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No. 738184
Previous thread
>>726714Let's commiserate.
>As an added note, don't infight ITT. It's one thing to comment on an anon's post, but it's another to try and start infighting with an anon by replying with a snarky response (ex. "what did you expect to happen anon?") "that doesn't happen"
>just let anon vent, if you want to be a nitpicky bitch head over to /pt/ or /snow/. no1currs about your shitty input. No. 738204
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I've always felt ugly because I don't fit Western beauty standards and it makes me mad.
I like how other women from my country look, but as a zoomer who grew up on the internet I can't help but be bombarded with pictures of pretty blondes with cute Barbie noses and full round lips, especially now that TikTok is trendy. Sometimes the pretty blonde will be a cute doomer brunette with a bob and wing eyeliner, and when guys post pictures of their ideal gf it's always someone who looks like that.
Girls from my country are always made fun of for being hairy and men everywhere joke about how we look ugly or have manly lips and big noses. Guys from here say how much better foreign women are because they're hotter and put out more. In global media and online there's zero girls from my country aside from one he/him lesbian and maybe pic related, but she's old news now.
It sucks.
No. 738211
>>738204There's a trade off, though, because women with darker body hair (I mean actual women of course) usually also have long eyelashes and their hair has really good volume. Usually it just boils down to waiting for whatever trait you have to become fashionable.
When I was in fifth grade, I was bullied for having thick eyebrows. When I was a teenager, thick, boxy brows became the latest fashion, and I was suddenly getting compliments. People are literally just memed into finding certain things attractive, lmao. I'm glad I never tried to tweeze my eyebrows down to an ugly sperm shape when I was a kid like the girls who picked on me did.
No. 738224
>>738215I didn’t mean it like competing, I guess it’s mostly the word no implicating none or zero
>>738218 lmao same and I don’t get the problem with having only 2 friends
No. 738281
Mom & co. are demanding that she be let back into my life after I cut her off for being a verbally abusive narc. You know, now that the good shit in my life is starting to happen ie. salaried job, engagement to a wonderful man, talk of kids, buying first home, etc. They're saying I'm "shunning" her and have forgotten it was a consequence for being a shitty bitch to me.
And it's like…nope! Maybe she should've thought about shit like that back when she was kicking me when I was down and saying super cruel shit to me that made me not want a relationship with her. She's a risk and a snake.
I bet she's real fucking sorry right now, but of course, it's easier to blame me for this as she's always done than take some accountability. The reasons why I hate her are mysteriously missing from her knowledge, and apparently me not wanting to recite every single straw that broke the camel's back up to this point on the spot when she demands means I'm lying about it. Why would I not want a relationship with my mom if she was a sweet lady who bonded with me and took care of me well? She isn't that and she's always acted like a bully and an enemy to me. So apparently I'm "robbing" her of participating in her only daughter's wedding, not that she didn't lose her privilege to it. She pretends, or maybe she's so genuinely sick that she doesn't remember, that nothing she's done has ever happened. I tried therapy with her after her third divorce a few years ago, but all she did was lie to the therapist and gave herself the biggest victim narrative. I felt too uncomfortable to call her out in front of the therapist but I wish I did, even though the consequences would have been severe for me after the session was over for making her lose face in public. The therapist asked her to stop ranting to me about my previous fathers (emotional incest), and five minutes out the door she was doing just that again. Regardless it doesn't sound like the type of person I need back in my life. The drama and stress levels went from 150% down to nothing.
Secondly, I'd never let her back in now because she'd steal credit and spotlight for everything that has come to fruition in my life for the past few years while she hasn't been involved in it, and I'm sick of that shit too. I'll never forget wanting to donkey punch her smug retard brother for negging my culinary talent by saying I "owe" my talent to my mom. I'm self-taught, and the cuisine I make she'd always make fun of because it was culturally different. She HATED cooking all her life! Guilted me for having to cook when I was little, screamed at me when I was a teen and expected me to cook the meals, rarely showed me how to do anything, and aside from holidays and entertaining guests for appearance's sake she was throwing together hamburger helper, frozen ready meals, and crockpot surprise. Half of her cooking was improvised slop because she never followed recipes (because she knew best) and it was so fucking gross. That's only the tip of the iceberg for what my family assigns undue credit to her for.
But do they credit her with my failures? Fuck no, all the times I've failed are my own.
She used to threaten me with "ONE DAY YOU'LL HAVE CHILDREN JUST LIKE YOU AND THEN YOU'LL BE SORRY!!!" And you know what? I hope I do. I hope I have a sweet, quiet little girl who likes to play by herself and is curious about the world. She'll have a daddy who is present and who genuinely loves her, because I wouldn't have reproduced with a known serial womanizer and abuser that way I will never have to gaslight her when daddy doesn't act like he loves her. I'll care about my daughter's welfare and actually consider her needs and wants in balance with my own selfish desires, instead of steamrolling her life completely because she isn't being who I want her to be. Ultimately, the child would turn out better than me because I wouldn't fucking abuse and traumatize her. It's real easy to not abuse and say nasty shit to a helpless child. I would hope my child wouldn't be terrified to tell me when I'm being unfair and to say when I'm being mean, because I'd actually want to be better for them. Maybe I won't indoctrinate my kids to believe they're irredeemable, unconscionable, bad monsters for normal kid behaviors.
No. 738292
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>>738287It’s heinz’s 57 sauce! It’s delicious and you might say
>bitch, that shit’s marketed as pork, chicken or steak saucebut no!! It goes amazing with River fishes and you will love it.
No. 738317
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No matter how good the cause, every movement can develop cult think or can randomly become racist or whatever actually legitimate -ism you can think of. Hate to see it. It also surprises me every single time, even though I should be used to it by now.
The moment the popular opinion within a movement seems to go against the original principles, it's probably time to jump ship. I've never seen any movement come back from that, only crash and burn, because historically speaking people just never listen. History just repeats.
Bruh, shit is fucked.
No. 738332
>>738328it becomes a problem when those bad people become so popular that they can say messed up things and everyone will fawn over them trying to justify it. You can also use the theory of any movement to justify any legitimate -ism you want to.
This is how something which was first the opinion of a few bad people spreads and becomes the popular opinion. A movement with an incapability of genuine self criticism is doomed to fail. Responding to strawman points of the opposition isn't genuine self criticism btw.
But this was just me venting about the futility of it all, didn't intend on starting a discussion.
No. 738357
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I hate being autistic. I hate how it’s romanticized and how some people think it’s about being smarter than others. I didn’t realize how bad it was until I attended a retreat last weekend. I was the only person who couldn’t hold a conversation no matter how hard I tried. Everyone talks so much, everyone bonded so effortlessly and then there’s me who can’t do either. I hate these moments of silence between conversations and I hate how people are so awkward around me. I spent my nights crying under my sheets because I have only myself to blame for being a social retard. I’m convinced nobody actually likes autists and only pretends to out of politeness or not to appear ableist. I wish I was a normie.
No. 738366
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>>738302Let’s put on our swimsuits, anon!
No. 738564
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I am so. fucking. tired of having periods kek. i gave myself blisters again because the muscle relaxants weren't doing shit like they normally do and my heatpad was the only thing keeping the edge off. didn't even notice the blisters til last night, then of course after you notice they start becoming painful on top of the cramps rather than masked by them. i suppose it's better i noticed sooner than later instead of making it worse though.
just ready for the floodgates to close. pls make it stop. i am exhausted.
No. 738588
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Not sure how to feel abt a coworker holding me by the waist during a company party. I pretended to be drunk and fall over to get out of it. Twice. Besides the fact that we had a fucking party during a hard lockdown, it wasn't an overtly inappropriate move. But having to avoid this person/pretend nothing happened just makes me wanna die.
Fuck why r men men such pigs… I wanna scream and puke and then scream some more
No. 738681
>>738671How come? With me it's vice versa. I expect women to be a lot more interesting irl so I often get disappointed. Then again, I only lurk /ot/, /g/,
/meta/, and /m/. It's odd that I can relate with such an ease to anons here but not so much to women irl.
No. 738772
>>738681 I relate so much to the
meta lurking, I have no idea why I do it but I check the complaints thread multiple times a day because it's bound to have some petty infighting and it's really entertaining
No. 738774
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I just want this fucking pandemic to end so I can go out to meet and finger girls, iam drunk and sad about this.
No. 738804
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My boyfriend didn't get me a valentine's day present… we're LDR but still. I made him a little doodle of us, he just made some excuse that he forgot because he hasn't dated for a long time, and he didn't want me to get him anything anyway. He's a damn musician, couldn't he just make me a little tune or something?! but now I can't ask him to because that would be forcing it and it would be weird and awkward. I feel so embarrassed about my present now. I feel dumb for even being upset about this but it's our first valentine's together and I just wanted to make it special
No. 738825
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>>738808You’ve nailed it. They want to separate women into “valuable” (Madonna) and “throw away” (whore) and just have fun fucking around on the Whores until they’re ready to settle down and pick up 20 year old Madonna who hasn’t been jaded by ten years of garbage moids. Unfortunately they usually succeed.
No. 738831
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Wahhhh I just want to go to sleep but I have dye in my hair and homework to do.
No. 738865
I am getting bullied in my class by almost everybody, because they think that I am dumb and schizo or whatever, now we’re in crazy corona times and obv since I’m an outcast I’m doing a course that only autists would do, but I am the type that fits everywhere not even among fellow retards.
I keep them at a distance these days because every time I talk to them they literally physically assault me almost. Think of poking me really hard and sharp repeatedly, pushing me, verbally bullying me by pretending to be intimidating.
I am old. I don’t deserve this. I can’t hit back because the teachers will expel me and I’d commit battery on a kid/17 year old.
They don’t treat me as a human let alone a woman in their mid 20s. They do treat the other girl that’s my age humane and they even respect her very much. Even the one that has pasta sauce stains on her pants and is literally 30. But they mocked my age the most.
One time they dissed the respected girl that’s in her 20s but they dissed me 3 seconds later mine and way harsher.
Idk what I do to deserve this, not that it matters that I’m a retard becAuse I am sure that they are too..
In the very beginning, I remember a very very very autistic and meh girl would reply in a mocking way to every question or message I’d post in a whatsapp group and she made me scared of even asking questions. And I never said too much when I were there and she’d be really bitchy to me. Even to my emojis. She also said some weird shit about me being in love with a 17 year old in the whatsapp group. I am just doing a course so I can work after i am done ffs. What did I do to deserve this all my life?
It doesn’t make me cry that they’re doing it, I’m just sad that there’s another old fuck like me in class but she gets respected. And maybe also because I am everywhere bullied wherever I go. I won’t isolate myself like I did in high school though, I’ll stay there as long as I can last/til they kick me out.
Sorry for the long blog, I really did need to ask stupid questions (I mean it’s ot I can vent a bit too).
- How can I make the girl that pokes/pushes me AND wastes my time with her verbal abuse stop?
- Should I give up on life or continue trying even if I’m a cow tier person? Be honest.
Also because of corona, the girl that pretends to be my friend because she has no one else, is not really doing in classes well because she’s young (?). She also absolutely has no one to talk to especially now an internship girl that she did like and treat humane is gone.
So who does she go to? Her old little toy whom she thinks has nothing else to do for reparation and is willing to ruin my time and days during and after class by approaching me and pushing me around to do things I don’t wanna do.
She uses me and I didn’t want drama so I tended to ignore her and she kinda avoided me mostly. Probs because there were others giving her attention. But now the teachers wrote bad report about me that I am isolating myself and am too focused on the theory in classes. Now I’m back to being a cheerful normal social person that you’d love to have on a workplace mode a bit after a week of winter break or whatever so the teachers will stop bitching. Bullying returned of course. I felt shit but I managed.
That same girl that made me her personal toilet, invited me to her birthday. And it sounds nice but I am sure that, based on interactions with me intern girl and her, she wants me to have as a punching bag AND a way to gift her for free. She wouldn’t seldom ask me on chat to buy her a burger. I am poor and I work a shitty job and I am “autistic”/retarded with a horrendous life because of a lifelong neeting. School is so uncomfortable. Everything is. Kinda proud I am trying to improve myself but I hte that I am getting bullied at almost 25. Funny thing is, it doesn’t hurt. Even if the teachers are giggling and think what an absolute loser I am.
Just fucking help me anons? Should I get boundaries? What the fuck should I do?
Also I am in a shitty position where the bitch that would poke me and distract me with her bs and edgy shit sent me a birthday invitation. You may think it’s innocent but this girl said on the first day when we first talked that 1. i am crazy (even tho i didnt say anything weird) 2. That my mother deserves beatings just because I live with her and pay her rent. Fuck this fucking bitch. I am no longer taking shit from her anymore and I will never ever buy her a fucking birthday present. I already regret the times I bought her something for the vending machine.
(I should refuse her birthday invitation because it’s a trap to get bullied by her friends and a way to get a present right?)
I am scared to refuse because I’ve never attended a birthday party. At the same time I don’t want to go to a baitday party/
Don’t care whoever is scared of this post. I went through everything from rape child abuse to adult bullying at workplace and by classmates and I didn’t turn out as a serial killer or stalker, kiss my ass. Also I’ll graduate. Albeit with sufferings.
No. 738870
>>738852There are still a lot of naive younger women who get involved with these guys. Look at those “my (21F) boyfriend (34M) says he doesn’t need to wash his hands” posts on reddit.
For some reason, a lot of women still seem to think that men just “mature slower” than women, so if you want a mature partner, you need to date a man who’s 10+ years older. Even my pickme mom told me this when I was like 16.
No. 738930
>>738870Every girl I knew in my 20s scoffed at dating anyone less than at least a few years older. This gets sold to women in everything between Pretty Little Liars to Call her Daddy and beyond.
Hilariously though as we hit out thirties almost of of my friends started dating guys a few years younger and they’re way better off. Who knows?
No. 738968
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>>738938>>738944ty anons. I'm wishing the best for both of you and anyone else stuck in this position. I think we'll be alright, truly the only enemy is ourselves
No. 738974
>>738831there needs to be a special new word for the feeling when you really want to go to sleep but can't because there's dye in your hair.
t. wearing a plastic cap rn and can't keep my eyes open. hope you got to go to sleep soon enough queen xoxo
No. 739055
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my anti-vexx mum is getting on my nerves at this point. Everything has to be around the covid vaccine and how everything is a lie of the government and so on. It is impossible to have some sort of small talk about everyday shit because it always ends with "everything sucks because of (enter conspiracy theory bullshit here). She spends all her free time on "alt-facts news sites" and is constantly trying to convince me that everything she reads there is real. And when we end in an argument again, she gets mad because she thinks that I try to make her look like an idiot because I try to explain the whole situation but she refuses to believe whatever I say, fuck. I honestly lost all sorts of trust in her since she went full tinfoilhat-tard … She already had weird ass world views before but it got really bad at this point.
No. 739065
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I'm so lonely but I'm terrified I'll get into a relationship where the other person cheats on me. My worst nightmare is catching an STI from a cheating boyfriend or girlfriend. I read something about how the more beautiful you are, the less likely you are to be cheated on, so I guess a butterface like me is guaranteed to be cheated on. I'm very sensitive and I have GAD, I know it would absolutely destroy me if I got cheated on. I just want to love someone and be loved, but I don't know if I want to take the risk when like 20% of people are cheaters.
No. 739070
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There's this local actor, married for over 20 years, great family man etc. And recently I found out he cheated on his wife when he was like 57. They almost divorced but wife forgave him and they're still together. I'm so pissed because I always saw him as this rare example of a good man, I thought to myself how sweet is that he often openly adores his wife and kids and how devoted he is. There was never any rumors about him. I thought to myself that if men like him exist, maybe I can find one for myself too. But I guess not. Are ALL men the same? Will they all cheat, if given the chance? I especially hate actors and musicians who can fuck younger chicks on the side and their wives will forgive them most of the time (not just because they love them but also because of the resources and status those men provide). They can fuck around and then return to safe nests their wives created for them. Those wives have no self respect either. There's no justice in this world. Everyone would tell me I'm overreacting, people behave like nothing happened, like it's natural that men just cheat when middle age crisis hits them, but "that's not the reason to end a 20 year old marriage", especially because she forgave him. But I bet that wasn't the first time, just the first time she found out. I don't believe there are men who cheat only once in a lifetime. Maybe I'm really overreacting and maybe in his case the good outweighs the bad, maybe otherwise he's a really great husband and father and a good person. But I feel like there's no point in putting effort in a relationship if men can cheat on their beautiful and classy wives who did literally EVERYTHING for them, just because they were bored and wanted to fuck some young chick. What's the point. You can be the best wife and they will still cheat on you. Sorry for the sperg, I probably sound like I was born yesterday
No. 739071
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I'm the only person in the family to not litter the house why are they bothering me to clean the mess they made
No. 739129
>>739114Professors? I am not in a real college lol.
I don’t wanna say what kinda course it is but I think you can call it trade school (?). I do this to get a bit of a routine and I’ll also do some side things to earn extra cash + stuff to get a nice high school diploma to actually enter a real uni (the latter is getting hard because of the awkward position I have in class tbh)
I’m rereading my previous angsty vent and I sound all over the place. I couldn’t sleep because of vietnam flashbacks, the teacher’s (never call that bitch a professor yikes) feedback + the birthday/baitday invite made me really scared.
I have more problems going on so that doesn’t help. I admit I am sensitive, but please believe me that they do bully me. A nerdy guy that was probs bullied a lot regularly would “white knight”/stand up for me in the whatsapp group a bit. But he’d get flack for it. It sucks how corona makes those assholes in my smol class lonely enough to want to talk to me. I wanted to be the introverted girl that’s completely invisible. I feel they know too much about me too and maybe it feels rancid because of the bullying.
I’ve done some homework and prepared for monday and this test on Thursday, I’ll really just focus on myself and if they touch me again I WILL record it and report it. I expected to get really mocked by people when I was open about being the cow’s class but I actually got useful tips from them. I’m glad because back then in high school there was 0 support and I was fully the blame.
Anyways I had another meltdown but it’s gonna be the last one since I’m remembering why I even take the classes. Fuck them lol.
I understand that you believe I’m a liar btw since my mom didn’t believe it either. But she connected the dots when she had a deja vu of high school me tier behavior, connected the dots when she’d hear my online classes taunt stuff (the assholes can speak in the mic) and sometimes I’d leave my phone open on the table (I don’t have a social life so idc about it) and she could see a glimpse of the whatsapp group bullying.
Also the teachers called me retarded on multiple occasions and think I’m mentally ill even though I am SURE everyone there is retarded and/or mentally ill. Yeah they have their reasons but it’s still unprofessional.
feels relieved because of the vent and crying as a 25 year old and i don’t give a damn because I’ll eat an icecream and relax with podcasts and tv. I’ll jog (gyms are closed) pick up my hobby’s and I’ll make plenty of adult friends that don’t abuse me.
>>739121No it’s not the USA but i would def be a school shooter in the usa. Are you euro?
No. 739130
>>739129I am not 25 yet btw. Idc about revealing my age either. I am so proud to be whatever I am. And thank you for replying to me btw
>>739114I didn’t have that much irl support but this plus the irl one is so much of a contrast from 13 year old me. I’m gonna make it!
>>739123hugs No. 739132
>>738865I feel really sorry for you anon. The way I understand it, your teachers force you to interact with the awful people in your class? Have you confronted the people who bully you, telling them to fuck off and stop talking shit about you, or to never touch you? If I were you honestly would have snapped and shouted at the person who kept touching you to never touch me or I'll gouge her eyes out. You DEFINITELY need to stop interacting with such people, don't hide your disdain of them, decline that piece of shit's birthday invitation, don't even think you have to deign to give her a proper reason why, or maybe lie and say you were busy. Only interact with your classmates to the extent that you have to work with them in projects. Everytime your classmates try to start shit with you tell the Dean or administration what's happening, if they try to physically assault you shout at them to stop, record their behaviour if they keep doing it, threaten to report them to campus police or the real police if they don't stop. Having no friends is better than having bad friends. I want you to stay strong, and graduate with good grades and have a successful career and wonderful life, you deserve that, anon.
No. 739144
>>739114I don't know what to say anon. Uni is great for me and the people are nice but on the other hand
I was bullied by my ex roommates. People can be shit at any age.
No. 739151
I need help.
A few months (i dunno if before or after covid) i found in my sister's closet a bag with antivirals, for after exposure. I ignored it because she's an adult, older than me and a doctor. Like, I fucked once without a condom, it's dumb but it happens, I'm not going to judge if she forgets to use a condom once or twice.
But today I found a box of another antiviral, right there on the kitchen counter. And this one is used for HIV1. Like, WTF is happening. I can't fucking believe it. My sister, who should know better, got HIV1 from fucking around. And she said nothing to me or my parents (or maybe my parents know, i don't know, they would not tell me shit).
How does this happen? She knows better, she has patients with HIV, why the fuck was she so careless?
And why doesn't she say anything? That is a pretty serious thing to hide! But at the same time she leaves the meds on the kitchen counter, right there where we could see it!
WTF I can't process this. I know it's not the death sentence that it was 2 decades ago, but come on! It's a easily preventable disease that can fuck you up. WTF is happening.
No. 739171
>>739160I sent her a message now asking her if she is sick; is she ignores or doesn't explain i'm not going to force her.
I doubt it's for a patient, because why would she have that? She writes prescriptions, but she doesn't handout meds. I even thought about covid, but this one is not approved for it and she was already vaccinated.
God, I just hope she has someone she can trust. All her friends have kids and live in another towns, that plus covid result in her being more alone than usual. I worry about her.
No. 739173
>>739152There's a middle ground between not asking and demanding: it's asking and talking about it, see how he feels about it. Personally I think you're mother's right about this though
>says he owes me and im entitled to get money from himHe's 100% co-responsible for putting you on this earth and putting a human on this earth means bearing the financial responsiblilty of making sure you get the education you need to become an independent, functioning member of society. You should ask yourelf "Is it fair my father put me on this earth and then ditched me and my mom without any financial support?" (the answer's no) and not "is it fair to ask money from him?" (the answer's yes). Don't have mercy on a man who put you on this earth, it's time he takes his financial responsibility. Although I think it should be your mom, not you asking for that money.
No. 739179
>>739152I mean your mom can be both right and also a dumb bitch at the same time.
Legally speaking in most places, parents don't have to financially take care of you after you turn 18, hence the meme about being kicked out at that age. Unless you're a disabled potato who can't take care of itself.
Ethically speaking, yes he should contribute seeing as though he didn't have to pay child support all your life. Your mom is really, really dumb for not pursuing child support though. Foolish. The reality is you might not see a cent from him even if you ask him nicely. I'd lie though and frame it like your mom can't help you pay for college and so you really need his help. If he's a scumbag, he'll feign money issues and tell you to get a loan.
No. 739217
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ive been feeling like im going auto pilot outside of my body
like some weird ghoul is controlling my body lately. typical depersonalization, it’s not really scary it just feels like im not even affected by the laws of this world when it happens. i dont even have any tangible control in this world so why should i even be worried at all, no one sees me and no one hears me at all im heavily convinced im not real
No. 739279
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Fuck your enabler parents too
No. 739327
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>>739281Kek. This is literally me. Only my best friend's wife disinvited me to the wedding, then he moved to another country and got divorced 5 months into his marriage. Then he messaged me back about 2 months ago asking for money because he was stuck abroad when she kicked him out. There is no such thing as friendship with moids, only men who want to fuck you.
No. 739369
I'm finally moving out.
I've been living with my best friends for a year now and it's been miserable since just after our initial Covid lockdown. I thought I would be able to handle it since I have my own space and I'm always at work (they're in a relationship and have issues all their own), but it feels like things just got steadily worse.
My best friend has been offhandedly insulting me for months. I was raised very differently from them, so I have a specific way of doing things and I have certain tastes that are nowhere in line with theirs. I got a dress recently and wore it to dinner (a cheapy buffet, nothing fancy) and my friend looked at me and said "you're really wearing /that/?" I had a (now ex-) friend in high school who constantly judged me and the things I liked, so being openly mocked or judged is very draining and depressing for me. I also try to dress up decently when we go out and they complain about how long it takes me to get ready or questioning what I'm wearing (I usually wear nice street fashion when I'm not wearing kawaii fashion, but usually it's at least nice jeans and a shirt). I'm completely exhausted. I've had to bite my tongue on multiple occasions because, in contrast, they will usually go out in sweatpants, slides, and a shirt they've been sleeping in for two days. I know I'm a better person than to clap back like that but it's getting more difficult to do so…
So I started looking at options for moving out and was approved for an apartment that I'm moving into in a couple weeks. When I initially told them I was leaving it was like pulling teeth to get a human response out of them, they just either stared at me or looked away. I asked if they had questions and just said no. I was originally going to leave in April but my apartment manager said they can't hold the unit that long so my move in date was moved to March, so I told my roommates and they just passive aggressively mentioned how they were relying on my rent payment for March and how they were going to have to get second jobs or have to move into a smaller place in order to afford rent, etc. It just made me really mad and even more impatient to finally get out.
I did finally get on antidepressants and made an appointment with a counselor, so I'm feeling better and more in control than I have in a while and it's very relieving at least.
No. 739416
>>739351I googled that and read an article about Heather from the Bachelorette, I loved that she used the big van.
And maybe I’m being too hard on the new car. I’ll get a couple cute window decals, replace the head unit, get the dealership smell out and it’ll probably be fine.
No. 739475
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I fucking hate the Belle Delphine thread in /w/ and I swear I lose braincells when I try to read it. I just want to drink some low-fat milk and laugh at her incel-pandering idiocy instead of cringe at jealous anons who nitpick literally the smallest aspects of her appearance.
Just admit you're envious of her money and/or appearance and move on. Focus on her horrible personality rather than whether or not she's had a nose job for 300 posts, holy fuck lmao. I swear 90% of the anons in there are ugly, fat, and/or spergs from PULL. I would rather revisit old Shay threads and read the vagina sperging than step one digital foot into the Belle thread ever again.
Of course, any time I've seen an anon tell the retards to stop clogging the thread with nitpicking, they're immediately accused of being Belle stans. you can't win.
I feel so much better typing that out. kek
No. 739505
i already posted about this in other threads but theres been new developments. basically i dated a girl for four years till she cheated. i was heartbroken of course and we didnt speak for a long time. i had a very hard time with this. whatever, we both meet new people and move on. two years after the breakup, she sends me some text messages apologizing profusely and i tell her we're good. by this point we're both single and become good friends again. its been months since we started talking and im having feelings for her and want to get back. when we first met, it was january. and on valentines day of the same year i made her a letter. she loved it and to this day says its the best gift shes received. my family HATES my ex gf, says i shouldnt talk to her cause of what she did. im like, that was two years ago, she apologized and i got over it and were different people now. they still constantly complain about her.
so this is the shit part. i wrote her a new letter basically telling her i have feelings and want to get back. im waiting patiently for valentines day. today i woke up late, and i had a bunch of messages from her
>my OLDER brother, who is 28, sent her a long message insulting her
>he basically blames her for everything bad that has happened to me
>he says its her fault i dont want to go therapy (this was months ago, lasted a few weeks and was actually cause of my ABUSIVE EX BF not her). he says its her fault i fucked up in college and im doing an extra semester (this was actually cause i was sexually abused by my ex best friend at a party and got depressed and stopped going to class). says its her fault i quit my job (it was a shitty job. i quit cause they changed what i had to do in it and didnt like the new system). basically everything bad ive done is her fault
>says its fine that she ruined her own life (she didnt go to college cause shes an artist and couldnt afford to. shes now a tattoo artist. my family takes college very seriously so this means she's a loser) but that she shouldnt make me ruin my life
>keep insulting looks and blaming her for everything bad that has happened to me
>ex gf sends me a bunch of voice notes wheres shes crying really badly. she says she cant believe what hes saying. she was the only reason i got my first job, she supported me in psych ward after a suicide attempt, she supported me with college. says he can't believe he's saying shit like that and it breaks her heart. ive known her for seven years, she's very sensitive
>im texting my older brother telling him without insults that he shouldnt have done that and if he had an issue with her he should have gone to me. they were never friends and he doesnt know her. he also hasnt been keeping up with me at all and has no idea as to why my life went downhill last year and it had nothing to do with her
>says im giving up my family over her x100
>stop texting
>cant send letter to her anymore cause shes been crying all day over this and is absolutely going to tell me no cause of my family. shes always been open that she doesnt want to cause any troubles in my family cause my mom and her were close.
>fuck this valentines day and fuck everythibg
No. 739546
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saw an artist i like retweet a pic of some brown loli being trafficked and raped by exclusively white adults
while Im not a sensitive baby towards shit like this normally, seeing that gag in a viseral way, it ruined my fucking night.
fuck you hamlet machine
No. 739548
I'm starting to ask myself if I'm bipolar. All my life I've had phases or more or less one/two years of crippling depression (dropping out of anything I'm part of, withdrawing from any social interaction,intense panic attacks, losing any purpose or being able to enjoy pretty much anything, easily irritated by any stimulation, exisytencial crises ) then 6 month to 2 years max of really being better (making friends, having a very positive outlook on life, getting a degree, wanting sex, spending money while I'm a very frugal anxious person about money at other times, enjoying the heck out of things and craving new friends and talking.
I don't do anything extreme when I'm in a good phase but I definetly do things I wouldn't have done otherwise. I don't think I'm manic. I do have a lot of energy, though.
Maybe it's just normal.
No. 739561
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This is the first time in my life I feel like I could be genuinely depressed.
I have definitely had little fits of it before and been diagnosed with general anxiety with depression symptoms or something but this is different.
I’ve never felt so hopeless, lifeless and lost. Really nothing hits the same right now. I’ve been sleeping like crazy. I don’t want to do fun things and I don’t want to do work. Nothing is satisfying. I feel so weird and I just wonder when it will pass over.
No. 739565
>>739546Was it posted an hour ago?
If it was the one I’m looking at I feel like there’s no way to really tell the races of tbe characters…. the brownish color is just part of the color pallette and you can’t even see the entirety of the male faced and they’re pretty non-descript, if anything they look Asian because white men have much more defined noses then a couple of dots
No. 739569
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Today is my 26th birthday and I feel like my life is over. I still can't get it together, I'm an underachiever and a virgin with no friends. Is it even possible to make friends at that age? Even if it is, no one would want to know a loser like me. It's been 3 years since I left my abusive household and I completely wasted that time. Everyone makes progress, everyone gets a better education or job, everyone learns to heal and move on, and here I am with literally nothing to show for my life.
No. 739570
>>739567Good question but cope and seethe.
I couldn’t believe something so explicit was so ready available and so public. I have never seen Loli porn outside of 4chan and I don’t go on twitter so I’m literally just getting educated on what a porn destination twitter is.
lol and behold, I was right , it doesn’t compare to the extreme things I would see on 4chan because in this case loli was referring to the fact the character was wearing a Lolita dress and not that they were literally pre pubescent.
They named dropped them so obviously they wanted someone to look.
I don’t fuckinf support or like loli porn and I don’t give a flying fuck about any coom artists, I was just trying to tell anon they might be overreacting and not to jump the gun.
No. 739588
>>739573They’re both retarded but it is not the same thing. Sorry sweetie but when you put on a Lacey angelic pretty dress at the age of 26 you aren’t the same as a prepubescent child. The girl in this looks like a typical anime age, whatever the fuck that is, but it’s not a child. Sorry it just doesn’t compare to being 13 years old and seeing hentai of children being cooked, eaten, and eviscerated.
I’m sick of this cancel culture crap and someone extrapolating the most ridiculous conclusions out of the most minimal things. Anon is delusional and trying to start shit. The girl isn’t brown. The men aren’t white. The girl is not a child.
No. 739693
scrote…I can't even detect a samefag but this is embarrassingly obvious
No. 739699
>>739687innocent American men are getting their legs blown off by IEDs in the middle east as we speak.
can you handle your jacket being touched, honey?
kinda get what you mean, I read an idiot's twitter rant about how it's racist to call Black Americans simply "Americans" because they don't associate with white people or something (Might've been in one of the Artist salt threads?)
Most of the time, when the rest of the world talks demeaningly about Americans, they mean that they're stupid/uneducated/stubborn/etc.
So if you're a Black American and someone insults you because you're American… it has nothing to do with the fact that you're Black. You're just stupid.
No. 739737
>>739731I'm sure you're beautiful anon! Even a wonky Zoe Kravitz would still be hot.
>>739723I don't think that's the case a lot of the time tbh. People will see your race before your nationality a lot of the time, cause y'know, race has physical characteristics. If someone feels a certain way (whether that be good or bad) about black people they will feel that way regardless of what nationality they are. Also, races can still share common traits in terms of personality and upbringing and stuff regardless of what country they are from.
No. 739772
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>>739769>>739767Aw ty guys
that vid really did make me smile though lol ty. I have a few more hours left until I'm in huge trouble. Pray for me.
No. 739781
>>739765>I have many missing assignmentsThat doesn't mean you can't do your next one.
>I will not graduate>I will be poor foreverYou can't tell the future. Noone can.
>I am a dumb ass bitchThe fact that you're pursuing education literally proves the opposite. You're not dumb. Everything is up to you, anon. You just have to sit down and just DO IT.
No. 739847
>>739475>I swear 90% of the anons in there are ugly, fat, and/or spergs from PULL. Somewhat related but why is it so hard for some of you to believe that average and attractive can behave as petty and jealous?
"Everyone who is mean is fat and ugly" is a cope and a
toxic one at that. Some fatties and uggies are sweet people, maybe some pretty people just like knocking other pretty people down a peg to feel more special.
No. 739852
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My A1C, it calculates how in control my blood sugar is on average, went up by 1 point because of covid. I tried talking to my mom about it, but she's really into "natural healing", so she kept giving these junk answers that verged onto dangerous. She also kept on getting angrier when I tried to calmly explain why I couldn't follow her plan.
>Anon stop obsessing over blood sugar spikes everyone has them, but you only notice them because you have a glucose sensor
Everyone has blood sugar spikes, but mine hit 250 on the daily. This is not healthy in the long-term. No normal person has blood sugar spike spikes like this on the ordinary. The CGM, glucose sensor that shows my Blood sugar 24/7, doesn't make a hypochondriac.
>Anon you should just fast until 2:30 and eat a light snack, apple's oranges, if you're hungry. Doing this will help you control your blood sugar.
I can't do this either. I am 2-3 pounds from being underweight. Skipping lunch and breakfast will drag me to full anna-chan territory. Light snacks can't do it spikes my blood sugar not sustain it
>If you're hungry during breakfast/lunch you fell western "3 meals a day" propaganda. I know a lot of saints who go weeks without eating. Besides your brother skips lunch and breakfast
The propaganda idea is asinine, most fasting saints when watched lose wight rapidly, and my brother, young enough to still live under her, has been labeled dangerously underweight by every doctor because of your asinine diet ideas. I do get hungry around breakfast and it's not propaganda
>Artificial insulin is evil and your endocrinologist doesn't "get you" and will also lie
Anyhow this is the same woman who rounds my carbs down to an insane degree. I wondered why my blood sugar spiked after she made rice and I realized it was from how she calculated it. She calculated it on what she thought it was not what it actually was. I was giving half the insulin I needed.
I also realized she's been messing up my diabetes a lot longer than this. Every setting on my pump, the settings affect how the pump calculates how much insulin is needed per blood sugar and carbs, are so high, high numbers get less insulin, carbs gets less insulin, etc, the pump warned me how it was unsafe long term to keep them like this. I only noticed this when I had to get a new CGM and transferred the data.
No. 739900
I'm a little irked on the recent trend of "dunking" on people who eat keto/low-carb. They all make the same joke such as "How is fried cheese healthier than an apple?!" "You're substituting hot dogs for sliced bread?!" I mean, it is obvious they have no idea what types of foods are considered low-carb and only pay attention to the ones just finding out about keto as a means to lose weight and think they know everything after watching 2 videos. They also do the concern trolling talking about the health risks, which only applies if you're trying to lose weight, or you're eating the junky shit 24/7 because you don't know fiber is fine.
I have PCOS and diabetes runs in my family. Eating low-carb has helped me exponentially, especially with my cycle and stabilizing my mood (I suspected I have a sensitivity to complex carbohydrates after having an anxiety attack after eating a meal filled with starches), and it's also helping me eat more nutrient rich foods compared to before, it's helped me simmer down on the fast food too. There's a vast amount of vegetables that have just as much and even more nutrients than fruits, even with that I still eat the occasional berries, but sugary stuff hasn't been my thing for half a decade. I can avoid eating a banana and make a meal incorporating avocado or spinach and get 3 times the amount of potassium.
Also, substituting bread is extremely easy, tons of stores now sell high fiber and low net carb breads, and they're becoming just as affordable as the non-low-carb versions each passing month, I eat low-carb tortillas just about every day.
I dunno, people have some sort of superiority complex, and they will try their hardest to find something wrong, when the only thing wrong is random people doing things to the extreme.
No. 739916
>>739852God fucking damn it hate everyone that doesn't type one, specifically type one
I can't help you, but my a1c has been under 6 since I moved out, so I have a lot of hope for you in the future
Family doesn't understand any better than every other normie
No. 739918
I found my roommate's Twitter and she has 7 Tweets bitching about me since the start of the year.
"Roommate" is a generous word for her btw- she's my husband's childhood friend who is staying with us because she got her hours slashed due to the pandemic, so she couldn't afford her share of rent and her old roommate kicked her out. She only pays us $300 a month, which is negligible TBH. Rent is almost $1500, not to mention all the utilities and internet she doesn't pay anything toward.
So yeah, the fact she's bitching about me on Twitter behind my back is fucking enraging. It's all super petty shit too, like complaining about how I care too much about my cat, how many packages come to the house and calling me a hoarder because I have a lot of vidya, manga, figures, etc. Everything is neat and organized, so IDFK what her problem is. She has one Tweet thread ranting about how much money I "waste" because she disapproves of my nerdy hobbies. Also, somehow I'm being "insensitive to those struggling" because I'm buying so much "unnecessary crap".
Like bitch, I get you're all into minimalism since you can't afford not to be and it makes you feel better about that fact, but no need to get all holier-than-thou about it. Why the fuck does other people struggling mean I shouldn't buy shit for for myself? Like, wtf are you even on?
Also, fuck you, my cat is way better than you and 100% deserving of every bit of love I give him.
I'm so fucking tempted to kick her out over this. I shouldn't feel uncomfortable in my own fucking apartment over some girl I'm letting stay here for practically nothing getting triggered everytime a package arrives, or I love bomb my cat. I know my stupid husband would protest, though. I think I'm gonna subtly bait her until she crosses strong enough lines for him to get on board without me having to "be the bad guy".
No. 739921
>>739918You should do everything she bitches about even more
Give her motivation to get out
It's weird she's there to begin with
No. 739968
>>739151>My sister, who should know better, got HIV1 from fucking around. >she has patients with HIVWhy do you assume she has HIV and it's not for her patients? And if she does have it, how do you know she got it from fucking around and not, say, a broken condom in a committed relationship? Or, most likely, a needle stick or a sharps injury? If you get those kind of injuries with positive patients, you have to take the antivirals.
I wouldn't tell you anything either tbh, can't blame her for not opening up to you.
No. 739981
>>739918jfc roommate needs to mind her business, as long as your bills are paid and you're not e-begging on the internet as a result of overspending, you're perfectly fine to use your expendable income on whatever you please.
>insensitive to those strugglingi'm a fucking poorfag and her priorities are out of wack. nerdy things are fun and safe and it's way more sustainable and overall cheaper than eating out multiple times a week.
give your cat extra hugs and kisses this month, he deserves it. also make a "fancy" type of meal for him someday soon to shove the special treatment in her face.
No. 739993
>>739944>Print out the tweets and put them on your fridge door.… I am absolutely going to do this now. You're a genius, anon.
>>739981> as long as your bills are paid and you're not e-begging on the internet as a result of overspending, you're perfectly fine to use your expendable income on whatever you please.Yeah, we're not financially irresponsible at all, so there really is no
valid reason for her to be this mad. It's not like we complain about being broke or tight at all.
>also make a "fancy" type of meal for him someday soon to shove the special treatment in her face.It's funny you say this because one of the things she complained about is that I feed him "better than most people eat these days", which is such an exaggeration. Sure, the food I feed him is above average quality pet food, but it's not even that premium compared to a lot of cat owners. It's like 7/10 quality. I spoil him a little bit with small bits of chicken and fish meant for human meals, but that's not even that out there at all.
No. 740097
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No. 740153
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>>739772I completed one! I half assed some of my answers, but I got a good grade and completed it. I'm past the roadblock that I was procrastinating on and making me upset, so I think I'll be able to get back on track. I have to do a good chunk of work today unless I want my professor to personally assassinate me herself. I'm gonna paint tonight, as a lil good job treat to myself if I feel happy with whatever progress I make.
No. 740223
>>739993Yeah, you are good. And if she's complaining about you feeding him better food than most people, why doesn't
she give money to people struggling? It honestly seems like she is more upset because she wants your expendable income to go to her, reminds me of a covert narcissist. You don't need to give in to her complaints, if she wants money to spend freely, she should find a full time job. There's always blue collar work.
No. 740282
It's so sickening to mature just a few years and realise the friends you had when you were ages 12 - 16 were literal, full-blown paedophiles. Not "ephebophiles" or whatever, but genuine paedophiles attracted to young, childlike appearances. Not the conventionally attractive, but the pudgy, flat, straight, awkward, literally autistic. Or the genuine 11 year olds who don't even have breasts yet. It's so revolting, and I can't do anything because they're out of my life and I don't have any contact information. They also never committed a crime, they're just disgusting men. I can't believe I enabled it somehow, I had no clue it was this bad. I also never knew at the time that pictures I took for them which I thought were innocent (of my hands, feet, thigh, belly, face with tongue out) were being spread online until one day I was in a group chat and suddenly this random man from Russia whom I never heard of began posting pictures of me when I was younger. Pictures of my feet, tongue, teeth, belly. I contacted him and he said they were posted online to a forum, he didn't even know the name of the girl or anything, he just collected and spread such pics. I'm merging a bunch of stories together but… "I don't mind you're 14, and I honestly thought you were 26. I wish your boobs were bigger though" major red flag, but I literally just turned 14 and I was friendless and didn't know how to respond, just very naive and lonely with nobody around who I felt safe with anyway. So many actual paedophiles. Die die die
No. 740447
>>740420People who do this are BPD-levels of insecure. They take everything extremely personally and lash out at anything that reminds them of their flaw, even if no criticism was intended whatsoever. They tend to hyperfocus on others' flaws because they are paranoid enough to assume that others are secretly doing the same to them. Granted, some are just outright sadists and purposely become friends with people they secretly have no respect for, just so they can build them up and tear them down repeatedly, but I think this is more rare.
Long story short, your friends suck and don't sound like they're mature enough to handle adult relationships. I hope you can find better ones.
No. 740450
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I think my ex might get engaged tonight and I’m still in love with him.
No. 740453
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Deep down, I still miss my friend. I want to keep myself strong and just pretend that I'm glad she is gone after the way she hurt me, but I still miss the times we spent together. Having someone with the same interests as me felt good, and I wish I could go back in time to the days were we could sent each other messages without caring about anything, just being 2 fandom idiots having fun. One time, I even found a new blog, the banner was very similar to hers but after lurking for a bit I found that it wasn't my friend. I felt relieved but sad at the same time, because as much as I hate to admit it, I guess I still care for her a lot and just want to talk to her again, at least one more time or just a goodbye.
Pic related, yesterday someone shared with me a song, and I began to cry quietly because it remind me of her.
No. 740457
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>>740453I want to be your friend anon. I’m sorry for the feelings of loss you’re experiencing.
No. 740474
>>740428>>740447Thanks nonnys. I didn't engage with them in the pettiness because I personally don't have it in me to put people down despite how nasty they are to me. I'm glad I have one true friend but I do wish I had other friends so I wouldn't have to rely on her for support so often.
>>740453I'm sorry anon. If she hurt you that badly then it was probably for the better that you ended the relationship. At least you have some happy memories.
No. 740494
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That gore was terrible. Scrotes shouldn’t have internet access.
No. 740505
>>740501NTA but my moid has asked to stop sex without cooming more than once tbh
Sometimes you just don't have the time or stamina or both
No. 740515
Anons, a word of advice, NEVER lend out money, especially to family. Never get into debt with someone either. If any of you owe your family members money, give them it back ASAP, or talk to them about starting a payment plan of gradually paying them back over time if you’re stuck. It’s your responsibility as the person who borrowed the money to initiate paying it back.
Venting because I sat down and worked out how much certain family members owe me and it’s over £5000. The same family members that are buying luxury items on the regular.
It’s just frustrating because when they initially borrow the money, they are soo~ grateful, and promise me they will pay me back as soon as. That time NEVER comes, and it ends up with me being the mean debt collector hounding them for my money back. Like I’m only 20, that money goes a LONG way for me, it’s not my fault they’re all shit at saving up. It’s my fault for lending the money in the first place, but it’s hard to refuse when your family member is in a genuinely dire situation and you’re the only one with extra money to lend out.
New rule to myself, never a borrower or lender be. I’m DONE.
No. 740530
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my crush made a post about some maid costumes they were selling. she posted it in her facebook wall and wrote "omg i need this". i thought it was embarrassing but i ignored it. now i see that she posted the picture and name of the shop on her fb and insta stories, with the caption "my birthday is in X !!!" (her birthday is coming very soon).
we are very close friends, so literally just yesterday she was showing me screenshots of the cringy posts her ex gf was making about her. her ex gf was the one that added her on facebook again, and begged her to be friends, she did out of pity and now she can see all she does is post status about how heartbroken and used she feels. mind you, she break up with my crush, not the other way around. anyways, after this my crush and i agreed that "if you see me posting cringy shit, please tell me, we are friends". i want to tell her that ebegging story is so fucking cringy and that it's not our fault she hasn't had an art commission in a while but lord knows i can't do it
No. 740538
>>740453I completely understand this and wish you all the best in letting that bitch go. In due time you’ll find it so much easier to distance yourself from them.
Someone I used to call a really close friend ghosted me after years of friendship. We never fought or had any sort of negative moments between each other, but it fucking hit me like a truck is trying to get over the fact I’ll never get closure. The shitty part is he never could drive so the friendship was always reliant on my schedule and if I could get out to him when he lived like 40-ish minutes away. He was a huge pot head and I had my suspicions he moved on from me when another one of our stoner friends started hanging out with more and they got super into acid. Plus he thrived on drama/messy people since he vicariously lived through them, so when I was finally get my life together and trying to be stable he got bored of me. I embarrassingly reached out to his sister on Instagram, since I was worried about not hearing back from my friend, and she left me of read too. Looking back there were so many red flags that I ignored but thinking about them makes me feel better since I wasn’t the shitty person to begin with and him ghosting me had nothing to do with me and everything to do with how rotten/miserable of a person he is.
No. 740545
>>740530fuck it, nonnies. i simped out. told her i'll buy it. i have some spare money because i quit my job recently. ill use that. fuck it.
>"she wont fuck you anon"we are friends with benefits. dont know if she has feelings for me the way i do though….
No. 740581
>>739548That sounds like hypomania, anon. Bipolar II is the "milder" version of bipolar and the manic episodes (called hypomania) can be subtle enough that they're almost indistinguishable from normal good mood.
>I do things I wouldn't have done otherwiseThis absolutely sounds like mania.
No. 740588
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Korean webtoons never feel like a real person made them and all have basically the same art style with 3D backgrounds. i wouldn't even mind it that much if the stories themselves were more original/fun.
Nah, instead everything feels like a copy of a plot that's been done way better before. it's like looking at a bunch of AI images to me.
pic rel are 3 different webtoons. even with the similar genre, they should be able to be told apart from each other
No. 740657
>>740652ime the pretty girls who bullied me always pulled the uwu sweet smol bean act in front of teachers and everyone else who ate it up. they would always make themselves out to be
victims and me, an ugly ex-genderspecial, into a mean bully who bullies them because i'm jealous that they're soooo pretty.
i wasn't even jealous since i was a lesbian in denial, i just hated their guts because they were mean and got no shit for it. the whole 'only ugly fatties are bullies because they're bitter and jealous' is so tired and untrue, most ugly people just want to be left alone.
No. 740667
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I fucking hate my city with a passion.
We currently have one of the highest homeless rates, teen pregnancy rates and suicide rates in all of Scotland. The highest valium usage in ALL OF EUROPE. But its ok because we have nice unis and a fancy new museum that is just gift shops and restaurants and 2 small exhibition rooms(1 you have to pay to get in)
The council is incapable beyond belief, they are so focused on making the city look nice but dont realize thats impossible when all of the social issues have been left without help. Instead of funding a highschool with better materials and computers they just say nah fuck it lets demolish 2 highschools, build one big shitty one, cram them all together then complain about the school being overcrowded. One the the schools before getting yeeted had a young mums unit to help teenage mothers who wanted to get an education, something useful and helpful towards our high teen pregnancy rates. Too bad thats gone now.
They are currently building an artificial beach, why? I dont know, nobody asked for it when theres a real beach a fucking bus ride away. The money used couldve built something useful that isnt a novelty that will last a week. Fuck even small things they cant do like pave the walkways, got a shit ton of snow which eventually turned to ice, no sign of gritters, most had to shovel it themselves. Witnessed a old lady fall who looked like she was bleeding from the head. But who cares about our people, lets build a fucking ferris wheels during pandemics and have our own councillors sleep on their kitchen floors to "raise awareness about furniture poverty" rather than you know, doing something about it, even starting a charity or donate furniture to those but nah that makes too much sense.
Mental health support is the most ridiculous here, someone said it perfectly "you can have a rope around your neck and they would tell you to take a nice bath and wait 6 months for an appoinment". Hence the extreme suicide rates.
The only true good places in this hell hole is the clubs and a mexican restaurant kek.
No. 740679
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Picrel was posted to the Mooncraft fb group. I can't even find the words to vent.. I want to slap her
No. 740718
>>740679I too wish I could slap her with a pan. I fucking hate the retards that will vent on posts or videos that are completely unrelated to whatever they’re going through, with the retarded emojis laughing-crying or hearts and shit that makes you think it’s a fucking joke.
I would prefer fucking dying than embarrassing myself in such a way with my name and pictures attached like that.
No. 740738
>>740676That does suck anon. Have you told your friends that them being unreliable is a bigger issue for you? If not, they might be understanding and try to change, but going off how they reacted to the cake thing they likely wouldn't get it.
One of my best friends used to be quite unreliable (a lot less so nowadays), cancelling plans on super short notice, oversleeping when we had plans or asking me to leave really suddenly, stuff like that. Eventually I figured if I was gonna do stuff with her, I better accept that things might turn out disappointing or unexpected beforehand, and keep that in mind. I came to the conclusion that I still liked hanging out more than I disliked being unsure of what to expect, so I was okay with it.
Only you can figure out if the same thing is true for your friend group; if you enjoy being friends with them enough to deal with them being unreliable, there's no reason to end it. If you start (rightfully) resenting them for it, I don't think the friendship would be fun for anyone involved.
No. 740739
>>740606Same exact boat but maybe 10-15 lbs heavier and 2 inches taller. It's exhausting to be alive isn't it? My family thinks I'm underweight and any conversation about my health inevitably steers towards my (completely normal!) weight. My boyfriend does the same exact shit, telling me he'd actually love if I got fat so I could "relax and eat what I want" but at the same time constantly rubbing my hipbones/collarbones and saying how much he loves them.
I don't really have any advice other than there's probably more to life than this. Also,
>>740672 has helped me.
No. 740752
>>740545i told her i had feelings for her and she said she wasn't looking for a relationship at the moment. aka id rather being alone than with you.
i'm heartbroken
No. 740766
>>740759I know the go-to answer to bad relationships on lolcow is dump him, but dump him
It sounds like you raped yourself with his dick, get the fuck out of there
No. 740781
>>740738I did tell them I‘m sad that they don’t get that it was something important to me, and their answer was that I am mean because now she feels like I think she can’t do anything. This is a theme with them too, that it’s always about them and I make them feel bad or stupid or whatever by having certain needs and expectations…
We have been friends for a long time and do like each other though so I don’t really want to cut all ties.
Your approach of just accepting their shortcomings and expecting them no matter what they promise seems hard to do but good advice… so thank you for that.
No. 740791
>>740759It's not exactly news to men that valentines is pretty important to most women, so that he didn't realize you wanted some steaming hot romantic fucking is bullshit. He is either so dense he needs a handler or he's lying because he's too lazy to put in any work.
I legit cried for a week last year when my ex acted unusually cold to me on our valentines date despite me being open about how much I looked forward to spend it with someone for the first time. So I totally get how much that hurts anon.
No. 740796
>>740759no offense
nonny but kill your bf
No. 740803
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Can't believe I'm using my friend's taste in women to hate my weight and height.
I'm mainly gay, we'd be horribly incompatible anyway, and I'm most attracted to other women of my size (mid-range healthy BMI and works out).
I'm not even ana nor do I want to be skinny and small. I've literally been memed into this by ~society~ telling women we're never good enough or whatever and that my self-esteem should be based on men.
So tired. Maybe I'm just having a bad day.
No. 740809
>>740781They really don't sound like good friends if they care that little about how you feel… They should at least be willing to put in effort, even if they end up failing. There's a big difference between acknowledging how your faults affect someone and not even wanting to admit you did something wrong. When a friend tells you that something you did hurt them, your first reaction should be 'ah shit, how do I make it right', not 'how dare you imply that I'm not perfect'.
That being said, if you really think the enjoyment you get from being friends outweighs their faults, the only real way to handle it is to expect those faults. Seriously consider whether you actually do get enough out of it though, it sounds like they're tiresome people.
No. 740811
>>740803Being a woman unfortunately comes with some stupid societal pressure to appeal to everyone at the same time.
It takes a lot of mental fortitude to shake off those expectations. Try to internalise the idea that the only important and relevant opinions on what you look like are your own and maybe your so's.
No. 740818
>>740536Agreed. If you want an extreme example, it's not exactly sales but I applied for a legit economist job and it turned out to be telemarketing (trying to get data from people) with like 10% of actual economist duties.
>>740606I feel you anon, I really do. I also have a rectangle shaped body kek; my waist is narrow but my hips are as well so pants are constantly falling down because my 'ratio' is non existent.
I've had an ED before and also been at a higher weight (130 lb) and I don't want to get back up there bc of how I looked back then. I'm currently 5'4 and 109 lbs. My tits are already deflated from weight loss but I still wanna lose more fat fml.
>>740802hug I'm sorry anon, but as someone who used to do the same (as a teen) I'm pretty sure the threats are empty and for attention. Is she going to therapy?
No. 740821
>>740811Thank you for the kind reply anon, and you're right.
It just feels so frustrating when it's happening because I'm self-aware and have been trying hard to work against it.
At least knowing is a step in the direction of overcoming this nonsense.
No. 740825
>>740805thankyou anon, this is a good idea, i always find writing quite cathartic so it might help me to unpack everything.
>>740806heart emoji for you
>>740818she's on antidepressants but historically is reluctant about therapy. i'm sure therapy would help her a lot but i don't really have the assertiveness needed to force her to go - i'm pretty sure the suggestion would cause a lot of upset
No. 740827
>>740802Relatable, extremely relatable
I'm sorry, but the best thing you can do is get away from her
She's destroyed your mental health, and she doesn't even feel any better for it
If you get away from her, you can start healing and get yourself help
She'll drag someone else down, she doesn't actually want help, she wants someone else to feel as bad as she does, and she doesn't believe anyone can
She's not going to hurt herself, she's too self-centered
I know she probably tells you it's not her fault, she was probably savagely abused, and she can't possibly abuse you because she's never laid a hand on you
But she is abusing you. Her suffering does not negate yours
Fucked up people fuck up people
No. 741093
>>741075If you dont care about school or work just get a easy low their job at mcdonalds or a call center or some shit and save your money. If you dont have any Bill's or responsibilities you will end up with more money in the long run than a lot of your peers who have degrees and or pay rent/Bill's.
Dont fall the the degree and living alone meme.
No. 741123
>>741101nayrt but why are you being hostile
>>741075it’s different for everyone, personally i did most of my degree part time at a student job that let me study when things weren’t busy (which was often) while being full time in courses. some semesters i went part time in school while working more, or if i was at my parents and didn’t have bills then i just did school.
it’s sounds overwhelming but it can be done, you’re looking at the whole picture but in this scenario you gotta focus on going day by day and breaking everything down (right now just focus on a school you want to go to, what’s their program like? when does enrollment start?). btw scheduling time in your week to have fun/relax is crucial (not an option, you will feel better doing work for x hours and then taking x time for a break), overall just be nice to yourself and know that you can do it. sorry if this is all over the place
No. 741127
>>741093>>741101>>741112not sure if you really understand what im venting about
i do have bills and i pay them right now i just want to do more with my life than what i am, i don't live with my family. ive been out of work due to chronic pain and depression and going back to school is really daunting for me and i worry im not equipped for it. just paying my bills isn't really a concern for me right now as im able to do that. it's whether i can handle school or doing something more with myself. im scared my health will quickly decline again either physically or mentally
No. 741138
>>741132>easy modebegone, scrote
scrote detected
No. 741140
>>741123that sounds kinda nice honestly. working a kinda relaxed job that lets you study in downtown. i kind of got overwhelmed by logistics and the idea of all my time being taken up and worried i can't handle it but i guess i could also take a reduced course load or something. thank you for the kind words anon. this is a really scary step for me and i worry about how capable or incapable i am
only replied once to that other anon but wont be anymore since i don't want to derail the thread with arguing
No. 741160
>>741154you haven't seen robots saying
>women have life on easy modebefore? maybe I'm outdated
No. 741219
>>741208How? the fuck
What are you even tyring to say
No. 741288
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>>741240Nta but yes I can and you can't tell me otherwise.
No. 741306
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It's hard to get over how ugly I am on my "sleep time" face I have no idea if my (hypothetical) boyfriend would accept to look at that. On the bright side I looked at some selfies when I'm put together I do get nice glow ups.
No. 741377
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In a minor crisis bc I was cyber stalking and accidentally liked this guy's old photo OF HIS GIRLFRIEND and I learned instagram sends a push notif instantly even if you immediately unlike it. I'm dying. It's over.
No. 741402
>>741401Also the UK law on organ donating is now legalised for everyone but its been done secretly. But you're able to opt out.
I just find it weird how we are playing mix and match with body parts. I understand organs helping people but faces? That's just grim.
No. 741405
>>741402>its been done secretlyWhat has? The law followed all the usual stages for new laws and they've had bilboards, posters, TV ads and news announcements. They announced they were gonna change the system in 2017
>>741401I'd feel weird about it if they got my actual face shape/features, but thankfully surgeons just use it to replicate A face and not specifically your face. It's up there with eye donation for me though where I feel like my family should make that decision since it's something they might have to see or might affect funeral planning.
No. 741406
>>741405The organ donating
I’ve opted out - the nhs killed three members of my family and the doctor we had was a liar. Plus the surgeon fucked up my baby brothers surgery. He died the next day and the coroner police covered it up.
I’m giving nothing to the NHS.
And I just find it grim. Playing around with dead peoples faces. I think people should have the option to decide. I can understand heart and lungs ect but face?
That’s some Halloween shit
No. 741409
>>741406How is it a secret though? You'd have to be living under a rock to have not known about the change in the law. You do have the option to decide, you can say which tissues/organs you don't want to donate or not donate any at all. Everyone I know that doesn't want to donate opted out of donating parts they found weird or creepy immediately.
Was it the police or the coroner you think covered it up? If you think a coroner is twisted, you should ask for an inquest review. Why do you think they covered it up?
No. 741549
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>>741547Someone posted this photo in the Samantha thread and I found it attractive tbh. Only this pic though.
No. 741551
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>>741547>>741549Don't fight it, join us
No. 741552
>>741543How in the world are you negative and
toxic for openly hating pedophilia every once in a while but he's just a guy who "hates people who are negative" despite yelling at you for hating pedophilia? You should dump him even if he isn't secretly getting off to pedoporn, doesn't sound like he cares too much about your feelings.
No. 741555
>>741543Do I really have to say it? Dump him. Your boyfriend is not only a pedo sympathizer, he’s fucking
toxic and emotionally manipulative. He invalidates your trauma, your feelings, gaslights you into thinking you’re the negative one. All because you make him uncomfortable. And he’s uncomfortable because you reminds him that he’s a fucking sick freak with zero empathy.
No. 741684
>>741660I feel like a good test for men right now is just to bring up sexual allegations being made about any celeb/youtuber and see how he reacts. Does he demand the most foolproof evidence imaginable before even entertaining the thought of it 'possibly' being true? Does he claim we're all a hivemind plotting to cry rape and that's a bigger issue than rape itself. That convo will usually show you alot about a guy.
I read men discussing shit like that all the time and similarly I don't know why I subject myself to it. I only lose hope for (half of) humanity while reading it.
No. 741693
Current favourite litmus tests are
>The woman that plays Aquaman's wife is so pretty!>Is Woody Allen the one that slept with his daughter?>Shame Joss Whedon's been outed as a bit of a creep, isn't it?If they sperg, leave.
No. 741703
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Just realized I forgot to make a really cringey and intimate blog entry private and that there was an identity outing screencap that was somehow accidentally uploaded in my blog's photo gallery.
I'm pretty certain no one ever goes to my blog at all, let alone anyone who would care enough to go into the gallery, but I'm still utterly horrified.
No. 741709
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>>741660I hate them so much, I hate them
No. 741711
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my boyfriend keeps pressuring me to break lockdown to see him. i last saw him a month ago and think hes being a massive drama queen.
i cant go because my mum will literally not fucking let me and i have told him numerous times that there is nothing i can do.
i feel so much pressure to go and to pay enormous sums for a taxi home as not to be a risk to my mother and her livelihood but he won't be understanding and keeps bullying me.
i feel trapped. i don't know what to do, i just want to cry.
No. 741724
>>741711"I'll find someone else"
Anon baby, this is abuse. Tell him to go find someone else and cut your losses, this will ONLY GET WORSE. This is vile, this is manipulation, this is disrespect to you. He is trying to threaten to break things off if you don't do what he wants you to do against your will.
It will hurt for you to leave him but you're safer to do it now rather than later when he gets worse.
I've been there, this is not going to get better.
Please run.
No. 741752
>>741734I laughed cos honestly I thought that too. Watched a TC vid lately where a woman was fucking some scrote and when she got knocked up and wouldn't abort the baby the guy freaked out at first but then manipulated her into thinking they were ok again so he could lure her over one last time and kill her. It brought back memories of the texts shared in that case. Just seeing the manipulation.
Not my first time seeing this anon post stressed to bits about this guy though. It was the same a week or 2 ago if I'm not mistaken? My advice then was that he's about the most replaceable person on earth (
abusive scrotes aren't a prize that's hard to come by) Don't throw out your relationship with your mother over the worlds shittiest bf. He wants to get his dick wet and he's making your life a misery over it. Sad to see nothing has changed in those couple of weeks. All the same advice was offered the first time.
No. 741838
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I have come to the realization that I could spend my entire life in bed, avoiding reality and human interaction in general and just use the Internet as my source of external stimuli
No. 741849
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this morning SUCKS and I’m ANGY and I HATE MEN
anons here can sperg for days about sex work and idgaf but this man in this therapy group really just said “my brain thinks, it’s okay, I can still buy the hookers” and holy shit I wanna pop him in the fuckin jaw. those are human women with more problems than YOUR whiny ass and you don’t fucking buy them, you sick fuck, you pay them because it’s the only way you can get a woman to spend any time with you. fuck you fuck you fuck yoooooou
and fuck the plumber for being so god damn late!!! it snowed, you dipshit! how did you not take that into account when you said you’d be here at a certain time!
anyway here’s a cat
No. 741872
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>>741855thank u anon, he does. he has Brain Porblem so he’s a lil retard like me
No. 741955
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I honestly hate questioning my sexuality so fucking much. I'm male leaning and it's literally just making me feel like I'm somehow fabricating my attraction towards woman. I have a crush on a butch woman (that I've actually posted about before), but it's an internet crush so it doesn't feel "valid". But what's stopping that from being as valid as the crushes I've had on internet men? The male internet crushes are rare, but it's happened. I honestly can't tell if I'm just mentally stopping myself from fully realizing my sexuality or if it's genuine questioning. I don't know. I just don't want to be in a situation where I date a woman but I find out I don't really like them.
Anyway, doing my nails > thinking about my problems. I'm gonna do pic rel today, but longer and almond shaped
No. 742004
This is going to sound insanely retarded but how do people make friends or “mutuals” on tumblr?? I’ve been on there for some years now and I’ve only had pornbots, one user I looked up to steal one of my posts, and my first ask was another user I liked tell me that they can delete their reaction image in a post I reblogged from them. I guess I shouldn’t have reblogged it? I just said no it’s fine, I like it, and they sounded a little upset. The post that got “stolen” from me was not a big deal, but I had screenshoted some comment section and made a joke and then a day or two later this girl posted the same comment section, just her own screenshot and a similar joke to mine. It’s fine, but I was embarrassed really. (It was a post I had been holding on to for a month or more until I posted it so I don’t see it as a coincidence, plus it was all the exact same, right down to the joke I made)
I’ve reached out to people before but it’s gotten nowhere, and that’s fine. Sometimes I get nervous to reach out to some, and I admit that shortcoming. But I just don’t know how some people have friends there? Are they friends beforehand, because I feel like no one wants to talk to you there. There was this girl with this hyper specific niche thing and I reached out to her about it, and I’m thinking I probably scared her away because she never respond. I thought it was finally gonna happen and I was going to talk to someone about something I really like and have never able to talk about before (trepanning) but nope. Maybe she was joking and I was too serious and enthusiastic.
Again it’s fine, except there’s this one girl I wish I could be friends with, but I just stay away since I know if I reach out, I’ll probably fumble it up.
I know I’m not trying hard enough, but it’s not life or death. It just baffles me sometimes. I know this super dumb.
No. 742169
>>742160i'm going to get bullied for this but
tumblr, deviantart, even fucking yahoo answers but those are the only other places i can discuss or request cringe-like things anonymously and find specific groups. on one hand those sites are dying so maybe that's expected but even then people still get some sort of response so i wonder if it's something about me.
No. 742232
>>738184things have been moderately shitty lately.
shitty thing 1: my dad had a major operation to remove a tumour, then got pneumonia in the hospital (thankfully not covid) and nearly died. (he's doing better now though!) but that's been kind of terrifying
shitty thing 2: my boyfriend didn't really do anything for me for valentine's day even though i specifically asked him if he wanted to "do" valentine's. he had done the very beginnings of a drawing, but he's not an artist and didn't like.. do anything romantic? i don't even want anything special from him i just want him to try. (he also like… didn't remember my birthday until i reminded him of it. it just feels like he isn't trying? maybe i'm just dumb. idk. sorry if this is incomprehensible.)
No. 742250
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I've never had sex with anyone and just had my period last month, but I keep having irrational pregnancy anxiety. It's literally gotten so bad I was considering buying a pregnancy test just to let myself fully relax, because I can't wait for my next period. It doesn't help that I watched shows like "I didn't know I was pregnant" when I was a kid and some of the women on there had "periods" while pregnant.
Literally having irrational anxiety over being the next virgin mary and I KNOW I'M BEING RETARDED AND INSANE BUT I CAN'T HELP IT.
No. 742255
>>742232I’m really sorry you’re going through a hard time with your dad. That sounds scary, I’m glad he’s stabilized now.
Your boyfriend sounds like an idiot and you should yell at him. My boyfriend is the same kind of idiot and the only thing he responds to is me out right yelling and expressing I’m angry. They’re stupid and they don’t want to put effort into anything, and they also don’t want to do the wrong thing like get you the wrong present or do the wrong Valentine’s date so they just use the good old “uhh I forgot” excuse which is BS, then when you say “it’s okay” that just excuses them from their shitty behavior and let’s them continue acting like they’re the king of the castle when really they’re too fucking stupid to figure out a Valentine’s Day or birthday present.
Not trying to shit on your boyfriend, I’m just telling you because the way you just worded all that and what you’re going through sure reminds me of me before I started going to therapy two years ago.
No. 742261
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I told my ex he needs to “do the work” on empathizing with other people, giving people the benefit of the doubt, all the shit he wants people to do for him but he whatever reason can’t do back.
I finally ended a huge conflict / icing him out bout by “owning my part” in our terrible toxic relationship so I could let go of the hate and anger I had for him. And he doesn’t get that I don’t want to be friends even though I’ve told him point blank, more than once, that I don’t.
He keeps asking me for “advice” on how to explain himself in a more concise way, because if you interact with him about serious things he sends you huge rambling messages that could be summed up in a paragraph or two.
I said no.
A few days have passed and as I was browsing LC he sent me messages asking for me to critique his writing / poetry? NO! Jesus Christ!
As I typed this out I got messages from Instagram that said “this user has removed this message” or something to that effect so he clearly knows it’s an ridiculous request.
God. I told myself I would keep him unblocked on social media in case he has specific questions that need resolution regarding our past relationship, and every time he messages me I regret it a little more.
No. 742385
>>742370This reminds me of the one time I had a stomach flu and after spending the whole morning puking my mom implied I was pregnant and started yelling at me.
I was 13 and didn't even have my first period yet, I still played with dolls and had 0 fucking interest in sex yet this bitch had the audacity to call me a whore.
No. 742407
>>742004If someone you follow makes personal posts, occasionally respond to them, can be short or long but do it in a supportive way. I was on Tumblr since 2009, stopped these past couple years, but it's pretty much like that. Same like trying to create mutuals on Instagram. Obv it depends on the person you're trying to become mutuals with as well, if they have influencer type status, it'll be more like a parasocial relationship. Aim for people with smaller followings.
Also, on your end, create more vent types of posts. Something people who follow you can feel empathy towards, don't really have to be an open book, but more one liners, tweet-range, like "ngl I love watching Hamtaro" or sperg out about a thing you liked when you were younger or now.
No. 742477
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i keep thinking i can come back to lolcow and make amends, its not that bad but i just cant handle the anons sperging about taylors animals and how dumb the deans are because they werent prepared for the storm. like bitch tons of places arent well prepared even when they prepared for it. its been a fucking nightmare but that one anon is dumb as fuck thinking a propane tank melted snow and candles are the solution.
i get they only care about the animals, i could care less but shit there are tons of other animals out there in the wild that are dead now. its obviously just any excuse to find more to rage about.
some people are just so fixated on hating people theyll nitpick it to the ground. the kinds who spend so much time on here lolcow leaks into their dreams and shit. the kind who throw the term milk around thinking boring ass selfies are newsworthy, the ones who say even the most mundane shit is based.
No. 742500
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Sometimes I wonder if there is life after leaving narcissistic people behind from your life. This desperate feeling won't leave me alone, and it feeds my loneliness. I keep drawing dots together in my mind about my shitty friendships with NPD ppl and how they failed most of my normal relationships. Like, there's nothing left.
My nurse is at vacation so I can't call her, so felt like getting rid of my feelings here.
No. 742551
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I'm tired of this narative that men need uwu love and protection not to treat everyone like shit. Most men have better family/friend support than pretty much every woman I've met. Girls get molested, cat called and beat up before they even get their first period. I'm not going to baby a grown ass man who is 10x bigger than me. Let's be real here, most men dont even want women to be sweet and nurturing to them, they see it as a sign of weakness and will push for more shit until shes physically and emotionally drained.
No. 742562
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Had to get a new passport photo and my day is ruined sorry for being dramatic
Every time I need to get some kind of ID photo, my body dysmorphia gets shot off the charts, person in the picture looks like me but like, the ugliest possible variant, it's nothing like what I see in the mirror but it's still me so I get some kind of uncanny valley feeling just looking at my own face, such an awful feeling. Maybe I really look like that to other people? Ughhhhh
No. 742567
>>742551absolutely no idea how women care about most men or think they have a mature relationship. Feels like every time I see a couple in a grocery store or thrift store the woman is shopping like an adult (buying essentials & normal food/searching methodically through thrift racks) while the guy is on his phone 75% of the time and the other 25% picking up some dumb shit like frozen pizzas or crappy thriftstore leather jackets and thinking they did their share of the shopping.
The other day I was in a thrift store and this woman was talking to her boyfriend like "Kevin. Come try this on. KEVIN. Come over here." I was like damn… harsh but the right way to treat manboys, but why is she even keeping him around… then their mom came in and he was actually her younger brother lol. They must have been like 25 & 20 but he was like a foot taller. But the fucked up thing is, the childish way the dude was acting, futzing around with beat up rc helicopters and other junk while she bought practical clothes for him, didn't seem at all out of place for a couple. Made me realize how much more mature & serious the woman is in most relationships I see. Worst is when the woman is thriftshopping for baby/kids clothes and the dude can't even be assed to take care of the baby for 10 minutes or won't do it in public, and apparently thinks he's gonna strike it rich in the junk records bin smh
No. 742589
>>742567Nta but this, men out shopping with their partners… is usually just them taking up space in the aisles as they aren't actively helping in any way.
I regularly see old men sitting in their cars outside my local grocery store because men over a certain age are too masc to even be seen in a shop. God love them if they outlive the wife and have to actually food shop some day.
No. 742607
>>742250I had this when I was younger, super anxious and slightly out of touch with reality. Wasn't a virgin but I remember I tested myself at times when I would expect to already have a huge bump if actually pregnant. It wasn't rational but pregnancy was and still is my biggest fear.
Hope the anxiety passes for you soon
No. 742686
>>742633>>742643>>742672continuation to the post:
he told me that before his friend and he would meet they would go to the grocery store near me
i myself had to go buy groceries so i was like lets fucking go without even know why i wanted to meet him there in the first place?? like i didnt know the purpose of the fucking confrontation with him kek
so i fucking went there
> literally walked into the grocery store> he and his friend are LITERALLY standing in front of me with their groceries > he looked at me and was like hey…? with a fucking question mark on his face and confused> he was about to walk up to me > i continue to walk towards him and suddenly just curve the fuck out of him while passing him by with my dead eye soul-crushing fucking stare > i walk a step more after walking past him and turn around looking him and his friend into their faces > they look at each other confused and look both at me and ask me whats the problem> i continue to stare into his eyes > he is fucking disstressed and starts asking confused and hesitant what the problem is > i dont answer literally do not think and just continue to do this shit > his friends was like ''hello can you answer??''> i now started to stare into his eyes with my dead expression> they are both looking at each other and are like shaky and confused> i start switching between them and staring them into their eyes with the same dead hatred expression> i then realize what the FUCK is going on and was like holy shit what the fuck do i do now since i am behaving so fucking weird> i start staring at some wall and thinking being deep in my thoughts> i space out and dont notice whats happening> suddenly my friend fingersnaps and is like ,,is everything okay?'' > back to normal > i am panicking so fucking bad > i just start walking fast further into the grocery store> friends grabs my arm and says he can help me with grocery but i brush him off > i continue walking fully embarrassed getting my shopping cart> look back and see them talking and being confused> i further walk into the grocery store, hoping one of them would chase me> stood there while looking into the security camera screen to see who is behind me > nobody came after me > was so fucking embarrassed and never wanted to kill myself so much especially since it happened in a grocery store and everyone saw> quickly bought something > on the way home i had a fucking panic attack that contunied at home while hysterical crying about what i have done > had a mental breakdown and felt so fucking bad and embarrassedthis all happened today about few hours ago i genuinely dont know what to do and never want to do something like this again i feel so fucking horrible and just pity him for having to deal with something like this
we also talk everyday without exception and he will probably text me after he is back home which is in few hours
i thought about completly ghosting him because i am so embarrassed or even telling him that we should not be friends anymore even though he is my only (best) friend i truly talk to
can some anons help me what to do if he confronts me and asks me what that was about?
also cant afford to go to theraphy because of my family + current situation
some extra info: i was abused my whole life and am currently living with them due to corona + they dont believe in mental health and illnesses
No. 742709
>>742686There's a book called the DBT workbook that might be helpful, I know people who've managed to google it and find free downloads of it easily enough too. It's aimed at BPD alot of the time but it covers methods for managing distress and emotion regulation. I recommend it because there's a whole lot of drama in your post and I think if you were well you would see it as blown out of proportion.
Be honest with your friend (don't self diagnose or tell him it's bpd) but be honest that you don't feel in control of yourself right now. Do you have romantic feelings for him?
No. 742722
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I have to write an essay on philosophy, but my perfectionism is already making me procrastinate. Why can't I just write something and not care about the quality? Who cares if that's not the perfect word or phrase–just write and finish it!!!
No. 742723
>>742686First of all, anon I’m really sorry about your situation. My heart goes out to you. This sounds like it’s pretty mortifying even for you to deal with just knowing it could happen. But LMFAO the way your whole character switches sounds like some sort of fucking animal, like a reptile or bird of prey scouting a meal. Genuinely reminds me of bearded lizard behavior.
I understand your embarrassment but you should relax, he probably thinks you’re on drugs. And if he does ask later, just say you took pain killers and they made you feel sick or something. Yeah you two are best friends but if you can’t deal with telling him you went through some rough shit as a kid and it’s coming back to bite you then that’s the best explanation you probably can give even though it’s a lie. And honestly you don’t have to tell him the truth either. Or you can just say you’ve got something going on and hopefully he moves past it and you don’t invite yourself to meet people again until you can figure this out. You shouldn’t become agoraphobic but it sounds like you really want to avoid this personality switching happening ever again. Try to stop stressing about it. Eat what you picked up from the grocery store and read that book you’ve been thinking about. You already apologized, all you can do is prevent it from happening again and keep moving forward. Come back to the vent thread if you need to.
No. 742750
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I haven't watched Poltergeist since I was a child and I rewatched it with my little brother today. For every movie I search for a parents guide for myself because of muh trauma I'm very uncomfortable with nudity/sex. Anyways, nowhere did I see mention of nudity/sex, so I thought okay great. So there was a lot of suggestive scenes of the mother in her underwear and 5039202984 different shots of her crotch. Meanwhile her 16 year old daughter got nearly the same treatment where some construction workers cat-called her while her mother watched gleefully from the window as it happened. I'm guessing the director had no issue with having the daughter in underwear scenes and emphasis of her braless clothing shots. In fact, there was absolutely no point in the older daughter because she was hardly involved in the story. This movie should have been cut down to an hour because all the interesting parts happened awkwardly near the end after the mother was being "molested" and nearly stripped on her bed by apparently perverted spirits. God, I know this sounds like such first world issues, but it genuinely triggers the fuck out of me. I can't stand scenes like that. Male directors are shit and it's even more apparent the further you go back.
No. 742758
>>742722just do it anon
i'm procrastinating my life away and it is hell, even though i know how good it feels when i'm focused on my things and feeling how productive i'm being.
just start it and if it's shitty at least you have a basis to improve upon (that's what i tell myself).
No. 742762
I'm getting kinda mad about my hourly wage tbh. I won't ID myself by stating my country but it's a reasonably progressive european country, so why am I being paid less than my coworkers, who started at the same time and we're doing the EXACT SAME thing? Hourly it's not much, but I did the math and they gain a whole extra workday's worth of pay in a month.
And for one, the coworker, who signed through the same agency, had the same interview for the identical job. He's so FUCKING LAZY, he's never bothered to learn more and leaves early at any opportunity as soon as nobody is looking. Last week he left FOUR HOURS early, just straight up took a half day. Like he's been really brazen but nobody within our team really wants to pull each other up for shit because it's pretty chill and we all appreciate some flexibility for interview and appointments.
Back to the point though. I emailed my agency asking why I'm being paid less and got the reply of "well your managers know your wage, so if you can come up with some good arguments as to why it should be raised, like you took on extra responsibilities etc you can negotiate". So. Like. I have to take on MORE to be paid EQUALLY as the lazy coworker with the same responsibilities as me? Because he had a job before for a year and this is my first? I mean he's being paid the same as another coworker who's been in the field for 10 years. If it's based on THAT then the more experienced coworker should be making bank, but she's not.
I mean I may have a case, but I feel like it's turned into this thing where I have to fight for it when I was just trying to figure out why I'm being paid less, if it's an oversight, or what. Right now I feel like I'd just go on a vent if I were to start asking my manager about my wage.
Initially I was so grateful that I finally found a fucking job, but this is kind of starting to feel like bullshit.
No. 742781
>>742709i dont really know if i can honestly answer the question since my switching has made me really fucking confused about my true self and emotions thinking they arent real
but i had to give an answer it would be: that i probably have romantic feelings since i have had the longest crush on him and had been looking out for him since 3 years now
the behaivor hasnt really started to show until probably last year novemeber? the behaivor occurences have also increased since that time but it increased dramatically around the beginning of february
also thank you for the recommendation i will definetly look into it!!
>>742723does the character switch thing really sound like a fucking animal LMAO it sounds so fucking ridiculous kekkk
but thank you anon for making me laugh and your kind words i really appreciate it!!
i will also update if anything happens
No. 742793
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I am incapable of platonic intimacy, but it still makes me ache when others are close with each other. I guess it's technically envy, but I'm not angry or hateful. It's great that they're happy together; part of me just still thinks I also deserve that.
But despite it all I know I'll always be happiest alone. Forcing others to know of me is never the solution and has always made me even unhappier.
Just sad. Less sad than struggling to interact with them, but more sad than if I were a different woman who is comfortable being a friend.
No. 742797
Trauma memories and just overall anxiety have me on edge today. I'm having irrational thoughts and having paranoia over mundane shit.
Right now I'm having the belief my boyfriend is cheating on me because he said he was going to help out a female friend move to their new house because it's the middle of winter, he gave me the exact day his friend was moving out, and he even said "I really don't want to go though, I just wanted to be nice" also it's not like I can't go with and help, but I'm doubting that. Also, before he left for work today he said to remind him to clean up his clothes from our bedroom this weekend, and I'm immediately having the vivid thought of him bringing girls over or something. Now I'm believing him leaving for his job early is not to avoid traffic (he works in the city and Google Maps says it takes anywhere from 45mins to 1hr 15mins), but to cheat on me.
I know this isn't true, but trying to stop these thoughts and not react to their absurdness is stressful as fuck. These irrational thoughts have all formed today that's how I know it's anxiety trying to trick me.
It's been a bad set of days, mentally. I suspect I'm probably going to start my period within the week, which helps to know, except for the fact my menstrual cycle is irregular, but it's been a while so I am holding onto the belief I'm PMSing.
No. 742970
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>Watching my only friend complain to me how much she hates terfs and transphobes like jk rowling whilst I am a terf
No. 742978
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I'm taking five courses this semester. In four of them, the professor is chill and understanding due to Covid and all exams/tests/etc. are open book (so open internet, really), but in one of them it isn't. Said class is Calc 2.
I feel utterly fucked and wish I hadn't relied on the textbook/web for Calc 1 last semester because I assumed it would be the same this semester – we're using a remote proctoring software so I can't cheat.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure I just bombed our first quiz, and now have no choice but to try and cram in as much as I can tomorrow and Saturday for our first exam on Sunday (I have work to do for the other classes today, as well as some chores I've been putting off, so I can't, and I'm crying about this here on my study break).
If I could drop it and just run through Calc 1 again I would but I really don't feel like being two semesters behind. All I need is a C. Which is going to kill my GPA because even before I fell into the cheating trap I was a pitiful B student. Motherfucker. I know it's all my fault, but it still sucks major donkey dick.
No. 742988
>>742970My 2 libtarded tra friends know I'm a
terf because of comments I make and the content I subject them to because they follow me on tumblr. They haven't brought it up to me, probably because they know I'm in the right.
No. 743006
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>>742981I suppose gendercrits come together to commiserate at the one place on the internet that doesn’t suck off troons above God
No. 743023
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Anons, I don't know what to do…
I sound mega underage, but I promise I'm not. I applied for a bunch of colleges, most public schools rejected me meanwhile a TON of the private ones accepted. The biggest scholarship I received will still leave me 40k in debt, so I said, "Fuck it!" and pretty much set my mind on doing two years of community college and then transferring.
However, my Asian mom isn't too keen on the idea as she thinks the prospect of me going to community college is embarrassing. She would much rather me go into debt at a private school. Now I'm just lost and honestly confused.
No. 743121
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I finally realized I'm a lesbian and it feels so freeing to understand, I thought I was just "picking the wrong guys!!" but I actually am just not attracted to any. Forcing myself felt so weird and even scary at times.
I'm afraid of being sexualized, though. I know that sounds so stupid and I have major problems of worrying what others think but I'm just scared. In past relationships with men they've always sexualized the fact that I've dated other women before. Every single guy has asked if I wanted to be involved in a threesome or just "that's hot." "All women have experimental phases haha, you'll get over it!" please fucking off yourself you waste of sperm. I don't want to marry a man. I just want to be in love with a WOMAN. JUST ONE. NO MAN INVOLVED. I just wanna take her out on a nice picnic and hug her and do cute nice things together. I wanna do taxes and adopt a dog and buy a house and do boring shit with a WOMAN. Not mess around with you and a straight girl on tinder you found that's trying to impress you. I fucking hate the sexualization of lesbians.
The fact that looking up "lesbian" on google used to only show fucking pornsites, I think that's why I felt so ashamed in the past. I know I'll probably get over it and I shouldn't care what random scrotes think, but it's been bothering me. I know it's the vent thread but sorry for the rambling, I haven't come out to many people yet so I can't talk about this in real time.
No. 743140
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Our heater stopped working and we're in the middle of a snowstorm please end me I can't feel my nose
No. 743141
>>743015I’ve seen that happen too! I wonder what causes this. I can’t imagine a
terf suddenly deciding TRA is the way, but I can understand simply giving up. Realizing that not worshipping at the TRA alter means being canceled, so deciding to play along.
(Sage for blogging.)
My mom and I basically switched places. She was skeptical of “the whole transgender thing” and I was a TRA handmaiden reblogging anti-
terf memes on tumblr. Eight years later, I’ve long since peaked and realized the terfs are right. But inexplicably my mom is now drinking the TRA koolaid. I don’t even know how it happened. She isn’t on social media and I don’t think she knows any trannies.
No. 743161
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>>742970>mfw my sister randomly makes a joke using the word 'tranny'I'm so relieved she hasn't been brainwashed! I never knew what she thought about troons because she's neither the radfem nor libfem type, and I never brought it up because I'd probably gcsperg if I did. The normie tier making fun of them attitude is just fine by me.
No. 743176
>>743161lol nta but you reminded me of my TRA handmaiden cope days. my roommate made a comment about guys in drag/troons being weird, oh how I seethed. even then I knew not to say anything because TRA logic is so flimsy. you can't go up against a normie who sees reality as it is. that was right before I peaked when I noticed how TIFs and TIMs self-segregated by sex and acted very in line with their true sex regardless of identity.
anyway god I hope my own sister comes around to being like yours, that's my vent. happy for you anon
No. 743185
Holy shit contacts are ruining my life. I know I’m irresponsible with them and need to be more diligent, but over the years they’ve been drying and irritating my eyes so much. I think my eyes are just done with them. I’m always not wearing them because I can only wear them when “necessary” and if I go to put them on by my own accord it’s like fine, but my family asks me questions, asking me what for, or questioning if I should be doing that, and if I say TO SEE they just think I’m overreacting. If I’m not going out somewhere important, it’s like I’m discouraged to put them on, but sometimes (almost all the time) my brother tells me to look at the tv, I squint, and he makes a deal of it, when I say I can’t see, he says “ok but you must see the general shape.” Like maybe I just see a soup of colors and I’m not lying about it.
I understand why they do this, it’s because I fall asleep with my contacts on a lot. It’s almost like anytime I have them on my chances of randomly falling asleep shoot up. When I take them off I’m always super awake. I wish I could wear glasses, or have glasses alongside contacts. But this is not an option, because when I push for glasses, my brother pushes back saying I would look ugly in them. That’s the only reason. He told me that if he were in my position he would do anything humanly possible to avoid wearing glasses ever because they’re ugly, like ENOUGH. IM TIRED OF TRYING BEING PRETTY ALL THE TIME!!!!! Even when I tell him that I’ll only wear them inside the house. I think my family has bad memories from me looking grotesque in my first glasses but THEY were the ones that CHOSE THEM. I chose lenses without the anti-glare because I didn’t want people thinking I had fake glasses, or was lying, because for years people thought I was lying about needing glasses. My family thought I wanted them for fashion purposes. Lord give me mercy. Anyways my family hated the glare on my glasses and found it really annoying.
I think I’m going to just disobey them, stop paying attention to these things I fixate too much on (the comments) and get glasses in secret with my mom, since I’ve been able to convince her over the years.
Also, as if this post isn’t long enough, but the next time I hear the term “y2k” my head will explode. I say this as someone who likes 00’s fashion. Who the fuck decided that this annoying and grating term will be THE ONLY way to describe anything remotely early 00’s? Can people please find a new term??
No. 743195
>>743185>family thinks you're faking poor eyesight No offense, but that's incredibly stupid of them. What the fuck is up with some people.
My condolences.
No. 743211
>>743140Holy shit anon update us are you okay???? She's gonna make it, r-right ladies???
Seriously though the last time I was in cold that bad I alternated between pushups, crunches, and running in places (don't count, just swap between them at random for a reasonable pace as long as you can take it). It definitely kept my blood flowing and kept me warm.
No. 743212
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aah help I can't poop despite taking a lax last night and I'm shaky, stomach feels weird, guess I'll sleep. I pooped more before taking it and now my tumtum is screwed… I just want to poop so it ends. I just wanted softer poops.I'll try pooping one more time but I'm never taking one of theseagain
No. 743226
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Thanks for always treating me like a fucking moron and bitching at me when all I've ever done is try to be a good friend to you. I'm done, goodbye.
No. 743285
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just woke up to find out i’d bled all over the bed and myself even despite a pair of underwear and a pad thick as a fucking nappy and i think it’s the worst bloodstain i’ve ever made with this dumbass fucking vagina of mine. i cant change the sheets either AAAAAAAAAAAA WHY
No. 743288
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I broke up with my ex about 2 months ago and it was not a peaceful one since she practically ghosted me on the last messages I sent to her which were just about the issues we had, not a definite "we are breaking up". I did mention from the start I was thinking of breaking up though so I took her silence as agreement since I was too tired to go on, she would always avoid the subject after a while each time I tried bringing up things that bothered me.
Soo anyways, I accidentally stumbled on her new twitter account today due to a mutual friend only to find out she is copying my texting mannerisms and also copied a design of mine? It's just really jarring for me because she was really different before we dated, and idk how to feel about it. I feel I'm just being petty.
No. 743295
>>743279I used to wonder how much of my exes raging or moodiness could've been prevented if he jacked off more and hadn't treated his orgasms as something solely I need to provide to him with. Telling a moody scrote to go jerk off though.. Can't imagine it would go well. In the beginning he was gropey all the time but as time went on he'd on the odd occasion berate me for not having sex with him in a couple days… When he never even tried to initiate it or to ask or even hint??
Looking back I'm pretty sure we had many a ruined weekend because I'm not a mind reader (and he is not a communicator) so if we got up on Saturday morning without him being serviced the weekend would be hell with the silent treatment thrown in if I dared to ask what exactly the issue was
No. 743306
>>742622>>742686>i was abused my whole lifeI guarantee the issue is connected to this. In these instances where you're "switching," your nervous system, which is likely already overactive, is being
triggered because something in your environment is making you feel unsafe. I'm going to take a shot in the dark here and assume that your parents/family are responsible for a good chunk of this abuse. If you still live with them and don't know any differently, it's highly likely you haven't gotten a chance to really dissect any of these behaviors of yours and analyze how they're connected to your trauma, because you don't feel safe to do so yet. You're still very much in survival mode right now, by the sound of it.
We actually have a variety of different survival "modes" that we go into when we feel threatened. You might have heard of some of them. Fight, flight, flee, etc. Sounds like you're going into some kind of fight mode in these instances you've described.
If you're not able to afford therapy right now, I'd recommend researching PTSD and C-PTSD, as well as familiarizing yourself with some of the symptoms of trauma, particularly as it pertains to whatever abuse you've suffered from (emotional, sexual, physical, etc). This might help you to put together the pieces and figure out if there's anything your boyfriend and these guys have done to remind you of past abuse, thus
triggered your nervous system and led to you acting bizarrely.
I do want to say though, that as much as I understand the feeling of there being something "crazy" and "completely wrong with you," please understand that your behavior didn't come from nowhere. There is 100% a reason why this is happening to you. You're not just some psycho, I promise.
Sorry you're struggling, and I hope you can find some answers. I also hope that one day you can afford a trauma-informed therapist. It's definitely worth it.
No. 743324
>>743306could it really be PTSD? i never thought about it tbh
but thank you anon i will also look into that!!
now that i think about it i really did have a horrible childhood, my parents were and still are physically and emotionally
abusive and are just using me as a punching bag and living with my parents doesnt make it better and it continues to drive me insane
my father is a raging alcoholic typical ''good guy'' while my mother is a horrible narc that puts everyone down and thinks highly of herself
i experience extreme depressive mood since years and have extreme anxiety not even being able to go and order food without fucking crying or having panic attacks, cant even socialize properly and dont have friends
my life is truly horrible but i dont know how to change it for the better
every day gets worse and worse driving me even more fucking insane than i already am
also if anyone is interested i could post an update about yesterday since he texted me
funfact: i found out that my father is cheating on my mother with fucking prostitues kekkk he is worse than i thought
No. 743336
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>be me
>get lonely
>post on /soc/ out of desperation
>get no replies
even the bottom of the barrel can sense that there’s something wrong with me.
No. 743462
>>743455I'm so glad that I got bored of hooking up with guys. I remember this same shit, technically having a decent list of guys to choose from but somehow they were never available unless it's stupidly last minute or a random text at 2am like 'you still up'
How are men always whining about being denied sex when all these guys also exist and are happy to just ruin a good arrangement for themselves?
No. 743464
>>743462the "uwu i'm developing feelings for you and you're leaving uwu" shit is literally the worst - we set out from the start that this was a temporary pod arrangement right before i was leaving.
No. 743467
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Consequences of renting with a parent? Jealous dad is pissed because I'm working from home and not doing much work in his opinion.
Too fucking bad old man! Maybe if you didn't want to work yourself to death in your field job you should've pulled yourself up by your bootstraps and went to college to get a loan debt like me so you could at least sit at home for your office job when there's bad weather sometimes.
Imagine being resentful of your adult children because they carved out non-stressful jobs for themselves against a lot of fucking odds given the current employment climate. He walks by my computer and if I'm playing a game in between doing shit on my personal laptop he says "THAT'S NOT WORK!" fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
No. 743489
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>>743466Damn, that fucking sucks. I’m sorry, anon. It was probably your boss being mad/frustrated overall, and you’re the unlucky straw that broke him, but still, totally unfair and unwarranted. I’d be mortified and probably cry lmao. At least it’s Friday, have a good weekend!
No. 743513
>>743488Yep. He divorced my mom, had no backup plan, and at the time I didn't have a partner so I needed a roommate because the cost of living here is high. I'm on better financial footing and I've had a boyfriend for almost a year now, but I can't leave because of this unbreakable lease I signed. It sucks.
If my dad wanted to buy a house he'd have zero savings. Even shithole townhomes start here at $300k+ easy and being outbid is common. So if he started a mortgage now he'd be dead before he paid it off. He really might as well rent for the rest of his life. Then at least he wouldn't have to worry about things like maintenance and a yard as he enters geriatric age.
He's fucking obnoxious to live with. Typical entitled man who doesn't help out with any chores save for once in a blue moon. He doesn't even take out the trash or do dishes anymore because my boyfriend will pick his share up for him–which is wrong but tbh I'm glad my boyfriend helps clean and I don't want to discourage good habits.
I guess maybe when I was at my childhood home I never noticed my dad's quirks and tics. He constantly belches, farts, sneezes, coughs, etc. So much that my boyfriend thinks he has an untreated medical condition. He constantly camps in the living room and barely sleeps in his own room so I've gotta constantly walk on eggshells lest I wake him up or I otherwise get in his way. Can't even ask for the living room tv for an evening without him throwing a bitchfit shouting "GUESS I'M BANISHED TO MY ROOM" as if that's not exactly my life every. single. day. I'm also expected to play his therapist. Whenever he's having relationship or work problems, I can't dare to do anything but nod and agree with his tirades that sometimes go on for several minutes. Yet if I try to talk to him about my problems, he's condescending and constantly tells me why I'm in the wrong or acts frustrated when I'm giving details because I can't summarize the point in a sentence. As a result I tell him the bare minimum unless something bothers me so much that it slips out, and I usually regret that because of how he acts.
If I say anything to the effect of me not liking the treatment he gives me, he grouches and says "You're just like your mother!" He pretends to family and outsiders alike that he's doing me some kind of huge financial favor, but really he's an absolute troll to live with and even if he was paying everything for me it would barely be enough.
It's hard to believe it, but I actually used to have a great relationship with my dad and I thought he was "one of the good ones." Boy, was I fucking wrong.
No. 743532
>My chances of actually going to an art school and getting a useless degree and being in debt for the rest of my life? High.Maybe I should just move to Finland. I heard those motherfuckers barely pay shit for a degree.
No. 743535
>>743530Well, with that attitude, definitely low. Once you shake off the romantic ideas of being internet famous or having exhibitions in galleries, there's a lot that can be done to earn decent living with art. Learn animation, learn motion design, learn vector and basics of how-to prepare things for print and how to design packagings, apply for junior roles in marketing agencies, or small video game companies - there's actually plenty of small companies doing hazard-related games that require nice, polished art, it's not as glamorous as being triple A concept artist, but it's a job. Broaden your horizons and get out there. I see myself as mediocre at best, but I'm earning above average monthly pay in a big capital city, took some work to get there but it's more than just doable.
No. 743537
>>743532I mean that's most of Europe? We don't pay almost anything for school.
Doesn't make artists more hireable, though. Most eventually retrain and go to business school or get a job at McDonald's.
No. 743563
>>743543I'm not even a fakeboy and I would remove them too if I had the chance. Or maybe make them really really flat. I just don't like them and they get in the way.
Like the other anon said though, make sure to look into reducing first and be sure that you will not regret it.
No. 743578
>>743548I know that. However if I could afford the surgery right now reduction has no benefit over removal.
>Might need touch up surgery and/or implants to correct cosmetic issues>More scarring>Longer recovery>Breasts can regrow if I gain weightRemoval
>Only two scars>No need for implants>Less complicated>No possiblity of breast getting big again No. 743592
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Onlyfans whores who brag about “yo man likes dis” should be ashamed. I understand it’s the guys fault too but you’re bragging about it you nasty thot
No. 743596
>>743577Nta but earlier today I was fantasising about living a life where my schedule becomes the opposite to old mens so I can leave the house and go work without men 3 times my age trying to force me to talk to them while I'm busy.
If women on average live longer than men then how is it that elderly women don't randomly talk to me day in day out (detailed weather updates I didn't ask for, fascinating! And I get to hear more tomorrow yay) It's always men. Then they tell you that you're looking great.. Makes me want to quit my job and go hermit.
No. 743600
>>743592I could be reading this wrong but maybe it's more about the principle of taking his money when he probably made a big deal about having moved on from her with the new girlfriend?
Nevertheless, I'd be the type to let his current girlfriend know if I were her. Even if she blocks, clearly the guy is the type of scum who pays for porn while he neglects the sexual needs of his gf.
No. 743603
>>743592They somehow feel empowered by shit like this, it's mind-boggling that this is considered a point to brag about
My ex cheated on me and left, then hit me up lately while he has a current partner and four step kids.. Sent me a fucking teddy bear in the mail to get my attention too. All that proves is that he's a dick and he doesn't think much of me or any woman. Isn't that cool. Sure makes me feel like I'm all sexy..
No. 743615
>>743604It's good you have something to hold on, hopefully in the future it will become more than just the bf, but it's a start and anything is great for starters. You're only 20 years old, it really is not much, you're young with a lot of time to grow and get better. Your mom is very cruel to say something like that, but maybe it's a cue for you to try to cut them off, at least to some extent? I don't know the exact rules of hospitalization in your case, but maybe if you could do it for few weeks/months to get some worries related to day-to-day living off your head, it would help? Just to regain stable footing.
You're doing ok, no one is "cut ot be an adult", some people struggle less and some people struggle more. You're just one of the latter. Making it to 20yo is a proof enough you can do it, so please keep trying. One day you'll succeed, as unlikely as it may seem now.
No. 743626
>>743604What way does your ocd present itself?
I was in a very similar spot at 20, then that bf left me and I thought I'd fall apart but I took it as a type of rock bottom or 'do or die', moment and went into hospital. Tbh I didn't want to leave the hospital after a while. I felt a sense of being looked after and safe (even though I saw some very unwell people there too) It can help to get away from your family environment while tackling those issues. Especially if family are compounding your distress.
No. 743635
>>743629I cannot believe how many super mentally ill mothers there are out there, especially on this website…
I'm sorry anon, you shouldn't be forced to be the mature one in this relationship.
No. 743637
>>743625General mysoginy, yes. Like awkward questions about it and puzzled looks.
Well, it's a relief if you have thought about these things.
Hope you can find what can suit you best.
No. 743800
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It's really hitting me for the first time how fucked up and vindictive my mom is. I've always known that she most likely had some sort of personality disorder, which is why she acts so weird and abusive, but I always felt like she wasn't actually in control of her actions. I just resented her for refusing to go to therapy and have kept low contact with her for a few years now because I'm just tired of her antics. I still talk to her, just very sparingly, and I just ignore her when it's clear she's trying to manipulate me into paying attention to her.
Lately, she's been pulling stunts that are extremely bizarre and are clearly meant to upset and confuse me, all the while acting like she's never loved or missed me more than she does right now. The stark contrast between her actions and her words is honestly bone-chilling. She's been acting like this ever since I gently let her know in an email (which she pretended she didn't see) that I don't want to go on a trip with her and my sister. For some reason, I only put two and two together the other day. I've had crazy anxiety and borderline panic attacks ever since because it's like…I somehow never was able to accept that my mom was actually kind of sadistic, or that she was fully in control of a lot of her horrible behavior toward me. I now know for certain that's not the case.
She's done everything possible to try and keep me in her life, which I have resisted because I don't trust her. She's never gone to therapy or really apologized for abusing me growing up, even though she hasn't been openly abusive for the past few years. It's been much more covert. It's like she's trying to punish me for not talking to her, or not doing what she wants. Idk. I'm rambling at this point, but I'm grossed out and really struggling to deal with the fact that I'm probably going to have to completely cut her out of my life for the sake of my own safety/sanity, and I don't even know how to start with that.
No. 743889
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I’m so lonely sometimes, and horny, and have been dreaming about being in love for a long time, and the guy I was talking to got COVID and I don’t think he was that interested in me any way
I try to be positive and I know good things come in time, with hard work, but sometimes the exercising and dieting and keeping up hobbies… all of it seems to be so I can find my “soulmate”… and it seems pathetic. I really hope I find love one day like that. I would give up a lot for it. I want to find a sap like me. But that would also be a man… I don’t know if I should have high hopes….
No. 743908
>>743905Please don't be obtuse. I made it clear that the problem isn't that she's "working a minimum wage job in her 20's," it's that she complains constantly, does nothing to improve her situation, and is spiteful and rude towards people who are doing better than her.
If I need to be more clear, I will also specify that amongst one of her regular complaints is not liking any of her jobs. She doesn't make enough money and struggles to get by as a result. Despite this, she refuses to go to school or look into any sort of credential program that could help improve those prospects. Also, according to her, all of her customers
and coworkers treat her like crap, but I don't know how true that actually is. She has been complaining about this exact shit, like clockwork, for almost ten years. I used to sympathize with her, but I'm over it. There's only so much you can do for people that refuse to do anything to better themselves.
No. 743921
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I already got over him. I know that it's probably for the best of us, but now I feel empty again.
I deserved, and still deserve, being seeing as stupid for this; it wasn't worthy.
I need some time alone.
No. 743949
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My bf just told me that before we got together some girl with a giant ass sat in his lap and a part of me has died inside.
Pic unrelated
No. 743988
>>743961Kek, that's what you get for robbing the cradle.
I pushed my younger crush to be alone in a room with me to watch netflix, sat close and did all sort of googly eyes and shit. He didn't attempt anything.
Now, he's going all 'I have a bad side, you should be afraid' and I'm going full kek every time it happens. Dude, I put myself in a situation where you could have raped me and you didn't take advantage at all, what even are you talking about.
They're cute for sure but damn, they sure need a few years of real life experience.
No. 744014
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No. 744030
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>>743988>I have a bad side, you should be afraidanon please
No. 744031
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my wisdom teeth are impacted and trying to grow in and they hurt so fucking bad!!!!!!!! i wanna scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH anything thats more than just completely squishy fucking hurts to eat and even when i don't eat hard stuff my jaw is just…permanently throbbing in pain jesus christ kill me
at least i have poor people insurance so it'll be covered but it's the weekend and the surgery clinic i left a voicemail for won't reply til monday…….and even then……i'll have to schedule it…….and it's going to take god knows how long to actually have an appointment date…….it's over…..i've lost
No. 744053
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I succumbed to avoidance and haven't returned the calls of my friends the last month. Eventually my best friend, who lives near me, showed up on my doorstep today to tell me that our friendship is over because she's fed up with me disappearing all the time. She was really angry and implied that I don't care about her. I said I do. I imagined what it must be like to think like her, to think that there is a direct correlation between thought and action.
I know what the problem is. My brain associates intimacy with danger. Any kind of human contact makes me panic. Phone ringing? Someone wants to contact me - panic. Message alert? Panic. I love my friend, but I can't rewire my brain so it'll associate intimacy with safety. Safety is avoidance. Safety is shutting everyone out. Safety is not answering emails, messages, phonecalls. Safety is sitting in my room and binging Youtube videos. Safety is not being in contact with anyone.
I also know why this is. I was raised by a narcissistic mother who made our personal boundaries wash together. For the longest time, I wasn't sure if certain thoughts or desires or even physical symptoms belonged to her or me. Whenever I wanted to be myself, I shut myself in my room so I could be alone. Only then I knew that I was me and she was her, the boundaries were clear.
So now I feel like I'm standing in front of a fucking equation that I cannot solve. I know that what I'm doing is wrong and hurting people. I don't want to be hurting people. I want to get along with them. I want to be okay with intimacy. I crave it for fuck's sake. But I don't know what the next step is. I've realized and acknowledged what my problem is. I know what's causing it. I've been in therapy. I tried solving it. I tried reaching out, making friends, but I always end up withdrawing and isolating myself and I end up losing them. I just literally don't know what to do anymore
No. 744064
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My anxiety is really high and I asked a friend if he could post me proof about him not messing with me. He got offended and annoyed and I feel like complete shit and have no idea if I fucked up or if it was okay to ask or what. He knows I have trust issues and I don't ask for this or show it constantly, it's the first time in like 2-3 years. Either way I feel terrible and want to spend the rest of the day in bed. Fuck me for ever opening my mouth, nothing good EVER comes from it.
No. 744065
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anons, I just want a himbo boyfriend, that's all I ask for. I don't want him to care about politics, I don't want him to have a degree etc. he could be a construction worker or a fisherman or something. I just want him to be kind to other people, strong and hot. and a little dumb. god please send me a himbo.
No. 744103
>>743903>big girl job Kek not related to your post but this reminds me of when I got my first full time office job after working office temps, at a call center, and retail for several years, mostly because I live in a competitive area and had to figure out for myself all the application tricks to even have my resume seen for higher paid jobs. One of my friends congratulated me on my "first big girl job" and I thought that was super condescending. My call center job was a "big girl job" complete with health insurance, travel benefits, and a full time schedule. It was just stressful as fuck and I hated working there, turnover was high and literally everyone was on mental health medication. IF I could have stood to work there, some people were making 30/hr after 12 or so years at the lowest position level. But I only lasted over three years because it was impacting my health so much.
Anyways, this was coming from a friend who held a retail/food service position herself. Same friend hasn't been able to hold a job for a solid year in more than a few years and she's pissed that nobody wants to hire her for what I'm being paid now. I've tried to help her, but she hasn't done much to boost her resume or help her case in any way. So she got hired at a small call center. She didn't last one week before she vented to me about how the call center is a anxiety inducing place and quit. I mean, what happened friendo? I thought a place like a call center was an easy peasy non-big girl job? Didn't you just sit on your ass and piss around on the phone all day? /s I know I'm sounding mean but omg she deserved that lesson.
I guess she's asking a friend's husband to get her a job at a production line at a factory that pays pretty well. Hope she can stick to a "big girl job" finally.
No. 744105
>>744096I've gone on to often vent here about him getting creepy with me so I'm glad I didn't try and play along with that shit
But yeah entertaining actual friends if the favor is returned or people at least offer to bring the cake along sounds cool if you are into it. It's the one-sidedness and self invites that are too tolerated here. And it's not men having self invites thrusted on them.
No. 744157
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>>744128Pretty sure this is more about your grandmother catching Covid than the fatties.
I'd be mad at at your government for not providing visitor tests to nursing homes instead.
No. 744181
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i keep waking up from my sleep with heart palpitations, severe dissociation, and traumatic intrusive thoughts. this shit sucks! i want to have a comfortable slumber.
No. 744240
I'm gonna sound like a scrote but hear me out, I hate that women are trash in comparison to men. We're always weaker, have to deal with periods, pregnancy and hormonal imbalances, always in a submissive role, always considered inferior and less intelligent. In most religions we're the same as animals. We're paid less, we're ignored more, our emotions are treated like things we cannot control akin to instinct. Men treat us like warm fleshlights that need some care sometimes instead of actual people. To be powerful as a woman means to aggressively pleasure men through sex and beautiful looks. I will fall in love with a man some day and I'll have to accept being treated as if I'm inferior, dumber, dependant on someone who doesn't see me as a person for love. When I refuse all of this I'm not doing my job and I'm shameful and acting unnatural. I can see why fakeboys turn out like they do, how can you even fucking blame them. Both society and nature itself are against women.
No. 744272
>>744240I'm booking your appointment for a comorbidity of being a pickmeisha and having obvious daddy issues.
You'll thank me later.
No. 744284
>>744278Dont have a heart attack on your way there
nonny! ♥
No. 744297
>>744272Nta but what's untrue about what she said? Both society and nature fucks us over, pregnancy makes us vulnerable and males are using it against us. And because of the fact we're weaker, smaller and we give birth to kids, men were keeping us behind closed doors for the majority of human history, and the majority of human achievements in science, art, music, architecture, philosophy etc. were made by men. Male is the deafult in art. Male is the symbol of universal human struggle. Female roles in theatre and movies are fucking boring most of the time and they have no introspection, they're just a bunch of stereotypes about women. I could never identify with female characters in movies and books, because everything about them was just less human, less interesting and more boring and docile in comparison to male characters I liked.
No. 744305
>>744240That's a perspective you don't have to take. Being weaker and all those things doesn't mean we're lesser imo. We've been mistreated and with scrote logic that's a loss and obviously it's miserable for us. But the truth is we are better humans, we commit less crimes and are less violent. Just because injustice has been done to us by a stronger force doesn't mean we're actually less. I mean by that logic any nation that overpowers and commits human rights abuses against another, is "good." I mean obviously you can say they're more successful but they're fucking depraved and horrible. Idk, you shouldn't be looking at it this way if you ask me. Not to downplay how horribly we've been screwed over by men, but their behavior isn't something I idolize or think makes them superior, truly. They are fucking scum. Ruling by brute force and terror makes them fucking scum. I hate murderers, rapists, anyone who harms another and is cruel, and that's their true accomplishment over us, there sadly isn't justice but I still view them as lesser for it until they can change. Scrotes do still cling to morality or pretend to, even by their standards they are scum they only justify it because it serves their sex
No. 744391
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I'm crushing on my professor so bad it fucking sucks, he's like 20+ years older than me and has a kid. Why can't I just find people my own age attractive rather than old ass wrinkly men, fuck.
No. 744399
>>744308If nature makes you weak, unable to defend yourself from a male assaulter, makes pregnancy almost lethal and so painful that you cannot do a lot of things for a lot of time, then it also makes you inferior. If your role in nature is submissive then you're inferior. If the average male can overpower the average woman then we're inferior, because at the end of the day it's all based on who's the strongest and who can overpower the other. Men have always been in positions of power because they're strong and they were able to make women submit and control them by force. I'm not saying that we're less as people, I know women are better humans, but because we are objectively less physically we are also treated less as people, so by the majority of society we result inferior. And I hate that.
>>744386How are they useless by nature anon?
No. 744408
>>744391It’ll blow over eventually, anon. When I was dealing with a crush on my professor I made myself think about the situation like this: if he’s truly a great guy, he would never take advantage of a student or abandon his family. If he
would do something like that then he’d be a scumbag and not worth my affection. There is no scenario in which this would turn out okay.
The crush will probably fizzle out as soon as you’re finished with the course or whatever it is that keeps you in contact with him.
No. 744411
>>744399Women are only 'submissive' because men are desperately possessive and jealous of the fact that the human race is in our hands, and they have exerted significant effort to control and subjugate our reproductive capabilities. Without their interference they would exist to do manual labour and be canon fodder for our sakes, and then maybe, if they can compete well enough with other men, we will pick a small number of them and let their genes continue on. They're destined to spend their whole lives obsessing over us as the ultimate prize, and we are just 'meh' about the majority of them.
Of course, you're not wrong in the sense that it is our practical reality to suffer at the hands of males and we're not in any position of power because of the way things turned out. But I can't feel lesser for it, knowing that men are simply parasites doing everything they can to hitch a ride on our wagon.
No. 744415
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>>742978Nobody gives a shit, but I just figured out that I can just stick sticky notes to my screen with formulas/instructions. So I feel based. Gonna get at least a B.
No. 744424
>>744405Raw strenght is the root of everything though. We are people, but deep down we all just function like animals (down to our hormones, reactions, roles, dymanics) and in nature being stronger and more aggressive than the other is what allows you to live. Sadly our society is based on that and will be for a long time, maybe forever. And how would we have the power to end the human race?
>>744407In a domestic setting and day to day life when we aren't holding guns, knives and poisons constantly, we are left with our bare strenght and men can overpower us.
>>744410Hawking was still a man and yeah, to and extent he was seen as inferior, but he was also a genious and useful because of that. Had he been a woman you wouldn't even know her name. And isn't testosteron the thing that makes men bigger, stronger and more aggressive?
>>744411So we're the prize? A thing they can have when they keep pushing other men down and come out victorious because, again, they're the strongest? What even happens if women were to refuse them? They would use force to have us anyway. Like when they rape.
I'll quit my sperging now because I'm annoying and I just needed to vent anyway.
No. 744426
>>744240>we're always weakerPlenty of men are weak and have no dexterity whatsoever. This is not a rule.
>have to deal with periodsWhy would this make us trash? This just goes to show in actuality that women have a higher pain tolerance and can withstand more bullshit than the average dude. Meanwhile we all know if men catch a cold they act like they're on death's doorstep.
>pregnancyAgain, doesn't make us trash. We're majorly responsible for the propagation of our species, and going back to the cold thing, men would be too weak to put up with what we do even if it became possible in the future to transfer pregnancy to men.
>hormonal imbalancesAgain, men have this as well. Also why they lose their hair from their heads and gain it on their backs.
>always in a submissive roleNot a rule. Many women would be in dominant roles if societies would have allowed us, and yet many women still persist to drive their relationships and be leaders. The problem is the fragile masculinity of men and their threat of harming us and killing us if we dare to make them feel too inferior about it.
>always considered inferior and less intelligentBy morons, sure. Women in general are more successful at universities.
>in religions we're the same as animalsReligions are shit and not in the right. Who cares?
>we're paid lessAgreed, we need to demand more.
>we're ignored moreAgreed, we need to be unapologetic about taking up space.
>our emotions are treated like things we cannot controlAgreed, we need to demand we be heard regardless.
>men treat us like warm fleshlightsThis is optional, vet your scrotes better.
>to be powerful as a woman means to aggressively pleasure men through sex and beautiful looksThat's not the only way to have power as a woman, no.
Sis just quit accepting shit treatment from men, don't be afraid to be alone and walk away.
No. 744430
>>744424There are animals who are able to survive and prosper not from brute strength, but from intelligence. "Survival of the fittest" refers to literally any advantage over the others, whether it be brains, strength, or literally looking like a splotch of bird shit so you don't get eaten before you can reproduce. All of these things are equal when it comes to surviving, they're not weighed against each other. Clearly you haven't been graces with intelligence of any kind kek.
In any case, we aren't living in a society where any of that matters any more.
And to answer your question, if every woman decided to stop having kids, the human race would end.
Clearly this is unrealistic and won't happen, but it is within the realm of possibility since men can't reproduce by themselves.
No. 744431
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I'm so annoyed, why men can't be fucking professional. I needed my laptop fixed and left it at well reviewed local fixing place, guy there was about my age and very casual so I talked with him normally, not flirty at all mind you, just about my laptop issues, from the laptop he guessed I'm playing games sometimes so I admitted but that's it. Had to leave my phone number and name for updates about fixing and client protocol whatever, and now dude sent me like 4 texts already just today asking about my interests and shit, I'm not responding to at all but eventually I'll have to say sth i guess.
He has my laptop and can do anything with it really, I'm worried about pissing him off somehow now, you never know with men, geeks especially. Should I be obnoxious and idk, say sth like "I enjoy playing video games with my boyfriend best"? Or leave it, just be vague, pick laptop up asap when possible and ignore him from that point on? What would you do in my place?
No. 744446
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>>744297>muh male achievementsintellectual dishonesty at it's finest
No. 744449
>>744444Tbh, yeah, I would prefer to buy a new laptop in general, taking them to repairs is always a pain in the ass and your laptop will only last for like a year or two at best.
I always put all of my data in an external hard drive so in case I get my laptop stolen or broken, I don’t feel too bad about it.
No. 744451
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>>744240start roiding yourself if you love physical strength so much pickmeisha
No. 744457
>>744431be cordial but don't say anything too "rude" (justified tbh) lest he spike your laptop with something or ruin the repair process. then, if possible, ghost the location or maybe leave an anonymous complaint.
i guess you could also tell him that you aren't interested in talking/say you're too busy (but once again, you never know with men, and this might piss him off)
No. 744463
>>744424Even in a domestic setting there's always something to stab, throw or punch with. Hell, literally just digging your fingernails in their eyes can cause damage. It's just that we're basically told since we were little that "it's no use to resist/fight back"(even if our fucking lives depend on it, be polite, get in the car and don't cause any inconveniences to your murder lmao), to prepair and always be aware that men can be the big bad that will make us helpless
victims cower in fear and to "endure/accept until it's over" whenever men cause trouble. Fuck all of this, chimp out as soon as your gut tells you to. I'd rather be embarassed afterwards than hurt, raped or killed by some useless lowlife.
No. 744466
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>>744458I feel same too I hate myself. Everything I touch breaks or turns into shit. I wish I could live a hermit life or perish.
No. 744496
>>744486Honestly anon? I've never fought anyone, but I'm still gonna try to fight him if I think I can. If I genuinely believe I could successfully taze, stab, shoot
although I don't like the idea of a man and a gun being in the same house, or overpower a man (unlikely) then I'm gonna to do that. I'm a short girl, so that means he could either have an easier time catching me or a harder time cause of speed. Anyway, what works better was not the point of my post.
No. 744516
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>>743903Alright so I’ve been the sister and anon at different times in life. Kind of floundered in my mid 20s, got a lot of flak from my sister (who WAS progressing but on the dime of an
abusive scrote, so I didn’t really appreciate the lecture). Made my own decision to start hustling at 26 and making way better money in a job I like at 30.
You’re right about your sister needing to really think about her long term goals now, because every single year that passes, the more set in her ways she’s going to be and the less likely she’ll be able to make something of herself. From what I’ve gathered it sounds like it’s not just the dead end job, but that she hasn’t made something of herself in any capacity.
You definitely don’t have to coddle her anymore, but I can see how she’d get sensitive and defensive, “big girl job” is kind of condescending. You can try getting to the root of the problem or helping her find a path to start following, which might be more motivating than an undefined “make something of yourself” thing. Of course, you can only do so much, if she doesn’t want to be helped than you can’t help her.
No. 744533
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A few years ago before I broke up with my ex, I intended to adopt an interesting cat I found at a shelter's online page. He was unusually large for a black cat, and his most interesting feature were these two fangs he had. He looked like a vampire cat and was super cute.
I called the shelter (it was a 3+ hour drive one way) and of course they didn't have him anymore. He would have totally been a band aid cat. Obviously I was looking for an emotional tie to keep the failing relationship together until I faced reality. Yet I still think about the cat and hope he's okay.
I'm still apartment renting, but when/if I ever get a house with more room I'd love to own a cat again.
No. 744583
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>>744556Sounds like you know what to do.
No. 744616
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hearing one of my sisters randomly start spouting about cancel culture at the workplace and wokeness and "WELL IN MY OLD COMPANY X YEARS AGO WE USED TO BE ABLE TO SAY, YOU KNOW, ASIAN, BLACK, WHITE…" bitch who stopping you? we're just trying to eat breakfast here. then to follow it up with a YOU KNOW FEMALE SOCCER IS SHIT. I DON'T LIKE FEMALE VETS. I DON'T THNK THEY SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO DO THAT
holy hell leave my residence already please your obese cats are waiting for another over-feeding
No. 744617
>>744365Quarantine would be nice, but then I'm also burdening them like crazy and I know it.
>>744367Oh god I could go on for hours, it's like the reality he sees is so distorted and disfigured I'd almost think he has a mental deficiency. He can't draw worth shit and then attempts portraitures ONLY. It's so bad, and they're all "of me" but look like different people with vastly different birth defects, none of which I actually have.
>>744373There are days he has no idea that I spared his life. I'd post his shitty art but I'm terrified of this coming back to bite me. But I have dozens of photos of them for when I leave him and lose this guilt and just need to vent about how many hideous paintings of "me" exist out there. It's seriously such a fucking waste of resources and it's hard not to think that he's just wasting paint, canvas and time. He doesn't practice at all, he just goes straight to expensive canvas or wood blocks ffs. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
No. 744618
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so ive been talking to this boy for over a year, hes cute, very shy and insecure- i remember he spoke to me about his evil exes and how none of them really gave a fuck about him (one of them called him once and started arguing w him and joked about how he used to battle w cancer, which is so fucked up..) we were getting on very well we played minecraft together and even shared porn lol
we weren't speaking for awhile after having a few arguments (i thought he was using me and he never gaf about me) so i got blocked lmao and begged him to add me back to which he did- this has become an endless cycle for us. we figured we weren't really going anywhere so we started to go no-contact for awhile, in hopes that i would move on from the relationship lmao
since then, i was doing pretty well and used that time to focused on myself however when ever i thought about him it was the worst thing ever for me but i managed. he popped into my head one day so i searched up his instagram to see what hes up to, i then find out that he is dating a new girl.
I dont remember much after that at all, but i became very suicidal and depressed.
after some independent research, i found out who the new girl's ex was and asked him about her and what she was like- she seemed psychotic and delusional probably autistic too. i messaged the guy asking how he was.. bringing up if he had any girlfriends but he completely ignored my question, later admitting that he has a gf and he only has someone because i "was away" he started opening up about her.. saying that she was "shy,curious and funny". i dont trust her at all, all her ig posts are so cringey and very clingy- i know he will eat it all up because of his deep insecurities.
i literally have no idea what to do anymore.. i suddenly have the strong urge to text him and say hi.. im literally inlove with him and i want to be there for him, hes the sweetest guy i have ever spoken to.
No. 744621
nonnie! here's hoping, but it just feels hopeless so far.
No. 744644
>>744618I really hope you're just naive and inexperienced, that guy sounds like a walking red flag.
Protip: if he tells you all his exes are evil or crazy, consider who the common denominator in those relationships is and understand he'll be telling the next girl similar things about you
No. 744657
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Ugh it's so hard having a crush on a dude with lots of genuine female friends because I can't tell if he gives me so much attention because he just thinks I'm cool and likes me as a person or because he likes me back aaaaah
No. 744659
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i just stumbled across a ton of old youtube channels i used to watch when i was like 11/12 that i mostly forgot about and i’m actually near tears watching stupid old awful parody songs of kesha and quirky xD smosh sketches and tons of other 2011 era stuff. the internet used to be so much fun and life was so much easier… i can’t do this. i just teared up at a nyan cat reference for the first time in my life
No. 744681
>>744645I feel like I could have written this post. I spent a lot of time crying in the bathrooms, wondering what I was doing wrong and why I didn't get invited places. One kind woman reached out to me and invited me to her house with some other coworkers for a game night once. It was fine, I guess. We had very different ideas of what was funny and the few interests we had in common weren't that deep, so I left after a socially acceptable amount of time and never got invited to another one again.
I'm fine with that, honestly. I stopped giving a fuck about what my coworkers think about me and it's helped me cope a lot. You're going to the job to make money, not friends. It can be extremely isolating to be a loner for however many hours a week, but put your headphones on and keep your head down. If your upper management sucks, maybe it's time to look for a new job. Don't let other people dictate how you feel.
No. 744690
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gd it's times like these where i wish i had more personal friends i could hit up at anytime. like fuck, i only have like 3 close friends, 2 of them going through depression a lot and the other is dealing with her baby. i just want someone to facetime with while i get drunk and play minecraft
No. 744701
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I know it's winter + covid, but I wish my bf wasn't so boring. It's starting to feel like groundhog's day where all he does every day is play AC Valhalla and pick (kinda lame tbh) movies we watch back to back until we decide to fuck or not then fall asleep.
The last romantic thing he did for me was for valentine's day, but before that the same dry spell. The big ~exciting~ thing we have on the agenda for tomorrow, and only because I suggested it, is that we're going to a milkshake bar. I'm so bored and wish he would surprise me with something not skull-fuckingly mundane. Of course if I brought this up to him he would do something for me because he's a sweetheart, but it would ruin it for me at the same time because then it wouldn't be something he does out of his own true volition plus he'd probably ask me what to do and just ugh. I feel so spoiled complaining about this but damn I feel like I'm not having any real fun lately.
No. 744707
>>744661>>744669Thank you for the advice and input, anons. It just sucks but it totally get this mindset. My mom gave me the same kind of advice not too long after I started working on the team, but I figured some time would pass and all would be good. wasn't the case though.
>>744681Sorry you went through that! But also, I'm glad you don't have to be "fake" to mesh with their vibes. Kudos for being yourself.
Thank God for covid honestly. I can work in the privacy of my own home and not feel socially required to talk to them. I can't wait to leave this field lol. Hopefully it's the same for you?
I do feel better now, thanks to you all!
No. 744714
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i have had this weird wound/rash on my right nipple/areola for a couple of weeks now, and i'm so scared. i went to the doctor last week who told me to come back asap if antibacterial balm didn't work. it worked for a while and the wound healed, but the rash (?) came back and now it looks really gross so i'm going back today.
i'm so upset because i have no idea about what the rash is. the doctor checked for lumps (and din't find any) during my last visit, but i'm afraid i'll have to take a mammography and a biopsy. my family lives in another country and going through this alone (during a pandemic wtf) really sucks.
i'm so tired!! since idk 2014/2015 i have gone through so much shit and whenever things are going well something like this happens.
No. 744731
>>744645Same here, anon. People at work never made a secret of the fact that I was the only person in the whole group who wasn’t invited to the group chat. Whenever they had a get-together after work they made a point of telling me about how much fun it was the next day and how it was
such a shame I couldn’t make it, then act fake innocent/surprised when I said nobody asked me along. This happened several times a month so it’s hard to believe it was an unintentional oversight. Sometimes when I came into the shared office or walked past their lunch table they’d suddenly fall completely silent and wait until I left to continue talking and laughing. I didn’t even care about being friends with them but I wish they would’ve left me alone instead of these weird middle school bully tactics. The worst part is that the person responsible for writing my reference was one of the main instigators so I couldn’t really do anything except smile and bear it. There’s something incredibly pathetic about a 50+ year old woman acting out her Regina George fantasies in the workplace where everyone else is half her age.
If I were you I’d ignore their shit and get on with work, and maybe try to get transferred to a better group if possible. Assuming these people are all adults, it’s unlikely they’ll grow out of it.
No. 744736
>>744618He doesn't love you anon, and he got tired of you the moment you stopped being his therapist. He doesn't need to be saved and you should just let it go.
And he fucking shared porn with you and badmouthed all of his exes? Huge red flags.
No. 744755
>>744746It's a good show. I recognize myself in one of the character so much.
It stings so deeply, tho. I wonder if people do have bff like that or if it's just fiction.
No. 744938
>>744897This, a while ago my electricity bill went up by like $30 a month randomly and I thought my fridge or something must be getting old and leaky. I only realized when I looked at the hourly use meter that it was because of my new laptop…not even that much bigger but used like 3x the power of my old craptop. Computers use basically about as much elec as a major appliance so if that bitch boy is gaming or watching TV tell him he's burning like 50 cents an hour or more sitting on his ass, you can probably find out the exact number from the power supply wattage or w/e.
also protip unplug ur laptop and tv at night it saved me like $20 a month when I started.
No. 744942
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As someone who is trying to outgrow anachan tendencies, I would appreciate if my dad wouldn't comment how he has to do x amount of exercise to compensate for the food he's eating (that I am also currently eating)
No. 744983
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My mom found out about my recent frivolous purchases and she got so upset she took my card. My debit card connected to my bank account keeping my money which I earned at my full-time job. She says that she wants to teach me a lesson because I won't be living with her forever and I'll have to survive on my own on only my salary, so I have to learn to spend it wisely. I still live with my parents and I don't have to pay any sort of rent or utilities apart from my own mobile phone bill, so in a way I sort of understand where she comes from, but I still think taking away my salary card was quite harsh, I'm almost 23. So what if I buy stupid shit? Even if I were on my own with no other support, it's still my own money that I earned and it's my right to spend it how I please, I would never spend my parents' money on the kind of things I buy from my own salary.
No. 744991
>>744983anon instead of buying junk take the blessing that you have which is managing to have a full-time job you should save up and then gtfo out of there
while your mom is absolutely right you are kind of immature, it’s a major warning sign that they are getting ready to kick your ass out because they’re tired of you
feel like the whole context is missing here idk lol
No. 744993
>>744983>I'm almost 23While I agree that you should have access to your own money, it's weird to pull the "I'm old enough to take care of my own finances" card when your parents are actually bearing the brunt of your bills and the cost of your living.
I know they're your parents but they're not required to look after you in your adult life. If you have enough to buy random crap, why are you making no contribution to rent or utilities? Unless you're shower dodging and living by candlelight, paying something towards the bills seems reasonable. I know plenty of people that still with their parents in their 20s but I don't know a single one that's making zero financial contribution to the household.
No. 744998
>>744983At 23 alot of parents would want you to pay a cut of the rent or at least shared bills. The main reason why any parent wouldn't do that…is to give you a chance to save up and move out. If you aren't saving up and they're lecturing you to grow up and save money then you are in way taking money from your parents without providing your part of the deal.
They're being kind by paying your cut of utilities, and they're not asking for alot in return. The next step parents take in this situation.. is to make you pay bills and rent just to help you learn to adult.
No. 745016
>>744983Taking away your bank card is infantilizing you. If you're not financially responsible at your age I can't help but find fault in the way your parents can't seem to communicate with you in order to teach. There's a fine line between buying a frivolity here and there to keep yourself happy versus overspending. They can't expect you to function like a joyless automaton, but you also shouldn't be buying every trinket of fancy either.
You need to have a frank discussion with them. If you're supposed to be "saving" money, then what's the goal and will "savings" be enough to afford rent on your own for the years you will need it? Is "savings" really meaningless in that context and will you need a roommate in order to survive?
>>745001Yeah they're wanting you to be a mindreader. Have the discussion and move out ASAP.
No. 745062
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>>744431update to flirty computer service guy story because it went from somewhat autistic and not understanding one shouldnt message their client at all to sounding like an incel real quick;
His texts came between 19:00-21:00, I didn't want to respond at that hour anymore, responded around noon today; he sent back a super long text first complaining that i'm testing his patience and that "getting to know me is a minefield" and asking what I was doing that prevented me from responding. Then he went on about that fixing my laptop will be hard, he needs to order additional tools so it will take time and ended with "it may just die completely, we don't know. I really don't like waiting for a response for 24h" which maybe I'm reading wrong but sounds like he's threatening me if I don't respond fast enough he will do sth to my laptop.
The fuck is some men's problem? I was nice to him but at no point indicated wanting to be friends. My boyfriend promised to take some time off work tommorrow to go with me take the laptop back ASAP because it's crossing the line at this point. I want to do a review to warn other women but I feel like people would think it was my fault because I was kind and friendly intially.
No. 745067
I mean anon I lived with my parents til 23 no judgment but I saved 25 grand that way and moved out with a whole ass cushion.
No. 745072
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Being the eldest child and also a daughter is like playing life on level hard, I had to be my own parent + my parents' parent, I accomplished everything on my own and built myself with no help and I didn't get any feedback from anyone, nobody cared if I lived or died so I accomplished everything by my own will without any encouragement whatsoever and those achievements weren't celebrated or even addressed I just lived through my peers who had better lives, everything I had I got with my own money or hand-me-down I existed in a vacuum and my parents added nothing to my life but trauma and mental anguish that I'm still trying to heal from.
On the other side, my younger siblings have to be incited and encouraged to do important things, they get encouragement for everything, they're supported and celebrated, they get things they don't even have to ask for, I love them and I help them at every chance I can but I can't help but feel a deep sting and pity for myself, a cry stuck in my throat for I wish I had someone who cared about me, to guide me, and to just know that I'm doing good, I'm still pretty much still the same but I grew used to it, I just wish I could hug young me who resorted to scrotes online for approval because she didn't have any support system.
No. 745102
>>745062Leave a bad review. Nobody will think it’s your fault except lowest of the low incels like the one you just encountered. They will be forced to fire the fucking prick. Hope your boyfriend scares the daylights out of him. Keep us updated
nonny we love u.
No. 745114
>>745105Weird wording, sorry, I meant the person I talked to and is messaging me now is the owner, so as much as I'd love to have a justice served and him losing a job, it won't happen. Best I can hope for my review will make some future potential clients choose a different place instead.
>>745102>>745093Thank you anons, other women support means a lot now.
I'll do the review and whatever happens happens, you're right that only the worst people would see it as my fault anyway. ILY and let's hope the dude will have a lot of bad time in the future as a karmic retribution at the very least.
No. 745123
>>745118Independent store, has a looooot of
valid looking positive reviews submitted over the years of it operating so I thought it's trustworthy enough. Lesson learned I suppose?
>>745120Yes, he is the owner
No. 745128
>>745062Leave the bad review. What's he gonna do, respond with "you led me on!" and essentially authenticate your review by admitting it happened? Honestly as a woman, if I saw a
review saying he would pretty much hold my stuff hostage for attention and creep me out I would peace the fuck out and never go there, regardless of whether you'd done anything or however he responded.
>i'm testing his patience and that "getting to know me is a minefield" and asking what I was doing that prevented me from respondingInclude this in the review. It's psychotic. I've taken longer to respond to actual friends and boyfriends and they don't freak out like this, so nothing you did, no matter how friendly, could justify that level of crazy. He waited less than 24hours and that's FINE, especially since he messaged you "out of hours".
No. 745149
>>745128>Leave the bad review. What's he gonna do, respond with "you led me on!" and essentially authenticate your review by admitting it happened?you're right, best case scenario he writes an apology which still, if I was a potential client, would make me not want to use that service; or like you've said just additionaly authenticate it. I have entire conversation saved and a protocol proving I was a client at this place so I'll show it where it will be possible.
>Include this in the review. It's psychotic. I've taken longer to respond to actual friends and boyfriends and they don't freak out like thisI know right? And it wasn't a repair related message on top of that, not to mention it's weekend now. I don't get how people can be like this.
>>745129There's a few local neighbourhood FB groups I'm part of, I'll definitely post a warning there, hope it doesn't happen to any other woman.
>>745132I'm honestly feeling this atm so much.
No. 745163
>>745159its so benign but now this will be a story i think about randomly unprompted.
i wonder what betty was thinking the whole time.
No. 745170
>>745164Yes! Search online to see if there’s ways you can do without, or ways to protect yourself in case.
So do you have your laptop back? I won’t ask any moar questions after this sorry
No. 745179
>>745072I relate to you so much anon. I'm an older sibling and my dad is so fucking hard on me. Every thing that's messed up or broken is my fault despite me being the one who is academically accomplished, never had my parents on top of me to do homework or assignments, and me having really low self-esteem. Because I'm the older sibling I don't like to let out my depression to my family. I've had self-harming issues like cutting and EDs; when my parents found out about one of them in the past they've gotten mad at me.
My sister is babied for her depression/anxiety and uses it as an excuse to be an asshole or be lazy. She does the same with her period. My dad believes both.
I just feel like as the older sibling you can't win. You bear all the responsibility, get the harshest criticism and parenting, but you're never appreciated for anything you do. Your siblings do jackshit in comparison and are celebrated for it like they've won the Nobel Peace Prize. It's exhausting and also sad how my dad will never understand despite being an older sibling himself. He's kind of dumb truthfully but I think he also has limited empathy for me as well as the obvious bias against me. Even my sister admits that he goes easier on her or is likelier to do things if she asks, but when I tell my dad these things he just claims I'm insane or irrational.
No. 745252
>>745227Yep, that's how it goes in my country, it doesn't make sense at all. What's wrong with wanting to be a volcel?
>>745240Somebody joked that I should get in a civil partnership just to pay less taxes but even that sounds harrowing, I don't want to have to depend on anybody.
No. 745259
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I'm 26 and got accepted into college for the first time. I told my mom and she had nothing but criticism for me, the city I'm moving to sucks apparently and she seems to think that I haven't given any thought to how much it would cost, though I did and I have a plan to save up enough for my first year by September. Aside from that she didn't even act happy for me. For years she's always been telling me to follow my passions and go to school but every time I would express interest in a program she would "give me a dose of reality" and I would just let her talk me out of it entirely. It's not fair to blame her for the fact that I'm an uneducated loser at my age, because I chose to listen to her, but I can't help but be bitter at the fact that she can look at where I am in life and not think I could do better. Since quarantine started I've been having sleepless nights where I remember that I'm in my late 20s and haven't gotten to where I feel I should be in life, and I'm just shitting myself feeling like employers might not want me because I'll be too old and inexperienced by the time I graduate. Nothing was stopping me from going to school when I was 20 but myself and I don't want to waste anymore of my best years screwing around.
Anyways my mom came to my room 20 minutes later and said congratulations to me so I guess she was just in a mood when I told her, and now I feel like shit. I love my mom but we don't have a very healthy relationship.
Also I'm gonna be an emotional wreck when I leave because I have to leave my cat at home and I haven't been separated from him the whole time I had him. I hate change.
No. 745262
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God shoplifters are so pathetic. I don't care how it affects the store (small business excluded obviously) and I don't care about people who steal food and necessities because they shouldn't have to be in that position in the first place, but the specific subgroup of materialistic people who steal frivolous bullshit and then say "b-but fuck corporations!! I'm doing it to own the capitalists!!" piss me off the most. Fuck corporations indeed but you're not hurting the megacorp by stealing a pack of eyelashes you stupid bitch. I'm sure Brian Cornell gasped and dropped his priceless crystal lowball glass when you snuck that 4 dollar Wild Fable shirt up your sleeve. Quit making excuses for your lack of self control, you sound trashy as fuck.
No. 745269
>>745259quarantine has everyone fucked up, but lets be real. your mom is an ass. go after it anon, college will not get any better until we all collectively decide that knowledge should be free and no one should ever pay to better themselves and contribute to society.
the other note i will make is that even tho in the us, the state college i work for is one of the cheapest in the country, its still so far more expensive than can be dealt with with barely out of high school teen.
reach for your goals but understand when you calculate bills, its not just rent, phone, internet, gas, food, eating at restaurants, clothing, toilet paper, tampons, tylenol, socks, pens/pencils, papers, shampoo and conditioner, you know, all the little comforts we all love and need but insurance will not cover and republicans dont calculate into their minimum wage infograpghs.
the list could get longer but that doesnt stop your mom from sounding like some dumb italian american mess of a mother, stay safe anon.
No. 745292
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>>745266>>745269>>745274Thank you for your words, anons…
No. 745305
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>>745262Remember that "lifting" community on tumblr from like 2015? Suburban girls stealing frivolous shit like Urban decay palettes and art supplies and then proudly sharing photos of their $450 loot like the little dumbasses they were. When people started doxing them they claimed it was a larp and that they actually bought all of it legally which I never understood. Trying to justify you snatching $150 worth of lip gloss with "muh comfort items and mental issues and fight against capitalism" is peak pathetic, why the fuck would you think it's cute or cool.
I mean I guess if you're ashamed of having cool, expensive stuff and want to make it look "woke" by explaining that you stole it? Though that makes it even more embarrassing.
No. 745348
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Another "girls only" imageboard has moids posting and moids as jannies. Why did I believe I was talking to other women? I'm so fucking stupid.
No. 745380
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>>745351People who've never suffered abuse have a harder time understanding. It makes them uncomfortable, because to them their parents might have only ever grounded them unfairly a few times or said something messed up when they were super angry like once. They just can't comprehend how a parental figure can be an enemy, and that the world is better off once they are dead.
I'm super envious anon. Go figure mine smoked packs of cigarettes daily for most of their lives and yet they're still gonna sail into their 60s and probably 70s. Their deaths will be my holidays too.
No. 745415
>>745404This sucks ass. What about earplugs? Or fancy ass noise cancelling headphone? They could at least give you some rest from this.
I do earplugs at night and Bose quiet comfort during the day and my stress levels really lowered from the combo.
No. 745436
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Why is trying to date women so hard
The interest and flirting is so strong and obvious and then
>left on read
If you're a lesbian reading this, STOP GHOSTING
No. 745442
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Recently broke up with bf (Twitter leftist, sometimes acted like a coomer, gamer & had anger issues. Unironically called me “big tiddy gf”).
But one of the few good things was he pretty much maintained me financially, food & bills wise, and his family would randomly get me clothes and such, all without me asking.
I live with a poor elderly relative, running out of savings, and no place wants to hire 19 year olds in the middle of a pandemic.
Libfem friends pressure me to try OnlyFans, because “easy money”, even though it’s not… but I’m stressed to the point I have considered it a for a moment, even if I’m against the porn industry.
He’s sent messages begging for forgiveness and to get back together, he hasn’t even told his family yet. I’ve also considered that, but I resent him for yelling at me over shit like me saying Shoeonhead is just a pickme without actual beliefs or referring to Peter Coffin as a creepy male instead of a “creepy enby” or whatever. I wouldn’t even know about the embarrassment of the left if it wasn’t for him, I don’t have social media and live in a non-English speaking country.
Anyway… I’m dumb and fucked.
No. 745447
>>745442Dude, better grit your teeth and go back to the scrote while you get back on your feet. From what I'm getting he's not beating or mistreating you (beside having drank the kool aid). It's not ethical but you could just do that until you find a retail job or whatever.
Doing OF is likely to ruin your work prospects and most girls on there only get pennies (while doing a fuck ton of work).
No. 745476
>>745351Please don’t hold back, you’re allowed to feel any way you like about what you went through. Your friend is also really fucking shitty and I hope you have better ones elsewhere.she sounds like a total fucking retard who doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Seriously don’t hang round her again.
Fuck men who abuse children, regardless of their race or what happened to them
No. 745481
>>744240“To be powerful as a woman means to aggressively pleasure men through sex”
LOL get a fucking grip
nonny No. 745497
>>744240Lmao, women are only "trash" because many of them fell for the inferior sex's memes, like your dumbass post for example.
Imagine feeling inferior the sex that accounts for 95% of violent crime, who is literally disposable and most of which have low-grade genes that should never be passed on (which is why they rape, on top of the mental illness), high testosterone which leads them to coomerdom and actual emotional instability (surprise, they project that on us), their most vulnerable organ dangling between their legs at all times like a swinging target, don't know how to wash their asses, die earlier than we do, fantasize about and obsess over us to the point of making an entire community over not having girlfriends, seethe so hard about us 24/7 that even subjugating/oppressing us for hundreds of years can't help them forget that they'll always be inferior, literally can't nurture anything or anyone because they are stunted, literally born to do labor and perish for the good of the group, etc. I could go on, but I'm bored already.
Pick-mes are dumb, but just by virtue of being female, they mog males on all levels. Continue coping that the current social set-up makes any kind of sense and isn't solely based on physical subjugation, though. That's probably better for your mental health.
No. 745498
>>745153NTA, I had a look at bumble BFF but it was all pretty normie women who looked like they had they had their shit really together. IDK what a late bloomer nerd like me could bring to them.
I'm afraid I'm going to fall in puppy love for them and they just going to consider me a vague accointance.
Ugh. I'm honestly more nervous and eager about making female friends (not a lesbian tho, I enjoy cock) than dating men.
No. 745499
my boyfriend of over three years broke up with me today because he no longer finds me really attractive, wants to date around and lost romantic feelings for me. it just sucks so much because he put down my appearance so much whilst we were together and would make fun of me a lot, but he also felt like my best friend and we had a lot of laughs together. i lost 20kgs and went from fat to a healthy weight in the last year, and i think he found me more attractive with more weight on me. he used to shit on women a lot, spoke to me very condescendingly and was literally depressed and crazy, but i stayed foolishly hoping it would get better and he would get better. i invested so much of myself in this relationship, i feel really bad that it’s over and on some level, i miss him but also realise he was maybe not good for me at all. he says he still “loves” me but i don’t think he even understands what it means to love somebody properly. what hurts the most is just feeling like i’m not good looking enough to satisfy a person, and that they’ll always crave something else. i’m not the prettiest, but i have some nice features and have had some really cute guys like me before. i know men are all about sexual novelty or whatever, and it just depresses me. i just want someone to hug me.
No. 745501
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>>745497Samefagging, I forgot to add that their G-spots are literally in their asses. How am I supposed to respect this?
No. 745503
>>745447Thanks anon, I think I'll do that.
He just goes full reee and sometimes throws in some insults if I criticize his stuff "too much", but he's autistic and immediately takes it back so I've learned to not take it seriously. If I don't express too many "negative opinions" about him, he's actually pretty nice to be with.
I'm just uncomfortable around him because he used to be a full-on coomer that commented on random women's chests and ranked the hotness of female game characters on Discord. Even though that was a long time ago and he's changed, I'm still uncomfortable a lot of the time… idk.
I've managed to make him understand that "sex work" isn't empowering or anything, and it took long conversations but I noticed a big difference since he stopped watching porn.
He's also peaked with Discord trannies, but still called me twansphobic uwu for not celebrating every male Twitter leftist trooning out
Basically, he had some potential. But I can't be arsed to teach a mid-20s autistic guy how to be decent person, as if I'm raising a toddler. It's tiring.
I'll stay with him for a while. We'll see how it goes from there.
Thanks again
No. 745514
>>745503Beware of not getting too invested in the tard wrangling again, tho. You deserve better.
Most of your time now should be about bettering yourself and stepping toward financial independance so you don't end up playing incel mommy again.
No. 745516
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Sometimes I miss one of my exs. He's tall, well educated, we indulged in being creeps together and doxing people we knew just to see if we could get it right. He was also bisexual which was amazing, and we had a lot of fun with each other.
He broke up with me because I didn't have my driver's license at the time. I was absolutely devastated, refused to get out of bed for months, cried constantly, etc. We reconnected on social media recently and he's an even more grown version of who he was when we dated years ago. We would still probably make a good couple, but he's dating somebody else and I'm actually thrilled for him. It's a weird feeling.
No. 745522
>>745516He broke up with you for that? Do you live in bumfuck nowhere?
Honestly it sound like a 16yo reason for breaking up, it's so shallow.
Are you sure you're not infatuated and not putting him on a pedestal?
No. 745531
>>745522At the time, yes actually. This was years ago and I'm sure that's what I'm doing.
>>745527We did it to see if we could and we never did anything with it. Misguided curiosity?
No. 745532
>>745531Was he the one reconnecting or you?
You should block that guy imo. You're clearly very infatuated, he's taken. From what you're saying he has a dubious moral compass.
You're going to end up as a side piece he ditches the moment you're not convenient anymore.
You should be asking for more in a man instead of pinning for that guy that dumped you for a frivolous reason.
No. 745539
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>>745514Yeah, I won’t entertain his weird bs anymore, I’ll just try to get there fast. Thank you for the help and the kind words
No. 745541
>>745350Almost. Kpoop board choachan.
From my horrible experience I'm pretty sure it's some kind of honeypot for women, please beware.
No. 745545
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Just found out that my friend was pretending to be this girl I was into and that I had some really personal chats with. I confronted him about it and he said that "she will message" me… except "she" never did and now she supposedly has covid so.. she can't send a text? He's now pretending to be the victim, of course… eh
I already have trust issues in general but this is really the final nail in the coffin. And of course my idiot self keeps blaming myself because how dare I think a woman, or anyone ever, could be into me.
No. 745546
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>>745351Your friend's a dumbass, lmao. Celebrate. That faggot's dead. Based mother nature.
No. 745556
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Growing up with my dad randomly watching porn and my mom having phone sex with her boyfriend with me in the house all the time has really fucked me up. I'm so tired of fucking looking up this topic to see if anybody else can relate and all the comments are DURRRR EVERYBODY WATCHES PORN AND HAS SEX!!!
These are my fucking parents you reddit pornsick retards, of course I'm going to be traumatized from experiencing this from childhood until I left. I wish I could easily bring this up with my therapist but I feel so awkward. Now whenever I'm in a house with somebody and they're in a different room I get extremely anxious and automatically think they're doing something dirty and I feel so uncomfortable..
ranting about this right now because I'm staying with my mom and she's having phone sex right now. I have severe insomnia that I'm getting medicated for soon and I just want to get tylenol to knock me out but I can't enter the bathroom because her room is in the way and she won't answer my texts or calls.. of course I'm not gonna barge in but I wish I could sleep
No. 745566
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>be browsing online
>come across a local guy that sounds nice
>a little bit younger than me, not by a drastic amount. not really my cup of tea, however he's into the same niche interests as me, so figure why not reach out
>the conversation is good and nice
>slowly discover a bunch of red flags afterwards once i decided to do some internet sleuthing
>he's bpd and has aspergers
>regularly threatens and attempts to anhero
>also found out he identifies as a racist
>only been talking to him for 3 days, decide to cut my losses and cut contact
>haven't seen a hint of online activity from him since then
… Am I right to worry? I didn't really mind the mental illness, as he seemed really lonely and I can't help but empathize. I haven't found him being outwardly racist towards anyone (atleast from what I dug up), but it hurts to think that someone would think lesser of me because of something I can't help. I'm sure nonnies on here are going to call me a dumbass for even second-guessing myself here, but the situation has me feeling bad.
No. 745607
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I kept smelling something weird last night mid sleep, to a degree it affected my dreams, woke up to smelling it again. I thought it was the perfume I tried on yesterday still sticking to my sweater but after washing my face I realised it was my fucking vitamin c serum. I smell like raw meat, I just washed my hair last night and now it smells like shit, what the fuck.
No. 745611
>>745556It's not normal anon, you should talk to your therapist about it, don't feel awkward it will be freeing.
I heard my parents have sex only once & walked in on my dad closing his porn browsers when I was a teen and just this fucked me up.
No. 745629
I just want somewhere to scream right now. I'm so angry and upset and confused and fucking SCARED. I'M A NORMAL PERSON, HOW THE FUCK DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME.
The day after Christmas I woke up dizzy and unable to hear out of one ear and what resulted has been a crash course through hell and I'm so exhausted. I spent 3 weeks in hospital and they told me my fucking immune system attacked my brain and ate the coating of my nerves. As a result, my thigh became paralyzed and I lost half my fucking face muscles but hey, they said, it was a one time thing. You'll be fine, go live a normal life. Two weeks later, I wake up and the world is spinning. Not like a little bit of dizziness, but like I can't stand anymore because I'm so dizzy. It happened again, only it took my motor skills and ability to align my eyes with it. I'm also slow as a rock now. The brainfog makes me so stupid and I can never find the right words for anything. It's so frustrating listening to myself say vs what I know I mean.
I have Multiple Sclerosis. I am going to be disabled for life. And if that's not enough, in like 5 days I have to start motherfucking chemotherapy to repress my immune system. CHEMOTHERAPY, LIKE THE SERIOUS KIND FOR AGGRESSIVE LEUKEMIA. Like the kind that makes you want to fucking die and look like skeletor and fucking molerat had a baby and that's gonna be me. I'm gonna be one of those sad fuckers who look like actual death sitting there with a druggie beanie puking into a bag for ATLLEAST TWO YEARS. I'm gonna lose all my hair and I'm gonna probably wish my MS killed me through this because I'm going to be miserable. I just cannot fucking even BEGIN to unpack all the anger and fear and fucking grief that is eating me alive, and if that's not fucking worse enough, I have to deal with people's empty positive words. They don't mean "you're gonna be strong" or "just enjoy your life and take it easy" like excuse me?? Do not offer me words you're saying because you don't know what to say and it's like a fucking condolence cookie because you know I'm about to be miserable. "Enjoy your life"? Fuck thanks mate, I'll definitely remember that one when I lose my hair and am puking into a bag and too tired to do anything. Wow call the fucking paper, buddha finally came back with a line like that.
What I would give for someone just to say "Fuck, that's scary. I don't know what I would do" instead it's dead fish eyes and fucking forced smile. Just someone say something fucking GENIUINE TO ME. I don't want you to apologize, it's not your fault and I CAN PAT MY OWN ASS.
No. 745653
>>745632>men age like whine and women age like milkI hate that meme so much. It's something society brainwashed into us dating from when all women were allowed to do was be quiet and pretty.
It makes me feel so insecure about aging and I'm sure is the cause to so many women feeling inadequate as they age and resorting to plastic surgery, anti-aging "hacks",…
No. 745675
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This is the second fucking time that the raw chicken I bought was fucking spoiled. When i got it out of the packaging it felt a little slimy but otherwise looked fine and it was supposed to expire 5 days from now, so I ended up cooking it, ate it then had stomachache for fucking hours. I feel like I'm cursed by some chicken god or something
No. 745676
>>744617god… that's really…incredible. has he ever taken an art/drawing class even?? Please please buy him a groupon for art classes. You can get the ones for naked drawing and be like "hey at least we'll see naked people! sounds fun!" and maybe being the worst guy there (probably) will be a reality check. If he won't go then go yourself since you bought it, you'll probably pick it up fast (and painting stuff like birds/still lives is much easier to do well with in a way because of its fucked up it's harder to tell due to lack of reference, vs with portraits we see what's wrong instinctively. I can paint a bird that looks ok but if I tried to paint a human it would probably be ungodly). Honestly I get the sense that if you "got into it" he would stop but he might just move to something else where he couldn't be criticized. Or possibly learn a positive lesson that he is a beginner and should practice and take it seriously if he wants to learn because it is just a practiced skill to some extent.
Or if you have the stomach for it, say you should paint Bob Rosses together or other tutorials. If he fails hard at a Bob Ross he'll maybe get the hint. If you're devious, practice it once by yourself first in secret so yours turns out obviously better than his. I have an evil nature so probably these are bad ideas.
No. 745679
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> I moved to a different country far away from my family after a long time of fucking with documents and my nerves.
> I keep trying to find a job for a year now, getting barely anything off my commissions and feeling like a horrible schmuk because I genuinely hate depending on someone financially, wishing I could do something more other than spending 4 days drawing a huge art for 20$.
> Now because of my homecountry turning their politics into a public soap opera, europe started hating my nationality even more, making it even more difficult to find a job because of muh political correctness, and nazis started speaking out even more.
> I visited his family for dinner together, they mentioned that one close person got COVID recently
> Now I am too terrified to even keep trying to find a job, because my immune system is shit and I am scared for my partners health
> Now there is a new confirmed Bird Flu while people still dont know how to deal with COVID and all the vaccines
I feel so useless and it makes me want to roll in bed and yell at myself. I am out there doing nothing but mindlessly searching for jobs, occasionally (now very rarely) making commissions and cleaning the apartament yet it still makes me feel like I am the most useless person to ever exist. I may try finding a hobby, but a lot of irl ones require you to spend money on it. But even so weve been having a lockdown (all stores but medical and food ones are closed) for almost half of a year now, and our post offices work only 5hr / day. Everything seems depressing.
No. 745684
>>738184I've been having some stomach issues and started going to the doctor to check if I have GERD: I still have to do an endoscopy but I'm fucking scared, I tend to feel my throat really tight at night and once had a mini panic attack because I felt like I couldn't swallow properly. I have a bad history of health anxiety and now I'm so worried and I want to cry so badly, I'm afraid of choking and dying or something, or having a serious issue on my esophagus.
I hate that I scare so easily, I hate myself so much.
No. 745704
>>745439My partner was in philosophy and really liked logic classes but hated hated class discussions with ancient (sometimes in a kooky way, sometimes in a codger way) professors and "well read" redditors. She dropped out so idk what to say but hang in there :/
>>745675Are you getting chicken from Aldi? I had to stop getting chicken from Aldi cause it was always like a day from spoiled no matter what it said. the ground turkey at least is bleach blasted into being like inert.
No. 745722
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>looks for job online
>finds nice job offer
>has a retarded schedule
Who the fuck says golly! I can’t wait to wake up at fucking 4 am to stick to my pc until 2 pm! That’s just so fucking shady as well, do they need to do meetings every single day or something?
No. 745725
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so I have this online friend and they live in an entirely different country and continent than me
she tends to date a lot of older men and I feel really awkward because like it’s super predatory as fuck as for one and it disgusts me that the aoc in her country is low which allows scrotes to do whatever tf they want with young girls and women, probably why there’s a lot of child trafficking their
and the thing is that she genuinely believes that these relationships are good for her in the long run, she has such hidden lack of self-esteem like holy shit you can do so much better but I guess it’s the environment
No. 745731
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>>745440It’s the worst, I miss a vocaloid song I listened to a fuckton years ago, I can’t even type the katakana because apple was retarded and my iPod didn’t load the characters at all.
No. 745790
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im ALWAYS bloated. I know it's normal for your stomach to expand after eating but it's always like an inflatable bouncy house, even after sleeping and shitting. I'm so fucking pissed. I'm not gluten intolerant but it def feels like bread is one of the culprits. Doesn't help that my boyfriend thinks I'm just memeing and thinks I'm being difficult when I don't want pasta or foods that are described as causing bloat.
I feel so uncomfortable in my own skin.
No. 745794
>>745790I am the same and cutting
all sugar and carbs saved me. Try to go low carb for at least two weeks to test it out and see how you feel. It's crazy cause I am at a higher weight currently (lockdown gains) but still look smaller than pre weight gain because I am not a fucking hot air balloon anymore. Also I already lost 15kg due to the change
And tell your boyfriend to fuck off.
No. 745805
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>>745785The video was a still image, if I remember correctly, the song is from around 2009, it was regular Miku, as far as I know, and it had a disco-like vibe.
I know nothing of japanese, but the intro was slow, with some beeps and boops, Miku said something like
Tomeka tto at the end of the intro, before a robotic voice said
alright, the music gets more cheerful and disco-like, Miku was saying something like
dakishimete kanna somewhere around the chorus.
And I can’t remember a lot after all, whatever I might say it’s coming from an esl-chan with shit hearing.
i actually tried asking on discord channels and Reddit but no one has any sort of idea of which song it might be, my iPod has the sound quality of a potato as well No. 745812
I feel like a niceguy for saying this, but I think my biggest flaw is being too considerate.
Like at work, I'll always think about including someone and informing people who may not be informed of events and stuff. But nobody ever reciprocates.
And I didn't get it, but maybe the reason why I'd always have to go out of my way and say "oh, I'll just go tell our coworker about this" is because nobody else in our team is considerate. You'd think maybe they'd know I expect reciprocation, but seems no.
And they'll even ask stuff of me, like I'll have organised a training session for myself, and they're like wait for me and we do it together? And I wait. And I waited for 2 hours when they said 30 minutes. Guess who didn't wait or even inform me when they were going to do some training a few days later? Same person, even though I was right there. In fact they don't bother to inform me at all about all the things I'd tell them. I have to ask someone who then tells me my whole team left an hour ago for something, without telling me. And I give them updates of things to be told "yeah I know, I asked about it a while ago", then bitch maybe you could've told me??
And I'm so mad about it because I still give them that courtesy even though I shouldn't because it feels wrong if I don't. I have this pit of guilt in my stomach that doesn't go away. Then I'm annoyed when the same courtesy isn't extended to me. My fault I guess.
No. 745821
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HOW MUCH FUCKING LONGER WILL FEDEX TAKE TO SHIP MY PACKAGE FROM TEXAS!!!!!!!! If any anons are in the Dallas Texas area, I hope you're okay first of all. Second of all can you please lmk what the weather is like there because I assumed that the ice had melted by now and that necessary services like the mail would resume. I should have gotten my laptop back a week ago but there's not even been a single attempt to ship it since the ice melted. I've been waiting weeks for it to get repaired and now it's been an extra week and possibly more because of the fucking power outage and weather in Texas.
No. 745830
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>>745632I'd joke that they should enjoy their future autistic children but the sad thing is even tho scrotes are the ones producing them, mothers are always the ones who have to take care of them and get the majority of the autistic scrotes' anger/violence
>>745541Damn anon I knew it. I've been having suspicions of this for a while now considering the few times I've said that "I don't really find xxx that breathtakingly beautiful" and some retard with an obvious Y-chromosome disability replies that we're all "jealous, overweight roasties". I've only been active in female communities for a long while now so I can pick out male anons pretty easily even without the incel terminology. The sad thing is that they're coming from 4chan then it's likely that they're pedophiles as well because there's huge crossover male kpop fans and pedos. Male kpop fans are honestly a disease, maybe less so if they're boy group fans but those are also pretty bad. Considering how 4chan loves Weeekly who has the shittiest music and 'concept' that's set on infantilizing underaged girls even more so, the males there are literally bottom of the barrel incel pedophiles.
No. 745946
>>745939>makes fun of your body while overweight>calls you unattractive and breaks up with you when you become healthyHe broke up with you because he was scared you'd 1) not take his bullshit anymore and 2) find someone better.
He was trying to protect his own ego, because he knew he didn't deserve shit.
This is 100% his L, anon. I'm sure you look amazing. Meanwhile, he's so useless that he had to prey on you while your self-esteem was low, and then further kick you down to try and keep you on his level. Don't fall for it.
No. 745952
>>745837I hate men too but I also hate women that actively work against their best interests all the time. I live in a slavic country and I feel like vomiting every time I see women pampering men and shitting on women as if men already don't have it good here, giving other women the dumbest advice even if the men they're with treat them like garbage. I can't but laugh when they talk about female "supremacy" in a strictly patriarchal country.
I'm also a lesbian with a severe hatred against men. I don't think about it and I just focus on things that matter to me like work and hobbies because nothing will ever change. I mean, even on lolcow you can't have PP discussion, on the so-called progressive R*ddit there's tons of subreddits dedicated to the degradation of women. Yet there will be so many women jumping in to defend the poor, poor men. The real life is so much worse. So actively thinking about it will make you go insane. Just ignore it and hope you'll find a likeminded woman to share your life with. That's what I do anyway.
No. 745965
>>745939He doesn't like you fat and he also doesn't like you slimmer… maybe he's just a douche determined to bring down your confidence no matter what you do.
I dated a guy who never put me down (over looks at least lol) but he'd point out random fat/ugly women to me… why?? He had some serious confidence issues and had to drag others to feel better in himself. Fuck that. I pointed that out to him one day and they don't thank you if you try and work on the issue with them. Fuck that
No. 745979
>>745946>>745947>>745965>>745967Thanks for your responses, guys. Looking back on our relationship, I know this was good for me. He broke up with me because he couldn't help wanting to fuck multiple people, all while acting like he didn't when I asked him multiple times. It was so fucked, because when I would call him out for being a jerk and bringing me down- he'd say I was gorgeous and sexy and that I was the love of his life. He said he'd "die for me" or love me if I ever got sick, lol. It was a mindfuck and
toxic. He just broke me down, I woke up this morning so sad but on some level more relieved. Motherfucker spent the whole weekend at mine while feeling this way, at MOST of my homemade lasagne (fucker accused me of having the same amount like his slices weren't double mine) and let me grab him lunch before making his grand confession. At least now I know red flags to avoid and not to believe people so blindly. Also, the morning it happened I had the strangest dream about a long lock of my hair just falling and detaching itself from my head. Life is so strange.
No. 746068
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Today sucks but doesn’t.
I woke up this morning and had no heat. But then it got fixed.
My landlord set up a realtor showing at my place today and I work from home so that sucks.
I got my tax return today which is good but I can’t get groceries until later this week because of snow storms and having no car.
My ass hurts and I’m sore all over
I’m just irritated and want to not work and just sleep all the time. Whine whine whine
Also some creepy dude keeps sending me messages on Instagram, today at 1 am he told me that if I was the leader of the capitol insurrection we would have done good things for people: honestly, what the fuck? I’m not a white supremacist.
Have an unrelated pic
No. 746081
>>745996What'd they do? Salty ban messages? Do you have any caps?
I knew k-pop fags were batshit insane and often scrotes, but I didn't think it'd be that bad.
No. 746083
>>746074Totally expecting that at this point, I'm not touching the laptop until I get somoene trusted to fully scan it.
>>745849>shit like this scares me so muchWorst thing about it is that talking with my few female friends we've realized that as crazy as the situation is, in the back of our heads we have that "you could have expected it " thought and it sucks. Scrotes have to be assumed to be dangerous by default.
No. 746090
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Its retarded, but I'm having such a hard time drawing.
I feel genuine anxiety and fear when I start. It is very uncomfortable and unfun for me.
I can't just "not" draw because I'm going commissions.
Its not the same feeling when I'm drawing for myself, but work right now just feels horrible, grinding, sand papery, every second.
No. 746104
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I'm so bored I went to omegle to mess around, and I came across a 13 years old girl.
I told her that she shouldn't be there because she's likely to get taken advantage of, but she said "I don't care" and disconnected. I really hope it was a honeytrap or creepy RP because now I'm just worried.
No. 746110
I’m the adult autist student that’s getting bullied in college.
Well, today I decided to respond to the girl who called for me in the whatsapp group after ignoring her since saturday. Becauss I thought it was about school + I recovered from the trauma episode she’s caused. Perhaps it’s because I took an adhd med, they really make me psychotic like and lose my calmness/rationality. No more.
Anyways she’s asked me again if I want to come to her bday/bait day. I told her, and I was genuine, I have to think about it. (On the invitation card it says I have as of now still a week to think about it. Plus I have no gift yet..)
She said I gave her a headache and that I need to tell her quickly or not and that she’ll bring me cake at college. Idk, but the headache part gave ME a headache. It shocked me. I really wanted to buy her the beads from the website she was drooling at on her phone. And then I wanted to buy her sterling earbuds even after that message because they really seem like a gift you give to someone don’t give a shit about yet you want them to shut up at the same time too.
But I told my mom the story without mentioning one of my bully’s names and she called her a whore and was really upset for me. Idk why I did. I didn’t tell her who she is (there are online classes as well) because I don’t want her to constantly sperg about her when I’m having them and I’m on speakers.
Either way, besides my mom calling her a whore, she’s encouraged me to not buy her a gift, I felt guilty for both my mom and even the bully because I deleted the message where I said “ok? I don’t need a cake. I’ll buy u a gift when we’re in classes (no worries).” And I feel guilty for mom because I’m grown and she has to deal with this bs.
I was scared for drama I guess, that’s why I wanted to think of it/buy her a gift.
I don’t know if my mom wants me to save my money for her or if she genuinely gives a shit.
For those that remember me, is it good I am not gonna buy her a gift?
You know what I’m the most scared of? The teachers. That they’re gonna get mad at me if she throws a fit. Anyone else know of what to say to them? They’re already complaining that I’m not socializing. I don’t wanna say “But I barely know you guys because of the corona and the fact we’re just less than a half year in the same class”. That’s rude. Even if true.
/hopefully the last vent about this shit ever (i’m sweating and panicking… on my damn spring break).
No. 746151
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I actually miss old cgl. I liked having somewhere where I could discuss cosplay and jfashion anonymously that wasn't a hugbox. Old cgl was cancer but new cgl is somehow even worse. The absolute autism on the board is astounding and newfags continuously fall for obvious bait, which leads to the board being baited even harder.
>pic rel just your average cgl post nowadays
No. 746156
>>746139Or maybe doctors can put aside their unprofessional bullshit and just run the fucking tests.
Also, they're less likely to listen and diagnose women, which indicates a bigger cognitive problem than people carrying extra pounds. Don't enable useless hacks who kill people who come to them for help.
No. 746160
>>746151Oh my god that post is so cringe
Old cgl would had dunked on this bitch lol
No. 746175
>>746174I already was thinking it sounded
so Kamikaze Girls-ish, I'm not surprised it really is his quote lol
No. 746219
>>746209Not in a gun country myself but having dated someone who had no diagnosed mental health issues and just started going into the most frightening spontaneous (apparently blackout) rages two years into already living together.. I would worry about domestic disputes escalating. I thought this man must have a brain tumour causing him to change so much but I never got answers.
Statistics say women are more likely to be raped or sexually attacked by someone we we're close to rather than some stranger lurking in the bushes or breaking into our homes, so I wonder if being shot has similar stats?
No. 746220
>>746162All of the cosplay "discussion" on the board now is posting cosplayers' asses or tits and all of the lolita "discussion" is repeatedly reeeing about the same 2 or 3 topics, one of which is crying about polyester.
>>746209My dad is also from a red state in the South and impulsively bought several guns for "protection" last March, despite my parents living in an extremely wealthy suburban city surrounded by other suburbs. He later admitted that he primarily bought them because he had some weird fantasy that the food shortage at the beginning of the pandemic would lead to violent riots, looters would break into their house to steal food, and he would get to shoot the looters.
Figure out the real reason why your boyfriend wants a gun. I really hope it's not because he has a sick fantasy like my dad.
No. 746226
>>746222Hey, why don't you just send her a message saying just that? That you wish you met her when you were both older because you feel that you'd be great together. That you've made mistakes because you were stupid and you hope she'd be as excited as you are to start exchanging messages again, but that you'd understand if she wouldn't want that?
I know it's a cliché, but if you've got nothing to lose why not go for it?
No. 746260
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>bf takes two week vacation which fell over valentine's day
>he likes to game in his downtime
>as part of his valentine's gift I bought him a box of his favorite snack off amazon to munch while he gamed
>he'd always search for this snack at the store and the stock would be spotty so I thought it was a great gift
>his vacation is now almost over
>he's maybe had a bag or two from my box
>instead whenever he has accompanied me to the store for groceries he has bought Doritos
>he never shown interest in Doritos before
>he has eaten more Doritos in the past two weeks than his actual supposed favorite snack
I hope this is just hoarding behavior but it makes me feel bad.
No. 746274
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bitches that say "lesbians have it better because they don't have to pull up with men" are fucking dumbfuck stupid, because lesbians suffer a lot.
No. 746319
I'm must be really ugly because I can't find a man who fits my standards and I think they're pretty low. Age 24+, not a pedophile, isnt a rapist and understand what rape is, doesnt watch porn or spend hours lusting after other women online, has a job(shit jobs like mcdonalds are ok), doesnt neg my looks, funny, out going, sweet, has at least 5k in savings, a car, taller than 5'8, not fat and no controlling parents.
No. 746323
>>746319How would that make you ugly? Unless you're meeting a tonne of guys like that who reject you over your appearance, it obviously has far more to do with the sheer lack of men who meet your standards than you.
Most men are just garbage, your dating pool is going to be vanishingly small if you want someone merely decent letalone a unicorn who doesn't watch porn. Your standards are completely reasonable and you should not compromise on them, but the reality is there isn't a perfect guy out there for everyone.
No. 746393
>>746373both ugly and handsome men think they are god's gift to humanity because everyone from their mommies to the rest of the whole wide world tells them that. that does not make it true, and their ego has no bearing on how attractive you really are.
also, people keep using "settle" as shorthand for both "settle down" with someone and "settle for" someone. think of which one you'd be doing with a man like that.
No. 746395
>>745632it's so fucking unfair how menopause gives men a reason to tell us that. at least our bodies are smart enough to just end it all and stop producing because it would be dangerous after a certain time, whatever retards decided to make men were too stupid to put something like this in them. the gender with the most ego, selfishness, and less compassion.. like come on.
pisses me off that the ugliest dumbest bastards can produce until they're 105. i'm pretty sure this is why i'm probably autistic and i won't ever be not pissed off at my dad for deciding to start a family at FIFTY.
No. 746397
>>746373I could very well be wrong but to me it sounds like he was keeping you around for easy insurance (because the fat girl isn't going anywhere) and now you've lost the weight he's scared you'll leave him for something better. So he did it first to avoid having his pride hurt.
Anyway, however it may be, enjoy your new body and some time to focus on yourself!
No. 746409
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I keep having this recurrent thought to text my old friend. We "broke up" in June due to a big fight between our friend group and I miss her a ton, even more than the others. I've known her since middle school (so like fucking 11 years or so ago?? jesus. i just realized while typing this out) and she's been an amazing friend to me, and on our last talk it was so fun and I felt so at peace. She told me that the other people in our group were talking shit (adults kek) about me and my other friend and I confronted them, of course. Then she didn't text me ever again because she told me this in private and it hurts, not gonna lie. We went through a ton together and she's always been so sweet to me, I even forgave her when she accidentally told my mom that I was fucking gay. I just miss hearing her stupid fucking laugh and happiness. I'm not attracted to her but I would definitely marry her, she was so fun and wild and I miss that energy. I really want to text her because she's not friends with that group anymore, her birthday was last month, and one of my friends is apparently close to her too now but I feel too scared. wtf am I supposed to say? I'm literally too autistic for this shit. I miss her. Sorry if this sounds messy as fuck I'm drunk and sad. she broke my chair by sitting on it so i'm a little pissed off about that because like.. it was an expensive chair but i would fix it up just for her if she came over kek
No. 746415
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I miss my sneeze fetish friend; not because we shared the fetish, but it's how I'm choosing to vague about her in a dumb hope she'll see it even if she has no way to reach me anymore on my end. I sort of choose the wrong person in a spat about over a year ago and I hadn't discovered more about my mental illnesses to handle myself better, so we created a perfect storm of abusing one another beyond our own already abusive situations at home. We were like those best friend soulmates you get once in a lifetime, and I miss her horribly to this day and I'm too cowardly to do anything about making amends. I miss talking about lolcows and anime and everything with her. I don't really want a reply to this.
No. 746556
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Every paycheck I have some money taken out pre-tax to put into a medical savings account so I can use it later. I have a separate debit card for it. Recently I really needed an eye exam and glasses because my nearsightedness was getting progressively worse. After all was said and done, it cost $180 which thankfully I had enough in my account to cover. I knew I had to keep the receipt for documenting purposes so I did, and a few days later my savings company prompted me for it.
>"Please submit the receipt"
>submit the receipt I was given
So I guess they want an itemized bill and NOT a "receipt" because they want to see every service rendered and item purchased. Cause lord knows I'm going to scam to use my own money for frivolities at a fucking eye doctor location. What else do they think I purchased here? Games and junk food? It should be enough to upload a receipt with the office address and charge. What a boring, pedantic dystopia we live in. So now I have to make a zillion phone calls and pull teeth to get the office to send me a fucking detailed bill so I can be allowed to use my own money.
No. 746594
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I was playing Overwatch and there was a really tough/strong sounding girl actually getting mad and elitist and really going off on this guy.
I have never heard a girl talk like this ever. I told her that and that I want her to sit on my face
She kinda just laughed like "haha that'd be weird you're weird" but didn't actually say anything just laughed and then stopped talking
Like I just want her to loudly bitch at me for objectifying and harassing women then physically assault me
No. 746605
>>746594I feel bad for her, she stood up against a man and then you a woman who should have been her ally instead made her feel awkward and objectified for being strong.
I'm all for asking women to sit on your face but there's a time and a place to say it
No. 746638
>>746209many of these anxieties you have about guns are due to the fault of people not practicing proper firearm safety, all guns should be locked separately from ammunition, ammo needs to be locked away as well. yes, people like to go for guns as a means to kill themselves, however if someone truly wants to, they will use whatever means, whether it be a car, knife, jumping, etc. the gun stories are sensationalized to incite fear.
shooting a gun activates your fight or flight mode, our body enters survival mode for a brief moment. going to the range is the best practice, as it helps you get rid of those fears and become comfortable being exposed to that state of mind. you'll be more alert and coordinated during a time of distress, whereas most people who've never shot a gun before will be likely mentally paralyzed or flee and have a higher probability to be hurt or killed.
do you and your boyfriend live in a low income neighborhood? if so, i'd advise getting one more because of this circumstance and also take a self defense class. police are not legally obligated to protect you, this has been proven in court. you are your own safe person and by all means, please find ways to defend yourself.
also, these circumstances in having to use a gun for defense rarely happen. they're also a great tool for hunting and there are security jobs that pay much higher an hour if you are simply armed. in job situations, use of ammo is highly discouraged. basically, if you're not dead after shooting off an employee provided gun (trying to be a hero), you're likely going to be moved to a new site, fired, or get suspended for a few days.
good luck anon, i hope some of this info can ease a few worries.
No. 746654
>>746638NTA but if that anon is from dangerous neighbourhood and practices proper firearm safety then the gun will do nothing when it comes to defending her and her bf. just learning self defense like you propose has to be enough.
if someone is hunting / just shooting for sport or hobby then I guess it makes sense for them to have a gun, self defense is just an excuse as there's no way to get and load a gun in time during home invasion situation.
No. 746720
>>746712So your brother gets off scot free for being rude presently and having sexually abused you in the past?
You must really feel obligation to your mom if you think you have to deal with your bro's shit to protect her feelings.
No. 746774
>>746712I agree with
>>746720I understand you are scared to make any more disturbance in your moms life but your brother already made that choice years ago himself, having to be polite to your brother when he won't even do the same for you now is too far.
You're doing a lot of hard things
1. Staying with your mom out of obligation to help her
2. Playing nice with an abuser for the sake of others even though he obviously feels no shame for what he did
3. Staying away from your boyfriend at a time when you need him the most when you could go stay with him
4. Dealing with the loss of your dad
This is a lot for anyone to deal with anon. Would you expect your best friend to just do all of this so selflessly? Would you want your own daughter to do this all alone for you?
I wish I could give you a hug, you're doing so much for your mom but I just think it's too much
No. 746788
>>746712I'm taking my own csa to the grave with me so I can't even judge you if that's what you're doing. But if he's currently being emotionally
abusive you could use that to warrant you just blanking him from now on. No need to even go into the depths of it if you have that excuse to justify needing to block him out. Try the 'gray rock method' on him.
No. 746822
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Boomer scrote mansplaining education and shilling catholic private schools triggered me since I was subjected to that oppressive abusive bullshit. Have you ever considered that it’s simply because your son is more retarded than your daughter??? I promise you that even if they both went to poorfag godless public school, she would still outperform him.
Scrotes don’t give a fuck about being academically successful but everyone will sooner blame God before admitting that women are just better at school.
No. 746828
>>746822I don't know what american school system is like, but at least in NI in UK, you have grammar and high schools. There's some boarding places too, some of the grammar schools charge extortionate fees for the privilege of being told you're the best.
Grammar schools do tend to have more academic success, probably due to more funding and an overall better environment. In 5th year or year 12, you sit the GCSEs and can either exit formal education, do your A Levels in year 13 and 14 (lower and upper 6th) or go to a college or tech until you're 18. Some people leave highschools and go to Grammar schools in 6th year if their results allow so. There's definitely an inequality.
No. 746836
I wanna rant about this guy real quick. He’s from my uni and started talking to me. At first, he was kind of awkward and shy, which I didn’t mind, because same. It was actually really easy to talk to him and he seemed decent enough. Lives alone, works out, has a job and is currently doing his masters degree. He mentioned he hasn’t had a relationship yet, although he’s 25. I’m 22 and haven’t had one either, so I was like eh whatever. Next thing he tells me is how his mother cleans his place weekly, prepares meals for him, washes his clothes and that he gets an allowance from his parents. Like wtf? Why can’t a grown man take care of himself?? That’s the biggest turn off for me and I instantly lost interest.It happened twice before, too. A guy that was still living at home at 26 and another one being way too dependent on his mother at 24. Why do I keep attracting these type of men. Honestly, are my standards too high, when I want a man to be independent??
No. 746867
>>746822Lmao his daughter exceeded because she was fucking smart. It had nothing to do with sending her to a school that forced her to praise Jebus.
My boomer mom forced me to go to a Catholic middle school too and wants to give herself a gold star for it cause she reasoned it was better than the public middle school–not that she would admit to losing points for moving us to that shithole area where an underfunded private school would seem like the better option.
The school, being that it was smaller because poor people in the area couldn't afford its modest tuition or ridiculous required volunteerism, was dirt broke and had little opportunities. All the technology was old. Zero electives and about three sports activities to choose from. At least two hours a day were taken from legit teaching in order to teach Jebus and two hours on Thursdays to go to church. The kids were cliquey asshole brats too, I was bullied by some sexually repressed stacey a grade above me.
Guarantee she tries extra hard because her boomer is a narc and wouldn't tolerate it if she went home with Bs, whereas he praises and favors the son who got away with more. There's a huge difference in discipline between girls and boys in catholicism too, and I can tell you that girls are treated with zero tolerance as the default.
No. 746916
>>746898I've noticed that the men in the trades that aren't druggie degenerates and the religious men are still doing fine and having families. You will actually find men working as electricans, carpetlayers or even scaffolders happily married in their early twenties with children. The squeeze seems to be most pronounced on the soy upper middle class professional men that want to consoom marvel products and still play video games each night well into their 30s. aAd also the lower class men that dick around through their 20s, not realizing that lower class women in their 30s are disproportionately single mums by that point and there's just not the numbers for all of them.
I feel sorry for the coom addicted men because it was taught as something good for them. The few that spoke up against porn consumption were seen as religious fanatics or pearl clutching prudes. It'd be like if weed was always on hand and everyone told you it was good for you and will stop prostate cancer.
But yes, it's a problem, but no there's no solution. Western governments will continue to pile on replacement migration until the retarded western decadence is filtered out.
No. 746927
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>>746917Extremely based. We need to stop shacking up with men for no reason.
No. 746931
>>746924The misogynistic jokes are more a gen X and boomer trades thing at this point, for some reason they find it absolutely hilarious and are distasteful with their humor. They'll find stuff like calling eggs "chicken periods" while you're eating them to gross you out absolutely hilarious.
With the younger ones, they don't even joke about women that much, working on oil and gas sites I seen they more made homo-erotic jokes and the few women were politely excluded. It was just the smelly boomers targeting them.
You're right though, they do scroll through IG models during lunch and then delete their history.
They're not perfect, but on that socioeconomic level they're the best choice. The soy stuff is what most puts me off modern men, and it's jarring to see the intelligent and polite men I knew from high school slowly transform physically and mentally into that soyjak meme.
No. 746939
>>746898I feel so blessed to be a lesbian in this era. I would force myself to date men because I thought the disgust was just me being severely mentally ill to the point where I thought I was asexual kek. I just feel so bad for my straight friends because they're all so beautiful and wonderful and such sweet people and they end up with pornsick disgusting idiots EVERY SINGLE TIME. Maybe late millennials/early zoomers are just doomed but I swear every time they try dating someone they end up with an ugly man that sleeps around or has some sort of porn addiction, but they go through with it because "every man does it! who cares??" Makes me so fucking sad.
I think if I lived in a 3rd world country that I couldn't escape from I would just kill myself, even then I can't force myself because they're unstable apes.
No. 746944
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>>746917This sounds amazing, I want a group of badass female friends so badly, but nobody else is a scrote hater and everyone I meet only wants to be friends until the next scrote, then they’re completely distracted and the friendship ends.
No. 746971
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pageboy haircut is so fucking ugly i literally get so angry when i see one.
No. 746982
>>746976Good luck anon! It doesn't hurt to always ask someone to double check. You're better off annoying people to double check your work and having it done right rather than
not doing it right, having people get annoyed at you, and making a costly mistake!
No. 746985
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>Gradually this was honed to achieve realism
The she-ogres on our development team didn't want a cute girl because it made them insecure so we made a generic looking broad instead
Came here to ask yall to please stop ruining video games. I don't even play western games anymore because of you.
No. 746993
>>746992Yes, that's the concept art.
The final design was made ugly cause of women on the development team.
No. 746994
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>>746967>>746944Once again lolcow is a blessing a curse. This could be us but you're anon reeee
No. 747001
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>>746993Idk, I think she looks badass in-game, but it's your vent post so
No. 747002
>>746997Nah I wanted to tell the hambeasts on female 4chan to stop being so jelly and insecure all the time.
I'd fuck ugly girls but I'd be thinking about cute game characters not 2/10 "women" characters like
>>747001(goodbye, scrote) No. 747022
>>746870I do this also. And then if they message me again some shit like "hey I know you're there" I'll probably never talk to them again. It's not even really anxiety it's just that I dont want to talk to them at this time, and if I respond at all they'll start conversing at me cause they know I'm there. And I dont wanna lie and say I'm busy or w/e.
I realized a while ago that I just hate hate hate instant messaging and texting entirely if it's not someone I'm close with. I'm totally fine with emails because you can think about it or respond the next day or whenever. Texting is so fucking garbage because you cant write more than two sentences or it becomes a screenfilling crazy person looking message. In classes for projects etc I used to just write people full emails while everyone else was texting or googlechatting. I dont feel like I've literally ever had a meaningful or helpful conversation via a messenger with someone who I'm not already close to. How in fuck are you supposed to communicate anything by writing 10 words to each other at 30 second intervals? If it's urgent fucking call me. If it's not write me an email.
Anyway even so thank god I grew up on basic texts and AIM that didn't have a left-on-read thing. That shit is so anxiety inducing. I have always categorically refused to use any messenger that has a read thing. It literally turns it into this like "dont open this unless you're ready to respond to it quickly cause if you take a day to think they'll get pissy" and then I'm just not gonna open it ever. And the other way round too, when I text someone I dont even want to know if they read it, cause I mean the two possibilities are either they read & respond which is the same as without the read notice, or you get left on read which is universally anxiety-inducing. So what benefit does it fucking have? If you have a genuine need to know they read it just add a "please confirm" or something. Sorry for the rant but I cant believe people tolerate it as a "feature" in everything now, skype imessage whatever everything has it. Who on the fucking planet does it fucking help other than helping overbearing assholes bear down on you? I dont have any advice for you other than fucking snap your phone, and then get one that doesn't have reads. Android still doesn't have it on normal texts and if they start I'm just gonna get a landline. Nothing would please me more than dillweeds trying to text my landline and getting an error or whatever even happens. Well, also when I have had to use a thing with reads, I'll take a shot of whiskey or two so I'm pissed and angry enough to say whatever back then shut off my phone and not care. Oh! also I would try to respond at some time I figured they wouldn't be awake for a while so they couldn't try to make me converse.
No. 747023
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>>747002>tfw every other bitch on here have ED and boyfriends>reeee hambeast!!! femcels!!!Robot copes are fucking funny. Must hurt knowing not even female autists want you.
No. 747071
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>>747043Aloy was modeled on the real Dutch actress Hannah Hoekstra anyway, who is a cutie. It's like when scrotes pointlessly neg Keira Knightley or Jessica Alba amongst themselves saying "eh average 4/10 at most" lmao. Bad cope
No. 747253
>>747001I think she's cute. Her hairstyle is kind of weird by everything else seems nice.
>>747060Lmao nice samefagging.
No. 753536
I fucking hate linkedin. OMG how much do I fuckin HATE it! What the actual fuck? The worst of “professional” humanity represented! And it's kind if mandatory in my industry, can't do anything without it!
“Oh look, I’m not binge watching TV, I’m reading a book a week” looool. You fucking loser, try a book every 2 days if you wanna impress anyone…”oh look, I bought a poor disenfranchised [insert minority] guy a suit, aren’t I St Peter personified, let me post the picture I took of him at his most vulnerable and post it for clout”, or “Whow look at me, sending amazon parcels to homeless people during winter!” yeah at least they can make use of the giant fucking cardboard box in which it always come. No seriously FUCK. YOU. LINKEDIN PEOPLE.
Can’t stand it…people whining about sales people, people humble bragging, people talking to the void about their product and services (these posts are, of course, NEVER liked by their clients, just by colleagues, it FIGURES!). People posting fucking pictures of them in the office and now, in their (oh please lord gouge their eyes) HOME OFFICE oh fuck you all!
Bloody fucking hell. Linkedin is cancer. Should be surgically removed and isolated and blasted with radioactive waves to destroy it for good. Vile.
There’s Twitter, Facebook, and then, at the top of old-school social media swamp, Linkedin. From bad to worse, in this order.
Burn to the ground linkedin. There is a special circle in hell dedicated to you. May you rot there one day.