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No. 67815
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why yes we can
back in the day i worked at a new age store, which did indeed involve a lot of cringe on a daily basis. but i'll never forget the time that my boss's newer/hotter/wilder wife was hardcore flirting with her husband like seven feet away from me. there was a cash register inbetween us but still. i heard them talking about his pickle. like this man is fifty and she is almost half his age. they were laughing about how she used to come in and flirt with him when he was previously married, and i heard him say "but i was trying to be a good boy" and they started giggling and whispering like teenagers in heat and i almost threw up a little
sometimes people would come and get reiki sessions from her in the back room where I know that he just got handsies from her earlier in the day
sorry to be so bitter but they were both cray. he's come in literally crying it seemed every other day that they were getting divorced and then she'd come waltzing in with a new wig and weirdly revealing outfit more appropriate for a tweenage hipster and they would disappear all day in the throes of wild love making/money spending.
she was a self professed psychic but what she really was, was psychopathic. genuine empaths are cool but i watched her manipulate so many people with her head games. as for her husband, it was pretty much karma personified. the business went under a couple years after marriage, now she posts on her blog about how she is so experienced at corporate infrastructure and he posts on Facebook about needing a job. it is sad funny
have more stories if anybody cares. sorry for not the best formatting. it's weird to remember all these things, at the time it took a lot out of me but it's a little funnier now
No. 67817
>>67815I would love to hear more stories of your ex-bosses or even your old customers–I'm sure a new age store would bring in some interesting characters.
Glad you're rid of that awkward job!
No. 67823
>>67817very unique clientele indeed, and yes i learned a lot but i am glad it came to an end as well.
on with the stories!
there was a very bizarre trio that came in semi regularly. it was a woman, a man and their teenage son. the son was actually very nice, rather well balanced, but his parents were a different story. they were self professed ex-bounty hunters - they both drove motorcycles and tended to dress the part. the woman was of, well, indiscriminate race, and it seemed she would play up whatever seemed most profitable to her in the moment, which was creepy. she was always trying to get on at the store as a resident psychic, and she did this by generally freaking out the other customers, or by focusing on one employee whom she thought she could manipulate to get her foot in the door.
the man would just kind of stand around being useless and while she freaked out and demanded attention. they were both pretty built so i always though it was kind of suspicious that they brought up the ex-bounty hunter thing, as if that were supposed to intimidate people into paying attention to their antics. basically if she was in the store, she needed to be the center of attention. she was loud and had to look at everything in every case, only to not buy it. i always felt creeped out when i was working alone. i recall distinctly the husband asking more than once if i was working alone, so naturally i lied and said (man's name) was in the back.
there was one time when she came in and proclaimed loudly that she felt someone in the store had lost somebody. this poor girl in the corner looking at jewelry noped out of there. my other coworker was like oh my god! so cool and she was just bedazzling him with a bunch of bullshit and he was totally falling for it. she never pulled that shit on me, i was nice to her but she always seemed to be more of a creep than a psychic
more stories incoming
No. 67829
>>67823i had another coworker who was genuine, kind and sweet. unfortunately this kind of made her a target. this very strange and sad woman would come in and ask all the time about psychic stuff. i think she genuinely believed that there were people in the store with special psychic powers, and that we all had this super secret knowledge that we were keeping to ourselves. maybe she had a bit of a mental disorder, i mean she had a job but she often didn't understand words we used . . . so we all working there had a bit of sympathy of for her, a fact which she really pushed for all its worth.
she would harass my coworker for hours at a time, asking her questions, trying to get her to use her intuitive powers to figure out some sort of vague situation. eventually we found out kinda what happened, this woman in question had a crush on some lady on facebook/twitter and had been retweeting all of this woman's tweets. and now she was super afraid that this unknown woman was mad at her because she wasn't tweeting back.
she would come hang out while we were trying to close and eventually i told this woman that my coworker was too kind to say that all the questions were draining. then she turned her questions to me haha. like how do you know my questions are draining? are you psychic too? she tried to touch my necklaces one time and i had to explain why that was not appropriate, even though it certainly seemed like the new age store was a free for all compared to other places
eventually she has us save a crystal in the case for her while she saved up the sixteen dollars. when she came back and got it she named it after everyone in the store, with their names smooshed together. i was so pissed that one of my other coworkers told her my real name and not my nickname, but c'esst la vie
No. 67832
>>67829this one is kind of hard for me to write about, but i promise i will follow it up with something funnier. i've not been honest about this with anybody in charge so this will be refreshing.
a nice and intelligent man used to come in and hang out til close. he had a physical problem that made getting around hard, and i guess i had a lot of empathy for him. i always thought we were friends, we talked about his cats and stuff. but he believed a little too hardcore for me. told me that he was part of this space thing . . . i don't even want to type it all out. anyways one time he came in drunk and molested me. i was honestly so embarrassed mostly just that i thought we were friends. friends don't do that. anyways i just never made eye contact with him again, although he tried, and told my coworkers to be wary. shit was lame.
No. 67834
In November I saw frnkiero and the celllbration. I remember while waiting in line there were 2 cringe people.
One was a total tumblr fakeboi (there were actually quite a few there, but this one was loud). I remember I had to run to my car to grab my ticket real quick, I said to her "excuse me ma'am" and she went "Sorry but I'm not a girl, try not to misgender people." Like, she had on heavy winged eyeliner and high heels, but I guess the fact she had horribly done thick eyebrows and dyed and fried short hair should have set off something. I said sorry and left it at that. I came back and this bitch was full on ranting about gender and shit, she said she was and I quote "dfab demiboy" and that "assuming gender is as bad as being racist".
Same person also went on a story about how they had a conference at a local con dressed as Party Poison (MCR Killjoys chracter) and how 100 people came. I learned later that there was never any such event, so that was funny. Especially considering how braggy they were about how they were supposedly making people laugh by apparently entering in the room by kicking in the door and saying "sup bitches". Ugh.
Second person was actually a group of people. To their advantage they were all about 12-16, but still. They kept talking really loudly about the Milk fic, which in case no one knows is a really sexual weird fic about Ryan Ross and Brendon Urie from Panic! At the Disco. This wasn't so bad but here's the thing, the youngest one (12 years old) was the one carrying on the convo about this fic while her mom was literally right next to her. To make things worse I was genuinely physically cringing, her mom noticed and came over to me and actually asked what the Milk Fic was. I don't think there was anything worse than telling some 12 year old's mom that her daughter is talking about a fic where a band member gets a milk enema.
No. 67837
>>67832now onto some silly stuff.
i've had a woman insist to me that she had a bad chakra. i had another man ask if i could tune his singing bowl to ohm. there was a young man who came in with these very basic and childlike drawings of colored shapes, who told me that they were his plans from a past life to engineer some sort of space station. i'm still not even sure
i had a very old man come in looking for vampire blood, who left confused and dissapointed. i happen to have lip piercings, to which an older sorta redneck customer asked me word for word, "are those your inside lip kissers?"
i watched a man awkwardly place every crytal from a pricier batch on his forehead to find the right one. he closed his eyes and hummed a little.
one that really takes the cake was when one of my coworkers came in hungover and just went and took a nap on the couch in the reading corner. place really was a mess but i did make a friend or two and that was pretty cool
No. 67848
>>67823Good job on saying a dude was in the backroom. No good can ever come of admitting you're alone.
The wife would've seriously pissed me off hassling customers and coworkers like that.
>>67829I realize now that I've been in retail too long. Never for a store like the one you used to work in, but my patience for people like this woman you describe is practically nonexistent. I couldn't put up with her for longer than 10 minutes.
>>67832I'm really sorry, anon. I don't have anything else to say except that he was an asshole and you're right: friends don't do that type of shit to each other.
>>67837Hey, at least the guy trying out crystals knew exactly what he was looking for. Must've been a bit weird, but better for him to find the right one rather than keep coming back for exchanges.
>>67834So cringe. The demiboy bragging about kicking in a door and saying "sup bitches" makes me roll my eyes, but the thought of a 12yo talking about a fetish fanfic in front of her mom is stomach-churning. Lord, do kids these days have no shame or sense of discretion? I would've been hardpressed to make eye contact with the mom while explaining the reference just from sheer secondhand embarrassment alone. Did the mom look disturbed or only resigned? (God only knows what other things the girl felt comfortable saying in front of her mother…)
No. 67855
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>be a weeby 13 year. First day back to school.
>spent all summer discovering everything ~JaPANeseee!!!~ and getting really into Jpop and whatnot
>Home-ec class first period. First lesson for some reason is about social shit like racism and multiculturalism.
>Teacher breaks us into groups based on our race and tells us to create posters of what our typical stereotypes are in media.
>Mostly Mexicans, whites, and blacks in the class. One preppy Korean american girl.
>Dumbass me thinks that that I should be paired with the asian girl because I "listen and watch ashuuuuun stuff more than american stuff desu!"
>Actually go up and tell the teacher this and ask to change groups.
>areyoufuckingkiddingme.jpg face from teacher. Get sent back to my original group
>continues to hold a grudge on this teacher for the rest of the year.
and i have so many more stories, please kill me
No. 67856
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>>67848yes indeed had i had bigger cajones i would have been a lot more firm with many of these people. but alas now my cajones are bigger from these experiences haha. and indeed lots of people would try out crystals to find the right one, and honestly it was often super cute, especially with children. it was just a little awkward because i had to monitor the more expensive crystals and i wasn't sure whether i should politely look away or adopt a look of vague interest hehe.
i feel you on the retail thing anon! i am sure you will break free and rock this world. thanks for reading my lurid tales, as i am sure you have many of your own
No. 67876
>>67856Yeah, when I was younger I didn't have the experience and dgaf attitude I have now. Positives are I can now politely redirect conversations and remove unwanted hands from my body without making a scene. Still trying to figure out a way to gracefully duck out of unwanted creeper hugs when someone comes up behind me, but hey, time is on my side.
Thanks for the well wishes about breaking free of retail. I really need to–I am getting to the burnout point.
>>67859That class sounds like an absolute nightmare. Wtf was the teacher thinking.
No. 67953
>>67932omg this is the worst.
for a while i had "fantastic baby" by big bang as the ringtone for my boyfriend because he hated it and i thought it was hilarious. wellll, he decided to call me during a staff meeting (he didn't know, it was last minute) and out of nowhere, a very loud "I WANNA DANCE DANCE DANCE DANCE…WOW FANTASTIC BABY!" blasts from my phone. I wanted to crawl in a hole and die.
No. 68113
There was this time when my dad almost surprises me watching porn.
Ok so I was like 14 at that time, my parents were at work and I was bored out of my mind so, lets search some motherfucking porn to pass time.
Everything was perfect, the computer of my parents was a fucking toaster but with a little bit of work it could reproduce video, and I was happy, my dad wasn't supposed to get home til night and it was just 4 in the afternoon, what could possibly go wrong rite??
Suddently, the fucking hentai im watching frozes I'm on full screen, the video stopped running but the audio keep playing through my headphones, I try to just ctrl+alt+del but it makes it all worse, now the whole computer frozes, not only the player or the browser, I cant even move the cursor around. Ok, I'm starting to panic, the moans continue on my headphones like a grim reminder that if someone were to barge into the room in that exact moment I could be screwed. I'm just there, thinking what the hell to do when suddently, I heard the front door oppening.
>Anon sweetie, I'm home early today!
Don't answer, I'm just screaming inside trying to unfreeze this shit.
>Anon are you on the computer?
As I heard my dad on the stairs I fucking lauch myself from my seat and turn off the monitor just as he enters the office. Japanese moans still going on my headphones as I stood there.
>hey, why is the screen turned off…
Moaning finally stops.
I try to turn on the screen again while dad looks the other way, screen still frozen, cover the screen with my body and reach the back of the tower like a maniac.
>Wait Anon NOOOOO!!!
Quickly flick off/on the switch.
Dad scolds me and tells me that I could have fried the pc.
>aw come on dad what could possibly go wrong just turn it on again I'm done anyway.
Try to turn on the computer again… No reaction.
Towers does a horrible hellish sound.
>God damn it Anon!
And that's the story of how I burned my pc's hard disk to cover up my Japanese porn.
I didn't watch porn for years until I got my own laptop 5 years after that.
No. 68118
>>68113Parents walking in on that type of shit is the worse. Reminds me of a story of my own.
When I was probably about 6 or 7 I use to go to daycare after school, there was this boy there who was 8 and I had a HUGE crush on him. I use to talk to him and stuff and we would flirt but it was children flirting.
Well, one day he starts talking about making out and stuff. He basically said something like
>When you're married you sleep with your husband naked and it feels good!SO, being the dumb child I was, I had to try this out. But I had no super close guy friends, let alone ones who would come over to test it out. So that weekend I went in my room, shut the door, took off my clothes, and went under the covers naked. It just felt weird, I remember going "What a rip off!".
I then got up and.
Huge shit stain right on my bed. I still don't know what happened. I didn't shit myself or anything. What I'm guessing is I didn't wipe right when I got off the toilet last. What was worse was having to go to my mom and dad and explain that there was a big poop smear stain on my bed without revealing I was naked in bed. So I lied and said I was changing and it happened. I still cringe about this pretty bad here almost 20 years later.
No. 68168
>>68118God damn my sides just flew out of this world.
Children can be so adorably stupid.
Oh I remember when I got my period for the first time when I was 10, I had woken up that day with quite the hurting on my belly and when I get up there's fucking blood on the sheets. Now at that time I didn't even used a bra, I was fucking ignorant on this my parents never give me any talk and also I was a dramaqueen, so what was my first through?
>I must be dying, theres no other explanation, I'm going to die and this blood and the bellyache is proof of it. I must go to an hospital or start to say my goodbyes.So I basically go to my grandma (ex titulated nurse) to tell her I'm bleeding out to death that morning to which she just laughs… And tells me the beautiful process of menstruation with full details and statistics and also gave me the talk…
It was too much information for widdle ol' me, so I didn't want anyone to touch me for a while, I could end pregnant or something.
No. 68387
>>68381Holy shit and what did she told you, and what did you say???
I remember wheb my mom uncovered my gay porn
>MOOOM ITS NOT PORN IS A LIFESTYLE I shit you not, I was that stupid when I was 13.
No. 68424
>>16, female, bordering obese.
>>big trashy scene mullet with shitty purple patches in it>>so much eyeliner all around the eyes. Imagine a raccoon and cleopatra put it on. >>skinny jeans, glittery high tops, hello kitty shirt, too-small purple cardigan with black hearts on it. >>I look so fucking cool.
>>blind drunk at some gross house party in suburban Perth. >>puke outside mid conversation with exbf>>casually continue conversation, super gross.>>loudly, grossly, obnoxiously make passes at my male friend. >>he's not interested guys>>try harder>>drink more, smoke more bongs, drink even moar ????? Pass out on back lawn.>>wake up to vomit again, fart loudly.>> someone's mother is helping me up and were walking past the party>>fart some more>>>PPPPPPFFFFFFFFFTHHHHHBBBBPPPPPT>>cry>>wake up alone and confused, find photos of self crying with face in toilet as the screensaver of the computer next to the bed>>drink some more No. 68501
>>68424Haha Jesus fucking christ man.
>PerthOh well there you go, now it all makes sense.
No. 68546
Last year I was at a bar with some friends after a festival sort of thing, and we were in a serious party mood. I had a crush on one of my guy friends who is a pretty smart drinker, and never drinks too much. I accidentally drank way too much and asked if I could sit on his lap, to which he said yes. I sat there for at least an hour (I was so drunk that i can only remember bits here and there). I remember farting like crazy against his legs and almost breaking his phone.
A couple of years ago i had a crush on this dude at my school. He was sitting on a couch on the school lobby, and i tried to walk past him very sensually and elegantly, but accidently sharted.
That year my friends also thought it was super hilarious to spook me by jumping in front of me around a corner, because i get startled very easily. I had stomach problems, probably because of dairy, and every time they jumped at me i would make a little fart, so i tried to clench all the time so it wouldn't happen. I was walking with another crush of mine, and was unfocused on my bowel, and someone startled me and i let out a huge smelly one and started crying in embarrasment.
I fucking hate my bowel.
No. 68563
>>67876hey there. i learned this move in krav maga, if somebody sneaks up and grabs you from behind, just push your elbows directly back into them. it's gonna cause a world of pain if you do it with great force, but even with slight effort the elbows are pretty pointy. obviously this might not be the best recourse in every situation, but then again it's never cool to make someone uncomfortable like that. that makes me so mad. if you are stuck at a shitty job people oughta be decent about keeping their hands to themselves. you sound awesome! i don't want you to burn out. you have my well wishes kind human
>>68502yeah two faced just about describes it. i'm sorry you gotta deal with that. i think the main type of manipulation, and maybe the most annoying, was the megalomaniac psychic. this could be pretty extreme sometimes. basically it's when somebody walks into a room and demands to be the center of attention. this is very ala charles manson, the same kind of tactics. if any of these people get the sense that you might be mystified by their psychic powers, or lightworking, or motherfucking reiki mastery, they'll sink their hooks into you and try to draw you into their conversation. as long as they have your attention, as long as they can keep you locked into their mysterious universal mystery tangents, they feel powerful, and they get off on it.
the best way for me at least to tell if someone is genuine, is if they keep their mouth shut about. real magic practitioners know that secrecy brings a lot of power, so anybody spouting off about sensing this and that is most likely a fraud.
there was a group of people who used to come in whom i feel to be legitimate psychic vampires. this sounds cooler than it is, it's basically a bunch of creeps who get chubbs from freaking people out. if you are into this stuff at all, and if it worries you that someone might be messing with you, just put up a light of protection when you go out and take it down at night, use a different one for sleep if you are dealing with bad dreams. i did this at work, i went on vacation for a week and two of my friend at work called and told me that the psy vamps were getting really bad. it's the first time i ever realized that shielding was useful.
a lot of new agers as well try to go the LOVE LIGHT POSITIVITY route, i remember this girl literally covering her ears to not hear another girl talking shit, i mean yeah don't dwell on the negative but when you deny the 'darker' things that behavior just kind of gives it more power. i believe the place i worked at would have been in better shape if people practiced what they preached, more or less. all these stoned motherfuckers trying to be namaste all while ignoring that if you DO believe in love and light and magic, there's another side to that coin, and it might be good to put up some spiritual protection and stop trying to make everything fit into this divine feminine hugbox. there's a lot of repressed sadness, anger, emotional/physical/eating disorders, and people try to cover it up with new age instead of dealing with it and admitting something is wrong. this can draw people in as well, i don't think it's as insidious as the former tactic of i'm-a-psychic in regards to its effect on others, but i have seen more than one person crack under the pressure of trying to fit into the sun loving hippie dippie reiki yogi extraordinairre. it's like a full on personality break.
so those are the things i would watch out for - if someone acts like they have some secret spiritual knowledge of the universe, or some unique special psychic gift, and if they lord it everywhere to get attention, and try to pull people into their dramas, this is bad. good thing is, only one of these people can usually exist in a group, because there's not enough attention to go around. the other thing is that the peace love light hippies are usually more fucked up than anybody, though do a good job of masking it, and they will either fall apart trying to keep up the facade or try to integrate it more healthily - although this will be rare if they are in a group of other love light-ers. also, never trust a self proclaimed lightworker, and never meditate with a stranger or let an untrusted person perform energy work on you
it's sad that so many unbalanced people have infiltrated what should be so pure on the surface, but alas, it happens to everything. just trust your instincts, stay away from drama and it will be fine. enjoy yourself anon, oakland sounds wild
No. 68604
>>68563man, that shit sounds familiar.
I used to live in a community house which served as a hub for similar types of individuals.
On the upside, I got to meet some really great folks, but also I had to watch the place fall to pieces after we let one individual in particular live there. she was one of those types who considers herself a 'mother goddess' and very 'in touch with nature' but also was a complete psychic vampire. tbh her husband was way more legit than she will ever be, but she rode his coattails and people let her get away with it because they respected him so much. mostly her 'powers' manifested in pretending to be important/knowledgeable so that she could wind people around her little finger, and and also pitching screaming, physically violent tantrums whenever she didn't get her way and then chalking it up to her 'natural dominance'.
in the end, despite claiming the title of 'house mother' for as long as she lived there, she ended up being directly responsible for the collapse. apparently she thought that she could just withhold the rent everyone was paying from the landlord for months at a time and nobody would notice or give a shit.
oh, and she once tried to cure someone else's (one of her fucking stupid peons) dog who was dying of heatstroke by meditating over it with crystals. she told the owner that they shouldn't take it to the vet because she legitimately thought she could cure it like that. the dog died. her own dog suffered from a severe skin condition that she also refused to treat because she believed that the pharmaceutical/medical industry was a huge misinformation scam perpetuated by the government.
say what you want about light of protection and psychic shields and stuff, but whenever I encounter people like this, I reckon that the only way to avoid getting caught in the crossfire is to get the hell away. luckily my intuition is pretty on point and I literally moved out/escaped like two weeks before the whole situation detonated. it breaks my heart, though, because I still remember what the community was like (honestly fucking amazing) before she moved in.
No. 68614
>>68604oh shit anon that's really sad about the dogs. it's one thing for people to forgo treatment for whatever reason but that is so wrong in relation to pets because animals don't have the means to decide for themselves.
that's unfortunate too that things were really nice before they went bad. i can imagine that situation being really pleasant with trustworthy people. the woman you are describing sounds a lot like my ex boss's current wife, probs not so terrible but she definitely rode his coattails as far as he was pretty respected in the community, and she had this weird culty following from her reiki practice. he wasn't really too into the business aspect anyways, that was more his ex-wife's domain, so this new chick pretty much distracted him into running the business into the ground so she could move to new york and have a new age talk show. yeah guess what happened to that idea haha. as far as i know they are both jobless, aside from her doing these weird youtube body confidence videos. she was also a spokesperson for this 'organic e-cig' company in the meantime, then she said they were racist and "almost completely destroyed her" bla bla bla. more likely they just wouldn't put up with her BS.
i was really torn between quitting and not because the conditions sucked, but there were a few sweet customers and a couple of coworkers whom i cared for, so i started using psychic shields and i guess they helped me deal with it on some level. i do wish i had gotten the hell away though, you are spot on about that being the best way to deal with people like that - and i'm glad you listened to your intuition. i wish i had done the same. once i started to feel unsafe i just ignored it for a variety of reasons, bad move. i too had a really nice experience there before things got weird. tried to stick out til the bitter end but once my boss started scheduling his wife because literally everyone else kept quitting, i quit too.
No. 68950
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OK I'm not sure who's worse in this story, me or the girl, but anyways:
>be me
>middle school, no friends in class
>always get paired up with this one girl
>she's bordering on obese, pizza face, greasy, wears the same clothes everyday, doesn't wear underwear so there's a discharge stain on her pants
>somehow despite being disgusted by all this I end up "befriending" her
>she adds me on AIM
>says she's so happy to finally have a friend
>asks if I can come over because her mom doesn't believe I'm real
>brush it off because she's generally an asshole to me
>things continue on
>she gives me her deviantart username one day
>go home and look it up
>full of fucking fat fetish inflation shit and inzader zim porn
>brush it off again
>at this point I start becoming friends with some "popular" kids
>"haha anon weren't you friends with _____?"
>tell them I just talked to her as a joke and tell them about the inflation porn
>reputation is still intact, yay
>one day I stay in with the popular kids in the classroom while everyone else and the teacher are gone
>they decide to raid her desk to see if they can find weird drawings
>mfw they find drawings of pokemon getting raped and vored and killed
>take pics of it on my shitty flipphone to show other people
>she still trusts me at this point
>put her in a group chat with some of my friends
>we all start making fun of her
>she stops coming to school
Damn… sometimes I feel guilty but I saw her on tumblr randomly last year and she was otherkin
No. 69065
>>68950You made her fall back on otherkin-ism.
Good job, anon.
No. 69066
>>68962>>68950Yeah as cruel as it sounds, bitch deserved it then and now. I hate those social outcast who are assholes with their only friends and overly proud of their fucked up fetishes.
Also, no underwear?? What the fuck kind of trailer trash is that eugh…
No. 69200
>>69198Your mother is extraordinarily gracious.
I'm still trying to repress the memory of my own parentals discovering my yaoi stash. :|
No. 69249
>>67992Same. My life is a hideous montage of humiliation and shame.
>>68382I was that weeaboo. I accidentally brought a BL manga to school with me in 8th grade to show my close friends. Before I knew it, it was being passed around the entire school. Fucking kill me now.
One time:
>15 years old>first Lolita outfit at an anime convention with my other weeaboo friends>having a great time>suddenly, wild 8 foot tall dude in a fuzzy pedobear costume shows up>starts bugging me>crowd draws around us wanting me to pose for pictures with him >sweatsnervously.jpg>start hyperventilating >have a mini panic attack and I just start screaming uncontrollably in a crowded convention hall next to Pedobear >no one knows what to do>crowd dispersed, leaving me with my friends >what the fuck just happened I guess I was just weirdly freaked out and didn't know what to do so my tiny mind just went into overdrive. So many cringey times with my friends at anime conventions.
I've done so much cringe shit in my lifetime. thinking about it just makes me want to peel my skin off in rage at myself. Why was I so stupid, anons? Why am I still so stupid?
No. 69251
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>>69249 i lol'd
Seriously though, what about just giving up the weeboo cartoon shit?
No. 69252
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>>69251I don't really do much with anime anymore. I watch a couple series when I do my homework sometimes. But otherwise… Eh. I don't care as much anymore.
My weeabooness peaked in 8th-9th grade, which are when these stories take place. I'm pretty good at being cringey on a day to day basis without anime in my life.
>in class one day>stomach problems because muh anxiety >sweating and shaking while trying to take notes>sperg really hard when the professor asks me something about the lecture because he didn't think I was actually paying attention >tries to answer because I actually like the class>but actually I just puke all over my lap >start crying>run to the bathroom>only come back when class is over to get my bookbag I'm stupid.
No. 69306
>>69255Wait, you dated him 8 years ago, or you dated him for 8 years?
Either way please tell the story.
No. 69309
>>68113>Huge shit stain right on my bed. I still don't know what happened. I didn't shit myself or anything.Last year we had been talking about how evil toilet paper is. You see? I was right after all lel
Toilet paper does not clean your butthole ffs
No. 69585
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>>69581>>69575I guess this would be the optimal solution
No. 69587
>>69066She pointblank admitted it to someone in the class later in the year, and we all started calling her "commando" in return. I'm pretty sure she didn't even wear underwear on her period because there was blood sometimes as well…
>>69542dear lord, it seems like every single school has at least one of these. Luckily mine was hated by every teacher because she would just draw her pokeporn and ignore lessons
No. 69607
>>69581You know you can throw wipes in the trash, don't you?
>>69252You're a gross piece of shit.
No. 69630
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No. 69645
Phone auto corrected
No. 69691
>>69281I'm still embarrassed, but I'm glad someone found it funny.
>>69308Sorry, why do you say that? Do you know me or something?
No. 69766
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I was an idiot 13 year old and was huge into /new/ and thought I was le redpilled unironically so I gave a speech in class about how Mossad blew up the twin towers, and how the soldiers in Iraq were just pawns of Israel's plan to destabilize and slowly annex the entirety of the middle east
Aftermath of that lasted with me until I graduated high school because other students would bring it up in the middle of the class in a "Hey remember that time anon gave that one speech?" and in the process letting other students know who weren't in my speech class
No. 69961
Ugh, back in the day there was this 8th grader that used to hang out with my group when we were on last year.
We were a bunch of loud nerds, and since nobody liked the kid back on his class, including their nerds, one day he just decided to "befriend" us since we used to chill on the stairs near his class.
He was hyperactive and annoying, simply as that, if i had to describe him, he was the live image of a CoD kid, the one who shrieks into the microphone and cusses like a sailor, he was almost 13 but looked and sounded like a 9 year old, but even if he was ball bursting annoying, we were pussies and no one wanted to hurt his feelings by telling him to fuck off, also it was our last year before graduation, we could stand him for a little more.
The problem started when Lil bitch discovered fucking 4chan a the creepypasta wiki. He became the definition of a summerfag when he came back, motherfucker couldn't shut up about Le meems and screaming normalfags to anyone who wanted him to shut up already. Hanging out with him became a nightmare after that. Mostly when he discovered /pol/ and the tinfoil hat landed on his head.
He Coul go hours rambling about degenerates and jews and the 9/11.
We finally managed to get rid of him when a bully from his class beated him to a pulp after he made an Holocaust joke (he was Jew and there was a rumor that his great great great Grandpa died horribly in the war and shit)
Sometimes I wonder if he ever got over the edgelord phase. Sometimes I wonder if they ever stoped calling him Timmy Turner. I wonder if they managed to save his eye.
No. 70008
>>70001Trap/futa porn levels, for the human eye is just drawings of guys in dresses with them big ol' cocks…. And some Animal crossing porn this one friend wanted.
I'm sitting with her watching movies now, everything is normal, still, I'd better don't mention it and just move on.
Let's hope that she doesn't tells my dad…
No. 70175
>>69608…In different countries they can't even flush toilet tissue, so you have to throw dirty toilet paper in the bin. Plus, look at how we throw tampons, pads and diapers away.
I keep fragranced nappy sacks in the bathroom. Cheap, gets rid of any smell problems, also hides what's inside so if I have guests round they don't see a bunch of shitty wipes in my bin or whatever
No. 70232
>>70018Is what I get for still living with my parents, I guess? (In my country is not big deal, but I know Americans get weird with shit like this) I have told her that is not her duty to organize my shit anymore, that I can do it alone (and I have this sort of organized chaos in my room that makes me feel comfortable anyways) but still she just doesn't take it and loves to fuck around and tidy shit up while I'm away.
Is not the first time, it happened before when I was a weeb teen, where I drew some bizarre yaoi shit too, and she just kind of shrug it up??
I don't know what kind of reaction to expect from her really, but knowing how volatile she is, it disturbs me her lack of emotion when she sees shit like that on my room.
I'm happy that she doesn't try to rumage thru my drawers anymore. Really i don't want her to discover the dildo I have hidden between my art supplies (dildo that also came to my possession under bizarre conditions… my grandma give it to me, yeah)
My whole adulthood has been a huge cringe story I swear (I'll tell the dildo story on another post so I don't mix shit up). Even more than when I was a meme loving weeaboo.
No. 71458
>>69308As if you're worth the trouble.
Cringe today: overhearing a pimply neckbeard (wearing a fedora, of course) trying to convince his landwhale girlfriend that he had a hand in producing the new Deadpool movie.
No. 71464
>NEET in a slightly out-of-the-way apartment complex
>help move in a neighbor
>she's nice
>oh, she has a daughter
>walking dog one day and daughter runs out my way
>Hi, you're Anon, right? I'm K
>we hang out a bit
>I'm 19, she's 16, not a huge difference but
>first day i hang out with her she tells me she used to be an addict
>other shit like this
>hang out with her and buy her cigs occasionally, better than being on hard drugs/an alcoholic plus I was desperate to hang out with someone
>every moment has to be drama
>she makes me read her writing and look at her art
>okay, maybe she's just eccentric and artsy, she's still kind of nice
>she starts talking about sex with her ex BF when we're walking
>nearly kill my lung mid smoke
>he's totally her soul mate
>shows me picture of his dick once (don't worry he was 18)
>wrote about their sex life
>what the absolute fuck
>She gives off mixed messages, is she just trying to be edgy/cool or is she trying to imply that I have a chance here?
>still kind of just weirded out by her, but she's still kind
a few weeks pass
>we were supposed to hang out, instead she talks to stranger her age for like 3 hours, in front of me
>says cringy stuff to him, has him read her poetry
>by this point she's starting to look down on me, I think she only hung out with me because I was the only one to chill with
>we go see fireworks
>she feels ill
>try comforting her
>she snaps at me
>hang out like once a week, still reading her 'poetry' which is just stream of consciousness and all she does is talk about her ex bf
>she moves a while later
I just wanted a friend, maybe get my dink wet, but holy fuck. That was an experience.
No. 71473
>>71471The weirdest part was the sexuality stuff
"I miss sex"
"I only want to fuck my ex"
"Erotic literature ain't cutting it"
"I totally get horny when.."
It's like, do you want to screw or not, or are you taking some sick pleasure in using me as a sexual relief and trying to make yourself feel lusted over because you know you're attractive? Weirdest shit I've ever dealt with.
She was also "sexually progressive" so she was okay talking about her sex life, whatever, and dyed her hair pink. She had such a nice shade of light brown, too.
Eh, I tried being a good friend, but even like, six months later this entire situation STILL baffles me. Hopefully she'll grow out of it.
No. 71581
>>69575Ok, this is late and I'm so weird for doing this.
You can use a moisturizing cream without alcohol or perfume and put some one your paper after you've wiped and it'll make it very clean.
Idk if anyone else does this, but I've done it since I was a kid.
No. 71957
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my personal cringe is this girl I used to be really close with. no part of me grasps why she thinks these brows look amazing. lord, someone, anyone, please help her.
No. 71962
>>71959yeah, but when I tried getting touchy, it wasn't well received at all, been there before. And yeah, she had major mommy issues and a few actual health issues. I think she was just trying to be edgy. I've dealt with far worse people as friends but she became a bitch, which is unacceptable but easily rectified.
Also oh my god, i forgot how awful I used to be on neopets. I'm suddenly thrown back to those days and it was awful. Jesus christ. I hope my account got deleted due to inactivity.
No. 72587
>>72576We spent time together. Let me run down some cringe for you farmers, god bless her soul.
>first thing she tells me is about her drinking again>she sobered up after almost preforming a sexual act for alcohol>she became fuckbuddies with her friend>she wrote a letter to her ex bf and burned it as "closure">she's wearing those "fuck me" glasses and a shocker t shirt with short short short jeans>more friend dramaEverything is edgy or drama or sex. She's a very nice person and I have a decent amount of respect for her but holy shit. It's just so surreal to me.
No. 72600
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Literally these
No. 72610
>>72606Because she's hot, idunno. I'd kill to have my head between her legs. Despite how cringey she can be, she knows how to push my buttons and I'm ashamed to admit I like the edgy teen slut look.
That and I can report on how fucking bizarre this is. I find it almost fun. I also only have online friends, so I have someone around my age, in real life, to talk to.
No. 72614
>>72612I've already said here
>>71464Doesn't make much of a difference, does it?
No. 72794
Well, I erased most of it from my memory, thank fuck. But I still have this one written down.
>femanon in eighth grade
>impossibly ridiculous, flamboyant aspie, completely oblivious to everything social
>in english class
>open rockstar drink under desk
>I accidentally kick it over, it spills everywhere
>everyone starts laughing
>"hey anon did you piss under your seat?"
>I, thinking I'm funny, say: "but of course!"
>somehow the entire class has stopped, everyone's laughing hysterically, including the teacher
>I don't realise they're laughing at me, I think they're just laughing in the way that they laugh when a popular person says something dumb
>I stand up and announce, grinning wildly: "I shall retrieve some paper towels in order to eradicate this most egregious error!"
>the fervour of their laughter increases; a few girls are now laughing so hard they're crying
>I'm in the front of the class, walking over to the door
>one of the girls says: "hey anon, why don't you just lick it up?"
>I remember something I saw a popular girl doing the other day
>I whip around with a manic, shit-eating grin plastered on my face
>strike a pose, thumbs-up the air
>everyone just dies, collapsing in laughter
>I walk out the door, grinning at how I just cemented my popularity
>things like this happened all the time
No. 72805
>>72799This isn't correct, anon. No delivery could have made those lines funny. Regardless of who is saying it and how, those lines are intrinsically awkward.
It could only work said in a soft, calm, serious-but-joking way to a friend or two. Even then, it would only be a slight amusement to take the edge off of having done something as foolish as spilling one's drink.
No. 72822
>>72794>>72794Oh god, this reminded of that time back in high school when it took me a long time to get back from a bathroom break… I somehow ended up agreeing with my classmates that yes, it took me that long because I totally missed the toilet haha. And then had to clean up the mess haha. haha. ha.
>Just why.I feel for you anon and cringe every time I think about it.
No. 72823
>>72805It could have worked if you were really popular and yes friendly with most people in your class. It would've worked for the popular kids/class clowns where I went for sure.
So then what happens is, you get the very bright idea to try to emulate that behavior because those people are hilarious and popular so why not you? But no, just no it doesn't work for you.
No. 73034
>>72610>>72587We hung out and when she finally shut the fuck up about her drama and shit, we actually
gasp had fun.
But here's some more cringe
>mommy issues galore, they have a fiery relationship>made me, and another person read her poetry>told me about her love life… AgainShe's been slightly less absolute cringe lately, thank god.
Here's a story from high school
>have to do a presentation in class, teacher gives us a topic to rant on>mine was ketchup, for two minutes>end my lecture by writing on the white board "ron Paul 2012" >thought I was the funniest shit ever>was a hardline, Ayn Rand lolbertard No. 603370
>>603353anon you should talk to him. everyone makes mistakes, i used to be awkward af with coworkers around my age
>>603359>>68546glad this thread was bumped cuz i'm laughing like crazy at this
sorry farting anon
No. 604005
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>Be me at 15
>In class
>Accidentally call teacher 'mum'
>People laugh
>No big deal, right? Just laugh it off with them
>I couldn't do that
>I made it a running bit
>Call her variations of Mum and never call her her name
>Also obsessed with Joan Crawford
>Obviously start calling her Mommie Dearest
>Heavily imply she beats me
>Act scared of her as a joke, flinch when she calls on me in class
>Well known I'm a lesbian
>Classmates start a rumor that the teacher and I are in some perverse dom sub relationship
>Gets back to the staff
>Get called into the office
>"Anon, are you and Ms L having any sort of inappropriate relationship"
>Frantically stammer my way through an explanation of the joke
>Being called in convinced classmates this is legit
>Can't look the teacher in the eye
>Start failing every test until I request a swap to another class
>MFW made myself a fool and could have ruined a woman's career because I tried to funny
No. 818479
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i was going through my downloaded/pirated from youtube when I was 12 and had limited time to use the internet (basically when my parents were gone to work during the summer), I would download any video I wanted to see later…. nonnies I am downright ashamed of my 12 year old self but super glad I grew out of the fetish. by request I will upload one of these to a webm
No. 818484
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>>818479KEKK ‘Hot Asian Guys’. Did you download the paralyzer music video from youtube? I actually want you to upload the disturbia video if it’s not porn because it sounds like a powerpoint slide of random famous asian men to the sounds of Disturbia by Rihanna. Is there more? I still have my bookmarks and comments from when I was 12 but most of the links are dead. Unfortunately I was also equally disturbed.
No. 818499
>>818495the weird thing is that the elder one would sexualize male idols in small quantities before she met the girl, but she wasn't teetering on the boundaries of sexual harassment by doing it. back then she had self awareness and she did not go too far. the last few months the horniness took over her fucking braincells.
it's more concerning that the other girl became so deeply ingrained into the koreaboo shit and was able to drag a grown woman down with her. I had a cringey kboo phase but nothing ever like this and I certainly never would've been like this a year or two ago when I was the same age as my friend who got dragged into it is currently.
No. 818500
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In 8th grade, I was walking with a friend and a boy I had liked. She told him to man up and confirm or deny whether or not he liked me back. I proceeded to then sperg out and essentially launch her multiple feet into the lockers with a hip bump that came from all of my young teenage autism. She got a lot of bruises and had to tell her mom that she got into a fight with a boy and kicked his ass. I still feel bad about it 7 years later.
No. 818502
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>>818484You were right! Just a dumb slide of asian men. There were a few more, I mean the cringest of things. Like I have 20 or more screamo videos.
No. 818513
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>>818505the worst part is how openly unashamed they became to do it in front of other people and not take it to dm's
picrel is an example tierlist made by the younger kboo
No. 818564
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>>818533I can't really comment on taste since I don't remember what half the moids look like.
The ones I do like, very few, are ranked lowpicrel is the adult girls tier list, still pretty cringe
god I can't imagine wanting to fuck or aggressively thinking about this many moids
No. 818575
>>818567I'd become more distanced from using the groupchat because I was dealing with real life stuff. Since it was a larger chat with people beyond the kboos, the activity gave me the ability to scroll down past the bullshit and just leap into other conversations about things completely unrelated to the kboo sperging.
Then the sperging became more frequent, longer, and weirder. Less avoidable. Sometimes I noticed in DM's my friend was getting worse, but I didn't have the gall to be direct about how uncomfortable it made me except in the group setting, and that irked her and the other kboo. In DM's I made it clear with my wording however, without saying "that's gross", I was disinterested in her shoving a moid's fancam in my face.
They accused me of gatekeeping them and their interests and of being prudish, unaccepting. Ironically they'd told me in the past to stop talking about interests of mine, including my own celebrity crush, or purposely ignored things I had to say because "nobody cares"?
All they'd said was far more fetishy, blatant, and grossly objectifying than a word that'd come out of me. It's like we no longer had any mutual interests anymore, when I tried to show my friend one of her favorite girl groups new releases, she brushed it off and declared the song crap.
There used the be an ability to diversify. talk about the musical aspects, song recommendations, criticism and commentary on the industry, girl groups, and a variety of things, not just mediocre moids with shit tier music. It became 90% about mediocre moids with shit tier music and then sperging about Kingdom or whatever the fucking moid survival show was.
Witnessing it happen realtime where the aforementioned charts were posted was my boiling point. That set me off.
No. 818836
>>818830Ooh, I have a similar one.
>14 years old>weeb, like to draw manga>friend and I have this running joke about tentacle hentai>japan so wacky amirite>we decide it would be hilarious to leave tentacle porn in random places at school>having to look it up online grosses us out though>so I get to drawing>one day enter my room to find my mom cleaning out my backpack>she meant well, I was a messy kid>she takes out and looks at one of my drawings, silently puts down next to backpack>typical over the top boobs and hentai face>tentacles going everywhere>obviously drawn by me>instantly explode in embarrassment>try to explain to her that it's a joke thing>stuttering>she looks at me>only says 'that's okay'>obviously doesn't believe me>we never talk about it againSometimes I still cringe knowing my mom probably thought I was genuinely into drawing my own tentacle hentai.
No. 818839
>>818592They have different haircolors, duh!
Kek I agree with you, every single person in kpop looks exactly the same, the women also all look the same. I think it's because they all go to the same surgeon to get the same procedure to look exactly like the korean beauty ideal.
Really fucking weird to anyone who isn't into that shit.
No. 818887
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>Get off soulless 9-5 job, tired as fuck
>Go to store to pick up something for dinner
>Cashier says it'll be $5
>Give her $2
>She deadpan stares at me, saying it's $5
>I give her another dollar
>She looks at me like I'm retarded
>Start fumbling with my wallet and apologizing profusely going through the complex mental math equations to determine how much cash I need to give her to make $5
>Loudly says "You need to give me TWO MORE DOLLAR and then you'll have FIVE DOLLARS."
>Brain doesn't comprehend, spaghetti falls out of my pockets
>She points at the $5 bill in my wallet and says give me that.
>I give her the $5 bill and pay for my items and leave and never return to that grocery store
No. 818891
>>818839I think it's easier to tell the women apart in kpop in some groups but in others where they all look too plasticized it's impossible, don't ask me about the men
why my "friends" had the audacity to shit on me for liking western actors above the age of 30 is beyond me
>>818760I swear to god the elder one's been in relationships (albeit not good ones) before so she has no excuse to be acting like a tumblrtard
No. 821192
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One time I was posting about how bad my depression had gotten and how bad I wanted to kms and how scared I am for the future on /g/, and a janny gave me a five minute ban to give me advice on how to get mental health help without getting put in a psychward and how to get medical/financial assistance and I still think about that like every day
No. 821214
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>>818564>I can't imagine wanting to fuck or aggressively thinking about this many moidseheheheh… neither can I…
No. 821467
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Some of the childhood cringe stories upthread inspired me to write out my own
>be me, age 9
>super interested in anything paranormal
>one day, when on holiday at my grandma's house find a stash of her husband's old paranormal magazines
>must be about 30+ of them, it's amazing
>"you can take them home with you anon"
>read the mags like nobody's business, learn about all sorts of freaky stuff like shadow people, telekinesis and hollow earth
>shit's cool
>what's less cool is that I'm starting to experience night terrors about some of that stuff
>the most terrifying thing of all is alien abduction, basically a very real danger and a fate worse than death in my 9 year old mind
>still fascinated though, spend a lot of nights thinking about it
>fast forward about two weeks
>dad takes us out for ice cream after dinner one Sunday
>it's Autumn so it's already dark and foggy outside when we leave the ice cream place
>turn the corner, suddenly out of nowhere there's a large, bright, oval shaped light hovering in the fog right above us
>enter a split second panic mode, literally the most visceral fear I've ever experienced
>"oh my god there's an ufo here, they're going to experiment on me and kill me"
>SCREAM and piss my goddamn pants
>my parents stare at me in shock
>it's a streetlamp
>mfw the next day my mom took away all of my cool paranormal magazines and put them in the trash
Despite everything I'm happy to say I'm still very interested in ufos and the paranormal, which honestly might be a bit cringy in itself, but there's something weirdly comforting and nostalgic about it.
No. 821530
>>821467Bonnie we are kindred spirits. I was obsessed with paranormal shit and was listening to Art Bell and reading Whitley Strieber at that age.
This one time I was crying because I thought a chupacabra was gonna come eat our dog. The relentless familial ridicule stung way worse than the cringe tho LMAO
No. 821535
>>821522She's not irl Tina, I am. I actually wrote friend fiction about my oneitis because she threatened self-harm if I didn't. It was a weird codependent and
toxic friendship. The worst part is that the stories were about her and the teacher she had a crush on and she didn't like me back
No. 821696
>>821530aw im the same, my paranormal interest didnt come till a little later (11/12) but i had had a horrible fear of aliens and government agencies (i live in a 5eyes country) which i think is why i was so fascinated by /x/ and stuff. i had a horror of chupacabras eating my pets too! and i also still get ridiculed by my family to this day lol.
anyway my embarrassing story:
> be me 14y/o> be in the psych ward> mom comes to visit> stony faced as to be expected but something feels off> she takes me out for a walk> "anon i was going through stuff in your room…"> oh god> was homestuck sperg/weeb at the time and wrote/drew gratuitous joke nsfw for my friends, as well as writing serious lesbian nsfw for private consumption> fucked up by internet so blossoming bdsm fetish> MOM FOUND THE HOMESTUCK PORN> starts basically asking me if i'd been molested, tells me she's giving my computer to the cops because she thinks im being groomed> punctuates this with awkward reassurance that its "ok if [im] gay"> cried basically the entire walk out of pure embarrassment in hindisght the story actually just shows how much my mom cared about me i suppose. i wasn't being groomed (personally, there's an argument to be made that my general internet use and transient interactions "groomed" me in a way…) and i got my computer back a few days after i got out of the psych ward. but man i just have like the vivid memory of her being like "i found some stuff you wrote and drew…" and just instantly shrivelling up and dying inside lmao
No. 824330
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for my make a wish wish, I asked for a laptop lol. it was like 2005 or smth but I still cringe so bad about my lame ass wish. picrel is the gay computer I got
No. 825294
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>>821696You reminded me of when my Mom found out that I looked at porn because one day I guess I had Pornhub just in the address bar, but not entered in. Then she dug around in the Internet history and found some kind of Adult Friend Finder thing that I must have accidentally clicked an ad for and assumed that I was talking with old men on line and for some reason thought that the next day I would text them about it, but didn't take my cellphone away, so if I was being groomed, I pretty much could have still stayed in contact with them. Then she wanted to know if I'd been molested by this one creepy "friend of the family" who was bi-sexual and turned out to be addicted to crack cocaine. One week he and I were alone while my mom and step-father did something out of state and he didn't molest me or anything, but seriously what the fuck. Then my Mom looked at some more of my Internet history and thankfully didn't find any of the weird porn I was looking at, but did find my Google Images searches where I Googled all kinds of random crap to see what would turn up. Of course she only looked at the ones that said edgy stuff like "hate" or "sadness" or "depression," but they weren't all edgy, I swear! That was a bad time.
No. 825429
>>821696That's actually really sweet of your mom. Super embarassing, but she loves you!
My personal cringe is how much my friends and I talked about sex in public. At the time, we thought we were so ~kewl~ because we were sexually open and accepting (despite not actually being sexually active), and it's fun to talk about sex. I just think back to anyone who may have heard us and it's so embarrassing.
No. 1859563
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Okay.. let's open up the cringe floodgates. I was obsessed with this kid in my class, from elementary school until maybe the 6th grade. Like Helga Pataki style. Thinking about it now, it was probably because of some stuff that happened when I was younger that made me want to latch onto a male romantic partner and essentially play house. But I was so goddamn creepy and cringe that it physically hurts to recall it.
>left him a note on his desk saying "Do you like me? y / n? from your secret admirer" and he immediately came up to my desk and was like "Did you give me this note" and I said "No" and he just put it back on my desk, unmarked>a year later, I was drawing shit during class. I worked on it the entire time and then put it on his area of the worktable. My bitch teacher immediately called me out in front of the entire class and is like "This is not a productive use of class time" and held it up and showed all the other kids. It was some Pokemon shit drawn in pencil. >invited him over to my house and tried to get him to watch professional wrestling and a Slipknot music video. He didn't want to watch it but I was like, come on. Then my little brother ran up to him and farted ONTO him. He called his mom and left soon after.>one time, during a field trip that my mom was chaperoning, I had a pink welt on my face. I had spent the night before viciously scrubbing at acne or a bug bite or something, until it was raw, making it look worse. Why did I do it? To have a better chance with the boy I was obsessed with. The next day, he saw me in the hallway and said "What happened to your face?" and my MOM replied "oh, yeah, she did it for some boy" and rolled her eyes. I'm sure there are some other memories that I've blocked out. I found other boys to be interested in, so I accepted that there wasn't anything I could do to make this boy interested in me and moved on. I also started to develop a strong sense of shame, thankfully.
I was also incredibly cringe on my own, even after
>drew stitches on my face with eyeliner and walked around the whole day looking like a budget Tim Burton background character >watched mind of mencia I can't think about this anymore. I'm in pain.
>>72524This is so fucking funny
No. 1859648
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My friend group in high school were a bunch of turbo autists (me included). They once roped me into doing a Lord of the Rings script table read. I loved the movies but dear lord that was the most boring shit ever. I had to be Gandalf or Pippin or something like that because everyone else wanted to be their husbandos.
One of my friends was seriously in love with Jack Sparrow. She wrote this isekai self-insert fanfic where she meets him on the PotC ride at Disneyland and he takes her away to go be a pirate with him and go on adventures. This same friend tried to shame the rest of us for having crushes on anime characters, even after making us read her fanfic (pic is related because I feel like she would've hated it). She was also super into Monty Python and Doctor Who and started a British tv appreciation club at our school.
Another friend told everyone that she had been impregnated by a demon in her sleep and that she was really pregnant and going to have a demon baby. She obviously wasn't. The rest of us had a sleepover without her and prank called her boyfriend pretending to be satan and telling him he got cucked and should break up with her. We wanted this dude out of our friend group because he was a massive attention whore. He did shit like wearing an inflatable sumo suit to school (not on halloween) or dragging around a mattress and offering to give people massages on it. They really deserved each other.
The real cringe was when I fell out with these friends and started hanging out with my nerdy guy friends more. They wanted to watch amv hell 0 and other hentai shit with me and I did it to prove that I'm a cool girl who can hang with the guys. Most of them perved on me, even the ones with girlfriends, and I laughed it off every time.
The real cringe was that I didn't love myself. I had to learn that later.
No. 1859886
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I use to go by Raven desdemona Way before that marysue story came out and everytime I see it mentioned I cringe and get ptsd
No. 1860216
I'm dying from cringe just typing it, even though it was 13 years ago.
State exams for admission to university, each at the new school with a new set of highschoolers. I recognized one guy and it seemed like he was approaching me to give low high five or something (I was sitting at the desk). Of course he wasn't approaching me, why would he? We never talked. Still I got my hand ready. No one even probably noticed but I got embarrassed and said something that had to justify my mistake, like, hey, last time we were together in class… or something like that. Still, no reaction from anyone, they probably just thought I was weird. I don't even know how to explain it, but as a child I'd often be in the situations where you had to know how to respond to certain things in a "correct way" by default and if you didn't you were shamed for it and kind of ostracized. It didn't make me behave like that in any such situation but I was probably just anxious before the exam and it made me overthink things. Quite rarely, but I can sometimes jump to the weirdest interpretations and conclusions.
No. 1860226
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Thinking about the time I wore a cosplay to high school on Halloween since we were allowed to wear a costume if we wanted. For some reason I decided to wear my only cosplay that was of a male anime character complete with a wig, circle lenses, and the famous concealer lips that were popular at the time. Of course no one knew who the fuck I was supposed to be and having to explain it over and over was so embarrassing. The stares I got from students and teachers still haunt me at night when I try to fall asleep kek
No. 1860474
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When I was in middle school someone asked me to draw a yaoi picture for them and told me they would pay me for it; I ended up drawing them a picture of two anime guys sixtynine-ing because it's what they asked for and the first time I decide to ever put my name on a drawing, they ended up losing it in the hall and a teacher found it.
The embarrassment I went through when all my teachers ended up seeing the picture and I got called to the office and cried my eyes out begging them not to call my mom, it was not worth the one dollar I got paid.
No. 1860940
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I love this thread so much kek, here are some dumbass moments from my school years:
>1st grade>become friends with a classmate, our grandmas that bring us to school become friends as well>grandma invites the two of them over>grannies chat in the living room, friend and I go to my room>I'm a shy retard who doesn't have much experience with talking to people and behaving in general>feel pressured to be a "welcoming host" or whatever but I panic so I just sit there and don't say anything>friend is shy as well, she doesn't start a conversation either>we both sit in silence and just look around the room, avoiding eye contact like the plague>10 minutes pass>older sister enters the room, sees us sitting silently>sits down next to us, doesn't say anything either and just stares at us like some referee>we sit like that for the rest of their stay>friend and her grandma leave>sister puts the entire blame on me and asks me why the fuck I didn't say anything (this marks the beginning of our relationship being her being verbally aggressive for no reason and me being scared of her but that's a topic for another thread)
>elementary school>mother is dead set on me being as polite as possible>I'm still a retard so instead of learning manners I just become paranoid that I will be rude and overanalyze every action>friend invites me over after school>enter her home, this is my first time being someone's guest by myself so I don't know what the fuck I'm doing>don't know where to sit because friend doesn't say "come on in, sit down" or whatever>proceed to sit on the floor>"why don't you sit on the couch">assume it's rude>keep sitting on the floor
>high school>have a secret crush on a friend who's sitting behind me>she has this nosy habit of peeking at other people's phone screens when they're using them (she even had a special folder in her gallery for photos of screens)>forget about it>boring history class>start mindlessly scrolling my phone to pass time>I see a photo of us in my gallery, for some reason I start zooming on her face and admiring her beauty (I'm extremely bored and spaced out at this point)>after a minute I stop zoning out, I look up and around>see friend staring at me>she's been peeking at my screen the entire time and looks mortified>>1860897Nayrt but that's exactly how I feel as well. Now that I'm an adult and I've had some social experience I've learned how to act and speak properly >90% of the time but as a child I really struggled with this and the whole thing definitely crushed my confidence.
No. 1861202
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>>1860897AYRT, I feel like worrying this much about how others perceive you is just learned behavior, anxiety and low self-esteem as a result of dealing with
toxic and/or dumb people as a child and/or a teen.
In my case, I was often left with other adults and older children almost every summer and some of them, as I understood way later, weren't particularly happy about it for different reasons. Some would nitpick my behavior and misinterpret my words and actions, some (very often) would make fun of me and imply that I'm slow for not laughing at some of their jokes that I probably just didn't find funny or not understanding sarcasm (because I was simply too young). As a child, you mostly believe others' perceptions of you, you want to be accepted, you don't understand motivations behind such an attitude so you think you really are a problem. So you adapt and cope in your own way, but this feeling of inadequacy stays with you and solidifies with each similar experience,
toxic friendship, etc.
I think introverted, reserved, not very emotional or affectionate children especially often become a target of such treatment because they make other, even much older, people uncomfortable if those are insecure and lack self awareness (which is not a rarity). If you were like that as a child you probably encountered people that were kinda weirdly hostile to you for no reason and some of them would pathologize your (completely normal) personality. I guess people get uncomfortable because they don't understand how you feel about them (you're not all bubbly or something) so they start projecting and getting angry you made them feel this way. It doesn't happen only to children though, it's just that the younger you are, the less ceremonious many other people are likely to be with you.
In reality, most people aren't queens or kings of charisma and no reasonable person would expect you to be one, a lot of people can act (and feel) awkward sometimes, misunderstand each other, etc. I think it's natural not to "get" certain things instantly, because people are different and some can be just too random or downright weird/inappropriate. You just learn to focus too much on yourself because you're kind of used to thinking your "survival" depends on this "correct" response or reaction. But you don't actually have to respond or react in a way that might be expected from you and someone else's expectations shouldn't even concern you.
I'm only talking from my experience of course. I just sometimes think about it when I read autism/ADHD thread for example. If there're no other symptoms that you really struggle with in your day-to-day life, I believe it's self-consciousness and anxiety instilled by surrounding people at a young age.
No. 1863288
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>>1863233i have a new email kek and i’m planning to paint it this myself this summer because it’s been hard to move furniture
>>1863245here ya go
No. 1863309
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>>1863288I just know arthoes from 4 years ago would have loved your room
No. 1865565
>>1863288i love this color, reminds me of vidrel.
No. 1865592
I was insanely socially awkward in middle school holy shit. It was a really small class size of rich athletic religious kids mostly and I did not fit in with my class at all.
>Was the very stereotypical autistic girl obsessed with books and Warrior cats
>Obsessed with cats in general, would constantly talk about my cat.
>Read basically every book in the science section and the only social outings I went to were geology conventions and small shops mostly populated by older men and women who were engineers/geologists/whatnot.
>If I wasn't talking about or reading Warriors, I would literally not shut the fuck up about rocks and geology.
>Got really into drawing furry cat people and would make cringy cat ocs.
>Started hanging out with fellow middle school furries in the grade below mine. Mostly other weird nerdy girls like me.
>Was a big art snob and thought I was hot shit because I 'shaded' my artwork. The so-called 'shading' was really just me smudging charcoal inside the lines.
>Other girls also thought I was hot shit because we were dumb kids and didn't realize my art was ugly as fuck. I would get commissioned to draw their 'fursonas' in exchange for chocolate at lunch.
>Got caught drawing one girl's fursona in the middle of science class and the science teacher whom I really respected and looked up to called me out in the middle of class and gently scolded me for not paying attention.
>Would play Minecraft religiously, even owned a tiny server, which once again, I thought made me hot shit.
>Publicly posted my fugly furry art for real human people to see, with my name attached.
>Followed a bunch of popular furry people, but miraculously evaded being traumatized. Probably because all these youtubers and artists happened to be female.
>Made edgy self-insert anime ocs with unbelievably retarded names. Got seen drawing one by the principal and he just looked at it and made an amused comment about her name.
>Really into coding because I liked vidya and wanted to learn how to make vidya. Wasn't very good at it.
>Joined a 'coding club' started by this really tiny boy in our cringy furry group. Was actually really fun.
>Barely even did any coding, just used scratch and made basic building block stuff, or just hung out and played vidya with the other kids.
>Principal fucking hated us and would hang around and try to bully our club leader to tears.
Middle school was literally the cringiest period of my life, but also with the cringe comes some of the nicer memories. I definitely don't want to downplay the fact that I was kind of a little shit with a smug sense of superiority a lot of the time. Thank god I didn't watch any anime until high school. I don't think my mind would have been ready for it.
No. 1865635
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i can't think of any funny stories but i was very socially inept and boy crazy as a teenager - basically tina belcher - and i constantly embarrassed myself by staring at the boys i liked. they'd be sitting there doing their thing and i'd go out of my way just to stare at them like picrel. absolutely not subtle at all.
No. 1865691
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>>1865683they were just sitting there and not even looking at me, meanwhile i was full on staring at them until they noticed and looked back at me. then i'd get embarrassed and look away, they'd go back to doing whatever and i started staring again. i don't know what was wrong with me and why i acted like that, kek.
No. 1865701
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>>1865635God I stared at people constantly because I was autistic and didn't realize how aggressive it was. I also had this facial tic where I would constantly wiggle my eyebrows and scrunch up my mouth in weird ways.
Imagine a greasy middle schooler in a Cradle of Filth shirt staring at you like picrel. I deserved to be bullied.
No. 1865711
>>1865694i got assigned tina too but i can see why, especially her groaning is very relatable because i do that too.
>>1865701i feel this so much, nonna. looking back i'm surprised that no teacher thought i might be autistic or something. i also couldn't calm down when people were finally nice to me so i'd always be laughing incredibly loud or i wouldn't notice how loud my voice was until people shushed me. to this day it absolutely mortifies me when someone tells me that i'm too loud, even though it shouldn't be a big deal.
No. 1866549
>>1865574Haha anon that's such a classic teen thing, I love it. Made me nostalgic for mid 00s
>5 t-shirts, 3 pairs of pants, one pair of shoesDidn't get this part though, it's more than enough
No. 1897936
When I was eleven, I growled "SLIPKNOT" very loud and in public at least a couple of times, once it was when I was out with my friends and I saw two older girls wearing Slipknot t-shirts - they couldn't understand where the noise came from lol and laughed but my friends were extremely embarrassed for me. The other time was when I was at the market (with books, stationery, etc.) with my mom, we were walking through the rows buying stuff for school and I noticed a guy watching a Slipknot music video on a computer - he was selling audio cds. Naturally, my first instinst was to obnoxiously growl SLIIIPKNOOOOT and run to the guy. Some people turned and watched, the guy didn't really react, he was a bit surprised I guess but he kept a straight face and then turned on two other videos, by Mushroomhead and Static-X. I couldn't actually watch any such videos whenever I wanted back then so I was in heaven. Things like that mostly made other people cringe, I was completely oblivious. I didn't even think it was cool or anything, just thought it was normal lol
No. 1901411
>>1901326Same, just submitted legends from the games I played, but "don't even try to cheat, we
will find out!" lmao
No. 1901490
>>1901411One time I sent a self insert Deus Ex fanfic about me and Adam Jensen but with names changed but there was a moid classmate who still figured that out and tattled on me. The teacher's answer?
>I don't know what that isIt was an ESL class taught by a 60-something year old woman in a Balkan high school. She did like my writing a lot so she didn't even care.
No. 1902719
>>1858972Me and my friend did a presentation on fucking kpop lmao
At least we actually did it by criticizing how shit it is for the idols and how insane the standards are
No. 1902762
I had a friend who used to unironically call her mom "okaasan" in Japanese even as an older teen at like 18-19 (lost contact after that). She'd randomly insert japanese words like that - yet amazingly she had no idea what a weeb was or that they even existed. She'd also use a lot of English (we are Scandinavian) because she thought it made her sound smart and educated, even though we're all obviously native speakers of the same language.
She would swim topless in front of her older (adult) brothers at this age, they were both studying to become doctors so it was excused as "they're professional adult doctors learning about anatomy, it's not weird at all". (This practice started in her teens post puberty, she didn't do it as a kid). I was there too when this happened, so there was no embarrassment from the family about others seeing it. No "honey maybe put on a top in case strangers come to this public beach" from the parents or anything.
I'm fairly sure part of it was the fact that she was getting trans-adjacent at the time in how she identified, so she wanted to be "one of the boys" by going topless. This very obviously came from her not being conventionally attractive and overweight, she previously loved feminine cute things and bought a cute dress to motivate her to lose weight etc. She told a mutual friend she felt non-binary so I heard it from her, but I lost contact after that so I don't know how it escalated.
I also watched uncomfortable things such as her brother putting his hand on her thigh while in a sofa and her raising an eyebrow going "WHERE are you putting your hand now?" because it was so close to her crotch, and that made both of them laugh (he didn't move his hand from that comment). I also saw her other (again, adult studying to become a doctor) older brother wake up from a nap, laughing at the fact that he had morning wood for the first time in a while, and getting up and to show his dad, you know as a "fun thing". I was a guest and I witnessed these things, so again - this family thought these incesty things were normal.
She wasn't even an autist or anything even though she kinda sounds like it when I describe these things, I think her family was just kind of… weird and incesty, and then the trans cult getting hold of her making it worse.
No. 1902795
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>>1858972Reminds me of the time in middle school when I did an entire presentation in french on One Direction complete with a hand illustrated poster with information about them and doodles like picrel. I thank god everyday social media and smartphones weren't a big thing when I was that age so my autism-fuelled antics weren't immortalized on the internet kek
I also had Twilight as a special interest for a few years and tried so hard to dress like Alice and wore Jacob Black t-shirts for gym class No. 1944740
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>>1944734samefag, i even got these shein pants for my larp
No. 1944799
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>>1944740i though these pants were puzzle pieces like the autism speak logo
No. 1944863
>>1944783no, just an obsessed retard
>>1944762tbf it's been the only item i've bought there
>>1944808i didn't want to be male, just liked him and his style
No. 1944938
When I was 9, I went to sanatorium alone and it was a horrible experience (but that's another story). I've just remembered one cringy moment. I used to be a bit of a kleptomaniac: I would get strong random urges but in most cases didn't act on them. Quite rarely I did - when I knew I'd get away with it. I shared a bedside table with an older girl that slept on the second level of our bunk bed. She had a little bag of hard candies on her shelf and I took a couple. No one would've been able to tell, UNLESS I hadn't offered one to her sister. For some reason, she asked "where did you get it?". I could've simply answered ANYTHING but I said "well you won't tell your sister, will you?". We were alone in the room and soon everyone would return from somewhere. Knowing this, I PRETENDED I fell asleep. While I was "sleeping", the little sister told her older one everything and I was listening to them like a little rat. After that, we all went to dinner. I was sitting at the same table as that sister. She asked me, "Why did you take those candies? You could've simply asked and I'd give you some". I had no clue. I said I would pay for them (KEK) but she was like "no, I don't need the money, I just don't understand why did you have to steal". I didn't understand either! It was dumb and embarrassing. Sometimes I acted like a stupid ineffective little villain.
No. 1945806
>Be me, posting on local facebook group if someone wants to hangout at Local Game Place to play Weeb TCG
>A guy replies, see that he's mutual friends with a girl I know from here, ok cool
>Meet, play games, I win
>He's kinda cute? And charming? Like he talks in a nice way, long brownish hair, big dark eyes, has humour and we also have music in common, I play the bass and him the keyboard. Totally different tastes in listening to music but that could work.
>Meet up a couple of times after classes, watch a movie. A couple of times. One month of being friends.
>One night when he leaves he says: "Nona, I need to tell you something."
>Ok? Being naive as shit and growing up on fanfictions I thought he was gonna ask me to be his gf or something.
>He puts his hands on his face, scratches his forehead? And rubs his cheeks
>"Hii Nona!! That was Paul, our teen alter! He had fun! I'm Jennifer, thank you for the nice night, I was watching behind him!"
>"Yeah I know it's strange but we trust you so we came out!"
>A 23 year old acting like a 12 year old girl on deviantart.
>"Aahah, cool!" Play it cool to make him leave, nope the fuck out, ghost him
>He slandered me for about two weeks on social media saying I'm ableist
>Never saw him again
This happened a couple of years ago after they lifted almost all covid restrictions and to this day I don't know if he had autism, a personality disorder or wanted attention but the thing that struck me is that I knew after all of this that he had some situationships here and there, meaning that this shit either worked on some girls or he tried to make it work but most importantly, he didn't feel any shame in it. What the fuck.
No. 1948175
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I was a hardcore weeb when my sister would just watch TV aired anime and one day she came to me trying to flex that she managed to do the full caramelldansen with her friends, i was visibly confused since there was no "full caramelldansen" so then i asked her to show me the source video and it was an AMV of the Haruhi dance with that song.
I was shocked that she didn't know Haruhi at all or that she couldn't figure it out since she is 5 years older than me, so i felt so good when i revealed the incredible truth to her, but in the end i was a bit sad because i wish i had friends that would do stuff like that with me.
No. 1951779
>>1950900I love you
nonny. What did you get for her?
No. 1952593
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this is more pathetic mental illness cringe especially considering I'm not a kid anymore and it's ongoing, but recently I started using tumblr to post stuff I've made; art, meme edits, or analyses. I wanted to try to make things for once and relax instead of just lurking everywhere and being a perpetually passive observer online and in real life. the few posts I've made have gained 100s-1000s of notes, and when I started getting followers I got scared and started blocking all of them to get them to unfollow me, including those with blogs I like a lot because I'm terrified of disturbing their dash with stuff they don't want to see. in the meantime I love seeing the weird random stuff other people post even if it's from something I hate, and I love seeing everyone else interact with one another. starting to wonder if I can just have fun and not worry what people think or if there is just something really wrong with me…
>>1950900nah, that sounds really cute!
No. 1952945
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Things have gotten so bad for before that that I virtually sold my soul for ANY bit of attention from a moid … akin to a drug addict licking the crumbs of powder off the floor regardless of the kicks to my self-esteem and life in order to get them.
No. 1997770
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When I was about 10 years old I was going to a art class after school every week with other kids. It was in an old villa and they had these types of toilets. No devide to be seen. Everytime I went there I prayed nobody comes in because there was no lock. One time i was shitting and a gilr came in, sat next to me and started peeing and chatting with me. I was shocked but tried to chat too. Then she wiped and left. That girl was by grandma's boyfriend's grandaughter, my grandma met him years later and him telling me about her enwoked this memory. I still can't belive these toilets existed and that it happened only once.
No. 1997785
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I just replied to my friend's text with kek instead of lol and i dont know how to roll that one back
No. 1998471
>>1998460Samefag, I was retarded too.
>Sitting outside>See a man with no lower legs walking casually on his knees, no shoes or socks because where would they go>"Damn how is he able to get around like that">Answer super confidently for some reason>"I know right, can't he just get some prostates">She bursts out in laughter>wat>I fucking mixed up "prosthetic" and "prostate"We deserved each other kek. Cringe but I still miss her, too bad she nose dived into the gendie mento illness cult. At least I have the memories.
>>1998466I have no idea if she got it from a friend, the internet or if she just made it up herself lol
No. 1998682
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>>1998662sometimes i kek at how theres always someone to turn the randomest nigeling into
abusive behaviour
No. 2009162
>>1998659 here to update
Not only do we still do it, but now every morning I greet my mom with a babytalk version of our language's "good morning" and go "I'm baby" and then we hug. I'm an actual retard but I'm free
No. 2009212
>>1998741The one my mother discovered was of a skunk anthropomorphic woman spread eagle that's all I can say. (Note this was the draw threads where people would request you personally to draw things and I just accepted everything like a demonic production line, the content was not my preference)
>>1999094There's something wrong with me but I don't think it's autism.
No. 2040097
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>been an insecure hermit lately, full of guilt but the sole relief I have in my life is avoiding other people at all costs, especially people I know
>see childhood best friend (we even had dozens of sleepovers into our 20s), get terrified and pretty much dive for cover in the store before she could see me as if it's WWII and I'm diving into a trench
>get to the car and see her on the curb anyway, realize I HAVE to go talk to her
>in a retarded whim decide to sneak up on her and say "rawr" in the most monotone voice ever
>she laughs a little but did get spooked I felt so guilty kek
>few moments later a rando boy in a car drives by and says "rawr" while ingloriously throwing out his arms like a halloween creature
>actually have a normal conversation with her even though I'm trying to disassociate really hard
>offer to help her hack her tablet to fix a problem she's been stressing over; I really just feel guilty as fuck over avoiding her
ngl, mental illness and insecurity has made me an even worse person. I miss my friend so much but I just wanna hide hide under a rock and never talk to anyone again.
No. 2040101
>>2040097i get you
nonnie. i love my friends but would also genuinely love to never speak to anybody ever again.
No. 2040192
nonnie I feel you.