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No. 12219
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Unless you have contacts outside of the web, I don't think there's much else that you can do.
In my case, I had lost contact with a crush of mine years ago. I wanted to see how he was doing (to know whether or not it was worth it to still put energy into this silly little crush after all of this time, haha)
Unfortunately, he was never the type to have a social media account so my search turned up nothing and was quickly put to an end. Ah well.
I figure that there's always the future. The world is a small place and the future is very unpredictable. If we meet again, then great. If not then we just have to move on. :)
No. 12249
>>12219You lost contact "years ago" and you're just now considering that maybe it's time to move
on if you never see him again?
No. 12290
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>>12149I know that feeling of curiosity. I always wonder what these people are up to, start digging up their old profiles but there's just some point where it all ended. No hints to new online profiles… and that sucks. It's not an obsessive yearning though. I think if I actually found a recent pic I'd think 'ok, so x looks like this now, nice' and move on.
Like this Japanese, fairly lolcowish girl that was into the whole emo scene. Went under the handle Ayadoll - many profiles are still online but not updated. She seemed a bit dumb, fucked gaijins, was a little on the fat side but still cute. She updated tons of pictures of herself in underwear, there were even ones of her vag on _deviantart_ but she deleted it. I guess she grew up a bit, got a more stable job and such. She must be in her late 20s now. Pic related.
No. 12471
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Not OP, but I kind of wonder what happened to this Youtuber I was kinda interested in years ago.
One day I saw her account was gone. Turns out someone released a video of her masturbating on xhamster and she got rid of everything. I remember some people were even sending the video to her brother to the point where he disabled his accounts as well.
I wonder if she ever came back.
No. 12524
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>>12478I don't remember her name, unfortunately. I wish I did. All reverse image did was show one site full of nudes. I was actually hoping one of you would remember her name. I'm probably wrong, but I could've sworn it started with a "J".
>>12479>>12519I wish I knew more, but she disappeared before I knew what was going on. After I saw she closed down her Youtube and facebook page, I saw there was a video with her in it that wasn't connected to her account and the comments were full of what to search to find her masturbating video. Other comments mentioned where to find her brother's accounts ( she mentioned him in her videos sometimes and included some of the piano pieces he played ). Soon enough he shut down and privated his accounts because he was being sent nudes of his sister and spammed with links of her masturbating videos.
She made some cute videos though. I remember she did a couple hauls, some video about noodles, her circle lens and one reading a story. She had a soft, sweet voice.
No. 12702
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>>12524>>12686>>12693>>12696well, when i searched jeerawan on google, it gave me misslawrara/missreinat from twitter and powderfluffgirl from mfc? i think she got a boob job if it is her.
No. 12704
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>>12702it's jeerawan, right?
No. 12705
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No. 12734
Wow, when I saw
>>12524 a day ago I thought it looked like misslawrara but googled some pics to double check and decided it was just my face blindness acting up again. But if others are thinking the same it possibly is her?
It wouldn't be unprecedented. HaleyIsSoarx/highskoolslut is another YouTuber/MFCer who thought she could keep the two separate but I think she admits it now because I saw her showing off her YouTube plaques on MFC.
No. 12747
>>12734Apparently Jeerawan/misslawrara are the same person.
What a shame. She was adorable when she was on Youtube.
No. 12762
>>12757She was cheery enough on MFC but I pretty much only saw her when she just started and haven't even bothered going into her room since she got implants.
She's on at least a couple times a week I think, usually UK nights. Could be on tonight.
I don't think she's called "misslawrara" anymore but just filter UK models and she'll be in the top 5 if she's on.
No. 19600
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Does someone remember Quinny Moore from the scene days? That ratty hair, holy shit.
No. 19664
>>19649Do you give legitimate compliments that you think are accurate, or do you troll and just try to derail the thread?
I never universally criticize people posted on here, I just post my honest opinions, some of which are positive and some negative.
No. 19689
>>19664Not that anon but I give legitimate compliments and defend the person in question if some buttblasted vendettachan is going too far. I don't just say things to whiteknight, I mean them too.
People here love to jump to conclusions and fashion 'facts' out of thin air just to give others some hate fuel.
No. 19700
>>19664I give legitimate compliments. I find that coconutbabydoll girl so pretty for example but everyone calls me a shitposter or something. I dont understand though, it's a thread dedicated for that girl so why cant i compliment her? She actually IS gorgeous. And Dakota Rose is so angelic and pretty too and everyone whines about photoshop etc… while she is more natural than the hoes you see on instagram. But Spoony for example is the only girl I hate to death because she is so cancerous and asking for it. But I dont even talk about her that much.
>>19650Nice damage control you're doing here.
>>19652I'm here for /b/ discussions and on /pt/ I compliment the so called cows, like I said.
No. 19756
>>19700Oh no it's the kota buttlicker from the kota thread
No. 20180
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>>20174Yup yup. I'm pretty sure I saw a Google cache of a post she made on the complaints forum, but I can't seem to find it anymore. She turned into a bit of a lolcow back then because she drew edgy guro Saccstry-tier stuff a little bit before it was a cool Tumblr aesthetic thing, and she was accused her of tracing too.
Pic related is the only thing I could scrounge up from dA.
She had a Tumblr with the URL as-you-flew-through-me as well, but deleted it. Also a Formspring IIRC, but I can't find that anymore.
No. 34676
Kind of relevant but I very recently rediscovered an old friend of mine online and their life has effectively crashed and burned and I couldn't be happier about it.
We were besties all throughout highschool and I would defend him when people used to try and attack him for being a "faggot" and he would confide in me about his sexuality and I would hold all of his secrets like the fact that he was getting bummed up the back of the woods by the guy who pretended to be one of his primary bullies at school but was also secretly gay.
The area we live in is pretty small, rural and overall intolerant of anything different, so when we ended up at the same college together in a neighbouring, considerably larger town it was like the world the world opened up to us.
This was around the time when scene, emo, Myspace and eating disorders were the "in" thing in the UK, but not long after arriving there suddenly he began congregating around a new, fashionable, "in" group, sitting with them at lunch instead of me, never coming to call on me after college, never inviting me out any where with him new friends, and eventually he began ignoring me altogether.
It all came to a head when one morning before class I saw him chilling at the emo table and I ran up and gave him a hug from behind and he acted as if I wasn't even there. Enraged in my next class I vented to a friend about how he was a dickhead and by chance one of the girls who sat at his table in the lunch hall heard and informed him. When I tried to apologise to him later and explain that I was just upset that he'd cut me out of his life without so much of an explanation he shut me down and told me that I was too immature for him and that he no longer wished to be friends.
Recently I stumbled across him completely by chance on Tumblr and boy am. I. Fucking. Smug.
From what I've garnered, after completing college he packed his ass off to London to attend university studying an art degree doing hideous modern art and shitty flash GIFs. She (I'm just gonna say she from now on) came out as one of those unnecessarily angry, aggressive trans idiots, converted her flat into a "safe space" where she would sit around with her other "trans" students (the type that say they're a trans man but then don't seek HRT, continue dressing exclusively feminine and throw a screaming fit when anybody misgenders them as female) and proceed to shit on and look down on the "poor, uninformed cis peasants".
She graduated, couldn't find work, had to move back to our shitty, rural town and move back in with her parents who lives in a tiny council house on this horrendously chavvy estate and basically does not and frankly cannot leave the house and none of her friends come to visit her and she's too poor to get back down to London so she spends her days on Tumblr and Instagram posting washed out selfies.
Should I feel sorry for her? I totally don't. I'm happy. He abandoned me and left me alone at an entirely new college as soon as he realised that I was inconvenient for his public image because my family were too poor to buy me the latest fashion trends and I wasn't riddled with mental disorders.
This was tl;dr but I really needed to vent this.
Has anybody else had this experience with an ex-friend?
No. 49883
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I did a reverse image search on a guy I knew in high school and found his account on a forum where he posted about emotionally manipulating girls for sex and cheating on them. He was dumb enough to post his pictures (don't do this kids) in a "Rate me" thread. He posted some of the manipulated girl's selfies too.
I found the account back in September, and I've been debating whether or not I should anonymously "out" him in some way. I've taken screenshots but have yet to do anything. I think the only thing holding me back is the fear of getting caught somehow.
No. 50295
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How does it concern you in any way what a person does online in their spare time?
Don't tell me you're actually butthurt on behalf of girls you don't even know
No. 50639
>>50295Online? The shit he is doing is in real life anon.
Post that shit.