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No. 748316
>>748312House that has a bit of seperation from the neighbors. I don't need to worry about me making too much noise or the neighbors being too noisy.
Why I'll probably never move out of my childhood home, it's too perfect and I'd never be able to afford a similar house in the future.
No. 748324
>>748312Apartment. Easier to maintain, cozier, everything is at a short walking distance, I feel like apartments also get robbed a little less than homes.
It would be just me and my fiancee, so a 2 bedroom apartment is plenty of space for both of us.
I would also love a big balcony, if I can be picky.
No. 748357
>>748312House in rural farmland cause I like it.
Realistically a townhome cause I've never had a home so I'd be very bad at outdoor maintenance lol.
No. 748374
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Does anyone else go through periods of complete demotivation and basically 'giving up' on life, but without being depressed? Basically out of nowhere I start binge eating, stop exercising, bail on hobbies, stay up too late, waste money, slack off on studying, etc, which I know are pretty typical symptoms of depression. But the only thing in my life that makes me unhappy is when I act like this, it's not caused by being depressed because I'm happy when I look after myself.
Anyway it's fucking stressful, idky I can't keep my shit together for more than 6 months at a time. I think I'll spend the rest of my life fighting the desire to be a fat lazy pos who does literally nothing productive or healthy. At least I never let up on my skincare and hygiene.
No. 748382
>>748312Either an apartment if i were to live in a city, if i went full unabomber which im closer to becoming every day id love to remove myself in a isolated village but thats just a dream of mine
I think that having a full time job and a house, garden, etc. is just too much work. Houses just require too much upkeep. Maybe in some ideal world where my husband lands an incredibly profitable job I could be a housewife and then work on a home but that's all wishful thinking.
No. 748423
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I asked on the thread request is someone would be interested in a cursed image thread, three people responded positively, is it enough for me to create one ? I really want to make one but I don't want to be annoying.
No. 748425
>>748421Definitely! how much the symptopms will be reduced may vary, but it definitely helps.
>>748423Go ahead anon, you have my blessing.
No. 748545
>>748356Yes I take klonopin for my anxiety. It’s a benzo and a lot of people abuse it. There are SSRIs that can work for anxiety but in my experience they gave me worse side effects than klonopin. For me the klonopin doesn’t hit the way it hits others
>>748376I took Zoloft at a young age and it near completely fucked my ability to get off and gave me minor tics. These are permanent lol
No. 748565
>>748356I had it since childhood up until a few years ago and I've been on every drug under the sun. I had a stash of xannies at 12 kek.
The only thing that helped was getting out of an environment that was making anxiety/panic attacks worse and reducing contact with people who were making it worse. Therapy helped a bit, having benzos in my pocket as a 'just in case' (not actually taking them) helped a lot. CBT was fine but it didn't help nearly as much as distancing myself from everyone and everything and then exposure therapy to slowly reintroduce situations and places that used to cause anxiety. I also have tics (rocking back and forth in my chair when I'm nervous, weaving and unweaving my fingers) but can hide them in front of others so I don't really care.
No. 748576
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hyperfixating doesn’t make you an autist does it? I get overly into something, especially when I’m generally stressed in life. I think it’s just escapism but it comes off like I’ve got a spergy “special interest” because it takes up most of my “extracurricular” brain space.
No. 748644
>>748636>How do people use discord to meet strangers and random people? I'm ancient by lolcow standards so I only use discord to chat with a few overseas friends.I've used discord to meet up IRL with so many people (well, not SO many but like at least 5). It's scary but exciting. One of them is my boyfriend of 4 years, the other is my roommate right now. One of them is my super best friend from Argentina, also known for 4 years.
Discord is not that complicated. Set up your own server, figure out how it works, add a few people that you like, etc. Post memes, post music, post pet pics. Those are truly the only things that go down in friend servers. Anything over 30 people is not really worth being a part because drama is bound to happen.
No. 748658
>>748636Well, people usually create discord servers with the goal of meeting people into the same stuff they like, for example, you can create a discord server about sugar skulls.
Once you create the server, you go to Disboard and publish the server so everyone looking for the tags you picked to describe it, can join.
So if you tagged your server like this: sweets, sugar, skulls, cool. People looking for skull related servers will find it and will join your server so they can talk with you about sugar skulls and other types of skulls like skullcandy headphones.
You can also promote it anywhere else, Twitter, Facebook, instagram, tumblr, so lots of people can join your sugar skull server.
I honestly think discord servers are like huge 24/7 parties, the owner of the server, if they’re chasing clout for some reason, would need to be there 24/7 to keep everyone hyped up and the conversation going on.
But like other groups of more than 5 people, drama happens, underage retards will join the server even if it’s supposed to be 18+ and drama will blow up making the server go to shit and labeling everyone as whatever name is popular at the moment.
It’s not worth the hassle, joining or creating a public server is just looking out for unnecessary drama.
No. 748683
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The literal hell is going on in the artist salt thread? All I can gleam is Minecraft gore, cyber bullying, and something about loli dragons?
No. 748706
>>748683ok so
>twitter artist SaintCake makes some tweets about that new character in dragon maid>coomers got mad at her and accused her of pushing a fanartist to suicide. >the twitter artist then makes a tweet saying "Don't use someone's suicide as a gotcha". >people assume that tweet is about a Minecraft youtuber fanfic author who committed suicide over being harassed about a fanfic. >people start harassing SaintCake over the tweet>farmers start debating about whether or not you should harass someone over fanfics>SaintCake makes more tweets saying she didn't know that the Minecraft fanfic author killed themselves and the tweet wasn't about that>farmers now debating over whether or not SaintCake deserves to be harassed over those tweetsc'mon now anon, keep up.
No. 748708
>>748312I want to own an apartment. I hate being isolated and I hate rural living. I live in a building now and it suits my needs perfectly, I feel way safer as a single female surrounded by neighbors in all directions.
Literally the only way I’d live in a house is if I could have a perfect little hobbit hole in hobbit land where rape and murder is completely nonexistent.
No. 748800
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>>748746Yes I do. Cringe but I believe in picrel. It helps me a lot in navigating relationships.
No. 748804
>>748374hate to break it to you
nonny, that’s still a sign of depression if it’s a cycle that keeps happening
No. 748832
>>748823I did, all I found is that Nlog is a documentational and management software
>>748826thank you!
No. 748843
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>>748810Sadly that's what most teen girls learn from men. That's why so many of them NLOG and have to actively unlearn it.
No. 748855
>>748843I love this comic EXEPT
If you show interest in anything that is "suspiciously scrotey" you get called out a male in here
No. 748887
>>748708I get what you mean about being surrounded by people but having recently moved into a city, the apathy people have towards each other here has me thinking about the Kitty Genovese murder and the bystander effect.
Grandma's farmhouse might have only had one other house within sight but I remember how if she was burning fallen branches and dead plants the other family would call the landline to ask about the smoke to make sure it wasn't coming from a burning building or something. But it wasn't completely isolated either, it was one of those small towns where everyone knows each other, and if you don't know something about a certain person, you can ask anyone and they'll give you all the gossip. I feel that's the safest because while there's less people, any freak would have to drive or sneak past all the nosy villagers with a face and car that nobody recognizes and people would probably start calling each other if someone showed up on the more residential roads that have no services or shops to attract a stranger.
No. 748904
>>748887I get what you mean, I’ve spent my life living in Los Angeles (get stabbed there and they’ll walk over your dead body mistaking you for a bum) and Orange County. My current building is honestly the ideal, my neighbors are all really nice and we chit chat a lot, I think if I were screaming at least a few would call the cops.
But I have almost no family and what I do have. all live in metropolitan areas. I’ve never had that cozy small town living-close-to-granny life so to me rural living looks isolating and incredibly dull. Plus you know…it’s socal I’ll literally never be able to buy a detached home
No. 749019
>>748989It's a rape fantasy.
Ever notice how these "sleeping videos" are more and more mainstream?
They're trying to make it look like it isn't a big deal, like it's okay to wake up a woman with a penis inside her mouth or vagina. Then the woman either wakes up and willingly accepts the guy's dick and starts sucking, or she gets sperm all over and inside her unprotected self. But guess what? These same exact kind of videos exist in the wild, but the absolutely-there-is-no-way the woman is consenting type. Drugged women. Drunk women. Women with limp bodies getting fucked. And people fap to it. Stumbling upon one of these videos made me outright quit porn in its entirety. I hate the "fake" kind too. This isn't something you should be playing with. If you see any woman saying they would love to wake up with a penis in her face, think twice, and think hard, because I seriously doubt they would truly like that, even from a partner. It's fucking horror. And if men start saying shit like "men also get woken up by women sucking their cock all the time!!!" let me remind you men have erections when they wake up and they absolutely love blowjobs. This proves time and again we're not the same, they love humiliating women.
No. 749030
>>748989this may be better suited to the confession thread, but
due to abuse/trauma I had growing up, I have a lot of trouble engaging sexually, and when I do have a boyfriend, we have to have a real long uncomfortable talk about how I'm not really comfortable with sex, but I'm genuinely fine with them having sex with me while I'm asleep because then I don't have to deal with it
I've only had one boyfriend that was okay with that
I think it's probably a very bad sign if someone's into it
No. 749038
>>749037why are you being a cunt?
I literally said this is the only way I've learned to cope with sex because I got raped so often as a kid
Did I not literally say
>I think it's probably a very bad sign if someone's into itFuck you, cunt, eat shit
No. 749039
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>>749030Alright, this is it. This right here is the worst post on this cursed website. Sis, please tell me you're getting therapy and do not let men, under any circumstances, fuck you while you're asleep.
No. 749043
>>749039really didn't expect to get shat on for admitting the result of my childhood abuse and outright saying it's a bad sign if someone's into it, but thanks, really helpful, I feel much better now
yes I'm in therapy, asshole, and no, I don't date anymore, I'm just the fuck alone now
No. 749045
>>749041thank you
yes, I'm in therapy, it hasn't really helped anything honestly, but as an adult now, I just don't date at all
No. 749053
>>749044>>749050Damn, what a shitty bitch you are
Belittling an abuse
victim for not knowing how to cope, how kind
No. 749055
>>749050>child rape victim acting mentalwow, how unsual
she also said it's a redflag so I don't know why your being a bitch about it
No. 749062
>>749056Where the fuck did I say it was a good thing?
Where the fuck did I say it fixed anything?
A lot of people use drugs and alcohol to cope too, that fucking obviously doesn't mean it's a good thing
>>749057>I don't like your cope so you must be lyingAwesome, fucking thank you, sounds just like my mom
Fuck all of you
This is why survivors don't fuckign talk abut it, you get judged because you didn't do the right thing because you didn't know what else to do
I hope you don't call yourselves feminists
No. 749070
>>749030> I'm genuinely fine with them having sex with me while I'm asleep because then I don't have to deal with itI've only had one boyfriend that was okay with that
I think it's probably a very bad sign if someone's into it
Yea no its not ok
No. 749073
>>749070I never fucking said it was
>>749066I fucking said I'm in fucking therapy
No. 749074
Can't believe some of you are being such assholes to this one person who opened up about her genuine trauma
Inb4 "Do you know where you are?"
Yeah I know we're on lc but I've never seen so many cunts per square pixel in any other thread lol
Also learn to read
>>749066 >>749070
, she already said she went to therapy and that she knows it's not healthy
Anon I am really sorry you went through that and I hope your life is getting better.
No. 749078
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>>749067Lying about what? You could lie about the timeline just so no one starts asking you about gaps in your work history, but lying about being conversational in a language and then getting assigned to a native client.
>>749073Take care and leave.
No. 749082
>>749073Alright, anon. I was
>>749039 and I genuinely am wishing you the best. I just wasn't expecting read something that horrible on and I feel for you. I hope you're in a better place now. I think staying out of relationships, like you said you're already doing, is wise for the meanwhile.
No. 749085
You guys are really nitpicking anons post to hell holy shit. Imagine arguing with a rape
victim about their trauma. I genuinely hope it's just scrote posting and not actual women. Anyway,
>>749073 Just stop posting. Whoever those anons are, they're not gonna stop and I can't imagine reading this stuff is good for anyone's wellbeing
No. 749087
>>749074If she’s going to therapy then she shouldn’t still be letting men rape her wtf just don’t get in a relationships where sex is a dealbreaker, they exist. Maybe some of us also
victims of assault and abuse are upset by the self harming.
No. 749090
>>749087The anons telling you you're being an asshole could also be abuse
victims, anon.
No. 749093
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Can shapewear improve posture? I want to get one for obvious reasons, but I also want to stop slouching over like a slob. The one I'm getting is similar to pic
No. 749098
>>749093My physiotherapist told me that no, it doesn’t help with bad posture.
What makes you correct your bad posture is being aware of it and correcting it on your own, also doing exercises for the back and your core so you have stronger muscles to support you.
No. 749101
>>749079There are clearly multiple people. Nothing that anon said was mean.
>>749090If that’s true then they’d be able to see that people are just fucking concerned. Literally all anyone said was “WTF?? stop that!”. They have a separate set of issues to infer them as personal attacks from the get go.
No. 749105
>>749101the first response called a rape
victim a fleshlight, I dunno how else this could have turned out
No. 749124
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>>749101>people are just fucking concernedI'm sure you got across how concerned you all are by calling someone else a fleshlight.
>>749087AYRT, did we lower the age for using this site to 5? Are you illiterate?
(enough infighting) No. 749139
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>>748290Has anyone been on buspirone before?
My doctor said to take it as needed like you would with xanax, but the label says to take it twice daily at the same time daily like you would with some antidepressants
Anyone have any experience?
How were you instructed to take it?
Side effects?
No. 749142
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Would you guys be interested in image threads like these?
- nature thread (interesting looking plants, flowers, etc)
- good design thread (book covers, album covers, logos, ads etc)
No. 749182
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Does it ever stress you out whenever you look at videos of people living in nice looking houses or apartments even when they aren’t rich at all and envy them? Me being a homebody in college, it really freaks me out seeing people who are able to be independent and have nice homes while it’s been difficult finding a job lately.
No. 749251
>>749182Yeah, someone mentioned this in the other thread particularly about artists who have nice houses.
It bothers me a shit ton honestly and I think I need to chill because no one around me my age lives in anything special, if anything nice at all.
I live in burgerland and its a luxury to be able to buy new furniture at all, most of us are using 10+ year old hand-me-down stinky couches from our parents, some even getting them off the curb.
My oven shit the bed a few months ago and I couldn't replace it, so I bought a small convection oven instead. I thought this was a great idea until my breakers keep turning off when I try to use both my hotplate and oven at the same time, and the fact that the hot plate doesn't get hot enough, in combination with all my pans being so shitty they burn all my food.
I'm a mess, you're not alone, we'll get there someday.
No. 749282
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>>749281Shit heres the pic
No. 749290
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>>749282Found this for you
No. 749294
>>749289Oh yeah
>>749290 is right. Idk if it'll change it, but your browser probably says some shit like or something. Try to change it to the right url
No. 749302
>>749300Try putting it in rice
>>749296When the imposter is sus
No. 749312
>>749311Not gay but, yeah I think we can lmao.
My question is, do bi women use words like butch and femme to describe themselves? I've never heard a bi woman use either
No. 749317
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>>749309Girl i cant be her, shes too perfect
No. 749324
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>>749317Such confidence, truly inspiring.
No. 749328
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>>749311I have a follow-up to this one. If two bisexual women are dating would you say they are in a lesbian relationship?
No. 749343
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Are there any clever ways to be able to delete your post after 30 minutes? I find that time period ludicrous, it’s so easy to forget that you posted something and then it sits there for a couple hours.
No. 749394
>>749391my mom has it; it's much more of an unhealthy extreme compartmentalization than it is like, actual different people
she says it's different people, but I live with the bitch and I know she blocks memories as they happen, I watch her do it
No. 749433
>>749397a lot of medications have miserable sid effects, like bad enough that it doesn't feel worth taking the drug
total personal anecdote but: I would rather be so overwhelmed that I can't wash myself and leave the house than still feel overwhelmed and filthy
and projectile vomit multiple times daily
No. 749482
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>>749442Pic rel are lollies (also applies to chocolate versions and popsicles - anything sweet on a stick lol). The general term for candy is “sweets”. Saying candy is unusual but a lot of Brits speak in an Americanised way online because it’s the default, to appeal to a larger audience and not have people stuck on “that’s your word for that thing?!”. Some even change their accents.
No. 749485
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>>749482Is this the British way? In Australia, all confectionery is lollies. Generally, your picture is referred to as just lollipops on its own; lollies is just a group term for all candy
picrel the first thing I think of when I hear lollies
>>749442When talking to people from other countries just saying candy is much easier. Americans swarm the internet and esl all learn American english
No. 749518
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>>749485>tfw my mum always got me these snakes insteadsmh, allens >>>
Tho I wouldn't say we use 'lollies' for all confectionary, idk anyone who would use it to refer to chocolate. Americans seem to use candy for both.
No. 749539
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>>748545>and gave me minor tics. Do SSRIs really do this? I've been experiencing the same thing(except for the loss of libido), but I always thought it was the PTSD.
No. 749540
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>>749521Popping candy. The sound and the feel of the crunch is similar to that of sand when you accidentally get it in you mouth on the beach. Except it's much more fun because it pops, not to mention it's tastier than sand.
No. 749542
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Any EU anons know where to buy purple hair dye?
Manic Panic's or arctic foxes idk shipping costs are over 100€ and I can't find any brand that isn't basically black with some purple shine.
No. 749545
>>749543Thanks, paying 30€ total seems better than 100€ lol
Wish unatural hair color dye wasn't so difficult to find here in Eastern EU
No. 749591
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>>749521Soft brown and muscovado sugar texture always reminded me of damp sand, if that’s what you’re going for.
No. 749604
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Anons, is it okay that I stopped searching for a job because my partner has health problems (to which doctors keep shrugging about, cuz they dont know what is even happening) and COVID in our country keeps being worse and worse? On top of that, they already ran out of vaccines even tho they only started giving them to old people.
I feel horrible because I hate depending on someone, but I am just scared. My immune system has always been weak because of my own health issues, and the only jobs I can apply for require me to use buses ( i live far) and go there everyday rather than working from home.
I feel like I am just a paranoid idiot, but also not at the same time.
No. 749740
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Who's crazier, Mia Farrow or Woody Allen? Also, is the HBO documentary worth watching?
No. 749791
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I always thought Asians are generally lactose intolerant. Then why every time I see south koreans eat anything, they drench everything in cheese? Do they just power through the consequences or are they different?
No. 749802
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>>749296Sorry for the rant but I wanted to be as detailed as possible to show that you are not missing out at all.
As a woman who is not going to date for as long as I can or make any effort to date, I have no interest in men at all. I feel like this helped me step back and realize how much the attention from scrotes is not flattering but straight up unwanted, disgusting, and annoying. All of them will look outright at you regardless of how old, ugly, or fat they are. I've seen an anon say that men will cough behind you to get you to turn around and look at them–that is so fucking true as well. Why? I'm not sure but I've seen some research that men will perceive women who are attractive as being sexually interested because they believe that we really dress up for THEM. KEK!!!! I'm attractive and am slim. But I also dress nice and take care of myself because I want to look good for my own confidence.
To put it into perspective, you can be dressed to the fucking nines and laughably out of a man's league and he's still LEERING at you as if you're literal prey. I'm a burgerfag where men don't take care of themselves or care about dressing well unless they're preppy white dudes wearing khakis with those white guy shoes such as the hot guy below or they're hypebeasts. Picrel guide (left-right, up-down):
- (Left top) Outfit with this amount of effort. I don't look like this girl facially just fyi.
- (Left bottom) Fat old man who leers at me but isn't as badly dressed as the next one.
- (Middle top) Fat old man who is wearing peak American male 'fashion' and still leers at me anyways.
- (Middle middle) Middle aged man with receding hairline and average to below average face who checks me out while he's out with his CHILDREN, and wife/partner if he's ballsy enough. Probably the ultimate trash, esp because I'm only in my early 20s myself.
- (Middle bottom) The typical lone fat and haggard male that I encounter the most in public being in America, he'll hold the door or try to help you do something probably thinking you'll start a conversation and ask to suck his dick.
- (Right top) The hottest of all men in public, but probably because he's relatively much better looking than 90% of American men who are literal eyesores. He's probably very cocky and thinks I will approach him to pay for the first date given he's not fat and has a good face. Still makes me pissed off because his outfit and maintenance is still nothing compared to mine. My misandrist ass is pissed looking at his audacity bc I legit love putting effort into my look for my own confidence and this man is technically my "equal". Meanwhile he's wearing some Lands End pullover, khakis, and those fucking shoes that every rich white guy has.
- (Right middle) Range of "good hairline" to "hairline optional", normal weight to approaching pudgy average guy in his 20s. This is type that stares but never approaches. I used to see all of these fuckers all over dating apps like Hinge. This is considered good fashion for white guys in America smh…yes Brandon I am definitely sporting this Aritzia/Reformation fit for your former Obama staffer core looking ass.
- (Right bottom) Receding hairline late 20s guy who is in his work outfit. Probably has a Reddit account. Also doesn't approach or go out of his way to hold the door like the audacity of the fat ugly American guy in middle bottom. He's the let's go dutch on a coffee date type.
So in summary, if you dress nice or are attractive, you don't receive "better" attention. You just see more of the audacity of all men, but even moreso from the undesirable men of the dredges of society. You will also notice how many men are fucking ugly and overweight but still stare at you which goes even if you're supermodel-tier. Personally if I see a really hot guy (which hasn't happened in years) I will instinctively avoid eye contact out of shyness despite him being in my league. I don't fucking openly stare and leer and make him uncomfortable, especially if I'm wearing pajama pants and look like a mess.
Tl;dr: You attract attention but not the good kind. After a while it's either insulting or hilarious when you think of the audacity of these moids. I think I need to move to Europe or something because this standard of men is just making me depressed, especially the relatively hot guy's fashion/maintenance.
No. 749862
>>749861I'd say being alternative and into bdsm attracts even worse males
At least with vanilla you know he's not choking you lol
No. 749890
>>749875I'm a burger who spent a couple weeks in the UK and while physical appearance was up for debate, I feel like the men were at least waaay better dressed. Actually saw a lot of guys wearing suits, nice jackets, button ups made with higher quality fabric and accessories. The only men I saw in track shorts and t-shirts were actual runners. Shit I literally met a homeless dude who I didn't even realize was homeless due to his friendly demeanor and decent outfit until he went over to sit on his cardboard after we talked kek. Maybe it was just because I was in major cities (London, Bath, Canterbury) but having been to many major American cities as well, in comparison the average metropolitan guy is still
much slobbier here. I know you said "Europe" so that includes many other areas but definitely not all of the continent is worse off.
No. 749897
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>>749802Literally what’s the point of even trying. The one out of every 10000 men who dresses well and conducts himself any better then literal horror show has a million gorgeous women to choose from.
No. 749914
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I wanna do this but with /ot/, help?
Or what would a general lolcow one be like?
No. 750006
>>749994you gotta get that buspirone
I've been restraining myself from committing die since I was nine, I literally took the first pill today, and it's like xanax on steroids, I have never felt this okay in my entire life
and it's non-addictive and shit, it's insane
No. 750143
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does anyone after playing a game and then close their eyes and they are still seeing and playing the game inside of their head? apparently it’s called video game transfer but it’s honestly frightening why does it happen to me
No. 750270
>>750266Yeah so what? This isnt a question of if I should or shouldnt have let them fuck me. The question is why the majority of them fuck like that unless theye told not to lol
It doesnt even seem pleasurable for them because they're putting in 10x more work and tiring themselves out for no reason.
No. 750277
>>750242it's lack of caring about a woman's pleasure and lack of pride in their work
no one's gonna believe this, but I know a guy who can only ejaculate while having sex in the missionary position at the exact moment he's brought a woman to orgasm
that dude cares about what he's doing
I do not respect any other man who's not the same way, frankly, and I have not encountered another one,
most men are unwashed, dirty-assed trash
No. 750282
>>750143Like everyone said, all the time.
Once I spent all night playing the Risk board game, and on the way home I could see little ghostly tanks everywhere even with my eyes open. game transfer + lack of sleep = trippiness
No. 750503
>>750484Step 1. Brew tea
Step 2. Add desired amount of milk
Step 3. Enjoy
No. 750569
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Please don't call me dumb for this but…was there really a My melody pregnancy test being sold somewhere at some point in time?
No. 750572
>>750569Idk it's possible
but that's a thermometer
No. 750592
>>750585close your eyes and fantasize? use a toy? don't masturbate for a while? I used to find it hard to do the work with my hands
and fantasize at the same time but the shower head did just fine
nowadays I just look at 2d stuff to get off quicker but it's by no means impossible to do it without
No. 750595
>>750585I masturbate without porn and handsfree
although I do look at erotic artwork sometimes to get in the mood, using my thighs.
No. 750636
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Is kinning mythical creates is basically having a fursona, but instead of animals, it's mythical creatures? If so, I kin the Futakuchi-onna .Idc if that's weeby
No. 750674
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Is a romantic relationship with a man even worth it?
No. 750709
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does anyone know the model in the middle's height?
No. 750788
>>744865I asked for a break and he broke up with me. I know,
he dumped me lol. I think he thought I was breaking up with him and he wanted to regain control. Then found out a few days later he lied about being a normalfag. Don't ask me why I ever believed him. I understimated my mental health issues.
Found his soundcloud account, loads of incelcore music, comments calling women "holes". Was in denial, but now I understand why he said I deserve better than him. I do. I'm a little traumatized by this.
No. 750797
>>750788samefag. Should I message his mom? his mom doesn't know me but
I feel he's a danger to women
No. 750981
>>750946I use comedy mockumentaries like The Office, where it's supposed to feel like people candidly talking, it feels friendly
also talk radio
No. 750983
how can i tell if birth control is fucking my mood up if i was already moody beforehand? i feel more unstable but i can’t tell if it’s because of me rather than the pill. i guess this should go in the bc thread
>>750946i use music and sometimes twitch, or i’ll sit in discord vc’s
No. 750988
>>750985Parks and Rec, Reno 911, Arrested Development
also Scrubs sort of gets honored in, JD and everyone else's inner monologue/narration feels personal, there's some truly sad moments in Scrubs though
No. 751090
>>751019it's not that big of a deal especially at 28, and especially if he's not a total shut in
i managed to have 4 boyfriends and i spent most of my life in my room and I'm 23 kek
No. 751241
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I kept raw turkey breast in the fridge for two days and I want to cook it now. it looks ok and I think it doesn't stink but my sense of smell may be screwed now due to allergy and stuffed nose. my only problem is that it seems a little too slippery. do you think it's ok to eat it?
No. 751250
>>751245Could you try to build muscle in your butt? Like glute and thigh workouts. Idk if that would make a flat/rectangle butt look round, but it's worth a try. Also, if you gain weight in your lower body you could try that too
Even if those workouts don't give you a rounder butt, it'll atleast be more toned and that's still great and looks good. Booties don't necessarily have to be big to look nice.
No. 751279
>>751241I always measure it by how slimy it is. All meat is wet, but when it feels a little too slick or sticky is when you know for sure. Probably kek
If you have a really bad feeling about it, just throw it away and try again next time
No. 751332
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What are your guys' estimates on when the lockdown is going to end?
I just want to get the fuck out of my country for godssakes
No. 751415
>>751320you've failed to account for moisture loss
What you should do is calculate the total sum of calories of the ingredients. The finished product should have same total amount of calories, provided you don't have like a river of fat flowing out during baking.
But since a lot of weight was water (e.g. butter especially has about 20% water content), you need to weigh the end product. Then you divide total calories by weight.
So 100g of sugar + 100g of butter + 100g of flour are 400 cal + 700 cal + 400 cal = 1500 cal. Then you weigh the cake and it's 220g because 80g was water in butter and sugar. So that's 1500 / 2,2 = 681 cal per 100g.
No. 751442
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in which occasions do non-celebrities wear gowns? I genuinely wonder where can you dress like this if it isn't a red carpet, obviously a very luxury setting, but which?
No. 751446
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>>751442tbh, home/instagram
money makes life easy, but sadness is incurable if you suck
No. 751479
>>751459Nah this isn't normal. It's fucking vile. Shared space doesn't mean you share everything.
It's not about controlling the room, it's about respecting shared space. Your living room is a shared space too, would they wank there?
No. 751581
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how do i rehash my friendship with someone and bring it back to old times? i just started talking to my friend that i haven't talked to in a year and i really miss her after we both apologized to each other in text. she told me she didn't even remember what we fought over and that she missed me too. it's a little awkward but we're making jokes and having fun, it's only been a day or two though. i know this sounds childish and a little weird but i miss her a lot and i really just want things back to normal, i haven't really ever done this before with such a long stretch. how would i try to re-befriend someone who i haven't talked to in a while and maybe even ask to hang out? sorry for sounding autistic, i'm bad at this sort of stuff and nervous because i've known her for so many years and i really want to fix it. i just miss having a friendship like this
No. 751613
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Can someone explain to me why “Mr potatohead” is trending?
No. 751617
>>751615Well, I'm pretty sure Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head are still named that, I think they're just changing the name on the box to be gender-neutral
Tbh I don't get why this was such a big deal anyway, or why some people were mad about it. Literally who gives a fuck about Mr. Potatohead
No. 751626
>>751534holy fuck anon I love watching her videos, her life makes me so jealous I wish I could live a peaceful life making delicious bento boxes for a cute mini family
otherwise, most chill and relaxing cooking or lifestyle videos mostly are from koreans. all western cooking and lifestyle channels are so obnoxious and loud to pretend that they’re personable and funny when they’re all boring. korean cooking and baking channels is where they’re at, highly recommend honeykki
No. 751644
>>751617I didn’t even know but I give a fuck are you fucking kidding me? ITS MR. and MRS. potato head they are a fucking couple it’s been like this for years. What fucking tranny with a touch of clout started this. Are you serious. Thank god I don’t have social media I’d be canceled on Twitter. There’s a man and wife THAT ARE FUCKING POTATOES what ~dysphoria~ is causing you* to be jealous of goddamn potatoes, A PITATO MADE YOU FEEL SO BAD IM MAD
*you is not directed to you anon
No. 751649
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>>751646Samefag, this is a tweet from the account. I think new playsets will have the option to create two dads or something. Can you stop losing your mind over potato toys now
Mr. Potatohead has been irrelevant for years, but now suddenly everyone cares about them and a potato being a man. This is stupid
No. 751651
>>751646No this
inclusive shit is an issue when even it’s a brand that’s been around for over a quarter of a century. It should not be okay I don’t even know what’s going on you say they’re stil mr and mrs but the name on the box to be
genderninclusive no fuck that and the company’s and the parents that thinks that even matters to children in the long run. They want a boy or a girl and wether the child is the opposite sex of that should not make a goddamn difference this ties into the “omg boys toys they’re trans!!” I’ll be mad all day and you won’t stop me.
No. 751659
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>>751651>they’re stil mr and mrs but the name on the box to be genderninclusiveIt says Mr. Potatohead on the box. Idk how to explain brand name vs character name to you anon.
The real issue here is how ugly the new logo is
No. 751696
>>751659No one said brand name and the character name would still be in the box. I repeat I don’t have sm I didn’t know about this. I STILL think it’s fucking retarded to change your
brand name for trannys or gender inclusiveness, period.
No. 751707
>>751626>>751653same anon same
and thank you so much!! I agree and prefer Korean videos they have better vibes and I do prefer basic non talking. Anon I love that housewives videos! she made me want to try konjac jelly for a guilt free snack lmao
I first got into vid rel but the eating parts are always so awkward
No. 751734
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I wanna pirate (?) my own e-book on audible, how the fuck do I do that?
I just wanna convert it to mp3 and share it with my boomer mom and some other friends
It's in an android tablet if that helps, but I can use her pc if absolutely necessary
No. 751826
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Why do a lot of Nazis fuck troons?
No. 751845
>>751839i get super horny and a… pleasant? ache where I would normally get cramps. I can't explain how or why but it's not painful like cramps, though maybe i've just been pavolov'd to like them because i associate them with sex?
I have generally heard abdominal cramping ranges from mild to as severe or even worse than period cramps, although it doesn't seem too common.
No. 751848
>>751839I didn’t notice either until I started tracking my periods and realised the sudden abundance of really slippery, lube-like discharge was a symptom. My mood tends to be better too. Sometimes some very mild cramps, but nothing I’d particularly notice. Also the horniness.
If you’re really curious then use a period tracking app. I recommend Flo. You might have to set your account to TTC in order see your ovulation days, idk. When you know you’re supposed to be ovulating, you’ll probably notice your symptoms more.
No. 751914
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Does anyone know which of Laci Green's videos is this from?
No. 752071
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god I want to make $3k on pixel dogs gif too
No. 752080
>>751791Worry it was very late at night when I wrote that so I didn't even notice my mistakes lol
>E-bookMeant to say audiobook.
An no, I'm not the author, I just meant an audiobook that I own myself. Like, I wasn't trying to pirate something that I didn't buy.
Thanks for the link!
No. 752095
>>752068Start by reading something that is also kinda instant gratification - poetry, short stories, novels with very short chapters, novellas. Stuff that is quick and easy to read will make you feel accomplished while hopefully also reminding you what you love about reading, so you can move on to more challenging works. Goodreads might be helpful too - you can add your friends or randoms from booktube for some competition. Set up a goal to read X books this year. GR is really good at book recommendations as it’s Amazon trying to get you to buy shit, so you’ll find lots of books you want to abandon distractions for.
I find most book youtubers insufferable but it’s possible to find someone with similar tastes. They tend to read shitloads which can be motivating.
No. 752177
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>>752160How’s your reading and note taking? That’s your foundation work for essays. As you work, things should stand out to you and by the time you’re writing an essay, you should have developed some basic opinions about the matter. If that’s where the problem begins, then you need to work on that part first. Figure out a better system, ask your friends for tips. Watch studytube videos for inspiration. I haven’t used it, but Notion looks interesting and I think it’s free. Explore new methods of learning and transferring that knowledge into a studyable format.
Do you use some sort of system to structure your essays? Pic rel is what I used in essays throughout high school and college, but there are probably others. Having a system like this will break down the essay and your first draft could basically be a Q&A. Forget about the essay as a whole and focus on addressing points A, B, C and so on only in relation to the question. The result can be the bare bones of your essay, your ideas will be one the page and then you can focus on editing.
If the subjects you’re studying don’t have clear right or wrong answers, then you’re probably not expected to go hard on one opinion. There’s a lot of hedging involved in these type of subjects, in fact it’s encouraged. You don’t need a clear right answer, you just need to survey the knowledge at your disposal and decide which answer is most convincing, and present it in a similarly convincing manner.
Don’t let perfection paralyse you. Write your draft even if it’s shit, then work on it until it’s not. Just get some ideas down and you’ll be over a major hurdle. That’s all I’ve got.
No. 752212
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A few days ago I saw a pic on here comparing youtube in 2012 and 2014 (I'm 90% sure these were the years but I might be wrong)
On the 2012 side it told you to never use your real name and on the 2014 side it requested that you do use your real name
Does anyone have the picture, I thought I saved it but I can't find it in my downloads folder
No. 752361
>>752329If you don’t love yourself, you can’t improve yourself.
I honestly can look at myself in the mirror and think “I’m pretty even when I’m ugly” it really helps a lot with you self-confidence and stuff, it’s only bad when you delude yourself into thinking that you don’t need to improve for the sake of your own health.
No. 752406
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Is it paranoid to consider the co2 detectors in my apartment might have hidden cameras installed in them? I feel like it’s in my best interest to disassemble the shell of them so I can look for possible cameras because there’s one in every bedroom and I don’t fucking trust landlords.
No. 752423
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I have a ladybug on my finger for roughly for essentially an hour rn and I want to let it free, but it's winter, I don't have the things needed to keep a ladybug until spring, and it's back leg and it's wings aren't idk. Should I even worry about this? should I just let it leave guilt-free?
No. 752450
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Saw a lot of people cry about this agreeing that it's "slutshaming" and as she herself says, degrading and sexist, but I kinda fail to see it since it's just stating the fact she had many partners which is true, but not really judging it or anythig? Is it really that outrageous?
in case it's not super visible, the quote is
>You go through men faster than Taylor Swift
No. 752461
>>752450I can't blame her for being sick of hearing the same mean spirited joke for like 10 years straight. Yeah, it's only mildly misogynistic and not that harsh, but I'd be over it too.
It's not really true that she's had a lot of partners, anyway. Her dating history isn't particularly long, she just gets singled out for it because her relationships have been so high profile.
No. 752489
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Does anyone know a site where I could view scans of any of Eiko Ishioka's artbooks?
No. 752597
>>752507Perhaps some women believe whiteknighting men gets them privileges and rewards in return. Real or perceived. It could be that stanning for men has roped them tangible rewards like relationships to money, or immaterial things like attention to favoritism.
They're fine with the system up until it doesn't work out in their favor anymore. Like they'll wisen up when a man fucks them over in an undeniable, objective way and they can't escape the fact that their enabling propagated it. I don't think being "cucked" alone by men would be enough for a pickme to snap out of male worship. Because it leaves plausible deniability that she might have done something wrong or that the circumstances were right to have merited the cucking. After all, how many times are women blamed for men neglecting their own relationships and cheating? It's a lot.
Pickmes cope by silencing narratives so they don't have to face reality and be critical of themselves.
No. 752628
>>752606Beastars is good. This part of the story where Haru is troubled and used in this specific way is considered to be only the first arc. It doesn’t actually last too long. I’d recommend you read the manga instead, it’s much easier to take in the events that way, and the anime doesn’t cover much more than this.
If you do continue with it, please come back when you’ve finished! I hated Haru too, but I changed my understanding of her as a character through later parts of the manga and she became one of my favorite characters. I could sperg for paragraphs but it includes major spoilers, anyways I believe her being detestable is very intentional. If you have nothing better to read, Beastars is a great manga to give a chance.
No. 752635
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I like made in abyss because of how creative and pretty it is, I love the story of the abyss, and I always crave for more special cool settings and shit…
But… I still feel very guilty for liking it, because I know ped*s also like made in abyss. Even though I don't like what they like. What should I do?
No. 752639
>>752635Just like what you like, if you don’t want some retarded children and adults to get mad at you because of it, don’t post about it with your handles attached to it.
Also, you shouldn’t feel bad for liking a show with pretty nice art and interesting story because pedos gotta pedo, then again, if you like it because there’s little kids getting constantly hurt, naked and tied up, you should feel bad.
No. 752646
>>752635>But… I still feel very guilty for liking it, because I know ped*s also like made in abyss. Even though I don't like what they like. Anon I’m really sorry, they don’t just like it, one of them fucking made it. He’s stated this is basically torture porn for him.
>What should I do?Like the other anon said, don’t attach it to yourself. If you’re done with the series and you think you still like it then only keep the art you already have saved since that’s prt of why you like it and leave it at that. Avoid posting about it, avoid engaging with it etc beyond what you already have. I don’t like made in abyss, but this is what I did for rurouni kenshin.
No. 752661
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>>752652It’s commonly known as Samurai X. The author got raided and they found heaps of cp at his house and he was fined and returned to manga after only like a year.
No. 752674
>>752639The thing is I've posted about it before here, critizicing it because I find the manga super gross but the anime is still interesting, and yet I've been called a scrote
I put it on my favorite anime list, but in the very very low tier, because for me it's still really cool and I haven't seen much anime like it, but I still feel so grossed out
No. 752761
>>752470She sounds like an asshole, yeah. If you had a continuous history of
abusive relationships then it might be time to look at why you keep accepting cruel behavior from romantic partners, sure, but scrotes just being scrotes around you is a normal part of being a woman and no amount of self reflection is going to suddenly make them be better people.
No. 752772
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Does anyone here watch the free movies that YouTube offers? I remember watching But I’m a Cheerleader and Uptown Girls and it was such a blast into a traumatic past. God I will never understand y2k nostalgia
No. 752773
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>>752661What the fuck? Learning that ruined my day anon
No. 752810
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>>752646>He’s stated this is basically torture porn for him. Always knew it, but source for him confirming being a guro pedophile?
MFW: pic related
>>752661also pic related
No. 752964
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Can a finnish anon explain this picture to me please. Im guessing its some kind of inside joke about finnish culture
No. 752967
>>752964I also need to know
Pleas finnanons
No. 752973
>>752917Google exists
it just means troll shielding or deflecting attention from your own loser livelihood, the term is referencing Anthony legato or however you spell that fatass’ name who was obsessed with chris Chan’s shenanigans, only for it to be revealed that Anthony himself sucks ass at stand-up comedy and is also a fat autistic slob
No. 752980
>>752964I also would like to know, but I think it's like the middle of the night for finn-anons right now.
Why snowman gray
No. 753000
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>>752999samefag Oh my god is this her?
No. 753022
>>753004Yes, she's supposed to be scary
>The Groke (Swedish name Mårran, Finnish name Mörkö, Norwegian name Hufsa) is a fictional character in the Moomin stories created by Tove Jansson.[1] She appears as a ghost-like, hill-shaped body with two cold staring eyes and a wide row of white shiny teeth. In the book Who Will Comfort Toffle?, it is mentioned that she has a tail, but it has never been seen. Wherever she stands, the ground below her freezes and plants and grass die. She leaves a trace of ice and snow when she walks the ground. Anything that she touches will freeze. On one occasion, she froze a campfire by sitting down on it. She seeks friendship and warmth, but she is declined by everyone and everything, leaving her in her cold cavern on top of the Lonely Mountains. No. 753048
>>752891Nope, I don’t even know if he kept the stream up at this point, but I wouldn’t personally be able go as far as to look it up for you (no offense, it’s too disturbing for me.) If you search on twitter you might be able to find someone else who has posted it.
>>753004I find her adorable and endearing tbh.
>>752772I’ve seen a few, usually the type I won’t remember when I just need background noise. I find it weird how massive YouTube’s library is.
No. 753063
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did every white teenage boy in 2010 sag their pants below their entire ass or did I grow up in a trashier town than I realized?
No. 753071
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how can i know if i am a butterface?
No. 753110
File: 1614757578318.jpeg (6.18 KB, 259x194, mörkö.jpeg)

>>752964The grey thing is just a snowman someone made of picrel character from Moomins (I assume at least some anons are familiar with that but it's a cartoon), he's holding two 50 euro bills for some reason. In the right corner there's Spurdo spärde designed with a finnish flag (A meme originally from finnish image boards but it's spread to 4chan etc so some anons may know about it) and the big blue and white thing is a milk carton because we're in lolcow. Also the text says "might contain small amounts of milk"
Don't know if this is the explanation you wanted but it's not really a whole inside joke but rather a few finnish things edited together.
No. 753117
>>753110Samefag, read the thread and yeah I forgot she's female.
>>753022This post is a good summary
No. 753188
>>753077I get this a lot.
But also the internet made me realize why I felt so fucked up in the head.
No. 753192
>>752975>>753017It's only too much if he's stringing along multiple women lmao. Most guys look at it as a numbers game and hit up as many women as possible instead of seeking out women they're genuinely compatible with. If he complains, is hesitant about paying, or makes you go 50/50 he's one of these dudes and you should definitely not feel bad about it.
Keep in mind your standards are very important and the main determinant of whether you find someone compatible with you. Either they meet your standards or you leave and find someone who can. Never lower them.
No. 753199
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Do cheaters always stay cheaters?
I just found out that my friend cheated on his current fiance and they have been engaged for 3 months only and know each other for a year. He cheated on his previous fiance too, then his 2 gf's before her. I mean… why keep getting engaged and then fucking it up?
What's worse is that other than that he has no red flags at all, he's a pretty decent person, good job, okay family, lots of friends, no alcohol or drug abuse or addictions. Like damn…
No. 753205
>>753199> Know eachother only for a year, 3 months long engagedBoth of them are retards
Also it's obvious that he is not ready to commit and goes panic mode, which turns into cheating.
He needs help.
No. 753236
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Is there even a way that you can be a productive member of society? What does that even mean? Most people aren’t going to impact society on a grand scale, it’s literally the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Is this another rugged individualist american burger bullshit lie?
No. 753277
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Does anyone know any websites/webpages or whatever that has long-term post-surgery results? I really want to look into what surgery looks like down the line because I'm pretty sure that shit needs maintenance and upkeep and wonder if/how soon things shift. Pic semi-related - it's not PS but fillers have been reported to stay in the face longer than suggested and migrate into different areas over time.
No. 753326
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>>753045I've never seen the comic but here's the hat version, if that helps.
No. 753327
>>753312I only ever drink water and I'm not a neet, I go out everyday. My lifestyle hasn't changed for the past three or so years but I've felt this tiredness for a few weeks now.
>>753313Could be iron deficiency, I'm currently on my period and I'm vegetarian, I should get tested.
No. 753329
How can I stick to a good sleeping schedule in lockdown? I've messed up it and fixed it like 10 times since last March and I'm sick of it.
>>753241I'm pretty sure the reddit spacing thing is when you put 2 lines of spacing out of habit because of how reddit's formatting works.
No. 753332
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>>752815Here it is! I melted it a little with a lighter cause my partner suggested it might be one of those waxes that can burn?
>it was not No. 753350
>>753347My dad tamed a stray cat, she was scared of everyone but it was winter and she was hungry so she stayed in front of our house, and my dad tried to pet her and bring her in the house a little so she would become used to it, and after some time she became friendly. But she had children and when they grew up she left and doesn't ever come back, she lives with a neighbor now and her children live with us.
We also had another stray cat which followed my brother home from school and stayed with us. Why do you ask? Do you want to adopt a stray cat? It's not very hard, just give it food and maybe a place to sleep
No. 753501
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Anons, what is a good way to bring excitement into life? What do people do for fun, outside in the real world? I'm sick of video games and browsing the internet.
I don't really care for doing things with other people, I don't find it very fun and I get annoyed quickly. Yes, I'm an antisocial ass bitch, and when I do things alone I end up having significantly more fun alone than with 'friends' (note: group activities are fine when with randoms. I have no anxiety, just a distaste for company). I want to be able to enjoy myself 100% while doing other activities. The issue is that I don't know what kind of activities people do.. I have been a hermit for over a year now (not b/c of the virus). I was in a highly abusive relationship previously in which I was locked in an apartment all day , not allowed to go outside, not allowed to do any hobbies. So, my perception of life is warped. Now that I am away from that situation I want to go out more.. I hardly see the outside world, and when I do, it is brief and boring. This can't be healthy.. but what can I do?
Where I live the virus is not a big problem. So, that's not really restricting anything. I just don't know what to do with myself.
I'm a student and plan on getting a job soon but a job is not really that fun. I'm so bored all the time.. What do people do for fun? Even if it's group activities I'd be fine with it. I thought maybe I could go shop more for fun (not groceries or w/e), dine more, go to parks and feed ducks, make take some classes like cooking food or whatever, but I don't know. Money is not an issue. But there must be more, right? How do people not get bored with their lives?? What do they do for enrichment!??! I feel like such a freak for not understanding. Bars and partying do not appeal to me.. so I don't know what to do.., please anons help me. Google is useless but maybe Im just dumb.
No. 753519
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Is it pedo to find adults with babyfaced features attractive?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 753523
>>753501People have hobbies for different reasons, some prefer to do challenging stuff that keeps them engaged and active, working for improvement in an area (like languages learning, a sport/physical activity, studying, playing an instrument, learning how to sing, playing mindgames); others prefer something relaxing that can help them wind down, chill, enjoy in a simple manner (baking/cooking, yoga, reading, painting, drawing, going for a walk on the nature or the city, dancing, origami, listening to music, playing boardgames, going to museums and galleries, embroidery, etc)
Almost everything can be done alone or in groups if you want to try it, classes are nice because you get to interact for a short time with people who you share an interest with and good friendships can develop from it, or not!
I was a shut in for a few years in high school and I felt exactly in that position of "why do people even bother?" and I also thought the world was boring, until I started engaging on my own hobbies and spending time outside, by my own, just appreciating everyday things. Sometimes when we stop to look around, with an open mind and heart, we truly find naturally beautiful and wholesome things surrounding us, that make life special, at least for that moment, but the feeling lingers in your mind.
Persuing a hobby, either for improvement or relax, will make you feel better about yourself and others, consequently, you'll be doing something with yourself and for yourself, you'll learn more about your indentity and the world.
You're on a great start by wanting to enrichen your life, try anything that sparks a little interest and with time you'll more excited about it.
Here's a very complete wikipedia list of hobbies if you haven't seen it!, you sound sweet I don't know why, good luck with this!
No. 753525
>>753501Play drums. Or any other instruments.
>you can do it alone> it's incredibly exciting- especially when you start getting the hung of it>you can meet up with randos to play etc if you feel like it>classes for any instrument are easy to find - and there are a hell of a lot of great apps now to learn easily anything. Other ideas:
>go on very long arse walk with a few good podcast episodes or music, a fully charged phone/ headphones >take pictures when you see something interesting while walking >get into reading actual books if you aren't into reading. Attention span nowadays is fucked up for a lot of us (thanks smartphones), it's worth getting back into reading imo>take up a class like self defense, judo, karate etcOr if that's possible: why not volunteer.
I took up a volunteering opp at the local red cross to become a first aid responder. I'm working alongside pretty cool people. I've wanted to go into something medical recently, but can't go back to school or anything. As I'm unemployed, looking for a job, I figured I had a lot of time on my hands that could be put to good use, do something exciting etc. That's one kind of volunteering, lots of different things you can do obviously, according to your interests.
That's about all I can think of, hope that helps and you find your thing anon
No. 753537
>>753526It’s used so you can read it as either Latino or Latina, because the @ has the O and the A. At least that’s how I’ve always seen it while growing up before the “*you have to include everyone~*” and the “
muh latinx” bullshit.
No. 753576
>>753381>>752734Mystery solved, it's a custom candle (possibly a sample or a wickless mistake).
I know my store likes to purchase locally, so I googled "candle bamboo ginger [city]"
No. 753607
>>752496Are you located in the US? The easiest way would be to go to your bank and ask them about your options for credit cards. A lot of banks will issue you a “starter credit card” that basically works like a debit card by securing a set amount of money already in your account every month (maybe $100). This way you’re able to use the card and always pay it back, accruing credit.
After doing this for a while, you’ll gain some credit and can look into more typical credit cards (though, if you still don’t have a job by that point you’ll probably only get approved for scammy high interest cards so be wary).
No. 753632
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My boyfriend tells me I'm the most beautiful girl he's ever seen and it annoys me to death. It's just a lie, its just simply a false statement. It bothers me because it's a lie and I hate liars. He doesn't say it as a figure of speech either, he genuinely tries to convince me that I'm the most attractive woman he's ever seen and it's just a joke. I saw his fap folder from before we dated and every woman is objectively hotter than me facially and physically. I know this, he knows this, but he won't stop saying this "you are the most beautiful woman in the world" shit. My stupid question is am I actually retarded for getting actually upset at him for saying this? I guess it just makes me feel like a lot of other compliments and nice things he says to me are likely lies. I'm kind of autistic about people lying.
No. 753649
>>753632i'm not gonna shame you for feeling like this but don't make this a bigger deal than it needs to be and cause a rift in your relationship over something so minor and asinine. it's honestly better that he tries to lift you up rather than neg you/belittle you, as other anons have pointed out; would you rather he compare you to his past lovers?
people say dumb, hyperbolistic shit when they're in love that they know isn't objectively true, and they're not usually being dishonest. just because you're not "objectively" the most beautiful girl he's EVER seen in his life doesn't mean you're any less beautiful to him (assuming he's saying this out of the honesty of his heart). don't take it -so- literally.
No. 753681
>>753501I am a nerd, so my favorite fun thing to do outside of my home is to visit my favorite museum. I have a high-level membership to my favorite one and, pre-pandemic, this entitled me to attend fairly exclusive parties for new exhibits, planetarium shows, and movies. The food and activites at the parties were themed to match whatever the new exhibit was, so that added an extra layer of fun for me.
Even in semi-lockdown, the museum is still my primary social outing. It gets me out of the house, I learn a lot, and I'm supporting something that I think is important in the process. And it's an activity that I can enjoy alone while also being around other people and having a shared experience.
Outdoor festivals were my other fun activity, but those are out for now.
No. 753710
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Should I give my mom her birthday present early? She just disclosed she wants to get in shape for her birthday in a couple weeks so I thought of ordering ring fit adventure for her since it would actually support her birthday goal. But it could ruin a possible good surprise. Either way it would be sort of lame to send her any game on her birthday when she only likes to play pikmin and puzzle games, should I order her shake weights and new running shoes instead?
No. 753825
>>753821It's water retention from the salt and carbs. 1 gram of carbs retains several ml of water.
With the soup you're peeing it all out. You will gain fat from overreating quickly but what you see right away is water. You can tell if it's water if when you flick it, there's a sort of ripple. Fat is more solid if that makes sense.
To tell what you actually gained, calculate the calories over maintenance you ate. Maintenance is 1.5k kcal and you ate 3.5k? You gained 2000/3500 = 0.57 lbs.
No. 753841
>>753839Are there Western cartoons you like? Imo if you never grew attached to animated media then it's unlikely you ever will
The problem with anime recommendations is that they usually come from anime fans, I say this as someone who likes anime
No. 753845
>>753841>The problem with anime recommendations is that they usually come from anime fans, I say this as someone who likes animeYeah, so it means you get shonenshit, haremshit or whatever flavor of the week crap series recommended. Though I know that some people aren't able to get into the ~pretentious~ anime as well, so I think it's just not for some people and that's okay.
Personally, I much prefer manga even though I love some anime.
No. 753846
>>753841>Are there Western cartoons you like?Not really. I find them okay but never addictive or truly grabbing like real film.
>Imo if you never grew attached to animated media then it's unlikely you ever willI enjoyed kids animated shows as a 10 year old lmao but that's it. Never got into animation after that. It makes sense.
>>753845My friend has recommended me some which I enjoyed, the smallest way you can "enjoy" something. I still found them kinda ridiculous and stupid.
No. 753850
>>753846Just curious, what anime have you watched?
Personally I would recommend you Utena or Victorian Romance Emma (those are shots in the dark, I don't know your tastes but I think those series are pretty great) but again, it's completely fine to give up on anime/manga. Most of it is trash anyway.
No. 753852
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does anyone else remember these
No. 753866
>>753850Into The Abyss (friend said this was her favorite and I hated it), Jojo (the 2nd part was good but I skipped all the fights, I only liked the parts where they weren't fighting lol), Your Name, and I loved Spirited Away as a 12 year old but that's it.
Thank you for the recs, I'll check em out. I think I enjoy ones that lean more into story.
No. 753909
>>753893As a eurofag I get annoyed when burgers act like their experiences or advice is universal. Non burger anons will usually make the small effort to specify if something they said is specific to their location but burger anons don't seem to bother
At least on lolcow it's not as bad as Twitter etc where all users are expected to be up to date on everything that's ever happened in the US and the detailed nuances of their cultural symbols or language
No. 753917
>>753909That makes sense. In Shay’s thread, there’s been some bickering to the tune of
>eurofag, is it normal in America to xyz?>eUrOfAg Is ThE gRaSs GrEeN iN tHe StAtEs???Plus the quip in unpopular opinions from today. I think it’s all really funny and in good fun on either side even when people are legit seem mad, but yeah, the rivalry is strong.
No. 753934
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When are farmhand applications opening up again? Because damn y’all need some serious fucking help
No. 753951
>>753947when I was in high school (so about 10 years ago), my parents warned me to study as hard as I can because there might come a time in the future when basic, scientific knowledge about human body and the world will be banned.
They were shockingly right with that prediction. The only difference is they expected this crap to come from bible thumpers, not ultraliberals.
No. 753968
>>753947I always assume the people putting that shit in their bios are just looking for some awesome dating experience with an internet stranger that may or might not be an ugly scrote in disguise.
It’s just so awkward, why does anyone need to disclose their genitals and fuck preferences to the world?
No. 753969
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>>753963Same, but I still think it sounds beautiful
No. 753980
>>753951Same with my parents. My dad is a doctor and my mum was a school professor so they're intelligent. My dad also read a lot of scifi books lmao and as cringy as it might sound, a lot of the stuff he read are coming true.
My mum became a kindergarten teacher as children were less depressing to deal with. Less bullshit.
>>753964God I miss those times.
No. 753982
>>753977Book hotels that accept cancelations. Or book a double room for one person.
I travel alone all the time and it is amazing. Though having a good person with you can and will make it better most of the time. I mostly travel alone because I work for myself and most people can't take the time off.
No. 753984
>>753977Most expensive things are train/plane tickets & hotel room. Your room will most likely be for 2 people anyway so it's ok.
For train/plane I think you need to book yours and his tickets separately. If he doesn't come you can most likely just refund his tickets (depending on the refund policy etc.). If you book for both tickets at the same time (same reservation number & everything) I don't think you can only refund one.
I think it's feasible, refunding policies are way lighter with covid & the earlier you plan it the less expensive it will be anyway so go for it.
No. 754005
>>753990just look up the tory party and you're set tbh. regardless of whether they're posh middle class, posh upper-middle, or posh super upper class (like proper inherited wealth, five double-barreled surname, daddy will get me into oxford university), they typically love to go to university in the north of england or in scotland despite mocking northern or scottish people/culture/accents. you'll often see them on campus, appropriating working class aesthetics and slang, talking at the top of their voice about how 'absolutely peng' the rugby lad they're shagging is. they've got shit accents, shit culture - the proper rich ones are the only freaks keeping shit like fox hunting alive despite the fact that the methods they use are inhumane and sometimes illegal, and the middle class ones love shite like horse racing. they're very out of touch. they also tend to love tacky michael kors bags.
anyway that's my 100% completely unbiased academic review of the british class system, hope it helped. you can also look up things like made in chelsea/the real housewives of cheshire
No. 754016
>>754005>they typically love to go to university in the north of england or in scotland despite mocking northern or scottish people/culture/accentsNgl seeing stuck up scrotes getting the shit kicked out of them in spoons when they roll up in September thinking that they're killing it was always a good autumn.
>>754009They have very conservative values and they're massive scroungers. They'll say the country is going to shit because single mums are dRaInInG TaxpAyEr MonEY but then they'll claim things like second houses and $2000 houses FOR DUCKS on their expense accounts. They'll also vote against free school meals for kids because their family had to pay for it for themselves but they'll make sure you don't know that their daddy was a Lord and owned multiple castles.
No. 754018
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>>754014It's pretty common for plants to be sold with decorative shit on top, pic rel, those rocks are glued onto the euphorbia, and there's also stuff like painted cactuses. I'm not really familiar with lidl cause I'm American and it's new here so I wasn't sure if they do that kind of stuff.
I went to lowes right after I bought the tree though, and I will say it doesn't feel like the moss there.
No. 754019
>>754009you can compare them to republicans, yeah. they put a lot of classist policies in place that tend to disproportionately affect working class people, particularly in parts of the country with high non-white/non-british populations and the north/north east of england, ireland, and scotland. they've fucked up the country in a lot of ways, particularly in relation to healthcare, wage cuts, and issues surrounding disabled people, but people just continue to vote them in. this isn't to say opposing parties aren't bad too, but the tories are especially useless at best and cruel at worst.
examples of some of the things people hate them for are thatcher and the miners strikes in the 70's/80's, the whole 'fit to work' shenanigans with literally physically disabled people who are unable to work, and their lack of response to the grenfell tower tragedy. if you want media that gives a good insight into tory policies in the north east of england, billy elliot is a good watch, which is partly about the aforementioned miners strikes. another is i, daniel blake, though it's very heavy and depressing.
No. 754102
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>>753929The “fugg yeah amurica” anons in question
No. 754117
>>754104batshit crazy firearm lovers who will go to any length to protect their equally batshit crazy firearm laws beyond sanity
very, very fat and accomodating to fattness
workaholics, typically work insane hours
live inside an US-centric bubble with little awareness for the world around them
not the smartest but friendly and welcoming
No. 754125
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>>754107Not at all, but I guess it depends on how you dress it and what kind of look you're going for. Pic rel are pretty casual outfits
No. 754127
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>>754125Samefag, I also don't think less casual, edgier outfits like pic are "slutty" either. It just depends.
No. 754135
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I have about $23 in my balance (from surveys lol) but I'd rather not spend it on games. What are some apps from the Google Play store that are worth every penny for you anons?
No. 754195
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Why do people buy scented toilet paper? It isn't strong enough to overpower poop smell or to serve as an air freshener. Like what is the purpose? My mom always insists on buying all kinds of scented TP, including a gingerbread one around christmas time because "it's cute" and I don't get it. I've always thought wiping my ass with something sweet-smelling was kind of gross.
No. 754218
>>754211>>754199Lmao I'm an europoor and scented TP is pretty popular here. I had no idea it's hard to come by in the US. You can order some off ebay if you're curious though There's even a cherry one.
My mom is the type of person who also likes to put up pictures, candles and cat figurines in the bathroom, so I think it's just a part of her aesthetic kek
No. 754226
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>>754218Damm the pink blossom is out of stock this would make a funny birthday gift to that same friend.
Also holy shit can you or any baguette anons confirm if colored paper still exists?
No. 754230
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>>754226Can't speak for baguettes, but where I live we definitely have pastel colored toilet paper and even some that are patterned, like picrel. I also recall seeing Italian (?) toilet paper once that was in really vivid colors, like red or neon pink.
No. 754271
>>754132>>754134It's not a bait and I wasn't even implying that's necessarily true. I mentioned the stereotypes can be ridiculous. Personally I know you guys had the settlers, cowboys killing Native Americans, slavery and Civil War and some other stuff. Still people here say 'yeah, poor burgers have no history and have to cope' because it's not like you have any medieval castles around. You have been here for like 200 years while some european countries are over 1000 years old.
I feel like maybe a tiny bit of that stereotype is true because burgerfags sure are obsessed with those genetic tests proving you are 'actually' Russian, Scandinavian, Greek etc.
No. 754331
>>754271I get what you’re saying and that stereotype exists here too (am also a eurofag) but it is just dumb as fuck that both euros and settler americans use such a weird metric of deciding when history started. I mean there are places with literally no human history, or that have only been populated for a few generations. Fair enough to say they have no history but a continent that has been occupied since prehistoric times has no history? Can’t deal with the mental gymnastics involved in that. But America doesn’t want to acknowledge precolombian history as that would lead to awkward conversations about what happened later on.
(Usually white) burgerfags are probably obsessed with their ancestry for the reason you mentioned, feeling like they have no history, because they won’t acknowledge the native history because it’s not theirs. But then, is great-great-great grandma Olga’s history really more relevant? Something to think about.
No. 754582
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If I lived in America, would I be considered white, Asian or Middle-Eastern?
We don't have those race things in my country since we never had colonies, we are just called normal.
I'm from East Europe, or Central Asia I guess, so we look kind of ambiguous and you can look more white, Asian or Persian depending on your parents but we all have the same ethnicity. People have asked me if I'm mixed but I never know what to say, I'm not mixed I'm just Tatar.
No. 754605
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Why are Finns considered the retards of the north? whatsthememe?
No. 754606
>>754584will do anon!
Repeating for visibility: requesting Ovarit invite code.
No. 754660
>>754648The channels I like are
> A Small WardrobeAussie lady in her 30s, single without kids. Minimal lifestyle which started with decluttering her closet so a lot of videos about fashion. She manages to keep her style interesting. Pragmatic and not afraid of changing her mind - she threw out her couch for a while before replacing it. Her apartments look pretty empty but in her moving vlogs you can see she has more than the bare minimum.
> Messy MinimalistMarried mom of two, documented her hoarder to minimalist story. She’s come a long way and it’s interesting to watch her progress from the start and see her mentality changes. Again not a ultra minimalist, but has far less than the average American household while retaining an interesting aesthetic.
> Lia’s Loft / Clear Your MindsetSingle woman in her 20s(?). I like her but her videos do get repetitive so rarely watch anymore. She grew up in a very materialist environment but discovered minimalism as an adult. Good for videos about certain questions pertaining to minimalism, like how you should approach sentimental items and the financial aspect.
If you’re interested in family minimalism, then The Minimal Mom is sweet and offers little hacks. Darci Isabella is a would-be OTT minimalist but isn’t because of her large family. However, her house is incredibly minimal for somewhere that I think 10 people lived at some points? Currently I think it’s only 8. I find her approach to child rearing fascinating, also she does homesteading and DIY videos.
I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed a man’s minimalist channel (they’re really unrelatable), and I stay away from the ‘glamorous’ (I guess?) minimalists. All my recommendations are people who are down to Earth and feel real, and maintain a personality outside of not owning much.
No. 754684
>>754658fine I’ll go ask them myself in their thread.
How do you say “retarded” in Finnish?
No. 754778
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Do any of you remember the YT comments section cult? This is super vague, but when YT was new the spam system was shit and these people apart of this 1 religious group would keep spamming the comment section of videos. It would start normal, but then they'd tie it into their cult and leave the link to it's site, the cult part was always the same copypasted message. They were in the comment section of mostly new age spiritual videos.
The only thing that standed out was it was only one group doing it at the time
No. 754789
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>>754783Samefag, nvm she already did it lmao
No. 754792
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Anyone know of any exercises (vocal or physical) that I can do to make my voice slowly become deeper? I feel like just "putting on" a deeper voice will just tire me out/be too obvious. I'm small and young-looking and whenever I hear a recording of my shrill high-pitched voice I cringe. Whenever I google I get either resources for men or FTMs so I'm not sure if they're right for me if I just want to have a richer, warmer but still female voice.
No. 754863
>>754846>>754852But also people feel good when you show that you appreciate their compliment. "glad you noticed" doesn't feel as good as "thanks!"
Of course if it's some shit compliment or from a creep, say whatever lol
No. 754927
>>748290Where can i buy a cheap dakimakura?
my degenerate friend wants one as a birthday present but they're all like 50 bucks and I can't even find the retarded characters she wants
No. 754931
>>754925Proko's playlist Anatomy of the Human Body for Artist is very good; I don't think bringing up Loomis is as common as you make it sound like tbh.
If it bothers you soooo much you can always just buy actual medical anatomy books and study them.
No. 754947
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Car driving anons, have you ever been in a situation of renting a car in a country that has the opposite side road driving than to your own country? Like for example, UK anon going on holidays to mainland Europe and having to switch from right to left side.
How hard is it to get used to it? Is it even doable at all?
No. 754979
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>>754948Couldn't resist and had to google her, anon didn't lie. One of her responses called people with ASPD neurotypical, another said ASPD is a garbage diagnosis. Seems like a projecting self hater.
No. 755015
>>754947It feels a bit weird for a while but then you get used to it, it’s kind of like your brain just adjusts to the new way of driving or something.
I kind of wish they had a sticker that said something like
>please be patient, i usually drive on the other sideSo the locals don’t put a hex on you while you drive.
No. 755036
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Is it possible to be homophobic, but only towards males? I have recently noticed that I have started to avoid all gay content. I enjoy reading/watching hetero or wlw stories but the moment the main lead turns out to be a mlm I suddenly lose all interest. The same goes for art. I would rather look at pictures of lesbian or hetero pairings. Am I just autistic or should I spend some time reflecting?
No. 755039
>>755018You can do kegel exercises, but tbh idk if those "tighten" the vagina that much. They're more helpful to make the pelvic floor stronger, which is important.
I wouldn't worry about your vagina being loose though. It's muscle and it'll tighten and loosen as needed. I think a loose vaginas are a myth anyway, I've never heard men with kids say their wife's vagina was looser after having babies
>>755036Is this homophobia or do you just not want to watch gay content? Those are two different things lmao
No. 755044
>>755036I never consume gay content either, I only liked brokeback mountain but maybe it was because of heath ledger kek
Anyways, that doesn't mean I'm an homophobic, it's just that it's harder for me to relate to gay men
No. 755147
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>>755138Having a public husbando nowadays is not okay because mentally ill kinnies will get mad at you for liking their
comfort character and not following their cannon in which Komaeda is a girl wearing a llama binder and a rainbow strap-on with a skirt while showing his hairy legs.
Also people will try to find a way to bend your husbando’s cannon in order to make you seem like a pedophile/transphobe/racist/anti-somereligion/whateverelsethat’sbad.
No. 755194
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Can someone who sells confirm if picrel sus?
I ordered a bday present for my younger cousin from this designer because she was in love with the dress, but it didn't fit her right and it turns out she didn't love it and felt really bad that I had spent the money on it. So I returned it myself the same day because their return process is unclear on their website and their refund window is tiny. Got confirmation later that they received my return and would process a refund in 2-5 business days. Well two weeks passed and I heard nothing and was still out money.
I reached out in the same email chain, but received a separate automated email about opening another return request? Whatever, no one got back to me so I opened a PayPal dispute.
Days later, I finally get picrel back from the same customer support person who tells me to close the PayPal dispute and then she can refund the money. Idk, sounds sketchy. I don't know how they can say they can't give me my money back unless I close it. Like if they're worried I will scam by keeping it open even after the refund, can't they easily prove they refunded me?
No. 755259
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The goddamn ovarit email just never came, could it be because i use proton email? I am so fucking over this
No. 755282
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Any spiritual or paranormal believers, what do you think the afterlife will be like? Do you think we just back to nothingness? Have you ever had weird paranormal experiences ?
No. 755286
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>>755258Somehow it tastes like chocolate but also doesn't. Someone on here recently said red velvet has extra ingredients that make it different from plain chocolate cake. This red velvet cheesecake is still the best version of red velvet I have ever tasted.
No. 755337
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anyone just get the vibes when you post here that other anons can tell that you’re white
like I honest to god, excuse my tinfoil but I think other anons seriously know who’s talking to who and know who’s actually posting and they only choose to talk to anons who seem or act white and friendly
i cant stand the elderly females in this place, literally kinning and making psycho telepathic waves to each other through their saggy flappy boobs they shove in their purse every day.
No. 755357
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>>755341>>755346Fuck your stupid womanhood spaces and die mad, you old crows
No. 755363
>>755359Anon is mad because we didn’t invite her to the club
thanks for the secret signal nonnie.
No. 755370
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>>755363>hehe we didn’t invite her to the little club Why are middle-aged women tying to reclaim their terrible teenage memories by larping as a teenage drama queen?
No. 755376
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>>755359She reminds me of this ugly character from clarence.
No. 755388
>>755382I think we got the same 2 or 3 larpers/anons trying to either racebait or go full retard with the
>m-muh y-you’re not Stacy Copium, it’s kind of funny tbh.
No. 755408
>>755171Not tinfoil but truth.. if it comes in a box, can or bag, it's more likely to contain carcinogens and PET/DDT/Botulism. Really you should never touch food that isn't straight produce or grains, you'll develop cystic hemorrhoids and vaginal black heads.
Trust me, growing up I was allowed nothing but hotpockets and my uterus prolapsed before I got my first period.
No. 755436
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Are braided pigtails juvenile?
No. 755441
>>755436I'd say no, but maybe it depends where you live.
In Russia it's a very common hairstyle for adult women. In my country, regular pigtails are seen as juvenile, braided ones not as much, but they're still rare. I've noticed the hairstyle has become more popular among adults all around the world lately.
No. 755446
>>755436Nah, they're really trendy as a kind of sporty insta baddie look. But imo the styling can make a big difference in how juvenile it seems. Braids that are worn towards the back of your head look more mature than braids at the side, and short (shoulder length) hair can look more childish in braids because they kind of stick out and I think short hair is more associated with kids.
You should wear what you like either way though, if you feel cute in them then go for it.
No. 755490
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I've been searching high and low for the artist of this tattoo, all I've found is a username that doesn't lead anywhere but old photos from a studio they used to work at. Maybe there are tracks I've been overlooking due to my sheer incompetence though.
I really like and want to get it myself, but I hate using art without the artist's consent. Would it be an ass move if I tattooed it anyway?
No. 755556
>>755490Took me like 5 minutes to find the tattoo artist, you gotta up your investigation skills anon! wouldn't be right to steal the exact design but it's simple enough I'm sure if you find someone creative and tell them you want a moth + crescent motif they'll come up with something unique but just as good.
No. 755650
>>755608I highly doubt the NHS is currently in the financial position to offer everyone with a wonky nose a free nose job after a year of heaving ICUs and mounting emergency costs.
Even if your septum is fucked they're not going to give you cosmetic surgery, they'll do the bare minimum required to allow you to breathe. Why don't you just pay for it yourself? Most places offer monthly payment plans.
No. 755664
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>>755591This is why we do not use casual sex as validation. Just because a man is fucking you does not mean he thinks you're pretty. Repeat after me.
No. 755672
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Is this aesthetic or body type considered non binary these days ? (Not asking for prince cause I know he is). A troon on a server said she looked like a boy to me
No. 755701
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Are Escada perfumes considered trashy/basic?
No. 755752
>>755672Only brainwashed troons who think bubble butt x giantic boobs x tiny waist is THE (only) way to look female think this is non-binary looking.
Anyone who isn't brainwashed knows women come in various of shapes, including less-curvy ones. Knowing that you can't look at this and say; this looks like a boy.
No. 755754
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>>755672Similar body type as Milla Jovovich, especially as Leeloo after whom everyone was thirsting and I can't ever recall anyone questioning whether it's a feminine body or not.
No. 755820
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>>755433That's my favorite
No. 756025
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Where is a good place to chat with people online that aren't weird scrotes? The lolcow friend finder got scrapped now I have no idea how to make friends online.
No. 756069
>>756057I'm bi, and lost my virginity to a girl, but… how do women have sex? she just shoved a dildo on my vagina and I bled, never felt nice
I thought sissoring was the norm and I always felt so offputting by it
Never had sex with a scrote but I understand how that works
No. 756076
>>756069sex isn't just penetration. personally it's fine with me but i love doing it to others.
usually eating one another out, kissing her lips and all over her body, holding each other intensely and caressing, rubbing up on her body, etc etc. sex toys can be fun too but aren't a necessity, although there are really good ones out there that are fun to use on your partner. lesbian sex can be very very creative, unlike straight sex where most moids fuck for 5 minutes until they cum and that's it, you take time to make each other cum and explore each other's bodies. of course you can just have a quickie and of course there are times where the sex can be…bad, but it's great to fully care for one another while making sure your partner is super happy and getting their fix, vice versa. no, scissoring is not the norm at all and i've only done it once as a joke. pls don't try it on another woman unless you want to laugh, it'll save you embarrassment kek. i lost my virginity to a woman too, we didn't use any sex toys but just our own bodies. if you ever get confused just ask your partner what they might like and go have fun! don't worry about it, it's sex and exploring your partner's body is what it's all about.
No. 756081
>>756076Thank you…!
Maybe this will go on the "personal issues territory" but… When I lost my virginity with my ex gf, it didn't feel nice. She literally just shoved the dildo, played around with it for a second or two, and I started bleeding so much. It felt horrible. She earlier tried to eat me out and I didn't feel good either. And well I also ate her out, and touched her all over, but AFTER we did what we did, somehow she still called herself a virgin. For her what I did wasn't taking her virginity. So now I feel so bitter towards women on women sex even if I am primarly attracted to women. Because for her touching and giving her pleasure wasn't enough and then we broke up and she immediately gave her pussy away to some random moid who just fucked and dumped. Then she fucked a streamer who was married. And now she doesn't even talk to me because she's "busy with her boyfriend". Idk. I've lost my hope on finding sex with a woman pleasurable because she ruined it for me. I wonder if I would like it at all, even if I am very very attracted to the girl on my bed in question.
No. 756082
>>756081I'm sorry if I sound so dumb and bitter, I literally feel like shit remembering this lol
I wonder if I'll fall in love with a nice woman ever again.
>>756076>>756080Thanks for the advice!
No. 756083
>>756076i forgot to add this but curling your fingers while fingering!
it's easier to hit her gspot and you can experiment with speeds/rub the clit with your other hand. the clit!! there's so much to do with the clit. just focus on that if you forget everything else. sorry for all the spoiling and lesbian sperging/having to repost this because i messed up spoilers ahhh, they don't teach this shit in school and porn is awfulthe girl you had sex with seems.. interesting. do you think she was just experimenting? i'm sorry she still called herself a virgin even after, anon, i've had a similar experience and it's awful. it just fuels scrotes fantasies that lesbian sex isn't real and that it's just for "play." i've had one literally tell that to my face to flirt and it made me want to throw up. sex will be awesome with the right woman, i promise!
No. 756105
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How can I stop my intrusive thoughts that tell me I should off myself whenever some minor inconvenience goes wrong?
My head makes me feel like I'm a bad person and that I'm dumbfuck stupid and crazy and that I should die just because I did 1 thing wrong I should really kill myself
No. 756108
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>>756105Stop taking yourself so seriously.
No. 756117
>>756114Just put them on a hot wash with laundry sanitizer, wash them a couple times if it makes you feel better. As it morals for you, do you really want to be buying clothes made by an exploited young girl, that is contributing to global warming etc?
even second hand fast fashion isn’t contributing to these issues Does thinking how much better thrifted clothes are for your morals not help you?
No. 756118
>>756105Imagine your friend doing the same thing wrong and imagine how cartoonishly villainous you would have to be to seriously tell them to kill themselves over it. It helped me realize it was irrational.
You will get through this, anon, I believe in you
No. 756120
>>756114I'm quite hang up with hygiene in general but it helps knowing that I can just throw it in the washer with some detergent and it comes out guaranteed clean. That said I do only buy second hand online (thrift stores here are shit) and ask the seller to wash the clothes before sending it off to me (I think most do that even if you don't ask fortunately). Then I wash it once more after I've received it before trying it on, can't return it anyway.
>>756117Anon she just said she wants to do it for moral reasons, she doesn't need another lecture about exploited women and global warming lol.
No. 756122
>>756117Morals are the rational part of me, but my germophobia is irrational like any phobia. I will definitely implement some additional cleaning rituals to help ease my mind.
But no, my first-world psychological hang-ups cannot justify me continuing to put money in something using slave labour and ruining the environment.
I just need a way to ease my germ anxiety until I get used to buying used stuff.
No. 756134
>>756123there's this thread
>>>/ot/605493it's been dead a while though
No. 756150
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I've just learned of an existence of the word "whorephobia" which is discrimination against sex workers and it feels so weird, isn't "whore" an insult word? I'm ESL so maybe I'm missing out on some nuance here, but wouldn't it be like saying "trannyphobia" and "fagphobia" instead "transphobia" and "homophobia"?
No. 756151
>>756150The sex-positive movement tries to take words like "slut" and "whore" and try to make them into positive/neutral terms, because to them, "there's nothing wrong with being a slut, so it isnt a thing to be insulted by". Smells like 'I'm not like the other girls, I call
myself a whore instead of other people doing it for me'. I'm personally not for this position, as you can see.
No. 756190
>>756164I think so. It's not good at masculinising female faces but it's good at feminising male faces. The AI has probably had more practice at making female faces.
Also putting a female filter on my female face makes me look Asian for some reason. At first I thought it was an Asian filter
No. 756238
>>756224PDF might be long or have a lot of images?
Perhaps you had some other running processes in the background. My computer does that sometimes and I wouldn't know why unless I opened Activity Monitor.
In Activity Monitor, look if there are any Chrome "Helper" type files running. They usually take up a lot of energy. Sometimes it's from too many tabs open
No. 756340
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>>756331It's like when someone says "Give them my best", like when you want someone to relay the messages of your well wishes. Pic rel explains it better than me
No. 756385
>>756374I don't, because deodorant makes me get these giant puss cysts that I have to pop and they hurt and blood comes out after. I wear it after taking a shower always, and before the pandemic I would refresh it before going out, but I don't really go out much now. I used to feel bad about not wearing deodorant every single day but I'd rather not have cysts.
The best deodorant so far I've had is rexona clinical, I get cysts very rarely and I smell better for longer. But I wonder if natural deodorant like piedra alumbre would help me not get cysts at all?
No. 756398
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>>756385I had similar issues to yours and I recently bought this new magnesium-based deodorant by Nivea, pic related. It comes in an upside-down glass rollon, unlike the traditional types. It's a game changer and I'm never looking back. I'm almost certain aluminium is what is causing it for this reason.
I didn't want to poison my pits with clinical strength deo so I used to use either none at all at home, or a natural deodorant that would last for a few hours and make your pits incredibly smelly the same day.
No. 756527
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What are some quick, easy and free emails? I don't feel like making a whole ass new gmail for ovarit, yes i am the stupid anon who has been sperging about this for at least a week
No. 756531
>>756440>is it about just hanging out and having funYes this is friendship
>or is it like a contract where you keep track of how much your friend gives you and you try and reciprocate that?No, that's for romantic relationships
>Do you think people can be friends without common interests?No
No. 756545
>>756430>>756440I do think it’s a mix of hanging out and having fun, and also like a contract. Can be just the former for friends I don’t consider to be close to me. I don’t consciously keep score but if a friend wasn’t reciprocating enough, I would question the friendship. Common interests aren’t essential ime (though they are fun and give you something to do together). However, you need to gel well - I have no shared interests with a couple of close friends but our disposition and senses of humour are similar for example.
Basically for me it’s about having people around to make life more fun, whether that is a party friend who you never see while sober or a best friend who knows everything about you.
No. 756559
>>756430I think friendship means comfort to me, finding comfort in other people's presence and space, and in their words and actions. I've learned to become comfortable by myself and going out and doing things on my own, but I will still always enjoy sharing experiences with other people. I don't keep track of what's given to me/what I've given because I think over the course of a very long friendship, things get very muddled and it's hard to remember if you repaid that one favor from a few weeks ago or not. I do try my best to remember when someone treats me out to a meal so I can treat them in the future.
This is also kind of petty and bitchy but I do keep track of who gives me gifts on birthdays or Christmas. I'm not offended if I don't get a gift, but if it happens like two years in a row I'll know I can stop buying them gifts and spend the money on someone else. People can definitely be friends without common interests. I still keep in contact with my best friends from high school and not once in our decade of friendship have we ever shared common interests. I have friends from my old retail job who are the same. We don't talk or see each other often, but we pick up like we've never stopped talking when we start making plans to get dinner. I also became good friends with a new coworker despite our 10 year age difference and zero common interests because we just click so well together. On the other hand, I have plenty of friends I've met through my hobby/interests who I'm no longer friends with. Maybe it's the interest (anime/cosplay shit), or maybe we just didn't click on a deeper level after all. I only have a handful of friends I met through shared interests who are still my friend as our interests have changed.
No. 756757
I wanted to get a bf for a lot of reasons
I'm lonely, I have no friends, and I'm fucking insane and don't want to go back to work because I kept thinking I was going to murder the people I worked with on accident in a fit of yardage, so I need someone to take care of my shitty ass
It's ptsd and bipolar, I'm a shitty person
I got the bf, he's rich, he's okay with me being a fucking crazy bitch, tbf though, I take a ton of medications now and mostly just sleep and wander around like a zombie, he's never seen me chimping out
But I don't love him
I really wanted to, but I just don't
I feel guilty around him now because I don't think the love is ever going to grow in
Should I dump him? Should I ride it out, hoping that maybe it's just the drugs making me less human right now?
He's nice, and I can't believe someone could actually be playing just supporting my loser ass, but I dunno, I just don't feel the love I hoped I would
He doesn't even pressure me into sex at all and he doesn't even know the ptsd is mostly from being abused growing up, I have yet to put out even once and he's already asking if I want to move in with him
Why don't I love him? What the fuck
This sucks
Should I dump him?
Sorry rambling, I am heavily medicated and fucked up