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No. 735611
stealing the pic from the locked thread because i just liked it
previous thread
>Reminder that if you are a radfem/pinkpill/Terf sperg/gendercrit, the "unpopular opinions thread" is not your reverse uno to continue the discourse. Nor is it your general place to try and fight people. Ignore posters you disagree with.If you are here to;
>sperg about trannies ruining your board, or your conspiracies that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny - BAN.>explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN.>fight people who disagree with you - BAN.>post vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.>reply to someones personal experiences because you inherently disagree with their views - BAN.>discuss your views on racism - BAN.>have gender crit discussions - BAN.>try and score twitter cookie points by dunking on the "bigot" terfs - BAN.If you are here to;
>complain that your boyfriend did x/ you got cat called/ you had a bad day due to a man - NO BAN.>talk about your personal experience and opinions. - NO BAN.>HOWEVER, personal experiences and opinions do not devolve into long political discussions nor do they contain your tangent on how all men are scum or how you want to ethnically purge because once upon a time a (((man))) said you are fat. No. 735635
>>735634meh, you can grow that back if you ever stop hating life, I think
liver's the one that can regenerate, right?
buy myself a monkey liver
No. 735639
>>735635the liver can repair itself but every time it does it leaves scarring. too much scarring and you have liver cirrhosis. then you need to take someone else's liver.
besides that, long-term benadryl abuse can permanently fuck your brain up and even cause dementia. you can become dependent on it, where you need to take more and more just to be able to fall asleep, and cause even more damage.
No. 735641
>>735638>>735639well that sucks
now there's nothing worth living for
I wish they would start giving women valium again
No. 735660
>>735639How much is too much?
Like what I'm just taking one or two a night?
No. 735730
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Pinapple goes great with savory foods.
French food, while good, is overated. German and spanish foods are better
It's not /ot/ that should be nuked, it's /w/.
Picrel is better than regular chocolate milk.
No. 735746
>>735681Agree. It’s all that unironic anime, being addicted to corporatized social media since age 6, worship of capitalism, worship of soundcloud culture and youtubers, mainstream exposure to incelism, /pol/ faggotry, normalization of degen porn and fetishes. They really grew up on the worst the internet can offer.
>>735691Lmao where do you hear that.
No. 735749
>>735730Imagine being a /w/igger in 2021.
You’re not a ne/w/faggot are you anons???
>>735697It's not just that, thanks to the influx of pickmes + buy him a ps5 memes + sex work being at an all time high + BDSM + "men putting any financial effort at all in a relationship is gold digging" things, gen z women are expected to
>Being physically attractive, including losing or gaining weight/getting plastic surgery as to whatever body type is "in" at the moment or your man likes>Look like a child facially>Get full body waxings, have a perfect looking vagina>Have a job, this is especially encouraged with sex work>Be kinky but only when it means to be the one being beaten, having anal sex, be humiliated, etc >Be into nerdy stuff, but don't be basic>Be willing to provide while also cooking, cleaning, etc. Essentially being mommy sex slaves>Have a unique sense of fashion, know how to dress and put on makeup and do girly stuff but don't openly showcase it because then you won't be considered tomboyish enough>Be shy but not too shy to tell strangers that you like being choked and sell your nudes to strangers>Be able to chow down pizza, fast food, ribs, and wash it all down with soda and white claw, and play video games all day, while not gaining weight unless it's in your ass, titties, or thighs and having a good smelling pussy>Be low maintenance but not really>Always be horny>Have high goals in the future/basically being the one who pilots everything >Be fertile but not really>Want kids but not really>Accept the fact the man maybe broke, ugly, fat, stupid, have a small dick, emotionally unavailable, etc but you always have to be whatever body type he likes, have money, be an adult, and so on No. 735794
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>>735768>>735746Thanks for the daily pinkpill anons. I hate men of all ages reEEE.
No. 735812
>>735804Diff anon but the first time I ever ate pussy it was entirely shaved and I feel like the girl went to the bathroom right beforehand and wetwiped or washed herself because she was that free of any scent or any taste or anything. It was honestly kind of weird how there was no scent in particular.
Day to day I'm definitely a person that is funny about smells but a certain amount of scent down there is normal and enjoyable if you actally like pussy. A bit of hair is nice too. 'sterile' pussy is offputting ime so the fact that men want that is strange to me
No. 735827
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>>735796>tfw I have mainly eaten meat, dairy and bread my whole lifeAm I doing something wrong? Do these things really make your pussy stink?
No. 735849
>>735839 >would eat one hamburger and smell bad for a weekNta but how do you even deal with a situation like that, did you openly talk about it?
I've dated a guy whose spunk tasted so much worse than usual so that was a no-go. I just had to tell him that was an ongoing no from me. Never had the female equivalent though.
No. 735853
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>>735827idk anon but if i eat fast food my pussy ends up stinking the days Jesus Christ was dead.
No. 735955
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>>735923nah they were licking rank red cunts back then
No. 735960
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>>735955>the stink and sweat that rises from your arse>my tongue licking ravenously up your red, rank cunt>taught you to make filthy signs with your tongue>And even do in my presence the most filthy and shameful act of the body. Remember when you pulled up your clothes and let me lie under you while you did it? Oh my god??? Who is this man? What did they do? Pls do not tell me she pissed on him
No. 735968
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>>735960famed author James Joyce, someone posted about this somewhere on here I forget
>when she doesn't reply so you double mail her No. 736001
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>>735968>big full bubbieskek
This is giving me flashbacks to reading tropic of cancer. Not the same but similar
No. 736026
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>>735955>>735968the original brap poster
No. 736078
>>736041Exactly. You bitches do too much. I eat meat and veggies. All I ever need is a shower.
If you're insecure though, take fenugreek, it makes you smell like maple syrup.
No. 736092
>>736088I think my vagina smells delicious and awesome.
It does not smell like flowers or candy though.
No. 736126
>>735983>It hurts but stop comparing it and looking for equal pats to that of someone who lost a parent. Just stop.I read this as you putting them on a scale and trying to say one is less than the other, but idk maybe I misunderstood.
Whenever I see posts that say losing a pet can hurt as much as losing a relative/friend, I always feel like it's because there are still people that think it can't be just as painful. It doesn't feel defensive to me, but let's agree to disagree I guess.
No. 736186
i hate the op image.
>>736173i don't. if open a thread about a subject, i expect to see that subject. if i want to see off-topic discussion, i come to /ot/.
No. 736302
>>736291Deregulation of the market, just like with toys.
I don't think people realize just how many things Reagan fucked up.
No. 736431
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>>736428Agreed. Reposting this related take since I don't feel like typing it out myself.
No. 736449
I'd also like to add that it's such bullshit how people equate fujos with men fetishizing lesbians. The issue with lesbian fetishization isn't the fact men find it hot. It's the fact that men are so societally programmed to see everything women do as being for male pleasure and lesbianism is the ultimate example of that. Find me even just a few examples of fujos harassing gay men for threesomes, telling random gay male strangers to "keep the show going" when they kiss or cuddle in public, bitching about unattractive gay men having the audacity to exist, or just any other example of fujos genuinely making gay men's lives harder. Literally not a single lesbian I know doesn't deal with this kind of treatment from straight men as just a part of life.
No. 736450
>>736126It's purely the (imo unnescessary) comparison posts that rub me the wrong way.
For full context on what was annoying me yesterday. I have a friend who keeps a lil herd of guinea pigs. Given they only live a few years that means roughly every few months she loses one of the herd and then brings a new one in too. Someone else in our friendgroup has just lost their mother and she's spamming the same old posts that directly compare losing a pet to losing a loved one. The timing is just awful.
She's rehashing her own older posts about passed pets right after a close friends mom died. A day later and she's still doing it. My friend is arranging a parents funeral (been there) and I can't stand to think back and realise how I couldn't grieve my mom in that girls presence either because it would become about her
No. 736461
>>736456 >the range of harassment and sexualization lesbians have to sufferAs a (probably soft butch?) lesbian I have struggled with unwanted male attention since moving to a small town where I guess I'm cute by the standards here. This also being a semi-homophobic country though.. I've been unsure of whether to disclose my gayness or not. Part of me wants to just to avoid some of this persistant attention from a couple of guys in particular but then I'm confused because I think my gayness is already aparent?
Reading this I just realised it doesn't matter if I tell people or whether people can already tell because chances are they just don't respect lesbians anyway. I can out myself and it probably won't change shit.
No. 736488
>>736452>>736428I would go a step further and say fujos are cool for sexualizing men and fetishising m/m. They've been doing it to us forever so who cares? It's nice to have a female-catered space to explore sexual interests that many of us would never do/want in real life.
Only misguided SJWs and red flaggy men get upset about fujoshit, including gay men. Every time I've brought up BL to trusted males in my life, they get excited and start arguing on why they think a certain pairing would be better etc
No. 736504
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>>736488Judging men by how they treat fujoshit is actually a pretty decent way of finding out how they treat women in general. The most respectful men I've met in my life have always been open minded about it and the most misogynistic pieces of shit throw a spergfit about how disgusting it is. Lord knows how many times I've seen girls give up their fun fujo hobby because their controlling piece of crap boyfriend finds it gross.
>>736496Someone posted this in the fujo thread recently and it legitimately made me ree, look at these bullshit double standards for cervix prolapse male coomershit and BL.
No. 736508
>>736481 >I'm tired of that mindset, truly. The job I work, these older men have temper tantrumsI have to deal with an old guy who can't read (or maybe just can't respect) social cues..every fucking day I have him pestering me and when I try to make my social cues more clear (blanking him or walking away when I absolutely need to go get other stuff done) he accuses me of being in a mood and loudly declares my 'bad mood' to anyone who is within earshot. All while I stay calm. Two years in and I've been calm every day. Blanking him is the most extreme thing I've done, zoning out while he puts me in these awkward situations.
I feel you. One raised voice is all it takes to be labelled as loony so you're stuck rising above this shit.
No. 736521
>>736502They're the ones reeing on Twitter over it lmao
I'll say it again, let women enjoy their gay little drawings it hurts literally nobody, people just like to shit on fujos because women are easier to bully and harass gtfo
No. 736677
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>>736658I just want one week to go by without us being posted on scrote boards. Valentine's inbound so the incels get extra suicidal I guess.
>>736675Shite b8 m8
No. 736693
>>736681I'm a febfem. I hate political lesbians because they're homophobes.
>you disagree with me so you're a scrote!Cope and seethe.
No. 736714
>>736675it has nothing to do with straight women other than the fact people are shit. A lot (not all) women will be completely stupid with who they date, they'll get pregnant with little to no means of supporting the child and not know what they're going to do in the future, they'll get knocked up by men who are showing signs of pedophilia or men who have a history of walking out on their own kids.
Victim blaming galore.
on the other hand many bi women are pickmes and professional
victims, a lot of lesbians just creep and sexually harass other women
Men are 100% worse, gay men are bug chasing pedos who are misogynistic assholes and disguise it as quirkiness as well as being desperate to be a homewrecker, straight men are lazy and walk out on their responsibility and act like literal children by thinking they're mysterious for giving a silent treatment and doing whatever they can to manipulate women for all the attention they can get. Men , straight or gay, are 100% more attention whores than women
No. 736726
>>736721we aren't talking about who supports patriarchy, we're just pointing out flaws in each group. Lesbians are a very flawed group. Denying that there's issues within the lesbian community only makes everything worse and it doesn't work to fix the issue
>>736723you caught us anon. Apparently no hetero woman ever covered for child molestation and abuse or
victim blamed
No. 736736
Excuse the longpost
Probably not unpopular in the States, but online this opinion is extremely unpopular. The American two party FFTP system is actually preferable to the MMP/coalition shitshow that occurs across the rest of the west.
I like how the american system actively discourages populist figures like Carter and Trump from actively changing things in a substantial manner, when people like that are elected to power they tank the party for the next few elections. Which means there's selection pressure for party moderates that don't rock the boat too much and keep things chugging along safe and stable. In places like Italy you can have one meme populist party get 18% of the vote and everyone has to scramble to deal with the fucker. If such a system was transplanted to the US, you could risk having something like the Qanon party get 8% of the vote and determine the coalition that takes power.
I also think the narrative that the US political parties are controlled by the media and corporate power to be very overplayed, and if anything, relative to their population, countries like Germany have a much worse problem of media control over their electoral system and the US does well. The Republicans and The Democrats have a duopoly with an almost entirely static support base, which means the media and donors are more forced to fit these bases instead of being able to freely inculcate their own agenda. It's why you have a populist figure on Fox News in Tucker Carlson, despite the fact that the established republican elite has a distaste for such rhetoric. You watch the news in Finland or New Zealand and it's all the same gushing support for woke neoliberals on every channel and in the exact same manner.
Mama Merkel in Germany has retained power to an absurd point. She does this by having a dedicated base of semi-senile boomers that consoom TV propaganda and boardroom backstabbing, the levels of machivalian bullshit that goes on under MMP means you have a worse class of politician. Unlikeable sociopaths can just coast into power without even being elected, and even run the country getting something like 33% of the vote. A Hillary Clinton would undoubtedly be able to run the US for as long as Merkel if the US had the german system, and Merkel really is just the German version of her. At least to be a senator in the US or a president, you have to win an election, almost nobody could like you and you could come to run a MMP country..
No. 736786
>>736739But there were a lot of feminine actresses before that who didn't have roles where their character has the personality of a lamp with titties. Mae West, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Bette Davis, Lucille Ball. All huge names in the film industry with interesting roles where their characters have agency and wit.
Compare and contrast to movies from the 2000s onwards that are mass-manufactured and samey with cardboard cutout female characters and screenplays written by a horny ape.
No. 736787
>>736780Hard agree, it attracts the most wanky people ever. I'm a master of philosophy working towards my doctorate and I hate the people I have to associate and interact with. Mostly gammons who like to publicly shit on the women in the department, pretentious "soulful" young men, edgy leftbook women and libfems.
It's important and I have beliefs and opinions on it, but god I don't want to enter tedious wankfests over it.
No. 736888
>>736860Now that makes more sense, great taste,
No. 736926
>>736919Ain't nothing wrong with not liking being inebriated anon.
>uncool and boringCome on now, you know that's cringe.
But, if you want, you can benefit from learning to be comfortable with letting yourself go. I heard mediation really helps to tame the anxiety which makes it feel like you're "losing" control.
No. 736963
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I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion or a vent, but boudoir photoshoots are so fucking stupid. Especially the ones I see out in the winter like the pic attached. You're in fucking ugg boots with your ass pressed up against a tree, how sexy! Plus what are you even supposed to do with them after the fact? Like cool you spent easily $100+ on 10 ultra edited photos of you in your underwear…? I don't get it and I don't understand why women waste their money on it.
No. 736996
>>736787THANK YOU, I'm so shocked to see this from an anon who actually is in the discipline. Most people who want to debate philosophy that I've encountered aren't actually students/graduates of philosophy.
One thing I've always hated about philosophy is how much philosophers ramble on about the same old shit when their tangents could be summed up by some bullet points of their main arguments.
>>736851Hard agree, but I want to say that these men absolutely know what they're doing. They know that women are the caretaker type by default in straight relationships, and now with ~female empowerment~, a woman can pay for all of his shit in the name of equality. TBT to my ex who wanted to be a stay at home dad.
>>736858At least female gold diggers are actually earning coin. Male gold diggers are gold digging off of someone who makes 30% of what they could earn themselves doing the same job (because women earn ~70 cents on the dollar of what men earn). We need another term, at best it's 'bronze digging'.
No. 737030
>>736726What "issue"? Stop breeding more sons and sucking dick, that will fix the issue kek.
>>737025I've seen this happen too, and I read a lot about it. Men are the worst but I don't expect anything from them anyway, women throwing other women and girls under the bus for the sake of moids is way more painful.
No. 737178
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Platonic women-only households should be an actual thing way more often, like those Chinese ladies who bought a mansion together. Funny how I see more libfem scrote bashing than ever but them bitches still be chasing after mediocre white guys.
Less of that more Princess Jellyfish house IRL
No. 737184
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>this is the average old 8chan/webring user
when did fellow femanons realize that incels are actually chad (as a fellow femanon myself)?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 737189
>>736675kind of shocked by the replies, I guess no one here's stepdad abused them in front of their mom or mom didn't believe them when they told her they had been molested
it's pretty common, my mom sure threw me to the wolves for love
No. 737192
>>737190I didn't say "most," I said it's pretty common and I'm shocked no one here had it happen to them apparently
If you do not believe this is a common occurrence, you're just wrong
No. 737203
>>737189It's because she's targeting a specific group of women rather than saying that some women
in general will protect abusers, AND she's making it seem like it's super common for straight women to not protect their kids. I had a very
abusive mother so I know firsthand what that's like, but the truth is that, even though there are a lot of women who are abusers and will cape for abusers, there are also a ton of women who don't stand for that shit (also something I know firsthand). It's not "most", it's some.
That febfem anon is known for making antagonistic posts for anyone who decides to live a lifestyle differently than her and getting into infights over it which is also why so many anons told her off. She seems to have hatred for any women that isn't febfem, and has basically said that women who enter relationships with men are asking to be abused so, people who are familiar with the febfem posts don't like her.
No. 737205
>>737203No one here is saying "most"
And this is an anonymous board, congrats if you can tell who's posting by their typing style I guess, but I don't know you, her or anyone else from anyone else
No. 737206
>>737205She literally said
>That's nice but most heterosexual mothers would cover for their husbandsIdk what you read. Not sure why you're offended, I gave you an answer.
No. 737243
>>737206, and I didn't think anon was offended because she disagreed, I thought that because of what I perceived the tone of the post to be. Cause y'know, it's the internet so sometimes mistakes like that happen.
>internet users who think their opinions matter more than it actually does This is the Unpopular Opinions thread. What did you expect to be posted here
No. 737244
>>737236Samefag I’d even say that how many of those evil, ignore-abuse mothers are traumatized
victims of prolonged male violence themselves? Meanwhile, It’s an axiom that mild mannered “normal” scrotes are completely averse to family conflict that don’t involve them directly, they’d rather jerk off.
>>737238>missing the pointFunny how you zero in on ~all het women~ aka a small percentage of mentally ill women, specifically when it’s clearly het men do the same, do worse and more often.
No. 737245
>>737243>This is the Unpopular Opinions thread. What did you expect to be posted hereI really could say the same to you
>>737244I don't even disagree that fathers tend to be the worse parent, I didn't miss your point, you added a new point to the argument, I wasn't talking about that.
No. 737250
dude are you good?
No. 737254
>>737253Literally same?
The post said >>This is the Unpopular Opinions thread. What did you expect to be posted here
And >I really could say the same to you
Is that not self explanatory?
sage for derail but wtf
No. 737257
>>737254It doesn't because of the
>internet users who think their opinions matter more than it actually does My point is the post was criticizing people for sharing opinions in the thread meant for sharing opinions. Sure the greentext is an opinion, but it's still dumb. I'm not missing the point, it's just stupid to say that and then do the exact same thing that you're criticizing.
No. 737300
>>737271>SB has better songsWhat the actual fuck. Now I’m mad!!!
SB is only good if you’re a toddler whose only brain function is figuring out how to shit in a diaper. SHAYNA
No. 737307
>>737300This is correct. I love both, but P&F had bops on top of bops. S.I.M.P, Busted (vid rel), Ain't Got Rhythm, Gitchee Gitchee Goo, etc… I'm not denying that Spongebob had hits. There's Goofy Goober Rock, Sweet Victory, and obviously the theme song slaps, but what else is there? Squidward playing the clarinet? The Jellyfish Jam? C'mon now. They're not touching Phineas and Ferb.
Sidenote, Busted gives me Take A Hint from Victorious vibes.
No. 737382
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>>736963All the raw sexual energy of a bear scratching its ass with a tree.
No. 737491

>>737300>>737307I hope you're zooming because early-season spongebob is so much better it's not even close. You didn't even mention Sandy's Texas Song or the Ripped My Pants song. I literally die just watching the whale drummer.
contribution: once animation started to get outsourced around 2005-10 and storyboarders/writers weren't working as closely with animators, cartoons lost most of their soul because they couldn't integrate the animation as tightly with the writing. It's not really anyones fault since 2d cartoons had to cut costs to compete with dirt cheap 3d crap. So fuck Jimmy neutron really. But also I knew it was the end when total drama island became the most popular cartoon - that show and others with that cheapo stickfigure animation style like p&f could just as easily be acted as animated, while the animation itself is funny and intrinsic to spongebob and to earlier shows like ed edd eddy and courage the cowardly dog. It's just not the same kind of thing really…
No. 737500
>>737189I've known a couple people this happened to, but I think it's wildly inaccurate and misogynistic to say "most" het women would do this. Most moms I know who were in this situation sided with their kid entirely. My grandma would ask my mom regularly if her stepdad was doing anything to her because she was so excessively protective of her child. He wasn't, but my grandma was extremely on guard when it came to men and taught my mom to be that way too.
Meanwhile, my fucking dad kept friends who he knew into me when I was underage. His method of "protecting" me was to just tell them if they ever acted on that desire, he would kill them. Luckily, nothing ever happened, but when he casually mentioned this fact to me when I was older I wanted to spit in his face. He was giving himself such a pat on the back for it too, like he was father of the year for it, when he should have cut them out of his life immediately.
Yeah, there's garbage women out there who side with their SOs, but I don't think that's "most" women. You'll find a lot more men siding with people who prey on their kids, honestly. I've noticed in most "funny uncle" stories, the situation is almost always handled way worse when the uncle is the dad's brother.
If we're gonna say "most" het women would be guilty of anything, it's definitely protecting their degenerate sons.
No. 737501
>>737500Depends on where you're from. Usually people from conservative areas that worship men (american south, rural asia, africa, etc) will go out of their way to blame children, specifically little girls for any sort of sexual abuse and mother's side with
abusive boyfriends or husband's. On the other hand when I moved to a more liberal area
victim blaming was barely a thing
No. 737622
>>736675>>736693I'm gagging at the fact that people really took the bait from the self-admitted resident insane febfem who spends her time simping for gold-star lesbians who'd never touch her because she's a "bislut". Did you guys forget that this is the same poster who said bisexual women who get abused by men "bring it on themselves"? This is a crazy person.
This anon doesn't care about little girls getting abused and their het mothers turning a blind eye, because if those girls are also straight (or even bi but not the Wokest Radfem), she believes they literally deserve it. This was never a good faith take, and it's pointless to debate it. She's just here to take out her own insecurity about liking dick on other women and try to punish them for it.
No. 737646
>>737641NTA but I'm a Northern European and lots of teenagers and 20-somethings speak with a blaccent, complain about BIPOC mistreatment in an almost completely white country, use English language pronouns and pronoun pins despite our language having only one neutral pronoun for people, organizing solidarity BLM protests and closely following American media and politics, to name a few. Oh, and they also refer to themselves as colonizers despite literally being a part of two neighboring countries for centuries, but that's more on us being self-hating. It's gotten so bad that you'll hear girls use random English words and American terminology in a sentence in our own language because they don't know any local equivalents.
And of course American SJWs going at people's throats for misgendering, racism, transphobia, cultural appropriation or whatever the fuck they decide to whine about on Twitter isn't helping matters. If I could, I'd go full China and block all American content altogether.
No. 737647
>>737628To be fair, America is referred to as the "melting pot" of the world because its full of immigrants and different ideologies meshing together.
The internet is pretty much the same exact thing.
So, they are remarkably alike both because they were formed the same way and because the Internet has a lot of Americans and American media on it.
Australia actually has the most internet users, suprisingly.
American's media reach though is insane, I was listening to radio stations around the world the other day and many of them were playing American songs, even in Russia and the middle east.
No. 737650
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>>737609NTA but how is it racist to acknowledge a massive first world informational advantage American women have that makes them far more accountable for their internalized misogyny?
Also, that's simply not true. I even did some research before replying to make sure I'm not talking out of my ass. The biggest internet struggle rural America has is that some people still don't have broadband access and have to opt for dial up instead. People lacking any internet access at all is an issue that mostly only affects the homeless.
No. 737658
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Another relevant chart for the anon(s) who for whatever reason don't believe there's a massive internet access disparity between the USA vs. many parts of Africa and Asia.
No. 737685
>>737660>There's lack of internet in rural asia and africa Is not the same as
>There's literally no drop of internet, food or anything else in africa or asiaStop jumping to conclusions
No. 737703
>>737641NTA but basically
>thinking every society in the world has identical standards and culture as America>thinking everyone around the world knows the nuances of American identity politics>thinking everyone speaks fluent EnglishIn my 100% white country for example people have started classifying people different regions to be "
POC"s when they're all the fucking same ethnicity just to stir shit up American style
No. 737705
>>737696But Sweden
is a colonizer nation, pretty sure Anon is Finnish according to the description.
No. 737708
>>737703I have wondered what would happen if I (white) just started referring to myself as
POC. Would anyone call me out or would people assume I must be like part middle eastern or Hispanic or something?
No. 737710
>>737708Hell you see people claiming to be "
PoC" all the time while looking white as wonderbread, you can just bullshit about being 1% cherokian or hispanic or whatever and anyone questioning you can be cancelled for being racist. However it only works when you side with the PC discourse, my obviously dark skinned friend got dogpiled on by white American teens for disagreeing with them.
No. 737718
>>737705I meant that it sounds like we have the same type of Americanisation going on.
As for colonization do you mean of Sami territory btw?
No. 737724
>>737710My highschool history teacher went off on this blond blueeyes cheerleader for saying she was 1/8th Cherokee in class lol, called her a liar to her face. To be fair he also got into it with this girl who said she had Wiccan heritage (and got suspended without pay for a month because he "attacked her religion").
I might have to wear darker contacts but I think that's all I would need. And to change my name to something made up and ambiguous like Sofya or Armana.
No. 737770
>>737766I didn't say I was Irish, but I've never seen Irish people try to claim they're
POC and think they'll be taken seriously.
No. 737772
>>737770Bringing up the historical fact that you were colonized doesn't equal "claiming to be
No. 737889
>>737857I respect the ones that actually commit to it and take it seriously. Give me a wahabbist fanatic or a devout catholic over any progressive "feel goody" church.
I just don't see why mainline liberal churches don't just drop the religious sham and become what they are, glorified social clubs for boomers.
No. 737941
>>737751>Finnish people are whiteSo?
Does that mean we can't be colonized?
Also it's laughable when Americans try to talk about the Saami as some ~indigenous POCs~ when we look exactly the same and they clearly know fuck all about who the Saami even are.
Anyway, the point is American idpol doesn't belong outside of America. Fuck off with that.
No. 737948
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If you need a reason as to why maleposters should be banned from lolcow, read this thread >>131584
/w/ is the worst board on this site solely because of the new vtuber threads. They attract so much male degeneracy and vtuber discussion should be nuked from the site. You can't change my mind.
No. 738078
>>738077NTA but in my experience it's not that overt, it's more that they like to feel special and a guy treating them differently accomplishes that. Eg a guy saying 'you're not like the other girls, you're better because you
insert male pandering trait here' boosts their ego even though it's shitting all over their gender, or they want to tame a player/bad boy because it's proof they're special to him.
No. 738079
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Honestly religions should be wiped out, I don't care how unwoke you think it is and even with state atheism positive aspects of natvie culture and history can be promoted , also sorta funny that this post kinda implies that it would be okay if only the white Christians lost their faith but if everyone else did it would be a tragedy
Also religion can destroy native culture far more then atheism can, specially in my case Islam which was built on Arab supremacy, In Islam you have dress by the standards of an Arab, pray only in Arabic 5 times a day, pray to an Arab location and even reading this Quran in ones native Language is considered less Holy then Arabic
No. 738092
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>>738088Yeah I'm looking into pre-Islamic faith of my people, which was Greeco-Buddsshim, which mixed aspects of Aincent Buddhist doctrine and the Hellenic and Iranic faiths
So you had Hercules being the protector of the Buddha, King Yama being the ruler of Hades and had illustrations of Zues holding the Dharma Wheel
There were also Manechasenism, Standard Zoroastrianism and sects of Hinduism that died off, more interesting then a story of an Arab pedophile and his companions
No. 738104
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>>738079Checked her account and she's exactly what I thought she'd be like, Sperging about Hetalia and Christianity, yep its the white Christians that destroyed my native culture, Invaded us repeatedly for over 1300 years, destroyed our temeples, took my people as slaves and made us worship an Arab God
No. 738120
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>>738104A comment she made against an ex-Muslim woman, she's really trying to justify Islamic Imperialism, how can someone be this moronic
Islam in 9/10 situations was always forced on the populations
No. 738213
>>738079>it hurts poc and minority religions much much more than it hurts white christiansBurger here, strictly speaking for Burgerland (though, this definitely applies to many other countries as well) this part is complete bullshit and I have a hard time believing this person typed that with a straight face. Christian extremism is the biggest issue in our country and before any other burgers try to say "but muh lack of health-care!" or "lol COVID tho" those issues would have all been dealt with way more effectively if the Christian right wasn't a thing. Name pretty much any major issue in American and extremist Christianity is either the root of it or amplifying it. Also, quite frankly, I don't fucking care if minority religions get fucked in the process. Islam and Judaism are garbage, too.
Calling it a "cultural genocide" is such a fucking reach. We literally just want to stop coddling the believers of fairytales and not allow their delusions any political power. How is this a bad thing???
No. 738249
>>738229I follow a couple of deathfats as my main cows and their flipflopping between
>"I'm doing this diet guys and this time it is going to work, come support me" and then
>"Guys stop shaming me for my weight, I'm not dieting or going to listen to any of your shitty diet talk" That drives me nuts..just the flipping back and forth. I do think it's an emotional thing alot of the time though in fairness and my own mom was big when she was alive. A mix of having babies and being depressed sitting at home all the time with no hobbies and my dad always having a go at her. I sympathise to an extent. But like you said HAES and shit like "I'm intuitive eating all this take out food" is my limit.
No. 738251
>>738232>Islam is uniquely disgusting and awfulThe Catholic church operates like a mass pedophile sex ring and America has an unaddressed child bride epidemic as a result of Evangelicals marrying off girls as young as 11 to grown ass adult men. Both religions also fight tooth and nail to force children to carry pregnancies that resulted from incestuous rape, just look at what the Catholics in Brazil tried to do to that poor little girl going to abort her rapist uncle's fetus last year. Not to mention, the countless other reasons these religions are shit, and how they oppress women and gay people.
Like yeah, countries run by Islam might be worse, but why feel the need to point that out? That's like pointing out Nazi Germany was worse when someone brings up a genocidal regime with a smaller body count. I think it's very counter-productive to make a competition out of which misogynistic oppressive religion filled with pedophiles is worse.
No. 738259
>>738251I have known ex-Muslims who have fled to fucking Brazil to escape the hell hole I live in, most were pretending to be Christians and will probably keep that charade up for the rest of their lives cause that's how
toxic Islam is, you can't understand how theologically broken Islam is, In Islam Muhammad is the perfect man in everyway, he was created before the world its self and he is the greatest human being that lived or will live
So If Muhammad has sex with a 11 year old girl, then it is 100% in the right and moral, If Muhammad has a man killed and takes his wife as his sex slave that's also moral and just, you will never convince me or any ex-Muslim that any of the major sects of Christianity are even half as disgusting as the Pedophile Arab worship cult, even the most extreme sects of Christianity would be considered too liberal in my country
No. 738268
>>738251 >The Catholic church operates like a mass pedophile sex ringI grew up in Ireland and knew multiple families that were dealing with the longer term fallout of pedo priests that were moved around from one school to another (or one parish to another) after it was already known they were molesting and raping kids. The chuch just passed them around to new communities in the hopes of a cover up and their number of
victims would sometimes be in the dozens per priest, each priest they covered up for did an unbelievable amount of damage to kids and their families. Those are still damaged adults today and it's heartbreaking to see.
The amount of suicides, the alcoholism, broken families, men who have anger problems and go on to abuse every woman and child in their life because of it.. and there's still this bizarre amount of loyalty to the church even in those families directly ripped apart by the actions of priests… It's mind boggling.
Then there's all the women who had their babies taken away from them and who were beaten and treated like slaves for their sin of getting pregnant (including underage rape
victims) while men got off scott free again. The destruction of the catholic church is downplayed.
No. 738308
>>737583People expect teenage girls to dress retarded and pandering because of hormones and being less likely to emotionally regulate especially when males are involved.
It's cringe when 30 year old women do it because they should be more aware and in control of how male-gazey they're behaving, at that age it just isn't dignified.
Afaik neither are generally viewed as 'appropriate.' Mayhaps some men might encourage teens to dress that way because they're creeps on one hand, but it's not like they aren't slut-shaming them on the other hand.
No. 738323
>>738259Again, just because there is something worse doesn't mean Christianity and Catholicism aren't also complete amoral shit. I'm truly sorry your country is that much of a hellhole, but you're honestly trivializing the horror Christianity and Catholicism have wrought when you say shit like
>you will never convince me or any ex-Muslim that any of the major sects of Christianity are even half as disgusting as the Pedophile Arab worship cult, even the most extreme sects of Christianity would be considered too liberal in my countryWhy are you making this a competition? We are literally talking about pedophilia, as well as the oppression of women and gay people. Why do you need to flex that your country is worse instead of just simply acknowledge it's all fucking horrible and all the religions who perpetuate it are all cancerous? No one here is defending Islam or denying Islamic countries are worse, so I'm really confused why you're playing the Religious Pedophilia Olympics.
To be completely honest, it makes me question whether or not you really live in an oppressive Islamic country, or if you're actually a larping Christian trying to deflect criticism.
No. 738345
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>>738323>To be completely honest, it makes me question whether or not you really live in an oppressive Islamic country, or if you're actually a larping Christian trying to deflect criticism.Anon's claims are sus if for no other reason than lolcow would be censored, or there would be a serious legal penalty for being on here.
No. 738380
>>738345Samefag, but I forgot to say that this is a map of how extreme internet censorship is in Asia. The darker, the more intense. For the record, all the white countries do have some degree of censorship, it's just more lowkey than the darker countries where they're basically draconian about it. Despite being white, Afghanastan does block any site with porn or nudity, and Iraq is white because it literally has no internet, thus no internet censorship.
So yeah, it's really hard to believe that any women living in the Middle East would be on here. This site would definitely be blocked or illegal to visit. Who would risk legal consequences to come onto an influencer gossip site?
No. 738418
>>738381To be fair any dialogue from fantasy played 100 percent straight will sound corny as fuck. But yeah, there are plenty of shots and slow-mos in Fellowship that are just painful. The miniatures and set effects like the elf city are really obvious in those movies too.
I’m just impressed the CGI from 2000 holds its own as well as it does.
No. 738465
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I find it kind of weird how obsessed adults online are with 00s Disney Channel and Nickelodeon shows recently. It feels kind of sad like they hate their adult lives and are trying to cling on to happier times.
No. 738473
>>738465Here's what I find baffling
A lot of them think those were good.
Is that how people view the cartoons I used to watch in the 90's?
No. 738489
>>738463I loved this game and it was the last good game in terms of writing before Crystal Dynamics came along and ruined the character. Clunky as hell but the setting was fun and new, I kept hoping they were gonna expand the Paris levels.
I love my Core Design-era bitchy ice queen, don't @ me.
No. 738492
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>>738449this is the only proof I can think of without giving any personal Information
No. 738503
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>>738493I'm just a little mad that anon is doubting me, I know Christianity has its problems but the hell I face here is a type of monster I don't wish on any one, Once the Corona is over I plan on leaving Pakistan and never coming back, but I'm still scared living here, scared that someone might actually kill me for my opinions, My own cousin actually protested when Asia Bibi was pronounced innocent,
For those who dont know Asia bibi was a non-Muslim woman who was accused of allegedly insulting Muhammad and the punishment for insulting Muhammad in Pakistan by is the death penalty, for 9 years she was held in captivity and the investigation on wether or not she said it, a big event that happened during this process a local Punjabi population who made a statement supporting Bibi was murderered by his own bodyguard, said murdering Bodyguard had a literal shrine built for him, in 2019 she was finally released after it had been proven that she had not insulated Muhammad, the argument wasn't that if one should be executed or not for insulting a dead pedophile but rather whether or not she said, her release led to mass riots through out Pakistan, where hundreds of thousand of men called for her death, including my own cousin, he would likely kill me without a thought of he saw my comments, but so would my own mother and grandparents and well basically a large % of my family and the general population
This is a hell unique to its own and the worst type of faith on this planet
No. 738533
>>738503Kay. We all totally feel for you and all, but it would be cool if you stopped minimizing the horrific damage systemically caused by Christianity and Catholism just because Islam gets even more extreme. That's part of why your story was doubted, because it's very common for Christians/Catholics to bring up Islam to deflect from the horror their religions cause and advocate for. Especially considering this entire conversation centers around systemic pedophilia. Like, do you see how it's wrong to be like "well, our pedophilia is worse"? Like, that's awful it's even more accepted in your country, but how does that make the Evangelical child bride epidemic in America, or the rampant sex abuse committed by Catholic priests any less horrible?
Also, you brought up other Muslims you know fleeing to Brazil in your initial post, when the context the anon you replied to brought it up in was to bring up how hoards of Catholics tried to stop an 11 year old from getting an abortion after being raped by her uncle. The way you brought it up had a pretty overt tone of dismissal of this situation's severity. Something being worse doesn't negate how awful another thing is.
No. 738545
>>738533NTA, but holy shit. Stop being such a fucking special snowflake. Westerners can be so annoying and condescending. Anon is right and has the right to testify on the oppression she faces.
When's the last time someone was fucking murdered for shitting on the Christian god, and people cheered for it? Can you remember?
No, fuck off.
No. 738569
>>738533No one is saying that Christian priests fucking children isn't less wrong than muslims fucking children you idiot. What makes Islam much worse is that while most christians (regular followers) will want to lynch a pedophile priest, muslim men and brainwashed women will be completely fine with it. Like the other anon said, they're fine with killing people for insulting (allegedly even) their dead pedophile god, they're fine with having many handmaidens they can fuck, beat and kill if they speak up about Islam's problems, they're fine with killing a family member who wants to fucking leave that shithole. They're fine with killing people who aren't like them to this day, they honour terrorists deaths and cutting heads of "filthy infidels" is an achievement that will grant them heaven and respect. Even the way women are forced to go around in order not to get beaten, raped or killed is worse than any other religion, and they can't even leave. Do Christians kill people drawing Jesus getting fucked? Do Christians not allow people to leave the religion? Do they force women to walk around in black cloth almost covering their entire bodies? Are they all okay with pedophilia? Yes they're mysoginists, yes they don't allow abortions and despise gays, but if someone doesn't feel at ease being Christian they can just convert, and it's rare for someone to get killed for not respecting the religion.
You bringing up how "other religions have it bad too!!" when it's obvious that Islam has A LOT more problems is insulting.
No. 738571
>>738569>>738533Why can't we just say both are bad in different ways without making it a "which one is worse" thing. Sure one
is worse, but I feel like whenever religion comes up someone has to come in to say they have it worse so the other group shouldn't complain about anything in their religion. It's not really a competition, imo.
No. 738572
>>738545>Stop being such a fucking special snowflake. Westerners can be so annoying and condescending.>in a conversation all about rampant CSA and child bridesUnironically kill yourself.
>>738569Fpr the final fucking time: NO ONE IS DENYING ISLAM IS WORSE YOU FUCKING RETARD. That has been stated in almost every fucking post. The point is that IT SHOULDN'T BE A FUCKING COMPETITION. No one here is a woke Islam whiteknight, so there is no point in you guys whiteknughting Christianity when we're having a discussion about why all religions are shit. They are ALL pedophile riddled misogynistic oppressive trash, it doesn't matter what order of "worst to least worst" they are. Would you rank genocides from "worst to least worst"? No. So fucking stop retending that literally anyone here is denying Islam is worst when it has been stated time and time again that we fucking know. There is ZERO reason to keep bringing this up other than to whiteknight Christianity.
Stop. Making. It. A. Competition. You. Fucking. Smoothbrained. Piece. Of. Shit.
>>738575Exactly. The anon above said it best when she said no one would rank genocides like this lmaoo
>>738576>I feel like Islam is worseanon….you missed the entire point
>>738579And now you guys started the baiting
No. 738585
>>738572>Unironically kill yourself.Reminder that CSA and child brides are pretty much legal and far more accepted in extremist Islamic countries than in societies with Catholicism. Only there will you see on TV grown-ass men saying "Child marriage is not that bad". Christians will downplay it, but there are 100% more resources to escape and speak out than there would be in a Muslim country.
Literally no one is denying that it also happens in parts of the world that are Christian and that it's fucked up and disgusting either way (this is what happens when scrotes are allowed power), you're just annoyed whenever the focus isn't on you. You're no better than the tumblrina who got mad at an ex-muslim person for not focusing on Christianity as evil in the world. You can acknowledge that something is bad and also recognize that one is even worse.
No. 738591
>>738576The issue that makes Islam uniquely awful is well Muhammad, he rules mecca and madina as un unfalable preist king, every action he did is belived to have been correct cause Muhammad was the greatest human being who ever lived(according to the Quran and Hadiths) this also means that his state laws and polcies should be applied to the modern age
Christanity has parabels and sayings of Jesus who was a carpenter, Muhammad was a wealthy marchant turned priest King, he had slaves and power
No. 738603
>>738597>they'll accuse you of making it a "competition" all because for 0.5 seconds, they had to hear from another side of the world and learn about a trauma that wasn't their own.No one said it's a competition because you're hearing about other groups bad experiences with religion, we said to not make it a competition because everyone in this conversation (as far as I've seen) has been downplaying the experiences of other groups (like this for example
>>738259). That's a pretty big difference.
No. 738607
>>738603Anon said "Islam is uniquely disgusting and awful" (which is just the truth), and then
>>738251 literally went "Why point that out?" after listing shitty things the Catholic church has done. Like…Why shouldn't she? How does that simple fact diminish that Catholics are fucked up, too?
Unless you personally feel slighted whenever someone points out the truth of the matter that some religious groups are even more evil than others, it makes no sense to think it's a competition. It's just a statement.
No. 738613
>>738607I used that post as an example because of
>just look at what the Catholics in Brazil tried to do to that poor little girl going to abort her rapist uncle's fetus last year>I have known ex-Muslims who have fled to fucking Brazil to escape the hell hole I live inAnd you know what? The other anon was also downplaying Islam. I'm not saying Islam isn't worse. I'm not saying to not say Islam isn't worse. Literally just saying to stop downplaying the bad aspects of other religions.
>>738610I think those might be countries that have heavy censorship?
No. 738615
>>738585>Reminder that CSA and child brides are pretty much legal and far more accepted in extremist Islamic countries than in societies with Catholicism. Child brides are literally legal in America.
>Literally no one is denying that it also happens in parts of the world that are Christian and that it's fucked up and disgusting either way (this is what happens when scrotes are allowed power), you're just annoyed whenever the focus isn't on you. This entire argument started because Pakistani anon dramatically minimized the pain caused by Christianity and Catholicism just because Islam is worse. Don't act like no one was doing that when it's literally right there in the thread.
>You're no better than the tumblrina who got mad at an ex-muslim person for not focusing on Christianity as evil in the world.Except no, because we're not pretending there's nothing wrong with Islam. We're just also not pretending Islam is the only evil religion.
>You can acknowledge that something is bad and also recognize that one is even worse.Literally every post has acknowledged Islam is worse. You are arguing against a point that NO ONE IS MAKING.
>>738597>And when you try to discuss how it's bad in a space where people are discussing the evils of religion, you'll run into some buttblasted woke Enlightened Atheist who will either accuse you of using the discussion to "be racist"Literally where? Not a single person has whiteknighted Islam. Again, you are arguing against a point that NO ONE IS MAKING.
>or they'll accuse you of making it a "competition" … because she literally was.
(infighting) No. 738619
>>738615>Child brides are literally legal in America. America is not Catholic, its mostly Protestant. Furthermore, you expect a country built off killing natives and enslaving an imported group of people to be moral? But er yeah its cause its christian lmfao
>This entire argument started because Pakistani anon dramatically minimized the pain caused by Christianity and Catholicism just because Islam is worse. Don't act like no one was doing that when it's literally right there in the thread. Except the difference is the Quran and Islam literally tells you to do this, while the Christians doing this arent acting on their religion's commands. Whats not clicking?
>Except no, because we're not pretending there's nothing wrong with Islam. We're just also not pretending Islam is the only evil religion.It's only you cause your dumbass cant handle other people talking about their experiences without bringing Christianity into the mix.
>Literally every post has acknowledged Islam is worse. You are arguing against a point that NO ONE IS MAKING. Then why do Whataboutism? Why bring it up at all when it was going to deflect from Pakistani anon's experiences?
No. 738635
>>738619>>738626Oh my god, just shut the fuck up already. No one is against Pakistani anon sharing her experince with Islam and you know that. You're trying to make this argument about something it wasn't because for whatever reason, you're personally
triggered by people rightfully shitting on Christianity.
No. 738637
>>738635You literally told Pakistani anon she shouldn't say Islam is uniquely awful because it
triggers you not to be at the center of religious persecution.
>you're personally triggered by people rightfully shitting on Christianity.And now who's "arguing against a point that NO ONE IS MAKING"? This is almost BPD-tier, you're the one who needs to shut the fuck up.
(infighting) No. 738640
>>738636>Go on with telling people to kill themselves and calling them cunts and bitches ??? I don't see anyone on our side calling anyone a cunt or a bitch, and I'm not the anon who told that one person to kill themselves.
>schizo chan.Oh the irony, considering you're the one so delusional you're claiming people wrote things that aren't even there
No. 738644
>>738638Can you stop clogging up the thread, please?
This conversation isn't going anywhere, guys. It's just irritating at this point. Go back to talking about anything else.
No. 738654
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… anyway. My unpopular opinion is that only a few dress cuts actually look really nice (pic related being ome of them) and jeans are far more flattering on women most of the time.
No. 738656
>>738637>You literally told Pakistani anon she shouldn't say Islam is uniquely awful because it triggers you not to be at the center of religious persecution. I'm just scrolling and haven't read everything but if anon really did this, she is a fucking bitch. I hate this kinds of person
the most.
No. 738670
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>>738664>rockabilly style dressnta It has a real name, it's called a swing dress with a halter neckline and it's not just for rockabilly. It does look good on thin women as well.
No. 738775
>>738633Their treatment of women was pretty sucky, though it was slightly better in certain places (like Sparta, where women could own property and read.) You also have to try not to judge an ancient culture by modern standards. Pederastic relationships were not always sexual in nature; sometimes the younger person (who was usually older than fifteen) was just an apprentice basically. When you consider that women there would often marry in their mid-teens to men ten or more years their senior, you can see why the idea of two men having a similar age gap would be normalized in their culture. Also the "receptive" boy (the eromenos) would only be considered weak or feminine if the couple had anal sex (which was a taboo at the time.) Pederastic couples with a physical relationship would engage in non-penetrative sex specifically to avoid "feminizing" the eromenos. Additionally, the eromenos had to formally consent to the relationship.
Obviously I don't condone any of that; many of those things would be crimes today. The point I'm trying to make is that you're oversimplifying the situation and misunderstanding the practices of this ancient culture by viewing it through a modern lens.
No. 738857
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i have a sneaky suspicion that a lot of radfems post their political opinions just to gain clout and attention, i genuinely don’t think they care about any women or the plight of other women, they are most unwilling to even talk to other women but only remain in their hard shell egg boxes of opinions and rudeness
i kind of don’t even sense a community, it’s just people trying to make a snarky point like it’s Twitter and want their followers to treat them like god for repeating and regurgitating points from other acclaimed feminist academia or radfems they found on tumblr, it’s just very annoying and no community is safe at all
people should not affiliate with anything at all anymore, you will always be isolated from the true cause
No. 738862
>>738859samefag but not only that, but they’re also trying to convince crazy anti-terfs that they are the most accepting of trans people, but not really lol
i see the same cattiness and abrasiveness that happens in our mtf thread in outside radfem communities, better yet just the same amount of vindictiveness as the TRAs
they not only have this vicious hatred of men which is often justified but they also disconnect from other women because they are all narcissists who want an ideological excuse to dominate the opinionated landscape. just as bad as libfems tbh
No. 738873
>>738857The GC stuff is the only thing they have going for them, other than that they're bigots in every other way. The "community" is made of the big main group that shits on everyone and a lot of other small groups that exist because they had to leave the main.
Also farmhands suck.
No. 738906
>>738857This is probably bait, but I
don't post about my political opinions. Before it was banned, here was the only place I talked about it. Now I only discuss it with my family. Why the fuck would we be posting about that sort of stuff for "clout?" Radfems online get harassment from all sides. Libfems are the real clout-chasers.
>>738873Lmao define "everyone." Also, the jannies clearly side with you, I don't know why you're mad at them.
No. 738915
>>738859It's a shame because it'd be nice to have a community that gives a shit while also being based and pinkpilled. The focus on TIMs is so disproportionate. I never even encounter them in the wild, just the internet.
No. 738937
>>738915>I never even encounter them in the wild, just the internet. Lucky, lol.
Jokes aside, you're not wrong. I think the focus on them comes from all the newcomers who just peaked and it's all they want to talk about. The community wasn't like this a few years ago. I think it's partially because social media has put them in a position where the only places left to discuss it are either RF spaces or alt-right dumpster fires, and reasonable people aren't going anywhere near the latter.
No. 738977
>>738857Honest question, are you confusing radfems with libfems? Radfems barely exist on social media since they're always banned in the blink of an eye for igniting hate or anything, there's no way they would be clout farming.
But seriously, you really can't blame the spergs in the RF community for being there. Trannyism has invaded so many female spaces and paying lip service to them has been forced upon us simply in order to survive, when women finally peak they're so disillusioned and angry they want to vent and vent about the same things we already heard a million times from everyone before them. It's happened with every single one of my friends who peaked with either trannies or just the male privilege in general, they can't shut up about how mad they are about it but cool down over time and learn to be more chill and analytical. Especially in the current climate of "feminism is actually about licking male boots" finding an outlet to let out your true feelings makes you go somewhat overboard.
No. 738992
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>>738966Same but not because of 9/11; I was like three when it happened. I hate the 2000s nostalgia because 2000s fashion and music are fucking horrible. Denim skirts, track pants with bejeweled asses, low-rise jeans where your ass hangs out, those stupid newsboys hats, frosted tips– all of it can burn. The music is just ear-rape. Nu metal, krunk rap, Nickelback, smash mouth, and any of the trash produced by Scott Storch. It was truly the cringiest time for music.
No. 739017
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>>738873Anon, I've been feeling the same. Ironically enough, they use others for their cause just as much as libfems do.
No. 739077
>>739044>>739049To be fair no one on here has to show proof, we’re all speaking out of our asses or with anecdotes lmao
Anyways, I honestly agree with anon, radfem communities are basically an irrational hate space.
Some if not most of them always dissect the legitimacy of a bisexual, if you like men or prefer men while you’re bisexual, you aren’t a “true bisexual.” They also disagree with thinking that their sexuality is basically a “preference” when that is how a sexuality is supposed to be. You prefer the opposite or same sex, and sometimes that is subject to change, that’s what makes studying homosexuality so hard to understand. Is it biological starting at birth, hormones, sociological? No one knows and definitely radfems are not ready to start spitting out those certain facts.
They aren’t very accepting of those who are questioning, you are either a pure gay or you’re a fraud. They accuse anyone who is questioning or who doesn’t embrace their retarded view of what a true LGBT “cultured” person is, especially a female, of doing performative bisexuality or being a political lesbian. They also agree with the conservative viewpoint that being a Muslim must = oppressive culture, child marriage, stoning, etc. Those exist and are very pervasive in some countries where Islam is the predominant country, but they forget to notice that maybe Islam has different sects and not everyone of them supports extremist theocratic law, but I’m not religion expert. People have varying differences with religion.
They claim to want women to have a voice and to speak it very loudly, but they never even ask other women about their viewpoint, especially Muslim women. And when they do, they will claim them as brainwashed or if these women aren’t mentally clear enough to come forward with their own experiences or competent enough to see that they are just simply brainwashed from the patriarchy or something so just let the smart and cool radfems think for you!!!
The list goes on and on and it’s exhaustive.
No. 739081
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>>739077Hey look, we've come full circle and are arguing about Islam again!
No. 739084
>>739077samefag but also another point
They assume anyone who says fuck white woman they, with their worm brains, assume it must be an excuse to be misogynistic because it has the word white before woman. They totally ignore the history of feminism not being intersectional to begin with, the impact that white feminists/women have on other minority women, just are you seeing how annoying this is? Ranting like a schizo is making me realize that they are dumb as fuck
No. 739128
>>739084It literally
is an excuse to be misogynistic. A ton of woke incels in disguise say "fuck white women" when they mean "fuck women in general" and couldn't give less shits about women of other backgrounds. It's not some evil racist radfem psyop, it's a real thing.
No. 739164
I've been reading PUA stuff over the past few days due to excessive boredom, and honestly, some of the tips (and only the tips) they give don't even seem that bad. Sure, the language they use and the intentions are often terrible, but the advice on a general basis doesn't seem all too bad. Or rather, judging from the stuff I've been digging up, it's something that I thought would come naturally to people. Just stuff like "Don't be vague in your plans", "Be confident", "Show yourself in a good light", "Keep it lighthearted", "Don't put on pressure", "Stop with the self-deprecating humor"… Just seems like the guys trying to apply it are too stupid and lack the delicacy and tact to get it down right (but then again, there's gotta be a reason why they'd need a step by step instruction on how to talk to women, so that's no surprise). Again, their goal of being a Xx_pussyslayer_69_xX and just finding a warm body for the night no matter who it is and the example conversations they post make you cringe inside out with how over-the-top it is, but if you tone it down (by a lot) some of what I've read seems like solid advice. kinda scared of sound like an invader scrote right now with how i'm trying to show it in a not completely negative light, help lmao
No. 739170
>>738977This is what happened to me over the years. Places like reddit ignited what felt like a fire of rage, bitterness and resentment for "normies" and men. You could say something like "that was sexual harassment and it's wrong" and scrotes would jump to attack you and explain to you why it's not actually bad for wxyz reasons. It was maddening seeing how objectified women were on there openly for just existing. Before reddit I didn't know how hatefully sexist the normal world really was to be honest.
It wasn't until reading LCF did I feel like my unfiltered bittneress had a place to go and people that felt the same and wouldn't chase me off for saying men are bad because they are men and wouldn't call me a bad person for not thinking SW is a progressive amazing career. The want to vent to the void went down considerably when I was able to read the opinions of other women that didn't make me feel like I was the only one who felt so angry about "society" and the way they were treated in it.
No. 739183
>>739164The problem is that it's innocent on the surface but has a darker underside. Jordan Peterson is also right, you should clean your room, but he still brings women down.
PUAs are right in that you can only be social by actually
being social and getting experience, but a lot of them still keep score on how many women they manage to "numberclose" (get phone number) or "kissclose" (self-explanatory), so it becomes quantitative instead of qualitative. They still grade women on looks.
It's probably down to a lot of "losers" being autistic nerd types that try to "script" real life, and think that they should have exact lines and inputs return the same value back (sex and love). But it's not like their instructors aren't encouraging it.
No. 739222
>>739218It is cope and all that does is perpetuate misogyny. They sound like the same type of people who would say ugly people lie about being sexually assaulted because dudes don't unironically touch uggos.
>sCuMmY dUdEs HaVe StAnDarDs!!1!Fuck off. No they don't.
No. 739223
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>>738915>>738859I'm active within the community and I genuinely think you didn't look hard enough because my twitter timeline is full of radfems who care more about other causes like the sex industry or womanist feminism.
>>739128>>739182Agreed, as a white woman I think we need to do more for
WOC in feminism. However the "fuck white women" agenda is always from white men or just men in general who want an excuse to hate on women for being 'bitchy'. If you lurk enough on tranny twitter you'll see that it's also a bunch of straight white dudes ("transbians") with crossdressing fetishes that are also similarly saying "fuck white women" while ignoring that they're fundamentally white men themselves. They also use other groups' oppressions to discredit radfems which is so ingenuous because they literally don't give a single fuck about these groups. They always reach for various oppressions to demonize women who are speaking out against their own self-interest as men who want to take away women's rights.
This is the group that cries about how the billion dollar lobby advancing trans rights is an antisemitic conspiracy, but then also says shit like picrel. If anons seriously believe that radfems are to blame I really think you might need to look a little deeper because I'm personally not even invested in trans shit myself but I like the community.
No. 739273
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>>739257What do you listen to, anon? What do you think more women should listen to?
>inb4 you choose not to answer out of shame No. 739299
>>739296Yes nefeli there are people non-white in this world
>>739257Anon what's your opinion on Grimes, no aggro pls I'm just genuinely curious you seem like the type to have interesting taste in music
No. 739301
She can actually sing, not whispering like Billie Eilish. Are you like 17 and only heard one song by her where she screamed and then decided her music is for pretentious people? Lol
No. 739308
>>739301She sounds like a European halsey. She has presence and energy but she just does not have a very good voice, she’s not great but she’s not bad either. She could be a great performer, that’s the difference.
I was going to say to as well that’s related to my rant
>>739299 I feel like grimes is a better singer but also has the similar vibe of bjork that specific people are able to enjoy, I just simply can’t. It’s a matter of taste and what you’re willing to tolerate when it comes to valuing a singer’s voice and skill.
No. 739313
>>739308You win the unpopular opinion award anon
>she sounds like a European halseyBjork walked so Halsey and Grimes could run.
>she just does not have a very good voice (…) I feel like grimes is a better singerI like Grimes too anon but see vid related
No. 739323
>>739313samefag but to add to this, I don't even think Grimes sets out to be an actual singer, she's more into exploring sound/beats/instruments
she's similar to Bjork because Bjork really experimented with her music, that's mainly why she's so well known now. She isn't going for clean/clear vocals, I think it's more about getting the story/feeling across as well as experimenting with keys/other music and composition related stuff
Halsey's bland as shit and Billie is
very mainstream but she's an alright singer
Before I get called out for being a pretentious Bjork fan, I never got that into her music, it's just completely stupid to say that "she's a European Halsey", when it's more like Halsey is an American Bjork (which is still kind of untrue because the genres are different but whatever)
repost because I'm an idiot and I posted the video again
No. 739324
I don't know what anons ITT are smoking, but basically none of the more current popular musicians have even been able to come close to any of the older "quirky girl" singers like Bjork, Kate Bush, Joanna Newsom, Tori Amos, etc.
Grimes has great production skills, but she can only do that high-pitched, echoed baby voice and not much else (struggle vocals in quite a few live performances), Billie doesn't really sing or produce (she's just there for the aesthetic I guess), and Halsey is just a long, overly drawn-out joke from Tumblr. It'd even make slightly more sense to bring Miley Cyrus into the ring.
You're comparing full course meals to Lunchables. It actually hurts a little bit to see these comparisons, like it's such a fucking gap in talent and creativity that it's embarrassing. Bjork is a European version of this? Please…
No. 739344
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The people who complain about being single and hating Vday are worse than any couple on this day. You never hear the end of it, as if two people holding hands is a crime against us singles. Bitch I don't need a s/o I need friends period
No. 739347
>>739341amen and don't forget categorizing everything either. got to overanalyze our mental problems (newsflash everyone's got them, it's not special) and our identities so we can slap a label on it and feel
valid and special.
No. 739366
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Men never make sense when they post like this. If this was true why do so many men spill up to millions of dollars over designer old cars? Why are there so many men willing to pay hundreds for vintage lego sets and other toys? On top of that I've never seen a man bitch about clothes not being new enough lmao. They will really say whatever they can to make women feel bad
No. 739370
>>739324 >>739328I’m the bjork hater
I came to this conclusion because I just recently discovered Kate Bush and her music, that’s why I’m talking shit about bjork lmao
I wanted to use relevant examples because the execution of their styles are all different, but they still all have that quirky appeal to their voice, and yes we get it nostalgia anon zoomer musical artists can never be as good or deep as your music waifu
sike No. 739371
>>739366Reading this just makes me think "Precisely. That's why I want nothing to do with ugly, old balding men".
Not sure why so many women internalized "the wall" when the men who talk the most about it are living examples of it hitting males far harder.
If we choose to use this logic, a MILF will still always be of higher value than some crusty old scrote, especially one with no money. Men really can't win. They're the disposable sex, only as good as their physical fitness/genetics, the quality of their sperm and the services they provide to the actually valuable half of humanity (women).
No. 739378
>>739370Did you find Kate Bush through Tik Tok, kek?
It's not even nostalgia, really. It's just that the only artists who do it on their level are probably FKA Twigs and maybe Sevdaliza.
Billie Eilish and the rest of the cringy teenybop faves just need to get good. Don't really know how else to put it.
No. 739408
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>>739366I just went to this sub for the first time and these bitches are based af
No. 739430
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>>739408That’s so fucking cute and based.
No. 739519
>>739174I really don't, it was a genuine question. How can you prove this beyond your feelings and speculation?
Also, screeching "bad faith" to shut down dissent reeks of Twitter.
No. 739599
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Look I know nlogs are cringe as shit and that this meme is something that needs to die, because I love all women and more power to the female sex and what not. But whenever I see these cumbrained bimbo escorts, onlyfans cosplay egirls, rupaul kintard queerio fakebois, and gamer girl poltard pickmes, I can safely say: I'm very glad I'm NOT like other girls. I love simple, silly and genuine women.
No. 739615
>>739610What if I told you I also hate the aesthetic? People who follow aesthetics seem like boring spergy sheep to me, and I just really hope it's not a cope for lack of personality
However, I'm saying this as someone who used to be very into aesthetics in my teen years, until I understood that it's just better to look nice being yourself
No. 739623
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>>739620Right?? If you don't look like this, those girls act like you're nothing. It's just a male ideal of validation and attractiveness
No. 739714
>>736675>mothers would cover for their husbands molesting their daughters or deny everything or blame it on the daughterThat's a sad truth, some mothers do this.
>Straight women are genetically programmed to prioritise blablablabla…Now you just went full retarded, this is a scrote argument. Very disgusting if you think like this and you're a woman.
No. 739718
>>739716Not really since she's a woman exclusive bi woman, but febfem-anon is still gross anyway (if they're not a troll, that is). This anon
>>737622 said it perfectly lmao. It reeks of a self-hating bi woman
which is a shame. we're supposed to be cool and amazing, and she's over making the posts she's making No. 739796
>>739790I think people use the term generational trauma too losely nowadays, but it is a real term
Just think of how some parents beat their kids and they go on to beat their kids
No. 739797
>>739795I don't think it works like that, it's more like, the big trauma that your parents and grandparents might have had is still in your genes
Like how years after the holocaust and famine we suddenly have a lot of obesity
No. 739803
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>>739797Yeah because grandparents taught parents that you gotta appreciate all the food coming your way and parents teach children the same; reading up on it a bit now and while it's a real thing it seems like it's not genetic but taught.
No. 739842
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the thread in
>>>/ot/737223 made realize one of the biggest flaws of this website
i really dislike the anons who want to consistently drown each other in conversations about the fluffy sugar honey smelling chemicals they slather on their bodies and their vaginas that rot away your hormonal balance, their sex talk and weird desires with men that are incredibly milkish, their boring work a day experiences with their lame boyfriends /friends/family and other offtopic gossip about their lives, but when other anons that want to express their interests that don’t revolve acting like a stacy skinwalk with vajayjay douches and plastic surgery penny thoughts are now qualified as a scrote or a tranny.
the absolute irony
people finally use the offtopic board to not talk about things that these people accuse trannies of fetishizing of being “real gurl tingz”, an actual interesting thread and of course we now have derailing annoying faggotettes who want to ruin the fun. As always
No. 739853
>>739850douching can sometimes fuck up your ph level = it’s not good for your downstairs
please stop acting dumb
>>739845you can call me whatever you want lol, just trying to point out the hypocritical behavior on this website that always seem to ruin slightly interesting threads
No. 739855
>>739842if you go into a thread about skincare with this cannonball of an attitude, of course youre not going to fit it retard. find another thread and leave them to it. do you have advanced autism?
find another thread to talk about how you hate being girly, its okay, there are more of you out there
No. 739857
>>739853>please stop acting dumb Anon, what!? You literally did not say anything about douching in that op post. How the fuck was I supposed to know? And still, why wouldn't it be the douching that's rotting away your PH, not your vagina itself. I'm sorry I couldn't telepathically see the deeper meaning in your schizo post, ma'am.
Anyway, if you go into that thread you'll see many anons telling other people that their interests are not "scrote-like" at all. And as for other threads, anons are allowed to talk about shit that happens in their everyday life, even if you think it's too "girly".
No. 739863
>>739842>>739853Thing is, while you're not wrong about certain individual things, like for example "thngs that would get you labeled as scrote" thread which is annoying AF and enforces categorization, it's sad to see such strong anti-feminine stance. It's possible to enjoy skincare, discuss mundane life events and have more specific unique hobbies, neither of these making a person better or worse than others. Obviously, in the skincare thread people will discuss skincare, and in work thread they'll discuss regular work life, what else would you expect. Of course if you have a niche hobby it would be less likely for you to find someone to discuss it with because it's niche and this place is not dedicated to it. Doesn't mean every thread is bad because of it.
And tbh, while I dont read 100% of what's written on LC otherwise I'd go insane probably, as for
>douching can sometimes fuck up your ph level = it’s not good for your downstairsI've never seen anyone promoting using perfumed products on genitals here, worst would be anon spawning discussion about bleaching maybe, and I've seen plenty of times anons reminding others about importance of using neutral PH products actually so I have no idea where is this bizarre argument coming from.
No. 740144
>>740131there's people who've mostly "recovered" from depression but still get depressive episodes, can be every few months or once a year even. It's true there are usually influences like you said but some people bring their lives to normalcy and can never be completely depression-free. I really think it is a condition
nonny if it's the disorder, but what you said are influences and I don't know if anybody doubts that (except sites like tumblr)
No. 740205
>>740131 and would just like to clarify that i'm not this anon
>>740147 >>740171. And concerning the evidence of neurotransmitter levels altering, that doesn't mean that depression is caused by neurotransmitter levels. isn't it possible that their brain chemistry changes as a result of being depressed?
No. 740206
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>>739842>>739853>that thread>interestingAll they're doing is talking about their nasty fetishes and waifufaggotry. It was shit from the start and should've stayed locked.
No. 740261
>>740250i'm ESL so sorry about not having the best spelling lol.
also would just like to say that i did not say that depression wasn't real. i just said that i don't think it's a mental disorder because it is mostly caused by having a shitty life.
No. 740352
>>740338You're looking extra sexy, awesome, and cool today, anon!
>>740344Yes, but you're the only exception ♥
No. 740540
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>>740528zoomers do this, of course ppl will complain
No. 740586
>>740584>"gen Z will change the world and turn the planet woke!"They said that about millenials and look at the world lol
The only thing they have accomplished is making the internet more unbearable. I hate their woke shit.
Also, generations thread is over here:
>>>/ot/594715 No. 740628
>>740584I hate people who cry how woke and anti-capitalism gen Z are, not only do I personally not feel that much of a difference between our generations (then again I'm a young millenial/zillenial), but I'm also wondering why people say this when zoomers are always the ones hustling online and trying to profit off of hobbies. Everything has to fit an aesthetic for them and everything is for sale.
Sure, millenials are annoying with their hipster companies and other bullshit but it's still better than reselling plastic tchotchkes from Wish and "wall collage kits" that are just bundles of printable pictures you found on pinterest.
No. 740665
>>740659i agree, especially when it comes to men being teachers or gynecologists. they're guaranteed creeps 99% of the time.
>>740660that was horrifying. i've wondered if there's any sort of thing you can sign that says you don't consent to having male caretakers in case you ever end up in a situation like that
No. 740668
>>740659Agreed. In general, giving men the same liberties and trust as women is a huge mistake.
Also, I'm genuinely starting to believe that having excessive testosterone and a Y chromosome partially disables a person's capacity for reason. If they weren't also physically stronger, anyone would see the mental deficiencies and want to do something. Personal choice, nurture and individuality all play a role, yes, but we also need to acknowledge how their biology plays a role IMO. In literally every society, they are the main ones to cause problems and bring violence. How can that be a coincidence?
No. 740704
>>740131oh dear, another bad opinion and possible bait
but actually I sort of agree with you, but you have the wrong idea about depression
there is some gigantic division between psychologists and academic shrinks about whether or not mental illness is genetic or environmentally influenced, but it’s clear that mental illness can be influenced by both
some people have depression in their family lineage, but could it be that the family member with depression who chooses to have a child perpetuate an environment for the kid to develop depression or was it innately in them to begin with?
plus a lot of people who claim they are depressed usually aren’t, there’s a lot of things that decide what depression is versus temporary and fleeting sadness, usually how long the depression is and the symptoms
there is an all time high of depression and anxiety because of the ambiguity of where the world is going, the increasing erosion of mental health understanding, people who are being isolated and alienated (generation Z is more afflicted by this), unstable economy. i don’t think it’s what the public and media normally consider depression to be, turning you into some lazy melancholic idiot who sleeps all day in your room because of the hollowing emptiness, that’s clinical depression I think
I think people confuse their sadness with depression where it’s probably just some weird overarching attitude in western society to constantly be manic and get rid of the unpleasant feelings in our lives by being degenerate and indulgent as fuck, and then when the dopamine and excitement ends we crash very hard into a period of sadness and regret
No. 740717
>>740659Big agree. Caretaker here with male coworkers and even if they aren't creeps, they lack the empathy and gentleness required for the job. They're really only good for some muscle.
>>740665You absolutely can, but you better hope you get placed into a good facility that will still respect those wishes when your loved ones aren't around to check.
I'd rather my family just let me die than keep me in a state like that tbh, and working in facilities definitely reinforced that choice.
No. 740726
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>>740724Preach, sis. I think the shape of them were so unique and weirdly futuristic for the period. They look cool.
No. 740732
>>740704I don't entirely agree with you, but
>there is an all time high of depression and anxiety because of the ambiguity of where the world is going, the increasing erosion of mental health understanding, people who are being isolated and alienated (generation Z is more afflicted by this), unstable economyThis is a point that's often overlooked when talking about increasingly common mental illness. There's quite a few studies confirming that several mental disorders (not just depression and anxiety, but things like schizophrenia as well) highly correlate with urban living and irregular daily routines. I believe that the current world economy and modern first world city life are so far removed from how humans are 'supposed' to live that mental illness is a logical consequence. Getting bombarded with stimuli, noise, crowds, etc from an early age, burning out your dopamine system with easy quick satisfactions, a social community that is increasingly impersonal with a sheer scale that's intuitively impossible to comprehend… shit ain't healthy.
I'm just as dependent on the internet and modern living as the next guy, but I don't think society is really meant to operate on a scale this huge.
No. 740856
>>740850Some women just want to love their children, also unless that child becomes the CEO of a big oil company how much harm can a single person really make? Just raise the baby enviormentally concious.
>>740845I wouldn't definetely have a child right now, but after being anti-havingchildren for so many years and now being in my mid 20's I kinda am so-so about having one in the future. I definetely think the world is fucked and I keep thinking to myself how my child wouldn't even have a good life.
No. 740859
>>740850>>740845Guys, we are in this position now
because the majority of people only have kids when two horny losers fucked without thinking past their orgasm. Honestly, for the vast majority of people having a baby is, as a matter of fact, either an unplanned accident or a trap. This is the reason why most shotgun relationships/marriages fail too, because the parents who rushed to fuck made a baby before they took the time to find out if they were compatible, if they wanted kids, would be good parents, or could afford it.
People who become good parents almoat never have it randomly happen to them like a happy accident where everyone lives happily ever after in a suburb as a family. 9 out of 10 people on this earth exist only because two horny idiots wanted to bareback & couldn't comprehend any real consequences to it. Stupid, selfish people breed 10:1 compared to smart, responsible people.
No. 740863
>>740852Did you miss the
>Women shouldn't have to care for mentally ill faggots who abuse them and ruin their life just because "muh motherhood uwu", fuck societyPart?
I come from a household where my grandma had a mentally ill child and her life was ruined because she had to take care of him, and he also ruined my dad's life and my mom's life too. I have an
abusive brother with mental problems as well, and he has done so much shit to me, you have no idea how hard it is to live in a household with constant screaming from a retard. He's also very mysoginistic. But my mom always touches her heart when it comes to him and forgives him. I just don't know how you can do that everytime, if I had a mentally ill child abusing me and my daughter with constant threats and shit I would just let him go away. You don't know anything until you live with it. I love being ableist with mentally ill schizo faggots for this reason.
No. 740866
>>740850Do you put this much pressure on people who already exist to care about climate change though? Anyway, it's big corporations that are fucking up the earth, what regular people are doing is small in comparison.
>>740833Abortion is enough imo. We should encourage women to abort children they don't want, killing actual babies is not ok. Women CAN give up their children for adoption as soon as they are born depending on where you live, but honestly I hate the idea of even more children in the system.
>>740863Anon, a lot of women don't have children that are that mentally ill, but you are also forgetting that mothers can be just as, or even more,
No. 740886
>>740878Because you're both at fault for doing the same exact thing. "Loving" your kids doesn't mean you can't be
abusive or neglect them, or sandbag their futures by being unwealthy (fuck it bc it's not just poor ppl struggling anymore) and unable to give them any and everything they may need
when and how they need it to grow up happy and healthy.
No. 740887
>>740878You're acting like you don't understand that catastrophe is literally happening right now and getting worse
The children born now won't
get to die of old age
No. 740889
>>740886>"Loving" your kids doesn't mean you can't be abusive or neglect themBut I won't do that anon. And before even having one, I want to be mentally prepared so this doesn't happen. Financially too.
>>740887I'm not going to have a child right now!
No. 740891
>>740888NAYRT but you're half right. Babies won't be capable of doing or fixing anything before it is wholly too late, you're literally arguing for being able to give birth to a baby who will grow up in a ruined hellscape
because you want to love something?. Please get a cat.
No. 740894
>>740892Sorry, I deleted it cause I tagged the wrong post but, that doesn't even mean he would come out
No. 740897
>>740894Samefag, lots of babies get choked by their umbilical cord. I doubt all of them came out
No. 740901
>>740889I understand, everyone
wants that, but literally almost
nobody ever gets it. Do you think that everyone before you simply didn't do what you're suggesting you'll do? They did, and some of them did okay, but most of them failed at least halfway and became bitter becsuse of it.
It takes a whole hell of a lot more than love, good intentions and common sense to actually successfully raise a healthy, happy baby properly. We live in a society that is literally invested in making sure it's impossible to do so without either government or religious interference- but that's another issue re: infantilizing and financially crippling an entire generation so the economic slate can be wiped clean later.
No. 740903
>>740897>>740894Anon you underestimate how fucking hard is having a child that is mentally ill. It really is fucking hard, you don't know until you live with it
And I know some anon will pull out a "my uncle had x disease and he was a sweetheart" card. But seriously, just having a kid like that means you will uninentionally neglet the other kid you have. It's hard.
No. 740906
>>740899So what will you do when your child asks you why you had it despite ample evidence that it would suffer so much before it died young?
Anyone who had a kid after fall and spring all but stopped happening are like people who know they're dying from Huntington's disease but have children anyway, how is that not cruelty to the child?
No. 740910
>>740899It's also selfish to assume you'll be a better mother than all other mothers before you based on only your best wishes and, from your posts,
really really wanting it. Like… Do you really think that all it'll take is one mom who loves her kid enough? That mommy-maid logic breeds serial rapists and killers.
No. 740911
>>740908nta, they are
going to suffer
They are going to suffer more than any generation before
No. 740912
>>740903I literally grew up with an
abusive mother. I know how hard it is, believe it or not you're not the only person in the world who has
abusive family members. That doesn't have anything to do with what I said though. An umbilical cord choking a child does not mean they will come out
abusive or mentally ill, and you cannot tell if they will be
abusive while they are a baby. That's not a
valid excuse for infanticide
>>740906>so what will you do when your child asks you why you had it despite ample evidence that it would suffer so much before it died young?Nta, but who the fuck asks that
No. 740914
>>740912Well I still ain't having a retard child even if "they come off not
abusive" they're a fucking handful
No. 740915
>>740912Someone dying of famine or plague asks that, which is what's going to happen
Why can't you answer the question?
No. 740924
>>740914And once again, a child having the umbilical cord wrapped around their neck does not mean they will be retarded, mentally ill, or
abusive. Afaik it's actually even harmless and only happens during the birth process.
>>740915>Why can't you answer the question?I'm not even the person you replied to. Why don't you tell this to people who are actually pregannt
No. 740929
>>740924anti-natalist chan will go up to pregnant women and be like "DON'T YOU SEE YOUR CHILD WILL BE A RAPIST" "HE WILL DIE OF THE PLAGUE" and everyone will clap in agreement
>>740925Ok nta, here's your awnser:
I won't make my child be an insecure piece of shit that has to scream "WHY WAS I BORN"
>>740927it was a joke sis
No. 740930
>>740908>>740913>>740912This breedtard in here being facetious as fuck for the hell of it I guess?
The point everyone is trying to make, is that as "shitty" as things are now,
they are guaranteed and proven by science to be getting much worse, irreversibly, and very fucking quickly. Not even just the environment, either-the economy, our food, this fucking pandemic. The world you live in today, right now, is the end phase of the life you are used to living fizzling out and dying in front of your closed eyes. This is not the life you will be giving your child- you will be working so much harder for so much less, and your kid won't have the first clue how great it was when
you were a kid because, despite what you seem to fully believe, that way of life is gone and wont be back in under 15 years.
No. 740932
>>740930People have been saying this for generations and I'm sure people said this in WW2 as well. Let people make their choice, they're not even your children so why are you so pressed?
>breedtardsJust say you hate women.
No. 740934
>>740933>Especially people who probably sit in some kind of doomer echo-chambers all day.This, fuck doomers, they only bitch and bitch without even helping society out lol
And no screaming to the void is not helping
No. 740940
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>>740917nice, hoping they look this badass by then
No. 740941
>>740929If it's a joke then why the fuck do you want to force your own child to live through what's to come?
At least the fucking morons who don't believe it have the excuse of being too stupid to understand what they're subjecting their children to
No. 740947
>>740933Not any of the anons in here but I also find anti-natalists super irritating.
Someone from here said that people hate children so much because they feel like they're not allowed to hate anyone else these days. The same people who hate children are the same woke people on twitter who whiteknight screech at anyone for being "offensive" to their
POC, trans, lgbtq+ culture.
No. 740957
>>740947>The same people who hate children are the same woke people on twitter who whiteknight screech at anyone for being "offensive" to their POC, trans, lgbtq+ culture.Unironically this, hating children is woke for some reason
I hope people who hate children are immature at best
>>740950Now that's some retarded take
No. 740960
>>740956>I'm despairing for someone's future!!!Wtf then go find a hobo and help him get a job then
Even better, go find an orphanage and give money to the children!
No. 740964
>>740960>>740958My entire argument has been
>the children born now and in the future are doomed to suffer worse than any generation before themHow is this hard to understand?
I don't think it's okay to have a child that you know for sure is going to suffer
Like if you knew your child would be born without lungs, you shouldn't have that child
And, jfc, to be even more clear, yes I blame the dads too, more so
No. 740977
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>>739842This anon is so fucking right you'd hate to see it lol
>i really dislike the anons who want to consistently drown each other in conversations about the fluffy sugar honey smelling chemicals they slather on their bodies Unironically, she's so right here. I dislike skincare culture because honestly everything just has a bunch of alcohol in it and that dries your skin and makes it wrinkly in the long run. Better use something natural. Also too much fragance in a product can cause allergies! Also the way people use chemical peels just tips me off, I feel like more research should be done about them because putting such a strong chemical on your body must be damaging in the long run right?
>and their vaginas that rot away your hormonal balanceWhoa there, that's a bit harsh but she's actually right. You shouldn't put products on your vagina, just wash it off with plain soap with no fragance. Very important
>their sex talk and weird desires with men that are incredibly milkishMy god this so much. I've even seen girls into vomit in this website. It just reminds me of Nemu so much lol
>but when other anons that want to express their interests that don’t revolve acting like a stacy skinwalk with vajayjay douches and plastic surgery penny thoughts are now qualified as a scrote or a tranny.THIS. God, it's like we're not allowed to talk about anything. I hate when people police women on how they express themselves. They're not better than misogynistic men with their thought police lol.
No. 740982
>>740977She's not, imo. How often do you see anons talking about douching and washing their vagina or skincare here? And don't point to the vagina or skincare thread on g. Also, most things will not get you labeled a scrote here unless it's like, porn-y or genuinely something a scrote would say. Even then, I see anons talk openly about porn with no scrote accusations. Even in the "things that would get you labeled a scrote thread" there are a bunch of anons telling other anons that their interests are not scrote-like, and that it's ok for women to be interested in non-"feminine" things. If you want to talk about one of your interests, then do that. And wow, a site full of grown women who have sex has discussion about sex.
I'm not even mad, but I feel like this anon is painting this site as something it's not.
No. 740987
>>740982Everyone should just stop calling other women in here scrotes then, unless they're blalantly scrotes
I see so many people being accused of scroteism with no basis, it's kinda weird. Maybe they're just scrotettes but not male
No. 740988
>>740981Yeah! Kids should enjoy things aimed at kids lol
>>740983Lol love you
No. 740995
>>740981>>740972>>740963>>740957I hate kids, but I just… avoid them? If I'm at a theme park or some other place where being around them is inevitable, I don't get trigged by them unless they're being truly insufferable, but even then my thought process is more just taking it as further reinforcement of why I don't want children myself.
I used to be on the childfree sub, but I got pretty disenchanted with it. I think it's a really good resource in a lot of ways- extremely helpful info for sterilization, good place to vent about
valid shit to like-minded people, makes you feel less like a weirdo for not being baby crazy, etc. But there's definitely a pretty
toxic side to it, too, like you guys pointed out. I really can't stand people who make hating a kids a personality trait and hate that they're expected to be civil toward children and parents. It's gross.
No. 741036
>>740863I agree with you, but the same thing for people with developmental disorders as well
Suddenly these people get an excuse to do anything to you because “plz don’t be mad they have autism/BPD/adhd/etc they can’t help it try and treat them the same with respect!!!” and then the same people contradict themselves by getting mad when you finally place normie responsibility and accountability on them and hold a grudge against them for having unbearable personalities. I live with a family member (scrote btw) with comorbid mental illness and autism, and I can attest the same with you that it’s not fun it’s very demoralizing, sometimes scary and mentally draining having to think that these obligations will snap and kill you and the rest of your family, it’s so crazy to think about. In order to prevent this, there should be some degree of eugenics but most people can’t come to terms with this.
No. 741038
>>741005All toddlers can be annoying but in my experience they're not all that bad.
I've known plenty of toddlers who were never really noisy and just liked to sit and play or draw by themselves. Even one that was almost cartoonishly sweet, going outside to pick dandelions to give to her mom all the time and stuff. I think with toddlers it's kind of the same as with children, by far not every kid is of the 'running around while yelling and chasing the cat' variety, yet that's the image most people have of kids.
Honestly maybe your sister is a great mom and they're just little shits, but if her triplets are that attention seeking and mean, it makes me think the way they're being raised is at least partly to blame.
No. 741046
File: 1613507548136.jpg (22.92 KB, 708x276, EuC3vMnXUAcWnhl.jpg)

If the apocalypse happens and I decide to be a beautiful smart amazing talented mother I'm just gonna show this to my kids and tell them being a doomer sucks, they'll hopefully understand
>>741039kek anon
No. 741047
>>741038>attention seeking and mean, it makes me think the way they're being raised is at least partly to blame.This
It's not the fault of toddlers for bein a bit annoying when they're hungry or whatever. If they're attention seeking hellspawns though, they need better parenting
No. 741051
>>741048>It's not my sister, it's the fact that they're unfortunately all boys.I mean, fuck scrotes
But if they're raising them to be little scrote shits, because "boys will be boys" then yes it's bad parenting, don't you think? but fuck, I would never have a boy.
No. 741055
>>741032I don't think childhate is much of a gen Z thing, more like a millenial thing because most of them are well into child bearing age.
Gen Z paints it's targets with being racist, transphobic or any other kind of marker to make bullying them possible, even if their only sin is pissing one of these twitterkids off.
No. 741057
>>741036>“plz don’t be mad they have autism/BPD/adhd/etc they can’t help it try and treat them the same with respect!!!” and then the same people contradict themselves by getting mad when you finally place normie responsibility and accountability on them and hold a grudge against them for having unbearable personalities.My god, this, this so much.
>In order to prevent this, there should be some degree of eugenics but most people can’t come to terms with this.I love me some eugenics and sterilization. No won't elaborate.
No. 741063
>>741059Then just chain them to a tree or burn their toys or something idk
I'm sure there's effective ways to raise 3 dumb toddlers. I feel bad for your sister though
No. 741080
>>741036Yep. It's good to accomodate people with developmental disorders to a reasonable extent. Giving a kid with ADD more time to complete an exam, giving an autist a heads up when their schedule is going to change, stuff like that is fine. But when their disorder becomes an excuse for every mistake they make and they are never punished or made to face the consequences of their actions, they're just going to become selfish shitheads who never feel the need to grow up.
We don't even need eugenics to solve that if we just stop coddling them and let them face the same difficulties anyone needs to go through. If the likes of Chris Chan learn early on that adulthood means either keeping track of bills and working a job, or becoming homeless and not being able to buy sonic figurines, they would get with the program soon enough. As someone who has a lot of experience with disordered people in protected/assisted living, these people have zero obligations or tasks and it invariably makes them a shittier person.
No. 741087
>>741073>Sims 2 is not as good as sims 3How dare you.
Seriously though, what makes you prefer TS3? A lot of people probably want different things out of a Sims game, so it makes sense that no specific installment suits everyone best.
No. 741104
>>741080My exes brother is autistic and functions well on his own because his parents never coddled him and were very strict with him from a young age. Perhaps he doesn't have a very balanced diet, but otherwise he's relatively self-sufficient and even has a job he's been at for years. He's even more successful than my ex because he can apply himself and wasn't spoiled rotten growing up.
However, people with more difficult disabilities to handle can be straight up dangerous yet people coddle them regardless and don't make the right arrangements when they're still young. I'm not even gonna go into the problem of people like this being alive in the first place, which I don't think they should be, but if they are at least don't turn your NT kid into a forever babysitter or allow your tard to attack women on the street.
No. 741107
>>741068>White chocolate is the worst chocolate, right next to whatever shit they put in chocolate icecream~30% milk chocolate = dark chocolate > white chocolate > the shit they put in chocolate ice cream = the shit they put in chocolate sauce > Hersheys/American "milk chocolate"
>tfw googled cocoa percentages and just found out that EU laws state milk chocolate has to exceed 20% cocoa while US milk chocolate only has to be more than 10% cocoa>always disliked imported US chocolate but thought it was just the HFCS>now realize it's just because there's barely any cocoa in thereSo I guess that's my unpopular opinion, American chocolate is garbage and I can't believe anyone actually eats that.
No. 741126
>>741087Well, in all fairness I did grow up with TS3, but couple of the things I like about it are
>Better graphics (obvious)>Better/more cc>OPEN WORLDOne of the things that keep me from playing TS2, and why I won't go farther than CAS with TS4 is the fact you don't have an open world. I want to be able to click around and have my sim go anywhere. Yes it may cause more lag, but it's worth it for the immersion imo. I also love the little collectibles
>Better worlds>Better personality costumizerI literally feel like half the things in the personality section in CAS for TS2 don't do shit. With ts3, their traits reflect a lot better, and their personality isn't decided by which zodiac sign they have.
>Better packsThe expansion packs are simply better. I always have some shit to do in sims 3. I have not felt that way with TS2. TS2 always just feels kinda boring to me
Overall, I'm taking the long as hell load times in TS3 cause it means better gameplay than both TS2 and TS4. It's worth it
No. 741196
>>741152I don't live at home because I have an
abusive mother, but also I enjoy having my own space where I can do what I want, decorate how I want, own pets, walk around naked, not have to ask anyone else for permission to do anything. Having a place for yourself is great.
No. 741199
>>741126That's fair. The open world especially was really nice. I've always been really put off by how the Sims themselves looked in TS3 though. While it had objectively higher quality graphics I thought many of the design and style choices were uglier compared to TS2.
That being said, I'm a micromanaging type of Sims player, so I always hated the real time thing in 3 where Sims you aren't playing still age. Most of all though, I absolutely adored the sheer amount of detail in TS2. Every Sim had a lifelong memory and they'd talk about experiences they had with other Sims and even dream about them! That really made it feel like events were meaningful in the long term. They would have better conversations if it happened to be about a subject they were interested in.
Not to mention all the little animations. A sloppier Sim would fart and laugh about it, a neat one would have better table and cutlery manners, Sims in a relationship would cuddle while sleeping, stuff like that. And then there's the insanely elaborate cooking animations that were different for every dish, and how if they played chess it was always a real game you could follow. That made it a joy to just look at, imo.
I grew up with TS2 though so I mighted be biased from nostalgia. Sorry about the sperg.
No. 741211
>>741200you seriously have to be a man role playing as a female
no one, not even the rabid smelly fujoshi anons would say something like that
No. 741226
>>741171You're right but
>Parents should be ultra strict with these peopleI think in most cases being too strict is bad for autistic kids as well. They might get the structure and discipline they need, but an overly strict upbringing can make it even harder to learn how to make your own decisions and live in the real world. Growing means falling and getting up, and people helping autists up before they get a chance to get up on their own is the problem. Being so strict you don't allow them to fall in the first place makes for people who finally start living on their own, fall once, and have no idea how to get up because they never did it before.
Might not be the best way to explain it but basically it's fine to not force your kid to start his school report on time, as long as you don't write it for hem when he comes crying about it the day before it's due.
No. 741228
>>741211>smelly fujoshiAnon you're the one who sounds like a scrote larping…
Also you're the reason why the cringe scrote-like thread exist, I bet it's just you calling others scrotes all the time
No. 741266
>>741244Why the fuck care? There's always someone out there who's going to disagree with your decisions, no matter what they are. So why let them live in your head rent free?
I don't see financially struggling homeowners posting here going 'reeee I hate people who live at home and dislike my lifestyle'.
No. 741283
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I really like Birkenstocks with socks. I don't have a pair of them but looks like this give me ultimate "too rich [and white] to give a shit" vibes. I wouldn't wear them out to dinner or anything but I feel like an airport fit with them and some jeans like picrel would be cute.
I also wanna see Blackpink Jennie do a look with them because I feel like she'd pull them off really well.
No. 741305
Slightly related to
>>741283 but I hate all open toed shoes with a passion. I just think it looks ugly and I want to be able to wear pantyhose or socks.
I will cling to my dingy pair of boots all summer long, sweat or no sweat.
No. 741315
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>>741283I thought it was acceptable to wear pantyhose with sandals? I can’t think off the top of my head about some fashion photo shoots, but I’ve seen quite a few of them with some stylish pantyhose.
I honestly think that as long as everything is of a good or decent quality, it might be a nice look.
No. 741343
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All men have undiagnosed autism because they believe that someone who functions outside of the workings of society by doing whatever the fuck he wants isn’t a textbook sociopath or potential psycho but a misunderstood emo male genius that surpasses us in every way. what an ubermensch, gross
No. 741364
>>741343I agree with you but the only reason incels online are jumping onto the sigma male thing is because they want to be able to call themselves something other than beta. They're all obsessed with social hierarchy bullshit, so they collected some antisocial traits that all of those autistic loser types identify with and made up a new type that's
even cooler than the alphas and woah he is literally me! It's like writing a Mary Sue self insert into your Harry Potter fan fiction and when she gets sorted it turns out that there was a secret 5th house all along! And it combines the best traits of all houses! And it's super special and rare and only my self insert who is just like me fits into it!
Also it plays into the weird inferiority/superiority combination these scrotes often have. Like, they're just about self aware enough to know they aren't alphas but they still think they are better and smarter than all the normie sheeple, so they can't possibly be lower than them on the hierarchy.
No. 741369
>>741343Sorry for the sperg but what I find the funniest about the sigma male concept is all the characters it's being compared to - these men have so little self awareness that they legitimately think they are just like Rick Sanchez or Tyler Durden or some shit. I might be wrong but I feel like women grow out of identifying with edgy genius protagonists at 14.
Additionally, none of them realize that the whole thing with the sigma male not caring about social contacts or their place in society and being a 'lone wolf' is straight up a description of schizoid personality disorder lmao
No. 741456
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>>741343This comment on that video had me dying tho
No. 741496
>>741344nobody was born with a male or female brain, the slight differences we sometimes see between men and women's brains are best explained by cultural/environmental pressure to fit the behavior/gender role culturally associated with your sex.
so, no, autism is not male brain syndrome, men are just allowed to get away with autistic social behavior more often.
I swear I'm not trying to gc sperg, just brain science and autism sperg No. 741612
i wish music subcultures came back. sure we have k pop and rap girl stanning but thats as far as it goes cause its not really a "lifestyle". the majority of lifestyle subcultures these days is based off of political extremism populated by autists, sexual fetishes, weebery, or video games. I wish official music subculture based lifestyles like goth, punk, metal, disco, b boy, funk, soul, jazz, ect all came back (also it was so much cooler)
No. 741616
>>741612They're called -core now
Like weirdcore, dollcore, etc. It's weird I know, I hate it too
No. 741631
>>741620Most stick to tumblr or small bubbles on 4Chan, really don't do much
And I agree with you, music and aesthetic sub cultures should come back
No. 741685
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>>741456I mean look at this shit, I literally searched sigma male incels and this showed up and made me fucking collapse holy shit LOL
No. 741741
>>741612The only subculture that's pretty well known is the "alt" types who listen to pop punk and mislabel it as emo.
I never got the notion of calling a style based on the year it was popular as derogatory. I've seen people view it as an insult to call something "sooo 2016," i think it's neat. When i think of something as 2006, I'm thinking of scene kid stuff and flip phones and people with the emo haircuts sitting in a corner with their face shoved into a blinged out Nintendo DS. it's so nostalgic, I love remembering these things. I wish the good parts of previous years never went out of style.
No. 741902
>>741759Honestly I wish this
wasn't an unpopular opinion. People are way too militant about headcanons.
No. 741973
>>741369>might be wrong but I feel like women grow out of identifying with edgy genius protagonists at 14.The female version is the edgelord 31 year old BDP tattooist that is still going on about the Columbine shooters and posting Harley Quinn and Joker stuff all over facebook. They're rarer, but they exist.
An actual "Sigma male" would be Ted Kaczynski, Philip K Dick or John the Baptist, and it's either induced by a mental disorder, an obsession over a certain subject or fanatic hermetism. Let the moids have their copes, this saves their ego and prevents them from realizing they're losers.
No. 742329
>>742307Lesbians don't like men
And while I understand the prefference for skinnier people, there's people who love a good bulky thigh too.
No. 742343
>>742307So you are saying that some lesbians and straight men are bisexual? Because they can easily NOT sleep with fat/bulky women there's different types of women.
If they want to sleep with feminine men, then they aren't lesbians and they aren't doing it because they lack options, they are doing it because they want too.
Also, lesbians don't like men and straight men don't like men, but people from these groups DO like sleeping with fat women, because they choose to do it/date them.
No. 742367
>>742307I've had sex with an effeminate gay guy once (both losing our 'gold stars' we had to essentially skip all foreplay because no way would I do that part but I got fucked from behind, he wore a condom and it lasted about 3 mins. It was ok.
I would chose that over getting up close and intimate with anyone in say the morbidly obese category. As long as I'm again not putting a penis in my mouth. Irl though people don't put a gun to your head to make you choose one of these situations thankfully lol. We'd be traumatised.
No. 742368
>>742363Yeah and straight women like me do not like women, and straight men do not like men, and gay men do not like women, yet I'd imagine most would still fuck someone pretty over gross regardless of their orientation. Why are lesbians magically different?
Nobody is talking about being attracted to or omg he is so hot lesbians go straight here, having sex with is not the same as wanting to fuck.
No. 742386
>>742307When are you guys going to stop letting bisexual men claim to be straight? It's a bad look, lmao.
Also, I've seen lesbians into bigger women.
No. 742419
>>742307If I have to choose between fucking a male feminine model or a fat woman, I'd fuck the fat woman gladly. I like tits and big tits have their charm too? And I have seen some big women who make my heart flutter, so no problem really. If she's very very obese and I can't find her pussy anymore, I'd still rather fuck her with a strap-on then, than fuck a dude. I might not be very attracted to her, but rather that than a dude.
Muscular/bulky women? Just because they aren't your cup of tea, doesn't mean they aren't others. Don't threaten me with a good time anon.
No. 742497
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niggers aren't human(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 742545
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>>742491I'm truly sorry that you'll never get to experience the guffaw this image gave me, anon.
No. 742570
>>742538Daycare kids are the absolute worse simply because they're not shown enough attention by their own parents and dumped in a daycare where it's them, 10+ other kids who need to share attention with like 3 adults that most of the time they're unable to properly bond with. IMO people shouldn't have children unless the grandparents, mom, father, whoever can properly give the 1 on 1 attention and education a child needs within the first few years of life.
On top of that most daycares have zero tolerance policies where they get punished if other kids bully them or something which really fucked them up as well. Put that on top of TV and video games melting their minds and no one disciplines them enough to know that GTA and all that shouldn't be replicated in real life
No. 742574
>>742386People like being shit on as well. The only time lesbians or straight men are ever into fat girls is because people around them told them too
>Inb4 that doesn't happen!!I knew several fat fetishists, two of them were only like that because their moms were fat and constantly put the country american thing of fat girls being better thing down their throat, one was like that because his mom was skinny and was
abusive and the only two body types where he lived were skinny and fat girls, and the chubby chasing lezzys I knew were like that because they were fat themselves
No. 742852
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chicken lollipops look terrifying and idk why or how chefs think this makes the meat look pretty, like are they fucking lying?
No. 742871
>>742855I'm not saying people aren't attracted to fatties, dipshit. It's a matter of fact that most people find it unattractive and the people who do find it attractive are usually just extremely mentally ill or brainwashed. Not a single person who is in a healthy state of mind is attracted to people who are more prone to fecal incontinence, clogged arteries and double chins.
>Well people being attracted to fatties happens but not really! Do you even know what you're talking about? Or are you just trying to infight for the sake of infighting?
No. 742879
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>>742871Oh yes? So if you think that survival instinct would make any person feel aversion to fatness, why stone age humans, arguably far more reliant of "survival instincts" than modern humans praised a body like this? Just say that society standards make fatness unattractive to you personally and go, it's okay to have personal tastes you know.
No. 742898
>>742879Ah yes. The times when people would practically poison themselves doing almost anything, kill each other, and rot their own teeth. Peak human intelligence
Anyway - fatties were worshipped in certain areas (not all, hence why most countries saw fit women as goddesses, not this one statue fatties love posting) because fat was seen as wealth. We are not living in that time anymore. If men need to reproduce desperately and have at least average intelligence then they naturally go for healthy women
If fat = men's top desirable taste naturally then why do women have the best luck of reproducing with healthy BMIs? Why do women have peak female hormones at healthy BMIs? Why are women with healthy BMIs simply more stronger and able to raise kids? We also live in a world where fat women tend to be the broke ones and skinny women tend to be the ones with money. The entire concept of fat worship in those countries back in the day was simply male gold digging. Trying to use that as "proof" all men secretly love fatties is pathetic,pressure%20(pre-eclampsia).
No. 742906
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>>742871>posts a video made by some greasy tinfoil scrote nobody as a source who makes video topics such as pic related>too aggressive >female imageboard Holy shit, not only are you super fucking retarded at covering up your blue cheese ball sweat male rage in this thread, but you are also wrong. Being fat is extremely unhealthy, but no one ever rightfully bullies fit bros and “nutritional guru galz” for being overly narcissistic and self-obsessed with their bodily image, bastardizing it into a moralized projection when someone dares to not join their healthy, fit and totally not quack shit all-meat diet. They become so deluded by their devotion of fitness they think that just because going to the gym and not having any other hobbies or skills rather than slapping their penis on a keyboard and calling it a day doesn’t make it a personality. While being overweight, fat, and obese is harmful to your health, so is excessively exercising and putting your body through constant tension and physical stress which is why there is so much exercise-related injuries. Humans aren’t made for constant leisure but they also aren’t made to be chomping on calorie dense salads and kitschy health foods and posting about how superior you are by working your body to death and decay by lifting weights.
No. 742907
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>>742879It exaggerates female traits associated with fertility. There are also a lot of statues from all over the ages of male figurines with MASSIVE phalluses, does that mean that was a realistic depiction or desire? Were they predicting hyperdick furries?
No. 742927
>>742909I didn't say it was everything it was who I know. Even back then men put limits on what was too thin. Any man who prefers a body that is too fat or too skinny is unhealthy and has fucked up views on women. I don't even know what you're trying to fight me about at this point
>>742916Most statues of goddesses had ab lines or at least looked decently toned
>>742922>Men who worshipped wealthy women were in it for the money>Hmm must be a moid who was obsessed with hypergamy and gender rolesYou bitches really do call everything you don't like moids huh
No. 742928
>>742917Reposting because don't want to samefag to add a bit.
Considering what pregnancy is, I don't see a problem with this interpretation. It's actually weird to me that looking at this statue some would see her as a fat lady before seeing her as a very pregnant lady.
No. 742936
>>742927Where are these indian and Chinese "goddesses" with ab lines? Persian and mesopotamian?
I like athletic body types but this was not a common beauty standard in many civilizations.
No. 742941
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>>742936Most Mediterranean depictions of aphrodite she looks toned. I also mentioned that most goddesses are toned not necessarily having ab lines. This includes basically all Mediterranean goddesses, all egyptian goddess, most native american goddesses, slavic goddesses, and east asian goddesses. Ill admit some statues have a bit of meat but at most they'll have like a small round tummy.
Hell even belly dancing was literally made by the arabs to tone the core because they believed it was better for babies
No. 742944
>>742937>Men liked fatties for wealth!Okay so that's gold digging not finding it actually physically attractive
>No not like that you moid they loved fatties>They didn't like it for wealthOkay then
No. 742947
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>>742934Samefag but you can find little fertility charms across many cultures throughout history. Sometimes it is a little venus like that one, a dude with an erection, or even disembodied genitalia. In ancient Greece for instance, many men would wear a little penis totem called a fascinus.
No. 742966
>>742907No hands, no feet, just dick
>>742956Would love this
No. 742969
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>>742941lmao yes slavic gods were depicted as toned af
XDDD No. 742971
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>>742969even XVIII century scholars made them soooo toned, mm
No. 743046
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>>743004I was just about to say the same thing. Fashion dolls generally have to use the same body mold so you can put any clothing set on any doll.
I like the designs for the original lineup of MH dolls, but the more recent ones (like ricrel) indicate that they're running out of design ideas. I don't collect these so I don't know what it's called, but I remember thinking the ghost one with translucent limbs was really cool.
No. 743053
>>742955I admitted men find fat women hot but said they're mentally ill. You would've known this if you read but you did not
>>742971>>742971Most americans would consider this anorexic lmfao
Another non-reader apparently who skipped over the part where I said some had a little tummy but not enough to claim fatness was attractive
No. 743106
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Sperging ahead but there is something so sad and haunting when a thread made about sam hyde, a nasty unfunny slightly predatory person gets completely derailed by nitpicking about his weirdo ex-creative partner’s kuwait wife or girlfriend. Talking about someone getting plastic surgery and editing isn’t milk at all. The nitpicking anons should get their heads out of 2007 where everyone was posting grainy uncompressed shitty pictures of themselves in myspace or livejournal that showed every pixel of their pores while rocking a cheap scene cut, it has now become common practice on the internet to edit your face/cover your face as much as possible in defiance of yourself. O don’t like anyone in his thread btw, it just becomes really depressing when women are much more attracted to tearing apart some woman barely anyone knows only as someone else’s married property rather than someone who potentially has more bones in their casket
No. 743167
>>742574>>742871>>742871>>742898>>743053Who cares? Why are you mad? Were you cucked by a fatty? Or just rejected by one, so then you went to jerk off to trannies and are now here to tell us (and yourself) that it's not degenerate?
I think being fat is unattractive too, but this shit is so trivial. Why does it hold emotional relevance to you?
>Ah yesFedora "Milady" type beat
No. 743388
>>743286this is unpopular? I'm shocked.
The idea of the cartoon was great and had extreme promise, but as you said it was ruined by all the edge. I think it would be awesome if it ended up being something like a protoBojack instead.
No. 743394
>>743360It would be a cycle, anon, people will use
cat then
cat will turn into a slur, people will change the word to something else, and it will turn into a slur and so on.
No. 743445
>>743440Way to miss the fucking point. So because im black and dont like using the "nigga" term that has been popularized by the extremely misogynistic, minstrel show that is modern hip hop to the point where its prevalent in any non black circles im racebaiting?
>some unfunny and extremely outdated term.Thats funny considering "nigga" has been used since the 60s and is an outdated leftover from gangsta rap music.
>>743406Its always non black people like you that gaslight other black people who dont like hip hop music or its culture. Youre pathetic
>>743453sadly it didn’t devolve into anything since the poor black anon got banned lol
no moar fun
No. 743605
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>>743526Preach! Don’t let the nlogs and scrotes ruin a great flavor!
No. 743661
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I don’t think family matters or that blood is thicker than water. I sincerely think people are memeing when they talk about the importance of “culture family and tradition”,I it doesn’t even matter if you come from a healthy and well-adjusted family, family members genuinely try to screw your chances at possible success and happiness. There are exceptions but this is probably why there will never be a turnover of our inevitable horrible future, we truly don’t want to carve out a decent outcome for the future generations we want to perpetuate the same misery and misfortune out of pettiness, pride and resentment at all levels just to be insufferable pricks
No. 743666
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Zoomers are not more immune to delusions than Boomers.
Every generation has their own specific cultural delusions that are seen as a bit off, but not crazy. The next generation see's these delusions as completely crazy.
Zoomers see Boomers delusions as crazy while ignoring their own cultural ideas which are equally crazy.
No. 743669
>>743661My husband's family tried to get him to walk out on me while I was pregnant after I got him a job that would've paid him twice as much as the regular salary for his field while sending him to post graduate programs and paying for it. Why? "Because I wasn't going to make a good mother" because they claimed me taking a nap after work meant I was mentally ill and that I was holding him back. After getting him an amazing job lmao. They then manipulated him into moving back home by claiming the grandpa is dying (a lie) and kept insulting me while demanding money from me. After that they said the best job he could get is a 30k per year job his uncle was going to hook him up with (he would've been making 90k with the job I got him but his family made him turn down)
They also tried to do the same to his mother too. Begging her to come live with them despite her having an apartment and doing well, stole her papers she needed for a job before she could go get it. Then sit around screaming at everyone for not having a perfect job and living with them. His grandpa is also an animal abuser and hurt animals enough to send them to the vet and refusing to reimburse the owners.
>Inb4 leave him and separateThis was all recently and we are pretty much set for moving out and he's cutting ties once we get our own place. I'm also not going to divorce someone just because their family is shit(as long as if they defend me and know their family is wrong) because mine is shit as well
No. 743681
>>743666Boomers and Zoomers are literally the same
>takes whatever is written on the web at face value>will bully you into conformity>outrage at anything>expects everyone to comply to their whimsreally, boomers are shit on for anything, meanwhile zoomers do the same things. Ppl shit on 'boomer Karens', meanwhile tiktok kids behave the same way
No. 743691
>>743661I've been struggling with this lately. My dad is getting old, he's the only parent I have left and I worry about him living hours away (neither me or my sibling can drive because of an inheritied condition) I worry about how either me or my bro could ever care for him when we each work and pay mortgages all in very different parts of the country to each other.
Then I realise I never bonded with my dad. I've always secretly known I don't love him. I've been through something so bad that usually your dad would step in and go nuts on someones ass… and I knew not to even bother telling him. When anything bad happens to me my dad says "it's your own fault, get over it" Thats his first response…not a response to constant crying over something but his split second response. I honestly just want to shake away the guilt that I feel over knowing I don't love my dad. He has never given me a reason to love him.
No. 744555
>>743666Zoomers are more delusional than boomers to be completely frank
I preffer boomers to zoomers any given day
millenial best gen
No. 744593
>>744555Tbh the only thing I don't like about zoomers is the fake wokeness. They're exactly the same as millenials and boomers were when they were teens but they also have a weird fake moral highground.
like uWu don't judge others but ew if you part your hair differently and yay body positivity but also we're the most likely to get invasive plastic surgery and yas queen end racism but we're not going to acknowledge BAME nationals of majority white countries and omg sustainability but also if you don't hop on fashion trends and buy useless shit to make tiktoks with then what's the point
Just do what everybody else did and say the older generation aren't cool, don't make it a political statement.
No. 744602
>>744593I legit think that aside of people who watched jershey shore and shane dawson, millenials were way better as teens than zoomers
Zoomers are highly insufferable, and even the most tolerable ones have 1 weird trait that most often translates into something that they use to stand in a high moral ground
No. 744673
>>744614"Lol omg millenials, side parts, skinny Jean's,avacado toast and star bucks"
wow that's exactly what boomers say too
No. 744693
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Women should unite under one flag: real feminism
No. 744721
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I wish LC would go back a little bit to its /cgl/ roots. I like that there's all kinds of women here, but at the same time, I feel like some people try too hard to be as "normie" as possible and sperg out about anything that reminds them of alt fashion or anything "too zoomerish", "tranny-tier", etc.
No. 744748
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>>744721>>744739KEK thank you, there is nothing more embarassing than farmers who want everyone to know how totally normal and well adjusted they are. Like yeah, we're all well adjusted compared to the abject lunatics discussed on this site, you're still weird for being here. Also rip /cgl/, that place is sad now. The draw thread is still okay though.
No. 744754
>>744748RIP the seagull /cgl/ era
No. 744769
>>744739But gossip is 100% a normie thing. I feel
more normal for browsing lolcow, because now I'm gossiping just like everyone else.
No. 744771
>>744765The idea of using this site while NOT being a maladjusted weirdo is sadder than the alternative, like what the fuck could posting on lolcow possibly offer to someone who has a desirable, fulfilling lifestyle? You really can't get an adequate amount of salty gossip from just browsing? You're actually posting and getting into arguments about D-list egirls? Normie card revoked.
>>744769Normies gossip about coworkers and actual celebrities in group chats and on social media, not anonymous image boards dedicated to grotesque internet personalities. If you know who pixyteri is, you're not a normie. And that's nothing to be ashamed of.
No. 744773
>>744769Gossip = normal.
Endlessly sperging about the details of a random camwhore’s pussy = not normal.
There’s not a single /pt/ or /snow/ thread which isn’t full of unhinged anons. Gossip like that irl and watch people back away slowly.
No. 744780
>>744769Anons say this a lot, but my friends an acquittances don't gossip that much tbh. They
might make a comment about how neighbor X is rude and then discuss possible reasons for his behavior, but that's pretty much it.
Maybe people don't gossip when I'm around because they don't trust me? Or maybe it's a cultural thing? Or socioeconomic?
No. 744816
>>744795I like having them once a year at xmas and having a strong cup of coffee to help them go down. Without the coffee they tend to get sickly and stick in my esophagus.
Lidl does their own version, not sure if they only sell them at xmas but they're half the price and nicer than the real thing imo
No. 744853
>>744850I agree. Obviously the side piece doesn't have as much responsibility as the cheater because they're not the one in a relationship (Unless it's a situation where the side piece and cheater are both already in a relationship) but they're still just as disgusting and awful for fucking someone who has a partner.
I will say though, I think this opinion is only unpopular in some areas. If some of the women (especially older women) where I live found out somebody was sleeping with a married man, she would be shamed to hell and back.
No. 744857
>>744850My last partner left me for another woman and there was an obvious overlap in seeing us because they had made their plans to run off together way in advance of our break up. I hate that I'll never know for sure if she gladly screwed another woman over like that or whether he kept her in the dark and lied about his circumstances.
I don't know whether to hate her or pity her.
If she knew then I've no sympathy for the fact that he seems likely to do the same to her eventually.
No. 744875
>>744850Both genders of cheaters should be tarred with the same brush if they knowingly hook up with someone with another person. Love and relationships are sort of like trusting someone with the power to ultimately betray you.
Both people are morally bankrupt if they know there's another party involved. Cheating becomes acceptable if the other 'single' person is allowed to shoot their shot with "taken" people. It's fucked up.
No. 744884
>>744882Exactly like I'm sure we all know the type of woman that has been the other woman knowingly. Men like those chicks cause they're the type they can be discreet with, it's them and the men they cheat parroting those don't blame the other person uwu defences.
And then when cheaters get together their entire relationship is usually a shit show with all their friends and family waiting on the other to do something fucked up.
No. 744898
It's sad because people nowadays think online beauty is more important
No. 744931
>>744850Just seems like a way to spread your anger around to whoever is vaguely involved because you can't handle that the root cause is that your man actively chose to cheat on you.
If he lied to you, then he lied to other women too. Unless you know for a fact that they got some sick sadistic thrill from him uwu picking them over you. Maybe he told them you were a giant piece of shit and that he was planning to leave you. Maybe he waited until they were emotionally invested in their relationship when he revealed he was in a committed relationship but that he'd uwu promise that he'd end things to be with them. How are women in those scenarios where they technically "knew" also not
victims of lies? I don't buy "homewrecker" theory. All that does is take accountability away from the man who was going to keep attempting cheating on you until he found the right combination of words or opportunities to do it. It is not equal responsibility and it isn't the same. Sorry a scumbag cheated on you.
No. 744936
>>744721ugh THIS lmao. that’s probably why /ot/ and /g/ is so boring because it’s usually flooded with everyday conversational speak.
when there’s a sprinkle of abnormal I come running to this website but then it manages to readjust itself by moderation and anons trying so hard to be regular it’s often off-putting like.. you post on a website where people talk about wanting to smash on some guy’s balls with a bowling ball in a containment fetish thread, bonus points if it’s Adam driver. there is no way people can browse this place ironically, it still makes you weird
No. 744947
>>744931Nta. I've been cheated on and I very much think my ex either lied about even having a gf or he probably told her I was some tyrant or we hadn't fucked in monnths etc (couldn't be further from that) I do think alot of cheating involves those types of lies.
Men paint you out to be a bitch to the mistress.. they have no way of knowing you two still fuck every night and he's the bitch/tyrant lol. Seems pretty foolish to fall for that though. Hearing one side of the story and eating it up maybe because it suits them to blindly believe it.
No. 744958
>>744931You realize both people can take accountability and that they're both wrong right? Not everything is black and white. It's actually pretty common for people to sleep with people they know full well are in relationships from the beginning. The OP even said
>Sorry, that only applies if the other woman had no idea about the relationshipand
>you're a piece of shit too and deserve to get called out. Not as much as the man does tho, obv.Read the full post anon.
>Maybe he told them you were a giant piece of shit and that he was planning to leave you.Alright? Then wait until he actually leaves. That is no excuse.
>Maybe he waited until they were emotionally invested in their relationship when he revealed he was in a committed relationship but that he'd uwu promise that he'd end things to be with If someone finds out they've been messing with someone who has been lying to them the whole time and has a girlfriend/wife then they should cut it off, no matter what he promises. Some women are naïve and decide to stay, but they will just have to find out the hard way that cheaters will always be cheaters. It does not mean they are completely innocent. And, how would that mean that they "technically" know? If a man reveals that he's actually in a relationship, then the other woman completely knows about it. There's nothing technical about it, even if he lied.
Just to be clear, I'm not saying these women are worse than the cheaters, cheaters are disgusting (especially if they're being deceitful like in your examples) and I'm always going to dislike them more than the person they were fucking, but believe it or not, women can take accountability for their actions.
No. 744966
>>744958>It's not black and whiteMy point is: It's not equal and they can be
victims of lies too. my point isn't black and white at all, I'm the one insisting there's grey area here and women deserve little if any blame.
>Alright? Then wait until he actually leaves. That is no excuse.That's black and white thinking. Perhaps if you're a person susceptible to manipulation you'd feel a bit less bad about being the "other" in a relationship if a man was feeding you shit about his partner being a POS and perhaps showing receipts that he cherrypicked from fights to prove it. Some women are young and dumb and don't recognize that they can't take some scrote's word for it and should wait. It's still not their fault they were lied to.
>If someone finds out they've been messing with someone who has been lying to them the whole time and has a girlfriend/wife then they should cut it off.Easier said than done and super black and white. That's horribly heartbreaking and I'm sure the mind creates tons of mental gymnastics as to justify the sunk costs of having spent time, effort, and money with the scrote.
>It does not mean they are completely innocent.But pretty damn innocent in context of, you know, the scrote being a massive manipulator and liar as most cheaters do.
I think they should take accountability for blindly trusting a scrote, but to act like they purposefully go out and hurt other women? Hard no.
No. 744982
>>744966>Some women are young and dumb and don't recognize that they can't take some scrote's word for it and should wait. It's still not their fault they were lied to.Exactly, which is why I said that that if they choose to stay they will end up finding out how cheaters are the hard way. It sucks but that is honestly how it is. I don't think it's their fault if they're being lied to and I never said that.
>Perhaps if you're a person susceptible to manipulation you'd feel a bit less bad about being the "other" in a relationship if a man was feeding you shit about his partner being a POSHonestly? I don't think it really matters how bad they feel. Sometimes how you feel doesn't change the effects of what you did. Cheaters can "feel bad" about cheating but they still cheated.
>I think they should take accountability for blindly trusting a scrote, but to act like they purposefully go out and hurt other women? Hard no.Again, that doesn't change the effects of what they did. Even if they don't mean to hurt the cheaters partner, I'm sure the woman being cheated on is still going to feel very hurt by the man and the other woman. At the end of the day, I feel bad for girls who are the other women and being lied to about it, but if you are having sex with someone in a relationship you just have to take responsibility for that
No. 745181
>>745075>male gender larplmfao, this post is off its meds but this part in particular busted my sides
>>745088honestly it sounds like a seething transbian cope, not accusing anon of being one etc but that's legitimately what it sounds like
No. 745235
>>745206I don't think they
only like other lesbians, but there are definitely some lesbian women who are weirdly hateful of bi women, even if they haven't been personally slighted by them. Then again, there are bi women who are weird about bi women
cough febfemanon cough. Also I hear lesbian women say they have crushes on straight women all the time
No. 745391
>>745376It’s the truth, I’ve never known any irl lesbian who stayed a kissless virgin for too long.
Actually, in my group of friends, which was of around 10 people, lots of girls came out as they started uni/college and such, and all of them got a girlfriend
most of them amazing, like cool and friendly, btw almost immediately.
No. 745412
>>745376If someone decides to be lesbian unless they can date/fuck an attractive man then they're just not lesbian. Probably more like woman-leaning bi
>>745391How would lesbian women quickly getting girlfriends mean they're "chadsexual"?
No. 745425
>>745422So, incels are so narcissistic about being male that they can't fathom women not wanting some sort of men?
Why don't these closeted bisexuals just go for each other already? Obviously, dick is life for them.
No. 745616
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I do not give a singular fuck about space exploration. At all.
No. 745714
While we're on the space topic. It's really funny how people dream about terraforming and living an other planet. The nearest planets are actually so unlivable for humans and animals that it would be a lot easier to terraform our own planet back to health.
Even in domes it's extremely hard to live on Mars.
>>745699Just sneeze on them.
No. 745734
>>745701It's related to my phobia of infinity and eternity, which space and the universe are the perfect embodiment of. Don't really want to expand on it as I never feel good when I'm talking about it, but I don't get
triggered from seeing a pic of a random planet lol.
No. 745752
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>>745674>You deserve to be smashed like a roach for your hubris.Exactly. Like, get over yourself, humanity. Your space toys are fucking embarrassing when you can't even stop shitting where you sleep as a species. Ngl though I do really like this German expressionist looking footage taken from the surface of a comet. Landing a camera on a fucking comet is way more fascinating to me than another RC vehicle on Mars.
No. 745811
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>>745743>Don't worry in the future instead of being paid we'll be provided clean bottled water. Stop scaring me like that!!!
No. 745855
>>745674It's for rich people so their genes can go populate and shit up other planets after they've left us poor plebians to suffocate and rot on this one that they fucked up.
I think space exploration is interesting, but it's heavily propagated by classist narcs.
No. 745857
>>745840It’s true, I’m sure the big majority of men with yellow fever are just into that because of
muh submissive legal loli bullshit.
No. 745924
>>745901Diff anon but this reminded me of an ex. Men love to claim that after divorce they get 'money raped by women' but I dated a guy who admitted to me after his marriage ended he chose to give up working for several years purely so he wouldn't have to pay anywhere near as much in child support. He lived in free housing and on benefits and went into bankruptcy all so that his ex wife would then be held fully liable for all debt they accumulated together. That included a mortgage they pulled out of with charges attached to that as they value of the property changed since purchase.
He totally fucked her over for many years to come and took pride in it. I took notes to never tie myself to him in so much as a lease! I feel bad for the ex wife (he told me she was a bitch but I doubt his version of events now as he couldn't even tell me what exactly she did to be such a bitch?) he's determined to 'money rape' her to the detriment of his own child. Sick fuck.
No. 746073
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>>746066How’s school, anon? Got C’s again? Mommy and Daddy will take away your phone again, what will you do without tiktok?
No. 746086
>>746070I thought you were quoting somebody but you weren't
No. 746229
>>746216as humans, we are capable of thinking in things in terms of morality because we have evolved to think a bit deeper than just survive, maintain, procreate.
grey morality is an interesting topic. what i feel next to another person next to their neighbor next to theirs next to theirs?. it can wildly vary depending on various factors.
sometimes we come together and agree on some values and demonize others who feel contrary. but why should one individuals 'moral compass' dictate others?
you mention 'dark side' but even your definition of 'dark side' is different than others.
an example, i dont have an issue with dying without achieving something that can change the world, i dont believe in divine beings and i feel like we can expire without a deeper meaning to existing. just like a tree can fall in the woods without being transformed into something 'useful' to humans, we just exist on this rock spinning around space along with billions of others. that idea alone sends others into deep depressions, they need to feel important or that their time is needed.
a simpler example is hitler. he felt his actions were justified. others felt that too. people hated it but went along with it because they didnt want to die, does that make them guilty because they wanted to survive? others despised it but still killed in their cause. others sat by and opposed it but didnt do a thing, just thought of how bad it was. who was the worst? who did the most, who did the least, its all a matter of moral opinion which depends on personal experience and belief system
No. 746244
>>746232i agree with you on all the points other than youre both young. age is a poor marker for experience. mine was, my sister came out as gay at 10 and was beat up constantly and treated her gfs as such then she fucked a guy for drugs and beats her child up because thats what she was used to. my first girlfriend fucked people for drugs. i gave her acceptance when other people wouldnt but would still abuse girls for drugs and alcohol. i had scores of girls asking me why my best friend was an asshole when i was set to marry her, it was all fucked up. it can go on longer
but unless youre a troon, girl on girl is just as awful as any other relationship
No. 746254
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>>745971completely agree. ignore the haters anon.
>>745930yes! i especially don't understand the hype around weird midget looking gym bodies like picrel. huge asses thighs and calves in unflattering gymwear with padding to fake a cameltoe and huge buttcheeks. it's just deeply strange to me. i don't mind big or muscular female bodies but there's something uncanny valley with this specific "body type"
No. 746258
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>>746254get into the mind of what gets a dick rising and you’ll realize why they do that even though whenever they take pictures like that while being muscular they honestly remind me of primitive neanderdal women ready to pick fruits and berries
picrel but reminds me of those tacky illustrations of barbarian men and women scrotes love
No. 746262
Fucking awesome. One More Time, Harder Better Faster Stronger, Too Long, it's great.
No. 746298
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>>746278Homosexuality is seen as a sin and vulgar in most parts of the world. If lesbians want their love to be relished as divine between them, I see no issue to allow them to do so. If women wants to be feel more than the value men have given them, so what? Good for them.
No. 746301
>>746298It's weird to be fetishized just for being lesbian, or worshipped, or saying that your pussy wetness is divine and comes from the godesses. It feels uncomfortable
>>746299Some are atheist, but a good chunk are "pagan"
No. 746302
>>746278I get lesbian appreciation, but aren't a lot of radfems atheist? Other than that these aren't that bad, I guess. If it's a non-lesbian woman making this like
>>745661 theorized, then this is definitely some fetish-y bullshit lmao
No. 746307
>>746305Oh I reposted it cause I thought I misunderstood what that post meant. I thought it was saying that
only butch and gnc women are being their true selves, but it wasn't (or atleast I don't think it was?)
No. 746316
>>746308Some are clearly mentally ill in the daddy issues kinda way, but a good majority of them just think they're being clever and gaming the system. Like, with an old man they automatically have the power and leverage because they're the young hot one, so they assume he will worship her and give her the SAHM life. Too bad they're short sighted retards who underestimate the male ego and the fact that they, too, will age out of his preferred range.
But yeah, I have no idea how they tolerate sex or affection with a gross old men. I don't even get women who can tolerate a ~10 yr age gap, men age so badly.
No. 746374
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>>746266I'm jumping off although not completely related, but the genre of parody of men doing female modeling poses/instathot poses rubs me the wrong way. It can actually point out the absurdity of how women need to contort their bodies for the male gaze, but in the end they often still laugh at the "sills, young women", and not the cultural difference. The NLOGs thrive on sharing shit like this.
No. 746386
>>746374Not to derail from your point, but IMO, even more than that, it demonstrates the natural beauty of the female form vs the awkwardness of the male form.
Women can make retarded poses and set-ups look like sensual art just by tilting themselves a certain way, or holding their eyes in specific positions. Men just look retarded, unless they themselves have some level of effeminacy to their appearances.