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No. 784920
Go ahead, ask your question. We won't laugh. OK, we will, but only a little.
previous thread
>>>/ot/775406 No. 785053
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Are there any anons from India, or someone knowledgeable who could confirm whether what I've read it's true? I apologize for being ignorant on the topic.
While reading about some mystery disappearance of an tourist in India, I've encountered and account of an european woman who's claimed to have lived in India with her husband for many months because of his work contract. She's said that India is INSANELY dangerous anywhere outside Delhi and popular tourist attractions, to the point of it being impossible to safely move around without hiring bodyguards, even claimed to have almost been stoned at one point when she travelled somewhere (with both husband and bodyguard) without covering her hair/face. I've thought of visiting India before and of course I knew it's not like, idk, walking around in Switzerland, but at the same time I've never heard of it being such an extreme danger. Is it even true?
No. 785100
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If I'm going into a STEM degree/field how do I deal with general scrotery?
No. 785115
>>785086I've figured it would definitely not be good for alone travels but I found it surprising a woman with a man that is not local would still need a local bodyguard, allegedly, that's a whole new level of danger I guess I haven't associated India with.
>>785091I haven't heard of Scarlett Keeling, read up on her now, she was just there on vacation with her family, so tragic. I thought Goa coast is highly turistic, would expect it to be relatively safe, but a quick google search suggests there were more than a few tourists murders there… so scary you don't even know these things until you search for them specifically.
No. 785170
>>785053india's a very, very bad place for women, even foreigners. it's actually considered one of the most unsafe place for women in the world, andf the fact that the governement is super religous means patriarchy and rape culture are entrenched at every level of society
this is the kinda level they're at: of these articles deal woth graphic rape stories so be warned)
No. 785220
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Hello, nonnies. Today I'm conducting a survey on infighting. Have you ever infighted on Any long drawn out 10+ reply chain accusing someone of being a scrote or a tranny? Perhaps you settled with calling them a "retard newfag" instead in hopes of not getting banned. Tell me all about it, what made you so upset and why?
No. 785224
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>>785220Most of the "infighting" I've done has been jokey jokes. I've never had any actual malice when replying to someone here. I'm a stickler for rules too, so I wasn't about to break
more rules by accusing someone of being a scrote or trans. I usually engage when I want to share a one-off thought toward someone I disagree with. I tend to have a "le devil's advocate" approach to most issues so I don't find myself getting genuinely heated about anything, and if I do, I just keep scrolling because it's not worth arguing with you guys. It won't resolve anything.
No. 785232
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>>785220I’ve only gotten into 1 long infight, it was retarded. And short ones because some anons are really bitter and fucking annoying.
No. 785251
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>>785220doomer posts bother me the most because I don't want to leave them unchecked in case a sad anon stumbles on that, when they're wrong that is. so I think that is when I committed the sin of infighting most recently. of course it was idiotic to. afterwards I want to hug the anon I fought with every time. god I'm female socialization the musical
No. 785259
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>>785254Oh, nah. Those groups can kick rocks too. If you're potentially putting anyone in danger (directly or indirectly), you don't deserve to have a seat at the table. I can see what you mean now.
No. 785263
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>>785220 When it's about personal opinions or just obvious BS regarding politics or gender or cartoons or whatever, I try to ignore it, but then I sometimes start to think that the person's retarded opinion might spread somehow, which means I'll have to see it again and get irritated a second time. The logic is that I might as well just blow off the steam then and there.
Sometimes it's just that an anon insults me for whatever reason, so I decide to give them one back, and it goes on like that. I try to avoid calling people trannies or scrotes unless they're just too obvious, though. Lately, I think LC has actually been more chill and laid-back than usual, at least in my experience.
No. 785303
>>785220I will have autistic slapfights with anons for fun sometimes. Like, I had this huge infight calling everyone sugar addicts, it's not my fault that so many of you got
triggered and I couldn't resist it. Or, I called landlord-hating anons junkies and went with them back and forth, again not entirely on me, if you're gonna be an opinionated autist some bigger autist is gonna try out-do you.
No. 785306
>>785302>>785304I’m glad I’m not alone. People who deserve their lives to be ruined aside, when the whole doxxing stuff happens or people start looking for family members for more “milk”, it’s so nauseating. I love honest opinions and I like seeing information but only if it was already public… I don’t know. Maybe I’m just becoming more aware of how
toxic anons can be when they don’t like someone.
No. 785310
>>785303I remember immediately picking up on your sugar unpopular opinion being bait/a joke, so I replied with a silly joke back. Tbh, I was surprised that it went on for so long. The landlord one was the same way. If I see another infight where someone repeats the same insult, I'll just remember it's you,
nonny ♥
>>785306And you can't say anything without sounding like a wk. Even if you have no personal stake in the cow! At least majority of the time, our anons don't go to the lengths of you know who's users do. Don't feel bad for retaining your sense of self-awareness. That's one natural instinct that really comes in handy for posting here, in my opinion.
No. 785435
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Nonnies please help me
I feel like pic related (with so many thoughts in my head)
I think I might be bipolar. Before I was misdiagnosed with BPD but I'm clearly not BPD because I don't do risky things like risky sex or drugs. I've discussed it with therapists and no I'm not BPD.
But I've been seeing that sometimes I have manic episodes. Times when I feel super energetic, super happy, I'm the queen of the world and I can do anything. Then there's times like right now when I'm in a funk, I feel like I'm the worst of human beings, that I don't deserve anything.
I'm tired of this shit. What should I do now??
No. 785440
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How much should I actually trust tarot vs keeping myself optimistic and believing in people?
No. 785462
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>>785443>>785437>>785435See now I feel more happy now. I'm listening to "Alive" by Sia and feeling super energized. I'm like "I'M AALIIIIVEEEEEEE" lol. God if I could only feel like this all the time!
No. 785510
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Any recs for active tumblrs with no discussions, just pretty images? I'm not picky, really anything with art or photography
No. 785536
>>785516It makes me really salty as well, I used to get bullied for wearing huge bows and twin tails, guess what got in after a while? I also remember getting told at 18 that I was too old to style my hair with twin tails and space buns, guess what got popular?
It’s really annoying but I guess it can’t be helped.
No. 785584
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How do you stop focusing on follower/likes/retweet counts? Also has anyone tried artfol?
No. 785600
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>>785584You can view such things in different ways:
>receiving likes doesn’t mean someone cares about what you’re postingSome people will just like random stuff, sometimes because someone else liked it, because it seems interesting when overlooked or because it follows some way of thinking that lets them be the woquest of the woquest or because it makes them seem edgy.
>huge follower count doesn’t mean they can see what is being postedI follow a bunch of high end brands but I barely see anything they post on my feed/timeline/whatever, they have a bunch of followers, but not all of them can actually see the things they post right at the moment unless they catch it at the right time. Which is why it’s recommended to have an uploading schedule, which is a fucking chore unless you’re paying someone to do that.
>going viral is probably the worst thing that could happen to a normal personIf you have a tiny, single little thing that could be used against you the moment you go viral, bitter bitches will try to doxx you, harass you and probably find a way to ruin your offline life. But what if you don’t have such a thing? They will try to find a way to make you fall because of envy.
>having a huge number of followers doesn’t mean they’re buying shitJust like you and I, people will follow someone because they live their dreams through them, whatever it is, they’re just looking at the pretty pictures and daydreaming about random things. You could be posting the best quality shirts in the market, but maybe 200 of your 100k followers will buy them, which sounds like a lot, but not when you have an actual business in which you’ve invested to be able to sell to 100k people.
I know it’s doomer and retarded shit but It’s honestly what made me stop giving a fuck.
If you want to have a business, just talk with other people in your branch or related to what you’re trying to sell and do alliances with them, maybe you will gain a bunch of followers, maybe you won’t, but there’s a big possibility that you might have a stable number of clients, which is what matters.
If you’re doing it for clout, it lasts just the same amount of time that a cube of ice will last in a cup at the beach.
pic related is how I feel posting this essay No. 785635
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>>784985If you're a naturally fidgety person it's probably going to do more harm than good to try and force yourself to stop entirely. You could try to redirect fidgets that you don't want to do in public into different, more discrete ones.
Idk how you feel about fidget toys but there's many different kinds. My friend and I are both obsessed with picrel and it's pretty discrete to hold in your hand (I found the pic searching "bubble pop keychain toy" but they're sold under different names). If you struggle with body picking maybe get something you could run your fingers on with a nice texture? I'm thinking about putting an astroturf sample on my phone case to redirect myself from picking at my eyebrows.
>>785351gimpgirl is that you
jk it sounds like you have an appreciation for the art/aesthetic if you like to look at it without being turned on? I don't think there's anything wrong with that, I think a lot of hentai is aesthetic and technically skilled.
No. 785636
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Is it grooming if I met my bf when he was 13. And I was 16. (He was turning 14 that year) He’s underage now I’ve been an adult for two years and he’ll be one this year sometimes I feel like I groomed him
No. 785687
>>785679No, anon, being cougarpilled is when you’re 40 and you’re dating a 30 year old that you met when he was 30 years old, not when he was 10 and you were 20.
Being 16 and dating a kid in his 13’s or 14’s is quite fucking retarded, what are you even going to talk about? Paw patrol? Dora the explorer?
No. 785725
>>785679>>785663>>785636It’s a bit weird, but not that bad anon. 3/4 years. People in this thread are virtue signalling alot. You were literally still a teen and so was he ffs, it’s not like you were his 33 year old teacher or something. Girls especially can mature more slowly, depending on life circumstances and family.
Because of trauma and isolation growing up, when I was 18, I was basically the same as when I was 15/16, both physically/mentally (pretty sure I literally looked younger bc I lost weight too lmao). I think it’s funny that the literal pedo scrote who groomed my dumb ass and unironically told me I “obviously wasn’t 18” was following the law.
When it’s guys and dating, unless he was like 8 and literally didn’t know what anything was, I just don’t see it as grooming, sorry. Especially if he pursued you. It’s just not the same as the other way around, and IMO it never will be, except in extreme cases. Males are like a different breed, ask anyone who’s faced COCSA.
No. 785736
>>785733It depends on how mature she was at 15/16 I think. I think if you’d even give a 13 year old a chance at that age, you’re not really at the normal threshold.
And the fact that anon questions herself if it’s grooming is also a sign that she wasn’t IMO. Grooming is an intentional thing, I don’t think you can accidentally groom someone.
>>785729Sorry, I should've been more clear (it's child on child sexual abuse, in case anyone doesn't know)
No. 785737
>>785736>It depends on how mature she was at 15/16I think anon is referring to physical appearances. A 13 year old boy is a child compared to 16 year olds.
It's creepy, even if she didn't groom him, you can't blame anons for being put off.
No. 785765
>>785739Idk, you can keep pretending that the sexes are the same if it makes you feel better, I guess. It 100% depends on the people involved, two immature kids just isn’t grooming IMHO.
I’m a little glad you don’t seem to get what I mean because I’m actually starting to think you need to have personally witnessed, treated (medically) or been through some shit to fully understand why I say male and female experiences on this just aren’t interchangeable. It’s not really PC to say right now but idc, lol.
>>785737>>785757Appearance is still kind of subjective (though less so), but I get what you mean. It’s not “normal” for sure, I just wouldn’t categorise it as pedo either
No. 785870
>>785692Her twitter "Likes" are active, most recent was April 11.>>785467It wouldn't look "bad" at all to just ask,
nonny! It would be shitty if you refused to work that actual job because you didn't want to, but there's nothing wrong with simply asking or gauging their interest.
Better yet (sorry to bold, i swear i'm not bold-chan from meta), you could always join the team and then if they actually care about you, you can let them know what your career goals are and how that other job might align better. See what they have to say!
>>785389her twitter is active.>>785050It's possible but you need to change up what you drink. Do you drink to get drunk or drink just to drink a large amount of alcohol? Liquor carries the most calories (seriously, one 90-proof shot of vodka is 110 calories). Truly is 100 calories but its filling, imo. Try and find low calorie cocktails if you can! Consider switching to lacroix or some shit. Cutting alcohol really helps.
nonny. Weight loss is as simple as calories in, calories out. Will exercising be hard if you continue to drink? Yeah, actually. It's not good or healthy for your blood. However, you can definitely lose weight.
No. 785877
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Do you watch gore? Why?
No. 785938
>>785886I only hope this anon didn't look it up if she wasn't trolling
>>785917how did that affect you psychologically, if at all?
>>785932does polyamory really work as a relationship for them or is it just for group sex? actually even those who aren't gay men seem to be poly to have a lot of weird sex
No. 785951
Science ladies I need your big brain help. My boss annoys the shit out of me. We make concentrate for ice coffee, by putting 2lbs of grounds in a big bag, and steeping it in water. It steeps in a container that holds like 20 litres of water or something. Then after it steeps long enough, the bag of grinds is removed and the container is topped up with water & VOILA its cold coffee… So she is always bitching that I don't put in enough water initially.. But like, its heavy as shit to move and would it not matter at all how much water it steeps in, if more water is always added after to create the full 20 liters? Like for example when I steep it in only half water - THAT is strong, but when it is topped up after, that should be the same final concentration as if I steeped it in 3/4 of the water, or full water, no? I would love to have the proper terms to tell this biotch I am right and she is wrong, but I doubt she would understand what I'm trying to say here.
No. 785964
>>785951I'm probably not smart enough to answer this but my friend was trying to infuse weed into alcohol and explained something like this to me.
A given volume of water has a maximum concentration of coffee that it can hold. Same thing as how you can only dissolve a certain amount of salt or sugar in a glass of water before it just stops and remains solid. So maybe your manager is worried that you're not putting in enough water initially to dissolve all the potential coffee from the grounds? I don't know if this is really a thing though, just a theory.
No. 785981
>>785969The difference is that Discord lets shit people interact with others that just want a fun community to talk about videogames, which was supposed to be the main purpose of the app, a gaming chat to connect with people into the same games you like to play.
But then it turned into some Sodom and Gomorrah in which people could create servers explicitly for porn and grooming.
Because unless it got reported, it wouldn’t get banned.
I hope discord gets nuked and renewed or some shit.
The thing is, that even if you can use safari to find fucked up shit, it doesn’t mean you have an already formed community of vulnerable people right there for you to coerce with shiny pictures and retarded ideals.
No. 785989
>>785986Basically, and the idea is that the forums are moderated by the people that created them, not by the app itself.
So if you’re in a server and someone posts something retarded, the admins which are just some regular joes, will have to decide wether they should ban that person or not.
The app itself, as far as I know, didn’t seem to be responsible of whatever was posted nor of whoever got exposed to insane content.
Because each server, supposedly, has rules that should be followed, but since a bunch of average joes are either retarded, depraved or both, they might not give a fuck or they might also just enjoy the micropower trip.
No. 785991
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>>785957Basically the real danger to the environment isn't global warming, it's contamination from man made chemicals. If you don't want to read articles with images of deformed dead babies in formaldehyde, look up what happened in Love Canal. Love Canal was a low income housing development in Niagara Falls that was built on top of a former chemical waste dump. A decade later residents were dying of cancer and their children were being born deformed. Eventually this lead to the creation of the Superfund and thousands of similar sites were found all over America.
No. 786001
>>785986>>785989Anons join my server n we can be friends
Discord is based IMO. I love it. It all really depends on who you surround yourself with. HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 786078
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>>786011And you're just going to sit there crying about it instead of going full unabomber pirate queen and trying to make things right with your ragtag band of eco-fascists, hippies, thieves and crooks?
This is why everyone hates doomers. You're sooo boring.
No. 786103
>>786098>You must be autisticMa'am, this is Autismo Farms™.
Anyway personally I'm focused on living my life rather than worrying about what's beyond my power. Kinda retarded to expect people to throw away their lives for a change that won't happen (as I understood your first post)
No. 786181
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Any recommendations for a cute desk plant that isn't tiny? I'd like something as tall as my monitor (about 13-15 inches tall). I am an absolute beginner but I'm willing to take on anything as long as there are clear instructions for it online.
No. 786192
>>786137only the dumbest bitches on the planet don't vote. just gonna let pigshit men walk all over you huh? Just gonna let other people make society's rules for you? It's like bragging about not going to jury duty lmao.
You don't vote because you're scared of political hipsters calling you lame, and you're scared of political wokesters calling you an imperialist or whatever the fuck. You don't vote because there's no "cool" candidate and you'll feel "icky" having to vote for someone normal. Voting for someone doesnt mean you're wholeheartedly endorsing them, it just means they're the better of two, and running from having to make that decision to keep yourself "pure" is letting more retarded people than you decide it for you. It's being a fucking pussy ass woke broke coward. Dont come back with any "bbbbut the ssyzstem is broooken" either, nobody has time for that juvenile piss shit.
No. 786224
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>>785821sooo any updates?
No. 786246
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Why do some women who know they're attractive mock unattractive women for being ugly and/or getting cosmetic surgery? I understand why an ugly woman would do that, e.g. insecurities, but what motive do pretty and confident women have?
No. 786321
>>786304I voted against it twice. I tried to persuade as many people as I could to vote remain as well.
The reason brexit happened is because it’s what the billionaires wanted. That’s it.
No. 786424
>>786420I guess, I mean, if masturbation isn’t letting you have a normal life, sure, you can get some benefits like not being addicted to porn.
And I thought masturbation dehydrates people? But in any case, unless you spend the whole ass day masturbating, maybe just drink more water.
No. 786491
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I think I have hemorrhoids. But why? I don’t engage in anorectal violence, I don’t have the shits, I don’t know. My butt hurts a lot when I wipe it and somewhen I’m walking around as if I’m wearing the most itchy lace thong I’ve ever wore in my life.
Is it because I spend the day cleaning and cooking? Or because I only rest playing with my computer or studying? I have some cream for the hemorrhoids but I don’t even know what to do.
No. 786520
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on a scale of 1-10 how stupid would it be to buy these and wear them in public?
No. 786553
>>786552Okay! Thank you,
No. 786617
>>786580idk about as a date but seeing inside a man's house tells you A LOT about them, way more than dozens of dates, e.g. if he respects anyone that also lives there and if they respect him, if he's a slob with no discipline cus there's mess everywhere, poor hygiene with barely any supplies in filthy bathroom, pet he neglects because he's selfish, manchild with thousands of video games and manga, coomer with sexy girl posters, some brand of political crazy with nothing but their edgy books, tiny shithole because he's broke, nothing but fast food boxes because he can't look after himself, no photos of his family because he's got a messed up family life, ect
it's basically the red flag browsing catalog
No. 786712
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Do you wonder if you ever crossed paths with another lolcow user, irl or online without knowing? I have a feeling our userbase is pretty diverse and it wouldn't be easy to tell who browses here. I know I give a very different impression in real life.
No. 786819
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>>786812Oh no… what if she really found sth she shouldnt have
No. 786822
>>786821That the cat is an attention whore.
No. 786865
>>786848Maybe not in the exact same way but I do think it's a thing. My bf doesn't have straight up baby fever but lately he gets noticeably endeared (not in a creepy way) when he sees toddlers in the park or grocery store. I can tell there's some fatherly instincts starting to rear their heads. He talks about raising kids more often too, and things that weren't great about his own parents that he'd want to do differently.
I think for men it's often different from the more overwhelming baby fever women get, instead it's more of a gradual getting acquainted with and growing to like the idea of fatherhood and having kids. I'm just guessing here, but I feel like it might have something to do with how women are confronted with the 'do you want children' question much earlier in life and often think about it more consciously even before baby fever starts. From what I can tell most men don't give it that much thought at earlier ages.
No. 786902
>>786900That’s just a cow,
No. 786919
>>786898lol what
stacy just means attractive and popular
No. 786996
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Is paying 10USD for AI dungeon worth it? My writing is too shit to RP with anyone and I'm too intimidated by everyone else on the lolcow rp and /tg/ discord
No. 787117
Tbh I have them really badly and I stop using moisturiser throughout my period and it kind of helps?!
I’m also on the p*ll
No. 787142
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What do you do in situations where people around you are misinformed about something you are knowledgeable about? I feel like such a smartass; recently in a group convo I corrected people several times in a row and though they didn't seem to mind I felt like a cringelord in retrospect. I'm not one of those people who says, "oh, actually they're lagomorphs", when someone calls a rabbit a rodent nor do I correct peoples grammar in real time lol, but when it's potentially harmful or just painfully wrong I have a strong urge to correct. I personally appreciate being corrected on something wrong but I know a lot of people could feel embarrassed or think I'm trying to make them look bad. Do I bite my tongue or be pic rel?
No. 787214
>>787169Because after the kids grow up and get a job, you will have extra heroin money coming from two pockets or more depending on how many children you want to invest on.
So, before having children, you only had heroin for say, a month, then you could have heroin for 3 months! And if they have children, those children will get jobs, that’s 4 extra months of heroin! Isn’t parenting amazing?
No. 787250
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can anyone identify a cow for me… or well, less a cow than a weird person. it was some white girl who was autistically obsessed with some blue-haired anime girl and possibly kinned her. she had an office desk full of merchandise of this blue-haired anime girl. anyone know who i'm talking about?
drew a pic from vague memory
No. 787298
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>>787269>>787287>>787264yeah come to think of it, there MIGHT have been deep purple in the back of the hair?
i'm so glad other people know what i'm talking about, it was some fairly obscure anime i think, but this girl had a twitter and i was just fascinated with her
No. 787396
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>>787250>autistically obsessed with some blue-haired anime girlThis is probably of no help, but your colorscheme is making me thinks the anime girl is the lolita one from Panty & Stocking
No. 787488
>>787484Can't answer for everyone but from personal experience it seems the first one is used more. My friend has been in a 3 year relationship with someone in a different country (they met from video games) and they have no plans or means of meeting up. He's unemployed and not doing anything with his life and she's also unemployed with no qualifications. I don't get why they just remain close friends and they both try to find someone who's actually IRL.
The plan with LDR should be to have an end goal of being with each other IRL as soon as possible, based on the specific situations.
Otherwise, it's just pointless to be with them.
No. 787511
>>787439i am pretty sure she was a real girl and this was why it made me even more fascinated
>>787456def wasn't umi sonoda or
>>787396, i think she was a magical girl. very pigmented blue hair, possibly with purple in it
also i am now trying to look up this character on animu databases lol, she's obscure enough that i think if you searched "girl obsessed with (x)" you'd find her. she was posted on kiwifarms as well as here
No. 787518
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>>787517>>787298Is this the character??
No. 787519
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>>787518POSSIBLY. looks really close to what i remember. i also grabbed these two since they were similar to the character i remembered, both in appearance and art style, but weren't quite it.
i have to go to work now myself but i will continue looking around when i get back if no one's found it since this is bugging tf out of me now lol
No. 787523
>>787519>>787520Same anon here but I found this in the anti-anime thread from 1 year ago
>>420025 if you want to go look.
No. 787529
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Are their chins/jaws real or is this edited?
No. 787531
>>787520>>787522Oh my god, you found her! I tried looking up any combination of relevant words and failed.
The anime is Aikatsu friends and the character Mio Minato.
Interestingly, google only finds this photo on funnyjunk, kiwifarms and lolcow. Does it mean the original upload has been deleted?
No. 787534
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>>787526I'm doing some digging because I'm intrigued now and I think I found the girl's art twitter. If this is her, then her first name might be Laura
No. 787537
>>787534 this is her too
she seems like an extremely lonely girl. she talks about wanting to rewrite mio's story as her having no friends and making friends online. i hope she's doing okay too.
No. 787540
>>787537Wish she had a photo tag
>>787536Many articles were written about it, here's one vote goes toward escapism and easy to read emotions since anime characters are usually retarded
No. 787545
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>>787537I think the wig looks better ngl
No. 787667
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How does smoking salvia feel like?
No. 787730
>>787728nah, i think it's the opposite
people with pds are the ones who like to point their finger at those around them
No. 787787
>>787729Member of the Wedding by Carson McCullers
>>787713this is unrelated but my friends bf was murdered, and one of the murderers made a gofundme that was like 'Black Revolutionary In Need for Survival'
No. 787820
>>787799They flirt with each other by being intellectually competitive, they think it will work on women too. If you can stand to lose a few IQ points, watch them with their bros. They will argue about absolutely nothing and that's how they bond.
>Side note, I once had a guy tell me that he and his friends argued for six hours over whether people born blind or deaf could learn anything, nobody thought to Google it, he was amazed when I told him about Helen Keller.Or, they're negging you. Or they're bitter about their dating app experiences and they are randomly taking it out on you. Whatever the case, it's not worth it to respond, they need to be trained out of chatting like that.
No. 787901
>>787889it goes bad when it smells bad. I've had almond milk stay good for two months, lol. Put it in the back of your fridge and you'll be good for a while
>>787900usually it happens because the cats don't know better. My little retard tries to play with me with claws out, despite how many "ow"s I say. There's a reason toys on long sticks are popular with cats lol
No. 787912
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super stupid but
Is it bad if I mention to any friend that I use this site? Like no, I don't post about this on other social media, I'm not that much of a dumbass, but maybe I'm stupid enough to talk about lolcow to a person who doesn't go here? Is this bad/cringe/wrong?
rough non-specific example: friend starts talking about any given lolcow that they came across and then I say that I know xyz about said cow and cite this site specifically
did I done fucked up?
No. 787941
>>787917pixielocks, pull demonized lc but still used it for their milk and lc users seemed more fun so i just stayed
>>787929why would a fakeboi tell you? wouldnt they want to stay away due to fakebois having their own tread?
No. 787987
>>787901>my little retardMade me laugh out loud, also noted about the long toys thing
>>787909RIP to your cat anon, I'm sure she was great. I've just been thinking about cats recently because I had this memory come up. My grandparent's cat Hamish always hated kids (I was a kid at the time) and I learned to avoid him because he'd hiss and scratch. One day I was sitting next to him on the bed and keeping my distance, I wanted to pet him really bad but I knew if I did he's get pissed. Then he walked over and started rubbing against me and let me pet him!! his fur was so soft. I love cats but I don't think I could ever own one
No. 788021
>>788016For the first one, I’d give him the benefit of the doubt. Just because his dad is making money now doesn’t mean it was always that way. A lot of parents strangely don’t give a shit about their child’s education.
The other things are weird. If he’s really lying about his job and lying about working on a video game, that’s too many lies. Time to dip.
No. 788077
>>788069Same. The trending stuff on yt is usually clickbait bs or "compilations" of old af videos/vines etc
Having your own feed really makes a positive difference
No. 788090
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Why does chrome on my phone keep giving me grid layout wtfff i dont want it
No. 788093
>>788088Yes, it's really a thing, and when they say "different", they mean "unpleasant".
t. White Slav who lived in Africa
No. 788097
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would it look totally desperate or impatient to send a follow up email to this employer when the interview was 8 days ago, and they told me I would know at the end of last week? It's been a month since they first contacted me. The last person I interviews with is freelance and has sent emails at all hours of the day before I just dont know whats TAKING SO LOOOONG!
No. 788166
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Is traveling "worth" it?
I grew up poor, am still poor and I have a real hard time justifying paying for a single day trip via an agency, not to mention something with overnight/multi day stay.
I DO want to travel but I'm constantly scared I won't have enough money once there, possible unplanned costs or have a depressive episode and just not enjoy it. I also have no friends so it's not like I could split the cost.
At this point it just feels like a social media flex but I know it's not however I just, idk, can't do it while really wanting to.
No. 788172
>>788166In my opinion it's worth it, much more than non-essential physical possessions. My best memories are almost all linked to travels I did and places I've seen, even as small as just one-day ones. I always do some planning and budgeting and never ran into any unexpected expenses so it's totally doable; though I can totally understand why you'd be worried about depression ruining things. I have my issues and happened to have very bad days while "trapped" abroad, thankfully it was never too long lasting because there's a lot of distractions around which could help, depends on what's your way of coping with depressive episodes.
Ultimately, if it's social pressure that makes you think like you should want it while you don't, it's perfectly fine to just not travel. Not everything is for everyone, there's no shame in having different priorities too.
No. 788173
>>788166Well the thing about that is that it is 100% personal and you're not gonna know how you're gonna feel about it until you do it.
>I'm constantly scared I won't have enough money once thereYou could sit down and research the potential costs of travel and cost of food in the place you're planning to go. For example there are websites like this: where you can see how the cost of food, clothes, transportation etc. compare to your home country. But you could also just make sandwiches and maybe pack some fruits or something beforehand if you go for a short trip. It's also useful to print out and study a map of your destination.
I personally made overnight trips to other countries and really enjoyed them. I looked up a particular exhibition I was interested in, purchased the ticket beforehand and bought a 48 hour transportation ticket that enabled me to use the tram/subway/whatever I wanted to use for 48 hours. Often there are parks/exhibitions/programs that are completely free but still fun.
>have a depressive episode and just not enjoy itIf you decide to go, it's important to remind yourself to be 100% in the present and not in your head. You could even think of it as a trip for your mental health, travelling can shift your perspective about things so much!!
No. 788207
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About to crawl out from under a rock here, but is Jenny Nicholson really all that great? I've never watched a video of hers. I mostly avoid YT pop culture commentators because they're either one thing (vapid) or the other (overly woke), but I read a few people praising her for mostly not touching on politics/ideology. Would you guys recommend her to someone (me) who just wants to watch someone be funny without performatively working in a discussion of US politics, troon rights, etc?
No. 788219
>>788207She doesn't put out that many videos and her subjects aren't to everyone's tastes. I like Jenny because she's just doing her thing, she could cash in on her audience by making quick commentary videos on nothing, or indulging her fan base with fanservice, but instead she just makes videos on whatever he dumb fixation is and she doesn't hold back too much. Her videos don't have amazing editing or anything but they're comfy to have on when I'm doing something simple on a lazy day
She's not for everyone but I like her, I recommend looking at her videos to see if there are any topics you are interested enough in learning about but not already completely informed about
No. 788236
>>788166It depends on whether you like travelling and are interested in seeing something in person, or just want to go to Paris because it's Paris and it'll look good on your insta feed.
It's not worth getting into debt over, but there's ways to travel that aren't that expensive.
It's absolutely a social media flex for an overwhelming amount of people, but at the end of the day it's your time and money, you choose what to do with it.
No. 788327
>>788293I guess like NPCs? They’re there, and you can interact with them, but they’re not significant to your quest kek. Guys who are my friends though, they have like a warm aura to me, like I can lean an elbow on them or hug them hello/goodbye.
Naked male torsos in general kind of disgust me lol. I guess the same way gay guys are like “vaginas are gross, I would never”
No. 788328
>>788300I'm sorry about your grandma anon
But I think the difference is that existing symptoms get worse fast. Chemo gives a person a bit more time but there are also negative symptoms to it. The real answer really depends from situation to situation.
No. 788336
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>>788321>>788329Thank you! I forgot completely. He is so cute! I prefer him to Pepe
No. 788364
>>788361Thanks for the reassurance
nonnie, they're doing a 5 for $25 sale right now.
No. 788522
>>788521Nta but so he can mentally tell himself "Yeah I still got it" because he fucked you/was with you, and you giving him the time of day signals that you still think about him and he likes the validation.
You're right, how could a cam session with him possibly benefit you.
No. 788534
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how the fuck can luna be an ebegger to this day? ive followed her threads for a long time. yes, she was sort of popular on tumblr at one point. not even shayna tumblr popular though. how can she still have people throwing pennies and random shit at her? everyone at this point who knows who she is knows she is a drugaddict and the money you give is a waste. shes also very aware that farmers exist and that they follow her, so i assume she must block a lot of people and not add strangers on facebook. so who the fuck is giving her shit??? like fuck i dont wanna give shayna any credit but when she ebeggs and gets stuff it makes sense cause she has like two coomers left. who the fuck is following luna that isnt a farmer? how can she still be an ebegger, whooo is giving her shit still?????? im so confused.
she is one of the ugliest cow and she legitimately contributes nothing to society. she cant stick to porn, painting, anything, she doesnt do jackshit ever. WHOOO is she ebegging for???? whooo are these people willing to throw money at an ugly addict with not a single thing going for her?? is it all her family feeling bad for her??? i am so confused, its been years without any change in her, who the fuck would give money to this bitch. theres no orbiters no type of popularity nothing i dont get how shes still doing it
No. 788607
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>>788606 like for example, it's not even about styling, from /snow/ this could be a guy I knew if he had a hair and outfit makeover. He has the exact same face and I have experiences like this all the time here.
No. 788672
>>788604I own the cheapest one (I think it’s just called Kindle?) in the range and it’s good. The feel of it is nice, long battery life, easy to use (though the screen can be a little strange at first as it’s slightly different to smartphones/tablets), strains your eyes less, very light and easy to hold with one hand, backlight so you can read in different lights. Can hold thousands of books, you can also delete purchased books and redownload them again later. I was a reluctant convert to ereaders but after reading the first couple books on the kindle, it doesn’t feel that much different from print books. I got the version with ads because it was less expensive but the ads are just when the kindle is locked and aren’t obtrusive at all - I’d only get the ad-free one if you were obsessed with aesthetics. The black and white screen can make book covers look ugly so shopping is less appealing, but this is good imo as I’m a book shopping addict. The big downside for me is that you can only read books from the kindle store, whereas with the tablet-style kindles you can download your library app etc. However, I wouldn’t get one of those because of the eye strain and distractions. I think the same one as me sounds perfect for you.
No. 788736
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Should I get a burger with fries, soup and a can of a drink from a restaurant or 3 Big Kings from Burger King with 12 nuggets…
Yes, food choices seem questionable, but both of these things cost the same amount of money, because Burger King is having 40% off the menu.
No. 788764
>>788734Yep, even anons on this site say that
>>788736First one. BK sucks.
No. 788789
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I don’t remember when during my /cgl/ days I read this, but now I got the doubt for no reason: Do wigs count as a hat when you have to use a religious covering? Do you have to use a hijab even if you’re already covering your hair with fake hair and a headpiece?
No. 788795
>>788786The ones from Aliexpress don't flatten you out at all, but they
do crush your ribs and hinder your breathing. Try the brand gc2b for a safe and decent bind. Why do you want one anyway? I hope you're not trooning out.
No. 788798
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>>788789I'm not really sure on the logistics of your original question, but on a semi-related note, I know quite a few Muslim cosplayers who style their hijabs to look like wigs instead and I think that's so cool.
No. 788802
>>788795> I hope you're not trooning out.I'll be honest, I'm fighting the desire not to. But for now, a chest binder will do. I really can't stand the way my body looks right now. I'm even underweight yet by disgusting chest still looks too big.
> gc2bAlso thanks. They were my first choice but sadly a lot of their things are sold out so I have to wait.
No. 788807
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>>788798I love that as well, it’s amazing!
No. 788822
>>788811I'll see about that. If the binder makes it easier to cope with this then I won't have to go under the knife.
>>788814I don't know. I never wanted them and they never felt right. I'm digusted by them but only on myself.
No. 788829
>>788805They feed off each other.
>>788811 advice however be aware that a binder does have health risks along the line of pain in chest, back and shoulder. Shortness of breath and in extreme case rib fractures.
I highly recommend going to a therapist just so that you can maybe find out on the reason why your breasts disgusts you and so that it ultimately help you come to a decision on what to do.
No. 788839
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>>788836A wire…? Although I'm not sure if it counts as a common object
No. 788877
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Got these reads. What would you nonnas do about this guy? Pls be honest.
No. 788971
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>>788939That sounds like a great deal! Enjoy your kindle!
No. 788988
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Does anyone have any cheap laptop recommendations? I've always wanted to hook my drawing tablet up so I can draw away from my desktop, and now that I have an actual vacation coming up I want to work on a few pieces while relaxing too
No. 789038
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I was browsing random Japanese products on eBay when I found this eyedrop that has several vitamins in it and it made me wonder - can those vitamins be even absorbed through the eye? Or is it just bullshit?
No. 789044
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Does anyone else have a list of "top 10 thoughts that mean you should probably go outside"?
I was sitting here thinking what movie best fits my pet's "vibe", and I thought to myself that if she was human and her life was a movie, it'd be like Valerie and Her Week of Wonders. It just suits her, somehow.
No. 789050
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>>789033A flash drive that you can keep hidden from everyone, maybe something like pic related so no one can figure out what could be inside.
No. 789072
>>789049>>789070Yeah, this is along the lines of what I've been doing, I just started to think maybe there was some other solution I was just too dumb to know about.
I haven't even had the courage to save anything especially lewd, but I'd still die if anyone saw my vanilla husbando folder>>789050I laughed
No. 789107
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>>789012I work at the visitors' desk at a small museum, unrelated to my art lol. We often have insane downtime so a laptop would be cool. I'm getting into lewd art (sfw at work only obviously) and I think I'm starting to get quite good at it enough for commission work soon
No. 789116
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when men oogle/stare at you, do they know they are doing it? for years i wore oversized clothes because ~the male gaze~ was so upsetting, but i recently started wearing clothes my size. as a result so many guys at uni stare at my body in the most disgusting way ever. do these men realize how gross they are when they blatantly stare at women they deem attractive? or is it a subconscious thing?
No. 789119
>>789107Hmmm, not sure what laptop would be the best cause I don't know how much you want to spend, but I would recommend anything with an intel core i5, core i7 or better; that way you can run multiple software at the same time
If you search for used or repaired laptops maybe the cost will be halved, that's what I did with my current desktop
No. 789124
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Is it weird to sign gift art? Art you made for a friend?
No. 789128
>>789105Shit hurts but at least I would die, I would never get chemo just let it run wild
>>789109Simply because it's been long 25 years in this world for me and I wouldn't like to live past that. It's not a "beauty" or "young" thing, it's just because it's tiring to keep on living, it's tiring to have to close cicles in your life only to get into other cicles with their own problems. I wish I died but I'm not going to do it by my own hands, but also, jesus christ I just want to do a few fun things with my life and die at the peak of the fun.
No. 789365
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>>789322I swear I don't wanna come across as an SJW, but ironically tied into colonialism and white supremacy
The Half White Children be they the off-spring of White Masters and their bedwences in the American South, Conquistadores and native women or British Officers and Indian women
their Children, these mixed children were always given a "higher" social standing in the colonial hierarchy though never given full blooded white status with the exception of Anglo-Indians who were given White Status
No. 789386
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If the person you were thinking about/currently seriously dating is a divorcée, but because it was an arranged marriage and the families didn’t need the symbolic bond anymore and they never loved the person, would you still be with them?
No. 789394
>>789128unironically please don't try and kill yourself, I'm saying this in a sense like lolplznodon't.
but your mind when you are in that state is not running on logic you will think and do things and convince yourself it is logical and right to kill yourself, I've been in a mix of depression and anxiety since my late teens and the way I handled it was just doing things to help others I was close with.
I made a promise to myself I would try and make even the most smallest changes or improvements and struggle though that suffering.
I won't say its easy or rewarding but you can do better for yourself, I think accepting these feelings as part of you and not something to be ignored or controlled by can help.
so try and struggle a little for now, no ones asking for miracles but just do a small tiny thing even a day or so.
you're stronger than your mind wants to think you are.
No. 789400
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How do I free up space on the C drive?
I already ran the cleanup tool. The drive is full of fucking updates and I had to postpone even more updates. It doesn't even allow me to change in which directory I want them to dowload nor does it let me increase the drive size, probably because I have an outer hard. I have a whole TB sitting there unused. Fuck
No. 789411
>>789410Why don’t you just make one? If you get banned for shit thread then who cares.
Just go through the thread with the sage posts hidden and recap all the milk in chronological order. If you like, you can even c+p the reply link number to post next to it, so that people can click on it and be taken straight to the milk you’re referring to. Then just c+p all of their social media links. Put whatever thread pic you like as long as it’s related, not every thread needs a humorous collage of all the cows.
No. 789443
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>>789427I know which thread you made, anon. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten
No. 789450
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Why do I only got obsessive about my earnings when I've reached above average pay tier? Would make more sense if I felt insecure / stressed when I was below, yet somehow only now I've developed anxiety of not saving enough and being much worse than some of my colleagues. Is this what capitalism is like, you're never happy because every time you think you've "made it" enough to feel safe, you enter higher tier full of richer people that makes you insecure and crave more?
No. 789505
>>789479Earn shitload of money so you can later go after the other job and be more secure?
Idk how realistic that is but as a poorfag I have to say go after the money lol
No. 789532
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What do you guys think about Aileen Wuornos? Honestly think she’s based but the scrotes wouldn’t be too happy when we empathize with a potentially traumatized woman instead of the millionth psycho scrote that mutilates women and their dead corpses because they were misunderstood from society or dumb shit like that.
No. 789684
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I really need some money asap, so I have something limited edition on sale (pic rel). I'm a little wary cuz I really don't know how it would go tbh, a guy try to low-ball me but I've tempted cuz I need the cash and can make it up selling 3ds games or I can sell it w/ the exact price that I needed but I still don't know how much time do I have to wait for pp to see, buy and test it out, the whole process ya know and I'm on a time crunch. What would you choose cuz I'm a little indecisive between 2 options…
No. 789712
>>789684If you have the time don’t sell it until more potential buyers can see, or counter-offer him a higher price. Don’t go for a lowball.
Did you put “or best offer” in the desc.? Sometimes it acts as a deterrence for buyers giving second offers. How much are you selling it for?
No. 789787
>>789781Weird question, if you want to check if your hormones are actually off through blood test, and have it adressed by the doctor, you will need a test done because no one will do anything based just on "I think I have this".
If it's a blood test to check for something else, your hormone level doesn't have much influence on it.
Whatever it would be, it's good to have a test done just to be sure what is up.
No. 789939
>>789927The "I wasn't traumatized nor do I have any nostalgia for childhood" outlook? Yep, I relate. I had a comfortable middle class upbringing, parents divorced but it wasn't messy. I liked learning but
loathed school due to the way we were drilled to remember facts rather than actually engage with the material, plus I had to learn a bunch of useless bullshit I've literally never put to use again. Had friends but didn't/don't feel deep attachment to any of them. I basically spent all my childhood excited for the moment I could finally stop being boxed into other people's plans for me and go my own way, and now that I'm an adult I absolutely don't miss it in the least.
No. 789940
>>789895Dick anon here, I can't argue with this.
My Clit is dope af
No. 789950
>>789927Yeah mine wasn't magical at all. I had amazing parents, nothing bad or traumatizing happened, I just remember always being vaguely stressed. About schoolwork, dance classes, friends, etc. It was worse when I was a tween but I don't remember much before that. It's why I don't want kids, because if I was so stressed dealing with all that shit I know my parents had it 100x worse because they had to organise everything, drive me everywhere, help me with projects, costumes etc AND deal with my tantrums.
Being an adult with money and a basic job and no other responsibilities is the best.
No. 789956
>>789950>a basic job and no other responsibilities God this was something that killed me regarding school too. You spend all day in class then you get out and have to spend the rest of your evening on homework. You barely had time to exist outside of your responsibilities. I know some jobs are like this and require overtime/take-home work but in my case when I clock out, I'm fucking
done and my time is my own. I hated having that constant feeling of yet more obligations hanging over my head.
No. 789986
>>789926Honestly nowadays I recognize those feelings as intrusive thoughts that happen when I'm bored. When I was in a
toxic relationship I had like no hobbies or places to go. Nothing except my relationship.
>>789927same but it was mostly spent worrying about money. I remember going on day trips, but never vacations. We were on food stamps for a while.
No. 790010
>>789950Do you have a significant other
No. 790012
>>790008Yeah, because it’s something you’re doing consciously with the purpose of dying, in a long run, but the final result is still death.
That’s why smoking, drinking and taking too many pills could be considered self harm.
No. 790013
>>790012I think living past 35 is hell on earth, I want god to come for me already but even smoking everyday doesn't mean I'll get cancer
I feel so ready to die yet I don't want to kill myself this time
No. 790023
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>>790019they're an ex because "breaks" and just drawn-out breakups with extra steps
No. 790034
>>790026true. things got a little complicated towards the end of our relationship but the gist of it was, i wanted to take a break because i was feeling depressed and they didn't seem to want to, so i acted childishly and they reacted to my childishness by seemingly falling off the face of the earth for about 5 days. It made me really upset and i wanted out definitely. Previously i wanted a break so i could figure myself out and get my head right, but that reaction made me want to break up with no intention of getting back together ofc. Then THEY asked for a break in response to me telling them i was done with them. It made me really happy, so much so i forgot to ask when we planned on reuniting, i just wanted to stop thinking about them and start thinking about myself. I remember saying let's talk in a year if you want or something but don't remember their reply.
Anyways I was asking because I want to send my ex or whatever a nude lol… I don't know how acceptable it'd be in these circumstances, specially unsolicited?
No. 790050
>>790043anooooon! lol I believe in it because i know what
i at least meant by it when i requested it. I need therapy.
>>790042I'm scared he's just not going to answer my calls or texts like he did those 5 days. I'm still a little traumatized(? from it, I don't take rejection well. I don't want to talk to him rn anyways, just want him to see some nudes i took
No. 790052
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>>790048I saved the pic but can't remember where it was posted
No. 790068
>>790052I've heard good things about a lot of these films but what the fuck is Point Break and American Psycho doing there?
Anyway I would like a version of these for every media format and to know where this came from kek
No. 790078
>>790048This was asked in a Stupid question thread too
>>>/ot/613260>>790052A bunch of them are written by dudes and interpreted perversely by other dudes
No. 790197
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>>790196I've used this one for years
No. 790310
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>>790224Plaid, it's a stereotype but honestly why not. I don't really wear plaid usually but have one shirt just in case I want to go out and attract attention of other lesbians lol
No. 790339
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>(I'm assuming that's where you're from because it's usually the Americans that assume the situation is the same for everyone as it is for them)
No. 790353
>>790350Even counselors hate me
Even psychologists hate me
Even your mom hates me
That’s not an anon mocking me it’s just me
No. 790434
>>790390I remember the first time I had a diary. I was 7, and it didn't even last a week before my mom "nicely" asked to look through it. I didn't think it would harm me at the time because I was just writing Britney Spears lyrics in it lol.
But even before that I remember writing a song/poem when I was 5, the lyrics were "I love (male friend) and I love (female friend)," covering up an entire piece of paper. My dad went and scribbled out every instance of my male friend's name and took me upstairs to hit me with the belt.
No. 790489
>>790485at least I want to know what people's opinions are here
I feel very close to tying up the knot, that's why
No. 790516
>>790359Eh idk if I should take you seriously but explain your thoughts at least lmfao
>>790361I don’t think that’s it because they do believe the people that fast instantly even though they are way less religious looking than me. I don’t fit in ANYWHERE.
No. 790529
>>790527Mister right miss right or what do you mean actually?
No for me, but maybe for you or others they will come.
No. 790771
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Is it possible to have (or stay sane with) two jobs at once? I'm taking a gap year and have decided to focus on just working to save up as I have to pay for all my education/car/living expenses myself. I'm thinking of getting a job at target or walmart and then applying for an ice cream or pet store job. I've never had more than one job at once so I'm scared to ask my possible second job if I could work around a schedule, especially if it wouldn't make me seem like a good candidate with more hours. Would any jobs, especially something like ice cream, accept my first job's schedule without me sounding unprofessional (esp if I'm 18?)
No. 790813
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Theres this guy from uni who I have a big time crush on asked to take some pics of my feet. We did some shoots yesterday during lunch, didnt bother me that much but today he asked for my used socks so I'm like wtf. What do? I really like him but I'd feel really embarrassed if I gave him my dirty socks. And why dirty? Why not clean proper socks?
No. 790846
>>790813Don't indulge a guys fetishes if you're not getting something real good in return. Wish I had been told that when I was younger
And don't take pics, they can and will end up anywhere. You'll never know who jerked off to them or if he shared your details with others
No. 790857
>>790834because she went to college or something like that iirc
just report it
No. 790924
>>790813you have a crush, he has a fetish
you are not the same
No. 790930
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>>790924he was a footfag boy
she said see ya later boy
No. 790992
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Noticing that lolcow has a lot of drawfags and artist on here, talented ones too. As someone who knows nothing about art or the artist community, why are you all here?
No. 791002
>>790992Artists are as prone to being drawn (heh) to drama as anyone else.
Having a skill doesn't remove one's humanity.
No. 791027
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Is it crazy to drive to the house of where your package was mistakenly delivered? Is it unreasonable? They fucking signed for my package so they must be aware I know they have it, right?
No. 791029
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>>791028kek yes I cried a good cry and upon further inspection figured out that I know where my book is. I’m going to go get it. I don’t want my book to be returned to sender, I paid way too much money for that to happen (it’s a rare book shipped from another country via proxy service bidding war) and for some random in town to know who I am. I’m only scared that they’re a psychopath who will hunt me down if I show up because we live in the same city. I hope they’re nice because I’d really like my package unopened and picked up from a covid-free home.
Did you mean you think it’s unreasonable, or that you think it’s crazy? I can tolerate crazy.
No. 791073
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Is it common for immigrant families (or just families from minorities in general) to watch movies because they involve that minority? I know my mom wanting to watch a movie because it involved a second-generation immigrant from a specific country and the time period in which she grew up in (which I don't want to disclose, as to not reveal too much information). I also remember seeing some orthodox jews when we went out to see JoJo rabbit in cinemas. Has anyone else experienced this sorta thing? mods, I'm not trying to race-bait, just asking a genuine question
No. 791090
>>791080I'm not a bpd chan but sometimes I'm very unhinged when arguing with my bf about stupid things
I know he's going to get angry at me but I keep poking him and annoying him because I'm autistic and even though I know he's going to get angry I do it anyway because of my retarded sense of fairness
No. 791099
>>791080Same as this anon
>>791090. I used to think I was bpdchan but turns out I'm just autistic and love to take things to the edge, specifically to ruin my life, because I have a sick sense of justice and self punishment.
No. 791104
>>791102I'd say if it's in regular intervals and not all at once it shouldn't be too bad.
Live your dream. Share your husbando.
If the Epstein Anons can do it so can you
No. 791139
>>791080Not a scrote but I think 100% of all women are impulsive and just like autism is a m*n’s disease I think borderline is a woman’s disease.
Anyways I’m a hysterical woman and not officially bpd , I say I have both aspects. If I am suicidal I think I’ll fuck up my life, if I’m not it’s an accident.
No. 791157
>>791152>Let her sufferWhy would you want me to suffer though so non-mentalist?
This is just crazy.
No. 791174
>>791141I realize it sounds more serious than it is but it's really not a big deal, it only occurred when discussing unimportant things like video games and I stopped doing it when I got my life back in order and when I exited out of a pretty long bout of depression.
I was irritable and miserable which probably resulted with me lashing out in dumb ways like that. I'm not diagnosed with bpd and I my psych never even considered me having it.
>>791116I wanted to give the anon insight into why someone does things when they know they're going to result in a negative outcome. This anon
>>791099 said it well.
People with bpd aren't the only ones that do dumb self destructive stuff so I figured why not chime in. Besides bpd-chan is kind of a meme and tends to be used as a blanket term for any crazy woman online anyway
No. 791198
nonnie, that was so funny! Made my day.
No. 791227
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Any recommendations for nice, not-tinny speakers for my laptop? I'm willing to save up for a few months for some good quality ones, but I think $150 is the very top of what I'll spend. t. a lifelong headphones user
No. 791243
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Do people like this actually exist ?
No. 791249
>>791243>>791247A decade ago, me and my friends used to dress like this and we never talked about gender or sexual identity and kinks, we just liked the aesthetic and I still like the aesthetic (I pray for a day wear men wear more alt clothing)
I hate the fact that this aesthetic is now associated with "kweer" people and kinksters, like wtf happened
No. 791318
>>791216Not on anything close to realistic doses.
You can go 1000 times recommended dosage and you will have no ill effects.
No. 791552
>>791338This was my line of thought as well, it's a completely okay looking can that was in the fridge all this time, so i will just take a sip to see!
>>791381>>791390Thank u anons, also every sugar free energy drink i have tried tasted kinda like sweet hairspray so maybe it was that?
No. 791680
>>791623>>791643Have you both not heard of the info page? Every time I get banned, they share that link.
> is one of the RULES but on the info over they explain what exactly constitutes as integration. Including emojis, emoticons. And im pretty sure constantly spamming Adam driver is a form of avatarfagging, especially if it has nothing to do with him. Porn is not allowed, nsfw is however you probably don't want to post gross pornographic stuff like full nude for no goddamn reason, even under spoiler that's porn.
No. 791705
nonny!! I'm so proud of you
No. 791769
>>791764samefag but when I say "spamming his pics" I mean when the posts are not related to him.
>adam Driver pic omg guys I went to the store today and got something cool for my desk at work>Another Adam driver pic samefag but I hope I don't get in trouble for itThat's avatarfagging.
No. 791788
>>791772Wasn't an anon banned for posting the "there is more than just one komaeda kin in the farms" copypasta with an komaeda pic for avatarfagging? That was beyond stupid, it was clear that that
nonny was just using the appropriate komaeda pic for the pasta. So I am guessing they don't check it always.
No. 791790
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When will people stop bitching about Adam Driver? just let it go
No. 791805
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>>791623Literally the best way to explain this. Saying his name is like saying Lord Voldemort name.
No. 791817
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adam driver, adam driver, ADAM DRIVER, ADAM DRIVERRRR
(driverfag containment zone escapee) No. 791837
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Stupid e-begging aside: why do the words urgent, share, donate, pay, and link have symbols in them? My guess is that it's to bypass and get on the timelines of people who might have those words on a blacklist but I'm not sure.
No. 791877
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what are the best choco dusted almonds? I don't want really sweet shit
No. 791951
Also, do NOT eat half a bag of these in one or two sittings, you will be constipated with diarrhea.
No. 791971
>>791954It's the worst feeling in the world when you HAVE TO SHIT SO BADLY but your asshole is super tight from constipation so tiny slivers come out but it's not enough. Or juices come out.
Just trust me,
No. 792004
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what are these neck brooches called?
No. 792209
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What is it called when a body bad has been asleep and it feels like picrel?
No. 792363
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Are period panties any good? I have a kind of heavy flow sometimes, so I tend to change my pads a lot and I’m starting to get fed up with that. Would getting a few pairs save me some money?
No. 792423
>>792409I'm against keeping birds and reptiles captive
>>792410even if they're hypoallergenic their fluff still gives me allergy
No. 792440
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so jiff and jiffy are different foods? mandela effect be wack
No. 792449
>>792440I'm confused. Jiff has always been Jiff. Jiffy as well.
You might be combining "Jiff" and "Skippy" peanut butter to make "Jiffy"
No. 792504
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If I wanted a necklace like this, but instead of a tarot card, the design is an image I want then what should I look up?
No. 792544
>>792437Some breeds of cats and dogs are good for people with allergies! Schnauzers are one of them because they don't shed much. Of course that depends a lot on a type of allergy too because they're not all the same.
My mom for example has a very strong allergic reaction to dogs but was 100% fine with neighbours dog that was some kind of terrier mix so these are fine too.
No. 792563
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>>792558men working on it
No. 792686
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why aren't there any otome games that lets you bully cute boys?
No. 792708
>>792686I can think of two games, one is
>Jimi-kare It’s mobile because I’m too much of a casual to get into pc games, that one is kind of coomerish at times even if it has some nice moments. It’s short and easy to grasp.
>Obey meThere’s some moments in the game in which you can bully them, but sometimes the game can get a bit slow because you need to level up your cards to win the dance battles.
No. 792848
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Is a gua sha worth investing in? Does it make a difference to buy a stainless steel one from independent seller who may have tried to ethically source or whatever her product, vs random jade seller on etsy? The only benefit of the stainless steel is it’s less likely to be dirty but they can both be rinsed in boiling water before use, can’t they?
No. 792900
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>>792892Personally, I like the fashion/runways and lip sync performances. Some of the contestants come up with really conceptual looks that I enjoy like pic rel. Any time there's an acting or singing challenge though, I tend to like those less. Mainly bc most of the contestants can't act or carry a tune.
No. 792937
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Does anyone else feels bad for bumping a lot of thread? Sometimes I talk so much in /m/ that I feel like I'm alone in here kek.
No. 792982
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I am doing an experiment and I have to discern liquid gelatin from solid (gel) gelatin but idk I can't discern if it's gel or liquid, it's runny and pours out when I tip the container but it's not like a viscous liquid it's a bit clumpy, if you were me would you write that down as the transition point, or gel, or liquid?
No. 793013
>>792986There's a lot of different factors at play but even then it varies throughout your 40ish years of having them. My periods now are very different to say my mid twenties. They're better in some ways and worse in others. My mom entered her 40s and her periods went haywire from that point.
I think few of us will make it from 12/13 all the way to our 50s without having a rough phase.
No. 793063
>>792942kek, I love our conversations
I always get some many cool recommendations through /m/. I don't understand why it's not popular No. 793071
>>792936Yes, absolutely.
My stupid question: I've just started using bar soap and it leaves my skin so friction-y after a rinse. Does that mean it stripped all my skin oils or did the soap leave a film on my skin??
No. 793077
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>>793072If it makes you two feel any better I love reading your posts. I just prefer to lùrk.
No. 793143
>>793072Sometimes I see some really good quality post and I don't answer because I'm lazy. I really should encourage those more, I love reading them!
Also at this point I feel like every good post I ever saw on /tv/ was created by one of you guys. I so happy to have found this website.
No. 793202
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Eurofags who are familiar with this deodorant, how would you describe its scent? Everyone I know describes it as being powdery and sweet and feminine but I recently got a sample and to me it smells so masculine
No. 793361
>>793340You could, but if you want to go to an actual orthodontist who knows what they’re doing, even if they’re in Ethiopia, they will ask for you to pay basically the same price as if you got your work done in another part of the world.
I think that if you don’t really /need/ to get braces because of a health issue, it shouldn’t be a big deal, you could save some money or get a better insurance or something to get your braces in the future.
No. 793392
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Absolutely dumbass question but pet owners, how do you deal/cope with the hair being everywhere? I recently took in a cat and knew what I was getting into and mentally prepared myself ahead of time (I grew up with dogs that don't shed), but I was such a clean freak before that I still find myself obsessively lint rolling my shirts anyways. how do people do this for 10+ years help
No. 793396
>>793352Who cares? If I was in an
abusive marriage so bad that I felt like I had to kill my way out of it I wouldn't be thinking "uwu is this gender conforming enough". Obsessing over gendershit it stupid.
No. 793399
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Weird coincidence. i was browsing /x/ and they're talking about soren and bambi after these years.
What do you guys think?
No. 793422
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>>793399Up to date just like Shayna.
No. 793426
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>>793392Brush your cat everyday anon. And get a good hand held vaccuum. Train your your kitty to stay off cloth surfaces. Put small pillows by windows so she can chill on those instead of on your bed/sofa.
No. 793528
Is it right to compare living as a man as being a predator and living as a woman as being prey? I legitimately feel like this analogy is the closest to how I live as a woman compared to how my dad and other males I know live.
> Men control everything. They hurt, rape, and kill those weaker than them. All men know that they are stronger than us and can overpower us if they choose to. They don't live in fear of anyone else besides other men. If any man regardless of his morals sees a woman alone at night, he knows that there is a good chance that they could overpower her and do whatever they want. Our fate is in their hands. Doesn't this fundamentally make most men a threat to begin with? Do they ever just stop and think how because of their bodies that they could just rape that woman over there? Anyways I won't exclude how they kill each other as well but the problem is that men try to create their own food chain within their own class to victimize themselves. They are not victims, they are predators who have less add-on advantages compared to other predators. But overall when it comes to the food chain of strength and power of the human populace, men are at the top. The man in a suit could overpower you just like the homeless man, the pizza guy, the male teacher. They all possess this power despite whatever is holding them back from exercising it.
> Women are always prey. We cannot rise above this status having the detriment of a female body (sorry trannies) and for that reason we are always at risk. Women can hurt those weaker than them, usually children or other women, but don't do it as often and when they do it's rarely full-grown men but those weaker than us.
> Children would also be prey but in the case of boys, they grow up and become predators capable of hurting any woman or child that they choose.
Tl;dr: men hold innate power as predators do over women and children (prey). They are fundamentally predators and every day are wielding a power to hurt any woman or child that they come into contact with if they want to.
No. 793589
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>>784920Does anyone know where I can watch I Am Jazz? (streaming for free please)
all the websites im finding are making me pay for an account
No. 793632
>>793399I came to this thread just to ask where this post talking about Soren being posted on /x/ was, lmao.
Anyway, I feel bad for them, thinking it's all true and the Hidden Wiki page was legit. I know the shit horrified me when I first read it. I'm glad I found the callouts exposing her.
I believe Soren may have had experience with CSA (I'm pretty sure her first draft mentioned a therapist being inappropriate with her, it could even have been someone in her adoptive family), but all the other shit she wrote is pure horror-porn brainrot taken from movies, anime, books, music, etc.
The fact that there is a real Sam whose name and life she based her fake Sam on, and that she has a track record of stealing people's identities for sob stories, removes any doubt that it's actual creative writing IMO. The way her family didn't stop her from posting let her just keep on (though she mentioned that her dad snapped at her once) implies they felt guilty over some shit that actually did happen. Maybe they saw all the lies as her coping mechanism.
No. 793678
>>793670she's an artfag/drawanon from the MtF thread who made satirical art of a character named kikomi who is a biological female "trans woman" who shaves a receding hairline, stuffs socks in her cheap seifuku cosplays, dyes her hair ugly swampy manic panic colors and draws on fake five o'clock shadow, etc to pass as a trans woman. not an actual figure or cow, just a farmer who makes art. kikomi is the name of the character.
if you see kind of creepy yet endearing pastel mspaint drawings of krusty the clown-looking characters done in a naive anime fanart style while reading old threads, those are the ones in question
would dig them up and crosslink for you but too lazy and also on mobile
No. 793692
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>>793528Not baseless concept but not something I see as main issue, I think it was with creation of agriculture shit probably went downhill for women. No. 793695
>>793678oh, i see now. i thought maybe she was a cow of some sorts. but thank you, i think i know which drawings youre talking about, i just didnt know they were made by a farmer.
waiting for a kikomi post now to live the glory with my anonitas
No. 793751
>>793743I am a pharmacist not a subscriber.
Thanks for the quality answer to my dilemma you junkie girl
No. 793793
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Is it ok for adult siblings to hold hands while walking? Somebody from my college saw me and my brother holding hands while walking the other day and later she told me it's weird.
No. 793805
>>793798I know he has some history with the police(case closed, innocent, still unforgivable), and because of the situation with the kids there is a lot of documents from caseworkers, where one of them have felt threatened by him, so I don't think it's completely unbieleveable, but I also don't have any proof. I know he can be very manipulative and is recording phone conversations and keeping message logs.
I'm not in contact with any of them but have considered reaching out to his ex like you suggested, but I'm not sure how she would react to it. I could imagine she would be suspicious and talk to him about it.
No. 793812
>>793805Oh alright, if he already has a history it wouldn't hurt to mention this and raise awareness, so maybe if there's anything more happening in the future the police will already have your report on top of the past stuff and see he's someone people have been noticing as dangerous.
With the ex you might be right she will react poorly, I'd be worried he'd focus on you if she shares that with him. At the same time I'd be worried if I don't say anything something will happen to her and I'll feel guily… I'm sorry to not have a specific advice, sure it would be great if you could be brave and risk talking with her, but I don't know if I would be so it's totally understandable if you opt out of it.
No. 793839
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>>793792The cops aren’t gonna do anything… they don’t believe women unless you’re actively bleeding out
No. 793859
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passed, good job
No. 793872
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>>793703This is an image board retard. Let me post those biased, disingenuous statistics of yours so that the girls can laugh.
How do you rationalise murder and rape statistics? How do you rationalise rates of parental abandonment? Do you think the reason women kill their own children more is because most men don’t do fucking shit for the children, therefore aren’t caregivers? Where did these statistics come from? Back them up, scrote.
No. 793889
>>793692Not something as a main issue? I think all women know that whether or not we admit it, we take precautionary measures to protect ourselves and are on guard 24/7 because of what men do to us. Being a woman is living in fear every single day of what a moid could do to you.
>>793703>>793872I'm crying of laughter, this moid really thought he could post some skewed data from 2001-2006 (20 fucking years ago?) off of a MRA site. Men really are so so fucking retarded, oh my god.
Also, to the moid, stop fucking posting here and giving your shitty opinion, no one cares.
No. 793891
>>793883Kids abused by mothers are highly likely to be abused and neglected by the male in the house as well, who is definitely abusing the mother. Scrotes read about Casey Anthony once and just ran with it huh.
Also a lot of child killing by women are murder-suicide by broken women subjected to a lifetime or generations of scrote shit. Men abuse women so hard women think her child is better off dead.
No. 793915
triggered because they have no access to women otherwise and just have to come in here to say their retarded opinions like they arent everywhere else on the internet infesting like cockroaches. I wish theyd all fuck off cause their presence is literally irrelevant and unneeded
No. 793921
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>>7939024chan legit seething that "femcels" won't come shit up their boards, any interaction they get is from discord trannies KEK they can not comprehend that women, even """femcels""", aren't hard up to interact with them. While men have to compulsively pester others for attention. I see posts like "4chan bf lolcow gf" constantly. YOU WISH LMAOOO
No. 793931
>>793902>"Misandry" was a legitimate complaintWell, they're not wrong. Misandry is what I'm here for.
Don't understand the anons who complain about being called scrotes, I've literally never been called one and I've been here for years. Maybe stop having shit opinions
or a penis people.
>>793918>I see posts like "4chan bf lolcow gf" constantly. YOU WISH LMAOOOThis. Most users here don't want to be involved with these losers at all. Scrotes are absolutely delusional in thinking farmers are "femcels" dreaming about chad dick.
No. 793933
>>793930I just read that it's more common with men
>Are you on medications?I take antidepressants
No. 793934
>>793931I do have unpopular opinions at times but I've never been offended for getting called a scrote because I know I'm not one. Whenever someone fixates on the name-calling instead of just arguing their point, it looks like
triggered cuz true.
No. 793939
>>793902 >was reading the KF thread for LC the other day and the majority of men in there are so triggered.I read the threads for 2 female cows on KF and it's always fascinating whenever anything to do with female anatomy comes up…because they don't know shit and they get so fucking
triggered when a woman on there points that out to them.
My fave cow went through a slutty phase lately so sex was coming up alot on the thread and if males shared a sexual experience for comparison it got all the thumbs up. Whenever a woman would do the same…TMI! Nobody cares! They're bitter af. The guys sharing sex stories had to reach back to decade old memories. Which explains alot, I wouldn't expect any different.
No. 794551
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>>793933>>793928If both of your parents had the recessive genes for stuff that causes hemohilia, it's certainly possible. Apparently some genes that affect blood clotting(?) reside within the XX or XY pair that also determines your sex, specifically in the X chromosome. Y lacks the information to dominate select recessives in X, which is why with mutations like this, men are born more effected, while women are carriers but don't display.
Some good questions:
>Does your dad have trouble with excessive bleeding? >How easily do you bruise?>How long does it take on average for a prick or cut to stop bleeding, for example on your hands?>How are your nosebleeds?Can't remember if it's limited to specific family bloodlines though, or whether it exists in a bunch of them. Do not take me for a professional, this is me rummaging through like, high school human biology knowledge and this specific area I haven't updated myself too much on.
It's possible for you to have hemophilia, but see if your meds, supplements or anything you use or take are effecting either your blood pressure or thickness.