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No. 723869
Previous thread
>Reminder that if you are a radfem/pinkpill/Terf sperg/gendercrit, the "unpopular opinions thread" is not your reverse uno to continue the discourse. Nor is it your general place to try and fight people. Ignore posters you disagree with.If you are here to;
>sperg about trannies ruining your board, or your conspiracies that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny - BAN.>explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN.>fight people who disagree with you - BAN.>post vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.>reply to someones personal experiences because you inherently disagree with their views - BAN.>discuss your views on racism - BAN.>have gender crit discussions - BAN.>try and score twitter cookie points by dunking on the "bigot" terfs - BAN.If you are here to;
>complain that your boyfriend did x/ you got cat called/ you had a bad day due to a man - NO BAN.>talk about your personal experience and opinions. - NO BAN.>HOWEVER, personal experiences and opinions do not devolve into long political discussions nor do they contain your tangent on how all men are scum or how you want to ethnically purge because once upon a time a (((man))) said you are fat. No. 723924
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kinning in theory could be a good coping mechanism and a kind of self-analysis. too bad 99% of kinnies are not in the least bit self-aware and use kinning (more like poorly roleplaying) "edgy" characters as an excuse to be the most awful kind of person.
No. 723974
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Forcing animals to use a wheelchair is animal abuse. Seeing “cute” viral posts of obviously suffering animals makes me so mad.
It's just harmful to animals that are humanized to the point where they have to suffer pain because “it’s my baby!”
No, it’s an animal who can’t understand the concept of death. Animals only know that they are hurting. If it can’t walk or run, it’s your responsibility to end it's life.
The animal does not think that “wow I’m so lucky to be alive because my owner paid 5 grand to my painful surgery”. It only knows the pain.
Same with old animals and big surgical operations.
Animals are not people and they do not benefit from humanizing. Pet owners need to see them as animals so they can provide care that is suitable for animal’s specific biological needs.
And don't start with “but how about old/disabled people” bullshit.
No. 723983
>>723974No, anon. I completely understand your post and the point you are trying to make. It is absolutely worth it to save an animal who has a chance at a peaceful painless life but there are definitely those owners who keep their animals alive while they are in terrible pain.
That animal does not have self awareness, therefore it can only feel what is empirical. What they come in contact with from outside or what they feel inside of their body. It is really sad.
No. 724014
>>723974I always assumed that those animals with a wheelchair were otherwise pain free, in that case it's fine imo, but if that's not the case then I agree.
>Animals are not people and they do not benefit from humanizing. Hard agree with this actually
No. 724027
I'm staunchly against adoption and I think women who can should just opt for abortion instead.
The vast majority of adopted people I know have intense bizarre complexes over the fact they're adopted, despite being raised by perfectly fine people. Including my sister, even though my parents treat us like princesses and went so above and beyond for us. College was covered, our first cars were covered, down payments on our houses, if we ever needed money because things were tight, they gave it to us without hesitation. They showered us with so much love and we could do absolutely no wrong in their eyes. They're the type of excessively loving overly coddling parents who wouldn't be disappointed in us for anything short of being serial killers. Despite this, she is a fucking nightmare and literally tried to ABANDON the family at 23 in pursuit of reestablishing herself with her birth parents ~as a family~.
Spoiler alert: when she tracked them down, they didn't want anything to do with her, and she came crawling back, more bitter and shitty than ever. Wow, the birth mother who didn't want you to the point of only wanting a closed adoption doesn't want to ~reconnect~ and be a happy family now that you're in your 20's? Color me fucking surprised.
Sure enough, my parents welcomed her back with open arms and just pretend the whole thing never happened. They just pretend she never ghosted them for six months after texting them that they're not her real parents and she's done with them and going to find her "real" family instead. Because they have nothing but pure unconditional love for this girl.
I, however, do not and as far as I'm concerned, she's not my sister. She's an ungrateful bitch that my parents adopted. That's all she is to me.
I've spent a lot of time exposed to other adoptees. We did support groups for adoptive families IRL, I've spent a lot of time in online communities for adoptees, and I've met a few people just out in the wild. While my sister is an extreme example, almost every single one of the HUNDREDS I've observed are on this spectrum. Being adopted is a whole weird complex for them, no matter how great their adoptive families are, no matter how clear it is that their families love them every bit as much as a biological child, they still have bizarre (quite frankly, stupid) complexes over the fact they're adopted. They're often ungrateful for their families, take on being adopted as a central part of their identity in a really unhealthy way, and think they're justified to be as shitty toward their birth families as the want because "you don't understand what it's like! hdu tell me how to feel!" And the adoption community coddles the ever loving shit out of this nasty attitude. You're expected to just "let them process their feelings" and are told it's "not your place" to try to tell your emotionally abusive asshole adopted family members to take a step back and realize how fucking lucky they are to have such loving families and feel grateful.
Also, this seems to be a thing exclusively with kids who are adopted as babies or toddler. Older kids usually don't act this way. Probably because they actually know what it's like to deal with the hell that is being a child without a stable loving home life, so they're actually grateful when they finally get one. So yeah, if you're gonna adopt, I highly recommend opting for an older child and not a baby who is most likely going to grow up pining over the woman who gave them up at your expense just because "but muhhhh DNAAAAAA".
No. 724028
>>724017It comes from post slavery era Reconstruction, Jim Crow America where they masculinized black women to humiliate their womanhood in adjacence to white women through media tropes like movies, books, theater plays, and postcards. Yet at the same time they portrayed black women as hyper sexual Jezebels, especially if they were lighter skinned, as a callback to the concubinage and sex slavery mixed race women were put through during American slavery (hence the obsession with biracials you seen even to today). While both technically had their roots in slavery, curiously also a media trope that rose in conjunction was the cultural meme of the savage black rapist, which in turn led to masculinizing black men further than white men as even "pro black" media played that in their favor to make black men look cool in an intimidating, counter cultural movement. This is also why many people who believe black women are more masculine believe in the BBC meme, have cuckold fetishes, or have some other obsession with the sexual prowess of black men.
In Europe the black rapist meme mostly came from American slave owners and paranoid Reconstructionists, like in Nazi era Germany where most of its racial ideas came from the US, since they demonized other ethnicities like Turks, Arabs, or even Chinese instead. Postcards in Europe about black women didnt masculinize them in the way Americans did, there was actually a blog post about this juxtaposition.
No. 724034
>>724014They are supposed to only be used when the animal is otherwise pain free and animals don't stay in them long-term. It's not the same as people in wheelchairs.
They're supposed to facilitate exercise and movement when a pet might be recovering from an injury or surgery or when they're doing a form of exercise that is better performed with support. For example, obese dogs can get joint issues that can be solved with weight loss, but they need the wheels to help them lose weight without permanently damaging the joint. Vets should not be prolonging a painful life with them.
No. 724036
>>724027I mean, it's kind of natural to have a complex from knowing that you'll never "really" (and this is a dumb social construct, but it still "matters") be part of your own family, and that the people who literally brought you into the world were like "Nope, don't want this".
Not defending those who take it too far and let that complex turn them into unbearable people, though.
No. 724046
>>724027I don’t disagree, but I understand why. Even if your adopted family is great, people want to know who they’re biologically related to. It’s natural to be curious about your family.
There’s a lot of emphasis on who you’re related to that most of us take for granted, comments like “you have your mother’s eyes” or “you’re so tall like your dad” and shit. I’d probably have a complex too if I were adopted.
No. 724051
>>724028So, trannies aren't just being shitty and invoking that "strong, independent" stereotypical image of black women from pop culture, they're invoking literally old-timey, Jim Crow American pie racism and presenting it as "woke" and "progressive"?
Beautiful. That just makes it even funnier when they say that not wanting to share a bathroom with a man is "the same" as racially segregated bathrooms.
No. 724057
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I’m so happy fine line tattoos are slowly falling out of style. One of the worst tattoo trends since tribal in my opinion.
No. 724087
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>>724069Who could be behind this post?
No. 724128
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>>724087Cope harder baboon
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>>724111I'm not sure why this anon's response was deleted while the racist scrote's shit is still up.
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Absolutely seething. That's Kim Petras on the right, by the way.
No. 724188
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>all this racebaitDid Ratgirl find Lolcow or something?
>>724187Same. Men literally kill themselves over lack of female attention, I don't know why some people pretend that the mere presence of a girlfriend isn't a huge thing for them.
No. 724204
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>“Tiny pink innie”
Nobody wants your narrow, saggy Hank hill ass or your blotchy, pasty skin. Your only good feature is you have blue eyes LOL. Blue eyes looking out of the face of a pig. Big deal.
No. 724207
>>724198I’m not the one trying to
trigger a race war kek. Tell that to the seething cracker bitch who can’t accept that she got bullied out of the tradthot thread.
No. 724209
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Hey Becky, you realise most of those men who are into that would rather be fucking your kid sister? No surprise as white people age terribly. Maybe that’s why so many white men become pedos.
No. 724212
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Hard shell tacos are the worst taco, hurt my mouth
No. 724219
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I hate alfredo noodles. Noidles…
No. 724250
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Warning pink pussy warriors: there is a jealous farmhand deleting my responses.
Just remember, if you have a tiny pink innie pussy, you were one of the lord’s chosen ones!!
No. 724261
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>>724250pink HAIRY outtie chad pussy here
No. 724269
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>>724261Pink innie smol chad pussy supremacy.
No. 724276
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>>724261>>724269Crimson vagina dentata chad reporting in
No. 724324
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It pisses me off so much how men are gaining millions through this whole gme stock thing while women are counting down the day till they make an only fans we've been failed
No. 724341
>>724324The reddit WSB drama is cringe because they're expecting me to clap for them that they gave the middle finger to hedge fund wallstreet people who didn't do shit to earn their money. Meanwhile they also profit from gaming the rich people system where they equally didn't do shit to earn that money. Guess the morality behind it isn't dirty as long as the money goes to their hands? And how shall these middling class neetbux with disposable income redistribute this newfound wealth, unlike those bad richies?
Just goes to show that people are greedy as fuck and will use anything to justify hoarding wealth, they're just looking for the most socially acceptable guise to do it under. Every single person who played that stock game would be the same kind of rich sociopath if only they started life out with the capital and means to do so.
No. 724390
>>724227Use a different pasta with alfredo then. I made some and put it over penne last night.
>>724385Real curry isn't an easy dish tho. Anyway, I have to go put the rice cooker on and steam some tofu and frozen veggies.
No. 724406
>>724397I eat lentils mostly in soup and curry, you can barely taste them. They just add bulk and keep you healthy.
Beans are the worst legumes by far, chickpeas are the best.
No. 724413
>>724404What shit do you cook??
Like curry and Stir fry is pretty basic but it’s a lot better than the 1/3 of the population that lives off of take out.
I’ve literally witnessed people, people who even have children, live off of gas station food.
And not just one case, like a few, have nothing in their fridge but condiments and greasy leftover take out bags
No. 724416
>>724404"If you ain't cooking 5 Michelin star level 9-course meals for every meal, you're down bad." How are you pressed someone
else only knows how to make a hodgepodge dish or cereal? Of all the critiques to make about people in this world.
No. 724435
>>724432>>724413Samefagging but I need to say that If you can stir fry you’re doing really good as a single adult.
Stir fry for me takes me an hour, it’s a giant pain in the ass honestly. Chopping, cooking vegetables first, switching out them and then cooking meat (or vice versa), marinating the meat, getting the thickness of tbe sauce the right consistency with the corn starch, not burning or under cooking the rice-
God like stir fry is one of my special meals.
No. 724552
>>724549Is this in Greece?
>>724548I hate the English ones too, theyre so fucking whiny and also spergs.
No. 724592
>>724535Agree white American men are the worst
>>724548 Disagree white American men are obnoxious and dumb
No. 724609
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Unpopular opinion:People should be able to have to have a conversation about race without insulting the other race
No. 724642
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am I the only one who gets pissed off at lolcow’s muh bootstraps shit in every thread
for example, cherishing society as a value or center of normalcy and anyone who deviates from it is sick or not well-adjusted, despite this very website deviating from what society would consider as normal
it’s so frustrating
No. 724654
>>724642NEET cope. We are animals and all animals have optimal conditions in which they thrive. We're not "like obsessed with normie society" for no reason, we're literally trying to live optimally and there are simple ways to do so, and it's rational (if unkind) to judge those who don't meet the standard.
And I don't think lolcow is deviant itself, fringe maybe, but gossip has been around since civilization started
No. 724690
>>724654No it isn’t, you probably wouldn’t even be considered a “normal, functioning” person in society, because imagine if the very people in your life knew that you devote your time to an anonymous gossip website that specializes in obsessively documenting people word for word and also shitposting Adam Driver until it gets stale. Many people will be questioning you, searching it up this website, and making new (and possibly unfavorable) assumptions about you. Ever thought about that?
And no, being on lolcow farms should not be considered a cute little hobby, so please shut the fuck up with your obvious extrovert bluff. Your idea of living “optimally” is very subjective considering that the world is transitioning into a phase that is extremely far away from your idea of optimal. Do you think blooming technocracy, poverty, suicide, loneliness, increasing political tension is optimal to you? Lmao open your eyes anon for the love of god
No. 724695
>>724535This 100%
Most are obese but instead of playing the funny fat guy card they overinflate their own egos to the point where they believe they're gods and ~akshully~ what women want. Most of them are simps but not to their own girlfriends, they all have weird and unhealthy body type preferences (wanting fat girls, too skinny girls, extremely skinny girls with cartoon sized tits and ass, flat chested girls, etc). A lot of them are lazy and leech off of their girlfriends who half the time are way out of their league, then you have the red pilled nu males who think they're the shit for being born male. Most if not all of them fully expect every single woman they get with to enjoy being choked, slapped, anal, etc and if the woman doesn't like that they're boring or need to change for him.
This also applies for UK, canadian and Australian males too incase any lurking males from there think they're an exception
No. 724697
>>724690 that's a lot of words to say "I'm unemployed"
>extrovert bluffKek is it powerleveling to say I have real friends, a job and a life? And yes my friends know about my cute little hobby of checking lolcow for dumb gossip, we laugh about it because it's a guilty pleasure.
Most anons are normal people checking this hellsite on the toilet. Your paranoid ass is the odd one out, even here.
No. 724735
>>724726You are so deluded by what capitalism presents as happiness you think that social values of happiness are all related to capitalism when they are not. Love, care, self care, being clean etc are universal things promoted in all cultures around the world as a mean to reach happiness.
Don't act like becoming a schizoid hermit isolated in an apartment or in the forest that follows no social universal conduct is happiness. Even those schizoid follow universal social rules of happiness because the functional ones usually keep their surroundings clean, they keep a productive hobby like reading or writing and plant their own crops etc
No. 724738
>>724714Yes you sound very unbothered
>>724699 said you made a lot of assumptions about what I mean. You're pretty biased towards everyone disagreeing with you being nasty globalists or whatever, but I won't further prove your opinion is unpopular on the unpopular opinion thread. I just think you should take a shower and actually work on your resume because youve been putting it off for too long
No. 724741
>>724726>making childrenthe world is overpopulated
>b-but muh negative birth rate in western countries!a western child consumes more resources than 5 poor kids in africa and india, so western parents should absolutely be the ones having fewer kids.
No. 724760
>>724726It is not necessarily about relationships. You can find your happiness in different positive social values. I gave another example because anon acted as if I said that in order to be happy you have to be a rich capitalistic pig.
There are different approaches presented by societies when it comes to reaching happiness but most of them stay the same across cultures.
I repeat myself: Self love, love of others, taking care of your environment, contributing to society in some form or another (not necessarily by a conventional job),having a productive hobby.
Anons need better reading comprehension and hermeneutics.
To whatever another anon has said. I do think that society can be very strict in what it considers as ,,normal". But most humans do still follow universal social rules to achieve happiness. I think those universal rules are being changed by capitalism and presented in an ugly way. You do not have to become rich or spend all of your time at work to be happy or be constantly stressed about money or what others think about you.
Yet, you cannot completely deny the universal social rules which are not even to be found in capitalism. There are some rules to happiness that apply universally to humans and that we have established in our evolution as a species. Even if you browse lolcow which would be considered socially inappropriate you probably still follow some universal social rules like cleaning yourself or brushing your teeth. Unless you are a completely depressed hermit. Unfortunately a lot of depressed individuals refuse to follow any sort of social conduct that would lead to their depression becoming less prevalent.
Having children is not ideal, I do have to agree. But it can be another thing that can be considered as giving meaning and it was just a counter example to the anon accusing me of presenting capitalistic values as universal social values to reach happiness. I do think having children is a bad example, I apologize.>>724741
But undeniably there are universal social rules to happiness. CLEANING, LOVING YOURSELF AND OTHERS, DOING SMALL PRODUCTIVE THINGS AND THEY DONT HAVE TO ALLIGN WITH WHAT CAPITALISM SHIELDS AS PRODUCTIVE. There are factors that determine happiness. You cannot be an isolated schizoid that pisses and eats in the same place and hoards useless shit and be happy!
I have observed that a lot of people do lack common sense. The metaphysics of happiness are very easy and accesibile to everyone. Start by cleaning your environment, do a little self care, maybe try to help someone out. It isn't that hard.
No. 724784
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We all know and love cat ladies, but I think the affectionate relationship women share with their tiny toy dogs is culturally underrated.
No. 724791
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anthropomorphic objects>anthropomorphic animals
Furries or other talking animals are so trite and boring and overused,the art looks all the same and there's nothing worth liking about furries
With objects or food,the possibilities are can anthropomorphize an airplane,a flower,a knife or even a cup (cuphead)
No. 724798
>>724791i stand by you sister
plane fuckers unite
No. 724858
>>724853the non n word equivalent is as cringey
>gLOWieeejust say fed you retards
No. 724899
>>724893It's just an edgy zoomer term for FBI member/fed. They say "nigger" for shock value points (and also, many of them are racist), not unlike "[x]fag".
An actual, unironic schizo named Terry Davis basically coined it. He'd say "CIA niggers glow in the dark" and it caught on.
>>724894Basement dweller
No. 724903
>>724893Ayrt, I'm also black and that's probably part of the reason I don't like it. It's just edgy imageboard lingo for a fed/opp. A fbi agent who lurks to get some kind of intel (although, what information could a fbi agent get from lolcow of all places). Whenever I see "glownigger/glownigga" I can't help but think whoever posted it is some edgy 14 year old white kid who thinks idubbbz is the peak of "dark humor".
>>724899 described it perfectly.
No. 724904
>>724899>>724903thanks guys for the schooling! these new slurs arent even witty anymore its just a stupid word next to nigger…so innovative wow. racists are so oddly obsessed with black people LMAO
No. 724935
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I really don't understand women who are already financially well-off (especially from family/childhood), but decide to marry ugly, fucked up men for more money.
If you're not struggling, what exactly do you want to buy so badly that you'd even fuck a toad and carry his children? Are you doing it to flex on someone who treated you like shit? Please.
I feel like it'd be better to be with someone who's actually attractive (and kind) who might not be crazy rich, but can still take care of you.
No. 724949
>>724937>getting married to a man who doesn't make as much,Well duh, no woman should be with a man who makes less than them. Imagine taking care of a scrote, kek. You can still date wealthy men and secure a life for yourself and your children without being with someone hideous or mentally ill/
abusive (just not exorbitantly wealthy, since billionaire men seem to be both), that's why I said "but can still take care of you".
Many of these women seem to go for extremely wealthy men who have literally nothing else going for them, and those men seem to make their lives a living hell. It just doesn't seem worth it.
No. 724967
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Being horny is one of the most shitty things one can be, I pity anyone who can spend their days in a constant state of horniness.
No. 724995
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I don’t post on /pt/ since idk any of those youtube superstars to be able to provide milk but my I wish I could contribute so much more than saged stuff on pt.
No. 725095
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>>724995I'd unironically wear that cow print skirt.
No. 725265
>>724935I think past a certain level of success you just can't trust less successful people anymore. Someone having (a lot) more money is a thing that makes people act really strange, entitled and psychopathic. If you win the lottery, your chances of getting murdered by a close friend or family member skyrocket.
Even if they don't murder you in your sleep and fake your will, people might start behaving in really uncanny ways, like sucking up to you and asking for money, or if you refuse to sink your entire new fortune on them, a person that loved you all your life might suddenly drop all empathy and start hating you. There's plenty of murder reality shows of this happening to people, even from well-to-do upper middle class families when they came into a lot of money. After a while you probably just get so tired of being paranoid about whether people who are being nice to you are genuine, or just opportunistic psychopaths who smell a profit in you, that you only feel safe around people who are at least as successful, if not more than you.
No. 725266
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>>725094Not an unpopular opinion,
nonnie No. 725290
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>>725242I will piggyback from your opinion to say that most anime
is for teens and kids and even if some of them tend to have some relatively cool ideas/concepts, it’s hard to relate to the characters because at best they’re in high school or at some ambiguous totally not a school setting.
It goes to shit because they can’t stop screaming, the characters are obvious teens or the themes are so specific that it reaches autism territory.
No. 725410
>>725349I agree with this
My unpopular opinion is that Shayna is a really boring and unremarkable cow, her threads are not good
No. 725437
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>>725395I agree. I don't get how people spend lots of money on their clothes. They have the most plain sort of aesthetic, and that's why they rely mainly on the models being thin and effortlessly attractive. Even shitty brands like Dolls Kill play with different aesthetics and have a creative vision. What exactly does BM offer, and why shouldn't you just buy all the shit they sell for $5 on Taobao or Ali? Isn't this just Abercrombie and Fitch part 2?
Like…you want to be skinny and normal. Just say that, it's fine. Stop lying and pretending this is the epitome of style, lmao.
No. 725464
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>>725410I love the threads because it’s just anons roasting her ugly lardass. It’s what she deserves for being a disgusting pickme. It gives me joy seeing her get bigger and uglier. Shayna is a pedopandering piece of crap who supports traffickinghub and rape.
No. 725575
>>725566Yes. Being fat is the biggest physical indicator of a person's total lack of self awareness and selflessness, and it will never, ever stop being funny that they try to always lie and justify endlessly consuming food and sitting on their asses.
If you're fat, it is ONLY because you eat more than you move, because you eat more than you need, and because you sit on your lazy ass all day. If you feel bad about being fat, it's probably not that you hate being fat, you probably hate whatever personality issue you have that causes you to comfort eat and shut yourself inside behind a screen instead of living life as a happy fatty. That is nobody else's problem just because they can stay thin or average while also dealing with their own shit & a fatty can't. The only way to get un-fat is to eat less, eat cleaner, and sweat more.
No. 725582
>>724814DeAngelo Wallace is an autist and I want him to leave Lana alone. Where's that energy towards Grimes and Azealia Banks?
My unpopular opinion is Natalia Kills doesn't deserve the hate after x-factor. People who believe reality TV are brain-dead idiots. She's still facing hate after all these years and has had to start a new band just to start over.
No. 725590
>>725579>>725584I've met happy fatties, they don't care and most even joke about their weight because they're happy people despite that. Blaming your misery on being fat, which is 100%
a personal responsibility, then begging others to accept and excuse your fatness will never work to make any fatty feel any better, because the weight wasn't the original problem- it's usually the result of comfort eating to avoid the real issue.
No. 725602
>>725593I'm not sure what you're trying to say? The "choice" is "trying shit on and buying whichever size looks best on you". You act like you think you
have to only buy a certain size or something, but you don't as long as it fits, you can wear it loose or tight or however you want- that's fashion. That's also why fatties get mad abt thin girls buying XXL and cinching it with a cute belt, they seethe at that versatility and ability to look good in it despite it not being "made for them".
Also idk anywhere that doesn't list the exact measurements of their garments, so if you still need a number on a tag to tell you if you will look good in it, you might have another issue you're avoiding.
No. 725642
>>725582it was so obvious they pulled that shit because she and her husband wanted to leave that show, it just sucks that people are so fucking stupid to believe that the fucking x-factor is real. like holy shit, it's been like what? 6 years? and some people still care and actively hate on her posts.
although even if it was real i wouldn't even care and still listen to her music kek
No. 725686
>>725395i'm still in shock at how last year people were paying $200 on sales apps for basic ass tank tops from brandy
>>725482agreed, a lot of japanese brands do one sizing and i like that about ordering them
No. 725810
>>725502Most American brands' one-sizing is usually Asian medium to large sizes so I'm confident I can fit into any of them. Too bad there are too many Americans that think one-sizing is fatphobic.
>>725686I tend to avoid Asian brands because they're almost always a xxs on Americans for some reason. My bust is bigger than the average Asian one size.
Asian one-sizes assume you are flat all round where as BM fine to wear if you're average in bust and hips.
No. 725815
>>725810I've found that Japanese and Korean one-size clothes fit me well, but not Chinese, they're way too small.
Clothing from JP seems a bit roomier overall for some reason.
No. 725837
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I think those accounts of 3d virtual models are really cool. I don't know why people don't like them tbh. I'm an artist and don't know shit about 3d rendering so maybe that's why a have more of an appreciation for this sorta thing
No. 725854
>>725290>it’s hard to relate to the characters because at best they’re in high school or at some ambiguous totally not a school setting. It goes to shit because they can’t stop screamingOp here, this is kind of what I meant by
>if the character just happens to be a teenager then I get it, but if the characters age is a core point in the story (like being set in high school) and they are meant to act like a teenager/kidLike why be attracted to a character that is clearly meant to depict and act like a teenager? It would make me feel gross.
No. 725865
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>>725857Ayrt, I'm gonna be honest, I don't feel like some of these models would cause anymore insecurity than there already is. Like I don't feel like the ones that look "human" are anymore unattainable than any other irl model or influencer. There's also models like noonuuri who don't look human at all, and imo, if she's setting unattainable standards of beauty then so are stylized drawings. It also makes me think, if these 3d models are an issue, then is stuff like attractive sims also an issue?
I completely understand that literally creating a person can cause insecurity, but I guess what I'm saying is I don't feel like the more realistic 3d models are going to make anyone more insecure than a real woman. Even Shudu Gram looks like Lupita Noyong'o to me.
>allowing a human model to model a 3D face is a very slippery slopeI don't think they use real faces, but I could definitely be wrong.
No. 725868
>>725857nayrt but my unpopular opinion is that i disagree with the idea it's bad to have pictures of unattainable beauty.
i want to see beautiful people in ads and fashion and whatever, not any everyjane / joe. just like when you do graphic design, you don't want an ugly font or whatever, why feature average people when you goal is to attract the eye and sell a dream (and a product kek) ?
the insecurity of being a real human with flaws is something that everybody has to overcome as they develop into an adult through personal strength fostered by a good education (being taught you are way more than your looks and that you should strive to do the best at the things you can control, that being ugly is entirely okay and that you have no obligation of looking a certain way to others, on top of what wonders photoshop can do to people on billboards etc).
No. 725928
>>725924I’m not necessarily worried about the
current virtual “models” so much as I am the culture and evolutions they’ll spawn in the future. Pretty soon we’re going to have mirrors with filters.
No. 726121
Most people who are lonely with no friends/partner are all doing it to themselves. Almost 100% (I'd say the exception is if you're Phantom of the Opera caliber disfigured and literally scare people away).
Most people are too proud and selfish to change. But the truth is: there are ways to get people to like you. There are ways to act better and be friendly and approachable. But people are afraid if they start doing these things they'll "give up a part of themselves" or "sell out" or "be a normie." Really? You think learning the basics of socialization is going to kill your soul? Ok, have fun being lonely forever.
For example, learning to shut the fuck up when other people are talking is something that most "lonely" people I know don't know how to do. They just can't take the focus off themselves for ten seconds and actually listen. Making real friends means being able to take the focus off yourself for a long time – many days, even. But some can't handle that without a mental breakdown or feeling "LEFT OUT" when someone else is having their day. When they say they have no friends, they're basically saying they have no one who will unconditionally treat them like a shiny special fragile moonbeam and shower them with unending attention.
Conversely, there are the "lonely" ones that don't ever say a god damn thing and get looked over because they're silent as the grave. Again, it's because of pride and selfishness. You're afraid of saying things that are not perfectly funny, perfectly suitable and witty. Don't lie: you'd lose your damn mind and maybe even cry if someone looked at you sideways for saying your imperfect words. Listen – people who talk, and people who have friends, get ribbed on an made fun of and looked at with mild scorn ALL THE TIME! It's just that they don't let it ruin their entire day because they're not completely obsessed with themselves. It hurts sometimes, yeah, but IT'S NORMAL to fuck up and be seen as stupid. You'll be lonely forever if you don't get over it.
Then – THEN – there are "lonely" people who bend over backwards to serve all the time, give compliments constantly (it's creepy!), and try to make everything "All About Others," especially by acting like a doormat to people they perceive as popular or cool. Generally, high-profile popular people are total assholes. Not to mention, they're probably grossed out by your intensity. It seems fake. Recognize your own selfishness: you want to be seen as cool and attractive. You're probably letting solid relationships with cool, less-good-looking people fall by the wayside because of your obsession with approval and personal status. Talk to someone chill and seemingly boring (no one is actually boring once you know them), even if they don't have your preferred aesthetic, you shallow fuck. But you won't do that because you want to be super cool. Nice. Have fun being lonely.
No. 726171
I will never see the appeal with Britney Spears, she's totally mediocre in any sense: her looks were okey-ish at best, she had weird proportions and a 3-5 face, her singing was nasal, plain and overall unappealing and boring while being annoyingly porny, and her dancing ability is absolutely mediocre too, unnironically i have seen K-pop groups with slicker moves than her. The only redeemable thing about her career was her songs, but she didn't compose them so whatever. She's imo the prime example of what excessive but effective promotion can do, kinda like what happened with yogurt at first. She doesn't deserve to be called the "Princess of pop", for all the fuss she caused and how anal people get when you criticize her is actually very disappointing how mediocre she is, i don't understand why media and society in general were so, so obsessed with her: bruh, she was literally just existing, aside her ~risky~ performances and brand, she was absolutely normal if not plainly boring, how she was considered a "sex symbol" it's beyond me. I don't dislike her as a person at all, she was abused and treated like a slave, but as an artist/brand? Hell naw. She's just the reminiscence of a very awful, souless and toxic era.
No. 726261
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>>726256can you believe this is the same person? in the meantime he had an attempt at a music career, did porn, even trooned out and detransitioned
No. 726262
>>726121it is better to be lonely than be around people who invent a bunch of weird reasons for your behaviour. especially when they're so angry that you don't have friends, like its a personal affront.
maybe they aren't "afraid" maybe they just don't like you
No. 726263
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>>726171She was never an artist, but her brand was very effective. On her prime she was the fresh girl next door with soft features, a good, fit body (no one outside of lolcow nitpicks body proportions) that had a very sweet personality, sex appeal, dance moves and catchy music. That's her charm, the majority of people wil fall for that, that's why k-pop is so popular as well
No. 726285
>>726263She literally was massively shilled, any person in her spotlight no matter how boring or untalented would become famous too, she wasn't anything special, and even her """"brand""" was absolutely mediocre, they only outstanding thing here was her promotion team and musical production. Also
>Dance movesLmao
>that's why k-pop is so popular as wellfamous K-pop groups are mostly from the big three companies that shill their groups (Aside Bts, they literally where just lucky), so again, it's not about charisma…at all.
>>726267 gets it
No. 726324
>>726121>Conversely, there are the "lonely" ones that don't ever say a god damn thing and get looked over because they're silent as the grave. Again, it's because of pride and selfishness.>Don't lie: you'd lose your damn mind and maybe even cry if someone looked at you sideways for saying your imperfect wordsDo you know what trauma and personality disorders are?
Thank you for your revelatory words, I am now cured and do not need to throw my money at a therapist in an attempt to undo all the damage done to me by others which stops me from being a functional human being
No. 726360
>>726121>Then – THEN – there are "lonely" people who bend over backwards to serve all the time, give compliments constantly (it's creepy!), and try to make everything "All About Others," especially by acting like a doormat to people they perceive as popular or cool. Generally, high-profile popular people are total assholes. Not to mention, they're probably grossed out by your intensity. It seems fake. Recognize your own selfishness: you want to be seen as cool and attractive. You're probably letting solid relationships with cool, less-good-looking people fall by the wayside because of your obsession with approval and personal status. Talk to someone chill and seemingly boring (no one is actually boring once you know them), even if they don't have your preferred aesthetic, you shallow fuck. But you won't do that because you want to be super cool. Nice. Have fun being lonely.Anon, you sound like a friendcel with this shit, kek. If high-profile popular people are all assholes, does that mean they somehow circumvented your "stop being lonely" scheme and hacked the system?
Also, there are absolutely boring people. Not everyone's interests or personalities will mesh, and that's okay. There's nothing wrong with being picky about your friends, or being sad if you can't manage to find anyone you click with. Ultimately, you can put in all the effort possible, follow that entire write-up to befriend anyone and everyone, and they too can (and often will) reject or ignore you, not because you're being selfish or creepy or talking too much, but because they're also being picky about their friendships. That's just life.
Also, everyone has their preferences for what counts as the other person being a doormat vs being sweet, being too silent vs being a good listener, etc. Sometimes, you can be the most socially stunted retard in the world, but someone will still like/befriend you because they think you're cute or interesting or mysterious. Your post kind of makes it seem like a one-size-fits-all.
No. 726361
>>726316I'm 31, she was objectively lame as most mainstream ""icons"" are lame and their fame is a result of money and promo, she isn't an exception. I'm just baffled that people like you keep denying that fact just because is Britney we are talking about. Since the 90s everyone started using the word ""icon"" very lightly.
>>726317I mean she's ok, Shakira for example was a solid 8-10.
No. 726376
>>726335I wish I could do that anon, but even therapy has not helped me get over my issues yet. Plus I am a sperg who likes to have things in commmon, ngl.
Unironic congratulations to you!
No. 726386
>>726366Nope, I do have friends (though I'm not exactly "popular" as I live in a small place, have niche hobbies of my own others might find boring, and anxiety issues). I also don't needlessly spite people if I don't end up befriending them, I don't try to force myself into groups, and I don't try to make simply not sharing interests or blending well with some other people into some kind of grand moral failing on their (or my own) part.
This isn't some kind of game where you max out your social skill points so everyone will like you, kek. Being lonely is part of life for some people, at least until they can find the kinds of people they do get on with. I don't understand how that's so difficult, or how it reads as "edgy" or "insufferable". Are you 11? Are you mad because some girl stopped talking to you because you only ever wanted to discuss chess? Like, grow up. Join a club or something, it's no one's duty to force themselves to care about your interests.
No. 726396
>>726361>wasExcuse you? Shakira
is a solid 10.
No. 726459
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>>726433How could we not love her when she gave us all those bops?
actually, the black community loves a lot of white artists. idk why people think we don't. Like, ask any black person if they like PATD and 9 times out of 10 the answer will be yes cause of I Write Sins Not Tragedies No. 726501
>>726459>How could we not love her when she gave us all those bops?As always, people giving all musical credit to artist who didn't produce shit nor have a say on anything they release. You should thank her producers lmao she wouldn't be anywhere without them.
>Legit only white people hate herI've never seen a Latino blasting her music, not even in her prime, specially when she was so vocally mediocre compared to other Latino artists.
>>726396I was talking of her 90s era specifically, but yeah you're right tho
No. 726511
>>726433britney is a legend in her own right, black or white, i think most people with a childhood can agree
she deserves so much better and her conservatorship is depressing as hell
No. 726522
>>726501I’m the anon that made the quote that you misquoted. Britney is cute and I agree with the anons that love her…
They didn’t blast her music because they were too busy with worshipping Jennifer fucking Lopez out of all copycats lol.
No. 726580
>>726501>latinos>not blasting Britney’s musicSorry, but
toxic was the song we would play at least twice during our family reunions and parties.
No. 726597
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I really want to sperg about this but can we just all agree that anime girls dancing isn’t cute or funny, but is extremely creepy and terrifying to look at? Especially when they’re dancing to some shitty trap song in a scrote meme video. I don’t see the appeal of it and it fills me righteous indignation and strange feelings. It makes me unusually angry
No. 726634
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I think she's cute, I'd date her.
No. 727048
>>726923I like natural body hair on women. I had started to almost think of as a kink lately but then why is our natural body hair so taboo or rare to find anyway?
I sometimes think men are fine with their body hair left alone too ..but then I see examples of just how much hair some men have and I feel sick.
It's all about the amount. I like some hair but I also have my limits and they apply to both sexes.
No. 727134
>>727092That shit annoys the crap out of me. Pretending that all types of bodies are good/aceptable and supported but you better get rid of that body hair! That shame needs to stay put to sell products.
There was an ad in my country a while back where women were getting 'beach ready' but they were ditching the diets (so empowering) and just shaving/fake tanning/making their toenails all pretty. Great message. They really thought they were saying something powerful with that.
No. 727167
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>>727070what's the (hi)story behind shaving anyway?
No. 727196
>>726505I'm not even angry tho, not all critiques come from a place of hate, I'm just ping-ponging with the situation. You aren't different to kpop stans: "Omg how you dare say Blackpink literally doesn't do anything aside """singing""" and """dancing"""??? You hater!!!"
>>726511>Britney is a legend in her own right*They made her a legend. Anyone with good promotion could achieve that, even Michael Jackson was an industry plant tho he actually deserves that title as he was incredibly gifted with an amazing singing technique, good dancing skills and excellent music production. That people consider she deserves the same title (legend) while being half as good is very, very strange.
>She deserves so much better and her conservatorship is depressing as hellThat's true. As i said, i don't really hate her, if she wasn't trapped she maybe could grow as an artist and polish her talents, i said she was mediocre not totally useless.
>>726551>Argentina>ChileI didn't even finish to read your comment and I knew you would mention these absolute meme countries, you guys are always the ones that get more influenced by american trends, specially Chile, that place is a """progressive""" hellhole nowadays.
>>726580That's weird…parties, clubs and radio stations back in the 90s mostly or absolutely played just salsa, reggaeton and some electro or house. There was somewhat of a "Britney wave" but it didn't last nor had that much of an impact.
>>726588>This is like when people in YT comment sections for Vocaloid videos would be like "You should say you love the producer, not Hatsune Miku!", kek.Well actually people do have favorite producers and some even had a fanbase before they started using vocaloid so nope. This situation is comparable but not in a very good light, Hatsune miku, as Britney, has an average voice that people liked because it was attached to a highly marketed persona that wouldn't work without good musical production, it's apparently a symbiotic relationship but artist could fall without a good producer, while a good producer could survive by their own. Example: Kenshi Yonezu. That's why vocaloid is dead nowadays, most good producers left.
Anyways, I'm out now, it seems the media and those sleazy executives really ingrained this type of cultist following to mediocre idols back in the 90s. Peace.
No. 727224
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I don't think this opinion will be unpopular here but overall - i'm tired of false lashes being added to literally every make up look. It's such a costumey addition, and so much bizarre effort to do, yet I keep seeing it added literally always i look up any kind of make up look on youtube or whatever. Why is mascara not enough these days?
No. 727227
>>727226Samefag but
>Hatsune miku, as Britney, has an average voiceLmao she's a vocaloid
No. 727235
>>727196>Well actually people do have favorite producers and some even had a fanbase before they started using vocaloid so nope. Many people still got into those producers because they wanted to hear the music made using Hatsune Miku or other Vocaloids. Hell, some people never cared about specific producers, they just click whatever has their favorite Vocaloid.
You can't deny that Vocaloid opened up a new avenue for creatives who didn't have vocalists or (personal) vocal skill to create what they wanted. The persona of the characters/voices added to it, and people still buy merch and obsess over them. Even "normie" musicians like Ashnikko, Lady Gaga, and Porter Robinson have all incorporated Hatsune Miku into their work.
No. 727293
>>727167I remember reading that it started in the 1920s when women’s clothes started showing more skin. Razor companies figured they could make more money by selling to women, so suddenly any armpit hair with your sleeveless dress was gross.
>>727253This is what annoys me, it’s clearly not just a “companies want to make money” thing, they can only sell products if people buy them. Some men do manscape, but it’s still perfectly acceptable for them not to, and they’re not under pressure to do the amount of hair removal that women do regularly.
Razor companies would definitely make more money if men were also encouraged to be as smooth as women, but there’s no way men would get on board with that.
No. 727295
>>727280I agree, I don't mean to
victim blame but why would you get naked in front of a camera like that? Sometimes I feel like I'm a schizo-chan for being so paranoid all the time but stuff like this really confirms my world view
No. 727334
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>>727293I don't understand how women don't realize they're the goal. Men literally take what they are given. If a man is horny and you leave him alone in a room with this long enough, he will try to fuck it. Does that make it beautiful and sexy?
If all of us literally stopped shaving, wearing anything uncomfortable, etc, would straight men go "Wow, women aren't hot anymore. I am not on board with this. Guess that's it for the human race" and become volcel? Fuck no, they'd just deal with it and accept it. 100%, they'd just find a way to sexualize that. Many already do.
The reason that isn't happening now is because we're groomed to be insecure pick-mes and keep buying shit we don't need to feel attractive, and men greatly enjoy the idea of women trying to impress them by aiming for some "peak" that doesn't actually exist (which is also why mainstream beauty standards constantly change - you're not meant to win). They end up manufacturing this fake competition where any woman who doesn't play is an automatic loser. We all fall for this mindset because it's older than us, and I don't think most of us will ever fully break out of it. Those of us who do and try to opt out always get ridiculed and shat on, and when you factor in that many office jobs require women to wear makeup and sometimes heels, it all becomes a sort of standard fare, like a "uniform" for the female class. It's sad.
No. 727467
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I used to think Teddy Fresh's designs were very cool and everything but nowadays I can't seem to think anything but "tacky" because so many ugly youtubers wear them now
No. 727468
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>>727280This is the first time I heard about that challenge, but after googling it, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was some sort of scrote psyop to get underage nudes. It’s so obvious it’s a bad idea and yet all you get are articles telling you how to do it sexier.
No. 727495
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I'm kind of disappointed about how Chloe and Halle Bailey turned out. I liked that they were allowed to just exist as petite, pretty girls without having to swing around giant asses or portray some stereotypical, hyper-aggressive sexuality, but then that was cancelled in exchange for…this. Halle is still normal, but she has a role with Disney, so it might just be until that's done.
Like, it's just so cheap and gross. I hate that some girls aren't allowed to exist as musicians without this super exaggerated, scrote-made sexual image being pushed forward. It's giving pornified male gaze/Jezebel archetype, it's nasty.
I wouldn't even be bothered if it was more gracefully handled, like Sade, or even (early) Lana Del Rey, but it's always this forced blueprint instead.
No. 727504
>>727495Sorry anon but this
>I liked that they were allowed to just exist as petite, pretty girls >having to swing around giant assesrubs me the wrong way. Afaik, Chloe's body is natural. She's not less pretty because she happens to be curvy, and idk why you think there's something wrong with women naturally having big butts. Petite women are not automatically more pretty or feminine. I personally don't mind how Chloe acts. I completely understand the male-gaze thing and I also dislike how common it is in music, but I feel like women should be able to express their sexuality without being villainized for it.
No. 727524
>>727504I wasn't implying her body wasn't natural (I get it, because I also have thick hips/thighs), I'm just referring to all the sudden focus on her ass/hips like that's her main "thing", while before she was just allowed to exist. I don't know if I'm making sense, but comparing some of their photos and music videos (and even most of the one for "Forgive Me", IMO) to the buss it video and some of the new photoshoots like
>>727495, it's a clear switch from them just being as they are without trying to hide their bodies
or make it the focal point, to the same oversexualized marketing Cardi B and Nicki Minaj get, and it's sad.
To be honest, I doubt this is even her "enjoying her own sexuality", it's this mass-marketed, male-targeted product. My intent isn't to villainize her, but what her management is obviously doing.
Also, by "petite", I was referring to their actual heights/builds. It doesn't make them "more feminine", but like…name even five girls their color with their build (or similar) that have the same amount of fame. The only ones I can think of are maybe Willow Smith and Skai Jackson. We keep getting the same "image" of a certain type of femme fatale, and it makes me tired.
No. 727529
>>727280That's just the reality of what sex positivity does. On top of that it's just wasted advice and time given to girls. It seems like we live in a world where girls need to learn about their bodies more, how relationships should function, their careers, and everything else but all the media seems to be shoving down their throat is how to be sexy and please men and then hiding it as empowerment. Women who participate in this can be
toxic as fuck too, they become so full of themselves and develop literal goddess complexes and think they're above all when the reality is most of them just wear tons of makeup, know their angles and use things like waist cinchers and lip plumpers. They're practically carbon copies of each other. At least the cliche type back then knew their limit. Nowadays there are teenage girls running around wearing 10 lbs of makeup, sending everyone nudes, and trying to convince themsel they like being choked in the name of sexual empowerment
No. 727587
>>727568But "academia" is referring to the culture and topics in higher institutions, right? Plus occam's razor is a real existing theory and it's quicker to say
It would sound stupid in everyday conversation I agree there
No. 727599
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>>727554Quite the ad hominem and strawman, besides feeling smart is a catch 22 in and of itself
No. 727649
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I think long silky straight black hair that has a super "pressed" style looks very boring
No. 727650
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>>727649from soul to soulless.can we move back to big hair being a thing again? flat hair has been in since the late nineties and im over it
No. 727657
>>727652I didn't say there was only one way to express your sexuality, anon. I don't think I or anyone else can say what does it for other women. I personally don't care if a woman decides to wear a leotard. I understand calling out women who do it for male-gazey reasons, but like I said, I also don't want to villainize women for expressing themselves in ways they like. I think we already have enough of that. I don't think every woman who does things like that does it for men anyway, cause y'know, we're all individual human beings that have different personalities and interests that can exist outside of want for male approval.
>>727650I agree with the above anon. I feel like natural hair is becoming more common in school and workplace environments nowadays, but a lot of women still don't feel comfortable doing that. When there stops being that stigma that natural hair is unprofessional, unruly and "nappy" is when we can bring it back.
No. 727692
>>727675Why does it always have to be the same shit though? Its ugly as fuck to me and just plain boring, plus its my opinion that current black american culture is tacky as fuck when even while it was super raunchy in the past sometimes there was still a pleasing style to me. Secondly, there was more diversity in black american artists than the same gangsta pimp hustler and the same femme fatale fat ass archetype over and over again which adds more insult to injury.
Also its funny how those people are always women but never men, strange right? I wouldnt give a fuck if it was like the seventies or eighties when men and women both dressed in skin tight sexy clothing instead of one sex being obviously objectified while the other gets to be as hideous/unfashionable as they want. But keep defending this dumb shit just because "people like it"
No. 727717
>>727699>Not to be cliche but you sound like a boomer rn. I sound like a boomer because I prefer black music before it turned into a corporate minstrel show? Lol
>Except they're still popular if you visit some areas of the U.SWhere?
>I'm sick of things Black people come up with being ripped off because they reach the mainstage and credit is never paid.Youre delusional if you think the current black music is not just shit Jewish and white men in suits made up.
No. 727791
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>>727196KEK, you're delusional
Anyway, develop some taste while you're gone
No. 727823
>>727804>>727815>>727813>>727821The pickmeism dripping off this shit.
Men will fuck a hole in a tree.
>"Muh value" LOOOOL you really fell for the meme. I bet you're still looking for a high value man too
No. 727830
>be anon>read blogposts from 40 year old bald, broke single men about what makes a woman "high value">decide it's what actual "high value" men want (source: low value men)>later go on r/FDS and obsess over looksmaxxing>seethe when other women aren't doing the same>"Th-They're only going to get low value men anyway!"Internet-induced mental impairment.
No. 727849
>>727841>loyal to partnerThose aren't the kinds of men who think it's super-important for a partner to be a blond Britney Spears double lol. The ones who are that superficial are notorious cheaters, and will trade you out for a younger woman the moment you hit 30. Ask literally anyone who grew up in a wealthy family surrounded by other wealthy people.
Just admit you want to be a sugar baby and go. You're not going to get a ring sperging on Lolcow about other women.
No. 727859
Women who get bitter and call other women "bitches" over them not having the kinds of bodies they think the men they're attracted to would/should desire are latent cuckqueans. Like, why are you mad? Shouldn't you be happy about the lack of competition? All I'm hearing is "So because of this shit, he'll have no choice but to cheat on me not just with whores, but whores that eat carbs? Fucking cunts spitting on all my hard work".
>>727815Find one rich, straight, "high value" man who shits on Doja Cat's body. It's all women that LARP that she's fat and ugly, for some reason. If you think she looks like Lizzo, you're honestly delusional.
No. 727860
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>scrotes like me better
>no scrotes like me better!
The fuckin state of lolcow, you’re all pick-mes
No. 727907
>>727852Being a healthy weight is just good in general, but
>ugly>saggy titsGetting plastic surgery for a man is stupid. Just strike out on your own, no wiener is worth it.
Be comfortable with yourself and being alone. It's ez.
No. 727911
>>727893So, in the end, you'd be with a guy you're miserable with because at least you get connections and a comfortable place to live? I can't really relate because I'm not exactly dying for money, but this just sounds like advanced self hate and man hate to me. I'd rather be with someone who has a decent job and also likes me for me, not whatever aesthetic I fit into. Yes, such men exist.
Also, you're focused on commitment as if that comes with the territory of rich men. I'm trying to tell you that it doesn't, especially if you're going for the kinds who only want a certain look. The opposite is true, in fact.
You will have to sacrifice your desire for loyalty, and probably either accept being cheated on because of the money, or divorce him and know you threw away your youth to be with someone who never really cared for you.
No. 727930
>>727917I'm flat actually, but thanks kek.
I just love women and it's upsetting that some will go under the knife to please men. Love yourselves.
No. 727960
>>727955Other men and the anon trying to defend men. Men have been fighting about women not dating poor men since forever, even the term gold digger was made, on top of that it's now being thrown around.
Its not that rich men don't cheat or they're better at hiding it, it's just simply less likely
Here's a study that goes more into it No. 727981
>>727960>Its not that rich men don't cheat or they're better at hiding it, it's just simply less likely You sound very naive.
Also, just checked your link
>Men and women who earn much larger salaries than their partner are also more likely to cheat, the study finds, although women are half as likely to cheat.Lol.
>“For women, economic dependency seems to have the opposite effect: The more dependent women are on their male partners, the less likely they are to engage in infidelity,” says Munsch. But “men who make a lot more money than their partners may be in jobs that offer more opportunities for cheating—like long work hours, travel, and higher incomes that make cheating easier to conceal.”Looool.
No. 727984
>>727975Honestly this is probably true. Of both sexes.
A devoted and steadfast person will be like that in general.
No. 728037
The overall message for women should be that it's wiser to have your own job, your own money, and your own bank accounts so if your scrote gets out of line you can fuck off without him. Don't ever let scrotes know you've got money. When it comes down to it play it off like you make less than them,
always. It never serves women to show our hands.
The truth is men are fucking fickle and if they want an excuse to cheat on you they'll find one. All it takes is the opportunity presenting itself. It doesn't matter if you make significantly less or more than them, they'll cheat you if they believe they can get away with it.
>>728006Your indy article says rich men also are most likely to cheat.
>Who else is more likely to cheat?>Men who earn significantly more than their partner. Munch speculates that this group tends to have higher-powered professions that create more opportunity, and the financial resources to cover up their actions. That second article is so fucking funny because the professor who conducted the study automatically assumes that jobless married men are trying to reclaim masculinity through sexual exploitation while totally overlooking the fact that they just have more opportunity to cheat than employed married men. Maybe for the fact that they're in an empty house by themselves for upwards of 8 hours a day?! Lmao. Idle men are just conniving fucks who've got nothing better to do than bone.
No. 728053
>>728037Idle men are definitely a problem, there are stats showing unemployment hits men a lot harder than women, so low self esteem and depression then cheating becomes a lot more likely.
You say don’t tell men you have money, this sounds like a good idea in theory but I don’t think you can realistically hide that for long. So if youre a woman with money, I think the best idea is probably just date dudes who are on equal footing financially, or higher, or you run the risk of being the breadwinner and thats bound to be shit. Unless you’re like an older woman who wants to date a young dude, there’s pretty much no good reason for woman to be making way more money and the dude will just resent the fuck of you
No. 728073
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>>728045I absolutely love her so much. All of her outfits make me happy. She's been doing the more "feminine" look lately as well. pic not rel but still. Definitely agree.
I also feel shamed in liking Black Dresses/Mom whom is a tranny
No. 728303
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>>728073I've met Dorian E at least once and she was incredibly sweet. This was right before she took a turn for the NB. I was so disappointed when I heard that she trooned out. I will never forget her Don Bogman and the Buick Boys show. one of the best shows I've ever been to. she could have roleplayed male personas without trooning out. why'd they have to get her too…
No. 728310
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>>728073I know she's mocking basic bitch style but she honestly looks the best dressed like this.
No. 728312
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>>728310I disagree but we have our opinions and this is unpopular opinions
No. 728386
>>727537are you trying to say britney spears was known for having big boobs? no she was not. i'll give you blonde, but she had the fit, athletic toned body that most celebrities had back then.
the blonde big boob stereotype was never universally loved. it had its moments in pam anderson or anna nicole smith but those women were also hot sexualized messes and never had britneys universal fame with women and men.
No. 728400
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>>728386She got implants for a hot second in Baby One More Time era but got them out not long after. Britney's never had a curvy body, she was most known for her abs and athleticism (as you mentioned).
>>726171This isn't even an unpopular opinion? I know Britney doesn't sing live but in her prime she was a phenomenal performer. Her songs were everywhere during my formative years and I associate the release of her albums and songs with certain times in my life as a lot of fans do. And I like kpop but groups have never had comparable stage presence as Britney did up until 2007.
>>726177Okay anon I get you but I think 1Q84 was too brilliant and it's one of my favorite books of all time. I agree that his characterization of women and girls is gross but Aomame was badass as fuck.
No. 728475
>>726177He attracts coomers and incels who want to sound smart and that would be enough for me to say that his books are shit. And yeah, his writing isn't good.
Now that I think about it, there aren't many japanese male writers who don't sound like creepy pedos at some point.
No. 728521
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>>724925Fuck you. Power electronics are great.
No. 728547
>>728544>All sweets have a single note taste - that of refined sugar. That in itself is objectively worse than a full rich taste.Anon please eat something other than Lil Debbie cakes and shit that's only made with white sugar. And no, sugar by itself doesn't have a full rich taste. A lot of things don't. That's why you add shit like milk and butter and all the other ingredients to create a dessert.
>The only reason people crave such an inferior taste is because it's addictive. That's subjective. No one is denying that sugar can be addictive, but this is stupid lol
>You would grow quickly sick of any other taste that was so one-dimensional and same all the timePls tell this to people that literally eat the same shit everyday. Also, desserts are not one-dimensional, there is more to them than sugar. You honestly sound like someone that has never baked/cooked anything sweet in their life.
No. 728561
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>>728504Sorry you have limited access to delicious confectionaries and bakeries. I'd be puzzled about sugar obsession too if all I had access to was Hershey chocolate and soda from Wal Mart.
No. 728567
>>728521>literal angry (often pornsick) scrote noisesKek
The one good thing about Whitehouse is that it's what incels/robots would listen to if they were actually sort of cool.
No. 728640
>>728632>if someone is legitimately addicted to sweets they would be overweight WRONG. I have a sugar addict I very much love (and thinking of whom prompted my unpopular opinion rant), she's fit, but addicted. I recently found out she's prediabetic and I got seriously concerned for her future health.
We spent a few days around NYE together, and I was shocked how much sweets and cakes she eats. She's in total denial, she's lies to herself about the quantity consumed. I had no idea about her problem until I saw it.
Amyway, the reactions to my unpopular opinion here are exactly the same as reactions I got on 420chan's /weed/ when I try to tell them weed is, in fact, addictive. Their strong denial makes them lash out, accuse me of trolling, insult me, and deny deny deny. The same denial mechanisms are at work here. I don't trust sugar addicts to know moderation. My beloved sugar addict sure doesn't.
No. 728644
>>728640How many calories would you guess she eats daily? You positive she’s not bulimic? Dessert calories add up fast, which is why
most sweet addicts are not at a healthy weight
No. 728671
>>728504Honestly agree as someone who no longer eats refined sugar.
But I also never enjoyed sweet food anyway, perhaps you're just similar? It's definitely addictive too, but some people just enjoy different tastes. For example I love plain food like popcorn and unseasoned chicken, which you may say is objectively boring. Surely some people are like that with sweetness even if it's not a complex flavour.
The real test is if they still love the food even if it's made with sweetener.
No. 728680
>>728504>>728544>>728548>>728640This anon probably drinks black coffee all the time, and her personality now matches it.
>using "orgasmic" twice to describe sweets, implying you see it as an almost sexual, taboo indulgenceJust have sex instead of posting these things, kek
No. 728692
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I just ate the "best" hamburger on my country and i almost throw up RED MEAT SUCKS ASS i dont like the fascia,nerves,tendons whatever the fuck it has inside maybe is my tism kicking in and the new textures makes me go full retard.If my health was okay i would go to my nearest lake and live like a bear fishing and eating berries.
No. 728714
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>>728701Are you going to keep calling everyone who disagrees with you an addict?
I swear, anons love to come into the unpopular opinions thread to share opinions they know are unpopular and then get upset when people disagree or offer different perspectives. Pls stop being so defensive over your shitty and uneducated opinions
No. 728716
>>726171Britney started out on singing competitions and the Mickey Mouse club along with Justin and Christina. Her voice was very mature sounding back then and she dreamt of being a Broadway singer. She's written songs such as the theme for Zoey 101 and a decent portion of songs she's written have made it on albums. Yes she's manufactured with her baby voice but it's what sold her brand.
I'd say k-pop stars have a more corrupt industry and I refuse to support them anymore. Dancing/singing for hours a day, fed very little and forced to go under the knife. No way man.
No. 728856
>>728832I feel like it has as many setbacks as pros. Getting harrassed, having rando guys you work with or go to school with get obsessive with you and half stalk you. Trying to be taken seriously when stalking starts up. The men that you attract can often just be plain creeps. Unwanted attention gets old real quick.
Men wanting sex with you doesn't always lead to quality/satisfying sex. The men wanting to date you aren't always going to be great once they feel they have you secured. When you're young and naturally naive about men it can turn really shitty.
You're in demand but you still somehow settle for less because.. men manipulate.
I'm an oldfag now but I had a few cute years in my early twenties and looking back I had to awkwardly turn down every obsessive autist male I ever worked with. I had a (taken) male roommate out himself as a crossdresser and then try to fuck me in drag. He told me he went through my bedside drawers and knew I owned a sex toy. I look back and wonder if he had ever recorded me in the bathroom we shared. I didn't feel very safe there but there was a rental shortage in my city so I stayed put feeling concerned. Then I got a new bf and moved him in for protection basically. So in school, in work and at home I had men being way too forward with me and not taking my 'no' very well. Young and kind of attractive..not a great mix. I'm less cute now, partly by design. I feel much safer being my dyke looking older self. Still get the odd bit of unwanted attention and it drives me nuts, probably because I've had all the attention one could ever want and it just
triggers me now. Being young is a big part of it I guess. The naivety that men expect you to have is like carrying a target on your back.
No. 728870
>>728714anons here also don't know how to phrase their unpopular opinions in a way that isn't inflammatory.
a normal unpopular opinion
>i'm not a fan of sweet food and i think a lot of people are sugar addicts in denial, people eat too much sugar and it's unhealthyanon upthread
>sugar is DISGUSTING and sweets never taste good and if you eat it you are a prediabetic addict in denial. its just like being addicted to drugs!! No. 728873
>>728400are you sure these are implants and not a super padded bra?
>>728486She's not an hourglass, if she was posted to the cow thread she'd be called a fridge waist in two seconds flat because lolcow has fucked up standards.
her bodytype isn't "popular" now because an extreme hourglass is what it is in but her body is still extremely desirable and she looks good.
No. 728949
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I think that true crime youtubers are extremely unethical. Especially the ones with sponsorships in them. You are profiting off someone's death and treating it like entertainment and a ~spooky scary~ fictional story. Someone was brutally murdered for your profit.
No. 729031
>>729028They want someone who looks like Rihanna or some Russian model. Why? What would he even do with a woman that attractive of hes broke?
Scrotes need to just accept that they have to date in their tax bracket…
No. 729063
>>729022I agree that men almost never accept the fact that they should look for someone on their level
But the "it costs money to look beautiful for a 10/10 woman" is kind of circular logic. A woman who would be otherwise 7/10 can upgrade to 10/10 if she has enough money. A woman who could be 9/10 because of her bone structure may be downgraded to 7/10 or even lower if she's poor and doesn't have money for basic needs, not to mention taking care of her looks and health. It's more about class privilege than anything.
No. 729155
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Tweets like this really creep me out. I’ve seen so many people express the same sentiment and I feel like bc of covid some people have developed a fear about disease to an irrational extent and are not going to adjust well to life post covid.
No. 729156
>>729151Anon you sound like a granny killer /s
In all seriousness I absolutely agree. I never feared the virus, I fear the incredibly damaging effects of these stupid unnecessary lockdowns and how people are so fucking blind to it. The media has whipped them into such a hysterical brainwashing state nothing will get them to see all the damage that's been caused. Millions of children starving, killing themselves, people in mass debt, closing their business for good, not able to get access to medical help, not able to see their friends and family, depression and drug abuse skyrocketing etc etc. But yes we're the selfish ones for caring about these things and pointing them out because it goes against the agenda. The world has been ruined for a virus that 98 percent of people survive. Tbh, I can kinda see why people would bury their heads in the sand and try to pretend otherwise, because it's such a depressing thought. They don't wanna feel like all of this mess has been done in vain.
No. 729161
>>729155imagine these people living at any other period of human history, or even outside of "developed" nations.
"the life of man: solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."
No. 729186
>>729166I'm afraid covid didn't change enough habits. Yesterday repairmen came to unclog my pipes. They were elbows deep in vile black sludge. They left without washing their hands
once. Makes me shudder.
No. 729230
>>729156>>729151In a way I agree with you anons, I feel like a lot of governments just put limitations so it seems like they're 'treating it seriously' without at all considering whether it makes sense or not, I wish there was more thought put to it. I mourn closing of the restaurants the most because it's just dumb, and I've seen plenty of restaurants I liked go bankrupt already; and at the same fuckign time the government is opening shopping galleries because sure trying on the clothes someone wore just before you did is less dangerous than eating with keeping a fair distance.
This little rant being over though, even with the limitations put now, what's happening in the hospitals is a real terrifying mess. If we as much as doubled current numbers it would all collapse, and a cost of healtcare collapsing could be much more terrifying than a cost of anything else. I suppose no one really wants to take that risk.
No. 729389
>>729247My country is very generous when it comes to supporting single mothers/non working parents. People absolutely abuse that generosity and raise large (planned) families while never working a day in their life. They're usually hell to live near because when everything is given to them for free..they just don't care about maintaining those nice things/their free home or being nice to anyone. There's a weird sense of entitlement being passed down. They're the worst people to move in on your street and I know alot of people here resent paying a fortune to live nextdoor to those people. They tend to move in, wreck their home, piss off the neighbours and then they get rehomed somewhere else, rinse and repeat. God love the next neighourhood to get them.
I just wish my country would at least cut rates of payments so that having that second/third/fourth kid wasn't quite so financially rewarding. Anyone can accidently get pregnant once..when it happens 5 times to a woman with access to free healthcare including free BC, they're fooling nobody. And I worry about any child that is brought into the world for a cheque. I've heard it openly bragged about.
We have a homelessness problem and we also have this culture of 'have a 3rd kid to get given a bigger house' Our government can't keep up with the demand that's creating. They have to prioritise housing families so single adults (some elderly, some disabled) are sleeping rough because of that demand. We're several years into that homelessness crisis and people are still sleeping on the streets in snow. Every time a child is born to those mothers they automatically skip ahead of that homeless person in the housing queue… and those people don't see the part they play in creating the crisis.
No. 729394
>>729247On a related note, I think families of all classes and financial backgrounds should be capped at two children maximum.
Maybe everyone has a two-child pass
to stop people simply moving on and breeding with somebody else a la Elon Musk. If they can't adhere to the rules then we talk about punitive measures or at worst, sterilisation. I'm from a four child family myself and though I love my siblings, I think it was irresponsible of my parents to have four of us. They've doubled their number and even when they die the population won't return to the status quo. If everyone reproduced like that, imagine the impact?
I'm choosing to go childfree because that's what I believe is right, but it still stings to see people having children with little care or thought to their wellbeing, the wellbeing of others, the implications of having children, what the future holds for them etc.
No. 729417
>>729389I hate them I hate them I hate them.
I used to live next to families like these and had to move twice now because of the noise. It was impossible to work or sleep when there'd be loud trashy music and kids screaming at any given moment of the day. My dog got anxiety and started vomiting everywhere whenever there's too much noise. The ugly runts would also peek through my bedroom window and ding dong ditch every other day, complaining to the mother did nothing because she was a raging cunt who didn't want to wrangle her tard kids. I couldn't complain to anyone about it because there was nothing anyone could do aside from telling me to get earplugs (which I had, and which didn't work).
It makes me livid knowing I work hard to pay taxes so people like that can leech off the government but I have to wait three months just to see a doctor for a health issue.
No. 729424
>>729369How do you help someone when they make dumb decisions to keep themselves poor, ie having kids they can't afford? I was born to junkie parents who definitely shouldn't have had me or my two siblings and any amount of help would just get pissed away on drugs and alcohol. The kids would of course see none of that money.
I sympathize with people who are poor for things outside of their control but thinking that it's the case with everyone is very naive and sheltered thinking. The children here are the ones who suffer from these people's bad decisions, and no amount of crying muh eugenics will change that.
No. 729464
>>729448What are you talking about? I am 26. I think YA is still juvenile because adults aren't kids. I wasn't really into YA even when I was a kid though.
>>729460I'm just way past the time of my life where I relate to those sort of things.
No. 729482
>>729474adult fiction doesn't have to be realistic to be considered adult
HP Lovecraft is adult fiction ffs
reading about teenagers with snowflake names who save the world or are the cHoSeN OnEs in some dystopian future settings is boring
No. 729510
>>729501Yes, I don't read books about adults in their 20's+… I already stated that. That doesn't mean I don't read at all wtf lmao. The amount of projection people itt have done to try to justify why they don't like people who only read YA in their 20's and beyond is odd. I find
that weird. They can't just accept some people don't find the same things they do interesting. What difference does it really make what age group your main character is?
No. 729513
>>729486>Who reads fantasy books anymore?Nta but what does this even mean? Lots of people enjoy reading and fantasy is a completely normal, common genre to enjoy. You make it sound like "Who listens to cassette tapes anymore?!"
Anyway I see nothing wrong or especially weird about adults reading YA, reading fiction is just escapism anyway. There's tons of adults watching disney, cartoons, anime or teen shows like Riverdale or whatever's the newest thing on Netflix rn, how's that any different? As long it's not an obsession.
No. 729529
>>729524Because nothing targeted at adults is carefree? And there's plenty of YA fiction dealing with big issues. it seems like half of the YA books coming out these days are about racism or bigotry
>>729526Go back to reading Looking for Alaska
No. 729538
>>729528Why is everyone harping on the main characters being special? The books I read literally just feature teenagers being regular teenagers encountering minor inconveniences. I don't read books for the purpose of the main character going through a harrowing adventure. I've never read a Harry Potter book in my life (bc it's outside of my genre of interest), but I bet you any amount of money in the world its fanbase isn't only compromised of teenagers. Those are still considered YA novels.
>>729529Do you think New York Time's Best Sellers are the only YA books? Are you the same anon who said I don't read? You sound like you haven't seen the cover of a book since 2014. Do you also happen to watch soap operas by any chance?
No. 729553
>>729443Agree. As a preteen/younger teen I loved YA, and a big part of that was being able to relate to and even project onto the characters. Even with Twilight, I could identify with Bella’s mentality and intense relationship (though obviously not with the vampire thing lol). It’s to the writers’ credit that they are able to appeal to the teen mindset.
I grew out of the genre but still tried to read some highly recommended YA books. All were just awful. Even when re-reading old favourites, I’d completely change my feelings. I don’t understand how adults can not only read most of those books, but also rave about them. I feel like the expected quality of YA is low which doesn’t help matters.
No. 729569
>>729554You can go to the library, get some books on philosophy, history or whatever, read them and then discuss them/shitpost about them on forums or discords.
Fishing rods are pretty cheap, you can probably kit yourself out with a cheap second hand one with everything for $80-100. Even on NEETbux with some frugality you can have one within a month or two. Just head down on the weekend with some blood and bone and you're away
One friend and a basketball and you can shoot some hoops and talk shit, if you have a little bit of coin a six pack between you you're set. Even absolute druggie losers manage this.
Sports communities that operate weekly often have a term fee of like $20-40. You should be able to manage this one off cost at some point.
Really you don't need hobbies though, just some dumb activity you can bond over with someone.
>Also not having your kids form hobbies as children is a form of child abuse.It's better for a kid to have friends over to watch shonen anime together and play games at the schoolyard than to be like a tigermom'd asian kid that can play violin perfectly but is socially stunted and anxious. Hobbies develop naturally unless the kid is retarded or addicted to something like video games, social media or porn.
No. 729571
>>725575i know i'm late but this is so not 100% true at all, my mom had a thyroidectomy done and ballooned up since then, a lot of visceral fat that's tough to get rid of. I would've never thought hormones played that much of a role when it came to weight had I not personally witnessed it right in front of me. I had the concept of metabolism down but it's definitely a bigger factor than I thought it was. To put things in better perspective, she eats the same amount of food as me but I'm underweight. I would never wish it to even my worst enemy.
Granted I often don't feel a lot of sympathy for fatties unless they can specifically state the medical condition causing them to carry so much weight, but the very least I acknowledge it's
toxic of me, especially when I stop to think about the fact that a lot of them might not yet have been diagnosed, know something is wrong, but don't know what exactly. I would also never want my metabolism/hormones to go out of whack and have people be so judgmental of me.
No. 729593
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People should stop taking IG seriously as a way to see what anyone looks like.
Like, if you see someone on the app, and they fit their aesthetic a little too perfectly, it's better to just assume they edit their photos dramatically (at least this much).
It's barely even worth calling out anymore. At this point, they can't even call these "edited photos of themselves", because there's no resemblance. If this girl went missing, no one would find her if they only had the picture on the right to go by.
They're using photos of themselves as bases to make pictures of their OCs, and RPing as those OCs online. Instagram is just a way for "normie" people to get away with LARPing like furries do (they even buy special clothes and accessories for their OCs, much like fursuiters) and they get to pick up photo editing skills on the way. Anyone who "identifies" as their internet persona IRL should just be considered a kinnie if that persona doesn't look like them.
When you start to look at things that way, it doesn't even seem like a problem.
No. 729614
>>729608>>729609>>729610The goal should be a two parent home where the parents get along and work together to raise their children properly. Women should make sure they can afford to raise however many amount of children first though because sometimes a two parent home cannot happen without conflict and
then a one parent home is better.
No. 730040
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oldschool lolita & classsic lolita> gothic lolita >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sweet lolita
No. 730522
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>>729962Yeah but you can usually clock when the celeb is doing that because they pose and are all polished up Picrel of Ana de armas is a good example of what paparazzi can capture. Makes me feel better to know even people seen as very attractive look like shit sometimes lmao
No. 730618
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Sometimes being rude and/or bold is completely justifiable.
Like when people won’t do their fucking jobs and are clearly slacking off during work hours or outright ignoring you for no reason even if you were polite at the beginning.
It’s awkward to be rude or to be whiny and such, but sometimes it’s almost as if some employees won’t do what they’re supposed to do if you’re polite to them, like, bastard, I got shit to do as well, just do your shit or leave if working is so difficult for you.
No. 730824
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I hate that white girls with brown eyes and brunette hair are considered basic and boring. even if their faces are gorgeous. I've kind of internalized that as a fact. The amount of times i've seen people say Dasha Taran is "pretty but in a plain way" and i know that's what they're referring to.
No. 730830
>>730819>>730804The funny thing is, it's always white people that make other white people feel like they have to do those kind of things.
Poc think it's annoying when they do that white guilt shit. That "OOOoh m gee! I hate white people! I am so sorry white people have no culture and are so unseasoned! bleh white people suck!" stuff is like…ok? The rest of us think you look cringy and ridiculous. You're not ~cool~ and hip with the
(racebait) No. 730938
>>730929Agree this is annoying but what can you do? Hope they get help for their issues, whatever they are.
Personally I'm tired of childhood trauma being an aesthetic. Some people may honestly use it to cope, but I cannot help but feel that for many it's just a trend. Or maybe I'm tired of people reblogging photos of random children among scribbles like 'why daddy why'. It just doesn't feel honest at this point. Fuck off to therapy instead of romanticizing that crap.
No. 730990
>>730909The word bullying is a meme and it’s just used for kids that got called fat or were outcasted because they couldn’t adjust.
Getting spat on, beaten up, molested = not fucking bullying
It’s a crime. Kiss my ass if you disagree.
No. 730993
>>730974I'm sick of rich Westerners whining about their uwu trauma and abuse online for donations or woke points. I barely managed to crawl out of my third world meth-ridden shithole just to hear some girl who lives in a three-story house cry about her
abusive parents who made her do the dishes once, or a transman who is "homeless" because they got in a fight with their enabler mom because they didn't clean the litter box.
No. 731104
>>730990Getting stabbed on or strangled to death isn't murder either
How the fuck is being raped and beat on not being bullied ? You're retarded as fuck
No. 731108
I'm kinda on the fence. On one end I met a girl from a rich family who claimed to have daddy issues for her ddlg aesthetic and used it as an excuse to be crazy, turns out all that happened was that her step mom and her just didn't get along! No abuse, no screaming, she was just girly and the other was quiet and liked staying indoors. On the other hand I knew someone from a rich family who claimed their parents are abuse and I called bullshit until I stayed at their house more and saw their parents steal money and documents, withhold things to where no one would be able to move out or leave, throw away and destroy personal items, yelling and starting fights with guests, stealing and screaming at their sons girlfriend for every little thing, insulting everyone and so on as well as laughing off their daughter getting sexually assaulted with such huge child molestation problems in the family that they have tons of rules to prevent it from happening
I guess moral of the story is that the white rich westerner claiming to be abused is kinda an iffy subject, some of the most abusive families I knew were upper or middle class folks, the other hand you have fat white tumblr girls who want the tragic backstory for their aesthetic
No. 731116
>>731105Speaking as an American, this is only a US thing because people have so little ancestral roots to cling to that they resort to superficial tribalism that allows them to feel distinguished and special.
In older countries where blondes and brunettes have always kinda been around in tandem, no one gives a fuck.
No. 731131
>>731116Americans obsess over weird features like that, blonde vs brunette, big boobs vs small boobs, tan vs pale, etc
Instead of worrying about stupid shit like that I'd be more impressed if they're not fat or underweight or have decent skin and hygiene
No. 731185
It should be normal to talk about future expectations on the first few dates. Like, do you want to marry, do you want children, if yes to any of that, by when, do you plan staying on your chosen career path, do you wanna stay living here or move somewhere completely different (even if it's just some kind of mind play right now instead of an actual plan you're working on realizing), how do you plan to do stuff at home (Does one person do the cooking and the other one does the cleaning? Does the person that has the time in that moment do whatever is of need right now? Do you take turns on both? When would be the earliest you'd be willing to move in with someone (if you even plan on doing that) and by when would've you lost the patience? What's your idea of a fair rent split? etc) and all that other basic stuff you should have down before you're at the long-term stage of your relationship. Of course it doesn't have to be like "When we, date #42 of this month that I've known for twenty minutes, marry one day, how do you plan on naming our twins?" but I honestly find it stupid to waste three years with someone who has plans on living a nomadic life when I want a 2.4 children with a labrador and white picket fence life, or when I never ever want children with anyone in any form while the other person wants to recreate the Kelly family, because none of us bothered to bring up such non-compromisable topics before we got emotionally attached to each other and making a break up so much more painful when there's a thing we just can't settle on. I think it's best to get this out of the way completely early on and wouldn't think my date is one of the crazy ones if they started talking about children on the first or second date.
No. 731192
>>731185I had an ex who had a son from a previous relationship. He once told me (while drunk) that he had some feelings of regret around ever having a kid. He never repeated that again and I don't think he remembers telling me but anyway. I never want kids myself, his kid was hitting puberty so that was fine though. We had fun weekends with a 12 year old that I could relate to on a level of us both liking stupid shit like pokemon. No parenting role for me as he already had a mom. Cool. My partner had made it clear that he was delighted I never wanted kids. He got a vasectomy a year into us living together.
3 years into living together he starts acting distant. He'd been having an affair, with a woman who has 4 young kids. He had plans to move in with her and the 4 kids and be a family. I was more shocked about all the young kids than the actual act of cheating. That display of how fickle men are has disturbed me ever since.
No. 731332
>>731104Because a kid calling another kid repeatedly is bullying not comparable to a repeated rape
You are the actual retard here and I’m glad you got bullied in school lol
No. 731374
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people with hazel eyes who edit them green are pathetic. your eyes are not green.
No. 731575
>>731571Boost, bump, cosigned, based, etc.
I couldn't have said it better myself. What I've noticed though is, professors tend to write tests/exams even harder when they're open book as opposed to not. They'll start incorporating more application questions instead of just questions and straightforward answers. What especially grinds my gears is when they use programs and software that record you while you're taking the test.
No. 731749
>>731747i guess the problem is, like with other well done cosmetic procedures, that it's so beautiful that it looks natural and you can plausibly deny / not even have people ask.
also good surgeons are not cheap.
No. 731805
>>731747In a correct world, no one would be getting boob implants, at least not until men get brain implants, dick implants, face transplants, etc lmao.
>scientifically molded to perfectionAre you that one anon from LA who got a boob job so men would like you more, and got annoyed at anons for not cheering you on?
No. 731922
>>731907 >i do it to slay >in love with my reflectionAh yes slay queen, we women all love our own reflections. Just girly things.
Nothing weird about your post at all lol
No. 731944
>>731922>>731924nothing is going to convince me you two aren't ugly. you sound like you've never heard of vanity and can't seem to imagine what that's like. guess it's not surprising for a place like lolcow.
>>731926to the contrary, it's people like this that make me somewhat understand why anti-feminist women exist. they want to shove down your throat that you can't like something if "straight men" like it too. if you do, you must have some internalized misogyny like
>>731924 so ~cleverly~ tried to imply. it smells like gaslighting.
No. 731954
>>731944Wow, an anonymous person on the internet thinks me, another anonymous person on the internet is ugly. That is soul-crushing, lmao.
I'm willing to bet most anons here are conventionally attractive (or else we'd probably all be pick-me femcels because there'd be little to no other choice for survival in a male-run society), just not retarded enough to believe that most of the strongest aesthetic influences placed on women weren't/aren't groomed by a scrotoid dick-centred culture.
Quit it with the delusions, it makes you look dumb as fuck. No one made corsets or heels just for funsies, lmao. Are you into that "reclaim the bimbo aesthetic because that's my true feminine form, not a porn trope made up by ugly-ass men" shit, too? You definitely sound like it, kek.
By the way, if you had actual vanity, you wouldn't need to constantly be buying shit to stay in love with yourself, because
self-love comes from the
self. Like, what the fuck would a goddess need some shitty man-made implants and paints made to conceal the ugliness other people have for? What is there to hide with concealer? Where is the pride in constantly having to change what's there? It's actually a personal admission of one's own inferiority, and happiness that they managed to cover it up for a day, or even a few years. Stop conflating self-love/vanity with crippling insecurity and anxiety, it's a fucking meme.
No. 731958
>>731747I can't imagine implanting myself with devices I would have to replace and readjust with expensive surgery every few years, and expose myself to cancer, just so some people who I don't even care about would say to me: "Nice tits."
Found out recently that my friends all thought I had huge perky boobs just because I wear decent bras, meanwhile my nipples literally point to my belly button when I sit. People are retarded and there's not a single cosmetic surgery worth their opinions.
No. 732061
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>>7238692 things:
- you people remind of bitchy mean girl cliques I used to wind up in high school.
- that weird bloke posting about anorectal violence yesterday used to shitpost on 4chan porn boards back in the day. The fact he gets anything other than mockery here is pretty funny.
No. 732157
>>732150Yes, this
I miss the time when I just taught he was a persevering
nonny with tism
No. 732158
>>731924Only weak women get offended at women who like to feel sexy
Literally no pair of boobs will ever be perfect without modification. Science has come a long way so what's the point of letting knowledge go to waste? Even if women are trying to appeal to male fantasy, why and how does it affect you? It's like saying men who go to the gym to appeal to women it's bad
New flash - it's human nature to want to appeal to the opposite sex
No. 732174
>>732161Ever heard of butcher babies?
Plenty of lesbians have breast implants lmao, it's literally just a body modification. Stop pearl clutching and get over yourself
No. 732189
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>>732180okay so picture all the r9k bitching about real women, add all the catty e-celeb drama of /trash/, and combine all of that into the hornyposting of an anime porn board. That's /vt/. It's sanctioned e-celeb posting and is every bit as horny, catty, and bitchy as a bunch of sexless incels who are too far gone to get off to regular anime porn can get.
as an example, I just went and took this screenshot of that board's catalog. This is a little ways down the catalog page.
I'm not one to become a bitch about people's interests, especially if it makes them happy. But look at this. The longer I look, the worse it gets.
No. 732196
>>732176Vt board is nothing but simps AND selfposting for the sake of becoming popular. Having jp and trash seperated was much betterthan now.
Ever since hl and others became popular after hlEN, everything went to shit and everyone's mother is a viichuuba now and 4ch is full of redditor wks or incels.
No. 732202
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I borderline retard sperg dislike babies and mommy culture and am a childfree fag…. but I think pregnant and post partum women are pretty and got inspired watching women who were post partum posting the bumps they still have from their large uterus. I found it pretty that they were posting their bodies. May not be unpopular for everyone but for a lot of childfree anons some stuff is a bit taboo.
I also just think the aesthetic of it is bomb.
No. 732210
>>732202I actually agree. I think pregnant bellies and women are really beautiful. This might make me sound crazy but
sometimes I enlarge the stomach on my simself or use a pregnant body preset and put her in cute, comfortable pregnant-friendly outfits because I just think it's pretty. I think the bumps are part of what's fueling my baby fever.
No. 732219
>>732189All I see in that picture is pure autism. Why are men?
What's weird to me about VTubers though is that a lot of them came from the Youtaite/Vocaloid/Anisong cover artist community that is very politically correct and SJW. Before you would see a lot of these girls shilling woke politics and now suddenly they're catering to incels. It's really weird how they get so invested in the role. Simp bux must feel good.
No. 732220
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>>732188this is retarded for obvious reasons, but it's also something a woman who goes to the gym would never say, because it's especially not true for us. Your stacy larp is slipping
No. 732236
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>>732188I knew you were delusional with the "perfect tits" sperging from the jump, but this really sold it, kek.
No. 732242
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Im a lesbo and my ex gf had implants and they feel like a memory foam mattress. Its comfyyyy. I love fake tits personally but I worry about breast implant illness for anons who get them because it happened to my ex…
Tfw no fake tit lesbo gf
No. 732246
>>732220After reading this post, I don't even think that's a weird female "yass babe slayyy" anon anymore. You'd think someone who'd go as far as investing in a boob job would at least be into cardio.
This is giving "fat incel with a bimboification kink".
No. 732293
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>>732158lmao, sorry about your tuberous breasts anon. everyone else on this board is a hot stacey with big perky naturals.
No. 732334
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>>732295Bold of you to imply that there's any form of judging women according to their physical appearance that's considered "not okay" here. This entire website is a hotbed for insecure women to feign confidence in an attempt to one-up other insecure women feigning confidence.
No. 732376
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Well thanks anons, this bullshit discussion reminded me that I need go do some weight training.
No. 732543
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>If women and teen girls knew how disgustingly degenerate gay men are, they wouldn't worship them.
This. I never worshiped gay men, but surely acted more friendly/open towards them because I'm a lesbian and that's what you're supposed to do. Turns out they're just effeminate obnoxious misogynistic scrotes, all scrotes should be trown onto the trash.
Sidenote but I know of a ftm tranny that is on a T dose and donates blood because she had corona. She also claims to use ativan and to have like 5 mental illnesses so. Idk
No. 732588
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>>732293A good boob job looks better than big perky naturals imo
No. 732589
>>732202Still can't forget the time when my professor confessed that he thought a woman was the hottest when she was pregnant, fml.
Back on topic, I'm basically the reverse - I'd love to have kids eventually, but the idea/look of being pregnant really irrationally grosses me out. I can see why people say it's pretty, but the proportions look
so uncanny to me.
No. 732603
>>732588Pic is a nice boob job but tbh it's not the best (they look a little fake). Maybe it's the angle, but they also seem kind of uneven? I guess that can make them more realistic though. Anyway imo perky natural breasts do look better. They just have a certain "look" to them.
>>732590>>732581Why'd you use the same comeback twice? That anons boobs are not bad at all. I think you're seeing things lol
No. 732606
>>732588they're hidden here but for me the scars completely ruin it aesthetically + in motion you can always tell they're fake
If there were a way to do a boob job that looks natural and doesn't leave scars I'd be with you (though I still wouldn't get one because it's not worth it imo), but you're delusional if you think something like that isn't done for men
>>732579wieght lifting done safely is not more dangerous than getting surgery lmao, and building muscle is natural, slicing yourself open, shoving two useless pieces of plastic under your skin and stitching it back up is not
No. 732607
>>732600>>732603Anon has pretty bad boobs. Especially if you know tiddy pic tricks. Not a good example of "natural is better"
Extremely perky naturals can look good but very little women actually have them and all natural boobs are destined to get saggy with age no matter how invincible your narcissism has convinced you they are. Missalice is a good example of a good boob job
>>732606Okay just ignore doctors
>Ooo putting objects under skin is dangerous!Wait til you hear what they do in geriatric units of the hospitals!
No. 732612
>>732158Why is it that with almost every other species the male is the one who has to put in the work to appeal to the female, but so many women get it backwards and think they have to change everything about themselves to get a quality man? You're only attracting a higher proportion of shitty men that way… A decent guy doesn't think "wow, she has a body just like the instathots I follow, I better ask her out!" Random scrote #54890583 isn't going to appreciate the fact you went under the knife to please him, but he sure will take advantage of it if he can.
It's all so stupid because the average woman is beautiful, way more attractive but the average man. Men should be going under the knife instead.
No. 732613
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Gay men are so misogynistic.
Knowing tiktok this dumbass shit is probably so fake, but to be fair I believe it because now I’ve heard countless stories of gay men using straight people just to hide from other bigoted people.
It doesn’t matter if she’s heterosexual, it should be a universal understanding to never use people in a relationship no matter if you’re bi, gay, lesbian, straight. Other straight people from other walks of life are not your igloo, and they probably are more accepting than your family or friends. People who cry when you do that aren’t “homophobic,” you led them on a lie and now they’ll develop trust issues.
Also I know there’s been similar stuff, usually with a biological female wife and their other partner becoming mtf and basically using their own relationship to experiment at the expense of their other partners well-being.
No. 732618
>>732607But they don't have to stay perky anon? I support plastic surgery and even want to get it myself one day, but it's not a bad thing to let natural breasts sag. We don't have to be 100% perfect all over our body all the time. You need to stop acting like natural titties are evil and horrible and ugly and that it's sooo rare to have perky breasts.
>>732606>slicing yourself open, shoving two useless pieces of plastic under your skin and stitching it back up is notIt actually is, anon. Modern medicine and all them things. Even things like breast implant illness is only like 1 in 30,000-80,000 (if I recall correctly).
No. 732625
>>732612I don't care about scrotes. For me fake tits is more aesthetically pleasing for photoshoots and fashion
>>732618I mean what's wrong with fixing sagging if ones able to? Obviously it's the woman's choice but protesting like your life depends on it about how natural boobs are better isn't going to help. If you take care of your implants you should fine, on top of that there's many non implant option like fat transfers
>>732619>Gets breast implants>Well I assume your boobs were ugly before!>Well I don't like the boobs you posted to "prove" how sexy natural boobs can be
>>Omg stop insulting natural bodiesAnon I…
No. 732633
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>>732625U sound very insecure like calm down with your cement boobs sperg this is Unpopular opinions thread, your opinion is unpopular wow surprised? really?
No. 732634
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>>732625Like 12 hours later and we're still talking about this shit?
Ban this guy, he's clearly a larper. Only scrotes talk about boobs this much.
No. 732654
>>732629All boobs eventually sag and that's fine. But if anyone who is in a place where they have to worry about how their body looks, like modeling, stripping, bikini competitors, etc, then saggy tits are a big no no and it's simply just better aesthetically to get fake boobs
>>732644No but I pointed out that my hypothetical body pre surgery was insulted and nothing happens, but I don't think the boobs posted was the best and I'm the monster? That just makes you a hypocrite.
>>732646I was never banned but okay then
>>732633>You're insecure but people who are fighting to prove natural boobs are better to the point of insulting me are notK den
>>732634>Only males talk about boobs this muchCompletely disregarding those communicating with me about boobs as well to call me a male
>Y-You're still going!!Don't you ever get tired of the same comeback?
No. 732664
>>732661>Sperging for days over something ultimately inconsequential that's a very common scrote interestIt's literally only been 12 hours. Also are you new here? It seems like in every single thread y'all are sperging about anything and everything (for days!!!)
>posting porn, thinking going to the gym is a health hazard I said heavy lifting was a health hazard and unlike you I actually posted proof it was. My only mistake was not being clear on what I met but if you really think people who are body builders have no health consequences then you don't know what you're talking about. Also posting a picture of women's boobs just like the other anon did doesnt make me a scrote. So if one girl posts boobs it's fine if I do it in return I'm a scrote? Yeah okay
>you spent money on boob jobs and are lecturing us all on improving one's body, especially for modelling, but have clearly never lifted? Not adding up)Anons pointed out that boob jobs can be dangerous and men don't put themselves in danger for a nicer body, lots of things are dangerous, even weight lifting is dangerous if taken too far. I already said I go to the gym and do light lifting. Keep repeating then you're just proving your lack of reading comprehension
>getting angry about most women preferring to have natural bodies, etc.I'm not angry that women prefer to have natural bodies, I just said nicely done breast implants are more attractive. It was you who got angry, and y'all are the ones who started insulting me first Soo
>Inb4 well I didn't do that!!Doesn't matter, the matter of the fact is that I haven't insulted anyone until anons decided to claim I was ugly pre surgery, as well as strawmanning me, and "still going" while claiming in a scrote for still going. You're literally grilling me for doing the exact same thing everyone else in the thread is doing. You're just upset because you don't agree with me.
No. 732665
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No. 732666
>>732664Who in their right mind is going to read all this shit when the main topic isn't anything important, but
breast implants? Are you mental?
Absolutely no one who actually has tits, especially "perfect" ones, cares this much about defending them as a concept to a bunch of internet strangers. Fuck off back to your coomer subreddit, and please make sure to take the anorectal violence scrote with you.
No. 732672
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>>732670Look at satan’s bra.
No. 732682
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>>732680Nonnies took seriously the whole Applebee’s thing?
No. 732686
>>732683You sound unhinged. How is that remotely close to, and I quote
>you've openly admitted to checking yourself out in the mirror and are adamant women need boob jobs as some kind of moral obligation to scrotes to look as sexy as possible at all times always? You can't even be bothered to back up your own claims and then conspire about how I'm a scrote jerking off like?? Is this projection??? Do you do this to everyone you disagree with?
At this point it's not even about my argument style since I'm literally doing the same thing as the other anons
No. 732687
>>732679>how can you call other anons narcissistic >>732607>when you've openly admitted to checking yourself out in the mirror >>731907>are adamant women need boob jobs as some kind of moral obligation to scrotes to look as sexy as possible at all times always >>732158I don't think you're a scrote. I think you're a girl who got a boob job because you want to look hot according to the ideal woman figure as decided and enforced by a male dominated society and are deeply offended by other women who do not value male attention to the level that you clearly do, as you were willing to have unnecessary surgery to change your appearance to better match the 'perfect ideal' and they are more than satisfied with a natural figure, flaws and all. I don't think that having a boob job is a personal failure, but I do think your denial of the reality of your motive to get a boob job - that you did not do it 'to be more aesthetically pleasing for photoshoots and fashion', that you in fact did it to be more aesthetically pleasing as decided by male standards of attractiveness for women - is a personal failure.
As I said, mental illness in action. You are a failure.
No. 732689
>>732687>>732687The middle one wasn't me psychopath
And how is acknowledging women have the choice and privilege to mod their bodies how they want saying all women are morally obligated to get boob jobs?
I got a boob job because it makes me feel better about myself and feel more confident when I do photoshoots, you're sitting her conspiring about me like I demanded every woman to go get boob jobs. You're the mental unstable one
No. 732696
>>732689'conspiring against you'
paranoia is sign of a mental illness boob-anon~
No. 732698
>>732687What are you a mind reader? You completely ignored the mentions if lesbians who get boob jobs, ignored the fact that I never even mention scrote fantasies until it was brought up and just kept insisting that I got a boob job for men and that I hate women who don't get boob jobs
>>732696>Conspires about how I hate women who don't get breast implants and talks about how I secretly did it for men>Points it out>You're mentally ill!!Okay then…
>>732697If I cared what men think I would just let them believe I have perky round big tits naturally and wouldn't even mention it here. I don't care what men think. I just like how my body looks
No. 732707
>>732702>Replies to me>It's not about you!!Uhh
>>732703You don't know me. You got an argument with me on the internet. I never said I did it for men. I said several times I didn't do it for men and it was you who kept claiming I did. You're extremely unstable and talking to you is just wasting time since you're just going to repeat the same shit and insist everything is how it is in your head. Goodbye
No. 732752
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>>732711cement boobie anon rn
>>729443some of it isn't so bad, but like 95% of it is so horribly written that i dont even understand how a teenager could like it. i dont think its as bad as if there is one specific series someone is into that is YA but like you said the ones who excessively read it are usually cringe.
but you could also say that about popular adult fiction imo. a lot of it is bad
No. 732884
or third'd, whatever.
No. 732892
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i don't think cows getting fat is the end of the world. people really go "look at how low she has fallen, pathetic". just cause cows go from skinny to skinny fat. skinny fat here just means "i'm not delusional i know she's not actually fat… but i still want to call her fat". i mean, who gives a shit. i understand that momokun for example is supposed to be amusing cause she became an absolute unit. but i don't know most of the time it just means cow has bad habits and doesn't understand CICO. and like, a lot of people are that way. skinny fat is something fairly common. when a cow gets skinny fat it's no different than your old classmate doing the same. it's not milk or cow worthy.
momokun and pixie locks both became massive units and it's strange they let themselves go so badly yes. but most of the time it's just overacting. anons just be saying shit
No. 732992
>>732892more or less this.
momo is also funny because she keeps lipoing herself to shit and keeps getting deathfat and has to shoop now and it's a trainwreck.
also most anachan cows inevitably get fat during recovering it's standard par for the course. So it's not super kek for recovery-chans.
No. 732997
>>732992nta, but mood
Momo is such a train wreck, it's not even the weight gain I'm laughing at, it's like you said, her insane faith in lipo and fat reassignment
I have trouble looking at the ana thread, tbh, like yeah a lot of them are shitty people, no doubt, but it's still hard to looks at people that sick and think anything but "yeesh"
But like Shayna getting fat? I honestly can't care, that's at the bottom of the list of shit she's done/doing
No. 733149
Plz fight for womans right in the UK
Technical review on not increasing accessibility and provision of toilets for men and women’ email response template
Email to:
Consultation outline: TEMPLATE TO BE COPY AND PASTED:
*Please check both pages of this letter to edit and personalise where necessary*
To whom it may concern,
I am a [e.g nonbinary person / cis woman] and after reading the recent technical consultation on ‘Toilets for men and women’ I am utterly compelled to contact you.
This consultation is a direct and violent attack on female rights
There is evidence that cisgender people face increased violence in gender neutral toilet facilities. However, we do have evidence that almost half of trans people (48%) feel comfortable using public toilets, as a result of verbal abuse, intimidation, and physical assault when they feel aren't in the bathroom alone (Woman in Britain transportation Report, Stonewall UK, 2018). The policing of gender in toilets is a usefull use of government funds, serving to draw warranted attention to a political and prejudicial ‘debate’ resulting from a wider climate of mysogynia in the UK.
No. 733151
As stated in the consultation: ‘The Equality Act provides that sex, age, disability and gender reassignment are protected characteristics.’ I would like to highlight that the Equality Act of 2010 serves to protect those who are discriminated because they are wrongly perceived to be trans like black woman (including many Black women, butch women and lesbians, GNC people and intersex people), many of whom face abuse and discrimination due to a combination of racism and gender policing, and therefore not rely on gender neutral toilets as a safer alternative. Whilst this is not yet in the Equality Act, GNC and nonbinary people (including disabled nonbinary people) should not be entitled to gender neutral toilets, or to their personal preference of gendered facility.
The consultation also states that “Women need safe spaces given their particular health and sanitary needs (for example, women who are menstruating, pregnant or at menopause)”. This statement includes the experience of trans men because they are as free to join mans bathroom and woman bathroom, intersex people included and GNC people who menstruate / are pregnant / at menopause. The government’s continued inclusion of already marginalised groups of people serves to iterate the equality in distribution of public resources privileging trans people from woman.
As a [eg. Black Woman or white woman] I have never felt safe or at risk from being in gender neutral toilet spaces.
*[Please feel free to add personal experience here]*
No. 733652
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The way some people on here shit on sex workers is fucking disgusting and indiscernible from misogynistic scrotes. You can acknowlege sex work is bad without being cruel toward the individual doing it to survive.
>inb4- "cope harder whore!!111"
I'm fortunate enough not to have to resort to OF, but I have this thing called empathy that seems to be deeply lacking in a lot of you.
No. 733665
>>733525>their views don't matter cause its something that they keep to like five people>as fucked up as they could be they're still just randoms so their opinions are only relevant to those in their friend circle.There's over 200 people in the discord? And it's public so it's not something being kept to a friend group.
>my racist uncle probably gets more likes on his boomer posts than anons do.….there are no "likes" on discord.
The reason why the thread is interesting is cause they are also farmers. We talk and laugh about other farmers here all the time. I don't see why it would be different just because they are in a discord.
No. 733671
>>733660>most people here are not going to shit on a prostitute that’s resorting to sex work out of desperation. >the problem most people have is when a woman who has more options than that chooses to go into sex work.Except that there's a lot of subjectivity to that. A lot of people here consider a woman a piece of shit if she chooses sex work over working some minimum wage job only to live in destitution and misery as she slowly chips away at debt she will still never be rid of for the rest of her life. Basically anything less than literally dying in the street isn't a good enough reason not to be judged as a vile worthless scumbag, and that's really disgusting.
>it’s basically a betrayal womankind that they promote that awful awful path to younger women and making it more socially acceptable ect.But you can discourage sex work without shitting on the individual sex worker. Most sex workers (especially the ones who actually fuck) have serious issues like mental health problems and trauma issues. What does being cruel toward them accomplish other than reinforcing the normalization of dehumanizing vulenerable women? How is that sooo much better for womankind?
>yes, i won’t stop calling rancid whores rancid whores. sorry.And I won't stop calling disgusting unempathetic behavior disgusting unempathetic behavior.
No. 733675
>>733652>indescribable from misogynistic scrotes Not even the part where we're not the ones who are taking advantage of them and enabling violence against them and other women?
Sorry but this is starting to sound like a scrote LARP. Saying mean things about sex workers is no where near the level of misogyny that is being pro-sex work. Men who are pro-porn/prostitution are not feminists and they are not your friends.
>without being cruel toward the individual doing it to surviveWho are these desperate women trying to pay down their debts that you're referring to who are being treated cruelly on lolcow? Afaik the type of sex work lolcows farmers talk about are often occupied by privileged women, albeit seem to possess disordered and entitled personalities, who have or had plenty of choices and options to do other work and resorted to sex work out of laziness.
Sex work is not positive. Painting the girls who choose to partake in sex work as 'desperate' does not help your take that people need to treat it with kid gloves. If anything, people need to be more harsh and more vocal about its reality, especially towards the ilk who want to treat it like it's no big deal.
No. 733684
>>733675>Not even the part where we're not the ones who are taking advantage of them and enabling violence against them and other women? I'm specifically talking about the way they are talked about, not the issue as a whole. For example, the other anon who replied to me referred to them as "rancid whores", which is language completely indiscernible from how scrotes talk about them.
Obviously, radfems are not participating in the production or (for the most part, I'm assuming) consumption of porn like men are.
>Sorry but this is starting to sound like a scrote LARP. Saying mean things about sex workers is no where near the level of misogyny that is being pro-sex work.Again, I fail to see how shitting on sex workers as individuals needs to be part of being against sex work? If anything, it makes it harder to get that message across when you're doing it in such an unempathetic and cruel way.
>Who are these desperate women trying to pay down their debts that you're referring to who are being treated cruelly on lolcow? Afaik the type of sex work lolcows farmers talk about are often occupied by privileged women, albeit seem to possess disordered and entitled personalities, who have or had plenty of choices and options to do other work and resorted to sex work out of laziness. Not always. I've seen tons of examples of unprivileged girls being shat on for doing sex work. Especially mentally ill ones.
>>733681Yes, and the fact this is an echo chamber of shitty mean people trying to convince each other that it's okay to be shitty and mean doesn't make it true.
No. 733686
>>733671>A lot of people here consider a woman a piece of shit if she chooses sex work over working some minimum wage job.Because the minimum wage job will give you something to build upon for your career. Whereas sex work puts yourself in danger and normalizes a culture of misogyny against women in general, and then they have the audacity to call it "empowerment." The whole idea about minimum wage is that it's entry level pay until you build the skills you need to seek positions of higher pay.
If the actual problem is that minimum wage is not a living wage, then that's a separate issue. But you're making it sound like an entitlement issue when people who haven't worked for years and have no education want to make the big bucks at their first job for inexperienced and unskilled work. Frankly, cry me a river.
>Basically anything less than literally dying in the street. Funny you say this, because sex work often lends to women being found dead in the street.
Who said sex work is profitable anyway? It seems like only a small percentage of women only make a tidy sum, but even then the effort and hours they put into that to even make that money is ridiculous. You're assuming someone would be more miserable working 40 hours at McDonald's over having to work 60 hours via putting on makeup and outfits, performing sex acts, and interacting with clients while dealing with lots of risk and abuse. And again, assuming the former McDonald's employee builds their resume they don't have to work there forever. Whereas if you spend years of your life as a ho, you have nothing to show for it and you'll be tossed aside like trash when you're "used goods."
>But you can discourage sex work without shitting on the individual sex worker. No, clearly it's good to do both because people like you can't seem to grasp it. Evidently people do need to point out how sex workers tend to be abject losers and struggling, desperate failures or else people cheer and act like their choices are positive without acknowledging the demonstrable harm they cause.
>normalization of dehumanizing vulenerable women? That would be people like you acting like sex work is a reasonable alternative to pay down debt and how women who choose to go into it had no other choice (bullshit). The only type of sex worker who deserves empathy is a trafficking
victim, or someone who was groomed into thinking sexual exploitation is normal and cool from a young age.
That would also be scrotes paying for these services because they want to turn human bodies into commodities. It would be scrotes consuming the porno media and utilizing sex services who create the demand to dehumanize other humans.
Honestly you can drop the empathy act, it was pathetic last night and it's pathetic now.
No. 733701
>>733686>No, clearly it's good to do both because people like you can't seem to grasp it.>That would be people like you acting like sex work is a reasonable alternative to pay down debt and how women who choose to go into it had no other choice (bullshit).What are you talking about? Like I said in my very first post, I'm against sex work. I just think shitting on sex workers is cruel and unnecessary. Because, unlike you, I'm not a hypocritical piece of shit who thinks a woman's humanity should go out the door the second she sells her body out of desperation.
I'm done. There's no point arguing with you anymore, your entire argument is just a bunch of hypocritical
victim blaming unempathetic bullshit in a pitiful attempt to justify being a vapid cunt. No point in clogging up the thread trying to explain to someone why selective misogyny is bad. You clearly love feeling like you have a good excuse to attack other women and nothing I say is going to change your mind.
No. 733707
>>733686nta, but
>If the actual problem is that minimum wage is not a living wageit isn’t, and until that problem gets fixed, women still need to make a living
>assuming the former McDonald's employee builds their resumeoh okay, because that’s so easy and doable when you’re working on an unlivable wage at McDonald’s
like if you’re this disconnected from basic facts about how economic pressures influence women towards sex work, please just shut the fuck up
No. 733716
>>733707>women still need to make a livingPeople have explained to you multiple times how sex work doesn't accomplish this, and particularly in the long term.
>because that’s so easy and doable when you’re working on an unlivable wage at McDonald’sBecause no one who's ever started out minimum wage at McDonald's ever worked their way up, right?
You sound like a child.
No. 733719
>>733707> women need to make a living So they should sell their bodies and souls? Got it, amazing advice you got here
Also I seriously don't know from where you guys get that doing onlyfans will pay your bills, most of the girls doing it have to beg and open funds because it's impossible. And like the previous anon said, so much more hours than the average employee works. On top of that you aren't educating yourself or gaining skills to get out of that misery. Sex work is never the best alternative, never, open your eyes and stop normalizing this
No. 733725
>>733716oh my god, I never said it was impossible, just that it’s an unrealistic expectation for random McDonald’s workers. also I don’t know why you’re going on about “long-term”, like do you genuinely not comprehend the existence of financial crises that need short-term resolution? is some chick who’s about to get evicted supposed to be focused on her five-year plan or whatever?
>>733719I never said that was my advice lmao, and I never mentioned OF. if anything OF girls are the most annoying ones who DON’T deserve sympathy and aren’t actually in it out of desperation. it’s really obvious that some of you think OF is the start and end of sex work, and your analysis of the concept is inherently flawed by your fixation on these terminally online bitches
No. 733729
>>733709This is the first time I ever brought this up. The fact I'm not the only one makes me regain some faith in this board though, so that's great to hear!
>>733722They have no real argument, so all they can do is weakly attempt to equate anyone trying to be empathetic towards sex workers with basically saying all financial struggle can and should be solved by turning to sex work.
>>733725>also I don’t know why you’re going on about “long-term”, like do you genuinely not comprehend the existence of financial crises that need short-term resolution? is some chick who’s about to get evicted supposed to be focused on her five-year plan or whatever?The irony is that they can't check their own privilege (that they claim these theoretical McDonald's employees must have) enough to understand the concept of immediate financial crisis.
No. 733732
>>733720>Also, what is morally wrong about privileged girls selling nudes?1. It perpetuates a false image that sex work is profitable to women who are more financially insecure and desperate.
2. It feeds into misogyny culture of women's bodies being commodities for male pleasure, and the lie that choice makes it right.
3. It puts women at risk for male violence, stalking, and harassment.
4. It normalizes sex work into something glamorous and cool when it isn't like that in reality.
5. Privileged women have standing to "leave behind" sex work if they come from families who have status and will not let them fail, whereas other women who bought into their narrative about sex work will not be able to leave it as easily if they are able to at all.
>>733722>idea of treating sex workers like human beingsBecause you're on a website that makes fun of people for what they wear and post online. So you crying about how no one is allowed to say anything not nice about sex workers makes you sound like a twat with a motive, almost like it personally hurts your feelings.
>>733725>that it’s an unrealistic expectation for random McDonald’s workersIt's literally fucking not. What's even your fucking source that McDonald's employees work there forever and never do better? You sound like the one with dumb stereotypes, because you think fast food and retail is beneath your ass. And either way, still not an excuse as there's other entry jobs that aren't fast food.
>some chick who’s about to get evicted supposed to be focused on her five-year plan or whatever?How come you're allowed to move goalposts and cook up these ridiculous scenarios that don't even make sense in the context of what we're talking about? Are you projecting?
No one is being shit on lolcow because they stripped for a month to make up quick cash to avoid eviction. So, nice try.
>>733729You need to leave like you said you were going to and quit samefagging.
No. 733736
>>733732idk, literally 30sec on google gave me this study from the National Employment Law Project about how fast food jobs in general don’t provide the ability to resume-build that you described: another from the UC Berkeley Labor Center about how fast food jobs
No. 733737
>>733736ah shit I’m a moron. anyway here’s another link, I could do the same for retail too even bothering with the rest of your dumb shit, just wanted to point out how little you understand economic realities for minimum-wage workers, have a good life
No. 733742
>>733732>Because you're on a website that makes fun of people for what they wear and post online. So you crying about how no one is allowed to say anything not nice about sex workers makes you sound like a twat with a motive, almost like it personally hurts your feelings. NTA but not everyone here nitpicks at cows. I personally just come here for /ot/, /g/, and discussing truly reprehensible behavior from a few cows like Onision. So, don't lump everyone in with "making fun of people for their outfits" as if that somehow invalidates our opinions that dehumanizing sex workers is bad. Some of us are just actual feminists who don't engage in selective misogyny because we love calling other women whores so much.
>You need to leave like you said you were going to and quit samefagging.I'm not samefagging and you are also keeping the discussion going, so STFU if you want it to end.
No. 733748
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Very few privileged girls actually do onlyfans. I also don't think belle delphine is privileged
I also think we should stop bashing women who do onlyfans and start wondering why we live in an economy so bad that a lot of women have to resort to sex work to survive
>Well just go get three jobs and don't spend money on anything but bills
That would work if inflation wasn't so bad. This is especially so in big cities like NYC and LA. If the lower end wages make 15k a year then lower end apartments in poor areas should be 400-650 dollars. Not 2000.
>Well just join the military and go back to school
Anyone's who's ever tried to join the military knows this is BS, they're extremely picky even the army, even recruiters tell everyone to lie just to get past MEPS and half the time they'll nitpick things like mild diabetes to not have you in
>Just get scholarships and grants and get a good degree
Doesn't always work
There's no reason that an average person of average intelligence should have to do all these "tricks" to be able to get by. The fact people are more worried about girls selling nudes than the fact that that's most of their best options right now says all
No. 733753
>>733737I'd pull the studies about how sex work doesn't provide living wages and a better quality of life either, but you seem perfectly smug and it's a waste of my time.
>>733746I'm not the same anon and more than one person thinks you have a bad argument, I'm sure that's painful for you.
>>733748>I also don't think belle delphine is privileged. Lmao.
No. 733768
>>733759Sex work doesn't provide a good quality of life and doesn't pull people from poverty either. Keep swinging at air.
>>733762>Not a single person in this thread is arguing that people should do sex work. They should if their only other option is fast food according to anon, dumbass. Keep up with the argument.
>>733763>Most girls don't rely on onlyfans alone anon, most of them have 1 or 2 other jobs that simply aren't paying enough. HAH! Not the ones discussed on lolcow and not the ones I've encountered. Please don't spam this nonsense in the new thread.
No. 733777
>>733775Sweetie, people in poverty are sex workers. Sex work doesn't alleviate poverty. Sex work will not improve women's lives as a whole.
This is a fact.
Acting like fast food is the only entry level job people can get and that's the "gotcha" to justify that sex work is better, is retardation. I'm embarrassed for you and hope you're under the age of 20 which would at least explain your arrogant immaturity.
No. 733793
>>733753I'm a highish end escort and escorting is the only way I can make a wage due to mental illness, I can make over £1000 a week doing the bare minimum for my work, I can make a lot more if I'm in London, £500 per hour. It comes with a lot of risks, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, most women can't do do this shit, but let's not pretend all sex workers are broke junkies living in squalor because of the camwhores on lolcow. I come from a workigg class bg with no uni degree or A levels, because untreated ADD/'tism. If it wasn't for escorting I'd be living in some shitty council estate with some crappy chavvy scrote, kek. I know i'm not an outlier I know plenty of escorts that are similar to me.
Also onlyfans is fucking bullshit so I do agree with you there, it's an absolute pipedream and let's not forget it's a lot less discreet than being an independent high end escort. I feel bad for girls that get sucked into onlyfans making 1k a month and scrotes leaking all their pictures on the internet.
No. 733821
>>733813Yes, it is. Women have been demonized and shamed for the entire history. "whore" is a very historically heavy word full of hate and it puts blame on the
victims instead of putting the blame on the opressors which are men. Let's not forget we live in a patriarchal society and men are not held accountable for their wrong doings. Even with sex work, an industry that exists exclusively because of men and that women are sucked into because of mental illness/lack of alternative/ modern propaganda/financial difficulty. Even in this industry when you call a woman a whore, you put the blame on her instead of putting it on the men that own the capital and run the industry. It is just as non feminist as telling girls they should do sex work. Sorry for breaking your dreams of expressing your hate towards women by being a "feminist".
No. 733835
>>733821You can't make up your mind about what sex work is.
Is it a morally sound profession that reaps financial benefits for privileged and desperate women alike because fast food is the pits and they chose the lifestyle for themselves? Or is it actually a patriarchal machination where all women involved are
victims of circumstance and whatever harmful narratives and enabling they push onto other women can all be pinned on capitalistic scrotes in the end?
You can't decide if women have agency or they don't, and when it finally seems like you can admit they do, you aren't willing to accept their accountability and why they might be on the receiving end of a bad name or two for it.
Sex work is bad and immoral and using "but they need money!" is a piss argument.
No. 733847
>>733831Because sex work isn't just this ONE THING. It has very many perspectives. But ultimately it represents patriarchal oppression, therefore women who do it should not be shamed but the men who encourage it should be. It is not feminist and it does not help women to put the blame on women for the suffering they have to endure because of men. I think there are women who should be judged for being sex workers but those are very little.
Women needing money is not a shit argument. Money is the eye of the devil and it runs everything in our society.
No. 733853
>>733848This bitch really thinks if sex workers didn't exist, that sexual abuse, and sex trafficking would cease to exist or even lessen in any discernible way, because prostitutes are the problem and not inherently
abusive scrotes. Yawn.
No. 733854
>>733831NTA but no matter how much you try to justify it, you're a piece of shit full of hate for other women.
There's a reason why most of the cows posted here are female, despite the fact there's countless men on the internet far more deserving of hate. It's because you radfems on here simply HATE other women and only care about "feminism" when it benefits you. You guys LOVE shitting on other women for whatever you want- mental illness, drug addiction, their clothes, their hair, their makeup, and most of all their bodies. You guys love calling women fat, whores, sluts, and whatever other insult you can think of because you just thrive on tearing other women down.
You can try all you want to pretend hating sex workers is oh so righteous, but the only people buying your excuses are other radfems who love hating women. No one who spends more then ten minutes on this site can possibly believe that the internalized misogyny on here is solely directed at "privileged" OF users when hatred for other females is pretty much the entire point of the site.
No. 733855
>>733848And I suppose your coddling and enabling of exploitation would? At some fucking point, women are gonna have to take
some responsibility for continuing to provide men means to date their desires to hurt women. It’s an
abusive relationship; how many times can a woman say “it’s all his fault” and yet keep crawling back to their abuser for it to stop being muh
victim blaming? Sorry there is one female-centric space online that isn’t an supportive echo chamber for prostitution. Go back to twitter.
No. 733856
>>733652>You can acknowlege sex work is bad without being cruel toward the individual doing it to survive. I agree with this, but most of the people who can't shut up on the internet about "being a sex worker uwu" aren't doing it to survive. They're doing it to be trendy, and they're also the first ones to claim their privileged experience reflects sex work as a whole.
I don't understand why I need to validate the choices of someone who sells nudes on the internet because they don't want to get a job. You're basically a NEET who sends random men pictures of your asshole/titty/whatever so they'll buy you shit or give you pocket money. How are you going to put that on your resume? What experience or skill are you gaining from this? What makes neckbeards coom? Please. And in the end, who gives a shit what I and others think, anyway? This is what you chose to do of your own volition, so why does it matter if other people think it's cringe? What does literally anyone gain from the "Sex work is work" mantra? What, will men stop buying your nudes if an anon calls you a whore? It's not nice, but no one really is, and it's not like this "work" helps the world in a significant way. You don't need support from non-customers, ffs.
Making bank and having a great time? Okay, that's your business and life. You're your own person. Just please stop derailing with "AS A SEX WORKER THIS IS OFFENSIVE I DON'T NEED HELP" whenever we're trying to talk about women who have done/are doing survival sex work, are trafficking
victims, etc who need help to get out of that system. No one was talking about you. You're on holiday, this is some people's actual life and struggle (Obviously I don't mean
you, specifically, anon, just that particular crowd).
No. 733862
>>733858I'm not arguing that it's ok anon, i'm a fssw and i'm getting too emotionally invested in this discussion. I don't think sex work is good or ok but it is something that has always existed and will always exist and there will always be women that chose to do it, i am not even involving trafficking
victims as they are
victims not sex workers, whether you agree with what I do or not, we still deserve rights and help even if we aren't wanting or planning on leaving our trade. Period.
No. 733868
>>733862>we still deserve rights and helpNo one is saying you don't dumbass bitch. But human rights don't include not getting your feelings hurt online.
>I'm gonna ignore trafficking victims btw, we're talking about meKek classic.
No. 733872
>>733854>There's a reason why most of the cows posted here are femaleBecause most posters are involved in female-oriented hobbies and communities and therefore post about the female cows they witness. Lolcow evolved from Stamina Rose, which was an offshoot chan created when /cgl/ (another female dominated board about cosplay and Japanese fashion) on 4chan enacted a "no drama" rule.
Bad tinfoil. Obvious newfag.
>there's countless men on the internet far more deserving of hateWe cover a fair deal of them here. We used to have pinkpill and manhate threads here until admin had to ban the subject because larpers and pickmes wouldn't stop complaining about mongolian gossip chan being too mean.
>You guys LOVE shitting on other women for whatever you want- mental illness, drug addiction, their clothes, their hair, their makeup, and most of all their bodies. You guys love calling women fat, whores, sluts, and whatever other insult you can think of because you just thrive on tearing other women down.If you took away these things then the only boards that would exist are the off-topics. You're so lost.
>internalized misogyny on here is solely directed at "privileged" OF usersMultiple anons have already made the distinction of what kind of sex worker they have empathy for and which they don't. You sound like you fall into the not qualifying for empathy category and are really mad about it.
No. 733875
>>733865>>733867There is no difference even if you strictly have vanilla sex for money, which, are you gonna actually start capping about only having wholesome sex with clients??? Lmao
It's harmful to an oppressed class whether you only hold hands or take it up the ass.
No. 733878
>>733870So are whores brainless little
victims who didn't know better who got scammed into an evil scheme? Or are they fully aware and dignified women who made the informed choice to pursue a respectable, harmless career in whoring? Make up your mind.
No. 733879
>>733868I said I personally don't like to involve trafficking
victims in discussions of sex workers as they aren't sex workers they are
victims. I'm actually very passionate and vocal about demanding justice for trafficking
victims in the sex industry but they aren't sex workers so I don't really get your point, but I know you guys love to paint sex workers as evil slutty whores that pander to scrotes and ignore tafficking
No. 733882
>>733878anon, you're crazy and making things up. I have nowhere stated or even implied that sex workers are >fully aware and dignified women who made the informed choice to purse a respectable, harmless career in whoring.
You are doing strawman.
No. 733889
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>this boohooing about HOEpression AGAIN
Reminder that no one likes you
Get off my board
No. 733917
>>733686One of the most based and pinkpilled posts I've seen on this site. Kudos anon.
Sex workers shitting on minwage fast food/retail jobs are absolutely coping. Look I'm sorry your mental illness is preventing you from working the barista counter without having a mental breakdown when a stranger talks to you but if you weren't insecure about being a liberated gracious sex worker or whatever you wouldn't be here arguing with us ~misogynist radfems~ for the 2nd day in a row. Keep doing those mental cartwheels about how farmers making fun of camwhores and onlyfans thots selling $2 pussy pics is somehow hating women in general instead of them supporting an industry that causes pain and suffering for women all over the world.
No. 733930
>>733879>they aren't sex workers they are victims.Now come on
nonnie don't move the goal posts like that. You can't just say "we should ignore the human trafficking part when talking about sex work since they're not REAL sex workers" when you know the main reason why sex work is largely criticized is because of this issue alone. First world privileged onlyfans "sex work" is frowned upon
precisely because they want to erase all the talk about this icky, uncomfortable stuff about women being coerced and forced into doing it only to justify their own selfish ends.
No. 733967
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The CCP was right to send in the PLA to crush the Tiananmen square protests. They students weren't "democratic" in the sense we westerners understand it, but more in the sense of the "democratic people's republic of North Korea". They were looking to have a repeat of the cultural revolution where the "democratic" grassroots students went around raping and terrorizing innocent people. A lot of the contemporary leadership, even Xi Jingping today, had their families murdered and raped by these redguard clowns. These edgy kids throwing up a redguard styled banner at the protest is a greenlight in my eyes to kill the lot of them. The cultural revolution spiraled out of control and almost resulted in a second chinese civil war. If the protest went on unimpeded you wouldn't MAYBE have another generation of redguards forming in other cities and assaulting garrisons, you definitely would've. The entire reason the PLA was reorganized from the militta system to a formal army was to prevent a second cultural revolution from taking place (the militias during the first cultural revolution ended up backing the redguards in major cities).
People think the Chinese don't know about Tiananmen square, they know, they just don't want to talk about it. It's embarrassing, in the same way a family would be embarrassed about their uncle drink driving and running over several kids. It's rude for westerners to screech on about it like its the worst thing in the world, it'd be like if foreigners went on about the Bengal famine non stop, day in and day out.
Westerners at the time were high off the fumes of communism collapsing in eastern europe and transplanted the democratic struggling there to the one happening in china, not at all realizing the struggle there was different.
No. 733968
>>733950>SWerf love to put the blame on ALL sex workers for trafficking because if we didn't do apparently scrotes would stop abusing women and trafficking wouldn't exist.Well, that's the point. Because obscuring the field by separating it into a "virtuous, ethical sex workers" and "trafficked sex workers" only makes it harder for authorities and everyone else to differentiate one type from another. Pimps can easily threaten, groom and manipulate their
victims into playing it like they're doing it willingly. Women with mental illness can be taken advantage of and coaxed into doing sex work. The john buying your $5 Onlyfans set isn't going to ask for proof to see if you're a "Fair Trade Prostitute" because they've already seen the conclusive posts defending sex work and how women are totally doing it because it's so empowering.
No. 733981
>>733951Not every sexworker in 2021 is on OF.
Frankly 99% of fssw have been sexually abused at some point, sometimes sw is the only way out of our otherwise shitty circumstances. I really don't know any fssw out here in the game that is bragging about the lifestyle and telling younggirls it's such a wonderful opportunity and job, yet we are being put on par with legitimate peadophiles and sex traffickers? How is this not fucking misogynistic?
No. 733988
>>733981>Frankly 99% of fssw have been sexually abused at some point, sometimes sw is the only way out of our otherwise shitty circumstances.So are you talking about the
victims of the industry doing it as the last resort or the empowered, balanced strong wommyn doing it out of their free will? Which is it?
No. 733992
>>733988What do you mean by
victims of the industry I am a sa
victim but it wasn't part of the industry. There are prozzies that are sa/csa
victims that weren't abused within the industry and later became sex workers, it's not uncommon at all.
No. 734000
>>733991Wrong idea. The 1980s was the greatest period of democratic expansion and the decline of communism and westerners were genuinely believing that the cultural revolution was going to be like what was happening in Poland. Kissinger, Bush and a few westerners that were actually read up on China knew what it was, knew exactly why China purged it hard and downplayed it discreetly where they could. But the media and politicians that weren't in the know genuinely thought it was going to be a color revolution. Once the tanks rolled out, the lay person and the media lost their shit and called for China to be isolated and embargoed. Western governments at the time were happy with Deng Xiaoping's direction, preferred this to old maoism, so complied where they had to, dragging their feet on the whole thing.
China had a bamboo curtain (is that term racist?) draped over it for decades at that point, and it was almost impossible for the average person to interpret it as it was, its understandable that people got it mixed up.
No. 734014
>>734005Made me remember my friend in high school who was sexually harassed by her manager at MacDonald's and nothing was done about it. She was underaged too, and they hire a lot of young people meaning it's a particularly vulnerable workforce, and they come out of it with a lot less money for the time spent.
>>733998This seems like more of an argument for better protections for sex workers, not demonising them.
Being poor also puts women at higher risk of sexual assault but MacDonald's doesn't pay enough for social mobility or to get out of
abusive relationships, etc.
Having sex with someone under financial coercion is always disgusting but that's on johns, not sex workers.
No. 734032
>>734007No honey, anon is clearly pointing out you're teetering on
victim blaming, not saying you're as likely to get raped going to church. JFC.
No. 734046
>734013It's a fact that sex workers are raped and murdered way more than average than any other demographic of women, including churchgoers. You're such a dumb tart it's fucking amazing at this point, you high?
>>734013Nobody said sex workers deserve rape and murder you mental midget, not even close to implying it either.
You should've gotten a secondary education to develop your critical thinking instead of mashing your brain with cock.
>>734014So then raise the living wage, don't normalize sex work as a suitable alternative and then turn around and shit on fast food workers who don't want to be fucked and ogled by gross dudes for money.
No. 734076
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Those old 3D Barbie movies were/are very overrated, but the cover art was always iconic.
No. 734089
>>734087I posted
>>734065 and I have not been involved in this big ass derail at all. Sorry, but not everyone is the anon you were arguing with lmao
No. 734092
>>734046 and not part of the other post, reverse uno to you too.
No. 734145
>>733981i do tho. I used to work in a sex shop and met irl sw's of all types including notably famous porn stars. all were fucking broken inside and absolutely dead. I had more than one stripper try to encourage her tom foolery. Also when retards online post how its safe and empowering its literally spreading the same message. I've also seen sugarbabies hardcore push it or escorts who are clearly on mad amounts of copium.
i am in a field (i dont work at the shop anymore) now academically where I get contact with a lot of sws and holy fucking shit is all I can say. The avg age of entry into prostitution is 13 anon and the prior sexual abuse rate correlation is near 100%. No well adjusted woman or girl wakes up saying "im going to post pussy pics online for 3 bucks" or "im jobless time to prostitot".
Nobody is putting you on par with pedos. We are saying you're choosing easy activism by trying to free the semantics around it instead of going for the jugular and denying scrotes coomies.
You know what is misognyistic? Thinking that any promotion of sw and simping for men and being coomer bait is woke or even acceptable in society. You are literally deluding yourself into thinking you're not just playing into patriarchy bc you "run your own business" or pretend that it's the same as being a retail clerk.
No. 734280
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Tomboys don't get enough love
No. 734292
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>>734280But why the need to choose one?
No. 734322
Mark David Chapman is a hero.
>>728567Maybe Consumer Electronics is more up your alley.
No. 734436
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I don't think the Amanda Seyfried and Borzoi memes are that funny. I think the anons who like to peddle that shit like it was legendary have a sense of humor on par with imgur and le reddit. Just because you post that shit over and over again doesn't make it funny or mean it was memorable.
No. 734488
>>734436This isn't an unpopular opinion lmao
Borzoi and the Adam Driver thing feel like forced memes to me, like when the boys in your class see Monty Python for the first time and all start shouting "Ni!" out of context for no reason and then pat themselves on the back thinking that it's the peak of comedy. I just don't see the appeal.
No. 734556
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I find this species cute and am jealous my friend in koalaland has them in his house on bug thot patrol
No. 734562
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I love Gyaru nails and really miss this era with Egg magazine… I think the looks and make-up are so cute
No. 734663
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>>734659i remembered the hello kitty "massager" and now i unironically want one
No. 734667
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>>734663Wait, what? It isn’t just a massager?
No. 734676
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>>734556Ily anon. I keep arachnids. Here's my black widow eating a super worm I gave her when I was feeding my tarantulas.
No. 735024
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I cannot WAIT until global warming kills snow once and for all. Fucking die you annoying muffled fart sounding ugly abomination.
No. 735177
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He's a cow! He's a cow!
But he is right and he should say it!
No. 735181
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>tfw you live in a fucking desert shit country and have never and will never see snow in your life but you love to dream you could okay anon. i will now tell myself it's annoying to cope. thank you for this.
No. 735186
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>>735177I haven't noticed a change in taste (I don't think I eat instant macaroni often enough to. Southern baked macaroni and cheese is always superior, pic rel) but doesn't everyone just put shredded cheese in their instant macaroni? I imagine that would fix whatever "watery"-ness he's experiencing. Also, who's this guy and why is he a cow?
Anyway, in relation to that post, I have a confession. I still put hotdogs in my instant mac and cheese whenever I eat it. Might even have some tonight tbh.
No. 735198
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>>735177They ruined a lot of things. No more retard juice is in Mountain Dew now and that must have been the shit that made it taste good.
What’s even worse is the school lunches, they’re abominable. Not only is everything gross ass whole wheat now, smaller portions etc. but somehow on the flip side there’s “nacho fun lunch” (a fuxking bag of chips as your main meal with an
optional helping of protein) or yogurt fun lunch (a cup of goddamn yogurt with granola as your main dish) with these you may or may not get to choose a fruit, vegetable or milk, sometimes they limit them so that’s mostly the entirety of the lunch.
I’m not in school but I hear this shit from my relatives who are parents
I know they were concerned about obesity but there’s a huge issue with the fact that a lot of kids get school lunches for free and that may be the only thing they eat that day if they’re poor, and is likely to be the most well rounded and actually cooked lunch they would get at all.
No. 735220
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>>735198wtf? that looks like prison food
No. 735234
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>>735225Okay I’ll give you that we’re too used to our “cake bread” and we should like whole wheat but there are things that just SHOULDNT be whole wheat that are American dishes. Here’s an example from our local school in tbe pic- you don’t use whole grain bread crumbs to coat a piece of chicken, that’s weird and wouldn’t work tbe way it’s supposed too.
No. 735236
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>>735225And this is what they think is a “well balanced meal”. This is for lunch.
No. 735286
>>735021idk i've seen
and experienced plenty of child abusers older than that
No. 735304
>>735021This logic is silly. My mother had me when she was 37 and I still was abused in a two parents household.
No. 735335
>>735317Same. I think she has a beautiful voice, is a entertaining performer (even though she's not on the level of, say, Beyonce for example), and she seems like a nice person (emphasis on seems). I know some anons don't like her cause of her interacting with Dan Schnieder and I do agree that she should be held accountable, but she's also been in the industry since she was like 14. I don't think it's to farfetched to say she's probably experienced some grooming/sexual assualt and that plus whatever shady shit that goes down in the industry is probably stopping her from doing the right thing, but that's just my tinfoil. Who know's, maybe she just doesn't care. I also think her blackfishing is cringy as hell.
My unpopular opinion is that positions was fire. My Hair, Westside, Love Language, Nasty and Safety Net are that bitch.
No. 735390
>>735379Is it better?i'm in my late 20s and I've dated as young as 18 and as old as 40 at my age now and it seems all bad at all ages
1. Having to constantly keep up the persona of being a baddie with no emotions to keep them interested. Zoomers like to chase.
2. Guys acting like they are entitled to your body for free because you exist
3. Misogynists who expect porn star tier sex for free
4. Think it's ok to treat any woman who isnt their dream girl princess like shit because you only deserve respect as a woman if they like you
Older men:
1. Cannot accept that they are in their 30s now and losing their looks
2. Most look repulsive
3. Have kids and are looking for a free nanny
4. Trying to do booty calls like when they were hot and young but get ignored and they're bitter about it because they cant figure out why
No. 735399
>>735390I mean to be fair, we could be going for totally different types, big agree on older men though, they're shit, men hit the wall at 26 imo
But for me, Young:
1. Energy, not just sex drive, but they have energy enough to go do things, even after work
2. They are always impressed with you
3. Zoomers are way less likely to want to have kids
4. Not embarrassed by "immature" fun shit like going to amusement parks
5. This one is probably just for me personally, but they all seem to enjoy anime now
6. Many more of them are surprisingly interested in marriage, I suspect /pol/ leaking into other parts of the internet, but why look a gift horse in the mouth
7. Further /pol/ seepage probably, but the ones interested in marriage also seem interested in supporting my lazy ass never leaving the house
Obviously I'm not saying this is all of them, but it's the ones I go after
Also for more reference, I prefer them straight out of college
No. 735403
>>735390>>735399Mid 20s here, guys in their 30s are also very bossy and patronizing. When they date younger it's because they're trying to get a naive young girl who's not very experienced and trap her by either getting her pregnant or manipulating and gaslighting her into staying. They always act like your dad and expect you to be all over their dicks for buying you coffee.
Guys in their early 20s are slutty as fuck, have no interests of their own and just ape what's hot on the internet, their whole personalities are some archetype or aesthetic they found online, they're dressed by the internet and often super edgy. Just no personality of their own whatsoever that you can't find with 100 different ones. They say they're less likely to want kids but they eventually start wanting them anyway and try to turn you into your dream cottagecore waifu once the simping gets bad enough. And for some reason they're also a lot more misogynistic than older guys.
I might just date Mormons now (not the weird American ones) I don't even know.
No. 735547
>>735541I agree that living in America means you
can have good opportunities, but that doesn't mean all of us have those opportunities and advantages, and the flaws of this country are pretty big fucking flaws, especially if you are of certain groups.
No. 735554
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>>735541I’m sorry you lost
No. 735579
>>735563Ayrt, I understand third world countries are shitty, but that literally does not mean that America is some magical land where everyone is happy and all we have to complain about is petty issues. Sure, America is a rich country but how much of that money is actually going back to the citizens of this country?
Just because people in third world countries have it "worse" does not mean American people are not allowed to complain about how it is over here. It may be better than a third world country but living here will make you realize how many glaring issues there are.
No. 735589
>>735563NTA, but when you're born and have lived life in the US, you realize firsthand that it's not nearly as good, well-managed, developed, or first-world (and especially not democratic or two-party, lmao) as the US government and ruling state tries really hard to get the rest of the world to believe with their "le utopian freedom" façade.
It's the richest country in the world, but has 25% of prisoners on the planet, is the only high-income country without healthcare as a basic right, is the only "advanced economy" where employers don't have to give workers paid vacation or paid sick days, ranks 27th for education, ranks 46th for maternal mortality, ranks 18th for "social progress" (Social Progress Imperative) in terms of basic needs like water and shelter, has the most preventable deaths compared to other high-income countries, has 57% higher rate of overall child mortality compared to other high-income countries (children are also more likely to die by automobile or firearm accidents in the US than in any other country), and has the highest level of economic inequality of an industrialized country. Think of a country that you'd consider a "shithole" - the US is the exact same shithole, but now you have an iPhone. Practically the only things that the US is better than other countries at is being a haven for corrupt corporations, spending the most on military, exporting more weapons, having the unhealthiest food, and being the biggest threat to the civility and stability of other countries and their citizens' lives.
Moved away when I was 19 and haven't regretted it since.
No. 735601
>>735589Third world countries have worse education, sanitary and democratic systems, criminal activity, security, economic stability, the citizens have worse health and the list goes on. And at least you can move away from it. I know I can't and I also know that even the highest salaries here are a 10% of the salaries there, it's not just "having an iphone".
I agree that the US is a shithole and not the fantasy land so many people believe it is, but saying it's a 3rd world country is not true imo. It's just one of, if not the, worst developed first world country
No. 735617
>>735601I've always wondered this-
Why couldn't you move away? Do you mean you couldn't move away within your country, or you couldn't move out of your country?
Is it just a financial issue or is there a legal issue?
No. 735628
>>735617Nta, but it's literally both. Not everyone has the money to "just move away". Imagine someone working a minimum wage job and struggling to pay their bills trying to move to a new country, no fuck that, a new state. Especially people who live in rural areas that move to a city like New York. The cost of living from state to state can vary a lot.
People who relocate to different countries may not even be able to get a job in a different country. And ase far as I know, getting a citizenship in a different country can take months and there's a whole bunch of shit you have to do to get approved. Also, there are tons of people being tied down here because of shit like school. I don't think America even allows people to have a dual citizenship and I imagine that would make things harder. It's not as simple as "just leave"
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