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No. 267684
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men who are obsessed with lolis and shit should be nuked like… they're always creepy as fuck and yes women into shota are just as bad. all can rot. and i know they will fight to death about how wanting to fuck a fictional 12 year old girl isn't creepy, but my god it is creepy.
No. 267688
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>>267684Pic related is the dream car of one of my male "friends" (22).
>Why do you like her so much?>I just think she's awesome and so cute!>Isn't it a bit weird to admire or be a fan of a little cartoon child?>No, why?!And all the others started reeeing in support of him…
I have another story:
>want to learn Japanese (because it is an interesting country)>Uni class, but I'm the only real student: one girl is still in high school (that's okay of course), then there's an Arab dude in his early 30s and one guy who's at least in his 40s, if not 50s - and all are here because they're otakus - so, totally not creepy at all…I just wish that one lesson would have passed without the teacher constanty making anime references.
No. 267691
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>>267686ehhh while there is a lot of awful shit out there, there is still stuff like ghibli movies and a couple others that do have some really nice animation, soundtracks etc.
No. 267693
I'm not hating on animu like Ghibli, Ghost in The Shell, Paprika, Mushishi, you get it. Or maybe some comedy like Gintama.
I don't like ecchi, yaoi, moe, just stupid fanservice shit in general. But what I hate the most are the fans, girls plastered with yaoi pins I see on streets, people getting triggered about their waifus, awful cosplays, cosplay-bandwagoning with whatever's hyped up in the moment, people thinking they're oh so different because they watch anime? lol,
but the most I think I hate those self-proclaimed experts on ~Nippon~ with their knowledge from anime.
I think being an obnoxious weeb is only acceptable until like 15 y/o max. I just genuinely can't see why mature people would still be weebs with so much better stuff to watch, read, do. They must have some sort of a problem, sorry to be blunt.
No. 267694
>>267691Imo Studio Ghibli is overrated.
Pooh Bear and the old Disney Princess movies are also nicely animated, with a good soundtrack etc., but that doesn't mean adults are circling their whole life around it, like it is with anime.
Just because a couple aren't that bad, doesn't make the genre any better. I'm sure there's also some classy porn out there, doesn't change anything lol
No. 267696
>>267695Well anon, there's a reason she's considered a cow.
This is just as abnormal as an adult loving anime, but somehow most farmers think the latter is acceptable…
No. 267699
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>>267688godd, i live in latin america and weebs shameless here. straight up have no decency and will tell you/post publicly that they love loli porn for NO REASON. last time i talked with some old weeaboo friends they were
>calling me a loli non stop and making weird jokes about it>making weirdo gross jokes about me and my gf being "yuri" and our "cute" sex life>one of them kept petting my damn head like in one of those loli shows and i told him to knock it off and he thought i was messing with him to be cute but… legit knock that the fuck off i'm not playing don't fucking touch mewe're not 14 and we're not in anime! don't fucking treat girls IRL like your fucking waifus and shit. you're an obese greasy dude in his early 20s petting my lesbian ass head and when i tell you to stop you think i'm being "tsundere".
No. 267700
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>>267694>Pooh Bear and the old Disney Princess movies are also nicely animated, with a good soundtrack etc., but that doesn't mean adults are circling their whole life around itBut there are, Disney has a strong community (with a shit ton of adults) which is why disney bounding is a thing, same with the disney convention and of course all the collections/hauls people do/have of disney paraphernalia. I'm not trying to argue or anything but sure ghibli can be considered overrated but the same thing can be said about Disney, yknow?
>>267693Well that's most underaged weebs for you, cringey fucks. But yeah, I do agree that acting that way past that age is very embarrassing.
With that said, I do think anime can have a negative affect on people and can encourage some shit behavior. I feel like this is isn't talked about enough in the community. And I'm not just talking about being an embarrassing teen weeb. Like the other anon in the unpopular opinions thread was talking about how they wished they didn't get into weeb culture because they think it's why they have problems, now obviously anime isn't the sole reason obviously but I do think it can play a part in maybe isolating people? Just a though tho
>>267699I can relate, latin american weebs are the weebs I avoid like the plague.
No. 267740
>>267735>characters that don't act like any real person couldIs this why so many autistic people are into anime?
I don’t know a lot about it or Japan but do adults in Japan watch the really shitty stuff or is it actually aimed at children?
No. 267745
>>267735Anon are you me? Kon and Mohiro Kitoh (writer of Bokurano and Narutaru) are the shit and I’m upset there aren’t more works like theirs out there.
Madoka fans shaking their dicks about it being so ~unique~ and ~first of its kind~ and ~such quality uwu~ annoy me because it’s just a bunch of clichéd animu tropes taken further than usual in lieu of “””depth””” and consisting of 50% cheap, heavy-handed shock value and 50% muh waifu. I’d actually go as far as to say that the spin-offs written by other authors focusing on original characters are better but they’re still ridiculously heavy-handed and no mature non-weeby person would ever perceive them as “deep”.
If you’re looking for a decent, darker take on the magical girl genre you might wanna check out Uta Kata. It’s from 2004 (another reason Madoka autists piss me off about muh original animu!) and is quite nicely animated despite the saucer-sized eyes of some of the girls. Among other things it deals with the psychological damage caused by eating disorders, unrequited love (beyond weh he dun luv me back), identity issues, how a sincerely nice person can be driven into doing abhorrent things when given the opportunity and ruled by their insecurities, etc. It also features gay couples (both genders) without fetishizing them.
I haven’t watched it in many years so maybe I remember it as more amazing and orgasmic than it truly was but I still think it’s worth checking out.
No. 267753
>>267740Can you be more specific about the really shitty stuff? Naruto and One Piece, which are/were super popular in the states, are aimed at children. Pretty much everything else airs after midnight and is watched primarily by adults and high school students.
Anyway, I know this is the anti-thread, but anime is aimed at a niche group of people who watch it primarily for escapism. Anyone complaining about the lack of depth doesn't understand the audience. And yes it's frustrating to find something promising turn to shit, but in the end that's either 1) the studio catering to extremely critical viewers or 2) production companies stepping in and changing things for stupid reasons. But it doesn't matter because even if it hurts the story the fans will eat it up as long as it still appeals to their basic desires.
No. 267777
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>>267745Mohiro Kitoh anon here! I love all of his work, such a shame that Narutaru anime didn't cover the whole manga (though I suppose it might have been to heavy for censors anyway…? IDK).
For a manga in a similar vein, I recommend you Oshimi Shuzu's Happiness. It's a dark and realistic take on a vampire story with a teenage protagonist. Only bad thing about it is that far into the story it has a timeskip that seems unnecessary, but as the comic is not finished, YMMV.
Other manga by this author are also great (at least Aku no Hana and Boku wa Mari no Naka - haven't read others), but they don't have supernatural themes.
Another manga/anime that I can recommend is Alien 9, it's sort of like Narutaru with girls on the edge of becoming teenagers having to deal with horrifying shit. It's an interesting metaphor of growing up. I need to reread the manga as I've read it years ago. The anime only covers the beginning of the story.
And omg, I've seen Uta Kata years ago and I found it a really nice coming of age story. I actually do like the art, it's very anime/moe but has it's own slant.
No. 267778
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>>267735>>267745anime movies are almost always more enjoyable than actual series (and not movie sequels to series like the 5 naruto movies or whatever). i guess because they get bigger theater releases and therefore have to have appeal for paying audiences (i.e. adults and teens) unless its specifically marketed as a children's movie a la ghibli. when i was in middle school i was a huge weeaboo (obsessed with soul eater, ouran, fruits basket, etc.) but in high school and college I kinda eased away from that stuff to anime movies and it has a nice middle ground of fun fantasy without being cringey as fuck. most anime movies have much more longevity than anime series….hell akira from the late 80s holds up better than series from the early 2000s.
sage for semi-blog post
No. 267785
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Glad this thread exists.
I love cutesy things, so I've always enjoyed the way anime looks, but I can't stand its content, blatant and unabashed sexualization of child characters or its degenerate fans.
I don't watch anime. I was drawn in by the cute aesthetic as a teen, but didn't really enjoy it so the phase was short-lived. I moved on from anime, but as someone who enjoys playing video games, I still played games with anime-style art for a while because I loved the cute looks. There are of course some good ones that I enjoy a lot (and still play), but genuinely can't wrap my head around how scarily widespread it is to sexualize the high school or middle school (or younger) characters in these games. I used to download Japanese anime-style mobile games from time to time, and a terrible amount of these feature art of underage characters in a sexual light. Revealing outfits, """"sensual""" poses, crotch shots, ass shots, gratuitous cleavage (or showing off a character's flat chest), etc. I've had to immediately delete so many games because they have shit like this in them and I'm just not interested in the slightest. And note that this is mainstream stuff that's aimed toward a general (adult) audience. Disgusting.
When I talked to other fans of the same games I played, which were primarily anime fans, it made me understand the huge difference between anime fans and normal people. I've had a mid-20s woman defend ""sexy"" art of 15 year old characters when I criticized it. To be totally honest, I'd expect men or teenagers to defend it. But a grown woman? That's your brain on anime I guess. No normal person that didn't watch anime would ever find an illustration of a 15 year old in her underwear to be acceptable unless they were a pedo, but anime fans are so used to it and desensitized to seeing stuff like that that they don't even bat an eye.
Needless to say, I don't really touch anime-style mobile games anymore. I don't have any tolerance toward seeing kids being sexualized. I think it's a pity that anime is what it is, because I do find the cuteness really appealing. It's just too bad that there can't be a cute thing without the target audience being horny adult men that want to fuck it.
I'm sure that some anime is great, but anything that has sexy kids is an automatic no, and anyone that finds this shit okay needs to seek help.
No. 267787
Weeaboo culture becoming mainstream (and not simply the consumption of anime and other Japanese exports) is a mistake. Not because of gatekeeping or anything, but because it's fucked up to see shit like lolicon normalized.
I still love anime but I don't really keep up with seasonal releases anymore because meeting real life weeaboos put me off and even gatekeeping communities like /a/ have gone full FOTM (but maybe that's just rose tinted glasses talking). These days, it's nicer to just follow individual anime artists for their draftsmanship and stylistic sensibilities.
>>267778I consider anime movies to be a whole other beast from anime series, largely for budgetary and visionary reasons. If it weren't for the current age of prestige television in the West, it would be like comparing Western TV to cinema pre-late 2000s. Akira is truly one of a kind (just for being animated on ones), so it's unfair to compare it to the awkward transition from cell to digital animation, imo.
I get what you mean, though. I guess I'm very sympathetic towards the animators who have to spend 12 hours a day drawing moe blobs for some seasonal, garbage light novel adaptation. Not everyone can be working on the next Akira or Spirited Away or Perfect Blue.
No. 267788
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>>267777Thank you for the recommendations anon! So glad to see more Mohiro Kitoh fans on here.
While we're discussing realistic depictions of supernatural/horror elements School-Live is probably the best zombie series I've ever seen. It looks like average moe bait at first glance (the contrast serves as a key theme) but focuses on the psychological damage and the various coping mechanisms different characters develop in order to somewhat function and take care of each other. The anime was pretty nice but the manga is insanely good and the art development through the arcs is interesting to witness as well. The art style cute in typical moe fashion but doesn't fail to express the sheer terror of the stuff the characters have to deal with (pic related).
Sadly because of the art style and waifu character designs it attracts a lot of gross weebs and overall creeps that fetishize everything and complain when a character has a mental breakdown because it's "annoying" and "takes away from the enjoyable stuff" (=shit they can jack off to)… and then there are the ones who actually find emotionally fractured teenage girls suffering psychotic meltdowns sexy. Barf.
In conclusion, we really can't have nice things.
No. 267789
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I feel like pointing out that this movie is crap. A gorgeous, emotionally manipulative crap that does not make any sense.
All of Shinkai's movies are like that, but this one is definitely the worst
No. 267791
haffu anon here, i just want to weigh in as someone who's spent time with my japanese family and been exposed to anime at a young age.
i agree with some points ITT, but the people saying "anime is only for kids cause it's cartoons" need to take a step back. it's a bit too contrarian for me to blatantly ignore that anime is a form of media, not a genre. and claiming that all cartoons are for kids is retarded as well because the west has cartoons that are not for kids (adult swim shit). i'm not saying much of it isn't terrible, but just be real, there's no need to act like the reason it's bad is cause it's "all for kids".
a lot of anime i liked wasn't the modern shit it is now. shit like isekai or boring school shows, 1 dimensional characters designed only to bring in that $$. modern anime is like junk food. classic stuff was like junk food too, but it was more satisfying, like having a bowl of your fav ice cream, rather than binge eating the cheapest shit at the store.
also comparing disney and ghibli is kind of stupid, especially since disney is the company that dubs it, so they atleast recognize it's potential.
i think that good anime is good, mainly because you can do things in drawn media that you can't do in live action, no matter how good the SFX, but i also think that the shit anime is really really shit.
don't get me started on weebs tho. weebs are pieces of shit who make me uncomfortable to be haffu.
No. 267798
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>>267789Thank you! I personally think both Makoto Shinkai and Mamoru Hosoda are fucking boring
Wolf Children was okay but the dude was just a plot device and both the parents had the depth of a sheet of paper
No. 267799
>>267798Oh my God, don't remind me of this.
It was also an pandering tearjerker.
Also can't get over the implied furry sex… help me
No. 267801

>>267790My bad! I don't really care for Akira's story, personally, (I feel like it touches on cool ideas, but doesn't have the time to develop them? It's been a while since I've seen it, though) so I always jump to the technical strengths of it.
>relatively recent TV series>shows nearly a decade oldWheezing, but yeah, maybe it's selective bias, but it feels like there's more and more highschool, overpowered self insert protag, isekai, waifu harem series (which I assume you mean by "anime" anime) coming out each season with no more money or interest to spare for other genres or niches. I'm looking at the line up for this Fall and it looks fucking miserable ( No wonder a lot of us (who also seem to be in their early 20s) are phasing out anime.
>>267788Ugh, you're killing me because you're so accurate about the School-Live fanbase. Fucking fanart of everyone in bikinis is the bulk of most discussion. I know the official promotional materials also features fanservice, but it's fucking dumb to let it dictate discussion. It's not like anyone derails every discussion about NGE with the Schlick commercials (video related).
Made in the Abyss is an extreme variation of what's happening to School-Live, too, where waifuing and fetish shit override the realistic consequences, and interesting worldbuilding and creature design of the story. But MIA's manga artist actually encourages it with their lolicon/shotacon and piss/vomit/etc. fetishes, so no wonder the fanbase is garbage. Also if people are gonna enjoy the series they can at least stop whining when people call out the series and accusing them of overanalyzing too much.
No. 267805
Though I am a fan Shinkai's work (namely Garden of Words and 5cm) and I was actually hyped for this shit.
There was tons of praise for it everywhere and it was a contender for Oscar or some shit, basically everyone and their mother claiming it's a second coming of romance genre Jesus.
So I got two of my friends (both are casual anime watcher, ghibli and similar) and made them watch it, got all hyped and shit because it's Shinkai and it's supposed to be really good…
Fucking hell, the disappointment and embarrassment…When the movie ended, my friend asked "How is this supposed to be a contender for Oscar?" and seriously how??
So many illogical shit in there. How did male MC not realize that the town he's been living at (while in girl's body) has been eradicated. A whole town being eradicated by a meteor or w/e..everyone would know about it, you just wouldn't forget about a disaster of such proportions especially if it happened in your own county…
Characters are completely bland and uninteresting too. Romance makes no sense either. Just overall just one big disappointing shit.
Why is it so popular? Just because of polished turd animation or is it something else?
No. 267808
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>>267801no youre fine! hopefully i dont come across as pushing akira down your throat (because I totally get its not everyone's thing) but you might like the manga, the story is much better and developed than the movie, where they crammed 6 ~350 page volumes into two hours.
i just looked at the fall line up and i cannot believe SAO is still going
No. 267814
>>267806But it still pains me how everyone is blind to the biggest plothole which is supposed to be a plot twist that could've been solved in first 5 mins of the movie.
>Male MC wakes up in girl's body>Where the fuck am I?>You are in Kusoville mang>Holy shit, didn't this place wiped in a horrible catastrophe 3 years ago?>But it's the year 20XX>Holy shit, lets solve this mystery.There.
No. 267815
>>267808Nah, don't worry. I've actually been meaning to get around to reading it cause I know a lot was compressed and lost in the adaption! Thanks for the nudge in the right direction.
>tfw there's SAO spinoffs nowIt's like a fucking virus. Five years from now and all we'll see are Fate and SAO spinoffs, divergent AUs, etc.
No. 267816
>>267815It hurts me so much that SAO became popular despite being a shitty rip-off of the .Hack// mediaverse that never really took off despite having various games (some actually great, like the GU trilogy) and anime series.
.Hack was not perfect but at least it was trying to be something more than moeshit. Too bad that anime had small budget. //SIGN had great plot but cutting corners on animation really hurt it.
No. 267821
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>>267818I think that age thing has always been bad: pic related is supposed to be 16, yet he is a rock star, drinks, lives alone and drives around on motorcycles. Why not make him at least 20? That's still fucking young and unrealistic.
No. 267828
>>267802Nta but
triggered much? Anon only mentioned being haffu to reference that she was exposed to anime at a young age. She didn't even say anything like she wasan expert at all and infact said she agrees with most of the opinions ITT.
Also I knew when I saw the thread it would go the way of the "anti kpop thread". It's jusy going to be hateful gossip from weebs who think they're better than other weebs. I'm out. Enjoy your dumpster fire.
No. 267832
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>>267799>implied furry sexit wasn't implied, it was directly in your face
No. 267834
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>>267823Where you live doesnt affect your view on some dumb animated series lol You dont need to live in a country to ‘know’ whats good. Some rando neckbeard who binges animu 24/7 in his moms basement in the west could have come up with the same conclusion that you did. If anything you just have your nostalgia goggles on. Top kek for thinking being half japanese gives you authority on what other peoples opinions are.
No. 267838
>>267818Actually I think we're coming out of the high school age dip. Yes, there was a better ratio of older characters in the 20th century but things were way worse in the late 00's/early 10's. I think companies are starting to realize that otaku are aging and only producing shows about high school kids won't work forever.
Just last season we had Golden Kamuy, Wotakoi, LOGH, Hisomaso, and Rokuhoudo. And yeah, some of them have characters on the younger side, but even in the past few years we've had Shirobako, Rakugo, YoI, Fune wo Amu, DannaKen, Inuyashiki, and NetJuu no Sususume that focused specifically on adult issues, with the youngest characters being just out of college.
No. 267843
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I still hold preference to nostalgic anime (Ghibli, magical girls, etc.) but it's really hard for me to get into newer series.
Someone pointed out that I have a preference for "slice of life" anime when the characters are adequately fleshed out and the animation is nice.
The ott fantasy anime don't hold my attention anymore. Sometimes they just try too hard to be edgy to stand out, or compensate for weak characters and plot with flashy animation or other absurdities. It puts me off, usually on the first episode.
The plots are blasé to me at this point, it feels like the sameish or copied themes rehashed with new annoying female characters and the same bland, forgettable males.
Weebs are annoying because they'll watch and like whatever is churned out for them, particularly if they think they they are the MCs or 'waifu' the main female characters which is pretty cringe.
No. 267844
>>267834calm down, anon. i don't know why you seem so
triggered over someone being haffu, but it's super embarrassing. it also sounds like you didn't read what i said, you just want to kneejerk for some reason. you sound like a butthurt weeb if you're this bothered by it lol.
No. 267859
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>>267857Its funnier when its an analysis of non-human characters or a show where people have bright ass blue hair and purple eyes.
“But muh representation…!”
No. 267862
>>267857Honestly how do SJWs even watch anime? Even if it doesn't sexualize the female characters it will almost undoubtedly have:
>gay jokes>trans jokes>fatshaming>adult love interests>sexual abuse>racially homogeneous castLike, if you got pissed off about any of the above, how can you not watch more than 10 shows without giving up and blacklisting anime altogether?
No. 267871
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>>267853I think manga is where the good stuff is at. A lot of what gets animated is pandering, generic crap they know will make them money via merch and figures, so you can easily miss some good/interesting stories if you don't keep tabs on manga releases.
imo, it's best to enjoy anime/manga by yourself or with a few close friends. Getting tangled up in online communities is just too fucking awful nowadays. You're either dealing with slobbering neckbeards, overanalyzing losers blubbering about 'muh representation', or crazies completely lacking self awareness. I'm not saying it used to be better, but the SJW mindset really sucked the fun out of fandom.
No. 267878
>>267857Yeah that's what I mean. It's so annoying because they usually type super long essais that are wrong from start to finish. Sometimes I wonder if we're even talking about the same shows.
>>267859It's more about JRPGs but it still applies here, but they just won't stop saying Teddie from Persona 4 is a white guy when he's not a human being whatsoever and doesn't even have internal organs.
>>267862>gay jokesSpeaking of which, they legit think that fetishizing yuri fanservice made for straight men is respectful LGBT representation while openly shitting on repressed teenage girls who ship those green guy and blonde guy from My Hero Academia. Don't even bother trying to understand how or why they like anime, they're complaining all the time about the shows they like so much.
>>267871Yep, whether it's anime or manga, I think it's better to focus on original releases and not just anime adaptations. Especially if you like shojo manga or recent things that get adapted in 12 episodes.
>imo, it's best to enjoy anime/manga by yourself or with a few close friends. Getting tangled up in online communities is just too fucking awful nowadays.I'm so glad I have irl friends who are huge nerds so I can talk about manga and anime all the time with them. I used to try to get into fandoms some years ago and now I don't talk to any of the friends I made back then because of petty shit like some of them having huge arguments over trans headcanons that literally ruined their friendships. And it makes avoiding spoilers way easier.
No. 267880
>>267878Eugh, everything you just posted is giving me flashbacks.
Also, so glad this thread turned into actually giving a critical take on anime and not just "cartoons are for children, i'm an adult!" like it started out as.
No. 267895
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>>267878>trans headcanons that literally ruined their friendships.Jesus. Maybe I'm wearing rose-tinted glasses, but it felt like there was a lot less shit like this years ago. This "So-and-so is a bisexual panromantic trans woman and if you disagree with me you are a transphobic piece of shit uwu" crap makes me long for the "lolrandomllama" days.
>>267884Different Story was what made me realize how lacking the original series was. I still enjoy both for what they are and a lot of the designs and ideas still appeal to me despite the series' faults. Maybe part of me still likes it because it was a thrill the first time watching it and the plot twists were fun as long as you didn't put anything under a magnifying glass.
No. 267911
People who watch anime past 15 years of age have very little intelligence. If you can't enjoy entertainment without it being retarded chinese playdough blob cartoons, then you need to seriously reevaluate your mental maturity and interests.
>>267684Men who are obsessed with anime girls in general are fucking disgusting and also pathetic. I think we can all agree on that.
No. 267921
>>267906To Your Eternity
Not the other anon but I tried reading it and imo the drama is a bit forced
No. 267926
>>267921I've also seen it go by "To You, the Immortal"
Started reading it because it's by the same person who made A Silent Voice, been enjoying it even though the plotlines get a bit repetative.
No. 267937
>>267735I love Kon. I feel like a good measure for whether an anime film has artistic merit is whether or not I feel comfortable recommending it to non-anime fans and Kon's work fits that.
>>267740>>267746That actually makes a ton of sense. My brother and his gf are autistic and they both LOVE anime. Like they're in their mid-20s and they watch Hetalia, Inuyasha, etc. I can't remember the last time they watched something live action.
No. 267952
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>>267871There is a huge amount of absolutely terrible manga out there though, worse than any anime could be. Of course there are really amazing manga that never got animated but it is hard to find them when you are sorting through a sea of shit.
No. 268021
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new evangelion movies are the biggest piece of shit that ruined the entire franchise and it's characters
fuck you anno
pic related, asuka became a stereotypical tsundere shit character + a nonsensical character that doesn't serve any purpose (other than fanservice ofc).
No. 268023
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>>268017I miss when it was just weebs trying to be a cool naruto character.
Now it's weebs trying to become a different gender, pumping themselves with hormones and making it into a political statement.
Anime is a dangerous drug for socially inept.
No. 268054
>>267992this thread isn't even anti anything, just people saying their taste is better somehow.
>>267999 this.
No. 268083
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>>268023>Anime is a dangerous drug for socially inept.I completely agree. I don't really like impressionable children watching anime because it can really affect their social development. I would go as far as to say anime causes people to become socially inept. Unlike other forms of media it places a heavy emphasis on escapism and glorifies negative things like being an asshole, being a NEET, not caring about anything, etc. Anime characters don't move or act like real people, so when kids try to imitate these characters they come off as strange to their peers. It is easy for an introverted kid to find anime online and become addicted to it, tossing away a social life for it.
People use anime as a replacement for social interaction, because it's easier. I predict that stuff like waifu culture will only grow as more and more people become dependent on anime.
No. 268087
>>268054I'm sure there is some accuracy to what
>>267999 said, but the OP also mentions weeb/otaku culture, which I absolutely do hate even though I still enjoy anime casually.
No. 268097
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tfw no space bros s2
No. 268117
>>268083I absolutely agree with everthing you said; some kids might start out a little bit shy, a little bit weird, but then they see that behavior nearly "celebrated" in manga and anime. Fast forward a couple years and suddenly you'll have a socially stunted adult.
>>268086I know lc is chan and therefore also a bit weeb culture, but it's sill sad that there's not a single thread there you're allowed to dislike this. (But I guess crystal cafe is even worse in that aspect, everything is and everybody behaves like in some sort of uwu teen first love anime…=
No. 268160
I enjoy anime as a fun way to kill time, I don't care about analyzing shit or trying to find deep meanings or anything, I just like watching some colorful action/comedy. But I'm just so sick of navigating through this garbage minefield full of shitty cliches.
I can't enjoy child characters anymore, even if they're portrayed in a completely innocent way, because I know some "proud lolicon XD FLAT IS JUSTICE"-dude is pulling their peen to it.
I hate the waifu culture, not when you see a character and think "oh, she's attractive" but when characters are waifus first and characters second. The empty, soulless moeshit, where the female characters whole personalities just revolve around being kawaii~ and wearing cute dresses. And people eat that shit right up and buy 50 different figures of the same bland high-school girl, because you need to have the versions with a swimsuit, school uniform, school swimsuit, maid dress, summer dress, wedding dress…
Harems are always trash, and I can't enjoy isekai anymore because nearly all of them are the same harem shit. The male protag is completely blank so he can act as a blatant self-insert vessel for all the lonely nerds watching that shit. A japanese male, aged 15-25, black/brown hair, empty personality, otaku or nerdy hobbies. And he ends up surrounded by swooning fantasy girls.
I don't actually mind ecchi that much if it's done in a mature way, kinda like in Panty & Stocking. The characters look very clearly like adults and they act confident, none of that "kyaah m-my p-panties are showing…! >///<" stuff. Too bad most ecchi is Eromanga-Sensei-tier trash with underage girls blushing and squealing.
TL;DR pretty much what has already been said multiple times in this thread. All the pandering bs is annoying as shit and needs to burn
No. 268181
>>268173Yeah, that shit is really disturbing.
I've found a couple of guro loli mangas at a chan a couple of years ago, strangely drawn by a female mangaka, and the hyper violence and knowledge that people get off to that really shocked me.
I mean, it's quite clear that the otaku culture hates women and girls in general, even if it sometimes pretends to love them with the moe caricatures of non-threatning retarded anime girls.
No. 268200
>>268160I hate that people are obsessed over shit characters like Rem or Emilia, who are both autistic wishfullfilment without any depth. I love how in the novels Rem is apparently okay with her ~true luv~ bonking both her and Emilia, because
of course she does. After all she has no self-esteem or personality beyond being protagonist's doormat. Disgusting
No. 268230
>>268168oh yeah i forgot about that too
fucking hell
No. 268231
>>268200>I love how in the novels Rem is apparently okay with her ~true luv~ bonking both her and Emilia, becauseof course she does.
That's what I hate about most of these LN harem romcoms w/e. It's always some kind of competition between women who will get the bland main character and then at the end, they are fine with dude fucking around with all of them and living in some sort of quirky anime polyamory.
No. 268248
>>268200That reminds me of one confession I read on crystal cafe: they described how they would love to be part of some anime harem, there they're all together with a cute nice guy and all the girls would be friendly with each other…
So pathetic, makes me wonder if it actually was a tranny.
No. 268273
>>268231>>268242that's because self-insert animes are all for degenerates. ones for women aren't much better and usually have the woman fine with her love interest being gay as fuck, cause fujoshits
>>268229actually anon, this show, dragon maid is totally disgusting, this scene may be being played as a joke, but the 'human child' girl is actually in love with the dragon girl, so it's a literal 8 year old acting like a horny teenage boy, less played for jokes and more played for pedos. it's not even sexualizing a girl's childhood, but instead making a little girl actually sexual.
i only know this because my close friends who are a weeb couple love the show to death and somehow conveniently ignore that an 8 year old girl is constantly getting hot and bothered by her friend. it's baffling, and they can't even use the standard loli excuse of 'she's 1000 years old or w/e!' the
human girl most certainly isn't, and the dragon bitch has the mental capacity of a child, which is why she's in grade school.
No. 268337
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How does shit like this even get adapted and sold??
It's worse than a fanfiction written by a 13 year old…
No. 268375
>>268353love me some digibro
i do feel like if they stopped trying to cram so many shows into one season i feel like the quality might increase, even just a bit
No. 268379
The director of FMA, Gundam 00, Concrete Revolutio, and other shows/movies tweeted that there's basically too much fucking shit being made and no one would care if the production of new shows was halved:
>"I don’t think anyone would be worse off if the amount of anime getting made was cut in half. Some directors are even handling two shows in the same season, which is an incredibly tough schedule. There’s just an excess supply of content, and there are never enough people in the studio to get work done. What is the point in making so much anime? It’d be better to do a proper job of making series one by one.”'s got nearly 40k replies. Some translated replies:
>“Yeah, half as many series would be great. I can only watch, at maximum, like 10 shows a season, and only finish like six of them. I liked it better back in the day when one series was 26 to 50 episodes.”>“There are just too many shows. It’d be OK if they were all high-quality, but so many are one-season shows that end in like 12 episodes, then everyone forgets about them before the fanbase can builds up any foundation.”>“There’s no way I can watch them all, and a lot of series have really similar titles and stories.”>>268353I'm sure this video is interesting and informative, but Digibro (now known as Anime Gonzo Journalism or whatever) being open about being a lolicon and getting upset over Patreon banning lolicon pandering content put me off from watching any of his videos anymore.
>tfw enjoyed the fuck out of his SAO and Asterisk/that-show-that-had-the-same-exact-plot-beats series No. 268382
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Miyazaki has summed it up very well.
Especially the egoistic nature of otaku- they spend their lives only interested in themselves so that's why they create these wish-fulfillment characters that have nothing to do with humans.
I've seen a lot of people call him senile for this, but what he said makes perfect sense to me.
No. 268388
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>>268382I wish more people had this sentiment. It wouldn't be as bad if so many studios didn't cater to these subhumans. But it's all about greed, unfortunately. They wouldn't pump out all this shit if worthless otakus didn't gleefully slurp it up and throw their money down on crappy merch. The figure industry is just as much to blame for feeding into their awful tastes and fetishes.
No. 268392
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>>268379>there's basically too much fucking shit being made and no one would care if the production of new shows was halvedAll they have to do is stop adapting shitty light novels.
Everyone can open Word and write shit like pic related.
At least manga requires some artistic effort.
No. 268395
>>268382>senilePeople saying this clearly haven't read any of his past interviews/essays–dude's been cynical about the state of anime since at least the 80s. I wish he would write more essays now that he's (mostly) retired so he can piss off more people.
Hideaki Anno (NGE, Shin Godzilla director) is close with Miyazaki and also has some comments about otaku (mostly at consumers):
>However, in contemporary society, there would still be far more people who would rather watch bishojo anime than news reports about the missile that fell on Tokyo. >I say critical things towards otaku, but I don't reject them. I only say that we should take a step back and be self-conscious about these things. I think it's perfectly fine so long as you act with an awareness of what you are doing, self-conscious and cognizant of the current situation. I'm just not sure it's a good thing to reach the point where you cut yourself off from society. I don't understand the greatness of society, either. So I have no intention of going so far as to call for people to give up otaku-like things and become more suited to society. Only, I think there are many other interesting things in the world, and we don't have to reject them.>Anime fans, in a narrow sense, do not change. I resigned myself to the fact that their understanding would probably not change in my lifetime. Of course, they are conforming to a single standard. As long as they are alive, they only like the same things. They're not looking for change. They endlessly seek the same pleasures. Even if you say that other interesting things exist, they can't be bothered. It's something they didn't ask for and don't care for.He considers himself an otaku, though, and says non-otaku don't get it.
>>268392>mfw that author's anti-Chinese, Korean tweets ended up getting both the anime adaption and LN publication canned No. 268647
>>268395Anno makes the otaku thing seem deeper than it actually is.
"A non-otaku doesn't get it" oh pleaaaseee.
Otaku are egoistical manchildren massively consuming a medium that's more shallow and pandering than cheapest mexican soap operas.
All these men trying to make their cartoon fetishes into something "deep that normal people can't understand" while simultaneously bashing preteen girls reading Twilight.
It's a fantasy world and wish fulfillment. People can enjoy it but they also grow out of it and/or don't revolve their whole personality and life around it. It's a dumb obsession over shallow shit.
>Baawwww but society fucking sucks and you normies will never understand my waifu obsession, real people are fucking shit!!Sounds to me like your mommy raised you spoiled and entitled which makes you unable to deal with real people who won't always like you and cater to your wishes.
>They endlessly seek the same pleasures. Even if you say that other interesting things exist, they can't be bothered. Anno makes it seem like otaku just keep to themselves and don't bother anyone, but they are known to assault people for not doing exactly what they want.
- Tons of voice actors and actresses received death threats for voicing an unlikable character or daring to be in a relationship.
- Same with anime producers and manga creators, if they make an anime character do something that otaku don't like, expect violence and death threats
- Anno himself got death threats.
- Idols (AKB48) getting stabbed because of these otaku
- Tons of other creepy shit such as family members and children getting assaulted by these slimy fucks
Anime industry is done for. They bow to these low-life spoiled shits and in turn get money thrown at them.
Maybe sometimes there will be a good anime movie coming from some independent studio, but don't expect anime industry to ever get better.
It's been taken over by degenerates and produces content for degenerates.
No. 268687
>>268647Fujo uprising fucking when?
In all seriousness though, shows that cater to women, or that are popular with women don't have half the problems of shows catered towards men. And after YoI and Touken Ranbu the industry is finally waking up to the power of lady dollars and hopefully there will be some major changes.
But I do agree with these sentiments
>>268379 Half of the shows airing in a season won't turn a profit, so why are they being made at all? Especially considering how overworked and underpaid animators tend to be.
No. 268696
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I’m kind of ashamed of myself tbh. I was never a really obnoxious weeb, but I’ve bought a few hundred volumes of manga and artbooks over the years and have almost no space for them. My dream was to have a place to live where I’d have some wall-length ikea bookshelf to keep everything displayed and now my collection feels cumbersome. I also bought some expensive figures that I have zero interest in anymore, and dvds I never watched.
My only relief is that I didn’t waste a lot of money on the dvds or get into the current otaku/fujo obsession of spending stupid amounts of money on flavor of the month character merchandise. I don’t get why people are so thrilled to spend hundreds of dollars on pins and keychains that were printed in some chinese factory for pennies.
No. 268788
>>268696I also have many anime figurines, CDs, and manga. I still enjoy everything I own but I think sometimes that if I ever fall out of love with the series or anime in general it's going to be an enormous pain in the ass to get rid of everything.
I agree with you that pins and keychains are garbage, they just take up space and look like shit when displayed whether it be on a bag or board in your room. Once you get to a certain age it's just embarrassing to have anime pins on your bag.
No. 268810
>>268696I'm personally not ashamed of owning a lot of manga and some merchandises in the past or now by itself, but I'm embarrassed I bought so many manga as a teenager when I was poor as fuck. I should have bought makeup in secret or something like that instead. It's also taking space in my shelves and I sold some manga I didn't want anymore because I wanted more space and money. I kind of regret doing that because I sold some manga I liked but at the same time I kind of wanted to get rid of almost my entire collection so I can get a little more space and money, and the manga I got rid of have very good anime adaptations and scans anyway. Nowadays the only merchandises I could be interested in would be subtle things like stickers or keychains, or comfy tshirts tbh.
There are some manga I want to read for the nostalgia but I think I'll just stick to the scans I can find online, I don't think I'm into that hobby all that much anymore, so I don't think it's worth spending that much money over it.
>>268788>it's going to be an enormous pain in the ass to get rid of everything.I sold a lot of manga to bookstores that sold them second-hand to other customers. They took almost everything as long as the books aren't too damaged so I couldn't sell everything I wanted because I had some really old series nobody cares about anymore. I could have sold everything online and I would have gotten more money but I wanted to get rid of these manga as fast as I could, I couldn't keep them on my desk or shelves anymore. I also did that for some video games, but I have no idea what to do with my figurines, especially because I don't have all the packagings for them anymore. If anyone has advice for that I would like some.
No. 268826
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My friends and I have this sentiment about it all, that while some anime is genuinely enjoyable, be it for story, characters, or aesthetics, it's generally a real fucking minefield to say 'I enjoy anime' because it usually brings all the creepy fucking losers to the surface.
You know the ones.
The MTG guys with 10 year olds in bdsm gear on their card sleeves, the honest to god 'MY WAIFU' guys, the guys that have anime girls on the surface of everything they own and then go the extra mile of also being flaming pieces of misogynistic shit when it comes to real women. It'f fucking gross and annoying and like I just wanna gush about cute series without some neckbeard pulling up some jell-o tittied anime fuckdoll on his phone to 'recommend' me.
It sucks, man. I just want to google cute slice of life stress-relief animes without accompanying hentai doujins popping up.
No. 268929
>>268826Sage for non contribution just to say same. I am very well aware of not only issues in the industry but also the fans as a whole. Just like with alot of subcultures you count as part of it but you reaaaaally dont associate nor identify with 99% of them.
Its even worse when that part isn't just fans being obnoxious or rowdy etc
Its glorifying underage girls, whiteknighting japans shit culture towards women or deflecting with 'but…' especially the women (cos community esp) who want to talk about harassment, grooming and fuckall yet support/cosplay/fawn over etc creeptastic animes that literally normalize these things.
No. 269058
>>268160>I can't enjoy child characters anymore, even if they're portrayed in a completely innocent way, because I know some "proud lolicon XD FLAT IS JUSTICE"-dude is pulling their peen to it.God, THIS. Young girl characters have been ruined for me forever. I keep contemplating about if they're meant to be legitimately innocuous child characters or another piece of eye candy for all the pedos.
>>268687You me anon? I've been saying this exact same shit for ages. The industry needs more fujos. I'm completely up for objectifying men in the same sense they've done to women for centuries. I don't need pandering in the form of a dreamy prince coming to romance the girl I'm supposed to insert myself into. Almost any woman will consciously or not enjoy watching a story of effeminate men and you know why? Because it allows them to forget about the pressure media puts on women regarding their personality, looks and way of living. They know this is catering to their sexuality alone. Fujo shit is basically telling women to sit back and relax, no need to compare themselves to unrealistic expectations set for women, just enjoy watching two men get it on. What's better, they're male-coded and handsome but relatable and non-threatening. This kind of female-only entertainment is EXTREMELY rare, even today.
But as we all know the slightest catering to female sexuality makes all the men ree like no tomorrow because women are supposed to be virginal and of course exist to serve the male gaze. Even magical girls, something traditionally meant to empower young girls, were taken from us and sexualized for men as seen here
>>268388 .
No. 269067
>>269059Actually, the female audiences are becoming more profitable because they buy a TON of merch compared to male consumers who mostly buy figures, doujinshis and bluray sets. Go to any anime merch store in Tokyo and you will find that most small merch is for female audiences - keychains, pins, acrylic stands, CDs, everyday items like handkerchiefs and eating utils, whatever you can name. Small purchases make up a big amount of money. And to add to that, females will also buy the bluray sets, posters and figures. According to the latest studies women in Japan are making 63% of all purchases in the country. Women make up 51% of all shounen jump readers. They're a massive, profitable audience and that's why series like Yuri on Ice and Banana Fish are finally getting the budget to be made.
No. 269089
This thread is just anti-anime fans. Since most of the problems and grievances in anime just seems to be a direct result of its fans i.e. fanservice and pandering.
>>268826>it's generally a real fucking minefield to say 'I enjoy anime' because it usually brings all the creepy fucking losers to the surface.That's how I feel about nerdy/geeky hobbies/interests in general. I never bring it up to people until I've seen how they are, less stress that way.
>>268687>In all seriousness though, shows that cater to women, or that are popular with women don't have half the problems of shows catered towards men. Yeah. I don't have any issues with anime turning out to be shittier than expected due to fanservice or pandering because I only watch stuff that I guess men wouldn't be at all interested in. Otome stuff, josei stuff, cheesy shojos, things that kinda flirt with BL but isn't BL. The only thing I've watched lately that I would guess might appeal to men is Wotakoi, but even then I'm not sure how much it actually does appeal to men.
Sometimes I wish I was into BL because I think my tastes are really limited, I like cute boys doing cute stuff but don't need the BL pandering. Something like Sanrio Boys maybe, you could ship them if you want to but it's not written into the show.
I also wish there was more of female catering type of anime that wasn't so romance-centric. But I think more of them are starting to come out.
I mean, none of them are free of unrealistic human behavior, but I don't watch anime for that anyway.
No. 269090
>>269089sorry to double post
My one gripe, I guess, are female anime fans who pretty much identify as straight but do a lot of "male-gazing" by lusting after anime women/girls.
No. 269362
>>269332Nope, I share your thoughts anon. I watch probably 1 new anime series a year because I prefer to read a ton of manga. I'm pretty sure it has to do with the fact that these days anime is either shitty light novel or manga adaptations made to milk more money. Original series end up being pervy 2deep4u bullshit that's usually made by who else but Studio
Trigger. So I'd much rather just stick to reading manga, it usually has much more depth because it's one or two people writing and drawing a story in their style.
No. 269761
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>>269757Samefag but here's an example of the cringe from a visual novel that I wanted to play because of the BJD theme. The cringe was too strong and I had to uninstall it immediately. And of course one of the reverse harem bishies was a shota. Gross.
I don't get how those flat personalities appeal to women.
No. 269799
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>>269764What yaoi have you read? In my experience there is always one guy involved in yaoi pairings who is masculine and buff. Look at how yaoi proportions became a meme.
No. 269893
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>>269757>My unpopular opinion is that yaoi manga sucks as a genre. There are yuri/shoujo-ai titles that you can read for the story or because you relate to the heroine while yaoi is immature wank material with cardboard characters. Unless you fetishize gay men, there is nothing in it for you (or at least I haven't heard of the few titles that break the rule). t. buttblasted yuri fan
While we're on the subject, all of the yuri manga I've seen is just fetishizing the fuck out of generic schoolgirl tropes and having them grope and ogle each other. I have no idea why people keep shitting on yaoi and generalizing the whole genre to the most obnoxious titles only underage babby fujos read but for some reason yuri being gross gets a pass.
It's because yaoi is for women and women aren't allowed to have anything nice to themselves, especially gay women. No. 269901
>>269899>Thinking the effeminate men in BL are at all related to 3D men and not written as females in male bodies Anon this is like weeb lesbian 101
To be fair the psychology behind a lot of lesbian women being into BL is rather complex to understand if you're not into it yourself. Personally even though I'm more into women IRL I feel following an animu gay male relationship a lot more comfortable because like post here
>>269058 explained, it doesn't place pressure on how you should be acting or present as a woman because they're all men. I would feel a lot more uncomfortable watching cute/beautiful attractive women get it on because it would make me feel.. insufficient I guess?
No. 269903
>>269900>tfw neckbeards unironically and in all seriousness use "she's actually a 600 years old vampire so there!" when defending the sexualization of a 10-year old girlMakes me die a little every time.
However I understand the girls being more of a "pure, innocent virgin" attraction than actually little kids but whatever the case it's still gross to desire something so ultra-submissive.
No. 269905
>>269901probably an unpopular opinion, but i feel that you have to be at least a little into men to enjoy yaoi because of the blatant sexualization of the guys involved.
as a lesbian who has no interest in men whatsoever i can't get into yaoi and would much rather read something like virgin's empire which i can relate to and appeals to me aesthetically, than some bishonens that don't appeal to me going at it.
i guess that's one of those things that boils down to personal preference, idk.
No. 269996
>>269798Thank you for explaining this to me as I was wondering for years why neckbeards love the shallow moe characters, same with female fans of shoujo bishonens.
Even when I wanted to imagine some fictional character in my life, I went for ones that act like people, and not tsundere princes or whatever.
>>269893Oh look, a
triggered fujoshit.
I've been thinking about yuri like Ebine Yamaji's work, My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness, Pieta (might have some schoolgirl tropes, but it's realistic and psychological - read it years ago though so might be off). Josei yuri is great and not fetishy whatsoever. I'm not a fan of yuri as a genre or the crap that you mention.
Just cause women enjoy something doesn't mean that it can't be criticised because muh sexism. Gross manga written about moe schoolgirls kissing is just as terrible though.
Me disliking yaoi as a genre will not stop women enjoying it, as it should be.
No. 270020
>>269900>>269903I just mainly get pissed off when people try to claim that any short or small breasted anime girl is a loli. Like Yuki from haruhi. She's in highschool, doesn't act like a child considering she's the most mature character, and you still have people claiming anyone who likes her is a lolicon. Short small breasted girls are pretty common bodytypes in Japan, so I don't get the issue, it's different if she was acting like a child or 1000 year old in a kid's body or some crap. And then the same people screech about how there are only big titted bombshells in anime, like, guys, there are others, you just qualify characters as children if they don't have breasts.
I'm sure some guys who like those kinds of characters are pedos, but I like that body type and her personality, does that make me a pedo? No, I'm a lesbian.
No. 270040
>>269982You do know you can compete within your own gender and you're aware that a lesbian can feel inadequate and ugly compared to a more attractive lesbian in the eyes of other women, right?
That said being a fujo doesn't always mean you're lesbian, and being a lesbian doesn't always mean you're a fujo. There's just a reason why a lot of fujos are bisexual/lesbians and anon was wondering why a lesbian would like BL because it only has men in it.
No. 273392
>>273120Oh my God anon, I have an ex who was obsessed with the -monogatari series. At least his waifu was Senjougahara and not some loli (he agreed that lolis are creepy/fucked up).
He was a self-obsessed boy who believed women in his life are there to serve him (under the guise of true friendship) because life fucked him pretty bad. He also fought with me once about the merit of waifuism/bronies and their sexual interest in ponies.
Keeping in mind that the -monogatari anime are mostly about sexual innuendo and harem, I see someone being obsessed about them as a red flag now.
No. 273458
>>273438I got memed into watching Bakemonogatari, like first two episodes seem promising, it starts to fall apart after it and the show reveals itself as another ecchi harem.
What makes it seem "special" (it's not) is the animation style and characters constantly rambling something. These rambles make weeb think the show is "deep" even though it's far from that.
I think all these weebs want to make it seem that they are watching something special even though it's just yet another shit LN adaption
No. 273494
>>273458This exactly, thank you.
Now for actual deep ramble with interesting visuals, Tatami Galaxy.
No. 273510
>>273494I've seen 5 episodes and got bored. When does the deep shit starts? Unless the 'you can have regrets no matter what you do, so just enjoy your life' message is the deep part.
Kudos for not having ecchi bullshit tho
No. 273572
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>>273416>thing/don't click/cp/cpGoddamnit, Thad. He's eligible for parole in October, sure hope he stays where he belongs. Sorry for the massive OT.
No. 273628
>>273588Yeah, he used to post on /a/ and was called mad thad. A lot of anons hated him because he was really into posting his social media, which is a huge faux pas on the board. He would openly post really gross shit on his Facebook (see
>>273572) and got vanned after someone tipped off the fbi about his posts.
No. 274800
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So I have found ot that this is a thing.
Japan needs to be stopped.
And before someone asks - yes, there is also a version for pedo neckbeards, called White Room. Seems like it's much more succesful as it got a second season.
TBH I don't know why they just don't stop making regular harem anime and go back to the tradition of video girls.
Why watch something with a plot while you can fap to an anime girl talking to you and shoving her boobs at you.
No. 274801
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>>274800Derped, the other anime is called One Room (White room is a completely different series).
I'm tempted to watch an episode or too to laugh at it but I am afraid that the cringe will kill me
No. 274845
>>274817Detroit police, open up!
But in all seriousness, Japan is fucking weird with their loli stuff.
No. 274862
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>>274800There's something even worse than that…
>yandere>lesbian>8 year old girl No. 274955
>>274800I watched most of the Pillow Boys episodes (skipped the 5 year old tbh) they're not /that/ bad? They're like 5 minutes long after the OP and EP credits. Bad animation, dumb story where they just talk to "you" about some shit.
I don't think anyone would watch it expecting anything better. It's all husbando bait like that other anon said. No idea of the 5 year old ep is pedo-ish in any way.
No. 285315
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Seen this post on tumblr randomly and immediately thought of this thread.
This is 100% accurate.
No. 286391
I really wish weebs would stop assuming that people could only possibly not like anime because they've yet to see the "good" ones and give out unsolicited recs.
>>286383Point. But in that case they should change the thread subject to something that's less misleading.
No. 293941
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This is slightly OT but would any anons be interested in a weeb nostalgia thread? Sort of like
>>38145 but just about animu shit.
I recently started to really miss the time when I was 11 and just getting into anime and manga. Everything was so fresh and exciting! Would anyone else feel like weebing out and reminiscing old anime, weeby games and so on?
Pic vaguely related
No. 295661
>>293956This would be interesting!
Anyone else start with Toonami on Cartoon Network? I think my first real anime after Pokemon was Gundam Wing. I also got fansubs of all kinds of stuff on VHS tapes lol.
No. 295852
>>293946>>293956>>295661I'm glad you are interested! I will make the thread tomorrow.
>>295658>>295663If people WAY too old for shoujo and shonen can sperg how those are the best things ever, then so can the oldfags that found it tripe shit.
You have no idea how many 25+ y/o read the SAO novels or proclaim that Your Name is the best movie ever!!!1 I've seen regular film critics fall for that crap.
Why the fuck are you so
triggered about anons calling out those shitty animus for being shitty?
Unless we are speaking about toddler entertainment, a good anime/manga/movie is good regardless if it's made for kids or adults. Utena is considered shoujo (not jousei!) and it's a fucking masterpiece, usually appreciated by people who are no longer teenagers. Same with NGE (though if you want to argue, it's shonen bordering on seinen).
It's not that those animes are for/about teenagers, it's that they are pandering (SAO) and emotionally manipulative (Your Name) shit.
No. 295967
>>295852Editors and producers work to dumb down shounen and shoujo stuff. That's their job and purpose. Kid stuff that are unusually intelligent like Utena and Eva usually come from maverick or indie groups but I think it's wrong to hold most kids shows to that standard. Just stick to stuff that are advertised to be suitable for 20 year olds. If you want "realistic human emotions" instead of exaggerated pandering watch something like Nana. 14 year old boys find it boring as hell. I'm really concerned that farmers don't know how to use the tag filter on mangaupdates. It's very easy and there's tons of content that are more suitable for older people like us.
That said, 20+ men who are into garbage shounen are trash.
No. 295979
>>295967I agree with you now that I understand your point but I think that a lot of people try the popular series (despite knowing how to use tags) cause they are so overhyped. I've learned to stay clear of the flavour of the week anime cause it always turns out to be trash in my judgment, but I could see people giving them a chance and ending up being disappointed… especially when something like YN is praised by people outside of the animu fapdom (Makoto Shinkai is trash director that is treated like second coming of Tezuka or sthg cause he used to draw his animus by himself).
Nana is great, agree with you completely. Have you read the Mars manga? It's my fave shoujo ever, it can be a bit hellbent on drama, but it's the only comparable to Nana and Paradise Kiss IMHO. Souryo Fuyumi is great.
No. 296071
>>295979I hear you. The way I find content is by looking for stuff I would like on my own through the databases. Just by not participating in tumblr and twitter I save a lot of time and frustration trying out stuff that aren't for me. A lot of the hype around current anime are generated by men, you just gotta ignore them.
I love Paradise Kiss! It's one of my top manga. Unlike Nana it's a well contained story that leaves you satisfied. I also loved Red River and His and Her Circumstances. I read Mars and I have it marked as read in my list but I think it was so long ago that I can't really remember it that well. I love a lot of trashier shoujos too but I'm happy to read them because they are meant for me. There's one especially trashy and formulaic Korean writer that I can't get enough of…
I'm also reading a lot of seinen, especially ones written by women. I'm currently reading Hare-kon which is a realistic-styled harem / poly written from the perspective of a harem girl. I think NON is a great writer.
No. 296072
>>296009This is a good recommendation.
>>296071To add onto my earlier post, any of you go on I don't agree with everything on there and I think their power levels are generally too low for me but it's one site that at least is totally dedicated to the female gaze.
No. 297561
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Can someone tell me what's the appeal of Osomatsu San? I watched through 9 episodes and while it was ok and made me laugh at times, it wasn't enough to keep me watching personally. I want to know why it's so huge (or was) in the anime community especially among girls apparently. All the brothers were trash and downright unlikable and the skits were sometimes incredibly boring. I feel like I'm going to forget about what happened in each episode by next week. Not even hating, just genuinely curious why this blew up when it came out.
No. 297598
>>297561This blew up in Japan because the original series is a huge classic and because the voice actors are some of the most popular these days. I'm guessing that's also why it got popular with female anime fans in the West. There was an episode where the voice actors as themselves were talking about how even complete Japanese normies were really into Osomatsu-san and how it surprised them.
>All the brothers were trash and downright unlikableThat's part of the appeal I think, them being stupid assholes makes them do stupid shit which ends in funny scenes. Actually since you're saying it like this it's reminding me of how most of the characters in Malcolm in the middle were unlikable and sometimes straight-up infuriating sometimes and yet I couldn't stop watching this show and it was really popular at the time.
No. 297818
>>297780To answer your question properly:
I would recommend not binging it but watching it in small doses, some of the characters are very one note and it can get obnoxious. The appeal of the show is how strange it is so if you watch it late at night and/or are intoxicated it makes for a fun watch. It is a stupid show but it is 10x better than all the boring as fuck anime out there
No. 297850
>>296917I don't know. The second season was already so awful, it almost killed the entire show. The last two episodes redeemed it for me, but there legit does not need to be more Code Geass. I wish we would stop doing remakes, reboots or live actions of stuff.
Look what happened when Americans got their hands on Voltron.
No. 314735
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>>314712Agreed. I also miss actual expressions. Think original Sailor Moon vs Crystal. I can hear the voice actors expressing, but the character keeps the same deadpan animation.
No. 315002
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>>314775i think weekly manga magazines should be banned unless they have a sufficient backlog of drawn pages/chapters which im pretty sure they fucking dont. the shit is straight up fucking torture, idk if this is true and i wouldnt be surprised if it was but ive heard people say that the one piece creator takes pride in living on 3 hour sleep, why are the japanese so obsessed with sacrificing their lives for work i have no idea
No. 315034
>>315024Family guy is a comedy, and a shit one at that.
Game of Thrones is intended to be fucked up.
What anon meant is that anime
romanticizes pedophilia and incest. Which it does.
No. 315102
>>314991Pretty much this
>>315001 combined with the fact that lots of weebs get really into anime because it has edgy/sexual content, not in spite of it. Those who aren't into loli/incest have a dark enough sense of humor to laugh about it or they just expect every character to be sexualized from the start. There's also the "different culture" card that gets pulled a lot, considering Japan's age of consent is much lower than in the US, it's sort of easy to sit back and laugh about those crazy Japanese pedos and their porn cartoons.
No. 315166
I'm a hobby artist and perfectly understand how anime stylization plays a role in it all, the issue is:
1. When people draw a 13 year old with the boobs and curves of an adult (example: Kurumi from im@s CG). Visually, it doesn't matter if she's 13 or 20 as she would be drawn the same, but the fetish appeal is fantasising about a naive child that's easier to control and more "pure". The behaviour of the character makes attraction for them pedophilic.
2. When a loli character is actually ancient (for example Shinobu Oshino) the issue is that a small underdeveloped body is fetishized. She might behave with more confidence, but with those character cute scenes that make them act how they look are common too, and unless there's magical BS powers there's the appeal of physical weakness.
Loli or shota, it doesn't matter, it's predatory behaviour and a fetish that should be shamed. Never protect such people normalize it, teens in western anime communities are already screwed because of the ironic plebbit/4chan "lol ahegao hardcore loli pr0n I'm such an otahkuu" and some of them grow up npt understanding that it's disgusting and run into serious issues when parents discover the material. "loopholes" shouldn't be defended.
No. 315226
>>315034making pedoshit and incest normalized is how this happens, anon.
shit like made in abyss is supposed to just be "fucked up" but the artist came out and asked why they didn't lewd the girl up more.
No. 315229
>>315166how tf does that counter what anon said at all?
also you are confusing lolis with the standard asian ideal of weak women.
children don't have breasts, that's actually important. pedos don't like adults, they like children, and not because of the power dynamic but because their brains are fucked up.
people who simply like a power dynamic like you are describing aren't pedos, they are fucked up for other reasons, but it has nothing to do with them being attracted to children.
everything you described is just the weird power dynamic ideals towards women that asian cultures have.
No. 315240
>>315237by your logic pedos should be raping adult women cause of the power dynamic.
i just think you're mixing up people
wanting characters to be children, and not caring if they are or not.
i'm not even defending it, i'm just saying it's fucked up for a different reason.
the reason 14 year olds have adult bodies isn't because of pedoshit because that doesn't make sense.
most anime only have 3 types of women anyways, naive and childish, ditzy seductresses, or boring perfect wife types.
there is tons of pedoshit for pedos in anime (like kanna and the sexual tension from her literal 8 year old friend)
but most of what you said is not that and should be attributed to asian men and culture treating women like naive helpless beings.
No. 315278
>>315254yeah, kanna is gross and
is pedo shit. the scene you described is fucked. it's basically trying to remind the audience that the character is infact a child, even though she's super sexualized.
that kind of thing is real pedobait and totally different than say a 13 year old character drawn as an adult, which isn't meant to cater to a pedo audience, but instead meant to infantalized women, which is still bad, but in a different way.
i just think too many anons confuse infantalization with men wanting women to literally be children. wanting women to be weak and dependant on men isn't comparable to wanting to fuck 8 year olds.
No. 315282
>>315279>i'm not the original anonthen fucking say that in the first place, obviously if you're responding to me i'm going to think you are. also rape is a common power dynamic where the perpetrator doesn't care at all about the physical aspects of the victim.
plus, you kind of implied that sort of thing when you made the comment about how pedos don't just take kids out to dinner.
No. 315287
>>315229You sound like a complete ESL, so it's no wonder you have trouble understanding the post. The point of the first example is to point out that despite the stylization and the characters not looking like real life children the real problem is the behavior and mental age of the character. So even if lolis don't look like real children, they make the idea of attraction towards a child more appealing and normalize it through other aspects. The second example on the post however talks about the fetishization of characters with prepubescent bodies and how loopholes are being used to normalize it in certain anime.
>>315240You're just focusing on that first point of the post, there's an obvious difference between a submissive bland OLDER girl in anime and a child with that type of personality. The lack of life experiences and a child not being mentally developed and being unable to tell right from wrong.
>by your logic pedos should be raping adult women cause of the power dynamicHow about instead of overreacting and not even trying to understand the post just so you can drop a shocking line to make things spicy you calmly write a proper post, formatting isn't hard even on mobile.
No. 315422
>>315292eh, real pedos are mentally deficient and do actually see the children as equals and sometimes actually think they are being seduced by them.
>>315418 said, people on this site use the term wrong all the time.
sex abusing children isn't what makes someone a pedophile and being into submissive, innocent, naive anime characters doesn't make you a pedophile either. being into the ones that look young does.
No. 315434
>>315422>buying into pedo defenses in any wayGross. You know they say it only to appear more innocent and shift the blame? I doubt they honestly believe their own crap
You are really involved with the topic of what makes a sick fuck a pedo, huh. If someone sexually abuses a child I don't need to know if they get hot and bothered about it.
No. 315449
>>315434i'm saying there's a difference between being mentally unstable and needing to be locked up to keep yourself from harming children, and someone who harms children because they want to harm anyone.
i am in no way defending either party, but people who are so mentally disturbed they think 4 year olds are seducing them are a bigger problem than people who want to a power trip.
No. 315463
>>315434NTA but they don't seem to be using it as a defense. I agree that pedos are fucked up and need to be isolated from society, but not for the same reasons that other people who abuse children should.
It may be splitting hairs, but a big point she seems to be arguing is that, these people who like fucked up power dynamics risk abusing anyone, not just children.
No. 315496
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Look up the autor of dragon made i got her twitter and her myanimelist is gross, si full of "loli shit" i can't belibe so meany anons tell us that dragon made is petty good when the autor is a full on pedo WOW
No. 315513
>>315422Nah, they know what they're doing. I've seen them distribute tutorials on how to introduce children to sex via "games" or other forms of manipulation.
Stop buying into their "I'm a sick bby I didn't know I dindu nuffin". They do not care about children, or else they'd keep their perversion to themselves and not act on it. All these pedophiles who lobby for "acceptance" are menaces.
No. 315539
>>315531that anon literally wrote that akchyually
>real pedos are mentally deficient and do actually see the children as equals and sometimes actually think they are being seduced by them.It does sound like siding with pedos, in a way. Or at least with their bullshit excuses.
As a sidenote, if you were abused by a non-retarded adult, does it make him a fake pedo? lmfao
No. 315583
>>315531When did I say that? Hit dogs will holler, I guess.
Anon said they're just "mentally deficient" and "don't understand", and I pointed out that that's BS, because it is. These people know exactly what they're doing. It's not a disability that makes you a giant kid yourself who's incapable of understanding social cues, or other humans. It's not a disease. It's an attraction to children, and some will go to many lengths to fulfill that attraction, even though they know it's wrong and can only hurt the child. That's that on that. They 100% have personal agency and control over themselves, they just don't give a fuck.
No. 332664
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>>267683I just got back into anime over the summer after avoiding it for 5+ years since my cousins/sisters gave me shit for liking it back when I was a teenager.
After watching a crap ton of it, and reading a lot of manga, I realized why I stopped enjoying it.
Anime/Manga in general is extremely misogynistic/pedophilic in most regards, like whenever I try to enjoy a manga they tend to be in highschool and holy shit the amount of fan service involving 14 year olds is insane! The female characters are all mary sues.
I still enjoy the story lines and probably won't give up manga, it's a guilty pleasure.
No. 413048
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>>412989This makes me wonder what the next 20 years of anime is going to look like.
What do you all think? We're undoubtedly going to get a continuing decline of quality, but part of me hopes some new blood will want to counter all the trash. It would require the industry to change, though, and I'm not sure how realistic that is.
No. 413057
>>413053>so popular…with normies? Or just with alt people, artfags, and social rejects? The kids I knew that cared about weebshit were always one of those, rarely socially capable (me included).
I also agree, although I did have a weeb phase myself. Anime just doesn't cater to my need for goofy looking and even ugly characters like western cartoons do.
Also all the pedoshit in anime makes me miserable.
No. 413062
>>413059Damn, are you a younger anon? I have noticed in recent years that anime has become mainstream (just look at Muskrat and Grim), so perhaps it was that. Or it could just be a cultural thing..?
I'm an older zoomer and even in my old bumfuck town where everyone intermingled somewhat I know the normies didn't care about anime. We had a couple of token "socially acceptable" friends who watched some basic anime, but it wasn't the majority. And from what I hear from weeb millenials anime was far more forbidden in their time. Interested to hear if your experience is different, though!
>oversexualizationI feel like this is definitely what's mainstreaming it.
No. 413105
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>>413057Nah it's definitely becoming a more mainstream thing, and normies have been catching on. Shonen animes are usually what most normies tend to go for, Dragon Ball being the most popular.
It's kind of like how liking superhero/comic books and being "nerdy" became a cool thing.
Honestly I hate how it's becoming more mainstream now. Anime isn't THAT great and I can only imagine how it can negatively affect people. Sure there are some really great animes/mangas out there but the majority are awful/involve pedophilia/oversexualized and all that junk that anons have mentioned before.
No. 413108
>>413053Close, I've hated anime pretty much all my life. Bullied kids in highschool who liked anime. Then I graduate college, watched a few shows, and wtf i love anime now. Funny how that happens.
> Honestly I hate how it's becoming more mainstream now. Anime isn't THAT great and I can only imagine how it can negatively affect people. Sure there are some really great animes/mangas out there but the majority are awful/involve pedophilia/oversexualized and all that junk that anons have mentioned before.That doesn't even make any sense, are you watching all ecchi or something.
I pretty much watch only seinen and josei.
No. 413110
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This is a self drag tbh. Went from classic animu loving embarrassment to the reject-all-things-otaku phase. Now I’ve pretty much accepted that yes 99% of anime/otaku culture is trash, weeb-hate is absolutely warranted.
But I’m still gonna watch anime, both the shitty and ~elite~ ones, and enjoy other otaku things. I know some of what I enjoy are actually/allegedly trash and I wouldn’t tell anyone otherwise.
So I do feel a bit superior to other weebs who get all defensive about legitimate criticism lmao
No. 413112
>>413108>That doesn't even make any sense, are you watching all ecchi or something.lmao what, that shit is in most animes unless you watch the 1000% wholesome animes which there are
very few of.
No. 413141
>>413112>>413115This is just not true. Do you actually know about anime or just shitposting?
Just this season the top 3 shows :
One Punch Man 2nd Season
Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Top 3 shounens they all seem fine to me (though I only watch attack on titan not completely sure about the other 2).
Top 9:
Isekai Quartet
Fruits Basket (2019)
Kenja no Mago
Bungou Stray Dogs 3rd Season
Fairy Gone
Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san
I see 3 harems (for boys), 3 shoujo reverse harems (for girls). Admittedly the 3 harems for boys are bad but the rest of the shows are fine (6/9 are ok).
Last season :
Top 9 shows:
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari
Yakusoku no Neverland
Mob Psycho 100 II
Domestic na Kanojo
5-toubun no Hanayome
Boogiepop wa Warawanai
Many of these are fantastic. We have 3/9 crappy shows here, Kakegurui for the strange sexualization, 5-toubun haremshit, and shield incel. Everything else is pretty great.
So in conclusion, I don't know what people are talking about. Good shows are the vast majority.
I don't watch seasonal anime anyway, this is just from reading previews on
But every year there's 3 or 4 really good josei/seinen that I can excited about like A place further than the universe, chihayafuru, from the new world, yuri on Ice. It's great. And occasionally I watch trash too but even the trash I watch don't have stupid fanservice or pedoshit, because umm, it really isn't that common.
No. 413143
>>413117Literally this.
>uwu I'm not like those OTHER dirty weebs, I ACKNOWLEDGE anime has certain points to be criticized! Unlike all the disgusting, mouthbreathing pedo weebs! Often the reason why people get defensive is that the criticism comes from a place of spite and bias instead of being actually legitimate.
No. 413217
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Anime is okay I guess. I really wish it didn't pander so hard sometimes. I like animation in general so I'll watch some shows but some of it is just so blatantly pandering to men and shitty fetishes and the male fantasy. Shows that 'pander' to a female crowd are usually generic romcom shit so it's hard to really find something that I like.
Carol and Tuesday is the only show recently that actually looks really good and it's not even legally available outside of Japan.
No. 413242
>>413227Dragon Ball is the ultimate normie anime
someone saying they like Dragonball is as vague as someone saying they like baseball
No. 413261
>>413259The beginning was cringe in order to cause shock sure but honestly I just wanted to see some goblin slaying. Are there any other shows like this? I'm not usually into violence but having a strategy to take down monsters that pillage and ruin villages seems interesting to me.
I watched the whole thing and got kind of uncomfortable with the big booby priest and the fact that the mc has to wake up next to his healer (because lul you can only get revived if you sleep next to a virgin loli apparently?)
If a guy is into high school dxd or ecchi shit I'm honestly immediately turned off idk why they just have monkey brains to me from then on.
No. 413262
>>413141Neither From the New World or Yuri on Ice are seinen or josei. Chihayafuru and A Place Further than the Universe aired different years.
There hasn't been any josei anime this year. There has only been 1 non-fanservice non-moeshit seinen (Piano no Mori S2 which is mediocre). If you like 3-4 josei/seinen a year you must love pretty much all of the very limited amount of seinen/josei anime produced or like seinen fanservice/moeshit anime.
No. 413265
>>413259yeah, i agree. this show has nothing to offer. i also found it funny how incels like to pretend that the detailed depiction of rape and suffering of girls was neccessary and not fetishizing at all. why did they kill the male character off-screen then?
>>413261have you tried log horizon and hai to gensou no grimgar?
>>413262aren't sarazanmai and carole & tuesday josei?
No. 413278
>>413262>>413269You may have an overly strict definition of josei/seinen that's not helpful for the conversation.
Run with the Wind and carole & tuesday are joseis from this year and they're both pretty good. Similarly I really like from the new world, it's a non-demographic denominated novel but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be josei/seinen. Since I like both it not fitting totally into one camp is just fine.
No. 413282
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>>413261Maybe try Kimetsu? It’s not exactly close because it takes place in the early 1900s Japan but it has demon slaying. The studio doing the anime has done a really good job with the animation and designs so far, it almost never looks like QUALITY. The worst thing about the series is the beginning being the weakest part.
No. 413356
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>>413258anime fans seem to be filled with the 'edgy=mature' crowd. I always saw Berserk being the epitome of edgy=smart.
You're definitely right on the bad animation part. Instead of doing so cool sakuga for the so called ep 1 'twist' they CGI'd the trolls in some scene. It was comically bad. I kind of want the animation to have the stylized inking of that thumbnail.
No. 413403
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Anime culture is just an echo-chamber. Japan enabling a lot of cuestionable topics/views/opinions doesn't help at all. You may mock social justice, but is a resource against problems like lack of morals and integrity. Pretty much what happens with otakus.
No. 413518
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Have always been creeped out by how commonly accepted it is for anime to sexualize underage girls and how many anime fans are into loli. There’s that meme about how content creators get away with sexualizing childish looking characters by saying they’re actually 19282 years old or whatever but we all know the truth.
>pic related
is of a character who’s actually eleven years old canonically (so the creator didn’t use that meme excuse as stated above). She’s from one of the most popular series out there and it’s always disturbed me how overly sexualized she is in the official series and in OFFICIAL merch. Like, it’s not just perverted fans this time turning everything into fap fodder—the series creator enables this shit too. To top it all off, this character (Shiro) is implied to have sexual feelings towards her adult older brother in the series’ story. Yuck.
No. 413520
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>>413518Another sexualized official figurine of this pre-teen character that somehow didn’t spark any controversies.
No. 413521
>>413520this is fucked. i've always said that nippon needed to be nuked for this shit. please god someone exterminate anime and its culture.
i mean, lbr, the faces of all female anime characters are literally child faces, even when they're given 'womenly' bodies. they're all meant to look like children.
No. 413723
>>413532Same anon you're responding to. I already stated that in the first image I posted. Reading comprehension, please.
>>413631>who can identify one cat eared bikini wearer out of literal thousands?Well, it's obvious that there are many characters designed like this. However I mentioned that she's from a pretty popular series so I would think that some part of the community would have brought this up. Still pedophilic shit's basically a normalized part of anime so I guess not.
No. 414188
>>413227JoJo is fucking awesome and hilarious and doesn't rely on tired tropes. I feel the same about One Punch Man. Genuinely enjoyable, fun anime.
DBZ and Naruto are more basic but also harmless. It's like enjoying Ninja Turtles or Transformers. But yes, liking moeshit is a definite huge red flag.
No. 414194
>>413518>>413520Looks like another downsy, extra chromosomal weebshit girl in the bunny suit gimmick.
If you didn't tell me it was supposed to be 11 it would just look like another stupidly drawn bitch to me.
No. 414352
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>>414351No moeshit is "wholesome". There's literally always some weird sexual angle to it for male shut-ins to masturbate over.
No. 414353
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Weeb men should be rounded up and gassed.
No. 414354
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No. 414355
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No. 414356
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No. 414360
>>414352again, moe is a really broad term.
>>414353stop turning the thread into manhate bs.
(Stop infighting) No. 414364
>>414358>>414360Nta but
>defending some misogynistic losersYikes, bitch.
No. 414372
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>>414364I think it's just that some of us literally enjoy these same shows (and even grew up liking them from childhood) for innocent reasons. Lucky Star especially had a lot of young female fans from the west who made shit like pic related. There's also a minority of men who like "cutesy" anime just because it's light and entertaining, but I can't say how common they are to really make them a focal point.
Stop letting anime, especially cutesy anime, remain a domain solely for perverted men. Let cute things be cute without being pre-packaged with some assumed male gaze bullshittery. Just because they have that perspective doesn't mean we need to adopt it and look through their dick-lens all the time.
I won't let them have it, and I don't give a shit about what tiny things the creator(s) added that might appeal to those people, as long as it's not blatantly disgusting, or the entirety of the show.
If they can take MLP for gross purposes, we can take cutesy anime for non-disgusting purposes.
Besides that, though, anon is right that even the term "moe" can mean all sorts of things. It's not a very solidified concept at all.
No. 414378
>>414358Are you… really defending this? Is this the hill you're dying on.
I have NEVER met a normal person who is into moe anime. They are always either pedo men who are too afraid of their adult peers and terrified of women so they project desires onto little cartoon girls, or they are self-hating "I'm not like those other girls" girls who want to pander to losers, like Bell Delphine.
>>414360It's not manhate, it's moeshit hate, and generally only men are into moeshit. Men are the target audiences of the worst kinds of anime, and this is an anti-anime thread.
>>414372I didn't say all anime is bad, just the ones that pander to dudes. We're obviously talking about pandering moeshit right now. Not all anime. I like a bunch of anime. Chill.
No. 414382
>>414378Almost all anime "panders to dudes" in some way at some point (even shoujo, otome, josei, etc content have their moments), let's be real. If you keep thinking in terms of "It's bad because it's made for men" and not just "Despite who it was made for, this thing is good (or bad, if it's bad)", you're going to have a hard time enjoying anything. To be honest, that doesn't even just go for anime, media as a whole is kind of scrote-infested, and has been for a while. Doesn't mean we can't just take it from them if there's some good stuff mixed in somewhere.
You're right that this is the anti-anime thread, though (NTA you reminded of that either). I just saw where those anons were coming from in not agreeing with the whole "Moe = bad" thing, so I'll renege.
No. 414392
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>>414382You sound like a scrote.
"Appealing to men" in the seinen sense is not "appealing to men" in the fanservicey moeshit sense. Stop being fucking obtuse. I'm done with this convo.
>>414388Thank you. You're a rare outlier, and the subject is clearly not about rare outliers.
(Infighting) No. 414406
>>414401I thought you said you were done with the convo.
Also, this is a really stupid thing to call the "men catfishing as women and defending themselves" or even just the "handmaiden" argument on, because literally no one is defending men.
(stop.) No. 414466
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>>414433Chilllll anon.
Have some more anti-anime pics.
No. 414467
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Anime "jokes"
No. 414555
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>>414539Chill the fuck out, sperg.
No. 414583
>>414568Eh, I mean, anime is a vast medium. To say all of it is bad is like saying all TV is bad. It's literally just the word for Japanese animation. Generally speaking, it's pretty gross though. Anime culture especially can die in a fire.
>>414582Good god, this meme has to be at least 10 years old.
No. 414586
God this thread has turned to shit
>>414582That "kid vs loli" part is really disturbing. It's like they're saying a sexualised pedo fantasy is the equivalent of a normal human child, gross
No. 414593
>>414579TY anon davido is a classic I wish there was more of it
>>414584Of course!
>>414589There is, I remember the BBC (ironically) did a segment a few years ago about hentai featuring kids and how they were not being banned and spoke to Japanese feminists about how it damages society. If i can find the video again I will post, as you an imagine the salty comments from neckbeards on the report was the usual "feminism is cancer its destroying the Japanese way" etc. Also they did say in the report-not sure how accurate this is, but that otaku in Japan is not a positive thing even today like its seen in a lot of western fandoms. However apparently CP was allowed up until a few years ago, so who knows.
No. 414597
>>414587>>414589>Early lolicon idols were Clarisse from Lupin III: Castle of Cagliostro (1979) and the shōjo heroine Minky Momo (1982) as female characters in shōnen series at that point were largely mothers or older-sister characters.[23][34] Although Clarisse was depicted as 16, older than most "lolicon" images today, she inspired "fairytale-esque" or "girly" fanworks. Patrick Galbraith asserts that Minky Momo was an attempt to court lolicon fans. This is denied by Satō Toshihiko, who planned the original Minky Momo.[19]>Responding to the portrayal of Clarisse from Lupin III: Castle of Cagliostro, Hayao Miyazaki criticized the lolicon artists and fans who idolize her in what he considers a demeaning manner. He differentiates his female protagonists, labeling those the aforementioned idolized, according to The Otaku Encyclopedia, "as pets".[23]
>Lolicon manga has been and is marketed to both boys and men.[25] Sharon Kinsella wrote that lolicon manga was a late 1980s outgrowth of girls' manga,[32] which included yaoi and parodies of boys' and adult manga.[75] This occurred as more men attended amateur manga conventions and as new boys' amateur manga genres appeared at Comiket. Kinsella distinguished between the attitudes toward gender of amateur lolicon manga and that of male fans of girls' manga.[32] While parody manga created by women ridicule male stereotypes and appeal to both male and female fans, lolicon manga "usually features a girl heroine with large eyes and a body that is both voluptuous and child-like, scantily clad in an outfit that approximates a cross between a 1970s bikini and a space-age suit of armour".[32] Kinsella noted dominant British and American genres and imports of animation video in the 1990s derived from lolicon manga, suggesting women, and therefore also men, in all of these countries have gone through similar social and cultural experiences.[76]
>Frederik L. Schodt has suggested that one reason lolicon manga is popular with some fans is because the female characters portrayed are "younger, slightly softer, [and] rarely possessing an in-your-face aggressive feminism"
>Ito views the preference for young girls as sex objects in manga and anime to be due to a change in Japanese society in the 1970s and 1980s. Ito says that at that time, boys felt that girls were "surpassing them in terms of willpower and action". However, as the boys believed girls to be the weaker sex, the boys began focusing on young girls "who were 'easy to control'". Additionally, the young girls of lolicon exist in the media, which Ito points out is a place where one can control things however they want.[8]tl;dr: scrotes invaded and started shitting things up because they liked sexualizing the characters in content meant for actual young girls/women (and sometimes kids/non-degenerates in general, in the case of Miyazaki content) to enjoy. The reason it's become normalized is most likely a mixture of studios pandering hard to whoever pays top dollar (eg maladjusted men happy to pour money into media), and just men in general being shitheads who get
triggered by women not being fragile and easy to contol. This is like if the "brony fandom" in the US sparked off an entire genre of cartoons made just to siphon money off ponyfucking neckbeards (and of course, if those same neckbeards decided to involve themselves heavily in the animation scene so they could make what they want).
As for resistance, there's a lot of detail on that in the Wiki page. There's definitely been outcry against it, and many people speak out, start petitions, try to enact laws, but it just….keeps going.
No. 414598
>>414597Forgot this:
>Men began reading shōjo manga in the 1970s, including the works of the Year 24 Group and the "girly" works of Mutsu A-ko.[19] According to Dinah Zank, lolicon is "rooted in the glorification of girls culture in Japan", and therefore uses shōjo manga vocabulary.[24] The lolicon style borrows from shōjo manga designs and has also been influenced by women creating pornographic materials for men.[25] The parallel to MLPfags is actually morbidly interesting to me.
No. 414656
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I see people mentioning Shield Hero so I've wanted to rant about it without being attacked by a neckbeard army.
Everyone is raving about how it's sooo good and different than the typical isekai but the only thing that it makes it different that it's actually worse. Look at the plot in first 5 episodes:
>MC is typical bland otaku who gets transported to another world with 3 other guys (who are "chads"). All of them are told they are heroes, MC being a shield hero but turns out nobody cares about shield heroes.
All mature women choose "chad" heroes to be in party with them, while nobody likes MC ~the nice guy~.
>Gets framed for rape by King's daughter for no real reason other than she's evil and likes bringing misery to others.
This is where anime explicitly mentions how kingdom is a matriarchy (even though it's ruled by a king) and rape is a huge crime. Scrotes love this because women are evil, men are victims and #metoo is a lie. Keep in mind that king's daughter looks mature.
>MC stumbles upon a slave owner and gets himself a slave girl (who looks like she's 8 years old) named Raphtalia who has PTSD and is a half-racoon half-human (aka has kawaii ears and tail)
Slave owner's shop is filled with suffering creatures in tiny cages. He mentions that Raphtalia has PTSD from being abused by previous owner (implied sexual abuse)
>MC makes her fight for him, but otherwise treats her well and she gets cured of her PTSD in a week or so. Rapthalia also grows up as she levels up and her personality is basically "loyal to her master."
>MC notices that male characters around him are attracted to Raphtalia (even though she still looks like a child) and says "This country is full of lolicons."
>At one point, MC is forced to free Raphtalia, to undo the curse of her being a slave to him. He starts artistically screeching and has a mental breakdown. Raphtalia is free'd and tells MC that she will stay with him regardless. Wants to get the curse again and remain his slave (for no real reason other than to show her loyalty).
>MC takes her to the slave owner, she gets the slave curse tattoo on her boobs and is like ~uwu how does it look master~. They are totally fine returning to slave owner's place filled with tortured creatures and giving him more business, even though Raphtalia used to be one of those tortured creatures herself. Slave owner has also turned into some sort of comedic relief.
>MC buys another slave from slave owner, a chocobo. Except it turns out that chocobo is also a little girl (who looks 6) and of course she loves being a ~slave to her master~, tons of sexual innuendo happens with her too etc
No wonder it's called Shield Incel, it's literally incel rhetoric the anime. Women and matriarchy are bad because they will frame nice guys for rape for no other reasons except they are evil and only care about chads. Little girls being enslaved is good though, because they will adore their master and be loyal forever.
No. 414661
>>414656Peak manhood is wanting to enslave women, and losing your shit at the mere concept of them not being crushed under your foot or chained to you by force. Also, believing that it's "loyalty" to choose to be enslaved.
I haven't personally met any males who like that shit yet, but I'm almost glad it exists, because being a fan of such garbage really shows what kind of person they are so they can easily be avoided.
No. 414664
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>>414656It gets even worse down the road
>mc meets younger sister of the woman who accused him of rape, and of course - she is a loli who immediately falls in love with mc>apparently the younger sister will inherit the throne despite the fact that she has no supporters (while her older sister has many) and is still just a child>incel hero and his team are saved by chocobo queen, who still looks and behaves like a child despite being hundreds of years old>other heroes (sword, bow, lance) are stupid and can't strategize or use more than one attack, despite having immense experience with the same exact game irl>their only puropse is to make shield incel look awesome and smart, and of course, to make mc's loli harem even more convinced that he is the best No. 414686
>>414616Darling in the franxx is not nearly as objectionable as shieldhero. I think it's telling that it normally wouldn't have gotten any attention, it was the western weebs who produced it. Nobody in japan wanted that shit.
If twitter wants to do something, they should find out who at Crunchyroll is behind this and get them fired.
No. 414698

>>414676>becky cruelI remember being a young weeb in middle school and being jelly because I thought she was living the dream. Western media was portraying her as a Japanese version of Hannah Montana - "Superstar in Japan but also a normal British school girl."
And I can see why she appealed to young weeb girls, if you look at this video, her act is cringy but still cute and it doesn't seem sexualized. Looks like something that's meant to be broadcasted on a show meant for kids that gets aired on saturday mornings.
Until you check the clock at the upper left corner and realize that this performance was put on a midnight slot…so this wasn't aimed for kids to watch at all. Somehow this performance is meant for adults to enjoy instead.
She was only 13 at the time and obviously didn't have a special talent (e.g. singing) so the purpose wasn't to show her off as a child prodigy. She was meant to be sexualized to creepy adult men. Of course, her agency made her do gravure too.
No. 414705
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>>414701Saber's characterization is a
victim of male otaku media where strong female characters aren't truly strong and need a man (otaku self insert) to make them truly feel complete.
Just look at the retarded writing when it comes to Saber's virginity. Since she's a waifu, she shouldn't have sexual experience but since she was King Arthur, we'll make her get a magic dick and have sexual experiences with other women but NO MEN otherwise she's a whore!! Only otaku's self insert character can deflower her and make her "feel like a woman".
No. 414783
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>>414742Haruhi has tsundere traits but her character isn't completely defined by being tsundere. She also has her own agency instead of just following in male MC's steps. On the other hand, her character is still badly written, basically some sort of manic pixie dream girl in anime form.
I guess she stands out more compared to other two female characters, Mikuru and Yuki. Yuki's popularity baffles me, especially in Disappearance where she remains personality-less and boring as fuck but has an ~uwu crush~ on Kyon.
I remember when the movie came out, I thought it was gonna be something really good but it turns out it was just scrotes raving about Yuki making an ~uwu sad face ;_;~.
I wasted 2 hours watching that boring shit fuck.
No. 414797
>>267683I dated an autistic weeb when I was 17, he was 25, and he literally ruined my life.
He constantly compared me to his exes, telling me how much better they were than me, even though they were equally disgusting, unemployed Amerifat weebs. I had to get counselling to attempt to undo the unspooling of my soul that he inflicted on me. I'm still angry about it.
Whenever I see anime I feel sick and associate it with him. I want his blood.
No. 414829
>>414783> On the other hand, her character is still badly written, basically some sort of manic pixie dream girl in anime form.Whoa no way. Haruhi is definitely the main character of the show. Her development is way more interesting than Kyon's.
>>414797Was he literally autistic?
>>414822If it's not sexualized then it's fine. But some are obviously pedobait and are not fine. This reminds me of youtube shutting down comments on videos of children because pedos would congregate there. The problem is not the media but the pedos. Gas the pedos.
No. 414894
I hate j-fashion. I hate circle lenses. Do you weebs and closeted-asiaphiles still wear circle lenses? I don't see them irl anymore. Pls respond.
>>414797None of the things you mentioned is exclusively weeb, or am I bad at concluding things?
No. 414906
>>414797>I dated an autistic weeb when I was 17, he was 25>17>25Well, that’s your problem. Any 25 year old that dates a 17 year old is a loser at best and a predator at worst.
Sorry you had to go through that though.
No. 414907
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I feel like good/hyped anime are just bait and switch. It drags you in with an interesting concept, but by episode 4 it loses all pretense of being good and hopes you rate shows based off the sunk cost fallacy. Cells at work first seemed like a cool concept, but just became trite by it's 3rd episode (also the moe cells made me cirnge)
No. 414912
>>414907The gender-bend spin-off manga version (Hataraku Saibou BLACK) is even worse and it's basically like gore + hentai.
But the anthropomorphize genre of anime is pretty boring now and has created a new brand of cringy fans (I mean it led to the birth of Ebola-chan)
No. 414936
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In the context of the recent “uwu yandere” stabbing, I have completely lost faith in humanity. Somebody please nuke these weebs
No. 414948
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>>414939Not the most common thing neckbeards are saying (most are romanticizing it), but this polyp's pretty accurate critique is actually pretty funny
No. 415082
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>>415079I just typed in in my browser at work, thanks anon.
No. 415253
>>414936I'll remember this next time I read autists getting
triggered about women admiring violent male criminals.
No. 415619
>>414725>Nobody really talks about Haruhi Suzumiya anymoreBecause you know; no S3 and the light novels are still on hiatus lol.
>>414783Yuki suffer through Endless Eight; give that bitch a break.
No. 415631
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>>414725>>414783Did you guys forget that Haruhi was constantly sexually harassing Mikuru? That was fucking disgusting. Like the episode were she makes some IT club dweebs fondle Mikuru's boobs (while she is being held down) to take photos and blackmail them into letting her use the computers (or something). Because of that scene alone, Haruhi was the worst character in the show.
The harassment was even displayed on promo art as some cute moe scene. Pic related.
No. 415637
>>415631can any anons explain the extent of the show's popularity and why it blew up? I know it was massive but I wasn't really aware of the anime scene when it first aired and not many people talk about it nowadays, unlike evangelion and cowboy bebop etc.
Was it really just a cliché show that got lucky?
also on that note, Lucky Star used to be all over the internet and that seems to have just disappeared too
No. 415648
>>415631looked up the episodes because i forgot so much of this show and found this
>"As the SOS Brigade continues filming, Haruhi has Mikuru thrown in a polluted lake by the extras. Tsuruya offers her place as a filming location, where Haruhi dresses Mikuru in a revealing nightgown and spikes her drink with alcohol as prep for a romance scene with Itsuki… "what the actual fuck
No. 415649
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>>415637it's basically considered legendary since it's considered "the first moe anime" and was Kyoto Animations biggest success (Which is why KyoAni still only does moe/fanservice-y animes). For example the band scene with the bunny suits got so popular in Japan that the moe anime K-on (which also became a HUGE hit) got created because of it. Lucky Star was also a reaction from Haruhi's success since it's a show completely based on moe tropes.
The melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya essentially changed the anime scene forever and not for the better tbh.
No. 415652
>>415649oh I see, I guess I didn't notice the impact since I started watching anime after the series has gotten popular, holy crap so so many shitty tropes actually came from the series? When I watched it I really thought it was some satire or play on them…
also video related, its one of the first things that come up on youtube when you search this anime so it's clearly a scene near and dear to people's hearts
gag No. 415701
>>415637Haruhi was big but I don't agree that it was the first moe anime at all like
>>415649 says. The main character was tsundere in a different way, she's "special" without realizing it, and she's a bit of a nerd, enough that otaku could both self insert on her and want her to be their ~waifu. I liked Haruhi a lot when it aired because she was a female protagonist who wasn't a blushing shy moron, but the show is
problematic as fuck when viewed from a 2019 lens.
Haruhi killed it's own hype because the second season ended up being a disaster, so it isn't remembered favorably plus it didn't lend itself to a big lasting fandom that makes fanfiction or speculates a lot. Lucky Star was big because it referenced Haruhi and people watched it because they thought it was a sealth second season or would reveal the mysteries and answer questions.
No. 415771
>>415649>>415701You are absolutely right. I doubt that there is such a thing as a 'first moe anime' and if there is, Haruhi is not one for sure. There were moe anime in the 90s and the 00s, like Digi Charat or Strawberry Marshmallow (an early 'cute girls doing cute things' anime, I suppose). Not to mention VN adaptations, like Key ones, which predate Haruhi by years.
Speaking about Haruhi, I remember plenty of nerds loving her. When the show blew up, people were memeing Haruhism as a religion/cult, always with the catchphrase 'because our god is sexier than your god'. Not sure how often she was being waifu'd, but she was a well-loved character.
>>415724Oh my God anon, that's really cringy and shitty. Good thing that you grew out of it. I remember that being 'all pervy xDD' was a thing among 00's weebs, so you were not the only one. Truly horrifying.
No. 415778
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This thread reminded me that the School Days family tree exists. Fuck this gay earth.
No. 415782
>>415637I guess it got popular because Haruhi was different from the usual female character. There was also the whole ~mysterious and quirky~ vibe to it, which made people really interested (like how the episodes aren't in chronological order). People tried to find theories and clues.
And of course, there was fanservice and multiple female characters pandering to different tastes, so yeah.
No. 415862
>>415631There's a fine, fine line between having a backbone and being utterly overbearing and obnoxious. Were Itsuki and Kyon were female they'd be almost universally regarded as best girls just for being ANYWHERE on the spectrum between prima-donna and doormat.
>>415637>Was it really just a cliché show that got lucky?It's the Seinfeld Effect. At the time(AFAIK) there really wasn't anything else like it. It's just seems like a cliché now because everything else has copied it. Plus its signature dance was Gangnam Style of its era.
No. 415921
>>415649I used to liked Haruhi and Lucky Channel when I was way younger but tbh both of them have aged like milk especially with all the drama surrounding Aya Hirano. I see them as both predecessor to 'moe' anime nowadays and self-aware parodies full of refences that are really dated nowadays.
>>415639It's been so long since I read the LN; but I don't remember the groping being nowhere near as bad but still kinda there. If anything the later novels; implied with Future Mikuru she actually likes it but that version was always shady tbh.
No. 416010
The disappointment when my favorite anime youtuber says she likes incel hero.…..
No. 416182
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>>414936Samefag that posted yandere girl. I am so fucking done with these niggas. “Separate fiction from real life” my ass when these people are trying to bail her out because hurrr real life yandere gf
No. 416208
>>416198Anon, time to take off your rose-tinted spectacles, she's average at best.
Yellow fever really is one hell of a disease.
No. 416264
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>>416262this lmao
>>416229>>416235>>416208pic related is another image of her from her instagram page. she's conventionally attractive in both Japan and the West.
>average at best lol No. 416266
>>416262>>416264Can you please stop defending somebody who tried to murder a person?!
That's really not the time to be bitter about muh evil whities being racist against you, jesus christ!
But what to expect from a site full of hybristophiles…
No. 416268
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Her pics are shooped to hell and back, her chin changes around more than Kooters. And she cosplays, so of course otakus and weebs love her even more. She has close to 60k followers now already. What a sick world.
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>>416268>>416266>I-I'm not bitter, you are! REE ALL SHE DOES IS SHOOP!1Lol be mad. And literally no one defended her actions at all itt so idk what you're on about with the hybristofag accusation. But it is weird to see farmers so concerned about the well-being of a man all the sudden.
I will quit infighting with you now tho.
File: 1559236988441.png (683.13 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20190530-131802.png)

>>416270>>416270She literally does though. Like you can see the filters applied? Ntayrt but she very obviously uses an app for most of her photos. Actually look at her insta.
>>416268Lots of shoop on her photos. The glasses make her look a lot cuter because they give the appearance of a slimmer nose. She looks very south east Asian, facially. She's okay, but nowhere near as cute as people are saying. Without Snow or Meitu or glasses that make her nose look substantially thinner, I wouldn't think people would say she's conventionally attractive tbh
>>416270>uses a dragon reaction image>"hurrdurr why the females on lc suddenly care about the wellbeing of men" >has a boner for a cosplaying jap/near-murdererYeah…
Pointing out that the whole internet going crazy over a japanese psychopath might be because there are a lot of men (and women) suffering of yellow fever does not mean we're bitter white girls who are somehow jealous of her. She's not ugly, but definitely not otherwordly enough to make people bail her out of jail either. She just happens to be japanese and a lot of people have a thing for japanese girls - especially if they're into anything
kawaii, like cosplay.
(stop) No. 416277
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>she looks 40!
>nasolabial folds!
>granny arms!
No. 416282
>>416275>>uses a dragon reaction imageHow is this an indication of being male in any way shape or form? kek
>Pointing out that the whole internet going crazy over a japanese psychopath might be because there are a lot of men (and women) suffering of yellow fever does not mean we're bitter white girls who are somehow jealous of her.You didn't do that. Other anons did that earlier but
you got
triggered by a single post that called her cute, not even beautiful and certainly not "otherworldly," just "cute," then implied that the only a male with yellow fever could think that (which you're still doing) and started sperging about shoop.
(You can stop too.) No. 416306
>>416289Honestly? I'm okay with that. It's not even like the guy died, or as if she has a track record of assaulting anyone else. Don't know why some people are so up in arms about this.
I think a better comparison would be Sada Abe, who achieved a sort of celebrity status after she asphyxiated her boyfriend and lopped off his dick because she couldn't save his body or head, and "wanted to take the part of him that brought back the most vivid memories". Reportedly, she even tried to use it as a dildo, but no dice.
Sada had a similar reasoning to this woman, as well.>The interrogating officer was struck by Abe's demeanor when asked why she had killed Ishida. "Immediately she became excited and her eyes sparkled in a strange way."[40] Her answer was: "I loved him so much, I wanted him all to myself. But since we were not husband and wife, as long as he lived he could be embraced by other women. I knew that if I killed him no other woman could ever touch him again, so I killed him …"[2] In attempting to explain what distinguished Abe's case from over a dozen other similar cases in Japan,[41] William Johnston suggests that it is this answer which captured the imagination of the nation. "She had killed not out of jealousy but out of love.>The incident also struck a chord with the ero-guro-nansensu ("erotic-grotesque-nonsense") style popular at the time, and the Sada Abe Incident came to represent that genre for years to come.[43]This whole Wikipedia article is an interesting read.
No. 416311
>>416306>Honestly? I'm okay with that. It's not even like the guy died, or as if she has a track record of assaulting anyone else. Don't know why some people are so up in arms about this.Because she wanted to murder somebody…? She might try again and succeed, she is dangerous. Others show remorse after hurting somebody, she didn't give a fuck, she's a sociopath.
Plus the talk is that she's a hikki. A neet who cosplays, probably still living of her parents money. Even if she rots her whole life away in prison, nothing of value is lost.
No. 416316
>>416306Did she do it because of a Sada Abe thing or because she was a cosplayer enchanted with the idea of being seen as a cute yandere? That's my question.
>>416282She has 60k followers because men are saying she's super cute and are fantasizing about the yandere crap. All of 4chan is salivating, so it's not just the one post here. In any event, it's not bitterness that drives people to say she shoops. It's not like it's subtle. It's that she literally obviously does.
No. 416322
>>416311Meh. It's up to the professionals to interrogate her and decide whether she's actually a sociopath or a threat to society at large, to be honest.
No point in armchair diagnosing IMO, especially when men have proven themselves far more dangerous repeatedly in not just Japanese society, but literally all societies.
Besides, even men aren't fearing for their gender's wellbeing in this case. They're literally the main ones glorifying her, lmao.
Not up to me to start worrying on their behalf. If she does it again, maybe they will learn. If she doesn't, it's just more proof why this isn't considered as big a deal - it's far, far rarer for women to act out in this way, and flat-out just not as egregious.
If she starts exhibiting signs of violent behavior toward women and/or children, or humanity as a whole, I'll be far more alarmed.
No. 416323
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>>416316She did that "repeatedly writing "I love you" in blood in a notebook" thing, so my money's partly on doing it for the "cute yandere" aesthetic, but until more info comes out, we don't know.
We know from cows and flakes that it's very possible to be both a cosplayer and batshit insane.
No. 416325
>>416322Just because there are more evil men doesn't mean that an individual evil women doesn't deserve just as harsh punishment.
I really don't understand why you keep defending her.
And in the end it also doesn't matter whether she's insane or not, fact is, that she wanted to kill.
No. 416329
>>416325I'm not defending her, I just don't care or understand why anyone would. Like, so what if this incident gets memed because scrotes can't separate waifufaggotry from real life? Will it make stabbing legal or something? Shit happens.
It's just not that deep unless it turns out that this is a common behavior pattern for her, you're related to the guy involved, or you know for a fact that he's completely innocent.
No. 416330
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>>416323>>416323I'm not familiar with specific yandere anime characters, but people are saying she cosplayed yandere characters specifically. I don't know why someone who didn't want attention would try to kill someone (she already thought he was dead), then do really performative shit addressed to the person she killed. Why his blood? Just seems very performative.
Also pic related for the anon that keeps insisting it's one post. She's definitely being shilled as gorgeous, beautiful, etc etc.
No. 416332
>>416329Somebody said that she'll likely doesn't have to go to prison for long and you answered "I'm okay with that."
That's a bit more than you just not caring as much as others. It makes you appear as if you're on her side.
>It's just not that deep unless it turns out that this is a common behavior pattern for her, you're related to the guy involved, or you know for a fact that he's completely innocent.That same logic could be applied to literally any other crime as well. On the contrary, in other cases you sometimes don't even know for sure who's the offender, here we do.
Men already give this woman way too much sympathy, we don't need to downplay what she did on top of that as well. That's sick.
No. 416351
>>416332Men: Women are fools who marry criminals and get beaten by Chad bad boys by choice, unlike us men of high intellect who carefully choose our partners based on dozens of intricate biological and sociological qualities
Also men:
stanning woman who tried to stab a man to death No. 416541
>>416351>stanning woman who tried to stab a man to deathWell only because some find her attractive or have fallen for the memery that she is.
Remember that old, uglier, and fatter female criminals are condemned outright by men as they have no perceived use as flesh holes.
No. 416542
>>416351>stanning woman who tried to stab a man to deathWell only because some find her attractive or have fallen for the memery that she is.
Remember that old, uglier, and fatter female criminals are condemned outright by men as they have no perceived use as flesh holes.
No. 417347
File: 1559536783930.jpg (Spoiler Image,447.18 KB, 3300x1840, objectivelygarbage.jpg)

>>416541>>416542Which is pretty much her point, no?
Some women will ignore how objectively garbage a man is if he's physically attractive; and some men, how garbage a woman is she's physically attractive. When men berate women for doing this, but won't even acknowledge that they're doing it themselves, that's a prime example of them being objectively garbage.
To get this back on topic though, should I be worried about my friend thinking Konosuba is great? I'm struggling to see a lot in it that's positive.
No. 418195
>>418173Now that you mention it, Rochelle's response in particular did stand out as peculiar, even for aggressive flirting.
"How bad does this bad boy get, and does he need a naughty girl to keep him bad?"
Haha, naughty dirty sex stuff could be worse than stealing candy, but unless her idea of a fun night out involves sacrifices to Moloch it just doesn't work in the given context at all.
No. 418300
>>418290You can have seen anime or interacted with weebs without being a weeb. And it doesn’t take keeping up with every anime and analyzing the tsundere levels of the characters in depth to see what fucking trash anime is.
Blogpost ahead but —
I vaguely remember parts of sailor moon, I ended up roped into anime related shit through robotech, which was big in tabletop RPG world for a bit (my parents both were tabletop gamers) and ended up being friends with a girl in 3rd grade who was always watching anime when I came over. In HS anime was suddenly becoming very popular and I joined the anime club bc my crush was in it. Interacting with those weebs and suffering through the latest anime is how I started to realize why it made me feel so uncomfortable
No. 418378
>>418300> In HS anime was suddenly becoming very popular and I joined the anime club bc my crush was in it. Interacting with those weebs and suffering through the latest anime is how I started to realize why it made me feel so uncomfortableI feel sorry for you. Nobody should have to go through such an experience. But that's where it went wrong. Interacting with male weebs should not be a thing that ever happens because they are all, to a person, awful people.
My only experience with such people is over the internet. I just watch normal, non-pandering shows and don't have to deal with fanservice and the like.
No. 418787
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>>414656>>414664Quoting older posts but I just stumbled upon this and I just can't
No. 418789
>>418787The fuck did I just read?
So glad I'm an almost normie that just watches Attack on Titan.
No. 419117
File: 1559872326925.png (448.92 KB, 722x361, Capture2.PNG)

Monogatari has one of the worst art styles I've seen. The cell shading is uncanny and the backgrounds look like crappy 3D renders. People also like to overthink that whack fest to the point they think it took inspiration from Jean-Paul Sartre. Every arc is the same 'oh noes my psychological issues relating to my identity ha surfaced as a demon'. I feel like the anime community has an issue of equating unique to good
No. 419320
>>419130Wow. Just wow.
When you watch American movies and high school based tv shows they usually have the cliche of a cool jock clique that's constantly picking on a less cool nerd clique. This never resonated since I went to a school where just about everyone could get along with everyone. After seeing that video, now I understand it. They really do have certain kids that are begging to live in lockers.
No. 419368
>>419336this. that's the only reason they're catering to fujos now. degenerates buy more shit and whale harder in games.
>inb4 angry fujos claim i hate women's hobbiesnah fam, i hate male and female degenerates.
No. 419448
>>419117Monogatari is another shitty anime, don't even bother with it.
In the past I was thinking that is some deep shit anime. Oh boy, I was so wrong.
No. 419549
>>419493For StudioTrigger, just the art directions/choices is not good. Promare prob gonna be swept under the rug like the studio other things but also cause they can't write for there life and only good with animation.
Buuut, there fans course gonna praise it n shit.
No. 419668
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>>419493….where’s her body? Does she have a giraffe neck???
Also holy shit that voice acting
No. 419679
>>419493Trigger shit isn't meant to be deep. Most of their content is 'turn your brain off' entertainment, and you either love it or hate it.
>>419668That's a man, baby.
No. 420025
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imagine going to work and seeing this
No. 420096
>>420065It's Mio Minato from Aikatsu Friends, anime for kids.
It hurts to look at this pic, because she's one of my fav charas from this series. Also, it's cringe.
No. 420130
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>>420025dead inside and out
No. 420131
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also googled this bitch and this was in her uploads. it says so much
No. 420231
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This room belongs to a catholic prolife trad girl. Ummm I don't think jesus like lolicons.
No. 420240
>>420231the other stuff is cringe/tacky as it is, but is that a loli shower curtain in the middle of her room? i would say at
least use it for its intended purpose but i guess you can't expect a weeb to bathe enough for that
No. 420243
>>420231>catholic prolife lolicon weebLmao WHAT?
Link, anon. I've got to see this shit for myself.
No. 420250
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Weeaboo girl rooms are hilarious to me. damn bitch you live like this?
No. 420310
>>420248She's 25 and obsessing over sexualized cartoon children. Her posts are filled with obvious lolicon series, "sexy" art of kids and doujins that look like they're about kindergartners.
I understand when 13 year old weeb girls don't see what's wrong with that stuff and talk about loving whatever the lolicon of the month is, like that anime about the 12 year old ecchi artist that was popular a while back, since they're also just kids so they don't know better. But when you're 25 and still live your life around jacking off to anime children it's time to stop.
Does it ever occur to her that any reasonable adult who saw her horde of figurines of children in swimsuits would be rightfully nauseated? Weebshit is so nasty.
No. 420313
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>>420231How fucking strange. We used to be mutuals years ago and I looked up to her when I was a young weeb.. lmao
>>420259Ofc this is my own experience and not everyone's but I was groomed starting at age 12 or so but anime pedophiles, they'd show me lolicon porn and encouraged me to act like that and that it's totes cute to be a degenerate and love loli porn and stuff, I liked it because it got me male attention and I was constantly told that I was 'special' and sooo 'cutelewd' because of this.
It's basically my biggest reason for despising any sort of lolicon stuff or even hentai, all of it gives me a beyond uncomfortable feeling and it makes me sad because I know these pedophiles are doing this shit to other minors.. Anyone who says lolicon doesn't hurt kids is a fucking ignorant idiot.
No. 420331
>>420328i can't imagine being this fucking dense. not only do you have no input other than claiming i'm a male, but you are just proving my points. stop derailing the thread.
weebs are fucking cringe, and fujoshits aren't an exception. get over it. the only women who are more cringy weebs than fujos are crazy girls who think they're irl animus like penus or yumi king.
No. 420338
>>420025Honest question, is she autistic?
I think it's nice when people can decorate their desks at work. As long as it's not something that could make others uncomfortable (political agenda, erotica, etc) I think it's cool to see others express their personality at work (like the person who's desk is visible to the left of the picture). I think that even a small figure of an anime character (again, if it's not perverted) should be fine, just don't go overboard… which she did. How come? I am socially retarded weeb with a snobby taste and even I know that you absolutely cannot do shit like this. Not only has she built her sperg shrine at work, she went in a full cosplay? Why? What the actual fuck.
No. 420346
>>420331Not defending fujos at all but lolifags like the ones
>>420262 mention are probably the worst it gets when it comes to female anime fans
No. 420362
>>420345I remember when the fujo sperg entered the vent (or unpopular opinion?) thread and tried to derail acting like fujoshi are literally Satan, then refused to use the anti-anime or anti-fujoshi threads, claiming "They're too dead and I want responses to my posts!".
It's a confirmed troll. I don't know which fujo bullied them in 2005 to make them so heated and attention-seeking about this until the day they die, but I don't think there's any helping them.
No. 420377
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>>420328I have posted about fujos in the fujo cringe thread and elsewhere before, you don't get a saintly pass because there's a decent number of fujos on lolcow, just ignore the thread instead of posting things like
>scrotes did it first uwu>you're repressing my sexuality(Mini modding) No. 420440
File: 1560201609081.jpg (233.14 KB, 1200x900, DsdBNvKXQAEiBUq.jpg)

>>420348>>420397I've seen a bunch of japanese girls who have lots lolicon porn manga and merchandise, and they seem like genuine degenerates. This is @anbitaso's room on ig. I think she's a neet otaku cause she's always buying new stuff.
No. 420449
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>>420377I can understand why some women would want to play games/reading visual novels like DMMD or any nitro+chiral visua novels in general but having this type of figurine is just embarrassing. I thing this type of figurine is pretty expensive too and take a lot of space iirc. Where do you even display something like that and what happens when you have family or friends at home?
No. 420451
>>420440I really hope for the sake of these girls mentalities that they style their room like this for attention on sns. Otherwise it's just too messed up
>>420449It baffles me anon, it truly does
No. 420470
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>>420446I'm not familiar with the characters but anime draws characters that are 13 and characters that are 25 the exact same, I remember the jokes about when Clannad was airing, so I guess I'm just numb to that aspect. I don't care unless someone is drawing/making explicit porn with them.
Pic related is mother and (high school) aged daughter
No. 420591
>>420377In what way is that post mini modding? Stop being so
triggered with the report button, fujos. Saying "oh hey I hate fujos too and they don't get a pass" has nothing to do with backseat modding.
No. 420695
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>>420675p much
i hate almost all yaoi/BL series but happily welcome all fujos into my arms as the most powerful enemy of neckbeards
No. 420698
>>420695It is pretty funny to think of men getting uncomfortable seeing this shit.
Now they'll know how it feels. Godspeed to those who post as much yaoi as possible in their degenerate NSFW channels in Discord servers.
No. 420699
>>420695TBH these are still incredibly tame compared to
>>413518>>413520which are of an actual child
No. 420703
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>>420698It is pretty funny. Men will post a bunch of inflated nuke tiddies, ahoge, furry, loli degeneracy, but the second there are some relatively attractive dudes that are almost entirely full clothed, people like the nerds on /a/ will scream fujobait. Think of how Free! was received compared to something like Keijo which is just normal for anime culture I suppose.
No. 420706
>>420699I think this is actually better
Men don't feel threatened by shota but they do by teenage bishounen
No. 421023
>>420377Seeing the obsessed anti fujo sperg getting the axe is my favourite thing.
>>420675Agreed. As a side note I used to hate fujo stuff during my teenage Cool Girl/Handmaiden days because my male friends were so offended by it but now I fucking love it and feel it's empowering to me as a woman. As autistic as that sounds.
>>420698It's a false equivalence to say "w-well you're sexualizing men you're just as bad!!!!!" to begin with. Women have to face constant judging, sexualization and objectification in their lives, everywhere they go. Because of men and men alone, women are the ones who have to look behind their back when they're walking home alone. Women's reputation is deeply attached to their physical looks and desirability. Even in the present day the only time women are allowed express sexuality is when they're pleasing men, not themselves. So men throwing a hysterical fit over girls having this one fucking thing (yaoi/BL) to feel a bit of power over them goes off to show how coddled they are in their entitlement. It's sort of similar to when women have a female only support network in a largely male dominated field and men start screeching oppression and gender inequality due to women having this one thing to help get their foot between the door. For this reason Yaoi/BL is especially popular in a sexist society like Japan where women are expected to be pure and subservient.
No. 421575
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>>420377What's really fucked up is that this fig is nothing compared to some of the figures that they make catered to men.
Like at least his and these
>>420695 have proportions that are more or less human looking. Hell, the only thing men can really pick on is "reee they have muscles/are fit!11! so unrealistic!!!". The girl figures on the other hand are literally the biggest clown shit I've ever seen with my eyes.
No. 421583
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>>421575It gets a lot worse than that, anon… There are countless loli nopan figs too
No. 421586
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>>421583Never in my life have I ever felt so sick and filled with regret after clicking on a spoiler image.
No. 421603
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>>421583Jesus didn't die for this.
No. 421610
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>>421583her vagina looks so gross, like… the context my main made is…. disgusting i can only imagin what the full set of this shit looks like jesus fuck
No. 421631
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>>421583Is she bleeding?!
No. 421651
>>420313Wow, excellent post. Need people who have experienced the nightmare of what happens when society emboldens disgusting fucks by giving them carte blanche to totally unfettered communities of creeps and unlimited access of drawn childrape, to have their voices heard.
Like obviously it's not just a drawing. The fuck, people? Yet I see people who aren't actually pedos (I'm like 99% sure) sincerely defending this because it has an implication on their politics, basically, which is that nothing on a societal level truly affects anyone.
No. 421653
>>421646Can confirm, grew up as one of those girls. It's pretty twisted how acceptable it was back in the early 2000s, in hindsight. Girls were really cosplaying as Rin Kokonoe from Kodomo No Jikan and seeing nothing wrong with it.
I still like cute anime shit and feel bad when something with a nice character design or art style turns out to be some pedo bullshit, but there's a point where you have to just understand what it is you're doing in the grand scheme of things, and accept that it's important to not publicly support some media.
Childhood memories (and innocence of the work itself) are partly why I'll defend something like Lucky Star or Ichigo Mashimaro, but not, say, Astarotte No Omocha, or the first series I mentioned.
No. 421658
>>421655Google, what's Kodomo no Jikan?
"Kodomo no Jikan (こどものじかん, lit. A Child's Time) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kaworu Watashiya. The story revolves around a grade school teacher named Daisuke Aoki, whose main problem is that one of his students, Rin Kokonoe, has a crush on him."
Ick, ick, ick, no of course it's not a romance. Romance for little girls that weren't abuse
victims begins and ends with holding a boy's hand at lunch.
No. 421669
>>421658The main character is very, very sexually forward too. Like, to the point where if she were real she'd have been pulled aside by a child therapist or guidance counselor. One of the supporting characters is also a busty 9-year-old and their creepy lesbian friend. The 9-year-old also gets a tampon put inside of her by an older woman while being taught about periods. There's also a whole arc about Rin learning to masturbate, and she has an uncle or something with a weird obsession with her who plans on marrying her when she's old enough. She does end up with the teacher, but only once she's 15. They try having sex but stop when his dick wouldn't fit in her. This is framed as romantic.
Lolicons claim that liking this doesn't make them a pedo because a woman wrote it. Apparently, the author based this off of her fantasies of her teacher crush when she was a child. That might be the truth but it's undeniable that this entire manga was made to cater to pedophiles.
No. 421798
>>421655>Girls have tried to debate me over whether or not Kodomo no Jikan is a romance or not.I remember talking about this with my best friend at 14. We couldn't help cheer for their romance though we knew it was wrong, but even back then we were really aware how the characters just aren't written like real children at all and how that tricked you into accepting the age difference.
Like other anons here I used to identify so much with loli characters, so I'm at least glad I didn't watch it when I was 9. Lolicon hentai is bad enough but presenting literal children as wise old souls capable of consenting to adults and then packaging it as a cute romcom aimed at younger audiences is gross, not only because of how lolicons feel validated by it, but also because of how real children are influenced by it.
No. 421821
>>421813I dunno fam, from what I'm reading about it here it does really grooming was at least a secondary reason for the show to even exist.
Like, it's not like Yotsuba or Calvin and Hobbes, right? It doesn't have little kids in it that act like little kids. It has kids that act how pedophiles want them to act - so they can say they were asking for it.
So how does Japan allow this shit to exist in the first place?
Even Megumim from Konosauba having her flat chest played for laughs pushes the lines of human decency, and I've heard that Anno was so disgusted with fans fetishizing Rei that he sabotaged the ending of Evangelion on purpose.
No. 421847
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>>421843What does this post even mean?
No. 421850
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>>421846Eva was not written as a fuck you to otaku. I have no idea where this idea came from. It seems to run wild among people who never watched Eva (or watched it once without understanding.)
According to Anno, the original ending of Eva is about Shinji regressing back to being his own childish, self-centered self, and accepting that it's okay to be that way.
>Takekuma: Lacking an idea of [what it means] to be an adult, [we] have to become adults, but we don't know what kind of adult we should become. In this condition, having reached thirty-six years of age, it's disgraceful to say such a thing, but we have not actually discovered reality. Because of this, I felt that Eva, too, fell into a state of profound sadness. Eva is really the story of Shinji-kun becoming an adult.
>Anno: That's the same thing as I [myself] becoming an adult. I'm often asked if Shinji-kun [represents] an old version of myself, but that's not the case. Shinji-kun is my current self (laughing). I act like a fourteen-year-old boy; I'm still childish. No matter how you look at it, in psychological terms, I'm [still] in the Oral Stage. A melancholic oral-dependent type. Well, this is a truth I can't deny; I can't do anything about it. I wanted to move forward from there, but the result was that I ended up regressing back to myself. A dead end.
>Takekuma: Then in a certain sense the final episode of Eva is an unhappy ending.
>Anno: Right, in a certain sense. If you take moving beyond that as being happy, then it's an unhappy ending. If you think it's fine, then it's a happy ending. No. 421852
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>>421850Also, the second ending of Eva, EoE, is not an "anti-escapism" message. I don't know how anyone read it that way.
EoE ends with Shinji leaving the most social life possible, Instrumentality, an existence where he has no individual identity and is part of everyone else that exists. He leaves it and regains his individuality, choosing to be alone rather than lose himself. The silver lining is that someone else like him shows up, too. That's the message of EoE IMO. "Don't become so social that you lose who you are, but don't lead a completely solitary life either."
No. 421860
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>>421853Kaworu was shameless market pandering to gay men and BL lovers. He was never an actual romance.
No. 421862
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>>421860Also, there is this line from the Drama Tapes (written by Anno) that seem to indicate Kaworu was not even homosexual. He probably had no sexuality whatsoever, being that he's an alien god that reproduces by budding.
No. 421865
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>>421847His pornsick brain thinks we are jealous of his waifus for talking all his sexual attention away from us. In some mental deranged way he thinks this is some 'stacy stole my and and im gonna get him back!' drama.
No. 421869
>>421865I'd actually support waifuism if it meant these incels would stop attacking, raping, and bitching about women all day every day.
Too bad it doesn't. They remain obsessed.
No. 421872
>>421866>wikipedia quotesright.
he is still presented as a pioneer of the modern version.
No. 421873
>>421872I think Wikipedia, with its external links and sources, is a better source than you without any, anon, no offense.
"Presented as" does not mean actually is.
No. 421880
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>>421868Yeah, by people who missed the point? If you watch Evangelion and think that these girls are the ideal depiction of a female romantic love interest, you either entirely missed the point or you're mentally ill.
No. 421883
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>"I'm not that guy, and he […]"
>multiple incel-defending/scrotoid responses and racebait in a short frame of time
Yeah, we're definitely being invaded. Remember to report and ignore, anons.
Why does summer have to be this way?
No. 421886
>>421880i don't see how anyone missed the point.
from most of anno's works, he clearly has woman issues, waifufags also have woman issues. do you really think dysfunctional otaku/weebs want anything other than a character who has one personality trait?
No. 421896
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>>421890>bitter, aging retardsI mean it was obvious that you were a
triggered male weeb before but you're not even hiding it now.
No. 421975
>>421941- castration
- lobotomy
- the rope
- taking away their human rights
No. 422111
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>>421610The full set is so, so much worse. And there are like 6 variants.>>421631She's crowning
No. 422116
>>422111I'm just going to be honest, this doesn't have anything to do with anime. It's just porn. Do you look at some bdsm overwatch animation on pornhub and then say video games are bad? There are a lot of pornsick men on 4chan that spread their evil loli shit everywhere but it has more to do with 4chan than anime. 4chan is essentially a NSFW porn site. I hate 4channers but this makes no sense to me.
The thread should be about actual anime like Eva or Incel Hero. Stick to hating on things on sites like MAL or Crunchyroll.
No. 422162
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I really hate hate hate that lolicon has become normal. Not only it shouldn't be so common, it shouldn't exist at all. Every anime series catered to males has a loli character now. And even if they portray it as innocent, there will be an innuendo to get sales from pedos, they know what they are doing.
There are weebs that tell me "in japan these people are just minority and nobody likes them." Yes I know that that. Yet sexualization of children even "only" drawn ones leads to shit like this
>Photography events with children idols, handshaking, conversation (1 minute 3000 yen), hugging event and playing twister together - all of it is disgusting. Parents who let them are nuts.
Judging by the huge number of retweets and likes, people are against it. Yet it still happens and there is obviously enough creeps and enough shitty parents for it to happen.
No. 422168
>>421860>>421862But if we are pulling shit from drafts of scripts, if you search well you will find one which is even more gay that what went on the show, with Kawoshin kiss.
I'm not a fujoshi or a Kaworufag but things that were changed or cut are not a proof.
Same with non-canon shit like the After the End drama, especially when you can take Kaworu's words as meaning he's bi-pansexual or whatever. Besides, everything in the drama is played for laughs.
No. 422193
>>422181>harem mangaHow so? None of the girls are attracted to or even tolerate the male mc except for Lum.
If anything it's Lum that has a harem.
No. 422203
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>>422101Eh, I feel like Katsura Masakazu is the lesser of two evils when it came to ecchi-leaning harem content. His characters actually resemble their age and the female characters are just as complex as the male ones. There's plenty to criticize about his work, but I give him a pass because he actually gives the girls distinct, interesting personalities and goals outside of the MC despite all the blatant fanservice (at least in the case of Video Girl Ai since I've never read DNA²)
and because I view a lot of it through nostalgia-glasses from reading it in high school. No. 422788
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>anti-anime thread
>posters consist of fujofappers
No. 422888
>>422879yes, because real life women are jealous of one-dimensional deformed pedo-bait mewling cartoon girls
the fucking delusion
No. 422923
it's not hard to believe that weaboo women who are competing against anime waifus for gross men would dress like them. no one is assuming everyone, i'm talking specifically about the ones who dress like that whp
are jealous. who is that so hard to follow?
No. 422950
>>422912Depends, I used to judge my best friend but that stuff makes her happy, why should I look down on her for that? She doesn't hurt anyone.
It's one thing if you're judging hateful manchildren weebs they deserve it (but it still just makes you angry and bitter in the end just like them) but if they're your friends you shouldn't hate on them like that.
No. 422974
>>422912I judge people for merchandise when they save nothing because of it. I've seen people joke about
>time to eat noodles for a week to buy my waifu's figureand it's pretty gross. Especially if they do things like complain about how expensive necessities are afterwards. If they spend their money within reason it's fine, I'm sure all of us have a hobby or two others would consider a waste of money.
No. 422991
>>422968>The "animation is a deep medium that needs to be respected" people are the worse because they combine the inability to grow up with (a love of cartoons) with faux-deep stuff (Bojack horseman, welcome to the NHK, Steven universe)One of these things is not like the others.
NHK and Bojack are great shows, it's not the creators fault that they have a misaimed fandom. Both of the shows call out the type of people who would identify with the protagonists all the time.
>>422968>This horrible combination of childish and fauxdeep created the whole 'rick is totally me' mindsetSame thing as above. Not exactly a fan of Rick and Morty but how retarded must someone be to think it's a good thing to be like Rick? The show makes clear that he's an asshole that ruins everyone and everything he gets in touch with. Those Rick fans are not even like him because nobody is as brilliant as he is, and I doubt that some dorito dust manchild is a genius inventor.
I am one of those people that believe that animation CAN BE a serious medium that deserves respect (look at Satoshi Kon), but sadly there are not many productions that confirm that, so no wonder people look down on it. Most of animation is trash, but a skilled creator can use it to do amazing things that could be difficult to pull off in an live action movie.
I guess I am lucky that while I am vaguely aware of the shitty fans, they don't ruin my opinion of the shows.
No. 423061
>>422955It doesn't help the current culture 'supports' the manchild epidemic in every fucking way.
I fucking haaaaaaaate how infantilized and mental development is just fucking STUNTED in many young adults (and older) these days, cause the corporations can't stop cashing in on it.
No. 423068
>unironically thinking fujos are worse than otaku neckbeardsYeah, pls neck yourself, scrote.
No. 423096
>>423083the creator got upset about the anime censoring her too much.
>>423068don't be a moron
using > is saying that the value is higher meaning that the OP was implying fujos are worse than otaku neckbeards.
No. 423134
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>>422991> Not exactly a fan of Rick and Morty but how retarded must someone be to think it's a good thing to be like Rick? The show makes clear that he's an asshole that ruins everyone and everything he gets in touch with.Because manchildren are self-absorbed narcissistic assholes, just like Rick, so they are just like him, except that he's a genious and "badass" so he's the perfect self-insert power fantasy for neckbeards. And they don't see that being asshole is
problematic, no that's either "immutable part of their personality that they cannot change" or "people dont understand me uwu". So they don't aspire to be better people, they aspire to be the same but more powerful/smarter.
No. 423137
>>422991>I am one of those people that believe that animation CAN BE a serious medium that deserves respect (look at Satoshi Kon), but sadly there are not many productions that confirm that,It's because the industry gets the most money from adult children. It's those who just want to buy merch of whatever seasonal waifu they acquire that support the hardest.
I say that I like anime, but the truth is, I can't stand most of it. I like it for the nostalgia element of the things I watched as a kid, the online culture I was a part of, and the 3% of shows that actually do something for me. When it's amazing, it's amazing. When it's the same boring shit over and over but with different colors, it's painful.
I will say manga is a different ballpark. There's plenty of great ones that will probably never be made into anime for the reasons mentioned above. I feel like mangaka have more freedom as to what they create.
No. 423162
>>423083>>423048I will be honest, I have not been following the LN's author. I believe that both the manga, anime and book itself are not glorifying the hikki lifestyle (as well as other societal issues, like suicide boards).
The fact that he did not manage to change his life is irrelevant IMHO.
Interesting if the cult thing is real (again, have to take your word on it - googled but there's not much info on him), since NHK is so against organised religion. Either he found a way to manipulate people and get money real quick or he has become an even more broken person than before.
>>423069>>423083OMG I tried to read the manga too since so many weebs (even female ones that seemed pretty much sane and reasonable) were raving about it. I expected something like Mohiro Kitoh's work (children against cruel world), I got some crappy fantasy shonen with child bondage. I was so disgusted I quit straight after the scene. This series is irredeemable to me.
No. 423259
>>423247>Never heard of Alien NineYou say it like your lack of knowledge of more obscure/weird series invalidated OP's argument.
>Aku No Hana and Eva are def for 14 year olds.Aku no Hana is a seinen, dumbass. The original manga was published in a magazine for 20 y/o males.
Same goes for manga based on Mohiro Kitoh's work (Bokurano, Narutaru).
You really don't know what you are talking about.
I would also add Utena to the pile of 'about 14 y/o kids but not really for them' pile, even if it was marketed as shoujo. The complex psychology of the characters, metaphors and societal observations will go over their head.
Also Ima, Sokoni Iru Boku, though the protagonist is like 12 years old, I think (bet you also don't know this one).
No. 423260
>>423259also Serial Experiments Lain, I knew one of the ABe series featured a 14 y/o but wasn't really meant for audience of teens…
Madoka probably counts too (irregardless of my opinion about the show), as it features middle school girls getting murdered and is targeted toward same otaku as the Ilya series.
No. 423279
>>423265Isn't it like this with all manga/anime genres, though? At least in seinen you can also see average or ugly women.
The good thing is that seinen manga are allowed to have serious writing and characters that act and look like real people. I wish we had seinen anime but they lack the mainstream appeal, I guess. Oh well, I prefer reading to watching anyway.
No. 423303
>>423295I feel like it's mostly because of weird combinaison of "write what you know" and "attract a wide audience, which would include teenagers." From the manga I've read when I was younger most mangaka tend to start their career as assistants or mangaka as soon as they graduated high school or maybe college. So it's not like they're going to write and draw adult characters with specific careers based on their personal experience or anything. The only examples I can think of who sort of contradict this argument are Osamu Tezuka who studied medicine and did Black Jack, and Ai Yazawa who studied fashion and made Gokinjo Monogatari and Paradise Kiss about fashion. And while adult readers seem to not mind that much teenage characters, I remember when I was a teenager that many people my age didn't like reading about adult characters at the time. It's kind of like American teen dramas for some manga as in, some of the characters don't look or act like teenagers at all and high school settings are just a lazy reason for why some many characters from different backgrounds and with different personalities and goals meet. And there's that too
>>423298 but that comes more from the readers than the artists and writers.
No. 423344
>>423300>Y-Y'all weebs need to stop expecting me to know what I'm talking aboutNTA, but you're literally the person who posted
>>423187. Why respond to someone who wasn't even talking to you in a weird, vaguely bitchy way when you don't even know shit about shit?
No. 423495
>>423344>YOuRe LiTerAlly The PerSon No I'm not you fucking turd, stop being a fucking brainlet and stop assuming every anon is one specific person to win your shitty ass argument.
I'm tired of you weebs making your presence known in this thread like you're somehow excluded from being judged just because you have an iota of self awareness.
>>423323I wasn't that anon but okay, idk many farmers on lolcow have a really hard time with insisting everyone is samefagging all the time but it's beyond remedial at this point.
No. 423521
>>423495>N-No I'm notThen stop being a dumbfuck who jumps in and spergs out at people at random without even reading the conversation. No one was defending anime to show weeb pride or whatever the fuck, that person just responded to someone being annoyed at anime being full of teenagers saying that anime featuring kids is necessarily
for kids (so their complaint is useless), and multiple just pointed out that they were wrong.
What you share in common with that user is that neither of you know shit, and nobody was speaking to you, but you still got aggressive. It's a shitty trait, and I wish your type would fuck off to another site so we don't have to bask in stupidity.
No. 423664
>>423521Fuck off weeb.
(calm down) No. 423747
>>423344I'm the one who posted
>>423187I'm not the same person as that aggressive anon, but I am the same person from
>>295658 >>295663
Been on the same theme for ages now.
>>423259Anyway, once you get too obscure you start losing credibility and it starts to look like cherrypicking. If you have a point you should be able to do it with mainstream anime. You can easily find teen sexploitation in indie movies as well, and before you know it, indie movies are childish and perverted.
I'll agree that seinen can also feature 14 year olds but it mostly don't. Being wrong on Aku No Hana (it was a while ago ok) doesn't falsify the fact that most stories with 14 year olds are intended for 14 year olds. There are some stories that have mature coming of age developments with teens but I read enough manga that I can feel comfortable with thinking of them as a minority of my manga experience.
No. 423773
>>423479I am not following current anime for obvious reasons. If I did, i could probably give you more examples. How about all the edgy Madoka ripoffs like Maho Shoujo Site? This one is a real piece of edgy turd which has 17+ rating on MAL. It has gore, sexual abuse and loli fanservice, all for shock value. The main heroines are 14.
I wish I had time to check recent anime seasons and look for more examples.
>>423357Interesting how NGE can be considered a young teen's anime in Japan when in most countries it would be rated at least something like 16+. I was always shocked how something like Naruto is more brutal and sexually suggestive than western YA fiction/movies based on them - and it's for 11 year old kids (and up). I used to feel really guilty about reading the manga for that reason.
No. 423817
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>>423813>the video>the comment sectionEverything about it is cursed.
No. 424346
>>424009It's a medium for nerds. It was from the beginning and the best anime works are by massive nerds who were into it from the beginning. Watch "Otaku no Video".
Normal people should stick to Netflix and normal shows for normal people, outcasts and ugly nerds with weird interests who do not fit into society have anime. Normal people were never meant to come into contact with it. Anime usually airs at 2AM at night and no normal person stays up for that long to watch some anime, or to pay 80 bucks for a couple of episodes. It's like asking why furry porn is for outcasts and losers.
No. 424394
>>424346>It was from the beginning anime is literally just the japanese cartoon medium, nothing more. it's not a genre, it's a
medium. it was inspired by disney of all things.
ffs it's not d&d.
No. 424432
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>>424426it takes a weeb to know a weeb
No. 424434
>>424346Here we have your typical weeb who hasn't mentally matured passed seeing society in terms of the nerd/normie dichotomy.
Really I have a hard time understanding why weebs are so fascinated by anime and manga, considering the fact that it's mostly poorly written garbage overrun with shallow, cliche dialogue. I guess when I take into account that this is the type of person who enjoys that type of schlock, it begins to make more sense.
No. 424435
>>423187Almost all modern anime feature a cast of high school aged characters, that’s a known fact. It’s like that because after high school it’s all downhill for the average Japanese person (life basically just turns into work and fitting in with everyone else, no room for actual enjoyment of life unless they come from money).
And besides, I said ACT.
No. 424439
Disregarding the weebshit factor, all the people trying to convince randoms on an anonymous board that they're not weebs are maximum cringy. Shit like
>>424434 where anon somehow thinks that she's less cringy to the average person than people who like boring Japanese media, is just sad. I honestly feel like picking on weebs on this site is just low hanging fruit. Using imageboards in the first place is for social outcasts (that's why I'm here) and the arrogance of the people reeing about weebs ITT is embarrassing. Do you think that if people IRL knew you browse image boards not only would they think you were a weeb, but they'd associate you with 4chan. I just don't understand how
anyone on this site can be smug or arrogant about who they are because the average person will think just as lowly of you as you do about weebs. And again, not to say weebs are better, but I can say that anyone who thinks that
anyone on any image board is better than a weeb is lying to themselves. I also realize this thread has turned into a thinly veiled manhate thread so it doesn't really matter, but fuck, the mental gymnastics some of you people pull.
>inb4 b-but my friends would understand i just use the image board for privacy, no one will think i'm a drama hungry bitch, i'm on /ot/ it's not dramu!!!And every 4chan user isn't on /b/ either. But I digress, society will see you the same as they see weebs, so acting holier than thou about weebs is pathetic, but most people on this site already are pathetic.
No. 424441
>>424394>anime is literally just the japanese cartoon medium, nothing more. it's not a genre, it's a medium. it was inspired by disney of all things.Yeah, that is the official origin and definition of anime. But anime is seen in the first place because it has a distinct identity and culture built around it that was created by nerds. Anime fandom began in sci-fi college clubs and the like. Most Anime funds itself based on extrmrely nerdy and abnormal people spending tons of money on it. Nobody here is talking about Astroboy or Heidi when talking about Heidi, obviously. Why do you have to be so obtuse and retarded, and miss the details?
>>424434>Here we have your typical weeb who hasn't mentally matured passed seeing society in terms of the nerd/normie dichotomy.What a dumb, meaningless statement. At least in Japan it's very obvious where the line between normal and Otaku lies, and it's obvious to an extent here as well otherwise this thread complaining about subhuman fat ugly nerd anime fans wouldn't exist. Do you seriously deny that you can make a difference between a person staying up until 2 AM to watch some cartoon on TV and the average adult?
No. 424446
>>424439No one on this planet is better than anyone else, weebshit or normie. And it really shouldn’t matter what others would think of anyone posting on image boards, especially since they’re just a more anonymous version of something like Twitter.
But I get what you’re saying. I think some anons are going above and beyond to prove that they’re not degenerate weeb trash when it’s not really needed. Kinda like a “not like other girls” thing.
But I think anyone who went from being a fujo/lolicon/hentai addict/embarrassing greasy weeb to a rational human wants to put as much distance from their past as possible.
No. 424450
>>424447>>424446What's really getting to me is the weird gatekeeping they're doing. Whining about anime fans using the thread to complain about the shit culture around anime is so fucking bizarre. People who don't care about anime, don't care about hating it either. Just go look in the kpop critical thread, those aren't randoms who hate the idea of k-pop they dislike certain aspects. Hell the OP says to voice distaste for otaku culture, not ree about weebs and keep anyone who says anything positive about anime out.
Also the reason I was mentioning how others would react to them is because they seem to care a lot about how they think people see weebs. But it's not like they would be seen any differently.
No. 424456
>>424426This is an imageboard, anon. It's weeb shit in itself, invented by/for Japanese people and first co-opted by an American teen who wanted to discuss anime. We obviously branch out into other topics, but on this site, even our queen and the namesake of our main board is/was an enthusiast in Japanese pop culture.
This is actually like going on Fetlife, complaining about kinks, and wondering why there's so many kinksters hanging around. All this while honestly believing that you somehow aren't directly included in the pervert parade by virtue of even using such a site in the first place.
I think /ot/ is just full of weebs in denial and/or former weebs doing way too much to "atone" for their sins, honestly. There is no other reason to post frequently in an anti-anime thread besides that. Regular, uninterested people don't care, and would actually avoid or ignore anything to do with the shit because they don't like it or know enough about it to really even complain.
I promise, you don't need to protect your anonymous reputation by asserting that you're not a weeaboo and voicing your opposition to them whenever possible. No one knows who you are, and we also don't care. Only the farmhands can probably tell, and I'm sure as shit they don't give a fuck, either.
No. 424463
>>424460It’s the ANTI-ANIME thread, of course you’re expected to hate anime here dumbass
>>424461You people need to accept that anime is normie shit now. I can’t meet a single person who hasn’t seen at least some, and more than half watch it at least casually. Unless you’re idk mid 30s+ — there’s probably less in that demographic that watch it — but then I feel really fucking embarrassed for you that you’re on this site
No. 424464
>>424463oh, you're one of
those you just get really upset about people not acting as you think they should. hate to break it to you, but people who enjoy something can criticize it. there's no gatekeeping on threads bb, so sit down and try to accept that you may be talking to weebs.
No. 424466
>>424458>Not liking anime will get you harassed and flamed!!! >:(The fuck? Where are you? This isn't true at all. Stop victimizing yourself. Cartoons are not that deep to anyone outside the community, you weirdo.
Normal people don't like anime and they don't give a fuck about it. They barely even know what it is. Saying you hate it won't make you a target any more than saying you hate, I dunno, the Star Trek fandom, or obscure-ass superheroes, lmao. No one with a life cares. At best, they've seen Death Note, Naruto or Shingeko No Kyojin, but otherwise, have no interest or investment in such things, especially not in the more harmful and/or
problematic aspects.
No. 424514
>>424503That was a response to
>not everyone ITT is obligated to show up with a pitchfork and torchMeaning that yes, the anti-anime thread is meant for hating on anime
And that anon was arguing about shit I didn’t even say. I didn’t say a damn thing about people who have seen anime. I said weebs and I didn’t even say that weebs couldn’t post here talking about the negatives of anime.
Maybe you shouldn’t parrot the same shit as another anon who apparently has no reading comprehension or at least mark your post NTA
No. 424522
>>424519If weebs can’t take people talking bad about their precious self-proclaimed ~non-
problematic~ anime in THE ANTI-ANIME thread, they should just leave the fucking thread instead of reeing and accusing everyone else of being a weeb
No. 424543
>>424456I swear this is all projection, and wishful thinking to think every single person in this thread who posts in it with anti-anime views was a former weeb over-compenstating for their previous weebness. I have never been 'explicitly' interested in anime or japanese pop culture but I participated enough in the fandom when I was younger, and see it everywhere now, and have weeb friends and family to know it's shit.
>>424458This. Weebs are defensive of their babby retard shit and it's hilarious.
>>424466Triggered weeb detected. We're talking about online communities and young Gen Z people, who tend to be retarded ass weebs or full of retarded weebs. Denying it and going in la la land is not going to make it not true.
No. 424545
>>424524I don't usually post in this thread, but I seen your post.
I am in no way, shape or form a weeb. Some of us just like the honesty in anonymous posting.
No. 424552
>>424467Too bad Steven Universe also sucks, and Gumball's Japanese cartoon influence is pretty evident and I feel indifferent to it.
>>424540Weebs tend to be retarded, which is why it's the easiest subculture to get into to, since it appeals to the lowest common denominator. I have never met a weeb I didn't find unintelligent, uncreative, and just plain lame and corny in multiple ways.
No. 424557
>>424546Hit dog hollering.
Also liking anime doesn't make you a weeb, but you know what you're doing cause you're in your feelings from the post anon made so you resort to getting into an argument with semantics since you don't know how to actually disprove what they're saying.
No. 424559
>>424546I don't mean literally every single person alive, anon. It's very popular though, and as I said, it's tough to find any online community, like, forums, message boards, Twitter communities - anything for outcasts, that isn't overrun by weebs. That doesn't mean that the same people who complain about anime must be people who've liked it at one time.
Anyways, lolcow does end up attracting many types of people because of the fact that it isn't like, just /a/ or something. It's primarily centered around gossip that's no longer just like, PT or Asherbee or anything. Just because it's an imageboard with a weeby past doesn't really mean much now, imo.
No. 424560
>>424554THIS. This site is basically a non-black imageboard version of Lipstickalley or something like Kiwifarms or PULL yet people swear this is a 'weeb' board because it's based on 4chan's format that was based on 2chan.
I guess by that logic people who use 'thot' and 'nigga' and other black slang that's gotten cannibalized into the mainstream means they're wiggas.
No. 424567
>>424557I'm not the same anon, I was just genuinely confused about what she meant.
I think it's okay for people to like anime to post ITT, they're not identifying as weebs, but some people seem to be accusing them of that. I agree that this thread is like the K-Pop Critical thread, it's a mix of people who hate anime, and people who are just unhappy about the turn it's taking, which is fine. What's not fine is being annoying and arguing when we all just want to talk shit about neckbeards in the end.
No. 424575
>>424567If you want to shit talk neckbeards you should make an anti-neckbeard thread. It has nothing to do with anime, there are as many creepy losers who obsess over superheroes, porn stars, video games, dungeons and dragons, etc as anime.
Anti-anime should be for discussing negative trends in anime, bad art, poorly paid animators, moe, lazy storylines, lack of josei. Instead, a lot of the thread is not discussing the faults of anime but just jealousy about how some males pay it more attention than other things which makes the thread look really bad.
No. 424581
>>424575Anon, the neckbeard men that are creepy over other shit are also typically weebs, so… They're the same people. And it's not just male fans. All of the art is bad. All of the voice acting is bad. It's all bad. There's no redeeming it. Even studio ghibli is and always will be overhyped garbage and none of you can convince me otherwise. If Don Bluth made that shit, it wouldn't get a second glance. Like, let me put this to you guys:
Elon Musk and Grimes are posting about hot cat girls and hentai or whatever. It's not just them, either. That's how popular speaking positively about the skeeziness of anime culture has become. There is no escaping this, so yes, there will be criticism of anime fans, because it has become a lot more acceptable to be gross about it in public.
No. 424582
>>424581I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thinks ghibli is overhyped
And fucking kek at all these weebs who want to keep pretending like anime isn’t popular so they can be cool and different
No. 424586
>>424565Yeah this. There's a lot about anime as a genre that you can criticize, especially the most extreme part of its fandom, but a lot of anons here have a really bad case of projection. The most lucrative animes are still normie tier shounen stuff, bigger budget movies and long-time classics. Go to any media store in Japan and you're bombarded with DBZ, One Piece, My Hero Academy, Detective Conan and a lot of franchises that aren't known in the west but are considered legends in Japan (Basically the equivalent of Flintstones and Peanuts in the US). The stuff meant for hardcore otakus stroking their dicks to little girls in short skirts is a niche and mostly found in the hardcore geeky Akihabara stores. They're not even a very profitable demographic because a lot of production companies are starting to shill franchises meant for women because they're actually buying more merch than men are and are much more loyal to the property.
The anons here who think the money running the anime industry comes from fat nerdy guys seem to only see the worst of the worst and draw conclusions from that. Anime only airs at 2 AM in the night? Yeah no. Save for the geekiest isekai bullshit, there are plenty of series that air during the day or the evening. You can pile up the legitimate criticism of the otaku fandom for sure, but don't make shit up.
No. 424600
>>424587That wasn't my point. I'm not a huge Don Bluth fan or anything. My point had nothing to do with Don Bluth's exact skills. My point is that the fascination lies in the fact that anime is "exotic" in comparison, and everything is hypersexualized, but mostly the "exotic" element. I think if Bluth put out their shit, as anime, just as a western artist, it wouldn't receive 1/10th of the acclaim. I see people complaining about dubs but holy fuck, the original voice acting is just terrible. Way worse than the dubs, and way worse than our voice acting. There are always weird sexual gasps and noises that should just be neutral gasps and just, normal stuff. It's inappropriate and gross so frequently. It's obvious to me the makers of it want to covertly sexualize much of their media, even media for children. I see it in kids toys here in the west, but I don't see that same kind of phenomenon as it is in Japan, and I don't see it plaguing every bit of our animation.
No. 424603
>>424600Yeah, I never understood why people judged original voice acting of anime good when a lot of it has very cringy and childish voice acting in it with those things you mentioned. Even as someone who thinks its "exotic" I was never blind-sided by it being Japanese thus shutting my brain off to the stupidity and insanity a lot of it shows.
They're veeeery covertly sexual, and do it in innocuous ways, unlike in Western cartoons where when it was done in those 90s and 2000s shows, it was veiled under satire and targeted for adults to "get" it, even though I think A LOT OF it when OTT and a bit.. off too. Like the Rugrats storyboarder drawing child porn of the characters (which is outside the series, but still, you can tell the undertones leaked into the actual cartoon) and the Rocko's Modern Life strange motel joke. Still, anime does it a lot more and in far greater doses and puts more of an effort to normalize that shit than Western cartoons have ever done.
Also, people can scream "PRUDE@@#
@#" and " U R BEALOUS" all they want but they're just lacking common sense and actual critical thinking if that's all they can reduce it to.
No. 424610
>>424608It's Fritz the Cat but lol @ both of us making a error
I liked his animation and the way he laid out his ideas when acting as a satire of the then modern society at the time, but I don't like the misogynistic aspects of his creations at all.
Tbh fictional mediums has always been full of lonely weirdo nerds who don't get any ass. It's a shame this is basically the norm.
No. 424649
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>>424623What about stuff like Youkai Watch, Pokemon, Ojamajo Doremi etc which are actually kids anime made for kids in Japan? The equivalent of Saturday morning cartoons etc. Just genuinely curious on opinions since people seem to focus on anime from a Western perspective when most of it is consumed by Japanese people, kids, etc.
No. 424672
>>424663Hmm some of clamp's stuff are viewed as
problematic, but is it really grooming?
No. 424683
>>424639I was never a "former weeb". The most I watched was Sailor Moon and Pokemon anime, but I never fantasized and obsessed over Japan and its pop culture and animation.
Also the rest of your post was defensive nonsense and drivel and then made up shit because you think every anon is the same.
No. 424737
>She should check out some bdsm munches to realize that sexual degeneracy is native to the westA-are you retarded anon? Have you seen some of the more degenerate hentai Japan shits out? They make western shit look tame. Sexual degeneracy is not native to any region. Where there are people (mainly men) there is sexual degeneracy.
Also this thread went to hell in a handbasket really fast.
No. 424794
>>424683>I was in the fandom>But I swear I wasn't really trulyOkay.
And the rest of my post was referring to your text here
>We're talking about online communities and young Gen Z people, who tend to be retarded ass weebs or full of retarded weebs. Denying it and going in la la land is not going to make it not true.Unless you're saying you wrote that post collaboratively with several other people, maybe keep up with your own words before complaining. 3/10.
No. 424813
>>424794>You have to be an extreme weeb so you can prove my half-assed theory =u=Corny.
>even if you've created some imaginary collective of zoomers who totally know what something like lolicon is and savagely attack those who don't accept it.I didn't say shit about lolicon in my OP which shows more about your mind that mine. I know delusional people like you like to make up shit but this is stupid to do when I can just look back on what was posted.
No. 424825
>>424813Chill. When did I call you an "extreme weeb"? Talk about posting made up shit, lmao.
And I said "something like", because that typically falls under the
problematic aspect of anime, unless you're implying that there's some other complaint you have, but are completely incapable of expressing.
Telling that you zeroed in on that because you know what I said actually applies completely to your own post that you somehow forgot about.
No. 424838
>>424835I'm not, I've discussed anime being bad in a lot of respects ITT. I'm just sick and tired of some of these anons RPing that anime-dislikers are some sort of oppressed group, and that being on Lolcow doesn't retroactively include them at the freaks table, whether they like it or not, lmao.
Should've made an anti-anime FB group or something if they didn't want to be seen as hypocrites.
No. 424845
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>>424677It happens in western media too, though? Girls thinking their teacher is cute etc, the whole "I want to marry daddy!" trope. Girls develop innocent crushes on older men all the time. We eventually grow up and grow out of it. I just don't see how that's grooming Yuki never accepts her advances in the slightest. Clamp even has Syaoran x Sakura as their 'one true pairing' throughout the shitshow that is the clamp multiverse and they're always the same age. I just find it weird that Cardcaptor Sakura would take the hit for this when shit like Kodomo no Jikan exist.
No. 424856
>It happens in western media too, though?Except, not really. I can remember maybe one show where a girl has a crush on a teacher and the teacher never acts on it or even knows.
>Yuki never accepts her advances in the slightest.I wasn’t even talking about them lol it has multiple fucked relationships
>I just find it weird that Cardcaptor Sakura would take the hit for this when shit like Kodomo no Jikan exist.This exactly proves my point lmao. I said cardcaptor (almost said sailor moon) because it’s popular and even Saturday morning in the US. I’m not a weeb and yet I can think of tons of anime aimed at young girls that have nasty shit
No. 424918
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>>424845>>424856Oh my fucking God it's not about Sakura and her crush at all. The child grooming part is an elementary school girl being engaged to her fucking teacher and Sakura going all 'wow, her love is so mature' or something.
The part was cut from anime and is not referenced in the Clear Card sequel (as far as I've heard).
Sakura's mother is also a
victim of her high school teacher grooming, she gave birth to her older brother when she was like seventeen or something.
No. 424942
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>>424918i was planning to rewatch ccs and maybe even read the manga but i read someone's article on why they hate it and the child grooming in the manga was one of the reasons.and it isnt only this girl and her teacher and sakura's mom and her much older father.there's also a couple of a 10 year old boy and a twenty something woman which is "justified" because the boy has the conscience and memories of a very old's pretty much the "it's ok to like this loli because she is actually 200 y/o" argument.all that stuff ruined the anime a bit for me
No. 424945
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>>424942>all that stuff ruined the anime a bit for meYes, it does sound like your socially learned mental illness is interfering with your ability to enjoy life.
No. 424947
>>424945Weeb retardation part 2
Keep proving our points lovelies.
No. 424949
>>424946Probably because you super blatantly are, if I had to guess lol.
Nothing is less attractive than wallowing in the pit of bitterness you keep yourself in. A thousand-year-old cadaver who is mentally sane would be more beautiful.
I've tried, but I just can't get into anime. I think you probably have to be autistic to get any enjoyment out if it. Like this
>>424949 just screams Aspergers. I wish it wasn't so prevalent on lolcow.
No. 424964
>>424945what socially learned mental illness are you speaking of?i didnt say i wont watch the anime eventually or that ~iT tOtalLy rUiNEd mY laiFu~.EXCuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuSE ME if i was a bit disappointed one of my favourite childhood cartoons had source material full of grooming and paedophilia i wasnt aware of till a few months ago.i havent personally experienced grooming,but people are obviously affected by it and i find it disgusting
(also nice oreimo image,you man of culture)
No. 424985
>>424938This is the exact same argument as 'you hate anime because you're jelly of my waifu'
Are you so warped by your entertainment that this is at all an argument that makes sense?
No. 424995
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>>424991First there was the red pill, then the black pill, then the pink pill, but now we have the anime pill.
No. 425025
>>425014People do talk about the gore in things that are aimed at children. Imaging being assblasted that people want to talk about sexualization and pedophilia in this moment.
Anyway, sexualization and pedo is more of a problem because everyone is taught that murdering and hitting is bad, but sexual assault is normalized and has “blurred lines”
No. 425029
>>425025>everyone is taught that murdering and hitting is bad,Random murders are always taught as bad but there are always "exceptions" and killing criminals and vigilante affairs are one of the most commonly cited excuses.
>but sexual assault is normalized and has “blurred lines”A lot more average people would say that hitting people who hurt you, or killing certain criminals is okay than sexual assault being okay. I think the difference is that violence only happens in the underclass nowadays so middle class white people like those on this board can see it as simply fiction that doesn't concern them, while sexual assault actually happens everywhere.
No. 425030
>>425029I can tell you however that if "it affects children negatively" were the actual concern, then violence would be higher on the list than
problematic sexual depictions. Kids are injured all the time trying to play out moves from shounen anime or WWE in real life, kids playing Vegeta and Goku in school and being inspired to be cool violent strong types by anime etc. is fairly common. But I think that we are either used to this happening or we just don't care about it.
No. 425033
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He's doing the if you hate one fictional depiction you should all of them scrote tactic. Ignore him.
No. 425045
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>>425039It's a horrible mix of most anime being based off light novels and directors just not giving a shit.
>>425040The worst I've seen it at was Re:monster. The character had the ability to gain powers from eating monsters and the author thought it was a good idea to list each one out. The character has 100+ powers, 20% of the light novel is 'gained fire buff, gained wind buff'. It's mind melting
No. 425349
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No. 425391
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>>425349>>425370imagine actually agreeing with Dobson
No. 431656
i've been taking japanese classes for a year or so. ofc it's riddled with weebs but so far it's been tolerable. this year there's this 30-something year old guy in my class, always shows up in anime and vidya t-shirts. no biggie, everyone's entitled to their fashion sense. of course he has all the weeb hobbies but i share some of them so, then again, no biggie. at some point in the semester he mentions having young children, do take note of this.
one day, this overweight mothefucker rolls into class in one of those disgusting ahegao hoodies. i'd never seen one in the flesh nor did i ever think i'd meet someone so degenerate to actually purchase and wear one in public. we live in a shithole country too, so it's guaranteed he put big money to have it shipped or bought it overseas. he's a big guy, too, so the hoodie is of considerable size, which makes the ahegaos way more visible than they already are. i instantly lost any respect or sympathy i could've harbored towards him until that moment. he didn't comment on his degenerate attire, he just waltzed into class and took it off as soon as he sat down at his desk. i don't think anyone said "hi" to him the day he walked in looking like that. he's never worn it to class again since, but i know now that this degenerate father of two very young children walked out of his house in a literal porn hoodie, and he keeps that shit in the same place where his children live, too. onision-tier vibes.
i used to kinda like the guy, but now i have such animosity for him and it's hard to conceal it. i'm utterly repulsed by the sight and thought of him and any attempts he makes to be nice to the class now make me dislike him more and more. why the fuck are older weebs so shameless and degenerate? how little self-aware do you have to be to wear AN AHEGAO HOODIE TO YOUR JAPANESE CLASS? you have an elementary-school-aged daughter at home and you feel comfortable purchasing and wearing that shit? what the actual fuck is wrong with male weeaboos?
i want this semester to be over so i never have to see this pervert ever again. i fucking hate weeb culture, and i fucking hate that i actually like anime and by proxy i'm related to these sickos.
No. 431929
I just fucking hate anime, every thing about it. I don't even know how to specifically describe why I hate it.
I hate the animation, like the way it's animated just bothers me? like the way the characters move and stuff. I hate the colors they use, always seems garishly bright and punching me in the eyes. I also hate the way the people are drawn. The way their eyes are such a weird fucking shape that only very vaguely resembles a human eye. I hate the way that their mouths and noses are super tiny, it's just annoying to look at.
I hate the fucking stupid ass plots (in most animes, I'm sure some of them have good plots, I've just never seen one). And most of all, I hate the way that they talk. It's just fucking annoying.
I also hate how everyone always says that anime characters are "perfect" looking and that they look better than real people (usually women) could ever look. If someone is more attracted to anime characters than real people then whatever, I couldn't care less. But "perfection" and "flaws" are human concepts, they are things we see, not things that exist. I for one am not attracted at all to anime characters because they don't look human to me. That would be the same as being attracted to MLP characters or Family Guy characters, really.
No. 432066
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How can one man be so right about everything
No. 432145
>>432066based ray b
i miss his prophet (peace be upon her) larps ibn realgirl
No. 432157
>>432145I also miss pronounrespecter and cocksmasher69.
I wonder if they lurk among us.
No. 432236
>>432157RIP Smashley. Next cock I smash will be in her honor.
But yes, anime is trash. How many times can you watch a protagonist-kun fall face first into some oppai because baka hentai and get a nosebleed before insanity takes you?
No. 433100
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I tried watching NGE on Netflix after having tried watching it as a teenager and giving up after 6 episodes. I watched the episode with all the stupid "gay" controversy, and this show is still fucking terrible and confusing af. I don't get what fans where getting upset over. The main kid is a whiny, shitty, brat, and the other boy wasn't even a human. I swear stupid weebs just want to complain about anything that has to do with their precious, perfect, too deep for normies cartoon. I also watched most of The End of Evengalion, and that shit made me loose some fucking brain cells. I actually felt dumber after watching it, and pissed that I wasted any time with this shitty cartoon. The creator of this shit also very clearly has issues with women, and is probably a pedo. Which is unfortunately the norm for Japanese creators.
No. 433110
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Anime has always been weird but they used to understand feelings between brother and sister before.
No. 433271
>>433100What made you think that Anno has issues with women based on NGE?
I don't think he's particularly feminist or a ~perfect male ally uwu~ but I find the female characters in NGE well-written and compelling. They ran the show as much (if not more) than men and they are just as emotionally complicated. I love all of them, though Rei and Ritsuko are my faves as I mentioned elsewhere.
NGE is one of the few anime I love and relate to, so obviously my opinion is different.
I also enjoyed Shiki Jitsu's main female character. Didn't see Nadia or Love and Pop (this one bored me) so cannot say more on the topic.
Oh, and Rebuilds are a steaming piece of shit.
No. 433467
>>433271not that anon but i remember reading about how he thought one the female voice actors choking voice wasnt realistic so the guy had the other va choke her, if thats not fucking insane i dont know what is, i wish people would stop kissing the guys ass
im never watching evangelion
No. 433667
>>433467Oh, I see. I must have missed that or forgot. The choking situation is disgusting and Anno should have been trashed for that. Too bad that in the 90's Japan it was probably easy for creeps to avoid punishment for harassment. Do Japanese voice actors even have any kind of union that protects their rights?
I hope it never turns out that Satoshi Kon was a creep (though obviously, I would want the truth to come out even if it made me said).
No. 433676
>>433271If you look at some of the scripts for episodes prior to rewrite they're Rebuild-tier garbage. One (male) scriptwriter wanted Asuka to turn into a wolf. Garage telenovela-tier ideas just mirror the stupidity of anime's audience, especially the more that scrotes make up an audience and turn into writers
>>423665I watched Steins Gate (held up as a masterpiece of the genre by scrotes and troons) and I thought it was one of the stupidest things I have ever watched. Total scrote wish fulfillment but on an 8 year old level. It was also relentlessly misogynistic, filled with a bunch of harem archetypes and even had a shrine trap for scrotes who prefer those
No. 433696
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>>433676>I watched Steins Gate (held up as a masterpiece of the genre by scrotes and troons) and I thought it was one of the stupidest things I have ever watched.I couldn't agree more. I fell for the hype when I saw it was one of the highest rated on MAL, so I tried to watch it and I couldn't even make it through the first episode because I quickly realized it's just a dumb harem anime. How were people tricked into believing this shit is so amazingly intelligent exactly?
No. 433873
>>433696Your Lie in April is shit. It's The Fault in Our Stars or A Walk to Remember but for anime scrots.
Amazing how they praise this trash even though they probably hate the romance novels/movies mentioned above because they pander to women and not men.
No. 433894
>>433881It's hilarious that Clannad fans watch Kanon/Air and are like 'it's so bad, it doesn't make sense, it's overly emotional and kitschy drama'. Bitch, Clannad is EXACTLY the same AND super unoriginal to boot.
Not saying that Air and Kanon are quality anime, but I have soft spot for them despite being tragedy porn moetrash. At least they were first.
>>433888>I'm praying season 2 focuses less on shoving things up Riko's ass and sexualizing her relationship with Reg. I stopped reading the manga when the first softcore child porn bondage scene happened, glad I avoided this fuckery.
No. 433899
>>433896Nobody here is claiming to not be a weeb, idiot, and especially not for liking anything by Key/KyoAni.
Where's your reading comprehension?
Jesus I wish this thread was called anime critical instead of anti anime so that we could discuss in peace instead of fighting who's a weeb and who's a superior human being for hating all anime equally.
No. 433902
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>>433110>Old school DevilmanBased. it was so good. I still love the OVAS more than Crybaby and wish that they made more.
No. 433959
>>433929We literally created a containment thread for ourselves to talk shit about weebs. Just because most of you are weebs doesn’t mean we all have to be or like it. We’ve been through this, there’s a million reasons for non-weebs to be here.
And it isn’t about discussing anime in a critical manner, it’s fucking weebs coming in and trashing one anime to go “you should watch muh superior anime that’s just as degenerate instead uwu” that’s annoying as fuck
No. 434232
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>>433110they've also used to know how to draw adult humans.
No. 434990
>>434987I hate it because I adore him and I know he just wants a good fantasy anime but, fuck, he keeps saying "well I heard it gets better! If it's bad I'll probably drop it" but I have a good feeling he won't.
I'm more annoyed at his friend who's trying to force him to watch it, saying he can only use his streaming services if my bf watches it..
No. 435005
>>434990Okay, I know you didn't ask for input, but…
Here are some practical solutions:
>Your BF gets his own subscriptionsEnd of list.
I'd suggest finding him some actually good fantasy anime, but nothing like that exists, anime is stoopid.
No. 435035
>>435005You forgot to put
>don’t date men who watch animeOn your list!
No. 435053
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>>435035That's because it goes without saying.
You could cut the last three words off of your greentexted sentence and it would be even better.Anyway, when I was a young libfem I watched Kill la Kill and un-ironically defended it.
>It isn't like other anime! Unlike other anime, this one features scantily-clad teenage girls who get molested a lot for laughs>The nudity is ~commentary~, plebs I was young and dumb.
No. 436164
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Fuck this shit. People lost their lives and I've seen shitstains say "uwu I hope it's not an anime fan, otaku have a bad reputation".
Stop your fucking pedophilia first.
No. 436205
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>>436203Yes the studio posted a lot of their digital work, but it's an old studio with lots of flammable material and archives.
20 women and 12 men now confirmed dead, over a basement dweller who was deluded they ripped his anime character off, it creeps me off that some people even think about the animuh that will be delayed instead of the second biggest arson in recent Japanese history.
No. 436240
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>>436167>The guy was batshit and posted this on 2ch beforehand image on 2ch telling people not to come to kyoto animation. Also he detests the moeshit even though he says hibike euphonium ruined his life.A lot of mindless rambling on inner thoughts mostly that don't make sense. He's trying to be pretentious and poetic. He lists a bunch of kyoto animation offices. He gives the order in which he's going to carry out the attack(listing stations on the way etc, from kanto). He talks about kyoani beinged sucked up in moe, and that the baritone sax from hibiki ruined his life and can't be forgiven.
>The arsonist fell in love with his favorite female character at Hibike! Euphonium>She turns out to be non-virgin (meaning she had a sex with other boy or girl)>He rant on 5ch board all day >He decided to set Kyoani, the anime production produced the anime, on fire>He bought 40 liters of gasoline and committed arsonOtaku, not even once.
No. 436265
>>436240Your info isn’t accurate. The guy who set fire to the building is a train otaku that was angry because the anime character played a song that sounded very similar to a train jingle. He accused kyoani of plagiarizing the train station song for their anime.
Supposedly 20 female employees, mostly animators were killed along with 15 or so men, a couple are still unaccounted.
No. 436280
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Pic related is the otaku that attacked them.
If this doesn't belong in the thread (I posted it here because anti-otaku culture and the dude was obsessed with an animation studio) I'll stop, but here's a link to a TV Asahi analysis of the incident by professionals of weebs posting edge and cringe today about the deaths.
No. 436306
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Seriously though, it's just a 3 story buidling, did it not occur to anyone that they can just safely jump out?
No. 436309
>>436306Most of them died in front of the emergency exist leading to the roof, because in glorious nippon you've got to prevent your employees from suiciding through jumping. Supposedly 19 people were "piled up" in front of it…
Sad irony, something that was supposed to save their lifes killed them in the end.
No. 436311
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>>436284Nta, but this is from our
friends on kiwifarms…
They're so desperate for "proof" that women are just as bad as them (we're not, it's only always men commiting such horrible crimes).
>reeeee feminists are jealous that anime characters are younger and cuter than them! No. 436317
>>436306They were likely panicking, having difficulty breathing/seeing through the smoke and confused. Like the station nightclub fire, unconsciousness and asphyxiation can occur in a matter of seconds. Even though the sprinklers activated the arsonist dumped gasoline to create the fire, so the water did not help.
>>436312This last week really drew all the freaks out on kiwi, the site was kind of interesting but now it’s obvious it became a refuse of /r9k/ and 8chan spergs
No. 436319
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>>436294>>436311People literally died in this horrific attack and this is what they choose to talk about?
Disappointed but not surprised.
No. 436506
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>>436265>The guy who set fire to the building is a train otaku that was angry because the anime character played a song that sounded very similar to a train jingle. He accused kyoani of plagiarizing the train station song for their anime.Please tell me that this is some rumor gone wild, this is too autistic and retarded too be true.
On the other hand at least we don't have to worry about trainfag copycats like we would if he was a member of some cult or something. He was representing his autism and not a terrorist group.
>>436275Still can't believe pic related almost ended KyoAni.
No. 436762
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pic of the suspect. i spoiled it because looking at his face makes me enraged.
No. 436974
>>436762Jesus fuck that thing looks hideous. I can't believe people died under the hands of such a loser.
How can the kiwifarms autists blame feminism like a bunch of 5 year olds when the majority who died were female?
No. 436999
>>436503 It happened and changed safety standards in the US a ton.
>>436552I really hope their safety standards change as a result of this, even though it was arson as the cause of the fire itself. It's horrifying they would require a key. I guess it is complicated with suicide though…
No. 437007
>>436999That was misinformation, the door to the roof was unlocked and it sounds like one survivor ran out and jumped off the roof.
>He was in 2nd floor when the arson happened. He heard sound of arguing from 1st floor and heard 'bang'. Soon, smoke camp up from stairs and blocked his sight pretty quick. He managed to ran to the balcony and jumped. He said others couldn't make it to the balcony or didn't have courage to jump off. His arm broke as a result. Also he's disturbed that he doesn't how others survived or not.Greentext is from reddit but the interview is here: someone Japanese on Reddit said the perpetrator is still in critical condition and not conscious. He might die.
No. 437027
>>437009>>437011it's still misinformation. roof doors aren't locked in japan like that. he had blocked all the fire exits by setting them on fire, and people headed there before going to the roof door, the roof stairwell was full of poison smoke and they fainted before even reaching the door.
>>436999i think they mean the chicago fire thing, which isn't related to this stuff.
No. 437072
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All responses to this tweet are neckbeards celebrating masterful female animators died, oof
No. 437079
>>437072Neckbeards/poltards were pissy yesterday because the New York Times had an online article about Kyoani hiring a lot of women, and that the majority of
victims were likely female. B-but what about us poor men?!?
It’s stupid because I saw the newspaper at work and they had an article about the entire incident right on the front page, it wasn’t just a single article they made about women. And women are treated like crap at office jobs so it’s interesting that the anime industry is more lenient towards them.
No. 437095
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>>437027You don't seem to understand the term fire escape. The building did not have these. They are standard in US fire codes.
He set fire to two exits, that should not be enough to trap people in a proper building.
Lack of them caused the deaths.
No. 437193
>>437095I'm not American and we don't have those at all. Just because they're standard in the US doesn't mean a country without them is a failure in fire safety.
My dad is a firefighter with a lot of friends in the Japanese fire bridgade, visits the stations there, has worked with in Japan, etc. We were talking about the fire and he was surprised because their fire safety standards are generally quite high. Maybe the building is particularly poorly designed but Japan as whole isn't bad.
No. 437196
>>437195exactly. fire escapes are poorly designed anyway because it depends on you getting to a specific, unblocked window. it's not as if buildings that have them just have them in front of every window.
another fact is that sprinklers may not have been installed, but that's probably for the better in this situation since water can make a gasoline fire worse!
No. 439660
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I dont have any bone to pick with with Jo Jo but like… why does anime have obviously early 20s looking characters be like 14, 15, or 16 all the time And they make actual 18 year olds mature as hell
No. 439833
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This shit is disgusting.
No. 442291
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No. 446605
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I'm distancing myself from my old friends because I found out the majority of them still watch anime and play videogames without any kind of critical thinking.
It's disgusting hanging out with them while one wears a fucking ahegao hoodie and the others play with their phones instead of focusing on walking straight. Like, I'm ashamed people think I'm part of their group.
I think I want to stop presenting myself as a nerd because I don't want to make friends with adult-nerds/otakus. 99% of this people are closeted (or fully-open) misogynists who apologize pedophiliac behavior saying "b-but it's just a drawing!!!!!" (???).
There are a lot of problems with the anime and manga culture, but nobody calls them out and shit like the oversexualization of minors gets normalized every fucking day.
There are animes and mangas I have enjoyed (and still enjoy, because they are not shitty harem ecchis made for degenerate males) but I just feel detached from the community. I guess I still have a long way to go til I clean myself.
No. 446645
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I used to watch anime all the time in my teen years and early 20s, but now that i'm in my later years, it's just all such pandering shit. Like, all of it. i try to find good series to get into but it feels like it only panders to men and lonely otakus.
I watched a list for all the summer anime of 2019 and all the ones involving female main character are fake lesbian shit to pander to men and all the women are overly sexual. Meanwhile all the guy main protags are men doing cool shit and nothing is overly sexual. Anime isnt even trying to appeal to anyone but trash anymore.
No. 446652
>>446645if you want to enjoy anime at all just don't watch new anime anon, just don't. the most enjoyment i get out of anime is:
a) anime movies (studio ghibli, mamoru hasoda, satoshi kon etc.)
b) 80's and 90's anime. it's still corny and pandering to a degree, but not to the degree we know of today.
c) this is just a very personal preference but i just tend to steer clear of anything but shoujo and josei bc while fanservice is to be expected, i prefer the "bishonen/tsundere boy swoons over and worships the shoujo protag" over "borderline child porn and blatant misogyny". seinen might get a pass in rare ocassions.
No. 446663
>>446645most of the recent good shit that doesn't pander to men and lonely otakus is a couple kid shows… unfortunately. not sure if there's any new josei out there.
like other anon said most 80s and 90s anime is where to stay.
for me the only good show i've seen """recently""" (read last decade) that didn't pander to men and had more women in it was Kuragehime
No. 447639
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No. 447643
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>>447639The madness must stop. Anime has to go.
No. 447655
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>Is it unusual to want to become a lesbian anime girl after having read yuri? Aparently is not as unusual.
No. 448606
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I just got through killing stalking since i figured i finish that trash . I'm just really annoyed at this statement. The creator of this comic felt like stating her main character is heteorsexual even though he clearly stuck his dick in a guy several times. but he didnt suck his dick, so… he's not gay? Why is it so hard for people to write bi men? if you are fucking a dude (even a comic book fake dude) but still like women, you're bi, not straight.
No. 448616
>>448606I think in this situation it's almost passable, because the black haired guy is just an available flesh hole at first and then becomes a surrogate where he starts likening him to a woman etc. Outside of the whole fucked up abuse dynamic there would be no attraction.
It's the same grey area where serial killers and mass rapists have abused one or two men or children out of convenient opportunity.
That whole story is even more of a mess anyway
No. 448725
>>448606Well from what I understand reading that dumpster fire of a comic, is that Sangwoo did not genuinely love Bum or was attracted to him in any way(except maybe as a toy)Sungwoo just used him as a vessel to project his psycho mommy issues onto. Most of the sexual situations in the comic with Bum were aggressive and
rapey anyway.
No. 449811
>>449808God same. I'm disappointed in one gaming con's decision to finally allow cosplays outside the games they exclusively publish. They even opened an anime/manga category in their cosplay competition. Allegedly, they did this to pull in more crowd.
We just got more obnoxious weebs running around in crusty aliexpress wigs.
>>446645So many promising premises ruined by cookie cutter scrot-pandering shit.
No. 449835
>>449825japan is stuck in that marry your high school sweetheart phase, combined with having a rigorous college and work schedule, high school is easy to make appealing to ronery fags who watch. the expectation that you'll marry your first girlfriend and the larger amount of free time make it easy to shit out semi-realistic seeming love stories for people who didn't experience it.
japan in general is seeped in shitty escapism and has been for thousands of years so it's not surprising that their media is like 98% that.
No. 475385
>>475164some anime set in uni are Genshiken, Honey and Clover, Golden Time, Nodame Cantabile…
they exist but they appeal to a different kind of demographic, and considering today most series are isekais or about dumb chuunis those fit better in HS
No. 477448
Among the differences between anime-style cartoons and other cartoons, one can list the unusual appearance of the characters. But it is very close to the Japanese people. Why are heroes drawn with wide eyes This important feature speaks of readiness to perceive the world, openness, and purity of the soul. Other facial features such as the nose, cheekbones, and lips are also worked out in detail.
(Tips fedora) No. 479564
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Not sure if this qualifies, but I've found that most english dubs are almost unbearable to watch, it's like they use the worst voices and make it as awkward and cringe as possible.
pic related, one of the only animes where the english dub was actually tolerable to watch. I would probably watch a lot more anime otherwise, I just hate reading subtitles.
No. 484877
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No. 484882
>>479721I agree with you for the most part, but some dubs really are just intolerable. I can't think of exact examples but there have been some where the American dubber is screeching and exaggerating her accent, but the original japanese dub is otherwise calmly spoken.
I prefer a good dub to subs these days though, it's nice to be able to look away from the screen for a moment without missing a paragraph of translation notes.
Unrelated but imo I'd like to hear english language dubs with a broader range of accents than the usual same american voices
No. 485136
>>267683I am a qualified contemporary Japanese society expert (5 year at uni doing Japanese studies, a year abroad at a Japanese uni). I currently live and work in Japan. I am completely obsessed with Japanese culture and traditions, I love the customs, work culture, I'm in love with so many little things about everyday lifestyle, the food, the shops, the trains. I've been here for almost 4 years and never had any problems with anything. I fucking love Japan and I absolutely love living here.
And I haven't seen a single anime or read manga in my life. I don't really hate it, but I can't stand it when weebs claim anime to be "a part of Japanese culture". Nope, it's not a part of Japanese culture. Most Japanese people don't watch anime or read manga because it's cheap trash. I can agree that anime is a part of youth culture or a counter-culture because it is so marginalized.
There are so many beautifully illustrated Japanese books and magazines that deserve so much more recognition around the world. Anime is ugly, trashy and disgusting.
No. 485158
>>485136>Nope, it's not a part of Japanese culture. Most Japanese people don't watch anime or read manga because it's cheap trash. Yea, that's why the list of the top 25 highest grossing franchises is full of Japanese properties that made most of their money via anime and manga (One Piece, Dragon Ball, Jump comics in general, KochiKame, Evangelion (which is worth over $15 billion, which is insane), etc. etc.) or at least gained popularity due to their anime/manga.
Because no one in Japan cares about anime or manga, so sayeth the white expat.
No. 485163
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>>485136>I'm obsessed with Japan but I-I'm not a weaboo, I swear!Soon you'll say that Hollywood movies aren't part of American culture because they're not "special" enough.
No. 485166
>>485158>>485144>>485136NTA, but isn't it plausible to you guys that you're all right in some way? Anime is most likely on the same sphere to Japanese people as comics are to Americans.
Capeshit and/or adaptions of graphic novels are extremely popular in the US, but it's not as if 99% of the population is obsessed or personally invested in them. Many people aren't that into them, but they also won't be too opposed to seeing a movie or something if it gets glowing reviews, while others don't care about them, and some actually hate them.
There are niche American comics/graphic novels that don't get much (if any) attention outside the country, too.
No. 485169
>>485166Comics aren't popular at all in the US actually.
For comparison, One Piece has made $8.7 billion from manga sales alone, the vast majority of which come from Japan, since 1997.
Spiderman, arguably one of the biggest superhero characters of all time, has made roughly $1 billion from comic sales since 1969.
Manta and anime are vastly more popular than comics and cartoons, hence why there's so much more of the former than the latter.
No. 485188
>>485144I said most people, not "nobody". And what most people watch is things like Totoro, Your Name etc, read Shonen Jump and watched Astro boy when they were kids. What most people do not watch is stuff like Evangelion, Black Butler and Steins Gate. I have never seen any billboards or campaigns with these kinds of anime, I really don't see people caring about this stuff.
I assume many people feel sentimental towards Tom and Jerry. Doesn't mean it is a part of American culture.
>>485158There are 20 million minors in Japan right now, who spend shit tons of money on comic books, themed stationary and clothes every year. Combined with a million Chinese and Korean tourists who buy this stuff as well, $15 billion doesn't sound like a big number at all and is actually pretty tiny comparing Disney and Sanrio. I am not white.
>>485163I'm not going to say anything because, as I mentioned, I specialize in Japanese society, not American. I don't know that much about America, but I assume movies like Godfather and Gone With the Wind have a huge cultural significance. But imagine if a Japanese person would try and explain to you that Sex and the City and Hannah Montana are a significant part of American culture and literally everyone in the US watch and like it?
No. 485217
>I assume many people feel sentimental towards Tom and Jerry. Doesn't mean it is a part of American culture.Uhh yes it does? Tom and Jerry, Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny etc. are all American pop culture icons. Japan certainly has equivalents of this like Shin-chan, Sazae-san, the Ghibli movie characters. Just because animation is not hundreds of years old doesn't mean it isn't culture.
You are probably right that most of the anime that is popular abroad is niche in Japan. That said they do get billboards/big marketing stuff, just most people would glaze over it unless they were fans of the franchise.
No. 485220
>>485136>Most Japanese people don't watch anime or read manga because it's cheap trash. >watch animeYeah that’s tru-
>or read mangasurejan.jpg
Not to sound like a massive weeb but why even post or argue about anime/manga when you clearly know nothing about it in the first place?
>>485158Not to mention the stupid crazy amount of gacha crap like Fate that everyone spends money on now. Yeah no shit nobody’s buying $70-120 anime BDs when they can play smartphone games every day with all the characters in them…
No. 485609
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Another incel anime getting an adaptation. This time, it's "Healing Hero" and of course, everyone hates him for no reason at the beginning so that author can justify his horrible actions.
>another "evil villainess" that is evil for no reason so incels can project hate on women
>MC threatens to rape her with a red hot iron
>Instead forces her to suck his d
>Tons of "corrective" rape
>Only "good" women are those with slave mind and childlike personality
>MC is somehow justified in whatever he does
Just waiting for Crunchyroll to fund this one too, just like they did with Shield Hero.
No. 504082
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>>485609>lesbian character>man-hating bitch and predatory lesbian stereotype>drugs and rapes women>physically abused MC and made him crossdress while forcing him to masturbate>MC gets revenge on her by drugging some dudes with aphrodisiac and having them gang-rape herMan I hate light novels