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No. 703303
whaaaat? noooo, i'm not laughing at your retarded confession!
previous thread:
>>>/ot/690333 No. 705975
>>705910Idk what thread this was specifically about but the 1100 posts system msg literally says
>Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.not
>and post a link to it after this thread has reached 1200 postsSo I don't really get what people's problem is with a new thread being created between 1100 and 1200 posts. Or why it even matters?
No. 705994
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My boyfriend doesn't dress bad at all, but for some reason he always avoid the color black when he looks so good in it. He always go for gray, which is okay, but sometimes it looks like he came from The Clerks.
He always uses the clothes I gift him, but since I lost my last job I wasn't able to do that anymore.
If I get this job in 2021, I'll keep showering him with black (and more varied colors too, but mainly neutral) clothes - also buy pieces that he wouldn't buy in fear of change, because he doesn't understand about fashion too much so he sticks to shirt + skinny jeans just to be safe.
Hope it doesn't get too obvious kek
No. 706114
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I think cauliflower looks creepy.
No. 706119
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>>706094I do! Tbh it's been a long time cause, as I said, he barely has black clothes now. Usually when he does, we're at home and he's using one of my old band tees and I guess he just brushes it off in this scenario because he's not really dressed up.
Even when we are shopping together, I always tell him he would look great with all the black options. Now, I understand when he prefers to buy lighter shirts because it's very hot here, but for pants it doesn't make much sense (imo), it's more about the fabric and thickness of it. And he could also buy black tees and pullovers for the winter.
I think he fell into a cycle of always buying grey stuff. He also looks very good with red shirts, but I don't see him buying those anymore either.
Well we go shopping together again (not so soon, clearly) I'll try to convince him once more haha
No. 706122
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>>706114Romanesco cauliflower tho
No. 706251
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Look at this place of horror, this hell and the Evil that pervades it. All of the suffering, torment, and torture raping our innocent souls. Life, by Law, cannot be good in this universe. Every aspect is corrupt and wicked. Life is a punishment that we are forced to suffer without redemption. Consider this alone: even in the christian bible, God allows Satan DOMINION OVER THE EARTH. We are, without question, burning in hell.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 706272
>>706196I already did that with my work clothes since I don't have that many so I guess it was easy in lockdown mode to transfer that onto my regular clothes
Good thing I don't sweat too much these days, it was a lot harder to do this during the summer
No. 706637
>>706622I think a lot of the people online complaining about narcissists/BPDs are just losers that have a poor judge of character and they are butthurt they got mistreated and want to feel less stupid for it. If they are a
victim of an evil narcisst/BPD person's headgames it wasn't their fault
No. 706639
>>706622Most people do narc shit sometimes, part of what makes someone a narc is the frequency and severity of their behaviour. People recognise themselves in the examples without contextualising it. Having mild or even moderate similar behaviours does not make someone a narc, it just makes them a normal, flawed human being with possible issues that fall short of a NPD diagnosis.
Awareness is a part of it too but maybe the word isn’t very fitting? Narcs can be aware of their behaviours and even aware that they are seen as “wrong”, they just don’t care. Lack of empathy might be more appropriate phrasing.
Some of the people who obsess over this content may be BPD but most seem to be involved or have been involved with a narcissist or
abusive person with similar behaviours. Living through that can fuck anyone up so they latch onto the explanations and community. Some do seem to be obsessive though which kinda feels like missing the point.
No. 706645
>>706637I'm no SJW but that's some
victim blaming shit. Just because people are stupid doesn't mean you have the moral clearance to game them.
You sound like a narc who wants to lessen the culpability you feel about your actions.
No. 706648
>>706637This seems unnecessarily harsh and narrow-minded. Having a "poor judge of character" usually comes from somewhere. If you focus on why you have a poor judge of character, rather than solely hating on your ex, then you might actually learn and grow from the experience, and you won't end up with a similar person down the line. I don't necessarily judge people for complaining/venting about their
abusive ex-partners, but after a certain point, I agree that it's no longer helpful and is just holding the person back.
No. 706672
>>706668You realize not everyone is in the same situation as you and there are genuinely narcissistic people out there who are
abusive to the people around them right? And you do realize not everyone who is around a narc can just leave right? Just because you sucked up to your friend doesn't mean that all
victims are just self-pitying people need to take "personal responsibility". Stop making excuses for people with personality disorders.
No. 706679
>>706668>ex-friendOh that makes sense, you think every situation is some dumb teen tumblr drama scenario.
>>706672 said, there are times when the possibility to leave doesn't exist so you have to endure. Not my case thankfully, I have escaped and cut them off. But think about people who are less lucky.
No. 706690
>>706637This reminds me of when I knew someone with BPD and I was looking in to how to deal with their BPD and I read so many articles that fit them like a glove only to scroll to the comments and see all the BPDs REEEEEing how incorrect it was
>I have BPD and I’m not like this… which I guess only strengthened the point kek, gave me a good giggle
Also narcs latch on to people who are vulnerable they can leech on because no one else would put up with their shit
No. 706703
>>706668Slow clap for anon who thinks she can make objective statements about narcissism because she stopped sucking up to a friend once who was taking advantage of her.
You're sheltered as fuck dude.
No. 706709
>>706703"Slow clap for"
No. 706717
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I'm not a furry at all, but I'd let Legosi take me the fuck down
No. 706756
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>>706743I haven't completely finished the first season but, I think it's pretty good! I love the art and animation (the intro is
chefs kiss, pic related), and the world building is great. I feel like it's realistic for what a world of carnivorous and herbivorous animals would be like. Give it a watch anon! Don't let the animals push you away.
No. 706846
>>706782The step husband was allowed to do anything he wanted and the mother never let her be her own person so my friend caved and trauma bonded to them. She was like a sex slave.
The cherry on the top of the incest sundae, they also had the family dog fuck her.
Her mother died horribly of cancer so that's great at least but without her tormentor living my friend felt like her own world had ended and she had no one to "love" her.
The rest of her family has no idea and I will take this info to my grave.
No. 706854
>>706529it is weird, and they can have such petty reasons for loathing people. i understand if the person is a murderer. when a coworker is yelling at another it may seem
abusive, but there may actually be a legitimate reason behind them acting that way. and even if that mad coworker starts shouting at me, if it only happens once i may chalk it up to a bad day, and just have them make up for it later.
i see it so many times that a friend would gossip about another and they believe and pick their friend's side immediately, even going as far as being an asshole to the person they talked about.
No. 706897
>>706861your roommate 100% shit talked you the same way to her friends.
my most people pleasing friend talks the maddest shit about others. but still thinks of herself as a saint.
>the irony of saying it on lolcowironic as it is, lolcow has made me like more cows than it made me dislike. i lurk the persona threads whom i follow to feel closer to them if not laugh.
No. 706903
>>706885Confession based on your confession…
I actually love the overgrown clit. It's really hot to me and makes me wish mine was even slightly out there. I've seen a woman fuck a fleshlight with hers and I was envious. 10/10 would love to trib with a woman with an oversized clit and/or be f*cked by her.
No. 706918
>>706914I ain't readin' all that but God he gives me the heebie jeebies. Even before his transition, just looking at pics of him made me feel sticky.
But no, I'm not Chris-chan. Just a closeted, virgin lesbian.
No. 706930
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I'm so bored I went to check out /sty/ and read the entire fluffy ponies abuse thread (I strongly do not recommend). I wouldn't say I'm turned on or get any sexual pleasure out of it but they do seem to awaken ancient feelings within the deepest trenches of my subconscious.
I finally remembered what it is they make me nostalgic for.
>When I was about 6 or 7 years old I used to play the same story in my head to myself before I went to sleep at night.
>It was always the same; I'd go to a popular camping site in the countryside with my family where I'd kick one of the lambs maliciously, invoking the wrath of its older flock members
>(for some reason they were in the style of shaun the sheep even though it was the real world with real looking people).
>I'd continue to terrorise the sheep before eventually they'd rise up and drive me out.
>I'd miss abusing the sheep and be itching to return. So I disguised myself as that tiny woman with the bob haircut from the incredibles so they wouldn't recognise me.
>I weaseled my way into their society until I was a teenager, when I gave up the disguise because I looked different to how they remembered me.
>I faked "Little Ms. Polly"s (disguise name) death and claimed to be her daughter when making my debut into sheep society.
>Under my new identity I built up a relationship with the first sheep I ever abused (who was some kind of sheep prince) and we eventually got engaged.
>Now we were the hottest, most talked-about power couple in sheep society I revealed who I was to him and watched him die inside.
I can't remember anything that happened after that because I fell asleep around then.
I had the most normal parents, neighbourhood, childhood in general, why tf was I such a psycho
No. 706940
>>706933Kek don't feel ashamed anon, it's an embarrassing, cringy thing but not shameful or a sin. We are all cringe sometimes. Were you raised religious? I was and it took a while for the feelings of shame to leave.
When I played with wicked whims for the lolz I did look over my shoulder a lot, and I think that part's normal. Not wanting to be caught. But you aren't "wrong" for it.
No. 706982
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i just money requested my ex for $400 because i was doing stuff on paypal and was wondering what he would do
he paid me $400
so i invoiced him again for $300 and he paid me that too
free $700
No. 707286
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I’ve been sort of a wannarexic lately. I used to be really good with restricting really low. Last year I lost 30 pounds in 5 months but since Covid I’ve gained 20 back. I don’t look bad or anything but I feel so heavy and gross. Everyday I’m like “I’m gonna do 1200 calories a day for a few months starting now so I can go back to my weight before! I’ll be so skinny and light~ uwu” and then I end up binging on cookies.
No. 707329
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I'm sorry for posting here too much, being judgmental and infighting. dammit I want to be a good person. once again I am asking myself to be nicer and post less
No. 707351
>>707339okey! wait… actually no
>>707342that's a cute image
>>707349thanks good idea. Im not on all day but stay on a while when i do. I only want to not say negative things. I was thinking about a past infight (more like a debate, I'm not mean), I like debating topics but I hope those farmers didn't get mad. Its the internet but we are human. I kind of want to hug them lol something is wrong with me and everyone probably moves on. I also want to stop judging people so much but I mean they are cows in those threads. I like this site because sometimes judging is necessary to understand your own morals, but I only need to lurk for that
sorry to sperg it's not really at you but continuing my confession.
No. 707488
>>707286>>707332>>707425Same here, eating my 2nd bowl of cereal today even after 3 big meals, a cookie, chocolate, etc. Christmas holidays really set off my binging for the first time since I started losing weight last year, it was going so well until then. I'm just praying that going back to work tomorrow gets me back on track because I won't be home and eating out of boredom.
But I will continue binging tonight because 'it's my last chance to eat what I want and then I'll be perfect starting tomorrow!!'… as if lmao, rme @ myself because I say that every time and it's never true.
No. 707516
>>707511>a coffee with full fat milk and a shot of sugar syrup can be less than 200kcal That seems like a lot of calories, how did you calculate it? Even 250ml of full fat milk is only ~160 calories, surely you're not using that much? I have a massive cup of instant coffee with artificial sweetner and almond milk for like 15 cal, with soy or skim milk it's maybe 50.
I agree in general, a hot coffee is super filling and can sate my hunger for 1-2 hrs. I just wouldn't use 200 calories for it when I can have a legit meal for that much.
No. 707912
I bake Yorkshire pudding and eat it by itself without a meal. I'm not even British, but it's just a simple recipe that I like to have as a snack sometimes.
>>707795Same, I'm glad that I used Tumblr as a teenager and didn't go the "alt-right youtube rabbithole" route.
No. 707928
>>707525>>707515The same for me, I find pregnancy and motherhood so primitive and animalistic, which is why I was terrified of any of my friends getting pregnant young. But I also find it
hot, so I'm obviously quite psychologically tangled on the issue, I don't know what went wrong.
No. 707983
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I been eatin hotdogs
No. 708082
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>>708075I nibbled on these bad boys.
No. 708131
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>>708078I see what you mean and agree it’s more realistic, but at the same time I still wonder what goes on inside these people’s heads. The delusion is strong when you think you’re undereating but are actually significantly overeating. Like it’s more relatable as a lot of people don’t understand calories but also if you’re overweight and/or gaining weight, in all likelihood it’s because you’re eating too much. I find it weird that this doesn’t seem to occur to the people featured? (Have only watched a few episodes years ago though)
No. 708133
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>>708075this was my favourite snack
No. 708175
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At the start of November I hooked up with a guy and we've been hanging out since then. It's comforting, we cook for each other and sex is great.
Neither of us wants to commit seriously and that's great… because I don't trust men. A part of me will always hate them and I 'm fearful of being in a relationship only to discover the guy is a disgusting pornsick coomer…I wonder if I will ever get over my romantic manphobia???
No. 708451
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I feel jealous of the natural hair movement purely because I've had severe hair dysmorphia since I was a toddler. I've never since looked back since doing treatments on my hair continuously, but I wonder if there was something that could have been done when I was a child. Nobody ever picked on me because of my hair, it was just a built-in hatred of how my hair looked, felt and how high maintenance it was. It was instinctual, a seething primal hatred of my own hair before I even knew what true hatred meant.
I wonder how common something like that is, to be born with body dysmorphia right out of the gate. It started VERY young. Genetic lottery?
t.former 3a~3b been doing permanent straightening for a decade
No. 708458
>>708455I think anon is saying she's jealous because she spent her entire life hating her natural hair (and probably frying it and damaging it to hell and back), and now she's jealous of all the women who are able to accept their natural hair as is.
>Secondly it would be easier to maintain once short.Natural hair doesn't have to be short? There's plenty of women with long natural hair.
No. 708601
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>>708329Thanks it was pretty good until the sludge
No. 708630
>>708625> I sort of feel obligedDon’t. It’s not women’s job to fix men.
Also I dated one before, not even a severe case, and he was predictably shit.
No. 708631
>>708625You'll just end up with nothing but an abuse story and wasted time, best reward you'll get is a thread bitching about you on /r9k/.
I swear these robots understand that women lurk their boards, and they write 50% of their bullshit sadposts in a bid to prey on a mix of motherly instincts and general anxiety about potential mates. Stop falling for it. These are child groomers and guys who jack off to torture porn, not innocent, lost souls who just need affection and care.
No. 708642
My bf and I met when I was 17 and he was 25. He thought I was 18 at the time because I lied, but I eventually told him after a week of talking platonically/semi-romantically. He decided to keep talking to me, to my relief. We never were sexual with one another, just romantic, and we didn’t talk sexually at all until after I turned 18. I’m almost 20 now, I love him, and I hate that I can’t really tell anyone the truth of when/how our relationship started because I know there would be accusations of “grooming” or him being a “predator” even though I know he’s a good person.
>>708625I know it’s tempting because I have a thing for emotionally babying men and wanting to comfort/take care of them. It’s not a fetish, just this compulsion I have. But the men on /r9k/ are extremely emotionally stunted and not worth it.
No. 708643
>>708625It’s not worth it, anon, I tried and at best they will leave NEETdom and 4chan, which is kind of funny because they treat leaving 4chan as some sort of
>I’ve been sober for 5 monthsKind of thing, but that doesn’t mean they’re any better, they keep their incel mentality and don’t truly mature.
No. 708647
>>708625I've read a few accounts on here from women who tried that, it went thusly
>utter asshole>treated them like shit>leaked their nudesGuys like them (and MRAs) are honestly mentally destroyed and unsalvagable imo. There might be a few young guys there who are there for keks and not actually deranged, but anyone who's been thinking the way they do for a few years isn't gonna change. Inceldom and MRA stuff is like Fight Club to them, it's a personality where they lacked one, even if the personality itself is repungent. I've even seen 50+ scrotes on Twitter still thirsting after 18 year olds and calling all women whores. Once a scrote, always a scrote.
No. 708650
>>708642I had a super similar relationship, slightly larger gap. We lasted a long time and were pretty happy. My only "warning" I guess is that I hope you don't feel like you miss out on your early 20's by being with someone significantly older who has already experienced those years. I wish you luck
No. 708660
>>708650Thank you for not judging me anon
No. 708698
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What would you call the condition where you've been almost completely engrossed in hating something that you feel this sense of digust follow you around because of the hate you feel towards this thing?
In the past months ive been really obsessed with the mtf/ftm threads and some trans threads on lolcow, and my hunger for feeling the cringe was so insatiable that I started actually going to troon discord servers to larp as a non-binary person, stalking my newly mtf friend, and started chronically going on Ovarit and trans subreddits. I feel disgusted all the time. What's even weirder is that this isn't even a problem in my country, where I live homosexuality is pretty rampant, so I never interact with troons irl. What I'm obsessing about all the time will probably never affect me directly. But i can't stop. It's toxic. I feel like I swallow mud every time I fulfill my cringe-itch. I certainly don't feel proud about this, and I feel like a creep.
Moreover, how do I stop?
No. 708733
>>708698The closest thing I can think of is rumination. I don’t mean to be rude but do you have a career? Are you happy with it? Do you have issues with relationships or something? Do you have hobbies you enjoy? Obsessions this severe tend to occur when someone is deeply unhappy or unfulfilled in their own life, but unable to confront that so they hyperfixate on something else.
By all means hate troons, but don’t let it take over your life (they would love to hear that). Figure out what’s actually wrong and try to fix it.
No. 708740
>>708733Yeah, i realising goign after individuals is really a step too far. I put blockers on some threads and sites to I could wean myself off from this thing, lol.
>>708710That's probably what it is. Thanks for the tip, anon. I guess I am at a crossroads in life, I have no idea what to do after this senior year of college and I desperately want to move. I also seriously need to get a hobby.
No. 708769
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>>708601The ai can write the most hilarious nonsense and I've actually cried with laughter from some of the responses. This is my favorite mental image.
No. 708772
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i have a horrendous habit of saying "yee" loudly when i'm excited, started saying it a few years ago ironically and soon a realization dawned on me that i couldn't stop. it's awful, whenever my friends or parents get me gifts i react with a "yee" and immediately want to kms.
they should get me an electric shocker next so it can be pavlov'd it out of me
No. 708875
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Forgive me farmers, for I have sinned, I'm submitting tonight a school work pdf file that I've intentionnaly corrupted to buy me some time, I will be able to submit the real thing tomorrow though.
No. 708894
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When I make my husband a quesadilla I always eat two pieces. I cut it into 1” triangles so he never notices. Consider it tax for my services
No. 708917
>>708900God thank you this is exactly the bullying I wanted to receive. I'm gonna do it for u anon
>so what… the government forces people to support your “esoteric” ass?absolutely not, I'd rather die than that, it's not something that could exist in reality so I was just saying it in a fantasy way.
No. 709061
>>708857I'm the same. The idea of "opting out of capitalism" is pretty stupid to me but that's probably because I live in a socialist society where I feel a duty to pay my taxes and pay into my pension, but that's all work is to me
I'm thirty and all my friends have grand plans for their careers but I just don't, I'm lazy and between the choice of working or free time to do nothing at home I always pick free time. I'm sure I'll regret this when I'm older.
No. 709095
>>703303I actually hate this site but I love the art threads because it’s the only place where you can be critical about online art and it’s culture without people yelling “#LetPeopleEnjoyThings”
I wish there were more art threads on here
No. 709132
Real talk, I regret being a well behaved child. I never threw fits, told my parents I hated them, I didn't cry when I would ask for something and my parents would say no. Didn't complain about the fact that we had no money, no vacations, no friends, or the fact that I wasn't allowed to go join clubs or see elementary friends after school. They would say no to everything and I would just walk away. Shit got me nowhere, I grew up glued to the internet, got myself into weird ass shit on there, divulged myself into video games and daydreaming, and grew up to be socially awkward, a loner, and someone who has no idea who they are and what they want out of life. Maybe if I made life hell for my parents they would have just given in to a few things that were , in my opinion, things all kids deserve to have that are good for their development.
Having said all that, I love them deeply and I feel guilty calling them bad parents because they're not in any way, but shit, the blame is theirs at least partially for the way I am.
No. 709138
>>709132As a past brat I wish I could look back on my childhood and feel like I was a good human for the first 11 years of my life. I threw tantrums and cried and it makes me cringe now even though I know I was a child. The thing is I grew up to be the same socially awkward loner you describe yourself to be, except I just have memories of being embarrassing in walmart. It didn't result in me getting much stuff beyond maybe a pack of candy once a month.
All I'm saying is it's likely had you thrown fits your childhood would have been the same, except now you'd just have cringey memories and some resentment on your parents behalf.
No. 709176
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I have a specific fetish, I even make art for it, no one in the fetish community knows that I'm a girl, I'm pretty sure they think I'm a gay man or something. But I dislike the men that share my fetish.
I have read and see many of the things they make, and I feel so disgusting after it. I don't want to be a hypocrite, I really don't, but the way I write about men in my fetish stuff is nowhere near as disturbing as the way many guys write about women on theirs. I have legit shiver while reading some of that stuff, I felt gross, but I can't say anything, so all I can do is quietly stay away from them.
I always wonder the kind of people they are in their personal lifes, given their vision of women. Some of that stuff revolves around not caring about your girlfriend/wife's ambitions or dreams as long as they have sex with you, but it gets taken to an extreme so creepy that I have almost puke a few times by how disturbing it can get.
No. 709181
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Sometimes I end up fantasizing about my high school’s religion teacher. I think I will never get over now cute he was when I was studying there, maybe that’s why I tend to be more into pale, guys with glasses. I’m mad because if I would have been older so I could have met him before he got into the whole clerical stuff, I might have had a chance no way but i like to think I would he must’ve been a really cute type of boyfriend, like really shy and sweet.and a bit of a freak in bed
It’s also shameful because It’s such a coomer thing to think about.
No. 709190
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Sometimes I have a comforting fantasy of butchering another human. I don't know what the hell, it's the edgiest shit imaginable yet I think we probably taste good.
No. 709250
>>709249I used to, until I became a massive bitch and started biting back.
There's a certain subset of people that will bully anyone they see as weak and a pushover, and it's not going to go away after high school.
It irks me that schools teach children to sit and take it ("They're just looking for a reaction, just ignore it!" "He bullies you because he likes you!" etc) or face detention/being called a tattle tale/being ostracized or beaten up etc because that just encourages the bully and you never learn how to deal with it in adulthood. It's basically free real estate for them - they get to pick on you and you'll just sit there and take it or ignore it so there's no consequences.
Now I get called an aggro bitch when someone pushes my buttons and I explode, but at least I sleep soundly at night knowing they're too scared of me blowing up in their face to do it again.
No. 709299
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I'm really annoyed by Billie Eilish's face and think her expressions are fake (wholly intended to look sultry/attractive) and it drives me nuts for some reason - Am I just a jealous femcel?
No. 709307
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Mention of Phobs' old days in Art Salt thread triggered a memory and I need to get it off my chest now:
In my edgy teen years I was super into nazi aesthetic with some interest in history too because at the time for me it was such level of incomprehensible evil it was fascinating, kinda like some people are into gore etc. In primary school I had a history teacher who was really into this shit too, in hindsight I really hope she got fired because she was too excited to introduce all the details about her favorite nazis to tiny 5th graders. Later I became a weeb, got into Hellsing and so, followed people like Phobs, listened to music in German; I remember even posting some pic of me in nazi hat which I was dragged for by strangers in the comments. I was never racist or even remotely interested in any white supremacist ideas, and I've ultimately moved on from all that aesthetic fascination, but if someone didn't know me it sure could seem different to them.
Looking back at it, it was a major cringe I could just leave behind and honestly I'm so grateful to have experienced in in the so called "early internet" when cancel culture didn't exist yet and much more things were allowed. I was an idiot but not a dangerous one - nowadays I'm sure this all would get me publicly cancelled and dragged by twitter and IDK if my 13yo self with low self esteem would take it well. It would definitely never be gone off the internet either. Teenagers nowadays have it hard.
No. 709324
>>708894hell yeah girl, i do the same thing when i cook for my family!
>>709132how old are you anon? (i'm 25) i felt the same way for a long time, then i went to therapy & i'm finally motivated to start an actual career. it was the realization kind of that i need to stop living in the past. it's easy to blame my parents for not pushing me/supporting me. i used to be so envious of my friends whose parents would actually take interest in their lives/drive them for college tours/acknowledge their struggling/etc. but now i'm an adult and i've come to terms with the fact that i like living a life when i'm away from my childhood & that i should do what i can to continue this lifestyle. it's kind of freeing tbh.
anyway I believe in you!!! every day you're further away from the way your parents raised you and you're coming into your own. it's hard work but it's even more rewarding to know that you did it by yourself, without them.
No. 709328
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>>709163no, anon, please don't do this to yourself. you're a beautiful lady and you don't deserve people treating you like that, even if you did have a crush on them. it's not fair to you. there will be loving, kind and warm women in your future who will actually love you for who you are. i don't want you to spend your time pandering to someone who hurts your feelings!!
warm kitty cat pic to send my love for u
No. 709336
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>>709297I can't get over this, it's the biggest blow to my self-esteem in like forever. I dont wanna be a moron but I am bawww
No. 709339
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>>709163It's never worth it, anon. You can and will find someone who accepts your gay ass for you, I know it hurts to let go but it hurts even more to pretend.
No. 709347
>>709340Having done a few of these retarded things, massive tatts, shaved my head just cos, even played around with hormones for a while years ago… I weirdly don't feel regret over things even when I switch back to growing my hair out or saying "well thats enough big fuck-off tatts for one lifetime" In a way I think it'd be worse to never try shit. Even though some are long term or leave you with permanent reminders.. I guess my bigger regret would be if I didn't try risky things out. Short of cutting off body parts I can live with the consequences of most decisions.
I guess what I'm saying is.. autists have no regrets
No. 709365
>>709347Ohh I know! I don't think these people regret it either, and I'm not really into it for the "suffering the consequences" aspect of it thankfully. It just feels like a modern choose-your-own-adventure novel.
Don't get me wrong though, my life is very "boring" by those kinds of standards, but my regrets would be more about whether or not I piss off my parents versus making them proud. Not implying that anyone else's parents aren't proud of them for these decisions, just that mine wouldn't be. I shaved my head once as a teen, and the look on my grandma's face set me straight. Hair down to my ass now.
No. 709454
>>709439>I honestly give a fuckthen why do you do it,
No. 709478
I’m going to be a merchandiser/vendor at a store I got caught shoplifting at as a teen and I’m scared I’m going to awkwardly get fired or not be let into the backrooms. It was like 4yrs ago and I haven’t done it since but I’m still really nervous.
>>709419Being gay is different from being a troon.
No. 709497
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>>709307I relate to your post in a certain way because I used to be really into soviet russia as a teen. I also have a cringy story involving a soviet hat kek, and also a creepy teacher who would glorify this period of history. Sovietic history/ideology is different from nazi germany, and it was quite tolerated by people around me but I still feel bad for being so tone deaf. Not saying that it's an excuse but the Internet and memes played a big part in my fascination. I remember seeing it more as something quirky rather than a real thing that happened and killed millions of people. I’m glad that all of this is behind me, and I did learn a lot in terms of history and politic so it wasn’t totally worthless I guess
No. 709519
>>709497I'm really into the Soviet aesthetic. That brand of utopianism is gone now, and you don't really see social realist art anymore outside of jehovahs witness pamphlets.
The early Soviet Union had the reputation of ISIS, and Stalin era was a horrific dystopia. But honestly the Bhrenznev era onwards was passable in terms of living, certainly not grand but it wasn't monstrous. I personally don't think there's anything wrong with admiring post Khruschev Soviet society. It's not like Nazi Germany or North Korea where the entire regime is monstrous from start to finish.
No. 709700
>>709530they're clean from the shower duh
>>709548I bite my nails, i think it's an oral fixation (??? not sure if that's the right term) thing like as a kid I used to chew my clothes and my hair and other random stuff all the time. I still chew on hairties sometimes but I try not to
No. 710448
>>710447Just like what you like, anon, I also prefer white guys and have been told the same
with the cherry on top being told that I’m somehow racist-???- having preferences isn’t some crime nor a sin.
No. 710460
>>710447Same, I'm black and mostly attracted to white guys (and sometimes non-white or black guys). Honestly, I just ignore people who say it's self-hate or the "bedwench" stuff cause I know if I was a man no one would give a fuck, and I still think the men and women of my race are very attractive.
I think men of all races feel like women "belong" to them, and get mad when they date someone that doesn't look like them. I'm glad more women are realizing liking who you like isn't wrong or shameful, even if they're from a different race.
i hope this post isn't taken as racebait lmao No. 710739
>>710447Same but luckily I don’t know anyone who would brainwash me about that crap.
My face is literally 0.7% of the UK population. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Yeah I wanna fuck the white guys, they’re all I ever see, I grew up among them. I’m not attracted to men of my own race because the only ones I’ve ever seen are my family. It shouldn’t be so ‘racist’ and surprising to people if they just thought about what it’s like to be the only (insert race here) for a few miles or more.
No. 710777
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Whenever I like someone, i start to get really depressed and paranoid even when I know they like me back. Like I'm afraid they're starting to not like me or that they're falling for someone else and will cut contact with me in favor of them. They don't give any indication that they feel this way, they show interest in me and are nice, but I still feel like within a couple hours they'll suddenly change their mind and tell me to just fuck off. Why am I so insane and clingy. Why can't I just not get attached.
Pardon if this makes me sound underage, I swear i'm an adult kek
No. 711034
>>703303I'm almost 25 years old and yet the second I start readinga dumbass shoujo manga with romance in it, it's like I'm back at being 13 all over again, full on squealing and having to stop when scene is "too much" to process my emotions
absolutely pathetic
No. 711039
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I love looking back at shitty people I went to hs with and just admire how downhill their appearance goes. Looking more like smackheads everyday luv x
No. 711369
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i have a peculiar quirk where i can get spontaneously turned on and get off (without hands) when my bladders full. earlier it crept up on me while i was on my computer, with headphones on, and i didn't realize i didn't lock my door. my brother was supposed to come back from the store not too long ago and pick me up a treat, and now i'm afraid he might've walked in on me spasming and squeaking like a retard…
No. 711398
>>711385Yeah christ anon, as
>>711397 said do not remove your uterus. That is a huge procedure and will fuck up a lot of your other bodily functions and likely end up shortening your lifespan. Having your tubes removed will still prevent you from getting pregnant but it doesn't mess with your hormones and it's an easy recovery. It depends on what country you're in but a decent amount of places will allow you to get approved for a bilateral salpingectomy upon request and are often even covered by insurance (mine was).
No. 711436
>>711425I don't, because I guess I'm not really ashamed of it. I lost my virginity at a fairly early age but it was a really long term relationship and I planned on marrying the guy. Every other "body" count I've had since then was also long term relationship. There was just one time I fucked a guy that I wasn't dating but we were more like…. lovers? if that makes sense… But after we fucked, he slowly stopped talking to me.
So more advice for virgin anons… Don't fuck a guy unless you're in a relationship and have been for at least a month. Btw anything less than 12 months is not long term.
No. 711443
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I have a 43MB file with only reaction images and 433MB file with reaction gifs that I will never get to use because they are a thing of the past, but I can't stop saving them just in case they'll make a comeback and won't be considered cringe anymore.
No. 711447
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I screencap stories of pickmes getting screwed over by scrotes on reddit so when ever I feel myself slipping back into old pick me ways I go and read them and then remind myself why I shouldnt do certain things
No. 711487
>>711475hey, dont feel embarrassed thats completely normal- this is coming from a primary school teacher.
it's so sweet when kids have innocent puppy dog crushes on teachers (PROVIDED THAT THE TEACHER ISN'T A CREEP WHO TAKES ADVANTAGE OF THAT!! I DO NOT ENDORSE PEDOS! NEVER EVER BE ROMANTIC OR ADULT WITH A MINOR!!!!) i've had boys in my class (4-5 y/os) tell me they want to marry me etc, and some of the kids even call one of the teaching assistants called Sean "Seany" and say they love him and it's just really a part of development. of course they dont really love their teacher, they're too young to understand what that actually means, but they just see you as someone they trust and feel safe with. it's normal, do not be embarrassed! im sure your teacher found it very sweet. im glad he helped you and was kind about the whole ordeal.
No. 711492
>>711487I was so sad when he told me he was planning to move back to Alaska the following year but I was glad that I would no longer feel this way about anymore and never told anybody until now.
I tried to look him up after writing that post but I don’t remember how to spell his last name, I just remembered his name was Dean and that’s it. I’ll try again
No. 711587
>>711467NTA and I am friends with someone I despise, but unlike the person who said superiority or narcissism. I have mixed feelings, on one end I despise her on another I want the best for her. I've tried for years to help her but she's autistically retarded and doesn't accept the help. Doesn't accept money, doesn't actually try to get a job, and now she's living in my flat (rent free, mind you) and refuses to actually apply herself. She makes the most retard decisions ever and I just watch from the sidelines throwing a life ring and she throws it back.
This has slowly made me hate every single thing she does, from walking around to her stupid scent. She was given so many chances. And taken advantage of me.
So yeah I'm dumb for being naive and thinking "if I give her these resources she'll listen and apply herself! She'll have a better life" but nope, retarded tumblr fag who is 20 something but acts 16.
No. 711591
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Since anon is talking about teacher crushes, I wanted to fuck a couple of my instructors from college, as well as a manager at my old job. They weren't even the most attractive looking men, just older but something about them was hot and I think I had a chance if I really attempted to go for it. I swear there was some sexual tension at times between us.
No. 711635
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I enjoy some aspects of gimpgirls artstyle even though she's an absolute cow. I sometimes save and crop her pictures to be completely out of context
No. 711640
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When my mom and grandma make comments about my body I feel super uncomfortable, but I always just laugh and brush it off and I feel like a huge retard because of it. They've been doing it since I started puberty and grew a body, but I've never told them about it. It's not even insults, just teasing compliments if anything, but it makes me feel so uncomfortable. Example number one of how much of a doormat I am. Other family members also comment on my body sometimes, but it's mostly those two
No. 711656
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I'm 5 minutes into No Guns Life and I already want Juzo to fuck my brains out
No. 711670
>>711654When (or if) the borders ever open again, I'm absolutely doing this. I hate the person I've been known for here.
>>711667Does it really matter if you're always anonymous on this place anyways? It's not like you're planning to run from lolcow lol
No. 711672
>>711654I nearly did this a couple years ago when I bought a house far away from where I'm from. Ended up telling my dad my whereabouts and now he books holidays to come see me without asking first, which sends me spiralling every time lol.
Do what you have to do. I follow alot of missing persons cases and they always wonder whether people are doing this just without the 'im safe' message. As long as people aren't left worried sick then I think people should respect decisions like this.
No. 711673
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I feel like a ghost in the world for the time being. I used to have a life, used to have friends but even before the pandemic, I had to let it all go. I think everyone forgot me and my last friend is forgetting too. If not, it's interesting to ponder what small footprint I left in this place. I sometimes wonder how many like me exist. It may be worse due to the pandemic now but it already happened for me. How many of us are unknown to the world with no contacts?
I intend to change it I guess, to have a healthy life once this all passes. I am starting something that puts me in touch with others (online that is, but includes my face). However, it's kind of nice to be hidden sometimes
No. 711701
>>711690Hehe it is a good pic>>711692Sorry anon, I was being vague. It's online school, so not a small choice.
But only a few classes at a community it costs less Still I know something else that may be available to you. At least near me there's a bookstore having online book club video meets. They had ones for each genre. If there's something like that near you it could be an option? I considered it myself because everyone could do with more reading. I found the info on the store's website, so you could look around or even google various clubs to join who may meet online, you never know what you'll find
No. 711737
>>711678I'm going with the intention of leaving everything and everyone behind, though I guess my feelings might change throughout the years. It's really the idea of leaving the people behind that draws me in.
I don't think my relationships with others are healthy. One of the main reasons I want to start over is that I really like who I am when I'm alone or when I'm around new people and I have a chance to shed the version of me I created.
I was very sad and lonely when I was growing up and forming these relationships and I created a completely fake version of me because I wanted to be accepted and loved. Now I feel like the people that like me like the made up version and the people that don't like me never got to give the real me a chance. I feel like I've missed out on things that could have made me happy because I was too busy trying to be something I'm not.
I'd just like to start again but actually be me this time around.
No. 711766
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>>711660She's very interesting. As much as I loathe her and what she stands for, she's fascinating in a curious way. Maybe it's the slowly recovering weeb in me but her art reminds me of when I was a dodgy 13 year old trying to draw manga, and how I gave up on that style of drawing, there's something sadly nostalgic in it
No. 712164
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i had a sex dream about callmekevin in my own home in secret while my mum was there in the living room.
im just really deprived rn, but holy shit he was good with his tongue
No. 712204
>>712164I love it when a man is good with his tongue
the only reason why I like to sleep so much is the idea that I can have such vivid dreams. I had dreams my current crush was an acting coach last night and it was so fucking weird
No. 712261
>>712138Doesn't sound healthy to be that wrapped up in other peoples perception of you or in your success versus theirs, especially if you consider them friends.
People go to therapy for stuff like this because you have to build you confidence on a better foundation than 'what other people think of what I post' Your mental health can go to shit real fast when it's built on that.
No. 712291
>>712222ayrt and I dreamt that he was good with his tongue, in multiple ways
piv and oral includedI'm going to hell
No. 712312
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I always tell my family that if we ever get short on money that we can sell nudes of my brother and my cousins, who are older than me 27-30 they laugh it off but I’m serious. I’m not selling my nonexistent nudes, I’m selling theirs, they won’t have any repercussions if people find out about it.
No. 712392
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I have become so disgusted by men that I’m having trouble getting off to any porn because the men are so grotesque and degenerate. I’ll try watching it but by the end, without fail, I look at pictures of Kate Moss in her prime and I can always get myself to orgasm. I think it’s because I want to look like her so badly. She is so fucking beautiful.
No. 712530
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I genuinely miss the horror monster anon’s posts. It’s been 20 days. I hope she brings us an update soon even if it isn’t about Discord guy or how she surpassed his ex Girlfriend. I wish if she finally chose the sane path to end the experiment she would announce it on here and post a conclusion. But honestly I enjoy reading her entries and I hope she shares more of these types of stories if not in confessions then in the unhealthy obsessions thread.
>>706930I tried so hard not to laugh but the part about Edna Mode did me in
No. 712532
>>706930This is literally the best storyline please god moar
>>712528I feel this I personally rank moids on scales because im a female supremacist so theres like companion moids (top tier), breeding moids, house pets, like dobby level house moids, and then slaves. Not all of them get sex its just how you rank their stats tbh and im with you anon that ugly moids dont get hot moid privilege
fml im a lesbo tho so male house pets and slaves are platonic No. 712630
>>712547Yeah, what
>>712623 said. People complain that the algorithm there is terrible because everyone's explore page is filled with the same soft-core smutty garbage regardless of account activity. To my understanding it's more of a reflection of what's popular across ig than what the user engages with.
No. 712640
>>712618unironically, ramen noodles in freeze dried block form
they have a nice flavor alone
No. 712698
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I find all the gross creepy shit armie hammer sent in those dms super hot. i'm so mad at myself for being so wet from reading them
No. 712705
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litcherally crying a little because there's a YouTuber that I will never get to marry and have children with.
The sad thing is that I've made the perfect version of him in my head. But irl he's cute, funny, makes me laugh, down to earth, realistic, educated, logical, in touch with his emotions, a family man, has good friends that he clearly care about, very good life lessons in his videos, grew up kind of a nerd but athletic so he understands both sides of the coin, he'd probably be a great husband and a great father. He's positive but not always positive and seems sweet. Doesn't seem to let things get him down.
I literally am crying right now because he's not mine.
The sad thing is that I have a boyfriend a few feet away from me who is most of the things above, just a bit of an airhead with holes in his brains. We like similar things and are like each other's soul mates… and I definitely not I probably wouldn't always get along with the YouTuber and the youtuber probably wouldn't put up with my autism/ocd/retarded behavior but goddamn it, in another timeline I would've been happier, healthier, I would've kept going on YouTube or started a channel, not dated an abusive guy that makes me scared to show my face online…
I could've had him, probably… but I don't. Anons please I'm begging you please talk me out of this slump, please. It's the only time I'll ask LC of anything. What can I do to get over this youtuber who is absolutely my perfect male counterpart?
No. 712706
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>>712701you should
tfw no edgy rich white man that wants to slice off a piece of my skin, lightly toast it with some garlic and olive oil, and eat it like the food critic in ratatouille.
No. 712712
>>712705sounds like you don't even like your boyfriend fam.
you're projecting the most basic positive traits on some guy you find to be aesthetically appealing.
you don't even know the youtuber or know what he's really like. for all you know he could be jacking to kiddie porn and eating his own shit. youtubers and famous people are curated personalities in general, no one in the public will ever see the real versions of them because that would alienate the markets they are trying to appeal to.
you should find yourself a new partner since your current one isn't fulfilling your needs, but it also sounds like you have really deep personal issues which will prevent you from being happy in future relationships.
No. 712713
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>>712706Anon, I have great news…
No. 712722
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>>712713it doesn't help that i had a thing for hannibal lecter in middle school. gaspard ulliel in hannibal rising was the kindling for my edge imo
(stop avatarfagging) No. 712723
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>>712712Slayed me in one go. This feels awful because now I'm questioning everything.
Thank you anon.
No. 712733
>>712705Is this berleezy anon? If so, you got it bad.
Anyway, the chance of you actually meeting him is very slim. You already have a guy who's nearly your perfect match, so just be grateful you have found a potential soulmate and stop lusting after a life and dude you will probably never have a chance at.
No. 712736
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>>712733okay I know I sperged about him alot but I didn't know it was this much. my heart seriously jumped when you called me out!
alright I'll stop…. thank you for being nice and being real about it.
No. 712737
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>>712736Ive seriously seen you post multiple times in various different threads, its like seeing a familiar face in a cloud of strangers. I hope you end up well, idk if this is the best advice but you should really block/unsub/not use the socials that this YouTuber is on. Just cut yourself off and focus on doing something else, learn how to play an instrument you’ve always wanted, practice coking or clean your room. Focus on yourself and your partner right now, i hope everything gets better
No. 712766
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>>712618Real women of culture know that every pasta shape serves different purpose and is the best fit for a different pasta based meal
No. 712778
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>>712698If I looked into a crystal ball and saw this face cannibalizing me I would seppuku on the spot
No. 712792
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>>712778Would it change anything if you saw pic related instead?
No. 712798
>>712792major reconsideration only if the crystal ball shows me getting at least one stab in before I’m
delicately sliced, spiced just right, and placed atop a piece of artisanal toast
No. 712886
>>712871Lmao sounds like you
triggered them, well done
No. 712972
>>712455i don’t know what you’re talking about so i’m going to assume you’re having an autism attack. bisexual female here who just wants to fuck kate. whatever you’re going
through i simply cannot solve it.
>>712850>>712871this one is my favorite confession, fucking kek. guitar man doesn’t like criticism. please update if it’s funny.
No. 712991
>>712957Ayrt, hard disagree
>>712959I was trying to be funny and it backfired
No. 713005
>>712994well you aren't that alone then because even in small online communities ive tried to join i still dont fit in with other shy outcasts.
kissing is something i did because my gf wanted to but i honestly think its stupid and semi-disgusting.
No. 713021
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the military is doing covid tests in our country and our entire workplace was getting tested last week.
All my normie coworkers were like 'ah anon you are so shy! Don't be scared of the army men they are here to help!'
Jesus Christ, I fucking know they are here to help Daniele.
I was just trying to be respectful and not stare so the nice lad doing my test does not get uncomfortable due on my immense uniform fetish.
No. 713025
>>712528Oh no scrotes lamenting male beauty standard? Fucking good. Men are so fucking weak, imagine becoming rapists and murderers because you’re not chad lollll
Ugly scrotes DO NOT a deserve to breed. Even themselves know they shouldn’t have been born.
No. 713061
>>711447I'm confused as to what was even the point of sharing this story on Reddit, besides using it for your purpose who would even care about this.
>>711915I like how my used pads smell. The stale blood scent is kind of good.
No. 713174
>>703303this isn't a confession he's just ugly
>>712946 ANON I'M
No. 713227
>>713169idk, is that really
toxic? if you don't click, you don't click.
No. 713344
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I used to hate meyoco, but after reading some of her interviews. I feel bad for her. I think the reason why meyoco art stangnant because she is struggling with social media likes. She have an anxiety so I understand. At least self awere about his technical skill aren't good because she more focused on theme or color.She quit watercolor and more focused on digital for it. Conclusion fuck social media culture for artist.
Also I think the artist saltfags nitpick her so much in level of pulltards sorry not No. 713565
>>713552I also feel that way, anon. I used to just let them do whatever they felt like doing unless it included me.
Then I somehow got hired to teach at some school for pennies and I got to learn how to treat them.
I think the best way to act is to constantly ask what they want to do or what they’re doing, if they want to include you, do your best to pretend you’re having fun, if they don’t, make sure they’re not hurting each other or themselves.
No. 713683
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>>713648>I want to kiss and hug themInteresting.
No. 713866
>>713856I mean and probably the fact that you're in your early 20s and dating a 32 year old doesn't sound like a very fun pairing either.
You're probably craving someone who you can actually grow and do firsts together with. I'm almost 30 and I considered myself a naive baby at 24.
No. 713935
>>713861>>713869thank u anons, love u
>>713866There's some truth to that for sure.
No. 713945
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Three of my posts ended up on the funny screenshots thread and it brightened my night
No. 713950
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>>713949Wow, three today!
Amazing, I aspire to be like you but I am probably not funny enough
No. 713957
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>>713950Bitch I am sure you're funny but what matters the most is the self induced keks
No. 713965
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I used to soft follow this NSFW artist on Twitter. He used to change his name pretty often but always keeping the theme of the same character. His account is no longer up, I actually don't know why, but that's okay, I guess.
So, yesterday I got recomended a few editting blogs on Tumblr, and I can swear, between them was the artist. The character theme account, the pronouns (Instead of just saying "Male"), and the name were all the same.
I may be judging to fast, and it's probably just a huge coincidence; but in case it's not… is this person complaining about incest ships when just a few months ago he used to draw cannibal incest porn?
B4 someone asks, he used to do Silent Hill porn, that's how I found him
No. 714144
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I frequently feel left out/insecure because I'm not interested in video games. I know it's silly but I can't help feeling like it's everywhere, especially online.
No. 714392
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Hello anons, I'm back for a new update. There was a little turn of events that complicated things for me. Not going to lie, I was indeed frustrated for a while, but I think that some of that stuff might be interesting.
- A girl joined the server, she says that she was contacted from the app Vent. I didn't know about it, and I didn't gave her too much attention until someone came out saying that apparently she has posted a few things that are incriminating about a people on the server, possibly including Discord guy. I downloaded the app and made a profile just to see what she posts (Took me a while because all my names were taken), I don't know if Vent-chan deleted those posts or if the person on the server was lying but I'm keeping an eye on her for now.
- Discord guy began to act strange around me. It's hard to explain, mostly because I had never seen him act that way; but to put it shortly, he began to use a lot of "…." when reffering or talking to me, almost all of his messages about me had a pause like that and a "I guess", "I think" or variations. At some point he even tried to be somewhat defensive and lowkey sarcastic too, but even then it would just last for 2 messages before telling me that he appreciates me. I was getting kind of confused because that hasn't happened before, neither did I expected it, but I still tried to follow what he said to me.
- Yesterday I asked in another thread if I could get banned from Discord for sending an Ip Grabber, because I was going to try to send one. I actually never used an Ip Grabber before, so there was a lot of try and error. Ultimately I send the link without getting banned, but I didn't get anything. I guess he was using and VPN, since I already knew of him using stuff like that to avoid a doxxing, and he isn't completely out of touch with Ip Grabbers, I don't know if he has used them before but he indeed is using something so I can't have it. I had to drop the Ip Grabber idea.
- He also began to suspect that someone on the server is lowkey stalking him. Everyone laughed at the idea for a while, but I knew what he meant, because he addressed me later, but not for what I thought, he said that he trusts in me, and that I have been very good with him, so he dropped the subject altogether.
His words made me very happy, I couldn't sleep at all while I was thinking about it.
I began to suspect that he has been lying about stuff, given what they told me about Vent-chan's posts, but I don't want that to happen. I'll have to change the direction of my plan for now. Right now, Discord guy says that he is busy, I don't know in what, but I just hope to see him again soon.
No. 714402
>>714392>Hello anons, I'm back for a new updateOMFG is that discord yandere anon???
I missed you!
No. 714495
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I am stupid and bad and the only thing that makes me feel alive is clothes
I only feel better when I buy clothes and wear clothes and look at myself wearing clothes
It's the only time I even feel like a real person
I am so mentally deficient, I stopped buying clothes and wearing clothes and enjoying life at all because I feel so guilty about my only love
What should I do? What can I do? It's the only thing I love
I used to wash my face and brush my teeth twice a day and comb my hair and file my nails, and now I can't even get out of bed and shower more than a couple times per month
Should I go back? Am I worthy of enjoying anything? Even if it's worthless like this?
I am so shallow and rotten, I don't know what to do.
I loved clothes and hated life
No. 714507
>>714392I missed you horror anon! I think he might be on to you, unless, is he an animefag? They like to use elipses as if it makes some sort of impact, or to imply shyness or discomfort instead of using regular words. But should you post updates in the internet obsessions thread instead? I don’t want you, or any other readers, to possibly be banned for engaging exclusively with this saga. Stay safe and remember to keep boundaries for yourself and others.
>>714495I was like you anon. Where you are at now is awful, but you have to come to the conclusion that none of your happiness was ever completely reliant on clothes themselves. From conception to production to consumption, there are many different aspects of clothes that you could have fallen in love with. Even if you cannot buy clothes for whatever reason anymore, you can still be in love with and engage with some of those parts. You can try drawing, taking up free fashion courses online, watch videos on weaving and silk and archaic looming and interviews and runways and the like. Embrace your love for clothes if that’s what you truly feel.
You are not stupid nor bad, but you don’t have to like yourself to be worth liking something you’d otherwise enjoy. Stop thinking of it as you’re unworthy of happiness and instead treat yourself as someone who must be handled with delicacy and discipline so that every day you make the clothes, and they don’t make you.
No. 714566
>>708020this happened to me too only it was new years eve and at midnight my friends dad tried to kiss me on the mouth and held me so i couldn't move away
he was super drunk and probably didnt remember it so i never told anyone but i cried for days
No. 714621
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I accidentally scammed a girl on nookazon just now and I'm legit gonna cry about it I've been up late working on my island cause I flattened it for the new year and no one was responding to my offers for a green jungle gym and in my sleep deprivation I accidentally offered this girl 99,000 NMT instead of bells and she DM'd me like "really 99k?" and I was like lol yea???? cause I didn't see I entered the number in the wrong field and she was nice enough to give me the item anyway but I feel like such an idiot and I can't even look at it in my little park.
No. 714642
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The first ever present I got from my boyfriend was a silly cascading hearts necklace, I've been wearing this ugly piece of ass every since, but I genuinely hate it, it's been two years…
No. 714684
>>714642Two years is plenty of time, could you stop wearing it? Hint that you want a new one? Tell him you want to experiment with other necklaces? Say you don’t want to damage it because the memory is precious so you’ll keep it in a box?
I felt guilty about gifts I didn’t like too until someone explained that the gifts purpose is to be a gift. Once the gifting is over, it’s just something you own. You’re not obligated to wear it. A gift is supposed to feel nice, not like a burden.
No. 714741
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i passed a pedobait alt pickme in followers and i didn't even have to post 100 fried hair koreaboo selfies
she acts like she is better than everyone. her best friend is an obese lesbian because she can't deal if a girl looks better than her. spergs out on twitch to get followers for her shitty art that is shamefully amateur for being an art student.
tons of failed relationships with mediocre scrotes she posts cutesy pics with before they go cheat on her.
No. 714756
>>714736>>714750When I said I wonder how long I could last I meant that I wonder how fast I'll be banned for being
problematic. It's just morbid curiosity.
No. 714761
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I like wearing vests.
No. 714803
>>714392Happy to see you back anon!
I have a few questions for you:
>apparently she has posted a few things that are incriminating about a people on the server, possibly including Discord guy.Do you know what type of incriminating behaviors was he accused of in those messages? Can you tell us ?
>He also began to suspect that someone on the server is lowkey stalking him>he dropped the subject altogetherWait, so does it mean that he is ok with you being stalkerish? You said before that he really craved attention, are you trying to feed his ego to make him lower his guard ?
>His words made me very happy, I couldn't sleep at all while I was thinking about it. You said you didn't love him, did you change your mind after spending more time with him ?
Anyway, good luck with whatever you are trying to do anon and be careful
No. 714857
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I confess that f@keboi is my personal cow and a huge inspiration to never get fat
No. 714863
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I hate the little uwu loli races in games (like those in tera or in final fantasy 14 or 11) but the shai in black desert online are so cute and you can't dress them in revealing clothes and I love their huge boomerang and that they aren't super killing machines but specialize in crafting and other skills
No. 714893
>>714507Hello there!
Actually, yes he is into anime, but it still took me a little off guard, but I guess it makes somewhat sense since he has stated being shy around women. He has open a little with me tho, so it could mean something in the future.
Also, I think you are right and I should post updates in the Internet Obssesion thread, I don't want to get banned again kek.
>>714509I haven't try a keylogging, it does sounds interesting. I don't know if I can do it for now but I'll try to test it some day. Also, here are the links!
>>670659 >>701429
>>714803Hello ♥
>Do you know what type of incriminating behaviors was he accused of in those messages? Can you tell us ?The person told us that it had to do with his whole persona being fake, or at least part of it, but they couldn't post the messages or go into detail. I don't know why the mystery but they refused altogether to send me anything on DMs too.
>Wait, so does it mean that he is ok with you being stalkerish? You said before that he really craved attention, are you trying to feed his ego to make him lower his guard ?Maybe? It seems like if he doesn't really care that much because I'm not dangerous to him. Now that I think about it, he hasn't say anything about the missing girl, even if he didn't like her at all he just seems to be okay with it as long as no one bothers him. But yes, he has indeed lower his guard with me.
>You said you didn't love him, did you change your mind after spending more time with him ?I think so. I actually always liked the way he talked about his girlfriend, even if they didn't end on a good way (By the way they broke up, I don't think they liked each other that much), and he just seems like an interesting person to talk to, so I guess after reading all of his messages, I kind of developed feelings for him.
>Anyway, good luck with whatever you are trying to do anon and be carefulThank you, I'll try to, take care!
That's all I have for today, I don't think I can post soon, since he seems to be busy. But still, stay safe anons!
No. 714915
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>>714863Same. Those actually look kinda cute and angelic. That's way better than TERA demented loli catgirl garbage. Tbh I'd prefer no loli class in game anyway because it attracts pedophiles.
No. 715163
>>715160*express like as in, she would not acknowledge our common interests when we cleared had some
No. 715206
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5 years ago my online friend from abroad was telling me about a party she was going to attend later that week, she was in uni and just started drinking so I was kinda worried but also excited for her. A few days goes by and I think it was the night before the party, maybe two and I had this dream that felt very different to my usual dreams, too vivid yet regular? I was on some boat, a mini yacht you can rent out for parties, with the multi colored lights on deck, there was this sense of claustrophobia around me, I felt like I was watching a movie and was not actually there. On some isolated part of the deck there was my friend and some tall, nerdy looking bearded dude, I swear to god I can't forget that face even today because he was an odd mix of nerdy and low key buff. It looked like a normal romantic moment but everything just went quiet, before I could hear music, the waves and now all I could hear was a man's voice that kept repeating "she doesn't know I am gonna rape her".
Called my friend after I woke up trying to explain the best I could but even before I got to the part with the guy in it, she was scared of the fact that I knew it was going to be a boat party. She asked me if the dude looked like this and this and it sounded exactly like some new friend she and her housemates had made. Told her how I knew how crazy it sounded but they needed to know and I hoped they wouldn't go and they never did go, thank god.
As I said, I can't remember if it was a day or two before the party when I had the dream but anyfuckingways, the day after the party, my phone was full voice messages from my friend. A girl from her uni got fucking raped by that dude, on that same fucking boat I saw in my goddamn dream. The girl had almost died because this towering fuck had strangled her, then left her but not on the deck, somewhere else, never was really too clear. I still get those kinds of dreams but I am fully aware how psycho it all sounds so I rarely talk about them, but they always feel distinctly different from normal ones.
Tldr; apparently i am a rapist telepathy machine
No. 715223
>>715206Very sad to hear about the
victim but I’m glad your friend was safe. I believe you. It’s weird I’m not really a mystical person and I don’t believe in ghosts and stuff but several women in my family have had prophetic dreams before. Some of the most striking ones I remember: My grandmother dreamt of a volcano erupting and sure enough the local volcano went off the following day (luckily we did not live close enough to be in danger). My mother had a nightmare about someone stalking her sister/my aunt when she was a nurse and called her the next morning in a panic begging her not to go to work. It was later discovered that one of her coworkers was murdered on her shift by a killer the police had been trying to find for a while. Big coverage in the news and everything. My own dreams haven’t been as impressive but I have had a few occasions of dreaming about the details of friends and exes’ lives which turned out true. For example I’d known one friend about a month and dreamed of her in a relatively cozy scenario, relaxing in log cabin with a prominent river nearby and an older man who drove a specific make of vehicle. Told her about it and she said her family had a vacation spot exactly as I described and her dad still drives the same car I saw. She was pretty spooked but impressed and I was just like I don’t know dude, weird stuff. Can’t explain it but interesting to think we might have some odd ability like this.
No. 715318
I was overweight for 15 years. I went through a million diets, losing some, gaining even more, a seemingly neverending circle. Finally, a year and a half ago I decided to change everything, I started working out and eating healthy and portioned meals, a complete lifestyle change, and a couple of months ago I hit a healthy BMI for the first time in almost 2 decades. And now I'm finding myself internally judging every overweight person I see. As soon as I see someone heavier than me, my brain goes to insult mode and I can't control it. I feel like I'm a bad person and I don't know where it's coming from when I of all people should know how hard it can be, and how hopeless I felt so many times at my inability to commit to a change. I am full of pride, and vanity, and nastiness, and I hate it.
No. 715344
>>715318This is how people often feel when kicking a bad habit, ex-smokers scoffing at current smokers are the clearest example.
I don't think it's pride or anything like that, I think it's a mechanism not to relapse. Those that are closest to a threat push back hardest against it.
No. 715415
>>715318You'd fit in perfectly with a good portion of the amberlynn/foodie beauty hater community. Ex fatties sperging at current fatties.
They're always the ones that go nuts under every vid or that create multiple accounts to spam pig emojis in a live stream for two hours. Whenever they actually leave longer comments they talk about their own weight loss or about how they are still fat BUT not as fat as some people lol. Seems to be a weirdly common cope.
No. 715543
>>715438Fattie here and can confirm I think other fats are kinda gross
men more so than womenI actually dont date other fat people and am only attracted to thin or fit girls (maybe a little thick) but trad attractive body standards. It's just feels like a confession or something because it's kind of shallow especially giving that I kind of have a double standard that I have to be the fat one
No. 715550
>>715545Basically im realistic and on online dating i never list myself as "curvy" because thats dogwhistle for ham planet. Ive never been a healthy weight but ive been "less fat" in the thicc range but ive had weight issues my whole life so i feel like id be catfishing (fatfishing?) If i was thinner and wasn't honest about my history with my ED.
I only don't discriminate at work because i had a boss who told me she paid me less and kept me in the back bc i was fat and the most fucked up part was that was the thinnest id ever been and by most peoples standards i was "thicc". So i actually experienced real whole ass fat phobia…
Im sure sperg ex-fat anon can relate that the most fucked thing about losing weight is getting treated like a human being by the general public. I also had some of the same sperging as them and still sperg on HAES shit even when im fat. I think it just hits different for us who have worked to lose it before on how its possible through small changes
No. 715573
>>715570You didn't pick your last name. You can choose to take a moids name. The structure is patriarchal but ending up with a name by fate of birth is different than choosing to be a scrote's tag along.
Keeping your maiden name is based
No. 715627
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I was regretting breaking up with my boyfriend a few weeks ago but now I'm pretty glad. He was a few years younger than be and was kind of insecure. He was constantly reposting that stupid fucking 'women aren't funny' IG meme on every video that featured a woman, wouldn't like my art on social media but liked selfies of girls he didn't like, would interrupt whenever I tired to start conversations with him and was constantly shutting me down on everything. He even admitted that he though I was smarter than him and that he was jealous that I knew what I wanted to do in life with a vague implication that he resented me for it.
No. 715629
>>715570I kept my name when I married, two years into my marriage I essentially got ghosted by the guy who had acted perfect up til that day. Then I got one text. I personally was pretty glad that I didn't change mine or have to change it back. You can end a marriage with a text message.. changing my paperwork back would've been shit given my state of shock at the time. He left me to deal with a lease we shared and all sorts of shared responsibilities got dumped on me. It was one thing I didn't have to fuck around with at least.
If you hate your dad or hate your previous name I can see the appeal though.
No. 715647
>>715627Scrote is
abusive… Tale as old as time
No. 715664
>>715223It sounds like so instagram witch thotty but what can we do really? Wow, you, your grandma and mom sound badass, I don't have much family who I could ask about this stuff but at this point, I only tell people if it concerns them some way. At one point I knew of all of my cousins's and sister's miscarriages, pregnancies and the sexes of the babies before they had known or told anyone. It's good to always write them down as well, one time I had a few separate dreams where I somehow felt like I was a baby (it's crazy I know) and just felt a burning in my lungs. Tried to think who the hell has a baby could be that sick, called my grandma and she basically hung up on me only to call back to tell that a relative's newborn was just going in to some lung/stomach surgery. Fucked up, I don't really count death dreams but my grandma died 5:20 in the morning and I woke at 5:25 after seeing her in a dream with my already deceased grandpa, so when my mom called in the morning I told her I think I already know. I think that's a fairly common experience as that can mostly be explained by you already knowing someone was sick and all that, subconscious stuff.
No. 715808
>>715573But what if you don't want your father's last name because he sucks and you want to take your moids name because he's good to you and you'd way rather feel like a last name sharing family unit with him than your dad?
Yeah, we don't choose our dad's last name. I didn't choose to have his last name and I don't want his last name. He sucks. So, how is it more patriarchal for me to CHOOSE to take the last name of my husband, who treats me really well and I love dearly?
Maybe women should just be able to choose what last name they want without theur decision being inherently judged?
No. 715974
>>703303I finally got my first job because I got tired of being useless and pathetic and I actually want to do something with my life
I feel good
No. 715984
>>715808The part that plays on my mind with this is that divorce rates are high, the best relationships still have an expiration date and so you're taking on a man's name knowing that the majority of relationships do turn sour eventually. Its statistically likely to be a name you want to drop again in future which leaves you with switching back to your dad's name. Either way It's always some mans name and its based on that old shit of your dad owning you until a husband owns you.
Im divorced and I'm surrounded by friends who are struggling with coparenting because their love turned so sour they can't bare having to talk to the guy anymore. They made babies while feeling confident that they'd be together forever and forever ended two years later. That's the harsh reality for alot of people and it makes me question when we'll start taking our moms names more. Half of us are named after absent dad's and not the moms that actually raised us. I just question it all
No. 716011
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A lesbian friend from the past hit me up recently, she wants to be a man now. I saw this coming for years tbh, she has all the traumas perfectly lined up.
I might link up and may or may not be truthful about my TERF shit. Idk she seems happy atm and I don’t want to be that bitch. She’s respectful and keeps to herself, the exact demographic of FtMs my terven witch heart has a soft spot for. Also she’s really cute. I hate being a dirty liar to someone like that…
No. 716075
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>>716018tfw you'll probably never cook something wonderful with your hot tanned chef bf joking with you during the process
No. 716101
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>>716075that reminds me of that terrible KFC romance movie
you should watch it to scratch the itch
No. 716498
>>716489I remember finding stationary album that some kid left on a sill in my kindergarten and wishing I could steal it… or at least a few stationary pieces… but I was too much of a pussy sadly.
I feel bad for the girl from your story since I am sure she was super sad about the sticker album. On the other hand, speaking as a kid that was denied cute stickers by her parents, you kind of lived my dream.
No. 716501
>>716489Don’t feel too bad, anon, you were a kid and she also made some really nice memories out of it, even if she was sad for a while.
Like, that was some kid’s movie happy ending shit and that’s quite the silver lining.
No. 716532
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I keep fantasizing about my coworker. I can't help it. We've been working similar shifts for awhile and I can't take it. I find him incredibly attractive and I know he thinks I'm hot. Whenever we're alone I feel the tension between us.
It makes me feel shitty because I'm married.
No. 716534
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i meet up with people from the internet in hopes that one of them kills me.
more specifically 4chan.
No. 716550
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>>716542I refuse to fuck them ever, I just meet and sometimes drink then go home. I've been offered to fly out, but I'm a pussy bitch about that one
>>716544It's a small hope I hold on to, I'm so fatigued with life anon. I wouldn't recommend it but be careful because a lot of these people only want sex and it's gross.
>>716536I'm sorry anon
No. 716608
>>716551nta, how do you have the guts?
I'm miserably lonely and bumble is yielding nothing
No. 716728
>>716724My deepest condolences, but it's comforting to know I'm not the only one with this problem. I've narrowed my type down to either ENFP or ENTP and have fluctuated between the two for about two years now, so I think at this point I can at least confidently say that my dominant function is Ne.
I am a sad, retarded clown.
No. 716734
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Seeing this dude appear in the bridgertons completely took me out of the show, I didn't even know there was drama around the diverse cast, It's just weird seing a black man play a duke in regency era england.
No. 716793
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I've been getting way better results in dating since I stopped trying to control my mental illness and straight up sound scary and unhinged on dating sites.
Judge if you want, but if you want advice, act like Gus Fring from breaking bad, I think fear and intrigue make them act better
All my shit gets paid for and they always text back
No. 716810
>>716796>>716798These are from various profiles, I have duplicates and shit, some of it sounds cringe, but I swear to god this is what I say, so
And keep in mind, I am literally mentally ill and refuse treatment, so, I dunno how much of it is this and how much is the atmosphere I generate, but these are some lines form some profiles I have:
>I like a lot of alone time. >I'm a night owl, essentially nocturnal. I easily adjust my sleep pattern when I want though.>I like to keep things laid-back. Life itself is taxing, tedious. I'm not looking to add more stress to myself. I suggest you do the same. Once you start talking to them in person, always be busy. You're making important deals. When you go out with them, always change the time. Whatever time they suggest, you move it by at least an hour. I think moving by hours instead of days works better.
Also don't move your face from the eyes up.
Practice walking like Gus too, that shit is disconcerting, like he's gliding and calculating even his breathing.
I think the most important thing is to always look like your calculating, like full-alert but not high-alert. Always thinking.
Don't be afraid to make unwavering eye contact
Also when you text, never give single words, but do keep it short and vague, vague is good for mystery points I think
The characters I basically skinwalk when I'm dating are Gus from breaking bad, Ana Spanakopita from bojack horseman, and if I'm manic and feeling good, Wilfred from Wilfred, Wilfred is significantly different from the other two, and you usually get funner pushovers with him, like guys who want a manic pixie dream girl that they're afraid of
No. 716826
>>716822>>716819>seems like a fun way to deal with moidsOh my god, it's seriously the most fun I've ever had with a guy, I can't recommend it enough, thank you thank you
>>716823never heard of it, I think larping on dates should be an exclusively female right
No. 716838
>>716835To be fair, exuding confidence period does always help at a job interview, but I couldn't say I know if this exact profile works
>>716837Oh for school it's perfect, I literally started doing this in high school and kept it up through college
No. 716839
>>716838You are the GOAT, I swear.
How did you come up with this? Why Gus Fring?
Can we count on you to drop by with some date stories?
No. 716840
>>716838When your were at school, were people afraid or did the aura od mystery attracted people ? Also, is it a good way for people to leave you alone and rspect you as the same time ?
Asking for a friend of course…
No. 716850
>>716840>>716839lmfao thank you
So I was bullied pretty bad in school, but I got to transfer part of the way through my freshman year, and I was like, I am not wasting this opportunity,
Gus Fring was the coolest character I could think of lmfao, I dunno, I was like 14, I had read this story on /r9k/ about this kid who accidentally avoided getting bullied in school by shadow boxing and running the track whenever there was free time and refusing to talk people, like getting up and leaving if someone sat by him, he didn't realize what he was doing was making people wary of him, he was super autistic and pretending to be Vegeta
And I'm super fucked up, so I picked my mans Gus lol
People were definitely afraid of me in school, I went from getting pretty badly bullied at my original high school to nobody wanting to fuck with me at the one I graduated from
It attracted some people which I didn't really expect then, but I think people really do gravitate toward anything they don't understand, people are naturally curious, so the less you let them know, the more interesting you seem
But the cool thing about the people it attracts is that they like the mystery, so you can keep it going forever if you just don't tell them anything, that's a big part of what I do with dating now
Just don't talk if you don't need to, and if you do need to, don't be afraid to take time to think, go ahead and pause a long time, just be sure to make eye contact the whole time. That shit messes with people
It really boosted the hell out of my confidence too, and eventually self-esteem, like I said, I basically skinwalked him, so I started standing up straight, washing my face twice a day, dressing really nice
I started typing a story, but it was extremely long-winded, because seriously keep in mind, I am considered not mentally well, so I don't know if all of this would work the same for anyone else
>>716843>>716845I've literally done that. More than once, don't actually recommend it lmfao, it's hit or miss
No. 716856
>>716850You know what, fuck it, I'm going to try your method. I basically have the same profile as yours and it can't be worst that what I'm doing right know (being autistically aloof in a very un-cool way ).
Thank you for sharing your story anon. Feel free to share any other interesting story, it's really entertaining and fun !
No. 716868
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>>716856Good luck anon! It's definitely better than being unhappy, that's for sure
>>716857>>716863Thank you thank you, lmfao
No. 716951
>>716937>>716935I love how on a site where it's totally acceptable to shit on people for their weight, addictions, mental disorders, and pretty much anything else under the sun, everyone gets so
triggered the second anyone puts even a fraction of that same energy towards economic class. It's pretty transparent why that is. Y'all can dish, but not take.
No. 716981
>>716932 anon sounds like some boomer/gen x. Millenial and younger have to lie about any fuckup on their school/work history to get anywhere. If you're not the steroetypical middle class person, or a moid who can just get rich from trades, then you only have a slim chance of beocming middle class.
No. 716988
>>716932What if someone is disabled and can't do anything about their situation?
>>716965It's not necessarily about class. Middle class families can be as dysfunctional as lower class ones. Money certainly helps but I'd argue that having loving supportive parents is just as important.
No. 717003
>>717001It's the same old recycled bait all the time too
Welcome to lc, the hangout spot for success driven people
No. 717016
>>717012There's a lot of people that throw these words around without actually meaning it. If he ever felt guilty about it he probably tried to act in love all the time
>>717013Which videogame characters?
No. 717017
>>716975>>716981I'm still in my 20's, make 100k a year and have 300k in stocks and savings.
So yeeeeah, not "behind for my age" lmao.
>>716999Money doesn't change your entire personality like people think it does.
No. 717023
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>>717013i want geralt to destroy me
and just spent like the last 3 hours writing a geralt fuckfic via aidungeon No. 717032
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this is my first confession that i actually feel deep shame for but i think abby brown’s bf bosshog is slightly cute nowadays days, personality excluded
i disgust myself
No. 717034
>>707795 god i was the complete opposite but considering it was due to being a complete shut in, isolated child who's entire social circle was online friends and found 4chan and tucker max books when was around 13 years old. I try to not to blame myself but it's hard when I only forcibly weaned myself off of the crazy train when I was around 19 years old because I saw that
A) hating my own gender to the point I was wishing I was a guy
B) All my humour was just cruel, edgy and vile.
C) Desensitized to EVERYTHING. Including cp, gore and everything in between
C) When the 2016 election happened I was on the full blown trump train because of the "LOLs and fuck everyone this is funny"
D) Had a very unrealistic view of the world, politics extremely skewed/thought i knew everything/super anti sjw
E) Basically was turning into the hispanic version of a coon/uncle tom
F) Just a very mean spirited person
and that was without even interacting on the 4chan boards themselves, I just lurked for years but even then I was still getting influenced heavily.
No. 717038
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>>717013I absolutely know that feel.
i just want to have awkward sex with him No. 717179
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>>717178You think i will just back off? Like a coward?
No. 717190
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>>717179teleports behind you If anon cannot pick then we must duel to the death as the prophecy foretold
No. 717192
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>>717190So shall it be then
i simply slay u No. 717193
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>>717192Alternative ending we all end up like this
No. 717251
was casually looking through my personal insta account where i follow all the people i went to high school with basically, noticed one girl i was pretty good friends with throughout had dumped her boyfriend she was engaged to and had a new one. so i look out of curiosity.. she's dating my almost 40 year old cousin. and she is 19. we both graduated only 2 years ago, same class. now i know why 2 weeks ago, my cousin was EXTREMELY hesitant saying a word about having a girlfriend. like, he had legit weird anxiety when my mom joked about "sooo you have a girlfriend yet??"
the cherry on top? this girl is posting selfies, of her in "little space", wearing motherfucking PINK TODDLER ONESIES. she is the stereotypical overweight, awkward chubby adult ddlg "little". and the almost 40 year old man tagged in these photos of her sucking binkies and wearing imitation-baby clothes? my much older cousin. posting this here because if i told my mom, or my father, it would just be fucking bizarre and they'd gossip, talk etc. but it is genuinely shocking. i had no clue that by innocently peeping at this used-to-be high school buddies account, i would… discover this. fucking gross
No. 717253
>>717251I don't see how you're not more grossed out by your 40 year old cousin acting like a literal predator.
>inb4 "well I didn't say I'm not!" I'm just saying your tone is way more focused in on the girl as if your cousin must be a prize.
No. 717546
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>>717544it looks like a slippery slope to eugenics
No. 717600
>>717562It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad. They find a guy they think is nice and say radfem is too extreme, and gush about him nonstop. Then in a few months get slapped in the face with reality when they find out hes just as shitty as all the others. Most don't accept reality tho and just go back to making excuses for men, back on their male validation addiction.
Some do have a brain and cut it off, but they're constantly whinging about how they've been betrayed and are such a
victim. Both are ultra cringe.
No. 717614
>>717599I'm not even a lesbian. And as I said, there are straight (and bisexual) separatists. Assuming it only comes from those bitter evil lesbians seems a little homophobic
>>717600The majority of women don't have any strong convictions in their lives
No. 717619
>>717562That anon did not even mention anything about her sexuality.
>>717599This is right, but tbh it's just radfems in general, not lesbians.
No. 717643
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I ship myself with dozens of anime characters and all my OCs are giga-sluts. I don't post them online but I think it's funny how fandom autists get upset at people who do the same thing. I'm stealing all the dicks and no one can stop me.
No. 717750
>>717670I briefly knew a guy a few years ago who was a furry and an abdl diaper fetishist with an interest in both wetting and messing them. He was in his mid-twenties and didn't work so he lived at home with no plans of changing that. His parents had seperated so he lived with each of them at one point but settled with his dad. He told me he had outed himself to both his parents because he refused to hide his adult diaper wearing from them. He dressed up as a baby at home and would shit himself. He spent all his benefit money on importing massive diapers with cartoon designs on them. He paid nothing towards bills.
He was bisexual (would probably fuck ayone or anything tbh, I was glad he had no pets) and in the short time I knew him he was waiting on STI test results after a gay hook up left him itching. Guy was so many levels of messed up and he had no filter about telling near strangers like myself or telling his parents his every kink.
He got a boner one day while we were talking and had to draw my attention to it thinking I'd magically want sex. Everything about him screams autistic right? One day I brought up me thinking that I might be autistic (a lie) just to bring the subject up. He told me that his sister has autism….but not him. He has a family that is familiar with autism but somehow this adult baby furry diaper lover neet was normal while his sister had an autism diagnosis?
I'm just glad he never forced himself on me because it appeared to be heading that way. I don't whether to blame his parents or pity them.
No. 717769
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i id as lesbian irl despite finding anime men/yaoi/2d cock sexy.
No. 717875
>>717288>Has your ex changed at all or grown up since then?Nope, it's actually one of the many reasons I broke up with him and cut contact. He lost other good friends because of it too. Constantly "joking" about how refugees deserved to die, black people are just intelligent apes and women are less competent at everything compared to men. It wore on the few quality individuals he spent time with so that they never lasted long. It's upsetting how long I stuck around; it was
abusive so I was in a fog anyway, and somehow he always had a way of qualifying it as if there was some rational thought behind it. Like "Oh I don't really mean this applies to
everyone in that group, of course not. Just the really nasty people who deserve it!" But it was like who made you judge and jury of all these strangers you don't even know? In the end he truly was just a bigot who got off to bullying oppressed groups.
No. 717884
>>717881I think the goal would be to recognize that men
are dangerous but also know that you shouldn't go through life constantly living in fear. Take precautions, be aware of your safety, don't be overly trusting with men. But don't hide in your home forever either.
No. 717890
>>717852After a while on here it had a similar effect on me, I visited a lil less and also just worked on chilling out.
Then a neighbour I had been friendly with got overbearing and creepy with me… closely followed by an incident of a guy I think using a pickup artist routine on me. I had this ongoing harrassment and then this once-off harrassment and realised there's a balance to be reached tbh.
No. 718022
>>717902This happened for me when I was 14-15. I lost maybe 12-20 pounds and noticed more people took the time to hold a door open for me kek.
There's a chance people were also nicer to me in general at basic service places but people increasingly did hold the door..
No. 718043
this might belong to another thread but
the fds, femcel and pinkpill subreddit might be privated because of me
>post there frequently for 5 months or so
>during that time work was monitoring our traffic
>i didn't know how this works so i kept doing everything
>get death threats and harassment on reddit
>think it's only incels being scrotes, nothing special as my posts are fairly popular there and other girls on the sub are getting them too
>people at work coincidentally act weird, make feminism, sex and abuse jokes
>one person asks me if i'm a farmer
>i thought he meant i smell bad
>get literally sexually harassed
>pickme gives me poisoned food
>think nothing of it, people being dicks, nothing new
>be burnout insomniac at the time, so can't puzzle it together
>keep shitposting and telling my sad femcel stories
>make up stories inspired by my and friends shitty exes as cautionary tales
>comfort girls, make jokes about and encourage confrontation of abusive scrotes
>people at work ask if i had been abused or if i hate men
>i think it's because of my hair and generic feminist posts on socials
>friendly coworkers coincidentally keep leaving the place
>people infiltrate voice chats, sub goes private
>get a feeling to delete my account
>decide not to, who would care, that's right
>post about my pedo exs, abuse, lazy coworkers, toxic friends
>people at work are suddenly quieter and nicer
>boss coincidentally comes to check up and urge bums to work harder
>suspect my reddit is leaked but decide to keep it because it's popular, and remember that nobody cares so it's impossible they read it
>group chats are alarmed and start privating all female subs
>starts shitposting in edgy threads instead just to test it
>admit people at work are on drugs, sell drugs, tell about the harassment
>people don't make jokes about this, should've gone for flat earth instead
>people at work try to sell me drugs and obviously stolen things
>workplace gets shutdown for 2 weeks, pretends to be for business
>lots of things happening, i quit, i forget about the account
>lose access to it, lots of hacking happening, delete it
No. 718096
>>718091I know this response won't help much, but ignore the ana-chans. The rest of us think they
(they as in, specifically the ana-chans here, I just feel sad for the non-farmers anorexic people. think they are freaks, especially the ones that post in the ana thread and call recovering anorexics fat and shit. I don't blame you for feeling that way, LC hasn't affected my body image (if anything it's gotten better but not cause of this site), but I have developed a lot more of a negative mindset.
No. 718115
>>718105A lot of anons here are hypocritical
which is one of the reasons I think it's bad to base your opinions off of shit you see here and feel like if a women does something that automatically makes it ok and it's not as bad. It's fucking gross either way. I'm not a scrote btw, it's just how I feel.
No. 718389
>>718362The chaotic attempts at justification mixed in with degenerate kinks was a wild ride
I have dreams about destroying of gender roles too but I hoped we could get there through listening to women and fashionable androgyny instead of closing women's support services and sterilising gay children but that's what I get for being a libfem
No. 718399
>>718362I used to reason kind of like you. Then, I noticed that trannies are only "anti-traditional" in the sense that they're openly porn-addicted coomers and/or self-hating gay men. They're extremely traditional in their violence and crime patterns (especially regarding sexual assault on women and children), how much they don't see women as actual human beings, their incel mindsets, etc.
In fact, many "normal" trad men are closeted bisexuals, and they all watch porn in these modern times, so what actually sets the two apart? A pair of thigh-highs, some horse piss pills and an extra helping of attention whore disorder? The fact that one LARPs as a Catholic trad man, while the other LARPs as an anime catgirl/plastic surgery bimbo? Fuck off lmao.
"Distorting" gender for these people amounts to strengthening its oppression on women, and making it so we can't talk about what we deal with (or even our physical existence). Discussing FGM is now "transphobic", and being an actual lesbian is bad because it excludes men. Gay children are just untransitioned straight people, and not 100% conforming to gender stereotypes means you can't "really" be a girl or boy. That's not "utter collapse" of anything, unless you just want a clone of your conservative dad that happens to wear a dress and a pair of cat ears.
No. 718407
>>718385No, I'm not. And why would a male, especially the type to browse imageboards, be anti traditional gender roles and against conservative opinion?
>>718389> I have dreams about destroying of gender roles tooThat's sadly never going to happen, not in that way. Society doesn't care what women think so you need to have men pretending to be women to do that for you. The extreme progressive left is the only way no matter the dammage. I was left bitter after hanging in GC circles for a long time upon realizing that most of those women (and some /pol/tards pretending to be women, they're easy to spot) were traditional right leaning women that are against changing gender roles and cling to them tight. The same type of people that I absolutely detest. There's a reason why /pol/tards like radfems.
>>718399No woman is ever going to be safe from men even if trannies were legally killed and their numbers reduced to 0. The point is that traditional conservative men will have less issues hindering women from reaching their potential. A tranny, as violent as they are, still adhere to some progressive ideals that do benefit women as long as you can avoid the mentally ill group. I'm not just being pro-tranny. I want the whole progressive package. Break whatever is deemed as female and male.
>>718400Trannies may perform whatever traditional roles and push stereotypes but in the end, they're a lame copy of whatever they're imitating. They'll never be a threat in that sense and that's why they're so fragile because even one wrong look, one wrong word is enough to break that illusion they've set up for themselves.
No. 718418
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>>718407>No woman is ever going to be safe from men even if trannies were legally killed and their numbers reduced to 0. But think how much less safe we will be when we're considered bigoted for not letting men into homes for female abuse
victims, female bathrooms, dressing rooms, into our beds, etc.
>traditional conservative men will have less issues hindering women from reaching their potential. Not if they can just put men who wear wigs and dresses in positions meant for us, and claim they're empowering women. We're already seeing this happen, pic related, Emilia Decaudin, the "female committee member" who deliberately removed a rule that ensured a democratic party would elect a female leader.
How many trannies, even "sane" ones, acknowledge the sexual violence committed by their own kind, or the pedophiles in their ranks? The answer is zero, because they don't give a fuck. Why is Eli Erlick not cancelled? The only reason a handful of them even cared about Jonathan Yaniv is because he became a huge public figure and made them look bad.
They are men, through and through, and they've managed to trick some women into thinking supporting them is progress.
No. 718424
>>718407I mean, the majority of women are, unfortunately, completely fine with traditional gender roles, including "GC" women and even radfems (I saw it many times with self proclaimed radfems). They just don't want their men to watch porn and use prostitutes because they're jealous (it's not even that they care about women being exploited), and they don't want their men to abuse them, but besides that they're fine with "traditional" gender roles. It's natural to straight women. In scandinavian countries, despite the most gender equal school system, girls don't want to choose STEM fields and they choose typically femininine careers even more often than before. That's because when you give people more freeedom, they will choose what's natural for them, and most straight women are, naturally, more interested in professions like nursing and teaching, where they can care for others and socialize, and men, generally, prefer to work with objects, not with people, they prefer to build things etc.
I think nothing illustrated those natural tendencies better than the Kibbutz experiment:
"The documentary 'Full Circle' summarizes the change in the women's view of equality on the kibbutz. The original Utopian goal of the founders was complete gender equality. Children lived in the children's houses. Freed from domestic duties, women participated in the industrial, agricultural and economic sectors alongside men. However, in the 1960s, while the rest of the Western world demanded equality of the sexes and embraced feminism, the second generation of kibbutz born women began to return to more traditional gender roles. They rejected the ideal achieved by their grandparents and returned to domestic duties such as cooking, cleaning and taking care of children. Today, most women do not participate in the economic and industrial sectors of the kibbutz. They even embraced traditional marriage. Women often played a major part in this transition, often framing their arguments in terms of what they saw as the "natural needs" of womanhood and motherhood.[36]
Statistical data proves that the majority of women work in the service and domestic sectors while men work in the production sector. According to data from the 1940s, gender equality existed neither in the domain of work nor in the area of politics in the kibbutzim of the time. For instance, in 1948, in eight kibbutzim of the Ihud, a kibbutz federation with a pragmatic socialist orientation, 78.3 percent of the women worked in services (services for adults, child care, education) as compared with 16.7 percent of the men. That same year, 15.2 percent of the women worked in production as distinct from 58.2 percent of the men. The situation was the same in political life.[37]"
You can try to force "equality" but it won't work. I don't like it but that's just how most heterosexual people are. GNC people have to fight for themselves but we can forget about ever being seen as normal.
No. 718451
>>718424Shitty STEM culture has nothing to do with it? Women in any male-dominated field will tell you how much it sucks and how their opinions aren’t taken seriously.
Besides that, even the most liberal boomer parents probably raised their kids with fairly traditional gender roles. It’s not as simple as “hurr women like to be social”
No. 718463
>>718424>even radfems… just don't want their men to watch porn and use prostitutes because they're jealous I don't know what radfems you've socialized with in the past, but I would argue that they weren't actually on board with the ideaology if that's the case. Every single radfem I've known is against porn due to the fact that it causes incredible mental and physical damage to women and is often at the center of human trafficking scandals, not because they're "jealous." In fact many radfems just aren't interested in men at all anymore and are pro separatism. Really couldn't care less about men's interests.
>In scandinavian countries, despite the most gender equal school system, girls don't want to choose STEM fields and they choose typically femininine careers even more often than before.Yeah this study was performed by researchers who previously wanted to claim women were less biologically capable in STEM fields. When that didn't work out due to the fact that women are outnumbering men in many scientific fields and outperforming them on standardized STEM tests, they decided to change their tune and are now trying to claim women just aren't interested due to our biology. Their measurements were sketchy and claimed improperly, plus the "GGGI" they were using to determine a country's gender parity is also sketchy, considering it ranked fucking Rwanda at #6 a couple years ago.
>the Kibbutz experimentDo you actually know much about this experiment or are you just trying to use the results to support your subjective argument? Judaism was still at the center of the community and taught women that they all had something called innate motherhood. "Given deplorable living conditions and high child mortality, breastfeeding and no other modern system—which might have relieved women of this 'imperative duty'—was unanimously adopted as the only means to ensure the survival of the suckling, thus de facto creating a rigid gendered division of labor." It's not quite so simple that you can just claim "tHe WoMeNs WaNtEd It" without taking into account the many external and central societal factors that affected things. If you actually want to learn more, read this: really do sound like a scrote trying to throw baseless "facts" to convince us that women are all catty tradthots at heart. If not, you need to think critically and look deeply at more data and various resources before making assumptions.
No. 718468
>>718424>They just don't want their men to watch porn and use prostitutes because they're jealous (it's not even that they care about women being exploited)I haven't seen a single radfem not care about the exploitation. It's nearly all they talk about, because coomers are constantly ignoring and downplaying it.
In fact, coomers are also the main people who try to make everything about "jealousy".
No. 718475
>>718463So are there proofs that women, on average, are JUST AS interested in traditionally non-femininine activities as men? Because I only see implications that they are not.
>>718468I've spent 7 years on radfem tumblr and I talked to lesbians who had radfem channels on youtube or radfem blogs but don't want to associate themselves with radical feminism anymore because it's full of lesbophobia and deep rooted handmaidenism. The few "actual" radfems I knew became separatists.
No. 718477
>>718450I'm glad I'm not the only one here
>>718456What differences? In hunter-gatherer societies women and girls are also treated like trash and "femininine" activities are seen as lesser. I'm so done with the romanticized image of hunter-gatherer societies No. 718484
>>718475It's true there are currently less women in STEM as a whole, but your point centers around women choosing what is "natural" for them and as
>>718451 stated, there's nothing natural about girls being raised in highly gendered societies and being told they aren't suited for the field and/or being penalized when they do go into it.
"even women who had selected math-intensive majors had difficulties in associating math with themselves because they associated math with the male gender"
"A study among secondary school students in Switzerland… math and physics were either negatively associated with female or positively associated with male gender. In contrast, chemistry was the least gender stereotyped because among female students there were no significant associations of the term chemistry with either gender term and among male students no negative association with the term woman (Makarova and Herzog, 2015). These findings are interesting in light of students' preference for their subject of specialization in secondary schools in Switzerland (FSO, 2019b) showing that chemistry is chosen almost equally often by boys and girls, whereas math and physics are largely avoided by girls as subjects of specialization."
Boy howdy, color me surprised that girls are just as likely to go into a field when it's not heavily skewed toward a male gender norm! How "natural."
No. 718489
>>718482>it's not something we can changeStudies have proven otherwise. If we work to deconstruct gender norms within a patriarchal society, girls will be more likely to go into these fields.
>not something that straight women WANT to change It's hard to undo sometimes decades' worth of gender-based conditioning. Straight women who have been indoctrinated all their lives to be "feminine" are indeed hesitant to change since they are rewarded by men and even most women for following these norms and frequently demonized when they don't. So yes it's hard, but it's also worthwhile and if you just throw your hands up and give up on these women then you're right, it will never change. But a lot of radfems are making the effort to reach women like this and were formerly that type of woman themselves. I'm honestly all for separatism because it would be a much easier path towards this goal without men breathing down our necks and critiquing everything we do, but it's going to be a long process and I don't think women living within our current society should be ignored in the meantime.
>>718488>the discussion would divulge into, "Well, women are naturally weaker and more frail, lack coordination, are less capableThat is literally the exact same thing this anon is saying? How can they call themselves critical of this attitude while they espouse it?
No. 718492
>>718489But abolishing gender roles on a global scale would require men to be compliant to a certain degree, and that will never happen. Male tendency to dominate females is natural and it happens everywhere, not only in agricultural societies, but in hunter gatherer ones too, and among fucking primates too. Males and females live in sexual conflict.
Women still want to live and breed with men despite having the access to knowledge about literally everything men ever did to women. I can't blame women in the thrid world or poor women etc. But even western women who could easily support themselves without males still do this shit. They would sold out a fellow female for a scrote, some even sell out their own daughters. Straight women are co-responsible. Social constructionists blaming everything on socialization basically deny women's personal agency and ability to think for themselves kek.
And you know what, all the "radfems" I knew who needed to be coddled and who complained that radical feminism isn't nice and inclusive enough to straight women left their internet "activism" after 2-4 years. They got husbands and kids and had no time for blogging. The women whose life choices are actually consistent with their politics usually think like me.
No. 718505
>>718424>>718482Not trying to argue, I want to understand something. Why can't the focus be on improving things for GNC women instead of creating more of them? I guess having more by abolishing gender roles would be an ideal way to improve, but I don't think it can happen like you said. I also don't think there is something wrong with women who don't want to be in STEM (using that as an example) or whatever "feminine" thing. The problem is the social attitudes and treatment of both types. It's viewed as lesser to like "womanly" things and that is part of why STEM is pushed, but why is it lesser?? The problem is the male perspective overall… Women who are traditionally "feminine" aren't lesser for it (although pickmeism is another topic) they just happen to prefer social work, care for others etc. If that's the majority it's only bad because of the judgment on it and the
worse judgment on GNC women. If a woman likes STEM, is "masculine" she not only is judged for it but also deals with discrimination in her male-dominated field. Could there be a way to lessen the abuse with the current numbers? I guess you would say no, it's never going to stop unless we get a gender balance. That's likely right, I'm just trying to figure this out. I think if the negativity goes away then the women who want to be in STEM, be masculine etc will get to do that, but why is the opposite considered weak? Because most women do that now? Why is what most women do (for whatever reason, social or biological) inferior to everyone including you? It sounds like people here are sad that women choose those things but I don't get why because it's not inferior or weak. Just like men primarily choosing their things doesn't make them inferior OR better. I feel like people generalize too much, we can accept that most women/men abide by their roles (for now) but can't we also accept the ones who don't, I wish we could do that without trying to change either type.
No. 718507
>>718492Your writing reminds me of that based anon who used to post in pinkpill/manhate threads. I remember those interesting articles on the subject of
toxic male sperm and how it affects the woman in so many ways.
No. 718511
>>718492Idk anon, this will be the last time I reply because we're already shitting up the confession thread with major OT. I don't take issue with your original post, I personally disagree but if you think troons will somehow help subvert gender norms (even though they play into them on the most basic level), then you do you. But past that you make a lot of assumptions about all radfems in existence. It's too bad your experience has been negative but I personally know many who do not conform to the attitudes you described in the least. I know both straight and lesbian radfems who are for separatism. So if we're only talking about subjective experiences, then there's really no point because they'd just cancel each other out.
I do take issue with you playing into the very concepts the patriarchy has pushed on us by repeatedly saying it's "natural" for women to avoid certain careers or mindsets. It's not, and we
have been socialized to do this. Yes, biology plays a large role in our oppression because we are weaker physically than men and made weaker still by childbearing, and obviously men have taken advantage of this since the dawn of time. Your main complaint though seems to be with the women who have suffered under this system and are so indoctrinated that even when presented with evidence that shows they're misguided, they rail against it. It's a fucking scary thing to accept men just want to use us, even the "good" ones, and because of that sometimes it's not enough to get them to change their outlook. But I've seen other instances where it has, and I'm not going to hate on women for being an oppressed class. And yes, they are oppressed, manipulated and lied to even in woke western countries. It's more devious there because women are told sex equality has been achieved and feminism isn't needed anymore, deluded into thinking things like sex "work" is empowering, when it's the exact opposite.
No. 718512
>>718505>I think if the negativity goes away then the women who want to be in STEM, be masculine etc will get to do that, but why is the opposite considered weak? Because most women do that now? But they always did that, not just now. In the past they didn't have much of a choice, but now, even when they have the choice, they still choose to do it.
And straight normies have no problem with women who choose traditional roles. Men want them to choose those roles. Mothers encourage daughters to choose them too.
I don't believe you can change straight women, that's why I don't want to change them. As you mentioned, I think it's better to focus on changing things for the better for GNC people. But GNC people have to accept that straight normies will always see them as not equal.
No. 718519
>>718511But where did the socialization started? Who did it? Do you think it was entirely male idea and women weren't compliant, for example, in exchange for resources, so basically prostitution? Why even in the rare examples of "matriarchies" women were conditioning their daughters to become breeders through various fucked up rituals? Idk, is seems like no one forced them to do it. I think the problem lies deeper than just socialization and that as long as women want to breed with men and live with men (and the instinct to breed is natural in most het women), the problem won't disappear. I think most people are slaves to their genes.
I will just live here this interesting post on matriarchy written by a female historian and a lesbian. Very insightful.'s the last post from me I guess
No. 718520
>>718512Yeah. I think fighting what straight women want is a losing battle and separatism is too even for some non-straight women because plenty have men they care about. I don't think separatism could be sustained and men would only get worse with even less empathy for us. I think the focus with straight women should be on discouraging pickmes who put other women down, who sacrifice our own and don't care about lesbians/GNC. It may be impossible to separate straight women from men (duh if you ask me) but they can be educated to treat themselves and other women better. But I say this as a probably straight woman; if lesbians want to give up on us that's fine but they probably won't have a lot of straight women separatists because attraction to men is in their nature and many women love their male relatives, etc. I'm all for whatever lesbians want to do for themselves though, and I think all women need to think that way about any GNC women instead of making their lives worse by pushing gender norms onto them.
Sorry at this point you may hate my opinion and that's ok, I'm backing out of the thread just offering a (admittedly still-forming) view.
No. 718597
>>718592Nta but no, you used it correctly. There just wasn't enough context before. You'd refer to both a sibling's spouse
and your spouse's sibling as an in-law, so that's probably why that anon was under the impression of the former.
No. 718634
File: 1611183790507.jpeg (135.81 KB, 1024x1024, 1536448602486.jpeg)

I slept with the fiancé of the girl who bullied me in high school and she now has herpes, kek.
Thanks for calling me a whore all those years hunty, guess you were right!
No. 718643
>>718640Thanks! xoxo
He was a customer, I wasn't sleeping with him willingly. I did let her know, but only after she got the herp and he got big mad.
No. 718656
>>718645If she didn't want herpes, she should've kept her nasty scrote on a tighter leash instead of going around publicly degrading me and maybe I wouldn't have fucked him. Suing me won't make it go away, especially since I can always say I didn't know I had it and it's technically possible.
>>718651If he's a taken man he shouldn't go around offering sex workers money for their services in the first place. It's not my problem she won't fuck him more often.
No. 718658
>>718656So how could you have told her you have an std after she got it if you didn't know? Think out your larp storytimes better, babe. You shoulda kept your nasty coochie on a leash.
I know it's bait, but there are people actually like this and that's why you always test your partners, and it's also why people think people with STD's are "dirty". The stigma will exist as long as people are knowingly spreading shit and not controlling their stds. Anyway, report.
No. 718677
File: 1611186116849.png (918.7 KB, 1300x955, lovelypeaches.png)

This anon rn
Do it be burnin' and itchin', anon?
No. 718678
>>718672They can try I guess?
It's all he said she said at this point, I also doubt they'd want to advertise their herpes all over town. It's a small place, people will talk.
No. 718685
File: 1611186871637.png (6.08 KB, 210x240, 5EACD6B9-ABE1-487B-89B9-57AC14…)

>>718679You forgot to attach the picture of the /r9k/ scrote taking the screenshot, anon.
No. 718701
>>718689I’m normal weight, nothing crazy. 125 at 5’6”. Kids are big these days. I think the size 14-16 stuff goes to like a 29/30 inch waist, and I’m 26 inches.
>>718690Holy shit I didn’t even know this existed. You’re the best.
>>718695But I want cute underwear.
>>718697Oh man, I wish I clarified that. Yes, like those sparkly/pastel cute teen styles not toddler stuff haha.
No. 718718
>>718711The only person who matters. ME.
>>718713Ugh, I get it and I hate it. This is why I’m on the confessions thread. I wish ddlg shit wasn’t a thing. So much normal shit sounds fetishy now. Like I had the same thought about someone after finding out she collects vintage toys and plushies before realizing nope, she probably just likes to collect this stuff.
No. 718719
File: 1611188562045.jpg (131.99 KB, 1492x1529, 195b1cc20296e864dbe3c867914311…)

>>718711You've never known the feel in pic related?
No. 718723
>>703303>>718684i’m an ~anachan~ bitch that buys from the girls section all the time! I love some of the styles girls 5-12yrs get, so many patterns & interesting cuts that aren’t made for people with boobs (I believe I’m less than an A cup).
But guys… the underwear. You have no idea how comfortable! it’s not shaped really in any sort of way to be even remotely sexy, they feel so soft but breathable usually, & it’s really easy to find days of the week packs lmao
No. 718731
>>718723First, I’m not telling you how to live your life but take care of yourself girl. Size 12 is one thing. Size 5 is concerning.
Second, yes, BREATHABLE. That’s the best part. You don’t get that weird semi detached lining, no polyester bullshit, and the cut isn’t pinching into your cooch.
No. 718739
File: 1611190828987.jpg (55.51 KB, 500x333, cute-goth-grunge-nirvana-Favim…)

I miss 2012/2013 soft grunge tumblr
No. 718767
File: 1611192430836.jpg (80.28 KB, 500x333, mybed3.jpg)

I spend so much of my free time in bed it's disgusting. There's an imprint of my body in the middle of my bed
No. 718773
>>718731I mean the styles for 5-12 are great, beyond that is too “tween” cool girl & before that is obviously toddler & baby clothes
i usually get a girls 8-14 depending on the style. I got a size 4 top that is like a cropped baby tee on me.
No. 718779
>>718772It really did
I got my first tumblr in 2010 and that was the year to be. It was just better. You didn’t have all this sjw bullshit yet and you could get away with anything. It wasn’t ran by troons or fake bois. No feminazi lib BS.
Now it’s just ran by gen z who haven’t a clue. They claim to be woke but I just find them embarrassing.
Now it’s all about Tik Tok
It’s cringe and I am so glad I grew up with MySpace during my cringe emo years. These kids will have to live with the cringe shit they did…. in HD
No. 718790
>>718739i always hated this aesthetic and anything with "soft" in the name tbh
>>718772aren't mall goths a 2000s thing?
No. 718792
>>718780It's a symptom of terminal reddititis
>>718788That's a you problem
No. 718800
>>718739Well back then you only had photos of Kurt Cobain with sad captions
Now they make cringe tik tok edits with Cobain that completely don't fit Nirvana for some reason. As a
nirvanafag I find it cringe. I hate tiktok in general
No. 718811
File: 1611194834286.jpg (260.5 KB, 750x815, ilove.jpg)

>>718806Same, anon. I have a pair of boxers with the little mustaches on it. They're so comfy and I don't have to put on pants when I go to water my plants in my garden.
No. 718843
"Sexual needs" has always been a really weird concept for me.
I have had great, awesome, mind-blowing sex before (not frequently, and not really recently, but I do know that it exists and is possible). I don't hate sex.
However. I don't feel like I have sexual "needs." If that makes sense. I don't ever, EVER "need" it. When people say they have sexual needs, or that their sexual needs are not being met, it sounds like they're putting it on the same level as taking a shit or blowing your nose or needing to fart. It grosses me out.
If no one turns me on through foreplay, or I don't actively make the effort to switch gears into sexual mode, I could go indefinitely, and I mean – most assuredly FOREVER – without "needing" sex. I cannot put myself in the headspace of someone who does. It kinda fucks with me sometimes …
No. 718847
File: 1611198714121.jpg (104.47 KB, 1080x1024, yuh.jpg)

>>718836Same but I have like 17-
No. 718855
>>718806kek kek u r so cool & care free anon!! wow!
here’s my confession: i hate bitches like this. I get it, you don’t like the “drama” of girls & are just one of the guys! you just don’t give a fuck!
No. 718864
>>718806#NLOG might as well start IDing as non-binary
Also surely you mean boxer briefs? Can't fathom how boxers would work. Unless you're just bumming around in sweat pants exclusively.
No. 718896
File: 1611204597969.png (885.92 KB, 688x1040, aca5a3d0cefc39a903b699f44f9d50…)

I like tenko from danganronpa
No. 718903
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>>718896She is pretty based
No. 718926
File: 1611210534665.jpg (19.42 KB, 500x281, b30326fb21d6f7520a3787f604a66f…)

Sometimes I cry to myself because I really miss Christina Yang from Grey's Anatomy. Her character meant so much to me as an overachiever, as a person who works hard, and works towards my dreams no matter what. I looked up to her and tried to embody her personality (not caring about emotional things) and the advice she gave, I took it wholly. etc. I just randomly cry.
just sad she had to leave the show.
No. 718937
>>718887I have a very low libido but one season it just went through the roof and it wasn’t fun at all. It was a powerful urge that was very distracting to the point where I’d get horny doing chores or something else utterly non-sexual because my mind would wander off to sex where rubbing one out just wouldn’t do it. I’d get off and minutes later I’d be ready to go again and I could do that a handful of times in a row. In fact I kept myself shut indoors unless it was for work or groceries because it made every man like 60% more fuckable (not really attractive but, "yeah I’d give that ride at least once", like really low standards, I was a really sheltered virgin). It was unbearable. Now I know that’s more of a weird thing I should’ve gone to a doctor for but experienced it I’d say
>>718887 has a good mindset about finding someone sexually compatible. Most men are hornier than women at baseline but christ, guys, we’re not all sexless higher beings and attacked every time a dude wants to bang us, it’s annoying as hell but this does nothing but increase my paranoioa around men, not protect me.
No. 719020
>>718934same. most of the time i view cows as fictional characters or social experiments, so i'm still shocked about it
>>719006there are male pickmes but from what i've observed scrotes talking about online, they're usually either:
>thinly veiled creeps who pretend to care about women's rights so they can have sex with gullible libfems, only "feminism" they acknowledge is "sex positivity"or
>right wing incels who pretend to be anti-porn/bdsm/sex work in a last ditch effort attempt to get a gf, only to go right back to using porn when/if they actually get onethe sad truth is that decent men tend to be quiet about it for whatever reason
No. 719076
File: 1611230620241.png (5.67 KB, 253x243, 1597816479079.png)

It started out as a joke but at this point I think I'm un-ironically attracted to my OC's.
No. 719214
>>719163i feel you, anon. i started making friends online when i was in middle school because i was considered "weird" for liking pokemon & DBZ as a kid. because of that, i was basically forced to grow up hanging out with groups of boys because i was straight up bullied by the girls- especially in elementary school. fast forward to immediately after high school (which was around the time facebook blew up), and all these girls are now posting about how they have loved pokemon their entire lives. it wasnt "quirky and cute" for them to be nerdy or whatever until they shoehorned themselves into an environment cultivated by the very people they wouldnt even give the time of day in the past.
i hate to bash on just women specifically, but its just what i went through. i had a handful of female best friends growing up, but i would've gotten along with so many more had they not been so hateful and mean towards me for liking shit that's only cool now that they can get attention from it on the internet.
i miss the days before FB & twitter where normies had nowhere to congregate on the internet. i'd consider myspace to be the birth of social media, but the massive shift of it being normal to be on the internet started with FB/Twitter imo.
No. 719226
File: 1611249213812.jpg (2.38 MB, 2939x1284, costume.jpg)

Am I a furry if I think those costume in the pic are extremely cute? I confess that I would love to create a character like that and I would genuinely want to go to a convention if everyone was dressed like this. Creating characters and creatures has so much potential and I'm forever mad that I absolutely hate the traditional furry art style.
No. 719233
>>719226I think since you'd be willing to create an OC and attend conventions centered around furries, you by definition might be one. Nothing wrong with that though! I'm of the opinion that they're cool and harmless and have no issues with them if they're largely vocal about condemning the demographic that shall not be named. I love the versatility of the costumes they make. Plus I heard they commission and tip artists well!
>>719228I'm kinning Calico Critters in 2021. No one speak to me or else.
No. 719293
>>719282This is an internalized misogynistic flat chested girl cope.
How about you think of it from an angle where we're all supposed to be women and some anons are just talking about their anatomy in a non sexualized way?
No. 719298
File: 1611252957269.jpeg (Spoiler Image,20.15 KB, 362x270, 1583322235730.jpeg)

>>719293Nta but I think you're looking too much into that post lol
No. 719324
>>719282What were the drunk anons boobs like?
I have medium boobs and in the last year or so I've seen the direction of my nipples change ever so slightly… I'm 32 so I'm tempted to make a joke about 'the wall hitting hard' but it'll only be taken seriously given that crazy anons are misreading everything lately
No. 719338
>>719330This post
>>719282 doesn't even sound angry. It just sounds like she's talking about people who ACTUALLY humblebrag about having big boobs. Like when someones talks about how hot and sexy they are, but they are actually not that attractive. Why are you big-boobed anons so personally offended by that?
No. 719339
>>719330I have medium breasts, and same. It seems like a pretty big cope.
What some Anons don't seem to realize is that big, small and medium boobs are all beautiful and that another female having bigger or smaller breasts than them does not take away from the beholders attractiveness
No. 719351
>>718887 >Ideally I'd have sex 2x a day at leastWhen I'm single I feel like this. Only when I'm single though. The toys come out every day without fail. I think about sex alot, fantasise about shit, have dreams, watch porn (sorry anti porn anons) and I look out for new toys to get. I have a good time
Then when I'm dating my sex drive just retreats. Starts out okay and then just drops off every time.
No. 719424
>>719338>>719340>>719394I didn't even accuse a certain post of being angry, but you guys went ape regardless.
Stop being so insecure all the time, this is why there's so much to laugh at
>>719339Exactly, the only people who discriminate against women for not having tits a certain size are retarded scrotes.
No. 719432
>>719429>Nobody is going apelol
>>719431Your tits are fucking great anon, they're not ugly in the least wtf
No. 719433
File: 1611261948886.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.17 MB, 3740x2711, IMG_6568.jpeg)

>>719411>>719411fuck it it's anon i'll post em
do i have ugly boobs? only one of my nipples is properly hard that's why they look so different lol anyway sorry(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 719439
Can you hoes not post your fucking boobs.
>>719433And yes they're not ugly but pls take this shit elsewhere
No. 719442
>>719433they're fine. you're being overly critical of yourself.
you really shouldn't post this kind of stuff here. it just makes you come off like a baiting scrote.
No. 719448
File: 1611262313643.jpg (60.89 KB, 796x796, 1605556684928.jpg)

>>719433Anon, they look amazing, but don't post your boobs babe.
No. 719470
File: 1611263159998.jpg (49.23 KB, 640x486, 1605556661828.jpg)

>>719464You can still delete it….
No. 719483
>>719471I wouldn't repost it but I saved the pic,
sorry anon.
t. horny lesbo
No. 719503
>>719433boobieanon here
hope i am not just a detatched pair of breasts to you, but also a minor cow you want to fuckanyway i'll go now i'm genuinely embarassed
(ban evasion.) No. 719506
File: 1611265201909.jpg (29.4 KB, 563x547, aaeb09d7134e3ca314dc36d0b38367…)

I sometimes have low-key stalking tendencies (?) where I get fascinated with random online people and try to dig up much more info from google based on a places/things they post or tell me via DM. There's one obscure vulture culture blog and they've posted picture from a gym. A little zooming, copy-paste some text from the background into google and I know where they live. I've spent like an hour on google maps trying to fit other pictures with places around said gym. That's something I am scared to talk about irl, but you people have no idea how exciting it is for me.
No. 719518
>>719515not a house, but a close area most likely, they live in a bigger city, so I doubt they pass the whole area to reach some gym with 5 google reviews.
>>719514I am not sure if it would work in that case.
No. 719615
>>719590That's a bad thing?
Fuck I wish I DIDN'T know what those things are.
I look at it and it just fills me with disgust.
Boxxy was nice because there was, you know, an actual human face.
No. 719616
I feel the same way.
I also do this thing where I start to play the conversation back in my head but I try saying different things and imagine what they would say in return.
No. 719632
File: 1611277380761.gif (2.65 MB, 290x164, zuZnUDr.gif)

I have a version of myself inside my head that is living a great life. I actually have several depending on different shows/films I watch but I guess I'd say this is the "main" one since I attach IRL things to her.
She started off so minuscule when I was around 15 and I only daydreamed her life occasionally. Now it's several years later and I'm constantly thinking about that life and associating anything I come across in real life with hers, sort of like figuring out how to alter it to work in her life. The specifics of her life are cringe to actually say so I wont go into it, and it's something I would never be able to achieve but it's a guilty pleasure admittedly gone too deep.
In the past few years she started seeing this guy who is famous in another country and it's been fun imagining a LDR relationship for now especially since he streams for several hours which is just pure delusion fuel. However the other day I saw his recent followings and it got me super depressed ever since… I respect the guy for his work, but I'm just upset at both the fact that he's just another coomer (I should've expected it considering the factors I brushed off) and myself for getting into this too deep. Now I'm just sitting here disappointed and conflicted because
>why the fuck do i care about his personal life, i dont even know his face
>i still respect him for his work and his videos are comfy
>now i have to come up with a focking break up scenario and her next stage in life
Even when I don't personally know them I'm still disappointed by 3D men. I'm sticking to 2D forever.
No. 719660
File: 1611282906501.jpeg (131.91 KB, 791x760, 1608071423166.jpeg)

I know and am friends with this lesbian couple and it has kinda come clear that the other one isn't 100% invested in the relationship and has talked about wanting to date her friends. I have this awful feeling of wanting to date her, she is so fucking hot and cool, always tells me how beautiful and talented I am and a part of me just wants to break them up. I won't but it's a big want, we would be such a good couple but they are better.
No. 719667
File: 1611284132852.png (186.83 KB, 293x293, enisciganyvagyok.png)

>>719648are you from magyarisztan genocide-chan?
our country is extremely
toxic and brainwashed
No. 719752
File: 1611291136097.jpeg (66.58 KB, 686x716, 1594651649185.jpeg)

>>719748You're just gay so you wanna watch pedo porn?
No. 719779
File: 1611296729634.jpg (39.96 KB, 400x400, 956514fdffa63192ccf35e141114de…)

My bf suggested me to be more dominant in bed and although I find it kinda hot in general I don't think I can actually do it cause I'd feel bad bullying him
No. 719849
File: 1611310811292.jpg (39.72 KB, 780x439, 1529003993.jpg)

my own hair sebum smells so amazing to me. better than crack cocaine
No. 719857
File: 1611312689224.png (127.26 KB, 306x302, download.png)

>>719667how'd you guess, anon?
No. 719862
>>719800The joke is i'm still pretty liberal about it, i havent "peaked", i know coming here only makes it worse but its the only place i see people talk about the retarded shit that everyone pretends is normal. i almost wish i could be brainwashed into thinking it's all fine so i wouldn't feel so guilty
thank you for making me feel less alone and telling me i'm not evil though. we'll get through this i hope
No. 719886
>>719864To be honest I didn't use to hate anyone, but it's hard not to.
Doing business well and fairly is impossible here, people seem happier to scam innocent people and most "successful businessmen" are crooks and thieves who do so on a larger scale.
Even your own family will stab you in the back if they stand to gain something from it, and you have to fight tooth and nail to get anything done without getting bamboozled.
This behaviour is so glorified in society it's sick. If a man abuses his position to get what he wants and fucks someone over then he's just "smart", if a woman sleeps with a married man for money it's "good for her, as she should". Teenagers in my town break new public property that's there for everyone because they find it funny and they don't want other people to have nice things for free. Assholes pollute our rivers and throw garbage everywhere because "it's not mine so I don't care".
It's hard not to hate the whole country when 9 out of 10 people you meet are like this, King Retard, his entire retard party and his retarded kids are like this, everyone you see on TV is like this. I'm tired of it, Jesus come take me away.
No. 719887
File: 1611317672000.jpg (112.6 KB, 1300x956, funny-woman-making-mustache-wi…)

>>719849I don't sniff my hair but in private I'm constantly touching my hair like in pic related because it just feels so nice
No. 719933
>>719857>the expression "further than their own nose">"if you don't like it leave, life isn't fair"and i word for word think the same of this shithole. everytime a hun
nonnie writes it just feels familiar.
>>719864very true. at home talent is only as good as it's exploitable, and every extraordinary person is cast out, ridiculed, but as soon as someone's name gets known out there they're suddenly "our country's pride and joy!" teir tallent r belong to hus!!1
>>719886makes me lose faith in humanity every time. honesty and fairness are regarded as stupid and being a literal psychopath is admirable and smart. how do people even have friends after voicing such an opinion? legit you're only as good for them as long as they get something from you and you're none the wiser. third world mentality in a beautiful western country. tragic af and no wonder we romanticize suffering.
No. 720949
File: 1611440553111.jpg (25.48 KB, 496x287, fiscal impact.jpg)

>>718492I'd love to see female electricians, plumbers, garbage disposal workers, roofers, constructors, computational neuroscientists, AI and machine learning programmers, computer scientists, mathematicians, physicists, farmers, ranchers, EMTs, fisherwomen, manual laborers, chemical, electrical, aerospace, civil, industrial engineers, sysadmins, pilots, mechanics, construction workers, miners, carpenters, crane operators, and heavy machine operators in general.
Women can't support themselves in the west, face reality. You are all collectively losing it. That's what happens when people get too comfortable and take everything for granted and the State has assumed the role of the husband.
Let's take the US for example. There are roughly 180,000,000 women in the US. Has any feminist thought leader drafted up a plan about how we all survive once men are done away with? Has any feminist thought leaders complained about female representation in garbage disposal or crab fishing? Is there any literature you can point me toward?
You think everything will just keep working if you finally have your feminist revolution and abolish gender roles and take down patriarchal rule. It will be a utopia with no more war and no more rape and no more abuse. And then we all die.
>Scrotttte>Pickmeeeeeeeee>handmaidennnnnnban me retards
>>720949Banned for simply stating facts. Such a shame.
White Feminists want cushy clean office jobs, not dangerous jobs.
Before I was in Thailand I've never seen women digging ditches on a construction site before. They clearly didn't have a choice. It was either that or stay poor.
Then I come back to America and anytime I see a women on site, she's just holding the stop sign while the men are actually doing the work. I'd love to hear some flowery backpedaling in response to this.