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No. 476842
Discuss art and artists
- If you have beginner questions, want to know what art books to start with, or generally need to know how to begin with art, use these links fastest way to impove:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. Figure Drawing by Anthony Rider
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix Yoon
Previous thread
>>461062 No. 477012
File: 1572035037149.jpg (266.28 KB, 1080x1362, IMG_20191025_222229.jpg)

How the fuck can you regress this bad.
No. 477024
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I know he was talked about in the last thread. so for the Anon who liked his work, seems like he is making it public again.
No. 477038
File: 1572037101170.jpg (32.61 KB, 328x277, 2580349-1760582079-WW-Li.jpg)

>ayy see cute merch
>check out the artist's twitter, maybe i'll find more cute things to add to my cart
>obnoxious as fuck shitty twitter artist personality
>holy shit nevermind
>remove all from cart
goddammit every time
No. 477047
>>476842Glad salt and discussion merged, thnx whoever put the resources together.
>>477038Who is it? This is why I like to follow the twitter handles of people whose language I don't speak, that way I don't know if they have shitty personalities or not.
No. 477114
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>>477012Speaking of regression. Is there a thread for that? I saw that same post on my instagram too.
This one artist makes me wanna cry. They barely draw noses nowadays. These are 1yr differences
No. 477131
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>>477114How about dollie guts? While not devolution its more stagnation. These 2 are 10 years apart
No. 477327
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>>477325Saggy diaper hips hoo boy
No. 477342
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If we're talking about regression Lazlovillage went thru some weird phase in the past 2 years where everything became really blobby and abstract and looks like they don't put time/effort in anymore. All their characters are naked blobby stickmen now.
Left pic is 2017, right pic is recent
No. 477344
>>477342that drawing on the left is really cool
I wouldn't necessarily call changing styles regression though
No. 477350
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>>477345>>477348I fucked up.Here's the drawing
No. 477372
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Pretty sure this was already in a prev artist salt thread but sarlis is another one that regressed like hell.
Her stuff used to be dope and now it all looks just downright awful like she just shit it out blindfolded.
No. 477397
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>>477345Because anon, no one wants to see nasty ass cuts-
I looked on the person’s account and all I can say is…… it's interesting…. anatomically-wise, and anon, the pic that you showed, it’s tagged for gore, so underaged or those
triggered by it can’t see it. So I smell some vendetta posting
No. 477527
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>>476842>make videos based on art at beginning of channel>proceed to make lame drama videos so he can get quick YouTube revenue >surprised when people wonder why he’s no longer doing art videos Wow it’s almost as if you went downhill in less than a year
No. 477528
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pimikyuu on instagram. These characters are totally rip offs, especially the one on top, she even gave him the same name. She used to be super milky but has deleted her accounts and started over so many times, the worst thing I can think of was she once used the n word on one of her posts and got a ton of hate for it. Used to be friends with Holly Brown, hasn’t done anything milky in a while but her and her friends are cringy and gross.
No. 477568
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>>477372It takes a lot of knowledge and technical skill to be able to clearly define a figure in so few lines. I feel like many art anons would benefit from learning about art history, things don’t have to be explicitly figurative nor detailed for it to be good art, which seems to be a common theme of people ITT shitting on the works of others
No. 477582
>>477481I guess I can see your point, anon, but there's still somewhat of a difference between what Tearzah draws/used to draw and what the image you posted is. Idk if Vampiricdoll has any other artwork with gore in it, so if I'm wrong ignore me, but what you posted is just that,
gore. A character being cut or beheaded or whatever, without any context saying if they did it to themselves, and without any backstory saying the piece was about depression/vent art, isn't glorifying self harm or romanticizing it. At most, it's a shock piece, which is silly, but not romanticizing anything.
On the other hand, Tearzah is known to draw characters with very obviously self harm-related scars/wounds, OCs representing her and her boyfriend pulling each others guts out (imo with a suicide implication), and she directly references depression/mental health/suicide in their themes/characters with little depth, using it as an "UwU I'm so edgy and cool" crutch.
There's a big difference between the two. Saying they're the same is like saying slasher movies are glorifying homicide.
No. 477616
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>>477600Nope, wasn’t being sarcastic in the slightest. Minimal line work to convey lots of information isn’t regression, and is something that has been seen throughout many art movements
No. 477654
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>>477616piggy-backing off of this, but one of my fave eras of art to study is literally cave drawings. simplistic lines conveyed so much of these people's day-to-day lives, and although it isnt used for such an action now-a-days, you can learn a lot about expression in your art by looking at literally the first humans to ever make it. simple art styles aren't inherently bad, it is all in the execution.
No. 477692
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I'm mutuals with Ocean in Space and her private twitter has some pretty milky stuff. She acts so kawaii and uwu but is actually a huge clout-chaser and is bitter at any artist that does better than her.
No. 477693
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No. 477694
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No. 477695
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No. 477696
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Here she is being bitter that she was told she did something offensive towards someone's culture. I vividly remember on her instagram she posted a story along the lines of "sorry! I want to respect everyone thank you for letting me know uwu" then turned around to tweet this on her private kek
No. 477697
>>477696If a foreigner doing something that is completely a-okay in their own culture
triggers you so much that you need to unfollow, then so be it lol
No. 477767
>>477696"offensive to someone's culture" lol please. They're chopsticks, she's not exactly burning someone's flag or holy book or something. If someone told me this I'd be laughing too.
Not everything that doesn't exactly follow the rules X thing orginated from is offending said culture.
No. 477803
>>477801it's really not, it's just considered bad luck because it looks like memorial incense.
it pisses me off that asian americans especially love to parrot what is stupid superstitions that old people have.
No. 477804
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>>477692>>477694>>477716I really do miss her old art. Yes the anatomy was terrible, but it was shit then and it's still shit now.
No. 477831
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>>477804whoa that’s from her??? I would’ve never guessed. Yeah anatomy is shit but at least it had some composition of some sort unlike what she does now which is… this. like other anon said she’s reached peak and the attitude shown on her private leaves much to be desired
No. 477873
>>477865This. Everyone lets their guard down in private and in a company they can trust. Anon's being the worst kind of two-faced malicious bitch herself for posting caps from a locked account to an imageboard, especially because it's not milky at all and instead her just complaining about general stuff everyone whines about. Omocat and Uchuu summer are public brands at this point, talking "shit" about them isn't really comparable to targeting someone personally. She's not being unreasonably mean with her tweets either.
I swear some people in this thread would probably have a thread themselves over here or already do. Anons whose only tea is that some generic weeb artist nobody ever heard of got more followers than they did and they want to validate their vendetta with stale garbage like this need to get other hobbies.
No. 478021
>>477342i kinda love things like on the right
it's more there to express and emotion than to look pretty, and it appeals to some weird part of my brain
not everyones cup of tea but it's a cool piece
No. 478114
File: 1572270787858.jpeg (162.5 KB, 1619x883, DF3575D1-214E-467B-834D-7A8BF5…)

Sick of seeing this "ADHD Alien" on my timeline. She makes "relatable" comics about her ADHD but they usually just amount to "pwease don't be mean to me i have ADHD… i'm stupid…". She even draws herself as an alien which ironically just seems like she wants people to alienate her and ADHD people more.
I personally have ADHD and I feel like her comics have every ADHD person pegged as either a dumbass or a some genius savant. And as if non-ADHD people could ~never understand~ bingeplaying a game or not feeling motivated to do work.
No. 478149
>>478114Her comics come off as so self entitled and snowflakey, of course lazy kids on instagram love feeling validated by her content. It's sad that these pictures will represent adhd to many people now because of how popular they are. I've never looked at her stuff before but she's notable enough that my doctor recommended her work recently to me in relation to adhd.
At least some people in the comments aren't completely kissing her ass, so her fan base hasn't grown too
toxic yet.
>>478138No matter what some person puts in a webcomic, Adhd is a real condition.
No. 478157
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>>478114I feel weird because the only ADHD dude I know wore a fedora unironicly in 2018
No. 478159
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>>478157Samefagging. I don't know much about ADHD, but shees I thought it was the "I can't pay attention class" disease not the "I'm psychically incapable of living"
No. 478167
>>477692Anon, ranting on your private Twitter without tagging anyone is completely harmless and you're shitty for reposting it. Your post is saltier than anything on those screenshots.
>>477879This. You basically have to prioritize quantity if you want to keep growing your account, or sacrifice clout if you want to improve your art, unless you're really lucky.
No. 478169
>>478159Like all mental disorders it comes in a range of severity. It looks like hers is pretty bad, she mentions it almost getting her fired at some point? Some people have milder forms and something simple like a bullet journal keeps them organized, some people have really severe forms and literally can't live independently without medication.
Ranges of severity are not really acknowledged well even within disability communities, it's why you see huge disagreements between people with mild and severe forms of autism, about whether cures should be researched. The milder people are like 'it's a harmless difference we just need to be understood', the severely affected people are like 'this has completely precluded a normal adult life for me I'd love a cure actually'.
No. 478175
>>478174The composition and colors where so off in some scences it was hard to really see what was going on. Also the animation was so fast it gave me headach, and blatantly inconsistent.
The plot is okay, I like that Charly and Vaggie are a couple, but the rest was … kinda meh? Pacing was also way too fast.
Will there be more episodes? Or is this some kind of pitch for a network?
No. 478182
File: 1572290299145.jpg (284.59 KB, 2289x1526, PicsArt_10-28-09.17.00.jpg)

>>478174It's literally so inconsistent and sometimes the lineart looks rushed…
Look how off-model this is, and they were seconds apart from each other!
No. 478195
>>477654nta but i don't think it's about simple being bad, but people see shapes and faces and figures in
everything. clouds, folds in cloth, patterns. it's not more difficult to convey.
No. 478231
>>478174The character designs/voice work are so Cartoon Network, it would be better if they just scrapped the open swearing and sex jokes. There's nothing really edgy in the actual plot so why directly include crap that's going to make it unsuitable for children? The tone would be more consistent if they hid it like they had a censorship board to sneak past IMO.
I think it's got potential though, I like maybe half of it.
No. 478262
>>478242Agreed, the radio demon is such a cool and interesting concept, but his design's like… weird cat guy with radio mic? Like honestly, missed opportunity in designing a character here.
>>478174The colours are an awful, awful eye strain, and half the thing felt like Viv's characters just hanging out. The story itself is really hard to follow and seems to just flip flop between scenes. Also sometimes there were shots that were on screen for less than a second, which is no time at all, and just added to the headache.
Also in general the character designs are kind of naff. They're really samey and honestly it's very hard to tell the characters apart. Their silhouettes are all pretty much identical, except from the guy voiced by stamper, but that's it. Honestly hope this doesn't go anywhere it was a clusterfuck for the eyes.
No. 478293
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>>478276from last thead (sorry i don'r know how to link post so i'm goin got copypast)
>respects Shoe0nhead and Blaire White>hired a pedo>design thief
>The pedo thing was a couple in her comic were an adult woman and a 12 year old teacher student. After backlash she changed his age to 17 and pretended it never happened lolpic relate is the kid she latr change the ag to 17 even tho the desing is still the same and the teache is still a creep to him i will try and get more info on her
No. 478303
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>>478298 i got it you were corret
No. 478347
>>478242I agree, the radio demon has a great voice and concept but he's just some red cat dude. His face and microphone are the only bits that really work.
>>478262The character designs could definitely use work. The background characters are way easier to tell apart than the main cast, and the princess only stands out because she's a random white… puppy(?) when everyone else is a long skinny demon with too many design elements. This is labelled a pilot so maybe some things will be fixed?
No. 478398
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No. 478431
>>478302>>478293is there any evidence of her doing anything actually bad outside of wheeeeh she drew something i dont like!! or she likes people i dont like!! like probably the only bad thing is art tracing and hiring an
abusive guy (which i dont actually know if he is, im not reading that whole callout post shit and tumblr/twitter is known for exaggerations)
No. 478441
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Found this cow of an artist (@d91live on twitter and ig).
Look at how shit the anatomy and expressions are. I would've believed some 12 year old drew this. If you look at his instagram he talks like he's a bigshot artist.
He draws fanart of franchises or of popular artists' characters and calls them "d91 crossovers" as if they agreed to work with him or something.
Also from what I gathered from his social medias this fucker is over 30 years old and still lives with his parents.
Also he's a musclehead and brags like it's air on his twitter about his muscles and how much chicks love it.
No. 478443
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Latest exhibit A of how he draws fanart for popular artists and calls it a "crossover" (or sometimes "collab") when they took no part in it.
Here he drew Edwin Huang's character, who has over 90k followers and obviously does not know d91live exists.
No. 478471
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>>478163>>478285The pic I chose isn't supposed to be an example of bad anatomy, I just really liked the way it looks. Pic related however
No. 478478
>development hellAs if it was a big, long awaited production
What an airhead.
Sounds like a vendetta post tho.
No. 478481
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>>478174I love the radio demon’s voice, face, and magic but really wish he didn’t have the whole furry thing going on. Overall don’t really care for the pilot because it feels like it’s aimed at children except it’s not because all the disgusting “humor”.
Also I hate the daughter of hell, she just seems like a copy of star from star and the forces of evil, which I also hate.
Then there’s weird characters like pic related, look like it came out of that 2000s furry emo/scene art thread here on lc
No. 478514
>>478472In this case is not "just elasticity", which I also like in context, but in this case is not elasticity, it is several different art styles in sequence, which is distracting. You don't want a character not to look like himself at all, you want to keep the character cohesive between each scene, which is not the case with Hazbin Hotel. You might not notice the details when in motion, but your brain does and it becomes more and more tired of trying to understand what is going on. On
>>478398 pic it might not be a big issue, but when you look at
>>478182 you can see how lazy draws are done, both in lineart and shapes of the character
No. 478598
>>478481 Purple hair wolf's ear is literally in the middle of her head.
She cannot draw.
No. 478632
>>478293Honestly the worst thing on the list is hiring a pedo and i'm not even sure if the guy is actually a pedo or it's the typical "ships to fictional characters" thing or if this person still even works on the project.
There was also the bestiality accusation but that was no worse than the typical furry shit that gets drawn and a comic is just well… a comic? it's not like she's telling people to go fuck their teachers.
because the callout post is full of some many god damn exaggerations and irrelevant shit anything that could be of importance gets lost or if that person even still works on the project. If the person is a legit pedo and no longer works on the project i don't really blame her for not knowing? Like no one knows people are pedos until it comes out cause they don't just walk around with signs on their heads announcing they like to fuck kids. look at how many people in hollywood came out to be sex pests that no one really expected.
No. 478726
>>478703Not only the songs. The dialogues are also too long and too… meaningless. Punchlines don't work because the characters keep punching on the same thing over and over.
Also, I was fucking annoyed of those rando characters getting burried under cars, rocks, pipes coming out of nowhere. And those weird cracking sounds of the anchorlady. It's constantly too much of everything.
No. 478731
>>478726They need to invest in a good editor.
You could cut 5-10 mins without changing much.
No. 478787
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Checked on what thumbcramps/whimsipop has been up lately (the talk of vivzie reminded me i always figured thumbcramps ripped her new screen name off vivzie), and she's been drawing sex toys you can use if you're literally so obese you can't reach over your own belly to wack off. Holy shit
No. 478808
>>478796That's why they have issues with body acceptance lol they try to preach fat acceptance to the choir hardcore but call their fatness like it's separate from themselves.
Anyway, Thumbcramps is still going strong with the occasional retarded reaching and trying to be popular. She honestly thinks Torrid is gonna pay her for drawing their clothes in her art lol.
No. 478823
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>>478800Are you referencing this ?
No. 478946
But really, art of the types of men I like is scarce to non-existent so I just make my own. I like women too, but cute girl art is easy to find.
On this note, do any anons know of artists who specifically draw non-white and short or skelly men?
No. 478948
>>478946lol, that's kinda the reason why i wanna start drawing more guys. it's hard to find my type too, so i guess i'll need to step up
do you have an example?
No. 478949
>>478948I wish you luck then, anon. I'm sure you'll do well.
And examples of what? If it's my art, I'm def not posting it on lc lmaoo.
But if you mean what I'm looking for, any art style is fine.
No. 478988
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>>478965“I know I helped popularize it” where? She doesn’t have many followers anywhere and gets hardly any likes or views. Did she have a viral blog post or something?
No. 478992
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>modern art BAD because scribbles and urinals!!
Honestly anons, do the people who reeee over modern art actually bother learning what modern art encompasses? It’s not all conceptualism and minimalism, we’re currently in contemporary which has a huge amount of styles within it. Fountain (the urinal piece) isn’t even truly modern anymore as it’s all the way back from 1917. But seriously, ITT just full of hobbyists and weebs that know absolutely nothing about the artworld or industry outside of cons?
No. 478995
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>>478973It’s cuz jetpens hires artists in house now that don’t make watercolors look like muddy garbage
No. 478996
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>>478973It’s cuz jetpens hires artists in house now that don’t make watercolors look like muddy garbage
No. 479015
>>478988Becca is STILL bitching about the Jetpens PR snub? Jesus Christ you'd think a grown ass woman in her thirties would get over a rep from a company telling her that her shitty, muddy art isn't good enough. She just whined about this in some deleted tweets not even two weeks ago. Is this a common thing for her? Has Jetpens become the chip on her shoulder? IIRC they didn't even say anything particularly negative about her or her work, just that she wasn't the audience they were going for (because Jetpens is a stationary shop first and an art supply store second) because they wanted calligraphers/writers/stationary heads.
Her sub-1000 views per month channel did not help 'popularize' Jetpens and she's delusional for believing so. JP was popular among calligraphers, stationary collectors and artists on Youtube for years before she came along. Nobody is thinking about her like that.
A while ago I thought Becca was one of the few genuinely sweet and easygoing artists on YT. It's disheartening to see her for her true colors. Whiny, entitled and too knuckleheaded to buckle down and create things people actually want to see. But no. She's too dead set on shoving her self-insert 'all ages comic' in everyone's faces and selling penny candy commissions.
Buying things from a store does not entitle you to anything beyond getting to buy things from a store. A business doesn't owe you shit just because you gave them 'free advertisement'. I know Becca has ADD or whatever but she needs to grow up.
No. 479019
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>>478988Hilarious how she rants about Jetpens on a regular basis yet still holds onto that follow.
No. 479026
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>>478441>>478443somebody's delusional. if he's not twelve, i smell cow potential.
No. 479038
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No. 479054
File: 1572524295384.jpg (466.01 KB, 2289x2289, PicsArt_10-31-07.12.11.jpg)

non-milk (saged), but how can someone mess up a study so bad?
No. 479057
>>479054Depends on what they were trying to study? If they meant to study the lighting they did a pretty good job (the light is warmer in theirs, but the source is the same and hits the same planes). Obviously they stylised the proportions and perspective pretty heavily, so if they were trying to study those they missed the point.
A lot of people use the term "study" a bit loosely though, because it has more prestige than just calling it a copy, redraw or something like that.
No. 479061
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>>478787Anon, you’re questioning a person who retweets this kind of shit
No. 479086
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>>479026Found this from his instagram, which implies he's at least 22. But 1996 is only the year he made his character. So I'm guessing he's either almost 30 or 30s.
No. 479089
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>>479086His workout/healthy eating tweets and instagram posts are funny as hell.
He's always bragging about how much chicks love him but then desperate-posting "hey everyone a girl looked in my general direction today"
No. 479129
>>479054looks like he used liquify on the photo and traced it.But as far as studies go is perfectly
valid, i do stuff like this that i don't show all the time.
He also got the lighting wrong, its cool light with warm bounce light, side to side it looks weird.
No. 479169
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>>479086Chris chan and his gal-pals, lol.
he's definitely at least in his thirties.
No. 479196
File: 1572566035745.png (837.99 KB, 1080x1951, Screenshot_20191101-104848~2.p…)

Props to Kasey for being the only artist I follow who didn't give up on Inktober 2 weeks in after retardedly hyping it up for the entirety of September.
No. 479231
File: 1572573399272.jpeg (227.68 KB, 640x963, 56456975-FB43-4ECE-9D21-83E58E…)

"It's halloween lemme just slap on this cheap ass looking black panther necklace i got off amazon and nothing else and then show everyone. Also I can't spell for shit."
Also check out his chin and neck he's definitely in his 30s
No. 479234
File: 1572573606753.jpeg (320.89 KB, 640x753, 6DB8F5F1-9700-468B-8C9C-CD17DB…)

>>478441jesus the one arm. He's got no bones.
Also if you can take your eyes off the noodle arm for one second the fire looks like a 5 year old drew it. And how fucking hard is it to draw cartoony fire
No. 479659
File: 1572704153994.jpeg (204.98 KB, 828x958, 4B99ADDE-5E30-48E1-955B-1EB793…)

Saw this on my feed and I had to laugh. Sure Jan
No. 479669
File: 1572706284015.jpg (Spoiler Image,161.85 KB, 422x500, 20190421_203726.jpg.560c9aa8cf…)

>>479665sorry for same fagging, but some of this shit is gold
No. 479672
File: 1572706775898.png (275.19 KB, 1342x490, it hurts.PNG)

>>479669Anyhow I hate how those numnuts can't figure out the difference between artistic nudity and porn
No. 479698
File: 1572714636706.jpeg (92.13 KB, 640x716, 8FDE4E7F-2950-4AFA-8B16-FF12F9…)

Not to bring up this vaguecow again but I knew something milky would come out of d91live's charity commission drive.
It ended today and he claims he raised $380 (well over the goal of $250).
Let's do the math. He had a (now deleted) post pricing his charity commissions at $15 each, which means he had to have done at least 25 commissions. However on his instagram he's only posted TWO commissions, ie $30 worth of charity money.
He really thinks people wouldn't notice the huge gap in what donations he got and how much he claims he raised?
No. 479759
File: 1572725425885.jpeg (179.67 KB, 750x833, 65395121-38D1-4FD5-8A5C-236899…)

Idk why anyone even likes this artist’s art. It looks like a 9 year old drew this. And most “aesthetic” UwU animu artists I see constantly get in pointless drama and act salty when people call them out about it.
No. 479773
>>479759oh fuck this artist…
they have done really off putting edgy porn art before. and their art in general is just "pumping out as many ocs/adoptables as humanly possible" which just gets boring.
kinda not related but i find it weird how the whole "sexual/horror themes with a childish art style" thing has gotten more common over the years. it can be done properly to to contrast the subject matter with the style, but its obvious these artists are trying nothing like that.
No. 479791
>>479759Literally every shitty tumblr "woke" artist out there right now. Its like this shit popped off once Adventure time and Stevens universe became a thing. That horrible bubblegum, floaty, shitty art. I hate it with a passion.
What happened to all the old ass cartoons with a decent style?
No. 479814
File: 1572737637468.jpeg (310.46 KB, 739x943, D67CC222-1C61-4FB9-A6C4-B3BE9F…)

what’s up with this artist trying to make the ears so enormous, it’s like they’re trying so hard to make it different to stand out from the rest when pretty much their aesthetic is unoriginal
No. 479899
File: 1572750164419.jpg (103.6 KB, 1080x1054, IMG_20191103_100245.jpg)

>>479814thought this one is their motherfucking fantasy or original species or something, turns out they draw all their people like this including canon characters
No. 479913
File: 1572753776086.png (791.7 KB, 600x522, 2019-11-03 15_00_38-2019-11-03…)

probably an unpopular opinion because lore olympus is huge right now, but it kinda bothers me how inconsistent and off-model the art is. these are two consecutive panels. i actually really do like the art style, but sometimes it looks like totally different artists did each panel.
No. 479928
>>479927It’s definitely been discussed here before, maybe not in these specific threads, though.
All the art-based threads meld together in my brain real fast. Either way, it’s not an unpopular opinion— you’re right.
No. 479929
File: 1572757806384.png (130.55 KB, 803x268, lore.png)

>>479927Nope, it has been discussed ad nauseam in the "Bad/Hideous Art Thread", almost word for word.
>>>/m/52130Anyways, made me realize whoever made this thread made it a shit one. There was already an OP all written out with all of the topics explained, why would OP just delete all of that and change it to what they wanted? This thread is supposed to be for artist cows, not "I don't like this piece of art”, that's what the "Bad/Hideous Art Thread" is for.
No. 479939
>>479929Lore Olympus doesn't even necessarily belong in the bad art thread. Yeah it's inconsistent as hell but the creator has a bunch of assistants to do the majority of the work based off sketches and descriptions, she just refinishes it, so you could argue she's just lazy. I think the comic itself and the pacing is shit, though.
Also this thread talks about bad art all the time. Sakimi-chan's stuff is brought up frequently but she's not a cow, for example. Literally the posts above are talking about weird girls with giant ears art but the artist doesn't have any notable cow tendencies. I don't know what makes people nitpick what is posted in this thread so much, people used to sperg about discussing art advice too so it was just added to the title months ago so people quit bitching. There is just not enough content to separate every single little art topic into individual threads.
No. 479983
File: 1572778608065.jpg (72.72 KB, 720x720, 1.jpg)

BluepotionCo is back doing stupid shit again (1/2)
No. 479984
File: 1572778717028.jpg (30.41 KB, 945x945, 2.jpg)

Context: Bluepotionco the pin tracer took another UK artists brand name and a domain and redirected to her own store
No. 480003
File: 1572784281812.jpeg (Spoiler Image,286.57 KB, 750x1051, D49EB4D9-29D2-42B9-A96D-921BDD…)

Are there anymore shitty webtoons out there? I only know that one “romance” webcomic called I love Yoo that has no literally no romance in it and it’s on its 100th episode and there is still nothing. All the characters are annoying and bland. The art is often okay but I can see she often uses 3D models for the backgrounds which look pretty lazy.
No. 480035
File: 1572791216557.png (581.03 KB, 718x827, Screenshot_2019-11-03-09-23-57…)

>>480003There are a ton of shitty Webtoons. You have to use the Canvas section of webtoon. Anyone on the front page of webtoon has a deal with them, so canvas is were all the in dealed artist go, AKA shitty artists. Canvas new always has horrible comics
No. 480038
File: 1572791656115.jpg (704.38 KB, 2289x2289, PicsArt_11-03-09.32.16.jpg)

Unpopular opinion: I think it is ok to have a bad art,I understand the artist feel bad about it but when it is come for learning drawinh it is always important to accept a mistake rather delete it
No. 480039
File: 1572792177393.jpeg (722.81 KB, 787x1180, 1ot36pkhd6Qn6c.jpeg)

Since we're on the topic of webcomics- anyone here heard of Gloomverse? The creator herself isn't much of a cow (not that I've seen, anyway) but the comic itself seems to have stagnated a little. Despite hiring two colourists (who are.. just two of the creator's bffs) there's dodgy colouring on every other page, and so much of the dialogue seems choppy and just.. off somehow. It's hard to explain if you haven't read.
Also, both of the colourists have fugly art. This is a 'guest cover' one of them did, and somehow the colours manage to be one of the worst parts.
No. 480042
>>479913I’m reading lore Olympus too and I agree the art is all over the place
I like the story but I often hate the art because it’s so… it just doesn’t add up
No. 480067
File: 1572802887436.jpeg (302.72 KB, 640x790, C274CC7E-C181-4C0A-893B-EEFA7E…)

Twitter artist bluepotionco who's mostly known for selling chibi enamel pin fanart of pokemon, is coming under fire for getting caught tracing a ton of her pin art AND recently other artists have found that she buys domain names of other artists so that people looking for those artists will get redirected to her site.
No. 480109
File: 1572822791251.jpeg (119.18 KB, 720x907, BF0B0930-73D5-4A44-92CC-065CA7…)

Pls make this the next OP, it describes the online art community so well
No. 480111
File: 1572823087978.jpeg (532.24 KB, 1152x1915, E5560B2C-A9C9-46C6-8D40-95A834…)

She’s been discussed last thread, but she finished the naked prepubescent girl drawing and gave the original to the guitarist from tool, I cringe thinking of how he must have felt getting a naked preteen drawing out of the blue
Justice be made it looks cool technique and composition wise, if only it were an adult woman instead
No. 480191
File: 1572842484492.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1536x1677, 4BF90F87-3B28-42A1-A29C-1C4547…)

Hoo boy.
No. 480192
File: 1572842594576.jpeg (289.3 KB, 1400x990, 8109E3DB-B9E0-443B-AC38-B75D8C…)

>>480191I honestly don’t absolutely detest her art but $500? For a sketch page?
No. 480201
>>480192It's a lot. Assuming a sketch page takes 8 hours and she goes by a reasonable hourly rate, I'd say $300 would be more fair to her followers.
I never totally knew what the courtesy is about commission prices vs normal hourly rates.
No. 480207
>>480203Fucking relax lmao
>>480201For commissions it always seems to be a cross between the artist’s typical hourly rate and a standard bigger fee… For professional clients an artist’s hourly can get up to like $80/hr at the freelance level, even as a new hire, it’s not entirely unreasonable for that number to be achieved, maybe not with that exact amount of time but eh it’s possible
I don’t think this specific artist deserves that much money for that output but who knows. It’s a rough thing to try and gauge. Sure looks like she pissed off and confused a lot of her followers about it though
No. 480208
>>477804 >>478471
Those pics are from maybe 5-7 years ago now. I don’t think that really shows her skill level now at all. Her new stuff seems more unique and a lot more polished.
I don’t even know why someone is taking hits at this chick.
She has no real milk and isn’t really the type of artist we talk about on here. I feel like you’re only taking hits at her cause some of the cows on this site own some of her clothing line. (Such as Baylee)
No. 480209
>>480207You're not just paying for labor but the artist's skill (and time spent building up that skill) as well.
I've gotten a painting with 2 characters and a fully rendered background for 250 USD + hefty tip from a popular professional artist, so there's not a chance I'd spend 500 on some sketches with flat color. To each their own, though.
No. 480210
>>480209I charge 40 an hour for commissions. A character sheet that's decently rendered & perfecting the poses could easily take me 8 hours.
Scares off a lot of people but oh well.
I looked at her older stuff and she's not bad, I'm a bit biased so if she values her work at that price and people pay for it, I say go for it lol.
No. 480211
>>480139Apparently the art was inspired by a tool song which is why she gifted it??
Also I saw later shes a guest artist to make a tour poster for them, but I’d expect the AD will not allow this kind of questionable content. Her art is really good but her obssession with children sends so many red flags, kinda like the pop surrealism artists do too
No. 480222
>>480111Ugh I don't mean to nitpick, but she looks so gross.
Is she just a random fan giving him the drawing as a gift? Why?
No. 480227
>>480184I considered posting this but I didn't think anyone would be interested lol
It seemed like dumb take on inktober - the whole point is to challenge yourself to draw everyday to improve. How is making 31 half assed characters meant to be challenging?
Most of them are just circles with different features slapped on
And her fans are a bunch of emo kids
No. 480228
>>480039I remember reading Gloomverse years and years ago! The artist is lovely, that's for sure, and I remember when she was deciding the style she was going to use for the comic. Crazy to think it's actually still going.
I guess in general you'd want a colourist to be… good with colours if you hire them, which is a shame because I swear the gloomverse colours, from my memory, are just flat colours. Can't really mess that up right?!
No. 480230
>>480067bluepotionco is an insane cow, honestly. She blocked the entire UK convention scene, and anyone vaguely associated with it, so that they could stop 'besmirching her name'. She's still selling internationally apparently, but not under the same name, and in general doing unscrupulous things to sell her traced art.
Honestly it's crazy that people are still buying shit from her. I guess 'kawaii' makes things easier to ignore
No. 480238
>>480227I hardly consider her an artist. She hasn't improved at all just watch one of her sketchbook tours.
She's been stuck in 2008 for overa decade now
No. 480241
>>480222What's going on with her legs though?
Also she looks a bit… Delayed. If so that's not her fault but she still has a very terrible fixation. I wouldn't snap a photo with that art and the artist.
It's amazing how much you get away with if you're a popular enough artist. You can be as creepy as you can get and it wouldn't catch up with you.
No. 480249
>>480247ASD has no actual effects on your face or body. You're probably just thinking of the fact she's a bit overweight, has unkempt hair and doesn't seem to take care of her appearance (which do tend to be common things in autists).
Even if she did have some sort of disability it doesn't explain or excuse her fixation with naked children. The "but I feel like a child inside so it's ok" excuse that many people use is bullshit.
No. 480271
>>480249nta but autism face is a real thing! there's other, earlier studies as well
No. 480283
File: 1572882156717.jpeg (204.94 KB, 1199x1474, D6979BEF-C90C-4E52-86A7-86DCDF…)

>>480208Guys, this
>>480192Is recent. Nov 1, in fact.
The fact, that you guys are suggesting that $200 is right for a bust like this makes me astonished. Now, if she had worked in the industry for years, I can understand, but this…?
If this is the right price for commissions with a similar style, imma just say that you guys are giving me hope in my own endeavors
No. 480309
>>480291tracing, selling other artist's designs, blocking any and everyone who tries to call her out on her stealing.
Just recently she got called out again for buying the website domain names of other artist in the UK convention scene and redirecting to her shop of stolen goods.
No. 480339
>>480315Exactly. It is the whole point if business, it is not to be fair at all. It is ‘how much money can a squeeze out of the most number of people before they stop paying altogether?’
I think of commissions as microtransactions- Overpriced for what you are getting, but if you want to drop the money, that is on you.
No. 480406
>>480392“”I commend her for mastering multiple artstyles””
Anon, i get where you’re going, but if you commission an artist expecting a specific way for how they draw, you should get what you asked for unless you specify otherwise.
((What I’m saying is that you don’t want a spechie issue with commissions))
No. 480410
>>480300Agreed anon.
>>480339No anon, in business, people aspire to be successful, not receive 2-4 commissions a year due to their egregious pricing. ((It’s one of the reasons why we get artists complaining about a lack in sales))
If one artist can have a similar style in a lower price, the one who demanded more is out of luck. This is the art industry, very different from the many other industries who compete similarly to how you described
No. 480564
>>480466It seems like a lot of people who might have commissioned her are put off by the prices, though.
What I don't understand is why a single artist being unsuccessful is detrimental to the industry in general. I get that underpricing sets an overly low standard that other artists can't always compete with, but how does overpricing affect other artists?
No. 480586
File: 1572961315246.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB, 1579x2048, 27D467C7-A52E-4056-8B72-540DF6…)

Find a nobody horror cow in the depths of twitter called stwawbwewymilk (no i'm not kidding).
Putting aside her penchant to twalk wike dis and make her chawacters twalk wike dis, her style is a cross between nails on chalkboard and a 5 year old drew it
She mostly makes fake deep art and comics about her characters fucking plushies.
Her regular tweets entail nudes and how she and her partner shoplift to survive (even though all she's tweeted about has been her stolen tamagotchi and dog plushie).
No. 480587
File: 1572961404707.jpeg (Spoiler Image,51.17 KB, 640x304, 2CDBC0B0-6436-4C18-8DE7-1EACDE…)

Her bio and latest nude. Glad twitter cropped it to be sfw
No. 480590
File: 1572961784508.jpeg (Spoiler Image,421.06 KB, 2048x2048, B8F7C11A-7F0D-44D6-97CE-74A805…)

1. Tweet about her stuffed dog that her partner stole for her (which she's drawn porn of the stuffed dog as well)
2. Talking to her friend about her new tamagotchi and how she couldn't justify $20 for it so she just stole it
No. 480592
File: 1572962048421.jpeg (Spoiler Image,81.29 KB, 640x457, 77349318-6CC3-4A8A-BDD9-8B6DAB…)

>>480587Forgot to post her (cropped to be sfw) nude with more horrific baby talk. Not that anyone wanted to see it
No. 480594
File: 1572962362419.jpeg (370.11 KB, 2048x2048, F9CE1106-2C32-423B-9EDC-031CAD…)

I sent her a curious cat anon message asking why she steals when all she steals is toys, how it can get employees in trouble or even fired, and this was her reply. kek
No. 480931
File: 1573067262186.png (1.66 MB, 844x1316, Loish bootleg.png)

I cringe when I see shameless bootlegs of popular artists. Legit thought this was Loish for a second when I scrolled through my explore page.
Also I fucking hate social media, I hate how you have to become a certain way to gain followers (draw literally the same thing every time but slightly different, draw pretty girls, draw disney or pokemon characters, piggypack off the succes of other artists) I know exactly what kind of art would get me a shit ton of followers, but for some reason I just can't bring myself to shamelessly give in. Because I wouldn't be enjoying it at all. Why does it have to be this way… anyone else feel like this?
No. 480933
>>480795Possibly not the answer you want but no chair will stop you getting back problems if you sit in it 9 hours a day, it's the sitting still that causes trouble. Similarly, if you get up and move regularly (every half hour sort of regular) even the worst posture is unlikely to do major damage.
Source: the physiotherapist fixing my work-induced neck problems.
No. 480951
>>480937Same, anon. I think loish is great at colors, but her style is fugly.
I don't know why so many like Waffles want to rip her off
No. 480998
>>480933Doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t get a chair that isn’t as hard on your back as well.
I put my back out during inktober and things didn’t improve until I switched chairs.
No. 481001
>>480983If Becca doesn't like random people telling her how wrong she is about her weekly Jetpen/weh gib more patreon buxs bitchings then maybe she should private her Twitter.
I like how she implies that she's doing all this giving to the art community with no reciprocation on her part. This broad is delusional. She's are not this skilled caregiver who's planting foundation for the whole community to thrive from. She's a struggle artist that runs dollar store booths at cons and draws a muddy watercolor comic nobody reads. When you go to a dozen cons a year, advertize like crazy and still have a <10k YT channel, then the problem isn't the community. It's you.
"Oh it's Nattosoup. We're gonna do so much better than her this weekend." <- People say this because of her reputation of being an obnoxious, entitled tryhard. You don't deserve things just because you do things. It all comes down to the merits in what you've done. Not that you've done it.
No. 481025
File: 1573083799015.jpeg (820.88 KB, 2048x1811, 0D438AE4-2AEF-463B-83A0-29D16D…)

What do you guys think about Krooked Glasses art?
No. 481141
>>481025Smells like a self post so I’ll refrain from giving any feedback.
>>480983I don’t even know much about her other than what’s posted here and the vague rant she did on Twitter but I’m already sick of her. She does come off as extremely entitled for someone whose work is pretty mediocre. I honestly hope she doesn’t table at cons near me because I’d hate to have to hear her bitch and moan in person.
No. 481150
>>476842>>480931Oh. This is definitely how I feel too… "Things that are fun to draw" and "things that gain attention" are wildly different for me and I kind of resent social media art that looks like it came off an assembly line.
Speaking of which, anyone else noticed all the Sakimichan pinup clones with nude versions available on Patreon? I'll have to screenshot when I see one but they're all over and all look terrible in comparison
No. 481161
>>481025I've followed her for some time. Her style is very unique and distinguishable, obviously her colors and shapes are good. Sort of disappointed she did that art for Hazbin Hotel since HH and Vivzie is such a cow and I'm quite surprised since with all the discourse Vivzie and HH have endured on social medias I'm sure KG wouldn't want to be associated with it.
That being said KG has a weird tryhard edgy kind of persona on her instagram and twitter that I find pretty cringey.
She takes a lot of "ugly" selfies making "scary" faces with dark filters over them and somehow still has scene hair in 2019.
I remember when she was on Game Grumps Doodle Doodz where Ross introduced her (how she gained most of her clout she has now) and she was VERY shy and awkward. Her persona she makes herself out to be is nothing like her actual self.
No. 481232
>>481161She also used to be extremely close with Game Grumps Ross and Holly (who have now gone through that whole divorce/cheating shitstorm) and even stayed with them when she was visiting California and jokingly called them mom and dad on social media at the time.
She also used to do art for PBG (PBG infamously initially sided with ProJared during the cheating shitstorm).
When the shitstorm was going down KG turned a blind eye and i wonder what her relationship with all of them is now
No. 481294
>>480931>>481150I've seen so many fucking Sakimichan and Loish ripoffs it's ridiculous. Like 100% copying their styles. I don't even get this copying mindset, what pleasure do you get from being a budget version of a more popular artist?
>>481183It is made up drama. It's mostly just people who have personal beef with her, are annoyed by her behavior or overall just don't like her style and don't feel like she deserves the recognition. I don't give a shit about her 2007 edgy tumblr furry stuff but you could just straight out say that you think she's a stupid diva instead of throwing pedo accusations as your first choice like it was nothing. Anon here
>>481288 is one salty motherfucker but at least she doesn't ree about made up pedo bullshit.
Also about Hazbin Hotel, I watched it, not at all something I would support or enjoy because as I said, it's tryhard 2007 tumblr furries with cringy sex "jokes", but I still applaud them for actually managing to make a 30-minute animated pilot episode happen without major studios.
No. 481297
File: 1573153353417.png (443.21 KB, 415x476, uwu.PNG)

>>481161>KG has a weird tryhard edgy kind of persona on her instagram and twitter that I find pretty cringey.She takes a lot of "ugly" selfies making "scary" faces with dark filters over them and somehow still has scene hair in 2019.
Glad I'm not the only one who thought this. I love her art but the persona she tries to put out is kinda obnoxious. She always looks kinda unwashed but I think it may be because she looks like she teases/hairsprays her hair to hell. Can't stand Apselene at all tho, the art she has been putting out lately is ugly af.
No. 481299
>>481297yea, i try to ignore her selfie/irl posts like the plague bc of this persona, art is fine though.
>>481288i think her ideas could work if it was taken by a experienced studio that would polish out some of the dumb elements. the style didn't bother me too much, but the completely forced in "adult" nature of the pilot was really annoying. yes they are in hell but when the whole design of it and the shitty music segments scream kid's cartoon it just feels like shitting on top of it to make it "adult".
No. 481316
File: 1573158271609.png (27.86 KB, 566x285, bitchingbecca.PNG)

Thought I'd have a look at Beccas discord and it's just her complaining and guilt tripping her fans. What an utterly miserable person.
No. 481320
She acts like a fucking martyr because her cat died, as if no one else in the world has problems.
Maybe this art thing isn't for her, or she should just stop creating stuff under the pretense of helping people.
No. 481326
>>481316What the fuck does Becca want? Does she want undying armies of asslickers like BJ? It's obvious that by 'giving back' she means money. She thinks she's owed money because she (in the confines of her own mind) believes she's sacrificing and bending over backward for baby artists everywhere, all while shouting from the rooftops how she's a kidlit artist/writer and how she's making all-ages comics and wants to appeal to children. Children and beginner artists don't have the money Becca's so desperate to get. The metrics show that she's not nearly as profound and well-known as she thinks she is. Her ego is the size of Jupiter while her actual accomplishments are golf balls.
As of now it looks like Holly fucking Brown's more mature and rational than her. At least she could be assed to get a day job. Congratulations Becca.
No. 481328
>>481316g e t a j o b
No. 481336
>>481316>>481326Becca's not getting anywhere with this mentality. She acts like such an entitled brat. She wants an audience that fawns over every little thing she says and does, ready and willing to open their hearts and more importantly, their wallets to her.
Unfortunately for you, Becca, you haven't given anyone a reason to back you in such a way.
People can tell when you genuinely are trying to help them, and when you're only doing it expecting some sort of return later. She has never been the former. She just comes off as a bitter bitch, and that's what's been stopping her. She needs to get out of these art communities stinking it up with her nasty attitude and entitlement.
No. 481363
File: 1573168105266.png (17.87 KB, 600x121, bitchingbecca2.PNG)

Couple more images from Discord 1/2
No. 481364
File: 1573168216136.png (24.22 KB, 680x219, toughbecca.PNG)

Other things I've gleaned are she's actually 33, her fiancee fully supports her as she claims to make $2 per person in her class and only gets about 3 students in a class. She's moving back to nashville to make babies.
She will shill herself at any time she can even telling people to ask her for products because she can use an affiliate link to get some cash. There's about 18 people in her discord and maybe 30 messages in a month.
No. 481371
>>481363Whats with artist hating every single comment you can make on their art? I can see how it gets annoying, but half the artist who make complaints like that do not have the clout to get spammed 24/7 by 'stupid fans'. I guess I'm kind of bitter because those
>'Oh wow are you drawing?!'>Why yes. I have a pencil. I have a paper. I had a drawing, any other questions? Remind me when I was a stupid anti-social teen who couldn't tell people weren't attacking me, but were misguided people trying to start a conversation.
No. 481380
>>481363Haha, it's so true though.
But I'm sure the parents are more tactful, like 'oh, my teen loves drawing stuff like this' and she just takes it too personally.
No. 481390
File: 1573172666289.jpg (101.99 KB, 1200x890, Dw6Ra0tXQAAjmyL.jpg)

>>481388I googled this person and saw this on their twitter
No. 481407
>>481404they'll likely going to be chased out for
problematic drawings like drawing someone a skintone lighter
No. 481431
>>481388Oh cuteosphere is a massive can of worms. She used to have a twitter where she talked about how hot the idea of an older woman taking a little boy's virginity is, as well as talk about her bestiality kink and I vividly remember one tweet she made about her bf/trans gf and how her crotch was starting to smell more "womanly".
I also recall she made a comic where her partner was suggesting she stop smoking and her response was "fuck i have to pretend to care what you think", and she posted this on her
public twitter as if people would find that appealing.
Also i think the tumblrs and twitters cancelled her a long time ago because she took orders for shirts and mailed only a few, essentially stealing money from fans.
No. 481433
>>481371>>481377>>481418She didn't seem so bad at first, but then I saw this video.
You can't tell me that's not obnoxious.
No. 481441
>>478160>we shouldn't call her out for drawing sexualized disembowlment.I don't like guro myself but how is this deserving a callout? It might be gross but it might also as well be a cope. Just don't look at it, not all art needs to be coddling to people who don't like seeing nasty stuff.
>>481404>>481410People are already wahhing about Korean/Japanese artists taking their business and that's why they make up bullshit claims like
>>481407 mentioned, it's 100% all about trying to drive the competition out and not genuinely being invested in a cartoon character's skin tone or how
problematic it is to draw a fictional 17-year old in a bikini.
No. 481449
File: 1573190860255.jpeg (Spoiler Image,183.33 KB, 1280x432, D3422EEC-734D-43DB-B659-70565A…)

>>481431God, I remember cuteosphere back from when I used tumblr in my teens. Looks like she hasn’t changed
No. 481456
File: 1573193601709.jpeg (475.4 KB, 2048x2048, AD840A09-D999-43CE-8E6B-1C7153…)

Sorry to post a vaguecow but it's mostly just an example. Wtf is with artists (always trans and or furry artists) changing the name they go by and then feeling weird when people call them by their new name?
"I changed my name but oh it's weird if you call me it, you should call me my old name still even though it's nowhere on my profile anymore I actually prefer it"
No. 481457
File: 1573193807217.jpeg (787.36 KB, 2048x2048, 68F3B751-4F19-4BB4-B8AC-B0D847…)

>>481456Btw this specific cow is insane. She's one of those adoptable furry selling artists and is fucking asking for a whopping $725 USD for this mindnumbingly boring furry design. The sad part is people actually buy them
No. 481487
>>481457 >>481456
the first thing showed up when I look for this artist is their artist beware post and apparently they have scamming history
No. 481495
File: 1573217479861.jpg (150.82 KB, 800x1269, 1 vs.jpg)

>>481473Fuck. I think I saw them on /ic/ once. Their art is the definition of 'people need to stop confusing simple art with good fundamentals'. The mix of edgy '4chan nationalism' and edgy 'all my OC's have BPD' is make it a roller coaster. Literally neither of her fans would like the other side.
No. 481496
File: 1573217734860.png (139.86 KB, 1684x637, 2.PNG)

>>481495It's a shame because I find their art style cute. I found her brown bunnies cute until I learned they were some weird metaphor for Korean immigrants?
No. 481499
File: 1573218445586.jpg (69.72 KB, 1024x448, korean_nationalists_by_dogisag…)

>>481473>>481494She also has a pathological hatred of Korean Nationalists for some reason
No. 481506
File: 1573220366199.png (89.07 KB, 1074x629, terf_idiot_by_dogisaga_dd8o0jr…)

>>481496>>481499>>481495>>481473I was waiting for her to be mentioned here someday. I've been sporadically following her insanity for a while.
No. 481518
File: 1573228574741.jpg (356.67 KB, 944x942, dicedrama.jpg)

I remember some anon was asking about dice, so here's some secondhand cgl dice drama
No. 481524
>>481364I vividly remember one video of her where she ordered a new banner and sat on the floor cutting it and she was so bidding to the one holding the camera, I wondered how nasty she would really be. Looks like she's a good cow.
I mean, c'mon, beeing self-employed means you should know when to stop specific projects, esp. when they're not profitable.
There are so many artist out there trying to get by, and they just know shit about business/ beeing a salesperson and manager of your own products. If you can't handle this, stop complaining and get a day job and do art just as an hobby.
I'm so tired of artists complaining about stuff that could be best fixed if they would just look into how to run a business. It ain't that hard. I bet you, there are even a shit ton of Skillshare classes out there.
No. 481531
>>481524Becca's rapidly approaching thread status, which is a shame considering she used to try so hard to present herself as a nice, helpful, generous person.
Speaking of Skillshare, I'm wondering why she doesn't just start teaching there. It would cost her way less for travel and materials and probably pay out way more than her current 2-3 people classes. Maybe she's salty that yet another company isn't giving her free stuff.
No. 481536
>>481531A lot of artists I follow just have tutorials and process videos on their patreon, which is even more practical than Skillshare.
I guess IRL classes have a different audience than online ones, though; it's usually young kids/teens with clueless parents, older women just getting into drawing and retired older people with lots of free time who take art classes, at least where I live. Those people are more likely to think Becca's art is impressive and that she's got skills to teach, compared to internet-savvy people who probably see enough art everyday to see through her delusions.
No. 481561
>>481457>>481466Hell if I was degenerate enough to draw furries you bet your ass I would be selling adoptables at this price too. Rich furry bastards will pay literally anything to get a somewhat adept, complex character design for their yiff roleplays. This is a pretty moderate price too, I've seen them go up for $1000-1500 if the artist is popular enough. I know multiple people who make good money peddling their garbage to furries and they don't even care as long as they get the cash.
>>481495Wait this isn't supposed to make fun of BPDfags?
No. 481564
File: 1573239389294.jpg (139.68 KB, 1280x1235, dunno.jpg)

>>481561original anon and I'm not sure. her Oc's have autism and post about how it's good? Looking more into her art it feels like mocking them now. No. 481568
File: 1573239721215.png (77.39 KB, 1027x787, ECkia0nW4AYGyzY.png)

>>481564I feel like she just leans what evers most controversial at the point. If people hate BPD she'll defend it
No. 481576
File: 1573242933002.jpeg (774.1 KB, 964x1019, 56711983-5158-433C-ABD1-2E8223…)

>>481457they really do eat this shit up
No. 481592
>>481557It's supposed to poke fun at the emotional idiosyncrasies of people with BPD. How they see themselves as cute, shy, vulnerable
victims when they're really …Well, BPD.
No. 481593
File: 1573247482911.png (506.15 KB, 710x617, 1489568139002.png)

>>481473she's not korean but a white strayan i think
No. 481607
File: 1573251965945.png (Spoiler Image,328.42 KB, 786x566, bpd_awareness_borderline_perso…)

>>481600She's all about mocking BPD. A lot of her drawings have to do with that.
No. 481608
File: 1573252034105.jpg (Spoiler Image,218.75 KB, 1080x1499, Screenshot_20191109-092530_Twi…)

This showed up on my Twitter feed and I do not understand what her boobs are doing.
No. 481627
>>481624Just select your extra posts and hit delete.
>>481625The size isn't the issue, it's the fact that they look like they're attempting to escape orbit.
No. 481647
File: 1573260555700.png (271.55 KB, 796x433, KOFII'.PNG)

why do internet artists feel so entitled to products? if you don't own something, maybe save up so you can buy it instead of begging your followers to buy it for you?
she's been doing traditional art forever and suddenly "boohoo i used a laptop track pad help me buy a tablet" and then also tries to guilt people more by saying she's gonna move out of her mom's house soon so she wants funds to hold herself over lol which most likely won't even happen, she just wants free money for unnecessary shit.
i mean, christmas is coming soon… it wouldn't hurt her to ask all her family members for cash as a christmas present so it can go towards a decent tablet. there's really good ones that cost only like $45, like a Huion.
No. 481662
>>481582Yes there's been multiple instances of her not mailing anything people order from her, while she continues to draw adoptables and then when asked about orders she goes "oh I'm so so sorry I've been so stressed and don't have enough money to mail orders" when she clearly makes on average $700+ per stupid ass adoptable.
At one point she did mail someone's order after they publicly tweeted about not getting their order for over half a year, but that's the only way you'll get any stuff from her.
No. 481715
File: 1573278178122.jpeg (241.78 KB, 750x979, 7DD4611A-6ABE-4D6D-B8F2-0B5CEA…)

havent looked into what comments she’s referring to
No. 481725
>>481645Sage for incoming sperging.
Yup. It was pretty juvenile with an underdeveloped story and uninteresting/underdeveloped characters. There is no depth to this show, nor to the humor, which is only swearing and sex jokes. Vivzie could've added a lot of interesting, subtle references and humor, but the only part that was remotely like that was the Jeffrey Dahmer reference. Some of the character designs were dreadful, especially the gray bartender with wings (ABSOLUTE CRINGE) and the radio demon. The character designs also differentiate too much between one another. There is no consistency between them to determine that they are supposed to be from the same show. The design for the radio demon is just fucking lazy. She could've given him a vintage look but instead she made him look like an early 2000s emo Deviantart OC. It's a clusterfuck on a bland foundation. I did like the songs though. They were pretty good.
No. 481734
>>481731>>480983Lol at 14:15 she complains that it's nice if people like her art and want to say hi, but if they see her in public, it's annoying to be interrupted, and they shouldn't expect some kind of 'reward' for recognizing her.
Like seriously, I don't think anyone would recognize you, and even then, how ungrateful can you be?
No. 481743
>>481645>>481725"Juvenile" is probably the best way I'd put my thoughts about it. Despite all the edgy designs, swearing, sex jokes and everything it was honestly boring and I found myself tuning out multiple times because for some reason to the point I missed some key plot elements, it seemed like watching someone's roleplay session and not a well-constructed show. Some scenes went on for way too long and the characters seemed to be confined to their chosen tropes which made their interactions seem too predictable. But the voice acting was AMAZING for indie show standards and the animation at times was really, really good. I guess I see how it has an audience but I'm just not one of them, especially the art style doesn't appeal to me at all. Nevertheless the screenwriting for the pilot could've definitely used a few revisions before going into production.
>>481592This is how I understood it as well, she's obviously making fun of BPDs.
No. 481762
File: 1573300901177.webm (5.14 MB, 640x360, schizodog australian marionett…)

>>481610i know her from ✝krautchan, and she posted with an australian flag, i have some photos which look just like the portrait i posted.
t. not a creepy stalker i swear
No. 481769
>>481743To add to this, it also has the issue all of Vivzie's animations have which is bad pacing. I don't know if she did any of the actual animating herself but the characters wont stop moving at any time and it's distracting, not to mention they get lost in the background a lot because everything looks samey.
Im convinced the demographic for the show is 13 Year Olds Who Think Theyre Mature Because They Swear, and i don't see any network picking it up to produce it other than Netflix, because they'll produce anything
No. 481771
>>481767Well yes, it is sad but she needs to take a clear look at herself. She could spend time actually trying to improve her art and get a part time job until she's better, but she thinks she's owed everything.
At the same time she has this weird childlike personality that makes me feel bad for her.
No. 481773
>>481766Well I had a sort of small nervous breakdown over it, so that was how I knew! I'll try to break down the details for you though:
For a start, I was really really unhappy with my living situation. I'm single so I could only depend on my own income, and because I was working a crappy part time service job to have time to pursue my art 'career' I was only just scraping by. I just started to look at my living standards and think… this is tolerable if it's temporary, but what if the art NEVER works out? What if I wake up years from now at the age of 45 and I'm STILL living in one room in a shared house with nothing to show for all this work? I had been failing to make money for a few years already, so I had to start seriously considering the possibility that I would NEVER be able to make it work and ask myself if I was okay with the consequences if that happened. The answer was no, I was not okay with that, so I had to make sure that WOULDN'T happen. That meant I had to earn more money somehow.
I already knew the work I wanted to make wasn't selling despite my best efforts, so my options were basically become a degenerate furry artist for the cash or get a real job. I also already knew from the few commissions I did get that making art I wasn't interested in was MORE depressing than the service job. When I was at art school my tutors always said 'if you start making work you hate for the money, just quit and become an accountant. You'll still hate the work but you'll make a lot MORE money.' That started to look like really good advice, so I started looking for a normal full-time job. (Although not as an accountant.)
On top of all that, doing art for myself wasn't even fun anymore. It had USED to be something I enjoyed more than anything else (like you), but it had got so tangled up with the feelings of failure and rejection that it was only making me miserable. That was a huge loss to me and it was worth more to me to enjoy making art again than to be able to say I was a 'professional'.
Realizing all of this was pretty brutal at the time, it completely destroyed my image of myself (see: minor nervous breakdown). BUT now I have a normal office job that I'm good at, I'm saving up money for a nicer place to live, and I like drawing again because it doesn't have all that baggage attached to it. I even still try to sell some of my work, but now if that never works out for me it won't matter, because being an 'artist' doesn't carry my whole identity anymore.
Apologies to the other anons for the blog post, but that's the story of how I actually took the advice and got a real job and now I'm a million times happier.
P.S. I think my art is better for it too because now I have the breathing space to take my time, do studies etc.
No. 481774
>>481766I think it depends on what you want to do. Be careful of pursuing art for a living if what you want is making art for youself and live of it.
I work in the animation industry, doing storyboards for a show that.. i don't like. I do what I love in the sense that i get to draw everyday, but i'm not drawing what I want because there's very few people who get to just do their own art for a living.
It also depends on the kind of person you are, for some people it is healthier to keep a day job and make art on the side.
I don't really like the 'get a real job' narrative, just try to be realistic with where you want your career to go. thats my take on it anyway
No. 481776
>>481774Yeah I'd agree with this take, now that I've had the nervous breakdown I think being honest with yourself is the key.
I had this image of myself as an ~artist~ who would sacrifice everything for their passion, but in reality I like to live comfortably and don't want to sacrifice shit. I'm also not the kind of person who can be happy drawing stuff I don't like, so for me it was 'healthier to keep a day job and make art on the side' in the end.
It's all about being clear on what's important/necessary to the real you, and not getting misled by what's important to your fantasy vision of yourself.
No. 481778
>>481773>>481774Thank you, I really appreciate both perspectives.
I suppose I would feel more comfortable planning out a backup plan sooner rather than later, instead of pouring myself completely into art and finding that I don't like it that much.
No. 481817
File: 1573320573199.png (297.34 KB, 503x333, eyyyy.PNG)

>>481804The animation style could use some work. I know it's subjective, but the show looks the decent when it has characters snapping into pose and the floaty shit looks horrible. I also hate how when characters turn around they don't have inbetweens, but just flip like they're 2d paper. The animation is so shit you just kind of think it's some indie game cutscene and the real action is going to start any minute. The cheap visual style could work, but they should have thought it out more so it had a nice aesthetic or didn't look 'cheap'
The biggest problem is the show is stuck between being 'it's shit on purpose. It's so dumb no one on this project cares' and trying to have a genuine plot. It'd be decent if they just turned every character into master shake and turned it into an asshole epitat battle royal
Also this is how they communicate how characters moving in 3d space
No. 481824
>>481817Also the voice acting is all 'yelling makes it funny' and it rarely has good jokes.
>>481819Yeah, I'd fucking kill to know what went on behind scenes. I think another problem was that they simply weren't ready for a project this size. If you look at there normal work it has the floaty style and narration for a reason, most of the float parts are 5 seconds long. The youtube videos manage to have a good cheap aesthetic, but it got fucked up in the episodes. Also looking through there channel they gave an animated cartoon to a group of people who don't make animations, but more heavy after effects tweeing.
No. 481868
File: 1573338239035.gif (1.1 MB, 498x278, 97EDE0B3-3C02-459B-8105-07FF29…)

>>481804From the thumbnail alone it looks like a budget knockoff of PSG
No. 481872
File: 1573340035053.png (91.24 KB, 1109x658, ddjefun-cd672f6e-0843-4df4-96c…)

>>481506>>481544Me neither. On the one hand it implies that the woman is lazy, but on the other it intentionally draws the tranny really masculine? So they don't view trannies favorably and view them as having an unfair advantage, but also portray the female athletes as whiny. The fuck are they even trying to say. It looks like they're just trying to portray the most negative aspects of both sides.
I think they're siding with trannies because the woman is speaking in all caps and the title is "terf idiot", but honestly it's anyone's guess what the fuck she's trying to say. The again, she has other pictures like pic related where she conflates being gay with wanting to fuck bugs, so who the hell knows. This is probably just an unstable nutter who changes her opinion based on whatever justifies being angry and autistic.
It's just like the bpd stuff where you can't tell if she's making fun of them or not.
No. 481879
>>481872What a fucking stupid take lol. Some people are
triggered by anything.
No. 481899
>>480744I've been wondering this too.
Honestly, I think it might just be that those troons transition just to fulfill their weird lolicon or ddlg fetishes.
No idea why so many of them are artists or musicians though.
No. 481914
File: 1573350320191.png (Spoiler Image,146.91 KB, 500x503, a5d98a0503e768aef56f2f1c584655…)

>>480744I personally don't have any problem with whether someone draws guro or not. I don't think gore or guro art is 'deserving a callout' either.
she is mainly being brought up for other reasons such as the fact she's just a shitty person in general, would draw borderline pedophilic art, make obnoxious strawman argument comics and post gross tmi photos on twitter of photos of her infected wounds shes scratched open because she genuinely thinks that's erotic somehow?
I'm sure there's many other reasons but I can't be fucked to go look at her twitter or the kf thread.
No. 481982
>>481827If you don't have the means, don't make it. People weren't exactly clambering for this.
Also I fucking hate the stupid fake nasally voice JelloApocalypse does for his "so this is basically" videos. He sounds like someone with a sore throat trying to do an impression of Steven Universe.
No. 481986
>>481984Damn that's a face only a mother could love.
He looks like if Ed Sheeran was a Mormon.
No. 481989
File: 1573368985771.jpeg (61.06 KB, 900x780, 7959114E-C9BB-4027-9A0C-4E0809…)

>>481914This has ruined my day.
No. 482002
>>481778Tbh as someone who also had a similar “did art school, had minor breakdown, now has day job and does art on the side” as other anon, the earlier you decide your backups the better. Like it’s taken me a long time to discover I want to work tangentially to an art career (like I went to school for illustration but working more on marketing and trying to learn 3D on the side) so i feel a lot better than like thinking “it’s all or nothing” when I didn’t make it enough when I was younger and killing my self. I find a lot of kids enter and graduate art school like Becca, like they think they’re entitled to an art job and success by the virtue of having an art degree when the reality is that it’s so much work that it doesn’t matter if you have the degree or not, it’s all about your portfolio and the work you produce. And sometimes most art schools are just diploma mills (like I think Becca went to scad) so they usually don’t care and pass you anyway.
I think it’s a lot easier now than it has been to navigate the art landscape especially with social media and all, so in general it’s lot easier to make it on art and develop a style. But I think Becca’s problem is sort of like a lot of arttubers or IG artists where she’s trying to brute force a shitty style that lacks a ton of fundamentals and doesn’t show any knowledge of the market they’re trying to enter. Like becca clearly wants to do children’s comics and shit around that but other than her lack fo skills in style, she lacks illustration knowledge to make things that can be easily reproduced. Illustration is about mass reproduction and a muddy watercolor isn’t going to photograph or copy well for paperbacks.
Idk where I was going with this other than like, don’t be stubborn or stupid when it comes to your future art relationship
No. 482011
>>481804oh man i wasnt aware JelloApocalypse are still a thing
the humor feels super dated, like it hasn't changed much from their early 2000's stuff
No. 482023
>>481774What did you need to do to find the job you have? Where did you find connections?
Just curious lol. I'm majoring in sequential art so what you're doing is my area of interest.
No. 482024
>>482002>>481778I also realized that my area of art doesn't really have an age barrier? Most of the really famous people in my field didn't get started until they were in their 40s, so as long as I keep up my portfolio I can get back into it at basically any time. The office job I work now would have been much harder to get into the longer I went with no work experience, so it made more sense to start building the office experience now and put art on the back burner.
I think once you decide what your backup options are (like if you'd be happy working in storyboards or graphic design, or if you'd rather have a totally non-art-related day job) you can work out what skills you'll need and which ones you should work on first.
>don’t be stubborn or stupid when it comes to your future art relationshipYeah just be realistic about what you want, and whether you can do what it will actually take to get it.
No. 482042
File: 1573386058676.png (620.1 KB, 985x593, DbLqXBZVQAALn_J.png)

Old controversy aside, what do you all think of the art for Heartbeat Rpg?
Maybe it's just my OCD but I found the overuse of 'tumblr lines' to be irritating and distracting.
No. 482045
File: 1573386562238.jpg (403.42 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_1769.JPG)

>>482042I like it.Its cute
No. 482069
>>482064The dev's girlfriend is gender-critical and made tweets people didn't like, so some people decided to cancel the dev herself and her game. Instead they gave it a good amount of publicity and sales.
The game itself has nothing to do with any politics, though. It's just a cute Pokemon-like game.
No. 482070
File: 1573395710300.png (17.46 KB, 111x89, Lines.PNG)

>>482049>>482050>>482055I guess I worded that badly, I don't know what else to call them. But there's something about this style of shading that puts me off. It's especially noticeable in the ingame sprites, and it makes the characters look like they have wrinkles.
>>482064The developer's girlfriend said trannies aren't women. The game was also having a 41% off sale at the time and some troons on Resetera threw a tantrum, calling it a hate crime because 41% is the trans suicide rate and the world revolves around them obviously.
(I don't know if it was a coincidence, but I lurk the discord server and from what I've seen she doesn't seem like the kind of person to do that).
No. 482072
>>482069>>482070Ah, so the developer's gf is sort of terfy? I saw her tweets, they are pretty harsh
But the 41% thing seems like a total reach obviously lol
I think it's cute and colorful for a game, but I see what you mean. There are a lot of small details everywhere that distract from the main visuals.
No. 482102
>>482042The artwork and character designs are cute and have personality, I like it. I also appreciate the girlfriend of one of the (lesbian) developers not bending a knee to tranny rage so it gets extra points from me.
>>482070The 41% was a coincidence, I think Steam was having a platform-wide sale and the percentages added up to 41%. Multiple other games had that too. Don't remember the exact reasoning but it was something like that, but someone made a joke about it being related to the tranny suicide rate meme and people took it seriously.
No. 482176
>>482083I always hated this type of mentality over color theory.
“Which of these are primary colors, I’ll wait.”
Fuck you, it isn’t that deep, no need to sound like an elitist. For someone that has an audience of younger people, she sure likes to talk down to them. Nothing screams “I’m a piece of shit.” like thinking your viewers are a bunch of uneducated morons.
For someone that cares so much about color, she sure does like to pick the most boring color combination as her backdrop and persona. Way to look like a DXracer chair, bet your Corsair mouse and keyboard are set to match. Bettlejuice-Tiktok lookin’ headass…
“I really care about color”- Sure, Jan.
No. 482207
File: 1573431354890.jpg (Spoiler Image,79.62 KB, 534x640, IMG_20191110_180752.jpg)

I'm amazed at how worse Sakimi-chan's rendering is getting. It truly dissapoints me to see this regression to be honest. Kinda seems like she doesn't even try anymore.
No. 482217
>>482207holy shit her arm is just getting sucked in that other chick's titties like it's a portal to another dimension
but anyway, weren't there rumors she hires ghost artists to finish off pieces to keep up with schedule and the occasional overnight bandwagons?
No. 482233
>>482217thats my theory, she is outsourcing any of the million cheap artists that already mimic her kistch.
I have no proof but also no doubts.
No. 482254
>>482235Damn woman, at least mourn your cats properly before whining at everyone.
She keeps complaining about how traveling and buying materials for her 'classes' is too expensive to make profit and her finances are wrecked. Um, at this point don't you realize you're wasting your money? Blame yourself for bad decisions instead of blaming other people for not paying you.
Becca pisses me off but my morbid curiosity makes me watch her lol
No. 482265
>>482235Food $200
Data $150
Rent $800
Editing $7,000
Utility $150
Baby artists please help me. My ego is starving.
No. 482270
>>482254She's just like Holly, throwing heaps of money in fruitless pursuits that end up keeping them in the red. Holly very badly wants to shit out tons of merch while Becca fancies herself this supreme teacher that just isn't bringing in the numbers/audience she wants.
"I wanna start having my own life."
Becca. What are you doing right now that's keeping your life from being 'your' life? You don't have an industry job. You do not have any job, actually.
It sounds like she's complaining about having to teach, how she has absolutely no time to work on her long-term comic project because she 'needs' to travel and go to cons. IIRC aren't cons kind of a every so often kinda thing for most professional artists? Either buckle down and do commissions regularly and drop the teaching that's not going anywhere and work on your comic or get a damn job. Pick something.
Also, who manages to go through 4 years of art school without gaining any networking opportunities? I can only imagine how much of an obnoxious bitch she was in class. She definitely comes across as the kind of person who would try and teach the class over the professor.
No. 482296
>>482235How fucking old is Becca, anyway, mid-30s? She's clearly old enough to realize that sometimes dreams die and not everyone can be a rich youtuber, and yet.
>Here are some ways YOU can make ME money! Write to all the art supply companies saying you love me!!!!Does she not realize that companies send popular youtubers free shit because they know they'll get even more money from their audience going out and buying stuff? If you only get 5 views per video then it's a loss to sponsor you. She seems convinced that if someone gave her a chance and threw her a bone that her channel would suddenly explode overnight, but it doesn't work like that. Also no one has time to fucking sit down and write letters of recommendation to various businesses so some nobody youtuber can make money.
No. 482372
File: 1573487261963.png (166.99 KB, 720x667, Screenshot_2019-11-11-10-46-33…) got a 13 year old artist banned from twitter and now her fans raided the thread. The 2 sides debating each other whithout getting each other is fucking funny
No. 482374
>>482372>funnyI'm finding it really sad. /ic/ didn't use to be so bad, there used to be a couple anons who could actually draw, but now they're all delusional beginners who draw once month then get mad at some kid for being more skilled than they are.
Hopefully the kid stays away from the internet until she's older but keeps drawing and enjoying it.
No. 482390
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Anyone know what's going on with Robin Sealark?? She's having some sort of breakdown and moved in with a friend, I believe. I hope she's okay, she posted this a few days ago.
No. 482421
>>482390Is it bad that I don’t believe a word of this? Her videos had zero clue of this, none of her tweets or posts did, and being as her videos were always so open about ‘the struggle of the artist’, she should definitely bring up her mental health but never did. Her artistic journey after her divorce was cool, I liked it, but this ain’t it chief.
Pulling out your own IV is a little much, that hurts when you don’t do it right, and can cause actual damage, and a patient with known psychological issues doing it? That is big no-no, she just gave that hospital full reign to petition the court and have her committed for real (unless she was in the emergency room, different rules there). Also, crisis centers very rarely have psychiatrists, they more likely have psychologists, the difference being the later can’t prescribe mediation, but the former can and are people with actual doctorates.
This has been going on for so long, I think since spring. How is she getting money? Is she getting unemployment? She claims she doesn’t have insurance and can’t afford a hospital visit over what she thought was a heart attack, so she risks death by leaving? Does anyone have her patreon; if so, what goes on in there? Does she even make art anymore?
Even further, in earlier posts she claimed she was learning things about her past with her father that was giving her PTSD. Unearthing abuse from memories you ‘forgot’ is super sketchy, they don’t even accept that kind of testimony in court, so basing your mental breakdown on it is sus as fuck. Especially when you claim they are about your father and yet your online persona is still a direct reference to him (Sealark is a reference to her father’s boating hobby, I believe?). There’s too many holes in her story to make me think this is all that is going on, if at all.
No. 482429
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>>482313she could slow down her output a bit to breathe and i guarantee you she'd be still swimming in money. last i heard she's making like 20k a month?
No. 482468
>>482372The sad this is that Achooshi's art is pretty standard for a 12-14-year-old anime fan. It's cute and skillful for their age, but nothing out of the ordinary. Nowhere near prodigy levels. /ic/ is a trove of self-hating and jealous that they'll crusade against a child they don't know from a jar of jelly just so they can feel better about themselves. Pathetic.
Half of /ic/ are cumbrained losers who only want to learn enough art to they can draw their own degenerate faprags. If Achooshi were a 13 year old girl drawing lolicon she'd be their new queen.
Speaking of overgrown children.
>>482441This was genuinely hard to get through. You can tell from Becca's chipper, smiley tone in the beginning that she's geeking out over having someone besdies her go on and on about herself for once. You can tell by the way he speaks that he feels a level of obligation with helping her with her 'career'. He looks annoyed and disengaged. He even seems to be fed up with just how much unused crap Becca has lying around.
I like how Becca calls herself an 'extrovert'. She doesn't seem like so much of an extrovert as a pest who can't close her mouth. Like someone who is more squirrely and busybody than genuinely personable. Someone who believes they're the life of the party, when in reality nobody likes them. That's what she seems like to me.
I'm really worried about Becca's future plans of getting married and having babies. I can just imagine the bitching she'd spill, having to take care of a newborn while shilling her shitty comic. Taking a baby carrier to conventions because she just gotta sell those 1 dollar commissions. She might even guilt trip the baby for not allowing her to draw her comic because she needs to feed them.
No. 482493
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>>482441I think I have a crush on Joseph now
No. 482514
I've been following Becca for a while now; my personal favorite youtube video was the Mechacon recap, where she blamed her abysmal sales on the artist behind her kek.
>>482493same tbh
No. 482536
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>>482514I was morbidly curious and looked it up. It’s non-stop bitching on her end about tables with adult content. Plus, check out that sweet “ActionDirector” watermark lol. This was only last year but she said she had been paying $7k a month for a video editor for two years and they couldn’t afford to remove the software watermark?
No. 482540
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>>482514nobody likes a snitch becca. i have a feeling shes one of those people that complain to the manager
No. 482543
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>>482536Samefag but I looked at another of her videos during Mechacon (day 2) where she points to the work she complained of in her recap of the people behind her and gives a sarcastic:
“But I’m ever so fortunate to have some bonus art too”
Like, I get it’s a dick move to have back facing art since most cons don’t allow it but being a petty cunt and making a video of it to post to her followers makes her just as bad tbh.
No. 482549
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>>482544Do you think people will still support her patreon even though she may not post any Hazbin in the next months?
Loads of people joined after the pilot, probably to kickstart the second episode and now she's here talking to new fans about her thesis film? Nobody cares about timber.
No. 482607
>>482592>>482605Have either of you even followed up on the Holly thread lately? If you did, you wouldn’t be defending her like this. Her work is still regressing/stagnant and she hasn’t learned a damn thing from her prior mistakes, hence why she’s digging a hole for herself to hide in until shit blows over from the Kickstarter and people forget how she’s scammed them.
Both of them have massive egos and Becca is arguably slightly worse for being as old as she is and still behaving this way. It’s kinda sad because Becca is basically what Holly’s future would be like if she managed to ensnare an unsuspecting rich boyfriend and actually focused on her money making schemes hard enough to manage more than one con a year.
No. 482610
File: 1573549161437.png (2.8 MB, 2335x3785, Untitled12-1.png)

Ok guys, I'm an amateur artist and I really want to improve my craft. Know this isn't the best place to post this, but I kinda want feedback on my work so I know what to focus on in the future in order to improve and most sites like deviantart or Instagram aren't really good places to get it, so I thought I'd go here instead. Feel free to be as harsh/blunt as possible.
No. 482613
File: 1573549548421.png (2.2 MB, 1115x1900, Untitled99 (2).png)

>>482610(Btw I'm well aware I f*cked up the hands )
No. 482617
>>482610>>482611>>482613You have to study anatomy over and over until you can use those skills on your personal drawings.
Do more sketches from life/photos and you'll be able to visualize things more easily.
The faces are wonky and expressionless, and there isn't enough light and shadow throughout each drawing.
No. 482622
>>482610Great, thank you for the feedback, I do appreciate it.
>>482618I know, not the wisest course of action, but I just want actual feedback on how to improve my work
No. 482624
File: 1573550783260.jpg (467.93 KB, 1600x1204, hal foster.jpg)

>>482610>>482611>>482613Is this bait? Vendetta-posting?
Anon, honey. There are better places to go if you want serious feedback. Like other anons said, this is a site for gossip, and you have no way of vetting the reliability of the advice you receive from people here.
In any case, here's my biggest piece of advice: do more life drawing. Draw actual models. Hal Foster drew from life almost every day for over a decade, and pic related is the result.
No. 482633
>>482624>>482618IDK, I have gotten my best advice from this thread to improve my work because people here don't give a shit if they hurt your feelings. That kind of blunt, honest truth is hard to come by, no matter how reliable the source is.
>>482610You have a clear style of big, bushy hair, Victorian dress, with some sort of story-telling element. Those seem to be your favorite parts since you put much more dedication in them than other parts of the piece. My advice is do some of the boring drawing-from-life stuff, or get a large file of pose references and use those as jumping pads over the dresses and the hair. I can tell you are trying to convey an emotion of deviousness in the first piece, but it isn't reading very well due to how stiff the figure is. Honestly, not just 'study anatomy', because you will do that the rest of your art life. More 'learn to copy.' You clearly have some sort of skill, I love the linework in the first piece you posted, but you do seem to rely of pre-made brushes over doing the lines yourself, so maybe go traditional for a while and get used to holding a pencil confidently. That's all I got for now.
No. 482640
>>482633Thank you, I really do appreciate the advice and feedback. (Also you hit the nail right on the head why I came here not elsewhere for advice )
I'm going to be honest, I do think I tend to do alot better when I do traditional art (mostly watercolour and ink) and I have been considering switching back
No. 482650
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whose idea was it to hire Jacqueline at DC again?
No. 482659
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That neck is way too long, just wanted to see what it would look like shorter
Please excuse the crap edit
No. 482661
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>>482650Her art style isn't even creative or original. This is a J Scott Campbell ripoff (and Campbell isn't a good artist, either– he drew pic related.)
God I'm losing my patience with cape shit so hard. I can't wait for print comics to die off and for webcomics to become more reputable and the dominant medium.
No. 482665
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Shit like this is why it's important to draw from life. If you don't, this is the kind of crap you'll end up drawing.
But apparently skill is irrelevant to major companies now, since DC apparently hired this clown (most likely based on her likes or updoots on social media.)
No. 482666
>>482665The specific imprint of DC she's working for is entirely based on hiring insta-famous artists to hopefully get new teen readers to read physical comics, yeah. Marvel's done the same in the past few years with varying degrees of success.
I wish they'd at least find popular artists who've done short comics before and know a little about panelling and composition, instead of only hiring those generic pretty girl artists.
No. 482674
File: 1573563124169.png (164.89 KB, 421x936, j scott campbell is a tool.png)

On my search for the awful MJ drawing I found this. Fucking yikes, the ego on this guy.
A random ass teenager posts fanart and he makes a joke about a physical disability? What the fuck is wrong with this guy?
I feel like Campbell is the new Rob Liefeld, though even that's unfair. Liefeld at least acknowledges that he's a crappy artist, and I know people who've worked with him who say that he's a pretty nice guy (just a really dumb one). Liefeld's only crime was that he art sucked and he whined when someone made one of his characters bisexual (which he's since backtracked on anyway).
Campbell on the other hand is completely irreverent and refuses to accept ANY criticism. A few years ago there was a controversy where a Native American woman called him out for fetishizing the little NA girl from Peter Pan getting kidnapped and tied up. Instead of just apologizing and moving on, he started a slapfight with her on Twitter. Real classy.
When are people going to learn that Twitter only causes them to embarrass themselves? I've made a personal policy of only posting art there and not opinions/arguments/blog/etc.
No. 482675
>>482671You can already buy digital versions of many comics from them.
But I think it's very tied to "nerd" culture and consumerism. If you go into any comic book shop today, it'll be filled with mostly merch near the registers, and comics will usually be at the back. Children and their parents and merch collectors come into the shop for merch first and foremost, but they might also spend a good amount of money on comics of their favourite character/whatever character just had a new movie (and the staff at the shop will usually push for that and shill all the comics for one character to people who obviously don't know much about comics).
To a lesser extent, a lot of people who still actually buy western comics instead of reading them for free online are older men who aren't very internet-savvy, or who really care about having a physical collection.
You wouldn't get those sales from digital comics. From what I know of that model it's successful with weekly webtoons, especially in Korea, which has a very different audience and release schedule compared to Big Two comics.
There's probably a lot more complicated stuff at play (agreements with Diamond Comic Distributors, agreements with comic book shops and other retailers, the value of a physical comic for collectors), too. I don't know how major it is but there's an issue with Marvel pushing comic book shops to order large quantities of some unpopular titles, which means Marvel technically makes a high number of sales and makes money from the title, but the shops lose a whole lot. You wouldn't be able to pull that trick with digital-only.
No. 482682
>>482674Anon, this smells like a self post, trying to reassure yourself that you’re right.
My advice: calm the fuck down and actually read what the person is writing before you write and post meaningless stuff on this forum
I mean, the guy literally advised the artist that the figure is a little too stiff, that the pic is rather boring because there isn’t much action- you can say no shit, it’s because MJ is taking a selfie, but even a selfie can be interesting if composed well.
The artist had a choice to ignore the comment or not, but chose to give their whole life story to say why they don’t accept criticism. Grow up anon,
No. 482685
>>482674I hate it when I give artist advice they respond with their whole life story
You should use a tablet instead of your mouse/phone.
>but I'm poor and I've never thought of buying second hand or a cheaper brand You should draw more if you want to improve
>But muh depression and art burnoutThe arm is off
>I try my best for you people and you critique me mercilessly. I was just having fun, but if you want to be like that OK. No. 482746
>>482674Who the fuck does he think he is? Does he jerk off to browsing the tag to give unsolicited, snarky "advice" to amateur artists who only draw for fun? This is an embarrassment of a whole new level, especially when it's coming from a person with a major sameface syndrome and all sorts of fucked up anatomy.
>>482682>>482685>>482717Good god anons it's just some random kid posting a scribble, not a professional artist swindling money. It's on par with browsing deviantart just to make fun of some 14 year old's MSPaint sparkledog roleplay OCs. It's just not worth the outrage and makes you look petty for punching down so hard.
No. 482759
>>482746>>482736Ok, so are you saying that without knowing who Scott Campbell was, that the artist who responded to the critic like this is in the right? W o w
And the dude was giving advice, it wasn’t worded in the best way, but people can do that, same with the artist on whether or not they accept it. Now if Campbell humiliated this kid, I would see much more of an issue.
>>482746“It’s not worth the outrage and Makes you look petty for punching it down so hard”
Reminder Anon, this is a discussion forum
No. 482762
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>>482759Imagine wanting your women to actually look like a person rather than a weird torso snake that has her bodysuit painted on cuz he obviously only draws naked women then that person comes into your menchies unsolicited and tells you to fuck her up. Like, idk I’m more in the OP’s court here cuz that second dig was great plus J Scott is a gross relic of the comics industry where he only draws the same, pug faced long torso snake woman with balloon boobs
No. 482776
>>482774No you're not being mean. It's stuff I really needed to hear and I appreciate it.
Really, thank you all for your feedback and advice, I genuinely do appreciate it
No. 482831
>>482795Her tone and facial expressions remind me a lot of the Bath and Body Works candle rant lady. She sounds like she's gonna go off on a manager at any given moment.
Damn Becca. You're so obsessed with what other people think of you. She's so fucking bitter.
No. 482835
>>482795if youre being ridiculed for your style not being "
valid", is backpedaling to boring old realism really the best response? If you really wanna "show them", wouldn't you rather prove to them that your own style is
valid by pushing your own style to its full potential?
No. 482858
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I can't understand why some anons are defending campbell. His acts like he is so superior when he can't even draw things in proportion. If he really gave that kid an unsolicited "advice" that is simply stupid.
No. 482898
>>482795Oh my god, no one 'dislikes' your art Becca, it just looks bad. You have to actually create good work if you want people to appreciate it.
I do agree with
>>482803 that the little book of semi-realistic paintings looks way better, with more thought put into them.
>>482858He seems like a complete douche, but honestly I really like the shiny coloring
No. 482902
File: 1573629946775.gif (246.1 KB, 200x200, sameface.gif)

>>482682Give me some goddamn credit, anon. That series of tweets is in the first page of results when you search "J Scott Campbell Same Face"
I'm literally one of the anons upthread who told someone not to post their own art. Why the fuck would I post my own artwork immediately thereafter?
>>482685>>482759But this is just some rando posting fanart in the spider-gwen tag. How else do you expect a teenage hobbyist to react when some asshole criticizes their work in an extremely rude and ableist way?
And yeah, the OP's art is crap, but he
was in the right. J Scott Campbell has absolutely
zero right to be criticizing people for anatomy. One of his shitty drawings literally went viral because of how garbage the anatomy was!
This would be like if someone posted a crappy drawing in the Shatterstar tag and Rob Liefeld replied with some snarky crap about the anatomy. Motherfucker, fix your own shitty anatomy before you start bitching at hapless teenagers for their's.
No. 482918
>>482913Right, that was probably some kid drawing for fun that only had a couple likes.
And if that guy was really trying to give 'real critique,' he would actually say how to improve it instead of 'needs more scoliosis.'
No. 482921
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>>482913>>482918You'd think a grown ass man with a lucrative career would have something better to do with his time than embarrass himself by being a hypocrite on Twitter.
Anyway, RIP Gwen's spine.
No. 482948
>>482921There’s too many of these old guard comic men on social media and at cons being total scumbags cuz they think they are invincible and to an extent they are cuz western comics are generally all just Bad. Comics tends to like the same boring art in various degrees of shitty like J Scott and Greg Land and Liefeld and it keeps giving them jobs cuz they’re afraid of losing the shitty fuckboy audience.
Then we get them trying to bring in “new” artists but they just bad and boring on the other spectrum, they’re all people who do illustrations better than full comics like Jacqui or Jen bartel or Gabriel picolo. Like I wish they hired people who were actually good at sequential art instead of just getting people with high IG numbers.
No. 482949
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>>482948This is why I love it when comics do the whole diversity thing. I don't really give a crap one way or the other– I just love watching old guard neckbeards chimp out about it.
The spergouts about Lady Thor and Gay Iceman for fucking hilarious. A+ milk. Jesus how fucking autistic does someone even have to BE to get that asshurt about drawings of men in neon tights?
How dare they violate the sanctity of the funny books!
No. 482950
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>>482948Are people seriously so unaware of publishing houses other than Marvel and DC? Image, Dark Horse, Boom!, these all have diverse art and stories (and these are just the few off the top of my head)
No. 482952
>>482951Tbh I lump cape shit and western comics together to be derisive about it like when people lump all manga together as “manga”. Like I thought The Walking Dead had the shittiest art ever and the writing got boring two arcs in but it isn’t cape shit while the x-men stuff
>>482949 posted tbh is some of the better cape shit that’s been out in years.
We’ve just been targeting DC cuz of jacqui and marvel cuz j Scott. Of course other publishers exist, these are just the spergy ones right now
No. 482954
>>482795I think it's those noses she draws. Her characters have this anime look but big gnome noses. It's that poor blend between anime and western art common in the late 90s.
Seeing her favorited videos and artbook collections she clearly loves anime art (she even got a Touhou book) so I don't get why she doesn't go full traditional watercolor anime with it. She can even give them the kind of realistic backgrounds she likes, but she needs to get her style in shape, these american/japanese mutt artstyles hardly ever look good and end up looking like a poor how to draw manga book.
Her booth is honestly one I would never stop by (full of original art in a unappealing western-anime fusion style) she needs to take down her ego and evaluate if objectively she herself would buy her own things (out of want, not out of wanting to support another for her own benefit). The art that got her giddy was the most anime, hyperstylized kawaii looking things so my guess is no.
No. 483002
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>>482661>>482762>>482902I fucking swear his stuff looks like Bimbofication fetish drawings like pic related.
>>482858lmao at the t-rex hands, how do you even fuck up that badly at a professional level? The reason his "critique" for that kid's random doodle was so vague and bad is that he has no fucking idea himself about what he's doing so he has to resort to bullying hobbyists for cummies.
No. 483028
>>483026But she isn't a teen. Iirc she's like 23 and has a thread on /w/.
>>483018This is so fucking cringy, especially when her voice is just fine in older videos.
No. 483059
>>482954It might actually be the opposite.
Anime doesn’t come naturally to her so she doesn’t really commit to the style even though she loves it.
The one thing I’ll say for sure is that she’s using the wrong watercolor paper for what she’s doing. She needs some hot press stuff for those cartoony lines.
No. 483076
>>482921>>483002There is some fucked up anatomy in almost every drawing he makes, the worst is usually the spine and alongated torsos. Besides the sameface and the tiny noses. He reminds me of sakimichan, he hides behing glossy painting so nobody will notices his fucked up anatomy and proportions. It's weird, because his whole career in centered around human figures but he is still makes them fucked up. Plenty of other artist in comic manage to sexualize the shit out of their characters without breaking them in half.
>>483018Is she really convincing anyone with that? It's painfully obvious she is at least making it sound worse than it really is, maybe even faking the whole thing. For what purpose anyway? Is it cool and edgy to sound like this?
No. 483084
>>483018haven't heard of her drama before but damn that sounds like she is pretending to have a monotone voice. critikal is a good example of a youtuber with a monotone voice that isn't faked(though he emotes more now).
>>483028just checked and it seems she started this bullshit with her channel intro video, trying to rebrand so she can play the
victim card for whatever drama she is in, eh?
No. 483116
File: 1573706949936.jpeg (206.61 KB, 750x586, 84426D7C-B750-4AF2-93D6-9C5803…)

From Becca’s public discord. Looks like she knew Kasey and is bitter about her success
No. 483123
File: 1573708852222.jpeg (307.62 KB, 750x1057, 3BA76EB5-B04B-4410-BC55-285BF9…)

Jeez, not sure how any school is gonna wanna hire her with an attitude like this towards her students
No. 483136
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>>483116>>483123was checking her yt out and what is this hand
No. 483164
File: 1573724363818.png (1.08 MB, 750x1334, 15C03660-7FA4-4F24-B2BB-8E32F2…)

I find this artist very talented but fuck the way they hold their pencil grosses me out??
Is this normal?
No. 483171
>>483123I finally went to check this chick out because you all have been talking about her in this thread and man is her art the blandest stuff I've ever seen, how does she expect to make a living with this? Like it's not hideous, but it's just mundane and lackluster with no defining edge or much variety to it. But I totally agree with
>>481764 , I would've probably gone the same route if I didn't pursue another, more successful career and stayed with art. I don't think she's her own thread tier bad because someone giving out salty entitled failed artist rants every now and then isn't milky enough to really support discussion, but this is definitely a cautionary tale to everyone who encapsulates themselves in a personal bubble and then comes crashing down when their grandiose dreams don't come true on their own. It's sad.
No. 483188
>>483143I wonder why Becca doesn't get a full time art teaching job. I mean getting a teaching degree and teach art to kids at school. She does have (albeit bitter) teacher qualities and some experience teaching courses. Her art isn't the best but neither is the art of many school art teachers. She's not gonna make it as a con artist so might as well redirect your career path while still doing art?
I get people stop trying to make it and get a random job instead, but that is usually those who don't enjoy teaching and they rather quit the art field than become a jaded school teacher but she's one of the few artists who says she likes teaching, so what's the problem here?
No. 483203
>>483018Omg, I didn’t realize that this was Tearzah, I thought it was another person with a similar style; I guess that explains the the sickly monotoned voice- newsflash, in her other videos, her voice doesn’t sound as “monotoned”
(In this video she sounds sick af, can’t tell if she really is or if it’s her acting- I really wouldn’t put it past this girl for lying)
No. 483228
>>483188I'm new to Becca and her bullshit, but I just finished watching
>>482235 this morning and there is a part in there somewhere where she speaks to some HR person (looked it up a bit more and it looks like public school in Louisiana). They don't contact her back at first, but when she speaks to them again they tell her her options are a) pay 10k and go back to school for 2 years to get a certification or b) prove her merit (which she knew would be impossible and I'm sure the HR person just wanted her to fuck off lol). She's trying and failing, like with all of her endevors. She should just settle for applying to private schools- the pay is worse but it's more stable than anything she's currently bringing in I bet.
OT from above but my gripes with her whole video is how she feels like she'd owed like an anon above stated. When she spoke about her cats passing, she mentioned how much it cost her (I think 3k for one cat, and 2k for the other) but the way she said it rubbed me the wrong way- as if she was mad at her cats for costing her that much money even on their way to death. She says that she put up emergency flash commissions for cheap, but only got one. Like, do you not have an emergency fund for your pets?
She also
complains about people sending her stuff. She asks them to not do that because it puts such a strain on her to figure out what to do with it, how to store it, etc. while asking instead that if they want to support her, to give to her patreon or write to art companies to ask them to sponsor her. It comes off as incredibly ungrateful lol. Even if she wants to give a realistic look into what it looks like to make it out in the art field, the negativity does nothing but bite her in the ass. I didn't even know about her until this video was posted on this thread, and even without looking at her art I already wouldn't want to support her- why would anyone want to support someone who's just a big old negative nancy? It's offputting.
After watching the whole thing, I've realized that Becca is a good breath of fresh air to me, in the way that I follow and see so many successful artists and think "I wish I pursued art more seriously, then maybe I could've ended up like them" but in reality I would've probably ended up like Becca. She makes me feel less bad about settling for a normie job so I can enjoy art on the side while not worrying about food on my plate and a roof over my head lol.
No. 483288

>>483210Multiple reasons. The main reason is that they're coping from not being able to buy a tablet. The secondary seems to be that the art community is really strong on the 'anyway is OK!' message, so getting a 'you
need to do this' tip has whiplash. To make the whiplash worse most of the people peddling that advice are very abrasive/rude because they're either extremely cynical from being in the art community or just being an edgy contrarian. When you meet a really abrasive one it brings up bad memories and you disregard any advice given to you that sounds like them
The way they also phrase it is a problem 'you have to get a tablet if you want to be professional'. This goes against the 'you can do anything' message they have been getting. 'It may be hard to become a CEO when you're from a low income neighborhood, but I did it and so can you' changes into 'it may be hard to get a job as an artist using an ipad, but I can through hard work'. Not debating 'you need a tablet' is the first step to accepting 'your dreams can't come true' or to a lighter extent it pops them out of the art world safe space.
Most them also like using a phone and find the idea of using an entirely new software scary. I've seen people defend their use of MSpaint because 'I'm used to it'. Switching softwares and mediums, phone to tablet, also gives you're art a big hit in quality. The hit will go away once you get used to the software, but most of them don't wait out the hit and just go back to phone doodles. A lot of them are also proud of using phones? It's a weird kin ship they have so leaving it feels bad.
My weirder theory is that most of them against it simply don't have the goal to go beyond their phone. I think some casual artist take commissions/join art critique groups only because 'well
good artist are supposed to do that', it's easy, and it aligns with their goals. They keep adding more 'artist are supposed to' till they say 'i want to be a professional'. The problem is they don't go 'professional' because they're hard workers ready to take on the highs and lows of art, but because 'artist are supposed to do that'. Once they hit parts of 'artist are supposed to do that' that don't align with their goals or have substantial effort. they can say 'oh I don't want to go professional' or 'I am "professional" and I don't like this. You can be professional and not do this".
No. 483299
File: 1573756522377.png (459.55 KB, 594x420, e9618e27847c1f998235931567aa5f…)

Becca's biggest problem is that her work is just unambitious, mediocre, and boring. If she was just a hobbyist her work would be decent, it's cute and inoffensive, but for a professional it's pretty subpar. Just look at her Twitter, she has over 3k followers and these are the amounts of engagement she gets, and pic related is one of her more successful art posts too. People with 1k or less followers regularly get way more engagement on art posts than her because no one actually follows her for her art. Her work on 7" Kara from the very first pages doesn't look any different from her current art, I think the biggest reason Becca is unsuccessful is because she just doesn't try where it actually matters: the art.
No. 483308
File: 1573758108368.jpeg (801.89 KB, 1242x1430, 4AE33288-6C65-4C84-B617-B4FCDD…)

>>483123The amount of entitlement oozing out of her is ridiculous. I can’t believe she has the gall to post that on a public chat. She also feels like she needs to be rewarded for doing this as I’m guessing the zines she’s referring to are the ones she’s bitching about.
Don’t get me started on her “last decade accomplishments recap”…
No. 483336
>>483288Honestly, I think the biggest issue is that people who say that advice tend to be the most abrasive/rude about it.
No matter how good your advice is, no one wants to listen to you if you're going to be rude or abrasive about it for no real reason other than being cynical or a tryhard. You can't give "tough love" to someone that you don't know or have absolutely no connection with over the internet, it just comes off as you being a jackass… and many of them are soo self unaware when it comes to that.
Not to mention, they fail to actually explain why. Sure no one is under any obligation to elaborate or explain, but it certainly helps the point when you do.
"You need a tablet to be a professional." can come off as rude and abrasive, and serving no real purpose other than just tablet = professional. Plus, it only contributes to the issue of expensive supplies = good art/professional.
Saying "Having a tablet if you want to pursue being a professional artist is better than your phone because…" actually explains the reasons why having a tablet is preferred over using the phone. It gives them an actual reason to look into a tablet and explains the reasoning behind it other than just tablet= better.
No. 483339
>>482674He still has a point lmao. the figure is stiff and there's nothing going on in the picture.
His anatomy may be jacked but at least his figures still have some semblance of motion to them. Seems like OP is just assmad for not smoke blown up their ass.
No. 483354
>>483349I’ve yet to see any Procreate art that isn’t made for instagram clout, used as a digital sketchbook, or by a ‘I’m gonna be a real artist!’ type. If in a professional setting, it is required to use some form of software, it is not just because of how the software works, it is file sharing. Between your co-workers, your clients, everyone you interact with is going to need an easy way to access your files, both the saved PNG/JPEG/ or PDF, but the original project file as well. It’s just save as - change file type - done, and you’re on your way.
In the animation class that I aide for, two students had to switch from Procreate to Photoshop on the fly and relearn how to draw with it because Photoshop and Adobe’s Animate were what were used as the main file-sharing type in the class. My current employer has a business partnership with Adobe. Likely my future employers will have the same. Procreate is cool and all, but I’d call it intermediate, not professional. It’s the Copic Ciao of art programs.
No. 483355
>>483354well, procreate can open and save psds, so it's compatible with photoshop. i mainly do traditional art, so the ipad is just more natural to use for me if i have to do digital art, and i can easily send the files over to my computer to finish in photoshop if i have to. obviously procreate is still missing a few features that photoshop has, but it's totally possible to make the same level of quality art on there if you try.
if youre a super professional artist with a lot of disposable income, sure, get that $5000 dual monitor cintiq 32 desktop setup, but for a lot of artists that aren't there just yet an ipad is just a more productive choice. (i ditched my cintiq 13 for an ipad that i paid off for a year, and i don't regret it at all.)
No. 483368
>>483336NTA but I agree with you 100% and thank god someone said it out loud. One of the reasons why I left art was that everything not being unbelievably rude and petty was seen as "asspats" and usually the people offering (often unsolicited) criticism either had no idea what they were doing or were purposefully trying to hurt someone's feelings. Actual, useful advice gets lost in that sea of cynicism. You could explain that in the industry they use certain programs for the sake of integrity and easy standards so it makes other people easier to pick up something if you're collaborating in a professional scene, but instead people just have to go with the "Get that fucking $2000 cintiq right now retard, what are you, a poorfag?" approach.
>>483299Yeah I think the "casually dressed, cheerful girls smiling in the middle of flowers colored in with beginner copic skills" theme has been played out so much that "unambitious" is the best way to put it. I sort of feel sorry for her because it's obvious she's 100% blind to her own faults and believes in the Disney dream about dreams coming true if you just believe in what you do. Which obviously means never challenging yourself or stepping outside of your comfort zone to try something different.
>>483337Not to nitpick but if you really want to use the Apple pen you really need to get the pro version for proper pen feedback/GPU performance which is a $1000 hit and the pen itself is more than $100 as well, that's admittedly a lot of money to drop on drawing utensils. As for the desktop version of CSP nobody has an excuse as to NOT to buy it, even I could afford the one-time price back when I was broke as fuck.
No. 483369
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>>483354if you havent seen anyone beyond Jacqueline-tier cloutfags use it, you haven't been looking. plenty of "real" and industry artists who use Procreate, Max Ulichney for example.
No. 483375
>>483369>>483355>>483351Procreate is great for painting but to do a massive digital piece with lots of layers and effects going on simultaneously I really don't recommend it. I only use it for sketching myself and I work in comics. Clip Studio Paint is what I use for finished pages and pieces.
Not to mention line art in Procreate really sucks compared to SAI, CSP, abd Photoshop. The select tool creates pixel distortion so it's useless for line art.
No. 483377
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>>483374From the wiki:
>Well-known users of Procreate include comics artist and DC Comics co-publisher Jim Lee, who has used it to sketch Batman and the Joker. British fine artist David Hockney created a series of landscape paintings using Procreate. Kyle Lambert, a poster artist notable for creating the Stranger Things poster in Procreate, is also known for his viral Procreate finger-painting of Morgan Freeman. Artist James Jean also uses Procreate for film poster work, including the poster for Blade Runner 2049. Art Director for Ubisoft and Electronic Arts, Raphael Lacoste, uses Procreate for studies. Concept artist Doug Chiang creates robot, vehicle and creature designs for Star Wars in Procreate. John Dyer, the English landscape painter, is using Procreate as part of the 'Last Chance to Paint' project, a partnership with the Eden Project that is sending Dyer to stay with the Yaminawá in the Amazon rainforest, where he will paint the experience. Procreate is also used in-house at Disney and Pixar. No. 483379
>>483375I think a lot of Procreate's usefulness comes from how intuitive it is to use. Hand gestures make everything so much easier tbh. I love CSP but using it on the iPad vs Procreate sucks ass.
To go back to an earlier discussion, I sont see the issue with people using their phones to make art when they're just hobbyists. If some smarmy pro swaggered up to my comments telling me I'll never git gud unless I buy a cintiq and an overpriced Adobe subscription I'd tell them to fuck off, too. People who want to go pro will eventually realize on their own that the tools they are using are limiting them and upgrade in their own time, but honestly, most artists online view professional = lots of followers and likes on IG, so.
No. 483465
>>483447It's a b-plot that she couldn't manage to weave into Hazbin, so she's making it into a separate series that she's hoping will expand the cash grab. But what it's more likely to do is water down the quality and focus of what people already think is pretty amateur work for both animations.
No one asked for it. She didn't need it. Yet here it is.
veryyyy edgy too, I'm actually not surprised by the VA selection that crawled out of the woodwork for this based on their resumes of working with edgy so randum shows before.
No. 483523
>>478162he was engineered to appeal to the same tumblr girls that wanted to fuck the onceler.
All of his dialogue is cringe as fuck
No. 483554
>>483463I've heard that they're pretty good as a mixed media sketchbook (some of my friends use alcohol markers and they look pretty good) but you're definitely paying for the brand aesthetic with Mossery. Not really worth it IMO.
I have a Fabriano 200 gm sketchbook that handles watercolor really well, has super nice paper and cost me 20€. If you're gonna pay premium for watercolor paper I think Fabriano is always the way to go.
No. 483556
>>482235alright so i'm finally getting the chance to catch up on this girl's drama (it's so funny and the best thing to happen to this thread in a while. keep it up becca) and holy shit i can't believe she just admitted she used to spend 7k A MONTH on a video editor.
like what the fuck?? is she insane? like literally batshit crazy? there's no way this is true. her videos have no views. what.the. fuck.
No. 483558
>>483556She said she paid her video editor for 2 years which would mean she spent 170k on a video editor in 2 years?? LOL
Maybe she's stupid and can't do maths and she meant 70$ or something.
No. 483562
>>483463Agreeing with
>>483554 here, you’re paying for the aesthetic of mossery tbh. I use a cottonwood arts cold press, and while it’s still paper not cotton, it’s about 18$ for 30 pages. And if I wanted cotton, A pack of bee paper at 6x9 is like 19$ for 50 and I’d bind it myself since it’s a sketchbook and I’m not too pressed about making it pretty.
Most of the artists I’ve seen with mossery books all get them free for promo tbh lol
No. 483569
File: 1573814286545.png (1.46 MB, 2003x1331, julie.egg.png)

So what do you guys think of julie.egg's new art style copying Japanese artist Kanekoshake? Maybe I'm reaching but it seems like she's copying poses and color palletes too.
No. 483577
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I’m so sick of seeing Meyoco knock-offs on my explore page
This collection is 5 DIFFERENT artists how do they not suffer from some kind of imposter syndrome?
I wonder if any of them sell at AA?
It would super shitty if someone with zero creativity stole your concepts then proceeded to make a profit off it and the obtain a 280k following
No. 483584
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>>483569not op but this one made me laugh do they think people wont notice lol.
No. 483588
>>483577The meyoco stuff is really irksome. I get that it's a cute style but people copy everything, from the concepts to the color palettes, shading style, lineart style, etc..
Like, I know you can't trademark an "art style" but it's all such an almost exact copy and then to top it off these same people will get so irked if you point this out.. Yikes.
No. 483598
>>483569there are some differences so you can tell them apart, they'll hopefully grow out it cus it seems like they were just inspired by them.
also went to check kanekoshake's twitter cus that picture looked cute, but they have some gross stuff posted too so i noped the fuck out lmao
No. 483600
>>483447Why the hell waste their time on this?
1. Nobody asked for it
2. It's WAY too early to be trying to milk spinoffs when the "original" series isn't even happening yet
3. Shouldn't they be, y'know, working on said original series, since 8 million people have watched Hazbin and some of them are clearly supportive, instead of this random thing?
No. 483603
>>483600It's bad enough that the HH pilot was crappy, but this girl can't plan for shit and seems extremely disorganized. People were already speculating before this spin-off that it would take her a year or more to release another episode of HH, and if that happens, people are going to lose interest. HH has so many things wrong with it, but of course Vivz can't take any criticism.
Also, I'm not good with spotting animation errors, but does the animation look better in the spinoff, or is it just me? What the fuck, Vivz? You're not an established animator working in the animation industry. You haven't even released any episodes of HH except the fucking pilot. She is doing herself a major disservice by focusing on this instead of fixing HH and releasing episodes more quickly. What a fucking mess.
No. 483612
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Anime is so fucking inbred and exhausted, it fucking killed illustration online. You can google pretty much everything and theres an animu girl version who also will yield about 90 million other extremely similar anime girls with the same composition, color palette, theme and concept. What is even the incentive to waste time doing yet another derivative composition when you already know there´s a million other just like it? i don´t understand these artists, its like animefags are a hive mind or is all made up by some artificial intelligence, i used to like anime but now i see it as the most souless NPC shit in the world.
No. 483617
>>483369they used it for their instagram and twitter art posts and studies, not their in house jobs.
An ipad with Procreate is honestly way too expensive and an overkill for life drawing and plein air that can be done with traditional media and will yield better mileage as far as skill goes. Its the ultimate rich hipster douchebag toy, its completely unnecesary, not good enough for real pro work as a desktop, its a leisure toy for online status signaling and clout.
No. 483667
>>483556I've been watching more and more of her videos and the editing is fucking abysmal. Terrible jumpcuts, that fucking soft watermark, what the fuck was she paying $7k for? I think she's so self absorbed that when she got the final edited copy back, she was too concerned about how she looked to notice show shoddy/non existent the editing was.
She has two mechacon recaps up, but one of them has all the footage of the other one. What's the point? Take the other one down, why are you rehashing everything. She talks to the camera as if she's going to upload in time for anyone to see it (says "hope to see you guys here on friday!") and come by, and there's an embarrassing scene where she's recapping stuff in the bathroom and her mom knocks on the door to say something. Why not just restart what you're saying so your editor can cut out the part where you were interrupted? If she's trying to ham up how much she spent on a video editor to garner pity points, she's not getting any. It just makes her look like a fucking idiot.
No. 483670
>>483666I have an older huion model (the non screen ones) and its perfectly fine and i have worked with it every day for like 3 years. Some time ago i had a lot of issues with photoshop specifically until i realized it wasn´t the tablet drivers, it was windows ink and photoshop itself, the solution was the one on the link below, then it worked perfectly again. far as screen tablets go the one thing i heard thats inferior compared to cintiq is the tilt function which a lot of people dont even use. I think huion is a great alternative and wacom is overpriced and also has a lot of complaints about driver issues on the latest products so not even that makes it worthwhile.
No. 483713
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>>483685>and the entire appeal of mobile drawing programs is how easy they are to usemmmmm
No. 483721
>>477372old post but I actually agree with you. I've been following her for years and it sucks to see such a style deviation. I don't know if I'd call it bad or regression but it does suck when you follow an artist for a certain style and they completely change.
And, yes, I get that everyone goes through style phases and (should) grow as an artist but it is sad when it's something you can't appreciate as much
No. 483723
>>483663 the main difference is the build. cheaper tablets are usually plastic so not as durable, as long as you take care of them youll be fine.
the drivers might or might not be an issue for you. ive heard a lot from both sides, id recommend looking into youtube reviews as many of them go in depth about the build of the products.
No. 483784
>>483368You left art because of people?…..
>>483742I was about to say this lmfao. I do agree that it's generic as fuck.
No. 483807
>>483562>Most of the artists I’ve seen with mossery books all get them free for promo tbh lolThat's exactly why I posted this question here, I don't think I've seen anybody genuinely post about mossery tbh. So thank you guys for your input!
I've got a moleskin that's 35% cotton and like $20 that I haven't started yet, so I'll see how that goes. I am just getting really frustrated with the low quality paper I've been using lately.
No. 483920
File: 1573885960951.jpg (3.12 MB, 3264x2448, 1524942972312.jpg)

Does anyone have scans of these kinds of japanese pose books?
Any type, although the female ones + lazying around ones would be absolutely best.
I saw one of these at a Japanese library once, but not only it's kinda far from home, my library card expired, so it would be kinda of a pain in the ass to get my hands in one of these again.
What I really love about those books is how they show the exact same post from a lot of different angles.
No. 483922
File: 1573887481785.jpg (238.21 KB, 1280x720, 3454354364.jpg)

I hate this character design. If he's supposed to be from the 20s/30s, why the fuck does he have scene kid hair and a monocle? Neither of those things are period appropriate. What the fuck are those things on his head? Ears? Why does he go back and forth between having horns and not having horns?
Why do all of Vivienne's character designs have to be filtered though dated scene kid sparkledog bullshit? Why is it for hard for her to draw a character with normal hair that doesn't look like a weird mullet or fur?
Also the character seems overall just a little too similar to the Warden from Superjail.
No. 483927
File: 1573888312837.png (505.42 KB, 647x545, 2019-11-16 18_10_59-(5) SURPRI…)

>>483922Seriously every single design from this show SCREAMS mid 2000s, but the radio demon offends me the most because it could've been such a cool idea, but instead it's an emo cat man that would've been front page deviantart material back in the day. But I guess since Vivzie herself looks straight out of a Hot Topic circa 2006, it makes sense.
No. 483929
>>483927Holy shit… that's a woman near thirty wearing coontails.
In 2019. She looks like a scene version of Baylee Jay, yikes.
Suddenly all of her horrible character designs make sense. I bet she still listens to Blood on the Dance Floor.
No. 483935
>>483929>She looks like a scene version of Baylee Jay, yikes.Holy fucking shit
She looks like Baylee trying to cosplay as a Hazbin Hotel character
No. 483942
>>483922It's so frustrating because I really have to appreciate them for making the episode happen but the character designs are so awful and dated. With the radio demon the color scheme is way too dull and he blends so much into the background that literally the only thing I remember about him is the voice (which was a cool trait ngl and the VA did an amazing job), visually I have no recollection about him. Most of the designs went overboard with the snowflake details and were too complicated to be animated consistently. There's a reason character designs get toned down for their animated adaptations. I can't fault her for having a distinct style just because it doesn't appeal to me personally (at all) but the unnecessary amount of complexity affects the consistency.
>>483941You can necro a thread if you're bringing new content. The redline/redraw thread was made to prevent this "I mAdE it BeTTeR" discussion from clogging the thread.
No. 483944
>>483942The show is tricky, because on the one hand the environments and voice acting are cool, and I always like a show set in hell. But the awful scene kid character designs, the bad writing, and the stereotype characters really kills it.
Vivs should just be a background artist or something. I don't think she has any business being a director.
Anyway, I'm not sure if removing the hot topic stuff was MaKiNg It BeTtEr. It kind of makes it less interesting? He sort of just looks like generic business Satan now.
No. 483979
>>483977>>483920try cgppers.
>>483922scene and emo is the worst fucking thing that could make a comeback.
No. 484030
>>483931I've already looked around and although I was able to download some other cool stuff, most pose books were gone. I've read that they have it in their discord servers, but I don't use discord and honestly, I wouldn't want to join a neckbeard Loli drawing discord for these books kek
>>483979I'll look for it ano , thanks.
No. 484094
File: 1574028543291.jpg (355.2 KB, 1000x1900, D0RLzTUXgAEzE4D.jpg)

I know this is pretty old and idk if it's been talked about before but I thought I'd post it here
No. 484098
File: 1574029187247.jpg (Spoiler Image,231.25 KB, 1500x1500, EIPEvx6WwAMv0i_.jpg large.jpg)

>>484094Is this his normal art?
No. 484191
File: 1574047537932.png (1.27 MB, 1352x872, Capture.PNG)

Saged for non-milk, but I actually don't hate this piece?
Video is instant clickbat, it is not actual vanta black, it is an off-brand that she shouts out. More Skillshare sponsorships, yada-yada. But the piece itself it honestly not the worst she has ever done. She could have definitely pushed the limits with the geode a bit, but I am actually surprised with how the piece turned out. I hated when she put those lines on the leaves, they were better without them, but all-in-all, this isn't that bad.
No. 484207
>>478481Ew gross,demon furries?how ridiculous,I still don't understand why people like her?
Whilst I was browsing comments on Yt I saw a user who said that viz would have never had huge following if she wasn't appealing to a certain community or demographic (furries) therefore she would have been a desperate nobody who colors everything with pink.
No. 484216
>>484191Does this smell self-posty to anyone else? I don't see why Emily would self post but that's just the vibe I got..
Also, to be fair, I'm pretty sure vantablack isn't available for purchase, so it's not like she could have actually used it.
Sage for no real contribution
No. 484237
>>484191This feels like a self post.
Nobody gives a shit about you, Emily Crackhead.
No. 484256
File: 1574068788560.jpg (99.07 KB, 1500x1500, 1_9_3.jpg)

I always death grip my pen when drawing with my tablet (huion h610 pro) because the drawing surface feels too smooth and slippery. Any advice? I can't seem to get myself to draw for more than an hour cause of this (also because I'm only able to draw every other day thus making me lose motivation quickly).
No. 484277
File: 1574078279812.jpg (2.08 MB, 1200x1808, 0e6c2854942657.596ff0cdd8913.j…)

lol I was looking at Becca's blog and I found this comic page
Look at that last panel
No. 484307
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>>484246Vitiligo? Really?
No. 484348
>>484191lmao what kind of weed at you smoking? this piece is ugly as hell. that shade of purple for the background looks garish. the stylisation of the face is a poor imitation of the disney style that IMO is childish and outdated. the skin looks dead. the flowers are so boring?
there's literally nothing about this piece that's impressive. it is as mediocre as they come.
No. 484366
>>484234Just like Sonic and Digimon, it scrambles something on kids brain that accompanies them their entire lives. Not like the cartoon is a psyops (maybe) but you know, impressionable kids, development years and all that, they obsess over the show and games during the same years that the brain itself is still developing as well as understanding of life, fetishes and traumas, sexuality, etc.
Reminds me of an article i read that was mostly about food, if children get exposed to junk food and saturated fats and sugar their dopamine receptors get programmed for the rest of their life with a bias towards those things and a bias against things that are not that, specially if they learned to associate it with positive feelings and emotions, like a birthday party at Mcdonalds.
I remember when i was like 11 and was looking at pokemon pictures online and even when i was not looking for it i still found nsfw art of Misty and the team rocket girl, like it fucking tainted my memories of it, same with Sonic, ruined the innocence of it and it fucking happened with almost every age appropiate cartoon i was looking for, fucking Sakura Card Captors for gods sake, i just wanted cute wallpapers.
No. 484377
>>484110>>484352>>484351Is this samefag unironically autistic, underage or baiting?
>>484307Granted this is probably the only instance where it actually works in the favor of the character design, with him being black&white and all.
No. 484501
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this twitter artist was mentioned a few threads back, do you think their art has improved? it still looks pretty goddamn disproportionate to me
No. 484533
>>484501“This type of hateful behavior” lol.
Better here than in the DMs of every random artcow.
No. 484537
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>>484501Why do I feel like this is a self-post so that you can post more screenshots
No. 484559
>>484537I feel the same.
Nobody cares about your mob psycho obsessed art.
No. 484696
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>>484377I haven't said anything on this topic yet but I sort of see where anon's coming from. I think manga/manga inspired art is fine, but a lot of these digital paintings tend to be very derivative. The girl and water and bishie with wings are the examples they used, but there's also the "myspace angle titty shot", "girl jumping/skipping in front of a cloudy sky because the artist couldn't think of a background", "animu girl in a hat sitting in a field of sunflowers". Also, anime art seems to overuse dutch angles. I swear half of the super rendered, sparkly anime paintings I see have dutch angles. It's like I'm watching Battlefield Earth.
It's not bad artwork, it's just… boring. Cliche. Let's see something different. Like how can somebody painstakingly spend several hours painting something that a million other people have painted identically already? It's reinventing the wheel.
No. 484737
File: 1574144354345.png (2.82 MB, 1838x757, roses.PNG)

>>484696why - because it's fun? because in the end there's no new ideas and everything's been done before?
this isn't an anime only issue, why the fuck do you think every youtube artist draws the same pretty girls with generic backgrounds or why people keep drawing the same flowers that have been drawn or painted a thousand times before
just give up because your point isn't going to stick
No. 484758
>>484737Eh, fair point.
What's with the "give up" shit? I only made one post about it, and as I established before I'm not the anon who originally brought it up.
No. 484847
>>484814Another difference is that though the flowers may all be roses, there's a variation of styles used (with looser or tigher brushstrokes, more blending, different saturation and contrast) and even the super simple compositions aren't quite the same.
I don't agree with the original OP, lack of innovation isn't exclusive to anime, but I think the insta pretty girls
>>484737 mentions would be a much better example of everyone doing the same shit in a similar style. Studies of flowers aren't comparable to artists always drawing the same expressionless girls in a 3/4 view.
No. 484856
>>484737>>484696Flowers are a part of our real world and have been popular art subjects for many years - probably because flowers are beautiful and have sentimental/cultural value, and there are so many types.
Anime drawings tend to have the same style of face over and over, because that's what makes it anime. I think drawing anime is fine but it gets monotonous because the style is literally based on looking the same. There isn't any personal thought put into it.
No. 484873
Anime is banal,cookie cutter shit.
That's why I like encouraging others to find their own artstyle instead of drawing anime,because anime is so mainstream and "Muh kawaii animu girlss!!11
No. 484900
>>484873Condensing a whole form of media into a "kawaii animu girl" is just being catty and small-minded. "Anime style" extends beyond generic anime CG desktop wallpapers.
Also watch these Art 101 anons shit their pants over someone making fun of Calarts style and go "Reeee calarts style don't real you weeb faggot".
No. 484928
>>484900The ABSOLUTE strawmanning in your post!
>you hate anime so you must love CalartsCope moar, faggot. Most people don't like anime styled shit considering its popularity of all these years is STILL condensed to the same socially awkward, weeb spergs besides some of the major or classic anime like Dbz, Sailor Moon, ect.
No. 484930
>>484856Exactly! So the fact of someone comparing the derivative, uninspired and unoriginal generic anime girl laying on flowers to actual real world references and variances of style and technique was some weird cope.
>>484696They always have the same face shape, same hair type, same body type, same features, even the same style. I dont know what happened with anime to get so samefacey in recent years but at least it used to have SOUL, now its just soulless and corporation driven garbage that is Disney-tier.
No. 484934
>>484930>I dont know what happened with anime to get so samefacey in recent years but at least it used to have SOUL, now its just soulless and corporation driven garbage that is Disney-tierYou're answering your own question; just like Disney movies or Big Two capeshit, anime is now popular enough to warrant making a lot of low-risk, low-effort products that will still make a solid profit, because weebs (just like Disney fans or capeshit readers) will buy the products no matter what.
This happens in any industry where there's money to make, it has nothing to do with anime itself. There's still some nice, creative anime out there, it's just buried under the majority of lazy cash-grabs.
No. 484937
>>484930It is cheaper to make that way, that is why all anime looks the same. Where you get variation, the different strokes, styles, and variety of subject is not in the anime, but the manga. The actual drawn form of the media.
I stopped watching anime because it does look the same. This is because the cheapest labor all draw like their fellow cheap labor. You don’t hire someone to make clothes in a factory because they sew beautiful custom work, you need a body in the line to do their one job and move it along the conveyer belt. And they need to; the gaming industry knows nothing of crunch like anime production does. Even manga production has this problem with weekly series releases of 15-30 pages depending, but usually it is a mangaka working with a small production team of their own, keyed into their style. It is why Hellsing looks nothing like Black Butler in manga form, but have some similarities in anime form. Compare Naruto and Bleach, the manga has differences that the anime does not. Why this doesn’t translate into western weebs making waifu backgrounds is because the simplest style to master is the commercial one, so they go for the the anime style made on the conveyer belt.
No. 485037
File: 1574212268244.png (550.89 KB, 750x1334, B2BAA34C-D066-4DB3-82C0-75335A…)

Why is the art so bad for a featured web comic? It looks like 9 year old made it.
No. 485074
>>484950Jacky strikes me as a genuine person but still it feels like a weird product placement. Chloe Rose did this too and they both complaint about the price of these bottles. How about not buying it then? I mean, company is happy bc they get advertising for free and turnover. And how many viewers will go out there, buying those bottles bc they want to paint them too.
Also Jacky's falling for that stupid VSCO girl ploy too. And what you said, the dragon and swirls are cringy. (And don't get me started on that stupid "airbrush" thing she used and what she already had been reviewed so she should have known that it sucks ass. But I guess it's not a video of her without her pulling that salty face with a weird guitar riff as background noise.)
No. 485096
>>485082Sorry Anon but I think that's just how her face looks. I can't help but see a greasy haired 30-something arab woman in a poorly made children's novelty hat trying to imitate AVGN.
Oh wait…
No. 485128
>>485037It may just be the appeal of the website itself. Likely no vetting process on quality, so an overabundance of shit gets on, so your best is the least shitty. And if they are actually any good they get put behind a paywall, leaving only the bad shit for free. It is really hard to find webcomics that interest me because of this.
I'd get the model if it was "I post for free here one/three month(s) after posting it on my patreon!" and so forth, but a lot of the artists with good (or at least decent) comics paywall the release of Tapas or what-have-you, AND have a patreon wall as well. At that point, I just quit and stopped reading webcomics altogether. I'll stick to physical, then at least I still have it if the artist shuts down their various pages…
No. 485137
>>484928People are getting so mad about us calling anime art inbred, kek.
If it's not obvious from the insanely overused prompts, settings, angles, palettes - then just look at the faces. There are a few styles that differ and that's good, but most are indistinguishable from the rest or worse, indistinguishable from hentai.
No. 485272
File: 1574270137154.jpeg (939.85 KB, 1997x1997, 3DCED4BA-9FD9-4BD4-86A4-5990AC…)

Anyone out there wanna talk about artist alley people who have bad art who don’t deserve tables or don’t put in effort?
It’s aggravating when they’re popular af too.
Like the Game Grump’s THREE artist alley booths AT last year’s twitchcon where Ross and ArIn had barely anything and Suzy was the only one really with any stuff.
Ross had a lot more this year but Arin printed a lot photocopies of his old art from the last decade. If you aren’t gonna draw anymore don’t apply for a table. You’re just using it as an autograph spot.
They make enough money and have enough fame to just get a vendor booth and sell game grumps merch instead of taking from small artists trying to make a name for themselves.
No. 485280
>>485277Because everyone and their brother with or without an online art presence talks about conventions? There are more conventions than general anime ones with artist alleys. Your local flea market/ farmers market/ antique show probably has an artist alley. It is a major part of the commercial art sphere as a whole, beyond anime. You clearly need to broaden your horizons if you say “artist alley” but only think of anime or comic conventions.
>>485272Yeah, this is a glorified autograph space. They clearly looked at their audience, where they go during cons, and said ‘Lets go there!’ to draw attention. That empty table looks so sad.
No. 485296
>>485277you can literally make 2k in a weekend
No. 485299
As a Salvadorean-American,seeing viziepop makes me seethe,she could have been the first female Salvadorean animator to create a Salvadorean character or series to represent us,nope,nothing,its almost 2020 and we arent represented at all anywhere,gays have been represented and blacks,except for us,if you are reading this,viziepop,fuck you
No. 485306
>>485299Why are you so salty? It's not anyone's obligation to represent people in something they create for the sake of representation.
I'm not trying to defend VivziePop but do you know what race Vaggie is? She's Salvadorean.
It's not the creator's obligation to create a show specifically tailored to any one group. And besides, you're basically saying that "everyone has been represented except for Salvadoreans boohoo", what? Mexicans, Polish, Native Americans, Indians, Arabs, Muslims, Jewish – where are THEIR representations?
Right. Most barely get any or if they do, the series is created by someone not of that race/religion.
Your point was stupid and you didn't sage, go whine somewhere else.
No. 485338
>>485335We're talking about infamous internet celebrities taking space at a con and then they put in 0 effort cause they don't need to to make any of the money back.
They each had 3 prints.
This is called ENTITLEMENT based on fame.
No. 485339
>>485332anon, why are you venting like this is your private blog on tumblr? you sound like an absolute idiot and as the other anon said, if you want representation that much you should make something yourself.
also it kills me every time i see Vaggie's name, why did she have to basically name her vagina?
No. 485345
>>485338How does it feel that a couple shitty art prints from a pair of Internet personalities will make more money than anything you’ll ever attempt sell at a con
I hope all of you grow out of the idea that conventions are some magical source of income before you hit your thirties
No. 485353
>>485345Sounds like someone's hopes and dreams for art were destroyed.
Go cry about it to your mom.
No. 485354
>>485339Venting on Tumblr?Now I would be an absolute idiot for that,I'll pass,I'll just fuck off instead
Nothing wrong with representation but whatever.
No. 485355
File: 1574284494004.jpg (156.81 KB, 1080x810, EFcUlhXVAAEloyp.jpg)

>>485272At least Ross can draw and made half an attempt. This year he did soooo much better, even with his mom's cancer diagnosis and the Holly Projared divorce drama. Arin just printed more old stuff from 2009. Arin didn't even take a pic of his stand.
No. 485356
>>485354K bye.
Sage your shit next time.
No. 485359
>>485320"create a Salvadorean character or series to represent us"
You're a fucking idiot.
No. 485367
>>485360Not this fucker again. He was mentioned in the last thread. He is douchebag, his videos are way too long, he keeps repeating the same thing over and over for 10 minutes each video. All that and his lack of humor and edgy tryhard persona really piss me off. He preaches a lot about sucess and the right way of doing things for someone so average.
It's so fucking rude to just review someone's art without them requesting the fucking critique. Look at your own shit Ethan, just because you got a job at Dreamworks doesn't mean you are some fucking god. Your Raoul Duke impersonation is just cringy to watch.
No. 485378
>>485359Invalid argument,retard
It's true though
No. 485455
File: 1574313409077.jpeg (533.97 KB, 2048x1536, 77761861-6833-4DF8-B6A0-A473FF…)

>>4853552018 table looks so bad from far away I’m surprised Arin didn’t just fill the space with game grumps merch. Ross honestly has been doing a lot better with his work. I am surprised we haven’t heard about gameoverse in a while though and it may be scrapped at this point for this Monster Girl thing.
No. 485468
>>485455Tbh like they pretty much know people will go to see THEM and not just the art, the art’s just an excuse to give them a table and not like an actual “featured” booth or space cuz twitch con doesn’t do that. Like Jacqui had a table when twitch con was in SJ, I don’t think she streams as much as she did but people went to see her anyway. So it isn’t really about art, they know they’re Internet personalities and the art is a side thing so they don’t need to prove anything with art.
(Plus imo, Suzy is the best artist out of all of them anyway and she gets the most shit cuz the fandom is shit. She’s in charge of all their merch and it’s been super on point, especially her own store)
No. 485472
File: 1574323321972.jpg (532.65 KB, 2048x1536, DqcwzQqWwAMpie7.jpg)

>>485468Suzy actually makes cool stuff. I'm kinda glad KKG died and she went full time on her business instead. She definitely pulled all the stops on her Twitchcon table last year. Pins don't take up a ton of space, but she had a nice selection.
No. 485561
File: 1574350159103.jpeg (309.12 KB, 640x817, FFA042E0-D0B0-40C6-9AC5-14589D…)

Thought this was a meme/joke drawing but she was really trying to make this look like a sad/emotional picture. This is loss.jpg levels of funny
No. 485618
They'll just hire any sad sack off the street nowadays, huh?
No. 485806
>>485618>They'll just hire any sad sack off the street nowadays, huh?Not from the streets but from the same pool of 2 or 3 very expensive american animation schools. And most cartoon network creators know each other, are related or in romantic relationships.
She went to School of Visual Arts in NY, same place Rebecca Sugar went.
No. 485893
File: 1574401866039.png (1.49 MB, 1078x1333, Screenshot_2019-11-22-06-46-48…)

Sage for no milk.
I actually like Happy D. Artist even though she still has to learn a thing or two about anatomy. But this piece…that skull is so much smaller than the girls. So either she is a giant or she is holding a children skull(?) That would be kind of gross
No. 485946
File: 1574418821775.jpeg (Spoiler Image,240.26 KB, 1300x1300, 3DC8AA0F-D403-4532-B912-B84FCB…)

Have no idea how to feel about glacier_clear. She draws loads of porn of herself per anonymous requests and I can't tell if she's conceited to hell or has such abysmal self esteem she has to do this to feel validated.
No. 485966
File: 1574427051344.png (330.01 KB, 720x800, Screenshot_2019-11-22-07-44-35…)

I'm so sick of 'its ok to TrAcE!' Clickbait tutorials. The more clickabit the title the worse the artist is on average too
No. 485998
>>485946GC is pretty cool! she's by no means conceited from my own personal experiences of her. so maybe the latter?
she has a cute face and isnt as chubby as she draws herself
but she is easily manipulated by other artists who just want free shit from her and dont care about her feelings/well being.
a lot of her close friends are social climbers
No. 486125
>>486110she didnt start out that way, she drew her own MLP choose your own adventure comic for a while when she quit she just drew what people asked on tumblr.
tumblr "ask" blogs where you just respond to asks functions nearly identically to how 4chan drawthreads work so she was instantly good at it because thats where she started.
then it moved to people requesting stuff of the "mod" of her blog aka her "human" self.
"mod" got popular when the pony fandom died so now she draws a fuck ton of mod and random furry and pokemon content.
i dont think she started out thinking she wanted to be a waifu e-girl thot i think it just naturally evolved that way.
the pokephilia content is pretty disgusting.
No. 486126
File: 1574455057187.png (1.64 MB, 2499x1600, 1574453109322.png)

>>485360Stole this from /ic/.Apparently 'good shape design' means giving your characters ugly triangle noses and cubes for asses
No. 486139
File: 1574456776468.jpg (23.35 KB, 652x710, 74494936_175996553582658_61611…)

How do you guys come up with your artist name/handle? I'm trying to create an account and take commissions but i have a hard time deciding on what my name is going to be and at the same time i don't want to settle with my real name either. Do you guys have any suggestions?
No. 486157
>>486139I changed my artist's name three times in the last 10 yrs+ as I grow older, and the current one is sort of a pun with my real last name.
So, just pick any name you like and that has not 1001 alterations on Instagram, etc. Only make sure to sign your stuff with a different signature that never changes (could be only a pictogram or your initials or whatever). Then you're free to change your artist's name (= channel name) if you ever feel the need to.
No. 486190
>>486028Kek, i don't like BL, so i answered honestly. Recommend me some good female porn artists then, anon.
>>486139Anon, whatever you choose just make sure you're comfortable sticking with that name for years and years. Depending on how your popularity is going, you won't be able to change your name without losing some "brand" value. Prefer going for something unique that isn't going to embarrass you in a couple of years time. Optionally: try to envision what you want your audience to be, and what name they would be attracted to. Not a cure-all but it has helped me in the past.
No. 486194
File: 1574468775555.jpeg (1.5 MB, 3464x3464, 85DE96FE-1FAE-438A-9446-677921…)

Is it just me or are the lower halves of their body janky? It’s just a nitpick but their stick legs and thighs and funny knees are shard to look at. I don’t know if it’s consider anatomical incorrect or just the art style
No. 486224
>>486194Raihan looks so busted. His calves are bigger than his ass.
The other guy mostly looks fine to me, I just don't like how his torso is tapered in from his hips. I feel it'd look better staying simply rectangular. Oh, and his bent knee looks a little low.
No. 486301
>>486284Exaggerated faces are
hilarious, anon! You have no humor and your life is sad. The Pinnacle of comedy.
No. 486311
File: 1574522786133.jpeg (475.1 KB, 2048x2048, 83770BE6-1589-4616-A569-F782D3…)

Sick of seeing this mushbuh guy on my timeline. He has over 20k followers and all he makes is this fugly "abstract" art. Imagine paying $5 (what he's asking for) for these turds.
No. 486312
File: 1574523043161.jpeg (76.7 KB, 600x600, 34F4C537-FF68-499D-9902-F8D90A…)

>>486311Looking at his store and he's selling this shirt with an ugly MS paint drawing on the pocket for $38
No. 486313
File: 1574523132122.jpeg (167.69 KB, 640x842, CC61E1F9-CF53-4957-AE77-4427E5…)

>>486312his aesthetic is possibly the worst and laziest I've ever seen. This makes me sad that he's making money off this shit anyone could make in MS paint
No. 486334
>>486268The "omg yass this is totally me so relatable" genre in comics is way too played out to begin with, I thought it died out in 2015 or so but the more you know. Apparently it keeps appealing to a new generation of normies who'd buy a dozen of coffee mugs and t-shirts with these panels printed on them. Can't fault her for having a business sense I guess. Some of them are sort of funny but it's just the same joke I've seen done at least 10 times by other basic middle class North American artists like her.
But as someone identifying as weeb garbage I find it immensely
triggering that she tags her comics with "anime" and "manga" despite obviously not even trying to stay authentic to the medium.
No. 486335
File: 1574529449166.jpeg (607.4 KB, 2048x2048, A35510A7-A058-40F6-B947-FC73A1…)

Oceaninspace is clout chasing again. She's started drawing youtubers as kawaii moe lolis, since they do fanart reaction videos. As far as i can tell she's never given two shits about pdp or jse.
Inb4 she draws h3h3 as a skinny loli and then have everyone cancel her for being fatphobic
No. 486349
>>486268imagine being that bland and mediocre and telling yourself, yep, I can totally call myself an artist and a cartoonist in front of the whole world.
i can't see anybody actually enjoying this apart from 8-year-olds stepping their first toe into the internet or her own endeared and verging on senile grandma opening her insta with her index finger like old people do.
this is so lazy and derivative of low tier ultra consensual social media relatability unjokes, with nothing added. pure supermarket-bought sliced bread with nothing on top and when I get depressed and aimlessly browse the internet and find shit like this I feel my intestines coat themselves with gluten.
I am not kidding when I say this shit fills me with existential dread. our days on earth are so few and there are so, so many interesting things to try and to learn and so many places to visit and so much culture to acquaint ourselves with, yet somebody is content with alotting a significant chunk of their time and attention to regurgitating this garbage and broadcasting it and making it their identity ? and other people eat it back up, clumps and all ?
it absolutely revolts, apalls and disgusts me, and I'm even slightly angry and galvanised. I want my life to have the kind of depth that frequenting beautiful books and beautiful paintings can carve inside of you when you consume a nice piece of media whose memory you keep is like a tree or an herb in the inner garden you tend to. I want my insides to be colorful and meaningful, and I also want to be of use and to give back to the world a little piece of the precious things I immerse myself into.
and yet, im just a lazy fucking piece of shit wasting my life on the internet which means I'm not that much better than her, but now I'm so afraid of the black hole that is mediocrity and stagnation that im just going to close lolcow and go make a few gouache studies to try to develop something in me thats worth loving myself for.
thanks for the wake-up call.
No. 486396
File: 1574542201548.png (52.6 KB, 300x100, 17.png)

No. 486431
>>486379I-is it not a copypasta!?
Wow, we all just witnessed pure, concentrated "artist salt"
No. 486432
>>486384That's insanely cheap for something handmade.
Enamel pins are bought for $1-2 from China and sold for $10-15 lol that's way worse
No. 486521
File: 1574577693211.jpg (103.15 KB, 750x750, 73314192_693900018105677_10756…)

>>486268Well this is pretty ironic.
No. 486577
>>486521I read through 3 of the comics and I swear I didn't chuckle or even UNDERSTAND any of them.
I'm dumbfounded. How can someone with a clear lack of any human thought process exist?
If I didn't know any better I would think this person is some kind of corporation robot who never learned how to be a normal person.
No. 486644
>>486577same energy as that meme bot on twitter quite frankly i found the bot stuff funnier and making more sense.
No. 486900
>>486820I know that it's not the same as drawing from life, but croquis cafe has a lot of videos with a wide variety of models
NSFW because they're nude sessions No. 486975
File: 1574648910674.jpeg (347.92 KB, 1242x1623, E8001BD6-0488-4A27-9D7A-5BBAAD…)

>>486521What are 17k people finding funny that I apparently don’t get, WHAT is the joke here
No. 487003
>>486987Woah. How did I not notice the random hair change?? I read that comic 4 times trying to figure out the joke.
I was trying so hard to laugh that I totally didn't notice.
No. 487019
>>486975>>486987>>487003y'all cute. she just prefers summer because then her skin gets a natural tan, while in winter it goes away and she's left super pale. i assume in the third and fourth panels her hair is up suddenly because she's gotten physical.
tl;dr she's sensitive about how light her skin is, more news at 11
No. 487039
>>487019The fact that you were able to discern that from the comic astounds me to no end Anon.
Because I'm not joking when I say I understand absolutely nothing.
No. 487041
>>487019>y’alllBev, is that you lmao
What are the odds of this southern artist being brought up and then a y’all anon popping in right after
No. 487048
File: 1574670214093.png (1.75 MB, 1079x1255, Screenshot_2019-11-25-09-08-15…)

Guys, what do you think about liobabrueckners art? I personally cant look at it. All she does is putting together stupid looking collages in photoshop and painting them. And thats exactly how her art turns out, like a completly unconnected collage.
And I think she buys her instagram followers, she has 250k and only about 2k likes, thats about 1%
Even Happy has 10k likes with 200k followers.
No. 487073
File: 1574679218552.jpeg (598.71 KB, 2048x2048, 58A4F941-A733-483E-A590-43BA60…)

Skirtzzz on my timeline again and every time I see her art i cringe at how popular she is.
People have even called her out on drawing the exact same face every time she draws and all she did was go "boohoo why are people being mean to me" and kept doing it.
No. 487080
>>487048I tried to check if her followers are real but theonly good service out there got shut down by FB which is hella nnoying. Anyway, I think you're right. Maybe not all but a portion of her followers do seem bought (she had a big spike in followers in 2017, might be that).
Sad shit lol her art is like an aesthetic dumpster fire.
No. 487108
>>487048I used to follow her but I follow more traditional artists and fantasy realism so her stuff isn’t the best for realism. However her techniques seemed interesting because her process is rather muddy but she ends up with decent values. After a while though I didn’t like seeing her thick handed approach to painting because it wasn’t inspiring.
I’m sure to other artists she is but I wish she would slow down a little.
No. 487115
>>486975Any artists who need to label things in their comics so you know what they're representing are automatically shit in my opinion.
Why does it need to say "TAN" we should be able to figure that out via the visuals. This is really basic stuff.
No. 487118
>>486312This person looks like a hick who'd come lunging at you, weapon in hand, out of a farmhouse in a horror movie
No. 487125
>>487020It's quirky and relatable. I've not been on the IG but I bet most of the comments are people tagging their friends saying "it's me" or "I always say this!"
Nobody LOVES these comics. They're just easily digestible and relatable. Case closed.
No. 487136
>>487128She has like zero sense for aesthetic. Its like she throws cubes which defines what different elements to pack on a painting. It usually turns out completly overloaded.
And her few pictures which are looking quite good, are wearing her boyfriends handwriting (he is skilled unlike her)
No. 487167
File: 1574700301708.jpg (524.65 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshozlt.jpg)

Would you really get demonitized if you showed a badly drawn gun?
Does this mean you can't draw knights and shit cause it's not ~family friendy~?
No. 487168
>>487048It’s not terrible. There is clearly some skill here, and she combines digital and traditional I’m assuming? Cause if this is just digital then I’m less interested.
The composition is too busy. You can have a busy composition, usually to tell a story or emphasize the fact it is messy in the first place, but there is enough dead space to give the illusion of separation of elements. It took several looks for me to notice the bubbles and the butterflies. There is just so much going on, in so few colors, that elements are getting lost, being found, and being disappointed in their discovery. Those butterflies don’t need to be there at all, and the bubbles are in a rose garden… why? Is this a wedding, or a birthday party? Are they blowing bubbles instead of throwing rice? This isn’t surreal enough to even be
considered pop surrealism, it just seems like she tossed shit in and said ‘fuck it.’ And since that does seem to be her process, making collages and painting them, perhaps a study in both composition and unity may help her work.
No. 487172
>>487167Yes. The category with exception is gaming, since most popular games have guns and that is the largest community on Youtube, next to beauty and unboxings (both toys and tech). Art videos, Reddit readings, video essays, and even channels on gun safety are no longer allowed to feature weapons or face demonetization ‘for the children’s safety.’ And with the new COPPA rules, even if the creater marks the video as ‘not for kids’, if kids end up watching the content, the FTC can still go after you. So, gut reaction is to sterilize the content, like this.
No. 487177
>>487048i dont mind the busy composition. what's unnerving is the really harsh face shadow that's not anywhere else, so either the face looks dark or the dress looks flat. and idk whether the light source makes sense.
but she's certainly skilled and I do like the painting.
No. 487224
>>487118Lol the mental image gave me a good laugh
It's definitely an odd way to model a shirt
No. 487225
>>487222This felt very cheap and rushed.
Also why do all Vivzie's projects need gay stuff in it? Your fujo is showing, girl…
No. 487226
>>487041Can all the non US anons please stop acting like you're talking about. Sorry y'all
triggers you but I'm not the anon or whoever the fuck this is but a large portion of the third largest country say fucking y'all including me. Shut up.
No. 487227
File: 1574711981111.jpg (52.89 KB, 337x500, him.jpg)

>>487222The shapes and colors are just too much - everything just flashes past my eyes as opposed to actually 'watching' it.
And every character looks like this dude but with more eye rape
No. 487239
>>487227Kek anon, I can't unsee this now.
>>487225Yeah, her gay characters are basically the same. First you get the yas queen slay slutty kinky spider hooker porn star and now it's the slutty uber gay bored prince demon thing. Not to mention that weird Black Hat rip-off. We get it, it's hell and 2019.
I'm honestly surprised that tumble gobbled the spider thing up. Shouldn't it be horribly offensive according to them?
No. 487264
>>487252Probably because she couldn't drop the project after eating so much money. She continues to keep all this "I totally know where Hazbin Hotel is going" act, while it's pretty clear Helluva Boss is a much mature product on all aspects.
I didn't laught, but it wasn't as enraging as Hazbin lmao.
No. 487296
File: 1574729655592.jpg (18.06 KB, 480x269, Spongebob_Squarepants_-_Sponge…)

I can't believe the viz fandom is horny over a fucking gay pink and white furry spider hooker, people really have shit taste/standards on what is considered sexy or hot?
I could go right now on Google images and search up I don't know 'hot Incubus demon'? And I could be pleased at what I'm looking at (if you know what I mean kek)
No. 487316
>>487222sage for unrelated
the prince wouldve been such a cool character if they hadnt painted him, a homosexual, as a cheater and a borderline sexual predator. Like just the scene with him spouting all the sex talk doesnt make sense with the character he's shown to be at first. The dirty talk should've been delivered slowly and seductively suave instead of just exploding in a near blind rage because he's "a demon and hes in hell and hell is full of rude evil bad aggressive people" or whatever.
No. 487358
>>487348It’s called scholarships, grants, and work study anon.
That’s like thinking everyone that goes to an expensive college has money. You can get scholarships/grants and majority of people who attended artschools like that have some form of grant/scholarship. (Unless they are an international student from Korea/Japan/China/etc)
No. 487360
>>487358Not everyone who goes somewhere expensive has money, but
most people who go somewhere expensive do.
Blog, but I'm friends with a guy who goes to Johns Hopkins on a full ride. He says he's literally the only first-generation college student he's met there, and that the wealth of other students is obvious. In the cars they drive, the weird obscure sports they play, the way they dress.
Vivs is a mediocre artist, and SVA is an extremely competitive school. She still draws like a 15-year-old glamfur. There's no way she went to SVA and got to study abroad on scholarships. Mommy and Daddy had money, almost certainly.
No. 487362
>>487355Hush anon, you're going to alert the anti-fujo sperg soon and then we're in for a 80 replies worth of derailing because she can't live in a world where women like something she doesn't find attractive.
No but really, in my experience it's mostly people who knew cringey 14-year old fujo artists back in middle school, or were one themselves, and are trying their best to distance themselves from the scene even if it means being autistic about it. Neither do they really understand why it's so popular and base their viewpoint on the male-forced, semi-intentionally misunderstood narrative about how it's "misogynistic because there are no female characters". The society highkey hates the thought of autonomous female sexuality and recognizing female gaze to begin with, people make a lot of silly but harmless female-targeted YA novels to be the devil's book themselves because they MIGHT have a ~rapey~ relationship in which a dreamy, attractive, caring but a bit cocky fictional male partially pushes himself on the female self-insert, all the while overlooking young boys slapping their meat to porn or fictional women throwing themselves at their dicks. It's something that's been deeply ingrained into our brains, women are ONLY allowed to express sexuality if they're liking the same shit men enjoy.
But yeah, it sucks. Men (and women) get to draw the grossest objectifying oversexualized bullshit with female characters and people roll their eyes at them at worst, but the moment a woman draws smut of two men she's treated like she's committing genocide. As for the ~muh gay baby men being objectified~, I have literally never heard anyone else but female pickmes and fakeboi troons take that stance.
No. 487365
>>487355>>487362>all this sperging and you still manage to miss the point that fujos have been known to be incredibly toxic to each other and other people for yearskek
>>487222So what's the deal with making another one? Maybe I'm missing the point but I don't get of making 2 series in the same universe at the same time? It's so convoluted. Shit is going to be so rushed if she expects to pump out episodes for both of these off of patreon bux.
No. 487367
>>487365Artists in general are known to be incredibly
toxic to each other and other people. This thread wouldn't be here if that was the case. Doesn't mean we run around sperging at people just for being artists.
Also, the fact that some shitty people like a thing doesn't mean EVERYONE who likes that thing is a shitty person, for fuck's sake. You could apply this logic to almost any community.
No. 487372
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>>487371Okay miss prim and proper, then feel free to leave everyone else alone while you put on a chastity belt and churn butter for the rest of your life.
Guess what? You not liking something doesn't mean that everyone else on earth is forbidden from liking it. Especially if it's as innocuous as drawings of consenting adults fucking.
No. 487378
>>487355Personally I’m sick of fujos making every male character fuck each other in the ass even when it doesn’t make sense, makes fandoms intolerable
Also lesbians > gays, so that’s my personal bias against fujo art
No. 487400
>>487378no your gays aren't better than her gays
you're all insufferable
No. 487419
>>487360I’m saying this as someone that actually goes to an expensive art college and networked with other artists at SVA…
MOST of us have some sort of grant/scholarships and pay the rest through loans.International students usually are the “wealthy” kids because they can’t receive scholarships/grants as someone from another country.
Studying abroad isn’t hard, usually they take the money out of your tuition if not there’s specific grants for those who are struggling. Art colleges are pretty good at getting you to go abroad if your portfolio is good enough.
Every time I peak in this thread someone is reaching beyond belief about how art colleges function or rumors about certain artschools.
We are overall mostly poor until we graduate at get a job at a studio/freelance for studios(or independent clients).
No. 487428
>>487416I can barely tell what you're saying, ESL-chan.
>>487403Shipping in general is retarded. I've met plenty of obnoxious people who ship both kinds.
>>487378Nobody is "making" anyone do anything. It's fanfiction and it's completely separate from the source material. Don't participate in stupid fandom culture if you don't like how some people draw the characters.
God you autistic crybabies just can't deal with people liking something you don't like, can you? Like you're so incapable of just ignoring shit you dislike that you feel the need to shame people away from it. Literal 12 year old behavior.
No. 487445
>>487428I am saying that I don't like any kind of objectification, and not because men objectify woman, a woman can objectify men.
In this case, it is bad writing, not us wanting Vivzie not to express her sexuality or whatever you want to defend her for
No. 487452
>>487445Oh geez anon I didn't mean to come across as defending Vivienne lol. I was mostly just annoyed at the anti-fujo sperging.
Vivienne's portrayal of gay characters– scratch that,
most characters– sucks because she writes everybody as two-dimensional stereotypes. She literally doesn't know how to write a decent character. Or design one for that matter kek. Once you strip away the dated scene kid style and tropes, there's nothing.
No. 487520
>>487517maybe its region locked for you anon? i can view it.
also i really enjoy the designs in the video, they kinda have 80's animation vibes just with a lot more frames. its well animated, though the parts with the characters talking felt weird.
No. 487650
>>487514Thank you!you know
How accurate this is
No. 487662
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>>487378Damn, upset so many fujos just by saying I don’t like their art. Why does it bother you guys so much that others don’t wanna see gays bumming
No. 487750
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>Philosophers would hold public arguments about whether it was Achilles or Patroclus who took top.
Why did I laugh so hard at this
No. 487866
>>487820I was thinking about her too! I really liked her vids, but she just stopped posting on all of her socials.
I hope she's doing ok and has just been busy work.
No. 488250
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Keep seeing this imnoteds guy on my feed. He has almost 18k followers and all he draws is scribbly lolis and rarely colors or bothers to make his lines neat.
This scribbly comic where his loli character finds a "abandoned cat in a box" trope but it's a naked catgirl that looks like she's 4 has 700 likes. Is twitter just full of pedophiles? Sad.
No. 488256
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Waffles was a featured artist on scrawlrbox and in her description she gives more info about herself.
Apparently she had undergone 12h chemotherapy sessions
No. 488263
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>>488250If you have to follow that awful trope, why can't you at least do it with grown women… Just imagine being like 35 and still doing this. Disgusting pedos.
No. 488379
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This poor girl cannot catch a break.
No. 488459
>>488456Being terminally ill from birth ans knowing that you could rapidly deteriorate and die at any moment makes you a different person. We will never know if people like Becca would still he just as shitty as she is now, or would've been all the more determined to succeed before her short time was up.
Feel awful for Qinni, though. She's on the heart transplant list and now she has cancer?
No. 488901
File: 1575112667234.jpg (2.57 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20191130_181355812.jpg)

I found the eastern artubers are more interesting and less problematic than Western artuber.Most asian artuber put more of effort in art department even who make content frequently like one content per weeks.(Note: This is for the type that make fun art content not serious educational content like proko,sinixdesign,etc)
Artwork in top: threesibo
Artwrok in bottom : lavendertown
No. 488908
>>488901weebism as rotten your brain, anon
just look for arttubers that don't target little girls, like Peter Draws and James Gurney
No. 488912
>>488901Eastern artubers are only less
problematic because you can't understand their language. There are plenty of average-to-below average Japanese, SK and Chinese artists on YT with teen and preteen audiences.
No. 488960
>>488910Noah used to be a cow, but he purged his bullshit when he got married.
Western professional artists are chill, because for them "artist" is a just a job title, not a lifestyle or identity. All the drama is related to things like them getting scammed or some shady shit in their life before the art career.
No. 488973
>>488901Weeb. I browse some Asian youtubers because I wanted to learn some Asian shading techniques and it's the exact same as western youtube. You can google translate Japanese art comments and get the exact same "I can draw good in my head, but when I put it on papers it's bad" jokes.
>>488910Reminds me how some of art stations 'worst' artists are always the "I only follow pintrest tutorials, my main inspiration is cartoony instagram artists, and I have 5+ OC" types. I can't imagine how someone can have so little shame they post their crappy insta doodles to a site that makes hyper realism such a norm 3D models are to be expected.
No. 488983
>>488901They are literally the same, the fuck?
The example you gave of an eastern artist is really fucking bad considering the huge number of artists from eastern countries that can produce far better, faster. When it comes to making a comparison to a shitty western artist, you hit the nail on the head.
No. 488985
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>>488973Samefagging, but as an example.
> is your average Instagram/DA artist. If they were on those sites they'd be worshiped as a god or at least make the front page once. On art station though? They can't even make it past 25 followers, even after being on the site for 1 year. Even worse is that those '25 followers' are people who do 'follow for a follow' and follow thousands or art artist as bad or worse than our example.
No. 489058
>>489055*'Drawing a fan's'
Thank you autocorrect.
No. 489142
>>489112Yea. Drawing a fan's OC? That's fine. Because it doesn't seem like you're trying to flex on them with your "superior drawing skills" to show them how it can be drawn better.
But redrawing the same image to a T is a slippery slope because sometimes you can come off as gloaty. Like the way this guy's title read.
No. 489162
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>>478441possible correction, i think he's legit born in 1991 and thus is 28 (not much better kek), supported by his senior class photo on deviantart claiming he's class of 2008 (unless that happens to be his college graduation date), he's the guy in bottom left corner
No. 489182
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I've noticed a lot of really good millennial artists from Russia. I'm not sure but I think it's because Russian schools are still very classically oriented. Makes me jealous of people who got to go to Russian schools lol
Pic related is by a Russian artist called Sirgarrowman on Tumblr.
No. 489556
File: 1575239883419.jpg (1.63 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20191202_053416515.jpg)

This artist got 58.7k followers in insta. The reggresion is so bad.
No. 489588
File: 1575244094283.jpg (387.94 KB, 2000x1328, oneach.jpg)

At what point does a "traced art" stop being traced art?
There was a bit of a drama on a forum I occasionally browse where an artist posted a pic of oc and 3 other users said that the pic was traced and other users that seemed to be friends with said artist (I checked their history like a creep lol) defended the artist and said that the pic was referenced and not traced however the other users posted gifs of the pics where it showed what I feel like was traced.
Like a day later artist came back and said sorry that they should have been clearer that they had referanced said pic and just wants to move on and later deleteing their post
however what's bothering me on wheter or not the artist traced since they traced the body of another pic (that was commissioned dunno if changes things) but redrew the mouth and nose and added on clothing, hair and other small details
So what do you think?
traced or referenced
No. 489593
>>489579damn you sound salty anon.
>>489556ah back at it again with the "i changed my style slightly so that means i improved" pics.
>>489588it's shitty either way since it's someone else's drawing and just shows a lack of skill.
No. 489619
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>>489588Saddly its most likely badly referenced. This may not apply in your case, but on discord art servers with a lot of ameutor (NGMI) artist the word refferance is thrown around a lot. To them the word has been bastardised to the point it means "just draw the referance exactly, but in your style. Its only wrong if you copy it by making lines over it". Pose theft is often used by schizoids doing olympic level gymnastics, but it kind if works in this case. They didnt exactly "trace", but the pose is uncanily similar.
No. 489631
>>489619Yeah the artist just said that they heavaily referanced the other pic (pose abd hands) and still said after all of the evidence against them that they didnt trace even though one user said that the eyes, pose, neck fingers were basically the same, and that they had added in the nostrils and just they stretched the pic and moved it around when they were draawing I asked aanother user about my question gif of finger
No. 489647
File: 1575250681064.png (1.56 MB, 750x1065,…)

sorry if she's been brought up before, i don't keep up with threads here very well. just wondering if anyone had thoughts on that GinjaNinja youtuber? tbh she is talented and i like her character design, but the way she draws bodies kind of weirds me out. she has a good grasp of anatomy but the people look too… bendy? too malleable? i really don't know how to describe it. it's mostly the legs now that i look at it, though the sprites she uses in her videos all have this same "off" feeling. anyone else see it or am i being nitpicky?
No. 489707
File: 1575257691334.png (763.21 KB, 1280x1687, ethan becker is just rcdart wi…)

>>489673Why does this guy try to "fix" art that's not only good but better than his? Why doesn't he fix crappy art instead?
He's obviously a jealous douche. Also his women look like RCDart's women. (pic related)
>>489510No, it's just a commission she did, presumably of someone's DnD character or something.
>>489579It's called an analogous color palette, genius. I'm curious to see what the fuck you consider "good" if this isn't.
>>489588>>489619It's automatically traced if the thing being referenced isn't a photo or a piece of classical art. It's doubly inappropriate if you traced something that someone payed you for like that artist did.
You don't learn dick from tracing contemporaries' work, you just end up copying their mistakes, which is why it's so obvious when something is traced. It's art-inbreeding. It's why I said classical work/masters are the only sensible non-photo thing to trace.
The only thing that is 100% okay to trace is a photo YOU took. If it's someone else's photo, do not trace it (and by trace I mean draw on a layer on top of it).
No. 489729
File: 1575259884020.jpg (380.97 KB, 1080x1080, 20191202_110747.jpg)

>>489707>>489673This guy art who fixes marco bucci art. Seriously hates his douchebag attitude it is like hollybrown on seteroids or something.
No. 489781
>>489467It's definitely a mixed bag. I think the reason why we tend to see foreign artists as being superior is because only the good ones become well known outside of their bubble.
>>489673I'm pretty sure his videos are satirical, but the petty side of me wants a showdown between this guy and istebrak
No. 489807
File: 1575287228414.jpg (414.19 KB, 605x923, 6 L&B Brad Assembled Paper Dol…)

>>476842>>489647Her anatomy is so off that her characters look like joint paper dolls like pic related.
No. 489876
>>489647imagine having so much talent and potential but then you end up drawing shit like this
wish it was somehow possible to absorb another artists drawing skills and make them your own because some of them rly don't deserve it
No. 489902
>>489887i get asking about what you should do social media wise but why would you ask about what you should do about your irl job on a gossip forum?
and on the social medias i think cultivating a following on the most popular sites will help. for youtube you should research what the audience you want to target usually watches. if you only want to do art for profit you can go for the most disgusting commission ideas furries can squeeze out of themselves, but you might start hating your art and yourself.
No. 489932
>>489647Horrible knees, clavicle, chest, left leg pose impossible and right leg is hovering over the green pillow and not laying on it
>>489887I recommend that you at least work part-time if you are fully invested in pursuing an art career as there will most likely be some financal emergencies in the way that might take a chunk out of your savings.
>>489588Small world anon!
Here the link if anyone is curious I do like the art and see potential if she stopped using tracing as a crutch, but she honestly blew me off when she denied that sh traced it along with her personal wk friend of hers that sent me a msg when I showed proof
No. 490094
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>>489729He's like the lovechild of RCDart and Holly Brown. Except for some baffling reason he actually gets work.
Also he wears sunglasses indoors. He literally looks like fucking PC principal from Southpark.
Not to sound social-justice-y, but does the way he sexualizes nonwhite women seem gross and creepy to anyone else?
Pic related is Marco Bucci's art. Bucci draws stylized monsters and uses impressionist on purpose for his children's book. He does understand anatomy and how to draw things realistically. Becker thinking Bucci doesn't know anatomy is like Becker thinking Picasso doesn't know anatomy.
>>489765If it's satire, he's not being obvious enough about it. If his idea of making it satire is putting on sunglasses, he's a dumbass. The bragging about all the companies he's worked for makes it seem like he's being serious.
A lot of people aren't viewing it as satire, either. Some of the artists he's critiqued have straight-up said that he damaged their revenue? And the artists he rips on aren't douchebags like Greg Land or J Scott Campbell, they're usually just other people on Youtube who do art tutorials. That James guy he "jokingly" ripped on for instance. Becker's video was WAY more popular than any of James', and that could cause people to avoid James' tutorials, which are his bread and butter.
His inability to write intelligent satire is going to bite him in the ass, because however you slice it he's using his actual name and actual art to say some pretty fucking stupid stuff. That's a fantastic way to get blacklisted.
Also, "Ethan" is a douchebag name. Literally every Ethan I've met has been a fucking tool. It's like "Troy" or "Hunter" in that way.
No. 490719
>>489887Honestly I think that you should do what you'd feel most comfortable doing. It's true that doing porn is the fastest way to build a following and make monetary gain from but the problem is that you can easily get stuck in this genre of art and it'll be hard to branch out and do you own thing that's not NSFW unless your work or the idea behind it is that good or interesting. I've seen this happen to a lot of artist who went the porn route only to burn out after a few years.
I currently do freelance art while having a part time job and it certainly helps.I think that
>>489932 is right that at least when starting out, try to keep a part time job just in case for emergency funds and until you're able to make enough money through your art to support yourself.
No. 492392
>>492243Are we talking about her art?
Her art is not good. I’m not sure why you’d think that.
No. 493056
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>>492243What would you even say about this?