive outbursts and there's a lot of fucked up shit she did to me and others.
The other day she had a big look at me and feel sorry for me rant on Insta about how she's losing friends and romanticising being a piece of shit, the week before this she ruined a friend's birthday by being a bitch as always and you know what? It's satisfying to see someone who's tried to get away with being a horrible person for years finally get called out and lose all friends who were kind in the process. She would abuse their kindness and it actually does bring me a tinge of satisfaction seeing her realize in her mid twenties that facades only get you so far and at the end of the day, if you choose to remain rotten and shitty, you can't expect people to take your abuse forever
For the record, it was also funny when people saw through her long dated attempts to ostracise me from whatever weird obsession she had and I used to be in one of the earlier vent threads back when she was heavily being Dasha-like towards me but I distanced and stopped posting as much during the pandemic so she had less to work with anyway
No. 789418>>789426
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>>789414Thanks for sharing this. I love it when people reap what they sow.
No. 789466>>789467
>>789464kek I meant this as more of a bad thing, like how I feel pitiful I never have had a relationship. I am a non-first kisses virgin.
>>789465thank u for your encouraging words anon
No. 789497
>>773785Pedophilia is eating me alive.
I was a
victim of CSA/incest, I am pretty well adjusted, with a good degree, a good job, my own place etc.
I’m still only attracted to young efffeminate dudes (16-20 year-olds).
My ex is 19 and he’s an incestuous pedo. Of course I dumped him when I learned about it.
He abused his younger cousin then his 13-year old half sister a few years later.
No. 789518>>789582
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>>789499Thank you anon! (I’m the original anon) That means a lot. I do have many issues, mental health wise since I was 17, lack of self esteem and confidence, I loathe myself, a big list
No. 789535>>789536>>790065
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Some years ago an old internet friend cut ties with me and ended the friendship, we would both draw together back in the day and chat, and while I think I left them with a few misunderstandings about my feelings towards them, I respected their request to not contact them and I will always continue to do so because I know how uncomfortable it is when someone doesn't listen to or respect that- it's a big boundary I don't want to cross. I was also incredibly mentally unstable back then and I feel like seeing me in those states probably tainted the better memories we had, and I've learned since then because I took it to heart when I had to watch someone I genuinely cared about leave and think that I didn't genuinely love them as a friend. I did. But this was five or six years ago and I took their final words and agreed internally that I'd eventually get therapy, grow and do what I needed to do which was focus on myself and not lose love in drawing either.
Some months ago I got curious if she was still posting art and I peeked at her social medias, and she does comfy art streams, it made me really happy to see her thriving and having fun in her work and in general just being cozy, but my confession is that every now and then while I'm drawing on my days off, I'll put on one of her streams and they're really comfy to draw along to and zone out to. I guess it's reminiscent of drink and draws before lockdown got heavy, but I really like it.
I'd still never go onto one of her streams or make any contact, but from afar, it makes me happy to see her happier nowadays and it's a guilty little pleasure of mine to save the broadcasts for when I'm hyperfocused on drawing at my desk
No. 789536>>789539
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I find most accusations of "queerbaiting" ridiculous (especially when it was directed at the likes of BBC and Marvel shit), but I legit felt betrayed by Queen's Gambit kek.
>>789535Sending you a warm hug anon, I know what it feels like to miss an old internet friend you can't really talk to anymore. It's not a bad thing that you've come across her publicly posted streams, but I gently suggest for your own sake to not get too used to it. I think it might be healthier for you to move on, maybe find another artists who does a similar style of streaming.
No. 789539>>789540
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>>789536You're too sweet, I appreciate that. It's alright though- it's been long enough that it doesn't feel unhealthy, I was just happy to see that they're okay and well, in a better position than I think they were the last time we were in touch, and it's maybe once every week or two that I'll put one of their streams on but not often enough that I worry about getting any feelings or getting too comfy…I am starting to get into having people's streams on while drawing though, it's really relaxing!
They ended the friendship for healthy and
valid reasons and I'm thankful for what we did have in the past, but I've moved on now too, have close friendships that are healthier and life for me has significantly improved too, it took me a little more time because my dad died and then I'd find a coworker dead too and both of those events took time to process but I've come out of everything a lot more comfortable, still making art and probably a lot more sensible than I used to be, so there's that. Sending you warm hugs too, I appreciated this (and I won't let drawing to her streams on occassion become unhealthy!)
No. 789671>>789683>>789983
I feel sorry for ugly/fat children. When I was walking to the shops earlier I walked past this really ugly, fat little boy in his school uniform and I caught him looking at me. I could just tell by his essence and the look in his eyes that he was being bullied. I gave him the warmest smile I could muster, and he immediately looked at his feet, embarrassed, but he was smiling a tiny bit to himself. I just want them to feel loved, I want to cuddle and kiss every ugly little kid I see and tell them how wonderful they are. I was walking past a school once, an infant school, all the children where outside playing. I noticed one ugly little girl playing by herself behind a bush. I could tell she was being bullied too, she was just withdrawn and collapsed into herself. It broke my heart and i just wanted to give her a big, big hug and ask her about her interests, make her feel seen and respected. I just want them to feel loved. I don’t know why I feel this way because I don’t give a toss about ugly adults.
I do believe ugly children are treated a lot worse, and that people have more affection and care for pretty and cute children. Ugly children usually end up withdrawn and silent not just because of bullying, but neglect, indifference and scorn from teachers and parents.
No. 789829>>789979
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I don't think ugly people are morally inferior or inherently bad or anything- I know some really wonderful unattractive people! I do think it's really fucking funny when I do my semi-annual check-in on my deranged ex-friends/personal cows and their friend groups have somehow been entirely cycled out from our former mutual (mostly kind of hot) acquaintances to the most clapped looking male cosplayers I have ever seen in my life, though. I am mean and feel bad for this.
No. 789979
>>789829the way i see this kind of dynamic is the fact they definitely dropped all of their attractive friends for uglier ones because they
are deranged and want to feel the most attractive of them all. and you say they're cosplayers? that is likely the case.
No. 790002>>790032
>>789999It's ok Anon…If it makes you feel any better:
I've got a similar fantasy with Kurt Cobain and Lil Peep.
I mean at least Logan and KSI are still alive so there is that!
No. 790037
>>790032Na I'm less addicted to Heroin and don't fuck an eater island statue.
I just have a questionable taste in men
No. 790059>>790070
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I secretly really love Gabbie Hanna and it’s probably for ironic reasons but there is just something so entertaining about her when she devolves into her crazy rants. I think she’s really misplaced in life and I really think she does have a mental illness.
No. 790065
>>789535You know, anon, I was the friend who once cut ties. In doing so, I also felt a lot of hurt and wished that there could be another way. However, a few years later, that same friend reached out and we resumed our friendship.
We talked about our past drama, our grievances – and even though we don't talk every day or even as much as we used to, it's a comfortable feeling knowing that things and people can change.
If this is something you sincerely want, it's something you can always try for – especially if you think that the issues you both had are obsolete now.
No. 790102>>790108>>790157>>790163
A few years ago on my day off my dog woke me up barking because she wanted to go outside. I was so fed up and tired, I was working retail at the time so I spent almost every waking moment not at work sleeping, I got up, put on her harness and went back to bed. I don't know how long I was asleep for but when I came back out she was still at the spot by the door, just laying down now. I did it one or two more times, and I stopped when I came out and she was whining. I still feel fucking terrible about it to this day. She's old and doesn't really like to go out nowadays for more than a few minutes, and I'm just so sad. There's no excuse for what I did.
I've lived more of my life with a dog than without, and living without one in my life feels like a sad existence. But a large part of me doesn't want a dog in the future because I think "now that I know what I know now about dog rearing, and now that the internet has so many resources and I might be able to financially afford dog classes/a trainer, what if I give my future dog an even better life than my current dog?" It makes me feel fucking terrible. We got my dog when I was very young, I could barely read, let alone browse the internet about how to properly raise a dog, so my dad (who uses fear and intimidation, even on myself growing up) raised her, although he will always tell me "she's YOUR dog, but you didn't train her to do XYZ and now look" because I was the one who wanted a dog. Part of me thinks "do you think a literal child knows how to raise a fucking dog from puppyhood??" and another part of me thinks "he's right, I failed her."
I wonder every day if she is happy. Now that I'm an adult and I'm home after being away a few years for college, I try to spend as much time with her as possible, but she is so, so old now. I can't make up for all the years I wasn't there for her, I can't make up for all the socialization or training I could've done for her. I feel like a failure of a dog owner and if I ever got another dog and somehow did a spectacular job raising that dog, it would still weigh on me how I couldn't do this for my current dog. My dog is the love of my life, she is my sunshine, my everything, and I'm so sad that I couldn't have been a better owner.
No. 790157>>790413
>>790102Shit this is how I feel when I reflect on parenting.
The other anon is right though. Memory works differently if you don't have language and unlike people, your dog didn't grow old wishing it had a better life or upbringing. Your dog thinks the sun shines because you let it out into the sky everyday. Every moment you spend with her makes her happy, feels like "good girl" to her. Dogs live almost completely in the current moment.
No. 790163>>790413
>>790102That's just an honest, human moment. Even parents of real human babies are allowed to step away and "selfishly" take care of their own needs when their baby needs them.
If I had a child that wasn't even at reading age and they wanted a dog, I know very well that that dog will not actually be theirs. A kid that age just simply doesn't understand or have the capacity to train a dog properly and every sane adult knows this. The reality of it is your dad got a dog and blamed a literal child for HIS failed training. Just make the most of the life you have with her now and know that she loves you so much. Dogs are precious because they don't hold resentment or grudges, like the other anon said; they live in the current moment. Maybe treat her to a turkey neck or something nice!
No. 790176
>>790173I mean what wasn't a waste of time? I studied a lot in high school and spent a lot of time procrastinating online. Isn't that a waste of time? I went to a good college but one that is really easy to transfer to so I didn't have to spend so much time studying in high school either. Nothing you really do as a teenager counts.
I'm 26 now and I work full time. I don't have to party anymore, and I don't know how I would even get started in that scene. It's not as easy as you make it sound because you take your life experiences for granted.
No. 790213>>790214>>790216>>790218>>790230
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i have a crush on this version of moo
No. 790230>>790317
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>>790213my drunken confession: u describe how I feel about mooma watson
No. 790328
>>790317I thought I was alone on thinking this!
>>790319>>790321>>790169Oh damn I thought you were talking about ink stamps
No. 790380>>790388>>790410
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I've been bingewatching the Taskmaster series on Youtube and thinking "Greg Davies is funny but I don't get why the gals over in /g/ are so sexually attracted to him" and then he casually reveals one episode that he's bisexual and now I'm kind of into him. Am I a dirty fetishist y/n
No. 790413
>>790108>>790157>>790163Thank you for the kind words anons
;_; I hope I can continue to give her the best for the rest of her days.
No. 790430>>790486
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I’ve been with my man for 7 years. I’m blessed to have him because he’s genuinely one of the best fellas on this goddamn earth, but there’s a part of me that deeply regrets not experiencing more sex with women when I was still single, as I am bisexual. I guess I just have to let that shit go.
No. 790531
>>790523Yeah this. Not sure if the type of person who murders random women would be the caring kind to give you a quick and painless death since they'd be doing it for their wishes and not yours.
I understand why suicide anons think this can be a welcomed thing since it removes the control/hesitation aspect, but I don't think you'd want this to be the way to go.
No. 790888>>790890>>790901
>>790878It's really weird and gross.
I don't want the farms to become a new breeding ground for weird ass pedo scrotes.
We've gotta suffocate them asap.
No. 790903
>>790901I mean yeah but I don't want to suffocate them
That would mean I'd have to touch them or get in close proximity of one Y I K E S
No. 791054
>>791024I was being served in a store the other day when I thought the man serving me asked me if I want a free newspaper. I said no thanks and then realised he was talking to an old man behind me. It's unreal how much I've mentally relived that lil interaction. Wasn't even a social situation.
I feel like that happens alot too, in the middle of serving me a cashier will ignore me but talk to someone behind me.. So my brain tells me that I'm shit and everyone must overlook me for a reason. Guessing we all get it to varying degrees but it's self torture when those thoughts get out of control.
No. 791128>>791130
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I report all porn blogs I come across of tumblr. For some reason, they follow me a lot. Maybe it's because I'm anti-porn
No. 791201>>791606
>>791189The only bi guys I've ever really known have all been closet cases that secretly cheat on their female partner with men. My gay guy friends often show me them on their hookup apps. Often married and quite happy to tell people that. 'can accom, my wife is away for the weekend'
I had an older fuck buddy back when I was younger and admittedly naive, on our second meeting he told me he was bi and I didn't think much of it. He was on gay apps and told me about that. I remember just thinking 'I'm glad we're good about using condoms already' But then months in he tells me he has a long term female partner too. Some 30 something year old woman was out there thinking she's all settled down with this guy and he's fucking both men and women on the side. He somehow expected me to sympathize with him.
No. 799264
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I have this friend who is such a fucking annoying bitch. She constantly comes running to me for advice with guys who she is dating but never fucking listens. Its the only time she ever wants to talk to me. There was this one guy who obviously wanted her for a quick pump and dump, I told her to stop contact but she kept going for a few days until he admitted it to her and even stalked her on SM. Then, a week later tells me she wants to try to be friends with him even after all that so I tell her no for obvious reasons and I thought she grew a pair finally but no. Turns out she was messaging him after our convo for about 2 weeks and told me she only stopped when she noticed that the guy was lowkey trying to get with her. People like her, Im convinced they like the attention in a sick depraved way but would deny it because of a " I cant possibly be an attention whore!!" complex. I suspect she reads threads like this so, Bitch if youre seeing this(or anyone who acts similar) just know that I hate your guts and that you need to grow tf up. Stop trying to date your type aka degenerates. Youre gonna end up a single mom in your 20s instead of completing your goals for that nice graphic designer career you want and youll end up like your mother, abusive, idiotic, unhealthy, and alone. The similarities have been really showing recently jsyk.