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No. 595675
>>595671the problem is if they close down pornhub a thousand other clones will pop up in its place. I do agree that the sites refusal to take down videos that depict rape and trafficking
victims is disgusting and should have ramifications, but there is no way to get rid the site itself. pornsick men will find or create another site to watch their repugnant content, it's not going to change even if ph is taken down.
No. 595682
>>595671It's symbolic, as
>>595675 said it would show that there are consequences to profiting of rape. Also pornhub is hugely popular and trying to have an acceptable image.
What would you suggest instead?
No. 595691
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>>595671And what will doing nothing achieve? Pornhub has long ago managed to insert itself into normal non-porn spaces, they're trying to be seen as harmless, quirky, even benevolent and so on. For example stuff like this It's become way too mainstream. Without pornhub and other big sites there might be hope for at least some social stigma against porn to return. Porn will never go away completely, but the scrotes who watch it should at least be shamed.
No. 595777
>>595691Thats just your typical fellow kids brand engagement. Still
problematic but if youre gonna go full repressing mode ala 3rd world countries then rape or child bride exodus would happen. Or just look up Utah sex cult.
No. 595778
>>595671It's created by young women who had CP of them as toddlers and rape videos of them at 14 distributed on Pornhub, and were ignored when they contacted them to remove it, lmao.
Also, this is the same site that "verifies" trafficked children as performers. But I guess no one should do anything, CP should be fine because men need to coom, right?
No. 595785
>>595778Pornhub should burn. Absolutely fuck them and anyone that defends them. They fucking verified a 15-year-old girl that had been missing a year. They took 30% of her earnings on the site. They literally profited directly off child porn.
if you don't see why they should be disolved as a company then idk what to say, coomer.
No. 595813
>>595804My unpopular opinion is that no one should have to degrade their body for money therefore selling yourself on onlyfans is not sex positivity lmao
Sex positivity stopped when everything became about money, porn, fame and power, instead of being about understanding how your body works and not being ashamed of having sex with your partner
Porn is just filmed prostitution and camgirls are engaging on it
No. 595827
>>595813My unpopular opinion is that the sex postivity movement is propaganda from the porn industry to socialise women into liking porn and encourage more of them to participate in making porn, thus expanding the industry and making it so that they can make even more money then ever before. I'm cool with the notion that women should be able to engage in discussions about sex, but no body ever talks about how the sex positivity movement prays on women who are mentally vulnerable and how they are groomed into taking it further and further than they originally planned because money. It's always been about money. To sell more sex toys, and lingerie and more pointless sex shit that most people don't need. All the articles about women making hundreds of thousands camming are straight up encouraging women to become sex workers. Nobody talks about people like Shayna or cam girls who literally make pennies after years in the game.
>>595816>So, in other words, sex positivity never existedPretty much. Notice how most of the movement is catered more to fulfilling the desires of men and their ever dying need for sex. Nobody wants to talk about the women who regret everything and take them seriously. Nobody should ever feel the need that they should be doing porn.
No. 595832
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>>595768have you ever lived in a country that has limited a/c? it's hell on earth
No. 595840
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sometimes the sentiment in pic related is bs, there are certain things that if you worry that you're faking them you probably are, especially if you then go begging for validation online
No. 595843
>>595825>I’m sorry OP is convinced women exposing themselves “””””willingly””””” is more wholesomeI don't think it's more wholesome lmao. Did you miss the whole second half of my post or something. I'm fully aware that there are still a lot of downsides to making porn
the fact that many girls don't actually make that much money from it and making porn could ruin their chances of getting a job in the future are just two examples. My point was that if they are going to do porn (which a lot of women are these days) I think it's better if they self-produce it. At the end of the day tho, it's best if women take jobs that don't require them to sell their body.
No. 595844
Unpopular opinion: If (monetized) sex positivity is to be a thing, it should mean women being encouraged to draw, write and otherwise express their own sexual fantasies without shame, and an economic boom for female-made erotica that doesn't pander to men in general. Destigmatization and support for female sexuality without the need to keep men in mind (because males sure as hell don't keep us in mind when they're expressing their sexuality).
I don't really care if it's Anne Rice books, a shitton more otome games, or just fujo shit in manga/games/books/shows/films. A woman just has to be behind its creation, and it has to not depend on men buying it. I think the "sex positivity" movement in general is a load of bullshit, but if some form of sexuality has to be in everyone's face, this is the only "good" form of it I can really see for women. Anything else just seems like bullshit made up by scrotes and pick-mes to justify human trafficking and exploitation.
By the way, nobody bother replying to this insisting that the average girl on OF or Mindgeek-owned porn star who needs to be high/intoxicated out of her mind just to get through a scene is totally already expressing her deepest fantasies and isn't pandering to males for money. Sick of this cope, lmao.
No. 595848
>>595824>your best bet for making money is letting the whole world see up your asshole or vaginaOh my god I laughed so hard, but literally this. Imagine showing your asshole on camera lmao
Like, language matters. I think if we say "She's being a pretty girl on camera" or something downplays and romantizices it or something like that. But if we say "She's showing her asshole for pennies" then yeah that surely hurts lol
No. 595854
>>595844>women being encouraged to draw, write and otherwise express>that doesn't pander to men in generalFixed it lol
(just kidding. I agree with your post.)
No. 595865
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>>595857I mean you're not wrong lmao
>>595864I love that kinda nerd guy so much too
No. 595886
>>595882this was meant for
>>595844, sorry
No. 595904
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>>595903>>595902You're welcome anons. Atsushi Sakurai was super handsome in the 90's with that amazing long hair!
No. 595922
>>595913Probably because East Asian languages borrow a lot from each other since the countries are relatively close together. It’s the same as how English speaking people have trouble telling e.g. Hungarian and Polish apart because even though they’re from completely different language families they share some vocabulary from being nearby each other.
Also iirc Korean and Japanese are pretty closely related and in the same language family, I’m not sure about Mandarin though. Mandarin has always sounded distinctly different to me than those two.
No. 595923
>>595882Exactly, it's why I will never really give a fuck how
problematic fujo/otome content is. Some of the fans can be cowish, but we honestly don't have enough women being truly open about what they want sexually, and I'm not particularly interested in suppressing their voices even further.
We all know what most of the people complaining are
really angry at girls and women about. Men are pissed at the concept of young girls and women discovering their sexuality without actually having to sleep with assholes, and pick-mes think everyone should suffer the same way they did. It's all so sinister. As for perma-mad fakebois, they're just trying to save their own skin and feel more "authentic" by dunking on femoids.
No. 595931
>>595913I wanna say this is bait but I know too many people who are too retarded to confuse a tonal language for a non tonal one.
Maybe not being able to tell Thai, Viet and Chinese apart but… Japanese? That's embarrassing to admit.
No. 595973
>>595958I know this is the unpopular opinion thread, but did you really think we needed to hear this so bad you posted it in 2 threads?
Anyway a persons suffering doesn't negate someone elses suffering. That's like saying women who are getting beat by their husband shouldn't complain cause some women are getting murdered by their husbands. Both situations are horrible and shouldn't happen. Also, suffering is subjective so no one can say who is "actually" suffering and who isn't
Love yourself more as a woman.
No. 595985
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>>595857In the past I went from being a kboo to being a weeb but now I think chinese men are the most attractive. Imo the average korean man is the ugliest, and while korean celebrities look nothing like them, they still look weird or rather only attractive to young girls, with very soft features, bowl cuts, pink lipgloss and so on (think kpop). I was also a fan of Buck-Tick and always thought "how could I ever find a bf when Atsushi (this guy
exists" lol but japanese dudes are just way too short and scrawny for my tastes (they're also a lot more tan than koreans and chinese, no idea why some people can't tell them apart?), plus many still style themselves like it's 2005.
Of course there are also many ugly chinese men but China is simply so big that there are bound to be many cuties too. Especially the younger dudes are often tall and when it comes to celebrities they seem to prefer stronger features (like bigger noses and very expressive eyes) which I like.
No. 596034
>>595768I agree, also hate overly heated indoor spaces in winter.
Having a huge temp difference between indoors and outdoors is unhealthy.
I live where it is regularly over 100 and I don't use AC either in my house. It's retarded how I need to bring a sweatshirt to go to the grocery store because they need to keep it at fucking 65 for all the fat boomers.
Used the RTD in Denver a lot in the past too, and in winter they keep it at like 80 degrees. So you're suffering in your winter gear the whole ride since its too crowded to take it off. Bah.
No. 596035
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She looks better in the second pic.
No. 596080
>>596076>Love that women get treated like "innocent wittwe babies" who can do no wrong. So sick of the idea that women can't criticize other women without being called a scrote on this site.What?
What kind of lolcow is this? We still laugh at Shayna, Luna, and Momokun lmao
No. 596095
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>>596076>>596076>Love that women get treated like "innocent wittwe babies" who can do no ok anon. unironically pic related.
No. 596173
>>596161ok I'm probably going to get grilled for this but It's my truth. Back in high school I had a fascination with making fake accounts on dating sites. It just really buttered my biscuits knowing I managed to convince someone that I'm a real person when I'm not. I used to pretend to be guys because it seemed more rewarding to convince girls who are by definition smarter and not as desperate to nut that I was real than guys. Anyway, I was talking to a girl and literally an hour into our conversation she sent me a full on nude. She was the LAST person I ever thought would do something like that. I was so taken aback. I literally lectured her on how stupid of a move that was and how I could be a complete fake (kek) and do something terrible with that photo. I then told her that she needs to stop seeking validation from men and that any man on the internet would tell her she had a great body because they reeked of desperation.
It was disturbing..
No. 596176
>>596110I'm sorry anon
Sometimes I just re-read her thread because she was so fascinating to me.
>>596173Was not expecting the post to end that way but wow
what was her response anon?
No. 596179
>>596173I know that feel anon, sometimes you don’t even need to pretend being someone else, I somehow end up getting nudes from random men/women just because we talked for a few days, I end up feeling bad for them and lecturing them as well about how there’s so many shitty things that could happen to them if their nudes ended in the wrong hands.
Both sides suck, the pornsick assholes asking for nudes and the idiots sending them.
No. 596250
>>595851I agree, the idea of anal is honestly disgusting to me, and naked asses are just awkward to look at most of the time. When they look good in jeans or something I don't mind, but it's not something I'm that attracted to.
>>595904Hell he still looks hot at 55+ years old lol. Always nice to see my husband when he's posted here
No. 596310
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>>596182Nemu was my favorite cow. She had so much milk to give.
No. 596323
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>>596310I'd never heard of her until this thread. Just spent the last hour or so reading through her old threads. Fucking hell that's something.
No. 596344
>>596310I think the funniest and most annoying thing about her thread was the fact that her friends came into the later threads to shit on her, only to reveal that they were just as bad. One of them drew ugly shota porn and another one shipped herself with an irl person kek
I will say even if her content was repulsive, her actual art skills were pretty good. If she wasn’t so fucking gross I probably would been a fan of her art.
No. 596398
>>596387ayrt and I forgot to mention that I find it so weird that you were a kboo first and then a weeb. It's usually the other way around lol.
I also wanted to ask if you've been to both korea and japan or just china?
No. 596410
>>596404My thoughts exactly, I do find some japanese men attractive but I wouldn't exactly call chinese/vietnamese/korean/etc ugly either?
Imagine saying something like "Black guys from Kenya are sooo hot, but people from Sudan are fucking ugly. I preffer Togolese over Ghanaian, because they have better bone structures and better skincolor" It sounds weird. It is weird.
No. 596411
>>596409agreed idk like real life men vs. men in entertainment are pretty different so the comparisons are skewed
also, i guess its fine if someone has some kind of preference but realistically its strange if you find someone more attractive after they reveal "i am from thailand" or something like if its a good looking guy thats fine enough
No. 596414
My unpopular opinion is that I used to love anal when I was younger and I mean it probably still feels good but I recently learnt that men actually love anal not only because it is "tighter" or "warmer" but because they love seeing an asshole stretched out, destroyed, full of cum since we can't get pregnant from our ass, but also, because they love "painal"
And I didn't know this, but painal is basically women crying and hurting from forced anal sex. And then I learnt that men/society actually expects anal to be hurtful and painful, so since that's expected, you're supposed to just take it as a woman. So then I saw that men actually love looking at porn of women hurting, kicking, crying, and screaming while the guy rams his cock on her butt, even saying "please stop". After seeing this, I felt horrible and wondered if this is a form of """legal""" rape that guys do and this is why they don't warm up the girl's asshole like how it should be done so it feels good for us. And now I feel like I don't like anal anymore at all… not when it means something like this for men.
Sorry if my wording sounds too graphic
No. 596419
>>596409american anime fans are so weird. imagine your country getting bombed and the country that attacked you gets obsessed and has big parties for copying and fetishizing your style. sounds like an
abusive relationship idk
No. 596429
>>596424piggybacking kek
People that bring their children to class are the biggest assholes. I hate seeing those videos where the Professor is carrying around the baby instead of teaching, disrupting everyone elses learning. I understand the argument of "but child care expensive" but college is also expensive. Why should someone get a sup-par learning experience because of someone elses personal issues?
No. 596430
>>596409Whether you call it "just a personal preference" or "a sick fetish", does it really matter in the end? Those asian men aren't poor little
victims of disgusting white/black women, they willingly date each other, so it shouldn't really be a problem to outsiders. It's not like you have old women buying innocent Asian boys, it's young girls who want a kpop or animuh bf and asian dudes who want to fuck a foreigner.
And let's not act as if rating women based on all sorts of things, including nationaly/race, isn't one of mens' favorite past times…
No. 596512
>>596414It probably depends on the film, but if it is consensual and she's acting, it's still roleplaying rape and torture, in which case why are these men okay with that being a part of their sexuality??
If she's not acting and it's not consensual, then that's just rape on film.
The problem is that they can both look the same as each other.
No. 596558
>>596414Not even an opinion it's just the upsetting truth, they mainly get off on causing women pain.
>>596424Agreed, I had a professor who would stop every single time someone pulled out a laptop or phone and it wasted so much time. None of us actually cared what other people were doing.
No. 596698
>>596632British food is the most disgusting
This is a fact
No. 596708
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>>596698This is the correct opinion. Pic related is unironically considered a meal here by the vast majority of people.
No. 596727
>>596716I often daydream about being a guy and how good I would be at it. I already have a bunch of masculine hobbies, and I would love to go for a classic masculine aesthetic. I’d be hot and romantic and make some girl unimaginably happy. Sigh.
In reality I would probably be a dick, since even men with great moms can’t seem to escape it. But a girl can dream
No. 596767
>>596760Cannot stand anything pickled, the smell of vinegar makes me want to wretch.
I love olives but they’re usually preserved in brine which is ok, I tend to avoid otherwise
No. 596772
>>596729It's kind of interesting thinking about that. I genuinely love foods people consider weird like menudo, head, tongue, fried small intestine, kimchi, etc.
Hell I'd even eat bugs but I look at beans and toast and wouldn't touch it with the ten foot pole. At the same end I'm sure the beans and toast people find what I enjoy disgusting.
It's's fine to hate weird shit as long as you're not mocking the people who eat it to their faces.
No. 596962
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>>596948>>596953sorry guys, I like facts
No. 597086
>>597080Well it's probaby because you call it disgusting and don't say any legitimate reasons why you think so.
That's just basically an ad hominem attack on anyone involved, I'm sure if you have actual reasons why you find it disgusting more people could agree w/ you, anon
No. 597137
>>597086Other than the reasons this anon
>>597107 listed, I just think the act of selling sex is disgusting in itself. The people who defend it say it's been around for ages but it doesn't make it less disgusting imo.
No. 597223
>>597216in an ideal utopia people should be put under some kind of test to determine whether they are fit for parenting or not
financially, mentally, physically
i believe many social issues are rooted in bad parenting
No. 597292
>>597251Anyways, I love my amazing snakes.
>>597246???? Trafficking? Foxes, opossums and most snakes are all native to the US, I'm confused.
No. 597320
>>597293I used to think people reclaiming polyamory openly was a good thing, that way it would weed out all the people wasting another person's time in so called monogamous relationships by being cheaters and manipulators.
But I was wrong.
Cheaters and manipulators still want focused attention from one person in their monogamous relationships while they fuck around. Polamorous people are just narcissistic enough to believe they're admired by multiple people and therefore don't need monogamy for security, even though I always see them spend a disproportionate amount of time with one particular partner. People are fucking stupid.
No. 597328
>>596031Bruh do you have any idea how little live action BL there is that isn’t trash? Lots of us liked the show because of how scarce good BL live action shows are, but even then, if outside of the male main characters, the male actors are not attractive at all imo. I liked the Untamed but it sure didn’t turn me into a Chinaboo. If anything I still resent China’s government despite agreeing with this anon
>>595985 that Chinese men tend to be more attractive, prob bc like anon said, there’s more variance in looks due to the larger population.
No. 597334
>>597320I used to think being openly polyamorous, openly trans, openly queer or whatever was a good thing, because Tumblr fed me with ideas that it was a positive thing as a teen and therefore if I didn't believe in it I was a bad person.
Kinda like believing in god because the church told you to or else you would become a sinner
No. 597351
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I love some of Princess Nokia songs (tomboy, brujas, young girls, orange blossom) but she always made me feel suspicious or like she's weird. Not the good kind. Like there's something fishy going on.
Maybe it's because she changes personalities and accents and styles a lot, always coming out as self centered.
The Tomboy/1992 era was amazing, it felt like she was very comfortable with her skin and who she is, she looked so cute and natural too. But now she's making this generic ass music looking like pic related… what happened? any other fans that have noticed this?
No. 597354
>>597345Totally agree, and I’ll also add:
>friction breeding guilt when you start to grow into less compatible peopleI like my childhood friends but we’re all so different now, I couldn’t call them close.
No. 597358

>>597352I am empathetic, and these women look like they're suffering. Look at their faces. Look at the way they live. Look at how they compete for crumbs of love.
This idea of glamorous poly relationships were everyone is in love with each other and fuck willingly is a nutjob fantasy. It's not real. More often than not "polyamorous" men use this excuse as a way to have as many wives as possible, making each one miserable, and fucking one after one then searching for a new
victim whenever they're tired. It's something manipulative, often by narcissits who play the role of the head of the herd. There's also always a favorite one, and if that shit hurts between children and their parents, imagine that shit between lovers.
Manipulators do this all the time. They try to convince everyone, that everything is fine. That there's no hurt in this. That it's all sunshine and rainbows. They manipulate their
victim's families, and entire communities like this. I just can't support this bullshit.
No. 597365
>>597358lmfao some random video that is obviously an extreme example because it's made for tacky reality TV is not an example of anything. That's not exclusive to polyamory. Not everyone has the same view of relationships and sex that you or these women do.
>>597359Pretty much the same outcome even if the reasons for it are different.
No. 597366
>>597365>an example is not an examplesure jan
>same outcomeRead a book sis
No. 597371
>>597358Yeah, I can totally understand judging it in this kind of context. I definitely take issue with one-sided poly where men can have a harem, but all the women need to be exclusive to him. Especially when manipulative tactics such as religion are used to justify the double standard.
I also firmly believe it's wrong to have a "multiple baby mama" situation like this guy. One dad with multiple wives who each has kids with him is just simply not good for children.
No. 597373
>>597367>>597365You want a real example? Have a real example.
Same bullshit.
No. 597374
>>597368Like I said, it sounds like my idea of personal hell, but I also know anecdotes really mean nothing when trying to talk meaningfully about a topic as a whole - especially coming from likely scripted reality shows.
>>597372Do you not think I can find examples of bad or
abusive monogamous relationships? I'm not going to watch a stupid youtube video and I'm not saying polyamory is inherently good or could never be
abusive, but that it's not inherently bad or worse than monogamy. Unless you have any actual research that supports the idea it is then I'm not going to be convinced by random Youtube videos or TV shows, it's worrying if that's how you form your opinions on things.
No. 597378
>>597374> I'm not going to watch a stupid youtube videoNtayrt but why did you say the video that they provided before wasn't good enough then? like
>Anon provides example of bad polyamory>"No that video isn't good enough!!!">Gives two more, non-produced examples, >"I'm not going to watch that!"Also, who said there are no
abusive monogamous relationships?
No. 597382
>>597375I've done literally nothing to prove it's good nor do I think it's good, I think it's in and of itself neutral
>>597378Because the video wasn't good enough? By that I didn't mean I wanted more videos I meant I wanted some actual data or something. Do you think I don't think there are examples of bad polyamory? There are also examples of bad everything in the world.
>Also, who said there are no abusive monogamous relationships?Where did I say anyone did? I'm saying that posting videos of someone's personal experience means nothing representative.
No. 597390
>>597382So why didn't you just ask for data then? Or do the research yourself to find data that is against/for polyamory. You yourself didn't even provide any data.
The fact that that anon provided a video that "wasn't good enough" shouldn't have even mattered if you weren't going to watch them.
>Where did I say anyone did? I'm saying that posting videos of someone's personal experience means nothing representative.You implied it right here.
>Do you not think I can find examples of bad or abusive monogamous relationships?Imo, that is implication that anons were saying monogamous relationships are completely devoid of abuse.
No. 597399
>>597395my other unpopular opinion is that I miss /cgl/-driven lolcow, I feel like closing PULL was also something that made people migrate here
But like, /cgl/ is dead, everything about it just feels like is dying, and so this website was destined to change either way
No. 597434
>>597432I mean on an individual level not necessarily on a societal/policy level, I think it leads to the same outcome on those specific issues, like in the context of polyamory someone viewing it as negative because you believe it's inherently immoral because of your beliefs over power dynamics of men and women vs believing it's inherently immoral because of some moral panic over your beliefs on 'degeneracy' or whatever still leads the to the outcome of the individual viewing it negatively without any actual evidence to support their position and to the stigmatisation of it
>>597433I didn't say there was a problem with it
No. 597439
>>597434>still leads the to the outcome of the individual viewing it negatively without any actual evidence to support their position and to the stigmatisation of itAnd there you go with your MUH FACTSSS GIVE ME RESEARCH!!! Again
Why even spoonfeed you when you're a retard
No. 597450
>>597431And what's the matter with that?
Who really cares, thing is, Normies, Trads, Radfems and whatever "think similar" because well… we're all trying to not be degenerates here
Outcomes vary. Normies go on with their normie life, trads become passive wives, and radfems become cool tomboys
Gee it's almost like normal people know degeneracy is not okay, unlike the woke twitterfags who push this shit so hard in the name of "progression"
No. 597451
>>597434But is there any reason not to have a negative, or at least skeptical view on the whole thing?
Is there any evidence to support it as a positive? If we want to go down the "It's neutral" route, shouldn't there be just as much evidence to balance out a positive viewpoint as a negative? If pretty much all the examples we're exposed to are, coincidentally, very unfortunate, why shouldn't something like that be avoided and looked down on in general?
From what we've been exposed to, we even know that polyamory carries a new kind of risk regarding the safety of children (see: that example of a polycule where the woman's child got molested by one of her several male partners). Somehow, I don't think it's all just fake, slanderous sensationalism.
No. 597463
>>597439I have a lot of trouble seeing why it shouldn't be stigmatized, to be honest. There are countries with traditions of men having multiple wives, and enlightened people from those places know it's bullshit and staunchly reject it because it's so destructive. They can attest to what they've seen with their own eyes.
Meanwhile, Twitter queers and fake "progressives" are acting like they're discovering fresh new ground and are like "no one truly knows whether it's good or bad, be more open-minded guys" when the participants are boomers or college students in Seattle and a few of them have green hair and inject hormones. It's just the same shit, different colors and different terminology for the same bad dynamics. Maybe a bit more gaslighting and slightly more convoluted psychological abuse, since western men who skew left are adeptly trained at that sort of thing (right-wing men will straight up abuse women and then cite their holy book, left-wing men will abuse women, tell them they're "
toxic", "hurting everyone around them", and put them on blast in a super-long thread of pure lies so everyone in their social group shuns them).
Hell, on theory alone, if monogamy has so many pitfalls, just think of the nuclear damage having
multiple partners would cause if it was properly introduced into the mainstream, lmao.
No. 597472
>>597463Exactly. If monogamous relationships are messy enough, polyamorous ones are just going to overly complicate things into oblivion, people are flawed and thinking everything about a relationship is fun and games and love and romance is just childish as fuck… but make it worse with the polyamorous fantasy that green-haired queers plocaim to want. A self respecting adult knows this shit just doesn't work and will not put themself into this awry situation. But also, Narcs who are into this shit just know how to manipulate everyone their own way so well.
Also, someone who pushes their idiology onto you can't be good. Even worse when you reject it, because they'll call you names. For Jehova Witnesses, you're called a sinner. For abusers, you're ungrateful. For woke people, you just aren't progressive or "open minded" enough.
Open minded, my ass. That's just some random meaningless buzzwords that people like to throw around. I don't have to be "open minded" if I trust in my intuition and knowledge of what's good for me or not.
No. 597605
>>597604What would be the normal autistic traits and which ones would be fully autism?
I'm asking for real here dunno if I'm wording this right
No. 597612
>>597605Technically I don't think it's as easy as just saying that some traits are autistic and others aren't. The point I was trying to make is that just having SOME traits that could be considered autistic shouldn't be enough to warrant a diagnosis. I also think that people should be seen by more than one clinician over a number of months, or even up to a year, in order to receive a diagnosis of anything.
I know that a lot of people claiming to have autism are self-diagnosed, but I don't even trust clinicians on this shit half of the time.
No. 597633
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>>597612I get you, I'm very pissed at this bitch with her fake autism too, it's annoying as hell. Maybe I'm stupid but recently I understood myself as an autistic girl because I had many many traits including oral stimming and shit. I'm not sure what I'm even trying to say here, I just know I'm autistic for real, and I don't want to go through another diagnosis again because last time I tried to get a diagnosis one psycheatrist saw me being stressed and immediately came to the conclusion I had bpd with no test. Literally with no test. Then another psychologist told me I had hpd because I liked dressing like a retard and trusted people too much. Where I live these diagnostics are not an option
No. 597653
>>597626>autism in women is super difficult to detect thoughIt wouldn't be if the system used to diagnose weren't broken and based in flawed science. We have no way to physically look for autism, much less any disorder in the DSM, in an individual. There are no blood tests, body scans or brain imagining that can use to detect any abnormalities associated with autism, like we can with medical disorders such as diabetes or cancer. It's all based on self-reporting by the patient and clinician opinion. All of this is just made more confusing by the fact that many disorders in the DSM have overlapping traits, and others are virtually indistinguishable from each other. You can go to multiple clinicians for the same problem and receive a different diagnosis from every single one of them.
Autism is actually a great example I often use to illustrate why the DSM should be taken with a grain of salt, even if you've been professionally diagnosed. There is, supposedly, such great variability within autistic individuals that they can appear to have almost nothing in common. I'm somehow supposed to believe that the non-verbal dude in the wheelchair drooling all over himself, who is going to need extensive help completing daily tasks for the rest of his life, somehow has the SAME EXACT DIAGNOSIS as the introverted woman in her thirties who lives alone, is sensitive to certain clothing textures and only ever wants to talk about her extensive model train collection? It's fucking asinine.
Until we actually develop a reliable method(s) for detecting brain/genetic abnormalities in individuals that concretely distinguish them from "neurotypical" or "mentally healthy" people, the psych community should be focused on narrowing the diagnostic criteria for clarity's sake, rather than constantly expanding upon it. This serves virtually no purpose other than to create more confusing for everyone involved, as well makes it more likely for anyone who seeks help from a clinician to a.) receive a diagnosis when their issue may simply be situational, b.) receive multiple diagnoses they may not even have, or c.) to be misdiagnosed entirely, and repeatedly.
>the community encourages self diagnosisThis is stupid, and I can at least give credit to the field for discouraging this, but I can't say I blame people for self-diagnosing when it's so common to receive multiple, conflicting diagnoses from actual professionals who apparently have more interest in wanking over meaningless categorization as opposed to engaging in actual science. Or like, actually helping people by simply trying to meet them where they're at.
No. 597662
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Unpopular opinion: more men are like this more often than not, and the fact that they are openly like this in public spaces makes me deeply uncomfortable and lose faith in them.
Also, this is a current thread on /adv/. That board is just full of men like this, I see threads of men asking for retarded things like this all the time. Last time I went there I saw some guy encouraging another guy to fuck as many escorts as possible.
No. 597664
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>>597662another unrelated thing from /adv/.
No. 597672
>>597662this is why i get so annoyed when anons start screeching at other anons shitting on men. Men talk like this about women constantly and publicly. It's not even seen as a big deal anymore because it's so normalized.
The best thing you can do is remind males that they're responsible for 90%> violent crime and are dropping out of school more than women. They made themselves obsolete in a system they created kek
No. 597677
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>>597672>>597662Thing is anon, these men don't even care. Look at how this dude responds to that thread. It's infuriating.
>Anything is on the table from yelling at her, hitting to raping. She is your wife now, your property. Do as you please.I want to vomit.
No. 597679
>>597677I got banned from Instagram for saying men suck while men post shit like this elsewhere lmao
Use this shit to pink pill women. This right here is why you should never give up anything for a moid.
No. 597681
>>597672>Men talk like this about women constantly and publicly.Anonymous imageboards aren't exactly "public." I get that shitting on men can be cathartic, but after a certain point it starts to become a hindrance. Believing that all men only mean to harm you only hurts you in the long run. It's not mentally healthy.
>>597677>>597676>>597673Why are you even reading this? Does it actually surprise you that ugly dudes larp as psychopaths on 4chan?
No. 597683
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>>597681I don't think they're larping anon. Pic related, response of one anon to "anything is good including raping them"
>>597679Yeah, men can always say whatever they want about how much they want to rape us. Just look at all comments on pornhub, from brutal ganbang videos to camgirls.
>>597681You would be surprised how many men actually are proud of this behaivor irl.
>Believing that all men only mean to harm you only hurts you in the long run. It's not mentally healthy.It would be worse if I trusted them all. I agree not all men are bad. But this is disturbing.
No. 597690
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>>597684>Those little shits probably haven’t left their rancid B.O loaded bedrooms since 7/11 national free slurpee day.KEK
No. 597692
>>597683>Just look at all comments on pornhub, from brutal ganbang videos to camgirls.You're literally cherry picking comments from the worst possible places on the internet to justify your fear of men. Yes, obviously some men are awful, but it only seems like they're all bad when you're specifically going out of your way to find proof of such.
>>597686>red pill lessonsAre you fucking kidding me right now? Anon you're literally just unnecessarily upsetting yourself by watching stuff like this. Find something else to do ffs
No. 597708
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>>597689The only
valid varg is long hair varg.
No. 597711
>>597692>>597703P-please.. stop ..,stop being mean to men ,,I like m-men so
please I-
No. 597719
>>597710Do you really think that your kids are no longer going to require any attention/assistance from you when they're in school? Trying to establish a career in your 30's when you already have kids is about 10x harder than doing so in your 20's, without kids, when you actually have the time and the stamina. This is going to be especially difficult for you if you're also married and don't have a degree and would need to return to school. You're much less likely to receive financial aid in that case.
Honestly, there's about an equal amount of pros and cons to having kids at a later age vs. younger. Most of the cons of having kids younger is more to do with general lack of maturity on behalf of the parents, as well as a higher likelihood of divorce.
No. 597723
>>597710>30s>kids in school>do whatever I wantis this a bad larp or are you just delusional? Good luck establishing a career with a decade gap and doing whatever you want while your entire wage packet goes to kids clothes/trips/etc
Bea the system by not having kids or getting married and live the true do the fuck what you want life
No. 597724
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It sounds like they already have
No. 597726
>>597719>Do you really think that your kids are no longer going to require any attention/assistance from you when they're in school?Yeah, one of the main reasons I don't want kids is because I remember how stressful and busy my school years were for my parents and I. It was bad enough for me running around to extra curricular activities, sports, dance concerts, friends houses, parties, getting my school work done, all those projects… and how it must have been 100x worse for my poor parents, particularly my mum, because they had to actually organize everything, drive me everywhere, and help me or do things for me while I was being a grumpy little bitch about it all. I'm nearly 30 and I still constantly need their help lmao.
But they are noticeably so much happier and more relaxed now I'm older and they're retired, so maybe getting it out of the way early isn't a bad idea.
No. 597728
>>597703>>597699>>597692>>597681are you perhaps a scrote
I don't think all men are like this. I think a lot of them are though, and farmhand can see if someone is samefagging or a scrote with post history and ban them, so pretty much you're being retarded thinking
e v e r y o n e here who disagrees with you is the same person
But to be frank I think you're the same person who thinks polyamorous relationships are not degeneracy, so lmao
No. 597729
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>>597728>I think you're the same person who thinks polyamorous relationships are not degeneracy, so lmaoI'm not that person. I guess we're both retarded.
No. 597731
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>>597729Fair enough, I am indeed retarded.
No. 597738
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>>597737I'm not that person either. Stop this. Jfc we all suck.
No. 597757
>>597607this is the best take ive seen all night and i agree wow
>>597395i predict it too but still hope not
No. 597771
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>>597395the asherasgarden redtext pisses me off so much. I get farmhands think it's funny to put on tranny sperging, what the fuck ever, but doing it to the post in pic related is retarded. It was posted in /ot/ in reply to a discussion about a reddit post in the reddit thread. How is that off-topic?
From what i read in meta admin goes awol for weeks at a time. She needs to just sell the site because most of the farmhands are her friends so we can get rid of them, too.
No. 597778
>>597771Hah that was me, thanks for the support anon. It was also my only post in that discussion, it's not like I was sperging out and shitting up the thread.
Anyway bans are totally arbitrary and inconsistent, sometimes we go weeks without any bans for talking shit about men and trannies, sometimes we get banned for the slightest mention. It's sad because you know no male oriented image board has similar rules to ban misogynists, we're always the ones who have to shut up and be nice. It's also stupid because how are you gonna have a whole board for women and expect them not to vent about the opposite sex? It's inevitable and normal, not politicizing the board beyond acceptable levels.
No. 597788
>>597771It pisses me off a lot too, what anon was saying wasn't even like, out of field manhating times 10. It was a logical understandeable post.
>>597774I understand when people say not all men are bad, because it is true. But other women harassing women over "omg don't go hating men!!!" just seems sad and desperate to me. Men don't go on men's spaces and say "don't hate on women omg not all women are bad!!!" they generally all agree on their extreme views of us
No. 597791
My unpopular opinion is that /xx/ was destined to go. In fact, I feel like it was rigged from the start. The poll that we had at the top was just a google forms document, anyone with a gmail account could enter. Meaning, it wasn't just us regular farmers who voted, it was everyone who visited the site, including tourists, scrotes, trannies and cows.
I never ever even knew what /XX/ was, what it stood for, where it was located, and at the time I just answered "no I don't know what it is, but we can keep it". A lot of people both answered that they didn't know, and they didn't want to keep it. Idk. It's fishy to me.
>>597771>She needs to just sell the site because most of the farmhands are her friends so we can get rid of them, too.But what if it's sold to an even worse owner?
No. 597793
>>597791It's funny because it (/xx/) was actually working just fine. There was no reason for anyone except trannies to be mad at it. And then she made up shit about the results being "faked" because they
still didn't go in her favor, kek.
No. 597794
>>597771>>597778I feel the same way. Some bans are understandable because the derailing is extreme but lately the bans seem to be getting super arbitrary.
I wasn’t here for the drama, so maybe I’m missing something, but what the fuck is the logic of deleting the containment /xx/ board and then punishing people for talking about /xx/ topics elsewhere? Like you literally nuked the containment area, what are you expecting? That anons were just gonna be good little girls and shut up completely bc uwu man hate is uncool? It just doesn’t seem like a reasonable expectation to me.
Like previous anon said, male dominated image boards don’t ban for (often violent) misogyny, which is arguably much worse than a bunch of women venting about how shit men have treated them.
No. 597795
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This is a good breakdown of everything
No. 597801
>>597794I think things were actually going well at first, in spite of the survey and /xx/ fiasco. The admin and mods chilled on the anti-radfem shit with time, maybe they got bored.
I agree with the theory that they recently got a new farmhand from Twitter who's dumb as a brick and new. It's the only way to explain the more nonsensical bans.
No. 597832
>>597825It's so stupid lol they're talking as if it's heroine. How pathetic are you to lack this much self control. It's so easy to just not go on a porn site. And they'll also get
triggered by seeing anything sexual. I have a pretty high sex drive but porn ads, sexual images on imageboards etc do nothing for me. Male sexuality is weird
No. 597955
>>597816Nofap is the first step for a healthier sexuality for many though
>>597832I understand them, sometimes the need to masturbate is too big to ignore, even more if you're used to do it everyday at the same hours like clockwork. So you're used to looking at tiddies on a screen because it gets you off. That's how it happens, probably depressed men and women get so needy that they need it, the way porn controls the mind is kind of underplayed
This comes from someone with a high livido who gets easily aroused and was groomed as a kid. I'm still working on my porn addiction and a healthier sex life without porn (especially because I lean radfem). Maybe mine is different to how scrotes experience it but I do understand why it happens. It is quite shitty and quite embarassing, and I hate it, and I do agree it should be mocked to oblivion, but I mean, it's better than crack, I hope I'll be porn free in the future.
No. 597967
I feel like the whole internet, especially female-oriented spaces, will eventually mature when both us millenials and zoomers get older and start marrying and having children. Like, yes there will be the teens that are growing up with creepy youtube videos atm, but there will be more moms, so to speak, because we outnumber them and they probably will use their own kind of social media.
That said, I can't wait for lolcow to have parenting advice threads. No, it won't be cringe like those boomer forums. It will be cool, funny, cute, and full of amazing moments. Can't wait.
No. 598010
>>597997same. i never had a bf (20 y/o) but if i did, i'd probably tell him that i wanna wait 1 year before sex. even if he is very trust-worthy and shows no flags, the minimum i can go is 6 months.
lots of people think i'm a prude for it but especially if you're a virgin, it's important to be cautious of being used imo. no guy who is only here you for his own pleasure (meaning fucking you) is going to wait long, so you weed out people who fetishize your inexperience.
No. 598017
>>597997>>598010Some women don't feel emotional attachment to every man they sleep with and yet enjoy the physical company and touch of a man without signing up to be his gf.
I actually think that's a useful ability, that way women don't stick around in bad relationships just because some dude stuck his dick inside her.
No. 598019
>>597997As someone who continues having humiliating sex with complete strangers, it’s a mix of self harm, carelessness and mental illness. I probably will never be able to have a healthy relationship.
It’s so bad that one time I met some guy in the hotel lobby when I was super drunk, we talked for maybe two minutes and I agreed to have sex with him. In the middle of it I threw up all over the bed. Then I walked to the bathroom and continued vomiting so violently I pissed myself, so he had to wash me in the shower. This was all while his friends were still in the room. After that we continued having sex until he finished.. If I saw that guy on the street I would not recognize him.
No. 598026
Not sure why we’re only talking about extremes, there are a lot of healthy options between
>>598010 and
>>598019 No. 598027
>>598024Honestly, it's more your behavior. I'm sad that it's actually you.
Please, please seek help. You deserve better than the way these disgusting men treat you. I was so grossed out at the thought of that man still fucking you to his completion/pleasure despite you puking/pissing in the bed or whatever. Like that's an instant turn off for normal people. You were obviously way too drunk to consent. Your behavior is not good and honestly gross, but being taken advantage of by scrotes speaks volumes of them as well. Love yourself, please, we are collectively begging.
No. 598031
>>598017I understand this train of thought but to be frank even though I'm for real very touch starved, the thought of another man who I have no relation with touching me and wanting to put his dick inside me makes me feel very repulsed
>>598019>I probably will never be able to have a healthy relationship. Anon please don't say that… this thought is exactly what is not letting you have the healthy relationship you deserve. I believe in you, please don't put yourself down and work on yourself.
No. 598032
>>598027>>598028I would not even really call this kid a man tbh, he was like 16 or something (I know even worse considering I was 20). Idk what the fuck is wrong with me. Way too many similar stories and it’s just so nasty. But not all of the men I have been are awful some were very sweet and treated me well, there was just always some obstacle (distance mostly, that it never worked out).
I’m such a fucking cow myself I cannot even judge anyone who gets posted here s2g.
No. 598034
>>598010I made my first boyfriend wait for 9 months to sleep with me (I was 19 years old and a virgin), and after two months of that (eleven months going out as a couple) he left me.. turns out he just wanted to have sex with a virgin girl, and I know this because some of our mutual friends told me that he said that to them, so, careful with that mindset.
It's better to weed out people paying attention to the red flags than to just make them wait
No. 598055
>>598035look at the american lol
the guy took advantage of, if not even raped finn anon, hes a piece of shit.
Please Finn Anon, get help, we are all concerned for you.
No. 598061
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>>598054yeah yeah sure it's gross sure we all agree. Have your woke points for today
No. 598063
>>598054There wasn’t even a power imbalance, anon was clearly the vunerable party.
Honestly americans being so weirdly hung up on acting like 16 year olds are poor bby children Is sick as hell, no one magically matures when they turn 18.
No. 598065
>>598059I have not scammed or taken adventage of anyone, just acted like a trashy crazy person.
>>598055>>598050>>598046Thank you.
No. 598067
>>598062I mean you’re forgetting that scrotes are way more privileged in society.
But yeah no i dont think its that weird.
25 and 16 sure creep territory, 20 and 16 not really..
No. 598071
>>598062>flip gendersMen are objectively grosser and more disgusting. This behaivor of taking advantage of women is prevalent in them, and you know it.
A woman would not fuck a drunk guy who just hit his head falling down, with vomit and piss all over. A man, any age, would. They even stick their dick inside raw chicken breasts for god's sake.
No. 598079
>>598076No. As long as you're being respectful and not
When people think of age gap couples they're thinking of how poorly men treat younger women. They dont get it's not the same situation for women.
No. 598081
>>598059I feel zero sympathy. She's an annoying af attention seeker, spreading talk about her to multiple threads, fishing for compliments, manipulating everybody into saying that it's not her fault (because the past of finland), you just know she's hell to be around irl.
>uwu seek help, you deserve so much better than those disgusting men (teen boys)She's disgusting too, she spreads her legs for anything that moves. Your problem can be easily solved, just stop being a hoe if you regret it afterwards. And if you tend to lose control when you're drunk, why even go out drinking in the first place? You said you were with a friend, aren't you ashamed in front of her? Or is she the same? Seriously, just limit your fun time to activities during the day and you're all good. Now you're even spinning the narrative from bad sex to rape (by an underage dude…) You're embarassing, just fuck off and reflect.
No. 598087
>>598081Vomiting everywhere drunk people can’t consent.
Hypersexuality is major sign of mental illness and trauma in women.
Teenagers aren’t saints, “boys” commit as many atrocities as “adults” or you’re going to start defending school shooters because they weren’t 18 too?
Stop being a pickme and defending a rapist lol
No. 598088
>>598081Stop being a prude brat anon, nobody cares you pickme virgin.
Finn anon, from the americas we are rooting for you. I hope you decided to get some help so you don’t find yourself in dangerous situations around predatory men.
No. 598089
>>598082And when I said
>Don't fuck teenagers when you're an adultI was speaking in general, but people are sperging the fuck out thinking that pointing that usually good rule of thumb = you are complicit in being taken advantage of kek try reading comprehension bitches
No. 598099
>>598081>She's an annoying af attention seekerI haven't seen a single comment of her asking for attention.
>she spreads her legs for anything that moves.You're worse than an scrote. This is fucking disgusting anon.
>just stop being a hoeIt's not that easy for some mentally ill women, and finnanon clearly wants to stop.
>why even go out drinking in the first place? Why be disgusting to an anon that has nothing to do with you?
>Now you're even spinning the narrative from bad sex to rapeShe didn't say it was rape. I said it.
No. 598101
>>598086Yeah, that's exactly the impression one get's after the your dozens of posts, including your bruised legs etc… Tell your many irl friends they need to smack some sense into your retard head.
>>598087>>598088>prude pickme virginThere's women who fall
victim to men and there's brainlets who let every scrote dick them down, not supporting the latters behavior is just natural. Coddling her won't do any good. By continuing to post about how awful it was, she already confirmed that this is something one regrets and not something that only prudes would find vile.
No. 598102
>>598089Maybe don’t bring that up in a situation where I was taken adventage of? 16 year old are not saints anymore, especially men
>>598088>>598087I should not have brought that age thing up apparently, some underlying pickme element is still visible here apparently
I could have also talked about the times I was molested by men who were 10+ years older, but I thought that was a good example
No. 598107
>>598088nta but being a "prude" is obviously better in this scenario
>>598099>It's not that easy for some mentally ill womenvibrators exist and are a lot better than the average dick
No. 598120
>>598099>You're worse than an scrote. This is fucking disgusting anon.It's literally the truth, she said so herself.
>>598102Oh and now you yourself also start calling anons anti feminists for not giving you said excuse of an adult women asspats for your irresponsible behavior… Seriously, grow up.
>>598104She seeks out sex with strangers despite knowing that it's dangerous and something she regrets afterwards, if you think that's the same as women getting assaulted or having male family members turning onto them, then I don't know what to tell you.
No. 598125
>>598118Most of them have cuddled with me afterwards and did stuff like give me a ride home ot bought me drinks or food or whatever. I just push the nice ones sway because I don’t want anyone to actually get to know me
>>598115Thanks anon
No. 598132
>>598120>anti-feministsHow is calling another woman a whore who "spreads her legs for anything that moves", feminism?
How is being rude to her, calling her disgusting names… feminism?
How is yelling at her going to help her at all?
>she said so herselfShe said that she has had very bad stupid retarded choices, but you worded it in a very disgusting way.
No. 598137
>>598125>I just push the nice ones sway because I don’t want anyone to actually get to know meThis sounds like a loser 13-year-old writing a self insert wattpad story. So cold and mysterious…
>>598132Feminism =/= "I support any idiot who happens to be female"
No. 598149
>>598147Anon… you're making it really hard to defend you lol
Just… don't oh god
No. 598152
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>>598141I felt really bad and was rooting for you at first, but now I see you're pathetic as fuck. Good god woman, get a grip.
No. 598158
>>598144me too, kind of. it was one of the few kpop related online places i followed
stan twitter is autism
No. 598162
>>598147>I would rather let some guy put his dick in my asshole than tell him my favorite song or whatever.You're only proving me right. At this point I just think you're a troll.
I hope all you fags who wrote pathetic "I love you finnanon!" posts have a bad day, quit being so fucking gullible. And just because you are a woman and somebody else claim to be a women too doesn't you must defend all of their retarded actions. "Her" posts stank right from the get-go, don't be so nice all the time, especially not to people who don't deserve your time and effort.
No. 598166
>>598162I’m just so pathetically insecure.
It’s not a joke. I would prove that I’m a real life crazy person if I cuould :(
No. 598174
>>598162She may be trolling now, but I do also know people like this. Trashy women exist, unfortunately.
But yeah, the rest of you have fun continuing to be pickmes for this Finnidiot. You've clearly never been around an alcoholic or bpdfag irl who refused to get help. Those of us who have are already over it lol.
No. 598178
>>598167I sometimes do tbh
>>598172this is even better
No. 598193
>>598187tbh I think your just salty a 18 yo got the better of you. Your right tho, too many young people try to pretend like they are so innocent when they get in trouble.
>>598189we didn't ask for this, love.
No. 598196
>>598194This. I'm not sure what happened at this point.
Like, why the sudden burst of activity and unsaged posts like the porn link and "anyone want dick?" when Finnanon showed up?
No. 598212
>>598192I wanna know what this post was. Dick post was not related to me
No. 598227
>>598225He revealed this to me later on in the "frienship" which is one of the reasons I started drifting away. He wanted to come clean to me and he told me how he has sexually assaulted children and he was 18 when it happened.
But then when I want my money back he tries to paint me as a pedo despite the fact hes out here molesting 6 year olds.
Like I said some people only pull the age card to get outta stuff.
No. 598230
>>598221>post something embarrassing>don't get the response you wanted>"A-and btw he's also a rapist!"I see a pattern…
>>598223It would be an explanation for his behavior. Why else would a teen fresh out of hs seek out a much older woman? If she was 40+ then ok, maybe that's his weird thing, but she's 30, so why? His motive was odd right from the start, anon should have been suspicious.
>>598227So you didn't jump right after he stole from you and him being a pedo was only "one of the reasons"? kek I bet in your next post you're gonna change the story again, maybe you were drunk or he forced you too and of course you immediately reported him to the police…
No. 598242
>>598235Well, I was repulsed and shocked. He said it didnt count because he was "asleep". Idk how that works.
>>598230In the situation I was in the wrong too but I dont understand how he can call me a pedo when 1. Hes a literal pedo and 2. He was simping for a 28 year old. It's just funny how he pulled the pedo card on me but he's not a pedo and the 28 year old who is using him for money isnt one.
No. 598270
Unpopular opinion: 90% of the time, guys who had sex with older women when they were in their teens aren't traumatized about the sex itself. What hurts them is the older woman not staying with them.
A lot of women don't get this nuance, and cry about predation. They're obsessed with being fair and projecting their own experiences on men, but it's the blindest shit ever. Ask any actual guy who's been through this, ask if he feels victimized, and listen to his testimony. The pain is from the abandonment, he doesn't get the feeling that his body was invaded and made disgusting.
People need to start separating actual male CSA victims, like guys who got molested when they were 8 by their aunt or female neighbor, from guys who just got to bang the hot teacher or cool older girl that they were literally already fantasizing about while nursing a porn addiction in their free time. There's a strong difference, stop pretending they're the same.
Don't @ me with "But if the genders were reversed itd be predatory" If the genders were reversed, you know the dynamics would be completely different.
No. 598275
>>598270I fucking hate "if the genders were reversed" for anything. I saw on insta yesterday some pick-me was calling out a girl for filming some guy she saw out and found hot. "if the genders were reversed and a man was filming a random woman he found hot ya'll would be mad!"
Like are you fucking serious? Men film women in public CONSTANTLY. They have/had entire subreddits dedicated to it. There are entire categories on porn sites dedicated to creep cams placed in changing rooms/toilets. But I'm meant to be mad about some teen girl filming some random guy??? Like the intentions would be the same AT ALL. Like this girl is going to go home and talk to her fellow women about how much she wants to rape the guy. big kek
No. 598278
>>598270>>598270I feel like similar things can be said about how we even address sexual assault. Like, people tend to conflate sexual assault with pedophilia, so people we say stuff like "he got arrested for pedophelia". No, bitch, he got arrested for sexual assault. Acknowledging the nuance doesn't mean I condone pedophelia. Persecuting someone for their sexuality only obfuscates the fact that there was a
victim. And it's that same mindset that puts people who have sex with 17y/o's they met at a bar on the same sex offenders registry as actual sex predators. And insult to injury, Megan's Law doesn't even work. People think the severity of the punishment changes things, but the same amount of people are being victimized regardless of the repercussions.
No. 598284
>>598278pedophilia isn't a sexuality… it's a sexual deviation. No one is arresting pedos for their sexualities jesus.
You can absolutely be arrested for acting on pedophilia, too. That's why the charges are sexual assault of a MINOR.
This whole post is…
No. 598291
>>598288a true unpopular opinion would be
>Dasani is the best bottled waterno one thinks that, but could you imagine
No. 598292
>>598280I don't know if it's exactly accepted, but I think it's more prominent than most people realize. I knew at least a few seemingly normal guys who mentioned browsing that subreddit, and one of them had hundreds of photos of girls from uni on his phone.
Reddit only banned the creepshots subreddit because someone wrote an article that got a lot of traction and exposed how shitty it was. It's more hidden now.
No. 598317
>>598288That's fair and also true. Where I live, the water is especially hard, which is why it makes me even more annoyed when my dumb bitch grandma insists on buying plastic bottles ON TOP of the 3 gallon bottles I constantly refill for her, plus the water filter I installed for her. It's just insulting. Sometimes I wash plastic containers that can be recycled, and she takes them and throws them in the trash. When I try to explain to her to fucking stop it, she always goes "oh, it's okay". No it's fucking not. I know fully well the futility of recycling plastic and the energy and water wasted in the recycling process, but can I at least have the luxury of pretending to assuage my guilt about using plastic? I get you don't care about my future, but you could at least not spit in my face while you're at it.
>>598291I have a friend who stands by Dasani because it's apparently distilled and she uses it for microchips or wafers or something? I guess that's cheaper than getting a reverse osmosis machine or whatever.
No. 598342
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>>598337Nevermind, that's too many requests to attempt to make a burnt burger taste okay and I'm usually too retarded to ask for customizations on my fast food orders. But if other anons try it report back kek
No. 598385
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>>598379There's a reason I made this post. I think I can say successfully that I run the relationship. I'm a major control freak and schedule everything, plan everything, decide most things. My boyfriend absolutely loves his mom and his sisters. He's not a soyboy feminist but really supports outspoken feminists alike. Those aren't the only reasons he doesn't hate women but you just know. He treasures women. I honestly don't deserve him.
I promise, I'm not trying to brag.I think the reason he's into BDSM is that he has an inferiority complex because he's short and spent most of his life not making his own decisions. He just probably needs an outlet to feel like he's in control and… well, I've been into subbing since years before I met him so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 598446
>>598409KEK "sounds like you work for him"
Bitch please. Sounds like I do things how I want, when I want. He can do his own shit. When I say I schedule things I mean events that we do
but yeah I'll say I work for him if it makes you feel better.
If you knew what manga it came from, it'd make sense.
No. 598458
>>598446I knew what you meant..
>but yeah I'll say I work for him if it makes you feel does
>If you knew what manga it came from, it'd make sense.just did a reverse image search and the artist does hentai..
>>598451Am I the only one who doesn't LARP, here?
No. 598474
>>598385kek your bf is into BDSM because he likes to dominate women. He doesn't want to be equal sexual partners to you.
I don't know how women can be happy in relationships where they have to do everything and the moid just sits back because he's so passive. These men never will defend you or have a solid opinion. When there's a real issue you can't depend on him.
Anon you just like Mothering this manlet and you were the next logical step for him after he got too old to be depending on mommy to run his life.
No. 598475
>>598474Idk how a man acts passive and lazy in everyday life then expects to be a dom in the bed room. I can’t take a man seriously as a dom unless he’s paying all the bills etc
I’m not into bdsm but idk how they can take a loser seriously as a dom.
No. 598478
>>598385>>598446So, in exchange for all this labor, does he financially support you?
If you're paying for his shit or doing 50/50, this is approaching gimpgirl levels of cope.
No. 598490
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>>598473Well, it came off defensive because that anon literally said "good luck finding one like that" and I have? So yeah maybe I was easily baited but I like to be defensive, it's hooman nature
>>598474> He doesn't want to be equal sexual partners to you.Duh, you silly bitch. Didn't I already say that? I said as long as it's different outside of the bedroom and outside of that headspace, BDSM relationships are fine.
>>598451Why would I post if I didn't know that. Stupidt.
>>598475>>598478You guys are missing the point where I said I choose to do these things because I don't like them done any other way. I'd be the same way if I were dating a woman (which I have in the past). Planning things for us to do, scheduling shit, etc. Making sure HE takes care of laundry and dishes if I don't feel it's up to par. I do this for all of my relationships, BDSM or not. I already called myself a control freak and I like it. I literally have autistic fits when things don't go my way.
Anyways, yeah he pays for whatever I need or whatever I ask. But I'm a grown woman with a salary, I don't need a sugar daddy.
No. 598513
>>598385Samefag, and idk.
Everyone's making it out like the relationship is like "okay I washed the dishes, I did the laundry, I paid the bills, I scheduled your dentist appointments and made sure you have all your records"
That'd be the mommy role.
What the relationship is actually like is just like this:
"hey honey, let's try whole30 diet!"
"Okay cool"
"Yo, we should check out this local event!"
"Actually nevermind I don't feel like it"
"We're getting a schnauzer"
"no I want a shibe!"
"Dude I'm allergic to short hairs and they shed alot, we're getting a schnauzer"
"okay I guess they're kinda cute"
"Hey honey, you're paying for lunch okay?"
"Yeah that's fine"
I have already admitted to being in control of our relationship activities, yes. And I like it. It's the only way I feel comfortable. Maybe it's easier for him because he's boring or repetitive but idc. But I'm not in charge of any of his personal shit ever.
And then when we switch to BDSM mode I don't have to or need to do anything, I'm no longer in control. And that's the kink.
No. 598536
>>598513>"Hey honey, you're paying for lunch okay?">"Yeah that's fine"not a single person here believes your little bitch of a bf pays for shit.
Also honestly you sound like a fucking nightmare. Giving him no say in events etc is one thing, giving him no say in buying a dog and shit like that is another level.
Get help.
No. 598598
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>>598355Unironically, I use the better water for brewing coffee.It tastes better. Also a pH of 7.0 is just.. water.
No. 598639
>>596110I had no idea who nemu was until this comment and i looked up her threads….
No. 598659
My unpopular opinion: I wish there was a 'relationship general thread' instead of just an advice one so insufferable anons like
>>598490can talk about their shitty bfs there
No. 598660
>>598658yup, I just used that as a bare minimum. In my area anything requiring anything more than just a ride to the hospital in the ambulance (if they actually have to tend to you in some way during the ride) it could be 2,500 without insurance.
That's why I feel bad for suicidal people who get 911 called on them when speaking to someone over a hotline. Without insurance 72 hour mandatory holds cost like 20,000.
No. 598669
>>598652You need to add "in Murica", the rest of the world isn't as shitty as you.
In my country you can even get prison time for not helping an ill/injured person, if we'd only go our ways without ever caring about others, society would collapse.
No. 598839
>>598785not that anon, but Ancient Greece
And men just love each other too much, they see themselves as superior. If being gay was okay for men, then women would be seen just as "breeders". Which is, actually, a thing right now. Not only between the biggest women haters, but between fetishists too.
No. 598886
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Unpopular opinion: we should make a pink pill discord
I'm just scared of it becoming a drama hotpot, since you know, lolcow and outing ourselves
Plus… when I used to be in rad tumblr, there was always so much infighting and talking behind backs on discord groups
I also don't want it to be plain man-hating you know? just smart women being smart
No. 598901
>>598785Because men share the same views about sex usually, they usually feel men are superior and love the shit out of their male friends,most men think vaginas are gross and don’t understand how they work and don’t want to.
So yeah most men would be gay or bisexual with a preference for males if they could.
No. 598918
>>598904>>598907Why would anyone trust to expose their identities in a discord with you when you're already this patronizing and judgmental about a group of traumatized women?
You're walking red flags.
No. 598933
>>598904FDS just means respecting yourself and looking for high value qualities in men, for example taking you on dates. I don't know how you can be pro-pp but anti-fds unless you're a newfag tbh.
I wouldn't want to be in a discord with someone as judgemental as you tbh. Maybe you're the source of all this drama you find yourself in?
No. 598945
>>598925tbh i actually think there would be a lot more gay women. most women are open minded about sexual stuff with other women.
also whenever a woman talks about what they expect romantically/emotionally from guys i swear they're just describing a girl. i feel like most women would go lesbian or at least bi if they didn't have this dumb inferiority complex of "feeling protected". bitch u need protection from men because of other men.
maybe im projecting since i identify as het but would eat pussy if i had the chance (plus obvi don't trust men like every other farmer)
No. 598950
>>598918Oh please, being traumatized has nothing to do with it.
>>598933Ah yes, looksmaxxing and lying about the number of sexual partners you’ve had in order to land a slightly less shitty man — both advice I often see in fds spaces — is totes empowering
No. 598952
>>598950>Oh please, being traumatized has nothing to do with it.Ah, now you're baiting.
Yeah this discord would go over so well /s
No. 598966
I just wanna nuke the /r/instagramreality sub.
I don't think that pointing out someone who made their waist a bit smaller or smoothed their skin is useful at all, and I don't think those people are guilty of setting unrealistic standards. 90% of the people posted there are also affected by those standards, and it's just plain retarded to post them there being like hurr durr so much for body positivity. Filters have become something like makeup, where people use it to look better. Of course there's some horrible examples and those would be fine to be posted and mocked just like it happens with bad makeup.
I see posts of celebrities, or even worse, normal people, who posted a picture where they look very minimally different from the original/tagged pictures and the comments are like BUT THEYRE SO PRETTY I WISH THEY'D APPRECIATE THEIR BODIES. It's the same as posting 'you're pretty, you don't need all that clown paint' under the picture of someone with a full face of makeup.
There's so much shitty photoshopping going around with truly horrible proportions, yet they nitpick shit like makeup brands smoothing people's skin. Come the fuck on, I hate reddit and I hate how that typa shit brought about some witchhunts just because people use filters.
On the same note, and on an even hotter take, I don't think that anorexics that photoshop themselves thinner are the root of the problem, they're affected by it, and shouldn't be held accountable for people feeling bad because of them. If someone posts a picture and someone who is vulnerable sees it, that's their own problem and fault. People with their issues will post harmful shit, but at the end of the day they don't control who is gonna see it. (of course people who post in thinspo groups or shit like that know what they're doing and are just fucked up bitches who are to blame, but not entirely)
No. 598968
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>>598958FDS is a place for women to talk about and share their experiences with violent, deceptive, and manipulative men.
Not all FDSers are traumatized, but plenty of discussion revolves around abuse. If you're not baiting you're in deep denial.
>first page No. 599007
>>598983FDS gives shit advice that isn’t actually empowering and they’re too obsessed with men
>how dare you?! You have to accept their views they’re traumatized!All women are traumarized…
>yeah but our shitty advice actually helps me get dick avoid dating bad men, unlike just avoiding men No. 599018
>>599014Same here, I'm actually not wasting my time anymore and it feels good to read stories from other women about the shitty things men did to them so I have the comfort to know it's
toxic male behavior. Things make so much sense to me now.
No. 599024
>>599017>looksmaxxing Why on earth do you have a problem with people improving their appearances when our fucking society itself values that you idiot.
>lying about the number of sex partners Lmao so what? Unless they have a permanent STD they can give you, their sexual information is otherwise none of your business. But of course you make a big stink when women do it while men are never interrogated about their numbers. Enough with these weird anti-science purity takes, vaginas clean themselves and you are not licking 30 other dicks when you eat out a muff, minger.
Wow. A whole two things you don't agree with when not everyone there even cares about looksmaxxing, and are trying to avoid fickle men so their body count won't be higher. You're such a brain drain.
No. 599033
>>599023I’m genuinely curious why FDS specifically, radical feminism has been covering it for forever. There’s whole books on the way men treat women in relationships
>>599024I don’t care if you want to looksmax or lie but then don’t go and pretend like you hate men and are so cool when you’re actually just being pathetic and giving in to societal expectations and supporting patriarchy all for some male attention and sex.
No. 599039
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Drinking directly from the bottle/carton/bag makes the drink in question taste better than when you pour it in a glass/cup/mug.
No. 599064
My unpopular opinion is that my posts are good.
>>599032I think it’s completely fine to lie about your bodycount as a woman, or if you have done certain sexual stuff, bc men get so fucking shitty and self righteous about it. Like if you say you have done anal but hated it, they will pressure you into doing it because “they are missing out”.
No. 599083
>>599078This was not a personal experince, that just seems to be a very common thing, that if you were a ”dirty girl” before you must provide that same stuff to your boyfriend.
There was this one guy who really wanted to date me, bc he thought that I would just be ok with anything sexually, bc I have been before.
No. 599105
>>599102Or maybe scrotes get ideas in their heads to do shit they originally wouldn't have considered doing if you hadn't told them what you're capable of enduring.
They will suddenly treat you different, the joke here is that you think men are consistent.
No. 599106
>>599102No. But most ”good men” (oxymoron tbh) will feel weird and resentful if they know you did retarded sex stuff in the past. Like even if they try to be respectful it always turns into, ”but you were fine with x, what is wrong with y”. Or seethe about it in their heads.
I told this guy I liked that I had sex in ublic on vacation and he would not let it. Even though the circumstances were really different,
No. 599120
>>599113Yeah, men are assholes and selfish. So just avoid them
>>599115Imagine being so pathetic that you want to date someone who would try to sexually coerce you if he knew who you actually were. Anons, love yourselves, damn.
No. 599124
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>>599096what if I throw it out
No. 599134
>>599129Then why comment when it’s about dating
>>599132I’m straight and I’m not the anon who wanted to create a discord, who knows maybe they like FDS
No. 599476
>>599470i'd rather be around someone with psychopathy than bpd. i don't want to be a jerk to them directly but i heavily dislike people wih bpd, i made the mistake of befriending some of them and they kept being extremely manic and
abusive. it's hard to keep a friendship with them
No. 599509
>>599495white americans are not welcome in europe.
they are the ones who will larp as a viking while going on about mixed race kids being mongrels and their white parent being a race traitor. ironically, the people they bash are way more nordic than them. it's very embarrassing to see some obese american tard with no personality of his own claim viking blood because his mother told him he was 1/12th norwegian and tell people who are 1/2 norwegian to go back to where they came from.
No. 599515
>>599501>>599509>>599510I don't care if North America becomes non-white is the thing. I just think it's funny to see North American ethnostate people sperg about white people becoming a minority in the US when white people aren't even "native" to the Americas.
Either way immigration is just how humans operate and the borders we have created today are never going to hold up in the grand scheme of things. Nations fall, the earth changes and people mix regardless of the idea of race. That is how it's always going until the human race eventually goes extinct regardless of what any race purist White, Asian, or Black believe.
No. 599527
>>599495>>599509>white americans are not welcome in europe. This kek. You can't "move back to" somewhere you weren't even born. And no, one of your ancestors having lived here 300 years ago doesn't count.
>>599515>Either way immigration is just how humans operate and the borders we have created today are never going to hold up in the grand scheme of things. Nations fall, the earth changes and people mix regardless of the idea of race. I think the issue some people have is that in certain places this process of becoming more mixed is highly encouraged or even demanded (usually in white countries) while other nations are allowed to be or even praised for the opposite, staying as homogeneous as possible (e.g. Japan).
No. 599542
>>599539But only the topmost extreme, the vast majority still sees them as
victims of whites, as a "minority" (despite their countries consisting of 99.?% of just their people).
No. 599548
>>599542And why are you not mentioning Israel also being an ethnostate? Which countries are you even talking about, do you think every asian country is like nippon or something?
>>599527Canada, Hawaii,New Zealand, Australia, and north and south america belonged to indigenous people but I can't imagine colonizers ever giving that all up or evaluating their hypocritical immigration policies. America loves immigrants when it comes to doctors, scientists, or fodder for their petty wars.
No. 599556
>>599542I wasn’t criticizing your post, I agree with you. It’s just amusing imo.
I think it’s weird that countries that have not contributed to specific wars etc. are expected to carry the burden of refugees to a higher level than they are actually able to, bc ”white people bad”. I’m not against immigration or non-whites and think it is cultural not about race, but the reaction to the migrant crisis was understanble to a point.
No. 599571
>>599548I mean Israel isn't exactly popular, they're constantly criticised…plus it's just one exception.
>>599555Many asian countries, like Japan,, Korea and so on are all pretty much homogeneous (in China it's only 0.0something%) and nobody expects them to change that, meanwhile the percentage of foreigners in many european countries has crossed the 10% mark a long time ago and sjws still tell them to be more inclusive.
Or as an example: in 2015 Germany took in over 1 million refugees, Japan only 11.
Both of them share a similar history due to their fault in wwii, so how is it "fair" that Japan get's away with being like this, while what Germany did is considered still far from enough?
No. 599580
>>599571Maybe because Japan has more of a political impact within Asia than the rest of the world, while the opposite is true for Europe. I don't see anyone directly praising them for not taking in immigrants, it's just that no one in the west really gives a fuck about them except for anime, lmao. Same goes for South Korea and k-pop. China is more of a complicated story because everyone knows it's a hell-hole that treats people like shit, especially minorities, sort of like Russia.
In fact, some parts of Europe had a direct role in creating the situations in other places, causing the need for immigration.
No. 599586
>>599580Only France and Britain got themselves involved in Syria alongside the US, meanwhile syrian refugees are in large numbers in close to any european nation.
American sjw love to pester european countries but let asian countries off the hook because they produce their beloved animuh, kpop,…
No. 599758
>>599747Good for you I guess.
Isn't it normal to enjoy being rich?
No. 599786
>>599761> I nearly get hit all the time when I go out.It sounds like
you’re that bad driver lol
No. 599806
>>599761Going below the speed limit is dangerous and illegal btw
Yes it’s super annoying when people don’t use blinker but you shouldn’t even be that close to another car where if they decelerates for a turn you have to slam the break
Just git good lol
No. 599807
>>599758lmao exactly
>>599786found the mad borgar
>>599805i agree. it's like when people complain about how all girls have the same lips on insta because of fillers but then will shit on any celebrity that has thin lips.
No. 599809
>>599806I'm not going to keep repeating this for Americans who can't drive OR read
I'm a fucking pedestrian. I do not drive. How do I git gud at dodging fucking cars you spastic.
No. 599811
>>599761Americans are entitled about most of what they believe to be their "rights" (aka: everything). This attitude is deeply embedded into the culture. I assure you it's not specific to driving. And like other anons are saying, there are a lot of parts of the country where public transportation either isn't an option, or is so poor that driving is an essential for most people. I live in a city where it would take me an hour to reach virtually any destination by bus, whereas it would take 5-10 minutes to get there by car. I'd say the US needs to improve on public transport as a whole, but given the geography of the country and how spread out everything is even within the states, that's genuinely not easy to do.
You've also clearly never spent any time in a third world country if you think American driving is bad lmao
No. 599818
>>599761It's a shame that pedestrians are ever hit but that has more to do with distracted driving (as you pointed out) than speed. That guy could've hit you at 30 or 50mph and you still would've been seriously hurt either way.
5-10mph over the speed limit in non-residential areas is actually reasonable if not typical. The reason why Americans say "well everyone else speeds too" is due to the fact that no one wants to suddenly disrupt the traffic by slowing down when everyone else is going faster. It's one thing to be pressed when you're already speeding and some asshole insists on riding your ass, but you honestly can't speed up even a little above limit? That's dumb. Cops don't even pull over for going slightly over the limit so why be so stupid about that?
Foreigners are actually the ones causing the most accidents in my area due to the fact that they're new and don't understand conventions like the indicators and traffic patterns. The fact that you assume everyone who's an ass on the road is an American who's been living here for decades makes me chuckle, you don't know that.
We're a huge country with no public transportation thanks to corporate and political lobbying. Nearly everyone not living in a city with well-funded public transport must drive. Our traffic fatalities are actually relatively low compared to other countries, so.
No. 599819
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I feel so validated in my hatred for these ~trendy~ minimalist tattoos I knew they would age like ass
No. 599824
>>599818> Foreigners are actually the ones causing the most accidents in my area due to the fact that they're new and don't understand conventions like the indicators and traffic patterns. Yeah, I’ve noticed this too. Driving by my university is crazy. Eurosperg must live in LA or something where driving is actually nuts.
>>599819 Gross, that would look like some kind of rash from a distance.
No. 599872
>>599824The amount of LA Armenians that try to drive you off the road is insane. They’re literally the worst drivers in DTLA.
Also absolutely to the other anon that said the worst drivers are non Americans. I drive past shit drivers and it’s almost always Asian people or Indian people. Slow foreigners disrupting traffic in America are the real problems. Glad you don’t drive OP, we’d all hate you. It’s not entitlement, it’s not standing out like a retard driver.l
No. 600060
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i love faded tattoos. they have been a part of a person for a while and aged with them, that's so cool to me. i rly like the look, way more than fresh tattoos.
No. 600110
>>600062garlic > onion any day. at least your hands smell better after cutting garlic.
unpopular opinion: grapefruit is gross
No. 600112
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>>600076Meh, I'do it, I'm jobless due to Covid right now, have some tech skills (guessing it's not that hard if a 18yo can do it, not dissing, maybe admin is some tech wizard idk, I'm thankful for her work anyway).
Plus, being 30+ and being an introvert person (we have a lot of BPDs and even histrionics aroud here, let's face it), I'm immune to petty drama and shit (can't even be bothered to figure how to get in the discord, wasn't worth the hassle to hear you catty bitches cackle all day long), I guess I could nib in the bud any frivolous powergrabs.
Maybe I'll try my hand at janitoring just to give back a little (are we still in need of those ?)
Anynway, I'm sure it would look great on my résumé too : 'handling and making safe a community of niche feminine interests from scrotes and trannies in hiding'.
No. 600147
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>>600139I actually love grapefruit. I eat one nearly everyday and not with sugar or salt or anything. The only thing that sucks about it is the interactions with medications. I think it's actually unpopular to like grapefruit.
No. 600185
>>600184i enjoy solo porn just because i can act like it's a masturbaion video my imaginary bf sent me.
also onion powder sucks.
No. 600229
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>>600112Did someone not get enough attention in the discord server?
No. 600297
Inspired by one of the retweets to this
>>600268 I don't think people who once had very bad habits should be allowed to act all high and mighty towards people who are still battling with problems.
Yes, in a way you are "better" than them but on the other hand, why did you start doing those things in the first place when they're so bad and doing them shows you are lazy, stupid etc? According to this logic all the people who were strong enough to never have problems in the first place should also be allowed to mock you because they're above you.
Example, this dude being mad about (a drawing of) fat women - meanwhile he himself was a druggie for 11 years and once weighed fucking 160lbs more, meaning he's likely covered in wings of flabby skin. It's like as soon as they're no longer that ugly they think they belong to the "popular kids" who need to bully everyone else.
>"As a man who's lost 160lbs through discipline, diet and exercise, I cannot tell you how much I absolutely loathe the fat acceptance part of the intersectionalist movement."Then somebody else says: "yeah its just lazy obese people trying to make em self feel good and not get out of the basement"
>"Women. Overweight women. You never see men act like women should find them desirable, even though they're obese. Just doesnt happen. And we dont get upset, when women dont want to f*ck us. We totally get it. I have lived on both sides of the aisle. I know whats up."It's usually middle aged men (the demographic who suffers the least when fat because dad bods and pot bellies are considered normal) who are all "Yes we should bully fatties! I was once fat myself, brutal honesty is the only cure!". It's especially bad when they're still fat and already talk like this. Congrats, you're a good fatty who shits on other fatties and allows people to abuse you…
I don't think fat people should be bullied, but I also don't think people who lost weight or stopped smoking or anything like that should be given as many asspats as they usually are. Always staying healthy or not developing unhealthy coping mechanisms shows real discipline.
No. 600306
here is an unpopular opinion: black is a very ugly color and it doesn't deserve the hype it gets because it's just boring and bland
>>600301i don't think you and me are talking about the same thing …
No. 600311
>>600298Catty bitches is a widespread loving expression to talk about farmers.
Learn to fucking integrate.
No. 600312
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>>600296>>600300I'm pretty sure that anon was being frivolous when she said that.
No. 600323
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>>600319Kek - naaaah, I'm NOT A CATTY BITCH on a gossip website, HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?
ARe we still having those PULL tard around?
No. 600338
>>600334you fool this isn't a fight you must fight. you better sit and let the big mommy handle this
>>600331fuck you
No. 600359
>>600356I'm tired of it. They'll jump at any joke or sarcasm and are utterly unable to get it. It's exhausting.
It sucks out all of the fun of teasing each other.
Like seriously, being offended by 'catty bitch'? Yeah, sure, you're not a catty bitch nitpicking moo backfat.
Come on…
No. 600377
>>600356Ntyrt, but I've seen a lot more anon-on-anon hate that seems excessive over fairly trivial posts recently. Infighting is already annoying in cow-threads but that's more because people that get overly invested (not just being there for luls and gossip) with internet-personalities tend to be a bit unhinged.
I wonder why it's leaking over into /ot/ and /g/ though.
No. 600395
>>600377people are mad about moderation and the admin is awol (again).
I just ignored/reported the obvious bait/pullfags but they don't get banned. People just figure what's the point and fight with them.
There was a literal pedo derailing the true crime thread for 2 days and no one did shit about it.
No. 600666
>>600488What parts of it make it seem lonely and depressing to you? I don’t currently live in Japan but having stayed there for a decent period of time I didn’t find it that way at all. It actually felt easier to make friends because it’s pretty common for most social things to involve a good amount of people, so once you know a single person suddenly you know all their friends and everyone wants to be buddies with you. Sure, as a foreigner part of that may just be the allure of having the cool outsider friend, but for the most part people were welcoming in earnest. Even strangers were very chill and willing to talk with me.
Not saying Japan is perfect, but I don’t see how it’s any worse than most first world countries. I see way more people in the US scoffing at non-white residents and telling them to “go back where you came from” even when they were born here than I ever heard Japanese people badmouthing actual foreigners.
No. 600784
i don't want to generalize but i think about 50% of all stoners are embarrassingly cringy.
i enjoy smoking it from time to time myself but after having so much experience with doing it in so many different ways at so many different times, i think people who are constantly stoned, all day, every day, every hour, every minute, every second of their lives, there's something wrong with them or their surroundings that is harming them that they are willfully ignoring.
and the longer they spend being like this, the less likely it is that they're ever going to get themselves out of that rut.
and it's honestly disgusting to watch. particularly because they think they're any better than people who are constantly drunk or high on something else. they have this superiority complex about how weed usage cannot ever harm you, meanwhile they've completely given up on their education. they've gotten fired from work for being stoned on the job multiple times. they've stagnated or gotten worse at their chosen hobby. they are completely indifferent and lack passion about anything, including the people in their lives who put up with their bullshit, who they should be thankful for.
there's nothing wrong with smoking weed occasionally, but fuck yeah am i gonna judge you if you smoke it every single day and are so bad you even go to work like that.
like weed is cool and all but i've seen first hand that the lazy stoner stereotype exists for a reason. it's a drug that gives you the ability to become completely complacent. it's a drug that can enable you to become a neckbeard stuck in your mom's basement at age 40, and loving it.
all drugs should be approached with caution and that includes weed. it's not as harmless as stoners are obsessed with claiming it is.
maybe it doesn't harm your body like hard drugs but it harms your life in other ways that can be just as bad imo.
No. 600786
>>600784I generally avoid weed smokers because a lot of them act like is cool and a personality trait. They also always seem to be pressuring people to try it, cmon! It’s not addictive
Fuck off, if it’s so harmless then why did it turn you into a complete retard
No. 600917
>>600784I believe what makes weed dangerous is that you will never hit rock bottom like other drugs, allowing you to ignore and deny the any problem with being high 24/7. Stoner culture doesn't believe you can be addicted or have a problem with weed anyways.
If anyone wants to quit the reddit leaves community is very supportive and holds daily meetings.
No. 600930
>>600927NTA but
>they’d actually raise their kids more functional than moms ever cansure af shows there's something not quite right with you. What a bizarre assumption, men have taken a back seat in child rearing from the beginning of time. How on earth could you confidently assume they'd be better parents than mothers if they somehow began caring about parenting? Good parents or as good as mothers, sure, but better? Weirdly misogynistic, gender shouldn't determine how good of a parent someone is.
No. 600940
>>600930By now I think that opinion is dumb, I don’t have the answers for why women like me are so abandoned/neglected/mistreated by both of our parents. Weirdly misogynistic? Yes and no.
I went by the “””logic””” that I see many men in households being lazy and not doing a thing besides minimum waging (I don’t need to explain to any scrote reading this that moms work too), yet they are forced (I know it’s a bad thing) when the wife/gf passed away/left to take so good care of their kids who may be daughters and they become sweet assertive functional ladies, and I’m really really jealous. I had to figure out everything on my own. My mom did nothing but pampering me, which I appreciate too, but didn’t make me ready for adult life.
No. 600963
>>600786>They also always seem to be pressuring people to try it, cmon! It’s not addictiveThis so much. In my early 20s my friends had a pothead period where they would talk about fucking nothing but smoking weed. All discussion had to be related to how amazing weed is and how I should try it out, it's totally safe and much better than alcohol my man. I'm not much of a drinker either so I wasn't interested, yet they couldn't respect that at all. Thank god they grew up and stopped using it. For being such a "safe, non-addictive" drug it sure as hell makes people have their entire world revolving around it.
>>600926Yeah definitely. Anon's probably pinning all her issues on not having a father and trying to assure herself that if she only didn't have a deadbeat nonexistent dad her childhood would've been nothing but laughter and fun family moments with daddy.
No. 600972
>>600957Yeah sure…you only taught me that being a single parent is a red flag for the kids. And calm down with the scrote thingy jesus.
>>600958When I say pampered I mean she’s changed my diapers, and then I had to figure out everything on my own. I have low standards and I don’t wanna shit talk my mom here.
>>600963No, I’d just learn skills that are needed instead of discovering the most basic stuff on my own.
But whatever I don’t expect to get normal (you)s if I criticized dads on 4chan so it’s to be expected.
No. 600977
>>600919>if fathers bothered trying they’d actually raise their kids more functional than moms ever canIf fathers took over child-raising, then child abuse and child-killing rates would rise exponentially high, lmao. These are people that can't even go without attacking/murdering their girlfriends and wives, and abusing their kids
now, talk less of taking primary care of a being they didn't do the labor of carrying for 9 months that cries, screams, shits, vomits and isn't yet capable of caring if daddy is tired or stressed for the first bit of their life, and then spends the rest still trying to grasp empathy, table manners, not being rude, not throwing tantrums, etc.
Those women you see who grow up to be assertive, functional, etc being raised by a single dad? They're the exception to the rule.
No. 600982
>>600977I agree with you actually. Still the current abuse stats by single moms are too high.
>they’re the exception to the rule.Unfortunately.
No. 600997
>>600995I’m the one who shits on single parents and keeps agreeing with certain points but yeah
I agree. Figuring things out on your own is satisfying too even if difficult. Every privileged dick and cunt can kiss my ass the day I’m successful.
No. 601027
>>601023I seriously don't understand the logistics of using one though. Say you're wearing pants, do you take them off entirely? In that case you have to take off your shoes, in a toilet! Even worse if you're wearing stockings, you'd have to completely take them off and be barefoot. Or do you just pull them down to your ankles and pray that you don't pee on them? It seems impossible to avoid because a squat is usually right over your ankles.
I've only attempted it once when forced to in Japan and it was an unpleasant experience. I took everything off and carefully stood on top of my shoes to avoid touching the floor. Never again.
No. 601046
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>>601027anon probably didn't squadt properly. picture related, your heels got to touch the floor, then your ass is far back enought so you don't pee on ur pants. It's uncomfortable for most westeners first, but you quickly get used to it.
No. 601065
>>601027>Say you're wearing pants, do you take them off entirely? In that case you have to take off your shoes, in a toilet! Even worse if you're wearing stockings, you'd have to completely take them off and be barefoot. Or do you just pull them down to your ankles and pray that you don't pee on them? Lord almighty no, if I did all that I'd have died of sepsis by now just from using the nasty squatters in some places.
You pull your clothes down to around your knees, spread your legs so your feet are on either side of the loo, and squat. I can't explain it properly but your wee goes between your legs and at no point touches the clothes, even if you're wearing trousers.
>>601048>>601049How the hell do Anglos even function? Your legs will be far apart, you won't be able to piss on your ankles unless you aim for either leg.
It baffles me how this is so hard for people to comprehend. A while ago there were people absolutely dumbfounded by shower bidet attachments.
No. 601096
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Adults who only read YA are all stupid.
No. 601111
I read mostly YA because I don't want to think big brainy thoughts while enjoying myself, sometimes people don't want some deep philosophical reading when its just a fun escapist hobby.
inb4 you're not truly into reading if you're not gobbling down some Paulo Coelho and Descartes!!!
I got sick of reading classical literature because I just wasn't having a good time, most classical deep thought uwu books left me feeling worse so eh whats the fucking point?
No. 601122
>>601096I love YA but I agree. I stopped reading it when I stopped being YA because why would I even relate to a high schooler anymore? Anyone that does that is probably a NEET, immature, spoiled, dependent on others, or all three.
There's literally no reason to read books from the perspective of a middle schooler or high schooler anymore and I can't even get myself in the headspace to do that.
>>601111I'm sorry to tell you but there are adult books you can read without "deep philosophical" big brainy thoughts and I hope you find them someday.
No. 601126
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White girls seem very disingenuous to me when they incessantly compliment black women in online spaces. I don't think it's ingenuine in all contexts of course but whenever I go to a dark skin black woman's video all the comments are from white women talking about how beautiful she is and how she's the most gorgeous person they've ever seen yada yada yada
I'm aware dsbw have it very hard when it comes to beauty standards, but these girls just seem like they, specifically because of this, feel like they're doing some sort of charity, like boomer women commenting "uwu she's beautiful" on photos of unfortunate children kek. I'm sure they actually think these women are gorgeous in some way, but a way that's non threatening to them, because these same white women don't like complimenting youtube's pretty white girls because they see them as competition, such as sperging about Madison Beer because "she's only popular because she's pretty that bitch".
To me it reeks of "you're pretty for a black girl." Nyma Tang videos are about makeup, yet none of them comment about the actual content of her video. It just feels like they're gawking, and is kinda racist in a very ironic way
No. 601129
>>601122Eh, the literature business in my country is very YA focused, Its either YA or Classics avaliable, most of the late 20s to 40s demographic doesn't read for cultural reasons so unless its something that already had a pretty popular movie adaption like Gone Girl i ain't going to find it, I was really interested on picking some Banana Yoshimoto and couldn't find a translation for the life of me, reading in english is weird and i feel like im paying more attention to the words than the story.
>>601124lol you know whats up anon, the guy is fucking insufferable
idk i guess i reserve my other hobbies for challenging shit, I really enjoy more serious movies and tv shows
I personally don't need to relate to the characters to enjoy a story so I don't mind them being teenagers, heck most YA teenagers act like 20 something year olds anyways.
No. 601149
>>601126I’m a white girl and I know exactly what you’re saying. Fear of coming across as ‘that kind’ of white girl has me hold back my showers of compliments.
Not that they would be ingenuine, I never make compliments unless I truly mean them, but I get that vibe from hearing other white girls being over complimentive.
There’s also a second act to this process, as I am not straight and I’m particular attracted to women who aren’t white, so I try to limit my comments on their appearance to not be a creep.
But yeah, we white girls do too much. I gag every time I see a ‘woke post’ from a whitey that’s like “ALL BLACK/LATINA/TRANS(ew)/ETC WOMEN ARE BEAUTIFUL” because to me, making that kind post is an obvious attempt at masking some kind of ignorance.
No. 601174
The thread for funny posts on lolcow is mostly redundant
I get why people want to bookmark funny comments that they still think about for months afterwards but
>>601139 was literally posted 30 minutes ago and is fairly standard for the confession thread, if anon wants to say how funny it is then why not just reply to it in the actual thread?
No. 601186
>>601162>You’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t.This. Today me complimenting a poc girl could be a nice gesture between two women, tomorrow it might as well be seen as a fetish or oppression, you can never know what is currently acceptable. Just imagine being a school kid in nowadays society, of course they're desperate to appear as non-racist as possible by doing ridiculous things because every tiny mistake or misunderstanding could get them "cancelled". That pic is apparantly from 2011, today it's likely even much more extreme.
I also hate giving compliments and I especially would never do it to a black person because you can never know what the reaction is gonna be, everything could be interpreted as bad, I have zero idea what is "allowed" to be said (especially when it comes to hair etc)
No. 601478
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These fuckers are sour. I have no clue why they're stereotyped as sweet
No. 601569
>>601563Honestly, yeah.
And it's also that it's associated with vulnerability so when you put the two together there's just something gross.
No. 601701
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All posts that result in a ban, regardless of the length of the ban, should be redtexted. Redtexting serves as a way to let farmers know what kind of posts are and aren't generally accepted here, especially if a post leans towards a lesser or harder-to-define offense such as nitpicking or tinfoiling. It seems pointless to ban someone for a post but not redtext it (or remove it, though that borders on censorship) as someone else could see the post and think "well, this post wasn't redtexted, so it must be fine for me to reply to it or make a similar post" only for them to be banned, too. Redtexting is also superior to removing posts for the same reason - people can see what isn't acceptable because it's marked right in front of them and will stay there. I can't think of any negative consequence of a practice like this being in place except that some farmers may argue with other farmers or farmhands about being redtexted, in which case they can receive a standard ban for derailing or infighting.
Also, not that I've seen this happen frequently, but there should be no means to ban someone for an unspecified reason. Surely the purpose of rules is so that those who are identified to have violated them can be banned, no? In theory, only those who violate a rule are banned, showing the competence of the moderation team and the consistency of rule enforcement throughout the board. In that case, if those who get bans deserve them and those who don't deserve them have nothing to worry about, why even have an option to ban someone for an unspecified reason? The only exception to this that I can think of is if someone is temporarily banned because they're suspected of ban evasion, but the evasion hasn't been proven yet. Though, couldn't the ban page simply state that reason?
(This probably seems like more of a /meta/ post but I'm really just sharing thoughts, it's not a recommendation any more than it is thinking out loud. I haven't seen this said anywhere else yet.)
No. 601708
>>601701There's a place for this.
it's called meta
No. 601713
>>601707I don't think the money is the point, I think it's to show that people need/want USPS instead of private companies that charge ass more. If you see people saying the money is to keep USPS funded, you'd do well to correct them.
I'm all for saving USPS.
>>601711Yeah, sorry, went braindead through half your shit which read like an essay, hope u dont get banned for that
No. 601763
>>601746This is your last warning to stop your incessant baiting and infighting on /ot/. You've been permabanned more times than we can count and every time a thread gets derailed with OTT aggression and troon/scrote accusations it's you behind it.
If you continue to do so we will have to compile all of your post histories and make them public so other anons will stop falling for your bait.
A refresher of the global rules for you, as well:
8. Do not attempt to use for attention or profit.
9. Do not deceptively post about yourself in the third person for any reason.
No. 601851
>>601763Please do.
>>601838I want to play guitar with Kars' legs.
No. 601885
>>601203I fucking hate DeAngelo Wallace, I watched the entire Shane Dawson thing and while I’ll admit, was well put together. He kept derailing to moralfag, I hate his voice. I couldn’t get past 5 minutes of the Shallon Lester video. I wonder when this whole cancel culture woke facade will end. He seems to adhere to that I hope he gets exposed for misconduct and ravaged by his own fans
>>601882Agree they’ll call me a fake gamer cause I don’t sit by a pc for 12 hours and play every single game ever, I play a few games occasionally. I don’t think games are meant for you to do all day, jfc.
No. 601888
>>601747She's extremely boring. The most scandalous thing related to her is her husband essentially pimping out young girls, and somehow getting away with it.
Everyone knows about that and just ignores it to talk about her fillers or her vlogs for the hundredth time. It's weird.
No. 601896
I know most of you will not know what I'm talking about but Bartolomej of Batushka did nothing wrong, he is completely justified in wanting to keep the batushka name, sure it doesn't make sense to keep the name when you're gonna go on to make music in a completely different genre but in a business way I completely understand.
>>601720I'm sorry but this is not the extremely popular opinion thread
No. 601907
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I hate these fucking types of ~informational~ activist posts people share on Instagram. They're too clean, there's no effort into making these shits.
No. 601951
>>601916Not me
I just wish I was an even bigger Aztec goddess of fitness so I could crush Kars with my thighs.
No. 601980
>>601838I am the original anon, yes even him.
I feel pretty validated that I’m not the only one. Just so you all know though, they would only want me so don’t even waste your time thinking about it.
No. 602040
>>602033Since we're talking about ptsd, can i ask something to you guys?
Do you think very brief sexual interaction as a child causes ptsd? When i was like 9-10, and older man i didnt know rubbed my breasts, back and made me touch his dick (over the underwear tho). Sometimes i wonder if this has something with me being so sexually underdeveloped - or if im just repressed. I dont think im traumatized tho, like i dont get
triggered by sexual assult imagery, i just get uncomfortable.
(Sorry for derailing the unpopular opinion thread. I just wanted to know.)
No. 602045
>>602041Aw thank you anon. Its just that idk what counts as trauma.
But i agree. So many people say they have PTSD or
abusive parents because their parents yelled at them occassionally. I remember a twitter post saying making a kid finish off their plate was
abusive ffs.
No. 602048
>>602033>Roughening up, not making stupid decisions, makes the bullying stop anywaysI wish
>>601448>>601454Still don't get this meme
No. 602062
>>602050I deleted my response to you because I misread it teehee.
>>602048Why not? It’s something that worked for me.
No. 602066
>>602050My parents would beat the shit out of me whenever I did anything wrong, like big bad purple bruises level, not a little harmless wrist slap.
But they also gave me everything I asked for, fancy computer, toys, vidya, clothes, and very outwardly lovingly in most situations.
It fucking grinds my gears when people call me spoiled.
Cool I had stuff, doesn't negate the trauma I have from getting punched in the face and called a retard who will never get into college when I failed an admission exam.
My parents where really nice 50% of the time, and I have alot of good memories with them, but when they were bad it was definetely PTSD worth bad.
No. 602078
>>602066>parents bought me shit while they were abusive Best believe this was super calculated. My mom was emotionally
abusive and quick to anger when I was a child. Yet she always made it a point to put on an extravagant show during birthdays, holidays, and other events when people were around to witness her, so she could turn around and call me "spoiled" whenever I stood up against her mistreatment when those people weren't around. Or when she'd go to them to complain about me, they'd believe her because she was such a good mom in their eyes on the outside.
Parents who hold the bare minimum over children's heads and then keep score against them are major assholes.
No. 602093
>>602088I saw the argument on twitter.
"People that call women females… do yall call men males?"
YES. It really does depend on the context like you said. I don't even feel right using women when talking about periods or yknow actual female bodily functions anymore because maybe some person comes in and says "aCtUaLlY"
No. 602099
>>601203His ass kept showing up in my recommendations and I ended up watching his Shane video which I thought was very good and necessary and I sorta ended up linking him, especially since in one of his video he refused to use the word "bitch" (I know, the bar is that low) but it all got ruined once I saw how he jumped on the jk Rowling hate bandwagon and tried to lecture her on twitter, even though he didn't sound as misogynistic and deranged as the other woke bros and TRAs.
Not necessarily about him but I just can't with these (often gay)male commentary channels who blow up just cause they're personified sjw twitter, with all the cringey stan twitter language and ~quirky misogyny ~…Makes my skin crawl.
No. 602110
>>602099This made me grab some popcorn and head to youtube.
>I support jk RowlingLet’s see if
anyone wasn’t too chickenshit to say it
No. 602293
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The farmhands are so bad here I think I'm done. They didn't even give me a reason for this "lifetime ban". They didn't link to a post where I could see what comment got me banned even. I have literally no clue what I did and when I tried to appeal it it took me to a 404'd page.
The last time I got a random ban all the farmhand did was call me a dumb radfem in the explanation part even though my comment wasn't about trannies.
Like how are people meant to change their attitudes if they don't tell us what the issue is? I have no idea what post I made today that would warrant a ban., I've only posted on /ot/ today.
No. 602298
>>602088Because it's an incorrect usage. A female what? A female human? That's a woman. They choose to use female and will use man for male.
No one is mad cops are saying "female suspect" or whatever and you
>>602093 damn well know that and are strawmanning.
>>602296nya but this is a unpopular opinion thread, shut the fuck up.
No. 602528
>>601203Omg yes anon, I knew I wasn't the only one who found him irritating. It's in his voice and attitude, like he looks like the kind that can't have any fun at parties and tries to find fault in everything to make others as miserable as him.
>>602099Basically this, I know the video you're talking about, it was the one discussing Lizzo and when he's like we don't say bitch in this household I verbally cringed and shut my brain off lmao. Commentary channels in general have always put a bad taste in my mouth, like it's their excuse to make masturbatory content about how woke and intelligent they are and they have to eDucAtE the audience. "Personified sjw twitter" describes it PERFECTLY, I can't fucking stand these nitwits and I hope this kind of thing goes away soon. He literally looks like the kind of guy these twitter teens thirst over, that softboi self-condescending look at me I'm so woke shit.
No. 602564
There's a blatant agenda to blame and generalise average white people on the basis of the financial elite's (ancestors) crimes, and the younger generations are particularly receptive to it. Everywhere you look it's being normalised in conversation (this is obviously the tame stuff kek)
>White people did X
>White people are like this
>White people shouldn't
>White people always
Replace white with any other race and it gets weird real quick. And let's also not pretend all races aren't guilty of something to varying degrees, we're all human, so idk why historical innocence is such a prevalent concept. Especially with the kids I see discussing any topic negatively attached to white people. They don't even bother to preface their long rants about how we're the cancer of society over trivial things like hairstyles, and commercially marketed culture with "not all" anymore. It's also deflating to be called a coloniser (not personally but I see the insult around quite frequently) when once again that's conflating modern, self deprecating, mostly powerless people with the sins of their ancestors, something that no one has control over. Now the ancestors of the effective peasantry are having the guilt forced upon them, the blame layed at their feet, and are paying for the sins of our ruling classes. If that's not by design, to cause more division and distract us from the real issues, I don't know what is.
Inb4 get over it yt ur not oppressed (technically I think we're all oppressed to different extents by out governments/rich) but sure. That still doesn't mean two wrongs suddenly make a right, or validate prejudices based on ancestry. Whatever happened to judging people on an individual basis by the content of their character?(racebait, global rule 7)
No. 602570
>>602293The irony of
>>601701 being posted just a day before that happens to you
No. 602572
>>602564agreed with all this lol
i remember i bought into this meme at one point in high school when "white ppl suck and eat mayo with spoons" or whatever were starting out on tumblr and twitter. im white and i would be saying like "ew white ppl" it was so dumb and i realized how it was dumb to make such a blanket statement especially when im part of that race group, but have never saw all white people the same up until the memes. as a person with an italian background ive mainly always viewed myself as that and never lumped myself with white people like we are the same because even though im white skinned my culture is different than other white people. plus: italians were discriminated against in my country (put in internment camps, prohibited from entering certain places, forced into unsafe and cheap labour along with chinese people) and now its obviously different but that doesnt change history and my family has worked hard to reach a middle class life so people who wanna screech about how x group cant be oppressed/doesnt know what its like are so stupid.
also agreed that people can face oppression exactly how u have explained especially in the case of ability/financial circumstances.
No. 602587
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>>602585>she doesn't know how rangebans worknice b8
No. 602593
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No. 602602
>>602591nta but tf is your problem? Like what about that
triggers you enough to respond in that way?
My mom was working for low pay because she immigrated to US to flee from war. She didn't have kids and took whatever job she could and also didn't get to really experience life growing up like anon's dad. It's just the reality of a lot of ethnic parent's lives. It's not about America treating them like shit it's about immigration and no access to education.
No. 602630
>>602626kek.. I deleted them because the person, presumably you, who I'm trying to respond to keeps deleting their posts immediately after posting. Just like they did right now.
No. 602650
I don't really care much if someone traces their art, as long as they don't do a 1:1 copy, and aren't making money solely off of traced work.
If you can make things your own in some respect, like by style or execution, it's not a huge deal if you traced a human figure or pose from some stock photo or fashion photoshoot. In the end, it's all for the sake of a piece made with your own concepts in mind, especially if whatever you traced isn't even the main point of the entire work. If you're bringing something new to the table, I don't mind.
It is basically robbing yourself of a level of skill and training, but if you're personally more concerned with realizing a specific vision (and doing so as fast as possible) than with the raw craft of the matter, whatever. Not everyone wants to grind, and that's not the whole world's business.
What's gross to me is when people literally just recreate existing pieces in their entirety, pretend it's 100% their concept and/or try to make money off of it, banking on the fact that people don't know the original. If you're going to sell that shit, you should be forced to show the original to your buyer and let them decide if it's worth it. People should be able to look at both what you copied and your version, and be unbothered, thinking "They clearly did their own thing with it". If you didn't, and it's clear to see, you deserve whatever ridicule comes to you.
No. 602684
>>602681The difference is if someone tells you it makes them uncomfortable and you continue to use it. OR when you grow up and realize you can't always just say things without consequences and you continue to use it.
Then you're a bad person.
No. 602697
>>602687Slut, in my opinion, is not nearly as bad as the n word or "faggot".
Words are words but some words are used to denigrate others and are associated with real physical violence towards people that are the
victim of being called those words.
No. 602706
>>602704KW is for turbo autists. You'd really have to an insane obsession to keep up with their ramblings.
Congratz on being a normie catty bitch.
No. 602708
>>602697Do explain how its worse to be offensive against men than against women?
I really hope you're a man larping as a women or you have very little self-respect
No. 602727
>>602716NTA but I'm sure that would depend on the individual, if she's had particularly bad experiences with one word over the other. That said, slut is a word men throw out near constantly as a generic go-to insult. It loses a lot of it's potency unless it's serious and personal, eg hearing it from a boyfriend in response to a discussion about your past. If it's some random guy on the street or on tinder who got mad that you rejected him or something, who's gonna take that personally? It's no different to being called a bitch in that context.
The n-word on the other hand, is not a go-to insult or generic in any context, it's a lot more inherently vitriolic. I can't imagine anyone not being seriously offended and hurt by it, but I can easily imagine laughing off being called a slut.
No. 602878
>>602733>Slut can be used jokingly without question, sometimes even faggot.This exactly. Some women even refer to themselves for sluts
>>602707I'm sorry but do you hear black people calling themselves n-word with the hard r and do you hear non-zoomer gay people calling themselves faggots?
Like literally, slut is the LEAST
problematic slur against women. Yes it fucking sucks but I believe we can say we've gotten to a point in history where being called a slut can be shrugged off (depending on the context) whereas being called the n-word is not something you can just laugh off.
As for faggot, well, we are casually using it now and people have grown to use it over the past years as a "gamer insult", so I guess it is similar to slut but not really.
Just like
>>602724 said
>If it's used ironically and universally to refer to yourself ("I'm a slut for ice cream") it's fine,People use it ironically all the time, I even call myself a "horror movie slut" occasionally, but I'd never call myself "a funny nigger" like what the fucking fuck.
So like I said. Slut is not as bad as the n word.
As for you,
>>602705You need to see
>>602727 and
>>602733 for more details.
No. 602923
>>602905Tired of all these double standards, where we're supposed to think that some words are monstrously worse than others. If someone wants to tell me off about using certain words, better make sure their language (against ANY GROUP OF HUMANS) is spotless beforehand. Which is never. Either the word is meant as an insult and it's offensive, or it's not.
"Nigga" in a song = "I'm a slut for ice cream". "You're a dirty nigger" = "She's a slut".
>>602905Most French insults are derived from words about female anatomy, prostitution, homosexuality or fear of getting sodomized.
No. 602990
>>602923I don't wanna discuss the whole n-word thing but I agree that there needs to be mutual respect. But about the French insults- it's pretty much the same in German…Hurensohn is literally the most popular insult, which translates to "son of a whore." It's the same in every language; the woman is always the target in a way.
An interesting thing I've noticed is how fast the word faggot be a huge taboo-insult once the LGBT movement got more exposure. Literally no mainstream rapper dares to use that slur anymore. I remember how Eminem used it in his last album and iirc he said he regretted it and ended up censoring it. But somehow, it's still totally fine to use bitch as a synonym for "woman". And woman are so fucking kind and never use faggot and when we do it, we get cancelled (look up the whole Doja cat drama) but the flamboyant gays still have no problem calling us bitches, and WE allow it.
Slut, whore, bitch, cunt, thot, hoe….I can't name one male equivalent insult to these except for maybe "dick" which really doesn't carry the same weight and meaning behind like the female ones.
I'm glad we have scrote tho…hope it'll become a mainstream thing soon lol.
No. 602994
I guess this is a unpopular opinion for scrotes. Squirting is overrated. It's literally pissing yourself with diluted urine (, and it's just another stupid thing that men took a hold of and deluded themselves into thinking is an visual indicator of cumming when it's completely unrelated. Honestly I'm sick of men (and pickmes) asking how to make women squirt, it's disgusting.
No. 602997
>>602956Kek. I would think "ma couille", but it's more of a friendly way to call a male friend.
Could call men les 'bourses', but it doesn't really carry any pejorative weight to it (would almost be akin to call the moneybags kek)
No. 603046
>>602994It's so obviously piss that I am baffled by the women that pretend it's a form of female ejaculation. For what fucking reason would a woman need to ejaculate sexually?? People are so retarded and trans retardation theory has discarded evolutionary theory.
On a related note men and women should definitely know what a female orgasm is if they've experienced one. It's the muscles contracting and spasming, this encourages sperm flow up to the egg. A man ejaculates to release his load.
I've known girls to brag about squirting and it's just embarrassing. Like instead of engaging the muscles in your vagina when you're being penetrated you re focused on pissing? or you have such shit control of your muscles you're borderline incontinent?
How did it change from golden showers to squirting people are legit retarded
No. 603068
>>603008Ngl as a returning fujoshi this
triggers me! Women don't get to enjoy shit without it being shamed or seen as "exploitative" I stopped reading yaoi for years beca use the rape was disturbing but it was mainly due to people on Tumblr shaming girls for liking yaoi.Gettin back into yaoi I learned to either avoid those types or if the story is compelling enough I'm old enough to know that it's "
toxic" and not an accurate depiction of all gay couples. There are so many sweet titles that aren't rape and deal with cute romantic relationshis between's crazy how fast yaoi has become villianized and yet and still these same people probably make hentai aheGao faces for the memes and luls and shit or watch anime where women are potrayed as nothing more than eye candy. No one will ever shame me for liking yaoi especially not men tf. Cuz the average man likes the most degrading disgusting shit that is ACTUALLY harmful to women
No. 603123
>>603092Lolololol if it was we would've found this "sac" in the many many autopsies in the last thousand years. One of the tips I hear tossed around is to drink a lot of water beforehand, so it's ~totally not diluted piss~ even though they don't have any pelvic muscle and obviously piss themselves.
>>603101Next time a man says this to me, I'll have him drink a quart of water and make him piss. "Hey, you're squirting!!"
No. 603140
>>602711I own a cunt, I'll forever have to deal with the problems it and being a woman comes with I don't see why so many women are weirded out by saying cunt at all. Also, women should be the only ones saying it to a woman if at all.
>>602725I agree I know a girl who has two last names because of her deadbeat dad and some sort of legal thing. She holds both her moms and dads even though the mom wanted just her name.
No. 603170
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Every horror fan seems to like him but he's so annoying and unfunny
No. 603189
>>603170Speaking of horror
Eli Roth is a pile of shit and his movies aren’t good
No. 603253
>>603248You may be right because I’ve never thoroughly investigated this it’s just something I noticed anecdotally while shopping but just out of curiosity could you show me what you’re looking at? Because the only thing I could find online that was comparing the value range they have was a lot of the things were actually cheaper than the other supermarkets. M&S only has the party food range on their actual website.
No. 603385
>>603384I don’t take medications but I think getting prescribed psych medications from a GP or ETN doctor is better than getting therapy from a licensed therapist.
It doesn’t help. Also it’s 8 am in the morning anon. But I have been up since 7 am.
No. 603388
>>603386I don't know if this is true because I 've never gotten therapy but damn the psychology majors I've met are all insufferable and the weirdest people. Including a family member of mine. And I shudder to think what kind of therapists will they become but I have hope they will change in a lot of ways till then.
I am still looking for a therapist to deal with csa though, but that shit is too expensive here so lolcow has to deal with me.
No. 603444
>>603428You don't think parents can be
abusive towards their kids?
No. 603447
>>603428I agree with the second part, hard disagree with the first one. Narcissistic parents usually raise narcissistic children. Most people that can't stop talking about it share the same traits in my experience.
>>603384Jealous of being able to get psych meds from GP, where i live it's almost impossible to go to psychiatrist without therapy included. At least they're rather good. Never met a therapist with just a psychology degree that didn't turned out to be an overconfident know-it-all despite glaring lack of general knowledge. Not that doctors are infallible.
No. 603448
>>603388That's interesting, I'm a psychology major and like 95% of other psych majors I know are turbo normies. In fact, it's purely anecdotal but I'd say psychology is in the running for most normie filled major along with stuff like law and medicine. I consider myself fairly well adjusted (obviously I'm on this site so take that with a grain of salt I guess) yet I was pretty much the biggest weirdo in most classes I've taken.
There's admittedly still plenty of people whose talent for giving therapy seems doubtful at the very least. Most psychology majors don't actually become therapists though, there's plenty of other career paths in the field.
No. 603450
>>603428Honestly I agree. I want to believe people when they say this because obviously it's something that happens a lot and not being taken seriously about it sucks. That being said, I've met so many people with stories about narc parents that turned out to be absolutely untrue. Of course narc parents exist but there's so many people with
victim complexes who delude themselves into thinking every strained relationship they have is a result of the other party being
toxic and mistreating them. I'm really wary of people describing their parents like that now, especially if it's accompanied by claims about how that's somehow the cause of all their current problems.
No. 603470
>>603450I second this. Obviously
abusive parents exist, but I take some things with a grain of salt because two sides exist to every story— especially with younger people, sometimes they don’t see where they’re antagonizing their parents or overreact as to what normal parenting really is.
No. 603477
>>603454It was stuff like a former roommate claiming her mom neglected to contact her for the past 5 years and never supported her, I ended up finding a whole bunch of discarded 'did the gifts/money reach you alright? we miss you' cards from her mom in the trash. I also had a friend who claimed her parents were both narcs and treated her horribly. Later on I started dating her brother and got real close to their parents and she was in fact the one who sent insulting texts all the time while they desperately tried to repair the relationship.
There's no use in turning it into a debate because obviously this is just anecdotal evidence and experiences aren't universal. I think it's kinda weird how many people here get overly defensive when a post suggests cases like these are common, though. Nobody is claiming that
abusive parents don't exist. How many bpdfags do we have here exactly?
No. 603479
>>603477>Nobody is claiming that abusive parents don't exist.>>603428is sceptical of all such claims.
I think we should be able to talk about the very real phenomena of kids accusing their parents of all sorts of untrue things while at the same time not automatically dismiss people who say that they have been abused.
No. 603485
>>603428agree. a lot of the people who claim to have parents like that also have a whole bunch of '
toxic' exes and former friends. bpdfags/narcs really do tell on themselves, you just gotta know where to look lol.
No. 603486
>>603444no i do believe it happens. i just don't believe anyone who feel the need to tell everyone online or irl, especially when it's their moms and they describe the alleged abyoos with buzzwords like
toxic and narcissist etc.
>>603479nobody is still claiming that
abusive parents don't exist. also the people who make abuse allegations against their parents are definitely not only kids. i feel like you're the type of person who'd say you were "groomed" at age 19 kek. sorry if you felt dismissed uwu
No. 603496
>>603486>nobody is still claiming that abusive parents don't existSo we agree then.
>i feel like you're the type of person who'd say you were "groomed" at age 19 kekDa fuq you smoking?
No. 603505
>>603499yea i've heard that one but when people think everyone in their life is
abusive there's clearly some cluster B fuckery going on.
No. 603508
>>603505I guess there’s a difference between those who openly claim that everyone is
abusive and those who are actually in
abusive relationships and either don’t know about it themselves or don’t announce it to everyone they meet.
No. 603517
>>603512Maybe they were
abusive and you simply didn't realise it anon.
No. 603537
>>603524>>603522>>603523>>603527>>603528>>603532>>603536this severe amount of samefagging is just proving my point lol. maybe wait like 5 minutes before shitting the replies right out of your
triggered ass.
i wonder what people like this are doing on lolcow where half the threads are for mocking and calling out bpd cows on their bullshit. maybe go cry in the mental health thread on /g/ instead if you can't handle unpopular opinions without sperging out so relentlessly hard.
No. 603546
>>603540I believe you Anon, since I know people who would do the same and blame on innocent people for pity points.
Also, trauma might come from outside too, not only household is responsible for someone's misbehavior.
No. 603550
>>603546That's true.
>>603540Sorry anon, some of the responses yuo got were mine. I didn't want to make you feel bad.
No. 603566
>>603522Hard agree. The naïveté in this thread is astonishing.
>>603537People are allowed to not agree with your unpopular opinion, this is a discussion thread.
No. 603585
>>603008>Of course fujioshi who project their fetishes onto gay men and consume genuinely rapey and harmful shit should be criticized.Here's my unpopular opinion: no they shouldn't. Women aren't exactly topping sexual crime statistics, some depressed fujo reading rapey coping shit isn't ever going to harm anyone around her or pick up fucked up views of a relationship, it's just a way to gain a little power and authority over men and the society that constantly encourages sexualization and objectification of women. It's most definitely not directly comparable to the rape porn men consume because the dynamic is entirely different.
I'm so incredibly sick of and angry at this constant policing of fujo media, spend that time taking a shit on men who whack it to porn fanart of child actors and toddlers.
No. 603619
>>603608The point is that the dubious material fujos read is put through a much bigger microscope and scrutinized more than the blatantly horrifying crap men consume and people keep nagging women to watch what they read like they were the ones drawing influence and raping people violently left and right.
>>603591It's extremely bizarre to see people drop that "f-f-fujos are s-so h-h-h-harmful to gay men" line like some nerdy girl reading her sex stories is the equivalent of homophobic men beating gay people up or yelling homophobic slurs at them or the bicurious chasers who only want to use them as cum rags and then return back to their wife when they're done. This is what you get when the people whining about muh fetishization are the 20-year old FTM Aydens given authority to smite down all who ship their NOTP or draw porn of their kinnie.
No. 603669
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>>603658tbf I saw a post made by an actual gay yaoi artist who mentioned they were really uncomfortable about the fact that they've heard
straight cis women talk about wanting "gay cock". I have no idea how often this happens but it seems to be a thing.
Also it's funny when people say fujos are after gay men. Most fujos are lesbians/usually prefer women.
No. 603693
>>603674i get what you're saying but you're seriously uncomfortable/threatened by this?
>>603669 it's just cringey idiots on the internet or irl autists. what else is there to say about it.
No. 603748
>>603658>>6036741.) This is absolutely not a widespread trend, it's a niche if anything. The "omygod I totally want a gay bf to go shopping and talk about boys with tee hee" is some 2005 tier Gay Craze speak. It's not at all as common or as predatory as straight men wanting to sneak into lesbian women's bedroom even though people love to play these issues as equals.
2.) Men are always able to fend women off and they'll always be more assertive and advantaged. Absolute dishonesty to claim that men could be as threatened by a woman as a woman could be of a man.
These people trying to play it like there's some omnipresent problem with straight women trying to corrective rape gay men is grasping at straws at best.
>>603651>She really thinks sexually slanted media created by and aimed towards young women in general isn't constantly analyzed for the sake of moral panicking and that the people pushing the "f-fujos are fetishizers" issue are incels instead of people who swallowed the bullshit laid by not like other fujos-fakebois>She really thinks people constantly don't call fujos pedos for liking "child-coded" i.e. twinklike 20+ characters while ignoring the toddler porn weeby men like out in the open No. 603750
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Gifted child discourse is always so retarded
No. 603789
>>603785probably by
abusive men who sperg about their gf/wife being a whore who cheats because she stayed out 5 minutes too long. the more determined ones would have no qualms getting a woman registered as a, uh, "sex offender of hurt feefees".
No. 603793
>>603764My ex clearly cheated on me but I could never prove it without dragging other people into the situation and making myself look crazy in the process… which wouldn't even be worth it.
If you are cheated on just move on and find comfort in the fact that cheaters fuck up their own relationships on repeat.
No. 603798
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i do not understand the appeal for men who look like pic related. when i see guys who look like this, what goes through my mind is: he probably has chlamydia, cum tastes like battery acid from horrible diet/energy drinks, his room is probably messy and has one of those stupid light up keyboards, he probably has no job or works a shitty one at mcdonalds or something, lives with his parents, calls his mom a bitch, would cheat on me with a girl who wears chain necklaces and has pink hair, masturbates to hentai and watches twitch streamers. when i see a guy who looks like this i cannot imagine them ever providing for me. if this guy saw me getting robbed or attacked by a bear he would run away like a little girl. i hate this shit.
No. 603806
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Hate to sound like a salty scrote but whenever I see a person with hair dyed some unnatural bright colour they seem very grimy to me. I don't know how to explain in, kind of as if they haven't showered for a few days.
No. 603807
>>603798Anon I want to marry you.
Also these types turn out to be very manipulative I've seen. I once saw a dude on Bumble look exactly like this who said on his profile that he is a 'softboy and will manipulate you in a subtle way till you leave me' and well, he also said he loved mpdgs more than e-girls so you know that dude was a misogynist, probably extremely online. I don't know… I hate those types. And I love you. I'd rather date a normie dude.
No. 603861
>>603678oh my god this. personally i can't fucking stand any of those makeup youtubers like raw beauty kristi, theresa is dead, lauren mae etc who are stanned and praised for being relatable or something by literally everyone on every beauty subreddit etc. they're all bitchy and fat with huge inferiority complexes (maybe that's why they're considered relatable).
any makeup youtuber with the "smart/informed/woke consumer" type of branding is completely delusional, hannah louise poston being the worst offender imo.
No. 603862
>>603748>It's not at all as common or as predatory as straight men wanting to sneak into lesbian women's bedroom even though people love to play these issues as equals.Actually, isn't it funny that lesbians are told to just shut the fuck up and accept it if a man puts on a wig and starts insisting he, too, is a lesbian who deserves a place in their DMs?
Meanwhile, women who barely even go near gay men, but enjoy drawn porn, are getting dragged by other women who also like the same drawn porn, except the latter cut their hair and are claiming they themselves are gay men who "feel fetishized and harassed".
No. 603864
>>603798I know everyone here will hard disagree with me but… i like it?
I mean obviously you cant tell how someone is by looking at them but these kinda guys usually give me the "i like cuddling and listening to you talk" vibes.
Idk, i just fall for weak, pale, skinny ass dudes with pretty hair. Sue me anons.
No. 603869
>>603798You're not entirely wrong, but you're missing one very important thing: They are
cute. All of those things are pretty bad, but they'd be even worse if a fat neckbeard was the one doing them. Completely irredeemable, in fact. When it's a cute skater/emo boy, it just becomes things he'll grow out of (if you don't dump him before then).
2020 is grim. If women are going to keep their current low standards, the absolute least that can be done is to select attractive anime-looking guys instead of obese, ugly fucks. Like, get something out of the arrangement.
Also, a guy like that probably doesn't leave his room often enough to get chlamydia.
No. 603938
>>603864>i like cuddling and listening to you talkno man thinks like this
>weak, pale, skinny, pretty hairjust be lesbian already
No. 603949
>>603938>just be lesbian alreadyNTA, but feminine guys have a certain charm that actual women don't. They're almost like the best of both worlds.
Tomboys are very attractive too, though.
No. 603954
>>603798Holy shit I've fallen for this exact man before, looks and description.
Not to roast him behind his back on anon since we're still friends (even if he used me for attention for a while), but this is hilarious. I feel tempted to screenshot this and send it to him but I won't.
At least he made me realize I'm mainly gay.
No. 603959
>>603938>just be lesbian alreadyWe don't all have the luxury of being attracted to vag. Women are objectively better looking when it comes to their face/hair/skin, feminine guys come close at least.
I'm into muscles so I don't fixate on twinks but pretty boys really are aesthetically appealing unicorns, I can't blame girls who like them.
No. 603961
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You’re not bi if you “like every girl” you just think they’re pretty.
No. 603972
>>603961She said "attracted to" them, which implies sexual interest. Wanting to fuck women is pretty bisexual, anon.
Unless now being horny for women still doesn't mean you're bi. Goalposts of bisexuality moved so far that even marrying a woman and fucking her daily still means you're fake…
No. 603987
>>603750Will piggyback off of this: I was in the gifted program since early elementary. I guess I believe I am gifted in the sense that I've always excelled academically. However…
I have to say that I hate the ~uwu gifted kid~ shit online, lmfao. Firstly, people just label themselves as "gifted" when they've never actually met the requirements to be gifted. In many states, it required an IQ above 120, which I do understand is a debatably flawed metric, but I digress. Secondly, you don't need to be a big reader or excel academically in order to be gifted. Thirdly, gifted children are more likely to deal with imposter syndrome as well as social abnormalities; you'll learn that in any graduate-level education class discussing the psychology of gifted students. There are some similarities that link gifted children. But voraciously reading as a child and not having the patience/time/willingness to as an adult isn't some unique trait to gifted kids. They might as well post shit like, "Gifted kids who used to love Bagel Bites as a kid but now eat takeout pizza instead: raise your hands."
I get that gifted people likely have some shared experiences, but I wish these twitterfags would stop making anything remotely academic or related to depression a special gifted kid experience. Chill.
Sorry for the sperg. I do hold strong opinions about the value of gifted education but think tards like these sort of embarrass the entire group.
No. 603994
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>>603967It's probably more accurate to say beauty standards for women are higher than standards for men and therefore we end up better looking. We actually take care of ourselves, unlike men… Sunscreen, moisturizer, hair care, looksmaxxing, working to age well rather than wrongly assuming we will age like wine, not using 3 in one products and so on.
No. 604201
>>603806Agree. Bright hair colours might look impressive when you walk out of the hair salon but in two days it'll look like a washed out mess and the roots start growing in. It also tells me about the person getting it being shortsighted about this aspect and everything else in their life.
However dyed blue/green hair will always look like shit. If it's not a wig, it will look like a mess.
No. 604202
>>603798This sounds like a fucking nightmare and I know exactly the type you're talking about, I have no idea how anyone can find them attractive. I guess it's because they usually have some attractive cartoon avatar, might be good looking by nerd guy standards and are snarky and assertive online so desperate e-girls sadly end up simping for them. Kinda reminds me of armoredskeptic tbh
>>604027God, yes. Used to date an extremely handsome and popular guy but he was exactly like this. Thank god he ended up cheating on me almost right away so I was able to walk out before he broke me.
No. 604281
>>603428>bpd>narcissisticI throw those buzzwords always out of the window, I can’t be bothered to know the difference between an asshole and those clinical terms like autism or antisocial personality disorder.
Anyways, I have noticed that a woman or man grows out of their “mental illnesses”/lazy “
toxic” NEET cunt behavior when they actually have a heart or some degree of decency to fucking google how to improve their lives/how to be a better person at least.
Shitty parents (I said shitty not evil) don’t make a shitty person, whoever claims this were always those clingy annoying kids who thought that their parents were buttbuddies/hs friends. Every single kid I knew that hated their parents never did shit for chores and barely did a thing for school and when they got bullied at school they get comfortable enough to shit on their parents and basically anyone who feels sorry for them.
Speaking of bullies, I believe an allround shitty environment does actually make a person more prone to be shitty (since there’s more about life than just being a
toxic cunt in your parents home…). When you step out of it, gradually or cold turkey, you’ll instantly become a better person. A good chunk of posts here scream whiney spoiled bpd, girls that fuck with buzzwords that don’t really mean a thing, to anyone who’s reading this and and actually lurks consumes ”peer-reviewed” brainwash material on /r/raisedbynarcissists, muh narcs, joins hugboxes where everyone is being a “shut in”, posts on imageboards constantly:
You don’t wanna be that unwashed girl who still hates their parents at the age of 40 because they’re not cool moms like Kris Jenner. So get a life and stop blaming them for the reason why you can’t do much. You have google, there’s probably a library nearby that’s no longer shut because of the corona virus, do something and wash your ass.
No. 604408
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no offence but this isnt newsworthy and i feel like it happens a lot no matter the gender… it would only be worth reporting or complaining if the guy started to harass her and attack her