File: 1550649181545.png (17.96 KB, 1200x800, 494Fmhl.png)

No. 376753
File: 1550652733484.png (231.57 KB, 1200x800, DRAWMYSELF.png)

>inb4 edgelord
No. 376771
File: 1550660560353.png (283.21 KB, 499x500, silver_pentacles.png)

>>376769Nope! They're just big and silver.
pic related is what they look like
No. 376774
File: 1550661000216.png (421.78 KB, 1200x800, 1550649181545.png)

let's hope this thread doesn't get invaded by robots this time
No. 376776
File: 1550662036746.png (189.48 KB, 1200x800, 1550649181545.png)

I suddenly forgot all the things I have ever enjoyed lol
No. 376795
File: 1550667922431.png (1.56 MB, 2409x1606, 1550667862804.png)

No. 376796
File: 1550667931970.jpg (347.15 KB, 1199x799, wooo.jpg)

this was fun
No. 377020
File: 1550699450582.jpg (270.05 KB, 1211x802, lkljknhgvxdctvfgynijmk.jpg)

No. 377030
File: 1550702598977.png (576.55 KB, 5001x3335, redrobins.png)

>>377024looks like I came at just the right time.
I'm not a good artist like the rest of you guys.
No. 377041
File: 1550704277632.png (272.75 KB, 1200x800, tfw normie.png)

repuloading bc I forgot eyebrows on one of them whoops
I cant draw for shit pls no bully
also my hair is important to me bc I lost a lot of it a while back. which is why I mentioned it a lot. its finally growing back now lol im vain I know
No. 377044
File: 1550704849046.png (289.68 KB, 1240x800, filled out.png)

No. 377131
File: 1550716787414.png (291.9 KB, 1308x800, i guess.png)

im really not good at art so please be nice
No. 377133
>>377132they’re prob using tablets
i did one a long time ago and it took an hour or so with a mouse and still looked like shit
No. 377150
File: 1550719708670.png (294.62 KB, 1200x800, me.png)

put way too much time into this one
No. 377155
>>377136This. I remember a long time ago someone put up a poll on demographics here and so many said they made +100,000$.
Stop using your parents, fucking pathetic.
No. 377166
File: 1550720935448.png (122.3 KB, 1200x800, wowididthis.png)

I got lazy towards the end and I can't draw for shit.
>inb4 tranny
No. 377190
File: 1550723971837.gif (472.52 KB, 500x210, shrug.gif)

Why is everyone so salty?
Just hide the thread if its so triggering
No. 377218
File: 1550729325903.png (122.43 KB, 1200x800, sorry.png)

i forgot to add that i really enjoyed the movie little miss sunshine
No. 377222
File: 1550729539618.png (35.83 KB, 1200x800, 1550649181545.png)

>>377041>>377218same turtleneck lol
No. 377251
File: 1550733399036.png (108.54 KB, 1200x800, 1550649181545.png)

>>376738Making this was pretty wholesome
No. 377266
File: 1550740266557.png (264.47 KB, 1200x800, 1550649181545.png)

Social life, wealth and happiness is at a low only because I recently moved countries and just paid for a new apartment. New job hasn't started either.
No. 377279
File: 1550743380768.png (3.67 MB, 1200x800, hilolcow.png)

No. 377283
File: 1550745527821.png (39.49 KB, 1200x800, gay.png)

don't snitch(Male posters: Do not announce your gender or post in a "male here" way.)
No. 377287
File: 1550747901207.png (2.75 MB, 1200x800, hhhgngngngggghh.png)

My handwriting started dying at some point
No. 377335
File: 1550762085456.png (245.94 KB, 1200x800, 1550649181545.png)

No. 377363
File: 1550766475649.jpeg (207.48 KB, 1200x800, B43005E7-B3A5-401C-A045-DF39A3…)

No. 377625
File: 1550806967462.png (204.55 KB, 1200x800, reee.png)

A lot of you guys seem really cool (and really salty for a thread you can hide…), I'm probably too old for this type of shit but I have a soft spot for these kinds of posts since they're pretty fun. It's interesting to see a lot of similar interests.
No. 377685
File: 1550817776135.jpg (274.47 KB, 1200x800, 753257908543.jpg)

I am bad at talking about myself and my interests. I did my best.
>>377433Handler is one of my favorite contemporary authors too, anon. His prose is fucking delightful whether he writes for adults or children.
No. 377692
>>377335is this you
>>106577 anon?
No. 377906
File: 1550867147557.png (3.68 MB, 1200x800, uninterestinganon.png)

I gave up drawing halfway and just used photos instead. Sorry mang; still gets the point across tho.
No. 377947
File: 1550873527808.png (131.89 KB, 1200x800, me.png)

No. 377954
File: 1550876230527.jpg (525.79 KB, 1200x800, punished.jpg)

Good thing I saged my post on the other thread. Anyway, I'm old.
No. 377956
File: 1550876697892.png (156.53 KB, 1200x800, mcthot.png)

sorry for the crackhead handwriting
No. 378115
File: 1550898972505.png (277.59 KB, 1200x800, dumbass.png)

No. 378177
File: 1550923532856.png (37.93 KB, 1200x800, 9lo8ki7ju6hy5gt4r.png)

Whatever. Just passing by.(Male posters: Do not announce your gender or post in a "male here" way.)
No. 378179
File: 1550924352726.jpeg (32.5 KB, 500x488, 80F1DA00-1C43-47A1-82E7-AEE217…)

>>378177Serious question why are you here? and why did you waste your time doing this unless you want attention?
No. 378271
File: 1550941082818.jpg (40.34 KB, 512x384, 892d64cd4f5767df84ebc97f410390…)

>>378179Because eye can.
File: 1550950046903.jpeg (335.47 KB, 1661x1056, F71F0B32-944F-4D66-8F24-4CB209…)

No. 378422
>>378038As a horror fan his stuff is goofy. He's also a cool guy.
>>378251Yes, I love his Drive-In stuff on Shudder.
No. 378464
File: 1550964879441.png (190.17 KB, 1200x800, ineedtoreadmorebooks.png)

No. 378720
File: 1551025738316.png (137.66 KB, 1433x817, 1538673605792.png)

>made this instead of studying
kill me
No. 381663
File: 1551404934285.png (142.49 KB, 1200x800, 1550649181545.png)

No. 381698
File: 1551411691850.png (403.7 KB, 1200x800, yabbadabba.png)

i swore i would not do this
No. 381715
File: 1551415459669.png (182.42 KB, 1200x800, meetanon.png)

it's me
No. 381753
File: 1551423801276.jpg (1.18 MB, 1200x800, Untitled-2.jpg)

A good waste of time
No. 381818
File: 1551445548835.png (236.41 KB, 2400x1600, wowie.png)

I can't write real pretty
>>378720I like the red pupils, nice touch
>>381663aw yeah I like your music, check out Imperial Triumphant if you like, they are very interesting.
No. 382058
File: 1551479055815.png (429.65 KB, 1200x800, 6465767567.png)

Everyone here has such good taste wow
No. 382151
File: 1551488052366.jpg (220.19 KB, 706x1000, If..._Illustration.jpg)

>>381753How can yo be so much of an oldfag yet only like the shittier new Persona games the fuck anon?
The sheer amount of low standard weab, I'm about 7 years younger than you and I felt too old for P5 it was dogshit. I'm wondering how you got great from a shallow story and an even shallower set of social links worst in the series. You must SMT IF anon, bad taste.
>>382094Holy shit anon I lold, some of them are all goods though notably the non-american ones.
No. 382183
File: 1551493276515.jpg (57.54 KB, 516x407, yeesh.jpg)

>>382151lol anon calm the fuck down
No. 382255
File: 1551511083697.jpg (32.41 KB, 471x356, 1453591512523.jpg)

>>382161Unnecessarily mean? What's mean about voicing an opinion that differs from someone elses?
>>382094 and
>>382114 anons are more savage than I'll ever be.
>>382183I'm pretty calm lol anons just got bad taste
>>382246Ya'll should give SMT another try anon its got a lot more going on than contemporary Persona games ever had mainly in the vein of religion and philosophy. Once you can get past the more "anachronistic" parts of the series it makes for some great gaming experiences.
No. 383806
File: 1551850067608.jpg (491.6 KB, 1200x800, IMG_5559.jpg)

i remember being underage on /mu/ doing these
ah, youth
>>382058fuck i always forget about moral orel. so good
No. 563081
File: 1591031567711.png (110.23 KB, 1200x800, 1550649181545.png)

I did this in the other thread and wanted to try again to see how much i have changed, it literally took 0 effort compared to the other time, perhaps because I know myself better know
>>381698congrats anon, leaving drugs is fucking hard I hope you still doing well
No. 563108
>>563106ur taste in music is great btw
>>381744lol it's picrew
No. 563165
>>563130Me too anon. You’re p cool
If you ever wanted to cosplay you could do Juri from Utena.
No. 563237
File: 1591046541211.png (173.83 KB, 1200x800, A88D9738-774E-4BC0-8191-5F65A7…)

No. 563272
File: 1591050902612.jpg (379.62 KB, 1440x960, template.jpg)

>>376738I'm a simple woman with simple wants
No. 563280
File: 1591051333147.png (452.27 KB, 1400x950, Gudetama_lookin_ass.png)

>>563272Aw I hope your weight loss journey is going well anon!
I love the flag.
No. 563320
File: 1591056392938.png (61 KB, 1200x800, 1550649181545.png)

>>376738Sorry for horrible drawings/art i did it on pc
No. 563343
>>563303people who say cringe culture is dead only mean mild stuff like minecraft or fortnite but as soon as they encounter the
real cringe like furry art, self shippers, etc. they will literally start bullying the person
No. 563359
>>563165Utena has been in my watch list for yeeears, I looked up pics from Juri and she looks aristocratic and elegant, I could never cosplay her anon! but now I'm definitely going to watch it.
Are you by any chance
>>563272 ?
No. 563379
File: 1591059683020.png (65.83 KB, 1200x800, 1550649181545.png)

I often get compared to a dog because I'm so loud, dumb, and friendly.
No. 563389
>>563272…the last case was for writing the number?
>>563379>let's groove tonightfuck yeah
No. 563401
File: 1591061632122.gif (769.15 KB, 400x220, the gazettE_kai.gif)

>>563081another gazettE fan ilu. i used to listen to them a lot in high school and then i stopped. if you listen to their new stuff at all do you have any recommendations?
(also what kind of workouts do you do to get your arms buff im also masc and want to know)
No. 563418
File: 1591063094041.png (266.38 KB, 1200x800, aboutme.png)

wow, I ended up typing a lot
No. 563495
File: 1591076885116.png (340.86 KB, 1324x804, chartchartchart.png)

i know this isn't the friend thread but everyone here looks cool
lmk if anyone wants to trade throwaway discords?>>563280our worst looks hella similar and you have good taste in media! qt
No. 563525
File: 1591084470106.png (301.65 KB, 1200x800, 23000D92-FB92-4B3B-B12D-498958…)

it’s my horrid handwritings time to shine
>>563280Our best and worst seem to line up alongside some interests, let’s go grab boba and talk about our husbandos.
No. 563535
File: 1591087289118.jpg (151.02 KB, 1200x800, let.jpg)

No. 563545
File: 1591088861146.png (332.97 KB, 540x810, 27D8A167-388F-433A-8416-BB0D9F…)

aaah i forgot i posted
>>383806 happy this thread was resuscitated after my kiss of death
>>563495>kinoko teikoku>louis theroux>weedgood shit…..
No. 563557
>>563504hmu if you'd like! omelette#8159
>>383806back at you sister, i was gonna shoot you a (you) for liking KKB and daria before i checked timestamps! would solve mysteries with/10
No. 563572
>>563418>the aquabats, anamanaguchiUmm hello? based department?
>>563495amazing taste in music as well
No. 563671
>>563359No sorry I’m just a random anon
You def need to watch Utena, it’s a mind trip with tons of symbolism throughout
No. 563680
File: 1591104253987.png (186.74 KB, 1200x800, well.png)

Font feature is really uncomfortable in Clip Studio Paint. My apologizes!
No. 563908
File: 1591122968166.jpg (1.14 MB, 1300x1915, Hottie_McThotty.jpg)

>>563418>Aqua batsNoice
>>563495Oh my god anon, you're future self is great and I love the lil dog homie.
>Kamikaze girlsYES
Happy to see anons with similar tastes!
im down to trade discords with anyone but I'm also shy and annoying. Also, if you're part of the /m/ fujo discord c'mon downnn>>563611Ikr, I was thinking that when I was typing it out.
Didn't watch it for the plot though/ tbh I mostly loved the soundtrack and how silly it was.
No. 563915
>>563401Well they have changed a bit their style, so I don't know if you would like my recs Haha I personally enjoyed the last album Ninth (the monster, two of a kind, sono koe ha moroku) also goddess, deracine, and last heaven. Let me know what you think.
As for arms workouts I did a lot of things on the gym but now that is closed I do push ups, the one with the chair behind you, elevated body weight skull crushers, and this thing where I do a frog stand and then go back, all of them 4x20. They are mostly triceps workout but you can search for more at-home bodyweight exercises based on what you want to achieve, at your own pace.
No. 563935
Trigger and Gainax shit out complete garbage.
No. 564128
File: 1591139948271.jpg (474.97 KB, 1200x800, anonmeme.jpg)

I've always wanted to do one of these, now that I'm old enough now, here we are
No. 564133
>>564128>SHINee>Children's TV + anime>rhythm gamesDamn anon marry me pls
Great taste 10/10
No. 564251
File: 1591149157309.png (419.11 KB, 1200x800, meetthefarmer (1).png)

>>563535good luck w/ your cancer anon
No. 564310
File: 1591152470245.png (236.03 KB, 1200x804, 1550649181545.png)

No. 564322
File: 1591154687944.jpg (79.85 KB, 540x300, 56454316465.jpg)

>>564281kek I totally did ship them as a kid anon. I used to shitpost on tumblr about them all the time.
No. 564378
File: 1591160061473.png (166.98 KB, 1416x800, imtryingmybestrightnowplsbenic…)

that hobby listing hits differently when you're fucking boring
No. 564835
>>564133It's nice to see a couple of other anons have listed shinee in their top music too! I thought there'd be more people listing nct due to the massive amount of nct fagging in kpop general, but apparently not
>>564263What makes you say that? I will admit though, my interests and aspirations haven't changed that much since I was 14 anyway lol (there was just more anime, minecraft and yaoi back then)
>>564823Though I don't really have any friends within the communities I'm interested in, I wouldn't care anyway. I feel no need to hide that I use 4chan and lolcow, all my friends know I use it, I scroll through the websites whilst I'm surrounded by other people/out in public as well
No. 565142
>>563680-chan and I couldn't care less about it. Found out this imageboard 3 years ago thanks to dasha and LoL threads, but now all I am doing is checking hair/skincare/artfags/media threads because some farmers actually got nice knowledge in brands. Bless these girls.
Sage for blogposting.
No. 565736
File: 1591333221998.png (149.39 KB, 1200x800, 1550649181545.png)

This looked fun and cute.
>>564823If you think you can dox people based on stupid bullshit like their favorite bands and movies, you're a lolcow.
No. 568259
File: 1591809389067.png (1.17 MB, 5000x3333, this took sooooo long.png)

Me 2 days ago: Wow, this is going to be so fun and quick, as I do graphic design for a living!
Me 10 min ago: whatever fuck this
>>564251you seem like so much fun, I love when people's boxes are overflowing with info
>>565736I'm taking notes on your books and movies….
>>563495Laughed out loud at your "future" self omg, excellent taste
No. 568303
File: 1591814468733.png (128.66 KB, 1200x800, shame.png)

kinda fun. let's hope my extremely niche interests won't get me doxed n exposed for using an obscure image board.
No. 568304
File: 1591814510937.png (287.84 KB, 1200x800, Untitled3_20200610234007.png)

I swore I wouldn't fall into this narc trap but I'm gonna be saving mine so I can look back to see how much my interests have changed over the years.
No. 568328
File: 1591819196935.png (84.76 KB, 1200x800, pic meme.png)

No. 568652
File: 1591869499300.jpeg (52.7 KB, 517x506, 448F2EDE-213B-4F54-8747-B5A5F1…)

>>568328>hobbies>epic trolling.. being mean onlineSame sis!
No. 569205
File: 1591980145305.png (79.81 KB, 1200x800, 1550649181545-1.png)

doing this kinda made me depressed because im so boring and poor lmaooo
also I forgot to mention in the video games part that I play Minecraft on mobile lol
No. 569281
File: 1591993043111.png (167.2 KB, 1246x800, 1.png)

No. 569365
File: 1592005393130.jpg (711.21 KB, 1600x1200, blahblah.jpg)

No. 569378
>>569281 your art style is so cute! also cool gameing repertoire
>>569365 hehe kate bush and the house bunny i like u
No. 569426
File: 1592021831146.png (493.88 KB, 1200x800, 3447ACE7-1B85-48C0-B0C2-DEE658…)

This was fun to do but i’m very boring so not much to write about.
No. 569698
File: 1592071685903.png (408.89 KB, 1200x864, 123456789.png)

No. 569756
File: 1592081240135.jpg (139.66 KB, 818x539, Annotation 2020-06-13 214440.j…)

This was so fun, forgot to add the hobby of bullying people online but I think counts as I rarely browse the OT threads
No. 570829
File: 1592253343664.jpeg (482.11 KB, 1536x1032, A701A2E0-97D1-4B3F-9A37-9525A9…)

omg no ones posted here in a couple days but i just finished mine so here
No. 570983
File: 1592283125318.png (166.82 KB, 1200x800, 1550649181545.png)

No. 570986
File: 1592283318622.jpg (87.5 KB, 654x800, 104082962_2992899444157638_134…)

>>568328>Breeders of the NephilimA woman of culture.
No. 571782
File: 1592471424835.png (172.19 KB, 1200x882, 1550649181545.png)

No. 571791
>>569698At your worst made me kek
>>570983Every time we get a scrote poster it makes me realise how gross they are
No. 571815
File: 1592474584865.png (81.88 KB, 1200x800, farm.png)

I sound like an immense pseud in my head when I read my interests
No. 571834
>>571815Love seeing fellow Polish anons on lolcow. You sound cool.
Fave NGE character?
No. 571866
>>571852Definitely season 4 started straying me away from the show, the plot with Vera honestly felt like an odd filler to me, and I don't normally mind when the plot in movies/shows goes into a more abstract direction, but it just didn't feel cohesive to me. It was as if Esmail had just gone off the tracks with the show and threw shit at the wall seeing what sticks
However, I haven't managed to finish it because I had a ton uni stuff to do and I felt kinda disillusioned(?) with the show, so maybe at the end it all makes sense, I don't know yet
No. 571950
File: 1592505780917.png (228.52 KB, 1200x800, 1151CDF4-41FC-4915-AA72-C87DED…)

>never grew out of her vampire phase
Sounds about right.
No. 571975
File: 1592508850734.jpg (165.38 KB, 1200x800, templ8_LI.jpg)

No. 572035
File: 1592518204513.png (59.72 KB, 1200x800, Illustration2.png)

>>377335Another year, another template.
No. 572042
File: 1592518314441.png (613.93 KB, 1200x800, 1550649181545 (1) (1).png)

No. 572120
File: 1592530546241.png (121.7 KB, 1217x800, bio.png)

No. 572302
File: 1592572347224.png (174.34 KB, 1200x800, Meet the farmers(fin).png)

No. 572535
File: 1592612248524.jpeg (442.59 KB, 1668x1112, AE32CD07-E468-48E3-A9E1-31F154…)

Did a real one this time
No. 572840
File: 1592683522984.jpeg (6.31 KB, 225x225, images (5).jpeg)

>>572539They're so freaking cute
No. 578118
File: 1593636681710.png (69.17 KB, 1200x800, 1550649181545.png)

No. 583238
Everyone's art skills are A+ here.
>>578118You seem cool and have great tastes, especially Cibo Matto. What's your webcomic about?
No. 592467
File: 1596029491665.jpg (391.53 KB, 1200x800, Fu.jpg)

I made this with meitu no bully pls
No. 592559
File: 1596043065293.png (181.79 KB, 1200x800, yes.png)

No. 592886
File: 1596077553910.png (78.91 KB, 1200x800, meetfarmer2020.png)

>>376738>>376753holy shit i can't believe my thread is still alive. here's an update on mine!
I moved out and now live w/ a room-mate
I moved out!
File: 1596182771001.png (116.05 KB, 1200x800, 1550649181545.png)

I'm not very good at art and I think I added too much but I wanted to give this a go.
No. 594024
File: 1596220683888.jpg (153.21 KB, 1200x800, moomer.jpg)

i've always wanted to do one of these, it's kind of fun.
No. 594200
File: 1596238298016.png (354.33 KB, 1197x799, hurr.png)

No. 599448
File: 1596864355757.png (431.84 KB, 1195x800, meeeeeeee copy.png)

inb4 discord girls recognize me, sorry my handwriting is shit on mouse kek
No. 599793
File: 1596917275078.png (325.74 KB, 1200x800, srry 4 pretentious weeb.png)

i'm so bad at listing shit i like lol, sorry for the bad mspaint art.
No. 601321
File: 1597086714282.png (480.12 KB, 1801x1107, Untitled29-1.png)

Graphic design is not my passion
No. 601401
File: 1597090582789.png (1.08 MB, 1920x1080, meetthefarmersedited.png)

No. 605215
File: 1597521845526.png (413.06 KB, 1200x800, 159.png)

>>601401How the hell did you fry the quality so much
No. 605277
File: 1597530477777.png (114.86 KB, 1200x800, meetthefarmer.png)

>>376738neurotic swede here
No. 605325
File: 1597538099584.jpeg (542.66 KB, 2224x1568, 0B593D21-1117-41A1-9DFC-636212…)

I thought this was cringe but I’m drunk and bored so
No. 624084
File: 1599394106983.jpg (582.42 KB, 1200x800, meetfarmerrrr.jpg)

2017 to 2018 were my peak years because i was always taking care of myself
No. 624255
File: 1599420158249.png (168.27 KB, 1244x800, Untitled.png)

very low effort
No. 624266
File: 1599421675807.jpeg (176.13 KB, 1200x800, 72A05C61-B411-47DF-AD16-D6EEE1…)

No. 624386
File: 1599438300464.png (217.62 KB, 1198x799, osuehfowie.png)

>>624266i aspire to one day be this cool
No. 624422
File: 1599445373696.png (160.68 KB, 1200x800, 1550649181545.png)

ILY anons
No. 624445
File: 1599449818446.png (66.24 KB, 1200x800, dumb.png)

I'm the biggest loser on LC
No. 629713
File: 1600033543555.jpg (228.76 KB, 1200x800, Cantwakeup.jpg)

>>82172Time sure flies, hope you all make it.
>>629722True, I usually lurk instead.
>>629729'm going to go back to lurk, rather not seem a simp for attention.
No. 632242
File: 1600345640545.jpg (327.19 KB, 1200x800, ita me.jpg)

No. 635943
File: 1600772361089.png (274.35 KB, 1200x800, 1550649181545.png)

hated myself in the past. Im more confident and have self esteem now. Pretty big change.
anyway i wanna be gragas in the future, hope it comes true
No. 636351
File: 1600802373439.png (180.23 KB, 1199x798, 1.png)

No. 636427
File: 1600806139458.png (813.6 KB, 1228x1908, menow.png)

I thought it would be funny to put one I made when I was younger together with one now but it just made me realize what a loser I am. Based
No. 637497
File: 1600930509983.png (48.64 KB, 1200x800, female 4chan.png)

(obvious boring male)
No. 638141
File: 1601000621082.png (145.82 KB, 1200x800, farmz.PNG)

inb4 taste of a 12 year old
No. 638171
File: 1601004565784.png (50.03 KB, 1200x800, me maybe.png)

ik my interests are kinda childish lmao… dont say anything abt mlp
No. 640101
File: 1601240069487.gif (760.04 KB, 500x250, D6EF2151-29C1-4004-98B9-86E12F…)

>>638171when I stop being fat depressed and gross will you be my gf
No. 650443
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No. 827273
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pretty sure i’m supposed to make a new thread for this bc it’s been 6 months but i’m lazy
No. 827284
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Petition to raise age limit to 21
No. 827797
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i miss the person i was at my best.
it may seem stupid, but when you're hopeful and confident, working, studying (and being more organized in general, physically and mentally) is so much easier. I don't care about the youth itself, i just want the confidence back.
I just want to feel like i deserve to work for the things i want. I want to feel worthy of commiting to something to improve myself and my life. I'm used to failure, but i want at least to feel like my work, even if subpar, is truly mine. I want to look forward to failing, because i know that i'm failing a bit litle less, because I KNOW i improved, even if just a little bit, and i KNOW EXACTLY what i'm failing at and what i'm improving, and what path to take to improve, and what mistakes to avoid.
I want to feel like i have the right to be an adult again, a complete person. I used to be able to think, plan and organize myself, and i lost it all with my hope.
No. 827829
>>827797You guys don't need to write paragraphs when you submit, we don't care and don't read them. We just read the pic provided.
Think of it like a resume. Would you read a three pager or one pager? Most hiring managers toss excessively long resumes.
No. 827834
>>827829i know,
nonnie, sorry, i just lost myself a bit making this, and word vomited my navel gazing bullshit.
No. 828038
>>827829>gatekeeping a thread that's already intentionally naval gazey and about sharing personal qualities/interestsRiiight. How dare she discuss herself further, it's not like you can just overlook things you're uninterested in.
>>827797Anyway I read your post anon and I don't know what led to your current NEET status and lack of optimism, but remember that the person you used to be is still inside you. We all have setbacks but life can take different turns for both the worse and the better at any moment. I hope you don't give up on yourself and keep pushing through this period so that you can enjoy things again.