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No. 653758
Lay bare your sins.
Previous confessions:
>>>/ot/635956 No. 653805
>>653731I generally feel inferior to beautiful people with good genetics but I'm more into men so it affects me more
>>653756I know but I'm not a scrote so I don't feel entitled to anything. Also the guys I'm talking about are taken anyway. I never met a way above average dude that wasn't already taken. Those dudes are snatched pretty fast by women on their level
>>653795The wast majority of them, yes. But I know of at least two very attractive men who can also cook (and I don't mean some basic shit) and take care of themselves and have very fit lifestyls, I doubt they don't wash their fucking asses. And of course their gfs are on their level in terms of attractiveness
No. 653856
>>653805I would spend less time rating the attractiveness of people in couples, and using the tired
>all the good ones are takenGuys and girls can look as good or bad as they wish to, it's all about styling, clothes, self care. Look after weight and skin and dress well. Those people you rate at a "level" could easily look 5 steps lower if they didn't put any effort in. A guy in a relationship with a decent looking girl is more likely to try and maintain his good looks so he doesn't lose her, hence what you perceive as "all the good ones are taken" narrative. The same guy unwashed with a beard you would likely find disgusting.
What you are really rating is quality of life, finances, and self care/health care, which affect your appearance as well as your relationships. Rating couples on looks alone lacks context.
No. 653940
>>653856>Guys and girls can look as good or bad as they wish>Those people you rate at a "level" could easily look 5 steps lower if they didn't put any effort inI'm sorry anon, but this is just extremely bluepilled. A person with a facial bone structure of a model and messy hair will still look better in a plain tracksuit than a normie in expensive clothes, even if they're both healthy and thin. Faces are like the most important thing and even if you can get a great body and nice skin you will never be a true 9-10 or even 8 without the right facial proportions.
I agree though that quality of life, finances, and self care/health care plays a very big role in how you present yourself to the world. But still, a poor depressed person with 8/10 face will always look better than a poor depressed person with a 4/10 face and will have more things to work with.
No. 654396
>>654104I feel you, I'm 30 and still live at home
is there not a different room for you, or even you and your sister to share?
No. 654618
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I genuinely can't wait until I'm of the legal drinking age in my retarded country so i can alleviate my social anxiety with unhealthy social lubricants instead of expensive therapy and consequently ruin my life, but at least I'll finally have friends since early high school.
No. 654637
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I am my worst self on yt. I would fucking SPERG out in the comments while having anime profile pic and I do not give a damn. No civility, no thought out arguments, it’s just me screaming at children.
No. 654804
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hi friends I normally lurk but I really would like to say that my bf plays the cringiest, most disgusting fucking rap music and it makes me hate being in the car with him. he's a big kanye fan too and I can't stand that fucking clown. I get so embarrassed when we pull up next to another car and the bass is just booming obnoxiously and whoever's rapping is talking about gross shit and killing people etc. the worst part is that I'm black and he's not so people probably think I'm into that shit when they see us but it's really his fucking music. he thinks he's hard bc he's from Chicago & owns guns but it's just so goddamn cringy jesus. I don't like to judge him for his music taste bc that's stupid (I did try to talk to him about how much I dislike it once and he got incredibly upset so I haven't done that since bc it's just not worth listening to him trying to defend it). pic related its me whenever we pull up next to another car
okay sorry for ree-ing but thanks for listening
No. 654832
>>654780Sometimes I see it and think
>What's wrong with that she's just an older woman finding joy in her bodyAnd then I remember the reason she's on the banner is because she's fame hungry psycho who would sell her own daughter for easy money
No. 654965
>>654914Because you think you're being clever manipulative when in fact you're just taking advantage of other people's trust. They have their guard down or give you the benefit of the doubt.
If this was actually about narcissism or sadism you'd probably try the same behavior on not so easy targets, but I get the impression you're a bit too cowardly for that degree of clapback. Or basically any situation where being a dick has actual consequences.
No. 655050
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>>655031Just get a toothbrush cover?
No. 655053
>>655050yeah no that's the best way to entrap moisture and have whatever mold grow in the bristles
she should keep her toothbrush elsewhere. having your toilet where you take a shower and wash your face is kinda gross
No. 655056
>>655053>>655054That's why you wash them regularly.
Sometimes I wonder how old the posters here are.
No. 655062
>>655056Anon it’s not the fact the covers get dirty, it’s the fact that you shouldn’t put toothbrushes into such a contained environment
I mean I guess you could thoroughly dry the toothbrush after each use (though doing this would introduce new bacteria) and it might not be so bad, but why bother when you could just put it somewhere far out of the way of shit particles
No. 655224
>>655183Nta but personally would have picked fatal frame and I'm not very knowledgeable about the genre.
It could have been worse, anon could have referenced the slender man game kek.
No. 655271
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Hold up hold up hold up, I step away for a day and come back to this.
>>654184Bitch, I read books. In fact, one of my favorite courses in college was a horror english class. If you honestly think FNAF is simply a jumpscare game then maybe you oughta take some time to invest in the series and see that there's more to it than "muh scary animatronics". BTW, the series has several books.
>>654424Not to side with salty libary-chan but there are plenty of books and even dare I say short stories that fill people with a sense of dread. After reading Afterward by Edith Warth I got the same feeling I got after playing some scary games. That "Looking over my shoulder holy fuck is there a chill in the room or is it just me…? Is that someone watching me from the corner?" I get what you're saying. But "dread" is not the word you're looking for. It's a sense of "urgency". Because when you're reading a book everything is set up for the scare. When you're playing a game, you have to set the scare up yourself, there's a sense of urgency to get through that scary, like a panic. You gotta force yourself to move instead of being moved through it like in books.
>>655183FNAF as a single game (or even the individual games) isn't "suspenseful" at all. FNAF when you piece together everything, factor in the books, clues on Scott's website it is suspenseful in that there's a very tragic backstory just waiting to be picked apart. But like you said, there's really no "suspense". It's all cut and dry horror. "Scary thing happens then person dies".
No. 655312
valid tho, i keep it in a closed closet inside the bathroom. we still shut the lid everytime before flushing the toilet and desinfect it every few days. i cant with people not redpilled about shit particles
No. 655497
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I’m relapsing I do not give a fuck
-20lbs by Christmas let’s gooooo
No. 655501
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I've been a super adamant anti-weed person my whole life. I hate the fucking smell, I hate weed culture I hate everything about it. I hate that people are always hyping it up and generally I was scared of ever getting arrested for possession.
But my severe anxiety and depression plus mood swings has made me settle. I tried CBD oil and I like it but hate how slow it comes on. So now I've just purchased some CBD hemp. I'm nervous and excited to try it. I've always liked smoking things (e-cigs, cigarettes, hookah) but can't stand weed. Well, I guess now it's gonna be "weed". Truly not sure how I should feel about it. But… whatever. My bf's teasing me has made me feel bad about it because he knows how much I hate that shit.
Do any anons here know if it smells bad like weed?
No. 655508
>>655496I feel the same way about anyone with cystic fibrosis or one of the many diseases that causes them to need a "wheelchair" and to ebeg for money.
I follow this one chick who constantly posts her titties and ass and is always saying "I'm in so much pain, I'm disabled, I need XYZ amount for the doctors and I literally CANT waaaah". it annoys the shit out of me.
No. 655667
>>655664This post
triggered my red flag vision tbh
No. 655729
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I really want a boyfriend but I can't stand real men. I just like the idea of a bf in theory, someone who'd love me for who I am, who'd spend time with me on hobbies and dates, someone who'd live with me so we could split bills and rent, someone hot I could have sex with while being 100% sure they're not cheating, trying to get me pregnant against my will and healthy, someone who's there for me when I need him but who isn't clingy and wouldn't take it personally if I prioritize my friends from time to time, someone who'd be genuinely attracted to me for who I am and who wouldn't make fun of or be disgusted by my physical flaws, someone who wouldn't call me racial slurs behind my back or say I'm not like other girls or like the other people from my ethnic group, someone who won't beat me up and insult me every five seconds because something unrelated to me made him a bit upset earlier, etc. But I know it's way too much to ask for so I'd rather stay single and virgin until I die. Maybe I have the idea of the perfect bf thanks to tv, fanfics and shojo manga and I need to lower my standards but I won't.
No. 655735
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There’s this 4chan pick me bitch in my social circle, I genuine don’t know what it is about it, her posting incel tier memes shitting on women, using chan lingo irl, or pandering to scrotes, but she genuinely makes me want to bash her skull in.
Imagine having someone who acts like yungcynical in person, an adult woman nonetheless, i swear to god if i was a scrote I would have already snapped and given her a beating, I’ve never despised a woman so much in my entire existence.
No. 655761
>>655757Nah I was a tumblr edgy bitch on my teens, kinda like polar opposites.
>>655760She’s not on my friend group, I said social circle, are you illiterate?
No. 656016
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I want to meet,hug and have a long conversation with Betty White and tell her that everything is going to be alright
No. 656017
>>656016Bitch she knows everything is okay. You really think someone as old her her needs the reassurance from you?
Who do you think you are? Bea Arthur? Try again.
No. 656019
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>>656017Well then I hereby reassure you you're mean
It's nice to be nice to old people
No. 656020
>>655501It smells like burnt broccoli,I don't get the anticipation for it or how almost everyone loves it
Smoking Marijuana never gives you any advantages
No. 656022
>>655501It smells exactly like weed, stoners will identify the smell as weed if it's on your clothes
t. stoner, sorry
No. 656024
>>656020>>656022Welp. I guess it's fine. I just won't do it inside the house.
Thanks anons!
No. 656030
>>656024I feel bad giving you advice since you literally opened by saying you hate weed culture,
but if your bathroom has a vent to the outside, in a pinch, you can close the door, run the fan, and burn a candle
Works even better if there's a window in there, just crack that and fresh air will get pulled in too
No. 656033
>>656025I mean, you didn't have to tell me that. I'll always be irritated by people being condescending and babying old people (that are still lucid) so I guess I literally will die mad about it!
>>656030I still appreciate the answer and advice anon.
No. 656040
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Life is good. Life is so good. I try not to say this very often because it tends to bother people, they think I'm making light of bad things or something.
I just rember happy day all the time.
No. 656048
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>>656038seems more to me like she's just having a bad night
I am a liscensed computer chair therapy horse, and lately,
everybody tense for some reason
No. 656192
I am attracted to a bad person. And I'm feeling jealous that they were with other girls. I feel confused and like a piece of shit. I hope it's just because I've been single for too long so my feelings are all mush and not working right. Feels bad, man.
>>656187I do this in my head a lot, too, anon, you aren't alone
No. 656236
>>656213Nobody decent would ever shame a 16 year old for nearly being taken advantage of by a man double her age, you weren't stupid at all and I'm so relieved that he didn't get to you. Maybe choosing to invite him to your family home was a very fortunate subconscious choice after picking up on some cues in the back of your mind, maybe you were actually incredibly smart but you just didn't know it. But whatever you are, you aren't stupid at all.
Hug your sister when you can even if she doesn't know the reason.
No. 656266
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>>656236Anon… you're so nice… thank you for being such a warm person, I love you. You are right that I must've picked up something before or on that day because I broke contact with him a few days after this, mostly he had hurt me bad the last time we had sex and also said somethings which even I knew were very wrong. So I guess I wasn't completely completely stupid. And I tell my sister I love her every single day, I'm really really lucky to have her. I hope you have a good day anon! You made mine better
No. 656473
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>>655778>the bathroom is my safe spacenot anymore, anon
No. 656615
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Is the PULL migration link to KF at the top of the page a joke? I laughed bc I can't see PULL users jiving with kiwis but then again my girl friend who likes lurking KF says that there are females on there.
No. 656843
During quarantine, I developed an online shopping addiction.
I order clothes from, like cheaply made 8 dollar pants, shirts, and dresses, multiple times a week and I've resorted to making a small purchase every time I feel bored. It's the only thing that relieves the boredom. Also if I feel anxious, like my husband and I just had an argument, or I get annoyed by work, I'll quickly order something random from amazon … or like some candles from etsy or something. It makes me feel calm and better almost instantly.
My husband has a job where he leaves the house at a different time than me, which is really convenient because he's always gone when my packages arrive. He'd be pretty weirded out to see how often I get packages.
This was kind of OK at first. I lost my job in March due to covid and started getting those Big Checks from unemployment. I'd spend a little bit of it every week on a "treat". I was really stressed out about not having a job/the chaotic state of the world, and it helped. Now, of course, I have a job that doesn't pay nearly as well as the big gov't checks did this summer. But that doesn't matter; the shopping addiction had time to manifest. It really sucks and I try not to do it but … I pretty much order something random for at least $10 dollars every day now. FML!!!!
No. 656895
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>>656843get this book (it's on libgen for free), read it everyday and do the exercises. It should help you a lot. Good luck!
No. 657215
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>>656898the world if we locked all men in cages and only took them out for reproduction/heavy labor
No. 657592
>>657571It’s okay, anon, lots of people loves toys and cute stuff in general, as long as you’re stealthy about it, no one will have to find out.
>that last sentence It really made me have a full body shudder filled with pure cringe. People are gross.
No. 658627
>>658474I get grossed out easily by the sight of TP or lint tbh. It's just ugh. But I still do then because I enjoy giving them
to one specific person, not in general.
No. 658642
>>658474Definitely make your partner wash first if that's the issue or atleast baby wipe that shit. Like
>>658627 said TP and lint riddled dicks are absolutely disgusting. Idk about you ladies (it's not something I often discuss publically) but I'm completely clean whenever I'm the recipient, it should be no different for men.
No. 658648
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i was passing an order slip to my co-worker today and our fingertips brushed together for like a second and i got wet lmao
No. 658677
>>658656he's not conventionally attractive but he's so my type my blood pressure drops the moment he enters the room
>>658664you see it
>>658665i didn't use to be this way but then i moved to a foreign country without family and friends and a global pandemic hit which cut any rare physical contact down to nothing. i hadn't touched a human being since january, please don't judge.
No. 658684
>>658682I deleted it because of a typo.
I don’t know, I feel a bit guilty because they think it’s dirty and whatever, same thing with the fasting stuff, like, that’s what makes them happy I guess, might as well respect that.
No. 658842
>>658699Well, the key to figuring this out is asking yourself why it disgusts you.
Like, what situations disgust you? What’s going on your mind when you imagine it?Is it really disgust? What‘s really
triggering the feeling of disgust? What are the other underlying emotions? Etc etc.
I have/had the same problem. When I imagine things, I’m fine but when a real live man tries to touch me, I recoil.
I figure it’s because I’m afraid of being hurt and I don’t feel like I’m really in control of the situation. So what I called disgust was really just a fuck ton of anxiety and fear that I’ll be taken advantage of. I don’t trust them and so being touched by them is like crossing a hard emotional boundary. Nobody likes being touched, particularly in an intimate way, by someone they don’t know/trust.
>>658720Sure, fuck any type of deeper self-analysis.
No. 659006
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>>658998Use a simple hair tie to open bottle caps, It’s truly saved me the time and embarrassment of asking for people to open stuff for me.
No. 659008
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I think momokun looks hot in her latest idk "set"? She generally seems cute and hot to me.
No. 659009
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>>659008you're joking right?? Or are you talking about a different set…
No. 659011
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I kind of masturbated to the thought of a World War 3 missile showdown between the US and China.
No. 659017
>>659011The idea of those soap opera wars is kind of arousing in a dumbass way.
If only military men weren’t fucking aggressive nutjobs, those fantasies would be nice.
We need military grade himbobots
No. 659119
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I'm a sucker for women who look boyish, (and men who look feminine)
This girl isn't a fakeboi, she just has short hair and is kinda flat chested. What are these kind of girls called? They're not butch or anything just androgynous and cute.
No. 659123
>>659119They're called girlfriend material and they're cute as fuck
Maybe the word you're looking for is tomboy though
No. 659405
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I know that makes me part of the problem but the since the toilet paper craze starts anew, I ordered quiet a bit on amazon (do not want to say how much because I'm actually ashamed how much it is lmao). I honestly do not have the energy to go looking around for TP after a long ass day of work because I have clearly better things to do.
No. 659487
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>>659473Mad respect anon, please always love your cool shape.
No. 659529
>>659486I usually do it the same way, but as soon as I noticed that people go mental again, I thought that I do not want to go through the same stress as at the beginning of the year (because besides TP, you have to look for other things now too, like food and water for example). And on the top that, I do not own a car, so no chance for me to buy idk how much of that. My plan is to be able to shit in peace, while worry about the other things lol
>>659501I've read that people started to hoard TP at the beginning of pandemic because it gave them the feeling of being somehow in the control of this situation. Sure, it was a new scary thing. But now eight months later, we all know that nobody died because of the lack of TP so this time around I'm really puzzled why it starts again since everybody knows that there is enough TP for everybody …
No. 659612
>>659569>>659542I don't have many early memories either. It's not actually that uncommon though so don't worry about it too much
Sometimes I think it would be cool if a shrink could magically unlock memories but then I remember all the stuff that they implanted in kids heads during the satanic panic. Who can you really trust to let inside your head like that? We can just make some nice memories now instead
No. 659664
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I had to take 2 busses home from the other side of the city with dried cum on my hair last summer. I was so hungry I stopped at a burger restaurant, and ran into someone I went to school with and he recognized me.
No. 660509
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I think I've realized that I tend to be attracted to men who I feel sorry for. It feels really gross and toxic for me to admit it because I feel like that either means I like the idea that I'm better than them and that they could put me on a pedestal or I fall into that classic stereotypical trope where I'm attracted to people I want to "save" (I don't know which option is worse tbh). I always felt like I had really questionable taste. I've never been attracted to stereotypical chad types and I think it's because for me to really be into a guy I have to really pity him you know? Like the same way you feel sorry and sad when you see a starving dog on the street. I don't know, maybe this is normal but it makes me feel really predatory lol. Also I feel like I'm fucked because 10/10 times those men end up being toxic as fuck and huge losers so fuck me I guess. Is my type just men with mental illness? Where did I go wrong?
No. 660531
>>660509How was your relationship with your parents/dad growing up? What people with traumas relating to that subconsciously tend to do is find a partner that can help them recreate their childhood circumstances so maybe there's something to unpack there?
I wouldn't say it's normal though, not that being attracted to stereotypical chads is either.
No. 660548
>>660545Not very exciting stories but it was odd interacting with them knowing damn well the antics they were up to on the internet. It’s like watching a zoo animal.
Will say that one of these huge cows is a regular customer at my work
No. 660551
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>>660548>>660538it drives me insane when anons make posts like these and never tell us who the cow or e-celeb is. I almost want to a-log over it
No. 660564
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>>660551>>660552I’d love to spill the beans ughhhh
No. 660570
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I really hate how people sometimes call me scrote here just because I make new threads for people to tell their interesting experiences in, cause I just love talking to other farmers and I feel like a vent thread is not enough (cause it's venting duh, I don't want to vent always), also tinfoiling that I was the reason /ot/ got closed is the most retarded asinine thing ever, seriously not everyone is ill intentioned and not everyone is a scrote
Inb4 people now start shidding on me for absolutely nothing on the replies
No. 660604
>>660598There's been only a handful of cases in my city. Obviously I'm still being stupid and irresponsible.
>>660599Yeah, I figured.
No. 660722
>>660530I lost the person that meant the most to me a few years ago, yeah it hurt and I did grieve hard.. but I have my own life to live. People are resiliant.
A family close to where I live just commited some sort of familicide a few days ago and police are trying to figure out who killed who… apparently there was a dispute about a will. Fucked up to see a whole family wiped out at once over what seems like something so trivial as what percentage of land each son would get. There is now nobody alive to receive it full stop.. Madness.
No. 660777
>>660596Going on first dates with more than one person isn't weird until you start to become more serious with them. IDK why you wouldn't be open about it tho unless you think they would have a problem with it and if they do have a problem with it, then you probably shouldn't do it.
>this guy who frequently buys my (extremely tame) lewds and buys me lingerie to wear on my dates with other people This makes you gross tho and kind of a slut, yes.
No. 660846
>>660710>>660746>>660777I mean I think I made it sound worse than it is in my original post.
I've gone on one date with person A. Didn't kiss or hug but agreed on a second date.
I've gone on three dates with person B. Kissed on second date, fucked on third. Told him I don't want anything serious with him, he's fine with it.
I've agreed on a date with person C but haven't actually met yet. Might cancel cause not really feeling it.
I haven't told any of them cause I feel like I don't owe that information to someone I've just met? And also I think it'd hurt their feelings, probably. A and B seem to like me a lot, C seems to have low self esteem.
I haven't met and will not meet person D but we were chatting and then sexting and he just kinda… suddenly started giving me money and I just kinda accepted it cause I'm broke. Also in need of new underwear. I'm well aware this technically makes me a sex worker though.
Not trying to justify my behaviour btw, just giving added context. It's the confessions thread, I know what I'm doing is questionable at best.
No. 661312
>>661203You just made me remember that a guy who used to bully me during high school died like, a few years ago, idk it wasn’t too long ago.
It’s so weird to hear about someone young dying, tbh I mostly got annoyed at my family since they were expecting some huge reaction from me, as if he was my friend or something, and no, i won’t shed a tear for someone who made me feel like shit for so many years.
It’s just weird to think about a bully in general, it’s a waste of time, so, anon, don’t use the deaths of her family as some cheer up juice, if anything I would feel as unsettled as I end up feeling when thinking about any other normal person’s death.
I’m not telling you to reach up to her because that’s just retarded, but just try thinking about actual good things instead of the smugness that made you feel their deaths, It’s not a healthy feeling, anon.
No. 661331
>>661329how can one tell that the faces are computer generated?
You are doing good job anon, just be careful
No. 661557
>>661525My mom had breast cancer and there was talk of me getting tested to see if I have the breast cancer gene (bcra) but my mom apparently got tested herself and her cancer wasn't caused by it so I didn't need testing after all. For a while I was secretly hoping I could get a mastectomy done.
That being said, my mom had a single mastectomy and nearly died during the fucking surgery. So that put things into perspective for me.
No. 661564
>>660777Why is taking advantage of moids bad when that's what they do to women all the time??? If a simp is going to give you money, might as well take it.
>>661478I've held radical views of men (particularly that they all just want to use me) since I was around that age. That's why I have zero experience with men, have no male friends (not that I have female friends either), and am skeptical of every single one that even speaks to me. Is this better or worse than having been a pickme and basically simping for male attention? I can't even tell if it's a net benefit for me anymore, because I'm a loveless, sexless loser. I "protected" myself, but I don't have shit and I feel as though can't connect with men at all if they know I'm a woman.
No. 661576
>>660596You're underselling yourself by acting as an unpaid escort, IMO. Of course if the validation and okay time is good enough then disregard, but I'd think that by your mention of selling lewds and accepting lingerie from some dude, that you'd set your aim a bit higher. If you expect to eventually develop emotional attachments to these men, then yikes sis.
>>661203Karma doesn't exist or else it would be really fucked for the universe to take the lives of three family members who did nothing to you in order to teach the girl who once did mean things to you.
I wouldn't feel bad either though, it's just too bad most evil people will lead great lives and will answer to no consequences.
>>661329Time wasted imo, you should find a way to fake lewds and charge for em. You're basically giving them free entertainment on your own dime.
>>661478We all make mistakes anon. At least you recovered.
No. 661588
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>>661557I am sorry for your mom, glad she's better now. Could I ask what went wrong during her surgery?
I feel a bit silly for wanting it purely for cosmetic and comfort reasons. On the other hand I think there should be less taboo surrounding casual mastectomies which I suspect stem from the fact that breasts are viewed as a sexual part of the body, and removing it could "devalue" some women (lmao). Probably only in men's eyes. I highly believe mastectomies should be government funded and more info on it should be available and visible. After all it is the no 1 cancer women experience.
No. 661589
>>661584Do you have a friend in medical field with access to morphine?
>>661587>muh ovaries explosionPost them larper
No. 661619
>>661588It was something about her stats just dropping while under the anesthetic. she was 5 and a half hours in surgery and they didn't tell us that til it was over. I nearly passed out when I heard they'd ran into issues and we had been sitting there unaware all that time. She lived another 8/9 years after that but cancer is an aggressive bastard and it came back.
I do think we're living in a strange world if breast implants aren't that taboo (haven't really been for decades in certain countries) but saying you want a flat chest is definitely still treated like a sign of mental illness or something. I know someone who had the gene and had the surgery but she also got implants afterwards which is what most do.
No. 661642
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>>661631> you’re making my ovaries wetNta, I know it’s a joke, but damn, it made me curl up.
No. 661738
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I watch nail art compilations while I'm on my phone shift at work. We're doing home office at the moment, and while the customers are just as rude and horrible to me as always, I'm able to stay calm because I can sit and watch someone get their nails painted in adorable, beautiful and creative ways while the customer goes off at me for stuff that isn't even my fault. Whenever a rant gets going (which they often do, I work for an insurance company, it's understandable), I just move my eyes over to the other screen and feel my mind relax instantly. It's not my fault that Miranda didn't read the terms and conditions before signing her insurance - those nails look dope - let's register yet another customer complaint for the day.
No. 661750
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>>661744Whatever helps you sleep at night.
No. 661887
>>661868I believe you on the used pads thing because my younger sister was like this. We shared an apartment some years ago, she was an adult. It was always bad but I once found petrified cat poop and a few dried, used tampons nestled into her bed sheets.
Ty for
triggering these memories.
No. 661905
>>661897Again, where did I say "most women" kek. I literally could not care less about what you do or don't do.
>>661899Why would anyone charge their romantic partner for nudes? Are you retarded?
Hating whores so much is clouding your guys' reading comprehension or something. I don't support porn, OF, or camming, but I'm not going to give a single shit about a woman getting easy money from some dude for doing practically nothing, "self-respect" or not.
(derail) No. 662307
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Some qt emofag otter adrogynous looking long haired dude who is 22 but still looks the same as he did when he was in high school (where i had a crush on him) is messaging me and hitting on me
Why the Fuck is he doing this now that he lives in another city and I am with someone I am lusting so hard over him, anons he reminds me of fucking ATUSHI SAKURAI
No. 662321
>>662307He’s not worth the hassle, anon. Remember that those qt emofags with long hair tend to be extremely underwhelming if not just incels.
Just get a body pillow of your husbando.
No. 662331
>>662329NTA but like literally dumb as fuck when you get to know them. Reminds me of that Ethan Craft guy from Lizzie McGuire lmao. Looked majestic, but it is like talking to a plank.
I had a long haired stocky punk dude who lusted after me, I actually gave it a shot and sat down with him face to face one day, the sparks did not happen. It was like this guy had an IQ of 30, and he was going to law school of all places! If he's extremely beautiful and single, there's probably a reason why.
No. 662341
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>>662335No he's very attractive, to me. i don't wanna marry him or i dont wanna sound too whiteknightey but he is scrumptious looking I wanna slob on his knob and have sex with him and his scrawny back arching over me, i bet he has a long ass, fat ass dick. I'm not into BDSM or any of that shit but I would let him slap me in the face with his wiener, his voice is alot higher pitched than most dudes and his hair goes down to his back i want his long black hair draping down and to hear him moan with his sexy ass slightly feminine voice.
>weaboohe isn't even Asian, he's native (i am native too so dont go off on me about muh racial fetish) No. 662346
>>662343I was very very horny I need to go outside.
No. 662351
>>662341The way this song has given women in 2020 brain rot.
But yeah emo boys are cute
No. 662360
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>>662341Does this dude's shirt fucking say dream sleep repeat?
No. 662418
>>662341Anon, go take a cold shower.
I’m sorry, but he looks gross, like really gross. He looks like the kind of guy that would empty your wallet after 2 minutes of boring sex.
No. 662443
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>>662307>>662341anon how can you compare this dude to atsushi… smh
No. 662444
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>>662341>i dont wanna sound too whiteknightey but he is scrumptious looking>I wanna slob on his knob and have sex with him and his scrawny back arching over me>i bet he has a long ass, fat ass dick>I would let him slap me in the face with his wienerGod anon, you're giving me a hearthy chuckle. I'm cackling. Cheers
No. 662576
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I put on a website blocker on chrome because it is seriously affecting how I spend my time but instead I'm using it on internet explorer and I'm so ashamed of myself
This is the only way I socialized nowadays, quarantine and coronavirus got me fucked and I can't see my friends ever
I know I'm living a sad life if lolcow and /ot/ are my only ways to get some kind of social interaction. I feel so lonely
No. 662585
>>662576Don't worry anon, I don't have any irl or online friends so my only interactions with other people is on here, 4chins, and
the kpop board and it sounds pathetic, but hey at least you have friends, maybe initiate group videocalls or something when they are free? Don't beat yourself up for being down and not socializing much, spending more time online, everyone is effected and you needn't feel bad. It's a hard, isolating change. Maybe you could try doing something else with your time too, reading books and stuff maybe? If being on here all the time makes you feel like a dumdum, ily.
No. 662613
>>662603Me too. The women here can be assholes but honestly even at their worst they're still infinitely better than people (men) on other boards. Also, sometimes it's funny and I appreciate the honesty. More real than Reddit, less
toxic than 4chan. It's nice to have a place to enjoy conversations with other women even in the midst of corona.
No. 662632
>>662603Welcome onboard, anon! This place can be rather acrimonious sometimes, but it's invaluable for women - we need a space where we don't have to pretend to be nice, or act all friendly and polite and shit.
The older I get the more I value LC and the rare places like it. Not very many places at all that are 1) primarily for women and by women, and 2) not tone-policed to death. A lot of my online spaces are really full of Americans, and the resulting culture of fake niceness and downright
toxic positivity is suffocating and exhausting.
No. 662936
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>>662887you aren't a loser, life isn't easy. hang in there
No. 663017
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>>663012Adding you in it just bc of this interaction alone
No. 663239
>>662887does your therapist offer online sessions? my doctors have done telehealth and webex. i assume zoom is also a big one
along those lines, i wonder if there are any online jobs you could do? i hear some really suck like transcribing but there is some money. maybe walk people's dogs on the wag app?
nannying/babysitting could be a good option. i know the last part seems like too much if you struggle taking care of yourself already, but having a schedule and a kid that isnt snotty can be very fulfilling. my friends who nanny are obsessed with their kids and it doesn't feel like a chore taking them to the park or something.
lastly, i know you feel beaten down and you don't know what to do. but you don't need to have the answers to those problems right now. waiting it out, somethings will fall into your path that will help you climb out of this hole. who's to say you won't find the way back into exercising, seeing family, cleaning again, amongst other stuff you will find fun and helpful. i hope you can rely on your boyfriend to vent, help, be there for you
No. 663283
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what's he so sexy for
No. 663292
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>>663283He’s constantly trying to makes us fall in temptation. Would you feel tempted to do unholy stuff if he looked like pic related?
No. 663334
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>>663307Bitch ew, just go stand outside the nearest comics store looking like pic ralated
No. 663463
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Can’t stop getting off to mpreg
No. 663485
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>>663470im not proud of it
No. 663495
>>663484Me too but mostly because it's SO FUCKING EASY for men to avoid getting fat. They're tall, they build muscle easily, they have high af TDEEs, wtf is their excuse? They have to absolutely stuff their faces to gain weight whereas a petite woman can get fat by overeating by a hundred calories a day.
I like reading about people's weight loss experiences, progress pics etc for inspiration but I will just skip over a man's post entirely. I don't care to hear about how he cut out his daily gallon of soda and lost 20lbs in a month as a result.
No. 663508
>>663463I innocently thought "what's so wrong with getting off to Frodo? He's cute."
And then I hovered over the censored text. Kek.
No. 663526
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>>663490Oh yeah that would make more sense, unless it was designed to be like "cows from art history" or something like that to make it more relevant to /ot/. I only say that because my impression is that /m/ doesn't receive as much traffic
No. 663712
>>660596I'm this anon and holy shit was I manic when I made that post. I have bipolar and all of that was the result of a particularly bad manic episode after changing meds. I'm coming off of it now and I regret everything so hard I feel like puking.
I spent all morning trying to fix things. I told all of the people I was seeing that I'm too crazy to be dating anyone rn. Didn't tell them I was seeing multiple people though because I was too ashamed.
I also returned all of the money I got from that one guy and asked him to delete all of the pictures I sent him. He told me he deleted them but of course I have no way of knowing if he did or not… That's the price I have to pay for my actions, I guess. Shit like that obviously has consequences.
I feel like killing myself. I'm terrified of the person I become when I'm manic. I literally become the polar opposite of my normal self, I become completely incapable of rational thought and lose all control of my own behavior. It's soul crushing when you come off a manic episode and have to deal with all the stupid irresponsible shit you did YET AGAIN. And it keeps happening too, I never realize I'm manic until it's way too late.
I'm going to call my doctor today because obviously the meds that I'm on are not working for me.
No. 664882
>>664871It’s difficult, and you’re going to have a
lot of excess skin to deal with
No. 665474
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>>665438Same. I want a cute little house in Iceland with some cats, and a goat farm.
No. 665690
>>663272I have the same problem. What I do is that I try to turn off my brain and reply mechanically. I also write the text in my notes first so I don't really feel like I'm texting, then copy-paste it in my convo and hit send eye closed.
It helps sometimes.
No. 665744
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The only music I've ever cried to was by Joji
No. 665792
>>665744I listen to joji or his old pink guy stuff and literally nothing else. When I want background music I think, Well which will it be?
'sad joji songs' or 'pink season'
There's a vid on youtube with over 4 hours of songs he produced before ever making stuff as joji.
No. 665803
>>665795nta anon but
this one reminds me of how my exgf of 4 years left me and immediately started hooking up with scrotes and told me how she fucked them and hasn't stopped ever since
It was a
toxic relationship
No. 665807
>>665792Ah, an anon of culture I see. Embed is my background music, I know literally every beat by heart from this mix. I dislike him as a person, he's a whiny edgy bitch, but damn his music is beautiful.
>>665795I recommend you start with In Tongues, then Will He and Slow Dancing in the Dark.
His Pink Guy stuff is a good palate cleanser when the sads hit too hard.
No. 666031
>>665998This reminded me of a painful memory, the second guy that I ever had sex with. The guys dick was tiny but being inexperienced I didn't truly appreciate just how small it was at the time. It wasn't just short but the girth was like no other dick I've seen. A fat finger would've honestly filled me better.
Anyway, a couple times into meeting up he admits he has a gf and totally gets off on the cheating aspect… Imagine dating a guy with a pencil dick and him still not only cheating on you but loving the 'kinkiness' of cheating while his gf thinks he's at work.. If I could meet that guy again I'd tell him to retire his lil dick, nobody is getting a fulfilling ride on that thing anyway.
No. 666034
>>666033>Like I'm sorry you got cheated on. But I wasn't the one that cheated on you.What a retarded thing to say kek just because you didn't cheat on whoever is directing the vitriol at you doesn't mean you didn't excessively hurt/possibly traumatize the person you cheated on.
Anyways, good. I hope your relationship fails and you feel the hurt that you put onto others, even if they don't do it by cheating on you. Though I truly wouldn't care if they did. ♥
No. 666038
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>>666034>doesn't mean you didn't excessively hurt/possibly traumatize the person you cheated on. Your legs must be tired from jumping to that retarded conclusion that I don't feel remorse or bad for the people I
actually cheated on instead of random internet people that want to zip my genitals shut.
I'll double down again and say I don't give a fuck about the random people that get mad when I admit to cheating in the past.
Anyways, this is exactly what I mean. People can't admit to cheating without someone else being a big whiny bitch about it kek. Go cry into a pillow, anon.
No. 666041
>>666040Boohoohoo. I so hurt by your post.
I hope he does too which will only further validate my theory that men are awful and I shouldn't care about them.
No. 666049
>>666033hey, i used to be like you. i was in a series of terrible relationships with older men that treated me like garbage and cheated on me throughout my late teens and early adulthood. later on when i finally met the man of my dreams, i destroyed our relationship by reproducing the behaviours i had internalized from my past experiences with men. in my case, i was so afraid that the new guy would turn on me just like the others, so i felt like i had to cast the first stone. he found out i was sexting an old fwb. i didn't even take in the full impact of my betrayal until he confronted me about it. we tried really hard to make it work. i got therapy and created better habits, basically re-learnt how to love and care for someone. i made significant improvements over the course of several years, tbh i even simped for him for a while to express remorse for my actions (big mistake) but even with all of that, it was too late. the damage had been done. what i thought was going to blossom into a life-long partnership was mired by mistrust. i traumatized him such that he had trouble even empathizing with me. we broke up almost a year ago, and while i'm confident that i'll never repeat those mistakes in future relationships, learning this lesson came at a great sacrifice. i still haven't fully forgiven myself for how i treated him. if you can help it, i recommend you seek help anon. speaking from experience when i say that relationships don't have to be weighed down by destructive behaviours. i sincerely wish you the best of luck.
No. 666052
>>666050>Domestic abuse and cheating go hand in hand in the end, so it's a fair comparison.NTA, but what do you mean? That domestic abusers cheat, that women who are being abused cheat, or both?
I wouldn't call a woman who cheats on a male partner the same as a domestic abuser.
No. 666054
>>666050Uhh, again, making assumptions. I really shouldn't need to explain myself so far but most of the time I talked about it was like "Help, I cheated on past relationships, should I tell my current partner?" Or "I've cheated in the past, can cheaters be redeemed" etc. I spent a great deal struggling on whether or not I should tell my current boyfriend if I had cheated in the past. (I did tell him) but I posted around on a lot of forums and reddit to ask advice from different people, in earnest, and only received threats in response. It wasnt like "Yeah I'm a cheater kek are you mad?!" I was seriously asking for advice on how to move forward and got plenty of DMs about how I deserve the worst.
So no, I'm not fucking bragging.
No. 666066
>>666054People are like
>write, sing and dance to songs about taking other people's partners>create social status around being Mr. Steal Your Girl/being hot enough to take another woman's man>create entire porn genres around the concept and fetishize it>lose their minds on whoever actually does it IRLI don't support cheating or whatever, but the way some are obsessed with it either way is bizarre.
Sending "kill yourself" to some girl who feels bad for cheating and wants advice, then vibing to "The Weekend" by SZA, lmao.
No. 666075
>>666070You're not saying anything new.
Anyways, seems I'm the hated one here for confessing and talking about my feelings so I'll leave and let you all unclench eventually.
No. 666077
>>666071Different anon, are you worried that by disclosing your history of cheating guys will be more inclined to cheat on you to 'get there first' if you ever run into issues?
My ex had cheated on his previous partner so when we were having a rough patch I almost wanted to sabotage us and cheat before he could do it first. I was that convinced he'd do it himself that it was like a race to cheat first. Messed up thinking process at the time
No. 666079
>>666075Oh samefag but thanks again
>>666049 for empathizing and actually speaking to me like a rational human being instead of these uncouth crybabies.
No. 666168
>>666156>Hes so young and hes a virgin so I assume that is the only reason hes ok with this. He hasnt turned into a scrote yet I guessDon't infantilize this grown-ass man, lmao. He is absolutely a scrote. Probably an /r9k/ user who's lonely because he's burned all his bridges, too.
If you don't think it's sexual, tell him you have a boyfriend and see how he tenses up.
No. 666230
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>>666228You sure that’s what it is anon?
No. 666231
>>666226 > I am on a waitlist for an OCD clinicI have a different type of OCD but I've had a guy explain to me that his ocd includes intrusive thoughts that he's a pedo…even though he's not one. I don't know if was abused as a kid but after hearing his experience I did also take note when I read others mention it online. Seen it a few times.
It could just be that your mind goes to 'worst possible scenario' and what's worse than being a pedo? Alot of people worry about relatives dying simply because it's up there at the top of our fears. This sounds like ocd just fucking with you in any way it can
No. 666234
how does having a crush on an older woman who happens to be Japanese = yellow fever?
No. 666348
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turned 30 and starting to realize i am not bisexual, i am lesbian. feels silly to be this age and still questioning.
No. 666492
>>666066>write, sing and dance to songs about taking other people's partners>lose their minds on whoever actually does it IRLA lot of people fantasize about beating other people up too and having power over them, and still absolutely hate it if someone else actually does it. Or even in small situations like if there's enough cake for everyone, eating someone else's piece and leaving them with nothing "because you can" makes them feel strong or whatever.
All of civilized society was built on locking up and putting down people who take things that are someone else's, but cheating is one of those things, unlike stealing or violence, that isn't legally a crime so it's a more "attainable" way to be an asshole I guess.
No. 666496
>>666492 >A lot of people fantasize about beating other people up too and having power over them, and still absolutely hate it if someone else actually does itI was listening to a true crime podcast the other day about a missing woman where the body has never been found and it remains a mystery. The husband was obviously suspected but he had at least one friend giving him an alibi. Police seized his journal and the missing womans journal. Hers was normal. His was full of stories of violence, getting away with murder and alot of the violent stories were about his wife despite them seeming like a normal enough couple of newlyweds. They were in their twenties, childless, had lots of mutual friends and had just bought a house.
When the missing womans family found out what was in the journals they cut him off and he was like 'oh it's just creative writing' It's not the first time I've heard of men keeping similar journals and it's nuts to me that they think it's so normal when confronted about it. Apart from wanting to smack someone during an argument I can't imagine how some people manage to rationalize their 'violent fantasy journals'. Off topic but your post just reminded me of that.
No. 666585
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>>666496that reminds me of cannibal cop. He basically fantasized online about torturing, murdering and eating his wife then did the whole "It's just a fantasy, bro!" line when she found his chat logs.
The thing that annoys me about this is people wanna throw around the free speech denfese, so what then? We just wait until he acts on it? No. 666986
>>666783my dad is like this too, my brother and i had to hold him down on a ferris wheel when we were little because he kept wanting to fall off of the side when we were at the top.
here we call it l'appel du vide which means call of the void! it's when you feel an urge to do something super super dangerous for no reason, even if you would never ever do anything that dangerous really. it's the void calling you down, spooky!!
No. 667210
NTA but
>you guys are such freaks for knowing someone for 9 years and just finding out that that person is completely different than you were led to believeok
No. 667325
>>667218I left out the context that we are extremely close, and have made long term life plans together, including
where we plan to buy a house together. This is not one-sided, which is why it effected me so profoundly. You guys are so quick to jump to the worst possible conclusion. The only reason we only see each other a few times a year is because we are from different countries. We planned on getting married so she had a visa to live in my country, and the only reason that didn’t happen this year was because of corona virus. Fuck you girl I have every right to be upset.
No. 667411
>>667404I really do understand the betrayal, but if you want to look at it in a positive way, she has been socialized as a female and genuinely lives her life as such so much that you couldn't tell and she didn't want to make being trans a Thing/her whole identity because…it's just who she is. I know we're very critical of troons here, but I, personally, have always thought of integration as the goal for people who legitimately want/need to transition to feel happy, and she seems to want to and successfully as possible have integrated. Again, I understand the betrayal and don't want to invalidate how you're feeling, but this could be another way of looking at it, ya know? I'm sorry, though, anon. I hope you can find whatever solution you feel better about.
No. 667668
>>667658No, we used to work together (still do but different departments now). She would spread rumors about me and do other weird shit. It’s a male-dominated industry and she seemed to target the few other female employees. She’s very charming so gets away with it
It’s MS and I doubt she’s faking. She provided her diagnosis to work, there are proper tests for it, and some of her family members are sufferers. She’s not a munchie type
I’ve felt bad for her in the past for more minor shit so not sure why I don’t give a fuck now
No. 667856
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I pick my own skin constantly and whenever I watch vids like dr pimple popper and r/popping I literally drool involuntarily like fucking pavlov's dogs
No. 667883
I love being mean to scrotes tho kek
No. 668438
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>>668425Choke on these then,lmao retard,more like fartard no doubt a scrote.
No. 668459
>>668442I do this too and I (unfortunately) casually brought it up in conversation with some people one time, all the guys immediately thought I was flirting with them and saying it just to be sexy.
They brought it up several times after, months later. “Haha it’s almost winter, you gonna start wearing clothes to bed?” Ugh shoot me.
tl;dr never tell a soul or beware coomer discussions
No. 668643
>>668635Yeah but you realise you're comparing things to
London which is a very extreme example. Even Paris is more affordable than London despite both being very expensive cities.
No. 668648
>>668639You've been in Japan for one semester. That's nothing, and being an exchange student or studying abroad is wayyyyy different from actually living somewhere.
>>668646I didn't say you should go to Paris, I just said that even Paris, known for being notoriously expensive, is cheaper than London.
>>668644And where are you from that's so bad?
No. 668651
>>668648>I just said that even Paris, known for being notoriously expensive, is cheaper than London.I meant to say that I already knew that, it was just an example. I'm in Western Europe but won't say where exactly.
>>668647I've seen several videos like that, imo half of them make perfect sense and the other half are just a bunch of guys who didn't even know what they were getting themselves into and who won't stop complaining about things they could have easily learned online in five minutes before planning their trips.
No. 668683
>>668664>>668635>>668630I think other anons are being a bit too embittered, especially since you've already been there for a semester. You should definitely try your luck there, you have nothing to lose but your own time.
It definitely won't be perfect, but it's not like every foreigner that goes to Japan hates it and has a horrible experience. Good luck, anon.
No. 668706
>>668691>enablerLmao, why are you acting like it's a drug? If someone has the money to travel, they're tired of being surrounded by family members and micromanaged by their own culture, and they want to try a relatively safe country they've been to before and enjoyed their time in, why shouldn't they?
Like, if she can make ends meet, what's the problem? If it doesn't go well, she can always go back home, lesson learned.
No. 668710
>>668691Why are you writing in third person, do you think you're on The Office and it's the equivalent of looking at the camera with a stupid face?
>enablerShe's just one anon giving her opinion just like you're giving yours, chill.
No. 668781
>>668769What jobs have you been applying for/what is the field you're aiming for? Does teaching English in Japan align with any of them? I don't think it's impossible to change fields, and if you can make connections while teaching in Japan to get into your actual preferred field, that's also an option.
I studied abroad in Japan as well as a undergrad student, and I've flip flopped between returning and getting a teaching job or not over there. I had a friend who did it for a year and returned back home and now works with ESL students at our uni, so it worked out for him. I ultimately decided not to pursue it because it didn't align with any of my career goals, plus the work culture isn't for me. Go for it if you want to, but also think about what the job can do for you in the future.
No. 668835
>>668763>get asked a question>refuse to answer, and insult the person's intelligenceWow, clearly you're very learned on this subject, and everybody should listen to you. You genuinely just sound bitter as fuck. Anon's life won't be destroyed because she left a minimum wage job to get teaching experience in Nipland.
It's especially funny because you don't know her career prospects to claim it'd "ruin" them, but you spoke so confidently on it.
No. 668836
>>668781At first I wanted to start a career in international business or marketing because that's directly linked to my degree, so I was looking for internships in these fields, but I couldn't get one because of the usual reasons: there were no worthwhile internships where I lived, internships are underpaid so I couldn't get enough money to move to another city where I could find one, and most of the interviews I had want to hire me for just one or two months so they legally wouldn't have to pay me, but to graduate I needed an internship that could last between 5 and 6 months. I had to redo my last year of university because I couldn't find one in time, then I got an internship as a recruiter which I liked but the manager was a crazy bitch who didn't want to hire me at the end of my contract because again, money. She drove off a few employees but still didn't want to hire anyone new. It was a pretty big company so after that I graduated and applied for a job in another team and it didn't work out because, again, money. I went abroad for a semester, came back earlier than planned because of very personal reasons, got another interview in that company but they hired someone else and with covid I was forced to get the call center job. I also applied for jobs abroad because that's what I studied for to begin with but with the current situation it's very complicated. I'm just keeping my current job for "safety" until I can find something better once the pandemic is over and I can leave, either to go to Japan, or maybe somewhere closer in Europe if that doesn't work out.
I feel like in some recent interviews when I said I worked abroad for a few months, even just as a language teacher, the recruiters had very positive reactions even if that wasn't directly linked to my initial career plans. I think they saw some skills from that that could be applied in the jobs they were offering but I'm not entirely sure.
No. 668846
>>668836>I feel like in some recent interviews when I said I worked abroad for a few months, even just as a language teacher, the recruiters had very positive reactions even if that wasn't directly linked to my initial career plans. I think they saw some skills from that that could be applied in the jobs they were offering but I'm not entirely sure.Basically this. Being multilingual and having travel experience is generally a plus in an international field of work. Teaching can easily be read as having good interpersonal skills, too.
Not sure what that other anon was talking about when they claimed it ruins things.
No. 669189
>>668630to be honest, if you have yellow fever, go for it. if you don’t have much going on for you in terms of career prospects and you want endless japanese dick, you don’t have anything to lose. i have an acquaintance who’s been obsessing over asian guys for over a decade and married a korean guy a few years ago after studying at a language course for 1.5 years (the language course visa was extremely easy to get and it was merely an excuse to hunt for korean dick). she’s living her best life, doesn’t even bother with korean (her students/husband all communicate in english with her), he does most of the house chores and takes care of any stuff that requires proficiency in korean. it’s life on easy mode for expats who can’t get a job or even a significant other in their home country.
that said, if you’re career-oriented and actually want to advance in something, ignore what i just said. but then you probably wouldn’t have written that in the first place kek.
No. 669258
>>669196The very vast majority of guys in my own country won't even look at me for similar reasons or because they think I'm some kind of fundie so whatever, it's not gonna change my life. I have friends from university who married Japanese guys so it's not impossible, just unlikely.
>>669189My previous posts are tldr so to make it short: I wanted to focus on studying to then focus on getting a nice career, it never worked out the way I wanted so now if I'm gonna get a minimum wage job I might as well get one somewhere where I can have better opportunities in my personal life. So I guess it's a little bit of both. I don't have yellow fever in particular though, I just find Japanese guys cute the same way I find cute guy from the rest of the world cute.
No. 669265
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I've never worn full make-up. I've only used brown mascara, BB cream, and tinted lip balm regularly. I want a makeover lol
No. 669315
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>>669306>inb4 eeeew koreabooi'm a gook myself
it's shin yeeun, a newbie korean actress that's been acting in those dumbass romance dramas. the past 2 tv shows she's been in were aired on a channel that i usually turn on in the background after coming home from work. that's how i got addicted to her kek. she had a kiss scene in the last episode of this drama she's in and i literally creamed myself… over a fucking korean soap opera kiss scene… that lasted for like 3 seconds. what is wrong me. not to mention she looks like any basic actress out here. she reminds me a lot of an ex-best friend we had a REALLY touchy-feely kinda friendship with though so maybe that's the reason
if so that's even sadder since we haven't spoken in like 5 years No. 669406
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whenever my teachers would assign us with an essay, book review or movie review, I would always grab an english source and translate it to my native language onto the page. never got caught even if i copied directly from wikipedia
t.raised bilingual, paid the price by being terrible at writing essays
No. 669434
>>669399Idk, having a child to heal
your trauma and to prove something to your parents that you obviously resent sounds much worse than trash people popping out kids because that's just what they do. They might be ignorant but your thinking about intentionally bringing a life into the world for your own selfish reasons and that's fucked up. People do it all the time, but Listen to the part that says you ought not.
I've just hit 35 and part of me regrets not having kids but I chose not to pass on the intergenerational trauma of my childhood, even if I thought I could do better that's no reason to do it. You think you'd not be like your parents but it is very hard to change completely from the way you were raised, bc so much of it is embedded deep into your subconscious and actions.
That said if you can provide a stable home with a loving relationship/marriage and a good partner to raise a child with, that kid would already be ahead of many even if you fucked up somewhere along the line.
No. 669436
>>669399You sound thoughtful about the issue anon, and at least that shows you care. As you say, having a child to right your parents’ wrongs is not a good reason to do it. And while having kids may not necessarily be a hellish landscape, it’s not a cakewalk either. Your body will likely never be the same after childbirth, and it’s a toss-up whether that will only be in small ways or something larger. You’ll spend years getting very little sleep, changing diapers, cleaning vomit and drool, bathing a child, calming tantrums, shuttling it to and from school/hobbies/other activities, helping with homework, paying for a third person’s necessities, and otherwise centering your life around them (if you want to be a good, attentive parent). It’s almost guaranteed you will take on the majority of the childcare, even if your partner is a good guy. And worst case scenario, if you two were to break up someday, would you still feel happy doing all those things alone on top of holding down a job and getting little time for yourself?
Parenting has highs as well to be sure, but it’s not composed only of those Kodak moments. Most days are work, repetition and sleeplessness. Some people don’t mind that because the sacrifices are worth it to them. I’d just make sure it’s really something you’d find worthwhile and possessing positives centered around the child itself, not that you’d only be taking on an unnecessary duty. Also, people are able to bond with adopted kids (contrary to popular belief it can take time to bond with biological kids too) and while many have at least some curiosity about their birth parents, it doesn’t mean love their adopted parents any less.
No. 669507
>>669399Fuck you, selfish cunt
My mom said the same shit, and now I'm fucking 27 using fucking lolcow and I've wanted to kms since middle school
Your parents were shit and so are you, if you actually love your children, like if you imagine you would love one of those little eggs in your ovaries and want the best for it, then never fucking have one.
Some dipshit will need help with their neglected kid someday, be a good aunt or "aunt" if it's a friend.
Don't fucking have a baby to prove shit, it ruins them, I promise.
No. 669509
triggered af, I don't care,
using a human being's life to try to heal yours is the scummiest fucking thing you could do.
That is telling the fucking child that their own life doesn't matter, they only exist to take care of your pathetic, broken ass that should have been mature enough to talk to a fucking therapist ffs
No. 669593
>>669584This is the future that befalls children who grow up taking care of their mom.
There is not enough therapy to recover from it, you don't heal from it.
No. 669605
>>669593I think if you recognize the cycle of generational trauma and
truly commit to being different and wanting to break it, there is the possibility you won't turn out as how you were raised. Easier said than done I know, but I do think there are exceptions or else all parents would basically be shit people because of one bad ancestral parent in their line. It just makes sense, but it's a lot of work and it's not fair when so many people were born with the advantage of having decent people as parents. I empathize with you anon even though I don't agree entirely.
No. 669674
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I've had a crush on her since I was 9
No. 669814
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>>669674Have you ever seen her out of costume? She's really cute
No. 669826
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>>669674I thought I was the only one.
No. 669828
>>669674I loved that show
Also I love her voicing Claire Redfield
No. 670060
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>>670053I'm a fatty with big boobs and I think the frustration comes from this: I could wear clothes two sizes smaller than I do, but it's the breasts that fuck me up. So even if there's an online shop that sells in XXL that fits waist and hip measurement, by boobs would fit XXXL comfortably so I can't go for it. I should also mention that even losing weight, that'll still be the case. There are plenty of women that aren't fat that face the same issue. There's a website specifically for larger breasted women (who are skinny btw) so they can shop for clothes without that hassle.
On a semi-related note, I'm extremely jealous of fats with with small boobs because at least they can fit smaller shirts and bras. Small titted freaks of nature. How'd your legs gain 200lbs but you're an A cup?!
>inb4 just lose weightYeah I'm losing weight, doesn't change the fact that I gotta wear clothes NOW so I still have this issue while shopping… but even when I was 100 lbs lighter, my boobs were still a frustration regarding sizing.
No. 670227
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>>670142True but another example (though less extreme than 200lbs in the legs) would be picrel. I've seen it on almost all "plus size" fashion sites.
No. 670391
steven universe is my comfort show rn
>>670296im really interested in why this happened lmao
No. 670414
>>670412nta, it is exactly that simple
You will always be judged and held to standards, no matter what you do
No. 670428
>>670407I already don't feminize, don't pander to men's egos… and I already get a ton of shit for that from family coworkers and strangers. Yeah I wish it was that simple, already.
Unless you're a hermit then everyone in your life will judge you, and decide to stop giving opportunities or basic decency if you don't fit their expectations.
No. 670434
>>670417Not if you’re a chubby manlet Aiden with birthing hips. Even if you do “pass”, better hope the church doesn’t find out you don’t have a dick, see if the men still want you in their dick club enjoying their dick privilege, yes even among the hyperwoke lib men.
>insert 100 stories of fakeboys being discriminated, excluded and abused by men hereIdk about you but having to constantly lie about my sex just for an illusion of freedom is not only
problematic but also extremely miserable existence. Where most MtF do it for the coom, FtMs do it to escape gender roles, like you. Ever wonder why majority of detrans are FtMs? Turns out cutting your tits off didn’t change much, now you’re mentally and medically fucked up.
>>670428So what’s the problem? Those same people who give you shit for being GNC will not love you if you drank horse piss. Your problem is from living in a
toxic unsupportive environment, realize that.
No. 670440
>>670434Stop sperging. I know it's never going to work if I trooned out. This a confession thread so let me confess. I'm not the dumbass libfem you're just waiting to word vomit over.
Yes let me just abandon my support network and drop out of school because parents are paying for college. Let me act how I naturally am and get fired from my job because I
trigger the men and make the women feel like dumbass weaklings. Let me get beaten up raped or killed because I
trigger some man by not being submissive enough.
No. 670501
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>>670491>tfw you just woke up>>670496>making other people's days worse when they make harmless postsWelcome to imageboards. There's too much fake-positive shit everywhere else.
No. 670510
>>670504>the people who were deadset on conflicting with the anon who complained the anons on /snow/ are overly nitpicky and insisted majority of the cows are just average, etc.This wouldn't happen if she stopped acting like her taste was an objective fact. She's the one being contrarian.
>>670506Fake positive people are way more
toxic. At least farmers will say shit to your face.
No. 670513
>>670504Agree with you and imho you can clearly see who drinked the kool aid of "teehee not like other girlz" while teen and mirrored the
toxic masculinity in there like
>>670501, that's not the culture of all imageboards at all and even if it was it doesn't give you cool kids points for trying to emulate it to wherever you go
No. 670539
>>670501Being a rabid bitch to someone for no reason other than being in a bad mood is a good counter to
toxic positivity? You sound stable.
No. 670546
>>670544Is twitterfags brigading lc an actual concern? Since when to twitterfags want anything to do with image boards?
>most of the bitchiness is towards retarded posts that deserve itThat mentality just grants anyone the power to lash out at anyone they want, for literally any post at all, and claim it's justified because "that anon was retarded and deserved it!!!"
Goddamn this entire conversation feels so underage.
No. 670558
>>670531>>670539>>670546Nta, but people aren't going to stop disagreeing with each other just because your feelings got hurt. People keep treating /ot/ like their personal therapist and getting
triggered whenever someone does anything less than agree with them. It's an anonymous imageboard. I'm not saying you have to be a bitch all the time, but no one's obligated to validate your feelings either, especially when you post shit like that troon vent upthread. Like, did you seriously think posting something like that would go well on Lolcow of all places?
I'd understand if you were complaining about people being bitchy for no reason, but I don't see anything wrong with most of the criticisms that have been made today. People are allowed to disagree and be blunt with you. If you don't like it, there are a lot of other sites that would suit you better.
No. 670659
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I'm in this Discord Server, is full of drama and is interesting to see, but there's something that took my attention.
There's a guy, short, long hair, very thin and low temperament; I think he broke up with his girlfriend, they documented the whole thing in the server. I'm oddly fixated on him, there's something so intersting about him that I can't really descrive, is not really on the cow-ish sense, but more on the "I wish I could study him, use him, experiment on him"
It seems like if I have gained a tiny bit of his trust, I send a message in the general channel so he could talk to me when he needs to, he might do it soon, I don't know, I'm able to wait as much as is necessary, just so I can interact with him closer, and see what I can do.
Wish me luck anons. I'm planning something.
No. 670686
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>>667117Don't understand why this should change anything about your friendship honestly. You were fine with them before.
No. 671128
>>671055I'm like this, I had a really sudden and shitty breakup a couple years ago and I thought I'd cry on my first night alone in my new place… I stretched out for the first time in years and realised just how much I missed it. Now if I wake up a 3am and feel like playing a youtube vid as background noise to put me back to sleep.. I can do that. I really value small things like that.
I have my own mortgage now so I plan on living alone no matter who I meet or how well it goes.
No. 671136
>>671128Me three. I dreaded breaking up with my bf because I was scared of living by myself, but now I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love how peaceful it is and how I'm free to do whatever I want whenever I want without having to take anyone else into consideration.
Tbh moving in together with your significant other is such a meme anyway, I don't understand why it's seen as the default course of action in serious relationships.
No. 671245
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Some recent intrusive thoughts/dreams have been bothering me and I can't tell any of my friends because it's terrible.
I used to be a serial cheater but knocked it off when I started dating my husband officially. I have no excuse I'm just garbage.
Anyway I used to have a male best friend at this time, well call him Y. I was pretty depressed but we had awesome times and we were inseparable. I loved him so much that I never screwed that up by sleeping with him. At one point when we were drunk we talked about it and decided our bff status was more important. Anyway when things with my husband got serious (we'll call him X) I also moved a bit away to start grad school so I started hanging out with Y less and when he finally met X, he called X a man child even though they have similar interests with X being a bit more on the SJW side (Y used to lurk lolcow threads with me). Anyway because of all of this we drifted apart but Y was still important to me and we still texted semi regularly. When my wedding came around I invited him and he RSVPd. The day of Y was a no-show and I was pretty hurt. Y told me he his mom hurt her hand (but I think that's a pretty bs reason). Anyway after that we drifted even more and eventually stopped talking all together. A year later I finished my program and moved back to said smallish town and bought a home here. Y has been on my mind a lil bit here and there but lately I have been having sexual dreams of Y and it has made me miss our friendship/ feeling some serious guilt over it. I've been fighting off texting him and I don't really want to sleep with Y but I do miss his friendship. I'm pretty sure a lot of these dreams are just because X and I don't have regular sex (X has a condition that makes sex painful and difficult and I have PTSD from rape so I don't mind).
Anyway idk if I'm having these dreams because I miss my friend or if I'm just sexually repressed. I haven't had a male friend for 3ish years outside of X and I'm so proud of myself but Y left a scar and I'm just not sure, if this is normal, or if this is just happening because I'm an ex-pickme slut. Any thoughts appreciated.
Tl;dr: I love my husband but am having sexy dreams of male ex-bff who I grew apart from after he started acting cringy. Wondering if I should reach out or continue to pretend he doesn't exist.
No. 671252
>>671240If you can, you should try cbd oil I hear a lot of folks use it for social anxiety and it is supposed to help a ton. I agree that you are on a super slippery slope. Please try other methods like meditation anon.
>>671038Did they say anything to you?
>>670824Same I sometimes have fantasies about my husband going on a work trip just so I can be truly alone.
No. 671306
>>671278The sad truth is, a lot of abused women stay because they're just that self hating/trauamtized/etc. Tbh I think these types of women need to be forcibly instiutionized the same as suicidal patients.
This is why you stay clear of handmaidens - you can't help them, they don't appreciate your help, and they'll drag you down with them. Save yourself the risks and just distance yourself, maybe contact her family so they can drag her out.
No. 671319
>>671278I used to be like your friends and I can confirm, being single is much better.
You probably wouldn't be as bad as them in a relationship though. The key is being willing to be single. As soon as someone is afraid to be alone they do all this stupid shit. Even in negotiation skills they teach that if you're not willing to walk away from the deal empty-handed then you're going to wish you had.
No. 671326
>>671278>makes me happy to be by myselfHow hard is it for you and your friends to find a non-violent fuckbuddy?
Aside from that good on you for being nice to your friend. I can’t tell you why she chooses her bf over you however.
No. 671363
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Every now and then I check the social media of my past shitty employer; it's been 6 years since I don't work there anymore and I should totally move on, but it just brings me so much joy to see the company stagnate all of these years; that lack of progress is even more satisfying than if they would completely fail especially comparing it to my own professional development during this time. Please stay shitty as you deserve.
No. 671415
Sometimes, I still daydream about being an idol even though I know how shitty being an idol actually is. The glossy ideal of what being an idol is like (singing and dancing on stage while wearing cute outfits) is just nice to think about sometimes.
>>671363Kek I do this too. I did social media marketing for a company and spent a looong ass time fixing their broken as fuck Instagram and taking their account from 0.5-1% engagement and no sales to 15-20% engagement and selling products frequently. Then they fired me. Their social media bombed again after I got fired and they're somehow doing worse than before I started, which confuses me on how that's even possible.
>>671409I truly hate my sister. Our siblings sound similar since she treats my family members like crap, especially my grandparents who are genuinely really kind and caring, has constant mood swings, is always the
victim, and is just a leech. She's the golden child for nothing other than that she was better than math than I was when we were kids and Asian parents value the STEM kid way more than the art kid. Joke's on them though because she's now a furry artist on Twitter while I have an actual career.
No. 671426
>>653758my boyfriend is starting a tech company and he gave me equity to help with the market research team.
I'm on lolcow during our first product dev meeting.
lame confession i know.
No. 671429
>>671427Thanks anon! It's going well!
I've been listening to programmers for the past hour and I might blow my brains out tho
No. 671437
>>671415anon we really do have the same sibling. He was the favorite for being an honors student and now he day drinks and is doing worse than ever in the university our (my) parents pay for while i'm succeeding for once. He makes me sick and I wish they'd just disown him.
>>671424 I hope to god that child cuts off contact with him as soon as they're an adult. Our brothers sound pretty similar too, they always think and act like they have a tough or two bouncing around in that trashcan skull but talk like a caveman who had a stroke.
No. 671452
>>670673I'll try to, it might be very slow but I will try to post any progress in this thread.
>>670674Kek, I know, I'm up to something else.
>>670723It does? Oh… I never thought about it.
>>670753Double kek, I love you anons.
No. 671455
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I feel like I often subconsciously end up working on making people fall in love with me by focusing in on them and being as attentive, supportive & affectionate as possible. Only ever saying & bringing up things they'd like. Even though I have no actual romantic desire to be with them, I guess I just need to feel wanted & needed by them. Growing up I was very socially isolated and often kicked around or ignored by my friends. ("friends") So now I end up giving my all to certain people in an attempt to make them stay by me and not leave me. I also tend to 'fawn' when I'm afraid someone might be angry at me or I did something wrong by them. I chronically worry about looking and being desirable for the faceless masses out there. I was also a failure in school and have felt like I never had any talent in anything, so the only thing I'm good for is attemping to be pretty and useful towards other people. Knowing that I'm cripplingly average in looks at best doesn't help my self-esteem and sense of self worth at all either. I feel intense sadness & worthlessness being around actually beautiful, tall, thin women.
idk I think I just have some serious brain damage & need more therapy.
No. 671495
>>671447Idk anon, you’re here now and it’s a good outlet. I’m nice irl, stay out of drama and probably considered boring. I maintain that by letting it out on here.
My colleague is really two-faced, the sweetest person ever to your face but vile behind your back. I’d probably become like that without lc. At least posting here doesn’t fuck with my life.
No. 671542
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I saved the kiki candids in walmart meant to show how haggard she looks to my thinspo folder
No. 671573
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My family and friends all think that Im a active reader, I have 3 huge separate book shelves and I have bought something like 30 books this years alone but out of those 30 books I have only truly read 2 of them
I buy books with my own money and I skim though them i.e read a chapter or two that I find interesting, read reviews about the book online but almost never commit myself to reading them fully, I don't even know why I do this, I use my own savings to buy these books and some are expensive as fuck, I could get things I actually like might get use out of but I don't I just have obsession for having them, like I have huge (20+ GB) collection of ebooks that I never read or will use but yet I spend hours each day cataloging and editing for NO REASON
I will never tell these secrets to anyone in my life ever
No. 671658
>>671640Ironically, all the people from their country had quit and they grudgingly had to fill in the spots with local people. The nicest person I worked with was someone of another race they (sadly) treated even worse than me. He quit before I did. The day after, the store manager ranted on and on about how the people of that guy's race were lazy and didn't want to work hard and how he wished the store owners would stop taking their applications. I'm sure worse things were said about me after I left too.
>>671648To your point, said manager would also whine about how jealous he was of his brother back in his home country because the brother has 100s of people working for him (for peanuts) and that it would never be possible for him to be like that in this country. I don't support racists, but I can see how a person would become one if all they met were people like him.
No. 671682
>>671678>they will exploit you and tell you "at least you're not in your home country where you'd be twice as exploited but paid 10x less"I'm
>>671658 and I think that's why all the people from their own ethnicity quit (plus the manager being an asshole.)
No. 671768
>>671766trust me anon its not, spoiler mens asses are beyond disgusting and you'll end up shit on your crotch and feet
just date a lesbian
No. 671771
>>671768God are there no men that wipe their asses? Guess I'll never know that feeling of power…
>just date a lesbianI'd love to but I don't know any and there's not really a gay dating scene where I live
No. 671786
>>671771also regarding the comment of why exactly you think pegging a dude would be having power over him
I mean it feels sorta misogynistic cause it implies that being penetrated in sex automatically makes you the lesser partner which sorta has negative connotations for women, plus I don't seem plastic phallic dildo to take control in bed
No. 671797
>>671777bruh when I was more of a doormat I had the same experience. but from the start I couldn't go near his asshole, he just spoke about it to me and made me watch one time. sure enough there was poop. your story checks out because he said it sometimes happens. he was so casual stating this and i'm like wtf, yet you continue coaxing actual shit out your ass like this? he had this elaborate routine to clean it but this still happens. your brain on coomery.
do all people who like anal live like this on the regular? I feel bad for gay guys then but not guys like my ex who had no reason
No. 671810
>>671797I've seen anons on here with no anal experience talk about pegging and they'll say 'just make sure he does an enema' oh girl…. If only it were that simple
They aren't a guarantee. If anything putting water up your ass and expecting it all to come out in time is a mess in itself. The amount of cleaning I've seen done, only to still be shit on or to find that leftover dirty enema water. Oh and wear gloves if you want to even finger him, you'll never get the smell out of your hands otherwise. Getting the smell off of toys is a chore too.
No. 671818
>>671810jesus, with all that there's nothing hot about it in real life, that's repulsive. guess it had to be porn that made it a trend because you don't see that side of it
even the ancient greeks hated anal iirc, they used the thighs
No. 671822
>>671793well the ass is not meant for sex though
>>671798I do not understand what's so empowering about putting a plastic phallic dildo inside the neither regions of a males shithole filled in god knows what parasites until he reaches a prostate orgasm and you forced to do all the work
No. 671855
>>671839tbh this, the only enjoyment is if he's a p.o.s. and you nonconsensually cut his dick the fuck off
that is my only cbt fantasy.
No. 671860
>>671855Yeah but that's illegal the only one's who would let you cbt them(I don't if you can use it like an adjective) would be super porn sick scrotes, I mean I do have a fantasy of shooting sexist POS
placing their faces in sacks so they can't see what's going and before they even know what's going they get shot in the stomach and bleed out, thats my power fantasy
cold and efficient
No. 671893
>>671860Hahahahaa the way your reply turned
I think everybody wishes to punish horrible people more or less. you hear of a pedophile/rapist and you can't
not feel some primitive rage.
anyway maybe we'll
trigger lurking scrotes
No. 671898
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Alright time to chance the subject away from shit dildos and such, so this is a bit weird thing to confess
I have a fascination with grotesquely masculine male faces, by this I mean men who naturally have what are considered traditionally considered masculine facial features to such a high degree that ends up coming across as grotesque
now I wanna clarify that this fascination is not at all sexual and I have no attraction towards these men in anyway rather I would describe this as a uncanny valley like observation, cause when I see these men especially when their wearing suits and or with other people it feels wrong in a way, its like seeing a Shaved Gorilla in a suit
No. 671901
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>>671898the actor in pic brian Thompson is a good example of what I mean, like no matter how hard I try, I can't just see his like its human
No. 671904
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>>671898You must love Ron Perlman.
No. 671913
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>>671904Yes specifically young Ron Perlman
No. 671989
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I want to ask for less hours at work, but I don't want to make less money.
No. 672007
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I was scrolling quickly and thought this was Doja Cat for a hot second
No. 672080
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When I was in junior high I had this strange crush on weird al yankovic that I knew was weird and just assumed I’d grow out of, but I sort of never did. It’s not that I think he’s particularly sexy but I envy the lifestyle he and his family have. He seems like a really good husband and father, and his Beverly Hills mansion is absolutely massive. Also he just seems funny and intelligent, and he’s very fit and healthy for his age. I have never told anyone this before because it’s super embarrassing to admit.
No. 672295
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I know this will look weird and a bit scrote-y/troon-ey, but as a shut-in, thanks to quarantine, i shower on alternate days. The thing is that I like how I smell when I’m showering, it’s this really particular smell of myself mixed with the soap that is somehow nice.
No. 672393
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I’m literally so lonely, I’m writing self insert fanfiction using an AI Dungeon game and getting flustered at how well and in character the responses are. Its even worse because I’m writing about this ugly goblin and his humor is so uncanny that when the AI writes anything for him that fits I freak out and get nervous. From a fucking AI Dungeon RP game of all things. God I need human interaction.
No. 672422
>>672409How much is the showering standard in EU?
Every other day?
Which country are you from?
I'm genuinely curious.
No. 672427
>>672425>GreeceInteresting, is that even true during summer?
I heard it can get quite hot there.
No. 672429
>>672426Samefag but also if you're working every day or leaving the house to use public transport and want to cleanse yourself afterwards.
Huh, it's almost like these things are being said by NEETS that never leave the house and never really do much sweatibg and therefore have no reason to shower daily… Hmmm.
No. 672431
>>672429NTA and not even from Europe, but why don't you try to be more open to experiences outside what is normal for you anon?
It's ok to believe other people can have different habits and still be
valid, you know?
No need to attack anons that don't live the exact same life and hold the same beliefs you hold.
No. 672437
>>672427Yeah it gets quite hot. Antiperspirant exists though and most people aren't fat.
>>672426>>672429For most people, a little bit of sweat won't make you smell bad or unhygienic if you shower 48 hours later. If you have a job that is manually taxing, if you work in a factory or something like that no one stopping you from showering often. But most people don't need to shower every day and frankly shouldn't, because you're drying out your skin and hair, and not letting healthy bacteria live. But whatever do you, keep sperging anon, everyone is an NEET if they don't shower obsessively lol
No. 672439
>>672431I'm legit not even trying to attack. When I don't leave the house on the weekend or don't do much activity, I don't shower. And that was the point I was trying to drive. They must not really be doing anything if they aren't showering daily. That's the only reason I wouldn't.
I live where it's really hot and humid. I couldn't imagine going to bed feeling sticky and having a lingering sweat stench. Why can't anons understand that as well? It's not even about being
valid, they are making claims that you don't need to shower every day or that it's bad for you but they're not being considerate to people that don't live in the same locale as them or people that actually do things with their lives that it would be important for a daily shower (think nurses…?) lol.
No. 672447
>>672444Same thing happened to me Anon. We got really close too, he even called me his work wife one time when he was drunk. I will always cherish that.
I love the guy. But when I left the job, I hadn't heard from him again.
No. 672449
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I use to shrug off the idea of parasocial relationships and just feel bad for people couldn’t see the content creators persona or see how it’s not real and now I’m sure I’m in one with a streamer I started watching, I feel like such a pathetic retard for letting it happen.
No. 672450
>>672439Well yes, a lot of people have desk jobs and live in air conditioned spaces, so even if you live in a hot country it depends on what you do.
When I lived in a tropical country (South Asia, humid and hot) I showered several times per day because I had to go out often, but Southern European climate is really dry in comparison, even with the high temperatures, and you don't get as clammy as you would in idk, Brazil.
No. 672483
>>672454No, it's cold where I live now year-round (mountainous country) so I don't sweat much if at all. I do shower every day or every other day because I like it but I don't
need to, plus I have indoor clothing that I wear only indoors so it's not like I wear the same thing I would if I go outside.
I don't know why your body does that, do you live in a warm, humid place? Or is it just nervousness from being in public? I can't say I've heard something like that happening before.
No. 672506
>>672485I think I said infequently because I was remembering the other times I've seen stuff like that posted and there was an anon saying that showering more than once a week is really bad for your skin.
My ex would shower daily during the working week and then on friday evenings he started to skip that shower. Used to drive me mad because that one day made a difference in his case. Made sex less inviting and if I had freshly washed the bedsheets it felt like it quickly ruined that fresh smell too.
No. 672511
>>672455It’s so easy for it to happen and you don’t even realise.
>>672458Thank you for this. I think I just feel pathetic because the way I realised was the streamer has began this flirty/simp thing with a Female streamer and it shattered me a little bit, made me realise I saw them as like almost a stand in bf, but this has also made me take a hard look at myself and where I am, because like you said it’s not real but also I don’t even exist to this person.
No. 672596
>>672409Uh anon, I'm from Europe aswell and we most certainly shower every day where I live. Please don't make it sound like not showering everyday is the standard in all of Europe.
I do agree though with
>>672437 that you can away with showering every other day in specific circumstances. I'm also pretty sure it isn't actually good for your skin, especially when you use soap and not just rinse with warm water. But I excersise most evenings of the week so I'm not going to not-shower at the end of the day.
No. 672604
It was in /g (maybe the vagina thread) and they were really banging on about it drying out your skin. Some anons pointed out that skin friendly shower gels exist, moisturisers etc but nope. They felt strongly about it.
No. 672616
>>672511Honestly, you're not alone. I also used to ridicule kpop fans/etc for their parasocial relationships with their favs, and then I really got into Rupaul's Drag Race (…yeah, not proud of it) and fell into an intense fixation with one drag queen, to the point that I thought I could tell what he was secretly thinking/feeling based on his IG stories. IMO it's also partly because we project our own beliefs and fears on them and, when they act in a certain way that confirms those, we think they're basically our soulmate or something.
Like other anons told you, it's natural to feel bonded to someone you watch/listen to a lot. But in my experience time & distance fix everything.
No. 672632
>>672604I've never heard about showering once a week (I guess some people could be okay with it but… not me, I'd feel itchy and gross all over), but I'm
>>672506 and since I live in a really cold place, cold showers just aren't an option.
Not to mention that cold/winter air is super drying, so you have a deadly combination of hot showers (drying) and cold air (also drying), I can't imagine showering every single day in this climate, I would shrivel up like a prune and be covered in skin flakes and dandruff.
Gentle soaps and lotions aren't enough either, you have to really slather your hands in hand cream and have 5 layers of moisturisers on your face before you go out. I even got a humidifier for my room, this climate isn't a joke.
No. 672633
>>672632Whoops I meant
>>672483, I'm not the other anon
No. 672641
>>672635I keep mine short so when I wake up it usually is standing straight up off my head lol. In my case I need to wash it to leave the house. But then it's short enough I'm not too worried about maintaining its condition.
I almost want to grow it out just so it stops standing up on ends in the morning.
No. 672845
>>672662Shampoos are full of harsh ingredients that completely strip your scalp of oil. When you shampoo, your scalp freaks out by this stripping and produces an abundance of oil to compensate.
If you stop washing your hair, or reduce the frequency of washing, your scalp will "learn" that you aren't going to be stripping your scalp of oil every day or every other day, so over time it will produce less oil after you wash it…it's just a hell of a 3-6 month journey to get to that point.
Due to a job where I had to have my hair up in a bun all the time.. and depression.. I ended up transitioning to no poo/low poo, and my hair has never been healthier. My hair doesn't get greasy until around 7 days after washing it (I do frequently clean my boar bristle brush, however), and I have almost no split ends after my last haircut 13 months ago. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to try it out.
So I guess my confession is I wash my hair every 7-14 days.
No. 673025
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accidentally posted in the wrong thread so posting here
I have no problem being the tough girl. I have muscles from when I used to lift and I've also gained a considerable amount of weight so I take a beating well.
I've never been in a fight but have been bullied my whole life, so I'm always itching to beat someone's ass. Whenever an anon on here mentions an abusive sibling or parent, I really get into the mindset that I'd knock them on their ass just to prove a point.
But every time I want to get into a physical altercation I think of several things: 1. I'm a legal adult and I would get in legal trouble 2. This is what they want, a fight. 3. Solving a situation with words is better because brute force is never the way to go.
Still, if any anon here asked me to fight their abusive boyfriend or family member I would do so gladly and smile even in defeat.
I just wanna punch someone in the face.
No. 673035
>>673025One my cousins friend used to be a local tough guy in his community, one day he got into a fight and accidentally killed a guy and now he's serving 30 years in prison, though its Kashmiri prison so the standards are a lot better then the majority of Pakistani prisons
but yeah that's what fighting in real life gets you
No. 673358
>>673295I've had a submissive/BDSM fetish ever since I was a kid. I didn't know what sex was until I was in middle school, but I always got a "funny feeling" when I saw characters tied up and fantasized about it happening to me.
Anyway, other than this I've had some weird feelings towards some family members. I have an uncle that I only see once every few years, but he gives me the creeps and I've hated being around him ever since I could remember for no real reason. I also hated my sister for pretty much my whole life. also for no reason whatsoever, I just rathered her not being around.
Last reason is when I was 10-13 whenever it was just me and my dad going on an outing I always had a quick but clear thought "What if he tries to rape me." Is that normal thoughts or behavior for a kid?
I may be dramatic and making connections about things that really aren't connecting but I've been thinking about this a lot lately. Why else could I have these "deviant" sexual preferences.
No. 673564
>>673358Nta, I was the same as a kid and I was definitely not abused since my parents were orbiting over us in fear something might happen. I had this same funny feeling when I saw people (especially women) tied up, even for stupid shit like Scooby-doo, I remember watching Hercules just for that specific scene with Megara. I've read several times that fetishes are born during childhood when seeing something in particular and are not associated with something sexual, but they leave such a strong impression that they stay with you and you later associate them with arousal. I would not be worried about that.
Now, for apprehension around family members, this is something else, I guess everyone has family members they don't like for various reasons, maybe you could ask your mother about it if it's bothering you?
No. 673593
>>673564Thanks anon, I feel better now! You brought back an old memory of me and mom my watching the Inspector Gadget cartoon with my mom and there was a captive scene where the character was "gagged" with a handkerchief over their mouth. I felt so uncomfortable I shouted "I really need to pee" and ran away.
I did ask my mom about my creepy uncle. I have a cool uncle that doesn't have a relationship with the creepy uncle, so I was really curious why. She said they had a huge fight over baseball cards when they were younger… kind of a weird thing to ruin your sibling relationship over, so maybe bad sibling relationships run in the family? My mom didn't seem shaken or have a weird reaction when I asked so that very well could be the reason.
My parents were also super protective of me as a kid. They specifically requested a female as my driving instructor, I couldn't go anywhere by myself until I was a teenager, and I couldn't hang out at my friend's house if her sister's guy friends were over and parents weren't. I used to think they were overprotective but now I completely understand their fear. The world is a fucked up place.
No. 673677
>>673593You're welcome! Since there are a lot of women here who were abused in their childhood, it's easy to start to imagine that it may have happened to you as well, with repressed memories and the brain not being reliable.
I grew up in Western Europe when all the prominent pedo cases and trials (mid 90s to the mid 00s) took place, my mom was especially paranoid about it and didn't allow us to do anything without her. At first I resented her for being the uncool kid who couldn't hang out outside and who couldn't watch horror movies, but now I am very grateful for what my parents did (and I thankfully never had any creepy teacher).
No. 674687
>>673358You're not alone anon, when I was 6 I had the weirdest BDSM fantasy which stuck in my mind for years before I even had any concept of attraction, desire or sex but still knew it was a bad thought. I have no idea where it came from because I had no concept of porn and was definitely not abused, the only time I ever saw nudity in the wrong place was when a boy my age showed me he could helicopter his penis kek but despite that reading stuff about repressed memories trips me up sometimes too.
It doesn't take much to imagine you could have actually been Sorens bunkmate in the traumacore factory, but the truth is that kids are sometimes just weird and not everything is that deep. Have you heard how violent kids play talk is? They're psychotic
No. 674699
>>673358I've heard a lot of people linking their fetishes to cartoons and kids shows. Being tied up and helpless was a strong theme in superhero shows in the 90s/early 2000s. I've seen people theorize that the people behind certain cartoons and comics had bondage fetishes themselves and they were living the dream making that content.
Then theres fart jokes, anthropomorphic animal characters, those close up feet shots showing up in every nickelodeon show. It's like whatever you're watching when you feel your first twinge of sexuality gets deep rooted. Have you seen those vids of grown men dressing up as spiderman and being tied up/rubbing against each other?… whew
No. 674740
>>674716Yeah, it sucks cause I actually remember liking that show as a kid.
>>674735You knew what sex and rape was when you were 6 years old?
No. 674908
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I already posted this in the unconventional male attractions thread but I can't stop thinking about getting gangbanged by these amish guys
No. 674911
>>674908i saw this on the home page and thought "oh god please don't let this image be attached to a confession about wanting to fuck them"
unfortunately I guessed right
No. 674973
>>674769I understand what you mean about being abnormally sheltered. I do still feel responsible for what I did, because I feel like I was old enough to know better than to do that but I don't think I even realized what I was doing was wrong. Again, I still just hope she doesn't remember because she's like 5-6 years younger than me
i suck at remembering peoples ages/birthdays What happened wasn't "graphic" and she honestly wasn't even paying any attention to what I was doing. I can't change what I did, so I could only forgive myself if I knew that I haven't inflicted any kind trauma onto her. Like I said, we are still cool and talk to each-other but I'm always going to have that doubt lingering in my mind. I just feel like such a fucking creep.
No. 674994
>>674967Do it. I have avoided apologizing to these people personally because Ive wanted to avoid retraumatizing them. I went through sexual abuse in my late teens and personally I would rather my abuser just never contact me, so I apply the same reasoning. I really want to speak to a therapist about it though because what the fuck was wrong with me. Any input is welcome since Ive never talked to anyone about it
>>674973I also didnt realize what I was doing was wrong since there was no sense of it even being sexual since I didnt know what sexual meant. I have no idea what we should do in our respective situations. I also pray no one was badly hurt by me but it seems unlikely
No. 675019
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i can't help feeling guilty every time i use a sick day at work for just a break/mental health day.
No. 675057
>>675036maybe it was a regional thing, I have dated a fair amount of white guys back in the 2000's (In fact I'm currently married to one and have 2 kids him) and I'm literally the darkest shade of black one get, my family is Hatian
though I usually only dated punk rock white guys and not full goth white guys
No. 675138
>>673358shit the thing with family members I relate to, and male adults in general. I still get those thoughts, the unwanted disgusting fear of rape/sexual ones around older men. Including family. fml
The only difference is I do remember why. I wasn't molested. I think it started when I discovered teacher/student smut when I was too young. It was on wattpad (before the site became fanfic/smut central, I read "innocent" original stories) and I was horrified yet intrigued (like "wtf why?"). It fucked me up more than I wish, I remember going to school after and I couldn't see my male teacher the same. I know with all these men there's no genuine attraction feeling but it's intrusive thoughts. Sometimes it comes with guys my age and I can't tell if I really feel attraction otherwise. I'm not even sure of my sexuality. I'm too disgusted to discuss it out loud with my therapist
No. 675272
>>675204Don't buy into the meme made by meme that women have no desire and don't care about looks.
Women want men that look good just like men, it's not shallow, it's just how it is.
No. 675359
>>675351I've seen people passive aggresively post therapist quotes on fb where they are basically subtweeting their own family members to have a go at them and then play innocent when called out.. that's my least favorite way to see therapist advice used lol.
Sharing in a genuine way is cool tho
No. 675364
>>675353Aw that’s so sweet, thank you <3
>>675359KEK yeah my favorite is when someone’s just gone through a very public twitter/fb/social media spat then suddenly shares a quote from their therapist that makes it obviously they’ve discussed it with them.
No. 675483
>>675468if its a woman saying it, it means she is same-sex attracted, has internalized misogyny and also has twitter kweer brain rot.
if its a male, it means hes a straight man who is performatively "woke" and probably also a sex pest. stay away from both
No. 675786
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Whether or not I actually like someone is 80% based on their noses. Not sure why, but certain noses and nose types really make me hate someone.
Picrel two people on social media. I literally hate noses like these. Or pinched noses, upturned noses, the list goes on. If you have an odd shaped nose, kys.
And btw just because your nose is big and long or wide or thin doesn't mean it's ugly. It's really unique types of noses that get me irritated.