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No. 463022
Not trying to vent? Not annoyed? Not asking a dumb question? Post it here.
※ Take any discussion pertaining to feminism, trannies, and/or man-hate to the pinkpill thread: >>463553Prev thread:
>>>/ot/442699 No. 463027
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I’m out of crocodile pears.
Why tf are avocados so high in calories
No. 463037
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dumb wannabe skater bitch from the previous thread reporting back, did end up getting a normal deck and rode around on it for the 1st time today and it was so nice! really weird bc the trucks are more loose but I can lean turn nicely now. can't wait until I get more comfy on it! have literally not been this exhilarated in good 3 years, thank u, overpriced piece of wood with wheels!
No. 463038
>>463003I feel the same way, I got hopeful that lolcow was developing into a real community when the /m/ threads appeared they've ground to a halt. It's depressing to accept that this place is always going to be primarily a gossip board, because I don't know where to go to next when I get fully fed up with reading about how some egirl edits her ass.
Unlike you I worry that the removal of those threads is going to just slow the site down more as some users feel like it's no longer a 'girl power' site, but it's not something I want to argue about and I agree the overspill of shitposting got out of hand.
>>462975Good for you anon, enjoy your rehab!
No. 463079
>>463027Because the creaminess is fat
Supposedly it's good fat though.
No. 463089
I have a hilarious story for you girls. It's partly a vent, but I didn't feel like posting it in the vent thread since in the end I have nothing to complain about. Tl;dr: my abusive on and off boyfriend of 6 years used to tell me I'm dragging him down and am a sole reason he is not a famous millionaire yet, but have recently asked me to marry him for visa for fucking ~$800/month, lol.
So we both are from different post-USSR contries and both have moved to a EU country for uni in 2013, that's basically how we met. However, he was too smart for school (as he claimed, everyone was stupid there and he didn't feel comfortable to be around them), so he stopped going there after like 2 weeks. Then he used different shady ways to prolong his visa without actually having to work/study, such as private schools (where you just pay the money and they leave you alone and don't kick you out even if you never attend any classes) and fake employment. It's when you pay someone who owns a company to empoy you, get your work visa and then pay the "employer" a small fee every month so he could pay your health insurance/taxes/etc with it. He had to pay about $160 each month, which, as he said, "is nothing for someone who makes as much as I do" (with selling drugs). Well I was trying not to be judgemental and yes, he gaslighted the shit out of me, but sometimes (most of the times) he didn't have enough money to pay both rent (which was expensive since he lived in the city center and refused to move somewhere cheaper) and the $160 fee so I payed it for him. Please don't laugh at me, as I already said he gaslighted the shit out of me plus I was afraid he'd get fired and then kicked out of the country, and also me not being as smart as he is, I actually went to uni for computer science and even though I didn't graduated because of mental issues (duh), I was able to lend a good job in IT, so even though I obviously wasn't as rich and successful as he was, it wasn't some huge amount of money for me \s.
So I don't really want to describe our relationship since a) I'm still ashamed of being a dumb ass bitch for not leaving earlier and taking him back b) I'd have to write a fucking thesis-sized post, but let's just say he was constantly bringing me down, telling me I don't deserve him, shitting on me to my face and behind my back, cheating, all of that. I felt like shit all these years, to be honest I still do and sometimes think that he was right and I'm worthless. I was diagnosed with PTSD and depression this winter, this was when I started feeling so bad I had to lock myself up in my room not to fucking kill myself of something. Later when I got kicked out of my apartment for my "shitty" behavior and crying way to loud by my roommates (yes I did cry too loud, but guys I was literally fighting for my life there but yeah who cares), I asked him if I could stay at his place for a little while. At the same time I started having problems at my job since I wasn't going to the office for long time and "worked" from home, however I still offered him to pay 50% of rent. At first he politely told me to fuck off and asked for a break up since we were dating at the time, but I guilt tripped him into letting me in (well I reminded him that I was and am helping him financially through out all these years and supporting him so he kinda owes me and then yes he agreed). When I moved there he obviously started treating me even worse since he felt like he is in charge, even through I did pay 50% rent, pay for all the groceries and still helping him out with his employer and his tax fee.
I snapped the day I was returning from my doctors appointment. I already got my own place at that time, but I was using crutches to walk, so I paid for one more month of rent to be able to stay at his place sometimes or at least leave my stuff there. So I decided to go to his place since I was really tired of walking and he lived near my doctor's office. He wasn't at home, but when he returned he start bitching about how I entered "without permission". Reminder - I was still paying for this place and was using crutches and exhausted from walking up & down the stairs and idk, like I still was his girlfriend. After that I just payed for moving company to get my stuff for me and moved completely and I guess it was the day of the official break up.
So yeah this is just a snippet of our "relationship" so you could get an idea of how I felt and how he behaved. After I moved, he messaged me once and asked to pay his employer again (yes, the audacity), but I lied and said I didn't have money lol. His "employer" was already mad at him for not paying in time/not paying enough, so I guess as soon as I stopped paying for my ex he also snapped and fired him. So at the country we are staying at, if you have a work visa and you loose your employment you have 60 days to find a new one to prolong your visa with. Him being a "successful businessman" he managed to find some job through friends, but the authorities declined his application. I know that because he told me that, obviously trying to gain pity points and ask for help without actually asking for it, since he is a successful man I'm not worthy of, remember? I wasn't taking the bait and I was just like "well I'm sorry for you" or something, but he FUCKING OFFERED ME TO FAKE MARRY HIM. He said my work permit would be enough so he could get at least some temporary visa and promised to pay me $800 a month. I mean bitch you couldn't even afford $160 and you already owe me so much money ugh don't even get me started. So I started making fun of him because omg the audacity, he even emphasized that it'd be a fake marriage, he could at least say something like "oh I realised you are the love of my life pls be my wife" or something along the lines, but he thought I loved him so much I'd go through humilation of marrying someone who not only doesn't love me back, but has been putting me down for YEARS for fucking $800 (I make that amount of money in almost a week) he wouldn't even pay me, obviously. So yeah, I laughed at him, but I have to admit I still kinda have feelings for him (Stockholm syndrome?) and me generally being a beta bitch I felt bad about it and decided to say sorry. I said something along the lines of "I'm sorry, but I don't get it how you are not, since like after all you've put me through you're acting like that". I mean he could litrally at least say "sorry" or something. And then I went to sleep and woke up to a response text from him which said guess what?
"Don't worry about me, I'll figure something out, like I always do".
BITCH I CAN NOT. Imagine being that delusional about yourself. Imagine being a man.
No. 463090
>>463038The kpop takeover ruined everything, summerfags stay here because of those threads
I’d drink every time I scroll trough a BTS sperg but I don’t want to die yet
No. 463104
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After listening to Nina Hagen, most of the famous "edgy" musicians today seem so low-energy and sluggish.
She has such soul. Everything from her voice to the way she moves and emotes. "Banshee queen who scratched her way to the top and grew up around goblins" energy. Grimes and Billie Eilish are utterly unremarkable mice in comparison.
She really walked so these others can run. The rest of these girls are ASLEEP.
No. 463135
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Seeing SJWs ree about this movie is weird.
Haven't seen it so no idea how it actually goes, but all the criticism revolving around "reeee no white/cis/straight girl can have problems or be bullied reeeeee" is bizarre considering no one complains when the billionth movie about a white cis straight FAT girl getting bullied is made.
It's gonna be funny to see them going back to "body positivity!!! uwu" tomorrow.
No. 463148
>>463135I watched the trailer on yt and all the comments are saying stuff like "uhm, tall girls never get bullied?! i know a tall girl and she's doing just fine!" (X000 likes).
It seems like manlets whining about people discriminating them because of their height and sjw who believe being white and "rich" (she seemed to be actually just middle class) absolves you from any problems, came together to collectively shit on this. She's supposed to be 6'1 and they're saying that this is not even that extreme…? How many women are this tall? This literally does make her a "minority". Plus the usual, "she could always model or play basketball".
How many movies are out there, in which the main actress is either the small and cute one or the not-extremely-attractive but quirky one, while the bitchy bully role is reserved for taller girls?
I had a hard time in school because of my height and think I would have enjoyed watching this back then.
Adults should just let teen girls have their light and silly movies, you can't complain about "the youth" being so horrible nowadays, while also not allowing them harmless age-appropriate entertainment like this. Not everything has to be deep.
No. 463150
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>TFW no cute Georgian BF that dances super nice
No. 463154
>>463135In real life this girl would have been scouted by a model agency/coaches
Most pageant girls are her height and it’s so fake that her 5’3” sister would be the most ~cute~ this shite only worked in the help because the average guy was like 5’5” back then and modeling wasn’t heard of in buttfuck middle of nowhere
sjws may sperg but honestly it’s a dumbass movie that’s predictable for dumbass teens
No. 463157
>>463154>In real life this girl would have been scouted by a model agency/coachesAre you joking? This is what only happens on movies.
At her height she would be too tall to model, plus being tall =/= being skinny and pretty.
No. 463171
>>463159>>463157Maybe is different from amerianons because I attended EU catholic school for preppy girls but literally everyone not 5’7+ was deemed ugly or a midget because of “stumpy legs”
That’s only from my perspective due to having classmates and teachers comment on me being the shortest/getting rejected from most teams because I didn’t fit the “physical requirements” for volleyball and lacrosse.
During my first Home EC/sewing class my teacher gushed on how many “heads” my friend was.
No. 463172
>>463171Reminder that tall girls only get shat on if
short guys are the majority
No. 463186
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I unapologetically love trendy shit like egirl fashion or kpop inspired fashion, society loves to shit on whatever young girls like and honestly i stopped giving a fuck about it.
No. 463188
>>463171I also went to an european catholic school and my teachers did things like saying I'm scary for being so tall, assumed I was actually older and repeated class, one even said I won't be able to get married and so on. Not even talking about how shitty the other students were.
If you're not tall then don't go around saying being tall comes with no problems. Same for the tall people (especially men) who weren't bullied, just because you were lucky, doesn't mean it was the same for others.
A 6'1 girl like in the movie is 8 inches taller than the american average; would you also tell a man who's 8 inches shorter than your average guy - meaning 5'1 - that it's not a big deal, that he should just suck it up?
And the "b-but long legs and modelling!" argument is dumb af, only a tiny percentile of all humans is deemed skinny and beautiful enough for that - plus why must I go into certain types of sports or the
toxic fashion industry just because I'm tall? Nobody is telling short girls that they should be happy since their tiny hands are good for work like sewing or nail design either lol
No. 463193
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>>463189>>463190Barbie Ferreira pulls it off quite decently, don't give up anons live your best dreams and tell other people to fuck off
No. 463200
>>463188>If you're not tall then don't go around saying being tall comes with no problems.It's awful how people talk about tall women when they're out of earshot. In my friend group there's one tall girl and on another friend's last birthday, she was running late, they made such disgusting comments about her body.
kinda makes me worried how they talk about my imperfections when i'm not aroundSame thing happened whenever the one tall girl in class left the room; the guys referred to her with the male version of her name, called her "man" and stuff like that.
I wonder how many of these people are the ones who then on the internet claim tall women never get treated shittily?
No. 463212
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>>463186i hate the edgy side of it. it's way more tryhard than normie y2k clothing. i like y2k stuff kinda like pic related, though would prefer it more covered up, but not the mall goth stuff. it's really nlogy or nloby for guys too. i dislike edgy stuff bc lbr if life was that shit for you, you wouldn't be putting all this effort in to dress like this and draw attention to yourself like this. another thing is like, it's already alt to wear y2k stuff, you dont need to wear mall goth stuff to be seen as alt
>>463193this would look bad on anyone, but this looks really bad on her.
No. 463217
>>463211Yeah it was like within the first month of when I started there and it was because it was another supervisor. I thought maybe I would've been blowing things out of proportion by going to HR but now I know better lol. I did have to speak with management about it a few months after it sort of all blew over because we were both put to work an offsite event (with other people too) and I was uncomfortable about it, and all the managers then said I should've gone to HR about it (they didn't do anything besides make sure our shifts didn't overlap).
I doubted myself because the supervisor I confided in was just like "oh you should just talk to him!! don't go to HR!!" but as I continued working there, I realized he was another walking embodiment of sexual harassment. I was naive and too desperate to please everyone at work lol. I can report up to three years after it happened in my state, but I wonder if it's still applicable since I don't work there anymore… Guess I'll look into it.
>>463210We got a lot of creeps towards the end of my time there and I would try to speak with girls about some of the creepier people! It was a question of whether I should report or not for someone else because I never made it to supervisor level so it wasn't mandatory for me/I didn't want to make the girls uncomfortable by outing their problems for them. I tried my best to encourage them to speak to HR or other managers who I knew were trustworthy (some girls did, some didn't).
No. 463223
>>463214I'm glad you know how to handle things now, it's unfortunate having to learn from experience sometimes. I'm glad you helped other girls out and encouraged them to speak out.
I wish all creepy people would just off themselves. Ugh.
No. 463249
>>463203“I’m reporting this for the
sake of the company, what if I’m not the first to experience something like this our PR would be horrible”HR doesn’t give a shit about you but they care about the image of the company ALWAYS make it an
US instead of I so they actually do something
No. 463256
>>463188I'm taller than the character/actress and only ever gotten compliments from women and "positive" attention aka creepy comments from men. I don't get it, shorter women literally wear high heels to try and look taller.
Then again I'd never heard of guys being insecure/judged about being short until getting on the internet and reading men being suicidal for being under 6 feet, beauty standards are a megameme.
No. 463323
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>>463152Holy shit. I was trying to place where exactly I've heard this song, and I realized it's in the beginning of Helter Skelter.
Brilliant. I like that movie, this song and this singer even more now.
No. 463422
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my handwriting "font" is carefully crafted. I spent years trying different combinations of writing each letter, number, and symbol and then "training" myself to write that way. even different ways of holding pens, to get certain stylistic effects. I suppose it just occurred to me that maybe not everyone does this. or do they?
No. 463439
I completely forgot that mindless self indulgence existed for years and I'm listening to some of their songs. I'm feeling nostalgic all of a sudden.
>>463135I haven't watched it but from the reactions I've seen people want to make every single pieces of media about politics, one way or another. They don't get that kids can get bullied over literally anything, it's just a matter of looking or acting slightly different than average and going to school with unhinged sociopaths who were never taught respect by their parents and other authority figures. It's not that deep.
No. 463453
>>463443do you not ever need to take down a note while on the phone or make a to do list, a recipe or post-it note to someone?
do you use tech for that kind of thing?
No. 463456
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>>463422I have… to a degree. I've made a conscious choice to write certain letters in certain ways but I'm nowhere near happy with my handwriting! I really need the right pen/pen/surface underneath/hand pressure to write something I'm happy with and that is aesthetically pleasing to me.
I'm a perfectionist and this has been an issue for me since childhood. I use to write my name over and over again on my notes/work at school until I was happy - which was hardly ever and of course I wasn't paying attention to the teacher when doing this.
I actually want to improve my handwriting cause I journal a lot. do you have any tips or pen recommendations?
oh and another question - have you ever tried hand lettering (like the kind in your pic) I actually have one of those tombow brush pens and want to learn how to write all fancy.
No. 463466
>>463456Sorry for sperging, but I must:
I use a lot of calligraphy tools for drawing and may not be the same, still, ink is my favourite medium.
If you're thinking about getting into calligraphy you should consider the medium basics; every ink has its own properties, as in for blacks is the kind of black (some may be more or less black), opacity, whether they are matte or not (as I draw, I prefer matte finishes, but for calligraphy shiny ones give a beautiful glaze) or viscosity. Some are waterproof (and not all of them are usable with water based colours or inks right away), and ones you should totally avoid with water colours. I'd avoid cheap and low quality inks since they may discourage you because they're harder to control if you don't know what you're doing.
You should try off different types of pens or brushes before you find "your one".
Do a lot of exercises to develop your hand and wrist dexterity. There is no pen who WILL do stuff for you and is the only way you can discover what the pen CAN do for you. On a positive note, I find wrist exercises very meditative and calming.
Don't be afraid to experiment, it may be pricey, but building up your collection of materials and skills is fun and opens you a lot of doors.
There is no "better than", there is just "harder than" or "more compatible with" (mostly depends on your personality!).
Consider also the paper you're buying, as for inks, it is always best to invest in high quality materials, or you may get frustrated before even learning. The less smudgy, the better the paper is. Also, there are a lot of types of paper but it's another long story and someone into calligraphy may help you better on this.
Personally, I love playing around with different pens, nib pens, brushes and inks on a piece and each tool has different purposes, but I get to know them just by studying and experimenting.
Just don't forget to have fun, Anon!
No. 463470
>>463422Yep I'm guilty of this. I would rewrite entire sheets of notes in highschool and college, which actually works well as a study tool… but I did it so my writing was neat, small and meticulous. The obsession started in public school where I mirrored my dad's tiny all-cap lettering.
A lot of people with unique or neat writing styles probably do this planning and practicing thing, but for the majority, they don't think about it or care.
No. 463483
>>463456I'm a fan of thin, clean lines so I prefer .38 or less pen tip. otherwise, I don't care much for a specific type of paper or anything else.
>have you ever tried hand lettering (like the kind in your pic)not really. I like how Chinese or Arabic calligraphy looks, but I have no interest in cursive or other overly… loopy/artistic styles. I guess to me, despite obsessing over its aesthetics, handwriting is still just a functional thing.
although I have designed fonts a couple of times, I just remembered this lol. but they were more sans serif and straight lines.
>>463470>The obsession started in public school where I mirrored my dad's tiny all-cap lettering.ahh that's cute anon. i started obsessing about handwriting style after seeing my mom's. my earliest memory was recognizing her handwriting on a gift box.
No. 463518
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Currently some people in my college are angry that the anime club got rejected, but gay club is still around. I know one of the guys angry about this. He wanted to show me a funny tweet, but accedently showed me his twitter porn account and he follows Ben Sharpino on his main account. I mean of course he does
No. 463555
>>463445>class shamingcancelled sweetie
>>463453I just put it on my phone or text it which I have with me at all times rather than a physical notepad and pen I'm not also carrying around for no reason and the other person might not see for hours
No. 463570
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Seeing 'this is going to blow up' posts on videos that didn't blow up make me sad
No. 463576
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I really want to buy a vibrator online (either from my own personal amazon account or from another site) but I'm worried that ad-tracking will suggest sex toys in my family's amazon account recommendations somehow…
No. 463589
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>>463566Same anon. I miss feeling genuinely excited for things like I did when I was younger, I didn’t realise getting older meant feeling more apathetic towards everything. Guess I’ll be chasing that feeling forever lol
No. 463590
>>463589kek I still lay my clothes out like that when I'm going away, just on my sofa instead.
I find that the best way to keep myself excited and optimistic about life is self improvement. Budgeting, dieting, exercising, studying, looksmaxing, just working towards goals in general. It fucking sucks as you do it, but at least you have something to look forward to.
No. 463593
>>463592I've been getting spam that almost scared me because it puts my password in the subject heading. But the actual content of the message claims they've hacked my webcam and caught me masturbating lmao, which I know isn't possible. If it wasn't for the dumbass blackmailing attempt I'd have freaked out.
I still wonder how they generate my pw but they obviously don't have access to my account if they're trying that shit.
No. 463598
>>463593It is from a website leak like myfitnesspal, they get a list of emails and passwords, but no more info than that. Just ignore the emails and make sure to change your password if you use that one anywhere else. here you can check where the leak originated.
No. 463605
>>463593That's a scam that's been going around.
I've always had a piece of paper taped over my webcam just in case though.
No. 463610
bought a new pillow today, my neck feels in heaven, kicking myself for not swapping out my crap pillow earlier!
>>463597ahh anon, you're living the dream! what produce are you growing?
we used to keep chickens when I was little and I miss it a lot, if I ever get rich enough for a house I'm buying 3 fancy ones and will give them weird old lady names.
No. 463615
>>463610Weird old lady names for chickens are the best. I’ve got Layla, Henrietta, Eggwina, and Hennifer. Growing lettuce, kale, broccolis, strawberries, passion fruit, lemons, apples, carrots, onions, garlic, tomatoes, blueberries, chamomile, a few kinds of chillies, and heaps of herbs. Lots and lots of lavender, irises, daisies, lilies, and daffodils, dianthus, violas, pansies, camellias, ranunculus, some weird yellow rose, other flowers I can’t remember the names of lol.
Planning on adding more veggies once we build another raised bed. Really badly want to get a goat too, but the dogs already have a grudge against the ones down the road so it’s a terrible idea.
It’s a good life but has it’s shit bits. We gonna dig a whole new dam because the old one filled with silt during winter floods. Also chicken shit everywhere and constant weeding. Still recommend it even if it’s just a window herb garden or some pot-friendly fruits or veg. Strawberries, carrots, onions, lettuces, and brassicas all do fine in pots or those hanging gardens. Lots of other plants would as well.
No. 463632
>>463626Okay but it gets floods and summer is usually about 45c.
For real tho, you can learn it really easy. Buy a pot bigger than you think you’ll need, google watering and sun and feeding for individual plants you collect. You don’t even have to buy a lot of them. Capsicums, potatoes, carrots, onions, avocados, celery bases can all grow from seeds or the bases/tops of the plant. You can also look at the prop lifting community for harmless plant piracy. You can do it anon. Release your inner farmer
No. 463637
>>463614If you want gel ink, the pentel energel is pretty good, comes in retractable and capped bodies, has a few different tip sizes. It's pretty juicy, the 0.5 writes pretty thick compared to other 0.5s I use.
The uniball signo line is also really good. Again, capped and retractable options available, and a whole lot of tip sizes (more than the energel, goes from 0.28 all the way to 1.0). My daily pen is the signo RT1, but I like the signo UM-151 and UM-153 (both are capped) too. You'd probably like the signo 207 or 307, the 207 only comes in 0.5, but the 307 comes in both 0.5 and 0.7.
The zebra sarasa line is also one to consider. Their regular pens come in 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.7, and 1.0. They also have more quick drying options, like the sarasa dry, and the sarasa mark-on (which is formulated to work well w/ highlighters without smudging), but they only come in 0.4 and 0.5. The sarasa dry runs a little juicy/lays down a thicker line too, like the energel, so you might like the 0.5.
If you want a ballpoint option, the only one I use is the uni jetstream, I can't really give you any options there.
Go have a look at, anon. They have guides/articles on the pens they carry, and swatches for every product listing. Foster the pen addict inside you.
No. 463652
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I've always felt that people saying "normies ruin everything" was dumb and exaggerated but honestly I've been thinking about it for some reason recently and I think there's some truth in it. I don't necessarily think it's normies but it's the mainstream culture/industry's fault for exposing certain things to the public that used to be more niche and fewer people knew about them. Punk for example kinda lost what made it special and unique when it got popular and the mainstream media tainted it and warped it into it's own creation - it took control basically. That's why i think vaporwave is honestly so important, because it hasn't become that popular outside the internet and that gives regular people, not a capitalist industry, the control over it. It's become a bit of a joke, yes, but that's also the point - PEOPLE have warped it into whatever creation they desire, not some industry people in business suits looking for trends and money.
No. 463661
>>463656>>463658I guess artists have to hide under a rock and never advertise and do stuff for free for the same group of 3 hipsters while they work in some construction site. Thats true art
>invented by regular people on the internet.All artists are regular people, just the fact someone would upload something is for it to be seen and possibly live off of it. The internet itself is a product of capitalism.
No. 463665
>>463652This, but with the zero waste movement.
The fucking irony of zero waste becoming a marketing scheme.
No. 463670
>>463664I feel a generation of multicultural zoomers are becoming Anti-Sjws as a generational backlash to the stuff like cultural appropriation,snakry tumblr feminism,obese trans communists and
trigger warnings which have turned an entire generation of kids away from the mainstream left
No. 463678
>>463615LOVE your hen names omg! straight up inspirational! I'm guessing you live some place quite warm since you can grow tomatoes just outside, jealous! and passion fruit, don't think I've seen one irl kek.
mby try growing sweet green peas? eating them just like that out the pod is such a treat, miss it dearly lol. and sad about your dog not liking goats, we used to keep those as well and they're such funny creatures, the little ones are super cute when they're just born and all wobbly still!
No. 463706
>>463700nta but not blindly following trends and being critical of whatever social dogmas are being disseminated and proliferated is a sure sign of having a three-digit IQ, at least above the average.
Though teens are by nature rebellious so I wouldn't immediately ascribe high IQ to them. It's when you're a young adult and older when those things matter as it's only natural to do your best to fit in the environment as a means of survival. Certain things you say and do can result in social suicide which has always been true, it's just that in current times the list of those things is incredibly long with everyone being touchy about everything.
No. 463718
>>463636Sorry to hear that anon. I think it's actually quite common for people to have nightmares about having to be back in school or university again for some reason. I just had one where a professor directly yelled in my face in a class and I broke down sobbing, really spooked me out as well.
>>463652Honestly I think even vaporwave started to suffer a bit from this although on a smaller scale because for a while as it was gaining steam there was a flood of low quality output that basically turned the whole thing a meme for a lot of people. There was also people using the vaporwave style for their “aesthetic” pictures or memes (and the right’s stupid and ugly as shit attempt at “fashwave”) and I think through that it just got watered down and began to feel kind of lame.
No. 463748
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I wish I could become this beautiful out together woman but I’m stuck at Bridget Jones for the time being
No. 463770
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I just remembered that I’m still upset that Magical Girl Site got a shitty anime lol
No. 463812
>>463793The anime rushed some parts and took out my fave characters
>>463803Because people who read this are obviously looking for tasteful fluff lol
No. 463816
>>463151Late to the party but this was so interesting to watch, thank you for sharing.
I wish dancing wasn't a 'gay' thing in the west, guys wouldn't have to go to the gym all the time if they did a fraction of this. The guy with a beard was such a chad.
>>463222They look like they're having such a great time, being apologetically enthusiastic and healthy and flexible together in spandex
TIL I want to get fit, maybe do a dance class
No. 463817
>>463816Male dancers are something else, honestly. The strength they have gives them such huge jumps with so much air time, I'm just in awe of them… something like Ukrainian folk dance or classical Chinese dance really shows how impressive they can be.
It's just sad and ironic that so many other boring athletic skills are put on a pedestal for men but when they can do something really amazing it's 'gay'.
No. 463851
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I wish i was american just so i could easily change my name, my country is crappy about it, you can't change your name unless you troon out or are named something like Penison.
I know its dumb and petty but i hate having such a generic name (its something like Karen Smith in my mother language), specially as a graphic designer, boy does it make branding hard as fuck.
On top of that i can't legally use an alias that is not derivate from name either, since it could easily be seen as "identity fraud"
Ideally i wish it could be Bonnibel
No. 463855
>>463851As a graphic designer, can't you have a design house or company name?
>>463830>The mods did something I don't like so they must be men/trans/incelsYou sound so stunted right now
The overlap between the transpassing thread on snow and the GC thread on OT confuses me, it isn't clear what is meant to go where except for how pink pill stuff just isn't meant to go anywhere. The transpassing thread seems like pointless nitpicking of low hanging fruit tbh, we might as well go back to having an ugly thread if that represents quality /snow/ content
No. 463857
>>463855Ideally in the future, but you need a company registration to use one (they call it juridic person register far as i am aware)
My freelance early twenties ass has no cash to be anywhere close to eligible to one of those
bureaucracy is a bitch
No. 463865
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Gonna build a tiny house. Pretty stoked.
No. 464009
>>463886I like acid as much as the next guy but giving it as an apology gift seems pretty weird.
OT question though, how to best store your acid in the freezer? I've got quite a few tabs that I almost never use and I'm scared that they'll lose potency if I just leave them in a baggy for long periods of time. I've heard about storing it in the freezer but am kinda paranoid about not sealing it correctly and moisture ruining it.
No. 464041
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I always thought the dolan twins were loud hypebeast idiots, ended up seeing their videos and they seem actually kinda normal and nice, cute even. I never talked shit about them or anything, I just feel like this was a pleasant surprise and I feel like a judgemental old hag.
No. 464043
>>464009It was a throwback to a conversation we had had a while back so there was an actual meaning behind it! Also I really really like acid lol
I'm always a bit terrified about putting it in the freezer because i'm paranoid it'll get ruined (esp sugar cubes) but I've never managed to actually do that. What I usually do is wrap it in foil, vacuum seal it in plastic and then put it in a tight container, make sure there isn't any moisture in it and pop it in. The vacuum seal isn't really necessary, just plain zipper bags have been good too, but since I have a vacuum sealer around so might as well. I think the longest time I've stored tabs this way was like a half a year or so and I didn't notice a drop in potency.
No. 464068
>>464053omg I'm not alone! been snooping on /esg/ and their discord but it is literally so male and insufferable, I think lolcow has severely lowered my tolerance for male only imageboards kek.
fuck your guy friend for ruining your fun! maybe try finding a nice parking lot or empty street? I usually go to a further-out campus parking lot or a nearby roundabout (wide and smooth sidewalks!) after like midnight bc then there's next to no one passing by and I'm a shy paranoid idiot kek. it still does feel weird being like a bitch in her 20s fucking around on a skateboard all alone in a clearly amateurish way in such a public manner kek, but imo the fun is worh it! like I find myself grinning the entire time.
also very impressed that you have actually been to a skate park, still seems like the scariest place on earth and I haven't been a fat middleschooler in some years now lol. do you know any tricks?
No. 464116
>>464068Yeah omg I'm in my 20's too lol. Wish we could go together! The roads here are so shitty so I'm not sure where I can find a place to go that is out of the way and also smooth.
And yeah it's an outdoor park in the suburbs where I live, it wasn't too intimidating since some guys go there alone to do their thing, on bikes too. But still would not go alone haha. And no I don't know any tricks at all lol!! There are some small areas like behind the half pipe to practice dumb shit.
An indoor one recently opened here and they have girls nights, so maybe I will work up the courage to go one day! Maybe there is a group or something like that you can join in your area??
No. 464118
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A few years ago I got an old drawing book that no one wanted and it had someone’s signature inside. This week I googled the name out of curiosity and it matched with a bibliophile from the early 1900s. He donated his entire collection to a Uni so now I’m wondering if I should email them to confirm if it was his or not
No. 464196
>>464116god, I do empathise with shitty roads, generally they're pretty crap here too, so jealous of all the people who can just skate to campus/shops (not that I would but in theory!). if it's such a local skatepark, maybe try going early in the morning then? should def be deserted but the commitment of getting up early (hmm emoji).
I don't think we even have an indoor skate park here, let alone have girls nights, def go and I'll live vicariously thru you! making sk8rgrl friends honestly sounds so dreamy lol (also then you could try getting a new skate buddy in place of your guy friend!).
I tried snooping around for groups in my area but I think it's just friend networks and such, nothing on fb or similar "official" exists. there's a local skate shop and they put on events now and again but for like people who
actually know how to skate, like competitions and stuff, and I literally don't know anyone who'd be willing to go w me and spectate/try to mingle and stuff.
currently I'm just praying we continue to have a dry autumn, followed by dry and not sub-zero winter, don't want to atrophy whatever skills I have! can almost do decent kickturns now! next goal is figuring out how to pick up the board in a kool manner and do the weird running start thing as well kek
No. 464213
>>464212Because we aren't 4chan and trying to put teenage girls in danger just for obsessing over shoplifting and being snowflakes
IMO they should just get in trouble with the law, not have their address and info being put out there for crazy people and perverts to see
No. 464221
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A girl i used to feel jealous of because she dressed cool and was pretty just turned into a fake boi and looks dumb af. Feeling good.
No. 464251
>>464231Try to get the drugs tested before trying and get a controlled environment where you're not alone.
My first rail was too "shy" and I only got a bit euphoric, second one got me high, I don't think microdoses in a clinic would give more than mild euphoria, but I guess it depends on which effect you're looking for. I asked the guy preparing my rail not to give me an hallucinogenic dose since it was my first time taking drugs that are not weed in a room full of people I didn't know well.
No. 464285
>>464269I would've been interested in hearing more about the social aspects than the fucking clothes.
Who cares if she can't wear jeans? Lots of people can't "wear" jeans, and imo there was nothing wrong with the white pants that fit her like capris, or the shorts she was wearing.
Her mom is trying way too hard to prop her up like some kind of biological freak.
No. 464669
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There's a girl I like at my dorm, she's sweet and doesn't seem to have ill intentions towards anyone. She's learning programming and I want to help her so bad because she's kind of struggling with it, but I'm an artfag and I don't know shit about physics or programming languages.
I would do anything to help her and that's scary because I've only known her for three weeks. I don't even know if I have a crush on her because I'm not attracted to girls???? Idk, I just want her to be happy. She gives me really good vibes.
No. 464672
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>>464647He has a big dick at least, yeehaw
No. 464793
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I wannnnnt a fucckin Starbucks cake pop
No. 464928
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I noticed that I've been WAY more emotional a week before my period than usual for the last year or so. My mood tanks so badly and I get extremely depressed and suicidal, way more than usual. I already asked both my gyno and general doctor to check my hormones or bloodwork, anything to see if something's wrong, but they both shrugged me off and said it's probably stress. Yes I'm stressed but I noticed that there's a pattern and it's never been that bad. Fucking doctors.
No. 464935
>>464928welcome to the PMDD club
everything is terrible
No. 465013
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This is my favourite picture on the Internet
No. 465024
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i just wish i could have a son and name him solaire but it will never happen (thankfully). sigh. why is adulthood like this?
No. 465055
>>465038because irl i compulsively praise those that are vulnerable and i can't stop. not just men. and when people fuse their emotions and vulnerabilities with flexing their smarts, you don't want to hone in on the intelligence part when people are supposedly being vulnerable with you. you kind of have to drop it so they don't either have a breakdown or spite or kill you. this effect is magnified when youre dealing with men because we're told to value them. i dont even like these people, especially the guys, but i compulsively force myself to compliment them and make them feel appreciated even if i know it's not true. it makes people think i like them more than i do, when really i'm just trying to be helpful on a person to person level, not a friendly or romantic one
other than my habits, we are definitely encouraged to be hypemen for guys though and i feel influenced by that and feel like i don't really care to actually correct them about how inflated their egos are. it's too much work trying to bring those people back to reality anyways
No. 465059
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I just wanted to stay home yesterday and enjoy my weekend by napping and maybe playing some more vidya games. A friend texted me early in the morning asking if I wanted to go see Promare and I said that I couldn't since I'm broke af right now, which isn't a lie, but I also just really wanted to stay home. He said he'd treat me because he really wants to go see it, so I caved and went with him. We got a quick bite before the movie and holy fuck 10/10 zero regrets, I loved the movie and the soundtrack absolutely SLAPS. I can only pray they put it on Spotify because whether I buy it or illegally download it, I'm just too much of a lazy asshole to switch between music apps nowadays lol. I'm a little tired today but yesterday was worth it (I'll probably invite him out to get pasta at our favorite place as thanks once payday hits).
No. 465215
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>>465214Sure, anon.
>A forum like this one has much more of a bitter, angry energy.That definitely explains why the k-pop general/critical threads here are thriving, kek.
No. 465226
>>465221>No true ScotsmanOh, so it's not just that the anon was self-contradictory. They were just making a retarded, fallacious argument that you agree with.
Now that's true autism.
No. 465242
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mfw too much anxiety to eat
>omg you’ve lost so much weight, you look so good
No. 465353
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So theirs this vlogger called James,he's a Gymcel who appeared on the BBC Incels documentary and other Incels hate him
Unlike some Incels he actually looks good apart from a slightly crooked nose and acne but he has so many body image issues and lack of self confidence that he never even tries to ask a woman out on a date,he doesn't even do any online dating and the comment section of his videos are filled with women telling him that he's attractive and asking him out but he think their all trolls that want to make fun of him
I really just wish he could at least try
No. 465358
>>465354Nostalgia was originally thought off as a mental disease, a psychopathological disorder and from way back then to ancient times it was always seem as a melancholic illness.
I don't mean that all nostalgic feelings are to be shut down, but wallowing in it is not sane. People should learn to move forward and let go too.
No. 465361
>>465353I've watched a bunch of his vids before and tbh he has mentioned things like losing his temper, losing jobs because of his temper and being quite paranoid, by incel standards he's far from the worst but he's not quite right in his head
Last I saw he had met his long distance 'gf' for a few days and the comment section was all warning him to slow down on putting all his hopes in her. She seems to also have mental health problems and trauma around sex that meant they weren't even intimate and they managed to fight during their short trip
No. 465363
>>465361She was one of the women who used to comment on his videos to say that she was Interested in a relationship with him and after time he might have realized she must was genuine
he mentioned in some of his other vlogs that he did lose his virginity to her at age of 31
I hope they can make each other happy
No. 465366
>>465363I just remember the vid where he talked about their first meeting, every comment was warning him to slow down.
Checking on him now I see he had surgery on his nose, I never thought his looks were the real issue with him. I think his mental health could do with a proper assessment to see why he obsesses over various things looks-wise and why he has the paranoid tendencies
No. 465386
>>465374Its very convenient for media corporations that want to keep milking their IPs in perpetuity. For example Disney owns everything and has like a hundred years of catalog of animation, superheroes and star wars to rehash so nostalgia and "retro revivals" are going to stay marketing as long as marketing exists.
Can't really blame them though, if i were an artist that has not been that popular since 20 yrs ago i would probably look to cash in on the nostalgic angle too because its more likely to sell to my aging nostalgic audience than find a new gimmick. And even the younger kids like larping like they know "oldschool" stuff so it always works.
Is another cultural
toxic shit that builds organically , its taken for granted and its hard to get away from.
No. 465413
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Office sweets anon from the last thread. The company president just came back from a business trip and brought a bunch of cookies for the office. I picked out one from this box, and they're so good!! They looked like egg tarts which is why I picked it, but they have citron jam in the middle and I looooooove citrus sweets!! What a good day.
No. 465419
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>>465413if you like those anon these ones are also really, nice the brand itself had lots of great stuff
No. 465455
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>>464783He looks like Jenna Marbles' bf to me haha wtf
I wonder how he acts when he's "suppressing" the symptomps? He talked about having people in his life who don't know about his mental illness until he tells them, so I'm kinda curious about that.
Also good on him for accepting that divorcing his ex was the right call to make.
No. 465501
>>465500Something about creepy pictures just makes me feel really unsettled. Growing up I had an overactive imagination and I thought ghosts/murders were lurking around every corner of my apartment/in the shadows, and putting a creepy face that I had the misfortune of seeing on the internet to those made up ghosts/murders made things worse.
I grew out of it, but even as an adult it still does make me feel uneasy. Just… creepy beady eyes staring at me and then if the image is clear/large enough, it just kind of burns itself into my mind for a while until I'm able to blur it out.
No. 465523
>>465455I think he doesn’t meet those people often irl but has contact with them. His socially media presence is obviously depressed sometimes but otherwise coherent and pretty normie, populated with other normies. Intersting that he seemed functional still in 2017, ex military who had a blog and was involved in theater. I wonder what happened that
triggered such severe onset.
No. 465644
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>>465622>Like men monkey brain wild sometime.>she is selling her ass and dignity for a videogame Girl, check your own monkey self
No. 465658
>>465622Hey, I have a bunch of old pokemon cards, I'll trade you that for surrogate motherhood, that sound ok?
I'm also in the possession of a bunch keys I can dangle in front of your face when you deliver so we can skimp on the painkillers.
No. 465770
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I was walking into a coffee shop and briefly made eye contact with the guy opening the door on his way out; he was gorgeous and it felt like time stopped. He kind of just awkwardly stood there and forgot he was leaving for a few moments, and I feel a small sliver of self esteem from that.
I want his number
No. 465930
>>465872Unfortunately this was almost at around midnight last night; he looked to be in a hurry, and maybe not from around here. It'd be easier if it was in the morning or daytime, because he might be a regular getting a coffee before work, meaning I might run into him again, but this feels like a one-off thing. But hey, maybe. I don't think I have the guts to approach him myself though. He's pretty intimidating looking; he came off as stand-offish and was dead quiet when I thanked him for holding the door open.
also, he's very model like. He was dressed very nice street wear, and I was a in a big punk patched army coat and ripped jeans. I feel dumb. It was only a few seconds; I'm likely over-analyzing that little moment.
No. 465944
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>>465939You're right.
I liked short better.
No. 465953
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>>465939>>465944But it's Sailor Pluto
No. 465954
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My round son finally here
No. 465964
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>>465953I thought it was sailor mars
No. 465968
>>465964OP photo has dark green hair, red eyes, and red diamond earings/white suit Setsuna wore in the episode she became a human/lived in the human world.
You ain't wrong tho, all main sm characters are drawn exactly the same, only major difference being hair cut and coloring.
No. 466039
>>465958>>465961Thankies… I'm so happy.
>>465963Sorry for the late reply, his name is Koupen-chan!!
No. 466160
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Twins are creepy. Some twins came in where I work, and they get the exact same order and then they talked about how they wear the same clothes and they tried their best to talk in unison.
No. 466374
>>466160it's just an act in most cases. They want you to be fascinated or weirded out by them. Read about Gibbons sisters if you want to get properly creeped out.
What I wouldn't give to read their spergy teenage novels.
No. 466479
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This got mixed reviews in theater
No. 466547
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At Subway I like to get a footlong Veggie Delite on Wheat, no cheese, lots of garlic oil, toasted, with lots of spinach, little lettuce, onion, bell pepper, tomato, salt pepper, lots of jalapenos and lots of olives. It tastes very good! I just ate it, after I make it myself. I wish we got a free meal after working a certain amount of time, today I worked 7 hours no break, so a free sandwich would be nice. I still get 50% off discount for up to $8 worth of stuff, so my sandwich is like $2.70.
No. 466587
>>466547I used to work at a Ruby Tuesday and I would be able to get meals 20 percent off, but if I were with family members it would be only 10 percent. What sucks is that it had to be a main meal, couldn't shit around and just get some sides. I paid like $5 for a handful of sweet potato fries without realizing I wasn't getting a discount.
Free salads though. I always went home with a big salad for my boyfriend and I.
No. 466891
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>>466869not a burguer, shut up
No. 466937
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Once all the good true crime stories dry up god knows what will happen
No. 466958
I get bored of relationships so easily if my partner isn't passionate. I don't care about casual shit or flings so I've never bothered with that. What I really want is an intense life-long relationship… By intense I don't mean the guy is abusive, possessive, or controlling. Just eager, adoring, and happy to be with me, and actually showing it constantly.
My current boyfriend showed wonderful signs of this in the beginning. He constantly wanted to talk all the time, always asked for my opinions, made little things for me, complimented me all the time, etc. After several months that died down a bit and now he's not enthusiastic. I know he's still happy with me and he's still thoughtful, but he's not as cheerful and flustered and cute as before. I feel like I'm putting all the effort into conversations, and he kinda just floats around not contributing. I don't know how to explain it, but you know how a lot of people just don't have any vigor or passion for anything, mostly apathetic, and walk around with dead fish eyes all day? That's how he seems like to me now. I feel my sex drive going down a lot and now I just want more alone time.
I know all about the honeymoon phase and all that jazz, but I've seen some people talk about how their partners treat them just as amazing as when they first met. Even after they'd been married for 20+. So surely, the kind of relationship I want has to be possible.
No. 467003
>>467001on topic but unrelated, wtf is up with kinkfags looking down on people who legitimately like vanilla sex? what is so wrong about someone
not calling you names or hitting you while doing something intimate?
No. 467006
>>467003They're trying to reverse society's views that their fetishes make them weird. "Oh, yeah? W-Well, you have BORING sex, so there!".
What I don't understand is why some people need the whole world to know what gets them off. Keep that shit to yourself. I'm tired of cumbrains thinking that their exhibitionist tendencies are politically
valid in any way. Kink-shaming is
not a real problem.
No. 467012
>>467006I had this exfriend who told me that he isn't sexually free enough in society because if he were to accidentally send a selfie of himself in a collar to his work snapchat group… some
toxic banter from other males would happen. Lol he also was the type who has huge self esteem issues but simultaneously has a fetish for showing off his body. He went to a costume party in nothing but a speedo.
No. 467077
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>>467059 I agree with this 100% but also feel conflicted in a way that I find the smallest things to like in people's faces but hate it when people do the "yea but his nose is asymmetrical, too bad". What I also find super odd is how some people always think that unnaturally bright white teeth = healthy aka attractive. Inb4 healthy teeth are attractive, of course they are but I am talking about fake looking tile teeth.
No. 467232
>>467229I think that getting into a craft is a perfectly fine idea. At the very least don’t be overpaying for degrees from even moderately pricey schools
>>467231I just can’t see it that way when everyone I know is complaining about the debt they will have until they die and how they’re struggling even though they went to fancy schools for fancy shit
No. 467236
>>467225There's no particular career or degree I want, so university would be a horrible financial decision for me
>spend tens of thousands on the degree itself>lose tens of thousands a year in salary because I'm not working full time while studying>lose retirement savings that are contributed by my employer>lose even MORE in opportunity costs because I wouldn't have savings to invest >all for a degree that might not even get me a job at all, let alone one I enjoy that financially compensates me for the aboveI'm not American though, our job market is that bad so it's reasonable to expect a decently paying (if mediocre in status) job without a degree. My job isn't going to impress anyone or ever make me a lot of money but at least it's low stress, and starting young has made me extremely financially stable regardless.
No. 467403
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I kinda wish there was a thread on goth sub culture, even though I myself am not a goth, I'm interested in the subculture and have a lot of questions and things I'd like to discuss with goths. there's a subreddit for goths but it seems like it's mostly cringey memes..
I wouldn't feel right starting a thread here though because I'm not goth and I don't know if anyone would even post in it? it wouldn't be just about goth music but the subculture as a whole, but since the subculture is music based maybe it would fit better on /m/ but there's already 2 music threads there and I don't wanna flood it with a thread for every genre of music. or maybe there could be a thread here for subcultures in general? just an idea.
No. 467409
>>467399I promise you you'll definitely be miserable holding grudges or trying to sabotage. Just try your best and tell that coworker to please correct anything you're doing incorrectly as you're new. Avoid that
toxic work environment as much as possible.
No. 467524
I like using old fabric or clothing and making something new, even if it doesn't fit my own aesthetic. I'd like to sell some of it but now I'm feeling scared. What if my sewing skills aren't good enough and the items rip, what if I make items that I think are cute but nobody else likes them, what if people think my prices are too high, should I open an etsy just for the shop even though I already resell clothes on every other platform? Then there's the social media aspect. Do I use my personal, with less than 100 followers, or use a shop account, how do I get an audience, how do I get myself to post regularly when my attention span lives between my full time job and the dozens of other things I'm interested in, what if I can't maintain an aesthetic because I know everyone, that I follow at least, is obsessed with it. This shit is so stupid. These are just feelings that come with trying new things and I'm sure it won't be that bad but I still gotta worry.
No. 467574
>>467524Sounds interesting, that’s the sort of clothes I wear.
Maybe you could post some anonymous pictures of the less unique garments, or just closeups of seams and closures on sewing forums and ask for some constructive criticism before deciding about the shop.
They’re pretty friendly communities, and would be happy to tell if you if your construction seems sturdy enough and all that. Then you can get some honest feedback without your name or face attached to the pieces being critiqued.
No. 467587
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>>467043teach me your ways elf lady
No. 467828
>>467827Same here anon. I've basically given up on dating apps now because it seems so prevalent.
It's already hard as is trying to find a nice butch gf without all that ~*~demi boy~*~ genderspecial bullshit, and now on top of shifting through all that garbage, I have to shift through all this fucking poly bullshit!!! Fuck me for just trying to have a nice monogamous lesbian relationship!!
No. 467831
>>467828Person you responded to.
I find it annoying enough being fairly straight, but I could only imagine it would suck for lesbians and would be full of girls just questioning their sexuality or still dating guys and using the poly label so they can 'try' it out for kicks. Also yeah, I don't know what happened to plain old lesbian or gay, there's all these weird labels now and I feel old trying to wrap my head around it.
I don't even bother with apps. I prefer to meet people organically in life because I swear you can't pick up red flags online. I mean some people hide red flags irl pretty well, but I couldn't imagine dealing with this shit online.
Which brings me to another question, what is the world is a demiboy? Is that one of those grey area trans labels? And do people actually advertise themselves as it on dating apps?
No. 467833
>>467827Good thing is they'll grow out of it soon enough because feelings ALWAYS get hurt. Just be fwb for fuck's sake, literally.
t. ex-polyfag
No. 467864
>>467827i hate how condescending they are about it, too. like you're some repressed trad moron for not wanting to be physically and emotionally cucked all the time by your partner. you can tell just by side-eyeing the losers and pick-mes who defend this poly shit to death that they're absolutely broken inside and that the only way they feel they can be "loved" is by enforcing no boundaries whatsoever in some millenial effort to appear "woke" and "open-minded".
call me conservative if you will, but i think this "poly" fad is a big ole' excuse to be self-indulgent. if you can't handle being in a committed, adult relationship, then don't be in a relationship.
No. 467872
>>467831Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I believe it's when someone identifies only
partly as male (and the same is true for demigirls). It's just another stupid ass fucking label, possibly one of the dumbest I've ever come across. I've definitely come across these people more than I'd like to see on dating apps. I'll download a dating app and use it for a few days before I realize how fucking tiring it is to shift through all these fucking genderspecials to maybe find one potential person I'd like to talk to. Then I jsut delete it, rinse and repeat every few months lol.
No. 467901
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I wanna buy a bunch of merch from this new Pokemon collection/collab but it's going to be so much $$$ especially since I'm in the U.S. and would be buying through a 3rd party… but FUCK ME I love pikachu so much and the art is so dumb but so cute and endearing at the same time.
No. 468108
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I'm not religious in any way but I love beautiful, old, and preferably small churches. I've been googling the oldest churches in my country, hoping I could go see some of them this weekend, but they're all so far away. The ones that are closer to my hometown are all those ugly, "modern" ones. I guess I'll have to wait until my next vacation.
No. 468265
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why are all the words for genitals so gross, like "cock", i cringe every time i see that word. why couldnt we have had some nice-sounding words for genitals
No. 468272
>>468270What the fuck, anon?
Call emergency services now.
Also good thing you can still type.
No. 468295
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>>468270>>468288Don't take meds.
No. 468373
>>468326She was just saying she doesn't take any meds in response to the question, lol. Chill.
Anyway then idk. If it keeps happening I'd go to the doctor.
No. 468405
>>468394Wow she should try being funny instead.
Marie goes places she is neither wanted or welcome is a terrible premise to try and base a comedy career on.
No. 468707
>>468706sane fag
That film is still the best Hollywood portrayal of a woman's experience in a male-dominated workplace I've seen. When I rewatched it a while ago it struck me how clearly it portrays a predatory male gaze as the monster.
No. 468713
>>468707>>468706i love both the movies and books of red dragon/silence/hannibal so much.
i agree that its a good portrayal of sexism, i also like to think that those situations only added to showing how intense, focused, and determined clarice was. her job was literally to deal with scum. and if she let that really get under her skin how could she stay focused on what really mattered at hand and that was to find buffalo bill? but buffalo bill on the other hand, really had some fucked up gender issues and that one stuck with me more than getting cat called. something about human skin suits to become a woman is high key batshit
No. 468716
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>>468706>>468707>>468713It predicted r/transpassing
No. 468743
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>mfw seeing all the "#boycottdollskill" stuff on Twitter and finding out it's a shitty company in more ways than I initially thought, but I already ordered something from them
Well, shit. A lot of their stuff is overpriced trash, but some of the accessories can be cute. I can't use Taobao instead at the moment for logistical reasons, either. It sucks, but boycotting them will save me money, anyway.
No. 468752
>>468748So because you personally haven't been affected by obvious misogyny, you can't possibly comprehend why other women might feel differently.
Can you really not step outside of your own personal experience and look throughout history and time and see/understand the general experiences of other women? Or even those today in countries like India and Africa?
No. 468757
>>468745They steal designs a lot, resell shit from Taobao at high prices, their quality can be pretty bad (lots of people mentioned paying high prices for shoes that fell apart), their customer service can be crap (one person said they never received an item they ordered, and had to message customer service for 2 weeks for them to ship another one and to "be more careful", while another person received a broken item and asked for a refund, but only got a 15% off code, and one more noticed they said you can't return underwear/swimsuits with the lining removed, but they purposely send all swimwear and underwear without lining). They also fire their employees if they find out they've done sex work before (despite their entire brand kind of pandering to that scene/aesthetic).
There was also the time they put out a sweater reading "Goth is white" with no explanation, a shirt reading "Dead Girls Can't Say No", and those tacky Native American headdress and generic Chinese girl costumes.
Most recently, they cancelled a promo deal with a girl after finding out she was in a wheelchair, and she went public about it. They started saying it never happened, then had her account locked down when she posted proof. for why people like it, its items and overall aesthetic make it popular with raver types (as you said) and those who like alt fashion.
No. 468764
>>468748>It's like we've lost the ability to recognize that there might be shades of gray to an issue.You mean, some women have lost the ability to pretend there are shades of grey after enough exposure to men and their actions? Refusing to bury your head in the sand is not an inability to see nuance. Unlike easy, thoughtless attitudes like 'both sexes can be equally shitty', which will never force you to confront uncomfortable truths about people you want to believe the best in, and patriarchal institutions like marriage or makeup that personally benefit you.
It's just so intellectually dishonest to baww about shades of grey and then be like 'but makeup and dressing feminine aren't oppressive unless you're forced to do it!' 'marriage is great!', like there aren't infinite shades of grey when it comes to the way social conditioning and pressure work within an oppressive system. Like, the very basic concept that just because you, personally, enjoy something doesn't make it good for women as a whole.
No. 468780
>>468779this falls apart when you realize that everything you want to blame people of a race for is actually what that race's
men do, not the women, lmao.
No. 468788
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I feel like when i listen "Little people" it sounds even more belittling than "Midget" even when is supposedly the pc term for people with dwarfism. I mean, when i hear midget i know it refers to that specific condition but little people are gnomes.
P.d not a native english speaker and midget and dwarf both can only be translated to the same word in my language.
No. 468795
>>468772Race was at no point brought up, and men being the overwhelming majority of violent crime perpetrators is a global phenomenon. But sure anon, a post with no mention of race is racebait.
Guess the burgers are out and about again.
No. 468800
>>468797Well yeah not all men. Sexual abusers usually have a very high number of
victims and men are more likely to get murdered but it's still an extremely rare way to die anywhere. This is why your ideology is on a second wind thanks to the trans backlash since the average woman loves the men in her life and if you could tone down the autism maybe you could effect real change rather than just make yourselves more miserable in echochambers.
No. 468804
>>468800Yes, but they’re murdered by other men.
No one believes all men are dangerous. But enough men are that women as a whole are not safe. This is something extremely basic that all strains of feminism understand
No. 468814
>>468752>>468764>>468804The funny thing is the women I know who have been the most abused by men in life i.e raped,abused,beaten , thrown out of their houses,had acid thrown on their faces e.t.c are never extreme manhaters they understand that the people who hurt them were bad men and still mantain healthy relationships with men in their live
The unironic manhaters from my experience tend to be middle class white women who had a couple bad relationships and read some books by upper middle class white femenisits in the 1970 and act as if they know better then everyone else
No. 468819
>>468814Ah yes because upper class white women are immune to abuse, right?
Also nice undermining about "a couple of bad relationships"
No. 468821
>>468818chill out, there's no reason to get so defensive. maybe stop responding to scrote bait for 5 seconds. the anon i'm referring to posted on /ot/ a lot just a few months ago, not to accuse you of being a newfag, but she would cry in vent threads about how all the men and women in the world hate women and want her dead. if you don't know who i'm talking about sorry but i can't get caps atm.
there was also that anon who unironically started a femcel thread.
No. 468824
>>4688211) What the hell are you on about
2) I've lurked man hating threads and pinkpill since it first came out and don't know what the fuck you are talking about
No. 468825
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No. 468827
>>468826>If you can't stop responding to obvious menAgain. What the fuck are you talking about
>And being a retardCould say the same about you. You know you lost when you can only make insulting one liners
(infighting) No. 468831
>>468827do you really think that
>>468800 is a woman or are you just that stupid?
(infighting) No. 468834
>>468814Could someone tell me if this bait or not? Should I just report it?
I'm honestly sick of anons presuming white women are immune to abuse and misfortune.
No. 468899
>>468706>>468716alright back on topic,some real dumbass shit.
Silence of the Lambs Musical(which exists for some reason)
No. 468934
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My current boyfriend has been the 'smallest' guy I've ever been with but the sex is so good and he always hits my g-spot. I would also get really sore after awhile with others but I can keep going and going now. Used to be a self proclaimed size queen but really I think that all that really matters for me is how I feel about them emotionally and everything else seems to fall into place.
No. 469084
I'm a true crimefag that goes on the Unsolved Mysteries subreddit a lot. Yesterday I stumbled upon a thread that that was talking about internet mysteries and there was one post about "the most mysterious song on the internet" (not actually related to true crime in the slightest but still an unsolved mystery). I guess there's a song that no one knows who sang or wrote it but it's up there on YT. It was probably recorded sometime in the 80s. Curious, I gave it a listen and….I actually really liked it. I've always liked 80s synthpop shit so it figures. Sucks that we'll never know the artist because it made me wonder if they had any other good stuff. Also weird for saying that I unironically really like a song that's more known for being for being mysterious than anything else. Bummer.
The song in case anyone in interested. No. 469108
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Will I ever find a job that I can live of off? No? Yea thought so.
No. 469142
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Did G.I Joe ever do something like this? No. HAIL COBRA
No. 469146
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Since it became October the weather immediately went from warm and sunny to cold and overcast with rain. I really love this but at the same time it also makes me lazy af in the morning and I already stayed in bed over an extra hour the last two days
No. 469204
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I wish I could talk to lolcow's amanda seyfried hater cause I hate the bitch too.
No. 469217
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>>465214ok, i dont usually respond when im backreading, but
>the main vibe of the kpop community is an happy, excited vibehahahhahahhahhahahhahahahhahahahhahaahahhahahahahahhahhahahhhahhahahahhahahhahhahahahhahahhahahahha
No. 469239
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It took 3 months, but I just finished reading Homestuck. Not sure what to feel. I unironically like the story and enjoyed the journey, despite the clusterfuck that it is. I started reading it because I stopped a little after the end of Act 5 back in high school and it just felt like… I don't know, one of those things that I feel like I should read in its entirety at least once. I didn't really enjoy it back then, I skimmed through a lot of it just so I could meet the trolls, but damn I really enjoyed taking my time and really getting to know the characters and actually laughed at some of the stupid, corny jokes.
Sometimes when I go to conventions I'll see Homestuck cosplayers and it's sort of like "why the FUCK do homestucks exist in 2019" but now I'm like… oh I get it. It's fun. I really do want to cosplay some of the characters, I love so many of them, but damn I don't know if I have the dignity in me to do it lol. Thanks Hussie, I guess?
No. 469246
>>469236Thanks anon!
>>469244Thank you!! Oh man I'm so sorry you have to listen to it on repeat… truthfully I also will just play 'bad guy' on repeat for hours lol… I wasn't too big on her the first time I listened to her but for some reason when I saw her video on Colors, it just sort of… hit me? Like holy fuck what a voice! She seems like a very fun person too, edgy persona aside.
No. 469289
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>>469179Lmao this is me with MikuExpo in January. You frickin go and have the time of your life anon, enjoy every bit!
No. 469334
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I just found a lump in my neck around the posterior lymph nodes and am now convinced it’s cancer.
No. 469336
go see a doctor first tho
No. 469337
>>469334It could be anything anon don't jump straight to the cancer meme, you could have lupus or it could be a tumor which doesn't automatically make it cancer, don't be a dumbass but do get it checked out.
Autoimmune diseases are overwhelmingly more common in women than men but no one ever seems to say anything and only scaremonger about the symptoms.
No. 469340
>>469336Making an appointment in the morning, ew biopsy time.
>>469337That’s actually really a huge relief about the autoimmune disorders because I already have one. Now I can assume the lump is just part of that until it’s looked at. Ty anon.
No. 469341
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>>469334I feel this. I have a swollen, painful lump under my armpit, right where my breast tissue starts. It's probably just a lymph node and probably because of some random infection or other my immune system is fighting off I'm not even aware of, but still. Isn't the first fear always breast cancer?
No. 469359
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younger Taylor was so pretty
No. 469362
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>>469360wish she hadn't turned into an animal killer queen
No. 469390
>>469291i still get a little stressed out/mess up at ordering myself. maybe try going to a restaurant alone and order a drink or something? or if u can maybe wait to watch other people order if you're not sure.
i hope u have a nice time anon! and even if u mess up the employees won't care unless you start acting rude.
No. 469453
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tfw i wanna go to mikuexpo in london but none of my friends like vocaloid and i'm too pwussi to go on my own
No. 469504
>>469465I get you anon.
I don't shave, for the most part, only in the mustache area every couple of weeks, but I would never have the courage to expose my unshaven legs and armpits, especially now that I'm living away at a more country/backwards area.
People that find only female body hair disgusting are just brain washed.
No. 469645
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>>469465yeah it's kinda fucked-up how a non-action is unacceptable for women in public. It's absurd. Nobody expects Jimmy to have smooth hairless legs and pits by default. I don't have the guts to not shave but I admire women who do. It also sucks because this simple non-action can be taken as a
feminazi statement and can get a huge reaction. Maybe one day, I won't give a fuck what anyone thinks and just do it
No. 469649
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>>469645adding to this, I know a super cute and well-kept person who sports hairy legs and pits that I admire a lot. No big agenda or loud personality. Looks nice and clean even when not done up. Just wants to let their leg hair live. Puts things into perspective for me.
I guess it's even more complicated for really hairy women.
>>469465I get that you adress an internalised issue and that's awesome but it's also still an interpersonal and societal issue. Expectations of others can add pressure and influence our choices. So, maybe you did it to be safe from judgement, too. Personally, I'm not brave enough to do it yet because I may get some odd looks and reactions but I may be one day and I could probably work up to it and soften up that wall. Just get more comfortable with it.
This Woman Caroline McHugh nailed it saying "It's impossible to be perception-less but it's important to be perception-free" meaning other people will still perceive you and form an opinion on you but you can choose not to let it affect you. Maybe that's what you meant, too.
No. 469650
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>>469649oh and don't even get me started on this bullshit. My Halloween costume is gonna be female leg hair since it's so SCURRY
No. 469786
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I wonder why a lot of men who profess an exclusive attraction to a certain group of women are so god damned autistic and appear to be suffering extreme neurosis in that they feel like ranting about this all over the place of the internet.
I have seen this phenomena online for at least about a decade. So, take this random quora user who I saw on a thread about bmi. Nearly all of his answers consist of ranting about his perfect ideal woman and talking about his sexual preferences like it's the best in the god damned world.
This man seems particularly delusional basing his girlfriends' body fat percentage on the very inaccurate caliphers and scales instead of the extremely accurate DXA scans. Considering women very rarely dip below 20% bf except if they're rigorously training athletes and not even populations with thin women on average have low body fat like this I seriously doubt this man's statements. By the time women are 19-23% body fat abs become visible and so do other muscular structures in the body yet this person is somehow dating a mythical 11% body fat woman who doesn't look like a body builder at all times despite that body type being extremely rare? lol ok
No. 469796
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>>469786>For me the female attractiveness stops at 15% body fatI am legitimately convinced he is retarded and can’t mentally link the women he sees in front of him with accurate body fat percentages. Women with 14% body fat aren’t just “slim and perfectly healthy,” they’re shredded. Like, extremely masculine and vascular with veins popping out of their brick-like abs. If not they would likely be extremely skelly. The female body doesn’t work the same as men’s and it is highly unusual for our bodies to have comparable bf%.
No. 469804
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>>469796>>469786Either they are ignorant or they are professing their desire to date someone who is extremely, extremely thin and likely anorexic like pic related. No musculature while also low fat %. These men hate women and see them as weak sub-humans so of course they think this is "healthy" lol
No. 469808
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>>469804He's following this woman on Quora so I'm assuming this woman is closer to his type than that ana girl you posted. This woman is approx 16 bmi by her own account and looks around 18-20% body fat instead of an extremely low 11% body fat he says his gfs supposedly have. Add in this that she's East asian and their bmi standards are different as they're considered overweight at 23 bmi and are still healthy at bmis like 15-17. I'm now wondering if this guy has mostly dated South or East asian women and/or women with natural small bone structures/low muscle mass/high chance of gaining weight in midsection combo and doesn't realize their racial/physical differences doesn't account for other ethnicities of women.
Regardless, I have noticed a man never says a woman who is around a 20-25 bmi is "too fat" if she has high enough muscle mass and hourglass body fat distribution but they will do it for literally any other kind of woman. Do they realize this?
No. 469812
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WHY are there always boogers in my library books
No. 469823
>>469818Well done anon
I have a gross fetish that I've wanted to get rid of for years. Unfortunately I spent 3 years of my life with a guy who never cared to make me orgasm, so even throughout the relationship I got off daily to my gross porn ..
No. 469856
>>469847fetlife is a joke. So many doms that take themselves too seriously. If she likes being spanked or whatever then enjoy that but you thinking you are better than everyone else every moment of the day is like a mental illness
I spent years on there seeing all sorts of dodgy shit happen both on site and at kink parties and that was only in a my little country.. I can only imagine the amount of rape, underage abuse and
abusive relationships that have come from the existence of fetlife. I think it's highly likely that the damage outweighs the gain
No. 469866
>>469859It's strange how it's treated a whole lifestyle rather than a fetish. I have a fetish that I'd rather not have so I just don't partake in it IRL… why can't 'sub women' see how the reality of being degraded… can truly be degrading so it isn't something you want young pornobrains doing to you
Men have a habit of wanting to break normal women and force them to do that submissive shit too, I spent all of my twenties informing men that my control freak habits don't magically leave me in the bedroom
No. 469871
>>469859>They wouldn't even post whiny 'I'm a feminist but I'm submissive, wat do I do???' comments because that is exactly the fuel men need to think we're all secretly desperate to be degraded.omggg fucking thank you. that's what has me so bothered about it. in speaking w my friend he keeps bringing up all these 'feminist' and 'empowered' women "suppressing themselves" and claiming to him they allegedly feel soooo much cognitive dissonance. bullshit! if they truly felt conflicted, theyd never mention it to another person, let alone another man, or make dumb as fuck reddit posts that men will CERTAINLY later use to justify why they should be able to jam a spiked speculum up some woman's anus. ffs! it's all fake shit anyways. 'submissive' women are memed into the same way scatfags are but no one ever recognizes this bc obv it doesn't serve the status quo. not hating on them out of jealousy or cattiness, i just find submissive women to be incredibly unintelligent. a lot of them have decent careers, are educated, whatever, but speak to them about anything else and it becomes very clear they're annoyingly suggestible. the 'i'm a huge feminist but i really wanna be raped and controlled!!' bit is so harmful. they need to shut the fuck up.
>>469856yep. i mention this and allegedly "the same kind of abuse happens in domme/sub relationships". lies. nowhere near. reddit very popular for the same kind of sleazy pig disgusting web dev 'dom' males that apparently have decent looking women coming after them. pick meism is one hell of a drug.
No. 469941
>>469920This exact thing has been argued over and over again in the vagina health or whatever thread, the vag itself does self clean internally, that's what people are referring to, not labia or external parts
The sheer amount of times this has been mentioned lately makes me think that there's an obsessed man posting and getting off on it
No. 469951
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>>469949TBH, acting as if women are all closed off prudes who never discuss vaginal health or anything sex related among their friends makes you seem like the male or a femcel with no friends
No. 469974
>>469968>I talk about sex with friends then why the fuck do you think it's weird for women to discuss vaginal hygiene? it's literally a step down from sex
>but every day cleaning isn't discussed cos most women know how to showernow you're just backpedaling and sound even more male, it's not about "knowing how to shower" it's about vaginal hygiene, which any female knows contains more details than "just knowing how to shower" That's literally a male thing to say
No. 469977
>>469975Right post hence why I mentioned how the anon think's discussions about vaginal health means "weirdly discussing vaginal cleaning amoung friends"
but it could apply for you too if I knew what you were talking about since I haven't seen posts about vaginal cleaning being obsessively posted
No. 469989
>>469980Not all women know this though anon, especially young women who don't get taught how to clean themselves and just take a wild guess of either never cleaning or pouring straight body wash into their vaginas and hope for the best. Not to mention how to care for and prevent things like yeast infections and UTIs, because of how common yeast infections and UTIs are it makes me think a male thinks the only thing to vaginal hygiene means to "just shower"
>>469983idk tbh I don't come to lolcow a lot
No. 469990
>>469980Exactly, similarly I brush my teeth without telling my friends that routine, it's a non event
This conversation all stemmed from yet another post about womens vaginas smelling bad, if there is a male poster it's likely to be the random 'vaginas smell bad' incel
No. 469994
>>469990People discuss oral hygiene regularly too anon lmao. It's not about discussing "day to day" routines, and like vaginal hygiene oral hygiene is more than "just brush your teeth", if it was that easy dental offices wouldn't exist
>yet another post about womens vaginas smelling bad, if there is a male poster it's likely to be the random 'vaginas smell bad' incelI honestly don't know what the fuck you're talking about considering I haven't seen any other "vagina's smell bad" posts. Human genitalia is just complicated and yes it may not be the most pleasing smell in the world but lying to women and telling them to never ever get soap near their vulvas is gross, just like people who advice women to pour soap or alcohol all over their vaginas. And acting as if discussions about vaginal hygiene NEVER happen amoungst women is naive and just seems like you don't have close friends and/or you're male, and also acting like "just taking a shower" is the only thing about vaginal hygiene is also pretty male or just plain ignorance
No. 470011
>>469871My local kink scene had a member who was on the sex offenders register, he openly told people and was still welcome at events for months afterwards. He'd been caught with child porn and somehow people were open to having him around. Boggles my mind but he still wasn't the worst I came across in that scene
No. 470025
>>470011NTA but
>cool>my local kink scene….I love your cringe, how do you even find a local kink scene? lmfao
No. 470045
>>470028Have you tried arguing about vagina cleansing to help you sleep?
Only joking but yeah same tonight
No. 470177
>>470164It's a prestige thing, of course you'll call a child ruby or Crystal but you won't call it granite or pebble.
I actually did hear about a child called after the small shitty town where I used to work, but the parents moved there as asylum seekers so I think it was partly to celebrate the hope of a new life for the family and also an attempt to help stop the child from being bullied in a racist yet proud place.
No. 470215
>>469453Anon please go!! I used to be really scared of attending concerts on my own, but I forced myself to see my favorite group because none of my friends liked them and I was afraid they wouldn't come back to my country (it had been 7 years since the last time they came) and I had a
fuckin blast. It really is nerve wracking and you might feel lonely and awkward while waiting to go in and waiting for the performance to start, but once the music starts it only gets better!!
I actually really enjoy and prefer to go to concerts alone since that concert. I realized that I don't like people watching me go fucking ham at my favorite artist and then recounting what I did to me/other friends (even if it's not in a mean way), it makes me more self conscious than making myself look like a dumbass to people who will probably forget about me the second we leave the venue.
Go anon!!! Go and have fun!! Maybe make some friends there if you're that outgoing!
No. 470225
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I went to an outdoors store in my city for the first time to look at climbing shoes, and it reminded me of the main character of Yurucamp when she goes to a camping store for the first time. I know it sounds stupid and weeby to want to go camping because of an anime, but man do I really want to go camping because of an anime… The store was a huge three floors and had huge sections for biking, skiing, rock climbing, and of course camping.
I got my permit but have been putting off driving lessons, but this really makes me want to stop being such a pussy and start my lessons. I really want to get my license and then take my dad's car and go camping… My state is pretty big and has so many beautiful, scenic spots outside of the city, I really want to go visit them!
No. 470234
>>4702324chan was never good. people are always harking back to some bullshit that was never good. everyone on there was always trash. a fair number of women turned out obviously alright (looking at you girls), but beyond that… literally could've been a database to just pre-emptively wipe out a concentrated source of baby sociopaths and abusers.
>>470193no, submissive men are alright. that needs to be normalized in public. not weird dog-leash stuff though, just in general, men being more submissive and less aggro, less assertive, and answering to women happily, in general.
No. 470236
>>470234NTA, but absolutely, I don't do any of the kinky stuff outside of the house, but I love seeing my bf grabbing my arm instead of me grabbing his when we walk, it's so empowering, but people still act like it's soooo terrible that we walk like that, it kind of
triggers me. Submissive men are what all men should be, retarded agressive men is why the world is bad.
No. 470269
>>470262im still
triggered from all the anime fig anons who shit themselves of their
jealousy outrage at how she treated her new gets. get ready for two or three new shit threads filled with nippon sperging,
No. 470317
>>470292First page. I see
>pregnancy areola >bondage >bondage >one boob slightly bigger than the other>bondage >teased out nipple on normal boobs >puffy areola >bondage >pregnancy again >breast reduction scars >one boob bigger >one boob bigger There's honestly little shocking on that page. The bondage ones are the most gross imo because they're being manipulated to look that way. Same thing with the nipples and areola that he clearly been pumped and pinched out before the pictures were taken. What a stupid subreddit.
No. 470336
it was one thing when the standards to have "perfect" boobs were perfectly round and even globes that sat on your chest with small pink nipples, but now they're just calling women who don't have that weird and deformed, like not have porn star boobs is now a genetic deformity to men
this is your brain on porn
No. 470337
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>>470253I feel like these companies are tricking me into doing fun, healthy things like that time everyone went outside cause of Pokemon Go lol. I even picked up rock climbing too because of botw!
>>470268Yes, Autumn is my favorite season and it's absolutely beautiful in my state!
Thank you guys for not bullying me haha
No. 470344
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>>470341I only started earlier this month and only have time on the weekends but believe me I'm far from brave! It's like each week I completely forget that I'm in a safe and controlled environment (I only go climbing in a gym) and I'll get a maybe a foot or two off the ground and then I'm paralyzed with fear of how high I am haha. Some days I overcome it pretty quick, but it really feels like two steps forward, and one back…
Yurucamp wasn't kidding about how expensive camping gear is!! I'm thankful my dad would probably let me borrow his car once I get my license/more comfortable driving long distances but
oof, affording and finding space to store camping gear in my small apartment is going to be another big obstacle. I actually found a chair at the camping store that was like a little swing/rocker and I could only think of Aki's quest for a hammock, I wanted to buy it so bad but it was still $100 on sale!!
I hope you'll be able to go camping sometime soon anon!
No. 470351
>>469453tfw i wanna go to the berlin one but it's in the middle of the fucking week again and all my friends have to work
i cant justify missing classes if i'm just going alone
No. 470374
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why is this so fucking funny
No. 470376
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>>470360I am Clay 1-2 and have pink nipples
No. 470405
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I found it kinda stupid Janis Joplin was considered ugly by American audiences and her own peers back in high school. She's no beauty queen for sure but she's far from being hideous and plus she still has a petite frame. I think a lot of women in Europe especially around parts like Sweden, Finland, ect have a similar face to her and many of them don't wear heavy makeup so I wonder if its just Americans' obsession with women wearing heavy makeup and having perfect hair thing.
No. 470413
>>470405That's exactly why anon, king princess constantly gets called ugly by men but her facial structure is similar to Millie Bobbie Brown, who constantly gets worshipped as a goddess beauty queen, and Millie is usually covered in makeup with her hair professionally done and is styled
I just wish Americans would stop lying to themselves and claiming they prefer women in sweatpants, messy hair and no makeup when their reactions to women who do very that shows that it's a lie
No. 470449
>>470420I feel like in America (source: American myself) she’s still would be considered plain but definitely not a bridge troll. I feel like OP is another salty eurofag who likes to shit on Americans to make themselves feel better. Lolcow has quite a lot of them.
Not one here really comments on her looks otherwise here.
No. 470464
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I'm quite interested in the goth community and I really like the music and fashion, but I feel like I wouldn't be able to really dedicate myself to the "lifestyle" or live like it all the time, because I'm too self-aware of how I'd come across to people. Like I don't wanna be boxed in or seem cliche, like I can be put into a stereotype. I have a few vaguely goth outfits I like wearing I guess but it's not really my thing to define myself in one sort of group.
No. 470478
>>470464The girl on your pic is It's Black Friday and is a constant resident of an Alt-cow thread in /snow. She is very over the top and has no life beside ~~being goth all the time~~.
You absolutely don't have to be a walking stereotype to be goth, it's a subculture that is buit around music genres, the rest (interest in spooky shit, dressing certain way) just comes as an addition because it's, you know, feels similar to how the music sounds. The amount of it is up to you.
No. 470549
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Was Belle Delphine really arrested? Or is it just a stunt?
No. 470561
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>>470549It's confirmed fake. That girl looks kinda rough on the edges for "19" though.
No. 470565
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I just finished watching Hereditary (good movie), decided to watch some videos about it, and then I came across this comment.
>5 minutes ago y'all were sexualizing the underage actor who played Dustin in Stranger Things and has the same disability
Were people really sexualizing Gaten Matarazzo? I always thought the adult side of the Stranger Things fandom was a little weird, but this is just bizarre.
No. 470604
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I'm kind of regretting getting into NANA and bingewatching it. I am too afraid of suffering towards the end and it is even a completed series. I never thought I would get into it this much
No. 470619
>>470604I too want to get off NANA's wild ride.
It got so depressing towards the end I had to stop watching. FUck it I'm still mad about how things turned out.
No. 470626
>>470604Where do you watch it? I haven't watched anime in years but that screenshot looks interesting
and depressing just the way I like it. I've searched on 1337x and got no results.
No. 470637
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>>470626NTA but try kissanime.
You might like Paradise Kiss as well (same author, just as good and bittersweet but at least it's complete)
No. 470650
>>470619I spoilered some to myself and I want to forget everything about this series, I'm already feeling nostalgic…
>>470626I'm watching it on Netflix, anon.
>>470637Paradise Kiss was my first Aizawa's work, but it didn't catch me like Nana did, probably because I kind of edgy-ly relate to Nana Osaki and she's being inspo in my closet change of season, lol.
No. 470687
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I miss disco culture honestly.. something is so fucking fascinating about a subculture made out of escapism, drugs, sex, love, but also social and political messages, and also real talent and heart and soul poured into this music and messages that just kinda unified everybody together.. male, female, black, white, jew, gay, straight.
The only thing we have close to that now is edm but you know how that goes. Basically the new disco (in terms of unifying people and providing people escapism from mainstream culture) is sadly anime and video games. I don't find that nearly as interesting and exciting so I hope the 2020s brings some movement where people will be together, again physically, and make beauty.
No. 470725
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don't have a reason yet to splurge money on trinkets but this would be a nice little gift for a friend who's a senior in inside jokes
No. 470728
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>>470725also this because I'm asking them for help with my plants
No. 470750
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I wonder what the next gay Overwatch character is gonna be now that Blizzard has gone and shit the bed by kicking out that Hong Kong streamer. I'm betting on Lúcio or Mercy to remedy their PR right now.
No. 470804
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Does anyone know what language this is/what it says?
No. 470806
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>>470804back of the shirt
No. 470815
>>470806I see the two at peace
>>470804My support
Google translate says it's galician. Idk
No. 470820
>>470804>>470806Badly written Spanish, like a retarded cutesy way of writing.
Front says "My support" and back is "I give it to Pau"
No. 470866
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There's a lego exhibit in my city and my dad really wants to go see it. I'm excited to go with my dad this weekend, and there's free admission on the day he's off from work to go! The only thing that sucks is that in the park right next to the museum holding this is a big intentional night market full of a lot of delicious food vendors, but they're only there on Saturdays (we're going Sunday). Win some, lose some I guess.
No. 470871
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Gamers rise up
No. 470875
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>>470871Joker: 10 Society: 0
No. 470993
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Got a new co-worker who just transferred to our companny from down south and the dude was suprised that none of us went racoon hunting with our dogs or liked country music.
No. 471117
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I think I just found the first anti-SJW
No. 471179
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I have college classes every weekday and then work Friday-Monday so I can’t see my boyfriend after tonight until Tuesday and I’m gonna be busy and tired this weekend, but my roomates visiting her parents this weekend and I’m picking up bud tonight and going to the library to get the first season of the sopranos on dvd and I’m really looking forward to having a “me” weekend outside of work, and finally getting started on a show I’ve really wanted to get into. Feels good to create your own good times.
No. 471196
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i've always thought the prettyuglylittleliar banner looks terrible. i haven't been there for a long time and after seeing it again, i still think it looks terrible. why don't they change it?
No. 471315
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Kusama is having an exhibit in my city next month and I'm determined to go. I didn't get to go last year because a friend who wanted to go with me couldn't agree on a date to go and also didn't want to wait around cold for hours. That's understandable, but there were plenty of people willing to stick it out to see her famed infinity mirror room. I'm determined to go this year, whether someone wants to go with me or not.
No. 471318
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>>471126i wanna be a normie too. i'm waiting for the day i suddenly fall out of love with my degenerate weeby interests.
No. 471427
>>471318do you have a job anon ?
A Job no matter how menial it is really helps with entering normiehood
No. 471513
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The fuck. I'm sad now
No. 471516
>>471318watch all marvel movies and shitty warner comedies, read buzzfeed and only watch front page videos when going on youtube. You'll Mk ultra yourself into normiehood soon enough, specially if you work a 9 to 5.
>>471447psychologists are like guitar teachers. You may get a great one that teaches you everything you need at the best pace, but most likely you get a cynical one that knows that if you improve too much too fast they will loose a customer because you don't need a guitar teacher anymore and can go on your own, so they'll always keep you in a redundant hamster wheel with the bare minimum advance to keep milking you for longer.
No. 471552
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>>471513Makes me nostalgic for the more innocent, simpler times of my childhood when it was just Aids and the crack epidemic.
No. 471556
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How many times will I make plans and promises to myself to get my shit together before I actually start doing them and implementing those changes into my life?
No. 471559
>>471556I'm the same.
my prediction: unlikely ever
No. 471585
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I just saw these stuffed seal toys sold by the Osaka Aquarium on the front page of Reddit and now I want to cry because they're the cutest thing I've ever seen and I want to buy one but they're already expensive and the cost to import it from Japan is even more pricey so I'll never get one. Fuck I just want a cute ass seal plushie!!!
No. 471589
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A coworker brought back the snack on the left from his trip to Bangkok and I guess I'm the only person in my office who likes durian, so my coworker gave me the rest of the box LOL. It's a really strong durian smell and taste, I'm so happy.
I know people really hate durian, but it doesn't smell bad to me (just kinda smells like gas from the stove). I wish more people could enjoy how great it is.
No. 471600
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>>471599Right? I'm admittedly a sucker for anything cute and cuddly but these made my heart stop. They're so goddamn adorable it's not fair
No. 471610
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>>471585>>471599>>471605Don't be sad anons, be glad that you will not spend your money on useless, overpriced bulshit. You can enjoy those seal plushies on the pics just fine.
Remember, you can never have enough of what you do not need.
No. 471614
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>>471605Yeah, not to sound like a major weeb but how come Japan sells the cutest things and the West gets fugly shit like Funko Pops? Unfair.
>>471610You got me there anon, can't argue with that
No. 471616
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This sounds very fucking weird but does anyone remember a site possibly named deathnote that had links to real beheadings and all sorts of fucked up videos? It was all black with red japanese text links that lead into the fucky videos. My young weeb self was trying to find stuff about death note back in (i wanna say) 2004-2006 and ended up there. There were many military related "shock" videos, every so often I ask around and no one besides my friend I showed it to remembers.
No. 471622
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How do you know if you're actually changing as a person or going through just a phase in terms of style? For most of my life I've worn feminine/cheap/basic clothing because it was easy and looked passable but now I've been really trying to transform my wardrobe to reflect my true self. I want to wear more artsy and interesting pieces, and I've been getting a lot of shirts from artists I like on instagram. I've always worn a lot of pink and while I still do, I've been wanting to wear more black and expand my horizons. Even though I'm so tired of wearing PINK shit I feel like a fake for not exploring my horizons earlier.
No. 471630
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Ben Sharpinos book looks horrible
No. 471659
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>>471630The ramblings of the walking dunning-Kruger effect made for a bad book?
No. 471731
Ughhhh my GP made me go to the hospital yesterday for abdominal pain and the gyno ambulance is making me come back again today. Not quite a vent but it was so funny when the doctor was like, incredulous that I didn’t wanna stay the night in the creepy communist era hospital. Ew lol.
>>471728Congrats! I still bite mine occasionally but I’ve gotta stop.
No. 471753
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I started following Dogen for his funny and sarcastic videos, but today and yesterday his translations of NHK tweets about the typhoon have been flooding my timeline on twitter. I saw this tweet and it made me want to start crying for some reason.
I have a friend that I met in Nagasaki a few years ago JUST move to Tokyo like a few months ago. I havent messaged her in 3 years so I felt a little weird about appearing out of nowhere but it seems like rivers are flooding over now and I’m really, really worried now. I messaged her to let her know that I hope she’s safe. I know it won’t change anything, but I want her to know in case the worse happens.
No. 471762
>>470619>>470604I am the Nana OP
I had to drop Nana, it was being a heavy toll on me and I feel like I risk depression again if I go on on this ride.
When Nana heard Takumi and Nana was my breaking point too, the abusive relationship is written kind of… good, which adds depression points.I just wanted a romcom…
No. 471764
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>>471762>I just wanted a romcom…Didn't we all want a romcom…
No. 471806
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Dont know if i should buy any makeups for myself tho…I want to learn how to use make up and change myself but at the same time i dont think i'll use them quite frequently and put them to waste ( sorry, i cant find the stupid question thread )
No. 471846

I am a bit salty because the only lets play channel i have ever liked to listen to never took off. They dropped it, came back again 2 years ago and tried again with new videos and then dropped it again. Lame, but they only got like 4000 subs after all those years so its understandable to quit something that is not profitable at all, but it makes no sense how some things just never get anywhere online while other similar but inferior things take off super fast. I saw some videos again on my "watch again" and im listening it today.
On the plus side, one of the guys (El cid) is doing an interview series with industry animators talking about art and stuff (Shot talk) Surprise, surprise, the videos have almost no likes and comments and he would probably drop them eventually but i really recommend them. His channel has a lot of subs because he used to have a few retarded humor animations that went viral years ago, yet no one watches the current content that is actually informative and comfy smh, says a lot about the nature of youtube. No. 471928
>>471126>>471318>>471516I'm thinking of making a ex/recovering Neet thread,for former neets and neets that are in processes of escaping neetdom
and learning how to be a normie
No. 472015
>>472008I just escaped my neet-life less then a year ago and honestly my life has dramatically improved for the better,I still live with my parents but I now actually contribute to the household and don't feel like a mooch,I actually talk IRL with my colleagues about normie stuff like MCU films and early 2000's nostalgia and have even made a small group of real friends
for the first time in my life I feel like a normal person
No. 472129
>>472048When things get rough a lot of artists moonlight as furfags and hentai artists with pseudonyms, the bar is much lower and clients pay a lot for custom commissions of their degeneracy. Some people enjoy doing it more than others but for most people i've known the incentive is the extra money and they just do the fetish that the clients ask for.
If you are trying to make it with art either you are part of the lucky ones who finds good paying work in something you love early on your career, can count on daddy and mommy's checkbook while you work on your projects and find yourself or you eat your pride and work of whatever you find to support yourself on your own. The non-porn work can really make you hate art too, for a lot of people porn commissions can be a lifeline when you want quit a job or finance your personal projects or just eat.
No. 472156
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Hey guys, I just want to drop in and say have a wonderful day and week and I genuinely hope you're happy
No. 472186
>>472160This got me (bi woman) thinking… how do you straight people even asses your own sex appeal?
For me it's a simple "would I fuck me?" while looking in the mirror. Do you always need a third party for that? Weird.
No. 472198
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Da' vinci must be rolling in his grave
No. 472440
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man, kuromi is the OG and also gf goals
No. 472494
>>472414That's the same reason why BM/WW pairing got subtly pushed by BM in the community in the 60s/70s because they said they were as getting to the "man" after all these years while BW/WM was shamed because WM spent hundreds of years raping BW and forceably inserting a amount of European DNA in the vast majority of blacks in the USA, during Slavery and Jim Crow.
Now that bm date out in much higher rates than bw maybe bw can stop being brainwashed with the race loyalty madness as bm dilute the genetic genepool and freely date and procreate out the race like bm have been doing for the past 50 years. People can deny and say bw can't get non bm but it's frankly easy to get a man of any type because men are always willing to pair with a woman. At least that has been my experience as a bw in her life and if more bw traveled out and mingled with other races this would be their experiences too.
No. 472501
>>472494remember the biracial anon whose black dad was mad at her for dating a white man, even though he married and had her with a white woman? he said what the other anon said, claiming it was out of rebellion to the white man when he did it so it's okay.
it's not even the first time i've heard a story like that. men are pathetic hypocrites lol.
No. 472506
>>472501It's like that with men of all races. They'll
>Bash the everloving fuck out of women their own race and worship women of another race (bonus points if they claim there's feminine and masculine races kek)>Date women of said "feminine* race, encourage other men to do so, thus leaving women of their own race to date men outside their race>Now they get upset that said women they claim to hate are dating men of the race of women they like Men are a trip
No. 472528
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Hello I'm Anon and I'm a hummus addict
No. 472543
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I got bored, took a trip down memory lane, and started looking into some of the girls involved in the whole Dakota Rose clone "living doll" scene from back in like 2010-2013. I Googled around and found the new IG account of Floretta aka Florettafiore/sofiaiwi, a lesser-known "living doll". There's an old /snow/ thread about her and some old gossip in /cgl/'s archives.
It seems like she's living the typical "hot IG girl" life these days, travelling and thotting it up. She has an SO now, too.
She's clearly had some plastic surgery done, but you can tell it's her from the browbone, hairline, nostrils and eyes.
I didn't expect this outcome, considering her internet history, but good for her, I guess. I wonder how many old weeby lesser flakes are now complete normies. It's interesting, especially in comparison to the path the "idols" of that time (Venus, Dakota, etc) took. She used to be really jealous of them, made "parody" videos and pictures that were really just skinwalking attempts, and reportedly sperged out about them getting to go to Japan while she was still stuck in Russia.
Another one is NekoNyapii (aka Lisa Ring). She took the far more predictable path of becoming a koreaboo, moving to Korea and continuing her YT vlogging. No. 472546
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>>472543>>>/snow/54317This is her old thread, btw, in case anyone was wondering what she looked like before. There are pictures of her dressed up as a Nazi and a swastika drawn on her chest, lmao.
Pic related is just after her weeb era, when she was trying to be edgy and artsy.
The glow up is real.
No. 472552
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goatees like darksydephil's are one of the most overlooked (and ugliest) red flags in history and I wish we would shame men for horrible facial hair more often. it's the saddest half-assed attempt at styling yourself and they're always worn by predatory men who think they deserve attention from young women because they think they made an attempt at being hip. bonus points when paired with a sad balding ponytail. it sounds so specific but i've seen it so much and they're all the same personalities. i never hear anyone talking about how characteristic it is to nasty men, its a modern pedo stache. literally the "I don't think you tried at all" gold star meme.
No. 472567
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Why does every fandom turn to absolute shit the second the grubby little woke people get their hands on them? You cannot even like a villain in a show anymore without people accusing you of condoning Pedophilia/Abuse/etc. and it's just getting so god damn tiring.
This one ex mutual of mine on Twitter said that liking problematic characters doesn't make you edgy and cool at all but then they are the exact ones who bash on the bad characters at every chance they get aka "do not follow if you like X character!!!! proceeds to put that character on their blacklist and triggers" and only like the good and pure ones because they gotta prove everyone how uwu woke they are uwu say no to bad people uwu.
The same thing with people who have to racebend every single anime character out there.
I'm fine if it's characters like Naruto or Kurapika from HxH, because they're not even Actual Japanese or have realistic names so they don't really have a proper race imo. But when it comes to the fully Japanese or whatever race coded characters, everyone just HAS to make them out to be some genderqueer mixed race disabled woke icon and if you tell them to stop then you get yelled at for "ruining the fun" - "let people headcanon their stuff in peace you racist" - "OP is autistic why do you love ruining things for autistic people".
Am I looking too much into this? I don't care either way, it's really annoying.
No. 472578
>>472567Are you the anon who posted Hisoka in the husbando thread?
If so, I have to say after many years of loving and obsessing over HxH I have never once come across someone who would criticize me for liking his villainous pedo ass. Because I do not go on tumblr or twitter or anywhere else sjws congregate, it's literally that easy. Talk about it on /a/ if you're desperate for discussion.
No. 472580
>>472553It's _sofiabalashova_. She has 1k followers. A lot of the comments on her pics look very same-y, so she could've bought a small handful just to stroke her ego.
I kind of wonder if this is enough e-validation for her, or if she still wants to achieve some sort of "fame" for her photos.
No. 472591
>>472578Yes, I am that anon. It just riled me up so bad I had to make my own post and sperg about it on here.
It might be easy to avoid all of this and spare yourself a headache and just do whatever the fuck you want because it's just the internet, but it's still really indescribably annoying. And I'm someone who basically lives and breathes social media so that's also another wound for me.
No. 472803
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My coworker is being annoying as fuck today. She asks me shit like if she can write this email like that, can I send this question like that etc etc etc and keeps constantly bugging me with questions that I can't answer because it doesn't matter what I say because it doesn't matter what she does. Jesus just do it yourself I don't need to reassure you about this crap.
No. 472850
this is really dumb but i feel like i'm losing it.
i fell asleep last night with my bedroom door locked and my cat sleeping on my leg. i woke up this morning to no cat anywhere to be found and i freaked out, thinking he'd somehow got through the heating vent in my room or something. my mom heard me frantically searching and calling for him and told me to stop worrying, he was eating his food downstairs. my door was still locked so i was confused how he could have gotten out, but sure enough, there he was, eating his food downstairs.
i have no recollection of waking up, letting my cat out, re-locking my door, getting back into bed and situating myself EXACTLY the way i was when i fell asleep the first time (i don't move in my sleep and when i woke up, even my leg was in the same awkward position it had been in to make room for my cat).
so i asked my mom if she opened my door and came in my room while i was asleep (it's got a shitty lock you can literally open with your nail) because she's done it before to snoop bc fuck privacy i guess. she was acting weird and kept deflecting, talking about coffee and stuff when i just wanted to know if she'd opened a door. she eventually said, "i just woke up too, how would i know?", which was a complete non-answer. then she said she didn't open my door, it must have been me, i must have forgotten doing it, etc., which… no, i don't forget things, i just don't.
i'm certain i never got out of my bed last night, so how the hell did my cat get out of my room if my mom really didn't open my door? am i actually a secret sleepwalker or some shit? am i developing memory issues? what if my mom's right? if i did wake up to let my cat out and forgot about it, what else might i have done in my sleep in the past and forgotten about? apparently i can't trust my sleeping self to remember anything if i'm to take my mother's word for it. such a stupid little thing is causing me to question everything and i feel like i'm crazy now.
No. 472908
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These are really fucking good.
No. 473021
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A friend gave me some cuttings of a spiderwort plant a few months ago. I don't have a green thumb, but I've always wanted to keep plants, so she gave me this one because she said it would be pretty hard to kill lol. I named him stripes lol.
I've repotted him twice now, and each time I've been tremendously worried about whether or not I've just murdered my beautiful plant. He grew originally from just two long cuttings, and the first time I repotted him, I cut him up into smaller ones when I replanted him to try and get him to become nice and bushy like pic. He grew nice and tall, but still looked really sparse, and was starting to fall over, so I repotted him again a few weeks ago. I know they're supposed to be hanging plants, but I don't have anywhere to hang him from so I've jsut been trying to contain his very quickly growing branches. After my most recent repotting I've been really worried about him, and I just took a closer look to inspect his leaves today and there are SOOO many new little leaves growing!! I'm so happy! They're growing in at all sorts of weird angles off the cuttings so it's going to be a sort of disaster until he grows enough that I can repot him again, but I'm so happy I didn't murder my little plant friend.
No. 473116
>>473048It's supposed to mildly reduce testosterone production for those whose acne is caused by androgens.
I know that taking a probiotic caused this (and before that an antibiotic gave me bad fungal acne a few months prior) but I'm just unsure exactly
what it did to my body. Since fungal-unsafe, antibacterial products still make it worse, but antifungals aren't working their magic anymore, and I do everything else correctly when it comes to skincare. I don't even consume dairy.
My line of thinking was maybe the gut imbalance fucked up my hormones. I'm grasping at straws at this point while I wait for a derm appointment.
No. 473120
>>473067I smoke for insomnia too. I still do but I've found a few other things I rotate with to keep my tolerance down.
I take prescribed medication for it (off label) I don't think knowing what that medication is will help you at all and I don't want people just trying it for fun etc. but I would try talking to a doctor if at all possible. When I don't do that I take melatonin or an over the counter antihistamine.
I've hear people who do really well with CBD and there really is no harm in trying. For me it's been quite a crapshoot and I need a lot but you will know quickly if it works for you.
No. 473147
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>>473140I'm not sure if it's you but you have a really similar history to someone I lived with for a bit.
If it is you I'm sorry I didn't do enough to let you know how cool I thought you were and how much I admired you. There was a lot of silly drama in the way but I really regret it. I wouldn't have asked you to stay or anything you didn't want to do but I always felt bummed not telling you before you left. I'm really glad you have a true friend.
If not I still wish the best for you anon. From knowing someone who went through those things for a short time I have a small idea of how painful it can be and I wish you luck finding connection and love in the future. You deserve it.
No. 473160
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Animorph covers give me life, holy shit
No. 473162
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Sometimes i just wish i was academically skilled enough to make my parents happy, graduating on top of my class, study overseas at a top school with some fancy shmancy degree majoring in something that would HELP people so they can atleast boast abt on family gatherings. My parents are happy with the way i am now but i cant help but feel bad because they sacrificed a lot for me but i kept letting them down. I'm trying my best now keep my grades up and taking commissions to at least help them with my tuition fee.
No. 473166
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god i am craving a mcdonald's so bad right now but i live in bumfuck nowhere. i crave… cheese bites… and nuggies…
No. 473179
>>473162oh anon, can you believe that i've been having these thoughts for the past few months as well? My friends are in STEM whereas i'm stuck with something pretty much useless that i don't even have passion for. and i feel so bad about it cause i'm making my parents pay for that useless shit. As much as i'm happy to see high-achieving young women, i can't deny that i do feel envious. i always wanted a job that would make me feel accomplished or make me feel like i'm directly helping someone but i can say goodbye to that now. i'm still trying to do my best and i feel so pressured to do well cause i feel like that's the least i can give them but my mental health isn't really the best and even if it were, i'm still not above average in any so i'm just kinda going with whatever…hoping for the best..
hugs and good luck to you, anon
No. 473206
>>473195i'm so sorry girl. my ex used to do the same thing to me, so i know what you're going through and i know it's terrible. whenever i was down about something, my ex would ignore me until i got over it because he just didn't want to deal with it and would tell me as much. he'd even frame it as 'helping me learn to cope with negative emotions on my own'. i guess he was right about that part though, since i learned how to cope without him to the point of not wanting or needing him at all and dumped him lmao. but i would also lose myself in books or movies with sweet male protags and daydream about being with a guy like that. when reality sucks and no one's there for you, you need to escape somehow.
i hope your relationship has a happier ending than mine did, anon. try talking to your bf about how you feel and what you need from him and find out what's causing the disconnect - if he's intentionally neglecting you, which is super shitty, or if he's just ignorant to how you're feeling because men are dumb. from there, you might have to make some tough decisions for the sake of your own happiness. just know that you deserve someone who's there for you and who's considerate of your emotions and makes you feel acknowledged because that's what healthy people in loving relationships do. best of luck anon.
No. 473210
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found out a medium-sized lolcow is actually from my country. it always feels weird when I come across comrades in the great big world as we contribute like 0.02% to the global population, much less lulzy internet ones. how do amerifags cope with like 89% of chrischan-tier subjects hailing from us?
No. 473249
>>473226Honestly you're right! We must be missing out on a huge biodiversity of cows, unearthing the eunuch sisters was like a happy little exchange trip, imagine if that was happening on the reg!
God was such a bitch with the whole babel tower sitch and giving us different languages.
No. 473251
>>473195Dump him
You don't really know if a partner is truly a good one until you see how they react when you go through hard times together, and he's just shown you his true uncaring self
No. 473550
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I miss it when popular sex symbols and beauty icons used to carry on the effortlessly cool and charismatic image based on some Post-Feminism Feminist thing going on after the super dolled up and barbie beauty image that was popular in the pre-60s world. It's like after the early 2000's we returned back into the same shit but with more pornification or lolita shit thrown in though.
No. 473552
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>>473550Going on that though I even thought many pre-60s stars could be cool and just ooze and drip in swagger. it's now coolness and swagger has become tertiary for female sex symbols where our femininity is now instinctively linked to just our physical nudity and visibility as opposed to charisma and swagger being used.
After the 90s we had beauty icons like britney spears, christina and paris who were more sexy and lolita or porny than super cool and confident blended in with their sensuality like a type of exotic and matured sex appeal. Rihanna fits in the category of a cool and sexy woman, which is probably why she's so fucking popular compared to the boring sex symbols of today who are just hot and nothing else interesting about them.
No. 473564
>>473552Marlene Dietrich herself "invented" some early version of a face lift, causing her to get insane headaches on the daily, just to look young and beautiful. Just because you think she seemed cool or strong doesn't mean she wasn't desperately trying to fit beauty standards for the male gaze. Exercise also really wasn't a thing back then, so most actresses simply starved.
Female celebrities nowadays are probably live more comfortably despite looking more slutty or girlish.
No. 473575
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>>473564I knew this was coming if I used black and white pictures or used pre-60s actresses because people really get
triggered by that on here for some reason and can't read anything else beyond that point
I know that fool, which is why I said on my first post "super dolled up and barbie beauty image that was popular in the pre-60s world." and why I used the word "even" when saying I still liked some pre 60s actresses
I was speaking about the mid-late 20th century and early 21st century for the most part. Shit just came back like it was before by 2008.
No. 473579
My dog is really old and I love her so much, even if she annoys the fucking hell out of me every morning when she gets up at the ass crack of dawn and starts screaming for food. I think she's still got some time, and I'm so grateful for it, but she had a death scare a few months ago and I can't stop thinking about the first day after we lose her.
I'll wake up to my alarm and wait for her to start barking as my cue to finally get out of bed, but the barking never comes. I'll finally get up but she won't be waiting for me outside of my door. There won't be the cute little pitter patter of her feet behind me as I walk to the kitchen, nor a cute little face popping in to check up on me as if to say "hey? are you done prepping my food yet?" when I stand in there for too long. Her leash and harness will sit untouched, she won't be walked before I leave for work. She won't be sleeping by my parents bed when I go to tell them that I'm leaving for the day. When I come home that day, she won't be there to greet me. I know I'll go looking for her (I always check around the house a few times every day to see where she's sleeping cause she likes to change spots all the time), I won't find her anywhere. There won't be any barking for dinner, or any goodnights or i love you's to her anymore.
God I'm making myself cry for no reason. I'm about to get off work and I know once I get home, she's going to greet me and scream at me for food and I'm just going to tell her she's a big ugly pain in the ass while she wipes her snot, eye boogers, and whatever else is on her face all over my clothes. The thought of never seeing her big beautiful boba eyes, little snoot, or cute little pink tongue sticking out ever again makes me want to fucking die. She's the light of my life, I love her so much. Sorry for being such a fucking dumbass.
No. 473586
>>473574I think what people like is the fact that people appreciated female beauty a lot more, people were easily able to go into romantic poetic comments about how beautiful a certain woman was, now beautiful women have to deal with flocks of men being extremely unhinged and creepy, nitpicking, or insecure men trying to cope with their insecurities
Also extremeness seems to be what is needed for female beauty nowadays, you have to have extreme features to be attractive. Back then you can have an average feminine face and an average figure with curvy proportions and boom if you style yourself you'll have hoards of men chasing you until you're 45, back then "the wall!!" Wasn't until 45 unless you age bad mind you, most female celebrities were easily worshiped well into their 30s
No. 473599
>>473595for someone who has insulted everyone, you sure don't know when others are insulting you and not being 100% sincere. i'll put it plainly. you are naive. and you're too immature to deal with nonconstructive criticism.
i don't get why you sad cunts bitch so much about the site and then refuse to leave.
No. 473605
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>>473603Here's a 80's woman to make you
triggered anon. F.
No. 473607
>>473605i'm sorry about your severe mental condition, for your own good i'll stop replying to you.
>>473586again i feel like that was just a sign of the times. with the explosion of media, people have their pick of women and teens so it's harder to say relevant. and even super divas are constantly fighting to stay
valid in the public eye.
No. 473609
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Just found out Ayesha Erotica is a man. Shocked and upset.
No. 473613
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>>473610I was blissfully ignorant but I see now after learning the truth.
No. 473627
>>473609I know the feeling, anon. "Yummy" is a good trashy song, but I always thought the line "Shout the fuck out to the girls with the big ass dicks" was a little sus, even for an "ally".
Ever since I found out, the songs don't even hit the same way anymore. It's sad.
No. 473629
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This kind of stuff always bothers me since a lot of this isn't gaslighting. I feel like these kinds of things make light of actual issues. Most of what's on here isn't anything bad on it's own, especially if you take into account fights based on emotional opinions. Teaching people they're being gaslighted just by these phrases isn't a good idea.
No. 473666
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I’m a big dumbass and got my car booted for the second time in like 5 months, different lots too. I shouldn’t have to pay to go to class.
No. 473685
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>>473629I came across THIS tweet today and this shit drove me fucking insane I went on a huge rant about it and then deleted it bc I didn’t want to be attacked by ass suckers.
Literally refusing to apologize for offending people is NOT GASLIGHTING. Especially related to like, jokes or opinions??? People expressing themselves verbally?? Why the FUCK would that be gaslighting???
No. 473691
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>>473630Yeah most of those are gaslighting. The biggest problem when using gaslight and projecting is people assume ill intent when there is none. Its funny when someone describes their foe and it actually describes them, but it isn't projection. People assume projection/gaslighting > mistake.
Most of these are also more minimization than gaslighting. It depends on context like ypu said
No. 473708
>>473630Thats what I said.
>>473693Someone tried to actually gaslight me by making me and other people think I was crazy and remembering something wrong/lying. Turns out he was trying to get with another girl and just didn't want her to know we spent an entire day alone together at his place. It really messed with me. Usually when people say gaslighting they aren't talking about those cases, but just cases where the people disagree with eachother and aren't being purposely malicious. All of those examples aren't gaslighting by themselves, especially since the context is usually during an argument, and most of the time one person uses them when they think the other person actually isn't correct, not that they're trying to make them think that.
No. 473771
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>>473729yes, but i am a total schizo who overthinks and assumes the worst of everyone so i am not exactly a good rod to measure normalcy. It does feel like a backhanded insult, it feels patronizing and i think they are just measuring me to see if i crack and expose my weaknesses or flexing one over me.
No. 473830
>>473693honestly being made think you are insane is fucked up, my parents used to always call me crazy and implied i will always be mad no matter what i do and it's been a struggle to get out of that mindset, the fear that some day i will snap and become a schizo or something.
completely unrelated i thought the pic in the op was supposed to be that weird staring guy as an anime girl
No. 474002
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I've noticed that LC has gotten angrier and angrier over the past month, or so. Interestingly the rising anger has coincided with a drop in the number of Braco OPs on the first page.
Coincidence? You be the judge.
No. 474108
>>473985[Autism intensifies]
Yes I am saying this particular OST is underrated. In fact in my opinion, it's her best. I can feel that it was a passion project for her too. She was no where near as big in 2005 and the TRC anime was a let down. I love some of her more recognizable work of course, but you're kind of right in that, some of the later work are straight up recycled. So yeah I'm indeed mad that true gems go unappreciated, while other lukewarm involvements get more praise than deserved and we know it's only because it's in an otherwise popular anime.
No. 474351
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I wish I was half as cute as Lisa
But I'm a total grump, smiling is against my nature
No. 474387
>>474362Same anon, there was a time a few weeks ago where I stabbed at a roach on the kitchen wall with something else that cut it in half and its insides were obviously exposed, and then I looked away for whatever reason and by the time I turned back to look at it, it was fucking gone! At that time I figured 'oh it's obviously dead, it must've just fallen off' but now I wonder if that fucker crawled off. I mean, there's no way it could survive for much longer but… god… just die the first time!!
>>474365Thanks anon! I've seen it suggested before but I'm always a little worried about using it because of my idiot dog. I know the DE is fine, especially since I bought it off chewy and it's meant to be mixed in with her food, and I dust the DE pretty fine in the main areas/cracks and she doesn't care about it, but I did catch her licking at the wall once where I put down some DE (because she somehow knocked her food into that spot like an idiot lol). I just looked it up and I saw answers ranging from 'it depends on the pet's size' to 'it will only be harmful if ingested in large quantities' lol. She's old and has kidney problems too so I'm extra cautious.
No. 474391
>>474351Same, I don't like blackpink but I'm so jealous of them, especially her, she's so cute, of course everybody can't help but love her. And I'm also envious of her body lol
No idea why smiling is so goddamn hard for me…
No. 474394
>>474391Samefag, I don't care about kpop at all, she's just an exception
She's living her dream so she has plenty of reason to simle i guess
No. 474400
>>474398Way to overreact.
Lots of normal people also kill themselves and just because some idols have depression doesn't mean all of them do. I never said I want to be an idol but atm I'm very lonely, ugly, fat and unhappy, so looking like her sounds pretty good in my book.
No. 474402
>>474400At the end of the day, Koreans live in a
toxic culture and would rather put the "blame" on themselves for their own suicides rather than the actual industry that preyed on, exploited, and overworked them.
No. 474404
>>474402Ok but what does this have to do with us calling Lisa, a thai girl, cute?
It's not that deep
No. 474406
>>474400>>474401The point is that it's a waste of time to be jealous over specific people, you never know what their lives are actually like. Wanting to be pretty is one thing, fixating on an individual you perceive to be happy is silly especially considering Lisa in particular is in a situation known for causing poor mental health.
I am
>>474398 but not
>>474402 btw I don't see the relevance in that comment either.
No. 474409
>>474406What makes you think I'm fixating on her?
I want to be a cute smiley girl, Lisa seems like a cute smiley girl and I see her on my instagram a lot
That's it lol
No. 474417
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>>474398a million ugly poorfags kill themselves daily and no one cares , i know being pretty and famous and having money doesn't guarantee happiness but it helps, would be worse to be a deppressed fat poorfag than a deppresed idol.
No. 474486
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Is it me, or does this look evil as shit? The stare is strange.
No. 474502
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not to sound like I have a weird racial agenda, but I genuinely like the diversity of the planet, and how many different kinds of humans there are.
it’s neat that I can find someone who looks like me, but is almost entirely removed from anything even resembling my bloodline or culture, and also that there are people who don’t look like me at all, and their culture seems completely alien to mine, but then I get digging and notice there’s some esoteric tradition or belief in some spirit that both our ancestors had, seemingly without ever making contact.
it’s also interesting when different peoples mix and have their own types of cultures, like how there are communities from the border between e. europe and asia, with ancestry from both and their own customs.
it’s really cool how mixed up and weird we are. not entirely sure why anyone would want to wipe out anyone else in this day and age, or feel threatened. i’d like to keep the species in a giant dome, keep them well-fed and cared for so they don’t go insane genociding eachother for resources, and watch them all, like a living museum exhibit or an ant farm.
i can't really find any places that seem to focus on this kind of earnest enthusiasm for human diversity without it turning out to be some creepy racist ego shit. it's all actual white supremacy under covert means, weird hotep essays about everyone secretly being black, very surface level content that only discusses diversity when it's to boast about about how london, new york or some other western place is a ''melting pots'' without much explanation on the actual cultures except that to say they’re not white, people vendettaposting about how this group they don't like has no culture or history (when you can easily google the group and find out they do have culture and history…), or other very transparent attempts to denigrate or reduce whatever group of people the author has a hateboner for. i hate it, it's like people can't keep their negative emotions out of things.
caste shit and dick-measuring contests are a boring distraction. the existence of differences and similarities are what's interesting to me.
No. 474544
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i made out with this hot guy at a house party last night after feeling like shit about myself in depressive mode for two weeks straight
it felt so good to get my confidence back and let loose for a night
No. 474553
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I didn't want to admit it but dunkey and leah's wedding video made me cry my eyes out and it still makes me cry. Even dunkey's stupid vow speech made me cry because even though it was childish it felt genuine and all i want is a relationship like theirs.
No. 474623
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every time the Kissanime captcha asks me "are you human?" i pause because i don't even know anymore
No. 474624
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every time the Kissanime captcha asks me "are you human?" i pause because i don't even know anymore
No. 474627
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every time the Kissanime captcha asks me "are you human?" i pause because i don't even know anymore
No. 474630
>>474620Holy shit this actually made me laugh out loud because it's painfully accurate
>>474628I'm old enough to remember back in the early 2000's when the men in the Sailor Moon fandom were well behaved and respected women while genuinely enjoying the show. Nowadays they would probably be borderline transbians obsessing over their waifu, lewding the child characters and driving actual women out of the fandom of a franchise originally meant for women.
No. 474651
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every time the Kissanime captcha asks me "are you human?" i pause because i don't even know anymore
No. 474715
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>>474714>the same cherrypicking faggot cherrypicks againadmit you have no rebuttal and gtfo
No. 474760
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how acceptable is it to not wear a bra nowadays? do you guys not wear them? i really hate them, i raelly fucking hate having boobs, and my boobs are so sore all of the time from this janky ass birth control. will people think negatively of me if i don't wear bras? my boobs aren't big, but i feel really obscene not wearing a sports bra out, but even bralettes are so uncomfortable. legit considering top surgery
No. 474765
>>474760I stopped wearing bras several months ago (I only wore a bra once at my master's thesis presentation) and haven't got a single weird look or comment.
If your breasts aren't big and don't sag most people don't even notice.
No. 474848
>>474760I don't wear them much but my boobs are a 32D and very perky and round, most people don't even notice unless my nipples get hard even then nobody says anything because they just assume I'm wearing a thin bra
Basically "if they're flawless you can go braless". I can imagine women with small breasts or none perky or uneven breasts it might be more difficult without feeling insecure
No. 474850
>>474707Have you been out of the West? I think Asia is the worst with smartphones lol. But even kids in bumfuck Africa have them now.
>>474832Some people with smartphones do this but not everyone. Personally I have a hard time regulating my smartphone use so I've started leaving it at home more often. But plenty of people can moderate their smartphone use too.
No. 474854
>>474848Thanks Miss Humblebrag.
Jokes aside you can leave your bra in your drawer even if you don't have perfect tits. Average sports bras don't make that much of a difference compared to no bras. I have low set boobs that aren't the most perky but if I leave my bra at home I've never had negative comments (yet). Helps that my tits are small I guess.
No. 475039
found the twitter to that stupid anon bitching in /meta/ about sage and onisions thread and whatnot and they are just as autistic as you would imaging. baby jesus or whatever pls rid this world of twitterfags.
>>474973best get that priest anon. you alive still?
No. 475305
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The posters in the "pro ana scumbags"-thread live up to the title more than most of the girls that are posted there.
No. 475313
>>475305A few of them admitted to relapsing their EDs cause of that thread, makes sense.
In fact, anyone who cares enough to follow ana drama was probably or currently is involved first-hand in that community.
Most of the cows aren't interesting and just seem like sad sacks.
No. 475404
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I hate how the new R&B artist Summer Walker looks
>shitty circular boob implants
>obvious liposuction from belly/waist to ass
(We truly do live in a society) that is telling us women have to have at least one procedure done or have a hyper dimorphic body to be considered sexually attractive these days.
No. 475443
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I was browsing reddits sociopath subreddit and I saw some dude saying how he faked panic attacks to get out of hard situations. Low key I think we all know the reality is every just thinks 'oh shit Johns sperging out again' and are to kind mention how they thibk he has autism.
Tbf. A lot of sociopaths feel more autistic, in the clinical sense not meme word, than sociopathic.
No. 475474
>>475443just looked at that subreddit and lol it's full of autists trying to find some other explanation for being total freaks (dae like dead animals???). sociopaths aren't excited to label themselves as such like these people are. almost every post there is blaming some shitty quality like being impulsive, stupid, or selfish as being a ~sociopath~ lmao.
>>475448I usually see it referring to people whose lives have pretty much plateaued in high school - typically the "popular" kids or bullies who never leave their hometown and end up shilling essential oils on Facebook or something
No. 475476
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>>475455Stupid SJW's removed this scene from american psycho. Cancel culture has to end now
No. 475484
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>>475476Final post, but all those people saying they were "born a sociopath due to their brain being diffrent" and how they would "abort a mentally retarded kid" don't see the irony in the statement
No. 475519
that's the ultimate chad move. They are probably scared of your power now, anon, quivering under their desks and the like. The only time I managed to crack my neck, it then hurt to turn it to the left for like a week and I was paranoid my head's gonna fall off.
No. 475930
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is anyone else really autistic about keeping track of the media they consume?
i document everything i watch on a text document lol, i make lists separated by type of media (books, movies, animes, vidia, animated movies etc) and for each category i color code the entries which are my best favorites and least favorite and no color if i watched it but it was meh or i didn't liked it that much. If i haven't finished i write down were i left it and at the bottom of the document i write stuff i haven´t seen but plan to.
I love my autism lists, but is almost embarassing how many categories it has and how long each one is.
No. 476010
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>>475457I always wonder if the people in these soyboy/numale memes know that their picture is used in them and what they think about it.
No. 476039
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>>476010Whats so weird about the soiboi meme is that they seem more conservative than low t liberal. I feel like these guys make anti SJW rants not defend feminism
No. 476138
>>475930I don't go all out with custom lists, but I do use various websites to track things.
If it gets written down somewhere I have more space to remember other things.
No. 476140
>>476137You go to the mall and those schoes will be $70 dresses $30 books $12. So it's still cheaper.
Haven't they always been like that though, it's cheap so of course lower class people will be there. Try going at different times like weekdays or mornings.
No. 476145
>>476137in my city, all the thrift stores but 1 goodwill take donations/poach from the goodwill and ~refurbish~ them and charge 30-40 for a skirt, a blouse, a coat, or shoes. refurbished meaning, they only poach things that are newer quality that dont need repair and sell them for a markup. the kicker is there's a major homelessness problem and there's always 2-3 homeless outside each thrift store in clothes that have been worn down to rags.
thrift store in my hometown sells shirts for 3$ each and i miss it.
No. 476201
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>>476039I'm sick of Star Wars and Marvel and I'm so tired of hard it is to avoid these movies and any discussion of them even though I never seek it out and I've muted every single Star Wars and Marvel-related thing I can on twitter
I hate it so much now
I don't understand how so many fan artists and fanfic writers latched onto Captain America so much, none of the movies have any soul at all. They're not even enjoyable, they just give me a headache.
No. 476281
>>476156Regarding pokemon go, just do it? The game has recently gotten better and I come across newfags all the time still! A coworker started playing it literally last month lol
As for how to do it, it's kinda self explanatory plus I'm sure others will help you if you reach out to them!
No. 476316
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This but with family guy
stop recommending me family guy YouTube
No. 476359
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Saw that Spotify was giving away free google home minis through twitter and placed an order for mine.
I used to vehemently be against getting an alexa/google home mini, but not against it enough to not take it if offered for free lol. I had to hand over my ID to buy Sudafed yesterday so the DEA already saw me doing shit. I have so little hope for my privacy as long as I willingly participate in society, so what fucking ever. I gave up hope years ago when I spoke to someone about wanting perogies and then suddenly got targeted ads for it even though I didn't search about it anywhere online yet and realized they're always listening.
No. 476530
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>>475535This made me LOL after a shitty week. Thanks anon!
No. 476651
>>476644i'm glad i'm not alone, same here haha. i know the movie is a meme so i get too embarrassed to tell anyone how much i liked it (probably one of my favourites once i get out of the high). i want to see it again soon
>>475930that's really cool! i'd love to see that. i actually think about it sometimes but get too lazy to actually do it. i love browsing tv tropes though
No. 476738
i was just reading this article a farmer linked in regards to monster high dolls and i'm kekking over how retarded it is your mom forbidding you to shave your legs in high school bc she read an article on jezebel saying it's harmful to teens
No. 476783
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I've had such a miserable fucking week and I just bought a bunch of my favorite snacks and changed into my "given up on life" clothes and I'm ready to curl up and binge the new season of Bojack Horseman and cry and not leave my house all weekend. See you on the other side, ladies
No. 476837
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My local asthma clinics free magazines are all the same "the season of smoke! Smokey mountains, bbq, and cigarites" issue
No. 476867
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You have to be mentally retarted to fail something as simple as this.
No. 476871
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Started thinking about Assassination Classroom again and thinking of finally finishing watching it. I finished reading the manga and finished season 1, but I knew I would cry like the bitch baby that I am at the end of the series so I couldn't bring myself to finish watching. It's one of my favorites though. Fuck.
No. 476941
>>476937There's nothing wrong with the mixing, it actually sounds better than a lot of albums released in 2018-2019
It's just short as hell.
No. 476964
>>476962No one said that. Anyone involved in alternative fashion, or even slightly interested in it, is most definitely autistic.
The same goes for using chan boards.
No. 477157
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Sometimes I think my OC's are stupid until I take a gander at some other wackjobs OC
No. 477158
>>477157tbh I love seeing what kind of OCs people come up with, ESPECIALLY the unhinged ones.
The whole OC scene is really something to witness.
No. 477162
>>477158♥ they have a love of any cute foods, especially baked sweets! they are very fond of fruits, including strawberries and cherries. despite their enjoyment of baked sweets, they cannot stand candy and are disgusted by it with the exception of chocolate. they are fairly picky about what they eat.
♥ they are incredibly flexible to an alarming extent - they are capable of an impressive back bend.
♥ they have sharp, white nails.
♥ their favourite nicknames are dollie and angel!
♥ a large portion of the stuffed animals ash owns were made for them specifically by elliott. ash is very protective and possessive of these stuffed animals. apart from the dolls made by elliott, ash usually keeps any damaged or broken dolls that they or elliott may find. they relate to them.
♥ they often roam about in unfamiliar areas and enjoy looking through abandoned areas, be it buildings or playgrounds. they'll usually pick up and keep any interesting items they come across in these places, to bring home for either their collection or for elliott.
♥ they own a possessed doll that they've begun to call lucille. they claim that the doll has spoken to them and that the only name mentioned by it was lucille. unknown to ash, lucille was crafted by kanti, who is known to few people as a doll maker possessing "special" talents. lucille was found in an abandoned, burnt down orphanage. her hair seems to be human hair, but ash is unsure.
♥ ash does not name any of their dolls or stuffed animals with the exception of lucille.
♥ their collection of items deemed "creepy" consists of (broken) dolls, teeth, eyes, bones, and ouija boards. they are especially fond of the dolls and teeth.
♥ ash's most sensitive areas are their upper arms, neck, and hips. they often cover their neck with chokers or other accessories. if not covered, their neck usually has a bruised ring around it, as if they've been choked, or self-inflicted cuts and scratches. the sensitivity of their neck was heightened post-death, after they attempted to scratch at it until it bled out.
♥ ash often has violent dissociative episodes which will usually end or result in self-inflicted injury. these episodes are mostly
triggered by stressful and traumatic experiences and memories of such, along with being ignored by others.
♥ they were on very bad terms with their cousin, arata, for an incredibly long time and they blame him completely for elliott's fear of being stared at and touched. the feelings were mutual, as arata always shamed and isolated ash from the rest of their family throughout their life.
♥ ash's first language is japanese, and their second language is english.
♥ ash has a strong fear of drowning, heights, large animals, and windows.
♥ they often let out quiet sounds, usually drawn out aaaa and uuuuu sounds. they also hiccup often, causing squeaking noises.
♥ they are not all too fond of most animals, and they are even a bit scared of most of them. they are, however, drawn to cuter animals, especially smaller ones. examples being cats, bunnies, sheep, and ferrets.
♥ they are autistic (asperger's). they stim by scratching at their own skin (most notably their neck and arms), chewing on their tongue, and picking at their skin.
♥ they have a history of self harm. this resulted in scars on their thighs, neck, chest, and arms.
♥ they suffer from bipolar-type schizoaffective disorder and borderline personality disorder.
♥ they have dermatophagia and dermatillomania.
♥ they have level 10 misophonia - they act out on being
triggered through self harm.
♥ their mental illness often causes them to have mild to severe memory problems and they will have episodes of being unable to tell what is real, joined by delusions and occasionally hallucinations. these episodes happen most often when ash is incredibly stressed.
♥ ash usually denies most traumatic experiences they've dealt with. they go as far as to lie to elliott about them. they refuse to admit it either hurt them or happened at all.
♥ they are also upset by comparisons being made to them and others in an attempt to make them seem bad, or not good enough.
♥ they are very fond of and often calmed down and relaxed by being pet. in other circumstances, they become very hostile regarding people touching their hair.
♥ they are not very expressive, both in body language and in voice, unless violently upset.
♥ they loathe their birth name and instead go by asher or ashton when they must.
♥ they are fond of nuzzling others to show affection.
♥ they have very poor eating habits - ranging from under eating to over eating.
♥ they'll often try to hide or burrow beneath someone's clothing or the person themself if startled.
♥ they usually go days without sleep, ended by days of sleeping without interruption.
♥ they're an incredibly deep sleeper and can sleep through even physical harm.
♥ they often tilt their head by habit.
♥ they are slightly insecure about their height and size.
♥ they are infertile.
♥ they're very picky about their diet.
♥ they enjoy writing and reading, specifically intentionally bad fiction that could be classified as gore and smut as a joke.
♥ they are left handed.
♥ they're very good at faking emotions, they're a talented actor. along with this, they're do very well with lying and manipulating others.
♥ they are a maladaptive daydreamer.
♥ they chew at & eat their own skin.
♥ they're fond of sucking on skin - they'll often use this as a way to show affection
♥ they have a fairly large following on social media - mostly posting aesthetic photos and photos of themself. they're harassed by bailey online through these accounts.
♥ they're very quick to cry, and their crying easily turns into hysterics.
♥ they have upwards of 32 teeth, and in their monster bodies, will grow extra rows of teeth, similar to a shark.
♥ they prefer coffee to tea, and they like coffee with cream and sugar. they prefer it hot.
♥ they want to adhere to the christian standard of holiness and morality despite being an atheist.
♥ ash has some skill in drawing, due to elliott's encouragement to do so.
♥ their favourite colour is white.
♥ their handwriting is somewhat poor, and they mix letters up as well as words in writing. they'll occasionally write letters or symbols they've made up on accident.
♥ they have poor motor function, which results in falling, tripping, hitting themself, twitching, and shaking while walking.
♥ their shoe size is likely a woman's 6.
♥ they're dependent on opioids.
♥ they are chaotic neutral.
♥ they scratch themself when anxious.
♥ their favourite scents are coconut, lavender, and vanilla.
♥ they like the feeling of pressure being put on to their body.
♥ they suffer from body dysmorphia, specifically focusing on their face and weight.
♥ they hoard their belongings and have a hard time throwing things away.
♥ because they do not often have pockets on their clothes, they usually carry a messenger bag or backpack to hold their belongings.
♥ they use a korilakkuma phone case.
♥ they often get nosebleeds.
♥ because of the nature of ash's body (growing plants and homing insects as well as other things), their natural body odor does not much resemble a human smell. when going without cleaning themself for a period of time, they smell more like an unpleasant plant.
♥ regarding appearance, they have a preference for overweight partners.
♥ they are attracted to nonbinary people and women.
♥ they're fond of the nightmare on elm street series.
♥ they have a dream theme - they feel a strong connection with their dreams (as a result of their dreamchild roots, unknown to them) and will refer to themself as a dream, or dreamy.
♥ they're sensitive to touch, especially with fabrics.
♥ they're sensitive to light and sound.
♥ they have a habit of rocking their body.
♥ they repeat other people's words and phrases unintentionally.
♥ they often do not catch on to jokes or sarcasm, and their sarcasm is often hard to decipher for others.
♥ they have a recurring nightmare of killing elliott.
♥ they're fond of christian imagery.
♥ they'll often wear crosses and rosaries.
♥ they write poorly done fanfiction in their free time.
No. 477176
I read the entire thing. I've never seen anybody get this detailed with a single OC jesus christ.
This HAS to be a self insert.
No. 477233
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Im overly excited about a new reaction meme I pulled from a strange google image search, and I’m almost peeing my pants waiting for a chance to use it. Because I have no life
No. 477413
File: 1572110823132.jpg (73.71 KB, 800x450, 977.jpg)

Some say, "Love. It is a river
That drowns the tender reed"
Some say, "Love. It is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed"
Some say, "Love. It is a hunger
An endless aching need"
I say, "Love. It is a flower
And you its only seed"
It's the heart afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance
It's the dream afraid of waking
That never takes the chance
It's the one who won't be taken
Who cannot seem to give
And the soul afraid of dyin'
That never learns to live
When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snow
Lies the seed that with the sun's love
In the spring becomes the rose
No. 477483
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i need someone to pull out ALL!! MY!! LIMBS!!!!
do it BITCH
throw me 2 the bottom of the ocean hehe
limbless lil nugget SWIMMIN WITH THE FISHES!!!!!!!!!
No. 477509
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No. 477523
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>>477493It's pretty much inevitable in my experience. If you have more than one or two animals you just have to be okay with the fact that your house, and by extension, you, will probably smell like them. Guinea pigs have traumatized me with how bad they can smell.
No. 477526
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"!!!new decade is coming!!how cOOL!AND FUN!"
Bruh, the global warming will kill us all in 12 years or something, Idgaf.
No. 477538
File: 1572140768448.png (142.72 KB, 1999x2195, adventure time queen.png)

>rule 63 of the characters is canon
>finn is a 12 year old boy with a block body and noodle arms and limbs and fionna is a curvy adolescent-young adult looking female with thigh highs
>ice king is a frail pathetic looking old man and ice queen looks cool, sexy and young
2010s media really wasn't nice for female visuals huh, smh. #bringbackthefemalepanderingandprettyboys
No. 477564
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>>477562>Critique as in the sport itself or the playersCritique the sport as well stereotype the players and fans
No. 477572
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I find the look of men and their attire in the Victorian era really attractive. I wanna read more books/watch more movies about that particular era because I love the aesthetic like mansions in the countryside but mostly I just wanna enjoy how beautiful and proper guys back then dressed lol. I kinda wish guys nowadays put this much effort in their clothes, they dress like slobs.
No. 477574
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>>477572we discussed this on the GC/Pink pill thread some time ago but even back in the 1950's(the era of supposed "real men" boomers gush about)men in films were all relatively well kept,well groomed and well dressed especially compared to the slobs of today
No. 477586
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>>477584It wasn't always this way
(for the love of god just fuck off already, necessaryspeed4) No. 477686
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Soyboi Nixon
No. 477821
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i went to get mini soft pretzels in a cup on my 15 min break and the lady kept dropping the pretzels all over the dirty counter and chasing them around with the tongs for a comically long time. by the time she actually gave them to me because she could get them in the cup they were cold and hard
i get that food service sucks i worked it but the pretzels were already made you just had to f ucking put them in a cup
No. 477874
>>477872That's pretty accurate tbh
I might use it to make a point to my future sexting buddies. Thanks anon.
No. 477890
>>477878Why is this, do you think?
t. the anon who sees no mayo appeal
No. 477900
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I always imagined Harriet tubman as this sweet old lady, but she looks more like a dark lord. I guess it made sense for the era she lived in
No. 477935
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me when i'm asked what i'm doing for dinner tonight
No. 477971
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>When customers go shopping for their Halloween costumes less than a week before Halloween and are shocked we're out of the costumes they want or don't have their sizes
No. 478115
>>477202I just finished reading the original webcomic a few weeks ago (took me like 3 fucking months lmao) and was so, so excited to read Homestuck 2. I read the recap of the epilogue because I just haven't been able to bring myself to read it in full but now I'm super offput and choosing to ignore everything.
I hate that I love Homestuck so much now lol. I want to participate in the fandom but if I stay in the twitter search results for it for more than even 5 minutes, I immediately remember why I keep to myself.