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No. 694866
Please leave your brains at the door
previous thread:
>>>/ot/686497 No. 694874
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Can anyone give good recs of korean make up youtubers?
can't believe im going thru a koreaboo phase in my twenties.
No. 694897
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>>694895>>694893>>694884>>694881All of these are great! (even the non-make up one lol) thanks anons, i've been trying to incoporate some k-beauty inspired things in my make up and have gotten so many compliments, hopefully the real deal goes even better!
No. 694904
>>694901I wish I could make my own female only imageboard with no gossip, but I think the risk of incels attacking it or people posting illegal shit or gore freaks me out.
Here's some resources for you though No. 694951
>>694942actually the head area is a semi-periamble membrane. so…
are you american?
No. 694952
>>694938>>694942>>694933I really can't imagine masturbating with lotion without it burning but, I guess it makes sense that it wouldn't burn the urethra unless it's real deep in there. Vaginas are just more sensitive than dicks, so I feel like it would burn, especially if it goes inside the vaginal canal. Also, I think only the shaft of penises is made of regular skin, the rest has membrane, like the coochie.
>>694944Kill him. Why would he even think that's ok?
No. 694991
>>6949841. Autist likes and/or relates to a character.
2. Believes they are that character.
That's pretty much it.
No. 695018
>>695003Some girls grow up learning to do a higher cutsey voice to get what they want or placate their parents, I just imagine those girls probably never realised how fake and stupid it sounds on adults.
I have been trying to shake the habit for years but it's automatic in some situations.
On the other hand, have you ever heard an extreme weeb speak in overexaggerated anime mannerisms or an edgy narcissistic dude speak like Elliott Rodgers? People with little self awareness love to adopt cliché characteristics.
No. 695044
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>>694998He would politely tell you that he’ll keep it in mind and then will do nothing just like he did with me and an Aquapet.
No. 695046
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How can I avoid getting angry all the time? not just in everyday life, but in a relationship
No. 695050
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>>695044Nta but thank you for unlocking this memory
No. 695052
>>695046honestly, you can't , the next best thing is calming yourself down manually
if your with someone who you really believe means you no harm, and wants the best for you, you gotta tell yourself when you get mad at their stupid ass shit that this is a good person, and the way you would with an idiot family member, just love them through it
stupid ass joke? just laugh anyway
keeps repeating the same god damn story you've heard a million times? just keep reacting like you never heard it before, even easier if they keep adding embellishments
bad decision and now they're crying it you about it? remind yourself you can tell them your dumb ass mistakes now and they can't judge you for it
I dunno if this helps
My relationships last a lot longer now, and the people I break up with tell me I made their lives better, and they seem to do better in their next relationships
honestly, I think angry people probably don't get to be happy for very long
No. 695070
>>695068these are basic things that piss people off in relationships
do you maybe wanna be a little more specific about what's pissing you off then?
No. 695073
>>695070Alright, thanks for being kind
It's not that I'm pissed off at anyone right now, I'm just constantly upset these days. The world upsets me a lot.
I also keep thinking of my previous failed relationship. I'm going to sound crazy and bad here and that's because I was.
I used to have this LDR girlfriend that was a "serious" relationship, and whenever I felt bad, she would feel twice the bad and that would make me feel even worse than before. We yelled at each other a lot and I would end up raging so hard that I would say very bad shit about her. It was a constant feedback of feeling like shit, and making each other feel like shit. I only stayed in the relationship because she would buy me a lot of stuff and send it to where I live.
I just want to not do these mistakes again. I feel like it was very much my fault even if she has told me she has had her faults too. I feel it was my fault for being childish, manipulative, staying for the goods, and attempting suicide many times. It is my fault for making her feel bad and slowly fall out of love with me. I don't want to hurt anyone else.
No. 695077
>>695073this sounds like both of you were unhealthy on your own, two unhealthy people together can't help each other
I stand by my advice, and want to reiterate; you should be with someone you genuinely believe has your best interest in mind and
acts like it, and it's on you to try to act the same toward them
since you know you have this problem, you should seek someone who
doesn't have the same problems
it sucks you went through that, sounds familiar to me too, relationships in your teens and twenties can turn out like that a lot
No. 695086
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Whenever I disconnect from wifi and try to post using cellular data, i get a message that I was banned from all boards for posts I never made.
What it mean?
No. 695197
>>694902Surely I can learn from others mistakes r-right? Or learn what to avoid.
>>694904Even with this link I'm not sure where to begin, but thanks anon. I wanted to make something similar to that idea but with a specific type of weeb topic. I've grown desensitized to those attacks so hopefully removing them becomes an annoyance at worst.
No. 695208
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Yay or nay? Weddings dont last, but i dont like rings.
No. 695212
>>695208nay, sorry
maybe needs a design?
No. 695266
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>>695251Why even drink hot cocoa, just grab some water and eat a piece of dark chocolate with powder cinnamon
/s No. 695277
>>695273Yeah but I like the taste. I also drink green tea without any sugar, even the "grassier" sorts of green tea. You get used to it and then drinking sweet stuff feels disgusting.
>>695266I like to drink it in the afternoon because it boosts my energy and it's nice and hot so I can warm myself up during winter.
I know you weren't serious but I still wanted to clarify if anyone else was wondering. No. 695327
>>695299You already know the answer anon.
Jokes aside, anything that's niche and has a small following usually has a pretty chill fanbase. Finding these niche fanbases though is a gauntlet in and of itself.
No. 695335
>>695292Thanks, anon! I think I recall reading about it. I plan to make some spicey hot chocolate in the near future and see what it tastes like.
>>695312My personal preference is 3-4 teaspoons of cocoa powder in a 400ml cup and the rest is hot water. I pour first a tiny bit of hot water just to make sure the powder mixes well with water at the bottom of the cup and then I add the rest. But you should adjust that to your taste. It's probably going to be a huge shock to your tastebuds if you're not used to bitter drinks. I'm really sorry if you don't like it.
No. 695551
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Do you guys think a 17 year old , who's on the older side of 17, can sexually groom a 13 year old? I'm partly curious because I remembered ponder sprocket's vid from a while a back
No. 695556
>>695551Yes. If a 18 year old shouldn't do it then neither should a 17 year old. There's also a pretty big difference between 13 and 17. A 13 yo is literally not even in highschool yet, and a 17 year old is about to go to college. I'm not sure what I would consider ok though. I feel a little weird about an 18 year old dating a 16 year old, but realistically it's not that big of a difference.
Also imo, there's no such thing as an older or younger 17 year old lol. It's just 17.
No. 695577
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Do any anons have boomer tier phones?
I hate smartphones and I dislike the thought of being tracked everywhere so I want to get the oldfashioned phone which serves only for receiving/sending calls and texts. Pic related is similar to what I'm planning to buy.
The only con is that I'm afraid I'll get laughed at by workmates 'cause I work in IT. I'm actually tech savvy and constantly tinker with computers but I hate smartphones so damn much.
No. 695579
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How many limes do I need to make a limenade?
No. 695596
>>695584Yeah but why would I need to have a smartphone if I'm only going to use it for the most basic functions? I don't want to sound paranoid but the tracking is very much omnipresent and disabling the location tracking does very little. It's terrible how much of it is even legal.
>>695586Thank you, anon! You're right, I shouldn't care and ultimately it isn't their business.
>>695589>>695590Thanks anons! I'm not sure if it's cool but I'll do it regardless. Even if I become the butt of the joke at work, eh.
No. 695815
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I love the idea of vegetables, but the ones my mom buys are disgusting and I hate them. I hate lettuce and cabbage oh my god. What can I do, if I want to lose weight???
No. 695908
>>695892Well, I know that with my proctor it's just a constantly monitored view of me. I had to dcan the room, my desk, and any fronts and backs of paper I'm using. You have to keep your face within a certain area.
You could write a bunch of notes and place them on random spots on the laptop. What kind of math are you needing to study for? Do they not allow notes?
No. 695910
>>695892The proctoring tools they have out now can be really advanced so your ideas might too simplistic and the AI will probably detect you. For example the AI can monitor your face and determine if you're using your phone (or cheating in general) based on how your face changes. It's actually fucked up how much they violate your privacy. I would recommend that you find some sort of blind spot in your webcam and hide notes that you can look at there. Your laptop screen is usually a blindspot for example.
OT but while I was searching about this in google I discovered that the software my school uses (not proctored) can detect when students open new tabs to cheat during exams, which I've done for every single online exam… thankfully I haven't been caught yet but it's crazy how advanced these testing softwares are now.
No. 695930
>>695613It’s not bait because I genuinely don’t understand the concept :(
I’ve seen a lot of artists get accused of fetishization because they draw PoC , despite not being one
No. 695934
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Do people who dress alternative really get harassed like pic related? The pic in question is from a video game forum kek.
No. 695971
>>695063Yes. Whether or not they will is not something we can tell you though.
I'm at work but still using my mobile data right now
No. 696003
>>695976So they just see the name of the webpage I visited? And what if I just use the work computer's Internet access, not the WiFi?
>>695963lmao I'd rather work than look at Instagram for 6 hours tbh
No. 696005
>>695997Generally, no. You’re paying for the convenience so the ingredients are overpriced compared to from a grocery store.
However, if you waste a lot of food and don’t have the time/motivation to meal plan, or if you’re living on takeout, they might be worth it. There’s less waste as everything is portioned just for that dish. You could refrigerate or freeze any leftovers. It’s generally quite a lot cheaper than takeout. They can help you gain confidence with cooking if you’re new to it.
Ideally you should meal plan and cook from scratch yourself but meal kits are a good middle point and could be a gateway into doing that. The providers usually have an initial discount so you could try a month or two to check if it’d save you money.
No. 696029
>>696010Actually, Yeah, because sometimes people will just post porn of obscure characters by random artists. You know that ship you’ve always loved and you wanted to see fucking at least once? There’s a mspaint drawing of them on rule34.
There’s also the fetish stuff, people with internet addiction will unironically look at pictures of random characters doing nasty shit because it makes their Netherlands wet.
No. 696047
>>696010r34 is cool in not degenerate cases and when it's kept in adult circles. For example, I have no problems with characters like Lord Dominator being subjected to it because in the cartoon where she's from she's portrayed as an adult; additionaly as long as it's kept on rule34 website or nsfw blogs that dont come up in search engine, it does no harm to anyone.
People posting r34 of characters that are written to be kids / childlike / come from cartoons for literal toddlers and post them in a way that comes up in google image search (I remember it being the case with My Little Pony) though are degenerates and it's impossible to defend.
No. 696070
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Anons, why do you think more men than women tend to be into music, whether it be just "knowing a lot about it" (i.e. fantano/scaruffi opinionless zombie-snob) or be involved in the making of it, like being a musician, producer or designer?
No. 696092
>>696082the kpoppies made their own board
No. 696094
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>>696066My specific issue is hunching so all the exercises are focused on streching and strengthening the core and back muscles; stuff like what's on the image, plank, bit with lifting fairly easy weights in both hands; thing is that was doing majority of these by myself before going to a physiotherapist and I had no idea I was not doing them right because since I have posture issue what felt like natural position for my body was wrong and continuing like this could only make things worse; having a specialist watch you and fix every tiny mistake in real time is a great help.
No. 696108
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Is this bitch too paranoid or am I too much of a pick me?? I genuinely don't see the sociopathy in the things she says
No. 696120
>>696116nta but
>choc chip cookies>pizza>asian food in general>mousse>brigadeiro/brazilian fudge ballsMy tastebuds hate Ice Cream in general, it just tastes like ice with a very faint flavour of something to me, and pasta is meh.
No. 696123
>>696119pesto is gross and I don't eat meat, eggplant is also gross, matcha is overrated and smells like fish (god knows for what reason)
Simple italian pasta is still the best for me and traditionally there's no meatballs in it. American "pasta" has nothing to do with italian food. Same with american pizza. Americans ruin everything.
No. 696124
>>696120Pasta is just empty ass calories, and when gnocchi and well made seasoned rice is there, fuck that. Ice cream is shit when compared to like tirimisu or bienenstitch kuchen.
How can anon live with such simple guilt foods?
No. 696219
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does my boyfriend have a mental illness
No. 696239
>>696236should’ve posted in cow myself tbh
he’s highly intelligent, just a little insane
No. 696242
>>696239please please tell me more about him anon, I'm legit fascinated. How old he is? What are other ways that he expresses his insanity? What makes you think he is the love of your love
if not stockholm syndrome and traumatic bonding?Is he handsome at least?
I would legit pay you to hear the stories
but please consider getting help and/or running away asap No. 696244
>>696219anon what the fuck lmao love yourself
>>695251thanks anon I tried this and its not what I usually go for ( lots of sugar) but this is nice
No. 696251
>>696242i mean, i have a long and varied list of deeply confusing and scary incidents but i’m not willing to disclose them on a public forum.
he has a weird but ultimately harmless habit of collecting insecure, low value women who orbit his facebook posts and say disparaging things about me.
No. 696253
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>>696249You deserve each other
No. 696256
>>696246yeah I do, can provide. Are you op tho since I read
>>696251 as well and I'm confused
No. 696258
>>696242he also constantly compares me to his female friend and asserts that she is ‘better than me’ in as many words but it’s a fairly transparent attempt at cultivating jealousy among the only other woman who is interested in him and it doesn’t work on me.
it doesn’t bother me and i just dismiss incidents like these but i’m starting to wonder if he needs psychological help, and how i should get it. NHS are useless.
No. 696262
>>696258girl. you need psychological help to get out of your emotionally
abusive relationship. jfc.
No. 696265
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>>696219Add me in the cap.
No. 696266
Am I retarded for not being able to understand/follow random messages screencaps like what
>>696219 posted?
I can follow very literal ones or ones that I have all the context to, but this is indecipherable to me. I never have any issues following irl conversations, it’s weird.
No. 696268
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No. 696313
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>>696219Now this is some proof that 2D and 3D never mix.
No. 696460
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How come Krita isn't more popular among artists?it's easy to use and all but there's something Krita lacks I don't know what it is
Compare to Procreate or Photoshop
No. 696489
>>696485anon of course they blink.
Everytime you blink,the cat is blinking at the same time so you can't see it.
No. 696502
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>>696491Thank you guys. I googled it and apparently they force themselves to blink….Which is weird. Why wouldn't evolution just make them blink
No. 696548
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Why would boobs droop asymmetrically? How do you avoid such a thing from happening? Is it better to just go to a doctor and get it checked or something?
No. 696551
>>696548>Why would boobs droop asymmetrically?most bodies are asymmetrical
>How do you avoid such a thing from happening?get two hearts and become ambidextrous
>Is it better to just go to a doctor and get it checked or something?If it really worries you that much, you can go and get it checked
No. 696554
>>696548Maybe it has to do with how you sleep? I heard sleeping on your side can put pressure on one breast, and sleeping on your stomach puts pressure on both. That pressue plus the gravity is prob the culprit. But like anon said, no ones body is symmetrical.
One of my titties is bigger than the other, so I suspect that boob will end up sagging more than the smaller one.
No. 696584
>>696583Wow really? I guess this means
>>696528 's cats really love her lol. Cats are so sweet.
No. 696639
>>696634she’s right
what other interpretation for the phrase washed out is there
it’s just not a good look and it’s chavvy. end of
No. 696643
>>696634Washed out just means the hair is more intense than the skin, so dulls down the rest of the rest of the body. The black would make white women look paler and lackluster, so it washes out their skin. I think it can look ok depending on what skin color they have. I've never really felt like black washes someone out, but I don't really pay attention to what looks good on white people.
>>696639Tbh this is kind of a non answer. Anon clearly doesn't understand what it means.
No. 696648
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>>696639I don't think black hair on pale women looks ugly though. I like brunettes more than blondes tbh
No. 696718
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this is going to sound stupid but I need to make a pattern like pic related for a thing that I need to do at a place that advocates for gender equality. If I put the masculine sign and the femenine sign (you know which ones, ♀ and ♂, mods pls don't ban me it's just a question) would it read as being pro-tranny or being pro-gender non comformity or whatever?
No. 696725
>>696721But which one? the pro tranny or the "I'm ok with males wearing makeup as long as they remember they're males" thing?
Honestly this place that I'm doing the pattern for is pro trannies so idk. Maybe they'll like it??? I feel weird for having to do pro tranny stuff
No. 696783
>>696650>But I preffer it to being angry, I hate being emotional. What. Being angry is also being emotional, anger is one of the primary emotions.
Anyway, I prefer angry. Angry=active, sadbaby=passive. Anger is a usable energy that can be directed positively.
No. 696789
>>696715 said, if you starve her of content she’ll have nothing to attack you for and will look ridiculous to anyone else around. Getting sassy will be temporarily satisfying but will only lead to more shit.
She won’t get bored right away, chances are she’ll get angry that you’re not responding and ramp up the bait. Do not respond under any circumstances. Vent to friends, post in the cringe get it off your chest thread, do anything but take the bait. It may take a while but eventually she should get fed up of not receiving the response she craves and move on.
No. 696870
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What are some shows/movies/media farmers watch when you REALLY need motivation to put down the fork?
No. 696881
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>>696870I look at fitness influencers
? on Instagram, the ones showing you some routines for easy exercises and such, it makes me want to workout as well.
I also look for healthy recipes on Pinterest to try them out, because sometimes it’s better to have inspiration to experiment with food than something that might guilt trip me into stopping eating or whatnot.
In any case, maybe looking for clothes you might want to wear but that you wouldn’t wear with your current body type? It’s a great motivation for working out and eating healthy-ish
No. 696933
>>696927well they should start
No. 696934
>>696797I would "lose" my cards. I threw them into the abyss that was my closet lol. All my bills were paid online and if I needed groceries I just went to the bank for a withdrawal.
That worked on me for only a few months, so if you need to take it a step further, I'd try a No Buy challenge. It seriously rewired my addiction. No. 696945
sorry about your ugly genitals
No. 696968
>>696962He was an asshole the entire time we were together and also pressured me into sex and sexually assaulted to me when I was drunk lol
Just because I got married doesnt mean it was good, I only married him for security and he didnt even provide that
No. 696988
>>696968>Because I had never experienced a man who wasnt shit so I figured it was just the norm and compared to other assholes I've dated he was a step upDamn anon, that's jus sad.
>At least he was consistently around.Damn those are some low standards.
No. 696989
>>696988He bathed everyday, got me christmas gifts and wasnt fat. At the time I felt that's the best a woman could expect from a man lol
I've dated men who literally dont even know how to clean their asshole properly.
No. 697008
>>696916Gross. It's very easy even for them to wash up in the sink before doing anything. The foreskin
helps with lube, because it helps keep natural lube in there and it's more comfortable with sex and it's protective to the sensitive tissue underneath. It's pretty disgusting that we've normalized body modification of infants tbh. It's also weird because doctors will prescribe steroid cream for phimosis, and that thins the tissue making it even more susceptible to needing to be removed eventually. Men are a pain in the ass, but I weep for their stupid little penises being mutilated and medical negligence for any citizen in this shitty country.
No. 697082
>>696906>>696916Found the moids
>>697008>I weep for their stupid little penises being mutilated and medical negligence for any citizen in this shitty country.This is why radical feminism will never succeed, because even the most ardent radfem will still feel sympathy for their oppressors. Go to any incel website and they couldn’t give less of a fuck about baby girls having their genitals mutilated.
No. 697090
>>697082It’s not about giving sympathy to oppressors, it’s about the fact that a baby’s genitals should not be mutilated whatever their sex.
> Go to any incel website and they couldn’t give less of a fuck about baby girlsThis is not what we should aspire to be like.
No. 697094
>>697090> a baby’s genitals should not be mutilated whatever their sex. Yes you’re right, they shouldn’t. However I am sick and tired of feminists being told that they have to make this issue and other men’s issues their priority when men don’t give a tenth of shit about the horrors women go through.
> This is not what we should aspire to be like.Agreed but the empathy gap is jarring to witness, even women who claim to hate men will have some level of sympathy and compassion for them. Incels and other misogynists would never do the same for women.
No. 697106
>>697094Yeah I agree with you, I hate how men center themselves in arguments about feminism when their injustices are far fewer than women’s. It’s a fun game of point-scoring for them, compared to it being our daily lives. Men are not and should not be a priority within feminism, but if the topic of circumcision comes up I have to agree it’s fucked.
> even women who claim to hate men will have some level of sympathy and compassion for themIt’s the fact it’s a baby for me. A baby is a baby, no matter their genitals and what they’ll turn out to be, they’re a vulnerable being. They can’t consent, say no, defend themselves, argue their case. They know fuck all. If I’m dumb or less of a feminist for thinking baby boys shouldn’t have unnecessary surgery on their genitals then that’s fine, I can’t stop anyone from having an opinion. I’d rather that than become apathetic towards one of the most vulnerable groups in the world being harmed.
Also randomly going to add that I hate when people compare circumcision to FGM. They are worlds apart.
No. 697111
>>697094>I am sick and tired of feminists being told that they have to make this issue and other men’s issues their priorityI'm nta
and also not a radfem, but tbh I don't think having basic sympathy means you're making another groups issue your priority. It's ok to say "Circumcision isn't right and shouldn't be done". Giving attention to something for a minute doesn't mean you're making it a priority.
Not completely related to this argument, but I hate when anons here defend a woman doing something shitty with "Well men do it so it's ok!" Then we all would just become shitty people. You don't have to like or ignore them, but don't stoop down to anyones level, because then you just become the same as them. No. 697186
>>697168Not me but I always wanted to lead a fake life online… I think I'm going to actually do it and make an instagram account. Thanks anon for giving me the push. Hope I don't end up on lolcow for lies and fakery
Stupid question: which country should I pretend to be from? lol
No. 697198
>>697186To what end, though?
Don’t choose an obscure country. I made that mistake years ago on tumblr. My photos still come up if I search about that country kek. If you want to pass, choose something believable and not too unusual.
No. 697201
>>697198Alright thanks, I think I will just be vague about where I live, I will definitely not pretend to be from the usa as I first intednded because I'm afraid people will ask me to speak about race/politics/gender issues which I know noting about.
I don't know what sort of fake life I'd like but I am inspired by those various girls who larp as a uwu nymph in the woods, then I can shoop myself into a different person in the name of taking aesthetic photos. Either that or an uber edgy intj boss babe like vicky or tessa tsundebolt. I just want to be cringe for once, it seems really fun.
No. 697204
>>697191Sometimes an anon gets really defensive and probably lies, and some are overly aggressive and/or unhappy but don’t want to admit it to themselves so they probably lie. Overall I think farmers are quite honest about if their lives are shit.
I don’t think it really matters anyway. It doesn’t really matter if farmer Stacy is real or not, we’re all anonymous and no one cares. Lying about it is pathetic but the only person who will ever know, and the only person who should be affected by it, is the liar themselves. It’s so inconsequential.
No. 697206
>>697191I never got that impression tbh, it seems like way more anons talk about how miserable/messy their lives are. Eg the cow yourself and NEET threads, the thread about being ugly on /g/, plus generally venting/ranting about your life is super popular and I get an overall negative vibe when it comes to the way people talk about themselves.
Though I do think there is probably a subset of pseudo-stacey posters, like somewhat attractive/popular wannabe e-celebs who mostly come here out of jealousy over more successful e-celebs. I feel like they could mistake themselves for actual staceys.
No. 697229
>>697172Honestly most of them started out as fake profiles for lulz but the 'universe' kind of builds itself. In one case:
> created fake FB profile that's supposed to be a hoe> obviously fake name, profile picture is of an ass in some underwear> girl is supposed to be a sophmore but can't spell> reach out and add guys from my high school to see how stupid they are> chat with them, build a 'universe' about my dad being a janitor at the local middle school, who sells weed, and I also fuck my dad. Say that my dream job is a porn star and other stupid 'hoe' stereotypes.> invite them to the girls bathroom, they go and would wait in a bathroom stall> then I'd say "srry bby i cnt meet u rn da teech is nt leting mi go!!" coincidentally not be able to meet> frantic messages then come in from the moids "Babe you gotta come here, there's girls waiting outside of the stall and I can't leave… plz I'm so horny baby plz help they're knocking on the door"> ignore, then do the same thing with another scroteMessing w scrotes in my high school years was funny but the character/universe building is probably the most fun part.
Another one was a fake old woman that I made up to prank my friend who put up a babysitting ad (yeah I was a sociopathic 13 year old). I think good catfishing requires a bit of world/profile building to keep things consistent. Even though I just used that persona to prank my friend, my family members and I carried on with adding new characteristics to the character for years. Like "What if [name] had a secret dungeon full of an ongoing lineage full of slaves that never found out that slavery ended? But never explicitly said, just implied to 'NOT GO IN THE BASEMENT, EVER!!!'" I mean I don't have most of these pranks/trolls ongoing anymore so it's not even useful but it's funny maybe from a hypothetical comedy standpoint. Idk then again my family does come up with comedy sketches that we'll never get to 'act out' so maybe that's why these even continue on in the first place.
>>697186I've never used my own pictures or tried doing it on Instagram iirc.
No. 697234
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>>697197>>697206You guys don't remember this gem? Also anons who keep calling everyone a femcel, the Stacy bingo thread, and that one poster from an old pink pill thread that said non-stacys should be aborted and how only ugly women give bjs or some shit like that though it might've been bait.
No. 697237
>>697232Post your question and the last number of your post is his answer, if you get a dub or trip it'll be a different answer.
Someone should add how to use it to the op next time cause this question pops up a lot lol
>>697234Nta, but I always got the impression that this was a joke (even though idk the context). That last sentence really drives it home lol
No. 697294
>>697288Make sure you have employment waiting first with a decent amount of time before having to start to get moved in. Scope out apartments first to get an idea of the requirements and cost of living.
>>697289Jambu Mary Janes
No. 697318
>>697313i wouldn't mention suicide before you do anything, i mentioned i was seriously thinking of killing myself once to an online friend and cops showed up at my door the next day to check up on me. they didn't live in the same country either so idk wtf they even did for that to happen. maybe if you actually do it set up an email to send them with a timer a few days after you do it if you would really like them to know.
not encouraging you btw, just saying what i would do
No. 697333
>>697313Anon, I beg you to seek every other option possible first. If money is the issue, get a waiting job and find a room in an apartment that already has roommates in it- that'll be like 500 a month. If you're still too young, I promise you your life will change dramatically in the upcoming years.
Aaaaaanyway, you can send timed emails on Gmail if you wanna be upfront with him but only after you're dead.
No. 697343
>>697329Anon, where there's a place that people can freely talk about themselves there's going to be a huge likelihood that someone piping up is lying about this or that. Any Stacies here are failed at best, BPD as fuck at minimum, or sitting in threads being petty cunts because they're stuck in their 8th grade gym locker room mentality.
I just don't understand compulsion to lie unless you're in a survival tier scenario. What drives people to lie in anonymous spaces like these?
No. 697350
Can children sexually assault other children? When I was around 9-10, my cousin, who's a year older than me, would come over every so often, introduced me to porn and then started touching me, making me touch him, and filming me get undressed, he would ask me to have sex with him and that it wouldn't do anything but never went from there. I can't get it through my head that this isn't, like, "stupid weird kids doing weird things," and that it's… a valid thing to fuck me up? Like, that's beyond not normal and just, or at least, on a level, of sexual abuse at the hand of someone older, right?
No. 697354
>>697350>Can children sexually assault other children? Yes, absolutely.
All of what you've described is abuse, all of that can change a child's growing brain.
It's also totally normal to question all of its effect on you too, but I assure you, that
is abuse, and it is unfortunately normal to disturb a child into adulthood.
It's more common than society is willing to talk about, but psychiatrists and therapists are all very used to hearing stories just like this.
No. 697369
>>697350Absolutely. But at that age it's a little hard to blame them, they were most likely abused themselves. That doesn't make it any less fucked up.
Children can be curious about sex, they are not entirely innocent and most people have "played doctor" at some point in childhood but that sounds like predatory behaviour.
No. 697370
>>697366>this argument is used all the time to defend shitty parentsWhat?
>you're holding a 10 year old to the same standards you would hold an adultyou really can keep those things separated.
>>697365that's how I deal with it too, but honestly I don't want someone to feel bad for being mad at their abuser
No. 697383
>>697378I never said that.
>>697378I didn't say this either.
Can you at least bother to read my post before replying?
No. 697387
>>697386Nah bitch, I'm ~
Surprisingly, some people get upset when you start defending child sexual abuse right next to someone talking about child sexual abuse.
No. 697389
>>697386>I was outlining normal and abnormal behavior and I explicitlyThere was literally no reason to excuse
abusive behavior when you're answering someone's question about whether abuse could have traumatized them
No. 697402
>>697396Probably not something you’re interested in but I did janitorial work in college and it was really chill and I loved just being by myself getting shit done. I was also an admin assist and that was easy since I mainly just sat in an office and they told me about what they wanted me to get done so not really a need to socialize well. (Cleaning up trash was way more appealing work to me than an office job still)
If you want to work your way up there will be some semblance of having to get along with others and go to events or whatever so prepare for those instances.
No. 697535
>>697532I do wash both the pillows and comforters, but only once a year when I change summer/winter bedding. I find that the difference in cleanliness after washing is noticeable with the comforters, but not so much on the pillows. I guess it's cause the head doesn't sweat much and the pillowcase is enough protection.
Deleted and reposted to add: it's more important to dust out the pillow regularly than wash it.
No. 697538
>>697536It's just a camera that focuses on a single member for a certain duration.
>>697532I wash both, but i wash the pillows last than the cases. It's just takes so long for it to dry and it's a pain, but i definitely wash my cases a few times a week and switch it around every 2 days to avoid cheek acne
No. 697583
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How to be more empathetic irl in your daily life?
I'm not asking about saving the world, I just want to be less self absorbed.
No. 697595
>>697583Fake it till you make it, baby. Avoid "I" statements in everyday conversation.
Also, drugs. Only half-joking, I noticeably became less of a cold hearted bitch after trying mdma.
No. 697609
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>>697599It was! Here ya go, anon.
No. 697639
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Every time I go on I have the sensation that everything is weirdly over the tope feminine, why is it so different than here ? Do any of you guys regularly go there ? Am I stupid and missing something ?
No. 697665
>>697643more like trannies larping as tradthots
>>697650i'd be creeped out if someone stalked my post history like that
No. 697781
>>697672The answers to this are good but the topic gets me guilty… I agree about it but does that mean I'm homophobic. Obviously if I don't like anal I don't have to do it and that's the end of that. My opinion isn't relevant to gay guys. But do any anons get my point? I think anal is dirty and unnatural, although it wasn't always normalized for gay men historically (at least not that they'd admit?)
It may sound like I'm joking but I'm not. I am simply a dumbass with scruples
No. 697797
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Sorry for asking this again. How can I be more empathetic?
No. 697804
>>697797this answer isn't for everybody but when I was real depressed and went to group therapy, it cured some of my apathy. not sure how that all works with a pandemic now. it reminded me that others, some who seemingly have it together, suffer too. many having tragic childhoods but you wouldn't know it right away. even the ones who I never would have thought to care about (different age, different views…) being in a group makes everyone want to do better together and cheer for each other. hearing others of all types tell me kind words and root for me, I'll never forget how much it all meant. I still think about them and my heart reaches out hoping they're getting by.
sorry for the blog. but if anyone here is looking into that and if it's even happening with the pandemic, group therapy was good that way. Anything that lets you connect with people on that level, even if it's some threads here, may be helpful to some (but maybe not all people idk)
No. 697822
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I have OCD. One of my current intrusive thoughts is that I'm an abuser and that I have NPD. How do I fucking stop? I want to kill myself.
No. 697928
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Are french men really passionate and affectionate like those dudes in french romances?I feel like watching french movies back in the early 2000s kind of ruined standards for scrotes now I can never settle for the real thing
No. 697971
>>697956Overcook, most of nintendo in house games aka mario party, mario kart, and such. Minecraft
For shooters overwatch, resident evil (various games are multiplayer but some are not), strange bridge
I'd recommend looking at steam multiplayer sections and see what catches your eye.
No. 697981
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I deleted some facebook friends which I didn't know irl a while ago and today one of them sent me this picture wtf does this mean and am I supposed to reply to this and if so what the hell do I say? I don't think I've ever interacted with him and I'm not deep enough in ironic memes to understand this image
No. 698006
>>697986I always thought
TERF meant that basically you support feminism for everyone with two x chromosomes?
If she's a good friend I'd probably go with they/them and in most cases just use her name and hope she snaps out of it. Being sucked into a "cut off your boobs to become a real boy!" echo chamber is dangerous, stay with her to be the voice of reason.
No. 698022
>>698016i think anon meant that she is the
terf, not her friend who wants to troon out
No. 698023
>>697944First of all Kids prefer watching Youtube videos and playing games more than watching cartoons these days. It doesn't make sense to put effort into kids' shows that much since they'll grow out of them by the age of 6. It makes much more sense for companies to produce a toy line and a cheap web show on the side (that they won't watch anyway) to sell more toys than than go through the effort of engaging them with interesting children's programming.
And if you're talking about Cartoon Network shows, despite their looks a lot of them aren't made for children but instead other depressed adults who grew up watching CN shows and can't give up their childhood. No child watches their tripe, Steven Universe's fandom was completely adult dominated.
No. 698031
>>698006>I always thought TERF meant that basically you support feminism for everyone with two x chromosomes?Yeah, you're correct, but my friend is connected to a group that, uh, disagrees on the definition. I've never voiced those specific opinions, though.
>>698028Honestly a very seducing idea lol
No. 698056
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I was unsure where to put this but I'm desperate. Can any anon give me some study tips? I'm currently a computer science major and loving it but I feel like I never have time to learn everything which is required for me to learn. I want to properly learn the topics but unfortunately, some professors think we have an infinite amount of time and not multiple subjects to study and assign us some humongous exercise lists. I am not exactly complaining since I like doing those but I feel like I'm going crazy already. Can anyone give me some time management tips and how should I approach studying in general?
No. 698084
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How would I raise my child to be goth/alt? I don't want it to be a forced thing like I've seen some parents do but I also don't want my child to be a complete normie preppy person.
Unironically, what would work to convert without seeming like "omg my parents want me to be one way when I really want to be God serving H&M prep"? I would hate for my child to not align with my diverted way of thinking.
No. 698090
>>698089samefag but I'm thinking more along the teenage years. "WHY CANT YOU BE NORMAL"
slams door. That would suck. It's not like I wouldn't expect that to come from a teenager but I'm hoping to avoid it.
No. 698097
>>698093Are you like your parents? Do you hate them because you dress different and want to be emancipated? Stop being retarded.
Children, shockingly, aren't clones of their parents. Everyone was once a child. Children are their own little individuals, don't fucking force being a fucking goth on them. Just because you're a loser.
No. 698102
>>698090Teenagers are always rebellious little shit heads though, nothing you can really do to stop it. I bet you could be a very stereotypical nuclear family where you're a stay at home mom, your husband makes bank, and you live in a nice house with a white picket fence and a golden retriever dog and your teen would
still say shit like "why can't we be normal?" because they're fickle and stupid lol.
No. 698117
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what are some side effects from medication for anxiety? i know i can just google it, but i want to know the personal experience from the farmers.
No. 698120
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>>698084Don't and get one of these to project your style on.
No. 698122
>>698102>>698104>>698105>>698109Thank you for the sound, reasonable advice anons. I'm probably still too young to even think about it like that but I'm getting up there so I was just curious about other people's thoughts. Other anons on here are acting like I'm going to strap my kid to a chair and force their eyes open while shoving addams family down my kids throat holy shit. It's just a rational thought that every future parent haves, regardless of "the reality" of it all. Yes I'm aware that kids will grow up and do their own thing. There's nothing wrong with hoping your child at least picks up on your interest and envelopes that into their own. It's not whether or not I can handle if they do that or not, I was just wondering how I could make being goth seem fun and cool to them without it seeming forced.
Anyways like I said, thanks.
No. 698125
>>698109> As a huge nerd I would probably die if my kid turned out to be a generic sports kid or somethingGenuinely not being snarky, I’m just wondering why? I hate sports too but if it keeps the kid happy I don’t really care. Sure it’d be cool if they picked up my interests but it wouldn’t be a big deal if not.
I’m the type of person who doesn’t have partners or many friends with the same interests though so I’m not used to having shit in common ig.
No. 698161
>>698153it's all cope i'm guessing, especially the nitpicking about her appearance. billie is probably the least milky and least "
problematic" zoomer celebrity right now so i don't understand the hate either
No. 698168
>>>698160Tbh anons don't even go this hard for Ariana, even though she's the biggest popstar right now, even bigger than Billie is.
but Billie's younger and has been blowing up for a while now, so I guess that's where the jealousy comes in (if that's what's causing all that shit)>>698161I don't even get all the fat shit cause it just doesn't make since. I won't share pics here cause I don't wanna start a fight here, but if you look at pics where she's not wearing baggy clothes, she clearly just has big boobs and a wide waist. Even in baggy clothes you can tell she's not fat.
No. 698199
>>698196ahhh, so they're pulltards.
I'm 99% sure that Shaynas & the egirls thread is littered with them as well. lcf took a turn for the worse when pull went down
No. 698203
>>698195Anon pls just ctrl f
>>697237 >>698144
No. 698216
>>698199They dont sound like PULLtards at all, the only PULLtards are in streamers threads or hanging at /w/. If those were PULLtards they would have said shit like 'she laughed at x thing, SHE IS A SOCIOPATH', etc.
I think Billie is cringe but is not milky at all because she is a teen who was spending all of her time at home, and neverending fights over her being fat and not fat. Baitanons r dumb.
No. 698227
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Does it happen to anyone else that people constantly assume something of you that's just isn't there? For example people often feel the need to apologize for swearing when they are in my presence as if I was some sort of saint or some others often make passive aggressive comments about how they think that I'm stuck up, but I'm not at all
No. 698263
>>698253I looked like shit and aged when I was stressed a year or two ago and since noticing I've made a point to not skip washing my face and brushing my teeth and actually being active during the day and drinking water. I feel like I look better than ever and younger. Stress really does age. I think I
triggered some premature greying but I've been dying my hair since I was a teen so it's not that detrimental to now have an actual need to blend greys away with hair dye.
No. 698270
>>698227I've had people assume that I'm legitimately retarded or bitchy (usually the former) as a result of being too quiet.
Also throughout most of elementary school classmates, even the ones who knew that I wasn't actually retarded, treated me as if I was more innocent or younger than them at times so they refused to discuss certain topics around me or tried to act "protective" (though other kids used this as an excuse to pick on me.)
Around late elementary school and middle school I got accused of being a huge slut, lesbian, and secretly male all at once despite being
and still am a kissless female virgin who covered up more than the other students and at that time didn't dress butch so idk how they came to that conclusion.
No. 698274
>>698264I tried all the different skin moisturisers and creams going when I noticed my eyes looked dull and had lines, but too much skincare made me break out constantly.
My fine lines have disappeared unless I do a big smile and looking at photos when I was a teen and even child it's the same creases and they're not deep or there when I'm resting. I threw out all the ordinary stuff and serums and just stick to washing my face with micellar water, then a cleanser then just a toner. My favourite moisturiser since I was a teen was the pink bottle beauty cream from olay. Rather than have a separate eye cream I just make sure the olay gets absorbed under my eyes. Best way I've found to measure how much moisturiser I use is to squirt two lines along my index and middle finger. Like the length of the two fingers and that does my entire face and neck. It's pretty much the same quantity every time I moisties using that trick and I feel like it works. I'm 30 and I've no lines on my face except for expression lines that existed when I was a teen. Also I have astigmatism and my ma always told me to wear my glasses so I wouldn't squint and get wrinkles and maybe that helped too?
No. 698284
>>698077there's a drop down menu next to the search bar that let's you choose by pins/boards/etc but I think you have to be logged in to see it
>>698263nta but i've been doing those things for years and still look old. but I always looked old since childhood so I don't know if it's genetic or not.
No. 698285
>>698227Well not quite the same but there was a girl who thought I was into j-pop or k-pop or whatever but I'm into extreme metal, it broke my heart, do I really seem like a weeb??
>>698272Yes I think this happens to me too, it must be because that's where skin is the thinnest and maybe if you have extra water retained in the face it will swell idk I don't know much about such things
No. 698382
>>698374I don’t know why that would be, I’d assume it was the opposite. Maybe the novelty of tp has worn off for women as we use it more than men. We tend to take less time shitting, I’m surprised men are not doing origami during their 30 minute shits.
I say this as an anomaly female folder though, but I am neurotic.
No. 698402
>>698396That's exactly what I think of when I imagine pierced ears, like hell I'm gonna pierce my body just to put a piece of junk in it. What kind of sadist decided to make jewelry you can't wear with a normal human body
>>698383Alright then I will wear them for unspecial occasions
No. 698427
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What is this girl in the lolcow graduation thread OP doing with her hand? It looks like the ‘ok’ sign but without the thumb and finger closed. Looks like she’s mocking a tiny dick?
No. 698435
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>>698428Whatever makes you sleep better at night.
No. 698441
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>>698434You can get him on alibaba, I think.
tfw there are many sailor scouts’ body pillows made by different artists that go from eh to what the fuck call the police but only three styles for Tuxedo Mask. Coomers are a mistake No. 698499
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No. 698655
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I used to shill the fuck out of the dolly lips look but now I'm not so sure I want that in my life, it always makes my lips look chapped and idk, not my kinda thing. Is there any other way to use lip tints? I don't like how full red lips look on me, I might throw this one away. I want something that might give my lips a tint of color, being permanent is optional. I've been thinking of trying peripera.
No. 698665
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Why don't I feel caffeine? I've been drinking coffee for the taste since I was maybe 14 and Ive always kind of thought that coffee waking people up was a meme or more of a psychological ritual wake-up thing. It's only recently it really hit me that people ACTUALLY feel the effects of caffeine and sometimes in a significant way. I can easily drink espresso less than an hour before bed and sleep fine. I have never felt more awake, 'buzzy', or energized after drinking coffee. I tried quitting for two weeks and felt absolutely no difference when I went back. I try to check in with my body and really consciously 'feel' the caffeine but I can't even feel anything. I've felt the buzz from cigarettes, the high from weed, the drowsiness from Benadryl, but not even 1% of energy from caffeine. Am I ok?
No. 698811
>>698790Just be really careful on it. I was prescribed it with my Adderall and couldn't stay awake, like damn near narcoleptic. After about a month I had a seizure, so my doctor took me off it.
Just keep a watchful eye for symptoms and don't take it with anything that could work negatively with it. As far as weight loss goes, I've heard it can go both ways. A month on it, I couldn't tell you.
No. 698956
>>698953I'm currently processing a crush on Blaire White smh
I see him in a twink light tho
No. 698968
>>698890A few people are actually calling out the retards constantly posting stupid comments like
,,,..,.,……, B- a- Uh- they- a-re-minors!!!!!!,,. sksksksksksks please say sike,,…,, so don’t give a fuck and love your skinny anime guys. There’s always going to be lots of people making fanart of their favorite ship/characters and no army of
17 years old minors will change that.
Also, kids are retarded, their opinions on stuff like what fanart you like is something that should always be disregarded.
No. 698969
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>>698945yes, except for one
No. 699038
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Why do anons, particularly in the child grooming thread, hate this image? Something similar to this happened to me when I was 13 and I can't really imagine being angry at this
No. 699056
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I'm looking to buy a new computer but I cannot for the life of me decide which one, do any anons have any recs?
Pic unrelated
No. 699092
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>>699056oh my god maid polnareff oh my god oh my god
>>699081My mom's are Keanu Reeves and the guy who plays jack sparrow I seriously can't remember his name right now
No. 699105
>>699081I don't have a relationship with her, but my grandmother's is Steven Seagal. Gross.
I have an old picture of my mother with her first boyfriend though, and he looks damn near like a doppelganger of my first bf. I didn't see it til YEARS after he and I broke up, but there's something a little fucked up about that.
No. 699331
>>699248It's saged but it didn't appear to me when searching for it so it made me wonder
No. 699334
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>>698700You're right dude, vine was better than tiktok
No. 699385
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You know for all the threads we have for Fandom, am surprised we don't have a shipping wars thread. Do you know the amount of salt of the shippers and the anti-shipper and the crazy crap they said over a fictional ship. Is it because it might become a shipping wars thread itself?
No. 699496
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Does anyone know what video of Lillee Jean's this is where she's crying while trying to do her eye makeup? I'm new to her milk sorry
No. 699537
>>699526>And a guy i was dating was only two years younger than me and acted like i was his mommy gf kekThis is so annoying, holy shit. I dated a guy who was like 8 months younger than me when I was 22 and he kept going on about how I'm "so much more mature than girls his age" and how "older girls are way better." Bruh we're the same age.
We're so conditioned to younger woman/older man relationships that even being a year older than a guy apparently makes you a cougar.
No. 699573
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>>699572found it randomly, why don't you google image search? have another one.
No. 699580
>>699576Thank you.
>>699573You're so rude.
No. 699588
>>699081She's been a Brad Pitt fan girl all her life. We even have a photo of her with his vax figure she jokingly pulled out when people asked about her husband.
>>699092Johnny Depp is the actor. He used to be my actor crush in high school. Oh how he has fallen.
No. 699631
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Does anyone else follow a cow just because she's really cute or do I need to seek therapy?
No. 699677
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Are there wireless mouses that don't have a usbthingy that needs to be plugged into the usb port?
No. 699681
>>697928Can you please spoonfeed me where that gif is from?
Nah French men arent any more or less charming than other men. It really just depends on personality and where theyre from has nothing to do with it.
I'm from a neighbouring country of France and I never really understood Americans obsession with France and Paris, it's not that great.
When I visit France, I go for the mountains, their rich nature and cute towns. not for Paris, its so busy there.
No. 699809
>>699774Just understand that behind every work if art there’s some thought process and, well, work. No drawing or story will look amazing at the first sketch or draft, it takes lots of corrections and erasing to make it look nice.
Getting to get such things will help you stop feeling jealous/envious and will inspire you to also work hard, because whoever says shit like
>I totally just threw some words around and now I have a bestseller!>I just started putting blobs of color and now it looks greatly rendered and shit!Is lying and trying to sound like it’s not difficult to do art.
No. 700125
>>700104Most videogames are available only in English and if you live in a small country that isn't very important you only have English media available to you aside from cringy localised reality shows and the odd half-arsed sitcom. You don't really have a choice.
My native language is dying because it's being drowned out by English, now passively, formerly actively by corporal punishment of children who spoke it in schools.
No. 700198
>>700104Most of us ESL people first of all are taught English since childhood. Children learn second languages with much more ease than adults. But even more importantly, many of us, especially who're from small countries and/or native speakers of a language that isn't spoken a lot worldwide are immersed in English everyday. Turn on TV or Netflix? You're probably watching an English-spoken show. Go on social-media or youtube? You're probably scrolling through mostly English written content and watching English-spoken videos. Go on the internet? Probably browse a lot of English-spoken websites because the English side of the internet has way more to offer. Turn on the radio or spotify? Probably most of what you're hearing is in English. There's even adverts playing in English (some even without subs) even though English isn't an official language here at all. When you're immersed in a languages like that everyday, it's easy to master it to quite a high level.
As for languages besides English: I was taught third and fourth languages in secondary school like most of my peers and I think it isn't any different in other countries.
No. 700326
>>700167ntayrt Are they ever the same as vent accounts? What's the difference?
I'm gen z so I had a friend with one of these and it strikes me as unhealthy. Not only are you oversharing but fixating too much on every problem in life
No. 700364
>>700320I wonder if the pancreas starts digesting when the duodenum detects there's food inside of it or if it only starts digestion when it receives a signal from the stomach? Probably it wouldn't be all that hard to manufacture a food mixture that would mimic what comes out of your stomach. But I think the biggest problem would be the tube itself;I don't think it would work very well even for a very short period of time? First of you would need an extremely long tube to be placed inside of you, which could probably move around quite a bit since the intestines contract. The process of insertion also sounds like a nightmare, since the intestines are bent in all kind of ways. I think the tube itself might irritate the intestines, but I am not so sure because well you usually have shit in your intestines and that doesn't irritate the intestines obviously. Then there's the problem of shitting - you would push out your anal tube, surely.
Well it's overall a bad idea. Luckily we do have a much better method of feeding people without stomachs;iv nutrition.
No. 700387
>>700373backtracking would annoy anybody at this point, could give a bad impression so leave it. it's nice for the guy to pay but fds is a little unhinged. Good thing is I'm sure they have other methods to do their thing. maybe you let him pay next time.
imo splitting is a good enough deal. I dated a guy who had me pay for him for everything. he joked I was his sugar mommy and that's when it sunk in how I fucked up. At least it's not that
No. 700423
>>700376That was part of the reason I've always thought splitting the tab was better, he can't somehow think I owe him sex afterwards, but then, if he pays for the whole meal and doesn't think I owe him sex, it's a good way to vet he's not a shitty person? if that makes sense?
>>700387Yeah I think I'll let him pay for every other date. I would never pay for anyone, I'm not that well off though so that's probably why lol
No. 700432
>>700423>But if he pays he will expect sexI never understood this logic, you can just say no to sex.
If he thinks you owe him sex wouldnt that be a good test to see if hes a scrote before you get anymore invested?
No. 700434
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Norway anons, how culturally important in bunad clothing? Would it be offensive if somebody wore clothing inspired by it?
No. 700446
>>700445Same anon I forgot we're on the same board whoops
>>700430 there
No. 700473
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Okay, I am swallowing my pride and asking: Who the fuck is jerma and what has he done to have simps? any funny videos or such from him? thank you.
No. 700476
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What the fuck is a wota and a transmed??
No. 700485
>>700478>>700480>>700483first one is correct. "transmeds" are people who believe that sex is biological but gender dysphoria indicates transgenderism, as it should be.
twitter specials have made scientific viewpoints bigoted and
No. 700534
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Do you think any celebrities actually browse here? and I don't mean lolcows or "internet" celebs either.
No. 700552
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>>700540Nta, but I don’t get it, why create a vent account? Just write on diary or a private blog? Also, why share it to people that you know? What if you have to vent about someone you know but follows your vent account? Do you like, restrict them? Or create a vent vent account without that person you want to vent about?? This is so confusing. Also, vent accounts must be like double edged swords, people following your vent account could post it anywhere else and talk shit about you… something that could be solved by not creating a vent account and just creating an actually private blog or writing on a diary.
No. 700556
>>700552>Nta, but I don’t get it, why create a vent account? Just write on diary or a private blog?To vent? The same reason why we have a vent thread. Also, the accounts are usually private so it's not that different from a private blog.
>Also, why share it to people that you know? What if you have to vent about someone you know but follows your vent account?Lots of people vent to their bestfriend, S/O, parent etc… Lots of people even vent in groupchats with their friends which is basically the same concept. If the account is private I believe you can remove people who are following you. Have you never talked about any issues in your life with a friend or close family member?
No. 700560
>>700556It’s easier to like, text or call someone, maybe to talk to them face to face like the people outside the internet does.
I also get venting on anonymous boards because it’s anonymous, but the whole chore of accepting people to follow a whole separate account seems tiresome.
I don’t know, anon, I’m too much of a boomer for such things.
No. 700572
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Can you refuse a drug test from a psychiatrist in America? They can't make you take it….can they….?
No. 700737
>>700735he's more popular mayhaps
am i the only one who remembers when mrcreepypasta (if I recall) got outed for impregnating a fan? kinda wonder what happened to him
No. 700789
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if i were to always wear a voice recorder or body camera, just in case, and only keep footage that is harassment or violence against me, could i legally use that as proof for the police?
emotional abuse and verbal sexual harassment are hard to prove unless there is a 3rd person overhearing and testifying for it.
No. 700807
>>700789Usually you'd have to tell the person you're recording that they're being recorded so that it can be used as proof, but like anon said it heavily depends on the local laws
Keep in mind that the standard of proof is usually lower in a civil case (where the liable party has to pay money to the other party) than in a criminal case (where the guilty party can go to jail and has to pay a fine), so the footage may stick in one case and not the other, but once again you have to check the local laws to see if this applies
No. 700810
>>700771if the hands are masculine it's probably a dude. also fakebois have smaller heads/necks on average so look out for that too
>>700783ask each person who joins to do a quick voice call with you. if you want to be even safer about it, do surprise re-verification every couple of weeks or so. that might sound autistic, but a lot of people who run female-only servers have had scrotes manage to get in by having a female roommate or family member get on the initial voice call for them
No. 701052
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anons, would you date a male version of yourself?
i was just thinking about how unlikeable and unhinged a male me would be, i'd be scared to meet them
No. 701070
>>701052Absolutely. Not because I love myself (far from that), but I think I am generally pretty chill. We would also watch the same movies and series and cartoons no problem, have the same sex drive and same
vanilla kinks, we'd go travelling together, we would want to leave parties around the same time, try new stuff together,
be terves together etcetc
I love my boyfriend a lot, but as expected, some stuff just don't match. I think it would be pretty fun to have a complete match, I don't think it would get boring at all, we would try new stuff together and have fun. People who say perfect matches are boring are probably boring themselves and can't do anything entertaining without their partners.
No. 701098
>>701084I used the B4 extra strength on dyed permanent black hair (naturally medium brown) and it didn’t do anything for me, either. Thought I was a lost cause after a lecture from the hair stylist about black dye being stubborn. However, the sample she tested with one round of bleach came out light-ish blonde. I just think the product is shit, maybe it’s fine if you’re only trying to lift a couple shades?
In the end I used box bleach (highest strength) to gradually lighten it over months. I’m blonde now after 3 rounds, and my hair is in good condition. I’m not qualified in this and I’m sure it’s not recommended, but it worked for me and didn’t destroy my hair like everyone predicted.
No. 701126
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>>701052I’m pretty sure I would consider my male self quite fugly because I would look like my brother who isn’t exactly a beauty to this beeholder, but my male self might think I’m kind of pretty.
We could get along, maybe my male self would be more extroverted than me and we could workout together, it would be nice if he could carry me since he would have the male equivalent of my strength which is quite a bit.
No. 701139
>>701052I would probably have a crush on my male self, kek. With those gender-swapping filters I’m always much hotter as a male, and my brothers are considered attractive.
Actually dating my male self probably wouldn’t go well, though maybe I’d think my boyfriend is a aloof, brooding type rather than an anti-social and depressed woman. Would probably give it a go anyway.
No. 701216
>>701201Were they recent purchases? Very old clothes? Similar in colors or style to your mom’s clothes?
I wouldn’t think too much of it unless it keeps happening. Anything weird can happen once or twice without meaning anything.
No. 701258
>>701222Depending on what they're based on, I think they can awesome. I've stayed in a couple intentional communities that weren't based on any religious values but were centered around earth worship & the experience changed me for the best.
That being said, intentional communities can be malicious if you aren't careful with your research. I personally wouldn't partake in a community that is ran by a male, centered around religion, or had a strict code of conduct/morals
No. 701268
>>701222>>701258Samefag, the 'sharing everything' aspect didn't really exist in the communities I stayed on.
Often couples would partake in the community & they functioned on their own, no 'sharing' kek
The only thing that is really shared from my experience was the work around the farm & the prepared meals.
I think another red flag of a malicious intentional community is the expectation that you will no longer have personal belongings/food/partners because everything is expected to be shared. That's a hard no
No. 701321
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>>701052The female version of my boyfriend says he would date male version me. I would not.
No. 701334
>>701303Not a problem at all anon! I get psyched when females are interested in communal living as it can be extremely rewarding.
There's actually quite a few spots in the US that are worth checking out. I found my communities through worktrade programs such as WWOOF or workaway. The experiences also offer a lot of skill training if you're interested in farming, animal care, etc
Anyways best wishes!
No. 701413
>>701406Kelly selfharmed her legs deep enough that the bone was exposed and everything around it started to rot and she kept posting it on the internet for everyone to see claiming it was some bullshit illness.
There are videos and pictures. Yes her legs are literally rotting.
No. 701499
>>701406she smeared feces into her open leg wounds so they'd go necrotic and she could get medical care for it. ruined like 3 skin grafts. ripped out nerves from her rotting legs, posts pictures of her picking at the gross scabs etc.
just click on any spoilered image in that thread. you'll be in for something
No. 701607
>>701599Once we were married we stuck to celebrating the wedding date itself and forgot about celebrating the dating/engagment dates. That being said I got to have 2 whole wedding anniversaries before realising we got married too young and he split lol
But as far as I know most do that rather than all the various dates
No. 701691
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>>701609befriend an obvious alcoholic to tick it off the list. one of the lolcows on this site would be perfect. then you could also keep us in the loop on the juicier milk.
No. 701773
>>701687This post sounds kinda sus but, I guess I wouldn't consider him a "slut"
hate that word tbh, but I wouldn't take him seriously, since he's probably just looking for a hookup. I don't have sex on the first date anyway so, if a guy tried to then he would just get dropped.
No. 701801
is it weird that I'm 25 and almost 70 people I went to school with have died from drug/alcohol abuse?
full disclosure, I went to school in the midwest and there's no jobs and nothing to do
No. 701805
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Is there a Star Trek thread on /m/?
No. 701823
>>701805Nope, though it would be nice. /m/ is overall to weeby for me now.
I used to love 420chan's star trek board, just visited it after many years, unfortunately it's not very active any more No. 701868
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>laptop keeps overheating from nothing but lolcow
>phone stays below 15% despite being charged for 2 days
is this a sign to pick up a good old book?
No. 701871
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Is it normal that I feel like I don't have a persona? Like, I behave the same way in every situation, be it I'm with friends, or coworkers or strangers
No. 701883
>>701871Adding to
>>701876 to say that you can still be yourself entirely around different people and in different situations, but at adjusted levels of “appropriateness.” This illustration makes it seem like the persona is entirely different to who a person is inherently when that’s not really the case for most people.
No. 701889
>>701869good idea. it's been a while.
>>701884i've got a few psychology and science books
No. 702070
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Does female crossdresser to male even exist? I never have seen irl or online.
No. 702109
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>>702070Yes they are called drag kings, they are sadly less famous than drag queens, I find them much cooler and appealing (although keeping the hobby noche is probably a good thing). Lady Gaga had a drag king persona.
No. 702140
>>702133Girl I feel you, when I was going back to college last semester I felt like a big dumby because my courses were filled with kids straight out of high school so my 25 y/o (at the time, now I'm 26) felt decrepit
No one else is thinking that about us though, anon. It's just an insecurity in our heads. I'm proud of you for putting yourself out there!
No. 702144
>>702138I know it's not old and I don't care about the wall meme. I only care how I'm perceived professionally. It's a terrifying feeling when you're confronted with being the weakest link when people younger than me have achieved and established so much more. I hope this is only temporary and that I'll be able to prove myself but until then I have this nagging imposter syndrome.
>>702140Thanks anon and good luck! I'm proud of you too for going through college! I recall when I was in college, there was a girl that was 5-6 years older than me in the same year but no one knew until she mentioned that and even then no one thought much about it or treated her differently. Starting anew is quite common especially with the current economy but it doesn't always comfort me as much as I wish it would.
No. 702278
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Seamstress anons: I bought a cotton maxi dress with a ruffle hem like pic rel, I'm thinking of getting it altered into a midi dress but I wanna keep the ruffle hem and a-line silhouette. How feasible is this?
No. 702354
>>702345I've only had one houseplant (or atleast the only one I've been able to keep alive so far) and a couple succulents, but it could be from getting burnt by the sun. My hydro-philodendron has burnt tips from when I had it to close to a window. It can also be because of too much fertilizer, too much salts in soil, overwatering, humidity, etc… There's not one specific reason why, there's a ton. It just depends on the conditions the plant is kept in.
Here's some pages that talk about it
>>,fertilizer%20burn%20or%20tip%20burn.&text=Just%20sit%20the%20pot%20in,soaked%20and%20water%20runs%20through.> link is most the helpful
No. 702445
>>702361Smile, try to have spontaneous chit-chats with people around you.
I've been told right to my face people thought I was a cold stuck-up bitch. When I asked why they told me it was because I didn't stop to talk to people (while I was working). So making smalltalk here and there helps, but I know that can be difficult when you're socially awkward.
No. 702584
>>702582Doesn't that mean wind or something.
Anyway, I don't think it's bad to give your kids "unique" names (my name has an unconventional spelling so who am I judging), but I hope you realize he could get made fun of and other people are probably gonna judge you for the choice. I personally don't like it, even if you ignore judgement from other people.
No. 702642
>>702573Not a radfem but I'm very porn critical, and in the end I think hentai and erotic art is the most ethical way of getting off to sexual imagery, especially of it's made by indie women. As for fetishes I don't think they can go away just like that, even before I saw any kind of porn I had specific scenarios and imageries in my mind that would turn me on. You said you only sometimes consume hentai, it's not like you're a full-on coomer.
>>702582Sounds like the name a fakeboi would pick kek.
No. 702717
>>702479I'm Australian, we had leftovers for dinner but for xmas lunch we had
>roast chicken>pasta salad>potato bake>salads>dinner rollsAnd for dessert
>a block of chocolate>chocolate bavarianWe have really a small, low pressure meal and I requested most of this specifically, xmas is the only time of year I eat pasta salad or potato bake so I was really excited. I gained a kg overnight from eating so much fml.
No. 702748
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>>702573You might want to read this pic related anon
No. 702796
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What do people who use the metric system call these 8x8 inch pans? Do you call them 20.32cm by 20.32 cm pans?
No. 702971
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I know relating 100% to this picture is already a sign of severe depression (and also in my case, ptsd) but how do I try to get out of this cycle? None of my hobbies, old, current and new are fun anymore. Not even eating, I don't even eat for most of the day. The most I drink/eat on a day is coffee and sometimes bread. Feels like I'm slogging through days trying to get any dopamine or serotonin out of things.
…Asking because my psychologist is on holiday break and I could use some help.
No. 702976
>>702971Cleaning your room can be quite therapeutic, and I mean
really cleaning, throw all your unused stuff. No "but what if-". At this point try to make a list of all the shit that need to be done and go easy like 1 task a week (instead of per day), but you need to keep remind yourself of that.
No. 702977
>>702971As a former NEET usually two things help me, but I'm in no way fit to give professional advice, so feel free to disregard me.
1. forcing myself into a corner
I must change something or do something because I'm out of time or out of alternative options. Of course this doesn't really help if you have no responsibilities.
2. start writing a to-do lists, even about the most minor shit, just because it feels so good to cross them out and have pages of shit I've done.
Even better if there are activities where you can feel gradual improvement, like working out for example. (I started doing a home workout video, and while I could barely finish it at first, now I can last through almost all excercises). The main thing is consistency.
Also, someone who was very hard into gaming for 2 years, I just had to realize I just don't enjoy gaming as much anymore. And that's alright, you don't have to force yourself to have fun or feel bad because you don't enjoy what you used to.
No. 703039
>>703032I disagree, I find it very helpful how she basically gives you permission to get rid of things that are useless and do not make you happy. I think it might help anon since she seems to be struggling with the guilt of giving away gifts.
Of course the book won't change your life if you don't want it to, but it offers sound advice on nurturing a healthier relationship with objects. It's certainely better than either hoarding everything or going full retard minimalist that only owns 48 things (whatever that means).
No. 703049
>>703023I have read it and it seems like a pretty interesting take, thank you.
I asked this question in a first place mainly because I gotten useless gifts from a negative person, some cheap shit that I will never use off aliexpress. It'd be too harsh to throw it out in a garbage so I thought I could manage to regift it to someone sometime. Tbh all of their gifts were like this, one of them was even a forced one that was meant for other person. I didnt even unpack any of the gifts that were given to me from this person, and they just sit there… Taking space.
I honestly probably wouldnt have minded all of that if it wasn't from that negative person in particular.
No. 703056
>>703049>too harshIt's only harsh if you do it in front of them. If they were insensitive enough to offer you something meant for someone else, you sure can trash whatever they gave you
Try to trash the smallest gift first to get accustomed to the feeling, then work your way to the bigger ones. No need to cherish useless clutter that you feel nothing about
No. 703103
>>703096Perhaps you'll like 다애DAAE (vid) and 혜미HYEMI. Idk anything about dieting but I've watched a couple videos from those channels before. 윰니YOOMNI also has a couple workout videos. VREE브리 is mostly a cosplay channel but she has a couple videos about her weightloss.
If you're specifically looking for Korean channels you could always just type in "[insert korean word] eng sub".
No. 703137
>>703127The golden one
No. 703240
>>703234One turned into a he/him non-binary a few weeks ago, and one other turned into a trans woman like a year ago. Both of them fetish artists, they are really nice, but both changes took me off guard.
I didn't do anything really, we just talked casually and that's it, but I think it depends on the kind of relationship that was already there.
No. 703275
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>>703258Put the url into
Or check the cache. Picrel, I just searched "fanfiction Twilight" for an example. Use google on desktop view, then press the little arrow.
No. 703363
>>703234The first one I met while he was already trooned out and on hormones. I supported him when he admitted it because I thought it was the right thing to do. He was really depressed hillbilly working in tech and asked me to help him buy clothes online but he kept wanting aliexpress anime catgirl clothes and saying “i love you” and it was creepy. We were only officially friends for near 2 weeks (we met through a mutual friend) and I stopped talking to him. The last straw was when he wanted me to be his girlfriend and drink with him when he knew I was underage. I told the mutual friend and he stopped speaking with everyone in that group.
Another was an emotionally starved NEET who trooned out to appease his online girlfriend. I stopped talking to him. He got exposed for being a racist edgelord.
The last one was a guy who randomly trooned out and renamed himself after a famous MtF. He has some kind of complex with his brother and sister who ostracize him for being weird, and his relationships with women in general are bizarre. I didn’t know what to say because he’s genuinely delusional so I decided not to say anything.