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No. 810590
ITT: post uneventful and mandane as fuck events in your life
Previous thread
>>738433 No. 810614
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>>810603I’m glad you got your chocc,
No. 810919
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I can't get back to my workout routine, because the days have been so dark and shitty and I'm always excusing myself because of my bad mood. Scream at me, nonnies, I still have like 8 kilos to lose.
No. 810974
>>810958It is, I know that I should keep consistency in mind, I'm just so bad at it suddenly, while I was doing fine the last 6-8 months.
>>810964Thanks for the tip! I'll try to do something low impact and maybe take it a bit easier for now not focusing on results. I might be too much of a maximalist, and sabotaged by it because of my lack of progress I saw with endurance which caused me to burn out a bit.
Thank you for the words of support, nonnas!
No. 810999
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>>810916Thank you, anon. Here are some sandwiches for you.
No. 811059
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I just wanna tell everybody that since last time I posted my hand I've been trying to lose weight and I know this isnt a big improvement but I'm already seeing some results and I'm happy with myself! Cant wait to achieve Stacy hands (also excuse my dry skin, too much sanitary gel)
No. 811072
>>811059Imagine posting your hand on lolcow and having someone recognizing it. Why am I such a pussy?
Anyways good job nonita we're all rooting for you!
No. 811089
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>tfw I fucked up because I ordered a shake too late
I hate wanting to have sweet shit, now I will have to listen to my annoying ass whiny -older- brother because he can’t eat shit with milk or gluten.
No. 811165
>>811154Good luck anon!
>>811068KEK okay that anecdote is actually kind of cute, fair enough.
No. 811192
I got a headache from being too hot today. The air conditioning should be fixed soon, but I don't get why I'm so sensitive to hot weather.
>>811138Same, the general anime artstyle always looks better to me too.
No. 811271
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seriously considering buying a lawn chair like picrel. it'd have to be one that i could lay down in and it would have to be waterproof cos I ain't taking it inside. I just want to sit out in the sun and read and drink sparkling water in my backyard. idk how much they typically go for though.
No. 811624
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Hello I'm the idiot who didn't see the new thread post anyway I'm trying this oil after seeing so much hype about it in the hygiene side of youtube. I hope I won't see breakouts on my arms tomorrow wait and see
No. 811697
>>811631thank you!! i'm super proud of myself too, i didn't think i'd have it in me. maybe it's because i'm allowing myself to eat when i feel really hungry instead of trying to quit snacks/soda/cake/pudding/etc AND trying to eat less. i also eat a handful of fruit after lunch and dinner. the first 3 days i was constantly hungry but yesterday and today i'm feeling much better and i'm eating only half the calories i used to eat before that because i was eating so many snacks. basically went from 3k a day to 1.5k.
i hope i can keep it up, especially when i visit my family in a few weeks. unfortunately i'm prone to relapsing. at least it happened on other 'diets' like IF.
No. 811814
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Doing my nails and drinking dalgona coffee right now. I feel good today, idk why.
No. 811826
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>>811814That reminds me I want new nailpolishes fuckkkk I need money nonnas
No. 811893
>>811712NTA but when you're dieting/lifestyle changing, it's a lot easier to say "Thank you!" to well-intentioned people then toss it, than to do the whole song and dance of "No thank you!" "Just take it for later then~" "Sorry I'm on a diet, I really don't need it but thank you" "You're not fat you don't need to diet, one won't kill you" etc etc. Other people don't get to decide what you do with the things they give you.
signed, an office worker whose coworkers and family do not understand that food does not equal love/friendship and "You're not fat!" isn't helpful when you're overweight and addicted to sugar lol
No. 811928
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I'm really trying to eat healthier, but I'm so tempted to go to the grocery store and make a crunchwrap. I especially want to eat a tortilla. The only thing stopping me is that it's 10:52 pm. I made such a huge mistake of watching a vid of some dude making a bunch of crunchwraps. I can only hope that these feelings will subside in the morning.
No. 812224
>>811712basically what
>>811893 said. it was also just a small thing, think of a handful of haribos in the color she didn't like. had it been something big or something she wouldn't have thrown away anyways, i would have just told her no.
No. 812487
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I’m stuck in pretty much standstill traffic and have to pee pray for me. Bonus, I am bleeding, so love it all
No. 812623
>>812620Thank you.
t.a slow snaily person
No. 812866
>>810590Left the house thismorning and stopped by a local gas station to grab a coffee. As I stood in line I felt my already dry throat reach critical dryness. If I didn't get served quickly and get to step outside, unmask and sip my coffee.. I was about to just start choking in the store.
Of course the one man ahead of me took his sweet ass time. He'd won money on either a scratch card or lottery ticket. Cashier hands him his money and all looks hopeful for me. Dude then stands around trying to decide which scratchers to re-invest his winnings in. Fuuuck. I didn't choke but shit was tense. He also stood there and oh so carefully tucked the cards away in his wallet lol
No. 812924
>>812911Lol the rain stopped now
>>812918That sucks anon. I hope it dries soon.
No. 813187
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>>813165The day there’s an invention that does this for you I will be so happy. I hate the duration of the process, I hate the fact that it needs to be done at all. I wish it was ready to cook like oats and couscous.
No. 813190
>>813165I love watching the water interact with the rice when I'm rinsing it.
My mesh strainer is from dollar tree. 1USD.
No. 813378
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>>813315This site (and other sites) says yes, also has a couple sections about other types of rice No. 813420
>>813269>>813233>>813277Ok so you are all wrong, because i have never rinsed rice and my rice is great. How are you cooking your rice that you fuck it up? 1 cup rice, 1.5 cup water, bring to a boil, reduce to low simmer until done. Its fine literally 100% of the time. There is no "crust". What are you doing exactly? Do you have a hard time telling if it's done? The only way youd get a crust is if you overcook and dry it out soo… maybe dont do that.
No one in my white family nor my partner's asian family has ever rinsed packaged rice when making just normal rice. Where are you all from? If its the uk you dont have to reply, your cooking issues are not really fixable.
>>813235lmao ypu utter chunk the arsenic is IN the rice not ON it. It goes from the soil into the inside of the plant. It doesn't rinse off. Fortunately, while rice from the american south has lots of arsenic in (IN. inside.) it, rice from california does not. So buy rice from california, because rinsing your southern poison rice won't help you lmao.
No. 813421
>>813420I'm in Japan. Washing rice is standard here. There is rice that doesn't need to be washed, but it's in the absolute minority.
That said, you do indeed only get the crust if you cook it for too long, so the anon you replied to just needs to be more careful.
No. 813440
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im blowdrying my hair at 8 am on a sunday after a sleepless night
No. 813450
>>813420My Somalian girlfriend and my Italian family all rinse rice. When I lived abroad in Mexico my exchange family washed the rice too.
>>813432I don’t think you’ll find a professional chef from anywhere in the world who advocates for not rinsing your rice though. It’s not just the internet— I’m willing to guess the majority countries of the largest consumers of rice socially adhere to a standard of rinsing.
No. 813793
>>813692are we the same person?
my friend gifted me some jajangmyeon (and other kinds) noodles cause you can't get em here and it took me 2 cups of yoghurt and adding egg yolk to noodles to be able to stomach the spiciness.
and for my country's standard Im actually really good with spicy food…
No. 814097
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I don't really like coffee, but watching picrel's channel has been making me want to drink it more often. I'm about to go make an iced latte right now
No. 814257
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>>814097Samefag, I hate whatever is inside coffee that makes it a
laxative. I feel so sick right now.
No. 814382
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>>814377It's MorganDrinksCoffee! I have a small crush on her.
>>814378Ugh, I don't know how you could like it. I felt like I was about to throw up when I started having bowel movements. I drank a lot more than I usually do, though.
No. 814677
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i started talking to this guy i met on tinder. He is from another country but moved to america 6 years ago. We hit it off pretty fast we literally texted each other all day this past weekend. I think because he is foreign he is much more forward than american guys im used to talking to. He kept saying that he hopes he can become my boyfriend one day. Its actually really cute.
Anyway the topic of sex came up because im a dirty perv and he said straight up that he doesnt masturbate at all. And if he ever feels an urge he just works out or takes a cold shower. I laughed and said we are opposite because i need to get off lol. I dont think he found it funny because he kept trying to convince me to go exercise or shower if i get the urge. I never thought i'd see the day where i'm the cumbrain in the relationship lmao. He told me he makes basically a 6 figure income and i was like umm DUDE why are you talking to me!? im literally a broke bitch who flips my bean to BL. Then he told me he'd help me with my career if im interested in learning about his. I dont know if this guy is an angel or a master manipulator but im shook!
I'm honestly scared because i started talking to guys on tinder because the guy im currently seeing just doesnt seem to want to be in a relationship and i decided to move on. But I honestly didn't think I'd ACTUALLY start to move on so quickly. My biggest fear is I'll form a bond with this new guy and right when I do the current dude will ask me out. I know its highly unlikely but stranger things have happened!
The only issue though is on top of not wanting to mention sex ever because it makes him uncomfortable lmao, he said he can't see me until July because that is when he is off on "holiday" (so cute) and he will finally have free time. Something is telling me to give him the benefit of the doubt and actually wait but i am so terrified because I never talked to 2 guys at once. Because dudes are fucking ugly yo. But this is the first time where Im talking to 2 equally attractive men. Its just one has his life together and seems to want a relationship and the other is kind of on my level of not knowing wtf they doing with their life. I didnt think my summer would turn into a fucking corny seasonal shoujo LMAO.
No. 814738
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I went to the doctor and she didn't know what's wrong with me. Then I went to the second hand shop and bought a navy shirt just like the one I have now except it's not see through and a pretty skirt with buttons and many flowers. Pic unrelated
No. 814801
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You ever try to make some food, and it takes so long to cook that you don't even want it by time it's done? Feeling that today.
No. 814926
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>>814704>Does she have any siblings? Or has ever talked about surgery?Idk
>Is she short?I think so, picrel
No. 814947
>>814828Tomatoes that are allowed to ripen on the vine (bonus if heirlooms) are worlds better than grocery store shit. A protip: if you're cooking with heat and the recipe calls for tomatoes, use good-quality canned because they're allowed to ripen on the vine and as such don't taste like mealy crap.
Cauliflower is another vegetable that tastes scores better when you grow it or get it from a local source. It's like night and day.
No. 816222
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My team at work had a zoom conference with two architects and their names were Tom and Jerry. I had to mute my mic and hide my camera because I was giggling too much
No. 816443
>>816432I get very allergic from dust and some dogs (beagles) and it used to stay that was for days, but i realized that wesring a mask actually makes it go away way faster, i think because it keeps out most irritants so your histamine systems can calm down on their own.
>>816438Damn a cold damp cloth sounds amazing, i wish i knew about that when i lived at home. I feel like it would probably provide a really effective mask effect too so…fuck. i could have eased years of sneezing suffering.
No. 816687
I went to the hospital, everything was ok with me, my mom works there, her friends all said my paintings are super amazing and my hair is cool and that I look like a kid. I hope people can think I look like an adult one day… That's why I'm addicted to buying pantyhose, it makes me feel like an adult
>>816392Awesome, I'm sure they'll notice you. I'm doing the same but with a tshirt design and a band I like. I'm sure the singer will share my work because he shares any fanart no matter how shitty it is but I'll feel honored anyway (and SO DISAPPOINTED if he doesn't share it)
What sort of bag are you making?
No. 816780
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When you muted your Zoom lecture then get put in a breakout room with no idea what to do
>>813228I don't rinse my rice and I don't rinse quinoa and lentils either. I also don't press tofu. I don't really care and never had a problem.
No. 816922
>>816912It's very jarring.. I couldn't recognize a few people until I focused on their eyes.
But I am so so ready for less maskne and the ability to drink water at work more.
No. 817105
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I edited my face in an app, and god I'm glad I never seriously considered getting a nose job.
No. 817510
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Eating candy today and it feels like halloween with the rain outside and low temps
No. 817785
>>817751You could be using a word that's
triggering YouTube's filter
No. 817790
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The edges of my brownies got burnt but the center was still undercooked. What the fuck.
No I didn't have the oven on too high. I set it to 350f like the box said.
No. 817818
>>817805do you have to buy the order to get them, or can you ask for them individually? I've heard various things
it's not like the meal is that more expensive than the normal nuggets so if so it's not a big deal, just wondering
No. 817867
>>817853Yt censorship is the worst. I’d keep my epic pwning completely hate speech free and they’d still delete it because it
triggers the phrase “you’re stupid” or some dumb shit. No wonder the yt comment section is just shitty copy paste jokes.
No. 818188
>>818131nice pizza, nonatella
my mundane happening is that I'm suddenly noticing it is 11:11 make a wish
hehehe No. 818219
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I live in a country where COVID still isn't under control yet; fortunately I have a date for my vaccination already, and the first thing I plan to do after my second dose is go thrifting. I'm just looking forward to being outside with no particular objective
No. 818331
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I selected the text in word by holding shift and pressing the arrows, then I made it bold with ctrl+i, I'm such a hacker boss babe
No. 819721
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I've had tea in the fridge for about an hour, but it hasn't frozen at all.
No. 819761
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Took a short walk today and spent some time just looking at the ground & observing all the little plants and bugs. Its kinda sad I used to recognize more flora and would look for frogs/lizards under rocks and stuff but I haven't been seeing the same amount natural life as I did when I was a kid. It was nice to appreciate the small things in nature for a bit though
No. 819908
>>819752I'll try, but I don't know if I'll succeed
>>819761That sounds so nice
No. 820449
>>820027This might seem retarded but I genuinely thought people had to visit the dentist or doctors once a year (you don't have to but it's recommended) My mom always made our appointments for us and I didn't question having to go until I talked to people who didn't go anymore. She still does help me with making appointments bc we share the same dentist and insurance
>>820173I really want a jeep too anon but they kinda expensive
No. 820582
>>820580*around the time the train was pulling out
God I'm tired
No. 820617
>>820598I have the same issue with deciding what to cook, but mostly because I’m used to having people cooking for me, so now that I have to cook I just get overwhelmed because I never know what to do.
Sometimes I try to limit myself like “okay, I can only have eggs twice a week” so I can think of something nice to cook, sometimes it helps, sometimes it makes cooking even more difficult.
I also need help.
No. 821158
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I’m indulging in my self pity and desire to return to childhood by binging some comfy early 2000s shit. Teen dramas are so edgy now, damn. Like I know this one shit the bed in season 3 but still. So comfy.
No. 821164
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>>821161The first few chords of the theme song start playing in my head everytime I see a picture of this show. Only when the 90s trend passes and we all start sugarcoating the 2000s will these icons be truly appreciated.
No. 821211
>>821208I heard besides the spoiler that it's pretty good. Emma Stone is never boring to watch
and not to sound like a scrote but think she's hot and the trailers make it look like she's having fun in the role. I want to pirate it and watch it free but I also lowkey want to go to a theater and drag a friend with me, I haven't seen a movie in a real theater since last February and I'm fucking yearning
No. 821229
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>>821158Never really got into the oc but smallville was my thing, used to watch it with my parents when I was a kid.
Watched a few episodes last week with my mom and we both laughed at the shitty special effects. Still I miss the early 2000s so much, somebody saaaaave meeeee
No. 821240
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>>821158I swear synchronicity is a thing on Lolcow. I've been doing the same thing lol but I mostly watched shit with fantasy elements
>>821229I loved Smallville as well!!
No. 821294
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I went to the doctor yesterday and filled out my own paperwork. I haven't been to the doctor in forever and the last time I've been to one I was 17 or 18..
and my dad did it for me. I didn't realize that'd be the last time. It kind of makes me emotional.
Gay.>>817805The sweet chili one is my favorite. Surprised it actually had some spice as some stuff that is advertised as
spicy is never really spicy to me. So that was good.
No. 822075
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I've been trying to improve my eating habits/lose weight, and I just saw that I dropped 3 lbs. I know it's just water weight or whatever, but it makes me super happy to see that I'm losing.
I also made a very cute cow print incense holder today.
No. 822112
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>>822055Update: I bought a trash can.
No. 822136
>>822127I'm not being rude but surely even without being taught step by step…washing yourself is easy to figure out?
This brought back flashbacks to a poster who talked about her bf leaving skidmarks on their bed because he wasn't taught how to wash his ass as a little kid. He was in his twenties and his ass was often caked in shit. She couldn't go down on him because she'd smell it while down there. And she said it was his moms fault.
No. 822146
>>822136I mean I did wash my feet before with soap, but I just used my hands and couldn't figure out why it looked like I had trench foot.
At least I understood from a young age that you need to wash your ass, kek
No. 823433
>>823413You must have pretty riugh skin,
nonny. Sorry.
No. 823710
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Was supposed to move out of my house a month ago but life did not allow it. Today I can finally afford a van to get all my stuff to the new place. Been working nightshift and living absolutely bare bones, sleeping on an inflatable mattress. But I am really going to miss the sunrises from the patio :(
No. 823713
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My next door neighbours sound like teenagers (probably are teenagers) and they smoke weed everyday and are too loud for my tastes.
I know I'm picrel but god I wish they would be more quiet and stop coughing so much
No. 823871
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i've been busy adding washi tape edges to my new ringbook binder/diary since last night. idk why decorating shit feels so therapeutic lol. picrel, i've had these tapes for years and barely ever used them.
No. 823976
i coooked rice properly and now i can't stop thinking of all the endless possibilities. pineapple juice rice? tea rice? rice balls? rice on balls? im literally shaking
>>823871that's hot, thinking of putting that stuff on my door like kawaii panda police tape <3
No. 824044
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I feel very energetic and happy today. I'm gonna do some cleaning and paint. I'm close to ending my fast, and I'm super hype for whatever I'm gonna eat
No. 824053
>>824045Nayrt but would that really work on anyone? Especially a farmer since we're apparently always jumping for a fight
I would just bitch out the tin, the biscuits would be delicious spoils of war
No. 824061
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= First Updoot =
You have received (1) one Updoot!
(click here to open messaghe)
No. 824064
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I wonder what Joan Crawford Teacher Abuse anon is doing right now…
No. 824118
Sorry, the WHO?
No. 824187
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>>823914I gradually became the annoying killjoy radfem bitch who questions people saying shit like this because it got too painful to bite my tongue all the time. The borderline pickme version of me 10 years ago would've hated my spergy ass opening a can of worms on men saying sex work should be supported or women claiming they love to be feminine due to some innate biological desire instead of societal expectations forced upon them.
No. 824195
>>824187I don't really mind if they're never brought back, but the lc gc threads helped make me the well-formed bitch I am today, and I'm grateful
>>824045The simpler solution is a box with a built in bear trap that loads after the weight of 1 biscuit is removed, and stays loaded for the rest of the day. Keep your fingers or keep your biscuits.
No. 824200
>>824053I guess it wouldn't work on a farmer, but if she wanted a biscuit she could level up her bitching skills before coming back to lolcow
>>824195Yesss, either full range of movement, or one biscuit, it's nerf or nothing
No. 824462
>>824187Kek I'm new to the job (not even a month yet), I didn't want to be the obnoxious killjoy while still on my trial period, plus the coworker is 12 years older than me, I would have probably sounded like a disrespectful brat. I just got visibly slightly annoyed when she said women look better with makeup on, I just answered I didn't care about looking pretty.
(also I agree with a lot of radfem rhetoric but I don't consider myself one for various reasons, one of them being I have too much class privilege)
No. 824759
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I'm currently watching some fandom drama go down. I don't care about the actual "debate", but it's live entertainment. I think it's over now though
No. 824792
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>>824770I love you, anonita, I’m glad you can do it.
No. 824803
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>>824462>(also I agree with a lot of radfem rhetoric but I don't consider myself one for various reasons, one of them being I have too much class privilege)Can someone explain this to me?
I'm from working class but it wouldn't bother me if some rich person was a radfem. It's about the women right??
No. 824815
>>824805She got a well deserved break,
nonnie, anonita is stronger than most of us.
No. 824861
>>824792>>824786so sweet anons ty, it gets much easier after the first day
>>824805yeah i know, but it will be much harder to cut everything off, so its just a first step i guess
No. 824914
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I bumped into an old classmate and he was so excited to see me. He even remembered my name! I wish we would have exchanged contact info, goddammit.
No. 824968
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This shit is SO good
No. 825209
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scrolling through this thread and thinking about how comfy it is. i’m super tired though, my blinks are starting to burn. I should probably go to sleep.
No. 825336
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I tried Lays French onion dip after years of not having it, and holy fuck it's so good. I missed it so much. but I accidentally left it out for 6 hours after opening it last night, and now I don't think I can eat it. Fuck my life
No. 825461
>>825336Samefag, you know what…I think I'm gonna eat the dip. I put it in the fridge afterwards, and 6 hours can't be
too bad. I didn't even double dip. Let's pray I don't get botulism or some shit
No. 825476
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slept all day yesterday and woke up at 9pm, had some shots around 5-6am this morning so I could go to sleep quickly so I could attempt to wake up by noon today. it is nearly noon and I've yet to sleep and I have an alcohol headache.
No. 825811
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>>825441I had chorizo and eggs this morning, too! With papas.
No. 826933
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I have a bedbug bite induced rash all over my body I think it's on my vagina as well? I want to kms, and I cannot take it. I rarely even see the bedbugs now, but I'm buying some diatomaceous earth asap. I'm praying I won't have any marks left from scratching myself
No. 827126
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I finally changed my face mask after a few weeks using it, nothing better than the scent of a new face mask.
No. 827401
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>>827385Kek. They should be available in most grocery stores anon, you'll usually find them with canned goods or condiments. They come in bottles like picrel. I personally don't think they're very good on their own though, they're kind of bitter and tart. You usually see them stuffed with something in Mediterranean cooking like dolmathes, which are tasty
No. 827452
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I'm gonna eat this
No. 827556
>>827452I had taco bell today too.
2 chalupas, taco, doritos locos taco and cinna twists. big girl meal.
No. 827595
>>827487I am incapable of recording my period. I’ve tried period apps and writing it down, but within a couple weeks I forget I’m even tracking it and forget everything.
All I know is that when I’m bleeding I’m bleeding, and maybe some breast soreness and intense emotions the week prior.
No. 827830
>>827595I stopped recording mine because it started to weirdly give me health anxiety. The app would tell me I'm due and then 3 or 4 days later I'd be panicking because it hadn't come yet…I'm not even sexually active
I'm happier only having my own very rough estimate of when it's due
No. 827869
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I measured my body temperature because I was hoping it would be normal but it's even higher. It's 37.6°C. I thought maybe this temperature is now my normal body temperature because it's been high for a very long time but then sometimes when I go home it will be normal, 36.8°again.
Anyway look at this cool site I found about excavations of tombs at the city of Ur, it's really interesting, it shows drawings of the layout of the tombs and the things found within. No. 827953
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>>827869This is cool as hell
No. 828223
>>828204I think most are normal right up until their first episode, and the first typically happens in late teens to mid twenties. It's there but dormant before that.
I know someone who had a very stressful event
trigger theirs. Scary to think that stressing someone out can have such consequences for them. They were heavily medicated and never worked again.
No. 828302
>>828251How did you like it anon? I think there's some great songs on there, in addition to a few that will probably be skips for me. My opinion is definitely more positive than negative though. The title track might be one of my all time
favorite marina songs, but I'll have to wait for the recency bias to fade before saying for sure.
(you dont need to linebreak after every reply) No. 828704
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>>828692Yeah, I think so too. I also drank a whole bottle of pomegranate juice which apparently causes constipation, but whatever. I'm just gonna take this as a sign to stop stuffing myself with oily/high carb foods
I'm still making pasta today though heheheI took a shower and got some food, so I feel a lot better now.
No. 829300
>>829296I downloaded a loyalty app for a coffee chain lately and it had a free coffee voucher on it. I traveled to another town and planned to get my free coffee while there.. place was closed. Next day I went to another town and that chain had a broken coffee machine. Then yesterday I went again and finally got my free latte. I was determined to use the damn thing before it ran out.
Hope you enjoy your bubble tea
No. 829302
>>829296I'd cry if I missed an opportunity for great bubble tea. Glad you're getting your chance anon.
There's a place a half hour drive away from me that does lavender earl grey tea with boba and it's so damn worth it.
No. 829434
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I made orange chicken (soy curls) and lo mein today, and holy fuck it's so good. I'm usually pretty bad at cooking, but it's been super fun for me recently. Yesterday I made fried lemon pepper soy curls. I wish I had cabbage for the lo mein, and more sesame oil flavor, but I was scared of putting too much. Never going back to a Chinese restaurant though.
No. 829444
>>829440I bought them off of Amazon. I use the Butler brand. I believe they also sell them at health food store.
Tbh the "recipe" isn't really a recipe at all. I just dip the soy curls in a beaten egg, and then into a mixture of flour, panko, salt, pepper, and smoked paprika. You don't have to use the egg, I just think it helps the panko stick better. Then I fried them and used Panda Express orange sauce.
No. 829487
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These are yummy
No. 829607
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Feeling sad because the only Virtual Villagers games available on my phone are Origins 1 & 2. Why can I download all the Virtual families games, but only two of the Villagers games are available? Anyway, my village is doing pretty well. I already almost have enough tech points for farming 2. The graphics are top tier as well.
No. 829815
I did it gals I solved a problem in my homework
No. 830419
>>830369Which ancient god did you piss off anon? Hopefully the curse is lifted now that you finally got your bubble tea
If you tell the store the cup burst, they might offer you a free one another time
No. 830751
>>830422Also the original definitions of gender made way more sense, men were "were-man" and women were "wur-man", Girls were "knave-girls" and boys were "boi-girls"
The Norman invasion and rule ruined the Language
No. 830844
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I hate spicy food, but I've been loving sriracha mayo and hot sauce so much recently. I just ate some scrambled eggs with hot sauce and Follow Your Heart cheese and it was fucking delicious. I feel like my tastebuds have discovered a whole new world
No. 831473
>>831436I know how you feel
nonnie. The all-female sharehouse/dorm i used to live in before the pandemic was so fucking filthy. What's so hard about emptying trashcans and not leave garbage and dirty dishes pile up, it literally smelled like shit lol
No. 832221
>>832216Next time bang the side of the lid on your kitchen counter
T. Pathetic spaghetti arms
No. 833020
>>833002Nah, the last time I ate before sleeping was around 7 pm and it was oatmeal. I've been eating a lot less than I usually do as well, so I don't really get why this is happening.
but before, I would always eat around the time that I sleep Anyway, I'm gonna try to go back to sleep.
No. 833951
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I just shaved and lotioned up after taking a shower, and I feel so soft. Like a premium marshmallow. I wish I had cocoa butter tho
No. 834240
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I did a medium nude french tip on a mauve nail and idk if I like it. I think I might do white and gold accents
No. 834419
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Im sad that I can't give the moon a kiss. She's so beautiful
No. 834552
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>>829600>>829565i jinxed it, this sweet wholesome religious guy's type is, edgy girls, it was over before it started kek
No. 835261
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i got my mom's birthday present for only 20 bucks because of prime day
No. 835464
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I have to buy a new phone.
Which colour should I get? I was thinking about just getting a black one but the only cute cases I've found are transparent and wouldn't look nice on black.
No. 835879
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Tomorrow is my last day working with kids, I'm throwing a party and you all are invited!
No. 836065
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Gonna clean the kitchen then make cake pops. Wish me luck
No. 836112
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My close companion needs me but I don’t want to be needed right now. Most days I prefer to choose to not have friends to hang out with. I don’t want to make an effort. So I’ve been baking bread, challah is really easy to make and customize. I should buy whole wheat flour for baking chocolate rye.
No. 836196
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i changed my diet so i'm taking pics every few weeks to monitor my progress. i noticed that my stomach is kinda weird, since i have a dip where my belly button is. basically i have an upper belly fat roll and a lower belly fat roll, but they're separated by a thinner area where my belly button is. as in, the thinner area spans the entire circumference of my belly. i looked up what this could mean and every website says that's a post pregnancy belly? but i never had a kid? huh. i'm just so confused by this weird indent and how pointy my upper belly fat roll seems in one place.
No. 836237
>>836197I dont buy it, tight pants aren’t gonna change where your body deposits fat.
Nonnie’s just gotta slim down and it’ll become less noticeable.
No. 836328
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I have to poop but I don't want to
No. 836331
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>>836328Suffering constipation is never better than pooping. Take a shit moron!
No. 836362
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>>836331Thanks I pooped. now everybody loves me
No. 836524
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helped my granny make stuffed tomatoes
No. 836542
I'm OP and I actually don't like stuffed tomatoes much, just wanted to help
No. 836544
>>836542Well that's nice of you nevertheless.
>>836540There are very few nutritious things I can eat when it gets very very hot, and stuffed tomatoes are one of them. Also, stuffed zucchini. I can't survive on ice-cream.
No. 836791
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I had a dream today that someone posted in the vent thread about how they chew on their girlfriend's pet ferret when they're upset. They went into detail about how it feels and everyone got mad at them. Strangely enough, it felt pretty realistic.
No. 836992
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I made my first omelet
No. 837296
>>836980thats delicious anon
No. 837550
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>>837487consider that arsenic makes you pale and beautiful, dear
nonniet. Miss Carolinas 1903
No. 837817
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I bought these corny bookmarks at the dollar store and the mismatched tassels were bugging me so I fixed them.
No. 838153
Just cleaned my phone to give to a friend and my gosh the amount of grime that collects in the crevices, speakers, etc is narsty. It was so satisfying seeing it come off though.
>>838146Reading this fills me with so much joy. Godspeed anon
No. 838566
>>838537Not gonna lie, some cherries
do sound good right now.
>>838561Oh hell yeah! Honeydew is the best melon hands down.
No. 838593
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I was wearing polygel nails, but they came off and of course like a fucking dumbass I bit my nails. I feel so sad because I had good growth on my left thumb, but whatever. All of my nails are super weak and thin anyway, so maybe it's good to start over cope. Going to do a new set on myself tonight.
No. 839204
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I finally figured out what was causing a horrible rash/eczema on my fingers which was the metal in my phone ring holder.
No. 839212
>>839197wish I was with you today,
nonnie. love to swing high as possible on a swing
No. 839280
>>839205love that for you
nonnie. best feeling in the world!
No. 839494
>>839360Thismoring I grabbed a take away coffee, found a bench in the shade and then got caught up on here and on a couple of kf threads I follow.
I could see old people popping into a nearby store to grab the sunday newspapers. I guess we're weirdly doing the same ritual.
No. 839595
>>839584I've lived near churches where the bells ring maybe 2/3 times a day. More on sundays or certain occasions. Tbh I resented the fact that this loud noise was aloud to happen day in day out and be heard for miles. Why should non catholics in the area have to listen to it? And I'd say the majority there weren't believers.
Every 15 mins sounds mind numbing
No. 839641
>>839626I'm prob sensitive to it given I grew up next to a parish where children were abused at the same time I was a child attending there. I remember being made to go to church but then my mom would be whispering to other parents about what had happened and I heard bits and pieces of it. I fought with my mom about it because I'd heard enough to scare me. Then I hit an age where I fully understood I'd sat on the lap of a pedo on my communion day and we had photos of that in my communion album. It sent a shiver through me when I was told all the details of his offences.
After that I wanted nothing to do with the whole church thing and finally fought hard enough to not be forced. But we lived so close to the place that the bell ringing was loud as hell at home.
No. 839827
>>836791Maybe it will happen in the future kek
No. 840457
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Got a call from Starbucks offering me a part-time job. I should be happy, but I'm just anxious. I'm going to have to quit once classes start in September, but I panicked and told them I could probably keep working if I reduced my hours. I know that is the stupidest thing ever to be anxious about, but that's just how my idiot brain works I guess and now I can't concentrate on anything kek.
No. 840555
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>>840521Is it safe for the whole hand nona?
No. 840556
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>>840550"Black henna" is indigo and henna mixed together, indigo is a dark blue whereas henna is red, making them cancel each other out. Brown henna is a similar mixture in different amounts. What you heard is probably that black henna
hair dye is likely to contain heavy metals that act as colour-intensifying mordants. Body art henna doesn't, so you can use it safely (also on your hair). Just get bags of general purpose body art henna instead of boxes of "henna for hair" like pic related.
No. 840567
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>>840555God remember that trend of every tumblrina drawing her oc with black gradient hands or neck? Now you can be the oc
No. 840594
>>840571Live your aesthetic dreams
nonnie, ignore the haters
No. 841364
>>841106I also found out about Scott Pilgrim because my then-boyfriend collected the books and I borrowed them.
>it ruined a generation of women yep, always blaming women instead of the guys expecting any non-traditional chick to be their manic pixie dream girl
No. 842109
>>842105Need fruity flavour not a milky one?
Sucks ass when that happens. Highly reccommend keeping a handful of green grapes always in the freezer. Crispy icy fresh goodness.
No. 842161
>>842120Made me think of all the relationship posts where anons bfs are seriously hurting them with their behaviour but they don't want to bring it up cause… it might hurt the bf to hear he's been hurting you the entire time you've been together.
Well done for confronting it. And I'm glad she's someone who takes that stuff well.
No. 842306
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I found a bunch of tadpoles on the side of the road in pond that was drying out. Normally I'm not keen on removing wildlife but the pond keeps shrinking every day and I'm afraid cars are going to drive through the divet in the road where they are. I scooped a few up in a cup and set a tank up for them but I'm going to see if I can gather any more if the pond gets smaller. It sucks not all of them will make it but I'd feel a little better if even a few made it to morph.
No. 842338
I just realized I never mentioned that I was the one that asked
him if I could wax them.
>>842043He only agreed to let me wax because I begged him because it's fun to torture him, otherwise he has no reason to remove the hair.
>>842082??? weird ass backhanded insult but anyways. I wax my own pits, pussy and face whenever I need to. It's not difficult and it's not even that painful.
No. 842353
>>842338You don't
need to wax anything nona, that shit's barbaric.
No. 842362
>>842343Ohhh okay. oops
>>842353My armpits get the worse funk ever and are probably the hairiest part of my body (actually, I really truly think so) so it's less about being
feminine more about not smelling like a walking curry shop. Shaving, I always get ingrowns and i hate the stubble, same applies to depilatories.
No. 842406
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I'm going to draw some girls with fluffy hair today. I'm dreading it because I haven't drawn in two-ish months, but I hope making myself do it will pull me out of this artblock.
No. 842829
>>842718Or alternatively some people just find them uncomfortable? I've got fibrocystic breasts so anything that holds me tightly under my breasts causes pain most of the month. I'm lucky because mine are on the small side of average but I really feel for big girls who can't wear bras
I wish it was more normal to not wear bras at all, it's so stupid having to find underwear just in case anyone
men sees a vague outline and realises that I have nipples
No. 842865
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Another night, another moment in which I just want to cuddle my bff. I miss her and I don’t even know when am I going to see her because my dumb ass can’t drive and I’m on a trip at another country.
No. 846252
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I have a yeast infection. I'm so mad because just got over a UTI like 2 months ago. I'm just a huge idiot with a bread vagina.
No. 846280
>>846252I remember going through a repetitive cycle of getting UTIs, taking antibiotics for them and then getting yeast from the meds. I'd spend money on various otc treatments for the yeast and then.. the UTI would return and it'd happen all over again.
The only fix I've found is not having sex. Honestly feels well worth it after living in vag irritation hell for that long.
No. 846339
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Yesterday I ate an apple, it was quite brown already so I cut the bad parts, I think the seeds germinated inside? it tasted like badly filtered water. I’m not dead yet, so that’s good.
No. 846349
>>846339That was just a sprouted apple,
nonnie, sprouted shit’s supposed to be a superfood so consider yourself blessed
No. 846396
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>>846395Don’t start a slap battle that you can’t win, anonancia.
No. 846648
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You're browsing /ot waiting for something interesting to happen but it won't
No. 846740
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imma about to get this nail polish
No. 846741
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>>846740and i'm going to attempt to recreate this with it
No. 846748
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It's so hot it feels like my brain is being fried…
No. 846909
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I can't wait for botw2 to come out, the long haired link that flies in the sky looks SO HOT ugh
No. 847184
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I accidentally made a cappuccino instead of a latte this morning. What a pleasant surprise.
No. 847193
>>847184My mundane antiself!
Today I got a cappuccino from an expensive bakery people always recommend to me but they either fucked it up or accidentally gave me someone's order because it was a latte, I hate overly milky drinks so I couldn't even finish it
No. 847888
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If there is a god IBS is it's shittiest joke. Some people get insomnia, some people get white hairs, but me? I get liquid shits RIGHT when teachers open the door for exams. fml, this is painfull AND humiliating.
No. 847926
>>847890Maybe get a massage at a spa?
My mundane shit is that I have a dentist appointment soon and I'm as scared as I was as a kid so I'm going with my mommy.
No. 847936
>>847924God I wish.
>>847926No time for that, I just moved and my apartment is a warzone. I live with my brother and he is shit at massaging, I asked him once and I felt like I was a dough of bread being kneaded, awful.
No. 848041
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I'm eating this candy (actually I ate just one bite I don't want to eat it all at once it would be sad) it's the best candy ever
No. 849326
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I did the dishes after sweeping and mopping. Then I made some overnight oats with Maca root powder. I'll make some raw chocolate sauce to add to it in the morning.
No. 849373
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I think I will go to sleep now, I’m also thinking of doubling my dose of metformin because I’ve been randomly bleeding as if I got my period. I’ve been eating like shit.
No. 849403
>>849388Yeah I'm not worried about the decorations (there's a bunch of cool shit on there and Shein actually). I'm only really worried about polish, polygels, acrylics etc…
>>849400Holy fuck
No. 849931
>>849903That's so sad, I understand that they don't want to sell old cake but they could at least sell them at a bargain, imagine all the food in the world that is thrown away because the expiration date has passed, all that could be given away but stores are obliged by law to throw the food away. I'll make sure to think of you when I eat my cake kek
>>849911My roommate says they even threw another jaffa cake out before this. Ugh I understand they're on a strict diet but as you said some cake once in a while will not make a change.
No. 850292
>>850059those brownies are
based and fiberpilled I need to restock
No. 850569
>>850522I know that feel
nonnie, it’s also extremely unprofessional, I don’t want to go teach kids while showing off my belly button, I want to look like a cozy lady with flowery blouses, not a rockstar or an instathot.
I also hate how all denim pants or shorts are ripped, if I wanted damaged shit I would go to goodwill or a dumpster.
No. 850740
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I was a euro short at the shop and the nice cashier man let me have the food anyway! Now I'm in a great mood. Hope you're all having a good day/night nonnas!!
No. 850849
>>850839Nta, but here
I love putting bacon on mine and doing it with multi grain rice as well (like ogokbap)
No. 850868
>>850849 said, also thid dude's recipe is more elaborated but I want to try it
No. 850938
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I want to make BK stacker sauce/Thousand Island dressing, but I have no relish or pickles
No. 851507
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>>851501Happy early Birthday anon! I hope you enjoy yourself. Try not to focus on being lonely, it's your day so just do whatever makes you happy
No. 851536
File: 1626039859831.jpg (51.2 KB, 720x480, downunder_066.jpg)

>>851507Th-thank you anon. I'm gonna make myself a cake from scratch!
No. 851544
>>851542I am distraught
- shepard's pie
No. 851645
File: 1626051533306.jpg (28.91 KB, 325x325, FR_MiniCornDogLG1.jpg)

Corn dogs smell so fucking good. I had picrel 2 days ago and literally cannot get the smell out of my head
No. 851667
>>851666Nta but,
>honey on my sandwichWhat kind of sandwich are you eating?
No. 851712
File: 1626059340749.png (5.3 KB, 182x203, 1582072927301.png)

should i buy a cheap floor table and use a weighted blanket for warmth or should i save up for a kotatsu?
No. 851720
>>850215 and happy to report that this time around, I valued each berry like the treasure that it is.
No. 851756
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Felt cute and goth af today, update psychedelic pfp late at night
No. 851771
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i'm so friggen tired but i need to feed my cats in about fifteen. then the long nap can take me
No. 852326
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Finally found the perfect eyeshadow to mimic the best eyelook: slightly smudged mascara, the nature's own smokey grungy eye.
No. 852432
File: 1626134819371.jpeg (228.83 KB, 450x450, pic_fried_ebi.jpeg)

>>852227I'm surprised it came out mushy considering it was day old (which is the best time to use fried rice.) Did you leave it warming in the rice cooker or put it in the fridge? It's best to leave it in the fridge, you're going to want to use cold rice so it doesn't get soggy and clumpy in the pan. If youre ever using fresh cooked rice, just spread it out on a wide pan and stick it in the fridge for a bit.
I'm no chef but I make lazy cheap fried rice a lot. I use pic rel as a cheat.
No. 852442
>>852432I used cold rice, I didn't cook it in my ricecooker so I couldn't leave it in there. I guess I just overcooked it yesterday, but I tasted it and the texture was fine. Maybe me and homemade fried rice just aren't meant to be.
I also used fried rice seasoning, but I put in way too much of it lol
No. 852446
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You rice anons are making me want to make nasi goreng (Indonesian fried rice).
No. 854758
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I often think back to the time my friend asked me to be her model for a day at makeup school and I said sure. While there, as she worked on me her teacher came up and began to instruct her. At one point he said "your model has small eyelids, so make sure to etc etc." Now whenever I look at my eyes in the mirror it's all I can think about. Not that my self esteem was impacted or I thought he was being rude or anything, it's just that I'm astonished that such a descriptor has been applied to eyelids.
No. 854800
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>>851501Wow, a July 16th birthday twin! I also love drawing in nature. I hope your cake comes out wonderfully and just remember you're not alone because I have you in my thoughts, birthday twin anon.
No. 854803
>>851501>>854800my bff’s birthday is tomorrow too
cancer queens
No. 854949
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>>854874I'm sorry I didn't put much effort into my birthday wish, I want to put something more but I don't know you and we are on an imageboard. So I will show you some beautiful images I saved so I could paint them.
No. 854953
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>>854949I already painted this one it was a good choice
No. 854954
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>>854949Well I hope you liked my photos have a nice day!
No. 855280
File: 1626420138770.jpg (64.78 KB, 976x549, p081m8w3 (1).jpg)

>have haircut appointment coming up
>do usual googling of "haircuts for (me)-shaped face"
>repeatedly think "this only looks good because of the model"
>start envisioning own face as bloated, wide and heavy
>literally feel like I look like picrel
>finally look in bathroom mirror and
>oh I actually don't look so bad? seeing myself in motion helps a lot
>leave bathroom
>with mirror out of view, picrel version of self returns to my mind
No. 855538
>>855532good luck,
nonnie. try making a "smash burger" which is just a thinner burger. nothing worse than a thick meat puck when you wanted a nice patty.
No. 856515
>>856201I've spoken to a couple of people who on the surface were passing themselves off as antivaxx but then it turns out they're just scared of needles and hoping that if everyone else takes the vax they can skip the stress of it. The contents of the vaccine don't worry them. It's the needle itself.
Posted this the other day but I got mine lately and I got to semi witness someone in front of me just pass out cold during it.
No. 856574
>>856515Absolutely blows my mind that some people are so scared of a pinprick of pain and a speck of blood. We really are so different from our ancestors, aren't we? Cripes.
Not to powerlevel but I've had to clean up disgusting amounts of blood in the past, I've literally picked up congealed blood clots the size of dinner plates with tissue before. Same with pain, nerve pain is something to be feared, but an injection? I literally can't comprehend these peoples life experiences if that's really a problem for them.
That said, I can't cope so well with shit. I was cleaning my sister's room and found a shoebox with a wet shit in it, no joke I threw up there and then. So maybe everyone has their thing.
No. 856690
>>856574> I was cleaning my sister's room and found a shoebox with a wet shit in itI
need to know the story here.
No. 856730
>>856690She's a mega alcoholic and a biological hazard, that's basically it. Sorry it's not funnier,
You would not believe the smell at her place right now. It's been around 29°C in the UK, it's extremely humid, and we don't generally have air con/fans etc. over here. On every surface, she has piss jugs of various vintages and concentrations (depending not only on her hydration level but also on the time it's had to slowly evaporate in the heat). Your feet literally cannot touch the floor if you try to walk into the room, you end up balancing on bottles and clothes. It becomes an obstacle course. You must be very wary of putting your hands anywhere for balance, not only for fear of disturbing the piss jugs, but also to avoid smashing any of the many, many insects. The insects were originally bought as food for her bearded dragon who allegedly lives somewhere deep within the miasma, in undoubtedly horrible conditions (we have asked the RSPCA for advice but this is very low down on their list of priorities) but she often neglects to open the boxes the poor feeder creatures are shipped in. Due to entropy occuring at an alarming and abnormal rate within The Room, lids tend to come off and boxes get holes in them quite quickly. Crickets, cockroaches, locusts, and some kind of fat little worm are common sights in the hole, but "don't worry! They're too sickly to live more than a few days". Nonetheless, the critters in that place must have a better chance than most to make it, as she very kindly leaves uneaten Chinese and Indian takeaway lying around until it dessicates.
Under no circumstances should you touch the bed. If you sit on it, you will get wet. There are months worth of piss, sweat, and bile in that mattress.
You should not pick up any bags, boxes, or hats as those are all choice chamberpot options for Madame. There's also a fairly good chance, depending on the phase of the moon, that you will see several soiled sanitary towels before they get covered in more clothes and trash.
We have cleaned out my sister's place many, many times. It lasts less than a week. The addiction counselor told us that we were enabling her by cushioning her from the impact of her decisions, and we made a choice to stop doing things like that.
It hasn't changed a thing. I love her but fucking hell, it is ripe.
No. 856750
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>>856730Wow I hated reading that and I feel bad you and your family had and have to experience this
No. 857086
>>856730Shit anon I'm sorry, hope your sister can recover.
Why is it so common for mentally ill people to pee in bottles btw?
No. 857944
My mom put bleach on my hair she really rubbed it into my head aaaAAAAAAAAAAA it burns AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA just five more minutes aaa I hope my head doesn't burn off
>>857919Cool my friend's dog and grandma are both on a strict diet and they both only eat yoghurt and cheese
God my head hurts
No. 858182
>>857955I'm sure he would he is some real gourmand dog. My friend tells me how she would put his medicine inside a hotdog and he would eat the hotdog slowly and carefully all around the medicine.
>>857944Update I touched the top of my head and it was like 70 degrees celsius so I washed all the bleach off right away and now I look like 50% prompto from final fantasy and 50% klemens from hatari job well done I'd say
No. 858305
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>>857862Sorry for the late reply but it went surprisingly well! I really love the result. Thanks for asking anon. The haircut itself was pretty simple, just a basic shoulder length haircut and you wouldn't be able to tell it was DIY. I don't know why I thought it was impossible to do on my own but if I can do it, anyone can.
What I plan to do is investing in a nice curling brush since I'm already saving money. My friend lended me one and it makes a huge difference.
No. 859326
File: 1626836430732.jpg (14.27 KB, 275x243, i love you.jpg)

My dad made spaghetti, whenever he makes spaghetti it's a good day!
Also nabbed some watermelon juice my mom sent.
No. 859973
>>859381nice!! Super underrated dish imo
t. italian carb lover
No. 859978
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>>856947yeeaaahhhh, i remember my first cheeto
No. 859987
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>>859975Yellow bottle that hid the color of the liquid inside, which was then like a nuclear green.
Tasted like a liquid form of pic. I think I have cancer now.
No. 859997
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Missed the golden hour once again today for my toy photoshoot. And by like, 10 minutes.
Let's try it again tomorrow, hopefully it won't be too overcast.
No. 860024
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>>859533This'n? I would've assumed lemon too. Sour apple flavour sucks, that's disappointing.
No. 860066
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>>860056>>860054I. WANT. IT!!!
Yeah…YEAH!!! I can do this! My problem is, I think, I keep my legs stiff, or something where I don't bend my knee?? My arms are all comedy as well, like PeeWee Herman or something. Invaluable advice there, thank you. Classes started pissing me off and running free really appeals. I will run free. With perfect form.
>>860056F me that's weird. I was watching American Spy Fox's Kurt n Kristen video earlier. Am I being hack?
No. 860198
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The outside of these taste amazing but I wish the inside wasn't so dry.
No. 860214
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>>860103There’s still all sorts of amazing banana varieties in the tropics, they just don’t ship well so you don’t see them being sold a long way from where they were grown.
The best banana I ever ate was called tongka langit - it was big and pink and incredible tasting. And yeah the banana smoothies in the tropics are amazing. All the fruit smoothies are actually.
No. 860219
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>>860214That's so cute and neat. Reminds me of the heirloom apple guy in the U.S.
No. 860282
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>>860211>>860214you two have inspired me something great.. thank you, I'll definitely think of you when I finally consume the best bananas I've ever had
No. 860834
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>>860830i used to do this with the inside lid of my pencil cases in elementary school and then i would crush up crayons and mix it up while it was still wet to add decoration kek
No. 860835
Pencil cases should only be used to store gel pens and those little mini staplers!
No. 861007
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Cereal is way too expensive, every time I consider buying a box I'm flabbergasted at the prices
No. 861017
>>861007I am always amazed by the variety you burgers have
Here we have regular Cheerios, corn flakes, frosted flakes, chocolate flakes, chocolate balls, fruit loops and like two other different ones, if much. I yearn for cereal with marshmallows and one with cinnamon.
No. 861018
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>>861017how about cinnamon AND marshmallows? also minecraft cuz why the fuck not
No. 861253
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Saw this google doodle game and started playing it.
No. 861946
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My nipples are so goddamn sensitive around my period, and not in the fun way. Sometimes just stretching my arms back so my shirt presses against them makes them hurt like fuck istg. Why couldn't I just have the standard cramps like everyone else
No. 861957
>>861007My mom used to get us the variety pack cereal, but no one ever ate the apple jacks.
>>861008Also, seconding target. They're the cheapest and have the best deals with cereal.
No. 862208
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I never realized how fluorescent orange canned peaches are. They look like mangos. Also, they smell bad.
No. 862848
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cleaned out my purse for the first time in months
-25 receipts
-5 stamps
-4 ketchup packets
-3 crumpled up napkins
-3 business cards
-3 mint wrappers
-1 bobby pin
-1 earring
-78 cents in change
No. 863611
File: 1627285260532.jpg (49.32 KB, 712x289, mice.jpg)

Caught two mice in the kitchen.
Released them in the orchard.
No. 863694
>>863686Here, kitty kitty
Aw, who left you alone to post on the Internet
No. 864116
File: 1627331167549.jpg (112.33 KB, 768x910, tori-tokyo-low.jpg)

>>864081>>863777Blogpost incoming: I was looking for silk and feathers to make a costume for a doll. I got a broom handle because it's wooden so I can make a gift for my brother's birthday pic related look how cool it is, it is a puzzle, except I will make mine look like a real torii gate with more bells and whistles and paint it. I got suspenders because I only have american flag print ones which I stole from my brother's room and sometimes I need my pants to stay up without being american. And I got a picture frame because they are always good to have.
But I thought after making my post how you could make a weird costume with suspenders, a broom and a picture frame, put the frame on your head and wear pants with suspenders and carry a broom and you are a weird new type of witch.. or something
No. 864428
Woke up an hour before my alarm, thought "hell yeah" and went back to sleep. Proceeded to have the most tense, unpleasant, action-packed dream I've had in ages. Woke up again feeling like a year had passed. Why do brains do this
>>864116I love that you posted a follow-up. Good luck with your doll costume and broom torii gate puzzle
No. 864677
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>>864616I know all of these things, but your facts and logic can’t stop me and my pinchy fingers.
No. 864741
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I restocked on new snacks and lunches and I have to stop myself from eating them all at once
No. 865114
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I can't stop procrastinating and I hate myself for it. I keep telling myself that I have no energy, but it's just laziness. Or maybe a mix of both. Anyway, I'm going to cook a mini pizza and make myself do something
No. 865432
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DAE live in a timezone opposite all their favorite cows (public or personal) so it's mostly boring in the daytime, but a wild ride when you check your phone in the morning? S/O to my eastern hemisphere anons
>>865122Absolutely love this for you. Wish so bad that I lived near a wildwood
No. 865559
>>865558Samefag, eating spinach
makes me shit like crazy damn
No. 866899
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I put regular dish soap in the dishwasher
No. 867081
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I had my first therapy appointment today and it went really well, my new therapist is really sweet.
No. 867130
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>>867081Happy for you anon, hope it continues to go well
No. 867412
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I bought a carpet sweeper, I'm having a lot of fun. I feel like those misogynist caricatures from the 50s with some daffy woman in paroxysms of joy over her washing machine.
But at the same time, brushy go brrrrrrr haha
No. 867759
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>>829565>>829597>>834552yeah i had to stop being friends with him yesterday, it was getting to be too much, confessed i liked him more than just platonically and couldn't be a good friend because of it, he was upset, said i was his best friend
sucks my clinginess got in the way of a good friendship.
No. 867832
>>867783thank you, at the same time though I feel a little bad.
ok not a little, just bad. like it isn't fair to him, he loves me, i'm just discounting it because it isn't in the shape that i want, but platonic love is as valuable as romantic love. It's not like he can help it, so me ending the friendship is hurting him, just because i'm not getting what i want (I'm sure he'll get over it since i'm not that important but he seemed upset ok).
BUT at the same time I would remain friends with him if i knew how to let go of my romantic feelings as best as i can, but i don't see how i could do that if i talk and see him every day. I'm just not cut out for it like other people are i think. so i don't really have a choice either. I think i'm most upset because we connected instantly and finding out he had that damned fliphone made me get ahead of myself smh.
sage for derailing thread by venting
No. 868366
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How did human evolution allow it that I'm horniest while on my period? Why am I being made to suffer???
No. 868852
File: 1627769693787.jpg (254.79 KB, 725x1024, Uchiha.Brothers.full.71617[1].…)

>>868838I thought I vaguely remember the pic you're talking about so I googled Yana Goya, and came upon this gem.
This is so 2005, I can feel Juicy Couture materializing on my ass.
No. 868911
>>868852kek I tried to find the picture on google too, to no avail.
>>868873By hand you mean with a tweezer or you are seriously grabbing pubes by the fistful and yanking them out without ruining your day?
No. 868959
File: 1627781669877.jpg (Spoiler Image,193.68 KB, 1024x768, NARUTO.full.244015[1].jpg)

>>868940You mean that one?
No. 868981
>>868959Yeah this is the one I saw online, but it’s not the one left behind in the book.
The one in the book has ass showing and they’re in a red room and sasuke is blushing and there’s no blood. I don’t think it’s easy to find online anywhere anymore, that’s why I thought maybe it was a commission if YanaGoya did those.
>>868964>>868970This sounded really painful but I’ve actually tried it. Doing it after a shower makes it easier for sure, but I don’t think I could ever do 10+ at once. That sounds like torture for me.
No. 869179
nonnie eating beans
No. 869250
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I have a fever from the 2nd pfizer shot ahhhh also I dreamt that we had two diet cokes left in the fridge but I mistook that for a memory when I woke up so I went to get one to cool down and there were none. why is this happening to me
No. 869314
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I hate fandom / media tattoos and yet I really really want to get one. I keep telling myself that it’ll be to honor my dad (he was also a fan) and it’ll be really tiny but I know that’s just cope.
No. 869340
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The hospital where my mom works has a Burger King among its vendors in the cafeteria, despite understandable complaints from doctors about how bad that looks for a hospital. Great for me though, made visits to my mom fun and delicious. Today she came home and said "great news, they finally took down the Burger King in the cafeteria" and I let out a scream of anguish