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No. 738107
if you want to say something…
previous thread
>>>/ot/730292 No. 738119
One of my fake nails came off and god there is nothing more unsatisfying than going to scratch yourself and getting an uneven scratch cause one nail is gone
>>738113Oh, so this really
is the dumbass shit thread
No. 738135
>>738121This actually had me laughing out loud,
nonnie, thanks
Cool song too
No. 738157
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I wanna shill this
No. 738159
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A day or two ago I told somebody on here I was from South America, and I just realized they might have meant the continent not fucking southern America oh my god
No. 738162
>>738159you said "south america" meaning southern USA? oh
No. 738179
I downloaded this program for making music Fruity Loops studio and it's really good I can make a nice distorted guitar sound, I hope the world is ready for my generic one man black metal project because here it comes
>>738157Thanks anon. I saved it
No. 738182
>>738168sure is
I hate scrotes
No. 738210
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>>738159Lmao false alarm. My dumbass just misremembered what I wrote. Pic rel, I just said southern, not South America.
No. 738236
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Looking back its for the best that the Hetalia Fandom died down
No. 738256
>>738113Erwin > Levi
Wowee an unreasonably OP tsundere manlet what a marvel
No. 738272
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>>738265My favorite is the cat ears episode. Based Naruto.
No. 738283
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>>738272>>738265The What? Now I get why the Naruto fandom has always been so cancerous.
No. 738288
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>>738283I think it was more about the shipping wars and the weirdos that wore headbands and did the Naruto run in public. The fillers are usually hated, but they were really wild. I remember them more vividly than the main story.
No. 738290
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hetalia>literally every other anime>naruto>rotting dog feces>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>attack on tardies
No. 738339
>>738290Hetalia is the only annie-moo my siblings and I watched together in its entirety and enjoyed it
Viva la hetalia
No. 738393
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i’ve been taking an iron supplement every day for like four days now because i have heavy periods even despite being on nexplanon and i have a lot of symptoms that make me think i have low iron. the tablets are only like 7mg of iron each so i thought it would be fine but bitch! i’m constipated as HELL gat DAMN
No. 738398
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I want to put up a new super ~aesthetic~ wallpaper as my computer background, but I'm too attached to this nerd shit, pic rel. My old one was a star gaurdian bg. I'm not even good at the game
>>738393wtf is that
No. 738526
>>738517Same, my mom always legit found me cute even at my ugliest and would tell me endlessly. She has her problems but is overall the greatest mom I know, and it's distressing that so many young girls miss out on having a good one.
>I miss herIs she gone gone? Sorry for your loss, if so. She sounds lovely.
No. 738539
>>738532 >i will never be as delicateNot being smart here because I know different women have different goals/wants but posts like this and another recent one talking about wanting to be 'dainty' are strange to me.
I don't get it but I'm still sorry you're hurting anon.
No. 738554
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>>738532social media is all smoke and mirrors. I'm sure you're beautiful, queen
No. 738563
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>On homepage
>Oh wow someone bumped /m/ I can't wait to see what thread it's in, maybe some good discussion on a new TV show or book or a funny meme
>Once again, it's a driverfag
No. 738565
>>738233i had to formally ban yung gravy music from my house, god i hate that shit shit music. i don't even know what he looks like but he makes the worst music i've ever heard.
>>738560you sound incredibly shallow, hope you find real happiness someday
No. 738567
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The facial expression Emilie Autumn is making in these pictures reminds me of AGP troons, except she's not an ugly man, so it just looks silly instead of creepy. Uncanny.
No. 738577
>>738563I don't get that thread, I mean I think Adam Driver has a unique look and appearance, but a whole thread which basically worships him is wierd
I mean i'd be weirded if there was a thread like tha about Chris Evans or a more conventionally agreed upon Handsome celebrity
No. 738590
>>738532Hi anon, I hope that you won't return back to social media. It warps and fucks with your perception of self, it definitely did with me. Even the beautiful girls you see on social media most likely have the same thoughts. It sounds like a massive cope, but I'm sure that many people are posting photos that have been facetuned to hell and back and have 50 very similar but taken at a slightly different angle selfies before just posting one on their phone and probably look at their posted photos with extreme scrutiny, and honestly, maybe they're also a little upset thinking about how they don't look like their ideal self in that selfie in real life. Social media really fucks with you.
I am sure that you are beautiful and delicate. Take time away from social media.
No. 738604
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This cucumber water is so fucking good i could drink it all day
No. 738668
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I'm 26 and I want to be 20 again so bad. How do I cope with ageing fuuuuck
No. 738725
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There's this dude on our guild server who make sure we know how much he hates lolis, I'm starting to feel he's secretly a pedo
No. 738733
>>738679yea, same. if anything i'm in a much better place (financially, emotionally, mentally, sexilly) at 25 than i was between 20-24.
once you start fearing getting older you have lost.
No. 738895
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No let her speak
No. 738902
>>738898Samefag to add that mods were super quick to delete the gore posted here too
though it looked fake? Didn't see much of it cause fuck that so kudos.
Someone didn't take their anti-edgy meds today
No. 738963
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my best friend just broke up with her shitty boyfriend and she's been paying his phone, which isn't paid off yet. he's riding off my line so i'm paying the 10$ for family mode and i'm going to limit him to two hours a day of screen time with every fun website and app i can think of blocked. worth it!
No. 738978
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Had a great dream where my great granddad was Jack Nicholson and I played pranks on Kate Bush in her 10M$ designed uber-bougie train.
>>738942Here's a tacky one i guess
No. 738990
I have a unique struggle that I'm sure 99% anons here will never ever go though, let alone fully understand, see all the attractive/good looking men in my country are illerate peasent farmers under feudalism, see I come from a poor multi-ethnic 3rd world country but the upper class(who are middle class by western standards) come from 2 specific ethnic groups, Muhajirs and Urdu speaking Pubjabjs, now the thing is these men are often ugly as sin, mostly skinny fat and having shit diets of western fast food combined with oiled up desi food, top it with an overall shit fashion sense, they do nothing for themselves or anyone else. Most of them grow older but don't know how to adult or develop any beneficial life skills
So that's my potential marriage/dating market, the best looking Pakistani men are mostly Serakis, Pashtuns, Gujjars, Baloch however as I said they rural peasants under feudalism
Its a unique struggle
No. 739001
>>738346I've always found it weird when people don't let their dogs on couches and beds and start screeching like banshees if they jump on one. I have a cover sheet on my bed all day so there's no way it would get dirty, what nasty bitches don't do the same? Also fuck your ex-roommate
>>738376I never got people who got a dog or a cat and only kept it outdoors. What's the point of a pet if you don't want to spend any time with it?
No. 739004
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No. 739005
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No. 739023
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These past few days I have gotten day dream fantasies about me and that one Angry Japanese guy reuniting and having a sort of enemies to lovers story. I keep wondering what happened to him, so as long as I don't get an answer I'll keep making up Fanfics in my head.
No. 739058
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This old lady looks happy and it's nice
No. 739118
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I miss when fujos were just cringe coomers and not cringe trooners
No. 739149
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feel like pure shite, just want princess rpatz to take me away from this world
No. 739197
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I find it comforting "girls that are not like other girls" is a universal experience amongst mainly daughters who were tomboy, lesbian, autistic, traumatized and those who wanted to be a man from a series, creature, or an animal. Alienation early on in life for little girls is something i never really see being discussed. Everybody assumes they are just quiet personalities and well behaved daughters who are just a little "different". There's simply no place for lonely girls who seek the same company they have given themselves.
No. 739199
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Shoutout to my fellow farmers who have one eyelid that hangs slightly lower than the other and you know no one notices it at all but you're still insecure about it
No. 739249
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People who use stripes pls explain how you read this
No. 739278
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planting the seed of drama here is so enjoyable
No. 739286
>>739263Happy birthday, girl!
Mine was yesterday and I have a lot of party (for one) left overs!
Clink clink bitch No. 739354
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>>739177I decided to look for that blog and the posts that other users made about it and no, it's not the same person (The one I'm looking for made "Relatable/vent comics" aka. math notebook doodle tier drawings with text)
I must say, a troll or not, that was… something to say the least. They actually kind of talk the same way tho.
No. 739411
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For valentines day I ate an ungodly amount of chinese takeout,took a nap and got jizz on my wall. Hope all you nonnies are having a good day either that be with a partner or just vibing with yourself ♥
No. 739419
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My feet sweat so much, I hate it
No. 739427
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>>739411>got jizz on my wallSay what?
No. 739429
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>>739411i get the distinct feeling youve shared this on your snap, instagram and private discord or something
No. 739451
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Left, right…
Left, right…
That's how you do it!
No. 739453
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Got my hot date ready for Valentine's night
No. 739530
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I love this meme
No. 739545
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>>739534imagine being so reliant on the internet to feel good about yourself. master yourself anon, you should be embarrassed
No. 739624
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>>739612if u can manage to get ur hands on some of these bitches u will NOT be disappointed. camu-camu lemon candies. i was absolutely addicted to these when i lived in jp a few years back & to this day crave them constantly, and i don't usually even like lemon candy. there's supposed to be as much vitamin c in one candy as in 10 lemons, not sure if thats true lol. but they taste incredible, perfect skittle-esque chewy texture with sweet on the outside and sour on the inside, fuck i miss these
No. 739642
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i am going to sleep at 1 am, hopefully i can wake up early tomorrow to be productive
No. 739650
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I am so weak, I can't read erotica without having to take a breather after every saucy thing, I am almost 30 ffs
I guess I am just insanely easy to please
No. 739664
>>739656I don't get how that's comforting on any level tbh, 'the kind of men you date' can't be completely unfuckable if you're fucking them.
I just remind myself that a guy will cheat if he wants to, regardless of what I do or don't say to him, and that the intent to cheat remains even if I somehow stopped him physically doing it. If I refrain from freaking out, at least I'll get to keep my dignity.
No. 739665
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I suddenly remembered there's a manga and anime about cockroaches
No. 739698
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>>739665Coincidentally I was just thinking today about how I read a junior fiction novel in high school told from the perspective of a cockroach, and how iirc there was basically a cockroach sex scene in it.
No. 739701
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>>739698>there was basically a cockroach sex scene in it.Well..was it good?
No. 739755
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>>739736That's sound like more work than an enema through. Like by being lazy you're actually creating more work for yourself. Also I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure it's not safe to put hair products in your ass, because your rectum absorbs things into your blood.
No. 739773
I remember my history teacher in high school asking all the girls in the class if they would rather live in Athens or Sparta. Every single girl said they'd rather live in Sparta and then my teacher explained some of the nuisances of living as a woman in Sparta and asked the question again and while the overwhelmingly majority of the girls still choose Sparta about a quarter or 1/5th choose Athens
neither socities were a beacon of gender equality, but Ancient Sparta was arguably at the one of the most liberating place in the Ancient world for women. By comparison, Ancient Athens was not just the status quo for women, it was even more oppressive then many societies around it. The Athenians viewed women as mentally being like children, a literal after thought sometimes, hell they invented philosophies to justify misogyny and thought of them as lesser cause they could give birth
Now Sparta women were viewed with importantance, in Sparta women could own land and be educated, it is estimated that Spartan women owned 40% of all Spartan lands, Spartan heiresses were so insanely rich that even the two Kings of Sparta would have to lend money from the Spartan heiresses from time-to-time. They didn’t just get the advantages I mentioned earlier, but they also even influenced the political life of Sparta to (directly and indirectly). We even have records from Aristotle which shows that he was shocked that women had so much power in Sparta. It was also known throughout the ancient world that Spartan girls and women the most physically fit women on the planet due to their manndatory exercises they had to take
But there were the downsides, the biggest and obvious is the pregnancy, As a Spartan woman you had to provide the state with large amounts of Children, as many as a woman physically could and more so, while also doing adminstrative jobs for the state on top of that, the man you would marry would be a meathead who hasn't seen a woman in 13-15 years, had most likely been raped as a child by his teachers and raped other children when he got older, he will likely die in some war by the before he even reaches the age of 40
Now your children, if your baby was born with any sort of imperfection or smallness of the body, they would be left to die and you couldn't anything to save them, some leeway was given to baby girls but still, then after that your sons would be taken away at age 7 and you wouldn't see them again for 13 years, in many cases they would die in the training process, they would be raped, they would have to commut rape on children and if he survive's all this he'd still die in some conflict cause the Spartans were always at war, your daughters would become your business partners and manage to estate with you, they like would you take some state adminstration job for the rest of their lives
So anons what do you choose Sparta or Athens ?
No. 739782
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Finn is objectively a very cute person and I'd definitely have a huge celebrity crush if I was his age. That being said, I'm not, I don't know him, he is an actor, I wish him well in his career and life and that's about it.
I think it's okay to find minors / young adults objectively attractive or even have a non-serious "crush" but only ever in passing and never, ever to be considered seriously. It should always be limited to a comment at the most like "Yeah, they're attractive (for a kid)" or "they remind of XY that I crushed on" and that's where I would draw the line. It's a delicate subject too and I understand if anons think this admission goes too far.
I think it's good when people call out minors being objectified and sexualized on this board. That stuff can't fly.
No. 739786
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>>739773>Ancient Sparta was arguably at the one of the most liberating place in the Ancient world for women.Ancient Egypt was more egalitarian. All the things you listed for Spartan women was also the case with Egyptian women, but Egyptians didn't commit mass infanticide like Spartans did. On the contrary, certain physical abnormalities, like dwarfism, would be considered magical. It's common knowledge that there were female pharaohs (though they typically only ruled in the absence of a male monarch, much like the queens of the Tudor dynasty.) People married for love, and both women and men could initiate divorces. There's a lot more, just look it up.
>they would be raped, they would have to commit rape on childrenI have no idea what the hell you're talking about with this, unless you're using the word "rape" to describe pederasty. Are you the anon who was talking about how evil Greece and Rome were in another thread?
>>739780That's what I was thinking. Choosing between Sparta and Athens sucks because you're basically picking between horrific abuse of women and mass infanticide.
No. 739787
>>739773>he will likely die in some war by the before he even reaches the age of 40as he should
>if your baby was born with any sort of imperfection or smallness of the body, they would be left to die and you couldn't anything to save themstill better than caring for a vegetable or a tard
>some leeway was given to baby girls but still, then after that your sons would be taken away at age 7 and you wouldn't see them again for 13 years, in many cases they would die in the training process, they would be rapedfuckin oath
i see no downsides
spartan stacies > virgin athenians
No. 739792
>>739789God I feel bad for saying this but… I agree
Extremely unfit deformed children should… just not live, it's a horrible life for them and the family
No. 739799
>>739786I know Egypt was based, espically before the Hyxos Invasion and occupation but it was still cool before that
> have no idea what the hell you're talking about with this, unless you're using the word "rape" to describe pederastyObviously I'm referring to the peadastry, the whole thing of an older man and his "beloved"
Austronean societies also had degrees of gender equality, so much so that the Chinese mocked and considered them Barbaians
No. 739816
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I've got a big exam coming in 10 minutes and I think I didn't do enough to prepare for it, sooo wish me luck anons. Here goes nothing
No. 739826
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for people with intrusive thoughts
No. 739849
>>739838Nta, but some people still do not want to date/crush on 18 year olds because they're young
>Even two years ago it would be ok to crush on him since 16 is above the age of consent in most places.This AOC argument people love to bring up is dumb. AOC is also as low as 12 in some places. Doesn't make it ok.
No. 739867
>>739782IMO it's not wrong or creepy when women say a minor is good-looking, but when men do it, it immediately doesn't sit right with me. Not with those crime rates!!
Also, I love how women put so much thought into this and into not being gross, while with men it's just
>Billie Eilish is officially 18 bros, now we can say all those things about her we've been holding inI mean, the concern is just another reason why women are superior, but at the same time, I guarantee Finn Wolfhard and most other young adolescent males do not give a single fuck if women outside their age range think they're cute/hot/whatever. He liked a nude posted by Dasha Nekrasova, ffs. I feel like this is another thing we have to accept that males and females are vastly different on (sexuality), but it's not really an easy pill to swallow.
No. 739873
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>>739799It wasn't considered rape, I already explained this to you. 1) The eromenos would be courted at the same age women would be getting married 2) Both the eromenos and his father had to consent to the relationship 3) The relationships weren't always sexual in nature 4) Pederasty was only practiced by upper and middle class Greeks.
It's certainly gross by modern standards, but it was normal back then. To call ancient Greek pederasty rape is to devalue the impact of actual rape happening at the time. Not to mention, lumping pederasty in with slavery and infanticide trivializes those things.
No. 739875
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>>739859What about the pirate flag?
No. 739882
>>739787>>739789>>739798Calm down, eugenics-chans.
>>739792I agree with this, but I really doubt Spartans were only killing off vegetables. We don't know what their parameters were for killing a baby, but given the state of medical technology at the time, they probably yeeted kids into pits for shit like being underweight.
If a condition causes a child perpetual pain or makes it impossible for them to intellectually develop past infancy, the humane choice is to abort or give palliative care after birth. But some conditions that
look really bad don't effect a person's intellect– cerebral palsy for instance. Having a physical handicap doesn't automatically eliminate someone's worth as a human being.
No. 739885
>>739879NTA but I think it's a matter of principle. Like anon's probably very disturbed when men only want 18 year olds, so she's trying to do 50/50 to avoid being a hypocrite.
But the truth is that it's not hypocrisy, just reality. It will never be the same, men start being scrotes from basically whenever they start getting into porn. Teenage boys are some of the worst scrotes.
No. 739886
>>739559I'm a native english speaker and I do that quite a lot when speaking online. Don't feel bad about it
No. 739896
>>739877The concept of statutory rape didn't even
exist back then, and it wasn't until the 19th century that Western countries began viewing eighteen as the beginning of adulthood. The vast majority of cultures throughout history have viewed the end of puberty as the beginning of adulthood. This is because 1) it wasn't until recently that we discovered that the human brain doesn't stop developing until a person's early 20s and 2) longer lifespans meant people weren't obligated to start having kids as early. In the middle ages, women would typically experience menopause at around forty, if a plague didn't kill them first.
Yes, it's statutory rape by modern standards. But you're not just
calling it that, you're casting moral judgement and recontextualizing it as "child" rape based on strictly modern notions of what a child even is. Kouroi we're not children, they were fifteen to nineteen years old, which at the time was considered young adult. You can call it rape all you like, but don't lump it in with actual human rights abuses like infanticide and systemic subjugation of women.
No. 739914
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Idk anything about lolita fashion, but I feel like gothic/dark lolita is so much better than regular lolita. Like, both styles make the wearer look a doll, but something about dark lolita is just…different. I really wanna learn more about that style so I can draw a bunch of vampire girls in lolita. also, black girls who wear lolita clothing are very cute
No. 739919
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>>739914I feel like the pic you posted looks too costume but I generally agree. Classic and gothic lolita looks better than sweet
No. 739929
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This is how i see adult pokemonspergs
No. 739938
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>>739929You're wrong my friend. Pic related is how we actually are. No money for weirdo clothes when you gotta take out your pokefriend on a dinner
No. 739952
>>739931We used to talk about it when this site was a cgl offshoot and the only boards were pt and ot
You missed out
Now that most of our denizens are normies, they view it as negatively as normies do
No. 739969
>>739959I don't even an issue with bdsm shit (as long as they don't talk excessively about it, but if I follow a NSFW artist it's not an issue. Even with fanfic authors I get why they might talk about it more often), but the pee kink is too fucking much for me lmao. The issue is it's always the people with the weird fetishes who are the loudest
>>739962Who said anything about sex workers?
No. 739995
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>>739952This is an actual tragedy.
No. 740010
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I'm in the mood for some feel-good coming of age dumbassery, will picrel suffice?
No. 740015
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What are they thinking
No. 740016
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>>740010I just watched the final installment yesterday and I'd say it'll do. Lara Jean is definitely more annoying in this one though. No spoilers but I'm pretty happy with how it ended. Also pretty sad I won't get to see her and Peter be cute together anymore. The series overall is a really fun watch, even if there's some frustrating moments.
No. 740018
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>>740010I didn't watch the movie, but I remember reading this book when I was a teenager and thinking it was cute so, might as well give it a try.
>>739919I think I like the costume-y outfits more cause I don't think of these outfits as like, everyday outfits (although I love anyone who does wear lolita everyday). Classic lolita is very beautiful! I didn't know there was a name for that neutral colored style.
>>740000I feel like it's important to stress the difference between loli, lolita fashion and the book by Vladimir Nabokov lmaoo
No. 740023
>>740007Nah, I know exactly what you mean I wish there was an imageboard like that. Crystal cafe is mostly trannies and scrotes so that's not an alternative. The problem with normies is that they turn every discussion into something boring with the most canned like responses. It's as if they can't stop regurgitating stale memes and quips. I really wish they'd fuck off. I blame
twtter and rddit. The lack of original thought is frightening.
No. 740085
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>>740072Anon, a lot of people with full-time jobs and good careers commit suicide and have families, homes, etc…
No. 740087
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>>740072you browsing lolcow
No. 740109
>>740099yes it's not like some mental illness is genetic like schizophrenia. that can lead to homelessness and poverty but not always (I know cases of both). I honestly agree with the first part of what you said in some cases but that doesn't mean some people's mental illness doesn't matter/isn't real, and why is it a competition? Wealthy people definitely have more resources and time to feel bad for themselves but some of you act like class is the
only factor in quality of life, like someone can't even just be born mentally ill or experience trauma. I understand bitterness that they have more resources but wtf it's weird what anon (you?) implied like to have TrUe mental illness you have to be homeless
No. 740115
>>740111>nobody should be comparing traumas, everyone experiences their own life differentlyYou literally did compare traumas though. The post you replied to didn't even say anything about closing off websites from people who have depression, and I haven't even seen anyone say that.
Friendly reminder that having a mental illness isn't a fucking competition.
No. 740118
>>740111> Tldr nobody should be comparing traumas, everyone experiences their own life differentlyThis is basic common sense but I think anons are trying to bait. I can't tell if they're going for edgy or woke
>>740114nta but I think you misunderstood her. the OP did say that only neets and truly depressed people should use this site. she was responding to that
No. 740121
>>739773I always laugh when I think of all the autistic shit Sparta did and then they got fucking rocked by Thebes of all places
what a joke
No. 740122
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No. 740128
>>740115Can you read? For the last time, I compared traumas because the logic of "Stacy with a job and bf can't possibly be a lonely freak like me" lends itself to an endless Oppression Olympics-style pissing contest. I made that comparison in the same line of thinking as OP, /I/ personally don't think a depressed Cambodian fish farmer is more ~
valid~ in their mental illness than a sad American neet who doesn't want to hear about Stacy, but the OP who claimed "normies" don't belong here certainly seems to think their personal brand of social isolation is extra special. THAT is what I was responding to
No. 740151
>>740007Wanted to leave my unwarranted opinion which is that as someone who went from a NEET to normie-passing (no bf but I get male attention and have turned down dates, full-time job, friends, etc.), I am plagued by doubt and imposter syndrome ("I have no friends" as my phone is blowing up, "No way that guy actually likes a freak like me back" as he flirts repeatedly, "I'm incompetent at my job" as I have to fix other peoples' mistakes almost every single day), and this complete unfamiliarity with the cycles of doubt, embarrassment, self-compassion, and acceptance that normies experience in some degree for their whole lives is what sets stealth-normies apart from true normies, and what keeps me from moving on from this stupid fucking Thai sea monkey breeding forum. There is no escaping the feeling that you have been set back in life, with no one but yourself to blame. My concept of "normal" has simply shifted, because I have identified with abnormality for so long that I cannot tell if I've reached it or not. I seethe, too, when I see anons bragging about their good degree and lucrative job, or house, or what have you, and I wonder why they're here if they're so "normal", and I would have seethed over someone with my own life ~4 years ago.
No. 740160
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cringe being proud of being a sperg. Sorry this board is for mega stacies only
No. 740167
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>>740161You're right. That's the toughest part kek. I let myself develop a persecution complex as a NEET that I still haven't overcome.
No. 740178
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>>740160>a farmer thinking of themselves as a Mega Stacy… at least the spergs you're referring to know they're spergs
No. 740201
>>740145Same, I really don't care and it's annoying.
>>740120I'm interested.
No. 740203
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What's a surefire way to flip your sleeping schedule so that instead of sleeping at 6am you're waking up from 6-8am? I've tried all-nighters but I always revert back and it's difficult to force myself to wake up early.
No. 740208
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>>740172>>740178um idk what you guys talking about this is literally a picture of me. don't worry I won't steal ur husbandos because they're trash xx
No. 740230
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>>740222Shut the fuck up, retard, let the normie anons be normies, if you want to be a bitter neet, just go to 4chan or literally anywhere else of the internet.
No. 740239
literally what are you mad at? that normies use this board? boo hoo sorry it's not your neet safe space
No. 740242
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In a utopian world, Stacy farmers and NEET farmers would date. Just kiss and make up already, guys.
No. 740262
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okay okay stacies, i’m sorry for being mean, you know i love you really
No. 740271
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Seriously, what would be the benefit of having a "normie" free imageboard just for uwu special broken neet girls? Doomposting each other into mass suicide?
>>740244Personally I became an evolved neet by setting up my life in a way that caters to my desire to be a shut-in. I have 2 jobs that can both be done from home and I married another antisocial shut-in who blissfully avoids the internet for anything further than looking up recipes. The best part is nobody bothers us because on paper we're both self-sufficient adults with respectable jobs and a loving partner. It was a lot of work to get to this point but it's perfect and worth it, don't care if online randos think I'm not deep and tortured enough, femcels can stay mad
No. 740281
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All this stacy/normie talk reminds me of a video I saw where some youtubers were interviewing some normie chad from that Love Island show, he mentioned that someone linked him to the Love Island subreddit and he was not only viscerally put-off by the fact that people were wasting time on a forum talking about celebrities they'd never met and speculating about him, but also baffled by the concept of a forum in general. He was confused that people were interacting semi-anonymously with people they'd never met and didn't plan on meeting. THAT is normie behavior. None of us are on that level.
>>740271You're not a neet if you are working and supporting yourself. Your life does sound comfy though, good for you.
No. 740300
>>740281Which islander anon? I need to know.
And yeah some of them are so brain-dead I'm convinced its LARP
No. 740302
>>740293Oh I agree. I wasn't trying to hate on the Love Island dude for being a normie, I just brought it up as an example of what a NEET would perceive normies to be like vs. what they're actually like.
>>740300Carrington lol.
No. 740354
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what a cute moth
No. 740372
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Do you guys think Deangelo Wallace is a TIF?
No. 740376
>>740372yeah, no, i think he's a cis guy. personally i find him quite cringe but he's talented
sorry lmao i pressed enter by accident
No. 740382
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I just learned that Gary from Ib is an okama I didn't need to know that
No. 740385
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>>740284hard agree. The only vtuber I can stand is korone, even then she's a guilty pleasure for me
No. 740400
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>Applying to scholarships
>See a lot of scholarships given out by law firms
>See even more out of state
>Probably biased towards in state applicants
>I want to apply, but hide the fact I'm out of state
>What are they gonna do sue me?
>tfw they could actually sue me
I mean they most likely wont, but the ought just popped up
No. 740416
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My boyfriend went to sleep but I wanna make out
No. 740430
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Have you ever seen a mother fucker so ugly, so damn repulsive, that you don’t even know what to say? You have to just stop and stare for a good minute because faces like that shouldn’t be real? I have witnessed the face of possibly the ugliest human on the internet and don’t know where to go next. It genuinely cannot go further downhill. It is just so fucking ugly. It’s teeth and face and mind and body are all fucked and it makes me want to simultaneously beat it up and and run away, but I get the feeling I wouldn’t be able to sanitize enough if I was in the same room as it. I have never seen someone so ugly their face should be illegal until now. So incredibly ugly that I can’t even feel sympathetic even if it wasn’t a male. Insecure anons I hope you feel better about yourselves because I promise you will never be uglier than this vaguely man-like creature. FFS I know I sound cruel but this is forbidden levels of ugly. He makes the driverspergs look like they have good taste.
Yeah it’s Armin. OK not entirely, unfortunately this also applies to a real human. They are both so distressingly ugly though. They both deserve an all expenses paid free expulsion from this realm.
No. 740433
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>>740430a-armin from snk…?
No. 740437
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>>740436If you think it doesn't get uglier than this little blond anime boy idk what to tell you…
but I'm guessing this is mostly entirely about a real person No. 740550
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No. 740564
>>740562samefagging AGAIN to say that I've uncovered something really fucking weird
>>posted 2017>9 million views>uploader is a member of that ceiling fan forum I found>it's about phones ringing and nothing else>comments are all spam, and are recent too>uploader and his friends are desperately yelling at the spammers telling them to stop, as if that will do anythingI feel like I'm digging deeper and deeper into a rabbit hole.
No. 740631
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So I’m obsessed with Selling Sunset and I heard in an episode that heather did a playboy photoshooting. Obviously i looked it up and first of all she looks entirely different but I can’t really pinpoint what she got done. But secondly her pussy looks so weird in one of the pictures that makes me think she got fillers in her other lips aswell if you know what I mean. Is this a thing??
No. 740637
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>>740632>radfems think exercising (even for strength) is a tool of the patriarchyWait, really? why would they think that?
Anyway, your post reminded me of a hot buff girl I found a while ago, pic rel. Idk if she counts as a bodybuilder but….secksi No. 740645
>>740632>radfems think exercising (even for strength) is a tool of the patriarchyYeah that's not true at all.
There is nothing men hate more than seeing a woman who is built, especially if she is stronger than them. Plus like
>>740636 said, rounded shoulders, ripped abs and big biceps immediately make you less feminine in the eyes of scrotes. There's nothing more radfem than turning off men and making them insecure about their own masculinity/physique. Ever seen a crunk woman enter a room full of average guys? The seething is palpable.
No. 740648
>>740645Have you ever been to a gym in your life, from My experiences most guys there were supportive of the female lifters and I hate to break it to you but most women can't ever "naturally" gain this
>>740637 physique without using steroids and or being some type of genetic Freak, and I'm sure its radfem to be stronger then the average male(I know I am) but most radfems are not any where near physically fit
No. 740653
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>>740648Anon who posted
>>740637 here, I don't think she uses steroids, she just has a wide body. Pic is her with less muscle. She also plays baseball if that matters
No. 740685
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>>740560>>740562>>740564I have a hunch that these people are autistic, or they just have a thing with hyperfixation, and ceiling fans (which often spin), ringing phones (repetitive, but varied noises) and other commonly founds objects that do their own stationary actions are their special interests.
If some of them are (or were) kept in isolation for a certain period of time in their life, it also makes sense for them to focus on certain objects and develop an interest in them in a more general sense IMO.
This all seems weirdly…innocent. Like, try to read this post without imagining the "weird kid" in your class being the OP, rambling away. All this thought put into fucking speakers. The "fancollector12" poster really went crazy on it, though. It might even be good practice for older people who want to preserve their memory and are susceptible to dementia, but I don't know.'m not sure why that one video with the ringing phones got so many views and spam comments. Someone said the algorithm lead them to it. It even seems like the uploader took the time to respond to every single one, even the spam comments, saying things like "That makes no sense", "I don't know", "Do not post a spam", etc, so I don't think he knows what's going on, either. He replied to one person who commented on the view count with "It's incredible to think about, I never expected to get millions of views per video.. That video held its own for a while, but now it seems to have fallen out of favor..".
No. 740745
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My dad said he didn’t want dogs yet shoveled out a whole area for them to use the bathroom in my parents’ backyard bc they’re small and old. He lives up to the meme.
No. 740750
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I want to have a “daily goals” thread but I’m afraid I’ll get banned if I make it. We could post whatever we wanted to accomplish that day, whether it was to email someone, exercise, get groceries clean etc. draw a picture, anything. I think it would be nice for us.
No. 740804
File: 1613493946148.png (223.88 KB, 596x413, 151236911_229560685530538_4370…) love this article so much. Pure SCP energy, especially the physical markers
No. 740831
>>740804that is one of the most fascinating wikipedia articles i've had the pleasure to stumble upon, thank you so much anon.
what is SCP ?
No. 740835
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Does this photo make anyone elses skin crawl or is it just me
>>740831I think anon means the SCP foundation No. 740848
>>740804Samefag and sage:
But do you think the Egyptians tried to warn us about something like this, but we weren’t able to translate it?
No. 740877
>>740804Honestly these all just make me want to peer in to see what's there even more, like a big red DO NOT PUSH button calls to be pushed.
These "human interface task force" behavioural scientists are so shit at their job damn. Who entrusted the fate of humanity to those idiots
No. 741011
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enjoy it while you can anons seeing shit like this is so rare
No. 741018
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Found someones one drive of coomer memes and I'm surprised how many alternative versions, smoking, guitar, internet, modding, of the coomer exist.
No. 741027
>>741024samefag but I think this would be a fun thread to have with many ways to contribute (I have some good -oomer memes to share)
nonny I beg
>>741018 No. 741053
>>740430Oh here comes Mrs. So-Sexy-And-Desirable-By-Many, making a post directed at Armin Arlert (アルミン・アルレルト), who is the 15th and current commander of the Survey Corps, and one of the two deuteragonists of the series. Shut the fuck up. You're probably all fat and ugly in real life with crippling depression that won't save you anymore so that's why you're here on Lolcow, sperging over a fictional character while acting like you're morally superior than him in the first place. Have you taken a look at yourself? Ugly and stinking the whole place up. You probably cackled to yourself while shitting that paragraph up, thinking it's the funniest thing ever and will find a place on that funny Lolcow posts thread. Guess what, you're fucking embarrassing. Armin is literally the 104th Commander of the Survey corps, an excellent soldier, a man capable of understanding empathy and respect towards everyone, a specimen who will save humanity, a god who is sexy like no other and has a bunch of sexy women on his excessive shaft too.. and you? A random nobody who needs to add more lines to her already scarred wrist. Kill yourself and make your parents happy once. Worthless piece of shit. No wonder you're sperging a like that to begin with. Nothing in your life probably makes you happy anymore - and you don't make anyone in your life happy either - so you have to take your disgusting, bitter hatred out on making comments like that directed to THE man himself.
>I promise you will never be uglier than this vaguely man-like creature.Wow, haha. Total own. Epic. Go kill yourself, retard.
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I tried jajangmyeon a while ago and honestly I was disappointed. It was not as good as I imagined it to be. I didn't put as many potatoes as I wanted, so maybe I made it wrong or I just need to warm up to it, I still have another pack left so maybe I'll try again.
>>741053lmaooo let her speak
No. 741109
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>>741092Facts. I'm a Levi stan and a Ymir simp, but armin looked good. Especially in this specific scene. I haven't actually watched s4 though. It's still a little weird to think of him as hot because s1-s3 made me feel like he's that cute little brother, and I could still never simp for him, but he definitely glowed up.
No. 741117
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>>741109i’m sorry anon but big ass nose on the mf beat
No. 741133
>>741114It's from his titan
>>741117>>741115I swear he doesn't really have a big ass nose. It's just the style the new animation studio has. They give it to all the characters
No. 741145
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>>741125komaeda is an ugly ass motherfucker with early dementia and that's just straight up facts
No. 741156
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Fine. You bitches win. Armin is ugly. But what about
this>>741151do you know what a fujo is anon No. 741162
File: 1613510736899.jpg (89.55 KB, 500x748, atsushi.jpg)

he's the only attractive man in this whole thread
No. 741400
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I hope my southern burger farmers are okay and have enough battery to use lolcow. Stay warm ily and kill the rich when this is over.
No. 741414
>>741412Large part of her work consists of working with people with autism, interviews etc. It's what made me alarmed in the first place.
But you're right, I don't think some label on paper would help me much.
No. 741421
>>741414In my opinion it's best to stay away from labels like autism unless you really need them to help figure out your mental issues. (And that's coming from a psychologist lol)
It's only a disorder if it actually causes distress.
No. 741429
>>738107is it normal for people to look at you a lot ? like when i’m walking in shopping centres or down the street it feels like people are constantly looking and me and making eye contact even though i try to avoid it .
i’m pretty so maybe that’s why . or i’m going crazy
No. 741431
>>741429depends on where you live
in certain countries people look at everyone who interests them in some way, in others it might mean you shat yourself or dress like a retard
No. 741439
>>741424I’m trying to remember just what CW is supposed to mean and I keep on thinking of random stuff like
>Chez Wong>Child Work>Chess Win>Cheese Wings>Club Winx>Chain WinI don’t even know anymore.
No. 741441
>>741429It could just be that people like how you look. When I see a passerby that's wearing an outfit I think is cute, I look a little longer to admire it too, for example.
That being said if you're paranoid about people looking at you you tend to inadvertently look at them too, to check. People might just respond to that by looking back more than they would have otherwise.
No. 741457
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>>741452Ty anon! Yeah, I'm probably going to. Have any recs for where to buy one by any chance?
No. 741462
>>741452I wear berets very often and pretty much coordinate them with anything I wear in the same colour. It helps if you wear a lot of skirts and dresses as opposed to jeans, although berets can work really well with straight cut fabric pants too.
>>741457It kind of depends on your head shape and hair whether you look best in a floppier, smaller beret, or a bigger more structured one. Especially if you don't want it to be very stiff and clean cut, most berets sold by cheap stores and even aliexpress are fine to try them out. Then if you decide you like it you can get a better quality fabric beret (which I've only gotten from small local stores so I can't help you there).
No. 741465
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>>741462Damn. I pretty much exclusively wear jeans. I guess this is a sign that I need to look into some new style options. Thanks for the information! Your reward? A french baguette to match the atmosphere of this conversation.
No. 741468
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>>741465Shit bread Trash bread stupid bread Break teeth 1 hour after purchasing bread should be illegal bread fuck the french bread Sage and hidden to avoid looking at this stupid bread
No. 741477
>>741468Fake and wrong. You ever nuclear blasted a slice of one of those bad boys in the microwave with some butter? It's tasty grub for everyone. Unsaged so bread returns to top of /ot/ for everyone to enjoy.
>>741469Of course! Might take me a while to hack some off though. I don't own a good serrated knife. Feel free to just take a bite in the middle if you can't wait.
No. 741492
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>>741465Jeans can work too, but vintage or bell bottom types are easier to coordinate with a beret than the typical modern skinny jean, since that can look a bit too casual I guess?
That is a lovely baguette.
>>741468Just because your bread skill level is low doesn't mean you can take it out on the baguette! Your problem is either a shitty baker, inadequate reheating technique or dental issues. If your baguette is tough you should slighty wetten the crust and pop it in the oven on high heat for a couple minutes. Good as new.
No. 741538
>>740840An update on this, it was super weird. At some point she pushed down from my neck towards my butt and there was like a bubble? Underneath my skin, her thumb kept pushing it forward and I'll be honest if I felt that in any other context I'd have called the doctor immediately.
Also she touched the top half of my butt a LOT. She also massaged my legs and feet though so I guess most of my ass is included in a full body massage.
No. 741610
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Nonnies I think I'm actually very stupid in the common sense sense.
For example, when I was a teen I was surprised the temperature was a consistent 26 C, but on the third day, after looking at the snow out the window I realised the thermometer was indoors, and in fact didn't tell the outside temperature, only the room temperature.
I used to be too shy to ask questions for fear of looking dumb, but now I think I've gone too far on the other side. Yesterday I asked a question on how to answer something in a form at work, and right next to where I sign there was a reference answering exactly what I asked. Funny enough I don't think I'd have got it even if I sat with it for several minutes.
I don't get jokes. I dn't get sarcasm. I don't get it when people imply something and my relationships are terrible because I can't recognise the blatant red flags enough to actually take action.
I mean I can be smart for some things, but these massive lapses make me think that overall, I am a retard.
No. 741633
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Farmers why does number keep going up?? BTC GO UP I'M LOSING MY MIND
No. 741635
>>741610Could be autism or something but have you tried working on being observant? My ex had zero common sense, to the point where I don’t know how managed to get two degrees and hold down a respectable job. He wasn’t socialised properly and still lived with his parents, so maybe that’s why. Anyway, when he asked a stupid question I’d ask “why do you think?”. Like with a kid, lol. Turns out with a bit of coaxing, he could conjure up some common sense. The problem was that he’d never had to have any, not that he was completely unable.
Try asking yourself questions like “what would make sense in this situation?”, “where could I find the answer independently?” (Google often helps). Observe other people. Things that don’t match up should give you a weird feeling even if you can’t tell what’s bothering you. It’s possible to improve.
No. 741674
>>741643Anon, what the fuck? Why did you post outright animal abuse? I’m
triggered and now I must tweet about it.
No. 741723
>>741712I touched the heating element. I just wanted to see how hot it would be but I didn't think it was gonna burn my fucking finger
>>741718I actually recognize the Sai person, and they did go semi-viral in a smaller community a while ago. If I recall correctly, they were sent to a mental hospital because of family or something and friends were worried because Sai said they were being forced to leave. I think Sai is mentally ill and that's why this keeps happening. I don't think it's a stunt though.
No. 741732
File: 1613573052251.png (113.75 KB, 258x387, tygusanoniluvu.png)

>neck deep in college shit
>new project for digital archive by the college library that sounds super interesting
>i really shouldn't but it sounds fun
>apply through form with bullshit questions: why are you applying, experience, what can you bring to the team
>oh shit
>i can't sell my self for a fucking rusty cent and have no noteworthy qualities or experience
>fuck it
>free the autist in me and write TWO fucking paragraphs on why I want to join the project
>give completely honest answers without overstating or overselling my shit skills
>next week
>interview through zoom
>oh shit, i'm completely retarded and have no people skills, plus I look like garbage on camera
>meh, but if I fail i don't have to work more
>fuck it, let's do it
>interview at ass o'clock in the morning
>super strict teacher, but pretty relaxed today
>we talk a bit and I answer honestly, like I was talking with a friend
>got approved
The other candidates were few and frankly meh (like sis, using sci-hub and libgen is not something noteworthy, that's like being proud of using google), so that's why I got in.
Honestly, I was inspired by the anon who acts like Gus from Breaking Bad. You're my hero.
No. 741736
>>741723Are you sure you're not thinking of a different person? There was a Black trans minor named Arielle who was reported as "kidnapped" back in November and people ran with the story that she got sent to conversion therapy. It turned out her parents just sent her to an all-boys psychiatric hospital though, I think. Still pretty fucked up.
>>741718I don't know much about this Sai person though. People have been saying they were in danger before but no one took them seriously. They're comparing the situation to Oluwatoyin Salau. It's probably not a stunt, but I also think there's not enough information. People close to them say they're ok now and flying home today.
No. 741768
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here is an actual photo of my veins
No. 741791
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>>738107I sewed my first dress and I'm so proud! It's made mostly of tulle and a few strips of hemp for accent. I even used hand embroidery to detail the skirt and sleeves, I'm just so happy I finally got the drive to see a sketch come to fruition. If only that fashion designer anon from the other thread were here…pls bless me with ur humble opinion
No. 741805
>>741791Congratulations anon!
>If only that fashion designer anon from the other thread were hereWhich thread?
No. 741875
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>>741686You're erasing their strong independent black waifus, anon, duh. You're worse than male coomers!!11!!1
No. 741881
File: 1613583600184.gif (4.19 MB, 728x728, ebufGdP.gif)

>>741859Maybe more than oral, imagine giving a handjob/fingering. I like the look of the penis, but I don't want to see or touch pussy. I can get excited by the female body, but then they shove the camera between her legs and I'll close that photo album.
No. 741889
>>741857I didn't know wondering about my sexuality made me a cow kek. You really reach for anything, don't you?
>>741870I agee with what other anon said, oral isn't really a good way of telling since people have different opinions about it. I have my own too but im pretty certain I just have an admiration for the female body. I tried dating a girl when I was younger but to me its not a good basis to go on. Personally I cant see myself dating or even having sex with other women.
No. 741919
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>>741916Samefag, I think the bladder may press on the gspot from the inside when it's full
No. 741921
>>741919(not berating you anon, just in general) i'm
triggered whenever i see a diagram of female anatomy that doesn't mention the clitoris
No. 741927
>>741919Well it's not really the bladder, but the urethra when the pee is passing through.
t. spent way too much time in my teens "edging" pee to stimulate my G-spot (inner part of the clitoris). Yes, I leaked sometimes.
No. 741932
>>741927Really? Because I have a similar affliction and as soon as I felt full and started feeling "stimulated" I'd go pee and it'd take a few seconds delay until it'd come out. So either I have a long ass urethra or it's the bladder pressing on something.
>>741930Large amounts of water for me.
No. 741939
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I didn't know Tripp NYC hired Randy Stair to model their clothing
No. 741950
No. 741951
>>741429I've felt this at my university since my first day, when I walk outside on campus I can feel people staring at me. But I haven't felt it in any other public place, it's really strange.
No. 741972
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I heard the news about the FNAF creator encouraging and funding multiple fan projects being "A new step in gaming and something bigger companies should follow".
Am I the only one who see's this as a trainwreck waiting to happen? Maybe I browse this form to much, but I can just imagine imagine a company not paying attention to who they give money to and accidentally getting an internet gamedev team full of lolcows 500k. Can't wait till we get Yandev 2.0, but this time he has enough money to destroy all who spite him
No. 741979
Hm, so I had animal crossing on my ex's switch, we lived together and I played it daily from like march-Oct, so full lockdown, it helped my mental health so much, especially because the fan base was thriving.
And I love the game, I got a well paying job so obv bought my own switch and animal crossing, but it's just doesn't feel the same. It's disorganised, but i don't feel any compulsion to perfect it. My progress is SUPER slow and biggest thing - I'm not attached to any of the villagers.
So,idk. I'm sure this new Island has the potential to be just as good but i love all my villagers on my old island (I'm still welcome to visit etc). New island just has a darker and more lethargic vibe, hard to describe. I used to really look forward to playing and now it's more "hm might as well".
No. 741982
>>741972I always thought it was cool of him to just let people make their autistic lil fan games without fear of him taking them down.. to fund them though..seems like a bit much.
FNAF is autie heaven and we know male tists come with their many perversions. No cartoon, no game can exist without being turned into animated fart porn. They're going to promise a game and then produce fart porn arent they
No. 742006
>>741805The fashion general thread over in /g/
>>741795Oh wow how often do you make clothes? What got you into fashion design? Sorry for all the questions it's rare I run into someone who also makes their clothing! At some point I want to get a little side hobby selling dresses while I'm struggling through grad school, just something to take my mind off being called a dumbass 24/7 by my advisors lol
No. 742022
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>>741996>The ass sweat adds flavordo sexhavers really
No. 742079
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>>741979I feel the same way. To me its the fact that villagers aren't as spunky/mean as they use to be. I miss sitting on my bed and calling someone a bitch because they said something about my hair lmao
>>742023I really wish more people embraced their gray hair, it's honestly so pretty to look at. My aunt has these cool ass steaks that I've always admired and the more I notice how good older people look with them the less insecure I feel about eventually turning into bones. I can't wait for them shits to come in so I can have cute silver coils lol
No. 742095
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No. 742103
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It wasn't a bald dad asking me to sit on his face, or a "Nice pics!" from a guy wearing a sport coat with jeans in his profile picture. It was from a user named timotheeandapples (?) and he had this to say: I don't know what apples have to do with anything (he fucks a peach, ya?) and for a second, I couldn't even remember when I called Timmy a musty sewer rat. I mean, I knew that I must have called him a musty sewer rat at some point because a) he looks like a musty sewer rat, and b) I love to call everyone a musty sewer rat. But then I remembered this Slack conversation between me and some coworkers, published to babe dot net earlier this year: He does look incredibly oily like, ALL the time.
But the question remains: who's right in this argument? Timotheeandapples, who thinks I'm disrespectful, or me? Little ol' me, who dared to speak my truth about that thumb ring-wearing twink-but-not-a-twink who got famous pretending to bottom for Armie Hammer?
No. 742164
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This post has me fucking crying. Since when were we choosing partners based off of their belly button lol
No. 742171
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What is like riding one of those bicycles with two seats?
It seems like such an impractical idea. Why not have two bikes instead?
Also, what is like to ride one of those bicycles with giant front wheels? Is it easier? Is it harder?
Maybe victorian anon.could answer that for me.
No. 742186
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Best signs of each element:
Aquarius, Sagittarius, Scorpio and Taurus
Can't change my mind
No. 742187
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>>742186>Sagittariushehe you're right
No. 742199
Literally everyone got know before my state did. I'm pretty sure the state right next to us even got snow. Fucking Arizona is probably gonna get snow before I do. Global warming, pick my state bitch!
>>742193A wrong opinion.
No. 742205
>>742186I'm a Leo, Taurus moon
D-does that count?
No. 742210
But of course a Leo would wanted to be included. So Leo.
i like leos tho>>742194Is this a threat?
No. 742214
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>>742211It's because the other water signs are all cry babies.
Here's the Aquarius Sagittarius Scorpio Taurus squad
No. 742215
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>>742186>AquariusI see so much hate for us lately, ily anon
No. 742221
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>>742214Maybe cancers are, but this pisces right here is just built different ig. Crying is only reserved for movies designed to elicit a cathartic response.
No. 742223
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Since we're all on the topic of astrology, where do you prefer to read your horoscopes?
No. 742282
>>742269Yeah, those thought bubbles and people thinking to themselves in cartoons don't really exist for me. It's feelings, the stray word (ex. looking at a pretty person and thinking "pretty"), colors, and images (for planning, thinking about my destinations for the day, recalling something, etc). The only time I "hear" my thoughts are when I'm typing/writing/reading words, and even then it's not "thoughts" but active, real-time expression.
I figure since we aren't born with the knowledge of oral/written language, we carry over our baby way of thinking throughout our lives, some just adapt to "hear" thoughts while some don't feel the need to.
No. 742291
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Someone snatched the figurine that I was wanting and virtually shopping daily oh no
I'd probably wouldn't be able to buy it for the next months anyway, but I had hopes
No. 742296
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>>742223my only zodiac resource i have ever needed is the happy bunny zodiac book
No. 742325
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My bf reminds me of legosi. I’m no haru tho, I’m like 5’5” still I love me some long scrawny dudes
No. 742369
>>742186Aqua and Taurus I agree, but I fucking hate Sags and Scorpios. I'd take a Leo and a Piscis over anytime and no, I'm neither.
>>742318Please report
nonnie I'm also interested in shrooms but only did acid before.
No. 742381
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Real life Starfire
No. 742382
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>>742381Sza's actually a good fit for this version of Starfire.
Also, this post reminded me of that live action Teen Titans movie. What the hell happened with that? I remembered everyone was calling it ugly and then it just disappeared and we never heard about it again
No. 742440
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Twilight obviously lacks logic and good taste, but I can't believe Meyer thought that it was perfectly okay for the Cullen siblings to date each other because they are all adopted and noone even bats an eye at it in-universe either. Like it's fucking weird, Stephenie
No. 742443
>>742440Hmm I think I remember people from school were weirded out by this when they talked about Cullens to Bella for the first time
Ultimately it was not the worst thing to happen in this series so I think this is why no one focuses on it too much lol
No. 742451
>>742440I never understood why they didn't just split up the "family" for public appearances. The blond guy and girl could have been "siblings" and the brunettes could have been "siblings".
Or they could have just done the normal thing and lived as adult couples and not gone to school for the 100th year in a row
No. 742454
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fuck this gay earth
my package is being delayed due to snowstorms fuggggg
No. 742486
>>742481Music these days is sexist as hell. All male rappers talk about women like they're expendable objects while mainstream women rappers rap about their ass or sugar babying skills
Turn off the radio folks
No. 742509
>>742381She's so pretty!
>>742382Reminds me of how i love Starfire's original design in the comics and why i hated teen titans so much
No. 742512
>>742384I hope someone does a cliff note type series of that manga because i stopped reading after
Erwin's death but that shit is so convoluted. It's literally become isayama's ww2 apologist manga
No. 742524
>>742440>>742443The only mention of it being weird is:
>"They are… very nice-looking." I struggled with the conspicuous understatement.>"Yes!" Jessica agreed with another giggle. "They're all together though — Emmett and Rosalie, and Jasper and Alice, I mean. And they live together." Her voice held all the shock and condemnation of the small town, I thought critically. But, if I was being honest, I had to admit that even in Phoenix, it would cause gossip.Ngl when I first read the books when I was 11 I didn't think it was weird at all but now as an adult it's so fucking stupid lol, this is the best Steph could come up with?
No. 742534
>>742505It's one of my fave words tho, look at it
No. 742556
File: 1613666793629.jpg (48.56 KB, 750x609, Tumblr_l_575818257296271.jpg)

I just realized that my friend and his gf are speedrunning this shit lmao
wish I could send him stupid things like this but it's not his type of humor, I know it's dumb. I should also stop gushing over them
No. 742603
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People who wear stripper heels look like minotaurs
No. 742605
File: 1613670473715.jpg (31 KB, 750x469, wymelj4lhlm11.jpg)

I'm watching compilation videos of men writing women and they are so ridiculous lmao
>>742592Does freezing make the tofu firmer? I'm gonna try this
No. 742618
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>>742603>implying I don’t want to look like a mythical being weak those are definitely for taking pretty pictures with, to then never putting them on again.
Also, why is hardcore porn appearing when I tap the video tab on google at the first page after typing
high heels monster? I want to cleanse my eyes for I didn’t need to see someone’s asshole at all.
No. 742620
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i feel like these women would post here if they existed today
No. 742623
>>742621yeah, I only know of one legit porncow (and I don't watch porn anymore) and I was hoping someone here would come with some milk, you know dumb takes on twitter or something.
It's dumb, but thats why I put it in this thread!
No. 742642
>>742619I know, right? Even evolutionarily, mating-strategy-wise, it makes
no sense for women to put effort into attracting males at all. Sperm is cheap, eggs are expensive - Women have a lower libido, take on the bigger risk of pregnancy during sex, have to essentially have only one partner to "complete" their evolutionary mission (i.e. giving birth to a kid), don't have to be as physically active in general so we don't have to literally look for a partner, etc. etc. Plus there are more women on the planet overall, so it's not like there's mass competition.
I think male society's biggest success in brainwashing women was to fully convince us that it's
us that has to put in all the unessecary the work to attract a suitor, so that men can have even less work to do for them to have their property (women) pretty and ready to go. In reality, men will literally fuck anything that's narrow and warm.
Sorry for the sperg, I'm a seething radfem.
No. 742676
>>742664I follow a couple of the deathfat threads and they get so pissed at the thought of fat/ugly women existing and not essentially looksmaxing. Then they start talking about their own gastric band surgery and I'm like…dude you're the number one poster counting her chins on here everyday? lol
In the same way that shayna has been chubby for while and those posts here get repetitive… their constant surprise at super fat people still being fat day after day drowns out actual cow behaviour that could be better covered
No. 742679
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I really like this meme format, too bad most submissions of it are shit.
No. 742685
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fetch me their souls
No. 742706
>>742699Huh, isn't it internet slang?
reminds me of that girl in twitter who said "living rent free" was aave
No. 742710
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British anons, this your mans?
No. 742714
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>>742710Burger Anons, is this your dog?
No. 742719
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Some schmuck put his vinesauce on my pizza
No. 742721
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I want it allll I want it aalll I want it aaaalll and I want it now
No. 742724
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Pic unrelated but I feel like such a fatass ordering food oh my god why can’t I eat a decently flavored heavy meal without feeling like I have to choose something dainty and fresh just to be ~uwu feminine and gracile~ like a female “should be”
No. 742725
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I was looking for stock photots and I found this. Can someone explain it?
No. 742732
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>>742724Shouldn't you be ordering from the Hungry-Woman if you wanted to be ~uwu feminine and gracile~?
No. 742736
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I just pissed myself (on accident), but the toilet paper I just bought is so freaking soft. Idek what brand it is
No. 742740
File: 1613678362473.jpg (33.56 KB, 750x467, 1585088206448.jpg)

This is fucking retarded but last night I read some reader x you stuff for the first time in at least a decade and actually got pissed off when the dude got "dominating". Bitch where is the shit where I force a superscrote go down on me and he doesn't call me shit like "baby girl", get the fuck out of here.
No. 742742
>>742737wait what
what happened?
No. 742744
>>742369Hm, there's not much to report since it was such a low dose, but here I go. I took a pretty low dose, maybe 1g, but I don't have a measuring scale for it so I can't be sure. The taste is not great, but better than I expected; it just tasted like any other dried mushroom. It was more of the texture that I had a problem with, since at first it was hard, then after a bit it gets chewy and slimy and sticks onto your back teeth. Gross. I started feeling the initial comeups in my head, similar to when you take a few hits of weed. The next comeup effect wasn't great. I suddenly felt a heavy body load
where I felt kind of horny… and then moderate nausea. When I had similar doses of lsd, I only felt the body load and no nausea, so it was unexpected. I noticed that I felt very thirsty as well, not unlike weed or lsd. After the initial comeup, perhaps an hour in, I started to notice that things were subtly warping and melting. A few of my postcards on my wall were protruding like 3D films and the colours were enhanced, but not greatly. By that time, my pupils were HUGE, but interestingly, my face wasn't changing and warping like it did when I took lsd. My wall was fun to look at though because it took paint strokes on my wall and made wavy patterns. Music didn't sound as good as compared to weed, interestingly. Visuals were overall weak. When I took low dose lsd, the floors were tessellating and splitting like mica, the mineral. When I looked at the floors with greater inspection, I noticed cities were created and zooming in and out. The comedown from shrooms was more comfortable than lsd; I didn't hear auditory hallucinations and could not sleep for hours even when I was tired on lsd. Especially at the end of my high, it just felt like a weed comedown, the lethargy, comfiness. I did wake up this morning with the worst headache still ongoing after 5 hours.
So yeah, I much preferred lsd due to prettier and more distinct visuals, but I still have a bunch of shrooms left so I'll probably do a larger dose in the near future.
No. 742745
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So like does breadtube have any YT's left who identify as male? 70% of them are gender specials or troons
No. 742746
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I was literally just wondering how long would it take for my coomer, "kawaii"-stuff-loving autistic friend to troon out, and just today he told us to refer to him with they/them pronouns today.
Wouldn't ever fuck him in my life, but he's cute. I have no hope left in the world.
No. 742761
>>742760What kinda lust?
Sexual, murder, knowledge?
No. 742765
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>>742764>quentin reviewsI actually find him some what funny, but I hate telling people I like him because he's a total mess on twitter.
Pic related is him, the non censored parts of the icon matched up perfectly with his PF pic,
No. 742766
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>>742724this is like the guys who dont buy soap unless it's specifically marketed to them
eat what you want
No. 742770
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I wanna make a "Get on a watchlist" book reading list
No. 742773
>>742766I like the smell of mens deoderant and showergel so that's what I've bought for years and whenever I'm sitting in the bath bored and reading labels it's kind of intense how much they need to bang on about the masc-ness of products.
I love those 3 in 1 showergel/facewash/shampoo combos too. Doesn't get more masc than that eh
No. 742785
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fettuccine Alfredo mmmmmmmm
No. 742789
File: 1613680834281.png (1.01 MB, 973x1080, 1552578196910.png)

Hello guys, this is my boyfriend
Isn't he just quirky?
No. 742791
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>>742785Vodka penne aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
No. 742814
>>742803I am
dead at this photo, I stan [10] girl
No. 742815
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>>742806And what about it?!
No. 742835
>>742760. Uhh, like willing to kill anyone in order to get to her man, both driven by lust for the man but also her pure batshit insanity. I'm thinking of Yelena from Attack on Titan and Kodachi Kuno from Ranma 1/2. I've been watching both lately.
No. 742842
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If you had a dick, would you suck it?
No. 742850
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>>742847You can't keep getting away with this.
No. 742857
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>>742849Depends on if yourkeep your hips stationary while sucking or your thrust your hips to fuck your mouth
No. 742877
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>>742863>That's literally k-popSo men wearing make-up is a bad thing then?
No. 742908
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holy fuck holy shit there are actual dumbfuck scrotes in the unpopular thread right now kek
>>>/ot/742906 No. 742914
>>742905I can name ten attractive idols you wouldn't deny fucking unless you dislike Asians in general but not on your terms exactly because
>pastyBeing pale as hell is a Korean beauty standard
>waxyThey almost never appear on camera without foundation or bb cream
>shiny You will see a lot of "shiny" pictures of them because that's the exact purpose of their stage make-up. It's goddamn stage make-up. But also we can easily find "bare face" photos, so.
No. 743031
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more like K-poop amirite
No. 743036
>>743026Nta but i guess anadieting and dealing with
abusive slave contracts on top of the bad nosejobs could be considered a talent
No. 743082
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At this point I have no idea to who you're even responding
No. 743083
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>>743080What the fuck are you talking about, schizo
No. 743088
>>743086Shitposting is fun. Aren't we on dumbass shit?
K-pop is dumb teen shit, and it doesn't faze me that the hate is so disproportional even among women, like it happened to Twilight a decade ago, just because it's dumb teenage girl shit. What's weird is how the enlightened feminist lc crowd can't see similarity or hypocrisy. Yeah, plastic shiny k-poop, yadda yadda. Faggy shiny vampire, yadda yadda.
No. 743089
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>>743088Not liking kpoop!!!is antifeminist! It's feminism to call other anons cum guzzlers!!
No. 743109
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You ever have the suspicion that every lolcow poster is a male bodybuilder pretending to be a woman on the internet?
No. 743115
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>>743109some of the things I see on the boards look like something that someone on 4chan or anywhere else would post to make fun of women or try to imitate women as, a lot of the time it seems genuine but like the fashion threads and the other images people post look so outdated and gaudy it reminds me of this meme all the time idk it’s just the off vibes tingling lately that remind me of this pic
No. 743129
>>743117Fuck you talking about? The only ones who are afraid to call themselves fujos are the Uber woke ones who think it’s a crime to enjoy BL unless you’re a fakeboi.
Nobody calls themselves fujo as a compliment or something, it’s an insult that nip fujos turned into self-depreciating nickname. Like calling yourself a weeb or a cat lady.
you’re the one who was sperging out over fujos in the ship thread aren’t you No. 743135
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>>743127you know what puts real fear into my mind?
troons that are into k-pop, just imagine all the concentrated mental illnesses in one living being, the absolute horror
No. 743143
>>742954Reminder that the average South Korean penis size is 3 inches. A lot of Korean feminists deliberately post about this.
Meanwhile, unbased farmers will forever whiteknight tiny-dicked, misogynistic/racist scrote pop stars with extreme plastic surgery and makeup, lmao.
Never forget Burning Sun scandal and how many others are still doing this shit uncaught. Nth room, too. That is all.
No. 743151
The cherry on top is how they all pretend to be some progressive fighter yet support the wretched abomination that is the kpop industry, which heavily mistreats all of its talent
No. 743152
>>743151nta but what gets me the most is when they virtue signal tweet about idol suicides or the mistreatment they get… then turn around to continue stanning and supporting the industry.
but then these stans all probably average age 14 anyway
No. 743156
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>>743145I think he's Japanese. I Googled and his account is locked, but his username is "kotomitako", and multiple people have been correcting people who say he's Korean.
This does look Photoshopped either way, though
No. 743170
>>743166You and
>>743119 >>743142 should hang out. She'll definitely want to hear about your orange-related dreams.
No. 743171
>>743164nta but I think ayrt is right that
some bl readers are "vanilla" but you're also absolutely right that a ton of them are into darker creepy things. I think it's a spectrum and there can also be overlap. honestly I couldn't guess which is the majority. there is a lot of fucked up content but fluff and mild things like that are usually the most popular on ao3. source: was fujo, knew the fluffy normal-er ones, and the fucked up ones who froth at the mouth over creepy kinks… both types range from woke fakebois to self-named fujos. personally I was in the middle only enjoying dark stuff for plot like in a movie, but not as a kink. the tastes do vary but I understand those who think it's all weird. just saying it doesn't have to be scrotes in that thread based on my experience, but I guess some could be.
No. 743198
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It's funny how my shits go from solid to liquid in a matter of seconds.
No. 743219
>>743171>there is a lot of fucked up content but fluff and mild things like that are usually the most popular on ao3This is true and tbh ao3's tagging/filtering system is the best data we have on what fujos like so I tend to trust what it tells us about current fandom preferences. It def shows that innocuous romance is more popular than anything fucked up or smutty.
ik this is autistic af but I calculated tag percentages for some of the most popular fandoms. I just included ratings to show if it's sexual or not, and the rape and fluff tags for comparison of how common they are. Keep in mind that's just a warning for rape in any context, ime it's rarely between the main ship or meant to be sexy.
>BNHA69% teen/gen/not rated, 31% explicit/mature, 19% fluff, 3% rape
>Kpop65% teen/gen/not rated, 31% explicit/mature, 26% fluff, 2% rape
>Harry Potter66% teen/gen/not rated, 34% explicit/mature, 10% fluff, 3% rape
>Marvel71% teen/gen/not rated, 29% explicit/mature, 15% fluff, 2% rape
>Supernatural63% teen/gen/not rated, 37% explicit/mature, 15% fluff, 2% rape
Pls no bully, I just think fujos have improved a lot from the yaoi paddle days even though that image has really stuck with a lot of people
No. 743293
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am i the only one who hates this..robot..person thing? It creeps me the fuck out, like scares me and I don't know why. This video in particular terrifies me. Maybe I'm retarded
No. 743307
>>743289I remember being a teen in the early 2000s, being young I was already skinny. My friends were mostly just naturally skinny in the way that young people are. The most we did with our appearance was put on some lip gloss. Diamontes on jeans were a big thing. Shiny jeans and a tee were worn to parties or teen discos. Not even dresses or heels. It was very low effort by today's standards.
Looking back all the female members of my fave band were anorexic but my young ass was blissfully unaware and I thought just strawberry flavored gloss counted as getting all dolled up and looking great. I don't remember my teen peers worrying much about appearance or flaws tbh. Just my experience obvs
No. 743311
>>743305I stuck up for myself well when I was younger but from 27 to 30 I was slowly sinking into a depressed state and couldn't figure out why. My partner was destroying my confidence while pretending to be my one rock. I became convinced my family hated me and I was eventually isolated apart from my bf. I'm not usually trusting, dumb, gullible or whatever and I would say I'm often stubborn to a fault. You wouldn't see it coming. I didn't even fully see it til I was in a shelter. Two years later I get flashbacks of interactions and I see the manipulation.
Surely given your mom's job you know that partner abuse works like that?
No. 743315
>>743311I know how it works and it wouldn't be the first time I live with a partner, years ago I did the same and my mom didn't see any issue with it. We ended up in good terms, moved apart and that was it. I also have a very good eye for people and I wouldn't even date someone who gives a sign of being manipulative or
abusive. Also for the past two years I was on pretty bad terms with my family for unrelated things and it was my bf who talked me into forgiving them and making things better.
My guess is my mom's a bit xenophobic because he's an immigrant even if he grew up here.
No. 743318
>>743243>just another case of Americans freaking out at anyone whose teeth aren’t Hollywood perfect.Most likely. Americans are obsessed with teeth that look ‘healthy’, which is not helped by their healthcare system being driven by profit. Other cultures (especially with universal healthcare) don’t care so much as the main focus is on health.
The person I know with the healthiest teeth has the same weird little cat ones as LJ. They’re very low maintenance as the gaps make them easy to clean - she never flosses. She’s in her 30s now and has never had any dental work done. While my teeth look nice but have issues from a health point of view. Teeth can look ‘bad’ while being healthy and vice versa.
No. 743345
File: 1613733044834.jpeg (208.14 KB, 1200x676, 1_9lxKJ7EjvfLqy3i8cAST5g.jpeg)

muh STYLE and cleaniness. patterns and colors are dirty!
No. 743347
>>743345Just needs more plants
>>743342Oh I like certain stylish patterns and colours too, but I'm talking specifically about 70s style which is by far the worst
No. 743348
call me boring but i'm with this
>>743340 anon. also i'd happily live here
>>743345 No. 743350
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>>743345It honestly looks nice, you can add color whenever you want or you can keep it simple like that.
Minimalism is amazing for the people with severe allergies like me, just look at pic related and think about all the dust it will gather the moment you turn around.
No. 743354
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>>743347>>743348I like Scandinavian/modern/minimalist interior and have tons of plants, but that house looks fucking horrible, anon. No amount of plants could fix it. The problem with a lot of these modern designs is that they are too sterile. They don't feel like a home, there's no personality and if I lived in something like
>>743345 I would literally feel like I'm living in a simulation. Stuff like that is not classy. Put a fucking painting on the wall or SOMETHING! I def prefer modern designs that implement more woods.
Look at pic for example, it still has muted color and modern interior design, but it's somehow more lively. Even the stuff you would call "clutter" is just shit you would find in a normal home.
>70s style which is by far the worstNo.
>>743351Nah, even a bitch with ocd like me doesn't like that shit
No. 743355
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>>743354Samefag, how is this grey ass room still better than
>>743345 No. 743356
>>743354Yeah that house looks better. the super white minimalism reminds me of a psychiatric room or a hospital, maybe even an insane asylum. very clinical and sterile
>>743350well i dont see a problem if you have personal allergy issues but i dont understand why warm color palettes are demonized so much. is this the same logic with modern casual fashion being very bare and simple stuff with limited color plaettes?
No. 743370
To be honest I like both styles. 70s interiors are quirky and the ugliness is endearing to me (I used to dress vintage and loved the 70s’ weird patterns / color palettes). But the minimalist style is calming and much easier to switch up.
>>743354 is far preferable to
>>743345 though, some contrast is nice.
No. 743373
>>743356Nta but the other minimalist living anon. Warm colours irritate me. I like a calm environment. I use them sparingly as accents. But I'd never have them be dominant like here
>>743350 that doesn't look like a relaxing space, it screams. OOOORANGE!! Leave me alone orange, I wanna chill.
No. 743374
>>743356>psychiatric room or a hospital, maybe even an insane asylum. very clinical and sterileExactly! I feel like if I stepped inside that house it would be like an echo-free chamber. I would be able to hear my own heartbeat and slowly driven insane.
>>743373I don't think it's supposed to be relaxing though. Both designs clearly have different goals in mind
No. 743392
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… Well, I just unfriended a scrote because I found out he was a legit racist… Wish me luck that this doesn't backfire on me because he's also BPD and I forgot to delete my personal information from our messages.
No. 743402
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>>743355>>743354>>743345Where are the textures? That looks like it was assembled in a factory by robots. Pic related is from the 70s, there aren't any garish colours and it's still more organic-looking than modern interior design.
No. 743404
>>743395He has a habit of returning to threads months later to bump them and ramble some more. Only a freakazoid would be that
anal about fixating on anorectal trauma for months, maybe even years, on end.
No. 743405
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>>743402Can't think of anything more calming than comfy, warm-toned natural materials and greenery.
No. 743420
>>743345>>743354>>743355The current minimalism trend is so generic and uninspired. I really don't get why people want their homes to look like hotels and IKEA showrooms. Design like
>>743402 is far more appealing and has a "lived in" quality about it.
No. 743534
>>743331I think East African and South Asian women are the most beautiful women in the world. It makes me so sad that they have some of the worst scrotes.
>>743354This looks like the inside of a Marriott.
No. 743559
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The male H&M models are proper clapped
No. 743565
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I have this huge cat plushie and she is just perfect. So soft and good to cuddle, and her eyes are so earnest. She doubles as a foot rest and you can't see it in the pic but she also has a cute tail!! her name is fiji. I love you fiji
No. 743569
I found an antique arms and armor collector and seller online who looks JUST like my classmate it's so uncanny but I can't show anyone because my judgment is really poor so they will probably not think they look alike and it's driving me crazy because I want to show someone but I don't want them to think I am obsessed with my classmate if they don't see the resemblance (Truly the dumbest of problems in my life.)
>>743565That's so cool I wish I had a fiji OH I just had an idea, I could try to make my own! Thank you for telling me about fiji
No. 743667
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the 32003939 reason why edgelord scrotes should kill themselves award goes to:
No. 743689
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>>743667I know that subreddit. The other anons right it is ironic. It's populated by the people on /r/drama. They even admit it in /drama.
The only unironic part is that most of the users are pro-landlord or anti-leftist politically
No. 743718
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My life has been at a standstill for 3 years because I'm too anxious to do anything new or make friends. Now that the lockdown is finally getting a bit much for even my loser ass… I want to finally get out and go to other nearby towns and do shit. I moved across country 3 years ago but then just sat at home or went to work and I don't know what else is around here. I didn't look.
I'll need to travel when my vaccine appt comes around and I'm shitting myself as I haven't stepped on a train in years and even being autistic I ironally enough hate trains
No. 743741
>>743318> They’re very low maintenance as the gaps make them easy to clean - she never flosses.Damn, that's so true now that I think about it. I've only ever considered LJ's teeth in terms of how visually horrifying they are.
I'd honestly still prefer nice, normal looking teeth I have to floss though. Hers are beyond unattractive and into disturbing territory, her face isn't that bad otherwise when she doesn't make crazy expressions.
No. 743779
>>743756When I watched him building together a PC, I was thinking "He'll rip off his shirt and start grinding on the PC case any second now"
So I get what you mean
No. 743781
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>>743778goddammit anon
>Daddy gave you good advice No. 743799
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Is it true that 3 Sperms beat 10 Passports at the Battle of Thermometer?
No. 743812
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This yerba mate drink everyone's been hyping up tastes kinda odd, but I think I can trick myself into liking it. Maybe I just don't have the right flavor.
No. 743814
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Fuuuuck my supervisor's demoting herself so now the post's open. I have a week to come up with the best cover letter ever and ace the interview a few days after.
There're a few of my coworkers who I know might apply too and honestly they all deserve it and would be great at it. I just fucking want this so bad and I know I'm qualified oh God almighty in heaven please bless me with your holy light
No. 743815
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>>743812I used to work next to a health food store so I drank a lot of these. The mint flavor is the only really good one imo, but the red fruity ones are alright.
No. 743816
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>>743814Good fucking luck
No. 743819
>>743812You kind of get used to it, I used to drink it as a kid because I think the cups and metal straws are cool af, so at first it was kind of weird tasting, but then you get to find the right intensity
and the amount of sugar you will pour in it of mate and such.
No. 743820
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>>743814>>743816samefag and by that I meant to wish you luck sincerely and enthusiastically if it wasn't clear
No. 743821
>>743667It's just a troll sub, the reddit edgelords keep making "LoveForX" subs about people that are usually hated like landlords and scalpers. I don't really find it funny though, I thought humour like in
>>743689 was stale by now.
No. 743824
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>>743762Come on, anon, what happened? You can’t just leave us hanging!
No. 743825
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wish I could kill the part of my brain that desires relationships permanently
No. 743853
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>>743820Thank you for the well wishes and owls, anon, ily
No. 743854
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Why didn’t I start masturbating with toys earlier?? That shit feels amazing and I came like three times. Men could never live up to this
No. 743874
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>>743854God anon I thought you were referring to
toy toys and you were using some G.I joe figure to get off.
Reminds me of the story of the Harry potter vibrating broom toy. Tons of sexual awakenings were linked to it
>>743871>I’m afraid the nerves will be overstimulated and fried lolNo records of insane long term effects exist, but short term effects or the rare online account exist. The best way to prevent damage is to use the toy <1 hour, take a few days off if you feel numbness, and don't use it at max settings 24/7.
If you're super paranoid I think they make sucking based toys which are less likely to numb you
No. 743875
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It deserves a hipster revival
No. 743914
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99% of men look better with longer hair but unfortunately most of them prefer to be bald or have shitty hair cutes. If it is long they dont style it or bathe.
No. 743926
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adam driver fags PLEASE love yourselves
No. 743927
>>743926Not sure if this a bait.
What do you mean anon?
No. 743968
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>>743927 don't worry anons im just unsettled by a friend who told me wanted to get mated press among other things to my face like fuck what happened to first kisses or staring into each others eyes or something