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No. 686497
make them the stupidest, please!
previous thread:
>>>/ot/678929 No. 686507
>>686505Coffee, install StayFocusd and go to the gym in the evenings
Modafinil is legal in the UK afaik
No. 686544
>>686521This anon
>>686538 is right. In hindsight it makes complete sense, I just misunderstood concentration to mean condensed, like concentrated fruit juice. Sorry!s
No. 686555
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Does anyone have the image or GIF with pic related? I had a dream about it and I have seen it before, but not sure what it is called. Did my best to capture the feel of what I remember.
No. 686556
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>>686555It's a loaf of bread
No. 686571
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>>686556Anon tysm!! I have been looking for it for hours. Much love.
No. 686592
>>686466I've had some luck by browsing listeners that seemed to understand or went through what was bothering me but for some reason there are a lot of indians who can't write well in there as well so it takes some time to find someone compatible
Spend some more time searching, honestly it's good for venting and feeling understood. The only other site i know of is blahtherapy but i found it even worse.
No. 686616
>>686590Nah anon. I also travel first sometimes for work and there's nothing special you need to do.
Whenever I have to deal with rich people stuff I just do what everyone else is doing. Also googling a little bit about how first class works will probably help you.
No. 686623
File: 1606957874199.jpg (62.99 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,…)

Who else ate a lot of McDonald's food in their childhood?
I'm surprised I didn't die or something considering I was chubby almost obese.
Now I won't even go near fast food restaurants unless it's outside of the US.
No. 686626
>>686617i briefly tried using a dating app to connect with other women and this was exactly my experience as well.
>>686611i think your best bet is to flag yourself as bi, like wear a pin in a visible area, and try to engage in a bit of friendly banter with women in the social opportunities that are available to you. for instance, maybe there's a cute chatty barista in your local cafe that's also looking for a gf or whatever. idk, it's the only thing i can think of. pleasant social interactions with other women are really nice regardless of whether or not they lead to something
No. 686629
>>686623My parents were lazy and fast food was cheap so yeah I ate a lot of it, and even got the nasty habit of my brain considering it 'reward' food. Even had the added bonus of not being molested and ogled
as overtly much when I became a fattie. A slight phobia of choking kept the weight off for a time but by my preteens I was over it and a balloon for it.
Still got weight problems. But it's not as bad as it could've been. I try to avoid it, the food is pretty bland, and I know the ingredients are shit, and that the corporates are making a fortune.
No. 686646
>>686623I was raised on the worst nuclear american diet imaginable, I was drinking heavily creamed coffee & coca cola at 3 years old
I eat very clean now, I get infuriated with parents who feed their kids junk. Especially using the excuse that it's more affordable
No. 686657
>>686634I wish I knew as well
I bought my own domain and started hosting my stuff there. I know I'll still need social media to get views, but Twitter and instagram have become so tiresome and burdened with politics and other dumb shit. It's like you don't get views unless you jump onto the latest reactionary hashtag.
No. 686677
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What is the effect used in those old toys that have images that they use two or more images in between each other horizontally cut to look they're moving called?
No. 686699
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>>686695>I use my imagination to get off mainly.See, I just can't do that. I need coomer-brain levels of stimulation if I'm going to get off. I need to hear people having sex, seeing the touching, penetration and other sexual acts. Maybe he's the same way?
Honestly there's no real reason to be OKAY with your partner doing something you don't like. You absolutely don't have to "get over it" or be okay with it. But I'm telling you that if you don't at least try to push it back in your mind or not care as much about it, it will eat you up. It was a main source of frustration for me since the start of my relationship. It was pure agony knowing that my bf could potentially be following some stupid e-thots or watching actual porn, I felt bad. But besides me being a hypocrite if I got upset, I also just rationalized that he has sex with ME. Not them. And if he wants to take a shot at a porn star, he can go ahead. You really don't need a man like that in your life anyway.
But what does that all matter if you have a good relationship, but he still watches porn and you don't think he'll stop? I still haven't figured it out besides just… not thinking about it and trying not to care about it.
BTW if it makes you feel better, I don't actually think about fucking the people that I see in porn. I'm sure there are a lot of people like that, that just like to see the act of sex or something. Like, I watch gay sex, lesbian sex, public j/o videos… I'm in a het relationship though. I just enjoy the stuff in the videos and don't necessarily imagine myself in the situation.
No. 686750
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Anons, How do you start to learn about fashion history? I curious because I'm interested in 1910-1930s fashion.
No. 686753
>>686728People with OCD struggle with uncertainty and doubt. So the main point of OCD treatment is to accept that there is a possibility and that you have to move on. You can't preform compulsions and as a result have to sit with the anxiety whatever it is that you obsess over brings. Eventually you can have a thought, recognize it's a thought and not react to it in the way you did previously.
I think maybe you just have to work on dealing with inconveniences other people cause you and recognize that it's a passing feeling. People make mistakes and maybe you'll still have grudges but you don't have to react to it.
This of course depends on what happened, like if someone abused you I think that is a very situation. However, If someone accidently threw away your lunch and you hold a heavy grudge against them then maybe you have some anger issues you need to address.
No. 686760
Do you guys think I might be experiencing auditory hallucinations?
Sometimes, when I'm in my kitchen using my microwave, I'll hear the ding sound of a microwave. It sounds like it's coming from my neighbours apartment, but the ding is the exact same as my own microwave and I don't hear any humming that'd indicate a microwave being used. Just the ding. I've heard it several times, always in the same context.
And sometimes, when I'm on the toilet, I'll hear the sound of a school bell? It's the sound used in anime, the one that goes like ding dong ding dooong and repeats. It sounds like it's coming from my upstairs neighbours aparment? I only hear it when I'm on the toilet and I've heard it several times. The sound is isolated just like the other one, I can't hear anyone watching anime or anything.
I live in an apartment building and the walls are really thin here, guests at my place have confirmed that you can hear people doing stuff in the neighbouring apartments. Plus the girl who lives above me does kinda look like a weeb.
However, I have been diagnosed with bipolar II. I'm not sure if I only hear the sounds when I'm manic, but if I do, it'd basically confirm that I have bipolar I instead, right? Help me anons, am I crazy? And if I am why are my hallucinations so fucking stupid istg…
No. 686809
>>686601weather it's bound in the middle or gathered with a spring. i hate springy ones in my bag because they deteriorate quickly and push my hand when writing.
this and size. for a subject pick a big one, like a4 size. for to do lists i think those big journals are bs unless you are autistically organized, so go with a cute small one that can fit in your pocket
No. 686816
>>686755Thank You Anon, very helpful
>>686771Any source from old magazine anon?
>>686781Book recommendation anon?
No. 686823
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Did anyone else watch this cartoon like their life depends on it? I loved it but now I can only remember a few gags and that's it
No. 686911
>>686887I’m sure this isn’t news to you but it sounds like you’re very introverted. Nothing wrong with that, but it can make relationships difficult if you find socialising draining as when you live together, there’s few opportunities to recharge. Maybe read about it and explain to your boyfriend? Make sure he knows it’s not a problem with him, it’s just the way your brain is wired. Maybe you could plan alone time and hanging out time?
I do empathise with you anon, I’m the same and it makes me want to avoid relationships.
No. 686957
>>686910i have a strange visual diary kind of format, and want to post my journal pages somewhere. it's just my life and the things that happen to me and characters ive made drawn out
i used to be a cringe fandom-type on dA and tumblr in like 2012 but obviously i have no interest in that kind of thing anymore
No. 687074
>>687065thanks that's true. To add (and you don't have to respond) I haven't even started school for it yet, but otherwise I know I would like the work. The thing is, I'm not good at time management by myself, so either I get good or get one of those jobs for a company where it's mostly meetings and group work. Afaik (except if covid stays a big factor) that would require in-person and oh godddd I just don't know. I am a ball of rage inside yet quite polite and shy outside.
It's not like it's my lifelong dream so I wouldn't be letting trannies crush my hopes, but it otherwise it looks pretty good for me. I don't know if freelance is something I can do though, and wouldn't that be the 'safer' option?
(again you don't have to reply but clarifying)
No. 687109
>>687095gnnngh I recommend that. seriously.
I had a crush on this cute girl in my class, saw she had a bi pin and my spirits rose through the roof. It didn't happen due to unrelated things but the pin is really a good idea
No. 687166
>>687146A fakeboi is still a woman
But anyone saying shit like "I want to eat shaynas smelly cunt you bitches are just jealous catty femoid cunts" should be banned
No. 687235
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do we have a gift/christmas gift thread? i need somewhere to ask what i should get my dad for chrimmas. i suppose i could as here as well. he doesn’t really have any hobbies and doesn’t want anything that won’t be useful to him. i dunno what to get him
No. 687276
>>687240brush your tongue further back each time you brush your teeth, try to suppress the reflex as you normally would
trigger will begin to recede further back until you've killed it
No. 687310
>>686816Art Deco Boulevard has a lot of old catsalogues one got french magazines if you google it you find many more museum archives
No. 687311
>>686823shaolin something? i liked it too
>>686827your coworker is stupid so they cough in a stupid way too?
>>687045this makes me sad. i met someone who did not know how to cook pasta. they legit thought if it's shaped in a spiral or bow it has to be soaked in cold water overnight.
>>687304f.lux can help with this
my stupid question is
>if you're on public wifi that has those traffic tracking antennas, how in depth can the router owner see what you checked?my work is tracking us but i realized too late and had checked quite embarrassing things.
>can they literally go on the links i clicked?the things i read about this are too vague for my techdumb brain
No. 687317
Copy from the vent thread but I just want someone's opinion on my situation. I really hate my current workplace situation.
I started in September and I've been given zero training whatsoever, since September, they've just told me to call random establishments and try to sell them shit. I wasn't given a script, had no idea who to fucking call, barely even know anything about the company or the products we are selling- it's just a mess. Still, I've tried to soldier on and see if I can get any sales but it seems pointless. I also have to make random stupid marketing calls which is awful, but it is useless. Even worse than all this shit, I cannot stand my coworkers and my boss is a cunt. One of my coworkers does drugs in front of his two kids, cheats on his wife openly (they all laugh about it in the office), and always talks sexually. He's made jokes about wanting me to have an Onlyfans and when drunk, acted super weird around me. Also always tries to convince me that my boyfriend is cheating on me, even though he is really lovely towards me and I know he isn't. Yet, he always says we aren't gonna last because we are each others first, but we've been together for five years and we are fucking happy and even so, HOW IS IT YOUR BUSINESS? He always explains what weird sexual things mean to me and my boss finds it hilarious when I look uncomfortable and grossed out.
My boss is a complete fucking creep. He's been married several times, abandoned his kids, fucks prostitutes and is one of those jerks obsessed with Motorcycles. He's made jokes about me getting screwed, calls me "good girl", thinks Hugh Hefner was a great guy, blames Epstein's victims, always talks about women's appearances in SUCH a perverted way. For example, one of our colleagues who work in a different office uploaded a picture of herself on LinkedIn, and he sees that she's sent an email- so he checks out her social media profiles and starts saying shit like "awh, SHE'S fit" and "loads of make up but would" and it was so gross, she's literally 30 years younger than him. He's said I'm pretty unprovoked too and has made multiple comments about my appearance. Also, has a weird hatred over the fact my boyfriend is white, and brings it up whenever he can. Like, one time my boyfriend came to pick me up for the first time from work, and instead of my boss letting me leave, he said "I'm gonna go outside, have a cig and check out Anon's boyfriend out". I thought it was a joke until he came back in saying mean things about my boyfriend and saying "he needs to step his game up". Even then, I didn't really think that much of it until I found out he walked all the way across the carpark, away from the building, to smoke right near my boyfriends car and stare him down through the window. GOD EVEN THE OTHER MEN in the office are awful, there's a guy next door who's besties with my boss grabbed my waist randomly TWICE! I wanted to scream and say something but I feel so trapped because my boss will fuck me over If I do so I embarrassingly stayed quiet. He's only stopped doing this stuff now because I've awkwardly had a run in with his wife and him. God, there's like three women in the entire building and they do not seem interested in befriending me. This is my first proper full-time job and I feel like idk what is normal and okay.
Am I stupid for wanting to quit and just find something else? I've achieved the best grade classification in a respectable degree, but I know the job situation is terrible for everyone right now. I have enough money for around 3 months of rent saved + living costs, and I pray I'll be able to find something by then. I'll apply to 20+ a day, I have no issue trying. Idk, I feel so humiliated and like a quitter.
No. 687329
>>687317Of course you're not stupid, that sort of work enviroment is horrifying and unfathomable at any of my jobs (since they have decent HR departments). It's absolutely NOT ok, I would have tried to sue the company for discrimination by now if I was you, just out of pure spite rather than financial gain tbh.
But I mean, you should be applying to jobs already. You don't need to quit and then start sending applications, if you can get a new job quickly it might be worth holding out at the current place.
No. 687336
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Is this kind of flat lower stomach actually possible for some people (if their body type allows it) or is it always a question of posing, sucking in and dehydration?
No. 687344
>>687336Maybe possible for the few with good genetics, but more likely to be the result of manipulation. Though like
>>687341 implies, it’s possible if you’re underweight (though you’ll probably bloat like hell when you do eat).
No. 687372
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>>687370it might be yamishibai
No. 687411
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Is cold water or hot water better for washing dishes? Does the temperature even make a difference?
No. 687416
>>687372>>687374it wasnt animated, it was live action, like an actual short series.
also, yamishibai looks really creepy, i might give up on this other one and end up watching the animes you guys listed instead, thanks anons!
No. 687433
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What kind of bag do you carry with you on a daily basis, anons? Mine is like this
No. 687452
>>687433I just carry a basic black shopper from asos. I like it because it has only one large compartment I can dump everything in. It looks similiar to yours in pic but with an aditional shoulderstrap and a zipper to close it.
The hardware's starting to change colour though so I'm probably going to get something new soon.
No. 687469
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>>687433I use picrel. Sometimes I switch to using my le pliage but I have scoliosis and tend to stuff my bags with lots of shit so it's not good for my back/shoulders to use tote bags.
No. 687594
>>687587Honestly, not wanting to deal with
>I could try selling secondhand but the thought of having to photograph, list, store, and then ship seems daunting tooIs what leads me to just sigh, take the loss, and donate after trying the consignment shops. I don't want to look at the donation/sell pile or the clothes wasting space in my closet, so I just drop them off at Goodwill or a women's shelter. Once that's done, I don't think about them anymore, and knowing that I won't think about it anymore (out of sight, out of mind) is what motivates me to donate and get it over with. Dealing with the sunk cost fallacy sucked at first, but once I did my first few major closet purges, it made me a much more conscious buyer anyway, and it became less and less of a problem. Now it's not a problem at all. Try to think about the peace of mind you'll have from a less cluttered closet with space for pieces that you like enough to actually wear, fit you properly, you feel good in, etc. It's daunting to do at first, but once it's
done, you won't even think about it, and you'll feel much better for it. Try to look forward to that.
No. 687597
>>687587What massively helped me in getting rid of a lot of clothes I wasn't wearing, was figuring out exactly what looked good on me in terms of models and colors. Everything I knew was making me look worse than I could look was so easy to let go of afterwards.
As for selling: if you're daunted by the selling process, start with listing with a few or even just one item so you can get yourself familiarized with the process. I remember being daunted at first too, especially because I wasn't sure how everything worked with packaging and shipping, figuring out shipping costs etc. but it's actually pretty easy.
No. 687633
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I'm back on the cars universe bullshit train. Why is there a car Pope? Does that mean car Jesus exists? Why does car Pope have a cross on him? Did car Jesus get crucified? How would that even work? What does the inside of a car look like, do they have organs in the way we understand? They have things like tongues and eyes, so do they also have things like digestive tracts and olfactory receptors? Do they count as invertebrates like a beetle because of their metal exterior, or do they actually have car spines? Why are there buildings and sidewalks, were people in this universe? Why is there an old school army car, does that means cars have a military? Did cars have their own version of WW2, Korea, and Nam?
No. 687647
>>687636That's awful as I'm thoroughly enjoying the craft. And I'm sorry that it happened to your bf. I've been through the same thing only in a different field. It's frustrating that all the time and effort you put in your work is not only stolen but being sold for less to add insult to injury.
>>687638I've heard of that. The best selling models on sketchfab, for example, are anime girls rigged for VRchat. I'll have a look, thanks!
No. 687654
>>687587It fucking sucks to do but the truth is out of sight, out of mind. Once you get rid of them, they're gone and you'll forget about them for the most part. When I do remember them I just feel relieved that I don't have to stress about not wearing them anymore.
I really just cannot be bothered selling them, it's more effort than the money is worth to me. I'll cop the financial loss to alleviate the guilt and pressure when I can actually see them in my cupboard.
No. 687708
>>687700When you feel better after ach session, and feel motivated to correct what is wrong in your life
they shouldnt encourage you to make wrong choices like killing yourself, cheating on your partner, or transitioning (this is legit advice I got from some bad therapists)
No. 687712
>>687705I hope this is a joke
>>687708Christ. Thank you anon. Saw one but he didn't seem to take me seriously and told me to buy a puppy or something lmao
No. 687773
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>>687433'duck' bag from baggu. big old tote that fits everything
No. 687812
>>687690just pull out the hair from the top of your head where your part is
>>687755i guess 25 is woman territory. i will probably refer to myself as a girl until the end of time out of habit though
>>687780report him to the police and let them torment him for you
No. 687849
>>687831if this site dies down, we can migrate to
crystal cafe
the koreaboo imageboard
or asherasgarden
OR the gossip boards get permanently archived and we are left with /ot/g/m/ only.
or someone makes a discord server that dies within a day, maybe.
Either way, if kiwifarms and lolcow have to go, twitter needs to go as well. Twitter is hatespeech: the website. Full of retard takes. I hate twitter so much but I know it won't die.
No. 687914
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>>687433Pic related. Yes, it is a Japanese school bag and yes, I bought it because I was a weeb and wanted to larp as a school girl.
BUT it's actually an awesome bag to take to the office or class. I got it in Japan yeaaars ago and it's held up all this time, it's nicely structured with plenty of convenient divisions and pockets, it's big enough to fit everything I normally carry plus whatever extras I might have like a jacket, water bottle, shopping, books etc, and it goes well with my somewhat preppy/twee outfits. The fact that it's a literal school bag is probably what makes it good, kids need something hardy if they're gonna use it all day every day. I find that the same applies to shoes, if a style is used for school shoes (eg mary janes and loafers) they will be comfy and last ages.
No. 687931
File: 1607147404261.jpeg (Spoiler Image,153.74 KB, 1200x800, i mean i dont blame her, shits…)

Is it normal that your friend has a panic attack just cause they couldn't go eat at canes?
No. 687942
>>687936Psychfag here. Most people with "BPD tendencies" are better off getting therapy for childhood trauma, rather than worrying about whether or not they have BPD. If you don't have extremely strong, textbook symptoms, you're likely to get a different diagnosis depending on who you talk to, as well as how regularly you're seeing them.
Honestly, your therapist shouldn't be throwing around diagnoses like that in the first place unless she thought it was actually going to benefit you in some way. I can't really even see how this would be the case when you're clearly not into the idea that you could meet the criteria.
You might consider looking into resources for C-PTSD rather than BPD, if you're really worried about. It's basically the same diagnosis but it's much less stigmatized and focuses on resolving trauma in addition to alleviating symptoms.
No. 687943
>>687936No education in psychology, but a family member has BPD. The scariest parts about BPD are
not the depressive states. It's the mania. My family member has episodes where they believe to be a god, the only enlightened being on the planet, etc. Having casual sex and taking drugs can be part of that, but usually it's a lot worse. You may not save enough of your paycheck, but have you ever spent all of it on wood because you were definitely going to build a boat to sail the world to find Atlantis?
As said, I'm no expert, but you sound depressed rather than bipolar.
No. 687953
>>687942I definitely don't think I have CPTSD. My parents definitely aren't perfect, especially because they are immigrants who have different values than the average educated American, but they genuinely support me and it's taken a long time for me to realize that. The only thing I could think of that could be significant trauma is that I spent a lot of time bouncing between my parents and my grandparents because my mom was in school at the time.
I think my therapist was kind of useless. I saw her for at least 10 weeks and she never bought up any sort of treatment other than telling me to read a book about BPD. I guess I wasn't ~ready for therapy~ but I really can't remember anything useful I learned from her.
I guess I'm just full of anxiety and can't tell when my behaviors are normal or not.
No. 687989
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I started thinking about voice changing programs because of a thread on /g/, has anyone ever used one for online gaming? I play some online games like Dota and I'm tired of everything that comes along with speaking in my normal high-pitched girly ass voice. Has anyone used one of those programs to get a "normal guy" voice? Does it sound realistic and not robot-y?
>inb4 stop playing online games
No. 688022
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>>688020My cat is like that too, so I made the string play a "platform game". Just bait him with the toy on various surface levels, make him go up and down to catch it, like that miner in that Manic Miner game I used to play as a kid. He likes it because it's challenging enough to keep him interested, but not too challenging to make him give up. This balance is very important, you will have to try out and see what "difficulty setting" is best for your cat.
No. 688109
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how come in body hair positivity posts and the like, where women show their armpit and leg hair, the women tend to have no arm hair, like they shaved everywhere aside from their legs?
No. 688187
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I'm never into 1D but can somebody redpill on this man?
No. 688220
>>688158>>688165Thanks anons! I'll try calling again on Monday since they're closed tomorrow.
>>688164I could get those but my teeth honestly don't shift too bad. I'll sometimes go up to a whole year without wearing my retainers and my teeth shift isn't really visible. I only know they're off because I can feel the difference with my tongue. I'm okay with retainers and getting the steel wire would just make flossing a little more annoying kek
No. 688302
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What is the shipping on wunderwelt and closet child like? I'm pretty budget conscious and I've gotten fucked over by zen market and had to pay in total $55 dollars for an item that was $15. I haven't used closet child or wunderwelt before and was curious as to how costly their shipping is. I don't plan to buy anything from either from them until the state of shipping isn't absolutely fucked cuz of the rona, but I plan to in the future
No. 688315
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>>688313Same energy as "what's the deal with airline food?"
No. 688316
>>688299i got tired of all my previous interests
>>688305yes i am mentally ill
No. 688331
>>688328>maybe 3 or 4 times a yearlook at Stacy over here
I have literally never received a random compliment for my face, not even by friends or partners, they just comment on my body or my personality kek
;_; No. 688335
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>>688329I'm young but literally the opposite of those things lol I'm half black. Pic rel is the only celebrity I can find that looks sort of how I do, except I'm darker skinned. Like I said not ugly but just average. Then again a lot of people find aubrey plaza really beautiful so maybe I'm just retarded.
I've been told by people that I might have body dysmorphia because I'm objectively pretty to them. I dont feel like I have low self esteem or hate myself, I just feel like everyone is fucking with me. I wish I could see myself the way others see me
No. 688336
>>688319I relate to you exactly. I thought I was hideous but people compliment me too. One time this woman took a picture of me while I pretended to nap to show her husband how "cute." I didn't know what to do so I kept pretending. I know because she talked with him on the phone. Sorry for the example, but it was really weird and similar to one of yours. I guess it's because I'm like this poster said
>>688329 but I also feel I'm plain and don't dress up or anything. So idk just know it makes sense what you said. We don't have to be movie stars to somehow get that attention. I don't have much confidence, if you're similar maybe that's why people feel OK to do this stuff. Especially men
No. 688343
>>688340Ayrt, sorry we're so low-confidence. I've been working on it as well as at least acting the part. Holding myself straighter, eyes sharp you know. Maybe if we make progress there will be less creeps at least.
is funny your story is similar. Tbh I don't get why other women do that? Why does some other girl's face matter that much? It does feel like mockery when it happens, I don't get it. Yours sounds kind of sweet though since it was consensual. In my case I was pretending to nap because I didn't want anyone to talk to me and it's a way of resting while still being alert. Weird thing to do ik, didn't even work to be ignored
Also if you are the same anon who posted aubrey plaza, I bet you actually are very pretty! Self-esteem is a bitch and so confusing
No. 688365
>>688331Same. The only time I got compliments is when I wore a certain pair of boots. I liked complimenting other girls in HS and once I told this girl she looked really pretty or her makeup looked really good and she looked me up and down and said “ oh uhhh I really love your boots” and it’s like alright thx so I stopped doing that lol
>>688335I’ve had people compare me to her all the time but I’m pretty sure it’s just her weird personality and voice. Although I did do a celebrity face thing and she came up pretty regularly. I’m just really confused why I’ve never received random compliments when other people get them every time they go out although I’m reserved so it could be that? I’m sure we’re all way more critical of ourselves than how others see us and I doubt your friends and other people would care to lie to you.
No. 688392
>>688390It might be a blocked pore, staph, blackhead or a cyst. I'm not a medical professional though so, don't take my word for it. Have you changed what vaginal wash you use at any point or tried to squeeze it?
I don't think it's bad if it's only happened once, but if this is a recurring thing you should probably go to a gyno or a dermatologist (do derms look at coochies?). Keep your eye on it.
No. 688411
File: 1607225364647.png (94.34 KB, 640x400, EoY6ivGXcAEoMKG.png)

Let's say radical feminism becomes popular and mainstream, so the world becomes a better place. What would you be willing to sacrifice?
I think I would be willing to sacrifice the fact that it would become obviously commercial. There would be radical feminism iphone cases and radical feminism makeup bags. But at least it would permeate society and people would change for the better… maybe.
No. 688417
>>688414I read this as a reply to
>>688413 and kekked hard
No. 688427
>>688411Isn't feminism already kind of commercial? I feel like "the future is female" t-shirts can be seen at target already, at least in metropolitan US areas as well as "future president" onsies for both male and female babies.
I would be happily willing to sacrifice doors being opened for me, being white knighted in online spaces, the expectation that men pay on a date (50/50 all the way), and the expectation that men make the money in exchange for being equal to men and taken as seriously. Pretty much I'm all for female privileges being eliminated in order for us to be on equal playing field with men.
No. 688428
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>>688413Samefagging but this is a genuine question lol. I'm asking cause of pic related
No. 688431
>>688427Are those things radical feminism though? Sounds more like shit we are already living through
and those shirts are just libfem oriented
No. 688481
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How do I cheer up a depressed friend? We can’t meet up because there’s an asymptotic covid case in my house, but I’m worried about her.
No. 688487
>>688481Watch something sad with her. Not kidding. You both need to cry together (no I am NOT traumacore-anon).
100% watch a sad movie with her. I recommend Your Name or A Silent Voice.
No. 688537
>>688411All the Incel “female privilege” shit like dudes buying drinks and always paying for dinner. And I would accept capitalism turning it into a wasteland of cheesy slogans and tacky graphic design, corny corporate “women’s day” events a la gay pride events. Also accepted: The death of the conventional fashion industry and the standard of beauty as a definable, marketable idea. A lower birth rate. Pantyhose coming back as a requirement for business attire. The collapse of the Catholic Church. The closure of Arby’s restaurants.
Also personally willing take one for the team and pretend to enjoy Amy Schumer’s comedy as “girl power” propaganda until I die if it truly meant the eradication of patriarchy and male dominance.
No. 688546
>>688544It sounds like she's just got clogged pores there. Not really a big deal, and maybe she could just gently exfoliate it when she showers or something. Planned Parenthood sounds like wasted money to me, but I guess whatever gives her peace of mind is best.
You've got a good point with liners though.
No. 688548
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when amish people have diabetic children, do they send them away to live in mainstream society or do they just let them die?
No. 688565
>>688559yeah but they can't have glucose meters and cgms plugged into their bodies, can they?
can they even use modern syringes?
No. 688746
>>688745Return it if you don't know what to use it for.
Galaxy tablets are garbage, too.
No. 688776
>>688109Because women can’t be overstepping the mark even with body positivity. Many of the popular images promoting the movement are otherwise attractive women with minor ‘flaws’.
Maybe her arm hair is really light but I don’t think that can be the case for every brunette who apparently doesn’t shave.
No. 688879
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>>688876This one? Sorry for the shitty screenshot.
No. 688882
>>688109No one can tell I have arm hair in pics but I for sure have it. I think it's just too light to be visible on a pic like this.
Is it really common for women to shave their arms anyway? I've never heard of anyone doing it irl.
>>688296Hobbies, spend time with friends
No. 688915
>>688296I see you said in another post that you got tired of all your previous interests, but what's stopping you from picking up new hobbies? I pick up new hobbies like crazy.
To answer your questions, on lazy off days I'll let myself sleep in and then maybe watch some stuff on the internet, catch up on shows or streams I missed. Then I'll nap a little in between doing things like spending time with my dog and family. On productive days I may cook a new recipe I've been meaning to try out, go to a restaurant/store/museum I saw online and wanted to check out, or I might take a walk around the neighborhood. Pre-covid I would go to the gym and see friends. If I have the time and motivation, I might indulge in one of my hobbies.
No. 688938
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Why was photoshopping flower crowns and cat/dog ears on grown men (like benedict, etc) popular at one point? Especially on tumblr.
No. 688961
>>688949Glad I’m not alone in this, I’m too paranoid to brush it off though.
>>688950I can never find it either which makes me feel both better and worse somehow.
>>688951I’m healthy, I know the smells are real as visitors have noticed too (though only after I’ve pointed it out so maybe they’re humouring me).
No. 688973
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Why do mods do this? It looks like mocking and petty or am I just not getting it
No. 688991
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>>688987It's so the site doesn't attract 12 year olds who type like this.
No. 689019
>>689018glowfag? would be a good alternative
i have also heard glowie
i only feel like the hard er is in there because it originated on 4ch and they have to be unnecessarily racist about everything
No. 689033
>>689018Because glownigger carries the appropriate level of disdain. Glowie is too cutesy/harmless, glowfag is closer but still somewhat friendly (op is a fag, but he's our fag, drawfag, newfag, etc) There's also the added benefit of discouraging people who would take offense from the term from staying for long.
Please don't misconstrue this as me arguing in favor of the term.
No. 689320
>>689056I don't know but it bothers me and I'm young. We are all going to be that age eventually so everyone's screwing each other over with this mentality. I think it's young people's way to rebel from their parents by being bitter to anyone older than them, in most cases. Lacking understansing of time makes it seem like 30, 40 is old when you've still got a whole other half of life left.
Also the media/culture really pushes that youth is the height of life… partially because they are pedos. It's true that in youth there's less health issues but cmon, 30 is not a granny. When I see even actual old people doing cool things it's inspiring. As long as you're here there's time
No. 689421
>>689056Mostly because everyone thinks that you have to have kids before you’re 30, which usually means losing any shred of hope of doing the things you want to do as a person with some freedom.
The funny part is that when the people talking shit about being too old to do certain things, reach that age range, or are over that age range, the discourse changes and then you should enjoy your life because you’re young again.
If it’s kids talking shit, remind them about all the stuff you can do as a legal adult with freedom, anything will seem amazing to them.
If it’s an older person doing so, remind them of the youth they will never get back by talking shit about your life choices.
No. 689463
>>689456By wearing things with waistline belts or something that tapers in and hugs your midsection.
I hate the baggy clothing trend because it's shit for anyone with more than a small amount of breast volume. Comfy, but undefined
No. 689471
>>689257Lysol or hand washing if it's canvas
Most of the time you can take out the insole and wash it
No. 689484
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Which cow is this?
No. 689491
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How can I experiment with clothing and seeing what I like/finding a style without busting my wallet or contributing to fast fashion/gas emissions?
No. 689539
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>>689534Are you talking about styes?
No. 689548
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>>689543Eyelash mites. Everyone has these microscopic bugs but they're usually harmless unless you have too many of them lol. This probably isn't the reason but it is scary to know right now we have these lil mites living in our eyelashes. Have fun with this info anons
No. 689561
>>689546I've been using the same oil cleanser for the last 2 years and never had any problems with it. I do rub my eyes a lot, that probably does not help
>>689548Anon, you sincerely freaked me out with this info
No. 689566
>>689562The mites lay eggs, have families and live in their own little worlds nestled in your lashes.
No. 689571
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>>689569To me they most resemble water bears with tails
No. 689616
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This is the stupidest thing I've ever asked but why do I keep seeing this style of painting where the highlights and shadows are done with bright/pastel, usually cool tones? Where did this come from?
No. 689621
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>>689616Because it's pretty. The artists are also might be trying to do highlights according to the color theory. Like, the lady in the corner looks like she has an orangey skintone, so the artist did purple highlights. That's just my guess though.
Also, as an artist it's fun to just put some random colors down sometimes. It makes the painting less boring and breaks it up.
No. 689626
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>>689623Samefag, kawacy and laovaan are two very popular artists who have so many copycats and they use this technique and so their copycats mimicked their way of colouring making it popular.
No. 689636
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>>689616I think it draws from a mix of hue shifting in pixel art, cangiante painting style, impressionist coloring, etc. A lot of bigger, mostly Asian artists color like this, like Rei_17 and Kawacy, people saw it looked nice, and tried to recapture it.
No. 689725
>>689709If your only intention is to just have arm candy, use apps where the men onlt fit into whatever specialized criterium your friends have.
God damn, this whole dating up theory is a load of bullshit.
No. 689782
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Is Chim romance real? I thought it was bollocks, but I've been reevaluating after reading popbitch and watching a few vids… I hope this is the right thread for this nonsense kek.
No. 689863
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>>689857Ok, so go ahead and gather any and all evidence of stolen ID, any required bank account changes, charges that weren't yours, etc and compile evidence to haul down to the social security offi e. No. 689869
>>689858Why is having a “wild, bad girl” type phase so important to you? It looks very glamorous on social media or in movies, but we all know that’s not how it really is. Do you need to experience the heartache, shame, guilt, trauma, etc that comes along with those moments for yourself to know that they exist? Idk, maybe I’m biased, but there’s so much that I wish I either didn’t do or was protected from, especially in high school.
> I feel like Im going crazy, honestly. Me from a few months ago would be horrified from how Im acting right now. Like, nothing about this sounds like something you find fun or want to do, and that worries me. You’ve only been being reckless for a few months, and you already think past you might be “horrified” by it. How do you currently feel about it? All that said, you can let loose, open yourself up to more experiences, and have fun with it as an adult without ruining your life. For the love of god don’t ruin your life out of curiosity, anon.
No. 689917
>>689780Not a porn star, but I douche before anal and wash with non-soap emulsion afterwards.
>>689817Just make a separate thirst account on tinder so there's no doubt about your intentions there.
No. 690005
>>690000I got them in my groin and bum area only, not armpit. My friend had them on hers, though and was actually what finally inspired me to seek treatment. I was still getting them occasionally until I finally went to a doc, they prescribed some antibiotics for folliculitis which cleared it up, and I use an antiseptic wash on the areas every other day that I shower (too harsh and not necessary for full body). It’s weird, I’ve always been a clean freak and washed with skin sensitive soap, go commando at home/while sleeping, stuff that’s supposed to prevent things like that, but it still happens. Hope you get it sorted out anon, it’s very painful, annoying, and embarrassing even if they do go away on their own.
No. 690009
>>690004hmm prehaps it was lymph nodes then. I remember popping one, but maybe that is just a made up memory
>>690005thanks anon, It was a long time ago. but actually, it still happens sometimes in my armpits.
i don't think we have the same thing, I looked up folliculitis and the cysts I got were much bigger and under the skin.
but i am curious, do you shave ?
No. 690016
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>>690009Mine were too! Not to be gross, but I would either pop or try to pop them all the time to get rid of them ,and it’d hurt so bad. Do not recommend btw. I really thought they were cysts and honestly didn’t think it would work because of that either, but the treatment and upkeep have been effective so far. At the very least, maybe the antiseptic wash in affected areas will help, picrel is the one I use.
Yes I do shave! I try to change my razors often, even more so now. Only thing with that is that I would get them on my bum occasionally too, and I definitely do not shave there kek.
No. 690084
>>690067>>690069>>690079Thank y’all for for confirming that it’s okay to admire feminine beauty! I’m not gay!!! Not that there’s a problem with that.
Yeah women are beautiful and striking but I don’t wanna fuck ‘em either.
No. 690115
>>690108Yes, but should obviously be used in conjunction with mental help.
I see a pf physio for this issue (inability to relax). The problem I find is that it’s so much harder to relax the muscles than contract them, and most exercises focus on contracting. However, becoming better able to contract them weirdly helps as you become more familiar with the muscles and how to work them. Definitely worth trying, though the mental aspect is really important too.
No. 690119
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I know that in lolita fashion this sort of pattern is called Gobelin, but what is it called in regular fashion?
No. 690128
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What's going on with her waistline?
No. 690292
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Anons who had insomnia but managed to overcome it, how did you do it? I can actually fall asleep just fine but always wake up at random hours, between 1 and 4 am in the morning and it feels impossible to fall asleep again. I drink lavender tea before bed, take 2 mgs of melatonin, but nothing helps
No. 690300
>>690292Are you quite active during the day? If not, exercise might help. General good sleep hygiene that you’re probably already doing (no electronics near bedtime, set times to go to bed/get up, no day naps). Sorting out my mental health was the action that most helped me, so that if it’s an issue.
Not really advice but I listened to so many audiobooks when I had insomnia, more because I was bored than to help.
No. 690307
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if you count sexual assault No. 690328
>>689802turned 20 last month
No. 690329
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>>690302Top right, click on the squares icon.
No. 690405
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Do straight girls get aroused by lesbian scenes? I remember being a kid, typing in "yuri anime" on YouTube and watching the amvs like pic related. Same thing with any joke lesbian kisses in live action western media. When I got a bit older I found one lesbian porn I liked (every other porn I tried didn't do anything for me and I've long since stopped watching any).
I'm sorry for sounding so dumb but I've been confused on whether I'm bi or misinterpreting things for a while now. I've tried dating girls before and wasn't very interested though tbh I was younger and my relationships with boys were the same. Now I'm an adult and in a long term relationship with a man, so it doesn't really matter to me whether I am or not. Just wondering how you farmers would take it
No. 690427
>>689846S P I N A C H
No. 690578
>>690565Demisexual is such a retarded concept but if I try to imagine it's an old medieval word for "low libido" instead of a modern sexuality label, it doesn't bother me as much.
I don't think I'm explaining this well but it's the best I can do
No. 690612
>>690578I agree that it's stupid and shouldn't warrant a sexuality flag or whatever, but in a world where you're thriving off of a point system that adds up to make additional words to -sexual, it may as well be recognized too.
That said libido doesn't have anything to do with needing to feel a strong romantic attraction before being sexually attracted to someone.
No. 690620
>>690601My point wasn't about libido anyway, you can ignore that bit if you want.
My point is that I just don't personally see demisexual as a stand alone sexuality so much as a description of someone's way of being sexual. I don't want to fuck all the random men I meet either or men who are ugly, that doesn't mean I'm LGBT under the notfuckingallthetandomoruglymensexual flag. But also maybe it's just that the word had only become popular recently and is tied to Twitter profiles that makes it feel fake to me instead of an old word.
>>690612I do understand what you mean
No. 690622
>>690616Hormone levels. It can change during puberty, pregnancy, perimenopause, menopause or any other point where hormones get wonked.
>>690620It's just a way for people to latch onto a way to be special. Everyone wants the gold star stickers that give them partial immunity from being a normalfag, so they've been latching onto gender/sexuality subgroups to gain minority status to a degree.
No. 690644
>>690622idk anon, I haven't really seen demisexual used as a claim to minority status or snowflake cred. I mean yeah I'm sure that happens too on tumblr and wherever, and maybe it's even how most people use the word, but I have sometimes used it as a descriptor for my attraction (not like "Hi I'm demisexual" because I guess I also don't want people to think I liken it to lgbt sexualities, more "I don't really feel attraction towards people I'm not in love with or at least crushing on pretty strongly, I guess some people call this being demisexual")
So like the other anon, I think people can just use it as a useful shorthand for this pretty common way of experiencing attraction. On the other hand maybe it isn't ideal, because demi- means "half", leading to the frequent confusion that demisexuals are low libido or half ace even though it's not about that.
No. 690678
>>690300>>690313Even if I exercise, I wake up at ungodly hours. The weird thing is that I usually have summertime insomnia and as the summer passes, my sleep schedule becomes normalized but this year for some reason it never went away
>Maybe you're just one of those people that works better on a split sleep scheduleBut my sleep schedule used to be normal and now it's fucked up
No. 690693
>>690678Hey, so I just read on the Sims subreddit someone was having the exact same issue as you, and someone else replies to them "it's time to check your vitamin levels".
Googled a bit, turns out certain vitamin levels affect sleep. In particular too much/too little/erratic levels of vit D can disrupt sleep patterns, but some B vitamins are also important.
If you're taking supplements, maybe stop. If you're not, maybe time to try. Of course take all this with a huge grain of salt because of the source.
No. 690709
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Help fellow anons. How do you get over severe limerence?
No. 690723
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are vtubers really that big of a thing right now? I can't believe this. I just read one of their wikis and it makes me want to blow my brains out. all their fans are 13 and under, right? do people past that age enjoy it? I'm speechless kek
No. 690804
>>690801Yes I think so. Have you seen Rain Dove? She has large breasts too.
I feel sort of dirty talking about someone's breasts…
No. 690862
>>690858T. Is used like "from".
T. Anon who is finnish and it's from here.
No. 690868
>>690858I believe t. is supposed to be used like a letter sign off. Like, Best Regards, sincerely, yours truly etc…
For example
"Cat meat tastes like chicken.
t. a bitch who eats cat meat"
No. 690915
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>>690913Maybe bragging rights, or having a huge obsession with a series or character. I dunno, I think too many figures is a waste of money that could be spent on objects with more purpose than to be a cute resin titty monster.
No. 690930
>>690929Fucking sensational, best anime to this day.
I wasn't sure if I just made it up but I definitely can hear the word tranny being said in his voice kek
No. 690944
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>>690913I don't mind and sometimes even enjoy dusting my figures because I like cleaning in general, but it's also worth it to me because they really are works of art. As cringe as it is because theyre just uwu cute girls, they are still really intricate sculptures that took a team of artists so many weeks to make. I love watching zbrush streams of artists working on the sculpts spending sometimes 4 hours just carving out the panels of a flowing skirt, it's really incredible. The artists often have just a few references to go off of to make a model that is beautiful in literally every angle so it's kind of nuts. $200 for an imported intricately hand painted sculpt of a character I love is well worth it for me.
No. 690986
>>690913They make your private world beautiful and your heart go doki doki when you see them.
This is sort of different, but I recently bought a porcelain pug and whenever I see hin, I pat his head. I do the same thing with my Mattel Baby Yoda
or Grogu kek They make me so happy!
>>690944where those figure carving streams can be seen? I'm a fellow anime figure aficionado, but never watched these!
No. 691141
>>691126Anon if you think that child trafficking shit just started and that Trump and Biden are the only pedos in the gov, you are sorely mistaken. You can call me paranoid but, the world is run by pedos. Pedophiles are literally everywhere, there's a reason why so many people get molested as children. Just look at Hollywood.
Imo, it's not a conspiracy, just an open secret.
No. 691147
>>691145I'm not paranoid and I'm not trying to sensationalize pedophilia. Like I said, I don't think it's a conspiracy. I just think that the "elites" are into that shit. I'm not trying to take down the government or some shit. I believe that it happens, but wtf can I do about it?
>children are most likely to be abused by people they knowI know that. That doesn't erase child trafficking and kidnapping though.
No. 691168
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Who the fuck is this guy? ages ago I found this pic on google and there were a bunch of related images of him which were all from a modeling agency. Recently I tried to reverse search this pic but now there’s no results. I tried every reverse image search engine I can find but no luck. I even dug through my searches to find that site but his page just 404s now.
No. 691219
>>691098Even the hottest people in the world have their ugly moments. Just saying.
>damn his philtrum area looks so longSounds like you need to step back from the cow threads for awhile.
No. 691227
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What face shape is this?
No. 691247
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>>691245I can't even imagine alphabet soup that isn't straight from a can
No. 691305
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>>691245My family loves making sopa de letras, and it’s really simple to cook. It’s just dry pasta like picrel cooked in a pot of water seasoned with a chicken stock cube, onions, and tomatos.
No. 691355
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Is my mom jealous of the friendship I have with my brother? He and I are both adults now, and he sometimes visits. My mom gets angry whenever my brother and I talk about something she doesn't personally care about at dinner (usually vidya or cape shit.) She'll either sit there staring angrily at us or constantly try to steer the conversation towards something literally only she cares about (like new carpet or something.) She also gets angry if my brother calls me before calling her, or doesn't talk to her on the phone as long as he talks to me.
No. 691358
>>691352I don't indeed, haha. Ever since I moved from home I use a laptop.
>>691347>>691345>>691344Thank y'all for your answers!
No. 691375
>>691355What's stopping you from asking her?
I swear I am always shocked how you people don't communicate in a direct manner with your friends and family.
No. 691415
>>691098I have never had a single thought like this about my exes or my current bf, to be completely honest, even noticing that oh, that feature may not be their strong suit, it was never like "that person is legit ugly". Although it may differ from person to person, you have
>>691412 validating you too
No. 691428
>>691098As he’s your ex, I’m wondering if those moments of clarity coincided with a negative event? I always thought my exes were really hot, even their unattractive features I would think were cute on them alone or just wouldn’t notice them. Only when the relationships soured would I start thinking “his nose is weird” or whatever.
I read somewhere about the phenomenon of people getting really mad about the sounds of their partners chewing or breathing when the relationship wasn’t going well, so maybe it’s normal in those situations.
I’m sure it’s normal to notice your partner isn’t so attractive but if you’re thinking deeply about it or nitpicking, that sounds unhealthy.
No. 691495
>>691461the only group i can remember now that comes close to kpop is faky. their style is reminiscent of "girl crush" groups.
i used to listen to this song a lot, it's kinda old already looked them up again and apparently they have new members. if you like mamamoo you might like them No. 691562
>>691555It depends on how big the main actors/
victims are and how big the damage is, and also how much internet drama there is in general in that point of time. Like a few e-celebs getting into a slapfight will be overshadowed quickly, but if someone gets exposed as a alleged predator then it can last weeks until the last "big" internet figures still discuss it.
No. 691570
>>691566I'll raise your New Yorker accent with a Bostoner accent. Every other U.S. accent can kick rocks.
t. a midwestern burger
No. 691580
>>691566>>691570Ew Boston accent are ugly as fuck. No offense. Talk to a fucking cowboy from Texas, and it’ll soak ur panties.
I’m a west coast burger, and hate the valley accent everyone has around here.
No. 691585
>>691570I think men with Boston (moreso Mass. accents) can be hot. (ex. Casey Affleck in Manchester by the Sea)
Also, Maine accents kind of do something for me.
No. 691663
>>691566I'm Canadian but I find many American accents exotic, there is so much variation across the US and they're generally very different from Canadian accents. I think a lot of the southerner accents sound nice, some local NYC accents too. Ok, on to my stupid question now.
I bought a litre of cold pressed juice and mostly forgot about it until now, it's now 3 days after the best before date. It smells and tastes fine but should I be worried that this is going to fuck me up?
No. 691715
>>691601>>691615If that's actually a northerner accent, then I concede. I mainly like it when people swear bc it just sounds cool to me. Glad I could provide a laugh though kek.
>>691639Oh no no. I was providing the video as an example of the type of accent I do like. The reason I brought up southern accents is bc I was replying to an anon who said they're hot. I now see that I'm just in the minority here on this. Lemme go cry.
Repost bc I managed to put "sample" in the email field before instead of "sage"…I deserve a ban tbh No. 691722
>>691710NTA, but I'm from the northwestern US and speak with a General American accent. If someone heard me speak they wouldn't be able to guess where I'm from, except that I'm not from the South or the East coast.
>>691715It's okay anon I find it kind of hot too lol. I think it's because I used to be a huge Ryan Gosling fan as a teen lol and he has an exaggerated and fake NYC accent.
No. 691749
>>691684Yeah generally younger kids in my experience are an example of a standard American accent, just check popular videos on tiktok (excluding the rednecks and AAVE). I also grew up in an east coast southern state
>>691736 in a white area outside of a well developed southern city. My mom has a hick Southern accent and my dad has a strong NYC accent (from North Jersey tho). My biggest influence in my accent was probably other kids since we all didn't have accents/spoke in standard American accents. I moved to California where people gave me shit for being from the south but the thing is they couldn't tell I was even from the south. Slightly OT but I will always feel bad for people with hick accents since once you leave the south, people outside of the American south are brutal in assuming your intelligence and your political views based on you being from the south. I don't have an accent so I've been able to set them straight but I can't imagine how hard it'd be to have people talking down to me if I had a Southern accent.
I think the internet/cross cultural communication for kids has probably helped with standardizing the typical American accent across the younger population. Older people are more likely to have regional dialects and occasionally maybe poor young people from regions with typical accents that don't have as much internet access.
>>691727> slurring and uptalk This is probably the hallmark of standard American accents in young people which I attribute to our access to California-based entertainment and the internet. I shamefully also slur my words and use slang by habit. I do hope some accents stick around though, it'd be boring if everyone sounded the same.
No. 691754
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How does Damon Albarn come off as a twink yet so not twinky
No. 691777
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anons…………. I'm about to go nuts and get a canopy bed frame unless you talk some sense into me right now.
will these bad boys invariably look tacky and overly princess-y unless you invest tons into making sure the bedroom looks 110% sane and mature otherwise?? Can I get away with a pretty normal not super coordinated bedroom but then adding curtains and maybe some fairy lights n shit to build a nest for cuddle movie dates? I just crave dat cozyyyy
No. 691783
>>691777Do it anon, it'll look fine. I think you're overthinking it lol. If you care about not looking childish, you could just get the white fairy lights. But if you wanna get the colorful ones then do that! Imo, making a nest would just make it feel cozy, not childish. The bedroom in your pic looks really airy and relaxing.
>>691778Black anon here, literally never heard another black person say you can't listen to songs with the n word in them. Rap and hiphop is mainstream in the US and there are thousands of white people that listen to it. Are you ok? I honestly can't tell why you posted this here.
No. 691849
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Would it be over dramatic if I just ghosted this scrote? I get hes joking but hes already talking about sex and I havent known I'm more than two days.
I've never met a scrote who was able to refrain from talking about his cock longer than 10 minutes so idk if I'm over reacting or if I should just ghost him…
No. 691882
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How do each of you specifically position your mouth when drinking out of a glass and do you have to wipe your mouth?
I guess it's related to the shape of your mouth but whenever I drink anything the sides of my mouth get wet and then I have to wipe them with my hand after every sip. I don't feel like I'm drinking like a weirdo but other people don't seem to do this. I googled it but could only see stuff related to booze.
For what it's worth, I press my lower lip mostly level to the glass not under it, half open my mouth in pouty funnel shape like similar to picrel as I pour the water over the inside of my bottom lip. I feel like a complete alien writing this please help.
No. 691892
>>691888Oh, how did you come across this champ if you don't mind me asking?
Yeah if he's 5'7" it was never gonna work out
No. 691949
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my birthday is in a week and i'm kind of dreading it, they're always pretty difficult for me. what are some fun things i could do?
No. 691965
>>691882Hi, you know those 500ml bottles of soda you can get? I'm in my late twenties and I only recently learned that you're not supposed to suck it like a dick, whole mouth over the opening. So many times I would drink like this and the bottle would crumple with my sucking and then when I stopped drinking the plastic would crackle really loudly. I didn't realise it was weird until my sister pointed it out. Ugh.
Anyway those are my credentials.
Stop drinking with your lower lip pressed against the rim. You think you're doing it tight enough but you're not. There isn't a firm enough seal at the sides so all the drink is dripping out the side of your mouth which is why you need to wipe.
Put your lip under the rim, not on it. Any side area of the glass or whatever will fall into your mouth instead of your face
No. 692011
>>692002Just BLTs.
Also do avocado toast a lot which is basically like an open face sandwich.
No. 692018
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>>692011>Just BLTs Oh no I don't mean toasting the bread on your sandwhich, I meant like pic
No. 692019
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Why are guys smoking so attractive ?
when it really shouldn't be though, cause it's a guy breathing in a mini-cancer stick but when a hot guy smokes it's beyond hot for me No. 692040
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>>692019Smoking is utterly retarded, it smells and tastes disgusting, and I would never ever want to marry a smoker because it's a horrific waste of money. BUT I still find it hot, I can't help it and I can't explain it. I just enjoy the aesthetic from a distance.
No. 692069
>>692002The vast majority of people wouldn’t even know what you’re talking about (just like
>>692011 misunderstood). The ‘recipe’ was rediscovered years ago and was in the news for a while because it was weird. It’s really not something the average person would eat, though some might try it out of curiosity. Similar to people thinking deep-fried butter is typical food for Americans.
No. 692072
>>692069Thank you anon! I didn't know if it was a serious thing because you guys eat "interesting" stuff.
>>692071Leave her expeditiously.
No. 692089
>>690709Do you have low self esteem? I used to have limerence but when I started working on myself and filling my time with other things my self esteem improved and it went away.
>>692018I don't like how it's toast between two untoasted slices. Feel like 1 untoasted slice between two toasted slices would be better.
No. 692143
>>692140Dropbox or google drive might be good. my old Iphone completely died once because of storage issues and not having memory to the point they just gave me a replacement and I was too stupid to think about that and I lost years worth of pictures which still upsets me.
Once I went through them all and deleted but apparently that cleared up enough space for iCloud to load up pictures that were backlogged which put me at the same amount so I just gave up (I’m at 18k now)
No. 692146
>>692143Damn anon, that's tough. thanks for the suggestions. Google drive gave me a scare, they sent an email saying their new policy means inactive accounts get deleted. I know it's not hard to keep active but i am scared to lose important photos. I'll see what dropbox's policy is.
I guess we are digital hoarders, or maybe everyone is now. I need to delete stuff and maybe next time try and hold back on the photo taking/saving … too bad my cats are so cute
No. 692182
>>692169Would not recommend. All my friends have had their share of creepy encounters with dates and sometimes it gets scary and you don’t want to risk that just because you’re horny and lonely. (I doubt you would be murdered it can just get sketchy)
Being a virgin also isn’t really embarrassing past high school, mature people won’t tease you or think it’s strange because it’s a personal choice and we all know it doesn’t matter at all. If you crave intimacy I’m also not sure if a dude from tinder would be the best choice for that. It’s hard to be single but it’s best to at least get a connection with someone before taking that step IMO especially because not having experience can be intimidating
No. 692196
>>691965Those are some impressive credentials anon, thank you for sharing your successful findings in this field of research. I look forward to making great progress with this new information.
In all seriousness I'm glad you replied, I thought this was the exact dumb question for this thread but everyone else only wanted to argue about men kek
No. 692210
>>692169I did it, I actually posted what I was looking for on Craigslist and picked the most normal sounding and looking guy who replied. Vetted his Facebook etc and then He came to my hotel.
It was fine I guess, means to an end. And I don’t exactly regret it. But I would say looking back I should have just waited because I met someone I actually liked that same year. And I feel ridiculous I hid that I was a virgin from everyone I knew, straight up lied but literally nobody would have given a shit. You still have plenty of time. And in hindsight the he was a bit of a douche, saw him posting ads on Craigslist years later and now think of him as a kinda gross manslut and I wish I hadn’t really let him use me tbh. He didn’t deserve it. and
No. 692244
>>692129No, it's definitely a typo, it was written "without" instead of "inside", it's only one letter of difference in my language, and I'd be really surprised if they didn't catch it back then.
>>692130No, it's The Count of Monte-Cristo and I'm reading it in french, so it's not a translation mistake either.
>>692144I didn't think about it, it's probably something like that. I'll check some other editions to see if it's still there.
No. 692257
>>692169i lost my virginity to a random i picked up from a bar and it was a bad experience, mostly 'cause the dude was older and not attractive and i felt like i was gross and desperate after. i was 25 at the time and thought i'd die a virgin if i didn't lower my standards lol.
met my current boyfriend like a year after that and kinda wish i'd just waited until i met him tbh but it's not like i'm traumatized or it had any lasting effect on my sex life. if you pick a cute age appropriate dude it would probably be just fine.
No. 692353
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What other imageboards do you frequent anons? Pic unrelated I just think it’s pretty.
No. 692371
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Am I extremely dumb to think that most of us would be friends with each other in real life ? The fact that we are all in here probably means that we have lot of taste/internet experience in comon right ? Am I just naive ?
No. 692374
>>692371With all the shitflinging that goes on here? Really? Also I personally think most farmers have
shit taste in media.
No. 692388
>>691305that basically sounds like alphabet fideo
damn I want sopa de letras now too
No. 692416
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What’s the “OT” before the Anonymous?? I’ve never seen it on here
No. 692501
>>692483Many popular things are pointless and retarded. People like collecting shit.
Funko Pop-specific though, they’re inexpensive compared to other figurines and have a distinctive style. If you don’t care that your characters have been reduced to featureless block heads, then you probably think they look quite nice and cohesive on the shelf.
No. 692548
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How do you make friends and keep them? I'm seriously introverted, and prone to perfectionism. Periodically I distance myself from my friends because I don't feel like I'm worth talking to. I sometimes lie about myself to the end of making myself interesting. It's very inconsequential and I'm sure nobody would fault me but I still can't help but feel utterly worthless.
No. 692550
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>>692545Your worst nightmare
No. 692695
What exactly is the goal with transitioning to 'nonbinary' with medication? I just found out that men who identify as nonbinary take estrogen, but unlike MtFs, the goal of their transition isn't to become a woman (or be a part of the 'binary' kek). So does their transition just end when they start the estrogen? Are they equivalent to MtFs who dgaf about typically male features as opposed to typical MtFs who are obsessed with erasing all male features? Like balancing out their testoterone with estrogen I suppose? And yes I'm only thinking of nonbinary men but the same hypothesis I have can also work for nonbinary women as well.
Idk I'm not going to ask this question to actual genderspecials because they're insufferable. But if anyone here knows and can tell me wtf the point of medications to affirm 'binary' genders is for nonbinary people then pls do inform me.
I tried googling it but this article just left me with more questions and unexpectedly disgusted me. No. 692719
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Please help me
Has anyone ever felt the need to distance yourself from a friend, even if that said friend hasn't done anything wrong?
Why do I feel guilty when I want to distance myself from people for my own mental health?
No. 692725
>>692695I think the goal is to look as androgynous as possible, fat distribution looking female would presumably help a dude look more vague, and estrogen thins out body hair so less shaving (I have no idea if that also works with facial hair but laser hair removal is also popular, so.)
Most nonbinary transitions I've seen are about seeing who can get the most damaged ugly undercut possible in the shortest amount of time tbh.
No. 692853
>>692719I do the same often, but it’s important to let your friends know what’s up before you go AWOL. If you don’t, your friends might wonder if they did something wrong. Maybe you just need time space, or some extra-extended alone time if you’re an introvert like me. I understand feeling guilty, but you’re completely fine in my opinion. It’s for your mental health, it’s like keeping off a sprained ankle. It’s for your health, and being in tip-top shape means you can be a better friend when you feel up to it!
(P.S I really like not taking to a friend for a looong time, because when we get to meet there’s a lot to talk about!)
No. 692856
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How do I stop being a dog-person? Pretty much everyone I meet, I instantly like and try to be friends with, which I think turns many off. I often end up being the hype man, but never the main event when it comes to friendship. Advice?
No. 692883
>>692882Thank you
nonny, why aren't black and indigenous people included in the poc acronym? Is it like for more emphasis?
No. 692884
>>692870I actually thought about this a while ago, but I don't think there is anything you can do unfortunately. There was a serial killer case I read about a while ago where the
victims were horribly mutilated and posed, and somehow the photos were right there on google. Why even release something like that? If you want to give an example of the murderer's brutality, a description of the
victim should be enough.
No. 692890
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Can you really be friends with your ex girlfriend?
I think she's nice and still cares about me but seeing her with a guy kinda broke me, like when I think of her I can't help but oscilate between thinking about sad things and good things. I still think she's neat and I still care about her but idk, like I thank her for the time we spent together as girlfriends but now I'm just sad, even if it's not her fault, I really want to get away from her, but then I feel guilty about just deleting someone who is still nice to me. I guess I have a massive guilt complex about being mean or abandoning those who are still nice to me. But it's not like she's the nicest either, idk please help
No. 692903
>>692890This "let's still be friends" thing is bullshit. Most people can't do it because most relationships are ended one-sidedly with one person being hurt by the other.
You do not have to be in contact with her if it makes you miserable. The grown-up thing would be to talk to her, tell her that you can't be her friend anymore because it's too emotionally draining for you. Then move on. Like I think just ghosting her would be shitty, but any sane person would understand if an ex doesn't want to be around them anymore.
No. 693039
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How can I make my brain stop relating certain things to certain people in my past?
An example that comes to mind is the vocaloid song Rolling Girl. I still pretty much like that song and it was cool to listen to it when I was middleschool, but at the time I had these obnoxious mentally unwell ex friends who were BPDchans and thought the song was "literally them", and now I keep thinking about this whenever I listen to this song, even if I myself feel like this song spoke a bit to my teen self
No. 693040
>>693039*and they thought the song was literally about them
as in, they heavily related to Rolling Girl
No. 693042
>>693039I struggled with this and found that doing two things helped:
1. Letting go of the past, accepting that the song (for example) was just a song and I could associate it with anything I wanted or nothing at all. Basically taking ownership and treating the thing as just a thing, because that’s all it is.
2. Learn to associate it with different things. Brainwash yourself if necessary - listen to the song while playing a game or driving to work. Train your brain to firstly associate it with something else, and eventually those old friends won’t be the first thing to come to mind.
No. 693043
>>693039There's no way. Just find something else without bad memories attached.
Source: another bitch with ex friends obsessed with Rolling Girl.
No. 693053
>>693050Most liked: strong vocal chords. It's like I have a sonic attack superpower.
Least liked: tiny-ass bladder. Can't I go 5 mins without needing to pee?! Ugh
No. 693062
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>>693050neck/shoulders/collarbone area. I love how feminine it looks, honestly on women in general too
No. 693088
>>693070Bad reasons: you just don't want to be alone, can't be alone, think you can't be whole without a bf/gf, out of obligation, pressure or just because others are with people.
Good reasons:i mean sometimes you buy snack assortments and you don't like all the flavors, they can eat the ones you don't like.
No. 693091
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>>693050My ears are like works of art, small and intricate. The rest of my features are shit. Literally pic rel in human form.
No. 693113
>>693110I've been to the hairdresser twice this pandemic, most people are going again. I see no reason not to go if you're allowed to within your country's corona rules. The thought that corona's the reason you can't/don't want to genuinely didn't even occur to me when I posted that.
Anyway if you don't want to go to a hairdresser I still wouldn't cut bangs on your own, that's so easy to fuck up. And if you do fuck up you can't/don't want to go to the hairdresser to fix it. So better not do that.
No. 693130
>>693127Nta but why are the replies to anons post like, "Explain eating disorders to him!", "Make sure he gets his own fries!". He's a grown ass man. He can understand eds perfectly fine
especially if his gf has one, he would've probably done some research about it and order fries on his own. All he had to do was say "Hey, order me some fries too".
No. 693134
>>693128> if I cared more about him or the ed.That's not how disorders work? Are you dating a total retard?
To me this seems what, manipulative? I'm not sure what the right term for it is.
No. 693135
>>693130well then anon's boyfriend is just retarded and self-centered
>>693128your boyfriend isn't
abusive he's just selfish you should probably find a better boyfriend who lets you eat because this can stem to weird behaviors. for example: you could be running late to work and he forces you to make breakfast for him. you choose work instead and he whines when you come back home and gives you the silent treatment
No. 693186
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>>693181I mean maybe you could provide an example of what you saw? I honestly have never seen zoomers seriously use it. I think they're more into emojis and the weeb ones like pic related. I'm sure there are a couple that think it's still cute though.
No. 693203
>>693070good: his buckerinos
bad: you want to be the mommy to his ugly children
No. 693214
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Do you ever see someone with expensive drawing equipment or supplies and get annoyed because they draw shit like this?
No. 693230
>>693070Good: you need to split the rent and you wouldn’t mind fucking your best friend sometimes to get there
Bad: you can’t afford a cat so you fill the loneliness with a person
No. 693323
>>693269My parents can buy luxury items but they just choose not to. And often they don't even use the luxury items they get as gifts. Recently, they threw away a ton of nice tea that they had gotten over the years.
Here's what I'm planning on getting:
>Dad: Heavy duty boating flashlight (because I don't think he's installed lights on his boat after years of owning it)>Mom: Customized Christmas ornament from etsy (kek) + Christmas flower arrangement >Family: Fancy cake shipepd from a bakery out of state (so everyone can enjoy it over the holidays, especially me)I'm focusing on things I think they will actually use/enjoy
No. 693341
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The last crafting thread is like 4 years old so I'm turning to here lel.
Is there a fake royal icing I could use on these cinnamon-applesauce-glue ornaments that would allow me to store and reuse year after year? Or should I just break out the paint markers and glitter?
No. 693355
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How can I get over my ex girlfriend if we left in good terms but realistically I don't wanna talk to her anymore ever? I want her to just be some random memory
No. 693426
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Eyelashes are hair. So, could the products that thicken and make the hair on our heads grow healthier, work in them? (I guess oils are a better option because conditioners have tons of chemicals in them)
No. 693429
>>693426You gonna end up with oil in your eyes,
nonnie. That shit burns.
No. 693437
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>>693404I love the kirby but i cannot help you. Please accept this image as consolation. sage for no contrbution.
No. 693450
>>693355>>693404I mean, have you stopped talking to her? That would be a start.
Other than that, you just need time and to experience new things. You'll naturally start thinking of her less as you make yourself busy and fill your mind with new experiences.
No. 693548
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>>693546Stop that line of questioning right there!
No. 693566
>>693515A healthy body can process just under 1l of water on hour so you should be okay as long as you're peeing.
The cell flooding isn't because you've drank a lot of water and they're swimming in it, it happens when all the water dilutes the good stuff in your body and there's an electrolyte imbalance. Your cells start shifting the electrolytes back and forth to balance it out, making them swell up and cause problems. You should make sure to eat full meals regularly to keep your electrolytes up and chill out with the water if you get any headaches or abdominal pains.
No. 693601
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>>693515Your body can only process it so quickly. If you're not doing fuckall during the day, you probably don't even need a liter of water. You're also supposed to drink it over the course of the day, not all at once. Picrel is info on water intoxication and a link for tism No. 693620
>>693505Maybe you could use silkwraps? Just search on youtube "using silkwraps to repair nail". The brand Kiss has a kit that you might be able to find, and there's also the Swiss Silk self adhesive tabs.
There's also that method of using teabags and a top coat, which I believe is the same concept as silkwraps.
No. 693634
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when taking body measurements am i supposed to measure my hips above or below my hip dips?
No. 693692
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Ok so I know this is the Zoomer 2000 Rev. Edition question, but seriously, what did people do before the internet? I'm fed up with the internet and hate it here and am only here out of habit, the only places I find tolerable are lolcow and pixiv at this point, so I want to stop it and go offline, preferably permanently. But what do I do? This is what I grew up and lived with for the past 14 years. I guess I could read, and while I have a long attention span, it isn't 16 hours long. I've been usually going out for hour long walks every other day or so for the past three or four years but there's another lock down announced so that's out of the window, too. Watching shows and playing games I might do too, but again, I don't have enough attention to do that the entire day, for this stuff even less than for books. I guess I could learn. I was horrible at maths and didn't get anything after eight grade, so I could start with that. But then again, the internet is the best place to get information…..
pls ppl. help me. what! do! i! do!!?
No. 693696
>>693629Khan Academy is actually great!
I also listen to art history podcasts while I'm doing chores or driving. The History of the World in 1000 Objects is an excellent one to start with if you like world history and comes in book form too. My favorite is Art Detectives with Janina Ramirez that is more medieval but covers modern art too. There are some podcasts on the MoMA site too that are good but kinda normie.
Libgen has all the basic textbooks, Art History by Stokstad is the one I started with.
I suggest doing a basic survey of art and then if you find an object/artist particularly interesting you can dive deeper with academic journals.
No. 693700
>>693692Before the internet: listen to radio, read books and magazines, consoles, talk on the phone for HOURS with friends, watch tv, hangout at eachothers house or on a park or wtv, skating and biking. Afternoons in the public library for nerds (like me), window shopping, volunteer work.
The internet just focused all these activities in one place (except the physical part of course). It's sad, but computers and internet are a bit essential for everyday life. Install leechblock on everything that you feel is not essential and use internet only as an aid for real life shit (like job and education).
No. 693701
>>693692I'm a zoomer and I'd like to do this too, actually. The unfortunate aspect is that everyone else is on there as well. Been having going-off-grid/hiking fantasies for forever. I'm genuinely sick of this place.
Sometimes I wonder if the world before constant internet usage felt more 'full' and people had more meaning in their lives.
No. 693706
>>693692The internet now is basically the equivalent of the TV back then, where we'd be bombarded with ads but there was still a variety of things to watch, a bunch of series, movies, documentaries, the news, shows about music, cartoons, anime, reality TV, etc. There's been a switch over time where pirating things online wasn't really illegal yet everywhere but everything was replaced by reality TV shows and contests little by little, so all these things became readily available online over time, legally and illegally. If you're into fandoms, instead of having to rely on fan communities online to see what was being released when it came to movies, video games, books, etc. you'd have to rely more on magazines or friends.
As for the equivalent to forums and social media, you were expected to socialize irl, with classmates, coworkers, your neighbors, your family and family friends, etc. Now it's easier to pick and choose who you want to talk to. As a kid I had a hard time socializing with kids and teens my age for several reasons out of my control like being too poor to hang out with my rich classmates where they wanted to or my parents were very controlling so I made friends online on forums and lj, and then tumblr, I spent a lot of time at home online, unlike my classmates. It was more common than now to let older kids do what they wanted in the late 90s and early 2000s with their friends even though not everyone could afford a cellphone. Now people have smartphones and better data plans, so now the average people my age (not sure I can call them normies) are shocked that I don't use social media all that much. As soon as social media became more mainstream there was some kind of reversal.
>Watching shows and playing games I might do too, but again, I don't have enough attention to do that the entire day, for this stuff even less than for books.I remember that me and my friends who liked watching TV shows and reading books did this less and less often and spent more time online out of habit. I guess when you can do all that stuff online and sometimes for free it's just more convenient. But now that this is more readily available it's actually something I do way less than before.
Not sure I answered your question, sorry.
No. 693709
>>693694It's like people forget that the internet wasn't mandatory for every household until the 2010s and some people in the rest of the world that isn't North America, would you imagine, still don't use it because there isn't much on it in their language.
>>693692I only got regular internet when I moved to the West. Before then I would torrent a bunch of books/movies/music/games in the library and consume that until I get bored of it. I went outside to play, did crafts, wrote, drew, studied. I've noticed that my attention span went down drastically once I got a regular internet connection and days went by much faster. So I guess do that.
No. 693712
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>>693701>Sometimes I wonder if the world before constant internet usage felt more 'full' and people had more meaning in their lives.I don't think it's as entirely simple as that. Scientific study has proven social media has hollowed out people's enjoyment of everything, like picrel.
But on the other hand you can argue that similarly to what
>>693706 said TV really dominated a lot of lives from the 80s-90s, and then the average people from generations before that probably had much stricter parameters to live their lives in, harder working conditions, less digital freedom etc. We need to strike a balance.
The study I referenced is here btw No. 693713
>>693692Just start a non-screen hobby? Learn a language, read books, learn to cook or bake, make jewellery, excersise or teamsport, make your own clothes, draw or paint, learn to play an instrument, collect something, do photography, find a penpal and make elaborate snailmail, write your own stories. There's so much you can do. Use google one last time to google "hobbies" and find one you like.
No. 693761
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This is weird but I can’t remember if my grandma (on my mom’s side) is still alive or not? The last I heard she was in a retirement home and had dementia. I want to ask my mom but I don’t know how?? If she’s dead I don’t want to make my mom cry by bringing it up.
No. 693781
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How come drag kings aren't as popular as drag queens?
No. 693805
>>693800I wonder if there's some sociological reason why people push others to breed. Because I've noticed this is usually the issue people seem to have with asexuals, that they have a sexual dysfunction that needs to be fixed. (which could be true, but if the person is happy alone why treat them like they're sick?)
But I guess the answer as far as I can tell is that people can't accept that someone can be content outside of a relationship
No. 693834
>>693805> Because I've noticed this is usually the issue people seem to have with asexuals, that they have a sexual dysfunction that needs to be fixed.Precisely. I got sick and tired of making up relationships just to appear normal and ultimately, I wanted to be honest with the people that I'm somewhat close to so when the topic of going out and dating inevitably comes up, I tell them the truth but everyone thinks it's because of variety of reasons. If I'm happy on my own then why is it an issue?
Yet I still get asked to give it a try with someone and it's annoying because it leads to extremely awkward situations.
>>693825Yes, that's probably it but they do it so aggressively and viciously. Like in real life they start arguing and giving anecdotal reasons why I should "fix" myself because I should in their mind want a dick. Nevermind the things they write online. I wish I have screenshoted some of the messages I got.
>>693826> i've seen a good amount of bi women and lesbians say they've used asexuality as a cope to avoid coming to terms with their sexualityThat's interesting, thanks. I haven't thought about that but I'll keep that in mind although the women close to me are all in straight relationships.
No. 693837
>>693817Mysterious bruises might mean vitamin deficiency. I'd up your vitamin c
>>693830fucking lol
No. 693855
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>>693846Birth certificate
No. 693930
>>693911Ingrained fear of getting cancelled by the wokesters, I suppose.
Despite how hard a lot of anons act, deep down they are quite cowardly.
No. 693939
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Please guys,I need your help. My class is organising a secret santa ( which is already weird because we are all too old for this but anyway ), I 'm kind of a loner and I don't really talk with anyone but I'm not hated by people ( I think at least). However there is this really popular guy who sit across me and when he read the name of the person he was suppose to give a gift too he just kept sighting and saying "oh no ! fuck " his tone was straight up annoyed, I couldn't help but notice that he was holding a piece of paper that looked really close to the one I've written my name on. Now my question is how should I react when he gives me potentially my gift, I really want to make him unease and say something about the way he reacted right in front of me that day but this is probably kind of mean and stupid but I can't stop thinking about it. What should I do ?
No. 693942
>>693918Ooh, I'm always a little bit worried about getting those sorts of items for people since people can have a preference for certain scents and stuff. Surprisingly we haven't spoken much about what scents we like lol.
>>693920>>693935I do know she drinks but I don't so I wouldn't even know what type of alcohol to get her, everything tastes bad to me haha.
>>693921Sometimes I drop by the cheese shop to buy us some cheese! We're both picky with cheese but I know some she definitely likes so maybe I'll buy her a chunk of this cheese we both like lol.
>>693929Good idea!! Your post just reminded me that our boss bought her a tea set for her birthday. Do you think buying her a different tea set would be too safe of a gift? Maybe a tea mug with one type of tea in it… I also really like Merci chocolate despite not liking chocolate but it's on the cheap side so I worry about looking too cheap but I genuinely just fucking love that chocolate too lol.
No. 694042
>>693985What have you tried so far? Most cats actually like litter boxes and need very little training.
If she's actually been feral (no human contact ever) for several years, you could start to gradually get her used to coming inside while still letting her out to do her business. In all my catlady years, I've only had one feral cat adjust to indoor living that she never wanted to go outside again, but I'd say it's somewhat rare and depends on the cat's personality. Older cats that have been fixed are more likely to give up the great outdoors.
When you first start to let her inside, you can put her in the litter box right away. She will likely motion to go outside when she needs to go, but you can try to put her back in the litter box again and see if she takes. She may go on the floor a couple of times at first, but it's unlikely to continue.
No. 694143
>>693152xd, XD and other variants never fell out of use with normies (at least where i live)
that said i started unironically spamming XD when talking with my boyfriend and i ended up embarrassing myself when i accidentally sent my friend "im home now XDDD" on discord when it was meant for my bf.
No. 694144
>>694052kek anon thats cute
>>694061ayrt and that's interesting. I don't remember any specific cartoons growing up depicting pregnant women though. It does feel very childidsh ig. I'm going to attribute it to my lizard brain thinking he would make a good dad lol
It's funny how before him I didn't want children or get married and now both sound appealing. And yep I think as long as I don't actually get pregnant I should be good. I'm already engaging in risky behavior though I really can't help it but I think it's very loving of him to trust me so much? in my mind idk but I should probably make him wrap up so when he asks why I tell him I changed my mind about marrying and we could go ahead and do that some time.
No. 694156
>>694145NTA, I think it's okay to be ashamed of an emote that you used at a shitty point in your life and to cringe when other people use it (because it reminds you). For example, I think
:^) is cringey because I used it during my edgy 4chan phase and the guys I dated back then used it as well. I think I'm ashamed of it for sure. I feel the same way about 'xD' although I still use it when talking to 30 year olds who would I feel wouldn't understand what I was trying to convey with :joy:. Btw autistic people are the only people that really think this deeply about it.
No. 694162
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Why don’t falsies stick on my eyes?? Can anyone give me tips for glueing on false lashes? I usually use the duo lash glue but maybe some of you know s better one. I feel like either the glue is too wet or too dry and the lasher never stick evenly!
No. 694201
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Its an awkward situation.
Should i buy a gift for my husbands brother?
To summarize:
My husbands parents separated long time ago, his father left for other woman and made a child with her (he didnt leave a lot of details but by timeline and everything its so obvious that he cheated on his mother and left for that woman). Of course I always see and understand the way he feels about it even through the years (father on the other hand dgaf and always invites him and his other sibling like its nbd), he still feels betrayed by it and whatnot. The kid they have is their only child and this youngster literally gets _everything_ in the world like most of the typical single kids (eg everytime theres a new VR coming out, they are buying it for him ASAP. He has 3 ones, including the one from Valve as soon as they started selling it. On top of that he has a lot of other expensive shit in his room that screams "rich gamer dream".).
Now since I started living in his country, I am the one who is always in charge for presents. I am really good at it because I always notice details and i love the joy of people when they love the gift. And of course, this Christmas I am fully in charge of gifting gifts for his big family.
I have bought the gifts for everyone, that including his Father and father's wife (i know they will give me a present too and his wife really likes me), however I havent gotten a gift for his young brother yet. I do know what to get, but whenever we talk about it, my husband always seems to be really "off" with the idea of gifting him a gift in general (he never done that through Christmas years mainly because the kid also doesnt care if he is going to get a gift or not - again, he always gets everything from parents). However in this situation I will feel extremely awkward over not gifting him a gift (if we don't), but at the same time it is true that he doesnt care nor really need gifts from anyone because of his rich parents. But imagine: gifting gifts to parents but not to a kid…?
I am not too sure what to do. My salary has not been doing well lately anyway, so not gifting would be good for finances but I know myself too well that I will end up wanting to punch myself when Christmas comes.
I thought of gifting a game off his wishlist on steam to him, but all of the games on wishlist he has cost 35$+ which is even more than a sweater that I want to buy for myself.
Anons, I am stupid and idk what to do. I will obviously talk about it more to husband, but the situation feels like a stupid circlejerk to me.
No. 694202
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>>694042I’ve been trying to get her happy with human contact her whole life but it’s only been in the past few years that she’s started to soften up. She’ll come inside to eat wet food, and often after that she’ll walk over to me on the nearby couch and let me pet her for a bit before she wants to go back out. Problem is this is at my parents house and if I want a litter box it has to be in my bedroom- on a different floor on the other side of the house. If I take her up there and shut the door she never likes it and just waits for me to let her out.
For example, the other day after eating I took her up there, shut the door behind me, and set her in the litter box. She hopped out immediately and went to the door like usual. I pulled her away from the door and gave her pets to distract her and hopefully make her a bit happier being in there. Then she walked back to the door and peed on the carpet.
Maybe it would be helpful to put the box outside and see if she starts using it out there first? She’s an unusually stupid cat for many reasons, we always joke that she’s special needs and she probably is.
No. 694212
>>694201Gift giving ettiquette can be tricky. I think it's really subjective unfortunately.
I think
>>694210 makes sense. Maybe you could also drop a hint to the parents when you see them that you're not doing well this year. Times are tough for everyone right now so if they really like you they will understand.
No. 694221
>>694201Reasons not to gift:
1. Your husband doesn't want to.
2. The kid doesn't want nor need it.
3. You're not doing well financially.
Reasons to gift:
1. You'd feel awkward.
From an outside perspective, this seems really simple. The reason to gift is already kind of a bad one, especially when you have so many reasons to not gift him and ESPECIALLY when you're doing bad financially.
Do yourself a favor and just don't gift him. You're clearly the only one who'd feel bad about it. And if you're going to feel bad either way (Not gifting him something and feel awkward or gifting him something and feel bad about your finances and spending more on yourself than him) you might aswell choose the one that's best for your wallet.
No. 694231
>>694214Is he normally like this or could it be something unusual making him like that?
I would understand if you didn't ever ask about his day and only just launched into your venting unprompted every day, people that only ever complain without making an effort to fix things are annoying, but he asked you about your day first so why is he mad that you're telling him? Sounds like an asshole to me
No. 694249
>>694246Video essays, preferably good quality research and never with robot voices.
I will listen to a video essay on almost anything.
No. 694321
>>694318NTA but what kind of oil?
also what is the secret of fried rice? I can never make it taste as good as ordered at home….
No. 694336
>>694246Ambient soundtracks, interviews with film directors/authors/musicians, vlogs
>>694249What kind of video essays do you listen to, anon, if you don't mind sharing?
No. 694359
>>694058I tare my scale with the rice cooker bowl, add in 180g of my rice and scrub it in lukewarm water with my knuckles and fingertips til the water rinses clear. It's easier if you just add a cup or so of water at a time and carefully dump after each time. I only fill it with water to the 1C mark in my rice cooker, sometimes adding less to put in other things. Sometimes I leave it with just a little salt or a tiny splash of vinegar. Or I add in chicken stock powder, spring onions, cracked pepper, a splash of soy and a splash of sake. I'm probably making actual Asians cry with this, but it's delicious.
>>694321NTAs,but this is my favorite fried rice recipe, not plain rice though.
No. 694360
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>>694359Damnit, dropped picture.
No. 694361
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Has it happened to anyone else that you used to enjoy doing something and then someone told you that you suck and since than you always get this shame/guilt feeling when you do that thing? How does one get over that feeling? I know that this is called internalization, but how does one un-internalize negative comments?
No. 694374
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Anons, are there Karaoke websites that allow you to sing and compete with people&
I remember I loved back in the days, but it looks like it got closed and replaced by some microphone store.
No. 694375
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>>694361It takes lots of resolve to un-internalize stuff, like, it took me 3 years to get some will to sing again while doing random stuff because I always had people telling me that I suck at it. Then again, I still can’t even pretend I can write stories yet no matter how much encouragement I get from anyone.
I think being alone and a bit secretive of what you do, helps a lot with such things, when you’re on your own, since there are no eyes peering around, you can do whatever you want without any sort of pressure or fear of failure.
I hope it helps somehow, being able to do the things you want to do really makes most days good.
No. 694376
>>694354Having a decent sleeping schedule helps a lot, going to sleep early so you can wake up earlier than usual will let you be able to organize yourself better in the morning.
You can also try to find a way to keep everything ready for the next day, like your outfit, lunch, keys and such.
No. 694410
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>>694392Nta but similar question: how do you stop looking for/coming back to things you hate? I love hating things but it's kinda unhealthy in the long run.
No. 694478
My grandma just died some days ago.
Thinking about my grandma though, she was always an abusive woman towards my mom. And she had a lot of traits of a narcissitic mom, and I'm sure to hell and back that she had NPD.
Thinking about my brother too, he has been abusive towards me and fits the NPD diagnosis pretty well. My dad too, makes sense he was so manipulative.
So when I think of myself I am pretty afraid of being narcissistic myself. I think I've had traits, but whenever I get tests done by professionals or online, I always come out negative. I don't have NPD. But my traits are
-Low self esteem
-Sometimes I feel like I'm a bit better than other people, but not in a grandiose way. I just think other people can be assholes or very dumb.
-I think I'm gifted, even when I don't really do much because of depression. This keeps me alive, because I know I can pick up drawing again and be happy. But it's not like I rub it on people's faces or think other people can't be more gifted than me
All said I think that some narcissistic rage does comes out whenever I'm in a relationship. I don't even want to talk about it because I've only had one serious relationship and I feel like both of us fucked it up, but the fact that I was very angry just fucks me up even futher. I just feel so disgusted at myself.
And let's just say with my subsequent crush immediately after ending this turbulent relationship, I love bombed the hell out of them, even when I didn't intend to. I learnt what lovebombing was after and stopped myself.
What should I do? Is there some advice to this?
No. 694481
> -Low self esteemcommon to everyone not well adjusted, not just narcissists
> -Sometimes I feel like I'm a bit better than other people, but not in a grandiose way. I just think other people can be assholes or very dumb.Very common for all kinds of people
> -I think I'm gifted, even when I don't really do much because of depression. This keeps me alive, because I know I can pick up drawing again and be happy. But it's not like I rub it on people's faces or think other people can't be more gifted than meAlso very common
No. 694485
>>694321Also fried rice should be cooked on very high heat (the highest you can get) and oil at every step. So oil, veggies, oil, rice, oil, eggs, etc. When you add rice, add lots of soy sauce, sesame oil for extra aroma, other thick brown sauce (like oyster, Worcestershire, or "stir fry" sauce).
People say you need day-old rice for fried rice, but as long as you cook it long in the pan and use lots of oil I don't find it necessary.
No. 694494
>>694479you mean fury road or the first one from 1979?
madmax 1: dull revenge story, not even actually post-apocalyptic
madmax 2: influential in it's inventive set and costume design, but feels generic from being copied soooo much when viewed now adays
madmax 3: rehash of the second movie but lesser in every way, annoying civilization of little kids characters
madmax fury road: actually a good movie, every scene pops visually with a plot that's always progressing and action that feels more intense than typical consequence-free power fantasy, surprisingly feminist themes about a group of mostly women overthrowing a patriarchy trying to enslave them for reproduction, quite a depressing setting though
No. 694546
>>694410I used to be the same. For the stuff that made me feel really bad (like checking an old friend’s sm) I cut that out cold turkey. I realised there was a negative cycle going on, and checking only ever made me angry/sad. It took a long time to get to that point, but since then I’ve been stubborn about it. If you’re seeing immediate negative effects, that should be enough motivation to stop it.
Other stuff, I think it’s normal to hate some things, just limit how much you dwell on it? Like don’t spend hours on lc, schedule time in advance and limit your time. To distract yourself of the urge find something positive to do instead, something that catches your interest as much as the negative thing.
As I said it’s not unhealthy in itself to hate things, but if it’s negatively affecting your life then it’s time to take a step back.
No. 694550
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Is it even possible to play pc games on a laptop without a mouse? I had to give my mouse to someone else and I have to wait for the new one to arrive, but I really want to play my dumbass game.
No. 694551
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Why can’t I watch those linked videos on my phone ? Is there a way to watch it without a pc?
No. 694563
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How do I make portrait paintings more interesting looking? Rather than it being like 'ok here's a face of a human, bye'. I really love drawing people and I'm fairly good at it but I understand that it's pretty boring and I want to make it look more visually stimulating, how do I make portraits more creative? Add that 'pop', you know?
No. 694583
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If someone takes or uses something very specific to one or several related cultures and pretend they came up with it. Or they do it wrong in a way that's so inaccurate it's laughable. Or someone pretending they're one of us because they like us somewhat. Examples for each, related to my culture are:
>that one middle eastern fashion designer whose name I forgot who designed some of the most basic and boring karakous I've ever seen and made the white models wear amazigh tribal tattoos and said his inspiration was GOT a few years ago
>men getting small amazigh tattoos for the aesthetics except they're specifically meant to help women have children/prevent infertility
>Madonna's birthday in this outfit saying stupid shit, although imo it's not that bad, there was some actually interesting debate back then
No. 694732
>>694707The thing that spoke to me was that sex workers literally sell their bodies. An office worker sells his knowledge and time, types everything in the computer and works with that. A construction worker works with his body, too, but what he sells again, are his skills and the end product, not literally himself. Not sure if I explained that understandably lmao
Can't help on the book question one and would be interested myself.
No. 694748
>>694707Well it's basically derived from the "just another job" argument, which can be attacked in itself and then its derivatives don't need to be argued. Sex work is obviously not "just a job like others" when it has such specific risks, legislation problems, ruin and implications on human sexuality. Saying that it only has negative consequences on one's psyche or future job opportunities because of its legality also seems bullshit because then it wouldn't affect people that leave this job in more egalitarian (nordic model) countries.
Or you could also ask them, if they were OK with the government office suggesting their daughters/sisters/mother a brothel in case of unemployment and saying they're not serious enough about looking for a job when they refuse?
No. 694837
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when you straighten your hair with a flat iron what do you do when you need to shower? do i just have to straighten it all over again? should i just flat iron my hair raw or should i wash it first, ive seen people do it when its wet or dry
No. 694839
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>>694743this happens to me way more often than I'd like. usually when I wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom or something. I've been under chronic stress all my life so im prob way more dissociated than I realize..
No. 694844
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Where to find socks like this irl? Preferably without the animal ears but I love how they're skinny at the top but baggy at the bottom, is there a name for this style?
No. 695071
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How expensive and tedious would it be to make this blanket yourself?
No. 695080
>>695071Depending on where you source your wool £20-£200+
And a week or two x