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No. 643382
Containment thread for all the art salt you could imagine. And sometimes, people ask for help. Stop getting pissy about that. Vendetta-chans and twitterfags need to leave.
Discuss the shitty art and even shittier attitude of artists
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
Articles about useful resources for improving one's art: and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix Yoon
previous thread:
>>626879 No. 643406
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continuing off of last thread
>"white-washing is bad"
>artist draws cute art of character as a different race
>"this is also bad, um, because, the character was obviously supposed to be white!!!!!"
i do not fucking understand. these people will never be happy. Also people who cite anime characters as needing to be portrayed as Japanese need to learn the term "mukokuseki" and also understand rainbow-haireyes a way of making each character differentiable from each other.
No. 643428
>>643406What do you mean? The people turning characters into different races and the people saying it's bad to turn characters into different races are two different groups. Infact, I'm pretty sure that persons opinion is a minority on twitter.
Tbh though, I think it's fine to draw characters as different races. There's no harm in it, and artists are allowed to re-interpret stuff.
No. 643443
>>643406The problem is we're only allowed to blackwash characters at this point. No whitewashing allowed. Even if you give a black character lighter skin for the sake of a pastel palette or something it's instant cancellation
Honestly I couldn't care less about either, people can draw what they want but Twitter condemns people for one and then they'll turn around and put the other one on a pedestal. It is objectively a complete double standard
No. 643481
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>>643443Why do people assume a slightly less dark black is an act of malice? If anything we should be getting used to that since the era we're in is starting to like its interracial kiddos.
No. 643484
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I know we dont talk about studio artists but does anyone feel like Jordan casteels new exhibition has been really overhyped? I think the student portraits are so boring compared to her street candids or the male nudes like pic related
>>643443>>643475youre having an autist fit over something no one cares about get over it
No. 643494
>>643406I like Kiana’s art but sometimes it seems like she’s only doing these drawings to own the racists instead of just wanting a fun, cute reimagining, especially since she loves to argue with them on Twitter. Also, I’ll add in the age old argument of “if they care so much about representation why don’t they celebrate already existing black characters or make new ones instead of racebending white or asian characters”
Also someone brought up D’angelo on the last thread so I just wanted to say: I started watching him when he was still an art channel and I think people liked him because of his relatability. He wasn’t super talented but he put in a decent effort, and coupled with his chill and blunt persona he was fun to listen to. He seems much happier running a drama channel though so I’m glad for him, even if I miss his art vids. He seemed to be in that in-between stage of being better than a beginner but still figuring out his artistic voice, so maybe he wasn’t completely invested in art to begin with.
No. 643497
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>>643406This is cute! I think so long as you're not being a dick about it racebends are fine. The moment you start bragging about fixing a character it just becomes weird. As a non white person i never got the point of bending a character's race to match yours, but some people apparently are upset if they can't see themselves in a piece of media? I see it as kind of childish and entitled, but that's just me. I might just see myself in most characters regardless.
Plus, if you're not a tryhard dick-sucking woke SJW that only knows how to draw racial caricatures, and actually add something to the drawing, it ends up very well. Put effort into your fucking racebends and don't be a dick. And don't expect us "coloreds" to suck you off if you draw a brown person.
No. 643504
>>643503@toorurii on twatter
Signature in bottom right
No. 643513
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>>643494theres a cool open concept way to do it like a hindu zelda and a stupid way. its obvious which
No. 643531
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>>643524>>643526I love it. its obviously a creative design for exploring a new world instead of lazily slapping brown on top of the real characters
No. 643538
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>>643382>>643524This is the style of piercings desi women will wear with their traditional clothing, anon
Not all piercings have to be "trashy"
No. 643541
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>>643513>>643531Remind me again why this isn't a crowdfunded project that aims to be its own entity?
Zelda sheds things more gameplay quirks than most series do and unlike Beck the Mighty guy, this one looks different enough from the original.
No. 643616
>>643497honestly i feel like any kind of value art like tihs holds is lost when the artist says 'fixed it' or some shit. this panty and stocking one is great! its when tryhards (who are usually white for some reason) start saying 'i made it better' or 'i fixed it' that the arrogant attitude starts to sour everything.
bonus points if their art style is ugly/they make them fat, of course.
No. 643640
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>>643616You mean like this anon ?
No. 643666
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>>643640why yes. this person is a channer trying to troll twitter tryhards, but yes, the more sincere version of it is exactly what i mean.
(sorry for quality on pic related, kiwifarms is down atm)
No. 643895
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>>643616Agreed. Any art made by an amateur under the pretense of "fixing" art better than their own is automatically cringe as hell.
>>643666I remember these "redesigns." The artist literally gave everyone a pouch belt, like she was channeling Rob Liefeld. She also deleted everyone's boobs and sperged about how it was dangerous for Kirishima, whose skin is armor, to not have a shirt. Then she gave a character Converse, which have zero support, because a character's original shoes didn't have enough support. Amazing.
No. 644011
>>643899Honestly, something I find funny about this whole thing is that, the people who still don't believe it's a troll and truly think that Zeena got hacked, are more into complaining about the "hacker" misgendering Zeena.
Like, in their eyes, someone just took her account and began to post porn, and the reaction these people gave was "Uhmm actually, could you use they/them? Pwease~"
But aside from that, I think that at some point the owner of the account will get bored and just reveal that everything was in fact just bait.
No. 644144
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What the fuck is blacktober? All the comments are about how they would have continued watching Steven universe if he was actually black kek.
No. 644212
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>>644144blacktober's a tag started by some no-name artist as a new "creative drawing challenge" where you just
blackwash white characters????
oh and have i mentioned that only black people can participate? no wypipo allowed kek
No. 644219
>>644212I like it. A twist on character designs. I would not have a problem with Desi-tober or Mexi-tober either and I truly genuinely do not think it would be that big of a deal if they did those things. I don't think people would care as much.
People cry over the dumbest things.
No. 644226
>>644212I mean don't we all whatever-we-look-like-wash whatever art we do?
Limiting to black artists is actually genius since it cuts out all the virtue signalers.
No. 644293
>>644232What happens when you just stonewall and disengage?
Have you tried throwing it back at them? "Such a cool idea! I won't have time to redo this piece but if you or somebody else wants to pick this up I'd love to see it." I'd try to be social media friendly and go :) without giving them anything.
No. 644325
>>644293This is genius and might actually spark them to do the same. I hate when people get so aggressive about shit. Learn a personality other than defense mode.
>>644232"I'm not really good at that, but here is a thread of POC artists that so an amazing job"
No. 644354
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>>644212I don't think now's a good time for a lighthearted blackwash month when people want all of that energy to be directed at the police instead.
No. 644371
>>644354Multi tasking is a thing. The scrotes in this thread are shitting it up with their race sperging, Jesus.
Anyways I'm having trouble with blending when using acrylics. Maybe I'm using too much water? The strokes are very visible and streaky, is there any tips to circumvent this?
No. 644376
>>643497for some reason i really don't like how they draw legs, but there are cool redesigns.
>>643513>>643531it's a bit hard to tell that that's zelda, but the link works really well imo.
>>644371as far as i've heard acrylics isn't really a blendable paint unless you really water it down.
No. 644535
>>644478>whitetoberThat'd be kind of redundant. How many brown/black characters are there compared to white ones?
Everyone would end up drawing the same handful of characters because the pool wouldn't be as large, lmao
No. 644541
>>644478I think you're kind of missing the point. The whole thing about blacktober and other racebending stuff is to make a statement of "hey, there are not a lot of black characters in stuff. Lets reimagine media with black characters, because black people are underrepresented."
>And I just love how everyone ditched inktober over literally nothing.It was a cumulation of events involving Jake Parker being a money-grabbing plagirist lol. Doing inktober is just giving him free advertising at this point
No. 644601
>>644541>"Hey, there are not a lot of black characters in stuff. Lets reimagine media with black characters, because black people are underrepresented."Wouldn't that be a justification to make new content? So the next generation can have black representation and not be starved like the current one.
Hazbin Hotel managed to exist so artists with a UC degree aren't entirely useless outside of fanart and conventions.
No. 644638
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>>644601>so *animators with a UC degree aren’t entirely useless outside of fanart and conventions.ftfy. People aren’t gonna do heavy-lifting for you if the most you can contribute are waist-up commissions.
No. 644686
>>644541You know it's just the usual shitty virtue signaling, like another anon said. And again, they should focus on making new black characters and content instead of drawing a parody of the ones that already exist and are white. No matter how many ugly tumblr tier drawings and re-imagining, black people will still be underrepresented officially in media. There needs to be new well made things with poc representation.
I do not particularly like Jake Parker, but is he a money-grabber just because he didn't want thousands of people selling zines and stuff with the name "Inktober" on it, which he came up with? And the plagiarism thing was really blown put of proportion. It was another virtue signaling thing, just because he allegedly copied from a poor black creator (who also copied the layout of his book from someone else and included such generalized information you couldn't even call it plagiarism if someone did something similar).
No. 644687
>>644635it literally is. half of the characters people choose are always from anime or manga meaning they’re technically japanese or generally asian, but asians don’t exist in american race politics so it’s fine to draw them black instead bc it’s totally definitely not erasure of asians. nobody ever wants to focus on other races, either - you don’t see pakistani or korean or latino or native sailor moon characters. it’s so fucking boring and just an obvious way for crackers and other non-black people to prove they’re SUCH GOOD ALLIES!!1!! and for black people to circlejerk about how they’re the most oppressed race ever.
tldr: american race politics should die
No. 644810
>>644212>no-name artistHas 48.7K followers
Lmao anon why are you salty
No. 644840
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>>644833unless the story takes place in different place than in japan, the character names aren't japanese or it is specified they aren't japanese - they're japanese. pic related are japanese schoolgirls raceswapped, the art is nice it's just bending one poc group to another.
No. 644842
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>>644833>>644840>Japanese name.>Comes from Isekailand.How does this one work?
No. 644858
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>>644849It's not but there's just enough hounds on Twitter who aren't okay with POC art being 10 vibrance higher than their liking which muddies blackwashing as a whole.
No. 644860
>>644604> but a lot of people are already emotionally attached to characters and stories from their childhood etc, so reimagining charcters is important toook so a bunch of weak people can't deal with their favorite character being a different race than they? it's not difficult to find new favorites or create them yourself
i genuinely will never understand the crazy and unhinged attachment to fictional characters some people have
No. 644885
>>644849IMO it’s mostly annoying when people blackwash anime characters thinking they’re white when they’re (usually) Japanese. It shows cultural ignorance. Either that or they view Asians as “basically white.” They’re not turning a white person into a POC, they’re turning a POC into a different type of POC. And those same people will harass Asian artists for making a character’s skintone slightly lighter than they are in canon, screeching “whitewashing” when it’s actually either an accident or an attempt to make the skintone fit a certain lighting situation.
Like other anons said, creating new black characters would be better for representation than wishing your faves were already black. We don’t need to reboot everything from our childhoods for future generations, just let them have something of their own for once.
No. 644922
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Does anyone have useful advice how to get yourself to draw more and stick to it? I keep having slumps of never drawing. it doesnt help when my back hurts. I know taking breaks would help, but I hardly start. I can't think of things to draw. Or whether digital or on paper. I'm really jealous of my old internet friends who cranked out drawings regularly on deviantart at age 13. if only I had done that, I'd have developed the habit by now.
No. 644961
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this is absolutely fucking killing me
No. 644989
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>>644961It’s an interesting take but it’s kind of like Angelina Jolie as Maleficent, it’s cool, it looks nice, but it’s just Angelina Jolie cosplaying as Maleficent, this is why drawing fanart or doing redrawings of popular stuff is so difficult, it’s hard not to end up turning your stuff into an OC cosplaying the character you wanted to reinvent.
It’s cool, but I wouldn’t hang it in a museum.
No. 645107
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>>644922For sticking to it: 1. Try drawing sporadically, or include some doodle time in an activity. Going outside and drawing what you see could be a fun habit. Keep in mind to draw for a certain length of time, or amount to not burn yourself out. 2. Being indecisive on a medium can be narrowed down by experimenting, and deciding what is favorable, or just settling for something.
For ideas: 1. Draw what you observe around you; you can develop a habit of observing and sketching things or people in your vicinity to develop your skills. Think about how your subject could look under different circumstances; e.g., I look at someone, then imagine them from a different angle, or under different lighting, and start a drawing from there. 2. You could also try not thinking at all, draw automatically with the incentive to relax, and see what your subconscious manifests; develop a vague image and refine it from there. 3. Redraw your own, or others art. Not necessarily copying, but re-imagining it, and maintaining some of the original elements. 4. Getting out of your comfort zone will warm you up to trying different things, and challenging yourself, so draw something you've never drawn before.
No. 645137
>>645135yea Imagine 2 people having the same opinion, unbelievable right? It's not exactly a secret that these threads are full of lolcows, teens, vendetta posters and crabs who're usually more embarrassing than the people they make fun off, not to mention the fact that the big proportion of them are usually total beginners too who try to somehow lift their own ego by shitting on artists often times way better than them.
This imo is just a grand example of that, it's petty and comes off crabby. You don't have to like ross or his style but there's not really anything in his mona lisa that's worth talking about. It's not milky.
No. 645243

>>644687>>644687OH BOY you people are gonna love Istebrak's new video.
(Here's a Spergy write up of the highlights because it's gold)
5:00 - Plz give me v-bucks for muh free independent content (fair enough)
(Followed by a 5 minute rant)
5:42 - 11:30
"Please remember to vote, there's a monster in our administration(…)
UM.. it's not about politics anymore because we're not talking about a politician, we're talking about UM..
a monster.
At this point in history it reveals who you are, based off who you vote for.
8:50 We are polarized so extremely to the point where I CAN HERE STAND IN FRONT OF YOU and say,
if you vote for Trump;
I don't wanna know you, I don't wanna talk to you, I don't wanna look at you,
I don't wanna know the kind of person you are
I don't wanna have the aftertaste of your willful ignorance in the air around meI don't wanna know what kind of things you're into,
I don't care about your personality
I don't care about your choices in life
I could care less about your future.
(…)if You think that man is good as he is now I wish I never made videos for free just so that YOU don't improve from my classes.
I wish I never sent any kind of video out if trump supporters have benefited from my channel
If you're a Trump support you will never be my friend, I will never be your friend
10:00 And I'm putting this in my recording on purpose, I wan't everyone to know where I stand in this moment in history.
i don't care about biden, all i care about is trump. He's MY enemy.
I came to the united states, I emmigrated here, and I pay MAD TAXES (rants)
I am at the point where I can say
*if you support Trump YOU are MY enemy as well.
So get off this stream, close this video (…)
You are a bottom feeder to me
Because after … OBJECTIVE SCIENTIFIC PROOF .. has told you this guy is a monster…and you still believe him i hope he manipulates you personally so you can feel what it's like to be on the side of the villain.
You are an asshole in history and instead of being on the right side of history, you have chosen WILLFULLY to be on the WRONG side
Get off my video, get off my channel.
anyone care to explain why this whiny narcissist isn't cow material?
this sperg needs a kiwi thread
No. 645284
>>644922Make simple drawings,for example
Today I just drew a glowing jack o lantern with barely any lineart tommorow I'll draw candy and so forth
No. 645300
>>645123>>645125the drawing itself is good theres nothing "wrong". hes trying to learn from an old master but it still looks moeblobby and that made me laugh
>>645243who cares. hope that old pedo rapist dies lmao.
No. 645307
>>644992The Mona Lisa never got finished but it’s in a museum because it was interesting and had something new to bring to the table. Meitu Lisa is just, a pretty drawing, if I saw it on Instagram I wouldn’t even give it a like because it’s not remarkable, just another redraw from the pile but shiny.
Also, because it’s a study, it should be criticized, so the artist can learn and figure out new things about his own art.
No. 645492
>>645307Lisa is one of the 8 things Leo finished. its at the louvre because its small and he carried it everywhere as a portfolio so everyone in europe saw it, it isn't that interesting
>>645313master studies and copies from David/Bernini/Koons/etc are actually all over museums bc they're really good copies
>>645322I know what he said and I know ross is a good artist. but I still think its hilarious to see Lisa as a sexy glow baby
No. 645509
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>>645506>there's still no reason a museum would display a redraw of the Mona Lisau sure about that sis?
No. 645570
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>>645524what's museum grade quality, anon?
No. 645574
>>645332TIL you must be a master writer/musician/director/artist/actor to have opinions about the media you consume.
Most fans of art/artists aren't professional artists themselves. If you're making a bad impression on people who don't even understand the nuances of art, then your art is -really- shit.
No. 645712
>>645661>>645683>>645695Rothkos arent "amazing" or bg displays of skills or whatever you guys think art supposedly is. they're fuck huge for a reason. you're supposed to sit in front of them (there's usually a bench) and look for a few mins to see the number of colors actually there, how much of the black isn't black, the border around it, the gradient, how some strokes are thick impasto and some are perfectly blended.
those big squares are meditation exercises disguised as art and that's why people think theyre so cool.
No. 645719
>>645695this kind of painting is not about meaning or shit
it is about texture/composition to evoke emotion
lighting/wall-placement/size affect this too
No. 645771
>>645768Imagine proudly flaunting your ignorance like this lmao. Your art education must extend to instagram and anime, no wonder your drawings probably looks like shit.
Assuming you’re just a dumbass teenager and not a scrote trying to bait, why don’t you actually go and study art history and see how different art movements and philosophies interconnect, how they play off with their historical context? Find out why exactly the painting you dismiss is more culturally relevant than anything you will ever make? You don’t have to like how something looks, or even like what an art movment did to appreciate the value of the painting in it’s own historical context.
Or you can just appeal to your monkey brain and draw shiny generic weeb shit or instagram pretty girls and never bother to learn the history of your craft. You do you anon.
No. 645793
>>645784You don’t need to study art to criticize anything, I even made a point saying you’re >allowed< to not like something widely respected. If you had any reading comprehension you’d understand that the point I was making is that not studying art makes your “critique” be a shit uninformed opinion that no one cares about, delivered with the level of arrogance of a 14 year old who posts on deviantart, which frankly makes it embarassing to witness.
>> 643382You can claim all you want here you could do the same thing but better, and yet you haven’t, have you? Come back to us when you become the next american painter since you’re such hot shit.
Also, if you’re so bothered by being called a baiting scrote stop acting like one
No. 645804
>>645668To be fair a good share of "contemporary" art is just money laundering/fund transferring schemes. The prices are kept artificially up, which granted is the case with a lot of art.
>>645765It's just that with "simple" art the process becomes a lot easier.
>Man we need you to create some shitty installation so we can wire you the 10 million >Here's an empty can of tuna on a stand, it's a piece criticizing capitalism and its effects on our society>brilliantAnd naturally the art scene will eat it up because they want to be ~real critics~ for understanding this complex piece.
>>645790Agree. I can't imagine being such a crab that you throw this 20-hour infighting cycle over some random instagram artist drawing something totally inoffensive simply because it doesn't appeal to your personal aesthetics but have the need to defend inaccessible high art with "yall 14 yos just don't understand!!!!!!" because you read about the art culture of the 70's once and haven't yet realized how much of the art world is based on nepotism and bullshitting your way to the top.
No. 645815
>>645804“This piece of art has some cultural significance that you should at least acknowledge that” and “the art market is a money laundering scheme” aren’t mutually exclusive statements. You can have most of the art world be fueled by rich people using buying contemporary gallery art as way to launder and tax evade, hiding the art offshore in storages as it was never meant to be displayed, only used as a tool in moneymaking…. and still have something not necessarily good, but relevant, come out of this meat grinder every now and then, because some people still go into it earnestly, even if most of it is pretentious hacks.
Also spare me the “you guys circlejerk about cows from instagram and yet defend big artists” crap, it’s the artist salt thread. People are gonna be salty, and people are gonna reply if someone post a baity opinion on a generally respected artist. Making fun of cows is 50% of the activity here, dunking on bad takes is the other half.
With that said, I do agree with the rest of your assessment on the contemporary art market.
No. 645819
>>645816I really don’t see how discussing the relevancy of a rothko painting is below the “standards of discussion” of this forum which, as you yourself pointed out, usually just nitpicks amateur artists on ig and youtube. I don’t see how both happening at the same time in an anonymous board validate or negate both of these opinions either. It would be hypocritical if an individual were to make both kinds of posts, but this is a collaborative place where different people discuss topics in different ways. Don’t conflate me with other anons (the ones that love to nitpick on ig cows) to validate your disagreement with me saying that an anon’s boomer level “My kid could do this too” opinion is stupid.
This has turned into petty infighting so my suggestion is we all move on from this topic.
No. 645846
>>645712thank you anon, i'm happy to see at least a few people here not being pretentious toddlers who think art should only be pretty and technically good, but meaningless and not inciting any other feeling besides "ooh that's so pretty!".
>>645804>To be fair a good share of "contemporary" art is just money laundering/fund transferring schemes. The prices are kept artificially up, which granted is the case with a lot of art. no shit sherlock, that doesn't mean these things have no value and don't have any artistic thought put into them.
> haven't yet realized how much of the art world is based on nepotism and bullshitting your way to the top.just get off your high horse already, why do you assume the other is stupid for giving a chance to different types of art instead of dismissing it right off the bet? sorry i'm not an cool edgy cynic like you.
No. 645866
>>645771>>645793>spending days defending some faggot canvas-smearing scrote who died in 1970 on an anonymous imageboardWhy are you so offended about this? Do you know where you are? Do you think anyone here really cares that much about how much art history you studied? People don't like shit, they don't like it. Popularity means nothing when it comes to expressing personal taste within a casual setting like this. Neither he nor anyone else you might venerate is owed respect here, because your concept of cultural relevancy sadly isn't actually relevant in all contexts.
If someone had posted anon's take in an academic setting, maybe you would've had a point. When people are just shooting the shit over Mona Lisa with Snow filters slapped on, you're just sperging.
No. 645879
File: 1601822779367.jpg (458.78 KB, 1070x1058, Meanghorls.jpg)

To distract from the infighting, have a kek at the toddler proportions and nine inch vags
No. 645885
File: 1601823077646.jpg (566.66 KB, 1080x1074, Cringe.jpg)

>>645879Here's a better distraction kek
No. 645903
>>645790Talentless artists want to believe that one day they can do a 10 minute painting in exchange for a few mil. Hence why all Youtube artists tend to be pretty shitty; the shittiness is the appeal.
So they will accept modern or popular art might be childish or plain unskilled, while still coveting the imagined opportunity to sell similarly low effort art.
No. 645905
>>645768>I could do the same with a painting well then you build a time machine to travel to the 1950s and revolutionize the function of paintings then lmao
>>645784true but you do need to study art crit theory to be a critic. you can say somethings shitty, but you lack basic visual tools to defend why.
>>645846honestly I dont expect anything other than a childish preference for low insta art and cartoons here. the high art world is really boring post covid and I enjoy awful art opinions
No. 645907
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>>645904That’s really sad! Why do they do that? I thought they just let the animal hang around the item and wait until it did something funny.
No. 645923
>>645904I own this species of frog and I doubt he's glued. He's defintely posed, but these frogs tend to hold the same position for long periods of time which makes them very easy for posing with photos, and their hands and "sticky" and will latch onto objects very easily. What is more likely is the owner just placed the frogs hands on the cup.
I have seen that species of frog dead before and the frog in
>>644989 is 100% not dead. Thats an alert and active pose, if it was dead it would be slumped over.
No. 645927
>>645919I can't find the article I read, but here's a similar one about posed animal photography:>>645923Ah I'm so glad the frog was most likely fine. S/He seems a bit limp and lifeless in that pic.
No. 645941
File: 1601828735349.jpg (45.7 KB, 480x305, jenny-holzer-truisms-(set-of-f…)

>>645938its objectively cute they only posted to avoid modernism debate lol
No. 645956
>>645950>You're embarassing yourself and being retarded about nothing, really.Tbh so are you.
Can this conversation just end already? Art is subjective and and you can't make other people like something they don't like. There's no reason to argue about this anymore
No. 645968
File: 1601832161465.png (1.25 MB, 1038x814, fgjfjs.png)

>>645960>misspells a 5 letter word>doesnt have the ability to render petals and draws black lines on topat least she admits shes lazy
No. 645991
File: 1601836524893.png (21.39 KB, 261x320, B07AD10B-7C8E-4AEC-94D6-7FD2DE…)

This guy has been on a weird, possibly drunken tirade on Twitter and apparently FaceBook all night and day. Started when he called another animator ugly on Twitter and the whole thing exploded from there.
No. 645994
File: 1601836842858.jpeg (23.52 KB, 320x186, F75CBCDA-6CAD-437C-926A-40FE49…)

>>645991Apparently, he’s known in animation circles for constant racism and harassment.
There are people talking about how he’s been posting craziness on FaceBook all night and day, but I haven’t seen any public screen shots yet. I think this was covered in another thread but people are thinking this is the guy who a few months ago had a whole side account dedicated to harassing MingJue and YingJue Chen and squealing about nepotism in the industry
No. 646088
>>645989That would be amazing, it would be great if people focused on highlighting the beautiful aspects of black culture instead of what has been regurgitated over and over again.
People could look for different countries and such, educating themselves, and then they would be able to create something new and interesting.
No. 646091
>>645989wouldnt that be a cool indirect way to combat racism as well? so many white people resent being blamed (not that they shouldn't be often times lol) but focusing also on the beauty of black culture would be a refreshing and interesting approach. reminding everyone of the good of humanity. it could have a positive effect for everyone
also redrawing a character to be black is just that, a redraw, fanart. I agree that focusing on or even creating more black characters seems more productive
No. 646255
>>646239First I think you should work on that impatience of yours. You gotta be patient with your art and allow yourself to take as much time as you need on a piece. If it's bad, what about it? It was a try- and it was practice either way. It wasn't wasted time at all.
Study the aspects of the style you'd like to have and then work on adapting those to your art. It's a slow process and can be pretty frustrating, but you'll get there eventually. Good luck!
No. 646266
>>646239Yeah I feel a rift dividing my art from my personal stuff to professional level work. In my personal art I am more carefree with my lines and explored a lot more, but trying to break into a art field made my work more rigid and stick to similar styles for my portfolio. The problem is that the art I make for a job is bleeding into my personal works, like I feel like I cannot just draw what I want anymore without keeping it in certain themes that match my portfolio style.
I wish I could make art as carefree as I did as a kid, it used to relax me more and now it stresses me out worrying about if its good enough or fits in with my other stuff.
No. 646309
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>>646239I'm not an "artist" by training but I regret never making physical art. I have to write about how the most tiny outsider artists keep cleaning up at my gallery for thousands, even over the pandemic, and I have to think about how the same buyers would probably go for my weird little cartoon paintings if they were done on paper
No. 646332
>>646251>>646255Thanks for the advice anons, this is pretty much what I needed to hear (and already knew but didn’t want to admit lol).
>>646243This gave me a laugh, so thanks. (I’m assuming you weren’t being serious)
>>646266I’m experiencing a similar thing. I’ve been trying to improve my fundamentals and learn digital painting, which is why I’m running into impatience issues and style envy. I’d like to eventually make money from art but I know I’m not at the skill level I need to be, so I feel pressured to make every drawing “count” but end up quitting out of frustration. Sometimes I wish that I could draw like a kid again too, not knowing or caring if my ideas and skills are bad, but then I wouldn’t be able to improve, so… I guess that’s a choice we have to make as artists.
No. 646401
>>646340Oh shit it's the bait again.
Seriously though, even anime and anime-ish art can have great value. There are plenty of successful artists with that style, even though everyone now likes to say that it's cringy or whatever.
No. 646458
>>645880Anon why did you make me see that with my own eyes and hear it with my own ears.
I can feel them bleeding right as I type this.
Christ almighty that was the most annoying fucking shit and the art was ugly as fuck.
No. 646550
Doing art as a full time career is overrated and often not fulfilling. A lot of full time artists are insufferable people because they refuse to socialize with others outside the art hugbox, or learn new skills unrelated to art. They think their way is the only way in a highly subjective field, overcompensating for their existential horror by attempting to force their methods on others, as if art is a literal, objective science. The art field is extremely oversaturated currently, especially online, because everyone and their grandma's great uncle's cousin once removed's dog's puppy thinks they can make it big online. The internet tells everyone if you have even only an ounce of artistic creativity in your little toe, you need to go to art school, even if it's the death of you, because god forbid you take interest in anything else. Art is no longer about leaving a legacy it is now about pumping out the most easily consumed baby mush for the general population. Art is simultaneously overvalued and undervalued. Artists pump out trash like a reward winning sewage pipe while continuing to be praised as if they are Michelangelo. It doesn't matter how good you are it matters if you have the right opinions. There is no longer such a thing as artistic integrity, we need to know that you are a disgusting publically oversharing fujoshi who thinks gay relationships are inherently more meaningful than straight ones or how else will we find you relatable.
In short, being an artist right now is fucking stupid and overrated. Go do something else. Don't let your personality and friendships shrivel up and die for the supposed glamour of being an artist. Fuck that shit. This has been my thesis. Thank you.
No. 646599
i've been seeing an unholy influx of these kinds of videos and it just really takes me back to the times of 2014 art kids in school… i bet they used to wear hot topic shit
No. 646627
>>646266This is honestly why I decided against making art my profession and kept it a dedicated hobby instead. Making it something I profit off of would suck all the fun and self-expression out of it. You need connections and whoring yourself out a
lot if you want to make an income and I'm not much of a people person, I'd imagine myself to be posted here all the time if I actually became a professional artist lmao. Looking at my friends who actually did become artists by profession I don't envy them, they can barely scrape money together and have lost their ambition completely or crank out fanart after fanart to make a name for themselves sell commissions. It is what it is though, some people enjoy it and are made for it. Sakimichan gets ludicrous bucks and I respect her hustle.
But honestly don't know why this one bitter anon is always sperging about fujos taking muh johwwbbs, I'm sorry people like pretty anime men and are willing to pay for them. That's why I didn't become a pro myself, I couldn't answer to customer demand.
Nobody owes me money simply for drawing and expressing myself. If you want a profession that's based on merit instead of pandering you might want to switch over to STEM or something.
>>646569Because her fujo weeb friend got more $80 commissions due to her style being pretty and appealing while her own flat Dungeon&Dragons OC prints never sell.
No. 646656
>>646239Not looking at bad art as a failure would help with your impatience. The point isnt necessarily to constantly make amazing artwork. All failures are a necessary learning process to eventually become good. You’ll have to take the step to spend more effort on a piece and have it turn out bad, because it’ll give you the experience to know how to spend more time and effort refining a piece and make it turn out good. If you approach art from a standpoint of fear of failure you’ll not improve, you need to fail to learn what works, good art doesn’t exist without this point of comparison.
You can think of it from an exp bar standpoint: every drawing, good or bad, is exp that will level you up one day. Also most artists only post their successes, it doesn’t mean everything they make looks like that. It’s curated, people hide their failures and create an illusion of consistency that isn’t exactly real.
No. 646692
File: 1601916409140.jpg (214.74 KB, 1400x933, https___hypebeast.com_image_20…)

>>646550youre having a psychological meltdown but the studio art world is nothing like this, you specifically mean online cartoon careers
>>646584you're imagining those are mutually exclusive as if "high" and "anime" are separate concepts but they really arent lmao
No. 646712
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I've been thinking about this for a good while. So, I plan on creating an IG artist account, along with other social medias like Pixiv or Deviantart if I have the time for it. I have many pieces I intend to post, but I am wondering what is the most advantageous choice for my art to reach the most people; do I post all my pieces at once as soon as I create my account, or do I post them progressively, perhaps once or twice a week? If this is the wrong place to post, thank you to redirect me :)
No. 646716
>>646712It would be better if you post your art slowly, but not too slowly, how long does it take for you to finish something you would publish? Use that as your timeframe so everyone who follows you can feel like you have some consistency, even if most of your art is already finished.
Also, maybe keep a certain day to post your art as your day for posting, I think it’s a pretty nice idea.
No. 646720
>>646712DeviantArt isn't really worth it nowadays, after the site's big update a lot of people left it because it got too shit to use.
IG is good but only if you're willing to subject yourself to posting on a near constant basis. You can reach a lot of people on IG, but you have to be always be active no matter what. It's particularly tiring but if you think you can do it then go ahead.
Pixiv is the best out of those choices but it's not very easy to build a fanbase there unless you draw hot anime girls- and even then you'll have a bunch of competition. Plus if you do get a following, it'll be mostly japanese people.
No. 646744
>>646712personally, I'm a "all bets on the table" kind of person, with an account on pretty much every site with an art community, so I think that's a good idea.
Instagram is the easiest to get seen using hashtags and consistent posting. I'd suggest posting like one drawing a day on Insta. It likes when you're active each day, but like
>>646720 said, it can get tiring. But you can just post sketches and little clips of you drawing or art-related stuff in your stories. Deviantart has gone down hill over the past decade, and the current interface is trash, but still could be worth it if you make use of clubs/groups. You can post everything all at once there, if you want.
No. 646765
>>646752>>646756But you would need to create a 100% pure account that can’t be traced back to your cringe teenager era with probably some “offensive” or offensive tweets/reblogs/likes/Facebook messages.
So you wouldn’t be able to use your real name at all.
No. 646781
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>>646712Not my advice but is from someone working on riot. Good luck Anon
No. 646923
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Dollightful's faces are in a constant state of decline, I dunno why she never improves when they're an aspect of every custom. I love her but it comes across so half-assed.
No. 647020
>>646891I think the real problem (in my opinion) is that because of those beggars, artists who are in real need of money/commissions and need donations to live may not be taken seriously or will be clumped together with the beggars unfairly.
If it was just a case of lazy artists wanting to tear money off stupid randos to buy a switch with no more consequences, then fine whatever. But their actions can potentially drive donators away from artists who genuinely need the money.
No. 647100
>>646550I agree with you anon. Most of the people disagreeing with you are salty unoriginal "artists" who are content with drawing the same unoriginal art over and over again for their lowest common denominator fanbase.
Even fanartists can make innovative or creative material with their art yet most don't even have enough talent to do that. At least with music and writing you can only coast so much off being "pretty" or "fun" that you'd need at least a medium skill level to make your mark. Artfags get so defensive at their "talent" of being able to draw doodles of their favorite fictional characters from high school it's hilarious to see.
No. 647103
>>646979every criticism of art follows as this
>i think unoriginality is bad>UHH!!! STOP SAYING THAT!!! YOURE A CRAB!no one pretends wattpad writers or soundcloud music is the pinnacle of that medium yet artfags defend constant uncreative shit on a daily basis in a medium that asks for creativity and skill.
No. 647397
>>647289Agree. I don't get the bitterness behind "wahh weebs like this other weeb fanartist better than my super original 2deep high art material". You're not competing for the same audience so what's the point? The people who support NekoChan04 are people who just want to see their favourite characters drawn with pretty colours and lots of sparkles. They're not there for the though-provoking art experience. Like don't worry, NekoChan04 probably won't get her anime girl drawing framed in an art gallery and sold for $50 mil lmao. She's probably going to become a graphic designer or a concept artist for some animation or game company or something. Not all art has to be some culturally impacting corner stones of art history, we need the disposable fast food type too.
In other words if you want a huge Twitter following for your art, then you have to pander to non-artists as well and make your art as accessible as possible. So none of that "you just need to stare at this black rectangle for 30 minutes to analyze the brush strokes and meditate to
really get it" stuff.
No. 647439
>>647436Twitter, IG or Tumblr.
None of them are perfect choices though, like it was stated before by many anons Twitter and IG love loooove activity which can become tiring.
Tumblr meanwhile is not flat out dead but it's def slower and quieter. You can find some nice people there but don't expect much traffic.
Pick the one you feel like you'll be more comfortable in. I personally prefer Twitter even with the shit algorhythm.
No. 647470
>>647444Looking at the earlier posts in the bandwagon I think it started out more as a funny meme thing where artists showed off what their real art looked like compared to their shitpost/meme doodles.
Now people have turned it into a versatility contest in which some artists THINK that they are versatile but in reality they're not. But hey, bandwagon means more eyeballs on your stuff, so I don't blame them.
No. 647477
File: 1601988490821.png (324.9 KB, 593x594, same.PNG)

>>647470This was actually the very first post and majority of things I saw yesterday were very different indeed; now when you go to look at the top posts in the tag it's just people showing their artworks randomly, probably some of them not even aware what original hashtag was about.
No. 647528
File: 1601992673162.jpg (341.2 KB, 1080x2171, 20201006_200822.jpg)

Tired of seeing sponsored posts or ads like this
No. 647542
>>647528They are the highlight of my day.
There is so much incredible artistic talent in the world that I can't ever achieve, but seeing this stuff reminds me that there are people or at least kids who are much worse than me out there still enjoying art.
Also it's like having a subscription to the bad art thread.
No. 647599
File: 1601998409654.png (540.15 KB, 747x553, twthastag.png)

>>647595(Same anon)
Stuff like this. Call me crazy but I don't think this is versatility.
No. 647617
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No. 647626
File: 1601999665471.png (4.01 MB, 1622x1907, val.png)

>>647599Come on, these two artworks are COMPLETELY different,
>>647617 this proves your point much better.
No. 648068
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>>647853the vid is pretty funny and well spoken and well edited. her cartoons aren't mindblowing but shes 16 and has potential
No. 648392
Yeah her art sucks but that doesn't mean russian bot channels should be able to profit off clearly traced art? maybe her humor just irks you but no artists deserves this shit
No. 649753
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Anons, is there any turorial on how to draw food like that?
No. 650119
>>650076In SoCal, synagogues are sometimes
victims of hate crimes, usually spray paint and broken windows, but that happens everywhere, not just in SoCal. I even tried to look up cases about bullying in school over this, you'd think a story like that, the media would devour, especially in the age of cancel culture and how easy these stories go viral. No such luck. I also don't recall her ever really talking about being a Jew? Maybe she did, I've avoided her content for several months and would have forgotten about it. It's kind of hard to notice someone being a Jew unless they say so, or are literally orthadox.
I'd imagine she got bullied more for being a fatass than a Jew.
No. 650205
>>650174That's incredibly fucked up, anon, I'm sorry. Your ex is a pathetic, untalented, weak piece of shit, and you shouldn't be afraid of him. On the contrary, he's been threatening you all these years because he's afraid of you. Don't ever forget that.
If you want legal help and to see your possible options, maybe you can ask on r/legaladvice? You can probably copyright your work, have him thrown in jail if you live somewhere with privacy invasion/revenge porn/harassment/stalking laws, and get a restraining order on him, but it really depends.
No. 650265
>>650205Unfortunately I don't have any evidence left, it was so long ago.
He's also extremely psychotic and a compulsive liar. Any notification about my existence and he and his friends will post gossip and threats anonymously. He doesn't have to fully dox me or leak my pictures to ruin any reputation I have as an artist.
I guess I just want to warn anyone else reading never to let someone take control of your art or who you are as an artist. People come and go but your passion will be with your forever, don't let anyone steal it away from you.
No. 650266
>>650174I'm so sorry you went through this. In addition to what
>>650205 said, you could, y'know… do a live stream of you drawing? If anyone calls the situation into question, your ex's claims would fall apart immediately as soon as he was asked to draw something new lol. Anyway, abuse thrives in the dark. Once you do start posting on your own account, I'd address the issue loudly and immediately. He'll have no leg to stand on.
No. 650272
>>650174You should watch Big Eyes and also follow this Anon's advice
>>650266Just make and upload Youtube videos (or wherever) of you drawing, with yourself in shot+showing your hands, etc. Then post that along with both old and new artwork. I very much doubt people will side with the scrote with no evidence he made any of it.
No. 650415
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>>650076Imagine searching up yourself so much that you end up here of all place. And doing that while have commissions to do no less.
No. 650469
>>650119Right. I grew up in SoCal myself and I don't recall ever seeing Jewish kids getting beat up or bullied at the schools I went to so that's why I was very surprised to hear this and I can't help but feel that the bullying was mostly towards something else. I'm sure that that she may have got some Jew stereotype jokes hurled at her but like actual assault? I'm not so sure about.
She actually has mentioned that she was raised Jewish in a few of her videos like the one where she talked about her views on Religion and a storytime video about one of her crazy ex-roommates from high school.
>>650316Yeah I'm 2 years older than her myself and yeah bullying was pretty bad back then. She wasn't wrong that you just had to more or less try to cope and push forward. And I guess I was just feeling a little uneasy with Twisted's story is that I've seen some pictures of her and she just looked like a white girl to me so I would think she was probably more the
victim of bullying from her weight than the Jewish stuff.
No. 650510
File: 1602198194111.png (324.61 KB, 604x394, 0Untitled.png)

Looks like #Blacktober is taking off in case the anons from the top of the thread are still here.
Not sure why it stirred up some infighting here since Twitter is full of things that go in one ear and out the other Bowsette or Minecraft in Smash Bros.
No. 650562
>>650510interesting how the retards getting upset over this are the same people saying “calm down it’s just a drawing” over blatant child sexualisation in anime kek
anyway though who gives a fuck about blackwashing, if someone wants to draw miku as an obese trans muslim they have the right to do so but i also have the right to laugh at them. anyone who gets seriously upset or offended over this shit needs to get a life
No. 650563
>>650539Engagement and activity are two things that social media algorithms really like. If you interact with people a lot and also is very active, you might get more attention.
If you don't have that, then connections.
TL;DR if you want to succeed as an artist online then yeah you need engagement or connections.
No. 650606
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>>650580Wokeness? Pseudo- or actual relatability? Who the fuck knows, these people are a whole other breed
No. 650632
>>650576Not the same anon.
The problem isn't in the race bending. But it's the fact that most of the time the characters are redesigned to look obnoxiously ugly for woke points and """"representation"""".
Someone draws a black Hatsune Miku? Okay. But they also make her morbidly obese, with a prosthetic leg, an acne-ridden face, tooth gaps, her outfit littered with pride flags and woke snarky quotes, she has 4 sexualities and 5 genders and scars/stretch marks and shit all over? Then it's ridiculous. At that point it's better to just make a shit oc.
No. 650635
>>650510I don't like this stuff because for woker fanbases it always gets triple the attention any other rendition of the character does, even if the art is rushed and lazy. Most artists end up how they used to draw characters to turn them into this while putting less effort into their art because what better way to get RTs without trying. The trans muslim Miku is a perfect example, finding pale asian Miku drawings from western Twitter is a feat these days. It's like Homestuck all over again.
I don't like it because I can't consider it fanart of the character, it looks like someone's OC cosplaying and often the color scheme of the original was not meant to work with a different skintone. This goes for whitewashing too of course.
That is my personal preference but it's fucking annoying when this becomes the most common type of fanart and people use it to be lazy and doodle because as long as the character has been racebent it will get more retweets than a piece that took a week to make
No. 650720
File: 1602217831415.jpg (180.95 KB, 3103x820, homestuck redesigns.jpg)

>>650632This. Idgaf about people drawing characters as black or whatever as a racebend/reimagining, as long as it's done tastefully. Idk if you guys remember just how bad it was when people would unironically make half the characters in any series obese and trannies, this blacktober shit is so tame in comparison lol.
No. 650763
File: 1602221852821.png (920.8 KB, 1201x1259, 1602221846852.png)

Seems getting that guy fired wasn't enough for her.
No. 650781
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>>650763Of course it's not enough for her when she's literally getting sued. I dunno about you, but I find it pretty easy to belive that an older professor has actually harassed students, leading to a justified firing. Especially when she seems to not be the only person with complaints against him.
He's not even a teacher apparently, he's a dean. It's not like they're losing artistic talent by firing him. No. 650793
>>650650This. Nobody hates racebending because they're racist (except 4chan moids) but because it's all performative and obvious clout fishing. It's a lazy, uncreative way to cheat likes on social media.
>Oh man I'm not talented or imaginative enough to create something people consider engaging, how will I grow my reputation?>I know, I'll draw Deku as an ugly black guy to trigger the nazis!!! hahahahaha RT or ur racistThese are also the same crabs who nitpick and attack other people drawing black characters because they want all eyes on them, not these other dumb bitches doing the same thing.
No. 650992
So I have seen this uptick in people complaining about the "Where is the organs?" comments. It seems to stem from the anime/superhero girls with big boobs, tiny waist etc.
The general feelings from the vocal art community that I have seen is that, to mention a few, you're 1) saying that women with that body type should be ashamed, 2) ignoring that muscular men gets sexualized as well, and 3) criticizing without reason. I tend to be accepting of people drawing what they want, although the fact that they are trying to tell me that drawing lewd anime girls is somewhat empowering/not meant as jerk material/an uncritiziable art style do grind my gears rent-free. Obviously, complaining to an artist that you don't like their style and the subject matter directly to them is (mostly) unnecessary, because they like what they like and for many it's hard to deal with negative comments. However, all criticism is not bad.
What really prompet this tiresome, long rant is the sentiment of many online artists that the "(…) against artworks that are not meant to be realistic and being used to pressure the freedom of artistic expression"-mentality. I remember arguing with someone about it, and while I realize I was way too immature and sounded snobby I felt they were extremely hostile and aggressive towards a simple difference in perspective.
Many of these types of artists that would fight for their lives for this idea that you can't fix someone art — which I do agree with to an extent — seems to have art that is riddled with anatomical mistakes. Even mentioning that they should practice anatomy and the other fundamentals to become a better artist is "caring too much". Caring about anatomy is also supposedly stupid, because that people that don't follow the rules are much more interesting — ignoring the fact that learning the rules is needed to push them in an intentional way. Like, I have seen a couple of these comic artist that draw sexy women, and at least they know how to create poses etc.
I realize this reply may have even too much salt, but understanding that I probably could never actively participate in the art communities, on for example Twitter, with a different opinion without getting massive backlash made me just want to rant this once on an anonymous board and just bury the hatchet.
Don't hope I sound like I am on some high horse, as I am not much of an artist anyway. I know that people are their worst critics and most practice in their past time, so being criticized for something you love is hard. And yes, a lot of people do artistic hobbies for the fun of it, but wanting to improve should be universal. Just wanted to say in an overcomplicated way that missing organs, broken backs and wrists is often legitimate criticism.
No. 651031
File: 1602259327865.png (835.89 KB, 1500x1219,…)

>>650992The "lmao broken spine!!!!!" comments are often useless because they're directed at work that doesn't benefit from correct anatomy and only serve to polish the commentator's ego for being so observant that their big brains realize coomer art is unrealistic. Yeah that spine is twisted to unrealistic degrees because the artist wanted to have both the Kim Kardashian ass bent for display and big balloon tits visible in the same picture. The same goes for "where are the organs????" comments, that midriff width is unrealistic because it's done for the sake of exaggerating features seen as sexy. It has the same vibe as bitching about the Barbie doll's waist for the umpteenth time, the artist and everyone else around them probably know that the anime titties and scoliosis spine are fucked up but don't care.
Like pic related the one on the right is more realistic with its proportions, but it looks flat on a character with otherwise cartoony features compared to the more stylized version on the left.
No. 651077
>>650174This happened to a famous contemporary artist and they made a movie about it, I can't really give you any personal advice but I think watching her go through the same thing and overcome it could give you the strength to do so as well.
Her name is Margarete Keane and the movie was called "Big Eyes", for her unironically gigantic anime eye looking drawings. It used to be on Netflix, not sure if it still is.
Her boyfriend/husband stole her artwork and was
abusive to her for years and years and became rich and famous from her work until she finally put her foot down
No. 651087
>>651063from a quick google search of "black characters in anime", there's a billion search results
it's just that they're not as popular as racebent "white" characters or they're from older or niche anime so you never hear about them
No. 651166
File: 1602263392571.png (2.91 MB, 1883x1161, why do blacktober artists like…)

>>651120>>651154and? the point is that they
do exist, they're just not as popular for said reasons. have you heard of an exaggeration?
pic related is comparing and contrasting a genuine black character's fanart and what resembles most blacktober drawings i've seen. which one is more appealing?
No. 651172
File: 1602263893699.png (598.18 KB, 895x637, Michiko_ep_2_part_2.png)

I find Blacktober weird. Why not celebrate canon black characters instead of blackwashing?
"There aren't many canon black characters" exactly! Then draw lots of fanart of them, celebrate them and hopefully companies and studios might catch the hint. I find it much more productive for their cause than black Midoriya or black Zelda.
Where's the fanart for Canary from HxH? Or Michiko from Michiko to Hatchin? Or even Nessa from Pokemon??? Are people just forgetting that they exist?
No. 651177
>>651166Nobody even said they don't exist, just that they're rare. You're literally just saying what
>>651063 said.
No. 651191
>>650992idk, obv everyone can draw what they want but ususally women are sexualized in a way thats really different from men. Just because they are both sexualized doesn't mean it's equally demeaning or bad.
Women who get sexualized are object done just for sexual gratifiction and visual porn, not having other purpose other than being fuckable, male sexualization makes men look strong and powerful. Women usually are weaker and submissive and their sexulization does take about from their character snce it's mostly just to make them look appealing with no other purpose.
Their character isn't undermined by their sexulization, in fact it builds upon it while being pleasing for female or gay viewers. I doubt many young boys look at a buff man or a shirtless man and feels like shit about themselves, the same way it is which girls.
No. 651194
>>651184Literally nobody says they would be better as black would you quit with the stormfront sperging. Also since when was Nalt white? Go back to 4chan faggot nobody cares how
triggered you are over blacktober
No. 651202
>>651184>you'll find them insisting that these characters should be black despite the fact they are asian or white. idk anon, I need proof of this. This sounds made up as fuck just to drive your point.
>inb4 i c-can't find it! it was years ago or lost on some twitter threadok anon
No. 651204
>>651120>compared to the hundreds or thousands of japanese onesWesterners are so full of themselves jesus Christ. Anime is japanese cartoon for japanese audience first and foremost. Sure don’t see asians complain about the lack of slanted eyes and brown asian skin in their anime.
>inb4 anime is mainstream now so you must cater to usJapan is fucking based for continueing to stay unbothered by american nonsense. Blackwashing is cringe and ugly, can’t change my mind.
t. latina
No. 651209
>>651204>Westerners are so full of themselves jesus Christ.Based.
t. Westerner
No. 651213
>>651204How is that even asking for Japanese people to cater to black people? One anon said there are a lot of black people in anime, and another disagreed.
>Sure don’t see asians complain about the lack of slanted eyes and brown asian skin in their anime.Most of the characters are already Asian or racially ambiguous (meaning they can be white or east Asian)
Anyway, getting this mad over someone racebending a fictional character is stupid. We already went over this in the last thread, don't know why some anons decided to bring it back.
No. 651228
>>651213imo there’s alot of black people in anime if you consider most japanese people have never even seen a fucking black person in real life.
There’s a lack of black characters in ANIMATION but anime isn’t really the problem, their ratio is actually pretty high considering culture and location.
No. 651238
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>>651233I think Michiko is only well written because she’s meant to be brazilian (which the japanese have more familiarity with culturally) not african american, almost all african American characters are complete offensive stereotypes unless the creator has a huge pool of knowledge of american culture and/or lived in the states.
No. 651256
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>>651238Shit they still write racist white characters. White gaijins are pompous and loud and vulgar, the women are all whores. Exception being Germans are written a weee better because they’re still gay for Nazi Doitsu.
No. 651285
>>651250Most anime doesn't take much influence from western animation that closely to begin with, aside from exceptions like Panty and Stocking and Cowboy Bebop (which both have black characters, ironically).
Plus, not everyone likes western animation necessarily. I don't think it's intruding to just draw fan art of existing characters with a different skin tone. I haven't seen any anime or manga producers/creators complain, at least, and I doubt they'd care.
No. 651322
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>>651306I agree with this, but I also agree that it's nice when there are good dark-skinned characters.
I don't think it matters much whether their races are explicitly specified, because anime is mostly racially ambiguous anyway. They don't have to be African-American, and it's not even like black people only exist in America, so the issues discussed in
>>651238 are strange to me.
It's just good to have a blend of different kinds of characters, color schemes and other design elements/influences (also, I'm kind of selfish and want a wider pool of cute girl characters to be able to cosplay accurately).
Plus, there are also Japanese people (and SEA people living in Japan as immigrants) who have dark skin. Don't see why all of this should be mutually exclusive.
No. 651335
>>651306When you see interviews of “black” immigrants in japan in China, racism is hella prevalent. Woman are seen as sexual deviants while the guys are seen as aggressive, most interviews I’ve seen who are in a relationship with a native say that they have to hide it/can’t see their significant other’s parents because their s/o is ashamed/will be looked down upon for the relationship.
So yes anon, diversity is good in media, even anime because otherwise you get retards who interpret rl as media’s stereotype
No. 651371
>>651363NTA but I don't think anon said anything should be forced. They just said diversity is good in media.
Japanese anime characters are often drawn with blond hair and blue eyes despite not being white, and Japanese people still read those characters as Japanese and belonging to their own culture. I don't think it's some huge problem if the same is done with darker skintones, especially if it could help boost harmony with people who fit that appearance living in Japan.
No. 651387
>>651335>>651371>>651363I'm pretty sure this was brought up at the beginning of the thread, but Anime characters are often just drawing ambiguously. The animators just come up with cool designs and colors, and a lot of times race isn't even a question. Japanese people generally aren't too bothered by race discussions anyways. The characters are pretty opened to interpretation in many cases.
Either way, if Japanese people don't care to draw or write Black or foreign characters, that's their business imo. I think foreign born people make up about 2% of the population and most of them are of East Asian descent as well.
I think the funnier part is always Americans crying about mOrE dIvERsiTy iN ANiME wahhh.
No. 651389
>>651322 and that's basically what I was trying to say, yeah. They're ambiguous and have all sorts of aesthetics. I don't get why it's so much of a debate back and forth. Pale skin good. Dark skin good. Blue hair good. Pink hair good. It's all fine as long as the end result is interesting, looks nice and makes for a good story.
No. 651417
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>>651415Ahh, noses are especially hard to simplify. Best idea is just to choose the artists that do it best in your opinion, study their approach, try to mix it somehow and create something new out of it. It's not like you can reinvent the wheel anyway.
There was conversation about cartoony noses in I think it was redraw thread and someone posted these tips, it's very useful.
No. 651419
>>651410I think stylization can be tricky for artists used to drawing realism. The human face and skull has specific proportions (with some variation) you can’t stray too far from, and talented artists can reference photos or real life to fix issues.
But with cartoons it’s more subjective, and what looks fine to one person looks weird to another. It can be difficult to pick and choose what to emphasize. If you want to simplify then you need to know what the most important parts of the drawing are and leave everything else out, or hint at them in a subtle way. Each art style has its own visual language and will communicate different things to people, and each style has its own pros and cons. There’s a lot more choice compared to realism, therefore a lot more pitfalls.
No. 651438
>>651363Haha, anon goes woosh
>>651387> Anime characters are often just drawing ambiguouslyAh yes, hence why when there’s a foreign in the anime, there’s a need to announce that they are foreign and fill them with their own country stereotype
No. 651446
>>651438Not really? Look at one piece, they are super multicultural, and only Zorro is japanese, or half japanese. The creator of naruto said in a live adaption sakura and naruto could be played by white american kids, and L from death note is only 1/4 Japanese.
The characters aren't necessarily Japanese, they are nationless, and made to look ambiguous for the purpose of visual interest. Most of the time these ambiguous characters can be interpreted to whatever race or nationality the viewer wants, and the Japanese don't really give af. These exagerated forerigners, are usually used for contrast with other characters, not necessarily to create accurate foreign characters.
No. 651486
>>651446This isn't necessarily related to this argument, but I feel like it's hard to say something/someone is racially ambiguous when they're very pale like how a lot of anime characters are. Like
>>651256. I know that character in particular is white, but that is the skin color a lot of anime characters are drawn with. I don't want to reignite this argument, but just that I'd add that, because they're not really ambiguous if you can only interpret them as like 2 races. If that makes sense.
No. 651507
>>651486If anything you
can’t only interpret them as only two races?? White characters look exactly the same as Japanese characters. Tanned Japanese characters look exactly like ethically brown characters. Anime only comes in two colors: manga paper and screentone. So they are racially ambiguous.
No. 651537
>>651507(Ntsa)And that leads us straight back to the anon’s Post:
>>651438You can know the character’s nationality/race by the context clues (through the environment/artstyle/what characters say about others’ appearance)
No. 651732
>>651726I'm not sure how TwistedDisaster even knew she was on a site like this but it's so obvious that she was referring to here in the video. Just for fun I did a quick Reddit search to see if she was ever mentioned there and I only found like one thread that mentioned her and it wasn't negative plus had no comments on it so it was so obvious that she was actually meaning the Artist Salt threads here since she's been brought up here a few times.
Anyway yeah the main slightly annoying thing about the video was how she was making out that she received most of the bullying because of her Jewish heritage and while Jews did & do receive some bullying, I just feel like the majority of the bullying she received was from being the overweight kid because unfortunately overweight kids did get bullied a lot back in the day.
The art bullying parallel I'm "eh" with as well because for the most part in the past threads people were offering her some constructive helpful advice, mainly for her to just study anatomy a little more and refine her facial anatomy because they tend to come out wonky or the eyes are too close together and whatnot. I don't think I saw any comment outright saying her art was the worst thing out there when it isn't, she just needs to practice more to improve.
No. 651776
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>>651726What does someone have to gain from telling TwistedDisaster exactly?
I’m of the belief that you shouldn’t put non-anon time into an artist if a better version of them doesn’t interest you and well, Tumblr style mk2 doesn’t sound all that appealing.
No. 651832
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>>650992where are her organs?
No. 651849
>>651726Prob no one cow-tipped. She has friends, zodiaclord/starheavenly/ect. who have been mentioned here before. In the drama/art department lolcow isn’t that unknown, and she was probably told by her friends that she’s on here
A little off topic, but I Think the reason why she keeps talking about being Jewish and being bullied for it is because she would rather have been/be known as the “Jewish kid” rather than the “obese kid”, especially since she’s still on the larger side
No. 651851
File: 1602315937145.png (358.65 KB, 567x769, woah.png)

So this happened.
Might've been brought up before since it was from September but I'll hazard it.
No. 651852
File: 1602316164388.png (445.07 KB, 567x842, blockedAccounts.png)

>>651851Showed all Zee's blocked accounts and also started retweeting, Posting NSFW versions ("Fixed") of Zee's persona and "fixes" of fixes Zee's done.
Not incredibly milky but made for a good chuckle.
No. 651892
>>650992>saying that women with that body type should be ashamedYou lost me right there
>>651031After what I've seen of bad photoshops, some people don't know what a normal human body looks like, the fact that some people even believe the shoops are real is what really amuses me.
>>651877Exactly what this anon said.
No. 651952
>>651849I don’t think she outright said this but for some reason I have a feeling she was bullied by black kids or Latino kids. Did she ever mention going to a school of a lot Latino or black kids? I think she did, and honestly for an obese white chick I bet they were probably brutal. If my hunch is correct it’s just another reason why she won’t talk about it. She seems like, while she’s gay and Wicca, kind of republican and has a short fuse for like, standard libtard agendas like feeling bad for homeless people because she lives in commiefornia and has had to deal with it firsthand and seen the negative side of all that. My guess is she’s actually been a
victim of “reverse” racism and a group of kids who were black or tan terrorized her.
No. 652193
>>651849Exactly. Because the Jewish thing, it wouldn't make sense for her to be bullied for that in her later school years where no one would know she was Jewish unless she was super vocal about it. It's clearly because she was overweight. I remember in her video about where she said she had an eating disorder, she said that when she looks at pictures of herself from High school she says that while she was on the bigger size, she wasn't as big as she is currently and after seeing her wedding photos of her in her corseted wedding dress, she looked to be pushing obese so I can imagine that she may have had an average but slightly overweight leaning and that is what she was most likely getting made fun of for. Not saying it's right but I just feel that's more the reason since her Jewish heritage would not be an easy thing to target unless you were super open and wearing like Jewish religious symbols.
>>651952I don't recall her ever saying that she went to a mostly black or latino school. The only thing I remember her saying about her school was that it was a popular and "good" public school. But I mean you could be right. If she were honest and said something like most of her bullies were Black and/or Latino, she would probably be accused of being a racist or something like that.
No. 652379
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>>651865They were discussed in this thread and a little in the last thread anon.
They're suspected to be a troll though as many anons have already stated and this shit just made it more evident.
No. 652380
>>651877They gained a shit ton of followers from it so I'd say it worked swimmingly. The people in the threads are treating them like some kind of messiah of art or some shit because of the hack.
But it wreaks of pre-planning so it's probably just act 2 of the troll's plan.
No. 652527
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It’s petty, I know, but so is everything else here so why not. I think someone’s mentioned her on these threads before but I hate how lesly oh draws women. I legit thought Rapunzel was a dude in this picture. She doesn’t have this problem with every drawing but it happens enough to be noticeable.
No. 652561
>>652540I think it might be genderbent? They both have man-hands, no chest, manish features. All the way down to adam's apples.
If it isnt, they were clearly using men for reference and followed to closely, or just flat out tracing a reference.
No. 652572
She’s seems so obnoxiously boring if that makes sense
No. 652584
>>652561> All the way down to adam's apples.> flat out tracing a reference.Kek, anon, are you feeling ok?
A simple search of this artist lets you know that they only draw masculine features despite the gender
No. 652615
>>652527Are we sure they're not supposed to be genderbends? The anatomy everywhere says otherwise.
Manly hands, chisled features, lack of curves on the body, adam's apple???
I could be wrong of course but that's how it looks.
No. 652693
>>652678This might soung like a nitpick, but it made me uncomfortable hearing her joke about Jeff Bezos and Amazon like that? Like, the reason the products are so cheap isn't because the charcoal is slightly smaller or the tortillion is made of normal paper, it's because Amazon doesn't pay their employees.
I get that these are good options for low income people and kids, but it's at the expense of other poor people. COnsidering that she said she didn't have a lot of money growing up, I'm suprised she would actively endorse a product, where the company basically treats people like slaves.
No. 652767
File: 1602426138504.png (35.06 KB, 591x346, thread.PNG) Neonakis has posted a thread on how hard people came after her following her very reasonable and good advice on making a living from art. It's insane how out of touch and coddled some people are to react with hostility to a polite suggestion that getting good at art requires effort, twitter sure is a disgusting place sometimes.
No. 652786
>>652767Didn't she make a whole thread pissed off about how people seemed to defend a man who was accused of the same thing she was (being married to someone with a high position in the industry which helped her reach where she is instead of getting there through merit) yesterday?
She quickly deleted the thread right after she was done with it.
People seem to have a strange beef with her, I can't see why.
No. 652798
>>652788Few I can recommend: - his video about brushwork helped me a LOT - a lot of knowledge about basics, I recommend his exercise from the video titled Are your colors boring? - you can learn a lot from paintovers he does, like this one: maybe additionally also this guy, it's not exactly technical tips but you can learn watching him paint and he gives a very good general art advice No. 652873
File: 1602438364338.png (1.21 MB, 1284x1364, ew.png)

Does anyone else here feel repulsed by countryhumans. Something about their ball shaped head paired with the ugly tumblr faces. It's like the bastard child between polandball and hetalia, and with none of the visual appeal, and for some reason it's almost always strange shipping art.
No. 652880
>>652831>while she herself got where she is with connections and not skills.Well, you're part of the problem then because that's not true unless you have a proof no one has yet seen
and no, the fact her husband is in the same company is no proof.
No. 652885
>>652882Don't know about the anon implying she's a creep but if my memory serves me right she was known to draw a lot of weird fetish smut. I don't think she's done anything creepy or
problematic, she's just a coomer when it comes to her art.
>>652884Ngl that BWCW entry is embarrassingly spergy.
>h-how dare she make 50% of her characters in her shit webcomic gay!!! let me write a 6-paragraph word salad wall of text about how MAD this makes me!!! No. 652983
>>652873all i know about countryhumans is that the fans have little to no self awareness and make shit like nazi germany x ussr ship art.
at least hetalia had the germany dude wear a uniform that wasn't blatantly nazi.
No. 653016
File: 1602451867616.jpg (Spoiler Image,349.36 KB, 1072x1080, z6uxb2hssu441.jpg)

>>652879At least with Hetalia I can understand why someone would want to fuck a country. Imagine getting off on pic related
No. 653027
>>653016yep i want to die
what's with fujos and countries?
No. 653211
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People defending pocaarii just because she(?) is 16 Is honestly so stupid. Anyone can be a bully even if they aren’t 18 or older. The fact that pocaarii herself is all: uwu I’m just a widdle bwaby!! I didn’t know!! is honestly repulsive.
What she did to Koomaqu was not okay and could have been handled substantially more different than a horrible public call out post, and making memes which mock and bully koomaqu.
Cartoon characters have no rights. They’re just cartoons. If they did have rights, nearly all writers/authors would have been sent to jail for creating violent content.
No. 653239
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>>653232Nta but i guess It’s because some furries tend to have these really detailed characters that must be a pain to draw.
pic related is random furry i found while looking for an example No. 653284
File: 1602477458024.png (19.2 KB, 764x605, Untitled.png)

>>646800old but i had to link, unbearable
No. 653298
>>653232This is one of my reasons:
>>653239The other is because then you become known as the “furry artist” and when you try to talk to other artists, they start to ignore you or not tag you in shit because they don’t want to be associate with said “furry artists”. Sorry maybe too personal
No. 653360
>>652767People were pissed at her because of the tone and timing of the tweet, it was in the same day where people were complaining about how hard it is to get an audience on twitter/ig, and doing hashtags to help them gain a followerbase. She tweeted it right as the discourse/hashtag started gaining traction. Rude and condescending tone aside, her opinion was also kind of innacurate (in the context of the convo that was happening that day) since there’s plenty of talented illustrators, even ones that are long time industry pros, that don’t have a big following. That’s because social media managing is a separate skill from doing good art, you can be amazing and not get noticed if you don’t know how to play the twitter game.
If you take the screenshots out of the context of that day then yeah, it seems very innocuous… which is precisely what she does in this new thread, no mention of those extra details that explain why people were so pissed. It was of course blown out of proportion, but it makes more sense with that perspective in mind.
No. 653413
>>653360She also could've just stopped replying to people but she kept on digging her hole deeper by bitching at the reasonable points raised against her spicy take and then went on to call out everyone QRTing her with screenshots like a bitch, handles visible and all IIRC. She was immensely unprofessional when it all went down which was a pretty visible indicator of how she herself has been coddled by a comfy industry position. The way she laid everything on the table was similar to a rich person complaining about poor people, just a long way of bragging about muh hard work that's totally more effective than what any of you lazy bitches have achieved.
Honestly, she's in no position to write long-winded sob stories about how it was just her against the world while she received SO much hugboxing and was fully aware of how she's poking the bees' nest. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. If she's privileged to claim that the people she's helping aren't getting work because they just need to git gud then people are free to claim that she got her job secured by her fiancee.
No. 653421
File: 1602497892521.jpeg (58.29 KB, 540x1199, AF23709F-19EA-4FA0-8681-530891…)

Koomaqu posted a Sebastian/Ciel meme and is known to make fictional age gap ships. (Like a 18 year old with a mid 30s-40 year old.)
Pocaarii, who has nearly 100k followers, started stating how someone they follow is a pedophiile and screenshot ted Koomaqu by name. Then, went and made horrible memes and stories, to vague/ridicule Koomaqu.
This image was a direct vague on Koomaqu given the situation. Wishing death on anyone for any reason is IMO, fucked up in any sense. In an unrelated , related sense, I think Pedophiles need psychological help because what they think, and how they think, is not normal.
No. 653430
>>653422Thanks Anon for the reply. I never really cared to draw men and when I do it's whatever. I guess it could also be because I'm a lesbian that I have this hang up now. Maybe this is another form of why some women decide to admonish anything feminine when growing up.
>>653420It's women in general being seen as objects it doesn't matter what they're wearing. Like selling a picture of a woman that someone puts on their wall. They have no relation to this drawing but because it's pretty they hang it up like another ornament. That's my issue. Thank you though.
No. 653431
>>653430lmao anon, i wanted to reply to your original post with "imagine also being a lesbian on top of all that" but i see that you also understand the struggle. i myself can feel like a disgusting coomer sometimes when i am drawing women or even just looking at their bodies for reference.
i know this is not related to art discussion
No. 653466
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>>653431Why though? There's a difference between being a disgusting coomer that only wants to use women for his own satisfaction and appreciating the beauty. Looking at Michalangelo sculptures in the museum do you think, wow that disgusting coomer did it again! Or do you appreciate the fine details, the anatomy, the harmony and beauty of human body reimagined in marble? How is that different to painting a beautiful woman in a way that appreciates her beauty? Like, I understand that society = bad, but we can't fall into a trap of thinking that seeing and enjoying the beauty is inherently offensive and objectifying because it's not. It's only natural to enjoy other humans.
No. 653511
>>653410Is this the same anon as this:
>>652977No matter what, anonS, maybe going on these threads aren’t the wisest if you have this low of confidence or seeking the “right” opinion on art
No. 653574
>>653466This! Also wtf is wirh recent anons coming in seeking validation, it’s fucking pathetic. Yall sounding like 14 years old attention whores who instead of saying how you’re not like those ”other” girls are going ”lol, I’m not like the
other artists.”
No. 653622
>>653410Some people will objectify women no matter how they look. It’s not right but that’s what it is, it’s unavoidable unless you draw them in a way where they don’t read as female at all. It’s not your job to 100% prevent objectification because that’s not even possible.
It shouldn’t stop you from drawing what you enjoy, and you could even put a spin on your art and draw women like characters with lives instead of blank-eyed objects to look at. That would help more than not drawing women at all.
No. 653658
>>653466Thank you for this response I think I will focus more on art and pleasure and how it can be separated from coomer stuff.
>>653511No, I'm not furry anon lol. I don't know a lot of you have really great points I never really thought about it until I noticed how my feed was almost all women or naked women. It was just wild noticing the default.
>>653574Not validation just how to get out of this "art" block.
>>653602Exactly this too thanks anon
>>653622Yeah unavoidable and also not my job to police perception. Thank you for this reply.
Sorry again for being off topic but thank you everyone for your replies it really has helped. Now to read up on the male and female gaze in art.
No. 653823
>>653703Maybe sub 5% of people even credit, definitely no permission. Artists just think refs are free game, but will flip their shit if someone copies their work, because irony.
And most artists will most certainly sell work reffed from other people's content. You have people out there running whole unauthorized stores of Pokemon and Ghibli content. No fucks given. Most of the time the original source either doesn't know or chasing it up isn't worth the effort.
Everyone using the
same Pinterest ref is just peak unoriginal artist, there is endless possible ref online which won't be as immediately (if at all) recognized, but they know that the repetitive source image will be a hit since the previous "studies" of that image also were.
No. 653824
>>653823I just wonder how they get away with it? How if plagarism not a bigger deal? I love fanart, but I don't understand how they have the balls to sell it. I see people selling bts/kpop fanart all the time and I just wonder… how? Is this not illegal hun… Like I love their art, and I don't feel guilty about breaking the law or whatever since these companies are worth billions, but theres such a big risk involved if they decide to come after you.
I think doing fanart on commision is less of a big deal, but making prints and selling them is ballzy.
No. 653887
>>653824If we're talking strictly fanart that isn't 1:1 copies of official merch or art, most companies will see it as a waste of resources/time/money to take legal action, especially if the artist in question is smallfry. There's exceptions of course (Nintendo can be pretty stringent on fanwork for profit), but for the most part they only go for big, commercial cases of copyright infringement.
Pretty much the entire artist alley circus runs on derivative work so it's not like artists are being killed in their sleep because they sold a hundred prints of some MHA character. A lot of western animation/commercial studio artists I follow also sell fanart, so professionals aren't afraid, either.
Another reason people don't see an issue with buying fanart is 1) they see it as paying for the labor and style of the fan-artist 2) want something that the official merch doesn't provide 3) supporting an individual.
And let's be real, there's a lot of people who have been able to pivot their success as a fanartist into industry jobs.
Personally. I'm a lot more bothered by IG artists selling copies/'''studies''' of photographers and models' work than some random drawing a Street Fighter character dressed as a Mario character or something. Like for fuck's sake, if you wanna be a photorealist, take your own damn pictures.
No. 653890
>>653887This. Especially with how many free commercial free/ no attribution websites there are out there now.
I get that it saves time and it's really no ones business unless it's copyright work that's being traced. But I used to think there was some moral code that artists had where they wanted to aspire to be the best artist they could be. This year I've realized/notice/learned how most people do trace. It's just been a little surprising, but it also makes sense with how much content most of them pump out.
No. 653956
File: 1602551027251.jpg (374.07 KB, 1332x1272, woof.jpg)

Speaking lack of acknowledging inspiration or reference, Victo Ngai just shared this on her stories. Even big name artists are pissed about art theft, since so many IG artists land gallery shows or jobs with some online clout.
No. 654575
File: 1602611820317.png (946.55 KB, 1044x652, Screen Shot 2020-10-13 at 12.5…)

I hate when artists do this stupid meme and the "how it started" has way more charm and interesting design than the "how it's going"
No. 654613
>>654604It can be if that's what you decide to draw. There's a reason why different artists have different styles, subjects and techniques. Tons of artist do photorealism.
also I'm pretty sure that's zendaya But I don't want this to devolve into another argument about how any art you don't personally like is bad art or whatever. Or how [insert type of art] isn't real art.
No. 654643
>>654636I hate to repeat myself but read this again:
>>654613. Art is subjective baby. Lets not act like photorealism (along with many other forms/styles of art) doesn't take skill.
No. 654648
>>654639>>654643Good artists are famous for experimenting with medium, technique, subject, color, bending the rules to create interesting styles — evoking certain emotions or meanings or capturing some culture or statement, etc.
Drawing a bust of someone isn’t meaningful art, it’s practice at best. If you enjoy your skills as they are then that’s great! But it’s not interesting and isn’t worth anything in the field of art.
No. 654660
>>654575 and all I really meant with this post is that I (I=me, myself) personally (subjective to my specific taste and my emotions/experiences) find images more engaging and evocative when there is some kind of unconventional aspect drawing me in.
For example, my salt re: the image I posted is that the janky left pic is cute (to me) because I'm interested in the way the artist chose to represent human features with bold clunky lines and splotches of color (yes, it's just babby symbol drawing, I know!) Meanwhile, the drawing of Zendaya (?) makes me admire their level of skill and control, but I don't really feel inspired or want to look at it for longer than a few seconds.
I was not making a broad statement about what is and isn't art. Idk about ya'll infighting and being mad at anime likers
No. 654666
>>654662I don’t even know what the anime argument was you're even talking about. You’re obviously really
triggered by people thinking generic garbage doesn’t deserve asspats. Accusing everyone you disagree with of being a samefag won’t make shitty art worth something.
No. 654689
>>654679>>654684I talked about creativity with technique in the post you quoted. Exactly
what is creative about copying a photo of someone?
No. 654736
>>654447Oh thank god it's not just me lol Thanks for that anon, it truly is annoying. Exactly, the whole "uwu culture" thing, It's like woman you're pushing 30… I'm not saying she has to be rigid but c'mon now. I think you're right that it's probably because all or at least most of her friends are in high school or at least 18-23. Makes me wonder if she has any friends who are around her age in the 27-31 range.
>>654512Oh man YES. "Sick Spiky Round Boi"… It's like she's trying to make that her catchphrase or something but it ain't cute. Just say "Pandemic".
>>654584Yeah I get that she doesn't want to get demonetized for outright saying "COVID" but she could at least use a phrase that's doesn't sound stupid like aforementioned "Pandemic" or just, something. But yeah if she talked more about her art or hell, just shared more storytimes, it wouldn't be as bad aside from the "uwu" vocabulary.
No. 654769
>>654713We basically agree. I said to take an art class because I already explained what makes art interesting and a course would go in depth about exactly that, instead of me shittily parroting the same thing.
The point was that switching out a stylistic choice that gives interest with copied photo busts that are technically a bit better isn’t really advancing your art skills
No. 655079
>>654575it kills me that the new one is cross eyed and has really weird eyelids, instagram photo copy machine artists always do this. They get the shading technique right and looking really good but once you take away all the pretty highlights the face looks flat and messed up because there's no real understanding of facial bones and muscles.
>>654648I honestly agree with this. Realistic art is impressive on a technical level but when it's just copying a photograph it's not really creative or requiring extensive knowledge. When you start bending the rules because you really know how they should work or you're creating whole sceneries on your own based on vague references, that's where the actual experience and intel is put into the test. I know anons ITT are salty as shit about m-muh portraits and consider it peak art but the fact that they can look at the drawing in the post quoted above and gasp at its amazing funhouse mirror face is telling.
No. 655154
File: 1602675785008.jpeg (34.65 KB, 488x628, images (56).jpeg)

I still doesn't understand why Stephane Wootha Richard leave the art industry
Reason: No. 655157
>>655154Reminds me of those cases where super successful CEOs or businessmen suddently feel sick of their life and give everything up to become monks or disappear from society or whatever.
It seems like this whole ecological doomsday stuff got to their head and they felt like the art industry was part of the problem and therefore gave up. Hysteria?
No. 655190
File: 1602681134227.jpg (296.66 KB, 1080x1521, What.jpg)

Why are iPad artists I-
No. 655215
>>655210yeah but aren’t there stamp brushes in other programs for digital art? such as photoshop or sai?
i don’t know because iv never used those before. but all digital programs have those ‘crutches’ it’s just up to the artist if they actually use them or not.
No. 655218
>>655211Ooh okay, i thought it was a "tutorial" for different irises
Seems lazy but so do brushes for frills, chains and hair. I feel bad gatekeeping but at some point using these makes the digital painting more like a collage instead of original work.
No. 655229
>>655218The only thing that matters in the end is the final result, why not use the advantages digital art provides? these eye stamps are nicely done, but they won't make a good artwork if rest of it doesn't match up in quality, so even if someone goes for a stamp, they still have to be good enough for it to fit in; in the current social media environment where you gotta produce something constantly to stay relevant shortcuts are good to have to these relying on internet for their income.
probably it's an unpopular opinion but i'm not sure.
No. 655329
File: 1602688699000.png (387.51 KB, 1220x618, Screenshot_7.png)

What do the anons here think of VRoid Studio character model commissions? With the rice of VTubers there's a huge demand for rigs and lots of artists are making good money.
I don't really know my stance personally, as I would probably tap into this market as well (it's VERY easy to make customized models from what I've seen–all you're doing is editing from a given template) because it's good and quick money but I'm not so sure about using an engine that's supposed to be free for everyone for commercial gain.
No. 655341
>>655329Is it stated anywhere on the VRoid studio site that you're not allowed to make money off it?
Because if it says nothing about it or says that it's fine, then I don't really see a problem here. It's lazy yeah but nothing too bad.
No. 655354
File: 1602689352104.png (50.07 KB, 778x649, Screenshot_8.png)

>>655341I guess it's fine? The page is a little difficult for me to understand in my current sleep-addled state but I suppose. I wish they'd make this more clear but it's an english translation of a Japanese site so that's probably the issue. That or I'm just fucking tired and stupid.
No. 655358
>Selling products made with VRoid studioWell, it seems to be fine then. From what I see the only thing you're not allowed to do is to redistribute or sell the program itself.
Now it's just a matter of people trying to get some easy money I guess, taking advantage of the Vtuber boom.
No. 655383
>>655372It makes me laugh because some bitch I knew spent hundreds of dollars on a model kek
I'll laugh harder when the VTuber market becomes so saturated that everyone's fighting for relevance and as the craze dwindles to a forethought–those who made big money off the stupid weebs who buy this shit will be rolling in their earnings and everyone else will be SOL.
No. 655386
File: 1602691204370.png (116.28 KB, 304x220, 7i2634793748739.png)

>>655329The quality on some of these are lolzy
No. 656318
>>656272NTA, but that doesn't look like an adult in that drawing. Would hardly call those legs "well defined".
No. 656519
File: 1602781542697.jpg (86.14 KB, 940x525, 44436-classic-media-acquires-t…)

>>656498>trans flag on laptop>only black representation is an obese mammy>"WOAH POKEMON GO HAS GOT REALLY FUCKING GOOD"lol I hate westerners. I think the art style is okay, though. It's like a toned-down version of SU's art. The animation itself reminds me of My Life Me. It really is just a zoomer, adult-ish version of My Life Me, honestly. The "This can't be [x]'s bathwater because I just heard she doesn't bathe" joke would've been better if it was about Grimes instead of Shailene Woodley, though.
What's the big deal? Anyone who's seen these kinds of people on the internet should've already known some of them would make a cartoon.
No. 656520
File: 1602781563537.png (901.91 KB, 1000x562, c52786b459431331917b0641d936fd…)

>>655154Ok so this whole PEDO OR NOT discussion made me go through all of the art this guy put on public dropbox, also some googling, theres not a single another one art he's made that would be questionable except this one so kudos for anon for picking a perfect converstaion starter, this thread has been stale for some time.
No. 656541
>>656520this is beautiful, i really like it. also the above art
>>655154 gives me ghibli vibes somehow.
No. 656544
File: 1602783419522.png (1011.76 KB, 1042x886, up.png)

Not bad like other fixes ive seen but I do think the after is a little boring dynamically
No. 656564
File: 1602785006502.png (360.9 KB, 512x512, Z7HeRxU.png)

>>656544Whenever I see these all I think is pic related
No. 656634
>>656567>>656580Holy fuck, who shit in your coffee this morning, anons?
There’s shit wrong with both poses. The 1st image has a coomer girl and the 2nd has such a wonky perspective that idk why the artists even bothered “fixing” when they could’ve just said that ms.coomer needed to look more natural looking without adding their shitty stiff drawing to ‘prove’ that they know what they know what looks natural without assimilating it to the actual art piece
No. 656704
>>656699If you're getting paid, you're expected to have decent anatomy in your work.
Garfield unironically has better anatomy. At least you'll never see Odie doing impossible yoga with his titties out.
No. 656743
>>655154He got bored with art. From what he said in interviews, he jumped into art career in his late 30s because he was bored with his music career. He was always posting tons of slacktivism and quitting this or that because "elites are opressing poor people" or "global warming".
IMO it looks like he's secretly wealthy so he can jump from one poorly paid career to another and he has mid-life crisis, that's all.
>>656495According to the artist it's an illustration about oversexualisation of women by patriarchy. Looks like those monsters in bg are men staring at girl sexualised without her consent, who's falling into the "rabbit hole". Try-hard but at least he tried to draw something with deeper meaning.
No. 656771
>>656712That's why I said art should be done the way the artist wants, lol chill anon.
>>656704bro it's a comic about superheroes, nothing needs to be realistic about it lol.
No. 656795
>>656771Same goes for Garfield, except Garfield's about a cat so it literally has even less reason to have realistic anatomy.
And yet, you will never see stupid shit like that Spiderman cover when it comes to official Garfield art, kek
No. 656801
File: 1602804637467.jpeg (477.91 KB, 1685x1500, F5579BA0-9A71-4383-AD54-689CE9…)

>>656704>better anatomy >differ artstyle>Oddie wouldn’t be such a whore!!!!!!Stay mad anon
No. 656811
>>656792Straight up every person that makes a “fixed” pieced is basically saying “I did it better” they can deflect like:
>>656544And say “it isn’t perfect”, but then be def toned and say “better than original”
>just don’t look too closely at it it’s fineIdk, the ego always turned me off from people/accounts that do this. They should just stick to “draw in your style” Challenges
No. 656812
>>656801You made this entire picture for the sake of a small argument on LC, and I'm the mad one? Kek.
>all aspects of the Garfield character's bodies make sense re: proportion>"Muh different art style"Just admit you're a coomer who can't draw and give it up, this is silly.
No. 656845
>>656842Is this bait? 4chan has always been full of pedophiles. The "conservative" part is just that they're racist and hate women.
There used to be a board called /l/ specifically for posting lolicon, lmao. If the creeps in drawthreads disgust you, you will be ready to shut down the whole site if you spend a minute on /tv/.
No. 656982
File: 1602835293754.jpg (127.83 KB, 357x416, 20201016_045248.jpg)

>>656809NTAYRT, but I don't think people criticize the pose in that cover because they expected hyper realism, it's much more to do how they purposefully place women in comic in absurd positions and vacuum shirts to make their characters some weird coomer art. It's not an anatomy mistake it's an conscious decision. I don't mind it that much, but I do feel it's a cheap way to portray it, like there are many non-absurd ways to show a woman is super hot and sexy without making her hold a mug with two stiff arms squishing her boobs. I don't mind sexualized drawings of women,like some manara works are very pretty to me, but when it comes to J Scott campbell I just can't with his shit. It's just bad.
No. 656987
File: 1602836079685.jpg (47.17 KB, 720x405, bound feet.jpg)

>>656982"hahahah silly chinese people and their beauty standards, why would bound feet ever be attractive"
>draws shit like this No. 657006
File: 1602839451542.jpg (35.37 KB, 480x475, 0b8539ad8cc034c912ebe5aa18b5e6…)

>>656982I thought this was a pigs foot. Coomers really do love sexualizing everything don't they?
No. 657041
>>657023vodkuh/tsflipp is a loli artist who shat in these threads and the racistuncle thread before. >>947080
There's a 95% chance here he's selfposting
No. 657044
>>657007Honestly you sound like either a sperg or a bait.
>>657041Now that I think about it that's a possibility. The wording is too OTT even for the most pearl-clutching twitterfag.
No. 657046
>>657041That's what I thought, too. That shit reads like it was written by a braindead scrote.
RU must still be seething that we called her and the neckbeards she simps for out on their pedophilia around actual children.
No. 657108
File: 1602851790269.jpg (94.42 KB, 1142x1300, 12830358-woman-s-legs-in-sheer…)

>>656982No, it's not that "exaggerated" he's just shit at anatomy. What the fuck are those ankles? Stop defending bad anatomy with "but they know what they're doing! it's on purpose" you could use that on any shitty art.
No. 657298
>>657290>>656982>but when it comes to J Scott campbell I just can't with his shit. It's just bad.Why did you even think I cropped those feet? Fucking think for 2 seconds, and no it's not because I think campbell secretly wants
>>656987 this.
No. 657347
File: 1602867707068.png (15.72 MB, 1242x11000, this.png)

Not to bring black this blacktober nonsense, but i thought i might share. imo anime doesn't NEED to be more diverse you should be the one to integrate yourself
No. 657363
>>657347I've read this comic and like it a lot, but at the same time, I don't get why black and white people can't be treated the same in anime.
There's quite a few white characters in different anime/manga series, but not really a lot of white people animating and writing them. I don't think there's anything wrong with anime staying quintessentially Japanese in creation, while still portraying different peoples.
I don't really like the idea of lots of Americans taking over animation scenes in other countries, no matter which race is doing it. It can work in small amounts (IIRC there's one smaller anime studio in Japan that has both Japanese and African/African-American animators, which is cool), but as a larger trend, I feel like it would just bring shit like
No. 657365
File: 1602870572777.jpeg (234.08 KB, 750x1116, D269B6B5-F7DE-41B5-8AC7-6F7B97…)

>>652798Has anyone seen this ?
No. 657372
>>657371>not from the USI was thinking that too, kind of makes more sense they didn’t realize how offensive that would be.
>>657369It looks like they did take it from one of the nineties movies but in the US nooses were used for lynching and intimidating African Americans
No. 657373
>>657365>>657369It's a black version of Pugsley. Him and Wednesday are always doing destructive/self-destructive things, and the whole family has an admiration for death/darkness.
I feel like the artist genuinely didn't know how bad it'd come off. They were probably thinking of the original (white) character and his personality/hobbies.
It's tone deaf, but it doesn't necessarily make them racist or hateful IMO, especially if they're not American. No need to foam at the mouth.
No. 657381
File: 1602873218070.png (344.86 KB, 534x704, EkTnal7X0AAUpyO.png)

>>657365Wait, apparently, the same artist did this. are pointing out in the comments that actual komainu and oni depictions don't have this color scheme.
Not really sure what to think of this.
No. 657383
File: 1602873384829.jpeg (116.86 KB, 828x967, EkU_PyGXkAEt8cy.jpeg)

I might just be blind, but that…doesn't look violet and pink on her skin/lips me.
I think in this case, they should've just taken the concrit and changed the design. It even looks ugly.
No. 657385
File: 1602873540800.jpg (102.59 KB, 800x800, shirt-1459818829-d896a26e89648…)

>>657381>>657382In my opinion I think they are being overly sensitive. I get how it may look but I don't think that was the intention and it almost offends me that the responder thinks it looks like a black person in the first place.
it may not be traditional but it seems other people have used similar colors
No. 657387
File: 1602873814795.jpg (28.33 KB, 170x436, 170px-Oni_in_pilgrim's_clothin…)

>>657385The lips aren't on that illustration, though. In fact, looking at oni art in general, it seems like the lips tend to be the same color as the skin. Same goes for komainus (though not a lot of them seem to be in color).
I don't know, all this just looks bad. The "she is supposed to look fierce and pretty but somewhat intimidating" thing is kind of laughable to me, too.
No. 657390
File: 1602874346884.jpg (42.18 KB, 491x800, 402078254073-2__31649.15817311…)

>>657387I completely get where you're coming from, and I hope I'm not trying to sound argumentative but there are renditions with different color lips like yellow, blue, red.
I guess given her previous history I can understand, but I don't think its intentional
No. 657398
>>657390No worries, I see what you mean now. I don't
think the artist meant to be offensive, it just looks bad that they doubled down.
If I were in their position, I'd just change the OC design, unless there was some super-important reason to use those colors. I wouldn't even want my character to be reminiscent of something like that. It seems worse now because they've had another blunder with the Addams thing.
No. 657401
>>657398I do agree there, specially if you had a previous tone-deaf scandal probably best to change something. Even a slight change to a lighter blue for the skin would appease the masses and let her keep her design .
If you want to make money off your art you do have to change things sometime to make it marketable depending on the audience you're going for.
No. 657411
>>657381>Not really sure what to think of this.not directed at you in particular but more as a reaction to this kind on thing in general : why would you even see this and first thing think of forming an social justice/politics related opinion. it's a drawing of a monster oc, nobody should care, even on the off chance she viciously intended the likeness… she's just a nobody on the internet… if anything is milk it's the twitter spergouts over this absolute non issue.
on the art side though, the creature itself looks cool and i had never heard of it but the explanation the artist gave was kind of retarded
No. 657429
>>656982>I don't think people criticize the pose in that cover because they expected hyper realism, it's much more to do how they purposefully place women in comic in absurd positions and vacuum shirts to make their characters some weird coomer anon if anyone was saying that instead of acting high and mighty that they know anatomy better than someone who actually has a career i don't think anyone would be arguing so much. i don't think anyone likes the coomer aspect, but they just don't mind that much and want an interesting pose on a cover.
>>657383i don't really think they wanted to be malicious and were probably not aware of the connotations, but honestly they should have just took the L and apologized cus it really looks like it. i personally wouldn't want to keep my design looking like something that's a racist caricature (especially when this design isn't even that good in the first place).
>>657420honestly this, like people can't use the edgy symbol of someone having a noose hanging from their neck if they are black anymore? this sort of thing just makes it feel like people are trying to limit what people can do with black characters, wokeing until basically doing a 180 and discouraging people from drawing black characters, which honestly kinda feels more racist than anything.
No. 657449
>>657420I had to google about the correlation of the noose, I'm also not from the US and I didn't know what it meant. I understand how it seemed super racist, but it can be unintentional. I don't know anything about this person, so for all I know they could really be racist, but these drawings are not the most hard evidence of it, at best they would be subtle indications of it or simply honest mistakes.
Like I really wonder if people saw this
>>657381 by itself, would it REALLY be suspicious? Or are we analyzing things with a prejudice after being first introduced to this
No. 657489
File: 1602884200169.jpeg (232.83 KB, 693x1022, 72B811B7-6823-4371-BBC5-380A0E…)

Oh they are sperging hard
No. 657492
>>657489>The tru inconvenience is u being white and French and a fucking colonizer <3Th-
That's racist
No. 657495
File: 1602884606392.jpeg (230.66 KB, 750x1027, 56319E1E-18D2-4773-A488-DC4801…)

The self righteousness is off the charts
No. 657497
>>657495I can almost see the OP reaching.
They really wanna just be mad and have something to feel self-righteous for. No one's saying you have to shut your mouths and no one's painting you as malicious what the fuck???
No. 657498
Honestly Twitter has managed to create an userbase that's quickly becoming more retarded than Tumblr's. Its art community in particular is one of the closest things to hell I've seen.
No. 657503
File: 1602885023673.jpeg (198.83 KB, 739x1048, E9343E88-A343-44C0-9F56-E6FD73…)

Some more fun ones. FYI the artist took the blacktober tag off the post after being informed and just deleted it altogether later
No. 657507
>>657505Fucking same.
Just let it fucking go man. I figure it's because everyone wants to feel like the hero in defence of a people so that they can wear it like a badge of honor and go "LOL I DID THIS GOOD THING ONCE >:D NOW I HAVE A GET OUT OF BEING CALLED RACIST FREE CARD" and it's intolerable.
>>657506Like all of them do–deletion of the account and/or self-deprication and self-flogging to put themselves under the other person's shoes.
No. 657512
I'm all for people holding others accountable, and she did, and apologized. Also damn, YOURE NOT ALLOWED TO TAKE A BREAK. Damn some people have mental health conditions, and are depressed and shit, I'd rather her take a break than have a breakdown because of all the shit flying her way. WHat more is she supposed to do?
No. 657539
>>657515Twitter is definitely beating it out, because like you said on Tumblr you at least had better damage control options. You could close askboxes, edit your posts, blacklist words etc etc. On Twitter you're completely exposed at all times. Unless you lock your entire account, there's little you can do, which makes people vicious.
This is more of a personal opinion now but I personally think that Twitter's breed of woke SJW artists is way worse and more aggressive than Tumblr's. Tumblr's tumblrinas were just extremely stupid but rarely went on to truly become THIS bad.
No. 657542
>>657363Japan and western countries have cultural history together and they're much more familiar with Caucasian nationalities, not only Americans but Germans and Russians as well. Asking "why doesn't anime have more black people" is like asking why they don't have native Americans or Australian aboriginals. They probably haven't encountered a lot of them so they don't think about putting them in. It's just a dumb hill to die on to bitch about anime not having black people.
>>657365And this is literally exactly why there's no point in pandering to these people. Because you're not black or even American you have no idea about the racial tensions and the connotations of different details. The artist just drew Pugsley with a noose, a very IC thing for the character, and had no idea that was associated with lynching. Nobody can be expected to learn 10 grades worth of American racial politics to create art so why even bother.
>>657381And this is just the most retarded thing to be outraged over. Jesus.
No. 657545
>>657515I think yall are just whining to whine. You'll always whine about whatever current site is popular is filled with so and so people you dont like. Just like before, you can leave twitter. You can blacklist words. At some point people who complain about this instead of muting and running block chains are just hoping to be set up as a '
victim'by the new wave sjws crowd. Turn your computer off it literally doesnt matter lol
No. 657550
>>657545Chill out.
It was just a question and a personal observation.
No. 657551
>>657545If don't like seeing people in here complaining about Twitter's bullshit then you can just leave and turn off your computer, too.
No. 657554
>>657545>blacklist wordsIt's extremely difficult and unpredictable to list all the words used in these discourse tweets.
>muting peopleYou still see people replying to them and continuing the discourse.
>blocking peopleEven if you decided to spend the next year meticulously blocking people, cue twitter activists who screenshot your profile page with handle and all, post it to their followers and send them to harass you for blocking them. And this is the reason it's literally impossible to create a foolproof bubble on Twitter because people refuse to stop interacting with content they can't stand. I've seen users start harassing Japanese artists who can't even speak English over ship art because these entitled numbskulls just can't shut the fuck up which is why a lot of nip artists have started to block all non-Japanese people.
>Leave twitterThe only method that works but then you're not able to follow a lot of your favourite artists as everything has been amalgamated into either Twitter or Instagram.
As for the original question Tumblr was just as bad community wise but at least you could turn off your askbox.
No. 657558
>>657542Who's bitching, though? I didn't mention Germans or Russians (and those aren't the only white people you see in anime), but talking of Americans, I don't see the intense history of having a white American character that wouldn't apply to a black one, too.
It seems like this topic gets you heated, and I don't really get why. What is taken away from you, kek?
No. 657596
>>657429>they just don't mind that much and want an interesting pose on a cover.I agree with you, a lot of SJW art though they are well intended have a lot other art "mistakes", like stiff poses. I'm not a big fan of comic art but some anatomy mistakes are passable, as long as they are not rob liefeld level of absurd, as comics are usually drawn to be more dynamic an action looking.
>>657495>>657498>>657489I can't fucking stand twitter, it's like tumblr but without any aesthetic pictures to coat their autism.
No. 657606
>>657545I once said something ignorant on twitter a long time ago, and one of my ex friend, a woke sjw, brought it to light. Even when I apologized, some twitter users contacted my (
abusive) family lol. How do you turn that off?
No. 657620
>>657580Are you replying to the right anon?
>>657609Stop with this retarded bait
No. 657653
File: 1602906562330.jpeg (313.72 KB, 869x1390, C8C87C2A-FCD1-48CA-9AF9-FC6C9B…)

>>657381It’s possible he subconsciously or mistakenly attached the idea of Hindu dwarapala (guardian statues) to it since it’s the same general idea. They’re often painted with red lips/gums exposed by the big canines.
No. 657675
File: 1602909115836.jpeg (530.14 KB, 1536x2048, 71B0650B-A730-43DE-B2D8-1BE81F…)

>>657365Puggsley having a noose around his neck is cannon (film still), and nooses are included as cannon pieces of character design (Funko POP) while being generally regarded as part of the Addams Family aesthetic (costume).
The design choices are an unfortunate combination, but crucifying an artist with no malicious intent for a mistake after apologizing is simply American centrism at its finest.
No. 657688
>>657381gosh I actually think this design is incredibly cute. even if it is a little close to a minstrel caricature (which, I'm black and from the USA & I didn't think so at all) it's clear that the art isn't supposed to be malicious, it's literally a demon/mythological creature wearing cute clothing. with the Addams Family pic as well, a little tone deaf yes, but if the artist isn't American well, of course they're not going to have the same perspective. I feel so bad for the artist. not worth going back on twitter & getting called a coon though, already been there and done that.
I hate the idea that these idiots who react so childishly to everything might be helping to perpetuate yet another stereotype about black people. this especially makes it more difficult to call out actual racism in my opinion, not that anyone asked, sorry. I'm just so tired of all this.
No. 657695
File: 1602915311699.jpg (79.02 KB, 933x928, 20200812_092336.jpg)

Tfw you want to stay on twitter because of their amazing artist and great art tutorial but In the same time that most of twitter users are ignorant asf
No. 657749
File: 1602923185369.jpg (127.48 KB, 1280x720, Wqc0zUi.jpg)

>>657381>>657383>>657385>>657387>>657653I don’t think they made a mistake at all with the oni concept, actually. It looks like an oni or whatever. Japanese depictions of their own monster look like this, the backlash is simply because of how coincidental it is and people being reactive. The only “problem” is that the drawing is kind of ugly.
>>657688the french were not immune to minstrel shows, lynching, and making caricatures. The people responding to the artist obviously jumped the gun and started frothing for no reason, but don’t be naive and think it’s unlikely to happen with someone else.
No. 657806
>>657768Because ugly, insecure people have been allowed to champion all SJW causes, and they're taking advantage. That's literally it.
They've managed to cope by saying their unattractive features aren't really unattractive, just a racial trait, and seeing people of their race who don't have those same features is extremely
triggering, so they need to cope further by saying they have "white features".
File: 1602937379770.png (Spoiler Image,1.36 MB, 1422x2010, Soeymilk.png)

This is kind of weird… I know soeymilk was discussed before on a previous pencil artwork of hers, but still.
No. 657828
>>657822Looking at some of her other art she tends to draw the heads slightly too big sometimes. I guess she's into drawing petit girls but it can be difficult to get the proportions right and not making it look like a child.
>>657824But anon… that's also racist.
No. 657830
>>657818The only way to win here is to ignore SJWs, and make good black characters without offensive intent. Those people just bitch for the sake of bitching, and they want to drag everyone down.
No. 657844
>>657841The Woke crowd can’t see that they are acting as a colonialists when they assume that every one in this planet should be familiar with USA politics and racial discourse. It's the purest form of colonialism to make universal standards from their cultural moral codes.
And to keep it in the topic: I’m struggling with digital drawing and brushes. I use Procreate on Ipad Pro and the app works fine. If anyone can recommend free (or cheap) brush sets for drawing fur I’d be grateful.
No. 657847
File: 1602944241258.jpg (Spoiler Image,376.44 KB, 1200x1477, nfK8KBZ.jpg)

>>657819>>657822>>657828Soey's work from imagination is generally chibified, but yeah, even her serious portraiture has varying degrees of distorted proportions.
Kent William's work remains remains absolutely sus to me though. It's fucking weird that their duo exhibition features so many of his works depicting Soey (or girls uncannily like her) as a fetish object. I'm not some prude about nudity, but it's creepy when Soey doesn't also paint him nude and the fact they've got a big age gap/teacher-student dynamic going on.
Spoilered for genitals.
No. 658109
File: 1602968599936.png (91.26 KB, 764x683, 8493248324.png)

what do you think about this? rubbed me the wrong way, feels like whining "pity follows" then why did you participate in it. IDK , I think the artist deleted it now but Iamcurious about peoples thoughts here
No. 658129
File: 1602970149525.jpg (2.15 MB, 1420x2162, PicsArt_10-17-11.28.13.jpg)

isn't this just a shitty rendition of that Nicole Dollanganger album drawn in wonky ass perspective
No. 658192
File: 1602976619440.png (644.8 KB, 1004x1902, 1602976597256.png)

>>657876>>657895Oh God yes, especially when it's artists over 10k followers doing it. Pic related
No. 658218
File: 1602981930654.png (545.33 KB, 943x466, heartshapedbed.png)

>>658193NTA but it's not the cover, just some random photoshoot she did for the album.
No. 658301
File: 1602994676856.png (322.29 KB, 695x391, Screenshot_2020-10-18 My Dad -…)

How and Why do below mediocre artists like this get over a million subs
No. 658323
>>658308Each finger being the same length aaaaaa
How can artists fuck up hands so often? You have a pair of hands in your eyeline for every waking moment, and yet they paint shit like this. Never mind the "freckles" looks like dirt.
No. 658329
>>657420I honestly think Eurofags need to be
very careful when representing black characters at all with consideration of the very serious ongoing issues in the US. I feel like we are missing a lot of context which burgers grow up with - there are
triggers, associations, all kinds of things associated with imagery and simply depictions of black characters which are meaningless and don't exist/barely register to Eurofags due to our very different recent history. It'd be good if you could use social media as a European person and just ban all US ips from seeing your stuff, I bet all the (sometimes founded, sometimes misfired) drama would disappear overnight.
>>657420Also with reference to the noose, US black folk were killed
this year in suspicious "suicides" whereby they were hung from trees. The problem is it
isn't history, it's still happening but us Europeans think it's history because we don't do that shit.
>>658336everyone and every country has the right to have sensitivities, and everyone else also has the right to not accomodate them. until we can have peace and ban burger ips like
>>658329 said, everyone has to realise the internet is global and americans don't have any more say than anyone else.
>>658339yes please
No. 658362
>>657429>Implying that because someone makes money off of their art that they must be an expert at anatomyThere are probably furry porn artists out there that make more money annually than J. Scott Campbell, but no one is holding
those people up as anatomical geniuses. Success in coom and capeshit is more often about marketing and luck than it is about raw skill.
No. 658417
>>657365>tries to appeal to sjw crowd>gets eaten alive Every time. Every. single. time.
This is why I stick to foreign artists. They don’t give a shit about any of this and their art is better quality wise anyway.
No. 658421
>>657819What's the issue with this? I don't know this artist but I think this drawing is really pretty. It's nice to see nudity that doesn't feel oversexualized.
I don't think (and I hope it's not) it's intended to look underage or anything, I'm an adult with a similar body type she's probably referencing off her own body tbh.
>>657847Eugh… He draws that artist nude? Okay, that's fucking creepy if he's abusing their power dynamic. What is up with older scrote artists trying to "teach" art to minors and young looking asian women. I feel like this is a much more common problem than the art industry is willing to admit.
>>658129>>658218So they used photos for reference and didn't credit it? boohoo why should we care.
I'm sorry but this sounds like a nitpick or that you have a personal grudge against that artist. it looks fine.
No. 658438
>>658329Twitter is implementing a feature which allows you to block users from certain areas you can specify yourself. Not sure how it works but I'm going to block all Americans once it becomes available and a lot of my friends are going to do the same. It's so depressing that Japanese artists are already blocking all non-Japanese accounts because of the news of absolutely insane western antis harassing them spread around.
Seriously, imagine their case though. Gaijins steal their art for repost accounts and get way more likes and RTs than they ever did and then pearl clutchers come to bitch in English, a language they barely speak, to them using terms and beliefs only comprehensible to those who have clocked at least 4 years in the western fandom discourse. I remember when a Japanese artist was attacked by some random wokefag because she "only drew white people". That was literally the reason. Why the fuck aren't these people committed to a mental facility?
>>658339Racebaiting is banned but for some reason farmhands are sitting on their hands doing anything about it in this thread.
No. 658491
>>658362i was implying that the cover artist has something to do compared to the anons here getting their panties in such a big twist it goes up their vagina. the anons here might have better anatomy knowledge, but they sure don't seem to be putting it to use if they are complaining on this website.
>>658421it doesn't even look referenced, just inspired by the photos so not sure what anon was going on about.
>>658438i really hope none of the japanese artists i follow do that, they have wonderful artworks and i don't wanna miss out on it because of americans being legitimately too insane to take part in bigger world wide socialization.
No. 658541
File: 1603027939133.jpg (1.36 MB, 664x1300, MFis5h0.jpg)

>>658421I forgot to add the context that Soey and Kent started dating and living together after she was his student, so yeah, there's definitely some
abusive subtext to all this. Kent apparently has a weird history of propositioning female students, according to the /snow/ artist thread.
>>>/snow/963863In the first few Artist Salt threads, anon who was a former Center student also said Williams is a creep.
Anyway, I find fine arts and studio arts drama to be on another level–there's so much more money and clout and ego at stake.
No. 658610
File: 1603034132818.jpeg (Spoiler Image,569.81 KB, 828x1023, FC02B8B1-8C16-4A2D-9AF3-971107…)

>>658607Oh for sure. I think it’s bizarre to see another repeat of what went down in the art cows thread in snow tho, claiming you have an unattainable cartoon body type is just as ridiculous as the anon claiming to have this body type.
No. 658639
>>658421I'm the anon that posted the album pictures, I just posted because someone requested to see it, but I agree it's not a problem if they referenced without credit, it's fairly different, obviously inspired.
>>658491>they sure don't seem to be putting it to use if they are complaining on this website… Do you even know where you are?
No. 658933
>>658610>>658629you have posted this image on previous threads already. If you GENUINELY think this is a child and is CP why the FUCK are you posting it here and have it saved on your phone?
smooth brains, all of you
No. 659023
File: 1603075210508.png (313.39 KB, 603x484, cursehole.PNG)

Anyone hear about the horror artist cursehole trying to buy human skulls or something? I read both sides of the argument between these users, and I think they might both be right, but I think its just funny overall
No. 659027
>>659023How can you talk about Indian bone stealing, and then talk about how owning remains isn't illegal in your state and think that's not suspicious as fuck. They even said "I get a skull?" Like what did you want people to think
Side note: How many artists are bone stealers and cannibals wtf
No. 659029
>>659023This reminds me of the Tumblr witch who would collect pieces of bones from a cemetery, use them for "rituals" and try to sell them online.
What is it with internet people and bone stealing?
No. 659032
File: 1603076926596.png (15.06 KB, 445x549, D-u0rJmXUAAUrOB.png)

>>659027This drawing from last year is looking pretty bad in hindsight, lmao.
No. 659035
>>659033Anon, why do you think that "happens"? Have you ever read a history book?
I agree Twitter is retarded, but we don't need to start defending bone theft just to dunk on them. Please.
No. 659076
>>658301she is in fact one of the better of the youtube "animator"/artists
not say much though
she could get a lot more sub if she posts frequently
No. 659094
>>658622Just adding to the soey milk (lol):
I’m an ArtCenter graduate, Soey was my senior and I’m friends with her friends. Her art involves a lot of sexualized younger bodies because she’s into DDLG shit (so is Kent obviously) and has been since she was a student. As a student she was sugarbabying for older guys too, so Kent wasn’t the first. People knew Kent was a dime a dozen creepy professor with yellow fever but Soey knew what she was doing.
No. 659331
File: 1603116914937.jpg (302.15 KB, 1080x1691, 20201019_111455.jpg)

I can't be the only one who finds Yueko a bit cringy for drawing herself as a cat girl showing her panties. I know she named her vtuber persona chai whatever, but I can't help but feel she projects herself as a uwu kawaii neko anime girl.
>>659094Give proof or don't add to this drama. I can't stand the same pedo art discussion in a loop for 7 threads.
No. 659338
File: 1603117460742.png (472.95 KB, 572x558, Screen Shot 2020-09-23 at 10.3…)

was poppin guys eeowwww(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 659345
File: 1603117835733.png (161.26 KB, 467x183, Screen Shot 2020-10-19 at 9.31…)

ok soo basically anyone here hate lavendertowne? girll…her art be looking so damn trashy.. her shading is so gross and coloring like who the hell uses MULTIPLY to shade….and she cant blend skin colors at all like I get it she need diversity points but THIS GIRL BE DRAWING SKIN COLORS WITH THE UGLIEST ASS HAIR COLORS SMH… any ways what yall think?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 659357
>>659345read the rules.
and yeah, we’ve talked about lavendertown plenty of times here.
No. 659372
File: 1603120336028.png (188.73 KB, 640x480, qegmicdli0u51.png)

Is there somewhere better than instagram to grow your art account? feels like all the popular artists on there have the same boring generic style and you need to follow like 2934 trends to grow.
Twitter is too sjw and tumblr is dead, artfol also dont have much people. there doesn't seem to be any good place for artists lately.
No. 659375
There isn't any good place for artist lately at all. These people always pander to the masses, and instagram is all for the masses, and normies are the ones who give you work so you need to communicate with them on instagram. It's all so tiring
No. 659440
>>659434dA was a sad case tbh. It was in desperate need of a fresh-up but its update only served to scare more people off it. My guess is that it wanted to look like ArtStation but failed miserably.
Tumblr used to be decent to post art but it's pretty dead nowadays so it's not worth it.
No. 659450
File: 1603126155297.gif (9.7 KB, 499x313, tumblr_m8awfoCeBw1qfmbljo1_r4_…)

>>659372Deviant art autism was fun too but yeah I do miss it a lot. Tumblr was also a decent platform and I loved it when artists would make their work transparent so you could have it hanging out on your blog. Being able to customize everything was also fun.
No. 659568
>>659372artfol doesn’t have that many users because it’s still in beta testing, right?
i am sure once it’s finished many artist will migrate to it and it should open up new opportunities.
at least i hope so…
No. 659646
File: 1603138700496.jpeg (858.94 KB, 4096x3968, 20AA1CBF-248E-4AE2-BA93-E15EE7…)

She draws herself exactly like her baker oc
No. 659845
>>659834It’s animated by Powerhouse Animation Studio who also did Castlevania so I’m not surprised it’s suffering the same uninspired expressions and lackluster animation. (Tbf at least one episode per season of Castlevania has great battle animation but that doesn’t make up for the rest of the season)
I’m worried this new show is going to have the same awful pacing Castlevania has as well as the hushed/slow voice work with little emotion.
No. 660201
File: 1603738089966.jpeg (146.87 KB, 1242x1144, 8B67C7E0-E503-4647-AACD-4CDCEA…)

Dude realized really quick that this would end badly for him
No. 660214
File: 1603738945392.jpeg (318.06 KB, 1242x1736, 868C0932-A109-43DB-BC78-6F7E8C…)

>>660205Never paid attention to their behavior on twitter, the deleted tweet was probably being ironic about the “big account” discourse that happened on portfolioday this month, and the thing with the naughty dog artist earlier this year. I just thought it was funny that he deleted it immediately sensing it could create a neonakis 2.0 situation.
His posts are worded a little weird but it might just be because english isn’t his first language. I found this interaction a little cringe but again, weird tone might just be poor english. The dude he tagged is the artist for fantastic 4. Other than that his twitter is pretty professional and impersonal.
No. 660433
>>660425It’s usually the same tips for any platform, just be extremely active and learn how to tag.
You need a bunch of tags, put anything that describes whatever you’re drawing, just think you’re describing the drawing to a blind person with the hashtags.
Interact with other artists, do shoutouts even if your account is small, tag them, make artist friends on Instagram and tag them on those “8 facts 8 artists”-like memes and such.
Have an uploading schedule and try keeping a style that could help you get grouped into an aesthetic.
That’s what some of the people who wants to grow on social media does.
No. 660858
File: 1603816508619.jpeg (693.54 KB, 750x1074, 4C550A07-B5D8-4629-B1FE-FF15A4…)

doesnt Katzun go to art collage? Why is the colouring so bad on this
No. 660861
Does anyone have recommendations for good watercolour pencils that aren't too expensive? I've tried a couple brands from my local art store but one was really waxy and the other not very pigmented.
>>660858which college? Somewhere reputable or a glorified diploma mill?
No. 660878
>>660858Katzun is still in their first year of art college so I'm not surprised this sucks ass.
>>660861they goes to scad
No. 660954
File: 1603823363459.jpg (219.73 KB, 1080x1427, 20201027_192720.jpg)

i'm sorry but i don't think hands work like that
No. 661011
File: 1603826845496.jpeg (238.19 KB, 750x744, DBA536AC-6FD2-4870-8E56-94D084…)

>>660954God I love these so much. “How to draw [blank]” and it’s the shittiest example pic you’ve ever seen. At least you know at a glance if the tutorial is worth looking through.
No. 661057
>>660954I think it looks good proportion-wise. Obviously she's teaching manga/comic-style hands which are far away from a realistic style.
>>661011This is ugly af.
No. 661347
File: 1603865736546.jpeg (121.43 KB, 566x781, ECF6696B-253B-4588-A8E4-8190F6…)

>>659493Late but it would be ironic if she became the next sakimi since she shat on sakimi multiple times during her streams, calling sakimi money-hungry.
>>661086RISD is diploma mill status since they’re one of the schools that was caught in that big ol’ admissions scandal debacle a while back. I know someone whose parents paid his way into RISD even though he can’t even figure out basic shit like normal human proportions or how to draw hands. Poop-chan’s bf is also suspected of having paid his way into RISD.
>pic related. The absolute state of RISD students. No. 661392
>>660677Good luck trying to get someone to tell you about enamel pin manufacturers kek. I hate the secrecy around it, obviously no one is forced to tell you but it's so stupid.
>>661383No one cares, cunt.
No. 661396
>>661383Anon why do you post here
It's decent art aside from the disgusting pedo shit.
Go away.
No. 661433
File: 1603879232977.jpg (5.88 KB, 253x199, images.jpg)

>>661375>Should I just draw cube and balls until I get it? Pretty much yes; although don't "just draw" but fully plan out the perspective, do the exercises with one-, two- and three- point perspective, start with cube and then move on to more difficult, complex shapes, once you know how to measure it correctly, move on to practicing on photos by trying to find horizon, vanishing point and perspective lines in real life settings; if you do enough of this it will teach your brain how to observe and apply the same rules in the future more free-hand drawings. No shortcuts, sorry
No. 661469
File: 1603884352771.png (20.27 KB, 732x152, Illustration.png)

Skirtsan is starting to become a bit grating to me.
Don't get me wrong, their art is really amazing, but I feel like they've become annoyingly pushy with their webcomic to the point of begging mutuals to draw "guest" art for it even if it's not released yet.
No. 661487
File: 1603887924460.jpg (677.07 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20201027-231954_Ins…)

How… can you get rid of followers? But good for them. Although it rubs me the wrong way to publicly say you don't care about silent followers.
No. 661502
>>661474Don't worry now you can hate on white people on twitter in peace. Things quickly change, anon don't think too much about it.
>>661487She probably has 20k+ followers anyway
No. 661583
File: 1603897162601.jpg (209.61 KB, 1080x1102, Screencapture_24.jpg)

>>661487Vendetta or selfpost?
>>661474Good for you, anon. "Blackwashing" is something I don't have much feelings towards but I draw the line when white artists make them racial caricatures because these Instathots have the self awareness of a pigeon
No. 661675
>>661583Nah. Really just wondering how you can delete followers. Always thought you can‘t.
>>661509Thx anon.
No. 661971
>>661941God, she is pitiful. She goes on and on about how hard times are, how she's struggling, but does nothing to change her situation. She has issues with her health, but she doesn't work out or eat healthy to try and aid that. She has issues with mental health, no therapist or any medication to aide her until now because of a """""nervous breakdown""""". She complains about workload and how she refuses to take breaks, but whines when she pushes herself too far and gets hurt. Oh, and she's so cheap she cant buy her own computer and has to beg for a $3000 one because 'I have bills to pay!!!' as if no one else does but her.
Just pitiful.
No. 662021
File: 1603925706172.png (731.85 KB, 650x960, e0eeb95372acba0063f63e701b3689…)

>>661474hey anon I completely understand you, I had the same experience growing up. sometimes it's just nice to see characters that look like you, and I don't really think it's any more complicated than that. I agree with you though, I think representation is important bc people of all races are multifaceted, and the more we see different types of characters in media etc the more people will understand that. stereotypes and caricatures hurt this kind of understanding, so do people who draw a character black and say they "fixed" it or w/e, but I see that less and less lately thank god.
all that being said, I don't think there's anything wrong with a show with characters who are all one race, as it's ultimately up to the creator what their creation looks like. I wish people were more understanding about that. it's easy to disengage from something you don't enjoy for whatever reason, just close your eyes lol.
pic semi related i guess, OFF is a good game and i really like this pic
No. 662349
File: 1603972401073.png (37.82 KB, 588x250, perspective.PNG)

Anyone knows what that could be about? She didn't specify and I hate missing out on twitter art drama
No. 662356
File: 1603973241684.png (196.46 KB, 735x661, feet tips.png)

>>662349it's about this post
No. 662359
>>662356this seems so harmless, i don't get what there is to be mad about but twitter aways finds a way.
iirc the same thing happened to a japanese artist making (pretty nice) tutorials last year
No. 662368
>>662356vague advice that could have been fixed with more emphasis on her meaning rather than using a shitty drawing of all bad examples
"I look at feet to see if you understand 3D form, foreshortening, and structure" would have worked better but I don't take unwarranted artistic advice from Internet retards anyway since 90% of the time they don't know how to critique anything outside of their knowledge and force their own stylistic choices on others.
No. 662384
File: 1603977562932.jpg (328.29 KB, 1080x1079, 20201029_201810.jpg)

What do you think about sketch up background?I think they can be hit or miss sometimes.
No. 662386
>>662384They are very hit or miss yeah, mostly because a bunch of artists won't bother/don't know how to properly blend in the characters with the BG and instead will face it as a shortcut and that "the BG is already done so I don't have to work on it anymore".
The typical "artist who just bought CSP and doesn't know how to use the 3D assets in a way that looks natural" case.
But when used properly sketchup BGs can look pretty good and are a pretty valuable timesaver.
No. 662390
>>661971Straight up, I thought this thread was finally closed a few days ago, so I never posted about one of her, to me, worst videos. I believed it’s titles Awkward Comission Story, it’s 22mins long, and I stopped it at 13 mins. For that whole duration, she never talked about the commission but went off about this middle/school girl, talking about to me personal things, even if it was vague, about how dysfunctional she and her family was. Criticizing this teen girl’s decisions, without seemingly really knowing her for 13 mins, kinda gross. Maybe if I finished the vid I would’ve understood How the whole “”dysfunctional”” aspect fit in, but I already fulfilled her 10 min quota, and I didn’t want to add another 10
No. 662653
>>662368bc apparently people are too stupid to learn how to google and practice drawing pov themselves.
>>662384Th epoersective is a little wonky and the anatomy is off, but i actually really love this
No. 662668
>>662633Dude this was literally
just posted less than 24H ago, it shouldn't take that much effort to scroll a bit.
No. 662767
File: 1604006959023.jpeg (976.63 KB, 1482x3229, 5FEF6F33-9256-407E-BB5B-BDF30A…)

Meant to post this a while ago but screen caps of when fresh_bobatae got caught heavy referencing. Might be worth looking over her old works to see if she’s done this before
No. 663064
File: 1604053049223.png (82.95 KB, 690x729, unknown.png)

What is it with women and hating lolicon artwork? It's kinda hypocritical given that I also see many women drawing very extreme shotacon "mommydom" material while condemning art depicting younger women with older men. Why the double standard? :thinking:(bait)
No. 663088
>>663064What a retarded bait, I've literally NEVER seen "mommydom" shit, so even if it's out there it has to be very very niche.
>>663063 this post also, is this the same person? Please ban them if so, I'm tired, why can't this thread be normal.
No. 663201
>>662605Maybe it's just me, but what if you want to become friends with the artist? It feels kinda limiting and then that's when the major artist circle drama start to boil over into. Let's not forget the lengths people went to get the attention of the old Harry Potter BNFs.
I'm just rambling, but it does feel cliquish as this anon stated
>>662565 No. 663206
File: 1604072913325.jpg (6.67 MB, 4096x4096, Sjuwu.jpg) on IG reminds me of Zeenafixesart, only 100% serious. Top right is Honey Lemon and Gogo from Big Hero 6, top left are characters from TAWOG. Most of their art features making characters into Latinos, or fat and/or hairy
Theyre a personal cow of mine since they're one of those artist who make being gay their entire personality to the point where all their drawings are hairy, fat lesbians. Their colors are also very painful to look at
No. 663217
>>663207I understand why they'd do that but then what about cases like
>>663201 said? What if a fan genuinely wants to befriend said artist? It literally puts a wall between them and their fans, both the good and bad ones.
It makes those big shot artists feel more like unreachable celebrities, you know? It's kinda scummy in a sense.
No. 663225
>>663217To be honest that sounds just creepy and stalkerish to assume that you're entitled to be friends with someone who's popular and that they're obligated to reciprocate or they're "scummy". They're regular people just like everyone else and anyone would be weirded out by someone assuming you need to be friends because you share the same fandom or interests. The popular artists have a ton of people trying to reach out for them all the time and having to be emotionally invested in everyone is setting up for a disaster. Especially because you're popular you never know when someone's just trying to ride your coattails not giving a shit about you as a person but only as means of gaining traction themselves.
Also works both ways, don't meet your heroes. You might have a very biased and idolized view of how they are and you're up for a disappointment when they turn out not to be the glorious fun persona off their social media feed.
No. 663226
All in all it's better to just go on with your life. If those popular artists want to have their clique then good for them. You never know when you'll be the one looking like a creepy fan, or when the artist you like is secretly a shit person.
No. 663228
>>663206aren't those concept art Honey Lemon and Gogo?
More often than not the art is obnoxious, but I unironically like some of her pieces, wish there would be less tranny pandering.
No. 663242
>>663225I'm by no means a huge artist, but back at my peak I still had all of these smaller artists trying to befriend me. Almost always there seemed to be an ulterior motive. Usually free art or asking me to promote them in one way or another. I know that most people who approach me have the wrong intentions because I have been in Discord groups where I have been super friendly to smaller artists and have been ignored then as soon as I post links to my socials they suddenly gain interest in talking to me and want to be my friend. I've seen some of my own friends too get excited when bigger artists talk to them and amidst the gushing there is usually a comment on two about how they hope this bigger artist will retweet their commission sheets or patreon links so that they can start making more money.
Not saying that everyone is like this. One of my best friends was someone that started out as a fan of my art. It's been 11 years and to this day she is still one of the people I care most about in this world. She is the reason why I try to give people a chance but 99.99% of the time I'm just left feeling used.
No. 663249
>>663234NTA and don't really care about this topic, but I can see how it'd look scummy to advertise your content on a public social platform and reap the benefits of the attention/engagement, but refuse to engage yourself with literally anyone unless they're part of your "clique".
Obviously don't respond to creeps or try to keep up with being everyone's friend, but if being no-contact is that serious to you, why not just lock your posts so only your mutuals can comment/interact, or stay off sites like Twitter and just have an official/portfolio site for clients to refer to?
No. 663258
>>663247What the hell do you even mean by "attention/engagement"? Will a simple "thank you" to a compliment or are you demanding a 3-hour long in-depth discussion thread about the piece in the comments with everyone who drops a comment? If you're a popular artist who gets 10k RTs 53k likes per art piece and dozens of comments from randos you barely know you really don't feel like waddling through just to shake everyone's hand. That's something you have to accept. If you're simping for a popular artist just in hopes of becoming a friend with them then I'm sorry, you're in for a disappointment and you sound creepy in general. You can't follow someone just to expect them to keep you company, they're not escorts for god's sake. This is literal autistic incel mindset.
>>663256Youtubers really did a number on this generation, selling the concept of their personality being approachable and a substitute for your friends made everyone feel that public figures should invite you out for dinner because REEE I PAID FOR YOUR ART BY INTERACTING WITH IT NOW YOU OWE ME ATTENTION
No. 663278
>>663258>a simple thank-you to a complimentYes, literally. You are sperging over nothing, anon. It's like you made up someone in your head to yell at and now you're acting it out, kek. I said "refuse to engage yourself with
literally anyone" for a reason.
I can't even read this entire wall of rage. Take your meds or something, damn.
No. 663280
>>663256It's not wrong if the audience wants to engage and feels left-out or bad if the creator completely ignores them. It doesn't mean anyone is entitled to anything, but the emotion in itself is not incorrect.
If the creator wants to hear from no one besides their friends, it is very easy to remove the option entirely rather than benefiting from the illusion of good will.
No. 663287
>>663284That's the nature of public Twitter profiles with public comment sections, it comes with the territory. A vibe of relatability and "knowing". Think of Art Station vs DeviantArt. One is more "casual" than the other by far. Twitter is a very casual platform in general, in contrast to other platforms that could be used.
If that's not your thing (all social media is kind of cancerous in that regard and I avoid it because I don't like that kind of shit or interacting with people too much), that's
I just don't think fans are wrong if they feel upset that the person whose art they like can't even say "thank you" or whatever. Where it gets bad is when they start expecting more, like full-on deep relationships, but that's not what I was talking about.
No. 663293
>>663278There's nothing wrong with not engaging outside of your clique. Why would there be? When you're popular and have a huge following it's much safer to stick to the people you know than to take the very real risk of gaining some insane stalkers who think you're their friend because you paid attention to them once. The people ITT demanding creators to be your friends seem like the insecure fucks cooking up petty drama about how this and that artist was such a bitch for not replying to your tweet once or not allowing you to loiter around their booth at a con for hours or something.
>>663284This. It's not a package deal. People are not obligated to engage with their audience and if you don't like that then follow all those creators who do.
No. 663298
>>663293I didn't say it was "wrong". Again, read. I said I can see why/how fans wouldn't like it, and that they're not wrong. You're not going to get "insane stalkers" because you said "Thanks" when some random said "Nice drawing", lmao.
Just turn off the comments if it's such a big deal about strangers touching your shit. It's really not that deep.
>The people ITT demanding creators to be your friends seem like the insecure fucks cooking up petty drama about how this and that artist was such a bitch for not replying to your tweet once or not allowing you to loiter around their booth at a con for hours or something. This is why I said to take your meds. I never said anything even similar to this.
Quit inventing scenarios and then having fits over them as if they actually happened. It's extremely weird.
No. 663302
>>663300>Read the fucking thread.Read my posts before responding to me and accusing me of shit.
You're still doing it here, too:
>not wanting to be your friendsYou're literally not sane, just stop.
No. 663315
>>663302Jesus christ. These
>>663201>>663217were the posts that people were replying to and then you started twisting it into "b-but all I'm asking is a mere thank you!". Which popular artist traumatized you by not replying to your comment?
No. 663319
>>663315You were responding to
>>663249>>663278with your autist rage, and conflating those two posts with literally everyone else for some brain-dead reason.
No one "twisted" anything but you after you realized your tantrum was for nothing. This isn't a hivemind, and no one is demanding to be your (yes, you) friend and shit-talking you. Learn what nuance is and seek help.
No. 663324
>>663319I kind of want to add
>Obviously don't respond to creeps or try to keep up with being everyone's friend,I don't get how your mind skipped over this part especially to just jump to sperg-mode. It's very clear, lmao.
No. 663411
File: 1604092658474.jpg (59.63 KB, 970x956, 1595463908915.jpg)

>>663088>>663083>>663079Whenever I show female artists my loli stuff they get disgusted, but they don't seem to care when I draw shota. Granted, I don't take their opinions very seriously but I'm curious and I thought I'd ask in this thread due to its high concentration of women.
>>663103>>663138>>663195I haven't seen racist uncle since she left Art Kings. Let me explain what happened.
>art kings is an /ic/ discord server run by a groomer named nosebro (i dont talk to that fucker anymore, he blew me off in favor of a mulatto e-girl)>racist uncle joins the server circa 2018, nosebro hands her mod privileges because he gives them out at random (no really)>a year later a bunch of new female users join and shit up the server>me and the boys discover this imageboard because a newfag mentioned it and we see that you guys joined due to racist uncle>we run a small gayop but then get boredThat's what happened. I was bored and decided to stick around. Art kings is now deleted because some gay furry admin nuked it after Nosebro insulted him. Now leave me alone, you already got my twitter deleted. That is all.
(scrote) No. 663590
File: 1604115471666.png (56.13 KB, 1003x706, handybrushes.png)

Now this is just sad.
No. 663592
>>663411No one cares and no one wants you here. Go away.
Loli and shota are both equally as disgusting if it makes you feel any better.
(ignore bait) No. 663597
>>663590those are pose sets for the 3d models, not brushes
these are used for references
No. 663601
File: 1604116962664.jpg (Spoiler Image,318.51 KB, 1478x2048, IMG_20201030_113417.jpg)

Action coaster is pretty cringe. They get so salty and just have to let everyone know.
No. 663602
File: 1604117010891.jpg (Spoiler Image,484.7 KB, 2048x1954, IMG_20201030_113934.jpg)

No. 663605
File: 1604117118661.png (217.57 KB, 1080x841, Screenshot_2020-10-30-11-37-56…)

No. 663606
File: 1604117165190.png (364.5 KB, 1080x1601, Screenshot_2020-10-30-11-32-17…)

No. 663646
File: 1604122575379.png (476.41 KB, 984x766, Goodbye.png)

Good riddance.
No. 663703
>>663602These coomer artists desperately need a year or two of nofap to clear their heads. This shit is getting ridiculous.
My favorite part is that the bottom panels are just close-ups of their weird asses, completely forgoing any pretense of this being a credible piece of art.
>>663605>>663606He's so insecure it's not even funny.
No. 663736
File: 1604138749048.jpg (59.88 KB, 640x738, 8082b5c0485bce96421f1796668ea1…)

>>663206orquidiart is the rebranding of renowned sjw point hoarder destinytomoon. she faked being a trans woman and when it was found out, DFE and tried to pretend to be some retro anime artist for a week before returning to her usual hair fetish shit
No. 663756
File: 1604143360950.jpg (1.22 MB, 2048x1843, tumblr_2dd89d7a8a00445f4dc0a3e…)

I'll never understand why tumblrinas constantly feel the need to do these
No. 663819
File: 1604150302234.jpeg (83.04 KB, 1024x817, download (9).jpeg)

>>663756Anon you can't tell me you think that art is worse than the actual show's design…
No. 663998
File: 1604171773720.png (1.92 MB, 1417x1417, 548391BE-3052-43DA-9FE2-241BB6…)

>>663756This is ugly but excusable because they’re monsters. There are plenty of other examples of Destiny’s art that are ugly for no reason other than “inclusivity.” But if you want to draw unattractive features in an attractive light you can’t slap a bunch of them onto one person, it’ll look better if you balance it out with more “normal” features. And you need to be a skilled artist to pull it off, which Destiny isn’t (she has potential but chooses not to use it. She’d rather shit out drawings as fast as possible instead of taking the time to make them appealing.)
No. 664022
File: 1604174926101.jpeg (492.4 KB, 1771x1771, Eix6i7xXkAIieqJ.jpeg)

>>663998A thing that particularly annoys me with Destiny's drawings is that she puts gender and sexuality flags in "subtle" (her own words) ways, like on jewelry or clothing, on almost every single characters. It's so unnecessary, what's the point aside from virtue signaling? Also she's so obsessed with the lesbian/bi woman pairing, I think she's never dated another woman and is very naive when it comes to this kind of relationship.
No. 664194
File: 1604200055585.jpeg (602.03 KB, 828x1039, CC20034B-ED7A-413E-87FB-0F6AB8…)

Thoughts on this? The designs look similar, but I wouldn’t call this art theft. Both are so generic.
No. 664270
>>664264Not really, I first found him for the cosmodore video, it was pretty good even when he wasn't that much on it, but it was alright. But he lost me with the video he made on Daibus, calling him a tracer even when yes he was tracing by definition but it was for jokes, it was clear that some of the drawings on his videos were traced but because they were references, not because Daibus couldn't draw. Daibus ended up apologaizing, even if he didn't need to do it, and it just rubbed me the wrong way, specialy when Pina kept calling him a tracer "But he did well by apologizing~"
Overall, while I don't think that his videos are too bad, I feel uncomfortable following him after what he did to Daibus.
No. 664286
File: 1604215250014.jpg (47.26 KB, 720x720, 1587781985084.jpg)

>>663591>>663592Then quit bugging me and my friends. Fuck off forever.
>>664264I've watched him on and off, and I thought his videos were interesting, but they kind of hop on that trend of moralistic bullying that you see with commentary channels, often. That's probably not fair, because I wouldn't call him a bully, but I see parallels with him and, say, a Content Cop, in that he's sloppy with facts and even sloppier with the points he uses to criticize his subjects, almost superstitiosly remarking about the optics of his videos and opinions all the time.
I just don't get why it's so hard to look at a trainwreck and just savor it. There's no need to justify it by injecting your own commentary.
No. 664360
File: 1604225334188.jpg (97.31 KB, 1200x671, EXcw9D3XkAAdXN0.jpg)

how does love2drawmanga have 400k subs when this is her idea of progress?
No. 664374
File: 1604227985541.png (21.65 KB, 720x315, Screenshot_2020-11-01-05-27-44…)

Sorry if this was brought up already but tf is this? I think it's just for US users obviously, but this means that engagement for small artists is impacted. There goes the end of Drawtober and the start of Huevember and other challenges driven by tags. I mean I know it's only for a while, but it's going to last long enough to ake an impact.
No. 664422
>>663217Apologies for the semi rant but this mindset really grinds my gears.
Artists don’t owe other people any attention. When you’re in trouble or stop posting these followers who demand your attention will drop you like that and won’t care about you anymore. They don’t care about anything except seeing your artwork and the other people trying to network are just trying to leech off you so they will run if you are anything except valuable to them.
None of these interactions are genuine and that is why artists stick to interacting with their trusted friends only.
The best thing I ever did was delete my accounts and start a new identity doing nothing except posting art and not following anyone. I don’t blame a single artist who does this either, people who think like this don’t appreciate that they are one of many imposing themselves on to strangers and feel entitled to their attention and affection because they follow them. It’s weird.
No. 664468
File: 1604242201267.jpg (115.48 KB, 667x834, 121600189_368760300977637_8069…)

just looking at this makes my back hurt
No. 664474
>>664468Ah, Sakimichan never fails to deliver. Ultimate coomer art.
Real talk though, this chick doesn't even have a nose and her other leg (or the entire other side of her body) doesn't exist.
No. 664480
>>664472GI male fans are the standard gacha game coomers. Only care about a cute face, tits and ass, even if the girl's body is completely broken.
I wouldn't be surprised if many of the shit coomer male GI fans came from FGO. FGO is coomer central.
No. 664482
File: 1604243909725.jpg (478.09 KB, 720x1080, ElNqU5iX0AAjc2M.jpg)

Sakimichan's art is known for having turned into broken trash, but what about Sakimichan clones?
This one in particular kinda baffled me when I saw it on Twitter. Artist is Zumidraws, an old Sakimi-clone. It looks unfinished.
No. 664497
>>664468Autistic sperg but god I fucking hate it when coomer males look at Lisa and all their porn fried brains can think of is uuughhyyhhuh mommy milkers huuuuuuuuu. I love her and she doesn't deserve this.
>>664472Give it 3 months and you'll have the female fans being butthurt over someone coloring a Kaeya fanart piece's skin too light. Why must literally all fun things be ruined by cumbrains and political twitterfag discourse?
No. 664536
>>664523her anatomy looks fine, but i can see why
>>664482 thought it looks unfinished. the rendering on her face is pretty flat compared to the rest of her body. there's no volume or detail save for her eyes.
No. 664549
>>664468yeah, she has completely given up on even having a semblance of anatomy in her works, this is the worst one i've seen so far.
>>664482this one is honestly much better, but it does look unfinished, the level of detail for certain parts is all over the place.
>>664497lisa really targets that audience with her entire character though, have you played her story quest?
No. 664769
File: 1604274007596.jpg (300.03 KB, 1080x1741, 20201102_063822.jpg)

So people need to depict mythical creature like Kazuma Kaneko. Fuck off twitter you are killing artist.
No. 664780
File: 1604275103840.png (33.05 KB, 320x115, trash.png)

>>664286>>663411>>663064>>663064Anon is a total degen. Didn't expect much more from a scrote. to redtexted bait) No. 664857
File: 1604281336828.png (49.39 KB, 564x358, lmaookk.png)

>>664823With opinions like pic related i'm going to assume all of them are just sjws larping.
No. 664866
>>664823I’ve never understood this type of mentality that is hyper defensive over any depiction that isn’t similar to Steven Universe/ok Ko/Homestuck (typically middle school/highschool media). I’ve had a few friends like this, but I could never understand why they acted that way. It’s like in their mind, there’s a need to generalize things and to seek the “”right opinion”””, it’s as though as a child they were never given the ability to think for themselves, that they should be
victims because it means that you’re “good” or some shit
No. 664867
File: 1604282950831.jpeg (18.6 KB, 320x320, images (70).jpeg)

>>664857Those people will lost their mind over wendigomon design
No. 664901
>>664482How do you identify a clone?
I mean, it doesn't look like Sakimi-chan, but it's not up to her quality standard either. What do people like about shit like this?
No. 664938
File: 1604291599246.jpeg (501.3 KB, 828x1224, 797695CB-E0C7-430A-A726-71D5E8…)

>>664194“They skipped all the hard work” is the most kekworthy thing I’ve read all day. This is a post by the “original” creator.
No. 664964
File: 1604297244266.png (9.69 KB, 509x337, wendingos.png)

guys i am actually literally manifesting evil onto myself and the world right now
No. 664967
ok i don't really care about the wendigo discourse, but i'm just going to drop this video here since it's an interesting look into the wendigo in art and media.
>>664769bwusagi draws really cool monster stuff, i'd be curious to see it.
No. 664977
>>663195it should be immediately obvious that racist uncle has actual male friends of which none are trying to have sex with her.
if it was look lusting she's not ugly but she's not cute enough to warrant consistent attention based on looks.
In other words, people will NEVER stop simping because Racist Uncle is simply a cool Gal.
No. 664981
File: 1604304737808.jpg (1.33 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20201102_131117.jpg)

Not really salty but I looked at 'milkywaes' account and holy shit, I'm completely floored by the drastic change in style! I am loving her recent works, they are really in stark contrast with her previous works. More focused on anatomy and dymanic form while before she mostly drew same-y portraits with a nice eye for color. I'm really impressed by her improvement.
No. 664982
>>664981This change is so fucking depressing. At least the top image has personality, the bottom is generic popular instagram cutesy, semi-realistic shit.
>more focused on anatomy>right hand's fingers extremely wonkysure, jan
No. 664983
>>664769I knew someone was going to go after her for this. It's a well done picture and not offensive in any way, but of course someone needs to harrass an artist because they're too sensitive and don't understand that it's not meant to disrespect anyone.
>>664823They are whining over nothing. Imagine if christians and jews complained (and killed, since you mentioned muhammad) every single time someone depicted Jesus, angels, satan and all that other shit. Goodbye to most animes, I guess.
>>664939Other cultures are special because they're oppwessed and ppl of color uwu
No. 665004
>>664981Waes has always been great imo,
I don't think the before pic is the best comparison photo to use but her art these past few months has felt a lot more inspired compared to before. She's been studying Chris Hong apparently so it explains the huge change
No. 665021
>>664823>so it's a bit deeper than ""cultural appropriation""It's not.
>but actual native people have saidActual WASP nonbinary BLM ACAB furry twitterfags said
No. 665036
>>665029I second checking Ctrl+Paint advice, also tool-wise it really helps to start small, with a simple square brush like this one; more distracting than a huge pack of 30+ textured brushes you dont know how to use.
No. 665050
>>663606>he blocked me over minor disagreements!Why are people such babies about getting blocked? In real life, if someone didn't want to interact with you, they wouldn't. Why should they do it online? I'd understand if they blocked you in a situation where you needed to be able to contact them (like maybe if money was involved or something) but jesus christ, shut up you spergs. You're not entitled to 24/7 access to anyone and whining like a lil bitch doesn't change that. Plus, why does this moron even WANT to be able to contact "the stupidest fuck on twitter"???
Go outside. Get some help.
No. 665055
>>665029If you want something a little more complete but still very beginner friendly, try Paint Tool SAI. It's old but simple and it's not as cluttered as Photoshop or Clip Studio Paint.
Also unless you have a screen tablet, drawing digitally is going to feel quite different from traditional and you're going to slowly get used to how brushes work in order to make a finished piece. Learn how to make use of layers and layer modes. Other than that just play around and have fun with the program until you feel comfortable with it.
No. 665154
>>664769i was so annoyed when i saw this on my timeline, not only because she shouldn't bow down to whiny sjws, even to just save face, but literally no one tried to educate her on how wendigos should be depicted, they all went "uwu, only indigenous people should draw them", which is fucking nothing.
>>664982the moment i read the post i knew a retard like you would misinterpret what the other anon wrote.
>>665050lot of people with waaay too much entitlement use online spaces, they feel like they are entitled to these people's time and attention.
No. 665501
File: 1604364409823.jpeg (352.95 KB, 750x657, 428394D1-5F4B-4A80-91FB-70F5AA…)

This trend is being brought back, and can I say that some of these are giving me hope that not every artists will stumble back because they are given a following? (The guy was 19 in the 2011)
No. 665822
>>664857This is crazy knowing people were killed because of drawing muhammed, and this moron instead of defending the
victims defends islam.trash person.
No. 666398
File: 1604467783763.jpeg (119.39 KB, 768x960, 0FF67FA6-7023-464D-BDD8-74A214…)

>>664194>making a meme so it seems like people are supporting your stupid art theft accusationWew lad
No. 666444
>>659834I burst out laughing when the first titan appeared and then those text/lightning transitions. They look more like gifs made by still artists trying to animate for the first time, rather than professional animated film. The actual designs are gorgeous, but
No. 666448
File: 1604475472364.png (1.18 MB, 1768x942, Screen Shot 2020-11-03 at 11.3…)

>>666444Forgot to mention how jarring this cell was
>>666446There was pretty obvious prolapsed asshole in the thumbnail. Don't give this edge lord (you)s.
No. 666682
File: 1604509130241.jpg (102.74 KB, 1024x725, spring__by_kyoukaraa_ddw0q1u-f…)

Anyone have seen Kyoukaraa art? Any thoughts on her?
No. 666687
File: 1604509748669.png (7.18 KB, 556x105, mhm.PNG)

>>666682hard to have thoughts on something this generic. it's good but there are many artist working in the same style (generic cute anime girls, transluscent, watercolor-like application of digital color), many of them more polished, so ultimately it's pretty forgettable. Pose variety and colors are good though.
That aside, I always find it funny when people call themselves "character designers" having literally zero actual character design sheets in their online portfolio. Just to draw humans is not character design.
No. 667004
>>666996you do know speging like an idiot just makes it seem even more likely that what i said is true lmaoo. fucking "schizo", i haven't laughed like this in a while anon, thank you.
no clue what's this random beef you have with disney inspired artists that you keep bringing it up, but it's a weirdly specific comparison, especially when this artist also draws very generic faces, but just anime styled.
No. 667077
File: 1604547674154.jpg (391.26 KB, 1456x1988, 1603670034059.jpg)

Ugh, if trump wins I'll actually slit my wrists. Seriously, that rude piece of shit will make western art twitter unusable for four more years.(ban evading retard)
No. 667086
File: 1604549851119.jpg (513.2 KB, 1080x1080, 36523606_479001695856695_58957…)

>>666679>>666718she's ridiculously insecure. her boyfriend worked for Marvel and Blizzard but she's a no-name artist who draws shitty anime girls.
>pic related is one of her "100% original" shirt designs she made in late 2018. kek. No. 667097
File: 1604553519086.png (624.93 KB, 750x1334, 370C6601-D404-4D98-B074-12FF6B…)

>>667086Yuck, I looked into her other stuff and it really is generic, and was welcomed to her story with this beautiful piece. I guess we really don’t know what we’re talking about because most of us are sucking dick to those in the industry (I really want to know what pieces she worked on in shows like rick in morty- assuming she wasn’t a Intern)
No. 667114
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>>667097She apparently doesn’t have a public resume so this is the best I could find. It was contract work, she wasn’t formally part of the team that works on Rick and Morty. Her Star Trek name drop can’t be credited to her either as she most likely got the job because her boyfriend was on the show’s storyboarding team.
No. 667152
>>667097I'm not sure about the context of this message but she sure sounds like she has her head too far up her ass.
>>667077God you're right, but the painting you posted is really good kek
No. 667202
File: 1604574026991.jpg (177.83 KB, 1074x1326, 20201105_025859.jpg)

This popular artist got called out for making fanart of ted buny and rose for her project No. 667205
File: 1604574111228.jpg (79.2 KB, 506x794, 20201105_025906.jpg)

>>667204She ran a horror rp group and rped as ted bundy for the ring of lust
No. 667209
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>>667205She is also being called out for having an black OC being racially killed
No. 667310
Is every single creepy+cute style cancelled now even though sherliza makes gore of BTS members?
just to clarify I think the one male artist she singles out should be fucking hanged but I think blaming everything on creepy+cute art is asinine if she produces it as well
>>667077What do you mean anon? I'm curious
No. 667319
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>>667313What happens when a female artist draws this as vent art and to express her feelings though? Should everything be cancelled or should it be based purely on intention?
No. 667321
>>667314Please, I was using it facetiously
>>667319I would hardly call Jasmine’s art morally questionable. I’m not ~cancelling~ it condemning all lowbrow artists, just questioning the ones who make “edgy” childlike art and
know that their clients are pedophiles.
No. 667323
>>667321How would you know your client is a pedo though?
I'm not trying to infight, I'm legit curious, because now selling my vent art to pedos has been added to my fear list. How would I know??
No. 667358
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“Im sorry but this is only the first time I’ve ever made a huge mistake so…”
all you had to do was delete the post, apologize like a normal person no if’s ands or buts about it (nobody on Twitter is cares. Period) and private your Twitter maybe, I mean… these online artists are so fucking dense
No. 667376
File: 1604589773994.png (47.23 KB, 541x250, F6B78F07-8347-4A2F-9243-5AC888…)

you dont get to do this shit and luckily the screenshots exist. that one roleplay one that’s thrown around isnt the only one.
No. 667397
>>667380>as a childYou mean a teenager? Lol.
No but seriously you didn’t know any better. Expecting a teenage girl to understand the scope of how that’s harmful would be unfair.
No. 667400
File: 1604592068220.jpg (245.38 KB, 1190x2048, tedfag.jpg)

>>667202>>667204my god not the ted bundy rp, i bet this girl has ted bundy porn somewhere on her computer.
also from 13 mins ago 1/2
No. 667407
>>667209How is this racist?? Are you saying no one in the history of anything is allowed to make vile, evil, racist villains, or showcase and bring to light the horrible extremities of racists? She’s not glorifying it and saying it’s a good thing. It’s simply a horrible tragedy.
Might as well ban 99% of shows books and movies out there because a child got kidnapped and killed with that same logic. You know that anime Erased? Yeah let’s ban it and call the author a pedophile because the horrible asshole kidnapped and killed kids.
No. 667423
>>667414ah yes sorry I didn’t know I’m not allowed to have opinions and emotions on certain topics! How dare I
Thank you anon I am cured and have calmed down holy shit
No. 667431
>>667423Anon must have got a stick up their ass if they lose their shit over you using two question marks after each other lmao.
>>667425Are you the same anon that called that other anon a schizo for daring to call out a shit low tier "whaT ARe YoUr thouGhTs ANOns?" post, or are you just an infighting baiter?
No. 667450
File: 1604594281075.png (2.22 MB, 1306x2048, Screenshot_20201105-083641.png)

mo0g used a newsprint of covid victims for her art as well. How can you be this dense?
No. 667480
File: 1604597114710.png (575.76 KB, 620x886, 51V.png)

>>667310She's kind of all over the place in this video.
She says that dd/lg is okay because dd/lg art has "characters that are clearly adults", but this is one of many pictures she used to defend dd/lg and ageplay as "
valid" kinks.
Also, not her citing The Anime Man and implying Japanese people aren't offended by pedophilia. Actual Japanese advocates for child safety, living
in Japan have spoken against lolicon.
I think in the case of TB, most people in the alt J-fashion/weeb scene are familiar with his art, and even if they don't support it or him (he's a disgusting person, to say the least), they understand the motivations behind many young girls/women being drawn to it, and the "underground" appeal of the art/aesthetic itself, away from the pedo-scrote artist. That's why we have female artists like Saccstry who have similar creepy/cute aesthetics without the pedo shit. The two don't have to go hand in hand.
No. 667707
File: 1604621152126.png (526.65 KB, 850x706, tumblr_pjabjsJDkA1s2vpt9o1_128…)

>>667660>>667592This is what I assume too, Sherliza just comes across as someone very ageplayer-ish or kinky. The way she defends kinks in this video is weird too, I don't think being choked or spanked or whatever is a healthy coping mechanism as she says.
>>667480This is why looking at the intention of the picture is important, you can truly tell when a female artist drew something vs a male
No. 667783
>>667769Because this is artist SALT. Character art leads itself better for people projecting their own social ideas, fetishes, bad anatomy, '
problematic' designs and people claiming their work was copied. Generally artist who make background/concept art aren't very milky.
No. 667788
>>667202Ok the rose bundy oc is creppy
>>667209Making an OC being racially killed make you racist ?? Wow people need to learn separate Reality and Fiction
The more I see some Twitter Shit. I don't want to use twitter for my art career
No. 667792
>>667783Thanks, should've figured it myself.
Anyway, people really need to start living their life as if they are already "canceled" by twitter mafia, because it's inevitable simply by nature of perpetrators, who are always on the lookout for next
victim to curbstomp.
No. 667943
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>>667769>>667783I honestly can never take this thread seriously, it's always about twitter art and amateur shit that ultimately doesn't mean anything
>>667792Man I hate this. When will this witch hunt stop?
>>667800>>667849>>667844You know "vent art" is not always as ugly as tumblr shit is right? I don't know if you understand this.
No. 667945
>>667943The anon
specifically was referencing pedophiles who buy Trevor Brown-esque paintings. Some of you are so fucking cringe it’s unreal.
No. 667949
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>>667945Is this also trevor-esque even if the woman who produces it is a vocal feminist figure in Japan?
No. 669444
>>667688I'm very mixed on this video myself anon. I agree with you that if you suck at art, you shouldn't be selling it in the first place. Just keep practicing and then when you get to a reasonable enough level, then you should start selling. Yeah it sounds harsh but it's the truth and it's just like your baking cookies analogy. Me personally, I didn't start taking commissions till I found that I was able to somewhat have a grasp on my style and some background in anatomy and even I still cringe at some of my old commissions I did for people but I'm seeing some commission sheets where the artist in question draws like an elementary aged kid and it's just… No, you're not ready yet, keep practicing and you'll get there.
But then on the other hand, look at Twisted Disaster's art, it's pretty lackluster but she still makes sales so someone out there will be open to buying mediocre art. I found it funny how she said that she "improves pretty quickly" when she hasn't improved in the last 5 years and when she put an example of her work from 2009 to 2020 and how she priced that 2020 piece for $100, I was just laughing. And that's not even getting into how terrible her work ethic is after someone linked her commission queue and we got to see a rough draft of why she gets so behind and backed up in commissions.
No. 670383
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>>652798 Am I crazy for thinking u can’t claim a generic tag ??
No. 670446
>>670383>>670385>>670398Remember anons, there’s a new thread. If you want more of a response go to
>>667950 new thread