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No. 756788
There's no such thing as a stupid question. Except for that one that you're about to ask.
Last thread:
>>>/ot/748290 No. 756794
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Why are random threads sometimes bumped but no entry is there??? Picrel
No. 756839
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Why pokimane? Like seriously, why her? There’s thousands of other girls doing exactly what she does, so why her?
I was reading a comic and there was a “make deepfakes!!” ad on every chapter with nothing else but her face on it. As if advertising pokimane deepfakes was a surefire way to get clicks. It made me think how a pathetic guy I knew made her bare face his profile picture to ~spite~ her, how even my little 10 year old cousin is her fanboy. What is the appeal? Why do people obsess over her— and simultaneously why do so many hate her with such intensity? I tried to watch clips but it was the direct opposite of entertainment. Am I supposed to believe it’s because she’s ~hot~ to all of her viewers? By lolcow/pull/vindica/etc standards she’s butterfaced with deep nasolabial folds and a “basic” style, and is only a quarter Asian or whatever and doesn’t do the whole “uwu im smol azn girl” thing like lilypichu and nyanners etc. so it’s not like she’s this “insanely hot/cute/etc must watch!!!” streamer. If she was a regular person I don’t think she’d receive this much fanfare among her local community either. So then what is it about her that makes thousands of people want to watch her every time she streams? There must be something about her that others understand that I don’t. What the fuck am I not getting?
No. 756852
>>756839She blew up in a first place because she was dating a C9 guy at the very beginning (just like all of the other LoL-related women content creators that are popular atm, they all had a phase where they dated popular esports players and leeched off them eg. lilypichu is the most obvious example of leeching), which also gave her access to LoL e-sports scene, where everyone are thristy and immature, which makes it easy to leech off people (Bjergsen and everyone else). She is also not a uguu-nya-uwu-loli streamer, she is a normie, which makes it easier for people to watch, considering that at some point she started playing a lot of Fortnite. I think she was a very cringy and horrible individual, but when she moved out of ¬ streamer house ¬ that couldnt take care of women's safety and lives with her two female friends now, she seems to be doing better as a person.
Nyanners is also not asian at all, she is a white american woman. just fyi
No. 756879
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Can I use bleach with colored laundry? Context: I'm trying to get rid of bedbugs and I recently discovered that my washing machine won't heat up to 60° when washing (which is what the exterminator guy advised me to do). I read that bleach kills them so I thought I'd put some the next time I wash my clothes. Or should I maybe heat some water and pour that in the washing machine? I have a top loader btw
No. 756911
>>756879Just boil a big pot of water and put your clothes inside.
That should kill them.
No. 756940
>>756934I like someone genuinely created it but then 4chan started inserting themselves. Some people are alleging that 4chan STARTED it (with screenshots and everything) but I don't think so.
Anyways it evolved into Super straight, super gay and super lesbian. And a lot of the older gays and lesbians are really relying on that support because they don't wanna date trannies.
No. 757004
>>756995I love not being burger and getting 80% of my regulary salary while unfucking my mental health during an 4 months long sick leave!
If I were burger, I would save the money tho, probably. Or at least most of it
No. 757015
>>756995I’m gonna spend it on $1400 worth of cheeseburgers!
Jk, I’m going to toss it into the volcano that is my medical debt. Don’t be jealous, it’s nothing compared to the damage the last administration has caused for the economy.
No. 757033
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In a hypothetical scenario, what more can a heavy bleeder do to avoid being stained by her own blood during long hours at a physical job? I've tried tampons, but they hurt and still managed to stain me. Pads are obviously the best, but sometimes not enough. Won't even consider birth control. So, is there anything more I can do other than diapers??? Is there a secret I am not aware about?
No. 757042
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>>757037Yeah, if it hurts you didn't insert it correctly and/or you have the wrong size.
No. 757067
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>>756984Gardening supplies (newbie, giving it a try after a life of being a black thing) and my annual NYC trip. Rest into savings/investments.
No. 757084
>>757067That's nice anon, I tried it for the first time last year too, right around this month as well. It was really rewarding and fun.
Here's a tip, just buy a lot of plants and a lot of seeds so when you have a few that die you don't feel as bad lol.
No. 757107
>>757084Lol thanks for the tip! I’m going to have a large pot filled with mint and green onions (apparently they grow well together?? According to gardening websites) and in the bed will be kale/spinach, then later on sunflowers and cucumbers.
Does anyone know if compost is enough? I have a big bucket of it. Should I get fertilizer too?? Not sure how that’s different than “garden soil” tbh
No. 757133
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>>757040>pops open inside.>>757073>For me I have to aim towards my spine.This and the diagrams I've seen on how to insert it sounds horrifying
No. 757264
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Could it be that Fluoxetine is already working for me even though I've only been on it for a little more than a week?
These past few days I've been in a good mood, and before taking meds this almost NEVER happened. I was sad/frustrated 24/7. Is it just placebo? I've heard it takes about 4-6 weeks to work but I'm already seeing improvements?
Anyway I'm scared anons. My good spirits feel artificial. It's weird feeling… okay, after years of the opposite. Like, this isn't who I am.
No. 757352
>>757299 said you can't really entrapolate based on data regarding women due to a variety of factors including repeat offenders, but according to the Lisak-Miller model and data taken from studies on college campuses, it's presumed to be 6% - 14.9%. Also take into consideration that that's only men who have "successfully" completed a rape, not those who were on the verge of rape but didn't go through with it or else committed a lesser offense. No. 757409
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How do you know which syringes fill up faster when buying them?
I got a bunch of them but only one seems to fill up quickly while the others take longer to fill up, I don’t think it’s a good thing in case of emergencies and such.
So, are there brands? Tricks? Maybe it’s just the particular model of the syringe I’m using?
No. 757430
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I've never heard of this term in my life so don't mind my knowledge but what does "power of attorney" truly mean? When I google it just says that it's for people who are mentally unwell or ill and, for context, my friend who's doing it with her parents is perfectly fine and mentally well. She just turned 18 a few months ago and decided to do it, is it a good idea in the long run?
No. 757433
>>757431it's like 7 years old
it started as an offshoot of 4chan's /cgl/ board when vendetta posting got cracked down on
it used to just be /pt/ and /ot/
there have been a few admins, the smart ones stay as anonymous as possible
No. 757449
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Do you guys know the source of this ? She looks so cool !
No. 757460
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>>757456thank you so much anon! You are the best !
No. 757482
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You can time travel to ANY point between 1995 to 2012. The catch: the date you land on always has to be the same week as E3. What year would you chose, and why?
No. 757487
>>7574821995 because I like the rock scene and i also like the video games and movies
I'd spent the week fucking around going to concerts and arcades and shit
No. 757496
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What's the best cup noodle you ever ate, nonnies?
No. 757501
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>>757496i dont even really enjoy spicy food but shin ramen is so fucking GOOD
No. 757560
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I have really been wanting to start an aquarium, but is this a bad idea if I’m going to be moving in about a year? I have no idea if rehoming fish is a common or easy thing (I would imagine not) and I don’t want to be a bad pet owner. Idk this sounds horrible but is there a certain species with a short lifespan so they’ll have lived full and happy lives but croak before I have to leave?
No. 757561
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>>757501oh my god I love those, I just love the additional spice and when you cook the noodles to al dente it’s so good
it might not be authentic but it’s leaps better than cheap ass maruchan or nissin noodles
just add some garlic powder and some acidity and it tastes good now I’m hungry lol
No. 757565
>>757523anon, you probably ate less protein than what you'd find in two pieces of chicken, your body just doesn't want protein bars
>>757548why would you be? it's just a tv show
No. 757571
>>757561I love these so much but the spiciness fucks my guts up bad even though I leave out the extra spice, sometimes I add coconut milk to subdue it
I keep eating them thinking I'll adjust to it but no, I just get more pain
No. 757584
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What are some things that I can buy on AliExpress that I 100% won't regret?
No. 757586
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>>757496These are great and full of flavor, probably the closest thing to real ramen that I've tasted.
No. 757604
>>757584idk anon, what kind of stuff do you enjoy and use?
like for example stationery is great, but no point in buying it if you don't need it… same with plushies (ok, those are useless, what matters if you would enjoy them). Clothes, bags, backpacks etc. can be great too if you vet reviews with photos and possibly don't go for unreasonably cheap stuff
No. 757644
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Does anyone know where I could buy a plant pot like this? Saw it in a Youtuber's video and it looks so cool
No. 757698
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>>757586these are my favorite of that variety, the noodle consistency is so good
No. 757729
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Hetero-leaning girls, how do you like penis?
I feel like I'm freaky because I love when penis has a lot of foreskin and a lot of skin in the balls too, like hanging dangling balls but not extreme lol
I feel gross saying this but I'm asking for real
No. 757734
>>757729>Hetero-leaning girlsOh, that's me, let's continue reading
>I love when penis has a lot of foreskin and a lot of skin in the balls too, like hanging dangling balls… ah maybe not
you're bizarre anon but you do you
No. 757753
>>757729>Hetero-leaning girls, how do you like penis?I do not know, I never got therapy for my childhood trauma and I'm just trying not to be asexual
I like it with all the lights off and I don't have to touch it with anything but my vagina
No. 757768
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Why do all the spoilered pics look like this for me? When I click on them they don't even appear correctly,they have some kind of white filter, I need to open them in a new them to see them clearly. It only happens on mobile.
No. 757780
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>>757734>>757753Come oooon I was asking for real lol
Like I feel like most girls love good round balls with little foreskin, and while I love a good round neat looking testicle, for me I feel like the grosser the dick looks the better, as in, with lots of skin and folds and big and menancing looking. Not shit like, bad hygiene or stds lol but a naturally intimidating dick (lenght has nothing to do with also but just above average is my ideal, thickness I like it normal)
No. 757789
>>757784males don't have emotions
No. 757793
>>757768You accidentally clicked "hide".
Just click where it's written "File (show)" there in the left top corner
No. 757797
>>757784Idk, it's hard to explain what being in love/being loved feels like. It's an innate thing you kinda just…
know. Like, if someone asks you describe what water tastes like you might not be able to. It just tastes like water. Most of us know what it tastes like.
>Do you think men are capable of loveYeah.
No. 757912
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nonny! I looked more into the lifespan of several species and it seems like even the most short-lived still last for at least 1-2 years. So there would be a risk that they'd still be alive/need re-homing by the time I move if I started now. I'll have to delay my fish dreams for a year but at least I have more to look forward to!
>>757577Kek honestly anon I understand where you're coming from because I think larger fish have dead eyes and come across very soulless and creepy. But a lot of the smaller species are really cute and not aggressive so you don't have to worry about them attacking each other. I think it's really peaceful watching them swim around and be pretty.
No. 757935
Being in love/loved should feel safe, affirming, supportive, warm, exciting, soothing and joyful. It should not feel stressful, erratic, obsessive or controlling, which is what I see a lot of people mistake it for. Most men are not capable of love, no. They are selfish, manipulative and see things in terms of a power hierarchy, where love is about empathy, mutual growth and understanding. Men have trouble with this because they're primarily concerned with themselves and ensuring they're at the top of the food chain, even if they don't consciously recognize it. It either takes them having grown up in a highly positive, woman-led environment or many years of desocialization to reach a point where they're capable of true emotional reciprocation and a degree of selflessness, and most will simply never have the desire to give up their privileges to do so.
No. 757940
>>757584I can vouch for the socks (have bought a fair amount of nice embroidered/patterned socks, theres a lot of kinds for like $2 incl. shipping). The quality & material is quite good actually, way better than what youd find at like target for "normal socks" (ie non-hikong, non-athletic). But you do have to have an eye for what's nicely made and what's not (basically the pictures dont lie but you have to look really closely at them).
With all things on aliexpress you have to be ready to comb through a lot of pages and pages of stuff to find what's good. Like for clothing I usually look at like 50 pages x 50 items each to find like 3 things I like that seem reasonably well made. So about a 1 in 1000 hit rate, but there are real finds, unlike amazon which feels like its devolved to where anything not normal stuff from normal brands is guaranteed crap. And basically, you can scroll aliexpress forever, and it's so cheap that when you do see something you like you can usually buy it without thinking.
No. 758097
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I don't have a hemorrhoid, I think, but I just shat like half a gallon of blood
I should probably call my doctor tomorrow morning, right?
I really hope I'm not dying lmfao
No. 758115
>>758109bruh you are goofy if you think I have emergency room money lmfao, if I die from this apparent anorectal violence by tomorrow, that's just the American dream
>>758106yeah me too lol, thanks
also to update, I just did it again, there's not even poo, it's literally just blood
No. 758125
>>758115I could be wrong but if you have a medical emergency like that I’m pretty sure your doctor will just tell you to go to the emergency room anyway.
Just think about doctor office phones, when you call and get the answering machine it always says
>if this is a medical emergency please go to the emergency room, if you would like to schedule an appt etc etc No. 758133
>>758129There are charities. Please don’t die.
I think hospitals can’t legally turn you away, though I could be wrong.
No. 758135
>>758133forget I asked, I am not going to beg for money and/or send my remaining family into crippling debt for my bleeding anus
It's probably just like, random pooling of blood or something
I appreciate your concern but god damn, those aren't options for grown bleeding-ass women
No. 758140
>>758135I've said it before and I'll say it again:
nta, but America sucks
No. 758144
>>758142man I don't know, I can't fucking go to the fucking emergency room and now this poor lady is worried about me, I don't know
>>758140Yes. Yes it does.
No. 758154
>>758147Dude I don't know if you just live somewhere with free health care or have always had insurance your whole life but the U.S. will straight up charge your entire fucking salary for an ER visit, usually to just provide you will minimal care and maybe a temporary prescription. Unless you've lost a limb or someone shanked you in the throat you're better off waiting. Some of us don't want to go into crippling debt which will fuck over our credit for years afterwards for shitty care. My ex was once taken to the emergency room after an accident only for them to give him 3 stitches and a pat on the back and then charged him $3k kek it's insane and exploitive as fuck.
>>758097Anon, the good news is that whatever it is is likely not life threatening. Hemorrhoids and fissures usually clear up on their own, and if it's indicative of something terrible like bowel disease or cancer, well at least that's not going to kill you overnight. Do call your doctor tomorrow and you should Google "free nurse hotline" to see if one is available in your area. There are some services like that around due to public funding so you might at least be able to get some professional advice in the meantime.
No. 758178
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I spilled fruit juice on my laptop about a week ago because I'm a retard. Panicked and grabbed a towel to soak it up, which seemed to work at the time. The keyboard works still tbf. And when it first happened the keys were fine. However after a few days a couple keys have become 'sticky' and feel weird to press. I don't think it's any permanent damage but holy shit it's fucking annoying to press them.
How the fuck do I clean this shit? I have a laptop with a soft keyboard so I don't know how to take the keys off without destroying the keyboard.
Would turning the pc off entirely + unplugging and taking a tiny keyboard cleaning brush with a bit of cleaning product on it and rubbing it under the keys be fine? Or would that damage anything? Pic related is similar to the keyboard I have. Halp
No. 758205
>>758178Almost anything that isn't water is going to leave residue if you don't clean it up properly, sugary things like fruit juice will get very sticky. If everything is still working, it's probably safe to say none of it got into anything too important, but you are gonna have to put some work into cleaning it up now that it's probably pretty stuck on. Your idea sounds fine, but make sure the cleaner you use is gentle/safe for plastic and metal and such. If you're worried, you could try using just a little bit of water on the brush first, see if that does the trick, and switch to actual cleaner if that doesn't take care of it.
t. not a computer expert, just prone to spills
>>758200You're right that you can often get medical debt cleared if you're persistent enough, but very few people here know how to go about it and everything is set up to make it about as difficult as possible. I'm pretty sure it can also tank your credit until it gets worked out, but I wouldn't quote me on that. Either way, I'd be panicking too if I shat half a gallon of blood and didn't have insurance.
>>758097Do you at least have enough to cover the initial doctors visit? I don't think you're able to get that wiped, but if you can cover that, then you should be able to wrestle them into cutting the costs and giving you a payment plan you can actually afford without going into debt.
No. 758208
>>758115damn, i don't know why i'm suprised that the usa is such a shithole of a country. i can't imagine not getting the medical help i need because i can't afford it. i hope you get well soon anon! we're praying/
manifesting for you
No. 758238
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Can baked feta pasta still work if I use regular sized tomatoes instead of cherry tomatoes?
No. 758241
>>758238depends on the big tomato I guess. Cherry tomatoes are sweet so there'll be a taste difference, along with a texture difference.
If you're not that picky I'd go for it. Every time I've substituted cherry for standard tomatoes I knew it would taste better with the cherry tomatoes.
No. 758301
>>758298I see you've got no idea what you're getting into kek. Battling ant sort of plant infestation is usually a long drawn out war you rarely feel you're winning.
Good luck! Go KILL KILL KILL
I hate those motherfuckers
No. 758310
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Where can I find the prices for reddit accounts? I want to sell mine since I'm poor af and I don't care about that cesspool.
No. 758338
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>>758322Do it scrambled. You just break the tofu, cook it with a little bit of oil until it's golden, then you throw some turmeric, paprika, salt and pepper. I eat it with rice and sauteed veggies, it's really good and fast to make
No. 758354
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Is anyone familiar with this mochi brand? Is it good? I usually buy a taiwanese brand (can't recall the name), but these are on sale rn
No. 758356
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>>758354found it, this is the one I usually buy
No. 758388
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Anons with Youtube channels: how much work/preparation do you put in your videos? How often do you upload? Do you monetize your channel? How (through ads, patreon, donations, etc.)?
No. 758392
>>758391*i have known
Tablet posting is cursed and stupid, sorry for odd ass typos all over the board today, anons
No. 758401
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How can I make a Facebook just for games? I don't want to use my real name, photo, or any other personal info. I have tried once to make an acount with a fake name/no photo/anime avatar (lol) and they disabled it within minutes. I hate Facebook and this stupid world in which my data is a commodity, but I also want the bonus rewards for Love Nikki Dress Up Queen.
No. 758406
>>758154>>758208>>758129>>758135Stop with this shit, its harmful. there are multiple ways to get ER care for free or reduced cost. Go the fucking ER if you really have fucking massive anal bleeding. Your death will cost your family and loved ones way the fuck more than any hospital bill anyway lol.
Yes I am in america, yes I have used the ER here, yes I am poor. I make just above the line to qualify for medicaid, so I have the cheapest silver marketplace health insurance plan in my state. It's $350 flat for an ER visit, I had an MRI, xrays, blood work, ct scan and even went back 2 hours after being released cause I still thought I was dying and they did more scans. It was still $350. That's still a lot and it's still not right but it's not some unimaginable amount of money. Tell me your current insurance, your state and your current income and I will tell you what insurance you should be on. The ACA actually closed a lot of loopholes but only for marketplace plans - a lot of people dont think they qualify for subsidies but they do, and a lot of people are still on employer plans that are actually godawful and they dont even know.
Dont dissuade people from seeking urgent health care because of scary nebulous cost reasons. Even if it was a hundred million fucking dollars, you can just fucking not pay it. You can declare bankruptcy for one thing, and your credit will be wrecked but it's even erased from your credit report within 7 (I think) years. If you're young (no house to take, cheap car anyway) a medical bankruptcy isn't that damaging even while it's on your record because it's obviously not your fault. And let me be clear, that's the very unlikely worst possible scenario. They dont like, come and enslave you and take your teeth if you dont pay. Your health, and especially not dropping fucking dead from internal bleeding, comes first. If you cant afford basic ER care then you almost certainly qualify for either medicaid or a subsidized marketplace plan. Obamacare + expanded Medicaid actually enabled basically everyone to afford good health insurance and people dont even fucking know it. The only exception is if you live in some recalcitrant hellhole super-red state that refuses to expand medicaid/join the exchange, but whatever goes on down there is nothing like the rest of america (you should leave and join civilized society).
No. 758427
>>758425synonym for suicide
"Originated as a meme on the /b/ board of the 4chan community. Inspired by a grammatical error in a poem written and posted by a classmate to the MySpace memorial page of a teenager who committed suicide in 2006"
No. 758428
Thank you anon!
No. 758448
>>758406Damn, you're actually kind of an asshole, you think I'm trying to "dissuade others?" By not getting immediate help for
my own bloody butthole? Imagine paying $350 flat rate for an emergency room visit and actively encouraging others to file for fucking bankruptcy to go, holy shit dude
>>758208>>758205>>758154>>758408Yes, called the doctor, I have an appointment in a month and one day, so no, evidently it doesn't indicate anything urgent, very good
No. 758458
>>758454Thank you, honestly the wait time is a relief imo, that means the medical professionals aren't worried
>anon in the lc caps thread said they have the same issue and that it's usually not too seriousI saw that this morning, that's also a big relief, just some gross thing that happens sometimes
No. 758486
>>758448You were saying an ER visit would necessarily cost thousands when it doesnt if you have marketplace insurance, which everyone not rich basically should have. That dissuades people from seeking needed urgent care. It should be free, but $350 is a bargain compared to what it used to be, or what it would cost without marketplace insurance or Medicaid.
I said medical bankruptcy as the worst case scenario. I used it to illustrate that even if you did, somehow, accumulate enormous medical costs, you wouldn't be "fucked" and your family wouldn't have to pay for it or anything either. I didn't advise it in any way. I hope you're just playing dumb here.
People do neglect seeking serious medical care due to fear of cost. That's understandable due to how predatory the system used to be in america, but it's gotten a lot better with the ACA. I get heated about this from literal years of having to explain the good the ACA did to countless bernie whiners. Doomsaying about medical costs is irresponsible because people are scared enough already that they avoid needed care. That fear genuinely does kill people. That's all I have to say.
(stop) No. 758490
>>758486If she doesn't have it, she doesn't have it, and if she doesn't have it, it
will cost thousands
Your point is moot and full of itself, you sound about 18
No. 758509
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How does AliExpress get away with selling Steven Rhodes' designs?
No. 758514
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I take a polaroid, my face isn't symmetrical but it's okay. I take a front camera selfie on ig, it's okay. I take a fucking front facing camera selfie on my actual phone and shit looks like a picasso painting, give reason now!!
No. 758519
>>758513Yes. They will live in your bedframe, around your sheet/mattress, anything that is around your bed etc…
I have them rn and have found them in my sketchbook that I keep around my bed. Afaik, bedbugs will only stay on a person while they are feeding, otherwise they will try to seek refuge in other places
No. 758539
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>>758515>>758519And can they live behind/inside of the baseboard?
I'm at my wit's end. Had an exterminator check the place, he never found any bugs, although I showed him the ones I caught and he confirmed that they are bedbugs. He did the treatment, but they kept coming back. Told landlord, he called one of his friends who happens to be an exterminator, he couldn't find any either but treated the place anyway. They were already back the next day. Landlord gave me his steamcleaner so I could steam the bed. Didn't work. I'm pretty sure my he thinks I'm bringing unwashed dirty men to the place (I'm not). Anyway, he bought me a new bed and threw the old one out. For a while, everything was fine. Now I'm getting bitten again, but I'm afraid to tell him, I don't want anymore trouble
No. 758558
>>758539Get Cimexa. Functions like diatomaceous earth but doesn't have to be reapplied as often. Where do you live? Depending on your location, your landlord may be legally responsible for making sure your home is bedbug free, call him back to figure out why you are still getting bitten and see if you can get a different exterminator in. Look at different treatment options (chemical, biopesticides, freezing, heat, stream, etc, or a combo of the bunch).
I'm also dealing with bedbugs anon, and I wish you the best of luck. They are a fucking nightmare.
No. 758619
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>>758514Front facing camera has a fisheye effect and distorts the face, especially when you take a picture up close. Hold your camera at arm's distance away and then zoom in on the image itself if you want a closer but more accurate shot of your face.
No. 758782
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Should I make a YouTube channel?
No. 758808
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>>758778Too me almost an hour but i got it: larme kei
No. 758822
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>>758808I was gonna tell you anon, but I was banned. Nice detective work.
No. 758840
>>758838I always understand it as
on Tuesday, but maybe it depends on language
No. 758921
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Will wearing a ring to sleep and removing it when waking up help me with lucid dreaming?
No. 758935
>>758930Sam O'Nella is pretty close to that category
Jenny Nicholson may also sort of qualify since she's covered the last bronycon and is easy-listening
Wish I could help more, I love those two too
No. 758956
>>758953Tbh, I'm not saying this is a good option, but a lot of women in this situation just find a new guy to support them
I have a friend who says, "I don't wait til I'm barefoot to go shoe shopping," and has never lived on her own or had a job, and any time she gets sick of her current bf, she always finds a new guy who's happy to move her out of that guy's house into his
No. 758962
>>758959I'm not exactly a prepper, but I keep a supply of canned goods, candles, matches, lighters, blankets, neosporin, bandages, and soap
I also have a water filter, $300, and keep a few cinderblocks outside, cinder blocks are useful for holding down a tarp or weighing down anything, but much more importantly, 3 of then can be used to very easily make a stove with any brush and debris laying around, look up the term "rocket stove"
No. 759005
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Can you smoke relaxing herbs like chamomile and lavender and thyme?
I'm tired of tobacco, don't like weed, and I don't like vaping.
No. 759012
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>>759005Kinda, but it has to have a bit of tobacco mixed in as well. But it's less harmful than cigarettes.
In my country they're called
kumbaya and they have different mixes, with herbs and flowers.
No. 759023
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4chan /b/ is filled with junkies right? I was at a party a few years back and some crackhead was going on about LE ANONYMOOSE hackers. A recovered meth addict I worked with used /pol/ obsessively through his time on drugs.
Every year or so I'll browse /b/ with that in mind, and it just makes total sense, the average age on that board must be surely approaching 40. They're either chronically underemployed or are stuck in go-nowhere labor jobs.
I used to use /b/ obsessively as a 14 year old thinking it was so cool, edgy and mature. Now looking through it, it just seems really pathetic.
No. 759028
>>759020Yeah, can't I smoke it alone?
also where can I get these cigs?
No. 759030
>>759029Depends on your hair texture
If your hair is anything but straight, I'd recommend doing it while it's dry
No. 759044
>>758944Speaking as someone who really liked it when it first debuted, then later came to agree with people who called it stupid/pandery:
- Lin Manuel Miranda's claim to fame was bringing rap to Broadway (see his older work In The Heights). He's credited by many for "revitalizing" musical theatre and getting a lot of young people interested in it. So it seemed like a natural next goal to try the same with American history.
- The "pro-Hamilton" side will tell you that the
POC casting is an attempt to recontextualize the American Revolution into modern-day social justice struggle. Note that all the revolutionaries are played by
POC, while the single white actor plays King George aka England. The "anti" crowd says it's just surface-level woke pandering, not to mention it ironically "whitewashes" the founding fathers to cast them as brown and black people, seeing as all of them, including A. Hamilton, owned slaves.
Just a disclaimer, I'm not an American, I just like musical theatre, kek
No. 759052
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>>759045the whole 'super' thing is just a zoomer having had a look at Kinsey scale thinking 'let's simplify this'. Why do you even need a label in the first place? If you like eating pussy, eat pussy, if you like sucking dick, suck a dick. You like both? Great, go for both
No. 759055
>>759052>the whole 'super' thing is just a zoomer having had a look at Kinsey scale thinking 'let's simplify this'. No it wasn't, how is it possible to miss the point this hard?
It's satire, people are sick of trannies forcing them to define their attraction to women/men as inclusive of trans women/men so they made up a sexuality specifically to exclude them. The label is a joke but the motivation behind it is serious. Your 'just eat pussy if you like pussy~' shit doesn't really help when lesbians are being ostracized and called bigots for not sucking girl dick.
No. 759056
>>759050No, actually
Especially 70% chocolate
Mochi is just empty carbs
No. 759090
>>759075I think there’s going to be some sort of balance, some places will always require a degree while there’s going to be other places that will be okay with someone not having a degree.
There’s always going to be a group of people that will study because they like it/ they think it helps them/ they’re told to do so, it’s just that maybe this group will be smaller.
And I hope so, you don’t really need to go to college/uni to succeed, maybe if there’s less people requesting that everyone must have a higher education, universities will be cheaper, making the people that really, really, want to study get more access to such places.
No. 759113
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Does anyone remember flipnote hatena? Oh my god, it was such a fun time, and I keep thinking about this lost media from it, it was a comic about this anime girl who transforms into a catgirl who became friends with another character with half black and half white hair but I can’t remember what it was called.
No. 759141
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How do you know a moid is not good enough for you?
No. 759162
>>759141They literally never are, that’s how
But seriously, if this is a thought you’re having he probably isn’t
No. 759218
>>759022Mine did. Not sure if it's the norm
>>759050Mochi is rice and sugar. Is rice healthier than chocolate? Definitely not
>>759215Thanks! I ignored them when they were just coming out cause I thought they were a fad, but I guess there could be something to it.
No. 759235
>>759228>>759229ty both of you!! but its honestly my fault, i've been working as a bartender in FL where its basically required to act like covid isn't real. customers would get so angry if i talked to them with a mask on.
anyways enough with my blogging and shitting up the thread, i'm gonna need a good show to watch or game to play during the mandatory 10 day quarantine. any recs?
No. 759243
>>759242Both are
valid options, I love raw oatmeal as much as I love cooked oatmeal.
No. 759273
>>759268The kuerig doesn't get hot enough for to burn milk
>>759268Dam so I'm stuck with watery ass hot chocolate
No. 759288
>>759274It turns into a syrup so i might do that. Just open them up and boil it in milk
>>759286It's the Swiss Miss and it does have dry milk. It's just not that good tbh
No. 759329
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>>759206You reminded me that I have a similar question…
I've been looking FOREVER for a specific gif (or better yet, it's source).
It was a shot of a japanese schoolgirl holding a boxcutter knife - the perspective was kinda like in pic related, but it was a close-up. In the gif, the girl was walking away and I believe the caption was something like 'Don't worry, I'll take care of it for you'.
I've last seen the gif like 5-6 years ago. Back then, I even knew what movie it came out from but somehow I lost both the gif and the info. It's been driving me mad for years.
I THINK the movie might have been a pinku eiga (or something like that) about two high school girls taking revenge on their
abusive teacher, but I'm not sure and I cannot find anything.
I would be so thankful if anyone knows what I'm talking about. Even if the movie is shit, I just want to find the answer to my question.
No. 759332
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>>759329also it was a bit reminiscent of this gif, but the girl was facing us
No. 759340
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What is this from?
No. 759413
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Posting this here because I guess it's more of a stupid question
My moid e-boyfriend has anorectal problems for a week now, he started bleeding from his anus and he got really scared because he's not used to seeing blood down there and he's a total weenie. I tried to tell him what to do and tried to calm him down. He literally had anxiety because his anus is destroyed, and didn't go to work. He was on the verge of crying I presume. I told him to eat more fiber to stop being so constipated. This guy doesn't know how to cook, he calls two
pieces of stale bread and 1 slice of ham a meal. No, he doesn't even put mayo on it. After the doctor put a finger inside his little asshole and beamed a laser on his hemorroids, he felt better. But then he got diarrhea because his entire system is not used to eating fiber. And guess what? He got anxiety because he was pooping two times a day.
Then this motherfucker tells me "I don't want to talk about my medical ailments anymore because it gives me anxiety". shut the fuck up.
I know I'm an asshole but is it normal to be angry at him? Yes I respect the boundary that he doesn't want to talk about it anymore. But somehow it makes me so FUCKING ANGRY, I don't want to talk to him for a couple of days because of how upset I am. Is this abusive on my part? Legit asking.
No. 759415
>>759413Why are men
Thats it. Why are men.
No. 759446
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How are fictional characters, no, anime characters so comfortable with dying? They’ll literally place themselves in danger and don’t care if they die, why am I so scared to die like I just want to rest?
No. 759494
>>759476The last time I bothered with her she was getting roasted by that drag queen. She was pretty shaken from it. Looking back I Can’t blame her since drag queens and their fans are usually batshit.
It looks like she still makes videos but also has a second channel? Her house is still hoarder levels full of garbage but she seems happy I think.
No. 759506
>>759141if you have to think about this, that's proof.
if you have to explain yourself ever, more proof.
If you notice you don't speak aloud or stop doing stuff because you are "too good at it" for him, he gets weirdly jealous, weirdly competitive around certain shit.
just a few examples.
No. 759564
>>759545Wait really?
I guess now my question is, why do people hate tap water so much? I always just assumed the people who dislike it live in cities where the water is bad
No. 759566
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Is it weird to be in your 20s and have never had a threesome? I feel kind of insecure about it despite doing other kinky stuff that perhaps not so many people enjoy.
No. 759571
>>759566Please stop falling for coomer memes.
Yes it's completely normal to not have any type of group sex for a lifetime, even.
No. 759594
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>>758934Check for gaps betwen the floor roof and wall.
Australian i assume?
What do you do with your shoes? So spiders dont sleep in them? I have had an idea, you should buy see through stadium bags to have your shoes in, so spiders dont also hide in the bag
No. 759606
>>759576It was always
heavily discouraged to drink the tap water in the part of California I grew up in. I think a lot of people have extra filters installed to purify it, at least if they can afford them. Apparently there's like, arsenic and radium and all sorts of carcinogens in it. It does taste pretty metallic from what I remember.
>>759500My family buys those big gallon jugs of purified water for cooking.
No. 759665
>>759658“So [insert name here], how about that JK Rowling huh?”
Jk. I imagine these discussions will probably happen organically if the discussion is about LGBTQ politics.
No. 759674
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Is it me or “fairy, fairies, butterfly” a rising fashion trend or Instagram trend right now? And what spurred it??
No. 759677
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Is there any major reason as to why I am so itchy lately? I have never had issues with dry skin before as I moisturize and drink enough water. Ever since the cold snap hit the Southern states and I took a shower with water that was supposed to be boiled due to possible contamination, I have been insanely itchy. I get hives all over my body from scratching and I can't seem to figure out what is causing it other than it began around that time with the water notice. Nothing seems to trigger it because I get random attacks of itches no matter where I am. Everything else has remained the same, so do any of you anons relate? Am I dying lol?
No. 759681
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Any anons here with no friends whatsoever? How did you end up like this? And how do you feel about it?
No. 759688
>>759681I never had many to begin with but the friends I picked were never good people, and I've slowly cut them all out of my life. I've gotten progressively socially anxious and since these were friends I made in like middle school, they never got replaced.
I will say though that I socialize with my bf, my sister & her bf, and I work in a cafe with coworkers I like. So I guess I'm not completely alone. But its a big insecurity for me, I feel like a loser and I know I'm missing out. There are totally people I could make friends with, I'm sure. But at this point the obligations of friendship just seem burdensome to me? Like I'm just way too flaky and fickle for it.
No. 759699
>>759681yeah, i have casual acquaintances but nobody i'd consider a friend
>How did you end up like this?i'm just too self-absorbed to maintain healthy relationships with people and i hate commitment, to me even just friendships make me feel trapped. i also become (emotionally)
abusive when a relationship is long term and then just ghost people without warning when i get tired of them, which is obviously wrong and unfair
>And how do you feel about it?i've made peace with it, there's nothing to be done about it
No. 759820
Should I watch Twin Peaks? I heard it's really good, but not for everyone.
No. 759842
>>759041I've used "family issues" occasionally after seeing it on a tumblr post, but I don't know if this works for every job.
Who made the sonic totem and why do anons ask questions from him? I still don't understand the thread.
No. 759852
>>759844Thanks! I think I got it now
>>759843I guess I didn't understand who answers your questions. lol
No. 760098
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>>759329good luck anon, it's so annoying to remenber perfectly something without finding it.
The only thing that I foun was this, maybe it's from this movie ?
No. 760107
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PLS anyway to view private IG? Iwill literally die if idk what they're saying about me
No. 760128
>>760125>>760118I just kept clicking every button until I figured it out and that worked.
>>760054Which game? In 4 they just play games on their phones or drink a lot of water without putting the glasses away.
No. 760497
>>760423No anon. Twitter sjws wants you to believe that but in real life it doesn't work like that. You're of mixed ethnicity and might look white, but you're not 100% caucasian
>>760487Honestly I do, but I always sighs when I see catwoman or any other female character
No. 760582
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>>760487I do…I like DC animated movies and comics. Idk I find the Bat family very cute! Batdad and the Robins produce a good amout of women-made fancontant.
I also like Batwoman, Batgirl, The Gotham Sirens stories. I haven't rewatched any of the 3DPD Batman movies in years though.
No. 760594
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>>760487Yes. I'm in the capeshit fandom to comsoom homo content and ruining things for scrotes. Ah, I still remember that Batman x Nightwing DJ that ruined my life.
No. 760642
>>760624Sounds like it really is about trafficking.
Also it's fucking bomb, thanks anon.
No. 760733
>>760624>Four tracks by one of the biggest names in South African disco: Condry Ziqubu. A regular on the local soul scene since the late 1960s in groups such as The Flaming Souls, The Anchors and The Flaming Ghettoes, by the mid-80s he had qualified as a sangoma (traditional healer), recorded with Harari (the biggest group in the country at the time), fronted his own group Lumumba, and travelled the world as part of Caiphus Semenya and Letta Mbulu’s band.
>In 1986 he ditched Lumumba and released his first solo hit, ‘Gorilla Man’. Opening with an audacious 20-second intro, the song tells the story of a man preying on women in downtown Johannesburg. It highlights Condry’s winning formula of lyrics that touch on everyday South African issues and places (without drawing the attention of apartheid censors). Musically the song draws obvious influence from Piano Fantasia’s 1985 Euro-disco hit ‘Song for Denise’.
>Also included on this new anthology is another song from the same album, the politically charged ‘Confusion (Ma Afrika)’, as well as ‘Phola Baby’ from his 1988 album Pick Six – a call to men to “stop pushing your woman around … what kind of man are you?” – and ‘Everybody Party’ from 1989’s Magic Man, a straight-up party song with no political or social intimations, other than as a brief escape from the harsh reality of the time, one that still resonates today. No. 760756
>>760746nah anon you good. I wouldn't listen to most farmers take on your body since most are anachans.
If you wanna improve theres always the eat cleaner and build muscle strat, you'll even lose a bit of weight as a result.
No. 760773
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>>760617I don't know if u speak spanish, but I love cuadraditos de coco y dulce de leche. They're orgasmic
No. 760805
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Am I seriously stupid for not understanding a concept right away? I have this assignment to do and the instructor was going so freaking fast I couldn’t even pay attention,plus the fatigue was wearing me out sitting in front of the camera and enduring his scrote conversational style where they talk as much as possible to leave tiny room for you to do stuff, making it a gigantic inconvenience. I watched a few videos and I’m honestly stumped, I’m so jealous of the genius anons who can do anything on here because I’m just so damn retarded, what is wrong with me?
No. 760824
>>760814nta but tranners aren't the only thing radfems are concerned about in society, plus the only female exclusive lesbian bar in Japan was recently pressured to admit a white transwaman so don't be too sure. Good advice though.
>>760800I have no idea if Japan has an accessible radfem community but South Korea definitely does, just in case you weren't aware. #escapecorset is (or was) one of their twitter tags.
No. 760871
>>760843They look both
Not trying to sound speshul just wondering if I’ve had grey eyes all along and didn’t realize it
No. 760896
>>760800There is a term for radfem/
terf twitter. I cannot remember if someone posted it here, but there are tags for it on twitter. You can probably ask around the weebs on tumblr.
No. 760947
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What do you do when you’re practically useless to society?
No. 761010
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Is it possible to be diagnosed with a mental illness or with autism without even knowing it (as in it not appearing on the list of diagnoses from your psychiatrist)?
No. 761015
>>761010yes, it's also possible to be diagnosed with physical ailments and not be told about it
t: my personal findings after my hospital got one of those websites where you can read all the notes and findings from your appointments
No. 761018
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>>759329Anon, I don’t know why but I’ve gone down a rabbit hole of trying to find this gif for you kek. It’s driving me crazy now, I’m kinda convinced it doesn’t even exist at this point.
Obviously my mind went to Kill Bill or Battle Royale for the whole ‘Japanese Schoolgirl with knife’ part, but nothing of your description came up really.
Probable the closest thing I could find that matched your description is an obscure pinku eiga called ‘Turtle Vision’ (1991) - about a schoolgirl who acts as a prostitute to lure in men, then slashes her customers across the eyes with a boxcutter blade. She does this because of trauma from an assault (?) Apparently there’s another girl in the film that she’s in a relationship with (or maybe a love triangle?) Obviously I haven’t seen the film, just artsy images/descriptions I’ve seen that vaguely tie into what you say. But again, no gifs, no quotes, so this is probably way wrong but I thought there was no harm in sharing my findings lmao. I hope you find what you’re actually looking for one day.
No. 761038
>>761010absolutely. a psychiatrist isn't required to tell you what they suspect you of having/diagnose you with. hell, it's actively discouraged by most mental health professionals and especially those with the credentials to diagnose (like psychologists) to tell a patient anything about their diagnosis.
the only relevance of a diagnosis is for categorization for insurance/explaining the tendencies and the disorder to other healthcare professionals for treatment. there is no actual helpful use for a patient to know their diagnosis/everything their therapist is writing down about them, so it's usually recommended to not even disclose this info to clients. it's another reason why most therapist programs are based on open ended questioning. this silly idea that mostly westerners have gotten from therapy and mental health that mental health professionals are supposed to diagnose you with something/tell you a diagnosis in order for you to be validated is bullshit. knowing a patient's diagnosis can actually lead to them exaggerating/overestimating their own mental stability/instability or leaning more into certain traits of an illness just to fit the label of the diagnosis they've been given.
sorry for the sperg but tldr your psych doesn't need to tell you anything about what they're diagnosing you with outside of the relevancy of how it relates to what they're prescribing you
No. 761089
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Who is she? (found in a meme on mtf thread) I am asking for totally platonic and straight reasons
No. 761110
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>>761089she's a server from the Kitchen Nightmares episode "La Galleria 33"
No. 761113
>>761110She can serve me anytime…
But seriously wow thanks anon that is a very specific yet useful thing to remember. I'll have to watch it somehow
No. 761120
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>>761118Regardless, I would be lost without you
No. 761125
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>>761113Nonnie's gonna rub her own seafood ravioli special all night.
No. 761143
>>761137>>761140Ayrt, then those people just…aren't asexual? The whole point of asexuality is that you
don't experience or partake in sexual activities. I don't mean to start an asexual derail but if it's not that, then what would you define as asexual?
No. 761156
>>761143I masturbate but don't enjoy sex with another person. Faked it for a few years (to an extent, I still had lots of arguments from frustrated bfs annoyed at infrequent sex) I don't plan on being sexually active again but then I have a healthy drive for solo stuff. I don't use the asexual label, I tend to say I'm not interested in dating and leave it at that.
Truth is I have ocd, I'm funny about touch in general, not autistic but I have sensory issues from having ocd and generalised anxiety for so long. I view myself as having intimacy issues where I have the right to either seek extensive help for that or just opt out of it altogether. I'm opting out of it. If I were younger I might be drawn to the label but Ive already had therapy where I dived into the reasons behind it. I don't have an issue with the label but then I wonder if being quick to label it that.. Often stops people from examining the underlying reasons?
No. 761175
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Could taking digestive enzymes help with acne?
I have to order protein powder again and I just saw that the regular whey is cheaper than the isolate stuff I buy but the regular one comes with digestive enzymes so idk if that would be somehow better.
I also tried vegan protein but that almost made me puke.
No. 761189
>>761137I love how "asexuality" is basically a filler group to sneak into the cool kids' LGBT club.
>I'm asexual but I masturbate every day!>I'm asexual but I have lots of sex with my SO and even orgasm from it! It's just that sometimes I feel uncomfortable because of my body issues so that means asexuality right?>I'm a virgin and have never had sex due to being like 17 and shy so I'm actually asexual. Still do a ton of erotic roleplay and love porn though!>I've been abused and rendered sex-repulsed, that means asexuality right? >I identify as an asexual because as a man I want women to delude themselves into thinking they're safe around me and then trap them into a sexual situation that isn't actually sexual because remember - I'm asexual!>I don't think about sex 24/7 but believe other people do, so I guess I'm asexual? >Oh, and asexuals are oppressed and must be included in LGBT because I got uncomfortable hearing my friends talk about sex! Move over gays!If you're a "true" asexual as in you experience no sexual arousal or desire at all then more power to you but the community is built around these retarded oppression olympics. It's hilarious to see another "asexual" quietly remove the flag from their profile after they get a girlfriend/boyfriend they actually feel comfortable having sex with.
No. 761216
>>761211They like us as long as we don't look like a "fridge". Got small tits and no waist? God forbid are an inverted triangle? Well shit luck, you're basically a "teen boy".
It's the same shit more or less for all women.
No. 761248
>>761189The only time I genuinely get heated at people throwing the asexual label around is when they are still having sex 'for their bfs sake' while saying they feel nothing the whole time and stare at the ceiling. That's incredibly damaging if true and I wish we'd stop making out like that's a lifestyle to encourage.
Opt out of sex for whatever reason you want, give it that label if you want, but you should opt out of sex if you don't actually desire sex. You don't just let people have their way with you as if that's somehow a healthy compromise.
No. 761280
>>761270Lost my mom ten years ago, this mothers day has been easier than previous ones had been though so I'm glad time is finally helping. I do love seeing others be good to their moms.
The last guy I dated would bitch about having to buy his (really fucking nice, kind, caring, helpful, supportive) mom a gift. Every year it repeated. I'd just be speechless while he whinged. Spoil your damn mom if you're lucky enough to have a good one and still have her here with you.
No. 761293
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>>761266did it look like this?
No. 761314
>>761288>>761293No, I get those some times though, it's not that
>>761291I no longer believe it to be snot because it isn't moveable at all
Also, I am very sure it's swelling now, it's gotten harder to breathe and I'm going to the emergency room
No. 761363
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Does smoking weed actually make people feel suicidal after, or am I just crazy
No. 761390
>>761316>>761318>>761349Okay, it's pharyngitis, they gave me steroid shot and I'm taking an antibiotic for ten days, I'm all good!
Thanks guys
No. 761408
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>>761381A big part of this is clothes. If you're going to be in a situation where you want to be commanding, you should dress for it - this means garments of inherent power, like the jacket in picrel (jil sander) and accessories of power if any, like an impressive necklace (I would like a heavy gold chain with picrel but not even needed). Basically you want to clash with people's expectations because it makes them pay attention. If you're in normal office clothes or just throw on a normal blazer over them, people will see you as just another random person - but if you're unusual that day, people will shut up and pay attention because they cant pigeonhole you and dont know what to expect. Dont wear anything little/cute - no earrings, no rings, any shoes but flats… Just be anything but boring…shock comes before awe… im talking mostly about business contexts as I assume you are too, but i dont get why youd want to look anything other than powerful in any other setting anyway.
>>761383sometimes you have to enter a room full of pigshit moids, and you have to absolutely steamroll them from minute 1. Its just business, you can be your true self on your own time, but if you want to be taken seriously or respected you have to flatten them into the dust like bugs.
No. 761444
>>761436Yes I do! Simple foods can be the best tbh. Bread toasted in butter with a light spread of honey fucking smacks and takes like 2 mins to make
Btw, what's a ham roll? I was thinking it was some kind of taquito type thing, but you said it had bread so now I'm curious
No. 761474
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Why tf am I always so cold!!!!
No. 761475
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I just got into an argument and need some back up. What's the best vpn in your experience?
No. 761533
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>>761512Always remember men will fuck anything with or without a pulse, they are degenerate coomers. it is not a compliment and it should not affect your self esteem
No. 761574
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Why is my bf just so weird?
Lately we’ve been locked up because still in quarantine but he always sticks his hands in his crotch, gets a good jab of his smelly cock meat sweat, and has the audacity to literally almost squish it in my face as a joke, and he thinks it’s cute.
I think it’s a pathway for him to tear down boundaries and become homosexual idk anons I’m very worried for our relationship I’m tired of forced cock sniffing, and it smells like vinegar.
No. 761589
>>761574Why do you allow him to disrespect you like this? It's not a joke, if it's a joke where's the punch line? There's nothing funny about a supposed grown adult male reaching down into his pants to grab his unremarkable unwashed dick so he can slime his hand with his rancid vile cock cheese and crusty cum flakes that's been left to ferment for days even weeks, forming bacterial puss cities, all so he can shove said cock cheese, bacteria metropolis covered hand in your face. He acts like he has an intellectual disability and it's embarrassing. It's basically disrespect branded as a "joke" so he can avoid being called out for it and held accountable for his depravity. He does not respect you, this is low key abuse and he's testing you to see what other bullshit you will tolerate and what he can get away with later.
Dump him over text whether it be email, messenger, telegram, whatever. Dump, delete and block and don't ever look back.
No. 761594
>>761574Maybe next time he does this you should piss in a cup and throw it in his face and say 'Haha BABE, aren't I fucking ripe?!' and 'it was just a joke,' when he gets upset over it.
Alternatively, reach down into your jeans to your vagina to scoop up some period blood in your hand and smash it into his face saying the same things he does.
No. 761661
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>>761633thank you for looking out for me
No. 761880
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So tell me anons what has browsing LC taught you?
pic unrelated
No. 761884
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>>761880There's a demographic out there I didn't know was so plentiful these days. For safety reasons, I don't think I'm going to specify which one.
No. 761923
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Is it possible to be rich without being famous? Because I wish I was rich, but I don’t want fame.
No. 761969
>>761952Even with hormonal BC + condom? Still seems weird to me. Then again I guess it's easy for me to be insensitive about it because I don't even like PIV. I can't imagine it ever being worth the risk of pregnancy, no matter how slight. PIV fucking sucks.
Speaking of which, hormonal BC should be a thing for men. They're the ones who have the potential to cause more unwanted births by woman just by how they function. Then again, I guess women wouldn't be able to trust them taking it anyway.
No. 762028
>>762023I usually just record everything in one go and hope for it to sound nice to others, I hate the sound of my voice with the burning passion of five thousand suns.
Try memorizing everything and when you commit a mistake, record everything again or remember the second where you committed the mistake and edit it immediately so you don’t have to listen to yourself.
No. 762033
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Is 23 too young to get married?
Im on the US on a student visa and its about to run out next year when I graduate, I love my boyfriend very much and we are both more homely types so no one would be missing the classic party-hard 20s, its also pretty much my only way to stay in the country, I just don't see why not do it aside from the stigma of getting married "too young."
No. 762141
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Why are the admins and farmhands taking so long to combat aggressive raiding done by disturbed scrotes? This scrote went on /meta/ to propose a new board for cp and other "male interests", obvious in response to his seething anger at there being a female majority board where most of the userbase does not care for his kind. Raids and repeated harassments arent anything new to imageboards, but the fact this faggot wants to purposely post child porn and gore images of women to shock a userbase of majority women from coming here is particularly problematic. I feel like the mod team needs to have a far more aggressive approach than they do now, perhaps setting up temporary reviewed posts. Knowing how the admin reacted to the pp/gc fiasco last year im worried she'll bend and give up trying to fight back the raids.
No. 762151
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>>762141I honestly think things might go overboard and the site will be nuked, one thing is having a moid posting retarded and gross shit, but to have said defective moid actually suggesting stuff like those is kind of too much, tbh.
Like, he got too confident for some reason, I think he needs some red cereal like pic related, but dealing with such things might be too much for a forum that’s basically a hobby to have.
No. 762176
>>762165Yes, aren't you just describing the usual kind of troll or incel terrorist that we get around here?
I'm sorry if I'm missing something but I don't see how this is anything new, he's not special. This place has had waves of invasions and trolling since it started.
No. 762204
>>762163Imo a lot of people are to some extent, like most people can read the news without feeling particularly affected. Considering that, you might be normal. If you read or see a graphic depiction of a negative event, do you feel anything? Something which is as objectively bad as possible, without any biases which may influence your feelings.
If you struggle to feel empathy for shitty people, that’s not reflective of your general abilities. It’s not wrong if you can’t feel bad for someone like that.
Empathy is selfish in ways too. “Empaths” are ironically self-obsessed and more concerned with their own feelings. If that trend is what’s making you question yourself then reconsider whether it should be a defining personality trait rather than something most decent people possess.
No. 762206
>>762038>>762161Honestly we haven't been together THAT long, a little bit over two years, but we spend alot of 1x1 time camping and we quarantined together last year, im pretty sure married life isn't that different, we don't want children either so no huge changes on the dynamic in the forseeable future.
>>762049>>762040Thanks Anons! We talk about the subject somewhat frequently so I will mention being sure about it next time, wish me luck!
No. 762231
>>758388I spend about 20-30 hours editing each video. I have a lifestyle/reaction type of channel (not really how i view it but thats how it gets categorized), think Swell Entertainment or Mikes Mic.
I upload whenever I want, and my viewers are pretty understanding, but I would say once a week is the sweet spot. In the beginning I uploaded 2 times, sometimes even 3 times a week.
I am monetized, you will be monetized on YT as long as you have 1k subscribers and 4k watch hours. Most of the money I earn is through affiliate links or sponsorships though. Ive been thinking of starting a patreon but I dont really think its necessary for my channel.
Good luck growing your channel anon!
No. 762266
>>762254Jesus christ anon, that's it!!!! Thank you so much, I tried to google in any way possible but nothing showed up!
>>762256Thanks for trying ♥ check out that video if you like pure autism
No. 762307
>>762291imagine dunking on tall women and not worshipping the ground they walk on
this post was made by tall women pussy eaters
No. 762330
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I’m really bad with technical stuff in art—is this photo considered one point perspective? And is that term the same as “central projection”?
No. 762331
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Why are there so many different mascara releases every year? The formula barely changes and the spoolie differences are honestly minimal to where it doesn’t matter if you want the same thick look every time. I understand the companies want money, but isn’t the ~beauty community~ supposed to be uber critical of repackaged previous releases? What gives?
No. 762359
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>>762355short for "pic related" and it refers to the picture attached to the post as relevant. Check out this frog in picrel
No. 762360
>>762357Guess the only healthy deserts is just fruit as boring as that is.
I did make avocado pudding which was just avocado a splash of milk and a bit of honey, it was alright nothing amazing.
Sugar free/low sugar/lowcal deserts are just packed with chemicals.
Maybe one day cake and chocolate will be healthy
No. 762362
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When am I gonna quit the internet, throw myself into my hobbies instead and just blowup already?
No. 762377
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How do I start driving on main roads without shitting my pants? I'm good at parking and driving in parking lots, around apartment areas and inner towns, backroads, and other areas but I think seeing a bunch of cars and traffic lights and etc etc make me want to explode. Highways are a whole other ballpark, of course. I was in a bad car crash as a child and my state is known for it's awful drivers so I'm not worried about myself more or less than others. How do I end this anxiety?
No. 762420
Go do it
nonny! I root for you!
No. 762491
>>762464my bet is internet trauma if not irl trauma
most humans want to have sex, but if you've been exposed to enough fucked up shit, it really feels gross
No. 762499
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Is the fact that my mom doesn't respect my eating habits a good enough reason to move out? She always comes and peaks what I'm cooking, or she gets weird and hates when I'm in the kitchen because she can't prepare food for her and my brother, and she definetely hates me using her ingredients for my own cooking even though she supposedly buys it for everyone (example: can't eat 5 boiled eggs) I'm so tired of this
Give me advice?
No. 762504
>>762333>>762502Found it
I use the AHA Music Identifier add-on for chrome/opera
No. 762610
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Why was this red texted?
No. 762611
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>>762330Yep, it's one point perspective because there's only one vanishing point. I've never heard "central projection" used in the context of art, so I can't answer that, sorry.
No. 762673
If I want my boyfriend to keep paying our bills (which he 80% does anyway) while I stop pretending to give a fuck about my career and spend my days cooking, decorating, playing piano and arranging flowers, am I a tradthot???
>>762669I've literally never heard that lol. To me the stereotypical lesbian haircut is a pixie cut like Mae Martin
No. 762711
>>762679thanks anon, I'm embarrassed to even think these thoughts because I was brought up to be very independent. And it'd be pretty unusual because I don't want to marry him and we're not having kids. Basically I want him to be my patron and support me out of generosity and love and not because I have babies or wash his feet or something.
Idk if it's possible but that's my dream and it's nice to admit it even anonymously
No. 762743
>>762700but im 99% sure that post is from unconventional male attractions - a thread from ot?
>>762690men love men - so gay and bisexual men (or "men", i guess)
No. 762843
>>762825Yes, I find that lifting takes my mind off the period pain.
>>762828If it smells fine, you're fine. Heat it up a little longer than you usually would just to be safe.
No. 762847
>>762828>>762843Do you guys live somewhere really hot? I can't imagine soup going off that fast, I just leave mine out overnight in the pan to cool usually.
There are so many small things about life I don't realise must be difference in other places
No. 762858
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what are the chair cover things called?
No. 762887
>>761880Damn now that's a blast from the past. I used to be a fan of Sisen until I went to a party he dj'd at and he was the shittiest dj ever. He was very friendly though and gave me candy, kek. Wasn't laced with anything, just regular candy. I might still have a pic of me and him saved somewhere.
Sage for OT.
No. 762890
>>762357Black bean brownies. I use this recipe. They don't cost much to make and I made and fed them to my coworkers who
loved them and were honestly so blown away to the fact that they were made from black beans.
No. 762912
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>>762904Depends. "woke" has multiple shades so it just depends.
Overall no one can because it isn't reclaimed
No. 763036
Can I assume I'll be relatively safe from doxxing attempts if I've never uploaded pics online (me or anything in my life, be it my hand, my cat, books, the sky, w/e), don't tell anyone my name, age, place of origin or school/working place (only for online shopping (never private shops)) and generally don't add anyone I know on social media (read: tumblr; don't have anything else)? I'd like to think that nothing would happen to me if I ever incurred someone's wrath upon me, but apparently a lot of people who got doxxed thought the same, so…
No. 763114
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>>763061Solitaire, kek
I'm fine with just that. I used to spend way too much time on loveNikki, Fallout shelter, and that stupid Rick and Morty game
No. 763140
>>763061Cookie run kingdom, CocoPPaPlay, Burraco, Coin Master and Obey me.
Tbh, obey me is gathering dust nowadays, maybe I’m not that much into otome games as much as I used to be a few years ago. I really need games I can play without Wifi because the power dies on me a lot, but I can’t find anything.
Does anyone know of any good offline Mobile games? Sleeping in the middle of the afternoon isn’t as nice as it used to be a few years ago.
No. 763157
>>763135Because zoomers are entitled and aggressive.
When I was a kid I couldn't imagine anyone being this vile online, most kids were just weeaboos and were told to never say their real name or age online. Bullying older teens or adults could not happen because I'd get my ass handed to me.
Nowadays you see fourteen year olds acting like monkeys on the internet and trying to cancel people for misgendering someone by not using their neopronouns. They're spoiled drama mongerers and if you fight back in any way they say they're a minor and you're a bully for going after kids.
Zoomers are also incredibly dumb and require everything to be spoonfed to them whereas millenials had to google around and figure out how to do things like torrenting on their own.
No. 763190
>>763161No, I like it.
I'm not the only one posting, but seeing you get so buttblasted over something as inane as 'reddit spacing' makes me want to do it.
Does this upset you
nonny? Good. Seethe.
(reddit spacing) No. 763228
>>763209if he is not requesting or expecting anything in return its just very sweet of him, clearly he cares about you and wants you to have anything you might need. some guys have a strong protective sense.
sadly you are projecting your past (which is fine btw its a natural response to how you were raised) onto your boyfriend, and its difficult to control that.
perhaps tell him about your relationship to gifts and why you react badly and reassure him that its not his fault, and just try to think of your boyfriend giving your gifts and your parents as two entirely different timelines that dont overlap anymore, so that you will just be able to feel gratefulness and no regret when recieving.
maybe try to gift him back sometimes if you find something fitting so that you will feel less guilt?
No. 763305
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I was reading some discourse on tumblr about whether or not bisexual women should be able to call themselves dykes or not and some dumbass was like “lesbians just let bi women say the word” which is clearly wrong but it made me think of if someone like Halsey were to use the n word on a regular basis in a casual way like how a lot of black people (although I know some don’t) do but like… can she? I’m not black so I don’t know and I don’t know very many black people so I have nowhere else to ask this but technically her mom is white and her dad is black, looking how she looks you can tell her experiences are obviously different than a black person who looks more like a black person but she said she identifies as a black woman in an interview. Technically she IS half black but still it doesn’t seem right. But then again I’m totally white so I couldn’t really say. Black anons, is there a common understanding about these things that I’m not aware of?
No. 763319
>>763305That answer will differ from person to person, tbh a lot of black people don't like "white passing" mixed people saying the n word. Personally, I would feel weird about her saying it because I've always seen her as a white woman and I didn't know she was black until like, 2018. I've never even seen her call herself a black woman. However, she is black, and I don't like the idea that some mixed people can say the n word and some can't, so ultimately I think it's fine.
I think people subconsciously decide what mixed people can and cannot say it based on how much they associate with the black community and how much they "look" black There's no common understanding honestly. If Halsey said the n word right now she would probably be getting dragged left and right, but it's fine for people like Doja Cat to say it.
I also want to say, if Halsey had been saying the n word from the beginning of her career (or at least when she went mainstream) then she probably wouldn't get attacked for it. I don't think it's common knowledge that she's half black though
No. 763321
>>763209I'm the exact same way anon. I feel undeserving and super indebted when I get gifts. When I receive a present I really want to communicate how sweet I think they are and also not seem ungrateful, so I end up scrambling for words.
That being said, unless you're overly insistant on "fighting it", I don't think your reaction would put people off. Generally people like to see that they and their gift are so appreciated and not taken for granted. It's only when it makes you overthink your response and feel bad about getting the gift that you should try and change your reaction.
No. 763326
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What to do when you're practically built like picrel. Short, with a stocky torso, but with noodle thin arms and legs. When I eat to put on weight it just goes to my belly fat. Should I work out to bulk up my limbs, try and go for an athletic build? I just want my body mass to be distributed equally ffs
No. 763401
>>763369If you need it you need it, anon. Don't be ashamed to ask for what you need. Maybe just phrase it in a way that's not about him so he's not hurt. make it about your mental health, or say that you need a spiritual week of quiet.
Quarantine is shitty for relationships and we're not meant to live on top of each other 24/7,a lot of couples are going through this sort of thing right now. I'm clingy as hell and even I started fantasizing about spending a while at my moms just to get out of the sameness.
No. 763428
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Lately I've been having dizzy spells every time I stand up after I sit for a longer time, is that normal? My vision always goes black for 2-5 seconds. I'm also very tired. My blood pressure is on the lower side but not low and I'm thin so should I just ignore it as normal or should I go to a doctor.
No. 763455
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>>763434They’re labels that can be put at the end of a text to make sure the reader, probably a retard that never learnt how to comprehend what they’re reading, can understand the meaning behind a message./gensx
No. 763482
>>763472I don't think it's necessarily >female< intuition, but I do think we as humans recognize dangerous cues subconsciously (even though I think certain people are trying to train us out of it). It's just that the situation could have vastly different outcomes based on whether you're male or a woman, so women are probably more attuned to it, since it's more likely to end dangerous for us if we let our guard down.
Sorry if you asked for a scientific explanation instead of a personal opinion lmao
No. 763484
>>763228I definitely have to work on not associating him with the bullshit that happened in my past. Ironically I know that I deserve the gifts and any decent man would spend money on his girlfriend, but I also feel like I'm being a gold digger despite not ever asking him for anything. Fuck female socialization.
>>763321That's true, I shouldn't overthink it. Like you I also try to stress how appreciative I am, and I worry I'm being too awkward and uncool about it. I just need to get out of my head and be grateful for it. What a stupid problem for me to have, kek.
No. 763523
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Anons who drink matcha tea, how often do you drink it?
No. 763527
File: 1615992416622.jpeg (47.57 KB, 720x481, B56E0787-4564-498E-B3A6-1EE827…)

Do you guys know of any Japanese lesbian youtubers I could watch?
No. 763537
>>763503Honestly, I’d say I’m very angry to read this because I know even if you’d say “oh but it’s not healthy to wish death on your rapist pedophile either” I know that you just protect this oh you can say anything but the r word and shit because of dumb selfish feminists who don’t actually care about equality or sexual justice.
If a bitch or scrote raped you or abused you, rape them back by putting them in prison and hoping they get aids there.
I am especially angry that mods banned me when I clearly didn’t sound like a scrote.
No. 763540
>>763538I agree.
I need therapy. But I still hope all women that made fun of my rape get raped lol. I mean what’s wrong with that?
>>763549Nah (you) don’t twist shit around anon. I asked you a question and didn’t imply it is related to me. I said I fantasize about my rapist and his helper that they get raped.
>>763545I said I do need therapy. I am ok with people giving their thoughts but it’s just you saying I’m a scrote. I just wanted to bring discussion on the table.
Why is it bad to wish rape on rapists? Elaborate? Give arguments?
(ignore the scrote) No. 763584
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Why are there so many hideous boomers in the conventional men thread, like in what part of society is the gramps you meet at christmas dinner "conventional" lmao? tbh even the rest of the men posted are ugly too
No. 763589
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Would you sing happy birthday to this cat?
No. 763600
>>763596 said, some people just stream for their friends. Also even the big streamers had to start somewhere. As long as they're doing it on top of working, and not bossing their breadwinning gf/bf around acting like they're a serious artist or something, I don't care.
No. 763609
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>>763061i only play LINEPLAY and pt used to play it and was quite active a few years back
No. 763680
>>763663Thanks anon - I will ask/meta
Curious,do you see an image in the link you just posted? I see a url, no pic.
(Firefox focus/android)
No. 763684
File: 1616010738275.png (370.19 KB, 500x720, A9Ggm5G.png)

>>763680Sorry, I'm a brainlet, I thought it wouldn't let you post album links in comments.
To post the image via "imgur link" save the image url, not the album link.
It should look like this: No. 763686
File: 1616010897176.png (11.97 KB, 615x446, imgur.png)

>>763680Posting samefag, just to show what I mean, because I'm the world's worst tech support
No. 763701
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is moib a good name for a kitten? It’s pronounced like “mo” in “most” and “eeb” like “eve”. When you say it fast and without sound it becomes like how you make a bubble sound with your mouth. It looks like moid though.
No. 763761
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>>763730It also depends were anon lives. It's a bit awkward in english, but I assume it rolls off the tongue in her language?
No. 763884
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Has anyone read this book? If you have, did you like it? I would ask this in the book thread on /m/ but the traffic is too slow over there for me so.
No. 763900
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>>763898We told you to stay safe, you super silly symphony for six.
No. 763908
>>763906Welbutrin made my mom so psychotic she tried to kill herself and was screaming about wanting to die on the daily
Not saying that happens to everyone, but definitely keep an eye out for that
No. 763917
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>>763906I took it for the past year and I never noticed my depression going away entirely, but I did feel like my moods became less extreme after a couple months and I felt more stable day to day. I lost a little bit of weight while on it, maybe like 10 pounds.
I had to stop taking it because it was making my software job a lot more difficult. I was having trouble learning new things and recalling basic stuff. Everyone is different though, you might not experience any cognition side effects, or they might be small enough to not be a deal breaker. Good luck.
No. 763925
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almost posted in vent but. Why does my body fucking look like this. including pinhead. how do I dress this abomination even. Idek what bothers me most. Is it BDD or should I perish posthaste
No. 763953
>>763925I recommend be skinny, fluff your hair up big, wear bulky sweaters, flared mini skirts, leggings, heels
skinny legs will always look good, heels create the illusion of shapely legs, chunky sweater will obscure fridgebody, and flared skirt poking out from bulky sweater will created the illusion of hips
I am also built like that
I mean honestly, what you should actually do is love yourself and stop makign yourself feel bad, but I get it, that's fucking impossible
No. 763955
>>763925Ok so this image is hard for me to read but, you have a narrow shoulders and a rectangle body, right? If you're one of those people who want to balance your body, then wear more eyecatching tops. Like patterns (doesn't have to be loud patterns, even something like dots or stripes is fine) or a nice cut/style of shirt. I've also heard that loose shirts are good for women with straight bodies but I'm not sure. Belts are good to emphasis the waist. You should also consider high-waisted pants and flared skirts. I think with pinheads you are supposed to wear shorter hairstyles and up-dos to avoid drawing attention to the small-ness of your head, but please don't quote me on that
You should go in the kibbe thread in /g/ and see if you can figure out your body type and pick up some tips from there. I don't have your body, but I'm pear shaped and tried to apply some of my very little knowledge about dressing to that drawing. Also, try to search for rectangular women talking about style tips on reddit. I've found some good stuff that way. I hope this helps! I'm sorry if I gave tips that you've heard a million times lol
No. 763959
>>763953Thank you! I like these recs, the only iffy parts are leggings (I hate my thigh shape) and heels (I'm tallish but then again fuck it who cares). Skirts definitely feel safer for me even long ones… I wish I could wear pants without wanting to disappear. You're ultimately right too that I need to accept myself and it's so hard for all of us. I'm sure you're beautiful anon and I like your taste.
>>763955>>763958Thanks much and I appreciate the advice. I will try more patterns up top for sure. With loose broad tops I feel it makes me look wider and my head smaller but puffing up my hair like the other anon said may help idk. Got kibbe typed D which has been a little useful but my hips …well I could go on but won't. Thanks for being so helpful!
I'm sorry to sound so absorbed in this. I don't know why I feel like a freak over what shouldn't even matter and I realize it may sound pretty dumb to read. Thanks for the nice answers guys I'll be going
No. 763965
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>>763959 is me, wait before I go. I want to share something to help others here. It just helped me when I remembered this instagram influencer. She actually deserves the title she posts body positive and realistic things while being gorgeous but not "perfect" as people think. I just looked and noticed her body is similar (but more athletic than me lol). So quickly sharing if it helps! I recommend following her before any photoshopped person.
No. 763990
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Am I overreacting? When men make violent comments about women they instantly look like psychopaths in my eyes regardless of context. For example, if he says “I don’t like her” then I don’t care. But if anyone says shit like “I hate that cunt, she can get fucked by a pointy rock” it makes me fucking uneasy. Even when he’s “joking” and especially because they seem set off by the littlest of things. I usually don’t even care when people wish for others to die but men saying “bitch” makes me uncomfortable.
>>763884>>763897It’s bad. It fails to properly address misogyny by men and their specific role as perpetrators in misogynoir. It was written by a one-drop rule believing TRA who has a very soft libfem perspective that holds very little accountable. It’s general tumblr handmaiden nonsense that washes out any otherwise salvageable narratives within the book.
A softer piece (as in, less explicitly a “feminist book” though it very much is) that touched on intersectionality is Kim Jiyoung 1982. Completely different content and perspective, but the theme of women, being left behind and feminism is the same. You can still read it to bridge a different gap.
No. 764005
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I'm trying to find an old picture of myself but it seems like I deleted it off of my blog and now it's lost forever. I'm trying to use the wayback machine but it shows that the content is blocked. Man… I don't feel like recreating that stuff again.
No. 764120
>>764108Statements like saying you find attributes like freckles or dark hair hot are fine, but it's skeezy to say you have a race preference
I guess it would be okay if you were dating one of those patriotic types of people who are so proud of their heritage that they incorporate it into their personal identity, but why would you want to tell them anyway
No. 764258
>>764108I've always had an issue where I'm rarely truly attracted to men, I've had long term relationships where attraction certainly wasn't a big factor in things for me. Like I have a basic need for sex and affection and I loved them so sex was fine and happened regularly..but it still wasn't based in physical attraction. I obvs couldn't outright say that to them but those were my honest feelings throughout years of dating. I put it all down to that meme of "oh women aren't very visual in bed, only men are visually sexual beings"
Then a couple years ago I realised I'm way more likely to feel attraction to asian men (for whatever mysterious reason?) I was 30 and finding out..wait I am visually attracted to some men after all. There were those feelings everyone else described happening since they were teens. Better late than never? I think if I met a guy and that was part of the initial appeal I would be honest about it. It's maybe not that PC to have that strong preference but then attraction is mysterious like that. I don't understand my own preference or where it came from.
No. 764268
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Does anyone know the artist who made the thread pic? I can’t seem to find them through reverse search.
No. 764272
>>763990Yeah, the negative reviews seemed to suggest the author didn't delve to deeply into mentioning any other feminists to corroborate her ideas and it read more like a blame game that left out a lot of facets of feminism.
Thank you for the recommendation! I really appreciate you suggesting something from an Asian author. Do you have anymore contemporary authors/book that I can also read? I'd also appreciate old authors (i.e. circa 1960s-1990s) too to compare how "feminist issues" then versus now and how they have changed.
No. 764425
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>>764390In my experience they're definitely more comfortable. I don't have to worry about my gut getting squeezed to death after eating in skinny jeans and maybe I'm a bit of a sperg but I don't like fabric clinging closely to my skin, so I like the feeling of being naked but not. If you're doing something really active then they might get tangled, but day to day stuff shouldn't be an issue. Not sure why you think they look religious? Pretty common for modern women to wear long skirts, and mori style in particular is really cute.
No. 764426
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Please help me
My hoe friend who thinks she's a good tiddie streamer on facebook has a boyfriend and she uses that boyfriend for money. Also she has onlyfans. HOWEVER, that said
Her boyfriend rents rooms inside a house for very cheap, services (like water and electricity and etc) are included in the price. I wanna move out next year maybe… but the thing is I hate my friend LMAO plus I'm very comfy in my house except because my mom gets super weird when it comes to food. And my brother is abusive.
What should I do??? Should I move out there and pull up with my annoying ass friend? I can give more details if I wasn't good at explaining
No. 764430
>>764425>>764390Wearing long skirts is fine, but you have to find a balance and aim for a nice, casual, and comfy look. Because so many long skirts make you look like an old christian lady or a hobo hippie who doesn't bathe
>>764427Kek. Tinder should die, nobody should use it. At least nobody with a standar
>but my friend found their partner thereDon't care, fucking hate that app
No. 764433
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>>764390Anon what? Long skirts are super trendy rn. It depends on what type of things you're doing. Skirts feel more freeing and comfortable but probably impractical for physical labour where you bend up and down a lot.
No. 764439
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What do you put in your soups? I am stuck in my thai tofu soup, basic vegetable and tofu soup and my wild basic vegetable tofu soup, now with shit tonne of tomato paste and more seasoning. They’re all yummy and flavorful but I am in a soup rut, as I don’t like cheese or pasta in my soups lol.
No. 764473
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>>764439Do you like meat in your soup or no? I like asian squash/pumpkin/tarp soup. Bokchoy or napa cabbage soup with ginger!
No. 764476
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>>764439my family is creole so we usually make special soups with potato and sweet potato, carrots, meat, dumplings, pasta, sometimes celery, this weird starchy vegetable but mainly with butternut squash or pumpkin I and different aromatics and it’s so delicious and rich
No. 764502
>>764473I don’t really like meat, it makes my stomach hurt but the these sound fresh, never had cabbage in soup before!
>>764476My spicy soup looks similar to this! Nothing beats potatoes and carrots in a thick soup oh my god, but I will look up creole recipes! Looks and sounds very comforting
No. 764529
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>>764502Have you ever tried browned flour soup anon? It's really easy and fast to make but still satisfying.
No. 764554
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>>764502 Picrel is incredible, just leave the ricotta out!
No. 764604
>>764601If my partner is down for sex
yes including head while I'm on my period, then I'm down. I wouldn't eat someone else out on their period though
No. 764672
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>>764601My ex-roommate was openly very into this as a fetish and it made my boyfriend and I recoil. It's still a joke between my bf and I six years after the fact, that's how much it freaked us out. Period sex is fine though as long as you plan for the mess. Head seems weird. I can't stop thinking about this fucking tumblr post I saw in Luna's thread and honestly wonder the same thing as you.
No. 764725
>>764719It hurts, and then it doesn't anymore, because you're stronger than men, and you have the support of women.
When it comes to liking things, I don't let any ideology get in the way, even if I'm radfem leaning. Sadly, when you first peak, you get to know the real world as it is, a mysogynistic world full of disgusting men. But the important part of this is just to be aware, you need to take a break from it. Also, penetrative sex isn't a bad thing per se, it's a natural thing after all. It's the behaivor of men what makes it nasty, but a penis penetrating a vagina is not a bad thing. This is how we make babies after all. If anything our vagina knows men aren't welcomed and that's why it kills sperms with our natural acids. I'm sorry for your experience.
No. 764740
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>>764719Always remember that there are MANY women out there that are actively trying to make a difference and succeeding. Taking a break from it also helps. Don't fall down the radfemcel hole and go crazy.
No. 764751
>>764719Why would you want to go back? I mean the so-called "breaking out of the matrix" effect hurt like a bitch for me too, it was really painful waking up and starting to see the misogyny that I had internalized all my life. But however as an ex-genderspecial it's made me so much happier to be a woman. Then again I have the advantage of not being straight so it's much easier for me to ditch men altogether but still, I feel it's my duty to pinkpill women on this shit happening under their eyes or it never gets fixed. I would feel extremely bad continuing to live my life like nothing happened once I'm made aware of the sexism rooted in our society.
Anyway also like
>>764725 said, it gets easier and you learn to live with it. I can hang out with my male friends without screeching at them or fearing that they will rape me, I can enjoy life and have experiences outside of activism. I've managed to educate them more about porn and troonism because men aren't inherently, biologically dumb but created by their socialization and ignorance. Just focus on making your own life better, there's no point in trying to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders alone.
No. 764761
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>>764719As others have said, sucks majorly at first. I became a doomer for a solid three months and I still absolutely don’t trust men, but I feel much better and stronger now. Undoing a large amount of the internalized (and externalized) misogyny I’d been trained into was so fucking freeing. It made me furious for a while to realize society and men had conditioned me to be weak and passive and self loathing, but taking back my agency led to such a huge feeling of confidence and freedom. I also started to once again appreciate how awesome other women are and have made/improved female friendships. It helped to cut most men out of my life (they weren’t really bringing anything positive to it anyway) but I do still have some male family members I speak to and even a guy I’m casually seeing. I still feel better about it though because I know they can’t hurt me anymore and I know my boundaries. If they say something stupid I don’t take it personally and I calmly correct them, and if they whine over it like the weak creatures they are I just distance myself and move on. We are 50% of the world population and even though many of us may be struggling against our own battles, we have the power to lift each other up and will continue doing so, just like we have all throughout history. It hurts to realize sexism has been such a massive problem for so long, but in addition to the hardships, you also start seeing the progress we’ve made. It’s gonna be a long road but ultimately life is still about finding your own little bubble of happiness and if you can surround yourself with positive things while cultivating healthy relationships, hobbies and goals (maybe helping out some other women along the way), you’re doing plenty.
No. 764858
>>764835Count to 10
LOL I do it, it helps
No. 764862
>>764850I'm pretty sure risks only begin going up marginally after forty, but my mom was early thirties and I
am autistic lol
No. 764876
>>764850She was 37, dad was 38. No issues or autism (so far), I just like laughing at cows.
Most of my family were centenarians when they passed away so I've never seen an issue with it or felt rushed.
No. 764901
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Do legitimate therapists really recommend reblogging traumacore pictures as a healthy way of coping? Some of this content feels like ddlg with extra steps (except you cannot criticize it because it was made by a ~soft and fragile victim~) and something that will give you autopedophilia or at least stop you from moving on. I feel like it's very different from creating art based on trauma because it's so focused on consuming and aestheticization of victimhood. The constant mentions of fragile/small/little bodies etc. make me feel gross
No. 764915
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>>764884The 70s & 60s. You see it everywhere. It started with once upon a time in hollywood where Margot Robbie played Sharon Tate and everyone suddenly started wearing those knee high white boots. Just look at the fashion trends rn mod dresses and sweater vests are everywhere.
No. 764930
>>764920At this point they should announce on social media that Hello Kitty is a brave and stunning cocsa
victim of Dear Daniel. They wouldn't know what to do with all that profit
No. 764972
>>764970ah great idea anon, thanks
>>764971kek excellent point
No. 765052
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>>765043it looks like it's based the 70s romantic fashion movement, with the loose fit of the clothing
No. 765074
>>765071Maybe she just loves talking about how she can't have caffeine. Although I imagine she does have to specify decaf quite a lot, and forgets who knows.
(decaf does have caffeine still, just not nearly as much)
No. 765124
>>765071Anyone I know with a milk allergy, sensitivity to caffeine, whatever condition…does get a bit like that.
I had a stomach bug years ago and when the infection lingered and messed up my stomach more long term I developed a sensitivty to dairy for about a year afterwards (apparently that's a thing) I got a taste of why people remind others over and over again. In alot of cases you have to. Closest family members just forget over and over and you start to question your sanity as you've told them enough times already. Maybe others in her life are like that? You might be that one really thoughtful friend amongst alot of forgetful ones
No. 765335
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How much sex is too much sex?
i fuck my boyfriend like 3 times a day at least our record is like 10 times in 3 hours.(we were tripping on acid) He is younger than me so way moar virile
No. 765357
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>>765335Low key jelly of you anon
My bf and I used to do it once every 3 months, it’s taken like 3 years but we’ve finally able to do it once a week.
I just want my pussy to be hurting like yours
No. 765369
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do any of u guys hack or the like? i wanna sleuth the net but im too stupid.
No. 765372
>>765369Here's a hacker thread from a few years ago
>>>/ot/136332 idk what kind of tips were shared there or if it was mostly programming/coding stuff, but maybe you can find something related to hacking.
No. 765385
>>765384Step 1. be obsessed finding out something
Step 2. do everything to find out that something
It started with just googling people and doxing people by cross referencing. Years later I ended up learning to code.
What is it that you want to do?
No. 765388
>>765372holy shit just skimmed through the thread and man it really reminds me that this place was entirely different a few years ago
threads like that would not even survive in recent lc environment and it reminds me of the “things you like that would get you called a scrote” thread
No. 765549
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have you ever reconsidered if you even love your parent? I know it’s horrible not to love your parents but i don’t know if I really love either them, it’s just not there anymore or honestly I don’t think it was there to begin with. they always hang the “well I provided for you and that’s enough” asshole explanation like that’s an excuse to being manipulative and emotionally absent.
No. 765556
>>765554PULL = Pretty Ugly Little Liars, another gossip forum, it went down though.
Kiwifarms = still active gossip forum but more oriented towards men and minimal censorship (so much that women have their own board with different moderation rules). The owner is a pretty disgusting guy that wants lolcow to merge in with them. I don't know much else, even though I do lurk some of their threads.
No. 765573
>>765555i definitely understand that dependency concern. the time you move out, the true nature of her will start to shine through. does she want to keep you under control, or was she very thoughtful of your burdens but didn't know how to communicate it thoroughly?
>i provided for youthat should be expected, they raised you. if they didn't, you'd be dead or taken away. i haven't had children yet, but i wouldn't expect my own children to praise me for raising them, that's absurd. once they have the voice to criticize my parenting skills, i will sit and reflect on what i have done in the past that i can make up for, or figure what we can come to terms with.
No. 765594
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>>765570I'm so sorry but your post made me think of this Kids in the Hall sketch
No. 765596
>>765576>>765578God, I hate the airmchairing/blogposting on Kiwifarms. I mentioned it in the Luna thread when the methhead (?) spergout happened and OP got
triggered. Really though, if you want to rant endlessly about vaguely related things, your own life and tinfoil hard instead of focusing on cows, Kiwifarms is the place for you. I do not understand how come it happens so much when they have this ~do not powerlevel~ rule. They keep doing it all the time. At least some kiwiretards have the decency to spoil their rambling, but the threads still are infected with pointless bullshit. Lolcow is truly the superior farm.
No. 765615
>>765554I was just reading the anisa thread over on KF and men were saying that when women talk about being raped..all that ever means is that they regretted the sex way afterwards. They weren't just talking about anisas claims anymore..but generalising that actual rape essentially doesn't exist.
That's the retarded shit that annoys me. Their attitides towards women and sex are neanderthal, they just plain hate lesbians and think women should all have babies whether they want them or not. They claim they know us better than we know ourselves. Those are all things I've seen on there in the last couple days of browsing. They're not all creepy sperging loners.. but you still have to sift through enough of that bs any time a female cow is being discussed.
No. 765642
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Why are girls who like horses mocked so much?? How is that any different than boys being obsessive about football or whatever?
Maybe it's only my country but adult women with horseriding hobby are also mocked and insulted, people - especially men- are warning others against them, but even among women I've heard a lot of malicious mockery. Doesn't happen with literally any other sport. Having done horseriding and other sports and also other hobbies, there's just as many weird / cringy people everywhere, horseriding is not in any way more infested, so …. why?
No. 765646
>>765635My entire family on my dad's side has this issue, recently grandma had to have some surgery done because eyelids were sagging so much they were obstructing her eyesight lol
Anyway yeah anon, it happens, you're not alone.
No. 765662
>>765642In my experience horse girls were just weird in an inexplicable way. They were often mean and socially inept and so obsessed with horses that they'd remind you of modern day otherkins. They have this same vibe as the anthrofags who think they're wolves inside.
>>765648It's just because horse girls are more mainstream imo.
No. 765760
>>765642I'm fascinated how the horse girl thing is so common.
Craig of the Creek did an episode on them and it was ridiculously accurate.
No. 765857
>>765642tbh I don't think it's a meme born out of intense hatred for horse girls, I think it's just a weirdly specific yet common thing and people find it funny that it's so universally relatable. Of course, there are always gonna be misogynists who run with it as an excuse to shit on harmless women like with pumpkin spice lattes etc, but I never thought of it as a super mean spirited stereotype.
When I was a kid, the girls who had horses or got lessons were just envied. I wanted a pony so damn bad kek (thank fuck my parents never gave in) and we all played that barbie game.
No. 765900
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>>765898Which one? this one or
No. 765901
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>>765900This one? Also, who the fuck is that lady? She kinda looks like Sarah Jessica Parker
No. 766024
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I don’t know what to do anymore, is it really better to shave or to just let the pubes grow? No matter what I do I’m constantly itching and irritated.
If I shave, the pubes grow way too fast and it’s an itching hell; if I don’t shave, I keep pulling my pubes off with my underwear or while wiping and it hurts as much as looking at a really stupid bastard trying to act funny for sympathy.
Is there a middle ground or something?
No. 766127
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>>766027Razors gave me ingrown or prickly hairs and I hated it. Waxing was much better but I do it at home and it takes too long/I'm lazy.
Bought a cheap battery powered electric trimmer for $8 on Amazon to try out before getting something expensive. Obviously not a clean, close shave but it does the job.
No. 766137
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>>765059I’m late but do you listen to yourself? Mori Kei is is from Japan and basically is supposed to look like a girl who lives in the forest. Color palette is creams, whites, browns the dark opposite would be Dolly Kei.
No. 766160
>>766157Ah was it King Oscar's?
I love canned sardines too I recommend to keep washing with bleach and baking soda until it eventually comes out. Just keep trying to blot it out, repeating the process. It'll eventually come out.