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No. 717944
>>>/ot/711339let's talk about it, anon
note from previous thread:
>As an added note, don't infight ITT. It's one thing to comment on an anon's post, but it's another to try and start infighting with an anon by replying with a snarky response (ex. "what did you expect to happen anon?") "that doesn't happen"
>just let anon vent, if you want to be a nitpicky bitch head over to /pt/ or /snow/. no1currs about your shitty input. No. 718012
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My cute coworker is already leaving my new job
No. 718066
>>718008Why do women torture ourselves to be as tiny as possible?
Just eat generally healthy, exercise, and don't be overweight. Who gives a shit? Scrotoids? Other anas?
No. 718078
>>718063>>718047>>718058Thank you to everyone for the reassurances and advice. I've been sorely lacking in exercise, so I expect my mood and cravings will improve once I get started. I nabbed one of those work-out apps with beginner level routines. I'll try a short one before bed!
>>718066>Who gives a shit?The mean little woman living in my brain who cries and throws unbuttered popcorn at the screen when my bones disappear.
No. 718225
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>going to psychologist for autism and shitty personality
>parents tell me I should stop seeing her because they've seen no impovements in my character the last years
No. 718229
>>718219Couldnt say it better than what
>>718216 said but also remember that your hormones are against you right now and they'll probably make you feel even worse.
Just remember you did the right thing.
No. 718271
I'm raging. I'm so angry I can feel the energy of the emotion rippling through me in waves. It's hard to fully exhale.
And all that happened was a coworker put a piece of work on my desk that it would make sense for me to do. It wasn't obligatory, and hell, if I saw it myself I would've picked it up but the point is HE, my PEER, with equal responsibilities saw fit to informally give me this piece of work without asjing. I asked why is it on my desk and he said it'd be good for me to do it and I cut him off, voice shaking, saying "yeah I'm sure it WOULD be good", then took it and slammed it back in the main desk, and slammed both doors while walking out for lunch. I'm taking extra time and even now I can't breathe through it.
I tried to tell it in an objective way but even typing it makes me angry. I'm sick of people assuming they can just tell me what to do. Even peers.
I don't know i think I have trouble regulating my emotions but even then, I was doing my best to be contained. I wanted to go off on him, but I figured it was unjustified even if emotionally I felt it was.
But now I'm just sitting here, not even being paid to seethe.
No. 718346
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ok so later today I’m going in for an interview and it’s such a fucking hassle doing my hair and picking the right interview clothes (that I barely have lmao) and I can’t help myself wishing that I was a white girl or another minority that is known to have soft-hair because it’s harder to prepare for these things and look “neat” for employers when you have black 4c hair, it’s honestly so frustrating.
No. 718406
>>718216Hormones + culturally indoctrinated guilt=not a good mental time.
But you absolutely did the right thing and your future self will thank you.
No. 718408
I'm going to spam this in all threads, but I honestly just can't remember applying to this job. I am do desperate, I said yes and they sent me the whole "employment employee" form to fill up, and it's just odd because they have a preferred method of pay and one of them is by fucking PayPal lmao???
Apparently they're HQ is in London, so I can't call myself since I'm NA but
> I falling for a scam?
No. 718563
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Thanks for putting into words why I dislike tiktok. I understand younger generations using it and then deleting it as they mature, but I cannot understand people at least my age (26) using the damn app. Fock.
No. 718616
>>718427glassdoor is basically an extortion racket. Glassdoor enables people to air their dirty laundry about the employers publicly (and every larger employer will has some amount of negative reviews) and for a fee Glassdoor makes it go away or even let you put up fake positive reviews.
It's fucking trash.
No. 718620
>>718118Don't know your situation anon but I know what it's like to want to die, and I really sympathize with you.
I had a serious suicide attempt mid 2020 and I can say what it did to improve my life was that it put me in contact with mental health professionals who actually wanted to help, and made my friends and family aware of how bad my depression was. I have these huge scars now as a reminder of what happens when the pain in your mind is made physical.
I also got electroconvulsive therapy which helped kind of reset my brain. When I came home after about 1.5 months in the hospital I couldn't help but look a all the pictures of my family because it felt like I could really see them again.
I want that for you anon. We shouldn't have to suffer when there are so many people who want to help.
No. 718667
A file employee at my office is being lazy and not doing much work. I'm trying to be nice because I remember feeling dicked around when I was a contract hire too, so I don't want to get her in trouble, but she should do her job and not push back. When I was a contractor I did whatever I was told because I was afraid of being let go. Her role is to help our department file and maintain documents in a control room and most times she can't be assed. Or she'll want me to help her cause "we're a team!"
I'm being pulled aside by the person I report to and am being told that she needs to be doing more work and looking busy and that I need to delegate more often. Well, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
Today I was handed a project in preparation for an audit. Because our department head caught some mistakes made by former employees before I got here. They never updated the master list of documents, might not have updated and pulled files from the control room, and might have incomplete versions or unmoved files in the drive. It's a lot to check by myself and I already have a project ongoing for the audit.
I ask file woman if she has access to the master list. Yes? Okay great, I need you to go in there and make sure all those original documents are the most current versions and to pull the obsoletes.
Instead of just doing it, she pulls out her tablet with notes and insists she did this exact thing before I started working here and pushed back on me about it. She agreed to pull the obsoletes, because I know for a FACT that obsolete folders were left in the shelves because I saw some.
I'm nervous as fuck because there's document mistakes on the master list, which means there's mistakes in those folders in the room. However I don't think it will be a good enough excuse to go through all the folders because I'm sure she'll only want to check the documents with mistakes, and not do a sweep of everything cause she's lazy.
It makes me mad. It's such a simple job. She's locked in that room with music, videos, podcasts, and no one to bother her and yet she acts like she's got better shit to do.
No. 718736
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is crystal cafe a trad-thot central? jesus christ
No. 718750
>>718736Always going back to the race sperging. Dumbasses. I have NO Sympathy for a people who stuck its dick in several dwellings of the world, figuratively and literally, and whines when the ants from the destroyed hill comes to be in their hut. They always bring it back to Japan or China when nothing about the way they interacted with the world was like those civilizations ever
They also never admit it was European Enlightenment era that brought about all these "degenerate" values they constantly cry about, and nobody else, but its so much easier to think you didnt do anything because you said so
No. 718759
>>718736>races are farced to coexist to the detriment of everyone>vilification of white people>White/western cultural heritageOh my fucking god lmaoo. People like this are so embarrassing.
I'm assuming they meant no one appreciates white American culture, which like, white Americans have no culture, but white people have been the default for a very long time. You're already "appreciated". Basically all they just said is that society is bad because
POC exist.
No. 718840
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i keep buying cute things i don't need, makeup and accessories because i feel so stuck and sad. it's making me a hypocrite because i want to be low buy and zero waste this year. as an adult i feel ashamed buying such childish decorations but i tell myself my future children, grandchildren or nieces will like them. but i don't even know how i will have a family like that if i keep buying things instead of making friends. the real reason i escape into this consumerism is because it takes too much effort to make friends right now. moving before covid really did it. i joined a few groups online but it takes more time to form friendships than if you met irl.
No. 718883
>>718880FUCK, anon, fuck what they think! go study and if it's too hard do a lower level education of the same field and work your way up. or start from the easier course if you are too scared. if you truly like it, you will succeed.
i remember being 12 and thinking hacking is cool and asking my family for a coding book. but they said that's not for girls, you are too young to understand that. my mom made faces and laughed at it and my father brushed it off. now i am in university for design and i wish i had the internet access and courage to pursue coding early on because now i need it and it's harder to learn without a base. honestly forget what their patriarchy brainwashed sexist minds tell you to do, it is your own life!
No. 718895
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Had an anxiety attack at work. A couple of guys decided to sit across from my work space, kept staring at me and saying random things about me and laughing. Like, ask her ask her. Then they kept asking me a bunch of random crap every ten seconds and pointing out every little thing I was doing and laughing. Like, why are you doing this, do you have this, why did you sneeze, you missed that, why did you miss that, why do you look so nervous, hey hey hey hey. It was really distracting and unerving and made me mess up my work which made they provoke me even more. It reminded me of some of the bullying I expierenced when I was in school and I ended up having to go to the bathroom to cry and calm myself down. I feel like a freak show, I hate people staring and laughing at me. I don't even know if I'm being crazy for being upset. I just wish people would leave me the alone fuck.
No. 718902
>>718880i had my brother and my dad tell me the same thing about computer science when i got accepted, as well as scrote classmates give me passive aggressive comments throughout my intro courses and now im a year from graduating with my degree. go for it, im not exaggerating when i say that if someone like me who struggled with math could do it then you absolutely can.
i could write you a whole novel about tips for getting started tbh
>form study groups, this is a must, i cant emphasize how easier this will make passing your classes>seek out female classmates who are serious about this degree, they will make great friends>go to office hours and visit TAs for help when you need it>dont let any shitty classmates make you feel bad for anything, they dont know more than you if youre both taking the same class>ask questions, go to office hours>its okay to take 5 years to graduate, spreading out your classes can be really helpful to make your workload easier>seek out women in your degree program who are older than you, ask for advice. 9.5/10 times they will want to help you. there was a club at my school called the society of women engineering which was a great networking experience, basically female stem majors all helping each other outi dont want to bombard you with advice so ill stop there. but i went into my degree knowing nothing about coding, i also struggled with unmedicated adhd and a support system who genuinely didnt believe in me. just take it a day at a time and know that many women in stem have been in your exact position starting out, i couldve written your vent post 3 years ago honestly. im rooting for you and there are mentors out there, especially in your program, who want to help you succeed. best of luck anon.
deleted my last comment to structure this better No. 718923
>>718910but please do take the medication prescribed by your doctors, it will lessen your panic symptoms and paranoia. Don't take drugs other than your medication ever again because it seems you have a sensibility towards them and they
trigger psychosis in you.
Please remember that what you are feeling now is because you panicked while being high. I hate that weed is so advertised and nobody talks about the negative effects. Some people have psychosis predispositions or very high anxiety so weed is not good for them.
I smoke sometimes but again it does not help my anxiety, only anger and it makes me giggle like an idiot. When I smoked it the first time 3 years ago I got panic attacks and thought I was dying and then I developed a phobia around it.
It is definitely not for anyone or an easy drug at all. Please do take your prescription medication tho it will help you.
No. 718936
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Someone please tell me that pursuing love over passion is actually worth it. I found my “soul mate” and he is a fucking amazing person inside and out. I want to make him so so happy. I don’t want to hurt him. I love the memories and the life we’ve built. But… it’s like lying down next to a fire in a blizzard. It’s warm and comforting, but it’s so… painful? Stationary? Even boring. I don’t feel the deep intensity that is supposed to come with being loved unconditionally, even though I am and I do. I’m 21. I feel like I’m going to regret it.. like “deep love” is not for my soul. But my mind wants it. I’ve tried so hard to reclaim a spark. Plz, oldfags, tell me it gets better.
No. 718946
>>718936>I’m 21… oldfags, tell me it gets better.First of all there is no such thing as soulmates, it's propaganda and there are many millions of people you could be happy with. Get into the abundance mindset rather than one of scarcity. A scrote is very easily replaced and as a woman you will literally always have options. No one is expecting you to find a long-term partner right now as someone who has just recently entered the adult world. Your desires and goals and wants are going to change and it's your time to explore right now.
So he's a good guy and you love him, cool. That doesn't mean you necessarily want to stay with him. I've loved lots of people but if they aren't both stable/supportive
and exciting to me then I don't want them as my partner. Maybe he has some attributes you now know you want in your next boyfriend. Yes relationships can ebb and flow in terms of intensity, but if you're in a relationship that's truly positive then they're going to push you to be a better person with some regularity, actively improve your life and intrigue you emotionally and physically. If he's not doing those things then don't waste your time and move on.
No. 718975
>>718964Turing incorporated Lovelace's research into his own and absolutely thought it was worthy of consideration. Also as recently as 2001 the "Lovelace Test" was developed and some believe it may be a better measure of artificial intelligence than the Turing test.'re just being willfully ignorant and obtuse to suit your sexist biases, fuck off.
No. 718997
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>>718995aww anon I doubt it's really that bad but if so it's a blessing that hair grows.
No. 719023
>>718910Fuck people who advertise weed as a cure-for-all-mental illnesses. I tried it and it just gave me endless deja-vus which
trigger even more anxiety.
I agree it's good for some people but not for everyone. You have to be mentally ok before taking any non-prescribed drugs.
No. 719056
>>719044>Am I lazy, anxious or depressed ?all of the above kek
jokes aside but I pretty much feel the something stops me while there isn't necessarily anything there.idk about you,but i think i've internalised being a failure no matter what i do.but anon you aren't a whimp.somewhere inside you know there's something better for may not even know what that is
No. 719057
>>719052I'm not implying #allmen anyway. A tendency in a gender is just that, a tendency. But it's certain that there are way too many men that neglect their families for their profession/political activity/hobbies, in a way he's barely more than a family member on paper, while it's rare for women.
Just because my father wasn't like this at all, it's something I still feel like I need to keep in mind if I was ever to look to date.
No. 719079
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>>719044sorry to sound weird but it sounds like you have internalized something from childhood, like the expectation of being screamed at. this book has been posted a lot before but I recommend picrel. I'm not shitting you it has helped me, I think you can find it online too. it covers everything including beliefs from childhood
No. 719091
>>719087this would infuriate me to unreasonable levels
props for not going off at them for this several times by now
a bunch of places sell more affordable minifridges nowadays, not the large high quality cube ones, but smaller ones for water bottles and skincare
good luck, your roommates clearly know they are in the wrong but it's a tricky thing to navigate without them feeling like you're a nasty cantankerous bitch because they feel entitled to your food and have become accustomed to stealing it
No. 719096
>>719087Confront them. Tell them flatly ‘I know you’ve been eating my food, and I want you to stop. It is not okay to consume food I have bought for myself.’ Leave a note on your food saying ‘do not touch’.
If they keep doing it, spike your food with laxatives and leave it for them to suffer with. Legit despise people like this, sorry you live with a piece of shit anon.
No. 719115
>>719096>>719091Thank you for replies nonnies. The problem with them is that when I tried calling them out they just said I'm mad. They never outright just take my shit, just nick a bit there and there. I tried drawing lines on bottles with sauces before and writing dates on instant coffee sticks but it was absolute hell to live through it, they ganged up on me calling me a schizophrenic paranoid bitch and would hoard the kitchen just so I couldn't cook.
The rent where I live is mental so moving out is not an option for now.
No. 719124
>>719115These people sound like absolute pieces of shit. Get a mini fridge anon.
This kind of stuff happens in shared houses, the one who doesn’t fit in ends up the house scapegoat, and everyone simultaneously walks all over them and their possessions, and blames/criticises them for everything. I was there once, in a house with people almost a decade older, all earning more money and all of them treating me like shit
No. 719150
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advice from me to myself
>trust people less
>trust nobody for real, people are manipulative
>thrive to live alone, off grid, self sufficient
>before that's possible, think like psychopaths think
i fucking hate narcissists and i regret opening up to anyone ever, they only use it to control you and make fun of you, people disgust me
why does every social interaction have to be a strenuous hierarchy game where assholes feel smart by fucking others over?
i just want to read book, eat chip and die
No. 719198
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Some fat chick wrote this bizarre fanfic and actually expected people to believe it. I always had a hard time believing fat chicks when they claim they were overtly fat shamed by retail workers and after seeing this, I'm even more skeptical.
No. 719268
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So I am 'I-have-a-feeling-I'm-gonna-be-fired-soon' anon from a days ago. I was fired today, the day after my birthday.
It wasn't that bad - given the management's temperament, I expected a lot of shouting, and blaming but there was none. They were pleased with my work, but I am not a teamplayer, they were not feeling the 'chi', the proactivity in me. They advise me to be more communicative at my next workplace. They also wish me success and all that. Bye.
I think I'm going to get drunk and play video games now.
No. 719393
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I have obsessive thoughts about cancer. I'm just "sure" I have cancer somewhere in my body but I don't know where yet, but it cummulates mostly in my head/face area. I have TMJ so I know that I can have many strange pain sensations involving jaw/head/ears/throat, even eyes, but I keep telling myself there has to be something more. I'm losing hearing in one of my ears and I know that can also be caused by TMJ, but after hearing my concerns my doctor told me to do a MRI scan and I have it tomorrow. Before being scared about some tumor in my head/ear, I was scared that something is happening in my jaw (because of the assymetry and pain), but panoramic dental x-ray didn't show anything. So now I'm worrying about my head and ear, and if MRI scan doesn't show anything, I bet I will be worrying about my sinuses/nose area, because I also have some pain there (slight but still). I really, really hope it's all just my TMJ + neurosis. My mom died of cacner and since then I'm really scared of being sick, and to make things worse I'm unemployed now and I don't have an insurance, I pay for doctors from my savings. I'm paralyzed by the thought that, if something "serious" happened to me, I wouldn't be able to go to a hospital
No. 719458
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God damn it I hate everything so fucking much right now. I can't believe we're going directly from retarded Trumpism to tranny supremacy without even a day inbetween. The psychic damage I'm taking from seeing scrotes celebrating this executive order is being compounded with the knowledge that a guy got mauled today in my city by three loose pit bulls. In an intelligent world the fucking dogs would be dead by now, but of course they're not, and even if they did plan killing them, they'd have a bunch of liberal morons advocating to "save da poor aboosed puppers" just like they do for rapist trannies. Why did social progressivism have to dovetail into total disbandment of critical thinking? People are so fucking stupid now, I can't handle it. Mods don't fucking ban me for dogsperging, It's the vent thread and I can say what I want reeee!!
No. 719579
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I’ve got so many deadlines that are piling up on me and yet I can’t do anything because I’m experiencing the worst depressive episode i have ever experienced. Idk if I can call it an episode though because i’ve been like this for a year. I cannot even get out of bed anymore.
No. 719594
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Boomer men are cunts.
I'm trying to do my taxes and my stepdad starts yelling at me because I'm trying to deduct a property tax I paid on my car. I HATE asking his help or involving him in my business in any way because he's an impatient dumbfuck who ALWAYS takes "I don't understand what you're saying," or any kind of questioning as ""fighting him."" No I'm not you thick pigshit, I just want to understand why you're saying I shouldn't bother with this (because it's potentially money lost) and I'm not going to pretend your jargon word salad is the illuminating advice you think it is just to protect your ego! It's not my fault that you think answering questions it the equivalent to a verbal smackdown because you've got softbrain.
Who owes the IRS $20,000 because he didn't report his taxes and thought that was fine? NOT ME.
He had the audacity to call me my mother. He divorced from her and he knows I hate her guts. I'm nothing like her. I told him he's being emotionally abusive and all he can shout with is "I DON'T CARE YOU ARE!!!" He's such a fucking manbaby.
Oh and I'm not getting shit back on my tax return this year, so horray for me.
No. 719607
I need to just quit television or something. Today Biden's more worried about making sure crossdressing child molesters can use the same bathrooms as children instead of, idk, giving the 2000 dollar checks he promised for covid relief. The entire media clapped. Nobody is pointing out the insanity of men not actually being women.
>>719507smart move, sis.
Soon most women's sports will just be washouts from the mens division in a wig.
No. 719609
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I'm so mad at my brother. I was trying to switch our family mobile plan to a cheaper one ($120→$60), but I needed all their phone ID#s. During Christmas he offered to do it himself and then send me the details, but immediately after I left I realized I wanted to do it myself. I knew if I asked him for information he's going to hem and haw with a shit ton of questions/skepticism so I procrastinated.
I just got to texting him and he does this shit again. This is every conversation he and I have ever had in our entire lives.
No. 719642
>>719638Don't feel that way, it's not 'only' a hamster. It's always a gut punch when a pet dies, no matter how big or small. For a time, it was your friend.
I hope you feel better, anon.
No. 719659
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>>719657I wouldn't be too worried.
I am of the genuine belief that almost nobody likes this. This is entirely a push from the top. The people who like this are the tiny minority of people whose voice is amplified by the largest propaganda network ever constructed.
No. 719669
>>719661They only give a fuck about their own feelings. They complain and bitch about how women always want them to listen. They tune it out when we cry and trivialize when we are upset and act like it’s such a burden to listen to us.
They really think tolerating our talking (and expecting sex in return for “listening “) is equivalent to caring.
They don’t want to listen to their friends feelings either, they just want someone to dump their emotions on.
They’re just jealous that we women have friends we can actually talk to when we are upset.
They could easily have someone to confide in if they stopped being shitty friends and partners.
No. 719681
>>719670Honestly it kinda sucks that women always have to give up their fav male celebs because they turn out to be shitty people. Like, obviously she is a fan of him for his music or persona or w/e, it's not her fault he turned out to be a garbage human. I guess we have a moral obligation to do so but damn men really ruin everything. I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop on my favs tbh. They've been fine so far but the day they fuck up I wont be 'allowed' to enjoy them or talk about them through no fault of my own, because I'd feel guilty and get backlash.
Sorry, went on a tangent with my own vent.
No. 719684
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>>719641>Do these extra long hair people want a prize for how long their hair is?yes
you can sell it, model it, compete with it
other than that it might be cultural, horsegirls or autists
No. 719690
>>719687i think i saw one from the homepage and i'm unironically trying not to kill myself right now i feel sick
>>719689>It may be time to consider putting up a Captcha to filter it if it's an auto-post bot.agreed
No. 719693
>>719690I'm surprised lolcow doesn't have a captcha, all things considered. It's probably the last holdout of all the chan boards that doesn't have one.
They don't even need to use Google, hCaptcha has been used on the Archives for a while and it's pretty good. No. 719738
>>719736Trying to get the last word makes you look like an angry retard.
Ignore and move on.
No. 719740
>>719738and yet you couldn't ignore that comment yourself
>>719721tie it into a bun or hold it to the side.
No. 719746
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Had the worst fight of my life with my dad tonight. He called me a manipulator, a liar, a piece of horse shit, etc. I called him a narcissist. I’ve been withdrawing on my meds and the second dose of Pfizer has me feeling like utter shit. My gf is the best part of my life and the most supportive person ever, even offered to take my cat in while I don’t feel well. I’m so scared she’s going to leave me for someone who’s mentally stable. I need to move out of my parents house but I simply don’t have the money and I couldn’t bare to leave my mom and brother alone with him.
No. 719767
>>719765Nta but
>>719762 said "deaf" ends instead of "dead" ends so
>>719763 responded "if my hair can't hear, it's time to cut that shit off"
>Deaf ends>Hair can't hearHehe, get it?
>>719763I appreciate the joke,
No. 719768
>>719762>I have yet to meet a girl with hair that long who doesn't mention it herself at some point in conversation.then you haven't met me
but really tho, I wasn't allowed to cut mine for religious reasons (basically the one you mentioned) and the last time I did my parents went ballistic and tried hiding every scissor in the house even though my hair was still long. also they're obsessed with gay people and think any woman who cuts her at all is secretly an evil lesbian, i don't want them shittalking me nonstop like they do with other family members. so weirdly enough i'd get more attention from cutting it.
No. 719775
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My mom getting back with my abusive stepdad is annoying as fuck. 2 weeks ago He tried to kill her, she was coughing up blood and he gave her blood thinners and said they were Tylenol. She gobbled them up, (she is anemic) she lost a lot of blood. In the hospital they asked if she felt safe at home and this bitch said yes she does. I’m literally gonna lost my shit. Then he kicked out my sister who has a baby, and called the cops to escort her out and my mom and him got into a fight about it he lied to the cops and said she hit him and she was in jail for 3 nights. I Went to pick her up when she got out she spent a few nights with me only to beg me for a ride back to his place. They are reconciling at a hotel right now. I know abusive relationships are complicated but her daughter literally was thrown out by this fucking scrote. As now she’s being all lovey with him. I shake every time I think about how I wanna kill him. I want to shatter his kneecaps
No. 719784
>>719777>>719778I’m honestly conflicted. I love my mom and I wish her and my sisters out of this mess. She’s just very frustrating because she
knows he’s bad yet she keeps coming back to him and letting him do shit to her and her kids, that part gives me pickmeisha vibes
No. 719927
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I did the most stupid fucking shit a human being could've ever done, falling in love with a US citizen.
The immigration process is just unbelievably stupid and complicated and most of the time you have to commit some degree of fraud, plus I don't even want to get married in my early 20s, but I would have to if I wanted to be with him, he's contemplating the idea of moving to my country but honestly I don't want to put the poor sod through learning an impossibly difficult language and having to live in a third world shithole just because of me.
Honestly im seriously considering just breaking up whatever we have going on at the moment and just being bitter and sad about it for the rest of my life.
No. 719928
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Onision used to follow me on Tumblr and reblogged occasionally my posts. I was like 14 and used to watch his videos like kinda infrequently. I didn't know anything about his personal life so whenever I go on /pt/ I laugh because he messaged me once and I never replied. Going on from this random memory, I miss Tumblr. I used to go on it for a specific fandom of a video game and now both the fandom/game are dead.
No. 719932
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i'm in the middle now. how do I stop this? sometimes I feel like my neck is about to break
No. 719964
i like you so much but i fucked up already. showing you and your friend those drawings.. you must think i'm a whore. i saw how sad you looked when i talked about christmas with my bf and i secretly wish it was you because despite all my efforts he didn't get me anything. i had to nag him to come visit me, while you traveled down by yourself. maybe you are angered now it wasn't you i gifted, fantasizing about using me instead. i really hope not, and you don't seem to be that kind of person. but with how stupid i am i fall for the wrong people. and still i'm pathetically fantasizing about us meeting again, about you wanting me, us dating, holding hands and visiting beautiful places, getting high and making music and love. i think you and i could really make something beautiful. we both have a fascination for strange, i feel like we'd only motivate each other to be better and better. but hell, you probably already have a crush on someone much smarter and prettier than i am. i'm so fucking stupid i don't think i even deserve you. i should have broken up with him back when i met you, at least then we could have been together for a little. now i just don't know if there ever will be a chance…
No. 719969
>>719962There's a guy I know that got jailed for working in a bank and thieving out of old people's bank accounts. He wasn't locked up for long and he's back out. All these people I know that look down their noses at people for the dumbest things are more than happy to party and take coke with a guy that was robbing local grannies. People don't give a fuck these days about anyone but themselves.
Sorry about your grandfather's passing anon. If you know the company that scammed him doxx them
No. 720169
>>720166Vents tend to be one sided. And if the thing that you vented about gets resolved you wont tell your friends. So of course they hate him.
I do the same with my friends and they hate my love interest as a result.
No. 720175
>>720173>For the "SWs" out there, I PROMISE scrotes would still jack it to you if you had a normal adult bedroom.I think men are absolute degenerate pedos but I still find it hard to believe they give a single fuck about room decor, let alone find it sexually arousing even if it panders to their fetish for children.
If I had to get real armchair about it, I feel like it's just the girl trying to make her situation more palatable and comforting. Doing porn is gross and makes women feel bad, if they can control their environment and make it something pleasing to them under the guise of appealing to men it might make them feel a bit better. That's the thought I always have when I see Shayna, for example, buying all those dumb cutesy costumes. I doubt men find them particularly attractive, but she probably has fun dressing up regardless.
No. 720179
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>>720173I think there's a way to make kawaii shit rooms appealing but the ones that hoard tons of plushies/anime figurines look awful. They're fire hazards and an eyesore kek.
No. 720184
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On my DeviantArt account there was this one guy who kept asking me for requests (3 to be exact), I said that I'll do them but I haven't done anything in over a year because the dude kept changing what he wanted.
No joke, he would change the ideas he gave me and them ask me why I haven't finish them already. At some point he even told me that I might get attacked by gaming sites because of the requests (?) so I have to put them on mature content, don't put them any titles and a lot of weird security stuff. I was very tired because work, so I stopped answering for a week, just to find out that he sent more than 15 notes. And I couldn't block him because he kept changing accounts.
I was getting disturbed by him, so I told him to stop sending me notes. He then sent me a huge note, which he re-send me more times, talking about how he is sorry, how he always scares people off and a lot of personal stuff, telling me that he won't send more notes until I'm finish with his requests.
It's being a while, I am trying to paste together all of his notes to understand what the requests are exactly now, but not going to lie, that last note has been scaring me for a long time, I wanted to leave the Internet for a few months just so I could focus on my things but I can't stop feeling concerned about the guy.
It can just be Guilt tripping and the guy is using my sympathy for free art, but I just hope that he is actually okay after all the stuff he told me. I wish I hadn't accepted his requests in the first place, I regret it so much.
No. 720207
>>720176ngl when i lived at my familys shitty piss, shit, broken hoarder house the only thing i felt i could control was my appearance and my room so buying cheap colorful stuff was always easier than buying a nice $200 faux fur chair with rose gold legs or any more modern room items. pretty much all my money went back into groceries or the house.
it was also easier to ask for stuffed animals or cute mascots as gifts since no one i knew was going to buy something over $50
No. 720246
Fuckkk I'm so anxious. I just had my second phone interview with a new company, a clothing store that I actually shop at, and I was supposed to get a followup but the manager was out, so I'll be getting it in a few days. I just wanna know the outcome. I really want this job, it's not the best place, but I currently work at Starbucks, and it's great and all, great benefits and overall a nice environment but I deal with an eating disorder, and being around food, and getting free food (ik it's entitled of me to complain about that but still), has made me relapse back into binging and purging, and is overall messing me up so fucking bad.
I also feel stupid and weak as fuck for wanting to leave because of that. I feel like a failure and like it's childish of me to leave a job that'll pay a bit more (moreso due to tips,) where I've gotten on good terms with my coworkers for the most part, etc etc. I know mental health > pay, but I can't help but feel like I'm making a bad decision here.
No. 720280
>>720256This situation just sucks in general. There’s no way to get around without a car in many areas. Take away their licenses and they need to rely on family (not always feasible) or pay out the ass for taxis to get to the doctor/pharmacy.
I think the reason nobody addresses the old people driving menace is because they don’t want to personally deal with how they’ll get around without it.
No. 720286
>>720256All old people decline at different rates, I really hate blanket statements like "old people shouldn't drive". Ik you address it in the post but my grandmother is almost 90 and still extremely active (golfs several times a week, drives to church, the store, the golf course, her friends houses, etc.), so if they passed laws saying that elderly people over a certain age couldn't drive it would force people like my grandmother to degenerate into housebound, stereotypical elderly people. Should there be laws that maybe people over a certain age need to take a driving test with an instructor every so often? Maybe, cause it would weed out the ones who were actually unfit. I also can't imagine learning to drive in the 1940s and still having to drive today, there's so many more cars on the road and highways didn't even exist back then.
No. 720527
>>719927It's the biggest pain in the fucking ass and I'm constantly angry about how literally no one in politics wants to change anything about the USCIS to make it function. It shouldn't take 1-3 years to get a green card and 6 months to a year for just a WORK PERMIT.
Still, bringing my Euro Fiance (now husband) over here was the best thing I could have done and I'm extremely happy we did it and can be done with the uncertainty of where we will go/how long visas will last/etc. Don't do it unless you've really spent a lot of time together and are sure because he won't be able to do anything but lay about the house for up to a year.
No. 720576
D&D was cool and is a good starter, but it’s awful when it comes to TTRPG culture. I came to hate it and its hegemony. Yikes
No. 720603
>>720595I feel you
Games are great
Gamers suck
No. 720669
>>720649I used to have a friend like that half my life, and it ended up with a completely messed up confidence and self-image. I even have trouble trusting people because she got under my skin to the point I started believing her bullshit that she was the only one in my life that is 100% honest
Cut her off anon, she is not a friend, she is a narcissist that is negging and gaslightning you to make herself seem/feel better. Would you accept this kind of behavior if she was a guy? Or even a partner?
No. 720705
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I don't miss my ex but miss some of the shit we did, like watching a movie which turned into sex or we fell asleep. It was just nice and cozy.
It's my 4th year of being single and I'd love to change that but I can't connect to people at all. I tried really really hard and am still trying but most of the time I feel like I'm putting in more effort and am more interested than the other side which then makes me realize that it's not worth it. I miss that spark and somehow naturally clicking with someone. It happened only once in my life (with my ex) and honestly I'm afraid it won't happen again, not just love wise but with friends too.
Guess I'm just lonely as fuck lately.
No. 720725
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>diamond bf bought me came in last night
>wanted to do something nice for him this morning
>made him a steak and egg breakfast using the steak I really wanted to eat but saved for him
>brought it to him in bed hoping it would roust him seeing as though it was almost 10
>stay in kitchen eating a gross burnt breakfast sandwich I made myself
>thought he would come out but after an hour he still didn't come out the bedroom
>go to check
>he'd been sitting there on his phone the entire time
>he didn't eat the steak, barely touched the mushrooms, and just ate the yolks from the eggs
>"I wasn't hungry anon, I'm sorry."
Like I know he means it and is currently cleaning the kitchen, but omg I wish he would've told me he wasn't hungry because I would've eaten the fuck out of that meal instead of the gross sandwich that I threw half away.
No. 720747
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true curators of culture
No. 720767
>>720669 said you need to cut her off. I had a friend like that too and used to find it sort of amusing when she would neg me because it was out of character. Eventually, even though I didn’t agree with her, it started getting to me. I think it was the fact she was generally nice, so I would subconsciously accept the criticism whereas I would’ve rejected it from a mean person. With a friend like that, you don’t need enemies.
No. 720797
>>720184I was going to tell you to give him a refund and block him until I read that this was a free request, girl you aren't obliged to do shit for him. When professionals take on comissions there's typically a set number of revisions and an added cost if it goes beyond the contracted amount. This guy sounds like a nightmare though and
>>720228 is right, you will probably never hear the end of it even if you do complete his request.
No. 720939
>>720913Why do people feel like it's bad to be considerate of other people you don't know? Do you also ignore driving/road rules and leave piss, shit and toilet paper all over public bathrooms cause you don't know the people who it'll affect?
>Remind me again why I’m stuck indoorsBecause not everyone with covid is your 90 year old relative who, fortunately, survived. It's like you want people to think of your depression and suicidal thoughts but you don't wanna think of everyone else in the pandemic.
No. 720948
>>720913>I have yet to be personally impacted by this virus that has killed millions of people in the span of one year, so why should I be inconvienienced by having to stay inside???>idc if it's selfish, muh mental health!!!As someone who struggles with suicidality, I understand your frustration, but all of us have to make sacrifices for the greater good. Now is not the time to take pride in your selfishness. If you think your mental health is bad bevause you have to be inside and take up indoor hobbies, try putting yourself in the shoes of someone on a ventalator or someone grieving their dead loved ones.
And if your American, move to a red state where you can be surroubded by likeminded people who DGAF about others if you can't deal with staying inside to keep others safe.
No. 720969
>>720953Not that anon, but I don't really see the problem with that. Isn't that also why taxes are paid?
If it helps people and society as a whole, I don't see anything wrong with changing your life around a bit.
The only people I really feel for are those who are stuck in
abusive/dysfunctional homes, those who unfairly lost their jobs, and those who want to go outside for unselfish reasons (like helping vulnerable people or animals). The rest of the people complaining seem kind of silly to me, and I say that as someone with depression.
Oh no, you're stuck in your comfy home and can watch Netflix/play video games/shitpost on the internet at your leisure. Don't need to leave bed to stay on top of your schoolwork. You can still talk to your friends and family using any of the hundreds of social media apps. (In some cases) you can still get outside food and groceries delivered to your house. Oooooh no. How hellish. Lmao.
No. 721058
>>720996I see crazy debts over kawaii weapons in your future if you don't lose this coomer soon.
When they're actually telling you this kind of stuff themselves they're always way deeper in than they say. This is testing the waters and there are great risks he'll come next month to you with the double amount and tell you the awful news. Suddenly, it'll be a problem you have to do everything to deal with.
No. 721075
>>721033>>721058I really hope you're wrong, anons. I'll be on the lookout for more signs and prepare some stuff in case that it's getting out of hand in the future. For now, I believe him when he says that he's not spent any more money on it, as that's never been an issue before. He's also really not into these anime characters or the story, only the battle system and challenges.
We've been together for 11 years and known each other for 13. I don't want to run away this suddenly.
The more I type, the more I must sound dumb lol. But thank you for the heads-up.
No. 721160
>>720985>>718216Much love to you anons.
It's very common to feel grief for a little while at first. For most women I've talked to, the relief takes over around when it would have been born and you realize the massive bullet you just dodged. Especially at a time like this.
No. 721164
>>721123Was it someone he knows? Was it a sexy pic?
If the answer to both questions is yes, run now if you can't handle getting cucked. There is almost never a non-sketchy reason for a man to lie to you about interacting with a woman. At best it means this is a "back up girl" he plans to persue when/if you break up and he's making sure he's on her radar. At worst, he hopes to full blown cheat.
If he doesn't know her and it's just some influencer, calm down. The lying isn't okay and you should have a talk about it, but you also should check your jealousy. The kind of girl who gets jealous over their boyfriends liking female influencer pics on IG is the kind of girl who almost certainly acts like a jealous psycho in general. Not that it's an excuse, but he might have lied because you've given him enough evidence that you're prone to jealousy issues and he feared overreaction over a trial thing.
No. 721175
>>721164He knows her. It wasn’t a sexy picture at least. He posted a pic today on Instagram and I checked the likes and I noticed this girl had liked it. When I clicked on her most recent picture it said he liked it. My bf describes me as a “chill cool girl” & I’ve never made a big deal out of anything. We’ve never even been in a fight.
I randomly asked him a couple of days ago if he liked other girls pics on insta and he said no. Her pic was from a week ago.
No. 721292
>>721075Hate to say it but he'll probably go in deeper. I was into mobile games and the moment I realised I spent more than what I was comfortable with on a game, I uninstalled it immediately. And that's what your bf should be doing, including accepting the 500 dollar loss. You don't exercise self control by continuing to use the thing you lack self control over when you have the option not to. Has he taken any measures at all to prevent doing it again, or did he just say "oh oops, guess I won't do it again"?
Be ready for dissapointment if you stick around.
No. 721302
>>721137I absolutely resonate with this
nonny. Can't believe in my late teens/early 20s I'd be crying for hours and hours. Now I just need to cry for like 10 minutes and I feel a headache coming on and rush to put on moisturiser and have a glass of water kek.
Awful that no matter how good a day I had, the bf I had could ruin it and leave me exhausted on a whim. All he had to do was be an asshole, deny it and turn around to blame it on me. And I come out of it feeling awful in every way. Face swollen, sleep deprived, stressed, anxious etc etc. I've got grey hairs and deep eyebags I know wouldn't be there if I didn't have the dozens of late night fights and upsets due to going through a "bad patch" with my ex.
And I see stuff like
>>721123 and thank myself again for being single and emotionally stable (not a dig, but being a relationship for me counterintuitively causes instability).
Despite some downfalls of not having a fallback person, I genuinely believe in the long term I am much happier and healthier single. I used to think it was worth the stress cost for the good parts but now I'm out of it I'm like bruh wtf was I thinking kek.
No. 721370
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>>721323which is why i'll always laugh about this
No. 721374
>>721292He was pretty down and disappointed in himself when he told me how much he spent on the game. He immediately closed the game and deleted the app from his phone, but there's always be the possibility to just install it again.
I've played gacha games before as f2p and know the temptation. The money itself is not that much of an issue, we agreed on a budget for games a long time ago. It's just too much in that short time frame, compared to a normal game.
Funnily enough, he constantly bitches about gacha games and people spending too much money on it, like on fifa packs. Now I can rub it in his face.
>>721316I always tell him that f2p is good enough. I don't even want him to completely stop playing the game, it's one of the few games he's played consistently these past months and where he likes the battle system.
No. 721384
>>721379I get this. I had two long term relationships from my teens into my late 20s and just before turning 30 I went single for the first time in years. I was proposed to when I was stupidly young and the dude was a lazy cunt. I was the only one working, did all the chores and was going to get us both a house. The one wedding venue we went to view I had a breakdown with my parents before going. I knew I could not marry this man child and he only wanted to marry me for what I could contribute. Next dude seemed like he had his shit together. A good job, not lazy, cared about his appearance etc etc. Turns out he was a high functioning alcoholic and hiding a massive cocaine addiction from me.
Now I'm in my 30s and I'm jaded. I want a family and my own nuclear normal life but idk if that's ever going to happen in this society. Men are fucking weirdos. I tried to immerse myself in hook up culture but I could never go through with shagging any of the losers I met. I'm so hyper aware now of what I will not accept I have no idea if a man will ever meet my expectations. Hope someday I'm proven wrong and I meet the love of my life but fuck. So weird now to think the next person I date is potentially going to be the father of my kids. I wish I could do my 20s over and learnt were the normal men hang out.
No. 721392
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can we have a day like the purge where "hi scrote"ing is allowed pleas efor the love of God I can't do this anymroe
No. 721405
>>721384I'm sorry that you had to deal with such pieces of shit, anon. It's especially sad that because of shit men you don't get to have your family…
I'm afraid the older men get, the more shit habits and issues they develop. Most men I meet in my daily life have at least one thing going on that can cause a big mess later on pretty easily. Laziness, state of mind, hygiene, alcohol, drugs, etc. The men I can truly, honestly respect, I can count them on one, maybe two hands.
>>721393This is exactly what happened when my mother moved out of the house and took us with her. Our once beautiful house got a bad smell, not actually disgusting, rather weird so that you knew something was going on. My father only lived in our old living room which he already has lived in completely the years prior to the move. He stopped paying bills so they turned off water and electricity. He went to shower in the nearest swimming hall and asked them for a discount because he'd only take a shower there and then leave. He managed to get back on track with his live but those years are wasted and didn't need to happen if he just bothered to take on his problems and took care of his mental issues.
No. 721409
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I’m becoming completely reclusive now that I’m 30. I’ve never had a relationship and I doubt I ever will. I have absolutely no enthusiasm and zero sexual interest in any of the guys I meet. In fact, I’ve had so many disappointing dates I’ve started to hate men immediately on sight.
It wouldn’t be so bad if all of my friends and family don’t keep meeting genuinely nice, non scrote men. Maybe just being around me gives other women better luck by proxy. Yes I know I’m being a bitter self pitying bitch.
No. 721488
>>721287She's in an
abusive relationship…..
No. 721490
>>721485not relatable
dump him, he sucks
No. 721496
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Ex-fiances(M) current fiance(F) asked me for nudes and idk how to feel about it except angry.
Before they got engaged and serious we were all chill, friendly and she asked him if it's okay if she did some stuff with me to see if she's into women (not sex). No big deal and I'm chill about these things and she was kind of (probably pretending for him) into it. It was nice to hang out every now and then.
But now that they're engaged he pretty much cut me off and stopped being a friend. I feel used for ever supporting him and actually trying to be friends. I know he doesn't owe me shit but the timing is too accitental not to be planned.
Guess he didn't tell her that he's no longer friends with his "bff". Hope he treats her better and that she's happy about it.
Idk if any of that shit I just wrote even makes sense.
No. 721515
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Ugh, I found out yesterday a guy ive been talking to for a few months used to post quite misogynistic things online. Kinda disgusted by them currently to the core. Stuff like referring to some women as "sluts" and "whores" etc. I'm so disappointed. He was in his late 20's when he posted that spiel, there's no excuse. Even includes shit like calling rape victims damaged goods.
No. 721518
>>721507I don't see anything wrong with it, undercover police investigators do this, online sleuths do this all the time too.
>>721498I would just try to not use pictures of actual underaged children. Women that look and sound very young usually help with this.
>>721512 does have a point about engaging in pedo fantasies. It's a slippery slope.
No. 721530
>>721507>>721512>You should try to talk to the people they've groomed instead.Can't, I have no clue where or who the others are. I was one of the people that was groomed, and he literally told me there were others. All my old accounts are deleted and I don't have screenshots. At most, I can dig for selfies and clips he sent me years ago, but those don't have him admitting to anything.
I get what you mean by "it'll look like you're into it", though. Maybe it'd look less weird if it was some kind of multi-person operation, but I'd have to find other women willing to do this, and it's not exactly something you bring up to your friends casually.
>>721502>>721518My biggest thing is that he might recognize my voice or something, but I think maybe I can try to change my accent, intonation and get a new mic.
No. 721611
>>721454What the fuck kek
This is why I don't feel bad about having no friends
No. 721615
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I have no friends or family that are motivated or adventurous. Whenever I hang out with someone they just want to melt on the couch and watch something and it just feels so unproductive. I want to go on trips, take walks, do something fun and healthy for us both Idunno. Of course I love watching a show or ordering food but not when it's the only thing we do. It makes me depressed to see my mom just recumbent on her bed watching tv all day. I can't believe people let themselves do it. Maybe I'm insane for feeling the hours draining from my life doing something useless… even If I'm on this site I have to be on my bike or taking lunch break between working. I feel like no one values their lives. It's not normal or healthy to feel too tired to talk a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood. Stop gasping when I say I walked here; a 20 minute walk should barely qualify as exercise. I'm not even a disciplined person and I shouldn't be seen as one. I slack off all the time. It depresses me to see the people around me turn into pudding both physically and mentally spending all day on social media, scrolling, sitting, and snacking. Fucking get up and do something with your life. Do your dishes. Go for a 5 minute walk.
No. 721641
>>721454Those people were attracted to you when you were a doormat, and you likely still have some doormat tendencies.
They're called growing pains for a reason
nonny. Just know that if you keep being someone with strong boundaries, you won't attract parasites and have friends who actually respect you and appreciate your generosity.
It's definitely a step that sucks, but your life and mental health long term will be much better for it!
No. 721732
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God i fucking hate every aspect of my life, I feel like an animal pacing around a cage, and its not even because of Covid in fact my routine barely changed because of the pandemic, my family is suffocating, they don't even want me to move out of the family home, i was obligated to go to a school in my city because they wouldn't support me financially if i moved out and the way education works where i live its almost impossible to work and study in college, one my classmates straight up had a breakdown while trying to do that, my mother keeps talking about the plans for OUR future as if im never moving out, she keeps tabs on where i am at every moment, i've turned into an oscar-worthy liar just to have some semblance of a social life, I just want to fucking leave but my entry-level salary isn't enough for me to cut off things, I know she just loves me and feels lonely but this is insufferable, im going insane.
No. 721778
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How the fuck do people (men) have the guts to post pics like these on social media, thinking it's sexy? I am so angry to have seen this
No. 721801
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>>721795Got it off twitter, I am needlessly paranoid of taking screenshots off socials, I've left my deets in too many of them by now
No. 721941
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my relationship with my bf is kinda shit rn and i kinda want to break up with him
but at the same time i don't really have any other friends right now and i don't really leave the house anymore since all my classes are online and so i have no idea how to meet new people.
trying to connect with people is so fucking exhausting, especially since its so hard to find people that i can resonate with.
i don't know what to do, but i do know i won't be able to stand being alone like that.
No. 722007
>>721999Ohhh, I re-read it and it makes sense now. I must be fucking dyslexic lmaoo.
>>721995Anyway, I'm sorry about your asshole co-workers, anon. I'm midget tier and like it, but luckily I don't get too many comments on it
No. 722039
>>722037Sounds like your grandmother switched up her will do her valuable possessions won’t go to someone she suspects will squander them.
Sorry anon getting your shit together is hard
No. 722042
>>722037I had a friend whose grandma had two funds for her grandchildren's college, one for her and one for her older brother, and then when her brother went off to college she gave him my friend's fund too so he didn't have to pay anything. Even though her brother was honestly sociopathic and gross, never visited or talked to her, and was an enormous asshole 24/7. Baffling. Then she died and guess who didn't even attend her funeral? The brother.
My grandma on my dad's side doesn't care about me and my brother because she hates my mom (for no reason, my mom's a gem) and because we're much older than all the other cute widdle grandchildren. I honestly don't care though, she's boring as hell anyway so I'm kind of glad I'm not pressured to talk to her.
Sorry about your situation though. That's infuriating. if it makes you feel any better, old people do start to make weird, inexplicable decisions when they pass like 75, in my experience, even if they're mostly functional. I think it's related to slow mental decline.
No. 722043
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Would you enter a relationship with a cute, kind and blind guy? Asking for a friend (only honest answers please)
No. 722050
>>722039i'm not a junkie or anything, i have had a bad life and was extremely abused by someone as a teenager and i have pretty bad mental illness from the trauma as a result and can't really live a normie life. i don't think that should make me less of a person than anyone else.
>>722042my niece is fine and everything, she's a little mean to her younger half brother (who my grandma doesn't care about for some reason?) but mostly a normal kid. it's just like.. she's already getting everything handed to her from her parents that baby her and give her everything she wants, i'm not sure why she feels the need to prioritize her when it won't mean that much to her. my family and my grandma is average/poor and my brother somehow got lucky and married 2 different wealthy women so he is the outlier so the differences in what the inheritance means to her vs me (and my cousins as well) is extreme.
No. 722053
>>722043How old is he, and how long have you had him?
Would it help if you left a TV or the radio on or something? That's strange behavior for a cat, I've had dogs that act like that but never a cat. For my dog, we had to medicate him with melatonin treats lol. They make lots of products to calm cats, like little air freshener-like things that put out "calming hormones" etc, idk how effective they are, but it's worth a try. Poor guy doesn't know what to do with himself. It's hard not being able to communicate with an animal who's having issues.
No. 722057
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just miss this era so much… that is all…
fuck dr. luke, though
No. 722060
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>>722057I miss crazy pink friday era Nicki tbh
the Pinkprint era is superior though No. 722186
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I hate the sound the my doorbell so much. Whenever someone rings the bell my pulse goes through the roof. It's just some plumbers that came to fix stuff in our common garden asking to be let in. I hate being an adult. Don't come near my house, don't visit me, don't ring my doorbell, REEEEEEEEE.
No. 722215
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I sometimes resent the fact that I apparently have a wholesome aura. People have described me as warm, “angelic” and confident just based on my face and general manner, which are nice things but apparently it comes with the qualifier that I have never experienced hardship in my life. I was in a string of abusive relationships that lasted over a decade, lost all my savings multiple times and struggled to afford basic housing to the point I developed extreme anxiety and was sleeping about 3-4 hours a night, throwing up and dealing with chronic pain due to undiagnosed health issues which I had no insurance to address, laying in bed doing nothing for 10+ hrs on the rare occasions I had time off on weekends because I would just fantasize about the sweet release of death. And yet I always have people who know jack all about me say things like, “Teehee I would ask anon for advice but she’s always had it together, I doubt she’s had to struggle for much of anything!” I just fucking boil inside but as usual I hold it together and just say something like, “Well, we all have our problems.” I feel like one day I’m just going to lose it and shove these know-it-alls’ tongues down their throats. I’m not going to lower my standards or force others to be around someone who looks subhuman just because you feel I should be slagging around in ugly sweats with cheap tattoos and visible self harm scars to “prove” I’ve been through shit. But by all means continue crying to everyone about your eye bags and how you’re sooo inconvenienced by having to pick up several extra hours of work during a busy time of the year, shithead.
No. 722221
My favourite meme-subreddit, the only thing reddit is good for tbh, is infested with stupidity… Take a look at this:'s about a bill that wants to prevent biological men from competing with biological women, which is very reasonable since obviously men generally outcompete women in sports. That's the whole reason we have have women's sports and men's sports…. Also the bill says nothing about how that is determined, that it would lead to 'genital inspections' is something created by the very biased source.. But pretty much everyone in the comments just sees what they want to see. Literally calling the guy a pedophile, and crying because they think this is because everyone just hates transwomen… Ughhhh
No. 722224
>>722215It's frustrating af for people to just assume they know your life but you're better off without the pity of others, what does it actually get you? Also you're complaining about what's effectively pretty privilege, some people's faces will always say loser but you could start a life somewhere new and your history just gets to be a interesting back story. You're more appealing to companies and other successful people if you look like one of them
T. a private person with a face that says hard times
No. 722292
>>722290Please do this
>>722288Let the emotionally mature handle this one
No. 722295
>>722285I'm sorry to hear this anon. I'm actually this way towards my boyfriend and I love him very much, if that makes you feel better. I hate kissing now and I hate certain ways he touches me.
I have a bit of autism/trauma so maybe that's just my reasoning for it.
I suspect your boyfriend might be feeling inadequate/insecure. I don't even like my BF looking at me during those times. Be open with him and ask him what's up.
No. 722323
>>721496You hang out with your ex and his fiance? You were ok with her gaying it up with you for a man's, your ex no less, pleasure? Now you're mad they tried to sext you after he's been ignoring you for his new chick?
You sound retarded and every bit of a pickme CUCK as she is. And please integrate, we ain't on reddit anymore dorothy.
No. 722437
>>722417I'm one of the pregnant/abortion anons from earlier in this thread. When I took a pregnancy test it came up as positive immediately and the second one did too. I'd say take another test and make a doctor's appointment asap. I know in the US you can get a medication abortion up to 11 weeks (at least in my state).
I'm also going to take this opportunity to bitch about HR at my job wanting a letter from a doctor excusing me for the days leading up to the procedure on Friday. I'm sick as fuck, can hardly get out of bed and I have to drag my ass to see a new OB tomorrow to try to get a note. It's not even paid time off. Yet it still requires a note smh
No. 722467
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Just realised I've been saving screenshots from my laptop (many accidentally taken) to onedrive on my old secondary school account. I know I can't face any repercussions for it since I don't go there anymore but I'm still freaking out knowing that people in my hometown could possibly know about my cringy spotify playlist names and the fact I frequent imageboards.
No. 722519
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My procrastination is killing me. Everyone thinks I am doing so well but my room is filthy and I miss deadlines left and right. alive run out of excuses and I’m so stressed and lonely and depressed and sad fuck idk what do anymore.
No. 722522
>>722308I'm built like you.
Thanks, Mexican genes.Best thing you can do for yourself is don't follow women on social media that make you want to off yourself and purchase clothes that would flatter your body. You could always get a waist trainer, too, which is what I plan on doing. Just make sure you do your research on them first.
No. 722547
Sage for what's basically a blogpost.
I used to be super bad with procrastination in uni, some examples:
>put off walking to class (10 minute walk) until it got to 2 hours into class, so I just didn't go. For most classes.
>missed the first, second and third (and on paper, final!) exam attempts. This should've had me disqualified but because I never attended any they gave me a last chance, several times.
>missed the deadline on handing in my thesis because it wasn't ready.
>missed the thesis deadline 3 months later
>missed the deadline after that, but they allowed it
>kept putting off meeting my friend, despite knowing she'd be leaving to live halfway across the world soon. Asked her finally if she wanted to meet and she told me she left the country 3 weeks earlier. She was the only one to support me during that time with all the study notes and messaging me reminders for things.
At the point I missed that last meeting with my friend I really really tried to improve. I persisted enough in applying and practising for interviews that I finally got a job. And I'm proud of that. I'm also proud that I'm barely late. Maybe half an hour 3x a week? Luckily it's a little flexible so long as you do the hours. I work hard at my responsibilities and try not have downtime, despite ample opportunity. Anyway, my colleagues seem to look down on me that I'm not constantly pushing to be learning so many new skills like they are.
I am proud of myself, but I do feel ashamed when in comparison I'm still falling behind. I'll never reveal that I struggle so hard with motivation and drive, but christ I wish they'd stop the judging looks and attitudes because I'm happy to just do the job I was hired for. Let me be my low energy, non-pushy self.
No. 722594
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>>722586thats the mf plan
No. 722606
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just messaged my brother for the first time in months and I feel like crying, I miss him so much.
I live so far away from home, I can't just visit my family without preparing a bunch of stuff first…
No. 722684
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I can do other chores just fine but for some reason my executive function goes out the window when it comes to putting away laundry. Like gathering, washing, and transferring laundry? No problem. But.
I fucking hate this.
No. 722717
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It's my fault there's a lock down that won't end
I have left the house eight times in the last year and they were all medical appointments
I'm 26 and I don't have any friends left because I'm a worthless sack of shit, no one wanted to see me before covid and certainly don't now
I had to quit working because of organ failure and then I had to move back home with my parents because of covid
I stay in the garage because we just don't get along and I feel like a burden just being here
I think my last chance not to be so lonely is to get a boyfriend, but I know anyone who hears I don't work and can't drive is going to think I want them to support me
It's frightening to be sick and alone, it's what I deserve though, I shouldn't have been born
I'm a government leech and the only thing I ever loved was board games and there's no one left to play with
No. 722770
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My boss is leaving my job and has not told any of us. We're getting fucked over bad (business wise) because of covid, so they're shutting down our store. We're supposed to all be transferring to new stores but i have no idea what's going to happen with me since i take the public bus to work and there arent any near other stores. I 'm worried i'll lose this job. I'm angry my boss didnt tell us and i have to find out through third party.
No. 722796
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>>722717I was supposed to have gone to the doctor more but I couldn't stand it, like it was just too much to bare, I'm old to be such a loser but I'm young to be this sick
I'm so fucking scared and every time I go to any doctor they have to tell me it's all gotten worse
you can go on drugs to prevent cancer, and the drugs cause other cancer, so I know they're helping, but at the end of the fucking day, they're telling me to choose which cancer I want to die from if I make it that far
I never lived at all in all these years
Every time I go back, the rest of the day, I think, "Fuck it," I go to the grocery store and spend my food stamps on junk food
I think "Fuck it," I'm angry, I'm furious and sad and let down
When I worked, I bought myself an Angelic Pretty dress every day I had an appointment, and I would try to shove all the fear down underneath the dress, and once a month I would go to a meetup and not be able to connect with anyone there but I wore the dress and I felt happy
It was happier than I've ever been otherwise
Should I spend disability money on dresses?
Is it fair?
But "Fuck it," is it fucking fair that I have to choose how to die when I'm only fucking 26? Was a it fucking fair to get sick like this when I was only fucking nine years old? Has anything ever been fair? Is this life fucking fair?
When I die, burn me in my best dress, burn me in the biggest petticoat I own, and it was all stupid and not worth anything, no time, no money, none of anything was ever worth anything, so burn what's left of me in what made me happy and give all of my games to a childrens hospital
Maybe it's all deeply symbolic and "lolita" knew I was going to die young
I hate everything, I hate the disappointment of life.
Lolita made me feel "large" I've always been skinny, I've always been short, I'll never grow up like I was supposed to be able to, fuck it, I'll buy donuts, I want to fill out japanese brand like I never will
Why did it have to be this way? I feel bad I spend other peoples money, maybe I shouldn't, maybe I won't be here long enough for it to matter too much, I'm sorry to everyone I ever cost, I'm sorry to the whole world even though I'm angry and I hate it
I wish I had had someone to talk to, and maybe then I wouldn't have had so much time to think and get like this
Maybe I would have been like this anyway and drove them being like this
Fuck it, I'm going to buy a new dress.
I'm going to buy donuts.
Nothing was fair anyway, fuck it
I'm going to play jenga alone
Kindle me with jenga blocks, I want to be happy next time
No. 722804
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>>722799lmao thank you
that made me smile honestly
No. 722810
>>722796Are you the girl in the other thread asking if it’s dumb to buy a 700 dollar dress?
When I read someone asking that I thought “bet it’s Angelic Pretty”
Buy that dress anon.
No. 722811
>>722767Wow I feel so at home knowing there are other girls out there who deal with IBS
Mine fuxking lasts for like half a day of on and off diarrhea shitting my brains out kind of thing
Then my stomach usually feels awful afterwards
Taking ibuprofen for some reason real helps the stomach pain
No. 722812
>>722684Certain chores bother me because they’re physically uncomfortable, pinpoint what’s the discomfort is and you can change it.
For me, I don’t want to wash my dishes because the floor gets wet and makes my socks wet and the I’m miserable cause there’s nothing worse than a wet sock
Solution? Just wear my boots in the kitchen, who gives a fuck
No. 722813
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my boyfriend really wants to get a gun when we move out together and I don't think I can have a gun in the house without the temptation to an hero skyrocketing
I've made jokes abt it but I mostly brush them off and he still really wants one.
I thought I was doing ok but then I had a total meltdown in front of my stepdad while learning to drive and I just don't think I'm in control of my emotions enough to be around deadly weapons.
No. 722814
>>721615>>722813Have you told him this? Does he know how suicidal you are?
He needs to get a good gun safe if he does. There are thumb print locking ones.
You’re gonna have to control yourself Anon. Don’t make everything about you. He just wants a gun, it’s a scrote thing. Let him have his hobby without having a mental illness fantasy about it.
I had a similar problem because my boyfriend wanted one and I just have major anxiety.
We’ve had a lot of fights about it which led to a lot of setting boundaries around it and now we’re good. Set boundaries too, you’re not allowed to be around the gun, the gun stays in a safe, you don’t know the combination etc. and be honest with your boyfriend about your suicidal tendencies
No. 722845
>>722813I can only say that if he does get a gun, tell him to never tell you where is it and to hide it really well.
And also, just don’t try, there’s quite the few people surviving from gunshots they did to themselves and it’s an even more of a burden than you could even feel like right now.
It’s honestly my best advice against suicide, there’s a possibility of surviving and ending up being even more miserable and crippled than before.
No. 722862
I keep thinking about how, when I was about 7, half a tooth broke off my molar after getting beaten up. The gum got really badly infected, there was a huge greenish grey abscess in my mouth that, if I pressed it with my finger, would leak a lot of pus into my mouth and quickly refill. At its worst, I was draining it once or twice a day.
I asked my mum if I could go to a dentist but she was scared of them so she refused (not a legit phobia, just a dislike of going). It's free for kids to get dental care in the UK and I was getting quite poorly and feverish.
Looking back, I feel really sad. Mum used to beat the hell out of me, but at least she followed it up with the honeymoon phase. The casual neglect like not feeding us or taking us to school or the doctor or making sure we had clean clothes hurts worse somehow because it was complete apathy, at least when she hurt me she acknowledged my existence. The tooth thing stands out though, I am the age she was when this happened and if I saw a child in that condition I would immediately intervene, even if I wasn't their mother. Nobody noticed or cared at all. Welcome to the world.
No. 722868
>>722862I had a therapist tell me my childhood was neglectful and as much as I denied it, it was similar memories of untreated illnesses (in a country with free healthcare for kids) that made me truly face it. I couldn't ignore a dog with the same symptoms, never mind a child.
Depressed and apathetic mom who has passed now so I probably empathise too much with her side of the struggle. Feeling a little angry might be healthier than this. It sucks to be an adult trying to process what happened or how hurt you're allowed feel about it.
No. 722879
I hate my appearance so much I can't stand it. I am going to keep working on fitness, dieting, style and grooming but nothing will change my abominable, disgusting excuse of a face. It is true that I am useless and unworthy of love or appreciation, and that I am immature for thinking this way. I sometimes wish I was never able to see myself. I'm so grateful for everything I have, and yet thinking about my appearance makes me physically ill. I become jittery and nauseated, I have to vomit and out of nervosity and disgust I scratch open my skin. I can't give up, I have to keep going even though I am hurting so much. I won't give up, but it hurts very bad and I hate myself so much I just want to hurt myself so so badly. I really want to hurt myself but I can't, I have to keep going and moving forward. I will hurt myself on the inside, I will keep hating myself so much, and in the meantime I'll keep going. I'll keep studying, I'll keep dieting, I'll keep exercising, I'll keep socialising, I'll keep moving forward. I'll never feel satisfied, never feel good enough, but at least I'll achieve more things and won't give up. I'll never give up and I'll hate myself!
No. 722889
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i don't have a sense of identity, every time someone asks me to tell them about myself i have a weeks long existential crisis. it sometimes takes me a while to remember my name.
I often get obsessed with random people and cyberstalk them, absorbing their interests, opinions and speech patterns, but eventually this superficial personality dissipates and i feel empty again. i have more alt accounts and aliases then any sane person needs. i judge my appearance only in terms of how much i resemble certain people. i don't have any real ambitions or passions.
i'm thinking of putting my creative writing skills to use and trying to make up wacky characters for myself to larp as so that maybe one of the personalities sticks. no idea if this can work.
No. 722922
>>722879Keep moving forward, anon!
No. 722966
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been peer pressured by friends to get a perm, dye my hair, etc; even though I liked my thick and frizzy hair. Now it's the future in the middle of quarantine and my hair has fallen off so much that it no longer has waves anymore. It's straight and silky but I miss my thick hair because it was so nice to sleep on. The only thing I can do is wait until the dyed hair grows long enough where I can cut it off and go back to short black hair. I'm just pretty sad that I used to be able to grow my hair quickly and let it be as thick and frizzy as I like but now it's been months and it seems to have only grown an inch.
No. 723000
the most attractive thing to scrotes is a pretty, shy girl with no self esteem, no friends or parents. especially if she has never dated or slept with anyone. because then she will believe everything the scrote does is extraordinary, and anything bad he does is normal. disgusting rapist mentality.
when i bring up pedophilia, grooming, child abuse in front of scrotes irl, there is always, even a man who seems normal, a scrote who will deflect or defend it.
"16, 15, 14, 13, 12 is legal" depending on country
"good for him" when an adult guy has a relationship with a teen or child
laughing, that i thought may be in nervousness, but at this point, i would not be surprised about anything
No. 723018
>>722958lol same.
like what I should be doing right nowIt's not even necessarily a shitpost, sometimes I pour my heart out and realize how pathetic I sound. By the time I regret it, I can't delete my post anymore. It's not only lolcow, there's plenty of sites that I frequently peruse so I end up cringing the entire day even though nobody cares. If anyone saw me, they'd put me in the looney bin.
No. 723067
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Happy Bday anon!
No. 723071
>>723050>it's perfectly socially acceptable to thinshame specific women even to their faceIt's actually not. Stop hanging around dicks who feel it's their place to play armchair doctor in public. Because the solution isn't going back to making average and overweight women feel like shit for not being thin either.
If shaming obesity out of existence was something that worked, then we'd have seen results by now and the problem would have never escalated in the 90s and early 2000s. Sorry you feel victimized, but get a grip and realize there need to be demonstrable solutions.
By the way, pretty sure Amberlynn Reid is the opposite spectrum equivalent to Eugenia and she has entire hateboards dedicated to her, so.
No. 723087
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I hate my job I hate working I hate labor I hate it I hate it I just want to return to monkey I'm not fucking kidding I wish I was an animal just rolling around in the grass without a care in the world instead I had to be a corporate slave FUCK
No. 723146
>>723136YES every time you think new low was achieved something this deranged comes up. I've only read a brief overview and cant take it anymore. No woman ever was any close to be that messed up, how people can't see it's always only men??
(yes there's more nuance to it but you get my point)
No. 723153
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Just remembered the time when I was 16 and I got sick of my mom telling me how fat I was getting (147 pounds at 5'5", definitely not skinny but I lifted weights 5 times a week and was strong enough to get on the squat/bench max leader boards at my high school, so a lot of my bulk was muscle), and she proceeded to make me feel bad about going running when I got back home because she was convinced I was doing it to "be slutty" and show off my body to the neighborhood – her evidence is that I was wearing a jacket like picrel with the half-zip all the way down over my (full coverage) sports bra. I was not showing skin, and I was a dork in high school anyway and never had a bf or hung out with guys outside of school at all, just came home, did my homework, and then read or played video games, so she knew that slut-shaming me would confuse and infuriate me. I felt so good about the fact that I was finally being proactive and putting aside time in my afternoon to lose weight despite being tired from school (and having ALREADY WORKED OUT THAT DAY) and she wasted no time destroying my confidence.
Actually recalling this memory reminded me of a few years earlier when I was 13 and went to my school's end-of-year dance for 8th graders. Me and my friends all chipped in a few dollars to have our group photo taken. This was pre-smartphones so having a group pic of my friends was a nice treat. Couple weeks later when I got the developed photos I rushed home to show my mom my friends and she instantly started comparing me to them, telling me their skin looked better than mine (she made me use st ives apricot scrub so my skin was fucked) and that my "skinny friend" looked better than me, and that "the skinniest girl always looks best in group photos". She even specifically criticized the fact that I was excited to show her the photo, because "I should know better than to show off a photo I look bad in." I was fucking thirteen. Why have a child just to treat them this way??? I think the worst part is that I still let this bullshit mentality of "Why even bother?" I developed as a coping mechanism keep me from getting ahead in life, even though I'm a fucking adult now and should be over it.
No. 723161
>>723153Sounds like she feels like she wasted her life, so she wants to drag you down with her. Some people really just have kids (or teach/otherwise care for them) so they can undercut someone and boost themselves up 24/7.
She's an asshole, anon. Hope you're far away from her.
No. 723313
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it hurts to have such an honest boyfriend.
I asked him if he was happy with the relationmship and he was honest and said no, that he can't say that's the case. it's all my fault for being a stupid ocd neurotic autistic bitch i fucking hate myself.
I told him if I don't change he can leave. Will i change? we'll find out in october ladies.
No. 723330
>>723323real question, how do neets actually survive? I literally couldn't imagine a life where I'm not working or doing some sort of education. it's pretty foreign thought for me. how do you make money? how do you get things that you want? Do your parents support you? where would you live if not?
sorry for the intrusive questions, I may just ask in stupid questions thread
No. 723335
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Feel like pure shit just want to spend 4 hours non-stop walking through rural areas on the borders of a different city when I should be sitting in a stuffy uni room again
No. 723342
>>723313I don't know about that
nonny…the way you speak about yourself and the fact he straight up said no? Did he bring that up before? Did he give any constructive criticism or why he wasn't happy? Or did he just come out with it and leave you with the emotional fallout?
I'd need to know more, but sounds like your "Nigel" is kinda shit. So far he has a lack of tact, insensitive and has ADD.
No. 723353
>>723339In October, our lease ends. By that time, it'll probably be the deciding factor on whether or not we want to move forward together and start a new lease together
>>723342I asked him out of the blue. We haven't had much intimacy lately (happens in the winter) and I wanted to know how he felt about that + some occasional meltdowns I have. I never want to be in a relationship where one person is unhappy, so I asked him to be honest with his feelings and to see if he could genuinely say he was happy with the relationship. He couldn't give a straightforward answer, so I said "So are you saying that you are unhappy with this relationship in its current state?" and he said "You can say that, yes."
He told me why, obviously our arguments is the main issue. him being forgetful/inattentive and me being too impatient with him when he does that.
No. 723360
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>>723330They may be
>basement NEETsLeeches parents
>NEET bf/gfSupported by their SO
>Lucky NEETCame into a large sum of money (inheritance, trust fund, gambling, etc)
>NEETbuxWelfare NEETs
>seasonal NEETworks periodically, only long enough to replenish NEET funds
Many are hybrid type.
>not working or doing some sort of educationMost NEETs spend time with their hobbies and learning (possibly useless) shit on their own. Many do utilize their autistic interests to make spending cash (arts&crafts, translating hentai, tech stuff, etc) for spending cash, but usually not consistent or significant enough to be considered working.
No. 723370
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>talking about pets at new job bc people always talking about their cats/dogs
>ask me about my pet
>say I have a cornsnake
>"OMG ANON NOOOOOO" typical coward shit even though the snake is harmless and in a tank
>yesterday dog coworker joins a meeting while streaming from a hospital
>turns out her rescue pupper decided it was done with her shit and viciously attacked her
>shows up today arm in a cast, multiple bites everywhere, complaining her arm hurts the entire day
>a week before had to pay for an expensive surgery for her other dog because got into a fight with coyotes
Sure showing me how reptiles are the more problematic, dangerous pets to own. Dog dindus are the worst.
No. 723403
>>723391I was separated at 25, alot of my friends that married at 28/29 are currently separating and losing their minds trying to co-parent toddlers. Our marriages lasted an average of 3 to 4 years. I do understand wanting to marry within a timeline but rush the wedding and your divorce chances will only increase.
I don't have kids but nearly everyone I know is separated from the dad of their kids. It's rough. I really feel for any woman with a strong desire to be a parent, for that reason.
No. 723409
>>723391Hi anon, was in your exact shoes with a scrote a year older than me at the time. I spent age 24-27 with a manbaby who cared too much about bartending and video games to ever reach for higher responsibilities like getting his own car, finding stable employment, and having kids.
All I wanted was for him to propose to me and he couldn't even do that after I stayed at a miserable job to fund our dream vacation. I used to cringe when he'd tell our friends we'd be "dinks." I tried to coolgirl and pretend like not being engaged after year three didn't bother me but it fucking did. He was using me and I was a convenient doormat even though everyone told me I could do better, but I was too pickme to give up. I considered myself childfree at the time, but I came to realize I just resented him so badly and it was on me to support him so much that I could never see having kids with him and the thought was horrifying. I broke up with him.
Anyways, he proposed to his new gf (with a shit ring) after a year and a half, which just goes to show if men WANT to commit to you then they fucking will.
Right now I'm 29 and with a wonderful guy for almost a year. We had our marriage/kid talk straight up because both of us had been scorned and strung along previously so we didn't want to waste any more time with incompatible partners. So far, he's bought me the diamond that I got to pick out, and at the moment I'm deciding on engagement bands. The proposal itself will be his personal touch and a surprise, but he told me that having what I wanted was important. All within a year.
It's best to get the talk settled early. The truth is that it won't scare away honest, high quality men who are on your wavelength already. And good riddance to the ones who run.
No. 723475
>>723448Because woke culture is a direct result of bored middle class white people's racism and feelings of superiority.
I've never met a wokie who wasn't condescending and high key racist. I've also never met one who didn't see me as a walking cartoon minority or use my community for cheap poverty porn a la starving kids in Africa. Why do you think those Twitter kids draw minorities as fat, disabled abominations with Miku binders and rapist mustaches?
It feels very different trying to befriend white college girls from Connecticut compared to an Eastern European immigrant or a white person who was raised in a trailer by meth head parents. The former just see you as a walking diversity point for themselves and not much else.
No. 723515
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this is silly but my mom kept mentioning that i "won't be broke for long because of my student loans refunding" and while she's right, it still hurts.
i mean, i did get scholarships! tuition is now ~5k per semester (not dorming because of covid), i got about ~4k in scholarships so with the pell grant…i'm pretty much not paying anything for this semester. i did want some lax room with bills and stuff tho so yeah, i accepted student loans (roughly 3k).
idk. she didn't ask about my scholarships at all, and i'm sad that she probably doesn't think i didn't get any lol
No. 723545
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I'm gonna miss the Soren thread. Low-key, I still wonder if this was another of her fake deaths and she's still alive.
I remember some anons were talking about making a thread for the whole "trauma narrative" community on Tumblr in general (probably something like the DID "community"), but it never came to fruition. I kind of doubt many people are blatantly bullshitters/liars the way Soren was, but Laura Albert exists, and there was that one creepy Tumblr user who kept posting "traumacore" aesthetic edits/drawings that referenced an actual CP site and implied they were on it, so I guess anything is possible.
No. 723548
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>>723392Same anon. I don't like seeing myself here
No. 723566
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>>723560It's from the Soren thread. The person put the text "hurt 2 the core" on drawings of teddy bears and shit. As for how I heard about it, I'm pretty sure it was the site Peter Scully (the Australian pedo who killed two little girls and produced the CP "Daisy's Destruction" in the Philippines) used. The case was pretty huge, and they were literally considering bringing back the death penalty specifically for him in the Philippines because it was so bad.
No. 723571
>>723566ahhh I see, thought it was something more obscure (not talked about in media). I am kind of relieved cause how else would you know of the site if you either weren't a
victim or a pedo?
>they were literally considering bringing back the death penalty specifically for him in the Philippines because it was so bad.they absolutely should have, too bad it didn't happen
No. 723573
>>720595you could make your own game company maybe.
i hate the industry too. i studied game development and after the first year i spiralled into depressive anxiety. it only takes 1 asshole to ruin an entire project. men take this course after their comp sci degrees and berate anyone who is a beginner but especially if a woman. be female here and you are a prey to all incel lites. i thought this would not happen in a university. guys were literally discussing boob and butt preferences in class, making rape, domestic and child abuse jokes. i dated a guy i thought was normal but he took a picture of me during sex. i asked if he sent it to anyone and he showed me and said no but when i broke up with him 2 guys approached me asking for sex.
some scrote got insanely offended that i rejected him and he made a fake profile of me on a sugar baby site which he then showed people to say i am a whore.
there is no respect not only for my humanity but for my efforts. i known some guys who failed the same courses over 6 times and yet they were more respected than i am for completing them earlier. and my efforts were always minimized, scrotes forgetting to include my code in the group project or saying i don't communicate enough when they were outright ignoring me. i almost went through a fakeboi phase because being and looking like a woman in this industry means everyone will feel entitled. i written whole essays by myself for group work where they maybe corrected a few typos and called it contribution.
if i ever have enough money i am going to make an all women's game studio.
No. 723575
>>723571Yeah, I should've been more specific, my mistake kek.
>they absolutely should have, too bad it didn't happenHard agree. A life sentence is far too kind for some people.
No. 723576
>>723566This is somewhat related but when I was like 15 or 16 I was a part of a lot of shock value facebook groups, they often posted like gore and other fucked up shit. Once day I saw
TW child abuse (seriously if you are easily freaked out by abuse of children don't read)
a video of a lady dunking a naked baby inside of a toilet, holding it by it's leg and the baby was screaming and drowning. the video went down quickly but someone in the comments was like "omg this is daisy destruction." idk if that's true or not but the lady DID look philipino and the video was of high quality. I'm scared to research it further but it's so fucked up what women will do to their own children for money in a third world or even first world country.
I hate the men that have power over of them most, though. I don't even want to look into that story because it makes my stomach turn but seriously, I hope the justice was fucking served.
No. 723584
>>723576I heard that the woman (or women?) from the video was caught and sent to jail along with Scully and that the baby was saved, luckily.
Some "people" are legitimately not people, that's honestly the only way I can make sense of things like this. Even at the worst levels of poverty, it'd be better to fucking starve to death. It just makes no sense to me.
No. 723587
>>723576I heard a text description of the video was the baby was just suspended by their feet over a bed while the girlfriend was doing S&M type stuff wearing that tacky ass "sexy" cat mask. The baby is doing okay but she has some permanent injuries because of it.
source: 60 minutes australia doc I watched
No. 723610
I just saw someone try to guilt trip this person because they wanted to buy something off Aliexpress mainly because it was cheaper there and someone said "You should save up and buy from this minority owned business instead, it will help them so much more than getting something off Ali" like honestly if you think making business profits off of guilting poor people is a good thing, you're retarded. It's literally the same product, if anything this ~small business owner~ is just a middleman, no different than Walmart. I have no issues with that, make that money, but you should direct the guilting to someone wealthier instead.
Also, I think more low income people should start upselling their thrift finds and put that shit up on Depop, if you are upset people are selling cute clothes for ridiculous prices because you can't afford them, what's stopping you from doing that as well? As scummy as it feels, it's basically redistribution of wealth when you land a sale KEK.
No. 723704
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>>723700whoever posted it was retarded enough to post a link to their sketchy site so hopefully jannies forward that to the authorities
would anyone else like a bleach tab or two for their brain?
No. 723742
>>723731> i watched the VVitch on netflix the other day and the witch gave the baby a short on screen handjob before killing it.Well thanks for letting me know what movie I should never watch
>>723738I didn't want to mention it, but I saw the older woman too. It makes me feel so sick to know she might even be those girls mom and that not all cp
victims are
victims of trafficking. Sometimes it's parents selling their own kids off
No. 723756
>>723740i wouldn't really call it a handjob.. i think she was cutting it off.
>>723754ye exactly
No. 723772
>>723761you're being dramatic imo. i vividly remember her just grabbing his genitals, while holding a knife in her opposite hand. there was hardly anything sexual about it, but i do agree that the scene was a bit unnecessary.
i'd go back and rewatch it, but i'm pretty sure their contract or whatever with netflix ended months ago as i haven't seen that movie in their catalogue for awhile now.
No. 723813
>>723742>It makes me feel so sick to know she might even be those girls momHard same. Obviously like everybody else I only glanced at the image before gouging my eyes out but in that first and last glance the people in the photo all looked like they had the same or similar hair color, and that plus the two children being different ages really made me feel like the older woman was their mother. Which makes it just so much worse. Of course I know parents abuse their children all the time but… just seeing photo evidence of the fact that these two girls (or three, if the third wasn't as old as she seemed to me) suffered was stomach turning. I'm gonna be thinking about those two girls forever now. I desperately hope they're okay and got out of that situation.
Something about the banality of the situation fucked me up too - I think they were sitting on a couch in a normal room? Every window in every town could have this exact situation playing out behind it right now. I'm gonna be sick.
On a related note I want to share these two links here, they're websites by Interpol and the FBI where you can try to help solve crimes by helping identify an object. I know it's off topic but the image really made me think of these websites (and of the horror I felt while first scrolling through them, knowing that behind every banal image of a shirt, or bed frame, or patio chair, and every screenshot of a normal-looking man or woman stood a horrific crime). Just thought I'd share them in case anyone else feels helpless and distraught after seeing that image and wants to channel that into something helpful.
This database features images of objects (clothing, furniture etc.) that might help identify
victims and perps: database features images of people, mostly suspects. This one is more disturbing than the object-only one so tread with caution: No. 723822
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I'm in the process of losing weight. I've lost >30 kg so far but I feel like I look no different, just older. A lady described me as "slim" the other day, and a few nurses described me as "attractive" when I went into hospital. I did a double take every time because I still feel disgusting and I'm used to people gliding over my appearance and not mentioning it.
I plugged my pre and post weight loss measurements into body visualiser and am astonished at the difference between the two pictures. So why can't I see the difference in the mirror? I'm sick of feeling intrinsically pathetic and gross. I just want to feel comfy in my skin. Does it get better, anons?
No. 723840
>>723813thank you so much for sharing those links. Never saw those pages before. Really angry that I didn't recognize any objects, but I will check from time to time.
I wanna bash in the faces of all those pedos. Absolute worthless trash.
No. 723847
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Good for Estonia but doesn't it just fucking suck that 50% of world population are women and only one country has women on two top political positions?
No. 723855
>>723833i did a dance living vicariously through you
good for you anon
No. 723857
>>723847Anon, there are at least 4 female presidents in small eu countries out there.
Also Estonia is a shithole full of nazis, Finland seems nicer.
No. 723878
>>723813>>723840I know lolcow hated reddit but there is a subreddit dedicated to finding those objects and it's genuinely heartening how many of them get recognized by redditors. sad thing is that even though sometimes the item is found elsewhere on the internet, it's not enough.
Still insane how people are able to find random places on Earth from shit photos thanks to a calculation of a sun ray angle No. 723890
>>723831Thank you, anon. I'll try to trust the process. Have you managed to keep it off? That's the next challenge.
It's not unexpected, but it feels a little sad that people perceive me much differently now. Not just in terms of appearance; I'm cool rather than cringe now, and people have much more time for me. Even if I don't see much of a difference, I'm not about to give up on staying at a lower weight because it's obvious that it's going to grease the wheels socially/professionally/romantically.
No. 723922
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I'm probably balding at 24. I still have some consultations and blood tests to do, but that's probably it. I don't know how I will cope with it, my hair was always the only thing I liked about myself, it was so pretty, voluminous, naturally blonde. I always thought to myself "I hate my face and my body but hey, at least I've got my hair!" And now it's over
No. 723930
>>723922I'm sorry anon, that's awful. I went through this a couple of years ago and thought it was androgenic alopecia and incurable. It's been thin and I have been able to see my scalp through my hairline and parting easily ever since, bloods didn't appear to pick anything up so went through a period of mourning. I cut it short, kept it light blonde and prepared to invest in a good wig, and stayed that way until about two months ago, when I was hospitalised and they checked my bloods again - I had three different types of anaemia (iron, pernicious/B12, folate) and a vitamin D deficiency. Since then I've been on heavy duty medical supplements and my hair is filling back in - my hairline is full now which feels really weird but good.
Bottom line is, don't be afraid to ask for a second opinion, and remember that stress and diet play a huge role. Best of luck to you
No. 724013
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ok so I went to the eye doctor yesterday and on today I saw that I had choroidal nevus ? like an inner mole or whatever im super nervous and keep fucking googling what it is and that it has a chance of turning into something serious and it’s making me spiral out of control does anyone else have this???
No. 724019
>>724013It's essentially a mole on your eye and, like skin moles, it can progress to melanoma. The advice is the same too - to wear sun protection (in this case, glasses) when in sunny weather and get the nevus checked regularly to see if there are any changes.
Most nevi don't become melanoma and most nevi that do become melanoma will show changes in the early stages and can be caught quickly with checkups.
No. 724020
>>723986NTA, but this is like going on a subreddit where aliens discuss their technology, and everything they say is translated into English, but none of it makes sense.
How does this stuff work? How do you invest? I'm dumb sorry
No. 724093
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this is retarded but i was worried that i was losing momentum in uni until i remembered that i'm on my period, and this "low energy, low concentration, etc." isn't just my adhd spiraling out of control it's also my body. i do hate that i probably won't be getting my assignments done as early as i'd like, in as structured of a manner as i'd like, but whatever. so long as they get done the day before at least
No. 724094
I was
>>722417. Wanted to say thanks for all the support and kind words from everyone and return to vent some more.
I got a positive today so not sure if I did anything wrong the other day, everything in my head and body was telling me to retest though so I did. I'm booked in for an appointment next Friday and hoping I can just get the meds and take them at home in the same day and hopefully it will just be a really shit weekend I can forget soon.
I told the "dad". I didn't want to but had nowhere else to really turn, my mum's super anti-abortion and my friend isn't doing well at all so I can't dump this on her. He's been lovely about it but I'm insistent I'm doing it on my own if I can, we were never an item but had an argument before we stopped talking a few weeks ago and I was very clear I was just giving him a heads up if I absolutely needed it (ie as an escort). Feel my BPD getting attached because he said he'd help and has been really understanding despite our personal issues and I'm trying my best not to use it as an excuse to get codependent.
Just hate my life so much lol. I've had a miscarriage before and I'm praying this one deals with itself too so everything will be easier.
No. 724305
>>724301Yes. There is literally a 95% higher chance for people with a 20-year age gap to divorce as opposed to regular couples (and that’s
divorce so assuming they even make it to marriage) - wanna think they’re special or that their Nigel is the exception and he just likes “that I’m mature for my age uwu” but I promise you aren’t and he won’t, men just want easily manipulated arm candy. I know you haven’t done anything yet so all the better, save yourself the future anxiety, frustration and embarrassment of wasting some of your most versatile years with an old dude.
No. 724306
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>>724301Yes, it’s bad 99% of the time and no, your scrote won’t be the chosen exception to the rule.
>my mind keeps running towards it and I'm scared I will finally start seeking itBitch please, It’s not like you physically have no control over your body, if you end up hopping on old ass dick, that’s because you consciously choose to, against doctor’s advice.
No. 724309
>>724301Like early 20s with a 40 year old man? No, men like that are just fetishizing your youth and probably aren't taking you seriously as a partner and individual.
Late 20s/early30s dating 40? Then that isn't so taboo
because you're more likely to be established and seen more equally…if not having the security to be able to leave if the relationship really is shit.
The stability and maturity men have to offer when they're older is tempting. I'd be a hypocrite if I told you otherwise, I'm 29 dating someone 43 and it's honestly the best relationship I've ever had. My friends and family think my bf is in his 20s up until I tell them, and he has a full head of hair and has a swimmer's bod and an academia aesthetic. He's kind, generous, and wants to give me whatever I want and has demonstrated that he will change for me and commit.
I've had men my age treat me like dogshit, even some in their 30s. There's something about the big 4-0 that humbles a lot of men. Maybe a ticking clock? Either way, any man can fuck you over so always have a fuck off fund and an exit plan, just in case.
No. 724312
>>724309For how long have you been dating? Did you ask him why haven't he committed to anyone before he met you?
In my case, I meant literally 20 year age gap. I'm 25 and I like someone who's almost 46. But as I said, nothing serious happened.
No. 724314
>>724312Oh he was married for 15 years. I met his ex wife and she didn't have any dirt for me. They were just different with their hobbies and personalities, and she was kind of a mooch for her age tbh. They started off as an online relationship and they both told me that they felt too invested in each other to break it off when they realized they weren't a right fit and escalated it to marriage trying to make it work cause they were young and dumb and needed each other financially back then.
Idk anon, use your best judgement because no one knows your situation and the guy better than you do.
No. 724330
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It bugs me how women can go through being raped, beat up, sexually assaulted and abused then move on from it without any therapy or help but men get dumped once in 4th grade yet it's so tragic that they had no one to vent to kek
No. 724332
I found my friends boyfriend nsfw account it's full of tranny porn, furry shit (that he draws)and he even retweeted diaper shit from Kevin Gibes.I didn't know how to go about bringing it up or rather my friend knew he was an Coomer or not, so I didn't say anything.
Then some famous onlyfans dude got outted for sucking off the tranny that dated charlie Sheen, Mia Isabella and my friend told me she went on the trans page and saw her boyfriend was following him and when she looked more he was following a lot of trannies and weird accounts.
So I told about the secret NSFW account and she thought I was lying until she found an old tweet going, "this is my NSFW account" on his SFW twitter.
So she confronts him, he takes the pages down and then I talk to my friend and she was just like, "Oh he took it down, it's not a big deal" and then told me her boyfriend was really mad at me.
And i'm like why? He openly linked that shit, thats how I found it and she went,"How would you feel if someone exposed all your kinks?"
I feel bad for her because it's obvious she's not okay with it, like she was freaking out when she saw the tranny porn and diaper shit, but for now i'm just going to be there for her because he's obviously manipulating her and she's dumb and in love.
No. 724333
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nonnie, she obviously didn't deserve your cute nudes anyway, overall nudes are kinda dumb/risky so whatever! I hope at some point you get a gf who will properly appreciate you and would love to see you in something more special!
No. 724348
>>724342I told her everything I could, she knows she's being dumb and it's kind of crazy because we've talked a lot of Chasers, coomers and how disgusting men openly are, but now that she's in the situation I feel like she feels stuck.
She also said that now she's paranoid about what he actually likes and watching his facebook. I think eventually she'll wake up.
No. 724351
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>>724020Samefagging. I found pic related, it helped a lot.
No. 724357
>>724353>literally anyoneNot that anon but surely you mean people with expendable income that they can risk losing while being involved in circles with the insider knowledge to participate in trading schemes that aren't traditionally female?
Then sure, "anyone."
No. 724358
>>724020I'm not someone who is into stocks, but having watched a video by someone who simplified them, it seems pretty easy. They recommended the Robinhood app, and said stocks are a longterm investment and that you have to invest in the right companies at the right time (for example, investing in pfizer during the start of lockdown would've been smart cause they developed the vaccine). The video was super easy to understand without any special, confusing words, and it has me considering getting into stocks.
I would link it, but the youtuber is kinda "controversial" so some people may think what he's saying is bs, plus there is a small part of the vid that is tinfoil-y. I can link it if anyone is truly interested though.
No. 724440
>>724426>are high class educated guys any differentNope. They want you to be able to talk about what they like. They dont care what you like. If you are really beautiful and stupid they will still marry you then down the line resent you because you dont share their hobbies.
I started to realize on dates I could sit there in complete silence only smiling and nodding my head and guys would still want a second date if they find me cute
No. 724449
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i snooped and i found that my disgusting boyfriend, a few years back when we were still friends, sent a secret common art project to the girl he then had a crush on.
i was so vulnerable back then, i feel betrayed. people are dogshit.
No. 724455
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>>724449I’m sorry anon, I’m glad you got away from that asshole though. My ex did a ton of terrible shit behind my back as well. Happy that you don’t have to deal with anymore of his idiocy although I know it’s hard reflecting on how you were used.
No. 724489
>>723922i'm sorry you're going through this, anon. i started balding in my late teens, so i know how self conscious it can make you feel. i still struggle to this day, often.
i have PCOS and a handful of stress related mental issues i'm recovering from so my fate of having a voluminous head of hair again has been out the window for years. i tried so many cover up formulas and thickening ointments, but the porosity of my hair is so low, it won't soak anything up. it just sits on top of the strands and throughout the day it only got all over my hands.
the best thing to do with your hair is to get it cut more layered. a shaggy style can give a great illusion of volume. i had a feathery pixie cut for about 2 years and my scalp was nowhere to be seen, however i'm lazy and i've been letting it grow down to my shoulders, but the layers definitely make all the difference.
>>723926maybe only on the days when it's busy, which is only friday and saturday, and they'll be lucky if they get to work both on nights.
which also makes it kind of funny that you mention them "knowing", when i told someone i once worked back of house for $10.50 an hour, they said I was a slave KEK.
No. 724565
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realizing my family esp my dad engage in what could be referred to as covert incest, also known as emotional incest, has made me want to rebuke them. i'm barely talking to him with the realization that he sees me as an emotional crutch instead of having normal social relationships. my mother has the same problem. i am a trainwreck who can barely deal with myself and this disgusts me.
for those not informed: covert or emotional incest is when a parent uses their child as a source of affection, though not of a sexual or physical variety.
it's terrifying, my mom used to ingrain in my head the idea that my father was going to sexually abuse me if i lived with him to avoid me leaving her abusive household, i realized after living with my dad for years that he gaslights me too, and also uses me for emotional support. i cannot live with these soul sucking demon family members much longer before i go unapologetically insane. i am hurting so much due to other existential factors. please please someone get me out of here
No. 724578
>>724571yeah. emotional dependency in lieu of an actual romantic partnership is awful and not a good coping mechanism. no idea why my father can't get a girlfriend, my mom was a serial dater but would always fall back on her daughters when her main on off again would leave, only to return. somehow one day i stumbled upon talking about a seemingly mundane celebrity topic and ventured into the territory about how i didn't find a specific celeb attractive and i wanted to vomit in hindsight realizing that my willfulness to overshare to my dad is not normal at all. why did it take me so long to realize this?
when he's not being weird or gaslighting me he's a workaholic. pre pandemic would go on weeks long business trips. I wish he'd return to that and leave me to my own devices.
wish he would get a goddamn girlfriend, part of me thinks he's asexual or that broken by a
toxic relationship with my mother post divorce. it's not my problem regardless and i should not have to replicate anyone's emotional support. this has fucked me up so bad.
my entire pandemic mood has been wrought with frustration, of every kind; emotional, physical, and sexual. a lack of ability to meet men and women my own age caused me to project onto an older celeb and I think it's made me even more paranoid and angry towards my parents who are in the same age range. at this point I blame myself for my increasingly unhealthy emotions, and sink more into reclusion, I'm happier sleeping than when I'm awake. this isn't living
No. 724627
>>724619get wrekt 3d anon
2d animation supremacy
No. 724631
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Ever since I was fired from my job all I do is lie in bed, eat and watch Youtube videos. I am not depressed but looking for a job feels impossible, especially because I recently realized that objectively, I am a worthless employee. I don't have any unique skills, I have zero social skills, I am unenthusiastic about work and afraid of connecting with people. I couldn't integrate at my previous workplace and I was fired after 3 months.
The other thing I wanted to vent about is that I always had this huge gap between thought and action. I always just think about doing things, but when it comes to taking action, I jut can't make myself to do them. I've been planning to take up new hobbies, find a therapist, get into a relationship for literally forever, yet I just can't do them. I'm not sure if this is because I'm afraid of change or disappointment or I'm just a lazy piece of shit.
The worst thing is, the older I become, the more impossible it seems to change my ways
No. 724663
>>724660Yeah I think there's people with messier backgrounds, they just don't talk about them openly. I have 2 half siblings (we all have different dads), and my mom had my sister when she was like 16. She was also pressured not to raise her and basically gave her up to her father (my grandpa) and his girlfriend. She's also a huge bitch to my older sister for no good reason. lol I'm one of the only people in my whole family who had a decent dad, so a lot of them treat me like shit out of jealousy and don't help me with anything. Also 2 of my cousins have been on drugs and one died in prison.
When I studied abroad, people were shocked to hear my parents were divorced so god only knows how they'd react to more information.
No. 724666
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>>724627I need the 3d program sadly because I'm just wanted to make a physics simulation without having to derive all the equations and write a program myself BUT I installed the new version of blender and not only does it work but works much better and faster, thank you developers
No. 724679
>>724660I'm in a really similar situation as you anon, I have three half-siblings. I never really realized that it was weird until like, high school. I just consider them to be my full siblings though, I don't really worry about the fact that we have different dads.
My mom is black and had kids with two black men and two white men kek. My bio dad is white and he's the only man who stuck around to raise three of us. Not to mention the fact that my mom had me when she was kind of old and already a grandma so I'm younger than some of my nieces and nephews. My grandpa(dad's side) is racist and pretends I don't even exist and hates the fact that my dad married a black woman.
I hate going into public with my brother, people think we're dating because we don't look alike and people always assume my sister is my mom and that my mom's my grandma.
Don't worry about your situation anon, a lot of people have messy families.
No. 724688
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>>724663i'm glad you had a good dad at least! i'm the oldest and i think most mom's have some kind of complex when it comes to the eldest daughter.
>>724679omg i rly relate to not realizing it was weird until hs. i told some of my "friends" in hs about this and they ended up telling others/spreading rumors about me. luckily, all us siblings have really good relationships with each other and are close.
your grandfather is terrible tho ugh i hate people like that. i was my grandparent's fave as all of my cousins are way older than me, but they really disliked my brother because his father abused our mom or something.
>>724681omg, your dad… messy boots.
>>724687how old are they and how old are you? or what's your age gap if you don't wanna reveal the ages?
ily anons and your wild family trees.
No. 724698
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I hate how fucking autistic i am with people. I know I'm eccentric and can get annoying I just like being happy and making others happy. I really don't mean to be bitchy or weird but I can't stop giving off that impression. I hate being extroverted so much
No. 724702
>>724688My mom is 18 years older than me (pregnant at 17) and my step dad is 15 years older than me.
And to top it all off my mom didn't age literally at all until she hit her 40's, so everyone would genuinely think she was my sister until they were told otherwise. Not that flattering "lol you must be anon's sister" thing that people do, like they actually thought she was my sister.
No. 724747
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People came in to the shelter I work at asking about surrendering their mother’s cat. She rescued it from a trash can as a kitten and has kept it in a two level bird cage since. The cat’s eight now. They want to surrender her now finally since the owner is getting too old to properly clean the kennel. How the fuck do people just let that go on for nearly a decade?? They all failed that fucking cat
No. 724795
>>724764Hey anon you shouldn't feel bad about this sort of shit.
Boomers/doomers and other dying breeds will utilize these sorts of jokes and comments in order to bury their own mounting fear and insecurity that the world is going to grow and move on without them.
You need to choose the battles worth fighting for and the ones that are not worth your trouble. Never feel like you standing up for what is right is for naught, their silence just means they are embarrassed for their nasty world views and you should feel good when you take them down a peg.
No. 724805
>>724764I feel you. I also have a temper so I often have to stop myself. Shit really sucks but just like
>>724795 said, got to pick your battles
No. 724828
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i feel left out and behind. im relatively young (an adult of course) but I feel ashamed because I have no work experience and watching everyone around me have “fulfilling” lives while they are able to get jobs
everyone seems accomplished while I don’t. What is even the point of trying
No. 724847
>>724828All that and imagine me being almost 25 only about to get my associates next year or at the end of this year. That's when you just throw your hands up when you finally get ur degree and go out into the workforce. And maybe consider higher education later, because fuck a bachelors when you'll be 30 and stuck amongst fetus 21 year olds who've already gotten it
according to one of my professors the age you "hit the wall" in publishing and in the media industry and people start seeing you as less marketable is 40. I'm sure it's even younger than that. I trust my skills that someone will view me as not hitting the wall by the time I get a job in entertainment, but it's hard out here for a bitch
No. 724870
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i understand that therapists have the right to call cps or the cops on you or whatever else is used because reasons but man i just want to tell my assault story without worrying about this. i'm perfectly safe now and a month away from becoming an adult so maybe i should just shut up until then.
i just found out my therapist is known for calling on people constantly and i believe it, especially considering the first three appointments we've had she's constantly asking if i'm going to kill myself or others almost every sentence or to show the entire room to prove i don't have a weapon every. single. time. oops, i forgot to put away my bloody razor blades, one sec!
she told me if i had any fears about therapy and i did say things about calling on me and her answer was basically "lol we were just talking about good things why did you just say that." i know the answer is to probably ask for a new therapist if i feel uncomfortable but holy shit i'm tired of shopping, i think i was spoiled by my old therapist and it sucks because i know i'll probably never get matched with anybody like her again. burying this shit in feels better than telling a professional stranger kek
No. 724875
>>724856I agree those communities are very much geared towards men but there’s nothing to stop from lurking or learning yourself, they don’t have the magic touch. Investing in itself can be a dangerous game especially in times like this, most adults barely know shit about it either so you’re already one step ahead for being aware of the option.
But yes it’s disgusting that empowerment and freedom to girls is now defined as “take nudes and make money from it haha girl boss time”
No. 724895
>>724874I have an econ degree, working on my MA. I can guarantee you that these self-proclaimed financial market experts (only in GME apparently kek) have zero idea what they're saying. Men in economics are infuriating but I think men who aren't in economics that insist they know more than women who are in economics are even worse. I can't wait for a day when this industry becomes female-dominated. Please, please, come soon.
>>724875People who are not active investors and are not well-educated in the financial markets should not take on extreme risk in highly volatile equities. For anons who have money to invest and don't know much about strategy, conservative investing strategy is your friend. Look into ETFs, avoid moids who are telling you to invest in bitcoin kek.
No. 724900
>>724556Samefagging. Idk why I can't stop thinking about this, but I also hate that when you confront a person with a pd about their behavior they always turn on their
victim complex. I also hate when they talk about how they feel upset that other people don't like them. I know we all want to be liked, but they've probably been making everyone around them miserable. I just don't get how you could do that and still somehow make yourself the
victim. The amount of projection they can do is also disgusting
I'm sorry for making two posts about this. I'm in my feelings I guess No. 724945
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I've been trying out floating liner and some more fun graphic ways of doing my eyeliner which I think look SO COOL on other people and also makes me feel more like I'm doing my makeup for fun/ ''self expression'' than to adhere to beauty standards.
BUT I'm actually ugly as fuck so I just come out looking like a fucking clown tumblrite freak.
Like even when I do it properly with false lashes and everything, it just highlights how rank the rest of my face is and looks really mismatched and offputting.
Then I start thinking about maybe if I learned to do the rest of the makeup stuff, proper foundation, contouring, etc etc, maybe that would help. But then I think that the disparity between how I actually look and how I'd look with proper makeup would make me feel worse.
I'm just always so angry and sick and tired of constantly thinking about how I look it's literally such a huge waste of time.
No. 724951
>>724945I honestly think you're worried too much about looking good. Maybe it's your technique that's the issue, not your face or eyeliner. One thing I've noticed about girls who do floating liner is that they all have lots of eyelid space. Girls with hooded eyes, or a small amount of eyelid space would have to do it differently.
Anyway, I'm sure your eyeliner and face look amazing, anon! Have fun first, and worry about the aesthetics later.
No. 724962
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I wish humans could figure out what our sexuality is through dna testing or some shit so I can stop questioning whether or not I'm bi
No. 724973
I'm sorry for the upcoming blogpost. Nothing else hurts me as much as people denying my experiences, my diagnosis and treating me like I'm stupid. I have only one semi-close person in my family, my aunt. She knows I was diagnosed with clinical depression at 13, and I've been struggling with it for 10 years, but she keeps saying things like "You're not depressed, you're just lazy" or "Sometimes you laugh when you talk to me on the phone, how can you be depressed?" She denies there's anything "wrong" with me, but then, when she saw my apartment - when I was in pretty bad state and there was trash literally everywhere, and I couldn't even take a shower - she said "Are you ill in the head? Something like this could be put on this tv show about hoarders". She also knows I never socialized properly and I mentioned to her my therapist suggested I might be on the spectrum and I should be diagnosed, but she says it's my own "fault" for being alone all my life. Last time I tried to meet some new people I had a meltdown and I had to leave. I told her about that and she said I will end up in an asylum for "crazy people" if I keep behaving like this. She calls me an "egoist" because I'm not always able to go get her groceries because I'm afraid of going outside. She asks me "Are you stupid?" every time I fail at something involving social situations. The worst thing is I have no one else to talk to but her. I'm completely isolated, I never had any friends at school, I never dated anyone, I don't know any other people than those associated with my family. My mother died 2 years ago, she was abusive all my life, both physically and emotionally, and she was also ashamed of me because of my mental problems, called me lazy etc. My aunt at first was kind of understanding when I opened to her about some parts of my mother abuse, sympathetic, even, but the more she saw of me, the more she was like "No wonder your mother couldn't stand you". I'm so tired, I hate myself for feeling like I need her, I'm scared of being completely alone. Sometimes, maybe once a month, my panic attacks are so strong I literally feel like I'm going to die, like something bad is going to happen to me, and I call her, crying etc. She then screams at me and says I can't put this "burden" on her because she has heart problems and I'm stressing her out, and she repeats that all my health problems are just my fault, my laziness. I wish I was strong enough not to call her when I have meltdowns but I just need to hear human voice when it happens, I need something real. Now I also struggle with physical health, I have severe hypothyroidism, and problems with my spine, joints, blood circulation, I'm in pain almost every day. I can't even say something hurts me because all I'm going to hear is "You have no one to blame but yourself, you shouldn't have spent your teens sitting in front of your computer all day and never going outside". But I have to listen to everything about her old age conditions, otherwise I would've been an "egoist". Now when I'm writing this I feel like I never want to talk to her again but I know that my worst time will come again and I will have no one else to turn to but her, even though I won't hear anything supportive. I hate myself so much
No. 724977
>>724945This is the only trend I can actually get behind in the last decade.
there's just an element of individuality… well kind of.
No. 724993
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I hate people who take advantage of covid to get out of social duties because it's the convenient excuse that no one can call bullshit on.
Bf didn't really want to spend this weekend celebrating my friend's milestone birthday with a couple other friends even though she's been extremely depressed. Today he told me he might have been "exposed" by a coworker who may have had covid. He works at a grocery store and doesn't spend much time hanging around any specific coworker, or at least, no longer than what he spends with customers who could also have the 'rona but he'd never know about those exposures. Without my asking and almost immediately after telling me, he texted with emojis about "What would this mean for plans this weekend?" sadface I told him it's his decision to stay at the apartment all weekend if he feels he's been seriously exposed, which he admitted he didn't think so but "I have no idea now." sadface
Lmao I'm not feeding into that and giving him the permission to be lazy bc he'd rather sleep in and play games. If he wants to stay home then that's on him and he can take full accountability for it without my say so. He wants so badly for my permission but all I keep saying is it's up to him and I can tell it's driving him crazy because his scare tactic didn't work on me lmao. Oh well!
This happened at the last small get together my friends had. Two newbies to our group dipped on hanging out with us because they didn't feel like driving out to the specific friend's house, so they pretended they were suddenly concerned about being exposed to covid just coincidentally and suddenly. Coworkers at my office constantly get off the hook to not come in and work from home (so like, paid time off cause they ain't working hard at home) because they claim covid exposure. Of course they're all always fucking okay. This is the new "my grandmother died" I s2g.
No. 724996
My sister went to several churches to submit prayer requests for me telling my business to them
I took pics and videos of her and posted it on the Alexa screen with text explaining what I feel about her nasty character
When she was in front of the Echo doorbell and Alexa, I let her know why she was on my shit list. She kept unplugging everything. The only thing she couldn't disable was the Echo doorbell.
I poured my heart out to her for hours and she kept putting earbuds in and clapping her hands going la la la la like a toddler and went and did gardening shit
She had the nerve to tell others and my boss found out. Dickhead got me in trouble.
My dad even sided with me and told her not to do it again. He called her useless, let her know her actions are family abandonment. She is the only one who can clean mom because she's a woman. We need her income and she's leaving us in our time of need.
She didn't listen when he told her she can stay at this house for good. She still found reasons to complain and said it wasn't reasonable to demand half of her salary, get a six figure income, clean mom, get a husband and kids, live here until she's elderly even though she's getting a good deal. She makes no sense. She claims she needs to "branch out" and "culture her mind" to be a good boss one day. She even tried to blame studying computers as a reason why she's too busy to help us. She won't take responsibility and accused our parents of "not teaching her right and not knowing what to do in life."
Dad said if she left for college, she can't come back and she will no longer be considered family. She has the nerve to debate this and say her min wage job won't cut it in the long run even though she can manage her money better. How will we pay for mom's medical bills? That was her responsibility
She took my mangos, my avocados and played dumb, saying she didn't know because she's an entitled bitch. I emptied her crockpot, left it in the rain and dumped her groceries, letting her know she's not welcome in this family.
The only reason our parents keep her is because she is their DNA. She's too much to live with(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 725002
>>724998 Because she makes more money than the rest of us. She's volunteering and donating to other people and won't give more. Dad said she's seeing a man and worried she will raise him instead of our own dad. She disrespects our dad all the time and won't fulfill filial piety. She keeps dragging up the past saying "i had nothing to work with" and claimed the welfare meant for her was spent on lotto tickets.
Dad cited how much money it took to raise her from a baby to adult. She refuses to pay him back until she gets a good paying job. Dad said "How long will the schooling take? I'm old I might die by then"
She is ddangerously frugal to a fault and pours everything she has into useless computer education. She doesn't understand that her stock market gambling is the same thing as lottery tickets. Dad wins from the lottery tickets sometimes. She won't let him have fun and won't stop being a money nazi and ordering him around. It's sick to watch a kid be this disrespectful. She is trying to dictate what he does with his money and threatens to cut us all off.
No. 725004
>>724998She actually won money from stocks and when dad asked for $1000, she wouldn't give it up. She refuses to give 1/3 of her earnings to him even though he worked hard to raise her. It's insanity.
That's why we have to call the police to ban her from the property and tell her she cannot visit anymore. She's barely home to wipe mom up. She keeps sleeping at friends' houses claiming it's bettering her future somehow. She threatened to not send money to us anymore if we called the police even though she lived here rent free for over 2 decades. If she lived rent free as a parasite anywhere else, they would kick her out. I don't get why she's being so beligerent
No. 725011
>>724996>She still found reasons to complain and said it wasn't reasonable to demand half of her salary, get a six figure income, clean mom, get a husband and kids, live here until she's elderly even though she's getting a good dealShe's right, imo. She's being told talk she has to give her family an entire half of her income, can't go to school despite the fact that she's the breadwinner and has to take care of your mom PLUS kids and a husband for the rest of her life. That sounds like a terrible deal. I understand she may be the only one making a substantial amount of money, but the fact you guys are acting entitled to her income is probably why she doesn't want to give you shit.
>She has the nerve to debate this and say her min wage job won't cut it in the long runI mean yeah, if she's giving you guys half of her income then it wouldn't.
>She is the only one who can clean mom because she's a womanSo you're not a woman? Why wouldn't you and your father be able to clean her?
No. 725012
>>725004Nta but is this bait?
What the hell is wrong with you?
No. 725016
>>725011>>725011 She is the one who tells other people "You can do anything." Then we we tell her the same all the sudden all these excuses come out and she says "I'm just one person." Then give up something. She tells us to give up stuff. Why can't she give up stuff? Hypocrite.
We hate her
Her friends hate her
We all hate her.
We don't even know if she's fulfilling filial piety to her man's parents and paying for their groceries and wiping them up.
Our mom is covered in feces, urine, dishes have not been washed in 3 months. This is abuse and neglect. She cannot pretend to be a good Christian while doing this. I can't do it because I don't have the will to endure how filthy it is. I have an adversion to filth. She knows this and she won't clean. She abandoned us. We tried to tell her if we did the same to her, she would call the police on us. Why can't we call the police on her or sue her? She tried to claim that we did do the same to her even though it was her responsibility to do chores growing up
I talked to my lawyer. My lawyer said to speak nicely to my sister. So I stood in front of her door knocking repeatedly to talk to her. She won't speak. I don't know what to do.
>>725012 I wish she was baiting us but she's not. She's serious. She actually left the house and only visited 4 days a week for 6 months. Everything is filthy. She told dad to get off the tv. Dad works 60-70 hours a week as a cook. He can't be denied what relaxation is rightfully his
No. 725018
>>725011She literally has no idea how hard it is out there. It costs a lot to live on your own or with roommmates.
She gets rent-free but have to be responsible for only medical bills. That's it. She still rejects it. And she claims she's a businesswoman.
No. 725020
>>725016Your sister did nothing wrong. If this isn't fake, you really to do something to help her out, you lazy ungrateful asshole.
She is one person and doesn't owe anything. Are you not also your parents child?
Get a job. Help clean your mother or pay to put her in a home. Earn money to help yourself and make up for all the money your sister spent.
No. 725021
>>725014Maybe it's not your cervix? I know some women don't have sensitive cervix' so they may not notice when it's being hit, but I feel like if it's hurting so bad right now it would have been hurting during sex right? Idk but maybe you should see a doctor in case you have cervical bruising.
>>725016>Our mom is covered in feces, urine, dishes have not been washed in 3 months. This is abuse and neglect. She cannot pretend to be a good Christian while doing this.Why is it her sole responsibility? Assuming your mother lives with your father, why isn't he doing it? It's abuse and neglect from her husband, not the fucking daughter! I don't even mean to be rude cause I know this is the vent thread, but you're truly awful for claiming it's her fault that your mother is covered in her own bodily waste and the house work hasn't been taken care of when your mothers HUSBAND is perfectly capable of caring for her. It's abuse and neglect that she won't take care of your mom, but it's not abuse and neglect that you and your dad won't take care of her? Pot calling the fucking kettle black. Nasty people you are. You don't care about your mom, you just want your sister to give up her life for you.
No. 725023
>>725020>>725020 It's her own fault she couldn't manage her own money or fund her own education earlier. She used to pay for all the medical bills and now she suddenly won't. That was her job. I have my grocery store job and it won't pay enough. Do you know how hard the economy is right now? I have an art degree and it's very hard to break into this field.
She is a stingy miser who only cares about herself. That's what it means to be a youngest child. The youngest is usually the most spoiled. She looks fucking stupid carrying a backpack around in her late 20s. If you want to be taken seriously as an adult, stop looking like a teen. She got a business admin offer and won't take it because "she's afraid to fail and needs more learning because it's so hard and I don't got confidence" bullshit I fucking hate millenials.
No. 725031
>>724795Thank you anon, I'm only complaining about microaggressions but you made me feel like I was saving the world. Let's both keep fighting for love and justice when we have the energy
>>724805Exactly, it's hard reeling yourself in when it's someone else that made obnoxious comments on the first place
No. 725033
>>725021I don't annoy the family half as much as her, which is why I am the favorite.
She said "You're not the favorite, they feel bad for you because you're disabled" and told the police to go easy on me because I have autism
I don't have autism. If she was a medical professional and did this, I could sue her for malpractice. She has no right to diagnose me. I can sue her for defamation like she always tells other people she can sue for defamation.
I told her "Maybe YOU'RE the one with autism!"
She said "Good, maybe I do have it. No biggie. Our nephew's got it. He's great" Then why is she making a big deal if I have it or not? If I have it, it's bad, if our nephew has it, it's not a biggie?
No. 725037
>>725035If I have it, then she does too
What gives you the right to diagnose me? Do you know what defamation is? Do you realize you can get imprisoned for what you say? I wouldn't be flexing if I were you
No. 725043
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I think my anxiety might actually be from my mom
she told me every day people wanted to kill me
I wasn't allowed to have friends or family and whenever I tried to ask why, she said all of the other kids at school were being raped at home
she also made me live in the garage because that way if anyone broke in to kidnap me, they wouldn't find me
I get that she's extremely unwell, and she's always told me how badly she was abused by her stepmother
feels really bad man
I still don't know why she wouldn't let me have my own bank account until I was 24 though, like I don't get how that wasn't just her controlling me, everything else can be excused, but how can you rationalize all of the money I earned going to her direct deposit?
what does it mean
but it's even more confusing because when I try to talk to her about that, she just says it isn't true, and that I didn't want a bank account
I know she's fucked up and it's not her fault, I know, I know, I know
No. 725046
>>725038Defamation isn't a joke.
>>725034 You sound like my sisters' friends (more like lackeys and stans because she convinced them with her one sided stories)
No. 725121
>>724863NTA but men always overestimate their abilities and women tend to be more risk averse. It's not surprising that something like stocks, which are widely (and wrongly) considered to be mysterious, difficult to understand and high risk/high reward would appeal more to overconfident, money driven men. The dunning kruger effect is a hell of a drug.
Investing is actually extremely easy and low risk if you are in it for the long term, and as
>>724895 mentioned, ETFs are the way to go. You don't have to know anything about finance, you just have to buy regularly, buy early, and leave the money until you retire. I hope it becomes more widely known as a viable option for complete newbies to investing, and especially for women. Financial stability is so important.
No. 725129
>>725123I'm sorry he did that to you, you have every right to be angry and sad about it. Whether or not he was also a
victim stopped mattering when he chose to hurt you like that. I hope things get easier for you, you deserve to heal.
No. 725137
I really wish pinkpill/GC era Lolcow was around in more of my formative years. The misandrist culture would've helped me so much to not take shit from manipulative men. All there was back then was dumbass libfems on Tumblr. They would always act like they were these progressive feminists who took no male bullshit, but then they'd partake in this bizarre schizophrenia where they'd turn around and say it's okay to let men choke you, practically rape you, spit on you, copy hentai, etc and sell your nudes because "that's just kink" and "it's valid, ackshully YOU'RE exploiting men not the other way around babe".
They'd claim to be anti-pedophilia, but glamorize dd/lg and nymphet shit where the girls were made to look young and vulnerable. White men are bad, but also, their boyfriends and main buyers from them as SWs are white men they pander to. Female friendship is so important, but making friends with anyone was far too inaccessible unless you were part of the in-group.
How the fuck do you get surrounded by all that shit as a child/teen and not get groomed? It feels like some kind of mass gaslighting and grooming campaign. I'm glad I'm not the same as I was before, but I keep looking back to my past in disgust.
No. 725143
>>725137Same, and FDS. Luckily nothing especially bad happened to me but it still would have saved me some embarrassing, undignified simping for dudes who dgaf about me.
Actually, ironically enough I think 4chan helped a bit. I was totally immersed in r9k back when incel culture was on the rise, and although it messed with my self esteem and could have backfired, ultimately it made me realize how strongly I disagreed with their hatred of women. I spent enough time arguing online that I did end up developing an awareness of and resistance to misogyny, I've just refined it in recent years.
No. 725147
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My boyfriend has recently been offering me his tits to be sucked on. Not only that, he keeps showing me his ass and now asshole. RUH-ROH.
No. 725219
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when i was 20 i changed my last name. i had my estranged father's name because my mother's last name is very foreign. when i was younger i wanted to use my mom's last name for ages but was self conscious about ppl not being able to pronounce it (my first name is very foreign and hard to pronounce too lol). anyway, one day just decided to legally change it like fuck it who cares if no one can pronounce my last name. cest la vie or something.
this is so dumb and the fact that this stresses me out to some extent is quite embarrassing actually, but the name change really makes me feel like a fraud for some reason. most of my current friends and coworkers are ppl i've met after i had my name change and assume i have had this last name my entire life. the fact that i used to look really ugly during my teenage years, when i used my dad's last name, makes me feel like an even bigger fraud. i look very different now, i've randomly ran into ppl from hs and none of them have recognized me (which is good). ppl around me, who know about the name change, have all been like ok and shrugged their shoulders. literally no one cares but my dumb brain still makes me feel like a fraud?? god i feel like a troon who's changed their first name. i'm like is this something i should tell my future bf about….
No. 725237
>>724993going to a birthday celebration is not a social "duty" anon… yeah your bf and you friends are a dick for using covid as an excuse, but maybe
you are making them uncomfortable being around multiple people at once right now.
dunno about your coworkers, but why are you getting on their ass if your employer said it was fine.
>paid time off cause they ain't working hard at homei doubt you're getting paid well enough to care this badly
No. 725268
>>717944At times I feel very grateful I don't have a group of friends to be in but other times I feel like I'm missing out.
Truthfully I can't handle close friend drama, I guess I would feel very sad if one day they decided to hang out without me. Like how do you even handle that? Most of my life I've had 1 single friend as a sort of "sidekick" but then when they got friends and hung out without me it sent me into a road of self doubt.
Now that I have an SO that I don't care if he hangs out with other people because I know he'll never really talk shit abt me or think to exclude me… I want to try and make friends again, I just can't fucking do it…
No. 725360
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I absolutely hate how most of my dreams feature my high school crush,my grade school crush is far worst,but him?I had a few moments of fun with him,but that's literally it!do I regret not saving his number properly?yes but I'm over him! right now he's probably wasting away his life at playing video games and doing drugs,he was a tad cute but I don't care anymore and I'm sick of seeing his face in my dreams.
No. 725389
My friend started a long-distance relationship with a guy she met in Japan, it lasted only a few months until she realized he hadn't been honest about a few things that he mostly said when he tried to woo her (like that his grandpa had a samurai armor set) and after that she didn't want ANYTHING to do with japan, anime or whatever at all. I get it, she felt hurt and I can sort of relate since I didn't like listening to music for a while after an ex and I broke up because that's what we bonded over.
However, their breakup was 4 years ago, and she is still mad about it to the point that she doesn't even feign interest when I talk about an anime I liked that I know she would enjoy as well because they are straight up her alley even compared to western shows she likes, but she just shuts it out or even rolls her eyes. But she has no problem shoving shows she likes in your face and try to force you to watch it with her.
I'm not trying to say that I want to force her to weeb out with me and that isn't the problem, I just think it's ridiculous behavior to avoid a genre just because the ex you met twice comes from the country it was produced in. And I'm also in generally annoyed that she tries to push me to watch things she enjoys without giving things I like, even western shows I love like Moonbeam City, a chance.
We are almost 30 so I get this is a silly thing to whine about, but I just realized how much it actually annoys me.
No. 725394
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>>725367anon pretend that im holding ur hand and giving u a supportive squeeze. checking it out asap may prevent high(er) medical costs.
No. 725399
>>725389Sounds like you both need to learn how to politely set boundaries and how to decline shows you really don't want to watch.
As someone who used to love anime, most anime nowadays is ridiculous, drawn out, male pandering, and predictable. It's really boring and I can see why most people believe anime is juvenile while most of it sure is.
No. 725455
>>724993Is she your boyfriend's friend too? He's a coward for not admitting he just doesn't want to go but I agree with
>>725237 it's not a social duty to go to celebrate someone's birthday lol. Your friend is the one who's depressed and in need of you and her other friends' company, why does your bf's presence even matter?
No. 725460
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I hate that we can make fun of any mental illness but NOOO DONT MAKE FUN OF TRANNIES AND THEIR AUTOGYNEPHILIA NOOO YOU'RE A BIGOT NOOOOOO mod bans you
No. 725470
>>725460Leaving lolcow for good now that it's been taken over by transbians like everything else
Good riddance maybe now I'll get a life
No. 725483
>>725470Honestly? I came back, but I'm now leaving for good too. Good riddance, bye radfem &
terf sisters
No. 725517
>>725491>Just because you can't follow the rules Even though I used the things I hate thread for a thing I hate? last time I checked you can't blogpost on the fakeboy or tranny thread.
>>725498>You guys are acting like you can't make fun of trans people anymore.By the looks of it, we can't.
No. 725520
>>725517You can. Go to the ftm/mtf thread. I agree that ban was stupid, but I just wish the gc anons would stop acting like
Honestly, if you guys keep acting like this and the ftm/mtf threads get locked it'll be your fault No. 725596
>>725585this is pretty much exactly how I feel too, and I hate how radical feminists take their ideology so far and treat it like a dogma, it makes it impossible to take them seriously.
I hate that we're expected to be in groups instead of be individuals, like I have some radfem values, some conservative values, some liberal values etc. but I'm not welcome in any of those circles, especially not """liberal""" circles (the irony of modern day leftists calling themselves liberals).
it's like it's either you have to be in one of those categories or you have to be a total oblivious normie who doesn't involve yourself in politics at all.
No. 725597
>>725121God anon I appreciate you and your knowledge of ETFs. So many people don't know of the beauty of ETFs and are still peddling mutual funds in this day and age.
Also can I just vent how fucking annoying moids are at this current time? I keep seeing so many men mansplaining the GME situation, especially to their girlfriends on tiktok, and people are trying to make this into a 'men know/care more about stocks than women'. It's so fucking annoying to see men who know nothing about the economy claim that this is a gender thing when there are women in finance and economics who know far more than them. But it all just comes back to men wanting to mansplain at any chance they can so they can feel important and smart when the majority of them are evidence of natural selection failing us.
No. 725638
>>725624this freaks me out because i truly believe the next generation is going to grow up extremely fucked up due to this. fucked me up and i didn't even post photos of myself on social media that much.
even ten years ago it was truly different for teenagers and i'm afraid of the severe consequences in the future. there have been so many underage girls exposed for having onlyfans because pornsick men have asked them in the comments and it makes me fucking sick. some of these leaks are still on places like reddit but nobody cares because hurrdurr she looks old enough even though she's fucking FIFTEEN. i know teens have always been sexualized but the new age internet has made it so much fucking worse.
sorry for the rant, i'm just passionate and sad about it too.
No. 725662
>>725657In case this isn't scrote bait, the difference is
intent. If you get any kind of sexual thrill from it or post pics in it while acting either sexual or "uwu-innocent", you're a pedo/panderer. Girls don't get turned on by being girls wearing girl clothes.
No. 725759
>>725596Ayrt, it really does suck cause I feel like some groups say things that are great, but then they also say stuff that I think is awful and can't agree with at all. I wish I knew where to find other people on social media that are kinda in the "middle" without having to weed out all the ones I don't like. There's two
tw*tter accounts that I've found that are probably the closest to that I'll ever get lmao
No. 725917
>>725914kek, I have a live one over there mauddlin about the fact he should have bought stocks over there.
Why is it so easy for them to meme themselves into things?
No. 725930
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i'm really sad that flash is dead. i wanted to play some childhood flash games for memories and a lot of them were not available due to this. same thing with some kid mmos, i know it's not important or life-threatening but damn, at least some of them are gone forever because nobody gives a fuck about them anymore and i'm a little sad.
i don't care if nobody but me is playing fantage or free realms in 2021, let me in.
No. 725960
I met a woman online ( 3 wks ago ) and at first we were getting along great. She told me she has a crush on me, but is unsure of her sexuality. Eg - she's not sure if she likes women or if she's simply afraid of scrotes due to her childhood experiences ( csa ). She's 38 and a virgin, with an otherwise put together life and plenty of friends.
I told her that I want to take things slowly because I do like her, but I don't want to be anyone's lab rat when it comes to figuring out their sexuality.
She agreed to this, but has been incredibly pushy at the same time which is starting to truly get on my nerves.
We haven't known each other for that long and she's constantly talking about wanting to meet me ( we can't yet due to covid, and I wouldn't want to meet anyone this soon anyway, which I did make clear ). She took it upon herself to drive to my city only after a few days of knowing me just to "look around" ( she lives 4 hours away ). She's already asking about my address to send me a gift.
We can't go one conversation without her trying to be flirty and sexual, then getting very hurt when she sees that I'm not moving at the same pace as her.
I do like her ( and I'm lonely asf ), but I'm seeing red flags here, I think. Do I abandon ship, anons?
No. 725969
>>725960This is just red flags all around. The fact she drove to your city is creepy as fuck and giving me serial killer vibes. You shouldn' have gave her your city anyway lmao. Since she's acting crazy, I would gently tell her you're no longer interested but offer to be friends and slowly distance from her and hope she attaches to someone else. Also, kindly tell her that you feel uncomfortable with her coming to your city (especially if it's a small one). If you have any mutual friends then maybe keep tabs on her through them. Maybe also tell them to not give to much info about you to her.
Maybe I sound paranoid, but the fact she showed up to your city to "look around" (sounds like trying to find out where you live and memorize your neck of the woods) and asking for your address after a month makes it seem like she is CRAZY. Better safe than sorry. I believe you can find a better online gf, anon. Just drop her.
I once again have to ask: Why the fuck did you tell this lady what city you live in after 3 (THREE!) weeks???? I'm appalled. I'm a zoomer and I still wouldn't do that.
No. 725972
>>725969>I once again have to ask: Why the fuck did you tell this lady what city you live in after 3 (THREE!) weeks????I'm from a small country, anon - when meeting someone online it's very common to exchange city info. I've done that before plenty of times without anyone showing up in my city.
To elaborate further, she mixed up my city with another one and ended up driving to both. She then texted if I'm from city x or y. I replied "ohh I'm from city y" and she sent me a pic of herself sitting in her car at our gas station drinking coffee and I nearly had a heart attack.
>I would gently tell her you're no longer interested but offer to be friends and slowly distance from her and hope she attaches to someone elseThat's very good advice. I think I already knew this at the back of my mind. I just needed someone else to say it.
No. 726047
I really hope my best friend breaks up with her boyfriend. The guy's a good friend but a… well, not terrible, but definitely also not a good boyfriend. I'm glad our relationship is good enough that I could tell her exactly that and she'd very likely understand in what way it's meant, especially if I explain myself further (that, and she actually told me to please bring it up when I notice something off after her last one ended and having had some correct hunches on that and her other past relationships, but this time it's different for me since it's the first time friends BF and me get along well enough, too…) I plan on telling her my worries someday, but so far it's hard. I really think it's something I should bring up in person rather than over text, but the lockdown got lenghtened once again for us, so that's gonna take some time again. Then there's also the fact we'd have to be on this kinda topic beforehand since just bringing it up like "omghibestiehaven'tseenyouinsolong,anyway about your bf…" would be weird. On one hand I feel like it wouldn't do anything if I told her and just make the mood awkward when we'd meet up with him next time, and she also says with 100% conviction he's the best she'll ever get in her life, that she's maxxed out with him. On the other hand, she herself says if it ever ends between the two of them, she'd be content with never being in a relationship again (not because "He's the love of my life and no one will ever measure up to him >-<" but because "ugh, relationships…") and recognizes that she's, partly, just with him because she's scared of being alone (not just my speculation, she literally said so at one point). They've also been having a problem for over a year that would break any person at some point I assume, and she's getting real tired of it.
I feel terrible just writing this out because, as I said, he's not a bad person. Just a bad boyfriend. We're friends, too, I guess, but I'm starting to slowly resent him for hurting her in these ways and it's eating away at me.
No. 726084
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Friend finder threads don't work cuz I only want anons from their posts!!
No. 726172
>>726111I understand how you feel, anon. It is hard to internalize right away, but your life is so much more than academic stuff.
It's okay to feel like community college/no college is below you, but consider your circumstances (caring for your mom, adhd). You wouldn't call Usain Bolt slow if he took a long time running with his shoelaces tied, so you are not stupid for not having best results during hard times.
No. 726217
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No. 726245
>>726228It's not unclean, you just gotta shower.
I love pussy but it needs bush, looks sad and unsexy without it.
No. 726364
>>726268Girl just get it over with, this is coming from someone who been on the receiving end. Yes it sucks BUT life is short so why waste your time with a scrote you don't even want to be with?
And you're also getting this advice from someone who was utterly traumatized by a digital breakup. My boyfriend of over 2 years initially dumped me via text until I made him call me via facetime where he promptly dumped me again. He broke up with me around two weeks before we were supposed to see each other again in person.
No. 726397
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I feel really nervous/bad/undeserving/guilty whenever I receive free money from my family members. I’m unemployed and I have no job and never had one and yes I’ve been applying everywhere I can with the limited to no experience I have and going to interviews only to be ghosted by the fucking staff afterwards and I’ve only really been receiving money from my mom, some family members during the holidays or occasionally, and my college as a refund. It makes me nervous and I don’t always blow my money on junk and I really need the money to finally get stuff I need I feel so spoiled even though I don’t even ask people for the money in the first place…. god why it makes me so anxious
No. 726476
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This is my 69977677887th time posting about selling my shit online and the idiots I have to talk to doing it but how come people think anyone is gonna mail you merchandise, then you can pay? What the fuck kind of logic is this, don't buy shit if you can't afford it/trust me bitch.
No. 726485
>>726476Based ebay poster
Anyways I’m the anon from the confession thread
Post your profiles I am sure you have scammy and shady shit. I’ll take your stupid amateur “business” down.
No. 726490
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>>726485Also how is me selling my dead dad's books a business, bitch i don't wanna live with dusty books about ugly men in war or some shit
No. 726493
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i'm sad my dad didn't get deported when he got a felony, everybody in my family is begging him to go back to his home country because his criminal record restricts him from certain jobs and he's too stubborn to be a fucking dishwasher or something and pushes all the debt, finance, and worry onto my mom and i.
like shit, he fucking bought a nice car using all my mom's money and sits his lazy ass at home while my mom has to drive this shitty little car that shrieks every ten miles to her job that overworks her. i'm helping out with the worry/stress of college at the same time and i feel like i'm going to break. like just get any sort of job fucking to help us we are broke PLEASE. he's always been a deadbeat even without the criminal record so it would be so peaceful to see him leave this country forever. one less mouth to feed. he could easily get something over there and stay with his family for free.
love that my mom and i have to change our last names because his arrest video and cases went viral. sorry for the rant, just so fucking stressed out over this stupid man.
No. 726494
>>726487>>726490Based market stall seller
Don’t care coz I have enough experience online to do this shit irl. Your books better not be scammy. Just now received a message from one of my
victims on vinted. They’re really scared and are damage controlling. Saved the world from one scammer.
No. 726498
>>726494She is selling books anon. I don’t think the market for used random old man’s war books is particularly competitive nor lucrative. Chill the fuck out.
>>726496>giving women who buy a discountwomanist and based
No. 726598
>>726593It’s going to carry on until 2025 apparently
All because idiot globalists want to fuck up the world
No. 726606
>>726599American sign language and one I do not want to mention because you guys will roast me lmao
but I'm sure you can guess what it is I started the ASL 3 years ago, and the second one 2 years ago, but I have such a hard time dedicating myself to shit that I fell off for a couple months and have to relearn a lot of stuff. I promised myself I was going to be serious about it this year cause I really do think they're super cool (especially ASL), but here we fucking are.
No. 726647
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I’m just hungry, like I want to eat food in small portions throughout the whole day.
I want avocado toasts with poached eggs, but my kitchen makes me feel gross because of the roach infestation that won’t leave no matter how much I clean and how much poison I spread around.
I want to stop feeling tired so I can go back to working out daily but the moment I wake up I feel like shit and like my legs are made of rocks or some really heavy shit.
I’ve been sick for so long now, first my basically crippling back pain, then a horrible flu that won’t leave me the fuck alone and now my sinusitis is acting up even though my house has never been so clean as it is right now, even the kitchen is sparkly clean but again, I feel disgusted, everything is clean but the cockroaches won’t fucking leave.
I want to nuke the whole apartment and put poison everywhere for a whole ass month so I can go back to enjoying cooking and working out in my kitchen.
No. 726648
>>726643Uhg disgusting. My brother, and a cousin of mine used to be the same with me when I was a kid.
Tell him to stop, involve your family if possible, don’t let him intimidate you anymore even if everyone says you’re just overreacting.
If he doesn’t stop, scream and act insane, throw punches and kicks, he will have to understand that it makes you uncomfortable one way or another.
No. 726681
>>726493My boyfriends family is in a similar situation (and I feel the same). Their dad used to work a construction job but lost it when they were teens and got addicted of re-addicted to herooine and has been an addiction for 15 years on and off and od’d like 7 times.
He’ worked on and off minimum wage jobs but has mostly been a dead beat and I secretly wish he would just die so his daughter would start coming back to Christmas.
He’s really ill and has been for years but he’s just like a cockroach. His medical bills are like 50 dollars a day and his wife on makes 15 dollars an hour and they have six kids (thankfully five are now adults)
No. 737338
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Why do scrotes insist on posting random gore on lolcow? No ones still gonna touch that clit sized dick