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No. 738446
I slept in the wrong position a few days ago, so my neck hurts when I look too far to the left. I slept with my head turned to the right then (I always sleep on my stomach), to make it even or work against it, but now my neck hurts also when I look to the right. It's gotten better over the past few days though, so no need to worry. I have to go shower because I finally wanna lay down (I hate lying down before I took a shower, it feels dirty) but I'm too lazy to get up. My knuckles are all red and bloody again due to the cold, but I'm fine with that because we finally got snow for the first time in about six years, and I can't remember the last time it stayed for so long. I've been so sleepy for the past few week or two (or rather, even more sleepy than I've been for the past year or so, because that's apparently a thing for me now), even though I don't really do anything, so I'm wondering if I've been a hibernating animal in my past life, since I noticed it got especially strong after all the snow. Maybe it's just the cold though. In my next life I wanna be some plant, but one that does photosynthesis, so no Venus Trap or something. Or do Venus Traps do photosynthesis, too?
Is this what a diary is?
No. 738507
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Shidding n farding
No. 738888
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I actually fucking love cleaning and cooking. Like not even for a scroido I’m single but there’s something comfortable about just staying home and folding my laundry while cookies be baking and my phone reading fanfics to me.
No. 738924
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a redditor (ikik) wished cancer on me for saying I don't want eyes like Cher's. Forgot to mention they made an alternate account just for that purpose
No. 739111
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I keep hearing a bunch of people crying like someone got killed in front if them, I don’t know if I should check out, they’re outside the building I live in.
No. 739230
about to have my 6th can of monster this week (pretty sure this isnt healthy but eh they taste good) while procrastinating some stuff
>>738888this sounds comfy even though im lazy as shit
No. 739276
>>739215Yeah! Looks like someone died at the clinic in front of the building where I live, it’s weird to hear such things in the middle of the day.
I hope that person had a pleasant death and not something utterly horrifying and that their families can heal from their loss.
No. 740288
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The clouds are so beautiful today
No. 741508
The temperature has been hovering at a high of 0 F since last Thursday and I had to go to work on Friday, where with windchill it was something like -25 F. The building doesn't have any heat. The back has a pellet stove, the office area has a spare heater on the floor next to the chair with another heater in the entryway place, and my spot, at the front, has the smallest shittiest 'heater' that rotates and puffs out warm air occasionally.
I got so fucking cold I could barely move, I was embarrassed to wear my winter coat inside or say anything so I just sat there in what the little clock said was around 10-15 F for the entire day. I couldn't really focus on anything so I just ignored the phone and read Macbeth on the computer.
I mentioned to my sister being glad I didn't have work on the following day because it was too cold, and stupidly mentioned the building has no heat, and now she's told a few more people and is fairly outraged. I'm really embarrassed and annoyed I didn't foresee other people would think it was weird to work in a building with no heat, shouldn't have said anything. I'm sure I also could have just said I was too fucking cold to do anything and then they would have had me go home, I'm just such a compulsive non-complainer and used to shit circumstances that it didn't occur to me that it was perhaps outlandish suffering. I'm also from Miami so I thought I was just being a wimp, my boss was literally born in the Arctic Circle and was lmaoing about how it was nothing compared to walking 15 kilometers through the forests of Siberia to go to communism school or whatever the fuck.
My family already thinks I'm massively underpaid and should just get a better job, now they must imagine me freezing my damn ass off all winter as well. I definitely won't mention to them that the ceiling is also like caving in and the attic is filled with buckets capturing the water that drains in. I should definitely get a better job but at my current job I don't have to wear a mask or pretend to care about corona and I also get to dick around and read fanfiction whenever there's downtime, and boss has pretty good stock tips. In my mind, it's a positive tradeoff to get large spans of 'work' time being left alone to read… I also got this job after being a NEET for eight years so I really don't like having to talk to people still, which is an interesting position to be in considering I'm a receptionist.
Just so embarrassing and stupid. Should have known better than to mention literally anything about my life.
No. 741513
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>>741479im jealous of you anon
t. -21 degrees celcius outside
No. 741523
>>741508>I was embarrassed to wear my winter coat insideGirl, what? I wear my puffy winter coat in the office in the middle of Australian summers if the air con is a bit chilly, why tf would you get embarrassed of something so completely un-embarrassing let alone to the point of choosing severe discomfort over it? Do you think they'd prefer you to suffer and refuse to answer phones instead of just wearing a coat inside?
You should complain too, ideally, though I can understand why that would be more intimidating.
No. 741641
>>741523A bit ot but when I was in highschool my science teacher was convinced I had an ED or something because I wore my coat in class. The truth was we as a class were put in the oldest building with high ass ceilings and I would refuse to freeze.
Anon, wear the coat!
No. 741788
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>>741739The recipe. Hand it over.
No. 741954
>>741896moka pots are great! Very ~aesthetic~ and they make really good coffee. It's usually a bit stronger than French press/pour overs, but you just need to add a bit of boiling water if you don't like strong coffee.
Plus they make it easy to dispose of the grinds once used.
No. 741980
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I have a headache
No. 742009
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I’ve found out how to straighten my hair on my own and I love it, I should go to the hairstylist soon though, I need to dye my hair but I don’t know what to pick, I’m between getting some pink highlights or just dyeing the dyed hair black to let my hair rest for this year, then i could dye it with pink highlights next year when I’m back home again.
Then again, I could ask my hairstylist if she can do pic related and get that done in pink.
No. 742036
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My mom sent me a text asking about an emoji and I didn’t understand her at first because she thought it was spelled as “imogi”
No. 743483
>>743480You can use an image editing program like gimp and make a 32x32 pixel image (you can use another size too probably, this is the standard size) and draw your cursor and export it as .ico, but that will work if you want the point that clicks to be on the upper left corner of the image, which is good for arrows but I tried to make a crosshair so it didn't work. So you can also use this site where you can change the position of the clicking point. You can draw your cursor right there in the page, but you can also import the image you made in some other program which I think is easier.
No. 744301
>>744266that depends on where you live, and what you're tipping for. I think tipping for delivery is considered to be less than tipping for someone waiting on you.
in my state, it's expected that people tip at least 18%, but the cost of living is pretty high here. in other states it's 15% I think. in european countries I think it's expected that you tip less.
you can usually google "how much to tip in x country/state"
No. 744325
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I’m afraid my room / house will smell like the cat box so I’m constantly burning woodsy scented candles in the bathroom
So far so good. Ily Charlie
No. 744417
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Lolcow is a fun addition to the boards I browse during study breaks.
No. 744442
dirty scrotes fuck off [in the rhythm of nazi punks fuck off]
No. 744465
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An anon replied to me in another thread and I felt happy.
No. 744469
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I put on one of my grandma’s old sleeping dresses and my boots, i felt like a cottagecore main character of a really lame novel for some reason, now I want to write something like a romantic-like novel in which the main character decides on living with her best friend in a cottage duh to avoid the shitty men that surround them, it will suck, but it will be fun to write.
No. 744514
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I went home 2 months ago and I’m finally unpacking and I lost my favorite hair brush. I’ve been looking for it for an hour and a half and I can’t find it.
No. 744518
>>744402Charlie is a very precious cat name. I love mine so much, especially when he falls asleep on my stomach at night or eats plastic plants or steals cheese off my plate or lets me rock him like a baby even though he hates it.
Life’s good
No. 745385
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I've been downing spasfons like they're damn pinkass skittles but I'm still cramping like crazy. So bad the pain goes all the way to my upper thighs.
Fuck this shit.
No. 745813
>>745801Some mail delivery people can be so lazy. I'm sorry your carrier is barely half-assing.
At my old apartment they would do the same, sometimes do a light, single knock and not even wait 2 seconds and report no one was home. They didn't even have to do much walking around the neighborhood either, our mailboxes were centralized.
At my new apartment, they keep delivering to a house with the same numbers, but totally different street names. I noticed what was happening and made a paragraph long delivery instruction to ensure it was going to the right house and they still keep delivering to the wrong house.
No. 746101
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>>746095What did you search for anon? "men washing ass" ?
No. 746119
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>>746101Nta but even that yields results that are not porn, tsk tsk to that
nonnie No. 746760
>>746698Every overweight woman I know with a son has an incredibly hyperactive or aggressive one, no matter whose house they are visiting and whether the kid should be past that stage… I've always seen that link where they climb everything in sight, know no boundaries when touching other peoples belongings and need the same stimulation and attention a toddler would need but for years beyond that age.
I think crazy kids just leave such an impression that it makes you want to explain their behaviour somehow
No. 746783
>>746698>aunt is RN >male cousin numerously in trouble for fighting, stealing, car accidents in his youth>now in his 30s>is now anti-vax, won't do it for his kid who he had out of wedlock>pro-Trump, pro-gun, once shat on me because I told him I was a volunteer at a clinic that performs abortions, has a holier than thou complex, etc. >his kid is stunted and has aggression issuesIf I could pinpoint it, I'd say it's just because my cousin grew up with privilege and enabling. Nurses tend to make decent livings and work longer hours. So their kids have a comfy life with less supervision, and if they do get in trouble the nurse parents are often too tired or in denial to care. They probably want to believe they're more in-tune with their kids because they think they medically know better than other parents, when that isn't necessarily the case.
No. 746875
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My customs letter got sent to the wrong address, so I had to go to my rich neighbors to get it. She lives in a mansion with massive gardens, and I think she thought I was weird as I knocked on her backdoor instead of the front (the gardener let me in). People with strong posh British accents are scary
No. 746938
>>746886I think tightening them really hard actually hurts it more than helps, the impression I got was to tighten the screws until they're fully in and no more.
But yes, Ikea is cheap so you would probably have to tighten the screws every few months.
No. 748827
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my sex dream was so pleasant and hot while I was having it but now that I’ve woken up it’s like …wtf?? Why did I dream that?? Gross!
Nothing truly disturbing. Just embarrassing.
No. 749168
>>749072yellow maeng da! its the most euphoric for me
>>749126sperg incoming (ethnobotanical tea bartending is my job) but in short:
kratom is a tea full of alkaloids that affect opioid receptors in ur brain. its not an opioid, and it works on a different channel of receptors than real opioids.
essentially in small doses its very stimulating, mood boosting, etc.
once you get into higher doses which i would never recommend, it becomes sedating and pain relieving.
bcus of how good it makes you feel, and the fact that tolerance builds pretty quickly, it does have a habit forming potential.
if you keep the doses low and take tolerance breaks every 2 weeks, you generally won't have any issues
No. 749222
>>749170if you have any kava bars in your area, i'd suggest you check them out! they're fun places to socialize or study and learn more about ethnobotanicals
>>749187anon i feel you. i wear makeup everyday but its the quick, just enough to not look dead kind, and sometimes on my days off i like to spend more time and effort into creating a look but after its all done its kinda like… huh. thats it? i'm not a supermodel? wack
>>749196super natural botanicals lab tests their products and is AKA approved, plus they have quick customer support so you could email or call to ask about the best amount and ways to make it
No. 749253
>>749223He’s posting in NSFW subs
>>749222Thanks for the recc qt
No. 749958
>>749704but did your son consent to the pinching?
sorry to sound like a tumblr tard, but in my country children were expected to accept slobbering kisses from aunties and uncomfortable hugs from uncles with wandering hands so I find it so important to teach kids that they can have boundaries
No. 750126
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>>749981I’d never thought of putting noodle packet seasoning on tofu… I will have to try this, especially since I like to eat the raw ramen brick as a snack and also I just got an air fryer.
No. 750365
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my apartment is so messy right now, gonna tidy and clean and then maybe do some laundry.
might dig out my oil paints and do some painting later I’ll see how I feel
No. 750629
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sea monkey anon where are u girl
No. 750640
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I bought the perfume pictured but it was underwhelming, I did smelled it before tho. it's drugstore price after all, but the cap literally doesn't close
(I still want to get the Vanilla one the scent stays strong)
No. 751798
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Took a fat shit in the toilet and scurried upstairs.
No. 752324
>>752292>>752312I miss that shit so bad
I used to go stand in the woods in full lolita coord and a clown mask, it was so peaceful
No. 752389
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Missed an appointment with my therapist and she rescheduled me 2 weeks in the future. I get she probably has to work me into her schedule, but it feels like a long time. Like, what if I missed the appt because shit was going bad? I guess that's up to her to determine. It doesn't help that she's one of the best therapists I've ever had and I still can't be fucked to set an alarm so we can talk.
No. 752626
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I've been painting this morning while listening to f4f rp audios and later today I plan to study Korean and cursive writing. I was learning both ASL and Korean at some point, but I'm so shitty at committing myself to things I want to learn so I basically stopped. This will be my first time studying in a year (ugh, that feels disgusting to write out), and I have to start all over again. I'll start ASL again at some point, but I really want to dedicate myself to Korean right now. Cursive is something I've been wanting to learn for a very long time since I never did when I was taught in school. I have some pages in my old sketchbook where I tried writing some words in cursive. I'm never gonna learn more than 2 languages if I keep going at this rate
I also need to repot one of my echeverias today, and do a quiz
I feel like this ended up being more a vent post
No. 752933
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I got my soy peptide noodles today, completely forgot I had ordered them and it took me like 10 minutes to remember what I bought because I get so many packages. I love these things, they're the best ramen ever and great for cold nights.
No. 753344
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I fixed the doorknob that wouldn't open and close (I don't know what was wrong with it, I banged on it with a hammer and it started working) and my roommate is singing bob the builder in my honor. I pasted some patterned contact paper on our clock because the aged beigeness of every item in the room was making me angry. I listened to some lectures and the teacher talked about some old made up news that germans made soap from dead bodies even though the lecture was about statistical physics. And I am trying to paint now but this lady asked me to write in some words on my painting, but the canvas is so coarse and my tiny brush can't hold a lot of paint and my handwriting is of abysmal quality and the words are in albanian.
>>752933I love noodles too, the cheaper the better
No. 753444
>>753344If anyone cares I managed to write the words and my painting looks really lovely if I may say so
>>753424I know how that is, you have my condolences for your lost time
No. 753585
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I don't wear makeup because I'm retarded and never learned how to do it right, but I like fake eyelashes on a clear band with clear glue and I wear those
I know other people hate it, but I like it
I have not small, but narrow, heavily hooded eyes and I feel like it makes me look less sleepy and more cool, like I'm just relaxed or something
I just like it
No. 754173
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Pretty upset thinking about how I'll never get to experience the anticipation and joy of attending a Scholastic Book Fair.
No. 754513
>>754173One of my earliest memories is about one of these. Had 15 cents and thought I was rich and brought a bunch of books up only to be told I could only afford a bookmark.
Taught me a real lesson about the value of money and I can almost still remember how embarrassed I felt even though it's been 25 years…
No. 755257
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Earlier I read the ingredients on these beans I usually eat and disappointingly,I found out that the beans contain chicken broth even though i made a promise I'll chicken again,I felt like crap honestly,but now I feel better knowing that there are chicken free beans.
No. 755385
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I’m not sure why, but looking at this makeup purse makes me feel extremely happy.
I wish I could find more stuff with fruity prints.
No. 755839
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>>755596I'd go with the latter as well. It'll be more organised and you won't run out of space as quickly.
As for me, today's a nice day. I'm procrastinating on homework because it's boring, even though it's easy. Instead I've been reading a relationship self help book. Insightful stuff. I think I'll sort through my garbage in Animal Crossing now.
No. 758888
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I’m glad the tank for the water of the building got cleaned up. The water tastes almost like drinkable water, not like dirt. Hopefully my skin will stop breaking out, I feel so crusty, maybe I’ve been getting so sick so often because the water was basically carrying shit particles around.
No. 759785
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I took the vacuum and vacuumed all the dust out of my sandpaper, you should have seen it go
No. 760868
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laughable edit on my feed today
No. 761174
>>761164I felt this with an ex. He'd shave once every few months and I'd see his actual face and realise I'm barely attracted to him without the beard.
Dude had at one time teased me for an unflattering pic where I had a double chin going on (we'd only started dating so I was a lil sensitive to the comment lol) turns out he was walking around with a hidden double chin the whole time.
No. 761741
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I used to be a total skeptic about the Ryder Caroll Bullet Journal system. I'd think "why do I see a cult-like formation around something middle school girls have done in their planners for years???" Then I watched the intro video on their website and thought "Oh shit this is solidly good advice I wouldn't have thought of." I'm still salty the founder managed to use it to sell overpriced notebooks and a $5 app though.
No. 762815
>>762316I went to the bathroom and my shit was like very wide and bulky, it was kind of hard to push it out.
I wonder how colon my colon extends so wide, I wish I had slimmer shits instead and now my buthole kind of hurts
No. 767955
>>767906I used to track my ovulation and I think ovulation tests are the same. It's just that waiting overnight allows a higher concentration of hormones to collect in your urine. Something like that. Or levels peak in the morning.
It's just strong piss, extra pissy piss
No. 767983
My roommate loves Linkin Park. I play it for her sometimes on my computer but when I try to play her music I like she says it's scary because of the screaming. But I ask her, this guy screams too, how come you're not afraid of him? And she says it's because his screaming is really frustrated. I don't really get it
>>767980Try dried figs
No. 768018
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>>768009imma make you poop
No. 768025
>>767983Your roommate is cool. I think she is just used to Chester and that's why his screams aren't scary for her. It's kinda hard being scared of him knowing his history. Hell, even if you listen to the lyrics, it's clear that he is writing them from a POV of an abuse
victim driven into a corned rather than some macho brute. It's why I've always loved Linkin Park (beyond their specific sound, Chester's voice etc) while I cannot stand supposedly similar and "superior" shit like Deftones.
No. 768067
>>768038It makes me happy to hear you enjoy Linkin Park ♥ Their music always meant a lot to even though I was given a lot of shit for it. Assuming you've mostly listened to the classics aka Hybrid Theory and Meteora, I highly recommend you give A Thousand Suns a shot! It's their masterpiece according to me and a solid part of the fanbase. It's more electronic than the first two records and kinda different. Takes you on a real journey. You need to reserve an hour or something to listen to it from start to finish since it has some interludes etc. It does have a lot of standout tracks though (ie When They Come For Me, Robot Boy, Iridescent, Burning in the Skies, Blackout, The Catalyst, The Messenger… fuck, almost the entire record is a highlight IMHO). Oh and The Hunting Party is amazing as well, especially if you would miss the 'harder' side of their music.
>I never pay much attention to lyrics, I'll try to read them next time. NGL, they can be pretty simple but they carry a lot of emotions and exude vulnerability. I'm kinda sure that Easier to Run was written about Chester's childhood
sexual abuse trauma, or going through PTSD more specifically. It's horrible how it used to be trendy to shit on LP for being 'whiny' (even though the lyrics clearly were written about some dark shit) and then half of the Earth was surprised when Chester commited suicide.
Sorry for the massive spergout, I will always love LP and it makes me happy to talk about them when I have the rare chance honestly I don't think they have a single bad record, though One More Light will probably always be controversial No. 768082
>>768076Love you
nonny, you are so kind! Sending good vibes your way
No. 768377
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I haven't cut my toenails in several months. I think I might do it today
No. 768585
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I really want to finish this annoying homework so I can play more of my chinese husbando game until there’s a new assignment.
My husband probably misses me already because his drunk ass needs to be moved around.
I also kind of want to get some milka choc, but I can’t find the flavor I like, so I might end up ordering a boba tea or anything sweet, maybe some cookies if they’re on sale.
No. 769208
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>>768067Thanks I listened to it today and I really liked When They Come For Me, Blackout and Wretches and Kings.
No. 769217
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>>768724Square up, anon, I won’t let you have him.
No. 769563
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I went to the grocery store today, it’s quite tiresome to buy stuff for 3 houses in a limited time, like, it was my aunt an i running around while picking everything we all need before the military closes down the streets or something, I don’t even know what is it that they do, I haven’t gone out in a while.
It would be nice if the scrotes of my family helped.
No. 769818
>>769627i'm mexican american and can't handle spice, and i thought jalapenos in everything was our thing. a little bit of cayenne pepper is good in my recipes, but an extra shake of it is so noticeable.
you know, sometimes stuff labeled mild is not mild at all, and some batches of mild just end up being ruined. happened to me recently, i would always buy this same prepackaged mild guacamole from walmart. the last time i got it, it made me extremely nauseous. it was a specific nausea, too, and at first i didn't know what made me feel that way. after having some more over the few days i realized what was making me nauseous; the guac. after that i realized that the specific nausea it gave me was similar to when i tried wasabi. i threw the rest away. i don't think im gonna buy guac anymore, just straight avocado from now on.
No. 769834
>>769627It's just a stupid racist meme anon. I'm Hungarian and I love spicy food, it's part of our national cuisine, we're white. I've tried everything from Korean dishes to Mexican dishes while abroad and it's nothing.
You aren't even supposed to eat spicy things all the time, you'll ruin your stomach that way. People who brag about eating food that literally hurts them confuse me.
No. 769956
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I want food, but I think I've already consumed as many calories as I said I was going to (I didn't count, but I'm estimating). Sad. Mozzarella sticks sound so fucking good right now
Also, I think I have a bean or something stuck in the pipe that food isn't supposed to go down, but I can't get it out, agh. Gonna try to sneeze. Pray for me
No. 769963
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I’ve missed multiple friend’s birthdays in the past 3 months and my only way to contribute to them is to digitally draw something for them because of covid, but I barely have the energy to do that. I don’t even like my art to begin with. I just do it because I like drawing for them and it’s free.
No. 770611
>>770583I made that transition recently too, it's definitely better chopped up than with a spoon.
I also switched from green kiwis to golden kiwis, they're sooo much sweeter and sf delicious.
No. 770651
>>770335Yes, they're a life changer.
Also, my period actually started in full swing today so I woke up with bloody sheets since I wasn't counting on the heavy flow. fml
No. 771285
>>771281sounds so comfy, god i wish that were me
i have shit to do today due to actually leaving the house tomorrow and my pollen allergy is acting up.
No. 771722
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Never gave the pomodoro technique a shot until recently, it's actually really helpful
No. 772282
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I read Carrey Chan took a true zodiacs test, so it inspired me to take one too. Carrey Chan inspiring us to be the best version of ourselves. No. 772302
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>>772282Mine is my own kek
Which is fine, I love being an Aquarius
No. 772329
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>>772322girl same but also alcohol
No. 772333
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>>772282just retook
>scorpio this highwatch out, world!
No. 772429
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I'm eating pizza. Who wants some?
No. 772464
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I’m gonna be fucking 25 in a few months. Jesus christ
No. 772518
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>>772282Maybe I exaggerated my answers to certain questions. What does this even mean about me given I'm so high in multiple signs.
My actual sign is a Taurus, for what it's worth. It's never felt accurate.
No. 772581
>>772464Haha the wall! You’re going to hit the wall!
Get a fucking grip retard
No. 772593
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>>772282I got the least on leo despite being sun moon rising leo. Equal amounts on taurus and pisces. Is that good or bad or what?
No. 772614
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>>772282They guessed mine!
No. 772621
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>>772282I am actually a Virgo! This was fun! Hugs to fellow Virgo-anons!
No. 772699
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thank god as I literally have the pisces symbol tatted on my finger pls no bully
No. 772723
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>>772282I am a libra and was sure I was going to get it but makes sense I guess
No. 773071
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>>772282Sag that always figured I came across like a Scorpio. Apparently I'm not wrong but not right either. Virgo seems more accurate with first impressions. Never related to Sagittarius' outgoing, life of the party image so being quiet at first seems more appropriate.
No. 774164
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I went for a walk today and I was shocked, I haven't been outside for a while and in my mind, it was still like winter but it was sweltering hot in actuality and now I'm horribly sweaty
No. 774656
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I rolled my ankle yet again. Might finally suck it up and go see the physio when covids blown over to hopefully make it stop happening.
No. 777045
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Had a Zoom conference at work today where we were introduced to an Australian guy from another company we're working with. He was wearing a bubble vest like picrel over nothing else, just his skin. I was so thrown off that I stared at it whenever he spoke
No. 777582
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I should go to the dentist, this tooth got shittily treated by a terrible dentist and now it hurts, I think I got a cavity again.
No. 777629
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I've been hating my body recently, but goddamn I look thick as fuck today. I also hit myself in my eye and squirted orange juice in it in the same day. Think I might go blind.
No. 777631
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>>772282I’m actually a leo lmao
No. 777816
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I hate how I left a week's schoolwork for myself to one day. It's genuinely not that bad but it's stressful until it's done. And I stay up so late for no reason. It's the night before.
You ever get that feeling when night comes like "noooo I don't want it to be night time yet I'm not ready to sleep" and defiantly stay up?
No. 778614
I made pasta with cooked eggs and mayonnaise and mustard it was good
>>778591Well done I am proud of you
No. 779113
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Watching huckleberry finn and sharing a whole ass kfc meal with my cat all snuggled up on the couch
No. 779125
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>>772282This was fun. I can see why I got the results that I did, especially virgo. I feel like I'm always a huge bitch who sees nothing but details to critically analyze.
>leo sun>libra ascending>capricorn moon>mercury virgo>libra venus>cancer mars>scorpio jupiter>pisces saturn>capricorn uranus & neptune>scorpio pluto No. 779221
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>>779164For me it’s me panties. They’re literally falling apart! I’m too cheap to buy new ones even though i look like a hobo fuck h&m for their cheap shit
On another note: i lost my love for sushi. I used to get a bento box at least once a week but it’s not appealing to me anymore. What bothers me is that it’s just 8-10 bites? I mean i already know I will have finished these pieces in 8 bites. If I have a plate of sth or a sandwich I don’t know when it’s gonna be over. This sounds so autistic but idk how to express it properly.
No. 779263
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>>772282i have 6 capricorn placements and 0 cancer in my birth chart lol
No. 779268
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I've been wearing these cheap ass boots since the 8th grade and they were my favorite shoes. By senior year I had taken them to be repaired twice and there was no fabric on the inside. And now today, two years later, one of the soles completely collapsed. Rest in peace.
No. 779303
>>779263Bitch are you my lost twin or something?
Forgot to take screenshot and I'm not doing that longass test again but I got Virgo&Taurus. I have no Virgo on my chart and only one Taurus placement.
No. 779412
>>779320My mom also recovered from covid and she looked so dead afterwards because she lost lots of weight and it’s very tiring. Give your body lots of nutrients
nonny i hope you’ll feel better every week!
No. 779664
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>>779659samefag it’s shopcider and I guess it’s a tiktok shopper type of shop. It’s all shit like picrel that you could find similar to thrift for über cheap and possibly same or better quality materials wise. Idealistically I wouldn’t have to hem anything that didn’t fit right but I’m lazy and would rather buy quick available shit I like visually and then tailor it to better suit me. They also have a lookalike shirt dress that a cow from the egirl thread in /snow/ wore and I think that’s funny.
No. 780236
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Damn this apple I'm eating is really good
No. 780269
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My bf is colorblind and ate my red curry leftovers instead of his green curry. I didn't say anything because luckily they taste pretty similar in the thai place we ordered from and are both delicious.
No. 780374
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>>780342Omg thank you for reminding me to get tix
No. 780380
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Currently going through those episodes where your mind goes numb and it’s basically empty, cherish this temporary moment of gaining independence from worldly elements
No. 780603
>>780380hoooooly shit
nonny this instantly
triggered a memory of mine. Begging my cousin if I could use her school laptop to make these dolls even though it was "blocked" site on her laptop, they found a way to play. Ugh, I would literally beg to play these games.
If anyone is curious, I found one of the last standing versions of this site, and it barely works. No. 780794
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I've been so, so stressed recently (which is mostly my fault) but god I'm about to make some breakfast sandwhiches and I know these motherfuckers are gonna be amazing
No. 780828
>>780311>>780342I just spent like 5 minutes trying to find NGE tickets in my city lol I’m dumb. I dropped KnY near the end
because of people I knew who liked it being annoying but train arc was excellent. Would you recommend going to theaters just for that part? I never saw it in the anime since I never started watching it.
No. 780888
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I just busted my ass so hard. No one saw, but I'm so embarrassed. I didn't even want to get up. I need to stop running around my house like a toddler on coke
No. 781007
>>780930Since entering my 30s my cycle length has stretched out so I'm bleeding less often (and lighter) but still feeling all the pms symptoms. A box of tampons lasts me several months now but I don't like it. It's like my womb wants to shed but it's struggling to kick start the process?
Changes in cycle are unsettling.
No. 781019
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Kept trying to tick the "I am not a robot" box but my browser repeatedly wouldn't let me. Am I a robot?
No. 781045
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>>781028>>781038Let's party my fellow robots
No. 781246
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Just tried making hot wings in my air fryer for the first time and holy shit…so good!! No oil needed and minimal cleanup. I'm never buying overpriced wings from Dominoes ever again, lmao.
No. 781273
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>>781246happy for you anon!
No. 781425
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but I am too lazy to make it
No. 781534
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>>781425Found this for like $4 at walmart the other day.
No. 781582
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Outside is cloudy,and grey, it's making me into a zombie. It's not even dramatic cloudy or moody aesthetic weather, it's just boring white sky. I want to live somewhere tropical so bad. I was born to live by the sea, eating fruit and cruising crystal clear sea in my luxury ship and doing lame yoga poses on the beach, not to sit on my ass listening to endless uni classes in shitty weather every day.
No. 782901
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My whole life I've made really small poops. Like maybe the size and girth of a bundle of crayons. In the last month, though, my poops have become huge, like… I didn't realize how big normal poop is but theyre normal sized now. Fat logs of poopy. It's amazing though, because they come out so easy and don't hurt, it takes me like 40 seconds to poop. I feel like I'm actually vacating my bowels. I got a blender and started making smoothies so I think it's all of the fruit I'm having in the morning. I love my new poop so much. I never understood why people said it feels nice to have a bowel movement because it used to just be kind of uncomfortable and unsatisfying but now I see the light. Eat fiber, girls.
No. 782946
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I bought some Sugarfina Bubbly Bears at Nordstrom Rack this weekend, and I am really kind of disappointed in the fact that these little shits have very little to no champagne flavor at all. I know they're supposed to be "non alcoholic", but I really like champagne and they're supposed to be infused with Dom Perignon, which is one of my favorite richfag drinks. They taste like regular gummy bears you can get at Walmart for like, a couple of bucks. Should have ordered some champagne truffles instead.
No. 783001
>>782946this company makes better gummies. if you ever get the chance, the green apple frogs are pretty good
was also surprised by the lack of champagne flavor in the champagne bears. I enjoyed them enough, though not for the price
No. 783286
>>783282do you have a plushie or pet? i understand completely, it helps me to have an extra pillow behind my back when i sleep so i feel a little less alone..
rest well anon kun
No. 783389
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I found out what snails look like when they are infected by parasites a couples days ago, and I literally cannot stop thinking about it. It's so disturbing, it makes my skin crawl so bad. It makes me want to fucking kill myself. Idk what I would do If my snail baby ever gets infected by one.
No. 783401
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Yesterday I needed change for the bus, found this and my good. Its so fucking good, would recomend in a fancy cup with loads of ice.
No. 783405
>>783308How do they talk?
You probably got muted for being old
No. 783407
>>783389i googled it and now i understand why humans created body horror media. hope your snail baby stays healthy. should be fine inside, right?
but damn anon you ok?
No. 783409
>>783401I'm jelly, I'm such an energy drink junkie and we don't have that here.
Yesterday evening I needed an energy drink so bad, but everything is closed here after 9 because of the pandemic, so I bought a contraband energy drink through the back door of the local corner store. The owner was on the street in front of the seemingly closed store, looking out for the police and ushering customers to the back. I exchanged money for goods with the cashier hastily through a narrowly opened door and "hid" the can in my pocket. It was a monster energy drink, very obvious in my pocket. It all reminded me of the 90's in my country when we were buying contraband everything and the entire market was the black market. This is the economy I'm used to. Nice to know I can always count on local entrepreneurs, and them on me.
No. 783414
>>783409I can't tell if you're just bullshitting or not but it's hilarious. What country do you even live in?
The only place open late where I am is a single newsagents so if we forget to get groceries we have to dine on haribo and pot noodle that night instead
No. 783417
>>783414I'm in Serbia. I don't know what sounds like bullshit, it happened yesterday just like I told it?
We are not under lockdown and haven't been at all this year, last time they tried to introduce it people revolted so they decided to just have everything closed in the evening so people have less reason to go out. But small businesses are not going to listen to the government, that's not a way to financially survive here. You gotta hustle.
No. 783590
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I made a logo for my friend's neighbor, she said I should tell him how much I want to be paid or if I want him to fix something for us in the house because he's a builder, so I decided he should build us a shelf for tea and other ingredients on the wall. I can't wait for our new shelf. Yay I'm gonna make decorations like these for it
No. 783721
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>told my friend i might be getting step-siblings
>he immediately starts making "what are you doing step-bro" jokes
I don't feel sad anymore, but now I'm gonna feel even more awkward when Ill be forced to meet them.
No. 783730
>>783721this is why i limit my scrote friends, your friend is a weirdo.
how do you feel about getting step siblings yourself?
i am sure they can relate as well.
No. 783925
>>783721Male friends are so pointless…
Once I sent my male (ex) friend a photo of my stitched up finger that I accidentally sliced when he asked to see how bad it was. He then sent me 'wow am I weird or is that kind of really hot' 'idk why but that is so sexy'. This one also used me as his personal therapist, never listened to my problems and threatened suicide many times.
Recently I was arguing about something and a male friend chimes in with 'you're so cute when you get this passionate', making me feel so belittled.
Other friend raged at me when I wanted to start a project go to schools to educate little girls on their sexual health and consent, that it's absolutely horrendous not to include males in it, that women being embarrassed in front of men is a myth, how it's fault of people like me that men don't understand female health issues.
The remaining male friends I can think of tried to romance me and I just ghosted them afterwards. Or they still try to flirt with me even though they have girlfriends.
I honestly never had a normal male friend, are there any? I'd be okay with trying to find one but like is it even worth it when majority I had was like this?
No. 784070
>>783925I’ve just finished ghosting the last of my male friends kek. I’ve known a lot of them for many many years, and I just realised how shitty they always treated me and other women.
Honestly even though it’s kind of unrelated, finding out about pornhub really pilled me against my male friends. They used to always joke about it and talk about how much they loved it etc. I just look at them and think “what horrendous things have you wanked over?”
No point bonding with males unless they’re relatives, colleagues or sexual/romantic partners.
No. 784889
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Idk what it is, but I've been feeling myself so much the past couple of months. I bought some new underwear and I spent way longer than I should have just admiring my thighs, hips and ass in the mirror. Even though I still have things I wanna work on, I don't know why I spent so long being insecure about myself when there are so many good things about my body. I hope you all are having a confident bitch day today as well
No. 784947
I found a picture frame in the garbage today. It's ugly and old but I'll fix it up and paint it, picture frames are expensive
>>784889I'm glad you're feeling great, I'm feeling great too. I've been feeling like my face is really pretty lately.
No. 785195
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visited my home country last month, and this guy that was like 14 when he (pretty sure) tried to sexually assault 10 year old me married and had a baby with a girl (of age) that looks exactly like how i did back then
No. 785396
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I bought a longboard
No. 785425
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>>785230Pic is you, queen.
>>785400We have one in /m/ but it doesn't have that many plant tips. Just pictures of plants. I recommend watching a lot of youtube videos and searching on
reddit for help with your plants. If you bought your orchid from a store then it might have came with one of those little cardboard things with care guides on them, but I wouldn't follow the advice on those.
No. 785586
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I haven't had braids in my hair in a long time and I want them so bad, but I really don't want to have to sit for hours to get them.
No. 786021
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Just rearranged my room. Got that perfect bookshelf and gallery wall behind me for conference calls. I am an untouchable bitch
No. 786165
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>>786072Here’s a peek! Mostly art books from sales and secondhand stores over the years. Highlights include loish’s art book a friend gave me as a gift, and “Stylish Knits for Dogs”, which I have yet to knit a pattern from
>>786127Thanks babe!!
No. 786255
>>786165lmao anon "Stylish Knits (for dogs)" sent me. also Escher, that's some good taste.
thank you for the picture !!
No. 786442
>>786046Pasta and cheese
Toast for dinner
No. 786532
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I am lay in bed, watching YouTube videos with a blanket and hot water bottle. I have so much to worry about in life but at this very moment, I am snuggly like a little old lady and wish I could feel comfort like this forever
No. 786857
I am so tired. I am not in a relationship, have exams soon and volunteer and I feel kinda empty and lonely and can't concentrate on anything. I think I need a day off but I'm kinda worried I'm gonna feel it even more.
I have an evening date to feel more social but I'm not really feeling it today.
I need more of this energy
>>786532 No. 786864
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>>786532I want to buy a hot water bottle because I saw you can have them kept in cute knit sweaters… and my period is coming soon. I wish I had one of those and a heated blanket earlier in life. For most of the time I’d been using a washcloth heated with hot water. And when they cool down, they become cold! Terrible feeling.
No. 786868
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I finally saw a new banner! Picrel, it's so cute
No. 786887
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Having this for breakfast with a latte makes me really happy.
No. 786894
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Just applied to a shit job I know I'm not gonna get. But whatever at least i did something to attempt to end my NEEThood. Maybe if I'm lucky they'll contact me
No. 787023
I passed my exam, I saw the cute guy at college who I haven't seen in a year, anons liked my post on lolcow it was a good day
>>786887I want
No. 787583
File: 1618933367379.jpg (105.17 KB, 745x745, Hairstyles & Beauty.jpg)

I fucking covered the yeast I'm making while it was proofing and now it won't rise. It was my last packet of yeast, so if this doesn't work I'm gonna be pissed
No. 787585
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>>787583Sorry to hear about that but why is your image titled "Hairstyles & Beauty"
No. 787592
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I put an order at Yesstyle it's been like 2 years since I wanted to order again can't wait 4 month for my package
No. 787694
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>>787583Samefag, I made Korean hotdogs, and these motherfuckers still came out the same even thought the dough didn't rise at all? I don't understand it, but I'm eating yummy hotdogs and cheese so nothing matters
No. 787756
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>>787694What recipe did you use? Every time I’ve tried making these the shits stayed doughy and wouldn’t form a nice layer at all. It could be partially my fault because I prefer baking or shallow frying than deep frying, but the recipes should still work when they’re specified for that process. More and more I’m tempted to use fucking egg roll wrappers.
No. 788027
>>788026I will hold your hand while you make some grub,
No. 788059
>>787990Same. Sometimes I wanna look at memes on reddit but it's always about how women are weird, sexy, how they have no gf or how no one cares about men's mental health. It's not even jokes, just whining.
Where do you guys find funny shit to look at?
No. 788194
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Do you ever rudely tell off an anon, then they respond reasonably, and suddenly you feel like a meanie poopie head, but it'd be a bit much if you responded to say sorry for losing your temper. Anyway that's me on here at least once a week. If an anon has ever snapped at you and then you calmly explained yourself and you didn't get a response, pls assume it was me and accept this apology
No. 788724
>>788718No, I didn't know they had italian vampires too
It's from the kind of movie men love and think is super deep but it's just violence
No. 788797
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Parents are so funny. I was clicking through Netflix to help my mom choose a movie; we watched the trailer for Yellow Rose and I asked if she was interested, and she said, "No. I don't like girls with bangs." This fact alone turned her off to watching the movie.
No. 788879
>>788797My mom refuses to watch any German movies lol
She is just convinced they are all horrible and actors are gonna be ugly and I bet she'd even go to some other room not to see it on screen.
No. 788929
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>>788817Congratulations!! You are correct
No. 789281
I've been struggling with my hair for years but started diluting my shampoo and yesterday I tried the chepeast hair serum ever and now it's so pretty I want to cry of happiness
>>788929Woah it looks really good!
No. 789287
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gnite anons im goin to sleep early big day in the mornin
No. 789668
>>789289I've been thinking a lot about cutting out soda again. It's hard to stop though, so I'm cheering you on nonita! Remember how much it makes us bloated and how bad it's for our health!
I think next week I'll stop (I have a bottle of decaf Pepsi Max in my fridge, have to drink that first, kek).
No. 789773
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I got a new showerhead today! I was without one for a while because I broke my last showerhead, so I'm excited to have one again.
No. 789831
I bought fabric markers and drew a band logo on my shirt, I'm pretty impressed it looks really good
>>789773Awesome! What an adorable cat I'm gonna show it to my friends
No. 790612
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I ate Chocopies for the first time. It was fine, not as sweet as I thought it would be
No. 790686
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>>790612The marshmallow part isn’t as fluffy as I thought it would be and the cookie is so crumbly. I think you’re right that they should be sweeter.
No. 790814
I'm doing my homework using a graphic tablet and listening to the new portal song, it's terrifying. My roommates and I got a bunch of clothes from the landlady and some of it has been washed so we've all been trying it on, it was fun
>>790637That's so cool you're so cool anon
No. 791357
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>>781425An entire two weeks later, and I am finally making a sweet potato pie. I got a little lazy with getting all the strings out, but It'll probably be ok lmao. I have so much free time today. I haven't painted in a very long time, so maybe I'll do that and watch horror movies
I hope you all are having a relaxing day with some yummy desserts as well!
No. 791812
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I’m in desperate need of new crockery. Decided I want ones with strawberries but can only find these ones I like,. They are melamine and I just can’t get away from the fact it would feel childish to use them to eat from and that it’s only acceptable for picnics. But the reason I need new crockery is my Boyfriend is a clumsy oaf and keeps breaking them. I know it makes sense so why I can’t I get over my reservations. I can’t find any other design I like as much.
Even more annoying is they have pottery bowls in this pattern.. why not a complete set
No. 791839
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>>791812This is my special thrifted strawberry plate. It's probably made of lead or something but it's cute as fuck. I'm guessing you don't want strawberry dishes bad enough to buy discontinued, second hand ceramics, but the brand is ming pao. Good luck with your dish journey and clumsy boyfriend, anon.
No. 791842
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>>791839Here's the full set, which visits me in my dreams.
No. 791855
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>>791844Yeah, as far as strawberry prints go, those are are peak aesthetic to me. They also made these adorable drinking glasses, which sadly aren't available anywhere outside of my personal cottagecore fantasies.
No. 791867
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>>791839>>791839I absolutely don’t mind second hand. even looking on eBay and Etsy I only really found these but shipping to the U.K. makes it not worthwhile. I really would have thought this would be a more common design
No. 791924
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>>791867Wow, that plate is fucking gorgeous. I'm also surprised at how few non-crappy options there are, considering how trendy strawberry print is. I guess plain floral and citrus prints are more popular for dinnerware? Of course there's no shame in just going with the melamine if you actually like the print. Definitely filter your ebay results to only show listings that ship from the UK, though. I did find this cute bone china set on both etsy and ebay, if you want to be the opposite of practical. Let us know how it goes anyways, I'm weirdly invested in your pursuit of strawberry crockery now.
No. 791990
>>791983yeah, I was high and looking at my phone when I made that post. Now that I see it enlarged, I may have overstated it's appeal just a little bit, kek. Still, the print itself is nice.
>>791867 and
>>791924 are actually beautiful though.
No. 792255
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>>738433Told my crush he made me cry. His words of wisdom, “over me? shit, that sucks…”
No. 792260
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>>790686Oh so they're like Mamuts? dissapointing, I thought they would be softer and yummier. here have the mexican discount version of chocopie
No. 792297
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These red winged black birds visit my balcony a lot, I really like them. My other favourites are the cardinals that always travel with their mate, they're very cute.
No. 792314
>>792297This fancy fuck puts all my local crows to shame.
Every Spring I have crows nesting in my chimney and every year one or two of them ends up inside my home at some point. I then have to open all the doors to let them out and try not to panic them. I need to get someone out to close up the top of the chimney. Woke up to a bird only a week ago
No. 792340
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>>792325Your cat sounds like a treasure, I really want one. Until then I'm just going to continue birdwatching from my balcony
No. 793532
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Literally just binging on pasta drown in kewpie mayo and samyang chicken sauce
No. 793960
>>793532I was a Mayo fiend before but fuck me if kewpie isn’t a game changer. I haven’t touched normal Mayo in months and I was putting that shit on everything.
However kewpie is expensive enough I’m more restrained in my use
No. 793971
>>793962Diff anon but I live in an old house and I feel like there's so many hiding spots that must have spiders in them.
The odd time that I get up to pee during the night…I'll always run into one. If I were to get up every night I'm sure there'd be many more. Best to just stay in bed and let them have their nighttime hours to roam. If I can't see em I can't freak out.
No. 795261
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I love complimenting my dog (not picrel) with stereotypical little girl things like "what a pretty girl!" and "is that a princess???" Makes me feel like a southern mom kek. And mostly it's hilarious because she has the absolute saddest face on earth (droopy face, watery eyes, etc).
>>794947Nice job anon, keep it up! Keep being good and reliable to your clients and they'll recommend you to their many friends without you having to lift a finger for self-marketing. Good luck out there!
No. 796137
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>>790522Week-old post, but I dropped one of these bad boys down hardwood stairs and am still using it.
No. 796303
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>>796168Silicon might as well be black magic with how well it protects glass. There are quite a few cheap brands with good sleeves online if you can't find them in-store. I don't know how well some of the more skimpy sleeve designs protect, but I'm confident the full-coverage designs.
No. 796391
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>So you like soundwave jazz?
>No, I haven't heard of this genre, but I have heard of bigband jazz
>It's a transformer ship?
God do I need to pick up on internet lingo
No. 796400
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since we're talking about glass water bottles with silicone sleeves, i got this cup last week and it's a game changer for me. it makes it so much easier for me to drink a ton of water. why is it so much more satisfying to drink water through a straw???
it also looks cute on my bedside table
No. 796412
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>>796400>straws are more satisfying Eh, I beg to differ anon. I’m more of a glugger myself.
No. 796484
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I just broke my fast to eat a pretty crappy burrito. Oh well.
No. 796582
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>>796518What the fuck? Wasn’t easter a month ago?! Are the egg yolks going to be jammy? That’s the best way to eat them in my opinion. And then you dip some toast in them.
No. 796588
>>796582It's Orthodox Easter, we follow the old Julian calendar. Unfortunately, the yolks will be cooked until green since the eggs are boiled twice (second time to color them).
That's why I'm whining, hard boiled eggs are heavy on the stomach. Wish I could just have a salad.
No. 796607
>>796603I never eat before 2pm, it's too early for me. Neither does anyone in my family, we're just doing an early lunch to convenience grandpa who eats early then naps at 2pm because he's over 90.
I myself am over 40 and I don't usually animal products at all, but Easter egg tapping is a yearly family tradition and custom I want to respect, it does add happiness to my life. I just wish it was a bit later, my stomach isn't ready.
No. 796620
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>>796616Do you have no minor grievances in your life, anon? She didn't say having to eat early was the end of the world. She simply stated that it's something outside of her routine and that sucks for her. She even repeatedly mentioned that she's happy with getting to see her family. I almost feel like you're just as, if not more bent out of shape than she is. Not to mention, she already owned up to whining.
No. 796646
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I cut my hair to collarbone length yesterday, it used to reach the small of my back. Other than the fact my head weighs 2000x lighter I kinda hate it but oh well, lol.
No. 796761
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>>796689It makes me so happy to see someone else say this. My ex's family would green-ring a tonne of eggs and the whole place would reek of it, and they'd wonder why I had no appetite for their weird bland gross food drenched in egg aroma.
It's so easy to boil a decent egg, what the fuck is wrong with people.
No. 796954
>>796723I'm from Serbia.
Anyway, the eggs went down well since I washed them down with generous amounts of mad good wine.
No. 796972
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I took a walk today and saw some turtles in a lake. Snapped a pic because they were cute. Upon closer inspection it looks like the pairs of turtles are posing in the exact same way! Is it just me? Anyway, walk was good even though I felt a little self conscious that I seemed to be the only person walking by themselves kek.
No. 797526
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I can feel all my problems about school and money and my Mom and being a NEET and my roommate realizing he's schizophrenic and my other roommate moving out and not making any new friends in six years and not speaking to my Aunt with Parkinson's in two years and my grandmother is in the nursing home that she's going to die in and the land I own isn't selling and I don't even know how to get a job let alone sell over a hundred acres and everything bad in my life starting to bubble and ferment and I can feel pressure in my bones and muscles that didn't exist before and I can almost see myself exploding into a billion pieces and I'm trying not to think about it and I'm okay.
No. 797786
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Some kid I was watching hit me and I told him it hurt and the little fucker said "I'm aware of the affects my actions cause". Little douche
No. 798165
>>797890miserable fucking literalist
No. 798232
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>>798197>>798174Let's fucking go anons! I will stomp you both out
>>798214Sure thing. In fact, I'll fight you, and your bitch ass ex!
No. 798754
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Need to lose weight. Really badly. I look terrible. I lost a bunch of weight a few years ago through CICO and i know CICO is the realistic way to go. i used to be chubby and after CICO i was in a healthy BMI and stayed that way around four years. it was crazy, i had not been heathy BMI since i was a child in elementary school (by like 8 or 9 i was already overweight). i gained a huge amount of weight for many reasons last year but i know at the end of the day it's my responsibility to stay healthy and no one else's. anyways, following good CICO feels ten times harder than when i was younger cause i'm way too used to huge portions now and i guess i'm just older. it's hard to stay focused on it for me. but well. gotta start somewhere i guess.
what gives. again, i got used to CICO years ago and didnt stopped till last year and it's hard getting back on it. any tips to stay motivated or at least remember to watch what i'm doing? i'm not lazy but i forget shit all the time.
No. 798802
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>>798754I’m not sure about how to get the motivation to go back to a healthy lifestyle, but I get you, I’ve struggled with my weight my whole life, and before the pandemic I had a healthy lifestyle, I even lost a bunch of weight and was starting to like my body.
But because of a bunch of shit that has been happening in my life, I gained a bunch of weight, I got extremely lethargic, and I’m still trying to find a way to break this awful routine.
I guess what could be useful to go back to a healthy lifestyle would be telling yourself to do it, I always try to tell myself that it will feel better if I workout or eat more veggies, and when I do such things, I do feel much better, even if I relapse, because it does take me a lot of time to go back to a healthy lifestyle.
You could try telling yourself something like
>if I don’t workout now, washing my hair won’t be the same.Or
>when I have a salad i have a better night of sleep.It’s what I usually do so I get a bit more motivated.
Bonus inspirobot quote.
No. 798817
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Stupid asos listed the dress I wanted as out of stock, oh well I made my order. Go back to it and it’s back in stock, had to pay an extra delivery fee on the uglyass dress reeeeeeee pic unrelated it’s just cute
No. 798844
>>798754Just try not to have garbage food at home. No pasta, no chips. Replace bread with small wraps or just eat out of a bowl. If you need a snack, reach for fruit or veg. My favorite low-cal snacks are strawberries. As for portions, I'd try to eat out of a pint container for a while.
To make it interesting, you can temporarily go vegetarian or vegan or keto. You'll end up not eating so much because you won't know what the fuck to eat
No. 799647
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I accidentally bought unripe avocados, and I have no idea what to fucking do. I don't know when I will be able to enjoy those delicious, grass-like vegetables. I will no longer be able to have a light breakfast of avocados and eggs.
Also, I put horseradish sauce on my sandwich, and now it's damn near ruined.
No. 799661
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my friend just had her first son!! im so excited and happy for her, nonnies!
theres a small mundane thing i like… ive always noticed how other women will talk about a baby that is like 0 seconds old and go "yeah he has his mommys eyes no doubt about it". i dont know why i think its cute. personally, i dont have younger siblings and i have no relationship with my cousins/aunts so ive never taken care of a baby or anything like that so i dont get it. but i showed my mom a pic of the baby literally just born, and shes like "oh he looks like his father!". i go "yeah youre right" but i dont see shit haha i just nod cause i think its sweet she can see him in a literal baby. again, im cursed or something cause i never see it, i pretend i do cause i think its cute though! my friend started posting pics of the baby on facebook and other women were doing the same "BABY HAS…. HER MOMMYS… EYEBROWS!!!!" stuff. i love how passionate women can get talking about babies.
maybe ill see it one day when i have my own baby i hope. i hope and i hope, my nonnies. for now, picrel, all i see lol
No. 799670
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I just learned they still sell dino egg oatmeal -the kind where the eggs hatch into tiny dinosaurs. I’m gonna go to the store today and buy them.
No. 799703
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u guys ever had these?
No. 799714
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>>799707But they have lots of interesting cereals, it’s good.
No. 799786
>>799783Have fun,
nonny! What kinda place are you going to?
No. 799797
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Finally found small enough porcelain bowls and a basic black button up tee for the summer! Got them at a discount as well
No. 799962
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>>799708>>799721thank you nonnies!!! it’s doooone and i feel the weight lifting off my shoulders oh my god. i won’t be able to settle until the deadline has technically passed because that’s always the case with me but it feels SO GOOD TO BE FREE!!
No. 800716
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I was watching a kind of pinterest mom-y cleaning organization video, and now I'm having baby fever. Why does everything trigger that part of my brain that's like "I want a baby, now!" please excuse those nasty man legs in pic
No. 800783
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I like how doritos are a lil onion-y
No. 800788
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>>800733>such sweet, silly blobsily anon this is the perfect and cutest description of those guys.
No. 800858
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>>800752I'm so sorry about that anon! Usually when I want to get rid of my baby fever I look at pics of diaper blowouts, but tbh I think I'm just gonna ride this one out
No. 800862
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>>800716>>800733>>800752For whatever reason, babies absolutely repulse me. I like kids just fine– I've worked in childcare and I enjoy watching kids learn and explore. They're funny little people and they seem to be full of surprises.
The superficially cute things about babies don't outweigh all the poop, drool, spit-up, and screaming. Waking up every hour to feed the it and/or pump breast milk sounds like torture. The idea of constantly handling bags of urine and feces makes me gag. Baby food looks and smells like jars of puke. And honestly? I don't find them that cute, they just look like little toothless Buddhas. Don't even get me started about how awful pregnancy and labor are.
Obviously children do gross things as well, but it's not nearly as frequent, and at least they respond to positive reinforcement and have the capacity to control their behavior to some degree. Children have personalities, they're not just little screaming bags of poop and vomit.
No. 800876
>>800868I'm not sure why either, anon. I understand that babies can't help being babies and that we were all babies at one point, but for some reason I struggle to overcome my discomfort with them. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I've been mostly exposed to the negative behavior of babies because of all the retail and food service jobs I've worked.
It's weird because I'm not averse to dealing with gross messes created by my pets.
No. 800878
>>800862I don't get it either tbh. Sometimes I think I'm broken because I think humans literally have the ugliest babies of any species. Even baby monkeys are kind of cute imo but human babies are fugly as hell.
That being said, I do find it cute and sweet when other people find joy in being around and caring for babies but I'd 100% rather put my whole heart into taking care of animals.
No. 801188
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Bought some really neat stamps for my shop yesterday, very excited for them to arrive.
>>800868I know what you mean anon, they're also very soft. I find children in general very fascinating. If there's anything on this earth I hate dealing with tho, it's teens and stunted adults.
No. 801617
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I'm so hungry, but I don't feel like cooking or washing dishes so I'm just eating feta crumbles. I also have gorgonzola cheese, but I'm too pussy to snack on those
No. 801868
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It’s Sunday tomorrow but I set an alarm anyway because I’m making mac and cheese for breakfast and I’m looking forward to it too much
No. 802004
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I'm making a no bake cheesecake for my mother, and I'm praying it sets. I've only ever made baked cheesecakes before. and I just realized I forgot to buy blueberries. Fuck.
No. 802159
>>802156That’s trichotillomania,
No. 802597
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Me checking lc this morning
No. 802875
>>802756You know they hate mommy,
No. 803001
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I want to go get food, but the food I wanted is from Lidl and it just closed. The other closest store is Walmart, and I don't think they even have what I want ahh.
No. 803027
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I buy trinkets from Amazon to keep my spirits up during quarantine but I've run out of ideas on what to buy
No. 803386
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Spend money on a triple cheese burger
No. 803971
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I took a nap while my headphones were charging, but they fell off the cord and only charged to 40% FUCK
No. 804283
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>>804277>>804183Also, try to have a good day tomorrow whatever you chose to do.
No. 804334
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I wanted to make chewies, but I just realized I have no idea where the fuck my glass measuring cup is. Now I'm debating if I should attempt to eyeball this recipe that I've never made before, or accept defeat and make candied yams or something
No. 804342
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>>804338A Southern American bar cookie dessert.
No. 804379
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I was at the garden store when I saw they have stevia plants for sale this year. I tasted one and ended up buying a plant. It tastes like getting punched in the mouth with sweetness, but not sugary? It’s a trip.
No. 804414
>>804396Subtract two hours from your wake up time, stick to that for a few weeks minimum, 2-3. Fall asleep as you would usually but you must wake up 2 hours earlier. Then subtract two more hours, repeat steps until you wake up to your normal/desired time. It's good to make the body adjust to this slowly rather than give it a shock.
If you can adjust what's bothering you at night do that. Make sure to turn off ceiling light or bright lamps a few hours earlier to your fall asleep time, use a nightlight instead, use a dimmer or filter, anything to make the screen color less harsh on, your device(s). As soon as you wake up open the blinds or turn on a big light, turn off the dimmer. Get some coffee to help you through the day. Workout, eat well. Lose weight. It helps a lot. And take up a hobby, get your energy out.
I didn't keep exactly track how long I have been working on it, somewhere along 2 months. I had emotional stuff happening at night and day that shat on my progress of sleep.
No. 804473
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I worked out and washed my hair properly today, I’m feeling fresh.
No. 804491
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These are so good
No. 804528
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I made a cup of tea that was extraordinarily good
No. 804584
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Had two good poops today, let's carry that energy into tomorrow
No. 804748
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I washed my sheets and bedding yesterday, and getting into/waking up in a clean bed is so nice
No. 804805
>>804741I can do only 5 normal ones so I do an easy version with my hands on the radiator, I hope I can get better that way so I can do more normal ones.
I tried doing normal ones every day but I could still only do 5 even after a while. Well actually I could do more but improperly so it doesn't count. I jus wanna be stronk
No. 804864
>>804844Don't get into any kook shit, basically any kind of breathing esercose makes you feel good. Wim Hof is just another grifter repackaging tradtional hindu & buddhist practices for western audiences and calling them his own ideas. "His" breathing technique is literally just taken unchanged from Pranayama, a hindu breath control meditation practice. As far as the ice bath goes, considering hindus/buddhists meditate under waterfalls, i dont think its that original either. Like, anything he's "teaching" is cliffs notes while pranayama is the real thing with a real history and literature. To be clear, im not making any statements about the health benefits of either, and ypu of course have to take all meditation stuff with a grain of salt, and focus on the real physical and brain effects without getting lost in the "spirituality and wellness" weeds.
But it's really great to see the kook health scam-fads of the 90s getting another lease on life through the interent, because every "health" blogger will write about every made-up "wellness" practice like it's real with zero fact checking. And their fluffy happy promotional blogspam just shits up google searches on the subject forever. In like 5 years we're going to come back around to those magnetic balanace bracelets aren't we. And then next up in the cycle will be homeopathy probably. Wonderful.
No. 805478
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I was having PMS cramps two days ago, but where the fuck is my period
No. 806264
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I keep hurting my tongue on my weirdly sharp tooth
No. 806715
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>>806663>Lovely ComplexTaste ♥
No. 806984
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I made my own ice cream sandwiches using maria cookies and butter pecan ice cream. Will eat sparingly.
Now googling how to make my own ice cream.
No. 806986
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>>806984I love maria cookies so much, now I want some.
No. 807480
>>807351If it helps you feel better anon, know that I do the same thing. I live alone and work from home, and I only put on real clothes to go run errands or for the rare meeting. I will typically wake up, shower, and put on a fresh nightgown. I also spend a lot of time in bed - reading, eating, working, hand sewing or crocheting, watching tv, you name it. One of the many, many perks of living alone is not having to hear anyone else's opinion about how I live.
No. 807487
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>>807351Oh shit… i realize that i have the opposite reaction, i was shamed for it too but instead now as an adult in my own home i still feel ashamed to walk around like too much of a slob, even when im alone. Why am i this performative even when there's no one around…?
No. 807714
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I cleaned my whole room in anticipation for a gathering at my house in case anyone wanted to go in my room. No one went in though I'm happy it finally got me to clean up and now I feel a lot better about the state of my space
Also tomorrow I have off so I'm going to take some time to do some creative work
No. 807798
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Today has been so shitty. Feelin like this pic of Brazilian Big Bird.
No. 808641
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I tried to make lemon poppy seed muffins, but they didn't come out correctly. This is what I get for using almond milk instead of whole milk. Oh well, I still have a ton of batter left so I'm either gonna eat that raw or try to make it better and bake it
No. 809043
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>>809032try this with them,
nonnie No. 809050
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>>809036These! No dips or anything, just easy munching. I love soft pretzels, though.
>>809043I am intrigued, is it better for soft or hard pretzels?
No. 809681
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>>809057>>809082covid toes covid toes covid toes it can also affect fingers kek
>>809580sorry anon overly expensive chocolate always tastes like shit, it's some kind of countersignaling class scheme
No. 809690
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>>809681It's the middle of the night where I am, and I cannot explain how distress felt seeing that pic
No. 809694
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>>809690>>809691It looks like a 3d version of the moonface emoji
No. 809749
>>809741I don't get much pain either. A couple years ago (around the time I turned 30) I noticed that fatigue became a huge part of my cycle. I only bleed 3 days and tbh I don't mind the tiredness. Overall a pretty okay cycle.
I've always had low iron levels which is maybe the reason for the foggy headed feeling. Iron supplements mess up my stomach though. I'd rather be sleepy than have the stomach issues.
No. 809852
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If you would eat this you should seek help
No. 809985
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It's my birthday today, my friend asked me to go for a walk in the mountains, it was so nice. We ate muffins and saw streams of water and I took a few pretty green stones from the stream. We saw lots of dogs too, one walked beside me and touched my hand with her snout. I got a little sunburned. It was great, it's the best birthday gift I could ever have asked for!
I hope everyone has a nice day too. I just put nail polish on the stones I took in the forest because they are ugly when they're dry but they look wet with nail polish on them. I'll make one into a necklace for my friend.
I hope in my new year of life to spend less time on useless things, including lolcow, so I will try to go away. Bye bye and have fun everyone!!
No. 809988
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>>809985happy birthday nona!
No. 809995
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>>809985happy birthday!!!
No. 810201
>>809985it looks like he's jacking off lmao
Happy birthday tho
No. 810226
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It is super hot in my house, and I am drinking orange tea and looking at NSFW boomer emojis to procrastinate
No. 810434
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I just like this type of art
No. 810443
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>>810435This one reminds me of pic. So pretty!
No. 810531
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I went to a masseuse last summer and something had felt odd in my right leg ever since, like it was kind of weak and strange feeling. Now yesterday at yoga class something popped in my lower back/hip area while doing picrel and I am feeling so much better. Honestly fuck that masseuse and whatever she did.
No. 810543
>>810531I had something similar happen except it was
triggered by me standing on a chair and reaching up to change a lighbulb. A year of sciatica like pain from something so small
No. 810546
>>810534Do you have cocoa butter, cocoa beans, sugar, and milk? Just make your own,
No. 817064
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My stupid scrote dad cut all the wild passion flowers outside a couple of years ago. But today, I saw one of them in full bloom.