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No. 604432
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(posting again just because the last thread just closed)
no offence but this isnt newsworthy and i feel like it happens a lot no matter the gender… it would only be worth reporting or complaining if the guy started to harass her and attack her No. 604435
>>604432I disagree. I feel like making a public article about stuff like this really shines a light on how fucked up these services are and how they need increased safety and security. Dude already knows where she lives, now he's texting her?
Fuck that. We need more articles on how women suffer from disgusting males.
> i feel like it happens a lot no matter the gender… i feel like this is incorrect and maybe 1 out of 5 people that do this are women, but maybe even less than that, shit.
No. 604445
>>604416Anon the thread is called
unpopular opinions
No. 604454
>>604452>Please go back to Twitter, on one here likes people like you.if you can't handle dissent, maybe you should go back to whatever hugbox you crawled from.
Expect pushback on your dumb ass opinions..
wtf is "on one here"
No. 604461
>>604452Huh? We aren’t scrotes. Odd to associate that (probably resounding) opinion with twitter.
I’m sure many other anons have had uncomfy instances with drivers and agree. It has nothing to do with twitter, retard. The issue is that he has her number for a professional service he is being paid for and no other reason. It’s out of line.
No. 604472
>>604435Sure it sucks to get unwanted attention, but humans are sexual beings through and through. This has always happened and will always happen and some girls expect it to happen.
Making it public, humiliating him and getting him fired is more trashy than the message itself. The guy might be a dummy but the girl is outright hateful.
No. 604474
>>604457this is what i think exactly! its obviously not professional/shouldnt happen but its not really newsworthy at all thats why i was confused when i saw the article
>>604453kek i had no idea no wonder
No. 604497
>>604479Why not? She has every right to tell people about this creepy asshole. Plus some scrotes will see this article and think twice about doing the same shit.
Public humiliation in front of other moids works super hard against scrotes. Don't tell women not use one of the only avenues open to them for this shit because trust me, cops don't give a shit about stalking. No matter how bad it gets. And this shit right here is how stalking begins.
>>604491sorry this happened to you anon. Men are so fucking weak. It makes me so angry the steps women have to take to protect themselves while some anons are in here worrying about the poor humiliated scrote like he didn't do this shit to himself.
No. 604519
>>604432I see where you're coming from. A lot of us have sadly accepted this as fate. I have a hard time not taking stories like that personally and thinking of all the worse things friends & myself have been through, and had no articles, legal aide, sympathy. But it is a net positive to women to have things like this pointed out to those who don't believe it happens. It's a step.
But it's hard not to get a tiny incensed from time to time seeing people get justice others will never have. The media will show the heroic rescue of a tragic paper cut, and you sit there and remember your friends with untreated gun shot wounds.
My unpopular opinion is that bitterness is reasonable.
No. 604525
>>604507In the theme of sharing creepy 'he knows my address' stories. I used to get a lot of mail that I would need to collect after work from the local mail centre. The main guy working behind the counter saw me several times a week every single week, he obvs knew my address and had access to my ID every time I came in. Given that I'm tattooed and had some piercings back then.. he would comment about how I must really love pain! I was a young looking 18 year old, my passport told him how I was barely 18 and yet this guy (older than my dad) was constantly keeping up this weird sadism related talk with me. I emailed the company about him. I only emailed once I stood in the queue one day and realised other women had different comments made about them too.
I hoped that if even one other woman complained it'd have to be taken seriously, strength in numbers? I never even heard back from the company but I left the area soon afterwatds and in the meantime I always brought my bf along.
No. 604540
>>604432I remember getting a watch repaired several years ago and one of the guys who worked there asked for my number saying he needed it for the invoice or something, so of course I gave it, then I get a text saying something like "haha it's me I didn't really need it, just wanted to talk to you."
It shouldn't be an unpopular opinion that this shit is obnoxious.
No. 604542
>>604479>>604472>making it public>just don't contact newspapers about itShe didn't, she complained to the company through their social media page (a normal practice in the UK) and then at some point the tabloid picked up the story.
But so what if she had done? She didn't say "What an ugly man how dare he think he had a chance with me" she complained to the company that she felt unsafe because their employee illegally stole her contact information to hit on her after he had already seen the inside of her home, she is rightly worried about how me might use her personal information after rejecting him and for reporting his breech of conduct.
No. 604548
>>604535Hospitals, both psych and non, are filled to the brim with sociopathic, irresponsible creeps. I swear to fuck they hire some of these people straight off the streets. The turn-over rate in these places tend to be sky-high, so employers get desperate. They're also pretty
toxic, high-pressure environments in general, so I think it can bring out the worst even in those who go into the job with good-intentions. Sorry that happened to you, anon, and I can unfortunately relate. I've had nurses/workers insult me, try and convert me to their religion, creepily hit on me, the whole shebang tbh.
No. 604551
>>604525>I never even heard back from the companyI hate that.
I was groped by a staff member somewhere once and complained about it, they said they were horrified and they would launch an investigation and then I heard nothing. I reached out later to ask what happened and they told it was dealt with but they they wouldn't give me further information. I don't know if he was even punished let alone fired, being assaulted and the resulting period of anxiety it gave me didn't even entitle me refund lol.
I wish I had reported it to the police.
No. 604553
>>604535Damn! I had a stay in hospital after an overdose and I spent the stay fighting off advances from horny male patients, young and old, married and single. Some were I assume manic and that played a role.
One was a prisoner who had slit his neck and been sent over to the ward. I highly suspect he was in prison for sexual offences and I highly suspect he self harmed to gain access to women, at least one woman in there was crazy enough to fuck him during her stay. Women in psych wards are so fucking vulnerable to staff and other patients. I don't know if most countries seperate the sexes in psych wards but it seems necessary.
No. 604584
>>604554my neighbors throw a party every Saturday night for about 10-20 people including several children haha this is never gonna be over.
My other neighbor has between 2-5 guests over daily. I haven't left the house in 3 weeks because it will kill me if I get it and our entire county is about to be rolled back from phase THREE to phase fucking ONE because of how many new cases we have.
I'm going fucking insane inside and it makes me so mad these assholes are just pretending this isn't happening. I sit here and seethe and hope they get it i'm sorry but i mad
No. 604616
>>604554yeah. people think they're immortal because they're young and don't stop to think about those who are at risk. it makes me sad that so many people prioritize meaningless fun over actual human lives.
>>604584i'm sorry you have such retarded neighbors and i really hope you stay safe. it sucks that so many people are just acting like this isn't happening
No. 604617
>>604611Yeah most old men are ugly as absolute fuck, but I will say that the ones that are handsome are quite handsome. Same with women, though. What a concept.
Not a dig at you, anon, just something that people don't seem to realize.
No. 604739
>>604706my bf and i were both adult kissless virgins when we got together and we almost never kiss each other and i definitely agree, it makes me feel nothing and i rather spend my time getting fucked or getting eaten out
i think kissing is more popular with people who did it a lot in their teens before they were sexually active? idk
No. 604761
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>>604746agreed, kissing when drunk hits different
No. 604935
>>604893I’ve seen a lot of weird vitriol about height on ot and g the last couple years. There are weird tall girls who crave validation and there are weird short girls who crave validation.
In my experience irl, girls both short and tall will make jokes about their height because they’re so used to it being the first thing people mention or pick at—like hey I did it first so you can’t/don’t have to. Idk why it had to turn in a dogpile of insecurity.
No. 605015
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Being short fucking sucks and I don't know why people see my self-deprecating humor as bragging. Short women burn less calories and usually look more unfortunate when fat, we can't reach shit and standard furniture is built for tall people, no one takes you seriously and assholes try to intimidate you more than your tall friends imo because you look small and harmless. I don't know why the fuck you would want to brag about this, just because some tall girls are subs and fall for the "aaaaaa I'm short and need protection pls throw me around in bed like a rag doll" meme. Who even wants that?
Another unpopular opinion: Tall men aren't more attractive than short men by default. Maybe it's because I'm short myself but I'd rather date a hot dude who's 170 cm and chill about it than some lanky 190 cm sasquatch with feet and hands like Voldemort.
No. 605018
>>605015true. i'm 167 cm myself (around 5"6?) and ideal male height for me is 170 (5"7). i dont get whats appealing about constantly have to look up just to make eye contact with your partner.
although height isn't that important imo when dating. so i would date a 5"4 or a 6"4 if i liked them.
unpopular opinion: acne scars on cheeks kinda look nice. like it causes asymmetry in the same way that freckles or moles do. in a cute unique way.
No. 605020
>>605015Shorty here (5ft) and 100% agree, also
>self deprecating as braggingYes! Maybe people don’t realize it bc some people do like being usu baby smol, but when I make offhand comments, especially when I’m doing so
climbing on the counter to do shit, it’s as a joke, not a brag. If this still comes off weirdly as bragging or whining, sorry talker anons, but being Really short does suck sometimes.
No. 605022
>>605021honestly i only have one female friend who had the "nobody under 5"11 can date me" mentality. for some reason men seem to think this is a standart we all have. sure, a lot of girls love tall guys but it's not like we can't ever drool over a charming short dude.
they're just coping because they can't handle the fact that their boring, inferiority complex-ed ass has more to do with them being single.
No. 605026
>>605018I'm 165 (5"5') and I've dated a 6' guy, a 5'11 guy, 5'7, 5'6 and 5'5.
>6' was awesome, I loved being wrapped around>5'11 was basically the same, felt like protection>5'7 is current bf and I'm fine with the height, he's got a thicker body so it makes up for lack of height>5'6 was scrawny and it wasn't fun, I hated feeling like I was the bigger one in the relationship>5'5 was so embarrassing, when we held hands I had to make my arm lower or higher at any given moment because it was uncomfortable holding hands with someone my exact heightI'd never date someone shorter than me and now taller feels a bit out of my range
No. 605049
I'm 178cm/5'10 meaning the vast majority is shorter than me (and super passive aggressive towards me because of that) and the ones my height or taller still most of the time prefer short or average girls. Therefore I can't really have any standards, beggars can't be choosers.
>>605021>Height has never been a factor I considered before dating someone. I'm 158cm/5'2 and dated men who were 165cm/5'4 and men who were 190cm/6'2I always have to laugh when I read something like this kek you're acting as if dating somebody "only" 7cm taller than you is charity, I would love to have somebody like that. And men taller than me by a foot don't even exist.
No. 605051
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I'm 183 (6'0)
No. 605054
>>605049I’m sorry you have that problem anon.
I don’t have the same experiences as straight girls do, not mentioning to be like a snowflake or anything, but I’ve always liked women (and occasionally men lol) who are smaller than me, and luckily so—I’m 5’10 as well. I feel sympathy for str8 tall girls because scrotes are so insecure. The standards are completely different for you and I can’t imagine how irritating it must be. I hope you find your 6’0 chill bf anon!
I still think short girls have their own unique disadvantages also though. The idea of being so easily overpowered, mocked, and never taken seriously would be my biggest nightmare. Qt short girls are infantilized for eternity. Also, aging and gaining weight like a hobbit… eh. Doesn’t sound ideal.
No. 605057
>>605045hard agree
>>605051I have a friend who's that height and it's freaking gorgeous. She carries her height with so much confidence she turns heads in the best way possible. Being tall as a woman is the fucking best. It makes us look powerful and striking and no one can convince me otherwise.
No. 605061
>>605051Go to r/tall and watch them drool over you.
Seriously I wish I had your problem my ex is 6’8” and spent a long time saying how much he wanted a tall girl
No. 605066
>>605039I feel that, anon. I'm 6'0 / 183 cm and I'm not at all interested in dating someone who is smaller than me. I don't want to feel masculine or I'm taking care of someone. I want to feel protected rather than be the protector.
And this is in all aspects. I'm dating s guy who is 6'7/201 cm, but he's so skinny. He gave me a pair or shorts to wear to bed, and they were more tight than loose - and I'm not very chubby.. It made me feel like shit and that I'm going to break him.
Also, to debunk a popular opinion, big dicks don't equate to better sex. This guy also has a huge dick, but blowjobs aren't fun because my jaw gets sore after two minutes and we have to be careful in some positions so he doesn't ram into my cervix.
Give me an average dick over a firehose any day.
No. 605068
>>605015>>605020The problem is that you never see anybody doing this other than short women, you don't have tall people constantly going on about their legs being sooo long etc and neither do short guys constantly talk about them being too sm0l for everything. Plus, petite and tiny are positive words if you really wanted to dunk on yourself you'd use less flattering vocabulary.
>>6050616ft is an over 20cm difference from average height, that's nothing to wish for.
People are always dismissing tall women complaining about their height, but would you also tell a 5ft dude that it's no big deal or that you're jealous? It obviously comes with many problems in life.
No. 605071
>>6050681. Have you ever met a tall man?
2. None of the anons you quoted said anything about being petite and I seriously don’t know any short girls who’d say that about themselves (except 14-yo pickmes). Straw man central.
No. 605078
>>604432The problem with the way the article is framed is giving the readers the impression that this is an isolated incident and we need to pay attention to this
one woman, and because of that plus knowing that this happens to many women in actuality, people will dismiss the main issue of creepy men soliciting women at work because oh this one woman is just overreacting to a common issue.
Articles like these are only successful if they've compiled interviews and accounts from multiple women. And even then people will be dismissive because the attitude is that we're women so we're just meant to deal with unwanted advances from men.
No. 605090
>>604479I'd be careful about attacking people who know where I live like that. That gives them a lot more reason to be bitter towards you than being just rejected, rejection is a harmless daily thing but someone rarely ruins your career, and doing that makes you a big target if they find out.
If they actually start stalking after being rejected that's when you should act, because it's grounds for the police to make them disappear, where a complaint to their boss that leads to termination would leave them out on the streets and angry at you.
No. 605251
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>>605186I hate to admit it but I admire the style of most tiktok girls, too bad I'm already slightly too old to dress like that kek
>petticoat collar shirts and sheer shits and skinny jeansThis and black skater skirts, black leggings and soft/pastel colored cardigans… even the options in jewelry and hairstyles were limited. When my little sis saw my old yearbook she laughed and asked why every single girl had the exact same parting and side swept bangs… It might be classier than what's trendy now, but those outfits only looked good on very pretty and skinny girly girls, everybody else looked bland and lame.
No. 605275
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>>605186This is the true pinnacle of fashion.
No. 605583
>>605051You are a swan anon. Shopping for pants must be hell though.
>>605075Yeah I dont understand all these tall anons saying short women act like ddlg sanrio lovers who want to be compared to children. The only real plus is being put front in pictures. The worst is not being able to see movies or shows properly and reach basic things within your own kitchen. Jeans that fit your waist will scrunch up really badly at the ankle too.
No. 605679
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Free market (aka not forced cult shit) polygamy would be devastating to mediocre men and ultimately beneficial to women. Most women go through cheating anyway so there's no use expecting loyalty, so why not have cute sisterly harem relationships with other women while you're all married to a rich man who can provide for all of us?? Most men are barely present fathers anyway so why lock yourself down with an asshole making 40k a year and with a porn addiction and punchy inclination instead of being in big daddy Bezos's luxury harem. We could all be shitposting from a seaside villa. There is no way we can all 1:1 match up with a good guy that's actually worth splitting your body open in agonizing pain for. We need to consolidate.
Bonus: all the surplus loser men can be used to reinstate the Colosseum. Men love violence anyway so they can take out their male brain rage out and fuck each other no lube in the fighting pits. It would be just like their video games.
No. 605688
>>605592i understand why plus size people want more designs/diversity in clothing. i mean there are lots of fat people anyway. but i don't understand why they expect a size 0 and size 22 to cost the same when the fabric ratio between those two is probably like 1:4.
also a vent: underweight people make up like 2% of the population, so a size 0 actually fits normal weight/slightly underweight people. size 00 is for really skinny gals. idk why everyone, especially haes activists act like size 0 is ana-chan-tier. i remember being bmi 18 and most size 0 fitting well on me. it's only slightly underweight, why does everyone think you have to be ana-chan to be size 0?
maybe because there is an obesity epidemic in Europe/USA/almost everywhere that we forgot what perfectly normal bodies look like.
No. 605804
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It's not boys-only but there's a lot of very good and cute/handsome male units, and the gameplay is fun too. Gacha tower defense, basically.
No. 605825
>>605787I wish this so much.
Also i wish every women on earth to completely stop dating men 5+ years older then them so we can take back self esteem we gave to old men.
I swear, im 20 and i hate seeing 30+ year old beautiful women basically thinking theyre too old to be desireable.
No. 606235
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i hate that people act like "overweight but tiny waist w/ big ass and tits" is more realistic and attainable than being a skinny af victoria's secret model ass bitch. any woman could get the rail thin 00s/90s look through diet and exercise but the majority of women are not going to look like marilyn monroe if they start packing on pounds. it sucks. at least back then you could just go anachan and get the look you want but now you have to get cosmetic surgery and whatnot to adhere to beauty standards.
No. 606247
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>>606235What anon? You mean to tell me that attached image isn't realistic?
In all seriousness no one with that thick of thighs is going to have a waist that thin. And I'm sick of instagram allowing girls to do this.
No. 606253
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Im just flabbergasted at how some people here keep saying being 70 kg is totes healthy and sexy uwu
Maybe is the asian family bitch in me speaking but what the actual fuck are westerners this desensetized to being landwhales?
No. 606255
>>606253Maybe because that weight is average for most people here?
Sorry you Asian folks don't get enough food to eat or otherwise can't afford it or burn it all off by working rly hard. Not our problems that your physical build is literally different.
No. 606258
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>>606255Nice try but that has only been the average weight since the 20th century, after shitty junk food and overeating became normalized.
Blaming your shitty habits on genetics is just surreal.
No. 606262
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>>606260Not currently in asia but i live in a place with a huge asian population anyways, and tbh i've never seen someone act as 155 being normal, people i know (be it white or any other ethnicity) who looked like the women in the pictures definetely consider themselves quite fat, maybe its also because its rare to find a woman over 5'6' too. (>>606261 genuinely never met a 6' woman, just troons)
idk its probably just some weird culture shock
No. 606264
>>606253There is a big range between being 'totes healthy and sexy' and a landwhale. 70kg is going to be somewhere in middle for average height women - not sexy, maybe overweight but not a hamplanet. When you're around 170cm+ it's within a healthy weight range, for a tall girl it can be quite slim.
Anyway what kind of dumbass makes comments in absolute about weights without qualifying it with a height. You literally posted a picture that proves how dumb it is to make a generalization about how fat a certain weight looks.
No. 606269
>>606253Did you just say this cause of the anon in the celeb thread who said they're 155 lbs?
Anyway being 155 isn't necessarily fat. It's depend on how you carry your fat, how tall you are, your bone structure etc….
Also none of the women in that photo are "landwhales".
No. 606274
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>>606247i mean, look at kim kardashian for fuck's sake. her natural body is absolutely insane (at least i think this is pre-surgery? idk) but she still felt pressure to get a bigger butt and a tinier waist. it's never enough nowadays. i feel terrible for her. like, she's stuck with a body that only looks good on instagram. i've seen people say similar things about kylie jenner's new face. it was manufactured to look good in selfies but looks incredibly fucked up in videos and candid photos.
i know none of that has anything to do with your post, that woman's body just reminded me of kim kardashian's and it just kinda spiraled from there. i know i shouldn't feel sympathy for these women because they're disgustingly rich and probably do not give a single fuck about how weird they look, but i still think its so sad to see women destroying their bodies like this.
No. 606287
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>>606274No i get you, I disagree though
The attached image was photoshop btw. That's what I mean by instagram allowing girls to do this and fuck up with young girls' heads. Kim Kardashian is doing it too. So is Kylie. I know they didn't sign up to be role models but they are snakes and self-serving for pretending like they are natural and on top of that facetuning themselves to hell and back.
No. 606295
>>606269they were
triggered by that post? That was about Iggy azalea being 155lbs when she's literally 5'10" what the actual fuck. That's a totally normal weight for that height.
>>606262Get help.
No. 606333
>>606330Are you middle eastern? This is such a middle eastern mom thing. My mom asked me if I wanted to go to the wedding of someone who I haven't seen since I was 8. I said no.
My mom told me my cousin overseas is getting married and got mad when I responded "That's nice" even though I literally have no connection to her and I can't even speak arabic. My mom talks about other people's news to me more than she tries to learn about the news going on in my life.
No. 606364
>>605732especially if they refer to their holidays as adventures when in reality they're staying at a pricey bed and breakfast or hotel/hostel with state of the art modern conveniences (that by the look of them never seem to include a shower)
bonus if it's in an impoverished country where they only went to take photos with little brown children for instagram clout
No. 606373
>>606347For some insects they're absolutely justified. I grew up on a cattle farm in the middle of nowhere too, in a malaria zone, in a country where flesh-eating insects are absolutely a thing.
For safety reasons I had to move to another corner of the world with virtually no insects whatsoever except ticks and horseflies, and the thought of getting bitten by a tick and contracting tick-borne encephalitis is so scary to me.
No. 606415
>>606413This is a bit of a tangent but idk if anyone else has seen this one copypasta image that was really popular on 4chan back in the day… it was a drunk guy ranting about how boring women are because they don't talk about Star Wars at parties, and how he only talks to them because he wants vagina on his face (in those words) but would much rather be talking to his fat loser friends online about Boba Fett. All the incels LOVED it because it was written in a funny way and obviously they all think women are boring and have no hobbies or interests, especially not something super niche and obscure like Star Wars (lmao).
Anyway it used to make me rage hard, because it's like - who is actually the boring one here? The guy who goes to a party thinking that the best topic of conversation with random women is his one specific, nerdy interest, and that anyone who can't talk about it is unworthy of his time? Or the women who know how to make small talk and casually interact with people they don't know well, without limiting the topics of conversation to their own personal interests? Anyway I guess my point is that social skills, charisma and tact >>>>>>> hobbies when it comes to actually being a fun, entertaining person to talk with. Hobbies are super important for personal development imo, it just won't make you interesting and likewise you can be interesting without ever talking about your hobbies.
No. 606418
>>606413So it's not what they do, it's their age that bothers you.
What do you think 30 year olds should talk about instead? Their job and kids? Nothing else is allowed? You're not that far off from being 30 yourself, is that what you want your life to be like?
No. 606429
>>606422I think the problem I have is that a lot of these kinds of people can only conceive of a ‘passion’ as being like a ~special interest~ in Star Trek or some other nerdy hobby. Someone who spends their free time watching netflix or whatever doesn’t necessarily have no
passions they just have no nerdy hobby they’re extremely fixated on. I’m sure they exist but I think it’s pretty hard to find someone who genuinely has no passions, but I feel a lot of people’s passions are just not hobby centric like (I personally don’t get this but just for example) many people’s passion is their work, or their family, or being their for their friends, or volunteering or something idk. I just don’t know how much a ‘passion’ in watching anime really helps that much in a long term relationship. Like it’s a fun pass time and people should have them but I just don’t get why they think it makes them interesting or a more desirable partner.
No. 606536
>>606439Definitely relate, Anon.
I just can't stick to hobbies. I have every little craft thing, digital and physical art medium, sewing, computer program things you can imagine and I just literally can't carry on w/ it for more than a week.
My depression is horrible though so that could possibly b the thing?
No. 606623
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>>606585No one else owes it to you to look good you delusional sadsack. Go work on your issues. Wtf.
No. 606638
>>606636That's fair, actually. I do wish proper food education reached poorer communities who are the ones most at risk of being taken advantage of and living in food deserts. It's really disgusting that absolute dogshit food is served to children in public schools and THAT'S where they learn and experience nutrition as they develop into adults. Good point, anon. I wish there were better ways to help them too
T___T It's why I get angry at fat adults with fat kids–bc they continue the cycle.
No. 606655
>>606650KEK seriously
Hobbies are fine, I love hearing people talk and get excited about their hobbies and the things they like. What the fuck else do you anons like to talk to people about??
No. 606686
>>606438if i never took out a loan on my car i would have no credit history. im 25 and never bought anything b4 i couldn't afford, i thought i was being smart. now i cant get a credit card (which i dont even want but is necessary for certain adult purchases such as when i needed to rent a car to move cross country) b/c even tho my credit score is 650, i have no credit history. i agree no one
should have to take out loans to pay for things they cant afford, but crapitalism literally makes it necessary
No. 606698
>>606684Idk am genuinely autistic and still feel that way. It’s not people actually having a hobby or even being really into a hobby or ‘special interest’ or whatever, it’s the
way ‘having a hobby’ is viewed by these people as being some desirable, non ‘normie’ trait that makes them instantly interesting, smart and special, and also just the fact that many of these people tend to also be extremely stunted in a lot of other ways. I just associate it heavily with incel/femcel types (this way of thinking about hobbies, not having a hobby) bc I feel as though you always see this line of thinking in those kind of places online, like I’ve frequently seen people literally brag about having hobbies? and list it as reasons why they think they would be a good partner or like as if it’s a selling point for them in some way and it always just comes off extremely weird to me because literally everyone has hobbies and also because I don’t think it really translates into being a interesting or desirable person in the way they seem to think it does? I guess it makes sense if like you said you’re just looking for like minded people but I feel like a lot of them genuinely seem to have some kind of superiority complex about being really into manga or whatever.
No. 606703
>>606686You're correct, anon. I wish I had gotten a credit card when I was like 18-20, but I was a dumbass and didn't realize how you need credit for EVERYTHING as an adult.
For any younger anons reading, get a credit card as soon as you can. Find one without a yearly fee that also gives cash back on purchases, you can probably get a card like this from your bank/credit union. The interest rates are high for your first card, but that only applies if you don't pay it off immediately and accrue debt.
Only buy a small amount of purchases on it each month and pay it back immediately when due. Whatever your limit is on your first credit card, don't spend more than 30%. If your limit is $500, just spending $50 and paying it off each month will build credit.
You will eventually need this and you'll be happy you did it later when you're old like me.
No. 606723
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>>606253Well, at 70kg my bmi is still only at 22. Not my fault that you asians are so short with such little muscle mass that you look like flabby pigs as soon as you exceed 50kg (or 45kg?) kek
>>606585What does it feel like to know that all of this world's fat people (100 millions? a billion?) instantly would mog you as soon as they lose weight? Maybe that's karma, your inner bitterness showing on the outside…
No. 606737
attractive hobbies:
> playing piano (something about the fingers) or violin> volunteeringunattractive hobbies:
> gamingfor men only though, because they game like 8 hours a day and think me watching them play = date
with women im fine with them playing all the shit they want
No. 606760
>>606737I have dated a guy who'd drop video games entirely so he could spend time with me, he'd make up lies to his online friends as to why he had to suddenly cancel, so it was never an issue but…there was something…pathetic? about him having his only hobby be video games. Hell, putting a plural there is generous, he'd only play this one game most of the time.
He had a rich background but it felt like a thing of the past he stopped cultivating after surrendering to depression-fueled gaming. God, at least practice the guitar you have.
No. 606767
>>606737Fuck, that reminds me of a friend of a friend I only hang out with to not upset my actual friend, he lives not too far away from where I live and he started inviting me at his place more and more often last year. Not even getting into what's wrong with this guy because I mentioned that in another thread and that's irrelevant here, but his excuse to start inviting me at his place was to buy a PS4 game I was interested in despite not having the console and he would either spend his time playing it, letting me play the game while he was busy playing LoL, or making me watch the same shitty AMVs with shitty rap songs while he plays LoL. Literally everytime I tried to start conversations he acts like he knows everything and talks over me to mansplain everything. I don't even like the word "mansplain" because I only read it when it's used as a hyperbole but here that's literally what it is. I'm avoiding him now.
Meanwhile all my other friends are women and we all love video games but when we visit each other we actually interact and talk about a lot of different topics like video games, music we like, work, university, our goals in life, giving each other advice, etc.
No. 606815
>Your hobby that you spend 80% of your time doing shouldn't be your personality anonWelp we know exactly who has 0 friends and a boring lifestyle thanks for outing yourself
No. 606817
>>606778Clitoral stim is all I need.
I remember in past relationships when I would switch forms of birth control, I always like to double up on methods so I didn't trust condoms alone, we would take a couple weeks break from penetrative sex while my birth control kicked in and I would love it! Purely having oral sex without any expectation of other stuff.. that's what I want long term
No. 606834
>>606820If someone is "obsessed" with a hobby, they're not obsessed. That's quite literally their hobby. Don't take it out on them because you see no joy in life and eat, sleep, and shitpost
>>606824bitch what in the fuck are you even talking about? can you add some punctuation, I can't keep up with what you're saying. also, none of what you said has anything to do with what I said. Nice run on sentence, though.
No. 606871
It doesn't even seem to be about hobbies really, people can be boring or enjoyable to hang out with regardless of what they do otherwise in their free time, some people just have a superiority complex and are generally unpleasant and a subset of people with superiority complex make it about their hobbies.
this anon
>>606824 just seems to be extra bitter about people with hobbies because apparently she doesn't have any and can't use them to make herself feel superior so she turns it around, really makes you think
No. 606874
it's hilarious how this hobbies vs no hobbies fight is going on for an entire day now. top tier unpopular opinion, kudos to
>>606309 for bringing this treat to the table.
No. 606896
>>606309I agree and disagree, because most people who list them are either worse than amateur tier shit at them or they’re lying completely just to seem interesting. If you have e.g. drawing as a hobby, tag it somewhere so likeminded people can find you and you and the people who clicked on that tag can actually draw together, why the hell would it be boring?
I wish people would get better at their hobby’s and/or would stop lying just to fit in. People who hate people with hobby’s are even worse social losers tbh. Just be yourself.
No. 606904
>>606893Vidya actually does require a good amount of problem solving and fine motor skills skills, adaptability and the ability to learn new things. Unless it's a literal mindless cinema game where you just press F to win the game you actually have to possess a pretty good combination of those skills to excel at a game. That's why normies keep crying about muh games being too hard and demanding an easy mode.
As for anime it can be a rewarding hobby too, just like any film format. And instead of just brainlessly consuming, I mean actually observing everything that goes into making a series, you can learn things related to art (like cinematography, character design and animation) and writing (story telling and scenarios for example). But of course edgy anon-chan goes straight into the "w-well neckbeard weeb gamer bros!!!!!!" part of the argument.
No. 606917
>>606909why yes it is, all my socials have "grammar nazi" in the bio it's all I ever talk about and it makes me better than a) people with no hobbies and b) people who don't know grammar
my unpopular opinion is that square nails look like shit if they're longer than the fingertip
No. 606921
>>606896This mentality sucks because hobbies are not supposed to be a career so there shouldn't be a pressure to be great at them. Also, it discards who dropped hobbies in the past and started fresh now so goodbye, chance of being a "pro".
Not that I would ever show lq stuff but if you say and don't show it's not good either.
This is largely the reason why I don't mention my hobbies at all and like another anon said, only reveal them to close people. It keeps them untouched, in a way.
No. 606990
>>606965I agree but they're packed with flavor.
Biting them hurts my fucking teeth.
No. 607065
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I don't think anime/cartoons dictate your sexuality.
>high school years discovering animus and mangos
>cringe showcase blogs on tumblr and wtfjapan were my shit back then
>read yuri doujins for the first time
>had thoughts about getting into a lesbian relationship
>looked up lesbo vids on pornhub
>got turned off because it looked gross tbh
>realize I prefer dick more
The more I think about it, the more that "3d pig disgusting, 2d for life" shit makes sense. And I think its a healthier outlet for sexual vents than going around having irl sex and risking HIV. Another evidence might be furries because those existed since the 90s. though there was some debacle of the bestiality cult, the ones who did the heavy lifting were furries themselves, trying to clean out the irl sex deviants from fucking up their safe fun times.
No. 607083
>>607065You sound like a pickme who has been spending too much time on 4chan
or a troon
No. 607257
corn is delicious, kettle
chips are not. A kettle chip is, like, 3× thicker than a regular chip, making it shatter like glass in the mouth rather crispy crunch dissolve in your mouth.
Fuck kettle chips.
No. 607300
>>607292I happened to read about bariatric surgery recently (I'm not fat, it was just curiosity), I was surprised because it doesn't seem like the easy way out at all. There are all these rules you have to follow for the rest of your life to prevent issues with your stomach, and they seem even more restrictive than normal calorie counting. Eg not using straws, no smoking, no ibuprofen, no drinking during or too close to meals, etc.
But of course, that just makes it all the more retarded if someone who is only moderately fat gets it so I guess I don't really disagree with you. It legit seems easier to just lose weight the normal way.
No. 607315
>>607311knew 1 who couldn't handle even online pictures while the other could at least handle killing them on sight without screaming their head off
All zombie content should have died in 2010-2015 the concept is so overdone. seems like it was made for neck beards who hoard guns and have a savior complex.
No. 607328
>>607300this is why they have a high failure rate compared to other surgeries. Fatties will stick to it for a few months then slide back into bad habits over the course of the next few years.
I knew a girl irl who got one at 22. She was 5'4" and around 300lbs. It was just pure laziness on her part. Now she's putting the weight back on because surgery doesn't unlearn bad habits.
No. 607331
>>607317What are you basing this off of? Do you go through each woman's history to see if she's "worth" whatever guy she's rejecting? Either way, expecting a man to treat you with respect =/= God treatment.
These are the same complaints scrotes make about FDS and it's purely because they're lazy and low value.
No. 607337
>>607331Not to mention that FDS does advocate self improvement and 'leveling up' yourself. It's assumed that whoever is posting isn't some greasy unwashed loser and does put effort into being presentable and having a good life, therefore she has the right to expect a guy to bring something equivalent to the table.
I do actually agree with anon saying
>They'll post text conversations of them showing no interest and being bland but also brag about blocking men who say "hey how are you"?though. I rarely get a good impression from those posts. I don't think anyone should go out of their way to entertain random guys on tinder with super long clever responses, so I can understand seeming bland over text. But a lot of the time the dudes just aren't that bad, and it's more likely that girl is just desperate for asspats and attention.
No. 607367
>>607365I smoke weed and I agree. It’s called skunk for a reason. It’s so embarrassing when people walk up in a public place stinking like weed, like just spray yourself down? Not hard.
It’s what I imagine Shayna smells like all the time, weed and sweat.
No. 607407
>>607387It's always been a /cgl/ offshoot, and /ot/ existed from the start, just with a different name. /r9k/ incel shit was present because males follow everywhere, but seen as separate from the original board's intent (which is why people wanted scrotes banned).
Lolcow and its predecessors would not exist if Moot hadn't proclaimed drama discussion off the table for /cgl/.
The point has never been to house /r9k/ spergs or "femcels", but that's what happened as a result of this place having a general discussion board, and /r9k/ users being obsessed with infiltrating and LARPing.
No. 607444
>>607431Lesbians face different discrimination issues than gay men. They're not comparable. Just because a lesbian has a lesser chance of being beaten up for holding hands in public doesn't mean they "have it easier", they still have to deal with homophobia and sexual harassment. I know of plenty of cases in which a man aggressively demands to be invited into a lesbian couple's sex life or they've been denied service due to being gay. Corrective rape is also a thing and lesbians are just as likely be disowned by their homophobic family than gay men are. And at least gay men don't have to deal with narcissistic men in dresses trying to co-opt their sexuality and pressure them into a relationship like lesbians do.
Not saying either one has it easier, the discrimination just manifests in a different way because much of the hate lesbians get is the product of general widespread misogyny. In a way it affects gay men too because the reason so many people think homosexuality is disgusting is because the man is taking "the role of the woman".
No. 607491
>>607331No, it's complaining about any date they're given that isn't an expensive and lavish restaurant all paid by the guy and anything else is worth blocking over, calling women pickmes for liking Applebee's, telling women to walk out on dates because they aren't taken to the most expensive restaurants, but putting no investment towards interest themselves.
Like the other anon said I don't believe women should go out their way to show interest in men but a lot of posted text posts are shown with the woman being bitchy and acting disinterested while also expecting to be chased but not really. In order for things to work it takes reciprocation from both parties, if you're on a dating app and siting around and wondering why you aren't having any luck while blocking men for not writing romance novels for their first message to you and being cold and complaining about everything to men who message you then you shouldn't be surprised that it doesn't work out
No. 607492
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>>607480Nah. There's just one problem currently plaguing it.
No. 607558
>>607491NTA but
>complain about not being taken to expensive and lavish restaurants It's about effort, anon. The reason why Applebee's is so frowned upon is because it's a thoughtless chain where scrotes
think they're saving money cause it's the easiest date they can come up with. When in fact, granted they don't live in the middle of nowhere, there's likely an equivalently priced restaurant that's far more unique and has superior food. It would require a guy actually attempting to get to know a woman (ie. asking her what her favorite food is, when she's available, etc) and doing his research, rather than using Applebee's as a blanket date. Don't you want a man who would take you to new places and look stuff up on his own volition? Who makes you feel like he saw something special about you? If you accept the Applebee's man…well, that will be your life if that's his best first impression. Get ready for cheap, thoughtless dates if you're not stuck nagging and planning the majority of them.
It seems shallow anon, but it's not. If a woman knows she brings a lot to the table then she won't worry about if the guy thinks she's worth the effort. Guess what? Men who don't think you're worth it won't keep you around for long anyway. Unlike us women who are socialized to be loyal and take bullshit from men until we're physically sick.
Let a man make the first move and prove himself. Women stand nothing to gain from a chase with a man who doesn't show adequate effort. IF women aren't having a lot of luck and find themselves blocking, it's because there's actually that many shit men out there looking to use them.
No. 607567
>>607174Thanks,i hate it.
>>607088Credit scores is an american invention and it's absolutely just a way to keep the consumerism mentality here.
No. 607618
>>607558Agreed to all of this.
Applebee's is also just bad. It's a more expensive McDonald's that appeals to boomers who want a sit-down restaurant while also getting the most standard, non-offensive food they can find. Most of it is frozen and heavy on salt. Even if you live in a small town, I guarantee there's a better restaurant nearby that's not serving mediocre frozen food. Anyone who's even slightly adventurous about food and wants to try new things doesn't keep chain restaurants in their back pocket for a date night.
No. 607717
>my dyke eyesAnon I love you
No. 607718
>>607595Jealousy is hard to overcome, I knew some poly couples years ago and witnessed all sorts drama over 'cheating' within those relationships, either over someone getting too emotionally attached to the new partner and neglecting the older one or simply breaking up because 'I know i can have you both but I actually just want her now'
Hats off to anyone who can manage the poly thing happily. I don't think I could personally.
No. 607721
>>607718That exact situation literally just happened to a friend of mine. She was dumped by the other two even though she was the original partner.
I was stoned and drunk so it took a pause and everything in me to respond appropriately instead of with, "well duh."
Of course all of them are kweer troons too. No. 607727
>>607709That's not what anon said at all.
>The reason why Applebee's is so frowned upon is because it's a thoughtless chain where scrotes think they're saving money cause it's the easiest date they can come up with. When in fact, granted they don't live in the middle of nowhere, there's likely an equivalently priced restaurant that's far more unique and has superior food.Applebee's is a no effort option with shitty food. You can absolutely find a better restaurant at a similar price point in most decently sized cities. Hotpot, pho, Spanish, kosher, literally anything that's not a generic chain.
No. 607731
>>607709>What kind of excuse is that? Wanting your date to show effort and be thoughtful is an excuse, huh.
>most of FDS is college aged womenCitation needed.
Absolutely no one said anything about 100 dollar entrées and you know you're exaggerating anyhow. Enjoy your Applebee's anon.
No. 607756
>>607752anon i'm 5'9" and i'm sick of moids insisting i'm 6'+ like my Doctors records for the last 2 decades are wrong. I had one guy call me an Amazon every time he saw me because his bitch ass was 5'5" like that's my fault. Then when I said shit about his height suddenly I'm a bitch because it's soooo hard for little guys out there. Like they don't always fucking attack first.
I'm dying at you getting out the tape measure.
No. 607758
>>607753Meanwhile no one indulges women in their insecurities like that. We're told to either change it, accept it, or shut up about it. If we look unconventional for the dating scene then we're just supposed to take it like champs when scrotes reject us, or use us for pump and dumps.
No, I'm not gonna baby a scrote because he's gotta live with being the height of an average woman. If he feels small and belittled, well, welcome to the realities that the majority of women face every day as far as I'm concerned.
No. 607760
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>>607752KEK I'm sorry that happened to you anon but manlets are incredible
No. 607767
>>607746Too bad anon deleted this kek.
FDS isn't the problem, it's a reaction from women constantly being told that having standards means you're a shallow, conceited gold digger. Women are told to be grateful for Netflix and chill, low-effort "dates," and men who can barely groom themselves. Bottom of the barrel men constantly act like they deserve model-tier virgins who will be both bangmaid and mommy, but seethe at anyone who dares want a man over 5'11", uwu such unrealistic standards.
Average women
do need higher standards. Maybe FDS isn't perfect, but it's better than being a pickme bragging about her 32 year old fuckboy taking her to goddamn Applebee's.
No. 607775
>>607727Not everybody grew up a food critic, plus a lot of people genuinely like Applebee's. Chains are chains because people like them. Not everyone is a food snob
>>607731If more money = more effort to you then you have a problem. Also needing a citation when half these women talk about their classes and school? Kek. Why would anybody, male or female, put tons of thought and money on a first date with someone they recently met off of an app? Especially since these women don't seem interested either and expect to be chased, have money spent on them, and have the guys read their mind and take them to a restaurant all while the women don't speak up, don't put in effort to get the know the guy, nothing. Whether you like it or no one, male or female, is going to put excruciating amounts of effort, especially for a first date. And if you want expensive exclusive restaurants as well as expecting to be chased, have everything provided for you, have the other person pull everything for you, and so on then the dating game isn't for you, not even a sugar daddy would be enough for you
No. 607791
>>607775NTA, but… do you even read the posts you respond to? Genuine question.
I just checked that FDS sub, went thru a few pages, and there were no threads about college/classes, but there were some mentioning work environment. Like… girl. C'mon. Lying to make a point is embarrassing.
No. 607794
>>607775where is this fucking effort about money when it comes to women's looks? We're expected to dress and look good all the time but apparently that's all free? Men have to throw on deodorant, a bit of hair styling product and tend to their facial hair IF they even bother with that. These guys would flip shit if a woman turned up to the first date in leggings and no makeup with their hair in a bun on top of their head. On top of that they make more anyway. They can spring for the fucking meal or I might not be in the mood to make him look good in public and he can date some low-class pick me trash like you instead.
Also men who don't date everything they think they might be able to fuck and build a relationship up via communication before the date are the type that spend a decent amount on the first date. But men want to move off texting etc and go straight to the first date without even a phone call. Because they want to see if you'll put out. And what's the point in spending money on a girl that might not put out?
You have scrote mentality.
No. 607803
>>607775>more money = more effortWhy do you keep lying and misrepresenting the argument tho?
No one said this. In fact, I distinctly said that other creative restaurants and ideas can be had for the same price if not cheaper.
>why would anyone put tons of thought and money on a first date with someone they recently met off of an app?This would only piss off people who are spinning multiple dates. You're supposed to be selective and have had conversation beforehand enough to where you are invested to want to present nicely and make a good impression. Makeup isn't cheap, but women still wear it and buy new clothes as we are expected to when dating.
Anyway you must be baiting cause you just keep repeating the same things over and over that have been debunked for you repeatedly. Are you the same anon in the other thread pretending you've got friends and so you keep around a lolcow to talk shit about? So boring.
No. 607804
>>607791>>607791I've browsed FDS for a long time, you browsed it for a day. And if you truly believe FDS is filled with middle aged women or career women I'd like to see you prove that
>>607794If you have a natural nice face, nice skin, and nice body then you do not need to spend much if any at all. My closet is full of thrifted but flattering clothes, my makeup collection is probably less than 20$, my skincare is less than 20$, and I don't blow money on hair or bath products and when I was dating I've easily been offered high end dates all paid for, I just wouldn't be that psycho if Applebee's was a suggestion. If you blow a lot of money for your looks and expect to be reimbursed with expensive food by men you barely know that's your own issue. Also I'm a "lowclass pickme" because I don't have a weird inner hatred with Applebee's? I'd honestly rather be that, happy and in a good relationship instead of expecting the world to be given to me with nothing to offer.and if you're that pissed I think it's ridiculous for FDS to expect to be worshipped when they put no effort in relationships then go to a sugar daddy site.
PS if you truly believe the men you are dating would up and leave if you don't spend tons of money on your looks then vanity is your own problem and you either need to drop the dating game or find better men
No. 607807
>>607794Nta but if you're getting all dressed up because 'a man doesn't want to take you out without make up and done up hair' then isn't that bad and not even worth the free dinner? I don't own make up, my hair is an inch long and I'm low maintenance. You can opt out of expensive beauty standards if you want to rather than going along with them but then wanting reimbursement through similarly expensive dates.
I resent the whole culture of women spending hours on appearance so I just won't do, not for anything or anyone. Just opt out if you want.
No. 607808
>>607804None of us care if you love Applebee's and spend a monthly budget of $20 on Wish. Just don't have a crabs in the bucket mentality for women who've got higher standards than you. Don't be mad.
>>607805Anon I want to assure you that your posts here anyway are very obvious and absolutely no one is confused lmao.
No. 607814
>>607808>Pretending wish is the only way possible to get decently priced itemKek
>Just don't have a crabs in the bucket mentality for women who've got higher standards than you. It's not high standards, it's that you have nothing to offer in return besides vanity. And financial irresponsibility apparently too
No. 607818
>>607804Ok? Just keep doing you and being the perfect low maintenance struggle bitch of your dreams. Don’t preach to women with higher standards. Have fun staying in, eating takeouts, and watching your bf play video games lmao
I’m sure men cherish a cool, laid back chick and will never do you wrong!
No. 607823
>>607775>implying you're a food snob for not wanting processed, frozen Applebee's foodIf you want a burger or basic American food, I can guarantee there are better local restaurants that aren't the quality of frozen TV dinners. Chain restaurants are designed to get food out fast at the expense of quality. Almost everything is microwaved.
Love yourselves, anons.
No. 607832
>>607822No. I'm saying it's your own fault if you aren't financially smart with maintaining yourself
Thrifted clothes are cheap and if you know how to style your body type then an outfit is less than a few bucks, drugstore products are just as good and there's no reason you need to haul makeup, if you have a low maintenance hair style all you really need to do is wash, curl/straighten and go, if even that, Ivory or dove soaps are good and cheap, and like makeup, drugstore skincare is just as good especially if you also take care of your diet
Water is cheap and sometimes free,it's easy to find cheap and healthy meals and going for jogs and workouts are free. No one is asking you to spend tons of money to look good. If you show up to a date with glowing skin, a nice body, and looking well polished men aren't going to ask for receipts of everything to prove that you have spent enough money on your looks to be worthy of fine dining
>>607823Lmao where did you get that from? If that was the case then there would be no kitchen staff
No. 607833
>>607825What level of maintenence needs to go into being presentable for a date?
When you're actually dating you'll be waking up next to this person with morning breath and bed hair. You'll see them when you have the flu. Where is your future with a guy that vain?
No. 607834
>>607823A local burger/italian joint isn't even that more expensive that applebees it just requires effort on the scrotes part to look up reviews etc. but god forbid the women here expect effort from men in any way
>>607807gimpgirl555 that you?
No. 607837
>>607832you don't understand socialization at all, do you? You are so fucking stupid reading your posts hurt
>>607833that's not what was asked
No. 607841
wow at the anons in here pretending males dont make women feel shit about not wearing makeup or dressing up
>>607832>drugstore products are just as good this is such bullshit take your larp back to pull
No. 607847
>>607836Oh? Then why are all the high value women of FDS not getting dates then?
>>607837>Insulting instead of explainingTypical bitter farmer
>>607834Applebee's is famous for a reason, because people like going to eat there. It's not like they're taking you to get stale McDonald's. It's just to some people Applebee's is good, and if you think you're too good for that then instead of going psycho when Applebee's is a suggestion just explain but I see you can't take disagreements without losing your shit.
>>607841>You're the tranny!!!>As if tranny's haven't been complete makeup snobsProfessional makeup artists use and recommend drug store products, even celebrities resort to using drugstore products. You're literally just proving your delusional snobbiness
No. 607855
>>607847>Applebee's is famous for a reason>It's not it's McDonald's>samefagging three times >>607848 >>607850
>>607851 directly after posting
sis is the real reason you've been in here for hours doing this because you're mad we don't love applebees like you do? go have your dates with your nigel at your local neighbourhood grill. We just want slightly better for ourselves kek
No. 607858
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I imagine corporate from Applebee's making their last stand on obscure internet forums hoping to tap into that cheap trad crowd by shaming women for wanting dates at better restaurants. It's much funnier.
No. 607866
Holy samefag batman
Wtf bitch, just keeping sucking the first dick that offers you the famous Applebees coupon. Don’t worry about other women holding out for $$$$ on yelp balcony views. Quality > quantity
>>607858This honestly makes more sense than everything else. Even gimpgirl can’t shill that shit hole this hard.
No. 607867
>>607855Literally NTA. I saw this post on the front page while scrolling by and it was so fucking embarrassing that I had to respond.
You're absolutely retarded to believe that only one person on this site isn't going to roll their eyes at some materialistic idiot blaming their make-up addiction on men.
>>607850Lmao based.
No. 607868
>>607855That's not the issue, it's that you think having Applebee's being suggested to you is a reason to walk out and ghost people. I'm not telling you or forcing you to like Applebee's but you act like someone saying they like Applebee's means you have to fight them to death. It's an Applebee's, not hell. If you're that immature that Applebee's
triggers you then you need help more than you need a date
But nobody can possibly comprehend that some people simply grew up different and didn't lurk the internet as much as you to hate Applebee's. Most people who stray away from the internet either don't care for it or go there when they just have cravings for it. No reason to flip out and ghost men for even suggesting Applebee's to you. What is wrong with you?
No. 607869
>>607867anon you deserve your cover girl foundation and sizzly shrimp
>>607867>>607868you realize it's easy to tell you're samefagging, right?
No. 607871
>>607866>I think it's immature to go psycho when someone likes Applebee's>wtf you suck dick to everyone who offers you Applebee's????Well you can add "Applebee's as a
trigger word" on the long list as if why you're the highest value woman of them all
No. 607874
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OP right now
No. 607877
>>607869>people can't have the same opinions or a similar writing styleDo you see me in here accusing YOU of samefagging because more than one person ITT is making fun of Applebees and agrees with you? Get over yourself lmao.
I literally don't even know what this entire conversation is about, for the record. I'm just telling you to take some responsibility for your retarded opinions and stop blaming others.
No. 607885
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>>607883Anon needs that little Apple logo next to all her posts.
No. 607886
>>607858>>607860>>607874>>607881Fucking lmao.
And yes, Applebee's is literally grocery store frozen food quality for anyone wondering. Most chains are. I worked at a similar restaurant and knew plenty of cooks/servers from there. There are some AskReddit threads with employees, almost all their food is prepackaged/frozen. The "cooks" just put it together.
No. 607896
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>>607888Anon, honest to fuck, high school freshman have better comebacks than this. You couldn't make it more clear that you're too angry to actually engage in a discussion with anybody. You need to leave the thread and just cool off at this point.
No. 607898
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>>607889How are you gonna whine about anons accuse you of samefag but then act like it's only one bitch taking the piss out of your Boomer McDonald's sperg? It's the least you owe us to be entertaining.
No. 607907
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>>607896op can you tell us about your local applebees? we don't have one around here so i skip right to letting my dates rawdog me in the park
No. 607910
>>607908apparently a lot of people are offended by coffee dates. They think it's too low effort and implies you want to do something short in case you don't like the other person.
You can never win I guess. I LOVEE coffee dates. I love the environment, the coffee, and that there's no beating around the bush. You either connect, or you don't. And you don't have to feel awkward about letting the other person pay or not offering to pay because it's literally a few dollars.
No. 607916
>>607910i think part of the prblem is we're not distinguishing first dates vs couple dates
coffee dates are acceptable first dates
No. 607917
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Some chain restaurants are actually pretty good. Never been disappointed at an Outback Steakhouse.
No. 607928
>>607920exactly, a broke scrote can make up for not having money by putting effort in a fun stimulating Experience for you
I was taken on a drive to stargaze, he brought a telescope, a bottle of wine and a blanket, even bug spray and flash light, it was clear how thoughtful he was 9/10
low value males want to have the low cost and low effort cake and eat it too
No. 607953
>>607944Agree with all of this. I'm uncomfortable with even my boyfriend of 3 years paying for me, even though he makes more than me. I was in a relationship with someone before him who actually slowly dominated me financially to the point that I was almost completely dependent on him by the end of things. It was horrible and took me a really long time to regain my independence after getting out of that relationship.
I get the need to distance yourself from deadbeat scrotes, but there are also those who will use the fact that they are more financially stable than you and take advantage of that. I think it's actually really important to split the bill in at least the early stages of the relationship to avoid either scenario.
No. 607979
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>>607927>>607966Jojo is good because it's fun, and exactly as the name states, it's bizarre and there are adventures. I always found the art style very appealing (Stardust Crusaders and onwards) but didnt know how to get into it. I've started watching anime (part one) but it was weird, not exciting at all, so I though maybe just the art style is cool but there's nothing special about the story and left it. But then I've accidentally seen a fight from the middle of part 3 (in which stands are introduced) and that was it for me, I'm a huge fan now. The concept of stands and weirdness of characters and battles and designs is really entertaining and it deserves all the popularity it got. Just the two first parts are very basic, I know the JJBA purists will hate the suggestion, but in my opinion it's best to skip them and jump right into Stardust Crusaders.
But if
>>607927 anon doesn't like the art style at all it's all subjective in the end, pointless to force yourself into liking something that doesn't appeal to your tastes.
No. 607991
>>607967Is this a capitalist or western thing? I have never felt indebted because someone paid for a date lol I'm financially independent, I foot half the rent but aside from that I don't pay for anything else kek I buy him gifts when I feel like it.
Maybe it's the culture. The women in my family are in charge of allocating the funds, be it groceries or vacations or renovations. I think our men have it easy like this, they just need to hand the credit card while we do all the thinking and budgeting.
No. 607992
>>607983Fair enough, but we agree that part one can be skipped (or left for later) for the sake of more exciting introduction to the series though?
In general I think idea of stands is what makes Jojo special, and starting with Crusaders worked best for me.
No. 607993
>>607966Good things about jojo (this is my completely subjective list): it's so fun to read, the stand abilities are interesting and make for interesting battles where you never know what crazy thing is going to happen next, the characters are amazing, there is an overall extra feeling about everything (which might be annoying to some but I love it) like a character just randomly stopping to explain something like how to make pancakes or going on a monologue about taking napkins from a table or the difference in body temperature between men and women and then they use random facts like that to actually win the battle. And the best part is how everyone acts so completely serious about all the outlandish stuff going on.
Bad things about jojo: after part 4 everyone looks like a clown, most of the characters are male (it gets better after part 5), a lot of ally characters dying happens.
Now don't feel obligated to watch/read it just because people are saying you should, but you shouldn't disregard it as just another boring shounen manga for normies
No. 607994
>>607979i used to adore jojo but the art is baffling. he has a strong style and it's all very unique but the anatomy is so bad, you'd think the man never looked at reference…despite constantly referencing fashion magazines. just compare phantom blood dog VS jojolion dog…c'mon man
>>607980i have trouble watching anime because of this, at least not the more mainstream stuff. if it's more chill and less cartoonish (so to speak) i can power through it, but every voice acting trope makes me cringe.
satoshi kon movies are great but every time a character does the i'm-surprised-so-i-have-to-make-a-retarded-exaggerated-gasp/choking-sound thing, i die a little inside.
No. 608001
>>607752God anon, how often I wished I could have done that already, savage lol
That's one of the worst things about being so tall, I'm constantly accused of being a liar. When I was a kid nobody believed my real age and now every single man I meet immediately demands to know my height and then continues to lecture me on why I must be wrong because clearly his 170cm-ass is totally 185cm but I'm taller than him and therefore 178cm-me must be like 2 metres. Sometimes this fucks so much with my mind that I'm starting to think they might be right. It's especially difficult because of course those dudes can easily claim that it's me who's insecure and that I therefore try and make myself appear smaller. But 178cm is already so gigantic, it's very rare that a woman is this tall, much less even taller, yet those guys always act like I'm the guiness world record.
I think height is so easy to tell by proportions alone, they're not fooling anybody. Same as it should be easy to see that I'm not some kind of freak either.
No. 608016
>>607992What got me hooked was how much of a little shit Dio is ever since he shows up. I wouldn't have liked part 3 as much as I do if I didn't see Jonathan beat the fuck of Dio first in part 1. But yeah, part 1 is short but all these scenes between
when Dio becomes a vampire until the final battle between Jonathan and Dio in the castle felt like a drag.
No. 608018
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i hate when ppl regularly tell me about their dreams.
i find it so weird like dreams aren't real? so why tf do ppl think i give a shit about made up stuff that happened in their head while they were asleep? people should gain some self awareness and simply shut up.
and i'm not talking about people who once in a while mention a bizarre dream they had. it's people who constantly tell me about their latest dream as if i'm asking for updates. bitch i'm not!!!
No. 608031
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>>608018me too. u indulge a bitch once by acting enthusiastic about their weird dream and before u know it ur their sentient dream journal.
No. 608037
>>608032That's not the point anon, it is rare for women, even in Europe. They always try to make me out to be a ridiculous height, like how many 190cm+ women do you know? What are the chances that I am one of them?
Sometimes I wonder whether they have deluded themselves into genuinely believing they're really that much taller than their actual height…
No. 608077
>>605049get a grip. 178cm is somewhat above average in europe lmao girl you aren't that tall! if someone makes negative remarks about your height stop talking to them. this shouldn't be a problem unless you are into men with height insecurities and incel mentalities
one of my friends is 184 cm. do men care? no because she is good looking and has a pleasant personality. and the men she talks with aren't losers. both men taller and shorter than her are attracted to her (her bf is the same height as her).
be proud of your height. i'm about 173 cm but wish i was taller.
No. 608342
>178cm is somewhat above average i EuropeThe average woman in Europe is like 167. Somewhat above average would be appropriate terms for someone in the 170-175 range.
To tall distressed anon, be proud. I'd say you're in that perfect definitely tall but not distractingly so area.
No. 608379
>>608311But, anon… This is Death Grips tier! They're different from the
other troons, it's supposed to sound bad!
No. 608453
>>608287It's just weird. I don't like it either. It makes me feel old and like I've lost touch with what's considered cool these days
>>608311I didn't even realize half these people were troons and have always felt their music was trash. I could never get into Arca either despite trying multiple times. I like experimental electronic music but this shit is literally unlistenable
No. 608461
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I hate these fucking cookies. Literally the worst cookie and I don’t know why they’re so many peoples favorites.
No. 608493
>>608481I agree. My bfs sister is a BPD fat-chan and shits insufferable, she also blames everything for her fatness, saying that its all fatphobias fault and fat men have it easy while she's catfishing people with voice and filters kek.
Also whenever I'd befriend a fat girl / woman my age or mid 20s they would always be
toxic for some odd reason even though I'd never hurt them or anything.
I did met one expectation of a nice fat woman irl! She is actually dating a german model. She is super sweet and bubbly. Also a vlogger from recent fashion thread posts is nice too.
Elderly women or just nice old women that actually got their shit together in head are very cute and nice.
No. 608495
>>608489I agree with
>>608487 but yeah, I'm inclined to believe anachans have worse personalities just based on experiences with them. That said, it's possible there are just as many fat women who pretend they're not fat/LARP as skinny online for a chance to make fun of other women's weight, you can never really know on an imageboard.
>>608493>BPDIs there some kind of correlation between being overweight and having BPD? I swear.
>saying that its all fatphobias fault and fat men have it easy while she's catfishing people with voice and filtersSurely if she was actually proud to be fat and felt comfortable in her body, she wouldn't need filters. Kek.
No. 608504
>>608495She is also doing her best to make sure that all of her friends know that she is traditional and right-wing, surronding herself around men who unironically say that a woman belongs in the kitchen and make a lot of sexual jokes while she is out there, admittedly being boosted by then in OW.
At first I felt horrible for her because she broke up long time ago, just to late realize _why_ her ex had to run away from her. She is very
toxic and insecure, I tried handling her before but it did not work because dealing with BPD people, especially the ones who throw hissy fits on dinner tables if they are not the center of attention is just… not worth your time.
No. 608510
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I don't know if this is THAT unpopular but Nazi uniforms are really attractive. Military outfits in general are very attractive imo. The Nazis themselves can die though.
No. 608516
>>608510This isn't an unpopular opinion. If anything, saying they don't look good is a controversial statement. People say shi like "Yeah, they
were the bad guys, but those Hugo Boss uniforms though" Why do you think nazi fetishes exist?
I have to agree with you, they do look good, but it's a typical thing of wehraboos to point at ss uniforms to be the first example of "muh Nazi efficiency", so they're kind of associated with neckbeardery in my mind forever now, which I suppose is a good thing.
No. 608575
>>608570im infj and i feel called out. i literally cry 5 hours when someone says 1 mean thing to me.
do you guys think you can change your personality type by trying real hard? i swear E_F_ types i have met are always so nice to be around
No. 608593
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>>608570Nta but the only accurate thing about the debunked MBTI is the stereotypes it has spawned through people latching onto the idea of the personality types without actually taking the test, then parading their type in their bios like it gives them depth of personality, or makes it anymore factual. Accumulation of labels seems to be an attractive past time nowadays, but I don't see them as anything tangible.
Every pick me I've met gravitates towards the few rarest types. The selfish tards I've met ofc gravitate towards the most compassionate. The emotional man-children tend to pick the most objective and logical. From my perspective it's all projection, and that's ignoring the fact the test isn't scientifically accurate from the beginning.
Also please excuse my sperg, and don't let my options dissuade you for enjoying the MBTI recreationally. To tell you the truth, I was just waiting from someone to write "INTJ" so I could post this meme…
No. 608600
>>608579Most people I know who've taken the test again get the same result
I think MBTI and astrology is a fun theory and people who bitch about how it's not rooted in fact are more annoying than anyone I've met who like to talk about their MBTI or zodiac for fun honestly.
No. 608607
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>>608593those are some really accurate observations anon. i think MBTI is a fun idea, and i definitely understand why people gravitate towards stuff like that (pic related) but it's just not for me.
however, lately i've been trying to understand myself better so i took a couple mbti tests and got istp. did not relate but fair enough, i went into the r/istp subreddit to see if there was anything helpful there. not really, but nothing super weird either. decide to go into the other mbti subs bc curious and holy fuk. it's like everyone is just larping as whatever type they got. its mostly INxx types doing this but jesus its ridiculous. not sure what they're trying to prove. there also seems to be a weird thing against people w/ S instead of N.
the intj subreddit in particular is hilarious, though. honestly a good read.
No. 608808
>>608718skinny short / medium height guys with cute faces are infinitely hotter than the conventionally handsome tall men for me
the men i've been attracted to in real life were all around 5'5 - 5'8
No. 608877
>>608797Same. I’m too afraid of being harvested for organs by vulture ass doctors despite my body being able to be revived
It might be unpopular, the lady at the dmv got kind of weird with me when I clarified that I didn’t check the donor box on purpose
No. 608912
>>608790I feel like cody hasn't changed but noel has. if you watch old vids of theirs noel seems to really be putting on his current accent and mannerisms. he sounded a lot more like a stereotypical nerd in old vids like the that's cringe: russ edition. it's possible he's being more authentic now and was putting on his personality then but idk it feels like he's leaning into the whole "ambiguous ethnic brown dude" thing his fans keep playing up.
I definitely agree on the "repeating things that aren't funny" point. they have a tendency to beat every dead horse they come across. they're funny people imo but they don't know when to stop.
No. 608934
>>608801Because I don't know if brain dead means dead or if you are dying. And I don't want to be pumped with hormones so that my flesh stays fresh and then later be cut open and get harvested when I'm in the process of dying.
If it would mean that I don't get donated organs because I wouldn't donate my own, I'd be ok with that.
Also I live in a first world country but I'm sure our doctors are corrupt too
No. 608939
>>608790Imo Noel is way overhyped.
Maybe it's just me but I feel like lately Cody have been sort of fake laughing or pretending to be more interested in what Noel is saying in the Podcasts on youtube, and I feel the same.
I've watched Cody a lot longer than Noel but Noel makes a lot of unfunny purely sexual jokes and "I hate my wife" kind of jokes, maybe it's just me though.
I prefer him on twitch over YouTube.
Also nitpick but his British accent he constantly inglt does is so annoying.
No. 609069
>>609044I watched one of her videos and she couldn't even say a coherent sentence she kept stumbling over her words and being overly emotive. Anyone can sit in front of a camera and go " can't. No. You mean to tell me tha-no. uh uh" what are you saying exactly?
And yes, she's said some wild shit.
No. 609141
>>609133Oh, it didn't actually. I'll be less judgmental of the bee-fearers among us. (Even so, shrieking isn't helping anyway and still irks me).
Sorry for being inconsiderate, anon.
No. 609217
>>609044EXACTLY. Also i hate how she was sooo into the "Karen" meme because it was about white women. yeah there are some racist white women but how can she ignore all the times men use karen for no reason at all? she has the "they deserve it" attidude towards white women. im not even white btw (middle eastern here) but that shit annoys me.
also the "not liking beyonce = racist" thing. for some reason everything is a race issue with her.
(time to promote my fave black female content creator: courtreezy.)
No. 609220
>>609216I have conflicted feelings about the words slut, whore and the alikes.
I never really understood what they're even supposed to mean, an actual prostitute, a woman who dresses skimpily, a promiscuous woman, any unlikeable woman, what is it?
I am a virgin that has never had been in a relationship and the only people who have called me a whore seriously were men who were interested in me and got rejected me, or found out I was interested in a man they don't like and I think that's very telling.
I didn't feel offended about their name calling because they were clearly just butthurt.
No. 609239
>>608912anon saaame. soft spoken boys/men are so nice to be around. some men really speak harsh. it feels they're arguing with you no matter what they say.
i like when guys speak quietly and smoothly. wish they did that more often.
No. 609242
>>608632kdramas and their interviews sound awful with some of the sounds played out too much. the regular talking is at least fine on its own without the seething kksstth sound
japanese interviews sound fine, but I dislike when they pause so much, sounds awkward
both being played up for tv is so unnatural
No. 609244
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I don't wanna sound like an incel but anytime I see an egirl/eboy I am immediately disgusted and put off by their appearance, especially if They re "goth" the goth bitches always got the most to say, but you're not a goth you stupid bitch, you're as basic as the lulu lemon girls you put down but you just wear a lot of ugly eyeliner they are so annoying they always virtue signal on social media not to mention how woke Twitter/modern social justice isn't even that progressive because it's mostly caping for sex workers and troons. The style is ugly and the people in it are usually annoying
No. 609251
>>609244i used to think they are cringy but i realized i have a guilty pleasure for some e-boys's styles and their sexually suggestive tik toks. kms
i like the curtained hair, all black clothes, grunge-y look with chains on guys
No. 609260
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>>609253I think she's almost back at her lowest weight? But idk. She looks really unwell again and her home situation is obviously shady.
No. 609266
>>609260>her home situation is obviously shadyI've seen this video recently where she was streaming and she called her mother - who was in another room -
on her cellphone to ask for her permission to
go upstairs…I's fucking weird
No. 609273
>>609219>get robbedOr raped etc…?
People need a chill pill. So long it’s just venting or meant funny at most they’re just classless. I hope one day we’ll live in a world where we get more mature.
No. 609312
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The PDA browlift trend in plastic surgery needs to die. People look ridiculous with pulled eyebrows and the procedure is dangerous, the threads that they use can snap during things like sneezing or exercising
No. 609314
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>>609312It looks bad on most people but I think Bella Hadid really pulls it off
No. 609346
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>>609335I was about to agree with that anon, but then I saw this picture. I've never found her attractive before (she usually just looks like any actress in her 30s or so to me), but now I guess it's just that heavy makeup, long hair and hyper-feminine aesthetics kind of muddy things. Stylists destroying a good surgeon's hard work, shameful.
Gigi Hadid is completely unimpressive, though.
No. 609405
>>609346Is my english bad or do I just not understand what you’re trying to say?
>>609314Looks bad after but better before. (I think she’s still had surgery in the before picture though). Before just needed the same makeup in after picture tbh.
No. 609418
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>>609335are you kidding? she's botched
No. 609422
i wish scene wouldnt come back. it was super fucking cringe when it first happened.
>>609418yea its super obvious she has had a whole lot of stuff done. she looks awful
No. 609526
>>609502on the topic of muscular guys, although im not into them that much:
muscular and no facial hair: good
muscular with facial hair: no, caveman, go away
No. 609593
>>609574The way the media is showcasing this is proof that there's some kind of war against trans people is very deceiving. I strongly don't believe what happened had anything to do with being trans and hoards of men? It was just one idiot scrote that attacked on of them along with another band of scrotes recording and laughing. Trans people experience the least violence out of every demographic on the planet, but will still cry abut how hard it is to have free plastic surgery and people sucking on you ass for being "brave".
No. 609600
>>609574The guys who did this are fucking shit for sure though
What kind of retard films this shit and their own faces? lmao
the zoom in on the giant feet tho No. 609613
>>608968I was never a believer but used to think it was fun. Now I hate it because I got turned down as a potential roommate in a cheap place that would let me have a super short commute because I'm a Saggitarius.
I definitely dodged a bullet by not living with those people, but still.
No. 609648
>>609613This actually happened with my old roommates. When I moved out, the girl who was supposed to take my room got rejected for being a fucking Pisces or some shit. They wound up not finding someone "acceptable" for another few months and paying extra rent.
You didn't just dodge a bullet, you dodged a fucking atomic bomb. Anyone who cares that much about your birthday is a moron in more ways than one.
No. 609690
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>>609672No. Die mad while we have fun, though xoxo
No. 609857
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>>609762Most people I talk astrology with know their big three, whether they know from their own interests or I ask them their birth place and time like one of those bitches kek.
But yeah. I know my big three and that my chart is extremely water dominant with a stellium (3+ sign placements in a house) in both Pisces and Scorpio, blah blah. It’s something I find interesting and accurate for myself and lots of other people I know, but I also absolutely take it all with a grain of salt and just have fun with it more than anything bc people are ultimately still individuals. Have this annoying ass thing I did earlier today ♥
No. 609860
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>>609857Samefag the only sign I judge a bit/am weary of is Sag’s but that’s me being butthurt and bitter about a Sag breaking my tender Pisces heart and noticing all the negative Sag traits aligned with the ways he hurt my feewings.
No. 609876
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>>608670Short guys are either cute as hell or look like an MMORPG dwarf
No. 609956
>>609613i'm sorry
nonnie this is terrible but also so funny lmao i love astrology but good lord what a band of assholes you avoided
fwiw i luv sagittarians… i woulda let you come live with me. i live with two pisces dominants atm and the lack of direct communication makes me wanna kms some days
No. 609959
>>609657scorpio suns make the absolute best friends if you can handle a little drama… loyal and never afraid to talk a little shit where needed. people hate on scorpio suns bc they see through others' bullshit and they don't like getting called on it.
scorpio moons on the other hand are some of the most pathological manipulators i've ever met… sorry
>>609687 i'm sure ur an exception…
No. 610003
>>609967youre right about everything
>>609969exactly kek blackpink is the worst kpop group ever not one redeeming song theyre all awful. all they have is looks and thats it, theyve done more photoshoots than anything music related lol
No. 610004
>>610001This is an immature take that will probably even out with age.
Obesity isn’t attractive, no. But hourglass shapes and curves are signs of fertility and health. They’re also more naturally common after women have children. There’s no reason to be angry with a body type that has existed since forever just because it’s trendy to customize, buy, and over-exaggerate now.
No. 610007
>>610001this isn't true in any way but ok.
You're thinking of modified curvy bodies and curvy girls that have no curves that go INWARD aka they are fat. Naturally, having curves is a sign of childbearing, whether you decide to have kids or not, it's how healthy bodies are supposed to look.
No. 610009
>>610007You can have "curves" and still be lean. "Curves" are determined by bone structure (how wide-set your hips are compared to your ribcage/shoulders).
Since when is childbearing the only point of being a woman? I think it makes sense to also consider pure aesthetics, not just what is biologically appealing to a male looking to propagate his genetic line.
No. 610010
>>610009Not that anon, but
>I think it makes sense to also consider pure aesthetics, not just what is biologically appealing to a male looking to propagate his genetic linePure aesthetics can unfortunately also be influenced by patriarchal beauty standards, and they're subject to change over time.
No. 610012
>>610008What does the way I look have anything to do with it? I know I look fine. I’m just an ex-ana that used to be repulsed by the female form too and eventually grew up because it’s childish and silly.
Also your post on an anonymous forum being challenged doesn’t automatically mean that the other person isn’t relaxed btw, common sense.
No. 610013
>>610009> Since when is childbearing the only part of being a womanAnon literally said whether you choose to have them or not…
Biologically our body's are built to bear children. Let's not get mad at science now…
No. 610029
>>610010I have literally never found fuller bodies attractive in my life. There are a few personal exceptions to this rule (women who have "larger" bodies whom I still find attractive) but that's really in spite of their size, not because of it.
>>610012OK, as long as you know you look fine.
>it’s childish and sillySpeak for yourself.
>>610013There is a wide range of what is considered "healthy" that is not aesthetically appealing. Health is not always an indicator of beauty. I know plenty of hideous people who are in perfect shape.
>>610020Yes, a matter of personal taste is obviously due to insecurities. I've never had a body type that's been "on trend" anyway, so it doesn't really matter to me what is "on trend".
No. 610037
>>610029It is childish and silly. It will always be childish and silly.
In a few years time, you’ll remove the gigantic stick from out of your asshole and find much better things to occupy your thoughts and
trigger your gag relax.
No. 610039
>>610009NTA, but women are naturally predisposed to carry more body fat than men (this doesn't mean women are supposed to be fat, inb4 you get carried away), on top of naturally having curves in the body. It doesn't make them "disproportionate". In fact, it's the opposite. A body with almost no fat, but bone structure clearly meant to carry it would be rather disproportionate.
None of this applies if you just meant you think men's bodies look better than women's, in which case, that's your opinion (although it's a weird one).
No. 610042
>>610036OPs rage seems totally
valid if they’re referring to augmented bodies. It’s only a weird opinion if it’s about natural bodies and a chimp out over womanhood/ not everyone having andro body types.
No. 610044
File: 1597980521312.jpeg (72.34 KB, 564x564, proxy-image (3).jpeg)

>>610032Recent pics of Rihanna come to mind. She had a beautiful body before.
>>610035>thick thighsThat isn't lean.
>At least the look right now is more accepting to the most common body type.Why is it important to accept the common body type? The average person isn't attractive at all. The whole point of being attractive is being above average/uncommon.
>>610037OK anon. Congrats on your recovery.
>>610039I'm not talking 0% (or otherwise very low) body fat, that's unrealistic and does look awful. I'm talking about people who just look "swollen" for lack of a better term
No. 610052
>>610044>Why is it important to accept the common body typeAre you serious? Because if the common body type is a healthy one and not overweight people trying to defend their body, it should be shown in media.
> The average person isn't attractive at all> The whole point of being attractive is being uncommon/above averagekek, can you stop inserting personal warped opinion as fact. Also can you not use photoshopped images to make an argument?
No. 610053
>>610052The COMMON body type in America IS unhealthy/overweight though lol
OP truly has an unpopular opinion, it seems. But I get what they are saying. All y’all sound angry that some people find a lean body type more attractive.
Probably the type to tell your slightly chubby friends “omg but you’re not even fat, you’re already beautiful!”
Sounds like part if it is wanting others to stay at your average/slightly dumpy level so no one raises the bar of expectations.
No. 610054
>>610047I was using "lean" in the same way as one would use "slender".
>>610050>fit Please read above when I said
>There is a wide range of what is considered "healthy" that is not aesthetically appealing. Health is not always an indicator of beauty. I know plenty of hideous people who are in perfect shape. I think I need to remind everyone here that there is a middle point between androgynous and thick.
>>610052>it should be shown in mediaI don't think so. Why would anyone turn to media if you can just see an average person outside? I personally consume media specifically to see things I don't see normally. This includes exceptional beauty.
>kek, can you stop inserting personal warped opinion as fact.Being attractive means that you are on the upper part of the bell curve. This inherently means that you are
above average. I shouldn't have to explain this to you.
>Also can you not use photoshopped images to make an argument?I wasn't aware that was photoshopped, but it helped me get my point across. I would even say that the picture is a little bigger than the lower bound of what I would call "thick".
>>610053I've gotten similar reactions in similar threads with that exact opinion before. People really get up in arms about it. I'm guessing it's some sort of "everyone deserves to feel beautiful" sentiment.
No. 610056
File: 1597981375630.jpg (91.07 KB, 477x1000, bd9ee1f0d749e06aeed5197f68a915…)

>>610044Those pictures are obviously photoshopped you absolute dolt.
No. 610069
File: 1597981853426.jpeg (46.23 KB, 564x560, proxy-image (4).jpeg)

>>610055>>610056OK. How's this picture?
>>610058>nubilesno? I don't think full-grown women should look like children. It is possible to be slim and not look like a child, anon.
>>610059She looks acceptable in that photo.
>>610060It helped me get my point across because there are people whose bodies look like that. I realize now that the arms are not proportionate to her lower half. My mistake.
No. 610074
File: 1597981974709.jpg (5.38 KB, 236x314, b5dcd39910f1c57d5600dce660f6a6…)

>>610042OP reminds me of women/girls from early 2000s LJ, Xanga (or any other sites with "ana communities", or "alternative" online groups in general) who had this weird thing about presenting petty thoughts almost as if they were objective fact, and would make a concentrated effort to come off as the smart person surrounded by a pack of idiots. That whole way of typing that comes off as strangely fixated and detached at the same time. It's almost like elitism presented by the non-elite.
I bet she'd have this as her profile pic while posting all these hot takes, kek.
No. 610078
>>610069Wait, are you trying to imply there's something wrong with the girl in your picture?? She's clearly athletic, she has visible musculature on a flat stomach. Her thighs are equally as thick as her ass, meaning she doesn't have some fucked up surgery and must actually work out.
Frankly, the only body worth bragging about is a fit one. Everything else is luck/genetics and your ability to control your appetite - that's nothing special, just better than overeating. Even if muscles and bulk aren't the most desirable or conventionally attractive female body, it's still the only one that is something of an achievement. Ana chans have nothing to be proud of.
No. 610079
>>610074Yeah nothing they’re saying is making any sense. I doubt any anon would’ve batted a lash if they just said they preferred waif bodies, but they basically tried to claim women are scientifically meant to be androgynous? Weird take.
And claiming that anyone who disagrees with them must be American/fat/offended is the cherry on top. So painfully ana.
No. 610080
File: 1597982212801.jpeg (125.25 KB, 1280x720, proxy-image (5).jpeg)

>>610069Got another one - Gabbie Hanna (in all of these photos).
>>610072I don't find a certain body type attractive and that means that I'm objectifying women? I'm sorry you can't think of any other reason I would be concerned with aesthetics.
>>610074Please consider the fact that I have posted this in a thread specifically about opinions. That's a cute profile pic.
>>610076You don't feel even slightly disgusted when you see someone who is grossly overweight?
No. 610085
>>610078>Wait, are you trying to imply there's something wrong with the girl in your picture??Objectively? No, I don't care about her and her body looking that way does not affect my wellbeing. Personally, from a purely aestheic standpoint, yes. I don't find her body attractive, which is what I stated in my
opinion I posted in the thread about
>>610079>scientifically meant to be androgynousAnother misinterpretation of what I said. Again: you can be slim without being androgynous.
No. 610087
>>610083You missed what I was trying to say.
>I just don't see how you care about a someones natural body so much you get disgusted by it.You can get disgusted by someone's natural body too, anon.
No. 610095
>>610080None of the women you posted are grossly overweight though! Gabbie looks fucking amazing in that last photO. Imo she wasn't even big enough to be considered fat, but that's just me. Rihanna and the other woman also look good. And even then, I don't focus so much on peoples appearances to care that much.
Hips/Boobs/a little chub does not equal fat. Again, get help
Also, just because this is the unpopular opinions thread doesn't mean other people can't disagree with your
awful point. Free speech and all that.
No. 610096
File: 1597982705005.jpeg (90.27 KB, 1300x1183, proxy-image (7).jpeg)

>>610086Here's an example of a slim body that still looks feminine.
No. 610098
File: 1597982734248.jpeg (4.14 KB, 255x198, proxy-image (6).jpeg)

>>610096And here's another one.
No. 610100
>>610085Well you are entitled to your opinion, but if you didn't want anyone to disagree with it you should have written it in your diary. You should have also refrained from posting objectively wrong statements framed as fact, like
>people are meant to be lean.Nobody would even care what you think if you were just like 'I think skinny looks better' because plenty of people would agree.
No. 610104
>>610100>objectively wrong statements framed as factI didn't think I'd have to preface every post with "it is my opinion that".
>>610102Yes, that's exactly what's happening. Very perceptive, anon.
>>610103>In order for every person’s body to be “lean” as you say, in order for all women to not be “thick” they have to rebel against their personal, genetic body type.All women don't need to be attractive, though. Women can be thick, I just personally won't find them attractive.
No. 610109
>>610104You do realize that this all only started because you did, in fact, try to frame your opinion by saying people are meant to be the way you personally strive to look like?
All that restriction is shrinking your brain babes.
No. 610122
>>610106"Chubby" still implies an excess of fatty tissue.
>>610108I know that. I doubt anyone in this thread would find me attractive.
>Hope your period comes back soon.I have my period. I'm not underweight, anon.
>>610114I agree. People should be forced to sign a waiver that they know their fillers are going to migrate to less flattering locations in their faces.
>>610115Tits are made of fat, so yes, weight loss will result in smaller tits.
>>610116>>610109OK. I don't think it makes sense for me to keep explaining this to you all, so I'll allow you to have the last word in this conversation (if you so choose).
>>610120I'm going to also say that not all criticism of women is misogynistic. I have preferences for male body types, too, I just didn't add them to this thread.
No. 610129
File: 1597984198836.jpeg (37.71 KB, 800x510, kj.jpeg)

Men should get body-shamed more often. If any woman who doesn't have an hourglass figure feels ashamed to wear a bikini, there's no way this guy should have the confidence to walk outside looking like this, titties swinging in the air.
No. 610138
File: 1597985073976.jpg (124.96 KB, 1080x1349, d8599a382e58011a951acb7c91606d…)

>>610136you forgot
>inb4 farmers come in claiming they all have 50 inch hips with abs and big perky tits No. 610146
>>610138I agree the whole "I look like a little kid without makeup" is the most annoying one, imo. Most of the women who say it don't even actually look that young
I think most of the time it's one-up humblebragging of women in denial that they are getting older
>"I'm 30, but I look 25">"Well i look like a child"I wish we could compliment older women without telling them they don't look old cause old duals ugly
No. 610165
>>610161Its easier to meet guys through apps or age gated clubs and bars (when they reopen), meeting in person is more difficult since they'll assume you're too young.
I was stopped once by a cop who thought I was playing hooky. She was actually a tiny woman herself and felt embarrassed about the mistake and said she knew what was up. I don't think she had that trouble any more though so you can consider becoming a cop no one will think you're underage then.
No. 610203
>>610179>lolcow to be a weird hideout gathering spot It's not just lolcow, girls do this EVERYWHERE online. It's like a universal compulsion.
I get it, we're told that youth is everything for women so the idea that we might not look younger than our age is horrifying. But the reality is, most of the time these women posting are only in their late 20s or 30s meaning… they look young because they are young. They don't look like teenagers, people just have no ability to judge ages accurately. They aren't analyzing your crows feet or facial sagging to determine your age, they're guessing based on what you wear, what you're doing, how you speak etc. If you're not looking and acting like someone's mother and haven't ravaged your skin with tanning, you're probably gonna be pinned as young. It's also really easy to forget just how crazy young and childish teenagers look, I rarely see them now I'm out of school but I get a bit of a shock whenever I do. They always look way younger than I remember.
No. 610217
File: 1597991578149.png (839.72 KB, 516x802, Capture.PNG)

To all the women raging against ana chan, do you think guys with a little bit of chub are peak attractiveness too? Or just us and our childbearing hips that apparently lead to excessive (for a female body) fat? And is me saying that proof that I like androgenous women, like Marilyn Monroe?
Anons feeling extremely defensive on all topics today, damn.
>>610080I am half with you, ana-chan. I do consider excess chub, especially in the thighs area, to be detrimetal to looking the best (although I think certain outfits make it work really well). But you lost me on those pictures, if rightmost pic Gabbie "disgusts" you it is very strange.
And accepting beauty standards in any way is misogynistic so everyone stop sperging about that. I come from a culture where girls are fed anti-satiety meds so they get fatter, and it's not for any appreciation for the female form, it's just they look like they have big tits and asses for men.
No. 610237
>>610220>>610230I can't do sarcasm through a computer apparently. Iwas referring to the way people jumped on ana-chan as if al lean women are necessarily androgyneous. Marilyn Monroe is not androgyneous and she's lean.
>>610229I think ana-chan exagerates, but I think all the thicc anons sperging about muh childbearing hips, fertility, and misogyny are ridiculous too. And I agree with ana chan that lean people, men and women are better looking, though I probably have a more reasonable definition of lean that her.
No. 610240
>>610228Why say this on an anonymous forum? Why claim this on an anonymous forum?
Dozens of farmers claim this kind of shit and would jump through hoops to rationalize why they’re allegedly so young looking. Hang it up
No. 610246
>>610240>Dozens of farmers claim this kind of shit and would jump through hoops to rationalize why they’re allegedly so young lookingNTA but where are farmers doing this? I've never seen anyone claim to be young-looking until this until this thread.
Also why would this even bother you enough to claim that they're lying? This is such a weird post.
No. 610260
>>610240NTA, but have you considered it's not that these anons are trying to flex how "young" they look to anonymous people, or even that they actually look very young IRL, but that people tend to have a narrow view of how adults and teens look?
I've even seen teenagers that look as old (or older than) some adults for a lot of reasons (eg because they wear heavy makeup, dress in an age inappropriate way, are chubby while going through puberty, are tall, or drink/do drugs).
I promise it's not some sneak diss at you if no one's ever mistaken you for a teenager. It just happens. 16 to early 20s is often particularly hard to pinpoint for many people.
No. 610261
>>610257You clearly know nothing about lolcow if you don’t know that it’s literally been a meme for ages now.
>paranoid You’re not about to change the running joke of a board that existed years before you decided to come on here and try to convince it’s main anon userbase that they’re just jealous and paranoid because you want to fanfic about your supposed appearance
No. 610266
>>610264you newfags are truly insufferable.
there’s a reason we have gold stars and 32” waist chan badges on here.
No. 610279
>>610252fuck I keep cracking up at this post so hard
anyway I agree, I don't know how anon has avoided seeing all the blogposting bitches going on about how they totes look like they're still 15 at 28 with their 4'6" stature and 21 inch waist and it's sooo embarrassing. It wouldn't bother me so much if it was relevant to the discussion and brought up casually but it's so obviously humblebragging about being a smol fairy pwincess that it's cringeworthy.
No. 610288
>>610282Yawn. Did I mention some long manifesto about me
looking young (or old)? Nope! I’m saying it doesn’t matter what age the farmer is—you annoying bitches are just that: annoying
You new girls can try to larp like seasoned farmers all you want but you stick out like sore thumbs when you resort to these copes when you’re called out for being obnoxious.
No. 610299
File: 1597997859868.png (15.29 KB, 822x251, 7izkvuzvx5i51.png)

The only reason 4chan banned discussion of that Netflix "Cuties" film is because they've always had pedophiles filling their site and posting much worse content. The film would just exacerbate the issue and give them more work.
They're not actually against any of it, they just don't want to have to deal with even more illegal content than they already do. If it was about morals, the whole site would be handled differently.
I remember trying to browse /tv/ to get reccs on what to watch, but it was insane how many pedo threads there were. Photos and gifs of random child models and text like "Films with this theme?", the word "cunny" spammed over and over, etc. I'm glad /m/ exists here.
No. 610305
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>>610288It's really cute that you think accusing someone of not spending enough time on an image board is an insult.
No. 610309
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>>610306Lindsay Lohan reaction images will never go out of style, let's be real here.
No. 610319
File: 1597998677126.png (189.89 KB, 500x494, 1534518606313.png)

>>610301God, this discussion is so boring. One side is seething from jealousy, the other side is deluded, can we move on?
No. 610320
>>610282>And you're so upset about not looking young that you'd accuse others of just trying to hurt your feelings by claiming to look young?Wow, she really struck a chord huh? Whenever some delulu bitch feels called out her default line of defense seems to always be "n-no ur just jellis!!!1"
What people are trying to tell you is that 1) you don't look young, you
are young, 2) constantly circlejerking about looking uwu literally 12 is annoying, you're the equivalent of anachans never shutting up about how skinny they are and how it's totes hard. If it truly bothered you how young you look, there's easy ways to go around that since even 16 year olds nowadays manage to look much older with thotty makeup.
No. 610326
>>610299Fucking exactly
If anyone bothered to spend some time on that hellsite they'd know 4chan has had huge CP problems for forever. The last thing the mods need is pedos using that netflix shit as an excuse to post about it and get the site in trouble(again).
No. 610332
> Excusing them from any responsibility/accountability is what will spoil them.This. Theres a thin line between being a decent parent and turning your kid in forever unemployed whiney NEET who is convinced that the world resolves around them.
I have seen nice, decent and responsible adults coming from a normal and caring family, but I have also seen midaged woman/manchilds who were convinced that they are #1 thing in the world through their whole childhood.
No. 610333
File: 1597999125104.png (115.02 KB, 294x294, mccracken2.png)

damn. you really can't just say "one time i got mistaken for being 4-5 years younger than i was, haha that was funny" without some farmer who's incredibly insecure about their age because they're obsessed with misogynist men's perception foaming at the mouth with anger
No. 610335
>>610329Then why have you been replying this entire time,
gorl? Go to LSA with that fake ass suddenly-aloof-when-shat-on nonsense.
No. 610341
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>>610321The issue isn't parents giving their kids nice things or doing favors for them, I know many people who were straight up rich with loving, caring parents that turned out to be amazing people (which is why they're my friends). There's also people who give their kids nice things to buy their love, but in reality those kids might be beaten, verbally abused or ignored and the parent just feels bad about it later.
The issue are parents who spoil their kids to a point of incompetence, always excuse their children's negative behavior, let them get away with anything, coddle them and never teach them any responsibility.
That's how you end up with spoiled, obese manchildren, woketards who hide behind their mental illness/trauma (which is more often than not made up), never find a job and always need someone to spoonfeed them through life while they sit at home and buy plastic weeb crap on the internet with their disability money. Those are the people I have absolutely no pity for, I want them banned from any gene pool.
No. 610346
>>610284There's so much resentment for kids getting better childhoods than you got.
I used to think my little siblings were spoiled because my parents would get them nicer stuff and be less harsh on them than they were to me. But then I realized all that happened is that my parents had grown up too, and became better parents after making a few missteps with me as a kid, and had more money to give my little siblings nice things.
No. 610351
>>610345Learn how to read holy shit, I was agreeing with them.
The whole post was literally "x is not the issue, y is", why are you so mad? Do you feel called out or something?
No. 610358
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>>610355These calves won’t survive the winter
No. 610360
>>610154Fat chicks that fake a small waist using corsets are usually the most annoying type of people tbh.
The shape anon was complaining about is generally not easy to achieve naturally.
No. 610394
>>609960nta but according to them one of the men started hitting on one of them and when that person said they’re trans, the men started attacking them
that could be a lie and i’m just naïve but that’s what was said iirc
No. 610642
>>610624That's just her bone structure. Despite holding her arms above her head, which makes you look skinnier, you still can't see any ribs.
This looks like a perfectly healthy, very attractive weight.
No. 610668
>>604410>>610234I realize how psycho I'm going to sound but here it goes.
I'm a nice, caring person, but I genuinely like to be alone. I will always choose being alone over being with others even I like them. I don't have many friends, and I'm sad about that, but only because I KNOW that I'm "supposed to have friends". Everyone asks me why I'm such a loner and it stings tbh. Also, knowing that I'm not an extremely likeable person (not cause I'm mean or anything) hurts too.
The real reason I want friends is to feel normal, have people to go to places and trips with, and have someone to take cute photoshoots with.
kek. I wish it was acceptable to choose a solitary lifestyle without people wondering what's wrong with you.
No. 610697
>>610668i don't think it sounds psycho at all. that's the only reason why a lot of people want friends, they just don't have the self awareness to recognize it.
honestly the dream is to find a fellow semi-schizoid woman to go on trips and adventure with. probably unrealistic though. its hard to meet other loners because, well, duh.
No. 610705
buff feminine-presenting men are extremely hot
No. 610708
File: 1598031111793.gif (892.07 KB, 501x277, 00FA41C1-5962-474C-950A-1339B3…)

>>610636What the hell are you on about? Why are you clinging to your need to selfpost even in vague ways on a mongolian imageboard for rug weaving so badly? How new to imageboard culture are you
No. 610807
File: 1598037568116.png (49.81 KB, 400x400, crowdchart.png)

these political compass quizzes annoy me because tbf feminist allegiance needs to be on it's own axis with female supremacy/separatism on one end and Handmaid's Tale-esque incel misogyny on the other
No. 610849
File: 1598040995573.png (158.17 KB, 1380x820, main-qimg-ef2c45a65437792fbad1…)

>>610807well there is the Feminist Perspectives Test ( ) where result is how much you align with different feminist ideologies (radical, liberal etc.) in percentages (pic is not mine lol)
No. 610898
>>610849"I believe men and women should have the same rights"
Hard disagree I think men should have no rights is never an option though
No. 610931
>>610169 was right no1curr that you look 12 years old, nobody is fucking jealous of you. You all remind me of those 46 year old women who tell everyone of the time they went to forever 21 with their daughter and everyone thought they were sisters.
Most of the anons annoyed with you are younger btw so no we aren't jealous
My unpopular opinion is that older women don't look bad at all, even when they look their own Age. I wish we could compliment them by telling them they re just pretty and not lie to them, it reminds me of that Reddit post of some guy saying he cards every woman to boost their ego as a cashier, it sucks that men don't have to tell everyone they totes look exactly how they did in 11th grade.
No. 610933
>>610166Yeah you're naive. He just wanted to not make it look like you had much to do with it. Probably has another favorite.
Should have left with the files
No. 610943
>>610935Agree, I’m nta but there’s so much projection in
>>610931, they didn’t say anything about people being jealous or old women not looking good so idk why you’re so defensive about it.
The level of anger over this is weird and just seems like people projecting their personal insecurities. I think for the most part people look their age and agree you see it come up more here than is probably true in reality but do you all genuinely not think some people can just look older/younger than their age? I feel like at uni I see people who look like they could still be 15/16 but also people who look in their mid 20’s who are only 18 relatively often.
No. 610947
>>610943It's so funny because the girls I see complaining about being young are wishing that they looked of age. They want to be taken more seriously in the workplace without having to wear makeup and heels and they usually are sick of being percieved as just cute and want to be sexy. Adrienne Bailon talked about it on The Real. She said she was 23 and playing a 15 year old on the cheetah girls because no one would give her roles where she was her age. She wanted to be percieved as sexy and sophisticated but could only land kid roles.
This doesn't get mentioned on imageboards enough for people to be going crazy about it. It's completely reasonable that the one time a month it gets mentioned on here, that person is actually younger looking.
No. 610968
>>609959Lol I'm a Scorpio sun and moon with a Sag dominants. I don't think I'm a nightmare but I suppose sometimes I'm blunt/moody.
I think Leo is the worst sign, I can't stand people who are completely full of themselves, it throws me off to the point where I don't care about their positive traits.
No. 610972
>>610968…….this is why I steer clear of people into astrological signs
>I suppose I'm sometimes moody/bluntSo like, every other human
> Can't stand leos, they're full of themselvesEvery leo I've ever met was insecure and hated talking about themselves.
No. 611122
>>611111Nice digits
But I can’t imagine being tall and let yourself get bullied by midgets, they’d catch these big tall bitch hands
No. 611140
File: 1598066238901.jpg (81.6 KB, 860x572, mw-860.jpg)

Im so fucking done with uwu soft gender nonconforming gay bby harry styles when everyone knows hes just a boring straight white guy who dates conventionally attractive supermodels, everything about his new persona is fake and calculated to appeal to artsy wannabe zoomers.
No. 611145
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>>611143>>611144He wasn't anything good to begin with, those one direction nostalgia glasses really distort things.
No. 611147
>>611140He is so ugly, and he looks like a clown, lmao.
I will literally never forgive nerdy straight women for forcing their ugly British man fetish on the whole world.
I feel like this shit started with that inbred, Benedict Cumberdatch, and they haven't let us rest since.
No. 611151
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not living up to his last name
No. 611214
File: 1598071962403.jpg (49.96 KB, 389x600, a43a68c4e1064709b4c0af14b54c1f…)

Harry styles is cute in dunkirk. If hes ugly you girls have overly high standards.
No. 611288
>>611214Imagine if a woman looked like that. We'd hear no end to how ugly and haggard she is, and she'd have to wear like 6 layers of makeup to be considered "acceptable".
Stop giving males a pass. He is not attractive.
No. 611382
File: 1598086329931.jpeg (264.88 KB, 1632x2000, 88EE6705-179C-4911-BEE1-58ED50…)

I just really don’t think she’s attractive
No. 611392
>>611214Imo he's ugly as shit, and I don't have super high standards for men, some uglyish men are cute.
I guess he had a cute look when he was in 1d but he's aged badly
No. 611410
>>611382Same but as somebody who got favorably compared to her a lot (basically just odd-looking and ginger) I appreciate her having been given leading roles.
(I think what people find attractive is based on what they're exposed to, it's a lot more subjective than just 'perfect symmetrical face'. People take the social cues when you portray somebody as really attractive regardless of what they look like.)
I hope more people than just me benefited from this lol.
No. 611546
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>>611544Yup. I think how well you're going to age (only talking about looks) mostly depends on genetics and there's not a lot that you can do about it.
No. 611607
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>>611575>the fact that this is after retouching that man is a dog
No. 611651
>>611646Np! I recommend tramping to any anon that reads this tbh, running is very high-impact vs the trampoline absorbing literally 80% of the shock. If you’re still in doubt, “A NASA study found that 10 minutes of jumping on a trampoline is the equivalent of a 30 minute run. It also found that trampoline jumping is 68% more efficient than running or jogging.”
Honestly you don’t have to get fancy with it, if you have family with a trampoline just play with the kids and jump around often and have fun with it. If you are able, you can buy your own mini and it really doesn’t have to be anything fancy unless you want it to be. You really can do full body with it too. You can buy one with a built-on bar that helps with stability and rebound, and you can attach resistance bands to the poles on either side of you. It’s honestly perfect. I haven’t looked personally but I bet there’s tons of short workouts to get the feel of it on yt. It’s truly the holy grail of toning without feeling like you’re wasting a lot of time, spending money on a gym membership, or harming your joints.
No. 611687
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>>611681I just hate deep side side parts that are all the way to one side
No. 611822
>>611809There is literally no reason to trust anyone for any reason whatsoever. You can never know what's going on inside someone's head, and there is nobody in this world with your best interests at heart (except for yourself). This isn't practical, however, so it makes sense to give people the benefit of the doubt. Once that provisional trust has been broken, there is literally no reason to restore it.
Think about it: every breach of trust has started with trust.
Related to this: my perhaps unpopular opinion is that unconditional love does not and should not exist.
No. 611826
>>611797Yeah, I'm 100% sure that I do as men are intrinsically
abusive and perverted.
No. 611874
>>611843>it’s safer for society as a whole to approach these people that way.except when they re-offend
>>611865even in the suburbs pedos are allowed to live near schools. they have it way too easy
No. 611878
>>611865No, and I’m really surprised if most of your experience with prison abolitionists have been blue haired white suburban people or whatever because mine has been the complete opposite. I find it hard to find even the most preformative wokescolds who support it, the furthest they’ll usually go is ‘prison reform’
>>611874The are other, better ways to deal with the problem of reoffending than prison which actually increases it but I don’t want to derail the thread with prison abolishment discourse
No. 612060
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The worst Harry Styles picture I’ve ever seen
No. 612065
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>>612055Some people just want to watch things to relax, or for escapism.
No. 612069
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>>612060Wow, that picture is horrifying. Thanks, anon, I hate it.
No. 612081
>>612066>Most rape is not the dark alley at night violent rape you often see it portrayed as where the people know what they’re doing is wrongI'm aware, that's exactly why I said what I said. If you've been with someone as a friend, family member or lover, and you're still so disrespectful of their boundaries that you could rape them and believe you did nothing wrong, you are clearly beyond "help". You simply do not care.
I'm sorry it pains you to hear it, but rapists are not special baby angels who are just misunderstood. It's not an "accident".
> Idk what you’re seeing on twitter but no actual prison abolitionists are advocating for the sudden abolishment of all prisons, it’s a long term goal that would come after extensive reform and there’s a lot of societal change that would need to happen first.I didn't say any of that, and I never mentioned Twitter. I'm saying rape is not a "teachable moment". Hang it up.
No. 612084
culture is that? What culture is forcing men to rape and abuse?
Too fucking bad they committed a crime and became bitter from punishment, get fucked.
No. 612093
>>612080>most rape isn’t violent.So, we should accept rape if it doesn't come with physical scars, just mental ones? And we should even be giving therapy to the rapists, because what? You'll sleep better at night pretending no one is truly an awful human being? Kek.
>The culture that creates violent criminals can be improved to reduce rates of violence and there is extensive research to document itYou just claimed most rape isn't violent, so what is the truth? We should protect both violent
and non-violent rapists?
>The rate of reoffending is what it is in part because these people go to jail (if they even go to jail) and come out embittered, often radicalised with no prospects and no chance of reform, it also often creates a generational cycle. ISo, you're arguing that most rape is not violent, but then speak of violent, radicalised rapists? Nightmarish. Solution: Don't let them out, don't waste money on them, just execute them.
There is no reason for any society to harbor rapists. There is no such thing as chronic rape disorder that makes you incapable of leaving other people alone. They are not
victims, it's not an "oopsie". It's a deliberate action. Goodnight.
No. 612099
>>612096>when rapists barely ever get charged anyway.And an anon in this thread is saying that in the rare event that rapists do get charged, we shouldn't ostracize them, but take pity on them, try to rehabilitate them, and eventually cancel prison altogether, lmao.
It's clear who the biggest retard is in this context.
No. 612457
>>612158nayrt, but i recently read an article where a man thought he was having consensual sex with a woman while the woman felt she was raped.
>meet at a party>woman lets him sleep in her bed after repeatedly telling him that they won't be having sex>he gropes her several times while they lay in bed>she says no and repeatedly slaps his hands away >eventually he rapes her thinking she was just playing hard to get while the woman is completely frozen because she is scared and in shockshe reported him to the police, but they shut the case almost immediately. a couple of years after the incident they met up and the man said he was sorry for what he did, he was just a hormonal drunk guy in his 20s who didn't know any better. similar things have happened to my friends. a guy pressures/forces them into having sex although they say they don't want to.
it's horrifying, but these guys don't see it as rape although the girl shows both physical and verbal resistance.