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No. 605533
>>605508Yeah, I’m with you on this! Seafood getting prepared (and eaten tbh) is just so much more satisfying than any other type of food. I’m into some seafood once in a while but I’m not exactly obsessed with the taste itself.
It’s a bit like the spooky food from the Haunted Forest in Neopets, I was obsessed with that as well for some reason. It looked so nice and satisfying even though it was supposed to look icky and spooky.
No. 605619
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>>605607Holy shit anon me too, do you love body horror movies too? That's probably why I love watching all these plastic surgery botched type shows. I feel bad for all the people who are addicted to ps it must be absolute hell.
No. 605691
>>605607anons can you tell us what other stuff you watch similar to botched?
i seriously like watching medical shit. like doctor pimple popper, "my feet are killing me" (medical show about feet problems, has surgery footage), botched, my 600 lbs life etc. Its weird what the human body can handle or do by its own.
No. 605706
>>605619Oh no, I'm such a coward to watch anything horror related! It just blows my mind how much they can change their features and proportions, some people don't even look human at some point and they can take part in such dangerous procedures to get their looks, very interesting
>>605691I pretty much only watch Botched! Sorry anon
No. 605714
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>>605619Those twin guys are my favorite
No. 606141
>>605851I did, but not in a cool dark goth way. I grew up in an
abusive household that got way worse as I was in my teens. I would say that I was going on a local walk that generally took 60 minutes, but at the top of our road hop the wall into the graveyard immediately behind the area, and sit by a tree near one of the graves for those 60 minutes just to be alone and not scared. It just happened to be the place close by that I wouldn't be found, and I've always been able to get lost for hours and hours reading the names and stories and quotes and dates and imagining these people and their lives. I stopped doing it once I moved to a much busier area where it was more likely I'd be seen by a randomer; as I never want to be seen doing it in case I look incredibly disrespectful (I never say ON graves or did anything weird, but you know)
I also find them very strangely calming. Can you share some of the phrases you've read, anon?
No. 607303
>>605851only do it for my family to drop off flowers on holidays or birthdays
>>605919I'd be really weirded out if I found out people were taking pics of my family members graves…..their resting place isn't an aesthetic
No. 607385
>>605851I love the cemeteries and graves with a story. The one close to my house has a few people from the resistance with a big and beautiful gravestone. (Graves here, especially older ones, tend to be very simple.) The Jewish part of the cemetery only has a few scattered graves after the late 30s, none of those who died in ww2 died here. The Islamic part has a depressing hand-written sign reminding people that vandalizing graves is a bad thing to do.
This graveyard was built in the 19th century because of a malaria outbreak. I didn’t even know malaria existed in Europe.
No. 607404
>>605851>>605919>>606141>>607242>>607250>>607282>>607385>>607396it's funny that you guys said this because graveyards are meant to be like parks
No. 607414
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>>605851Another cementary - strolling loving anon checking in, I like all of them but especially the one in my hometown, I'd go there very often to chill with my friend; but it legit is a huge park, with a fountain in main area included, pic rel.
No. 611823
>>605625I watch figure skating as well. Unlike the other anons who watch ballet, ballet depresses me bc I'm a former ballerina that had no choice but to quit due to an injury.
Ice skating is absolutely stunning on top of the insane athleticism to execute the jumps/skills perfectly. I'd love to hear some unfiltered opinions from former ice skaters if we have any in here.
This is one of my favorite performances. He's not the best skater but his lines are so pretty and his movements are graceful. If he wasn't a figure skater he could probably get a decent start in ballet.
No. 612768
>>612694Me but I'm the same anon as
>>611823, idk how many of us there actually are lmao
No. 669852
>>669851Samefagging but disregard this enthusiastic response, just looked at the post date.
I hate getting fooled by necro threads reee
No. 670585
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This is definitely weird I know.
For intervals of time with a few artists I follow, I develop a minor fascination. Typically they have an art style or personality that I want to understand better or learn from. Either that, or their online presence is less pronounced, so I have to dig to find more artwork. If someone has an air of mystery I want to know more.
I swear it's not about stalking their address, or some deranged want for affection. I don't even interact unless it's to compliment their work. I draw too and some of it is wanting to see how they go about it. Anyways, it is a little creepy I admit. I find all of their social media and even look for archives of it. If they speak another language it's especially intriguing because there's so much I'll never get. A russian artist locked her vk which bummed me out kek.
Like I said they tend to have similar personalities that I admire along with their style. I've even discovered music from what they show interest in. This all tends to happen in periods but then I'll let it go, coming back later to see what's changed. I suppose it's not entirely weird since it's like following a youtuber, and it's all public. I just go down a rabbit hole and spend too much time, going to lengths wanting to glimpse another person's way of being. I want to see how people live life their own way but sick of the noisy cows.
No. 670595
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Super weird for me, but every few months I'll find myself watching shows/videos of morbidly obese people. It started with one doc on Youtube of a hospital with an obese patient ward and spiraled from there. One Ton Family, Super Size vs Super Skinny, 600-pound life. And I don't even watch them in a mean spirited way, I genuinely want these people to get better.
I have never been (or plan to) be obese or have a bad relationship with food but I'm fascinated how people can eat so much to get that big. It's interesting to see how each show tackles the root cause of the weight gain, like diving into the psychological reasons for the food addiction beyond a poor diet.
No. 670608
>>670595I can relate though my reasons are different to yours, I'm more interested in their ignorance of nutrition and health than their emotional reasons for eating. My favourite is Secret Eaters because you get a good analysis of caloric intake and how it can be easily underestimated.
I prefer British shows because they tend to be average, every day fat people instead of immobile and near death like my 600lb life. And they are less depressing as individuals, they're good sports and take criticism well so it doesn't feel too serious. It's funny how they always take trips overseas to see super fat fat people in america to scare them into losing weight kek, shady as hell.
>>670599I don't buy that their weights are particularly concerning in comparison to the supersize people, lots of them are only slightly underweight and seem to have normal physical health. But their diets tend to be awful and lacking nutrients, I remember being really grossed out by a dude who'd drink energy drinks for half his meals.
No. 670619
>>670599The superskinnies have their own problems different to the superfats but satisfying to watch them overcome, even if it's just pretend for the show.
Some of them have very restricted boring child-like diets that they need to expand. I do worry that the gross plates of fried food will put them off.
No. 670664
>>670599Agree with the other anons that the superskinnies usually have more of a problem with their diet than their weight. Also think the show has to be careful because anyone significantly underweight probably has an ED so they don’t want to promote feeding them up as a simple cure
A lot of the supersizers have trauma and may even meet the criteria for BED so there’s a bit of a double standard there. Probably because being overweight kills you slowly so it’s not taken as seriously
I do find the underwear scenes fucked up because the skinny people usually look okay or just slightly underweight yet it’s implied their bodies are shocking. Not a message that should be sent out to an increasingly obese audience
No. 671375
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I got into mushroom foraging over the summer due to covid limiting things I could do, so I took to the outdoors and joined some identification groups. I harvested and ate my first wild mushrooms that I got a positive ID on, it was a lot of work for a small yield but I felt really proud that I just found something in nature to eat that wasn't a berry or an herb. Gotta be careful though, obv you wanna make sure you know for a fact what mushrooms you're gonna eat, and always check for bugs/worms. Mushrooms actually have a very short window for picking before they start to rot and go bad.
It's fun but there's actually a wild word of gatekeeping and elitism in the mycology world! There's a ton of fucking drama on the pages I follow. People are constantly trying to find the biggest forage they can to bragpost, and some people get absolutely fucking triggered if they feel that someone over-foraged an area. It's not a really welcoming environment for casuals like me and people who aren't super serious about mushrooms, the oldfags get tired of answering newbie questions and feeling responsible for people asking about the edibility of mushrooms they're wanting to id for.
It makes me really nostalgic cause it reminds me of lolita/cosplay drama.
No. 671387
>>671380Hah! Well I guess mycologists are just batshit all over then. I'm from the US. In my area the wooded terrain coupled with year-round humid climate makes for perfect mushroom conditions.
I don't think the organizers tend to be the most socialized of people. So when they form these online communities they underestimate the amount of social interacting and moderation they find themselves doing. I don't believe these introverted people really have the patience for it, and because they worked hard and studied to understand as much as they do I feel sometimes that they resent spoonfeeding people, but fear the consequences for the newbies if they don't.
I once got ribbed pretty good for posting what turned out to be a poisonous mushroom. I harvested it because it was the size of a large dumbbell and I was really impressed by it. I asked for the id and if it was edible but apparently the latter is a big no-no to have asked (despite it not being in the group's rules at the time) so I got a bunch of replies being super condescending/repeating the same answer that someone posted previously cause they couldn't help but to dogpile at the opportunity to school me about a mushroom. It rubbed me the wrong way so now I mostly lurk and occasionally comment on a post made by one of the group's golden children who can do no wrong.
No. 671425
… does idly plucking every last hair from the shoulders down count as a weird habit? I need constant fidgeting and it's the most satisfying + least damaging, better than skin picking
>>605533>It’s a bit like the spooky food from the Haunted Forest in NeopetsLMFAO anon, that's such an apt comparison, that's exactly it
No. 671856
>>671387You should start insisting all the mod's yields are poisonous and see if you can convince them.
>>671412>>671416That's adorable anons!! What drew you to them initially?
No. 672895
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I'm kind of a poverty porn voyeur. Ive always had an interest in seeing how people less fortunate or in 3rd world countries live. The foods they eat, the houses they live in, etc. It's not that I watch it out of pity, but also not out of judgement or disgust. Im not saying it comes from a kindhearted place either, I just feel fascinated. Some videos I often watch are clips from Hoarders, "Thailand Life" video on youtube which are just vouyeristic (albeit creepy) shots of women trying to rip desperate men off on the streets of thailand. I also like this channel "soft white underbelly" which is just raw interviews with homeless people. When I lived in LA I always had this strong urge to walk through skid row, which I once actually did. It feels pretty shameful honestly. It's definitely insensitive to want to peer into the lives of poor people but not directly help. Also a disclaimer I absolutely hate and dont enjoy watching people visibly hurting/hungry/suffering. Im moreso interested in seeing documentaries about crime and seedy neighborhoods/poor housing/overcrowded structures (like kowloon walled city)etc.
No. 673007
>>672931You worded it better than me yeah, it's about how people can adapt and live fulfilling lives in extreme conditions, I find that really fascinating.
>>672974I dont want to bicker but I never said I don't feel empathy; I do. Like I said
>I absolutely hate and dont enjoy watching people visibly hurting/hungry/sufferingI dont watch this kind of stuff to see people suffering, I watch because Im curious about how people make ends meet in different parts of the world, crime, overcrowding, etc. And just because I have that curiosity doesn't mean I dont wish this wasn't happening. I know this is a weird interest but I didnt realize admitting I like watching youtube docs about Philippines would get people armchairing me lol
No. 684332
>>674394It's a bit different, but I'm a sucker for the stories behind failed architectural projects, where you see a lot of the same stuff play out. There's always this sense of hope and grand idealism, that then runs into crushing reality. There's a few different episodes of the 99% Invisible podcast that capture it well. I remember the old one they did on Pruit Igoe The newer episode on Bijlmer is similar.
Pruit Igoe is just so legendary though, and that feeling is so beautifully captured in the scene from Koyaanisqatsi. No. 684548
>>672895Honestly same, I like watching poverty and homeless docs. Looking through urban hell landscapes and architecture. Looking at ghost towns and abandoned buildings. Just anything that gives off that kind of depressing and in some cases a desolate feeling.
I'm from a poor rural rust belt background so I can relate sometimes. I just like seeing other people's lives and different backgrounds. Old soviet towns, Cold artic villages, Rust belt areas, its all interesting to me.
No. 684616
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I love reading for hours about lost pieces of work, whether they are books, movies, paintings, treasures… It utterly fascinates me how something that was famous or even circulated could disappear just like that with no idea where it could be. Unfortunately, most of the time those lost works were destroyed during war or disasters, or even melted and repurposed in the case of metal items, but sometimes people find them in the most improbable places.
Recently I've been reading a lot about Fabergé eggs, not only are they beautiful objects masterfully crafted, but their history is really interesting, from their conception to their scattering during the Russian Revolution to the endless quest to find them all. The story of the Third Imperial Egg is incredible, it's something you only think could happen in a movie (picrel is how it was found), and I hope more will be found in the following years.
No. 684652
>>672895I've always suspected this type of "hobby" existed, lmao.
I know you said it's not some sadistic thing, but I can't help but feel sort of disgusted, for some reason.
No. 684668
>>684649Not any of those anons, but there's a difference between informing yourself (knowledge) and watching "poverty porn" out of morbid fascination (entertainment). Anon was bound to get those reactions.
It's just like Jarvis Cocker tried to explain to that rich posh girl in the Pulp song:
>'Cause everybody hates a tourist>Especially one who, who thinks it's all such a laugh No. 685913
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I guess my weirdest interest is Lolita fashion. I love dem frills
No. 685958
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>>684691I love Chinese food vloggers. My favorite right now is Dianxi Xiaoge, but Li Ziqi got me into them. I remember rumblings about how it's Chinese propaganda but I don't really care. It has made me consider a lot more where my food comes from.
Unfortunately, I learned that you can't just mince up your ginger the way these girls do, since grocery stores' are older/bitter, you have to peel it which has always been my favorite part. Wasted a bit of curry that way.
No. 686030
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Always had an obsession with infamous deaths, tragedies, etc even as a kid I used to Google scary shit like elephant ivory poaching? It scared me but I guess it’s like a spicy food or roller coaster ride—unpleasant yet enjoyable?
not a hybristo though. that shit is cringe.
No. 686047
>>686030ot but
anon this picture is so funny, I can't take that whole debacle seriously when the center of heated debate, is that derpy looking picture from a video game. some girl who likes her space buns. Love this memeanyway I am the same as you, and I think it's quite common. like how people see an ambulance and want to know what's going on. they stick their head out. I think it is normal
No. 687947
Following Japanese Fujos on Twitter. They’re fascinating and go so hard with their art. Even the ones that go into more disturbing territory. They’re impressive. Western fujos got nothing on them.
>>611023Same anon. I love watching tornado and earthquake videos. And also videos about nuclear weapons!
No. 688071
>>688036romanian anon here, I recommend watching the 'recorder: 30 years of democracy' and 'decrețeii/children of the decree' docs, if you haven't already. You can find both on youtube with english subs
I was born not long after the 'official' fall of communism and I grew up listening to all sorts of horror stories from my family, it made me a bit obsessed with dictatorships and revolutions etc.
Do share if you have any good doc recs, anon
No. 688073
>>687960Kek, I know this isn’t exactly the same but this reminded me of how I am fascinated with watching videos about 9/11, especially watching the live footage that people filmed as it was happening. Every so often I go on a binge and watch as many videos as I can. I was really young when it happened and don’t remember any of it, so I don’t know if that would have changed anything.
Likewise, I’ve always been interested in morbid incidents. For a while I was fixated on learning as much as I could about mass shootings (still am to a certain extent) and now I’ve gotten interested in watching documentaries about terrorism. Again, something about the live footage makes me want to watch it over and over. I watched videos of the Vegas shooting so many times and also that guy’s Snapchat video from when he was in Parkland. My search history is a nightmare.
No. 2072740
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>>2071336If you have an iron that produces steam, you can turn it on and hold the feather in the steam and then using your fingers, pull gently from the shaft to the tips of the barbs to straighten and smooth the barbules back to their original smoothness. I pick up feathers and incorporate them into my hats and sometimes they're really messed up.