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No. 667950
Containment thread for all the art salt you could imagine. And sometimes, people ask for help. Stop getting pissy about that. Vendetta-chans and twitterfags need to leave. Don't feed the trolls that visit, for fucks sake.
Discuss the shitty art and even shittier attitude of artists
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
Articles about useful resources for improving one's art: and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix Yoon
previous thread:
>>643382 No. 667972
File: 1604661581608.jpg (Spoiler Image,698.72 KB, 1080x1868, IMG_20201106_191908.jpg)

No. 668062
File: 1604672477457.jpeg (Spoiler Image,101.08 KB, 512x1024, EmIdxkFVcAIKiUp.jpeg)

I can't be the only one that expected @hanari0716 to make better art, having in mind how many people follow him for his tutorials and stuff lol No. 668083
>>668074Yikes, I think this comment explains itself
>>668064This actually got me
No. 668085
>>668075Are they ‘normal’ sketchbooks, college(application)sketchbooks, or sketchbooks that the artist is planning to sell copies of?
I haven’t watched/viewed many sketchbook tours, but sometimes the purpose differs for the sketchbook
No. 668114
>>668059I posted the please stop being gay pic.
It was a joke, calm the fuck down autist.
No. 668332
File: 1604706237658.png (1000.81 KB, 830x544, rae.png)

>>668166I don't use makeup, what is going on with her skin? I understand the lumps are pimples, but it looks like something oily is on her face. Is it bronzer?
No. 668367
>>668059>>668350Those anons were joking you speds.
Goddamn I can't believe people are actually defending the… right not to be shipped? Of a couple of ephebophiles who died over five hundred years ago, Christ. I agree that shipping real people is cringe as hell but let's not turn this into an autistic moral crusade for these dead white guys.
No. 668394
>>668367literally who cares. these dudes are way, way dead, and its a shitpost. its not like theyd have to come face to face with the porn fiction people make of them like septiplier or other weird stuff like that. its all cringe anyway, but getting so
triggered over someones shitpost is just as cringy.
No. 668473
>>668453imo generic subject matter is more of an issue than generic art style. Any style can look good (or at least interesting) if the artist is skilled. I just get tired of pretty girl portraits/busts or anything that gets copied over and over without adding something new.
Anime art is fine. Cartoons are fine. Semi realism is fine. There are only so many ways you can draw something, after all. It’s near impossible to craft a style that’s 100% original. As long as you have decent ideas and put in some effort to improve that’s enough for me.
No. 668572
>>668330I myself hate how people use it as a dumping ground for autistic chris chan sonic OC doodles and punch down just because they think they're accomplished for realizing it's technically in competent. But on the other hand I would also be bored with a thread that was "ummm yikes leg be wonky lmao broken spine!!!" nitpicks on popular and semi-competent artists from start to finish. I feel the funniest entries in it are pieces that have some bizarre or disgusting subject matter, are just drawn in a very, very unappealing style or like
>>668408 mentioned having someone draw part of it really well but neglecting the rest of it. Like all the coomer sakimichan clones who do rendering really well but without the colours and shadowing the piece looks weird as hell.
No. 668881
>>668861Ross draws is kind of a hack. You will learn his style and how to trace ref pics that's about it.
I'd recommend gathering art styles you love and stuyding them. Some artists sometimes have their DMs open so you can ask them who or what they learned from. Most digital artists learn all online for free nowadays, don't fall for cashgrabs!
Good luck anon!
No. 669101
File: 1604803370611.png (381.15 KB, 584x438, w.png)

What the fuck lol
>Porn coloring book
>for pervy adults who are into coloring books aka ddgl maybe
>"in the name of self love"
hell world lol
No. 669106
File: 1604803619718.png (70.4 KB, 969x341, Screenshot_12.png)

Did BJ work on this comic book because the lineart from the previews look amateurish and really shitty.
No. 669118
File: 1604804461275.jpg (578.32 KB, 1080x1644, Oldross.jpg)

>>668918Same anon you mentioned here. Dropping another one of Ross's older works because I genuinely love his stuff and feel sad about how hard he panders to the algorithm these days.
Even his earlier "pretty girl drawings" were so full of heart and energy. I wish we'd see more of this side of his art.
No. 669125
File: 1604804701646.jpg (694.22 KB, 2672x1242, zeronis.jpg)

which artist has the most depressing regression and why is it zeronis? his old art still had coomer proportions but his new art is straight up amateurish. it doesn't look like the art of someone who was a professional artist for nearly 10 years after being scouted from a well-known design school during his junior year.
>>669118wow this is actually really nice.
No. 669175
>>669125Ew look at her little chicken feet. The artwork on the right kinda looks like something from a mobile rpg
>>669101Adult coloring books aren't an ddlg thing. Some people actually do it as a hobby or stress reliever. Usually adult coloring books are pretty detailed tho. This look kinda basic.
>>669135Clothing, hair and accessories I assume. But it's porn so idk how much they would be wearing. I hope she doesn't have any art of someone wearing some kind of traditional/religious clothing while doing anal or some shit
No. 669209
>>669175Yes yes yes I know adult coloring books are a thing, I see them at the gas station everytime with some mandalas or other live laugh love bullshit printed on them. Yes I know they're for sad lonely housewives, bored office ladies who sell Mary Kay and failed vegans with candle collections. Hence why I said
>Porn coloring bookYou can't turn a blind eye and think the combination of porn + coloring books aren't usually a DDGL thing. Come on.
No. 669214
>>669170The artist is Paul Kwon aka Zeronis. He was a concept artist at Riot who designed several League of Legends champions (including Ahri) and a bunch of skins.
His ArtStation is pretty interesting because it's the reverse of a normal portfolio- instead of getting better over time, he loses his grasp on fundamentals like perspective and his art becomes flatter and less polished.
No. 669270
File: 1604827238312.png (58.91 KB, 576x524, frog.PNG)

Hi, since this is the critique thread can I get a critique on this little frog fellow I drew?
No. 669291
>>667972Holy shit I remember following this artist on DA back in 2008. They were heavily into Assassins Creed, so they drew a lot of gay fan art of Altair/Malik and Ezio/Da Vinci. So I am not surprised they made fan art of Michelangelo and Da Vinci in the slightest.
Either way it’s so weird seeing how much they’ve improved since I last saw their work.
No. 669308
>>669071His avatar is hideous, I don't know why he clings to that, but his comic book style is okay, and he can pull off some nice environments. I think Jazza is popular for his versatility in different mediums, he's not the best in any but he has enough of a basic to decent level in a lot more skills (drawing, sculpture, animating, painting) than most artists and it's more entertaining to watch for kids too.
People miss his drawing and animation tutorials but with his skillset and level I think it's better for him to do what he does best which is tackling different art mediums than pretend to be a pro at one.
No. 669322
File: 1604837935258.jpg (102.56 KB, 745x1356, IMG_20201108_033929(1).jpg)

I really like the way she colors,hate her proportions. I like that she draws boobs that hang a little but idk. Im not one to judge because this is definitely an out there stylistic choice but her art is supposed to be "sexy". I don't find this art to be very arousing I think it's interesting though.
No. 669324
File: 1604837996119.jpg (Spoiler Image,604.58 KB, 1105x1969, IMG_20201107_165441(1).jpg)

Action coaster lol
No. 669334
>>669294>>669296Goddamn, the shit weebs are willing to excuse as "style." There are mistakes on the right one that clearly aren't intentional– notably her gigantic cranium, the neck and collarbones connecting weirdly, and the way the bare leg meets the pelvis. This looks like a seventeen year old drew it, full stop.
In fact the shoddiness of the drawing on the right makes me think that the art on the left is 80% a painted over photobash. Notice how shitty the hand resting on the sword is in the profile shot of the character. The regression that happened to this guy is the natural result of over-reliance on photobashing. Pic related is an example of the type of photobashing Zeronis probably does.
No. 669375
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>>669322Did a quick line tracing, currently the artist had improved her anatomy bit quite difficult to track bc there are more than 1 artist with the same name
No. 669484
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>>669378he said he left riot on his own to become a fulltime coomer artist on patreon.
>>669375>>669322this reminds me of that one hentai artist whose fetish is girls with extremely long necks and upper torsos.
No. 669530
File: 1604867690908.jpg (195.6 KB, 898x1024, EmUmSnzXUAAE58-.jpg)

Opinions on samipeko? I never seen any milk on her and she's fairly popular. Is this a sign of a good artist?
No. 669580
>>669575true, but one could always be made if anons were interested in that. but since there isn't one i don't think anyone is, so this is still not content for this thread if they genuinely aren't here to dig up some drama about them or to see if their opinion of liking them is
valid by lolcow standards lol.
No. 669628
>>669538It's kind of surreal to me, I always thought these were selfposts but now I'm starting to second-guess. I cannot imagine for what reason you'd ever want to advertise yourself on this website. What benefits does the farmer audience bring?
>>669530Might as well bite it. I really like their art and I love their dynamic poses, they're much more dynamic than what I can draw at least. I'm around /int/ level and still struggle with making really fluid poses, as well as just getting the stuff I want on paper. I can really respect someone that thinks of a concept or an idea and immediately puts it on paper.
No. 669648
>line art is half-assed>don‘t know how to draw shoes or feet>skirts are too short in the back and stick on the characters like they were second skin>even for anime the anatomy is too unbalancedIt‘s just „fun“ art that might appeal to many because it looks like something they could easily achieve with a little practice.
No. 669657
File: 1604880810051.png (12.76 KB, 588x160, samipeko.PNG)

>>669530ok, so much talk about this post, went to actually check that person's profile and I gotta say, I'm legit surprised that with this quality of presentation (poorly scanned quick pencil drawings) she's managed to amass this much following, I have never seen it before. If these were digitals, or clean nice scans, I could understand because the lines are good and show confidence, characters are very expressive which is fun and this kind of stuff tends to be popular, but usually people are not able to look past presentation like this. Must be some real good networking / community management, as I can't find anything else she could be popular for.
No. 669687
File: 1604884170259.jpg (158.72 KB, 952x1024, EVrnj9SXkAE32Yv.jpg)

>>669684Also drawing teeth, I admit it does look appealing but I don't know what to think of hers paired up with those mouths. Mixed feelings.
No. 669737
>>669732I'd say it's less of a regression (I'm sure those artists are still able to draw like they used to) and more of a pandering to the algorithm/what's more popular.
Coomer art and pretty model girls are all the craze right now. Disappointing, yeah. But it's one hell of a good and easy way to grow a following nowadays.
No. 669861
File: 1604911285164.jpg (103.4 KB, 800x799, zeronis-4b356ce1-44c8-434f-92a…)

>>669737I looked at his other recent paintings– all bland busts of anime girls in three quarter view, rarely with proper backgrounds. He has absolutely regressed. Stop caping for him because his crap resembles the garbage you or the people you follow draw.
No. 669869
File: 1604913808222.jpeg (914.1 KB, 828x1064, D8B9C70F-2828-4447-8E43-458650…)

Can someone explained to me what qualified this man to be a professor at a college? All his art is exactly the same, naked Asian girls and self inserts of him having sex with naked Asian girls. How the hell have you been painting for so long and you still managed to make her this cock-eyed. Fuck I hate Kent Williams.
No. 669872
>>669684To me personally using muh anatomy as a crutch to base a piece's worth on is such a ignorant thing to do because any /beg/ bucket crab can point out flaws with it, but evaluating artwork based on other factors takes a more trained eye. With stylized artwork the focus is not on creating accurate anatomy on par with marble statues but focus on the technique. I'm willing to forgive broken limbs or extreme proportions if, for example, the focus in something like
>>669530 and
>>669687 is clearly on the movement and expressiveness of the characters, not how accurate the proportions are. It would be much more distracting if it was a super realistic piece with a 360 degree bent wrist.
But of course this fucking thread counts only over-rendered concept art as the true test of skill and is salty over anyone who has a following because they're able to produce crowd-pleasing material people find appealing because it's not ~true art~. Whenever someone is outed for self posting in this thread they turn out to be a fucking mess of a twitter doodler so Cope.
No. 669893
>>669657Dynamic drawings, mostly fan art, draws a load of different popular anime so there will be something for everyone while relying on some very safe mainstream characters to bounce back to (Miku Hatsune), must put out drawings very fast compared to other artists, being phone photos of sketches which pleases the algorithm.
I think it's a combination of the varied fandom stuff, which also helps for connections with other popular people, and having a style that does well without taking much time.
I can't say this for sure but not having a separate art account from your personal account probably helps too with the relatable posts and the cat pictures. If you are "
problematic" forget about that tho.
No. 669903
File: 1604918374594.png (2.32 MB, 1080x1476, Screenshot_20201109-183202.png)

>>669869putting aside his insistence to subject everyone to his asian fetish, you can clearly see his style and technique is fit for a contemporary art professor anon
No. 669905
File: 1604918925242.png (965.6 KB, 891x599, nice.PNG)

>>669869LMAO anon is he your professor and he failed you or something? He is clearly a very good painter, paints various things, not only women, and the fact there are more asian women in his portraits may be coming from the fact his partner is an Asian woman and seems like she models for his art; which I really struggle to see as
problematic. Seriously if my art school professors were half as good as this guy is I'd consider myself lucky.
>him having sex with naked Asian girlswhere?
No. 669908
>>669905Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the guy that is with soeymilk, who was working under him in college? I remember he was fucking his students or something, so maybe that's what anon meant.
His art is very beautiful though. He seems to draw naked ladies pretty realistically and I can appreciate that, even if they all have the same body. Not sure why anon has such a hateboner (unless he IS a weirdo who preys on his students)
No. 669916
File: 1604920570395.jpeg (286.24 KB, 519x624, 48325CBB-8A50-4541-83C7-FCA182…)

>>669869Okay Kent is a boring perv but in his defense I’ve found out that Soey’s eyes are just like that, he did her dirty though
No. 669917
>>669908Samefag, I found the thread in was mentioned it
>>>/snow/963863 I remember it being mentioned in a more recent thread though, so maybe more accusations came out.
I'm on mobile so to lazy to screenshot so just ctrl+f "soey". Basically, students said that he asked them to pose nude for them. Apparently multiple artists cosigned the accusations and Art center is known for looking past teachers who prey on their students.
Anyway, sorry for bringing up old milk.
No. 669920
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I just mean you’re teaching young girls mostly, taking on barely-legal girls as your TAs, and most of your content revolves around sex.
No. 669924
File: 1604921402041.jpeg (1.11 MB, 828x1521, 018CE31E-EC19-439C-8A7A-800AFC…)

>>669921I agree, his renders aren’t very skilled esp for a man of his age but stylistically it’s nice. It would be great if he applied that style to something besides obsessing over naked women. He won’t though. It’s even more of a shame for Soey because she’s
extremely talented but she’s dishonest and she seems to have developed the same male-centric view of art as well and she’s too heavily influenced by him. A waste of amazing ability. Picrel, if you scroll to the beginning of his ig before he met Soey and made her his TA he just posted pictures with Asian women.
No. 669933
File: 1604921877572.jpg (362.84 KB, 428x640, soeymilk.jpg)

>>669918>I didn’t think to spoonfeed contextthis is so niche it doesn't come up in searches, you can't expect people on an international imageboard to automatically know everything about some schools in US, it shouldn't even count as spoonfeeding at this point. But I see your point, I could imagine his students of Asian origins probably feel very uncomfortable around him, I guess it may be such a grey area the school will never do anything about it though.
>>669924 is right about Soey, her painting skills actually surpass his, makes you wonder if without his influence she'd approach wider variety of subjects in her work.
No. 669936
>>669933I didn’t mean that literally as shade, spoonfeed is just a common term here. I knew they were both brought up on art cows and I think the lay salt thread as wel? Perhaps it was the one before last? I just wasn’t thinking about applying context, not really blaming anyone for not grasping it. Just wasn’t thinking.
Soey is very talented, I can only imagine how far she’d go if she’s stop painting women with string and cloth and broaden her horizons a bit. At this point she seems to do exactly what he does, just much better. I’m hoping as she gets older maybe she’ll grow out of it?
No. 669938
It’s ridiculous the way people here nitpick on others as if every work had to be perfect for it to have any worth. It just makes me think of you as a beg when you rip on other artist for minor faults, cause every decent artist I know, has grown out of that kind of behavior. I frequent these threads for the occasional twitter drama and learning about the shitty personalities of some artists, not whatever they have chosen to become coomer artist or not.
No. 670081
>>669942>>669938/beg/ cope
Muh style will never be a free pass to draw hideously. Plenty of things are crowd-pleasing but are objectively shit.
Even when a drawing features hentai monster girl with HHH cup tits, it's still plain easy to distinguish artists with strong foundations who can make the subject aesthetically pleasing
and technically competent from those who are clearly lacking in key aspects. Stop acting like anyone is expecting you to draw to the proportion of a medical journal, don't be willfully obtuse. People will always nitpick and criticize. Yes, I do acknowledge that amateurs tend to take the wrong issues with a piece and most of the fixes I've been on here are trash. Your (shit) art only needs to have worth 1) to you and 2) to a paying customer. Don't cry because someone thinks your fave is bad.
No. 670089
>>669872exactly, i know someone is gonna come with "b-buh this is the art salt thread!!11", but it's such a petty thing to bitch about the anatomy when it's clearly heavily stylized and focused on the movement. wonder if these anons would complain about gesture drawings being so simple too because they don't have art fundamentals down lol.
>>669879i'll spell it out for you so you'll get it through your thick skull: i. did not. say. they. know. anatomy. at all. learn to read already, god i can't believe i have to talk to people here who didn't pass high school.
No. 670283
>>669214Looking at his artstation: it all started going downhill once he picked up Ilya kushinovs painting style, it’s very visibly derivative of his painting techniques at the beggining. I wonder if he left riot because of the quality decline? The amount of care put into the last league designs he posted in comparison to earlier ones is jarring, even to the ones already in the more anime style like the KDA skins.
It’s not even about just level of detail/realism or rendering, but it just feels uninspired and like he stopped caring as time went on.
No. 670524
File: 1604982425385.jpeg (231.79 KB, 750x1003, 90BB29F4-F89B-438E-9835-0C9B27…)

Trying to claim a generic tag
No. 670571
File: 1604989064829.png (58.07 KB, 346x1027, wy54wby54wby4by54.png)

Does anyone know why rei_17 is under fire (again?) - don't speak korean but using google translate it seems like she said something about Korea and then is selling there?
No. 670706
>>670589>>670571Chinese anon here. It goes a bit deeper than that. Old Xian (artist for 19 Days Webtoon) drew a picture of their characters in "traditional" clothing that looked too similar to the hanbok (they referenced outfits from several C-dramas and paintings but did not try to claim the hanbok was of Chinese origin, so if anything it was more of ignorance than malice). Many South Koreans and Chinese alike became enraged due to the ongoing hanfu vs hanbok discussions.
South Korean Twitter flamed them alive for cultural appropriation. Chinese Twitter flamed them alive for "hating their own culture". Rei screenshotted the comments and posted on Weibo defending Xian, but took the opportunity to be nasty towards Koreans and being all-around racist.
She then tweeted in Korean asking for support/to buy her stuff (based on translated text, I can't confirm). Korean Twitter found her racist rant from Weibo and called her snake ass out.
It's a huge mess and I wish I didn't understand it.
No. 670716
File: 1605008217326.jpg (297.55 KB, 1080x1604, IMG_20201110_193344.jpg)

>>670706Same anon. The type of harassment Xian has been getting on all their recent posts.
No. 670720
File: 1605008288745.jpg (117.34 KB, 1024x594, ElvLkncU8AA74h-.jpg)

>>670706Xian original artwork.
No. 670858
>>670706Maybe it's because I'm a white eurofag, but I really don't get what Old Xian did wrong? Like, I know the whole China-Japan-Korea relationships are a nasty can of worms, but I really don't understand what warranted this reaction or even why she had to apologize. I see this kind of drawings
>>670720 everyday on pixiv and japanese twitter and nobody flames them afaik.
No. 670879
>>670858Basically, Old Xian did cultural appropriation (whether or not its actually cultural appropriation is debatable depending on whether you side with Chinese or Koreans), and the Twitter PC crowd came for their ass.
Its a massive overreaction imo, especially considering Xian already apologised and many people (including westerners) are still harassing them over their "unforgiveable" actions.
Rei may be two-faced bitch, but she didn't go on a racist rant out of absolutely nowhere like the original anon thought. People are coming at Xian too harshly for a drawing they made for fun.
The sad thing is that you absolutely cannot reason with this crowd. At least with Western SJWs people won't start calling you racial slurs.
No. 670911
File: 1605026861697.jpg (232.04 KB, 720x1520, 20201110_134542.jpg)

Forever surprised this artist for my country draws shit like this and has 118k followers on insta and some retail collaborations from time to time, like I understand simplicity has an appeal to some people but isn't this too simple?
No. 670928
File: 1605028683330.png (2.38 MB, 1525x838, pin.PNG)

>>670911I find this style very appealing, it's simple but expressive enough; definitely matter of taste though!
>>670917Trend I'm tired of already is artists relying of painting portraits from the same photos over and over in the same way, super smooth with sharp highlight; bluesssatan being the best example of this but there are many. I still appreciate the technical skill and understand the popularity but it's just so boring.
No. 670941
>>670706Do Koreans realize that a lot of asian countries share some similarities when it comes to culture and traditions, including traditional clothing? I get that they hate everyone else (especially China) because of history, but do they really need to cancel a chinese artist who didn't even insult them or their culture?
>>670932 is right, they're just jealous of a chinese artist who's famous and successfull.
No. 670978
File: 1605032475022.jpg (152.35 KB, 1080x1080, 124310984_244990330374697_4834…)

the winner of an art contest on insta. I really like it although the nose bothers me. is this just an anime style thing, im not too familiar with it.
No. 670988
>>670978It's pretty common for artists who draw in anime style to draw the nose like that, almost nonexistent. That or they fully omit the nose.
Why did you post this here though? Is it selfposting or some vendetta?
No. 670999
>>670993>>670978 said this piece won an ig contest so this could be a participant who didn't win and got salty. who knows.
either way it's basic af, the character's design is shit and i can barely make out the facial features. i assume that the contest must have been small if this was the winning piece.
No. 671002
>>670984ntayrt but the face is pretty shit even for simplistic anime standards. It’s also just ugly. This is the art SALT thread anyways,
>>670988 I think it’s unwarranted to jump to vendetta assumptions. I assumed the salt thread was better suited for actual salt and nitpicking. If it was posted in the Bad Art thread the vendetta concerns would make more sense since really just the face is fucked.
No. 671042
>>670999>>670988>>670984Why are anons always sus that somethings a self post or vendetta? OP didn't even trash it and why tf would someone wanna post their own shit in this thread?
>>670978The nose is kinda fucked but the coloring and composition is really good imo, i love the foreshortening with the pose as well. Don't think the nose would even be so bad if there was any other contrast in the facial area.
No. 671097
File: 1605037896008.png (53.66 KB, 601x619, Paypal.PNG)

Seems like Paypal does this shit to artists often, do any anons use a different service?
No. 671106
>>671042>why tf would someone wanna post their own shit in this thread?cows used to selfpost all the time for attention/asspats. it's not a stretch to think artists would do it too.
>>671097All forms of online payment I've seen will also hold your payment for a period of time before releasing it if it's a huge sum of money. The holding period is mainly to make sure the payment isn't fraudulent but PayPal's ridiculous no deadline holding period is annoying.
No. 671121
>>670571unrelated to the current drama but at AX I was in an elevator with rei and she had a bodyguard/manager? constantly around her. Weird shit, they told me to press buttons for them even though they were closer to the panel. I was already on my floor so I just walked out without doing anything.
I found out later she was Rei from a party, but yeah she seems like an introverted spoiled princess irl
No. 671210
File: 1605046862037.png (74.09 KB, 229x231, Snimka zaslona (156).png)

guess what animal this is
No. 671234
>>670978lmao isn't this for clivenzu's art contest? i've looked through the other art, clivenzu and her friends were right when they said this one stood out a lot more than the others
plus a good part of the competition was also based on the lore of the character.
No. 671273
>>670945This. K-Nets are mad because despite having the largest market and supply of webcomics, Old Xian's BL Webtoon is still more popular and acclaimed worldwide. With so many comments saying that they won't read her Webtoon from now on, part of me thinks the plan is to get Old Xian to stop making her comic so that the number one BL worldwide will be Painter Of The Night (which is set in Goryeo/Joseon era Korea).
Istg if 19 Days is discontinued because of this, I'm going to riot. It's rare to find a BL Webtoon with good art, and even rarer to find one without shitty BDSM themes. Painter Of The Night can't even compete with 19 Days.
No. 671337
It really leaves a bitter taste in my mouth when i see some cool art only to have it plagued with the same copy-pasted 'please rt/like my art!!!! also check out my store!!!! please!!! support artists!!!'
I know that everyone gotta find a way to get by but the way so many of those artists try to promote their merch and ask for support feels obnoxiously pushy at best and guilt-trippy at worst.
No. 671365
File: 1605063016512.jpg (15.62 KB, 219x165, 220px-Sthenurus_stirlingi.jpg)

>>671210And extinct Sthenurus strilingi is my legit answer because there is no way this isn't a very ugly marsupial
No. 671487
>>670917"I drew flowers as pretty girls! Which one is your favourite? Tag yourself!!"
Just admit you want clout and go.
No. 671528
>>670917I'm really really REALLY tired of those "brands/innanimate objects/planets/etc as humans!" because 99% of the time the designs are uninspired generic pretty guys or generic pretty girls.
I love gijinkas, but I can't help but groan every time I see a generic "military aircraft as pretty girl!" or "food brand as pretty girl or boring looking guy!"
No. 671615
>>671500>Clout chasing hashtags meant to get more exposure, they're always hijacked by artists who are already popular and establishedI hate this so much, but it's always hilarious to see them get all passive aggressive how "I used to have less than 100 followers before" and some try to justify how 40k followers isn't a lot.
Okay sure, but don't be that guy either.
No. 671680
File: 1605110940919.jpg (508.3 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20201111-170553_You…)

>>671625At the very beginning of her newest video
It seems like she was practicing from reference, but used the wrong animal
No. 671775
>>671712All I can say is: yikes
I haven’t really seen much of her work, but the few that I’ve seen are abit better than this. But then again, those where probably finished illustrations rather than studies
No. 671776
>>671765ntayrt and I'd tend to agree, but I find there's a lot of kids who start drawing around the middle/high school age, so saying "middle school sketches" I think is a pretty reasonable shorthand for saying things look amateur in a certain type of way. And no middle school kid is going to be
super good at drawing, unless they're some kind of prodigy, which is the exception not the rule.
>>671210The more time I spend looking at this as well as at pictures of cats, the more convinced I am that she absolutely did not use a reference photo of a cat.
No. 671981
>>671273>>>K-netsWe get it, Koreans on the internet are big bad. Go back to NB twitterfag.
>>671528>>671500Gijinka’s are probably the most uninspired, consistently lazy character design creations I see from artists now. Everything becomes an ugly anime girl with shit proportions now.
No. 672005
File: 1605130289638.jpeg (939.21 KB, 750x1106, 67932963-93FF-4ECF-AFB4-CF2167…)

damn. She really quit her nine to five to do… this. The missing appendages are killing me.
No. 672061
File: 1605135398730.jpg (66.25 KB, 583x260, zZbvTyZ.jpg)

>>671659kek there was an anon asking why lolimoog/gloomilo and drawkill didn't follow each other anymore on ig a couple threads back too which got me curious so I guess that's why. Didn't really pay attention to their tweets in the past but didn't realize gloomilo just completely deleted twitter, sounds like you know some discord milk?
No. 672062
>>671782>Hey everyone! I have a webcomic that's about zany and fun stuff, please read it over here!>Hi guys! Did you know that I have a webcomic? It tells a story of so and so. Read it here!>Hello, did you read my latest webcomic update? I already posted about it 3 times but please go read it!And it's always.
Always the people who update one page at a time and once a month. Who the fuck wants to keep up with it with a pace like that? By the time a new page drops you've already forgotten what happened in the previous one.
No. 672082
File: 1605137683119.png (427.72 KB, 641x636, Screenshot_13.png)

I don't really care for this guy much, his style of video can be incredibly grating with how slow and monotone it is (I know that's the joke but it's still annoying), but I didn't know about this drama until he pointed it out and it's pretty juicy.
The two in this drama are both NSFW artists and it's hilarious seeing them fight over who traced whom when both of the artists (in my own opinion) are degenerates who draw coomer anatomies.
No. 672083
File: 1605137882386.png (7.1 MB, 3240x2104, gda7sgd78asgd.png)

>>672082Here's some evidence posted
No. 672085
File: 1605138101470.png (72.62 KB, 743x719, Screenshot_14.png)

>>672083Twitlongers from Shexyoart which are full of contradictions and half evidence that just made me laugh at the amount they try to reach for their points. No. 672201
>>672173most artists with a big internet presence will become equally cocky if they go through what rj palmer did, not just dudes.
being constantly told that his designs are 'the most realistic' yadda yadda ended up making him seem like he's the god of realistic fictional beasts and now he acts like a mighty king on twitter. it's a shame, i used to be his fan but he's unsufferable now.
No. 672243
File: 1605148619492.png (36.49 KB, 626x256, 1588706564409.png)

What happened to the artist @mammoth_2020? He deleted his account again, shame cuz he had great art.
No. 672547
>>672270This. He tried the "b-but shotas" thing before, too.
He needs to go back to that /ic/ Discord where Racist Uncle, him and the rest were creeping on photos of actual, living children because "loli".
No. 672588
>>671108This kinda oot reply of an Asian from SEA here. Judging based on my opinion, korea online circles is quite messed up. This sums up:
- Threesibo, who's already a "registered" cyber bully in the Korean artist community even now she continues upload videos with comments disabled (which if you search her username, you'll find "drama" or "controversy" at the end along some "roast" videos made by koreans as well). One video claimed that she disguises as a Japanese artist under the name Seira, that draws South park fanart.
- Minus8/Chtkghk, as well the anon said on
>>671108, godawful inferiority complex, this artist often talk trash about his own art, hating his art, even tweets about himself about doing illegal things such as stealing, abuse, even r4pe. Back in the tumblr years, he once talked about how badly he wanted to r4pe a minor, as well as selfclaiming himself as a pedo for drawing minor cartoon characters porn for his sick desires. I actually feel him and feel bad for him since he has mental issues that hadn't have taken care of.
-Moymyog. Okay i'm quite unsure about this and people have heard of her… Since she was only active on tumblr until she deleted it last year, she was well known as a webcomic creator that loves to create ocs related to fandoms, BATIM, Hazbin Hotel, Arcana, even Cuphead. Why is she so controversial? Well… she was once drew her oc "making out" with another oc that belongs to a minor (16 years old from EU). Of course many peeps from the Cuphead, Hazbin hotel fandom backlashed her. One tumblr post shows that she entirely acts horribly erotic by drawing multiple NSFWs in an NSFW channels of a predominantly minor infested Discord server. Not only that, she has done such many fiasco since 2012, she started twitter being rude, bully, and sexually harassed people. She often depicting her ocs as a "queen bee" and others as the slave, the minion. And yes… she started mess since she was 18/20, 29 by now
No. 672763
File: 1605213627318.png (1.7 MB, 1122x1512, seraphine.png)

I think art thread is the most appropriate for this: twitter user claims Riot's new character is based off her and it's an identity theft. Unfortunately at the moment link from the first tweet doesn't work so I couldn't screencap it; the thread can be found here: do you think? IMHO that Riot artist just had a type but beyond being a cute girl with colored hair there are no real similarities. Having Seraphine join K/DA on that girl's birthday couldn't be a choice some character designer makes, these things are decided by marketing team so it's not really likely it's anything more than a coincidence. Still, I hope the story is developing because it has a good drama potential.
No. 672770
>>672763It's so interesting how in old time schizo-chans thought that the television was reading their thoughts and Hollywood basing characters of them, now the zoomer loonies believe generic e-girl video game characters are based off their generic e-girl ass.
Very interesting.
No. 672777
File: 1605214762916.jpg (74.73 KB, 611x806, SharedScreenshot.jpg)

So I just found this from the profile of Zeromika on DA, which is numyumy's old account. For those who do not know Numy was a massive scammer who kept hopping accounts everytime she got caught with tracing. After digging around a bit, I was able to link W00neul to Nixeu but I didn't get a direct link from Nixeu to numy, though considering that W00neul is entirely wiped off the internet and every link leads to nixeu when you google w00neul, makes me think it's legit. I also found some proof of her possible tracing again on Nixeu account. All of it isn't very good but some are a bit striking when you pay attention to facial details especially. The artworks on lil.milkyskin that's apparently her other account is literally just smudging photos and claiming it art.
No. 672781
File: 1605214834190.jpg (59.76 KB, 640x518, AC6D41CA-ABE6-49B1-BB8B-EA3A59…)

Like in here the face shape and facial features are strikingly similar, especially the lips are the exact same shape.
No. 672783
File: 1605214982996.jpg (995.96 KB, 1224x1753, tracing collab.jpg)

And possibly these.
No. 672787
File: 1605215445683.jpg (241.57 KB, 1224x833, larping.jpg)

Her account is also located in spain despite her claiming to be chinese.
No. 672796
File: 1605216277737.png (392.54 KB, 591x1171, seraphine2.png)

>>672763People found older tweets that game designer from Riot based Seraphine off his wife and it really looks like so, so I wonder what is step_nie gonna do now to prove her case
No. 672811
File: 1605218463425.png (813.57 KB, 588x1549, 1602765570153.png)

>>672810She's a new character of League of Legends game, and the controversial thing about her is the marketing strategy - Riot set up a twitter account where they make they seem like a real person with real life and real issues despite, which is an questionable tactic considering all she is is a product that Riot wants people to spend money on.
No. 672815
>>672811"use the same language as mentally ill people"
Yeah, because normal people never have self doubt, only mentally ill people do that.
Honestly that product logic could be applied to pretty much any character, after all they are just there to sell a Book/ Movie ect.
But I don't like her either, her design looks like shit ingame and her splashart face is so weird and pointy, i wish they would have kept the twitter paintover look.
No. 672821
File: 1605219984987.jpg (301.14 KB, 797x1099, Screenshot_20201112-171403.jpg)

So an artist was called out recently for drawing fanart of Ted Bundy and Jeffery Dahmer holding up signs saying that trans people are people or what not in the Clone High art style. I just want to know what are your opinions on this fellow anons
No. 672841
>>672821Should've used BTK. He would've been more on brand™
/sBut really though who the fuck is drawing serial killer fan art in this day and age and also trying to make them woke? lmao
No. 672868
>>672803But we gotta believe
victims!!!! so we can't doubt Stephanie's story.
No. 672925
File: 1605234573623.jpg (98.27 KB, 410x251, qEm6pk1.jpg)

There's a link in her twitter description to her other social medias, it looks like there's a possibility she's not coming back, I don't really blame her though with the vendetta feeling snow thread and the person from her tweets which she's possibly referring to here?
No. 672986
File: 1605244882051.jpg (183.57 KB, 640x640, iap_640x640.2616977841_rhp05kd…)

Her stuff is pretty cute but I'm so over people using the lgbt community to get like specialty/oppression points for their shop. Do actual gay people do this shit? I know I wouldn't it's tacky as fuck and lowkey demeaning.
No. 673168
>>672764Reading this dumbass post it sounds like
>She dated some low level intern at Riot who claimed to "know a lot of people working on the KDA" to sound like a hot shot and all, she even says the guy wasn't a character designer or had any power over those decisions>The guy knew e-girl based Seraphine was coming out which is why she asked her to audition for this "super secret project" because she was a generic e-girl as well>She thinks her generic being was stolen and made into a virtual waifu and now wants to sueNot impressed.
No. 673249
>>673168>Guys, she also came out on my b-day, coincidence?? I think not!!I really want to feel for this girl, but the fact that she can’t see how generic her photos and the character photos are, or even think that maybe her intern ex
doesn’t have as much power in development. It kinda makes me sick that on her Twitter and medium article, the comments are so extreme. On one end you’ll have ppl call her a
victim (despite the evidence otherwise) and others who call her a whore. Literally little info is getting out there as to why she’s not a
victim No. 673320
>>668453The best style/content to draw is whatever you want. Don't worry about a cesspool like this place.
Here, everything is considered bad. You'll get no where trying to find out what the best thing to draw judging from an anonymous place where people only say the things they say here because its anon.
No. 673350
>>672764so her proof ultimately amounts to…
>Curly pink hair>Same Beach even though RHQ is like, 15 minutes or so away from it.>IG cat pictures where the cats dont even look the same and the same IG cat pictures every e-thot has taken.>Glasses that every e-thot has>A birthdayYeah that sounds like a solid case right there.
No. 673509
>>673320^^^^^ 100% agree
Anons here are all different people who look at art and prefer different styles/structures. So don’t think there’s “one perfect artstyle”
No. 673516
File: 1605299236744.jpeg (424.08 KB, 750x1261, A9D6093B-DB04-4C1C-B301-4B88CA…)

>>673350I think she was attempting to sue, but the case was either immediately taken down or still on going
No. 673560
>>673535This may be a bit outside of what you're looking for but if you wanna learn to draw perspective then
Laforte Daily Demos is an absolute must, the dudes demos are really great and straight forward. I could see it helping you with animation as well as learning the basics of of measuring etc.
No. 673807
File: 1605336027836.jpg (200.58 KB, 2048x2048, 1605301239909.jpg)

hut up! It’s my style ok!
No. 673808
File: 1605336445087.png (146.98 KB, 702x282, 1.PNG)

>>673807>copying posts from the /co/ catalog's recent threads>not even sagingReally?
No. 673888
>>673848I only follow the development Discord very loosely so I'm not sure if the rules have already changed, but if you're on Android you can still make an account
There are already a number of popular Instagram artists there (think 50k followers and above) which kind of irks me but it's overall a decent community
No. 673930
File: 1605360738917.jpg (12.58 KB, 480x455, 20201023_231210.jpg)

I'm tired of people thinking art school are worth something. Hence, I'm tired of artists that make art their main jobs, because they eventually become sell outs and forget their own definition of art to fit the norms.
They keep spamming me of mail so I apply to their cash grab things. I got accepted in a "recognized" art school but it's full of pretentious /beg/. I'm tired of these degreed artists that keep thinking they're better than someone who actually learnt without getting babysat.
To make it short, keep your hobby a hobby and find an actual stable job. The art market (I hate this expression) is saturated today,check out some employers testimonies. They tell that they can have good art for really cheap because many artists lowball their prices to make unfair concurrency.
Saged for personal salt
No. 673936
File: 1605361461988.jpeg (167.93 KB, 750x521, 5982F48E-726E-41B1-96F4-29764F…)

I already see the usual suspects (“popular Twitter artists”) in the few pictures the developer of artfol has shared on twitter. So they’ve been posting on there this whole time. By the time the app is available for everyone it’s gonna be a shinier twitter with the saaaaaaame artists.
supernovaleslie/lazlo has made tweets about this before and i don’t get it. what does it matter.
No. 673944
>>673930Art schools can be shit and wastes of money sure, but if someone wants to make art their main job then that isnt' any of your fucking business and you should stop whining. If you're tired of people selling out, then why don't you encourage them to keep in mind "their definition of art"? Buy their shit for full price. Also love how you say you can't stand degree artists that think they're better than others but then you humble brag about schools emailing and begging you.
Cheap bait aside, I hate people who like to hype up artists by going all "you should raise your prices, your art is worth more!!! uwu" and then never commission artists or go for the one with low prices.
No. 674091
File: 1605378094531.jpg (196.79 KB, 1242x1641, hell.jpg)

>>672821i am going to put fujos in a dumpster what in the fresh hell is this
No. 674103
File: 1605379573410.jpg (272.27 KB, 700x1035, ggmain20201113[1].jpg)

I can't believe this webcomic has been going on for almost 20 years.
No. 674112
>>674102That IS Jeffrey Dahmer fan art. He's talking to Ted Bundy.
>>673930>I'm tired of artists that make art their main jobsWhy, because you're ngmi?
No. 674120
>>673930But if you can make a career out of it then why not do that? I'm gonna be honest anon, you just sound salty that some people are able to actually make a living from drawing.
>someone who actually learnt without getting babysatWtf do you think school is?
No. 674188
>>673930 I'm artschoolfag so I'm definitely biased, but the way I see it is: tons of people right now are making their living off of creating art. If you've got the skills, drive, and resources, why not go for it?
The actual instruction part of the courses is good, but way less important than the industry experience that the instructors have. They help out a lot with learning the "not fun" parts like how to do invoices and contracts and what to charge and how to work with difficult clients. Also the contacts that you accumulate just by attending and talking to people can be really valuable. Being "babysat" while you draw is not what most people are getting out of the experience lol. (Though having lots of artists at your disposal who want to give feedback on your work is insanely helpful and difficult to find elsewhere.)
Of course, a ton of people get degrees at an art school and never do anything with it. It really just depends on the individual's willingness to put in the work, and their circumstances.
No. 674224
>>674222Put up a twitter or an instagram, post daily, engage with as many other users as you can and just be mega active overall. Those two social medias love activity.
The downside is that it's tiring as fuck and if you show any signs of decreasing activity your engagement and etc tanks pretty hard (mainly on insta).
Or become an absolute sell-out and draw either coomer shit or furry shit. That also works.
But still…why grind your art in secret and then start posting and expect clients and a following so fast out of the blue? That's a pretty dumb move in itself, honestly. Many people love seeing artists develop and grow in real time.
No. 674247
>>673930>/beg/I really wished people in this thread would stop with this shit. Sounds like it's straight out of 4chan, it's cringy as fuck.
Anyway, people's definition of art is, like you said yourself, personal to each person. You should stop projecting your own view of it into other people and assuming they forgot their values.
No. 674270
>>674235Don’t drop a ton on Instagram since they censored hashtags in the US, which is leading to a huge drop in engagement for everyone on the platform. Twitter should be fine though.
>>674247>not know what /beg/ isHave you never so much as browsed /ic/ before?
No. 674280
File: 1605405806400.jpeg (156.11 KB, 828x419, D4ECDF6B-8858-401C-B2FF-7EB726…)

>>672763Riot finally responded to her today.
> the former employee… left Riot more than a year ago and was in a department and role that has no input whatsoever into the creative design process.Basically, she overreacted to Seraphine’s design and blew it way out of proportion. The guy she was seeing was a creep, no doubt, but Seraphine wasn’t created based on her image.
No. 674312
>>672821You know is what I expected this, I swear to god and on my mothers head that when i started seeing clone becoming more popular online that I knew this would happen
With the setting of clone high they can head canon serial killers as they want, I expected Bundy and Dahmer
No. 674322
File: 1605414001794.jpeg (448.02 KB, 1800x1088, 0572C534-B953-4DE8-872D-E5D13D…)

>>674280Anon, this is more than a day ago
Also, surprise to no one, she’s still delusional and sticking her feet in that she somehow was involved in the creation of the character, and goes back on her initial claim that it was based entirely on her
No. 674526
>>674365It's not bad plot wise (not great either) and has some witty dialogue sometimes, but total lack of art development, shitty character and costume design are so fucking jarring. The only thing that improved is coloring and that's only because they hired someone else to do it.
Apparently Foglios are kinda cool people who are well-liked in the industry, so that's why nobody really called out this mess (except for badwebcomicswiki, but their article is pretty shit).
No. 674585
>>674165Kek at first this sounded so nlog but it really is the truth. Dahmer is the Harry Styles of true crime, where are the sparkledog OCs of Chris Watts?
>>674294 >>674247This whole site and it's culture is derivative of 4chan though. /ic/ is a relevant reference point for many anons, people aren't going to just stop using those terms because you don't like them
No. 674786
File: 1605479522910.jpeg (116.04 KB, 655x1000, EmxcwLzUYAAAbML.jpeg)

I know that minimal rendering and boring compositions are Yueko's thing but I'd be pissed if I paid $1000+ and got this. It's so flat and boring compared to the artwork she does to promote her vtuber (i.e. art she's not getting paid to draw).
No. 674825
>>674786But the thing is, are the sample pictures in Yueko's price table in the same quality as her Vtuber ones? If not then it's silly to pay an x amount expecting something in the same quality as her Vtuber drawings when that's not even an option to begin with and then getting angry over it.
Maybe the person paid 1K but that's exactly what they were expecting. You never know.
No. 674921
>>672763The beach photo having a similar background and the makeup-free photo do kinda weigh in her favor.
However trying to sue? No chance of that going anywhere. There's no infringement, no defamation, nobody would have even connected the character to her unless she did so herself.
No. 674927
File: 1605495255081.jpg (393.5 KB, 1536x2048, Em5gUGKUUAEPTkL.jpg)

>>672800It seems like maybe the chara has mixed references, I'm not sure "you used my photo as partial reference" is grounds to sue anyone. Picrel a photo the wife posted 4 hours ago.
No. 674970
File: 1605498133130.jpeg (87.78 KB, 714x1000, yueko.jpeg)

>>674825For the tier that this art counts as? Yes. They're about the same quality as her vtuber/Atelier Live promo drawings. She deleted her vtuber account which had all of the promo art that wasn't crossposted on her main and the AtoLive account, but pic rel is similar to the art she did for her vtuber.
>>674890The branches make it count as her pencil complex tier, which puts the commission price at $1500-2000. The $750 tier is for a waist up commission with a solid color background.
No. 675113
File: 1605523459732.png (197.55 KB, 720x925, Screenshot_2020-11-16-05-38-53…)

Okay this is getting really frustrating. Especially for artists with under 1-5k followers who get most of their engagement from tags. It's been WEEKS. The election is over and now tags are effected world wide. Insta is ignoring all 200+ comments asking the same thing, "when will they bring it back?"
No. 675155
>>675115absolutely though. Also I understand concern with fake news since it is an issue, but how can I trust these social media giants to actually show what's real/fake/not propaganda to their own interests? not even a rightie, but I don't trust like that.
Anyway instagram is hard for small artists. It's the best option in theory but the whole thing is rigged for the biggest players. Anon is right to be upset
No. 675185
File: 1605534458605.jpeg (846.63 KB, 3072x1623, AE6A54F0-F9FA-459D-9CC8-F01862…)

>>675175Comparison. Sorry, if the image is fucky. I used my phone
No. 675189
>>675185omg annihilated.
while impressive and helpful, isn't it rather insulting to redo someone's art better? What am I saying, anons do it here. still, it's like going out of your way to one-up somebody. seems rude. at least she could learn from the improvements
No. 675222
File: 1605537254062.png (567.87 KB, 712x712, 20201116_213321.png)

>>674970>>674786I kinda miss her old art…
No. 675239
File: 1605538492926.jpg (92.08 KB, 899x500, 20201116_215208.jpg)

Heard of Kuurimuart? Imagine getting accepted to high standarded zine with art this mediocre
No. 675252
>>675244Its like a gacha, more or less… Eiher they accept "veterans" that have joined like a decade ago or "popular" ones or one of the mods like the applicants artstyle or else; fanarts in portofolio is bullshit tbh
Well… I have many KnY fanarts on my portofolio but i got rejected from all Kny zines i applied. I got accepted to arknights zine instead
No. 675283
File: 1605540641354.jpeg (343.66 KB, 640x816, 1FFD19E2-20D3-425B-AC8D-61E766…)

So now it's ok to straight up directly and lazily trace official Genshin Impact art for clout as long as you say you traced? Heartmush is so annoying and her ~messy~ art style is overrated.
No. 675286
File: 1605540849613.jpeg (263.89 KB, 1200x1600, 55DA3A93-E7A1-4C37-B3E9-A32716…)

>>675283Also she's one of those twitter cows who can't stop reeeing about how she is a trans boy and please use he/him pronouns for her but she will just post a fuck ton of selfies looking like this.
No. 675335
>>675301She said it was tracing herself?
I don't know who this person is but I don't think this is cow behaviour, anons get carried away with redlines all the time
No. 675357
File: 1605545102068.png (1.06 MB, 1368x853, mhm.PNG)

>>675324Literally one video of her painting over her selfie, everything else she draws and paints from scratch, why are you like this anon.
No. 675370
File: 1605546153805.png (41.31 KB, 758x896, EakQIjkXkAM46nG.png)

>>675185they're both extremely mediocre artists and his redraw isn't any better. it's just the blind leading the blind here. pic related is one of his works posted on twitter.
No. 675394
>>675283She’s so fake it’s ridiculous LOL
she gets rejected from every Rp group she applied for because the community knows how bitchy she really is
which lead her to make her own RP campaign that ended up being her cherry picking a bunch of popular artists that applied to raise her own clout
No. 675429
File: 1605551739931.jpg (84.69 KB, 564x705, d496fa5a6d32efe3846cd701172fc8…)

General learning how to art question, please don't be mean;
Is there a way to teach yourself drawing details like this without some indepth technical knowledge? I don't think all of the mecha / machinery / cyberpunk environment artists are engineers, but I can never conjure ideas how to make it look good from imagination. With stuff like anatomy, fashion and so on, you can study to achieve higher level of good quality details, but what about this case? Just copy others until I magically get it?
No. 675456
>>675394 I ran in the same circle as heartmush
Annie is a rich Chinese American (think stereotypical rich family from china) who is insanely stupid. They wrote a long twitter thread justifying purchasing a purebreed instead of adopting a cat from a shelter claiming it was difficult to find a shelter cat atm. Then spoke about how an ESA cat would help with their heart condition.
A few weeks into adopting taro, she starts to bleed from shitting, and it turns out Annie was giving it hard food way too early for her age, which was really concerning. I dont care if you adopt an animal for emotional support, but at least research how to take care of them instead of adopting a ~kawaii kitty~ to post about.
No. 675523
File: 1605560650474.jpg (Spoiler Image,383.26 KB, 1443x2048, Ek8qnL9W0AEWkzM.jpg)

Anybody here knows oncha/mazamuno? Her art is good (even if sometimes she can't really ace the usual anime proportions, but that's nitpicking) but she's a fakeboy who totally isn't a girl, she says she's trans but of course everything she draws is pink, involves twinks, bdsm clothing, make-up and gay shit. Kinda like with heartmush a lot of people started following her because they believed she was a guy drawing cute and gay stuff while she's really just one of the many fujos. Picrel is just one of her latest pieces.
No. 675546
File: 1605562625371.png (84.11 KB, 1678x1590, D8A55ACE-0138-4668-BC85-5D4446…)

>>675370Tbh, looking at his Twitter, it looks like he suffers drawing in an anime style more than anything. He has a few more art pieces like this one
No. 675599
>>675456Right her name is annie almost thought I remembered wrong
and for sure she’s a spoiled rich kid it’s so obvious with all the stuff she buys, the constant vacations,etc. etc. mentioned something about her dad? Parents? Being the “top percent” of something.
obvi I don’t care if someone is rich or poor, but the fact she lets it get to her head really shows. born spoiled… threw a fit when I ran a roleplay group some time ago and she wasn’t accepted… went from
“hehe >w<“ to “lol I’m leaving “ within the same minute
No. 675664
File: 1605569708829.png (573.68 KB, 1039x655, better col sol.png)

For the latest in Clone High fandom-related autism, a relatively popular artist within the circle (@hipnoteeth on insta) has just now come under fire for having drawn NSFW images of some of show's characters, the characters in question being teenaged genetic clones of historical figures JFK and Gandhi. Their discord server is currently on nuclear lockdown with once-loyal fans now declaring them to be a pedo and a predator who deserves to be imprisioned and/or murdered for drawing "CP". Their following count is already beginning to fall as we speak, and their account has been set to private at the time of writing. The discord server in question has also been deleted. The incriminating images are shown in picrel.
Hipnoteeth claims that the characters are meant to be college aged in their artwork and that they had no malicious, pedophilic intent and are likely panicking as they see their reputation being dragged through the ground. What are you guy's thoughts on this situation?
No. 675668
>>675664I'm losing my shit at people thinking that drawing Clone High nsfw is CP
They're historical adults basically modernized and shoved into a high school setting. The high school is just a framework, they aren't kids
It's the difference between drawing nsfw of Tamaki from Ouran and drawing Honey from it. They don't look like kids so no issue here
No. 675678
>>675665I agree. But, if you’ve seen her recent vlog then you can see why, because you can see her parents house.
>kitchen islandHer parents are upper middle class, and she’s probably working class with her husband. If she wasn’t with him she’d straight up be in poverty. Trust me, I get very professional jobs and I can barely break 15k as a freelancer a year, and I don’t depend on godforsaken deviant art commissions. She gets about 500 from Patreon and I bet maybe 200-300 a month from YouTube, I doubt this girl makes more than she would in a minimum wage job. She says she takes commissions but I doubt that’s extra, those are for her PATRONS because she included that in one of the tiers. Not to mention, we’ve seen her commission list, girl hasn’t touched it in months.
No. 675687
>>675599From what I heard, a lot of people hated role playing with her during her own campaign. I felt bad about that.
Annie has bpd so this behavior is typical. This doesnt justify their behavior of course, but it does give insight why theyre kind of strange.
No. 675689
File: 1605573604100.jpg (450.33 KB, 2048x1028, 20201117_073408.jpg)

Not sure this is a vendentta posting or not ??
>>675523At least Mazu doesn't trace
Back to topic, Is Western curated Anime Zine has a low standard? I usually see the mods profile and works before pick zines. Pic related
No. 675691
>>675523Yeah, she definitely does this to get away with being a fujoshi. If she doesn't, she will be "cancelled" for fetishizing gay men, lmao.
That's the long and short of it. I feel bad for these people.
No. 675695
>>675689As fancy as this looks, yeah. Like many anons stated getting accepted on a fanzine, even more a Western one, doesn't mean anything because of the amount of ways unrelated to art skill people can get picked.
I can't say anything for Eastern zines because I've never participated in one, but I've participated in a good number of Western zines (both big and small) and in a good chunk of them I saw people with shit art skills getting in because some strings were pulled behind the curtains.
For zine mods to truly, truly pick artists based SOLELY on art standards then they'd have to ignore everything else about them and being honest, in a fandom project? That's nearly impossible.
TL;DR Yeah in most cases Western fanzines tend to have a lower standard because of bias in the mod team.
Again, I have no idea how it's like for Eastern zines.
No. 675697
File: 1605575178416.jpg (183.82 KB, 1322x1324, 20201117_080409.jpg)

>>675696Are you indofag anon?
I curios with your exprience?
I suprised because the mod on the zine also made my one of favourite hnk fanmerch
No. 675699
>>675687God her having BPD makes so much sense honestly . Not an excuse, but explains a lot
you seem like a very chill anon, so thanks for the info even if small
No. 675871
>>675678Yeah you're right. There are little snippets of her sharing about her life growing up and while she tries to downplay it, she really did grow up in the upper middle class. Her parents owned 2 houses (If I remember correctly) and that's something a regular working class family could never afford to do. And she's commented how they live in a richer part of the city. And I'm not trying to hate on her for her upbringing, you don't control what you're born into but I just cannot help but roll my eyes when she mentions things like "Normal people money" or when complains about how her and her husband couldn't go on a honeymoon because that video wasn't the first time she brought it up.
>and she’s probably working class with her husband. If she wasn’t with him she’d straight up be in poverty. Oh without question she would definitely be bordering the poverty-line if she wasn't with her husband who's pretty much supporting them.
No. 675952
>>675873Not to mention, minimum wage in California is 12 dollars an hour. She'd actually have to be earning almost double what she does now to be earning the same if she worked full time in Cali.
> She thinks she's too good for customer service/retail because the wage is too low but she's not willing to work the kind of jobs where she could make a little over minimum wage, never mind that she's been out of the job market for like a year or two by now.This is the ultimate entitled attitude. She doesn't want to work those jobs because they're HARD, no one wants to work them. And they don't pay. So, she'd rather do a comfy job but takes it to the next level by even being lazy at that, too. She literally wouldn't last a day in the real world without her parents or her husband, she's never been brought up to work hard.
>>675871>Yeah you're right. There are little snippets of her sharing about her life growing upAnd can you imagine what her parents are like now, and what they think of her now? Like, they're probably really fed up with the fact that she is 28 years old and can't hardly live on her own, even after they've "given her everything a child could possibly need" because they were wealthy. She mentioned that her husband's dads were really rude and
abusive to them when they lived there - but lets put it into context- they were literally like 25 or older, getting MARRIED and wanting to keep living with HIS parents? They had to have known that she comes from some money and were tired of it, I doubt that they themselves were upper middle class, or it hasn't been mentioned. She MENTIONED that they wanted to kick them out to "let a homeless person in". Yeah, obviously Michi, they think a homeless person kind of deserves to live with them more than you continuing to suck off of any teet presented to you.
No. 676021
>>675993Her problem is her insecurity. She just needs to live her truth. She just needs to admit to her and everyone else that living this lifestyle- is practically living the dream. She gets to do her dream job, she gets to draw for money, she has a lot of people who adore her and she has a family and a husband who love and support her.
Yet she feels insecure because she's not living up to her own standards. She's critical of other people of being lazy and unprofessional and in the back of her head she knows she's all the same.
You can't have both Michie, eitehr work hard and work up to your own standards or just accept the fact that you're really childish and living the dream and just be grateful for it. A lot of people would kill to have your life, even if you live in an apartment building or whatever and you're not rich. Stop throwing pity parties for your fans because its really unbecoming. I'm guessing a lot of them are high schoolers who are ALSO supported by their parents, but it gets really old when you're talking to slightly older people who have to support themselves.
No. 676155
>>675952>Not to mention, minimum wage in California is 12 dollars an hour. She'd actually have to be earning almost double what she does now to be earning the same if she worked full time in Cali. And she claims that what she makes now is the minimum wage in California which I kinda doubt.
>This is the ultimate entitled attitude. She doesn't want to work those jobs because they're HARD, no one wants to work them. And they don't pay. So, she'd rather do a comfy job but takes it to the next level by even being lazy at that, too. She literally wouldn't last a day in the real world without her parents or her husband, she's never been brought up to work hard.Exactly. I'm affled with her lack of self awareness and it's especially telling how even though she's in a position a lot of freelancers would love to be in, she's still lazy with it. She doesn't practice, she has a huge backorder of commissions (mostly from her teenage fans, older people would definitely find that unacceptable for her to get it as big as it is and that she keeps adding more to it).
It makes me wonder how long she stuck with her retail jobs. I know she said she worked in the school district until she got laid off from budget cuts but I just have a feeling that even with the few retail jobs she had after that, she didn't keep them for long and yeah, it's pretty clear that she wouldn't be able to make it on her own without her husband and parents and there's nothing necessarily wrong with it assuming her husband doesn't mind supporting her but I wish she would stop with this undeserved subtle smugness of the position she is in with her current life. Though it's probably slipping since she says they've been facing some rough patches financially since Covid hit.
No. 676161
>>675952>And can you imagine what her parents are like now, and what they think of her now? Like, they're probably really fed up with the fact that she is 28 years old and can't hardly live on her own, even after they've "given her everything a child could possibly need" because they were wealthy. She mentioned that her husband's dads were really rude and abusive to them when they lived there - but lets put it into context- they were literally like 25 or older, getting MARRIED and wanting to keep living with HIS parents? They had to have known that she comes from some money and were tired of it, I doubt that they themselves were upper middle class, or it hasn't been mentioned. She MENTIONED that they wanted to kick them out to "let a homeless person in". Yeah, obviously Michi, they think a homeless person kind of deserves to live with them more than you continuing to suck off of any teet presented to you.Samefag but yeah I really don't think her in-laws were these horrible people. Getting more insight to her background and how she conducts herself with how "busy" she is, I feel like she was one of those people who didn't really contribute much help to the household at the time. I remember she said that her in-laws didn't understand how busy she was with her commissions but it's like… Seeing the commission queue that has slots dating back to 2018, I have to seriously doubt that she was as busy as she claimed. And don't get me started on the wedding bullshit. They get married at a time where they were struggling financially, had to find a place to live, and they had it on a Monday of all days which she still is peeved that not all her family showed up to it as well as them not contributing to the wedding. The way she described things sounded like a shit-show.
>>675954I feel like you may be onto something here. Because with how much she always feels like she needs to explain to her audience about how adult she is and how busy she is, it's coming from a place where her parents may be coming down on her with where she is currently. I think that's why she was really trying to get her book published last year so she can start selling copies on Kindle but that obviously fell through.
>>675993Oh god the Laptop gofundme, almost forgot about that. Absolutely ridiculous because her art is not that complicated and detailed, she's not doing 3D modeling or animation, a standard laptop would work just fine for the art she does, plus she has an IPAD and I think a Huion Display Tablet. No, she just wanted a new gaming laptop but disguised it as a "work laptop", it's pretty obvious. And good point, if something happens to her husband, they are financially fucked unless her parents help or they do that GoFundMe. This is why her turning her nose up at part-time retail is stupid because other than her being picky to where she wants to make at least $15/hr or more but not open to working the jobs that pay that rate, she'd at least have some income coming in to add with the Patreon funds while still being able to have time to work on her art.
I also feel like she could benefit from making friends with people around her age or older. I don't think it's impossible for an older person to be friends with those far younger but it's also good to have people your age or older to bounce off with as well but I feel like the main reason she sticks with high school or fresh out of high school/early college age people is because she feels they won't judge her.
No. 676315
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Seems like a reach but what are you opinions? I remember seeing an anon say that they didn’t like Clammy but didn’t say why, are you still here to elaborate anon? lol
No. 676316
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>>676315Clammy’s latte art beret design.
No. 676320
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What’s some not so big Instagram artist you guys find milky? as In they wouldn’t qualify for a thread but they have genuinely milky behaviours
Personally I see a lot like
>has a series with ocs containing a brother and sister who have an incestious relationship via the brother sexually abusing the sister any criticism or people asking her to add warnings is often responded to her saying to “deal with it or get off her page” or saying she can do what she wants because of her Trauma
>has a character who is a serial killer pictured (possibly rapist) that is highly romanced by her constantly
>her art is consistently removed due to it generally being against Instagram terms if service she always freaks our over said removal claiming they’ve censored her trauma ect
>often attacks people in her comments when she doesn’t understand a joke or reference they’re making complaints about people saying she’s mean
>has lifted her artsyle from several people including: Meyoco, Charimyuu and Multiple others
>Deletes all her old pictures when she completely rehauls her artstyle
>During her Meyoco phase she blatantly copied a piece of art Meyoco had done and when she was called out for it she deactivated her account for awhile
>Has deleted comments on her adopt posts from people offering to buy them in favour of leaving the bids from mutuals and personal friends
>sculpted a bust of George Floyd a few weeks after he was killed and wanted to sell it claiming she would donate the money to a BLM charity and asking her fans to suggest some
>once she received massive backlash about it she said she then wanted to send it to his family and asked her followers for ways to contact them
>People responded badly to her once again and she started suicide baiting in the comments saying things like “I’m sorry I jus want to die” ect and deactivated her account for several weeks afterward
No. 676339
>>676316She improved on a poorly executed good idea
This girl doesn't own latte art anyway
No. 676363
>>676320>Raspurry/dogmillkdon't forget she used to own an artist support account called nekosupport (from her old account)
Can you spill more tea anon?
No. 676398
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>>676380Even though the latte hat is generic, I wouldnt be in shock if clammy did plagiarize. Picrel her patches next to official art
No. 676401
File: 1605678921570.png (1.37 MB, 2048x1566, Screenshot_20201117-215435.png)

Im not even sure what clammy is trying to argue here? Sorry I copy people? Im mentally ill?
No. 676409
>>676401She sounds like Holly Conrad,
she needs to focus on her business and actually get her orders out and not have them on a 16 week back-order than cry on twitter with this bs
No. 676447
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anyone that followed meenatalt on IG and read her latest 'apology' about her being a pedophile?
No. 676471
File: 1605697668776.png (1.47 MB, 2626x1448, Bildschirmfoto 2020-11-18 um 1…)

What do you guys think about the newest trend of artist collab kits? Did you buy anything yourself? I thought the Heikala one is nice, this kit from Sibylle Maynet though seems to be too expensive for she's offering
No. 676523
>>676428That’s literally what anon said anon, it all depends on the area. But even if there’s a job a dollar or two below, TD shouldn’t be discouraged or immediately expect to be paid $15 an hour for not “”working”” in well over a few years/have a degree which allows her to earn above $15
Idk, anon if your working rn but this view is very idealistic. Like, she doesn’t have to stay at the same job, she just needs to dip her feet in for credibility instead of expecting a $15 part time job to appear
>>676431Ntsa, but anon, just think for a moment. Who you have as friends can influence your view/priorities. Idk if your out of highschool(least I hope you are because of this website) but when you actually talk to minors, their goals and situations are completely differ from yours. Most minors(Im including those who have not graduated highschool) look at adults but can’t really emphasize their situation unless similar to their own. TD, who lacks more “adult” friends or those in her age gap, settles for relating w/minors. Which wouldn’t be too bad but it doesn’t really push her to be more independent because she’s friends with most who are at a time in their life where they depend on their family/the school curriculum.
No. 676525
File: 1605707482903.png (278.75 KB, 1179x492, flat_illustration.PNG)

Brand new art twitter drama, unfortunately despite people crying about it it's not very juicy, I just think it's very funny art community got defensive and even engaged with that user's tweet at all considering what OP's art is like
No. 676536
>>676315The heart latte thing is not new, but I think Clammy should have atleast gave credit for inspiration or something. She did it better, but that wouldn't excuse copying the latte-beret concept. Usually I would probably think something like this is a coincidence
especially considering the lemon berets, but she has a record of copying so it's pretty clear what's going on.
>>676471I think this is a cool idea. It is expensive, but it looks like there are some prints and mossery sketchbooks are like $28+, so I'm actually not that mad about this. I just hope there are no notebooks in there.
No. 676562
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>>676462Of the top of my head she posts a lot on her story about hating men and complains when people report it or respond, has a lot of self harm featured in her art and can’t deal without it getting removed (her account has been temp banned before), a lot of her art and original characters feature abuse: her beings of power series old guy takes young girl because she has his dead lovers spirt in her or something, he raises her then proceeds to have a sexual relationship with her she also consistently drew the girl from this series with bruises, her inside voices as previously mentioned has a main character who is mentally ill, self harms and is sexually and emotionally abused by her older brother, has a serial killer character who is shipped with another artists character (Binathewitch) heavily romanticises their relationship makes a lot of content of him holding a gun to her head or being physically violent towards her, has another couple that consist of two killers (older guy and young girl again) that go on the run also heavily romanticised I get the vibe that she can’t draw a relationship without it being edgy, physically violent or
abusive or it being some weird age gap thing
Mind you on her account where she posts all of this content (gore,abuse,sexual violence and generally edgy content) she posts videos and pictures of her young son and husband (who she’s talked shit about to her followers via her stories multiple times)
She also cannot take any criticism and seems to see such as a personal attack and as mentioned uses “I Have trauma!!11!!” As her main defence even if it’s just people asking her to add content warnings and then gets angry posts a huge rant on her story (sometimes deactivates her account over it) I’m pretty sure she’s in her mid to late 20s but never seemed to mature past highschool with her moaning about the rules of an app she uses to post but not sticking to those rules and her constantly edgy/romanticist artwork of abuse
No. 676606
>>676428I understand that anon but until the minimum wage raises to "livable wage", that's just the reality for her right now. It's either she gets a job that does pay 15+/hr but has to sacrifice something like comfort (office job or factory) or has to make due with a retail job since I know she says she doesn't want to work in the food industry which I personally understand. That or she stops being a sloth and actually gets through the commission queue and practice her skill more. Because with where she is now, she can't keep relying on commissions from high school kids and then be surprised if she's not making all that much because kids only have so much money and with the level her art is at right now, she doesn't look all that enticing to older people who may have more money to spend unless she gets lucky.
>>676431Not at all. Not all older people will judge her though and again, not trying to belittle those younger but as someone who is a year older than TD and used to only interact with those younger than myself who were usually fresh out of high school, while I haven't really made friends personally, at my job where I interact with people around my age it does feel nice to jibe with those who are in a similar spot you are in and it helps stimulate the mind if that makes sense?
I just feel that if TD only keeps around with teenagers and early young adults, she's gonna get stunted mentally (well more so than she currently is). Again, not saying she should dump her friends, friends are friends regardless but I'm just saying that she could benefit from also having friends whom are her age or older as well.
No. 676617
File: 1605714811490.jpg (41.93 KB, 569x336, monet.jpg)

I've got a personal cow I'd like to share (though he's not very milky):
>dude who's obsessed with his oppas
>only ever posts "portraits" using photos as references
>obviously uses filters + colorpicking + photoshop skills to create his "paintings"
>claims a fucking Monet piece as his own (picrel)
No. 676618

>>676606 (Same anon)
After seeing her vlog she put up yesterday, it really does make me question her lifestyle. First off, how is this girl ALWAYS getting sick? It's always something with her that prevents her from doing her commissions or taking a "vege-day", at least in the vlog but also how in a lot of her previous videos she usually would mention how she's not feeling well. It's the most bizarre thing and I hate to say it but she really does come off like that Jewsih stereotype of constant complaining. I know everyone's body is different but jeez. I really can't help but feel that the only reason she gets sick so much is that she doesn't live the best lifestyle and no offense but her obesity might also play a part in it as well.
Also when she explained about her mental health, this gives all the more reason why a part time job could help. She can get out of the house and breathe a little (while making some side income) and not be essentially confined in her apartment. I would just say she should just take more walks or something but you know, covid and whatnot but also she'd probably just quickly get too lazy to do that so at least with a job it would force her to get out.
No. 676620
File: 1605715001942.jpg (996.99 KB, 2731x4096, EkNig8YU0AI8mSU.jpg)

>>676617This is one of his more obvious works. Whole lot of heavy mix brush there. His non kpop tweets are generally art cloutchasing.
No. 676622
File: 1605715077648.jpg (268.31 KB, 1365x2048, ew.jpg)

>>676617lmao the fuck? whats with dumb kpoppers drooling all over this artists shit, you can literally tell it's a filter with how blurry all of the art is
No. 676630
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>>676617this picture he posed of himself looks super blurry around the face looks like he's editing himself to be like his idols
No. 676631
File: 1605715839281.jpg (523.29 KB, 1365x2048, EmOvv2YU8AEVDTb.jpg)

>>676620Peep the clone tool abuse in the background. Note that even though his bio says "digital artist" I think he wants people to think it's trad art on a canvas
No. 676635
File: 1605716177675.jpg (94.98 KB, 720x960, EVABYGoUMAAwztb.jpg)

>>676630sage for samefag but found a nonedited picture of him on the left so not only is he making Filter "paintings" he's photoshoping himself into a kpop band member
No. 676654
>>676530Holy shit anon, the technicalities. The original point was that she should have more friends her age, because 1.) it’s wierd to be 25 and have only high school-aged friends, 2.) there is normally a power dynamic from being the “adult” in a highschool friend group.
if you want to jump around and say “ mature and immature people don't get along” only to then agree with the other anons that she should meet other ppl her age, fine. We finally reached the main point of the topic.
No. 676663
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>>676631The hair straight up looks like when those image generator programs fuck up
No. 676836
>>676747>>676814they do it because they would be "cancelled" for sexualizing gay men if they say they are girls. I can guarantee most of them are don't truly believe they're trans. Also only trans "gay" men complain about fujos, actual gay men do not give a fuck or and the weeby gay men usually like bl too.
I wonder what western anime fags think of japanese girls who openly consume bl and the female mangakas? Yaoi is pretty much a girls only genre in Japan.
No. 676925
>>676899Ok I get that this sucks, but that's parts of the business aspects of being an artist.
I don't really understand it but woud it just be smart to order a small batch and make the rest made to order for a limited time instead of buying huge stock. At least with pre orders you'll make money and won't get screwed.
No. 676932
>>676899Yeah I saw this video when she released it and I agree. It's clear she's bitter about her own failures but like
>>676925 said, it's part of the business aspect. Sometimes things sell, other times they don't. I do agree with you anon that what she should've done was order a smaller batch just to test the waters to see just how much people were interested in the merch. But I'm one of the people who think her art style looks like shit and no amount of "I have a cartoony style" changes that, plenty of cartoony artists who have a pleasing to the eye style, I'm not really sure who would actually buy merch of her art style tbh.
But anyway yeah, your advice was good anon and should be what all smaller artists consider when getting into the merch game.
>Michie, you may have a lot of subscribers but outside of youtube you have less than 5k followers on your other platformsEven though Michie has a lot of YouTuber subs, I have to wonder just how many of them are active. Her views are pretty inconsistent and don't even get near around her sub level. I know she complains about how YouTube is hiccuping and unsubbing people from her channel but I have to wonder how true that is.
No. 676936
>>But anyway yeah, your advice was good anon and should be what all smaller artists consider when getting into the merch game. Thanks. Yeah I have no clue about this business shit and all the work that must go into it, but there must be a safe option where loss is minimized. Maybe don't order a huge batch with all the pre order money, and just do pre orders alone. It's also possiblet o run clear polls on twitter or something to get a more definative look at who really would buy.
The business aspect is really the scariest part of art for me, even though I'd love to be able to get into it. I think I'd just have to do a ton a research first and look at all the options and not immediatly jump to bulk buying stuff people might not buy.
No. 676940
>>676926probably because nobody is claiming that lesbian porn is anything else than a fetish. Yaoi and bl seems a little different because the people who consume it try to act as if they're somehow more virtuous than than straight guys who like lesbian shit. I mean how would you even cancel a dude a like that?
"hey this guy likes lesbian porn!"
That guy: "yea, so?".
Now I've never seen the appeal of BL or yaoi so I'm not super well versed on the community but I have seen some who act as if they're somehow super progressive supporting gay rights etc by liking bl but that then causes them inner conflict when they have to face the fact that it's in reality just fap material for straight girls and have nothing to do with gay right. I don't personally see the issue myself though, you can support gay rights and enjoy BL, just like you can be against abuse in relationships and still read a trashy YA novels. I guess it's just about ego really.
No. 676948
>>676934Well, here's the long walkthrough of it:
>Fujos have been hated and shamed for being women with sexual autonomy separate from male gaze since the fucking 70's or so, scrotes even created the loli porn genre because they were so salty over fujos having their gay erotica becoming so popular>In the mid to late 2010s someone comes up with the bright idea of starting to claim all fujos are straight white girls who hate actual IRL homosexuals and only like them as pretty anime boys basing their whole understanding of the genre on obnoxious old BL tropes from the early 00's such as Gravitation>Ironically a ton of fujos are lesbians and the whole genre was created by Japanese women>Even more ironically the people forcing this narrative are FTM transsexuals, actual gay men don't care at all>More and more fujos convert to being fakebois because they're afraid of being cancelled for being a woman that likes gay erotica made by women for women i.e. a fujoshi>These fujos descended into fakeboi troonism start calling themselves "MLM" and co-opt the term fujoshi to mean "straight white woman who fetishizes homosexual men" when the original meaning was a reclaimed slur from 2chan that directly translated to "rotten/spoiled woman" i.e. a woman unfit to marry >Because most of the woke fakebois are terminally autistic (as in, actually on the spectrum) and mentally stunted purityfags they consider ~true MLM~ to be only wholesome hand holding coffeeshop AUs because gay men are chaste and soft and never do such unchristian things such as sex, and all that yaoi those nasty fujoshis like is just rape and abuse >Now we got two types of fakebois, the other side is saying "as a gay man I hereby declare you're fetishizing us" and the other side "as a gay man I say we aren't" and they're all just mostly lesbian women into other lesbian women dressing as men>Some regular women join them simply out of the pleasure of getting to step on those disgusting fujos who like sinful gay shit>Actual gay men still don't care and even tell them to shut the fuck up and read their porn but are silenced by the woke side right awayShort version: Woke twitterfags ruining everything for everyone for no good reason.
No. 676984
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>>676948Not all women are cancelled for being a fujo. Pic related. The artist, her account somewhat got boosted to 10k in Instagram and got tons of rts, likes right after she's hyping in Haikyuu then drew tons of Sakuatsu fanart.
No. 677180
>>676523I am working in a part time minimum wage job that pays just over 15/hr. It's not idealistic if you know where to apply and are willing to work retail.
Also I didn't fully flow the train of replies and didn't noticed that she refused to work in retail.
No. 677282
>>677221okay i personally hate fujos being harassed and spammed by traditional fujos and fakebois alike for not being into BL and all, but cancelling people for making fujo art is pretty fucking cringe. just block it, what's the issue? what's with these people that supposedly hate the icky yaoi but go out of their way to specifically see it? it seems these days it's less the self decribed fujos doing the typical annoying shit that you see them associated with, and more fakebois and the like who desperately try to avoid the term. at this point yeah, just avoid the obvious twitterfags and neurotic underages.
god damn it, when is twitter going to block underage accounts from seeing accounts marked with 18+? stop letting these retard children waltz into profiles and blame the artist for twaumatizing them with
problematic content
>>677147>This is the exact reason I go by they/them online despite being cryptohonestly based, considering just doing this. i wonder how many artists actually do this too just to fly under the radar from THAT crowd
No. 677345
File: 1605799922226.jpg (101.3 KB, 720x960, uhh.jpg)

Kind of late but some 17 kid (formerly @angelicks999 on twitter and mlmisandry on tumblr) drew ""vent art"" of one of their ocs strangling a "pro shipper".
It's not really milky, but I figured it was funny. People are bringing up the race card and shit.
No. 677358
>>677347It feels almost like self-aware irony to paint a face this emotionless showing requests like that in the process?
Also… isn't that the artist we talked about in one of the previous Art Salts that they're just painting over other artists' pieces, keeping them on a low opacity below their own work? Feels very familiar, but maybe it's because it's just another one of the same dead pretty face trend
No. 677365
>>677361>you want to kill pedos? oh so violence is good, but sex is bad???Antishipers that I'm aware of are against some kind of ships because they are
abusive and/or
toxic for other reasons. So you can't simplify it to 'oh so you hate sex even though violence is the real problem, huh'
No. 677369
>>677367How is pointing out that
>>677346 reasoning doesn't make sense autism?
The antis are extremely self-righteous and zealous about what they see as wrong, but it doesn't come from conservatism or being prude. Rather the sjw cancel culture where everything is either wholesome or
problematic/wrong, even if it's fiction.
Okay I'm out, idk if you get my point now but at least I tried.
No. 677374
>>676948Ah I see. Well that all makes a lot of sense now. I think the reason why I didn't know about this is because I'm not on Twitter a whole lot, nor do I venture out and explore it outside of the few artists I follow there so it's no wonder I never noticed this. But yeah all this does make sense so thanks for the summary.
>>676938Right. Yeah I have a few gay actual men friends and they generally don't care about BL or yaoi. At the most, one has said it's a little too unrealistic as the way they portray men in those stories is not like it is in the real gay dating world but he also knows it's just fantasy so he thinks it's harmless lol.
>>676940No no, you're all right, I was just being ignorant lol Men generally don't care about this stuff unlike women who tend to so it makes perfect sense now why a straight man liking fantasy lesbian porn wouldn't get scrutinized since other men don't care but with women tend to care about it more which leads to annoying problems and arguments.
No. 677377
>>676936I think you have the right idea. Just do some research and just learn from people like Michie's mistakes. Research and when first starting out, just start small and hopefully things will build up from there.
>>677180No problem anon, just a misunderstanding but yeah that was the main issue with TD, the issue was that she was not willing to work retail because she still wants art to be her main job. Whatever retail job you're working, I feel like it would conflict with Michie's comfort since she says she can't stand for too long nor does she want to be sat on a computer when she does most her work on a computer for her art. So you see the dilemma that she's causing for herself? lol That's why I was suggesting she get her ass in gear and just try to make her art work since she's in that position to do so but she's squandering it by not finishing commissions in a reasonable time frame nor improving her style so it's more appealing to potential buyers.
No. 677515
>>677489The thing is that the obnoxious fujoshi stereotype that wants a gay pet are certainly awful but very rare, and they pose no actual threat to gay men sans making them feel uncomfortable. Whereas lesbians get preyed on, harassed, groped and threatened by straight male cumbrains wanting to sneak into their bedroom after frying their brains with "lesbian" porn. In all honesty the biggest threat gay men are concerned about are homophobes wanting to beat them up for being gay and closeted male bisexuals who treat them as side hoes and fuckholes, not some teenage girls squealing over anime boys.
Even in the case of the fakebois who demand gay dick for muh gender validation never get a foothold and are always dogpiled on for their homophobic bullshit, while AGPs get legitimately violent forcing girldick down lesbians' throats and everyone just has to deal with it. In the artist circles you constantly get female WLW artists pressured into including MTFs in their work while male MLM artists get to laugh at the thought of having to draw pussyboys.
>>677494It's not like autistic fans don't do this all the time, fujo or not. K-pop fans harass their favourite idols like lunatic stalkers and scrotes send threatening messages to creators who dare to mistreat their pure waifus and idols who dare to go out on dates with other guys. It's a fandom issue in general.
No. 677520
>>677436>>677489>>677492Yes, yes, and yes.
Also fujos tend to befriend gay males for their work as well. There are a few gaycels out there but most gay weeb men that I've met welcome anyone wanting to contribute more good gay art of their husbandos.
No. 677550
>>677406I agree with the sentiment. Stop caring what people think and own your shit.
>>677436> The main reason straight guys jerking it to lesbians is dicey is all the times they approach them irl and ask to watch. and it's incredibly enabled by a patriarchal society that they objectify women, thinking even lesbians want their dick. This is true and it's also why they get so pissed when they see masculine presenting lesbians because they disrupt their porn-filled fantasy of lesbianism is. But so long as they keep their fantasies to themselves and not push it on lesbians IRL, should be fine.
No. 677725
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This would be a nice piece of art were it not for how fucked up her torso is. It's like the hips and the chest are from two different drawings. She also has the world's tiniest hands.
No. 677726
File: 1605836380285.jpg (76.33 KB, 1077x497, 20201120_083623.jpg)

Another viral woke twitterfag, stated that genderbent one character from a gay ship is homophobic. They stated they're minors… gen z have reall smooth brains huh?
No. 677735
>>677726I've never seen the point of genderbending one character out of a ship (whether its gay or het). The reason to genderbend is normally to explore how the dynamic and designs change between the characters when that aspect is swapped, and to me it feels like switching only one of the genders but not the other changes it 'unequally' in a way to where it's almost a different ship. But maybe that's just my autism, if there's anyone here who likes a ship that has 1/2 genderbent I would be curious to hear why you like it
>>677733Kek male artists do this constantly with popular gay shonen ships and it's telling about the genre
No. 677736
>>677365It doesn't matter how healthy the dynamic is– it's fanfiction. No one is learning morals from fanart and fanfiction. Obviously if someone romanticizes
abusive relationships in fiction, they might have some underlying personal issues, but that isn't any of your business anyway. They're teenagers who draw anime characters online, not public figures. They shouldn't be expected to be morally upstanding role models.
No. 677739
File: 1605838073040.png (45.58 KB, 860x569, stepnie.png)

>>674322I hate to bring this up again, but something weird kinda happened?
When I first read about the drama here, I had never heard of this girl before. So the first thing I did was google her twitter handle step_nie and her Twitter was the first result, which is what tends to happen when you google any twitter handle.
But now when I google step_nie her twitter doesn't come up at all on the results. At first I thought maybe she'd deleted or changed urls due to possible harassment, but I found a link to her twitter in my browsing history and it's active with the same username as before.
It wasn't until I searched "step_nie" with quotation mark so that it only gave me results for that exact phrasing that her username popped up again.
Does Twitter have some sort of setting that you can enable so that your profile doesn't show up in regular searches? Or is google for some bizarre reason censoring her twitter from showing up in its searches?
I know this isn't new milk, but it was just so weird to me I had to ask.
No. 677759
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>>677735I honestly don’t tend to mind either way, but I guess some 1/2 gender bends are just made for the person to self-insert in the ship even more than before.
Some people just really want to see themselves in a ship and they can’t truly get into it when the character they want to project onto has a different gender.
It’s kind of like those bunch of fanfics or fanart saying that one character is trans while the other is still their original gender, the person making it just wants to reflect themselves in that pairing without creating an OC because they know that OC/CanonCharacter pairings are not as popular/well received.
No. 677771
For some reason people tend to forget that gay men are still MEN. They're horny. Fujos haven't even touched on the kinda shit gay weebs like and draw.
No. 677859
File: 1605858494191.png (62.36 KB, 546x642, fhfhf.PNG)

hey anons, can i get a critique on this alien fella i drew?(no)
No. 677862
>>677726I actually understand the annoyance with this. It does look weird and homophobic to genderbend only one character in a gay ship to make it straight, like you can't accept these two together unless it's God-approven heterosexual and need to fix it. I know art is for experimenting and exploring new ideas but you really can't deny how that can raise an eyebrow.
>>677859Is this racistuncle posting?
No. 677864
>>677862>>677759I agree with both. this is one of the downsides of the internet and being able to mass-share our stuff imo. Like if the genderbender drew her thing and only showed it to her friends, she could explain how it was about self-insert etc whatever and not to be homophobic (since it's probably well-meaning teens anyway). if it happened in this way, it'd prevent other problems like getting hate for ships and the type of fanfic they write. and, it would protect minors from the danger in r18 interactions. In that case it shouldn't be public at all.
but anyway, saying that is moot. things are how they are and I think people have the right to draw their genderbend ship. It definitely comes off homophobic though, and it's kinda good that they face how that looks & affects people.
No. 677960
File: 1605879929765.png (308.03 KB, 620x352, attention.png)

>>677859Your art is worse than Holly Brown's.
No. 677964
>>677924Yeah this is why I would want to genderbend ships. It's fun. But it's
problematic anyway because it's apparently transphobic now
No. 677968
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when will this style end
No. 677970
>>677887Lmao you care too much about what other people think. Draw whatever the hell you want and stop letting the Twitter lynch mob dictate your life.
>>677924How does the dynamic change? They have the same personalities. The only difference now is they have different genitals. I mean if you want to get all Twitter-y about it, there's a systemic power imbalance in straight relationships that doesn't exist in gay ones, but that doesn't really strike me as being a fun thing to fantasize about? I can't speak for all fujoshi but I'm pretty sure discomfort with the power imbalance inherent to straight relationships is why a lot of them gravitate towards gay ships to begin with.
No. 677986
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>>676984The woman who wrote pic related also got away with it, maybe because her gender isn't immediately obvious based on her name. Also it's a good series and if you're into BL and don't mind the weird art style, give it a read.
>>676948Fucking based and yaoipilled.
>>677374Real gay men are too busy living their lives and having actual sex to neg women online for liking gay porn. The people who bitch about fujoshis are always Aidens, handmaidens, or straight men.
No. 677992
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>>677987I was reading about the drama with the crazy bitches who write ABO shit and apparently M/F pairings being written more violently is common in fanfic. Don't know how true that actually is or if it's just some peoples' impression, but I've heard it from several people at this point. If anyone has a theory for why this is, feel free to share it lmao.
No. 677998
>>677759Tumblr/Twitter ruined Moominvalley.
>>677993I'm honestly angry at the retards who complimented her shitty drawing. They're probably just newfags from Twitter who aren't familiar with RU's bullshit.
>>677995I'm disappointed Rachelle Soto (Addison Cain) doesn't have a thread on any sites dedicated to Lolcows. She's fucking unhinged kek.
No. 678099
>>678088??? It happens in different fandoms and ships, it's a trend, not a hallmark of a specific fandom. Sometimes the couple is together in canon sometimes not, but either way it doesn't matter. Like
>>678005said, complaining that it's homophobic because it's a "straight" ship now, is completely ignoring the fact hat bi people exist. They aren't as woke as the think they are, it's just another thing to complain about for clout.
No. 678140
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>>678088It happens, mostly because fujos want to be the cute twink boy.
No. 678144
>>677726What a fucking non issue. There are hate crimes happening towards people who are attracted to the same sex and this person is worried about someone swapping the gender of some drawn barbie dolls, hell.
I see fakebois swapping genders to make a ship gay all the time so I don't get the issue anyway?
>>677992I don't fuck with omegaverse since it's a crazy fujo infested pit, but that's actually very interesting. My gut reaction is to attribute it to uwu softboi yaoi/uwu soft yuri, but it probably goes deeper. Likely has layers and layers of information as to why.
No. 678187
>>677970>I can't speak for all fujoshi but I'm pretty sure discomfort with the power imbalance inherent to straight relationships is why a lot of them gravitate towards gay ships to begin with.This is exactly why I like BL to begin with. I hate men, am not attracted to them, so I don't want to read something men don't find attractive or coom all over it it i.e. gay couples created by women for women. I don't want to self insert so I like them to be both fictional anime men that both allow me to detach from my own persona but are unrealistic enough to be not like
real men. I think that's the core appeal of BL and the reason why it's so popular.
No. 678195
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long winded way of saying yes.
No. 678234
>>678222> How can you live with this hatred> this hatrednta but holy shit, this is nothing compared to what scrotes write all the time. It's just disdain for men which is perfectly normal if you spend any time around them. Maybe you fuck off to twitter/reddit or whatever hugbox you've crawled from.
p.s. fuck men and fuck handmaidens may they all rot in feces.
No. 678342
File: 1605917420841.png (426.28 KB, 1153x1083, tumblr_mpxuxlUGAG1qluf27o1_128…)

Sage because its just a dumb complaint but I miss PetitePasserine's original art and the old little details like the eye sparkles, and unique shading on the hair she did, her new-ish art was technically better but it was starting to lose personality and now her current WoW autistic obsession is boring as fuck, all she draws is this one night elf, and it has been going on for like a year now, imagine drawing just one thing over and over for a year.
No. 678355
>>678149Because it has the whole
but this is forbidden love!1!1!! without having to think too much about
why it would be forbidden.
at least that was the appeal to me when I was younger No. 678377
>>678341God this person is so annoying.
They try really hard to sound crazy and unique but its so grating.
They have the voice of a 14 year old whos obsessed with invader zim.
No. 678487
File: 1605933723537.jpg (197.53 KB, 1078x607, 20201121_113816.jpg)

Ever heard of class 101 site? The site gives tutorials made by popular insta artists sponsored by the site owner. But although they have interesting classes like pic related, they priced the classes expensively like all of them are priced $100 above. Does it worth?
No. 678534
File: 1605945397665.png (174.26 KB, 562x389, Weebshit.png)

hi, what exactly is the point of these threads? in the op, theres a list of resources and tutorials to improve your art, but the focus of the thread seems to be tearing down artists on instagram/youtube instead of discussing art techniques and improving oneself. are you all gonna relegate yourselves to mediocrity and stagnation, or are you gonna post your work, critique each other, and improve your craft? or are people here too afraid to? i thought the point of these threads was an over all art discussion, not a discussion of gay e celeb drama.
No. 678603
>>678149They're straight women and it's a double dose of the sex they're attracted to. It's not rocket science.
>>678567I'm the anon who made that initial post. I didn't even mention hating men, I just talked about relationships.
>>678579>Massive tiddiesYou scrotes are terrible at blending in kek. You'd cape for a mailbox if it had big enough tits.
No. 678606
>>678567 and I was referring to this post
>>678187 which was the only one even mentioning hating men, no idea what post you're talking about
No. 678725
>>678723Speaking of KC,I glad she become less loud in her twitter.
>>678724Smell like bait post. She has so many commission to work. I don't think she will interact here for her sanity. Kek
No. 678740
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>Those necrotic breasts
They replied to someone that they were pink irl and the camera just made them look blue, but it would have been such an easy fix instead of leaving this looking so weird
No. 678802
File: 1605979331906.jpeg (121.42 KB, 750x360, 88967A13-6625-4ABE-A5E2-187775…)

>>678740ugh this guy. Thought he quit all social media? Or was that just another attention seeking claim of his.
guy. the leg is broken. glad to see hes still making a fool out of himself in the comments kek.
No. 678894
>>678740I hate this
This belongs in the bad art thread
No. 679263
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Has over 14k followers. Decides to make brand new account to be “seen”… is this bullshit or does making a brand new account actually do anything algorithm wise.
No. 679527
>>679525i see no problem with copying and flipping the eye as long as you at least adapt its shape slightly to fit the skull and perspective. just copy+flipping it and leaving it that way is lazy.
although…doesn't she know that you can flip the canvas horizontally and draw the other eye more easily?
No. 679617
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>>676170I just started watching this girl's stuff and holy fuck she's pretty milky actually.
She literally quit her animation job because they weren't letting her be a showrunner…..but then quits to start a YouTube channel, as an "art influencer"?? Obviously this chick just has an ego.
What's even more pathetic is how much money she ISN'T making. Look at these commission prices, these DeviantArt tier shit. She also said she only makes about 100-200 dollars a month on YouTube even though she haad that viral video, and HOMG 10k a year on her personal business. When you break those numbers down its not jack shit guys. Like TwistedDisaster, she's literally making around minimum wage or less. She seems like a hard worker but her ego has really been her demise.
No. 679658

>>679653What a spoiled brat.
Breakdown of this video:
>We're art influencers, we're here to give you advice because YOU can do it too!>DON'T use society6, you have to start a t-shirt business the RIGHT way, the HARD way where you print and ship everything yourself, because its just better that way, we don't like those sites>If you've never taken commissions in real life DON'T you dare take online commissions because you won't be able to do it>There's a special art to making a t-shirt design, not just ANY design will work on a t-shirt, we had to do a LOT of trial and error to figure it out. Actually, we just looked it up on the internet.>We won't tell you how to make a good t-shirt design cause we don't want to give you the wrong advice, maybe eventually we'll tell you>We LOVE this book the 4 hour work week, heres an audible link to it (There's nothingin here about whether we're sponsored or not, which is against YouTube's rules)>We've never read the 4 hour work week, we just live by it naturally, even though this is a horrible book about how to take advantage of other people for your own benefitLiterally this is the most gate keeping video I've ever seen.
I also can't stand the way her boyfriend interviews her with that stupid TV show host voice, you can tell he's done this before, he's fake as fuck, no wonder he works at Disney
She's actually genuine sounding but its obvious she's practically a little girl, just extremely naive and entitled
No. 679659
>>679653>>676170I listened to her podcast once, and here some interesting info I've found
>She went to an Animator Convention or something, and there are some people are doing portfolio review for free. She complained the reviewer because It was too rude and mean to her >She used to work on dreamworks Animation, She had a nice time on it. Like 4 years or something>She mostly success and attention seeker lolIt was long time ago, when I listened to her podcast. But It was mostly her bitching and complaining about the animation industry.
>>679653She went to Art Centre . Mtf went one of the best concept art school.
Some people deserve to be born poor and she is one of the example
No. 679676
>>679653she actually go to ARTCENTER and yes her parent paid for it
she got a scholarship in another good school but her Asian parent want her to go to the "best" school according to her podcast
No. 679914
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>>679723Her art look like Holly with a little bit better fundie
No. 679915
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>>679906NTA but I also felt like it's a weird thing to ask, why don't you check her portfolio and make up your mind yourself?
She paid for the school and obtained the skills, Disney or Dreamworks wouldn't hire her if she wasn't good. Her storyboards are very professional, it's a very specific thing to do though, not a type of art regular people who don't know anything about production really appreciate. Her gesture drawings and coloring skills are good too, character designs a bit forgettable. If she was humble she could have a successful studio career, not really seeing her as a succesful illustration freelancer / youtube artist but who knows honestly.
No. 679916
File: 1606144760240.jpeg (220.62 KB, 828x1112, 262C8171-C1A6-4F6C-B32D-46E27D…)

>>679723So I went to her IG looking and Iit’s pretty meh, it’s not
the worst but it’s kinda messy and hard to read. I would say it looks like the art of someone who’s in their teens and hopping between anime and attemted realism.
While this is slightly off topic, I found this absolutely hilarious. So she tried to clickbait her video thumbnails on her IG feed and it literally got only 1 comment.
No. 679917
File: 1606144802246.jpeg (261.66 KB, 828x1093, CA6C1344-F1A3-4067-A40A-5F6C64…)

>>679916Then when you open it, the comment is this.
No. 679951
>>679914she has the same expression my grandmother with alzheimers does when i come visit her and drop off her medicine
1:1 picture of me patting my granny
No. 679957
>>679953Yea, same person. It just struck me as so funny since she's quit her job to do this and yet it keeps blowing up on her face. I mean how fucking sad is it that you clickbait
so hard and literally the only comment you get on it, is some random dude calling you out for being an asshole.
No. 679973
>>679969GOOD LORD maybe i should visit shayna threads. as for cheerleading, i'm afraid my granny has long since lost the ability to remember anything other than (sometimes) names. but this is the art thread not the granny thread so i won't go further
>>679916>hand on cheek>fake surprised face>money in handwhy this
No. 679983
>>679981Honestly I don't find her milky. She is fine imo on BobbyChiu Interview.
She has a pretty ok opinion about the internet and online art community
>I've been thinking about buying one of their artbooks (I'm a huge sucker for artbooks so I'm always on the watch)Why don't you buy artbooks based from your favorite artist or their artworks rather than artist with big following?
No. 679986
>>679981Spend your money however you want. These threads aren’t some moral compass to follow
As for the artist herself, I’ve been following her for years and haven’t really seen anything milky(primarily because she doesn’t post too much about herself). She doesn’t really participate in any drama, but it was hilarious when she too joined the redgirl tag
No. 679987
I do! Like I said, I'm always on the watch for when my favourite artists drop artbooks, but currently none of them have released (or re-released) any. I got some spare money from my birthday and I saw that Loish's artbooks were on sale and their art looks really nice, which is why I considered buying one of them.
Thanks, anon!
No. 679989
File: 1606153668289.jpg (338.82 KB, 2560x1157, 81CMzROyxfL.jpg)

>>679987Treat Yourself Anon,Goodluck! ♥
I still thinking about getting death stranding artbook because I love with their sci-fi design
No. 680088
File: 1606164326189.png (250.22 KB, 524x946, patches.PNG)

>>676316>>676398She's finally discountining her traced art, I wonder if it's because she caught wind of this thread?
No. 680104
File: 1606165784396.jpg (588.42 KB, 688x1100, V0DqmrX.jpg)

>>680095Tracing is a legit method of learning, but I'd just be wary of
what you're tracing. Avoid the DeviantArt-tier anime posed bases and random shit from Pinterest cause you can pick up bad habits from amateur artists. Stick to photo references or masterworks.
No. 680113
File: 1606166876655.jpg (209.34 KB, 600x802, tu-the-de-phac-hoa-13.jpg)

>>680104This is probably a shitty reference, but you'll get the idea.
Having a pose from this, or a doll creator that doesn't have features at all underneath the digital sketch, and basically forming out all of the actual details on my own. I'm just trying to figure out my basic structures and body frames again, and get used to the flow and balance. I took life drawing ages ago, but it left brain reserves for other memories.
No. 680342
>>680297Yes, agree. If you can't draw basic anatomical forms like this
>>680113 then that's exactly what you should be practicing.
No. 680345
File: 1606187592306.png (300.57 KB, 508x824, Untitled.png)

Call me crazy, but this is always so odd to me. This person makes these posts as an "art grandpa", to just socialize and talk to artists in this group. And that I find kinda sweet. It wouldn't be so weird if it was an actual cute, art-loving old man. Except…. it's a 20-something year old fakeboi who took on this creepy 1930 Grandpa persona. She calls everyone her "grandbaby" and while she does draw, it's rarely. She usually gets people to draw her "ideal self" as this old man. Idk I mean the posts are actually nice, and she's not bothering anyone negatively (as far as I know) but the whole persona and concept in retrospect is kinda creepy since her profile makes it clear she seems to really believe she is an art grandpa 1930s goon.
Maybe I'm just being paranoid, and I'm sure she's harmless, but it still weirds me out.
No. 680471
>>680104replace traced with referenced and memory 2 will look way more like it, 100% less wonky and formless.
>>680345am i correct in assuming this is that one grandpa vtuber i heard about? i really love their gimmick, it's very unique in the sea of samey anime girls.
No. 680578
>>680471nah, pretty sure that artsygrandpa isn't a vtuber
you're probably thinking of Arurandeisu, he's the grandpa-slash-father-figure vtuber of holostars
No. 680588
File: 1606216909881.jpg (655.75 KB, 2000x1994, C014_-_Xiaoyu.jpg)

no idea who this is, they shared their art in a discord server I'm in.
No. 680783
>>680250Yeah agreed anon, that’s what I was talking about in the green text here
>>679658Its more common in “entrepreneurship” influencers than art influencers though. I would say that art you tubers are aware of that and are all taking a different approach to the idea of people wanting to watch them to have their lives, when in reality they know it’s an impossibility.
Baylee Jae’s is >I’m not going to encourage you to become an art YouTuber but you can watch me do it and live vicariously through me
Twisted disaster and holly brown both are like >i will give you genuine tips on how to draw sometimes, and maybe even sprinkle in a few other tips about things like laser engraving and stuff. Just know that this job is genuinely not what it’s cracked up to be and it’s a mental health nightmare at times
I actually have to give those two credit for that, especially Holly Brown because she seems genuinely pretty nice sometimes about sharing her money making ideas
This new couple Honey and Absinthe are the worst, they’re life is extremely fake and the guy is obviously manipulating the audience to watch them and act like they’re buying into money making advice, when in reality they’re not giving any valuable information away, and aren’t even making it as art influencers themselves.
There are other artists like Dan Ekis and LucidPill who are very kind and very encouraging, and are chock full of info. I don’t think that everyone can be an artist but those guys you can tell really believe it or at least want to be encouraging. They’re not manipulative.
No. 680982
>>680773Yeah usually? That's what it was meant to be when studio vlogs first came out? What you're making, how you're making it and trials and tribulations with your art projects. Now its just vlogs with some sprinklings of packing orders and drawing on ipads. I do do that I'm just saying the trend in escapism is on the rise and art youtubers are playing into that intentional or unintentional doesn't matter it's still happening and I think it's sad.
>>680783Yeah I read your post earlier yesterday and I agreed 100%. There is one youtuber that does watercolor and she like actually listed her earnings for several years and what to expect and what sells the most in her shop. It's just so refreshing and kind when people want to share their knowledge freely because they like sharing substance with their audience. Yeah the guy is gross, reading how you phrased that that makes me wonder if you also watch coffeezilla. Thanks for the recommendations too I'll look into their stuff.
>>680969They are selling things. The idea that that can be attainable and the promise of more information behind their paywall patreon. It's like a giant ad. Maybe I'm nasty but I'm tired of seeing all this fluff. Why can't anything be genuine anymore (for the most part). It's just a stupid gripe I have with social media. That's it just a dumb rant on art salt.
No. 680989
File: 1606254654534.jpeg (59.83 KB, 513x717, EACC4EC2-99F4-4E59-BB9C-3708F4…)

No. 680990
>>680982No they aren't selling anything t's literally free? And if they are linking to a patreon or kofi they are proviging goods in exchange for money, and unelss they are providing shit or re negging on agreements there's literally no problem with that. ALso selling escapism is not a new thing, and plenty of people use media for that. Even if it's not possible unless they are actually scamming people then there is literally no harm.
In general I think a lot of people who talk about the lack of genuineness forget that this is their job, it's work. Sure they may love their work but it's still work, and that will always be a part of their content. If they have to make a certain type of content or market themselves a certain type of way then that's what they have to do in order to to well and not just scrape by. Idk why your salty, but this is such a non issue. If you don't like ths type of content just don't watch it.
No. 680994
>>680989…am I the only person here who doesn't find it bad that artists trace objects? Stuff like cars and guns are extremely hard to learn how to draw even with a reference in hand, and most of the time they'll be in the picture as an accessory and rarely as the focus.
Plus, most artists don't even draw those things, they slap a 3D model and work on it so that it'll blend with the picture.
No. 681001
>>680783"I don't think everyone can be an artist,"
Ofc everyone can! We all have the ability to draw, as long as you practice that ability and are passionate about it, you could become the next DaVinci or Picasso lol.
No. 681009
>>680989people only go out of their way to learn how to draw a gun without the aid of tracing if they're a gun enthusiast or an EXTREMELY skilled artist.
not being able to draw a gun doesn't make anyone less of an artist, you're nitpicking.
No. 681091
>>671204Kinda reminds me of a tweet where the artist was promoting their art and stated they're chronically I'll.
Like, okay?
No. 681145
>>681092 said, it's fine as long as they credit, but claiming you're so good at drawing that you perfectly drew a car freehand is dishonest and takes away credit from the original photographer. photography is art too and deserves to be credited as such.
No. 681231
File: 1606286860899.jpg (887.16 KB, 1080x1080, 1606256470126.jpg)

The laziness of Instagram artists never ceases to amaze me
No. 681305
File: 1606297639133.jpg (75.65 KB, 512x239, example of car drawn by refere…)

>>680989I understand anons saying objects get traced to save time, but when you do stylized artwork you have the advantage of simplifying things a bit, so difficult object don't have to be overrealistic. When I have to draw a gun or a car I pick different reference images, divide the object in shapes and do some perspective studies, and it's an add on my visual library. If you plan to do art for all your life you're gonna run into drawing guns or cars more than once. You can always tell the difference between an object drawn by trace, and one drawn by reference.
There's also quite a difference between tracing from a photo you don't own, and tracing from a photo you made or 3d object you built.
No. 681348
>>681231What are we looking at here? Someone did a 4 panel comic and used the same bases for two characters talking and you think it's
problematic in some way? lol
No. 681476
File: 1606320452330.png (291.74 KB, 1080x1583, 20201126_000515.png)

Out of topic but blyssade is a joke. She's always been begging for people to pay for her bills or lunch. I remember one time she asked for emergency money commissions for food but then used it to subscribe to FFXIV.
She's also lied about being 18+when she is in fact a minor and kept pushing herself in NSFW spaces.
Her art and her personality is shit.
No. 681496
File: 1606322894820.jpg (Spoiler Image,69.81 KB, 664x1200, EnE-UXKVkAEjAwI.jpg)

>>681476Just googled her art and oh my god
No. 681523
File: 1606324872112.jpeg (541.24 KB, 750x922, D6F1143C-E6DF-4E1E-8E6C-001F6C…)

samdoesarts draws a lot of “pretty girls” but they actually look really nice and expressive
idk why cows on here hate it when people draw “pretty people”
I guess it can get boring once in awhile, and he should definitely try and get out of his comfort zone but I guess it’s awkward for me to suggest that to someone with 10x more experience.
No. 681541
>>681523I'm fine with people drawing "pretty girls" as long as the picture has SOMETHING going on. The example you used is great because it's a scene happening, I can tell which emotions she's feeling etc. SOMETHING is going on and it just happens to have a cute girl in it, that's fine.
The "pretty girl" drawings that most people hate are those that are just portraits of pinterest model girls looking straight to the camera or at max in 3/4 view with some vague quirky smile or a sultry expression with an overrendered face and half lidded eyes with literally nothing else going on.
No. 681909
File: 1606368523056.png (943.87 KB, 1347x969, Heart Latte.png)

>>676315>>676316I’m super late, but this is so stupid.
This design doesn’t “belong” to either of them. It’s just a generic latte art design. If you Google, “heart latte art”, this design can be seen dozens of times. If you Google, “tulip latte art”, you get even more.
It’s literally the first image you get for latte art on the Wikipedia page for latte art.
You can argue that Clammy copied the concept of a heart latte art beret, but that’s a stupid thing to get upset at her for. In the context of making products, there is nothing wrong with "copying" (unless the original is copywritten). Many products are “copied" from another (how many black lab T-shirts can you find?). There’s nothing wrong with making an alternative product for consumers to buy that comes from the same idea as the original. By this logic, it is bad that there are any laptops that are not Osborne 1‘s, and the only cellphones that should exist are Motorola’s, because they were the first ones to invent the concept of a laptop and a cellphone.
If your product is superior, consumers will buy yours and not the “copied" or “knock off" version. It’s called competition. Welcome to the free market.
tldr; RachiesArt is just salty her ugly beret got one-upped by a competitor
No. 681910
>>681476I used to be mutual with her on twitter
Two times when she moved accounts , she DMd and basically said “hey refollow me”
It was a bit..cringe ngl since we hardly/never really talked to one another
No. 681928
>>681788Yeah I saw the burnout video Twisted did awhile ago and while she did say some things that made me roll my eyes like when she was saying how it's okay to use references when drawing (Seriously, do artists these days really think it's not good to use references when drawing? This is new to me), the video was a little better then some of her other recent ones.
>>681874>>681871You both are right and I agree. It's pretty clear what she's doing, especially after seeing her latest VLOG. She thinks that if she says she has a problem and wants to work on it, people won't get on her case with her own shortcomings but the fact that she lets her queue continue to get bigger and making excuses, it doesn't paint her in a good light. I didn't know that Holly paid for Twisted's San Japan trip but yeah as shit as Holly is, she should've gotten paid back assuming Twisted said she would.
No. 681937
>>681910Yikes. When I used to follow her,
All I know about is when she used to be SHOCHIX, She got called out by two other artists who was trying to run away with their money because they paid her when she put out "emergency" commissions only to NEVER do the promised art and also , AGAIN, go and sub to FFXIV
Blyssade made a fiasco and tried to get haters on the two other artists
No. 681944
>>681937that’s so messed up…I’ve known her from that account too but never heard about that
I unfortunately have a friend who follows her and retweets her stuff so I’m hoping someone calls her out on that soon
No. 681966
File: 1606377979166.jpg (242.23 KB, 606x578, 51287891_799859417016730_65421…)

>>681944Found an old screenshot I had of Blyssade shitposting without proper context.
Which is funny because she's the one parading to be poor and yet can afford an expensive screentablet, subscription to games, and all that other shit.
minors are terrible lol.
No. 682118
>>682009Well tbf tracing is totally different from copying and referencing and cannot even compare. Sure we could argue that tracing bg or objects is no big deal but why even draw if you don’t bother to draw your own shit? Even worse is that a lot of times people who trace, trace over works that belongs to someone, photos have copyrights too yanno.
I do think that people shitting on referencing is bad but let’s not pretend that tracing isn’t just a lazy crutch used mostly by unskilled artist to benefit from someone else work.
No. 682134
>>682118You sound like someone who either 1) isn't an artist or 2) is one of those stuck up artists who think that you have to be able to draw everything in this world through memory and skill alone.
You can trace as long as you're also able to draw from memory + you're tracing from a photo or 3D reference that's yours (or at least you have the original author's permission and you're crediting them).
>"why even draw if you don’t bother to draw your own shit?"Sorry but that take is just horrible.
No. 682201
File: 1606407765928.png (1.58 MB, 1776x1064, iofi.png)

What do you guys think about Iofi's (an indonesian Hololiver) art? To me it look really terrible and very amateurish. Poor grasp of colours, rendering techniques, and especially anatomy, yet she gives tutorials on youtube. I can't help but feel irked that she's giving tutorials when she herself needs tutorials to fix her art lol, potentially teaching her fans to learn the wrong things.
No. 682230
>>682134>>682126I’m ntsa, but holy shit, I’m pretty sure this is bait. You literally took the op anon’s quote of saying:
>> Even worse is that a lot of times people who trace, trace over works that belongs to someone, photos have copyrights too And made it your own kek.
Take your pills, tracing images that isn’t yours/over images all the time without learning it is lazy no matter what.
No. 682282
>>682201Her art is not the best which is kinda funny cause I think her vtuber design is supposed to be a painter(?). Also the art stream she did with Ina, who is wooperfuri(an artist who has done professional work for some games) made Iofi's art look pretty amateurish.
kinda unrelated but I'd like to see ina do some art tutorials.
No. 682540
>>682485>there are so many professional and industry artists that trace stock photos, that I can’t even name oneSure anon, you 100% got that other anon
I just hope you’re not talking about referencing
No. 682598
Every time tracing is mentioned someone needs to sperg about it. I guess a lot of anons here like to trace.
Referencing is always fine and recommended, tracing just shows how lazy and unskilled you are. Professionals may save time with backgrounds by tracing over 3D models or heavily referencing a picture, and honestly I think that's fine as long as the thing you trace isn't the focus of what you're doing. So for example it's fine for concept artists to photobash because their focus is on the concept and not on how things are actually drawn, same with some comic artists using a 3D background for many panels, because the focus there is more about storytelling than details and pretty art. But if you're an illustrator who draws portraits of characters and you trace poses and entire objects in focus like in
>>680989, you're a little lazy. It only takes a couple of quick studies to get a decent grasp of things like cars and guns.
No. 682888
>>682598This! I'm the original anon who shat on tracing but honestly you put my thoughts better into words than I could've. Obviously as someone planning a comic, I use photobashing to create concepts and am learning 3d to build backgrounds more efficiently, so I got nothing against either of those. If you got photos that belong to you or you got permission to use, then use ahead, that's material after all so why wouldn't you make use of it but to act as if tracing a gun or a car because you're too lazy to draw anything else than your kawaii animu girls is anywhere near the same level as professionals using shortcuts to be time efficient, is fucking astonishing. when I said that I don't understand why people even draw if they don't bother to draw their own stuff, I was spesifically referring to the gungirl type of tracing, not something like photobashing that's obviously it's own artform.
Some of the anons seemed to get really defensive about the whole thing too acting as if it's somehow impossible for artist to actually learn how to draw variety of things. No one is asking you to be a master but holy hell if you get so offended by a suggestion that you should perhaps actually learn to draw stuff outside of your comfort zone, then I'm not sure if being an artist is a right path to take.
No. 682921
File: 1606504754849.png (847.77 KB, 720x722, Screenshot_2020-11-27-13-12-02…)

Why do instagram artists draw women with fishlips?
No. 682936
>>682921>removing the girl's direct and striking gaze thereby turning her back into a passive, emotionless, non-autonomous subject like 99% of women in classic art>unironically bimbofying a piece of art history into near fetish territory there's no hope for art
there's no hope for women
No. 683011
>>682936Classic masterpiece bimbofication
I wonder if anyone has done the Mona Lisa in this style lmao
No. 683032
File: 1606512001871.png (1.64 MB, 1045x824, marcbrunet.PNG)

Do you have any recommendations of artists rendering anime-like girls in an more interesting way than the supersmooth blending hentai artists do? Something like the pic attached
No. 683208
>>682921These artists straight up say how creepy the Sophia AI is, yet turn around, draw, and say “ah true beauty”
Looking like a human sex doll honey, and that ain’t cute
No. 683263
>>682921she has no personality anymore, her gaze is empty, and her huge features are inelegant and off-putting on top of her mars attacks skull. disgusting and unimaginative.
>>682936i can't get over the fact he gave her eyeliner and fake eyelashes lmao.
No. 683379
>>682921You know the artist is a good artist when they look at the original painting, can't see the entire neck because of dark shadows, and then proceed to draw the person with a neck thinner than an egret's.
Also her lips look dry and crunchy as fuck.
No. 683515
File: 1606587491955.jpg (9.77 KB, 178x178, VOIeNT1JQ4On3yHXwgFc_69baeba6f…)

>>682921god i want to write a whole essay why i hate that image so much but right now the only thing i can mention is how natural and soft the original girl looks like but the redraw made the girl look like a fucking sex alien.
No. 683737
>>683505das true
now that i imagine it blocky teeth would complete the masterpiece
No. 683826
>>683822I have the XP-Pen Artist Display 24 Pro and it's really good! I think the only thing it doesn't have that would rival the cintiq is that it's 2K and not 4K. But honestly, 2K is plenty imo. It's my first ever screened tablet and I've been making good use of it.
Another con it has though is that there's still a liiiitle bit of parallax but nothing that you can't get used to–and since it's my first screened tablet I can't compare how bad the parallax is.
No. 683868
File: 1606628306646.jpg (154.6 KB, 1016x1413, Cropped_version_of_Jan_Vermeer…)

>>682921You fucking illiterate peasant!! Ruining my works!!
No. 683903
>>683881i don't have any advice but i empathize, i'm the same.
ever since i was abused and then abandoned and abused again i lost, among other things, all spontaneity and perseverance with art. it's been 7 years and it weighs on me that i produce like 3 sketches and one finished picture a year.
No. 684138
File: 1606669218846.jpeg (127.25 KB, 640x1351, D8B21B5D-5D35-4720-83D1-841938…)

The “anything that looks vaguely similar to my art is art theft” thing is getting out of control. The only thing about these that’s similar is that they’re frogs holding knives, they don’t look anything alike.
No. 684291
>>684277same anon from the question.
but won't you get in trouble on Twitch for playing copyrighted music? I enjoy having some music play in the background when streaming but I don't wanna get in trouble. I've heard that seems to not have any problems regarding music like this.
is there any way to do that on Twitch without getting banned or whatever?
No. 684602
>>684277>>684291Art category is getting removed so goodluck with that.
Picarto never had dmca issues.
No. 684688
>>684602Ffs stop feeding into the reactionary bs. It’s not being removed completely, it’s just going to be categorized into the new “main” sections for casuals. Art will fall under IRL.
Art doesn’t have much traction anyways, if anything this might bring new potential viewers to artists that aren’t body painting nudists.
No. 684850
>>684725Yeah, I’m having a tough time finding this on their Twitter page as well. Does anybody have any links that says this?
It seems very misleading and weird to take away the art category in place for “IRL”- seems like more artists would be talking about this.
No. 685019
>>684937>I'm not in twitch Exactly. You're thinking picarto where people are projecting their screen drawing digitally. A majority of Twitch art streamers are doing crafts, a large part of their screen dedicated to themselves.
>in all fairness have it's own categoryArt is still a category, you can still find it in search. It's just on the main homepage of twitch you'll have a portal of 4 over arching sections. This has no correlation discovery at all.
What people should be fighting for is better optimization of twitch's featured section on the front page. Many streamers careers get started by fickle algorithm, similar to youtube's recommended.
tl;dr - nothing has changed but people whining anyways
No. 685222
File: 1606795405516.jpeg (116.26 KB, 1024x985, EavKICyWkAMFkL2.jpeg)

People on insta are fucking egotistical as fuck. Imagine thinking you "own" the idea of drawing animal/plant hybrids, or that you "invented" the concept of drawing plants humanized as cute girls. Fucking ridiculous.
No. 685352
File: 1606823547121.jpg (270.3 KB, 2048x1152, EoEtF7GWEAIr6Oz.jpg)

Artist teases big callout thread about Displate last week, today they post this as an evidence of them profiting off their work… bit of a reach
(thread itself is
valid though, typical for stores like this art theft etc )
No. 685440
File: 1606833452791.jpeg (552.81 KB, 750x1086, B046A06A-57B6-432E-9BFE-FD984B…)

ok there was definitely inspiration/influence. Too many similarities for it to just be a coincidence. (1/1)
No. 685442
File: 1606833539727.jpeg (588.15 KB, 750x1057, 65B3D7B7-ED31-450B-8704-E6E2C8…)

(2/2) arkestar did rt the original drawing but hasn’t said anything
No. 685508
>>685506Same fag
Like it's basically make the man look more femine I'm losing my mind anons
No. 685511
File: 1606839426448.png (152.7 KB, 526x628, biggie.png)

>>685509I doubt it
>>685506I was just wondering if someone already posted about this kek
No. 685607
>>685442>>685522inclined to agree in this instance, it looks almost like a 1:1 of the original.
>>685589Ideas aren't protected however, there is something suspect, lazy, etc. if it looks like a 1:1 of the original like this picture. Yeah, a girl with a backpack isn't an original idea but it still has the same leg coming out, the same colors, the same pieces, etc. Literally, everything is just about a 1:1 copy of it.
No. 685654
>>685506I'm sorry but this must be a troll. And I wouldn't be suprised if the person from here
>>685511 actually made that up. Or anyone else at this point, but it's fake on 200%
No. 685799
>>685440>>685442This is imo kinda like the whole demon girl ordeal right here, this concept isn’t that original and while it may be influenced , the girls’ style, pose, color etc are all very different. There’s a saying that a good artist knows how to steal from others, not in literal sense of course but, skills, ideas and tricks and make it their own. I also feel the same towards the bg concepts, at most those were inspired but they clearly could stand on their own as well. I do feel for having your art actually stolen and sold but then reeing about you genetic idea being stolen too just goes overboard into loonie territory. Artist often forget that even with a following, they’re still one in a million, not everyone has ever even heard of you.
No. 685924
File: 1606878338237.jpeg (360.84 KB, 1536x2048, DFA706A2-D391-4EB5-B5EF-6D6077…)

No. 686201
File: 1606912931517.png (468.87 KB, 593x643, paintover.PNG)

>>685506Same topic, seen some discussion going around about this today, it's funny bc not only she's not so good but also gets stupidly defensive about her right to correct other artists without being asked to
No. 686271
File: 1606920613371.jpeg (254.05 KB, 750x598, 4DDAABE6-BD2C-4C5D-9C66-AB7285…)

>>686202>imagine if I actually tried Kek
No. 686398
File: 1606934624050.jpg (400.45 KB, 1360x621, crepegrl.jpg)

Does the second image look traced to anyone given the fact they're only 5 days apart? The second one looks much better in terms of anatomy. Is that kind of improvement suspicious?
No. 686622
>>686320I’ve seen a lot of people make this claim and I’m unsure about it. Are people saying this because of the black hair? The gayness? That she’s a chunker? Tamaki isn’t that fat nor does she share much facial similarity with the character.
Also, Tamaki’s work in general centers around identity and LGBT themes, which appear to be what this book is about, too— so if you consider that self-insert than that’s pretty much every writer that creates stories close to their heart, no?
No. 686639
File: 1606961338778.png (127.87 KB, 640x1136, A4716F8C-5749-47A7-BBE8-E70E99…)

HelloWhat’s this?
No. 686656
File: 1606964393424.jpg (59.07 KB, 498x563, Screenshot_20201203-035141_1_1…)

I know teeth are hard to paint but how on earth isn't she ashamed to post something like this? It's by Imawonder btw
No. 686660
>>686639Anybody else think Hopeless Peaches' videos are annoying as fuck?
I don't know why but she gives off Know-it-all vibes and it's really irritating. Might just be her inflections but I digress.
Whenever I hear about her I just grimace and click away cuz she comes off as a bitch.
No. 686680
File: 1606968917651.png (1.41 MB, 750x1334, BF41DECE-76C9-4FAF-9B33-6B5B98…)

Did anyone catch the account cloudyzan is talking about in her story? I thought it was a little weird to respond to criticism so immaturely when she’s a big account with 100k followers, surely you get used to comments like that but I guess not
No. 686717
>>686656that's the bitch that drew 13-year-old kiki the witch with disgusting instathot filler cheekbones and dick sucking lips
disgusting and unsettling. why choose little girl characters to make them look like bloated blasé pornstars. she's got instathot goggles on and can't take them off.
No. 686730
File: 1606980010129.jpg (252.86 KB, 850x1237, sample_760ecc0e0b3ac3f2ca80cec…)

h-hi(low quality bait)
No. 686747
File: 1606982700191.jpg (172.82 KB, 850x1063, __baiken_guilty_gear_and_1_mor…)

>>683032gogalking comes to mind
No. 686773
File: 1606988953810.jpg (164.8 KB, 800x1131, krenz-cushart-151017.jpg)

>>683032This is based but KrenzCushart is a mix between anime style with impressionism style painting Anon
No. 686839
File: 1607004566670.jpg (14.35 KB, 400x225, NO.jpg)

I seriously doesn't want to use twitter as my art platform even thou twitter has the most active communities nowdays.
>>686836Glad to help anon
No. 686897
>>686839If the crowd you're catering towards are most likely to use twitter, you may have no choice. Otherwise, depending on what your art goals are, Twitter isn't always the answer anymore.
Maybe I've been blackpilled on Twitter, but I think it's better as a supplement and not a main obligation for promoting your work, depending on the kind of work you make and what you want to get out of it (commissions, merch sales, viewers/patreons, etc.)
No. 686934
>>686622For me, I'm saying it because she looks more like the author than the daughter of starfire. Even with the dyed black hair.
It feels like this was meant to be its own original universe but got Starfire slapped onto it for some reason. Even reading the synopsis, even though the author may be good for her own stories, this DC one just seems off considering who Starfire is as a character and the fact her daughter goes against her because ??? reasons. She's a social outcast yet everyone knows her and her romance/crush on Claire seems like every "social outcast x hot popular guy" story ever. The ending of the synopsis that I read states that it is a mother-daughter story yet Starfire was barely described in any point beyond that other than "famous, bubbly, and scantily clad" as if it is awful. plus, the synopsis doesn't talk about Mandy's feelings or why she wants to rebel so much against her mother. and the stories of rebellious kids with good parents rebelling because ??? reasons is a little stale.
If it wasn't tied to DC I think this could be a very good story but from what I've seen and read so far, I am just not excited. From what I know, even people who are fans of her writing are expressing disinterest and criticism towards this one. If someone picks up this novel, it is going to be because Starfire is on the cover and maybe disappointed if she is poorly written for the sake of plot.
tldr: This feels haphazardly written by an otherwise good author.
No. 686991
>>686984tl;dw: trace everything and rely on stamp brushes.
can't they even draw the trees themselves?
No. 687151
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I'm fine with artists on instagram promoting a product but I noticed this artists story and I'm tinfoiling here but seems like this artist is promoting a product without properly disclosing it and lying to her audience that she's not being "sponsored" but in every part of her story/ad she makes sure that the product logo is in the shot and clearly staged?
Aren't influencers meant to disclose an ad on their insta even if it's in their stories?
No. 687152
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>>686656Don't know why but the fact that her head is positioned like that reminds me of pic related for some reason lol
No. 687316
>>686984Y'all sound too bitter. He used the tools he had available to make an aesthetically pleasing illustration. It's not super original, but it looks good and that's more than most artists can say.
Work smarter not harder and all that yadda yadda.
No. 687404
I've been a hobbyist for years wanting to get more serious about practicing digital art. Main issue is that I've been unsure what to focus on (should I be spending all my time on gesture and focus on different elements one by one or should I be splitting my time between gesture, rendering etc.) and when I can transition to working on more polished works for upload (especially since I know several ppl who almost definitely didn't spend long on fundies yet upload rendered shit left and right to moderate success).
I want to draw in a style similar to
>>686747 but many of the resources I've found focus more on realistic drawing over animoo art. I'm well aware of the importance of drawing from life but I'm also interested in how proportions change when stylising.
sorry for the newfaggy post but I haven't really found much online that deals w/ my specific questions
No. 687590
>>687356yeah, no. this is shannon doing what shannon does best and making a scene out of herself. she's dropping in popularity, so she goes and gets some other creator to make a video on her so she can be the center of attention. i dont like peaches, either, but i never got the impression she was some raging cunt, unlike shannon who radiates that type of persona. like, this is the age of callout culture, everyone and their brother gets called out for literally nothing, so why did some of the stories from others take so long to come out? but once shannon starts to make a scene, SUDDENLY all these other creators have similar stories?
also, most of these stories sound like petty, personal bullshit. none of them have anything to do with peaches as a creator or professional, so the fact they are dragging skeletons out of the closet to try and cancel someone's career, when the career itself is unrelated, seems shitty to me. its like when celebrities come out and be like 'my husband cheated on me'- so? thats your messy drama, deal with it in private like a decent human being and stop making a sloppy mess of yourself.
i hope peaches comes out on top of all this. mainly because shannon needs to be knocked down a few rungs.
No. 687616
>>687590Honestly, the fact that a lot of these creators use their followers to dish out their dirty work, and then act like “oh but don’t attack them or you’re a horrible person”, or “I’m not THAT popular so idk why people would listen to me uwu”- it’s so gross
There’s a reason for what they’re doing- and most the time, they’re bitter assholes
No. 687920
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but…both of those are her attempts though?
No. 687965
>>687404Check out Manga Materials, they have an english account on insta.
>how proportions change when stylisingCheck out the mangaka Boichi, his style is this in between style that uses exaggerated realistic anatomy that works well in action manga/anime form. His angles are coomery tho and his faces are ugly
No. 688751
>>688245I watched this and the toby video posted here but this dude seems just as cringe as the people he talks about and the drama is super uneventful. It feels like high school mean girls type of drama "omg, she's so
toxic, she even said the R-word", like are you fucking kidding me, why the fuck should I care. Even the art credit drama just seems like a petty kids fight and makes me think this dude needs a better hobby.
No. 688809
>>688751I miss videos where people just talked about actual interesting drama and laughed at it. Now its always to be the on moral high ground or something.. like if its something actually serious-i get it.
But its just generic petty art drama. Who cares.
No. 689021
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not sure if this was mentioned in any previous thread. while this is certainly not any new information, there have been a few new developments No. 689025
File: 1607299687399.png (29.69 KB, 611x314, gross.PNG)

>>689021Idk anything about this guy, but why the fuck did he tweet "cancel culture is stupid". Also, cringing at the
"Thank you so much for the support, the accusations were so long ago, no big artists wanna support me booooohooooo.". You're literally a rapist, doesn't matter how long ago it happened my guy. The amount of downplaying he's doing is astounding.
No. 689129
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>>689025Oh hey Noah Bradley. I used to follow him before the rape accusations and even then it was clear he was milky. He's similar to Peter Mohrbacher in that they both think they're god's gift to the world except Noah's worse because he has no skill to back it up. At least with Peter you can see he excelled. Noah also fervently follows and advocates for the 48 Laws of Power for the Autistic Super Villain Wannabe (picrel)
No. 689148
>>689129 the book is honestly pretty neutral and not that much of an edge lord fantasy
it is like a modern version of the Prince
No. 689176
>>689148Sure, but his twitter showed he seemed to fancy himself a mastermind manipulator like in the movies. Not to mention the literal art cult he was setting up in the middle of nowhere. He already bought the land when the accusations came out.
>>689135Just general attitude problems that led to him being blacklisted in the industry. Not delivering on projects and running away with kickstarter money, asking artists to do work for free, being rude to artists and fans alike. Don't think he's ever preyed on women like Noah tho.
No. 689279
>>689255In his 'apology' he doesn't openly say he raped someone but he comes reaaaally close. He admits he pressured women into sex and tried to get them drunk on purpose so I think it's quite fair to assume he did rape people and he's just trying to downplay it.
I'd be surprised if I ever saw someone openly admit they raped someone.
No. 689312
>>689279Yeah I didn't follow this enough so I thought it's possible some
victims spoke up and I just wasn't aware.
No. 689784
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>>689664Corel Painter is known for it's realistic watercolor imitation (picrel), there's also programm named Rebelle, but it's just for watercolor/ink/oil imitation
No. 689815
>>689811Haha serves her right
Anon do you have any screenshots of trolling you can provide? I'd like a good laugh.
No. 689860
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>>689815Nothing particularly funny really. I think the response to it has been a bit overblown and there hasn't been much trolling to be honest, just the odd person saying weird or dumb shit. I feel bad for the mods really.
Pic related just some shit here and there but what I find more amusing is it seems there are legitimate fans joining but they are being mistaken for trolls which is causing infighting.
No. 689867
>>689820OP here, that's a low-blow anon. What an insult.
>>689860Ah I see. So it's just a case of people overhyping the drama, which is honestly understandable considering it's coming from an art commentator. For some reason it seems like they want to find any bit of friction they could whine about in their videos.
It's a little sad.
No. 690062
>>688131I agree with you anon. Creepshow is just a desperate "How do you do fellow kids" type of person who is wasting her time getting involved in petty high school drama. I watched a few more of those videos on Peaches by some of the other creators and they all seem like they're in their late teens, early 20s and I just chalked it up to "Young'un drama" which needs to be resolved between them but with an older mindset, it really is just a bunch of petty nonsense which is why it makes it all the more pathetic about how Creepshow is throwing herself into the pointless drama.
Maybe she should actually practice and work on her own art, it would serve her time better.
And no, I'm not a Peaches fan neither, She rubs me the wrong way and comes off as a Know-it-all. But she's also young so I'm sure she may grow from this and mature.
>>688792It really sucks because I do like listening to these kinds of videos for background noise but you're right that most seem to leave a lot to be desired. Twisted Disaster is the only one I sorta tune into because at the very least, she's not really a drama commentary channel and her main problem is her lack of self-awareness and her art style is very jarring but aside from that, I can't help but sometimes have her videos play as background noise.
>>688809I think a reason for this is because a lot of these newer drama videos are being made by late teens/early 20s aged people and well… You know how it can be during that time of your life though I feel like it's amplified even more because we're living in the era of social media and Twitter which is a breeding ground for drama to ensue.
No. 690126
>>690104Eugh thank you anon. I thought it was just me who thought her makeup was just terrible. I can appreciate intentionally ugly makeup but with her, it just feels like she only does it for attention just for the sake of it and at least to me, that just doesn't make it work if it's coming from a place like that.
I agree that her content isn't really that engaging. Not sure why but it just feels so generic. Maybe it's the tone of her voice or something or her structure but something does feel off. I'm not sure what to suggest that could help improve her content.
No. 690157
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Does anyone else think julie.egg is straight up overcharging for her commissions now? With the risk of sounding like a vendetta-Chan, I’m just genuinely baffled at this price. Am I just out of touch? I’ve seen extremely detailed anime commissions with an equally detailed background for this much
No. 690208
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So I’m new to this thread but randomly came across an artist I follow on insta via stories and they are having a massive meltdown and calling French/Korean people rats and stuff- thought it was pretty milky, their user is cocochoe, can provide screenies if y’all are interested but don’t want to flood the thread. Their art is very good but they’re trying to gatekeep long haired girls with horns and calling out amateur artists with 40 followers for drawing things that are remotely similar whilst screeching art theft
No. 690214
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>>690208Oh and claiming to be part of a yakuza family
No. 690261
>>690175totally agreed.
>>690208this sounds hilarious anon, you should post a select few funny screenshots or compile them into a collage.
No. 690326
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>>690261Posting from a shit phone and pc is broken so can’t produce a collage unfortunately, if there’s another anon who can access their story to do that it would be good otherwise I can just post the milkier caps. Also this seems pretty sinister considering the yakuza threats lol look at that follower count too
No. 690340
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>>690326That was in response to a poll with options like ‘delete account and everything’ or ‘find all the art thieve accounts one by one’ and they’re just putting all of the accounts who opted for the former on blast to their 69k followers.
Also putting themselves on blast with this really arrogant exchange
No. 690346
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ya I think they lost it I guess social media ain’t for everyone!
& lol at them stalking all their followers and monitoring their account interaction what a creeper
No. 690349
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There’s a few caps where he criticises way less experienced artists
No. 690351
File: 1607466590663.png (1.02 MB, 640x1136, AE3D0708-C3FD-40F4-9FCA-32B0AA…)

like why was this necessary to share on your professional account with a following is 69k
No. 690355
File: 1607466773023.png (989.73 KB, 640x1136, BE36DBA4-E722-4BDC-9728-D4AF81…)

More xenophobic rants
No. 690356
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ok this is getting kinda interesting. I looked up this person cause I didn't wanna follow them. is picrel their art?
No. 690363
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>>690356Yup! Very detailed & impressive works which makes this level of pettiness so crazy
No. 690371
File: 1607467264771.png (402.91 KB, 640x1136, ACCC8EE6-2FEF-4C9D-A1B6-527DEB…)

putting every account that has horny girl illustrations under scrutiny lol
No. 690376
File: 1607467423916.png (770 KB, 640x1136, F0F915B6-6E87-4D2D-87F8-E41D7C…)

Last one for now! The rest are just generally entertaining disgruntled ramblings about being too kind in the past and saying the followers have let him down for not getting the theft accounts themselves and rants about ghost followers and mass blocking
No. 690396
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He is a looney. One more for luck also excuse my typos it’s late here
No. 690400
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>>690395They claim to speak 20 languages in one exchange, I always thought they were Japanese but all this fake French ppl stuff is weird. I’ll post the ss this one is in referral to next
No. 690404
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>>690400Ah I didn’t get a screenshot of the conversation but the Italian influencer in question was complimenting cocochoe’s latest piece and said ‘send to me’ and coco didn’t take kindly to such IGNORANT DEMANDS!!!
No. 690407
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>>690346>>690341>>690208>>690214>>690400>>690396lol, I hope they get their own thread here. Kinda surprised no one didn't call them out for stalking and getting all pissy over people drawing demon girls with long hair
No. 690417
File: 1607469442956.png (776.75 KB, 640x1136, F28A27D0-1AE8-44B5-B899-C11ED5…)

really you should be careful when you choose your woRDS
No. 690418
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No. 690421
File: 1607469554380.png (434.49 KB, 640x1136, F1DF8EFB-C0FF-4E17-ADD8-EEB2A8…)

I don’t think he can be reasoned with
No. 690423
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One or two more
No. 690424
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No. 690428
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Also here’s the poll he was using to trap and blast his fans
No. 690432
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So ya if anyone is following pls keep us updated on this nut! Just love how shameless he is cuz he’s so convinced he’s right in whatever point he’s tryna make
No. 690468
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>>690442Oh my god I really hope this man isn't 40+ getting pissy about people drawing girls with horns. This is the honeyandabsinthe Red Girl Revolution shit all over again.
his fit is fire though No. 690493
>>690376i can't even understand half of these rants with how esl he sounds, but he seems like a schizo.
>>690400wew, okay this guy is an absolute nutcase.
>>690455older japanese dudes who spend too much time on the internet seem to go insane really fast for some reason. they get down with conspiracy theories and shit real fast, must have lived really sheltered life before.
No. 690562
>>690487I didn't know you could even check if someone had ever liked your posts
That's crazy though, people wine about not getting enough likes all the time because of the algorithm or whatever but blaming your followers makes zero sense. How narcissistic do you have to be to shoot yourself in the foot like this?
>>690418>Can make idiot kneer>kneeRThis is bottom of the barrel keks but oh lord I'm laughing
No. 690666
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>>690439>>690468Found another from his FB, which pretty much has only this image
No. 690704
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>>690697Forgot the screenshot
No. 690936
File: 1607536123660.jpg (42.22 KB, 720x405, 5cb613b02400005d01044a78.jpg)

My pet peeve is seeing artists self promote unwarranted on rando tweets. I wish I had a screenshot but a week or so ago I saw a tweet that was of pic rel and said something along the lines of "who even likes this lifeless art style it's so ugly" and a bunch of artists replied with their own art like "I actually put soo much work into my art unlike these soulless animators" and on top of that the art was always just… not good. There is nothing wrong with posting your art on self-promote threads or even on tweets that are like "I love artists who draw X characters so much uwu" which kind of invite you to self promote but just doing it on any vaguely art related tweet makes you look cringe, especially when it's just a way of shitting on other artists.
No. 690937
>>690936GOD THIS
It's so fucking tiring to come across posts on Twitter doing legit critique on a show's art or something only to scroll down and see a fuckton of artists going 'uHM EVEN
you need to be a special type of insecure to have to compare your art to fucking Big Mouth to feel good about yourself.
No. 690966
>>690936I hate people who do this. I remember back when Butch Hartman was getting into drama for his commisions and while said art looked awful and not worthy of the price, what I also hated were THOSE people who would reply on the thread with "Look how much better my art is!!! This is so much cheaper and I will make you a better drawing, like I ask for so much less money than Hartman, am I not amazing? Just look at how impressive my, so much cheaper, art is!!!"
I just felt it like humblebragging more than anything.
No. 691399
File: 1607593952552.gif (1.81 MB, 480x270, Cheers.gif)

>>690400>>690404I'm late anon but holyshit
No. 691434
>>690432lmao now his ig is private. if he keeps on sperging, a thread might be nice as not to flood this one completely.
his art is pretty but nothing to write home about lmao
No. 691440
An update on the HP situation. Peaches has now posted a 50 minute-long video defending herself against the criticism she's getting
>>690057It's because of JFK and how many zoomers are horny for him
No. 691546
>>691440I don't feel like watching a 50 minute video right now but I may get to it later. Did you personally think the video was good? Is it worth watching or is it just a bunch of word salad in video form?
> It's because of JFK and how many zoomers are horny for himYeah I've seen a few fan videos of this character popping up on YouTube and I still don't get it. Why is JFK so popular when he's just the usual dumb, sex-driven jock stereotype like most other characters who fall into that trope? I also took notice of the shipping people, mostly shipping Joan and Cleopatra and I just like… Okay? lol.
No. 691675
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>>691657Whoa 9.4K+ dislikes, that is just wild LOL