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File (hide): 1611374384288.jpeg (329.69 KB, 750x1055, 359EF714-C1DA-4216-AF08-79D02A…)

No. 720441

Wow anon, that was pretty stupid of you to ask a question about that
Previous thread >>711877

No. 720476>>720560

Why was everyone in the Celebricow thread saying Elon Musk is into bimbos? He was married to an incredibly average looking girl for about ten years, was married to Talulah Riley for five, dated Cameron Diaz, got back together with Talulah Riley, was with pre-dyke Cara Delevingne for a bit, then that whole Amber Heard thing, now he’s with Grimes. All the girls before Grimes don’t seem bimbo-y at all. They all have a really natural pretty look imo. Doesn’t bimbo mean skanky and plastic? Also will someone make another celebricow thread already? I would but I’m bad at it.

No. 720481>>720547

File (hide): 1611379462233.jpg (94.57 KB, 500x500, lookingforrp.jpg)

Anyone have a meme saved that looks like picrel? It was a photo of two cops apprehending someone who was sitting wrapped in a blanket. Help I saw it once on Twitter like a year ago and have never found it again since

No. 720491>>720546

how do i stop developing crushes on everybody i make friends with? this kind of thing will stop if i ever get into an actual relationship, right?

No. 720536

Trying to sleep but my jaw hurts for some reason. It feels better when I put my finger between my teeth because my jaw doesn't close all the way. Of cours my finger starts to hurt so I can't sleep like this either. I could get something else to put between but anyone have any idea of what I'm feeling might be? I've never been a mouth breather I feel like this would fuck up my mouth

No. 720545

Can anyone recommend anti-anxiety trick before visiting someone? Medicine used to work, but where I live now they don't make the meds that actually worked on me.

Thing is, i am going to come over to a lovely house that unfortunately also has one bitchy (ever sincr covid hit), toxic person who has a hateboner on me for whatever reason.

No. 720546

>>720491 yes you are just horny and lonely, it's a tragic condition but there is a 3 step cure.
1 masturbate (without porn) like actually get to know your body, what you like and how to get there
2 get a hobby that takes your mind off everything
3 get an exercise routine because sexual frustration is literal energy you need to process

If you get start dating without these three things even if you have a steady partner and a sex life it'll be kinda unsatisfying and you'll still secretly, guiltily crush on other people.

Also you're much more likely to get a good partner if you're in touch with your sexuality, have your own interesting shit going on, and look hot from all that horny exercise

No. 720547>>720556>>721219

File (hide): 1611393979290.jpg (62.88 KB, 720x480, pigs-in-a-blanket.jpg)

I tried to look for it, but no look with targeted words. But have a comfy pig being interrogated by the police.

No. 720556

Aaww family reunion!

No. 720560

he is sexist and likes them to become bimboish over the course of the relationship. talk less, bleach hair.

No. 720570>>720580

I do not understand why there are so many Grimes stans / WKs here. People act as if she is some sort of vunerable child, when she is a woman in her 30s. What's the deal about her ?

Not hating, just confused.

No. 720580

They like the music and cannot separate the art from the artist.

No. 720584>>720588>>720598

What are the chances a therapist will freak out and call the police if I confess something illegal that happened to me as a minor? I'm going to get the police involved eventually, but I want to do it on my own terms. Is it fine to just sit down and vent? I want to have my own time to process the situation before all the glowies jump on me for an interview.

No. 720588


Everything you say to people like therapists/teachers/whatever is a direct line to the cops.

No. 720594>>720601>>721188

Anyone settled in at a weight that is the highest normal/lowest overweight for their height (in BMI)? That's what I want to do, but feels kinda stupid. I'm losing weight, mainly focusing on moving instead of low calorie, but I don't really want to be the "ideal" weight. I once lost enough weight to be borderline underweight at 18, and I hated the attention I got from men and people telling me I was attractive, and I also feel weird looking at a skinnier version of myself, because it doesn't feel like me. Not in the BoPo kind of way though. I want to be nearly invisible, but still as healthy as possible. I'll assume at least one other person can relate.

No. 720597>>721931>>722076>>722249

what the fuck does sneed mean

No. 720598

You’re better off finding out specific regulations/guidance in your country/state/therapists office. Depending on what you’re taking about specifically, they might not feel inclined to report it anyway if there’s no current risk. Also, you could try talking about it without mentioning names if possible. They can’t (and shouldn’t) force you to.

No. 720601>>720604>>720606>>720611>>720615>>720791

This is kinda unrelated but how do so many of you get considered attractive only at a near underweight or underweight BMi? Is it because you guys aren't fit or you don't have big ass/butt or what?

No. 720604

Also, how do you keep your boobs? I’m at a normal BMI and kinda want to try to get lower, but I feel like my boobs will look so saggy.

No. 720606

I maintain a bmi of 18.5-19ish because at a higher but still healthy weight I look like a sack of potatoes. I just have very unfortunate fat distribution. All fat goes to the places to render me completely shapeless; boobs don't become larger with weightgain when I'm already very small in the chest, no butt with weightgain, most fat collects at the waist so no waist and the rest goes to my thighs and upperarms. So if I'm going to be near flat in the chest and butt anyway I might aswell do it while being thin.

No. 720611>>720639

I'm eastern european. There's no curvy/fat worship here, and overweight young adults are rare. Men will fortunately see through you if you're even slightly overweight (other than old creepers, but they'll fuck anything with a pulse). I also don't know what people think about me at normal weight as I had an ED and between schoolyears went from pudgy to skinny really fast. And then rebound into overweight. Started losing weight when I was starting to approach obese.

No. 720615

i think this depends on your height/fat distribution. personally i'm only 5'1" so i have to stay at a lower bmi (around 18) if i don't want to look stumpy.

No. 720639>>720651

Being curvy and being thicc aren't the same. There are a lot of skinny curvy girls and even in thin obsessed cultures like East Europe the most ideal body type is usually the athletic thin type. I find it hard to believe someone at 21 bmi who is fit and in shape with a small waist is going to be looked over on. You can get a leaned out and svelte look in a more medium BMI depending on your build.

No. 720643>>720653>>720661>>720677>>720701

When does it become weird to talk to teenagers online?

I’m still in college so I interact with 17-19 y/os sometimes irl and they clearly feel younger even though I’m only 24. However I have made some discord gaming friends and there are some people from that same age group (nobody under 17 though) and I never noticed. One guy turned out to be 34 and I felt creeped out, cause why would he want to be in a discord thats mostly 20-25 year olds with even a few teenagers? But then I started wondering why I’m even ok being in a discord with teenagers. I wouldn’t be talking to them in real life…

No. 720651

I don't know what a "svelte look" is.
I mainly talk about what I've seen in my own friend groups over the years. Even girls with really pretty faces that were slightly overweight got a lot less attention than someone with a more unfortunate face but skinny body size.

No. 720653

Well, when you're over 20? But honestly, in online hobby communities you have people of literally all ages so as long as you don't talk to minors it doesn't matter.

No. 720661


The problem is that no matter how innocent you are, it's bad "optics".

Even worse, one time I let some teenager add me on Steam because whatever I don't talk to people on there. Years later I see on his profile he's grown into a Lolicon.

No. 720674>>720675>>720678>>720686

wtf is dark academia? sounds pretentious and stupid

No. 720675>>720678

poor kids larping as preps

No. 720677

I think it depends on what you're doing and how you're chatting to them. Some of the hobby communities I'm in have teenage members and we treat them like anyone else. Having a discussion with teenagers about a shared interest isn't bad. If anything a teenager might benefit from being to talk to older people that have more experience in a hobby or about being online in general. More than once I've given teenage girls advice about staying anonymous and not revealing that they are underage girls. It becomes a problem when it gets personal and obviously any sort of sexual conversation with teens present is wrong.

No. 720678

it's an "aesthetic" that's popular with tiktok/twitter/whatever users
the "dark" is for academic competition, peer pressure, sacrificing all of your time to studying
the "academia" is for overachieving, fancy school uniforms, classical buildings
>>720675 this anon put it better

No. 720686

File (hide): 1611415299813.jpg (112.7 KB, 750x750, 5dcdba5d2032f476cbc2fe2a215b95…)

Dark academia is simply "Academic" fashion in dark and neutral colors. It's really nice and fashionable imo. There's a wiki that explains all aesthetics, btw. https://aesthetics.fandom.com/wiki/Dark_Academia

No. 720689>>720692>>720702>>720704

Does petite mean short AND skinny, or just short? I always thought it was the first one, but I've heard people describe girls who are either short or skinny, but not both, as petite

No. 720691

If I vacuum in the evening, can I wait until the next morning/midday to mop the floors? I have cats so they might spread some cat litter and hairs around, but is it enough to just sweep the bigger particles (if there are any) or do I have to re-vacuum before mopping?

No. 720692>>720708

Well, I've personally never heard of a fat woman regardless of height or a very tall woman regardless of weight being called petite. I'd say it's usually on shorter side and thin (not necessarily skinny thin)

No. 720701

I'm 23 and recently found myself on a forum full of teens and kids… needless to say I didn't feel very comfortable talking with them so I dipped fast.
I guess around 18-20 is a cutoff point for me. Preteens and teens are just so dumb and careless online these days, on that forum I mentioned they were handing out their public instagram @s like crazy. A pedos paradise tbh

No. 720702>>720708

imo you can still be petite and average height if you had a small frame. Especially when comparing things, for example me and all of my friends are around 5'9'' range but all of them are more petite than I am because I have wide shoulders and hips, while they're more waifish looking.

No. 720704>>720708

Height: Short.
Weight: Not really applicable as petite stands to designate proportion, someone with a more narrow build.

In the fashion world it strictly means short women. Because most clothing is tailored for taller women in western retail. It's annoying to constantly hem pants, and have shirts lay like tunic dresses.

No. 720708

I guess it really just depends on the person then. And yeah, I did mean skinny as in build, not weight. (although it could be both). But weight is a part of a person's proportion, I think?

No. 720727>>720840>>720874

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How many of all the Sonic the Hedgehog Christian fan drawings are genuine and how many are satire?

No. 720756>>720766>>720777

File (hide): 1611419113363.jpg (21.05 KB, 275x275, thnxdumbbithreadforexamplé.jp…)

wanna make memes like picrel. but idk what program/site has these dumbass fonts < - -like so. any ideas?
not this font specifically but yk

No. 720766

try pixlr, lots of ugly fonts & you can choose how thick you want things like line spacing or outlines

No. 720777

When I used to make these on my phone I usually used picsart (great for editing but few fonts) to make the meme then phonto (loads of fonts but no other editing options) to add text. Piccollage is a good compromise with more photo editing options than phonto and better fonts than picsart

No. 720791>>720871>>720879

I think it’s cause I’m tall. When I’m at a normal weight I just feel so fee fi fo fum but at my current BMI (17.5) I’ve got more of a runway model look. But I also have always had small boobs and no ass so being thin also helps.

No. 720840

I'd imagine a large portion are unironic.

No. 720862

How often does it happen that a woman pushes her boyfriend into getting plastic surgery? Obviously far less often than the other way round, but do any farmers have any stories of the former happening?

No. 720871>>720875>>720879

Same, though I've still gotta lose a couple of kg to get to your bmi. My height makes me feel elegant when I'm thin, but oversized when I'm chubby. And if I had bigger t&a would I go through the suffering of weight loss? Fuck no, I would embrace curviness and eat what I want, the little bit of softness on my stomach would actually look so nice with big boobs. But I am naturally flat and legitimately just can't pull off any extra weight, and losing weight is a lot easier than getting surgery or working out like crazy.

Certain beauty standards will be more attainable than others depending on your body type, it's easiest to just work with what we've got. Maybe one day I'll be secure enough to not care about beauty standards at all but until then, this is how I deal.

No. 720874

A lot of it is shit posting lmao

No. 720875

I have height so when I'm thin I feel elegant but if I'm being a depressed overeater I feel so uncomfortable and large. I wish natural beauty was celebrated and women working with the features they've been blessed with or their shapes. I am sick of how common cosmetic and plastic surgery is now, I feel awful for young tweens growing up, they have to compete with all the photoshopped images, plastic surgery fake booty bitches everywhere. You somehow have to manage having a tiny model like waist, but also you must have pert full tits and lips, paired with a fat arse that you must be content with showing off. It's just not realistic

No. 720879>>721055

What height are you?

No. 720881>>720898

Anons I'm bored af, no drink, no weed, no food left I just finished eating the last of everything. I have a Netflix account, a laptop and an acoustic guitar.

Should I watch something on Netflix? What do you recommend that will keep my attention?

Is there anything I could do with my laptop online? Idk!

Should I practice my guitar? Does anyone know any good exercises for stretching the fingers so I can maybe learn to switch chords

No. 720889

My dog is like 5 years old. She's a black, flat coated retriever and recently I noticed she has a lot of white hairs, especially on the belly. I know they're normal but they appeared out of nowhere and she's still kind of young so it's kind of weird. I thought it might be stress but I take her for walks almost every day, should I worry?

No. 720898>>720916

I know nothing about guitar but I think you should try to follow a random guitar tutorial rather than watching netflix, it's alwas better to do a training when you are motivated rather that watching some ranom stuff ( you can do that when you are tired, another day )

No. 720899>>720906

Why do men care about being simps for the girls they date or in a relationship with? I can understand not simping for random women but why do they feel embarrassed to simp for women who want and love them?

No. 720906

They view emotions as weakness even when it comes to situations they should show emotions in.

No. 720916

Shout out to you anon, this G chord is for you

No. 720925>>720940

y'all should I come clean to my therapist about my toxic behaviors and manipulative tendencies?
okk..I might be exaggerating a lil, but I just don't wanna disappoint them/have them become cold towards me since in actuality I'm such an ugly person in the inside.

They're the only nice person in my life and I don't want to lose them. I feel like such a sociopath/narcissist since I play victim during my sessions..

No. 720927>>720930>>720934>>720941>>721585>>721586>>721602

Is the word "oi" common in any European countries? Asking for headcanon purposes.

No. 720930

I'm British and would think it's common enough to shout oi. Or if you're a punk to scream it

No. 720934

We do use it in some parts of the Balkan. It's pretty much the equivalent of hey.

No. 720940

Seems like a waste of your own money.
You're literally paying someone to be a captive friend giving you their professional empathy, but even their empathy isn't real because your entire persona and narrative is admittedly a fake one.

No. 720941>>720964>>721602

In finland oijoi would be like "oh shit fuck that's gonma hurt" so oi oi would work as well

No. 720944

Why are the users here either ana chans or bpd fags? Genuinely curious, its pretty obvious when an anon is either one when they post

No. 720964>>720970>>720972>>720973

So would a Finnish oi kinda be like saying ow? Trying to decide which country would be best for this

No. 720965

Neither ♥

No. 720970

Oijoi in Northern Europe is kind of like "uh oh", if someone stubbed their toe they'd probably say something more profane but another person that saw them stub their toe might say that.

No. 720972

I would never say that if i stubbed my toe, maybe if i saw a friend about to fuck up, a car slide into a ditch. That kind of urgent oof sound.

No. 720973

Also can be used as a "oof bitch look at THAT"

No. 720978>>720982>>720999>>721017

File (hide): 1611442385203.png (1.52 MB, 1366x694, Screenshot (683).png)

so I have a mini trip over this next upcoming weekend, flying to las vegas nv saturday and arriving @ 11:40 am and then from there driving 3 hours to williams az, checking in to my hotel hopefully by 4 pm to leave my bags etc and then heading 1 hour to the grand canyon national park for the rest of the day weather permit and if it isn't too dark out(I'm in a different state/time zone so I have no idea around what time the sun starts to set in az), before coming back to my hotel in williams. I planned getting up early the next morning, sunday, and then before returning to vegas/after checking out of my hotel, go to bearizona along the way, stop if I see anything interesting and then spending the rest of the night in las vegas. I would return my car by 4 am or earlier if I got tired and sleep on the airport before departing at 7 am. But definetly by 4 am. But now I remembered the sequoia trees and I want to see them so bad, I'm thinking instead of heading to see the grand canyon again on early sunday morning, just drive over to california. The thing is that it's an EIGHT hour drive to go to that national park, so I would have to leave at 4 am to arrive by 12 pm, and I would have to head back to las vegas no later than 7 pm. so my stupid questions are, is that too rushed, should I just go back some other time and take my time? do you have to go to the national park to see any trees? if not, when exactly do you start seeing them? when I try to pinpoint it on google maps it shows me the national forest is 7 hours away, so not as far in as the national park. and finally what do those dots mean? pic related

No. 720982>>720987

I don't know about the rest but blue dots mean you have to travel by foot, walk that shit.

No. 720987>>720988

ah okay thank you, that's what i was afraid of.
so I'm guessing that means you don't really see any trees until you get to the red thingymajig?

No. 720988>>720991>>720993

Not an americafag but what if you searched some of those places on the map you can drive to, check photo results + the trees and see if there's any trees? Ngl i find it amusing how dead set you are on seeing some trees, hope you get to see them asap!

No. 720991

lolol thank you anon idk why I hadn't thought of that!

No. 720993>>721013

File (hide): 1611443473516.jpeg (733.49 KB, 1200x2729, 84BF364A-C5FF-431A-9EE4-03305B…)

I found it amusing too until I searched for the trees and now I want to travel across the world to visit too, kek.

No. 720999

Is this anon selfdoxing or

No. 721013

I think i would be scared of them, i used to live near where huge cruisers were docked and the sheer size was intimidating and made me woozy. Still kinda wanna walk through that one with the big hole in it.

No. 721017

Omg I did a trip from LV to Williams to Phoenix two summers ago, I was gonna do LV to LA last summer but obviously we know how that turned out. Have fun! Is covid still super bad in LV tho?? I’d be a little nervous about all the maskless boomers, like you can still smoke inside in LV kek no ones gonna have a mask on anywhere. This summers looking like a dud but hopefully I’ll finally do LV to LA two summers from now!

No. 721020>>721023>>721026>>721027>>721028>>721029>>721039>>721042>>721057>>721131

do you all think that there's any endocrinologist out there that would help me with feminizing my body? i dont care how much it costs. i have shit genetics. im not a tranny but i have really broad shoulders, a large ribcage, am tall, and have big hands and feet. i've ordered the same hormones mtfs take like progesterone, estrogen, and spiro from inhousepharmacy + alldaychemist (i used one of those DIY hrt infograph things from /lgbt/ for reference but reduced the dosages by 1/4). i did that for a while but stopped because i felt like i was always ready to pass out. my blood pressure would get really low. i'd like an endocrinologist to assist me to become more feminine and give me hormone dosages that won't kill me but i feel like i won't get taken seriously. i want to feel comfortable enough with my body to dress like a woman instead of wearing frumpy hoodies to hide my physique. its so bad that i avoid going out in public as much as possible. i know trying to DIY this shit was stupid and potentially fatal

No. 721023

Sadly, I highly doubt anyone would? As you already noticed, there's side effects to taking shit and hormones are there for a reason. Have you had your hormones checked though? If you do have some imbalances, they might be medicated. Sad to hear you feel this way about yourself, anon.

No. 721024>>721030

I really want to move back in with my parents (they live an 8hr drive away from my apartment) but my boyfriend is making me feel guilty about it because he will miss me so much. I don't know how long I want to stay with my parents, maybe until school switches back to in class learning. I would save a lot of money but I also just enjoy my family's company and the area they live in. So why am I being such a dumb bitch and letting a scrote guilt me into staying in a city that I hate?

No. 721026>>721046

Hormones won’t change your bone structure?? Do you actually have a hormonal imbalance or are you just a tall woman? Learn how to style yourself so you don’t have to “dress frumpy”, there’s a lot of tall/broad women who look absolutely elegant, Maria Sharapova is 6’2” with an athletic build and wears clothes gorgeously, Taylor Swift is 5’9” and after recovering from her ED had a very “average” build. I’m worried you’re inventing problems that aren’t there or you’re gonna get osteoporosis or something from od’ing on estrogen

No. 721027>>721043

How would taking hormones change the shape of your bones?

No. 721028

File (hide): 1611446101877.jpg (224.81 KB, 1000x1500, HOAW2021-037DL_purple_01.jpg)

Stop fucking around with hormones. Hormones will not change your skeleton and if you feel you are too manly maybe you have an overabundance of male hormones, not a lack of female hormones. But whatever you do to your body it won't change your mind.
I think if you want to feel feminine you should try on different sorts of dresses, I think you should try really long dresses but I don't know much about what clothes flatter which people… Or maybe try a suit with a pencil skirt and a big hat and sunglasses and pretend to be super important… that would be so cool; anyways femininity isn't only being short in a fluffy skirt with a big bow

No. 721029

Have you ever invested in therapy to help with your body image issues rather than hormones? Not being snarky, it would honestly be an ultimately healthier way to address the same problem.

No. 721030>>721063

Yes. If you hate it, he should be happy for you to take a break.

Do you live with him or financially/physically support him in any way? That would raise my suspicions as to why he’d want you to stay.

No. 721039

This is going to sound harsh, but you need to stop falling for tranny delusions and try to accept your body. All the bad side effects you're experiencing are proof this isn't it.

No. 721042

Learn to accept yourself. If you don't feel feminine as yourself, build yourself a persona. Next time you go to the grocery store or run errands, wear something more feminine. Pretend you're a celebrity - stand tall, walk with confidence, and move with purpose. See how it feels.

No. 721043>>721131>>721232

File (hide): 1611448602877.jpg (69.85 KB, 831x469, EUIYZ-lXkAIW-Mh.jpg)

i've seen mtfs on trans subreddits and /lgbt/ say they've gotten slightly smaller after some months or years on hrt. not the size of the bones themselves that changes but their spacing (allegedly), like they become more compressed, lose muscle mass, and get a smaller frame over time. but idk how much of that is masturbatory twansgirl bullshit about being uwu smol and how much is legit. i know i sound like an extremely naive person but when you're desperate for something, you start to be more open to stupid beliefs. like cancer patients afraid of death drinking jilly juice in attempt to cure themselves
im going to look into seeing an endocrinologist soon to see if i actually do have an imbalance, instead of DIY-ing. maybe i do have pcos but i won't know for sure until i get diagnosed. i've been mistaken for a man just off my voice and barely have periods so i think there is something going on with me

No. 721046>>721047>>721050>>721052

File (hide): 1611449363543.jpeg (61.85 KB, 425x408, 31505DFC-C62D-455E-9D01-600CAC…)

Speaking of Taylor Swifts weight gain, she had a tiny frame before she chubbed up. Now she looks quite a bit wider. Could you achieve the opposite effect by losing a lot of weight? Would your frame shrink? I heard something about losing visceral fat making you look more narrow.

No. 721047

Taylor was also anachan and is 5'11. She looks good in the right pic.

No. 721049

i wanna be a part of or be an observer of the underground music or art scene; where do i begin to look as i am a total recluse and do not know anyone? it can be local or abroad. thank

No. 721050

Nonnie, eat a fucking banana. You're going to crazytown rn, taytay is normal sized now and she was heroin chic thin before.

No. 721052>>721060

Your "frame" is literally your skeleton. Nothing you do will ever shrink your skeleton. Take it from another tall bitch with an ed, you need to get help for your BDD.

No. 721054>>721088

Is it weird that I spend so much time online but I have almost no online friends? I feel like I'm ok at making friends irl so it's weird how I don't have online friends. The only online friends I have are from this Facebook community group chat I am in.

I think it's because it's hard to find people I have a lot in common with. I'm in my mid twenties now, so I feel like it rules a lot of people out. Otherwise I feel like I have more in common with people who want a career (not anything super crazy but at least some goals) and having new experiences in life. Otherwise I feel like the people having online friends just want to sit around online all day and are kind of immature.

No. 721055

I’m 5’8

No. 721057

What are your measurements, anon?

No. 721060>>721064

People can go down a shoe size from losing weight. Is it really so far fetched that you could possibly lose inches off your chest, waist, and hips from losing weight too?

No. 721063

We don't live together right now and he's pretty self sufficient, but he's emotionally dependent on me. I don't like how unsupportive he's being, it makes me feel less sympathetic for him tbh. More than anything I hate that I'm letting it get under my skin, like why tf do I care?

No. 721064>>721066

The inches you are losing are from the loss of fat, not your skeleton shrinking.

No. 721066>>721079

And losing inches wouldn’t make someone look less wide then they did before?

No. 721079>>721081

Obviously it would, up until you reach the width of your skeleton. Which is your frame. Which you cannot shrink or alter. Please feed your brain, this is so stupid.

No. 721081>>721091

>Please feed

No. 721088

It’s really not a bad thing, tbh, making online friends feels like a chore to me, most of the time i don’t end up truly connecting with them because bonding by text is not as easy as it is in person.
There’s also how there seems to be barely any people online, in their mid 20’s, that happen to have some idea of what to do with their lives?
It’s like there’s no in between, they’re either emotionally retarded or they’re already at another stage of life that feels foreign or something like that, making the connection with them really difficult.

No. 721091

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No. 721131

did you get your natural hormone levels checked before you started taking extra?

real talk. the trannies are lieing and delusional

>im going to look into seeing an endocrinologist soon to see if i actually do have an imbalance, instead of DIY-ing. maybe i do have pcos but i won't know for sure until i get diagnosed. i've been mistaken for a man just off my voice and barely have periods so i think there is something going on with me

you very much need to get yourself checked out. you also need to tell them how much you took, when and how long ago. anon i have to ask. have you no support for this? your mother/sister or anything? someone must have noticed something if you are anything like you think you are. Voice thing maybe nothing. unregular periods you should have spoke to someone about

No. 721134>>721135>>721169>>721588

cooking wise, what can you do with potatoes besides mashing them or turning them into fries?

No. 721135

bake them

No. 721136

Is it sexy that I can fit my fist into my mouth

No. 721152

thank u
I also just remembered potato bread

No. 721167

non Ohio or Idaho anon here, wtf is a potato bug.

No. 721169


No. 721180

No we don't, I've never seen one in person and I'm glad…

No. 721188

I’m sorry for the late reply, but I’ve sat at the highest possible healthy BMI since I was a teenager (I was an athlete so very active through my childhood and teen years, had high muscle mass and low body fat). I’m lucky to hold fat in a conventional way, but do want to point out that to maintain this weight I had a ton of muscle that has probably become mostly fat over the years, and fixed my eating habits to reflect my less active lifestyle to avoid gaining weight, so to keep in mind body fat % and how it looks on your physique, that way if you feel you aren’t at the desired body you want, you can more accurately stay in that weight range without sliding into unhealthy habits or ideals. I don’t know what else would be helpful or if this was helpful, but I hope it was. Best of luck anon!

No. 721214>>721217

Does anyone know why the garden isn't working anymore?

No. 721217

The site periodically goes down at times. Just got to wait it out, I guess.

No. 721219

I'm late to seeing this whoops, but aw, sweet of you to try and find it regardless, thank you

No. 721226>>721229>>721230>>721237>>721238>>721241>>721265>>721612

Do you read sage with the english or japanese pronunciation? I use the japanese way because I'm a weaboo.

No. 721229

According to the site's language

No. 721230

i read it as one syllable because “sah geh” strains my throat for some reason

No. 721232

that picture is 0xcafebeef, he apparently starved himself to become super small and get laser hair removal. i dont think hormones can help your problem, you need to be born with the skeletal structure.

No. 721237

I say it like the herb

No. 721238

I read saaj.

No. 721241

I read it as "seigi" or similar

No. 721265

German, because of krautchan.

No. 721269>>721272>>721288

what's the difference between feminism and radical feminism?

No. 721272

one is radical the other is femme

No. 721288>>721290

The distinctions are usually between liberal and radical. They usually disagree on the questions of "sex work", trans issues, men's place in feminism and how oppressive gender stereotypes are, etc. Obviously with liberals going basicly "everything goes, identity>class, don't hurt men's feelings" while radical feminists want to rock the boat.

No. 721290

Samefag to say, obviously the community is different from the idea, and not everyone agrees on all points, and might be liberal on one standpoint and more radical on others.
Also by "ID>class" I mean how pedophilic-leaning guys can switch power dynamics just by identifying as trans, and even first generation refugee muslim women will be their oppressors.

No. 721301>>721346

File (hide): 1611488963638.jpg (26.12 KB, 640x628, meme-about-bad-posture-from-si…)

Does anyone even enjoy sitting up straight with legs at a perfect 90° angle in front of their PC? I really don't want a "gamer's neck", and it doesn't cause me discomfort to sit normally, but I naturally melt back into some weird yoga pose if I get absorbed reading something.

No. 721310>>721391

What does “seiso” mean?

No. 721336

If minimum wage goes up to $15, is everyone else's wages going to go up too? I can't see these stinky companies who barley want to give 25 cent increases give almost $7 to everyone to offset.

No. 721346>>721354

i don't, and i'm probably fucking up my spine. how do you manage that ?

No. 721354

I know there are some ergonomic chairs that support the neck and lower back. Right now I just use a little pillow behind my back so I can sit upright, and try to remind myself to reset my neck back to neutral.

No. 721358>>721359>>721363

I recently came back to lolcow after avoiding it for over a year and I'm so fucking confused by the sonic totem threads. How do they work ? Is it a bot ? Or a very dedicated and bored farmhand ? I feel so dumb

No. 721359

Asking for spoon-feeding sonic magic totem? For shame. He is gonna be displeased with 6 of us now.

No. 721363

The last number of your postnumber (or whatever that's called) correspondents with a number on the thread image, that's your answer.

No. 721375>>721386>>721388

File (hide): 1611500436278.jpeg (165.61 KB, 753x1280, F458297F-2650-4D1E-8855-75281E…)

Is there a way to avoid making someone uncomfortable when I do a counterfeit cash check?

I'm planning on selling stuff on Facebook Marketplace and only accepting cash to avoid chargeback scams. I'm not sure how to not make the other person feel insulted when I take out my UV flashlight… I feel like they'll ask why I think they would scam me or something when I only want to check because I think they might have fake bills and didn't even know themselves.

No. 721386>>721450>>722744

Tbh I don't think anyone with common sense should feel insulted but if you insist on saying something that'll make them more comfortable you could just say you're checking in case they unknowingly received fake bills from someone else. That shifts the blame off them.

No. 721387

how can i comfort a friend who is going through a tough time? she cant meet inperson currently and i just want to be there for her in some way, ive been listening to her cry and vent and i feel bad i cant do anything when shes suffering so much

No. 721388>>722744

Just do it, and make sure you have someone else there with you.
Cashiers and bankers usually count out bills to make sure the amount is correct. The only people that would be insulted are the people who are trying to give you counterfeit cash. If you feel you have to say something, you can lightheartedly say that you've run into an issue in the past and you don't want to make the same mistake again.

No. 721391

like a pretty pure girl

No. 721411

How do you deal with other people? I need a manual before I become even more of a recluse

No. 721415>>721422

Is it weird that a straight woman dislikes watching gay porn because seeing men 'act in a feminine way' is disillusioning to her?

No. 721417

How come when I use a VPN, the location services on my browser get the location wrong? My VPN is set to Canada but mapping services always think I'm in Atlanta, Georgia.

No. 721422>>721425>>721432

No, but it is weird for a straight woman to watch gay porn

No. 721425

what why? if you like men having double the men in porn is a plus, at least imo
its the same with dudes watching lesbian porn which is one of the most common genres of porn

No. 721430>>721437>>721438>>721442>>721447>>721453>>721457

For those anons who like watching gaming streamers, how do you explain why you find streamers more entertaining than playing a game yourself? I usually have them playing in the background as a noise filler, but a lot of people around me are usually like "what's so entertaining about watching someone else play a game?" and I don't really know how to explain it lol. Their personality? Their skill level? I spent a huge majority of my life sharing consoles and mostly being able to watch people play games rather than being allowed to play myself, so I figured I probably like watching streamers because this is just what I'm used to.

No. 721432

Can't be weirder than straight women watching lesbian porn, for example

No. 721437

Personally, I enjoy it because I know I'm nowhere near the skill level needed to play through games that require stuff like quick time events (which are the types of games I tend to like), so watching streamers still gives me a chance to see the game. I also like the entertainment/personality aspect of the streamers too though.

No. 721438

>I spent a huge majority of my life sharing consoles and mostly being able to watch people play games
Love that you brought this up, because I grew up sharing consoles with my older brother and thus spent a lot of time watching him play, and now that I'm older I enjoy watching streamers kek. Sometimes you just want the satisfaction of seeing something being done, and being done well, I think. An added benefit is that sometimes I watch the first hour of a streamer's playthrough, decide I like the game, and buy it for myself. Alternatively, sometimes I'm just not interested in the mechanics of a game, but want to see how the story progresses (lots of visual novels and first-person walky types for me), so I watch a streamer do it.

No. 721439>>721443>>721444>>721451>>721462>>721463>>721524>>721664>>721878

Is it bad I think life starts at conception but im still pro-choice? I haven't heard anyone with this opinion, almost everyone that's pro-choice doesn't believe life starts at conception. I usually lie and say I don't think it starts at conception because i don't know how to adequately reconcile both opinions. I basically think bodily autonomy trumps a zygote/fetus/baby when conditions outside the womb aren't and will never be right for them to be raised properly.

I'm still not sure about cases of plain carelessness on the mom's part. One part of me wants to say the kid should be born, so she goes through the pain of childbearing and thinks a bit longer next time and then the kid given up for adoption, but another part of me wants to say no because you don't know whose hands they'll end up in and it's just better to be raised by loving responsible biological parents.

No. 721442

I watch them for the commentary not the gameplay personally

No. 721443

I saw 2-3 women with this view, also on imageboards, but they were very agressive and probably had BPD too.

No. 721444

I'm glad you brought up this question. My mom is a doctor who mostly works with pregnant women and newborns. She believes that "life" begins when the sperm meets the egg, while being pro-choice (she believes in bodily autonomy). I think her reason is that it helps inform how she treats patients - if they were already pregnant, she would be more cautious with certain treatments or meds. I'd say you could use this reasoning if you felt like you needed something smart to say, kek.

No. 721447

For me personally, I'm not interested in video games enough to pay money for a PC or consoles or invest a lot of time in a game. Sometimes I just want to check out certain games, for example if they have a lot of hype around them or they're based on a franchise which I enjoy, so I just watch the let's play. Also I usually pick let's players who speak calmly, so I find those videos nice for relaxing before sleep, you don't need to focus as much on those videos as you would for shows or a movie.

No. 721449>>721478>>721491>>721495>>721497>>721534

How do I go about asking my boyfriend to call him a “chubby porkie” He went from 140 pounds to 180 pounds from quarantine weight and I want to tease him without hurting his feelings. I’m not sure if he’s going to be sensitive because he was skinny before kek. Should I do it?

No. 721450

>you could just say you're checking in case they unknowingly received fake bills from someone else
the only correct response

No. 721451>>721452

>One part of me wants to say the kid should be born, so she goes through the pain of childbearing and thinks a bit longer next time

No. 721452>>721456>>721469

oh no! the libfems are triggered!

No. 721453

I actually stopped watching streams and find it hard to watch them now. I guess for me it was just a human voice to fill out my days, even though I never interacted with the streamer or gave them money. I also enjoy watching multiplayer games to get better, but I'm also a shit player who gets tilted very fast, so it's better for me mentally to stay away from competitive games.
Also I'm never giving out money for games that are 90% story. I'll just watch a stream/youtube videos instead.

No. 721456

scrotes in full force today, huh

No. 721457

I'm not a gamer. There's just a few games I would like to play and I can't justify/afford getting the console for just the handful of games I'd occasionaly like to play. I also just like watching them being played. I guess it's the same as people watching football on tv but not engaging in any sports themselves.

No. 721462>>721482

>One part of me wants to say the kid should be born, so she goes through the pain of childbearing and thinks a bit longer next time and then the kid given up for adoption
Totally, anon! Lets force women to give birth to children they were going to abort, so there are more kids in foster care/adoption that will outgrow the system. It's a good idea make women who didn't get pregnant because of "carelessness" give birth. Aborting the child she couldn't take care of is definitely not the better option for careless women! Nope, not at all. Also, the pain of childbirth is completely enough to stop people from having more than one kid.

What a stupid take.

No. 721463

Punishing women like this is not an answer to anything anon come on… even if they're dumb and careless they were dumb and careless WITH a scrote who will likely get off scot free

No. 721466>>721509

this is gonna be dumb but what other websites are there to visit and pass the time on besides social media (and this board)? i've become very bored during quarantine

No. 721467>>721471>>721472>>721484>>721486

Which are the friendliest-sounding accents in English in your opinion?

No. 721469

this isnt only a libfem take, retard. your larping is obvious, scrote

No. 721471

I love New York, Southern and Australian (especially if they have a deep voice) accents.

No. 721472>>721527

I'm ESL and australian (especially the broad accent kek) and new zealander sound the friendliest, most approachable to me

No. 721474

Does a brain dead body that is being kept alive age? I saw the Jahi McMath thread while trying to find something else in the catalog and wondered what happened to her and saw that she has died (died-died???). I don't want to necro the thread, but she was 13 when she was declared brain dead and died at 17 from liver failure. Would her body have continued to go through puberty, or other things like continue growing in height after being declared brain dead?

No. 721478

would you like him to speak to you like that? i don't think it's a good idea

No. 721482>>721685

ayrpt and well it's a stupid take not only in that sense but also in the sense that nobody would be able to know if a woman got pregnant due to carelessness in the first place and then say you can't have an abortion. I mean, at least I think nobody would admit to that. Personally I wouldn't– I've had careless thoughts before, like if he finishes inside it means he loves me, I could just take the morning after pill, so this isn't coming from someone that thinks they're holier-than-thou by any means.

Nonetheless, that's honestly how I feel and I wouldn't have blamed anyone that thought the same of past me. Abortion is safer than childbearing but it wasn't always this way.

No. 721484

The friendliest / warmest accents to me are from the deep south, I'm thinking about Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump, Nina Bo'nina Brown from rpdr or Lalari from the most recent season, so from Alabama / Georgia? It makes people sound sweet.

No. 721486

AUS/NZ, BBC Received Pronunciation, Newfoundland, and Nigerian

No. 721491

>i dont want to hurt his feelings
>but i want to call him chubby porkie

No. 721495

No, you shouldn't unless you want to ruin your relationship. If you have to ask yourself if he will be offended, then yes he will and clearly you don't have that kind of teasing relationship. Who in their right mind would think it's ok to call their s/o a chubby porkie? Wtf.

No. 721497

Lmao yes shame him

No. 721509>>721571

Watch youtube videos? Or is that a given?

No. 721524

I think life begins at conception and I'm pro - choice, my bodily autonomy always comes before any potential people's lives. I love women, I love myself and I want us to have control of ourselves and our lives.

Your second paragraph makes the think you just hate women. Accidental or unwanted pregnancy has always been a fact of life, for every woman in every situation, this is the only point in history where we've been able to safely do anything about it. The way you judge somebody for needing an abortion makes me think you may as well just be pro life, if you only think the 'right' women deserve it.

No. 721527>>721556

ot, but what a wholesome interview haha

No. 721534

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hurt his feelings

No. 721536>>721541

anything i need to know about taking anonymous screen caps?

just worried because i've seen some people doxx themselves by accidentally posting their social media pfp in a screenshot, also reading about companies like blizzard sneaking in subtle watermarks to determine who leaked what info makes me paranoid.

i want to post en email i received from a company but i would kill myself if they watermark their shit like blizz b/c the email address i received it on is tied to my real name

No. 721541>>721564

Rule of thumb, if you don't have a really good, really important reason to post something, you shouldn't post it

No. 721555>>721557>>721559

can you get banned for posting too much even if not breaking rules?

No. 721556

He's a very wholesome mate indeed!

No. 721557

No, i doubt mods can see how often someone posts unless they specifically check their history. Even then, you're not breaking any rules and it's not likely they'll check the history unless you're a known rule breaker

No. 721559

only if you're spamming or excessively samefagging, which would break the rules so… no?

No. 721563

Do peeps still exist? the yellow stuff

No. 721564

you're right, that's sound advice. i might just post in the thread request thread instead then, i haven't seen this flake posted about here before and they're being pretty milky rn but i don't care enough to risk it. ppl are talking about it on twitter but they're no one has posted screenshots of certain things yet.

No. 721571

yup, but at this point i really feel like i've exhausted any content interesting to me.

No. 721579

What do you guys think of that momo/pg comic?

No. 721581>>721601

What do anons think about a personal finance thread? I always like to hear about how people do their budgets and what they choose to invest in (if anything).

No. 721585

in norway "oi" means "wow", or "uh-oh"

No. 721586

In Romanian "oi" means sheep (plural)

No. 721588

Boil them and put onion butter and sour cream on, eat with oven-baked fish of your choice. Enjoy!

No. 721591>>721597

Does 'Keep your friends close, but enemies closer' actually work and how?

No. 721597>>721605>>721648

are you saying you have enemies

No. 721601

I want to know this too

No. 721602

In Italian it's an informal way of saying hi. "oioi" can also be used as an exclamation like in >>720941 but ai/aiai/aia are more commom

No. 721603>>721606>>721614>>721621>>721628

If I conceive a ltr partner whom i'm not legally married to's child and I decide or they decide to breakup, can I keep them from seeing the kid? Are there laws in place that gives biological fathers rights even if they're not married to their child's mom? Keep in mind the mom doesn't want child support, just raise the kid by herself

No. 721605

Wait, you guys don't have enemies?

No. 721606>>721616

Am I dyslexic, are you a shit writer or are you a scrote? Anyways, depends on the country.

No. 721612

Japanese because that's how it would be pronounced in my country anyway

No. 721613

How do I stop bodyshaming myself?

No. 721614>>721616


>In almost every state, the mother of a child born out of wedlock automatically has 100% custody rights until paternity is established. However, even after paternity is established, it is the obligation of the father, if he wants custodial rights or parenting time with the child, to commence a court proceeding. In other words, short of an agreement between the parties, the only way the father can get any rights to the child is by going to court. Once there, the court must determine what is in the "best interest of the child."

If you're a burger, you can possibly keep the father out of the picture.

No. 721616>>721643

it must've been the word "fathers" that tripped you up, I should've typed(? "a bioloogical father" lol

thank you sweet anon, thats such a bummer bc I know they would want custody. Now I'm wondering if the court mandates paternity tests but that narrows it down

No. 721621>>721631>>721652

It really just depends, maybe you could ask a lawyer? Why don't you want the father in the in the picture, especially since he's long term (if you don't mind me asking)?

No. 721628>>721643>>721652

>if I conceive
>the mom
Are you talking about yourself or someone else? I'm confused

No. 721631

I agree with this tbh. I wouldn't let anons provide you with legal advice over something important like this.

No. 721643>>721646

No it was the changing of typing it as if you are the mom, then someone else is the mom and the conceive tbh

No. 721646>>721650

Wait so are you saying you're a surrogate mom for a couple who has been in a long term relationship? I'm sorry if you're an esl anon, I'm just genuinely trying to figure this out

No. 721648

unfortunately yes

No. 721650

Sis i'm not the op, i am the one confused

No. 721651>>721654

Can someone please help me figure out what song this is that starts after 2:50? I would sooo appreciate it

No. 721652>>721657>>721675>>721698

apparently a mom can refuse a paternity test if anyone was wondering, i was probably the only one that didn't know though lol

I don't even have a baby yet and I've only been with him for going on three years but I like to be one step ahead. I know that makes me sound neurotic but whatever lol.
Growing up, I always liked the idea of getting pregnant through artificial insemination since I could raise the kid however I want and not bump heads with the father. I wouldn't be tied to anyone and it allows me more freedom. But I'm now in a relationship with someone I love and they want to be a dad someday.
Tbh I've never really liked men and I never thought I'd meet one I would really like let alone love. He makes me want to have kids with him and I think he would make a decent dad but while we're compatible in a lot of ways, some disagreements have started to crop up and I've realized we don't see too eye-to-eye as I thought we did. Which I know it's only normal but to me it's a bit of a dealbreaker. He's also said things that've made me side eye him and insecure in the relationship and that combined with the fact things change and our relationship may crumble in the future just like a lot of things do, I don't want to ever be tied to him because of a kid. I want to be able to leave and have him not know anything about the whereabouts of me and my kid whenever. It's not really him, it's just a preference of mine and I would say the same thing if it were another guy in his place. Hell even if my SO was perfect, I would still want to have full custody of my kid. I just can't help being suspicious of men it seems. sorry if that offends anyone LOL
Maybe this is coming from an immature mindset though and I would want to see my kid happy and let them see their dad? dunno. I've been thinking about this because he wants to get married and I don't for obvious reasons. Not like I know we'll break up youknow lol I obviously hope we never do but I'm also aware that it's not up to me and things happen.

Different sentences ma'am. I was talking about myself in the first one and then in the last two I switched to third person to basically ask the same question but in a different way in case my first question was too confusing

No. 721654

It sounds like one of those generic stock songs. If you search "youtube stock music" on yt there's a playlist called Overused Songs. Maybe it'll be there? I'll try to listen to a couple to see if I can help

No. 721657>>721658

I mean anon, just saying as someone who didn't grow up in a two parent household, please let your child have both parents if you ever have kids. I still wish I had both in my childhood. If your hypothetical child ever finds out they could have had a dad who would've took care of them they might resent you for it tbh. At the end of the day you have to put your child's wellbeing over personal feelings.

No. 721658

yeah I think this is it anon, I will probably change my opinion once I have a kid and see how much they love their dad

No. 721664>>721685>>721861

I don't think it matters when life begins tbh, what matters is that the fetus is an inherently parasitic lifeform and the normal ethical rules re murder should not apply to them. There's really no other situation just like pregnancy so there's no precedent, it should be judged on it's own and the most reasonable judgement is that the fetus is inextricably dependent on one specific person's physical body, so that one specific person should have full control over whether to remove or keep it.

> I'm still not sure about cases of plain carelessness on the mom's part. One part of me wants to say the kid should be born, so she goes through the pain of childbearing and thinks a bit longer next time and then the kid given up for adoption,

This, however, is some of the dumbest and most evil pro lifer bullshit I've ever heard in my life. Children should not be a punishment and the 'crime' of careless sex (or failed birth control, or rape) is not equivalent to childbirth let alone raising a kid. What kind of shitty religious tradthot are you that carelessness warrants forced birth and all the risks and life ruining potential it carries with it?

No. 721665>>721671

Is it true that they put corn syrup into every food product in USA?

No. 721671

Not all of them. Corn syrup will usually show up in desserts/sweet food. Things like candy, canned fruit, soda, etc… Basically mostly only junk food that would have corn syrup. It's there to make the food softer, have more volume and prevent crystallization from sugar apparently. You can also use it with homemade food, but a lot of dessert recipes do not ask for it.

No. 721673>>721674>>721676

If you guys wanted to ensure you have a flat stomach and prevent bloating for an event, what would you do/eat/drink/avoid the day before? My digestive system is kinda sluggish and I get bloated easy.

No. 721674>>721700

I would avoid carbs and anything processed, maybe also fast for a few hours

No. 721675

>since I could raise the kid however I want and not bump heads with the father. I wouldn't be tied to anyone and it allows me more freedom.
Have you ever asked yourself if that child wants to be born into this world? Not sure about the guy but it seems like you have some control issues and you'll be projecting it onto the kid. Careful there.

No. 721676>>721700

No carbs, that includes many veggies and fruit. No excessive water drinking or salt either. Basically, keep it light, of course you can have some carbs if you'd like but i would skip it the day before and on the day.

No. 721683>>721691>>721717

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(mental health related)

On the recent session my therapist pointed out that I'm very self obsessed, while having extra low self-esteem; which I realize is pretty true, kinda like reverse narcissism where instead constantly focusing on how i'm the best I'm constantly focused on what a fuckup I am. Anyone has experience with anything similar? I'd love to do some more research on this but typing terms like narcissism or being self-centered, even paired with low self esteem, i only get results about people thinking they're the best. Ofc I'm gonna ask my therapist in the future but I would love to read more about it beforehand if possible.

No. 721685>>721696

Careless sex isnt failed birth control or rape obviously, I gave an example of what i consider it to be here >>721482.

I'm not religious, that's just honestly how I feel. You only think it's evil because you consider fetuses parasites.

No. 721687>>721697>>721699>>721701>>721848

Why do so many guys have a problem with arm hair on women? The hair isn't even particularly long there, it's usually thin and barely noticeable. I know it varies but on average, I don't see the point why women should shave there. And men act as if the arm hair makes the woman a bearded circus freak.

No. 721691>>721705

I definitely feel this - sometimes I feel like I'm doing much worse than everyone around me, my peers, like I'm the absolute worst. Around other people I feel like they're all noticing how weird, ugly, stupid, or annoying I am. I think it's a type of paranoia, not necessarily narcissistic, but extreme self awareness to a painful degree

No. 721696>>721708

Nta, but as someone who does believe life starts at conception and is pro-choice, I agree what you said is evil. You honestly don't seem like you care that much about children if you think they should be punishment for women who accidently get pregnant and then sent to adoption centers where they probably won't get adopted, or get to foster families that don't really care about them or may abuse them. It was an incredibly nasty thing to say. Feeling like women should be made to give birth is literally a step back from giving women more bodily autonomy.

No. 721697>>721754

Because hair that literally grows naturally from a woman on the body is MANLY! But hair on the head is not. Unless it is short because then it's MANLY again!

No. 721698

Curious why you wouldn’t go down the artificial insemination route in the first place? That would save you all this trouble. I can’t see any benefits to you having a kid with someone you know versus artificial insemination from the situation you’re describing. The second option sounds like it would be ideal for you.

I can understand your problem if you plan to have kids very soon, but honestly it sounds like you’re losing interest in your current relationship so maybe it’s time to break it off before having kids.

No. 721699>>721754

Mine gets pretty long and darkish but the faces guys on public transport pulled at me in short sleeves when I first grew them out from stubble (which is always uglier and uncomfier compared to long hair anyways) were ridiculous. First it felt embarrasing, then I realised I don't even date guys and that shit doesn't concern me, fuck them ugly scrotes.

No. 721700

ty anons I will try to stay away from carbs. No promises on the fruit though it's summer here and I cannot resist it kek.

No. 721701>>721754

I don't think any men even complains about hair on the arms if it's thin and light. My arm hair is pretty strong, but still the only ones mocking me were schoolkids back in the day, none of my bfs ever said anything.

No. 721705>>721716

Yes, extreme self awareness would a very good way to describe it. It's just so tiring to be locked in this self-perceived conviction that there's always a spotlight on our worst traits; all the advice I've ever been given is, oh just enjoy the moment, don't think of anything else - how do you stop though? Fingers crossed for us anon to be able to move past this.

No. 721707>>721719>>722289

Has anyone here had dissociative episodes? How would you describe it?

No. 721708>>721715>>721722

I can sort of understand what anon is saying, but only because I read the blog of a woman who thinks similiarly. Like people taking responsibility and not fucking around with no protection in casual relationship, and realize that if they do fuck their partner there's always a chance to have a kid, and take responbility either by avoiding conceiving or by raising the kid (for both sexes), and even if the prevention was more considered, the number of abortion needed would be minimal.
I think it's a heavily nuanced question, although I don't even agree with the statement that life begins at conception.

No. 721715>>721725

But why make someone who is careless raise a child when they might end up being a careless parent? Again, children are not a punishment, they are human beings and that is not fair to them. There's no way to justify that. Not only that, but why is only the woman expected to take responsibility? It's like when stuff like this comes up people love to let the man get off scot free.

No. 721716

It's hard, but I try to focus on my personal tasks and remember that no one is really thinking about me that much. Other people are usually involved in their own lives and too busy to notice me, which is a comforting reminder. I hope it goes away with age and experience.

No. 721717

I have similar feelings but no answers unfortunately. I would love to learn more, too. Thinking about it, it’s logical that people with low self-esteem are self-obsessed - overanalysing your actions, personality and appearance is a result of that combination.

No. 721719>>722236

For me it's like I am in a dream and I feel like I am in some tv show that I don't belong in? Like a crossover episode but I also get kinda paranoid that everyone knows I feel out of it all, if I am on a bus, I feel like other people don't feel real somehow. Floaty and panicky after a while, isolating and not seeing people has actually helped me not dissociate or depersonalize as much. After these episodes, it feels like trying to remember a dream.

No. 721722>>721767

>take responbility either by avoiding conceiving or by raising the kid (for both sexes)
Having an abortion IS taking responsibility for your mistakes, why the fuck do people think women are flippant about abortions? They're not a fucking get out of jail free card, they are invasive, traumatic, expensive and sometimes difficult to obtain. You don't need to force women to endure birth and the presence of an unwanted child for women to realize their mistakes by not taking birth control seriously.

It's beyond me how people immediately stop caring about the welfare of a child from the moment it's born. A kid born to ill prepared, irresponsible parents who DON'T WANT A CHILD is going to suffer, end of story. There is no winner in the situation when a woman is forced to have a child, except moralizing pro lifers who can conveniently ignore and forget about a precious life once it's born. As long as the woman gets punished for having sex, that's enough right?

No. 721725>>721726>>721750

Plenty of careless people become parents and do an OK job. There are also people that plan for a family and do a shit job. And a lot of "conception=life" people think that not being born is unfair. Children are a consequence of sex, and it's not supposed to be a punishment, but the biological consequence of bumping uglies. I do agree with these more trad women in one point, and that people got way too disconnected from the idea that we're animals reproducing in pairs, and while sex is fun and a way to connect, it's also there to have babies, and you should really think twice (or ten times) about just jumping into it.
Also the one blogger I paraphrased doesn't think men should get off scott free, they'll just try because they're shit. They should go through the same mental process and try to prevent pregnancies just as much as women.

No. 721726

Also samefagging to reiterate that I'm not a pro-lifer, I just tried reading up and understand these women before anons start to sperg out at me personally.

No. 721750

>And a lot of "conception=life" people think that not being born is unfair
Alright? Doesn't mean I agree with that.
>Children are a consequence of sex, and it's not supposed to be a punishment, but the biological consequence of bumping uglies.
But they are to people who don't want them. I'm not saying people shouldn't take responsibility for their actions, but making people have kids is not the way to do that. Encouraging careless people to have children just cause some do and it worked out is fucking stupid.

Let's just agree to disagree I guess.

No. 721754

I wish we could reinforce the same backlash with their ugly shining bald heads but I fear they'd respond with physical violence because of their fragile egos.
> First it felt embarrasing, then I realised I don't even date guys and that shit doesn't concern me, fuck them ugly scrotes.
Based, don't ever change. I don't care/date either but I was reading a thread about turn offs with both men and women participating and I was surprised at the amount of men noticing arm hair. I pity women that bother putting that much effort for a disgusting scrote.
I'm glad you didn't have any negative comments past school. I didn't think arm hair was such a turn off for so many dudes then again but it could be just scrotes being vocal.

No. 721767

> Having an abortion IS taking responsibility for your mistakes,
People also think that abortion is something that women do easily and laugh during the ordeal while drinking martinis. And even if the woman doesn't feel any sort of guilt, the procedure itself is very invasive and painful. I never had an abortion myself but I did volunteer at women's shelters and a good number had to go through an abortion for various reasons. It was always a painful subject and when you have prolifers yelling at you outside of designated clinics, making your life harder without bothering to understand your position and the circumstances around difficult choices, it makes you hate people.
Of course, it doesn't mean it's hard just for the victims of domestic abuse. I've known of a couple that did it because they knew they couldn't afford it and it doesn't make their choice any less painful or easy to make. But prolifers don't care just as they stop caring after the child is born. They're the most hypocritical bunch. Do you think you ever see one of their kind volunteering at shelters or helping community? No. But they're very vocal when it comes to pushing choices on people.

No. 721774>>721786

fuck streaming services, torrenting 101 for a kumpooter illiterate pls?

No. 721779>>721796>>721800

okay but why don't trans folks have their own restrooms and own sports? you know like, transmen restrooms specifically for them and transwomen sports specifically for them? I mean, they acknowledge there's an inherent difference with the word cis. Is it really an opinion the likes of jim crow law?

No. 721786

For music use soulseek. For torrents use qbittorrent. For educational books use libgen.

No. 721796>>721797>>721812

Their entire agenda is dedicated to forcing their way into the opposite sex's space, for validation, physical access to others bodies, opportunities to intimidate, etc. Getting their own spaces defeats the purpose.

No. 721797>>721802>>721808>>721815>>721821

Couldn't racist people say the same thing though? and actually, don't they?

No. 721800>>721814

Sports would probably be unpopular. Women's sports is already less popular than men's, no one wants to watch the trannylimpics, especially since their numbers are so low, the difference between the top and 20th place would be enormous. I doesn't even have the wholedomeness of the paralympics.

No. 721802>>721814>>721815>>721821>>721844>>721850

Yeah I think radfems need better talking points than just rephrasing shit actual nazis say if y'all want it to catch it on.(shit baiting)

No. 721808>>721821

The "create your own space" is literally something people say to POC when we talk about representation and job opportunities lmao

No. 721812

I think for some that might be it but they don't understand the damage they're doing.

No. 721814

very true
I'm a terf in the making so trying to find what the difference is. It feels nazi-ish I'll admit but it also feels like guilt tripping. We know the men of all races unite in their hate for women, their hate for women trumps their hate of a black man they consider inferior.

No. 721815>>721817>>721819>>721820

What an intellectually dishonest comparison. Non white people aren't larping as white or demanding to be considered white when they expect to share bathrooms with white people. The issue here isn't shared spaces in themselves, unisex bathrooms and co-ed sports are a thing. But those shared spaces aren't good enough for trannies who literally get off on making women uncomfortable in changing rooms, or predators who use bathrooms as conveniently private locations for rape.

No. 721817

thank you anon, you said it better than I did. plus it's not like they couldn't eat in the same restaurant as me

No. 721819

also women are a marginalized group while white people aren't. it's not that hard.

No. 721820>>721840

yeah, imo race and sex are two beasts of their own.

No. 721821>>721825>>721834


haha okay tell me when you find an unapologetic racist who is also a proud radfem who runs with other radfems. show me your pro-racism radfems please.

search "you're kidding right?" on youtube.
there are plenty of black radfems saying the same shit (that aren't getting their heads in tizzy trying to throw POC under the bus for fetishistic men)

No. 721823


Does it upset you that you can’t impregnate a sexy fat bitch that blogs about wanting to birth as many babies as they can with their ess-oh? I really wish women could procreate.

No. 721825>>721834>>721836

saying what same shit? sorry I didn't get your last bit there

No. 721834

samefag nvm, i get it now

No. 721836

np I meant there are poc radfems that are advocating for sex-based rights, not the racism.

No. 721840

The big difference between misogyny vs racism (homophobia too) is that when it comes to the latter, bigots want their hated group to fuck off and disappear. Misogyny is different in that men desperately want women around, they want to marry and breed and have sex with us, they literally cannot tolerate a lack of female presence and that's partly WHY they hate us (ie when we reject or stay away from them). It's really nonsensical to compare the way men feel about women to the way racists feel about other races, like apples and oranges.

No. 721844

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No. 721848

Does this happen outside of the internet though? I've never heard of adult men complaining about arm hair.

No. 721849>>721871>>721873

I may have accidentally taken my 36mg concerta xr twice, which is at the max recommended dose for an adult, except I stay at 36 mg because I have heart problems. I don’t have medical insurance, so I’m just sitting here trying to drink water and hoping it’ll be fine. Anyone have any other advice for getting it out of my system?

No. 721850>>721884

File (hide): 1611533278026.png (22.1 KB, 128x128, eyeroll.png)

>black women entering women's bathrooms is comparable to literal men entering women's bathrooms
we're doing this again?

No. 721861>>721874

I'm pro choice, but calling an embryo inherently parasitic is an extremely immature, unscientific take.

No. 721869

God, I'm so glad I live in the UK

No. 721871

no one here is a medical professional plus you have a heart condition so you would really have to visit the hospital if you start to feel ill

all I can say is drink a lot of water and pee a lot but seriously don’t ask us retards go to the hospital lmao

No. 721873>>721882

you're probably be fine, just gonna be awake and maybe anxious for a while. take note if your heart starts palpitating. or anything else out of the ordinary changes.

if its anything like adderall it takes a LOT over the reccomended dose to really do harm. try to eat and drink lots of water, stimulants can be rough on an empty stomach.

maybe clean something

No. 721874

Until science can extract a fetus from the body, grow it and keep it alive and well until infancy, a fetus is just factually a parasite on the mother's body. That's not to dismiss the emotional significance of unborn children to their mothers, most will obviously have their own meaning and attachment to a fetus rather than thinking of it as a parasite. It still functions as a parasitic relationship.

No. 721878

This is definetley bait but I'm bored, so I'll bite. To an extent, I don't think you can blame women for being careless in a lot of cases. How many women think that they owe their bf/husband sex, even if they're not in the mood or don't want to? How many women feel like they have no choice in life but to inevitably give birth and raise a child? How many women are properly educated about the effects of pregnancy on the body?

No. 721882

okay I somehow didn't see the heart condition part.

you could find a friend or family member who does have insurance, you could use their info to call the advice nurse the insurance carrier provides.

No. 721884>>721918>>721920

the thing is that I thought about this too, that racists use this same exclusivity argument to justify their bigotry against other racial/ethnic groups, which they have used this argument before by bringing up the right to self congregate with each other or under freedom of expression or whatever I forgot the term

No. 721918

race and sex are entirely different things, bait-chan.

No. 721920

i am going to say it again. white people are not oppressed for being white, therefore they do not need their own white only spaces. women are an oppressed group, therefore we do need our own spaces. you sound like some leftard who thinks misogyny isn't a real axis of oppression

No. 721929>>721948>>721949>>721950

What in gods name is "the spam community" that people talk about in /snow/?

No. 721931

File (hide): 1611536699839.jpg (68.46 KB, 1200x898, gotta sneed.jpg)

sneed – snail-ish speed, sneeze weed, snow weed, sneeze need. Where'd you hear this word nonstress?

No. 721939

is it normal for a relatively new samsung galaxy phone to constantly freeze while in split screen mode ? i only have one tab open in chrome and youtube

No. 721948>>721950

I've been wondering the same

No. 721949>>721953

spam accounts on Instagram are basically private accounts where people post about their lives, except unlike "privs" they're usually followed by strangers (with other spam accounts usually). I used to have one as a teenager in the mid 2010s, they're called "spam" accounts because before Instagram had stories we used to post loads of random pictures (selfies, memes, pictures of our ceiling) every day and blog or shitpost in the caption. Basically what twitter profiles are today but on Instagram. Then ig added stories so the spam element wasn't really there anymore but they're still called that. They were especially popular among "emo" (or the 2015 blue pixie cut they/them dan and phil version of emo) and fandom girls.
Some spam accounts would become really popular and the owners were kind of like small influencers, for example idk if people know this but youtuber noahhfince's (who's got half a million subscribers today) following orginially started on his ig spam account that got really big for whatever reason
I haven't really used my spam since 2018 though so idk if the community's changed significantly, I think teenagers these days have mostly moved to twitter so I imagine the spam accounts that are being discussed in /snow/ are of the og spam teens who grew up and never moved on lol

No. 721950>>721953

Some anon said once that it’s people posting absolutely anything that goes through their minds, like a diary or a blog, but it’s instagram.

No. 721953

Interesting thanks anons

No. 721960>>722032

Is there any reason for straight women to date? Maybe 5% of guys are ok. Good luck dating if you're not insanely lucky. Women who keep trying to date seem like gambling addicts to me tbh.

No. 722032>>722048

yeah that's why i don't kek
Even the "best" men are still inconsiderate assholes. It's a shame they're so sexy.

I feel like it's kind of like those sugar-free gummy bears. looks like it would be so fun and it initially tastes amazing but then they fuck you up so bad you're shitting your guts out for way longer than it took you to eat them and you already bought the 2 pound bag which is gonna sit around in your house forever. and then you'll be like "ah maybe it wasn't so bad, I'm misremembering, and after all they look so tasty" and then before you know it you're on the toilet shitting your brains out again

No. 722047

Even if men do age better, why does it matter if they're ugly their whole life? Women are more attractive than men and I say that as a straight woman. Most 60 year old women are still more attractive than 18 year old guys. Doesn't this null their "men age like wine, women age like milk" narrative?

No. 722048>>722059

Most of them arent even sexy though.

No. 722059>>722065

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Samefag and as a straight woman i would think it was totally worth it to deal with mens bullshit if most of them were hot but the majority of them look like shit. Everytime a cute guy rejects me or leaves me I feel like shit because I might not see another one for the next year…its just sad as shit when a average or ugly guy wants to be fwb, cheats or just want to hook up. If most men looked like pic related I would take any bullshit they threw at me with a smile.

No. 722065>>722067

>If most men looked like pic related I would take any bullshit they threw at me with a smile.
Avan Jogia is hot, but not hot enough for that, babe. If he was just a little less attractive, he would look like a half Indian he-who-must-not-be-namedad4m dr1v3r. He is sexy though. Nickelodeon did a good job with the Victorious cast.

No. 722067

>hes not that hot

He still looks hotter than 99% of men. I almost never see men who look that good in real life. It happened once and he pumped and dumped me

No. 722073>>722077>>722145>>722175

DAE ever think to themselves how good of a man/husband they would've been? Like you would've nailed the role because you know what most women want and don't want?

Do you think men are ever fed up with women so much to do the same and think wow I would've made such a good woman/wife?

No. 722076

Sneed's Seed and Feed (Formerly Chuck's)

No. 722077

samefag. Nevermind to my second question, I remember my boyfriend said he would make an onlyfans if he was a woman. He said he was kidding after but I think I know what the truth is……. yikes …….. I did not want to remember that

No. 722095>>722096

If you join a discord, can everyone see when a new user joins? Like "Anon has joined the chat"

Asking cause I wanna join the lolcow discord as a guest and watch the shitshow I'm sure is going down currently, but I don't wanna get called out for joining and lurking lmao. Idk anything about how discord works cause I've only ever used it once for a Sims CC folder

No. 722096>>722104

yes, it shows up in the general channel, but it there are lots of people in the discord they might not care. rarely everyone is equally active in a discord server

No. 722098>>722210

Where do people keep finding nun images for the confession thread lmao

No. 722104

Thanks anon. I just joined and now I gotta wait for verification to see the chat so that sucks.

No. 722125>>722130

I’m not sure if I completely I understand banning…. yah there’s the common red text ban but then some anons suggest some posts get banned w/o their posts getting redtext’d so… what’s up? Plz explain?

No. 722130>>722136>>722216

Some bans get redtexted and some don't. There's not really any other way to explain it tbh. A redtext is just a public way to show other anons someone was banned, I think mostly to make an example out of the person who was banned. A post can be banned with redtext, but you can't have redtext without a ban

No. 722136>>722137

Thank you, but I guess that seems kind of weird to me. You’d think you’d want to make every dumb/bannable post an example to the users. Honestly I feel it would cut down on some infighting/some replies bc people would feel less inclined to engage w/ obviously banned posts. I can’t criticize tho bc I don’t know how websites work

No. 722137>>723224

If there's a big infight, then they'll redtext a couple posts. I think mods just avoid redtexting them all cause it's probably a separate, more time consuming function.

No. 722145

I was often told by my friends growing up that I would make a handsome man and wish we could just date each other. It sounded pretty nice, unfortunately I'm 97% straight. I also enjoy the typically "masculine" house chores because (surprise) they're often more show-offy and exciting.
I don't think men really ever dream about bring like a normal, middle-class wife, doing dishes and dinner while the kids run around. At most they want to be trophy wives wearing fetish clothing.

No. 722165

What happened to AG?

No. 722168>>722992

If happiness comes from within, why strive for anything external? Why even form attatchments and bonds to people? Why look for happiness in other people?

On that note how do I validate myself? I want to become more self sufficient.

No. 722175>>722273

The thing is, if we were men, we probably wouldn’t know what women wanted. Unless you’re suggesting a case of trooning out or magically waking up in a man’s body one day.

That being said, my brothers are decent men so I likely would have turned out the same. We didn’t have a good upbringing, definitely not raised feminist either, but they are good partners and fathers.

Now I’m thinking about it, being a real nice guy would be cool. Once I was in a taxi with a friend’s dad and the driver started chatting about the women’s football game on TV that night. Friend’s dad tried to make hur hur aren’t women shit at football? banter, but the guy shut him down and kept talking about how much he loved the women’s sport. It was funny, I would want to do that shit all the time.

No. 722184>>722189>>722192>>722194>>722196>>722254

File (hide): 1611569882496.png (329.82 KB, 352x869, ezgif-7-91043204e503.png)

anons who know anything about male j-fashion, does this fit in any particular style?

No. 722189>>722195

Yep it's sims 4 townie fashion

No. 722192>>722195

idk but fuck that's ugly

No. 722194>>722195


No. 722195

kek yes but idk anything about j-fashion, just wondering if it's a particular style that anyone actually wears irl

No. 722196>>722199

fuck zhao all my homies hate zhao

No. 722199

leave chinese knockoff majima alone

No. 722210

the internet is abundant.

No. 722216

I got redtexted without getting banned once, it was something like "please keep x discussions in x thread", I guess it was more of a general warning for other users than an outright punition.

No. 722218>>722245

How does one stop thinking or overthinking? Anyone managed to do it?

No. 722229>>722246>>722251

Weight fluctuations are normal, but then how do you tell your “true” weight? It’s my goal to lose 20lbs, and I’ve shed a few pounds now. I weigh myself every few days in the morning and I usually weigh within a certain range, but today I weighed 10lbs lower than my usual range? I’ve never hit this low before, and the last time I weighed myself was just 2 or 3 days ago. How do I accurately track if I’m losing weight? I’m also measuring things like my waist size too (which has dropped but now sits at a consistent measurement).

No. 722236

I'm trying to figure out if what I'm experiencing is dissociation, but from a lot of sources, it doesn't sound like it, because I don't get memory loss or loss of control over my body or stuff like that. It feels exactly like what you're describing though, but I'm pretty much always in that state. Not sure if it's dissociation or just general anxiety, depression and existential dread.

No. 722245

This is a difficult question because the logical answer is “just stop, don’t overthink it” but as an overthinker that’s not very helpful.

I used to be a chronic overthinker, wouldn’t say I’m completely cured but found ways to ease it. Depending on what you tend to overthink about, accept that it’s probably a waste of your time. You’re likely way past the point of thinking doing any good, or leading to any new revelations (I’ve actually found they tend to happen randomly once I’ve stopped thinking about something). Stop pissing away your limited time and mental energy for nothing.

If you feel unable to completely let go of overthinking, work with it rather than against it. Channel your energy into something positive. Use overthinking to your advantage in work or school. If that’s not possible, find something else to do. It can be an advantage rather than a burden.

Also, if you’re one of those people who can’t relax, learn to do nothing. Not necessarily meditation, just learn to be comfortable with not having your thoughts racing 24/7. You’re allowed to not be thinking of anything.

No. 722246>>722291

You should probably look at changes between weeks, not days. Then it should be more clear wether you're still losing or stagnating.

No. 722249

it's a shit Simpsons meme forced by /tv/

No. 722251>>722291

Weigh once a week, as long as you have an overall downward trend over a longer time period, you're losing weight.

No. 722254

I thought this was Rich Brian. I can see soundcloudfags wear this.

No. 722256>>722261>>722263>>722265>>722272

What do I do when I want to go to the bathroom and I'm doing pomodoro studying sessions? Like, do I go in my break? But then it's not really a nice, wholesome break… Do I go will studying and then I add more mins?

No. 722261>>722313

Just go and pee, anon, don't be this strict about it.

No. 722263>>722313

Are you me? I went during the break but took too much time… I may be a little too lax but the important thing is studying for a whole afternoon tbh.

No. 722265>>722313

Anon you're way overthinking it. The point of pomodoro is getting studying done, you're still getting that studying done if you take just a few minutes during the studysession to go to the bathroom and go back to studying after.

No. 722272

No you're supposed to pee yourself

No. 722273>>722275

Ok, maybe not what women want persay, but I think most decent people would definitely know what not to do without being told because they ask themselves if they would want to be on the receiving end first and have what they're doing done to them. And even then, that's still kind of knowing what someone wants. I think it's safe to say everyone wants to be treated like they're and that's more of what I meant. Or are you saying being born a man makes you a shit person?

Right? lol I just want to be the token guy who doesn't engage in misogyny sometimes and actively shames misogynist men. Specially a burly man so I can intimidate them while doing so.

No. 722275

samfag. like they're human*

No. 722289

I think I was going more through depersonalization so I didn't really feel the same "dreamlike, watching yourself through a TV" things, but I felt like I was an alien in my own body. It just felt vaguely uncomfortable, like wearing ill fitting clothing that doesn't belong to you. I felt like I was larping as who my body belonged to, and I wasn't really sure of what I liked or wanted to do anymore. There was a feeling of quiet emptiness, sitting in a body that wasn't mine, waiting for its owner to come back. I wasn't really sure of my own self, I just felt like a temporary placeholder.

No. 722291

Thanks anons! Will do lol

No. 722313

File (hide): 1611590500749.png (363.44 KB, 1996x1596, 580b57fcd9996e24bc43c238.png)

thanks nonnies, here's a pomodoro for you

No. 722324>>722328

A girl who was in my friend group at uni has unfollowed me. She's been cold and disliked me basically since day one, which has been a problem because it felt like she was always fighting to push me out of the group. I never knew why and it really irks me.

Anyway I sent her this message:
>Hi I don't really mind you unfollowed me, but I just want to know before we go our separate ways: what has actually been the problem all this time? I knew you didn't like me very much but I just don't know what specifically I did.

I feel disproportionately upset over it because that friend group has distanced themselves from me while I've been in hospital for the best part of two months and not one of them has asked me how I am. At one point we were very best friends (with the exception of this one girl). We even lived together for a few years. I thought they didn't reply because they didn't know what to say in a difficult situation but now I realise I'm just being frozen out. Was the message a stupid idea? What do I do? To be honest, I just want to cut all ties with them and be done but that's because I'm upset.

No. 722328

>I've been in hospital for the best part of two months and not one of them has asked me how I am
Sounds like they were pretty shitty friends to you. I don't think you could really get an answer to a message like that that would make you feel any better, but I understand that you wanted to reach out. But it honestly just gives them another opportunity to be shitty to you. They're obviously not trying to build this friendship back up.

No. 722330>>722332

Is trans exclusive feminist a thing? Like t erf with the radical?

No. 722332>>722333

What do you mean? like trans-exclusionary but not necessarily radfem?

No. 722333>>722338

Yeah that

No. 722338

well most self-identified terfs are far from actual radical feminists, let's be real, but they still call themselves that because so do troons and their allies

No. 722393

How to deal with PMS?
I'm really angry, irritated and frustrated. Every fuckinG time before period.
What should I do? Fucking lobotomize myself?
Fucking angry.

No. 722396>>722399>>722400>>722401>>722402>>722404>>722407>>722457

Why does lolcow/cafe get so mad about cheating? Most people in real life don't care that much about it.

No. 722399>>722400

We are the moral elite

No. 722400

IDK, I think they do, obviously talks about it won't be as heated as on imageboards because it's a very uncomfortable topic to handle IRL.
Also what >>722399 said.

No. 722401>>722403

>Most people in real life don't care that much about it.

No. 722402

It’s normal to be mad about someone who you’re committed to betraying your trust like that. People irl probably hide that they care because they want to appear okay or feel ashamed/like it’s their fault.

No. 722403>>722406>>722408>>722412>>722416>>722434

They might get upset in the moment, but it's not a big deal to them. Most people cheat, and everyone who actually socializes knows this

No. 722404

How do you know they don't care about it? are they explicitly saying they don't care or are you assuming this based on people you know staying in a relationship despite being cheated on? you reek of cheater

No. 722406

I’m sorry this is the case in you’re life, but it’s certainly not “normal”.

No. 722407>>722415

I don't get all that heated but it's fucking retarded to cheat? Just break up, coward

No. 722408

it's true that it's more common than social media would have you believe but I wouldn't say that most people do

No. 722412

What kind of people you hang around with, rip to u

No. 722415>>722430>>722434>>722451

>Just break up
I don't want to derail this thread but you do realize not everyone has that option? If I were to break up with my sweetheart on bad terms I'd be spending the night outside with my stuff.

I didn't have a bf who got conscripted but I know plenty of people who did. Yeah, they cheated but it kept the relationship together. I've been to ones wedding lol

No. 722416>>722425>>722427>>722478

File (hide): 1611600174260.jpg (20.2 KB, 400x400, FkYWjH6x_400x400.jpg)

>Most people cheat, and everyone who actually socializes knows this
Fuck, this makes me so sad. Even when I'm trying to convince myself this anon is just trolling it's just such an awfully upsetting thought.

No. 722425

This anon IS trolling, don't take shit you read on internet (especially imageboards) seriously

No. 722427>>722452

Nah, it completely depends on the social circled you hang in. I've groups of friends that think cheating is horrible, men and women that loathe people that cheat and have actually ostracised people that think it's normal. I've also got friends that think alcohol and drugs changes people and justifiable to forgive people that cheat while not in the right mindset. The first group had a lot of heavy drug users too but funny enough they still could remember that it's a dick move to cheat on a partner. The people I know thst normalise cheating are also the ones in abusive relationships and normalise fighting with their partners in social settings making everyone else feel awkward as fuck.

No. 722430

So you just have to cheat and still risk sleeping out in the cold anyways? Of course I realise not everyone can just break up but that doesn't mean you have to cheat? Wtf, this is not the best hill to die on

No. 722434

Idk how to break it you but uh, you’re surrounded by terrible people and are most likely one of them. My condolences. >>722415
And yet you derailed anyway to virtue signal. Don’t you think if one is in danger of homelessness by breakup they should prioritize securing a roof before cheating?>>722396
I only encourage cheating when a person is in abusive codependent relationship and needs to ween off emotionally before leaving their abuser.

No. 722451

Then don't cheat until you know you don't depend on them to have a roof over your head. Or better yet, don't cheat at all if you have another means of housing.

No. 722452

I think most men that are upset by cheating are just upset their girl got to cheat before he did

No. 722457

I hadn't noticed many OTT reactions to it tbh

I got cheated on years ago and within days of the break up I felt ok. I usually take break ups quite badly but I felt no real loss given those circumstances. 3 years pf living together and I walked away days later feeling alright. I'm pretty sure he would've reacted violently if I dared cheat on him though.

No. 722478

Take it with a grain of salt.

How common and "unspoken yet acceptable" cheating is among social groups really depends. All of my most well-adjusted, educated acquaintances do not cheat on their partners and look down on infidelity. These tend to be the people with the means to live independently, so cheating on a partner they don't even have to continue being in a relationship with in the first place is a waste of their time and setting themselves up for trouble as far as they're concerned.

People who tend to write off cheating and justify it, in my experience, tend to be the people without a choice to be single and thriving. Ditto for people who continue relationships where they know they're being cheated on. The option to go without a partner just isn't there due to financial or emotional reasons. Maybe abuse. Maybe codependency.

Whatever it is, cheating is not normal.

No. 722502>>722505>>722507>>722509>>722511>>722523>>722914

File (hide): 1611609590106.jpg (126.09 KB, 1000x691, 1611542898-20210124-elris.jpg)

Why tf does this look so off to me

No. 722505

It's because their lower legs look like malnourished children's. Short and thin

No. 722507

For me it looks like their captor forced them to smile for the camera

No. 722509

Their legs look like Barbie’s.

No. 722511

Their calves are too small but it doesn’t help the member second from the left is literally ana. Their legs also have been edited and there is little to no color variation anywhere, especially on their knees.

No. 722523

It's their expression, their smiles don't reach their eyes

No. 722544>>722555

Is there an alternative to death? How can I put myself in a coma?

No. 722555>>722559>>722565

Comafag here. I'd choose death over a coma any time. Seriously. You're not always just sleeping and you periodically shit pure liquid into your bed. You're nearly always half naked in front of lots of people. You remember bits of it and being too weak and out of it to do anything. When I started waking up I tried to get out of bed and a guard tackled me so hard he ripped my catheter out, broke my back and bruised my arms really badly pinning them behind my back. I'm still healing now. Seriously, don't do it, it's not a peaceful sleep.

No. 722556>>722560>>722604>>722605>>722612

File (hide): 1611612929164.jpg (24.5 KB, 463x402, e18da3fc3957094470143927f44d61…)

Why can't we use text emoticons? I know emojis break the site or some shit but how could text emotes do that

No. 722559>>722584

What the fuck? Why would he tackle you?

No. 722560>>722566

supposedly they make anons stand out and look unintegrated

No. 722565>>722584

fuck, im sorry you went through that. I'm all out of ideas then shit.

No. 722566

Oh that makes sense. I don't really pay attention when someone does a :) or a ♥, but a :3c or a 8o would definitely make you stand out

No. 722574>>722590>>722602

This is ultra stupid but, how the fuck do placebo vaccines work? Do the people taking them know it's a placebo or would that just make the placebo not work? Wouldn't be illegal to mislead the patient? What's actually in placebo vaccines? How does it actually protect against illness? Does your body just produce the shit it needs to fight against the illness cause it thinks you injected it? What if someone takes a placebo for some shit like chicken pox or polio, how would their body fight against that

No. 722584>>722592>>722603

Thank you, I wasn't trying to hijack your post but just needed you to know that it's not an option, even if you were kidding. Please look after yourself. I don't mean to sound patronising because I don't know your struggles but nothing in life is ever made worse by a warm drink and a long sleep. I hope you can treat yourself with compassion and do this for yourself. Don't think too hard about anything until after you've done that.

Yeah it's fucked up. I think because I have psychiatric issues they thought I was a flight risk but honestly I don't remember a lot, even two weeks after waking up. I'm going through the process of trying to access my records and my coma diary to learn about everything that happened to me and my body because it has been quite traumatic, but it feels like I'm running around in administrative circles with them. I'm still basically immobile with nerve damage from my back, my physio has also tried to get my medical information because she can't treat an injury if she doesn't know what it is and how it happened, but she's been met with the infamous NHS wall of silence.
My paranoid little theory is that a few members of staff were negligent in order for this guard to have used such unnecessary force against a recovering coma patient and they're trying to save their necks.

No. 722590

Placebo is only given in case of trial group being formed; everyone is told that they've received a real vaccine and then it's observed how well actual vaccine works as compared to placebo. It's never given to non-consenting patients (as in- non-consenting to partaking in a trial), so there's no issue when it comes to misleading anyone. There's no such thing as polio placebo in a medical field.
As in to what is in placebo vaccine - nothing, it's just neutral liquid injected into body.

No. 722592

Geez anon I'm sorry about that. Honestly, my first thought was "Where the fuck was the nurse?" cause I always assumed a med professional had to be on standby for that kinda thing. Keeping a patient's medical information from them or someone who works with/for them has to be illegal somehow. How fucking shady.

No. 722602>>722609

Did the psycho chan on covid thread make you think they actually do placebo shots in a pandemic? They do that only in research, like sugarpills instead of real pills.

No. 722603

I’m so sorry that you’re going through all this anon, it sounds unimaginable. Hopefully you get some answers soon and can begin to move on. Currently going through similar (though much lesser) shit with the NHS wall of silence, so I can empathise with that frustration. It feels wrong to complain but… it’s so fucked up.

No. 722604>>722612>>722614

Are you incapable of communicating your thoughts with words without some emoji assisting you?

No. 722605>>722630>>722877

File (hide): 1611616185946.jpg (96.02 KB, 750x646, nuzzle.jpg)

it brings out 12 year old weebs and people like this

No. 722609>>722632

No? Vaccines have existed before this pandemic lmao.

No. 722612>>722614


>>722604 this is the main reason. If you can't find the right words for what you want to say, don't say anything at all.

No. 722614

I didn't say I wanted to use them so I'm not sure where you guys got that from. I literally explained in my post that I wanted to know because it seemed like emojis were only banned cause they "break" the site (or whatever, idk anything web page programming).

No. 722630

bulgy wolgy LOL

No. 722632>>722648

What? Where in my reply did i make you think I said vaccines never existed before pandemics? All I'm asking is if that one anon made this anon think they actually are giving people placebo instead of the actual vaccine.

No. 722648

Well nah, it didn't. I rarely read that thread honestly. I didn't say I thought they were giving people placebo corona vaccines, I was just asking how they work.

No. 722737

Why do people only get one nipple pierced

No. 722738

it hurt too much to do the second one I bet

No. 722739>>722741

I wanted to compare the sensation difference, was afraid to fuck up both my nipples and ruin all sensation for myself

No. 722741>>722742

Did the pierced one have less sensation or more? I always assumed pierced nipple were more sensitive

No. 722742

I kept the piercing for about 5 years with very decreased sensation in it.

After I retired the piercing and let it heal it gained sensation again (wasn't expect that) and it's now my 'good nipple' again.

No. 722743

You know when people get brain damage and their whole face looks different, like majorly different yet the same? Is it because the brain doesn't have the capacity to control it anymore or what?

No. 722744

File (hide): 1611628095832.jpg (187.57 KB, 1218x1514, cheese.jpg)

No. 722782>>722783

Do women who have x-sections still have to wear those big ass navel-to-asscrack diapers mothers allegedly have to wear after birth for bleeding?

No. 722783


No. 722786>>722787

Why isn’t there a Eugenia Cooney thread? Why is she not allowed to be discussed here? She’s not in the Ana Chan threads and she doesn’t have her own, she’s never mentioned so I figure it must be forbidden

No. 722787>>722790

She's not banned. Whenever she comes up I see it in the yter thread, but it's usually only when another youtuber makes a video with/about her. I think she used to have her own thread though

No. 722789>>722792

Is it absurd to spend 700 dollars on a dress because you just love it a lot and don't even know when and where you could wear it because it's a very elegant dramatic gown? Like is that just stupid?

No. 722790

Samefag, here are two olds threads I found >>>/snow/150944

No. 722792

No and yes. No cause if you have the disposable income for it then why not. Yes cause if you don't know where you're gonna wear it then it'll just end up sitting in your closet, unless you just wanna wear it around the house which is fine. Don't get it if you're broke and need the money for something more important tho. Which one were you looking at anon?

No. 722805


No. 722806>>722825

Egg in a cloud

No. 722818>>722825


No. 722820>>722824

File (hide): 1611644940233.jpg (224.18 KB, 800x1200, gulai_telur_padang-5.jpg)

No. 722821>>722825

Hard boiled eggs in mustard sauce

No. 722824

I'm so doing this tomorrow, thanks anon

No. 722825

I already made an egg salad cause I was impatient, but ty anons! I'll probably try a couple of these tomorrow

No. 722876>>722899

Where did the whole 'white girls want to fuck dogs' meme come from? Was it /r9k/? I remember seeing an anti-Coomer Twitter account called 'CoomerspostingtheirLs', and when they posted a tweet about TikTok users making sexual comments about a person's pet dog, my first thought was 'Oh, God, I hate furries', but when I scrolled to the comments and they were all talking about them being white girls who wanted to rape dogs, even though their profile pics didn't give any indicator of race or gender

No. 722877>>723008

isn't this a copypasta?

No. 722883

is it possible for your metabolism to speed up in your late teens? i often see people talk about your metabolism slowing down but it seems like mine sped up.

No. 722895>>722897

File (hide): 1611661936977.jpg (37.83 KB, 275x183, PicsArt_01-26-01.50.45.jpg)

Anons who regularly eat cauliflower in yummy forms, what healthy shit should I make with a fresh head of cauliflower? I don't like meat and can't have quinoa if that helps.

No. 722897>>722901

File (hide): 1611662558268.jpg (85.93 KB, 600x400, 29COOKING-CAULIROMESCO2-articl…)

break it up into smaller parts, put a bit of olive oil on them, roast in the oven, there's no better way to eat cauliflower. No spice or salt or anything else needed, though some people add it.

No. 722899

"white women fuck dogs" is an incel meme, idk where it comes from though. I first saw it reading the zoosadism threads on kf (can't stress enough how autistic null is about it, even as a casual visitor I've stumbled upon him bringing it up in completely unrelated conversations several times), ironic since literally every single zoophile mentioned in those threads is male kek

No. 722901

Sounds effective! I know I could just google recipes but I wanted to hear from the cauli stans

No. 722908>>722911>>722918>>722920>>722925>>722933>>722935>>723120>>725618

File (hide): 1611665215779.jpeg (104.91 KB, 627x525, EBEDC09F-9982-4AFB-9DCB-32973B…)

what are your most obscure husbandos?

No. 722911

File (hide): 1611665412935.png (887.19 KB, 1000x1064, 1000.png)

i guess he's the most obscure one i have

No. 722914

Stepford wife smiles

No. 722918

File (hide): 1611666184637.jpg (163.68 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Endrance from .hack

No. 722920>>722970

File (hide): 1611666507782.jpg (63.07 KB, 571x1000, 5945d9f4fee53333fe2fce0356b594…)

Kokkuri-san, he cooks, he cleans, he is kind to children, is immortal, has fox ears and tail, has long silver hair. The only drawback is his anime sucks

No. 722925

File (hide): 1611667383241.png (563.47 KB, 933x769, MonsoonI4.png)

I'd say Monsoon from MGR and Liu Yiwu from Terra Formars (they are both from dead franchises). A year ago I would have said Ashiya Dōman from FGO but he has exploded in popularity ever since his implementation in the game last december.

No. 722933

File (hide): 1611669048048.jpg (186.89 KB, 1378x2039, IMG_20200429_014716.jpg)

The mc from My Friend Pedro. He's so obscure he doesn't even have a name.

No. 722935>>722969

File (hide): 1611669605203.png (143.47 KB, 360x450, CAB407CB-44BB-4BC3-9CE5-8B4FEB…)

Kell from Shades of Magic, he’s hot and cute, bonus points because cute ginger men are a rare treat.

No. 722942>>722950

Why do you need to infect even this thread with animoo?

No. 722950>>723328

File (hide): 1611672398373.jpeg (75.64 KB, 480x530, 80292A40-566A-4D3B-BBDC-626BA8…)

>she doesn’t like 2D

No. 722963>>722983

Is it worth getting the HPV vaccine as an older adult if I have never gotten it?

No. 722969

No. 722970>>722974

I liked his anime though

No. 722974

It was just ok. It would have been 50 times better without the pedo dog

No. 722983

yeah, definitely. especially for these HPV strains that are most likely to cause cancer, I believe there are 2? better safe than sorry for sure.

No. 722987>>723010>>723021>>723055

File (hide): 1611675944710.jpg (24.64 KB, 360x480, newbie don't be a meanie.jpg)

I'll confess and say that I'm an imageboard newfag..anyway

Lolc vs. Crystalc?
>the pros and cos
>any interesting history
>which one is more active

No. 722991>>723006

What do you guys think about people who buy followers on social media? An acquaintance of mine recently came back to twitter with an account that has 15k+ bought followers and she even brags about the follower count on her bio. So sad

No. 722992

Happiness comes from within, but I do think external factors have a lot of influence on whether you can find it within yourself. It's hard to find happiness within yourself when you're working a job that you may feel is a dead end, or is very physically/emotionally taxing and leaves you with very little energy. Or if you are stuck with a shitty friend group, or shitty family members, or even just shitty neighbors. Maybe the area you live in fucking sucks. I think you can still find peace despite these things, but for me, a lot of my external environment prevented me from really finding "happiness". It's not same for everyone, but I think my friendships are like the cherry on top in my life. Yes, I might still be able to live my peaceful and simple life without any real attachment or bonds to people, but knowing that there are people that love and care about me as much as I do for them is something I find personally fulfilling in my life. I don't place my happiness entirely within these people (or in anything external), but I feel like I exchange small bits and pieces of my self with them.

I'll shill to you the same book I've shilled time and time again on this board and to anyone who will listen to me irl. It's called "The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck" by Mark Mason. Sorry, it's written by a scrote. Sorry, it is a self help book that you might think is stupid and just full of common sense that everyone should know anyway, but honestly, I read this book years ago and it helped me reframe a lot of my thinking and worldview, and I'm quite happy now. A major point in the book is that happiness is garbage, it's fleeting, and you will never find happiness if your goal is to be happy, because you'll always move that goal post. Instead, figure out what bullshit you're willing to put up with because it's a lot easier to figure out what you're not willing to tolerate in your life. Those things don't really change all that much. It feels weird to proclaim that I'm ~*~*happy*~*~. I didn't seek it out, I was just trying to make my shit situation less shitty. What I ended up with is not glamorous or anything worth bragging about, but it allows me to focus on the things that I find valuable. The bar was on the ground and I could only go up from there.

I don't really have an answer on how to validate yourself, or how to be self sufficient. My journey to feel like I am enough of a person to be worthy of love and happiness has been years in the making, and will continue to be. I think the first step is wanting that change for yourself, and the steps after to achieve it are different for everyone. I hope you'll be able to find some happiness in the future.

No. 723006>>723019

as long as it's for money or promoting their business, i don't see it as a problem. when it's only for attention and they have no talents however that's pity.

No. 723008

yeah but some people really do type like that unironically

No. 723010>>723148

File (hide): 1611678825620.jpg (23.68 KB, 304x304, ic.jpg)

Lolc is more active and interesting, but crystalcafe has its moments. Sometimes the drama from here spills over to there, and crystal has a few "interesting" characters like Wildchild. I think the main difference is the attitude to trans people (positive there, negative here).
Welcome aboard, anon!

No. 723015>>723035>>723037

Am I the only one noticing an increase in the not so subtle antisemitism going on across boards? I’ve it on pt and snow, I know this isn’t some pc safespace garbo but it seems like it’s a very recent increase, and I don’t know what group other than poIfags or the occasional b& kiwi that would be posting all this out of pocket edgelord shit. From the ((())) being around multiple people of the faith to just calling any subject of a cows thread a dirty jew, I’ve lurked for years and it seems more frequent than it has been since at least 2016.
Before anyone asks (or accuses), no I’m not Jewish, I was raised in a different Abrahamic religion which is irrelevant. I’m not trying to police anyones posting, I just don’t know if that was more common before the big migration of Shane Dawson/Onision drama followers back five or so years ago and all us annoying lefties moved in so I just want to know if this is normal for the original boards culture.

No. 723019

She draws anniemay porn and that's about it

No. 723021>>723148

What the other anon mentioned, also CC has way more tradthots and larping males. There's an old thread in the catalog here about some of the history and drama on CC.

No. 723033>>723046

What's the deal with anorexics and Monster energy drink? I see it in ED memes, but I don't get it. Is it just a low calorie way to stay hyper or something?

No. 723035>>723436

It's not and never was board culture, it's a bannable offence. Report any instances of antisemitism you see, mods are on it. We've been infested with outsiders (polfags or kiwifags or some such shit idk), happens from time to time, just report and ignore.

No. 723037>>723436

were you raised muslim anon?

No. 723046

Not an ana, but yeah I've seen a lot of anorexic people talk about how they're obsessed with coffee, and I think it's cause it gives them an energy boost without gaining weight, so I assume it's the same thing with actual energy drinks. I can't help but think about how that much monster would fuck up their body. Does monster even taste good?

No. 723055>>723148

> A lot of immature girls, who are either teenagers either womenchilds that do nothing but whine about their discord e-boyfriend
> A big chunk of trannies who pretend to be whamen, or maleposters in general
> It's only a good place if you want to stare at anime pictures or vent (without any advice given)

> CC is not too active unless it's listening to neverending whining about stupid shit or e-boyfriends, while LC is more active than CC

> The only interesting story that I saw was anon making a thread about her whining over her ex-ebf who cheated on her, just to end up whining that he messaged her again later. In the end she started proudly screaming that she is back together with him and they both are really happy while LARPing as 02 from darling in the franxx.

TLDR People come to CC just to vent.

No. 723069>>723076

speaking of ana-chans, what exactly are body checks?

No. 723076>>723084

body check can refer to either a picture you take of your body to check your "progress", or a physical act of checking for weight loss like looking in the mirror, feeling your collarbone, wrapping your fingers around your wrist etc

No. 723084>>723089>>723095

is that not normal? i see farmers shame it when discussing anorexics

No. 723089>>723107

Why isn't the dumbass shit thread called something like "casual conversation"? The retarded shitpost thread is just anons going "blub blub", but the dumbass shit thread is anons having conversation with no particular theme.

It's sometimes normal, but doing so obsessively several times a day unconsciously is not. It acts more as a self-soothing mechanism to assure oneself that they're "still skinny"

No. 723090>>723228

what kind of shoes should I get for my job? I work in wet conditions and it would be nice to find something sort of stylish, waterproof that is not a boot. I have lots of boots already. Any recommendations?

No. 723095

Idk I don't read the anachan threads, but knowing the community it's possible that anons are calling out girls who post pictures of themsleves visibly underweight to "recovery" or other supposedly "not pro ana" accounts and act like they don't know what they're doing (triggering others + showing off how skinny they are)

No. 723107

Because dumbass shit is just all random thoughts + stuff that doesn't fit in the other threads. It's just a general thread to stupid stuff I guess, not specifically for casual convo

No. 723110>>723133>>723162

Do bi women also use specific terms for how they dress like femme and butch? Also, has pillow princess always been lesbian slang? I always thought it was just any women who liked receiving more than anything else lol

No. 723120>>723142

This made me realize I only like popular men

No. 723133>>723162>>723168

femme and butch has always been a shared term between lesbians and bi women - there are tons of les/bi journals and academia from the 80s and 90s that talk about it, and it’s actually really interesting. other than that, a much less popular term that has become mildly popular is using ‘stag’ and ‘doe’ in replacement of ‘butch’ and ‘femme’, but a lot of bisexual women don’t enjoy using the terms because it feels unnecessary and weirdly masculinised. also, i always thought the same about pillow princess! i’m certain i saw it used in het media when i was younger, and i thought it was just a spoiled woman in bed, kek

No. 723142

Same, anon. Like you can point to the male character most popular with women in any series that's my husbando, because I have basic bitch taste.

No. 723148

File (hide): 1611688163900.png (596.09 KB, 774x512, thank u.png)

Alright got it, so lc is superior thanks guys.

>Welcome aboard, anon!

Oh thank you!
>There's an old thread in the catalog here
Ooo, I'll go search for it thanks.

No. 723162>>723168>>723181

File (hide): 1611688992816.png (447 KB, 620x454, 654343243265346.png)

>implying men who jack off to rape porn and anal are skilled, patient and giving enough for any straight woman to be considered a pillow princess
When scrotes sob into their Cheetos about "pillow princesses" it's because the woman just lays there while they feebly lurch away. They get upset if she isn't needlessly groaning and gyrating despite a complete lack of skill, so they call her a spoiled pillow princess as if to imply she's receiving unearthly pleasures with nary a sign of gratitude, when in fact she's just waiting for it to be over

No. 723168>>723177

Thank you anon! I'm kind of figuring myself out right now so I have no idea where to look for this kind of stuff lol I should probably start lurking the /g/ sexuality threads and r*ddit
Why are you mad? I didn't say being a pillow princess is bad. Calm down with the scrote accusations. I'm not even sure where straight men come into the equation here, cause y'know, women give head too.

No. 723177>>723193>>723213

Cruise, I couldn't be less angry. These posts made me laugh. I found it hilarious any woman could believe a straight man has the talent and drive needed for his partner to be considered a pillow princess and noted as much, that's it.

No. 723179

How far gone is someone who believe in DID "cases" she sees on youtube? And yes, she's over the age of 18. We're not even close anymore but I can feel the group chat try up when she goes off about sjw topics that don't even apply to our country. What will take her to wake up?

No. 723181>>723201

You ok anon?

No. 723193>>723206

I'm sure there's at least one man, c'mon….right?

No. 723201

I'm doing great, especially after I started spending more time with my vibe and stopped believing scrotes cared about my pleasure

No. 723203>>723306

Mads Mikkelson and Ad*m Driver. I'm not personally attracted to either, but those are the ones I've seen anons lust over. I think talking about Mads got banned

No. 723204>>723208>>723212>>723213>>723214>>723218

Weird question but, I'm not into anal, and neither is my boyfriend, so it's perfect but, would that mean he's not a butt guy? Because my only good feature is my butt, so it'd be a bummer if these two opinions can't be mutually exclusive.

Does that make sense? like a guy cannot be an "assman" and not be into anal. like, he has to like anal if he likes butts. I feel like he appreciates it but I think he would like me better if I had actual boobs instead of having such a little boy chest.

No. 723206

Probably, but that one certainly hasn't warranted the amount of complaints I've heard from scrotes using the term

No. 723208>>723210

My fiance and I actually tried anal and neither of us liked it, yet he still loves my butt and doing it doggy style. Unrelated, imo

No. 723210

Neither of us want to try to see if we like it because we think it's gross. Does that change your answer? I feel like it's different

No. 723212>>723217

You can like butts without wanting to venture in the poop chute

No. 723213>>723217>>723222

Then maybe it was a misunderstanding on my part, sorry. I thought you were trying to say I'm a man for using the word "pillow princess". Anyway, there are def straight men that are good at giving head.

I would consider a dude a "sheet sire" or whatever the fuck if he liked receiving more than giving tbh.
Nah, I don't think so. You can be attracted to something without wanting to actually fuck it, if that makes since. Like, the butthole, and the booty cheeks are two different things although they are related to each-other. I don't think boob guys always want boob-jobs.

No. 723214>>723217>>723218

My bf is into butts, both of us are disgusted by a concept of anal and not willing to try, doggy style or spooning is great though. So yeah, totally possible for your bf to still be a "butt guy"

No. 723217

thanks anons makes sense and I feel better now

No. 723218

Exact situation for us

No. 723222

No worries. Yeah, I wasn't intending to accuse you and it just brought to mind several bros (including an ex who complained about his first girlfriend like this) who definitely weren't satisfying anyone but still acted like their partners were oh so fortunate to be gifted with their mindless hammering. There are definitely far more sheet sires, men ought to cater to their partners and do so gladly

No. 723224

except for tranny janny

No. 723228

Maybe some non boot doc martens? Something like the 1461? I have an oxford style that looks similar to the 1461 but it has a pointed toe and doesn't have the iconic yellow thread. I like using it for work because I think it looks professional and classy, but is also waterproof so I can still look good on a rainy day.

No. 723248>>723249>>723254

Does anyone here actually believe in manifestation?

No. 723249

I used to when I was 7 maybe. For a month. It doesn't work.

No. 723254

I do, but admittedly I haven't truly dedicated my time to it yet. I tried it and stopped on like the 3rd day. I'm super bad at commiting myself to doing something cause I always forget I'm supposed to be doing it, and I also have a hard time getting myself in a "calm" state of mind cause intrusive thoughts.

No. 723256>>723273>>723306

I feel like most farmers hate Corpse, from what I've seen. Anyway, Adam Driver.

No. 723273

and no

No. 723277

if at certain point in my life i exclusively attracted toxic and insane people, is it safe to assume that even the most innocent one might be crazy? he's into psychedelics and being anorexic i suspect but he is the most educated out of everyone else so what say you nonnie?

No. 723278

2d men

No. 723294

Why is it always the ugliest men into sexual submission?

No. 723300>>723303>>723305

Hmm… do farmers actually care about Belle Delphine? That thread smells suspiciously like jealous fags and trannies

No. 723303

I honestly do not give a fuck and can't remember ever posting on her threads? I thought it was unsafe but kinda fun to see her sell bathwater to stupid men but after she actually started doing porn, it got just sad for me. Are her threads really that big of a trainwreck?

No. 723305

I don't care about her honestly, I don't really care about women doing OF. I think her pedo act is gross though.

No. 723306>>723310>>723316

Both of these talk about dr**er yet there is no question in sight what is this conspiracy

No. 723310

kpop tier spam

No. 723316>>723318>>723324

Both of these are my posts lol. Both questions asked what are farmers husbandos. Idk why the OP deleted the questions?

No. 723318>>723322

OP doesn't delete shit, the moderators do. And probably because we have a husbando thread on /m/

No. 723322>>723327

….we can delete our own posts anon. If OP had her posts getting deleted by mods I feel like she would have said something either here or in meta. Why would mods delete anyway instead of redtexting

No. 723324

>Idk why the OP deleted the questions?
Probably regretted unintentionally summoning the driverfags

No. 723327

Oh, I thought she meant thread OP, I should go to bed.

No. 723328>>723390

You have your own containment thread, weeb

No. 723346>>723357

How can you tell if someone is sucking in, in a photo?

No. 723354>>723356>>723369

I got an art tablet but i don't know what im doing , does anyone know where i should begin ?

No. 723356>>723369

exercises like these from the Lesson 1 of https://drawabox.com/ (lines and ovals), it will help you get more confident with your lines and more used to the general feel of working with the tablet as opposed to how traditional medium art feels like, sinix has a video on it but it's exact same exercises pretty much.

No. 723357>>723358>>723379

if you can find other pics of them:
1. you notice their chest is higher
2. posture is stiff
3. leaning slightly forward
5. uncomfortable face

No. 723358

how in the fuck did i miss 4

No. 723369

Ah, also forgot to include Ctrl+paint, very good instructional video on basics of the basics in digital art. Digital painting exercises are great to do.

No. 723371>>723384

Genuinely wondering, why are the anon in the celeb cow thread so interested in the girl Armie was with? Everytime I go in there they're shitting on her and doing what looks like victimblaming to me. What is all the attention on her instead of Armie?

No. 723379>>723480

Also the shape of their abdomen becomes more barrel-esque. From the side they look thinner, and from the front their waist will look a little wider although flatter.

No. 723384

She acts kind of cowlike herself, made a bunch of IG posts about how she was getting off to graphic descriptions of what happened, acting like she's better than "vanillas", basically acting like a stereotypical kinkfag, and recently went after another victim who tried speaking up. That doesn't mean she's not a victim though.

No. 723390

File (hide): 1611703642246.jpeg (64.23 KB, 376x419, 87A0820E-E979-43D9-873F-60C6B4…)

Okay, party shitter.

No. 723436

Thank you for the update! I thought that was the case and that it would fall under the racebait rule but didn’t want to report it just to be clowned for being sensitive or some dumb shit if it wasn’t a reportable offense.
I was raised Catholic actually, but in my experience everyone raised within one of the 3 has a very familiar sense of voyeurism they navigate life through.

No. 723439>>723456>>723491>>723512

anons I am 28. I have a degree I don't use. I live comfortably in my parents rental suite free of charge (please save the lecture they are NOT being put out in any way and have no intention of actually renting it out to anyone) and have no bills outside of phone, car insurance and very rarely gas (I hate to drive and wish I lived in a city where I could rely on public transport), groceries and my student loan. With tips I'm making like 20-25 an hour and my job is easy. My life is easy. Anyways my stupid question is this: pretty soon I will have enough in my savings account to pay off the loan in full (30k / 410 payment per month) - but should I do it?

my reasoning not to would be: thats literally all i have accumulated my whole life (aside from gross amounts of useless stuff like clothes and other drugs lol) and it just seems sad to be back at 0 and approaching 30. I can continue to pay the monthly payments indefinitely in lieu of payments other ppl my age have like new cars, rent and/or children. I also firmly never want children. Again, I could use that lump sum to go travel all the places I want, OR buy a new vehicle outright, OR live comfortably in some cool new city for a year.

also I think if I do pay it off it might be extremely tempting to just redo university with a new loan and a new major, rinse and repeat…

I have been obsessed about this, and I need an outside perspective that isn't bf or family. What would you do in my position? What else should I be taking into consideration here? Thanks in advance for any consideration or replies!!

No. 723456>>723490

yes absolutely pay off the loan ASAP. although if you're in the US and it's a federal loan i'd wait to see if loan forgiveness is coming

No. 723468>>723483

Is there a thread for cooking / a space where nonnys can share recipes?

No. 723480

That's not always a good indicator though, I can suck in in a way that makes my waist actually more narrow

No. 723481>>723484>>723486>>723495>>723525>>723819

Why are most men so repulsed by leg hair? I can understand armpit and pubic hair because it can make you more smelly but leg hair seems so inoffensive.

No. 723483

There was cooking thread here >>>/ot/173978 but it’s locked for some reason so I guess make new one anon

No. 723484

scrotes hate all hairs on women except brows, lashes & hair

No. 723486>>723514

They maybe see it manly? I kinda think the whole "but your hygiene" is a meme with men, they just can't imagine a woman having "masculine" features aka hair. Muh fragile manhood.

No. 723490>>723544


in canada, so interest rate is relatively low but the possibility of loan forgiveness could still be real sometime in the not too distant future

No. 723491

I would pay it off. Maybe not in one lump sum (so you’ll have some money for unforeseen emergencies), but not entirely over many smaller payments. I put a lot of money each month towards my student loans (I tried my best to put at least $500 to $1000 per month) for two years until I paid it off because I loathed the idea of paying even more because of interest. If you’re US based, I would not wait for loan forgiveness because I wouldn’t wait for the government to do anything. They’re slow as hell and loan forgiveness has been thrown around for so long. If it happens, yeah it would suck and you’d feel like “I could have saved $30k” but what’s more possible to happen? You paying off the loan quickly because you have the fund for it and then never having to think about it ever again, or hoping for the day you can say “I’ve saved XYZ amount of money because I waited for loan forgiveness!”? I’d split the payment up to pay it off within 6 months to a year so the blow to your savings won’t be as rough.

No. 723495

I've had leg hair for years and had two long term partners who were used to it and unfazed from the beginning. But it's weird knowing that going out in public with that hair will (certainly in my area) lead to comments from overbearing strange men who are themselves sporting… An entire body of unhindered bush

No. 723501>>725117

What threads are you all hiding?

Mine is the lyrics thread

No. 723508>>724693

I am still in quarantine and I ballooned up last year, Any tips for exercise routines in a very limited space?

No. 723512>>723547

What is the interest rate? That is extremely important. Are you in the US? If so, I recommend you first fully fund a Roth IRA - that's $6,000 for the year. Let that money sit for as long as you can and you'll be able to withdraw it tax free in retirement.
If you have a high interest loan, I'd say anything above 4%, pay it off as soon as you can (after you fund that Roth IRA). If it's lower than that, consider increasing your 401k contributions if you have that option, and if not, open a brokerage fund and invest in the S&P 500 or a total stock fund. On average, the S&P has 7% returns, so if your interest rate is low, you'd be paying more interest, but overall making more on your growth in the market.

No. 723514>>723527

>"but your hygiene"
yeah, my boyfriend says this but like how does having leg hair make you unhygienic? especially when they have it and actually keep it lol…

No. 723522>>723526

mewing is a load of bs right? i roll my eyes every time i read the word but maybe i'm wrong. I never bothered looking into it because the whole "correct tongue posture" thing seems nonsensical.

No. 723525

Underarm hair and pubic hair definitely doesn’t make you smelly, that’s just something women have been memed into believing. Body hair removal has nothing to do with hygiene. I’ve been waxing for years and I’ve actually found I’m less smelly when I leave my underarm hair alone, but as long as you’re clean, the difference is pretty negligible.

No. 723526>>723528

samefag but it seems nonsensical to me your tongue determines how your maxilla and mandible grow. The concept of "correct tongue posture" couldn't possibly be a thing because it makes more sense how your tongue is positioned is determined by your jaw rather than the other way around. It isn't correct or incorrect, it just is.

No. 723527

Why would you let a guy say that kinda bs to you though? A guy I knew tried to pull the hygiene thing about my arm hair and I flipped the thing on him and suddenly, it was about aesthetics. Rather be soft than stubbly tbh.

No. 723528

It isn’t a load of bs. However, the changes you can make are particularly limited especially after puberty. Proper tongue posture is important and it can slowly expand and shift your palette if you’ve always been a mouth breather.

No. 723537>>723540>>723542

Do threads on 4chan get deleted after a certain amount of time?

I know this is an embarrassing question to ask on an imageboard, but I don't use 4chan. The only reason I'm asking is cause I'm trying to find something another anon posted, but there isn't shit coming up in the search

No. 723540

4chan hosts a number of threads (different per board) for some time. But there's third party archive sites that go way back, and also allow you search with keywords.

No. 723542

Some threads slide off the catalog if they haven't been bumped in a while, then they're archived. If the thread's deleted by a janny usually the bottom of the page will say so in red text. But sometimes their jannies will archive threads early instead of outright deleting depending on which board you're on. Either way you can still find it on the archive sites.

No. 723544>>723549

With the way Doug fat Fordy has been handling covid, nah… maybe BC or a smaller eastern province, but no way for Ontario.

No. 723547


Im in Canada - 2.5% plus prime (idk what plus prime actually means, do you?). Not sure if your financial advice is still applicable but I'm guessing not although thanks for sharing regardless!!

No. 723549


thank god i live in BC anon, no wonder there are so many Ontarian transplants out here being weird as all hell.

No. 723553>>723561>>723579

File (hide): 1611723839928.jpeg (308.59 KB, 1170x1794, A782C2C0-3FBB-4E4F-9048-7CA4E7…)

any ladies know sauce? a friend sent it to me the other day asking if i could sleuth for it but i let her down, at this point i even want to know for myself and not just to impress her. tw degeneracy

No. 723559

why do scrotes think any decent human conversation where i smile just a little bit is me hitting on them?
on the contrary if i don't smile they think i'm being a bitch??

No. 723561>>723568

this art style looks so familiar its gonna bother me all night. i'll help you sleuth, anon

No. 723567

Anyone tried magnetic lashes? Thots or recommendations?

No. 723568

thank you so much non, it’s aggravating me

No. 723570

after saving money for quite a while i decided to buy a notebook / laptop, but i don't know anything about electronics. any recommendations?

No. 723577>>723580

File (hide): 1611728453251.jpg (11.19 KB, 480x360, download.jpg)

is it possible to get shadowbanned on lolcow?

No. 723579>>723582

Not the anon sleuthing with you, but I found out it's called The Girl & the Super Gay Boner by Aihi Yamada. Thank Google.

No. 723580>>723583

Isn't shadow banning when social media sites prevent your posts from showing up on explore pages, in tags and on the timeline? How would lc do that?

No. 723582

wtf i ran it through yandex and everything. thanks anon for putting into perspective how ridiculous this was.

No. 723583

it's not showing something to other users while making the posting user believe everything is fine

No. 723679>>723681>>723689

Can anyone recommend me some youtube channels or tv shows about hoarders and cleaning rooms or houses? I'm morbidly curious and seeing some of the "battle stations" threads on /v/ disgusted me.

No. 723681>>723686>>723708

You've probably already seen A&E Hoarders, but TLC also has a hoarders show. The A&E Hoarders is superior imo, but I think in the tlc ver it's just two British ladies cleaning the houses, not a huge clean up crew and therapist

No. 723686>>723690

Samefag, but the A&E truly has some disgusting houses. The hoarder in this episode is more annoying than disgusting, but this is my favorite ep. They have a bunch of free episodes on youtube (including multiple 3+ hour binge videos), but you can always watch the recent seasons on soap2day

No. 723689

Watch obsessive compulsive cleaners

No. 723690>>723725

And the infamous poop lady. There's another ep where a lady shows off her gross food, but that one is sad cause she was abused and treated her daughter horribly. This vid is more funny (I promise this is my last post lol)

No. 723708

Thanks for the rec! I've never watched American TV shows with that theme so I haven't watched A&E Hoarders yet but I will.

>but I think in the tlc ver it's just two British ladies cleaning the houses, not a huge clean up crew and therapist

Sounds exactly like what we had in France at some point, the TV show was called "c'est du propre", the two women who were cleaning disgusting places were so sassy.

No. 723725

kek I'm gonna watch this whenever I don't feel like cleaning as reverse inspiration

No. 723736>>723748>>723760

what's that other imageboard people were talking about? The pro-GC one?

No. 723748>>723750>>723783

Crystal.cafe or AsherahsGarden? I don't know if either are pro-gc or radfem though

No. 723750>>723779

AG was specifically made for radfems, CC does have a terf thread, but also a lot of degenerates and undercover trannies

No. 723760>>723779

It’s boring af. The nonnies there are kind of dumb. I like pinkpill and terf spergery but only if it’s well versed and eloquent, otherwise it’s just cringe.

No. 723762>>723765

Do the mods get paid?

No. 723765

No. 723779

damn, thanks for the heads up. I'll see how I find it.

No. 723781>>723795>>723799>>724006>>724021>>724022

Do you guys agree with the sentiment that working in a place with more women than men is guaranteed to have more drama and gossip? Or is it just misogyny?

No. 723783>>723802

asherahsgarden is completely broken at the moment.

No. 723795>>723816

It’s bullshit misogyny. There’s still plenty drama and gossip among males. Of course it varies from place to place. You will most likely have to deal with a lot more bullshit in a male dominated work field, as well as your contributions being devalued, being belittled, less likely to be promoted, more likely to be sexually harassed etc.

No. 723799>>723815

No, from my own experience men can bu huge gossip hens just like women can be. It depends more on their personality types, if teamwork is required, how big the company or team is, etc. I have a male coworker who tried to gossip some shit about me behind my back, except I was going into the room at the same time he whispered my name and laughed, then he and the other guy got embarrassed and pretended nothing happened. With some guys you'd think they're still in middle school because of how they behave.

No. 723802>>723825

do you know why/how long it's been down for?

No. 723815

true and their rumors are worse, they are about some guy being a pussy because he only drank 3 beers instead of 5, or that a girl from work is secretly a big slut

No. 723816>>723827

Having worked in both female and male dominated workspaces, 100% agree.

No. 723819

I like armpit hair and pubic hair and I like their smell. But I don't like leg hair because I like smooth legs. Pls don't ban me senpai

No. 723825

since the 20th

No. 723827>>723842

Men are much more welcoming and nice at first (duh. They’re horny) but in the long run they treat you so much worse, especially if they don’t have a raging hard on for you, they will delegate the jobs they don’t like to the women around them without thinking twice. That’s not even radfem spergery it’s just true. I’ve worked in male dominated fields before where I was 1 out of like 3 women in the whole company.

No. 723835>>723845

The touchscreen of my laptop has stopped responding to one program in particular, it still responds to everything else. Does anyone know what I could do to fix this? Is there a way to like "reset" a touchscreen?

No. 723842

True. Men don't treat you nicely unless they find you sexually attractive.

No. 723845

Never mind, restarting my laptop solved it

No. 723852>>723856

What would you do if you were selling books on a marketplace and someone kept messaging you with nearly unreadable questions and offers on the books? I have no idea if this person is drunk or just young, they have literally messaged me 10 times, only 2 messages are typo free. I wanna get rid of my books but this bitch can’t even write, example in english: heyhhhowwsmut vhh issthgiisss. Wwitg h mostage?

No. 723856>>723873

Just ignore them. Most online enquiries go nowhere. If they ask a question that’s already covered in the description there’s a 90% chance they’re not buying.

No. 723861>>723867>>723877>>723879

If you were a (cool) character in an action/crime film who would you be? I’d wanna be a hacker or a mafia boss.

No. 723867

File (hide): 1611753630566.jpg (561.08 KB, 2173x2641, 9e66f50bb0a7e0105d9488fbbd9dff…)

I would like to be the leader of a "gang" of abandoned teenagers but in fact we are not a gang I just tell them that so they join and then we do charity work and I look after them so they don't end up in a real gang. Pic slightly related

No. 723873

I was dumb and replied before asking, but she is also lowballing hard. If she doesn’t stop after I’ll tell her my lowest price, I’ll block her ass. I just want money, for fucks sake.

No. 723877

I would be a hacker too

No. 723879

The big bad who wins.

No. 723892>>723893>>723915>>723923

You guys ever feel like people at a discord server dislike you? I feel that often with far left leaning servers tbh

No. 723893

That's bc far lefties tend to be miserable people

No. 723915

I've never experienced that in "far left leaning" discords, I just experience that everywhere in general.

No. 723923>>723939

far-left leaning discord servers tend to be very fragile in an annoying way (eg. I've been told I 'gave off passive-aggressive vibes' when I was being straightforward, or people were constantly afraid of offending each other). It's probably not about you.

Anyways, what the hell is "locals" in the context of twitter? Like the phrase 'local twitter'?

No. 723928>>723936>>723938

What's the difference between a character written as a tomboy and a character written as a 'man with boobs?' If I want to write an assertive woman what should I avoid so that she doesn't end up as the latter?

No. 723936

Tomboy imo is about interests not personality. You can have a woman with a very feminine personality and interactions who just loves woodworking or some shit. Atypical interests + a touch of idgaf energy and still able to show vulnerability.

No. 723938

I guess allow her to be as vulnerable/emotional/empathetic/insecure/other feminine tropes as other women you're writing, but better at concealing it/coping with it in different ways/pushing past it.
It could be an internal monologue or it could be something a character notices, "voice firm but slightly trembling fist" or something (generic example)
Sorry if this is garbo advice I just read books, don't write em

No. 723939

Like people you went to high school with. It's "normies" but in Twitter speak.

No. 723944>>723955

Is it normal for apartment buildings to have inspections where they just let themselves in and take photos? I'm so tired of having my privacy invaded and want to be naked in my own goddamn apartment. I hate the fact that they have keys to this place.

No. 723955

That really doesn't sound okay or normal.

No. 723966>>723971>>723972>>723973>>723975>>723977

File (hide): 1611763622868.jpg (42.03 KB, 325x500, classic lolita.jpg)

why do people act like Indian food stinks? I used to eat it every day since I was a kid, have I become nose blind, or is it because they're referring to Indian takeouts specifically? Sure, if you buy it from a shitty takeaway, it's gonna smell bad, but if you actually made it at home, it smells alright imo

No. 723971

I love Indian food but the smell can definitely be strong and linger.

No. 723972

Yes, you are nose blind. Indian food like curry releases fat-soluble oil vapor, which can be absorbed by fabrics and even the walls and is very noticeable

No. 723973

It tends to linger, especially if i have reheated indian food. It also sticks to some of my clothes but I wouldn't say it stinks but at home it annoys me

No. 723975

It does smell really strongly to be fair, and gets stuck in your hair and clothes more than other scents. Even nice homemade ones. It was at one point the reason a landlord in my country specified in an ad that no Indian, Bangladeshi or Pakistani could rent his flat (to massive uproar)

No. 723977

I like the smell (and the food) but it's very strong and gets into everything.
I stayed in India for several months and when I came back people told me I smell of curry when I sweat.

No. 724006

In my experience men are huge gossips in the workplace, they just don’t consider it gossiping because they associate that behaviour with women. There’s a more neutral word in my native country which basically means ‘gossip’ which men will use, yet they will never admit to gossiping. I find that distancing themselves from the ‘feminine’ word makes them more prone to actually gossiping lol. They don’t worry about looking like a bitch or unprofessional, as women often do.

Currently working in a male-dominated workplace and find its full of gossips with no self awareness. Yet the only ones labelled so are the few women who buy into the toxic culture.

No. 724021>>724025

I worked for a company where 95 percent of staff were male and the gossiping was unreal there. I wanted to just switch off after work…not get group chat messages or emails about some creepy thing the (well known office weirdo) did that day. Yes he was weird and yes the bosses son was an ass too but I don't need all these gossipy updates outside of work hours. I think gossips can be either gender.

My local town gossip where I live is an old single man down the road from me. I avoid him like the plague.

No. 724022

Men are either just as gossipy or even worse in my experience, especially if it’s to talk shit about a female coworker. I remember a couple of coworkers made out at a holiday party one time and all the guys were giggling because the woman got kind of drunk. They didn’t shut up about it for like 2 months. (Not that you should get drunk at a work party, but it really wasn’t half as scandalous as you’d imagine.)

No. 724025>>724032

>Yes he was weird and yes the bosses son was an ass too
Any stories to share?

No. 724031>>724037>>724043>>724201>>724231>>724237

File (hide): 1611768706188.jpg (300.37 KB, 1575x551, 20210127_102721.jpg)

Are my eyes hooded? I think they are but I can't really tell. I hope this doesn't count as a selfie. Pls no ban.

No. 724032>>724038

The weirdo was having affairs on his long term gf and for some reason he told every guy at work about his escapades, his kinks and he even shared pics of those women.. then those coworkers told me about it through the group chats. I already got major creep vibes so I didn't need to be warned and updated every few days.

No. 724037>>724108

Your fat covers the fold a bit so yea, if you completely relax your face and it covers most of the moving lid, thass a hooded (in it's amore tune)

No. 724038

Samefag, he used his office email to conduct the affairs too so when he got fired for other reasons.. I and another coworker got full access to all the depravity in that inbox

No. 724039

Can I find a wife here?

No. 724043>>724108

absolutely hooded

No. 724056>>724062

File (hide): 1611770178944.png (199.97 KB, 860x1147, 651849561.png)

Okay so what if a package was delivered to my home, it has someone else's name and someone else's address, but the delivery persons gone, and someone opened the package before i figured out what house it was. I can't just put the stuff back in the ripped package and drop it off in their mailbox?

No. 724062>>724080>>724086

Is it for someone a few doors away? My neighbors get my stuff all the time and I'm just relieved they're not the type to steal it

No. 724080>>724081>>724088

No, they're to the side of my house accross the street. pic related, I'm red, they're green.
I didn't even mean to steal it, I didn't look at the info thingy on the package until after the delivery man was gone. I told my mom about it and she said to just leave it there so her husband could walk it over to them. Next thing I know he had opened it and since it was women stuff told me to keep it. I put it all back inside but you can obviously see it was opened. I'm wondering if I should deliver it nonetheless or since im most likely already in trouble not?

No. 724081

File (hide): 1611772003700.jpg (1.52 MB, 806x534, 4851851.jpg)

forgot to attach picture.

No. 724086>>724089

I've done this because I got somebody's package by mistake and opened it, just taped it back up and dropped it on their stoop, and nothing happened to me. The mail is crazy right now, they will probably just assume it got damaged during delivery. Just drop it off and jet.

No. 724088>>724089>>724092

It happens all the time, just leave it at their door or their mailbox. I'm always thankful that my neighbors can be trusted to pass on my parcels, even if they opened it by accident first.

No. 724089>>724092>>724096

ntayrpt but the anon that wants to know if i should put in ther mailbox or not, but when I look it up it says it is a federal crime to open a package not intended for you. I don't know the people that leave in that home, so what if they decide to do something about their package being delivered is mostly my worry.

No. 724092

being opened i mean
Was this pre covid anon? I don't know if I'm asymptomatic either, and maybe I have covid. They also could say I was putting their health at risk? idk

No. 724096>>724104

I'm not in the US but my neighbors have opened my stuff before and then re-taped it and left it at my door and said sorry. Keeping the parcel would be way worse imo

A while ago I had a neighbor open my menstrual cup parcel.. the cringe, but I'm still glad she didn't keep it.

No. 724104>>724107

I think i'll end up putting a sticky note on it explaining as best as i can, since I'm in trouble either way because the delivery man took a picture of me. I feel I'm so unlucky though they'll end up reporting me for tampering with their mail.

No. 724107>>724114

Why did the delivery man take a picture of you?

No. 724108

Thank you, anons! Hopefully I can start doing better eyeshadow now.

No. 724112

Any other anons with sexual or harm OCD? How do you masturbate, do you just power through or avoid it all together?

No. 724114>>724116

Nta but since covid and new 'contactless delivery' hit they do that to prove delivery now.

No. 724116>>724117

What the fuck

No. 724117>>724120

As a shy/hermit type I hate it. I thought greeting the postman without a bra on was bad enough.. now there's photo proof of it lol

No. 724120

They better get rid of it once the rona ends.

No. 724121>>724122>>724127>>724137

Does "lol" not give away that the tone of a text is joking anymore? I told someone to "stop snitching lol" and they went off on me like I told them to shut the fuck up. I remember online when adding lol at the end of your sentence would signal to people that youre being light hearted, so wtf happened?

No. 724122

It comes off as passive aggressive nowadays.

No. 724127>>724131>>724133

Sometimes I worry that saying 'lol' makes me sound boomer-ish on here. But then what do we even replace it with? kek?

No. 724131>>724191

nta but I use lel.
It still conveys the meaning of lol just with more substance and style.

No. 724133


No. 724134>>724139>>724142>>724143>>724157

is it weird as a bisexual to not really be into androgynous people? i mean physical characteristics (facial features, body type), not necessarily style. i mean i find janelle monae really attractive, but rain dove does nothing for me personally. also even when it comes to gnc men i prefer the big strong looking type (as long as they're clean and well put together, don't think of the average troon) to femboys

No. 724135>>724262

Is this bitch a mod? Honestly don’t care for the discussion going on here but is it me or is she hinting they know the anon’s postinngs history?

No. 724137

"wahhhhh you need to add /s to the end of your jokes online because I'm unable to read contextual cues."
nothing proves the case better than those twitter cancellations stemming from dredged up tweets from back before people weren't (wilfully) unable to understand context.

No. 724139>>724147

No. Why would that be weird? You wouldn't find it weird if a straight woman says "I'm not into men with xyz physical traits" so it's not any different when you're bi.

No. 724142>>724147

I suppose in a weird way, androgynous people might appeal more to those who are more heterosexual? Like your sexual interest is in men, so a man - who is still a man despite wearing a skirt or a bit of make-up - is more attractive than a woman who you're not sexually interested in.
If you're bi, you're interested in both men and women, so you don't need to "trick" yourself into figuring out why you're attracted to a more androgynous person.
It made sense in my head, not sure how well I communicated it.

No. 724143>>724147

You don’t have to find everyone attractive if you’re bi, anon. Don’t worry about it.

No. 724147>>724182

it's just that i rarely hear about bi women saying they're specifically into masculine looking men and feminine looking women, many of them either prefer masculinity (or femininity) on both sexes or they like feminine men and masculine women. i feel almost too "conventional", i sometimes doubt myself "what if i'm actually straight and just have internalized the male gaze too?" even if i think i would rather date and have sex with women (idk never tried either)

No. 724157

It is not weird, many bisexuals are like you anon.

No. 724164

How do I fix a crippling sense of guilt? Like I can't do (subjective) wrong without a massive urge to fix it.

My coworkers will leave an hour early and just be like k see ya. Then I'll want to leave 10 minutes early and get questioned on it and I feel like a massive asshole for saying I just intend to. Plus if someone says something whack and I'm like uh fuck off, then I'll feel bad and want to talk it out. I went to great lengths to return an extra treat from work even though a colleague said they wouldn't take one, like I couldn't take more than my fair share. Taking that extra candy felt worse than the taste would feel good, you know? At the same time, I feel like I've learned to take the L to foster good work relationships instead of maintaining my boundaries.

It's also a fatal flaw in any romantic relationships I have. Any bf that's upset with me I'll want to talk it out to death, or jsut give in so he's not moody.

No. 724182>>724194

I like masculine men and feminine women and everyone GNC too. It's not like your taste isn't 'bi enough', there's no such thing.
>"what if i'm actually straight and just have internalized the male gaze too?"
That's like internalized biphobia 101, don't worry about it. Also start dating women, you'll feel way less anxious about everything once you've got some confidence with both genders.

No. 724191>>724241

"lel" seems like "heh" to me, as if you didn't find what was said funny but you know they were going for funny so you "lel" out of politeness

No. 724194

i'd honestly do it if i knew any out women in my area. but i'd rather stay single my whole life than date a local moid, all men i have known irl are either physically unattractive to me or completely awful personality wise

No. 724201

Oh my god

No. 724231

I wish I had hooded eyes so bad I use Zhi Mu around my eyes because it supposedly increases the amount of periorbital fat/adipocytes/adipose tissue.

No. 724237

File (hide): 1611783915291.jpg (42.03 KB, 291x313, EXCUSE ME.jpg)

>mfw I might have known you irl

No. 724241

"lel" looks like a self-aware "lol", you know it's cringe so you say it jockingly

No. 724262

samefag apparently

No. 724263>>724266>>724352

Is there a difference between 'dating a guy' and 'having a boyfriend'?

No. 724266>>724287

I think it might be something like when you’re dating a guy, you’re just meeting him and such, maybe even fucking, but he doesn’t call you his girlfriend and you don’t refer to him as your boyfriend. It shouldn’t be considered serious.
And I’m guessing that having a boyfriend means you see each other as partners and you’re willing to do stuff together like living together, maybe marrying if you’re into that.

No. 724282

you guys I don't understand stocks, what is going on with this gamestop, gme, hedge fund or whatever? what does r/wallstreetbets have to do with any of this? are they like investing or something? is this only for people that know about stocks and stuff?

No. 724287>>724294

Interesting. So when you're in the 'dating' period is it normally exclusive or can you be dating multiple people at the same time?

No. 724294

I honestly think it depends on what you agree to do, like both of you need to ask each other “what are we?” And if you’re “just dating” and nothing serious, then it should be Okay to date other people on the side.
The thing with some scrotes is that they think that flirting means you’re already planning a future with them, so it’s better to just ask about such things when you’re intimate enough with each other -ie, talking about hanging out at the other one’s home, planning short trips- to avoid some annoying and confusing moments.

No. 724296>>724310>>724311

File (hide): 1611792477294.jpeg (390.83 KB, 828x1370, 86D21A62-28CF-4456-BDC7-8ADAF0…)

how did one of you fucking faggots somehow produce this azelia screenshot at 8pm today when it's not 8pm here yet

yes i know time zones exist but you think the metadata would adjust

No. 724310

Lmaoo it was 8 pm in my timezone idk what else to tell you

No. 724311>>724316

File (hide): 1611795753929.jpg (184.37 KB, 2093x954, Screenshot_20210128_020141.jpg)

samefag, check this one out anon I took it tomorrow

No. 724315>>724317>>724354>>724373>>724374>>724377

when i confronted my bf about why he doesn't ask me out on dates he said he was always the first to initiate in the past and when i said well he should do it more bc he's the guy/boyfriend he replied with "it's not like that anymore, years ago when the man was in charge of the finances in the family he would always say when to go out meanwhile the wife cared for the kids" and i was just like ok… but i do think naturally generally men want to lead and women want to be led. am i in the wrong??? i just don't want to do it because i don't want the relationship to fall into the trap of me planning out everything and him giving up

No. 724316

time zones are a gov conspiracy anon I don't believe u

No. 724317

It's literally nothing to do with gender roles, it's about wanting to spend time with your SO. It's not hard to see something that would be enjoyable for a couple and then ask your SO to share that experience with you. If you're the only one initiating, he's lazy, and if he's the only one initiating, you're lazy.

And if both of you are passing the responsibility, might as well give up. People spend time with people they want to spend time with. People put effort into relationships they care about.

No. 724320

If guys dont like to be used and pay for things why is it the times I did 50/50, helped pay for things and bought stuff for them were the times I got treated the most shit and played the most?

No. 724349>>724604

What are those British guys in the red suits called?

No. 724352

I don't think there's a difference. Imo, if you're dating someone then that is your boyfriend/girlfriend no matter how serious it is. Even if the relationship wasn't serious I would still say that person is my bf, cause they are. I don't like to overcomplicate relationship stages, to me it's just interested > talking > dating > married.

No. 724354

That's weird anon.
I mean you both should be equally asking each other on "dates" even if it's small because it's fun to go out and do shit with your partner.
Imo it's fine to be more comfortable with a guy initiating dates but you have to be with a guy who actually wants to do that for you. This guys doesn't sound like your kind of ticket.
If you can't come up with one or two date ideas every now and then just to appease him so he will want to offer more again, then this simply won't work out.

No. 724364

why does contrapoints thread constantly get bumped but there's never a new comment that I can see?

No. 724373

>i do think naturally generally men want to lead and women want to be led
Is this your first relationship? This is true but it's still merely a generalization. Don't "should" him into checkboxes, that's a trap you don't want to fall into because it creates expectations that are rooted in fantasy, and then you get upset that he's not living up to it.

No. 724374

…or you could both ask each other on dates? Seems like neither of you really want to be around each other tbh

No. 724377>>724389

Hes lazy. Dump him.

No. 724382>>724384>>724501

What language are scandi anons using in this thread >>724145 ?
Is everybody just using their own language and it's mutually intelligible?

No. 724384

I know that's possible with spanish,portuguese and a bit of italian, so maybe

No. 724389

No. 724412

Can you make carbonara with any 'ol cheese? I have some random italian shredded cheese blend and but idk if it'll work, and it's too late to go buy parmesan

that one post one anon made about how a cooking group she's in is VERY anal about how carbonara should be made is what's making me want to try it. there's no way egg and cheese is that good

No. 724415>>724421>>724434

when you're dating new people, is it bad to tell that your ex was toxic?

No. 724421

I think if you mention it on the first few dates or early in the relationship that's a bad sign cause to me it seems like your still hung up on the ex, or your one of those people who are like " haha my ex is such a crazy bitch, not you though, you're cool". Like, let's feel each other out before we talk about past relationships (if it even needs to be talked about at all). I think it should be brought up that your ex had toxic behavior after a couple months of dating. Just so you can set some boundaries and let the other person know about any past/current trauma. Obviously it can be brought up earlier if they do something that makes you uncomfortable.

No. 724434

Do not tell anyone your ex was toxic and certainly not if they were outright abusive. Abusers love to go after women they know have been good victims before. Do not expose a weakness, always just say “we ended up having different goals for the relationship/different values” and leave the topic alone. They don’t need to know. Much farther down the line, I’m talking once you’ve been their monogamous partner for over a year and they’ve shown you they’re kind and trustworthy, then you can revisit it if they’re curious or you want to vent.

No. 724465>>724467>>724475

can you be both a febfem and a husbandofag?

No. 724467>>724469

what the fuck does this even mean.

No. 724469>>724476

I think anon is saying she's a female exclusive bi woman who also has a fictional husbando

No. 724475

of course, 2d men > 3d scrotes

No. 724476

then just say that. husbandofag sounds so retarded.

No. 724496>>724497

Is it ghetto if before every date I ask the guy if hes going to pay for my meal? I dont say it bluntly I usually say "are you treating me to dinner/lunch?^_^". I ask because I wanna know if it's worth my energy to even show up.

No. 724497

No. 724501

Written Swedish / Norwegian / Danish are mutually intelligible.

No. 724502>>724517

I really want to get into reading manga but I can never finish any that I start. Are there any tips to help me get into it or should I just give up?

No. 724505

File (hide): 1611823304023.gif (1.33 MB, 500x521, xxx.GIF)

Anons with Avoidant Personality Disorder, does it ever get better?

I can become less avoidant when needed and have learned to “train” myself to be more productive. Despite all of that, at the end of the day I still feel different from others. Weird, strange, can’t fit in, etc. - all of the classics. It’s really hard to talk about my problems and I always feel like no one will understand and I’m a burden.

I’ve read through a few AvPD forums and came across several posts where people described how they still feel depressed and socially awkward despite 10, 15, 20 (!!!) years of therapy. Does that mean we’re basically just born that way? Are we doomed forever? I just want to feel comfortable with who I am. But at this point it feels like shame and self-hatred are a part of my personality.

No. 724512>>724516>>724531>>724534>>724550

Anons with BPD does it ever get better or will I always feel like a husk of a person and get overly attached to anyone who gives me a crumb of attention

No. 724516

It gets better, kinda. I still have days where the bpd "flares up" but it's becoming less and less frequent. I feel more stable than crazy these days.

No. 724517

you just dont find mangas that 'click' to you yet, manga is diverse so you might want to check different genres and such

No. 724531

It gets better as you age if you start working on yourself in your 20’s. Just fish the trash outta the lake before you’re 35 and it freezes over. After that the shit is just your personality. It gets easier and the emotions do eventually get smaller and manageable.

No. 724534

Look up bpd recovery and remission rates, they’re really high following treatment.

No. 724550

It gets better, if you can learn from your mistakes. It takes a lot of introspection. Mindfulness and DBT techniques really helped me as well. I had to really hit rock bottom hard until I was able to get better though. I still have really bad BPD phases where I feel completely empty and have a lot of existential dread. It still affects my relationship, as I can be almost smothering my partner at times just to distance myself from him the next day. I'm trying to keep it all low-key though and not act on every fleeting feeling or thought I get. At least I don't self-harm anymore, don't threaten suicide, don't abuse drugs, don't manipulate people, don't get aggressive and so on anymore. I even feel happy sometimes.

No. 724559

So do anyone of you pay for two mmos? Mainly asking because I'm thinking about purchasing WoW even though I'm still playing ffxiv…

No. 724560>>724562

Is there a way to increase libido through diet or something?

No. 724562

people on reddit r/nootropics and r/supplements swear by maca root and ginseng. Im trying both but it's too early to tell if they work for me or not

No. 724581>>725230

What song is playing at 33:00?

No. 724604


No. 724616>>724630>>724639

How do I figure out what hobby I'd enjoy? I've tried felting, knitting, embroidery and none of them have stuck, I can't seem to enjoy them. What even is considered a hobby? I want to have an activity I enjoy that isn't related to a screen.

No. 724630>>724653


There's nothing inherently wrong with continuing to casually try more hobbies, you don't need to feel as if you failed if you knit 2-3 things and find it's not something you want to do for hours every week. Maybe a few months later you'll come back to it and make some beanies or something, maybe not, either way there's no reason to judge yourself for it.

In the meantime, it seems like you tried three hobbies related to craft/textiles, why not try something radically different? Something related to sport/exercise, music, food/drink, writing/journalling, meditating/yoga, etc. Worst case you spent a little money and had some fun a few times.

No. 724635>>724636>>724638>>724641>>724811

File (hide): 1611841763866.jpg (200.35 KB, 689x747, IMG_20210128_134914.jpg)

Is it just me or are these two extremely bizarre looking they look like horses

No. 724636>>724645>>724696

File (hide): 1611841832022.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210128-134852.jpg)

I didn't photoshop Kylie

No. 724638>>724643

what the fuck are these proportions?? tiny heads are attractive now? They look deformed!

No. 724639>>724653


When was the last time you lost track of time doing something fun or engaging? For a lot of people this was in childhood/school before pressures of life took up all our time so look waaay back.

Also if you have screen hobbies you could try translate them to something offscreen. If you're a gamer try tabletop roleplay (after vaccine lol) or chinese puzzles, if you're into digital art buy a film camera and just venture out into the world taking thoughtful photos of real things. If you just watch Netflix all day then get novels of the same genre you enjoy and see what grabs you.

No. 724641>>724650

They shooped the heads too small and now their bodies look out of proportion. That's what happens when you get overzealous trying to hide double chin and jowls.

No. 724643>>724651

File (hide): 1611842368533.jpeg (13.58 KB, 93x328, 7F4D0DA6-6E3E-4DAF-8D0E-923854…)

History repeats itself, anon.

No. 724645

they look like they're in pain

No. 724650

See I was going the other way thinking they were making their bodies surgically bigger to counter the effect of the filler making their faces stretch. A maddening world.

No. 724651

oh you have me cackling anon, solid post

No. 724653

Thanks for the replies, guys. I know I shouldn’t beat myself up over not enjoying crafts, but I just remember loving that stuff as a kid and was disappointed to find adult me isn’t really interested in it. I enjoy weightlifting, so maybe I could get into that a little more and actually try some puzzles or something. I’ll try my hand at something else and hope it sticks this time round!

No. 724659>>724661

Is it fine to email an interviewer to just cancel on an interview because I won’t be able to move within commute distance of their offices? I won’t be able to take this job now even if I was to get it.

No. 724661


unless you're very new at job hunting and need the interview practice, I say cancel. A phone call with "Thanks but my life circumstances have changed and I can't work in this area anymore, best of luck finding the right candidate" is the polite move.

No. 724662>>724668

What is the film source of the gif of Krysten Ritter rolling her eyes? She looks so pretty in it

No. 724668

What makes a person "chic"?

Pretty sure it's from "Don't trust the bitch in apartment 23"

No. 724691>>724704>>724711

I’m interested in learning more about coding/programming and am thinking of taking an online course for fun. Just to learn the basics and see if it genuinely interests me. Any suggestions as to which language to start out with or which courses are decent?

No. 724693

fitnessblender. free videos on youtube with all kinds of workouts, and the instructors are really likeable imo. i've been using them for years with great results.

No. 724696

Kylie's hair looks absolutely disgusting here

No. 724703>>724725

Why am I more successful with women than men, as a bisexual girl?

No. 724704>>724705

Hi, I recommend python, my friend learns from this site https://codingbat.com/python

No. 724705

Thanks so much, anon!

No. 724711

I think cs50 is great to start with.


The course is free, you only need to pay if you want a verified certificate.

No. 724725

well tell us about yourself

No. 724736>>724776

What's the difference between stockings and pantyhose? Also leggings and tights?

No. 724775>>724779

I can't find the old/forgotten/retired cows thread anymore, could someone help?

No. 724776>>724812

Stockings cover the legs from the toes to the thigh, held up by an elastic band or a garter. Pantyhose cover the body from the toes to the waist, I think tights are another name for the same garment. Both of these are meant to be worn under skirts and dresses. Leggings provide coverage from ankle to waist, are generally expected to be opaque, made from a thicker material than pantyhose, and more suited to doing physical activity.

No. 724779>>725077

It’s in pt

No. 724804>>724806

what are some fun/useful chrome extensions?

No. 724806

Momentum and forest

No. 724811

File (hide): 1611860052620.jpg (40.79 KB, 500x326, 0999.jpg)

No. 724812

Thanks, now what's the difference between stockings and thigh-highs?

I also wonder how bread was invented but I don't expect an answer.

No. 724827>>724833>>724840>>724849

Why is it always far left or alt right white dudes being apart of any kind of internet controversy ? Why is it never lolcow or lipstickalley girls?

No. 724833

men thats why

No. 724840

lolcow and lipstick alley have much much smaller userbases

No. 724849

The most controversial thing women do is hating men and being transphobic online. Men on the other hands are terminal attention whores who will commit child abuse and murder for clout.

No. 724852>>724855>>724969>>725077>>726800

File (hide): 1611863378136.jpg (1.52 MB, 4032x3024, pm3yxrmagbd61.jpg)

Why do serving sizes in recipes not work for me? For example, I will see a recipe that's listed for 8 servings but I'll only get 4 out of it. I'm pretty short (like 5'2") and not overweight, so I don't think I'm eating that much and I'm not also too active. But maybe I am eating too much and I will be overweight soon? Has anyone else had this problem?

For example, this doesn't look like 10 meals to me, it looks like 5. No way I would be able to get my cost per meal down to $2.

No. 724855

I'm also a short girl who eats a lot, but two of one of those meals put together would be a lot of food lmao. Maybe the issue is there's nothing filling (like carbs) in here, so you don't feel full, which makes you eat more?

No. 724864>>724878>>724879>>724964

Is it normal to rock back and forth while sitting down listening to music and imagining fanfiction in your head, fitting the music? Asking for a friend.

No. 724878

I do this sometimes, not always to music and fanfic though. I think it's just an absent-minded thing.

No. 724879


i walk around my room while listening to music and imagine things to the beat, although i like doing this too

No. 724936>>724940

What do you do when you hate your job and career as a whole but the money is good?

No. 724940

Invest and save your money, and ride it out till you have enough to comfortably quit. Then figure out how to get a job in something you like.

No. 724956

What happened in the artist salt thread? A raid?

No. 724959>>725257

File (hide): 1611873290786.png (105.21 KB, 1366x768, 21671441516188.png)

is there something like this for the U.S.?

No. 724964

I spend several hours doing this without the rocking back and forth part. I think it's common but not normal if you do it for as long as I do.

No. 724965

USA anons, there is a rough insurance-related situation that is happening to my USA help and I am wondering if theres anything they can do.

My friend is in need of 8000$ worth of surgery in order to survive, but they can't use charity or payment plans because their jobs payment is higher than the required amount (but not high enough to freely pay 8k$). Is there any way for them to get more money, idk? I am so worried about this person. Its my dear friend who has always been nice one. I am so worried for them and I don't know what they can even do. Has USA insurance sys always been so bad …

No. 724969

do you want to lend me some of your stomach capacity? I have the opposite problem and all my food goes bad before I can eat it all

No. 724976>>724979>>725063

Is Shoe0nhead really what's considered "average" nowadays?

No. 724979

She looks like she got plastic surgery done tbh

No. 724985

I'm in a 7 year old relationship now. I've never been really into romance or boys. Discovered lesbian media a couple of years ago and I have been obsessed with it.
Depression seems to take my libido unless it is a woman. It's been 3 years since I maybe want to fuck once a year with him.
My stupid question is, am I depressive and retarded or I may be gay? sorry for incohenrent text I speak spanish and I'm already retarded

No. 724986>>725003>>725028>>725049>>725066>>725085>>725097>>725156>>725177

File (hide): 1611878260289.png (82.54 KB, 1918x250, a1.png)

Is this true?

No. 725003>>725049>>725084

anon please tell me you’re joking I’d bet $100 that’s the same anon who posted that multi page anal manifesto thread here on /ot/ the other day

No. 725028>>725049>>725084

KEK of course not, that's anorectal violence-chan back at it again

No. 725049

kek holy shit anons that made me cackle

No. 725063

Imo she’s a low-to-mid tier Becky, especially considering how dumpy her body is in her nudes.

No. 725066

This is amazing.

No. 725077

What the hell, is turkey really that cheap in the US or did they cheat?


No. 725078>>725080>>725081

Is it possible to be prescribed medication for depression without getting a therapist? I don’t want to talk about my issues I just want to stop feeling like a lifeless bot on autopilot. The thought of even going to the GP to ask for meds is mortifying

No. 725080>>725082>>725089

I went to my gp looking for counselling but cried and they just gave me antidepressants without me asking.

No. 725081>>725089

Burgerfag? You don't see therapist for prescription. You see a psychiatrist, they don't want to hear about your demons, they WANT to sell you drugs anon. Try some but it's not a happy pill in any way, only a "mildly less likely to kms" pill. Do consider seeing a therapist.

No. 725082>>725089

Samefag. They also gave me a number for a counsellor through a trust, I rang the number and they phoned me for an interview but I didn't answer. They left a message, but I never got back to them. I was able to refill my prescription. I took myself off them a few years ago and I vaguely remember the appointments when I had to get a prescription. You basically had to say they were working to get them to keep giving you them. I had different doctors a few times and one was quite pushy/rude with her questions. It wasn't difficult though to get them without actually going to therapy.

No. 725084

Even if it's anorectal violence-chan, what she's been saying in the other threads is true, so I get anon asking this question.

No. 725085>>725088

Which thread?

No. 725088


No. 725089

Ok so I guess it isn’t completely impossible…you said you’re not on them anymore, did they help or did you stop for another reason?
No I’m a britbong. I’ve tried counselling at university and secondary school and it all just felt so fake. Rightt now I’m an even worse autist who can’t talk to people so opening up to someone again just isn’t in my books anymore.

Different question; do they only take people who self-harm seriously?

No. 725097

File (hide): 1611891590420.gif (180.55 KB, 220x293, tenor (2).gif)

>internal hydraulic pressure
This person must think humans are those squeeze dolls for stress, put pressure on a lower part of us and our eyeballs explode out our sockets.

No. 725103

Can any anons imagine that vegan teacher tiktok lady with a butch lesbian haircut? Shes 56

No. 725115>>725428>>726685

File (hide): 1611896985008.png (1.79 MB, 1600x900, Yagi.png)

Anons who watch Gakuen Babysitters, is pic rel really a weirdo or is that just a rumor? I wanna watch but I'm not going to if I have to be subjected to pedo shit

No. 725117

Late reply but
>Artist salt thread
I hid this one very recently. Boring as hell. The only milk they have is some random twitter artist getting canceled for something OR they're arguing about what kind of art is "~*real art*~" and whether or not using procreate is cheating
>Twitter thread
Tthe over-reaction to one tweet they shared there made me feel like those anons can't read.
>Copypasta thread
Just not into it.
>Finn thread
>Italian thread
>Reddit thread
>Tinfoil thread
I hid this one today. I like tinfoils, but the ones in there never make much sense imo. The Harry Potter theories was the final nail in the coffin for me.

I guess my stupid question is, is having this many threads hidden weird?

No. 725124

im retarded and cant find the naruto thread? did it get deleted? was it all just a dream? where my narutards at

No. 725130>>725145>>725146>>725167

what are some gendercrit resources i can read?

like just a masterpost or something.
i need to learn more to fully understand & shake off the sjw shit i learned when i was on tumblr as a kid but i don't know where to find it.

if there even is anything lol idk if it is all just one ideology or a mix of different ones. i'd just like some other viewpoints.

No. 725145

inb4 tranny janny bans me

No. 725146

Read the old gc threads here and on lolcow.farm/2X you should still be able to see old references and posts

No. 725156>>725177

File (hide): 1611906049082.jpeg (230.11 KB, 828x866, 53AF976D-5362-4BD6-9E6B-A17D04…)

On August 10th 2010 someone asked about this on justanswer.com. I am completely in awe that this suggests this theory has been taught.

No. 725167

I promise this is the most simple yet clear and comprehensive resource you will read.

No. 725177>>725180

The only place I've ever heard this before was on this very board in the conspiracy thread
They were talking about child abuse called "panda eyes"

No. 725180>>725372

Damn wtf, I saw a comment mentioning panda eyes on Lady Gagas inauguration video, but I didn't look into it cause it looked like some conspiracy shit. I think I found the post you're talking about >>>/ot/586775 . There's no way people believe that anal sex would give you black eyes. Like somehow getting butt penetrated would put "pressure" in your head?
The fact that anal avenger anon might also be a conspiracy theorist who gets her info about anal sex from tinfoils is funny as fuck lol. I believe in some tinfoils, but this anal sex shit is stupid.

No. 725188>>725189

File (hide): 1611913146441.jpeg (81.23 KB, 750x713, E06F1FD4-A370-4DD4-9DA2-FE6067…)

should I respond to my friend now or do it after I get some sleep

No. 725189>>725191

I mean, what did they say?

No. 725191

one is talking about gamestop, one is from christmas (this is normal), the last one is talking about drawing in a group chat and everybody else already responded.

No. 725225>>725258>>725283

Why is everyone talking about Gamestop right now?

No. 725230

“Spider Suite” by The Duke of Uke and His Novelty Orchestra. Try downloading the Shazam app, anon!

No. 725252>>725267

What happened to asherahsgarden.net? Is it down right now or forever?

No. 725257

I’m not sure about politicians but theres a site called little sister where you can see all the people behind corporations and how much they pay certain politicians, idk if it has voting records

No. 725258

I have absolutely no idea how stocks work, but redditors are buying gamestop stock to artificially raise its value or something. Gamestop said my xbox 360 was only worth 25 quid those bastards I don't understand what any of it means

No. 725267>>725966

Though I may be wrong, I believe it’s down for the next 24 hours.

No. 725283

I think this guy did great explaining it in layman's terms

No. 725293>>725303>>725317>>725373

What's the appeal of medical TV shows?

No. 725302

Anyone who does wire wrapping (for jewelry) how can you tell how long to cut your wire from the spool? Is there a formula for it?

No. 725303

It makes you feel smart, I'm guessing

No. 725317

The fictional ones? It’s just a setting that’s conducive to drama already, and probably attracts people with Google medical degrees. Thinking about it, those points apply to non-fictional ones too.

No. 725369>>725398

A german and a jew living together who do you think is funnier?

No. 725370>>725405

File (hide): 1611943065625.jpeg (199.19 KB, 786x786, B729311C-032D-4964-9412-8654D2…)

Which albums/songs do you think just ~get~ womanhood? Sorry if I’m not making sense and this is just not a thing lol. I think Live Through This fits in this category.

No. 725372

I’m assuming it’s some folklore thing people may have told their kids and teens as a joke, but I’m not sure where. I also saw a couple other mentions of it trawling through google from 2015 and before, mostly on ask sites asking if it’s true. I’m thinking maybe backwoods types thought it was a funny thing to tell their kids, like when they used to tell teenage boys masturbating made their palms grow hair.

No. 725373

easy to facilitate drama when the setting allows for life/death stakes on the regular

No. 725396

Do any of you guys do skillshare? Is it worth it to try for a couple months?

No. 725398>>725417

Have you ever met a funny german

No. 725405

Courtney Love is an icon

No. 725412>>725492

why do aussies tend to be better looking than brits despite being basically the same people?

No. 725415

Sometimes I just want to abandon myself. Like, I'm never suicidal but I just want to abandon my body, start over, or be someone else. It's like I'm not even on my own side and don't have a foreseeable plan to change myself? But the next day I'm fine

No. 725416>>725434>>725493

what stoner piece of shit food should i get at the store?

No. 725417

The problem is I’m the funny german but my bf never fucking gets it and blames me for being unfunny. I swear he has no humor

No. 725424

How can I get out of suicide prevention training my work is making me do on Friday? I really don't care about the topic when most losers who kill themselves are moids. I'm so annoyed and I think these programs should be eliminated tbh.

No. 725428

Bumping this question

No. 725429>>725431>>725432

Is it rude to leave a negative review because the vintage dress I bought smelled like sweat? I don't want to embarrass the seller but damn I was gagging when I smelt the old sweat of a stranger..

No. 725431

She shouldn’t be selling garments that stink so I think it’s fair. Maybe contact her and see if she’ll give you a replacement.

No. 725432>>725436

No. Imo, if you're selling used clothes then you should at least wash them first or warn the customer they might smell in case washing isn't an option. I would probably ask to send it back and get a refund tbh

No. 725434>>725481

hot cheetos, twizzlers and iced tea

No. 725436

Samefag, you should probably work it out with the seller before you leave a bad review. If she fixes the issue for you, you could always give her a 4/5 stars or whatever as like a "This one thing was bad, but otherwise the experience was good" kind of thing. That way you don't completely fuck up her ratings while also giving feedback and warning others.

No. 725459>>725466

Is It passive aggressive if you kick someone off of your Netflix account without telling them?I thought I made a new friend but now they aggressively refuse any attempts I make to hang out with them. Like i don’t want to lord something like Netflix over anyone but if they’re not interested in being my friend I don’t think they should use my account.

No. 725466

No. 725481

bless u anon, u know ur munchies. i tweaked for my personal taste but went for twizzlers, those paw-shaped cheetos, and gatorade… nearly went for pita chips but then i was like “no that + the twizzlers is too much chewing, i’ma make my jaw sore, that bitch was right. cheetos are a much better pair texture-wise.” will think of u when i light my next j

No. 725484>>725493>>725507>>725546

why doesn’t simply kenna have a thread here anymore and why was the new one someone made locked immediately?

she’s a giga narc and the biggest fattest internet cow i know of, it makes no sense why she wouldn’t have a thread here

No. 725492

The sun

No. 725493>>725505

Buy a bag of frozen fries, bake them, and then dip them into a jar of nutella.
I’m guessing it’s because it’s all meaningless nitpicking now.

No. 725505

>I’m guessing it’s because it’s all meaningless nitpicking now.
doesn’t that apply to a sizable portion of /snow/ though?

No. 725507>>725510

Is there anything more on Kenna than "she makes everything brown, how dare she suck the life out of everything" and "she stole tattoos from pinterest 4 years ago"?

No. 725509

What's the phenomenon that makes you get a crush on a person you dream? Every time I don't even know them and it still happens.

No. 725510>>725516

being an extreme narc, having a horseshit personality and shamelessly faking mental illness (which she’s still doing) are things lolcows are frequently bashed for though? or are those things all “nitpicks” too?

No. 725516>>725552

Calm down, I literally was just asking if there's anything concrete milky on her that's not outdated. I think she's boring as fuck but my guess is it was locked to prevent pull-refugees infesting it.

No. 725526>>725528>>725529

My bf is Arab and recently got bix braids. Would it be rude for me to tell him to take them off before I meet him?I cant be out here getting embarrassed like that

No. 725528

Box braids *

No. 725529>>725535

No lmao. I would tell him to take that shit out too. Box braids usually aren't something men get anyway, so I wonder why he wanted them?

t. black

No. 725535

Maybe hes just unaware that box braids are just something men dont do here idk but they look like shit

No. 725542>>725544>>725548>>725550>>725576

File (hide): 1611955360149.png (408.58 KB, 379x600, pls say no.PNG)

Is there a chance this site can get taken down or just disappear one day?

The internet is somewhat relentless nowadays.. so I'm thinking if it's possible that we become a target of a witch-hunt?
as retarded as this is, i rly love this place and as a loner id b gutted…also i accidentally reported this post srry

No. 725544>>725548>>725567

u ok hun?

No. 725546>>725552

If you're a PULL migrate then you're a bigger cow than Kenna herself. I used to read her thread simply to laugh at all the spergy a-logs seething over her daring to eat a hamburger in Japan instead of authentic Japanese food.

No. 725548>>725567

File (hide): 1611955780485.jpg (49.23 KB, 640x486, 1605556661828.jpg)

If all the other imageboards are fine doesn't a bunch of illegal shit pop up on 4chan all the time? idk I don't use it, then I doubt anything is gonna happen to small (or at least I think it is in comparison to other sites) lolcow. Unless a future admin chooses to shut it down like what happened to PULL. We'll be ok, anon.

No. 725550>>725567

We get raided like every other day, anon, where have you been

No. 725552

lmao sorry to disappoint you, i was just curious if there was a reason why what seems like a standard cow isn’t part of lolcow’s lineup. what >>725516 said makes sense though, i rest my case.

No. 725567>>725571

File (hide): 1611956906703.jpg (97.38 KB, 1280x720, ill b ok.jpg)



It's just the internet hates women, u know..

No. 725571>>725594

Tbh even admin and some mods hate us kek. So i understand why ur worried. The current admin said she hates us because she believe we're all white and rich or something?And one of the mods said on discord that they hoped one of us will start killing trannies so that they can say how bad and evil we are some shit. But i dont think admin will just nuke the website, she seems very determined to still be an admin even tho she hates us kek

No. 725573

File (hide): 1611957313695.jpeg (55.19 KB, 344x599, 68677F2F-E9C5-42EA-BCB3-9F0E97…)

Do you ever just have issues with depth perception? objectively and conceptually but let’s focus on the world and not the words whenever I’m playing some videogames it gets annoying how I just can’t hit the right stuff or grab the right items because it’s like I forgot how the 3 dimensional space works, so I fuck up and end up losing way too much than my patience can handle.
I also have this issue while driving, I have to always keep a wider space between cars because i might end up touching other’s cars and it bothers me so fucking much.
How do I even train my depth perception or whatever is called?

No. 725576>>725594

Whenever lolcow I usually follow this pattern:

go rant at scrotes on r9k > comment on youtube under the videos I enjoy > check lolcow again > head to asherahs garden > get tired of the slow pace > go to FDS or some other female leaning subreddit> get tired of the pickmes > play animal crossing

I really don't have a backup and at this point if lolcow goes down forever I'll probably just move on with a hole in my heart. IDK I've never found a place like this.

I just hope one day I'll find a like minded friend and we can be fat, man-hating TERFs together.

No. 725594

File (hide): 1611958610398.jpg (7.27 KB, 192x216, <3.jpg)

same sis. I'm just having a bout of paranoia atm.

Sheesh, admin x user relationship here is kinda t0xic lol. alright samefag is leaving

No. 725595>>725598>>725606>>725612

from these destinations, which one would you choose for a hypothetical trip to study english and why? auckland, sydney, perth (australia) or honolulu?

No. 725598>>725656

I pick australia
hot accent
scary animal

No. 725600

This inflating the stocks thing confuses me because for value to be held against the company doesn't the company have to be worth its price like, isn't gamestop like a lowly company in the grand scheme of things how is it suppose to put other companies out of business I don't understand are all these people throwing their money away

No. 725606>>725640>>725656

I would choose auckland because NZ seems like it would be the most exotic and magical, probably because I associate it with lord of the rings

No. 725612>>725656

I’d choose Honolulu or Auckland because I love the history and cultures of the Pacific Islands. Maybe Auckland because it’s less commercialised. Some people might say the U.S. so you can study American English, but I don’t think that’s necessary unless you plan to be a voice actor or something.

No. 725618

File (hide): 1611960740281.jpg (7.33 KB, 202x135, ZENKICHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.jpg)

>>722908 Fujita Zenkichi. He died in the manga, then the anime said, "okay, ig we're adding him into like ten episodes for no reason to support the main chara." and now he's my husband

Oh, and Sakon from Ayatsuri Sakon, but he's the main guy so,,,

No. 725640>>725656

Kiwi here: rural NZ is magic but Auck is full of little hipster faggots who think they’re hot shit, it’s really strange. Not many opportunities to make good money. Think of Auckland as a fish bowl, much like high school. Full of restless and bored edgefags trying to one up the other edgefags they went to school with.

No. 725646>>725647

File (hide): 1611963359629.jpg (20.66 KB, 320x400, Modern-Mullet.jpg)

can someone explain how modern mullets are different from regular long hair with bangs? they don't even look like mullets tbh. except for the ones with extremely short bangs maybe

No. 725647>>725652

File (hide): 1611963424772.png (701.95 KB, 1341x469, 890754.png)

samefagging to add these too

No. 725652

ot but top 3rd from the right is gorgeous

No. 725656

File (hide): 1611964149651.jpg (86.56 KB, 680x553, 47a14ec4ce2892d57d61dc186a5149…)

your reply reminded me of this pic lol
thanks for replying!
i feel the same as you! i love the cultures of these places but i can only choose one, damn
essentially it's just a trip to improve my conversational skills, visit a beautiful country with lots of nature and meet nice people
you surprised me anon! i thought the kiwis in auckland were so chill, thanks for the insight!

No. 725742>>725747

im gonna buy a ps vita from a coomer and im kind of grossed out. how do i clean a gaming console/stop being disgusted at what he mightve done while playing it? it has henkaku on it so i know some shit went down. gives me the heebie jeebies

No. 725747>>725803

do I even want to know what Henkaku is? Even the name sounds creepy

No. 725755>>725758

Why am i only seeing about half the posts on the alternative cow thread? It only happeneds on that thread and on mobile. The posts are just large blank white spaces between posts. I hardly post and I've never been banned.

No. 725757>>725802

File (hide): 1611971484796.jpg (45.58 KB, 568x394, IMG_5257.JPG)

Anyone use dating apps? Any recommendations? I never liked the idea of having to sell myself like a used car to interact with people but recently I've had the urge to talk to the opposite sex.

No. 725758>>725766

you probably have saged posts hidden

No. 725766

Thank you, Anon! You were right. Must have got hit while scrolling!

No. 725796

Any anons been on hydroxzine for anxiety before? If so, what was your experience like?

No. 725802

There’s a dating app thread in /g/. They’re all equally bad (yes, even those shilled for long-term relationships). You will be able to talk to plenty of scrotes because they all swipe right on everything, so if that’s your aim have at it.

No. 725803

it lets you put eng patches on jpn games. maybe im just being a germaphobe but i just know this coomer fuck did some despicable things. i actually might just tell him i dont want it

No. 725891>>725908>>725936

File (hide): 1611985627912.jpeg (35.01 KB, 200x197, BA009955-5EE8-4546-A241-DCC89D…)

Back in the Gaia Online days how did people get enough gold to buy the cool items like the angelic halo and the seal slippers? I could only ever save up ~10,000 gold and those items were in the millions.

No. 725908

Wasn’t it through trading? Or the random flying chests on screen that’d randomly show up?

No. 725936

I used to send money in the mail to get the monthly collectible items back in like 2005. I also participated in loads of giveaways.

No. 725945>>726008

Is "gender politics" a real term or did my dumb ass somehow make that up

No. 725966

hope it comes back up soon

No. 725992>>725999>>726025

I've been browsing old (5 - 6 yr old) threads recently, they keep mentioning how lolcow had a /b/, are there any other now-defunct boards newfags like me (started coming here in 2020) wouldn't know about? I know about cream, manure, and b but that's it.
The history of this site is very interesting.

No. 725999

/sty/ and /2x/ (or is it /xx/? idk) are the first that come to mind. I know there are more but I can't recall any right now

No. 726008

i'm sure some star wars actor (not kylo ren) said this exact phrase at some point in an interview

No. 726017>>726024>>726029>>726044

File (hide): 1612002769702.jpg (199.66 KB, 956x540, 1610632466540.jpg)

Why do I find women so attractive, clever, and emotionally sensitive and men to be ugly, useless, and repulsive? I'm straight but wish I wasn't.

No. 726024>>726075

How can you be het and find men ugly and repulsive?
Legit asking, I am straight AF and I think scrotes as a whole should be nuked, but I'll be damned if I don't get horny if I see a guy that I think it's hot

No. 726025

/Int/ was also a thing.

No. 726029>>726030>>726075

girl you gay

No. 726030

if only

No. 726044>>726075

I get you sis me too. I once found them attractive but the more I know about male degeneration the uglier they seem. At this point I just find most men gross.

No. 726045>>726133

So I saw those Resident Evil tall vampire lady memes on Youtube…my question is, why do they all have the Jojo music in them? I'm not familiar with that anime, is it about simping or something?

No. 726074>>726076

why is ghost world (the movie) so critically acclaimed? i personally have mixed feelings about it

No. 726075

I don't know what to tell you, I understand in theory what an attractive man looks like but I don't feel it, if that makes sense.
I've had relationships with men and their ugliness and general repellence has been something I've had to overcome every time. Ironic, because they'd never have done that for me.

I genuinely wish but I don't think I can eat pussy and I don't like being eaten out. I know there are other things you can do together as women (believe me I've looked into it) but I think without those basic things there would be few women willing to date me. I don't mind PIV sex I guess.

Thanks girl. It's a weird place to be.

No. 726076


No. 726077>>726079

File (hide): 1612013135792.gif (522.29 KB, 275x207, 1597791281908.gif)

He is so cute who is he?
He's living rent free in my life

No. 726079>>726083

guguru search says Min Kyunghoon and that's a v old gif

No. 726083

Tnx nonni. He's old now but still a snack

No. 726126>>726139

what is community college? is there a uk equivalent?

No. 726133

jojo music is hype and I guess the tall mommy vamp kinda fit with Phantom Blood vibe (Part 1 JoJo)

No. 726134>>726192

A few months ago something happened in my life that caused me anxiety. To this day I'm still having pretty bad bouts of anxiety, not daily but pretty often, even though there should be no reason for it to happen anymore. What can I do about it? I'd rather try everything before resorting to medication. Sometimes drinking tea helps but when it's really bad (like right now) tea doesn't help

No. 726135>>726147

I started doing bodyweight exercises after spending most of the pandemic on my ass. I can do more pushups now than I could last month, but other than endurance I'm not seeing any results. Is this a sign that I'm not pushing myself hard enough? I have a healthy bmi and eat a good diet, not ana or overweight, just want to be more toned.

No. 726139>>726146

Community college is a 2 year school as opposed to four years, it’s much cheaper (even free in some places for people under a certain income), and you also don’t have to apply the same way you do for 4 year schools, so it’s primarily used for people who need to save money on school, want to do something that just requires a 2 year certification, or someone who needs to get their grades up before they transfer to a 4 year college (can be done after 1st or 2nd year at community college)

No. 726146

thanks for the info anon!

No. 726147

IIRC it takes around 12 weeks of working out for it to have a visible effect on your appearance. So keep doing it for another month or two?

No. 726192

Meditation and breathing exercises. Stay away from "triggers" like social media

No. 726193>>726196

Is this Sophie person a troon? Very masculine face.

No. 726196

No. 726203>>726209>>726215

Am I missing something or is this girl blowing things way out of proportion? I was planning on giving a gift to someone but now she seems very mad at me over a misunderstanding.

Last month an acquaintance I don’t know very well did a big favor for me. In return I was going to write her a thank you card and invite her out for coffee.

Last week I told her “I have something to give you” but it was premature because I hadn’t written the card yet. The next day she came over unexpectedly to my place to receive her gift. (We live pretty close) Turns out she had messaged me that she was coming over, but I had never seen the message nor confirmed that she should.

I finished the card later and messaged her that her gift was ready. A few days later she hadn’t responded so I messaged her again asking if she had seen it. The next day I saw that she has left me on read.

Am I really missing something? I felt like I could have worded things better in retrospect but I think it was incorrect of her to assume that she could come over without asking to receive the gift. And now she seems mad at me because of that. This is annoying because she had seemed cool and I was interested in getting to know her better. Idk what is going on.

No. 726209>>726211

Personally I'd probably interpret "I have something to give you" as an open invite to come get it if you didn't specify a moment to hand it over.. Her silenttreatment doesn't seem justified over the misunderstanding though.

No. 726211

Yeah I agree it could be read that way! I was actually trying to set up a time for coffee next week though which is why I told her so far in advance.

No. 726215

If you two didn't confirm on meeting for the gift, I don't get why she's mad when she showed up out of the blue and didn't get her gift. She wasted her own time by jumping the gun, she shouldn't be mad at you for that. If someone told me "I have something to give you" my first response would be "cool! when do you want to meet?" especially during covid.

No. 726216>>726242

Is it that unusual to stay up for 24h+ straight? I sometimes see posts online that ask people to describe their experience doing that or ask for reasons just whyyy someone would undertake something like this, but I thought this was something everyone has done at least once in their life once they're in their late teens by the latest…

No. 726218>>726224

We have exterminators coming to the apartment next week and my dad had me take off so I could take care of the dog since everyone has to be out of the apartment while the treatment is going on. I'm not sure what to do with my dog though… she's old and grumpy and usually stays at home. It's supposed to snow so I plan on putting her in one of the bags I sometimes put her in when we take her to the vet, lined with a towel and putting her in her winter coat so she can stay warm. We have to be out of the apartment for at least 4 hours, but what should I do with my dog for so long? She's old and doesn't like super long walks (usually will only stay outside for a short 10 min walk before wanting to go back inside). I might just sit with her inside the car in the garage…

No. 726224>>726280

Can't you go to a friend or family member and take her with you there?

No. 726242

It's normal. Enjoy it while you can, once you start getting old it becomes impossible

No. 726274

Are there any websites with decent “brain games,” similar to the Elevate app? I really enjoyed the free trial, but all of the exercises lock once it ends. I’m looking for similar tests that revolve around improving your memory, math skills, reading skills, writing skills, etc.

No. 726277

Is it normal that one of my eyes is much more sensitive than the other? Like, if I rub my left eye twice, it becomes red and slightly swollen but I could be doing the same to my right eye for minutes and nothing happens

No. 726280

Oops I probably should've written this in my original post but my apartment is being treated for bedbugs so I'm very nervous about going over to other people's homes for fear of spreading bedbugs to them (also covid).

No. 726341>>726359

is it possible to experience hypomania without being bipolar? im diagnosed with depression but im pretty sure i have experiencing hypomania for the past week or so

No. 726359

To my knowledge yes, i have cyclomatic bipolar and remember my hypomania being downplayed a lot of doctors and all that

No. 726393

What happened to asherah's garden? It's been down a few days…

No. 726464>>726469>>726477>>726497>>726686

tl;dr: Is it dumb to feel like there's some truth to the thought that I'm wasting my conventionally good looks on being a recluse instead of adopting some extroverted personality and having a ~fun~ time in my early 20s?

I feel like in general that I'm not making the most out of what I currently have as an attractive girl in her early 20s. I have a major personality defect where I'm afraid to open up and put myself out there out of fear of rejection. I also like being alone but that's pretty normal. But I think my fear of being perceived poorly is abnormal. Because of this fear of being perceived poorly I have no social media attached to my name anymore. I wasn't famous online at all but I still tried really hard to make my instagram be aesthetically pleasing when I had one. It was exhausting so I deleted it (also for privacy sake). Now I have a twitter for my online persona but even then I get really anxious about what I tweet and spend a lot of time making sure what I write is well said. The same fear affects me IRL as well–I can't party or go out to clubs, I can't sleep around, and I hate 95% of men so I don't want to date. I really like being alone but it feels like I'm going to look back when I'm older and uglier and be regretful that I didn't reap the benefits of being attractive and at least try throwing myself at a really hot guy just for once. And that I didn't just put myself out there without being scared of what might happen or how I might be perceived.
It's probably strange or odd that I look back and reflect on my last and only relationship that ended over a year ago. I feel like normal people would have started a new relationship since then (my ex has). I just feel like this pressure on me to date, be outgoing, and yet I never can fit into it (I'm sure farmers can relate to that at least). With the exception of my last relationship (the one I reflect on now) every other relationship I've felt like I had to date to be normal or to fit in. For instance my first kiss and other short relationships (that lasted for like 3 days max) were out of desire to fit in and not because I actually wanted to.
I know I rambled a lot, but maybe someone can relate to this? Is there anyone who might have some thoughts on this? It just feels like I'm wasting a life that otherwise would have been full of memories and experiences with other people (partying, traveling, hooking up) and I feel kind of guilty for not wanting to do that and not being able to.

No. 726468

File (hide): 1612051689802.jpg (126.98 KB, 914x1300, wanna clown around.jpg)


>kinda wanna do sum wild shit

what should my hypothetical youtube videos be about? should i just film random shit.. and send them to strangers? and then talk about their reactions in a follow up video..? send your ideas my way pls.. anon is bored.

No. 726469>>726507

There is so many more things in life besides partying, travelling and hooking up. If you don't want those things as you say, then don't do them and don't buy into the pressure; every person is different and there is no reason to impose what is "normal" on other people. But if you want to do it, then do it.

No. 726477>>726507

I feel like my subconscious wrote this, I worry about this often too when I get caught up in my thoughts. Just don’t do anything you don’t actually want to sis, most of the time these “experiences” aren’t as great as people try to make them sound. You’re probably saving yourself a lot of unpleasant encounters with scum this way too.

No. 726488>>726516

I know I should stop but I occasionally still check my ex’s social. She rarely posts, which is better for me anyway, but today she posted a selfie and all I can do is stare in awe of how beautiful she is. I’m not really as hung up as I was about the break up like I used to be, nor do I reach out to her anymore (we only follow each other on one platform but almost never interact), but fuck. I miss holding her hand. I miss talking to her. I miss the feeling of my heart being so full because someone wants to pour the same love and energy into me as I do into them.

I’m not really interested in dating anyone at the moment, and I figure I would end up going for someone who looks/is eerily similar to her (she checked everything off my list, both aesthetically and personality wise). I’m pretty content with a solid group of friends who I can count on and fill my heart in other ways, but it’d be nice to crawl into bed to lay in someones arms, or cook for someone, or just come home to someone. Maybe I should buy one of those boyfriend pillows with the arm to at least solve one of those problems kek

No. 726497>>726507

>Because of this fear of being perceived poorly I have no social media attached to my name anymore.
I relate to this, even though I do have facebook but it is only to not get weird questions on why I don't have sm. And because I hate fb the last time I was on there was like 5+ months ago..my pfp is literally years old. I generally hate any social media that has my real name attached because I hate the thought of someone looking through my profile and you have to censor yourself a lot. Sorry for the rant

No. 726507>>726520>>726534>>726686

Thanks girlies, I appreciate the responses.
My friend was telling his friends about me and they asked for a pic, then when he said I don't have social media they were like "Is she butt ass ugly?!" Tbh the reason I don't have it is because I'm scared of getting doxed and also because I'm scared of deepfakes. I have a nice body but I can't even show it off because I'm too scared of what scrotes might do.
This kind of makes me sad for the girls who DO have social media and are all over 4chan threads in anything from bikini pics to sorority photos because degenerate moids are saving their pictures for cum tributes. I wish I could just live my life without thinking of stuff like this but I suppose there are some benefits…somewhere, somehow.

No. 726516

I'm a fucking idiot I meant to put this in the dumbass shit thread lmao

No. 726520>>726548

This reminded me of the first (and last) time I went to one of 4ch’s red boards and was genuinely shocked at the amount of random girls’ IG photos that were uploaded there. God I would do anything for a scrote genocide.
I only recently discovered what those were, it was only a funny little dance one but it scared tf out of me with how realistic it looked. Having a minuscule online presence is honestly one of the best things you can do nowadays, you can still enjoy the internet without having your face and dumb tiktoks plastered all over it.

No. 726534>>726548

>This kind of makes me sad for the girls who DO have social media and are all over 4chan threads in anything from bikini pics to sorority photos
Fr, I'm the same. This type of shit is not only on 4ch, reddit and even tumblr is rife with these pictures and men unashamedly posting stealth pictures of girls at home party or literally a facebook pic of your average girls enjoying a beach day or some blonde girl posted on one of the incel subs with caption 'this is what ((they)) took away from you reee'. It is so fucking gross, if I had a gf with an online presence, I would go mad over all this shit. In fact, this type of behaviour is seen and encouraged on every social media that I've been on, now that I think of it. And at the end of the day, even if average girls would stop posting pics, men would still take stealths and pass around
I'm not worried over someone masturbating to my pics though lmao, I rarely take pics anyway and am not that attractive or willing to put pictures with skin showing out on the web.
Really good-looking should walk on a thin fucking line though, if they are really paranoid about this (especially no posting yourself/your face in motion, since this is where convincing deepfakes come from)

No. 726541>>726548

File (hide): 1612058720516.png (28.83 KB, 739x214, ggggg.PNG)

Doublepost, but if anything, you all can just google 'masturbate to Facebook pictures' and see many reddit threads with men that are not ashamed and think they are justified in doing so

No. 726548>>726566>>726569>>726654>>726661

Hard agree, and the worst part is that the majority of them look to be underaged. I've seen pictures on there that look like spring break photos that my friends and I used to take and the girls couldn't be older than 14. It's technically not child sexual abuse 'porn' but you KNOW what they're doing with that. Not only that, but they also write out disgusting responses to 'which girl would you fuck'.
I'm so glad that anons know exactly what I'm talking about. This is why I hate 4chan and could never use it. I get so shocked seeing [female] anons who alternate between LC and 4chan–just how. How the fuck do you use 4chan when it's so blatantly misogynistic? I already hate 95% of men and I just use discord, reddit, twitter, LC, and occasionally CC.
As for the pictures, I've had men take creep photos of me in public and also had boys from my school circulate/save the ONE photo I had of me in a bikini with my friends. It was the first and the last picture I ever took in a swimsuit. I developed boobs early and hated the male attention from it which led to an eating disorder, changed my entire wardrobe to massive sweatshirts and sports bras, and limited me to never taking pictures with my boobs out bc of what had happened with guys who did sexualize me.
Also I feel like I'm at a disadvantage here because I look like a few actresses who have done sex scenes, including one actress who has a scene literally getting her ass eaten. I'm not 100% sure but I've heard deepfakes work best when the original and your 'fake' girl look alike beforehand? Even if you don't have social media, they could potentially snap pictures of you in public or at work and go from there.
WHY must men be so fucking disgusting? Any other burgerfags wanna start an all-female left-leaning misandrist political party and end the scrote population once and for all?
There's a forum site of cum tributes with pictures of women who are straight up just posing for any normal picture, even something like a photo with your grandparents or a picture of a grandparent. Here it is:
I've seen men who post sweet old grandmothers on there to be degraded by other men. So even if you don't post bikini pictures then it doesn't matter because scrotes will sexualize and use anything.

No. 726566>>726569>>726596

It really is relieving when other women get your ''paranoid'' thoughts, since generally we are taught to ignore and not 'overthink' all the disgusting shit men pull. If I said this to some random woman irl, she would just say to stop thinking about it and in the end I would be the weird one. Even other women would rather play pretend and just coolgirl it even if they know about shit like that themselves

No. 726569>>726572>>726596

jfc, I swear I will stop doubleposting,
but imo the worst thing about deepfakes is that once it gets out, try and convince anyone it is not actually you and you do not do porn. And now try to get a job or have normal relationships with your work colleagues with that shit attached to your name/face and moids at the workplace are convinced you actually did all that.

No. 726572

Why are most women pickmes? This is why I have such a hard time making friends

No. 726576>>726595

How do people get therapy ? Personally, I don’t need therapy, but from my limited knowledge on it, it’s fucking expensive. How does the average person afford therapy? Is every single other person I hear of going to therapy, just in debt or something? It seems unfathomably expensive to me, yet everyone throws it around like it’s the simplest thing to get.

No. 726585>>726586>>726594>>726600

Selfharmfag anons, do you like the way your scars look? I know everyone else thinks they’re cringe and weird but I like the way they look and it makes me feel like a weird edgy teenager.

No. 726586

most of mine are 2+ years old at this point so they're pale and not super noticeable, so i like mine. i would never go back to doing that though

No. 726589>>726596>>726601>>726628

Does anyone have any sympathy for attractive women who mention their plights, especially on this website? I honestly don’t care about it when pretty people complain about their petty problems, especially when they bring up that society apparently oppresses them because they are so gorgeous that people don’t want to be friends with them, while unattractive people are left for fucking scraps. Like please you aren’t hot shit shut up

No. 726594

All but one are thin and white even if they are raised but this one i never got stitched up even though i could see the different layers and shit is very wide yet white. It gets all crinkly if i forget to moisturise and all soft and nice to touch whenever i do moisturise it. The only one i could live without is the one on my goddamn hand, it's thin but quite raised and will look weird once i start aging, it wasn't really and actual selfharm scar but i don't think a noncutter would test new cutlery on their hand, i was a retarded ass teen.

No. 726595

Insurance. Therapy in NA is 100-200/hr but with insurance it can be 20-40/hr so it is still an expense but not detrimental for an average wagie. You won’t see people who are struggling to eat go to therapy.

No. 726596>>726627>>726686

I think the majority of girls who don't spend abnormal amounts of time on the internet would probably be totally unaware that it existed and how often it's used. I just saw a picture of girls in cocktail dresses deepfaked into standing full frontal nude photos. I tried searching for some of the women but reverse image search failed me so I can't reach out and let them know.
First of all stereotypical self-obsessed autist, pls reply to my post directly. Second, please look at that cum tribute site and you'll see how it affects all sorts of women and not just ~me~ bc I'm so special or whatever. There are probably hotter women on this website than I am but it's not like we're all in a competition anyways. Why the fuck are some women on here so mad about people being honest about their looks, especially since looks affect how you're treated as a woman? Would you rather I lie and not get any helpful advice for myself? Other people's lives do not revolve around you. And if I can't talk about this on an anonymous message board then where the fuck am I going to talk about it? Jfc.

No. 726600

I don’t hate the way they look but they are quite noticable, the scarring is quite bad, and I feel embarrassed about them around the professional crowd so I cover my arms at work at all times… Really wish they were in less open places. I hate looking like a massive unstable attention seeking retard for the rest of my life as consequence of having been one during my teens. I also hate feeling like everyone I meet will assume some shit about me.

No. 726601>>726617

Lmao wait you’re not hot? Ma’am lolcow is a gigastacy website.

No. 726617>>726623

Right? Imagine not being, at the very least, conventionally attractive. If you're ugly you deserve to be perma banned from here

No. 726623>>726626

File (hide): 1612064010977.jpg (12.59 KB, 236x255, 3a30c543f3fb3cfa2279fcc7a0e894…)

Drag my ugly ass out then, puta. I'll make you as ugly as me. Meet me somewhere right now.

No. 726626

File (hide): 1612064510595.jpeg (122.9 KB, 750x1089, D61FAA09-9176-4A8C-BCC6-64E543…)

Nta but square up, perra, let’s dance, hopefully your insurance will send you to a great plastic surgeon after I’m done with your ass. ily anon

No. 726627>>726635

NTA but stop trying to sound deep and troubled when you mention in every comment how hot you are and are clearly self-obsessed.
>I'm totes hot guys but I don't wanna party and hook up but I might regret it when I'm old and ugly abloobloo
>Moid asked my friend if I have social media and my friend said no and then moid said I must be ugly
Get over yourself, you're not honest, you're larping.

No. 726628

i feel for them when they talk about being sexually assaulted or harassed over the way they look or men viewing them as objects, but then again that can happen to all women regardless of attractiveness

No. 726635>>726641>>726652

Nta but this has to be a scrote or an extremely insecure femcel. There’s no way a sane anon gets this heated over another anon admitting she’s attractive and men she isn’t interested in have wanted her in the past.

No. 726641

it definitely reads like a channer scrote. i only ever see men getting that upset when a woman says she's attractive.

No. 726652>>726656

I get saying you're attractive, but doing so in every single comment you make and constantly talking about attractiveness is textbook narcissism.

Funny how when I called myself cute once in a comment two years ago I got dogpiled but now people are defending OP for waxing poetic about her looks on and on.

No. 726654>>726733

>I've seen pictures on there that look like spring break photos that my friends and I used to take and the girls couldn't be older than 14.
I’m glad I’m not the only one weirded the fuck out by this. There are a bunch of pics of clearly underage girls from Facebook that get nude shopped on 4chan, how’s that even legal? Legit disturbing.

No. 726656>>726673

Man you’re really still simmering over a comment from 2 years ago kek

No. 726661>>726664>>726667

anon, that website is the creepiest shit i've seen in a while. as a kid and going through a popstars phase i found it through freaks who left links to it on fansites/complaining about it and it is probably one of the worst websites i've ever been on. that sounds so overdramatic but people really don't give a fuck over there, they actively post about KIDS and deepfaking underage people most of the time and nobody does anything about it. if you even look up the name you'll see people complaining about the website and the laws against it. but noo it's okay guys we have a quote saying only 18+ allowed on the site so it's okay!!

i wish somebody could nuke that site once and for all. freaks me out that these men are able to go out and interact with women and kids in real life.

No. 726664>>726669

that's absolutely fucked

No. 726667>>726669>>726733>>727131

The deepfakes and cum tributes have been going on for years on image boards, it’s really fucking weird. The girls pictured are so clearly underage, it’s like a gray area to get around CP laws. No idea how it’s not illegal.

No. 726669

wanting to find ariana grande photos when you're a kid and finding this site when she was like 16.. fucking disgusting. a teenager. a child.

there were a billion threads for that cash me outside girl when she was fucking TWELEVE years old, so it wouldn't change even if she turned eighteen. same for other very young girls, it scares me. i hate this cycle.

deepfakes are getting so popular, law makers NEED to make more laws against this sooner than later. it's going to become extremely easy to do this (already is with some apps) and i won't be surprised if it ruins some people's lives, especially young girls.

No. 726673

I am, what of it? Why should others get to brag but when I do it it's bad?

No. 726675>>726679

Does Amberlynn still have cancer? I've been wondering how she's doing. I know she has a kiwifarms thread, but I feel like the users there like to talk out their ass rather than discuss the "cow" tbh.

No. 726679

no. she is fine. they took her uterus out. becky's mom died of cancer tho. amber just eats and shops like usual

No. 726685

>>725115 Basically, the guy in question nosebleeds at the babies because he thinks they're cute. It really ain't pedo shit, and the anime is vvv adorable. Heals the soul.

No. 726686>>726700

Damn, all this hit me hard, including the deepfake stuff. You're not alone with these feelings, anon(s). I don't talk about them openly because I feel like I'd get called a narc and called a paranoid retard over it, but it's nice that others have noticed.

No. 726700

Im scared of getting deepfaked only bcause I used some apps a while back where you put your face in. Otherwise I should be safe.. but they could hack into your photos. I don't usually feel this way but moids must die tbh. Someone deepfake THEM (just the ones who do this shit)

No. 726733>>726755

it is actually illegal and there have been a few cases where people have been arrested on cp charges for deepfaking minors, law enforcement just sadly doesn't prioritize it often. if you're able to reverse search the non-deepfaked images and find proof of the girls not being of age, you should report it and let the girls themselves know if possible

No. 726755

Even if you were able to reverse image search several pictures and find proof, it feels like it would just be a drop in the bucket. Certain boards (and other websites) are so filled with this shit there would just be more the next day. Pretty depressing.

No. 726759>>726762>>726765>>726771>>726793

Bi anons who used to be bi-curious, how did you finally realize you're 100%, no doubt bi? I keep waiting for the day it'll finally click, but it won't come.

No. 726762>>726764>>726765

sorta depressing but for me, i found out by being unrequitedly in love with a woman.
it stung as badly, maybe even worse than it did when i felt that way for a guy and that's when i realized it was real, not curiosity or a phase.

No. 726764

Oof I feel you anon.

No. 726765

Fuckin sameee. I had sex and casually dated a few women before that but I kind of just attributed it to being hypersexual. Then I fell obsessively in love with a straight girl who lead me on. I’m still bitter to this day and stalk her sms occasionally.

No. 726771>>726792>>726793

I relate queen. I keep telling myself I'm straight because I don't want to be a fake attention-seeking bi the kind everybody hates. Then the feelings come back to get me. I wanna be with a woman but it'll have to be another bisexual virgin to be safe

No. 726774>>726781>>726793

samefag with my own question, do any other bisexuals sometimes doubt bisexuality can exist?? Asking as a bi person not to start shit. Like with straights and gays/lesbians it seems so straightforward they usually know even from childhood but being bi is so confusing for me. I keep thinking I memed myself into liking girls from being on tumblr as a kid but I genuinely am attracted. I am scared to embrace it and keep thinking it's somehow not real sorry got kind of venty.

No. 726781

My advice is don’t get concerned with labels, just be yourself anon. You don’t have to be “out” to anyone. Don’t feel like you have to explain or justify yourself. There will always be people who don’t believe x orientation is real, it’s not your job to prove anything to anyone.

No. 726785>>726794

why does nail polish make my fingers look fat even though i have long nail beds wtf

No. 726788

File (hide): 1612081790557.jpeg (17.79 KB, 599x453, images (74).jpeg)

Had to suddenly stop taking antidepressants and now the withdrawals are kicking in ive been dizzy for two days but on the brightside ive been able to jack off more how long will this withdrawal last

No. 726792>>726795

Ayrt, this is partly how I feel too. Part of me feels like I could be "faking", I guess cause I'm scared of my sexuality being questioned (even though I'm questioning it myself,) and part of me is like "i feel attracted to women though so who cares if other people think I'm faking" but I also doubt my attraction just cause I have yet to have the same amount of romantic attraction for a woman as I have for a man. Maybe it just hasn't happened yet. I don't know

I said it in the vent thread, but I wish we could find out what our sexuality is through dna testing or something so I figure out wtf I am

No. 726793

You're bi, it's fine, it's just you having some kind of impostor syndrome
Girl just get yourself a gf. It'll be fine I swear.
In my case, I used to believe that I was a lesbian and was only attracted to women because let's be honest, scrotes are disgusting, smelly, and they fucking suck with their stupid shit. But then I fell hard for a man. And then it made sense that all this time I've liked men too. Idk, don't wanna elaborate, but yeah. I couldn't believe it for months, and I still consider myself a bisexual that is more into girls, but bisexual notheless. I've only dated girls tho

No. 726794

Maybe it's the color? Kinda like how black can make you look slimmer. Or maybe the colors make your fingers stand out more, so you feel like they look bigger. Idk if that makes sense lol

No. 726795>>726907

if that dna test was real then it would be bonkers, imagine doing it on a straight guy and them turning to be gay

also sorry if I sound like a retard, it's late and hanging out in the sam thread is killing my braincells

No. 726800


Drink more water, and drink more water before meals

No. 726882>>726884>>726910

Is there a term for something that's somewhat popular, but not super normie? like, bikini kill, arctic monkeys, the pillows etc?

No. 726884

Maybe uhhh cult favorite but that's not really it, is it

No. 726907

kek, maury povich opening an envelope and bellowing “the tests results revealed… YOU ARE GAY” while a meth-faced woman in a tweety bird shirt screeches and jumps around the stage

No. 726910

well known within the scene

No. 726919

Asking someone to chat with you soon and giving your availability and them saying sure but not giving theirs or when within that availability means they're going to ghost, doesn't it?

No. 726929>>726933>>726938>>726940>>726950

What is 'chubby' in your opinions? I always considered chubby to be someone who's on the higher end of a healthy weight (think bmi 23-25ish) with no muscle definition but then I see people who're clearly very overweight being called chubby.

No. 726933

When I think of chubby. I think of someone that is round? Like slightly overweight?

No. 726938

File (hide): 1612107003662.jpg (27.65 KB, 800x685, playful-chubby-girl-mouse-ears…)

something like this

No. 726940>>726942

File (hide): 1612107222746.png (158.7 KB, 580x393, pf-0.png)

I think because average in the anglophone world is generally a little overweight, I think chubby is considered around BMI 30. But I think chubby also requires you to be well-proportioned, soft but not flabby, with young smooth skin. Otherwise you're read as fat. Picrel but replace "plump" with "chubby".

No. 726942>>726951

this confuses me because it implies fat distribution is what makes somebody chubby not weight, you know like how people even in a normal weight have no waist or visible collarbones and anybody can have a moonface regardless of weight

No. 726946

What's an attractive profession for a man to have? Maybe this is autistic but I believe there are jobs that are hotter than others idk

No. 726948

Can't think of a more relevant thread to really ask this in (think I'd only be shitting up the general tuber thread) so,

After taking a break from the true crime part of youtube over the last few months I came back to it today and Stephanie harlowe was vaguely addressing some drama where a victims mother reached out to another TC tuber to ask them to take down a vid. Apparently they wouldn't and they got defensive? Does anyone follow this shit and know who it was?

No. 726950

Personally I think of someone who is almost or slightly overweight. Visibly so, but within the range where they could diet their way to slim within a few months. I searched for a dictionary definition out of curiosity and Cambridge describes it as “(especially of children) fat in a pleasant and attractive way”. I think people use it to refer to those who are very overweight in a flattering way as it implies they are attractive and cute. Like the way ‘curvy’ is used to imply ‘sexy’ in cases where the person is not curvaceous, they are just overweight.

No. 726951

Yeah I think that holds true though, if you've got a moonface or carry your weight around your middle and breasts rather than hips and bum then you're more likely to look fat rather than chubby.
I know a few girls (all short for some reason) who had healthy BMIs but looked fatter than other girls who had BMIs of 28. Weight distribution does come into it, I think.

No. 726968>>726972>>726979>>726984>>726993>>727008>>727009>>727020>>727054

Do any of y’all have a problem w brushing your teeth w someone at the same time? In the same bathroom using the same sink? My girlfriend of 6 months just revealed she thinks it’s gross and doesn’t want to ruin the romance

No. 726972

It would feel weird to me, cause when I'm brushing my teeth is when I make a bunch of weird faces. Also, I dislike the idea of someone seeing me with toothpaste all over my chin and potentially gagging on a tongue scraper, and vice versa. I don't think it's that big of a deal though.

No. 726979

I agree with your girlfriend - it's so gross. I can't look at someone else brushing their teeth. There are few things that repulse me more. Even worse is when someone is trying to talk to you while they are brushing their teeth.
From a best friend to a one night stand, if they try speaking to me while they're brushing I'll tell them to finish brushing and then we'll continue speaking. I can't shudders

No. 726984

I've always been a seperate brusher. I hate seeing or hearing anyone spitting.

I also have an issue of quickly feeling the attraction die out in my relationships so lil things like not peeing with the door open or basically keeping alot of bodily functions and grooming habits strictly behind a bathroom door helps to maintain that for longer.

No. 726993

wtf? honestly i think it’s fine

No. 727001>>727023

Can someone explain to me the reasons for “expansion/ inflation ” fetishes? Like, how does it happen, and why is it a more common fetish that I see? I can’t imagine how someone could find that appealing

No. 727008

I don’t have strong feelings either way but I wouldn’t see an issue if my partner felt like this. If you’re otherwise happy then it seems like a minor thing, everyone has their quirks.

No. 727009

I always feel like it's a competition or something. I can never be the one that stops brushing first, what if the other person will think I am a gross bitch for not brushing long enough??

No. 727020>>727030

Brushing your teeth together is gross? What?

No. 727023

The bigger it is for pea brained scrotes the better it is for them to wank off and be even more gross
I don't understand stand it either,same with hyper shit (ex hyper breasts or penis) hyper muscles not only look repulsive but monstrous too yet they still find it sexy.theyre so degenerate that they don't find normal,heathy looking muscles hot so they become extreme.

No. 727030

ayrt, idgi either. It’s just toothpaste and spitting then rinsing

No. 727054>>727089

>doesn’t want to ruin the romance
sooo can't your stomach growl? Can't you fart in her company? Can't have a nasty pimple? Do you have to stress over taking a shit at her's?
sounds like she's childish tbh. At some point you gotta get comfortable with your partner being a human being or you'll go insane stressing over stupid normal shit

No. 727089>>727106

I don’t think that’s really comparable. Natural body noises are fine, but I definitely prefer to have privacy when doing most things related to personal hygiene. You don’t need to share every moment when you live with someone. I wouldn’t want to brush my teeth with someone either tbh.

No. 727106

>You don’t need to share every moment when you live with someone
Of course not but if you're getting ready to go to bed around the same time you'd naturally probably end up brushing your teeth around the same time.

No. 727110>>727116>>727128

Does anyone else just want power, control, influence, and dominance? Its all i really want and the only thing that makes me feel fantastic.

No. 727116

No. 727128

I just want solitude and something interesting to read/watch

No. 727131>>727144

I'm the original narcissist anon and yes, women are literally losing their jobs and their lives (the normalcy of their lives) because of deepfakes. These women have never appeared in porn but literally had their lives ruined like they did because of some freak scrote and software. Idk how many of you have had a weird scrote get attached to you before but I have and it was literally at my WORK (part time job back then). Thank god this was a long time ago when deepfakes weren't big yet but there's plenty of men who are doing this to random women and if this were to happen again, the guy undoubtedly would have made some deepfake like this.
Here's some articles about normal women who have been targeted by deepfake porn and how it's affected their lives and mental health.

No. 727144>>727197

I realize this is meant to humiliate the women involved, but goddamn it makes these guys look pathetic. Imagine spending hours making a deepfake/nude shop of some random woman you probably don’t even know so you can jerk off to it. That’s sad as fuck.

No. 727148>>727165

Why do I cry like a baby when I watch movies like Bambi and Lion King but when someone very close and dear to me died I was unable to shed a single tear? Of course I feel sad about the actual irl death but I just don't have the same reaction like when I watch Mufasa or Bambis mom die on tv

No. 727152>>727154>>727163

File (hide): 1612122206507.jpg (53.54 KB, 1080x1065, FB_IMG_1600150506365.jpg)

Anyone else find it annoying af when anons use that obnoxious typing style where they hit enter after every sentence, or hit enter and start a new line of text in place of a comma? Periods and commas motherfucker, use them

No. 727154

Oh yes

No. 727162>>727180

how do i deal with getting flamed in online games? like damn i know i sucked and on the one hand the people flaming are just pathetic, but on the other hand im a sensitive bitch.

No. 727163

No. 727165

Idk if this is gonna make sense, but I feel like when something bad happens to another person it's a lot easier to sympathize and feel for them, but when something bad happens to you personally it may feel like it's not "real" (because it's hard to believe and accept), so it's harder to feel that full range of sadness

No. 727171

Is it normal to pee like crazy during your period? I'm on my second day, never happened before that I can recall. Have no pain or discomfort for it to be anything else.

No. 727180>>727217

If possible, mute the shit talkers. If there's nothing but people who flame you, mute the entire chat(voice or text).
Take breaks, playing games should be fun and if you're not having fun it's better to do something else, even if it's just taking a short break to drink water or something.
Some people also say playing with friends helps.

Flaming used to get to me too but then I noticed more often than not those people were worse than me and just wanted to blame someone else for their mistakes. People who spend their free time screaming at others over a video game are usually toxic losers with nothing better to do.

No. 727184>>727203

Is it bad to apply for a job and mention in the cover letter that you are a fan of the company's works? Like, does it come off too tryhard? I guess enthusiasm for the company is good, but is saying your a fan too much? How would you anons words it?

No. 727197

I wish there was some malware that would flag and document who these men are when they try to make/request deepfakes, similar to how banks give robbers money that explodes ink all over them and the money.

No. 727203>>727219

I work for a company that has a lot of people that are fans of it applying, I know things can get a bit cringe sometimes and being too much of a fan can lessen your chances, but it's still better than coming off as a person that doesn't give a damn about what company does. My advice would be - definitely mention that you like the company works but without going on too long about it. Make sure first and foremost that you're aware what position you're applying to and that you're enthusiastic for this specific job you're applying to, not just the company itself.

No. 727217

thanks anon, needed the reminder that games are fun. it can be easy to forget when dicks tell me I "wasted their time" when we lost as if that's the only thing that matters.

No. 727219>>727231

Thank you anon!

No. 727225>>727229>>727818

When do you think the pandemic craze(?) will die down?

>realistic estimation. ik ur not pyschic.

No. 727229

I think we have a year or two of this left. It's just not realistic to expect this to end so soon with how people are acting.

No. 727231

Good luck!

No. 727256>>727270>>727297>>727324

How can flights be late? It's not like they could have a traffic jam up there…

No. 727259>>727261>>727288>>727320>>727485

File (hide): 1612129141653.png (34.22 KB, 668x462, unknown.png)

should I dump my bf? (his results)

No. 727261


No. 727270>>727278

Planes can be in a kind of traffic jam as when they reach the destination airport, there might be a queue of planes arriving/departing on the same runway. Keep in mind that some of the busiest runways in the world will be in use every 2 minutes. Weather conditions and wind can make a flight longer or shorter than expected (both during the whole flight and causing delays with landing). If you’re talking about a flight you’re waiting for being late, another factor is the plane being cleaned and refuelled between flights on top of probably being late due to weather/wind and having to queue to land.

No. 727278

Ohh yeah, now it seems obvious. Thanks!

No. 727288>>727320>>727426>>727485

File (hide): 1612131196757.png (41.48 KB, 781x572, Screenshot (86).png)

I tried to do the test from the perspective of a vaguely pr0-feminist normie man who is a leftist, and to an extent believes in femenism, but hasn't really thought about it in detail or read any feminist thoery, sorta like Kurtis O'connor or something

No. 727297

Sometimes at an all way stop sign the pilots dunno who stopped first…or one keeps trying to waive his right of way to "be polite" and the other refuses to go. That can hold a flight up for hours.

No. 727320

Based anon right here, this is great. I'm gonna assume the libfem questions where in regards to gender identity, BDSM, and sex work, so yeah you should probably dump him if you care about those things anon >>727259. If he just doesn't know because he's never been confronted with feminism then maybe try to teach him about it and see his response. That's only if you want to continue the relationship, but tbh most men are not worth the effort imo. Idk I feel like we can't expect anything from men considering that they're raised to hate us.

No. 727324

I've had flights that had to re-route the flight path due to weather conditions, so the flight was actually a bit longer.
I've also had a flight where the weather was legitimately scary as fuck so we had to stop at another airport for safety, wait like an hour to take off again, and then when we finally reached the intended airport, we had to circle around a bit and wait to land since there actually was traffic up there to land. The traffic came from all of the planes that were set to land at different times but got trapped up in the air bc landing conditions weren't safe, and then there being like barely anywhere to land (at Oakland airport, fuck that shit hole) for all of these planes that were diverted and held up for over an hour.
This being said, it depends on the airport because some airports are massive while others aren't. But it seems to be weather that's the main cause imo.

No. 727336>>727345>>727347

Can people see when you've liked a tweet from their likes page?

I'm gonna be embarrassed if this person can see how far I lurked in their likes lol

No. 727339>>727342>>727481

Is GW/HW/CW an ana-chan term, or is that just a word anyone who's trying to lose weight uses?

No. 727342>>727360>>727412

It's only ever used by anachans or persons that are extremely bad at at losing weight. Those are the only 2 types that need to track those shorthands.

No. 727345

no, don't worry, liked retweet though, they would see. safe diving, anon!

No. 727346>>727478

File (hide): 1612135944060.jpeg (126.59 KB, 640x870, BB535AF5-6E52-4DEF-BC91-16FB0A…)

Is it dumb that I get annoying when I see a female masturbation scene, particularly if it’s supposed to be the character’s first time masturbating, and they decide to do it with their fingers and have absolutely no issue getting off and even orgasming? Or am I just bitter it doesn’t match my personal experiences

No. 727347

If they aren't tagged, they will never know, unless you like something they retweeted, on their twitter page

No. 727352>>727360>>727364>>727392>>727399>>727401>>727412

Is there another reason why so many anons are mentioning eds, diet, and body issues so much besides it being a new year? It feels like theres a sudden influx of anachans.

No. 727360>>727361

I see, ty anon!
If this is about my question above, I don't have an ed lol. I saw someone say GW in the vent thread recently and was like "wait….isn't that anorexia slang?"

No. 727361

No, I asked it because I also saw multiple people are venting about eating disorders on the vent thread.

No. 727364

nobody tells them off so they've gotten comfortable, waiting for the inevitable thinspo thread

No. 727392

Fat people being happy with themselves are always dragged here but apparently dieting is bad too now? Can we not be triggered by everything as a community?

No. 727399>>727449

So many posts about 'losing weight but not in the areas I wanted' and then 'my mom calls me fat but she's fat too so fuck her fat ass!' Some of the most repetitive posts I see on here. Not just lately.

And now that you can't argue with anything in the vent thread..that's where you'll find it vented to fucking death.

No. 727401

Been here for years; it comes and goes in waves.
Just wait for anons to reach equilibrium again when we all get sick of hearing about weight again.

No. 727412>>727422

I see these terms on regular diet/fitness sites all the time. Having a goal weight shouldn’t make you an anachan, that’s kinda nuts.

No. 727422

Yes, people on diet sites tend to fall into the category
>persons that are extremely bad at at losing weight

No. 727426

kek at kurtis conner, that is so true of him.

No. 727449

As annoying as they are, I don't get how those posts are related to EDs. There's always been anons with body issues regardless of weight.

No. 727473>>727477

Could you drink the water that comes out of a water pokemon?? Like, a totodile’s water comes out of it’s mouth. Is that potable water? Or just massive amounts of spit? Or a blastoise where the water doesn’t come out of it’s mouth, is that water potable?

No. 727477

it's clear water but not potable no

No. 727478

No you're right, it pisses me off too, first time I masturbated I didn't even know I had a hole down there

No. 727479

How does one know if one was sexually abused as a kid?

No. 727481>>727506

what do these mean?

No. 727485

We actually did the test together again and he told me he didn't really understood many of the questions so he just left them in the middle. He's a bit of a dumb himbo that believes everyone should just be nice to each other so it's alright.

About BDSM, he doesn't like BDSM but he said he isn't against people doing it in private, and with women wanting to sell their body he was like "well they can do it if they want to but if they look like belle delphine I'mma judge", etc

No. 727506>>727511

Ayrt, GW = Goal Weight, CW = Current Weight, and I forgot what HW means but it's something to do with weight lol

No. 727511

Samfeag, nvm I think HW is highest weight

No. 727516>>727517>>727531

I hate how in a lot of female oriented discussions people will jump on you with language policing the stupidest shit. I made an offhand comment about how food service and working at Walmart are “bottom of the barrel” jobs and multiple girls took issue with that. I never said people who work there are bad people, just that the jobs are the least desirable and easiest to get in society. I actually worked food service before so I know how hard it can be. Apparently it is too offensive now to call any job undesirable to easier to get now. I wasn’t talking about anything remotely related to politics, I just want to gossip about influencers in peace.

Also kek to the idea that saying fast food is bad is somehow “classist” because that’s all some people can afford. No fast food is fucking expensive and most poor people can’t afford to eat it all of the time. I hate patronizing bullshit like that.

No. 727517

How is talking about fast food workers a discussion about females

Also why did you post this here

No. 727530

nta but no she explicitly made clear it's about the working conditions and money, not the class of the workers… Does anybody really find those jobs desirable? no but you have to work them, even op did. It wasn't offensive unless someone mistook her wording off the bat

No. 727531

Because if you start to point out that some jobs are just horrible, or that certain foods are poisonous, people will have to question the structure of their societies (and their own habits), and that'd be difficult.
I can't stress enough how certain groups have managed to make undeserved suffering seem progressive. They've really tricked people into thinking that working a shitty job and/or experiencing oppression is part of their humanity, and if someone points out any problems or simply says it's bad, it's a personal insult.

No. 727562>>727563>>727565>>727574>>727576

Is Nicki Minaj's moment over?

Most recent Nicki song uploaded in her yt channel (that isn't a collab): 8.2M views, February 2020

Cardi B feat Megan WAP (that's all there is in her youtube channel right now): 334M Views, August 2020

No. 727563>>727565

who cares some of my all time favorite songs have under 1,000 views it’s all just bullshit marketing

No. 727565

Yeah I think so. I think she's only still relevant cause she's still queen of rap, and so many people listened to her growing up. Her music has downgraded so much since she released The Pink Print. If she wasn't a big artist people would say she sounds like every other rap girl out right now. Also there are so many more female rap artists now, so people are more interested in what they have to bring to the table than Nicki, who has already established her place.
I think it's more about the relevancy, not whether or not the song is good

No. 727574

I hope so, she's a shitty person and I've always hated her overrated, overplayed singles so I won't miss her. Newer ladies like Cardi, Megan, Doja, Saweetie, etc have released significantly better music in way less time.

No. 727576>>727578

i wouldn't wish losing success on anybody but her marrying a rapist and constantly threatening his victim is not a good look.
also the american music industry hates women over 35, so she's still doing good compared to that. tik tok helped her.

No. 727578

>marrying a rapist and constantly threatening his victim
women like this are the ultimate, final form of pickmes

No. 727583>>727590>>727592

why do so many libs defends Islam? as an ex-Muslim woman I wanna rip my ears off If I have hear someone who has never had to deal with the horrors of the pedophile faith

No. 727590>>727591

libs are pedo men surprise

No. 727591

Yes but many women defend Islam, Muhammad is very clearly a rapist cause he "consummated" his marrage with Aisha when she was 11, also he had around 2 sex slaves, Mariyan the Egyptian Copt and Safiyya whose Husband Muhammad had executed and then took Safiyya

No. 727592>>727594>>727620

everyone's been told it's racist not to

No. 727593>>727596>>727597>>727627>>727637>>728002

Okay pick one ladies:


Or suggest some

No. 727594>>727620

this, if you call out islam you will be labeled a 1. racist 2. bad feminist

No. 727596

Doja or Rico. I think Megan's hot, but I like Doja and Rico's personalities more. If we're talking about music though, my answer is still the same. I like all of them, but Doja's and Rico's songs are the only ones who don't seem super cookie-cutter to me. I believe they both produce their own music

No. 727597>>727600

Lowkey Doja but Rico if I'm publicly stating my opinion. As for suggestions, I'll put Hook (she's an acquired taste) and bbymutha out there.

No. 727600

omg also Flo Milli. Idk how I forgot her.

No. 727620

okay but Islam is an incredibly racist religion, In it Arab culture, Arab language and the Arab race are touted as the Holiest things in the world, the primordial language of Heaven it's self is said to be Arabic
to be a good Muslim you have to LARP as an Arab, Islam destroys native culture

No. 727627

the fact that you didn't list junglepussy is a travesty

No. 727637>>727638

listen to actual music

No. 727638

You "It's not real music unless I like it!" people are weird.

No. 727651>>727656>>727659>>727702>>727730

Can I be sued for translating someone else's blog into another language and pretending it's my own?

No. 727654>>727659

I think im getting addicted to masturbation. I do it once or twice everyday. Is this normal for a 20 year old? How do i stop the urge?

No. 727656

File (hide): 1612172542926.gif (62.46 KB, 220x272, tenor (3).gif)

Anon, why would you want to do that? Can't you just run it by the OP, and if they say yes then include in your translations who originally wrote it? Even if you can't be sued for it, it still seems like a shitty thing to do regardless.

No. 727659

How long have you been doing it? You might just be going through a horny phase, anon. I get those every so often where I masturbate multiple times a day for a couple days in a row. The rest of the time I'm out after 1 orgasm. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with ovulation.
But why tho

No. 727702

File (hide): 1612179149077.jpeg (235.94 KB, 1242x1242, 0EB46DF7-953E-4DD6-9A19-C3878B…)

Actually, a translation is basically a new text, so technically you can’t be sued for publishing a translation as your own since there’s always some differences between the original text and the translation.
But you should say it’s a translation somewhere, because it’s scummy to use somebody else’s work/experiences/research as your own.

No. 727716>>727785

how busy should a college student be? 12 hours studying a day enough?

No. 727730

We don't have universal laws anon, depends on where you live.

No. 727777

Did anyone else see the huuuge post from Effina in the Sam Hyde thread or did I imagine that?

No. 727785

16 hours to be on the safe side.

No. 727794>>727807

Is creating a Wordpress site actually free or does it have hidden costs?

No. 727806>>727812

File (hide): 1612192407858.jpg (169.45 KB, 525x632, Stingray.jpg)

Okay, I have to ask because I've seen this twice now on here. What does it mean when [someone's bf] is [picture of a stingray]? I've seen picrel with the caption "How June and her new bf be like" in the shoe thread, ofc. Is this some insinuation that the pair isnt in equal leagues?

No. 727807

It's free but there are options that arent. Like a lot of themes or having a domain of your choice. You're not forced to spend money but maybe you will have to if you want to look professional or something like that.

No. 727812>>727816

I think it's more about her being catfished

No. 727816

Holy shit im a dumbass. Thanks anon.

No. 727818

Considering people have been Stockholm syndromed to death and politicians and large corporations are thriving I think they'll try to extend it until the suicides won't make it sustainable anymore.

No. 727845

Idk where else to ask this and i know there are farmers in here who know about this so… what are some good resources to get into investing? I know gme was once in a lifetime meme thing but im really curious into low risk investing like i dont want to get millonaire overnight just to have a little more and maybe grow from there

No. 727853>>727863>>727865>>727876>>728235

Anons, am i getting into the "too jealous" category?

I cried this morning because I was checking my boyfriends ex girlfriends twitter. She tweeted about having a 3.5 gpa in art major (think she's getting a double major). I have a 2.7 gpa in engineering so i'm painfully average.

I understand being jealous about old stuff (sexual or physical) but did any of you experience jealousy over successful academic life?

No. 727863

I definitely tend to experience stuff like this.
I feel like my academic career or intelligence is something that I pride myself on and probably you too. It's maybe also something you value in a partner. You want to succeed and be better than those ex partners, especially if it's in something you pride yourself in.
If that makes sense.

But it's also like comparing apples to pears a lot of the times.
You're both majoring in very different things that require a complete different skill set!

Also if you don't want to feel so alone, I once felt ike kinda jealous of one my partners exes who had an amazing report card. Only thing is, at this point I was taking my bar exam and she was doing her GED after having dropped out before in 9th grade.
We can all be irrational sometimes Anon.

You're getting a Engineering degree! BITCH THAT IS IMPRESSIVE!
And if the feeling doesn't go away? Spite is an amazing motivation;D

You're doing amazing sweetie.

No. 727865

What are you talking about engineering is way harder than art

No. 727876

No offense to you but full offense to men: most don't care about your intellect or grades.
Even if he did, most men see STEM>>>>>>arts

No. 727985

How long do search results update? I want my real name search result to display my social medias so employers can see that I actually did stuff pre-pandemic kek

No. 728002

i'm really liking bree runway. her remix with rina sawayama's xs is fun but her own music is good too, i just found her through that.

No. 728032>>728058>>728069>>728074>>728135

Has anyone been able to get a high value boyfriend after following the advice on lolcow? If so how do you do it?

No. 728058>>728063

No I stopped wanting a bf

No. 728063

same kek

No. 728069>>728078>>728124

high value boyfriend wtf i hate this terminology it’s like you’re buying collectibles or something

No. 728074>>728077

What advice, I don't see any beyond Break up with your shitty bf

No. 728077

It's solid advice, anon.

No. 728078>>728081

File (hide): 1612209290950.gif (2.7 MB, 275x176, 1605549842963.gif)

I hate it too, these phrases make people sound illiterate and immature. We interact with the written word everyday, expand your fucking vocabulary and be more precise

No. 728079

So between dry shampoo and hairspray which one would you guys recommend? For your hair to stay in shape and bangs that don't get greasy.

No. 728081

Some of us can be esl anons lmao, calm down.

No. 728124>>728135

File (hide): 1612212557378.jpg (169.33 KB, 1215x929, HighValueBoyfriend.JPG)

No. 728135>>728144

File (hide): 1612213131928.jpg (Spoiler Image,16.32 KB, 651x326, HighValueBF.jpg)

No. 728137>>728141>>728158

File (hide): 1612213173208.jpg (166.48 KB, 1488x557, tumblr_75d2ac761f180b84c65121d…)

can someone help me estimate the heights of these characters? all i know is that the man on the far left is 183 (6'0) while the woman on the far right is 157 (5'2). keep in mind that third man on the left is also slouching

No. 728138


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 728141>>728143

157 with heels or without heels?

No. 728143>>728146

uhhhh… now this is a good question. i assume without heels

No. 728144

>high value bf
I’m fucking dying anon how could you

No. 728146

Lemme just do some math real quick

No. 728149>>728156

Putting this here because the answer is obvious, but I want an outsider perspective…

Should I ask my boss if I can work from home more? I have 1.5 hour commute round-trip every day and I'm a touch narcoleptic… I go in and out of sleep while driving just about every day and honestly it's a miracle I haven't hit anyone yet. So should I ask my boss to WFH? and maybe go in on certain days? I don't want to be seen as lazy although the alternative is literal death haha. (Yes I'm american)

No. 728156>>728166

I can't drive because I have the odd partial seizure and I need to have two clear years before I can apply to drive again…surely you can't be allowed drive with your condition?

No. 728158>>728160

File (hide): 1612214692557.png (977.87 KB, 1488x557, Untitld.png)

Ok I did some math but I got a different height for the far left man but the camera settings seem to be different for his picture so I don't know also I assumed the woman is 157 cm tall without heels if you want you can do the math yourself, measure their height in pixels and multiply by the height of one person whose height you know and divide by their height in pixels. Sorry I gotta do some homework now

No. 728160

thank you anon!! ♥

No. 728166>>728172

Funny thing, that. Sleep studies are expensive here and I haven't had one yet. Until I'm officially diagnosed, it's just negligence on my part I guess… Don't get me wrong, I try very hard to stay awake and be safe on the road. But it's been consistently unsafe for about 2 years now. I'm just so embarrassed about asking to work from home. Because until I get a diagnosis, I feel like I'm just saying "i'm too sleepy to drive to work"

No. 728171>>728173>>728183>>728195>>728197>>728202>>728205>>728244

What are some low-key disses I could say to a fat person when they comment that I "need to eat more" or similar shit? I'm tired of dealing with my fat, bitch ass in-laws always underhandedly saying shit like this to me. "My God you have no meat on your bones!" "You look like a gust of wind would blow you right over!" Etc. Etc. (For the record im not even close to ana-chan, just your average skinny fat) I need to remain somewhat cordial so something equally underhanded that they couldn't possibly make a deal about would be preferable. à la the anon that makes trannies seethe by complaining about her period in front of them lmao

No. 728172>>728185

I mean, won't it be more embarrassing if you pass out behind the wheel and kill someone, or yourself? I would definitely tell them about this asap, not just for your own safety but for everyone on the road with you. I don't know how good it will be for your standing at that job, but you don't really have a choice. It's not right for you to be on the road like that. Good luck narcanon, I hope you can afford a diagnosis soon.

No. 728173

I'm fat due to malfunctioning bits and bobs, I'd say go for their shit metabolism and or lack of exercise but in a sly way.

No. 728183

ask them to go for a walk/run with you and when they can't catch up just look extremely concerned in the face and scare them

or idk, talk about how you're afraid of dying at 45 from heart disease

No. 728185

thank you for the tough love, you're totally right. I think I'll bring it up tomorrow.

No. 728194>>728206>>728226>>728252>>728278>>728350>>728455

For anons who describe themselves as former/recovering pickmes, do you think any media you consumed when you were a kid might have led you to developing certain attitudes towards women and men that amounted to you becoming a pickme? Or was it really a multitude of factors? Like observing how your parents interacted, or culturally how women were taught to behave around men? Genuinely curious.

No. 728195

my go-to is "id rather be too small than too big"

No. 728197

You could turn the tables and push food on them all the time and insist they eat more. Say they look sick and have they eaten yet today? Oh you're fine, you've already eaten, but they look so famished!

No. 728202

Abort a bunch of their grankids

No. 728205

I usually say I couldnt afford a new wardrobe with larger sizes, then complain how some of your clothes don't look good on you oversized

No. 728206

unironically consuming a ton of shitty harem male-gazey anime and galge to get along with my nerdy male friend group made me into a huge high school pickme.

No. 728226>>728387

I used to be a pickme only because I was a huge tomboy in middle school, hating everything girly (because of my traditional country) and doing nothing but playing competitive games / mmorpgs, where a big % of people playing were men. It used to be all fun in the past, but over time ~ gaming community ~ turned into a big circlejerk of incels. I ended up absorbing all of the 'You are not like the other girls, other girls are sluts / suck / everything else!' shit men would say to me, along with 'gaming girl stereotypes' that I ended up being a pickme.

I am happy that I wasn't the 'right wing tradthot' type because my country hates women and pushes all this bs on kids, because otherwise I doubt I would end up sobering up.

No. 728235

Anon no offense but don't stalk your boyfriend's ex. Been there and it's just a bunch of heartache. He's with you now so don't worry about her. Also if she has a 3.5 GPA in an Art major then wtf is she doing, she should have a 3.8 at least for that joke of a major.

No. 728244

'I'd be so sad to have a metabolism as slow as yours'

No. 728252

Was a 4chan user from 14-19. I'm 26 and These days I basically only interact with women, I don't have male friends or even like men generally but the misogyny is somehow still engrained. I think it's probably the same for other lolcow users, if it weren't, why would be be on a forum that is basically just for women to attack and mock other women?

No. 728278

I was on 4chan from like 15-18. I liked indie films/music which I feel is often very male gazey as most of the content is created by them. I looked down on girls even my friends as I got my beliefs/interests from males. I would pick hanging out with guys over girls during break, because I thought they we had more in common, which dumb be a had girl friends that had the same interests but they were shy-er/ more lowkey.

But I also think it was to do with liking attention guys gave, but they made me feel "special" which was retarded. So I'd continue to display that pick-me behaviour bc it got me attention. And my edgy best friend used to encoruage it too tbh

Now I love girls 100 times more than guys though. I just feel a stronger bond and love for women now idk

No. 728304>>728320>>728395

Is there a term for a habit of someone pretending to be okay/agree with what you do/say and then later on during an unrelated argument unleashing a bunch of bombshells that they secretly felt wronged or disliked what you did for X instance, Y instance, Z instance? Like they collected and held onto memories resenting you to then hurl them at you during an argument?

No. 728320>>728332

Sounds like textbook narc behavior

No. 728332>>728338

…it literally does not at all?

No. 728338>>728346

Nta, but pretending to do be ok with something I did and then bringing it up in an argument later to judge me and ridicule me for it is something my narc mother did a lot, and something I've heard other kids of narcs go through. They switch up when it's convenient. I think it's something bpd people do to, but don't quote me on that.

No. 728341>>728424

is it abnormal to have no desire of moving up in the work place? I got offered a supervisor position and I rejected it because I just have no desire to be in charge of others. told my friends about this and they're now giving me shit for it and how I just should of accepted it.

No. 728346>>728355>>728395

It isn’t narc-exclusive through, and from the way anon worded it it doesn’t even have enough evidence to support narc behavior. Immediately calling everyone you have disagreements with a narc is cow behavior. Anon could just as easily be a rude and insufferable person irl, and that person finally couldn’t take being fake-polite anymore and unleashed it on her because they were sick of it. We shouldn’t coddle each other and assume every single anon is in the right or sharing a story from an unbiased point of view at face value.

No. 728350

Mom is a pickme. She's subtle but she's really competitive in a really toxic way around other women.
I'm autismo and I had boy friends and boyish interests from a young age. That was natural until early teens when I started cultivating my interests to be actively more cool and male, things like charles bukowski and 4chan, that would get me more admiring speeches from boys about how 'cool and different' I was.
Ironically, I think it was because I was so keen for female friendship that I fell for the NLOG meme, I was often weird enough to be off putting and I cared so much what girls thought that I couldn't stand being around them. I never felt socially vulnerable around men because their approval was so easy to manufacture.
Now I'm 26 and actively strategising how to remove men from every aspect of my life. Female friendships still feel scary but it's so worth it. Still too scared to really date them lmao

No. 728355>>728385

I never said it was narc exclusive and I didn't say that person is a narc either. I agree there's not enough info in the post to say they're a narc, but my point was, that is something narcs do. You can always answer the op's question if you feel like it's something else, anon.
>Anon could just as easily be a rude and insufferable person irl, and that person finally couldn’t take being fake-polite anymore and unleashed it on her because they were sick of it.
Kinda weird you're saying there's not enough evidence to support that person being a narc but you came up with this entire hypothetical situation.

No. 728385>>728395

This entire hypothetical situation came from constantly seeing asspatting on ot instead of actual, sound commentary and advice. Sorry you automatically calling it narc behavior reminded me of the way people call everything toxic without context.

No. 728387

Are you me, anon? I also had a lot of “boyish” interests as a teenager and didn’t really think twice about guys telling me how I wasn’t like other girls. Most of the girls I knew (small town) had pretty normie interests, it didn’t seem weird at the time. I really liked getting those “wow you’re so different” compliments, but after a while I realized they’re meaningless. I wanted to be seen as an individual but most of those guys only let me into their circle in hopes of getting laid and didn’t even see me as a friend. Feels bad man.

No. 728395

I'm the original anon, can I please just have a name or phrase for googling this and not be accused of being a dumb femoid who is looking for asspats and coddles according to the obvious moid?
Pfffffft, my god…the retardation.
Go back and read my original question because I was just trying to find a term or phrase for a behavior. Never said who or what it was about specifically. There's gaslighting, there's stonewalling, and there's also creating a mental list of instances/things you're merely annoyed by but refuse to bring up so you can later use this against a person when arguing to pile on top of them as a tactic. It's naming a BEHAVIOR. Not coddling.
I could be wrong but you sound like a scrote. This knee jerk skepticism is something that misogynistic scrotes frequently pull.(infighting)

No. 728417>>728443

Are lesbians and bi's also grossed out by "outtie" vaginas like men are?

No. 728424

Nah I've turned down supervisor positions too and I actually like being in charge lol, there are plenty of reasons to turn down a supervisor role.

No. 728430>>728434

Does anyone remember that tv show/movie an anon was talking about the other day when she mentioned that she felt bad for being attracted to an actor because he "looked underage" but was actually like 19 or something? The actor in the picture was playing a hillbilly type character with stringy hair. If you don't remember the actor/show/movie, does anyone remember the thread it was from at least?

No. 728434

Ofc I found it immediately after posting this omg

No. 728443

i doubt it, unless they are themselves pornsick

No. 728449>>728453

I'm sorry if what I say is incredibly stupid but I saw that post of a japanese artist drawing some character with a native american headdress etc whatever and I don't understand, they say it's disrespectful to draw someone with it because it's reserved for respected figures, but what if the person in the drawing is supposed to be a respected figure? Should we not draw people with the pope's crown or with a halo because it's reserved for sacred figures? People draw halos on everything even if the person in the drawing isn't supposed to be a sacred figure. And you must not draw or mention wendigos because it's an evil spirit, should we not draw any demons or skulls or anything bad?

No. 728453>>728478

>People draw halos on everything even if the person in the drawing isn't supposed to be a sacred figure. And you must not draw or mention wendigos because it's an evil spirit, should we not draw any demons or skulls or anything bad?
I think the difference is afaik, in some indigenous cultures things like headdresses still hold a lot of meaning to them and are specific to their culture, but things like halos/angels and demons 1. do not belong to any specific culture and have different interpretations and names around the world and 2. are not taken as seriously by most Christian these days (at least imo). Also (again, afaik), wendigos mean a lot more to indigenous people as a whole and they don't even draw the wendigo themselves. I don't completely agree that artists should not be allowed to draw wendigos and headdresses or whatever but I think it's important to do it respectfully.

Anyone who knows more about Native American and indigenous culture feel free to correct me.

No. 728455

it started with me being a tomboy and not getting along with the girly girls. then i got into emo music and looks and that got me into an online group that was full of NLOGs and horny emo boys. i thought this was cool and other girls must have been basic and boring too because they hated our interests. then i saw that guys only care about how hot you are and that despite this the hot girls were still mean to everyone, and there it went.

how i got out is my male friends went into full blown incel rage when i got a boyfriend, either that or ghosted me immediately, gossiped about me that i am a slut, things like that. which is way shittier than what any girl friends were doing.

No. 728459>>728460>>728466>>728497>>728505

my boyfriends psychotic ex girlfriend added my IRL friend and started ranting about me to her. friend is aware of the other crazy shit she’s done to me over the years.

friend ‘wants to hear both sides’ and won’t block her. starting to think she is just as insane as her. should i drop her

No. 728460

No. 728466

I don't think the "I won't draw a conclusion before hearing both sides" is a bad attitude to have in general but if the two of them aren't friends and have no business with each other then I think your friend should've always been loyal to you and taken your side. Especially when your friend knows the ex-gf is batshit crazy. Long sentence I hope that makes sense. I'd definitely re-evaluate if her friendship has enough value to keep her in your life.

No. 728478

Alright, I think I get it.
But I am willing to bet money the person who replied and said they are native is like 1/32 native

No. 728497

Your friend must not like you that much. It's one thing to be impartial but it's another thing to act like the person who's been acting unhinged about you suddenly has a meaningful narrative to tell.
I feel like a good friend would at least say something like "I'll get her going and report back with what she says so we can have a good laugh." Not "Oh I need to get her side of things." Wtf? She's supposed to be your friend. Lmao.

No. 728505

She sounds like a melt and you should she's obviously relishing in the drama.

No. 728511

What's your alarm sound? Mine is this

No. 728546>>728549

do ftm trans people only have anal?

No. 728549

I'm detrans and I never had anal back in my 'on T' days.

I just had the same ole sex. Testosterone sent my sex drive through the roof so I prob had more PIV back then than at any other point before or since.

No. 728634>>728638>>728641>>728642>>728647>>728648>>728654

this is so dumb but I need help with yogurt. all the fucking yogurt I’ve tried is so thin and sweet and I hate it, the only kind I like at all is triple-cream skyr (siggi’s vanilla). do anons know any other brands available in the US that have such a thick/creamy texture and aren’t packed with sugar? am I doomed to just making my own yogurt if I don’t wanna spend $3 on one for my breakfast?

No. 728638

Sorry but it's so wild to me that yogurt is super sweet in some countries, like ofc you can find that shit here but 90% is naturally sweetened. Have you ever considered buying a starter and making your own, it's not all too difficult!

No. 728641>>728751

Are you eating it for some sort of health benefit? I grew up in a house where nobody ate yogurt so it's one of those foods I don't really think about. It all feels like dessert to me. Would it be easier to just switch to another breakfast option?

No. 728642>>728730

Have you tried Greek yogurt? You can usually find unsweetened ones and they’re thicker consistency wise.

No. 728647>>728730

File (hide): 1612282811921.jpg (72.26 KB, 618x800, large-desi whole milk-5lb.jpg)

Amerifat but raised by immigrant parents and this is the kind that they use. Not sweetened at all and has a nice texture IMO. And you can get a huge container for pretty cheap.

No. 728648

For Canadians asking the same question I recommend having iogo as it's THICK and creamy and there's less sugar options.

No. 728650>>728652>>728655>>728659

help i’ve been constipated for like 3 days

No. 728652

Get smooth move laxative tea.

No. 728653>>728677

What do anons do to look good/groomed/put together? What are your routines and tips?

I do my best but I am still below average and always look messy and unkempt. I don't care about attracting men but I want to feel like a normal, well-cared for young woman.

No. 728654>>728730

File (hide): 1612283284255.jpeg (229.08 KB, 750x672, D8FF6FB0-8146-49C3-AA72-AB2E07…)

Seconding greek yogurt! I love Chobani’s greek yogurt.

No. 728655

Are there lots of constipated anons on here? Cos I see this posted alot

A strong coffee always works for me

No. 728659

i had to go to the ER for constipation in late december kek because i didnt shit in like 2 weeks. drink some miralax and get those little butt suppository things if it won't budge. Constipation is hell

No. 728665>>728668

Has anyone here been able to train themselves to stop drooling in their sleep?

No. 728668

Samefag, just to be clear it doesn't have to be some kind of "training", I just wanna know if anyone has had a problem with drooling they were able to fix

No. 728673>>728693

File (hide): 1612285462220.jpg (98.82 KB, 424x640, f0f0f74092d38338c17129a6458c27…)

Any rollerskating anons here? I want to start using them but as a way to transport from a place to another but I assume it'll be uncomfortable to carry around the rollers on my bag, any tips?

No. 728677>>728723

I shower every day or at least every other day, wash my hair &use a ton of conditioner every other day, I don’t always shave unless it’s summer or I have plans to see a guy, I exfoliate whenever I shave, moisturize my entire body with body shop hemp body butter after I shower, I pluck my eyebrows as needed, I don’t wear makeup everyday but when I do it’s just eyebrow gel and eyeliner, I brush my hair every time I go out and spray with leave-in conditioner. I castor oil treat my hair occasionally but it’s a bitch to wash out so it’s like once a month if I’m just sitting around the house.
My skincare routine is AM: cleanser, toner, oil of Olay w/ SPF, origins Original Skin moisturizer if I want my face to smell nice lol
PM: cleanser, toner, switch between retinol and AHA+BHA, some nights I take a break from both and use a body shop charcoal mask, and cerave moisturizer
I’m on a break from getting my nails done but I used to get gel manicures every 2 weeks and a pedicure once a month, now I’m just painting my nails at home whenever I have time. The last thing I do is to try to look put together at least half of the days in the week, i try not to wear jeans or tracksuits with no makeup more than 3 days during the week.

I feel like I sound like Patrick Bateman lmao

No. 728679

why are gulls on /cgl/ physically incapable of not taking the bait? you'd think that a board with little to no moderation would start moderating themselves

No. 728686>>728745

What would your ideal life be like? Very detailed replies are welcome

No. 728693

Roller skates are not so big, just put them in a backpack?

No. 728704>>728705>>728706>>728707

somebody please tell me what a nonnie is. my family is dying

No. 728705

Say your goodbyes, I guess.

No. 728706

A cutesy way to call anons ♥

No. 728707>>728739

It's just a cute version of anon/nonny. I think it came from early/mid 2000s tumblr

No. 728712>>728729>>728739

i know we can't ever know for sure, but we can get tin foil-y here i hope

what does anorectal violence anon want? whats their goal? how can we stop her? who is she? why is she tormenting us? is it bad i believed her when she said bags under eyes means someone is a sodomite? idk she was confident about it so i kinda thought it was true for a second uh

No. 728723

Thank you for taking the time to write a detailed response, nonnie. The Patrick Bateman thing crossed my mind, too! You sound very naturally pretty, I wish I could bareface it but I have some blemishes. We have similar routines otherwise, I wonder what I'm doing wrong?

Here are some follow up question for you and any other anons who want to chime in:
How do you wear your hair and in what styles? (i.e. blunt cut tousled lob, wear it half up/half down, etc.)
How do you dress to look cute but not like you're trying too hard?
How do you accessorise?

I'm most comfortable in all black, skin completely covered but in form-fitting or waisted clothes with gold jewellery and accents. I don't think it's the most contemporary or flattering look for me though, and I still feel scruffy even though it should look sleek. Idgi. Other women look so good and I need their secrets but could never ask any of this irl haha

No. 728729

i googled the phrase "anorectal violence" and i saw that she(he?) also posted on many other imageboards, not the best platform to spread this message on but she is right and she should say it

No. 728730

this is the shit I hate, like pudding next to a thicc container of skyr, but ty anyway anons

gonna keep my eyes peeled for this, bless u

No. 728736

I remember watching a video about 2 to 3 years ago that I barely remember and can't seem to find.It was some chick talking about makeup and incels,and it was mostly her looking at pictures of women with and without their makeup on

I think at one point in the video she sided with incels that women are using makeup to deceive men. Does anyone know who the youtuber was that made that video?

No. 728737>>728738>>728741>>728742>>728744>>728758>>728762

File (hide): 1612289568925.jpg (52.56 KB, 431x767, xzei44bnvk531.jpg)


No. 728738

File (hide): 1612289678703.jpg (130.91 KB, 1055x371, smugtoro2.jpg)

Daaaaamn. Bitches really be out here fucking dogs and cats and shit!

No. 728739>>728743

>early/mid 2000s tumblr
tumblr's been around for that long?
She's here to save us

No. 728741

No. It's a coomer writing some fanfiction.

Telling clues;
>his bitch


No. 728742

>If you read my post about canine semen working like a form of birth control for women
Are we sure OP isn't either trolling or just has a fetish for women fucking dogs? Either way, reading that post made me feel like I've landed on a watch list.

No. 728743

tumblr has been around since 2007, but i'm pretty sure nonny/ie actually came from livejournal

No. 728744>>728752

I've had plenty of smears and other exams (found I have precancer) but I've never been told to not have sex for the previous 2 days to an exam. Weird detail to add in when that just doesn't happen irl

No. 728745>>728748

I am completely independent and self-sufficient. I am healthy, I had a safe and loving childhood, in a middle class family, and I grew into a confident and intelligent woman. I have some close, genuine friends. I have a loyal loving partner and we have a fun dynamic together. I can see myself spending my life with them eventually but I want to establish myself and live my own life first.
I applied myself hard in school and went to a good university. I had some fun but had the common sense and self respect not to get pressured into anything I didn't want to do. I got a good degree in an employable subject and now I live a modest life with a rewarding job in a nice city.
I grew up with my parents having enough money and care to send me to classes to learn a foreign language, a sport, and an instrument, so by the time I am an adult I am well-rounded and quite talented.
Some nights after work I will go to a local cafe or bar to perform at open mic nights. My friends come to support me and I am well-known and liked at the place I perform. I am not the best performer by a long shot but I have a charisma that makes people warm up to me.
On weekends, I do some voluntary work, then go for a walk around the city. I usually visit the gallery or museum to see what's new and I have a cup of tea and a sweet as my Saturday treat. In the evening I watch a film in bed with my partner and I fall asleep with somebody I love and feel safe with, who strokes my hair and treats me tenderly.

No. 728748>>728763

Great, something new to be depressed about.

No. 728751

Dessert? Wild, it's breakfast food here, maybe a snack but a healthy one

No. 728752>>728760

I was told to not fuck a few days before and after, had have 4 paps

No. 728758

No. 728760

What country is that in?

No. 728761>>728767

degenerate/gross question:
its real close to my bfs birthday and along with a gift, i wanna sent some nudes or vids. his biggest kink (??? not even kinky) is creampies. i thought i could just send a video when i get white discharge since it looks like cum (it might sound disgusting but he asked me if the consistency/color was similar a few months ago. i was teaching him about what colors of discharge are normal etc.)
But i rarely get white discharge, so i was thinking if i can somehow find a way to "fake" the cum look using anything. do you guys have any ideas? i can't buy fake cum from sexshops because they're only on the internet in my country, and i currently live with my parents due to covid.

TL;DR: How do i make fake cum myself or make myself have white discharge on purpose?

No. 728762>>728766

You have to be retarded to think that sperm would survive in a measurable quantity for that long. Also, there's no way sperm from different men is distinguishable just by looking at it. Yet another case of dudes giving themselves too much credit. Fucking snowflake spunk, I have to laugh.

No. 728763

Sorry :( it's just a fantasy, nobody has a life like that in reality

No. 728766

Lab tech man knows you're a whore… just accept it anon. He also knows if you're bi/kinky and he can tell what color undies you were wearing on smear day. It makes his peepee go up

No. 728767


Samefag, I know farmers will probably laugh at this. im not a troll. ssorry dont wanna get banned

No. 728768


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No. 728775

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