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No. 720301
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i'm a huge fan of the libertines altho they peaked like 20 years ago lol. the two front men, pete doherty & carl bârat, had an intense love-hate relationship which eventually lead the band to break up. at the time pete was a heavy user of heroin and crack which also played a big part in their demise.
now, what get's me is the fact that carl has said that he almost started taking heroin to feel closer to pete. that statement is just so insane to me like imagine loving someone so much that u almost take fucking heroin? to feel closer to them? wtf. it's messed up and dumb but also kinda romantic in a grotesque way.
i'm not into drugs myself and barely drink alcohol but i sometimes wonder if anyone will love me that much.
No. 720312
>>720309I'll try to make a homemade one someday, but I guess it depends on the brand a bit
Whenever I eat anything from america I almost feel like my mouth is tingling that shit is so overtly sweet
No. 720336
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>>720304ayrt. not to sound like a fujoshi but they had some kind of a sexual/romantic relationship w each other and i guess that affected their performances kek. this isn't me tinfoiling ok i remember carl basically admitting this in an interview a couple of years ago. they have also been v physical with each other after they reunited in 2015 which is weird considering both of them are in relationships w other ppl like would u let ur husband who is bi kiss his bandmate/ex-bf/most likely ex-lover?
anyway, to stay on topic: my confession is that i act extremely bubbly and positive due to my anti depressants. while i have gotten better, i'm still depressed and afraid that, if i want to continue to not feel absolutely terrible about myself, i have to be on them for the rest of my life. i also have problems opening up to ppl about my depression and past self harm (scars are covered up w tats so they aren't rly visible) because i feel like i'm tricking them somehow by appearing mentally stable and happy? not that this is something i feel like talking about with other but i don't want to "hide" these part of me either. idk. because of this i've avoided romantic relationships but now that i'm older i kinda want that carl and pete love….
No. 720362
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even though "thicc" fetishizing has its own problems i vastly prefer it to the old beauty standards of a decade or so ago when women were expected to be model-thin sticks and that was the sexiest type of body. at least being curvy is more attainable and natural
No. 720414
>>720394people at my uni also think we are dating and are actively shipping us and are like ,omg these two are the perfect match for each other' etc. and its gotten to the point people actually think that we are a couple.
i dont know how its with my guy best friend since he is very shy and introverted and hasnt had any girlfriend or even remotely any close female friends except for me. i dont know if some things count as him trying to actively make any moves? we are calling each other everyday and spend our time together since 2 years straight and its gotten to the point where we would meet each other at the park and cuddle and i would rest my head on his shoulder, being really close and him showing me his cute and 'hidden' side of his.
there are some problems tho which is also why i am conflicted aaaaa i am really unsure about this and where its going
No. 720435
>>720414Yeah me and my 'uni guy bestie' even kissed, used to go to gigs together and he would hold me round the waist and sway. We smoked weed together and opened up a lot, held hands once etc.
But I was in the middle of leaving a relationship. And he was dating on and off.
In the end, he set me up with a friend of his and he ended up dating a friend of mine. Then had a huge falling out. (sorry for blog, just trying to give some background if you're interested)
Your case seems different as you say he hasn't had gfs and is introverted. My guess is that he really likes you, but is respecting your space and maybe even waiting for you to bring up something about your 'relationship'.
No. 720444
>>720443I cant stand the curvy look. I was okay with the 80s athletic look because it was still slim.
But I feel bad staring at myself and I dont have huge boobs, tiny waist and a phat ass
No. 720446
>>720435i am unsure about starting a relationship with him since there is one MAJOR redflag and its him being not feeling empathy. its very weird to say this but he is literally the perfect guy but this one things makes it so risky.
he doesnt understand peoples feelings well and is lacking often remorse and acting weird.
quick throwback: saw me feeling depressed and crying in class but ignrored it and walked away not asking or caring about me, later on ghosted me for 1 straight week without talking or contacting me until i started to talk to him again.
he apologized but it still threw me off since i am one if not the only person being this close to him and he still did that.
its also not the only time he has lacked empathy and it really confuses me since he is usually an introverted, shy and cute guy.
No. 720449
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>>720362Tbh I absolutely love the thicc trend because I'm pear shaped and love to see other curvy girls (natural or not), although I hate that it's inspired people to get horrible surgery without taking their actually body into account. I'm not against PS, but if your gonna get butt implants PLEASE for the love of god make sure your ass and thighs match. I also hate when the hips look unnatural and jut out from the body in a weird way. I do feel a little bad it could make skinny girls (especially teenagers) feel bad about their body, but there's no way to avoid that because body types will continue to go in and out of trend, and being skinny is still very much desirable for a ton of people.
No. 720452
>>720446Jeez this fucking made me chuckle, a similar thing happened with me and that guy too. I had a family friend die and that was the first time I really cried. He just told me 'people die' and basically to get over it. Granted he walked me home but it was so creepy.
I reckon he just doesn't know how to deal with female emotions at all. Whats his family life like, does he have a mum?
Wild projection but he could be a bit aspie. A lot of introverted guys have shit like aspergers and legit have no idea how to deal with emotions.
It is a bit of a red flag, but who knows, if you were 'actually' dating he might act differently.
Again, I dunno, the fact that he hasn't made a proper move on you or asked you out fully is a little weird. He may even just want to sleep with you and not deal with the baggage of a relationship.
Its a really tricky one because guys are awfully cryptic even though their intentions are simple in their minds.
No. 720459
>>720452I dont know much about his family, but he has a mother and father + his little sister.
He never talks about them tho and seems to dislike them (?) but without any reason? He always talks to them in an aggressive and annoyed tone and way. He never mentioned anything weird about them apart of him being forced into doing things with them (playing games etc. which he hates). He got this 'dead inside' look in the eyes and is generally depressed and anxious which is weird since his family seems really nice but I dont know why but I cant stop thinking about them having to do something with it.
Your tinfoil seems to kind of be true since he really does behave weirdly and in an autistic/aspie way and admits it himself even though he isnt diagnosed.
Ironically we talked about relationships and confessing yesterday and he himself said that he wouldnt risk it to confess since it would be embarassing if he would be rejected and that he would probably a person who would regret not confessing in the long run.
I also do not think that his intentions are the typical ones, because he ironically denies being a coomer and talks often about wanting to have a girlfriend that is wifey-material.
No. 720508
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>>720507I was just being observant, you aint gotta hit me with that anon.
No. 720517
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>>720362Looking back on it I can't even understand how we all collectively thought that having the lowest body fat possible was beautiful. Literally mass delusion.
No. 720531
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>>720523If you weren't called out, would you keep believing in that stuff?
No. 720559
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My bed frame headboard is very low and hard, low enough that I often accidentally hit the back of my head on the edge of it. I probably have brain damage by now
No. 720581
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Farmer's ugly crushes make me feel better about my own ugliness.
I think that if I was famous, there would be probably one crazy girl that would post me in the "unconventional female attractions" thread and that's weirdly reassuring.
No. 720602
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>>720517Still kind of like this look tbh. But ideally I want to look like a Clamp manga.
No. 720621
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>>720362> being curvy is more attainable and naturalI can't be the only one who heavily disagrees with this? It's only more attainable and natural if you have very fortunate fat distribution, many people don't have that. Or I guess you can spend a lot of time and effort building a bubble butt in the gym, props for the women who do that, but that's not //more// attainable than maintaining a low body weight is.
Honestly I think we're deluding ourselves if we think that any type of body-beauty standard is natural and attainable, they never are for the majority of women. That's why they're beauty standards.
>>720517>>720522I predict Twiggy/Kate Moss heroin chic-type of super skinny body is going to make a comeback this decade.
No. 720629
>>720522if you're not naturally built like this then enjoy starving yourself i guess. yuck
>>720528it ties into men's pedophilia and the popularization of young white waifs in movies and such in the 90s
No. 720637
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I really wanted a pooping-and-eating-its-own-poop dog Barbie when I was a little girl
No. 720650
>>720420only LDR, to be fair I was always quite socially awkward
>>720432im not sure. i have very low libido so it's hard for me to feel attracted to anyone at all. i know i like men because i realized i used to repress a lot of feelings i had for friends etc but in regards to how I feel towards women I still haven't figured out if im really attracted to them or if it was just peer pressure due to growing up on tumblr (lol)
and im aware this all sounds ridiculous and i sound stupid as hell. I'm sorry.i used to think i was a lesbian due to the aforementioned reasons and also because growing up a lot of my female friends had crushes on me and i guess i thought I had to like them too or else i would lose their friendships. and since I couldn't bear to think of boys that was the only "logical" conclusion to me.
No. 720652
>>720629What even is "naturally" being built like that? You can't be this stick-thin without maintaining a low bodyweight. So if you can have a low bodyweight "naturally" that would imply that some people can eat limitless without becoming not-stick thin, which isn't the case. Bodyweight is inseperable from how much energy you take in and expend, that's a choice regardless. So that would mean that any bodyweight is unnatural because it's directly a product of choices you make. In the same vain, a gym-trained 'thicc' body is also not natural then.
Maybe this is the most flawed logic even I can't tell kek
No. 720731
Talking about curvy/thicc body types on this website is useless tbh. Some anon always has to reply that they don't like that body type and that the the super skinny heroin chic body type is better. I just wish on a website full of women we could show some appreciation for bodies that aren't thin without making it about skinny girls. Not even specifically talking about the replies to these posts,
>>720680 >>720362, cause they DO mention skinny girls so obviously the anons who want to be skinny will respond, but I've seen it happen before in the past.
No. 720789
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I just want this body type
No. 721006
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>>720312I know im late but i hope it helps your bleeding butt
No. 721036
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>>721009It does, if you do it long-term. Here's an extreme example.>Ms. Jung started out with a more typically dimensioned 26-inch waistline and, through the wearing of corsets around the clock over the course of ten years, slimmed it down to a mere 15 inches
>Q: Have you had surgery?>A: I’ve never had surgery to have a rib removed. I have never had any ill medical effects from corseting. My posture is improved from wearing the corset. The lower ribs are called the floating ribs, and they are very flexible, so everything just moves around like it would during a pregnancy. No. 721120
>>720600>>721113I recently quit myself after several years, it’s actually something quarantine helped me with. My coworkers and friends are all smokers and it was extra hard to kick the habit when I saw them every day.
Try using the patch and/or nicotine gum, and also limit your time around other smokers if you can help it. You have to be very committed, but I believe in you!
No. 721142
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>>721125What? Her body looks pretty normal for a pear-shaped person. You can tell from old pics that her body was the same shape before she was famous, too, especially from the thighs.
If you have like, a very rectangular body, I guess it might look unrealistic, but it's not impossible without PS by any means.
No. 721148
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>>721142Samefagging with another old pic that shows her body more. This is from 2014, just a little before the "thicc" trend really took off.
(quit the anachan derailing already) No. 721208
>>721207wait that's wrong too fuck
i mean a set of random videos together
No. 721264
>>721252nope did it all by my lonesome
No. 721279
I just found out some pedo who groomed me has a YouTube channel now. I recognise him by his voice, sense of humour and location. He somehow hasn’t changed mannerisms even slightly in literal years. I didn't really think it did anything to me because I was already pretty fucked up at that point, but hearing his voice literally made my stomach turn and my heart start pounding, like something really bad is happening.
I don’t even have any evidence, my old accounts on Skype, Kik, etc and devices were nuked long ago. I wish the way I am now is how I was back then. I could've recorded and screencapped so many things, reported him to the authorities and then just publicly dumped all the proof whenever. Maybe I could've even doxxed him. Everything is gone, and it's too late. No one will ever fucking believe me, it'll just look like a stupid vendetta. I feel like it's all my fault whatever he does now.
Just remembering it, I said and did so much stupid, cringeworthy pick-me shit all because I wanted this gross man to like me. Things that’d get me reamed here. So much of my life and myself was on show for him to add to his collection, and it makes me sick. Even if I did expose him, he’d probably just blackmail me back if he could pinpoint which girl I was. I doubt he’d care about the legality of dumping CP of his victims if he was already screwed. I genuinely hate my younger self so much for this shit.
This post is all over the place and I’m sorry. Finding this shit genuinely freaked me out. I spent so much time just forgetting about all that stupidity and growing up, and bam, there it is again. And I am helpless to do a single fucking thing, or protect anyone else.
No. 721303
>>721279Damn bro thats fucked. I wonder why fate dealt you a card like that.
I gotta say though, shit like that usually has some bad karma attached to it. Wait and see, im sure he'll be exposed somehow. Dont beat yourself up about it, when I was 14 I dated a 24 year old and legit we were almost days away from getting me a ticket to the usa.
But because im a naive spiritual bitch I went to a psychic who told me he was cheating on me with two girls and it turned out to be true lmfao
Now he has a kid and a wife.
I think we all fucked up in the early age of the internet. Even my bf isn't innocent. We're a very troubled generation i'd say.
No. 721335
>>721333I don't get it, can't you just wrap it into something opaque so no one can see what exactly you're throwing out, put that into your bag so no one can see you're taking it with you, say you're going out for groceries or a late night snack or whatever, and then sneakily throw it into a trashcan? Surely the people who you live with don't stalk you wherever you're going and you're not being seen by someone you know constantly?
>>721334 this.
No. 721341
>>721337ehh I did this for about a month and then when I got a blood test I was so fucking deficient in vitamins. I then ate 'normally' for a week and blew up like a fucking hot air balloon.
I actually just only eat 2 smalls meals a day now, no bread, pasta, potato etc. And I drink hella water. I also take l carnitine pills which help with weight loss. Just have more vitamins but eat less.
No. 721351
>>721349gurl eating plant based and drinking water will not only make you feel clean and pure, but you'll be healthy, look better and your hair won't fall out
I understand your situation is more than just choosing to eat whatever but try to try it
No. 721395
>>721303I hope you're right. I guess in a sense he's a fucking moron for being so brazen with me, so all that can be hoped for is him to do it again with the wrong one. Maybe he already has. I don't know. If I had saved every little thing, I would've had so much shit on him. He feels literally no shame about his life or who he is, but other people would be disgusted and find him pathetic. It's fucking with me to even be reminded he exists, like watching a trainwreck. I'm honestly considering sending him harassing messages anonymously, but I don't even know if that'll help. It probably won't. He'd most likely either laugh at them, use them to create a
victim narrative for himself, or delete and pop up elsewhere.
I feel you on the spiritual thing, it's scary how some psychics are right on the money. Maybe I should ask one about this, lmao better than fucking nothing, I suppose. I hope that then-24 year old faces some kind of punishment, like his wife finding out and kicking him to the curb, or something unrelated like a bad accident. It's fucked how many of these men seem to just live normally and forget it all.
>I think we all fucked up in the early age of the internet. Even my bf isn't innocent. We're a very troubled generation i'd say.Yeah, that's definitely true. The internet and media failed a lot of us badly. On the plus side, maybe that means we'll be able to protect our kids better. Hopefully. In my case, because of my own past and the fact that it took me a while to get out of that whole brainwashed/validation-seeking mindset, I can't really see myself as "innocent" (just very retarded and mentally sick) and I wish I had broken out of it in my late teens at least. I definitely should've known better, but I guess I'm not the only one, and there are some grown-ass women who still don't know better, so it could be worse.
Thanks anon.
No. 721595
>>721582> i could support them in their art career>artWhat do you mean by art? If they do artistic stuff like
>painting>sculpting>singing>video editing >cringe poetry>poetryAnd the sorts, why not just support them by actually buying stuff related to their art? If their only fans is cheap as fuck, just save some money buy the stuff they offer that are actually made by themselves instead of their nudes.
And if you want to feel closer to them, just text them? I doubt they’re some goddesses that won’t even be polite.
No. 721669
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I love Pepe so much. So fucking much. I make sure to exclusively save cute, happy and/or comfy pictures of Pepe because I hate the ones where he looks miserable or unhappy. Truly mankind's greatest creation.
No. 721678
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>>721669I love clown Pepe being held by the trap clown.
No. 721680
>>721669I agree anon!!! He's cute and brings me joy when he's happy but is also really funny when he's screaming or a little concerned
Idk, cute character
No. 721686
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>>721669ackshually the one you posted is apu but i agree
No. 721736
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>>721686Use his full legal name, Apu Apustaja, anon. Show some respect to. *caption: this is not pepe
No. 721752
>>721720Financially comfortable, just weird I guess.
>>721728It’s worse than I thought then.
No. 721755
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I don't date men, won't fuck them and always think I have fully matured into a lesbian, then I suddenly want to absolutely ruin Jake Gyllenhaal at any age. Bisexuality is ruining me.
No. 721757
>>721752We all got our thing dude. I like sucking on freshly washed clothes and tasting that clean, slightly detergent water lmfao
I get a similar rush to you when I do a spring clean and fill a massive garbage bag up full of shit in the house. I legit feel like I breathed in fresh mountain air or something.
No. 721794
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>>721788Get off the internet, anon
No. 721859
>>721835anon i mean this, from-the-bottom-of-my-heart genuine. You should really see a therapist or conselour, a professional to tell
everything you're written here for us. BEFORE you seek out surgery! See if you can get help with accepting your body before you go straight to changing it. That's what mental health treatment is for! Don't give uppp
No. 721866
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I hate that post nut clarity feel when I realize I am gay and will never be happy with a man.
Then I remember I'm married.
No. 721896
>>721891Nah, poison him.
No. 722090
>>721590i'm celibate in quarantine
>>721593i'm not trans
>>721595they are tattoo artists but i don't live in their area. and ngl i am curious about what is on their of. but i don't want to subscribe or ask somebody to leak it.
No. 722513
>>722490I'm the same kek, except I was very girly as a kid. I still like girly things, I still wear obviously female clothes, I just prefer comfortable clothes. It must be the
No. 722536
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I became a patreon just so I could watch this uncensored. Totally worth it because it's made me laugh so many times and I'm not even halfway through
No. 722551
>>722499I got to a point in the last couple years where I feel shame around wanting to buy cute decorative shit for my room (that nobody even visits) It's almost funny how I feel like the home decorating equivalent of a crossdresser when I want pink shit in my room… Yet I'm an actual woman. It's so dumb.
I own a house and I haven't filled it with the things I like. I plan to change that for sure. I didn't go into too much detail about the ex that bashed everything feminine but that played a large role in it. I want to embrace certain things without pushing it to the other extreme either. I know my personal appearance won't change but decorating or asking for the gifts I actually want..I can do that.
No. 722636
abusive relationship came to an explosive end a year before lockdown, there's a point every day where I think about that and about people stuck in bad situations right now.
No. 722643
nonny. Sometimes I think back to my ex saying, "Now that I'll be working and studying from home we'll get to be together all the time!" and I just go cold. I ended up splitting with him right at the start of lockdown and thank fucking goodness for that because I can't imagine being stuck with him 24/7. It was hard enough having some periods of the day to myself and anxiously counting down the hours to the time he'd return, never knowing whether I was going to get a sweetheart or a shrieking,
abusive psycho. So many people don't have that option either because they weren't mentally in the right place, no financial resources, whatever. I hope they can escape somehow, some day.
No. 722721
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I made an inflammatory post and had anxiety about farmers rekting me in the replies so I avoided browsing here for a week. Now I'm back with the bravery to read the responses to my shitpost but it turns out no one even cared enough to reply.
No. 722726
>>722627Samefag nevermind I checked it out myself
>it's the cringelord of all cringe weebs theanimemanWelp have fun
No. 722864
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I wish I was young enough to dress like some of the better looking e-girls. While I look surprisingly young for just turning 30 I still feel it would be inappropriate
No. 722869
>>722864Why? Do you have a dress code at work or something? You can tune down the accesorizing and so for starters but it's pointless to not try out something you want to try out just because it possibly not being appropriate, you'll just regret it later.
I dress like that sometimes, being almost 30 myself, no one makes me feel weird for it.
No. 723043
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my mom's friend will probably get me a job in the place where my mom worked before she died. I always hated nepotism and I will feel like an asshole for taking it but I can't find anything by myself and I have bills to pay and now I also have health problems, I feel like a loser
No. 723064
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When "Drunk In Love" was first released (2014? 2013?) I thought Jay Z's lyric was "Eat the cake, anime". Idk why because I understood the "Eat the cake, Anna Mae" reference, and Jay Z probably barely knows what anime is. I was super embarrassed when I finally read the lyrics and I still think about it sometimes
No. 723100
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>>723064The same thing happened to me, anon, don't be embarrassed. I was actually disappointed it wasn't "anime".
The fact that no mainstream rapper has done an "Eat the cake, anime" pun lyric is just more proof that most celebrities are fake anime fans.
Also, it's ugly as shit for a scrote to make light of domestic violence like that (especially on a woman in his community), but nobody ever cancels male rappers (much less one that's attached to Beyonce), so rip.
No. 723243
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This fucking buggy ass bitch site keeps deleting my posts after I try adding an image so I am re-rewriting this. Basically just realised that even though I always got along and was liked by my friends parents, I never met my ex gf's parents due to a fuckload of miles between us and her mom. Ex bf's mom loved me, but that was like 5 years ago and I am now 27yo, jobless, loud, fat, and atm pretty sick piece of shit. If I were to ever marry a woman, my side would be like 10 people. I would be such a fucking in law's nightmare and it freaks me out even though it's lame as shit and everybody who knows me wouldn't think I even care about shit like this.
No. 723394
>>723372I feel like men view relationships as sexual transactions anyway.. Or free housekeeping. While I don't fully grasp the fds way of dating, I read it as 'join the existing game and stand a chance of somewhat benefitting' ? I could be reading it wrong
I've dated someone who paid more towards our shared bills but then demanded weird sexual shit while never giving me an orgasm in 3 years together.. I'm losing at dating. I can't really judge women trying to navigate dating in different ways.
No. 723407
>>723382Nta but those anons are usually responding to the many farmers who post stuff like
> my boyfriend spends all his money on onlyfans and never takes me out… how do I stop being jealous and insecure?Which I understand, I’ve been there, but in that mindset FDS is unthinkable. We’re generally expected to pander to men, and taught certain expectations of male/female relationships. It can be hard to reject that, and the women that do can appear cold.
All I know about FDS is through lc though. Just think there’s an interesting mix of perspectives on here.
No. 723412
>>723372I'm not active within FDS but I will say that their fundamental beliefs are based and a good wakeup call for straight women since we're taught to tolerate the bare minimum. I feel like either you're a woman in denial or a man (especially in regards to your "sociopathic/parasitic" comment, FDS is at worst petty which is only a hate crime if you're a
triggered moid).
No. 723426
>>723419OP here, it's a reference to a movie called "What's Love Got to Do With It". It's based off of the life of Tina Turner, a singer, Tina's real name is Anna Mae. There's a scene in the movie where Ike Turner, her former husband, was trying to force Tina/Anna Mae to eat a piece of cake in a diner. Tina/Anna Mae refused, so Ike beat her and if I remember correctly, forced the cake into her mouth. "Eat the cake, Anna Mae" is one of his lines.
In the context of the song, the lyrics are "Ain't got the time to take drawers off; On sight, catch a charge I might; Beat the box up, like Mike in '97, I bite; I'm Ike Turner, turn up, baby, no, I don't play; "Now eat the cake, Anna Mae!"; Said, "Eat the cake, Anna Mae". Jay Z is basically saying he's gonna "beat" Beyonce's coochie up and then eat her ass/cake (or Beyonce eats his ass?).
No. 723455
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>>723372I agree, but I think the anon in pic related brings up better points on why these type of relationships often don't work out.
>>723416>>723417I personally don't like either extreme because having someone else do all the work feels like I'm being treated as a child, like I might as well date my parents at that point. But I don't want to be treated like someone's mom either.
No. 723466
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Just ordered a shit ton of clothes from Brandy Melvile, I regret nothing
No. 723470
>>723461In what world does sex work mean a man is providing everything for you kek??? And why would you assume that women in favorable relationships don't love their man? Curb your projection sis.
>put in an equal amount of effort and care for each otherThe bar is so low that when women want exactly this, yall call it parasitic and whoring, criiiinge.
No. 723478
>>723470…projection of what? And anyway, providing was a poor choice of words, but what I mean is men giving women money and gifts for basically nothing but like sex and attention. Just to be clear, I'm not saying men shouldn't buy gifts, or pay for anything (literally the opposite of what I think). To give some context, that part of my post was partly inspired by seeing multiple anons here say they got married for financial benefits and not wanting to fuck their husband but they do it anyway. To me it's like, how is that different from sw.
>The bar is so low that when women want exactly this, yall call it parasitic and whoringYou must have read my post wrong lol. I said that's what I want so why would I also call it "parasitic and whoring"?? I'm not sure how that would be "parasitic and whoring" anyway. An equal relationship is not one person showing more affection and gifts while the other person barely does anything. Regardless of gender, that is very parasitic imo, and not what I would consider equal at all.
No. 723499
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>>723485Ofc there’s more to relationships than sex, which is exactly all the more reason to expect more from your moid. The sex is mid for you but it’s good for him every time. Most men can not provide the same amount of emotional intelligence, support and empathy to a woman the same way an average woman does for him. A man gets more validation and social euphoria from having a girl on his arms than a woman does from bagging a scrote because men will fuck anyone. A man is more well positioned to advance in the workplace, thus has financial potential than a woman. Not to mention, a woman carries ALL the burdens if she decides to pursue motherhood. Equality isn’t the sunshine and rainbow thing you think it is. Equality is a man’s free pass to beating your ass if you slapped him.
No. 723504
>>723499I don't understand how me saying
>I really do want a relationship where we put in an equal amount of effort and care meant
>Equality is a man’s free pass to beating your ass if you slapped you. Giving your partner as much affection (which comes in different forms, I don't feel like listing them right now tbh) as they give you doesn't mean it's ok to beat them up? I feel like you guys are really misunderstanding what I'm actually saying.
No. 723507
>>723504Fam it’s an expression referring to how men say that constantly when normalfag women bring up “equality” with them. People like you who just want men to do the absolute least (aka still rigged to men’s favor) but their reaction is still to make joke about abusing you. Men Already think that they are doing more than you at all times, how do you think they’re gonna interpret “putting same effort” as you? They’d ask YOU to do more or they do less.
You are being willfully obtuse or maybe you’re just naive. I wish you all the good fortune of not getting taken for granted/advantage of for being so cool and low maintenance.
No. 723509
>>723507Where the fuck did I say that I want mean to do the least or that I'm low maintenance? Again, you guys are misunderstanding my post. all I said was
>That's completely how I feel to. Being in a relationship where the other person loves me more than I love them would make me so uncomfortable. To me there's no point in being with someone I don't really love that much.Basically literally just saying I wouldn't want my partner to do put in all the work in a relationship while I do the bare minimum. I don't think that's controversial. That does not make me low maintenance. I expect certain things and I will not compromise on my standards for a man or woman. I'm sorry you guys don't know how to read, but stop saying shit that was never said.
No. 723564
>>723417it is true. the more he likes you the more he tries to impress you. he will bring you on dates, pay for it all, get you small gifts, if you hang out he will have snacks for you or bring you something from the store, compliment you, get you quality gifts for every occasion.
>date a man who likes you more than you like himis unironically good advice. scrotes don't respect what they don't have to put in a lot of effort for. if you are so worried about tingly butterfly feelings, just know that your crush, or any man, will give less and less effort in a relationship over time, unless you still hold this power dynamic. would you still feel happy in love with chad if he started flirting with camwhores? i don't think so. it is also completely possible to fall in love with someone you don't necessarily find the most attractive at first. trust me you're already giving a guy more by dating him without anything extra like gifts or extreme sex. whenever i gave more effort in any relationship than the man i got screwed over basically he became a slob, forgot my birthday, got me cheap low effort gifts and even that only after negging, was looking at other girls, stopped caring. this is not just my experience either. love is effort, not pining, not wishing for things to get better, not taking each other for granted.
No. 723611
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I have this one friend, he is very nice and smart, somewhat of a prep stereotype, but sweet guy overall; yet for some reason I keep having wet fantasies of him dumbing down completely. I just want him to be a complete uneducated idiot who's horny all the time.
I appreciate that he tries to remember my country's name and respect me as his ~diverse female friend~ but I get turn on by the idea of him just acting like an american hillbilly, without understanding a single word of what am I saying, as he constantly looks at my chest. I'm not even attracted to this sort of men, I find them annoying and a waste of time, but I think it's pretty hot to see this well mannered guy becoming an absolute mess of a slut.
For a long time I was able to just ignore it, but today it just was too much and I had to relief myself. I want to an hero so badly after that.
Not bait or maleposting, I'm genuine just an awful friend and need to get this out, I deserve to feel guilty
No. 723796
>>723789A part of me miss the wild west period of the internet, but honestly the amount of random child porn, regular porn or straight up gore that would get posted (or accidentally downloaded when you just wanna watch a movie/anime) was just too much.
Can't we just have some sort of in-between of then and now, but keep the degenerates permanently banned from the internet?
No. 723805
>>723786>gaiaonline BITCH ME TOO (even though mostly for doll clothing & wig inspo)
Gaia renaissance when
No. 723809
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I used to love them but then they became too woke and boring
No. 723883
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I watched Leda as a teen. I unironically miss her, and I really miss that era of my life. Occasionally I still go back and watch her old videos.
No. 723891
>>723884Who do you kin,
No. 724163
>>724106It might be better to just not tell him, anon. I know it'd be nice to have a fairytale ending where you're accepted and everything is great, but IMO sometimes it's best to just not say anything. I think it will just cause more heartache for you if you're not accepted and you'll probably never get the answers you're looking for. I expected the same from my mum, who "doesn't believe women can be gay like men can." and I regret ever telling her. (I'm also completely no-contact with her now but that's neither here nor there).
I'm really sorry that you're going through this.
No. 724177
>>724163Thanks anon. A few years ago my dad wrote me out of his his will because he assumed my (physically fucking disabled) ass would land a comfortable man to support me.. Meanwhile my one bro will prob need money? His weird views around gender piss me off like nothing else can.
I'd be fighting an uphill battle if I wanted acceptance or understanding from him. Deep down I know that.
No. 724511
>>724506>I also think putting stuff (fingers, objects) up the bootyhole is hot.alright, reasonable enough
>I think rimjobs (giving and receiving) are hot.oh no…
No. 724674
>>724573I ate my bf's ass once.
He's a pretty "dommy", more serious, less sexually explored guy who doesn't really like me doing things to him but he came within literally seconds and made noises I'd never heard him make before. He won't let me do it again sadly.
No. 724689
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I do not understand trypophobia. How are holes scary?
No. 725414
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I wish I became a vtuber…but even if my face is hidden, I can't see myself being outgoing in front of a camera. I just love gaming and I feel like I wouldn't be half as cringe as HoloEN. I guess you have to be unabashedly cringe for these sorts of things though.
No. 725577
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My confession is that I like graphic tees, they're cute and easy to dress up.
No. 725705
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I watched femdom finger fucking a dickhole last night and enjoyed it
No. 725723
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>>725715I'm going to vomit. I watched a video of male and female sounding, plus some video of a woman penetrating her cervix. This is too fucking much. This is not what life should be like. How can you even piss and hold your bladder after that? I have a fucking headache
No. 726098
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I bought meme stonks with college funds and my family doesn't know, I plan to go to the grave with this secret
No. 726297
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I watched 1917 for the first time last week and It made me way more emotional then I thought I would, all I could think about was how excited those dead soldier’s mothers were at some point to feel them move in their womb and that they didn’t go through pregnancy and birth just for cannon fodder. I told my husband that it convinced me even more that I want to move because I don’t want this kid growing up in a military area and getting sucked into that ever.
No. 726362
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I really need to get tested for autism, I saw that post on Tumblr where OP thought Patrick Bateman was a real actor who looked just like Christian Bale and posted picrel, to which I thought "they don't look like the same person", I feel like I have face blindness or something. Like when parents have babies and people go "they look just like their dad/mom" or when siblings supposedly look alike,I never see it.
No. 726535
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i make subliminals online for extra cash and i feel bad because everybody keeps commenting on how it’s working for them and they trust me so much but i don’t know what the fuck i’m doing or if it’s even reliable. i just got into it because of the pandemic and because i know how to make my page look pretty to attract people.
i don’t ask for proof because i don’t really care, i’m just happy to get money for savings. some people are so genuinely sweet though, i really hope it works out for them in some way or another. fuck.
No. 726549
>>726419This bitch sends 20 lines of texts at a time
No. 726555
>>726553basically a video with a bunch of songs and texts slapped on top, makes you believe that if you watch it then some things will happen to you. i've seen people watch hair grow subliminals and then claim that their hair got all long overnight which is so fucking bullshit. these people are really on another level of mental illness
there are also stuff like weight loss or rape subliminals which are even more fucked up
No. 726562
>>726543i know it's not the exact same but recently i canceled an order for a sweater i bought last month, they sent it out and then refunded me four days afterwards? and i'm conflicted about whether i should return it or not. or if i should just pay them again and then resell the sweater on depop or something (i don't want it anymore)
i feel kinda guilty about holding onto it when they paid me back, but also they could be rich and not care much about losing $100 i guess
No. 726567
>>726550it depends on whether or not it's a big topic. i make everything pretty because people find it trustworthy but at the same time broad so that different communities can find me. i let people contact me and when they ask i name a price range. my highest was 45 but i've seen other creators ask for more.
to be honest you just gotta make free shit in the beginning and think of catchy ways to get people to click. niche but wholesome topics that people like. god this sounds so stupid because it is but it's insanely easy that anybody can do it. people are just so lazy so it's so easy to start and make money if you know how to edit and create cool looking things.
>>726565yup, i've literally gotten dms about fulfilling shit like this. imagine being so braindead to want someone to make a rape or anorexia subliminal for you.
No. 726602
>>726565Wait what
Do they want subliminal about getting raped? Like "ooo take it" and flashes to pennywise? How would the other way even work
No. 726622
>>726607I too had a mom who was forever trying to cover up my dad's selfish vices.
I swear that the vast majority of men are barely mediocre fathers, if that.
No. 726630
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>>726297Yeah anon I mean as the world is getting worse I think some full semi scale wars are coming back, I mean in my former country an entire generation of men died in the 80's in war, all that was left were the old Mullah's and boys without fathers and were brainwashed about Islamic religious principles, Ironically the surviving veterans of the great holy defense(as it's called) are some of the least religious people you'll ever meet, if not atheists in all but name, I live in the US right now but I would leave here as well If there was a chance of my son getting conscripted
No. 726683
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>Be me, months ago.
>Read the Hideous Art thread.
>Art gets posted.
>Not awful, actually kind of cute, but its place on the thread is understandable.
>Anons said that artist is cowish.
>Fast forward months after.
>Found artist's Twitter account.
>Decide to lurk their twitter.
>Mfw artist seems like a nice person.
>Keep reading just to find the milky stuff.
>Actually nice person.
>Start to like artist.
>Mfw start to feel bad for the things said on the thread.
Why am I like this?
No. 726729
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>>726690>go on their twitter>find thisanon…
it's okay i follow a few cutesy furry artists so i can't judge No. 726751
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I own ~3 anime figures (one is tiny af so barely counts) just because I like the characters. I already know owning them is cringe and don't intend to ever buy more. However, it hardly occurred to me that they could be sold for money someday. They didn't cost that much but now I'm feeling stupid and I have them out of the box … because what's the fun keeping them boxed away?
It's cringe either way but I feel so stupid. I don't pose them for pics either it's difficult and seems excessive. I only like to have them around. Feels silly of me
No. 726782
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>>726761Thanks, I'll try to view it that way. Please have a great day/night anon
>>726772also this is so cute
No. 726865
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I kind of want to stream video games and VNs, build up and audience and get money that way. No way that's gonna happen for a lot of reasons (especially because I don't have the equipment for that and I'd feel dumb talking to myself in front of a camera with my family in the next room) but if I could keep my job and earn money doing what I like on the side that'd be really nice. And it could probably be a nice way of meeting other girls who like video games and talking to them. But I think most male streamers are huge losers and I don't watch female ones so I just know they have creepy fanboys.
No. 726903
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I enjoy making people mad, sometimes to my detriment. Yet I hate when they are resentful and want to take it out on me.
No. 727055
>>723896this is cute
nonnie. I'm not a kinnie but I used to love mpgis and my friend and I in high school would just recite those lines to each other all the time, we especially identified with rachel tice and the other nerdy girl kek.
No. 727093
>>727044dont worry i only do it to people in their 20s and i never tell people to die or anything
>>727056youre right but i still do it because its fun to see an adult freak the fuck out after being called their "deadname" instead of socks or whatever
No. 727127
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(do not post in all caps - ) No. 727138
>>727136it's fun for a few replies but you gotta move on after that. like 20 responses is too much
nothing beats the rush of when youre infighting and a bunch of anons chime in to agree with you though
No. 727186
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I wanna peg and slap this man
No. 727189
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I have a crush on a butch girl on twitter. I know this isn't that crazy, but having crushes for people on the internet makes me feel…weird. Like, she's not a youtuber or even famous in the twitter sphere so I feel a little embarrassed when I think of her. Just some random account. She's also a radfem, I don't even remember how I found her cause I don't involve myself in that stuff, but now I actually read whatever gender political stuff she tweets instead of just scrolling past it. Crazy what infatuation can make you care about.
I have also had sexual fantasies about her which makes me feel creepy, and sometimes I go through her tweets about wanting a femme gf and imagine myself in that scenario. She's also 6'2". I sympathize for her cause she talks about how she struggles maintaining relationships with women because of her self image and how she's not lucky in the relationship department. I know this may sound unhealthy, but I'm not going to stop viewing her page or even try to stop this.
Pic unrelated
No. 727266
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>>727246Has the toilet paper ever broken while you were pulling one out? You're lying if you say no
>>727206>>727202Ty anons, she is very hot. I would like to subtly interact with her more but there are three issues
>I'm not cute enough right now>My twitter page is literally empty, literally don't even have a profile pic>her page is a mix of political and person interests, but she tweets a lot about radfem stuff so it would be kinda embarrassing if liked those tweets and we got to talk about it and I didn't know shit about it. I'm just not into that kind of stuff and I don't agree with a lot of it anyway. She seems very open-minded thoughI think the only way to fix this is to glow up and completely revamp my account. I think she might also play an instrument, or at least used to, which is interesting cause I wanted to learn one.
No. 727283
>>727272How are you guys all shoving dry tp up your asses and vagholes? And what causes that level of desperation?
I've had meds badly constipate me and getting my bf to use an enema kit on me was (I thought) a desperate measure
No. 727289
>>727272Years ago I saw a news story about older women doing this and thinking it was normal when you reach a certain age… the gist of it was that it wasn’t.
>>727246 if this is a regular occurrence and you don’t know what’s causing it you should investigate, or at least work out your pelvic floor / eat more fibre / drink more water.
No. 727317
>>727289Is that some side effect of having multiple babies and your womb and all that pushing down over time?
I knew someone before who claimed her bowel movements were coming out of her front hole too…she had no babies and I never got updates or had the guts to google if that's a thing.
No. 727318
>>727317Front hole as in her pussy or her colostomy???
If it's her vagina she was probably fucking with you or something. I think a weaker pelvic floor would mean you have a harder time holding in your shit and pee though, not getting constipated.
No. 727322
>>727318Her vag. She was late thirties, no kids. Said bipolar meds had caused constipation so bad that been doing the digging method for a while and that she now thought the area between the two holes was torn allowing poop through
I don't know if she had some insane sex life or what because short of giving birth I don't know how you tear that badly inside
No. 727353
>>727322>I don't know how you tear that badly insideConstipation can be enough even if you're not "digging".
The layers between rectum and vagina are really thin compared to other protective structures in the body. Although the vagina is pretty strong, some women just have really shit luck. Rough sex, childbirth, endo, constipation, cancer, crohn's, IBD, infections, trauma, episiotomies and hysterectomies can all cause rectovaginal fistulas.
No. 727367
>>727246i've been doing this since i was a child and i'm scared my body is fucked up due to it.
also i haven't had a full poop in a week and i'm bloated, i keep getting cramps and the area near my uterus hurts help anons im scared. two laxatives didn't work and i can't go to a doctor right now. rip
No. 727403
>>727378it started because i didn't get enough food in as a kid, not on purpose i just forgot a lot of the time. it's just been a common occurrence since then. it's not a sexual or weird thing, it just helps me go much easier.
i had more to eat than usual this past week so that's probably why, but my lower body feels way more awful than usual.
i tried taking the two lax a few days ago but it only made me really gassy and pushing on parts of my body kind of hurts. i'm eating a lot of fiber, drinking water, and trying to walk a lot but only HARD pebbles come out. today it was just like… mucus. idk what the fuck that means. sorry for the tmi, anon, i'm stressin.
No. 727425
>>727403Hard pebbles are called type 1 stool, it's common with constipation. As is the mucus. The pain could be gas pain from the constipation as well.
Warm your water before you drink it or drink it in the form of green tea. The heat will help get you moving.
I know it sucks when you've found a method that works for you, but you have to absolutely stop manually evacuating your bowels with your hands. Your body needs to relearn how recognise and respond to signals such as the urge to defecate. Children who do this can sometimes get something called lazy colon, and I imagine it's the same for adults who continue the behaviour into adulthood. Make sure you get to the bathroom as soon as you can after recognising that you need to go, this helps too!
It sounds like chronic constipation but you should try and get to a doctor to rule out anything too serious. Keep an eye on the colour of your stool, make sure it's not affecting your genitals and watch out for blood.
For what it's worth, serious conditions like bowel cancer rarely cause constipation.
No. 727456
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>>727367this cured my constipation/shitting issues in general after about two weeks of daily use
No. 727693
>>7276911. No the entire point of it is ruining monogamous relationships
2. Poly people are ugly as sin
No. 727758
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>>727681Wow. You are like the Michael Phelps of cucking.
No. 728012
>>727759i'm sometimes afraid to take walks because of this now. it's like my entire life, even with friends, men would be strange or try to do weird shit when we were obviously underage children. i'm grown now but it still does happen, which is scary because i'm "legal." when i was a pre-teen i would walk around my neighborhood and almost every time some old fucking creep would try to talk to me or ask for help around their house. i just wanted to daydream and walk my dog or some shit. one of them even catcalled me "on accident" but it was excused because he was a veteran and i "looked older because i was wearing shorts."
god why weren't you shot and killed in war you old man
No. 728036
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I hate how right these anons are about dream, I'm a zoomer and I was kind of attracted to him for a bit because of how good he is at minecraft. skill is attractive don't @ me
No. 728122
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>>728109>>728112>being attracted to this>>728115those fans are cringe too tbh. although at least music involves some sort of skill, youtubing doesn't.
No. 728184
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>>728122lmaoo I think he's cute but he does have kind of onion-like proportions with that huge head
No. 728410
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i keep watching those stupid hydraulic press videos… there's something so satisfying about them
No. 728416
>>728414Obviously, anon. read this,
>It's just not one of those things you don't really think about y'know? If I have to fart I just push it out without a second thoughtI just wanna think before I fart. It's one thing to like, fart while standing next to someone but it's another thing to fart when someone is 2 inches away from your asshole
I do want to add that all of this is very hypocritical of me because I like ass stuff No. 728444
>>728397>>728414nta but it's very easy to get
pussy farts just from laying down or moving my leg. there's no warning or anything.
No. 728553
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I've been close friends with this girl with untreated depression for several years now. At first it was fine, I would try my best to comfort her, distract her, give advice and write long ass texts in response to her venting, but it never really did much and in some cases it even backfired. I guess I naively thought I could make it better but now I know I don't have the ability to do that, kind words won't fix anyone's brain chemistry. At this point I just have no idea what to say to her when she starts going on about how sad she is and how she has no future and how she knows she'll die alone. All I can say is the usual "I'm sorry", "I understand how you feel", etc. and then she'll say it's okay and the conversation ends there, and I feel like it looks like I don't care. I do, I genuinely care and love her so much and I don't even want to imagine if she ever got the courage to kill herself, but I really don't know what to do or tell her. At the same time I'm afraid my awkward silence only makes her feel worse.
Her getting therapy doesn't seem to be an option for a few reasons, so things will probably not improve any time soon.
No. 728630
>>728533I don't think COVID is a sham at all but I'm also somewhat reluctant about the vaccines. Fortunately I won't have to make the decision aaaaany time soon considering the pace of vacinnation in my country and the shortage/supply problems the EU is struggling with.
>>728538Nta but that's my first time hearing about it. About what vaccines, by what companies, is this specifically?
No. 728661
>>728658If this isn't a reference to something then I just want you to know that you
will be going to jail.
No. 729564
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>>729563Imagine being bullied by your students holy shit
No. 729786
I’m deeply embarrassed of what I did in a graveyard over a year ago. For a little context I was invisible to guys for a long time and usually rejected, but in senior year in hs someone crushed on me and I jumped into it. Some of my friends and I, plus this dude, hung out at this graveyard, and we all split up there. We tried to have sex (thankfully failed). It was so awkward and I remember laughing out of some desperate discomfort and I would even scream (like SCREAM) at times.
I’ll spare most of the details cus if not this will be too long of a post. Nowadays I’m just horrified that I defiled a grave. The one we were near to was really eloquent and large, like an open mausoleum, and was for an astrophysicist and his wife. I feel so terrible about it, they didn’t deserve that. I remember we were standing inside for a little before we all split up and I felt his boner against my leg. There’s a plaque on each grave with their faces on it and I can’t forget their eyes. I’m just ashamed and don’t know how I can repent for it. Fucking in a graveyard is not the goth dream it’s embarrassing.
I also have to say this because it was also so embarrassing and my friends don’t know how much these things hurt me (this was all the same awful day). It just seemed like haha fun at the time. He tried fingering me in the back of the car we were in and it was so painful and I made faces of pain I had never made before in my life, but he didn’t stop anyways. He wasn’t a bad guy, just really desperate. The worst part is that we tried to kiss in the back of the car, and it was awfully obvious and everyone in the car heard. Mortifying. Later my friends were congratulating me but I was nauseous and about to vomit. I don’t know if I’ll ever tell my friends because they’re all really adventurous, and even more now, and I don’t want to bring attention to how I’m not cut out for it. I thankfully don’t chase guys or leap into things out of insecure desperation anymore. but I wish I was more careful and restrained in my past.
No. 729820
>>729801ftms constantly defend males and
toxic masculinity in a desperate attempt to be "one of the boys", it's misogynistic male-pleasing behavior, i don't care which label you want to give it
No. 730167
>>730133Fuck yeah, same here.
All my ex friends are just uwu depwessed weebs who spend their money on stupid ass shit. I like dumb anime shit as much as the next person, but I like financial stability even more. Feels great to know those bitches are still suffering and I made the right choice to no longer be their friend anymore, I definitely would've adopted all their shit habits.
No. 730199
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A few hours ago I was approached by a man while I was walking my dog and he asked if he could buy my socks for $50. Well lets just say I have an extra $50 in my bank now.
No. 730249
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>>730199get your money queen
No. 730329
>>730304I couldn't agree more, anon.
>>730311Just because something is natural doesn't mean everyone is going to prefer it. Body hair is natural, but most men still prefer a woman shaved. Body odor is natural, but most people still prefer not to smell your swamp ass during sex.
No. 730358
>>730330I knew a guy years ago who had a complex about his dick being cut. We weren't romantically involved but seeing as he was on the spectrum I put up with way too much penis whinging than I should ever have to listen to. He was cut at age 11 because he had an issue. Stfu autist scrote.
I wish he could read your post and cry some more
No. 730370
>>730275Imo an ugly penis is an ugly penis and it's not like lobbing off the skin around it or stitching it back on is going to suddenly make it a diamond in the rough lmao.
Some dudes just be walking around with bent, weird pencils.
No. 730401
>>730275I cried in sixth class when the dick pictures were put out in biology class, and was sent out so I didn't have to participate for the rest of the unit. My confession is I still don't know what cut dick looks like, and while I'm kinda curious, I won't google because I'm too scared to look at any penis that isn't mine by proxy (I repeat,
by proxy)
No. 730456
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If I were to, hypothetically speaking, become a cow and end up here, I don't think it'd bother me so much. As sad as it is, I've become desensitized by internet hate. I think I'd just be annoyed by the attention because I usually like to fade into the background...and judge people quietly lol What about you?
No. 730462
>>730456Cows get a bunch of free, objective, useful advice (maybe in not-so-polite terms) on how to improve themselves. Plus multiple perspectives on things. The problem is most are too stubborn, narcissistic, or stupid to read and absorb what's being said to them because they're so fucking defensive and full of themselves. I mean if they had the capacity for humility they wouldn't be cows in the first place, but still.
I always wondered what I would do with the comments if I ever got cowed. I'd like to think I would take the commentary with me and make a comeback that would make farmers jealous. I'd totally lurk my own thread.
No. 730471
>>730456I have my faults, but I honestly doubt that I'm cowish enough to warrant a thread here. I had some pickme tendencies in my late teens/early twenties, but I've recovered since kek. Even if it did happen, I'd be upset, but would actually take it as a sign I need to tone it back, and would do so. I'd probably fade into obscurity after that.
I think there are a minority of famers here that pick on people unnecessarily, or have clear vendettas, but most criticism aimed at cows who have had ongoing threads for many years, harsh as it may be, is warranted. If they actually learned from it, they wouldn't continue to be cows.
No. 730476
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My interest in cows and the drama they incite stems from the fact that I was raised by one. Because that behavior was normalized for me, I went on to date and befriend cows throughout my adolescence and early-mid twenties. It really fucked me up. I was gaslit and abused so badly that I spent a good chunk of my life thinking that they were actually great, and that I was the problem.
Ime, cows like the fact that you're talking about them. They want your attention, regardless of whether the its positive or negative. Sometimes, I worry that spending any amount of my time focused on a cow is just giving them what they want, and is only serving to retraumatize me. It kind of scares me when I think about how much time I've wasted acknowledging any of these retards and their horrible antics at all.
Curious to know if any other anons can relate to this.
No. 730484
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Backing up the confession from before, I have to confess that I used to constantly check DeviantArt cringe videos, not because I like to hear an adult man bitching at a kid's drawing, but because I was intimidated that my art (Specifically my writting) could get into a video were everyone would laugh at it; and I know this because some people that commented on my things got on those videos at least once and a few artists I like have been talked too.
To be fair, most of the time they actually never cared if they got into a DeviantArt cringe video, they just moved on, but even if my account is pretty small, I just felt uncomfortable with it.
Now those videos are not important anymore, but now I developed a fear of being posted here, not even a thread because I'm actually not interesting, but just to get posted here in any context scares me.
No. 730485
>>730476I relate so much to this anon, literally word for word could have been written by myself. An epiphany was when I went to therapy and discussed my background. All that shit in one conversation, as if we were talking about some TV drama, made me realise this wasn’t normal.
Armchairing here but I wonder if the interest comes from not being able to understand our own personal cows? It’s too messy, we can’t disentangle our feelings and history to be objective. Impersonal cows are safer too, as we can comfortably watch from afar and armchair without falling
victim. We can criticise without fearing backlash. I don’t know, but I definitely relate to your background.
No. 730494
>>730492Why don't men know how to
not be creepy? Pls be safer next time tho, anon. I'm glad you were able to get your money and weren't kidnapped lol
No. 730500
>>730492That man has balls
And he's rubbing them on your socks
No. 730512
>>730497Ew now you put it like that
>>730500And I got takeout so whos the real winner kek
No. 730542
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>>730534>covered in dyes and fake flavors.Anon, it's literally just regular bread. It is kinda tough sometimes, but it's probably frozen.
the onion sauce is good btw No. 730972
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There's a really ugly girl who I used to go to school with and I feel so bad for constantly thinking she's ugly. She was such a sweet, nice person and she posts these amazingly talented videos on Facebook of her singing and playing piano better than I ever would…but everytime I see her, I just think of how physically unappealing she is. And no, she isn't some normie or slightly dumpy looking girl, she's fat and has really awkward asymmetrical facial features that make her hard to look at. I believe people call this "lookism" but I just can't help but think that despite her being talented and kind, she'll never live up to her true potential just because she was born ugly.
I'm a terrible human, truly. I wish her all the best in life. I just had to get it off my chest.
No. 731062
>>730935ugh same, this happened to me recently and i'm so annoyed at how stupid i am
>did a bare minimum nice thing in line at a grocery store during the holidays>guy behind me in line flagged me down as i was carrying my stuff to my car to try and give me candy canes for being kind (that should have been the first sign lmao like wtf)>we talk for a while>guard was completely down because he was nice and normal enough> just didn't seem like he was trying to flirt or else I'd have snuck a "my boyfriend" method into casual convo so fast >then HE ASKS FOR MY NUMBER >again not even flirty somehow? just to "keep in touch" >so annoyed and distracted that my dumbass GAVE IT TO HIM so i could go home>whatever he's a harmless dude he seems like late 30s he prob has a wife he'll never actually text me>5 minutes later as i'm driving home he CALLS and then texts me>get home and relay the whole thing to my bf >realize as i'm saying it that i was being way too unassuming>he's like "anon if a guy is asking for your NUMBER he's got a motive">i'm like ok i'll just block him but we decide i should just ignore him instead because we want to see if he keeps trying and eventually pulls a classic "whatever ur an ugly bitch anyway">he hasn't yet but he has texted on like five separate occasions comically spelling my name wrong (my name sounds the same as a household object/ product and he spelled it like the PRODUCT even though there's celebrities with my name like i'm honestly impressed), using depressing emojis and somehow not getting the hint even though it's been two monthsi'm still mad at myself for ever giving strange men the benefit of the doubt but i'm also so annoyed that so many of them are just….. like this, time and time again. i have so many cringe stories that happened because i'm too nice, maybe the tradthots are right and we actually can't ever be friends, i barely get to get outside these days and i would like to take a breath without getting hit on even though i'm minding my own fuckin business but men. find a way. at least this has taught me a lesson and i'll recognize it better/ avoid it next time
No. 731076
>>731062Had a pretty similar thing happen a few months ago where a man 10 to 15 years my senior was being nice and it was only when he wanted my number that I clocked it. I didn't give it out but I wish men like that would just not dance around the topic of why they're interested in talking. I'm not so feminine presenting (I'm gay) that I'd ever assume men are flirting with me.
Even without giving out my number I walked away wishing I had said and done everything differently.
> pulls a classic "whatever ur an ugly bitch anyway"Yeah of course, with your bf and then men randomly chatting you up, you must be a real beast
No. 731122
>>731097u got me
no but you actually just made me realize my last name sounds like a product too (when ppl pronounce it wrong), i almost wish i had given that to him just for the satisfaction of seeing how his dumb ass would try to spell it
No. 731127
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>>731062lmao stories like these always crack me up. men like this are so delusional and pathetic, i love hearing about them.
i work part time at a university library and have had several male students sleazily wink at me, ask me out in the cringiest ways possible (this one guy was like "you look good, i always watch you when you walk up and down the stairs will u go out with me") and buy me wine just because i'm nice to them. like, i'm nice to everyone sir this is a customer service job. worst thing is that i do the bare minimum, i just smile at ppl and say "good morning!" or "good bye!".
sometimes i wonder if we, as women, should take advantage of desperate simps but they seem very unstable and fickle.
No. 731136
>>731127i love these stories too and unfortunately i have so much more of them. sometimes i miss my university years and then i remember the time I was minding my business alone at the school gym and an absolute loser interrupted me to tell me i was pretty and looked like RAMONA FLOWERS (i had a wavy bob and went through a dying it bright colors every month phase when i was 18) like please calm down what makes you think I want to hear that when i'm sweating on the stairmaster
a year later i had the same haircut but natural brown, was biking back to campus with groceries and some mfer rolled his window down and told me i looked like fucking Amelie
what is it about a quirky bob with
terf bangs that makes strange men think i'm their manic pixie dream girl??? i hate it here i want to throttle them
No. 731352
>>731136stop calling them "
terf bangs", twitterina
No. 731382
>>731371kek I want to add a story of my own though, it's nothing special and not one where I gave my number but maybe I'll add one of those at the end.
I was standing on a corner at my uni and this guy approached me. I had very low self-esteem and seeing him walk up from his friend group made me suspicious I was gonna be part of a joke. He asked me if I know any good places to hang around, it was very awkward. I assume he was gonna ask me to a place like that but I panicked and also was not familiar with that city. I told him I didn't know because I recently moved to the state in (nearby town). This guy awkwardly said "but that's 30 mins away" I was cornered because yeah but I didn't know places in the city and I wanted him gone. Then, my dad who I was waiting for pulled up. I quickly hopped in the back like I was being kidnapped and told that guy "have to go bye" and my dad drove away. It is really funny to think how odd my escape must have looked, but I was super embarrassed at the time and freaked out even though he wasn't creepy… It's just socially awkward when guys do this but they do it all the time. No one's expecting that and no one's ready!! I guess their whole idea is taking you by surprise so you say yes? It's honestly rude to corner girls like that but I don't think they mean harm always.
Speaking of which, a different time this guy sat at my table where I was eating. He asked me a question and I politely answered. I regret how nice I was because he said I'm really nice and I entertained some convo because I am too nice… He ends up asking to meet back and my fucking idiot younger self went back there thinking ok, we can be friends. Well the scrote wanted my number and proceeded to text me multiple times a day, every day. Good morning, good night, have a sunshiny day (weird paragraphs). He asked to hang out each time and when I had to decline, he wouldn't take my no and tried to think of ways we could still hang out. If I said I was studying he said we could study together. If I didn't feel good he offered me his sketchy foreign medicine collection (???). It got me angry that he wouldn't take a hint but I was too nice and just blocked him then felt bad after. He sent me an email, even, asking where I went. I really shouldn't have ghosted him. I should have said the truth so he could learn but I was a weenie. Idk it's kind of scary when someone texts you that much though, plus I had a rude classmate to deal with and felt overwhelmed. The lesson is never give strange scrotes your number thinking you can be friends. There were other incidents but these are the ones that stick out
No. 731399
>>731382it's sad that so many of us have so many stories but i just remembered one that is comically unfortunate. back when i didn't drive i would wander around the city my campus was on, anything walking distance really. anyway i was at a del taco ordering a snack after class and could feel eyes on me as i'm sitting waiting for my number, this sketchy methy white guy keeps staring at me and when i get up to get my drink and walk back he approaches me and starts talking about how i'm the most unique, oddly interesting looking girl he's ever seen, asks me what am i, where am i from and all that in an almost lynchian fever dream way. I'm too nice to say fuck off of course so I entertain him in spite of his absolute unhinged buffalo bill energy, I tell him I'm cuban, he then goes on about how he's been to cuba and knows a lot about the sociocultural and political history and says they're such a "colorful people" and the amount of inward cringe was unreal. he's trying to sneakily ask me if i live around this area when FINALLY my food is done after what felt like ten hours and I fight or flight instinctually power walk out of there and back in the direction of campus. this guy runs out of the store by the time I'm like 30 feet away, I glance back and he's waving his arms and literally screams "I'M SORRYYYYYYY, I DIDN'T MEAN TO SCARE YOUUUUU" and then i keep walking and can hear him cussing and walking back in.
serial killer vibes aside, i also was pissed because he scared me off before i had the chance to get any ketchup or hot sauce packets so I had to eat bland fries that day
No. 731730
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>>731715>>731718Sorry I'm just nervous because the title is a variation of my real name! I also was having trouble finding the song but my friend will never let me live this down and wrote his own transcription of it (pic related). These are safe since he misspelled identifying info. It's a generic slow tempo pop punk song if that helps god this is so embarrassing
No. 731746
>>730972I had a pretty decent social life in school despite not being the most attractive or popular kid, but there was this one really weird girl in my class.
For some context, I was an aspiring musician and used to perform in the music room sometimes, mostly piano and singing. Some of my friends would come to support me. One day, this girl started showing up to my sessions unprompted and was always staring at me with this strange, soulful look. She was always alone and would wait until everyone had left to tell me how talented I was, mumbling stuff like "what a pity…" under her breath. By this point she was usually crying. I'm pretty sure she had a crush on me or something.
I sometimes wonder where she is now. I heard through some friends that she's a jobless shut-in who posts weeb stuff publicly on her social media accounts. I feel bad for her, she clearly had some issues and obviously was affected by the fact I didn't feel the same way.
Sometimes I feel like reaching out and inviting her as a VIP guest to one of my internationally renowned, sold-out classical concerts, but I don't want her to think I pity her. Even though I do. I'm a terrible person.
No. 731753
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I feel bad for my cousin man. She had a full ride to a nice university and was going for a nice degree, but she dropped out because she didn't want to go to class. Now she's calling my dad and screaming at the top of her lungs about her mom not letting her use a family car to take herself to work. I think she wrecked the first one? Someone rear-ended her. It's sad, man, like I do think parents should take care of or help their kids if things fall through for them – otherwise why the fuck would you have a kid and just expect the world to align itself properly when they hit 18 – but at the same time it's like…why the hell did you drop out of uni? You knew your mom was abusive, man. Why did you try to run to California and do soft porn? Did you really think that would've worked out? I don't get it. You should've stuck through uni.
t. someone that could very well be in her situation, stuck with an abusive parent, but is just dealing with uni. I can't offer her any help or support because I'm a broke 20-something too. Also she was such an asshole to me and my father growing up (but my dad never realized it, because she's way way prettier than me and I guess he was charmed by her). I remember she and he bragging about her scholarships before me, who was attending community college at the time, so I thought I would feel some sort of bitter pleasure at her crashing down to earth like this but it's just making me genuinely sad kek.
No. 731775
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>>731730omg, my sides. this is insane, anon. the fact that u don't do half the shit he's singing about makes it even funnier.
No. 731822
>>731814It's honestly not that bad of a song and that somehow makes it funnier/cringey-er to me. If I figure out a way to post it without linking to his socials I will
Another anecdote about this dude: apparently he once appeared at a shitty dive bar at 2am dressed in a fully velvet three-piece suit (??) drunk out of his mind and tried to physically confront the guy I was seeing at the time. Allegedly he asked if I was still seeing him, and when the guy told him yes he just cracked and was like "great…that's great, man :))" I don't know why I attract insane cartoon characters
No. 731832
>>731826>Decepticon vocalsanon stop my abs hurt from laughing here's more or less the rest, sorry if you hear me laughing I just can't do this
No. 731844
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>>731825Ohhhh LUCY LUCY LUCY
No. 731852
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>>731832alone in the night just smokin…
No. 731869
>>731825ngl it's kinda catchy
if the dude wasn't a creep i might've been able to enjoy the song in its full bootleg 2000's glory
No. 731919
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>>731825>>731832ohhh lucy lucy lucy-anon, i'm losing it
No. 731931
Since I saw this being talked about, I figured I'd post about this desperate boy in high school. I genuinely thought he was trying to be nice when he sat next to me and wanted to work on group projects with me, I was always a loner so it felt weird that someone actually wanted to interact with me. There was a nagging thought in the back of my head like "what if he's just doing this to get closer to you and he's actually a fucking weirdo" but I brushed it off… how wrong I was.
He asked for my number and I gave it to him, since we had to work on the group project after all. I soon realized my mistake when he started texting me constantly, I ended up setting myself as invisible because he'd message me the second I came online. If I didn't reply with in a few minutes he'd start guilt tripping, so of course like the retard I was I'd reply to him.
Over the winter break, he got so much worse. Conversation topics ranged from anywhere to his balls hurting, how lonely/depressed he is, and his friend that died of cancer (?) he got insane so quickly that I had no idea how to reply to him. He told me that he'd "sew a penis to me so that I'd have some meat to play with" and at that point I put him on mute and he talked to himself in my DM's for the rest of the night.
That already destroyed whatever semblance of friendship I had with him, it only gets worse. He added me into this group chat with other guys from his school and this one other girl, I didn't recognize her and she clearly seemed young, so I asked how old she was. A few male members of the chat said "old enough" before she replied that she was 11, which set off MAJOR alarm bells. This 11 year old girl was surrounded by 18 year old guys, who all call her "mama" for some fucking reason?! The initial guy that was texting me called her "tsundere" and I wanted to off myself. Serious pedo vibes, and I left the chat shortly after that.
Yes I continued to sit next to him when we got back from winter break, and no I did not make eye contact with him for the rest of the semester kek.
No. 731963
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>>731825>>731832oh my GOD….. i was one of the og anons posting about terrible scrote experiences and if we hadn't had that convo, this absolute fucking masterpiece would have never been posted. i'm so honored, is this what it feels like to be a part of history?
also mad that if this came out in 08 it would absolutely be on my myspace playlist sandwiched between metro station songs
No. 731973
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>>731832>>731730>>731825Posted to fave song lyrics thread. You made it
No. 731984
>>731973Stooooopppppp I'm laughing so hard
>>731982>>731963Aw you guys I'm so happy. I've been going through it lately and rediscovering this song and sharing it is lifting my spirits today.
>>731975Like other anons said, I suggest shazam-ing the song and finding his bandcamp. The other girl's name starts with an M, and her song is just her name!
No. 731990
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>>731987Anons have been busy finding LUCY LUCY LUCY! I see. Kek
ayrt we need to all watch anime together and take things too fast No. 731994
>>731992Ahh I was hoping no one would link directly but…just don't harass the poor guy it sounds like he's dealt with enough lol
>>731991A bit of lore about that one is that he almost got fired for using the work loudspeaker thingy to call M at the front desk and ask her out
No. 732001
>>731994That is the cringiest thing I have ever heard…. At least he didn't ever embarass you aside from your very own song.
Also i agree the chorus slaps but the other verses suck. Im inclined to rewrite it almost…
No. 732003
>>731994Lyrics-wise it's a bit
oof, but the music in general really is fun and catchy, good for the dude to be able to make something like that!
No. 732049
>>731997>>732003I entertained the idea of telling him about all this but he simply doesn't deserve to know. This enjoyment is strictly for the girls.
>>732001Please post your improved version if you ever end up writing it!!
No. 732096
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what's up bitches it's almost 3 am and I rewrote the Lucy song
I tried to stay true to the original plot, Lucy anon said that the 3rd verse didn't actually happen so I made it hypothetical. it's not that good but it sure is a thing I did so here
ily Lucy anon btw I'm glad you're having fun with this
No. 732098
>>732057I gotchu baby
No. 732113
>>732057samefag song writing i'll give you another one of my improv bangers. This one's for you horny anon.
my love for her is criminal
her voice is the podcast of my life.
I love to hear her stories
and tell her goodnight
when we're watching true crime
i give her a kiss
she says he's in the next room
that we can't do this
but he doesn't touch her
so now she's my lover
No. 732128
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>>732112anon pls i
>>732098 >>732113 just for u
No. 732156
>>732142I got another for Lucy here. Picture this slow guitary death cab for cutie since we're going for nostalgia.
Lucy anon
Let's have a ball
Lucy anon
Let's have it all
We don't need to watch anime
I just need to be near you today.
We don't have to smoke weed
You already have all I need.
Lucy lucy
It's always been about you
Lucy lucy
I cannot have lolcow without you.
Your feelings are never /ot
Because you mean everything to me.
pandemic has clearly been hard on my lesbian ass since we are serenading anons AND I promise I wont even use the store announcement microphone to ask you out anon.
No. 732259
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I have a real problem where I overly imagine myself in positions where I’m actually famous or like a pop star being on stage or being asked questions on a talk show, I feel like it’s slowly eating away at my ability to cope with things. Almost like hyperactive imaginative daydreaming.
It makes me feel like I’m not a total loser anymore, it makes me imagine what I could have been if this world wasn’t so shitty.
No. 732261
i'd like to think i'm self-aware but i also kinda think it's making me actually delusional about my possible future life
No. 732267
>>732259Lmao I fucking do this to. Mine are
>imagining myself as an actress>imagining myself as a youtuber who is also dating my husbando>my butch twitter crushes mutual-to-gfThese daydreams versions of me are literally just more confident, talented and successful versions of me, so I feel like they have made me more outspoken and comfortable in my "real personality". I also feel more comfortable expressing myself through facial expressions and voice (I know it sounds stupid and autistic that I had a hard time doing that before, but that's what abuse and shyness/social anxiety will to do ya), but it feels so childish to do this kind of stuff lol.
No. 732283
>>732259>>732267>>732267>>732275It’s Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder.
I used to do this so much as a kid and I miss it’. I’m still prone to it but I actually fear it because if I start daydreaming it’s hard to pull out of and a lot of time will pass before I realize what I’m doing. I’ve replaced it with internet addicfion. It’s stupid, I wish I could still daydream like I was the cool person in my favorite pieces of fiction. Now I mostly day dream about winning arguments or having an opportunity to make myself look cool again to people I’ve embarrassed myself in front of.
No. 732291
>>732267 and tbh I don't think daydreaming equals Maladaptive daydreaming disorder. I still function normally and I can control it. I don't do it if I'm reading, watching tv or working. They're always in the back of my mind, but It's not often I get so lost in my daydreams that I can't control if I'm doing it. To me it's like reading fanfiction or playing aidungeon.
No. 732303
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I would take my mum's cane when I was like 10 year old (she had broken her foot) and would take out playing deck cards and make shitty webcam videos pretending to be Sakura from CCS. That was fucking 15 years ago, insane.
No. 732311
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I realised at the age of eleven that if I called my home phone number from my home phone, I would be able to leave a message on the answerphone. What does my horny eleven year old self do? Leaves a message of myself putting on my best Ash Ketchum voice and moaning and grunting into the phone so that I could pick up the message and rub against a pillow listening to it.
I would do this every time my mum went out and always made sure to delete it, or at least I thought I did, until I was sat in the living room and heard Ash Ketchum's orgasmic moans coming from the loudspeaker as my mum's boyfriend went through all the old messages.
Nobody said anything but they got rid of the answerphone function for a few years.
No. 732322
I'm crying
No. 732335
>>732330I would have asked how they define
terf and why they want to murder them. Let them explain their retarded and violent logic in detail and so if they can handle it.
No. 732341
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>>732338What is it that you like about him? He looks like any man that has ever existed
No. 732343
>>732335It's even more exhausting because they're all straight white girls. They're literally just performing this libtard shit for woke points because it's what people on social media bully you into doing.
>>732331I was too taken aback by how suddenly the topic came up, I just froze completely.
>>732336The thing is, up until yesterday I honestly thought that they're all rational adults who hold rational views, I never realized they've drank the trans cult koolaid to this extent.
No. 732352
>>732343>>732330Slowly pill them kek….
But really like anon said just ask them why violence against women is okay when its not even
terves" hurting tr00ns and the definition of terf is shite at best. I've actually gotten a few bonified tr00ns to stop terf spergging by just sitting and explaining the logic on why its harmful to all* women to say this and just say transphobe instead.
No. 732360
>>732330Same, and I feel the same with some of my friends, I have one that spends all her time on twitter and reddit. Though thankfully my closest friends aren’t like that, but I still tip toe a bit just in case.
Like, recently my friend’s boyfriend came out as a girl and she rightfully got out of there. He tried to guilt her quite a lot (like saying that he’s always been like this so she can’t really say no.., saying you like girls right.., and he was mad that she didn’t support him and he used this against her to say “I always support you when you do weird things”). We assumed he was doing this out of impulse and as a way to skinwalk (he said he wouldn’t mind getting boobs her size and that skeeved us out). They keep in touch a little, but I’m so glad she listened to reason and didn’t turn off her brain and switch on any twitter autopilot.
No. 732374
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>>732311Reminds me when I used to masturbate while looking at this sprite (pic rel is colored differently) on my gameboy color. Good times.
No. 732381
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>>732374Okay if we're all doing this Pokémon horny confession my first crush was James/ Kojiro from Pokemon. Meowth was my fave and 7 year old me was Jesse/Musashi. I feel their entire dynamic high key contributed to my femdom fetish and love of feminine men. For those of you who don't know, in the canon Japanese version they're a couple. So being a tomboy tougher personality like Jesse I legit found this as peak based.
until i realized perfect boys r only anime and that im lesbo. I would carry around a toy of James. I recently put it and Jesse on display in my anime shelf for old times sake.
To this day I still collect team rocket merch fondly because ily Musashi and Kojiro
still a bit horny for them ngl No. 732384
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Samefagging and using this image because I couldn't believe I found danganronpa crossover so it fits /ot
I spent a lot of time on copium fujoshi reading N and Ash/Satoshi fanfics and hentai. All pokemon trainer related doujin shit (yuri/BL usually) was my fav pr0ns to an embarassingly old age.
No. 732389
>He writes bad porn about a girl he can't get overWait… So your whole ass boyfriend is writing fanfics about being with an ex ?!?
post them… Let us have a kek at his expense Sounds like he's bound to groom troon soon enough. I know with scrotes its a losing battle, but have you tried using empathy and logic on this moid as to why children can't consent and coomer rape women bad? I just always want anons to tell off a scrote irl first before they go full troon so they know they were formally warned and friends and family can shake their heads in shame as they know anon was right.
No. 732423
>But that girl had my nameAnd you didn't run then?!?!
Post the fanfics. Shit men should be lold at.
No. 732430
>for some reason I feel like I should bail as fast as possible. I should have known better. Maybe I'm paranoiac.>For some reason> Literally every reason listed is 100% sensible Anon i will dropkick you and manually strip and block all of his info and then mensturate on his doorstep.
Males gaslighting so hard that you really don't see this as a red flag?!?! If he made the cut for friendship than those who fail must all be incarcerated for CP
No. 732510
>>732467And what if you get accepted? Could they find out later and get you in trouble?
Tbf if you're really that worried I'd just e-mail, like you're 18+ what do your parents have got to say about it?
No. 732540
>>732510If I got accepted, I'd use to money for college expenses, and then hope to dear god that they don't cross-check, so that I'd get the scholarship rescinded. It's not that I'd get in trouble, so much as I'd just lose the scholarship and some dignity.
True, I should email since my parents technically can't stop me, but then the devil on my shoulder is saying "See if I get the scholarship first, and then leave it to them to decide to either rescind the scholarship, or give you the scholarship." I have no idea if it is ethical to wait for a decision or not; my moral compass is wonk.
No. 732547
>>732423I mean, he asked me if it was alright to make a character that had my name and I said yes because it seemed harmless (and he did this with other people too), I didn't know he meant to ship it with his self insert. I didn't even know he self inserted until recently. The fanfics aren't in english and to be honest I don't really have the strenght and patience to read them again to translate and post them. Just know it's all porn, gore and pretentious philosophy.
>>732426I have his personal info too, things like school, uni, his social media accounts and some of his contacts. He's an internet acquaintance, but I never sent him pictures of me (bad gut feeling) or pictures of my town/house. He knows my full name because of an email I sent once, but I don't have any social media accounts under my name with my pictures. Still, I'll let the contact water down slowly.
>>732427>>732430>>732457Thank you for your advices anons. I've been having this bad feeling aboout him for a while now, I just couldn't tell if it was just me or not. We've "known" each other since we were both teenagers and at the time he was just some guy going to art school and talking about games and movies.
No. 732611
>>732585I think this is a good creative exercise! I used to do that a lot when I was into writing comics
>>732462I have no advice but hard same, especially the asexual part. I knew something was different about my sexuality as early as 12, but I stopped trying to label it when I hit my 20s. The main thing that turned me off from wanting to explore my wlw feelings is the fact that I was assaulted/raped (even kidnapped on one occasion, lol) by my female best friend for a good 3 years. At this point I just don't really care and I'll spend my days with whoever makes me laugh–if that happens to be a man, who cares?
No. 732690
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ive only had two relationships in my entire life. in the first one my ex gf cheated on me. on the next one i cheated on my ex bf. i hate that i did exactly what she did to me. it makes me feel guilty and dirty and ahhh i just hate it but i did it and have to live with it. like i regret it so much, i was an asshole who did a shitty thing and im sorry. but like i said its always going to be in my conscience and i deserve that punishment.
anyways, i want to get back with my ex gf. we've been talking for some months now. im so into her again its crazy. i know what youre thinking now, youre both assholes and deserve each other. and you are right! but the thing is my family doesnt know i cheated on him. they just know my ex gf cheated and absolutely hate her and tell me i shouldnt talk to her. theyre always bad mouthing her. my mother has made me promise her multiple times to never get back with her cause i was a mess when she cheated. and i keep saying yes, yes mom i swear shes just a friend time and time again. and my family will keep pressuring me into stop talking to her saying shes a cheater scumbag. and that shes a double faced asshole etc etc. and in my mind ill be like "i am too… i am too… like i literally cant judge her now…". but i keep it to myself. and i keep telling them i have no romantic feelings for her but i am absolutely going to try to get back with her. and if shes cool with it ill just keep it a secret till things get serious again and we move in together. they cant know though. cause last time we lived together was a mess and theyre super paranoid, telling me "Yes, shes talking to you like a friend now. But then she's going to try to get back with you! Then she's going to want to live with you! Its a slippery slope!!!". and i keep it to myself that i am the one that is planning to do that and not her. i lied to him and now i lie to my family every time they talk about her.
No. 732760
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>>732113>>732098>>732128Holy shit I didn't expect this I am deceased
Ayrt here, thank you so much for this art bardanon. I had to hold back explosive laughter when I read these because I was next to my boyfriend and it would have been really awkward to have to explain to him that we're over because I'm now married to you
No. 732820
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i fucked a guy with a penis so small anons. so fucking small. i swear it was bordering into micropenis territory. this scrote was insanely tall so i was really into him. i live in a place where manlets are the average height, so finding this huge guy was like really exciting. then he gets "hard" and i'm like giving him a bj and realize… this guy is so small i don't even gag when i'm trying to push it to my throat. it's just nothing. we had anorectal violence too and it felt as if i was fingering my asshole no joke. i like anorectal violence so i was shocked at how i was hardly in any pain whatsoever. it was so small anons. i had never believed size matters. and really, it wasn't terrible. but god, that thing was small. i felt bad for the guy. at some point after we fuck, he makes a joke talking about his "big" dick. so, me thinking were in fantasy land now and don't want to be rude. i say a joke about his "big" dick too. HES SHOCKED! He looks me straight into my eyes dead serious:
>"do you mean it?"
>"when you said i had a big dick"
>"thank you for saying that, it means a lot to me"
>never forget how he says this deadly serious
>die of cringe
a scrote i will never forget
No. 732838
>>732820KEK, not anorectical violence
also i cannot believe you fuelled his delusions i hope you at least got an orgasm out of this encounter.
>>732825aw, that's really sweet to hear! tbh anons in this thread have been on fire lately, the way you guys are funnier than every male stand up comedian i've had the displeasure of listening to…
No. 732956
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>>732825lucy-lucy anon,
I recently lost my job and was going through a hard time with some of my chronic illnesses but the lucy-lucy line had me cry laughing so hard I have a lot of hope now. You enjoying it too made me really happy. It felt good to cheer up a fellow farmer over something that clearly was upsetting. I've been finding a lot of joy in cheering up fellow anons. Yes I'm the fag that wrote songs for ya'll. I love that other anons posted it in other threads so the joke has made it into /ot /g /m as something for girls to laugh at with the scrote at the expense and not Lucy lucy chan. It makes me want to work harder to promote that type of culture here where girls post scrote cringe or cringe shit so we can laugh with them or at the expense of the person whose being shitty to them.
There's another art-salt thread where a similar thing happened an anon told a shitty story of an artist that really bullied her for getting preggo whose art was SHIT and we all kekd at it and the bully's ugly ass scrote and honestly I hope it becomes a meme like lucy and edits can be posted that make a really hard thing for anon top kek. She had droves of anons coming to console her and kek at the bad art and bully's ugly scrote. It made me happy to read.
Lucy-Lucy anon reminds me this is really a place for us as chicks to be vulnerable and seek support unironically. Yes we kek at cows, yes we infight (which is usually also kek for readers), yes we blogpost and samefag. But we do it together.
btw you made it into Borzoi house in the lolcow rpg which i think is in the dumbass shit thread ily bb No. 732961
>>732863I think playing the games will let you find the characters really endearing. I didn’t play the games but I watched my brother play them and I still got really attached to them. I have crushes on goda and majima more so because of how they are and I mean I also think they’re cute. Especially majima.
Be careful when venturing into fan pages or whatever because some of the retardation on tumblr and twitter almost made me hate some characters. There’s lots of nice fan art, and lots of funny tongue in cheek ones, but there’s some that I don’t understand.. at all. I know it’s like that with most stuff but I would say just enjoy the games there’s no need to dig too deep.
Also I’m gonna keep going cus I have no one else to tell this shit to really so. Some pairings I like, like kazumaji which is god tier. But some, like daigo and goda, I hate and this ship in specific seems to attract the strangest people. Just the strangest people. Seeing the shit some people would make and say about goda made me want to distance myself completely even though I thought he was such a cool character. Just be careful in general, one time I saw this post that was half covered and I was like it can’t be so bad and it was kiyru getting absolutely railed by majima and the bottom text said kiyru is trans and I just I didn’t understand shit wasn’t fun anymore.
No. 732963
>>732871samefag but the only man I've ever considered settling down with has a slim 5 incher but the weird part is he has zero complex and never coped hard with it nor cared. unironically this was big dick energy and he was more willing to figure out how to please me. He's a good scrote.
Then I realized I was gay…but said scrote is still my bff and is here to be a simp for us together to support our love etc. so sometimes small peen scrotes are fine.
No. 732970
>>732871I also wanna add that I met a scrote who was a sub and didn't like penetration and as a dom I considered it and was like yknow what? Majority of scrotes fucking suck at penetration and even ones with sizable peen just use you like a human fleshlight or can't last for shit.
So anyways penetration is overrated this is based just eat me out and toy me so I can actually have a good time and coom.
No. 732977
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>>732956This is how I see lolcow:
Lolcow is like the farm that your grandparents have that you visit once or twice a year. Everyone gets together, cleans the house, cooks dinner and sets up the tables. Then you have all your family there: your grumpy aunt, your crazy schizo cousin, your manhater sister, your paranoid judgamental sister-in-law, your tradthot pickme niece etc. We all argue with each other sometimes, but we all have something in common: We're all farmers. It's good comfy to be here sometimes.
No. 732995
>>732825I'm so happy you can get something fun out of it! I had a guy write and perform a poem about me
comparing himself to a (were?)wolf and me to the moon and proclaiming his everlasting love for me, it was multiple pages long and not the only one he wrote to our entire english class in high school, and at the time it was beyond painful, but it sure has given my friends and I a lot of laughs ever since.
No. 733012
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I really, really, really want to fuck Classically Abby.
I want to seduce her and make her feel pleasures that she never knew before. You know, really give her all my attention. She'd be hesitant at first, but quickly get into it, causing her to embrace the idea of sex with another woman, even though it's taboo to her.
Also I want to feel her tiddy.
I know it's pathetic because she's generally awful, but I am way too attracted to her to care about that.
No. 733020
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>>733000i put zero faith in scrotes ability to do anything correctly but Japanese makeup trends ARE different than burgerfags. So if anon was doing the droopy eyeliner that is popular in gal or gyaru as well as general japan. or if she does winged but accents in red like classical geisha makeup etc.
No. 733023
>>732995Lucy lucy is a stacy confirmed. Too many gross scrotes
and me falling for her sexy moon appeal
No. 733032
>>733023Oh, sorry! I'm
>>732995 but I'm not Lucy, I thought I was replying to her lol
No. 733036
>>733011>>733023>>733032I neglected to identify myself as Lucy(^3) because I don't want to be annoying but yes that's me and my post is
>>732825 I am not
>>732995 ! There are sadly no werewolves falling for me, just that very lonely pop punk man.
>>733000Correct, he was just very white and probably has never seen a Japanese girl, it was standard winged liner. I'm not Japanese and also something I didn't want to bring up but must be said: my hair is not curly. That's the weirdest lie in the song?!
>>732956Anon, I can't even begin to reply to this, so I'll just say thank you for sharing this. I want to hug you!!
No. 733039
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I have really weird schizo moments where sometimes usually at night I close my eyes and see a lot of imagery, but I’m not drifting asleep or anything, it’s just so odd, like my unconscious vomiting all over my brain. It’s random and cryptic imagery and sometimes really faint faint whispering
No. 733066
>>733039Its called hypnagogia!
Its one of my favorite things. I think 5% or 20% or something of people experience this and a lot aren't even aware of it.
I thought that I was schzo too when I started noticing it, especially cause for me its more auditory. It feels like switching channels on a TV screen really fast for me, just one disembodies voice or image after the next and they go by so quick I can't hardly catch them or remember them at all.
I think of them as "preview dreams".
I like to think that I'm connecting to other people and astral projecting though.
No. 733070
>>733061late in life lesbo here who had some hoe years and fucked a lot of dudes to try to pretend i liked them when some sex was okay i always had to forget it was a scrote. So even if they were good at it they didn't last long. It's like being a fleshlight. It wasn't until I met a scrote that was a sub and hated penetration because it felt to dommy for him that I realized it was based af bc most scrotes suck at sex. So for any anons who like scrotes I promise you getting eaten out and fingered and whatever is way better than any penetration.
>>733065I'm a top lesbo bc of the power dynamic so yeah this. the only other kek option i saw was making a scrote wear a strap so it's all about you.
No. 733099
People who stan for Pixyteriyaki's mom, Deb, make me mad. These are the types of folks who want to give Deb the benefit of the doubt because they've never been raised by a mentally unwell parent, so they think PT must have done something terrible to push her mother to that point based on their own experiences, none the wiser that it's actually Deb's normal behind closed doors. PT doesn't have to do much to set her off, that woman has no respect for her daughter and infantilizes her.
I've seen the parenting behaviors of truly healthy parents whose kids just happened to turn down bad paths on their own accords (drugs, sexwork, dropouts, etc.) and those parents don't break their own children down like what I've seen psycho Deb do. The long term effects of handling their adult children appropriately is that eventually those children get back on the right paths again. Because they don't have unhinged parents making shit about themselves and how victimized they are. I'm not shocked pikachu that PT is how she is because of that insane bitch. If your mothers reminded you of how much you did wrong everyday you'd have anxiety schizo issues too. PT wanting escapism whether that be through anime, cosplay, snacks, or going to Japan–makes absolute sense in that context.
Specifically, what gets me is the incident from years ago where PT recorded Deb screeching up and down her house insulting PT and ordering her to take a bath because she stunk.
Deb was just acting manic and throwing whatever insults at her daughter to control her into doing what she wanted her to do. No normal parent paces throughout their house ranting and raving to themselves about the child they're upset with, hoping that their child hears and is in turn upset by what they're saying and shamed into doing the thing.
Assuming PT in fact stunk like hell, what's the healthier choice: Have a frank talk with your adult daughter about the boundaries in your home and what you expect before you suggest therapy/ultimatums, or yell at her up and down the house until she feels so ashamed that she cries which will just ensure future anxiety issues?
I'm sorry but Deb isn't normal. Just because she had a golden child (who is a favored male) turn out fine doesn't mean she's a good parent. It just means she made the conscious decision to not destroy two individual's lives because she disliked one of them more than the other.
No. 733109
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When I was a dumb insecure teen I catfished my entire identity (I pretended to be a ~16 year old German Canadian guy, I even did a fake face reveal and had another entire profile/fake identity for “my” irl friend) for like 2 years before disappearing.
I made some friends along the way, but there was one girl I got close to (ps. she was a year or two older than my actual age). A few years after disappearing I messaged her through Hangouts and had an extremely short conversation just saying hi and wishing her well before ghosting again.
Every time I think about her I just want to message her telling her Im actually a woman and most of the things she knew about me was a lie but I dont want to shock or creep her out
No. 733130
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>>732820wow i didnt expect to get responses for this… anons theres more i need to confess but its just going to humiliate myself but here i go. i mentioned some of this in a different thread
>scrote i was fucking was my boss i had a crush on. i wanted to fuck him cause he was tall and good lucking and i thought that him being my boss was hot. thats it. my slut era, anons.>i'm 23 and i found out he's 33 and want to fuck him even more cause i think its cool to be with someone "experienced">i see this man everyday for a year, and i thirsted over him>finally we start texting and we agree to meetup to fuck>literally expecting best sex of my life>small dick>erectile dysfunction>he fingers my asshole before anorectal violence and smells them after before licking them. he says he has a thing for smells…>he always want me to be on top but its really small and it always gets out before anything good>non stop talking while sex. im over here trying to moan and hes like "…right?" and im like "uh? what did you say?" like five times. he goes "i was saying i want you to suck my dick while im in the kitchen eating" "uh…." just fake smile and move on, anon…>i didnt fuck him once my anons… we fucked for two months till he ghosts me. which, im no model but im more traditionally attractive than him AND younger and ALSO my genitals work so i won >get kinda sad and tell my girly friends>"ANON THE MAN COULDNT KEEP AN ERECTION BABY WHY DO YOU ALWAYS PICK THE WORST SCROTES???" No. 733144
>>732860when i was seeing this guy i always made jokes to my friends about this too… they had a joke with me. where, when i was at his place they would text me
>"is your anus okay?"and i would laugh but it really was though…
>>732871i never came. ive only had orgasms fucking females. never with scrotes. i thought he would be different and was super excited (before we met) but nah. but he did eat me out for a very long time which was nice.
>>732883same thing happened to me! but he always wanted me to ride him throughout most of the sex. it was indeed going out cause it was so small or cause his erection problems but he still insisted we did it this way mostly. it was really annoying.
>>732944i mean, i love anorectal violence. ive done it with lube and without lube multiple times. anorectal violence chan HATES me. ive done it with lube and fingering and it doesnt hurt as bad but its still anorectal violence so it hurts. but his dick was too small and i guess too moody for it to hurt like that.
No. 733155
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I have a confession
Whenever a new thread in /ot/ is made and the old one is locked I always have a hard time adjusting to the new thread pic because I grow accostumed to the old op pic and since I'm a visual learner I relate the pictures to the thread itself first, then to the written text
My other confession is that I love this video kek
No. 733215
>>733065>honestly i think for straight sex to be good it has to be a little misogynisticWhat the fuck is wrong with you
Also the amount of anons who only have sexual experiences like
>>733067 where they are a human fleshlight really disturb me,
Where are you all finding these subpar men that scare you so much that you can't tell them to do better? Can't you just be friends with a guy for long enough to figure out if he's a selfish psychopath before letting him into your body? Do you live in backwater countries where it's unknown that women can have orgasms?
I admit I've had some mediocre sex myself when I was a teenager but that's not what it's meant to be like
No. 733247
>>733188It's weird because i just saw on the mtf thread (or maybe ftm?) A mod caught a
terf larper and redtexted them for being a troon trying to blend kek….
Also fem autists unless they're tunglr socialized dont go awf the same way as scrote autists
No. 733262
>>732961this is petty af, but i hate western tumblrtard/twittertard yakuza fans. you'd think they would find the games too "
problematic" considering the shitfits they threw over fucking steven universe but no. can't wait until the yakuza series gets "canceled" over some dumbass shit and only normal people stay in the fandom
No. 733274
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Keep having dreams of having sex with my mother it's seriously making me lose my fucking mind, I just want this to stop. It's actively ruining my relationship with her. I really don't know why this is happening, first teeth breaking dreams went on for months and now this.
No. 733276
>>733262This is petty
Honestly as a fan of the series I can't really see anything
problematic that they would sperg on
No. 733373
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I was that person in forums 10-15 years ago with huge signatures, and I was always getting warned and suspended by mods to cut my signature. I would fill it with pictures of dogs, cats and pictures of whatever anime I was watching at the time. You could keep scrolling my sig for a solid 15 seconds. No, I don't know why I did it. I think I wanted people to see all the pretty dogs and cats I found on the internet.
No. 733634
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i don't give a shit about f/f content and i hate trying to pretend i do on social media so i'm not seen as a lesbophobe. and no, it's not because female characters are badly written or whatever, it's just that i honestly don't care and the less i see of it, the better. m/m is infinitely more appealing to me.
the funny part is that i think i might be a lesbian so idk what's wrong with me
No. 733641
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>>733634eh not trying to infight you or be rude but f/f media to this day isn't that common. m/m content has always been more popular and appealing to people specially to girls. a lot of lesbians consume m/m. i don't feel like f/f media is at all more popular or common so saying you prefer m/m more is kinda like … so do most people, m/m has been popular for ages. f/f media has started becoming mainstream yes but it's only been a few years since it started gaining traction. there's way more m/m content and it's very popular and it's always been like that.
No. 733670
>>733641oh no i didn't mean to frame that like it's an unpopular opinion, i just wanted to highlight i love one but not the other. though in my circle (which is mostly wlw) they do prefer f/f.
>>733646i assume lesbian fujos tend to also like f/f though, even if not as much as m/m? in my case i just don't care at all to be honest, and i don't think you'd ever hear of a gay man who loves f/f but doesn't like m/m so this is so weird to me.
No. 733892
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>>733873Oh, they definitley wouldn't. A lot of these tankies and y'all qeada types wouldn't larp so hard if they knew what revolutions/wars were actualy like. Especially now in modern times with the current technology. Still don't think it'll happen anytime soon. Our social turmoils seem more akin to what was happening in the sixties rather than before the civil war.
No. 733965
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>>733952>>733956It's always a troon
No. 733979
>>733148i know… i had just come out of an
abusive relationship and just wanted to fuck something.
>>733187i absolutely did and god punished me by giving that scrote the smallest dick he could.
No. 733980
>>733619I have one terminal, girthy white hair that grows out of my back, and I can't pull it out until it grows long enough for me to reach it. It's usually about three inches long by that point, but I want to grow it and see how long it can get.
I didn't know it was there until I was 14 and naked with my first partner, they pointed it out and plucked it for me. It was a full six inches long and thick like a whisker.
The perverse pleasure I get from examining it after I've plucked it is shameful. I wish I could show somebody but I don't have anybody to show right now.
All kinds of weird stuff comes out of my body actually, I once squeezed a dark area of an old scar and a pebble came out. My gum once pushed out a bone fragment. And occasionally I get random cysts on my legs disguised as blocked pores and they surprise me every now and again by coming out with an unbelievable amount of cottage cheese. Sometimes I wish I had one of those huge abscesses that are so big and deep that it looks like the person probably lost a pound once they're drained so that I can drain it and not remove the sac so it refills periodically. I just want the cathartic satisfaction of symbolically getting all the badness out of my body. I have a suspicion it's because I'm constipated at the moment, I haven't had a poo in ten days and counting. Opiates.
No. 733997
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this was many years ago.
my mom invited some faggot to do my hair. don't know how he knew him but they talked and she told him me and my sister both dye our hair. so he comes to my house and is working on me. he's completely silent and when i try small chat he's cold and dismissive. full disclosure, this was a long time ago. so, i was a fatty, i didn't know how to do makeup, and dressed very badly and baggy cause insecure. i shut up cause he clearly doesn't care what i'm saying.
my oldest sister comes home. she's 7 years older than me. she's skinny, has a very nice job so she has to dress fancy and wear flattering makeup. faggot like, beams… says in front of me
>"OH! so you're _______! Hahaha, you look like the younger sister!"
Faggot immediately starts talking and laughing with her and giving her compliments. As soon as he's done with my hair i lock myself in my room and cry. she said i looked like the older sister. didn't like accident mistake us one for the other. no, he knew by this point i was the teenager one and still said my sister looked younger than me. omg i'm crying anons i felt so shitty.
No. 734061
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>>733997I would team up with anon to beat up the faggot.
No. 734085
>>734068on god penetration is overrated most scrotes cant fuck for shit.
also you just made a new footfag congrats anon
No. 734164
>>734158Once my boyfriend was messing around during sex and he licked my feet and it actually felt kinda nice albeit a bit weird.
He never did it again though
and honestly I don't want him too cause my feet are currently too callousedStill I don't get the sexual visual attraction to it personally, but I can admit it can
feel nice. That's I don't get getting off of footjobs
No. 734172
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I don't give a shit about my bf's job and I only pretend to be actively listening whenever he vents to me about it. He works at a grocery store. Tbh even as a 'supervisor' it's a super juvenile job and pretty embarrassing for our age. I worked at a grocery store when I was 17 years old for a few years and there's nothing he rants to me about that I haven't heard of before. I don't want to hurt his feelings, but there's only so many bitch ass customers and retarded coworker stories I can take before I feel like telling him to get a new job.
But he won't leave it now because he's sunk over 15 years of his life into that place and half believes he can't do better despite having a college degree. He copes by saying he likes to work on his feet and couldn't handle a sedentary desk job like mine, and I mean okay, but there's gotta be better and more mature shit for him out there somewhere. Oh and he's gotta start making more money, I'm younger than him and already out-earn him. He's practically perfect otherwise, but this retail shit sucks ass. I was hoping covid would make him realize the shitshow but no dice!
No. 734276
>>734183>>734068This. My bf used to have sex anxiety and it was definitely related to how 'serious' or anticipated the sex was. The more spontaneous and jokingly teasing it was, the higher the likelihood that his dick would work. If he felt that he had to live up to any kind of expectation to perform, it would go limp most of the time. This was years ago and he's gotten past his anxiety since, but showering together and jokingly groping eachother used to have a much higher success rate than slowly feeling him up in bed saying I wanted to fuck. I don't think it necessarily had to do with a foot fetish in your case.
Mildly related, but try not to seem disappointed or upset when his dick doesn't work. I made this mistake and it was the worst thing I could've done in terms of heightening his anxiety.
No. 734331
>>734187to me it sounds less like he has
foot fetish and more like anon tried something new that he didn't already have all this anxiety tied to, and that freshness let his brain relax enough to get off. like trying to do the same thing over and over only makes you more frustrated when it doesn't work, and then trying it a new way suddenly it's almost effortless.
probably has a foot fetish now though kek sorry anon, hope he doesn't overthink that too and ask you to keep doing freakier shit when the feet stop doing it for him
No. 734516
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I thought yogic flying was real and I wanted it to practice it as a child
No. 734569
>>734516holy shit anon, same, you've unlocked a memory. I
really wanted to fly
No. 734576
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>>734572anon that must feel wonderful! best of luck to you and him, hope it works out!
No. 734633
>>734572this is the best part about the pre-relationship phase! this is super cute, have a fun date this weekend!
>>734625kek i love this for you anon, i can imagine how much fun you must have with it and idek what threads you follow
No. 734740
My mother in law made me realize the role many mothers play in coddling their sons' abusive and misogynistic behavior. While my mother in law continues to treat me like shit just for existing and thinks I'm "replacing" her just by doing chores around the house, she constantly defends her sociopathic son who is facing trial for brutally beating his girlfriend to the point of her getting a broken nose and a black eye. Nonnies, I should have heeded the warning signs right there when my MIL played a narrative against her son's girlfriend making her out to be the psychopathic bitch in the relationship. She constantly rants about her son's (ex) girlfriend is a miserable bitch for threatening the whole family bc she accused the mom of allowing her son to beat women (in retrospect, is right), saying she can't go without sex for more than 15 days (her son is also a major hoe af so it makes no sense for her to get angrier at his gf for having the same behavior), and other things.
Her reason is that she's apparently disappointed bc she met the son's gf before she started dating him when she was a teenager. But I'm like, have you ever wondered she became a bpd acting loon because she possibly got extremely traumatized somewhere down the line? My MIL even admits that the girls husband beat on her for years and left her afterwards so it's not like this thought ever came in her mind! But nope, act like the son who steals, beats women, even threatened me, is somehow better than a possibly traumatized woman who is just acting out her mood disorders and psychosis.
Like wow. Honestly I feel scared of my mother in law and find her completely vindictive and a ruthless male identified woman who despises other women, including me. She even laughed at pictures of her son's girlfriend having a black eye because "she hates her". I can't wait to move because this is gonna end so badly
No. 734755
>>734740I meant never not ever, made other typos too
Im going to add to my post that my MIL accused her son's ex gf of trying to sexually assault her which I initially believed but tbh, I really doubt it now because she lied about her son's previous girlfriend being caught in a bathroom with three men just so she could get rid of her. The worst part about this is that she actually somehow, wound up believing this was the truth and believing her own lies. She went out of her way to tell her son this indirectly causing him to beat up that girlfriend so badly he stripped her naked and called her a whore on the street. I'm in fucking shock just how a mom can choose to identify with and love her son after this while acting like the women he gets with are monsters, just for having the same socioeconomic status. I feel really intimidated in this situation tbh..
No. 734756
>>734725>as stupid as […] the 'high school experience'haha those dumb kids graduating with several years of life fucked up and the knock-on effects is fine because I got bullied by Stacies.
Not to sperg too much at you nonnies, but having seen this viewpoint depressingly often online, it just comes across as smugly vindictive.
No. 734770
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I have a feeling that a girl I went to hs with uses this site, but im not gonna go into detail because I didn't really like her kek
No. 734826
>>734725>or god forbid they miss out on something as stupid as prom or the ‘high school experience.’But in fairness, you got a choice to not do those things voluntarily.
I'm reading your other post and I've never really heard of students being unable to have lockers, go to prom, go on trips, etc pre-covid? I went to a poor ass high school and even poor kids got to do those things. The kids that didn't get those things were the ones chronically in trouble. The kids that didn't want to go to prom or go on trips were the ones with antisocial issues, I was bullied and still went if not to spite people. And either way, not every kid missing out on that stuff thanks to covid is an entitled brat who deserves it.
>>734789I don't like most of other people's kids but I would love my own. Call it ape brain but idc, not all babies and children are that cute.
No. 734908
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>>734884don't forget us when you walk away from the divorce with one of these bad boys
No. 734919
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>>734908Top kek idk if anyone else understands zimbabwe dollars memes but pic related for anons who dont know how bad the inflation is
No. 734925
>>734884Is he hot at least
I'm rooting for you as long as he ain't the same billionaire I want
Dont forget to pop out a few babies
No. 734958
>>734884mods leak OPs IP address NAOW
no but is it elon musk or the bald amazon man
No. 735064
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>>735000kek, this feels like my mom coming on here and making a fake post with the hopes that I'd see it and start meds again
No. 735074
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>>735053I wonder if she's happy.
No. 735081
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This whole thread is giving me an aneurysm. I just want a single place that doesn't have ecchifags, lolicons, or coomer degenerates in general regardless of sex. Yes I'm one of those bitches who unironically gets triggered by chinese cartoons. I know it's irrational, I KNOW it's just lines on a screen but it still pisses me off. Idc about cartoon rights I just think it's gross and I hate how it's all over the internet and i hate women being objectified even if they're not real. Even on the most normie sites it's milkies this milkies that lolis traps it's everywhere and I'm sick of it.
I genuinely wish i could just die instead of being a triggered baby I've been seething over this thread and certain posts on /m/ for the whole fucking day. I want to kms over it. Even if I go to a different site it'll be the same exact posts so there's no fucking point and it's impossible to go out now so i can't even go for a walk. Even if I go to bed I'll still be thinking about this and won't be able to sleep. I just have this need to post and communicate even if I hate everyone. I'm retarded and angry.
No. 735094
>>735089Hair grows back! I did the same shit a few years ago and my hair is almost down to my ass now. It's relaxing to think- if you do absolutely nothing at all, it'll grow back. Literally 0% stress or work put in, and your hair will effortlessly grow back! Chill out and enjoy looking badass because you'll look back on this time with your long, lush hair and wish you were brave enough to still pull shit like that.
Maybe I'm projecting kek
No. 735120
>>735078It looks like she hemmed it herself.
Not hating on her weight, judging by her facial structure in Skins it looks like she’s supposed to be plump
No. 735125
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>>735081What posts on /m are bothering you?
Just go objectify men, it makes me feel better.
No. 735132
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>>735125Based. You're doing god's work, anon.
No. 735145
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I'm still not over how cringy I was in middle school. I dreamnt up this whole world (and drew a bunch about it..) where me and this girl I liked were in a danganronpa game and we had this enemies to lovers dynamic, I really hate past me istg
No. 735146
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I like Homestuck. Like, a lot. All I want to do is sperg about it all the time and I would if the fandom wasn't filled with troons and children now. I miss the fandom at it's peak and I especially miss the MSPA forums and all the fanart and fan comics…. It's all been so poorly archived especially with the Tumblr purge. Fuck what I would do to relive early/late 00s fandom culture before Twitterfags ruined everything.
No. 735204
>>734770Is it me?
I am a cow.
Jessie is that you??