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No. 72402
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it's pretty good. almost done with it though.
No. 72414
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>>72390Almost done with this one, I really should finish it already….
I have so many books on my "to read" list, I never know where to start. I think next I'll go for Cat's Eye by Margaret Atwood.
No. 72437
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Currently reading this. I am about 80 pages in and enjoying it so far.
No. 72441
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No. 72443
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Finished the first two and dove right into this one. It's pretty good.
No. 72560
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There's already a book thread but I'll bite.
Reading pic related and I highly recommend it even if you've seen the show.
No. 73505
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Pretty interesting read
Really amazed at how far back everything goes and how interconnected all the various groups/leaders in history have been
No. 73509
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I tend to go for non-fiction. I read it this past summer. And I'm kind of interested in the movie that's coming out based on her story.
No. 73535
>>72510I couldn't re-read any if my childhood favorites. I ended up hating some of them because children's books are well, childish.
I had to stop before I ruined Harry potter and the other YA stuff I used to love.
No. 73544
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I started reading this in December, but got distracted and had to return it to the library. But I enjoyed it from what I read.
This is one of those topics that never fails to piss me off but I just can't
Additionally, I read The Victims' Revolution last year, which goes into how the whole women's studies, black studies, queer studies, etc. education students take in college/university began (back in the 60/70s). No. 73559
>>73553OT, but fanfiction are my guilty pleasures. as long as they don't turned out to a bunch horrible books like that grey series.
back to the topic, now i'm reading a local book about unveiling the dark sides of stewardess life. it was a fiction book, but some of them are inspired by real events. pretty interesting so far, but not 'omg this book is sooo awesome you have to read it!' kind of book.
No. 73574
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I read a lot of horror books but none of them left my horrified as this non-horror book. Whenever I tried to put myself in the shoes of main character I had a panic attack, fucking horrifying existence.
No. 73577
>>73559I read more fanfiction than I do original fiction these days. I really like how different authors tackle similar subjects, like war and its related traumas. It's just enough removed from real life to be safe and just realistic enough to feel like it could've happened and you are going to be ill just thinking of it.
>>73574This book sounds fascinating. I'd never heard of it before, but I know it'll be coming home to me on my next Amazon order.
>>73576I read somewhere "only mothers will ever get this book" which upon reflection makes me really sad and a bit angry.
No. 73578
>>73553There are all sorts of plotholes in there these days that are really glaring.
That and all the anachronisms. Remember when Ron and Harry fly the car to Hogwarts out of St. Pancras station? These days that would be on YouTube in a flash.
That being said, the Harry Potter universe is still comfy as fuck.
No. 73581
>>73578I kind of like anachronisms in my stories at times–makes it extra nostalgic when reading it again. HP is firmly set in the twentieth century.
Anachronisms can be funny, too. I was reading a story where a character's pager going off at a bad time was a huge plot point. What made it hilarious was this was a story set in the far space-traveling future.
No. 73582
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>>73581Hah. This is exactly why Dune has aged so well though, the novel is ultimately about religion and power, the descriptions of the technology are purposefully vague and it plays second fiddle to the environment of the planet, the Fremen and so on.
No. 73723
>>73574This story fucked me up for a week. Goddamn. Flowers for algernon is pretty rough too.
I started paingod and other delusions yesterday. Harlan Ellison is gonna melt my brain.
No. 73776
>>73758Yeah this, ignore any narrative that paints Serbs as these singularly evil people and the Bosnian Muslims as these perennial victims. The two sides gave as good as they got.
These days Bosnia seems to be becoming more Muslim too, unfortunately.
No. 74346
>>74341>murder is morally wrongNo one actually believes in this. NATO were quite happy to bomb civilian infrastructure targets and kill a few thousand Serb civilians after all.
>advanced living beingsIf you're an atheist, understand that you're ascribing quasi-spiritual qualities to human beings now. We're animals. Same as anything else.
No. 74351
>>74346NATO is just an another organization of murderers.
>If you're an atheist, understand that you're ascribing quasi-spiritual qualities to human beings nowNo, we are animals capable of critical thinking and we can suppress our instincts. There is nothing spiritual about showing self restraint.
Mind that I'm saying all these as a half kebab/half Croat, Yugoslav war as a whole was really fucked up but every source I read shows Serbs as the provocateurs. If you have any sources that shows the other side of story please share them with me because my googlefu is really weak on it.
No. 77196
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I'm loving this. It's one of those "makes me proud to be european" novels.
No. 77562
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I just finished reading this and I must say I loved it. If there are any other dystopian novels without romance please recommend it to me!
No. 83657
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I saw this book mentioned as some kind of mystery which I always like, and that it's literary fiction so I was interested. Only a few chapters in but it seems there's gonna be a romance which I'm more than ok with
No. 83704
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i have 'the secret history' by donna tartt coming in the post at the moment, and currently i'm reading pic related. over the last few years i've been struggling with ptsd and other mental bullshit (won't bore you all w/ the details) & i'm finally getting back into reading consistently which is nice. i used to read constantly when i was younger. /csb
>>83657holy shit thank you for posting this, i wanted to order this book but i forgot which one it was!
No. 83708
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Her writing has improved since H.P., although it may just seem that way because this is an adult book. I liked it, but the story still felt like it was lacking something. Also, the ending was pretty sad, which I did not expect.
No. 83741
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Currently reading picture related. It's okay so far, but I tend to get this feeling of "okay get to the point Murakami" which is happening more in this one than in his other works. I read Norwegian wood and kafka when i was 18, about 8 years ago, and i loved them. Maybe it's my change of perspective? Other than that i just finished "Find her" by Lisa Gardener, which came out now in feb. After Gone girl i got hooked on the trash and have been searching for the perfect high ever since. Find her had it's moments. I read everything Gilligan wrote, and Girl on a train, which was okay as well. Any recommendations for bitches who love trash? (I'm half way through "in the woods" which people often mention as a good "gone girl" type book but I'm not so sure about this one)
No. 83854
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>>83802that's an interesting point! I did start 1Q84 but it had such a heavy build up and I haven't been in the right mood to really get into it. on a different note, if you like thrillers and the whole "set in japan" thing, check out pic related, creepy as fuck. one of my faves.
No. 83859
>>83854I read that a few years ago, super weird. There were times I started to sympathize with the other guy but then he goes and
does something again and I'm back to normal.
No. 83861
>>838541Q84 has an interesting build up, but there's wayyyy too much going on even for Murakami, and the payout/most forced love story ever isn't relaly worth reading the two very long volumes. I have also been disappointed by his last novel, which had an interesting built up and the most boring, generic payoff.
All the build up in 1Q84 for a love story between people who had brief interactions like, 15 years ago?? But they are sooo in luv 5ever?? Usually Murakami's love couples at least have some personal relationships for a longer time, and it usually makes sense. And his latest novel has such a ~deep~ build up, all because of a bullshit fake rape story no real person would believe, and problems that simple communication would have solved. Ugh.Sorry for the rant.
I'd rather recommend Sputnik Sweetheart, and some of his older novels. And definitely try out his short stories!! They're all worth a read.
No. 84308
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YA romance garbage. It's like mindless fun. I can't help myself sometimes and I must apease my inner high school girl. Although, I wish these authors would start giving their characters better names. This book in particular had some retarded/plain ones.
No. 93719
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So, I've been reading a good bit this month. Two books down and working on a third. I know I won't finish it by June, but that's okay. Currently in the middle of pic related. (I'm trying to read all of the "classics" and Dorian was next up on my list.) Finished Sold by Patricia McCormick and When Kambia Elaine Flew in From Neptune by Lori Aurelia Williams. Both of which I got from a flea market for $3.
No. 93726
i would legit have smashed this man if only i had lived like a century ago and he wasn't gay as cum on a moustache
No. 93746
>>93742Shut the fuck
up robot
No. 94184
>>94169I guess just moving from fantasy to reading the classics books or really books that are a must read.
maybe some philosophy too
No. 94189
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Because I have a huge justice boner and I love reading about law cases/captivating trials.
No. 94203
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No. 94268
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Just used a B&B gift card to buy this (in Spanish). Read most his other stuff already so I am hoping it's good.
No. 98307
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Have any of you read the Captive Prince series? There's been a lot of controversy about it on tumblr, but I haven't got the chance to read them yet. are saying it's racist, but I was under the impression that the main character was supposed to be Greek.
No. 98309
>>98307That's the first of that controversy I've seen tbh, my tumblr feed loves the series.
I've been meaning to read it once my courseload opens up. It just looks like a regular bodiceripper type story with more violence in it to me. But I guess sjws gonna sjw.
No. 98500
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>>98307With a dumblr profile like this, is it really that surprising they would manage to twist literally anything as racist?
No. 98505
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Anyone ever read the First Fifteen Lives of Harry August? It's sooooo good. Any recommendations for something similar?
No. 98506
I'm splitting my lungs with blood and thunder trying to get through some Deleuze & Guattari.
I should have learned not to read things without first learning about the historical context and which works they reference (etc) but I'm a dumb shit and looking for the information seems like a lot of work (though I know it isn't, at least no more than flying blind).
>>94268How's he like? As a south american it's very strange to see Bolano being talked about so often in english speaking communities when nobody ever talks about him in… well, South America. At least not where I live. Even Vargas Llosa is more well known.
>>94184>>94184You want to read "serious" stuff merely because you feel like they're more appropriate? Because that's kinda what your post sounds like.
If that's the case, don't bother. Le serious literature is hypervalued by (for a lack of a better word) commoners, there is nothing inherently profound and cultured about it. If you're not exactly passionate about it you'll end up a pedantic dilettante who doesn't know her shit.
If you want to get into the whole thing for good reasons, though, I recommend you start your non-fiction with literary theory (Sartre's What is Literature is very nice, especially because he mixes his opinions with decent explanations on the nature of poetry and prose) before you move on to philosophy. This way you'll get used to the heavily abstract kind of arguments that philosophy requires but it won't be as intangible because it'll still be about things you know rather than ~le Being is Thrown in the World such geworfenheit~ stuff. Have fun, shit's pretty good.
No. 98527
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Just bought this online. I've read his letters and short stories (metamorphosis did nothing me tbh but i like his other writing!) Just finished reading Henry and June so i'm going for something not so crazy romance/sexual themed
No. 98551
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I noticed most of my favorite authors are male, so I tried to seek out some books by female writers and was very, very pleasantly surprised. Gonna dump a few.
Threats by Amelia Gray
No. 98552
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Dark Spring by Unica Zurn
Very dark. She was a patient of Freud and this book foreshadowed her own suicide
No. 98553
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This one I really fell in love with; The Old Child and Other Stories by Jenny Erpenbeck. It's one novella and 4 short stories. The title story is so fucking beautiful
No. 98555
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This one is by a woman too, and a bit of an easier read than the other ones. The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things by JT LeRoy.
It was made into a movie where one of the Sprouse twins from The Suite Life of Zach and Cody gets dressed up like a girl by his crazy junkie mom and gets raped by Marilyn Manson.
Man, I'd post my whole bookshelf if I had a good enough camera, but alas. I'm clearly into dark shit; if anyone wants some suggestions, please, feel free to ask!
No. 98564
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"The Road" by Cormac McCarthy is the most recent book I've read. it's pretty critically lauded and was published like ten years ago, so most have probably heard about it.
Anyway, it's a dystopian novel that follows a young boy and his father. Really graphic and heart-wrenching, as post-apocalyptic dystopian novels should be.
I'm looking to read more of McCarthy's books if anyone has suggestions.
No. 98574
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>>98564This book was great. Really easy to read too.
I'm currently reading In Cold Blood by Capote. As far as true crime novels go, this is a cut above the rest.
No. 98594
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I read Metagame a few months ago but I liked it so much that I would definitely recommend it to anybody who likes cyberpunk/techno-dystopian fiction. I can't wait to see what else this author puts out.
No. 280801
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Necroing but this was actually great. Was really hesitant but she can write a good adult fiction and it’s nothing like the twilight drivel.
No. 281699
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No. 281888
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This was £1 on amazon the other day and looked interesting.
No. 284211
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I really enjoy Shirley Jackson's writing.
I'm only half way through but really enjoying it
No. 284375
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>>280801I keked at the "bestselling author of The Host" part, even the editors don't want Smeyer to have associations with Twilight.
I'm currently going through Yukito Ayatsuji's Mansion Murder series. I like the pacing and the foreshadowing is just right. I love the first book's ode to Agatha Christie.
No. 284378
>>284375I’ve got this lined up and I’m glad to hear it sounds worth it. Japan seems to do a good mystery.
Finished the annihilation series a month or so ago, that was fuckin weird. Gets really unwieldy at times but overall it was pretty cool. Couldn’t stop cringing over the name ‘Ghost Bird’ tho.
No. 284392
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90% of the original story was lost and you have to pick an annotated version to understand what's going on, but it's a really interesting read about sexscapades in pre-christian roman times
No. 284400
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"Out" may be my favorite book of all time, it's so well-written (although I didn't read it in English), the characters are well-developed and the plot is interesting, I haven't found anything like it. It might be too brutal for some people though, there are some questionable gorey scenes.
>>284211Ohh I liked this one too, I love stories about lunatic families living in isolation.
No. 286238
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Have any other anons read this? I read it but didn’t really know what to take from it so I’m considering re-reading it
No. 393254
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has anyone ever read "The Beautiful Boy" by Germaine Greer
I'm thinking about getting but I fear I will be put on a potential sex offender watchlist
No. 393300
>>393292Yeah, they posted about Greer in the Kinkshaming thread as well so not unlikely.
So, anons…read anything good lately? I just read Sherlock Holmes for the first time, can lit anons recommend other good Victorian era mystery novels ?