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No. 487555
GLUTEN FREE fastest way to impove:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. Figure Drawing by Anthony Rider
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix Yoon
No. 487653
>>487627It was.
Imo doesn't really work here and makes the thread look pretty bad.
No. 488096
>>487910Now whenever someone bumps it I'll have to cringe at the fact that you made the OP image a banner.
Oh the humanity
No. 488177
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Do you guys ever post your work? Or do you just talk shit like in every other thread?
No. 489297
>>488248>radfem sitefound the newfag
>>488177Anyway, yeah it's generally a bad idea. You don't want your name connected to a place like this.
No. 490057
>>488177Yeah, I have before. I even prefaced it by saying I know my art is shit and I was getting out of an anime phase, and the point was to talk about the paper quality of the sketchbook. Got a few ‘lol ur so bad’ comments, which is expected, but the conversation eventually moved back to talking paper quality.
Eventually got a koh-i-noor smooth bristol book and started watching tutorials on how to make my own book. I think my first one is going to be made out of leftover Arches hot press from high school…
No. 490436 this thread is shit.
Did anybody watch JelloApocalypse's Epithet Erased yet? I personally don't like how "high energy", it's very obnoxious.
No. 490632
>>490451Anon, lolcows and radfem ideology don’t exactly go hand in hand, laughing at trannies doesn’t suddenly mean that is terf central
Not sucking girlcock does not suddenly make anons radfems
Regardless, it allegedly being a terf zone isn’t why people shouldn’t post their art here, it’s be a truly double digit IQ move to post your work on a websites with many threads dedicated to shitting on artists
No. 490975
>>490754Uhhh you can be terf without being radfem but if you’re radfem you’re a terf, at least by twitter standards. Terf is a misnomer like
>>490823 said. Just because they point out that the current dogmas of transgenderism are fucking retarded doesn’t mean radfem excludes FtMs (women).
> Mods ban people for being "scrot" outside of pinkpill threadAre you new? Lolcow’s ban on men has nothing to do with radical feminism. Say it with me:
Hating men and trannies aren’t exclusive to being radfem .In fact radfems are bothered by the majority of shit on this site. Farmers may hold certain radfem beliefs but most would identify as neither radfem or libfem.
No. 491036

since the derailing is real in this thread, lets return to the actual subject we're supposed to be talking about, and leave the tranny vs radfem battle for somewhere else.
so, this is probably my favorite video to come out of waffles in a long time. she has been stuck in this 'pretty girl' rut, and this is another pretty girl, but watching her process a character design like this was actually fun to watch. and listening to her voice, she doesnt sound as dejected or bored as she was in previous videos. i think things like this are more her style, when she uses supplies she actually wants to use and limits herself with a prompt rather than the other way around.
one thing about the design though; i love the final dress design, it is exactly what i think when i think 'peppermint bark as a dress', but the hair- holy shit, it is distracting. i'm half-tempted to just take the design from the bottom and redraw the top like 'this may not be the same, but at least your eyes wont bleed trying to follow the rapunzel christmas-juul pod flavor of a hairstyle.' she had the right idea of an up-do with the first mini-sketch, but just abandoned that and the design as a whole suffers for it.
No. 491098
>>490996Entertaining delusions means you're part of the problem.
Anywayyy, does anyone watch Akihito Yoshitomi? I have a love/hate relationship with that guy. His cityscapes and page composition in general really turn me on. But he's obsessed with putting often lewd JK/JC in everything, I guess it's the only way to attract the weeb memelords. It ruins my enjoyment quite a bit. Why are male artists like this.
No. 491108
>>491103lol you hit the nail on the head anon
>>491104that opinion makes more sense, but punching down at a group who in no way causes gender stereotypes to exist and the expectation to fit into them, but instead they are the ones even more harshly expected to fit into them is just horrible and won't cause any change you want. (well expect of course if you just want trans people to be worse off)
No. 491113
>>491103Pornifying minors? Ok.
Not using special snowflake pronouns? Holy shit, do you want to kill trans people or what?!
No. 491116
>>491110It's ok if you want to police other people's art but you can't expect them to care. How you treat real people says more about you and your morals than how you treat drawings.
Sexualization and objectification happens in every genre, field and industry imaginable.
If you really want to help and be woke, go outside and do something about it instead of complaining about anime tits on an anonymous board
Besides, probably all your favourite anime-style artists dont give a fuck about sexualizing minors and shit like that. You can't critically consume anime being aware of it, so just give it up and go look for woke western steven-universe-ripoff artists.
No. 491120
>>491117>"I'm a girl and I like ecchi desu~">>491116An image board is exactly the place where one talks about how fucked up and invasive certain trends are.
>go outside and do something about itLol why don't yall go out and do something about the men who are murdering trannies instead of canceling people on the internet for believing in science.
No. 491130
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>>491109>>491110>>491113For the love of god you guys, this is an ART board. we're here to gossip and rag on shitty artists/people, not to listen to yet another back and forth bitch-fest about political/social beliefs or the people who agree/disagree with them.
This kind of derailing and obsession with having the last word is exactly how you kill an interesting thread. knock it off and quit ruining the board/discussion for the rest of us.
No. 491132
>>491036her digital version is so blobby and bad compared to her traditional one, i dont understand why she didnt just scan the traditional one and line it if she wanted to try again digitally.
the shortcut she took on the digital mints looks so godawful
No. 491137
>>491132yea, the skirt in the trad version became a little flat but the digital version is a lot worse.
>>491134(also mr anon-kun i'm assuming you are new here, but you can just leave the name field empty)
No. 491155
>>491130>le funny filthy franku >current year Anon, pls.
Also curb your autism, people are allowed to discuss inherent politics of the art world in an art thread.
No. 491156
>>491138i think its a cute one-off gift to get someone in your life who you know draws for their birthday or christmas. but it seems like a waste of money to get randomized supplies every month.
if there's a supply you absolutely hate like pastels or oil paint its like gambling your money to maybe get that thing you hate.
i think stationary subscription boxes are an exception though if you like sending snail mail or are in school. because the nature of letter writing involves hoarding supplies lmao
No. 491158
>>491138Waste of money. Sometimes you can get interesting art supplies that you wouldn't otherwise get, but most of the time it's just banal stuff like pens or pencils.
Not to sound like a diehard leftie but to me they're just a reflection of the mindless consumerist society we live in that sees a pricetag of 19.99$ for items worth 40$ and thinks "amazing!!!! what a save!!!" when in reality all they did was waste 20$.
Money spent is money spent regardless of how much you theoretically can save with those boxes. If you're not gonna use every single supply you're better off just buying what you do care for on its own. Don't buy shit you have no need or interest in.
tl;dr consumerism is a disease tbqh
No. 491178
>>491036This sort of video is what Waffles is best at. Someone else nailed it in the previous thread: it's really enjoyable watching her brainstorm ideas out loud for everyone to see, sooo many art videos are "watch me paint this drawing, I did all my sketching/ lineart/ underpainting off camera and now all you see me do is colour it" That's also my personal gripe with Danica Sills, all she ever does is line and colour her already "perfect" (in her head) ideas while
talking about how she brainstormed to get to that final idea. Show, don't tell!
No. 491302
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>>491155I wasn't talking about that, I was talking about the people sperging about radfems and trannys and accidentally replied to the wrong person/people 'cause I can't fucking read
No. 491414
>>491392I agree that boxes are better for youtubers, I mean Waffles basically gets hers for free, gives it away if she doesn't like it and gets a video out of it.
Also I really like just going ro an art store and diacovering something interesting that I want to try.
No. 491469
>>491254>>491274There are daylight bulbs that are cheaper than UVB. Also you don't want yellow light because it falsifys your colours. Natural sunlight differs in colour range. White light usually starts around 4800 Kelvin, above 5500 K you still have daylight but with more blue light in it. Nice side effect of blue light is that it keeps you awake. But if you only want to have nice light like the sun, go with a bulb of around 5000 K.
You could avoid reflections on the artwork if you turn your light against a white wall (or big white paper or any other white surface). So the light bumps from the wall onto your drawing. Or you could try to hold a piece of tracing paper in front of your light that should diffuse the light also a bit.
No. 491654
>>491602The artwork itself has nothing to do with being pansexual though?
She just blurred the flag and stuck a girl on top of it. Plus the girl and the dolphin don't even fit the color scheme. The girl's hair and the part of the dolphin above water are lavender, and her swimsuit is orange? Damn this artist couldn't even follow the simple boundaries she set for herself.
No. 491673
>>491654she says in the video "im proud to say even the orange of the crab and her bathing suit are a combination of the colours of the flag"
she gave herself a pass on the water being so dark because she wanted it to look "three dimensional"
No. 491684
>>491602And here I thought the whole art sphere around Lavendertowne was the some crowd that make callout posts about Steven Universe and Voltron for queerbaiting…
And here we are…
Baiting queers…
No. 491836
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>>487555D’angelo posted one of those YouTube statuses of a screenshot of information about someone who tried to hack him, complete with the persons IP address. I wasn’t able to get a screenshot of the original. Now he’s acting like it’s an accident, but I don’t know. He just seems like a pretty petty person who would do that on purpose.
No. 491838
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>>491836He did this too recently. Why would someone who didn’t have some sort of malicious and petty intent do this? It’s just a random dude with a much smaller following than him. D’Angelo criticized Shane Dawson for doing this exact thing, but one year later he does it too ( 3:13)
No. 491857
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Saw this on my tl. Wtf? The drawing of the design literally looks like a kid drew it. The actual jacket looks like shit too. They'll let anyone design clothes these days. And wtf does "queer bodies" mean, the model looks like your average person and I can't see how your sexuality changes how your body shape is???
No. 491858
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>>491857this reminds me of a less cute Mokuyobi design. I don't like their current jackets but tbh they still do the adult kid thing in a wearable way that doesn't scream "age play weirdo"
No. 492057
>>491857>>492019>>491973The actual jacket is fairly simple and geometric, so I think the drawing shows that accurately, although there should be back/side views, too.
Not a fan of the jacket though.
>more clothes should fit queer body shapesWhat the fuck does that even mean? That kind of nonsensical shit talk pisses me off
No. 492097
>>491857them saying "queer bodies" makes it sound like they're generalizing that most queer people are fat lol
i think the design is cute, but damn why do so many weak willed people come here when your taste is obviously gonna get shitted on one way or the other? like what you like anons, but i do think it's kinda weird it's worded as "kid's clothes in adult sizes" instead of something like "kid's drawings as clothes" cus it seems more like that to me.
No. 492155
>>492151I've debated getting into it. It seems like the easiest market to get into; just made some character sheet, slap a price on it to undermine the other sellers, and boom. Profit.
Make about ten of these and you're bound to at least make one sale, with how autistic the community is. Bonus points if your cater to furfags!
No. 492180
>>492151They're really popular but I've seen them move the most on FA and DA.
I used to make them and they sold relatively well because they were monster designs and not another generic sparkledog. The craziest shit are the closed species communities, they're very cannibalistic and dramatic, especially if a lot of young people are in it.
I thought about making a closed species community but that's just not how I want to spend my time. People make serious bank though, especially if you're already making sparkly, overdesigned messes, people will gobble that shit up.
I used to be a part of one that had the nerve to open up a patreon even though they were making money hand over fist. There's a point where they just got too greedy and haughty. It always turns into a popularity contest.
No. 492181
>>492180Samefag but to add on to that, I've seen designs go for $2k because it was drawn by some literally who and they usually look like the most tortured, cluttered designs that have a lot of bullshit on it to try and justify the price. But a lot of people really do bid that much they're usually auctioned if not auto bought.
I just stopped being involved in those communities because it just felt like flexing how much money you spent. It wasn't fun for me anymore and I knew a lot of people with addictive tendencies who spent so much money on irrelevant BS that way.
No. 492190
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>>491857This reminds me of the tacky retro HOND rain jacket I have
I can't wear it unless it's actually raining
No. 492191
>>492155This was my motive tbh. I’ve seen some basic design sell for over $50 and for biddings it can go up to $400. Although the furry community is extremely off-putting to me and I’m not sure I wanna dip my toes there.
>>492180Are closed species still popular? I remember the craze for certain ones like sushidogs, cccats, etc on DA but making a new one right now would take so much networking and world building. It would be more efficient to create separate characters and sell them like that. Imagine having a closed species blow up and you have to deal with the bombardment people asking for more, like I know Seelmaru still has their closed species community and they have to constantly open and close it
No. 492218
>>491643Cause a lot of harm
Okay snowflake lmao
No. 492278
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>>491036This reminds me of P5R’s new character. The characters design makes sense… I guess? (shes a dancer) But it always looks so skimpy.
No. 492544
>>492440Because you aren’t rejecting labels. You’re replacing one label with another, less common one. ‘Queer’ is still a label. You just think it’s special because you’ve been told over and over that common vernacular is outdated and oppressive, but haven’t analyzed that your replacement vocabulary is confusing and undefined. A ‘queer body’ doesn’t exist in fashion because it is undefinable. What does exist is your bone structure, muscle mass, and body weight. If you have broad shoulders, flat chest, and rectangular weight distribution, guess what? You’re probably a dude and the mens section will have your cut, with your weight determining the size of the cut. Are you slight shouldered, rounded chest, with a curved/arched waist? Sounds like a woman’s cut to me, go find your size in the women’s section. And unisex uses a combination of those sizes to create a cut that should be able to work for both men and women, with you finding your size.
What makes a queer body?… Right, nothing. Because being queer isn’t defined by your body-type, but your mentality. Fashion, as an art form, doesn’t give a fuck about gender, but fashion SIZING, especially commercial fashion, absolutely does.
No. 492552
>>492544anon, that anon wasn't even replying to the clothing, they were talking about the pride flag videos of lavandertown….
i don't really get the flag fad, but pansexual and homosexual mean different things so you can't really put them into one term.
No. 492575
>>492466It's mostly just a bunch of original characters, but a lot of them have awful color palettes that don't particularly work with my style.
I always try to unify colors to come up with a more harmonious final piece, which doesn't always go well because most people will throw a fit if I'm one shade off. In the end I try to satisfy the customer so I end up with a lot of art that I'm not happy with.
No. 492599
>>478174I know I'm a month late to this party but i'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't get an instant boner for Vivs stuff. Her style in both art and fashion makes sense when you realize things like Invader Zim highly inspired her and she was and still is a wannabe goth and emo kid. Her obsession for the color pink is awful and her style is so inconsistent. I really feel like to cover up her lack of skill she adds a lot of unnecessary details to characters to distract people. Can't tell when something is shit when you have to keep track of 50 accessories. I feel bad for her animators who have to keep track with that shit.
She reminds me of Rebecca Sugar in a weird way. I can't put my finger on it? Maybe it's the fact she can't write or animate consistently/well but insists on writing and story boarding everything.
I feel like the current hype is because there is barely any good animations right now and people are thirsty for anything and she throws out distracting sounds, shapes and colors. But god forbid if you tell her anything negative about her art or else her and her rabid fans will attack you for weeks.
She has a lot of potential I'll give her that. But right now, she is exactly what you would expect from a rich white girl who never got told no from mommy and daddy and throws a bunch of tantrums. Good thing her team is reeling her back now.
No. 492672
>>492660damn i'm so used to the overly nice nature of yt artists that i was kinda shocked when she called out the edgy teen level writing and designs lol. she also explains her points well about why the character designs and animation are bad.
charlie's redesign looks like a shitty flat fanart, but i kinda liked the vagie redesign. red demon dude (no idea what's his name) is really shit too, at least she could have removed the needless furry ears. spider dude's is just as bad, instead of having a cartoony expression he looks like he just suffered from a stroke.
No. 492674
>>492660This /co/ anon's Alastor redesign was much nicer than anything on this video
>biggest issue i had with the character design was alastor. for a "radio demon" from the 1930s he sure does look like a deviantart OC she slapped onto her new project because she's incapable of killing her darlings. why is he a "deer"? why is he dressed like a snobby british landovwner and not a working class radio announcer?? why is there zero stylistic allusion to the era of the 30s??? pic is some shitty redesigns i tried to make without sacrificing the "integrity" of Vivzie's basic character philosophy.I have to say I agree with her. I also want to know why the fuck is this character from New Orleans but has a NEW YORK accent and doesn't act shit like someone from New Orleans?
Also other pet peeve, I find it retarded and obnoxious and borderline delusional he's a serial killer and a sadist but somehow asexual. When the fuck have those people EVER been asexual?
No. 492676
File: 1575934871855.png (394.49 KB, 1191x1210, alastor redesign.png)

>>492674Oops it didnt post
No. 492732
>>492674>expecting some sparkledog loving fujo to make senseThe only reason Alastor is asexual is to pander to the woke crowd. As for the deer thing according to the wiki:
>It was once stated that he lived as a deer that was killed by being shot by a deer hunter, but this information has been retconned. Despite this, he still shares traits with deer.This seems like such a weird thing to latch on to. She couldn't bear to even add a hint of a 30s style but kept the retconned deer lore?
>>492676Now this has me thinking what kind of color palette would fit this Alastor. I think you could still have fun with some bright colors while keeping the 30s aesthetic, but that's while still avoiding the show's atrocious color palette that would likely fill him with stripes and dots.
No. 492781
>>492732Alastor is a deer in design because he's based on the wendigo lore.
>>492674I suppose he's got the accent because it's more of a stereotypical radio host accent or…dialect I suppose. The way they spoke in the 20s - 30s sounded a similar way, very energetic with that Boston - New Yorky sounding accent that pretty much most radio hosts just…had. It wasn't just because he wasn't born there — and also, who's to say he didn't move to New York at one point before he died? In any case, it's just taking tropes and making them the character's sole theme.
Also, I do agree that Alastor being asexual was a pandering choice. The reason being — in his first draft he was married to another demon, Mimzy. This was before Alastor was declared as asexual and Mimzy as just a good friend.
I'm not trying to defend Vivziepop in any way I was just explaining two of the points that were actually mentioned at one point — though the wendigo thing was far before the pilot and I believe came from her OC explanations that weren't canon at the time(?)
No. 492790
>>492660Puke green and orange?
Didn't she say she was in a design class? Who would make this choice and think yes, yes that's good design.
The suit on Alastor gives me The Mask vibes, if only it were yellow.
Angel Dust's leotard looks more like something out of the Grease era rather than the 40s to me? So the 70s. Which means she was off by a few decades.
There's also no telling what design choices were intentional based on their lore based on death or something that makes sense to them as a character — so taking away and adding things doesn't feel very warranted here since she doesn't know nor has researched these characters enough.
No. 492820
>>492790Angel Dust is a weird ass character that doesn't make any sense anyways
He died in the 40s yet his persona, even his motifs, and use of drugs is far more similar to like, the 70s/80s (mid-late 60s as earliest) than anything that came out of the 40s
Vivziepop really doesn't know shit about decades, huh? No excuse cause a google search is not that hard..
No. 492821
>>492820I mean use of HIS drugs
Angel Dust ain't even come out in the market until the 1950s. This woman is lazy as fuck to research basic shit and that is the biggest pet peeve of mine
No. 492827
>>492660She makes a lot of good points IMO. At the end, it doesnt matter what her redesigns look like because the criticism she has towards the pilot is based on character design, and at the end, she's as limited by her own ability as Viv is.
She mentions the characters having the same basic shapes, the visual screaming, the lack of contrast, and how baseless all the designs are, all of which is true.
I hate Vivzie's characters because she basically just glorifies some trait she thinks its cool (oooh, serial killers) and builds the rest of the character around it, without doing any research. Alastor's design is the worst offender.
No. 492866
>>492660Why do these people always act like they’re hot shit, only to go on and create something that’s even worse than the original? Like the fact that her redesigns are even shittier just makes me not care about any
valid points she had.
No. 492902
>>491120>>491110>Teehee I'm a woke sjw cocksucker I call everything pedophilia when 3 years ago before being "awoken" on Twitter I literally couldn't have given less shits about some drawings showing tight and nevertheless I never even gave a shit about actual child abuse!Can you barely 18 year olds be more obvious?
Back on topic I agree
>>491098 stinks of pedoshit but I'm just exhausted of seeing you retarded repressed prudes shitting yourselves on almost every corner of the internet every single time you see some (adult) female character doing something minimally suggesting at all. Jesus Christ you are so fucking tiring.
No. 492915

>>492859I personally like their work even if it is just a generic anime style but god thank you for saying the anatomy thing! because of course the youtube comments are all full of "ecks dee i cant even draw a stick man crying emoji" type of suck up comments from preteens so now I feel vindicated lol.
It's quite obvious the reason their anatomy is suffering is because of the no sketch thing they do, which I get she uses for shock factor so non-skilled youtube viewers get into watching more videos and commenting stuff like "me: cant even draw with sketch, huta: does this, me:cries" seriously check the comments on all her videos like half of them are some form of that and looking at them makes me feel like I'm stuck in a time loop.
The only one I've really seen criticism on is the Kaneki Ken one (video included) and that anatomy fail is so obvious I'm surprised people didn't go harder in the comments.
Their other work is more subtly wrong in the anatomy department so it doesn't really get called out, that and generic pretty girl artists can do no wrong, especially on youtube.
No. 492986
The only critique she made that I stand by is the shape language idea. Their silhouettes are sometimes very hard to discern because they have a lot of hair that hides the body.
Her designs are just as, if not MORE, shitty. Which is sad.
No. 492990
>>492915Oh God you're right Anon. That face is the funniest thing, he looks like he has a case of downs. His mouth is trying to climb up his face.
I don't understand how people can watch these, the no sketching
triggers my anxiety.
No. 493128
>>492885I like these artists more as people than as artists. Their banter is very pleasant to listen to and I've been subscribed to them since they only had like 1000 subs.
Jack is easily the best artist, followed by Jane. Ailish is… a novice but not terrible, she just takes longer than the first two to make something look good. Nick
cannot fucking draw and has no business making art for a living. He's terrible even when he's relying heavily on shape tools and stabilizers.
Yeah. Nothing about them really offends me. They're not amazing but they seem like sweet people so I'll give them a pass. Apparently they live together IRL?
No. 493130
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>>492676Oooh these are really nice. Similar ideas but executed much better than the… embarrassing "fixed" Alastor I posted here and deleted right away because I realized I was being an autist.
The Vincent Price mustache on the left one is a cute touch, although it looks a little too much like lipstick in that particular drawing. Still though, fantastic idea. The meters for eyes and microphone for a mouth is also cute and creepy, though difficult to make expressive. The hair is a million times better because it's period appropriate and not scene-kid bullshit.
In retrospect I think the deer stuff should be gone entirely. Has literally nothing to do with his personality. When I first saw the hooves on the bottoms of his shoes, I thought they were goat hooves and that Viv was alluding to Satan (since Satan is often depicted as a Satyr) or Baphomet (pic related). But no, he's a deer? Whose horns disappear and reappear in the pilot like a million times on accident. Like if you're going to give him an animal motif (because your name is Vivienne and you're furry), then why not choose a goat? Y'know, an animal associated with hell and the devil and such?
As an aside I don't think Charlie's design is bad at all. I think it's quite good, probably because it doesn't have any of Viv's hallmarks (furry bullshit, scene hair, stripes, two different eye colors.) My only issue is that she's a little too similar to Star Butterfly.
No. 493144
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>>492660The look unanimously worse to be quite honest. I don't like Hazbin Hotel, but most people who try to make the character designs "better" are utterly blind to the positive traits in Vivzie's art that makes it appealing to so many kids in the first place, and end up churning out shit that looks even uglier. The YTer in this video is typical of most ameteur artists trying to make "improvements": they can spew out the theory, but can't actually put it into practice in an appealing way.
No. 493145
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>>492820>>492821It seems the only reason for Angel Dust to be from the 40's is so that so he would have a reason for using a Tommy Gun as his personal weapon, as they are more associated with the 1930-1950's
No. 493178
>>493144Angel Dust should be from the seventies or eighties, in my opinion. Idk much about the character outside the short but I when I look at the character I get the impression he was a glam rocker or a prostitute when he was alive, and he died of a drug overdose, or maybe even AIDS (I wouldn't put it past Vivienne to be that tasteless.)
Especially his name just screams eighties. It's fucking retarded that she decided what era he was from solely based on his weapon, which is only onscreen for like five seconds anyway. Like… "angel dust" (which is the street name for PCP) wasn't even used recreationally until the seventies?
No. 493184
File: 1576056193117.jpg (177.15 KB, 1200x692, 011.jpg)

>>493178his official backstory
No. 493194
>>493184Are you serious? Nothing about him even remotely indicates that he's from the forties or that he's part of the mob. Did Vivienne do
any research about the forties? Did she just go "well uh… people were fedoras in the forties and there were gangsters so shrug?"
I'm beginning to think that Vivienne doesn't know what the fuck angel dust is besides just "a drug that is a powder." Like I said before, PCP didn't become a popular recreational drug until the late 1960/early 1970s. While PCP was
a thing in the forties, it wasn't even dispersed to doctors until the fifties. Also, it's not a narcotic, but that's just a nitpick with her phrasing. A big problem with the character though is that pornographic films were
illegal and therefor uncommon in the 1940s, and sure as shit didn't often include gay stuff. That didn't change until the sexual revolution in the 1950s.
His costume is totally wrong for the 1940s and made me assume he was from the seventies or eighties. Not even
hookers wore thigh-high boots and hot pants in the 1940s. I also don't think men wore feathers on their hats, either. The gloves are also weird. Idk is this nitpicking? It just seems to me like Vivienne hasn't opened a history book since seventh grade and zero interest in doing research even though she made artistic choices that necessitated it.
No. 493217
>>493145I don't get why they couldn't just keep that then. There were plenty of people in the 70s/80s who were obsessed with vintage stuff like how today is..
>>493178I agree. I actually feel like he should have died around 1978-1982. Right in the time where open gay & drag scenes in discos were popular, right in the time where pornography was making enough of a burst from the underground to the mainstream, right where crime rates and recreational drug abuse was extremely high.
It would've been perfect.
>>493194I don't know about anyone else, but if an artist is too lazy and unmotivated to research the most basic shit they're basing their art on then it means either: This person doesn't accept criticism or changing of their original "vision"/worldview so they're static and not gonna change in any interesting way, or this person is so ungrounded and out of touch with reality that their only other inspos are coming from other animated fiction media (the best creations in fictional works of art has been from people who got inspiration from multiple things including real life and I'm not getting that vibe from Vivzie)
I legit don't understand how someone who really wants to enjoy characters and be captivated by your art will accept this obnoxious and easy to correct oversight. Like if they mess that up what else are they gonna mess up?
Also, I notice hazbin hotel's fanbase has a larger male presence than say, some other similar edgy DA shit that would've been released 10 years ago. wonder what thats about..
No. 493220
File: 1576072370968.jpg (98.53 KB, 615x577, Spider_brothers.jpg)

Alright so this was Angel Dust's original design, basically he was a pair of two mafioso spider brother characters but somewere along the line Vivziepop amalgamated the brothers with another female chracter who was a nymphomaniac prostitute and the end result was Angle dust
No. 493315
File: 1576087697710.jpg (6.84 KB, 301x168, TU.jpg)

>>493296preety good work anon, you took a dumb concept of a character and actually made his visual design consistent with that of his character
No. 493374
>>493357All this move does is prove boomers have no idea how content creation or curation works, on Youtube or anywhere. It also has to do with older millennials having no idea how to raise their kids other than giving them an iPad to shut them up.
If you don’t want your young, innocent, pure, sweet crotch goblin watching ‘adult content’, be a fucking parent and monitor them. Don’t rely on some government mandate to protect your kids from learning racist slurs in a Youtube video not meant for them.
I mean, I haven’t seen an ad since 2016 with my adblocker, so this doesn’t affect my viewing, but it must suck for the content creators that do have people watching their ads. You got to either dumb down your content to comply, or disclaim that the video isn’t for kids, but don’t make it too adult or the video gets age restricted and you lose ads and organic outreach anyway.
The FTC is a dinosaur organization and a complete and utter joke.
No. 493515
>>493327Ugh and her teen fans are always like, 'you think the first painting is bad, you should see my art'
Just because your art is worse doesn't mean Rae's isn't still lacklustre
Kids are so annoying
No. 493541
File: 1576143907778.png (798 KB, 750x1334, 29E868F6-27DF-4EE4-9050-F01BDD…)

so, chloe rose made a book out of her shitty inktober drawings..?
No. 493545
>>493327I know this doesn't need to be said but this is such little progress for a ten year time-frame lol
I feel like I've progress more than her in 2 years and I have a full-time job not doing art like yikes…….
No. 493654
>>493651You can google for better advice but it will depend on your skill level, the materials used, the amount of hours put into the painting, the size of the work, and how much people are willing to pay for it. If you’re already selling prints and people are buying them you have a better shot at selling originals. If you put a piece for sale for a price thats too high and it doesn’t sell for a long time then you’ll have to lower the price.
>>493583Even when rae was in school her work has always been pretty shit so i can’t really say that degree helped or hurt her lol
No. 493743
>>493675It's even worse: She has a degree in oil painting if I'm not mistaken. But don't ask me how this plays out, I have no clue about the American school system. Where I live there are no such specific degrees bound to a specific medium.
>>493654Well, I think she evolved in a way that she's bold enough to use vibrant colours/ add some values and her blending is better than on the old one. But I can't wrap my head around how she fucked up the anatomy/ face angle even though she traced.
No. 494151
File: 1576292176061.jpeg (415.62 KB, 640x667, 55D12DA6-C220-4FCD-A989-46F899…)

How does someone get so much worse over the course of 10 years
No. 494194
File: 1576300479832.jpg (9.82 KB, 148x155, 1575664052785.jpg)

How do u guys make friends with other fellow artists? I really want to have some artist friends that i can talk with but it seems like other than ''normie'' friends irl i just cant seem to talk with anyone that had the same interest as me online…do u guys have any advice? Thanks in advance <3
No. 494195
File: 1576301036927.jpg (176.85 KB, 1080x742, 20191214_122305.jpg)

Popular instagram artist nowdays
No. 494243
File: 1576325206900.jpeg (221.63 KB, 1650x1650, ELriVZWXsAARNMI.jpeg)

What do you guys think about Heikala's art box retailing for 159 USD? Good value or nah?
No. 494267
File: 1576338259961.png (3.45 MB, 1479x2048, Screenshot_20191212-192733.png)

Wouldn't it be something if Sara Tepes could draw girls who didn't look like they had microcephaly
No. 494270
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>>494151maybe it’s because she’s stuck heavily referencing other artists instead of real studies
No. 494406
File: 1576374303612.png (4.72 MB, 2956x2048, redline tepes.png)

>>487555i did a quick paintover. it was initially going to be a redline, hence the filename but i changed my mind.
No. 494420
File: 1576377234175.jpeg (202.13 KB, 1240x2150, F4323C7D-D4B9-430F-8FDD-45B4CE…)

i was searching for procreate brushes and wtf lmao
No. 494441
>>494433Hi i'm edit anon
What parts do you find interesting? I'm curious because i want to push my own art more.
The original neck looked like it was gonna snap so i thickened it a bit and the forehead was small so i made it bigger. I did mess up the eyes though so yeah
No. 494525
>>487555>>494406lmao no offence but you’re 100% deluted if you think your edit is in any way or shape better. why did you give her downturned eyes with eyeliner? makes no sense.
honestly i would advise you to focus more on your own work instead of trying to improve the work of someone who’s genuinely good. i know people will disagree on whether or not sara’s stylization is good but there’s a reason why her work is so popular and liked and it’s just really conceited for someone with less skill to act like they know better because they draw girls uglier.
No. 494534
>>494433>>494517Honestly this, a lot of redraws just take the personality away from the drawing instead of improving on the faults. That's why we have a separate redraw thread for histrionic drawfags so we don't have to deal with their salty temper tantrums in other threads after people don't unconditionally worship their amazing redraws. The "her neck was TOO THIN!!!" autism is on par with "the simpsons can't be yellow". It's an exaggerated stylistic choice, because it + the expression were taken away in the edit it became generic and dead-eyed. In the original the right eye's eyelid is drooping too much compared to the left one which makes the face a bit unbalanced, but it could've been fixed without taking the life away completely. Or the back of the skull could've been enlarged a bit, but neither obvious error was improved upon in the edit.
All in all I don't understand why the original needed to be "fixed" in the wrong place, it looked fine enough to me. My money's on vendettaposting.
No. 494547
>>494532It's a portrait of a girl and it looks nice. Is it gonna win any awards? No. Is that bad? Also no!
People have different tastes. If you can't look at Sara's work and see some of her talent and skill because she makes work for "teenage girls" you're honestly just a self-conceited asshole lmao have fun drawing your ugly orc OCs on graphite and paper or whatever the fuck pretentious twitter losers are up to nowadays.
No. 494551
>>494441By making the forehead longer, you take away the slight foreshortening the optional die cuz her head is tilted up and back, like u can see that was the intention cuz that’s why the ear is lower (changing how the ear sits indicate the tilt of the head). You also took away the highlight on the browbone, which makes it mor flat than the original. And I know you said you messed up the eyes but by changing the shape of the face cuz I can see you added more of a bridge to the nose and changed how the eyes sit in the skull, you kind of made it look like you made an East Asian looking person more white/Scarlett Johanssoning it.
I see the merits of your paint over tho but I think you need to practice more at skull anatomy and head musculature. Like I see what u were going for with the thickening of the neck, but your neck lacks the little bit of anatomical knowledge the original has. The original neck is still stylised but the rendering shows more roundness than yours
No. 494574
File: 1576417386759.jpeg (467.23 KB, 828x1586, F457D3EE-43EB-41B4-8407-C4D546…)

>>494243She posted a list of the things in the box on her story and it’s pretty good for the value. Like the inks alone are about 100ish (12 dollars each), the watercolor block is about 30 and the masking fluid is 15. It also sounds like she’s helping source more of the Japanese stuff to Europe, like the nicker poster color. I think it’s really good compared to like most boxes and like jazza’s “premium” box. And as much as we poopoo on her for her animeish work, I think if it helps a growing artist learn more of her ink wash and mood/atmosphere then that’s fine. Plus her face isn’t plastered it and she isn’t shilling it out like jazza’s garbage
No. 494632
File: 1576432960759.png (1.35 MB, 1561x720, editedit.png)

>>494406Well since we're playing this game and you seem rather salty, I took the liberty to edit your edit, because that's what you call a 200IQ move!
Now since I'm not just a dick, I'm gonna tell you why your edit sucks.
1st. The neck is totally straight. In reality the neck is actually slightly tilted, look some photos from the profile view and you'll see it.
2nd. In the original the face is lifted upwards to show elegance and pride while you just went and made the face longer without fixing the angle leaving her looking like an absent-minded retard.
3rd. Eye is popping out of the head nuff said.
Overall, you took away all of the traits that made the original dynamic and interesting to look at and replaced them with "correct" proportions that aren't ever correct.
No. 494635
>>494547yeah you sound like an autistic, immature, vapid retard. which is exactly the kind of person who would be impressed with this low level of 'art'.
Sorry you have such shit taste anon. May I suggest dousing your eyes in bleach to see better?
No. 494636
>>494537Nigga you think I'm the one who posted the redraw? I would never post anything I draw on here because of how farmers rip nearly everything up to shreds and it would do nothing but make me feel like shit.
>>494540Yet here you are joining in an artist being insulted because you don't like their 'taste'. Where is the intelligence, here?
No. 494642
You gotta love how fragile redraw anons are.
>>494632How come she looks Caucasian now?
No. 494689
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>>494637I don’t think she’s actually supposed to be Asian or Hapa, Sara seems to just give everyone upturned almond eyes
No. 494876
>>494823I mean if you’re gonna talk shit about someone’s art (which these threads do), I would much prefer to see you have at least some high ground to do so. I see a tons of artists in here talking shit about other people’s art but then having clearly no idea how to draw themselves or being on the same level as the people they’re shitting on. I can’t tell you not to do that but I can sure as hell laugh at you for being as much of a cow as the people you shit on.
Ofc I’m not saying that you cannot criticize someones art if you’re not good enough. This and that are two entirely different things, a lot of times it goes beyond criticism and just becomes petty nitpicking, exactly like with the asian portrait few rows above.
No. 494956
>>494876completely agree anon, i think people are able to give good criticism with a lower skill level too. it's just that when a person starts bragging about their "fix", it's only ever to make themselves feel better, not to put some potentially useful advice for other people on the board.
anons should stick to redlines, especially when pointing out anatomy mistakes (which in this case were very minor and/or unnoticed stylistic choices).
No. 495181
>>495122I've heard he messages people to say thanks instead of just replying to their comments on his posts sometimes, I'm not sure whether he does that to breadcrumb his followers into feeling they have a connection or just because he's an old man that doesn't understand social media. But I've never heard anything creepy about him, what did you find?
He was part of that dated edgy pinup scene so I wouldn't be surprised if something resurfaced but he seems to keep such a low profile now. I hope it's nothing terrible he always seemed pretty chill to me.
No. 495373
File: 1576618063211.png (133.62 KB, 1080x1080, Lalala.png)

Is it just me who is tired of all the types of artist trend/meme as most of them are uncreative and really repetitive attempt to be relevant/trendy? I swear Instagram art trends are the worst.
No. 495511
>>495317>>495122I guessed this was about hussar before opening the thread. I like his art but I can't follow him since he is absolutely a perv. All his nudes are focused on the vagina/sexual in tone, and yes he frequently asks for nude models.
I didn't know that he messages fans to say thanks, that sounds like sliding into the DMs under the guise of being confused about the web. He's been active online for at least ten years so he knows what he's doing.
Do post perv caps if you have them, anon.
No. 495612
>>495606I’m just astonished by your stupid right now, procreate is just a fuckin platform to draw on and it’s not even available outside of an iPad. There’s nothing inherently lazy about using a different medium, it’s like saying someone is lazy cuz they trace over their sketches with a light box.
Like the eyebrow brushes are hella stupid and most people aren’t gonna use those, plus procreate really can’t do stamping like photoshop, but people have been making shortcut brushes for YEARS for other programs like photoshop that are similar. All your complaints have been complaints people have had about digital art since the beginning of time cuz they think a computer just shits out perfect paintings when you throw a brush at it. And the same things go for like copy machines and tracing paper or like mass reproduction. Procreate is just the most easy and accessible tool on a wide platform especially since it doesn’t require a subscription, so of course you’re gonna see a lot of bad art from it cuz it no way denotes laziness or skill. It’s just a tool.
No. 495616
>>495606I think all digital art has a laziness aspect to it. Custom brushes were big for Photoshop way before Procreate. Procreate is just more accessible and doesn’t cost a shitton to use. All you need is a phone and a finger and everyone and their brother can call themselves a digital artist. It is why I typically avoid digital artists, because of things like brushsets and ctrl+z.
That isn’t to say that digital art isn’t art, I am just far more impressed with traditional works than digital.
No. 495622
>>495616Oh god, back to the medium elitism topic. Seriously what’s with people acting like ctrl z and custom brushes are some sort of game cheats? Custom brushes are used in traditional media all the time, people use knives, tissues, old brushes etc etc to create different textures and no one bats an eye but when it’s done digitally people flip their shit. It seems like people have this idea that most artists just stamp away at every chance. Oh need a flower? I got a brush for that! What about a mountain? Well I got a brush for that too. In reality most artist ain’t gonna touch these brushes even with a ten foot pole because the results are always garbage. Using say the eyebrow brush instead of drawing your own would just make them look really out of place and unnatural and no good artist wants that. A lot of digital artists do use different shapes and sized brushes and use those to create their own textures just like you would traditionally.
When it comes to ctrl z, most programs only allow you to go back few steps which is why it’s really relied on as immidiate fix rather than long termsolution. People still don’t seem to understand the difference in hand eye coordination between digital and traditional. In trad you need one stroke to make a good line but in digital you need 6 strokes to make that same line, it’s just how it goes. Even with a screened tablet this issue isn’t entirely fixed as the feel of the tablet is usually to smooth to help to tsabilize your strokes.
The whole ”respecting traditional art more” position is just full of bullcrap. You can like trad more aestetically but don’t try to sell this bullshit on some grave effort.
No. 495632
>>495622That’s cool and all, but art is purely about aesthetic and eliciting a reaction from an audience. If the reactions of some of your fellow artists is ‘I don’t like it on a technical level’, and that gets under your skin, like it seems to have here, that is a you problem. Go find a different audience.
Same goes for a traditional artists, too.
No. 495639
>>495622Yeah I fuckin hate this discourse cuz it so tiring and boring and it comes up all the time like art is a fucking competition or something when it’s not. Like if you work for clients as an illustrator or in house, they don’t fuckin care what you use to make some shit for them, people just care if the final result looks good.
And everyone always brings up tracing like it’s cheating and you’re committing a cardinal sin but like even before digital, you had light boxes and copy machines and projectors and other bullshit like that. Tracing has always existed, you just have to make shit in your art more transformative.
Like idk, people who always get hung up on this art medium elitism imo are pretentious fine artists who all get wrapped up in the process of bullshit as if it matters. If it looks like a blind five year old painted it with their hand taped to their forehead, it’s gonna look like that no matter what the quality of the paints are or the techniques. Literally nobody cares outside of internet artists who only have worth to themselves when others praise them for doing mundane bullshit
No. 495757
>>495681Nope, you understood me perfectly. I simply think traditional is better. You can agree or disagree, but I, as an individual, think digital art, more specifically in the realm of illustration, just isn’t as good or skilled. Now if we were talking animation, game design, or film, then I’d concede that yes, digital is running the show. But, since this thread mainly talks about illustration, that is what I am referring to. I think traditional illustration is better than digital illustration. Point blank.
No. 495771
>>495639Nobody's shitting on artist that trace their own work as part of their work process.
It's those people who steal stuff from other artists and calling it a day instead of improving their skills and learn the difference between "inspiration and reference" and "copying" who are shitheads.
No. 496089
>>495813> No one gives a shit what impresses you more or not.NTA, but you clearly do. Grow a thicker skin if someone in anon can upset you this much over something so benign as preferring one medium over another.
Stop throwing rocks in your glasshouse
No. 496143
File: 1576759090499.png (120.98 KB, 1080x644, display_of_assholery.png)

Why instagram artists are often the most entitled obnoxious twat?
No. 496268
>>496131your last sentence makes zero sense. an artist changing mediums from digital to any traditional medium cannot, by definition, make the art the same way. if they have the same skill in both mediums, it is still impossible to make it look or be made the same in both mediums, regardless of skill. doing the exact same piece in marker or watercolor will give you different results and
process, same goes for digital. your entire argument is relying on your belief that traditional and digital are the same, when they very clearly arent if the debate has gone on this long. just admit your heated because someone with a preference that they explained was just a matter of their own personal tastes ticked you off.
No. 496335
File: 1576791029780.jpg (85.92 KB, 640x788, totoro is very niche anime you…)

I don't frequent the insta art scene but I've seen this image pop out on twitter, thoughts?
No. 496364
>>496360There are some basic ones that don’t.
Line correcting, eye dropper tool and being able to edit previous layers while keeping the top layer intact. Digital art is definitely a skill unto itself but traditional art is way less forgiving
No. 496383
File: 1576798087800.png (1.1 MB, 1300x1106, Annotation 2019-12-19 152454.p…)

>>496335Went and checked the watermark, art is typical, non-original, insta-thot bullshit. And she does have the meme on the account, which looks recently sterilized, and claims that meme pages have stolen it. So she seems to be sitting behind her sentiment in this meme, even though it is laughable the amount of irony in her own work.
No. 496395
File: 1576799861849.jpg (345.86 KB, 525x524, Latest Issue 100.jpg)

What do you anons think of Saturday AM?
A majority of the comic artists look like amateurs akin to ones you'd find on the furthest page of Tapas or something.
It also seems like…all of the creators of the site are black? And quite possibly all or most of the comic artists as well.
Which is fine and all but it does come across as non-inclusive.
It's nowhere near the quality standard of Shonen Jump—I would advise them to be a little more strict about who they employ as comic artists because…just look at the art.
Who'd want to pay for a monthly anthology that features those?
No. 496399
>>496395How TF did you get from most of the artists are black in a medium where black people are under represented to it's ~exclusionary uwu~ that's a ridiculous reach even for lolcow lol.
Anyway some of the artists are good and some are bad that's my take.
No. 496434
>>496400Eugh. I've never watched any of her videos and now I regret watching this one.
She has the voice of a fat manwoman. It's just grossly deep and disgusting to listen to.
Also her coloring is atrocious and that comment about the lineart? What an asshole. There's a multiply layer dumbass AND ways to separate the lines from the white background.
No. 496528 thought you guys might find this situation interesting.
Summary from what I'm seeing. Artist took on a commission from procriate, didn't deliver on what the company wanted, the company did not want to pay full price because the artist ignored their feedback, the artist is now throwing a hissy fit on twitter blaming the company. A lot of people seem to side with the artist but honestly after reading everything it seems to me more like he just fucked himself over by not keeping up with the clients feedback like he should've yet still wants to get paid for full price. Though I must say there's many comments also pointing out the unprofessional attitude of the artist which is really refreshing to see.
No. 496531
>>496528Wow. I enjoy his work but he’s kind of full of himself.
I only follow him on IG but not Twitter (I stay away from it) so to see this side of him is disappointing.
They said no religious iconography that could be easily read as such. His stuff is well known as Angelarium so of course it’s going to have spiritual and religious figures that can be seems as similar to religious iconography.
Maybe they were hoping he’d listen to feedback and change it. But since he didn’t, it’s fair they gave him money for his time but not the full amount owed since he didn’t fulfill his end of the deal.
No. 496547
>>496335Is this saying that if I, as a Hot Girl, take images of myself in front of my actually good art = profit?
Not many people do this but I have seen it work for a few people, generally nobody gives a fuck what artists look like.
Maybe I am misreading this "not like the other girls" meme and it's just comparing selfies to art.
No. 496571
>>496531That is fine and all, but I’m failing to see how the image he created specifically for Procreate is religious. He drew an angel, sure, that is his niche, but it isn’t even the stereotypical angel, like the ones depicted in churches or Abrahamic religious iconography. It’s more connected to the secular, supernatural definition of an angel, that being the fearful creature that takes people to the afterlife, gives prophecies, and looks closer to an eldritch horror monster. Regardless, it depicts the ability of the app far better than the generic user, and looks like a great advertising piece. Sure, the artist is being entitled as fuck, but on the terms that have been presented so far, I’m not seeing a reason Procreate should have turned his work away.
No. 496572
File: 1576838314375.png (807.2 KB, 600x800, 4DFEF792-775B-412A-96F4-223E12…)

>>496528This is the image Procreate rejected, for more context.
No. 496575
File: 1576839015999.png (313.54 KB, 1080x1583, Screenshot_2019-12-20-17-50-01…)

It has been circulating that the Inktober guy decides to trademark the word "Inktober" and causing some discourse.
No. 496579
File: 1576839900343.png (1.8 MB, 1080x1337, Screenshot_20191220-105636~2.p…)

>>496547Yes, have you ever looked at artwork_in_studio? It's cooled off a bit, but for a while it was consistently posting photos of women in bikinis in front of their abstract splatter art. It must have worked for them because the women were paying to be promoted.
They would delete so many comments about it kek No. 496580
>>496571Procreate sent a PDF with feedback so I assume there were a few notes there. I wouldn't be surprised if the changes they requested were fairly simple but because the artist refused to even acknowledge them, they decided to cancel the comm.
Personally I think Procreate is well within their right to stop working with someone who disregards feedback and is clearly unhappy working with them. This is childish behavior and extremely unprofessional.
No. 496607
File: 1576848684173.jpeg (457.42 KB, 1242x957, 0AE54295-AB73-4D44-B0F2-25ED8D…)

>>496572 >>496603
>>496571More happened since I fell asleep. I didn’t see his piece and assumed it was like his previous work. From catching up and seeing his example it doesn’t read as religious at all and is just abstract. A bit restrained from his usual work.
However his response is that he a) didn’t see the email because it was Thanksgiving (Procreate is in AUS) and so he ignored it and b) then said he couldn’t open the pdf file in the email and/or it was buried in the email so he couldn’t find it in time.
It just sounds like a bunch of excuses why he didn’t listen to feedback and now he lost out on an opportunity. He’s also starting a “procreategate tag. He needs to chill.
No. 496609
>>496607i'm happy that it seems more and more artists are calling him out on his unprofessionalness, especially over the dumb "procreategate" tag.
>>496608could you elaborate on this kickstarter?
No. 496611
File: 1576849009000.jpeg (207.12 KB, 1536x2048, 1A2B1427-4219-4BFD-8563-5564CF…)

>>496607Procreate’s response when someone asked them about this drama.
>>496608I haven’t heard about that. Details?
No. 496618
File: 1576849496724.jpeg (924.38 KB, 1242x1626, CA6BAB90-CD52-48D6-8CA7-B7F4BD…)

First spoiler image was an accident
No. 496621
>>496528This makes me really sad. He has a nice web show that is super helpful for artists in the industry and who are trying to get in. (One Fantastic Week) He is super anti-freelance/commissions so it is weird that this is the hill he wants to die on. It kind of just goes against everything he preaches.
I've seen him at conventions a lot and he is seems pretty arrogant for a pudgy lump of a man.
No. 496624
>>496622There could be more to the pdf we’re not seeing. Frankly this piece is boring. That’s what they mean by not having mass market appeal. Compared to his previous work it’s not grand or dynamic.
He just took an older piece, reworked it and it shows.
His retort is “my Patreons wanted prints of it!” doesn’t matter because his fans will buy whatever he makes.
>>496621Sounds like he took it because of the money and whatever else was in the deal Procreate has for commissioning artists.
However he missed the deadline and didn’t follow feedback. It’s sad but that’s what happens sometimes.
He needs to stop talking about this because it’s making him look bad as a professional. He may not want to do commissions at all but it’s not a good look right now for him.
No. 496625
File: 1576851256565.jpeg (617.4 KB, 1424x2000, 99B39CAC-9B74-48DA-897F-A946A2…)

>>496395One of the authors was known back in 2010 for tracing/heavily referencing manga panels from Bleach and sometimes Naruto and has replicated that early 2000s manga style in his own comic. It makes it look really knock-offy and lame in my own opinion.
No. 496626
File: 1576851327207.jpeg (328.49 KB, 1000x1404, 43636D21-5663-4380-823E-75963E…)

>>496625It’s called AppleBlack and it’s super bland
No. 496629
File: 1576852231200.png (239.73 KB, 600x408, 337522F5-CABB-4BCF-806A-CD0D9B…)

>>496625Are you sure you aren’t talking about Nick Simmons?
No. 496634
>>496625That's a different guy. I think his name is Otonze or something.
He has a YouTube channel called Whyt Manga, he makes tutorials and speedpaints and apparently he has a master's degree in an art related subject.
No. 496650
File: 1576857707632.jpeg (508.05 KB, 1424x2000, F0121DF6-7FA9-4D32-BA1C-9D0C08…)

>>496634Still weeb as fuck
No. 496655
>>496650It’s like they simultaneously traced Bleach for the faces and Naruto/Boruto for the bodies. This shit is embarrassing.
>>496629Magma and detergent!!
No. 496685
>>496624I’m still failing to see how this looks bad on him. Okay, so he didn’t change the piece when feedback was given. Whatever. But Procreate changing the amount agreed upon is so sly to me. There was an agreed amount for a service given, and when the service is complete, even if it isn’t to exact specifications, the agreed payment should still be paid. It’s like going to Craigslist and saying you’ll give $500 for a couch, showing up with $350, and saying you aren’t going to pay $500 because it didn’t come with the throw pillows in the ad photo. That’s how I am seeing it, that is why I really can’t fault the artist here for being mad.
He is still an immature dickhead for thinking a hashtag will solve his problems, but I can’t see why Procreate would reject the piece and pay less when they make plenty of money to just cut their losses and move on.
No. 496692
File: 1576867705275.jpeg (188.31 KB, 1024x1024, 286CB5F3-CF51-4C80-ACE0-526018…)

>>496625Traces have been happening in the manga industry more recently and I’m honestly not surprised at all. Even the pros are doing it
No. 496702
File: 1576870030803.jpeg (380.55 KB, 1032x1566, A9421A34-111C-424E-88F7-A2AEC3…)

The people all look traces of real people cause that one in the middle looks ugly as shit.
Cover I guess is by kristaferanka on twitter
No. 496731
>>496685Like you said there was an agreed amount for the service given that he did NOT deliver on.
This would be like a person agreeing to buy a couch ALONG with the pillows for 500, showing up only to find the couch and no pillows, offering to still pay for the couch rather than walking away like they could've done but the seller then demanding a full price on the product when it's not what the buyer wanted.
No. 496772
>>496770nta but
as far as I remember it was a white boy and a vampire girl owner(can't remember her ethnicity) , but while the boy loves her, she just sees him as an animal…
No. 496813
>>496624samefag but I agree, the piece really is boring, like the angel creature is literally just standing there with it's arms crossed…
>>496685top kek anon, if you agree on a fee for a service and you do not receive that service it would be absurd to pay them the full price. Like showing up for a $500 couch and it's riddled with stains and holes you're totally gonna pay the full $500 for it. Right.
No. 496860
File: 1576903059096.png (542.49 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20191221-123632.png)

>>496855Nah man this is the worst one
She didnt even know wtf shes doing in this one
No. 496862
>>496860Same anon
Yeah you lowkey right, it makes me kek how bad it is. I'm gonna be honest, it pisses me off so much when she only uses those shitty Kyle webster brushes. The Kyle brushes are so shitty, I will never understand why people use that shit.
One last point, why the hell is she trying to mimic a specific style without using brushes that seem similar to the style she's emulating? It just looks like dog shit when she's using brushes that are made for a different type of art.
No. 497015
>>497002God don't encourage anyone.
I stg once someone starts the entire thread just becomes a shit show
No. 497057
>>497048I like the idea. Unusual, can't remember seeing a similiar one by another artist. Kasey's style is debatable but well, there's worse out there. I just wish she did proper backgrounds and not only grey boxes.
>>497051Maybe if you live in a pretty religious area. There are other areas in this world where nobody gives a fuck if you're naked in your own house.
No. 497157
File: 1576978168644.jpeg (758.45 KB, 1242x860, 0DD1373F-D6ED-4243-8711-8D06FD…)

Guess someone saw Huta-Chan’s success and decided to copy their video format. I dislike this type of content. It almost always looks off because there’s no underlying sketch to get the anatomy correct first,
No. 497166
File: 1576979849832.png (1.05 MB, 1800x1448, 00EB484A-AAD9-41EF-B6D3-5C6657…)

>>497131She copy pasted her response to a couple people with criticisms. But what art director in their right mind would tell her to go ahead and let her draw one of her generic witchy goth girls as the face of one of their popular IP? It’s unrecognizable! Wouldn’t that hurt a large company like DC to put out a comic that features a character who looks nothing like what’s been established? I get wanting to keep a style on brand for her followers to recognize but this seems extremely lazy, she didn’t even try to incorporate any characteristics of the character to make it somewhat recognizable. I guess being a popular artist really does make you too lazy to go outside of your comfort zone since you’re already making bank being repetitive.
No. 497220
>>497131I just googled this character and goddamn. How do you manage to not incorporate a single characteristic of hers in the
portrait?? Unless this is an AU where she's a soft brooding Instagram model.
All the different styles showed her personality so "muh style" is not an excuse.
No. 497223
File: 1577000848098.jpg (51.58 KB, 396x550, Screenshot_20191222_104532.jpg)

>>497131Samefag but I scrolled down and found the exact same character. Or is it??
No. 497248
File: 1577007604218.png (612.19 KB, 665x750, oops.png)

I know the art in this show is low-hanging fruit but jesus christ, how did they manage to fuck up this bad without anyone noticing?!
No. 497253
File: 1577008081928.png (308.14 KB, 540x360, D19D71D4-8D92-47D6-9314-02F281…)

>>497248Steven Universe animation is pretty fucking shit with stylistic and size continuity
No. 497265
File: 1577015498742.png (641.22 KB, 640x1136, 8E748589-41F7-44D8-B1DB-7CB590…)

Yudoridori “famous” “look how edgy and different I am” Recently admitted to borderline grooming a minor while also lusting after her
No. 497268
File: 1577015877432.jpeg (66.72 KB, 640x225, 184AA70B-A24E-4F60-97DB-E5FC11…)

Saged for samefag but this is apparently what she decided to talk about at her recent public artists met and greet
No. 497279
>>497273What's wrong with her, why is she supporting a girl if she just thinks she should be sexually exploited,
especially as she says she was raped herself at age 7
>>497268 No. 497283
File: 1577021167525.png (Spoiler Image,1.23 MB, 1080x3597, cringe.png)

>>497265God this bitch is tragic
No. 497289
>>497283Did she confuse Marie Antoinette with the suffragists?
And she seems to think that being sexual and being a prostitute is the same thing.
No. 497317
File: 1577032224399.jpg (25.26 KB, 300x420, Deandre-7-300x420.jpg)

I'm prob reaching, but why the only hairstyle I see of a black character almost always have dreads something like pic above. Like every black oc I see has the same hair, like course there WAY more hairstyles to do. Afro hair is not hard to do, maybe if did more realistically or it was more kinky then it's like curly. Its just always some kind of dreads. I guess cause there not used to drawing dark characters or people with hat hair, I just see the same shit soo much. I grew around a place where color is majority, more african then black american,not every teen boy got that. (I'm prob reaching ik)
No. 497331
>>497316Yeah it shocks me how some of her work is legitimately published with all the stuff she comes out with
Also her official website No. 497351
>>497347Her objectifying pics and writing screams "I'm traumatized but not dealing with it at all."
It's disgusting that she would rather objectify young girls herself instead of dealing with her csa trauma.
No. 497354
>>497265She has the most sickening cumbrain incel opinions, who the heck is influencing her to say this? Prostitution and a normal job are not the same thing. Calling children hot and advising tbey become prostitutes is 100% incel brain
Clearly whatever she has experienced has rotted her brain, imagine writing this and thinking it's deep and inspirational
No. 497417
>>497265I knew this crazy sociopath bitch in real life when I attended college with her at SVA. She hated everyone and thought everyone was beneath her, it was extreme. She dated one of my friends and was able to isolate him from everyone he knew. But he was an idiot himself, because he dated her to get close to Kim Jung Gi (Yudori works within him in superani studios).
Dude ended up dipping when she woke up out of a dream while they were sleeping and beat/punched the shit out of him because she dreamt he was cheating on her. He ended up punching her out of defense - and she was shocked. She was able to convince him to apologize to her parents about the event.
He told me a lot more about the shenanigans she pulled but I would go on forever. Bitch is fucking insane. Even tried to convince him his friends aren't real.
No. 497424
File: 1577060125464.png (572.5 KB, 1180x1174, 876546789.png)

>>497265I remember finding out about this artist when someone else on IG put her on blast for drawing a girl getting fucked by a horse. Interesting to see she's still…like this.
Also, what the hell is she even trying to say here? No. 497491
>>497424All of her ‘I’m so happy I had an abortion!’ edgelord comics just scream regret, all over them. Like, you can tell she is projecting, reaching out for all the feminists that think the way she does to validate her actions. Like, sorry to break it to you, but no-one would have ever judged you for having an abortion if you kept your mouth shut about it. If you regret doing it, oh well. Actions have consequences, and you made yours. This is your bed, lie in it, but don’t get surprised if you get flak because you tried to use your abortion for internet-feminist-clout.
What a sorry excuse of an artist…
No. 497497
File: 1577093491538.jpg (Spoiler Image,1 MB, 653x5963, 1522663518802.jpg)

>>497491>>497424you mean this one
No. 497512
File: 1577095840724.png (101.96 KB, 1071x444, tumblr_inline_paxlf8YY9L1qg1zs…)

just found this on her website and holy shit she just keeps on giving what the fuck does point 3 even mean lol
No. 497525
>>497524i'd speculate about her education, but it feels more like she is just so fucked up she is spouting any random shit that pops up in her mind. i just hope that she never gets in contact with that girl she is sponsoring from another country.
also i think she is probably thread worthy.
No. 497565
>>497521This is an imgr album someone made of her paintings a while ago found it on reddit. I’ve never looked into her so I don’t know if these would still be on her own website
No. 497611
File: 1577122463841.jpg (Spoiler Image,40.78 KB, 600x975, LRscZp9_d.jpg)

>>497565possibly just a case of sameface but this drawing looks like the main characters of her comic Pandora's Choice, which makes it even grosser considering they're father and daughter in the story (although considering the comic is just a big tract of the stuff she already rants about on IG I wouldn't be surprised if she also made pedo art for it)
No. 497621
>>497512So, she hates yaoi, because it has rape in it. And fujoshis use it to ‘keep themselves pure’, which is framed as bad, But then she closes with fujoshis using yaoi to ‘reclaim power’, which is a phrase commonly used in positive feminist messaging. She’s contradicting herself constantly.
So, is yaoi bad because it recreates colonization of asain people (even though it was the Japanese that did that, and Japanese women are the main producers of traditional yaoi, and their gender standards are far different than American), or is the production of yaoi good because it gives an assertive voice to women who avoid The Male Gaze. Are they bad for avoiding The Male Gaze because the expectation ‘being unstained’ is unreasonable, or are they
victims using a form of fiction to cope with said Male Gaze?
She is just a monkey with a keyboard, looking to be mad at something, without bothering to actually think through her points before spewing.
No. 497623
>>497611>>497497a bit of a tinfoil, but her art makes it seem like she never got over getting raped and depicts it as a way to "cope", but in reality it just seems like an obsession. like how in that comic she seems to be obsessed with remembering her abortion instead of moving on from it, she can't seem to move on from anything.
>>497621maybe i read it wrong, but where does she say she hates yaoi? i thought the point of her having this weird ass "fujoshi manifesto" on her blog is because she is one (tho her art never depicts that as far as i've seen). and because of this whole "colonizer" obsession she has she is saying that she is reclaiming what the colonizers did or something?
No. 497855
>>497627… I honestly have no clue what she's trying to convey here. TBH all her comics are kinda random like other than saying she fucks a white man who does coke what's the point? That she doesn't like it?? Sorta???
What a weirdo lol
No. 497895
>>497742Yes, she’s from South Korea
>>497759Yeah honestly I feel bad for her too, like she’s clearly got shit going on mentally and clearly needs help, but I also think she latched onto this persona cuz of trauma and also cuz it’s the opposite of what people think of young Asian women so she’s using that to shock people.
She did a series of paintings a while back when I first found her on tumblr that I thought were really good, they were all young Korean women in hanbok that all vaguely looked like her, but on IG she went into detail once how she had to edit them heavily for her SK director/SK client, like making the faces and noses more narrow and lightening up the skin tones and all that. Armchair here too but imo, like living with those societal and cultural expectations on image and like obvious trauma she’s had plus whatever mental bullshit she has like, it just makes me sad for her.
I don’t think tho she’s a proper art cow tho, I think she’s actually a pretty good cartoonist and that her subject matter is just a lot
No. 497898
>>497895i think her personality is enough for her to be a cow, and it's not like she is just this innocent trauma
victim, from
>>497265 we can see that she isn't just really edgy, but fucking nasty towards real people too.
No. 497907
>>497898I agree anon people seem to forget she is vile, and the way she expresses herself towards the girl she sponsors is just nasty
She clearly is mentally disturbed but its not an excuse to be an asshole
No. 498036
>>498032 you go, tell me if it doesn't work. I used a throwaway email so hopefully thats not an issue.
Also, when you open it it'll always ask to pick a language, just a heads up.
No. 498151
>>497907I've followed her for years and I don't think she really tries to ever excuse herself though, or at least when she does she seems aware that she's also full of shit and deliberately courting controversy for attention. Even an anon saying she is an
abusive gf doesn't surprise me because she doesn't put up a sanitized front. She's a car crash instead of a cow
I agree completely with everything
>>497895 said, she has some crazy and vile takes but can be refreshing in other times and b honestly seems similar to many users here. Isn't it better that there are still some controversial artists on social media that we don't always agree with instead of only ever seeing fake woke types that never express their thoughts?
No. 498237
>>498155I’m so tired of fake woke artists especially keeping up with the twitter sphere cuz it’s so easy for people to be woke for points and likes. It just makes me think “aren’t you fuckin tired” or like “get a Fuckin hobby outside of art that isn’t being on the internet”
I enjoy the art cows who think they’re hot shit but they’re really hampering their own growth and development cuz they’re too thick and or too surrounded by their yes-men to ever grow as an artist like lavendertowne or baylee Jae cuz you know they’re gonna still stay safe in their bubbles but ultimately they’re dooming themselves in the long run. Idk it’s different when a cow obviously has some kind of mental bullshit and trauma in addition to their own cow-ness like yudori cuz it isn’t entirely her fault, she’s a cow but you know a part of it she can’t control? Whereas someone like Becca hilburn or baylee Jae, while they might have their own issues with depression or like adhd or something, like a lot of their issues with being shifty artists is cuz they’re stuck up and stubbon with their own art
No. 498323
>>498149Paint Tool Sai is made by just one guy in Japan iirc. Kind of shitty to pirate something made by a small creator like that.
I asked my mom to buy it for me ten years ago, because I was a dumb kid and I didn't know how to pirate things. I've used the same license ever since. As long as you don't lose the license number, you can install it on as many computers as you want.
No. 498462
File: 1577397619323.png (460.54 KB, 754x689, Scrotes mad x20.PNG)

The point was lost because they used the "I cal only draw one hot insta face' style, but mad scrotes in the comments. They're calling her femcel too
No. 498496
File: 1577405446100.jpg (15.26 KB, 340x283, Jack_O'_Lantern_(The_Grim_Adve…)

>>498489I was thinking he looked more like this dude from Billy and Mandy. I don't think it's that big of a deal tho since pumpkin headed dudes are super common and look similar anyway.
No. 498503
File: 1577407507695.jpeg (151.61 KB, 880x1215, B448D539-3941-443A-BA02-AEFF7A…)

>>498496this is pretty egregious
No. 498546
>>498460Literally everything in this is some shade of ripoff. The children and animation style are just Billy and Mandy, the premise is just the Nightmare Before Christmas, and the vampire in the group of monsters is literally just the girl from Hotel Transylvania. Has this bitch ever had an original idea in her life?
Also, this animation REALLY looks like shitty. countless recycled frames, low frame rate, ew.
I'm so sick of hearing about Vivienne. Someone needs to confiscate her tablet and Wifi.
No. 498708
File: 1577472522807.jpeg (293.21 KB, 1125x1628, 8FABFE83-0708-49C1-90C6-49C6BB…)

>>498462The funniest part about this is she is hiding replies and blocking people for making fun of her stance. She also has a bunch of women in her replies, either joking that this image doesn’t feature them and therefore is under-representing female diversity, or just flat out saying the image is rude.
The hidden replies are the best part though, here is what came up when I pushed the reveal button. First guy has a screenshot of him being blocked by her. I kind of want to post it separately and put it up as next thread’s banner image contestant.
No. 498747

Saged because this is a Creepshow post.
So, a video that was majority wholesome suddenly did a 180 and ripped her art a new asshole near-anonymously. It happened a year ago, according to her. And the video is, miraculously, not on Youtube anymore so there is no way to find it. And now the artist that roasted her wants to collab. So now, she makes a video on it. And I know she is stale milk, but I hate when people try to create fake stories to seem like better people, so this really struck a nerve with me and I thought it was worth sharing. Hence the sage.
Since the video she mentions miraculously does not exist anymore, I'm betting the video never existed in the first place, and she is just trying to get 'Big Youtuber Hates Me' clout, a-la Emily Artful style. Because one year ago, on her Youtube channel, she was large enough that she not only was on this thread several times, but she was one of the main commentators on the Holly Brown tracing scandal, had her art stolen and someone else threatened to sue her (This she had screencaps for), and was averaging 30k-60k views per video. She wasn't unknown in the art sphere.
One look at her instagram at the time would likely link to her Youtube. She claims whoever made this video never opened the DM, yet had art in the video she never sent him. So that means he was on her Instagram account. Since he was on her account, he knew she had a Youtube channel with that amount of growth. Every other post was an ad for her most recent upload with whatever art she was making in the background. She wasn't some rando-fan. Yet this artist still took the risk of showing her art and fisting it with negative critique? And apparently this stopped her from making a channel in the first place? And their fanbases never would have overlapped at all, to the point, in Creepshows own works, the comment section was flooded with agreements that her art was terrible and she should quit?
I'm calling bullshit. No artist on Youtube a year ago could pull something like this, and not get some flack unless 1) They are a small time creature speaking into the void, 2) Their community is all braindead (Which considering Creepshow's viewing habits, she would fit right in), or 3) They did give actual critic, but instead of saying 'You can so improve, I see potential', they said 'Your fundamentals are non-existent, learn to draw before you go into stylizing' and she took that as offensive.
Also, Creepshow has been uploading way longer than her channel suggests, showing the first upload as March of 2018. With 65K views. And branding. And a flooded comment section. So, no, she had not been doing Youtube for just under 2 years, she has to be doing it longer, so this whole timeline she had constructed makes no sense at all. This is what happens when you try to make drama for clout without evidence. So not only does she look like a dumbass, but a liar. And her fans just eat it up.
No. 498771
>>498768God this clown just can't stop can he?
He's going to get himself blacklisted pulling shit like this. No one wants to work with someone who acts this way.
No. 498780
File: 1577499434327.jpg (676.47 KB, 1080x2314, Screenshot_20191228_021635.jpg)

Qinni just posted this on Twitter and honestly, I'm so gutted for her. She's an amazing artist, and she's been through so much already - how on earth would you cope being given this news and still being so young?
No. 498788
>>498780I can't begin to imagine how terrified and crushed she must feel. It's so unfair that she is so young and has fought so hard with her medical issues, only to have her life cut short anyway. My heart is breaking for her. Fuck cancer.
>>498787She has had issues with her heart, I think a genetic defect, and had four open heart surgeries and is/was(?) on the transplant list. The cancer thing is brand new and out of nowhere.
No. 498844
>>498780I wasn't familiar with her but seeing this is heartbreaking. How do you cope with being so young and being told you only have about a year left to live?
Just… jfc.
No. 498879
>>498788Shit. I bet whatever
toxic cocktail of drugs/x-raying/radioactive blood vessel dyes she's had to endure to go through and survive all those surgeries are what caused the cancer. That, or some higher power really has it out for her
No. 498925
File: 1577554037913.jpeg (229.49 KB, 469x483, 92C6F086-1F4B-4FCA-BDAB-8065B0…)

Why do they always have the same mindless expression every single time?
No. 498933
File: 1577556918688.jpg (43.44 KB, 500x667, kpop boy.jpg)

why do artists draw those kpop boys so weird and creepy(namefag)
No. 498951
File: 1577559745707.png (1.01 MB, 1259x798, wtf.PNG)

>>498930yeah. An artist like CS doesn't study, but 'throws shit at the wall to see what sticks' or randomly doodles until they make a mistake that looks good. This method has slow improvement and relies heavily on symbol drawing. The above method also stops working when an artist becomes satisfied with their work, often when they get a lot of followers. More speculative, but her switch to digital could have caused this. Her old trad art looked decent, but now she's regressing
No. 498952
File: 1577559980745.png (749.31 KB, 1143x632, oooof.PNG)

Creepshows top 9 most liked artworks. Imagine this being your best
No. 498972
>>498968Right? Bet she doesn’t even know what a creepshow actually was before it became a euphemism. People with physical deformities, retardation, generic mutations, different skin color, etc., were put in cages and paraded to cities, so then people could point and laugh at them. Like animals in a zoo. And she names herself after that, making symbol-based generic tattooed girl face art. Talk about making a mockery of a moniker. I’d expect to see political gore art with someone with a name like ‘creepshow’. But hey, she likes Rupaul’s Drag Race, that makes her edgy and alternative, and not-at-all generic and typical!
No. 499018
>>499013ADHD is diagnosed all the time without proper therapy. Doctor's pump out ritalin because schools tell the parents their kid is a disruption when in reality they just need to run around a bit and be actual kids instead of sitting around for hours. Instead they get drugged. That may be the past medication.
As for autism and schizophrenia, those usually require therapy. In most public schools, autistic kids usually have separate classes from the regular kids, unless it is high-functioning aspergers or something. If she only has had 2 sessions, more than likely she self-diagnosed those.
It does smell of 'mental illness for clicks' though.
No. 499039
>>499013In america you can either visit a psychiatrists, who prescribes medication, or a psychologist, who give therapy/diagnoses.
>second time she went to therapyShe most likely went to the
psychologist once, got a quick diagnoses, and has been using that with all her
No. 499071
>>499063That's a bunch of BS.
You're not on a watchlist unless you're deemed unwell (and you've had plenty of episodes)
People with schizophrenia can live fine.
t. brother with schizophrenia that was heavily untreated for 10+ years.
God the artist thread is fucking trash
No. 499073
>>499063lol what? a watchlist? Im pretty sure thats highly illegal and if not highly unethical.
What I am saying is that someone with all these diagnoses probably wouldn't be able to get them all in one session? much less medication for it?
No. 499074
>>499071How can something be heavily untreated, lol. The artist clearly says she has it, yet whatever medical history she shares doesnt line up. And I'm pretty sure having schizophrenia counts as unwell.
>>499073It is very legal. Medical history is part of normal background checks. And background checks are the most common reason to be placed on watchlists, especially when coupled with online history and mandatory reporting. The fact some cow of an artist is using it to get clout is more laughable considering this.
No. 499078
>>499051There are plenty of therapists and psychiatrists in America who will take patients without referrals. I just called one I found off the internet and she gave me an appointment. Saw her for a few sessions and got a diagnosis and medication. I do know for a fact that you don't have to have gone through therapy beforehand.
>>499074In the US medical records are confidential and NOT part of a normal background check. An employer can only request medical information if it's specifically relevant to the job (like making sure you don't have tuberculosis for a hospital job), and even then the info they have access to is quite limited. The average background check includes shit like credit reports, driving records and drug tests, not your entire medical history and every pill you take. And schizophrenic people do not get put on some public catch-all list anyone can google just for having schizophrenia either. Dunno what nanny state you live in where mentally ill people have to wear a scarlet letter but it's not the case in America.
No. 499081
File: 1577591987413.png (Spoiler Image,68.9 KB, 232x258, cursed penis.PNG)

unrelated but I found this penis tearzah drew and im lmao at how they drew it backwards
No. 499102
File: 1577596238682.jpg (Spoiler Image,10.82 KB, 192x240, 192px-Erect_Penis_with_C-Ring.…)

>>499081For comparison (warning peen)
No. 499134
>>498930Yeah I noticed too. I'm pretty sure it's mostly what
>>498935 said, it's because she doesn't practice or study to improve her work. I think it's because her YouTube has been getting a lot of views and so she may think that she can fall back on YouTube for finances and doesn't have to improve her art, at least not now anyway.
>>498951Damn I see what you mean anon, her stuff here actually looks decent, certainly more lively than what she's doing now.
No. 499199
File: 1577631593884.jpg (357.02 KB, 1080x1663, IMG_20191229_155852.jpg)

She said on Twitter that her doctors speculate now that her heart desease might have been soft tissue cancer all along.
Could explain why they only found it now in such a late state.
It's really sad to think this might have cost her a couple of years
No. 499205
>>499203exactly my thoughts. I feel awful for thinking this way, but… she's been tested several times and supposedly underwent already a cancer test several months ago and it went negative… I just cannot believe someone can be this unlucky, and I truly wish she's actually not seriously ill
also her first thoughts after diagnosis being "I'm too cute to die a virgin" and "I don't want to die before One Piece and Hunter x Hunter" are weird. I truly feel awful for doubting her words though
No. 499217
File: 1577634521539.jpeg (255.67 KB, 828x1148, 2B1BF31F-C744-4CBC-A34E-4E1836…)

>>499213My biggest question is why was she diagnosed with an extremely rare disease, instead sarcoma, which is more common? This raises a question for me.
No. 499230
>>499217We'll know in a year and a half if it's
made up. It's sad that anyone on the internet with a gofundme or patreon has to be doubted this way, but it happens so often. For now I'm taking her for her word, but part of me expects that she has a miracle recovery in a year and survives, but comes up with a new 'super rare and special diagnosis' reason for people to keep giving to her patreon. Then I'll just roll my eyes.
No. 499269
>>499203Same. I was sus when she announced it. Needing money for hospital bills, using Patreon for that, and making sad art could all be part of a scam.
I usually wouldn’t immediately doubt people but the Internet makes me cautious. If it’s true I hope she’s able to get better. But if she continues for a few years after I have to suspect it’s a scam.
No. 499282
File: 1577655355417.png (167.19 KB, 1080x1669, Screenshot_20191229-223532_1.p…)

is she lurking?
No. 499309
File: 1577663286080.png (734.6 KB, 606x1113, 2019-12-30 10_47_24-Qinni 【天天就…)

>>499203Ultimately, unless there is proof otherwise, I don't think there's really any reason to doubt her. She's been pretty candid about her health issues through the years and has posted pictures from the hospital, of medical paperwork with her name on it, filling out organ transplant forms, etc. I mean yeah you could argue munchies all do the same stuff - but pro-munchies NEVER pick stuff like stage 4 cancer or anything with such high mortality rates.
It's easy to be jaded considering the nature of the site we're on but it's more likely that she's being honest than it is she's doing the long-con munchie shit and printing out fake heart paperwork and medication schedules and shit.
No. 499336
>>499284Yea I side with Qinni here, what's with people getting offended when you're cracking jokes about your own death that's looming over your head? I mean how are you supposed to react? She's doesn't seem the type of person to wanna post a video of herself crying and if she did it would be even more sketchy, her reaction to me seems totally normal as many people deal with trauma through humor.
>>499309And if she actually was faking it (which I doubt) why make it such a rare and lethal illness when she could've picked any other cancer that's more believable and ride with that. If someone is a professional liar, considering she's talked about her medical issues for years, you would think she would make up more believable story if this was fake.
No. 499377
>>499336Especially being sick pretty much her whole life and knowing that her number could be up any time. People who are sick for a long time or terminal figure out how to cope in ways that seem weird or morbid to the average healthy person who has never had to think about their mortality.
And fakers never pick super lethal shit. They will pick stuff that is "rare" and shitty, but will allow them to get the most attention for as long as possible, without being visibly sick, not a late stage deadly cancer that kills you in a year or less. Qinni has no reason to fake cancer when she already has a deadly heart condition anyway.
No. 499468
>>499230Considering she is not very active online I don't believe she is faking. A true scammer would rinse it for everything they could. She's also a literal child.
Sounds like the Doctors fucked some things up which led to this.
No. 499504
File: 1577733713752.png (849.41 KB, 1196x657, 4848646654.PNG)

I know this is crabby as fuck, but amazon has a "take a picture of you product for the review" feature and it's hilarious to compare the review with their picture
No. 499544
>>499520She looks about 16/17 and joked about dying a virgin, I really doubt she's 29
Things are not adding up.
No. 499547
>>499520The date says 1990, but the age says 25. Is this bracelet old? Or that date isn't her birthdate?
I really don't want to doubt her. But this whole speculating stuff's making me paranoid.
No. 499635
>>499504I’m failing to see what is so bad about this? The art is generic, self-taught BS, with shitty anatomy, classic ‘hide the hands’ techniques, and the artist has a clear hyper-fixation on shading and creating texture. The review is okay and talks about the aesthetics of the book in question over paper quality/usable material, etc., pretty standard of someone with art like this.
It’s just a generic review. I’d be more angry if this was the text for the description of the product on Amazon, and not some rando review. I mean, have you seen the review art for the illo markers?…
No. 499638
>>499544You're an a lolcow forum, but you're shocked that there are people out there that make it to thirty without having sex?
Have you never heard of Chris-chan?
No. 499665
>>499566As far as I am aware, quinni graduated sheridan animation bachelor of animation on 2012. It takes 4 years to do so, so it does make sense that she’s 29 or so.
Video is her thesis which was pretty popular back then.
No. 499667
>>499544Cool, I hope people think I'm still youthful because I'm a 30-year-old virgin woman. It's not the sunscreen, it's virginity.
lmfao anon
No. 499675
File: 1577771283581.jpg (348.81 KB, 1080x1845, Screenshot_20191231-134147_Sam…)

What do think about instagram fashion illustrators. I recently read blog post about Megan Hess a popular fashion illustrator. The blog post pointed out how she repeat subjects, how she uses same pose over again. It really open my eyes. Then i started think about if she who has 385k followers on instagram do this, how many other small illustrator do this. By the way name of blog post is How to draw like Megan Hess. I included screenshot of blog post.
No. 499676
>>499653I have been thinking of making one myself but I don't know if she's fitting for /snow/ or /w/
>>499520the 2015 date is her date of admission into the hospital when this pic was taken, the 1990 date is her birthdate
No. 499688
>>498780This is awful
she is so talented
I just hope she lives longer than the diagnosis
No. 499715
>>499697I know but since she had the whole fujoshi manifesto thing in her site I didn't know where to put her on
will prepare the thread then, hope I can have it soon
No. 499814
>>499676>1990 birthday Kek
anons think she’s some 16 year old girl in the prime of life, dying before her time.
It’s still sad but she’s not a “literal child”
No. 499861
File: 1577832965069.jpg (153.07 KB, 1080x506, Screenshot_20200101-095640_Chr…)

>>499544She has literally said her age, it's not a big secret. You guys really gotta stop seeing milk where there is none.
No. 499932
File: 1577858698869.jpeg (239.86 KB, 960x1440, 13FD00F3-748F-4F8E-A075-E9EED0…)

>>493144I finally remembered where I’ve seen Angel Dust before
No. 500015
File: 1577892924629.jpg (128.95 KB, 1440x1800, Mab.jpg)

Mab bringing in the New Year with this photoshopped photo of her crying.
I remember a few years ago social media was all about showing a false glamorous lifestyle, now people avoid posting about good things that happen and post sad-bait like this. I appreciate she was empathizing with other people's experiences in the caption, but the enlarged, shiny eyes and tiny hands to try and look like a "big eyes" artpiece rubs me up the wrong way.
No. 500038
File: 1577901470724.jpeg (522.54 KB, 1124x1421, 1BB295CE-D37F-4B90-9F59-4F8FA9…)

>>500015I know. The caption was about a death in the family, and I get that people mourn differently, but this is an odd message to send out. For a send-off into the new year, it was pretty bleak and off-putting, like she thought she was the only one with these issues. Like, I had my grandfather die AND I’m going to go blind in a few years, but you don’t see me make sad eyes at the camera for clout. Just fucking live your life, and stop moping. Take life by the balls and wring it out for all you can.
No. 500148
File: 1577932505036.png (265.56 KB, 445x459, ffh23546.PNG)

>>500141She might stagnate again in 2020-2021 because the comment section is full of "SHaNON iT IsN'T ThAT BaD!" suckups. 9:36 also shows the extent that she is crap at art. Her utter lack of skill, mostly regarding perspective, is so bad she can't even make 2 Ellipsis and a straight line. I feel so weird watching this because i think she's some dumb 16 year old, but I realize she's fucking 26..
No. 500152
File: 1577932904495.png (233.93 KB, 720x457, ahhh.PNG)

>>500148Samefagging, but 'minor criticisms'. Her reaction to every piece is gold. From how she tried to @ a celebrity, what she thinks is her best, her warped perspective on the criticism she gets, and everything else
No. 500167
>>500141Yeah I just saw that pop up in my feed just now and that was the first thing that I noticed. Funny how her work was being discussed here and how most people here think her art either stagnated at best or really declined at worst.
I don't thinik I'm gonna watch it because I hate her format with how she does videos, mostly the self-deprecating thing. She may think it makes her funny or #relatable but it doesn't, it comes across as cringe-inducing and tryhard (seriously we know you lurk here Shannon, quit that crap, it's not cute or endearing, I promise you).
No. 500315
File: 1577973656604.png (784.72 KB, 680x1352, 340BD5AF-9A32-438D-9B82-CB4A89…)

an SJW twitter artist makes a bad take, gets posted by oneyng for her bad take, proceeds to say “twitter is attacking her” and locks her whole profile so none of her tweets are available. not only is she a bad artist but she’s just…rude.
No. 500317
File: 1577973719018.png (3.36 MB, 1242x2208, 9ECB51D6-7604-4E8D-86A8-5B7619…)

>>500315sorry i’m posting from my phone, otherwise i would collage these.
No. 500318
File: 1577973776531.png (Spoiler Image,3.43 MB, 1242x2208, 1D9DCD1E-9FA5-49A4-A069-B3FC0E…)

>>500317final one. i really don’t think people would be reacting like they are if she wasn’t such a bitch about how she’s addressing people.
No. 500320
>>500315Oi wae, because being a bitch and getting called out for it makes you such a
victim my gosh. I know this is about pewdiepie 'cause his house got robbed but the dude's like one of the most generous millionaires I've ever heard of. The dude's constantly donating to charities, hosting them and advocating for good causes etc. He's like the last person you would want to demonize as an "privaledged rich guy".
No. 500368
File: 1577980640553.png (8.94 MB, 2319x3169, 9863C71A-B668-4A29-8589-4FC481…)

I've come a rly long way!! 😭”
is this chick serious lol
No. 500397
File: 1577984528172.jpg (525.44 KB, 800x800, ENNHD4SXYAAgpvo.jpg)

This shit is ugly by default, but I wanna know why so many girls draw their characters/selfsona with RAINBOW BANGS like they're so "quirky and kawaii".
Keep that uggo 2000s scene shit out of here. It's 2020 for fucks sake.
No. 500402
>>500397Who drew that? It looks like maybe Starpyrate?? It's fucking ugly.
Also, can't unsee rainbow bangs as just the trademark of Pixielocks
No. 500412
>>500315How much of a
toxic asshole do you have to be to hear someone was the
victim of a crime and think ‘Meh, they deserved it.’
I thought
victim blaming was something SJWs don’t do? Oh wait, they’re all hypocrites and have zero moral compass and base all opinions on their own perceived injustices with no concern for the individual’s contributions to society on account of their skin color or sexual orientation. Guess it’s time to make a shitty comic…
Also, why draw the panel boxes? Aren’t they an digital artist? Use a fucking box maker, or vectors, or a goddam line tool so my eyes don’t strain focusing on shitty line work on both the paneling and the art itself.
No. 500416
File: 1577988670583.jpeg (291.33 KB, 1125x1417, 89428C9B-8F1F-4A9C-8F3D-7CF3DE…)

>>500315It’s okay if she locks her Twitter, she clearly has zero idea how the internet works and cross-posts to Instagram sometimes, not even bothering to use hashtags or anything, and this was something else of hers I found.
Funniest part, two posts below this, underneath a fucking trans Sonic fanart, she has art celebrating ‘friendshipping.’
No. 500425
File: 1577989241026.png (316.15 KB, 700x420, Aggretsuko-Netflix-PV-1000x600…)

>>500397This is just a copy of Retsuko.
No. 500428
>>500416she's deleting a lot of comments on instagram now too lmao.
>>500427regardless of who was robbed and if they were rich, the artist is blatantly rude and cunty to anyone and everyone who disagrees with them and plays it off as ~quirky~. see
>>500416 for another example.
No. 500438
>>500368This must be a joke ..
What major improvement do I witness here???also I dislike her Tumblr art style
No. 500439
>>500315PewDiePie deserves it
He's such an unlikeable smug cunt with a punchable face
I can't believe he still got away with "accidentally" saying the N-word,of all the words you can say,he had to say that one…
No. 500479
>>500439I don't like him very much but idk how being a douche justifies your home getting broken into and your privacy violated.
by the way, pls sage when you add no milk
No. 500482
>>500439>>500427Cool, but no one deserves to be the
victim of an actual crime like robbery, and expressing that in SJW comic form is way for cringe-inducing than 'gamer says common racist slur used all the damn time but because he has one of the largest platforms lets get mad'
The artist of the comic is a cunty bitch with shitty art and a bad attitude, enough that the 'dumb co-worker' in her comic seems like the protagonist, not her. Same thing for the 'girlfriend' comic. She is the antagonist of her own comics, but she doesn't see it that way.
No. 500507
>>500416surprising to no one: trans male fetishes lesbians. more of the same shit tonight at 11.
stop calling "her" a bitch lol this is just a classic unfunny whiny webcomic male.
No. 500566
File: 1578020397674.png (1.18 MB, 800x804, gg.png)

>>500562 just a few kawa rip offs i found while going through twt/tumblr all by different artists
No. 500640
>>500341I kinda see it anon though I'll be honest, I kinda like ReadyToGlare. She does come off as a "I'm not like other girls" type of person but the way she goes about her topics is at least somewhat engaging. I can't really say the same for Creepshow and it's mostly because of her shitty self-deprecating humor. If she stopped doing that shit and was just herself, I think more people would enjoy her videos like ReadytoGlare's. She may be self-aware of her reputation on Lolcow but that's not gonna make her less of a cow with the way she's been going about things now.
>>500350From what I've read, her and her boyfriend were living in their car for awhile.
>>500439Because he's Pewdiepie, he can say the most fucked up thing and his mindless edgelord fanbase will find every excuse to defend it. I'm not sure if Pewd's is actually racist or not but the fact that he seriously believes that saying the "N" word when in a fit of rage is the equivalent of saying "Fuck" is really stupid.
But that all said, as much as I don't care for this twit, it still sucks he got robbed.
No. 500729
File: 1578065934511.jpg (75.79 KB, 768x434, peewee-768x434.jpg)

>>500315why does her oc resemble Jessca from Manic Pixie Nightmare Girls aka another tranny sjw comic
No. 500811
File: 1578081406871.jpg (23 KB, 300x300, s-l300.jpg)

>>500729this art style is like something between knockoff shmorky and those cheaply made plushies with plastic eyes, with insufferable, repulsive expressions shat onto the mix. I think the art bothers me more than the unfunniness and virtue signaling.
No. 500813
File: 1578081502487.jpeg (325.39 KB, 1233x1625, 3E4E366F-05F2-431E-AD00-24DADA…)

Does this stuff actually happen? Also I feel OP is being pretty shallow and narcissistic for judging a potential partner based on their artistic skills and then justify it because “I’m a professional artist I do this to survive”
No. 500818
>>500813well I don't think it's elegant nor tactful to post this online with your handle attached to it, but I can see how you would want to connect with your partner via art, this kind of kinship can't really be felt if artistic sensibilities are too different or the skill levels too widely separated.
it's like when you are very attached to a certain hobby/discipline/language and can't imagine getting married to somebody who has no interest in it, and don't want to live your day to day life feeling like they can't 'get' this aspect of you that is so important.
No. 500826
>>500813Technical skills can be improved, aesthetics, idk. Not that big of a deal but whatever.
But absolutely understandable to lose interest after C
No. 500843
>>500813It's rude, but I kind of get it. If you take art more seriously it be hard to get along with my casual artists.
Small blogpost, but I felt this before. I know I'm not the best artist or more superior, but I know a few artist IRL and they're hobbyist who just want to draw their Oc over and over and don't want to commit to a rigid, even if it's only weekly, improvement plan. The best example of this I have is when Intern at my job talked to us about he like art and all he did was copy art from that Jojo dues "Manga in Theory and Practice" book and turned down actual art tutorials and books over being to hard. How do you bond artist to artist if the person you're talking to can't do something as basic as construct 3d shapes
No. 500866
File: 1578087833019.jpeg (730.55 KB, 2560x1920, D8E61643-4EFF-4061-BFAA-3E7EE7…)

New to these threads so idk if this has been discussed before but what is up with these ref accounts on insta that do horrible guidelines that follow no clear structure or method. Do people actually benefit from these?
No. 500885
File: 1578090196145.png (1.32 MB, 1211x816, 35454646.PNG)

>>500866in context it's very useful, but they seem to have mish mashed tutorials and used a shitty pen. The 2 triangles and 2 obtuse angels are planes of the face. The 2 squares are the holes in the skull, albeit highly dumbed down. The circles at the top and bottom of the face are also planes, but they are so slight they are often only drawn as highlights. the nose is just odd. Not sure why she circles the eyes. Without this knowledge though her tutorial is just random shit.
On a simaler note I've had a small beef with artitthelp. her 'references' are so oddly specific you can't use them in their intended way without bordering on tracing. She only post 2 at a time so you might as well just google.
>>500883I mentioned it in my post, but the skull has a little ridge thats so small it's only drawn by making that section of the head lighter. It's just a color shift, if you look at faces the place above the eyebrow is often lighter, so it's odd seeing it pointed out in a example that seems to focus on major plane changes
No. 500887
File: 1578090303381.png (1.85 MB, 1230x804, Capture.PNG)

>>500866If you're wondering why it's so shit this is the owners art. It's not bad bad, but off No. 500912
>>500626The customer says "girlfriend" and the artist (who isn't even a lesbian, he's a male) thinks she means lesbians as in two women in a romantic relationship, when the customer means her platonic friend.
He's just complaining about straight women using girlfriend rather than "my friend who is a girl". I don't even know why he's complaining, he's not gay so it doesn't even impact him lol
No. 500913
>>500912Lol I was waiting for a
triggered terf to start sperging
No. 500914
>>500913i guess we have different definitions of
triggered kek
No. 500926
>>500913The terf ain’t wrong
>>500922There’s no argument. Just fax.
File: 1578106548665.jpg (126.02 KB, 800x713, couples_reference_sheets_by_ki…)

>>500866Reminds me, what do you guys think of Kibbitzer? They make references, but most of the people reference on them to the point it's borderline tracing. Most of the people who also use it aren't the best artists either. Feels kind of like a crutch
No. 501084
File: 1578129731305.png (374.2 KB, 583x497, new guy seems cool.png)

>>500416Lbr guys the last panel didn't even happen IRL anyway. He probably just got all flustered and was like "Durr… uh.. okay."
Like he probably would have gotten in trouble if he actually said that to a customer. It's… kind of creepy that he got all intrigued at the idea of this woman being a lesbian.
Also the art is pissugly and he drew himself looking like a cross between the Warden and a crazy cat lady.
Anyway look at this ugly comic he drew wherein he acts like a jerk to his coworker because the coworker thinks it's bad to rob people.
No. 501087
File: 1578130492402.jpg (74.52 KB, 1200x488, 3c0.jpg)

>>501084Samefag/doublepost, but New Guy for president 2020
No. 501094
>>501092"Heh heh heh" always reads as creepy to me. Like a glasses-wearing anime villain that just predicted the protagonist's next move.
"Hahaha" would have sufficed. Maybe even "hehehe."
No. 501108
>>500866>almost 25k likesWhat the fuck
>>501084I doubt this whole exchange happened IRL to begin with. These "snarky slice of life" type of comics are always based on them debating some strawman that never existed.
>>501087I love this, thanks anon
No. 501130
>>500566The top right is good. Of course it's a Kawa rip-off but if they developed their style more it could be even better.
Don't have any hope for the bottom left tho
No. 501162
File: 1578149284351.png (773.43 KB, 900x900, ddmzch9-92752eb6-a86c-427a-860…)

>>501017She just rambles about life stuff so instead of that video I'll just post her art to compare. Her current art
No. 501163
File: 1578149335513.png (726.28 KB, 800x775, d34mqrn-668b1b4e-1e17-463d-a94…)

>>501162her old art. 10 years of improvement
No. 501215
File: 1578162553193.png (380.19 KB, 746x472, uhh.PNG)

not sure if she's trying to say they're different or the same
No. 501249
File: 1578173848787.jpeg (97.73 KB, 640x569, FA94126D-6A8D-490D-9FAE-A466B1…)

I’m surprised nobody has mentioned this, Punziella did a bunch of orders a year ago and still hasn’t refunded people nor given their orders to them while she continues to sell at conventions and avoid being online.
No. 501454
File: 1578243434602.png (381.67 KB, 516x1381, Lio.png)

>>501162A lot of people have Same Face Syndrome, but TD has Same Body Syndrome. She gave Lio the same stout, curvaceous body she gives literally all of her female characters, even though Lio is really wiry and thin.
Not sure why TD sees and effeminate man and her brain tells her to draw a fat midget.
No. 501472
File: 1578248389753.png (224.81 KB, 584x513, Screen Shot 2020-01-05 at 18.1…)

>>501249I decided to check the twitter tag as well for the hell of it and if this is real then she's really out of it
No. 501479
File: 1578248665713.png (Spoiler Image,288.01 KB, 570x681, Screen Shot 2020-01-05 at 18.1…)

No. 501481
File: 1578248787459.png (Spoiler Image,253.93 KB, 434x644, Screen Shot 2020-01-05 at 18.1…)

If this really is punziellas private 'apology' then I can't tell if she's trolling or not in this on
No. 501688
>>501459Gosh, when she isn't drawing in her comfort zone cutesy style she just…sucks doesn't she?
Anatomy is atrocious, the poses are boring and the designs are just…eh??? I really don't like anything about any of the designs.
Lavender please take a step back and re-learn your fundamentals.
No. 501810
>>501806She posted on YT a couple of months ago moaning that her videos don't get good views anymore and asked what she could do.
Just about everyone said to stop doing videos like this and just sit and make art consistently, and then she just keeps making the same old awful content.
What was even the point?
No. 501845
File: 1578362984018.jpeg (46.65 KB, 156x175, EAEFF891-0E71-4B25-ABE1-AF8EB7…)

I’m glad I’m not the only one who fucking despises lavendertowne and her art. The animation is her intro is fucking atrocious, her coloring and lineart is fucking wack and her poses and anatomy are flat. I really have no idea why she’s popular or why she thinks she can give advice to young artists as she draws at the same level of a 15 year old.
pic related because I’m trying to process the floating peace sign that isn’t connected to the girls body and is blocked by boobs?
No. 501872
>>501845Back when I was a teenager and getting into draw I used to pay more attention to artists that were still amateurs as opposed to actually skilled ones. I think subconsciously I was intimidated by artists that were so far ahead of me skill wise, whereas the ones that were not that great offered up a more obtainable art goal.
This was many years ago and I've since changed the way at look at other artists. It's weird going back to the artists I used to admire and seeing how much I've grown compared to them.
No. 502142
File: 1578453776405.png (690.58 KB, 1280x699, Screenshot_2020-01-08-11-21-44…)

Imagine putting this up in your website. This is her "character designs" btw.
No. 502216
>>502194Agree with
>>502211, studying artists is great for understanding some specific skills, but the majority of your improvement comes from drawing from life.
In my experience my biggest concern when drawing (and what has made me improve the most) is thinking of what I draw as 3D objects, and you need to look at actual 3D things to learn to think that way. A lot of the artists we discuss in this thread stagnate because they only learn from looking at other drawings/pictures and then symbol draw completely flat objects.
No. 502320
File: 1578510111171.png (203.38 KB, 474x470, Untitled-1.png)

>>502305bro, i just graduated from art school and let me tell you, out of every major the illustration major has the highest percentage of shit artists. i've heard and agree with the idea that some people who vaguely enjoy art and drawing go to art school because they don't want to pursue any other career, and then choose illustration because they don't have any other specific skills to make it in any other major. the standards are LOW. every other major is busting their ass on these huge, time-consuming pieces and illustration majors can get by just shitting out a 2-week assignment in an hour and a half. all the professors sugar coat every criticism in critique (compliment sandwich is an unspoken rule) and it's appalling watching people go through 4 years of a program and seemingly make NO progress. like, seriously, we're /required/ to take multiple life-drawing classes and some people come out still not understanding how necks or knees work. i've heard most of the problem comes from the fact that the focus is more on the conceptual parts of illustration rather than the technical parts.
i feel like a huge bitch talking so much shit about people in my school, but honestly, i'm just worried about what they're actually going to do with their lives, because it won't be art. they spent hundreds of thousands on a degree and think that just because they have one they'll get jobs, but that isn't how freelance illustration works. if your work looks like shit, you won't get hired. but so many people only focus on barely passing assignments, and don't think about how they should be pushing themselves out of their comfort zones and actually working hard to build a portfolio. most art colleges only care about taking these poor saps' tuition and don't give a shit about actually preparing these artists for careers outside of school. i've heard some people complain that "art schools will accept anyone these days", but honestly, i've seen people come in with absolute trash and leave with amazing profound work. the issue isn't who they're admitting, it's who they're letting graduate. everyone is too afraid to go "look, your drawing skills are sub-par and you have no idea how to use color or composition, so you aren't passing this class just because you turned stuff in"
No. 502515

>>501017It's so freaking depressing because part of me likes Twisted Disaster because she seems somewhat relatable and then the other half, I see her lack of self-awareness and it just annoys the hell out of me.
Like for example, her newest video here, when she was going on about how she's trying to look for a job (starts the job talk at the 5:00 minute mark) and that she was subtly trying to imply that her "side job with art" makes her enough money to support herself (7:14 mark), I'm just like… Are you serious? She sometimes complains about how expensive it is to live in California and I'm not trying to be mean but if she was not with her husband and was single, there is absolutely no way she would be able to support herself with her art alone, not in a place like southern California.
And I just wish that she would stop beating around the bush and just come out and say that she's lucky that she has a husband who doesn't mind being a provider because that's literally what it is. I'm not saying that it's wrong to have a spouse financially support you if they genuinely don't mind but don't act like you'd be able to support yourself on your own with your art if you know you're not making that much with it.
And then of course as she went on and was saying that she was picky with the jobs she was applying for, I get that there are some jobs that just won't be a good fit for you and it's best to find a place that is somewhat manageable for your mental state. But she's lacking the self-awareness of thinking she'll be able to make more than minimum wage at the start of a job. She hasn't worked a normal job in months to almost a year and companies do take that into consideration and I don't think she understands that.
Anyway I don't want to make this a blogpost, my bad. I just wish that Twisted Disaster was more self-aware and honest because part of me does like her and want to see her improve.
No. 502527
>>502523It's both. Some people get jobs through their portfolio, others get jobs based on who they know. Having minimum / decent art skills is usually a must though. Connections open doors but if you can't deliver at all then you're not gonna last long.
With that said, the idea that you need AMAZING PERFECT art skills to land a job is not true at all. Social skills & confidence in interviews go a looooong way in interviews IMO.
No. 502529
>>502320I know someone with two different art degrees (graphic design and illustration) and their art is honestly at a 5th grade level. I actually feel bad when I see them post their commission sheet or complain about not getting any jobs, but at the same time I can only imagine how many opportunities were thrown at her which she discarded because they didn't fit her "style". It's honestly just… so fucking awful.
At the end of the day I believe school is what you make of it. Teachers are meant to help you but when you have big classes and a tight schedule there's only so much you can do. Some people just truly don't want to learn and that's on them.
No. 502532
File: 1578570388397.jpg (35.73 KB, 916x872, _ref__oliver_by_sleepykinq_dd3…)

Ya'll ever hear of sleepykinq?
He's a pretty popular animation memer and honestly his art confuses the fuck out of me. How'd he think this dogshit style + design would've looked good at all?
No. 502536
File: 1578573028594.jpeg (8.45 KB, 300x168, images.jpeg)

Am I the only one who fucking hate lovely Lauren?
She's an "animator" on YouTube, and everybody finds her animations sO CReePy
But her art is shit and she doesn't seems to draw something else than front facing, large eyed little girls. It's really ridiculous 'cause when you see one of her drawings, you' ve basically seen them all.
Anyway I find her terribly overrated
No. 502553
File: 1578581238390.png (44.38 KB, 400x339, tumblr_ecf579522bb72d685927a76…)

>>502547his animations aren't actually that bad. he usually tweens with his animations but most of them are creative (at least, more creative than, say, wolfychu or something). he's kind of an edgelord, and his art leaves a lot to be desired. his boyfriend's is just as bad, if not worse. at least you can tell what's going on in sleepykinq's. this is one of princechain's (sleepykinq's boyfriend) better pieces. neither of them seem to have a very good grasp on their foundations (or the problem with overstylization).
No. 502598
File: 1578597220972.png (370.54 KB, 720x586, Screenshot_2020-01-09-14-10-02…)

>>502597Dropped pick woops
No. 502609
>>502536I wouldn't mind her art that much if her personality wasn't so shit.
She thinks she's a great animator and artist because her stuff is horror.
She can't even build suspense or tension, it's always the same "I'm gonna put something that looks vaguely scary to 8yo on screen, put distorted music over it and zoom in slowly"
Her same-face syndrome video was laughable, but I think she deleted it
No. 502617
>>502553>neither of them seem to have a very good grasp on their foundations (or the problem with overstylization)I'm starting to notice a lot of "good young artists" are usually just people who found a good simple style and comfort zone. So you get artist who can draw decent, but when you ask them to do a bit of realism or use perspective they compellty fall apart. The worst part is that it feels bad to suck at drawing so they'll just spiral deeper into their abstract style. DevinDraws seems to eb an exmaple of this
>>502532Kind of hoped more for AM. Thye could be intresting ecpirments on cheap aniamtio, but nope it's just head bops.
No. 502625
File: 1578604184645.jpg (380.93 KB, 2084x1272, IMG_20200109_210506.jpg)

Do you guys think hyojins art is worth this much? Her character boobs are literally where her collarbones should be
No. 502629
>>502625holy shit… 300$ for a drawing of anus lips jolyne, broken hip josuke and bowler giorno over a traced background that shows absolutely no knowledge of light or anatomy? I'd pay maybe 6 dollars
Literally you can buy oil paintings for a fifth of that price
No. 502630
File: 1578606394243.png (633.12 KB, 1080x1555, 20200109_213033.png)

>>502629The background was also traced.
No. 502636
>>502553Am I having a stroke?
What the fuck am I looking at? Is it some sort of cat? What is the grey thing?
No. 502658
>>502625I honestly don't understand why/how we're still having this conversation. Anyone can charge whatever they want for commissions. It's their time, their art, their decision. If someone thinks highly of themselves and their art then let them. If you can't afford them that's on you (and if you don't think they're worth that much, that's still on you).
Like, I'd never pay even $10 for an icon drawing from this person but if someone else is willing to pay then who cares? And if no one pays that's a problem for the artist lol
No. 502662
>>502658because it's egregious and annoying to witness. you'd get mad when someone was selling a rotten banana for 300$, wouldnt you? something that isn't worth that much money costing so much pisses people off.
especially bad when they're charging that much for a stolen background.
>>502630also, their art is fucking shit, and they post it online, so other artists on a drama board are gonna be irritated by their massive ego and the balls they have to post such ludicrous prices for their garbage.
No. 502705
>>502625Asides the fact that the characters drawn here are abysmal… why is the neon sign facing inside on the window? Shouldn’t be directed outside?
People can charge whatever they want for art but others definitely aren’t obligated to pay for it unless they really like it and want to support the artist. I for one wouldn’t pay that much for something this lackluster.
No. 502726
File: 1578628343273.jpeg (54.19 KB, 598x644, hGZKvvdH.jpg:small.jpeg)

this person isnt gonna go far in art are they
No. 502727
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No. 502737
>>502715Actually it kinda does. Go to for exposure and you see that shit all the time. Now sure this doesn't prevent artists getting good clients or even high paying ones and cheapskates exist in every group but to say that that your competitors charging different prices does not affect the market value is bullcrap, we see this shit happen with companies outsourcing all the time and in smaller cases with independent sellers.
>>502733I was not talking about her specifically though but as in general sense. If you have a bunch of begs charging high amounts for shit art and you as a good artist charge even higher, it's gonna seem like a fair deal as opposed to a beg changing 10$ for full body where you as a good artist are charging 100$ for a portrait.
No. 502747
>>502727Honestly I don’t see anything wrong with artists that are wanting to draw how they draw and wanting to draw what they want. If they don’t want to learn stuff like anatomy or the academic ways of art then it’s fine, you do you.
Just don’t go to an art class/art school and think you’re gonna fly through with your art. The whole point of the class is that it teaches fundamentals and “rules” in art and art history. Not just a new way to render your cartoons with watercolors instead of a tablet screen or whatever. And have everyone tell you that you’re such a special rebellious boy for drawing your cartoony shit.
Art classes are probably the best litmus test to see if you really want to have art as a job or a hobby. If you want it to be your job someday then you’re gonna have to do the hard and boring shit you’d do with any other job.
No. 502756
>>502727Sure, she may have a point. You don’t NEED that stuff, but you sure as fuck WANT it. That is why you take classes, you learn the rules and anatomy and basics. It isn’t there because ‘fuck cartoonists’, it is there to help. I draw from life all the time, not because I am a slave to the invisible art gods, but because in order to break the rules of art, you need to know them first! That is what makes cartoons so great; how far can you bend and break art and still make a sensible product. I like to compare the old Superman comics to a show like Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends. One breaks the rules of art, but still retains a realistic feel and look, like Superman and its overly buff, but still accurate men and beautiful women. And then there is Foster’s Home, which is so uniquely stylized it is in a league of it’s own, but you can still read the various aspects as sensible human caricature. The art of people that are self-taught ‘cartoonists’ have zero foundation, so of course they are going to struggle with realism and 3D space and shading; they never actually wanted to make art, they just want to doodle. Unfortunately for them, both Superman and Foster’s Home required being an artist BEFORE a cartoonist.
No. 502859
File: 1578675256220.jpeg (566.82 KB, 828x1165, 9CFF61EE-C8E8-49D7-B086-7D5B22…)

>>502726The only non-irritating reply. There are actually people in the replies complaining that they can’t draw anime in art class.
No. 502864
File: 1578676240347.png (1.14 MB, 1077x1547, Screenshot_2020-01-10-18-05-33…)

Lol I love this atist, and this piece is awesome. But where does that left hand is coming from? Looks so funny in such a superior painting.
*sage for zero milk
No. 502905
File: 1578683085124.png (90.52 KB, 191x275, imageedit_2_6406186491.png)

yeah that left hand is extremely off. i tried to do a shit redline using my mouse as i don't have my tablet w me rn but idk how you can possibly think the left hand could reach out that far unless her left arm is twice as long as her right. sucks such an obvious mistake throws off the realism so much.
No. 502989
>>502573Oh right, I keep forgetting that her and Holly are friends. You're kinda right that she really is like Holly and unlike Holly who draws unappealing skinny characters with terrible anatomy, Twisted is like the reverse drawing unappealing plus-size type characters. I get that we all have our styles but there are ways you can use to improve it and make it look more appealing.
>>502730I mean, he's technically not wrong per say. Look at all these artists posted here who are able to make money drawing without knowing the fundamentals. I think the take away is that if you do this, there is no way you'll be hired in the professional industry and will be stuck in non-professional projects.
I'm not saying that one shouldn't learn the fundamentals but I've seen enough to where some artists who obviously don't know the basics can still make money.
>>502747This is something I know I have to come to terms with LOL I get so bored drawing realism and so I just don't but I know that if I want to get into professional art industry, I'm going to need to buckle down and draw more realism. But for now, I'm more than content drawing in my cartoon/disney inspired style haha. I'm not trying to get into the professional industry anytime soon.
No. 502999
File: 1578702413634.jpg (2.3 MB, 1920x2400, inCollage_20200111_080842548.j…)

Found this discourse on a review of Wacom One. Thoughts?
The timestamp mentioned in OP's comment is more or less the reviewer saying that the brush he used would create blobs when testing but would otherwise be responsive to pen pressure when actually drawing.
No. 503043
>>503034It's a fashion statement nowadays. The popular artists use it, and other artists get it just to fit in with the crowd. It's a program that's seen as "satisfying" and "aesthetic" all over ArtGram.
I won't deny that it's a solid art app, but it's insane that people are buying iPads just for an app.
No. 503067
File: 1578725347158.jpg (97.48 KB, 467x600, stupid.jpg)

>>502997And of course her retarded fans will always defend her - she is a 'professional' after all
No. 503088
>>502999I honestly don't get this discourse at all. Tools don't make the artist and on the overall scale of complexity drawing programs are all really similar and easy to learn?
Like, if you put an artist who's only ever used Procreate in front of Photoshop and tell them they have a week to learn the new one they'll be fine? In fact, there's even a video by a BG artist for Disney who said she'd never used PS for drawing before she got to the studio and they told her just take a week to get used to it (in particular they used the pen tool a lot there) and she did and it was fine? Like????
As long as you're willing to learn new software (which you should always be as a creative as it's always a CV boost) there's nothing wrong going into a job not knowing one particular tool. That's what training periods are for lol
No. 503093
>>503088The point being made isn’t ‘Learn Photoshop or die’, the point is ‘You will have to learn it eventually because the industry demands it.’ Artists that suck Procreate’s teet can’t seem to wrap their mind around this. Even the example you made works against you. They needed to learn Photoshop despite having never done it before. We are now in a time where we KNOW what tools are used because we can own them at home. Procreate is not one of those tools.
If you are independent, just making money of your doodles, whatever. But to be a part of the professional industry, you need to learn how to work on their time, with what they provide you. That won’t be an iPad with Procreate.
No. 503111
>>503110Apple products are a fashion statement used mostly by hobbyists. It's like talking to a brick wall, so don't bother yourself fellow
My broke ass got a Samsung tab and ibispaint and it's serving me just fine. And if shit needs further detailing I just save it on cloud and when I'm home tis right there on my CSP.
No. 503125
>>503124Not that anon but I see so many artists complaining about Procreate stuff that could be easily fixed by just using literally any other drawing app.
I dont see how Procreate pixelating the fuck out of every pixel everytime you try to move them is beneficial to any artist.
No. 503138
>>503123This, and honestly CSP on ipad feels like a bad port and even with a 12.9" pro I feel like the screen just isn't big enough for the program.
I got back into digital art with the ipad and procreate, and i love it for just relaxing on the couch or at the park and doodling, but it got to a point where I just wanted more from a program. I upgraded to a kamvas pro 16 and use CSP with it and I'm definitely happier. Procreate is nice for sketching and getting comfy, but I prefer CSP on a PC much more.
That said, I don't think it MATTERS which one you use if you're not a big dick industry artist and it feels like a pointless argument. People who are stuck on procreate and using their phones or whatever "nonstandard" shit will either continue to enjoy using them and have their needs met, or eventually realize they need to upgrade to more standard software. It's dumb to pick at people for their preferences when 90% of artists never intend to work for Pixar or whatever anyway. Live and let live, ignore kiddies who think procreate can somehow completely replace the Adobe suite.
No. 503389
File: 1578843294368.jpg (308.11 KB, 1080x2094, Screenshot_20200113-015618_ibi…)

>didn't the software do this weird thing were you had to watch adds to use some brushes Yea and it still does that if you wanna use the 'paid brushes' for free
>Might have been another app thoughibis paint x most certainly does do this but I don't doubt that there are other apps doing the same
No. 503397
>>503373I make a regular page-by-page comic using procreate (still use CSP and photoshop for lettering and other business), but it's just incredibly convenient to be able to whip out an iPad anywhere and work on the comic anywhere. Mostly because then you're not bound to your desk at all times.
In terms of ram crashing and burning, procreate's a pretty ram-light software, so unless you're using a million effects at a time, it's going to work fine. And if you have the iPad with a shit tonne of memory, you're golden.
CSP is still great, but ever since getting and iPad it's just stupidly convenient to do pages on Procreate instead of a desktop set-up.
No. 503422
>>503386not blocked by her, but she hasn't been doing anything besides complaining about people getting upset at her ""vent"" comic, and posting another shitty one recently
also from her bio
>enby ladydecide on one lol
No. 503472
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Emergency lol
No. 503532
File: 1578893895077.jpeg (520.72 KB, 1800x1528, 8705D6FC-1A54-4C9B-BB75-023865…)

Just got out of work and I really didn’t want to see this person’s art advertised to me
No. 503618
>>502715>>502733nayrt but they're right, it's great for business. Art is constantly undervalued by people that think they can pay with exposure and that idea is reinforced because of so many online commissioners are either highschool kids that don't need to charge real money, or artists in third world countries that can afford to work for less.
If someone is charging an insanely high fee for crap then people just won't commission that person, as commissioners with low taste always flock to the lowest prices anyway, where's the harm in that?
No. 503619
File: 1578925724142.png (546.12 KB, 933x602, 2020-01-13 14_23_51-Window.png)

Have you guys seen this instagram post? an artist that i follow is accusing sony of heavily referencing their work and i agree. what do you guys think? HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 503624
>>503619Isn't this the third time in the past couple weeks Sony's been caught hiring artists who plagiarize?'s an article about one of the incidences. Probably the same guy.
No. 503696
>>503666The illusion of progress, maybe? She mentions all the time she is 'growing' as an artist, so she thinks she is doing things differently, when in reality it is the same old shit forever.
She mentioned before her kid was sick over and over, and that puts a lot of stress on someone. Merely creating something that looks sensible could be seen as progress. She has made a lot of 'This is a trick I use in watercolor lol!' videos though. In reality it isn't a trick or hack, just take a painting class and they teach you these things in better detail. Or better yet, go to a video of an actual tutorial and not Emily clickbaiting because she has no ideas for videos but needs to make money somehow to not seem like a complete leech on her husband's finances.
No. 503802
>>503619Why was this anon put out the pasture? Was it because she forgot to censor the account name?
This is interesting if it's real.
No. 503846
>>497265jesus christ. I found her by chance like a week ago and her page gave me seriously gross vibes.
looks like my gut was right because what the ACTUAL fuck
No. 503906
>>503892She seems nice but her color theory video put me off her. She was way too condescending and whiny, especially for her teen audience
I think she she would have a similar attitude regarding other things
No. 503918
>>503915>Am I in the right to ask them to not post my commissioned piece on their social media?Yes
>Am I really obligated to @ them in the bio telling who made my icon?Yes
If putting it on your bio fucks up your ~aesthetic~, carrd or similar should be fine. You usually want to credit the artists you commission so they can get like, more jobs.
Also don't use it as commercial work. I feel like those are the two major things artists dislike.
No. 503958
>>503915Commissions are, generally speaking, non-commercial work. It's why artists can get away with doing fanart as commissions without worrying about copyright. If you want to use a work commercially you need to add at least one zero (maybe two) to the asking price.
Crediting an artist for their work is just called being polite lol learn manners
No. 503994
File: 1579039505638.jpg (294.4 KB, 793x1080, Fcch.jpg)

>>503987For those who dont wanna watch
No. 504001
File: 1579040937874.jpg (129.05 KB, 965x1102, EORUTGLW4AMARyl.jpg)

wtf are these legs
No. 504016
>>503915Do they have a TOS? I have it mentioned in mine that while I will not sell it, I have the right to post it on my social media/portfolio at my discretion.
It's gonna vary. use their @ in your bio, it's basic comm etiquette.
No. 504038
>>503987Is it just me, or was waffles comment about disney not resonating with her anymore because she's not 14 feel like a subtle dig at baylee?
i cackled when she said it.
No. 504045
>>504013If those are knees, then she has a tiny-ass torso, huge orangutan arms, and the shortest thighs ever. I suppose she could be sitting down, but there's no chair or foreshortening to indicate that, so I'm going to assume she's standing.
The shit going on with Instragram pretty girl artists is like art inbreeding. They all copy each other, mistakes and all. Then the new ones copy the older ones who all copied each other, resulting in crap like this. No understanding of the fundamentals– just a regurgitation of the misinformed BS everyone else is doing because it's popular.
>>503994Hate to be a spoil-sport but the perspective on that lantern is abysmal.
No. 504059
>>504053I've only watched a couple of her videos, and I can't remember anything about them. Super boring and forgettable.
>>503994The heads big but unlike the previous versions, I actually like it. It's not TOO big so it actually comes off as a stylistic choice.
>>504053 No. 504103
File: 1579062660333.png (928.93 KB, 750x1334, 119bd2fbe55f7c135effdcd66345a4…)

>>504102>>503994Actually she's even skinnier.
No. 504122
>>503994She really focused the past year, hey. Don’t think I’ve ever said this about a waffles piece, but the face is my favourite part.
Although, am I the only one who feels as though she’s falling into the trap of becoming more technically skilled but losing liveliness in her illustrations?
No. 504124
File: 1579066429714.jpg (475.04 KB, 2896x2896, 20200115_133233.jpg)

Shouldn't it be common sense for artists that even if it's a commission you're not supposed to redraw a whole other fanart by another person to profit off from? Cant believe people are defending her over this.
Left is megat0nraid
Right is Rwes the original artist.(newfag)
No. 504134
File: 1579070637858.jpg (458.6 KB, 3064x3500, IMG_20200115_004349.jpg)

>>504124There's so many artists who just thrive off of imitating well known artists work. It's so clear she doesn't even know her anatomy. Anything that isn't based of different artpieces just looks so wonky.
No. 504142
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No. 504153
>>504149Instagram numbers don't mean as much as other sites like Twitter, it's easier to get an inflated number.
No. 504165
File: 1579078958465.png (34.54 KB, 600x318, citruss.png)

this girl got retweeted onto my timeline.
Curious about what was going on. Shes freaking the fuck out about so much supposed hate. But only has one mention on kf?
Am I missing something or…? No. 504167
File: 1579079694777.jpg (128.15 KB, 1043x995, IMG_20200115_030842.jpg)

I honestly cannot understand why small foreheads is a style trend.
>>504165Probably got a SJW Art thread feature
No. 504172
>>504169it's worth paying for, especially since it's made by like one guy. download it, then you buy the licence. There are a lot of resources out there that might help.
No. 504173
File: 1579081561434.jpg (173.67 KB, 1200x754, EORaQKCUEAAQOoN.jpg)

>>504165it was for this piece of work
No. 504185
>>504053Nah I can't stand her emo ass either, but she doesn't do anything that interesting. I kinda like her sketchbook tours, but she hasn't improved since high school - her most recent drawings literally looks the same as the ones she did, what, 10 years ago?
Have you seen her color theory video? Her attitude pissed me off, she acts like everyone is stupid for saying red, blue, and yellow are primary colors, when that's because those pigments were available in the past to make paint with, and cyan and magenta were not.
And for some reason her asexuality video was a promo for the Adam and Eve sex toy company… what?
Overall she's too quirky emo special for me, and I would really enjoy reading more salt about her lol
No. 504199
>>504122This whole redraw thing would have probably been better for her if she was redrawing her own character.
She herself even says she's not into the character anymore.
I'm glad she's moving away from Disney, I don't want her to end up like Baylee.
I think this drawing looks better than her usual stuff cause it's digital and it's a lot easier to correct your mistakes there
No. 504200
File: 1579098177620.png (1.21 MB, 1355x973, 235545646.PNG)

>>504142She isn't even hiding she's a rip off. Looking through her data she's also 20 not 16 like I assumed
>>504149I don't think she's making any money. Her patreon has 0 dollars. I can only see her making money off pf charms because while her characters are shit her objects look fairly decent. It's actualy really easy to get people focused on the 'aesthetic' instead of core things like anatomy.
No. 504218
File: 1579103946899.jpg (60.71 KB, 618x472, 1579097682763.jpg)

thoughts on the thundercats/animation blacklist shitshow? Any anon aspire to work in LA animation?
No. 504227
>>504218Just don't be an animation student, besides who would even want to work with them?
I rather be an indie animator instead
No. 504228

>>504218I'm not a part of the industry though, but
1. She probably means autistic Mr. enter level hate, she said 'favorite past time' implying the hate is often. They wont notice if you make 1-5 negative tweets, but if you post daily about 'SJW's ruined this', 'thundercat is the worst shit on earth', 'SU is made by talentless hacks', and act like a 'toddler titans tee hee' sperg every week they might not like you.
2. This is for any job. if you're make websites, but you shit on people who make website servers 24/7 you might not be hired. Having an employee who openly hates other employees/related jobs is a pain in the ass to deal. Why hire a good artist who'll have a pissy fit when forced to work on TTG when you can have a mediocre who'll do anything for you?
3. Imo animators who have an
extreme, not light but post bi-weekly mentions, hate of TTG/'modern animation' and go into animation often have complexes. They wont understand it takes a show they hate effort to make, they never want to work at bad job (on a show they hate or a job that doesn't get glory), and they always want to be director. A lot of 'fuck modern day animations' are often shits who want to make their own show ~that'l lottally be better than SU~
No. 504231
File: 1579108617511.png (1.13 MB, 1080x1484, 20200115_171155.png)

Anyone familiar with Pypahs_art on Instagram and YouTube? She has over 100k followers and I honestly don't get the appeal of her troll faces. It's especially bad because she has same face syndrome so every girl looks like this.
No. 504232
>>504185God that color theory video pissed me off. Completely full of misinformation.
the stupidest thing about it is that she's actually dead wrong. there's not one 'correct' color model, there are four, count em, four models. RGB is an additive model (starts with black, the more color added the closer to white you get) and is mainly used for digital screens since they represent color differently than it looks in real life. CMYK is subtractive ( starts with white, more color=closer to black)and used for printing. Then there's HSB HSL and HEX, which all use different combinations of color attribute to achieve different results each model used at different times for different things, as any introductory graphic design book would have told her. The RGB model isn't muddy in digital work, she's just shit at transitioning her color.
Also, the 'purple isn't a real color' thing was utter bull too. Purple is literally a key part of the visible light spectrum as you go from red to blue, and part of the visible light spectrum (did she never get taught about vibgyor in school? V is for violet, a lighter shade of purple).
And the color is found naturally in plants and animals all over the world even if it's less common (the compounds that absorb the right combo of the light spectrum to produce it are very rare and hard to produce biologically).
I can handle shitty artists, it's shitty artists who talk out their ass and teach people stupid things that piss me off
No. 504233
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>>504231Samefag but oh god just looked at her story and her profiles are even worse
No. 504236
>>504053i liked her when i first discovered her, but it grates my nerves how she is constantly talking about her asexuality. like, WE KNOW you are asexual, stop fucking talking about it all the damn time! i also started to realize that she has a pretty shitty attitude in a lot of her videos, which also turned me off from her.
she also has dead and soulless eyes, kek
No. 504237
>>504231>>504233with how bad it is, it almost feels like a racist caricature, even though she got more racial features right then most instathot artists usually do.
>>504232damn i've never seen the video but that's really dumb. RGB works for light, aka digital and CMYK for how printers mix colors. and i think painters use RYB as their primary colors. and the only color that's not "real" is magenta since it doesn't have it's own wavelength, rather it's created by the human eye when something completely lacks the color green, being it's complete opposite.
No. 504245
File: 1579111801329.jpg (452.4 KB, 1920x1600, mary-joy-cardano-loish.jpg)

>>504228>Having an employee who openly hates other employees/related jobs is a pain in the ass to deal. Why hire a good artist who'll have a pissy fit when forced to work on TTG when you can have a mediocre who'll do anything for you?This logic makes zero sense because the people who are shitting on TTG/SU/Thundercats or whatever are not the people who are applying to work on those shows? If someone spends 24/7 shitting on TTG why on earth would they apply for a job to work on TTG? It's not like the showrunners are going to beg on their hands and knees for some random unexperienced twitter artist to work on their show, and the artist responds "ugh FINE I'll do it but I'm not gonna like it!!"
>>504231Boy, these loish skinwalkers aren't even trying to be subtle anymore are they? Even the fucking signature/watermark is ripped off from her, they can't even figure that out for themselves?
Is this part of the "draw this in your style" tag or is it just a blatant ripoff? Cause I know a bunch of people drew this one character, but this one doesn't appear to be that one character because everyone drew her exactly the same (turtleneck, pigtails, necklaces, orange eyes). This just seems to be a ripoff, and not even a well concealed one?
No. 504252
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>>504237You were spot on when you said her work looks like racist caricatures, though she does this with her white characters too
No. 504265
>>503532Ah, Tom Preston has a new challenger!
(no i am not a kiwi autist)
No. 504276
>>504036Waffles would probably be super stoked if she only drew above-the-shoulders character illustrations. Faces and hair are her favorite things and it shows.
>>504231CHRIST I thought I was the only one who hated her faces, she's a Youtuber too
No. 504295
>>504278Thx anon. Didn't catch it first because the character is looking down. But the longer I look at it the more I see what you mean. (Although I had to google Persona. kek And the original style seems to have the same problem with disappearing chins.)
>>504173Wait, is gay and lesbian not the same thing int his case? Or is the character on the left supposed to be in drag/ a cross-dresser since there is already a trans person? Confusing.
>>504293I've no clue about Islam. Is it really the religion itself or is it because the Imams say so?
No. 504308
>>504231She got big on youtube because of a "how to draw faces" tutorial.
Let me ask this… HOW???
No. 504418
>>504298Meh, not really. Christianity isn't really pro LGBT+ either and there are LGBT (Yes it's LGBT) Christian's, and there are definitely LGBT Muslims (I knew a few during Uni)
Interestingly enough, there was a period from the 8th-19th century where those of the Islamic faith in the Ottoman empire adopted a more Grecian attitude to sexuality (indeed there was ALOT of homoeritic poetry, art and persobal accounts to back it up) and it was only due yo the influx of European society during the 19th century that caused a return to the more conservative way of thinking (sorry, history nerd)
Long story short. No, it isn't that ironic or unusual
No. 504448
>>504251I had a quick glance through Joyblivion's profile on instagram and she honestly seems like a combination of an Ilya and Loish ripoff, a lot of their piece walk a super fine line to me at least.
But I do see where you're coming from with the Sara Tepes comment
No. 504464
>>504418I’m not saying that LGB muslims aren’t a thing, but rather that the two don’t typically go hand in hand so it’s ironic to make pride imagery that is also religious, when it’s pretty much common knowledge that religious people aren’t exactly the most progressive in terms of LGB support
Again, just seems like virtue signalling.
No. 504476
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megat0nraid did a speedpaint and bruh, anatomy where?
No. 504494
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>>504480i'm so sick of lanajay and how people are now copying those god ugly leghairs she insists on adding to her characters
No. 504497
File: 1579179254716.png (270.95 KB, 640x526, 2B57DECF-C0A9-4593-9262-7D8B23…)

>>504489An exception doesn’t mean that said action/choice/situation is no longer ironic, and yes, I would find it ironic even if it was Christian imagery, considering they still have conversion camps.
I’m honestly sick of brain dead virtue signalling within online art communities, it’s why the internet is littered with shit like pic related
No. 504503
>>504490I feel like cause the current age of social media people are trying to obtain clout in an oversaturated art market, most hobbyists/teens are trying to get clicks so they copy a lot of big name artists. To me it's a big slap in the face where people actually study for years at a school or self-discipline to develop their own art style.
I can list a few people with a large following that are artist copy cats:
lemonscribs 43k
cutiepatoodieart 32.3k
fresh_bobatae 357k
f.loraline 84.7k
jerianieart 26.6k
Not to sound like I'm contradicting myself but I think it's okay to copy art once in a while to be inspired or to try a new technique but it becomes a slippery slope when your entire instagram with a LARGE following is just all knockoffs and you're getting some kind of monetary gain or profit
No. 504575
>>504438I've seen one of her old vlogs though it was the one where she hung out with a friend and she showed her in-laws in it. But I know what you're talking about, she always talks about how busy she is one moment and then lazy the next. The commission queue is especially stupid on her part because she's one of those people who takes on a ton of commissions and being the slow worker she is, she can't get them done in a timely manner and then she opens up for MORE commissions putting the previous batch on backlog and pretty much rinse/repeat causing for a huge backlog.
I think she just takes on so many commissions just so she can say that she is working to justify her lack of a conventional job and that wouldn't be a problem if she actually finished the commissions in a reasonable amount of time but clearly that doesn't happen.
No. 504636
File: 1579219476751.png (24.15 KB, 601x510, 76928426-8E6C-4F3D-BF86-A93DD6…)

Can we please talk about how coomers ruin just about every fandom and art space they infest, I am so fucking sick of seeing fanart that turns characters into a disproportionate bimbo, I don’t even get how it’s ‘sexy’ with the retarded proportions they give them! R34 ruins a lot of artist spaces, at least for me anyway, because it’s impossible to discuss art without some weeb or furry showing you their latest poorly drawn wankbank material, I just want to discuss anatomy without it devolving into the ideal titty size!
No. 504638
>>504636Tell me about it…ugh
I hate how they oversexualize every single female character,I know it's rule 34 shit but can we have a balance???I want to see hot cartoon muscular males (human,duh) not just sex hungry bimbos with tiny waists and huge play doh breasts
No. 504652
File: 1579228805686.png (251.18 KB, 500x511, gross.png)

>>504636I think "artists" who draw fanart like this usually get a kick out of seeing normal people react with disgust, in addition to just having it as their fetish. This problem isn't exclusive to the bimbofication/gigantic titty crowd; it's an issue with obsessed fetishists in general.
There's this weirdo on Tumblr who's been in like a bajillion fandoms called Squidbiscuit, and she is literally incapable of drawing art that doesn't involve her weird stomach inflation/vomit/burp/fart fetish. There's a giant screed in her Tumblr sidebar about how she's "asexual" and "I am not here to teach you the intricacies of my sexuality." I don't think being so degenerate that you can't get off to normal shit and only find distended stomachs and burping sexy is "asexual," but I don't speak Tumblrese.
I think she's a cow.
No. 504660
File: 1579229844349.jpg (34.68 KB, 400x400, 0Dy8oy7u_400x400[1].jpg)

>>504652Asexual and draws kink art? Definitely a cow. Pic attached is her Twitter avi.
No. 504674
File: 1579239087095.jpeg (Spoiler Image,143.99 KB, 791x1009, new_sickstuck_doodles_by_squid…)

>>504652Holy fuck I remember Squidbiscuit from my Homestuck days. She was super popular on Tumblr for drawing (from a high schooler's perspective) cute Homestuck fanart but the more people dug the more they found underage fetish porn of all the main characters. I think she made cloaca porn of Davesprite as well but I'd have to do some digging to confirm. I don't know exactly how old she is so she might've also been underage at the time but I'm not sure. She didn't take criticism well at all, and I remember there being so many textposts making fun of her. What a blast from the past, this was about 8 years ago at this point. She's also only seemed to have marginally improved in the past decade too.
No. 504675
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>>504674Actually I lied, she's gotten worse. First collage I posted was from like 2012/2013, this is from 2 days ago WOOF
No. 504700
>>504636Anon, you can say Sakimichan, it's okay
>>504657Everyone seems to despise pastels in general from what I've seen, probably because they require more ~technical expertise ~ than "let me just colour in this lineart" (don't get me wrong tho, I myself can't use pastels but I would love to lmao)
No. 504730
File: 1579252019125.png (143.53 KB, 500x545, i want to die.png)

>>504701Much like
>>504674 and
>>504683 I knew of her back when Homestuck was big on Tumblr, but I totally forgot about her until a few weeks ago when I saw her awful fetish art shitting up the X-Force tag.
The character she drew in pic related doesn't even
eat! He can't get sick, either, because he's an alien. Why the fuck… ew. God. How does someone even end up with fetishes like this? Why do they feel necessary to smear their fetish all over other peoples' fictional characters?
It's almost worse than normal smutty art, because at least with that I just roll my eyes and forget about it because it's so common. But it's hard to
forget about shit like this simply because of how outlandish it is. It reminds me of that one weird lady who has an elaborate mythos about humans and airplanes having babies, or that guy who has a fetish for women eating white bread. I can't un-see fetish art
this weird, mostly because I can't stop wondering how the hell people end up getting off to shit like bread, airplanes, and vomit. Were these people molested or something?
No. 504901
>>504657Just let a few Japanese manga artists use pastels. Then everyone and their dog will be using them in no time.
>>504701That sounds a lot like the bullshit Nemu spewed lol. They were popular on Tumblr around the same time. I wonder if they were friends.
>>504730The white bread guy is apparently a massive racist and a lot of his weird fetishes tie back to his preoccupation with white supremacy.
No. 505026
>>504914Asia even has dark-skinned Indians and Filipinos but for whatever reason these people choose to make everyone African American. If that isn't colonialist USA-centrism I don't know what is.
>>504490I have to admit that I'm annoyed by all the budget sakimichan/loish/heikala/lanajay/etc clones but then again the original artist actually throwing an entitled, public fit to tell people to "stop copying meeee" is terminal autism. I understand their feelings well but you really can't control people and what they draw. Just suck it up and wait until they find another person to rip off or try to stay fresh and one step ahead.
No. 505044
>>505029You have to be delusional to think no one posts fanart of boys. Just go follow some fujoshis on twitter and you'll get plenty of what you want.
Whats with this board and its need to constantly drag cute drawings. At least theyre making bank
No. 505078
>>505048The last time I checked pillowfort, it was dead. Maybe I wasn't checking the right tags or groups though. I'm not really in any fandoms so maybe that's where it's active. But I don't think it's really caught on. That's what tends to happen with new platforms. People get angry and pay attention to a new shiny thing but when they're not so mad anymore they drop it and go back.
I personally really like Twitter, it's just gotten more exhausting to weed through art drama and discourse every other day because the Tumblr users who migrated there won't grow the fuck up.
No. 505081
>>505078i saw that the pillowfort twitter has some recent tweets so i assumed that a really tine community might be on it, but the website is not seeing any actual development.
i also like twitter, mostly for the layout. i do wish they would do something to make the tagging system work (maybe like how insta does it). also yea, the migrated tumblr users are cancer, but there are enough obnoxious twitter "native" people to fill an entire other shitty website lol.
No. 505093
I LOVE oil pastel, despite how shit I am at it. I really vibe with this because I wish there were tutorials/other artists that could describe their approach to this without me having to basically heavily “reference” the artists’ works
No. 505095
>>505081Pillowfort is going to die if they don't make an app.
No. 505184
File: 1579396055039.jpeg (804.89 KB, 1242x1721, 9E07F2FC-6D9D-403D-895E-4ABB7D…)

Apparently this artist is claiming that an another artist is “copying” their style. They’re high or some shit because I’ve seen multiple artists doing the same style(s).
No. 505196
>>505184This just screams 'insecurity'.
Nothing about her style is unique or special. Dozens if not hundreds of Japanese artist have styles that look similar to this.
No. 505200
>>505184Or stop drawing the same uncreative bland shit everyone else is drawing nowadays
I swear they can't leave their bubbles to try something new
No. 505226
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>>505136Wasn't Bluesssatan mentioned a few threads back for selling other people's Procreate brushes? Either way, can't stand how she titles her videos.
No. 505230
>>504652Oh she's an absolute cow in my eyes. I'm so happy someone brought her up. I've followed her for years, don't even know why anymore. But whenever I see a post of hers come up, I have to stop and pay attention because half the time its hilarious. She's always mad at someone about something. Like, someone will politely request something that sounds up her alley and she'll take offense at it, write paragraphs about how the anon needs to fuck off. And then next day says she's out of ideas and wants requests. Repeat.
When first following her, I thought she had the basis for an okay art style (you know, relatively clean and rounded. your average tumblr cartoon type) if she just drew something non-kink. But she never did. Its always big bellies, hunched over, grumbles from the stomach and burping with unhappy faces. She has no range at all and has never progressed.
I love seeing her pick fights over nothing and refuse to get better with her art or her personality.
tldr; came for the potential 5/10 art that never happened, stayed for the unfocused anger at the world
No. 505237
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>>505218I wish it was! Ever since the artist posted about it, they’ve been tweeting about it.
No. 505238
File: 1579415721468.jpeg (746.48 KB, 1242x1780, 67EE76FD-17FE-4481-A62B-C2D478…)

>>505237Your voice is invalid unless you’re a “professional” artist
No. 505239
>>505234For their portraits: Gabriel picolo, loish, moderndayjames
Backgrounds: arsenixc, the10s
Coloring: kawacy, ruan jia, petemohrbacher. I also enjoy the stylized realism of the overwatch comics.
No. 505248
>>505234I enjoy Kaoru Mori for her detail, she does the manga “A Bride’s Story” and previously did Emma.
>>505239The overwatch comics are by Nesskain! I’m glad blizzard hired him officially and he does a ton of the art for the characters now
No. 505274
>>505252People think anything with big eyes or the "^_^" expression is "anime inspired". Agreeing with what
>>505255 said too, a ton of artists have a goddamn obsession with shitting on anime any given chance to make themselves look "more professional" when they're just biting off some other generic style themselves.
Also she needs to take that fucking camera away further away from her face. It makes me extremely uncomfortable feeling like she's barely an inch away from me.
No. 505293
Forgive me father for I'll be nitpicky as SHIT for 5 minutes, but Christ, Waffles, metallic art supplies + black paper = "let me just draw ANOTHER cute girl, just on black paper this time"? Try a fucking robot, a car, some jewelry, fish, ANYTHING new?? Yah, she doesn't have to draw anything for anyone other than herself and she doesn't have to cater to me specifically because no1curr about a lolcow rando anon, but her content is so fucking stale imo. What a waste of resources.
No. 505316
>>497265I know I'm a month late to this but I just went through her IG and I'm mesmerized, this girl is fucking based. I don't think it's fair to judge her on a first world western basis because she grew up in the Philippines and was abused there, so she's got the issues you'd imagine someone in her situation to have. She straight out says she uses men to her advantage because that's just how she's learned to function while having this deep resentment for them. Her art is pretty powerful to me but I can understand white middle class American girls only taking it at face value. Even this screenshot sounds like her self-deprecating "humor" that she does a lot in her work and it's based on the sad fact that a lot of young girls in SEA don't have any other options besides prostituting themselves. If anything she's raising awareness for it.
>>497491She did honestly say that she has guilt over her abortion though? She just hates that people invalidate her feelings of guilt. Again, growing up in a catholic school in the Philippines must do a number on your psyche and mindset, she
knows she's allowed to do an abortion because it's her right but still feels conflicted because of her upbringing.
idk I'm just sperging out but I found her work ultra interesting to see because it's similar to a lot of Asian feminist work that has to do a lot with passive-aggressive self-hate and degrading of yourself while hating it at the same time.
No. 505341
>>505234I have a cartoony style
I might as well say I was influenced by the Bruce Timm art style and the Disney Art style too
No. 505427
File: 1579481489625.jpg (78.42 KB, 640x441, u see that shit.jpg)

>>505382Wow that's almost
impressively tasteless.
No. 505434
>>505404 Seriously? Yall just scraping the barrel here. She literally said in the video that her Grandmother had requested she do so before she died plus she put a shit ton of disclaimers and such before the video (also a fuck ton of other people have done commerative art using the remains of dead loved ones and not one of you are kicking a fuss over that)
Look, I do get that it is a bit icky and can be seen as being disrespectful, but in my view it's honestly kinda a sweet thing and as long as the loved one gave consent before they died, who gives a crap? (Anyway who cares of you feel it's disrespectful? She ain't your nan and it's not like she is digging up corpses to grind down into her art )
No. 505436
>>505382Does anyone really believe that her grandma gave her permission for this? Cause she's been known to lie about things more the other artists, and i doubt that RANDOMLY out of the blue her grandma asked her to do this.
She's doing it for click bait and for views
No. 505450
>>505434You actually
believe that shit? You really think this girl's granny went, "please use my ashes to make crappy art for a clickbait Youtube video" on her death bed? In her will?
I doubt she's even actually painting with real ashes. It's probably all made up so she can get rageviews. I would bet actual money on that.
No. 505456
>>505450"My Dear Emily,
You have my full written permission to grind my ashes up into paint and smear them all over one of your internet doodle pictures. My only request is that you please stop snorting coke.
Sincerely, Nanna"
No. 505523
>>505382Rae is such a fratbro in a girl body… Stunted that she even showed the dead roach that stayed in that corner for god only knows how many time. You would think a Youtuber would have the decency or class to not show something like that or just edit it out, but nope.
Her studio was pretty disgusting and hoardery, glad she at least addressed it somewhat, even though it gave her the excuse to buy more organization shit.
No. 505568
>>505559Sub number doesn't mean much. She may have almost 2 mil subs but her views are always about 400 to 500k, half of those subs may be inactive or bots.
>>505562Arleebean, The Average Artist, Leigh Ellexson (although she doesn't upload as much anymore), xrainey, and Myriam Tillson do it for me just fine. Marco Bucci, Proko and Teoh Yi Chie for advice and tips.
No. 505702
File: 1579577296987.png (814.64 KB, 1024x1195, 5y6whhv.png)

Does somebody know a cartoon artist YouTuber?I'm starting to sketch but since I'm a clueless noob I want to sketch like a professional
Pic related because that's how I want to sketch
No. 505740
File: 1579587916635.png (551.09 KB, 1100x750, comparisson.png)

Speaking of Baylee, anyone else think her art has gotten alot better recently? It still has the tendency to look stiff at times but I actually like the subtle style changes she's implemented.
No. 505754
>>504053The people in this thread don't really like her, but I've always been a fan. im probably just attached bc she reminds me of me when i was younger + her content helped me through a hard time in my life.
I agree she can be kind of cringy + her arts /beg/ tier, but her actual studies + schoolwork has a lot of technical skill, to the point I wonder if she just… chooses to do the edgy anime-esque stuff because she likes it.
I guess i find her refreshing? she doesnt feel the need to be 'edgy' while also making… edgier art, if that makes sense.
No. 526929
File: 1584488097482.jpg (143.72 KB, 1600x1600, 1581277355364.jpg)

>>487555>The fastest way to impove:>1. Perspective Made Easy>2. How to Draw by Scott Robertsonhow the fuck do you jump from perp. made easy to scott robertson??