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No. 691728
Containment thread for all the art salt you could imagine. And sometimes, people ask for help. Stop getting pissy about that. Vendetta-chans and twitterfags need to leave. Don't feed the trolls that visit, for fucks sake.
Discuss the shitty art and even shittier attitude of artists
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
Articles about useful resources for improving one's art: and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix Yoon
previous thread:
>>667950 No. 691750
File: 1607637205292.jpeg (298.38 KB, 828x1258, F927D503-C27B-44A7-A5F6-D8FD04…)

What do you guys think of this?
No. 691766
File: 1607638676562.jpg (691.37 KB, 2428x1281, trashart.jpg)

>>691728The video is literally represents Youtuber-artists, uncreative, sloppy and a rush job.
I noticed the part where they were showing off their "art" their proud of and that shit is middle school level of skill
I hope in 2021 actual artists who do youtube as a hobby, phase out these hacks
No. 691774
>>691750Between baylee and nerdcrafter Idk whose face im more sick of seeing.
Does nerdcrafter always have to make the same stupid face. It'll get stuck like that if she keeps it up
No. 691776
File: 1607639448820.png (553.88 KB, 742x413, yt.PNG)

>>691766Cupquakes art was cute imo. I think Lavendertownes segment was also creative and her art style worked for it. I didn't watch the full video though, it was honestly a little corny lol
Also, can someone please explain wtf pic is supposed to be? A salt shaker with a youtube logo?
No. 691909
>>691776She has this persona called SaltECrafter who usually pulls that stupid face. She also calls her fans (salt) grains, and it's a running gag that she and her fans breath salt or smth. Salt is her theme that's why she has the salt shaker as logo. (Better than her Pokemon ripoff merch.)
I liked the segment when she showed off her sculptures bc her smile was really genuine, every youtuber had a fake smile. I really laughed at Rae, she was even trashier than Baylee.
No. 692078
>>692070I would refuse to participate in this cringefest too if I was an actually skilled artist and tacked on to be a token poc for their shitty video.
It shows their lack of diversity especially a majority of them live in North America and how closed off the youtuber artists circle jerk group is, harping how they care about blm but can't find a single black artist for their video
No. 692252
>>692070Literally wtf was she thinking putting that little blurb in? How is it that not anyone is pointing out that is actually more racist for her to be saying that? “sorry we couldn’t get our token black people! Hopefully they’ll participate in our degenerate shit video next year :(“
I havnt watched these two artists Minnie and Alphonso before. Alphonso seems alright but Minnies work and content is leagues above most art you tubers.
No. 692273
>>691728I posted this in the previous thread but I expected this, when I started seeing clone high become more popular online I knew this would happen
With the setting of clone high they can head canon as many serial killers as they want, I expected Bundy and Dahmer
No. 692381
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I just remembered this show I watched as a kid and googled it and they changed the art style so drastically, I feel ill.
No. 692383
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>>692381Like, I'm sorry what is this?
No. 692390
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>>692383I actually like the 'couture' style, ngl. I just wish they didn't create the newer seasons (everything after season 3 I believe) with a younger audience in mind. They completely rid the girls of any personality.
One thing I hope they'll never do again are those 3d models, so incredibly ugly.
No. 692399
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>>692392>James Gurney pretending to have fun playing Amoung UsAnon I have to laugh
No. 692479
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Kaneblob who was outed for tracing finally released a statement months later she only apologized to popular artists she copied and ignored the other accusations.
No. 692481
>>692479Oh shit, I liked her OC.
It seems like this year many popular anime artists get called out for tracing
No. 692573
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>>692559I'm still trying to find individual posts but this was a big example at the time.
Left - > original pic by rei_17
Right -> the piece Kaneblob made for a Pixiv x Studio
Trigger collab
I remember allegations that Kane either traced the entire BG to be almost identical or just flat out photobashed it and just added some small details.
TBH you can find a ton of proof if you google "Kaneblob traces".
No. 692583
File: 1607730325087.png (1.97 MB, 700x1613, 1599882469301.png)

>>692576Samefagging once more (last time I promise).
No. 692698
>>692584Muh heavy referencing lmao girl
>>692583is plagiarism and extremely embarrassing. Doesn’t have to be 1:1 tracing to be theft.
No. 692699
>>692252Alphonzo is an IRL teacher and has years of experience with art. Other than some minor drama around alleged plagiarism earlier this year, he's relatively lowkey. Minnie is skilled as well, but she's younger and more appealing to the minimalist art hoe crowd. Genuine and professional-level skill intimidates kids and beginners, so they flock to those who either have 'fun' personalities or approachable art.
A lot of, if not most, good black artists on YT tend to be industry professionals or at least skew towards an older audience. It's probably because black artists can't exactly gain a big audience on annoying personalities or their appearance alone. Not in the same way a white woman could.
>>692381IIRC, but the girl to the left of Stella is supposed to be Aisha, right? She looks more whitewashed than Flora. Lol Winx should have ended after the first series.
No. 692704
>>692583>>692573I'm pretty much sure those who calling out Kaneblob for tracing are either jealous of her popularity who want to cancel her.
I see some similiarities in the BNA promo artwork she did with Rei17's art. While other artworks, i dont see many similarities unless the gwendolyn from odin sphere as well as princess mononoke and Haku from spirited away do look like an overused composition/concept.
No. 692705
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>>692699Yes that's Aisha. Atleast Fiora was already light, but I have no idea who thought it was a good idea to lighten Aisha that much.
No. 692707
>>692704>I'm pretty much sure those who calling out Kaneblob for tracing are either jealous of her popularity who want to cancel her.Whether or not that's true, it wouldn't erase the fact that
>>692573 is a very obvious copy. The other ones look heavily inspired, and imo it looks kinda shady that they're being so inspired by that one particular artist.
No. 692711
>jealousyah yes, i bet everyone is SO jealous of the fact that kaneblob traces or at the very least heavily copies concepts and compositions to the point pixiv actually removed her piece from the collab it was doing with studio
trigger after it was outed as a copy of rei17's work and some of the japanese artists she "heavily referenced" actually stated their discomfort in the pieces' similarities.
wow everyone is so jealous.
No. 692714
>>692698>>692707Lol remember the one who called her out getting called out too for manipulative and
No. 692776
>>692726Flora might look like a tanned girl, but she's canonically latina.
It's such a weird cast choice, netflix puts all variety of poc actors in their series all the time.
No. 692835
>>692832Meant to reply to the replied post about >jealousy
No. 692873
>>692726>The ol 'they're not from earth so they don't correspond to earth races' excuse. Don't be daft. They may not be from earth but it's not like they're from some sort of alien fairy race. They're obviously supposed to correspond with human racial phenotypes and the creators have verified that certain characters are of non-white races. Musa is east asian, Aisha is black and Flora is latina.
>>692704People can hold others accountable for their fuckery without being jealous. You don't have to hate somebody to know when they've done something wrong.
No. 692931
File: 1607769136561.jpg (80.74 KB, 600x621, blue arms sonic.jpg)

>>692705i'm so tired of everyone on the internet including people on here being autistic about the slightest change in a character's skintone like it matters… and in this case
>>692381 she's still markedly darker than the other ones.
that's chris-chan tier "sonic doesn't have blue arms" discourse.
No. 692949
>>692931That doesn't even look remotely like the same character, it's not a slight change dumbass. She's barely even a shade of brown at that point. No one would mind the changes if they actually looked good and kept with the personality of other characters.
Imagine being so stupid when it comes to character design you actually have to mention CC because you're too autistic to understand the basics of why it's visually ugly and unappealing.
No. 692995
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Instagram artists have a huge victim complex, the never STFU about " the algorithm "and now that Instagram is gonna test disabling story shares for posts they're seething and pissing all over themselves because their only audience is from S4S and shares in general and can't take the idea of building genuine audience without having to beg for shares and likes on everything, they legit always say "Instagram is not a place for artists" or "Instagram is against artists" IDK what's stopping them from going to any other actual art platform other than them knowing they can't get as much followers and interaction as what they already have.
I can't wait until story shares are gone for good so I don't have to go through 40 stories that are just shares or have to thank people for sharing my stuff along with other 39 artists.
No. 693006
>>692873>>692895Yeah they are meant to look like humans, but latin people aren't the only ones with tan skin, and african people aren't the only ones with dark skin. They aren't human and can't correspond to the human ideas surrounding race because race is something arbitrary that we made up. There are so many ethnic groups with overlapping phenotypes, and someone from africa may have more genetically in common with someone from europe than with another african person.
Race in this situation is ambiguous, since there are a shit ton of ethnic groups that can look like flora. If you want to cast a woman of color is doesnt even really matter whether she's half black or latina, as long as she just looks like the character.
No. 693193
>>693014There really isn't a good platform for amateur artists atm. Artstation is for professionals, dA is full of weird ass shit, tumblr became much less popular and the artists went onto twitter and IG; twitter sucks if you primarily want to look at pictures and IG has sucky quality and a superficial F4F community.
I've grown a decent following on IG despite tHe AlgOrItHm. Still think that IG culture sucks for artists. It rewards you if you post the same aesthetic stuff daily without any change in your style. Good luck improving when all you draw is portraits of white girls with the same features and some flowers sprinkled on top. But it's still true that a lot of less than mediocre artists think that the only thing standing in their way is the algorithm when they are just not that good.
No. 693199
>>692995The energy they put into this crying shit could be put in better places. It's so exhausting to see; my jadedness is turning into pity. People are so hung up on numbers, they overlook more dedicated and specialized places to use; niche audiences. More for the rest of us, I guess. It's slow, but rewarding.
>>693014IG hasn't improved anything beyond ads and tools for small businesses and influencers. It's good for quick consumption visuals. IG has its place in the world, but these people fighting for likes and proper shares need to stop and re-evaluate their priorities. I think it's okay for an artist who does quick to make, easy-to-digest artwork, and is just up for the challenge.
I do wonder if the lawsuit against FB, who owns IG, will effect things.
No. 693331
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how to draw detailed hair: trace. guess at least she’s not hiding it.
No. 693552
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Art is okay but the caption turns me off from even acknowledging the art is okay. Why social media artists are like this.
No. 693663
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so I was browsing through my regular instagram feed and came across cyarine’s story posts
I don’t really care about repost accounts, but the way she was talking about these accounts having “hundreds and thousands of followers” while she already has a million on ig, making her one of the most followed artists on there, just rubs me the wrong way.
i know low-effort content is looked down upon, but I see repost accounts as fair game. no one ever complains about twitter/tumblr repost accounts?
No. 693667
>>691766I have to disagree with you lol
they aren’t “hacks” their videos are geared towards non-serious hobbyists
they aren’t the types of yt artists that show you a fine art graphite drawing timelapse, what brushes to use, or how to properly construct a face, because those are too intense for beginners
that’s the problem I have with people looking down upon tiktok artists, because their function is to make art easier for those who only want to use it for fun or personal enjoyment
No. 693684
>>693663Copycat cyarine has a point here though, there are so many Instagram profiles that just repost artwork by others without their permission, often without even giving credit and sometimes they just take the artwork from other similar pages so the artwork becomes completely orphaned. These accounts aren't sharing creations by artists they love, they're content mills using art to grow their platform big enough until they can profit by selling promos and feature ads.
Just search any kind of adjective and "art", there are thousands of these pages.
It's true that the same thing used to happen on Tumblr, but I'm those cases there wasn't money being made through it and Tumblr had a culture that was more supportive of giving credit to artists.
No. 693732
>>693714I'm pretty mixed on it tbh. Like… I know that the animation as far as Indie goes was pretty decent and the song number while very random, was nice. But I dunno, all the excessive swearing and just atmosphere of it all didn't really pull me. It partly comes off as middle school, edge-lordy and awkward. I can sometimes like edgy tone like for example, I really liked Becky Primm but Helluva Boss just feels like it's trying too hard if that makes sense?
Overall it's not completely terrible but it wasn't my favorite.
No. 693759
>>693754Could be because of connections/networking, maybe? Vivziepop is pretty big, established animator with widely popular projects (such as the Die Young video) plus her Hazbin Hotel not only exploded in popularity whether you like it or hate it, but a studio even decided to pick it up. I'd say that at this point she must have some good connections in the animation industry after all of that. Good enough for her projects to receive a decent push like what's happening with Helluva Boss.
But yeah, Vivziepop's projects are slowly leaving the "indie" bracket for sure.
No. 693778
>>693754Oh right. Yeah I suppose you're right that it's not really an indie project anymore since they have so much financial backing enough to hire big named actors and singers with established contracts. So fair point is. I'm sure that there is some flaws in the animation but it was serviceable enough to not be much of an issue, at least not for a casual viewer.
It's just for me personally the tone is just… Not my taste which is weird for me to say because as I mentioned in my other comment, I usually can appreciate some edgy-ish tone in cartoons but it just comes off a bit tryhard with Helluva Boss.
No. 693883
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Idubbbz girlfriend got upset when people critiqued her “art”, so to prove that she’s an artist she “referenced” a character from the very obscure studio, Ghibli.
No. 693886
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Her rant on insta before she deleted
No. 693987
>>693831Same anon who you responded to. Yeah exactly. IF the shock humor was more toned down or removed, I could appreciate it more and it could definitely pass as a kid show though I'm okay with adult animation as well, I just hate things that try to be in your face with it's shock factor, it comes off as childish and appeals to the lowest common audience and if you enjoy it, that's fine. I wish I could share in the love for it but I just can't, at least not yet anyway.
>>693835Yeah same though I'll be honest that I gave Hazbin a pass because it was the first I watched of Vivziepop's. Still felt forced but I was able to kinda push it aside but then we got Helluva Boss and it's following the same tone shtick that Hazbin had and it's just obnoxious. And it's not like Vivzie isn't capable of balancing things, her Unlucky Jacky short was actually pretty balanced I thought and it'd be cool if she could do that with Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss.
>>693974I asked this in the last thread and from what I saw, it's mostly for 2 reasons. 1 because people are drooling over the character JFK for some weird reason and 2, because it's apparently getting a reboot and the news spread like wildfire with these obsessive kind of fans.
No. 694000
File: 1607921245483.jpg (24.95 KB, 369x369, xNEcQOYt_400x400.jpg)

idk where else to post this but I think other people need to see this
No. 694037
>>693886"-they're referencing is drawn from photo references and art fundamentals"
I don't think she knows what fundamentals mean or what they are, she really loves to pull it out from her ass
No. 694055
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>>694051>wasn't that POC enough for them?absolutely not. the idea that lightskinned east asians aren't "real" poc has been around since ye olde days of tumblr.
No. 694063
>>693714I loved this more than the pilot and the first episode, and I think the characters in Helluva Boss feel more fleshed out than the ones in Hazbin. The middle school humor is still there but maybe it kinda balanced out with the plot here. Or maybe I just like the owl design (which isn't completely red or pink), the voice actors and the animation in some parts.
>>694051It's because he's too white (and we know pale asians cannot exist) and normally doesn't look like a racist stereotype.
No. 694083
File: 1607941272095.png (1.02 MB, 881x1640, Zhongli.full.3142504.png)

>>694000Spoiler that shit anon
Here is a good Zhong Li drawing to refresh you eye
No. 694095
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>>694000Anons this is a joke edit like picrel. it's not serious
No. 694135
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>>694095the durag is a joke, but this person is 100% serious about blackwashing in their shitty edits and art (@alterego on twitter)
No. 694280
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An artist named Bustingshirts was called out recently for drawing a racist caricature of ddawnniee’s OC and was also called out for stalking them. Just want to know what your opinions on this fellow anons
No. 694282
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>>694280Samefag this is the drawing in question
No. 694294
>>694282The lips aren't any garish bright colour so if you told me this came from a woke Tumblr artist like
>>694055 I would believe you
No. 694295
>>694280Gross. I’m not amused by some pornsick freak stalking someone online to pump out coomer fan art.
And I thought it was proper twitter artist etiquette to ask before drawing someone’s OC? I think @ddawnniee’s design and drawing are pretty bad, but even I’d be grossed out/offended if my stalker redrew my character because he found it fap worthy.
No. 694332
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>>693896Now she’s claiming that it’s “adult Kiki” fan art lmao
She really thought she could take an iconic Ghibli character and slap OC on it
No. 694404
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>>694135Stumbled across this person's account today and saw this rant. I could sympathize if it weren't for the fact that she's comparing herself to an artist way above her skill level, and the reason why she hasn't blown up as much as that artist despite drawing the same things is because her art sucks, that's all there is to it. In fact, she has 8k followers and that's already WAY more than I would expect for the mediocre stuff she puts out.
No. 694406
File: 1608041496301.jpg (754.59 KB, 1212x809, comparison.jpg)

>>694404For reference, her art vs the art of the person she's talking about (lovelyrosebun). Truly puzzling as to why they don't get the same amount of clout.
No. 694430
>>694292>>694295>>694306 Looking up this bustingshirts person on twrt I found this masterpost about him In short he does stalks, harass,and is obsess over other artist for not giving his fanart attention.
No. 694543
>>694404This person just sounds awfully entitled and attention-hungry. Going 'UGH HOW IS THIS NON-BLACK ARTIST SO MUCH MORE POPULAR THAN ME' when the other artist is LEAGUES above her skill level is just sad. Admit that you're not good enough skill-wise and move on to try to improve yourself.
Also is it just me or there are more POC artist support hashtags popping up on Twitter lately? Almost every day I see a different hashtag to promote POC artists roaming around. I'm not complaining, just curious.
No. 694552
File: 1608055417687.png (753.73 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201215-180251.png)

>>694430Thank you anon this is a whole thread in itself. I just assumed this was another RacistUncle type of coomer trying to become notorious by trolling, I had no idea the guy was so delusional. I've never come across this specific type of mental illness
Pic related was a personal highlight
No. 694636
>>694406One thinks they're entitled to a bigger following because they're black despite having shit art even though they have lots of followers; the other is someone who's better skilled, but is shameless about cashing in on a movement and using styles and aesthetics they've seen in popular black art but don't understand the context behind. The absolute state of social media artists. Both of them need a reality check.
>>694543I think it's just a lot more noticeable these days. This #imactuallyblack one is an unfortunate mess because it puts identity over hard work and talent. I get it, and it's a tag even I could participate in. But this isn't the way. Getting people to follow you because you're a token and not because they appreciate your talent isn't sustainable. Who you are should be secondary, not a marketing point.
No. 694718
File: 1608067376269.png (158.9 KB, 660x452, EpPx1hhUUAIEUnl.png)

>>694404lovelyrosebun (the artist being called out?) put out this apology. I am so tired of twitter culture.
No. 694868
File: 1608079586076.jpg (278.82 KB, 2048x768, 20201216_084144.jpg)

Can concept artfags tell me if there's any significance to this ratio (extra wide) in concept art? I see it a lot with different artists idk if it's just their preference or an industry standard
No. 695029
>>694762I can kind of understand the argument. If a black artist draws art depicting black people, they are often ignored and neglected. But when a nonblack artist draws black people, they are praised for being amazing allies and "brave" for diversifying their art. It's frustrating for many because nonblack artist are profiting off black bodies while not enduring any significant racism or barriers in the art world. The hurt is real.
But in the context of alterego, their art is just plain ugly. So, it is no surprise lovelyrosebun has garnered a following.
No. 695128
>>695083If she corrected someone then she would have been called out anyway, just earlier. Maybe her intentions weren't even bad, who knows. It could be that she's exploited the BLM movement just for clout or the BLM movement made her realize that she didn't draw black people before and so she began doing that. Then she sells the prints because honestly they're her drawings, they're not disrespectful and she just can.
Anyway the answer is to just draw white people if you're white, because someone is always going to find some retarded reason to cancel you otherwise.
No. 695171
File: 1608117203939.jpeg (396.4 KB, 1164x1074, D373A05A-3A22-47C1-94F5-B7CC2A…)

Official Genshin rewteeted KaeLuc from an artist, cue antis losing their shit
No. 695176
>>695173Diluc and Kaeya are adopted/not adopted brothers
Essentially, they are in no way blood related but many of western twitters audience believes they are. An artist drew the ship, KaeLuc, and official genshin retweeted.
Cue antis losing their shit
No. 695300
>>695293Eh I don't think so. GI doesn't pump out the same degenerate amounts of coomer fanservice to reach FGO's level. It's just the popular japanese gacha rpg of the season with pretty waifus and husbandos like Arknights or whatever.
Gacha-wise though GI is actually worse than FGO lol
No. 695370
>>695065>respond to anyone who assumed she was blackDoes this mean people were directly referencing that they thought she was black? Or are we expecting artists to just pre-emptively state they are white in case someone mistakes them for being black without saying so and then likes their work because of it?
I started drawing more racial variation just to avoid sameface and so I want to avoid anything like this happening.
I don't post selfies, and writing "white" on my bio sounds like some KKK shit.
No. 695402
>>695300gi doesn't have the same amount of coomer content fgo does but it has a ton of stuff to pander to lolicon degens and a bunch of generic pretty anime boys to attract horny fujos to start shipping them.
but i can see where
>>695293 is coming from, usually fgo fanart from eastern artists is like the top breadwinner but gi is starting to threaten its position. just look at pixiv's top illustrations of the day.
No. 695444
File: 1608142471142.jpg (Spoiler Image,616.01 KB, 2896x2896, 789753.jpg)

>>695402Pixiv Global Ranking this week. So many GI fanarts.
>Spoiler for some Coommer art No. 695744
File: 1608164081171.png (249.72 KB, 601x749, e2584e771b34b3e04600e34ba61420…)

>>695228>>695242honestly, i dont think they give a fuck, so good for them (this micka person was complaining about the 'incest')
No. 695789
File: 1608168154865.png (576.66 KB, 587x900, 3x.png)

why are all male-to-female genderbends so fucking bad. why does no one even attempt to make them look like the original and not a sexified version with double-d's popping out of their clothes
No. 695819
File: 1608172986332.png (866.87 KB, 1080x1920, D5661571-FB26-4019-9204-F6AE30…)

patreon only. Posts it right away on Twitter. ok then.
No. 695829
File: 1608174210066.png (494.8 KB, 650x900, bee.png)

>>695789this is based on a licensed toy vynil
No. 695851
>>695847Twitter artists are desperate for validation and exposure but without the need of having actual good art skills and the easiest way to get that is through artist hashags where they can go 'I AM POC/NEURODIVERGENT/QUEER/WHATEVER ELSE NOW LOOK AT MY ART AND GIVE ME LIKES OR YOU'RE EVIL'.
I haven't heard of this #drawingwithadhd tag yet though?
No. 695873
>>695847>#DrawingwithadhdWith no respect, that's the dumbest thing I've heard all day
as someone with adhd it's not like they're drawing with no hands or building rockets so why do they need asspats isn't it enough to just feel weird for being an art kid? From my experience the majority of art students all have a learning disability or mental health issues so it's not even rate.
I hate this timeline of pity Olympics, I want out.
No. 695877
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>>695847Please stop making mental Illness as a trend and use it as career clout. Please stop Social Media user, I'm begging
No. 695900
>>695819Was that all there was to it? No commentary or extras? Was it posted “early” on Patreon?
Making studies Patreon exclusive is something I haven’t really heard of.
No. 696167 video's been floating around in my head for weeks now and I remembered this thread exists.
Every time I'd rewatch it I'd notice some new little detail. She's just
so mad over a single stupid comment. I'm sure it's exaggerated for the camera in some attempt to be funny/cute tho
No. 696318
>>696215We've had this convo dozens of times of before but what ev I guess.
In my opinion yes artist can charge whatever they want for their work, after all art is a luxury item. If people are willing to pay $1000 for furry porn then that artist's work is worth $1000.
Now I do agree with you that some artist basically price themselves out of making money but that problem may not entirely be attached to the quality of the art itself so much as a small size of said artist's audience.
This topic has popped up so many times I feel like there isn't much more we can add to the debate that hasn't already been brought up multiple times.
No. 696463
File: 1608252531127.jpg (Spoiler Image,642.5 KB, 720x1080, EpdNUBvWMAEeK6s.jpg)

I know that Sakimichan's artistic decline is far from a new topic and everyone and their mom has noticed her pieces looking duller and lazier by the day, but what baffles me is how some Sakimi-clones look so much better compared to her own art.
One example is Zumidraws. Sure, it's still coomer fap material with questionable anatomy but compared to Sakimichan's art this looks WAY better and more polished. Hell even the anatomy looks less ridiculous. Am I the only one noticing this? Why do people still give a shit about Sakimichan if her clones are starting to pump out art that look superior?
(Spoiler for coomer art)
No. 696468
>>696463The anatomy is kinda fucked in some placed but I can see where you're coming from yeah, this looks more interesting to look at than everything Sakimi has produced this entire year.
I actually like the rendering on the wings and the hair.
No. 696494
>>696463well his progress video for each work are way longer sakimi
but his full figure pieces are a bit stiffer
No. 696517
>>694088gelbooru. com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=5713705
The original Pixiv link is listed here!
No. 696536
>>696462Artists "overpricing" is actually good for the current internet art market. It raises the average price for commissions and you get less artists unfairly underselling themselves.
But eh, that's an old topic everyone is tired of.
No. 696833
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Oh come on now.
No. 696840
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is there a #creatingwithautism hashtag yet?
No. 696843
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Why do twitter artists like to beg so much
No. 696884
>>696871Honestly? I wouldn't be surprised. They are claiming that theyre latine/asian/black, which I never questioned before (we were mutuals). But seeing that theyre claiming they have DID, I wonder if they picked these races to have a say for things. Im not saying it is impossible to be all three races, but the way they go about their race is odd.
They refused to post a selfie for #imreallyblack too, which adds to my suspicions that they might not be black.
No. 696900
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>>696893Not that I know of? Even for their artvsartist meme, they use a brown animal crossing character. Which is ironic because two artists (babs and rose) were called out for blackfishing because they used their animal crossing character to present themselves with darker skintone.
Alterego and her friends (teachiko, sa1ntcake, etc) called them out for this
No. 696904
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>>696900Same anon, but I noticed that they used a lighter skin for a picrew meme… Now I am really suspicious if this is a white artist
No. 696911
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I thought it was fake oh my god
No. 696912
>>696908At this point Im guessing Alterego is a white latine. This one artist I used to follow (periciaris or whatever) is a white latine who would post selfies but comment how the filter makes her look too white. That she isnt white!! She swears!! But she is obviously pale/white passing.
A few other latine artists I follow have similar insecurities of being too pale for some reason? Im not latine myself, but does anyone know why?
(racebait) No. 696914
>>696912I'm a white-passing latine, but I don't have any insecurities regarding my skintone.
My guess about those people is that they're afraid that if they're too pale, other people/Twitter won't believe that they're latine and will just write them off as white/caucasian? Like they don't want to be seen as white for whatever reason. Idk, weird Twitter logics.
No. 696915
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What does the part about being robbed at "virtual gunpoint" even mean
No. 696943
>>696900Kinda off-topic but what’s the point of doing an art vs artist if you’re not even using a pic of yourself? I get not wanting to show your face but that’s what the meme is for. Guess she just wanted to use the hashtag or something.
>>696914People who are actually afraid of oppression would see being white-passing as a good thing, but then you can’t virtue signal or beg for pity on the internet. If she looks white then she’s not afraid of being bullied for being POC, she’s afraid of being bullied for looking white.
(I hate this new pressure to show your face online to “prove” you’re a certain race, not only is it stupid but also unsafe if you’re not prepared to have the entire internet know who you are… that’s a whole different discussion though.)
No. 696999
>>696915Kek of course she's a fattie.
>>696917You could be all three, if one of your parents is biracial or something.
No. 697017
>>697014I feel like you're one of her friends.
Twitter is extremely leftist, a white artist just got dragged to filth for being white and drawing black characters. Posting selfies to prove shes black would only bolster the amount of pity likes/retweets she gets. Being white would make her lose all of her followers because it would prove what a hypocrite she is. have you never used twitter or something? You have to be black etc etc to get attention. It only works to be white and conventionally attractive irl.
(racebait ) No. 697034
>>697007While its true black artists are forced to endure abuse and racism online, there has been a rising issue of nonblack artists blackfishing for attention. This is not a twitter exclusive issue, ive seen this brought up in lipstick alley, to twitter, hell– some black exclusive reddits ask you to take a photo of your arm for proof.
Even before twitter became popular, there had been many white folks on tumblr who would post things like ~as a black person~
Knowing this context, seeing alterego and her friends drag people out for blackfishing, at the same time seeing Ego refusing to share proof that she is black is suspicious.
No. 697045
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also what does this mean
No. 697057
>>697018>>697017using common sense
>I feel like you're one of her friends. cancel culture exists and people do drag white people for dumb shit, but lets not pretend twitter is a haven for leftist liberals where racism doesn't exist.
literal celebrities like kelly marie tran received so much racist abuse on twitter that it made her quit social media.
you sound like one of those "white people are more oppressed than people of color nowadays" dumbasses. also nice samefagging, sage next time yeah.
No. 697062
>>697057Not saging just for you.
I am literally black and proved it but got "uhm ur white and spray tan" Because it's hard for white people who have never met black people to understand that we do not all act and think the same, I guess? It's super weird. I don't feel oppressed and I do not pass as white. But I should because you think I should?
No. 697068
>>697062Not them but
>Because it's hard for white people who have never met black people to understand that we do not all act and think the same, I guess? This projection, kek. Do you feel better after trying to gaslight and downplay how actual black people have been treated?
Also, we don’t all have BPD here.
No. 697071
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can we not derail the thread with petty arguing
No. 697073
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Why do artists on Twitter complain about capitalism so much? As an artist myself, I don't understand.
If drawing for money sucks so much and all you wanna do is draw your OCs then get a common job and keep art as a hobby? Save for extremely specific situations there's nothing in life forcing you to work with art. This whining about 'ebil capehtalism' is so old and annoying.
No. 697143
>>696463How do you get this good at rendering but suck so bad at anatomy? Like how is it possible? I don't fucking understand. I think the lighing, textures and shading here is absolutely gorgeous but jesus that anatomy and foreshortening is just horrendous even for coomer art. Someone please explain how this works because I don't get it. Do they offshore the rendering for some Chinese slave workers or something?
>>696833The anon predicting the #ArtistWhoOwnHondaCivics was too right
No. 697209
>>696911Wouldn't #drawingwithBPD be a redundancy in art Twitter?
>>696998>>697071That's what I thought when I saw her horseface Luka picture. Takes one to know one. Love how she's trying to prove herself with her bland art. Like it somehow works. If anything, it goes against her point.
No. 697222
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>>694404>>694406>>696998An artist that called out lovelyrosebun for blackfishing, got called out now herself, and her account was suspeded. She was also racist towards biracial people and a big ol cow in general
No. 697231
>>695228>>695744It's a Chinese run company, they literally couldn't give a shit about weird anti takes or western community drama even if they tried. They only want your money and these broke ass twitter faggots probably aren't spending any or even actually playing the game.
>>695402To be fair GI has a much cleaner record when it comes to lolicoomer pandering, the few little girl characters are pretty nonsexual (albeit admittedly pandering). FGO on the other hand has multiple, shamelessly sexualized skimpily clad lolis in its character selection. Vtubers seem to be the most popular trend with cumbrains at the moment though, haven't seen much GI or FGO art around. Or maybe I'm just not looking for it.
>>697209>Wouldn't #drawingwithBPD be a redundancy in art Twitter?Yes.
No. 697298
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I guess we didn't have enough drama in art twitter this week, so why not make up some? No. 697554
>>697087Imagine thinking capitalism invented art holy fuck anon
I think what he meant is a critique of how commercial art production is soul sucking, forces people into unreasonable deadlines which hurt art quality and creativity, etc. I think it’s fair, art generally turns out better if you take your time developing it instead of churning anime comissions every two days
Speaking of which, it cracks me up that beavs was criticizing cyberpunk 2077 for its themes and bad quality and the whole crunch thing, considering she bent backwards to excuse naughtydog when it did the exact same. And then replies to that same tweet about capitalism saying its bad for art and how she wishes she could just draw horses. Just- the cognitive dissonance of it all (for the record cp2077 is a bad, buggy scrote game)
No. 697555
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This is Non-milk but, wtf is this hand??
No. 697562
>>697555only the hand is your problem?
wtf is everything???
No. 697570
>>697562Was just about to comment that
>>697503Last person who did that got a serious amount of attention and deleted the post because ppl attacked them personally
No. 697612
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>>697298backpedaling now. I understand the original sentiment but people should know that having an opinion on twitter is a bad idea and will be taken in the most extreme, bad faith interpretation possible
No. 697631
>>697621>I've noticed sometimes artists will get callout posts made for them for having "suspicious" amounts of people blocked beforeTbh I never see a tweet about callout for "supicipous" blocking
But In Real Note, I blocked some of people in twitter because for safety and sanity reason. I don't want stupid people find my art account.
This also including some people who love to start shit with no reason
No. 697634
>>697541Pedos and grooming are a real problem in the art community, but I assure you there are groups of people who are good to be around. You just have to search a little and interact with the people that have similar tastes as you and that you like. Twitter and Tumblr tend to be shitty places, but I think that discord and DeviantArt (especially now that a lot of people left) can be nice places to share art and find your little group of people. You're gonna find
toxic people everywhere, you just have to ignore and block.
No. 697641
>>697638I think what happens is someone realizes they're blocked even though they never directly interacted with the artist and, being the type that has a
victim complex, decides to make a fuss over it. If the person making a fuss has enough of a following then other people may notice they're blocked too and it snowballs
No. 697666
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>>697662Anon are you kidding me right?
No. 697721
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So… Anyone wanna talk about Artbreeder and the impact it could have on the art world? I mean, there’s already been drama about people passing off AI-created art as their own, and the website even has a furry category.
On one hand it scares me that AI could become so advanced that it makes developing art skill pointless, but on the other a lot of the trending portraits are the same face over and over, since the people making them aren’t creative (or maybe just faceblind). Art skill can be faked much more easily than good ideas. We already have tracing and photobashing, after all. Or do you guys think that AI will never be able to replace the trained eye of a human?
No. 697753
>>697721I think at a certain point, using ArtBreeder or things like it will be considered creating art the same way collages and photomanips are.
You're basically remixing a bunch of different images/styles, and the idea to mix them and how you go about it would technically be your own.
Obviously, actually creating art would be more valuable and respectable, but companies and individuals more preoccupied with getting things quickly might think differently, depending on what they want.
No. 697900
>>697721I do think artists are going to be replaced with ai, that's inevitiable. What bothers me is that they train the network on images that they don't own. From their TOS:
> Artbreeder allows you to upload images. You agree to only upload images that you own or for which you have the necessary licenses, rights, and permissions, or that are in the public domain. You agree not to upload any copyrighted image unless you have permission from the owner of the image or you are otherwise legally entitled to upload the image.
> You agree to license any images you create on Artbreeder under the Creative Commons CC0 license. This effectively releases any image you create on Artbreeder into the public domain. Such images may be used by anyone for any purpose, with or without attribution. If you use another user’s image, please consider providing attribution in the form of a link to the image’s lineage page.It's so unprofessional. I hope somebody sues their ass
No. 697912
File: 1608441534131.jpg (326.53 KB, 778x597, lolcow.jpg)

Meet another asian/black artist who thinks that thanks to her "heritage" she's the perfect mangaka out there.
Some years ago she announced that she's gonna study game design in cologne and that she got a scholarship for it thanks to her talent. And now every year around spring/late autumn she talks about going to interviews for scholarships and that she's gonna start university. Or that she started university, but in Germany you need up to 4 years to finish your degree so it doesn't make any sense to switch university every semester. Unless you keep failing your exams.
Regular suicide baiting, she once had a gofundme to get money for her copics, because every artist needs copics.
She regulary traces popular fanarts and sells them. Fanart of Disney characters, Nintendo and other easy to trace stuff.
And she keeps bragging about having PTSD and anxiety and depression. And that she nearly had Borderline and Schizophrenia. And she loves suicide baiting. Likes going to the ER for stitches and get send home after a few hours.
And she's a published mangaka even though she never published a manga.
No. 698889
>>698856There are still some smaller sites for showing off your work. Depending on the kind of work you make, you've got PaperDemon, NewGrounds, Pixiv. Though the last two may have the same issue as deviantArt, PaperDemon is smaller and has an okay community. There's also Tumblr. As long as you aren't constantly reblogging random memes to flood your timeline, it's a good way to link and share your work. The tagging and commenting system have improved a lot.
Your last option would be just making your own website to link to people. But honestly, while no place is going to be perfect, anything is better than relying on twitter's media tab to show your work.
No. 699003
>>698992I'll admit that I haven't browsed PD all that much, but I just post art to it and don't browse. I use these places for their gallery functions and not their community.
That's why I don't really understand the complaints. You want a place to show off your work, but concerned about what others are posting. Why not just make your own website? I'm not excusing the gross shit, and I can understand being concerned about fucked up recommended art popping up in feeds alongside yours, but it seems like every art community aside from Artstation (and even then…) is plagued with this shit.
No. 699055
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What do you think
No. 699093
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>>699060I believe "use an iPad" is a reference to the small discourse that happened in some art twitter circles today, unfortunately common mentality in art schools
>>699055 posted is the best take. Do whatever, as long as you don't take somebody else's ideas / art and it's legal; all that will ever matter is the final result.
No. 699115
>>699093Hm, depends on the viewpoint. I wouldn't wonder if those people complaining teach gallery art and not commercial art - which is also what
>>699055 refers to. Sure you can use digital and 3d models and stuff to plan your piece before transferring it onto the canvas but I wouldn't expect a poster of a fully fleshed-out piece done in Procreate in an art gallery.
No. 699159
>>699093This is an interesting context to consider. I guess it depends on the kind of art you want to pursue, but I can see how thinking "easy" can stunt your growth as an artist. You can still "work smart" without taking the "easy" route. Working smart still requires attention to detail and craftsmanship without wasting time reinventing the wheel.
That being said, do wonder the background of the teacher as
>>699115 pointed out. I do wonder if it may be an issue of HOW it's being used, and not WHAT is being used.
No. 699234
>>699115Anon, there’s tons of digital art in galleries and museums. It’s been like this for years.
>>699213I’m sure most artists have thought this way. It’s pretty easy to curate your feeds to avoid stuff that looks like shit these days, especially on sites like Instagram that have no share-to-feed/RT/RB functions. I find that growth on there is spectacularly easy after the Reels thing launched. I wouldn’t give up on posting work entirely, though I do hope for a new “fixed tumblr” type place eventually.
No. 699530
>>699488A lot of blogs actually are well optimized to pop up in search engines based on the content of your individual posts, so you already have the ability to put yourself out there and be searched for, front and center, with the right keywords via Google. You can also use that as your base, and share your blog posts to social media with built in APIs and RSS feeds. This usually increases the relevance of your website. In other words, you can have a popular website without a social media presence, but the social media presence, if done through your website, is a bonus. You make people leave the social media and be immersed in your blog.
Keep in mind, however, that some social media websites are funny about outside URLs because they make money from ad revenue. Twitter is notorious about it, but the rest? Not so much.
If nothing else, look at making a blog more like curating something that's a part of your art vs relying on social media that just frames your art like cheap content. It's not either/or. Do both.
No. 699563
File: 1608624342829.jpg (1.57 MB, 1439x1493, 20201222_155949.jpg)

I think Dave Rapoza should stop drawing anime and go back to drawing skeletons and monsters and real people. This one and his Evangelion ones are UGLY
No. 699571
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Ergojosh`s new NSFW Patreon
No. 699617
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>>699563okay but the Rei one is just perfect. He did my girl justice
No. 700099
>>699768People have been tracing reference stuff forever, long before computers were even a thought. Look up graphic illustration tools, and tools the old masters used.
In the case of backgrounds, a 3D model that you legally obtained for the purpose of saving time, or even one that you built yourself is fine. If you're a hobbyist who enjoys reinventing the wheel over and over or just enjoys making backgrounds from scratch, that's totally fine. The rest of us need to eat, or enjoy the problem solving/drafting process that comes with creating. The 3D stuff is amazing for worldbuilding, especially if you're working on a comic and you want your setting(s) consistent. The effects applied to the models still have to match your style. Learning how to work with shaders takes skill; the computer won't do it for you.
I guess by the same logic, when you draw a straight line with an actual pencil and a real ruler, the ruler is doing the work for you. You're not doing anything at all.
No. 700422
>>700099You’re 100% right about this. Before computers, and sometimes even still, illustrators and comic artists would use pre-made perspective grid sheets with a lightbox. It’s not even ancient history, you can still buy these things at craft stores.
To a trained eye, more obvious assets look like garbage, but most readers don’t pay too much attention or simply don’t care. That’s why there are those capeshit floppies that are basically rendered entirely in Poser. If an artist wants to make them more “fluent” with their art, for lack of a better word, it absolutely still takes a good amount of skill and understanding.
No. 700561
>>700545There's a lot of combining 3D and 2D especially in concept art work, since there's just no gain spending additional time making sure given character has exact same body / face proportions on every image - and 3D model base will ensure it does.
Additionally, the video attached shows very cool thing that can be done in Blender, I see no reason to not use a handy tool like that if available.
No. 700643
>>700575Honestly, I never hear that custom brushes are bad, normally it goes the other way, like:
>you need this said custom brush, because this artist uses it, and it’ll make you a better artist if you use them like themPersonally I just use the default brushes and mix them up when colouring lol
No. 700658
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>>699563His anime portraits are fine anon, you just sound salty. Plus, he puts a lot more effort into his work than most of the people mentioned here.
No. 700700
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>>700658Yeah because this is monsters and shit, the thing he's actually good at and got famous for. When he applies his style to anime face it's weird looking
>you sound saltyOn the artist SALT thread? I would never
No. 700701
>>700700This really isn't a good example because the face in this one looks fine imo. Even the snake girls face in
>>700658 looks good.
No. 701391
File: 1608766095617.jpg (325.43 KB, 1821x826, PhotoGrid_1608765441444~2.jpg)

The comments in this Clip Studio commercial are comparing Michelle Phan's art to Meyoco
No. 701537
>>701391But Michelle Phan only support asian creators.
And that other one is propably cheaper than Meyoco
No. 701679
>>701391I think a lot of you might not know who Michelle Phan is but in her ad she's pretending she drew the work that she commissioned for her comic cook. You can also see her trying to draw in certain points of the video and it looks fucking horrible. So I'm sure that drink art isn't hers either.
She used to use copyright music all the time in her videos and get away with it because she was a big youtuber back then when they were beginning to crack down on it. Not that I care just showing she doesn't gaf.
No. 701840
>>701500Giveaways, fanart and drawing art for new releases (like fanart for a new movie that’s just come out).
Also meme redraws, people love silly comics that take like 2h to make but get a good chuckle out of people.
No. 701973
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No. 702228
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No. 702340
>>701391Honestly if you showed me this art with no context I would think it was Meyoco or one of the many meyoco clones on ig.
>>701973who cares about stupid hashtag drama? it's low tier twitter like bait. it belongs in the twitter hate thread, not here.
No. 702444
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>>702440doublepost to add the image
No. 702954
>>701500Do art raffles for milestones or anything else. Bc people would love more free high quality art better.
The higher risk would be an either copic/cintiq/ipad giveaway, that might boost your clout to the degree you wanted. However keep be careful on choosing the winner though
No. 703199
File: 1609021284873.png (57.39 KB, 509x631, Zatanna Cancel.PNG)

Oof, there goes JDL's latest project
No. 703676
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>>703414DC comics is heavily cutting their lineup going into 2021 and JDL's graphic novel was one of many titles that got hit. By the look of the preview images no one is really missing out on anything.
No. 703759
>>703754She probably thought this was her chance to draw her same face ig witch-girl self-insert into a big IP. Imagine if this got off the ground. All her art looks the same. A new audience would be so confused if they chose to follow her art.
Clearly perspective isn't her strong suit. Neither are faces with anything other than a dead expression.
No. 703760
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>>703676Had to look up this character, wow if I hadn't known that jaquelines art was supposed to be zatanna I would've never guessed
No. 703786
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>>703685This dude’s combover is sending me lol
No. 704197
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Im currently consider picking up a part-time job since my art is still isn't good enough for me to take commissions, but that also limits my time working/practicing my art and I also attend college full-time too. Im in quite a pickle here…any of u art anons been through the same? How do you deal with this?
No. 704219
>>704197You can try more 'passive streams' of income like setting up a shop, making more generic/cute-sy art that sells well as merch, opening a youtube channel for the ad revenue/sponsors (tho that takes ages).
Though honestly if you need the money and your art isn't good enough to make any money just get a job. There's no shame in it.
No. 704237
File: 1609177627136.png (498.29 KB, 626x350, Bildschirmfoto 2020-12-28 um 1…)

I really enjoy Heikala's art, and I know she's never been very detailed when it comes to faces, but I feel like with her last few artworks, the faces keep getting weirder and sloppier too
No. 704287
File: 1609181952294.png (4.33 MB, 2492x2210, Untitled195_20201228143723.png)

Thoughts on this artist? Apparently they are a gachatuber that does Gacha versions of the Zodiac Signs personification and cause of that they got 100k subs so far. However, I am not really a big fan of their artstyle and character designs.
The thing that bothers me the most is that they draw slight nsfw and implented r*pe and sexual/physical abuse ect. into the Zodiac signs character backstories while using Gacha club which have mainly children attracted to Gacha videos.
(In one of their community post, they had Capricorn "ROASTING" Aquarius by literally insulting her abusive past, quote "says that one that got kidnapped by a god and used as a sex toy and alchohol slave," and keep in mind most of their fans are under the age of 18 and some of the top comments are thinking that Capricorn is savage. I'm sorry, saying shit like that is not cool it is highkey disrespectful and rude and I'm ashamed that the Gachatuber wrote somebody's trauma as "roasting") Idk their age but if they are like a minor that will be really weird. Hopefully somebody could talk some sense to them or at least make it so their content ism clearly not for kids.
No. 704319
>>704287It does sound fucked up, but since you are mentioning that they are apparently a minor maybe they will grow out of this phase by making fucked up things. Their art is certainly not a masterpiece, they do seem like they have potential tho.
Again, they will grow out of it somehow, still them being a minor doesn't mean they are immune to criticism. Also as the anon above me said, you're either retarded for following them or that this is a self post basically.
No. 704339
File: 1609187089655.png (783.86 KB, 462x685, cut.png)

>>704237her strength is painting nature. Her human figures have always been a bit wonky, but you don't really notice until she draws more complex or dynamic poses.
No. 704422
>>704328Drop better hints
Post screenshots
Censor his name.
Don't tease us with skim milk, give us full-fat whole.
No. 704501
>>704474Do you know what site are you on.
>>704369Drop the @ anon, provide milk.
No. 704543
>>704474>considerateTwitterfag alert
You do know that rape was originally censored on twitter because phrases can be searched and found, right? Not because the literally spelling of r*pe “doesn’t
victims. Jesus, both the artist that op posted and op themselves reak of underage that need a break from the internet/twitter
No. 704572
>>704197It depends on what you need the money for. If you're trying to reduce college debt or paying for rent/food - get a job. If you just want fun money, it's better to use the free time you have to develop skills for future employment.
This last bit of advice is less applicable to college students, but more for later on. Don't feel like you have to choose between a job and art. Realistically you aren't going to spend 8+ hours a day drawing. Some people can, but most will burn out or injure themselves. You will have plenty of time to both work and draw once you're done with school.
No. 704638
>>704543Thank you for the information. I never knew it was originally from Twitter. I thought the word was meant to be
triggering. I could have never thought of it
No. 704675
>>704287This is the most twitterfag post I ever saw. The art is shit, your milk sucks, end of story. Try again when you're over 18.
>>704638Lmao do you think someone who gets "
triggered" over the word rape doesn't realize what "r*pe" stands for?
No. 704768
File: 1609253194438.png (336.31 KB, 750x599, 1609192930155.png)

everything about that comic is awful
No. 704804
File: 1609259322440.jpeg (33.76 KB, 225x345, 26B9D3CB-F0F5-4523-8CCE-298311…)

On the topic of artists drawing themselves, what do farmers like? I noticed most people do things like drawing themself normal (sometimes more attractive or uglier), use an animal or sometimes a weird thing like an object. I think I like animals the most but sometimes they look ‘off’ like Dobson’s blue bear
No. 704832
File: 1609263521028.jpg (77.1 KB, 1080x594, 2wfka4jxozk31.jpg)

>>704804see, this is a good question. There's some sort of goldilocks zone between trying to come off as too #relatable or overcompensating for something.
(pic related is how kimetsu no yaiba's author draws herself)
No. 704872
File: 1609269451853.png (15.46 KB, 400x400, One's_icon.png)

>>704832the best self representation is honestly ONE's, he is just an egg headed man
No. 704876
>>704872actually you're right anon this is as good as it gets
>>704841this is music to my ears, more talent is likely to get exposure and that's great. heads up maladaptive daydreaming anons
No. 704906
>>699571Is it just me or does the one on the left look creepishly underage? Like something about it just looks so pedo-y or 12 year old ish. Its kind of one of those "lets give this girl all features of a 12 year old but slap on some ti ties and maybe some hips" the one on the right isn't much better.
good for him just monetizing his practice studies however.
Gotta say I'm really tired of seeing art youtubers preach and preach about how you can make money as an artist and yet they don't even know how, they just are monetizing their 15 seconds of fame
No. 704909
>>704906he just screws up with proportion and makes the head too big
I don't think this is a study
since it has way fewer body detail compare to his studies
No. 704916
>>704906i think it looks fucked up because he ripped off the Disney sameface of recent 3D movies like Rapunzel and Frozen, which are associated with little girls
definitely gives me underage vibes too.
No. 705050
File: 1609294174550.jpeg (97.01 KB, 697x990, 61B8EB26-6653-4D00-8770-813D5D…)

>>704837I find it funny that the one comic artist I adored as a middle schooler went from drawing American comic book covers to making illustrations for Japanese books and BL. Can’t say I blame her for doing that instead.
No. 705052
>>704906I think ergojosh seems like a really nice guy and I like his filming setup and aesthetic, but yeah all he does is sketches and studies. I kinda think it's because he's not drawing what he truly wants to so he never finishes anything. And his skill seems high based on the "sketches" but he can never push past that stage.
However he has definitely cornered the "art advice and inspiration from Youtubers" market and does it very well.
No. 705097
File: 1609298873790.jpg (1.09 MB, 739x743, q8EmdJO.jpg)

>>704237speaking of heikala I always think coco__glez's art is heikala at first. I don't know if its just because they all use watercolor/inks but artists like heikala, and maruti_bitamin a lot of their work seems to share the same type of imagery and simple deformed anime figures as the focus. No. 705133
File: 1609303232760.jpeg (46.57 KB, 640x479, images (12).jpeg)

>>704804How he draws himself
No. 705134
File: 1609303265418.jpg (95.73 KB, 1280x720, 1586203374296.jpg)

>>705133And what he actually looks like
No. 705143
File: 1609305876525.jpg (30.73 KB, 220x328, 220px-Miki_Falls.jpg)

I remember seeing a friend read this shit. Their faces are goofy as hell.
No. 705392
File: 1609342068373.jpeg (626.35 KB, 750x855, CEAFBE85-C4F3-46BF-8F18-8F0602…)

thought oceans patreon print for the month was cute till I saw the gremlin hand and skewed fingernails.
No. 705421
>>705392>>705403>>705400nayrt but are you guys blind ? it's a whole ass hand that looks distorted and weirdly wrinkly, certainly traced with no understanding of anatomy / adjustments to anime style. it's too bad bc the artist seems to know how to render
not to mention people paid for this…
No. 705480
>>705421it looks weird but it's still a nitpick. It's a minor detail that's pretty much unnoticeable.
if you have to point it out for it to be noticed or it looked cute otherwise, there's an 80% chance it's a nitpck.
No. 705490
File: 1609354604282.jpeg (61.12 KB, 755x540, ada-lovelace-release.jpeg)

>>705097not all drawing styles need to be structured or anatomically sound like you're drawing for animation. look at quentin blake's illustration style. pointing out wonkiness in a face or hand while ignoring the entire feel of an illustration isn't a good critique. these simple styles work because they're appealing. anatomically correct drawings aren't inherently appealing, a wonky face isn't inherently unappealing.
if you want to talk about how all these artists styles are carbon copies of each other with the same boring overused themes i'd agree with you
No. 705543
>>705421we /ic/ now
>>704841There’s a lot of skilled draftsman talent in indie circles these days, and they often get scooped up by animation which actually pays more than comics (unless you’re in traditional publishing by a big name, but even then)… that’s if they’re not endlessly whining on Twitter, of course.
No. 705817
>>705814>You could have a 'no NSFW art' policy, but then you would likely lose a huge part of the userbase (i.e. tumblr)Sure, but did you ever need them there? I think instead of a blanket no nsfw, maybe no pornographic imagery might work instead. Also, what's wrong with alienating furries? They have lots of furry-only communities. Let there be one community they can't infest.
I personally don't see the issue with a site being by artists, for artists. If people want to get hired, there's ArtStation. If you want to be seen by the masses, there's social media. There's no where to really just connect with other artists. I miss that 2000s deviantArt community vibe.
I don't think F4F necessarily needs to be combated. On any site, there will be the people who live only for the numbers. Let them be.
You didn't mention anything about it, but I think a daily/weekly art showcase would be nice to have as long as it was manually selected instead of relying on things like likes/favorites/follows.
No. 705924
>>705863It's completely retarded. I wish I had a woke virtue signaling filter on my life so I never have to see another perfectly respectful creator grovel to a hoard of NEET internet addicts obsessed with creating new kinds of fictional victimhood.
Now she's proven she can be bullied and they won't stop. Next she'll be taking down all dark skinned dolls for racism and all light skinned dolls for white supremacy and all fantasy dolls for myth appropriation, and the unicorno repaints because unicorns create unrealistic standard of beauty for horses. This shit is a losing game.
No. 706000
>>705863So is it an issue of no one can make an artistic depiction of the wendigo,or is it that only aboriginal people can?
I don't understand the backlash,but i guess its not my culture so i cant say anything.
I do wish she kept the comments open though. So i could see what people were saying.
Wouldn't it be better to have people in the comments "educate" us? Because i feel like it would be beneficial.
No. 706031
>>706023>>706020I think the main difference is that the people who originally genuinely believed in Egyptian gods and dwarves and such are long dead, whereas indigenous cultures are still alive and present in the modern age. And the wendigo specifically is something that, like Mohammed, isn't supposed to be depicted, and means more than a just "a spooky myth" to indigenous people(iirc, that's my canadafag education).
Still think that the situation is a bit overblown, but understandable I guess
No. 706050
>>706010I'd respect someone making a doll out of Mohammed since they're pretty much risking their lives if they do that.
I think these slippery slopes to censor art are quite dangerous, but also natives have barely any cultural power at all, I feel for them. It's a more complex situation that the usual "cultural appropriation" bs because religion is in place.
No. 706053
>>706033If European people said they didn't want depictions of that specific demon, yeah. Why shouldn't they be respected? I don't get this logic.
It's not like it's the law, but understandably, people from that group will dislike it and see it as distasteful, and that's their right.
No. 706055
>>706050In the creator's position, I'd just make content with inspiration from a bunch of different cultures, and not explicitly name the Wendigo.
I'd just call it a "forest demon" or whatever. That concept is present in pretty much all cultures.
No. 706057
>>705814I think the solution isn’t to outright ban certain groups, but to limit users’ exposure to groups they’re not interested in. One of Deviantart’s huge problems was that fetish art regularly made it to the front page. If you don’t want to ban furries or porn then you’d have to work on the algorithm so that people don’t see shit they don’t want to see.
I personally wouldn’t have a problem with banning furries but I know it would cause a lot of drama, and also debate about what exactly counts as a furry, such as catgirls or cutesy children’s book illustrations of anthropomorphic characters. Banning porn and fetish art might be a better idea. Tumblr’s problem was that it already built a reputation and userbase centered around porn, and then banned porn. And then non-porn posts started getting deleted because they used some shitty algorithm to auto delete stuff.
No. 706079
>>706053and it's the right of whoever this person is to make culturally inspired dolls that may justly or unjustly seen as offensive, european or native or whatever, however classless it is… at least you don't have the double standard.
i hate how it's normal and expected now to be a weak bitch that bends under the pressure of the woke mob.
No. 706092
>>706079>respecting people's cultures when you use them for your art>woke mobNah, anon. That's just basic decency and consideration to those around you.
Woke mob is when someone spergs out at an artist for not drawing a non-binary bigender pansexual disabled trans woman or something. The two aren't the same.
No. 706099
>>706010Yes, if there wasn't the risk of literally being killed because of Muhammad kek
Guess what, Gods can be depicted by people who aren't part of the religion if it's nothing disrespectful. And even if it is, who the fuck cares about some lady making a doll of it.
No. 706153
>>706000>>> So is it an issue of no one can make an artistic depiction of the wendigo,or is it that only aboriginal people can?My bad if your question was already answered in a way, but native/Algonquin people as a collective aren’t making wendigo dolls nor are they selling wendigo merch.
>>706031 was exactly right. There is no properly faithful way to depict it because the most respectful thing in this situation was to not depict it at all.
As for general art depictions of entities of significant cultural/religious importance there’s so much Irish folklore that could be focused on. The neverending trend of Greek gods needs to come to a fucking head so Celtic mythology can have a turn.
>>706115Proko on youtube has a lot free video lessons. Their anatomy and facial features playlists have been good for me. No. 706215
>>706153>The neverending trend of Greek gods needs to come to a fucking head so Celtic mythology can have a turn. Have you seen Wolfwalkers anon? I think you'd like it. It has a really good art book too, if you like the style.
And I agree. There's a lot to be inspired by in Celtic mythology. Plus a lot of the Greek mythology inspired stuff only scratches the surface of the mythos, usually without exploring any of the more niche characters and myths which can be interesting as well.
No. 706353
>>706153Thanks for answering,I really was confused over what the main root of the issue was.
I hope that the people telling her to take it down did so nicely, as it seemed she didn't intend to do any harm.
No. 706559
>>706476I had a similar feeling about someone I imitated back in deviantart days; I guess it's okay for a bit but don't cling on it too much, it can ruin you
Clinging on bullying experiences forever will make you bitter
No. 706682
>>7065721. Why did she buy two identical sets of R&L flat brushes if she's "not hoarding". They are affordable, ok, but buying identical brushes in bulk generally hints that you expect them to deteriorate soon, yet she praises the quality ("so bomb")? Am I just overanalyzing?
2. She calls 1 inch flat brush "large", but her canvas pannels are A3 at leats. Huh.
3. My personal
trigger. Regular cheap mannequins are and always were such a waste of money and recommending them for studies is a terrible advise in a world where internet and photographs of actual human beings exist. How the hell is anyone supposed to practice anatomy with that junk? "You can get them any pose that you want" they can't even raise their arms above shoulder level or, well, sit.
4. I kind of hope that in regular art shops in US one can actually buy a single pencil eraser (though I'd recommend koh-i-noor's over Faber Castell's, they seem softer, more efficient and make less dust) or a set of gelly rolls without those disposable blister packages, it seems a little wasteful.
5. For me 4$ for two charcoal pencils is a ripoff unless you're buying Conte a Paris thick core pencils. Why are they so expensive if they're made in US? Any other item seems somewhat reasonably priced.
6. God bless strathmore it's so hard to get where I live.
7. I dunno, crayola's pencils are ok, but a golden standard for school grade pencils, really? Perhaps it's a thing of accessibility, but Giotto's, Lyra's or Steadtler's products are much better quality-wise.
8. I know she's not a beauty guru, but her lips are giving me Kim Possible vibes.
No. 707629
File: 1609691705857.jpeg (209.84 KB, 1448x2048, EqRZNh9UYAEBZ_M.jpeg)

Kristia/megat0nraid/raiko/whatever the hell everyone knows her as has long stopped tracing it seems.
And holy fuck does her lack of skill for tracing for 30 years show.
Good on her i guess.
No. 708016
File: 1609733129981.png (264.84 KB, 720x1134, 20210104_110845.png)

Theres been some drama with this artist on insta. Shes been called out for making a nazi oc that based on a real person Reinhard Heydrich which the oc also has the same name of and is shipped with a british prisoner oc and her story takes place in ww2. She been accused of romanticizing this and has made 2 posts addressing it. She deleted jewish comments who expressed their critism in the matter
No. 708079
File: 1609742376498.jpeg (22.3 KB, 642x477, images (1).jpeg)

>>708074>>708016Same anon, a pick i found about them btw
No. 708169
File: 1609766376272.png (5.71 MB, 2000x3000, degenerateswithnotaste.png)

I have absolutely no words.
No. 708178
File: 1609767491477.png (646.83 KB, 720x814, 20210104_213749.png)

>>708128I dunno anon but this artist is pretty try hard edgy already
No. 708184
>>705924>Now she's proven she can be bullied and they won't stop.I think Mykie dealt with this the best (offtopic except makeup artist I guess)
Textpost pinned apology on Instagram and then went into hiding. Making a video apology, usually to tards who weren't real fans in the first place/just randos who want someone to attack today/were hater stans waiting for a moment to strike: feeding the trolls
No. 708325
File: 1609790590344.png (1005.77 KB, 696x700, d2wxq7t-330ddeff-812e-4d5a-ac4…)

>>708016>>708059>>708101oh god, this reminds me of Phobs. They were really popular on dA some years ago? They used to be obsessed with WW2 and often drew Heydrich and Himmler, pic related is 'a sketch of dying Heydrich'.
No. 708408
>>708169I remember this guy
he reupload Telepurte video and get tons of views and subs then pullout and posting his own art and promote his twitter cunning tbh
No. 708474
File: 1609810443854.jpg (264.54 KB, 464x4000, 472746337e0f6b4a965e1bd40a117e…)

>>708443Yes, i remember she did a loooooot of nazi (fan)art back in the dA days, found someone's pinterest board where they seem to have collected all/most of them No. 708594
File: 1609834834296.png (34.47 KB, 681x374, eda.PNG)

Let's just not draw anything that may be similar to or inspired by native americans at this point.
No. 708604
File: 1609837444131.png (442.66 KB, 600x740, d5r8t9j-1bf96875-104f-443f-b91…)

>>708443Yep, same one. For some reason, they have scrubbed off dA more of the lotr/silmarillion stuff than ww2 stuff which is kinda interesting
No. 708753
>>708594Hopefully artists won't be too sad that some people from a group that were nearly wiped from their own country don't want to risk people bastardizing or uwu-ifying their culture.
People don't need to draw wendigos that badly.
No. 708779
>>708753>uwu-ifyingvery weeb neet way to say "no positive representation isn't good neither"
we should let native culture just completely disappear then, and just keep drawing european cultures only, right?
No. 708796
File: 1609868123897.jpg (167.02 KB, 1079x1246, 20210106_013159.jpg)

An Instagram artist got over 9k+ followers in a month, claiming she "changed her style a little bit". After she got exposed that the artworks are stolen from a chinese artist from weibo she deactivated
No. 708851
File: 1609874308591.jpg (310 KB, 504x582, 20210106_013151.jpg)

Miuverse and the original artist is xizijiang. She had 1k followers until she deleted all her post and became chinese with a new style
No. 709080
File: 1609897731984.jpg (43.42 KB, 540x226, 20210105_194616.jpg)

So no one create art from any culture that isnt yours because you're just a bitch that wants to use the culture and beliefs of another. You're obviously looking to exploit these peoples by making money off their works.
No. 709090
File: 1609899578411.jpg (26.7 KB, 540x224, 20210105_201924.jpg)

Idiots type that way.
No. 709094
File: 1609899996411.jpg (64.45 KB, 540x304, 20210105_202618.jpg)

>>709092Intelligence is not their strongsuit
No. 709165
File: 1609916076453.png (33.69 KB, 660x289, racism watchdog.png)

>>709081>>709090>>709091>>709092>>709094>>709105>>709108it's probably a (misused) reference to the racism watchdog twitter account that retweets posts with racist dogwhistles in them going BARK BARK BARK.
No. 709239
File: 1609934616552.jpg (257.05 KB, 1080x1338, screenshot.jpg)

>>709238Samefagging but I guess it's also a skill to market yourself on social media, maybe I shouldn't be salty about this. Sara Faber does the same kind of mediocre portrait every time and she has over 360k followers and 1200 patreons so what's our excuse, at least it means almost everyone can make it
No. 709241
>>708496They were more innocent days. Lolcows were just autists and retards with weird obsessions and not genuinely horrible people, scammers, and woke virtue signalers.
Does anybody remember Torture-Device? She was a natsoc bottle blonde aryan ftm who wouldn't shut up about how much she hated anything that wasn't white and male and drew edgy Warhammer fanart.
No. 709360
>>709080>>709090>>709094>>709165This is a tiktok meme/culture thing. It kinda started with people saying "bark at men who harass you" and now they're just barking at everything not politically correct or "offensive". The extra retarded one
>>709094 is of a trendy tiktok song amongst weebs. It's from the anime yarichin bitch club which apparently makes quoting the song "funny" cause it's sexual.
It's basically retarded gen z weebs.
No. 709386
>>709381it's definitely a trend. Apple just fished a new market to sell a rapidly dying product (smartphones killed tablets almost immediately). People will swear to god it's revolutionary because they invested so much in it already and feel offended if told "you wasted money". It's not as reliable as a tablet. If you want to use it on pc, you have to buy a 3rd party app. If you want to draw on it with a decent program, they're all subscription based. You can't use a pirated copy of adobe programs on it. If you want to transfer your files to pc, it's an headache. And as you said, you're dealing with a company that kills their own products after less than 5 years.
Then again I do both digital and traditional, I don't feel the need to draw digital everywhere.
No. 709461
On a talk about wacom tablets, I have heard 13 cintiq wacom is horrible, while other screen wacoms are nice. I am thinking of buying myself a screen tablet from wacom later, but I am not too sure where to start with it. Which wacom screen version do you guys recommend?
>>709414>>709428Agree with these anons. My tablet from 2014ish is still doing well and I never had issues, however its an old wacom bamboo.
No. 709527
>>709381All of the criticisms in this thread are
valid, though I will say I enjoy using my iPad as a professional creator. I’ve had it since 2018 or so, and it’s helped me make several moderately-sized projects both in my studio and on the go. I am also fond of the Procreate app, I think the simplicity of it makes for a good digital sketchbook which is to say you can just open it up and start scribbling away without having to fuss too much with interface. If you’re on a budget or don’t need the portability, I think you could get a different screen tablet for your computer. Huion, XPPEN, Ugee, etc have sales kind of often and you can get a decent Cintiq if you’re good at eBay hunting.
>>709461The 13 inch is fine, though it feels a bit cramped if you’re used to drawing on paper. Maybe a 16 inch would be a good place to start, and if you find the glass screen too slippery you can always invest in a matte protector.
No. 709838
>>709370I hate Wacom just because it was like a virus on my pc and wouldn't let me install another tablet, I had to use a file shredder program for their Wacom drivers after uninstalling them, so I could use my new tablet after ditching their one. imo Wacom are overpriced and I get years out of my Huion tablets for way less money.
I wanna get a Huion screentablet at some point.
No. 709919
>>709912Well, that's bad luck. But I agree with you that their reparation fees can be insanely high – which every other tech company also does. I usually always have a protector on my phone but the one time I took it off, it fell and the LCD screen broke. Buying a new screen was around 300 EUR, so I decided to wait a few months for the newest iteration and just get a new phone instead.
No tech is made to work for decades nowadays. Even old school landline phones break at some point. It's just up to everyone what they need and which money they have. The only rule of thumb is that whenever something sounds too good for its price or the price sounds too high for what it does, it usually is. Just get the best you can afford and get the ball rolling. There's always time to upgrade or change tech.
No. 709975
File: 1610052611960.jpg (407.19 KB, 1080x1234, Screenshot (21).jpg)

Kiki: is a literal 13 year old japanese girl
Technically skilled artist with sameface syndrome: let's just give her the face of a white instagram model with several rounds of lip filler and bedroom eyes
No. 710070
>>710023Who even are these nobodies some anons ask about? You can't even bring yourself to post their art in the thread, let alone milk on them.
>>710033Do you have any receipts?
No. 710076
File: 1610067053636.jpg (2.21 MB, 3416x1920, inCollage_20210108_004906105.j…)

>>710070These are tweets from January alone. People complaining of not receiving what they paid for, items arriving stained, items missing. She literally made £103,000 and can't even be bothered to reply to emails kek.
No. 710078
File: 1610067652129.jpg (288.99 KB, 1000x1462, EbtH_2RXkAA6ryn.jpg_large.jpg)

>>710023This Yukibunns?
Yeah I think her voice is very quiet but I did enjoy her story about her LDR bf since I was in a similar situation myself kek.
No. 710117
>>710058You don't really need to seal it unless you want it to last for a decade, you could just put a layer of pva over the top instead of anything expensive
If you use acrylic just make sure you water them down or buy thin body, acrylic can dry thick and bumpy which means when it comes to repainting it all white you will have to sand it all down to make it smooth enough to get your deposit back. Also do not use anything water soluable like poster paint or anything oily/waxy.
Wall paint is always going to be better with high opacity coverage and self levels better. It's water soluble enough to clean up from carpets but not so much it can't be painted over or run down the walls, wall paint exists because they designed the perfect paint to go on walls
No. 710126
>>710033I backed her bird ita bag last year, but I was sick of her making excuses for delays so I asked for a refund. And she would make a point of complaining and guilt tripping on her private Instagram about it.
She used to be a nice, humble creator but as soon as she started making big money, she just got up her own arse.
Plus I'm sick of all the bird merch. We get it, you've got a bird. Stop making bird merch.
No. 710171
File: 1610083316796.jpg (249.99 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2021-01-07-15-34-22…)

Someone who has over 250k followers and 20k likes a post despite her art being boring means her "insta is dying" apparently LOL
No. 710185
>>709090>>709094>>709165its funny watching you guys fall out of touch with society. it functions like keysmash used to i.e. reacting in a "feral" way; barking isnt catcalling or dogwhistle or furry related lmao.
>>709381It is on trend but ipad pro/procreate offers a very tradigital media, and a comfortable drawing experience that my surface pro/csp can't quite manage. it'll only run you about $400 these days as opposed to a professional or clunky setup. they also work fine for school and movies so its the same as any laptop you have to replace in 3 years.
No. 710211
>>710117Thanks. Would I need to do multiple layers just like when you paint a wall or just seal it with pva?
Also, should I prime the wall with gesso? I already drew the pencil sketches.
No. 710353
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>>710126I saw that! The public sulking about people asking for refunds as it's making her "lose money". Maybe you should have ordered the bird bags in September 2019 when the project ended, instead of booking your November trip to Japan and ordering the bags half way through 2020?
Pic related: she only just got the pins (Kickstarter extras) last month. You know, the one's everyone has been complaining weren't in their reward packages.
No. 710354
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>>710126It's not her fault anon, it's DPD postal service and emails playing tricks on her.
No. 710355
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More manipulating her bird bag followers to feel sorry for her, despite taking £100k. It's incredible how much ohayouclothing talks about crying on Twitter, it's honestly pathetic. I'm sure she's in her late twenties.
No. 710356
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Has anyone heard/been affected by this?
No. 710359
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>>710356This is an official artist who was affected
No. 710377
File: 1610118942821.jpg (475.85 KB, 1080x1193, 20210108_160638.jpg)

It's not so interesting but this girl got 1.5 followers first time she posted and it turned out she was stealing. Original creator told her to delate it, and she did, but i think they went too easy on her because (not even) week later she started posting not her art again.
Was told off and started crying that she want 300 followers again. Probably mentally unstable. She's changing her username constantly. Now she posted her real art (I think) and twitter totally forgot about all that shit she did.
Twitter artists are so pathetic.
No. 710381
>>710356I think the main problem is pages/information from manga are being leaked before they’re officially released, publishers have been getting stricter about that. The artist may have posted something that contradicts the contract they have with the publisher. Like how a lot of animators like making fanart for the anime they work on but they tend to delete their posts or use separate accounts for that art,
Fanart is generally not targeted in the east (I know some old school NGE hentai artist was contacted recently but the studio that messaged him apologized for it) but I wouldn’t be surprised if western artists get C&Ds since they’re far more into producing fanart for money
No. 710976
>>710922Thanks for the advice, anon I'll keep my eye out for future sales once I got some money saved.
>>710949>>710940>>710939Y'all really out here thinking I still live like that. At the time my OLD room was so tiny that it could barely fit a queen sized bed.
No. 710982
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What do you guys think of the Wacom one display tablet? It's the cheapest Wacom display tablet and I always wondered if it's any good. I'll probably save for the 16 inch cintiq tho.
No. 711033
File: 1610207625371.png (3.31 MB, 2048x1999, Screenshot_20210109-085225.png)

I hate shit like this. Overly saturated line art hurts my eyes.
No. 711051
File: 1610211680258.jpg (345.41 KB, 1091x1721, edalog.jpg)

Reminder to never ever draw anything that is from marginalized culture etc stick to drawing whities if you're white. This is what it gives you if americans find out.
No. 711057
>>711051Yay! Art segregation! That means that
latinxs shouldn’t draw white/asian/black characters because it would be a fetishization of their culture
Just what we needed.
No. 711063
>>711053You can still find them. Most of them can't spesk English that's why they don't interact tho.
You gave an extreme example, but i personally think that artist who don't talk to their followers are boring
No. 711068
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>>711060There’s also stuff like Quetzalcoatl, the kawaii waifu with gigantic boobs who is a pedo. I mean, anime should be canceled if you look for examples of misrepresentation of other cultures.
No. 711082
File: 1610216382240.png (833.01 KB, 796x932, 49278.png)

>>711051The funny thing is that the "native people" complaining about the art and "non-natives" are mostly LARPers who got like 1% on a DNA test and appointed themselves the President of Not Being White.
Exhibit A.>@eda_log Hey, as a native American I'm asking you to please stop. You drawing this style is extremely disrespectful to us. Idk if you don't understand because you aren't from north America, but it's highly inappropriate.Meanwhile, from their profile, pic related. I'm so sick of white savior tier SJWs flexing their non-existent minority points and making actual people from the groups they LARP as look bad.
No. 711100
>>711051Funny how the supposed "natives" are never to be questioned about their identity, but any of other non-offended natives are either token racial shields or posers. Hm.
>>711082I get the argument that native peoples were systematically bred out and our numbers massively thinned on purpose, but this shit is so fucking embarrassing. This bitch is Canadian, isn't she? There's actual fucking ethnic cleansing going there and native american women going missing left and right but she's worried about this?
No. 711106
i promise the "them" was unintentional lol
No. 711118
>>711109I hate that grifting has become so normalized. if you're an artist and can't pay the bills, have some dignity and get a normie job before you e-beg.
you just know they're not asking people they know irl for money… wonder why
No. 711122
>>711118fuck it I'll answer myself
I don't think these people are in true financial need. if they were as desperate as they claim they would swallow their pride and ask their family/friends for a loan. there's much less shame when asking online considering everyone does it all the time.
No. 711150
File: 1610223768875.png (1.66 MB, 1415x2048, Screenshot_20210109-122226.png)

The quote rts on this post is a fucking mess
No. 711413
File: 1610268360898.png (609.63 KB, 720x900, EZenmTLU4AAGDql.png)

>>711051"Ugly ass art" bitch you're a jealous white ass girl. I want to see this bitch go after Pokemon company for making Rayquaza inspired by the Quetzalcoatl, after Dreamworks for making Spirit not having an entire cast of native voice actors, Yume Nikki for having native-like aesthetic, Atlus for having the Thunderbird and the Wendigo in their games and so on. They just go after white or japanese/korean/chinese artists because they know no one will accuse them of being a retard and the latter can't fully comprehend their screeching most of the time so they just end up apologizing for nothing. Picrel looks fucking amazing.
No. 711495
File: 1610287712538.jpg (373.89 KB, 1540x1252, eiihal.jpg)

>>711413Her own art is actually ugly as shit. I don't think link would look like a middle aged man as a native someone pointed it out too and she started a whole ass drama about it. But I guess in the end she's the winner because she got 1.4k likes
No. 711505
>>711495She just removed everything that makes link, link. If she’s so worried about representation, why isn’t she creating new characters that are
No. 711522
>>711109because to be a "full time" twitter artist means you're privileged enough to not have a full time job. my best guess they're living comfortably with their parents/roommates and with a good enough part time job that pays their portion of bills and rent and tons of disposable income they won't set aside for such emergencies because they haven't had to do things independently, so that personal responsibility and knowledge on budgeting is absent.
their hand is held at all times, by their roommates or their parents. and they attach some sort of victimization in their bios to justify themselves.
No. 711571
File: 1610298993785.png (202.11 KB, 286x289, 5.PNG)

tfw I want to contact the artist(s) about potential stolen artwork but I have no way to contact them but to create a twitter account they were probably commissioned but I doubt the dude made them aware he'll be selling them in tee fucking sping
sage cuz either blog or no one care (but still salty)
No. 711577
>>711558If you must have portability and can't keep your butt behind a working desk: Ipad
If you want a good drawing tablet and got money: Wacom
If you want something to work well but don't have the cash: Xp.pen
No. 711600
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I’m not someone who believes in “style theft”, but ngl I thought this was Baylee’s art for a second. It’s like if someone copied one of her drawings, but was even worse at coloring and shading. Artist in question is halalela art
No. 711618
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>>711600Her website is even worse
No. 711728
>>710217ok be friendless then
>>710443>>710814obviously dont go directly to the apple store, people sell newish ipads on mercari all the time. I usually buy various tablet PCs because cost less at once and I just love the coolness of new tech. theres no reason to hang onto a 6 year old laptop.
>>710919dude wtf is wrong with you. you personally shouldn't own any delicate tech lmao
>>711704I guess you mean cartoon characters? you need to look at references for every real figure composition but if youre drawing anime girls it literally doesnt matter
No. 711773
>>711704That's normal. Just keep drawing, don't worry about cultivating a style because it will come to you naturally with practice. Don't force it or it will look awkward.
It's also normal to rely on reference photos, especially for anatomy. That's the best way to learn, and again, it will come naturally to you eventually if you keep practicing.
Don't give up!
No. 711862
>>711704I don’t post my art online (yet) and pretty much draw for myself, and every few years I end up completely changing my art style. Despite what social media wants, I think it’s good to experiment before deciding on something to stick to. I guess it’s more of a problem if you’re after followers, though.
As for references, I’ll use them for studies but not if I’m casually sketching, unless there’s something specific I want to include that I don’t have a lot of practice with. Industry artists use references all the time, so it’s not a bad thing, but of course you should be able to draw somewhat decently without one too. A reference can take your work to another level but you shouldn’t be over-reliant on them (at least, in my opinion).
No. 711911
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>>711909didn't mean to imply it's racist to be anti-immigration, my bad. This is the post.
Also lurking more, I found out this is the same person who went viral a few years ago on animation twitter for saying Lilo from Lilo and Stitch is
No. 711922
>>706412The best way is to get an oil painter to teach you IRL.
Just from a safety standpoint, you have to learn how not to poison yourself with solvents or set your home on fire with your paint rags, and get fully dedicated, a well-ventilated studio that's not your bedroom/kitchen/living space to paint in. Wear gloves and preferably a mask unless you like breathing in solvent fumes. If you're used to acrylics, remember not to sand your painting. Get informed with your local hazardous material waste center how to safely dispose of used solvents/paint residues/materials that have been in contact with either. That's just from the top of my head, but there's more of that without even getting started on technique.
Sorry for sperging, friends worked in an art store for a while and taught me how pretty much every art supply out there is going to kill you (but especially oil paints).
No. 712042
>>711911I mean, she's probably a genderspecial and a cow, but she isn't completely wrong here…
Unfortunately for her now being against illegal immigration also means you're racist, so yeah.
No. 712269
>>712225True, but it's useful to know a bit about pigment toxicity when picking colors and how to dispose of your paint water to minimize harm to yourself and the environment (that applies to using watercolors, gouache and acrylics too, imo). And not, like, sleep right next to drying paint LOL.
>>712260I think a bit of fear mongering is needed. You'd be surprised how common it is for both hobbyists and established professional painters just flush their turpentine down the drain, pile up their oil paint rags into a fire hazard, or work with cadmium or titanium white pigments without a mask on.
No. 712808
>>712269You definitely have a point about proper waste disposal not being followed enough but you don't usually need a mask or gloves for cadmium paints. Rags are a danger if you use linseed oil but so far I've never seen any instruction material that fails to mention this.
"However, during the paint-making process the pigment is fused with sulfides and coated in the particular medium’s binder (oil, acrylic, gouache or watercolor). This process renders the cadmium insoluble in water, which greatly limits absorption by the human body. The cadmium does remain fat-soluble, so it’s still possible for us to absorb it if we constantly get a lot of it on our hands or ingest it. (Once again, don’t eat it!) But I’m not typically a messy painter, so I don’t bother with gloves. And cadmium paints don’t give off any dust or fumes, so no worries about inhalation either.³
With that said, you DO need to use extra caution if you’re sanding dry cadmium paint or spray-applying. If that’s you, make sure you wear a NIOSH dust respirator to eliminate the chance of inhaling cadmium particles. (Or any other harmful particles / dust.) The same advice applies if you work at all with dry cadmium or other pigments. (For example, if you like to make your own paint.)"
No. 713288
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I'll be honest that I am jealousy, all she need to do was type "I'm broke" with a link to her Kofi without any context and a list of donator flooded in, she deleted the tweet now. I wish I can do this someday…
No. 713721
>>696688I just saw the video lol.
Michelle actually has been wanting to be a manga artist since she started her youtube career actually. But becoming a make up artist made more money more than being an anime artist at that time so she changed route. It's kinda touched me that she is still trying get back to it even though she's way past her early 30ds now.
Although I wont ignore the fact about her whole drama in the make up community.
No. 713878
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Ohayouclothing is currently sucking up to her fans on Twitter for being patient waiting for Kickstarter bags. You know the bird bags people had to wait 1.5 years for while she went on holiday to Japan and played world of warcraft like it was her full time job.
She's so manipulative already sucking up to everyone trying to get them to support her again with her next project. 4 days ago, she tweeted about how she can't do another kickstarter for a while bc she needs to 'boost her reputation back up first'
4 days later: starts going on about a new project already. UGH. Such a greedy liar and so unprofessional, I can't with this bitch.
No. 714215
>>713288Seems like men's names (she says with suspicion)
It's only a few dollars but men generally hold their financial contributions against you. Selling products is much safer since the transaction is transparent.
No. 714222
>>713700>so i leave shit like my inks and tablet on the floor, usually to move something on my desk, get distracted, and forget i put it there. many a ruined painting i've stepped on while it's drying because of this.I have memory issues but never break anything
touch wood don't come near me sanic and my method is to carefully pile whatever expensive shit I'm moving on my bed, propped up on pillows, or safely away in another room. And take breaks when you're moving stuff.
No. 714243
>>714192For a start, some variation of this question is asked every thread and over at /ic/ every day so maybe look into that
It's the same as any comission situation. You put out lots of content for free, usually fanart, then when you have a reasonable amount of followers you start advertising your commission rates. If you draw for a popular niche you will have to compete with good artists charging pennies, if you draw for a gross niche you can half ass it. Have fun drawing degenerate stuff for the sake of building a fanbase of people you hate!
No. 714259
>>714177NTA, but why is this always the first assumption?
I use graphics tablets instead of display pens, so my account is different. The Intuos nibs wear down a lot faster compared to the past, and Wacom drivers are still a mess. I had the options to get what I wanted, and wanted to try something different. I can't speak for the other brands, but I've been enjoying my XP-Pen and very surprised by the quality and haven't had issues with the drivers.
I heard that the color calibration wasn't the best on non-Wacom display pens. It's something I'll keep in mind if I decide to go the display pen route. But, just like how the non-Wacom pen tablets were horrible before they caught up in quality, I won't be surprised if their display pen's color calibration improves in the future.
No. 714617
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>>714192if you don't care for morals and want some quick buck you should aim to do graphic design illustrations like pic related. Make some example pics, put them in a portfolio, and send it to a bunch of emails of tech companies. I've done both porn art and graphic design and the second one is still less soul sucking. I grew to fucking hate furries and coomers
No. 714798
>>714797I think way more important than style is genuine quality. The artists whose style is timeless (Moebius comes to mind) are usually also amazing artists with a great eye for all color, composition, perspective, etc.
I think if the quality and effort is there, you can draw any style from 80s shoujo manga to classic european comics, and it will hold up.
No. 714805
>>714617god that pic is so fucking cringe
>toxic masculinity recycling plantkek
No. 715068
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It's a hame Rae stopped really refining her skills because she has some really nice drawings. Does this happen to all youtube artists because if so whats the point of even doing that as your career. You're not actually doing art, or at least good art.
No. 715195
File: 1610772986953.jpg (346.13 KB, 1037x1038, Screenshot_20210116_124559.jpg)

At least Lavendertowne bothered to give her version of Earth a decent looking vitiligo. Moonvika_svet really just slap some blue spots on random places and called it a day
Also why did she think changing Neptune's design was a good idea? Like the comments said it, now she looks like a knockoff version of Raven from TT
No. 715448
>>715068her sketchbook video disappointed me. she started off by admitting that she hasn’t been doing any art this year because she’s been in a funk, announced that she’d be making a sketchbook to get some practice, and then spends the entire 3 days drawing eyes and lips and cherries because that’s all she ever does.
she framed it as a way to flex her creativity and the result was just as uninspired as everything else she does
No. 715776
>>715750It's completely devoid of any character or flavor. It makes me feel nothing. I could look at that film of a paint drying for 6 hours and feel more than I do looking at that drawing. It's so obviously calculated to be the most palatable style it can be and I find it bland, like eating blank paper.
Also the noses look like pimples and the hands look like bizarre flippers, and the way the eyes are drawn looks really weird to me.
No. 715804
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>>715799You mean like this?
No. 715895
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>>715195Something about the way she draws poses and emotions just rubs me off. They're so stiff and lifeless and reminds me of paper dolls. As
>>715776 puts it, it invokes no emotion.
Other than that, she's not that bad as far as Insta artists go. Clout chasing, insincere and unoriginal, but not cow material.
No. 715925
File: 1610871195214.png (96.2 KB, 860x449, 32.png)

it's the 17th and i have still not sent my 43 patrons their December rewards. sorry, i'm depressed, and the days just seem to fly by. 5 days ago feels like yesterday. anyway, how worried should i be about how pissed they are? should i apologize and give them an excuse, or just say "here it is, thanks for supporting" and not even mention the fact that i promised to send the rewards "before the 5th of each month" and it's now the 17th?
No. 716004
>>715932>>715971I'm pretty sure that
>>715925 was being sarcastic. Or maybe I hope they were.
No. 716027
>>716021no i'm real. i just have no other place to vent to anyone who would even know what i'm talking about, and lolcow is better than /ic/. 43 patrons isn't much though, it only pays for my internet and phone bill, and maybe one subway sandwich.
>unwillingness to take responsibility.can i ask that you elaborate?
No. 716031
>>716027no that anon but the fact that you are over due on your work and haven't said anything might be what theyre talking about. I get that Patreon isn't like a regular job, but imagine working one and being overdue and not telling your boss, or idk ordering something and it being late without any response or info from the seller.
Being in a shitty place is a good reason for not being able to do the work, but remember that these people are paying you for a product and you can't just skip out on that because youre in a bad place. If you can't do it, refund them for the month, or send them double on the next month.
either that or you temporarily close that tier.
No. 716033
>>716027I am the anon
>should i apologize and give them an excuse, or (…) not even mention the fact that i promised to send the rewards "before the 5th of each monthYour patreons are the people who made the decision to support you, so apologizing for the delay and a little explanation sounds like the first and smallest thing you should do to show them some respect.
Maybe 43 isn't much to you, but each one of them sent you their own money and you should not take them for granted.
No. 716270
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"Hehe, surely if I just stick a bunch of random extra shit into the new version nobody will notice that I actually got slighly worse"
No. 716296
>>716270The comments are saying that the artist has improved and that it’s just they’re “style”. Either they’re blind or liars. There’s a phrase for this I think:
crab in a bucket mentality
No. 716297
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>>716270I feel like they traced the old one
No. 716469
>>716247Is this a case of being in love w/being an artist but not the creation process itself? I've never seen my tools as a "need" beyond streamlining my processes. And even then, I still bounce around to different things depending on the need that needs to be fulfilled, the end result I'm looking for.
Even if you did get a tablet, who's to say you won't start complaining about having the newest device that comes out next year? Or not having enough followers? The wrong brush set? And so forth.
No. 716513
>>716247Are you a kid? I don't mean to belittle you, it's just that you seem to have this weird idea of the creation process. Tools aren't meant to be appealing, are meant to be tools, ofc brand new and more advanced tools can look "appealing", but the creation should be the appeal, not the tool. The bed is a terrible place for drawing, you will fuck up your back and posture.
It's not about being grateful, there is no problem in wanting a display tablet, plenty of professional artists use both, display and non-display tablets. It's simply the way you are describing you issue makes it look like you don't enjoy drawing as much as you enjoy an imaginary ideal of creating.
No. 716828
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>>716628I struggle with it every since art college that ruined all the joy art gave me before I've decided it would be cool to pursue what I love. It's kinda on and off now, I think the basis of why is different than in your case but one of the things that helped me and maybe could help you was focusing on some specific new thing, be it technical or general, finding artists that do it well, analyze why and try to learn that myself - for example: I like how leaves look, how to stylize them with line and color to have a cool effect? research, many artist do this, the more I look the more inspired I feel to try myself.
Other thing would be watching good art instructors on youtube, both advice and watching their process tend to be very motivating. Following specific step by step tutorials when possible is good too because it gets you to warm up and leads you precisely to some specific result you're pretty much guaraneed to achieve if you follow well, and completion still gives almost the same level of satisfaction as doing your own thing, which helps with rewriting your brain to remember how it was to feel good about creating.
Often times it's good to hang out with people who are more driven as it can inspire you too but somehow, even though I've tried joining art discords and all, it never helped me but always worth a try.
Hope someone else would have some more advice, good luck to you!
No. 716903
File: 1610979663566.jpg (153.24 KB, 720x880, 20210118_132115.jpg)

Do many of you know Limeona?
I used to like her stuff, but then she started drawing her characters with these dumb goofy noses that really ruin a whole piece for me.
Fortunately it seems recently she only does that on about half of her drawings. Hopefully she'll realise it makes her art look like goofysonas and stop it soon
No. 716908
>>716896oh, definitely. i had a cintiq pro 13" for a couple years and it killed my neck if i drew for extended periods of time. about a year ago i upgraded to a cintiq 22", bought an ergotron arm, and the difference is night/day. i do miss screenless tablets as my posture was never an issue, but drawing with a screen tablet is just a lot more efficient (for me at least).
perhaps you could look into smaller ergotron-type arms for an ipad, or a stand that elevates it to a more comfortable position?
No. 716910
>>716469Maybe you're right but I'm not normally that kind of person who just moves from one excuse to the next like that, it's not about having the latest brush packs and I'm not motivated by online popularity, this really is just about having a display tablet instead of sitting at the same computer where I'm chained to for eight hours a day.
>>716513I understand what you're saying, but doesn't it just seem so appealingly effortless to have one device, no cables and sit wherever you want even outdoors? By bringing this topic here I've just made myself want it even more kek
>>716729I'll try to rekindle some love for my old setup, hopefully this is just a phase
No. 716963
>>716628not sure how relatable or helpful this is, but i also found myself frustrated during quarantine because i never had motivation to draw, and so i switched to other creative projects. bleaching and tie-dying shirts, making melt-and-pour soap, vintage embroidery kits, stuff like that. it was satisfying to have those creative outlets while taking a break from the kind of art i usually make. i still have ideas floating around in my head, but i'm not pressuring myself to commit them to paper. personally the "i should be more productive" thoughts are what makes my art blocks worse, so just having fun with other projects loosens me up a little, and makes drawing less of a chore when i get back to it.
but other than that, i agree with
>>716828 in that i've always found other artists to be strong motivations. watching someone else's process can be really inspiring. i love watching artist documentaries because hearing them talk about their thoughts and philosophies on art can be just as if not more motivational than watching them actually working (highly recommend the illumination of jim woodring, a weird guy making weird art, but obviously you should find artists with styles or materials you're interested in)
No. 717103
>>716963I was about to suggest something like this. Other creative outlets are great. At worst, you learn a creative skill you don't have to take seriously and just enjoy on your own. At best, you develop a new way to adapt your artwork into something tangible or with a new take on it.
I've also found taking this route made me re-think how I approach my drawing and rekindle my love for it, since I was prone to overthinking, which would cause a hangup, which was passively fueling a burnout.
Also seconding watching other artists. Even things as basic as speedpaints and craft videos helped me out a lot.
No. 717161
>>716910>appealingly effortless to have one device, no cables and sit wherever you want even outdoors?Yes, but it does have limitations like every tool. Personally I've had a few tablets through the years, I still use my Intuos 4 to this day, it never failed me in almost 10 years of use. Eventually I did get a display tablet but I fucked up by getting a cintiq companion, at the time it looked like an amazing idea to have a display tablet + a computer together. Turns out it gave me way more problems than solutions. It's super heavy , heats up like crazy and has a charging issue that had me sending it to be repaired once or twice a year, they could never fix the issue and discontinued the model. Ofc these are all very specific issues of this product, but even when it worked perfectly the experience of drawing in the display tablet was much different than I had in my head. After all this issues I was reluctant to buy the Ipad, so I've borrowed from a close friend for a week to test it out. It was kinda nice, but the program was very limited and weird to my tastes. It didn't go well with my way of doing things, so I ended up giving up on it. Sorry for my blogpost but I'm just trying to put out my perspective and experience on the subject.
All that aside, you might be the complete opposite to me and love it. If you really want one can't you save up to one? Is it too expensive for you?
I really recommend you try the product out first if you can. You don't need to borrow it, but go to the store when you can and try it out a bit, look up different reviews, especially negative ones so you know all about it. In the end, if you love it I see no reason in not considering buying one. It might require some saving up, but if it's a significant improvement to you then it's worth it.
No. 717235
>>716910If you have negative associations with computer use, and associate it with work, using a display tablet isn't gonna change that.
Digital art is boring anyway, everyone does it and it's easy to "advance" quickly when you paint over photos. If you want to actually enjoy making art, I suggest going traditional so it's nothing like your work process. Getting physical materials will likely be cheaper than forking out for a screen tablet which you might hate using.
No. 717395
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>>717237I like it a lot as a concept, the art style reminds me of 2000s cartoons. The quality of animation varies a lot, you can see which shots were done by whatever beginner they could hire online. Poor timing to release this too, right after the japanese artist who draws natives diatribe, now people are going after this pilot because of pic related
No. 717672
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>>717237The Creators Tara Billinger and Zach Bellissimo, its clear that they are totally self inserting but unlike vivziepop they have actual experience in the animation Industry
No. 717747
File: 1611079825613.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.04 KB, 500x702, long gone coom.jpg)

>>717395>>717590tbh I think she's cute and she's at least voiced by a Native VA (often Native characters in 3D media aren't even portrayed by Native actors lmao), but can see that people could be wary since she's given no specific cultural background and has potential to fall into being the ~mystical~ and ~spiritual~ archetype. Also….the name Buffalo Wing, though they apparently have changed it to just BW because of complaints.
It's definitely too early to see if it will be respectful like ATLA/LOK, at least regarding character issues.
However, complaints about sexualization seem to be about fanart and specifically the official blog reblogging coomer art like pic related. The reason people will be upset about this is because of rates of sexual violence against Native American women and disregard for MMIW by law enforcement. It's a soft spot.
Overall my useless 2c opinion will always be that any people of X group disturbed by representation should make their own rep. This is even indie so there's no excuse. I assume most people who care are also Indigenous artists and it'd be awesome to see Native cartoons made by Natives.
No. 717798
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>>717778well the creators have actual experience, They both have extensive resumes in the animation Industry and have worked on a number of animated shows
No. 717962
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Has any anon here been on artfol before? What's the community like?
I was considering going from instagram to artfol, not because of the algorith cuz I don't give a shit about that, but because the insta UI change was such dogpiss it still pisses me of sometimes.
I wanted to know what type of people is artfol full of. Tbh I assume it's probably just instagram and maybe deviantart "refugees"
No. 718261
>>718223That's the thing with targetting instagram artists. They're too entitled to consider maybe humbling themselves a bit and that maybe the reason they don't get that many likes is just cuz their art isn't that good.
I'm a bit hesitant of going on artfol cuz I'm afraid the revolted insta kids will all migrate there and simply find some other contrived way of complaining 24/7 and make it annoying
No. 718270
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>>718191>the girl straight up sounds like Tommy Pickles which is off-puttingthat's cause she is voiced by the exact same voice actresses
No. 718287
>>718223Huh I thought the point was to explicitly NOT have an algorithm but to have the posts shown to the followers and users in chronological order, like it was the case for dA and tumblr. It's interesting because apparently it's hard to write an social media algorithm that doesn't value frequency/quantity to a larger degree.
>>718261So true. The average instagram artist will always blame "the algorithm" instead of reflecting for a second if it's maybe their content that's the reason. It's definitely true that instagram favors basic boring aesthetic art of pretty girls but that's what most basic instagram artists do anyway so?? If anything you can actually benefit from the non-chronological feed because if your followers keep liking and interacting with your art you will be shown to them more. But chronological is definitely better for people who don't have the time to post multiple times a week.
No. 718309
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>>718295Ohhh that's my area of interest, too bad you didnt specify what aesthetic interests you specifically. I love stylized lowpoly 3D, twitter is actually a very good place to find artists doing things like that, I'll give you a few I really like and if it's up your alley it will be very easy for you to find more because they tend to exist in the same bubble, retweeting and supporting each other, making discovering more very easy: No. 718314
>>718293I can see why some people wouldn't completely like your idea, but that really could be fixed by having posts ordered differently by different tabs, like a "things you may like" tab, a "(actual) trending" tab, a "most recent" tab, etc… although to be fair I understand that may be a bit too much to expect from a small project like this in the short term. Maybe in a longer term they would consider it.
The other people completely dismissing you kinda makes it seem that artfol might depend a bit too much on people with hateboner tho
No. 718329
>>718293Anon you responded to here, I was talking about not having an algorithm on your main feed where you see the stuff from people you are following. When it comes to something like an explore/featured page I definitely agree with you that some kind of algorithm and preselection would be needed.
I think the artfol developers are REALLY playing up their appeal to people who are fed up with instagram though. Getting personal suggestions or just having high-quality art featured (like the old dA frontpage) is good for good artists and art viewers. It's not so good for bad artists though because their art doesn't have a target audience but they still want it to be shown to others, so artfol's "everyone has an equal opportunity to be seen" is really appealing to them. As someone who doesn't care much about my reach and likes looking at good art I don't think it's a good idea either.
No. 718334
>>718295>the overwhelming majority of it is just warrior women designs or head busts as some kind of studyugh so true. for me the biggest coomer that does this is YanSculpts, all of his models lately have been samefaced big boobie girls. i know this video's from a year ago but it was so funny to read the comments talking about how boobs don't work that way, and him only liking the comments telling everyone to shut up about it KEK
Also: a youtuber whose tutorials are actually easy to follow is Cherylynn Lima (her yt is mostly cute low poly characters, but her artstation has a bit more realistic or painterly models)
No. 718335
>>718329Yea I completely agree with you, if I do follow someone, it's because I DO want to see their art so the whole "prioritizing" amongs the people you follow is dumb as shit.
and I think you hit the nail in the coffin with that, because from what I saw from the developer, well to put it nicely he's not exactly a good artist himself so I can imagine that even for his personal benefit, having a system that prioritizes quality is not ideal. Of course I'm just pushing for my own benefit too. I'm not a wonderful artist but not a beginner either, so what I care is also seeing beautiful works that can inspire me to get better, if it comes with followers on the side that's only a plus. I don't think I would care to stick to a platform that doesn't offer me anything worth to see.
No. 718384
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this showed up on my instagram feed and I felt the second hand embarrassment right away
but that man chose violence lmao
No. 718395
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>>718384same fagging but also this
I wish for a day where I get to have fans who have to defend me to the death despite me possibly being immature and wrong when handling conflicts
No. 718401
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>>718395same anon. i’ve never laughed so hard in my life
No. 718410
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>>718401>She has more followers than you so that makes her right!What planet are these kids living on?
also lol, she should've just ignored his comment if she was just going to agree with the guy anyway: No. 718621
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Sage cause this is suuper old milk, but the discussion of old DA cows reminded of overlord Bob, I'm sure most anons don't know about him but but he's this guy with a high amount of disposable income who decides to create a fetish universe and comissions dozens of artists, for over 12 years now
>Overlord Bob is an evil overlord that put his hands on a magical scroll that shows how to defeat any hero that cross his path.
>It just involves turning them into TG maids or cat girls
And to this day after over a deacde and hundreds of commissions he's still commissioning more with the exact same premise
No. 718733
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The creator of the #transmascartists wrote a series of tweet implying how lesbians are trans phobic and it blew up. A lot of people got upset before they peddled back saying I mean cis white lesbians. Then implied the reaction to their thread (now deleted) was because they are not white
No. 718831
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>>718799I feel like their stuff has been posted before on the ugly art thread
No. 718835
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>>718831Didn't spend too much time digging through their twitter and I don't want too much of their shit on my computer. it's mostly whining and RTs anyway. This person is so entitled like most Twitter artists.
No. 718846
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Excuse me but isn't this pedo? Even if she's 18+ when they do sexy things, isn't it grooming/incest if you met her at 7?
No. 718879
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>>718735>>718733I don't know this woman but I 100% believe that she is likely straight and dating a white man, they always do
No. 718985
>>718846>when they do sexy thingsThe fucking kids in this thread…
The characters are cringe inducing, they look like 2003 deviantart OCs.
No. 719000
>>718846this is brought up once every thread lmao
it's kinda interesting to see anons' reactions on it tho, they're always different
sage for ot
No. 719100
I also like to use posemaniacs, since they have 3D Models that can be shown from basically every angle. The original site doesn't work anymore because it used flash, but I was able to find this No. 719182
>>718980in terms of production, it's easier to make fanart/merch over commissions because you have more freedom and aren't making something specific for someone else. but in terms of stability, it's not guaranteed how much merch you'll sell, so it's kind of risky in that regard. you're right that following size matters, but there's no magic number, it's more about how many followers you have that are willing to buy things.
if it's possible for you to juggle both, that might be more satisfying for you. but if not, maybe give merch a try and see if you like the process better, but know that you might have a net loss if you put money and effort into something you don't break even on.
No. 719215
>>718980It depends, for merch you have to do one piece upfront and if it's popular enough you can monetize that in different ways. It definitely helps to have a following and an art style that suits the thing you are making fanart of - so if it's an anime anime-ish styles sell well, or for video games more realistically rendered styles like Sakimichan. But the merch market is really saturated too so finding customers is not guaranteed.
Also you have to be mindful of copyright laws. It's usually not legal to make money off fanart. Artists treat it like a gray area because most companies won't bother to come after a smaller artist but some will.
No. 719453
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>>719193You can't get real depth information from a picture. Your eyes looking at an object or figure, canunderstand the shape of an object and how light interacts with it, as well as how various objects relate to it. There's also the fact that in photography depending on the lens used the depth perception changes.
Drawing from life you can also move around the subject while in picture drawing you are forced to look from one perspective. Moving around the subject as well as changing the lighting or the surrounding objects you can accurately learn what youre actually looking at and how it behaves in a 3 dimensional space.
Most artists that you see doing realistic artwork only learn how to copy pictures, since thats how they learnt to understand the human form. You can tell in their artwork that isn't 100% copied that they have trouble really understanding their subject matter.
No. 719577
>>719453Which is only a problem when your visual library is mostly empty or your spatial visualization ability
is shit. Otherwise, people should be able to turn a 2D picture into a 3D object in their imagination.
No. 719655
>>718980I find it far less stressful. A one-off design born from a doodle can rake in much more than one custom art you spent a few hours on. Every once in a while, I'll get an itch to take a commission. But, I'm finding myself at a point where it's really not worth my time. Even with the shipping, marketing, listing, and packaging, I still personally enjoy it more than the commissions.
Don't rely on your follower count and don't wait to hit a certain amount to start. They're great for free marketing, but not all of them will buy. You'd be better of trying some Quickstarter projects with a built-in audience who will actually pay, and then starting an Etsy shop to sell off your leftovers if you want to go that route.
For original designs, look into print-on-demand like
>>719270. Places like Redbubble and Society6 are good for originals. Be careful w/fanart merch. I've had some designs taken down after they made a few sales. It's funny how they went untouched other than that.
No. 719872
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>>719727Apparently the creator is a Trump supporter and downplays Covid? While I understand that the models need to be paid and there are resources to make the videos… lots of people don't want to support Trump supporters, especially after what recently happened.
No. 719986
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Ohayouclothing is FINALLY addressing the hundreds of people who are @ing her about the bird itabag kickstarter, receiving the wrong bag, not receiving any of the add-on pins, not receiving their bags at all.
The project is going on 2 years late now and it's just a huge fucking mess. Yet there are still people sucking up to her? It's insane
No. 720200
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I am so tired of these "this artist" posts on insta. They are legit the most repetitive thing ever, and when somebody finally remembers something new it's usually some "teehee quirky" type stuff and it takes less than 3 seconds for it to become immedeatly repetitive again cuz that's the time it takes for half of the artfags on insta to copy it
It's been months. Why hasn't it died yet?
No. 720249
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>>720086I think people have a bigger problem with her actual sculping than they do her reviews. As far as kids/parents content goes, she is pretty good at it, but her sculptures are embarassingly amateurish. Yet she's super rpoud of them and often refer to herself as an expert of the craft. This level of delusion is annoying
No. 720259
>>720200This artist can’t draw basic perspective either lmao
Yeah I see these posts all the time. We get it, drawing hands is hard, every single artist in the world has said this before. Best case scenario is they’re discouraging perfectionism, but sometimes it just comes across as “if I admit my mistakes then that’s enough and I don’t have to fix them,” or they just want to be #relatable. Ultimately it’s harmless but incredibly bland and unoriginal.
No. 720316
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>>720259The "teehee I can't draw hands" one in particulary bugs me because I'm not perfect at drawing hands but I can draw them fine enough, and I don't even have any tricks. I literally just use a reference and that's it.
That specific girl's post actually had a bunch of others (can't draw cars, can't draw animals, can't draw furries, can't/draw humans). It really is as you said but the real problem is that they do it so much it ends up boiling to "I literally cannot draw anything else other than cute pastel girls standing there".
It's true that it's harmless and I can't stop them from doing what they want, but I have no idea how they can draw the exact same thing for years without boring themselves to death. You got people like acatcie that are basically artistical taylorism lmao
No. 720374
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>>720366im sure larry appreciates your simping
No. 720641
>>720554She is just like any other art YouTube, that actually never does any art, but just do dumb ass shit they see on TikTok or challenges. It's kid's content and not really meant to be helpful or educating.
Especially with her low skill, it's embarrassing drawing like she does while having an art degree, but honestly, even if she was better as drawing, she has no taste or sense of what looks good, so I guess there's no hope.
No. 720666
>>720519But they're
valid points though on the simple kits for small children. Small children are very dexterous and actually do enjoy a bit of a challenge. Not to mention, it holds their attention and refines their motor skills more if you can actually give them a relative challenge beyond just sticking this to this, and bam you're done.
and not to mention, in the age of YouTube, there really isn't a need to buy a kit if you would come out cheaper just buying the stuff from the dollar store. I get convenience and all, but sometimes it just isn't worth it esp in kits where I'd have to go get my own shit anyway or they straight up don't work how they're supposed to. It ain't really a good gift if it doesn't work properly.
No. 720826
>>720519Agreed. Although some kits are really trash if they don't do what they advertise. And then there are the kits that I wonder if Jacky is too clumsy or too much of an adult to work with them properly. In the end, she is still a teacher so I trust her opinions when it comes to judging if kits are age-appropriate or the activities keep kids occupied.
But a whole other thing are her concerns for the environment. Like you said, I also don't get why she is so focused on biodegradable glitter when she's buying so much plastic crap (those mini-brands are shit made gold) and works a lot with resin.
No. 721500
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Has anyone here ever tried out the Instagram "promote" option you can choose for one of your posts? I've seen you can even choose your target audience with age group, geography and interests. Seems like it would work well, does it really?
No. 721713
>>721500I did it a couple times and I got a lot of views, likes and archives. But I think most people scrolling just thought I might have been someone they were already following so I think I only got 1-2 followers out of it. I did it a couple other times with the same results.
I think like others have posted if you dont want to blow money on advertisements make content on other platforms where they boost your posts naturally like reels and tiktok or youtube videos of your process etc.
No. 721883
>>721500I've seen quite a few big artists (100k-500k followers) promote their posts, so it seems to be working for them. Been thinking about trying it out of curiosity too, as long as you just invest a few dollars into it.
On a sidenote I tried tik tok for art too and got a lot of views and likes and even followers on there. But people on tiktok like and follow verrry quickly and in the end a following doesn't mean that much because most people browse on their fyp anyway. It's only when your face or whatever you do becomes so recognizeable that you are essentially your own brand that it actually matters. That plus only a small fraction of the followers will come over onto your main platform (instagram or twitter or whatever else) and they tend to be super young whereas my regular ig followers are more around my age so mid-late 20s. I don't like tik tok or doing video content anyway and have been seeing steady growth in my instagram without it so will probably just give on on that platform.
No. 722035
>>721706I saw that video, and I'm not even a LT hater, but it made a bit salty just cuz she made some small easilly fixable mistakes that could had been easily noticed and fixed that really peeved me. Like the scissors she made she drew them in a way that looks like it wouldn't actually be able to close all the way, and the positioning of the handle of the sword doesn't look symetrical to the rest of the sword. The chocolate bar didn't look like an actual chocolate bar but I guess I could begrudgingly forgive it with "it's supposed to be cartoony"
Overal to me this video in particular felt like she was really rushing it.
I actually usually don't mind her character art, but if you you mean the thumbnail then ye, the overly detailed sword absolutely does not look good being held by a flat coloured neon girl (aaaand I just noticed her hands lmaaaao)
No. 722392
>>722383There's still a market for non-screen tablets, especially with the lower cost of entry, lack of posture issues without having to invest in extra hardware, and their longevity.
Combine that with the advice that's often given that display pens aren't really worthwhile unless they're 15" or more (which isn't a lie, but something smaller might be fine for a hobbyist), it's better to invest in a good graphics tablet over a small display pen.
Likewise, some artists prefer not having their hand in the way. A good number of 3D artists also prefer mice and graphics tablets over display pens. When I'm doing drafting work, I don't want my hand in the way. I like the blind contour feeling and benefit from the disconnect, believe it or not.
I still wouldn't mind a display pen for the sake of working more naturally versus technically, but I found that upgrading the size of my graphics tablet from a way-too-small one with better button options and controls help out sooooooooooo much.
Like preferring to sketch with an ink pen instead of a pencil, it's really a matter of taste and your own needs.
No. 722491
>>722383I have been using a nonscreen tablet for years because for the longest time it was the only thing I could afford. Now I own a huge cintiq and while drawing is definitely more fun, I got used to my other tablet too. I wonder how much of the non screen hate is from digital art beginners who refuse to go through the adaptation phase of learning the hand eye coordination?
It does feel more intuitive to draw directly onto the screen but if someone has <$100 and wants to do digital art they should definitely try a non screen tablet. It's really not that bad once you get used to it, it's so much cheaper and more ergonomic too.
No. 722546
>>722489I have a non-screen huion as well but I've had it for over 5 years, still love it and use it professionally.
I have tried screen tablets and like said the posture is terrible. I also hate how my hand is in the way when drawing on a screen tablet, it creates this weird blind spot. Does anyone else relate to that?
No. 722581
>>722546I wrote
>>722392 and yes. Even though that isn't much of an issue with traditional art, it stands out more with display pens. I wonder if it's the contrast from the screen's light vs your hand?
No. 723605
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No. 723608
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javi_draws is currently being cancelled for this take on twitter, and being accused of racism
No. 723609
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>>723608ah shit I posted the images in the wrong order, my bad. This is the post she's getting cancelled for.
No. 723647
>>723605Artists on twitter are the definition of autism.
>>723608Is she really being "cancelled"? Or is it just that comment?
No. 723661
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>>723650Hahaha dude I went to search her name like you said and I find people calling her racist wtf? lmao
No. 723662
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>>723650I can't go further than this. People acting like y2k fashion is an actual human being sobbing in a corner over this made me regret searching for it.
>>723654Unless they post actual proof I doubt it's true as they describe it.
No. 723665
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>>723661samefag here, thought I'd share
didn't see any screenshots of her actually saying this tho
No. 723671
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twitter was busy today, mookie has a callout post (already deleted but I found this ss) about underage HQ porn on her patreon but tbh I didnt find anything too exciting
No. 723673
>>723667Damn, I can't believe she really pulled a Skai Jackson. It seems like the girl may have supported Trump or something? I hate Trumpsters with a burning passion, but I'm pretty sure Meyoco is an adult, which means she's too damn old to doxx teenagers. Plus, a 15 yo can't vote anyway.
>>723671Damn they're having a field day over there
No. 723675
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>>723671these people are deranged, also a lot of people are finding out about mookie drawing regular show fanart back in 2016 and losing their shit as if people dont draw sexy anime boy versions of cartoons all the time
No. 723682
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>>723667Unclear what has she done to doxx the girl, the account had the info on it's own. The breaking news image covers up most of what would be meyoco tweets so it's pretty impossible to assume what she said. Just needs more info before assuming i'ts true.
>>723667> 15yo votedThese people are dense.
No. 723692
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>>723691the stuff she said was completely reasonable too. I don't know how you can get "anti-black" out of this without reaching
No. 723718
>>723702>>723694I don't think they are accusing her of racism because of the y2k fashion tweet.
I think what happened was Javi person posts this
>>723609 and some people get mad at her, but that's not enough of a reason to cancel someone so they go through her tweets until they find anything more serious and they find this
>>723692. They use that as an argument to say she is racist, even if it makes no fucking sense at all. People
>>723662 are implying javi is close friends to meyoco and that meyoco is blocking people who are accusing javi of being racist or whatever, so they turn their heads to meyoco and say
>>723654 she doxxed a 15yo. Allegedly that 15yo
Thats what I could gather from this shitshow, though it's hard to understand cause most of what they say make no fucking sense.
No. 723774
>>723718What you say is basically true, but I think you are devaluating how salty they got with the y2k tweet. I saw people saying she was "whitewashing" y2k by associating it with Paris Hilton, so even if it weren't for those other tweets I think they would had still triyed to cancel her, plus with her supposedly "blocking a
problematic amount of black artists"
Meyoko's case is interesting cuz the type of people that tries to cancel someone for not liking "black pioneered" fashion isn't the type you'd expect to care about trump supporters getting doxxed. I guess that's where that Carl Schmitt quote about friend and enemy comes in.
No. 723784
File: 1611745974524.png (34.01 KB, 649x328, y2ksperg.png)

>>723751Doesn't make someone a racist for saying that anyway. Even if it was a bad timing, she didn't dismiss the BLM movement in her tweet.
>>723774You are right, I honeslty didn't know y2k fashion had such intense passion around it. I didn't believe people would be capable of such hatred over someone not liking their clothes.
No. 723792
>>723784y2k related circles are retarded, especially on twitter. they don't even know what this fashion actually looked like, just dollskill trash and some 00s girlbands are literally y2k for them.
imagine being so fucking salty about some minor shit, also entire "y2k" is a thing because of some vaporwave sperg who got interested in futuristic design around new millennium.
fuck, forgot to sage
No. 723801
>>723682How dumb do you have to be to put your high school in your twitter description?
She obviously doesn't deserve to be doxxed, but by god she sure went out of her way to make it easy for them.
No. 723820
File: 1611748510447.jpeg (230.29 KB, 828x499, BC066463-2350-492E-829B-5577CF…)

huge hq artist getting canceled by mentally retarded 15yos, more news at 6
No. 723864
File: 1611753358879.jpeg (119.22 KB, 828x1530, 1E98FFCC-6D70-4DF6-BB7E-A12898…)

>>723821this is the kid who started it i think
No. 723998
File: 1611765726103.png (1.63 MB, 1316x2048, Screenshot_20210127-083847.png)

>>723997 sorry, im a dumbass and forgot to link the screenshot
No. 724060
>>722851>>722973It's really only gimmicky because of iPad's marketing and social media clout. For contrast, the Samsung tablets can run CSP, but there isn't much clout around it. I've met more people interested in drawing thinking they absolutely NEED a screened tablet (usually iPad) without out really putting pen to paper to see if they'd actually like drawing as it is. Otherwise, the display pens had been a way to integrate traditional artists into digital work for quite a while, long before iPads were considered as a potential art tool. I'm actually disappointed at the gimmick it's developed, but the only upside is that more price point options have come up.
>>722878>>723124>>723135This is why I'm open to buying other brands to try when I do decide to get a display pen. You'll always use the monitor(s) and not the display pen screen to fix your colors and levels in post. I'm more concerned about warranty, longevity, and durability.
>>722951Vouching Aseprite. Really nice program, has a lot of useful (not gimmicky) features for its price.
>>723029Not yet, but I love apps like this. Thanks for sharing!
>>724002In fairness, many of them ARE the Tumblr refugees who left after the porn purge (even the underaged ones), so with Twitter's faster posting format, they're tumblr retards on turbo.
>>724012I think it's projection. Guys online meet a female artist and put her on a pedestal because they're running on TFW NO ARTIST GF fumes. When it turns out she's just a normal person that's trying to make it like everyone else/is talented and successful in her own right and isn't their pet idol, they get mad and throw accusations like that. We know that's not true. If anything, it's harder.
No. 724118
>>723817This is kinda getting into political stuff but I think the reason for that is because militarism is pretty taboo between left-ish people (robots often end up leaning into that territory as well) and it also has another bonus that because militarism implies violence it will also keep most younger kids away (and unless you draw actual really really grotesque action the edgier kids will also stay away because of it being "too boring"). Basically, cute aesthetics for better or for worse are childish so they atract childish people, wich leads to higher possibility childish tantrums.
>>724012lmao I don't follow that many super duper famous artists and my experience is that women just are like 90% of artists online
No. 724152
File: 1611777373444.png (310.23 KB, 675x499, Screenshot from 2021-01-19 02-…)

did lavendertowne just regress immensely in this video cause why does this look so muddy and amateurish I mean its animal crossing, it's a really cartoony style which she's supposed to be good at??
No. 724172
>>724152She didn't regress, she's just bad. The only thing she can do somewhat successfully is her big-eyed noodle-limbed cutegirl shtick because she never bothered to try to learn any other techniques (including basic shading which would have been useful here.)
Excuse the sperg out, I just hate lav's garbage art and the lazy bullshit "tips" she teaches to misguided budding artists.
No. 724234
>>724152She doesn't have a good enough grasp of 3d objects and shading because she got too used to her style where she can kinda just wing everything because she can get away with it being a cartoony style. Triying to emulate 3d styles means she can't get away with it without falling into slightly uncanney valley.
I don't think she's regressing, it's just that she's one of those artists whose whole brand orbits around having a very specific artstyle, so she stagnated a bit (tbh I can understand; she found the style that gives her an audience, and having that ad revenue probably makes a whole difference in a college student's life). This is on her regular style tho. If you look at her realism vids she actually improved a good ammount (I'd still call it a bit bad but it's still an A+ for effort). Maybe outside of the internet she does other things, we can't know.
No. 724694
File: 1611851883750.jpg (515.95 KB, 1080x1920, 13441.jpg)

for those of you following the javi/meyoco drama from the other night, both have made posts about it on their twitter in the last few hours. I recommend just looking up their posts/ the replies because it's a lot, but I'll cap everything right now just in case. Here's meyocos response to the doxxing allegations
No. 724700
File: 1611852352854.jpg (529.07 KB, 1080x1684, 114530.jpg)

>>724694I'm not going to post everything unless it gets deleted but I figured some people might want to see an update
No. 724718
>>724700that's a weird way to respond to that tbh. how are you "unaware" of blocking people? why doesn't she just say "no, I did not block people who critisized javi, and I do not have a block chain for black people"?
I'm probably just being too autistic about it but her verbal gymnastics to not say yes or no just look awkward to me
No. 724721
File: 1611854156895.png (187.13 KB, 390x555, Screenshot_2021-01-28 ⁺✧༚ Fatm…)

>>724718btw samefag here, cuz this may be interesting to you. this girl was defending Javi btw. no idea what stress meyoco has with her
No. 724727
>>724205They left to follow the NSFW artists because stalking them and calling them out are the sole purposes of their online existence. Without them, they'd have nothing left to do and would have to find something that's actually productive and mind their own business. These were often the same people who were making these kinds of callout posts on tumblr. They followed the migration and continued their tirade.
>>724694>>724700This feels like shit started by someone with WAY too much time on their hands. But I guess that's true for a lot of Twitter art drama. Meyoco doesn't come off as feigning ignorance, she was probably actually off working instead of panhandling and mining for gossip. These people live 24-7 on Twitter and latch onto anything.
No. 724848
File: 1611862880981.jpg (564.44 KB, 810x2072, 14454.jpg)

if you check the quote retweets on this post you'll find all the "artists" on twitter who'd rather gain followers by stirring the pot than by being good at drawing
No. 724866
File: 1611864438922.jpg (556.87 KB, 805x1750, 150139.jpg)

>>697638responding to an old post but what's happening to meyoco is an example of someone being cancelled for having too many people blocked. the entitlement is crazy! It makes me think twice about blocking people who are annoying
No. 724881
File: 1611866005127.jpg (70.5 KB, 1125x764, 20210129_033339.jpg)

No. 724886
File: 1611866202118.jpg (199.57 KB, 1080x1181, 20210129_033327.jpg)

>>724883People who support colonizer mindset need to die. Idc about the race if you support it you need to go.
No. 724888
>>724718Her "verbal gymnastics" might be related to being ESL, consider that.
>>724866>I suggest…>I won't refollow until you do what I said.That is not a suggestion, it's a demand. Entitled little kids.
No. 724890
File: 1611866316073.png (89.54 KB, 496x279, dickless hacks.png)

No. 724911
File: 1611868511995.png (256.07 KB, 535x539, Screenshot_2021-01-28 Angel Fa…)

now they're just hella salty at this Fatma girl for defending javi in another post (I'll post it in a sec)
gringos real seething
No. 724912
File: 1611868628622.jpg (133.39 KB, 827x1108, Es2DonEXUAA-QHL.jpg)

>>724911Apparently the arabic part says something about breaking hands (btw she's locked too now)
No. 724914
>>724884syfu u don't kown art i hate u
bed englmish srry
>>724885why aer uyou so mean ? you erare not helping poeple or anyone with your unconstructiev criticism. be more kind with your brothers and imoutous.
go die
big ape
No. 724933
File: 1611871182972.jpg (555.9 KB, 1080x1613, Screenshot_20210128-155400_Twi…)

Here's Twitter's latest spegout about a female dragon character looking femenine
Of course it's a fucking furry doing this
No. 724960
File: 1611873391692.jpg (152.9 KB, 843x843, 69100440_455758865022852_23585…)

What happened to this design? It was outlandish when I first saw it, but most eastern dragons tended to be that way. The final product looks too toned down compared to it. Maybe Sisu will have a transformation scene in the movie somewhere.
No. 724997
File: 1611879517213.png (192.98 KB, 478x551, Screenshot_2021-01-28 peachyki…)

Lmao this one is just funny.
Gold diggas
No. 725009
>>724997Creepshow art copycat
Also why does she look like a tranny lmao
No. 725106
File: 1611894957779.png (25.61 KB, 598x404, Screenshot_2021-01-29 Angel Fa…)

I've been looking throught people commenting about Javi draws on twitter and Jesus Christ good lord these people are freaking psychotic. Now they're full on cancelling anybody that defends Javi or Fatma, and they're also LARPing about how they want consequences for them. Goddamn what's wrong with them to have this violent victim complex? Rabbies or some shit?
Also, because of Fatma getting involved a lot of other middle easterners also got involved. Tbh would be kinda funny if the black artists just started getting full blown racist to the arabs and made this thing devolve into a race war.
No. 725114
>>725113Nah, Angel Face's second tweet says "there I translated it to you" so she's just being really freaking over dramatic. Black artists right now on twitter have fully convinced themselves that every single person that defended Javi is actually out there to find secret special ways to call them n*gger to their face.
Probably projection of them being the ones that want to start calling javi defenders sandn*gger towelhead terrorists or something
No. 725116
File: 1611897092884.png (253.8 KB, 680x680, 114.png)

Have any anons here ever been offered to draw Furry OC's ?
No. 725131
>>725122Oh crap I didn't even realise that. Someone really needs to post that on twitter like "this u?" so she'll stfu. She really did give me cow vibes.
Won't any of the canons here do that so we can watch all the tards get rekt?
No. 725132
>>725127>78 Quote TweetsThis is giving me flashbacks of that bali drama all over again.
>>725116I have (even though I've never drawn furry before), I accepted since the person asking was a friend of a friend plus they were nice and tipped me a lot after (it was just for a twitter header that was a bust shot of the OC).
No. 725136
File: 1611902020684.png (324.6 KB, 799x514, valildate.png)

The person making all those call out post are also the head writer for that dating sim.
No. 725168
>>725161so she says that she is polish and her sister is native? I mean I guess it's possible but…
And I feel like that sort of implies that angel isn't native, just her sister. Where is her sister's twitter acct? If I was white and had a half black sister, no way in hell I'd let her use my account to say shit that could make me look bad
No. 725169
File: 1611907881602.jpg (470.1 KB, 1080x1920, 03085.jpg)

>>725168As I was typing this response her sister replied and claimed she was the one making the posts about natives
No. 725175
File: 1611908782147.jpg (291.08 KB, 1080x1751, 20210129_152601.jpg)

>>725168Keep on playing
victim . Such a cow
No. 725192
File: 1611914750916.jpg (456.01 KB, 810x1907, 50539.jpg)

No. 725198
File: 1611915754915.jpg (405.47 KB, 809x1338, 331.jpg)

>>725192last cap I grabbed before account locked
No. 725201
>>725198we don't have anyone on the inside do we?
these people always cry
victim when they're called out for being shitty and
toxic sigh
No. 725203
>>725198Lmao it looks like she can talk big and stir shit but can't handle it when people talk about her idiocy in some corner of the internet.
This is someone who deliberately starts fights and pits her friends and followers on others
No. 725204
File: 1611916471099.jpg (91.76 KB, 1238x719, IMG_20210129_053439.jpg)

No. 725206
File: 1611917027884.jpg (94.18 KB, 1080x500, 20210129_173207.jpg)

>>725192>>725196Agree Anon,for the one anon who did this you either a hero or live a long as a villain
>>725198Top kek
>>725203Imagine having a mental because on anonymous imageboard, but can still have a courage to stir out toxicity in twitter. What a coward lol
>>725204Sorry sweetie even you are
poc, is still not an excuse to be a dick.
No. 725209
Anyway, i googled her and found her posting on /ic/. who normal would post there asking for critique and adding their username?
No. 725212
File: 1611918734648.jpg (225.29 KB, 1080x801, 06085.jpg)

>>725209wow her personality was so meek in that thread compared to twitter. and this made me lol (from her post in the beg thread. she's hopeless)
No. 725218
>>725212>I'm not a begginer, I have decent grasp on anatomy, color and shadingI can't believe she said that and attached the ugliest thing ever
Kek it seems like she really didn't know what that site is. I'm suprised they didn't to rougher on her
No. 725222
>>725211>>I have DIDOh my fucking god
>>725204How can you even feel bad for someone who acts like this? And now she's almost suicide baiting so she can get more attention. Honestly, no one will ever take you seriously as a black creator if all you can do is accuse people you're jealous of of being racist, and you risk giving other black artists a bad name too.
No. 725232
File: 1611922866358.jpg (468.37 KB, 1080x1122, 1927.jpg)

why would you do a self own like this
No. 725239
>>725192it's baffling that she keeps throwing shit at others and yet acts so shocked when the shit is thrown back
how can you be such a narco
No. 725243
>>725240Did she delete that tweet? That was fast.
Also how ironic is it that she's out there calling out artists for perceived racism towards indigenous people when she herself was starting shit with one herself and saying she hates biracials on her previous account. The hypocrisy and jealousy is strong.
No. 725244
File: 1611925796161.jpg (294.78 KB, 1080x1176, Wi1ioqns818y3uy2viw81qm18.jpg)

>>725243Yes, deleted half of the tweets.
No. 725245
File: 1611926469160.jpg (176.88 KB, 1080x1181, Irrelevant.jpg)

>>725244Samefag here, Personal Favorite
No. 725255
>>725232Her art is so fucking bad, no wonder she's trying to gain followers by playing the
victim and accusing everyone of being racist.
No. 725274
>>725133Ayrt, yeah I agree with you anon, specially since this
>>724892 is very true, I can understand how it felt wrong.
No. 725295
File: 1611935262366.jpg (105.24 KB, 1295x1095, IMG_20210129_054903.jpg)

>>725240what's even more ironic is this was her on her old account
No. 725298
File: 1611935496577.jpg (189.07 KB, 1688x2048, 20210129_075058.jpg)

Christ her art is seriously ugly. I would not be surprised if all of this harassment is because of some weird projection/jealousy of better artists
No. 725300
>>725299Not everyone on here is automatically a
terf just because other people on the platform are. It's also v weird since she posted herself on a thread here, even though she said she was so scared on twitter.
No. 725319
>>725295>>725245>>725232>>725198how is this behavior any different from an
abusive bf who hits his gf and then threatens suicide and cries when you try to leave. this bully bitch narc behavior is so fucking
toxic and comes from a place of deep insecurity and low self esteem. her art is ugly shit and instead of working hard to get better she spends her free time harassing people and crying racism.
abusive narcissists are the worst people on the planet and thankfully this dumb cow doesn't censor herself on the internet so everyone knows to stay away
No. 725320
>>725313One of the screen grabs says she got stalked and stuff. So it might be?
>>725309 it could be deflection but I dont think she self posted. Even the language in that post doesn't match how she speaks
No. 725331
>>725320yeah, she apparently got stalked and also says she has DID and in the ic thread it said also PTSD.
the thing with her is that she's trynna be all smug and cool and throwing shit at everybody but as soon as any bit of poop starts coming her way she immedeatly starts having a mental breakdown and suicide baiting.
Damn girl, I understand having metal illnesses but still wanting to do social justice things or whatever, but if you already know you're gonna get a mental breakdown when anybody turns heads to you then the least you could do is trying to at least be more agreeable instead of throwing shit at everybody agressively and get surprised when people get mad or question you
Don't dish what you can't take, as they say
No. 725636
>>725240I live in a part of Mexico where the Mayan civilization and culture was born and the language is still alive, most of Mexicans feel happy see people enjoy our culture (respectfuly) so this bitch can’t talk for us.
Sage because Mexicans won’t give a shit we don’t have time for first world problems