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No. 749461
go crazy, go stupid
previous thread
>>>/ot/743957 No. 749468
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i'm gonna get my hair dyed tomorrow from shit brown to a cute pastel color and then put myself on dating apps again.. nonnies i'm scared. what if no girl like me……..
No. 749479
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I am going to watch The Cable Guy for the first time today and I'm dedicating it to you, Carrey-chan
No. 749530
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Back in 2012 I worked with this guy that was kinda twinkish with black hair and would almost always dress in black
His favorite music genre was grunge although he didn't look the part, he looked like he showered
And I actually have a grunge-ish style when dressed casually, and I know for a fact he had a thing for me (even if superficial, solely based on my looks) because he straight up told me, but I didn't go for it cause he was a bit boring personality wise
But now thinking about it maybe I should've fucked him, I'unno
He later went to date the most obnoxious girl at work though, because she liked Arctic Monkeys and dyed her hair red so that was the second closest to rock/grunge look he would find, I guess.
Also she went to fight him when she learned he was once attractive to me and I thought that was super cringy, me and my friends bet when they would split up but I left that job too early to find out
No. 749549
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Feel like pure shit just want them back x
No. 749557
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muricans and brits and canucks and aussies be like
No. 749573
>>749560I don't care much about trends in general. My worry is simply that right now and for the past few years, it's been acceptable and considered basically normal to wear high-waisted jeans, therefore, I can wear them without it being obvious that I'm wearing them to try and look taller. It looks like I'm wearing them just because I enjoy them (which I do, only because they make me look taller.) I highly doubt I'll ever wear low-rise jeans again, so if high-waisted jeans fall out of being considered "the standard", I'm just stuck with what I have. I'll either look out of place or like I'm trying to be ~counterculture~ by wearing them, which I wouldn't be.
>>749565Exactly. And it doesn't even matter if you're skinny, because they don't compliment anyone's figure unless that person is quite tall.
No. 749776
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At this point, Pokemon fans is turning into Star wars fan 2.0. They will never feel pleased with New Mainline pokemon game.
No. 749790
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I thought they were lovers
No. 749843
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Never unhide the artist salt thread
Worst mistake of my life
No. 749925
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>>749843Fuck reminds me how I want 4chan filtering aspect on other sites. I might try reddit or twitter if I could filter out doggo, GME, Trump, etc.
>>749913>I don't know why it's everywhere.Because amazon keeps on throwing add money at it and YT celebs keep shilling it.
For why people buy it is they want to listen to books specifically in the background and it's just free(or is it a bit cheaper?) with prime.
I think the reason behind it's insane prices is that Amazon created an advert monopoly were they have so much more advertisements than the competition only people know they exist and hence they only shop at amazon. Other services exist, but since no one knows about them they might as well not exist.
No. 749965
>>749927I used to masturbate almost daily before I started dating. I just don't really wanna think about sex anymore and masturbating is time consuming.
Also, maybe it's because every single one of my boyfriends didn't listen when I told them I'm not in the mood and just pestered me again and again until I gave in. Then acted suprised when I said I feel shitty afterwards, saying I looked like I enjoyed it. Cry because they felt like they raped me and in the end I have to comfort them.
Are scrotes really this useless to one's life? There's always more stress than fun in dating.
No. 749976
>>749965Diff anon but I had an ex shout at me and give an ultimatum that if I didn't perform a certain sex act on him (not even a normal sex act) that he'd kick me out of our place. After an hour of arguing and him grabbing my belongings as if he was going to throw them out the door…I gave in and of course I cried during it…. to his fucking surprise and annoyance??
This man was a father, his kid later slept in the same room this happened in. Scrotes everybody!
No. 750161
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early green day making me live the white teenage girl with aot pins on their backpack who mysteriously has a bunch of friends lifestyle I always wanted when I was younger
No. 750165
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i wanna buy a furby like picrel and share it with my girlfriend so bad. like some days she gets him, somedays i do. joint custody, baby. i just find this fucker so cute!
No. 750171
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I feel dumb laughing at this
No. 750185
>>750172>>750177Younger millennial here, didn't 1D peaked at like 2013 or whatever?
I was 20 at the time and definitely too old for boyband sperging.
Maybe it's a older gen z thing, but not "core" zoomer or whatever
No. 750305
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Everyone who was popular in the early 2000s should just delete the most obvious venues for their content and go into hiding. It should be one massive quest/ARG for autistic zooomers to go digging and find any information, old/unreleased/rare content, etc.
Like, there's just something so offbrand and lame about being able to immediately know that the two singers from t.A.T.u. are basic, normal people now and that Yulia got massive lip fillers.
No. 750359
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>the /r9k/ thread of scrotes foaming at the mouth over c.c "ugly fat femcels" having chad boyfriends
I'm having many hearty keks. I hope it pushes them closer to suicide.
No. 750388
He's mixing it up this time though. Some new material.
No. 750432
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P-Play Valheim with me
No. 750440
>>750393It's truly an eyesore, but that's why I won't even visit red boards even if it's funny to read their misery, it fries my brain, no wonder they're left so defeated everyday. What I always bitch about is them bringing the coomer images over to blue boards, and even get mad when they get banned for NSFW images.
Also I wish there were decent places to discuss current airing anime. Oldschool forums are dead, modern social media are terrible for following conversations, reddit is boring as fuck with its opinions. But the "freedom" of /a/ 90% just brings in pedos and incels writing essays about why "female character bad" and how they'd like to fuck her.
No. 750458
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normalize beatings for scrotes
i said what i said
No. 750490
>>750487ACT COOL
No. 750552
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This picture makes me laugh I don't know why, I think it's the girl with the thong.
No. 750556
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girl you look like a whole fish
No. 750562
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>>750552the girl on the right looks like that woman who claimed to have five celebrity abortions, but ps makes a lot of these girls look the same
No. 750564
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"Accidentally" checked a friend's twitter I'm feeling jelly
No. 750577
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>>750552It's the sad little dog for me
>yes she feeds me but at what cost No. 750619
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>>750610For anyone like me who stopped playing neopets in 2007, it’s an item that turns the precious rare pet in question into a yellow Chia forever. And it costs $40 on the black market.
No. 750655
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I want a gf so fucking bad, but not only do I want a very specific type of gf, I also can't talk to women for shit. But I also can't talk to men for shit so….I guess I'll just stay single?
Anyway, I haven't ate a meal in like 10+ hrs and my stomach is so flat, but I'm making some bomb ass spaghetti right now. Might even bake that shit to spice it up a little
No. 750696
File: 1614461414919.gif (Spoiler Image,242.15 KB, 593x1024, untitled.gif)

All this neopets talk made me wanna look at my photobucket account from 2007. I remember I wanted to make my own dress up game avatar game thing. I called them "yewka dolls" because I thought it sounded cool. Unfortunately I don't have the full size saved anywhere. I'm glad I can post about it anonymously. It's really embarrassing.
No. 750697
>>750696This is so cute! I feel like a lot of kids liked to do "projects" like this. Also,
No. 750707
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>>750696These are cute anon!! Here's my embarrassing art from 2013. Spoilered because I think the image is big
No. 750762
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>>750718It's NC kek. I also just fucking realized the kacheek flour only has a 10% chance of changing the pet. Oh well, I already bought it and sent the request, i hope this person is still online
No. 750772
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>>750610Someone should start a Neopets thread in /m/
No. 750780
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i just apologized to my friend that i haven't talked to in years and they just said that they'll respond later and thanked me because they're in a meeting AHHH i'm so scared.
i haven't talked to them since high school, i really hope we can be friends again. also i came out to them because i'm drunk and said whatever was on my mind like an idiot but still i feel ppprpetty good.
No. 750781
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Do any anons like dancing as a hobby?
No. 750784
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Snacking on hummus and carrots with the same energy of biting incel dick off
No. 750792
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>anons is this good dancing do you guys dance?
no, you suck.
No. 750801
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I was baby sitting my little sister and she wanted to show me an answer her classmates got wrong. I thought it was some badly rounded shit, but no it was 2 kids saying freeing the slaves was Americas greatest invention.
The future is fucked
No. 750810
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want pouf
no moniy
No. 750825
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anons can you all be autistic with me for one second and manifest good luck towards me. i really need for this to work out.
No. 750828
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>>750825manifesting it for you girl
No. 750840
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Do you think there will be a subculture romanticizing lockdown once it's over? Feels like most people will forget the bad parts or be to young to remember them, 12 year old romanticizes it when they're 17. Also most people behind such posts are on the richer side and those suffered less from the lockdown.
>I'm not made for this modern world. I'm an introvert when wants to work from home and on my hobbies
No. 750846
>>750840Oh definitely. You wouldn't believe how many people I know who romanticize the 3 month period when our city was bombed, particularly those who were teens back then. People will get nostalgic for
No. 750876
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When I look back at some of the missed connections I had where really cool and beautiful women expressed an interest me, but because I was too shy or autistic to see it at the time I didn't shoot my shot, I feel like a fucking dumbass. Jfc I can't wait for the lockdown to end so I can meet new people
No. 750881
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>>750877it's so fucking sad. RIP!
No. 750911
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>eats food
>suddenly feels relaxed and sleepy for once in my life
No. 750912
File: 1614479948640.png (Spoiler Image,860.79 KB, 508x731, watch me go zoom zoom zoom.PNG)

I know this isn't that much, but I have a bunch of photos on my desktop and it makes me feel like my computer is a little dumpster. Worst part is I know I will never get to organizing these and it'll just keep piling up. I don't even remember why I saved half of these. I was genuinely a little shocked when I looked at my desktop lol
No. 750932
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Got the period shits and my asshole is on fire, even wet wipes hurt
No. 751012
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Bisexuals really live rent-free in monofag's heads lmao
No. 751020
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I was reminded the book/movie Bridge to Terrebithia exists, and it unearthed a bunhc of childhood fears about losing loved ones and the afterlife cause I first watched it around the time my grandma died. Now I've been crying for the past 15 minutes imaging how lonely and hopeless I'll feel when my mom dies, fuck.
No. 751025
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I want to press a button and it kills the drain gang and erases it from existence
No. 751036
>>751012Kek, bifag here and I've been saying this for years. We're bisexual because we partake in both homosexual and heterosexual relationships. Heterosexual relationships do not erase the fact you're personally bisexual and neither do homosexual relationships, but there is no way to point out a bisexual relationship. Bisexuality just means your palate is unrestricted from biology.
So, yes, you cannot experience homophobia in a heterosexual relationship. Believing that is even possible is retarded.
No. 751040
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>>751037are you pica anon from a few days ago or are there really just several of you
No. 751049
>>751036The thing is: Who even said that, lmao? I've literally never even encountered this "I'm bi and dating a man and I face homophobia", and obviously I don't think it either. Fiction made up by seething monofags.
Biphobia is a different thing, but their minds can't think outside of their own navigation of sexuality, and I've even seen them screech it's "not real" despite statistical data proving them wrong, so whatever.
>inb4 you're febfemanon No. 751056
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i wish i could take away my tumblr mutual's depression
No. 751086
>>751081Challenge: Respond to that anon's post and point out a single incorrect thing she said without having a meltdown over how being able to stomach dick is a privilege and het males never abuse women (especially bisexual women) or really do anything wrong.
Also, fix your post formatting.
No. 751173
>>751171I know she already had a career, that's why I asked if she did this to "further" her career specifically. If I didn't know about the Destiny's Child I would have asked if she married him to start her career.
>>751163I never really payed that much attention to whether she had plastic surgery or not, I'm going to look it up.
No. 751180
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>>751176Congrats! Here's your card.
No. 751195
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I'm gonna make these silly / naughty pins for the person I've been talking to for the last couple of months of my nipple, my butt and my hand. You could call it a passion project
No. 751197
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>>751177Her kids aren't ugly. Blue Ivy almost was unfortunate, but she's looking more and more like her mom as she gets older.
Agree with the rest, though. I'm tired of seeing beautiful women with ugly scrotes. Also,
No. 751202
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>>751176On reddit? Keep doing you, queen.
No. 751204
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>sleeping with wet hair and it's all puffy
>sleeping them dry this time I have bed hair
>washing them in the morning they're not really the same
Yes I do curly girl method
No. 751222
>>751176The amount of times I've seen that randomly pop up
>I recommend sea shell blue for your house instead baby. It matches your floor more>Ummm, you're a terfThe
terf accusations are gonna get sadder now since GC was banned. They could just click and see your active subs, but now they have to read every comment. More effort to accuse means the more likely a loser will reply
No. 751365
>>751347KEK, I love you anon.
Does the chia flour have a higher succes rate than the kacheek flour?
No. 751367
>>751359I'm restocking and just waiting on a response atm. It almost seems like people know my intentions
>>751365Unfortunately, I realized the Kacheek flour only has a 10% chance while the Chia flour has a 100% chance.
No. 751386
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I bought this dusting powder because it had good reviews, only to find that it literally smells like piss. I suspect it's the jasmine
No. 751419
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I was watching a video on how to do knotless braids, and the girl in the video is so freaking pretty. I don't even want braids anymore, now I just feel insecure
No. 751421
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spotify removed 75% of the kpop industry from its platform because of a disagreement with a music distributor who was puffed that its domestic streaming service was gonna have a competitor when spotify was introduced in sk. thus ruining streaming for international fans because kakaom didn't want melon to have its monopoly disrupted. international listeners can't even use their shitty service
my kpopfag heart is unhappy today, i just started using spotify last year and while it's not the only thing i listen to by far, it's ridiculous how even the small artists under the labels owned by kakao came out and complained today about their music being yanked against their will. it's not like the artists want to make the fans unhappy, or even the companies they're under, it's the music distributor that's the problem and spotify who can't come to an agreement. hopefully things will be resolved…
No. 751437
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>>751429I am safe, thank u anon for letting us know
No. 751439
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I have a ginjika for driverfag and borzoifag. In my head they are boardtan's frenemies
No. 751441
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sometimes life really isn’t as exciting as it seems
i mean even if you’re beautiful or rich does it even matter even more? life has its limits like a video game
No. 751443
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>>751422>>751429as a loonafag I can confirm they yanked the hash [#] album for north america, but the rest is still up. some people are saying they can't play other songs though
sulli and the majority of sm entertainment artists seem safe from the block
someone pointed out in one of the tweet threads that treasure and BP and some yg artists might be under kakaom but are safe from the block, in bp's case I think they're co-signed with universal music.
this hit some small r&b artists and lesser known groups too, it's very sad, those people actually need the streams.
hate that I'm such an old granny i can remember pirating f(x) and girls generation albums in 2010-2011 from mediafire, streaming simplified things so much and I was happy to be able to stop pirating and stream. categorized my songs, new releases were uploaded fast and spotify was always adding old releases.
now because of some domestic dispute over a streaming service nobody outside south korea can use all the people who just want to listen to the music outside of the country cant. i feel like a whiny gen z'er for sperging but goddamn it's half the fucking industry, literal hours of content robbed out of corporate greed
No. 751456
>>751449yeah dpr, bibi, stella jang, chancellor, all gone from my lesser known artists playlist
this is the thanos snap of streaming if I've ever seen it
No. 751468
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the fact that a ton of these artists depend on international streams.. this sucks. i may be wrong but isn't loona one of them? i know they're probably popular in SK nowadays but especially in the beginning they were marketed internationally as well. at least the fans i saw promoting them were.
also chungha went from 420 million streams to 308 million i think.. what the fuck
No. 751497
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Yay or nay?
No. 751541
>>751540will do asap!!!
Are they good for a dinner or more like a snack?
No. 751546
>>751541i like pairing them with rice (cooked fish + a bunch of baked and fresh veggies and orange sauce is a gift from god)
they're pretty ok as a snack, but making them a side dish of sorts is the best tbh
No. 751547
>>751538Another black woman here, you shouldn't think of yourself like that anon! I promise it does not mean that you can't attract good men. Have high standards, always. There is nothing that can stop you from getting a good (non fetishizing!) man.
>>751542Same lol. I know there are sane anons here, but some of you bitches are a little crazy
No. 751567
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is living in new york really that expense because I’m actually planning on living there in the future if I can
what are the best places to live where they have accessible transportation via subway?
No. 751582
>>751567Yes, it is, and I don't even live there but it's easy to check it online
Just live in New Jersey (kek) or rhode island instead and drive/commute to the glamorous part of it, living in NY/Manhattan is not worth it unless you're a celebrity
No. 751648
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If you were famous, would you search for your own RP fanfic?
No. 751650
>>751648Also samefag cause I forgot, but I totally would
Fanfiction only though, because it's a more female dominant medium
I would hate to see shadman tier porn of myself
No. 751654
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>>751648Only if it was guaranteed to be this retarded
No. 751677
>>751674anon what kind of animal is that in the gif you posted
I have a desire to hug it
No. 751688
>>751655Who? What's going on anon
>>751665It could definitely be if anon has an ed or something
No. 751690
>>751668they pretend they aren’t there so they can give a reason to raise your rent because you were “late”
landlords are scum
No. 751694
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>>751686Bitch help okay you can be me. Take over I'm going to bed
No. 751698
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>>751694Goodnight me. Sleep well!
No. 751702
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i should be more upset but im laffin so hard at this
No. 751714
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I wish Livejournal would come back into vogue except that everyone who's ever spent over two interrupted hours on Twitter or /pol/ would be autobanned
No. 751718
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so I was reading a story about some girl living in a female-only society and men are instinct and of course the main female character is “missing a certain spark in her life” that can only be obtained by heterosexual male presence, so she goes out of her way to find some place where the last three males on earth were unfortunately frozen and defrosted them and I just absolutely kek’d at that shit. this girl couldn’t find anything else fulfilling in her life but no it’s hairy, fugly men who are going to save the human race because a human female needs a man to complete her life!!!
god I fucking hate this planet
No. 751722
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I bought my cat a jean jacket today. I can't wait to make it a tacky bedazzled mess.
No. 751723
>>751719Help me now my mind is making a weird song about flicking your clit
It's like
Whatever flicks your clit! HUH!
Whatever flicks your clit! HUH!
Whatever flicks your clit! HUH!
Those are the lyrics
No. 751730
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>>751727Pick up a manifestation journal
Write about it 3 times in the morning (after waking up. If you have a dream journal, after that)
6 in the afternoon
9 in the evening before sleeping, also write things that you're greatful for that day
Write those things as if you and your crush just started dating (present time, not future) and how you are feeling about it (happy and shit)
That's the tiktok witch way
No. 751770
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>>751703It means they're sinalizing their tranny dog whistle and you noticed it. Good job?
No. 751841
>>751690How can they do that when Ive been emailing since thursday? Like that's proof I was trying to pay since last week.
I swear I will print that shit out and beat them with it. I woke up extra early and I'm gonna sit in my car and wait for these retards to appear, can't hide from me forever piggies.
No. 751871
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I love arugula so much. A pinch of salt and a little bit of oil, and it tastes like perfection. And this is coming from someone who usually eats her salads with the heaviest of Ceasar dressings
No. 751880
>>751871Omg anon, same, I just love how nutty it is
I know every restaurant uses it in their salads and I'm here for it
No. 751946
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I can't stop resting my hand on my painting and ruining it, fug
No. 751951
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can the world end? can it?
No. 751952
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Men are so pathetic, that boss is based and I hope she doesn't have to shill out in court for this tiny dicked loser
No. 751959
>>751952KEK this is true, men suck at organizing because they don't fucking care
Speaking of that, I am a graphic designer and I had printing classes -with the big machinery and all- and one of my teachers once told me that when it comes to assembly of books, that is, gluing and putting everything together, they rather employ women because their hands are more delicate and have more dexterity, while men tend to apply too much force and ruin stuff. Women ARE better for some jobs than men, and not only shitty mall jobs. Don't let men fool you with their "I'm STRONK" shit
No. 751986
>>751962Thank you kindly!!
>>751983I got it as a gift, but I know that it was from Amazon! I imagine it was pricey because it has three arms, but I've seen tutorials online to make ones out of recycling and they work just as well as mine. No quality difference in the final product! It's a lot easier than undoing a project and hand-winding it, too. I can see if I can find the one I have on Amazon and drop a link!
No. 752035
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Anons, what non-screen hobbies do you have? I need inspiration for something new.
No. 752042
I wonder what happened on Japanese TV recently but I'm seeing otaku complaining about people giving them relationship advice and telling them to stop being nerds if they want to get married. It's pretty amazing how they're all saying the same thing about how if you need to stop being yourself to get married then it's not worth it but I really want more context.
>>751366That means that if you did do all these things you would have looked even worse. You need to stay positive.
No. 752045
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>>752043what about those who use both
No. 752048
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>>752043Smooch me on da lips, fellow /ot/ poster!
No. 752056
>>751873lol, last night my friend was bullying me for not recognizing a toy he had in his childhood, so I bullied him for not knowing how to swim
if you learn to swim you can:
• pretend to be a mermaid in the water
• race your friends
these things are mostly fun as a kid, but it's still nice to have the experience whenever you can I think
No. 752059
>>752035Drawing/painting sometimes, sewing doll clothes, reading (although I mostly read on my kindle lol), I used to do cross stitch but I haven't pick it up in a while
I also like to go for walks, though that's not a hobby
No. 752060
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>>752035Gardening/plants! Unironically become a plant mom, good for stress, exercise and the free oxygen.
No. 752070
>>752035Love this pic, anon. I miss Pixel Chicks more and more everyday.
To answer your question, I find it really rewarding to play an instrument. Ukulele and kalimba are both pretty easy, but even something as simple and silly as kazoo could keep you entertained. Just be aware it's a loud hobby, lol.
No. 752082
>>752035Dancing, embroidery (thought it would be hard but it's actually easy to pick up and it's nice seeing a design come together), yoga, jewelry making, weight lifting, reading, backpacking (kind of expensive to get started but you can hike instead of overnight trips), painting, pottery, cooking, rock climbing, photography, thrifting.
No. 752083
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Just remembered about Aly, she was probably one of the first cows I incountered when I started to lurk here.
anyone know what she's up to these days?
Also out of curiosity who was your first cow you read/posted about?
No. 752088
>>752083Charlotte Charms. I found lolcow because of her actually, and I miss her threads. Shame she got lumped in with general camwhores, I don't care enough to visit those threads for some info.
Last time I went into an ALy thread I saw she got a bf and doesn't look so skelly anymore. Maybe still shilling the same fake posi shit, I don't even know what's there to nitpick about her anymore. I wonder if she still keeps that same starbucks cup though lol
No. 752102
>>752084Heyyy haha are you accepting gf applications?
/giggles and my small round tiddies bounce gracefully
No. 752112
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okay well then I think I just saw some scrotes penis in a mouse or rat accidentally on tiktok and I’m preparing for my suicide see you all in hell
No. 752115
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Whenever people post screenshots of reddit in dark mode I think it's AIdungeon
Wish it was though, I'd rather read nonnies' dirty robot fanfic than scrotes babbling about whatever
No. 752120
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I'm in love with her.
No. 752172
>>752135Not trying to judge you or anything, but why are so many women terrified to use tampons? They're literally all I use. Is it
toxic shock paranoia? Because that's extremely rare and it typically only happens when people leave one in for way too long.
No. 752185
>>752083I used to follow onision drama blogs in tumblr and from there I found lolcow. Good that the disgusting scrote is irrelevant now.
>>752144And we just recently got the reusable period discs! The disposable ones have been around for some time if I am not wrong. I think it is also money, a product that has to be bought every fucking month vs. once in like five years.
Discs are great for those with heavy periods btw, they can hold a lot of fluid and can empty themselves when you pee.
No. 752191
>>752051I started doing the same last year. Literally only occurred to me after I accidentally bought incontinence pads instead of sanitary ones, and noticed they were more absorbent.
>>752127> I always slept so rigidly and woke up sore because I was afraid of ruining my sheetsThese were dark days. Can’t believe I used to deal with that on a monthly basis.
No. 752197
>>752172NTA but for me it's just painful. I will never understand how people push a dry wad of cotton inside of them without tearing the fuck up, I could just as well be rubbing my membranes with a sandpaper. I can't insert shit inside of my vajay unless I'm extremely aroused due to the pain it causes me and I hate it because using pads is a nightmare.
I'm also paranoid as hell of the string breaking inside of me and me not being able to remove it. Unimaginable horror.
No. 752221
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Lol I saw someone post this on their ig page
No. 752228
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this vent app has the potential to be worst than twitter
No. 752234
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I found this doing research for costumes and it made me kek. Tag yourself I'm casual
No. 752235
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>>752228it's serious. they're talking seriously.
No. 752245
>>752221>guys who post on linkedinThey say that like it's social media. You mean guys who want jobs?
>>752234I'm poke bonnet. Leaning tower and carefree are such cuties
No. 752274
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Someone pls tell Ms. Joy I have requested her hand in marriage
No. 752285
File: 1614649442130.png (5.23 MB, 2048x2048, 9F3E9E5A-67BD-45EB-8E79-AA595D…)

My friend ordered a coloring book full of submissions of people’s pets to give as a present for her young niece (she sent in a photo of her rabbits, actually turned out to be the best picture in the whole book) and this is what she got back. They legitimately made no effort whatsoever and I love it.
No. 752291
>>752287Nta but that definitely say Mr. Purr. This is why they never should have stopped teaching cursive in school kek.
>>752285I thought the upside down cat in the top right photo was an owl. This is so hilarious.
No. 752318
I fucking hate that when I grocery shop I always end up eating way too much and feel freaking stuffy/"heavy". I was gonna try some new food I bought today, but I think I'm just gonna not eat for a couple hours so I can feel "empty"
>>752314Oh my god, this is fucking accurate
No. 752342
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it’s depressing I’ve never dated anyone and I’m 18
I have no friends so I have no avenue to find anyone and I hate the idea of tinder
it’s just so sad watching other women gobbling up the rare nice and pleasing men that I don’t deserve but really want
No. 752346
>>752342Anon 18 is still bizarrely young and most guys that are age appropriate for you are still immature assholes
Don't sweat it
No. 752355
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Anons I'm so tired of it all I just want to put on classical music and curl up into a ball under a blanket and dream forever
No. 752394
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Do you ever read something and just want to say "Lol shut the fuck up"? "Lifted the bewbies" (lmfao), "made the rest of a lady's clothes fit just right" (why were they wearing unfitting clothes, what was so wrong with their natural silhouettes and why didn't men have the same highly intense, complicated aesthetics enforced on them?), "didn't even do it that often!!" (implying that they're unhealthy in the same post you defend them in? ok), "look, the retarded beauty standards were plus-size inclusive! jingle jangle keys in your face", "no YOU'RE fetishizing things" absolute fucking moron.
I don't even hate how corsets look from a visual standpoint, I just hate the fucking fake modern feminist self-deception. Stop these shitty copes.
No. 752414
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>>752394this may just be me talking out of my ass, but weren't rules for dress for men about as difficult as well due to them having to maintain their social reputation? like they couldn't just put on a t-shirt and jeans like they can do today, often having to care about things such as if their furs were luxurious enough, if their suits were detailed with enough florals, or if their hair as boufant enough
No. 752424
>>752394they would be right if they meant to say stays. corsets could be uncomfortable, jumps and stays were not.
corsets were made in the 19th century for the silhouette of that era, when women did not normally exercise. stays were worn earlier and constructed differently, they also came in 2 pieces whereas a corset is just one. stays and jumps were also worn by peasant women who could not afford a servant and did manual labor every day.
people will call both a 'corset' nowadays.
No. 752547
>>752540Aw, stop being salty anon! Have another baby video to cheer you up
>>752543Please don't tell me your phone has been stolen before? Be careful, anon!
repost for wrong vid lmao No. 752551
>>752547thankfully it's never been stolen but once i left it at my school building during the busiest time of the day, truly a miracle it wasn't taken! i definitely need to be more careful
cute vid though>>752546you read my mind, i just saw someone do this. a man isn't some honorary title that you get after you're mature and respectful enough, it just means you're an adult. we need to hold men accountable.
No. 752673
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[BREAKING] I guess her hair is real but 3head confirmed
No. 752689
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>>752686Samefag, look at these big ass earrings
No. 752696
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My IRL lolcow is a failed artist who purchased over 500 bot followers and keeps doing this thing where she tries to message me as if we've been buddies forever, like sending memes or cat videos, to ignoring my existence altogether. I treat her as if just another stranger's IG account, but her artwork is horrific and she often wanes between pretending she's a professionally taught illustrator to a depressed and groveling "starving artist" that nobody even notices (this one is accurate). She had a kid with this well known homeless man while she was pretending to be a junky for a few months, and then this dude up and left to another part of the country. She ignores the fuck out of her kid and now at five years old it's obese and poorly trained, he bites and throws explosive tantrums so she can't go anywhere with other people and bring him. She also let his baby teeth rot into his skull despite living with her entire extended family helping her. And yet she keeps doing these horrid gouache paintings of herself as a fairy for a "future project". She changes her bio every twenty minutes and keeps changing her name. She went from "Selkie" to "Bee" to "Abigail" to "Primrose" and is faking being a lesbian handmaiden. A few of my friends watch her antics now for the same reason, and her art blows ass. It's verrryyyy much like Becca Hillburn. I just sometimes don't know what stops someone from just giving up when they should
No. 752700
>>752696Didn't read the whole post so maybe I missed something but
>well known homeless manHow the fuck can you be famous and homeless
No. 752704
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Ordered £60 worth of energy drinks on Amazon, I regret nothing. My fridge? Stocked, my caffeine? Addiction
No. 752705
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>>752694Sorry anon, I don't have much else interesting to say. I've posted about eating soap before on here, and now I only do it when I can't contain whatever dumb shit soap thoughts I'm having
On another note though, I looked at the reviews and those earrings aren't actually that big, pic rel
>>752701Kinda looks like those jelly cakes. The color looks like water too
No. 752708
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Cody Ko has been looking so haggard recently, but god Noel is quarantine aging like fine wine. This is what Cody gets for not being as funny.
No. 752718
Anyone else feel like their legs are less sensitive when they shave? I feel like my hairs are little feelers/sensors and I lose something when I cut them off
>>752708Why does Noel have less followers HUH??!!??? He's more creative and talented too hmph
No. 752720
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I got some slime about a month ago. It was this kind, I was SO obsessed with Slimes I'd watch review channels and all of that. So I got the slime and in my mind I thought it'd feel differently than it did.
It was super wet and sticky, had a lot of leave out and it was hard to get it out the jar. Like so much was stuck to the jar.
It did NOT look like the Cloud Slime I saw on youtube. Eventually I ended up mixing the two together, using some activator from a slime kit I got along with the cloud slime, I added some shaving cream, eventually I added washing liquid, and it's decent but has a lot of fallout a month later when I play with it.
The second slime kit I got was normal slime and I ended up fucking it up, trying to make fluffy slime and adding too much activator to it when it was just fine. All and all my first slime expereince wasn't like the videos.
I want to try homemade slime shops but I'm nervous because of Covid
No. 752722
>>752715lmaooo their girl defined video is my fav, they say so much quotable shit
>>752718I personally find Cody more original, but he is aging like dogshit
No. 752732
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>goes on kiwifarms
>suddenly remembers it’s an exclusively male website
No. 752733
>>752732He wants to be Nefeli so bad. Troons isn't even a race so why did he mention them
>okay motherfuckers, let's do a race warUh oh, what a badass! Black people are shaking in their boots
No. 752746
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I feel bad for any little artist who's family buys them one of those stupid art kits. My mom gave me one that came in a little faux wood kit, and I still have it cause I think it's cute, but good I scream internally when I think of those kits
No. 752752
>>752744DHL is a god send I wish it was offered on more sites
>>752746I got the exact same one maybe twice and was so jealous of the actual functioning art supplies that came in the $50-150 wooden kits
No. 752753
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>>752746lol every year SOMEBODY got these when I was younger, even if I knew they were shitty then I too liked the look of them.
One year I got one of these (picrel), and I loved it so much. I'll never forget when my mom got this cheap ass doll from family Dollars, but I could flat iron/curl the hair without it burning. It was for my sister and i was like in the 7-8th grade playing with the hair.
No. 752755
>>752746When I got this as a kid I had no idea how to use watercolor paints. I thought the dried pans were actually tiny plastic lids that I had to pry up to get to the wet paint inside. I never got to try it for real
>>752727I still shave! My legs just feel weird after!
No. 752757
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>>752753The doll my mom got for my sister from family dollars looked like this but the hair was long and brown, man I miss that doll.
No. 752766
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>>752727Anon will complain about legbeards on Lolcow, but her man looks like this.
No. 752794
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Why is painting bushes so fucking hard? I've repainted this one bush like three times and still can't get it right ugh
No. 752799
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>>752794It’s easier to make a base color, then develop tonal value (the light source and shadows)
I saw this on pinterest because it looks sort of helpful
No. 752839
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For anons that are into this kind of stuff, what's your life path number? Mine's 8
calculator: reported my own post, fuck No. 752845
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feeling like shite mentally and physically
eating olive garden
im on my period
head empty/brain fog as coping mechanism
life sucks man
No. 752847
>>752766spoiler that shit please
this man should off himself
No. 752858
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I keep forgetting to play on my 3DS. I want to play but whenever I remember it's too late and I don't want to mess my sleep schedule
No. 752890
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>>752853She’s so, so annoying. I’d say there could be a sims 4 bullshit thread for all the retardation that goes on between the youtubers and the modders and other pockets of the community but it’s the same bullshit over and over because they can’t stop paying for and playing the absolute shitfest that is TS4. I know theres a sims thread but I’d feel bad for the anons who go in there for cc finds and casual conversation to see it clogged with that shit lol Maybe it would be okay to post about it in the art salt thread?
No. 752899
>>752890I will recommend Gigi’s neck of the woods channel who actually fucking talked about drama in the sims community and lilsimsie slightly lying to her audience, drama I literally didn’t even know about. EA game changers love to plaster as a discretion in their videos that they aren’t getting paid but they clearly get privileges and they will never talk shit about the Sims 4 or EA or they’ll privileges will be ripped right out of their hands.
But the sims 4 thread in media is so dead and boring, I honestly think there should be a Simmer/sims youtube discussion like the art salt and discussion because a lot of the sims youtubers are so weird.
No. 752910
>>752899I kind of hate how people pretend these people don't talk shit about Sims 4, because a lot of these game changers do. Sometimes it'd be on twitter, sometimes it'd be months after they sucked every single bit of content dry in a pack for a 20 episode series, but they do talk shit.
lilsimsie is the biggest crybaby and she's ALWAYS complaining, complaining and shilling is her cycle. TBH, the sims community is so dramatic, I got annoyed 10 packs ago of watching people whine about shit they don't have to buy or overhype shit they brought or want to buy.
I think sims 4 is decent, i'm not going to whine because a game I brought in 2015 is free when I paid $40 for it and have thousands of hours in it. Sims 3 is better, but the sims community in general it
toxic and annoying.
No. 752915
I also think the thread should'nt be about Sims 4, but more about the Simmers/Youtubers, like Pixelade is weird as hell and annoying.
No. 752920
File: 1614728597834.jpeg (817.23 KB, 1242x1542, 1614690978631.jpeg)

Make a sims shit talking thread and stop flooding this one, buh bye
No. 752922
>>752839Did you accidentally post your age, anonny? Are you 16?
Anyway, I am number 1. I actually am an artist, no but I am a very shitty one kek
No. 752932
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>>752839It's telling me I'm a 9 but I'm really more of a 7. I guess there's still time for me to stop sucking though.
No. 752935
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I honestly hate these memes that have been popping up recently. Like, the photo itself is fine, but I'm tired of seeing it. How can you give off the vibe of a redbull drink
No. 752936
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>>752935samefag, this ones for the sims bitches
No. 752945
>>752932Unrelated but this pic makes my ovaries twitch
God if I was more financially stable I'd make my mom happy and pop a baby right out
No. 752954
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>>752943This guy I completely forgot about him until I saw some stupid rant he made about Mr. Potatohead a couple days ago.
No. 752979
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>>752971because math is in every culture and jebus is not
No. 752982
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I had a banana nut muffin for the first time in like 5 years yesterday and I nearly cried. My favorite muffin, and I literally was not eating it. I'm gonna go get another one right now. The ones I bought are fucking huge as well. Also had those little frosted sugar cookies for the first time in a very long time a while ago, but they didn't smack as hard as I remembered
No. 752992
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>>752839I’m life path 7 so basically
my life is fucked
No. 752996
>>752839>accidentally reported my own postHell yeah
nonny I love you lol
No. 753014
>>752921It's so stupid that mango and mint juul pods got banned, especially considering most people I knew at the time still found ways to get some or just started using alternatives. I gave my two away recently because I had no use for them anymore
thanks big tobacco I wish I knew how to build too.. I just feel lazy and I'm so used to disposables at this point but my bank account would thank me. God now I'm thinking of mango pods and how good they hit I'm so sad.
No. 753016
File: 1614739915378.png (318.74 KB, 796x647, that's a no for me.png)

Decided to watch the new netflix teen drama for a laugh and I can't get over the fact that they casted this guy as the mc's super hot and cool love interest
No. 753026
File: 1614741168756.jpeg (72.28 KB, 400x400, DE7300A1-5B1B-41C1-BBEE-BDCB7B…)

sick and tired of little internet/social media “witchies” who literally think useless cheap crystals and hexing are real or even effective. real occultism always has negative consequences and it isn’t some girly downtime you saw in sabrina the teenage witch or something, but none of them want to admit how softcore their methods are because they probably know that summoning a demon risks your physical, mental, spiritual health
most legit witches and shamans come from black communities anyways so it’s always funny seeing other women fall into the european or American salem witch meme
No. 753029
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>>752839I got fucking #5 and it's legit why I'm a NEET right now; the prospect of freedom cripples me.
No. 753033
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Getting smacked off some shrooms right now
No. 753042
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>>753039>>753040be quiet hoes, occultism is bestest and you wouldn’t understand because you like worshipping cheap penis that’s on sale
No. 753043
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>>753042>>753026>>753036I thought you were jewish now?
No. 753046
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>>753043I didn’t understand what you were saying at first and thought this was a reference to a japanese bank opening in israel or something because that azalea looks like a cherry blossom to me.
No. 753086
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Please send me good vibes, anons, I have an interview for a management position in my workplace tomorrow. I'm so nervous
No. 753087
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>>753086I'll send you all my naruto chakra your way
No. 753109
>>752757Speaking of dolls, my sister had one of those baby dolls (Baby Borns?) and I was very jealous. Then one day my brother broke the doll by removing its head. Rip
Another toy memory: Because I'm a zoomer, I used to have one of those Hello Kitty computers and I loved it, but I always wished I had the Littlest Petshop one because you could use the internet with that one while my Hello Kitty was just for games.
About the Baby Borns though, does anyone else find it weird that girls that are like 4 play with them? Tinfoil but really teaching them while they're young kek
>>752790I can buy cigs from the store but can't order a vape online. lol
No. 753120
>>753116If you get 11 it means 1+1 = 2
same if you got 10 1+0 = 1
or 12 1+2 = 3
No. 753136
>>753120That's not accurate for me at all kek. I am pretty aggressive and socially retarded so no uwu kind social nurse life for me.
I remember my friend rambling about "being divided between the 1 and the 2 personalities" but honestly I was too high to pay attention.
No. 753161
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>>753157Samefagging because Paul Theroux too. If you are an old-ass man and all your writing is tinted with brown and yellow antiquity, just please stop writing. Go back in time and prevent yourself. "He wore a pork pie hat and smelled like breadcrumbs and I could hear him shitting and pissing in the chamber pot all night that night" ENOUGH
No. 753162
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>>753160And then their husbands will look like this.
No. 753165
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>moid here
>this is a place for women
should have figured out you are not wanted here instead. god the entitlement is unreal. plenty of other places to bother women (r/askwomen) as a scrote but this absolute retard has to try to get behind the rules to attain that sweet, sweet female attention
No. 753190
>>753179I've once met someone who was a trendwatcher/trendforecaster, she told me all how she traveled the world to see what's going on and detect trends. She showed me these books with all the predicted trends (they where mostly moodboards colourpallettes) for iirc autumn/winter 20/21 (I think I met her in 2018 or 2019). I wasn't allowed to take any pictures of it because they sell those books for tenthousands of euros to the fashionindustry and she didn't want to risk it 'leaking'. She also talked about how past trends came to fruiton. For example when everyone was wearing army green and ripped jeans and such she said that was a reaction towards the turmoil in the world (ISIS was a big threat at the time), people wanted to dress 'tough'. The embroidery trend from a few years ago was caused by the desire for more authenticity and handmade products in a 'fake' digital and mass-production age. Anyway I guess what I'm trying to say that I think it's not entirely planned, they take what's already going on in the undercurrents of society and then, in my opinion, excelerate it, engrain it into people's minds, market it and profit from it.
Anyway I agree it's pretty bizarre and gross that women's bodies are also subject to trend. Like fashion's one thing but bodies.. It'll probably never change as long as the industry stands to gain from it though. If androgynous atheltic bodies are indeed coming back in fashion then it'll be interesting to see how people will be coming back from their Kim K looks that they've achieved with plastic surgery kek. On another thought, maybe that's why body positivity/HAES (at least where I am) has never really taken off in the mainstream as it was intended because the fashion industry doesn't stand to gain from women who don't want to mold themselves to fit whatever the current standard is.
No. 753275
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Does anyone else only poop in absolute darkness
No. 753283
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i hate modern youtube
No. 753289
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>>753283The fuck is this stupid shit. I straight up don't care. Ohh the Joker acts flirty with Batman or something, how "subversive" and deep. Why should I even care again
No. 753316
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It’s my birthday and I love you bitches even at times that everyone is sperging; wish I could share cookies and cupcakes with you all!!
No. 753318
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nonnie, I felt your chakra and I did really well! They seemed impressed, I should know on Friday whether I got it or not
No. 753319
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No. 753321
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>>753316Happy birthday, anon! Love u 2!!
No. 753322
my brain be like
i dont know how to talk with my father
this video starts playing>>753316HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANON!!!!!
No. 753334
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>>753316Happy birthday, anon <3
No. 753395
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>>749479I see you and I love you anon
albeit a little latehope you enjoyed it, it's one of my favorites of his
No. 753410
>>753406same anon same, im so hyped and going to classes happily now
best part is i had my period right during exams so doing everything was a hundred times more annoying
No. 753465
>>753395I liked it, it was pretty solid! The Star Trek reference also caught me off guard, made me happy cause I'm a big trekkie.
I also looooved the soundtrack. I need to see more movies by Ben Stiller
No. 753474
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That giveway has saved countless number of lives.
No. 753511
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started exercising and doing general self improvement and now i no longer relate to girl in red songs. guess my depression is gone lol
No. 753513
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I hate white gays
No. 753529
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>>753511I'm genuinely so happy for you anon! good work!
No. 753542
>>753465I don't remember if Stiller directed them or not, but he stars in them, if you haven't seen I would recommend Night at the Museum and Zoolander!
glad you enjoyed the cable guy! the medieval times part always gets me because I used to go there a lot as a kid for some reason
No. 753554
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I was just scrolling by the finn thread, but for some reason seeing pussy stunting in between all these Finnish words made me giggle lol
No. 753559
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I didn't go on lc for two days and Shayna is now doing scat porn
No. 753567
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i turn 22 in a week as of today and i have such a horrendous complex about it for so many reasons (graduation in a few months w nothing lined up, a desperate need of sorting out my mental health, blah blah blah) but it’s all being made worse because i read the other day that margot robbie was 22 in the wolf of wall street and now i can’t stop thinking about it. this shit is killing me bro what the fuck she’s so sexy in the wolf of wall street and i’m literally half hoping that i turn into a NEET for a while after graduation so i can play video games and read the books i’ve been wanting to read for like four years now. anyway shits fucked
No. 753570
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>>753567Happy early birthday!
No. 753594
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Self care is deleting this piece of shit app.
No. 753596
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It always blows my mind how pickme trad girls always have ugly, short and fat bfs. You would think after putting all this effort into being the perfect pretty bitch who wears floral dress and heels you would at least be getting a man the average woman cant get.
No. 753612
>>7536051. The dumb ass messages. "Haha I'm 5'2 but I have a huge cock", "haha if you bring the pizza. I'll bring the vodka"
2. Meeting men who feel entitled to my time and body for no reason. I met a guy for dinner and hes like "I havent had sex in 2 months.". As if it's some how my job to get him off because he cant get laid.
3. Most of the scrotes look like shit so it makes me less motivated to want to waste my time even going on the date
A lot of men act like tinder is doordash for pussy. They cant seem to understand that it is up to me to consent to fuck or date them, it is a two way street. In their mind they're just browsing through pussy and ordering.
No. 753656
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sometimes being a bigot is so much fun
No. 753671
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i'm such an idiot that i found out men's clothing is much cheaper than women's today. i went over to check it out and i got a bunch of comfy clothing plus a cool junji ito shirt (for like 5 dollars) for a total of like fifty bucks. woah.
No. 753713
>>753694Shiit anon, thanks for reminding me this place exists. I had fond memories of it as a kid, especially of the food. Just checked the website and it's amazing
>Can I purchase tickets for future shows?>HUUZZAH! Absolutely! >Do I have to purchase tickets in advance?>Yes, Good Noble. Love it, I desperately need to visit soon
No. 753741
>>753736Have you ever watched Paterson?
I know the lead actor is a meme here, but the movie is basically this trope. It's a very slow slice of life so it's not for everyone, but i think it's cozy
No. 753772
>>753768AYRT, yeah, what
>>753769 said, haha. By horse show you don't mean Bojack Horseman do you? KEK that's funny
>>753771Haven't watched it yet tbh, I just have it downloaded for when I have a free evening. So I can't share an opinion yet. My friends have told me it's pretty good, though
No. 753899
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what the FUCK did I just read, ffs when I was 16 we just dyed our hair black, wore checkered pants and used pink and black eyeliner to feel ~different~ but not this shit. honestly most of the time I think "idc you do you" when it comes to trannies but jesus christ…
No. 753912
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my ass is on fire
No. 753922
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straight people when a show adds a gay character and "forces" homosexuality on them
No. 753931
>>753922why is liquor lice
triggering the woman?
also I think you meant conservative straight people
No. 753933
lick her
also afterward it says Lebanese which sounds like lesbian
No. 753997
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No. 754024
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>>753997the rock lee spinoff is unironically better
No. 754049
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>>754043beats me. i forgot what happened half the time but i liked it.
No. 754054
>>754024Is this fanmade or this the famous filler people are always talking about when someone whispers
No. 754064
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>>754024Kek I love that too!
>>754054It's a real spinoff gag show. Naruto fillers are known to be over the top ridiculous though. People who skip them are weak ass bitches.
No. 754076
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youtubers are the scummiest people alive, seriously they just now realized that mr m&m dr.phil is a piece of shit? they’ll regurgitate the cycle of information, repeat the same shit that everyone else has said, and grab their monetization paycheck at the end of day.
No. 754115
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There's NO way that I have not posted in /pt/ since 2019 lmao. I'm on this blood website 24/7.
It was a post I made too. (It was about JY, which obviously belongs in PT, stay mad jannies/mods)
No. 754120
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i cant believe doing art in general is starting to bore me
how do I fix this oh my god
No. 754128
>>754120Stop focusing on twitter and instagram first
But okay, tell me what's the problem here?
No. 754139
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>>754120my mom had this book sitting on the shelf in the bathroom for years
once my dad visited and used our bathroom
he didn't say anything about it, but he re-married into a very religious family and I remember being embarrassed and then wondering if my mom got into gays and crossdressers to get back at him
anyway, this has been my dumbass shit post
No. 754164
>>754158Depending on where you’re ordering to/what you’re ordering, it probably won’t take quite 3 months; maybe 1, 1 1/2 if they’re really slow which is still forever, but typically 2 weeks does it for me ordering to the USA.
Just be sure to read the reviews first and try not to buy things that aren’t heavily bought and reviewed already. Basic accessories and even some clothes have worked out great for me and still hold up. If you’re patient, then go for it.
No. 754217
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My friend’s boyfriend bought them a bong and it’s so ugly kek god bless him he tried, my friend is pissed
No. 754254
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Elle Fanning's neck is so fucking long
No. 754274
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>>754260yes, it's a screenshot from a movie called 'The Great'
No. 754281
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>>754254I'm so creeped out by this yet cannot stop looking at images of her neck
No. 754292
>>754281I hate to sound like a scrote, but
What neck?
No. 754293
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I've never seen women look so free
No. 754294
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No. 754295
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>>754283They kinda look like dog teeth
No. 754299
>>754297best time to air-out
more refreshing than squatting over the bathroom vent after a shower
No. 754305
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Submitted a public records request. Feeling so devilish
No. 754310
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It is if they’re a troon
No. 754316
>>754314Well I deleted my comment since apparently she cleans her vents out, which admittedly I can't say I've ever done
But now that I've read that, that does seem like something I should do, vent squatting or not
No. 754326
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>>754294she reminds me of a baby giraffe
No. 754329
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is it bad that I like the feeling of hunger, it’s honestly sort of like punishing yourself
I slowly started noticing that I rarely cook for myself anymore or eat big meals anymore
No. 754333
>>754311Show us please
>>754329I like it, but in my case it's just because I am bloated and hurting all the time. So when I am hungry, I am usually feeling way "lighter", so to speak. It ends after a few hours though, then I start to feel heartburns.
No. 754336
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yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck
No. 754356
inches??? I understand it if you wearing sneakers, but if your doctor measured you while you were wearing heels he's an incompetent imbecile
No. 754385
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>>754286Samefag, the high is gone. I just looked at my body in the mirror, and I am wider than I thought. I mean, I'm curvier/thicker than I thought as well so it could be worse, but holy shit I feel so fat. I need to lose some weight fucking STAT. I can't believe no one told me I was gaining weight. Or maybe it's been like this the whole time and I couldn't tell because I'm blind and was too absorbed by narcissism and self-admiration while looking at my body to see the fatness? Can't do this shit anymore
No. 754414
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every LC user built like this
No. 754454
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self-realization doesn’t make you become better, it makes you realize how shitty of a person you can be and are
No. 754461
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>>754414I'm fucking sick of Stacy goddesses shitting up this board with their selfposts. Now I know how Elliot Rodger felt. You have 5 seconds to delete this before my husband sees, bitch
No. 754527
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There's this american pizza place that sells cheddar burger pizzas and I remember that when I first heard of it I was disgusted by the thought, but still tried it because I will try anything
Picrel, not the same pizza but somewhat similar
The pickles sound like an awful idea at first but it's slightly sourness and sweetness work so well balancing out the saltiness of the pizza itself
Now I fucking crave it all the time even though I have a gluten allergy and insulin resistance fuckkk I've played myself
Also yes I am craving it right now, it's 4AM
No. 754533
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>>754531samefag, this is far from the most cursed ones i've seen
No. 754539
>>754536Specifically a teenager whose never had real sex, like so many zoomers thanks to exposure from the Internet have been exposed to so much casual degeneracy without actually having well done anything well sexually themselves
They basically are children trying to be adults but not realizing those adults are a small sub sect of degenerates
No. 754629
>>754619I'm sorry that happened to you
but I guess we must all experience it
No. 754635
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80% of the time I just wanna sperg about my husbando; give me driverfag's confidence. you all are my temptresses.
No. 754638
>>754635Just do it, don't let your dreams be dreams
Yesterday you said tomorrow, nothing is impossible
Yours truly, a temptress
No. 754662
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I decided to check out the news on how Doctor Who is doing now (I had to drop 13th doctor season because writing team went to complete dipshit, breaking canons etc)…
> Writing team keeps screaming that people who didn't like 13th doctor seasons are just 'stupid sexists'
> they are thinking of keep milking the franchise the same way SpongeBob milks it's spin-offs after creators death, adding trillions and billions of doctors, one of which will be _ a trannie _
I knew shows quality will go down to shit after they decided to give 12th doctor the weakest episodes in existence (which sucks, cause he is a great actor), but to think that new writers can be even more snowflakey than they already are…
No. 754700
>>754691Aren't like the vast majority of scp non humanoid monsters or inanimate objects, I don't know how they can ship that
Like Fujos are a bunch of delusional degenerates but they usually pretty boys and or buff guys
No. 754787
>>754762because there aren’t any options for average women, so we have to adjust our tastes to lower standards
we are down bad
all of the decent, pretty men are already dating other decent, pretty women (or men) so we’re left with these leftovers who are either emotionally manipulative or draining, only want sex or to get their ducks wet, or some mock mommy tradwife to validate them
No. 754816
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Sometimes I wonder if the people on chegg and brianly are as retarded as me.
No. 754908
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I told Client
No talkies today because I don't feel like it!
Thank you me!
Now I have whole day to paint!
wee wee wee wee!
No. 754916
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I have no idea where to continue my education, I studied in multimedia for 2 years (graduated) and dropped out a graphic design course the year after because I don't really want to work in that field (but I like art and design tho). I took an actual gap year now and this is the period to look for schools to enroll.
No. 754957
>>752777I thought the whole idea of individuality is in the minority nowadays. Like how everything in the late 80's, 90's and early 00's in the media was about white and black people being best friends in movies and solving real crimes together and I feel like most people and the success of that kind of media reflected that most people agreed with that message.
But that's old-fashioned now and I don't think people think like that anymore. All you see nowadays is this retarded "racially conscious" material about how people are inseparable from "communities", "identities" and "structures" that owe each other things and how you're obligated to hate other communities or hate people who don't hate their communities. My personal friend group still has the old individuality mindset but I feel like the bigger world outside me and my friends has moved on and hates each other now, and I'm an outdated ridiculous relic who's ideas of getting along aren't
valid anymore.
No. 754998
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What if we had a Club Lolcow thread where we rp as farmers and cows partying at the discotheque
No. 755008
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>>754999Come inside let's go. Everybody else waiting in line, get your IDs ready
No. 755032
>>754998make it
>>755004that thread was gold. I want to see more but with different themes/locations.
No. 755090
>>755086I keep cycling.
Currently I am using keek week, but i also use notsuba quite often
I want a grey theme
No. 755111
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>>755101completely non-sexual design, everyone please move along now
She was one of my first realizations I may not be straight, way too hot of a character design No. 755158
File: 1614989323225.jpg (108.55 KB, 736x1104, 760a85d3006cffcc369f6b9107fd25…)

I keep craving cinnamon rolls, red velvet cookies and donuts when I can't eat carbs aaagh
I wish diet food was cheap and easy to come by here
No. 755209
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my mother literally said “this is probably why black women have kids with white men, so they don’t have to look at ugly hair” and me just having to sit there internalizing it in silence not letting it get to me until I realize she definitely thinks her own daughters are ugly as hell
don’t blame her, I’m a failed child kek.
No. 755210
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>>755158Uuurgh anon, I gave bready sweets up for lent and you're killing me right now
jk iluCan you allow yourself nice cream? I've been using that as a substitute (still carbs but not terrible for you.)
No. 755212
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>>755209anon you have the right to be angry, this is an extremely shitty thing to say. Also I know it won't ease the pain but damn, afro-textured hair looks really beautiful in my opinion. Please don't let her bring you down, you are not a failed child. I'm wishing you a good day !
No. 755227
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stupid pink and blue tranny skin in ow pisses me off, because you know its some tranny playing.
No. 755228
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>>755210I can have cream as long as it's unsweetened (or if I use sweetener instead of sugar)
If I'm still craving it by tomorrow I'll definitely do a keto version of it
Damn I can smell these pictures (in a good way)
No. 755231
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Any of you here ever look into digit ratio studies?
Both of my ring fingers on each hand are significantly longer than my index fingers. Apparently that's proof of me being both autistic, and lesbian. I'm basically retarded.
No. 755232
>>755227How is that trannyish? It's just the colour for the spitfire team or whatever it's called.
I play with that skin on Torbjorn coz I love bubblegum pink and blue together and his other skins suck
No. 755236
>>755232It's the skin of the trans flag, and I have played with actual trans people with that skin.
they're all tranny men I'm jsut tilted hearing that fake voice and them correcting when I call them he/his.
No. 755237
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>>755231This closest I've done to this is palm reading, pic rel. My ring finger and index finger are literally the same length so none of those really apply to me lol
No. 755249
>>755101Someone post the bending over scene
>>755231My fingers are like the ones on the left and pretty much everything there is wrong, literally the opposite of me.
No. 755273
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>>755261The What? What? How?
No. 755277
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>>755273Some scary shit. Also
>vagina flatulencelol
No. 755302
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>>755277Now I will always make sure to keep the papaya sealed.
No. 755303
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don’t you dare bring in marina into this shit, she wasn’t fucking making music about wanting to fuck older men and eating cigarettes out of a cola bottle
im so done with radfems they literally are starting to attack other women for fucking enjoy music and clothes now, unbelievable
No. 755316
>>755303Her first post makes sense, but I wouldn't blame Lana or Marina at all
If anything, it's Nicole Dollanganger for the uwudoll fetish shit lol
No. 755358
>>755338Idk, but I listened to Lana and I always found daddy shit to be disgusting
Was never a fan, but I like some of her songs
No. 755375
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i will take one for the team for women and go to hell for saying I genuinely don’t care for male domestic abuse
No. 755452
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Lol from the chat section in my period app.
No. 755512
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The website I watch all my animu on also has a page with news, like announced adaptations, starting dates, ending mangos etc. I saw the headline "New Original Anime about Water polo announced" and rolled my eyes in a moment of thoughtlessness because I expected it to be coomer waifu shit with lots of wet boobie physics. Then I remembered the vast majority of sports anime features guys, and a good amount of them are pretty, too. Feeling good rn.
No. 755552
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>>755547Where exactly do you find androids to fuck, anon?
No. 755582
File: 1615039777735.png (60.49 KB, 500x487, Tumblr_l_22046935149239.png)

i want to stop shaving for feminist reasons but i also want a boyfriend insert downcast eyes emoji here
inb4 fuck men, i am straight unfortunately. also inb4 straight girls are retarded, sorry im not ready to be a volcel yet
No. 755641
>>755633danganronp*n? wow, that’s
triggering. I hope she never admits to eat her discharge.
No. 755667
>>755663In my country big asses have always been a desirable trait so I never got that as a kid.
But I believe they are mostly talking about a flat wide ass
No. 755791
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It fucks me up to think that some fellow nonnies may not be between us anymore, dying in accidents or on purpose, unfortunately. I may be looking at someone's last post and not even know
No. 755842
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why does the site look weird for me
No. 755891
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I get so embarrassed by how often my family orders shit form Amazon, that stupid Prime van is like a scarlet letter of bastard consoomerism every time it stops in front of our house kek. I don't really order stuff, it's mostly my parents, but idk I still get embarrassed.
No. 755918
File: 1615073513894.png (305.93 KB, 800x396, pointer.png) have to work but cant stop dragging my cursor around for a new pic to come
No. 755921
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I want a lolcow westworld/western thread just like the club and hotel threads
I mean, we're fucking farmers after all, I wanna be a bitch ass cowboy or cowgirl
No. 755939
>>755923idk if I'm being too optimistic but I agree, it seems like there has been a surge in women with actually based perspectives on sex and relationships. I think there's a lot of vocab being popularized that really help women verbalize their experiences (like gaslighting, bangmaid, pickme, nlog, etc). Since that stuff is so universal women immediately understand and relate when they see it discussed about online.
Who knows though, men exert SO much effort to make women compliant and desperate for their approval. It's not going to lose effectiveness that easily.
No. 755941
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>>755938That's disgusting, she'll be traumatized but I'd tell her.
Pic and sage cause this is def the wrong thread. No. 755974
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I read some shit and it made me think about the anons in confessions who keep using younger men for sex and psychological self harm. I think I’ve had an epiphany. Aside from the pedo anon obviously, I mean the 26+ year old anons who manage to like 22 year old guys enough to use them.
Somehow their disregard for men’s feelings and desire to be utterly retarded suddenly makes sense to me. I have many thoughts on this. To sum it up the appeal is very shallow but it won’t even occur to you unless you’re old enough to understand it. Either way men are a waste of space and being hot is a prerequisite for them to matter for this shit to even apply in the first place.
No. 756020
>>755716Some people were surprised when I mentioned that I liked Star Trek one time. It honestly made me feel like a Stacy.
>>755838>>755851I know HIIT cardio is popular rn, but maybe you should try videos based around weightlifting instead. It's really good for you, increases your metabolism and doesn't make you feel like you're going to have a heart attack. I like Abby Pollock's videos if you need your hand held to start with.
No. 756023
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When my boyfriend returns to the capital I'm making this for us, plus wine and movie
It'll be very cozy
No. 756059
>>756053Nonny I just did some manifestation stuff, how do you go on about it?
I always try to manifest dreams and fail.
I just want a famous actor to destroy my pussy every night in my head ugh
No. 756074
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>>756067I never read it as you wanting your aunt to do you, but your comment gave me a hearty kek
Very wholesome, btw
I'll try to follow your tip for my non wholesome dream, thanks!
No. 756102
File: 1615104575386.jpg (Spoiler Image,70.52 KB, 700x700, 1414027212485.jpg)

This picture is in my reaction images file for some weird reason and I can't help but chuckle to myself whenever I see it so it gets to stay there
No. 756141
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I'm calling it: Kurtis O'Connor is going to make a vid about superstraights and side with the trans people
No. 756168
>>756141vaguely OT but i haven’t been able to stand kurtis conner since i found out he searches his own name on twitter to sic his regard faggot fans onto teenage girls a decade younger than him who dare to criticise him, even when they’re his own fans. he did it once with this random 15 year old girl and quoted it with a totally funny ‘comeback’ that definitely wasn’t a mega-cope for the fact that a young girl found one of his videos slightly less funny than usual.
he also capes hard as fuck for this they them ‘transmasc’ fag called something like sid who has gap teeth and, as usual, dresses and acts like a woman. she’s a teenager too i think and the whole thing is just so odd.
No. 756242
>>756225Thanks anon. Together we can share a goat cheese and tomato sauce baguette appetizer, spinach cauliflour orzo salad, traditional turkey meatballs, portabello turkey meatballs, zucchini, traditional sauce, and roasted red pepper feta sauce.
You can come over tomorrow.
No. 756243
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I think my friend is some sort of period whisperer, whenever I hang out with her I get my period.
My period has always been a bit irregular but I usually get it when I'm with her and it's been too many times for it to just be a coincidence.
No. 756259
>>756243Damn anon, I also have a period
trigger friend. Every single time we hang out my period starts, like clockwork. It sucks because I always stay the night and it makes things much less comfortable.
No. 756289
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God forgive me for what I'm about to do for scholarship money
No. 756290
>>756289What are these books
No. 756300
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>>756257Like some other anon said it just became a haven for twitter artists vents they're to scared to post on main. I think the longer the thread goes on the more twitter users it attracts because it wasn't that bad a year ago. Maybe doing a hellweek on the thread, shipper talk perma banned, vendetta post perma banned, etc.
I also think that most of the users there themselves are cows.
No. 756305
>>756300>I also think that most of the users there themselves are cows.100% this
>just became a haven for twitter artists vents they're to scared to post on main.This. I mean I doubt actuall reputable gallery artists browse lolcow. Twitter artists are another absolute breed of retard artists itself and they're hyperfocused on the internet's opinion and that's why they come here.
No. 756306
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finally realized why it was weird, I use a vpn and I guess the vpn provider swaps ips and someone got banned and it stated showing as
No. 756333
I also think the twitter hate thread thread is also full of twitter posters. The only way you can find so much insane twitter shit is if you spend hours on the site. A quick browse over it just gives you basic twitter jokes, you have to really look to find the stuff they post on that thread. Most of the users are as heavy twitter addicts as the people they dunk on
>>756305>I mean I doubt actuall reputable gallery artists browse lolcowI actually don't think reputable artists exist in online communities anymore. A professional artist is to busy to spend all their time in online communities or to wary to give critique because they know 90% of the time it's ignored or they're flamed for it. Big artists post their art online, but it's more for likes and shares and rarely to form a strong community of back and forth conversation. Any people who do teach online are always influncer teachers who put money over teaching all the time. That means the only people left online are those who spend to much time online instead of drawing
No. 756350
>>756309Kek this is me when I play
EpisodeAnyways words can't explain how annoyed I am that I'm on my period on Women's day
No. 756355
>>756350That's exactly the game I was talking about! I was kinda embarrassed so I didn't wanna say it, but there are some good ass stories on Episode.
I feel like there are gonna be live action adaptations of some of these stories in the future, like how the wattpad fic After got picked up and made into a movie lmao
No. 756356
>>756333I agree with everything you said, except these things
>Big artists post their art online, but it's more for likes and sharesI don't think this is the case for professional artists, actual gallery and industry artists. They mostly post online not exactly to communicate but to form connections and have people look at their portfolio.
I do this.
>Any people who do teach online are always influncer teachers who put money over teaching all the time.Not all of them, right now there's a big support community with New Masters Academy, they have actual good artists in there. There's also the Art Prof channel on youtube, they're actual art professors that do streams explaining from the basics to the psychology of artists. I also recommend it.
I think twitter artists are too much inside their bubble, too much inside gossip about lolicon and shipping shit. They do things for clicks. They're the worst of the worst. They would never actually find real good art resources on youtube or the internet in general just because they're only looking to their own nose. They're lame.
No. 756382
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Saw a post on reddit about a women thinking sex traffickers might have targeted her and I know it might be fake or super paranoid but shit like this happen and I'm depressed now
No. 756392
>>756382I remember when I was a teenager and listened to someone talking about "human trafficking" and was like oh okay like the people that were enslaved centuries ago and nope it was trafficking in this day and age and sometimes I still can't process it properly. It's so insanely evil.
Also once when I was sixteen a random dude on the street approached me when I was walking back home and he said he "needed models like me for a campaign" (tall, chubby and with blue hair at the time) and thank god I just kept saying "I'm a minor and you need approval from my parents not me" and kept walking away. He insisted a bit but gave up pretty easily. I don't know if he was actually spiking the truth, but probably not. At that time I didn't even know about human trafficking, but I didn't trust strangers anyway. It's been like 13 years and it still haunts me, I hope no other girl fell for it….
No. 756399
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>>756391I know it sounds fake af but the fact that fucked up related stories actually happened is what hit me No. 756400
>>756379It was a tesco and I didn't have my id on me, they did ask, but I was exasperated and just said "i don't have my id. Look im 30, that's my car
points to car shows key" I don't have an id atm lol, I had to send it off to get points put on my licence. It was just annoying they didn't id anyone in front of me that bought tobacco but held up the line to id and make me take my mask off for rolling papers. I wasn't even buying the age restricted stuff.
No. 756414
>>756396I was talking about that specific dude, anon.
Also you can't compare opening an onlyfans to being tricked in the street as a kid and then kidnapped and sex trafficked
I don't support sex work but c'mon now
No. 756417
>>756399This happened to a woman I went to high school with. She was set up by a new "friend" from work who took her out to a party in the next town and sold her to to human traffickers. She was held in motel rooms and flop houses and forced to work everyday in a strip club for the next 6 months before she escaped (people aren't supposed to have sex in these places but it happens under the table all the time). She went public with her story and revealed that a lot of the women working in strip clubs in and around our hometown are trafficking
victims. Police have also come forward and said that women being held captive in motel rooms is an endemic problem around here. People don't expect this to happen in one of the most affluent and populated areas of Canada. The sad truth is that it happens everywhere.