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No. 582457
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>>582453On that note, "doomer"/"boomer"/"zoomer"/"coomer" memes and comics are to the modern day what picrel was to 2009. I find it incredibly embarrassing when people on imageboards use terms like those in arguments and expect to be taken seriously.
No. 582481
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>>582457So which xoomer are you?
No. 582752
>>582625They're ignoring that when you're attracted to someone, you're probably flirting back or at least responding positively. There's a difference between two people mutually flirting with each other or chatting away and a guy persistently hitting on a girl that's clearly not interested.
And I mean PERSISTENTLY, because I never see women complain about a guy just coming up and shooting his shot and leaving when he's turned down. It's an issue when the guy just keeps ploughing on and making everyone uncomfortable.
No. 582773
Lays chips are too salty and have a gross oily taste.
>>582590OP here, I just choose a random photo. I did try to choose a more fitting photo, but In my head I just thought "if the last OP can choose I photo of a girl eating ramen out of a plastic bag, I can choose a photo of cat surrounded by cherry blossoms."
I see what you mean tho by choosing a photo that has a actual unpopular opinion. I'll do that if I make another thread, but definitely no gender politics. Literally every thread, unpopular opinion or not, there is some kind of discussion/argument about trans people. Its boring and overdone imo.
No. 583022
>>582866>it's dying out with younger peopleanon where
if anything our current social-media centric timespirit is only exacerbating individualism
No. 583044
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The teenage boys of this generation are just completely irredeemable. They will grow up to be redpilled porn sick weirdos and we can do nothing about it.
This tweet is going around on twitter where some teenage boys added this girls boyfriend to a group chat and told him they were going to rape her. This is not normal behavior whatsoever. The amount of boys tolerating this and telling the girl to get over it is evidence of this.
No. 583060
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Congratulations feminists and leftists!!! Indirectly you raised an entire generation with the mentality of Gengish Khan, bravo.
Btw they're larpers, by now, I know very well the se type of edgy teenagers.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 583065
>>583061This comes with the assumption that girls don’t also rape (both male and female inclusive) make false allegations, go completely fucking off the walls over their current or ex boyfriends to the point of violence and stalking, and get away an abundance of other things.
I’ve been a teen girl. It’s not pure innocence.
I watch girls bully another girl to the point of suicide, and spread another girls nudes around without consent. Many girls got into fist fights over boys or dirty looks. Another girl was pranked with nair so her hair fell out of her head.
Must I continue?
No. 583074
>>583065Sorry you were bullied lol
Female delinquency is frequently result of internalized misogyny, trauma and mental illness. Boys act like psychopaths just by being on the internet, even perfectly middle class ones. But suuuure girls rape and assault people just as much as boys.
No. 583079
>>583065lmao this pickmeisha actually believes that women are as likely to stalk and murder an unrequited crush
bitch probably has an "equality" tumblr
No. 583168
>>583109Hasn't there been cases where in oversea adoption the mother actually didn't want to give up her child for adoption and was forced to/the child was kidnapped?
It's why I myself think overseas adoption is immoral unless there's no way of finding children good homes in their own countries
No. 583489
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>>583081I always thought the constant infighting would be the demise of the LGBT community
No. 583498
>>583483Imagine having every level of society cater to you and still turn out to be violent rapemonkeys.
>b-bad parenting!!!Most women who experienced bad parenting self-destruct instead of externalize their damage like men do. Men literally don’t suppress their emotions at all, imagine believing this shit meme when all they do is lashing out in anger like retards with no self restraint whatsoever?? Women are the ones constantly suppressing and internalizing until they implode and turn BPD. Now go “fix” poor broken men if you feel so inclined to, cockbreath.
No. 583518
>>583504>>583483I wonder who started the pattern to socialize boys that way? Truly a mystery…. I can't think of any likely groups. Maybe it was a proclamation from God!
>>583498>violent rapemonkeysanon my sides
>>583516>maybe I am in denialythink
No. 583535
Men always see us women as a group (or groups, or kinds) rather than an individual, and we as women tend to look more at the person/personality
Example: I was on kiwifarms and read this
>I myself don't have the best luck with women and tend to fall for/hook up with the broken ones (or at least ones that need help), but shit maybe I'm on to something.I don't know what to think about that
>>583523what is that and where do I read it?
>>583521Ashnikko is cringe edgelord shit but make it 100% worse, she's cocky and has blue hair, that's it. Her lyrics are stupid and too much. Her brat persona is annoying.
No. 583634
>>583044How the fuck do I prevent my kid from turning out like this? I know kids show eachother porn in person on the playground and shit, I know kids talk online like this. It genuinely makes me wanna homeschool and have my son have no internet access, but I don’t wanna be called a weirdo or too overprotective. Stuff like this makes me consider it.
Teenage boys are vile
No. 583649
>>583537I feel like "feminazis" or whatever people want to call them are only like 1% of the "feminist" population, but they just happen to be 14 year olds with access to tumblr who can publicize their opinions and spend all day on teh interwebz.
I also think a lot of news outlets choose to focus on "feminazis" to be provocative and maybe to even discredit real feminism issues. Most women I know irl consider themselves feminists, and they are worried about issues like women being raped and killed for setting foot outside, not news headlines like "Feminists PISSED that local family-owned bakery has gingerbread men and not gingerbread women11!"
No. 583661
>>583575I always thought sadboy rap was like a soundcloud thing.
Speaking of, I don’t get the hype around Joji. He’s alright but I don’t understand all the thirst lmao.
No. 583686
>>583649I get what you're saying but I'd like to counter that there is an exaggerated outrage whenever a feminist wants to change something small, similar to your hypothetical gingerbread men, as if we're only allowed to ask for big changes. I can think of loads of situations where women have calmly said things like "we should have a positive female role model in x television show" and men get disproportionately
triggered by a small suggestion and act as if these feminists have invaded their house with guns and are demanding we all worship vagina statues.
Yeah there are bigger things to worry about, but we should still be able to call for small changes without being called feminazis.
No. 583692
>>583686That's totally true, and I could see how my post could imply there's a binary. We should care about "serious" issues like assault, yet also realize that things like representation in TV shows or video games can go a long way on how women are treated.
I guess the over-exaggerated "feminazi" narrative would be better if more feminists could clearly explain their reasons for these "small" issues, instead of focusing on the emotional aspect (this could just be the doing of news channels though.) Like instead of "REEE I am
triggered by the menz in this show," say something more like "I feel like media can really reflect the real world, and even impact how we see the world. I think it's really important to have TV shows with great female characters."
No. 583708
>>583692Whenever I read those articles, I notice they do say that. It always comes with an explanation for their request.
It's just that pissy scrotes and pick-mes would rather ignore it and throw tantrums about the feminazis oppressing them. They do it on purpose, too. They like to play dumb.
I don't really give it much mind since I'd rather pay attention to the larger issues like sex trafficking and reproductive rights, but I refuse to fall for the male hysterics in the media. They know exactly what they're doing by blowing up these stories and then misrepresenting things. It's to wear us down and belittle us.
No. 583744
>>583730The fact that it's happening so often and is so rampant that someone would even believe that is what gets to me.
Men rape so much that we have women trying to defend them by saying we should teach them not to do it. It can't even be ignored, it's so universal. Wherever they exist, they rape.
No. 583749
>>583743It does if you do it before they have kids.
>>583744Let's not get ridiculous, there are much different rapes of rate around the world. You can absolutely reduce rape through culture, it's just that there are always the genetic extremes. The best we can do is have a culture that is against rape and try to get those extremes when they are young. It's not like we can simply get rid of violent people in one swoop.
No. 583750
>>583749*rates of rape
I shouldn't drink after work.
No. 583757
>>583749That's still assuming all women report their rapes (most don't).
Most cultures are already against rape, or at least they're claimed to be. How can they be made moreso without a dramatic demographic shift on which group has most political/lawmaking power? I feel like any response besides that will circle back to the "Teach men not to rape and beg them to treat us like humans like we have been for the past hundreds of years", which is as laughable as it is a bleak reminder. Rapists don't care, and they're very numerous. A lot of them are presidents, CEOs, billionaires, etc.
No prizes for guessing which sex is overrepresented in positions of power right now, and how that links back to the fact that most rapists walk free, being a rape
victim is still stigmatized, etc, but it's still considered too extreme to call a spade a spade.
No. 583760
>>583753Does society really teach boys that it's okay to rape? Whenever I read these conversations, the person who claims it's a problem of nurture kind of waters things down to the complexity of consent, but I think that's too weak. It almost smacks of "They
accidentally raped [you], it's the culture's fault".
No. 583762
>>583753I don't dissagree with you anon, I absolutely think culture is relevant. But removing the shitty genes is a good coplimentary measure. We don't have to get them all you know. Most is good enough for starters.
>>583757>being a rape victim is still stigmatizedIs this an American thing? Why would being the
victim get you stigmatized?
Also anon, you are being too pessimistic, rapists are not common, as most violent criminals in general. They are however largely allowed to go on commiting crimes due to the fact that rape is often a difficult crime to prove. As for how to fix that… I don't have a good answer that would solve that without doing away with innocent until proven guilty and I reaaaaally don't want to remove that.
>>583760Some cultures certainly do and those cultures absolutely see much higher rates of rape.
No. 583778
>>583768>Sounds suspiciously like pol pillI dissagree with like 95% of /pol/.
>Frequency of reports are varied by cultureAbsolutely true, but the women of the cultures with the massive rates are in fact the ones less likely to report as well, meaning that the real numbers of those areas are monstrously large.
>Men still does 99% of rape in any given placeOf course, same with all violent crimes, I don't think I suggested otherwise.
>Men of certain cultures/ethnicities aren’t less prone to sex crimes; only their determination to committing them is modified by the level of risk involved in getting caught per locale.I will disagree with you here. I don't want to touch ethnicity because it's a touchy subject, but cultures absolutely play a massive role. As I wrote above, I think there is a small extreme that will exist always and needs to be picked out when young and the major body of males are mostly conditioned by society. Cultural normes most certainly affect them, otherwise I am not sure how you would explain the vast differences of rape rates in different areas and among different groups. Unless of course you wanna go full /pol/ but I don't think genetics are THAT big of a deal for the main body of a population, at least when it comes to violent crime.
No. 583780
>>583762Nope, I'm not American.
>Why would being the victim get you stigmatized?>"She's lying for money/to ruin his reputation/attention">"It wasn't rape, she's just irresponsible">"It's her fault she was raped for being a whore">"It's bad that she was raped, but now she's damaged goods"Very common in lots of places.
No. 583785
>>583780Yeah where I live, rape
victims are definitely stigmatized. We had a tv drama some time back where a woman gets raped and she is advised not to tell her husband because then he will leave her. Her own mother advices her to just hush about it. Because getting raped is seen as a dirty secret. Mostly because virginity is seen as extremely important here. This way of thinking is slowly changing though, at least in the cities.
No. 583788
>>583781Don't you dare!
>>583780>"She's lying for money/to ruin his reputation/attention"Well that comes with the crime of rape being difficult to prove though. People do doubt charges, especially against someone they like.
>"It wasn't rape, she's just irresponsible"I am not sure what that means. Irresponsible of what?
>"It's her fault she was raped for being a whore">"It's bad that she was raped, but now she's damaged goods"Those sounds insane. Are you from a Muslim country or sth anon? Like those legit sounds like sth you might hear in the middle ages.
No. 583792
>>583784I am just saying anon, Muslim women are waaaay too often massive handmaidens, especially considering the absolute SHIT they are made to go through.
>>583787Eh, I guess I am a little caught in with illegal immigration being insane, especially now with Covid going around as well. I don't mind legal immigrants, they can come all they want obviously.
No. 583799
>>583791Eh, I guess I am. I am also kind of surrounded by nice people, like the last murder where I live happened like 5 years ago and it some criminal shit.
>>583794I generally consider robots and redpillers kind of human filth tbh. The rest of society does not agree with them, it's why they go online to find the rest of the filth. You can always find people like that, doesn't mean what they say is accepted or shared by society at large.
No. 583804
>>583795It is a very prevalent opinion here. I was raped too, as a kid, and my mom told me to never ever tell anyone ever and to just keep it a secret always. It's fucked up, I know. Whenever a news about a rape comes out, first thing people do is to attack the
victim most of the time, but I've seen this behaviour in first world countries too so idk.
No. 583807
>>583802I don't know anon, most of these people have families and are well adjusted, I doubt they spend their days online fawning over Chad's cock not realizing how gay it is.
>>583804I am so sorry this happened to you anon, you are stronger than me, especially with just holding it in. It really sounds horrifying, please be strong and I wish you the best in life. I really haven't heard of such treatment here, but I don't doubt some people might act that way, I just never heard of such a thing.
No. 583808
>>583800It's better than nothing (nothing being the denizens of that country staying the same, women being abused left and right, and westerners trying their hardest to be "progressive" by pretending it doesn't happen).
The largest onus of improving a country should lay on men, anyway, not women. There's better reason to accept women and children than men, especially considering those two groups are more likely to culturally assimilate and won't bring rape/crime with them.
No. 583820
>>583818>I can't really put the guy who thinks his little girl should not play football to the same category as the incels of /r9k/.Why? If you give that guy a space to share all his thoughts, completely unfiltered, you probably won't see much of a difference between them. The incel is a bit more of a caricature is all.
The /r9k/ incel is probably your classmate, too. They aren't as rare as you think.
No. 583822
>>583799>>583807>>583818This is a dangerous misconception, anon. The moderator of Reddit's shadiest communities like creepshots/jailbait was a "regular" 40 something year old married man with kids. Plenty of mass murderers are seemingly "regular" guys with normal jobs and families.
The reason misogyny is so rampant isn't because of a couple of crazy, sweaty basement dwellers. Don't think the only people on /r9k/ are all unemployed permavirgins.
No. 583825
>>583760I used to think "teach them not to rape" was retarded too, I'd think "fucking duh everyone already knows rape is illegal and wrong, how severely actually autistic would you need to be to rape accidentally?" But the vast majority of rapes aren't a violent stranger pouncing on you as you scream in terror (what most people think "rape" means, so we're already at our first social problem) but by someone the
victim already knows, with half of them being someone they're already in a sexual relationship with (cue more social complications). In the last few years since #metoo stuff started I've heard a lot of
victims share their stories where I could believe the perpetrator didn't have malicious intent and it was more some fucked up miscommunication with the guy acting after like that was just regular sex and even giving the woman free social/legal leverage over him as if he legit doesn't think there's any problem.
(This is obviously not an excuse and it's still their moral and legal responsibility to get it right. Like you can't kill someone speeding and say "I legit didn't know the speed limit was that low there woops sorry" to get off in court. If you partake in any potentially dangerous activity you should still be held responsible if you hurt someone, intentionally or accidentally. And of course there are way more men who still commit rapes intentionally than hitting someone with a car on purpose or whatever.)
Like there are a lot of men who think that how a man does the modern mating ritual is he pesters a woman he's dating or acquaintances with for sex regularly until she stops literally saying the word no and then it's ok to undress, get ontop and fuck her as she probably just lays there, this working best if you've been drinking together. And they have that idea because they think that's their role to show they're persistent and strong and can handle rejection unlike a weak insecure guy who'd give up and of course the girl turns him down a bunch and acts uninterested because she doesn't want to seem promiscuous and of course she doesn't look like she enjoys it because they've heard all their life that most women don't actually enjoy sex and they only act like they do in fake as hell porn and it's fine if she's drunk since everyone he knows has sex while drunk.
But if you can get those
toxic beliefs out that guys head, let him understand how horribly that situation plays out from the woman's POV and explain how to go about having sex safely and respectfully then he'd not act that way. But the only sex ed he gets it biological in nature and drivel from porn and consent education is a big challenge since we're in a
toxic culture that pushes all those ideas constantly never mind what it's like in third world countries.
No. 583831
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>>583827Agree but I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion outside of bpdchan tumblr.
No. 583853
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>>583843Notice how every time there's a "female teacher molests male student" story, men flock to talk about how "lucky" he is.
Also, every time a man is raped by another man, men flock to call that man a pathetic faggot and mock him mercilessly if they don't personally like him. Men happily joke about other men being raped in prison, too.
The only time they care about male
victims is when they want to argue with feminists, or to blame women, like you said.
Seeing all this shit is leading me down a very blackpilled path. It honestly almost feels like rape doesn't really mean to men what it means to us, like we project our own fear/trauma onto them or something. When I read shit like pic related (especially "To hell with the double standard")
exclusively from men, and the exact opposite (care, remorse, pity) from women with empathy, like clockwork, I don't know if I should start believing what these men are literally telling us about themselves, or just keep telling myself what I
think is fair and just.
I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, and believe that the one thing both sexes can agree on is that rape is evil and traumatic (regardless of sex) but I don't know anymore. Maybe they just don't get it. I guess if they did, they wouldn't be the ones doing the raping so often.
I'm half just posting this because I want someone to convince me I'm totally wrong.
No. 583861
My unpopular opinion is that so may Americans essentially have adhd because of their shitty media. I see posts all the time from Americans that are worried because they can't read a book but then their news stories are condensed down to seconds, tv shows give recaps every five minutes and comedy shows signpost every joke with a laugh track.
I watched some american CNN and Skynews clips recently and they felt like memes because of how fast the cuts were e.g. it would cut to a scientist for just long enough for them to say say "This is very bad" and cut them off mid-word.
>>583853>blowingA new site would actually say this and in the title? Wtf?
No. 583868
>>583833I don't know if you were replying to my random example, but going as far to moderate a community centered around non-consensual photos of underage girls is pretty goddamn scummy. That's way beyond "cultural retardation," you're literally contributing to the exploitation of minors.
Not everyone is going to call themselves an incel or be the exact caricature you're thinking about. You don't have to be blackpilled to realize not all rapists/misogynists are stereotypical neckbeards. Just look at all the serial killers who led double lives with families and mortgages, like the Golden State Killer, Green River Killer, BTK, etc.
No. 583871
>>583853Even the title of that article alone is horrific. Anon I'd love to convince you you're wrong but you're not. Men and women don't see rape the same because they don't see sex the same. Men revolve so much of their life around getting laid they don't have the capacity to see rape as truly bad until they're on the receiving end of it from another male.
>>583863Men love to rape children then talk about how she wanted it and was irresistible. But yeah, men should fear rape more, especially given how low conviction rates are. Also a lot of those "false reports" aren't even false. They include cases there wasn't enough evidence for/
victim recanted out of fear/
victim recanted because police are assholes. I read once there are more false Bulgarly/care jacking reports because of insurance fraud than there are rape report, which makes a lot of sense.
No. 583875
>>583095>I'm biEVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
>>583743In a way, we are already doing this as a whole. Why do you think incels ree and piss their pants? We do not see them as viable partners long term/ever, so by picking men who are "soft" / NOT rape-like aggro knuckledragging apes we kick them out of the gene pool and never have kids with them, thus we lower the chance of giving birth to such hellspawn.
No. 583909
>>583853God, I hate men lmao
They always fucking do this shit
No. 583982
>>583979What's galaxy-brained? Common sense? And if this place is the same and we're just as shit, why are you here?
Go to /r9k/, or /b/. Go and be with the scrotes who actually don't have their board spammed by CP bots (4chan is efficient at blocking that), but literally go out of their way to find, share and jack off to CP together of their own volition, track women down to actually harass them and attempt to ruin their lives (as opposed to just watching e-celeb trainwrecks like they're reality TV), share gore of dead women and laugh at the fact that one of them actually killed a 16 year old girl, etc.
Same thing, right? You're a delusional handmaiden, please stay with them.
No. 584019
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>>583799Kek, redpill was started by a US state rep. not some basement-dwelling loser, but a rich loser.>>583800I'm the child of immigrants, and tbh when you don't grow up in a nation and don't maintain close ties I'm unsure if you're knowledgeable enough about the local conditions and politics to really make a make difference. You can do charity work, but if you weren't raised there it feels weird to insert yourself much further.
>>583861Pic related talks about effect of internet on your minds (ADHD-like effect is one),
someone recommended it to me.
>>584016They're secret cowboys, obviously.
No. 584024
>>583853You're not wrong. I see this kind of news on other sites and scrotes flocking to play the
victim or say how lucky he is all the time
This is a rancid world we live in.
No. 584051
>>583802I've seen posters for MGTOW at my university. It's not just "neckbeard basement dwellers", it's a lot of scrotes that are around you.
>>583827Agreed, the combination of pictures and fonts/quotes that they use looks so ugly and makes me cringe.
>>583861I always thought this about American media too, it's so fast paced and sensationalized.
No. 584097
>>584055Gender neutral is for teenagers who aren’t getting enough attention from mom and dad and fifty year old men with agp. Not functional people.
>>584040Why do that just to avoid using the term partner lmao.
No. 584121
I feel like pick me-ism is for the most desperate straight girls looking to get a sexual edge above other women. I know the traditional idea of femcels can't exist because men will fuck anything, but these women come close. I guess they can't get the actual relationships they're seeking, so they think endless simping will help their chances. Or, they're in relationships with low-quality men, and they're scared they can't do any better, so they're trying extra hard.
I wish those women would understand we don't all have those problems, and stop yelling at us for not worshiping males and pretending we don't see when they're actual pedophiles and murders, like
>>584105 is doing.
If you're attractive and/or a guy actually likes you, you can literally blast his whole gender to his face and he won't make a peep. He may not pay much (if any) attention to feminism, but he'll still hear you out, understand your feelings and ultimately end up saying you make some good points. If he's not that into you, it'll cause problems, because he doesn't really see you as an actual partner, just a maid, or one talking hole in a line of many he intends to fuck in his lifespan.
No. 584123
>>583791This. Most girls who talk about how ~*nice*~ men are to them are only experiencing it because those men want to fuck her and keep up a facade to make her think they're "one of the good ones". The point where I became totally disillusioned was when a guy who was the most attentive and friendliest person always looking to help me out started calling me every derogatory name in the book after I turned him down for sex and later found out he had been shit talking me. I also can't count the times when normal, "nice" coworker men have had a bit too much to drink at company parties and reveal themselves to be complete pigs.
>>583802Also this. A lot of MGTOW redpill whatever the fucks are just normal men who grew up with the common male socialization.
>>583825>But the vast majority of rapes aren't a violent stranger pouncing on you as you scream in terror (what most people think "rape" means, so we're already at our first social problem) but by someone the victim already knows, with half of them being someone they're already in a sexual relationship with (cue more social complications). Exactly. Men love to dismiss the "teach men not to rape" as only implying that they shouldn't grab a random woman on the street by the pony tail and drag them into the woods like a fucking caveman but what it really means is that when a woman says No you need to stop right there. A girl I know was violently raped by a coworker at a company party when she didn't agree to have sex with him. It was a person she knew and trusted and neither of them were that drunk. The guy naturally got fired and faced prison time but she was left with scars that will last forever.
No. 584128
>>584121NTA but
>Recognizing that men have their own struggles and that life is not opression olympics means you must want to appease the males.You do realise you sounds unhinged yes? People ahve opinions unrelated to their sex life, you must be projecting hard.
No. 584140
>>584131It's true, but honestly, it's something made by teenage girls and young adults, and the whole thing started on Tumblr. When you take it as what it is, it's a lot less grating. These are zoomer bloggers with most of their issues derived from neglectful (or outright
abusive) family members, and experiences with grooming both online and offline.
The reason it's spread like cancer is precisely because it's so easy to recreate, and a lot of "very online" girls relate. Even the dd/lg bullshit plays right into it, a large chunk of internet grooming happens in those spaces.
No. 584148
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>>584105So just leave, cockbreath. 99% of the internet kiss men ass but you wanna be pressed on an extremely niche imgboard. Make sure to screencap your epic clapbacks so you can get those PPP.
No. 584152
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>>584140I honestly find it hard to be "mad" at people who push out trauma aesthetic related content when it's coming from a place of depression and coping. I used to really like the menhera style due to its original roots of using irony to to turn depression and anxiety into an aesthetic portraying internal struggle due to Japan having such a shitty track record of treating mental illness. Even at the risk of sounding like an edgy contrarian I'm going to say that it was ruined when all sorts of OTT "stab me harder UWU" trend chasers decided to start flooding the etsy market with pill bottle necklaces and glitter syringes. It was beat to the ground after trannies started appropriating it to masturbate to muh kawaii sexy anime nurses.
Anyway I really like it when it's something like pic related. There's no text or shittily copypasted sanrio mascots but the tone, the colors and the subject matter sort of speak for themselves.
No. 584175
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>>584170I think Pinterest is a pretty good resource for quickly skimming through the aesthetic, they usually have sources too because people add the content from other websites.
No. 584195
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So you know those youtubers who are like slightly-above-average looking white women who move to Asia (usually Korea or Japan)? And then they get modeling jobs, date Asian dudes, and film vlogs of them shopping or getting starbucks or whatever, but their only claim to fame is being a cute white girl in Asia?
I know they're usually really dumb and useless and only moved to Asia for weeaboo/koreaboo reasons. But tbh, the 2% of me that is still a weeaboo after growing up is jealous in a way. Live in a cool foreign country? Your income is your rich parents/you filming yourself drinking a sakura frappucino once a week? You get to fuck around all day and have a dedicated fandom that adores you, even if it mostly is 12 year old weeaboos?
It just seems like a nice escapist fantasy, even if I know in practicality they're irrelevant and it probably starts to suck living in a foreign culture you're not part of.
No. 584259
>>584252The concept of MGTOW is fine. It actually sounds pretty wholesome on paper - men who decide to stop obsessing over dating, and focus on other things in life, like hobbies, career, or working out.
The problem is that they do the opposite of "going their own way" from women, and instead dedicate their time to a big circle jerk of whining and bitching about women. They're basically incels, all the misogyny and crying except they "chose" to be celibate.
No. 584269
>>584252They're consumed with a hatred for women and dedicate their lives to talking shit about half the worlds population while also claiming to be so free and enlightened.. if they actually shut up about 'the evils of women' and got a fulfilling hobby that'd suit everyone fine.
Any semi-normal man can take a break from dating without attaching to the rest of the shit they spew.
No. 584291
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>porn industry is trafficing
I'm just going to assume most nons in this thread support Fair trade™ drawn japanese tentacle porn instead of being full on abolisht
No. 584390
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coming from the skincare thread to sperg here lol
spray tanning your skin like 5 shades darker and calling it a luxury thing is racist as hell.
me having naturally brown skin is ghetto and makes me a dirty immigrant or whatever a but a white girl having an even darker spray tan is bougie and chic.
No. 584398
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>>584365buy this anon, it's life changing. they make an unscented one as well
No. 584400
>>584314Asians have thick skin and more facial fat which makes it so wrinkles show up far later in life. Their bone structures are also different, the face being flat helps things.
Sunscreen when you're going to be out in the sun is obviously good and will help but the genetic factor is what actually makes them age better.
No. 584402
>>584390Wow, what a
triggered mess…
Anon said treating herself to a spray tanning session is a luxury
for her(!) not that tan skin = luxurious. Besides, it's no longer the 90s/00s, barely any normal white women do that anymore (only celebrities and some boomers), everybody now knows that any kind of tanning is literal cancer, nobody is after your skin and nobody is calling you dirty and ghetto.
No. 584410
>>584401Five Shades Darker than your natural skin is racist die mad about it
>>584402“Nobody is after your skin and nobody is calling your dirty”
Hmmm yes all the times i was insulted on my dark skin and picked on were my imagination, racism and colorism exist only in my head.
If you are so pressed to defend darkening your skin to the same shade of actually brown women as not racist but when a brown woman raises a complaint having her skin color called a luxury she’s
triggered there’s something wrong there.
No. 584416
>>584410congrats on shitting up not one but two threads with your
victim complex
No. 584420
>>584415>>584416I can't believe i made the racist spray tan bitches this pressed lol
just learn to love your real skin color luv
(infighting, racebaiting) No. 584432
>>584422I don't think this is an unpopular opinion, most people I've seen are okay with cow's milk.
I personally can't drink it straight, though, only if it's a milkshake or in coffee.
No. 584439
>>584436There's nothing wrong with hating men to begin with, it's 99% a reaction to men hating us compared to inherently finding them to be dumb inferior subhumans who are only good for sex and babies.
But, as we all know and are shown all the time (like just recently on reddit), women are not allowed a place to be gender critical and speak freely about women's issues. Men don't give a fuck about our feelings so misogynist spaces will always exist.
No. 584442
>>584436Agree. Miss having a place to talk about that stuff without some cunt having a full ‘what about the poor men!!!” breakdown.
Also you talking about going on /v/ leads me to my own unpopular opinion: I don’t understand how any woman would want to use 4chan or similar imageboards in their current state. It’s literally just /pol/ shit everywhere and woman hate everywhere, how do you block out all that misogyny and have w good experience?? Idk maybe I just don’t get it but I feel like the bad really outweighs the good and I’d rather feel like I fit in nowhere online then try to acclimatise myself to those shit environments.
No. 584465
>>584442I understand you completely and wholeheartedly agree, I've been just starting to check out /v/ recently for games I might be interested on, but honestly, it is a cesspool and not even worthy of even taking a look.
I feel like /cgl/ is also having some modding problems but I quit that board ages ago
I check out /x/, /vp/ and /mu/ sometimes and so far my experiences haven't been too bad, I kinda learnt to have thick skin when it comes to 4chan incels. The only okay board I visit is maybe the anime wallpaper one, that one is pretty quiet.
But to be frank, it is all so tiring and I feel like quitting imagebooards for a while all togehter, but since I don't have social media I get lonely and want to interact with other people too you know? It really sucks that every place on the internet is either full of stupid woke shit or /pol/tards with ther woman hating.
Who knows if the world will eventually get better, lolcow seems the comfiest anonymous place to me rn and this site doesn't have the best reputation either
No. 584505
>>584436God I miss /xx/ so much. Just being able to vent so freely and reading other anons post some amazing shit. idk i'd never found a space like that before where you could be unapologetically female. I realized when that board was up that this was how men felt all the time.
>>584442I went on 4chan for the first time in a while a few months ago and there was a thread where trannies could talk about all the times they were assaulted by "cis women". What a fucking joke.
No. 584521
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>>584519>/pol/ has a lot of non-gender related contentLMAO, /pol/?! Seriously anon, fucking seriously?
Let's check the catalog right now:
>Every year millions more white women enter their 30's still single and childless without much hope of that changing.>Why do women complain about white privilege but value being white over anything else (even more than height in some cases) for dating?>Americans will justify this body type: it breaks my heart seeing young women destroy their bodies [picture of fat woman on tinder in bookstore]>thread for "RBG is a bitch and must die">multiple threads showing off women with unrelated T&A to capture male attention>thread calling Ivanka Trump MOMMY>How do you raise your daughter to be conservative?>Every white woman I know that went to a university posts shit like pic (supporting arguments for racial quotas) These leftist morons live in niggerland>thread making fun of Lauren Southern >Where are some places were you can still find cute traditional woman?>Thoughts on this?: I’m not a white supremacist or misogynistic but…>FINAL BOSS OF ROASTIES>"Problem Glasses": This isn't a new observation by any means, but these RBG threads have got me thinking—why do they all wear this exact same type of thick-rimmed black glasses?>Is it possible for women to get RP and get back on the right path? How common is it and can you trust such women? Honestly, tinder made me blackpilled and it seems like 95% of women are fat/feminist/tattooed/roasted/junkies with "I will ruin your life" bio.>The myth of sacred motherhood: I think it's just women trying to protect themselves by sticking something wholesome out there so they can look like they're not evil little scumshits.>Why is European culture so objectively superior, refined and aesthetic to compared to the cesspool that is America? [picture of asian woman's ass in latex suit]>This is literally actually America now. What the fuck caused this? How did we go from the silent generation to this? [picture of topless woman screaming in some kind of protest]>time for a serious question: how do we acquire big tiddy fascist vampire gfs?>What drives a man to simp?: What compels a man to dedicate his entire life to coddling females and feeding their ego?I refuse to even look at /fit/ it's a fucking cesspool too.
No. 584522
>>584521>Why is European culture so objectively superior, refined and aesthetic to compared to the cesspool that is America? [picture of asian woman's ass in latex suit]This is my favorite one.
Thank you for this post, anon. I knew that other anon was talking nonsense, but didn't want to melt any more of my brain cells by checking /pol/ again. What a cesspool.
No. 584525
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>>584521The top 4 threads right now don't even have race bait in their titles. One of them was clearly posted by a leftist. I know it's a low bar, but it's not like there are no debates there at all.
No. 584530
>>584525>don't even have race bait>I know it's a low barAnon.
Just shut up, you can't even talk coherently with that foot in your mouth.
No. 584546
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>>584521>mfw I dated someone from /fit/ for years>secretly misogynist and racist>went to gym five days a week>so many supplements>talked about getting steroids>mfw they ask me to peg themThat was pretty much the end of that.
No. 584574
>>584525Dw anon, most farmers lack the self awareness to realise they spew the exact same rehtoric with the only difference being gender reversal. You're only going to receive baseless insinuations here kek.
I remember someone wouldn't even acknowledge that this shit happens and chalked it up to me browsing Twitter too often. (I don't have a Twitter kek).
No. 584598
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As Told By Ginger is an underrated gem that was ahead of its time and suffered the sad case of "Great writing, horrible artstyle".
No. 584624
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>>584600>>584605Courtney was my favorite character because of how nicely she was written.
No. 584658
>>584618So true. Most of them came from twitter and twitter fags tend to get really fucking
triggered over radfem and gender crit stuff. I've seen a of other anons that have been here a long time don't care for that stuff, but they at least express their distaste or indifference in a non-moral fagging way. Anyways, the friend finder thread has provided discords to safely sperg trannies and there's always spinster.
No. 584726
>>584722What do you mean by
No. 584760
>>584756I mean, I'm
>>584726 and I actually didn't know what you meant by it, since I didn't know this about Trump. I don't have any opinions on this other than that.
No. 584824
>>584658So true! I was a kpop fan in my teen years and i used to enjoy the initial critical threads but i'm so fucking glad the kpop related shit is gone. Now that xx is gone and reddit has banned all the "hateful" aka
non-handmaiden-women's threads, this is the only safe haven for us.
My unpopular opinion is semi-related to kpop: Korea is not as amazing at plastic surgery as people think. Being a big former kpop fan, 8/10 of the surgeries looked obvious and botched, whereas young hollywood celebrities/influencers have a bunch of crazy surgeries i never even knew were a thing, without looking "plastic".
No. 584898
>>584854Koreans have nice skin because they are MILITANT about sunblock and using parasols/hats/staying in the shade, even in winter.
On the flipside, the reason why white people age quickly is because they don't have melanin in their skin to protect them from the sun and most white people can't be bothered to wear sunblock.
The necessities for your skin are being cleaned, being moisturized, and SUNBLOCK. Anything after that may bring improvements but it's diminishing returns imo. I've been slowly adding facial masks, serums etc into my skincare routine but it's not as important as the necessities I listed.
No. 584912
>>584618This is true.
>>584824Wish /xx/ would come back, especially now the kpop stans have gone. PP, GC, FDS convo just leaks into every other thread now (not that I even really mind). Giving us an unlisted board again helps keep randoms out, too.
No. 584959
>>584929women mad at men: I hate how they rape us and kill us so often. What is wrong with them that they refuse to control themselves? I just want to be seen on equal footing as them professionally and not be sexually harassed. I wish we could live seperately from them!
Men mad at women: I hate them stupid sluts. They're inferior to us biologically. We should enslave them and they shouldn't be allowed rights. Ugly, fat, or women over 35 should not exist. Single Mom's are the worst thing to ever exist and men have no responsibility for the situation. We should be allowed to deny women abortions.
Totally the same
No. 584984
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Why do a lot of skinny women say stuff like "I feel skinny shamed, its so hard to be skinny, skinny bodies aren't glamorized anymore, only curvy girls are considered hot :(" when 99% of women in fashion look like this? When they say "curvy" I think they mean "petite 100 lb woman who still has snatched waist and perky butt from workouts." Are there actually any famous influencers, actresses, or models who are above 150 lbs?
No. 585155
>>585134islamophobia is a healthy fear of people who want to stick you in chop-chop square because you're gay or a woman whose only crime was being born into that shit.
being -phobic and -ist means nothing anymore anyhow, thanks to retarded tweens screaming about it all the time. okay, so someone is racist. now what?
No. 585157
>>584959you seriously need to interact with real human beings. your mental health is in the toilet.
>>584898staying hydrated and sunblock are both huge but: retin-a is amazing for the skin. my grandmother and mother both used it for most of their lives and they both have beautiful skin. my mom doesn't even have marionette lines or nasolabial folds. i started using it when i was fifteen, crossing my fingers it'll work for me, too.
No. 585164
>>585134Pretty sure the word is used to mean "treating Muslims like shit/discriminating against Muslims" as opposed to not liking or being afraid of the actual religion itself. It's not literally a phobia, just as homophobia doesn't mean having a legit fear of homosexual and bisexual people. I dislike all abrahamic religions and I'm more familiar with Islam than the others because of my family but almost everyone I see getting called an islamophobe isn't just someone who criticizes the religion and its specific practices (like idk, circumcision or how ramadan is way too strict/difficult and there's too much social pressure for old or sick people to fast even though they don't have to in the first place) but someone who treats Muslims like trash and is also racist towards people they perceive as being potentially Muslim. You're a North African or an Arab from a Catholic family from even before Islam existed or an atheist? Too bad, depending on where you are or live you can still get treated like shit and be discriminated against because people will badly guess that you're Muslim.
So whenever I see that some random celebrity or person online is accused of being an islamophobe I just look it up to make up my own mind and see if that's true or if it's an exaggerated accusation.
No. 585172
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Tall men are extremely overrated and have egos the size of the star betelgeuse due to the years of normies acting like they are god's gift to womankind, even when they are not particularly kind or attractive. It's a proven scientific fact that even if he is a complete retard, there will still be stupid bitches simping for him when you dump him, singularly because of this one arbitrary, meaningless trait. So get used to people thinking you're Satan for daring not to love this poor, helpless tall boy. You're really missing out. How could you possibly want to pass up an opportunity to be with him? He's tall!
No. 585280
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>>585172Anon, why'd you have to go and call me out like this, I adore my coworker but literally his only defining traits is that he is TALL and an IDIOT, but I can't even call him a himbo because his face? His face is BARELY average and he has a terrible receding hairline, God cure me of this height complex.
No. 585295
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Not a fan of Art Angels, I sorta understand the appeal in some of the songs, but ,overall, it isn't for me
No. 585317
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I dont think the word retarded is a slur. My 18 year old coworker caught me saying it today at our cafe. When customers order coffee and expect it to already have milk and sugar added when they don't ask, i said 'that's retarded.' and she gave me this look like i strangled her cat. bitch please
No. 585450
>>585441I agree, mixed people need to get over themselves and just consider themselves mixed. You are not one or the other, you aren't really both at once, you're mixed. It is what it is.
T. Mixed person
No. 585486
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>>585470Come back when you're being denied jobs, opportunities etc because of your race and then preach about how race is only a social construct lol
And yes labeling mixed women as black does take jobs from black women.
For example, let's say you're a black woman who wants a music career or an acting career. Instead of hiring a black woman, they will just hire a mixed woman because she can be the token "black girl" while still being able to conform to eurocentric standards of beauty.
But that's all I'm going to say on this topic.
No. 585493
>>585492It's definitely one sided for black women rather then black men, not many dark skinned black female actress but plenty of dark skinned black men
>>585486Personally I just want storm to be played by a Kenyan or Sudanese woman, Storm is supposed to be canonically Kenyan and Its a big part of her character
No. 585496
>>585441>>585450>>585457How would you consider someone like me then, me and my family are ethnically Seraki, I'm brown skinned and have natrual blonde hair and green eyes, my brother are and mother are similar to be but have brown hair, everyone In the west says we looked "mixed" but we are our own people
Where do we fall into the American racial category ?
No. 585519
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>>585500Thanks but appearances Saraiki can vary depending on tribe but this pic is a good example of the roughly the "standard" but people keep on saying I'm actually mixed and don't seem to understand that other distinct ethnic groups exist then just black, brown white and east Asian
No. 585541
>>585486What if it is a dark skinned mixed woman? would you be angry If she gets the part? Is she allowed to call herself black ?
this type of gate keeping never works because the boundaries are so personal, and arbitrary.
also where does being mixed end? like what if you are 5% white, are you still mixed?
No. 585546
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>>585504This, yup. You just end up with narrow button noses, wide almond eyed, high cheekbones asians, black or mixed women who don't look their ethnicity at all besides their skin color.
I always find it bizarre. But then again, white people get the same treatment. It's not like you see any run-of-the-mill round european white paysan face on tv.
>>related, my hopeful round face thirsthing for representation when Dakota Fanning still got some few roles after she got her true adult face No. 585548
>>585504>>585546But isn't is simply also because most Americans simply are mixed to a certain degree? It's rare to see any of them who are just white, just black or just asian, they always have different blood and therefore also look a certain way there you can no longer really pinpoint what exactly they are.
Also, Dakota Fanning doesn't get many or big roles anymore despite having been praised as a genius actress when she was a child because pedowood is pedowood, why employ an adult woman when you can just use her teen sister instead…
No. 585553
>>585548Elle is tall, stays skinny and have more proeminent cheekbones. She's also not that good at acting. Dakota would have had a long career with the same traits as her sister.
But I think you got your finger on something here. I think americans are really bad at seeing etchinities in general. Maybe because you're more insular or get less immigration. Not sure it's good or bad but it sure makes holywood looks really stupid to cast canon kenyan character with half white and claim 'see, see, it's REPRESEEENTATION' then.
Like, kek, this is ridiculous. Just cast whoever and shut up. How
No. 585557
>>585546Kek I used to think Americans were all tall, toned cheerleaders with perfect teeth because of television. It's like the US version of an underage koreaboo who thinks Korea is only filled with idol beauties.
Celebrities of every race are like a different species entirely, looking for representation in them feels impossible past sorting them into vague racial groups
No. 585615
>>585134Relate. You can't honestly criticise Judaism either without coping anti-semitie thanks to autismo Hitler. I have
valid critisisms of all organised religions but apparently everything except for Christianity is off limits kek.
No. 585623
>>585134>>585162here's my personal issue with the Quran and Islam as a Pakistani ex-Muslim, The Quran is supposed to be always read and written only in Arabic and in the beginning of Islamic Arab expansonism, you were supposed to be adopted into an Arabic clan in order to convert. Sure, you can become Muslim, but then again everyone is supposed to have been a Muslim at birth anyway according to the Quran. Islam is very Arab supremacist in outlook and expansionist in effect. even non-Arab Muslims are portrayed as weak converts and not real Muslims. here's a fun fact the Sindhis who were Buddhists at the time actually beat and pushed back the Muslim Arabs, however during the late mid 6th century sindh was in a civil war and the Arabs Invaded and conquered the region, they tried to invade further but were beraten and pushed back a Kashmiri Hindu king, and in this narrative we are taught to side with the Arab Muslims who hate us rather then our non-Muslim ancestors
the supposed tolerant aspects of Islam only came when the Arabs were pushed back and locals started adding aspect of their own culture to the religion, Pakistan is made up of dozens of different ethnicities who can all be further divided into there individual clans/tribes and all speak different languages. The only thing that keeps them together is Islam. and even then it doesn't always work. we had a horrible ethnic civil war in the 70's where there was an attempted genocide, we had paramilitary death squads killing other ethnic groups in the 80's-90's and even now were dealing with separatist insurgencies
No. 585652
>>585649Stop mentioning America dumbass. I'm not anon and I'm not American. I just said we don't call it "american indian" here. You clearly don't care about helping people learn. I'm not saying there are only been 5 races is right considering many people would fall under white that would never identify as white. I'm just defending anon by saying that it goes beyond just America teaching kids that those are the only 5 races.
>Pick up a bookok superior worldling. Most people just read accredited journal articles online for academic information nowadays but I'll pick up a book.
No. 585656
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I prefer old memes and rage comics much more than I enjoy memes being made today. I don't understand a lot of what's being put out today but older stuff seems more universal
No. 585671
>>585656I hate this meme cause I generated one of them during my undergrad to post on the campus meme group and a bunch of shitlords trolled me about having done it wrong even though I'm p sure it made fucking sense.
I'm still mad about it ten years later lel.
No. 585692
>>585628It was appernt to everyone that the Bengalis were the majority in terms of numbers and voters, they were afraid that the Bengalis would vote in Bengali nationalist parties and so the solution of our army was to genocide them
Pakistan was a dumb idea created by uppper class Urdu speakers who had never even been to these regions and had no idea about the local ethnic and linguistic issues,
the apperant massive vote for Pakistan by the Muslim people is a sham narrative cause it was the Muslim landowners who supported the creation of Pakistan, as the Indian Congress party leaned socialist and there was a fear they would privatize their holdings, so in the name of Islam land owners and fedual lords supported the creation of one of the most artificial nations in the world
No. 585696
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>>585656>older stuff seems more universalI think that's the point of memes right now that everyone is online. Small groups want to make inside jokes that are super relatable to their own, so they can enjoy that feeling of belonging but also set themselves apart from the larger group. It's like how you don't want to find out that your boss or your shit uncle enjoys the same music and slang words as you.
No. 585736
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I don't find her to be pretty or cute, in fact she actually freaks me out.
No. 585767
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>>585628>>585692I didnt Know about this at all. Where can I find information like this? My Family comes from Pakistan and I think my great grandfather tried to campaign for the creation of Pakistan and I'm really curious
No. 586011
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I'm soooo tired of drag queens and drag queen culture and how much it has impacted the internet. I hate the stupidity that comes from it. I hate that they're basically wearing a costume of women stereotypes. Yes I get it, it was escapism for gay people for so long, but like, we're past that now. I want these sassy men dressed like women to just stop.It's not funny
No. 586019
>>586011People forget that drag was originally meant as a way to mock gender norms, gay men would often wear smeared on make up with frilly dresses and lesbians would come out dressed as masculine actors and soldiers with fake beards and mustache, all this was in good fun and to mock really the conertivenesss of gender norms
Somewhere along the line it became more of a fetish thing for gay men
No. 586090
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>>585486it would be cool if alek wek were ororo even tho she's not kenyan but sudanese, her hair is even styled correctly in this photo. i think she's too old now but it would have been great.
No. 586091
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meg foster types are quite odd looking. the color changes depending on the light, sometimes meg foster looked like her eyes were a grayish white. it's both pretty and creepy.
i think there's a disease that can go hand in hand with eyes that are this light, there was a girl on ANTM a billion years ago who had this kind of eye color and went blind.
No. 586257
>>586252I don't feel much of a physical threat as I rarely see them, but they're an ideological threat considering they constantly shut down women's spaces and silence our voices. Our inability to organize is a legitimate problem.
But the scariest part is the ability of a movement that completely disregards logic, populated mostly by white men in tech with a fetish, to get this much traction and support in so little time compared to other social justice movements, and become so dominant in ~woke~ rhetoric despite most people thinking it's ridiculous. They shouldn't be able to get people fired or deplatformed or cancelled any more than your average crazy cult member, they shouldn't be able to transition little children who can't even consent or understand what is happening. There is some serious money and power behind them and it's disturbing to think about.
No. 586259
>>586252not that anon but i'll step in to say it's not just effecting them, it's a social contagion that effects young, vunerable gnc and gay people. transition cripples women with its treatments and makes both men and women burn down their social networks to replace them with coping mechanisms and
toxic circles that push them to transition further. i have permanent bone issues from puberty blockers, my career is severely limited now as an artist because of sudden arthritis at 20, and my niece has started binding, which even if she does "properly", she'll likely face permanent damage. she's a sweet 12 year old tomboy who has been abused by her father, and she doesn't deserve to be short of breath when she goes for a short run when she's older. but it's too late- she's been convinced this is the only solution to her dysphoria, not even I can help her now. enabling transition is literally evil. supporters would rather placate and not make waves and hold hands and have harmony, even if it would be terrible for the future of the trans person. it's too hard for them to nut up and say say "medical transition may actually be too experimental to benefit trans people without giving them a plethora of other problems"
No. 586261
>>586252I don't have to feel threatened to hate on trannies lol
I just hate their ideology. I can hate things for free anon
I live in a conservative place and I'm happy to say trans people should really reconsider their shit or get bullied for their degeneracy.
No. 586264
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>>586252Trannies defunded and vandalized a women’s rape shelter but ok
Trannies rob young girls of athletic scholarships but ok
Trannies force themselves into high school girls bathroom and not boys but ok
Trannies attempt to shut down lesbian bars and businesses for excluding them, what the fuck is refusal of service law anymore
Trannies literally threaten physical harm upon evil “cis” all the fucking time
No. 586268
>>586264I swear it's only privileged liberals who get all their awareness of the world from Twitter that think trannies don't pose any threat.
It's annoying. I'm tired of them spewing brain worm shit with no critical thought, and some of them screeching at anyone who doesn't follow the "like, retweet and share" hivemind.
Remember that time a tranny nailed a dead rat to a women's shelter? Or the group of trannies and TRAs that nearly beat a black girl to death over things she said on Twitter? But that's not violence, right? Only saying "Trans women are men" is violence. The whole world should stop because a dick-haver feels sad or suicidal over not being validated, women's rights and autonomy be damned. I fucking hate this shit.
No. 586283
>>586264Don't forget the fact they're also fighting to have anyone who self IDs as a woman put in women's prison even if they've committed sex crimes against women, which is probably the most disturbing "trans rights" issue.
And how lesbians who don't want to sleep with them are viciously harassed under the justification it's "bigotry".
No. 586284
>>586252Honestly trannies don't pose a threat to me either because I work remotely and live in a small town and there's only 1 old tranny here that keeps to himself, but you have to think of other people.
Imagine you're an abused woman and you finally flee with your children to a woman's shelter and have to share it with a dude. It's not fucking right. It'd be real easy to just shrug it off, and that's exactly why trannies have got this far. Men always agree with me on the tranny shit but then just go about their day, because it doesn't change shit for them. It only impacts the part of society no one gives a shit about anyway because they're poor and usually single mothers.
And honestly, trannies shut down a bunch of facebook groups I post in for no fucking reason. they weren't even on my fucking radar until they turned up en masse spouting their ideology and threatening people who didn't agree. Tranniess are literally their own worst enemies. Terfs wish they could peak people like trannies do
No. 586352
>>586302i agree anon it does need to be contained. I think most of us agree and that's why we loved /xx/ because you can read when you want. It's understandable it spills out because it's enraging a and this is one of the few places you can talk about it without fear of banning/doxing
>>586345kpop stans have to leave sorry
No. 586360
>>586355do you mean that one imageboard no one visits and is slow as fuck? what was the name again, I already forgot. (legit asking the name lmao)
this is why xx was beautiful, lots of conversation with other anonettes.
No. 586467
>>586464>>586450>>586405Seriously though who defends party bisexuals in 2020? It's blatantly obvious who was actually romantically and sexually involved with women as equally as they were with men versus who kissed a few girls from Tinder but married a dude cause they were never interested in fucking and being with women.
Really telling how many anons here are mad about this.
No. 586468
>>586450Here's why it annoys people so much.
You're doing the exact same thing you're bitching about: whining about how oppressed you are when you're not.
Oppression is not the same thing as mild irritation and frankly you should be glad that you're so privileged that someone side eyeing you and your GF ruins your day. This is not the 1700s anymore.
Anyway why do they always target bi women specifically? Any theories?
Why don't people complain about bi men who claim they're gay and then leave their boyfriends for women?
Why bi women specifically? Does it really make people that mad when women enjoy sex? Why are we still trying to sexually repress women? Why does female autonomy bother people so much? Why does it bother other women?
>>586464Ok, so if she's stuck her fingers in the pussy of another woman but not dated her that doesn't count?
No. 586470
>>586405Not everyone lives in california and can openly date women becky
Im Bisexual, I only date men, because if any of my family members saw me in a date with a woman i would be disowned, i’ve hooked up with women in party scenarios because it felt safe to do so, no one would rat me out, most bi women I know feel the same.
No. 586471
>>586468>You're doing the exact same thing you're bitching about: whining about how oppressed you are when you're not. ….bitch you don't even know what my sexuality is lmao. You're making this up, please quote a line once in that post where I mentioned I felt oppressed. This is hilarious!
>why don't people complain about bi men? Ime, there's less positive attention in it for men to mention that they're gay in any way. When a man tells you he wants to suck a cock or have a dick in his ass you believe him.
No. 586472
>>586405If a man told me he's bi I would forever consider him bi even if he gave up his male fuck buddies and got with a woman long term, if you've fucked both genders that counts to me, Same with women. If you've fucked other women it counts.
Women who have never even tried same sex stuff but say they're bi just because they think boobs are cute.. are a little different, but I'm not that pressed about it. I'm in my 30s and while I've fucked women I'm still closeted because of where I'm stuck living.
No. 586498
>>586495Yeah, I was sorta sarcastic, but I'm the autist because I didn't understand what she meant until
>>586493, we are cool.
No. 586500
>>586467Underrated post
I think this is a trend all over the internet, but people really be thinking in black and white only nowadays. Just because some party hoes go and kiss some bitches at a party to impress Jhonny doesn't mean all of us bisexuals should be thrown into a bus, a lot of us have had experiences loving women, even if we end up with a guy at the end. Like, who cares? I can love and marry whoever I want, doesn't make my experiences with women any less real.
No. 586502
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>>586450>men in dresses are valid, and women who date men in dresses are too uwu>women who statistically face more violence and sexual abuse rates than others in the LGBT community are not, though, fucking bitches lolReminder of the kind of people who've been infiltrating lately.
No. 586503
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>>586405"Bissxeuual" womenna shou ldn'nntt , reaa..lly cclaim just too be biswexx,,ua annymmore oF th..ey're marrieed to a straig;;ghhtt gg.uyy.. I z;;don'Tfforr a moment tth ink that bil-sexuali,,t,,y ,belong s in LG.BTs. Whhat oppreesssion havvee bi]sh hit s goone throug.h? nonee.
No. 586504
>>586502what is the context of this?
>>586503Did you just have a stroke kek
No. 586509
>>586504Twitter users who've posted about using LC, most of them from the artist salt thread.
They sometimes come into the unpopular opinion and vent threads too to post shitty takes about cis women and "terfs".
No. 586516
>>586405Does this apply to married men who jerk it to bears and trannies? Or was it just the hot pickme fakebi girl who hurt your feelings?
The real scandal is, bisexual men should stop claiming to be bisexual. All bi men are just faggots with porn addiction. No seriously, just break up with your boyfriend if he says he wants to suck dick or has history of sucking dick.
No. 586520
>>586405I know this was probably posted to stir the pot but I agree with this. I don't even care about the oppression points or the LGBT anymore, I just find most of the bisexuals incredibly two faced, backstabbing and predatory (pretending to be bi to satisfy their slimy bfs or husbands).
I don't care about bi men because they don't affect me the way bi women do. On the other hand, I like that the society allows "bi" women to be openly in hetero relationships only and the nerve to claim to be bi, kek. It makes it easy to filter the trash.
No. 586526
>>586520That's just a sad take, I'm bisexual, always dated women before, but am currently interested in a guy. Never before I have feelings for a guy like this before, and I didn't actively chose to fall for this guy. And then I am called two faced and a liar by people like you. That's just sad.
>>586525kek'd hard
No. 586530
I think some anons just like fighting for the sake of fighting.
No. 586583
>>586580But you're calling bi women who marry men straight women, when they're bi
It doesn't add up, I think you have some issues to resolve because you're getting all worked up for no reason
No. 586588
>>586580I never said that I am opressed, I just said what you were assuming is sad.
You saying bi women are predatory sounds like when people said gay people were predators just for being gay. I'm sure you know about this issue, right?
>Of course you don't give a shit.Who says I don't? I have dated lesbian women before, and I never lead them on or changed them for a man. I care for them because I love them as my partner. My ideal spouse would be a woman but like I said I'm currently into a guy.
It's like you're treating all of bisexual women as an entire group of people who cannot change and all act the same, instead of just people who happen to be bisexual coming from different backgrounds and with different personalities. Sounds more like misogyny to me, since earlier you claimed that any guy who just says that they like dick are to be believed.
No. 586596
>>586583t. bishit
its a useless term is all that anon is saying when youre in a hetero relationship where your ~bi-ness~ never comes up anyway because you just so happen to have chosen a heteronormative relationship.
also reeks of cope for their man cheating/oggling other women, the "i find them hot too so its fine" line gets spouted by self described "bi"s all the time.
No. 586599
>>586596>the "i find them hot too so its fine" line gets spouted by self described "bi"s all the time.Once again, you are taking the actions of lying straight women as emblems of actual bisexual women, and blaming us.
It's almost like you don't think bisexual women actually exist IRL or something, just straight or gay. It's pathetic.
No. 586605
>>586599the thing is how do you know theyre lying when they describe themselves as bi? if you accuse them of lying, "REE bi erasure!!", and then when you assume they are bis "REE not true bi!!" so which is it?
and id call most bi people pansexual or whatever the term is, where people are attracted more to personality than looks.
No. 586611
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I wonder if you guys realize if you switch Bisexual with just Woman, you sound like fucking incels.
It always sounds like lesbian nice gals angry that a girl who claimed to be bisexual prefered a man over them.
No. 586614
>>586605You already admitted you could tell by putting it into quotation marks when you described those actions, but keep playing dumb.
"Pansexual" and "bisexual" are literally the same thing, but the former is just there for SJW tranny points.
No. 586619
>>586596>"i find them hot too so its fine"The fuck? I have never heard this from a woman's mouth in my life, and never from a bisexual woman
>your bi-ness never comes up anywaySo… the moment I date a man, I stop finding all women attractive? Okay, gotcha.
>you have chosen a heteronormative relationshipYou sound like you want to be opressed huh
No. 586624
>>586614im talking practically in the world, i put bi in quotations because i know they look straight to me, but if i were to say theyre just straight i get people like you coming for my neck saying im erasing bis, because she just so happens to have a straight relationship now and maybe shes a kinky bi~.
and see pansexual makes the most sense to me personally.
>>586619browse a cow thread some time youll find plenty of examples, biggest example is shoe0nhead
plenty of women find other women attractive, similarly with straight men called "bromances" usually bordering on homoerotic, attraction is mostly a spectrum. but yes functionally, if youre in a relationship with a man youre in a hetero relationship. similarly a gay man can claim hes gay all he wants, but if hes in relationships with exclusively women then functionally hes hetero. he can say whatever he wants, but if his actions dont follow then its meaningless. words dont mean anything when theyre not followed by actions
No. 586626
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>>586618I've seen alot of socially awkward lesbians sperg about reeeee the bihets on twitter and good ole tumblr, its surprising how much it comes up in a serious manner.
>>586621>>586617 pic
No. 586630
>>586624>i get people like you coming for my neck saying im erasing bisI'm literally saying you're using straight women pretending as an excuse to bash bisexual women. You're not living in reality.
>shoe0nhead>bisexual in literally any wayYup, exactly as I thought. Intellectual dishonesty. This shit is so annoying, get off bisexual women's backs and mind your own shit. No one's oppressing you, lmao.
No. 586636
>>586630yeah and i just told you i have no way of knowing if those types are actually straight or bi.
>intellectual dishonestythese are the people claiming to be bi? how is that dishonest?
also never claimed to be oppressed, you guys are the ones claiming it, then crying when people point out no not really.
No. 586641
>>586636Keep telling yourself that.
At least stop posting the same bullshit bait in every single thread, you really do sound like an incel.
No. 586650
>>586624I love women. My attraction to women is not a spectrum.
I really can't chose if I find a man attractive either.
If I'm with a man I'm still bisexual. If I'm with a woman I'm still bisexual.
No. 586655
>>586636>i have no way of knowing if those types are actually straight or bi.Then why the fuck do you keep sperging out about this fucking bullshit, if you don't know shit?
>>586624>they look straight to meHow do you know, if you just said you don't know?
>bromancesGo back to tumblr
No. 586673
>>586650if you can flip back and forth then its literally a spectrum based on how youre feeling. im sure polysexual is a
valid sexuality to you too
>>586648>>586652not a tranny, i just know of studies of "straight" women having "attraction" to other women. a lot of it can be societal pressure as women are made out to be "sexual" objects of attraction, so women falling for these pressures assume theyre bi when theyre really not.
>>586655because being bi is a fucking fashion trend, and if you call it out you get labeled as hateful, or get buttmad bis claiming theyre just as oppressed as an openly gay/lesbian person would be.
and whats tumblr is insisting the bi label means anything when you act like a straight woman.
and you go first, ive only seen bi tumblrites get mad about this.
No. 586677
>>586673Anon what the fuck is a polysexual even?
Being bisexual doesn't mean that when I'm dating a guy I suddenly stop liking pussy and when I'm dating a girl I stop liking cock
Seriously stop, sexuality is not a spectrum, people are not so black and white, and stereotypes do not define a whole bunch of people. It's like saying all women are whores or karens or prudes
No. 586680
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>>586673>because being bi is a fucking fashion trend,There it is. Females can only like dick or pussy, never both.
Meanwhile, this isn't, I gather, kek.
No. 586689
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>>586673You are really starting to sound underage
>"straight" women having "attraction" to other womenand how can you tell who is straight and who isn't? based on what? how much colorful hairdye they use? how many pride pins they wear?
>because being bi is a fucking fashion trend,I would argue being a tranny is more of a fashion trend nowadays, but whatever. Pic related btw.
>bis claiming theyre just as oppressed as an openly gay/lesbian person would beNo one in this thread is claiming to be opressed.
When I came out as bi to my conservative mother at 14 years of age she stopped talking to me and then pushed to me the "it's just a phase" deal. I actively wanted to date girls and she would insist that I should look up for a guy instead. When my girlfriend of 4 years and I dated she kept saying to not be obvious in public and to never tell that I am attracted to women to anyone in the family. I couldn't grab my girlfriend's hand in front of my homophobic aunt or my narcissist grandmother.
I clearly have some experiences that lesbian women have too. The only difference is that one day I fell for one guy even though all my life I've been dating women.
Go outside and take some fresh air. Life is not black and white. Your "studies" sound like when alt-rights claim to have studies on how black people are inferior or how the jews are the blame for everything. Ridiculous.
No. 586806
>>586673Yikes anon. I guess when I kissed another girl at age 13 (when I hadnt even started using the internet) I was just SO PRESSURED by sOcIeTy. Anon, did your brain fucking fall out when you got up this morning?
>because being bi is a fucking fashion trendBeing Bi hasnt been a fashion trend in a long time. Trans took over that a long time ago.
>based on how youre feelingCmon anon you cannot be this fucking retarded. You know thats not how it works. Do you find Keemstar hot? Oh youre just FEELING like that, so youre not actually straight. All women MUST find all men hot. Fucking dumbass cmon.
Sorry that I fucking like tits and dicks my god. Youre looking so deep into it when it literally is just "hey, that woman looks hot. Oh hey, look at that dude! He too looks hot" What does acting like a straight woman even entail? Im not exactly oppressed, but Im sure if I was dating a woman and got homophobic comments, then sure. But I dont exactly live in a country where that happens often. How about men? What tinfoil theory do you have about them just secretly being gay or some shit?
Its like Im in some sort of incel subreddit or something.
No. 587071
>>587038ngl thats a very good take kek i used to be a kpop stan on twt years ago and while i still like the music at times and support some groups the whole industry is fucked up lol
also kpop stans on twt have such a mob mentality if u dont echo everyone elses sjw arguments then u will get outed as a bad person etc ive seen it happen so many times lol theyre p nuts and im so glad i stayed away from all that (sorry for blogpost)
No. 587075
>>587063Ikr, dirty talk is utterly retarded
>I will sponk you with my humongous dong, bby gurlFuck, it’s pathetic.
No. 587512
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>>587481>I personally had problems only with Capricorns in my life, because the ones I'd meet would always have BPDchan acts IDK I spent a few years thinking I had BPD but now I'm thinking I'm an Aspie.
No. 587657
>>587461aquarius best sign
this post was made by aquarius gang
No. 587673
>>587652Well, I sense the facetiousness but I was legitimately diagnosed with ADHD. I know it's a meme disorder but I do and have since I was a kid, before any of that trauma occurred.
I know I don't have bpd but Asperger's is something I'm taking a diagnostics test for. It's expensive but worth it so I can know for sure.
Yah I do have childhood trauma including sexual abuse and trouble relating to my peers because of that but that doesn't change that most of what I say comes out retarded.
inb4 tldr but idc.
No. 587684
>>587673>It's expensive but worth it so I can know for sureI'm genuinely not trying to be a dick here, but why is simply receiving a diagnosis worth spending that much money to you? How is it going to help you in any meaningful way at this point in your life?
Autism is typically diagnosed in early childhood because it tends not to be subtle. It's evident even in infancy a lot of the time. Even if your parents were neglectful or in denial, someone else would have caught it and recommended testing. Teachers, another parent, etc. Does this sound like you?
No. 587704
>>587688IKR. It’s fucking retarded how there’s so many people going out of their way to put themselves in boxes, but the best part of when they’re like
>you don’t know me!!!But they have everything they are in their bios??
No. 587725
>>587709Well, I guess if it's validating for you, then so be it. Personally, I hate when people fling around the possibility of certain diagnoses around me, or if I read up on something and go like, "oh shit, that sounds like me." It's always just felt like another reason to not trust people, or seek to form relationships out of fear that they'll inevitably end up hating me for something I can't necessarily help, or am not aware is abnormal. I've always been somewhat lacking in empathy and social graces, but nobody ever chalked it up to autism because I can be charming when I want to be and actually read people pretty well, I guess?
No. 587736
>>587725What eventually pushed me to get answers was my partner pointing it out. After years of living together he was convinced I had it so I took that seriously. He actually dumped me the minute it was confirmed so yeah the diagnosis itself can hit your self confidence.
I'm pretty selective in who I share that info with now. I worry that people will see it as a sign that I'm a soft touch or they'll try to take advanage thinking I'm slow. I'm actually very stand off-ish and like you I'm either lacking in empathy at time sor just very poor at showing empathy.
No. 587749
>>587736Jfc, fuck that guy. Sorry you had to experience that. You're better off without him and I doubt that your diagnosis was legitimately the reason why he dumped you. Sounds like he was just an asshole and looking for an excuse to break-up.
Tbh my issue was mostly a lack of empathy and just generally not caring if I was being insensitive and hurting other people's feelings. I was way more likely to blame them for being "weak" if they expressed that I was upsetting them. I've gotten a lot better at this as I've aged, though, so I feel like it was probably just a combination of my natural personality, immaturity, and childhood trauma. There was actually a very short and embarrassingly edgy period of my life where I self-diagnosed as a sociopath kek.
No. 587804
>Even if your parents were neglectful or in denial, someone else would have caught it and recommended testing. Teachers, another parent, etc. Does this sound like you?Yeah, the irony is that my mom is a clinical/occupational therapist and she refuses to believe anything is wrong with her children.
Autism in females is a completely different thing. A young girl with Asperger's has incredible subtle, almost non-existent symptoms once she learns how to properly mask.
I had very clingy relationships with my teachers and never fit in with classmates. I'm sure they knew something was up but since I wasn't "obvious autistic" they probably brushed it off. IDK.
As for what the diagnosis would matter… I'm not sure. I feel it would help me choose better tools and therapy. Like
>>587709 said, it's helpful to know that you're not a walking tornado and that it's actually biological and there SOME explanation for meltdowns and not fitting in.
>>587736I'm very sorry to hear this. Him pushing you to get diagnosed almost made me think he'd actually care enough to stick by you. Though, I'm aware that symptoms of Asperger's in women can make it difficult to live with.
No. 587871
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Testicles are by far the ugliest human body part. I'm straight and do appreciate a nice dick but I can't do the same for testicles. They're hanging bags of loose hairy skin and aren't attractive at all.
No. 587942
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>>587927tbh i'm so sad for these people who never got to experience the john green "taste of cock" copypasta. It's easily one of my favorite internet happenings of all time.
For those unaware, you used to be able to edit the text of other people's posts when you reblogged them. In 2013 it was hip and popular to make fun of john green, because he was a grown man who called his fans on tumblr "tumblypoos" amongst other things. So people took it upon themselves to edit posts of his to make it look like he was saying crazy shit, and the funniest ones took off.
My favorites were this one,
>>587897and also pic related.
Anywayz, john green was stupid enough to sometimes try replying to the people meme-ing him, which of course people would just edit to tack on more crazy shit.
After this, tumblr staff revoked the privilege to edit other people's posts.
No. 587996
>>587942>john GreenHoly fucking shiiiiiit I remember those days!
You could not get away from the John Green posts or The fault in our stars book lmao
No. 588016
>>588008Ok normie
It doesn’t mean people who don’t use image board. Normalfags just don’t tend to use imageboards. It’s not about what’s “better” dummy, It’s about integration, plenty cringe when people use chan speak on twitter.
No. 588135
>>588033I hate when people use image board lingo in real life or on mainstream websites. It always seems like they just learnt the word or they think going on 4channeru makes them ~kewl and diffrunt~
Every time I see “based” outside of here, I want to blow my brains out. And even people posting wojaks as reaction images on sites like Twitter gives me a wave of disgust. It’s almost as bad as unironically saying Twitch emotes out loud.
No. 588159
>>588146I know but there’s obviously a strong association, especially when it’s coming from a 3edgy5me teen boy with a doomer pfp.
>>588154Excommunicate yourself.
No. 588179
>>588138You don't need to have a million steps to use Korean products
I like Korean products because they are somewhat cheaper
No. 588270
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>>588258>implies being a tinfoiler >hurr durr tinfoilers r dum amiriteSurejan.jpg
No. 588309
>>588270Do you think I’m the anon? I don’t care what y’all do in your thread, I just thought it was “haha funi” idiot.
Maybe don’t get offended at a 20 hour old post and sperg about it in both threads.
No. 588391
>>588382Yeah but at the end of the day even crazy people fall in love with other crazy people.
The real issue is compatibility.
No. 588591
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Possums are ugly.
They're not cute or even one of those animals that becomes cute by posting multiple times and adding cute text over the picture.
Possums are ugly, stinky and terrifying.
No. 588596
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>>588591That is a scary ass opossum, this is a possum. Actually they can be a bit scary too at night because they make noises, but they're fairly cute.
No. 588610
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>>588591god anon you just made me remember one time when I was about 11 I heard my mom yelling in the garage. went to investigate, she threw the kitchen door open and said anon there's a big ass fucking rat out here come look. that's how we got our pet opposum. we trapped him in a cage for weeks and fed him scrap bits of meat. why did…we do that…?
No. 588682
>>588657I think Doja Cat has always been kind of a weeb since the early days, but I absolutely agree.
Dunno, anime fans were a very small nerdy clicke. Some very stupid and autistic and some actually interested in the medium as art. But I guess we all had fun.
Then more gross incels and people just in for the memes starting becoming the norm as anime fans. Anime also started becoming more commercial and dumbed down.
And now, we live in an era where anime is so mainstream that even celebs use it as an aesthetic. What pisses me the fuck off though is that ghetto hood rat fashion is getting mixed with anime. Or extreme sjw shit, or tranny shit, or DDGL kink shit, just everything is getting mixed in. It kinda makes it hard, to enjoy in peace, dunno.
No. 588696
>>588657It's not like anime doesn't borrow heavily from American culture. I can see why some people might want representation considering they love putting rap culture in anime.
I don't care about race bending characters as long as you're not being obnoxious about the actual race of the characters.
Regardless, it's still only a niche amount of people that watch anime and all those celebrities are considered weird. It's legitimately only an online phenomenon, generally The average (normie normie tier) American doesn't care about what Japan puts in their shit.
No. 588701
>>588657tbh i think this is just a non-issue which twitter users sperg about. its like twitter kpop stans who say there needs to be more representation in kpop like who cares its "korean pop" just go listen to american music for representation
i do agree with other anons that having some poc representation would not be a bad idea tho if the storyline warrants it but otherwise its anime who cares, american cartoons can provide representation for you and u can always hit up ur local anime club to meet fellow weeb poc kek
No. 588704
>>588701Honestly, I think Japan makes most foreigners in anime look ugly and like caricatures. They're a homogeneous society and that's deeply tied into their culture so I don't expect representation from them.
You're exactly right in that you just kind of have to deal with it and make POC friends in that hobby.
No. 588706
>>588696It's more than just rap culture (really getting tired of how people seem to think the only form of black american musical culture is rap these days, btw) Japanese entertainment such as anime and video games was incredibly influenced by Black American culture and artforms such as funk, new jack swing, rnb, jazz, ect.
No. 588733
>>588706Never said anything about that being the only facet of black culture. I just brought it up because it's very prominent in shows that I like, for example Samurai Champloo or Devilman crybaby. Even Naruto though I'm not a fan.
I see where you're coming from though, I should have elaborated more.
No. 588781
>>588735They probably feel preemptively rejected and get offended lmao.
I have friends but I 100% agree anon, sometimes they are as much of an emotional and financial drain than some of the worst romantic partners I've ever had with way less the reciprocation.
No. 588784
>>588698I'm latina from a latin american country and I don't care about Japanese people representing me in their Japanese anime, that would be conceited and selfish of me to force down my etnicity over a medium that is not part of my culture or produced in my country.
Americans demanding representation is funny.
No. 588798
>>588787>>588787>we'll put a boot in your ass it's the American wayAnd your point is? Mexican media is also heavily influenced by American ones. But no American person demands representation in our media because we don't have an obsessive group of people (aka fandom) wanting to put themselves into stories like spergs.
Adding to this the whole world is influenced by American media by default. It is forced down our throats everywhere.
No. 588803
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>>588792Even worse: thinking that tanned and brown characters in anime are necessarily black. Tanned asians exist. This is just pure cringe
No. 588809
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>>588803This too for example. It just comes off as offensive instead of yass queen representation. Like a bad racist caricature.
No. 588835
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>>588792We all know that anon, but people in Japan can even get downright pissed if you say "but actually doesn't [insert anime character] look more like a white person?" they really don't see them as white, so technically it's also not white "representation".
If having blonce hair, blue eyes and huge tits doesn't make a female character white ("She's japanese because her body is slender"), then how are they gonna portray actually white characters? And how are they gonna portray black characters?
No. 588843
>>588823that's because of the colorism inside the country, it's not American representation lmao
btw, you can be mestizo and pale.
No. 588853
>>588823You're talking as if every single mexican looked like an indigena (indigena is the correct term, btw. Just saying indio is not very well seen here). We don't. We have a lot of mixtures, specially in the north. Yes, that's part of our rich culture, and I'm proud of it. But there's a lot more ways a mexican person can look, including african, caucasian, asian and middle eastern features. It's more racist to think every mexican looks only a certain way imo.
About those novelas though, I agree, there's a lot of """""white looking""""" people, and yes, that really sucks and there should be more tanned actresses in the media like Yalitza. But no one really cares over here unless it is the sjws twitter types that like drinking the american kool-aid (funny because they're doing an american thing while claiming they want more representation). In the end, it's national televition who is at fault for preffering pale looking people. Get mad at those corporations, not at the actresses.
No. 588854
>>588847>Though I never really understood why someone needs a character to look like them in order to relate.That's just how humans in general are, otherwise talking animal or alien films would be far more popular than ones with people.
Appearances are just the first thing you notice, and characters that look more like the respective viewer will naturally draw more attention. Personality and backstory are obviously more important, but looks are the first layer. You can see this reflected in the nature of most media, including Hollywood movies (and the old culture of deliberately excluding actors who were minorities, regardless of skill, because "It won't sell").
No. 588857
>>588854How do you explain Finding Nemo then?
How do you explain most aesops?
No. 588858
>>588857Is Finding Nemo more popular than pretty much every blockbuster or successful media from its respective country? Do you expect not to be blankly stared at if you go to a bunch of studio execs and tell them to replace all their actors with talking CGI fish?
You're arguing with established media history here, not me. Sorry.
No. 588859
Those are animals, not people.
Additionally, they have personality traits that represent human personality traits and flaws, thus making them relatable.
Honestly try harder.
No. 588863
>>588856Did you think of this by yourself or are you saying this because some other people came out with the idea that we need every single character to look like us to relate?
What is empathy? I can see myself in Miguel from Coco for sure because yeah I grew up eating tamales.
I can also see myself in Rapunzel even though I'm not white because of how she was abused by her mother.
I swear it's not that deep
No. 588868
>>588859Your point was
>otherwise talking animal or alien films would be far more popular than ones with people.The land before time is popular
Finding Nemo is popular
The Lion King is a mayor success
Kung-Fu Panda is amazing
You see my point?
>>588864>Why shouldn't there be more characters that look like MiguelSis I'm not saying that.
I'm saying basic human empathy exists. I don't necessarily need more latino characters to relate. Is it nice to see them on screen? It is, I love it, I agree. Do I need this representation so badly that if I don't see a character from my etnicity winning I'll die? No, I won't, I can also relate to other characters.
That's the point.
No. 588871
>>588868My point was
>be far more popular than ones with people.Are those films far more popular than films with humans? Have you considered there's a reason 99% of movies aren't about talking animals, even if those are successful sometimes?
Also, no one says basic human empathy doesn't exist, but also, no one said "every single character" needs to look like anything, or that they'd die if they didn't. It's just nice, and most people would agree there's nothing wrong with it.
No. 588872
>>588867Well okay, since you explained your point, I agree.
>It's important and cute okay!?Yeah it is! This is the same reason why I buy tanned dolls to my little nephews every christmas. I want them to feel okay in their skin.
>>588870The films I mentioned are very popular and The Lion King was a milestone in the Disney Reinassance.
It's basic human empathy.
No. 588873
>>588872I'm not saying they're not popular, I'm saying if they were the preferred choice and appearances didn't matter, most films would be in that format.
It feels like you're strawmanning a bit. I even said in my first post
>Appearances are just the first thing you notice, and characters that look more like the respective viewer will naturally draw more attention. Personality and backstory are obviously more important, but looks are the first layer. Nothing about how empathy doesn't matter, just that this is how things are.
No. 588874
>>588836i've never had an issue with people so called "racebending" any characters, but it does feel a bit off if people racebend characters that are already the few representations of themselves (like katara being inuit) but i don't think it should be banned or shunned.
also when i make dark skin edits of anime characters, its because japan can't bother to not make a racist depiction of brown and black people (the fucking lips). cowboy bebop and some other anime don't fall into this, but it's not like there's a lot to choose from… lmao.
No. 588880
>>588873I just disagree, how someone looks is just not the only thing that is important to me. I preffer judging characters based on their choices and the way they act, first, not what color their skin is.
>>588875>Minorities have been relating to characters that don't look like them for decades.This
No. 588882
>>588881What did you say then? If you explain it to me, I'll listen.
We can agree to disagree.
No. 588884
>>588882Everything I've already stated in my previous posts.
>>588875 basically sums up my thoughts exactly, and it seems you don't disagree with them, so I'm not even sure what you believe I'm saying or how you ended up at that conclusion.
No. 588885
>>588884Yeah I don't disagree with them
what's the problem then? lmao
Also sorry, english is not my first language, I have a hard time understanding everything.
No. 588909
>>588895I think it goes back to what this anon
>>588875 said. Plus, the representation in anime thing isn't really a new subject, it's only just gaining traction because Tumblr/Twitter people are hopping on it.
K-pop and Korean dramas are pretty shit, though.
No. 588918
>>588888kek because i have sensitive eyes so i dont want the sun right on my face
>>588909exactly! imo its cringy when foreigners show up in random asian movies/try to be in kpop groups or whatever. i think people forget that you can like anything you want even if you dont speak the language or are of a diff race. funny enough typically the ppl screaming for representation in anime/kpop whatever are sjws who think their mindset should be applied everywhere
No. 589166
>>589162Not true. I got a reply containing that phrase just yesterday in the Twitch thread.
Lurk moar, post moar.
No. 589302
>>589291>I care more about intelligence, passion, a good heart and a handsome face.I do agree, I've dated short guys where I forgot they were even short because they had other defining features, but at the same time there are so many short guys that don't make any effort because they have already decided won't want them ad so they just blame everything in their life on being short. Having to deal with just a couple of men with napoleon complexes is enough trouble to make me weary of short guys forever.
Tall people absolutely do have an advantage though, they just look more powerful and people listen to them more.
No. 589310
>>589300Is the same thing for short women true as well..?
And even if, at least you might be able to defend yourself against him.
No. 589345
>>589295i feel the opposite way, like dating shorter men feels safer. most of my crushes were between 165-172 cm (5"5-5"8) and i'm 167 (5"6).
on a side note, do short cute men still exist or are did they all become redpilled incels?
No. 589353
>>589310 …why would that be the case
short women don't have complex about masculinity from being <6'4
>>589345don't be mistaken anon short men can still fuck you up easily
No. 589355
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i always see those memes about how girls with blue eyes just aaaaalways want people to comment and open their eyes real big so people will notice and it’s just inaccurate as fuck. those memes were made by salty brown eyed people who are jealous of people with colored eyes. i have blue eyes and i’m used to people commenting but it’s the only compliment i get, usually only by brown eyed people. i never make a big deal about them or talk about them until others do. no normal person thinks they’re “special” or better just because they have blue eyes.
No. 589361
>>589355Eh, let brown eyed people be salty, you can’t deny light eyes are put on a pedestal.
Even if you’re ugly if you have light eyes someone will always comment on how beautiful they are.
No. 589365
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>salty brown eyed people who are jealous of people with colored eyeslol. You sound way too salty, Anon. You're mad that people are acknowledging pretty blue eyes in a meme?
I also have light colored eyes and have actually experienced this though. It's not from adult people and not always from people with blue eyes.
I knew this girl in high school that would always go into details on her eye color. "Uhm they're not really hazel hehe they turn brown in the winter and green in the summer" and I've known quite a few other people to do that, whether in middle school or college.
You can't speak for every person with light colored eyes, bitch.
No. 589379
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>>589375I can only speak for myself here but this usually happens when a person becomes emotionally invested of a character that reminds them of someone in real life?
There are also other elements that make a character's death sad. Music, circumstances, etc.
When I see on-screen suicides, I get very sad. Not because of the character dying, but because it really reminds me of my own
suicidal feelings and idk.. I just feel a sense of despair.
When characters die by some other means and I feel sad, it's not because the character themselves died (although it can be disappointing to not see the character again) but because now there's a sense of despair for the remaining characters, there's sad music, crying, funerals, etc. Shit that reminds you of real life.
LASTLY, I'm super emotional and often try to compare fictional ppl to people I know in real life (often ppl that I have known and broken up with or are not friends with anymore) and it kinda reminds me of them so I def cry if they die.
No. 589382
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This is either really good satire or really poor realization.
No. 589390
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>>589355have you not seen people who stare like this constantly because their only ‘attractive’ feature is their eyes?
No. 589391
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>>589382KEK since anon deleted her comment, I'll just say she went on to say that her blue eyes were gorgeous "My blue eyes don't pop – but when they do, they're gorgeous" and how her dad's eyes were icy blue and beautiful or something and then she said she'd never heard people brag about blue eyes.
Seeing how she deleted it, I'm guess it wasn't satire.
No. 589398
>>589396Why'd you delete it? It was hilarious and it really did read like satire.
sage cuz off topic.. oh sh–
No. 589402
>>589355I’ve definitely seen this happen, but I am Mexican American and in a primarily Mexican community. So some people are super obnoxious about their eyes.
Some girl in high school had very bright blue eyes and would consistently talk about how blue her eyes were. She also called her friends ugly for not having them. My friends mom also had blue eyes and said that her sons would have beautiful white, color eyed children.
No. 589435
>>589355ive definitely met people who did what the poster describes in the pic. i had a friend in middle school with blue eyes, and she would always make comments about "look at how blue my eyes are teehee theYrE sUch a RiCh dEep iCY cErUlEaN bLuE" at least once every single day which got really obnoxious really fast. she would also do the thing where she opened her eyes really wide while saying this so that we could admire the full colour lmao. (this is coming from someone who also has coloured eyes too, so i'm not some "salty" brown eyed person saying this)
but on the other hand i also had plenty of brown eyed friends who would say shit like "my eyes are so beautiful, tHeY haVE sUCh a riCh goLDeN cOLoUr whEN tHe sUN hiTs tHEm aT tHE riGHT aNgle, cOloUrEd eyEs lOok sO cReEpY AnD sOulLess!!"
but anyway, people who are this obsessed about their eye colour are just generally really obnoxious regardless of the actual colour of their eyes. this is one of the most retarded arguments ever.
No. 589464
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Black, brown, green, hazel, blue and grey eyes are pretty.
But who cares, everyone should just wear cool anime contact lenses.
No. 589477
>>589474Samefag. The karen/
oof/stonks memes might be outdated since i stopped caring about fresh memes like a year ago. So dont call me out saying "haha anon thats from 6 month ago now we say [insert unfunny phrase]"
No. 589485
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>>589464Anyone else think colored contacts make you look cross-eyed and are not cute at all? They never fit right, the real eye color always shows. I don't get why I see them all over instagram, especially on makeup pages.
No. 589494
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>>589455Why do people even care, blue eyes can't save a busted face and brown eyes won't ruin a beautiful one.
No. 589530
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>>589508It's always the first thing I notice kek. Their eyes look in totally different directions because contacts never fit exactly right.
I wish this trend would die out.
No. 589533
>>589523Somewhat agree. I believe most mental illness is either caused by trauma or circumstances. BUT I have also met people whose brains truly seemed to function differently than neurotypical people's. Some people truly have genetically or chemically fucked brains.
I did a paper once in my undergrad highlighting the flaws in psychiatry practices. It's basically throwing pills at people with little scientific basis, and seeing what pills cause which types of people to even out the best. There is no formula for what will work. It's a guessing game, which is why so many patients often have to try several medications, even switching off them of their bodies adjust or become addicted, before they find something that works. I think it's pretty grim.
No. 589554
>>589533Yeah I think you and I are on the same page with this stuff. I do agree that some mental and physical problems are mostly genetic/congenital in nature, which is why I'd never suggest not seeing a doctor to rule these things out. But when it comes to things like chronic pain, autoimmune disorders and nerve disorders where the cause is unknown and has been for several decades, if not centuries, you can pretty much bet your ass that chronic stress is at play. Your body is meant to stay in that state for too long, and eventually, that stress starts to manifest as actual, physical pain/symptoms.
So far, it seems like a disease needs to be really common before someone will fund research to uncover a stress link, like with fibromyalgia, IBS, etc, which sucks for people who have rarer diseases that essentially have all the same symptoms, just in a different part of the body, or a different organ. For them, it's just a never ending series of blood work, procedures, organ mutilation, etc.
This is kind of tinfoil, but I believe that with how profitable sick people are to the medical industry as a whole, they aren't going to be admitting that stress is a factor in the development of most diseases anytime soon.
No. 589560
>>589554I wish you were my pyschologist anon. I agree with everything you saud but most pyschologists/therapists dont.
Whenever I try to explain some shit to her she just says"but… why?" like bitch i dont know why it just is.
I genuinnely believe people can develop social anxiety without any trauma or bad parenting. Sometimes people are just not conventional.
No. 589567
>>589560>I genuinnely believe people can develop social anxiety without any trauma or bad parenting. Sometimes people are just not conventionalNot being conventional is a recipe for developing anxiety due to trauma, anon. Almost everyone who is "weird" in some way goes on to experience bullying and ostracization in early childhood. Even if the parents are trying, if they genuinely do not understand where the child is coming from, they typically seek help from school guidance counselors and/or therapists, which then leads to a bunch of office visits, pills, tests, etc. The child usually learns from this alone that they are different in some way, which can also lead to feelings of anxiety that they are going to be inevitably rejected by society.
Ultimately though, I think the latter is probably the better option. The worst thing an unconventional person can experience is chronic shame and ostracization, for something they can't help, from their peers and parents.
No. 589771
>>589310>>589353Short women are some of the meanest bitches I’ve ever met. It’s like short people in general are just aggressive. I’m dating a short dude (5’8”) his mom is like 4’11” that women yells at her kids in a way that is so scary.. She smacks their heads too. I never wanna be yelled at by her. Almost all of the girls who tried starting shit with me in school were under 5’3”
In my experience Short girls are not the tiny innocent babies we make them out to be, I’m kinda weary of them tbh.
No. 589783
>>589401Rushing to quote a deleted post and somehow completely changing and twisting the contents of that post while 'quoting' it for anyone that missed it ..
>>589391 yeah that's more than just a joke going over someones head anon.
No. 589792
>>589640Isn't samefagging when you reply to yourself? I'm
>>589562, not that anon. Confusing.
No. 589846
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>>589783kek imagine replying to a 19 hour old comment after it waß already resolved and was between A and B
btw I quoted the comment verbatim, stupid. Nothing was "twisted" or changed
No. 589930
>>589879As a short woman, I begrudgingly agree. I don't share this apparently common experience of all short women being obsessed with being smol and bragging about it though, maybe it's an American thing or just something that happens when a woman doesn't feel she has any other value?
Always avoid anyone that constantly brags about a single attribute of theirs if you can, sane three dimensional people don't do that childish shit.
No. 589938
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>in addition to not being taken seriously and never seen as leaders, short women are now labeled as more aggressive and unhinged lumping into the same category as manlets
Thanks lolcow.
No. 590098
>>589904I've had ex bfs or even male friends do the whole hand comparison thing
> Anon look how tiny your hands are and how big mine are!! I hate that shit. Dude I'm not impressed, stop creeping me out.
No. 590125
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>>590118Are you hairy? Do you usually enjoy a second breakfast?
No. 590151
>>590148I personally don't. Most times they know they are being recorded and decide to act out further more.
It would be one thing if the cameras came out and then they cooled off and realize "oh shit i'm being stupid on camera", but in most cases they really ramp it up and act even worse.
No. 590183
>>590159I've started to wonder the same and honestly it has helped me a little dealing with older karens at work. I just tell myself their body chemistry is working against them and it helps me keep my cool while helping them.
my unpopular opinion is that younger adult shoppers can be way, way more annoying. they won't ask for my manager but they'll curse at me and lose their temper really easily. plus I get the "I'm too good for you" vibe from them much more often.
No. 590215
>>589904Same, my female classmates constantly wanted to compare themselves to me, not just hands, also feet, knees, wrists, any kind of bone and I always "lost" because if you're 8 inches taller, of course all body parts are bound to be bigger too. Kind of like the opposite of incels, they're proud of being a "wristcel" etc lol Something I also hated is them "playfully" (meaning retardedly) jumping up and down next to me, trying to reach the same height as me. No matter how much you like saying "I'm so small, give me some of your height!", it's quite obvious that you're actually very happy about the way you look… I absolutely hate being tall, I do my best to try to avoid that topic, so I really can't believe that those girls always mentioning their sm0lness are negatively affected by it.
Somewhat related opinion: girls who are obsessed with wearing their boyfriend's way too big shirts and dudes who like that (are turned on by that?) Or do they just go along with what their gf wants? But why do girls like that? I don't understand it. Borrowing stuff because of convenience yes, but what's so cute or romantic about it?
No. 590247
>>589904I'm the same height but not only have I never experienced this, I've only ever been complimented for having 'piano hands' and elegant long fingers. It's one of my favourite body parts, I grow my nails to make them look even longer. Who tf wants stubby hands?? When has that ever been considered attractive?
Some anons just have the most bizarre life experiences, I seriously cannot relate at all.
No. 590252
>>590173Was it the gal at the appt complex, with the postmate delivery guy? This one really broke my heart. In the middle of being super aggro she suddenly start a sweet lady conversation asking the guy if he plays balls and that she has a son the same age who played ball. It's obvious to anyone with two eyes (and some empathy I guess) she's in the middle of some kind of an episode and probably lost since it's pretty clear this is not her actual house.
Still got posted as a Karen because mysoginy, I guess.
No. 590361
>>589850"Girl", I have litcherally no reason to lie about something as small and insignificant as your poor joke. I quoted a part of it exactly how you said it and you deleted it because you're weak and can't take people not understanding what you say so you felt the need to come back a whole day later and dig yourself deeper in your little hole. You don't belong on lolcow if you're gonna be so reactive to people replying to you.
But anyways.
>>590155I know this one couple that just… They always try their best to put themselves above everyone else so much so that I completely stopped talking to them and left all discord servers that they're in because like, I'm just trying to enjoy my life, not compete for everything…..
No. 590585
>>590148No I feel like those people have probably been treating customer service workers like that for a long time, I don’t think it’s something people randomly do as a one off to the extent you see in those videos and even if it somehow was I feel like they absolutely deserve the criticism and people making fun of them. I feel like if they were middle aged white men there wouldn’t be so many people feeling ‘sympathetic’ to them.
The main problem I have with ‘Karen’ is that it started out as meaning rude white women in customer service situations but has now evolved to white women being literally racially
abusive or calling the police pretending they’re ‘being attacked by a black man’ being described as ‘Karens’ which I feel like makes it seem like a meme and undermines how sociopathic and violent it actually is. I feel like viewing them as just ‘silly middle aged women’ or whatever dismisses how deliberate what they’re doing is.
No. 591325
>>582449>>590585I feel like it depends on the specific Karen, a lot of the videos she is extremely
abusive and violent and absolutely deserves what she got. In others it just seems like the video is out of context or she's having a bad day, yet she gets the same treatment.
No. 591329
>>591325There's that one video on twitter where the guy followed her home and filmed her house/car plates while claiming she dropped the n word. but he never filmed her using it. she's breaking down on the video and screaming at him to go away and i honestly feel bad for her. he started sellig t-shirt literally hours after he put the video up. if a male followed me home i would be scared, too.
Honestly the whole karen thing is done and i've started discounting anyone that uses it outside of talking about rude customers. I keep seeing "karen's don't wear masks" but it's statistically men not wearing them. That's why they repreent 60% of rona cases. Karen is literally just a stand-in for bitch 90% of the time.
No. 591421
>>591396Well it started as that. I don't think anyone here is offended by a black woman talking about how karen screamed at her for an hour over an expired coupon then demanded the manager.
But for example there was a story on reddit yesterday about a woman in a store telling another woman to wear a mask. Reddit decided both women were karens. Why? I could understand the non-mask woman as she's endangering staff, but all the other woman did is exist as a white woman in a store so bam she's a karen. If she was a man she'd have been hailed as a brave hero. There was another story about a woman not wanting to question her mechanic bill because she "didn't want to be seen as a karen" and it's stories like those that make it clear it's being used to shut women up that are being "difficult".
Like, if women of color don't think this karen stuff is going to twisted on them at some point they're in for a surprise. It's mostly white men using it now and they're gonna find a way.
No. 591428
>>591369Definitely. Women are not legitimately threatening, misogynists enjoy getting mad at them whether it's deserved or not and certainly aren't afraid of them or offending them.
I saw a story yesterday about some guy showing his gun to scare a young waitress into letting him in a restaurant without wearing a mask, of course nobody called him a karen because that's an understatement. Either way people are way more angry at the audacity of bitchy middle aged white women than violent criminal men who cause significantly more harm every day. The difference in energy directed at both is so telling.
No. 591457
>>591455No, they can't. Threatening to call the cops on a black man isn't the same as physically fearing for your life. When the woman is in the wrong the man still has the choice to leave the fucking area. You can call a karen a bitch and you're not rolling the dice on her returning later with a gun. That's not even touching on male customers that think they can touch female staff.
The idea women can be as threatening as men is fucking laughable in a society where 3 women a day are killed by their moids
No. 591489
>>591481It isn’t some new thing white women have historically used the legal system and their perceived innocence in a way that has harmed poc. It’s not a women tricking men thing it’s white people exploiting a racist system. This same perceived
victim hood and innocence hurts black women just as much, as they are always viewed as aggressors in interactions with white women. I don’t know any black women who is going to agree with you that black men aren’t oppressed?
No. 591492
>>591408I remember when i outgrew my love for Batman comics, even before the movies really started to get worse and worse. It does feel childish. Some comics hold a special place in my heart, but i basically sold most of my collection and dont care to read/keep up to date.
Almost, most (if not all) guys into capeshit are incels.
No. 591561
>>591502They don't care about reality, they just want to live in a studio ghibli movie
It's stupid (and ugly imo) but like
>>591556 said it's just a lame trend
No. 591572
>>591502Maybe for some?
Myself and the only other person I know who are interested in the lifestyle aspect(I assume you mean hobby farming) grew up in a rural farming town. And this is personal, but it also reminds me of my formative years where I lived isolated only with my mother in a house in the middle of the woods. There were negative circumstances surrounding it, but time spent with her was like a sanctuary. So it may be some Oedipal shit, but recreating that situation with a female partner would feel to me as if I'd achieved the ultimate bond on an emotional level.
But perhaps finding appeal in an aesthetic that overlaps with what I desire anyway is different than just hopping on the trend, idk. I think the more people that want to hobby farm, go for hikes, learn about their local wildlife, etc. the merrier. So long as they know cleaning animal shit and doing actual manual labour isn't uwu dainty.
No. 591630
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>>591624Her music is not really what I'd consider "generic". Megan's music has consistently brought me to that level of "Oh shit, yeah, this is how I feel".
What she raps about is really good (not morally, but it's shit I haven't heard on mainstream in a while). No, it's not really new, there have been many other female rappers rapping about getting money from men and riding dick, but it's been a while since that music was mainstream. I feel Megan brought it back, she's not tied up with tunchi or Drake and she's not uhh… a bad artist like Cardi B. She's a solo artist and again, wouldn't call it "generic" unless you are solely talking about the beats which… Okay, I guess, but rap is more than just a nice beat.
She's like… the Trina of our time. (If you don't know who that is, I'm sorry to say, but you're just not qualified to comment on this topic…. /s but only a little)
With all of that being said, is her music repetitive? A little. Doesn't mean she doesn't deserve the spotlight right now. (It's better than having Cardi or Nikki there….)
Man I really hate people that shoot down a popular artist because they only hear one or two songs over and over again.
No. 591634
>>591630NTA but I've only heard Savage on the radio and it's so stupid, I can't wrap my mind around why people like it, except to feel like a ratchet narcissist for three minutes.
"I'm a savage (yeah)
Classy, bougie, ratchet (yeah)
Sassy, moody, nasty (hey, hey, yeah)
Acting stupid, what's happening? Bitch (whoa, whoa)
What's happening? Bitch (whoa, whoa)
I'm a savage, yeah
Classy, bougie, ratchet, yeah
Sassy, moody, nasty, huh
Acting stupid, what's happening? Bitch
What's happening? (Ay, ah)"
Ew what
No. 591713
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>>591668>>591630She looks like Nene from Real Housewives of Atlanta here.
No. 591717
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Getting called baby (including It’s variations like babe) it’s fucking annoying and weird.
Also, being called princess by anyone who wants to fuck you should be considered a huge red flag.
No. 591752
>>591634i will admit its kinda catchy but more than anything i hate when beyonce hops on the song. she sounds so try hard for most of the song and her lyrics are just as annoying (i am talking about the remix)
also tied to this unpopular opinion but the nicki minaj remix of say so was so unnecessary no one asked for that shit lol in my opinion she ruins the song and her lyrics are so cringe she just adds nothing to the song
No. 591761
>>591752Believe it or not, fans actually wanted Nicki and Doja to collab, idk why though. The song was about unrequited love, and Nicki hopped on the track just to talk about her ass, money and husband just like she does on every song. Plus, she had to change the beat to even fit on the song. At this point she should just retire.
Beyonce still makes good music imo, but I feel like she's definitely started to pander to a younger audience.The tiktok reference made that really obvious.
No. 591786
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Fuck discord.
Discords system is broken.
Discords phone verification system doesn't keep any bad actors away, because theyll just turn off their VPN's to create the account and go about their day.
VPN's are a standard in privacy and discords stance against them is worrying.
Discords system is shit and they should feel bad.
I hope people move back to irc just to spite discord and their shitty company.
Fuck Stanislav Vishnevskiy and thank god for his receeding hairline, I hope his eventual hair plugs fail and he ends up with a frankenstein hairline scar. I hope the Rogaine he takes makes his dick limp for all eternity.
Fuck Sergei Sorokin, I hope the fat fuck gets diabetes from all the McDonalds he inhales. His features are too small for his face and so are his brains.
Fuck Jason Citron with his neanderthal looking ass face, I bet he cries every night knowing that if Evan Spiegel was just a little less of a coder, and a little worse socially, with a lot less money, a little bit incompetent, and a little bit dumber, and a lot bit fatter he would probably be Jason Citron.
The only positive effect Jason Citron has ever had to anyone; If you ever doubt yourself just remember "I want to be a factor, I want to feel like my actions matter, in fact I'd rather not stagger, I might not have the talent but there's Jason Citron; proof talent doesn't matter."
No. 591818
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I don't like those 'someone's daughter' memes. I know this sounds obnoxious but theu give me a weird, slightly sexist feeling…
pic related
No. 591828
>>591818Never heard of this before, but that's disgusting as fuck. I hate this.
I was confused for a bit of what it meant though because that's a cute froggy. Men are wicked.
No. 591829
>>591818Imho it's sexist because it's defining the woman through her relation to some man, not her own person making her own choices. It's something that always annoys me too in the narratives for example about rape, men can only symphatize with a woman
victim if they're told she belonged to some man, someone's wife, someone's daughter. Awful.
No. 591830
>>591769What is your favorite harvest moon anon? Mine was Magical Melody.
Honestly, after the wii era, harvest moon didn't improve much and I'm still waiting for another good game imo. It's even more confusing because now the series is called Story of Seasons.
No. 591832
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>>591717maybe I'm just a lonely bitch but I would love for somebody to call me baby…
princess is weird though.
No. 591837
>>591489I never understood how people view middle class women using the police as a middle man as somehow a bigger problem than how in trailer parks and ghettos they will just shoot you dead themselves. And that happens much, much, much more often than some Karen calling the police and actually getting anyone killed.
It's the same thing when somehow in upper class neigbhorhoods it's "really evil" to have neighborhood watch, but nobody cares if there's entire "bad neighborhoods" where normal people can't even walk or they'll get ganged up on and killed for no reason. And everyone just accepts that and avoids those places. Hello, same rules for everyone?
No. 591895
>>591818Yeah those are fucking awful.
Dunno why men insist on being so disgusting
No. 591991
>>590585this is so true! i hate how people use it now to refer to something much more serious & literally life or death
>>590148i also get annoyed at the term karen because it feels misogynistic. definitely true that a lot of upper middle class white karens are
abusive to customer service workers, but i think white men are just as bad if not much worse! it totally lets them off the hook when they are fucking awful to customer service too
No. 592000
>>591984I think in terms of the defund the police rhetoric it's more of a misnomer type thing. I don't think anyone genuinely wants the police gone unless they're a nut. It's more like allocate resources out things that don't need police intervention, providing more training on deescalation, and a hard look at police culture.
White guilt is a meme and a buzzword (buzzphrase?) at this point, it's not like POC want you guys to be out here talking about, "omg I hate white people but I am white people" because it's weird and uncomfortable.
There's a lot of work to do and a lot of it is going to be a hit or miss. Things are going to change and if that's at the expense of some dumb statues that were built to intimidate minorities during Jim crow, then I don't really care.
That's not to say the left doesn't have issues and that your criticisms aren't
valid. It's just scary to see that some people get stuck in these black and white trains of thought.
No. 592013
>>592001Like I said a misnomer lmao or that's the way I see it. People obviously need to look at the way their local government spends their money and the way it goes to funding different programs in their areas.
The answer isn't gutting police of all their resources that go to payroll. It isn't gutting social programs that genuinely help communities to not need as much policing. It's not militarizing our police eiher. Recidivism is a giant problem in communities that are over policed but there are so little programs in place to actually help people get back on their feet.
I'm not an ACAB person, I realize that the police have a lot on their shoulders but that means we need to work to alleviate some of that weight.
No. 592024
>>592013Reposted because I typed like a retard, samefag.
Of course communities need to have accountability, but just because we can't see it first hand doesn't mean it's not happening.
I work in youth outreach so I'm just trying to figure out what's best for my communities as well anons, godspeed.
No. 592050
>>591769Which Harvest moon is the best?
I wanna play now. I gave up on my NH island and I only have DOOM 2 to fill the void.
No. 592138
>>592113you would save your human friend/family member over a total stranger. why is it different just because it's an animal?
t. "super fucked up from childhood abuse" so forgive me if i'm missing something
>>592128that's just because people with true crime brainrot are desensitized to human death, a regular person doesn't want to listen to either of those things
No. 592150
>>592138I can't even believe what I'm reading. I literally work in an animal rescue and my life revolves around animals, and even I can't believe this argument.
Don't procreate.
No. 592157
>>592153honestly, this is fucked up, but i think it's actually pretty normal. animals are innocent and pose less of a threat to humans than other humans, so it's sometimes easier to empathize with them.
also, it's one thing to say you'd save your dog over a human, and another to actually do that. almost nobody is ever going to be in that position.
No. 592159
>>592157Honestly, though, imagine caring for a puppy or kitten for years, sacrificing it to save a stranger, and that stranger turns out to be a full-on mass-murderer, a serial rapist/pedophile, or even just someone who doesn't value their life and dies within a week from a drug overdose or drunk driving.
You sacrificed your beloved pet for literally nothing, and it's all on you, lmao. If there was ever an entire species made up of special snowflakes, it'd be humans for this shit.
No. 592163
>>592159People who would save other people even if those people might by some OFF chance turn out to be a murderer are the special snowflakes in this situation?
LORD HELP MEEEEEEEEEE why do I still think functioning humans use this site.
No. 592165
>>592163People who think other humans are automatically good and get angry at other people for saying "I'd rather save who/what I know is good than a complete stranger" are pretty snowflakey, yeah.
Anyway, this entire scenario is about as realistic as the one I mentioned. How many times have you been given the choice to save a human life versus your pet's, exactly? What are the chances of that ever happening in your lifetime, and why are they less "off" than the other person being a piece of shit? Help me understand, functioning-anon.
No. 592179
>>592172NTA, but the only reason to save someone you despise and don't want to procreate is for symbolic reasons, and that's a ridiculous, self-destructive way to live. There's no point to it, it literally implies you don't actually love your cat that much to save someone you hate just because they're human.
>>592165. This entire "But humans!" argument is snowflake shit, and so is the "human vs animal who would you save?!" scenario as a whole.
No. 592181
>>592174Except it's not at all like animal abuse or murder. That's usually intentional. Just like you letting little sally go bye bye.
Stop reinstating the fact that this is a hypothetical to justify having an unhealthy opinion. Some of us don't save other living beings based on how well they serve us and our lonely selves. I will fall into the deepest depression of my life mourning my dog and would probably off myself for it, but that's better than literally murdering someone.
No. 592188
>>592181You're using a hypothetical as a realistic judge of another person's character, and when they point out the reason why they may not follow your specific mindset, you insist their hypothetical is somehow impossible or inane.
It makes no sense, and you definitely don't sound healthy doing this shit.
>Some of us don't save other living beings based on how well they serve us and our lonely selves. Yeah, not wanting to rescue the neighborhood nonce on the basis of "He's a hairless ape like I am! We both have opposable thumbs" is very selfish and evil, shame on me.
No. 592193
>>592192The entire hypothetical is about humans as a whole, and that includes shitty ones who arguably deserve to die.
Only an actual loser would get this angry about people not responding the same way they would to a hypothetical scenario. Take your Risperdal already.
No. 592195
>>592193This is the first time I've contributed to this discussion but go off.
I would kill pedophiles even if the situation didn't require it just to be clear. ;)
No. 592196
>>592195That doesn't change the fact that you're pressed about literally nothing, kek.
>I would kill pedophiles even if the situation didn't require it just to be clear.At least that we can agree on. Cringe emoji, though.
No. 592198
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Riverdale is so bad. I would think this isn't an unpopular opinion but I'm in my 20s and people still reference it. The quotes are fucking gold though.
No. 592200
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>>592198I'm genuinely ashamed of this opinion, but I think Cole Sprouse is cute as Jughead. Shame about literally everything else, though. The actual show is unwatchable.
No. 592242
>>592234>I think she's the perfect 6. This reminds me, I always found using numbers to rate people kinda dumb.
Reminds me of that shitty scale incels would use to rate looks.
No. 592256
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>>592242It's incredibly dumb and I always assume anons I see doing it are moids.
people are ridiculous about this girl. they were saying they don't understand why he's with her earlier. Like really? He has a tiny head and a pedo mustache kek
No. 592265
>>592263Garlic bread is one of the only foods where I’ve never met
anyone who says they hate it
No. 592278
>>592263Pineapple on pizza being controversial makes no sense to me, ham goes with sweet tinned pineapple perfectly and they get combined in a bunch of different foods. I prefer meat pizza but I get ham and pineapple pide all the time.
Garlic bread is god tier though, I'm afraid your taste buds fucked up on that one.
No. 592320
>>592265Well, now you've met two. Fuck garlic bread. Waste of perfectly good bread.
Also cola sucks
No. 592478
>>592320>Fuck garlic bread. cringe
>Also cola sucksbased
Neutral anon.
No. 592488
>>592263I hate pizza.
Everyone is always getting hype up for dry cheesy bread for 200000 calories a pop like it's fucking mana from the gods. The only good part is the melted cheese and sometimes the roasted meat and vegetables floating in the grease on top.
No. 592523
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I used to love this style of clothes (the instabaddie pink hoe-ish aesthetic with touches of 2000's nostalgia and alternative shit) and find it super attractive on girls, never experimented it on me really. But now I see it as obnoxious, immature, and lacking taste, a little bit ratchet too, for some reason? does anyone feel this too
No. 592534
>>592523it looks tacky and cheap to me, always has. But you know what? I can appreciate people liking styles that I don't care for. Let people like different stuff from me, the world's less boring that way.
That girl in the gif is an absolute stunner btw, wow.
No. 592808
>>592799'Incel' is incel terminology, they made it up. Why are you using it instead of 'guys who can't get laid'?
This is just how language works, 'looksmaxx' conveys more specific meaning than 'improving looks' and anons understand the nuance, so of course people will use it regardless of the origins.
No. 592811
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I honestly found mystery incorporated to be boring as hell
The poorly constructed annoying love triangles was a huge turn off along with the art style (too pointy and less expressive)it doesn't even feel like a Scooby Doo cartoon at all
No. 592836
>>592597Hanging out on LSA too much honestly makes me feel depressed and upset. When it's good, it's great. The discussions are funnier, the celebrity discussions are in-depth, and it's way more active than LC, but there's also a lot of tragedy porn. Just a constant, steady stream of examples of misogyny aimed specifically at BW, normalized child abuse, all of that.
It's good that they're raising awareness for these issues, but it's also very easy to get a chip on your shoulder when you're getting daily reminders that people will abuse you in literally every way and claim you're the one in the wrong, insinuate your pain "doesn't count", try to invalidate your female existence and call that "progressive" (lmao leftists), and that society will not only turn a blind eye, but tacitly support it all.
I'm more comfortable shitposting and having light-hearted, bitchy laughs on LC, even though it's getting slower and slower, but that's just me.
No. 592881
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>>592873Its a very complicated situation because even if the person doesn't have any issue with being black per se, black hair is still a pain in the ass to take care of, sometimes straightening it its not even about looking different but having it be more manageable, thats why most traditional african cultures sport shaved heads or very tight braids or dreadlocks,heck acient egyptians wore wigs, almost no african culture wears actual afro hair.
They are protective hairstyles and its the healthiest thing to do with black hair, cover it up or braid it or wear it in a tighter closer-to-scalp hairstyle.
No. 592895
>>592873On top of the hassle of maintaining black hair, try having your natural hair automatically be classed as "unprofessional", and possibly getting kicked out of school or fired from work for it. Then try having the same thing happen if you put it into protective styles that don't fit within a decidedly non-black aesthetic (braids, locs, twists, dreads, cornrows, etc). There are so many news stories about this happening.
I wish people would just leave black women's hair alone, honestly. It's tired. Nothing is ever "the right way", someone's always buttblasted for whatever reason, as if it somehow affects their life.
No. 593090
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I’m a literature student and I’ve always looked down upon Harry Potter and YA lit in general, and I know a good amount of people here think the same.
I used to think the fandom was obnoxious and that anyone above 20 who read it was borderline autistic, kek. However, after years and years of by friends fucking harassing me to do so, I finally read the Harry Potter books for the first time during quarantine, and I’m absolutely baffled by how good it is.
The whole story tactfully deals with themes like grief, mourning and death in general, alongside the notions of power and oppression. Having only seen the first movie, I was almost completely blind to the plot and I honestly didn’t expect the whole thing to get so dark.
Despite the first book being written like a bad Roald Dahl, the magic of it and the good world building gets you going imo, and JK Rowling’s writing gets better by the third book. Despite not being my favourite, the fourth one is awesome, it’s a properly well-written pivotal point that foreshadows the rest of the plot and the future character developments.
I’m honestly a bit sad that I wasn’t into it when the hype was at its peak, I feel like I missed out. I did watch all of the movies after I finished the books, I thought it was good but not as good as the books obviously. I also have no idea how the people who didn’t read them understand wtf is going on during the part 2 of the Deathly Hallows. I’m quite mad at at the disappearance of Percy’s character dvp, the absence of Merope Gaunt and the lack of Marauders scenes.
tldr; read Harry Potter, it’s actually cool (and you could actually start with the third book if you watched the movies) + watch the movies for Alan Rickman performance.
No. 593096
in all seriousness, it was a good write up.
I never really liked the books and only saw the first few films before I realized I hated British media, mostly.
But I'm glad for you that you found your calling.
No. 593193
>>593183Pfft. I feel in love with lolcow the minute I came here. And it wasn't because I heard it somewhere else.
I was looking for details on a Instagram models photoshopping stuff and found a thread. This place is amazing but I do get paranoid sometimes that brainless males are posting here too.
No. 593235
>>593210I agree
I used to think I had to be mean all the time or provide milk always but ot g and m are amazing for discussion
No. 593252
>>593246Same. I'm convinced some anons are just sitting in threads, waiting for someone to forget to sage so they can call them a newfag and retarded.
>>593249You just type sage in the email field of your post. When someone posts and they don't sage, the "Anonymous" will be green, and when they do sage it will be blue.
No. 593257
>>593183Board culture is nice and 4chan has decent ass boards.
I'm an old fag who came here from cgl and since it's fucking dead, now I just lurk here
No. 593281
All soda is disgusting. Coke's gross. Pepsi's gross. Root beer's gross. Sprite's gross.
>>591769rune factory > harvest moon > stardew valley > animal crossing
No. 593287
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>>593249Truly mystifies me how people can be unsure of something and not investigate further, even incredibly mundane simple questions that takes 30 seconds to look up. You just shrug in ignorance for 2 years straight? Is this symptom of low IQ?
No. 594034
>>594032i did this when i liked metal (and only metal) and yes, people do shit like that. especially rap lovers and 40 year old metalhead men.
emo music lovers (except for mcr-fags) do that too kinda but at least it only affects their clothing style. they're not as obnoxious as metalheads.
No. 594051
>>594032From what I have seen on, many metalheads do this. I also know rap fans who only listen to rap. I can get it with metal because at least it has enough substyles and freedom for creative liberties to be taken for it not to get stale. I can't fathom listening to only rap, I can barely get through a full length rap album personally with a few exceptions. Like jeez, for as much shit people who listen to mainstream music/pop stans get by retarded music elitists, at least their taste is fair more varied and interesting.
>>594040A lot of people don't know this fact.
>>594039My main reason for hating BLM is that it's primary aim is to elevate black men (who don't really deserve to be elevated) and black women who suffer at the hands of them are an after thought. I care more about the fact that black women suffer the worst domestic abuse at the hands of black men who can't be held accountable without at least taking a gamble and calling the police on them.
No. 594057
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>>594032This. The "I HATE rap!" posts just make me feel like I'm reading pic related.
Like, grow the fuck up, kek. Most people with taste like a little of everything.
It almost makes me feel lucky to be able to get into (almost) all sorts of music. I can't imagine hating all rap or metal, or
solely listening to those genres either. It's like when kids only eat food with ketchup on it or something.
No. 594080
>>594063I was just thinking about it yesterday anon! I'd love to have a "typical" family and all but my attraction to men is very low because all the men I've met were disappointing.
If in the future I'm single and stable in my career/income, I won't let the idea of being a single mom terrify me and would like to adopt
No. 594103
>>594080I think it's because men literally expect us to be their mommy when they haven't even been born from our blood. Taking care of a girl is different because she's yours and you can show her the wonders of the world, while grown men are wicked trash full of malice.
I think if I would much rather raise a kid alone or with another woman than be the
victim of the socially imposed degradation that a husband comes with. I'm not even talking about him being
abusive. I'm talking about how all men expect us to be strong and sweet and perfect looking and amicable all the time or else they'll go away with a whore. They want us to nurture them as if they were babies, leave them with their games instead of helping us as if they toddlers, and be their absolute moral support when they get mad like teenager in therapy session.
I don't want to go through that. I don't want my future daughter to go through that.
No. 594286
>>594277pretty sure no one wears thrasher anymore
>>594126the look in general is just so over the top lol hating the look doesnt mean u are an ugly person like what
>>594043also KEK i find it funny when ppl dont know this theres so many things wrong with the george floyd story (although he definitely did not deserve to die like that)
No. 594343
>>594339Teenage brains are objectively underdeveloped and more impulsive.
Sounds like you're angry because you feel like you weren't given that same compassion and understanding for the stupid shit you did as a teen, and instead carry with you great shame. Self-forgiveness is still an option even if others weren't so forgiving towards you, dear anon.
No. 594361
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>>594357>>594353One day we will all die and then we won’t have to think about generational gaps.
No. 594463
>>594339Hi pedo-chan! Still trying to get Michael Sosa's attention, are we? Good job rewording anons calling you out for shitting over a dead girl so you can gets some virtual ass pats.
>>594353I agree anon, especially since they've started blaming all their issues on millennials.
No. 594472
>>594349>teenagers groomed by men should take responsibility for that fact>anyone that sympathizes with these girls has also been groomed>going through a phase as a teenager talking to imageboard users online is way worse than any phase normal teens go through>once again, normal teens do not go through phases of bad/risky behavior like talking to people online>I feel bad but they let themselves be groomedvery smoothbrain takes anon. You smell like PULL.
>>594369No, but I'm sure you pandered to dumb scrotes in your life in other ways.
No. 594478
>>594474We're talking about teenage girls hanging out with moids from imageboards. What do you think?
>>594339 is literally talking about bianca devins bahvaiour on discord and claimed being groomed by moids wasn't an excuse for saying mean words to them and taking drugs
No. 594482
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>>594478Did you even read it?
No. 594488
>>594446they latch onto identity politics especially which is what worries me because when it comes down to it thats the shit that doesnt matter
>>594482i dont know why youre having a hard time with this, anon. keep up
No. 594500
>>594353Agreed as a millenial. I fucking hate zoomers, especially due to their gross entitlement that reminds me of boomers. Everything should belong to them and cater to them and they're not willing to put actual effort into the things they do. It's been proven by studies that people belonging to Gen Z have an attention span inferior to the preceding generations so everything is disposable and superficial to them, including friendships, self-improvement and ideals. They need constant stimulation and coddling because being bored and not receiving external input and validation all the time is the worst thing they can think of.
Also I should mention that in my country millenials grew up during a severe recession, not an economic boom like in the US. Zoomers live in a much more luxurious environment than I could've ever dreamed of growing up yet they're still ungrateful about everything.
No. 594508
>>594458regardless of how stupid the site is it has the info regarding george floyd it can be found on many sites i was just linking something quick while eating breakfast kek here same crap
No. 594513
>>594508Anon, when someone like
>>594458 is lazy and needs you to do all the work for them, don't double down and give them a link when the first one isn't good enough for them. They have access to Google.
No. 594551
>>594057I like all genres where the singers use a wide range or the instrumentals are rich, from adult contemporary, rock and pop to jazz.
I hate when the singer is monotone, there's no strong chorus and the song never "takes off", it just gives you that feeling of anticipation and then you're suffocating for 3 minutes because it feels like a neverending verse with no peak. I listen to mainstream pop a lot and I feel like singers and tracks that were clearly influenced by rock did better in this regard even though actual rock listeners wouldn't consider them rock music at all.
No. 594575
>>594032Like other anons said, metalheads. Although most metalheads kinda grow out of it and listen to anything that sounds good, but keep metal as their favorite/"main" genre. Except black metal fans, those guys have the most purists who won't listen to anything else. They live and breathe BM and it affects pretty much every part of their identity, even their personal philosophies and worldviews.
Punks might come close, but no one does the "making a music genre into your whole identity" better than black metal dudes.
No. 594600
>>594584Me neither and how they turn out certainly wouldn't be the kids' fault, but the choices parents and school systems have made on how to bring them up.
But this is the first generation growing up into a surveillance environment where nobody is watching the watchmen, on account of high quality smartphone cameras and social media access 24/7. Society could take a very unhealthy turn if the apathetic upbringing where the serious cases of acting out are treated with medication and everyone else is told they're super important and fine just the way they are and to love and accept all their problems instead of solving them. Even the phrase "building character" would have most parents and teachers sneering at the thought of the old days when authority figures ruled with fear and punishment, but at least back then the most important cultural lesson taught was respect, especially for your elders, not just conformity and nothing else.
No. 594614
>>594472‘Talking to people online’ and ‘on image boards’ is one thing but going through a phase of being an edgy pick me to the extent of willingly going to woman hate and incel focused places and actively seeking out misogynistic 27 year old virgins to send your underage nudes too is worse than what the huge majority of normal teenagers do ‘undeveloped brain’ or not. Most people even as teenagers are still not stupid enough to put themselves in this scenario or anything close to it and would be be easily able to discern that it’s a bad idea. I think when it gets to that extreme doing something like that is to some extent reflective of the individual as a person as oppose to solely just being something done because they’re a teenager. I think someone can simultaneously be a
victim and stupid.
No. 595027
>>594999>make people remember my deathTime to ally with
>>594756 and kill animal torturers, I swear I'll worship you both
No. 595041
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Chickens are beautiful and adorable
No. 595070
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I genuinely don't understand the appeal with the aliexpress version of young Louis Garrel aka Thimotée Chalamet, can someone please explain
I'm sorry but he looks like a proper rat mixed with your average gay hs guy
No. 595076
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>>595074Even Leo started hitting the wall rapidly after 23
No. 595077
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>>595070His looks are definitely overhyped but he can look attractive sometimes with the right styling. I think his popularity is probably due to the lack of competition, there's a lot of actors who are way uglier than him eg. noah centineo
No. 595080
>>595073agreed. also i wanna add something similar.
so many guys start going bald at early 20s its not even funny.
is it because they all eat like shit? because they sit 8 hours a day on a computer? stress
i also suffered hair loss due to stress, and one of my other friend did too. but we took multivitamins, worked out, and in general worked towards solving it. sometimes i wonder if male baldness is as bad as it is because they don't try to solve it or because it's just unfortunate genetics.
No. 595081
>>595077nice filename.
also he looks real good here, so many guys are only ugly looking because of styling (mostly hair).
No. 595082
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>>595073wtf did u just say
No. 595493
>>595485Then they're like
>asexuality doesn't mean you don't enjoy masturbating/sex>asexuality doesn't mean you can't be physically attracted to peopleand on and on with all these new and absurd amendments to the definition to ensure they can keep their special snowflake status.
It's just dumb mental gymnastics, and so unnecessary. A lack of libido is not far fetched at all, even to the point of complete disinterest in sex. I would never question that because it's pretty common. But sex drive is affected by a lot of medical, emotional, psychological etc factors and what it means in practical terms can vary between people and change over time. 'Asexuals' are just confusing themselves and everyone else by trying to turn it into an immutable sexual orientation, then backpedaling when they don't fit into it perfectly.
No. 595504
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>>595479feckin same anon. bright blue eyes creep me out and i just don't see the appeal to blonde hair most of the time, it just feels alien to me. the only time i like that type of man is if they look like vikings and have long hair with a beard. let's be honest, jaime lannister is the only
valid blonde male.
No. 595561
>>595523this. if anything
>>595522 sounds like a sad cope.
No. 595680
>>595631>knock her out cold before the fucking happensBruh that just sounds like that girl has issues like trauma or phobia and twisted view about sex. It illustrates
>>595523 claim if anything.
No. 595715
>>595523>>595561I'm not ace but most people who get
triggered over them say next sentence they're lgbt people who think they're stealing oppression points or it's on a site full of straights who hate the opposite sex. It's obviously some sad self-hate thing where you wish you weren't your own orientation.