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No. 747017
Previous thread
>>>/ot/738184We all have stress in our lives, let's talk about it.
>As an added note, don't infight ITT. It's one thing to comment on an anon's post, but it's another to try and start infighting with an anon by replying with a snarky response (ex. "what did you expect to happen anon?") "that doesn't happen"
>just let anon vent, if you want to be a nitpicky bitch head over to /pt/ or /snow/. no1currs about your shitty input. No. 747031
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i fucking love playing toontown and wizard101 and minecraft and club penguin and etc etc etc but i'm literally a god damn adult. i just wanna find someone in the dating world but i'm too scared to open up and eventually have them see me look retarded while playing a fucking kids mmo and ask them to play with me.. that would be so cute
this is such a stupid problem but i'm too mentally ill to be confident in my stupid fixations.
No. 747037
>>747031I'm sure you'll find someone who will share your interest in these games. I have no experience in any except Minecraft and if the others are anything like, they're this type of experience people don't even know how much they'll like until they try. So as long as another person stays open minded, you have nothing to worry about. And if they're not open minded, why waste time on them?
Keep enjoying things you enjoy and don't be embarrassed anon!
No. 747080
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Twitter really is a hellsite. I just found a bunch of tweets from "kink" accounts where teenagers are openly admitting they're minors and even telling legal adults to not interact with them. Think I'll just stay on my timeline next time.
No. 747084
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>>747031My partner and I started playing neopets again last fall (hadnt since I was like 8) and I just like making demented little meercas. Its really funny actually because longtime players have so many items (well into the hundreds of thousands if not millions) and neopoints (billions…maybe 11% interest compounded daily was a bad idea?) that you can just collect the daily free stuff to earn money, then just chill and watch the thriftshop/dump for cool stuff. It took me about 3 months to save up the 2 million neopoints for the lab ray (daily chance of randomly changing per species and/or color) and even without it people leave cool pets in the pound pretty often just cause they're goofing around spending their billions. The main caveat is that since flash died in Dec most games dont work but they were hardly ever the point. The site is a little broken overall atm cause of the flash thing but its slowly getting better, although the redesigned pages are ugly new webdesign and the old webhtml pages are much nicer. You have to use the jellyneo dailies doer to play basically but it's quite fun and silly…just dont expect anything to make sense really…or to work…theres been so many things piled on over the years it's an incredibly hot mess so you see new weird shit every day. And theres also a ton of history and cool stuff like some pets that have grandfathered-in old designs from literal 1999 that have been unobtainable since 2001 - but if you're incredibly lucky they still come up on the pound very rarely (the way the pound works is basically a giant bingo ball that spits out random pets that could be incredibly old, and possibly worth thousands of irl dollars like a UC Darigan Draik - although the name is also important since no one wants their cool pet to be named Kyles_Kool_Dragan3738 and you cant change the names lol). I've basically replaced reading dumb shit over my breakfast with neopets stuff and it's a much more pleasant morning…
In looking through the userpages of people who are actively playing, just from seeing their names cause they left stuff at the thrift shop or by putting a niceish pet up for adoption and searching its name later to see who adopted it, a fair portion of the players are actually men surprisingly. Although a lot of them have lame overdressed pets like Cool Killer Evil Draik (tm) they seem way more chill than idk shootergame or moba or mmo playing men, and to be clear I'm a former and probably future moba/mmo player. It's just not pleasant to be around people when they're playing competitive rage inducing games tbh and that's definitely true of myself too when I'm playing mobas especially.
No. 747106
>>747083I used to be so tempted to set some boomer ass automatic text response like "Hey there, I'm takin' a nap right now!! zZzZz talk to you soon!! THIS MESSAGE SENT AUTOMATICALLY BY PHONESITTER" and just always leave it on so people would fucking stop.
I dont have to deal with it very much anymore thank god…as a spaz I'm very fortunate to be working through a personal LLC since people dont try to text faceless companies and if they do idgaf. And the best idea I've ever had was pretending to be a nonexistent employee of my own LLC for any human interactions I do need to have. I'm aware it sounds unhinged but it's amazingly freeing, I literally dont even give a fuck because I'm not even me I'm Janet Frushkowski in customer service or whoever the fuck I feel like saying I am. Cannot more highly recommend becoming a corporation if at all possible.
No. 747114
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>>747110the single funniest fucking thing i have read in three years anon pls omg
No. 747122
>>747037>>747074thank you anons, i hope in the future i can find a cutie who'll play my stupid kid games with me and have fun!
since we're on the topic of grooming and this is a vent thread, i vow to never play some of these games with a man ever again due to the two times i tried to exchange contacts with them. i was underage both times and these grown men tried so hard to get me to send nudes or dox me just because i was a naive kid trying to play A KIDS GAME and just wanted a friend. once i turned of age one of them kept trying to contact me to the point where he still tries to make accounts to dm me on different platforms to this day. thank god he recently stopped but i'm scared it might happen again. male gamers are terrifying scum. funny enough every single woman i met while playing these games would tell me that they couldn't contact me due to our age difference and unfriended me RESPECTFULLY SO. anyway where my qt gamer gf at>>747084anon that's cool as fuck, i remember playing neopets when i was younger but i never knew there was so much history to it until recently. i love watching videos on random neopets facts, stories, or glitches. maybe i should get back into it..
No. 747140
>>747110god anon you just brought back a weird memory of mine lol, i was 7 and became obsessed with alyson stoner after watching camp rock for the first time and tried to set up neopets accounts named shit among the lines of "alysonstonerfan" and poor little me was so confused when the accounts were automatically frozen right after i finished making them
i didn't understand it until i found out what a stoner was like 5 or 6 years after that
No. 747171
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Twitter was always toxic but now the men who work in professional fandom industries are discovering they can bait the toxic tumblr queers and otaku with their posts
I hate having to share a website with these people to get media news
No. 747188
i feel more than worthless right now…………… i talked to this guy online for FOUR months and he didnt want to meet me despite seeming obsessed with me. it's like there was this inner struggle. turns out he was a 4channer misogynist pos. i only found out after he dumped me….. yes he, i always believed his excuses as to why he didnt want to meet me, i still cant wrap my head around and it astounds me how someone can be so so good at deceiving, i mean he was really good, he knew exactly what to say, he shapeshifted perfectly into the kind of man i want without me ever saying it ,,, its extremely scary and i hope everyone stays safe out there……..the most backwards part out of all of this, is that he put virginity etc in a pedestal, which i was and he knew, yet, even HE, a bottom of the barrel scrote that thinks virginity is this magnifictent thing didnt want to do anything with me……………… i know i should be glad of dodging a bullet,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but it makes me feel like theres something very wrong with me,,,,,i mean, apart from the obvious naivete. I wish every farmer on this site would kick the shit out of me so very badly.
I mean, at least he now realizes virginity doesn't make a woman special ……………………. but i just feel horrible having been the one that made him realize it because i really really really liked him, and he made it seem like he did too…. maybe he was a volcel………….
No. 747204
>>747188samefag but ok my reasoning, all of his actions according to you were horrendous and disgusting but he was noble and men should aspire to that.
and in response to a 4 month correspondence, you feel worthless, you feel astounded you were dumped (lul) and you want to be verbally abused by anons because of it like damn girl get it together
No. 747205
Fundamentally I think there should be separate internets for under-18 and over-18 and the twain should never meet. I cant believe parents just let their kids freely be online really if I think about - if you asked people if they'd let their kids wander around a city or even in a mall alone talking to random people, they would say no way. But they'll just let their kids on twitter and shit? And even the potential of meeting predators notwithstanding, I got fucked up enough by seeing so much porn & hentai and I wasnt even that young, I was like 14 or older and I still wish I hadnt ever seen that shit but its unavoidable on the public internet.
And I dont want any kids on my internet either. I had a brain blast the other day that we're living in the true endless summer right now - the kids have been out of school in a lot of places since last march. I thought the internet had gone to shit because people were cooped up and cranky, but no. It's tens of millions of idle little hands. Please to god joe biden, get the zoomers back in school. I cant take it much longer.
I mean to put it simply, it's fundamentally never going to be possible to prevent your kids from seeing bad shit on the open internet, and therefore under-18s should only be able to access a curated censored-for-kids internet, like yputube kids. Internet jr.
Like why are they allowed on twitter at all?? Its like if we let children just roam the fucking streets, and there aren't even cops to keep them out of the red light district. Kids will go wherever they can and especially places they're "not supposed to go" if the door is wide open. It's just absolutely insane to me if I think about it. People give their kids a device where if they write in certain words even by accident they see porn, hentai, furry sex, all kinds of shit, sometimes even if they're just searching for pokemon or whatever the fuck coomers are ruining. It cant possibly stay this way for long before people realize how insane it is. It just cant.
No. 747242
I'm currently having a huge near breakdown because I have an interview tomorrow with an arcade I love, it's not the best place, but it means I'll be getting away from a job that I NEED to get away from – I currently work at Starbucks, and I have an ED that's getting worse and worse and being around so much food and sugary drinks that I have basically free access to all day has been really hard for me, and even brought back my binging and purging when I was several months clean from it. Like, I need out. The only downside mainly is that if I work there, my boyfriend (who I live with), and roommate get a huge disadvantage because housemates, and family members cannot play the arcade games that give ticket rewards; and they really like those. Other than that, aside from me most likely having to wear a wig every time I go in due to them not allowing colored hair, it seems like a really nice fit for me. My boyfriend is going to sit down and discuss it with me later on tonight but I'm so full of anxiety over it. I feel so fucking guilty, man. I don't want to tear away something they like. There's also just me feeling super guilty over leaving my current job because I've gotten on decent terms with coworkers, and we've lost a few people. The guilt is basically taking me over and it's taking a lot from me not to just start crying over it.
No. 747248
>>747227I'm a young millennial (27) and I know it fucked me up a lot in serious ways, and I dont think when I was young things were nearly so bad as they are now with "SFW" coomer shit basically all over every google search. I'm just shocked every time. The other day I was trying to remember the name of the girl pokemon trainer in fire red/leaf green (turns out its fucking leaf lol) and there was so much nasty coomer shit there. Truly horrifying.
I think it will eventually get better, they had to make YouTube Kids cause it was so bad on there and people were banning YouTube from their house etc, and I think the same will happen to more sites. And obviously teens won't want to stay on Twitter Kids but if you make "cool teens only" type sites it could work. Then it'll be on parents to make sure their kids aren't on the adult internet, just like it's on parents to supervise their kids physically. Of course then you have to keep predators out of Internet Jr, but if you need like a school id or something to be on it, it would be doable or at least infinitely easier than it is now.
No. 747257
>>747221Back in the day it was blue waffle… but nowadays it's way worse I feel.
Jesus christ I saw a comic where women were factory farmed like animals. And it's not like you can avoid it bc there's always depraved trolls. Only highly vetted forums feel safe anymore. Honestly think I got ptsd from all that shock content growing up.
No. 747263
>>747242Adding on, it's frustrating too because I might be stuck on food service there too, although I think it'd be different for me, however a friend pointed out I'd be dealing with drunk people most likely as there is a bar connected to the arcade, and I'm a recovering alcoholic as well, and also a woman who will be dealing with drunk men so that'll be a treat.
My current job pays nicely too, it's just fucking hard, it's destroying me so much. This (current job) is my first real one too. I have no idea what the fuck I should do.
No. 747327
>>747316Lmao anon, this was me like 3 years ago when I had roommates. I worked late and would come home at odd hours, and one of my roommates just loooved sleeping on the couch for some reason (instead of her perfectly nice bed).
Lay down the law, anon. Everyone has to be considerate of shared spaces when they live with people, and that includes not hogging the living room. If he wants to sleep out there, don’t tiptoe around. Make normal noise and he can suck it if that’s a problem.
No. 747331
>>747327Thanks for commiserating. It's awful because he legitimately is too old to be behaving like this.
He'd been staying home extra lately because his job won't let him come back yet due to a coworker needing to test for covid, and then pending his own test results. Which just goes to show he doesn't give a fuck about covid either for his lingering in communal spaces and not isolating, but I digress.
It snowed pretty bad here last week so I had a couple days where I had to work from home. When I do this I'm on my laptop in my kitchen because I don't have office space. In addition to hogging the living room, he also blasts the television at full volume at all hours. Midday I had a meeting but didn't want The Sopranos blasting in the background. He was napping of course with the remote in his hand. I woke him up and asked him if he could turn the tv volume down because I had a meeting. He immediately got up and grumbled, grouched, and cussed while adjusting the volume and then stomping off to the bathroom to take a grumpy shit. He's a piece of shit.
No. 747348
>>747336Do you have other roommates anon?
I know it seems easier to avoid confrontation sometimes, but you’re clearly in the right. My old roommate completely stopped the annoying couch sleeping when I made it clear that I wasn’t going to be extra quiet for her. You don’t have to be mean, just make sure he understands how it is when you live in a shared space.
No. 747368
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my youtube channel is almost at one thousand subscribers and i know thats not a lot but i feel really happy, which i haven't felt for a while. i recently got a few comments of people telling me they were excited that i was going to get the community tab and that they couldn't wait to comment on my posts and it made me almost cry. it's so stupid but i've felt so alone for a while so even if it isn't "real" it means a lot that random people would even comment that on my channel. at the same time i get so anxious about the attention and i feel like i want to disappear again, even if it isn't that big. why am i so anxious about this it's so stupid its just a youtube channel GAHHHH.
No. 747374
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>>747031i play all of those religiously except for minecraft and i have had many boyfriends that don't have small penises while they have been fully aware i play these games, you can do it too queen!! ive even converted some of them into playing with me frequently
No. 747375
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>every morning for work I have to drive on a dangerous highway
>for an hour
>pass at least one pretty moderate accident every day
>today it was three cars careened off the road
>the other day it was a bad collision that made me late for work by almost an hour
>fatalities every month
And yet dumbfucks still want to push the speed limit past 80mph while I go 70 in a 65. I hate these people so much.
No. 747384
>>747031omg I was obsessed with w101, I was like nine when it came out and fixated on it for almost a decade. I only stopped playing because all of my online friends slowly stopped playing and it made me sad to look at all the grayed out names on my friends list. I'd probably still play it now if I had anyone to play with, but it's a little too expensive for me to try and get any of my friends into it, I feel like I can only justify the price with the absurd amount of time I would spend playing it and I can't really expect that of them lol
I still play Minecraft though! I have a server with my friends and it's actually pretty cheap considering we split the cost. There's been a bit of a Minecraft revival going on the past couple of years, my super normie coworkers and friends haven't given me any weird looks or anything for mentioning it. I think more people would like it if they tried playing with friends instead of on their own, so you might still find someone!
I used to be so high ranked for pvp on w101, I wish it wasn't so cringe cause I'm still proud of it. Some of my fondest memories of my childhood were from people backing out of ranked matches when they saw they'd be fighting me. Felt great. No. 747385
>>747368I for one am happy for you and your success just made me smile.
I hope you can handle your anxiety.
Keep it up! Enjoy and have fun!
No. 747393
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Nonnie's gonna get rich.
Man, I wish I still had my login infos from back then.
No. 747401
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>>747084You've inspired me to play again too anon. Can't wait to play this as an adult, it was only available between 3 and 4am where I live and I couldn't stay up as a kid.
No. 747407
>>747398Clean the tongue and use mouthwash after flossing.
Could be your mouth drying up? Drinking enough can help in that case.
Def mention it to your doctor!
It's embarrassing, but you're not alone. Lots of people have bad breath, but you seem like you are going to deal with it and fix it, which is great!
I hope it works out!
I often lick the back of my hand and breath on it to know what my breath smells like and sometimes I'm very disgusted, that motivates me to brush and floss more often.
I stopped breathing through my mouth and started drinking more water and things got better.
I forget to brush my teeth or sometimes I just am too "lazy", the more I think back at it I think I was and am depressed :(
I am too anxious, afraid and ashamed to tell anyone or ask for help or even contact a doctor
Hope it's okay that I post my blog in the reply, sorry if it's not! I kind of feel like it's not, but I need to let it out!
No. 747414
>>747227I think you're more right than you think. Another thread linked this article about how the latest trend on Tiktok is "vanilla shaming" which is basically kids making fun of people who don't have "kinks" which most of the time consist of choking, knifeplay, slapping etc. I'm an oldfag and never, ever have I seen shit like that online before. Maybe within underground kink communities but
never mainstream.
>For Fiona MacKenzie, founder of campaign group We Can’t Consent To This — a group formed in response to the increasing violence exhibited against women during sex — the trend is worrying. “Young people are being told that everyone is doing this,” she says. The social pressure means that women in their teens and twenties now are being told that not enjoying being slapped or choked is abnormal. “It’s a default expectation now.”I mean I was watching hentai clips online when I was in middle school and thought it was exciting but that's like masturbating to an underwear catalogue compared to how young girls are groomed into thinking there's something wrong with them if they don't like to be slapped or spat on. The article was linked to a Reddit thread in which a young woman was complaining about her hookups legitimately thinking that women
like to be choked and believe asking for consent is a turnoff so they just grabbed her throat during sex. Like what the fuck? I'm so glad I didn't grow up during this time.
No. 747428
>>747421Who says that? What do they say? Not doubting it, just want to know the context.
It might be backlash for the
>I'm not a bitch, I'm just honest kinds of people, or those fake-soft girls who secretly talk shit behind anyone's back, but I don't really know what you mean.
No. 747436
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I just want a nice, cozy life where I don't have to kms with work to be able to afford rent and food. But even that seems to be out of reach.
I'm trying to get into programming and shit since I enjoy it but I feel like a retard whenever I hear people talking about their experiences IRL. I think I'm too autistic to work in a team or shit.
I also like manual jobs but companies seem to rather hire guys for that even if they seem weaker so eh, fuck that too I guess.
No. 747441
>>747208You're not in the wrong, but you're autistic for putting up with that retarded shit to begin with.
I'd spam him with things he doesn't like in return until he gets the hint, or start asking "Why are you acting like that? Is that your fetish or something?" point-blank.
No. 747557
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>>747378It totally depends on the species and colors that you have, but the plainest UC pets are worth like $20 minimum I think. The most valuable are usually Darigan or Faerie but theres a fair number of other rareish ones worth $100+. But to sell them you'll have to lurk and post on some like Neopets black market forums or some shit and try to sniff out what they're worth so you dont get swindled or w/e. Seems pretty fun to meet the neopets underworld lol. And also make sure your password is strong before you post cause there really be neopets hackers in this day and age.
Btw if you have any UC meercas I would die and pay to have one…I've been tempted to try to get one but most UC pets people sell are from hacked accounts so I dont wanna support that. Or also a UC Chia or Peophin for my partner.
>>747401Asfjsj 16 levels?? nice… idk yeah i realized I actually saw so little of the site as a kid, I had one red ixi and just played Gadsgadsgame for hours (only game avatar I ever got, and i earned it again on my new acct before flash died lol). I wish I'd tried harder to explore or looked up stuff though, like I remember being frustrated because my pets kept getting wrecked by Clown Chia in the battledome no matter what I did, because I had no idea about the pirate academy or that there were weapons and stuff lol. And to be fair to me, even looking it up as an adult it's still pretty confusing and weird how that stuff works…
No. 747597
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I fucking hate scrotes. They absolutely disgust me. How can a group of people think they are entitled to women way out of their league and think they can treat them like shit? It's mind blowing how disgusting, ugly, psychopathic, weird, perverted scrotes treated me in the past and when I gtfo of there they try to message me as if I'll ever talk to them again. How can one think of themselves so highly expecting me, not even on the same level as ugly manlets, to run back to them like they mean something to me? I gave up on the scrote species a while back, I'm so glad I finally came to my senses to realise that no misogynistic incel would ever be good enough for me. I often think about stabbing each and every one of the pieces of shit to death with a blunt knife so I can watch them slowly suffer. There is genuinely no space for these fuckers in the world, they are pretty much vermin.
No. 747616
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>>747557I prefer being able to dress the pets up over them having the unconverted artwork. The only UCs I like enough to make the lack of customization worth it are the royalgirl Cybunny and the plush Ixi. I don't care for the rest.
Btw if you want a dress-up game that uses all the actual artwork and items from Neopets, go check out No. 747662
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I'm lonely
No. 747725
I'm so fucking sleepy but my brain is going apeshit, bro I'm not trying roleplay a cute love story in my head rn. I hate this…
>>747662Me 2
No. 747745
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>>747662Public roleplayers were a mistake and they need to get their internet privileges removed.
No. 747804
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Damn, I was starting to have the warm feelies for that dude and he has to bring up some coomer shit.
This is why we can't have nice things.
No. 747807
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Yesterday at work I caught this girl at work talking shit about me in 4k. This dumbass sent a message on wattsapp and guess who sent it to? lol she probably wanted to send it to my other co worker (we kinda have similar names) But this dumb bitch sent that text to me, she said a bunch of shit about me how I am crazy and what not. I asked her if she sent me this text and she practically shat herself and said she was "hacked" she started sobbing and saying it wasnt her and what not. Now my petty ass will do her best to make this bitches' life a living hell, talk shit get hit, bitch.
No. 747847
>>747818kek, I had this happen to me. I was playing epicmafia and one day it was banned for "games" despite being unblocked before that. They know what youre doing
No. 747872
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my life seems like it’s spiraling out of control but it’s not, it’s been the same way for many years. sometimes i think it’s best to ignore and keep the volatility inside of you because am I really that petty about something childish? something like I don’t get enough attention? i feel left out of many things? im not owed any of those experiences at all, im just like the many who will get washed into shores of nothingness, and I can’t fight this fate anymore. I keep trying to, my mind literally feels like it’s being lifted out of my fucking body when I feel threatened or scared. why can’t I just come to conclusion that I am that person among other people who will never receive happiness or attention? why can’t my child-like idealism just go away already? none of the things I want will ever happen in a lifetime, and I’m not asking for the stars and the moon. it’s going to be a pitiful, sad, and restless life for me and I don’t know how I can cope with it
No. 747934
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My mom is saying she wants to take me to a popular beach in our state, and I really don't want to go cause I don't want to catch fucking covid and I also live in a southern state so I have a sneaking suspicion it's going to be kinda crowded. I need to make up some bullshit excuse but I feel bad for it even though I shouldn't. I'm gonna tell her I have an infection (I do) and I don't wanna risk it getting worse from sea water or something, even though she wants to go in 2 weeks
It would be nice to collect some seashells or something though. I've literally never been to the beach before, I just wish she would've chose a better time
No. 747957
>>747934> I'm gonna tell her I have an infection (I do) and I don't wanna risk it getting worse from sea waterDon’t! Most people think infections get better if you go to the beach so she might counter with that.
Maybe say that you have a terrible headache or that you got diarrhea and haven’t been able to get out of the bathroom because of it.
No. 748024
I vented a few months ago about how my dad tried to convince me to get into an arranged marriage with one of his young coworkers so his coworkers could get citizen ship. I obviously said no and was offended because this was the second time he's dared to ask me to do this, except this time he was saying how the man would pay 50 grand and kept trying to vouch for his character. I don't trust any scrote and I don't believe in easy money, on top of not wanting to be legally liable for this man. My dad says he's just trying to look out for us (in regards to my finances, and to just help this dude out) but I still found it extremely disrespectful.
I was talking to him about stocks and other money shit and he had to bring it up again and I told him I don't trust that I would ever see a dime of it and he says "well what if I get him to pay first?" No! Still no! Then I explained that I also view marriage as something sacred and precious, something to be treasured, and something that I want to share one day with a future partner that I will trust and want to spend the rest of my life with. Maybe I've watched too many romance movies, who the fuck cares, I just view marriage as something sacred and want to keep it that way. Then my dad says "oh this is just because you're white on the inside" (we're Asian and I was born and raised in America) like fuck off! I don't care! I don't care that the man is desperate, I don't care that it's easy money! I don't trust people I don't personally know, I know you have a bad judgement of character, and I want to keep my marriage for someone that I love! So fucking annoying. He thinks he's trying to help me out financially but the one and only thing he needs to do to make sure I'm financially set for my future is giving me the apartment (which I'm set to inherit anyway)!!!
No. 748071
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I’m in a rut and no matter what I do I can’t get out. Getting up early isn’t helping. Cleaning my space isn’t helping. Journaling isn’t helping. I literally cannot write or draw or create anymore and I spend hours on my phone wasting my life.
No. 748119
>man I met two years ago has been trying to talk to me>have since realized I'm mainly gay since cutting him offFeels bad since I made the first move, he's a good dude on paper (intelligent, in STEM, trying to better himself, also introverted), and I think he really does like me. He even continued to pursue me back when I was a serious pizzaface, unbelievable for a man.
I didn't have relations with him (or any man, I just liked chasing ones that looked like my father so I could recreate the rejection) so it's not a super complicated thing, but eh. I'm incapable of friendship so continuing to ghost him is tempting. Talking to him may also have to involve coming out if he makes another move, which is always a gamble with straight men even if he seems like a nice dude.
>>748100This is hilarious. Are you dating a sim?
No. 748166
>>748080My sister went through similar stages and came out as trans in college. I didn't really talk to her because I wouldn't have been able to keep my gendercrit in my pockets but my mom I think was gently gendercritical and it really didn't go well. Their friends/trans people they know will be quick to label you a
terf if you say stuff that is recognizable to them as gendercritical.
My sister took T injections for a little while but I think stopped after college since she wasnt around a group of trans people anymore, so she didn't have to "prove she was trans" if you know what I mean. She still uses a male name and I think he/him because she has a ftm boigirlfriend, but idgaf really since I dont live near her or anything and she's not ruining her health with T.
So I would try the tactic of supporting them super hard in "being a man" to the extent that means using a male name and dressing male or w/e, but also say they shouldn't take hormones because we dont know the health effects, or you can look up the effects and stuff to tell her. Basically if you're like her super strong supporter in "being male" like offer to go places with her dressed male etc so she's comfortable, buy male clothes with/for her, you'll be able to advise against hormones while still being trusted as her ally. And I feel like of people dont get started on the hormone train then their identity naturally continues to evolve, but if they start medical transition/their friends are all trans, then it's hard for them to back down (you see trans people attacking detrans constantly accusing them of being terfs pretending to be detrans etc, and also when reddit briefly deleted r/detrans due to tranny whims before they had to put it back cause normal people saw that that was insane).
No. 748179
>>747903Can someone tell me who is donating to these people? It seems like the only ones who care to retweet are artists and sex workers, with a majority of them just being jobless.
>>748024Have you seen 90 Day Fiance? The majority of men who seek out foreign brides are textbook abusers. This is exactly who your dad shouldn't be trying to sell you off to, but then again your culture is probably very patriarchal so his judgment is likely very skewed compared to what I think is acceptable behavior from a man.
No. 748218
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I've had to go to an endocrinologist my entire life for diabetes and diabetes related accessories, and ever since these fucking children all started coming out as trans, I can't get a god damn endo to take my god damn fucking hormone imbalances seriously and I just fucking want to commit die
all my fucking leg hair just fell the fuck out one day, and my endo told me I was wearing my fucking pants too tight
the right side of my thyroid is visibly swollen with a fucking very feelable lump on it and I can't get a fucking referral for a fucking ultrasound
I lost fuckign 40 fucking pounds in a fucking month and he told me, "Well, you were 130 pounds," like yeah cunt, I know, I'm a big fat fuck, so don't fucking help me
fuck these fucking kids, fuck the doctors, fuck the media, end my fucking suffering right the fuck now or actually fucking help me
well at least I don't have to fucking shave anymore, that's real fucking nice, at least there's that
fuck everything
fucking kill me
I do not want to live like this and there's no other options, I have been through every endocrinologist in the tri-county area, there are not fucking many, in case you wondered
No. 748288
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I posted about my aunt here
>>724973 and here
>>727052 and yesterday I also posted about my mom's elderly friend and her manbaby son
>>746457 Today she told me that her son is planning to move to a different city for good because of his new chick and now I will have to take care of her and she actually said "You will move in with me and we can rent out your apartment to someone". And I'm like? Excuse me? No way. She also told me "You probably won't find a job anyway". I can't find a job now and I feel like certain people want to use it against me. My aunt also wants to rent out my apartment and is pressuring me into moving in with my grandmother (who's almost 90 and isn't very communicative) so I can take care of her. I really feel like, because of my current situation, they try to babysit me and use me as a free senior care assistant. I have my own health problems, both physical and mental, and I'm not fit to be a caregiver 24h per week. I feel so trapped I want to cry. God, I just want to find a job. Otherwise they will never leave me alone. It hurts me that no one ever tries to give me any emotional support, they only try to use me. I'm sorry for blogposting this much but there's nobody I can talk to about it and I have no money for therapy
No. 748289
>>748203i feel you sis. this is going way off the original post but i have a friend who has insane wealth because she was born into it. and while i know it wasn't her choice, and she can still have problems, all she does is complain. she makes it really hard to empathize with her because of that.
like girl how am i living a more fulfilling life with less to complain about with 1/1,000,000th of your resources??? if everything sucks then pick up, buy a villa in another country and try to make life not suck there damn
No. 748339
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This sounds so annoying but I feel so alone since realizing I'm gay and I just want a space where nobody talks about men or anything to do with men in general but most lesbian spaces on the internet have people talking about their sexual experiences with men or dicks and it's just so tiring. I don't hate bisexuals at all but even on fucking lolcow the thread is full of people arguing between bisexuals and lesbians and it's like fuck. I just want a space to look at and communicate in not involving men for once and be happy. I wish I wasn't ashamed to come out in real life and just find someone to talk to about it.
No. 748364
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I'm so sad right now, anons.
I went to my SO cause I wanted to have sex and he was high (a friend came over) so he started blabbing to me. The subject ended up on threesomes (his friend was having troubles with this) and tbf in the begining of the relationship I did say that eventually it will happen with us since I have experience and I miss it sometimes, but I told him it was a touchy thing since my last relationship ended terribly because of this… so I need time. My SO then talked about maybe bringing someone home for us one day. I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything. Was he hinting at me?? This isn't the first time he's brought it up, while I almost never do.
One of my fears is that he's staying with me in the hope that we'll have a threesome. He assured me that I'm the only one in his eyes, so it'll be difficult to find somebody if we ever do it. We didn't end up fucking since he was too high, but now that kind of hurt my feelings.
I want to talk to him about this but he's baked right now so I'm just having a slow panic attack that I haven't felt since my ex. I'm going to try and sleep now
No. 748371
>>748365>>748366Yeah I understand that it would be very exciting to look forward to, I'm trying to be fair since he's a sweet guy and I know he'd never intend to hurt me.
Thank you so much for your kind words, anons. I feel a little better now, and with clearer minds tomorrow I hope I can express my needs
>also I should probably get some therapy to deal with the mental scars from my ex tbh No. 748377
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so i have had migraines for about 2 years. At the beginning they were maybe 3 or 2 times a week.But now for about 1 month they are agonizing and happen almost every day.I decided to go to an neurologist to figure this shit out(i was more scared because my dad also recently have had an attack from brain aneurysm,he had surgery and all so he's better now).So i go to the doctor,tell him that i have migraines and i show him where my head hurts and he says that migraines don't hurt like that. So i tell him well i not a doctor and i hope he would help me.He starts asking me all bunch of stuff like if i have a drivers license and i said no because i experience head spinning form the migraines. he tells me that i should get one and that my head isn't spinning.The doctor asks me now if i have a job and i tell him that because of the pandemic it's hard to get one.He then says that if I work, the migraines will pass and i reply to him that my dad had a job and still nearly died from brain aneurysm. Im still in a traumatic shock and i want to kms from all of this. he implied that i lied about my illness but that don't make my migraines go away. If the doctors won't help me then who will?
No. 748378
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Beings like this send me death threats even though I didn't even interact with their blogs kek
No. 748381
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Sometimes I'm tempted to make a blog documenting all the people that invade narcissistic abuse survivor spaces. I'm tired of these shitty people literally going into areas and tags designed for survivors and victims to connect with one another and to form a community just to flying monkey for narcissists and invalidate and gaslight us.
No. 748391
>>748377My sister and myself both have/had chronic migraines. I would reccomend, depending on where you live, ingesting weed (costly), giving yourself tension massages (cheap), and if you can afford it, getting botox injections in your forehead (expensive). I started smoking weed in 2010 and I havent gotten a migraine since.
I understand anon that none of the shit I said will be helpful depending on who you are and how much $ you have. My sister was just in a similar place getting referrals to clinics for two years before she said fuck it, and developed a weed habit over her Advil habit. This is all very dirtbag now that I am reading it over, recommending weed kek, but I just wanted to offer a relatable opinion.
No. 748500
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>>748379Please go to a food bank. Hang in there,
nonnie>>748435I really encourage you to go to therapy, a lot of places are doing video chats or phone calls. Even if you don't want to commit to it now, it's still good to get on a wait-list. Cheering for you!
>>748461I'm sorry that happened to you, anon, and hope you have the confidence now to kick garbage like that to the curb. Fwiw there are of plenty of men who don't care about that stuff and like big lips too
No. 748536
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I’m so tired of how acceptable it is for scrotes to prioritize video games over their girlfriends, or over anything in their lives really, and if she’s not happy with that she’s “le crazy jealous grill obsessed with le poor man”. Sorry I don’t enjoy being a fleshlight
I (too) nicely asked my bf if he can stop interrupting me with jokes/references of games I don’t even know when I’m trying to tell him something serious, and he got mad and started completely ignoring me.
Told him to grow up and now he’s blocked because fuck that. It’s been happening for two years already. Almost no hanging out, no calling, no plans or anything because he’s busy with call of duty, final fantasy, or playing something with his Discord server. Only get any acknowledgement at all when he’s horny or for a few seconds in between switching games.
I knew gamer dudes were bad, but Jesus Christ
No. 748539
>>748536It's time to let that one go,
nonnie. OR you can prove that he needs you and his life would suck without you.
>I (too) nicely asked my bf if he can stop interrupting me with jokes/references of games I don’t even know when I’m trying to tell him something serious, and he got mad and started completely ignoring me.kek, not to "my NIGEL" but my bf would never ever do this. And I've had to ask him to stop doing this exact thing around my friends because tbh my friends are too retarded to get his references. He understood and was nice about it.
I get too entirely serious. Learn to fight back. Keep a tight leash on him. It doesn't even need to be the usual "social dynamic" of your relationship but at least let him know when you are
serious, you are
serious. If he doesn't take you seriously, he doesn't respect you. If he doesn't respect you, you don't need him.
No. 748554
>>748461Agree with
>>748528 It's hard to think on the spot when someone hits you with such an unexpected comment but honestly just give them the exact same shit back. Easiest way to get the point across to a scrote.
My ex used to grow a beard to hide his double chin, he admitted that to me early on and said he hated his bare face. But he one day he commented that when I lay back I get one.. again he told me this right before sex!? The man looked up at me mid-oral to tell me about my chins. I didn't hold back the next time he trimmed back his beard and it showed his actual face shape. He got the message. After that he turned into one of those guys where I'd complain about my monthly bloating and he'd say that he's the one with a constant bloat so don't sweat it, that or he'd call it cute. The sudden turn around once he realised I'd give back the same energy he gave. If you build me up I'll flatter you when you feel insecure too. If you point out my flaws I'm certainly not comforting you about yours.
No. 748663
>>748536Men like this have grown up just playing video games in all their spare time by default. To them asking them not to play games is like asking them not to eat. I'm saying this as someone who fell into this kind of habit around middle school due to runescape and then WoW then league then dota. I did see it as a problem and did things like forcing myself to read for an hour or cook before I started playing a game. But I didn't have all gamer friends like gamermen tend to, and in that situation it's much much harder to quit or reduce game hours because theyll always be asking you to play with them.
I hardly play games that much anymore but that's really only because dota got bad and no new games are worth a drop of shit. But anyway, if you want to change his habits you need to get him to do things with you by default rather than with his game friends. You could find a game that you would be ok playing (ideally not one he currently plays as he might feel you're invading his mangamespace) and then ask him to ply it with you, he'll have to make the decision of playing a game with you or being like "nuh uh I like my man friends better than you" and if that happens you can write him off I guess lol. Good transitional games here are asking him to play DS games like mario kart or pokemon with you (my partner and I nuzlocke and battle after every gym, loser has ro give winner one party member. it's a chill time)
Once you get him in the habit of playing games with you for a little while, you can shift him away from video games slowly and gradually, like by asking him to play a card game first (I suggest net runner, it's a 2 player card game that comes with all cards in the box so theres no collecting you just buy the one thing. Pretty fun but even if you dont like cardganes the card art etc is good). Then maybe you can get him to go out to do "games" like archery/batting cages/arcades or go to Dave busters or whatever, and hopefully he'll fall into the habit of doing stuff with you and in general doing stuff other than nonstop gaming.
It's a long hard road to curing game brain…only worth it for an otherwise perfect partner.
No. 748720
>>748500That's a good idea. I'll see if I can or if I have to apply to go. There's one in my area but it's a little far.
>>74841025mg of Active Iron, but I take it x2 a day.
No. 748818
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>>748718So my coworker sent this text to me. I can't tell if this is a genuine or backhanded apology. Honestly I just want her to stop sperging about race.
I think I should say this:
Thanks for the apology! You do say a lot of things that make me uncomfortable but I guess you don't mean to. Hoe you can avoid doing so in the future.
No. 748853
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My woke coworker was talking about this book, which is apparently a book about extremists and ppl like Alex Jones. I don't have a lot of love for those groups but I think it's dumb for her to label people like Jones and Trump as neo-Nazis. I don't like conspiracy theorists but I still get very annoyed at people who need to bring up how white people/conservatives are bad at every occasion like she does. (And I'm not white nor conservative) They're dumbassess who love to screech at you for making the ok sign and liking milk.
I also think she is such a hypocrite because a lot of leftists have perpetuated anti-Semitic ideas but she gives them a pass. There are also groups like a lot of Black Nationalists who spew very anti-Semitic stuff and white anti-racists give them a pass. Also she doesn't seem to understand as a leftist that a lot (but definitely) not all of these extremists are poor/alienated and that drives them to their views.
As you can tell I really dislike her but I just want to keep work chill but I can't stop losing my cool. At this point I just never want to hear about Trump again because there are so many other things to worry about.
No. 748863
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>>748854Anon’s draft did sound extremely aggressive but yours sounds like it was written by a 19th-century maiden who swoons if she ever has to hear words that startle her sickly heart.
No. 748864
>>748718Just tell her that political subjects make you uncomfortable and distracted when you work. You appreciate the courtesy to not bring it up and accept the apology.
If it continues, go to HR.
No. 748869
>>748818I would avoid her and avoid talking about politics altogether. Be careful around her in case you have a target on your back. Stereotypical woke idiots have gotten more bold about firing or ostracizing people that don't toe the line.
>>748853I would ignore her, but try hard to hide your dislike of it. Just react like if a coworker was showing you a book about 18th century toilets, entertain her bullshit but don't feel the need to say anything. You don't want to become the designated racist on your team because of a misunderstanding.
No. 748882
Thanks for the feedback. Here's my new apology:
>Thanks for the apology. I think you like to bring up some interesting topics at work but it does make me uncomfortable. Hope that helps!She's also the same coworker I complained about a few weeks ago who wants to convert to Islam
>>748869I'm not white and I'm going to milk it for all I can. I know it doesn't always protect you but it might look bad if a white coworker and a bunch of white staff tried to gang up on me over race. My strategy is to out-woke them all. We also work in the same room so I can't avoid her. We are also roommates lmao.
>>748868lmao my p key is broken
>>748854I'm a sperg and really aggressive sometimes. I need to calm down but I am annoyed over how some ppl get off sniffing their own farts and expect others to kiss the ground they walk on because of it
No. 748890
>>748882Out-woking someone never works and they will find things to cancel you for if you jilt them or they simply don't like you. No, not even if you're a
POC, there's always someone more oppressed than you they can pretend to care about.
No. 748934
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I'm so tired of being scared of my ex. He wouldn't stop trying to spam me with different accounts asking me why I blocked him when I did told me he wasn't attracted to me, tried raping me in my sleep because he "saw it in a porn," told his mom i was a whore, and whenever i wanted to hang out he would find excuses to make me leave.. but when I walked away he would invite me out as friends but try sleep with me and that he was so sorry for everything, once again. Why can't he just leave me alone? I know he only stopped because he doesn't have enough emails to make more accounts and I'm scared. He works at several different grocery stores near me (switching hours) so I'm paranoid about grocery shopping and literally drive to the farthest one just so that I don't see him. The fact that he knows my address and my apartment number is scary. If he waited by the front door someone could easily let him in thinking he lives there and he could walk up. Sorry if it seems like I'm over exaggerating, he's a pornsick freak who doesn't know boundaries and had no problem trying to choke me so I'm just scared.
No. 748946
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I'm too old to fall in love with a streamer but here we fucking are. I equal parts want to sperg out about about how cute and funny she is, but I also don't want anyone else to lay eyes on her (extremely retarded I know because she's popular). And I won't be able to handle any criticism, she's perfect even if she's a male/tranny sympathizer twitterfag. FML
No. 748964
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I hate that I never even got to be naive and daydream about true love and fairytale romance even as a kid. I saw too many disgusting men growing up and still do, I’ve never believed in romance or even fallen in love and now I’m too old and have seen too much to do so. I’m super jealous of my friends who can still convince themselves it’s possible.
Fujoshit and shoujo is the only way I can enjoy romance as a concept because if I allow myself to take part in my own fantasies my self hatred will take over and I literally won’t be able to picture it.
No. 749026
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>>748964I wouldn't feel too jealous anon. I know you're venting but those friends who are deluding themselves are just going to get stuck in unequal, unfulfilling and likely
abusive relationships because they're obsessed with the romantic dream (lie). They'll either be miserable the rest of their lives or come out of the haze in a few years regretting that they wasted their time on ungrateful scrotes. I did that, and I wish all the time that I hadn't spent over a decade of my life and youth being used by terrible men. Having had that dream and actually believing it, only to have it violently shattered several times over was pretty miserable. I still catch myself hoping now and then, that men might not be so bad, but they are. You see other women with the exact same stories everywhere and realize it's just reality, as you say. There are some good guys out there but they're such a small minority it's better not to make love a focus at all. I would've preferred to never have had those dreams in the first place so I could've avoided sacrificing a large part of my life to shitty partners. I was only left with pain and disappointment. Better to have been smart to men's tactics from the start so I could've focused on myself. If you are dealing with self hatred then I hope you'll work on finding fulfillment in other areas of your life so you can properly enjoy the world. Because even if you were to find a decent guy, no one else can convince you of your worth if you don't believe it yourself. We all deserve to feel whole on our own.
No. 749032
>>749020Had so many shit friends throughout my life that I honestly don't know what's normal anymore.
Especially now since we're all adults, I feel particularly insane because it's like I know I should expect some distance and exclusion, but to what degree and do they give other friends preferential treatment? And is that okay to an extent or not okay?
No. 749035
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>>748663>>748780Thanks, I do play some stuff, it's how we met (used to be a hardcore Tekken player, but grew out of it)
I’ve just changed since then and want to do different things, preferably less screen-dependent. Although they are inevitable right now because we're long distance, but we’ve met before.. We were gonna move in together but covid happened. I think it's helped me to rethink if I really want to.
In person, even though he still gets distracted with online games, its like an hour max and at least he's a sweetheart and always makes it up to me later. Plus the sex is great. Sometimes I wonder if I got reverse-catfished lol
When it comes to games his attention span tends to be bad. By the time I’ve learned about the basics of one game, he’ll move on and start obsessing over a boomer shooter with his Discord server or something. And so on.
I’m pretty consistent with a couple of games, including ESO and Stardew Valley, but he’s never in the mood for those despite having been obsessed with them for over a year.
Picrel, summary of what happened today. He's green and I'm pink. My grammar kinda sucks, not a native speaker.
I'm not even into any of those things he keeps referencing so it was one sided and annoying.
This is the same man that had enough money to help me not starve for some days (can’t work due to covid, poor household), but chose to preorder Cyberpunk instead, even though he talked shit about it. But in person he's the complete opposite.
>>748676Holy shit yes. I'm bi and really starting to question whether being with men is worth getting the "straight treatment" (not standing out where I live)
>>748539I have, and it worked… at first. I'm stupid and over time he realized that as long as he apologizes I keep giving him chances.
No. 749065
>>749042Glass woman wouldn't be carrying babies to term and birthing their watermelon heads out of grape-sized vaginal holes, either.
Stupid fucking cunt.
No. 749084
>>749042I would freak out if I suddenly woke up and was made of glass, looking at your own organs doing their jobs 24/7 must be insane, I would kill myself tbh.
Maybe that’s why humanity isn’t made of glass or something see-through.
No. 749119
>>749065Exactly. If women were made of glass an abortion would be far safer than carrying a pregnancy to term, which would surely result in cracking (death?).
Why am I even trying to get into this weird mindset.
No. 749133
>>749042If women were glass absolutely nobody would fuck
What sicko has a fetish for visible innards?
No. 749137
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Not the original anon who talked about it, but I just wanted to drop the video for context. I guess she really did mean if people were transparent…
No. 749151
>>749137Op anon here, I've only ever seen the first part and….this shit still doesn't make any sense. Even if women could see their own baby, we can't so it doesn't matter. Women are fully aware that they have babies inside them whether or not we can see them. Quite frankly, I'm glad we are not glass people so women who get abortions do not feel compelled to make a decision that could possibly mess up her and her childs life
Idk why I'm taking this so seriously, but like, it's just so stupid
No. 749154
>>749042Would the uterus be made of glass too? We'd still have to see through that to see the baby but then it wouldn't stretch so I guess we'd just die.
Plus the uterus is under the intestines and behind the bladder so we'd have to be significantly pregnant for the baby to push the organs out of the way and make itself visible.
No. 749163
>>749137She's still a stupid retarded cunt.
Most women who could see their own uterus wouldn't even notice a difference in the first few weeks since conception. The majority of abortions happen in the first trimester before the zygote can even develop into a fetus and be visible to the naked eye, and even then it wouldn't gain noticeable size immediately until the end of the first trimester.
If women could still see through their bodies, maybe more would be shocked and horrified at how keeping a fully grown fetus in our bodies squashes our other organs. Oh, and are we still see-through during childbirth? So we get to see the part where the baby pushes our bones apart and can crack our tailbones, give us perineal tears so our vagina and asshole meet, and how the baby shits itself with meconium prior to birth? All those fun tidbits are gonna endear childbirth to everyone, hm.
I hate this bitch.
No. 749169
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i think the guy at the hospital's gift shop across the street thought i was homeless or something. it's around 5pm, i walked over (because once again: this place is only a five minute walk away) to pick up some snacks and he was all "you're loading up on treats huh?" and i was like, "yeah". then he asked if i wanted my receipt and i retardedly said "yes, please" like i have to be overly polite to moids. then he gave me my bag and i left. i'm so fucking embarrassed
No. 749181
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>>749157>>749137>witnessing the life growing inside you makes it harder for a woman to kill their own childMy country's government is convinced of this, there are fetuses on billboards EVERYWHERE in the ENTIRE COUNTRY. No matter where you go, you have countless of these. I'm fully aware how babies look like and it's exactly what I don't want to have inside of me, so thanks for a reminder to do an abortion ASAP if necessary.
No. 749188
>>749181Do people who adopt this technique think women have never seen a baby?
And genuinely not trying to bait but babies are only recognisable to people who have been around a specific baby a lot. They all have the same squished little fudge face until they grow into their features and start to look distinguishable from other children. I think if I was gonna get an abortion, seeing the millionth picture of a baby that I don't know from adam would make no difference.
Like that baby on the left? Could be an aborted fetus. Could be Pixyteri. Could be Adam Driver. Nobody fucking knows.
No. 749189
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I don't think I actually have a personality
I'm not sure that I'm a real person
No. 749193
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>>749042If the point was "you could see the baby uwu" then dude that would do the exact opposite for me. If I was having an unwanted pregnancy and could actually SEE this thing floating around in my uterus, I would just freak out more and want it out faster
No. 749203
>>749201nta and no1cur, but I worked at a preschool for years and the only kids I could remember the names of were the black ones because there was only four of them and they all had different hair styles
babies look larval for years after being born imo
No. 749209
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>>749193Here's a fun game: Human or dolphin?
No. 749220
>>749213yo but what about those cases where like, nurses accidentally swap babies in the nursery, and no one notices until the baby gets brown hair or something
I dunno if I even buy instinct thing, you know
No. 749225
>>749218I had to look it up to be sure. Btw dolphin embryo is cuter than human
>>749209So do I and majority of women here…
No. 749263
>nasolabial foldsgets a banner then
>reading comprehension needs a banner too
No. 749278
I understand your need to apologize when you see all of these faults in yourself, you went on for so long about how amazing he is and how bad you are, but please go back and read the very beginning of your post to yourself again.
You've said that he made you insecure comparing you to other women and was withdrawing. That would make most of the people feel like they're too needy when actually they have just regular intimacy needs that are not met, and the insecurity would push you to make up negative scenarios in your head.
While you definitely have your own issues you'll probably need to work out at some point, he's not some amazing person that did no wrong to you. If you really need to apologize for full closure, then go on, but think about it again, will you not regret it later, realizing he was making your pre-existing issues worse? Is it really that necessary?
in the end you'll do what you feel like, there's no real definitely good or definitely bad choice there, but you really should look into therapy to start living normal, healthy life one day, just for yourself, not anyone else.
No. 749280
doesn't get rid of all of them but after about a month they will drastically decrease
No. 749396
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My nexplanon implant is making me break out so bad, I haven't got my period in 45+ days, and I feel like I'm going crazy. I got it because my boyfriend refused to use condoms extremely abusive relationship and I couldn't leave because of covid until now so I had to get it because the pill made my skin break out when I was younger and I didn't want the IUD. I feel idiotic now because I honestly don't ever want to have sex with men again but I'm stuck with this rod in my arm. I can't go back and be like "haha jk take it out" because I went through SO much with the hell of the healing process already and I'm already here but I just want everything to be normal again wtf. skincarefags i need you more than ever
No. 749404
>>749403yeah they're fine
nothing wrong with quitting, of course
No. 749409
>>749403anon don't worry, acid and shrooms are as safe as weed if they aren't laced with anything. as long as he didn't try to jump out of a window or anything he's fine, but honestly that's extremely rare and most people doing that probably are disposed to schizophrenia. it's not really bad unless he's doing it like 3 times a month because hppd is real or trying to drive while under the influence.
t. psychedelicfag
No. 749420
>>749416Hey anon, here to tell you everything will be better. That's a promise.
Every coworker, at some point, has done some stupid shit that causes the whole team to be affected. Ask any one of your team members this. Your boyfriend will be okay. We don't know this for sure but just believe that he will. As for your bunny, I know that it hurts and it's sad. I'm sure you did your best to take care of her. Is there medication she can take?
No. 749428
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A woman just started arguing with me (on social media) about acidity. After I explained to her how acids work, she called me uneducated and then posted, "Source?"
I am literally a chemist.
No. 749430
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>>749428Instances like that always make me laugh. Then their next excuse is "well, does that
really make you an expert?" Anyway, that reminds me of this interaction kek.
No. 749444
>>749359>>749356Speaking as someone who sells ugly jumpers etc, depop just doesn't have many users. People basically push traffic to their depop stores via their insta/twit and then people follow the depop stores of people they follow elsewhere. Also being a "depop seller" is cool so theres way too many sellers vs buyers.
Use Ebay for anything with a reasonably good brand people might search for, or etsy for anything plausibly vintage. Aside from that, I also know some old ladies who sell a lot of stuff they get from thrift stores locally on facebook marketplace, so that could work for more basic stuff that doesn't have so much value from brand, as well as particularly for athleisure type clothes and sportswear (ie normie garb). Thats if you have fb anyway, I've never done it cause i dont want to meet the local people where i live at all (midwest, scary ass crackers here) but you'd save the shipping I guess. Poshmark also works for that sorta stuff but I dont think they have that in the uk.
Cant help you with depop tags much but on Ebay, tag with brand and size and color but dont bother with anything else, keep titles short, readable and sane and your listings will look much better than 95% of others since so many are allcaps word salad. As far as depop, all I can say is that counterintuitively, the same item priced higher can sell faster because people are looking for "a nice dress" and that means they want to buy a dress worth $50, $70 or whatever, and since they're just looking for dresses generally, they dont know that the dress you put up for $20 is actually worth $100, they think it's worth $20, and they dont want to buy "a cheap $20 dress^. Try just doubling your depop prices and see what happens, you might be surprised. In comparison, on Ebay, people are looking for a specific brand usually, and they have an idea of what that brand costs and are more likely to know what's a good deal on a nice dress vs what's a cheap dress. And dont worry about likes/favorites much, people who go on depop and like things are mostly not the same people who go on depop and buy things (what I mean tbh is likers ain't got no money. kids etc).
Biggest tip of all is free shipping on everything. Just estimate your shipping and add it to your price. Trust me on this one…people would much rather pay $50 for a $50 dress with free shipping, than buy a $40 dress and pay $50 after shipping. With free ship people feel like they're getting more value cause the item is "worth $50" if you know what I mean.
Please do ask any other questions if you have them and I'll answer them at some point tomorrow probably.
No. 749494
>>749416Keep it strong in there, stay strong for those around you!
Don't give up on a failure, be it small or big!
Cling your fist and try your best!
No. 749544
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What do I do with my life?
Love being a mom to my two kids. But I’m spread thin.
My kids dad is a stay at home NEET who constantly cheats behind my back, can’t afford daycare so I keep letting him live with us bc he good dad to the kids but it fr kills me.
I work long stupid hours overnight at a job that I’m starting to hate. I have zero energy or time for my hobbies like baking or painting.
I’m overwhelmed with guilt that I’m tired with my kids and that I’m not spending enough time with them. I have no family near by to help.
I’m always helping out friends who end up taking advantage of my kindness. I’m the subject of gossip constantly at work even tho literally talk to nobody.
I struggle with ADD/Bipolar disorder and I can’t focus on anything and even though I am working towards longtime goals it feels as though it’s futile.
I want to kill myself so bad but I can’t until I have a nest egg for my children so they aren’t destitute.
Also struggling with the fact that I’m secretly a lesbian but even if I wanted to date again no woman would want someone with kids who has their ex living with them.
I feel like I’m going to be stuck in this cage for the next ten years as my children are literally babies. Feels bad.
No. 749552
>>749544I don’t mean to offend when I say this. when a young person with no kids vents on here that they want to improve their life I’ll tell them to not post on image boards. You have 2 kids, you have a lot less time than others, so start with not posting on imageboards. Since they’re not in daycare perhaps paint with them, and bake with them. Try to multitask.
Instead of the time that you waste on imageboards, make them for your hobby’s.
And get meds for the adhd, and a better job that requires less hours. And perhaps a girlfriend.
No. 749575
>>749544I hate that thing where men can constantly cheat on the kids mom, rarely contribute financially and can stress the other parent out like this.. but still be labelled as 'a good dad to the kids'. He's not. The kids won't stay unaware forever and that shit can greatly affect their own relationship dynamics as adults. Cheating dads are not good fathers.
Not having a go at you personally, I just see that being said alot and it bugs me that we feed into their delusion of somehow still being good men. Treating the mom like shit will always heavily bleed into the kids lives too. No matter how much moms try to protect them from the harsh facts of who dad really is.
I know alot of people living decent lives now with 'blended families' their first baby dad was useless but with time they found someone new and created a well working family unit. Hopefully you can find that someday
No. 749579
>>749566>desk night jobOh wait it’s the OP
You haven’t even replied to my post/the first reply yet were quick to defend yourself about le free time. It’s classic, I used to do that too when I used to post a lot on image board. Get a different job and either communicate with that guy or get a new girlfriend. And if you slack off on your desk job do stuff that have anything to do with your hobby’s, like digital painting. Maybe turn your hobby’s into a side hustle too? Or work from home if you rather want to shitpost. COVID-19 is a blessing for that.
And maybe move near family (if if that’s an option) so they can sometimes watch for the kids/interact with their family. Perhaps since they’re stuck and isolated with two broken parents that decided to have kids maybe you should introduce them to other kids so their parents can look out for them sometimes as well? Do a favor back of course.
Do it before your kids hate you.
No. 749615
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I wonder if there's a place where the disproportion between levels of attractiveness of women and men is as big as in slavic countries. Holy shit, what a nightmare. I won't even mention their fucked up approach to religion and politics. Honestly I wish I had a western bf but western men fetishize us and we are perceived as "easy" wife material because we're "poor and not ruined by feminism" except local men claim we're already "ruined by western feminism" and they call us whores who sell themselves to arabs and western men (even though the wast majority of local women date local men only). I think I will never date anyone, it seems too stressful. Local scrotes are ugly and mean but I wouldn't know which outsiders are to be trusted either
No. 749619
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I'm panicking so badly. I have NO IDEA what to do with my life or how to save my ass right now. Like, none. At all.
I have no education except high school and am socially awkward, live in the middle of nowhere and am mentally ill.
I thought I'd try to learn how to code, I love it and think it's fun but with my current job I really can't put in like 3+ hours into studying and honestly I have NO IDEA what to specialize in. It all sounds the same and and every job description, even for the same job, is different.
On top of that I have a shit homelife, a parent that's a womanchild and a brother that's a selfish pos on top of being a manchild + his dog that I have to take care of since he's too aggressive to be rehomed or put in a shelter because they'd put him down.
Am too poor to afford to study and to quit my job. I feel like I should know the answer and what to do but I just don't see it.
I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't fucking know
No. 749656
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I feel like I am falling from the sky at a million miles per second only to impact the ground sooner or later. My boyfriend is great, we have similar world views, hobbies, we can talk about a lot of stuff, our fights are not toxic. But still, I managed to find a way to ruin it.
Everything in the last year crumbled down I had lost long term friends, apartment, and my animals now I am in my parent's basement, in school, and sit in my room all day to either game or cry. My boyfriend doesn't know I cry daily for the last few months. He already feels bad he can't help me and make me feel better.
How do I even bring up my self worth? How do I stop being overly emotional or ruining this one good thing I have going for me?
someone shoot me now please before I hit the ground
No. 749659
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i've just talked to my grandmother for 18 fucking minutes it was insane. the only things she talks about are my dad, what he did that day, etc, and how useless my mother is. she's old, like 85, so she will probably die soon and that's what's keeping me from cutting contact. but it's fucking insane. when i try to tell her anything, like make a suggestion to stop trying to tell me how to live my life, she gets upset and tells me she's old and i must respect her. aah
also i hate my binge eating disorder. i know not one ed is better than any other but sometimes i wish i was anorexic lol
No. 749669
Found out my dad is having an affair cheating on my low functioning mentally ill mother. They've been together since they had me, around 20 years, despite my mother's strong character and excessive aggression. I remember she would kick him out of the house and have irrational aggressive bursts out of jealousy. She had a psychotic attack around 5 years ago and this changed her greatly, she has severe agoraphobia, doesnt shower nor brushes her hair unless we tell her to, and also has become a very passive woman, she doesn't really care about anything but my well being and only want my company, the meds she takes only help her sleeping and her anxiety, but she has become a whole different person.
I want to hate my dad for cheating on my mom but also, I don't know if this outweights the good things because he also takes care of her and he pays for her meds and helps me pay our rent.
I am afraid of him leaving us though, but thats mostly my irrational fear. He promised he will support me while I'm in college and I trust him.
No. 749683
>>749669I'd give a bit more slack in this kind of situation. Yeah it's super shitty that he's cheating on her, but he probably couldn't bring up separation without your mom going off the deep end again and who knows how badly.
It sounds like he does care about you guys since he's still supporting you both, but clearly he's not getting his needs met which even I can't blame him for. I don't even know if I'd have romantic or sexual feelings for a jealous scrote who didn't hygiene unless I told him to, then wait on him hand and foot. But I would feel obligation towards my child and marriage of 20 years.
Can you have a talk with him? Like tell him what you've seen and see if he admits to it. Be honest about your fears and how terrified it makes you.
No. 749684
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>live 9 years completely fine without having any friends, never truly feel lonely
>have one(1) dream about a perfect day hanging out with "old friends" after a school reuninion where everything feels perfectly right, who mostly don't even exist in the real world and were partly characters of stories I'm reading, completely made up and one person I actually knew irl but only was semi-close with
>wake up
>suddenly start desperately craving friends for days
No. 749706
>>749638Seconding this, it doesn't matter at all what language you learn to code in, they all work quite similarly just differently organized. Python is by far the easiest and most clear language that's actually used, so start with that. I took an intro CS course in college (my university has shall we say a very good CS department) and it was python, my partner's dad is a CS professor and uses python exclusively.
I feel the need to be this emphatic because reddiitards will seize any opportunity to be like "oh PYTHON? It's so INEFFICIENT" when who fuckong cares about a couple seconds of processing time or whatever the fuck. It's so so much more clear and straightforward than any other common language it's not even close.
I was talking to a friend of mine on the subway one time about learning python and this random fuckin junior MBA lookon dude butts in with "oh PYTHON? you should learn Java, everyone uses java in ""the industry""." My professor worked for Microsoft from 1990 to 2005 and is probably a fuckin hundred millionaire, and he described java as ^retarded crackhead spaghetti" (real quote). Redditors and autismo programmerlords have zero, I repeat zero, fuckong clue.
Look at it this way: a skilled carpenter can make a chair out of any wood with any tools available. Someone who gets trained in using the latest hitech bandsaw machine can only make planks no matter how "skilled" they are. If you understand the concepts and how to solve problems computationally in a general sense, you can learn any language easily for any specific use.
Jobs "say" they have language experience requirements, and they do for people who autistically "learn the language" but dont actually understand anything about CS. If you actually know how to program, you can walk in and be like "oh java/perl/whatever? Yeah shouldn't be any trouble, I'll brush up" and it's fine. My partners dad literally grew up in a place without computers and learned CS by writing out assembly code (old timey GOTO 8 ADD 7 code) on paper and following the code himself to make sure the results were right.
Disregard any "code training" programs and take CS courses at a local college, if you can. It's like med tech school vs medical school (if all the other med techs were retarded moids) in the sense that narrow "coders" have little prospect for career advancement and get fucked if their language falls put of use, while CS-competent programmers can move between languages, companies and fields easily. And there are so so few people broadly competent in CS that it's incredibly easy to move into management since you're one of the few people who can translate what the company wants done into simple subproblems for the code monkeys to solve and optimize. It's still a very maledominated field so you have to build up an absolute wall of confident immunity from programmer pieces of shit nebbing about language. Learn python, learn CS, then picking up languages and coding is easy, even trivial. The hard part is phrasing problems computationally, not the coding. You will leave autismo coders in the dust. You will bury them.
No. 749727
>>749686anon i feel for you, moving out is really fucking hard and it sucks that you were led on about something like that :( maybe your vague acquaintance was doing this to try and get close to you but when he realized it was a no-go he pulled this stunt? idk, i know looking for explanations is futile tho.
i hope you can move out soon!!! best wishes to you
No. 749762
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I fucking hate when I stop working and being productive for one day because then it means I have a hard time getting back into the groove of things AAGGGGHGHHHA
No. 749765
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>>749729I hate that typing style, specifically when there's no punctuation. It reads so fucking strange. Just use a period or comma instead of starting a new paragraph for every sentence
No. 749849
>>749844Or you could have just been mad that the sorry ingrates had no gratitude that you gave them the time of day, only to throw it back in your face for the chance to do the rejecting knowing they'd have so few opportunities to actually pull those power moves.
That's just me, anyway. I hate that they felt they had power over me.
No. 749876
>>749872I'm playing SMT Strange Journey. I just didn't feel like saying it because it's a rather niche game, the name is long, and I feel like it would only invite weird looks or an awkward "Oh" as a response. My roommate passive aggressively told me "I don't want to know anymore" after I said it.
>>749827Nah, not really. I'm the same anon as
>>748853 >>748718
I live with her but she rarely spends time outside of her room. (Though she did use the kitchen last night to make some vomit-looking waste of chicken and that was really unpleasant) My issues are mostly with her at work because she makes me want to sperg out but I don't want to be fired/cancelled.
No. 749881
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I'm trying to stop masturbating for atleast a couple of months, but I'm so fucking horny it's distracting. I tried to read fanfic to quench my thirst so I can fucking work but it just made it worse. I'm not even a week into my "celibacy" or whatever this would be called. Lord give me the strenech
No. 749886
>>749883He's trying to neg you.
Men are disgusting.
No. 749908
>>749899I didn't say it was? I want to stop masturbating because of productivity, I feel like my coochie has become less sensitive, I want to break masturbating "habits" to improve my experience, and because I want to stop watching porn. I don't wanna be too detailed about my issues but that's the main gist of it I guess. I hope when I eventually come back to it I can explore my sexuality in better ways and try new things, if that make sense. I just need to turn my horny button off right now.
No. 749910
>>749883If both happened while buying groceries it could be that mid-covid men are desperate for any avenue to talk to women… the grocery store is now where you get this shit. Oh joy
The last time I was chatted up, the guy weirdly 'negged' on a woman who had passed by us. I'm guessing he did it because she was heavily made up and I'm the opposite. Like I should be flattered he hates her look because that builds me up?? I looked at him like I didn't know what he was talking about. I'm not trashing some strange woman with you. I don't care how opposite our looks are. Let her walk down the street and keep your shitty thoughts to yourself. Charming, made me wonder if PUA are teaching that now
No. 749923
>>749908Oh I completely understand you! I'm in the same position. I've stopped watching porn because masturbating too much is ruining my life and also because I saw something horrible unwillingly while searching for porn. I recommend this method>>749899Yeah, it's not inherently bad in healthy doses and exploring your body is good, but at some point masturbation can become a serious addiction alongside porn usage
No. 749940
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I want to buzzcut my hair so baad. Half my hair is sunbleacheched to shit which makes it hard to brush unless I put a bunch of product in it and I'm very sure that doing makes mt face greasy. I just want to restart the whole thing. The only things stopping me is having a weird head shape and the fact that it'll look awkward when it grows a certain length.
No. 749947
>>749940Do it! I've shaved my hair twice, and even though I'm growing it out now, I don't regret it. The experience of rubbing a freshly shaved head is like nothing else. I feel like a shaved head can look good on a lot of face shapes. My face is literally a chubby circle and I still liked it.
>>749923Thank you for the rec anon! I don't really have a method other than "don't do it", so I do appreciate having a lil guidebook
No. 749988
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Now my coworker/roommate is blowing up my phone because apparently people have been telling her I've been saying weird things to her. And she feels like things I say to her are hurtful.
Like I guess I was acting bitchy but I don't get why someone's reaction is to beg someone to talk to you about it? Like sorry I hurt your feelings but you can ignore it like an adult or get the hint that I don't want you to sperg about Trump and Neo-Nazis at work.
No. 750002
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i want pringles
No. 750010
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>>750007I know. The weird thing is that she is white and I'm not lmao. I pointed this out and she at least took it back lmao. But way to try to bust out the big guns to get one on me.
This is way too much. I have never gotten this level of craziness before from a coworker. Is this normal? I don't get why she doesn't get the hint I don't really want to talk with her right now.
No. 750013
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>>750002me too, I miss them every day
No. 750025
>>750022>Also, walking tacos with Doritos do fuck.Lmaooo anon I've never heard someone use fuck like that in my life
"Man….these chips fuck!"
No. 750042
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What started off as a small spot this afternoon, has turned my chin into the fucking chad meme. The spot has gotten so big that it's wider than my mouth, is starting to push my bottom lip into my mouth and has extended the length of my chin by hanging off of it. I've tried spot cream and squeezing it, which managed to seep out a tiny bit of liquid, but no way near enough. I want to stab myself with a craft knife so bad just to empty it
>pic related is unironically what I look like
No. 750047
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I feel like the queen of dumb bitch. All of my assignments happened to fall on this weekend and I literally did not realize this until now. My essay for religion is due Sunday and I am half a page in after 4 hours of trying to decipher what the fuck I even need to write about and it needs to be at least 5 pages long. I've just never had to do an essay with this much complexity before and I am screaming internally. I am so fucked. Those other assignments are pretty important too and do take a second to complete so I still have to take time to work on those as well. I need to take my exam by Sunday, I need to read that new chapter for biology and do the homework and quiz by at least Tuesday morning but that shit takes so long, I have to finish my dance portfolio by Sunday but we just watched a concert yesterday and now I have to write an essay about that by Sunday too. I just spent way too much time being depressed and moping and now that I feel better I just got bitch slapped by my classes.
No. 750064
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I went out shopping with my mom to get a few things and I decided to go into mens section to just check it out and I felt so happy. I have such a sudden urge to wear mens clothing even though I've been extremely feminine for most of my life. They're so comfy and cool and just overall nice. My mom noticed that I got some mens boxers and asked if I was going butch and I felt embarrassed because I felt too old for this shit and also weirdly felt scared of losing my femininity. This sounds like such a fakeboi rant but I love being a woman and would never change who I am, I would rather die than give that up. I wish I could talk to someone about this in real life without them automatically asking if I'm trans especially because I cut my hair short recently. I know I should just wear what I want and say fuck whoever but my anxiety is being so stupid.
No. 750092
>>750085So let's get this straight:
You took the gumption to try to talk about his behavior towards you and how it makes you feel disliked, and yet instead of staying on subject, he turns it around on you and asks if you even like him.
Does it sound like he's concerned about having hurt you anon, or is the MO to not look like the bad guy because he knows what you feel is the truth? Think about it.
No. 750094
>>749628NTA but no self-respecting woman will do that unless she has to.
I had to because I lived alone with my mom and we were poor, and there was no way for me to emigrate because you need to prove you have money to support yourself for most European visas. I also didn't have any education because, well, we were too poor for it. I met a guy and he offered to move me into his apartment and I accepted because I loved him, wanted to be together forever and he said we'd help my mom too.
It was horrible, everyone in my ex's family hated me, his friends mocked me every day and he was extremely demeaning to my culture despite being a male feminist woketard in public. No money for my mom either, we were too poor because I wasn't allowed to work and he was a cashier in a supermarket.
I genuinely loved him, thought he'd be a good guy and not like the local men. Nope, I ended up dumping him when I couldn't take it anymore and his whole family descended upon me for daring to break their baby boy's heart. Worked my ass off to be able to stay in the country and while everyone thought I dumped him when I got citizenship, I didn't.
I feel really bad for women who are so put down in life they have to resort to this in order to survive. The fact is, you are hated more than the rapist who goes to Thailand to buy underage prostitutes if you do this.
No. 750123
The older I get, the more I realise I might be bi, I seriously love girls lmao, but they intimidate me so much, I want to kiss and spend my life with a women, even adopt kids or something, and I never get these feelings with men.
I just don't really have any sexual feeling towards them as much as I do with men, (which is already like a 2/10)
Something about me, I can be mean with them, tell them off no problem and not budge, but with women I can't even look into their eyes without being scared lol.
I'm not sure if this is being bisexual or just that I really cherish and want to protect them from evilness of the world.
I've gotten into physical fights in HS defending girls from annoying scrotes lol.
No. 750178
>>750170>>750174plottwist: hes watching mindless youtube videos
first anon who posted do you hear any sound coming from the bathroom? he's probably playing on his phone regardless
No. 750216
>>750174a lot of guys spend a long time pushing logs out of their bung holes. hes probably fucking around of yt or reddit, chill
but speaking of chill, i fucking hate italian americans and kale
No. 750293
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>>750292Here's a dark meme for a dark occasion
No. 750294
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>>750292I'm sorry for your loss, anon. I wish you a smooth grieving process and I hope you find peace.
No. 750295
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>>750292it's not a meme, but this gif feels very fun
I'm sorry this is happening to you
No. 750328
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>>750276pain and neetdom. i was actually social and got so much done in my life, suddenly I reach adulthood and fucking 2020 happens. i also gained like 40 lbs. isolation + no friends make jane a sad girl.
No. 750331
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>>750292I'm very sorry anon, I hope you will feel better as soon as you can.
No. 750342
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>>750292I am so sorry, I lost my dad to cancer so in a lot of ways i know how deep and traumatic and sometimes weird grief can get. i hope other anons memes gave you a lil bit of relief and a break from having to process what you're processing, which i know for a fact is a lot. sending u love and healing and dumbass shit
No. 750348
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>>750340lemme give u a virtual hug anon. I used to get beat up by my parents too, had to go to school with swollen lips and shit.
No. 750352
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I don't know if my accent when I speak English got way worse or my hearing got more attuned to it now that I'm listening to more English music again, but GOD is it embarrassing speaking in English. I grew up bilingual, so I already have a slight accent in both, my parents language and in my country's language, which is bad enough, but when speaking English it's just this annoying, irrecognizable amassment Of Ugly that's almost impossible to understand I feel like. "Speaking a foreign language is amazing in itself already, you probably don't care when you hear someone talk with an accent either yadayadayada" I know, I heard it all already, I don't care, I just want to be able to blare along to shitty emo songs from 2009 and feel embarrassed of my song choice again and not of my pronunciation. Such a stupid vent, I know, but I don't get how it got so bad, really.
No. 750353
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Why are men? I was at the shopping mall yesterday and I was walking pretty fast and suddenly a wild scrote emerges and stands right in front of me, despite me trying to walk past him. And the "conversation" goes like this
him: do you need any help?
me: no, why?
him: you look like you're looking for something smiles like a creep
me: no I'm not, sorry
him: muttering to himself that smile…
I was wearing a face shield so he coulde see I'm smiling nervously and I often do it when I'm confused or scared. Him muttering to himself about my smile creeped me the fuck out. I tried to walk away again and he stopped me for the last time and once again, said that if I was looking for "something" he could help me and then I walked away. I went to a nearest shop and stayed there for a while because I was afraid he will follow me. Am I paranoid? Random guys who just tried to score were never that persistent in trying to stop me from walking away with their entire bodies, and this one was also much taller than me so I felt physically intimidated. Dude was creepy and even if he was physicallly attractive I would still be creeped out by his behavior and I would assume he's a fuckboy (or a trafficker)
No. 750369
Weight gain makes me seriously go crazy trying to overcompensate for it, it's fucking ridiculous. Like, I gain 5kg and instead of eating less and exercising like a sane person, I get a new new haircut, fake nails, eyelash tinting, clothes, jewelry, makeup, perfume, etc, anything to instantly boost my self esteem with no effort. It's so pathetic and I'm scared to look at my bank account with the amount of shit I've bought this week.
Honestly rly looking forward to my deliveries though kek, I got some nice stuff and I actually forked out for decent quality for once.
No. 750401
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Covid makes me so anxious. I wish everything would return to normal already, my country announced a 3 week lockdown but experts are now saying that's not enough. What makes me even saltier is that we had a pretty normal summer but then the cases started spiking up again in autumn and now we've been back to this hell for almost half a year I'm applying for jobs over the summer and I'm shitting myself if the positions I'm applying to get cancelled. Inb4 ree normie can't handle this like the chad NEETs, it's not about that.
No. 750449
My life is not the greatest right now. I'm trying to fix it but I just wanted to vent.
>Get upset because if boyfriend isn't working he is playing videogames for hours.
>Keep telling him that he has to look for jobs on his own and apply because he works nights. He absolutely hates it but doesn't actively try to change the situation.
>We haven't had sex in three weeks despite me initiating and us both being 21. I am a fatty chan trying to lose weight so I don't blame him but I wish he was honest with me about it. He says he's attracted to me but his actions say otherwise.
>Gained nearly 80 lbs in 2 years from depression. I am determined to not get morbidly obese however and am making an effort to eat better.
>Have severe OCD and social anxiety, I get depressed because of it and then I eat and eat and eat.
>Severe OCD, social anxiety and GAD make me feel like a terrible scary person all the time. I have harm, sexual and contamination obsessions, really great mix.
>Have hated myself ever since I was a child. Was molested at 4 and lived in a household where domestic violence was commonplace, saw it regularly compared to my siblings. Dad was and still is alcoholic and mom regularly called me retarded, still love her but she took her abuse out on me. I need to move on but can't.
>Still live at home and no passions to pursue in school.
>Just want to be happy/okay and am failing miserably. I have so much to be grateful for but I'm stuck feeling bad for myself.
I wish I could kill myself without scarring anyone for life. I still have people who love me. Everyone seems like they've just moved on, they are okay my siblings are okay, my dad is okay, my mom is okay and I'm the one who was dealt the short end of the stick and turned out mentally ill. Also, I genuinely love my boyfriend despite his flaws, I have plenty of my own as listed. I just need to be grateful I had a better life than a lot of people. Sorry for the disjointed post. I'll be okay eventually, I have to be otherwise what's the alternative?
No. 750455
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>>750292I don't know what to say anon. I wish I could hug you.
No. 750481
>>750392>>750353My first thought was that it has to do with the face shield? At least where I am that's very rare compared to masks. In that case it's relatively rare to see a woman's lower face in public, and then you're the only woman with a visible face around…men being retarded, it might subconsciously strike them the same as if you were in the mall topless. This is an extreme case of cumbrain but it could be true.
I hadnt thought about this but you know how autistic people supposedly watch people's lips when they speak, instead of their eyes? A lot of creepy men are like halfway autistic so face coverings probably primally scare them. you could have just been one of the few people with visible lips he saw to creep on.
>>750457I've been thinking about carrying an egg around in a protected pocket. "You have three seconds to get away from me or you're gonna get the egg."
No. 750541
>>747128>>747097>our society for making teenage girls think that being beaten and pissed on is hotSociety didn't do anything, those teenage girls with kink accounts are degenerates, they are wholly responsible for the way they are, no one else is to blame.
>>747108Just feel normal disgust and move on, why are you trying to change them?
No. 750550
>>750509wait so are you still paying full price for health insurance while unemployed? If you dont presently have any income you can get the maximum subsidy on a marketplace health plan if not literal Medicaid. The only hiccup is that you might have too low an income for marketplace subsidies (theyll say you're supposed to apply for Medicaid) but then you have too much in assets to get Medicaid (I think that can be a thing). Since you said you've burned through your savings though I cant see any reason you wouldn't qualify for either subsidies or Medicaid, other than if you made a ton of money in the 2020 tax year before losing your job, but if it was from covid that was probably pretty early in the year I'd assume. My taxable yearly income is about 20k after deductions and I pay $80 out of a $270 marketplace silver health care monthly premium with the rest subsidized (plan has $0 deductible, $0 copays for most things, $350 flat for ER visit which isn't terrible, it's a good plan overall), I do live in a usually-blue state though.
It's also not a problem if you get on subsidies and then do get a job, if your income ends up too high at the end of the year for your subsidy level theyll just take the difference out of your income tax refund. Not exactly sure with Medicaid but pretty sure you just declare yourself not poor anymore and you dont have to pay anything back as long as you were poor the whole time you were on Medicaid. So many people are paying way more than they have to for health insurance and not claiming benefits they are entitled to. It's a stressful aggravating process to go through, Medicaid more so than subsidies but both really, but there are people in most areas to help you out with forms etc if you look up health care application help in your town/city/state. Dont feel bad at all about using the appliction help even if you dont feel like you're the most deserving, they're usually paid by hospitals to help people bring in those federal dollars if they are entitled to them (so they can pay the hospital).
No. 750578
>>750568>Didn't Americans get a $400 WEEKLY lmfao what?
We didn't even get that second stimulus, where did you hear that?
Americans getting money? lmfao, that's unheard of
No. 750587
>>750568It's been $300 extra on top of unemployment per week since December which will expire on March 14th. Right now they're trying to pass a third COVID relief bill that involves a third stimulus check, $400 extra per week on top of unemployment until August, and a child credit. But it's currently being held up right now because leaders are taking the opportunity to shit their pants about $15/hr minimum wage, which a)Won't make employers wants to hire more people during a pandemic, and b)Would only be beneficial for bumfuck nowherians because $15/hr still isn't a living wage in most places.
To be clear: There was a $600 per week bonus that lasted March thru July of 2020. I know this because a bunch of lazy self-employed friends bought lots of frivilous toys on this income and even my bartender ex bought himself a brand new car with it while his bar was shut down. Gross fucking overpay IMO, because it was on top of the unemployment normally received. They were making over $20/hr to sit at home safe and sound.
No. 750606
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>>750568>>750589>>where did you hear thatFrom my American friend who's unemployed and financially better off than she was pre-Covid. Also, I read the news.
The first unemployment extension was $600/week. The second relief bill had a $300 unemployment boost and the next one is supposed to have $400/week. It's a much bigger part of the relief bill than the stimulus checks everyone is focused on. No. 750615
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It’s funny how even in today’s society there’s the underlying belief that without a man, women are lost.
What will you do when your old? Who will take care of you when you’re sick?
And of course:
Have fun being a miserable old cat woman!!!
The miserable old women I know are all widowers or divorcees. Betrayed by their husbands through infidelity or eating and drinking in excess until they died. I’d be bitter too if I spent the majority of my life taking care of something that could only care for me as an extension of themselves.
Any pickme bitch in the western world who would set aside her career or education for a man who will inevitably leave her, hurt her, or die before her needs to wise up. Not that raising a family is bad, but having no stake in yourself is idiotic. They mock young single mothers but I never hear them talk about older women who get left behind once their husband, who has nothing in common with them anymore, leaves for a women he met at work.
Anyway, I’ll conclude this with a resounding MEN ARE TRASH
No. 750616
>>750606 and I accidentally scrolled past your reply before hitting send. Checks out with what I heard. And yeah, the $15 or bust national minimum wage debate is ridiculous.
No. 750644
>>750615I have a coworker who's in a management position who treats my other coworkers like shit depending on whether or not the fuckboy who's been dragging her along is with her or not that day. It's pathetic and sad to look at, and she's a few years older than me so I'm surprised she hasn't wised up to it yet. Another coworker says she probably settles because she really wants a family, but all I want to do is grab her by the shoulders and scream PLEASE LOVE YOURSELF!!!! At the same time, I can only feel so sorry for her, because a lot of my coworkers around me are strong women who have told her to cut him off but she refuses to. I've literally heard my boss ranting about this girl facetiming with him all day when the previous day she was upset because of some stupid fuckboy shit he did. To let a man control your emotions like this, to have to deal with your shitty attitude for the day because of how shit your man decided to treat you, it's pathetic.
I paid my price for messing around with fuckboys in my early 20s and it was a good lesson learned. I have an older coworker who sometimes goes out on dates but she's very much a "I'd rather be single than wipe a man's ass" kind of woman and I love that. I love and admire strong women and there's nothing more beautiful than a woman who refuses to settle because she knows her worth. I love it when men have to resort to petty insults because they fear her and know she would put them in their place in the fucking garbage. Men act like they won't be the ones lost without a woman to guide his stupid ass.
No. 750648
>>750550 Thank you for the helpful and thoughtful reply, I hope anyone else in similar circumstances reads this. No, I was uninsured after losing my salaried job/benefits, had a gap for a few months, got on state healthcare (basically medicaid). The issue is they are now sending me appeal notices because due to the fact that I'm not receiving unemployment as I have exhausted it, they assume I'm employed. I've only been on it for four months, which thankfully was enough time to get my yearly, IUD, and a UTI taken care of without charge.
The issue is I did 'make' over 20k last year after deductions–75% of it unemployment. I'm in a career field that is almost non existent right now due to COVID (wedding planning/catering/think of any job around that.) Again thank you, I'm appealing the cut off. I'll be fine even if they do cut me off as it never paid for medications anyway which are more than doctor visits per quarter. Just needed to vent
No. 750667
>>750661>>750664definitely ur brothers…I hope to god they're younger than you. If so just like do the same thing again with your clothes but hide something in the pile that will make noise if disturbed - like an open jar of marbles/ball bearings placed so it'll spill if someone goes through your clothes. Then you can catch the culprit. I dont have younger brothers but they all seem to worship older siblings, you just have to make it clear that shit is creepy and not ok. If it's an older brother or any adult brother teally…idk tell your parents so they can go through his computer, cause that shit is sus.
I'm such a damn boomer actually, you could just put your phone in the pile on record, or possibly look for some kind of record-on-motion spycam app.
No. 750678
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>>750615that's because it's a fucking scam. of course men will make fun of women and call them old cat ladies, men don't want to be alone. if they keep saying that shit to young girls, it'll scare them. when in reality, like you said, most women who i know are depressed or miserable are divorcees. all the single older women in my life are so so happy. one of them is a producer living her life working on movies and shows, being able to do whatever she wants because she's free. my aunt fostered 5 cats recently because why not? and she's the happiest woman i know, she dates on the side but won't ever cuff anybody because she's living her own life. i'm so glad i'm family and friends with a ton of single women in my life because i've had such insecurities about this for so long, but they've just straight up been like who fucking cares? just live your life.
that's why men make fun of older women or tell young women that it's pathetic to be a "cat lady", they're terrified of being alone and having to do things themselves. if no bang maid when me 50, how will me live????? it's so sad to see these women work their asses off just for the men to cheat on somebody 40 years younger or just fucking die because they're too stupid to care about their health. of course people can marry who they like, but it's pathetic that men make fun of women who would prefer to be single, not want kids, or not get married at an age like 20.
personally i would love to go all out and adopt like 10 ferrets and take care of them, how the hell would i do that with a grown toddler beside me? if i'm gonna be a ferret mama i gotta be the best No. 750728
>>750678>>750615Never forget that married men live longer than single men, but single women live longer than married women. Marriage is only worth it for women if you're head over heels in love and you've found yourself someone who makes you incredibly happy, settling will only drain you.
>>750620And they're statistically more likely than women to leave you when you're terminally ill, disabled or battling long-term sickness.
No. 750837
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Soooo my roommate might be a douchebag. I live with him and my boyfriend, and we've never talked about the women he'd bring home because we didn't want to pry, but now there's something happening that looks a little sketch and I don't know how to bring it up with roommate.
Usually he'd bring them home and have wine with them, then go for a walk. Recently, there's one girl that he's brought home often in particular, Rachel, who seems to be one he's trying to relationship with. She comes home with him every weekend and play board games in the living room, take walks, and eat takeout together, for hours. She is giggly and whiny, obviously crushing on him, and roommate replies in the same way. Rachel would sleep in the living room if she stayed over. My boyfriend and I were happy that young love was obviously blooming.
A week or so ago, he brought home a woman we've never seen before. He had a few drinks with her and then took her to his room to fuck. This seemed normal, we thought. Rachel and him probably aren't exclusive or anything yet, or even in a relationship so roommate is free to bonk whoever. The woman stayed the night in his room.
Yesterday, he brought home the same woman. Almost immediately they went to fuck. She stayed over again. It's night now, he'd brought Rachel home and they're currently laughing downstairs about something while eating takeout.
I feel so bad for Rachel. Am I just being fucking autistic? You don't fuck somebody and immediately pretend you're in a qt lovey thing with somebody else a few hours later, right? I really hope he's transparent with her but I don't think that's happening.
No. 750848
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>qt boy finally worked up the nerve to ask me for my number the other day
>was riding on a super happy high up until recently
>sensing waning interest and small trace amounts of contempt/judgement on my side and his
Seems like we're hitting a wall… I've been trying to liven the conversation but it's hard since his English isn't 100%. Maybe there's some miscommunication, or maybe I'm reading too much into things…
No. 750860
>>750837Are you actually friends with your roommate? If you're even close with him on any sort of friendship level, just freakin' ask him what's up with all that.
But … if he's just Some Guy you don't hang out with much, just shares space and helps pay the rent, maybe stay out of it? He could be a cheater, but he could be "poly" or something? (Nah, on second thought, he's probably a scumbag but nothing you say or do can change that, just let it unfold, I guess)
If you're friends with Rachel at all, definitely say something to her. But it doesn't seem like you are. You might just have to sit this one out and let it implode.
No. 750874
>>750832I'm sorry I went through his phone, apologised about this to him, but I'm kinda glad I did… At least I know. He wouldn't find anything bad on my phone. He's been told he can do so anytime, I have genuinely nothing to hide.
It's so sad, I really like him and even though I've felt like it won't work between us, we have had so much fun together. So many memories. Met our families, traveled together. He's educated, looks good and is a hard worker. Tries to be nice to me a lot, a gentleman. But then he just does a really shitty thing and plays stupid, pretending he doesn't understand what's wrong.
But he always did this, play cold and mean when I had a problem. Always defensive. Turn it on me. Pick one random thing from what I said and shout about it (how dare I say that to him), then ignore me for hours. Than suddenly he's very apologetic, loving and understanding.
He also forced me to have sex a few times and than acted like he didn't know I wasn't into it so I had to comfort him. Tries to go without condom against my will - those things are just unforgivable. And badmouthing me to his friends is just so shitty… Now I don't ever want to meet them and I have a few people thinking I'm a bitch without them ever meeting me. And I caught him flirting with a girl over text in the first 6 months of our relationship.
Sad thing is, I don't have many close friends. I feel like I'm really lonely and it's all my fault. Maybe I have a difficult personality. Feel like I'm the bad one in this relationship. And I'll never be in a good relationship because I ruin everything. My last relationship was very
abusive, I got told this frequently by my ex and it just stuck to my mind since then.
I love talking to someone on a daily basis, do nice things for them, wish them good night, good luck and so on.
Now that it's pandemic, I can't even go out and meet new people…
Sorry for long blog.
No. 750888
>>750862I’ve had to do this. Similar situation only it was my friend’s roommate and I was over a lot.
Literally just walked into the kitchen to get a beer, stopped to chat, “oh, anyway, so what was the name of the brunette you’ve been bringing home again? And the other girl last Wednesday?”
The chaos was…..
chef’s kiss No. 750893
>>750824>>750874Your posts are freaking me out a bit because that describes my situation with an ex down to the same details. Your boyfriend is an
abusive rapist and you need to get the fuck out of there ASAP before it gets any worse. You are not the bad person in the relationship - objectively, how? Maybe you really do have a difficult personality (it’s possible), but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve basic respect from the person who is supposed to cherish you. Get your head around that idea and make an exit plan.
Also, when my ex was spreading false shit about me, what creeped me out most was wondering his motives for that. Like you, I was really chill about his friends - had been cheated on before but didn’t want that to taint my future relationships. Even let him hang out with an old crush, yet he still told everyone I was so controlling and wouldn’t let him have friends. Why would someone be so eager to widely spread the lie that you’re
abusive? I decided to leave because I didn’t want to find out. That shit is really suspicious.
No. 750894
>>750874He is an abuser.
He not only gaslights and manipulates you but also tries to do things against your will not only sexually but also when trying to talk about problems. You should get out of that relationship you clearly deserve someone better, it is not worth it to endure this any longer. B R E A K U P! This is your sign to do something. Get yourself out of there! You are not a bad person he is!
I get that you are afraid of being lonely but it is 100% better to be lonely for a short time than getting abused for a long time. You deserve to be with a person who listens to you, doesn't manipulate you and that respects you and your boundaries. Those qualities are crucial if you want to have a happy and long relationship. I am sure that you are a great person and that you can easily find a better boyfriend.
Also focus on yourself and your wellbeing.
No. 750918
>>750910It's so disgusting, wtf. I was so dishearten when they made us listen to those calls of women
victim blaming her.
No. 750923
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>>750860>>750862I consider him a friend or at least I'm trying to be.. I've had contentious relationships with roommates before and I don't want to bring that kind of energy here again since it's actually the first time I've had good roommates after 5-6 rentals.
When my boyfriend gets home, I think we'll apologize for "not realizing" and teasingly ask roommate if Rachel is his date. Then if they say yes, I'll casually say that yay, the search is over so he won't be bringing strange women here anymore?? Please tell me if this is a bad idea. Maybe I should get drunk before I do this so I have an excuse to be candid
>>750888I really really really want to do this but I don't want chaos in my house. I wish you were my friend so you can just leave the house without any consequences lol
No. 750925
so, I had a panic attack at work last week. one of my coworkers first responses was that I need to stop taking my medication and just get off meds altogether. I took one thing, which was Zoloft. since going to the doctor, they switched me to a low dose of Venraflaxine which has seemed to be working really well for me. my boss offered I take a week off to adjust and just get some space, so I did. now several of my coworkers are acting strange around me, and one of them said maybe I should find a new job if my OCD and anxiety makes things "too hard". I love my job, and I've been working with animals for almost 4-5 years now. my personal life was the issue, and a bad day at work was just the breaking point. now I just feel like everyone is gonna look at me like I'm some "freak that needs medication" or like I can't handle my job, when in fact my boss always tells me how great I'm doing and how much she likes having me there. I'm upset, my feelings are hurt, and I'm not sure how to move forward when everyone else is at work on Monday. what do I say? what do I do? I want to bring up the hurtful comments, but I don't want to get my co-workers in trouble. but I also don't want to bottle it up, and have things come back on me somehow, since I'm feeling like everyone has an issue with me. I love my job, I love the dogs, and things used to be so chill, and now they're just.. not. I just feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.
No. 750964
>>750925I had a panic attack in work years ago and the vibe I got off coworkers was never the same again. I feel like I got labelled as either hysterical or faking it. As much as everyone talks about their anxiety online.. Irl you often get stand offish responses once you've displayed a full on anxiety attack.
People get uncomfortable for whatever reason.
No. 750965
>>750931Relapsing is always a bitch and I’ve never found anything someone else says to be helpful. Ever. You’re the only one who can convince yourself to not go down that road. If you do, a lot of us are here, ready to listen.
>>750959I don’t know your situation but I’m sure that you’ve done your best! And you’ve tried hard! Also, what is this ”blaming others”? Is it something that you actually recognise that you do but do anyways, or is it a self-shaming kinda thing when you shame yourself for standing up for yourself?
No. 750984
>>750923Samefag, update for anyone who cares:
Turns they're "just friends," when she went upstairs to go to the bathroom, I asked him pointblank if he's trying to romance her and he was like no
God I was so stressed out about this. I'm so glad it isn't anything worrisome
No. 751015
>>749356>>749444small update, a couple days ago I met up with a business acquaintance who does promotion/marketing for depop sellers, so I asked if he had any general tips for new people. He said that the main thing is getting to be a "featured seller", which is based on both having a fast response time to anyone who messages you (under 24 hours on average, response itself doesnt matter so you can just say "no sorry" real fast to kooks and creeps), as well as doing a certain volume of sales (unknown number and I really haven't any idea what it could be). I'd noticed that you can sometimes find nice stuff for way cheap on depop, so I'm guessing people do that to get quick sales and happy customers so they can get featured. Being featured basically means you show up way way higher in depop's searches and categories, so once you do get featured, then you can start selling ugly charity jumpers for $50. Even outside of getting featured though, I wouldn't be surprised if your items start getting shown to more users once you have at least a few successful sales/good ratings or w/e, basically just to prove you aren't a scammer or smth. So just try putting up a couple things dirt cheap for quick sale, it's almost like verification that you do exist and will send the stuff. Theres always people sorting low to high so stuff that's like $5 will always get looked at, especially stuff that people actually wear out & need more of asap like running wear. I know a lot of moms and old ladies who lowkey rake in cash reselling thriftstore lululemon and PINK as a side hustle lol.
No. 751029
>>750893>>750894So we did break up in the morning… He was nasty, twisting every word I said, lied a lot and admitted he's lying, saying those are painless small lies, attack me that I looked into his phone, made me apologise over and over for that. Said he 'misunderstood me' and thought I didn't want him to be with his friends (what the fuck, how?). Said he didn't talk to any friends about me. But he did talk to the host girl about me and maybe to other friends to.
Said he breaks up with me, I said I break up with him too.
Honestly it all fucking hurts. We spent the yesterday with his family, chatting, visiting his grandma. Such a nice day. It was a 2 year relationship.
But in the end I feel like I didn't loose that much… I loved him a lot. But he was so nasty about a lot of things. He has no hobbies, doesn't want to be active with me, nothing. Just lay down and watch YouTube aftrt work. He's a law student so he always twists every argument we have and seems like he has no issue lying because 'his lies are harmless'. I want to work abroad (doctor) but he can't because law is local, so we probably wouldn't work in future. And wanting to throw me out at 1 am is fucking cold.
Now he's in my messages apologising for badmouthing me to his friends but I don't think it's to reconcile or get back together, just to stroke his ego about how he's such an adult.
I feel like absolute shit but at least I have my family to be there for me.
No. 751039
>>751029Good for you anon! I am so proud that you did this! You deserve so much better! Focus on yourself right now and stay in contact with your family they will be there to help you. Also it is awesome that you want to become a doctor, I hope that all of your dreams will come true and that you will have a lot of fun when going abroad.
Block him and ignore his messages he is just trying to love bomb you or manipulate you further.
You will live your best life without him!
No. 751103
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Tbh I don't know how can anyone keep calm anymore when the world around is literally collapsing. And covid is just a tiny part of it. Even as a child I felt like some shit is coming and I probably won't live past my 30s and there's no point in making "big plans" for the future. But since I started reading more about near term human extinction and the shit that electromagnetic events do to our nervous systems I'm like eternally done with everything. I won't post about it in tinfoil thread because it's not tinfoil unless you don't believe in global warming and electromagnetic events on the sun and shit No. 751164
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I've been so traumatized about hearing so much about nasolabial folds on lc, I bought what basically is a torture instrument : just straight up applying needles to your face.
I love the shitpost on /ot but rely should stay out of /pt and /snow.
No. 751167
>>751137I really want to watch for the fun of it but i'm worried i'll actually believe lol
>>751109It's gonna take GENERATIONS before anyone even gets close to do any real planning of making Mars habitable, it's poinless to even think anyone is having any serious plans for it now. Elon Musk is a clown that loves attention and everyone else is just exploring it for the sake of exploring, no one is running away from Earth. World will not last long, but "not last long" still may mean hundreds of years, which sure, is nothing when it comes to the universe, but is long enough for an average human to still not give a fuck about it.
IMHO the real serious shit will only start happening to next generation or the one after it, when climate change will become unbearable enough, mass migration will ruin what we consider now first world countries.
No. 751174
>>751167Mars is a big stretch but they're building underground bunkers.
Changes on the sun and in electromagnetic fields are what cause the climate changes and other shit and it happens faster than mainstream media are telling us. God I hope that the death from that nova will be fast enough
No. 751185
>>751172Same. All the clothes that I’d like to wear only look good on women with small breasts…
Idk what top heavy women should wear…
No. 751200
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This is tmi but, I took a small nap after a shower last night, and I just fucking realized I got a little period blood on my favorite light purple bath robe. I was laying on my stomach so it must have been from when I stood up to get dressed. I really did not mean to fall asleep, I just was trying to let my coochie dry before I put on underwear ughhhh. I'm lucky it's not that much, I would kms if I ruined my robe
No. 751205
Ok doomers
All this nattering about "the whole WORLD is gonna COLLAPSE so theres no point in even TRYING" is a massive floppy cope to justify not doing what youd like or as well as youd like in your life. At best it's that, at worst its conspiratard crap pushed by people who sell dumb shit to dumbass preppers. I believe that you "feel like the world is gonna end" because people have been feeling that for literally 2000 years except it used to be for christian reasons. Compared to any other period in history we are in a time of unprecedented peace, equality, and prosperity. There are huge problems and inequality issues too but dont be a whiny redditor cynic.
35 years ago the US and the USSR were literally pointing nuclear missiles at each other and having standoffs with the potential to end the world. Multiple times a nuclear exchange was averted solely due to the unimaginable coolheadedness of Russian nuclear submarine commanders. Multiple times this happened. And you think the world is in danger now? hahahHha shut the fuxk up.
Yeah climate change is a big problem, and basically every nation is on the same page with solving it, aside from US republicans, Australians (the worst people on earth), and Russia. Most non-oil big corps and even the us military understand the climate change is a threat. Even Texans just learned a big fat white lesson. Before any doomers reply to this, I should say that unless you are a literal professor of specifically atmospheric science, I know more about it than you do, so dont cite some fucking youtubers at me lmao. Literally all of the technical barriers to solving most global issues have been overcome, there just isn't the political will yet in the aforementioned idiot countries. A couple more Texas blizzards will take care of that, and then we can all blockade Australia until they grow up.
Sorry you'll have to live through your boring old age instead of an exciting apocalypse.
No. 751219
>>751205Are the aussies really that lazy with climate change policies? It's weird that they keep having fires every year and I don't know if they're doing something to prevent/minimize them but I've read they want to make Sydney sustainable by next decade.
Still, countries and industries aren't doing the bare minimum and so many experts are conffirming we are on our last moments to change the direction we are going, and others are straight up saying it's too late.
I don't believe in near term human extinction but it's pretty obvious life on earth is going to be more and more miserable as time goes on. Personally I'm very concerned by natural disasters, they're going to be more often, extended and harder than ever before and the effects on the local economies and just the people's wellbeings are depressing.
No. 751251
>>751242>climate changeIt doesn't pay to be intellectually dishonest when anyone can scroll up and click on the videos referred to.
OP didn't cite climate change videos, she posted cataclysmic pole shift hypothesis, magnetic reversals, and earth crust shifts. All theories that can either be debunked OR–at best–will not happen or will gradually shift over millions of years and are literally irrelevant to thousands of generations of humans.
Certainly nothing to merit alarmist tripe statements like
>"Even as a child I felt like some shit is coming and I probably won't live past my 30s and there's no point in making "big plans" for the future."Come. the. fuck. on.
If you want me to go I can, but you'll be completely eviscerated and you only serve to waste my time when even light google searching would give you actual answers to REAL issues.
Or you can go on believing "Suspicious0bservers" on youtube has all the answers and isn't just trying to bank off the platform.
No. 751256
>>751251Not that anon, but please sis, tell me all your knowledge
eviscerate me
No. 751261
>>751256I know right? Clearly the answer here is to donate to Adapt30's patreon, listen to his podcasts, and be sure to pick up your 92 serving food supply by visiting, on sale for a limited time only. So hurry!
No. 751267
>>751208>>751215George Bush's USA and Australia were the only, let me repeat ONLY countries not to join the Kyoto climate accords. Australia continues to do beyond retarded shit like destroy the great barrier reef with coal mine dumpings.
The Chinese government is a lot of things but they aren't stupid. Already they are the world's largest producer of solar panels. Saudi Arabia doesnt burn the oil, they just extract it, and oil will remain needed for plastics and chemicals for a long time, so they can keep doing that, we just won't be burning it. Petrochemical products bring additional issues of course but they dont contribute to climate change like burning oil & gas.
>>751214happened during the cuban missile crisis that I know of for sure but I cant remember what the other times were so you'll have to google, and I'd bet a bunch more terrifying incidents happened that we wont even know about till the CIA declassified all cold war stuff.
>>751219>experts are conffirming we are on our last moments to change the direction we are goingthen cite one. a lot of people call themselves experts who are, to put it gently, not experts. If you see someone who calls themself a "climate scientist" on twitter but doesnt say they are a professor or what they study specifically, you are looking at a liar. Time doesnt "run out" cause it's not a bomb, of course the consequences are worse the later you act, but theres no "deadline". When you hear people talk about a "climate deadline" the subtext is always "deadline to avoid a predicted warming of more than 4C" or some such which may well be true and is a
valid call to action, but shock journalists run with IMMINENT DEADLINE or the world will BURN to get clicks.
Natural disasters are a more reasonable concern though and you are right to be worried. I would say though, humans are really resilient. The 2004 India tsunami killed 227,000 people, we're only 17 years on from that, and even destruction that horrifying has left scars and memories but normal life returns. The Black Death killed as many as 2/3rds of people in Europe in the 1300s, and 100 years after that the population was still less than half of before the plague, and standards of living had fallen dramatically. You can read accounts of medieval people lamenting how villages and whole cities were deserted or fallen into decay and desperate poverty. But by the 1500s, European people were thriving and achieved standards of living not seen since roman times. And with modern medicine theres no natural disaster that would come close to causing that level of death, except really unpredictable events like meteor strikes.
Before anyone accuses me of anything, I take buses and trains exclusively except for the occasional uber, i havent flown in a plane since I was 13, >99% of my closet is thrifted, and unless you literally invented solar pabels or smth, my job is probably greener than yours. I won't take shit from people who say they're concerned about climate but wont walk the walk.
No. 751281
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When I hung out with my friends the other day, a married-friend was giving one of our single friends really bad dating advice. Single friend got burnt pretty badly by some asshole scrote who I never liked. She's clearly anxious about ever getting close to another guy again and she may even have some lingering oneitis. The scrote kept her on the hook for almost two years. He fucking strung her along and had sex with her multiple times without ever offering to be in a relationship with her due to conflicting "religious values," and yet jumped into a relationship with a woman who had money and clout the second he saw opportunity. He blocked my friend and avoided her, she was so heartbroken. It's awful, like truly despicable shit. Every now and then he tries to pop back into her life "to check on her" when he doesn't give a fuck about her! He only cares to know that he still lives rent-free in her head because it boosts his ego. And the worst part is she does still think about him and it's true, even though she puts on a front that she's over him. I hate that fucker so much.
Anyways, the married friend is giving her bad dating advice like I said. It's advice suitable for a man, but not suitable for a woman who's vulnerable and who would be a target for predatory men: "Put yourself out there! Some guys just need to be approached!" Nah sis, if guys really want you and are interested, they will approach you. A man will take a woman's advances just for the opportunity to feel wanted and to have sex, not because he actually appreciates her forwardness and wants an actual relationship with her. And it seems like for the rare case of a guy being genuinely too introverted to make first moves, that he would be a hassle in relationships for lack of decision-making and a backbone, and that he primarily fears rejection which makes him a cowardly beta.
I followed her advice when I was single and not only got burnt once, but twice. It wasn't until I laid down my standards in plain vernacular did my current bf come into the picture to step up to my level and give me what I wanted Build-a-Bastard style. Men know rather immediately who they want. It doesn't pay to simp for men.
No. 751321
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It drives me nuts that I only get two days off and one has to be devoted to doing nothing or socializing, and the other devoted to cleaning up from the prev week and preparing for the upcoming.
Sure, I could neglect both days and do nothing but that just makes my life more hard and depressing so why choose that? I could switch it up and do cleaning/prep on the first day off instead of the second, but it really doesn't make a difference imo.
I'm more predictable than a sim.
Unrelated sidenote: I confided to my bf my feelings about my weight last night. I realized I let my weight get super out of hand, and he reassured me that he would love me no matter my weight which I guess is true considering I'm an obeast right now but anyways I thought that was sweet and it made me feel better. I'm going to try really hard because I know I can look better and I want to stay healthy for our relationship. It's just nice to get that kind of support, we're gonna start eating better too.
No. 751342
>>751326I feel this so hard. I'm terrified a misunderstanding on Twitter will affect my career prospects, so I almost never post there despite it being one of the better platforms for self-promotion.
I miss Tumblr.
No. 751362
>>751326I feel you. I recently made a completely new twitter account for the purpose of posting fanart, not commissions, so not sure if it'll help you. But my plan is to play a dumb European from some backwards conservative country (actually true) who doesn't understand English well and only interacts with others on very basic level. Durr what do you mean I should put my pronouns in the bio, what is this pronouns? My name is Anon nice to meet you friend let's be friends.
>>751346Basically this. I already follow a bunch of Japanese artists and I don't care what they talk about in the few text posts they make, I'm there for the juicy art. The few western posts I notice that mention sjw topics or politics get flagged as not interesting and I'm hoping the twitter algorithm will do it's job eventually.
No. 751389
>>751326>i hate having to second guess myself on the dumbest shit, like this.This fucking summed up my feelings exactly. I'm scared of RTing or liking anything that could even remotely, vaguely be considered
problematic because I feel like there are people keeping an eye out. The ones canceling artists are obsessed and stalk people relentlessly, they search your tweets and likes from years ago to find something questionable. I'm even afraid that I'll be canceled over not including pronouns in my bio and "normalizing it for trans people", just the most inane shit gets you fried if some unhinged fuck fixates on you.
>>751362>But my plan is to play a dumb European from some backwards conservative country (actually true) who doesn't understand English well and only interacts with others on very basic level. I've actually been contemplating on doing this exact thing. I'm also from a bumfuck European country so I can always fall back to my incomprehensible native language and pretend I don't speak English or understand western fandom politics at all. However whenever Japanese artists do it they - honest to god - start receiving replies in google translated Japanese from Americans trying to educate them on fandom discourse. You really had to take that extra step instead of going outside and touching the grass?
No. 751433
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I hate it whenever you are 100% sure of something and someone just has to butt in with 100% wrong info, so it all ends up with you watching as idiots google something you already told them. Then they'll explain it to you and you try to understand that it's great that people want and know how to double check but my god bitch. It's always shit like:
A: what language is this surname?
B: it's finnish
C: no I think it's swedish or norwegian, maybe even german
B: no, I am fucking sure it's finnish, source I am finnish
A & C: let's google and explain it later to B-anon!!
No. 751451
>>751431I have sometimes let my apartment slip into a horrible state and I know it's a lot, but what if you try to do what I did during shit times? Drink and eat something, then set an alarm 5 from now. During those 5 minutes, you clean up whatever you can, you can't do dishes in 5 minutes, nor can you clean up a full room but you can throw a few wrappers in the bin, you can tie close a bin liner, or maybe you can wash that one plate. After those 5 minutes, you realise you did all that in 5 minutes, it wasn't too overwhelming and you can do it again whenever you feel like it, it's okay anon.
No. 751472
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Why do I feel so ashamed of being gay? Like I keep randomly crying because of it. My sexuality is so sexualized and I feel ashamed, I've always been leered at in public just for being a woman but I want to hold another woman's hand and kiss her and be free without anybody either being weirded out or turned on and it freaks me out. My friends can kiss their partners in public and nobody says anything but when it's two women everybody suddenly has an opinion. I hate this feeling, but GOD do I wanna be in love. anyway thanks for listening to this rant i hate scrotes.
No. 751474
>>751451>>751431I've had this happen from too much stuff, between school stuff, work stuff, crap I bought, etc to the point where it was getting legit cramped. It had also gotten generally dusty to the point where if I tried to clean up for more than 5 minutes I would have a sneezing fit and be an allergic drippynosed mess for two days (sensitive to dust) so I kinda just avoided it. What worked for me was I started making myself throw out just one object/bag it for donation whenever I was doing something with a small wait like microwaving tea/coffee, queuing for dota/wow bgs, downloading something, etc. and over time it gets dealt with.
But anon your health consequences sound more serious than sneezing, you'll get better when its dealt with but you should soon just for quality of living. If you can afford it consider hiring a cleaning service, if you're embarrassed just say your brother lived here for a couple months and wrecked the place. They really dont care and won't ask questions. I know youd feel the fool paying for it, but it's normal, lots of people hire cleaners just cause it actually is significant time & suffering to keep up with it every day. Marilyn monroe apparently would eat fried chicken in bed, push the bones and dirty plates down by her feet under the blankets, sleep like that, and just leave it for cleaners to find and deal with…and I've seen plenty of parents hauling bag after bag of literal food trash and garbage out of their kids college apartment at end of year. It's really really normal. I feel like humans in nature would just like make camp somewhere and leave their cro magnon trash around wherever until it got too gross and then just move elsewhere until nature reclaimed it.
Above all else just keep in mind the maximum cost of getting it dealt with literally right now is probably not more than $300 or smth for cleaning, less if it's just trashing stuff and not steam cleaning or w/e, which really isn't much to get your life back. You could probably even do installment payments if you say you let your brother stay and he wrecked it and you need it done now but dont have the cash. And keep in mind, anyone in the cleaning business has probably seen way worse than your messiness, they've probably cleaned up after people who literally died and rotted. You might be embarrassed but they legit won't think about it at all.
If you cant afford cleaners you absolutely have to just move somewhere else when your lease is up and leave it behind, you'll probably lose your security deposit for the cleaning but they usually try to fuck you anyway. Even if you have to live in a motel or even shelter for a while, you absolutely have to just give yourself a fresh start at almost any cost.
No. 751490
>>751472Anon, I feel you. Scrotes are assholes and deserve to perish for objectifying lesbians.
Please, never feel ashamed about your sexuality. Giving love to another human is a beautiful thing and you deserve to experience that and live it in public with your girlfriend or wife. You deserve to live your sexuality freely without being paranoid of other people. It is not you who should feel ashamed it is the scrotes making the nasty comments. The truth is that the only person who should have an opinion about your relationships is you and your girlfriend or wife. I truly wish for you to be free and without worries in the future. May your relationship bloom.
No. 751496
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I absolutely hate being at home because of my autistic brother. I don't love him and being near him makes me feel sheer hate and anger for how useless, manipulative, and fear-mongering he is without actually doing anything. I hate that I have to be home everyday and deal with these negative feelings that have been draining my life and my soul, I'm pretty sure I have anhedonia because what's the point of enjoying anything when you're always anxious for your life? I am uncomfortable and anxious around him and so is my other female sibling, and my mother will keep enabling him for the "PRESHUSH LITLE BOY HE IS" when he's almost fucking 30, and that he can't do anything wrong because he can't help it. I keep telling to my therapist that he will probably kill us if he had the opportunity because me and my sister do not want him in our lives. Putting him into another living situation is in the works but it will not happen under next year, the patience I sincerely don't have. I've gone through excrutiating moments, and he does nothing but exist, but it's the things he done and the POTENTIAL that he does have to kill me, my sister, my family is what I'm constantly worried about. I am not mentally alright, I have to suppress my feelings to accommodate male comfort. My pain and suffering will never be recognized by other anons because it isn't a typical break-up story or about something dumb, I can no longer see why to keep living and I know this is an imageboard but if I'm gone by any chance, I just wanted to vent feelings that no one will ever understand or do anything about.
No. 751524
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>>751490>>751505Thank you, anons, I know I should probably go to therapy to work on this but now that I think about it.. that's just life. Men are always going to be disgusting and predatory, the best thing for me right now is to find a therapist who understands that. The last one I had was an underlining homophobe so maybe that added to my stress. I just want to give love my future relationship without worrying but that's just how every woman in this world fucking feels so fuck it, I just I'll just become a hermit with someone else.
>giving love to another human is a beautiful thing and you deserve to experience that and live it in public with your girlfriend or wifei'm already emotional so this made me tear up, thank you
<3 No. 751566
>>751563If I had a boyfriend and we were ready to get married I would totally use lockdown as an excuse just to get married at city hall and have a small reception somewhere.
For what people spend on their weddings, it all goes by in such a blur. I have never remembered how tables were decorated or how the room looked, or the flowers etc etc when I've been a guest at a wedding. I can understand if you're a church person and wanting to specifically have your wedding at a nice church, but the worry about the reception and omg the flowers and the table and the favours etc etc just seems like a lot of effort for nothing.
No. 751579
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everyday i lose more of my grip on reality. anyways i’ve known i was a lesbian since i was 16 but i’m 23 and have never been with a woman. at this point i’m just scared lol but my god i want a monogamous irl relationship with a woman so badly it’s not even funny
No. 751618
So I'm in a mh support group, all women and one guy. This guy has been in the mix for a few years now and is a total creep. I feel like such a fucking idiot because I defended him when imo others were being unfair (bc he wore red laces and dr martens he's a full blown nazi, etc). But over the years he's gotten worse. Pretty much from the off he's complained about his wife. Insinuating that she was overdosing him on purpose, which turned out to be nothing. Annoyed that his wife isn't fulfilling her carer obligations to make him a cup of tea every hour, yet he drives a fucking car ffs. IF YOU CAN DRIVE A CAR YOU CAN BOIL A KETTLE DIPSHIT. He has spoken numerous times about there being a lack of intimacy in the bedroom and it's way tmi but I can't say anything because anything goes in these groups. He has asked out 2 other women in the group, whilst being MARRIED w 3 KIDS and it makes it super fucking awkward…
Anyway, he was going through it and I messaged him basically giving him tough love advice or whatever, and he responded pretty well to it. More back and fourths ensue, bc tbh I was a little concerned he was gonna off himself, then he says out the blue, to paraphrase "i'd break lockdown rules for you uwu" and I shut that down super quick but i'm still kinda grossed out by it. Like it's super not that big of a deal, but i'm 25 and he's 45, married and has kids. It's just made me feel uncomfy, like I was hugging him as a friend and he saw it differently and ewwww. AND bc he has aspergers i feel like a total dick for feeling icky. I'm pretty prudish and a lil immature in that area so i know i'm being silly, just wanted to put this out there, in some capacity. I just want him to leave so i can still go, it's ruined what is meant to be a place for me to go meet people that struggle in a similar way. Sigh…
No. 751620
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>>751611thanks so much
nonnie, I might cry. Good luck and sending you strength
No. 751705
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Back again to vent about how my dad grabbed my throat tonight, same asshole from this post
Today he made himself a big breakfast where he didn't do the dishes and left them in the sink, but gave himself brownie points because he cleaned his own cake tins from the night before and cleaned out my wok I was going to clean today after I got done with cleaning the rest of the apartment. So he left the dishes in the sink for me or my bf to pick up.
Trash was overfilled and stinkin' but again, he left it like that because he expected me or bf to take it out tonight. He rarely takes out trash and pitches a fit when we don't.
My dad camped out in the living room all day shirtless and watching mafia movies. He didn't do shit today–scratch that, he hogged MY laundry machines all day doing his backed up loads of laundry so I couldn't get mine done today.
I made myself lunch and left a plate and baking dish in the sink because hey–it will all be mine and bf's mess to clean up later anyway like usual. What did he care?
I was trying to get cleaning for my bedroom and bathroom done because I go back to work tomorrow. My bf was at work and couldn't help me. I was frustrated and sweating not only because of all the bullshit I was cleaning up after, but because my dad wanted the patio door left open and it reached 80 degrees in the apartment! He didn't care because he was loafing shirtless on the couch watching movies, and had no consideration for me. I was so fucking miserable, but tried to tolerate it as best I could because I knew I couldn't say anything to his shitty ass.
Towards the end of the night I emerged from my room to ask, yes with an annoyed tone in my voice, if he had finally shut the patio door because it was really hot. He grouched back that he had, and angrily tried to tone police me about my "attitude." Of course things escalated because I didn't take his shit just because I un-sweetly asked if the fucking door was shut. Invariably he calls me "little girl" and barks "Who do you think you're talking to?!" which I responded his full name and to not start with me. I adjusted the thermostat to cool the apartment down and then I walked away to my room.
He followed me to my bedroom entrance. The mafia movies must got his fat ass thinking he's Tony Soprano. He puffed up his chest and aggressively pressed his body into mine. He told me to "go to my room!!!!" He got in my face. Started going off on me about how I "never do shit around here" and how dare I talk to him like how I had. He was so close to my face while he shouted at me that he was spitting in my face every time he opened his gob. He thought he could intimidate me. I'm 5'3 and he's about 5'10ish. His ass isn't scary and if anything he just makes me angry because he's got this loud/might makes right attitude.
Anyway I tolerated a few minutes of this fucker pushing his body into mine and getting my face spat at, before I shoved him away. Well, he didn't take kindly to being shoved.
He grabbed for me. He bruised my arm, and in the middle of all his grabbing and my keeping him at length hand movements, he put his right hand to my throat which looked like an attempt to choke me. He must have quickly realized how fucked up that was. He kept his hand there for a split second before pulling it away.
That motherfucker almost choked me just because I asked him if a door was shut and gave him ~attitude~ about it. I asked if he seriously just put his hand on my throat? He didn't answer that, just yelled about how I shoved him and then bitched again about the place being unclean. It took everything in my power to not start punching and beating his ass when he was grappling me, my adrenaline was high. I controlled myself, if only for the fact that I know I can't allow abusers to victimize themselves. Just imagine had I walloped him in the face. He already thought he was a
victim for being shoved off my body. He's a violent scrote loser.
He pulled this shit because my bf wasn't home to stick up for me. I was alone. He did this on purpose, he wouldn't have dared if my bf was here.
Anyway, the fight wasn't over because he kept verbally going after me. He went in the kitchen to scream about my baking dish and plate in the sink and to point out his big-boy points for having done a couple of dishes. So I took his gross bowl filled with swamp water and all the breakfast utensils he used that morning and dumped it out in front of him. I repeatedly called him a bastard and a son of a bitch. I pointed out how me and my bf do the cleaning and all he could do was lie that I actually don't and what my bf does he wasn't "impressed" by. He said I was a "mean and nasty woman"–like gee, I wonder why I'm not sweet to him?
To top it all off, he said the reason why he left the patio door open all day is because the kitchen stunk. Why? Because the trash hadn't been taken out.
So instead of doing something like, taking the trash out, he was going to wait for my bf to do it tonight like usual. Lazy fucker. He just used it as ammo against me to prove how I don't do nothing around here. To prove why the kitchen was gross despite the fact that I just the other day wiped down all the counters, cleaned and wiped out the fridge and freezer, and was going to do my nightly dish duty after I got done cleaning the fucking bedroom and bathroom.
I don't even know what to say about this bastard. He asked me when I was moving out, as if he doesn't need my half of rent money to make end's meet. As if he wasn't the one couch surfing for free with friends after my mom kicked him out and he couldn't afford a place by himself. The fucking audacity.
Anyway, he thinks I didn't tell anyone what happened so he's acting like nothing happened. I told my boyfriend, my friends, and my dad's brother and sister about what he did. My dad is pretending everything is okay. When his brother called him to talk, he didn't bring it up and just shot the shit like nothing was wrong.
He's fucked. I hate him. My arm fucking hurts.
No. 751712
>>751705if you have marks, you can tell the police
or you can at least threaten with that if he starts again
No. 751729
>>751705Get the fuck out of there anon, holy shit. What an aggressive POS you shouldn't be anywhere near, how dare he treat you like that. He's an indulgent asshole who doesn't deserve a family.
Please get out of there and stay safe.
No. 751761
>>751596Therw are two kinds of trooning. At the root of one sort is a desire to do something men aren't "allowed" to do, combined with not having the courage to just do it. This could be something harmless like wearing earrings or necklaces, or just having basic self care standards really…a lot of men would rather "become a woman" than be seen as an effeminate man. And the fact that you instantly get a ton of defenders when you call yourself trans adds to this.
Since you know him, do you feel like there might be anything he's sort of trooning out in order to do? Like what "woman things" does he have the most interest in. If for example it was painting his nails, you could say you like guys with painted nails and more men should do it. If he feels accepted doing the thing he likes as a man then he won't need to troon to do it. For example I have a friend whose stepdad is pretty normal but just really likes wearing classic beige pantyhose, so he just does all the time fully as a man and doesnt care if people see, and that's a little weird but it's better than trooning out to do it.
The other kind of trooning is straight up coom disease. The differential diagnosis here is whether he seems to have picked up his troon behaviors wholesale from coomtroon twitter (coom disease) or if he actually has his own "woman things" he doesnt want to do as a man (cowardly gnc male).
No. 751769
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>>751579this post hits a bit too close to home, hope we will get a gf and proper help one of this day anon, good luck !
No. 751809
>>751805Pray tell, where does one find "trustworthy" statements then? Reddit is a normie tier platform where a lot of people can write their honest opinions anonymously. I'm not going to start a shit-flinging infight because it always goes to the amazingly retarded "well maybe butches should just be less predatory then, hmmm?" and "actually butches have male privilege!!" places with people unintentionally proving the point to a T.
>>751806You're right, there are lesbians and gay men that have this mindset as well. But having been in LGB spaces for a very long time it's always been the "I'll make out with my hot female friend while drunk but won't commit" type of performative bihet women with the biggest chip on their shoulder regarding GNC women. I don't know why that is or the psychology behind it but that's my personal experience. And I'm not talking about simply finding them not attractive because that's
valid, I'm talking about going on tirades about how they're all
abusive rapists.
No. 751825
>>751809>"I'll make out with my hot female friend while drunk but won't commit" type of performative bihet womenThose are literally straight women. Homophobic straight women, lmao.
I'm so tired of people going on about "bihets" when they literally just mean "straight women desperate to impress their boyfriends", piss off. Shoe0nHead was born straight and will be until the fucking day she dies, stop calling her "bi" and including her and her entire archetype in the community just so you have a free pass to dunk on bisexual women.
No. 751894
>>751833>>751858Tbh I've always heard bihet used in a "derogatory" way.
That other anon is right though, women who pretend to like women for their boyfriends simply aren't bisexual.
No. 751945
>>751894The only times I've seen the term "bihet" used is to refer to the straight women who are like totally bisexual but
only date men, would never touch a pussy and have full-time hetero privilege yet still claim to have a say in LGB issues.
>>751941What kind of a medication? I've never heard of having to take meds for a dental abscess requiring a root canal since it wouldn't work on it anyway. I've had a severe one myself and the doctor explained that the only working treatment is the mechanical work, i.e. the root canal treatment.
No. 751949
>>751945The dentist just told me that they're giving me antibiotics and that I can pick it up at the place next door. I've had this abscess for a couple months so maybe that's why I was told to take antibiotics, idk. I know it was dumb of me to not ask for a prescription or even what they were giving me, but I didn't think about it. I thought I was just gonna be able to get the medication and dip. I also might have a heart issue
heavy emphasis on might and that could be why.
No. 751955
>>751949Antibiotics generally don't work on dental infections. If you have an abscess that means your tooth doesn't have functional blood flow anymore so the antibiotics will never reach the site of infection, the only time they're
sometimes used is when the infection has spread elsewhere in your body and even then removing the cause i.e. the dental abscess by getting a root canal will fix them as well. However I guess you could just call your dentist and ask about how you can pick up your medication.
No. 752004
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4chan is being outrun with redditors and their autism, and I already see some obvious underage lolcow users and their shitty-tier memes. I know this is the most autistic post I've made but holy fuck. I'm not ready for change.
No. 752014
>>752004Sorry for adding paragraphs into my post. I was the college autist adult thingy, I used to make posts without paragraphs break ins. I was just rambling and-
Ok I admit I’ve quit 4chan and lurk more on reddit.
No. 752065
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>>752034Lol I found this oddly endearing, take care of your head and enjoy your counterfeit stationary queen
No. 752092
i think about someone who used to be a childhood friend sometimes and i get mad
at one point we were really close, would talk for hours online. i was a really lonely kid and she was my closest friend & i had fun with her, irl and online.
she just got… worse and worse at replying, itd take weeks for her to reply. i tried to keep things up, shoot a message her way, because of course i didnt want to lose my friend. the thing is i dont even mind about being slow at replying or whatever cause i do it too, but i sure as hell dont keep someone hanging for weeks (without apologising or something at least.)
if it were just about her losing interest then thats fine too but i really think she's just kind of… shit. i think she's forgetful and anxious and has some weird image of things in her head in which somehow she cant talk to me anymore. she's 'friends' with my bf too (in quotation marks cause she's so difficult to hold a conversation with that she hardly counts as a friend) so i know that she is around and sometimes talking to people, and she even mentions me surprisingly often.
its all so stupid. she really hurt me. id still talk to her and become friends if she wanted but it still hurts if i let myself think about it. i could still have that friend to talk with, play games with, maybe talk about feminism with (she seems to have some radfem views now which i think is cool), whatever else.
to be perfectly honest i know that we probably cant be friends anymore because i am perhaps too different now and its just way too frustrating to deal with talking to her. still makes me a bit sad though. theres a small chance shes reading here so if she is: j you really hurt my feelings but if you want to play something with me casually, just message me. it would be nice to talk to you again.
vent over, that was a lot
No. 752099
>>752093honestly yeah maybe. she did apparently have a crush on me a long time ago (i thought i might have liked her too but looking back i think i was definitely just lonely and projecting. who knows, it was confusing.)
but she has a bf now who is a lot older than her and the age gap makes me a bit uncomfortable to be honest.
>>752093she is like that when talking to my bf at least, she used to have lots of online friends and still seems to so who knows if its like that for everyone or not
No. 752100
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People constantly ask if I'm underage. I'm 26 but others often assume I'm 15-17. I have no idea how to dress and stylize myself and I feel like no one will take me seriously no matter what I do. My face is some dumb mix of androgyny and neoteny and my hair is shit due to hormonal issues and no matter what I do with it it often looks greasy and unkept. I never learned how to apply make up. Thus I'm stuck in the dirty highschool tomboy mode forever. People never address me as "miss" but immedietely go by "you" even if they're complete strangers. Women treat me like a baby. My therapist told me we can't see each other anymore because I evoke maternal feelings in her and she's taking my case too personally. I'm invisible to adult men, which is confusing, because when I was 12-15 they were often creeping on me, even though I also looked younger than my actual age back then, so maybe I was only being hit on by legit pedos? I don't know. The only time males "notice" me now is when high school aged boys scream or mutter vulgar sexual things in my direction. I'm 26 and I'm too afraid to walk past a group of fucking teenagers because I'm afraid of bullying and sexual harassment. I'm mentally stuck in middle school when I got bullied severely. I never dated anyone and men scare me, even men my own age, because to me everyone just seems so much more mature than me. There was a time when I thought looking younger is cool but you can only use it to your adventage if you're very pretty and well-kept, otherwise you will be stuck in the eternity of no-one-ever-takes-you-seriously-and-adult-men-don't-even-notice-you limbo. I'm so afraid of getting old because once I hit my 40s I bet I will look so weird that everyone will stop noticing me, even women. I will die a virgin. I know that my problem is not just my looks and the feeling like I'm always lost in social situations definitely adds to the impression I give, but I have no idea how to change it
No. 752103
>>752099whoops meant to reply to
>>752094 as well sorry anon
No. 752104
>>752099I think you shoud ask her in a very direct way why she is not answering and if she still wants to be friends with you.
My bet is that she has some really bad anxiety and is going through a difficult time but this might be me projecting. To be honest your post was a hard read because I act exactly like your friend and I use to think that it could be very clearly interpreted as me being mentally ill but now you made me realize that I never been clear about that ( so maybe your friend is in a similar situation)…
Sorry for venting, I really hope that you can be friends with her again. If she is talking about you it's probably because she truly likes you. Please go talk to her and give her an ultimatum.
No. 752110
>>752104you are right, i know. like ive spoken to her fairly recently and it was perfectly cordial but the conversation died after about 2 responses.
as for mental health problems, i mean this in the nicest way possible but she does have some issues. i hope she's worked on them and is doing ok in that regard, i know i definitely struggle with my mental health and its tempting even for me to not respond. so i kinda know what its like. i guess i know that the logical thing to do is to talk to her about it like you suggested, but the main part of my brain is definitely saying 'no dont do it you already got over the friendship ending and the hurt it caused, why even bother putting in the effort and possibly getting hurt'
thanks for responding anyway, i really appreciate it. and i hope youre doing okay as well anon
No. 752113
>>752110Oh I see, then maybe you could try to do a pause and see how she reacts then.
Wishing you the best anon, I hope it will work out in the end!
No. 752132
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I’m so fucking annoyed. The comic I wanted to translate got put behind a paywall. I’m not mad that the writer wants to get paid for their work— on the contrary I’m pissed at myself for taking so long to screenshot the chapters that eventually I lost my chance. I am far from skilled enough to do this professionally, I don’t want to gain anything personally by translating this, and would respectfully reject any monetary offers for doing it. I wasn’t even deadset on posting the translations anywhere. But I did hope that if this series got popular with help from someone out there translating it, the author would be happy, she’d get more acclaim for her artwork that’s already very good, and more lesbians who like comics in the world would have 1 more good GL comic not written by a fucking scrote that’s actually pretty damn solid. I’m just fucking pissed I have 10x less chapters to work with now. I feel like I’ve lost my motivation. I guess I could reach out to the girls who do BL scanlations but why the fuck would they give me coins (the currency used to buy chapters) ugh fuck my life.
No. 752169
i'm abusing caffeine, xanax, ashwagandha and more caffeine, and i don't understand why. i woke up well-rested, was feeling great, then i took a cup of coffee that for some weird reason derailed my whole day and turned into a game of counteracting stimulants with depressants and vice versa.
it's like some days i feel allergic to caffeine and some days it makes me feel great, but today whatever lead to this disgusting cocktail made me feel so heavily aggressive and like i was having a concussion and once again threw an entire day in the trash.
i really wish i could know what to do, i approach most issues rationally and calmly, but this one is bringing serious desperation. i understand that if i gave up caffeine or any related substance i would stop having my body work against me on random days, but i literally wouldn't feel like myself if i 100% boycotted it. it's just something mysterious i need to hack yet again.
>>751972lol hello friend
No. 752222
>>752210Because I have issues.
Jk it’s because I had a crush on him for 2 years and also though he was out of my league cause he was friends with all the frat guys/played lacrosse but once I was finally pretty/normal I decided to go for it and it turns out he’s a depressed league player who wants to drop out of college… if he’s gonna move home in the next few months anyway I want to stay with him until he does cause unfortunately i was friends with his roomates before I was seeing him & they’re kinda my only friends in the area right now due to the pandemic
No. 752226
>>752207This is why I don't really post in college group chats like that, unless I'm having a hard time myself. If you're getting good grades while others are struggling, don't say shit. Don't point anything out, don't tell them they just need to study. Let them vent their frustration about how much they hate the class/teacher and be glad you can't relate. That's what the chat is for, and you don't gain shit from arguing with frustrated people.
If you do speak up, or they know you did well, like 70% of them will literally seethe about it and try to send you bad vibes in hopes that you'll fail next time, lmao. Not worth it.
No. 752259
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I'm never gonna get a gf or bf and it's my fault for being a zoomer raised on the internet (literally) that doesn't know how to talk to people. I might as well be a volcel
No. 752278
I lay down again after the last post and he stands up, whyy TT I'll move to the edge of the bed, I'll sleep on the floor! Anything so he can sleep
No. 752279
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Is it normal to feel so detached from a good 90% of mainstream media? I’ve fallen out of Pokémon (the cutesy style is wearing me thin and shin megami tensei has reshaped my standards for mon collecting series), too broke to afford WOW(tried the trial, fall out of it), I despise the triple aaa industry for all it’s bullshit, can’t bring myself to watch most mainstream anime and cartoons besides a few exceptions (literally half the cartoons and anime I watch are obscure as fuck), I would rather be run over by truck-kun than watch a single drama live action show with fandoms that spam gifs of pretty celebrities all day and I can’t get on broad with most popular novels because I hate reading things now. It sucks how picky I am with the stuff I consume and the only thing that brings me joy is writing random ideas in google keep which will never see the light of day because of crippling self doubt. Also if I written any of them, they end up looking like weird prose script hybrids cuz writing “said” so many times would drive me postal.
If only there was good gothic urban fantasy series with non-straight brown or back lead I would have been sold…
No. 752322
>>752207anon I understand frustration with some things like this, but there is a time and a place and you should've remained silently smug.
Congratulations on getting the highest score! Rather than angry at others, you should be proud of yourself.
It seems like you need to look into some help for your emotions though. For you to feel numb for months then inconsolably furious over something so small, enough to start mass shit in a group chat of classmates is not normal. It can be frustrating to be surrounded by people you think don't try at all, but your initial reaction was very strong
No. 752327
>>752279i think it is normal to feel this way,
nonny. i'm not gonna pretend i don't have normie interests (inb4 notlikeothergurlzz) but i agree with you; so much of mainstream media today is flat out unbearable, though i think it's always been this way for as long as tv and movies and the internet has existed. niche communities and obscure shows/fandoms tend to be way more enjoyable bc they're less plagued by undesirable people, they're often better written/coordinated or stray away from more "marketable" (see also: bland/boring/trendy/watered down) themes and tropes.
No. 752345
>>752339He's probably pornsick.
>>752344If you have to ask the relationship's already doomed.
No. 752347
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I'm stupid and signed up for an art contest when i should study for some tests and I have no idea what the fuck I should do for the contest, but the prize money is really tempting. I only have until friday to give the piece and I don't eve know why I said fuck it i'll sign up right now instead of giving it up. I'm so stressed and I added more stress willingly why am I so fucking stupid and I can't pull out of the contest because I dragged two other girls in it because it's a collaborative art piece and then I will be submitting an individual work later because we are allowed 3 entries
No. 752352
>>752226>>752231>>752322By the way thank you anon for the congrats but don’t mention it.
What I did was irredeemable but I don’t think I’ll be saying “o wow that sucks” when they blow up the groupchat complaining this doable test was “impossible” and that their teacher is “gaslighting” them. I do not understand how a question basic to this class is “impossible,” something “the book nor teacher talked about,” and is something to complain about when you are being falsely (or not) accused of cheating. Don’t admit to not listening to the lectures and cry about it when 9/20 people got A’s.
They can fight against a false accusation but don’t actively plan to get this teacher fired when you can’t even fucking do something a troglodyte can do. It doesn’t matter in the end and I know I’m being an arrogant holier than thou piece of shit. I don’t think I was smug, but maybe I was. I’ll seek help for being insufferable, as going temporarily blind from internal anger is not normal.
No. 752354
>>752125Yes I did that! thank you anon for taking time to reply to me
>>752131Thank you for your words anon, I went outside after writing that and calmed down and felt much better. Thank you for your words!
>>752143Thank you for your advice! I started using pinterest lately to get some inspiration, but I got lazy and stopped. I'll go back to finding images that make me feel a certain way, and I will try to make things for fun or just to practice next time. Thank you!
No. 752366
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I'm jealous of my best male friend. He got a boyfriend and I'm constantly pissed off and thinking bad things about his new partner even though this dude is kind to me and shit and I try my best to be friendly back, but I can't. I see my best friend as a big brother, he's always been extremely sweet and caring to me and supported me and is the only company I have, maybe the only good male company I ever had, but I feel like I treated him as a boyfriend rather than a friend and that makes me feel gross and retarded. Now I'm constantly grumpy and feeling nauseous over the though that I maybe had fallen for him out of my loneliness.
No. 752381
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I want to make friends with other women around age 30 who like to play online multiplayer games (LoL, Genshin, Splatoon etc). Not that I have anything against anyone younger, it would just be nice to be friends online with someone my age for once. I'm having trouble finding places to connect with others bc I'm not so knowledgeable with social media. Any advice or recommendations anons?
No. 752398
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My mother keeps throwing away my stuff and then when I confront her she either tells me she didn't do it or that I gave her the green light, even when I know for a fact I would never in my life do such a thing.
I've lost countless of valuable(sentimental and practical) items because of it.
Now I'd understand if I was a hoarder, but this time it was literally a couple of laminate floor panels that were in our storage that I bought with my own money. I was planning on using them once I had the time to replace the scrached ones in my room.
I used to think I was crazy because I didn't remember doing it and wanted to believe her, but after a while I realised that it's just not something I would do.
No. 752418
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I was looking at my music library and it made me realize I’ve been depressed or some shit for almost 15 years now. It’s as if I never stopped being that small person and she was dormant inside of me waiting for something in my life to change, and force me to change with it. I don’t know what I’m waiting for at this point. I feel embarrassed by this realization, I don’t take myself as an outwardly emotionally negative person. I don’t even think I’m actually depressed right now. I could be mistaken. It could be feelings of insignificance from that time coming back to me just to fuck with me or some shit. Nice to know the songs I can easily recall listening to daily at the start of my downfall are still pretty good though KEK
No. 752419
>>752398My mom used to do this to me all the time, and I will forever be resentful. Like other anon said, it's deranged. My mom's a control freak that refuses to see a therapist. Even when I moved, I had to ban her from visiting me for a while because she start rearranging everything and throwing things away as if it was her home.
>>752402Sorry about you partner's mom too. Feels like shit not to have your own property safe in your own home. Feels like shit not to have your mother respect you and destroy things you value.
No. 752421
>>752402>>752419Thanks for making me feel less alone.
The thing is, it doesn't seem like she's doing it out of malice. It's more about her wanting things her way and not seeing me as someone whose opinions and thoughts she should respect, if that makes sense?
Sadly I am stuck with her for the next 3 and a half years due to uni, but my sister did the exact same thing you're recommending as soon as she was able to, and she shares the same sentiment as you.
I will feel guilty about leaving her on her own and pretty much cutting contact, but at the same time I've tried talking to her about it but she acts like a child whenever I do.+ we have nothing in common. Shit is exhausting.
No. 752431
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aaaaa kill me. I had my blood taken for the fifth time this month, and after that I started to feel dizzy and nauseous which never ever happened before, a male and a female nurse took me back to the room because I was as white as a wall and I started mumbling some dumb shit, and I puked there and then I lied there for like 40 minutes. after I felt better they gave me beanut butter chocolate because my sugar was low and they were so nice and concerned but I can't stop cringing because of the hot male nurse who had to see me in a state like this. He also helped me to unzip my jacket before the tests because the zipper got stuck on fabric and I was struggling with it like a loser. And I looked like shit today anyway. I saw this guy once when I had a MRI scan and I didn't know he also does blood tests so I didn't expect to see him there. I don't interact with human males a lot and when I do it's only shit like this. I have some other tests to do but now I'm scared I will encounter this hot male nurse again. I'm so ashamed nonnies whyyyyy
No. 752432
>>752421>it doesn't seem like she's doing it out of malice. It's more about her wanting things her way and not seeing me as someone whose opinions and thoughts she should respectThat's exactly like my mom. The motivation may not be bad, but the result is.
Listen, this may affect your future relationships, if you accept that there is love without respect, like your mom is teaching you. There isn't. Remember this.
No. 752434
>>752421Is there any way you can minimise her behaviour? Like you mentioned she threw out the laminate floor panels, which wouldn’t have been possible if they were on the floor. I hope it doesn’t sound like I’m blaming you because I’m not, but from her perspective maybe she threw them out because they were just sitting around in storage. Which is stupid and wasteful, but her thoughts might have been “anon will never fix her floor, what’s the point in keeping these around?”. Not just a practical thing too - maybe there was some resentment there that you hadn't done it.
Of course everyone values different things and she does sound controlling, so the problem is probably not fixable if she won’t engage with you. But maybe there are some ways of thinking from her pov so you can avoid some of it happening.
No. 752437
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I really hate my extensive family back in the country and I'm afraid I heard my mother and sister talking about bringing my half older brother in I don't want that. I could still live with my father for a while but he's freacky on the religion I will go insane either way.
Can't wait to save and leave but time is needed for that
No. 752440
>>752431hah, reminds me of how when I was like 14 I had to fake that my anesthesia went off sooner than it actually did because a hot nurse asked me a question and I didn't know how to respond lol
Just know that as medical practitioners they've seen much worse. I hope that whatever is causing you to have your blood taken 5 times in a month will soon pass.
>>752432It's funny that you'd say that. I'm usually never one to take shit from people, but even though my mother hasn't been there for me in the past I feel like I'm indebted to her. I'll try to sit down with her later today and explain that her doing it and then lying about it is making me distrust her. What she does with that information is up to her I guess.
>>752434>I hope it doesn’t sound like I’m blaming you yeah don't worry about this, I'm interested to know why she does it so any speculation could help.
Also I had talked to her about using them, and the storage(that she does not even use) is quite big, so it wasn't even an issue about not having enough space.
>maybe there was some resentment there that you hadn't done it. I reckon it's this(but in a weird and unnecessary way), as she did the same with clothes that I was planning on giving away right before 'rona started. Guess from now on I just need to guard my things and clearly state that I do not want her to tamper with them, even if she sees no purpose in them being around. I already keep my belongings in my room or said storage, so it's a bit baffling either way.
No. 752447
>>752398>>752402My mom used to do this to me too but she still thinks I don't know and I don't talk to her enough anymore to bring it up. I remember so vividly that my grandparents had just gotten me a Gameboy for my Birthday with a Kirby game, had it maybe about a week until one day I went to school and never saw it again. I remembered I had left it by my bed when I went to school but obviously it wasn't there later and my Mom got super pissed off at me for losing it. I didn't lose it, she took it while I was away and pawned it off to get herself some booze. Only had the sense to realize that after some time of her pulling the same shit into my teen years. She told me I fucked up so much I always just believed I deserved to have my things lost/stolen. I have a slight hoarding problem now too cause of this.
I'm sorry you and yours have dealt with this as well anons, I'd hug you if I could.
No. 752457
>>752447God, the fact that she got angry at you after doing such a thing is downright evil.
>Only had the sense to realize that after some time of her pulling the same shit into my teen years. I think the mental toll of having my actual memories dismissed is the one that fucked me up the most. Having my belongings thrown away hurts, but doubting my own actions(even ones that have been recorded) is something that I wouldn't wish on anyone. Sometimes I just get glimpses of her doing fucked up things and my mind instantly tries to shut them down because I've been 'programmed' to simply ignore and forget any unsatisfactory events.
No. 752478
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Im always getting roped in these abusive relationship lites with men where they treat me like their girlfriend theyre abusing despite NEVER having sex with them and NEVER me engaging in anything romantic with them. Even if my personal romantic life is without that toxicity it cant help creeping up on me by males who are on the friendship or acquaintanceship level. How fucking parasitic and demented do you have to be to force that energy on a woman that you dont even "know" in that sense? how can one this invasive and inappropiately boundary violating?
No. 752505
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My old roommate tried to guilt trip me for moving out because then he wouldn't be able to pay for his student loans with the added rent and utility costs. This FAT FUCKING FAGGOT who is extremely wasteful is trying to make me feel bad when he regularly throws money at
>multiple twitch streamer subs
>doordash/delivery twice a day most days
>buys expensive music equipment every month, one time near $1000
>groceries, which he would end up throwing away at least 50% of the food because it spoiled
>dogecoin, AMD, and GME after the retarded reddit pumps so he definitely lost money
>expensive beer and drugs
>$3k computer rig
>manga sets and signed books that cost hundreds of dollars
>brand new records which he has never touched
>AAA and flavor of the month indie games
I should add he was leasing the apartment months before I moved in, a 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT WHICH HE COULD OBVIOUSLY AFFORD, he didn't plan on having a roommate. WHAT THE FUCK
He makes more than average as a software dev so he has no excuse to act like he's gonna be poor. It makes me so mad because I make less than him and have always been frugal, he doesn't even budget his money he's admitted he just buys whatever the fuck he feels like in the moment. Oh and he also doesn't have healthcare, doesn't maintain his car, doesn't go to the gym, he doesn't even spend money on things that would improve his life.
No. 752524
>>752505Lol he doesnt care about the money, best case scenario is he likes having you around for company but dowsnt have the maturity to admit he likes having a roommate vs being alone (men have to believe they're stoic selfreliant ascetics even when it's the furthest thing from true).
Alternatively, it's that plus he likes you being there for horny reasons. Either way he's basically telling you he's sad and lonely without you there, but he's got a baby brain so somehow he has to make it your fault hes sad after you left, cause it couldn't possibly be that he's not a stoically solitary man.
Men all think if they were put in solitary in jail they'd meditate perfectly like the buddha while writing a genius novel. Most would be clawing at the walls and screaming within a day.
No. 752529
>>752478Non-girlfriend girl friends get this the worst because men dont want to "complicate" their relationship with their actual partner by being open and honest with them. So they unload their issues on someone else until that person cuts them off. And they aren't gonna tell a male friend anything that makes them seem emotional. It's kind of testing the waters to see how their issues will be reacted to.
If you want to cause chaos, secretly message or leave a note for their SO/parents/best male friend that this person shared some stuff with you that makes you think hes going through a hard time, and that you think they really need support from people close to them (but of course dont share the stuff he actually told you). Basically "can someone who's job it actually is please deal with this man's big sad." Theyll all probably think he came out as gay/trans or confided a drug problem lel.
No. 752530
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hello it’s me again i’m desperate to drop out of university. they’ve cancelled all of our last minute dissertation meetings and feedback but still refuse to give us ANY leeway on our dissertations because of the ‘integrity of our degrees’ yet they did it last year when things were arguably not as bad as they are now. i just really have to laugh and by laugh i mean try not to kill myself
No. 752545
>>752524I'd actually believe if he cared about the money because clearly anon is his rent buffer so he can spend frivolously each month.
Men act like they're being neglected if they don't get to spend money buying toys every month.
t. someone with a friend whose husband is like this
No. 752550
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>Be me
>Very tired and sad
>Have to go to online classes
>Decide to take a break and a short nap
>Not exactly better, still feel sad
>Try to be positive
>Get in the class
>Mfw class starts with video showing death of cute little animals
Why did I woke up?
No. 752575
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why did i watch that shayna video knowing im about to eat
No. 752578
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>>752575Oh shit poop video dropped?
No. 752581
>>752578It's deleted now anon lmao. It got taken down fast as hell. Idk if anyone took screenshots, but it was just Shayna fucking her ass and then pulling it out to reveal shit packed around the head of the dildo.
I don't even care about Shayna's threads, but that shit is going to scar me for LIFE!
No. 752630
>>752522I dropped him completely when I moved, don't plan to speak to him ever again, waste of time tbh
>>752524yeah he is emotionally stunted just like you described, almost all the men I've met are like that. I really can't deal with it so I'm not going to have guy relationships beyond acquaintances. it's way too much work doing all the heavy lifting trying to decipher their emotions.
No. 752653
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I'm visiting my mom and she notes I'm too skinny. So she gives me a 4 pc nugget box. I happily ate my nugs. As the final piece is in my mouth she does a drive by comment "This is why you're getting fat"
I'm 46 kg
No. 752702
>>752653Kek, it was a shit test. You were supposed to take her remark about being too skinny as a compliment and have declined the food because being thin is better in her eyes than being average.
Glad I wasn't raised by asians obsessed about weight.
No. 752835
>>747040>>747083I'm a random person that just read your complaints on modern day texting. I just wanted to let you know that on Android 11, the latest version of Android, there is an option to turn these features off.
I never thought about this function in detail before until this thread. And now I just turned mine off haha. Why shouldn't I have the option to do so in all the apps I use? Now I'm gonna check if I can turn it off in messenger too.
If you're in the market for a new phone, I'm using the Pixel 4a and I really like it. Hope this helps you out :)
No. 752860
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>>752855same but then I tried to find a chronological view of the different programming language and now I'm lost kek
No. 752875
>>752859Strong agree. I'm sick and tired of people defending minors like they were clueless toddlers and allowing them to exhibit heinous behavior with zero consequences. No Riley, at 16 you should fucking realize that actions have consequences and lying about shit can get you in trouble, especially when you're doing it to intentionally ruin a person's reputation or traumatize them via targeted harassment. This is the shit you learn in elementary school. You can get a driver's license at that age for crying out loud, it's high time to learn to take some motherfucking responsibility.
I guess I could give them the benefit of the doubt and say they're dumb kids but then you get all these 19-21 year olds still trying to pass themselves as "minors" because they're clinging on to their Peter Pan syndrome. And then you get these actual fucking adults who want to fix some trauma from their past by whiteknighting these monsters with the "They're just children!" argument. A 16-year old is not a fucking child anymore and even if it was a literal 14-year old sending death threats they should learn to know better. You wouldn't overlook them burning ants with a magnifying glass, why would you give them a pass on this?
No. 752878
>>752868You haven't met my co-workers. They'll chew off my ear for 30 minutes and won't let me get a word in until I forgot what I wanted to say. Plus, they're incapable of differentiating between relevant and irrelevant information and I can't strg+f their verbal nonsense to find the important bits afterwards.
Voice messages are the worst of both worlds.
No. 752882
>>752859I feel like if it's an actual crime, then minors are held accountable. It's not like no minor has ever not been charged with theft, assault, or murder.
And yet, any celebrity that sends nudes and indecency to randoms on platforms where minors can create accounts are fucking morons. Why would you send nudes as someone with celeb status, even to non-minors who you didn't fucking know? Aside from that, too many predators have used the "but they lied/didn't tell me their age!!!" excuses, when visual cues and other hints pointed to the fact that they were talking to a minors but wanted to be in plausible deniability.
I don't feel sorry for idiots and they certainly don't deserve to be roped into the same group of people who are actively victimized who did nothing wrong.
No. 752886
>>752875AYRT thank you! It feels like I'm taking crazy pills seeing all these people defending minors when they do something wrong.
And the 20 year olds who want to pretend they should be considered minors are the fucking worst. I can't imagine the level of delusion one has to have to think like that.
No. 752902
>>752884>she'll be a caretaker to a geriatric by the time she's his age now.That alone makes it gross and they already look weird together. I think that a 20 year age gap is always distasteful
My cousin has a 6 year old daughter from her previous relationship with a guy who was also older than her, god knows how long will that current affair last
No. 752908
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>>752879Men are gross. Can’t imagine dating someone young enough to be my kid when even 3 years younger feels weird.
No. 752911
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If there's maskless people lets be real, its always men at the lab tomorrow, I am gonna fucking cry or fight, I am already fucking ill, why the fuck do you gotta come to the hospital without a mask? I am already on the edge due to last 5 or so bloodwork vibes being so off, my veins being shitty and just being in so much pain as it is that it's just a great moment to nearly faint. This whole fucking mask shit just adds to my nightmare.
No. 752925
>>752806All of what you said is true. However, I think in a practical sense, if you're learning a language for the first time, it's much easier to stick with it when you start with something clear like Pyyhon. Like when you're still learning basic operations, basic data structures like arrays/strings etc, having it all work as clearly and understandably as possible is so so important. The first time you learn a language, you're really learning two things at once - CS fundamentals, and the language itself. And in that sense the language should be as easy as possible, because once you understand how to do things in Python, translating that understanding into Java if you need to is way easier than if you were trying to grasp up the concept as well as the weird shit of java/c. With learning programming, especially independently, the hardest part by far is just sticking with it, so imo you should make it as easy on yourself as possible. Plus if you know python you'll have the confidence that you can learn to code stuff successfully, and if you do take a class in java it's way easier if you can ask questions like "so in python I would do this, what's the equivalent in java?" and stuff like that.
>>752855Having taken Latin through highschool it's actually kind of the reverse. Latin has an extremely large number of specific suffixes and forms for both nouns and verbs that allow you to be really really specific with a single word - for example "ambulabunturne" means "will they be walked?" which is sort of more like how in java/C you can be really specific about how you want the computer to do things with a very small amount of code - whereas Python is more general, closer to Spanish compared to Latin, in the sense that you can usually say the same thing but in more words, but it's a lot faster to become passably competent in (I should have taken Spanish in HS cause I still cant read Latin other than the occasional word lol)
Chronologically this kind of makes sense too, python is newer than a lot of other common languages and dropped/simplified a lot of stuff for ease of use, just as languages derived from Latin dropped a lot of more complicated specific constructions because they just didn't matter that often and were hard to remember all of.
No. 752930
>>752885>>752878>>752850As the original ranter I'd like to add that I cant comprehend the suffering of having to receive voice messages. I just want to email…but if I send an email longer than 3 sentences, people dont even seem to read it and they just respond to the last sentence. And forget trying to ask someone multiple questions in one email…
>>752835ty I actually will probably, my galaxy s8 as far as I can tell still has only simple texting (whenever someone likes a text or w/e I get a basic text from them that says "Liked <'my whole text'>" lol) but it sucks for other reasons, mainly that push notifications just dont fucking work reliably on most samsung galaxy s6+ phones somehow. Have heard oood things about the pixel! Basically that it works normally and is functional and moddable, and that's above par somehow these days…
No. 752947
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>go to café Im a regular at
>barista remembers me
>asks if 2% milk is ok for my latte
>I say yeah and in the most retarded attempt at a joke ever say "I just take whatever milk they give me"
>she laughs really hard
>but it was more like a "you're fucking retarded" kind of laugh
>now I'm afraid it sounded sexual or something
>embarrassed to go back
No. 752950
Kind of irritated because, my grandfather is getting a house of ours renovated (slow as fuck), and he had me go over this morning at the ass crack of dawn to "sort" through his menagerie of tools because he claimed he couldn't find anything.
After we got back home, he went out to lunch and then mysteriously came back with a plaque of his from his job that he claimed he found in the bin, and I realized that he had probably, more than likely, gone behind my back and rifled through all that useless, old, crusty shit I tossed and messed up everything I worked on all morning. I mean, some of this shit were things like faded paint swatches from the Home Depot, and some In n Out receipts from ten years ago that you can barely read anyway, molding away in piles in the house. I mean why have me go over there and waste my time if you are just going to go take it back inside anyway?
I know I shouldn't get upset, but I hate working with him or doing things for him because he's mean and anal retentive about literally everything. He won't throw away anything that he thinks belongs to him, but he will throw out our things with no hesitation. Seriously, I hate my retarded family and their copious mental issues. Can I live around some somewhat well adjusted humans for once kek.
No. 752958
>>752947Go back
You probably made her shitty job a little better that day, even if she was laughing at you and not with you
No. 752985
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my roommate and her entire family are literally autistic and i just took home a rescue cat and they keep telling me to surrender him or send him to live on a farm because he might lash out at her two cats
if i put up with her two cats she can put up with mine when all he does is sleep anyways
plus she's retarded and opened the door for a random drug addict and was about to let him in literally putting us both at risk
No. 752998
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gay nsfw twitter so dark. The stuff I read there will never leave my brain. I can't do this shit anymore. How did I even get over there
No. 753008
>>753002>Bring me that warm stink tunnel>Come saturate daddy in some HOT big BUTT!>Make that finger tip smell a little funny >When you come home let me smell that 8 hour shift between yo cheeks>Y’all flaunting that doodoo hole like MEN!and worst of all
>Gimme doodoo hole on fleek!It may not be that bad to some other anons here, but it was fucking horrific to me. It's not even the anal part that bothers me, cause fuck it I like ass stuff too, but the descriptions of it. Why does it have to be rank ass?
No. 753031
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>>753020Well. There's an extremely small chance that things go well but more likely is the person will ignore the message. The first is pure fantasy. It's been years and I would end up crying. Thank you. Please enjoy this dog.
No. 753111
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I keep getting sick, my health is a mess right now. How did I develop yet another infection in just two days? What the fuck? I can’t stop coughing and throwing up phlegm around, but I don’t feel anything else anyways, the worst thing I get was yesterday a mild headache because my fatass ordered a cinnamon roll thinking “whatever, if I die, I want to at least have this” I’m not even the kind of person that orders food just because.
Am I just spiraling into some sort of depressive state? I’ve been trying to workout and everything, but here am I right now, sick again with some fucking annoying ass motherfucking flu.
I’m also extremely paranoid over getting COVID and being again a waste of money to my family, I don’t want to get hospitalized, I think that will just kill me.
No. 753112
>>752983It’s a retarded term invented by middle class women who think their choice to sell snapshots of their asshole is the same thing as women being coerced or financially trapped in prostitution.
They ignore that prostituted women have extremely short lifespan predictions, are regularly subjected to violence, rape, and disease, and almost all prostituted women would leave if they could. They don’t care that prostituted women are most likely to be murdered and the murderer get away with it for choosing ‘disposable’
Instead of recognising that little girls are prostituted, they pretend it’s empowering and sexy fun that women freely choose and love doing, and that it’s normal and healthy for men to purchase access to poor women’s bodies.
They frame feminism as hating prostituted women for not supporting their ignorant ideas that claim being prostituted is fun and orgasms all day long.
No. 753131
>>752885I'm with you
nonnie I fucking hate them so much. I understand if it's something long or difficult to explain over text but I know someone who sends them to say "okay" or a longass voice message where 99% of the content is "so…ummm…so…where was I? Oh right…ummm…"
No. 753148
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Why does no one love me
No. 753183
>>752879I see women unashamedly admitting that they prefer men that are
much older than them. They say it's because of maturity and some other mumbo jumbo but let's be honest they do it either because a) probably has more money and b) because they think that way he won't look for anything younger which is of course false. I've seen plenty of old men "upgrade" for a younger woman even if their current wife/gf is already 10 years or more younger and looks so much better than him. But it's exactly this type of thinking and acting that perpetuates the myth that makes men bold and demanding when they look like shit even at 30, let alone 50 something. And as someone who got unsolicited nudes from old men, I vomit a little whenever I see a young woman dating a wrinkly scrote. How can they put themselves through that hell? No amount of money is worth it.
>>753181The problem is that lots of women are handmaidens and have no problems forcing other women to lower their standards. Besides, I don't think it's possible to change nature. I've stopped believing in socializing and blank slates. The majority of men will never change and neither will women simping for them.
No. 753263
>>747017Lately I've been feeling like I'm too old for a good romantic meet up. Like I remember being young and meeting a cute guy at a library an asking them out, or liking someone for months and finally being able to talk to them. Having butterflies the whole time, thinking about them everyday. Even if it didn't last after that I just feel so defeated by the whole online dating thing and jaded from past relationships, I can't get into it. I'm 30 and far from old but I feel that I'll never get those butterflies and anticipation again, I don't even know where I would meet someone.
Doesn't help I just had a really romantic dream about a celebrity I really like, that's a bummer.
No. 753265
>>753245God, I agree!! I do not understand why are women doing this? A woman that I know willingly surronds herself with nazi-kuns, later then spent a year finding a kid from muslim to e-date with while always mentioning how trad and right wing she is while leeching off parents in a basement.
She kept getting cucked by men hard, last time a man literally left her on asile because he lied to her that he wanted to marry her, but that still didnt stop her from whining that her whole life should be resolved around having a partner. What a retard.
No. 753282
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I just want to stop chewing my fucking mouth, please god let me have this one thing before my face is completely wrecked. This is such a stupid problem to have. Anons please pray for me.
No. 753298
>>752386You should bring this up to your new friend. Either she doesn't even realise and she'll try to make you feel better or you'll learn that she doesn't care that much.
It's hard to fully include friends that don't have social media when you do to be fair
No. 753314
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>>753089I don't think so, anon. How am I supposed to coom now?
No. 753352
>>753335I understand your pain anon. I'll painstakingly type out my question, trying to ask clearly but also not be too wordy for their sake. Then the professor's response is always something like
"Yes thats fine"
not even fully answering my question lol. It's the academic equivalent of "k". It would be really funny if it weren't frustrating sometimes.
But anyway it's worse with remote learning. I know they have to adjust too but sometimes it's like they don't put any effort
No. 753362
>>753285I'm not surprised about the parent thing, tbh whenever I see women in bad relationships I'm not that far off in assuming it's because they saw their own parents flounder in their own messed up relationships. Parents who would approve of this have some arrested instincts. Disordered parents raise disordered children unless they take big steps to live for a different example than how they were raised so their children don't grow up normalizing bullshit while not knowing what to look for. Are you sure your friend just wants to play house, and isn't running away from something else?
OP, the most you can do is be an open ear for her. Lord knows she's going to need it. Don't volunteer your opinion until she explicitly asks for it, and even then she may be sore if you don't say to her that her wasted time can be salvaged somehow. Hope for the best, but expect the worst. In due time she will realize her error and hopefully it won't be too late.
No. 753365
>>753335Lmao this is me but with my managers at work.
They're terrible at sending documents and I'm supposed to be someone in charge of document release and control. They wanted me to publish documents today and I need two versions of them in order to do it. Today they only gave me the word versions and not the pdf versions, but even then the issue dates on the word documents appeared wrong. So I asked them about the missing pdfs and if the issue dates showing on the word docs were correct. Of course one manager doesn't fucking understand the simple question I'm asking, and treats me like a retard who doesn't know where the documents are located even though I said they were missing from where they are supposed to be! The other manager gets what I'm saying and sends me the pdfs, but doesn't answer my fucking question about the issue dates appearing incorrectly so now I have to pester again.
Like can they really not be assed to read the entire THREE SENTENCES I send them over Teams? Fucking retards.
No. 753387
>>753352Exactly this. They really need to make themselves more available to students now that we don't have the opportunity chat in person. I can't even drop in on my prof's office hours because you have to schedule an appointment by email a day in advance and she never got back to me lmao. It's inconvenient because she only holds office hours once a week.
No disrespect to the TAs but I'm reluctant to bring my questions on the course material to them, sometimes they'll respond with "I actually haven't read that [assigned text which is central to this project] but it sounds like you're on track". I'm trying to do my best here, please work with me.
>>753365It's incredible how people in positions of power can have such abysmal reading comprehension skills.
No. 753401
>>753396couple fat older dudes, 30 more ugly guys, seemingly cute normal guy with a
toxic description (incel vibes), 10 stoner dudes. I just gave up with online dating.
No. 753495
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My fiancé's spoiled, 40 year old ex wife keeps harassing us about money. Unfortunately he is still on their old lease and has to pay until it's expired this summer even though he lives with me. Otherwise he'd just block her. I blocked her because she pulled some psycho shit with me including cracking into my phone conversations with him and getting mad at me that he would rant to me about her. They didn't have any assets together. She's just salty that now she might be forced to actually take care of herself like a fucking adult. Her entitlement is relentless and I'm sick of her shit.
So this motherforking bitch gets half her rent paid so she can have an entire place all to herself (a luxury I have never been able to have in my adult life). Yet she has the audacity to harass us about paying for her cats and utilities. Shocked pikachu, but mayhaps she's figuring out that she's been a mooch for 40 years on this fucking planet and that her grocery clerk paycheck doesn't actually stretch far. She also refuses to take on more clients for her side gig because she's lazy and doesn't want to try to rope anyone to taxi her around since she can't drive either. I don't feel sorry for her, she's just a princess who's used to being waited on and it makes me angry. I'd feel differently if she ever worked hard for anything and tried to do stuff to better herself, but no.
1. Why should we pay for her utilities when neither of us live there and use them?
2. If she can't afford food for the cats then she needs to just surrender them or find a foster home until she can take them back. Pets are privileges, not necessities. Of course she has no friends so she can't even ask someone to house them temporarily.
She's extra unhinged lately because the married man who she has fucked around with claims to have gotten a promotion at work and now barely attempts to fuck her late at night on weekends anymore. She won't harp him for financial support because he'd probably tell her to piss off. She had to have an abortion recently because she just assumed her medical condition would act like birth control, cause she's an irresponsible dumbass. And because of the money it cost her to get an abortion, she used it to guilt us because she suddenly was short her half of rent and claimed she didn't have anything to eat.
But it's not enough that she begs us for money, she's gotta be fucking mean about it. She's gotta bite his head off when he reminds her that it isn't really his responsibility anymore to take care of her cats and buy her food because she needed an abortion because her married fuck buddy would have noped out. He'd give her money anyway because he's sensitive and is a good person, but she's fucking nasty the minute someone doesn't cater and lays down a boundary with her. I can't wait until that fucking lease is gone and then we can disappear and block her. It makes me so fucking sick that she's coasted by in life this far with so little effort yet acts oppressed when reality finally knocks. I want to be mean to her so badly but that won't solve anything.
No. 753521
>>753495That’s a lot of baggage.
Make sure your fiancé is following the provisions outlined in his divorce decree. Otherwise it’s contempt of court.
No. 753534
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This is exactly why I never tell my family that I’m sick when I get sick, I usually just let it be, take some pills or drink some teas and I’m great again.
This time I got a pneumonia that has been quite fucking persistent and won’t leave already, so my aunt took me to the radiologist because it was better if I got some X rays done.
One of my uncles, a doctor, sees this and says I got pneumonia, okay, I can treat it at home, it’s not a big deal.
But then my aunt gets all stressed out, getting a doctor to come home to test whether I have Covid or not and we don’t have an oximeter because, who the hell had one before the pandemic?
So my aunt is asking everyone and everywhere for an oximeter.
It’s never such a big deal! I get a test result or x rays and it’s always something mild and treatable!
I absolutely despise how my brother won’t do anything, anything without getting all mad for no reason when I have to do a bunch of shot for him even while sick.
This is fucking annoying, I don’t want to die choked with my own mucus but I wouldn’t mind dying.
No. 753572
Not really a vent, but IDK where else to post it.
I'm pretty certain my mum is lying about her chronic illness, or at least she believes she's in chronic pain but actually is fabricating it. She's had this mysterious disease that causes facial pain for the last decade, it's gone from being a toothache to a misfiring nerve in the mouth to a misfiring nerve in the brain. It's been several surgeries now, multiple on the brain (according to her) and every time it just doesn't treat it, this time it's "the gauze left in the brain after the last brain surgery is rubbing against the nerve". IDK, I've never talked to her doctor or seen the paperwork, I just know she's flying to and from the capitol for surgeries and each one is failing to do the job. This is combined with multiple people telling me that she lied about having a cancer diagnosis in the 90s for a long time. And when my little brother was growing up, he was placed on ADHD medication on heavy doses to the point where he was malnourished (due to how suppressed his appetite was) with a BMI of 14 (I also grew up with iron deficiencies due to only being fed shredded wheat, muesli bars and bread because "that's all we can afford") , her response to this was to parade him around gatherings and christmas parties like a freakshow for attention (he would come home crying every time). She would point out how you could see his heart beating through his shirt and laugh (it was always done from a "poor single mommy" angle, many people probably thought she was being a piece of shit but no one said anything).
My older sister thinks I'm a reprehensible monster for thinking such a thing. But maybe, MAYBE, because she's selected an illness that can only be diagnosed based on subjective pain, she's managed to munchauser her way through. I've caught her a few times, spying on her from the doorstep as she goes about chores, I seen her notice me in the reflection in the window (not realizing I had already seen her) and instantly seen her grasping her head and making noises like she's in pain.
She is extremely thirsty for attention and sympathy and loves to spiel on non-stop about her expensive treatments. The hundreds of hours she would go on and on about acupuncture when it was just a tooth thing (spending hundreds a month while barely feeding us) is burned into my brain. As soon as she got hold on heavy pain medication she just started spieling on about how tired she was all the time and how the "room spins like I'm in the matrix I'm in that much pain", it's all classic munchie hyperbole and attention seeking behavior.
Could it indeed be possible she's bullshitted her way into actual brain surgery?
No. 753581
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Dumbass guy in my group chat says that twinks and (presumably) butch lesbians must be non-binary. Wtf is up with this shit.
No. 753603
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I don't think I'm in love or attracted to my bf anymore
No. 753615
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Bf wants me to pick him up half way tonight at his parent's house because his battery light is on in his car and he's afraid to drive it all the way home from his job. It's like 35 minutes out from me.
Nothing can emphasize how much I really, really, really don't feel like doing this. Late at night.
God he spent money replacing the battery earlier and now it might be a different problem. But like…why did he waste money on a new battery before getting the problem diagnosed? Men are retarded and it's upsetting.
No. 753745
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Long post, sorry.
Anons, advice would be really appreciated. I'm having friend group woes. Gonna try not to make it longer than it needs to be.
A couple weeks ago, I was a little frustrated at my DnD group (also my friend group) for doing a session during spring vacation, since I wanted to get away for that week (my country's quarantine is lax). I was a little passive-aggressive, but basically they exploded in my face and relayed everything to me via 1 person (first friend I made here). I didn't even think it was a big deal that I was a little upset about doing it during vacation, but whatever. Along the lines of "I wanted to do something else in this time, but I guess we'll have the session, so..".
The pissed me off and sent me into a crying session. My biggest fear and I guess pain point is that I'm afraid of being abandoned and unloved because that's usually the way it goes (this is a new friend group, prior to that I was basically alone). The fact that the rest of the group relayed their anger at me via that 1 person also made me incredibly upset because I felt like everyone talked being my back about this.
Then, long story short, I wrote a letter to my friend about how much this hurt me. I do better when I take time to process things. SHE wrote me back that basically I am manipulative because I make everyone pity me and I am an attention hog because of this. I DISAGREE. Like, if I have no spine to stand up for myself, or sometimes can't handle my depressive/anxiety thoughts and leave, THAT IS NOT ME BEING MANIPULATIVE. That is me removing myself from the situation to not cause stress on my friends. When my friend got sick, I drove her to the hospital and took care of everything, staying up until midnight and THEN going back to the hospital the next day. I constantly show my affection and appreciation for everyone and this is what they say?
I can't say that I don't sometimes manipulate people, but 1. everyone does to a degree, and 2. if I do something to my own detriment, that is NOT manipulation. If I have to leave a party because my depressive episode is coming, that is NOT manipulative. Am I not wrong?
But basically… I'm pathetic. Even though they said all of this stuff, I still want to be friends with them. We have a lot of common interests, and they're all cool people. I can't say I want to be alone again. If I must, I must, but is this not salvageable? And why must I always be the one to make amends? Why does nobody ever try to cozy up to me, and compromise?
That friend said that we 'can be friends', but how can you be friends with a person who you called selfish, manipulative, and self-centered? What kind of a friend even is that?
I feel stabbed in the heart, deeply. And no one in that friend group even cares. It sucks to be abandoned again. I always freely give myself to others, and I know that's bad, but I always hope that it would result in love, friendship. I feel gaslit and like maybe I am a horrible person. Maybe. But fuck, if I try not to be, then doesn't that already count for something?
Then basically
No. 753802
>>753792I don't see what your bf's little brother's actions have to do with you or your relationship? Where most women are far too unwilling to break up with their shitty bf's, you seem to be on the other end of the extreme.
And what's so crazy about going on a roadtrip when he's 18? He's not a child anymore. Where I live it's common enough for late-teenagers who've just finished high school to travel to another continent for a couple of weeks or months.
No. 753805
>>753800>>753802I said a roadtrip but it's not really what he said. He wants to go to the other side of the world (more precisely going across North America) "to find himself" because he feels trapped. He has no plan, no idea of what he wants to do, no money, no sense of responsibility and he's mentally unstable.
His actions matter to me and my relationship because if something bad happens to him it will fall back on me. Already did when he almost killed himself. This is a really stressful situation for everyone in his family and I don't want to get involved in this. Thing is, I'm pretty close to them and can't turn a blind eye.
No. 753810
>>753805>it will fall back on meLiterally how. You're not even directly related to him and aren't responsible for him whatsoever.
Considering the biggest problem in your relationship is your bf's brother your relationship must be solid. It'd be a huge waste to throw a good relationship away over a little brother with a dumb idea.
No. 753818
deleted previous post too much personal info
>>753815I hope I'm wrong, I'll come back and vent here anyway if he ends up eating poisonous berries in the middle of nowhere
No. 753847
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I'm supportive of they/them pronouns but now even that's wrong? I'm so fucking confused how are boomers meant to keep up with this when a bleeding heart libtard like myself can't, I'm so done with this endless whack a mole game of language!
No. 753849
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>>752653a bit down the road:
> why does my child have an eating disorder, I don't understand, > I did everything right, it's the shitty child's fault> the child is doing it on purpose to make me look badlol 4pc nuggets, I'd eat 20 piece box for lunch
No. 753863
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>>753847This is what happens when you
thonk too much, everything is now offensive and things change so drastically within a few years or even months, that soon no one will have any idea of what the fuck can be said or will get you
I hope the retarded mental gymnastics finally result in a huge implosion of their communities of whatever the fuck is Twitter right now.
I swear, it feels like anyone is hostage of everyone else.
No. 753882
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Just saw and had to report cp on CC, and I already know they come here to try mess with us on LC too. Stay safe everyone.
No. 753896
>>753856>i didn’t say no when he first tried those things i couldn’t say it the other times because i’d be “changing my mind.” You can always change your mind, even in the middle of sex. Any person who ever tries to make you feel bad for "changing your mind" is manipulating you because they don't want you to have autonomy
>porn addict who just smokes weed in his moms house>all we would do is watch tv.Better off without him even if before all the gross shit he forced on you
Why do you feel like you're in the wrong, just because you ghosted him? I am completely armchairing here but maybe you feel upset, because of what happened, and instead of allowing yourself to accept that he did something bad you are instead seeing yourself as the person who did something wrong. If you want a sense of closure then it would be good to say that you didn't want or enjoy the things he did to you with affirmative consent but that's probably a very difficult conversation for you to have with him. Realistically, if you aren't comfortable verbalising what you want then he will just be able to talk you around before you block him.
This wasn't your fault and you didn't "deserve" it, but in future you need to practice saying no to people. Start with small every day things or practice saying what you like and don't like when you are alone at home.
No. 753910
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Since quarantine, my social anxiety is getting worst. I have not speak to my irl friends for months. I'm strugglling with loneliness, the fact that my emotional side of my brain said I rather when shizo and having delusion/Imiginary friends rather dealing with it. At this point I'm trying my best to stay sane and not to fall into the dark side
Anything I will do to prevent worst case scenario
No. 753955
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>>753910I’m feeling that anon. Quarantine has destroyed my ability to meet new people on top of damaging my current friendships. It’s like I’ve become semi autistic. I cannot hold a conversation and if someone asks be something I just stare at them blankly now. FML
No. 754046
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I have a predicament
>last week
>get e-mail from professor in one of my past courses asking if she can nominate my essay for an award
>say yes
>he responds saying to put my name and some other info on a title page for the essay and send it in
>don't have stable internet connection for a few days, don't get to see this
>this week
>read the reply
>send him an e-mail back apologizing for the wait, and ask which essay he wants me to send in
>no reply
>it's been 3 days
I asked my mom if I should just leave it or reach out again, and she said to just add the info to all three of the essays I did for the course and send it to him with something like "Here are the details you asked for, attached to both essays". I said it'd look weird and passive-aggressive to double e-mail like that after the prof hasn't responded, and she said "The professor doesn't need to respond. You were given a set of instructions. If you want your work nominated, just follow them". I disagreed again and said it'd look desperate and rude because it's been days, and she was like "Okay. If you don't want your work nominated, don't send anything".
I'm second-guessing myself now. Was she right? Should I just e-mail him again with the essays amended and not care if it looks thirsty/awkward/rude? I have anxiety that makes me hyper self-conscious, so now I'm not even sure if this is just my fear acting up, or if I'm correct in thinking it'd look bad. Help
No. 754048
>>754002>>754020Kek luckily my closest friends are pretty liberal but still normal/rooted in reality, but the acquaintances or college friends I talk to would be the ones trying to “educate,” me even though I know and just disagree/don’t care lol.
>>754036Exactly! They’re very nice people, but they’re too deep into it online or are more concerned with inclusivity pandering than the objective reality that most people are just not trans nor identify outside of the binary.
>>754007Kek of course, but don’t you get….like tired?
>>754042I know, but being accused of
TERF/transphobic shit is still a lil daunting, and I worry that’s exactly where they’d take it. It shouldn’t matter, but it does, especially in a small, queer college town. It’s fuckin gaaaayyy.
No. 754053
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Am I pearl clutching or are these web games aimed at literal little girls fucking fetishy and demented? Everything is so scrotal from concept to execution. I legit thought these were some hentai shit but they’re the most popular games on girlsgogames.
No. 754170
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I feel too stupid for college. I am just stupid in general, my general reasoning sucks. I find myself not being able to justify shit. I am just stupid. IQ test is bullshit. I am going to fail college… I had 2.3 GPA my first semester and I just found out that I might not be able to get into the engineering program due to that GPA. I am failure. It's worse because I get treated like an idiot because I am a woman in STEM but now I am only confirming these biases.
No. 754171
>>754152>>754144wouldn't be surprised if he was exposed to 'gooner' videos. literal degeneracy 'brainwashing' videos that sites like PH push to the front page so even normies can be exposed to advanced level degeneracy.
it's literally just compilation videos embracing the idea of coomer induced brainrot and it's becoming a trend so much so that it now has it's own name/community much larger than just the sissy niche. terrifying
No. 754178
>>754171Surely the post-fap regret from that stuff would motivate people sort their shit out…I hope
I stalked those gooner discords out of curiosity and the genuine talk of suicide is pretty depressing. Someone's brother actually came into one of them to let the rest know he killed himself last week, it was something lynchian in how tragic it was contrasted with the carnal pornography surrounding them and the sissy usernames.
No. 754198
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Miss abusive confused bisexual who claims to be a lesbian despite wanting to fuck men according to what I have heard, especially this annoying german scrote, come collect your ex from my tired hands. Girl, why'd you ever tell a man lolcow even exist? Either way you should be my bestie because you're actually based. Anyways, I really want to try my boyfriend's childhood wasabi chips they used to sell in his country. Honestly, I'm jealous because they have lame flavors here that only taste like salt and nothing else.
No. 754229
Tried to get along with a new coworker I had to train and work next to, but I'm done with this shit. First day on the job he made a mistake, said, "Where's the assistance, you're a demon!" I had no idea what he was even talking about until he asked me how to fix the mistake when he replies, "OH THERE's the assistance". You met me thirty minutes ago, go fuck yourself dipshit. Yesterday he got mad that I was working faster than him, told me to pretend to struggle. Didn't say shit to him. Later I was trying to look at the second page of the work newsletter on the board, he was a couple feet away I thought talking to someone and he suddenly yells, "Don't touch that!" at me. At that point I knew I wasn't even going to try to play nice with this immature retarded. He wears blacked out safety glasses and a black face cover so I can't even tell when he's looking at me let alone talking to me so I fucking ignore him as much as I can now. Retard wears the exact same deadpool shirt every day and spergs about superhero's, probably thinks he is one in his stupid face coverings. During our breaks he always falls asleep and someone has to wake him up. He claims he gets barley 4 hours of sleep at night. Not only is that a safety issue but he's a confirmed unstable person. Oh, did I mention he always yells when he talks even if you're an inch away from him. Today everyone else was packing there things up at the end of the shift, I started packing mine up, he asks if I'm going to finish the last two pieces and I said no. Thirsty as hell, exhausted, wanting to go home, I turn away from him and he starts sperging. "Oh really you're not going to tell me when you're done…ONE OF THESE DAYS!". A coworker laughed and pointed a me thinking it was hilarious this dipshit was yelling at me like that while I rolled my eyes into the back of my head. I'm fucking over this. I'm not his babysitter, I'm not giving him a single inch of emotional labor or whatever the fuck he expects out of me. Act like a crazy person and I'll ignore you. I tried being nice but I can't deal with him. He knows what time our breaks are, what time we stop, he has eye balls, he can clearly see everyone stopping work. He expects other people to wake him up after break, he expects me to pretend like my job is hard to comfort his manbaby feelings, expects me to tell him every single day that's break time or quitting time. Suck my ass. I hope he throws a fit like the child he is and quits soon.
No. 754265
>>754261What baffles me is that Ramsay larpers only use the 'angrily critiquing everything' part and think they are golden. Buddy, it's only tolerable when you are an expert and only valuable if you can follow it up with good advice. Yelling "this sucks" requires no talent.
Not that yelling at all is a positive trait, but damn. It's like wanting to be Batman, but only dead parents part, non of being rich and superhero nonsense.
No. 754337
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Mfw I moved across the country to escape abusive parents and got married at 18 and I realized I'm living in a shitty smelly godawful city with no opportunities and that my home city is overflowing with opportunities that I missed out on by moving. But if I stayed with my parents I probably would've killed myself by now so I guess it's better that I'm not getting my ass kicked every day. But I just fucking hate it here and don't wanna live in this place for the next 5 years but I probably will have to
No. 754354
>>753745Honestly your friends sound like shitheads. I also find it weird that after this friend of yours (I assume the one you sent the letter to) said their spiel about how manipulative they think you are, she then said “we can be friends.” I just assume that staying friends would be a given (since aren’t you guys friends from the start?), but it sounds like they almost don’t even consider you one, or that they were reconsidering something. It just sounds like they don’t respect you.
It seems odd that they’re blowing up like this, but I’ve encountered people that project when they call out manipulation, or are being disingenuous. They also probably think that you don’t “value” them since you had other plans. A friend of mine would always have people pull this on her because she was a very nice and inviting person, so everyone would always feel entitled to her time and energy and blow up if they didn’t get their way.
I know you like these people and are afraid of being alone but really consider if they respect you or not. It’s not worth it to stay or try to fix things if they feel entitled to your emotional labor in this. My friend that I was mentioning would also always give herself freely, it’s not a bad thing, it just sometimes attracts people that leech on sincerity and don’t give any back.
No. 754370
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>>754347My older sister is 37 and just got engaged to a guy whose her perfect match in every way. You never know when true love will come along, anon.
No. 754372
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Damn I know it’s common knowledge that google as a search engine is shit but wow it’s getting me so upset how I can’t get good results on ANYTHING. Even on google scholars. It’s always shit shit shit.
Today I was trying to find this article about a woman that took a pic of a humanoid (pic rel I just thought the bugger was funny and wanted it). As I type, no suggestions past “humanoid.” All the results are such garbage even up to the 5th page.
This even happens when I type in the urls of other search engines like duckduckgo and swisscows. No fill in past duck or swiss. I type in “woman captures small humanoid on camera” and it’s literally the first result on duckduckgo. I need to stop being lazy and switch the default search engine on my phone. Irredeemable piece of shit company. It’s so frustrating, how does anyone stand to use them anymore?
No. 754373
>>754152>>754171He admitted to it a week ago, but he didn't seem to think of it as a problem. Not sure how to proceed.
I was also surprised to hear it was not a recent development, but something of interest since childhood. I suspect, like many young men, he was exposed to internet porn too early.
He didn't say anything about Discords, but he does seem to be in quite a few groups (?) on there.
No. 754395
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Masturbation feels good, but what I truly crave is having someone to give me some company in everyday life
I want someone to speak to as I do stuff, I'm tired of touching myself because I'm lonely and stressed
No. 754408
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I don't understand how people manage to eat healthy and also eat enough calories in a day. The only time in my life I've been able to consistently eat over 1,000 calories in a day was when I worked retail and was eating tons of chicken sandwiches and pizza due to convenience. Now I'm neet and basically starving to death because food is so fucking boring to me. I don't care enough about eating to bother with stuffing food in my mouth every hour. I just sit around hungry as fuck until it gets to be unbearable, and even then I'll only eat enough to not be completely famished. I've aged so hard this year due to weight loss, like from baby face to crypt keeper. I want to fucking scream.
No. 754411
My grandma told me when I was a teenager that there is $30k (and possibly her house? I don't know) in her will for me, and I feel so upset knowing that. I just remember that sometimes and it fucks up my entire mood. I know it sounds fucking ridiculous and it's such a first world problem, but it makes me upset because: I hate to think about my grandmother dying, and I also feel like I have a lot of pressure to use that money wisely. She told me to save the money for a rainy day, and to keep it a secret from my mother and from any potential partners, even if I get married (I don't think that's legally possible?), but I feel like I should also do my best to invest it because my grandma didn't have much do to various reasons, and I know she did this for me because of my abusive mother, but it feels so fucked up to even be thinking of what I should do with the money that I get when she dies. I don't want my grandma to die, and I'd gladly be broke if it meant she could live forever, as fucking childish as it sounds. I haven't talked to her about it and tbh I don't want to
No. 754416
>>754347You lot make me feel like I'm living on a different planet.
I'm thirty and in a decent LTR but still expect to have maybe two or more long term partners before I find my forever match.
Maybe the reason "all the good ones are gone" is because people gets scared by all this nonsense and they then hold onto their just okay enough matches forever out of fear that it's the best they can do
No. 754436
I understand that being single is financially harder on people with low incomes so I don't judge people that get trapped in long term relationships to survive but I hope our generation gets over the obsessive need to shack up with a man for the sake of it. Most old couples that stayed together their whole lives out of habit aren't even friends anymore, the man dies early after she cares for him for years and then the woman gets put into a home
Be in a mutual partnership or be alone on your own terms
No. 754472
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I cannot believe there's people who are so braindead that they can't tell the difference between a vent post, and someone asking for advice. Not even most autists who function on a normal level are this bad. No wonder people's intelligences are going to shit, they reinforce this echo chamber of stupidity by demanding labels for fucking everything like kindergarteners.
No. 754478
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I can't believe I have really bad body dysmorphia and have been an ana-chan for so long while also dealing with hypothyroidism and my stupid fucking implant. I was given the best cards, I love it here! at least when I finally was prescribed my thyroid meds my weight dropped, and I'm not saying death fats are right because you definitely can become underweight with it, but it takes fucking hard work. I hate being mentally ill though, wanting to die because of how you look is so dumb. I really can't take this
No. 754520
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Incoming giant vent because I just need to write my feelings down, sorry if it's stupid to act this way I'm just very scrambled. I've posted this before but it's so fucking sad that my mom is doing all this stuff for this disgusting scrote she met only 2 months ago. This dude's underage son killed himself not even a few months ago, divorced his wife in need, and is now leeching onto my mom to use her up. It's not like a regular relationship at all; he love bombs her with gifts, talks all night with her, and then doesn't talk to her for days and she comes to me and sobs that she's going to be alone forever because he's writing to other women weird things on their facebook feed.. then repeats the cycle. She has fucking bags underneath her eyes because she stays up all night to make him happy and cum and then she works extremely long hours afterwards, this faggot is literally a stay at home ex dad who ~paints and lives his life so freely~ who moved on way too fucking fast for his son's death, who the hell starts a sex thing with a random woman online after their CHILD dies only a few MONTHS AGO? only a man! She's almost 60 years old and she really only wants to finally be happy and meet her "prince charming" after divorcing my extremely abusive dad but instead she's on zoom doing cam shows for this pig, a person she met online not too long ago and openly shows her face. I literally tell her to be careful and do what she wants because I wouldn't be surprised if shit like this leaked because he is creepy, but she just gets angry and tells me he would never do that. All cool, I never mentioned it again, just one time because I wanted to let her know that men actually do this shit and it's literally happened to me. He's even convinced my mom that his ex wife was a "total bitch" who wouldn't give him sex, oh I wonder why!
He even told her he wants to meet up with her so bad during covid to have sex in an entirely different state from where they both live. I joked around and said to be careful because she could literally get murdered like A LOT OF WOMEN DO but she actually got very mad at me and wouldn't talk to me afterwards. I know everyone is like "she's an adult she can do what she wants" but she's obviously so out of it right now, it fucking breaks my heart to see her go through this. I literally talked to her therapist telling her that I was a little worried for her but she just said something along the lines like, "let your mom have fun!! she just go out of a bad relationship, it doesn't seem toxic AT ALL!" It might of been stupid to ask her therapist for advice but I just wanted to try.
I probably sound crazy to other people because I'm the only other person witnessing this full time, I just care for my mom so much but it's so upsetting to see her go through this.. I'm letting it go though and I understand that she's her own person and I can't stop this disgusting man from manipulating her. Maybe I'm angry too because I'm going through a sexual assault case and this random moid is telling her to spend even more time with him when I only usually get to talk to her for maybe an hour or two a day because of our work schedules. I get that I'm not entitled to her time, I understand, but I just miss sitting with her and talking about anything BUT her "boyfriend." I can't say I don't want to talk about him or get uneasy because she'll get upset, it's so tiring. I just miss my mom so bad especially during this time Also I feel so fucking bad for his son and wife, he literally told my mom that his son never liked spending time with his dad and honestly hated him and you know what? I trust that because my dad tell the same about me to a random woman
No. 754532
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>>754526Drop his fucking location anon I have access to a shotgun and I'm not afraid to kill somebody.
No. 754537
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M y new colleague is telling me daily i should smile. Worst thing is he thinks he is charming or funny with it? I show him obviously what i think about it but apparently he doesn’t get it. He’s on the top of my list now.
No. 754739
>>754478I'm sorry :(
Please don't give up!
No. 754743
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I seriously think I’m growing to dislike relationships with other people and it makes me sad. I used to be really social when I was younger, to the point where I was constantly hanging out with or texting others. I really had a lot of fun. I’d even start to get frustrated from boredom if I couldn’t be out of the house or chatting with people. But now, the older I get, the more draining rather than fun every single relationship becomes (even if it’s drama-free and good stuff only). I’m fine talking to the same friend I’ve had for over a decade and I’m fine spending every moment with my scrote and anything else encroaching on that for more than a few hours makes my entire brain shut down. I feel like I turn into this silent, bored looking mega bitch all because my energy just completely depletes from faking fun and sociability for a single hour.
Its stupid and it’s probably going to come bite me in the ass later though. I really thought I had stopped being mentally ill years ago kek
No. 754757
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A acquaintance of mine who I have never had a sexual or flirty conversation with texts me out of no where asking for nudes and for me to sext with him. I was actually fine with it but only if he paid me. He got all offended and started accusing me of trying to argue and I actually wasnt. I really just wanted $50 to get my nails done. I dont get why hes being butt hurt.
No. 754769
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>>754765Yeah and the way he texted me acting like he was giving me some great offer by giving me the privilege to send him nudes for free
No. 754779
>>754753Ayrt, I get what you mean. I feel kinda scared to have that money because I just have so much doubt (more like insecurity) for what I'm doing with my life. I don't wanna just ever end up in a spot where I have to use that money for dumb reasons because I fucked up in my life.
>Like I'm gonna take advice from some who can't afford to get her nails doneBut why can't he afford to give you $50?
No. 754831
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Men be like
>I want degen weeb gf
But can't even fund her BL and gacha addiction. Pathetic. You have nothing to offer me.
No. 754866
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I swear I haven't seen a man above 6'0 with a decent body in months. Almost every man on the street is a frail manlet or a fat manlet, and if there's a 6'0+ guy (rarely) he looks really out of shape. What the fuck is going on with men
No. 754877
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Having a small stature fucking sucks, it can’t actually be healthy for any adult to only eat 995 calories fuck life
No. 754910
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>>754907Oh my god, you're right, thank you
No. 755000
>>754994I used to share a roommate like that but I honestly never minded although she liked boiled eggs so it smelled like farts a lot. But it's healthy and a cheap source of protein. I would make banana pancakes sometimes and it was nice having them together. I actually miss her.
lol sorry for the digression.
No. 755022
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lolita comm
Yet another fucking sissy/diaperfag grown disgusting man joined and started commenting on fucking everything
I'm sick of it
I am fucking sick of never being able to escape men, even in the mst aggressively feminine fashion that exists, you can't fucking escape them
I do not fucking understand what fucking koolaid 20-something-year-old women have been drinking that makes them think we have to facilitate predatory fucking sick perverts jacking off, I do not get it, you can all fucking see that this isn't even some harmless little crossdresser faggot, this is a fucking predator that wants to fuck a little girl in a diaper and thinks he's found a club of them because he's so fucking pornsick and depraved he can't fucking differentiate between an adult woman's petticoat and a toddler's pull-up
I sperged out and called a spade a spade, I said something to the effect of "Why are we not allowed to ostracize porno creep men ? Why do we fucking have to let men bring their fucking boners to our private fucking teaparty?" and I got kicked out of the comm and blocked by more than a few people in it
If you know who this is, rat on me, I don't give a shit.
It's fucking sickening
I fucking hate men.
No. 755028
>>755022Good for you, fuck em. Maybe one day enough people who quietly agree will break off and you queens can have your own
terf Lolita tea party. Fuck moids, fuck trannies. ♥
No. 755041
>>755022Based anon. You did nothing wrong. Fuck sissies and diaperfags.
The funniest part is that they probably secretly agree with you, but they'd rather sacrifice another woman to get virtue signalling points and show how woke, open-minded and progressive they are than call a spade a spade.
No. 755045
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This is so unfair. Almost every woman could be 10/10 and youtube/instagram famous if she had enough money for good plastic surgeon. Beauty was always worshipped but, at least, back in the day you couldn't trick others and you had to live with what nature gave you. But now people who were born privileged because they had enough money can just fix their average faces and be worshipped like super models and live in Hollywood. Is there anything money can't buy kek
No. 755055
>>755045We need to start lobbying our governments to subsidize plastic surgery.
If trannies can threaten suicide to get government-funded surgery and HRT, women should get feminine healthcare
and cosmetic surgery free for the same fucking reasons (except in the case of the first one, we literally have more reason than they do).
No. 755060
>>755045It's not really unfair, if anything it levels the playing field since beauty can now be achieved by more means than just luck (ie having the brains, motivation, work ethic, etc to earn money). I mean, there's nothing stopping you from getting PS just like them if you're jealous.
That's not to say I think it's a good thing, I wouldn't want PS or encourage anyone else to get it unless they seriously, seriously needed it.
No. 755066
>>755060Most people who have actual money were just born into it, they didn't "earn" shit.
Also, if someone was average or below average, PS won't fix their shitty genes and they will pass them on to their kids. Unless they're ok with their kids getting PS.
No. 755071
>>755066Even if the only way someone could possibly afford PS was being born into money (which is obviously nonsense, being able to save 5-20k at some point in your life is very possible for people who weren't born rich…), that's STILL more fair than having one single way to be attractive.
I don't know what genetics or your kids looks have to do with this conversation, how does that relate to the fairness of becoming beautiful?
No. 755084
>>755071Do you really think most of those 20 year olds getting PS saved that money on their own? Because I think that, in most cases, their parents gave it to them. So again, the people getting PS didn't earn shit.
And yes, if you're able to spend 10k on a cosmetic surgery, you're privileged.
No. 755094
>>755045Basically, yeah.
Beauty standards have always adjusted based on what can be gatekeeped and seen as a status symbol. Throughout many cultures, the women most well off either by inheritance or marriage always had the most access to beautify themselves and had a better quality of life to maintain that beauty.
It's not fair. Anyone trying to babble about plastic surgery "leveling" privilege is being dishonest.
No. 755099
>>754877This is why I don't listen to any men when they sperg out at women to just eat less if they want to lose weight because men have no fucking idea how lean eating only 1000 calories a day actually is.
For men, "dieting" is eating 1800 calories a day and not indulging in beer.
No. 755106
>>755095>the point I'm making is that previously there was only ONE way of being beautiful (genetics)Ntayrt
People have for awhile been able to buy beauty though?
Royalty with fair skin and the ability to afford wigs were praised for beauty because it set them apart from peasants who labored in the fields under the sun all day.
In ancient times, fatter figures were praised for being beautiful because it signified health and the ability to provide food, whereas today being fat is seen as lower class because fattening food is cheaper and more convenient.
Being beautiful through money has been around for awhile.
No. 755109
>>755095>Uhh so you think it's perfectly fair when people are born with the advantage of good looks, but it's not fair when people are born with the advantage of money? Yeah? Maybe not perfectly fair, but something that comes purely from nature has less to do with ethics than a man-made currency in a system where the working class is being put down and if you don't have enough money people will tell you you simply aren't working hard enough lmao
And it doesn't make it any more "fair", because still, only those with class privilege can afford to make themselves "beautiful" with something more than just make up.
No. 755160
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Yo wtf?
No. 755177
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>>755160Ghost that piece of rotting shit. Block his number, and if you can see him in public, get ready to shout for the police.
No. 755178
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Feel like pure shit just want cons back.
I miss the travelling, the meeting up with con friends, making new friends, buying trinkets at the artist alley, getting drunk and going to the rave, etc, etc
No. 755183
>>755178Me too, ever since the pandemic happened I feel like I don't have a real social life. I can't keep up with posting on Instagram or creating a TikTok for my cosplaying.
I just want something to look forward to but I know things wont be the same when the pandemic calms down
No. 755419
>>755180divorce him, this is clearly a start into an
abusive life.