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No. 775406
Have fun asking your stupid questions
Last thread :
>>>/ot/766184 No. 775421
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Would you guys be interested in a Great book covers thread? Or should we post them in the already existing books thread?
No. 775468
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There's a video I want to make a gif of. I want only a part of the video to be in frame. I know how to crop a video and turn that into a gif, except that I want the frame to "follow" something in the video, so it moves if that makes sense. Does anyone know how to do that? Preferably without fancy software and just with some online gif creator. Or alternatively what could I search for to figure out how to do it? I've been google searching but I can't find a guide that will tell me how to do what I want so I'm probably not using the right keywords.
(Sorry for bumping the old thread, didn't see there was a new one)
No. 775483
>>775469A lot of radfem places have been purged and this seems to be the only place where they can post freely.
I noticed it too but they often do have a point that so many of trans people, especially mtf are just doing it as a fetish etc
No. 775500
>>775495Usually starfishing happens for one of these reasons:
1. The woman was coerced into it and kind of just gives up and says yes
2. The guy is just so bad at sex/unattractive the woman kind of just dissociates and waits for it to be over
3. The scrote is fucking a girl way too young for sex with him
4. Shes too drunk to consent
No. 775609
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>>775517Consider 2d men anon
No. 775639
>>775625My aunt says that the best thing to do is to outcrazy them, if he starts throwing autistic tantrums and hitting furniture, scream like a banshee, maybe shout something like “shut up shut up” without looking at him.
I personally would ask him just what the fuck was he doing after he calms down, show him he was acting like a fucking retard, maybe record him and send him the video/audio with a “this you?” Caption, you could also make other family members look at his retardation by sending the video/audio to your family group chat like “so he’s acting weird, like, any of you knows why?” Preferably when there’s other people around irl.
No. 775746
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would anons like a thread discussing experimental/high fashion?
No. 775783
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Have any of you heard of Everskies? I know that the majority of the players are from tiktok or are of that younger demographic, but I still think that it might be fun to do some sort of club with just farmers. I'd like to see what the fashion/tastes are, do you think that this is a good idea?
No. 775793
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Why am I so afraid of socializing and making friends?
No. 775814
Part of what I enjoy about lolcow is that I'm able to witness/assess the psychology of cows over time. Like how they ended up as they are, why they might think/act as they do, etc.
Psychology and human behavior/assessment sort of feels like unraveling a mystery and I really enjoy it. To me, people are puzzles that only seem nonsensical because we often don't have all their pieces. They are complex in their variety, but ultimately add up. Even if you don't agree with their actions, you can come to understand why they chose that path.
I'm not very empathetic or emotional/caring, though.
So, onto my stupid question:
Are there any kind of careers/jobs that focus more on what I've described? Like, analysis of a person's psychology, without needing to be sensitive to their emotions/needs, etc?
I love the concept of being a psychologist, for example: at least, when it comes to trying to figure out/diagnose a person's issues… buuut, I'd never be able to listen and make them feel cared for. I couldn't work with them to try to solve the problem once it was discovered, or tolerate it when they refuse to. I wouldn't have the empathetic patience or care for that. I just want to assess and find the answer(s) to what makes them tic.
Is there any field that caters more to the logical/cold science of it? Study of criminal psychology or research maybe ?
No. 775820
Imo they kind of don't. At least, not in the way we do. Their brains are still growing and they haven't developed the parts that allow for full/consequential or "truly" unselfish thought. Which isn't to say they are selfish, they're just in tutorial learning mode.
I think instead their thoughts are more random/reactive. They can seem very deep, caring, intelligent or insightful, or oppositely cruel/evil, etc, but that's because their brains are little sponges learning and picking up on everything and trying to piece it together. They'll notice things adults may miss because they're in that sponge learning stage, not because they have any similar level of complex thought. They aren't "that deep" by design, it's required for them to learn all the things needed for adulthood (or survival) later.
Kinda OT from the question but,:
I think if more people, especially parents, understood that, it'd help raise children better in general. I feel a lot of people mistakenly punish or reward their kid because they don't conceive the child's actions/thoughts are products of their environment and not intentional, thought out things. Shows like those nanny reform ones or that document about the young girl they thought was a psychopath who reformed when put into a proper environment/routine really help display this. Kids aren't being annoying or throwing a tantrum to try to hurt someone. They can't fully think of/understand this shit; not to the extent we do. They're just little copy bots and their thoughts reflect little kneejerks of what they've learned by copying.
No. 775903
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Wtf is on the inside of ftm inflatadicks? I tried googling but I’m not finding what I can consider “solid” and definite answers, especially because it seems like plastic surgeons will use different techniques to get the mini diet coke can chode look. So there’s the literal balloon, and the skin grafted on the outside, but what the fuck is in between? I know they don’t and can’t rip a whole reproductive system and genital area “out”, but where are they getting the muscle used to wrap around the turtle-killing plastic straw urethra? The same place they get the skin for the outside? How do they even roll it into a tube? Wouldn’t it take too long for the raw meat waiting to be used/not get rejected/not reject the tube to get put on (installed?) that it starts rotting? I know the necrosis is a common complication so I’d guess this is what causes it. But how does that not leave a bunch of holes in her body?
Which leads me to ask, how much empty space is inside a human body? Genuinely so many stupid questions. I’m going to assume this is why so many of the results are unsuccessful.
No. 775915
>>775835>>775871Thank you both!
I'll have to look more into it, but this gives me somewhere to start
I'm sure the reality of any career of this nature has a lot of 'lackluster' aspects or it's fair share of ladders to climb to get there, but it's one of the few things I think I'd feel fulfilled doing long term.
No. 775932
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Anons françaises: can you recommend french cities to live in that are diverse, energetic, with a supportive cultural climate for artists? I'm thinking of relocating to France for some time once the pandemic ends because I speak French and need a change of scenery. I prefer big cities but want to consider options that are not Paris
No. 775966
>>775956marseilles has a decent cultural scene and a very enjoyable mediterranean climate if you don't mind hot summers. otoh some economically devrived parts of the city can be rly dangerous
as far as the cultural scene goes nothing really beats paris, there are good places elsewhere too but paris has the most diversity
No. 775987
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How do you stop obsessing so hard over bodily flaws, height, etc that you limit yourself getting dressed? I am pretty unfashionable and unhappy with my style because I nitpick why I shouldn't wear this or that (also my mother is conservative about clothing which influences me to this day) anyone relate?
No. 775998
>>775987it's gonna sound stupid, but you have to accept that happiness will only
truly come from within
you gotta learn to want to make yourself happy more than you inherently doubt yourself
No. 776072
>>776013really depends on which part of the city you're talking about, some are atrocious but others are very nice
and marseilles does have a better cultural landscape than lyon if that's what nona is interested in
No. 776081
>>776073Personal achievement. Envy arises when you're not satisfied with your current accomplishments and serves to motivate you to fulfil your goals. Those goals you set to achieve need to be something you truly value.
Don't try to suppress it, it will go away when you've achieved what you set out to do, and in the meantime it will serve to motivate you and remind you you're not there yet and to keep trying.
No. 776101
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>>776081What about when it's not about achievement, but opportunity?
I had a dogshit childhood in a third world country, moved abroad, and now I quietly seethe whenever I see all the rich, spoiled children who are extremely sheltered and never have to worry about anything because most families here are rich (by my country's standards, but they call themselves middle class here) and the welfare system supports the poor very well.
I would say I'm moderately successful at what I do and I have money now, but I still have to financially support my parents and toil at work in order to have what they got by being born here, and I will never reach the same level as most of the adults born here and they will never think of me as an equal.
I'm happy for people outwardly of course, but when I come home I cry because a teen girl here can just say she's depressed and get benefits and housing paid for even if she comes from a comfortably well-off family and doesn't need the welfare. Meanwhile in my home country mental illness doesn't exist and if you have mental issues they're solved with a shovel in your hands and working on a farm to teach you some discipline. If your parents are beating you black and blue, well tough shit.
I don't want to be a bitter old hag who's jealous of kids, but it's really hard not to be, especially since it's become popular for teens to make things up for oppression points nowadays.
No. 776122
>>776101Emotions are motivators, what you feel tells you broadly what you should do. Anything you feel strongly about means you value it.
You obviously can't change the past, but it drives you to change the future. You can make sure your kids have the opportunities you never had. You can bring awareness to the situation in your country. Lots of things you can do that line up with your values, I just put out some examples so you see which line of thinking to take. Focus on the future, not the past.
Or you can do nothing and of course then your feelings won't change. You value this so do something more about it. What you achieved was commendable, but you obviously don't feel it's enough. If there was absolutely no way for you to impact things, I'd say stop dredging up your past it's useless. But I'd rather egg on a strongly motivated person to make a positive change in the world, who will if not your ilk?
No. 776127
>>776101You have to accept your life as it is and continue working to get what you want. It's not fair but it's real. While you're envious of rich kids, there is a kid from your own country envious of the people like you who were able to move abroad and is most likely working twice as hard to get the half you get.
I truly understand you, I'm also from a 3rd world shithole, but we all need to practice more gratitude when we have a life that gives us at least some positives. There will always be people better and worse than you
And try to not be exposed to what makes you feel like that, for example, don't read what that people say, don't watch their tiktoks or whatever and instead do something more productive that makes you feel good (go for a walk, exercise, read, etc)
No. 776159
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>>776137Yes. Finnanons throw us a bone and make up for finnanon
No. 776161
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>>776137The sea troll is the groke, not a finnanon though, just into the moomins.
No. 776162
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>>776137This might help. Dunno about the rest
No. 776170
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>>776161Thank you moominanon. I love it.
>>776162>>776137"saataa sisältää pieniä määriä maitoa" means "may contain small traces of milk"
that leaves the question: why does the Mörkö hold 50€ bills and who is the girl with the glasses peaking out of the window in the back?
No. 776211
>>775966Ok that puts it into context, thanks for the insight nonita.
>>776079I'm op, that's more or less what I was implying, but with a bit more emphasis on a rich DIY culture alongside formal art institutions if that makes sense. A lot of my interests in music and performing arts are sort of niche, so I prefer big cities because they have more developed "underground" artist communities.
>>776073Some people say that we feel envy toward people that we perceive as being similar to us, and because of that similarity their good fortune seems random and even insulting. I think understanding the mechanics behind that feeling is the first step toward evolving from it.
No. 776230
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What sites (anything but discord or reddit) are there where you can meet people with similar interests than you and make friends? I have no social media platforms and not interested in them so they're out of the picture, but I have 0 fucking friends and it literally seems like there is no space on the internet to meet people, it also seems like nobody has any interest in making friends either. For reference my interest is mainly gaming, but I'd like anyone to talk about pretty much anything with because I've never had that. Any anons with a similar situation/experience managed to find something which has helped you with this?
No. 776267
>>776137>1. What is that horrifying seal troll thing.A character from Moomins
>2. What is in the carton. Is it milk? Yoghurt? Something else entirely? Milk
>>776170>why does the Mörkö hold 50€ bills and who is the girl with the glasses peaking out of the window in the back?The girl in the window is a finnish sex worker/cow that anons in the thread discuss sometimes, Mörkö is holding the bills because she's going to buy sex from the cow kek
No. 776288
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EXCLUSIVE LESBIANS.. do y’all feel this? I’ve only seen “bi” sex worker hoes share this..
No. 776289
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>>776288Samefag, I don’t think this is an actual lesbian thing
No. 776304
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>>776267Cool thanks
I like to think the mörkö is a duck and has a beak, looks cute lol No. 776466
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Is it normal to be physically attracted to only one man and be absolutely repulsed by all other men, including popular actors? I know my taste is quite specific but I get so fixated I feel like I want to erase every other man who doesn't look like him, I'm angry at them for being so plain and boring looking, even if they're conventionally attractive. My vagina just wants to murder them and I want to spit in their faces
No. 776523
nonnie, it's the nuclear core. I would have never found it again on my own!
No. 776583
>>776580Homosexual Transexual, it's a gay dude that identifies as a woman.
They usually put a little more effort in that AGPs, but they are usually misogynistic as well
Ex.: Blaire White
No. 776750
Why does the front page sometimes only load 2 or 3 pictures instead of 4?
>>776739 Eat it alone or with crackers, or in a salad or even cut up in a sandwich. picrel you can also use it in banh trang nuong (kind of like a Vietnamese pizza) instead of laughing cow cheese and it doesn’t taste bad.
>>775955 It’s supposed to be showing the obscure shape of ftm wieners through mini soda cans I thought others wouldn’t be able to tell the can is mini if I didn’t have it next to another soda can. But I like
>>775964 answer more.
No. 776803
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Why is lain so popular with mental illness tumblr neets and Troons? I heard it's kind of a dull anime that tries too hard to be deep or something.
No. 776815
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I need help from non-autistic people.
I sent an email to a teacher 10 days ago (institutional mail by google) and she replied the same day to the 2nd mail (after i request read receipt).
And she was waiting for an answer in a short time, that I sent, but i forgot again to ask for the read receipt. I waited 3 days before forwarding my answer again, this time with a read receipt request. I forwarded the same mail so she could see that I didn't wait a fucking week to answer her question.
Now 3 days passed and no reply, no read receipt, all this between instintutional mails. I know by bad experiences that my mails ended up in an teachers spam last semester (HOW YOU FUCKING SHITE EMAIL SERVICE?! WTF GOOGLE YOU?RE SUPOSED TO BE A GOOD MAIL PROVIDER!)
So, please help me because my autistic brain can't cope:
>send a completely new mail
>keep forwarding the same mail, continuing the mail thread.
God fucking dammit, can't even trust fucking gmail to send a fucking work email.
No. 776847
>>776807Both. But my coworker comes to
Mind. Says men are trash but can’t seem to be single for more than three months. And we live in rural Alaska so there are no quality single men our age here.
No. 776888
>>776804After having been sexual abused by my birth dad, walked out on by my step dad and in several traumatic relationships with men, I say I hate men… because I do. But that doesn't mean I don't want to try and find a good one or at least one that will finally treat me right. (and I have). I'm bi though (yes actually bi, not the "omg I kissed one girl I think I like girls"), but very not able to come out of the closet due to my culture, so maybe I'm also just pretending. Who knows. Anyways, men are dogs. Hate them but I just have to deal. I love my current bf but only because he allows me to do what I want and is by my side during my emotional outbreaks (which were only developed by my relationship with the men before him). He's supportive of my dreams.
But I still hate men in general.
Let me ask you a question: how do you not become conditioned to tolerate and want to date whoever has control over the world's finances and media as well as other simple things? Maybe I'm asking a retarded question but think about it.
Men have set up this world so that they're always in charge of everything. Head of the household, CEO, managers, even the "pants" of the relationship. There's a reason why the "50s Housewife" was such a thing: women were mostly not able to be in charge of anything and not because they were incapable. But because men did not let them and men knew this. They painted themselves as the heroes in every movie, every fairytale, every comic book. Women were the dames to be rescued. A powerful and in charge woman? Hah! She's got to be a lesbian.
Now imagine you're a little girl. No matter where you look, men have always been in charge and in power of any relationship you've seen at your young age. Even though you've got butterflies for little sally, somehow it doesn't make sense. So even though you dislike little Tommy and he annoys you, somehow it "makes sense" for you to date him, even if you resent him. He'll "take care of you". You "need a man to provide for you".
Just my thoughts.
No. 776938
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Is South Park considered problematic by the current woke crowd?
No. 776949
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>>776909It’s weird, I’ve never sung while breathing through my nose, but yeah, maybe you do pic related unconsciously, which is blocking the vocal cavity, making the air go through your nose.
To avoid that, maybe try breathing exercises? So you can learn how to breathe through your mouth while singing without it sounding too harsh.
No. 776986
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Whats wrong with me? I've never been in a romantic relationship but when some guy told me they liked me I had a panic attack that night. It's not like I've had any prior negative (or positive) experiences so I'm having trouble tracing the root of the problem. That was actually my first panic attack too. Then like a month later we had a conversation and I had a panic attack that night AGAIN.
I had a pretty great childhood, good friends and family, I really cant think of anything that would trigger it (albeit some mild anxiety and depression but who doesn't have that). I truly don't know why I felt that way. I also haven't had a panic attack since.
No. 777010
>>776986looking back were you able to identify any thoughts or feelings at all before it happend?
maybe if you can write down your thoughts leading to the panic atacks it might help you get a clue of whats wrong, it could be a lot of things like anxiety over making the decision of accepting or rejecting him, not being ready for that stage of life yet or even your sexuality.
No. 777015
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Trying to watch this movie that came out around new years. I typed in the movie name + torrent and was about to click the button that says -torrent magnet-, but it's not as easy as streaming, aye? How do I host whatever I'm going to click? Does it matter what computer I have? Reeeee.. just want to torrent this movie but Idk how to torrent stuff I don't understand it.
No. 777022
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nonny, here's a guide I wrote for my friend a few weeks ago. Hope it helps!!! open in a new tab or something for full size
No. 777158
>>777133some sites embed them as webp's for a retarded reason, it's not just a Firefox problem. sometimes it happens when you're viewing a webpage in the google amp format. wikia and other sites started embedding their pics as webp and it's been a real pain
did find a converter if that helps No. 777163
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This sounds silly and LONG but has anyone else dealt with the weirdness of loving butch and futch women, while slowly realising you yourself have slowly become quite butch? I think the pandemic has affected many women's beauty routines, from makeup to clothes and I was never the girliest of women but…it feels odd? I haven't really posted selfies the past two years, even though I have taken very nice ones, it just feels like I am cheating people. I am not that into makeup anymore, I do my brows and maybe put on mascara and rarely anything else because masks. I do think I look cool though and I can wear that full beat with falsies and all but I feel like a gay ass butterfly coming out of its cocoon or whatever.
No. 777170
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should I order 3 delicious homemade edibles that arrive in a week or buy a new dress that arrives tomorrow
No. 777181
>>777163anon you do you, embrace what makes you comfortable and happy. youre not "cheating" ANYONE, the internet isn't a 1-on-1 with reality and your life, plus you don't owe ANYONE anything let alone looking the way they'd want you to.
embrace your butchness if it makes you happy!!!!
No. 777189
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Can someone explain this? (I only know Mitski's most popular songs/don't memorize her lyrics)
No. 777194
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>>776803Can't speak for scrote, but I find the portrayal of isolation really accurate and weirdly comforting in Lain. I think the plot only appeals and rewards people who likes to dig up and overanalyse a little. If that sounds like you, then you should watch it!
Also don't forget that your average anime watcher saying that "it's tryhard" only consume coomer anime.
SEL is not really anything different from a Lynch's movie for exemple (who still has a masse appeal even if it's a bit more experimental storytelling) but the people who tends to make it their whole aethetic are always sort of autistic
No. 777223
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>>776901not that one, Anon. This one. He drills into the Earth DEEP and mines for Oils on the daily (except when he's on unemployment and spending his checks on sex workers) but due to his occupation, his self love techniques are transcendent and chaste
No. 777242
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Is it normal for your body to take longer to bounce back from doing bad shit to it? I’ve had puffy eyes and dry eyelids for 3 days now, and yesterday I cut back on caffeine and drank 7 liters of water throughout the day to compensate.
I just got off a bender. I was drinking and being a bulimic fool.
Now I’m worried there’s something wrong - more than dehydration. I am avoiding a doctor because America.
Any thoughts?
No. 777244
>>777243How many years is the average life expectancy? 75?
>Is 26 young relatively to 75?stupid.
No. 777303
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I hope this doesn't come off as bait, but does being fat changes your voice?
When I'm reading something and a character gets fat, usually a woman, they mention that her voice gets lower; I have also heard a couple of men saying "She sounds fat".
So like, you can sound fat? Does weight have any conexion with a voice sounding deeper or lower? In contrast, if you are skinny, does your voice sounds higher by default or something?
Excuse me for my stupidity, but this has been bothering me for a while now.
No. 777307
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I got hired part time and sent 2 emails asking for clarification if I'll be compensated for online work education. First response was polite, but didn't answer my question. Second response was one sentence, devoid of any niceties. Am I on the managers shitlist now? I needed to know because I'm a student and our contracts work differently.
No. 777444
>>777175About a month of seeing each other, then another few months after first sex before we decided to make it official
>>777303Fat voices sound echoey/muffled
>>777333Who knows? Why are you concerned about some moid you rejected?
No. 777463
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I accidentally swallowed a tiny amount of hydrogen peroxide 3% and my throat was hurting. Am I going to die?
No. 777493
>>777483um. it gets desperate quickly but i think wearing a certain style or accessory more often around your crush/partner is ok. buying a new wardrobe (knew a girl who did this kek) is desperate as fuck.
checking out more detective movies because you feel like you could share that is fine. making yourself watch movies from a genre you don’t like just to get the person to pay attention to you is desperate.
changing your personality never works because you’ll slip up eventually.
No. 777497
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>>777474>>777475>>777481It’s listed as an oral debriding agent for sore mouths and phlegm, mucus, etc. and has instructions on the bottle, and I had something going on in my throat so I swished it around and that’s how it happened.
>>777467I was waiting for them to answer as I posted on here. They said I’d be okay because it really was a tiny amount and to keep drinking water. I was scared as shit and I’m never doing this again. The stuff that came up on google while I waited for them to answer made it scarier. Moral of the story don’t be stupid like me and don’t take basic chemistry classes for granted.
No. 777540
>>775406How can I learn to not lash out at people?
Someone came out to me (they’re questioning their gender) and I uh…sort of lashed out and said they don’t have to change genders etc. Idk how I feel about this whole thing but I don’t want to hurt them nor do i want them go around Saying stuff about me.
How can I not be like that.
No. 777551
>>777540think of it as your friend converting to a religion. You don't have to comment or be rude, but if they start shoving it in your face then pull away from the relationship. Not sure how your friend is if they'll accuse you of being a
TERF or a bigot so be wary.
No. 777634
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Is it possible to make molds for resin casting out of air dry clay sculptures?
I don't know if this is relevant, but the sculpture would be coated with varnish.
No. 777640
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>>777634Possibly? I did it to make some resin stuff for a cosplay years ago. I used model magic and then after it hardened I used picrel to make a silicone mold out of it.
No. 777642
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vagina thread on /g/ seems dead so i'll ask here:
what feminine wash do you guys use? i wanted vagisil/summer's eve but the stuff apparently smells like flowers and bunnies now (according to the reviews i saw on amazon).
No. 777668
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>>777640This looks so cool! I hope there's something similar in my country. I've made silicon shit from scratch with industrial silicon and starch and it wasn't very fun.
>>777643>dry clay is very soft and can crumble when you remove it from the mold. Even after completely hardened and varnished?
I thought they were pretty strong after doing that.
I was planning on doing heads (human and animal), so if it broke after finishing the mold I'd be kinda sad lol
No. 777738
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>>777736no, it will be me
No. 777760
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>>777748Kek seriously though how many spaztics are gonna be camping on the front page waiting for their lolcow chance of a lifetime? /ot/ moves so slowly too, the suspense is gonna kill me.
No. 777803
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>>777797Make a wish to Sanic chosen one
No. 777828
Anons, could you help me remember the title of a fairy tale that used to give me nightmares as a kid? I google all variations of the plot but can't find it.
It is about a boy who is sent to the market by her mother to buy some vegetables. At the vegetable stand, there's an old lady whose eyesight is really bad and has to thoroughly touch and grope the vegetables and the boy makes a remark (or just thinks to himself? I don't know) about it (that she shouldn't touch them with her old, dirty hands or something like that). The old lady notices the boy and asks him to help carry her bags home and the boy, because he feels bad about the comment he made earlier, obliges. They got to the woman's home, he puts down her bags and suddenly the woman reveals herself to be a witch and transforms the boy into an animal (something like a hamster or a mouse or something) and curses him to work for him for hundreds of years (or maybe just 10, don't remember) as a cook I think? And maybe he even becomes a famous chef and cooks for the king himself: After his long servantship is over, he goes home, but his mother doesn't recognize him. That's all I remember, I don't know what happens after.
No. 777868
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what's the full comic? I can't seem to find it in the previous mtf threads
No. 777876
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>>777868Here you go. Spoilered for drawn nudity and frowned-uppon discussion topic.
No. 777969
>>777844All the people who diss this are usually WASPs or milquetoast Americans raised under Puritan values. My family kisses on the lips and it’s not weird to us. I don’t think it’s weird to kiss a baby either, because for me kissing is not inherently sexual. Just like a hug or embrace. The way we embrace our parents, friends and siblings is different from the way we embrace a lover. Kissing is no different.
>b but hugging isn’t kissing!!!!That’s because you were brought up to see kissing in a sexual way. Stop projecting your culture on other people
No. 778020
>>777997Even though both are fruits, you wouldn't say they taste, look, smell, or feel the same.
It's applied when people try to draw comparisons between two superficially similar things in bad faith, yet there's a lot of nuance as to why those things are vastly different than each other that make the comparison false.
No. 778117
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Lesbian and bi anons dating women, whats your ideal casual first date, and what do you consider a date vs just hanging out while attracted to someone? I’ve been talking to a woman for a while and have tried to take her on proper dates in the past but we’re both low maintenance and have distant communication styles so after a few mediocre “netflix and chill” dates that went nowhere due to my lack of confidence and communication, we kind of had a falling out after a few months, but her birthday was recently and she expressed wanting to see me again and I want to treat her to something special, without her feeling like I’m doing too much especially considering our kinda muddled history. She already said she wants to go out to get drinks, but I don’t drink and don’t want her to feel like she’s just drinking alone, what else should I plan in addition to keep things not awkward, or should I just take her out for drinks like she asked? Should I buy her a gift or is that too much? I have trouble with coming on too strong so I want to see if I’m overthinking, and if anyone has any date tips to keep things casual and not move too fast or do too much for people.
No. 778133
>>778117Maybe a picnic? Or go for dinner, not necessarily to a luxury place, just somewhere cool where you can be outdoors, listen to nice music and talk. And if she wants she can have a drink and you can go for a walk to a park and maybe
give her a little kithI think that a small gift would be nice too, I'd go for a cute ring or a set of earrings, it's her birthday after all!
No. 778139
>>778133 is exactly what I was I going to propose, if you can get to a place with a beautiful view I think a sunset picnic would be simple but romantic. You could curate a nice picnic dinner with her favourite drink and get her some flowers if she likes flowers. If that's not really feasible where you live then a cute patio would be a good alternative imo.
No. 778224
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>>778116I mean the explicit porn ones are pretty much likely to be Eastern Europe if you're also white/pale like I am and it doesn't look like American porn videos. Eastern European women are a huge market within the sex industry. The beginning of the links will show and you can sometimes use that to see what website url it is. In my case I was able to take some of the shorter domain names and google them to find that they're all Eastern European porn sites if specified. But I do rely on intuition a lot as I also deduced that one of my 'lookalikes' is some Russian model who does modeling in China. Not gonna post a picture of her bc she looks just like me. How I 'figured it out' is that the pictures were obvious AliExpress types (picrel) and there were a bunch of different pics of the same woman modeling activewear, accessories, clothes, formal wear, etc. Even if the pictures are cropped and blurred you can sort of tell what type of picture it is (modeling vs candid).
Also big thanks to the other anons who checked for me!
No. 778356
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Hello miss what is good site to watch free movie pls and thank u
No. 778421
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Hey since the 2000’s are supposedly coming back, is it okay now to get this haircut?
No. 778431
>>778377hot, i don't need a male and being hot has so much more benefits than attracting males
also being tied down to one male for your entire life just sounds like a nightmare
No. 778480
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I have no money to go to the doctor right now but I am thinking I might have an hormonal imbalance having to do with androgens or sum because my hair is getting coarser and I have discharge and no period.
I've been thinking of taking saw palmetto (an anti androgen), spearmint (another anti androgen), soy and fenugreek (both increase estrogen or something). Idk. I think this is what trannies do to look like fembois so I wonder if me being a woman would help me or just fuck me over more? Does anyone have experience with this?
No. 778490
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How do I become more confident wearing feminine clothes? I'm tired of looking like a slob but I'm scared of having to deal with staring scrotes again. Right now I only really wear sweatpants.
>>775783Ik this is 4 days old but I'd be interested.
No. 778498
>>778496Depends how often you feel nauseous, because if it's too often then you should totally see a doctor about it.
If it's rare then sure, why keep it when you can get over it quickly.
No. 778540
>>778060Late but yes
mostly because I am Eastern European kek. Also quite a handful of scandinavian ladies and one from a Dutch website who looks like my fucking clone.
No. 778544
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>>778538Amazingly, yes. This is the latest photo on her insta, from March 20.
This is what she wrote on her bday:
>my birthday is in less than a week, and.. well, a big FUXK YOU to the doctors that put a bet on when I’d kick the bucket.>Will she live to see 16? Become an adult at 18? Drink a beer at 21? DAMNNN, SHE PROVED US ALL WRONG!!>I’m just a living mistake lol.She's just living of pure spite. I've written before that people driven by spite have an unusually high rate of success in whatever they do. Spite is the strongest motivator, and she's living (well, more like undead) proof of it.
No. 778608
nonnie, when you get tonsil stones it means some bacteria got into your throat but it was stopped by the tonsils on its way. If you remove them you'll get worse health issues.
No. 778728
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this dress
No. 778731
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>>778728or this one anons? i cant choose
No. 778742
>>778713How are they sacrificing it? Male feminists only defend women to get pussy, they still continue to benefit from patriarchy regardless of what they say and they never say the things they do when they're actually needed. Some of them will even mansplain feminism to a woman.
Men need to learn their place, shut up and let the women speak.
No. 778751
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My crush messaged me. After how long should I respond?
No. 778772
>>778750But then again, wouldn't a man who calls himself a feminist most likely be a lib fem anyway? As in, sex work is work and feminism is for men too
uwu type of feminist, which just enforces the problems we have? Not trying to fight or anything, but I'm on the complete opposite and would be wary of any man who readily calls himself a feminist without further explanation (ally might get a pass depending on behaviour though, that I'll give).
No. 778825
>>778694Venezuela is arepa, Brazil is tapioca
TapiTapis? Sounds cute dunno a thing of Portuguese/Brazilian Colombia is arepa2, Chile is drunk and Argentina is meaty.
No. 778848
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>>778837I have ones like these except not shiny (it's better to get not shiny ones because scuff marks will not show as much) maybe they are too dressy for you but they go with everything and if they look at your shoes people will say oh nice shoes.
No. 778855
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>>778837Classic doc martens fit with everything and are super comfortable, I can't recommend them enoguh
No. 778873
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>>778862Let's agree to disagree here, ultimately it's a matter of personal taste really, for me it fits very well.
No. 778874
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>>778837If you mean sneakers Ive been liking my asics gel saga, super comfy and more unique/interesting than nike/Adidas imo. I have a pair in a grey/silvery color. Saucony shadow also has a similar profile and are also very comfy, I wore a pair of those working in a cafe standing all day and they were great. Mike cortes also has a similar profile if you like nike and I assume they are comfy (they're what sookie wears in true blood while working lol).
>>778862lol truth. Every time I see someone in docs and it's not winter I'm like "oh so you're a tool?" I like loafers for business power vibes, but I also have never worked in an office so grains of salt.
No. 778877
>>778855I agree with
>>778862 BUT I do think dr. martens are versatile and go with many non-office day-to-day outfits.
No. 778880
>>778855idk how anyone can pull these off unless they have super skinny legs. Mine would look like tree trunks in them, I need my skinny ankles showing to balance out my thunder thighs.
>>778837Ballet flats are probably the first staple I'd get, in whatever colour matches your wardrobe best. My everyday shoes are
>Ballet flats >Penny loafers >White tennis shoes>Mary janes >Pumps with small heels and a round toe No. 778896
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>>778837>>778848loafers or Oxford shoes are the best staple imo. they are comfortable, simple and stylish.
No. 778898
>>778837>>778880 Don't listen to someone who says to get ballet flats and nta but do this instead
>>778862>a plain black sneaker, not athletic or chunky is way more fitting.If you had to survive on one pair of shoes this would be it, there's nothing more comfortable and versatile than a plain black sneaker.
No. 778984
>>77871395% of men who claim to be feminists turn out to be predators
>>778880>>778922ballet flats remind me of middle school
No. 779002
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I don’t really get hit on that much and have only ever dated men I’ve asked out is this pathetic or a power move?
No. 779046
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>>779045Aww, dropped my cute pic…
No. 779049
>>779045This is me but I'm gay so can't relate.
You sure you ain't attracted to women,
No. 779054
>>779045this sounds like a potential bisexual awakening kek.
do you feel afraid you might get turned on or catch feelings? or does your brain think it's "wrong" because it's a similar touch you normally associate with your boyfriend, but coming from a woman?
>the culture of doing these things with girl friends is normal herehmmmm, i tend to only see this type of intimacy in the US on tv/movies or between the alternative kids. i actually feel like it's more normal to see this irl in european and african countries.
No. 779074
>>779073I don't think it's being a pickme to say that men are easier to make friends with. They are, because they see every girl as an opportunity and don't care about much past looks. They'll be nice just because you're female, it's easymode even if they ultimately make bad friends. Girls have higher standards and there's no default interest in being around you unless you actually click.
I doubt it's your fault and it's not the other girls at fault either. Making friends is hard and only gets harder as you get older, it's not something to take personally but you might just have to be persistent.
No. 779088
>>779074Sorry I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. Are you saying I haven't been persistent enough in trying to make female friends?
You're right, no one would think it's a pickme statement to say that it's easier to make guy friends. However, some people will accuse me of being a pickme because I would rather continue hanging out with guys and having "bad" friends rather than deal with having no friends. Idk if everyone on this board is just ok with spending tons of time alone (I'm really not) or just has the luck of easily getting a female friend group.
I will continue to try making friends of both genders in the future but my time as a working adult isn't infinite. I just do not feel up to trying to message every woman I know in a desperate attempt to make female friends.
And who says that female friends are automatically good friends? I had two good female friends from uni before COVID hit and neither of them have responded to my texts afterwards.
No. 779099
>>779073>>779088I've always been friends with women because I connect better with women than with men, and you seem to connect better with men, it doesn't make you a pickme.
I would say that if you want to be friends with a woman you should become friends with one that has an interest that you also have (sorry if this is something you have been told before) or that also has mainly male friends so that you can bond over something, a lot of my friendships have started bc of similar interest or bc of similar attitudes we have.
You mention that you had two good female friends, so you have tried it and it worked, so I'm sure you could make another female friend anon!.
No. 779107
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Warning for gross content but anons is it possible to have nerves 'fall out'? Like I've been dealing with this wound for a while and it's slowly getting better (I think) but after a bout of pain I just pulled this weird white-translucent thread like thing with a little nodule on it out. Had some blood on it too. Wtf??? What the fuck is that?????
No. 779114
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>>779108I had forgotten she existed. Didn't quite pull it out forcefully it just sorta happened.. well I guess that answers the question that it's possible.
>>779112Anon I swear I'm not that insane
No. 779120
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>>777194Thank you for the great response anon! I'll consider watching it.
No. 779136
>>779107All nerves need major surgery to remove.
It was probably just gross scabbing or from your clothing. Spoiler: nasty picture of scab
No. 779166
>>779110I haven't been formally dxed yet but when I realized I'm autistic, I found a therapist online who said they had experience working with autistic adults.
I wanted to talk to a professional but in a comfortable context where I knew I'd be taken seriously and where the therapist would be able to get to know me enough to see past my high-functioning presentation (did well in school, have friends, very passive and good at mirroring). I have a really hard time expressing myself and I realized that in past attempts at therapy I was unknowingly masking (which is why they didn't help much) and so I needed someone who would be understanding and patient.
I'm not ready to seek a formal dx yet, my life and mental health are currently very fucked and bc of anxiety/trauma around psychiatrists, I need to be very prepared to communicate effectively. My eventual goal is to have my therapist support me by helping me find a good provider, helping me figure out how to express what's important, and possibly writing documentation to give to the psych.
Obviously I had other reasons for wanting a therapist but even if you don't also have mental health issues a therapist could help you with the diagnosis process and just processing your emotions/thoughts about learning you're autistic (I know I have a lot).
I had a consultation call with the therapist before I started seeing them, and I prepared some questions and some things about what I wanted out of therapy. I definitely recommend doing this to make sure they're a good fit. This isn't the only way to go about getting a diagnosis but it's the best way for me especially because I'm not able to get much help or guidance from my family.
No. 779436
I'm mexican and while sometime some spaniards talk kinda too fast with their special weird accents I can understand everything they say 100%
No. 779544
Does anyone wanna help me solve the new Keygen Church album riddle? I solved the numbers and letters, it's "in absentia lucis tenebrae vincunt", but I don't know about the rest. He says in this video's comments the title is the key for the poem but I don't know. I thought the trick is that the white and dark bars stand for the letters KEYGEN CHURCH but I can't fit them to anything meaningful in the poem. listen to this music anyway I am 95% certain you haven't heard anything like it
No. 779563
>>779493I had the exact same issue with meat. It's caused by your sense of smell lacking and affecting your taste. It's parosmia from Covid-19 and it's the damaged sensory receptors in your nose that cause the foul taste. The receptors do heal over time but, depending on how badly they were affected, it can take anything from a few weeks to a over a year and they might only partially heal.
There's something called smell training where you repeatedly expose yourself to "main" smells (like clove, rose, lemon and eucalyptus) for short bursts of time and expose yourself to familiar smells (like your perfume, your favourite food and your favourite drink) in between that is supposed to help.
No. 779722
>>779640To publicly humiliate its users, marking them as target of hatred.
>>779678You could kill a veryyy small number of some extremely unlucky bacterias. Most objects including your fingers are not very effective against microscopic creatures because they’re so tiny that the uneven surface of your skin have trouble touching them. It would be like dropping a big bowl upside down on an ant, you’d just miss and he’d be fine.
No. 779797
>>779754Contact HR, Benefits, or your 401k provider to see if the match has a vesting period. Some companies have a vesting period/wait time before you can officially consider those contributions yours.
My current company's match vests immediately, but my previous company had a match that vested after 3 years, so if I left before 3 years they would have taken what they put in out and only have been left with my contributions and gains.
No. 779850
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>>779722ty for awnswering my stupid bacteria question. That was actually really informative
No. 779898
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How do I deal with the silence?
I can’t stop checking my phone, my email, discord, lolcow, etc.
I want to force myself to deal with the silence of not constantly checking things so I can be more productive
But I often just start day dreaming when I don’t check phone.
Sometimes I’ll totally zone out and become arrested without a trigger to move
No. 779899
>>779880Still ask! If you are nervous your 401k provider will have the details of your plan on their website, and you can still call them. They won't report anon asked about the vesting period back to the company. Money is money, and every dollar contributed into your 401k will benefit you in the long run, even if you don't get a match.
If you have money to spare/save, look into funding your Roth IRA too. If you can't tell I'm a big savingsfag and the power of savings and compounding is magical
No. 779916
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>>779901Oh god that reminded me of this blind date I went on. We instantly knew we wouldn't click but we were already at the art museum, one of the biggest in the world
I spent four hours with this guy
No. 779920
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>>779910Thank you have another.
Also I read this article I think it helps No. 779956
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How do I get a simp BF without becoming a streamer?
No. 779986
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Does this stuff smell like the smoke you get from a fire? Sometimes I see people putting it inside of the masks they wear for photoshoots and I can't imagine inhaling this would be good.
No. 779997
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>>779956Troon/underage energy but uh literally just by having standards. Never simp any man under any circumstances. Men are designed to obey social hierarchy, they innately simp those they perceive as alpha. Men disrespect pick-me’s because it is very black and white for their underevolved brains: if they’re not worshiping you, you’re worshiping them; if you’re not out of their league, you’re beneath and something to be upgraded. Internalize the biological fact that women are superior by default.
No. 780192
>>780181I think you can love others even if you don't love yourself, but you have to pay extra attention to whether or not you actually love them or whether you love the validation they're giving you or whether you love that they're filing in a gap in your life.
People who love themselves tend to be more self-actualised and so their relationships are formed because the person/relationship genuinely appeals to them in most aspects and not because they themselves are lacking and need someone to fill the space.
No. 780248
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>>780190Huh? What’s that? Do you believe men and women are equal or somethin?
No. 780285
>>779899Thank you anon! I asked my coworker who I know signed up for it for more details and she's gonna look through the paperwork they gave her for me heh. I guess I might open one then! I have a Roth IRA that I maxed out last year and this year and have been putting aside some spare money into a regular brokerage account (not stocks tho lol). I was just really into shoving it all into my savings account (not even a high yield one lol) but a friend had been suggesting for me to open a roth and dabble a little bit in investing so I have! I also just started reading 'I will teach you to be rich' and finished the sections on 401ks. I know I
should have opened one as soon as my employer told me about it (we have no health insurance but they go on and on about how great our 401k is lol) but I was hesitant since I didn't know about the vesting period.
No. 780306
>>780296Two inferior halves makes one full inferior. Badum tsss. Have a nice saturday
No. 780350
>>779166these are good suggestions. Sorry to hear about your negative experiences with psychiatrists, I wish you the best endeavors in your journey to understand yourself!
>>779914If you want to shorten conversation, keep it focused on them so that they can say everything that they wanted to. also, you can check your watch or set up an alarm, saying that you really have to get going to finish some project with your job/check on some dogs you're watching for a friend/homework due tonight for uni.
No. 780378
>>780368Tell them you're not gay? I mean, how do you even know they think you're gay?
I've been asked a few times in my life if I was a lesbian just because I held hands with a classmate in high school when she was physically weak and anxious, don't dress femininely and never talk about men I'm dating. I just say "you're not the first to ask, but I'm not".
No. 780395
>>780368Yeah, it’s quite annoying tbh, specially in a country in which being gay isn’t exactly what the majority appreciate.
The thing is, that you just have to tell them that you’re straight, and if they keep asking, just be sincere, like
>hey anon, do you like this other girl from your group?>I mean, she’s pretty but she’s not a guy so, she’s not my type.As easy as that, sure, they will keep on saying you’re in denial because people love shipping others, but as long as you keep your stance firm, they might stop saying you’re gay.
No. 780488
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do you think grumpy cat was actually named "Tardar Sauce" and her owners just called her "Tard" for short? because i don't believe that, i think the kid straight-up just named her deformed cat "Tard" kek. nice attempt at saving it though
No. 780511
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If I really try my absolute best training a puppy-following all of the most researched methods, crate training, spay/neuter, properly socializing etc, is it still possible I could end up with a dog with behavioral issues or crazy barking? Is there such thing as an untrainable dog? This is assuming they don't have an actual brain problem or injury. I'm ready to dedicate my time and money raising a puppy, including going to irl classes, but I still have a fear of ending up with a dog that just barks at everything. I've done a lot of research on this online of course but I'm curious if anyone here has first-hand experience.
No. 780538
>>780528>Men frequently don’t treat their girlfriends equally.That's just a sign he has/is settling then. Decent men and women don't settle for someone they don't truly care about just to have a warm body to fuck/receive attention from.
>he’s just willing to give more, to act right for the ones he thinks are higher caste.Even if he does act better for the "right ones" in the end it's just an act he can't keep up forever. When a low quality man pines for a woman it's just his idealized version of her, disagree with him on even small issues or hold him accountable for his mistakes and he'll quickly change his tune.
No. 780565
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Nonnies, how lame am I for being a kissless virgin at 25?
My birthday is coming up and I'm just getting depressed over everything I haven't accomplished yet. It doesn't really help that my best friend is already married and expecting a child, and a lot of other friends have been in long term realtionships.
It's not that I haven't had the opportunity, just that the ones I'm interested in don't reciprocate and I don't want to accept just anyone to get it over it cause I feel like I'll regret it immediately.
No. 780569
>>780565Anon..are you me?
Like same!!!
I'm a 25 years old kissless virgin
High five
No. 780575
>>780565Just like it has been said before, being a kissless virgin isn’t something to be ashamed of.
Like, what are you going to do? Fuck a literal who before you’re 30? It’s not healthy and it won’t improve anything in your life.
Don’t worry, anonita, just enjoy your life and focus on other things, like working, studying, having friends, hobbies and such.
A scrote or a woman as a partner won’t make your life improve all of the sudden, sometimes a relationship, specially when it comes from a place of desperation or social pressure, is more harmful than fulfilling.
No. 780579
>>780565Same… but I am not 25 yet (a year and a half left)
>>780577I am interested in researching ancient spells and forgotten magic schools while living in the middle of a bog near mountain range
No. 780599
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what exactly is wrong with straight cut bangs? not just cause of this actress but even on other boards i occasionally see weird sperg outs over hair like this and idgi. it feels like i'm out of the loop, it looks like a normal cut to me.
No. 780618
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Can a foreigner, while still living abroad, publicize a book in english under a pseudonym? Like legitimately work with an american publisher or something of the like.
If not, is there a similar alternative (self publishing on Amazon? I don't know how that works)
Thanks in advance.
No. 780621
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Is it possible to download videos from tumblr? Or does anyone maybe have a youtube link? I have no idea what to search for to find it. picrel
> No. 780626
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Hold up, am I really a fucking weirdo for first wiping my coochie from the front with tp, then wiping my butt with a wipe from the back with my other hand?
No. 780636
>>780626this is weird to me but I can't judge you for doing something objectively more hygienic than the standard
>>780634agreed tho
No. 780651
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why is it always the most wokest women are always with the most boring vanilla white guys, like every single annoyingly woke women I knew in collage is dating more or less the same boring white guy
No. 780653
>>780651Bouncing off this post but
Does anyone have the meme pic about this? It’s like a brown girl yelling and the bottom pic says “ the boyfriend:” and it’s a pic of a basic white guy.
No. 780656
>>780633I saw someone talking about how in some movie a woman wiped from like…behind and between her legs from front to back? And many people agreed that that is the way to do it
>>780634I honestly was debating on what word to use because of the whole question being kinda nasty
>>780636Genuinely, I can't do it any other way anymore, sure without the wipes I can manage but the actual order and position situation, nah.
No. 780659
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>>780653here you go
nonnie No. 780663
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what are some signs that you're so hot that men are afraid of you
No. 780666
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No. 780848
>>780842wtf anon, that's so annoying? are these friends or family or what, because I can imagine straight male friends of yours just hoping you discover you're gay and makeout with chicks in front of them? OR are they gay women who want you to "discover" you're gay so you date them?
I just can't imagine being this invested in another person's sexuality unless I wanted to have sex with them myself. like the other anon said just tell them you're not gay and it's weird to keep bringing it up.
No. 780975
>>780368I have avpd too and my dad has spent years dropping hints to me that he's 'okay with the gays'
I mean I've crushed on women before but I've only had 2 long term relationships and both were with men so I don't get why he's spent years very much dropping these obvious hints. I guess he's right that with avpd I would be the type of person to just not tell him shit like that for fear of a bad reaction. I'm not an open book.
No. 780979
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Should I go to university?
No. 780992
>>780988Do you live in a country where it's cheap or free, or have a family that are comfortably able to support you through it? If so, go and enjoy a couple of years of fucking around. It's fun.
If it's an actual investment don't go unless you have some plan or reason to go. If you don't know what to do with your life you could always try some kind of "work away" thing or something else instead.
No. 781005
>>780989Hmm it's a very subjective question, there are people who like to rebound, and there are people who prefer to wait. I don't think it matters who was your last sexual partner really; and to answer your question - worse thing would be to do something you don't want. If you don't want to have sex with other people, don't, because most likely you'll have bad time and will feel bad about yourself.
I personally never just "rebounded", i waited until I got over the relationship (with just time healing the wounds and all the shit) and then genuinely tried to meet new people, sometimes it would end up with just sleeping with some until I found someone I wanted to stay with for longer, but never was just coping with a loss of an ex.
No. 781011
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>>780989I got hpv from my last relationship and I went celibate for two years bc I didn't want to pass it on (I had an aggressive case of warts). After that period, I went on a delayed rebound phase lol. At the time it was great because sex, but I ended up regretting it. It made me feel dirty and like my only asset was my body. This is true for all my rebound phases too, and truth be told that two-year celibacy was ace– I made so many girl friends and focused on stuff that mattered, like my career path, learning how to self-comfort without a man, etc.
I wished I stayed celibate before I met my current Nigel honestly
No. 781025
>>781005>>781011>>781014I think deep down I know I chose right but when I wake up horny and thoughts of sex enter my mind..he's the only guy I've fucked in the last 6 years so he's annoyingly my default memory of sex. I almost want to fuck anyone else just to replace the memory with a less emotional one. I'll be good though lol.
Actually went through hpv too, no warts but one of the strains that affects cervical cells. Holy fuck the stress of that should've been a lesson in itself.
No. 781041
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Now say aaaa
No. 781157
>>781152You’re an idiot for sure. Don’t get a dry socket for some weed anon, shit is not worth it. They’re so painful. Get a nicotine patch if you really crave cigs but don’t smoke. I believe in you
No. 781172
>>781025Hpv anon here. Honestly if you just find a kind guy that's attractive to fuck and have him respect you physically and as a person, not necessarily to enter a relationship with, I think it'll be fine. All of my rebound men were douches since I was too horny to care lol but I might've found a memorable one if I was just more selective
Alternatively, porn and toys
No. 781184
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How is it possible to grow up in Montreal and not speak French?
No. 781186
>>781184having an anglophone family and friend circle? i've met children of rich foreigners in asian countries who only went to international schools and can't speak the local language, even though they have no plans to move.
(i hate matt he's such an annoying cuck)
No. 781247
>>781241thats a genuine question damn. the clit is just a small dick biologically.
does it get larger than about an inch or so after arousal? some people are really into big clits, so if you feel it interferes with your sex life you might be in luck
No. 781256
>>781147get rid of your boyfriend obviously, you can just manifest a new one later
>>781163it isn't using if it's unintentional
No. 781266
>>781256>it isn't using if it's unintentionalall narcs say that. of course its not intentional. they wouldnt act like that if they had no reason, of course they did what they did,
>i wouldnt cheat if you [insert whatever]>i got [piercings/tattoos] because whateveri wouldnt [drink/smoke] because whatever
>>781264porn makes any woman look like shes less than a mans desire. i have big ol labia flaps, porn wants women to think that thats a sign of a slut but damn my partner will eat my puss and suck my flaps for like an hour easy. we are always a bigger judge of our flaws than others are
No. 781270
>>781266everyone uses people, it's not exclusive to narcissists
and that isn't what unintentional or using means, your rant is completely unrelated
also… some things don't need to be shared ffs
No. 781274
>>781266>i have big ol labia flaps, porn wants women to think that thats a sign of a sluthonestly one of the most ridiculous shit I've ever heard peddled about women and their anatomy. yet some boys (and grown men genuinely buy into this)
I would laugh at the absurdity but it's more depressing than anything
>my partner will eat my puss and suck my flaps for like an hour easyan hour? damn. happy for you anon!
No. 781324
>>781147Late but I get worried about this too kek
I think the best method is just "hide in plain sight". Use an old notebook that you always had or just buy/use an old planner or something like that. I use the latter and my boyfriend never even notice its existence because I had it forever in my room and also I use the last pages for it, so even if he was to take a quick look at it he probably wouldn't see it anyway.
nonny No. 781377
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Has any one here created a tulpa? What was it like?
No. 781389
>>781381Because when you are pregnant your hormones make you ready for that baby. It
triggers an attachment that is biological and when it's lost via miscarriage you lose all of those hormones but the attachment was still chemically there. Basically it's because of hormones.
No. 781527
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Is Olaplex No3 actually good or is it just marketing? I've been looking at before and afters on tik tok and I honestly don't see much difference, but everyone says it's a "miracle cure" for damaged hair.
Is it actually the best of the best? If not, what products would you guys recommend?
No. 781573
>>781572Look up some programs. Personally I do PHUL and like it, it's a 4 day split, upper body x2 lower body x2.
Also machines aren't that hard to wipe down but you do you.
No. 781578
>>781567Clue maybe
No. 781702
>>781567Cards against humanity
Old people can surprisingly be the most enthusiastic
No. 781722
>>781086Thank you for replying. I have been through a bunch of diagnoses, from Asperger's to BDD to MDD to (most recently) BPD.
That trajectory you mentioned sounds about right, though. What happened to your friends?
I'm currently in some kind of DBT-based therapy and it's very underwhelming. They hyped this up as the thing that's going to finally cure me, but it's all stuff I learnt and practiced naturally as I matured. The medication is just antidepressants, I'm on the maximum dose of venlafaxine right now and it hasn't done anything.
>>781099I don't feel ill, no. To me it's all very logical. I was born into a system I loathe and cannot fully escape. Living is more difficult than dying. There isn't anything worth sticking around for. I wouldn't have to worry about jobs or rent, it's just like being asleep. The only reason they think that my suicide attempts are a sign of mental illness is because they've been indoctrinated into the capitalist-christian belief that life is sacred. It's not. The sanctity of life is a meme designed to keep us alive so that those at the top of the social pyramid can keep us like cattle, to support their lifestyles. The only way to reject it is to die.
I wish that I was allowed to die with dignity and no pain, but no doctor will do it. The Hippocratic oath is more like the hypocritic oath am I right? The preservation of life isn't really mentioned at all in the original; it's more about respecting the autonomy of the patient. If the patient wishes to die, why is it a mental illness (individual fault)? Why isn't it a social illness (symptomatic of structural ills)?
Yes I self-harm but it's not mental illness, not anymore than sex or drinking is. It's just what I need to cope with life. I don't feel ill I just feel misunderstood.
No. 781786
>>781776samefag I want to add that with therapy I've come to realize a kind of sad truth that people can't always be helped unless they're open to trying for real. Myself I was depressed and didn't really know how to
do therapy because I didn't want to change my lifestyle. Only recently did I actually listen to my therapist and try different tools she gave me (in CBT) which has actually produced results but it takes effort. What I'm getting at though is you don't sound really open to the help at all, which may be shitty of me to say but you seem to think you know better than all of it and have yourself figured out. Which honestly I admire that you want to think differently about things but then why are you letting them waste your time if you're this enlightened. I really do hope things go well for you I'm just saying what it seems like.
No. 781798
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Are mood swings even something that could be considered abnormal? I swear everyone will have a mood swing every once and then.
No. 781799
>>781797Cutting does leave scars though?
>>781798I think it depends on the intensity of the mood swing. It's not cool to be chilling with someone one minute, and then the next minute they're raging at you.
No. 781805
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>>781794really anon? she sounds like this but with muh capitalist social constructs
No. 781808
>>781798The things in this pic, are they a big toy trend right now?
A grocery store near me started randomly stocking loads of these lately.. but like a really low quality version with poor stitching and a high price attached. There's baskets of them randomly littered around the food aisles.
No. 781822
>>781808They seem quite popular, I think the name of the company or something is “teeturtle” and they have different types of plushies.
I honestly first saw this type of plushies when I saw vid related and it honestly seems nice.
No. 781824
>>781805Capitalism is mentioned once, as contributor towards the concept of sanctity of life. Imagine if all the farmed cows of the world realised their place in the world, their reasons for living, and their fate - they'd seppuku immediately. The dairy industry would collapse. Beef too. I'm saying the sanctity of life is protected in part because of this. It's been misunderstood as "hur dur capitalism bad" I'm just saying that in an abstract sense we are an investment or a crop.
To the other anon who was speaking about things to live for, there's nothing that would feel better than to just leave forever, peacefully on my own terms. My family and friends would get over it quickly as I'm kind of a dead weight anyway. There's nothing that makes me think living is worth it, life is overrated, I don't think it's such a crazy thing to say
No. 781827
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>>781722Lmao you know what, I support you. Fuck it be unhinged.
No. 781829
>>781770Let's pretend for a second that everything isn't a social construct (because you might as well say it all is) and take a look at what self harm is. It goes against our pure animal instincts of self-preservation and survival. It makes no sense outside of your own (socially constructed?) mental anguish. It only hurts you. There are arguments for situations where sex and drugs are acceptable, sure those are social constructs (although sex? really?) but
everything is. This doesn't make any sense; do you want to be happy? There are ways most people find being happy attainable or unattainable and self harm falls in the latter, unless happiness is a social construct as well.
Jfc sorry for being harsh but the stuff you're saying is up your own ass faux intellectual. People had problems even before capitalism, they still do in it, and we have to deal. I'm not saying you have to change your mind if you really think this is the answer but there's actual reasons suicide and self harm are seen as not normal and unhealthy options. I know you want to escape pain but there's other ways that don't hurt your own body, which is not rational at all, and that won't traumatize everyone when you disappear. I mean like it or not you can usually tell how healthy something is by how it affects not only you but others' well being also.
>>781824This is not the rational thinking you think it is because most depressed people think this way and can actually get out of it over time. Maybe they should all kill themselves? Do you see why this is shitty?
No. 781839
>>781829Again you're clinging to the capitalism thing - it's a very small part of the overall point.
Same with sex, I made it clear it was about misusing it to cope.
Yes people had problems before capitalism, I'm saying that attitudes towards suicide are so strong in part because it's a loss and if lots of people chose it, it would destabilise things as we know it.
I'm trying to say fuck it, just let us die if we want to. Yes if we're considered depressed, yes if we're just bored on a Tuesday afternoon, just let us choose death if we want to
No. 781844
>>781839>>781840Okay but attitudes aren't different. and
>if lots of people chose it, it would destabilise things as we know it.>I'm trying to say fuck it, just let us die if we want to.don't go well together. But I don't think arguing is changing either of our minds here so I'll stop. "We all have to die sometime" is true enough and the closest I'll get to agreeing with you.
No. 781847
>>781844samefag damn I said I will shut up but
>if attitudes were differentactually I disagree on this part too because death isn't just arbitrarily traumatic, losing people in your life isn't something we can opt out of the pain of or else a lot of people would. It's the human condition to be affected by death
No. 781850
>>781844I'm pro-changing attitudes and don't care if things as we know it collapse, you seem to think it's a bad thing. I'm also anti-natalist. So I think yeah, we're just fundamentally different in our perspectives.
Thanks for trying to reach a middle ground. To circle back to the original point, I'm just saying, it's not inherently mental illness to want to die and it should be allowed.
No. 781853
>>781846It just got my back up because I was getting attacked for it and nobody was really considering what I was saying - it was just more of the same "but death is bad" and "ur just edgy". It would make anyone defensive.
I'm open to accepting that it might be mental illness. I'm just wondering if anyone has considered that suicidality isn't inherently mental illness, and if they know the difference. /ot/ can be really thoughtful and cool sometimes but it seems like everyone's really on edge lately (not just in this thread, I mean across the board).
No. 781864
>>781822I wish that store near me had stocked a nicer version of them and not the dodgy quality ones that look like they'll fall apart. The octopus does have charm to it.
Might give in and buy one online if I'm still thinking about it in a few days lol
No. 781876
>>781853i'm the anon that asked if you felt ill and i agree with you that you aren't ill. i don't agree with your point of view and your conclusion about life, but it's clear that you just think differently than other people and that can't really be helped by anything, especially if you aren't wanting to change. i don't think it's right to call someone's personality/thoughts/opinions an "illness"
unless they're like schizo delusional> I'm just wondering if anyone has considered that suicidality isn't inherently mental illnessi don't think being suicidal is inherently a mental illness either, i think it's a natural and sensible response in certain situations. i hope assisted suicide is legalized in my country someday, we have capital punishment so i don't really see why it's such a big deal anyway
No. 781885
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This doesn't belong in this thread but it's somewhat related to discussion. I come from a rather pro-death upbringing. My country was fuckin at war 50 years ago so culturally as a whole we're more accepting of death. I mean, we also barely have mental healthcare, so suicide is more or less viewed as natural and best course of action for some people.
In our family we talk about death openly, we muse about how we'd like to die and how we'd cope with loss. Death is just something that happens. Yeah you'll be very sad and you'll miss the person but it's never made out to be a scary and traumatizing thing. Illness and accidents are painful and scary but death is like an old friend who will be taking care of your loved ones now.
It's paradoxical but it actually helps me to be less suicidal knowing that I can choose to end my life whenever and my family wouldn't resent me. They'll be very very sad but they'll be okay, they told me this. They'd still want to be my side if I choose.
But most people weren't raised with this mentality or have the right support system so I can empathize with fervent anti-suicide sentiments. Just wanna suggest that it can be positive to the mentally ills to have support in life AND in death.
No. 782104
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Can someone explain to me what this whole Ena thing is?
No. 782151
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So I've seen tattoofags talk about "scratchers" in random threads before and I'm wondering if this tattoo counts as that. It looks like the lines cut into the skin a lot but maybe that's just what a fresh tattoo looks like in HD?
No. 782292
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Just bought season 1 of Daria and plan to buy the others separately. What would you guys say are the best seasons?
No. 782304
File: 1618268883193.jpg (109.46 KB, 1080x523, 20210413_020837.jpg)

A girl I follow on ig just got a puppy and was handling it weirdly, like it was clear she has never held a baby animal, was holding it with one hand in front of "aesthetic" backgrounds, letting it chill on the edge of high sofas and all. Now she posted the dog in her hand, saying it died? But it had an emoji after that made it seem like a shitpost? I am so fucking confused, is this a shitpost anons?
No. 782422
>>782382ayrt, I'm pretty sure this girl said she paid some exorbitant price for the dog like you would from a real breeder so I think she got scammed somehow.
I live in a US state that has a high concentration of puppy mills and she was from the UK so maybe she wasn't aware of the potential issue but her family was rich and educated so I don't think that's an excuse.
Pure bred dogs have a higher chance of being born with congenital abnormalities and I could see unscrupulous breeders being irresponsible about this, not properly screening their pups and selling ones that are medically unstable.
No. 782432
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If someone goes from never posting their SO on social media to posting about them a ton and taking a bunch of vacations within like two months is that a sign their relationship is in trouble?
No. 782450
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Can you get permabanned for being banned too many times? Kek
No. 782452
>>781564Yes. I'm glad I only spent about less than two years being into anime and shit but I still regret it.
>>781674Personally, looking back at what my past self was into fills me with so much self-disgust and it's really hard to get over.
No. 782470
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thanks for replying to me anons, I'm glad to know others feel the same. I'm mostly watching a lot of nostalgic movies from childhood and new ones I enjoy, have gotten into a few shows as well, since quitting anime. My friends keep badgering me to get back into it, but the only one I'm willing to probably watch is Ebichu, since my friend recommended it to me, and he's not actually into weebshit, it's just a vulgar show about a talking hamster
>>782452>less than two yearsop and I was into it for 10+, although my interest had diminished significantly in the last 2. While I enjoyed it at the time I wonder if part of it messed up my perceptions of relationships and possibly caused me to develop proclivity towards some messed up mindsets that have been hard for me to get rid of because anime is so coomer pandering
and while I understand western media isn't perfect either I think I can recognize the harmful tropes in it. It's just different and a palette cleanser from what I mostly watched for years and years, it's not like I didn't consume other media during those years, but anime dominated most of it and part of me regrets all the garbage in there. ofc there's still shows I would rewatch or like (like picrel) but I'm likely not going to be consuming any new animes. I'm almost 25, it's not just becoming an adult for me, it's all that I've come to associate with the anime community being full of sexism and abuse towards women from scrotes, something that personally deterred me from enjoying anime.
No. 782527
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What's a color that would go well with this yellow? The hex code is FFFC99 if it matters.
No. 782531
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>>782527baby blue or pale green
No. 782538
File: 1618286905257.png (3.12 KB, 648x283, blue yella blue.PNG)

>>782531Thank you anon! I decided to go with the blue on the left since it's more muted and has a better difference in shade from the yellow. Green also looked nice, but it was too bright.
No. 782543
>>782538You managed to make Sweden even gayer.
>>782539Just get a gastric bypass.
No. 782546
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>>782537Wait what the fuck? I thought squidward was blue. Just looked it up and saw he’s green or grey.
No. 782548
>>782543They don't give those to non deathfats around here…I would tho lmao
>>782545Any brand you recommend?
No. 782556
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>>782546lol what he's a light green/blue color
No. 782585
File: 1618295823664.png (1.75 MB, 1170x1062, EyrR1SNUYAAaVJk.png)

Could you please recommend me a good yaoi that is like junjou romantica or sekaiichi hatsukoi but
>has no rape
>isn't about underaged people
>is actually cute
>its not from a popular series, aka it is its own thing
>no one crossdresses or is a troon
All I can think about is dokyuusei et al but I already read that
No. 782590
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I want what she has
>>782585Banana Secret (sort of of shit though?) and Black Mirror and SIGN. I recomiendo Sign 1 billion times.
No. 782592
>>782585>a good yaoi>like junjou romanticalmao
but the fujo thread on /m/ might be more helpful
No. 782598
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>>782593KEK I didn’t even notice it was autocorrected my bad, but de nada anonnitta.
>>782592I only saw she posted there too after replying kek I think the need for an answer resonated with me.
No. 782611
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>>782601The nails, nails like those ones, the confidence to wear them, and not to reignite old spats but the willingness to wear them too. They look like hell to deal with.
No. 782648
>>782611I mean, if you want nails like that they would probably be expensive because of the length. You could do them at home, but it does take a little bit of practice.
>the confidence to wear themI don't know. I can't speak for other women, but I started wearing long nails pretty recently, and at first I did feel a little insecure (for whatever reason) but I got over it because I love how they look, I love doing them, and people compliment me on them.
>They look like hell to deal with.They probably are, but then again, no one just starts off with super long nails. These women have probably slowly built up to that length, so they've learned how to live life with them. I used to think they were just something people wore for a short amount of time, but there are girls like WTHallie who wear them regularly, and also women who have natural nails that length. There are tons of videos of women talking about how they do things with long nails.
No. 782660
>>782653You tell her of course. So many women have had terrible rolemodels and haven't been taught what a good partner is, how to look for a good partner and what red flags are. Of course there's also personal responsibility but I'm 100% for helping to get women out of
toxic or
abusive relationships, we need to stick with each other and help and educate each other.
No. 782663
>>782653Tell her, he sounds
No. 782678
>>782670I'm pretty sure they can have everything but 4c
I mean, there might be a white person with 4c hair out there, but it's definitely uncommon. I guess that could also depend on what you consider white, though.
No. 782705
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to lilboweep thread watchers and posters: what’s the appeal?
she sure seems like a mess but the fact that she looks so repulsive and is always high makes me avoid this thread all the time. anyone wanna share why they like watching her crackhead antics?
No. 782776
>>782775this thread
>>754340the last digit of your post number indicates the answer
No. 782831
>>782811I'm still stuck with these people for a year, and I don't know how confrontational these guys would get. But I obviously wouldn't be autistically blunt in my text, at least not in a way that anyone not internet addicted could detect.
>>782812She's open to basically anything, so I'm not worried about the teacher's reaction. I hope I can bring you justice, anon, but it'll probably need to be more subtle than that.
>>782821Our country has very little TRA presence actually, it's only mainly through english social media that these people got exposed to it. I'm actually considering it because I've already seen some people picked pro-TRA shit and I want to balance it out.
No. 782859
>>782810Do it! By staying silent we are hurting ourselves. Stand up for your convictions and get ready to peak some of your classmates!
Just be sure to remain calm and factual. Don't give opinions and if people ask you stupid questions, counter them with other stupid questions because tranny "logic" makes absolutely zero sense.
No. 782877 fenugreek actually make you smell
bad? Everywhere I look at it says it's an unpleasant smell. But maple syrup smells nice?? Help me
No. 782932
>>782877It can make you smell overwhelming sweet, if you sweat a lot, which might be a headache for others. Think those who drown themselves in vanilla body spray lol
People who have been especially ~close~ to me think I smell great tho kek
No. 782969
>>782933I was taking the supplement as directed and it becomes really noticeable at 3 week
>>782938Ngl I saw some other anons on here talked about it so I tried it and it works kek
No. 783037
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how do these taste?
No. 783130
>>783063I saw this debunked elsewhere, but I also went and read the original study they got this from myself. The study didn't find that lesbians are more likely to abuse each other, it found that women who identified themselves as bisexual or lesbian were more likely to report having been abused, by family as well as romantic partners, and that the vast majority of their abusers were still men. The people who shit their pants about
abusive lesbians didn't even read past the first page.
No. 783189
>>783188She's a NLOG, hypocritical bastard that said she was against imperialism but jumped on the richest cock in the world as soon as she could.
She complained to her husband about muh genderspecial pronouns on twitter when he criticized it, but didn't peep at all when he admitted being part of a coup on Bolivia.
Her music is also shit.
No. 783271
>>783267I'd definitely sleep with my celebrity crush, I don't care and I don't think most people do
If the person is like 20-30 years younger than the famous one I think it's a bit scummy, but as long as it's not a minor, shouldn't be a problem, just icky
No. 783300
>>783284Ah, I probably shouldn't drag this out into an argument since it's off-topic, but I guess it depends on your criteria for weebshit. I just meant anime in general, but I suppose stuff like Mad House, Studio LC, and Ghibli aren't really weeb fodder. They're more like real films with real visions that happen to use anime as the vehicle. Thematically and stylistically, that kind of stuff doesn't resemble stereotypical anime, so it's not really weebshit.
>>783262I dunno. As a kid, I was kind of obsessed with the tv show "Psych". The first few seasons are pretty good, even as an adult, very well written. But, I can't say I'd die happy knowing I spent my childhood on that show. Certainly not rewatching as many episodes as I did. If I were to die tomorrow, somehow, I wouldn't say it was time well spent just because it was good or iconic. That being said, there is art that I think is worth living for. Even movies and tv shows. But to say that something like even The Office or Breaking Bad or whatever really needs to exist because they manage to be mildly evocative is a bit of a stretch.
No. 783337
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How do you make a difficult lipstick work on you? I just bought pic rel and thinking with some tweaks and powder im gonna look like a grunge fairy but turns out i look like dobby the house elf…Any tips? I have medium skin with pink undertones. Dont roast me pls i spend most of my $ on this and wanna make this work.
No. 783338
>>783337What do you mean by difficult?
Looks dry, cakey, runny, off shade or something else?
No. 783341
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>>783337Maybe use a darker lipliner and blend it into the lipstick?
No. 783346
>>783339Welp,that kinda sucks but ill give it a few tries before giving up.
>>783341Ill make sure to try this, thanks anon.
No. 783348
>>783329>>783334I don't think you can feel a difference during penetration, maybe some women can but it's probably minimal. Keep in mind, an uncut dick's foreskin retracts to uncover the glans when a guy is fully erect so it looks almost the same as a cut dick.
The reason why uncut is better (imo) is because being circumcised reduces the sensitivity of the head of the penis, which means cut guys are more likely to take a long time to get off, need to be really aggressive to get off, or can't get off with sex at all. This combined with how pornsick most men just makes it worse. Not saying all cut guys have issues but they're honestly more likely to.
Don't despair if your dating pool is mostly cut guys, it's still totally possible to have a satisfying sex life. I don't know what you mean by getting hurt, circumcision doesn't have anything to do with that, you just need to be relaxed and aroused, use lube, and go slow.
No. 783365
>>783329>>783348I had sex with 2 guys only, one cut and one uncut. I don't have issues with wetness so I literally felt 0 difference.
To add to it my bf (he's cut) doesn't masturbate often and rarely ever jerks it to porn so he has no issues with getting off relatively quickly,
second round will last long but that's normal for everyone.
I still hate circumcision because it's bullshit unless done for actual medical reasons like severe phimosis but sex wise it doesn't really make a
large difference aside from the head being a bit raspier so you can feel it like during blowjobs maybe
No. 783403
>>783365>second round will last long but that's normal for everyone. I have no side in this debate but I read your post by chance and now I feel shitty because my boyfriend can't ever go for a second round. He will enthusiastically go down on me or whatever if I want to go again but it's not the same
I feel like I'm dating an old man
No. 783410
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Is it possible to be traumatised via internet/from a distance? I understand the whole "just go outside" thing, but what if it's someone close to you who is doing the harrassing? Pixels on a screen yet I feel like I'm being slowly eroded into nothingness.
No. 783416
>>783410The effects of traumatic media (gore videos etc) and cyberstalking are recognised as causing psychological distress so yes, but when you're an adult there is still some level of personal responsibility like you can't just sit in it like a bath you need to take some action.
I'm sure it's a complicated situation but is there someone irl who would understand that you can talk to? There are resources online about online harassment if you don't feel comfortable opening up here
No. 783459
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Hmm, quick question, I know this is cheesy but do you think if they had the chance your parents would pick someone else instead of giving birth to you? Like they will be happier because they got a more successful/attractive/smart child of some sort instead of a dumbass like u…
No. 783462
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i-is choachan dead…?
>>783459my parents sometimes called me by my dog's name instead of mine… even years after the dog passed away… so, yeah
No. 783479
>>782585Come to Hand
mujaki na wanko to nekokaburi
Sakaki-kun no Flight Plan
Koi wo Suru Tsumori wa Nakatta
No. 783497
>>783429salmon, in my head I always read it with an l until literally like 3 years ago. I'm 23.
I also used to have a problem with the word engine in my teens, I knew it was pronounced like enjin but I read it gi part the same you would in the word vagina.
Lastly the word spear, I read it as spare.
No. 783513
>>775406I've been going out with this guy and it's great but I feel a bit odd about the fact he has a lot of female friends, some lesbians, some not. Like all his photos is with these girls (and I can tell its completely friendly not sexual). I do now one time he told me he was adventurous with men as a teen but it wasn't his thing.
I feel so old fashioned it's the first I meet a guy that is really sweet and gets along with women so I guess that's whats scaring me. It's really dumb to think "is he gay?" nowadays but like I can't help it lol
No. 783560
>>783550>I'm newly rad-femWell there's your answer.
Nobody is forbidding you from existing in any community, just keep in mind that people who have been at it longer have seen a lot more than you have, which naturally resulted in the opinions they have today. They didn't become that way because they're Nazi bigots like libfems want you to believe. It was years and years of bullshit eroding their patience and making them realize that being nice bears no fruit.
No. 783580
>>783513my cousin is an extremely feminine dude and petty as hell, but he's straight and all of his friends are women
it's rare but possible kek
No. 783581
>>783550"tru trans" is bullshit imo but some "GCs" (term is veering into uselessness) do agree with you/truscum views basically. I suggest listening to detransitioners (a group with many diverse views regarding transition and gender identity) to draw your own conclusions and thinking how ethical you consider cosmetic surgery/procedures because that's what transition is.
transition may benefit some people, but if you examine what it means in our society it's not neutral. the medical establishment has a messy history and present, check out the transsexual empire from OG
terf janice raymond.
Check out jesse singal's work regarding it. He's in favor of transition including child transition, but even with his relatively charitable coverage shit is disturbing.
No. 783583
>>783550Look trans people are real in the sense that they have gender dysphoria and/or they have a feitsh.
To me the topic of trannies isnt on whether or not they exist, it's how medicine and society treats them. You don't tell people with anorexia to starve themselves to be happy and to satisfy their mental illness, same logic applies to trannies. I think that makes most sense to me.
No. 783594
>>783560I can understand this. I think I mostly just love lolcow because I can be myself, and expressing these views irl would cause a lot of people to despise me. It's shite.
>>783581Thank you for the useful links, anon. Will read up on those things.
>>783583Yeah I see it in a similar way. I do believe 99% of people with gender dysphoria are just uncomfortable with their identities/traumatised. And the solution is therapy, not surgery. I'm not really arsed with mastectomies, but I do think it's an absolute last resort, and if it makes someone happy then that's whatever. You are right though, and I've brought up the fact that pro-ana tumblr was what we grew up with and is just as harmful as the pro-trans community.
Thanks for the responses anons it has given me some food for thought
love u No. 783620
>>783550>Am I allowed in this community?Yes. I think where you’re possibly seeing things differently is how
>>783583 mentioned dysphoria, but as far as I’m concerned radfem/gc understands what even “true” trannies go through as (gender &) body dysmorphia, not dysphoria. In that same vein, gender dysphoria (as TRAs, troons, etc. put it) isn’t real. The anorexia comparison was spot on. Especially in regards to self harm and projection.
No. 783663
What kind of device do you use most often to browse and post on lolcow?
>>783659Do most of farmers use a computer?
>>783658webms don’t play on iPhones because of iOS. You need to use an app or a different device.
No. 783665
>>783663I used to be pc only, but my laptop broke and now I am purely a phonefag
I hate it here, please mods add a quick reply box for mobile aaagg
No. 783669
>>783663laptop but it's a macbook and webms don't play on it, idk if it's safari or the adblocker i use on safari because they do play in google chrome
but google chrome makes my macbook overheat
macbooks are shit
No. 783675
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Is relief the reason a ghoster finally replies after a ghostee messages them about how they don't love them anymore and wishes them goodluck? or is it purely an ill-intentioned attempt at not having the door fully close and have the ghostee as a backup?
No. 783680
>>783669It’s iOS, and that includes native apple apps like safari, which is why google chrome works. You can use LAN video players (on both iPhone and Macbooks) if you don’t like google.
>macbooks suckI had to get a macbook air but it’s only for work. My last macbook was from 2013 with occasional use currently, and it overheats often but that doesn’t bother me as much as smc dangerously needing to be reset.
No. 783720
it works fine on android.
No. 783724
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>>783686Yeah it's a dumb meme thing
even the moids are catching on
No. 783746
>>783701It's a cultural phenomenon that kinda draws from how summer (at least in US culture) is the most hyped up season for partying and the idea of each year having a "song of the summer" or an artist dominating the summer airwaves. I think hot girl summer took off in part because people use it to flex and sound cool on social media.
I've noticed that WAP has become a mega-meme beyond the song and controversy, I see people using it just to refer to pussy and I think it's obnoxious as fuck, but I think maybe there's something about these rap references that makes people feel cool for using them even tho they're everywhere.
>>783697Megan Thee Stallion originated the phrase at some point before this song, idk if it was in a song or just on her social media but it was part of her image well before this song. She talks constantly about being a hot girl in her songs and I think she calls her fans hotties.
No. 783749
>>783747nta but
>having this taket. pcfag
(>infighting in the stupid questions thread) No. 783759
>>782585Candy Color Paradox/Ameiro Paradox
Liquor & Cigarettes
Secret XXX (has a reference to one of the main characters crossdressing in the past; also has a crossdressing supporting character)
Therapy Game (This is a spin-off of Secret XXX)
Those last two don't technically fit all of your criteria, but I think you'd like them.
No. 783805
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Is snk the only anime where girls can have big noses…? Im so sick of only seeing tiny baby nose in all media it makes me subconsciously notice mine more and hate it… dae have this issue?
No. 783812
>>783785Probably not. It's pretty rare for regular home wifi routers to waste memory on something like that.
It won't save personal info, and if it does save history at all, it'd only be a few lines that you could easily purge by visiting a bunch of boring sites, or even a factory reset.
And if it does store a few lines of history, it wouldn't look like your browser history, which shows page titles and URLs. It'd be a list of IP addresses, and they'd have to be fucked going to look at every IP address.
If you're real para, factory reset it and then visit every news site you can think of, wikipedia, google, bing, make it all look generic. Worse case scenario, they get a few IPs down the list and give up out of boredom.
No. 783835
>>783811Maybe I'm different from the other anons in a negative way, but I can see why it'd result in a joke. I don't think him mentioning it would put him into comer territory.
Like, yeah, it's a dressing room, you are in outfits and are getting undressed. If my boyfriend mentioned that to me over text, I'd joke about it, too. I'm a horndog, though (I don't watch porn, never really have). Obviously if he is pressuring you rudely about taking pictures you don't want to take, that's a red flag. But him merely mentioning it isn't, I don't think.
No. 783919
>>783889Yes and no. I work in vidya games marketing, often on stuff exactly like that, basically there's no straightforward transaction like "here's money, give me a perfect score". Publishers and big developers stay in touch with journalists and gaming websites, invite them for exclusive events, give early accesses, send the game for review for free with a looooot of additional goodies, often exclusive stuff made only for select few journalists, this creates a relationship in which it's just not profitable for the website/journalist to shit on someone who treated them so well. At the same time often if someone was overlooked in such good treatment they would write a negative review out of spite, not because the game is bad. Honest, unbiased review is very rare nowadays, not only in the gaming world.
No. 783935
>>783919Not that anon and I always thought that was obvious, but it really does remind me of makeup companies sending PR packages to beauty gurus and beauty gurus sperging hard when they're removed from PR lists, regardless of the products' quality. This also remind me of the DmC reboot shitshow and the TLOU2 release.
Personally if I want an unbiased opinion on a game before buying it I just ask my friends' their opinions if they already played the games, download a demo if possible, or ask recommendations to the small retro gaming shop I usually go to because the two owners have similar tastes compared to mine.
No. 783940
>>783935It's the best practice, I also have a very few youtubers/bloggers whose taste I trust enough to also trust their reviews, overall though just going through the list on metacritic is gonna give you a very biased result.
Something worth remembering unfortunately, it's a very common practice for employees bonus to depend on a review score, which may sound logical as in- make a good game you'll get a good bonus; but in reality very often said review score has to be very high (90%+ on metacritic or so on) since so many games get high scores now (through bribery), and it's an expectation that sometimes is very hard to meet, especially if it's a smaller company that doesn't have enough marketing money to appease enough reviewers.
No. 784135
>>784097Not one of those anons but porn is fantasy, it doesn’t necessarily reflect something the viewer desires in real life. There’s straight women who admit to watching male gay porn and they’re obviously not gay men. You’re watching people pleasure each other - for some people, the desire to watch that can go beyond whatever sexuality they actually have.
I think that straight women are more likely to watch lesbian porn than straight men watch gay porn for a couple reasons. First of all, we’re trained to view women (including ourselves) through the male gaze. Sometimes you can’t even see a chocolate ad without a highly sexualized woman. When you’re regularly exposed to this from a young age, you’re more likely to see women as sexy regardless of if you’re straight. Secondly, porn featuring men can be gross to women for many reasons such as being centred around male pleasure to the fact it’s often violent. Most lesbian porn is obviously made to cater to men too, but it at least takes the man out of the fucking. In a way it makes it easier for a straight woman to insert herself into the situation because she’d actually be getting some pleasure rather than just choking on a dick like in straight porn.
No. 784159
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Where do people even get the inspiration to get a monroe piercing from? I genuinely have never seen anyone except trashy people wear them, like some white trash waitress at TGI Fridays or people on MTV reality shows.
No. 784166
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>>784101Make sure to sanitize it first, but aside from that I think it would work fine for a small plush or something. Just don't gift it to anyone, obviously
No. 784288
>>784281She probably had to go in for ultrasound to check if her organs were developing correctly and if she was going through puberty normally or if she had specific health issues. No idea what she could have had, in my case I had to take growth hormone injections daily for 8 years because otherwise I wouldn't have grown at all, the treatment worked and I had to go to the hospital on a regular basis for years to see if I was going through puberty correctly. I had my periods when I was 12 for the first time so I was doing ok I guess.
Sometimes I wish I never went through treatment or it didn't work at all just because I hate having periods so much, I'd rather be a 120cm tall sterile womanlet. I've been told that birth control is a good way to make periods less painful or even stop them in some cases, so I doubt she was taking the pill for that but who knows.
No. 784309
>>784281It sounds like she had a hormone imbalance that caused delayed puberty. The ultrasounds are to make sure there are no underlying issues with your vagina, womb or ovaries.
They treat delayed puberty because the hormonal imbalance can make you pretty sick, give you fertility issues later in life, hair loss, stunted growth, psychological issues, etc etc.
No. 784310
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Is it ok to act like a pickme if I only want sex? He's the only guy to ever make me cum
No. 784328
>>784288Jeez, I'm sorry anon that does sound awful just to be healthy and for something that will be painful for so long. Thanks for telling your story though.
>>784309That's sad but does make sense
No. 784361
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>>784348Tryna become a Mrs.
No. 784393
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how do you feel about plaid skirts and when do you think a woman is too old to wear them? so many grown women wear them and style them like they are school girls, wear them in an attempt to look sexy, or both at the same time. seeing them on vicky shingles makes me cringe so much, it looks extremely age-inappropriate. the thing is, i wear them sometimes, but i usually style them like picrel or something similar. i like to wear them, but then i remember how other people wear them and i second-guess if it's a good fashion choice for someone who is 26 and wants to appear mature
sorry if this isn't the right thread, but i do feel stupid asking this
No. 784398
>>784393I mean, I don’t consider skirts like the one in the picture you attached as something that I would wear to go to work or to a place in which I’m supposed to look professional. Maaaybe, if the color wasn’t light pink, which is considered casual, or if the skirt was a bit longer, it could be good for working. But that’s my opinion.
But is it good for going out on a casual setting? Yes it is. If you’re with a friend, going out to do errands, or just walking around, it’s great, I don’t see why it would be wrong to wear skirts like those.
You can wear anything you want as long n as you know the context.
typos No. 784400
>>784159I have no idea, the only person I've ever met with one was the manager at the strip mall Sally Beauty I worked at for 3 months before quitting because we were so understaffed due to her constant bitching and inappropriate emotion
She also had a black box dye pixie cut and a boob job, I always wonder how she's doing now
>>784393You should wear whatever you want anon (26 isn't too old for anything) but opaque tights are always a good way to "tone down" a miniskirt if you're worried about it, I find them more comfy than bare legs anyway.
No. 784408
>>783726I hope she gets a good grade
>>783746I feel like I learnt something today
>>783776You might be in luck since skateboarding is such a thing right now, it's just harder to find the adults taking part in the trend because they hide away
No. 784487
>>784456Yes. They contain levels of flouride that actually do strengthen the enamel. Teeth are surprisingly simple and easy to take care of. What's difficult is letting go of the foods that fuck our teeth up.
t. spent maybe 10k or more on dental work in my life.
No. 784493
>>784492I have like 20 google accounts and I just use Google Drive. Mega works too.
Just buy an external hard drive. It's like 50 bucks for 2TB at this point.
No. 784659
>>784611They just seek medical attention less often and cross their fingers that they'll stay healthy during gaps when they're not covered.
When they're an actual poor they don't care because they'll be on medicaid, and if they show up to the ER in serious condition the doctors can't decline treating them. Non-covered people who don't qualify for programs like medicaid are the ones who get nervous about major medical problems because that's when you'll hear stories about their hospital visits costing half a million dollars.
When I quit my last job with full benefits, all I could get was temp work and they don't offer worthwhile insurance plans. For almost 3 years that happened to me. Since I wasn't completely destitute I didn't qualify for medicaid or any good premium reductions via Obamacare. I just went without and assumed I was healthy, I weathered out storms when I was sick. If I got very, very ill then that's when I'd go to urgent care and pay $200 for a visit plus any antibiotics at the pharmacy. Honestly? Paying $200 once or twice a year when I needed it was cheaper than paying $200/month for a health insurance premium that still had a deductible and charged a copay. What sucked is that I couldn't seek preventative care without being charged out the wazoo. Planned Parenthood actually got me the worst for a whopping $400+(that I was forced to pay up front) just for an annual, pap, and std screen–it could have been because I live in a red state, but holy shit I did NOT expect that!
These days I have a job that doesn't charge me a monthly premium for my health insurance. The copay is low and all preventative care is covered, I'm fortunate to have it and know damn well if I leave that it will be a major issue again.
No. 784695
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Is this a red text anon? Like mod star seal of autism kek
No. 784723
>>784720Hmm, as my therapist tells me, your feelings are real and you have every right to experience them, but that doesn't mean your boyfriend is to blame. Just from this post I'd say it's not justified for you to be angry with him because you know why exactly he's cancelling, and he lets you know beforehand. I might be understanding it wrong, but it seems like you are maybe upset that you're not getting your alone time to study when it's your finals, but at the same time it sounds like you never ask for that either, that's why for your finals the facetime hangouts are not cancelled. Even though you don't request it, you get angry for things being uneven and unfair between you two. If it's how it is, then maybe next time you need to study don't make time for him but just focus on your things, see if that will make you feel better?
No. 784733
>>784720You sound annoying, sorry anon. He's studying for his finals which is a
valid reason and you know on beforehand that means less contact. Plus he seems to be trying his best (still texting you every once in a while and being affectionate). You can voice your displeasure but don't take it out on him, that's not fair. You know instead you could help him with his timemanagement and don't make night plans if you know he's going to cancel them anyway during his studying period for finals.
No. 784821
>>784809The totem itself was made by Chris-chan, the original lolcow
believe it was first posted on /v/ as a dice-roll fortune teller
No. 784831
>>784824From personal experience, be there for him but don't try to find solutions, like "try exercising", "go outside more", it usually creates unnecessary addtional pressure. You can try suggesting some low effort activities together, binging a tv show or something like this, but in general just first and foremost make sure he knows you're there for him anytime he wants to talk, but are also willing to respect his boundaries and let him be by himself when he will need some space.
That's something that would be good for me, maybe other anons have more ideas?
No. 784888
>>784720You are not wrong. It sounds to me like you want to spend more time with him than he does with you. Judging from your post it seems to be an ongoing problem and not just this one instance, else, why would you complain about it? I have ADHD and am terrible with deadlines but still manage to set aside time every day for my bf even when I get really busy. That's because I want to make time for him and it's worth sitting my ass down to come up with a schedule. And he has done the same for me.
I don't necessarily agree with the people calling you annoying/too attached, you just have different needs from him he's not meeting. Of course that's not his fault per say, but could be a compatibility issue.