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No. 766318
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Why is konjac jelly banned in america and controversial in japan?
No. 766338
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How do I know if if I actually hate people or I just project my own self-hatred onto others?
No. 766341
>>766338It might not be that you hate yourself, it might just be that you aren't happy with where you're life is at so you're in a negative headspace and viewing everything through that dark lense.
I feel like alot of the intense spergers on here are going through that but with less self awareness
No. 766347
>>766318It's controversial in Japan because people can choke on it, and banned in America because of the choking thing,
and because they don't want people to become skinny legends and fuck up their local corporations. Imagine if 7 calorie noodles were normalized.
There are versions with packaging that make it safe to ingest without the choking risk, too.
No. 766522
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Whats a kinnie? From what LC anons talk about it seems like a mental disorder, but nothing comes up when I web md it?
Also is it related to proshipping? Is proshipping some type of mental defect?
I'm sorry, but I don't know what these words mean and nothing comes up when I web md it
No. 766532
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>>766522Means you got depression, adhd, bpd, autism, Anxiety disorders, including panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and phobias, Depression, bipolar disorder, and other mood disorders, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia
No. 766554
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>>766532Yo! New DSM diagnosis just dropped!
No. 766575
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say whatever you want to say but komaeda kinnies are BASED. I hope they believe in hope. I wish them all a pleasant evening
No. 766637
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>>766574Yes. Did it every time I was unemployed. The key is to be prepared: tailor your cover letter (ideally one paragraph) and resume (one page) to each job, and then when you get an interview, prepare your answers to any question they might ask. Be nice to everyone you meet on the day of your interview until you get home. I have no degree but I manage to get a huge amount of interviews and offers.
No. 766651
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Am I alive? Am I real?
No. 766794
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have anons here ever actually successfully obtained sugar mamas and daddys or was it all larp
No. 766803
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>>766673Within the fandom, Komaeda is a favourite character and one half of the game's most popular ship. His markedly controversial decisions, which are pivotal moments in canon, extend his relevance even to those who dislike his character. As a result, an abundance of fan art spread around the internet, entering his likeness into the public conscience. For outsiders, he was popularised by the troll tumblr Komaeda Love Mail, an ARG masquerading as a trendy fandom-based positivity blog. The posts were innocuous and funny enough out of context to be reshared by those completely unfamiliar with Danganronpa. As such, Komaeda became a household name.
Following Undertale's 2015 release, fans of Danganronpa naturally cohabitated in the new fandom. They brought the Komaeda jokes with them. As for his crack pairing with Sans, it's probably because they serve a similar narrative role. At a surface level, they both represent an eccentric but harmless guy who is later revealed to be deranged, tragic, and overpowered. As the favourites of their respective fandoms (see: "tumblr sexymen"), it was a natural union.
Ultimately, Komaeda rose to true internet meme status as Fingers In His Ass Sunday became a weekly phenomenon. Cyber citizens unfamiliar with both Danganronpa and Undertale shared the video just to adhere to the trend— and also to dunk on Kanye West, a target deemed acceptable for many different reasons depending on one's ideology.
In the current year, long after both SDR2 and Undertale have peaked and undergone massive fandom exodus, Komaeda lives on as an easy, often unfunny punchline. His well-written character reduced to a "gotcha!" for anyone unlucky enough to be terminally online in the mid-2010's. With all that in mind, I do find it amazing that Komaeda as an icon— completely dissociated the source material in which his peers either despised or idolised him— remains such a polarising force. At this point, he's basically transcendent. Komaeda carries out his literary role in the real world. If that's not reason enough to be an internet meme, then what is?
Source: A former themlet kinnie who lived through it all.
No. 766807
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>>766798It tasted like skin cause he washed. I wanted to try it cause yolo I guess? It didn't turn me on or make me respect him, if anything it was the start of him asking for pegging and thus the end of our relationship
No. 766842
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If you were immortal, at what point of your endless life would you get bored of life itself? I mean, I keep reading about the god getting tired of living among the humans or life in general tropo thingy. But if you were omnipotent, would life really get boring at some point?
No. 766854
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Are these chips the same???
No. 766915
>>766911His hair is thinning in
my opinion, but I jokingly say he's going bald
No. 766953
>>766940He was wrong about me flunking college
I've asked him the same thing the last month and all his answers were vague (maybe, it's possible) until it was "yes, at a great price" so let's see that
No. 766954
>>766940Let's see, so far he has:
- guessed correctly that I will suffer while playing the Sims two times
- guessed incorrectly I have corona two times
He's a totem, not a doctor so maybe don't go to him for medical advice.
No. 766966
>>766940he said i might have cancer
and that's true, i might
No. 767029
Anons, is finding a man to play competitive shooter games considered to be a red flag? Why is this genre infested with creepy normies, eboys or incels?
I always tell that I am not single before I queue with someone to avoid any awkwardness, but they still manage to hit on me or reclaim me as their girlfriend after only of a hour of playing together.
I had a guy who would always make kissy noises on voicechat, would call me queen, ask me if he can kiss my legs and would act creepy all around, while knowing that I am taken.
The other time there was even a guy who started jerking off on public mic once he heard my voice.
Or I would meet really weird arabs who praise Peterson guy, and claim that women should never work and only sit at home and be in the kitchen.
Or even without being obsessed with trying to hit on me, I would see invididuals that always do lewd jokes and talk about how they had e-sex on mic with a random person.
The thing that all of them share in common is that they will guilttrip you into spending time with them, they would state that you must do this and that and would start whining whenever you dont talk on VC or don't want to play, as if they are some manipulative little kids.
What the hell?(reddit spacing)
No. 767064
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WHERE can I listen to audiobooks for free? no I hate paying, so no audible
No. 767069
>>767056The one I got (Sinovac) is an inactive covid vaccine, not the mRNA one.
>>767058But that's not getting covid
from the (dead) viruses present in the vaccine, which is impossible and what anon asked if can happen. That's getting covid
despite the vaccine, but still from an outside source.
No. 767071
>>767056Moderna and Pfizer's vaccines are mRNA vaccines yes, other vaccines are not.
People are forgetting there's not one "THE vaccine", there's multiple different ones on the market with varying technologies. Jansen's and AstraZeneca's vaccines are viral vector for example. One of China's vaccines uses inactive covid viruses. Always look up "your" vaccine if you want to know how it works.
No. 767119
>>767114Even if I masturbate 3 times a day to the point of orgasm I still feel horny
(to be fair all my orgasms are super small, never been crazy)
No. 767228
>>767215The risk when being friends with a constantly changing/identity questioning bpder or bipolar person is that at some stage you'll be expected to get on their level and join in with their passing phases. They don't know it's a passing phase and so they can be incredibly insulted if you don't join in and embrace it all. That's the risk you've to weigh up. The possibly of it going up in flames with you being seen as a bad guy.
I was friends with a struggling biploar woman and she went from being straight and having lots of risky ONSs with men to cutting her hair into a shaved style and coming out as being infatuated with me. I like shaved heads or short hair on women and had mentioned that so in retrospect she shaved off ass length hair just to impress me. The feeling wasn't mutual and she didn't understand or take that answer. It was just as bad as any scrote that won't take a no. Sucks knowing there's an illness behind it but you also have to walk away if there's too much bullshit.
No. 767271
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Is there a way I can improve my spatial awareness? I've always been bad at orienting myself in space, I get lost all the time. Also, I recently started drawing again and I'm having a hard time with perspectives and understanding how objects relate to each other in space. Is there a way to change this?
No. 767297
>>767271Have you tried doing the stereotypical artist thing with your thumb? Like make a thumbs up sign, close one eye, and hold your thumb out to whatever you’re referencing and use it as a ruler.
It might also help if you start with drawing 3D shapes, like cubes, cylinders, spheres, etc.
>>767291I mean isn’t getting pregnant like a 20% chance each time or something absurdly low like that? I heard that for most women who try, it’s not unusual to expect to try for a year.
No. 767382
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>>767361have you looked into mini painting? It's my favorite not screen based art related hobby lately, very enjoyable and relaxing, you'd just have to invest a little bit in tools, it's not too crazy though.
No. 767386
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>>767379samefag and i dont think they are knock offs (i wish tho) also pic-related those are not the exact ones but they have those hoops and dangling chains and some more things on them making them very special and asymetrical? would it be worth to go make them custom but this time with real silver? i am really fucking desperate
No. 767401
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So, I unironically want something similar but from dark brown to another color, probably just to a few tones lighter than dark brown, what is it called like? Just an ombre?
No. 767402
>>767378You could have them silver plated or have them cast in real silver.
>>767386These look like those "kpop earrings" that you see on aliexpress. Do you want an exact dupe or would you be fine with something similiar? Because you should reasonably be able to find something similiar.
No. 767408
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>>767350I get the feeling of wanting to be in a different era often, for many, many reasons. I think about it a lot. But generally, there weren't many times throughout history when people felt optimistic about the future - most prefer to hope for the worst so that they don't feel cheated or surprised. Besides, we all have the fer of the unknown.
So I think it's important to more vividly remember shittier aspects of living in the past, because it's way too easy to romaticize it. Just think of anything that you have access to now that saves your ass that you definitely wouldn't have had, say, even 20 years before now. And be thankful for that.
Besides, this isn't the toughest possible historic era to live though. People living during ww2 thought it would never end, or that armageddon had come. People who lived during the cold war probably couldn't imagine a world where the threat of nuclear war was minimal. People under serfdom in the middle ages thought that their horrible subjugation was just the order of things. People constantly getting horribly ill with cholera and dying in 19th century London didn't know what the fuck they were getting it from, and people who were getting the flu, an easily curable disease now, were just dying from it as well.
But if i were to go back in time, i'd probably go to year 1990 - 9/11 didn't happen; the internet was still in its early stages; lots of great movies and shows coming out; a lot of good music was either popular or great subcultures were just only getting traction; generally, the economic and political climate was more lax; fashion was at its peak and also practical at the same time; feminism was still pretty based. Sometimes the 90s seem kinda magical to me, it had great energy, at least.
No. 767411
>>767408samefag, but i obviously meant that
>9/11 didn't happen yetkek
No. 767415
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>>766184Can you get side effects 5 days after a COVID vaccine? Thought I got away with it but woke up feeling awful today. Am I being a hypochondriac anons or
No. 767426
>>767350I agree a lot with
>>767408 because history is pretty horrible. Even now, while being a white man would be more ideal, you could get a terminal illness at a young age and nothing would save you. Medical advancements are amazing but there’s still so much that cannot be cured.
Interestingly enough I watched a mini documentary about people who dress vintage and love the lifestyle of their chosen era. Every one of them said they prefer living now though. I love history but agree that the present is best (preferably pre-covid lol). I’d choose travelling forward in time over backward, if that was possible.
> When was the last time period where there was a general sentiment of excitement/optimism about the future? I would say there’s been many in the past few decades over the world, related to political events (revolutions, particular elections, peace movements). Depends on your politics but there’s definitely periods of many people feeling hopeful about the future
No. 767430
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>>767308I’ll try that, thanks anon!
>>767342I was actually going to get picrel tomorrow kek. I hope this shit heals quick, it hurts like a bitch aaaahhh.
No. 767443
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>>767430Jesus christ I've never wanted anything more than I do know
No. 767444
>>767415yeah you can. hate to be that guy but people have died of 'unrelated freak conditions' 2 weeks after their first or second dose. there is just very little official documentation of side effects beyond the 5 big ones they warn you about everywhere.
I for one started getting hives 3-4 Days after my dose. I never get hives so it is likely a delayed immune response to those pesky spike proteins. maybe you're just a hypochondriac, but no, you're not in the clear after the first 48 hours.
No. 767526
>>767518Oooh, I see.
I thought it was a slur twitterites made for people who didn't want to.
No. 767554
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>>767537>BeastarsR-rated Zootopia, sexually explicit, deals with trauma and love. Very good story-telling.
>Carole & TuesdayComfy-ass show about two girls trying to make it as a music duo. Highly, highly recommended.
>Devilman CrybabyAmazing animation. Guy slowly becomes a demon. Very explicit, only watch if that doesn't bother you.
>Hi Rise InvasionNever seen the anime, but the manga is really good. Thrilling horror-esque killing game. Female lead becomes a cool and dangerous person.
>Love, Chunibyo & Other DelusionsCute anime about having cringy delusions in high school. Very relatable. Slow romance.
No. 767568
Where exactly did (does?) ISIS post propaganda online to radicalize all those people? I've definitely seen tons of far-right propaganda online but never anything from them (which is good). I'm just curious because I hear that it's a big problem but I've never seen it.
>>767064The website audiboi let you stream audiobooks in your browser. Use or to download audiobooks for free.
No. 767616
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do any of you know of a job that is entry level, quiet, not retail, and possibly from home?? i know it’s kind of picky but I was just curious because im job hunting and i can’t think of anything.
No. 767692
>>767691You can't spot reduce, you need to lower your overall bodyfat %.
Lifting won't make you bulk up.
Check out the fitness/diet thread in /g/
No. 767700
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>>767699how many flies do you have on your desktop anon?
No. 767718
>>767706Depends on the total number of contestants. Are there just the 10 of them or a whole million. You don't provide the needed info.
Yes, I am being anal about statistics, I always am.
No. 767729
>>767704God im fucking retarded. Thought you said fLIes, not fILes.
But anyways, yeah, they can slow down your computer a bit, but it's probably the memory that it's using, not the space on the desktop.
No. 767758
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Burgerfags, is the history education in your country is really bad?
No. 767772
>>767758I'm irish and while I certainly don't hold any pain from shit that obviously happened well before my time (never met anyone here who does) isn't it just well known how badly the Irish were treated at one time? I see people trying to deny that now just because it goes against what current dynamics are. It passed and therefore it just never happened? lol
It's not a current issue so nobody is even taking attention away from current issues with it, people in ireland don't feel a certain way this long afterwards. But it did happen and you can't rewrite history. It's a part of history. Maybe this woman is purely nitpicking the choice of word here but I've seen others deny that anything really happened at all. It's bizarre seeing these twitter history experts lecture people…
No. 767775
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do you think we need a new crash course thread on how to make a proper thread? instead of whining about the idiots making shit threads in /snow/ and /pt/, make a better and more updated thread to inform on how to make a decent thread
No. 767797
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What counts as chocolate addiction? Is eating a whole bar of Milka chocolate a day it?
No. 767802
>>767797Yes, probably. My friend also eats an entire bar a day and has been doing so for years, and surprisingly he is not fat (curse men and their fast metabolism).
But really if I had the money to do that too, I probably would.
No. 767805
>>767797I have a 100gram bar of choc nearly every day. Have done it for years but I also don't overeat in general and I must not go over my daily cals as I'm not overweight.
If you have a tendancy to take sugar in other ways like through soft drinks or sugar in tea/coffee I'd think about cutting back in some way if you want to keep up the choc habit. I cut out taking sugar in my coffee because as I get older it seems excessive to have both sugary habits.
No. 767874
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Anons, if I wanna try video editing, should I get a laptop with Mac or Windows OS? If Windows, which one should I get?
No. 767876
>>767864It depends on what kind of dumb you mean. You can take a pseudo IQ test online or look up academic test averages in your country/region but I personally don't think those things encompass everything we would consider intelligence if we came across it in the wild.
I would say a good way to judge your own intelligence is to think about how easily you'd be able to hold a conversation about a wide variety of topics, if you don't talk to people much maybe browse through news sources or look up trivia quizzes on different subjects and see how well you can keep up. You also have to consider what is the "average" to you–I feel "dumber than average" even though my test scores were always in the top 4% of the national average because I've always been surrounded by people smarter/more capable than me.
No. 767892
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What's the story behind this banner?
No. 767893
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Milka anon made me realize that there's like 100 types of milka choc I've never tried. My local store has like 5 varieties
No. 767951
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>>767893Me too, I never even look at them but I went to a different store the other day and there was an entire row just of milka chocolate… I bought the noisette one just to be sure anyway.
Also I just remembered when I was a kid and there was this limited edition elemental milka. The fire and water were so good, the earth one was just normal. The water one was watermelon with popping candy in it. Also I remember a white chocolate milka with lime… Why were they only limited edition? Grr, now all we have is milka with 5000 different varieties of cookies and biscuits in it. Boring. Sorry for the chocolate autism
No. 768015
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>>767874please do not go for a laptop( unless you really really do not have a choice ), you need to find something with a realy good processor, a big ass screen and also a lot of storage. I think windows is better for what I do, but Mac tends to have better colorimetry in their screens, so maybe this will be super important for you. Also your choice will really depends on what type of editing software you want to use.
Video editing is great but having everything crash or be extremely slow because your laptop is burning will drive you crazy.
No. 768044
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Anyone know any other female majority or just not scummy imageboards, or how to find other smaller boards?
No. 768056
>>768044facebook, instagram groups, curate your twitter feed, same with tumblr
sitewide not including imageboards lc, lsa, ovarit, spinster
No. 768091
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I love the idea of tumblers with straws built in but you can't put these full of liquid in a bag right? I dont really understand when you could actually use these like a travel mug since it would certainly spill everywhere, no?
No. 768095
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>>768091You can get caps either for the straw or the hole if you take the straw out.
No. 768119
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Why am I sexy and ur not?
No. 768192
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>>768186god I wish that were me
No. 768209
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>>768060>>768084Spinster is okay, it’s kind of dead, but remains a female majority which is what anon asked. Same with LSA. Those same types of people you mentioned are on lolcow and other websites so it doesn’t particularly bother me since they are easy to spot and be ignored. You can actually block users you don’t like/males too.
>>768168Almost nothing is wrong with ovarit besides allowing scrotes and lchat’s biggest issue imo is that it’s dead. Genuinely confused how there is possibly a better answer that wouldn’t have already been said. CC? CCC? What imageboard is supposed to fit the bill when scrotes spam them with garbage minimum once a month.
No. 768288
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Is anyone getting this message on the Pinterest phone app? I cannot figure out for the life of me why, I've logged in and out multiple times, I've reinstalled the app twice, and it keeps happening after I save a few posts each time. It's ridiculous because I can still upload pins just fine, and I can save on the browser version, but the app is doing this. The last app update was the 17th and it didn't do this shit till yesterday
There's no way to be able to report this within the app itself
No. 768320
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How do i commission embarrassing self indulgent porn art without it ever being traced back to me
No. 768337
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What the fuck are those zombie websites that somehow show on the first page of google search for obscure shit? How did they become a thing? The URL is random, the content randomly copypasted from the net and the site redirects you to some virus/scam. How long does this shit exist? I suddenly see it everywhere. Pic very much related, from results of my lolcow triggered searches.
No. 768397
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how do you get followers on instagram? i've never had it before but i feel like i need to get it before university or people will think i'm weird.
No. 768402
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>>768393I recommend following the A Bra That Fits measurement guide and using the calculator. I was skeptical (especially when I got my result) but have never had a bra that fits so well. No. 768406
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Does anybody know why Joan Jett cannot confirm she is straight or not? Is she bi/lesbian? Will we ever find the truth? Is the truth out there?
No. 768411
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>>768402Though oftentimes while you get an accurate measurement, you end up with a size that is barely carried in stores and once you find it, the bra will be way more expensive. My abrathatfits measurement is 28C which is literally useless so I end up always buying 70A
No. 768443
I know plenty of people at uni that don't have instagram or don't care if you don't have it
Over here it's more important to have whatsapp among zoomers for groups, but I'm in europe
No. 768463
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I'm going on a little trip on my own for the first time and was wondering what to bring besides food, water and cash?
It's a popular tourist destination and I'm going with public transport. The drive there will be 2h long, exploring the place (park+castle) should be 2-3h and going back additional 2h.
I'm just scared my retarded ass will get lost somehow lol
No. 768468
>>768463You should be fine with that I think, but then again I only went to these types of places on school trips kek
I remember my friend stayed a night at that castle and said it was really nice
No. 768482
>>768463Your bag needs to be something you can keep close to your body, preferably not a backpack, who knows what could possibly happen.
Maybe some napkins, your phone’s charger, extra hair bands, hand sanitizer, maybe a little bottle of isopropyl alcohol in case you want some extra sanitation or if you need to open doors? And bandaids, is always good to carry some.
No. 768502
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Where is the Marilyn Manson New thread? #11 got locked down before a new thread link was posted. Anyone got some info on thread #12?
No. 768504
>>768474Yeah, I think so! It has to do with your tastebuds & some foods are warm, some foods are cold. Also smells.
Ok Imma put an example
Cinnamon is warm, spicy, and sweet. It goes well with apples, that also have a homely, warm taste, but are pretty plain aside of being sugary.
Cinnamon also goes well with chocolate, because they're both warm foods, and they enhance each other.
Idk, I'm not expert though. I hope if you find more stuff like this you share it here!
No. 768520
>>768514Read the fitness thread in /g/
Want to gain muscle and get "toned" - lift and eat more
Want to lose weight - do any activity to burn cals and eat a bit less
No. 768580
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>>768474Yes, cook here, I recommend
Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat and
The Flavor Bible which covers topics like this. Guacamole is a great example of something you can tweak ratios or add to taste "right"– salt, avocado, lime, jalapenos.
Always always taste/smell your cooking at each step and adjust.
No. 768602
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>>768580I second this recommendation.
>>768474If you want to naturally broaden your palette and adopt at least an affinity for new flavors and combinations, looking to delicious foods you’d never even think to try is a great start. Ugly Delicious is also good for different reasons, but SFAH is the best I’ve seen. Watching shows that expand on flavors on a cultural level like Anthony Bourdain’s can help significantly as well. It forces you to imagine what the combinations would be like, and adapt them to ingredients available to you in order
to get the idea.
>>768504 To add on to this, cinnamon goes great with extra heat and salt. Fatty butter or lard with cinnamon is even more aromatic, and it compliments savory charred red steaks (with berry or stone fruits) very well. I only think it doesn’t pair as well with other acids. Not that it can’t, it’s just better with salt and fat and heat.
You can also take free gastronomy courses to expand on these ideas and how you can reinvent food into different textures, changing how you’d find them to taste.
When it comes to baking (often a different ballpark) watch the hell out of “unusual” or uncommon baking shows. Not gameshow gimmicks; but British Bake Off, its spin-offs, cake wars and similar programs. Nadiyah bakes is a favorite of mine, she bakes regular dishes but with lots of variety and tips on how to up the level of easily simplified baked goods. I also watch a lot of youtube channels. If you’re scared of baking, always remember it’s easier than you think. If going by recipe is important for you, invest in a food scale no matter what you’re cooking.
I’d say the most accessible option though is to watch a hell of a lot of youtube chefs and bakers. They don’t need to be pros or obnoxious scrotes, just watch people making food you like and want to try one day. You’ll have an easier time mentally picking up how spices and foods get paired together when it’s about food you actually want to eat.
You can also step into the kitchen and try anything. See what works with what you already have in your cabinets, make bizarre combinations on purpose. At the end of the day you can only confirm what tastes good when you taste it for yourself.
No. 768639
>>768631ill say both like
1. if you have lips what did it feel like to kiss someone who had very small lips and how did it compare vs kissing someone with big lips like you
2. if you have small lips what did it feel like to kiss someone with bigger lips than you did it feel better or worse than kissing someone with the same small lips.
Personally i am afraid to kiss someone with very small lips because i just know i will devour their whole face lmao. But i am curious.
No. 768650
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>>768600I think it might be this Pokemon, Megearna
No. 768695
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>>768618As someone with larger lips, I prefer to kiss women with the same kind or just a little smaller than mine. It's really sensual and feels like kissing a cloud. Thin lips like in this pic are horrible to kiss as far as sensation goes. It is easier to reach their teeth on top of feeling like like kissing a wet part of your arm or something. I hate it.
No. 768708
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>>768641I used a sonicare for the past few years and I’ve used Oral B in the past, I prefer sonicare to both oral B and manual brushes. I have a small mouth and it gets to my molars with a bit of effort but does a more efficient job (less maneuvering and the brush head is smaller and oval) than manual. As far as cost the price of heads is ridiculous but if you were using “high” quality manual toothbrushes the price points just about match up. Off-brand compatible is way cheaper. You can use coupon apps/services to get better deals and stock up on the brand cohesive brush heads. I buy mine a year’s worth at a time for 1/6th the cost of the brush.
No. 768775
>>768668Wow we're completely opposite
I could spend all day kissing and I don't know why I love it so much
No. 768794
>>768791>Do you guys ever hate someone because of their body language?Yes, specially if they're violent or "weird" (and I'm saying weird in many ways)
>something about their body language triggers me and makes me automatically dislike them. That's normal and you're in your right to dislike them. In fact, you can dislike anyone you want to for whatever reason you might think of, don't worry. And yes, body language is important, so disliking someone for it is normal.
No. 768803
>>768797if someone makes you feel uncomfortable for no good reason, then you should definitely listen to your gut instinct warning you that person is off. There is a good book that all women should read, called The Gift of Fear, written by a former detective who had worked on rape and homicide cases. Way too many
victims had described feeling weirded out or uncomfortable by a person or situation that they couldn't explain, but they didn't listen to their instincts and ended up dead.
No. 768807
>>768794>>768797>>768801>>768803 Thanks everyone!
It’s not so much that these particular instances are the ones where someone is acting creepy or off in that regard—that I pick up on well. It’s the more benign but still off-putting that makes me go “wow am I being over judgmental on this person?” lol
I will look into that book, though. Seems interesting.
No. 768840
>>766193I don’t know why, but they prefer figuring out Spanish than learning English, I had that issue while traveling in France, it was more probable that people would respond in Spanish rather than English.
I kind of get it, both French and Spanish got similar words making it easier to grasp, but it’s counterproductive when you know English is more popular wether they like it or not.
No. 768976
>>768969Tell them you only fuck dudes with tiny penises (for if they're sexually harassing you)
Tell them they're being boring and unfunny, that behavior is usually motivated by ppl wanting to look edgy and funny.
They want you to get mad and try to argue with them, so whatever you do,don't do that. Just leave.
No. 768995
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>>766184I’m thinking about fostering kittens to help chase the covid blues away, has anyone here ever done it / have tips or advice?
No. 769022
>>769012It's the little engine that
thinks it could. It's like the Sam Hyde thread in the way that it attracts a certain demographic and then gets autosaged, only to continue to fill with shit posts over time because it's just slow enough to not reach 1200 posts for a while.
No. 769111
>>769091It’s repetition for me tbh, I just do flash cards and textbook exercises, nothing you haven’t heard before. But I mean, I had burger education, it’s stupid easy to make A’s. What that means is I’m just a good test taker. It really helps that most burger exams are multiple choices, I only need to know enough to rule out the wrong choices. I practice the material shortly before so it’s fresh in my mind. Then I forget about them, free up space for new stuff. Maybe some of us are better at accessing short term memory more than long term memory when it comes to test taking. High scorers don’t necessarily understand the materials as intimately as their grades may imply.
Unless the subject is math. There’re no tips and tricks around math, you have to practice math and apply math.
No. 769116
I'm a 25yo virgin trying to write a Tinder bio and I wanted to ask for advice from real women.
Here it is:
Looking for a friends with benefits. It's not that I'm against a normal relationship, but I'm what you may call a deadbeat, and that's a deal breaker for most so I'd rather just be upfront than waste your time.
Otherwise, I'm clean, hygienic, fit, and eat fairly healthy. I can also guarantee I have no STDs.
——— End bio
So lolcow, I'm a 5'7" king of manlets white male with a muscular build from lifting weights, decent face and jaw I think, complete assburgers NEET though. What are my chances that this works? Even if it repels most normal women looking for a normal relationship, who would lose interest as soon as they found out more about me anyway.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 769120
>>769118I am a NEET that lives at mom's house with no car.
Yes that's obviously a deal breaker for 99% of women looking for a normal relationship.
No. 769129
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How do you pronounce "nonny" ? (if possible, use the IPA transcription)
No. 769152
>>769148Coronavirus has been with humans for hundreds/thousands of years.
The first time a known human coronavirus outbreak was SARS-CoV-1 in 2003 in China.
This is named SARS-CoV-2 and it's a particularly bad outbreak
But there's undoubtedly been many cases of human coronavirus infection since then, and before, they just never got discovered. The sick people were simply told they had "upper respiratory infection" and to take standard drugs.
So when will coronavirus be over? When the media stops talking about it, and humans psychologically stop being afraid or concerned about it.
No. 769175
>>769147Pft, I'm already back to working in the office. Management (between two different companies mind) demanded me back to office based work as of May 2020 before there was even a whiff of vaccines.
Hate to say it but working from home will mostly be for lazy fucks in middle management and corporate who can't be assed to drive to the office like everyone else. Being physically present at the office will be for peons and everyone else under justification of needing to do the physical busy work that keeps companies afloat. And of course there's always the micromanagement. Employers have known for awhile that employees are more productive with shorter office hours and more remote, and they don't care. Tons of people are going to be disappointed that their offices are going to keep the status quo.
No. 769180
>>769159I used to think that Ivy universities and Oxbridge were for super smart, super talented individuals until I actually got in.
Then they start hitting you with insane tuition fees and I realised I'd only been accepted because I'm from a country whose citizens aren't eligible for any scholarships, loans or fellowships. As an international student, my fees were twice that of UK nationals and I had to present the full amount of my tuition fees plus living costs during my stay for the UK visa application, and pay half of the amount at the start of my studies. Pretty much any international students that get to study at a prestigious uni are bankrolled by their rich parents, you have no idea how big of a lump sum they're asking for.
I was so excited to study there because it'd have made my job prospects infinitely better than they are now, but there's no way in hell I can afford that. Hilariously enough I come from an utter shithole of a country and my family's poor even for our standards, I'm just good at pretending that's not the case.
I had some friends who had studied in the UK and some who went to Harvard and MIT. I thought they were just really smart and talented, but it turned out they just had rich parents with connections. Chatted to one of them and she confessed she had awful grades but still got to study at Cambridge.
No. 769190
>>768791I am a bit late but I totally understand this.
I've got a positive example though. When me and my bf were in an ldr and meeting for the first time I was pleasantly surprised by his body language. I never expected that he'd have these soft/relaxed almost feminine mannerisms and it freaked me out at first, positively kek
No. 769222
>>769218A farmer and a cow. Here's her thread, linked to the post where admin reveals her post history.
>>769213I wonder sometimes if she's gone or still posting under a different ip and from a new device
No. 769230
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>>769116>——— End bioHAHA HOLY FUCK THE CRINGE
No. 769275
>>769266Any subject?
- Different types of Covid Vaccines explained
- World cup in Qatar
- Circular economy explained
- Haute Couture explained (there's a bunch of requirements that need to be met to be considered a Haute Couture house, quite interesting)
- 5 modern wonders of the world (or pick one)
No. 769280
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>>769263Could be, but here are more examples. I'm thinking they're trying to ""reclaim"" coomer by replacing it with gooner but that's just so fucking retarded
>>769278Sorry, deleted my message but I think you're right!
No. 769306
>>769262gooning is when you masturbate, specifically to porn, without climaxing
basically edging for disgusting internet creeps
No. 769327
but if you are serious, trannies are violent, they want to be treated as women but they remain with their scrote behaivors yet expect to be treated seriously. Go to any radblr blog and it'll be explained to you. Or ask in the mtf thread if you seriously want to learn, otherwise it sounds like you're baiting.
No. 769331
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>>769317this is the lowest quality bait
No. 769392
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Is it bad to lick your dog’s or cat’s face?
No. 769443
>>769416Besides the roommate anon, finn anon and when cows used to post in their own thread way back, I never can.
I however, have been called out twice and told to fucking stop kek. It made me leave lolcow for a week and even now I browse on incognito mode. It doesn't change anything but it makes me feel better.
No. 769487
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>>769483Sorry for reposting lol. It's that anon that keeps sperging about "black bitches". They were in meta yesterday, Dumbass Shit #41 a couple days ago, and some other anons have said that she has appeared in the MTF/FTM thread. Maybe it was different anons, but they were complaining about the faggot post ban and somehow it led up to them calling someone a black bitch for saying gay men are misogynistic.
No. 769537
>>769523My impression of /m/:
>this is my husbando/favorite show.>Omg me too!!>that's itIt's fine, just not my thing. I don't talk /m/-related topics irl either
No. 769547
>>769537>>769538>>769541tbf there's also movies, tv shows and vidya threads with some cool recommendations.
But I'm mostly there for the forbidden man
No. 769548
>>769523I'm on my way anon, I want people to use it more too
>>769541This! I welcome a spicy /m/
No. 769553
>>769091You have to find out what studying methods work for you. People learn differently, for some it's repetition and for others it's doing exercises. Some people are visual learners and other learn better through listening. Personally I take notes and make mindmaps, charts, drawings etc, and then instead of going over the text book, I go over my notes a couple of times. I also try to explain the things I'm learning verbally, as if I'm teaching them to someone else. Like literally just teach them out loud even if no one is actually listening. Doing this makes sure I've
understood the subject at hand rather than just memorized it and I think that's the most important point in learning just about anything, really.
Oh and learning things as broader concepts first helps you remember smaller details. Try to kinda zoom out and figure out the broader strokes of whatever it is you're studying, then move into more defined details step by step.
No. 769559
>>769547I have found some good recs in /m/ for sure.
>>769523I think it'd help if we get more specific threads. Dividing movies and shows by genre. It kinda sucks to comb through a general thread to look for something specific. I'm okay with them being slow.
I'll try to post quick impressions of things I saw recently.
No. 769639
>>769593triggered AoT fan found
>>769601that wasn't me kek
No. 769651
>>769639AOT is one of the many things I hate
nonny. there's a bunch of thirsty erenfags, levifags, and general eren shippers there.
No. 769750
>>769708just black out everything you don't need to show
also what is
No. 769948
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Why are so many radfems here?
Like, a fuckton more than usual.
I'm fine with you guys as long as not everything gets derailed into aggresive trans and evil libfem discourse/hate but what happened?
Did most platforms start monitoring things a lot closer or what? Genuine question
No. 769966
>>769948It always made sense to me that lolcow has noticeable amount of radfems because most of the users have spent time on 4chan and in gaming communities where misogyny is unavoidable so they have been peaked.
What is weird is that /snow/ is still mostly just nitpicking skinnyfat and bad makeup but I guess radfems either stay out of those threads or can't shake their own internal misogyny. Either way there are so few female centric places for young adult women on the internet to freely speak their minds so we all need to tolerate each other to make this work.
No. 770004
>>769948A lot of radfem spaces on reddit got shut down by that same pedo mod tranny everyone's talking about recently. AFAIK he made an open letter to reddit asking to shut those subreddits down.
Youtube is also cracking down on radfem content.
Other spaces for women get dominated by trannies so it makes sense a lot of us are on here, especially after 2X got shut down so radfem content spilled over into the site more than before.
That said I generally don't post terfy opinions on lc anymore, last time I did I got a 3 day ban kek
No. 770034
>>769946yes, it's IP based. if its a suspected cow, they also usually cross reference posts to track it to the same person
if you use a VPN on lc and post you'll be forever banned to the mirror realm so don't
No. 770040
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is it true?
No. 770041
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How to handle Tumblr/Twitterflakes in friend circles?
I don't care about gendershit as long as a person doesn't go radical about it or make everything about it and brainwashes others (eg if all you ask for is a pronoun it's fine), but my friends circle is full of people who throw literally made up sexualities onto others and shit like unicorn genders, thinking that's so woke and cool because it's from English-speaking internet…
I want to talk to my friend more and get to know her circle, but I am afraid I will just end up cringing and butthurting inside over their nonsense. They already convinced my friend that her, having feelings for people who DON'T like her Is a sexuality (and I'm afraid they will turn her into a ftm at some point).
So the question is…how to not care about these weirdos? Like they don't understand how idiotic this whole thing is, because "engrish internet best internet" and the whole pronoun bs doesn't work in our native language at all. I just want to hang out and have fun without paying attention to weird gender shit.
No. 770057
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>>770053sounds like it's happening
No. 770070
new users. Last wave of new users were alt-rightists. He's just poaching users wherever he can to grow his site. Bonus he gets to proclaim himself hero of freeze peach for platforming them.
No. 770079
>>770062okie dokie
>>770068why would trannies be fleeing the sites that protect and pander to them?
>>770069because male sexuality is disturbing, violent, and repulsive
No. 770116
>>770114Thanks I think I'm gonna try it
Also very off topic but my brother wanted to make lemon cream for a pie but he added lemon juice to milk while it was cooking and it uhhh coagulated
No. 770117
>>770116If you do please update
Ugh yeah I’m guessing the acid curdled the milk if it wasn’t added properly
No. 770121
> you clearly just want to rant about black people Bitch wtf? You burgerfags really have a one track mind.
I'm talking a country thread like the Brasil or Italy threads, where we can discuss local snowflakes, share dumb niche memes and bitch about international shipping fees for online shopping.
There seemed to be a few SAns in the Vent thread a few days ago but I guess they want to stay low key. Because obviously we can't talk about our entire fucking country without scrotes and tradthots turning it into a polisci group project about who can be the dumbest racist piece of shit.
No. 770128
>>770086>Would that be completely unsustainable as a giant racebait magnet??Look what happened in the vent thread. One SA anon who wasn't even racist just wanted to vent, and a braindead /pol/tard derailed it to racebait.
It's not a good idea. Blame the scrotes and Nefelis lowering the quality of this site.
No. 770130
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>>770123Well what do you know, thanks for the experiment and update, anon. I don’t typically keep milk or oj around, but if I did, I’d try it too kek
No. 770175
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Some anon recommended neocities for blogging and I finally sat down to check it out. I’m completely helpless?? I tried their tutorial on html and I understand but how do I get to a pretty tumblr-ish little blog?? Help
No. 770186
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>>770114..I actually tasted this as a kid because Zoom did a recipe on it. It involved a blender and it was absolutely disgusting. I think with the proper ratios and a bit of tweaking (maybe a bit of sugar or cream) it would be banging.
No. 770212
>>770207A faggot who uses tripcode, a unique post ID. It’s akin to signing
Love, Kevin
at the end of your posts. Embarrassing behavior.
No. 770213
>>770211kek anon
>>770212thank you, I saw someone banned for that and didn't understand why
No. 770259
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>>770252Thanks! One thing though, I originally came up with this question by browsing an old thread on here and seeing picrel
>looks down on anyone who goes to collegeWhat does that mean here if they are the same thing?
No. 770263
>>770259Samefag, I don't know why the quality is shit but it says
>Obsessed with university, looks down on anyone who goes to college>>770260Thanks! Makes sense I guess
No. 770265
>>770259>>770246In England you usually go to college after school and then university after that.
Every country loves to have different education systems
Deleted to add that the pic is a class/snobbery thing, often university means academic courses however there is a stereotype that people who stay in college either couldn't get into uni or they study vocational things like hairdressing
No. 770299
>>770271the word "college" is used differently in different countries
In the US, college and university are used synonymously. In some countries college is lower level than uni.
No. 770336
>>770300I’d pick a fakeboy over rapehon any day for any occasion. Unless the occasion is the Hunger Games.
>>770313If you’re attracted to a woman you’re bi….
No. 770354
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how tf do you eat picrel
No. 770356
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>>770354eating it right now will get back to you after the beep
No. 770397
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Why would someone call their boyfriend or girlfriend their partner? I mean in the context where they are not homos and hiding their relationship. Why would you say “partner” and then say the pronouns of your boyfriend/girlfriend instead of calling them by normal terms anyways? Is “partner” supposed to imply there is more seriousness in the relationship in this case?
No. 770406
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>>770397I'm almost 30, basically. 'Boyfriend/girlfriend' makes us feel like we're snotty highschool kids. I felt the same way as you but after being engaged previously and developing a general disgust of men, 'partner' is the only term I could think of that doesn't make me cringe. Typically, he calls me his 'lady' and I call him my 'boy'.
No. 770407
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Anons, what do you think of glasses like pic related? I need new glasses but I'm ugly. Should I get them?
No. 770413
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>>770409>>770410Thanks you guys!
No. 770462
>>770419The site was raided and has been dead since the beginning of the year. The only other contact with the site owmer was on spinster which has never been updated since the site's creation so it looks like it's not getting revived.
Damn shame too it was the only other women-oriented image board that allowed pp/gc threads. It also had some interesting stuff regarding feminism as well as a thread that discussed drama from some well known radfems (if I recall correctly one of them ended dating an alt-right loser despite spewing man-hate or sepratist rhetoric.)
No. 770470
>>770462I just checked and has a
terf/manhate thread
No. 770588
>>770580no we only like girls who look like yuri anime drawings
of course we like them, women aren't a monolith
No. 770595
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Is lolcow just a gigantic real version of the Burn Book from Mean Girls?
No. 770677
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Does anyone know a browser extension like this, but for Europeans? Something that helps you earn bitcoin
No. 770701
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my whole life many different people have said i have an ugly pig shaped nose and i honestly feel like it’s not true? when i think of pig nose i honestly think of the typical fat girl skinny nose with a huge flare, which is the opposite look of my nose. my nose looks extremely similar to pic related just slightly less flared. is it really THAT fucking bad? i really don’t understand because my nose is probably the thing i hate the least on my face but the thing most people have insulted me for.
No. 770706
>>770701You have a cute nose!!! I'm jelly
No. 770738
I can’t access lc at all on chrome on my desktop (it just loads forever), even after I cleared history/cookies/cache. What else should I be checking? (I’m on phone rn and it works fine)
>>770736Hell yeah curry is great, don’t order so much you get sick though anon!
No. 770782
>>770768basically from what I've seen these kids think they can somehow "shift" into fictional universes in a way that's somewhat founded in reality. Like they think that those alternate realities are as real as ours. Sounds adjacent to maladaptive daydreaming imo.
I think it's an interesting phenomenon in that it's the product of this specific kind of woke social media culture that puts people's feelings above anything else, where people are encouraged to 'validate' whatever someone says about themselves regardless how absurd or obviously wrong it is. Teenage girls in particular fall into this because they have the perfect combination of being gullible due to their age + wanting to be nice to everyone due to female socialization
No. 770838
>>770832I feel you sister, I also have a fivehead. Never wore bangs so I'm used to having it uncovered and I still get self-conscious about it. Try it for sometime and see how you feel about it, if the insecurity it's too strong, maybe try a different type of bangs but tbh in real life it's not so much of a deal
I always remember Tyra Banks saying big foreheads are elegant and chuckle at myself kek
No. 770947
>>770880Myfigurecollection has groups for parts splitting.
Or this site that buys parts to resell, hope it helps anon No. 771005
>>771000like a weird herb
idk, I'm used to it cause my mom loves it
No. 771013
>>770944Some women do choose it over vaginal birth but, aside from doing it for medical reasons, choosing a c section over a vaginal birth is pretty widely considered a bad move. I don't know about the US where you're paying for the service but a lot of doctors in Europe will straight up refuse you unless you have a legitimate medical issue that requires it.
Women pursuing c sections for non-medical reasons also tend to change their minds because C sections have the regular risks of birth (except for vaginal tearing/changes) but with the addition of your baby being more likely to require tube feeding and oxygen for the days after birth.
No. 771057
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Why am I so pretty yet so ugly at the same time? Anyone know
No. 771069
>>770944Adding to previous anon, vaginal delivery typically has a smoother/quicker recovery compared to c section. It’s also less expensive which is relevant whether you’re paying privately/through insurance or whether you’re in a country with universal healthcare. For women planning on having multiple children, a c section can make subsequent vaginal deliveries more difficult so that’s another thing to be considered.
Mostly it’s treated like a last resort, though some women opt for it out of personal preference if their doctor allows.
No. 771075
>>771069NTA, I think I have PCOS so that means complicated pregnancy/low fertility
That aside, I want to deliver naturally, I plan to have 2 kids and maybe adopt a third. But I'm scared of my cervix and vaginal canal never being the same. Will I become loose? will my cervix fall out when I'm old?
No. 771077
>>770944A c-section is literal surgery. There's weeks of recovery time for the incisions, the stitches, the blood loss, etc, and you can be left with a gnarly scar. Vaginal births are hard as fuck, and sure you might tear and poop yourself, but you can basically plop the kid out and walk no problem the next day. Your vaginal tears would heal much faster and easier than c-section cuts, and your belly will bounce back easier too since there's not a huge gash in it.
You can't really request one unless it's an emergency, because doctors will most likely refuse for the above reason.
No. 771089
>>771075Your pelvic floor can be weakened by pregnancy alone, regardless of how you give birth. You can recover strength through pelvic floor exercises, if you do them correctly then chances are you’ll notice little difference after birth. You’ll change slightly down there but not nearly as much as you seem to be thinking. Spacing out your pregnancies to allow your muscles to recover would help.
Childbirth increases your risk of prolapse when you’re old but being old also increases it lol. Keep in mind that the current older generation were less open about these issues and less educated, so it’s hard to predict what could happen to you. Not to sound like a stuck record but pelvic floor exercises are so important, like any other body part they’ll grow weaker if not used.
No. 771111
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I've always bit my nails and cuticles and been super embarrassed about my hands in general so I've never stepped foot in a nail salon. Thankfully I finally started healing them and I'm ready to go get a manicure for the first time. What do I ask for if I don't want paint or acrylics? Just would be nice to have my cuticles professionally cleaned up but I have no idea what they do in there. Should I ask for a clear coat or do they just already do that? I'm super nervous.
No. 771121
>>771026No that would not matter.
The heads are shaped nicer with c sections though. At least more often. Not all baby heads shape up nicely after going through the birth canal.
I have no idea what I'm talking about but I heard this somewhere too.
No. 771132
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>>771121Baby heads are temporarily shaped through birth, but they eventually swoop back to normal baby heads. It usually lasts a day
>god I'm realizing I know all this info about birthin' babies yet I've never been pregnant>is this a subconscious hint that I actually want these fucking things? No. 771145
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I have this pallette and others from like… 2017. It's used. It's 2021 now. Should I effin destroy them? I don't wanna feel bad about this lol
No. 771195
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Am I getting scammed if I can purchase a used 2020 ipad pro with no physical or internal defects with a functioning apple pencil pencil for under $400 from a new account with no profile picture that has only ever posted this listing? Is the ipad probably full of fucking malware or whatever shit so they can watch me change my clothes or spy on me shitting or some shit? Am I going to buy this and get a samsung tab A that I can’t even fucking resell to the next apple obsessed sucker who would pay x3 as much for the same items in normal circumstances?
No. 771247
>>771195> Is the ipad probably full of fucking malware or whatever shit so they can watch me change my clothes or spy on me shitting or some shit?If they're going to scam you they'll do it by taking your money without delivering the product.
Anyway, if it sounds too good to be true it usually is.
No. 771267
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What are your Pinterest boards about? I know you have them
No. 771268
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>>771267Art, clothes, animal & human ref pics, makeup, 70s fashion & interior decorating, plants, nail art, pottery, beautiful women, cutesy aesthetic, cottagecore, etc…
No. 771290
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>>771267Makeup inspo grouped by color, haircut/color ideas, 2012 era tumblr goth fashion, minecraft build ideas, nail art, tattoos, bathroom remodel inspo and transparent pngs for Fashmates.
No. 771305
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>>771267Beauty (makeup and skincare), clothes, art, education (skills, languages and useful info), workouts, two boards for aesthetics and my fav one called "world" with landscapes pics like this
No. 771326
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>>771280No lie I freaked the fuck out reading this because my pinterest is EXACTLY the same
No. 771439
>>771168I wouldn't call him an ex if he admitted he didn't have feelings and had no intention of developing them. It might help you get closure if you recognize that it never was a relationship.
I had a several month long thing like that before, the guy was calling it a relationship but it wasn't really and he dipped so insanely quick when he realized I wasn't falling for it. It's would've been my first relationship…except it wasn't lol. When people want to know how many relationships I've been in.. I don't count that as being one.
Might as well use that netflix though
No. 771502
>>771247>>771217>>771228Yeah there are protections in place so if I get the wrong item or it’s fucked up I can get rid of it and get my money back. But I’m mainly concerned that like anon said, it’s too good to be true so it’s probably full of creepy invasive stalker shit or something.
>>771265I’ll keep looking but at this rate I’ll just buy one from a refurbishing store or from apple.
No. 771528
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>>771344I started looking into it cause I was very conflicted on if I even wanted a child (tbh I still am) so I wanted to make it ultra real to me by learning about things like snipping vaginas and baby poop
I really hope I decide not to have one, but even with all these facts my ovaries thump whenever I see a baby
No. 771561
Is asheras garden down? cause I tried seraching it and came across the fact people talk about us and asheras on other websites what the fuck onionfarms is a list full of imageboards I have no knowledge of is both creepy and disgusting"another woman board" they say?
No. 771590
>>771564I get the opposite impression tbh, seems like most mothers are miserable during the baby stage because of sleep deprivation and lack of free time but enjoy parenting more when the kid is older and more independent.
Though ofc babies/toddlers get the most attention so they're plastered all over social media at that age. And I definitely think 99% of the motivation to have kids is based on idealistic fantasies of playing with cute babies and being a young family, not being middle aged and chauffeuring a schoolkid everywhere.
No. 771606
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>>771267J-fashion, fitspo, 3D modeling, art, studycore (comfy desk aesthetics + appealing libraries), 70's Japanese house interiors, cute clowns, old computers + cell phones, nature, retro packaging & advertisements, and animal crossing island ideas.
No. 771616
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>>771267TBH, thinspo and art refs
No. 771627
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>>771267Makeup inspo, nails inspo, clothes, cute drawings, fanart of the characters I like
and of my multiple husbandos fitspo, healthy recipes, unhealthy recipes, writing tips, survival tips for some reason, hair inspo, craft ideas, shitty Valentine’s cards. Bullet journaling inspo.
No. 771683
Unless you have a Y chromosome, than no
No. 771721
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>>771267Cute animals, memes, art, attempts to learn fashion, drawing inspiration/poses
I also have a board of cringy edgy things like pic related. They bring me joy. To answer the question early I fucking hate what dasharez0ne has become. Those tumblr skelly memes were supposed to be genuinely wholesome not stupid and PC.
Oh and a small hidden board called "images to send to people I dislike" No. 771839
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I've had a lump-in-my-throat sensation for two days now, keep compulsively swallowing. To be fair I've been anxious about a few IRL things lately but usually the throat thing disappears and reappears acc to my stress level; right now it's ever-present. Is this just anxiety deluxe plus?? Google is unhelpful and I just don't wanna report it to my parents because they've been extremely COVID-paranoid lately and I don't want them to banish me to my room kek
No. 771867
>>771864Such as?
>You have a nice butt, you shouldn't feel self-conscious about itIs fine
>Wash your ass you haven't showered in three weeksAlso fine (but please shower for the sake of everyone you exist around)
>Your ass is too fat, lose weight fattyNot fine
No. 771999
>>771933I was too rough with a q tip about two weeks ago, been deaf in that ear ever since and then yesterday this sharp pain kicked in and it extends to one side of my throat. Can hear my own heartbeat thumping away all day too. I can't afford to see a doc so I'm praying it fixes itself in time
Never buying or trusting myself with q tips again lol. My dad uses them and had something similar happen. Was deaf for months and it eventually healed up with no intervention
No. 772027
>>772023If it's just sleeping in the dark there's nothing wrong with using a little night light if it makes you feel more comfortable. To some extent it's natural to be scared of the dark I guess.
Is there some concrete thing that darkness or nighttime makes you scared of? For example, I tend to freak myself out imagining there's spiders that I can't see when I'm in the dark.
No. 772127
>>772114toxic pp=
toxic penis??
No. 772135
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>>772127truly stupid question as all pps are
toxic No. 772177
>>772176Yes he does
>>772175Kek, yeah I tried to say something like that but he just went off how it's not the same because apparently girls don't have insecurities about their clits
No. 772233
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Do guys ever messages girls nonstop until the wee hours of the morning, say goodnight, and then start up again after they wake up platonically??? Or is it just my low self-esteem telling me that this dude only likes me as a friend?
No. 772296
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>>772292Samefag, nvm, I think it's one anon going around making these posts lmao
No. 772415
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I’m a degenerate who microwaved water but I want to see the light. Can you give me some pointers about purchasing a lasting and fast tea kettle that is hopefully affordable? I prefer stovetop to electric (unless I ought to not?). Thank u
No. 772419
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>>772412What are you saying anon
No. 772431
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>>772425>one girl Bhad barbie or however tf you spell it was the one who was sexually assaulted and mistreated at the facility. Are we really that surprised that we let someone who looks like dr eggman from sanic run a show and great crazies??
No. 772433
>>772431It must be her and another girl then, I had read it was an unnamed individual
Obviously it's way more than one or two anyway, there's literally never just one or two
No. 772622
>>772553I don't think it devalues anything, bodies have no value in a sexual sense imo.
However, I don't think it's wise even though I did it before and sent nudes to my current boyfriend. Thing is if your nudes end up online it could potentially fuck you up so in the end it's best not to do it, or only do it if you 100% trust the person.
No. 772891
>>772857If you live somewhere in Europe you don't. Typically American and Canadian eggs are washed though like
>>772886 mentions so they need to be refrigerated. If you're buying them and they're not refrigerated I guess that's a good indicator it's safe to leave them out.
No. 773002
>>772889Physically? At least a year, for women. It depends on how much body fat you have and where you store it. I have way more definition in my upper body than lower body after many years of mostly powerlifting-style training, but that's because I'm bottom heavy and store most of my fat there.
You SHOULD get stronger every month tho. If you're not consistently moving up in resistance you won't build mass. (This isn't true if you've been training for several years, but at that point you will have made a lot of progress anyways if you're doing things right)
No. 773062
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>>773008Seconding french braids, they're comfortable and convenient. The french bun with a big claw clip is a 90's look that works for some people. I also like to wrap my hair in a silk scarf like pic rel
No. 773103
>>772901It depends. I can tell you from dark times in my life that if you're sleep deprived enough, it is possible to fall asleep after taking adderall if you let yourself lie down and close your eyes. My friend has fallen asleep on it a lot, she has ADHD and she says that for her it calms her down and if she lets herself lie down she can fall asleep. We both have a tolerance though and dosage amounts/rate of stomach absorption matters, I think this is mostly something we've experienced right after taking a pill.
For most people under most circumstances though, it does prevent you from falling asleep even if you feel tired. And because of its half life in the body this effect can be present for hours after the full effects have worn off.
No. 773427
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Anons who wax at home with hard or soft wax - how long does the whole process take and how messy is it? I use wax strips and sometimes shave but lately I've been thinking about switching to other forms of hair removal
No. 773429
>>773427I've been using hard wax and soft wax since high school.
First of all: fuck soft wax. It's so messy and if it gets stuck on a surface, almost impossible to get off.
Hard wax is great and I highly recommend. I'm almost sad wax melts are becoming popular because I feel they're cheap and plasticky. Anyways, I started with a Gigi kit, which was like 30 dollars at the time.
I've been waxing my asshole (not anymore though) and everything down there myself for a long time. I LOVE waxing my armpits because then the hair grows back softly. I've never used it on my legs though. Seems like a waste of a product, plus, I would prefer spray-on depiliary for my legs since it takes a few minutes and then I can rinse it off on the shower. Stubbly legs don't bother me too much, armpits and asshair does though. Lemme know if you have questions.
No. 773431
>>773429>spray-on depiliary for my legs Wait that's a thing??
I tried shaving creams before (like the ones that you leave on and the hair comes out) and they fucked my skin so bad, how do those work?
No. 773435
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>>773431So the spray on thing is kind of the same, except depending on the brand, you're not leaving a thick cream on your leg. I got so tired of using Nair because it was just so retarded to apply (use my hand? Use some other tool that I eventually lose?) So I bought a spray instead.
Seriously try and avoid your shins. It is the thinnest skin on your legs and can cause chemical burns. Which used to happen every time I used a depiliary. I use pic related
No. 773485
>>773473What do you know about the risks? Is it really that risky or could her husband simply have exaggerated?
Personally I think I'd do it. A job that's in demand with a good pay sounds like a good investment in your future. If you decide not to do it, let it be because you, not you mom, didn't want to do it.
> just tell her I'm doing something else.Don't do that, be honest. Your mom needs to learn you're an adult now who might make choices she doesn't approve of and she needs to let that go. Unless that gets you kicked out or something. Plus are you going to lie about what you're doing for a long-term fulltime job? What if she hears from other people you're driving a truck? You can't keep it a secret.
No. 773698
>>773654It's a recessive gene so they usually don't look like either of their parents and I am pretty sure they were thought of as runts and witches back in ye olden times.
Also they can look creepy cause their eyebrows and eyelashes are almost invisible. Some people think freckles look like doodoo splattered on, idk. Usually women who are redheads are considered hot and men are considered creepy unless they look like alpha chad vikings.
I think it's just that some rare aesthetics like that can go either way of looking absolutely gorgeous or hideous. It's a cointoss really.
No. 773814
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>>773654I know my generation mostly made fun of it as kids thanks to that south park episode about how gingers have no souls.
No. 773824
>>773822Do you have a good intake of electrolytes (potassium, salts)? Peeing every 10 minutes makes me think your body doesn't retain it well.
I'd try eating more citrus since they contain water, a shitload of electrolytes, and antioxidants which help with skin healing/regeneration. Pooping and digestion could be helped by eating more fiber.
No. 773862
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Is it unhygienic to use the leftover lint of the lint trap to make plushies when it’s so soft?
No. 773918
>>773876I don't think saying "this is terrible I'm so sorry" would make most people feel worse. The point of saying stuff like that is to validate their feelings and let them know you have empathy for them. Your roommate might feel like she "shouldn't" be so upset about a pet dying so validation is good. Grief is really hard to deal with because it's a type of pain where there is no fixing it or easing it, you just have to get through it. So the best way to be supportive is just to be there with a person while they process and feel their feelings. You could tell her that you're there if she wants to talk or do something to distract her (obs only say this if you're really willing to)
Always keep in mind that whatever you do to comfort her probably won't make her feel much better because the loss is the loss, so don't pressure her to be positive or hide her negative emotions, one of the best things you can do for people in general is be someone who they can be comfortable with while experiencing negative emotions. This can be harder than it seems because it's uncomfortable to see someone in pain so often the first instinct is to try and make them feel better but that's just invalidating.
No. 773969
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anyone know who these 2 characters are from?
No. 773972
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anons do acrylic "figures" like this look bad irl?
i was thinking of buying some to put on a shelf but i'm thinking they could look weird when looking from diferente angles
No. 773986
>>773975yeah unfortunately i'm coping,can't really splurge during a pandemic so i thought about these and some posters just to make my room feel lived in yk
>>773978exquisite taste anon,i'll see if i can get this one,thanks
No. 773987
>>773975Is it really considered a cope among anime fans? I’ve never thought of them that way. I don’t own any either, but I feel like
>>773978 is an example of how sometimes depictions of characters looks better when they stay in 2D. But aybe I’m biased towards resin works and what can be done with them. They look like they have more potential design wise (if you can upload anything) than what you can typically buy regarding typical anime figures. More so if they had their own variation of garage kits and layered acrylic. If that doesn’t exist already I hope someone steals this idea and makes it.
>>773972I’m sure if you found something with a really amazing, not stolen design it’d look great.
No. 773997
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>>773987there are some layered ones that can look cute,but i think figures still look better at least for now.
and yeah most of them use stolen art thought i don't mind much if they use the source material from established things like jojo or madoka.
No. 774022
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Do you always paint your nails to go with your outfit, or do you find yourself liking to paint your nails a different color than the colors you like wearing?
Example, I love gray nails but I would hate to wear gray clothes.
No. 774025
>>774022Depends on the occasion, sometimes I pick a theme or a color that i want to highlight. Say, if I got a dark blue dress with golden accessories and rhinestones, I would do my nail in golden with shiny details.
Or if I wore some beige outfit with white and silver as compliments, I would paint my nails white and/or silver.
Then there’s Christmas, I pick cute Christmas’ themed stuff because I’m a consoomer of Christmas things, or a halloween theme with black cats or something like that.
It’s nice how versatile nails can be.
No. 774028
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>>774022I've never thought about matching my nails to my outfit, but it would be cute. It would be impossible for me to do everyday since I wear false nails that stay on for 2 weeks and typically do different designs on them.
>>774024Those are just cuticle cutters, they don't cut off the skin on your hand lol. Imo, they're a lot better than ones like pic rel
No. 774047
>>774045Most people push it down, I think it is the healthier alternative, they even sell cuticule pushers
I don't do that though lol it creeps me out
No. 774279
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what does meat/salads in jelly taste like? It looks disgusting
No. 774310
>>774299Its meant to be zoomer
trigger words/warnings , anon.
No. 774314
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>>774294They're called tone indicators. Picrel is some of them but not all apparently.
No. 774321
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>>774314I can see what they're going with, but holy shit is that some high tier autism. The ij and pos/neg are particularly weird because those are so "You should be able to pick this up yourself" the tone indicators are redundant.
Can't wait to see the eventual spam of them that ends with "I will fucking kill you shit head /j What do you mean I'm deranged? It was a joke see the j?"
No. 774334
>>774045>>774047Nobody asked but I hate how it's become a normal thing to cut them off to the point where I've seen comments on YouTube videos telling MUAs to trim their cuticles off.
I understand that it makes sense to get them out of the way when you have gel nails or something but they're not unclean or anything. They're there for a reason, what is it with the modern obsession for cutting off skin?!
No. 774487
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Which thread on all of LC do you think is the most popular or active?
No. 774528
Do those gum and enamel repair toothpastes actually do anything or are they bs?
>>774287>>774296Why are you nonas so mad?
No. 774531
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Can someone please explain what an NFT is? Do you like tag a picture with some technology and like the picture info shows the origins of the picure. holy shit idk what I'm talking about.
No. 774533
>>774261Kinda late, but it does make me very uncomfortable
I barely have a father and my mom was abusive so, I guess I take it personally. It's different when people are making fun of their own situation, but otherwise it's like, why are you making fun of a person because they grew up in a one parent household.
No. 774545
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Do people really think only scrotes like South Park?
No. 774559
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>>774547Tbh I'm impressed how long the show has lasted. It's been pissing people off non stop ever since it first aired.
While some of the jokes can be pretty stupid, South Park can also have some pretty based takes from time to time.
No. 774614
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>>774573Holy shit how is that video 12 years old.. so many memories
No. 774703
>>774701the former.
but you don't have to workout every single day either.
No. 774771
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What is it with all these Asian men having this profile picture (blue background, suit, facing forward) on YouTube? I've seen it multiple times.
No. 774775
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>>774771Here's another one on the same damn video! This time the background is red
No. 774779
>>774750There's a difference between expectation and etiquette.
It depends on the vibe and what you want to do. I can think of two occasions where a romantic interest stayed the night where we slept in the same bed for the first time. I just made out with one guy and didn't even have any contact the second night.
I try to be upfront and say that if we're going back, I do not want to have sex, and say that I'm absolutely serious. We can hang out and continue the fun we are having, but I am not having sex. The times I've said it the guys were respectful of it.
No. 774786
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Anon-chans, why the most popular ENG anime youtubers are so ugly? (GIGGUK, AnimeMan, AkiDearest, TrashTaste, LostPause)
None of them seem to have any actual talent either, I can only give ProZD a pass because he is an actual voice actor with actual roles like in Aggretsuko, Borderlands, Pokemon and FF instead of only fucking around).
What's their appeal, how are they so damn popular? Is it only because their target audience are underage weebs?
No. 774815
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me.. I bought this GMM hoodie because I liked the design
No. 774822
>>774819>people who only wear hoodies and think "oh cool i can support my fave channel">people who really like the design (but have shit taste)am
>>774815 can confirm
No. 774872
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>>774846I've been using Ovuview for a few years now and it's great
No. 774881
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>>774876It's just called Period tracker
No. 775002
>>774990This and some guys let their dick dip in the toilet when they shit.
>>774994I'm not an e-girl nor leftcow and go there occasionally just to shitpost, post images of anime boys, or save images of anime boys.
No. 775026
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Is this colored with pencils?
I don't know arts nor crafts.
No. 775062
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Is this photo trippy to other anons if you look at it for too long? It's the noses and eyes I guess
No. 775080
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>>775064it's like skype where you can voice chat with people or just text chat and there are servers geared towards different interests or things you like or you can make your own server about whatever. it's used mostly by gamers and tranny groomers
No. 775082
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>>774531pls someone explain.. these articles are so confusing.
No. 775084
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>>775081>Yes..the movie is Journey's End feat. Asa Butterfield. No, but I might give it a watch because my wife is in the show.
No. 775087
>>775084why the fuck is she so hot
I love this look so much
No. 775096
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>>775092no imageboard is free of men anon. just embrace the delusion like the rest of us.
No. 775131
it's supposed to be, but they won't leave us alone
No. 775161
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>>775119>>775062Lol the people's faces are shooped on. You can tell from the direction the noses.
No. 775207
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What are these pants called? Where to find them? I like the shape.
No. 775208
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>>775207they look like grandpa pants
No. 775212
>>775207Cargo pants, they’re tucked into the boot giving that shape.
You can find that sort of pant at any alternative clothing retailer.
Jawbreaker, punkrave, hell even SHEIN has them.
No. 775217
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>>775207They look like a pair of plain men's dress pants specifically a front pleat style. You can get them for cheap a lot of places but you would have to tailor them to fit your waist.
>>775212Not cargo, cargos have those weird thigh pockets. Like in this pic
No. 775229
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>>775207dollskill has a lot of pants like that
No. 775243
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>>766184What are the best/funniest/your favourite podcasts anons? I have to do a deep cleaning in my room but i never seem to find good podcasts to listen to in the meantime.
No. 775305
>>774994After finally settling on lc and some great women only discords I spend a lot less time on 4chan than before, although I've been on it since 2009-ish.
I know a lot of cool women that use, or rather used to use 4chan, especially the smaller boards (hobby boards tend to be chiller) but any girl that would mark herself a "4channer" is most likely a bit obnoxious, looking back at myself in high school.
You have to waddle through a lot of shit to find something decent but in the end 4chan is the fastest moving anonymous imageboard and therefore many women that like and use imageboards in general have probably found themselves on 4chan at some point in their lives.
No. 775314
>>774994I only really used the videogame and anime boards, some hilarious stuff can come out when people are shitposting at rapid speed when a very catastophic series is ending for example. I guess it is comparable to anon twitter, but way less politically correct, including both the positives and negatives of that. Also I know it seems counterintuitive, but 4chan in many cases is less autistic than twitter, because they're intentionally retarded.
I don't get the women that intentionally go on boards like /pol/ or /r9k/ and especially into women hate threads to try and fight edgelords. It's just virtual self-harm.
No. 775331
>>775314I used to go on r9k just to fight incels but it wasn't self harm, I just kinda liked a chance to refine my opinions and put them into words. A lot of feminist concepts clicked with me long before I read any real theory, because I'd naturally figured it out by arguing with moids.
I have no energy for that now I'm used to female only communities though.
No. 775392
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Should I use a scrote for sex? Before the pandemic me and my friends went to a club and a scrote asked for my number and he kept messaging me ever since even though I haven't answered him so far. I think he's desperate for female attention. I don't have much sexual experience so I'm wondering if it's a good opportunity to get some
No. 775426
>>775424Yes! Uninhibited sex is so much more fun. Do what you need to do to make sure it feels good for you. Tell him what to do - make it into dirty talk if you need to.
And of course, only have sex if you actually want to. That helps a lot..
No. 775436
>>775424That's like saying women need to take control of their finances and stop relying on men to pay for dates/gifts. Fuck off with that. I can buy my own stuff, and I can masturbate myself to orgasm. If they aren't going to prove they can put in the effort into dating me/getting me off they can place themselves in the garbage.
>>775426Now I agree with this. It's important to communicate what makes you feel good because everyone likes different things. It's also a good way to measure if he actually cares about pleasuring you vs only cares about his ego.
No. 775444
>>775440Yeah, in theory it's a nice idea to take control, but if you take a step back from being the proactive one you start to see who really wants to put in the effort with you. It's one thing for a scrote to be told what to do, and a completely different thing for him to do it of his own volition.
Much like how women are willing to give handjobs/blowjobs to orgasm without being prompted, why can't men go down on women or rub them off without being told to do so? And if you're having sex, why can't he check in and ask if he's hitting the right spots or if you need him to do something differently? But no, all the responsibility has to be put on the woman because scrotes are just little baby boys and won't know unless you CoMmUniCATE. Bitch, they just don't care.
No. 775545
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What’s a good laptop that’s really good for old people might who click on anything but also need to do sensitive business on it? My granny needs one that doesn’t stop her from typing death certificates but also won’t let her download a hacked google chrome clone that keylogs every time she searches for cups to grams converter and decides is her best bet as it stealthily downloads adware because Bing search is owned by Microsoft and can’t lie.