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No. 442699
Not trying to vent? Not annoyed? Not asking a dumb question? Post it here.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/425438 No. 442710
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anons this guy im close to is literally perfect and so kind, respectful, considerate, loyal, so funny, dislikes porn, is sympathetic to radfem views, is intelligent, charismatic, not materialistic, etc but i can't be with him and i feel like total shit that his energy is wasted on me when there are other girls that i know would be so much better for him and he's such a rare caliber of guy that really is in such high demand by other high quality women. he's such a high quality person that cares so deeply for other people. easily is the most empathetic man i've ever met. but i'm not even like a nerd and he kind of is so our interests are not there, and severely complicating circumstances prevent me from even being with a guy again and i keep unintentionally hurting him/breaking his heart and it's all for naught bc i literally know women like one of you guys would be better for him. he's suffering for no reason bc of me when i'm not what he needs and i'm literally making his life worse ffs.
i feel so terrible. idk wtf to do. i feel so guilty but like he's so much better off with someone else and i can't be that person for him and i feel so bad that i can't be.
No. 442825
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I'm going out with good friends tonight for dinner and we're going to get hot pot!!! It might be the middle of summer but holy fuck do I love hot pot!!! I'm so excited.
No. 442831
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i ordered a bunch of expensive salon haircare a few days ago and it just arrived today and for some reason they sent me two of everything. i even double-checked the packing list to make sure i didn't accidentally order double but apparently they just fucked up. i'm so confused but i guess it's a good start to the weekend for me?
No. 442868
>>442866please tell me about it. my upstairs neighbors are
insane. they are constantly hammering stuff into the walls and last night they were actually fighting for real.
No. 442982
>>442923i feel you, anon. i'm crossing over into late 20s territory and have an internal freakout every time i notice a fine line on my face. i can't even remember if i've always had them or they're new but i'm slathering about 6 products on my face daily now.
the feminist inside me wants to not care about gray hairs and wrinkles because it's all a construct to make us more appealing to men as we age, but alas, my self-esteem is still a slave to the whole system.
No. 442985
>>442923i feel you, anon. i'm crossing over into late 20s territory and have an internal freakout every time i notice a fine line on my face. i can't even remember if i've always had them or they're new but i'm slathering about 6 products on my face daily now.
the feminist inside me wants to not care about gray hairs and wrinkles because it's all a construct to make us more appealing to men as we age, but alas, my self-esteem is still a slave to the whole system.
No. 443009
>>443004Have you ever had to pee so bad you yank you're pants down, forgetting your underwear, and pee in your underwear?
I've done it twice myself.
No. 443145
Man I just saw a pic of Frollo (the Disney villain) and thought his robes look kind of cool and easy to wear. Plus the hat is cool.
>>443086Luckily I end up getting shocked when my ass hits the cold toilet lid before I do that
No. 443169
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I love 4-ho-met
No. 443182
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>>443086>MRW I found out that my mom thinks that it's okay to flush tampons>She's almost sixty>If she didn't know, there must be other ladies her age who don't either.>RIP plumbingDon't flush tampons, guys. It's common sense.
Also: I fucking hate women who hover while they pee. There's literally no reason to do it- Mythbusters proved that toilet seats are clean surfaces. All it does is get piss all over the seat and floor. If you're that much of a prissy princess whose thighs can't touch the seat, then put some paper down. Don't hover and get piss all over the place.
If you think you're a "clean hoverer" you're wrong. You've fucked up and pissed on the seat, you just didn't notice.
No. 443196
>>443004I've gotten in with my bra on so many times, also nearly turned it on when I was holding my phone directly under it
>>443086That or you don't realise the seat is up and you pretty much fall in.
No. 443229
>>442985Yeah I know it's not very feminist of me either, but I find that making sure I wash my face and put a night cream on before bed is helping me sleep because it establishes a routine where I'm not looking at a phone screen immediately before trying to sleep. This is good for my depresso, and the idea that it's "self-care" is also a useful meme for the same reason. Self-neglect is a big part of my illness and my teeth are now starting to really suffer from the accumulated effect of poor brushing habits.
Look you need really solid self-esteem to be an uberradfem and a bitch is just very sad all the time, allow me my nice smelling potions pls am sorry
No. 443235
>>443228Flushable just means they can be flushed. Doesn't mean nonclogging.
Flushable wipes and tampons will build up in your plumbing or the municipal plumbing clogging it eventually.
No. 443238
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>>443232I know I know, I just was raised by a very weird half NLOG half radfem-y mother who didn't teach or even talk to me about "feminine" coded things like skincare or makeup but instead left me to entirely work everything out on my own so it's still all kinda new to me. I said I was sorry anon pls
No. 443518
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>>443516very true.
<makes me think of this
No. 443519
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>>443516It's bizarre how you could get into a public altercation and no matter how minor, if someone decides to record it you'll have people across the world extremely invested in it to the extent that they try to ruin your life over it despite having never met you
I mean call me paranoid but I'm scared to live in the world that we've created
No. 443521
>>443516its wild. people try to reinforce stranger danger with their kids and stuff but are simultaneously okay with that kid having a facebook or twitter or whatever.
people out here listing every like or fear, geo tag everywhere they go, talk about where they work and the school they go to, list their actual name, location and birthdate and use the same handles for everything and still get mad that 'stalkers' can find out their information.
No. 443527
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I hate that social media encourages/even pressures people to constantly post and overshare. It makes it so easy for strangers to stalk and find you.
Might be extreme but I think parents shouldn't let their kids use the internet until they're adults or access it unsupervised. There's just too many bad things that are easily accessible. Also efame is kinda stupid and dangerous.
No. 443610
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This dog in Texas had 20 puppies.
No. 443614
>>443540a few local cafes here have switched to potato starch straws and they're exactly like plastic and still biodegradable
there's like the smallest difference in texture but you'd have to be some kind of turbo autist to be bothered by it
No. 443742
>>443528People will also turn their entire social media profiles into being about their kids under the guise of “I’m just sharing with their extended family who don’t live nearby,” meanwhile they’re friending everybody they’ve ever met and now all those people know their child’s nicknames, favorite foods, and what part of town they go to school in.
Sage for sperging, but just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
No. 443797
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i want it to be fall so i can listen to my fall music playlist! i usually put my halloween decorations up the 1st of September but im considering doing it sooner. also i want it to get dark out early again. i want the fall!!!
No. 443836
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i just love summerfags whose posts all start out with “WELL I’M XYZ, AND…”
like, listen up faggot. you’re on an imageboard. if you unironically talk about your sad autistic life in snow and pt, you deserve to be pointed and laughed at because you’re literally just another cow. there is no difference between cows who self post and anons who self post.
No. 443917
>>443853That shit sounds really good. I'll see if I can pick some up then. Thanks!
>>443827I heard you can't really use Dawn on cats a lot and she's got quite a few fleas, so I think it would take a few sessions to get rid of them. I'm also trying to avoid soaps at the moment (I probably should have mentioned that) since she's got a lot a scabs/few scratch wounds and I don't want it to hurt her or dry out her skin too much.
No. 443965
>>443889I see this a lot, outside of art communities (since I don't participate them). I think it comes from anxiety due to the recession. It is really, really hard to want to commit yourself to one thing, because what if it doesn't pan out? The recession overstimulated back-up-plan culture, to the point where people are legit scared to specialize.
I can see how this might be so much worse in unstable fields like art.
No. 444179
>>443963You can prefer Asian men without being a
problematic weeb/keeb. It exists in the wild but it seems rare because they are drowned out by loud proud fetishist crazies. Go get you some Asian dick anon!
No. 444290
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TIL that my great grandpa was almost killed by the mafia in the 50s because his brother had committed suicide to avoid being killed by them and he owed the mafia a massive amount of debt. Just very interesting to learn. I did hear that he tended to take no shit and told everyone off who got his goat without a care in the world so I wouldn't be surprised if he told the mafia to go fuck themselves if they tried to force him to pay his brother's debt then they put a hit on him as a result.
I kind of wish I could meet him one day if time machines ever get invented.
No. 444307
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Raging because my own mother forgot that the dog I’ve had since I was a kid died
Thanks 10/10
No. 444314
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When I was studying abroad in college, I was horribly depressed and isolated myself from my classmates as a result.
I started talking to one of my friends back at home more and more, first through text and then we started phoning each other. I brought my 3DS with me, so we started to play Animal Crossing together. We would be on the phone with each other while going on little "dates" in each other's towns and it was the closest thing I had to hanging out with any of my friends back at home. We would both wake up early/go to bed super late just to talk and play with each other. I'm no longer friends with this girl, but I often think back on those days.
I'm playing Pocket Camp a lot more these days, and I really hope they bring over a lot of the new furniture from here into New Horizones- especially the new summer festival furniture. I'd love to set up a little festival area in the summer and play with my friends. It's so lame but I love Animal Crossing so much. I feel so at peace when I play it, and it also lets me indulge in my need for new and cute things via furniture collecting.
No. 444337
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I'm only here because 8chan is down.
No. 444347
>>444307she sounds amnesic anon
is she alzheimer or smth?
No. 444366
>>444348I actually managed to find a photo that some rando on eBay has for some reason (there's multiple press photos of him up for sale bc he was a well known lawyer in a big city, my family doesn't have them so I'm not 100% sure who does, but they're expensive so I don't wanna buy them, I'm wondering if I can PM the eBay lister and tell them that I'm his relative who's interested in buying a couple of them- and that I'm also a poor college student so pls give me a discount) that's got a caption on the side saying how he got shot, he was wounded by only one of three bullets after being attacked by two gunmen and the one bullet got him in the thigh. probably was the mafia if there were 2 gunmen tbh
he and his brother were both lawyers but his brother was the unsuccessful one except for his party life and his gambling which him into debt in the first place, he got my great grandpa a lot of clients tho, and brother later killed himself with a gun when he racked up a lot of debt.
I'd post pics I found but I don't wanna dox myself lol
No. 444391
>>444366My mother's bff was murdered at 18 in the early 80s. When I tried looking up any info, all I found was the old crime scene photo and a news clipping for sale on eBay. It's a bizarre industry.
I just took really good screenshots. Good luck.
No. 444525
>>444503idk how people are using that "meme" now but the term as I knew it means… anyone who you'd say "peaked in high school" basically hasn't accomplished anything since, they're just a loser or a normie at best.
Sometimes it means the really smart kid whose grades don't mean anything at age 25 where he hasn't really gotten anywhere in life because the real world doesn't care if you got an A on a pop quiz once
Other times it means that 'popular' asshole who still clings to their old 'alpha' image who will post 'nostalgic' HS moments shit on Facebook and look like a dumbass because it's been 10 years and nobody cares anymore.
People (or at least I) use this in a disparaging way and anyone who
actually cares about peaking in high school is probably category B and needs to get over themselves
No. 444577
>>444560Because she's "an adult" who "should know better" which is apparently shorthand for "weebs can shit on her out of jealousy as much as they want".
I don't even know what she's doing that's so scandalous, the girl's been a cringefest since she started YouTube so I don't see this as a huge surprise.
No. 444593
>>444528Venus may have issues but is far removed from where she was so I'm surprised people still shit on her the way they do.
In some respects I can't fully blame venus when I experienced abuse at the hands of a narcissistic parent who still refuses to acknowledge what she did to me to this day. I almost feel a sense of pity for her. Plus she's not really doing much milky enough to warrant outrage from me, at least.
No. 444646
>>444645>she's completely dysfunctional18 years of physical and emotional abuse will do that to you, yeah.
>I have no idea why anyone would be jealous of venusangelic's lifeBecause weebs from PULL are loons who base their entire self-worth on whether they get to go to glorious Nippon or not.
No. 444647
>>444646I just don't see her ever getting any better in her current space. It's like a state of completely arrested development.
And are PULL users really that unironically weeaboo? Nothing about her life is enviable. She has no job, she's not a particularly popular online personality, she's not wealthy, her husband isn't attractive. Surely their entire raison d'etre isn't just living in Japan full stop right?
No. 444657
>>444647The whole site was basically founded by jealous weebs who hated Dakota for making it big in glorious Nippon. They also have a passionate hatred for several weeb snowflakes and always complain about the exact same shit
>Venus is ugly and ageing like milk just like her mother lmao, she also doesn't speak any of the languages she claims to, including her native language>Kenna is ugly, fat and too dark, she doesn't appreciate Japanese culture like I do, she doesn't deserve to live in Japan>Dakota is ugly, racist and ageing like milk (you're noticing the pattern now), her hair is thin and she doesn't speak good Japanese as well as she claims to>Sharla is ugly and ageing like milk, she dresses like shit and doesn't try to fit in with superiour nipponese fashion (and if she did she'd be branded a weeb like Venus)>Taylor is OLD and a desperate sugarbabyEtc etc.
No. 444798
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I'm thinking about selling some video games and books I don't care about anymore or never really cared about. I feel dumb about buying games I never really played because of my lack of free time or motivation back then. I remember selling a lot of manga I liked a lot a few years ago and regretting it but now that I think about it it was a good decision because I knew I wouldn't read them again anyway. Hopefully I'll get a lot of money from that.
All of this is reminding me of how much I don't like downloading games instead of buying physical copies, it's not taking physical space so that's convenient but I don't like not being able to share, give or sell games I don't want anymore.
No. 444978
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I was trying to find an old tumblr blog of someone I followed and now I'm down the rabbit hole of my following list and found this on one of the blogs. I hate that I'm laughing but I can't stop laughing at it.
No. 445119
>>445090I'm pretty far removed from my teens anon, but I completely feel that. I'm an artfag and I remember when I was a little kid who just liked doing art for the sake of doing art.
Then when I hit my teenage years I was blindsided by crippling self-doubt that has never really gone away
No. 445126
>>444884Yeah, some people have no clue how they're supposed to use these platforms and then have the audacity to bitch about how their feed sucks. Bitch,
you curated it.
>>444978This made me kek.
No. 445237
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Sometimes I think about how back in the scene days people would avoid labels because " hurr labels are for soup cans", but now it's like labels are everything.
Funny how times have changed. Also scene was awful but I had a lot of fun with it when it was a thing, even the awful music that came with it kek
No. 445314
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>>445310>hair vitamins>breast growthAre you sure you took vitamins?
No. 445374
>>445355I only gained in my boobs, the rest of me stayed the same! Based on the research I did, some people did experience small weight gain (3-5 pounds) but it was water weight. Basically if you take too high of a dosage it might cause your body to retain water, which leads to bloating. From what I can tell the people who claimed to gain weight from msm were the ones taking high dosages (3000-8000 mg). If you take the recommended amount (1000-2000 mg) then your weight shouldn't be effected (minus the boobs). The brand I used was called OptiMSM and I took 2000 mg, if that helps.
I'd recommend giving it a try, it only cost like $10! For the best results you have to take it with vitamin c (so with orange juice or a vitamin c supplement). There's only four main side effects that people who take it experience:
>Will give you a headache if you don't drink water during the day. If I didn't drink water after taking my dosage I would get a mild headache, but after drinking a few sips I was fine. >Can give you weird dreams if you take it before bed. Some people get nightmares, but mostly it's just really vivid/realistic dreams. Should be fine if you take it earlier in the day tho.>Can make body hair grow really fast, I found myself shaving a little more often after I started taking it. >Can mess with your menstrual cycle; my period is normally super regular but after taking msm it came almost a week late; but it was also not as heavy and I didn't have cramps.Obviously every body is different, but msm seems to pretty consistent in its results and i'd trust it
No. 445408
>>445332Oh my god!!!!! I LOVE him!!! Didnt one of his paintings sell for
really high at the Basel Art Fair this year? You know what, a lot of my friends my age dislike him but I think his paintings are weirdly expressive through their simplicity. We've been seeing a ressurgance of kitsch/goodtaste-badtaste (obvs through street fashion in the past 5 years but also in Fine arts in the last 3 years) and while Katz's paintings are mostly from the 70's, I feel like they have this pseudo-kitsch feel that 90s/2000s lounge era à la Sade/Gala/women wearing white tuxedos drinking wine have… Idk if any of this makes sense, I'm tipsy but like… anon, you're so lucky.
No. 445412
>>445408Damn now I feel bad for shitting on him like the uncultured piece of shit that I am on the vent thread LOL
I'm glad you like his work! I'll do my best to write the best summary of him and his work just for you anon.
No. 445440
the anon who sperged about 8chan
>>445337 cracks me up, mainly due to how pathetic the post is. imagine taking time out of your day to sperg about a fucking image board by essentially writing bad copypasta.
No. 445493
>>445434Did you buy it online/where do you get it?
I’m so intrigued.
No. 445505
>>445493I got mine from amazon (link if you wanna check it out: ).
I used about a teaspoon a day and it lasted for about a month. There's three forms (pill, powder, and crystal). Powder/crystal work better, and the only differences between them is that crystals dissolves in water easier which makes it easier to drink. Not gonna lie, it doesn't taste the best but it's drinkable lol. I've seen the pill form at grocery stores in the vitamin aisle, but I think the powder forms are only sold at health stores that cater to selling supplements. Not sure about other sites that sell it.
No. 445507
I have a "crazy" story I have been telling everyone. My friends, roommates, coworkers. Lol. I will post it here.
My ex, my bestie, and their friend Ben went to undergrad together. At that time, my ex was not very nice to my friend Ben. However, I didn't become friends with Ben until after I broke up with my ex and they all graduated from undergrad.
My bff and Ben had a lot in common. Naturally, Ben developed a crush on my bff. However, my bff didn't like him back and it caused a lot of problems between them.
Instead, my bff liked my ex better even though they had less things in common. This hurt Ben's feelings.
Eventually, my bff developed a crush on my ex. The kicker was that my bff isn't the type of guy my friend likes. So Ben was really jealous after that. Sad :/
No. 445559
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does anyone have advice for building your life from the ground up after being stuck in a deeply dysfunctional and abusive household your whole life? i'm only 22 but i've missed so many milestones and haven't learned to live a responsible life, because i've been trapped in a cycle of retraumatization for over 11 years. i'm moving out soon and i just don't know where to start or how to live like an adult and everything feels overwhelming. i know im not helpless, and i have agency and responsibility over the way my life goes from here on out; i just don't know how to rebuild my life, and i don't really know anyone who's been in a similar situation who i could turn to for advice. sorry if this doesn't belong here
No. 445664
>>445559anon, congrats on finding an opportunity to get out of your
abusive household. have you had the chance to go to college at all or any work experience? do you have a support system of friends at all? if no to all of those questions then what i would first work on is finding an entry-level job such as retail (the holidays are coming up so that should be pretty easy) so you can at least have some money in your pocket, establish a routine, and start building your resume.
i think in your situation it will help to make a list of short-term and long-term goals and figure out what individual steps you need to take in order to achieve them. accomplishing the small steps instead of looking at the big picture can really help when you're feeling overwhelmed.
just try to take it a day at a time.
No. 445736
>>445703>>445720I have no idea what video you guys are talking about but I hope that this stupid ass bitch gets some serious punishment for being such an
abusive piece of shit.
No. 445740
>>445736She uploaded a video of her doing the plastic wrap challenge with her doberman but accidentally uploaded unedited footage. I saw it on Twitter and it made me so upset to watch. I'm glad she fucked up and uploaded the wrong footage. Imagine what goes on when the camera isn't rolling at all.
The flip between her fake ass happy persona to being fucking PISSED at her dog. Grabbing him and knocking him to the floor and spitting on him (or what sounded like spitting). She overreacted to what looked like her dog just trotting over and wanting to give his beloved over a little lick on the face. Obviously if you don't like these behaviors, you should train them out. Occasional negative reinforcement is one thing, the way she reacted is a whole other thing.
No. 445869
>>445772Agree, my ex bought into the Tumblr asexuality thing hardcore just because of low libido. We had sex pretty regularly, like once a week, at his initiation, and he would enjoy himself and cum, but because he didn't think about sex 24/7 he thought he was ace. When I told him that was stupid he was like "not uh!!! I read asexual people can still like and have sex!!!!" (It's even funnier when you realise he used to be super pornsick.)
It's so fucking weird people put any amount of thought into such a non-issue. My husband and I have relatively low libidos but it's never even come up in conversation. We have sex when we feel like it a couple times a week but otherwise we like doing other activities together more. I'd never on my life say I was ace.
No. 445894
>>445772I think this is more due to people wanting labels to feel speshul.
>>445869I swear 99% of "asexuals" aren't asexual at all. Or they're weebs who masturbate and don't want real relationships.
No. 445974
>>445704Did you tell him so that he could maybe return it to get his money back?
Just be like, It's the thought that counts or something.
No. 446067
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Say what you will but I'm so glad to be a fujo because I get to spend all my time in girls only spaces, no crazy trannies or men because they're repulsed by gay stuff and even the fakeboi snowflakes and their handmaidens hate cis females so they stay away. And even the men that actually like BL are often chill fudanshis who respect women. Life is good.
No. 446079
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Honestly not sure if this belongs in this thread or the stupid questions one, but I'm putting it here because it just came out as a stupid thought in my head.
I wonder why people who buy those huge, guady looking diamond rings as an obvious flaunt of their wealth don't just buy a whole ass ring made of diamond? I found this ring, which was unveiled earlier this year and was cut from a lab grown diamond, but diamonds really aren't all that rare anyway so… Assuming someone doesn't grow at the rate that Feebz does, it's not like they would outgrow the ring, and diamonds are the hardest material blah blah shit.
I hate diamonds but now I'm sad because I think this ring actually looks cute lol
No. 446107
>>446089don't feel bad, you can love someone but not respect them. it's not something you owe anyone. i mean,
do respect their boundaries esp if you know they're bad at setting them but on a principle level you don't need to respect his personality or whatever.
No. 446134
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Convince me that telling this guy i've consistently been talking to on discord (8 mo) i have feelings for him isnt a terrible idea. I will be seeing him irl in october but holy shit i think I'm going to get hemorrhoids from emotional constipation
No. 446178
>>446124This may sound weird, but growing up when I sat in the back seat my dad would stretch his arm and rest it on the back of the passenger seat. I don't know why, but I found that as some weird violation of my privacy and it made me uncomfortable.
>>446132Growing up my parents would take long drives to the beach and we ended up in a lot of 'middle of now where' places. We'd drive for and hour seeing nothing, see a k-mart headquarter, and maybe pass by a ghost town.
No. 446196
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>>446178holy shit, I read that as when you sat in the backseat, your dad would stretch his arm and rest it on the back of the backseat and I was horrified imagining this man with absolute yaoi hands
No. 446199
>>446134don't tell him until after you meet. too many stories of things not working out after the first meeting. many people are much more talkative online, for example, and are autistic as fuck irl. he could also turn out to be a creep.
for the record, I'm very wary of relationships formed online with men, after spending a couple months in threads of guys sharing tips on how to emotionally manipulate foreign women for nudes/sex under the guise of feelings/love. so this might be an overreaction.
No. 446306
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>>446295wholesome post, helped me cheer up a bit i hope you have a nice day too anon
No. 446322
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This is true
No. 446351
>>446322I've noticed that so many alt right/white nationalist guys are also weebs and have an asian/japanese fetish, even knew a guy like that. he hated black people and arabs but worshipped japan.
>>446326exactly. lauren southern was always saying how women need to be traditional and get married in their early 20s and have babies because focusing on a career will end up making them miserable and by the time they hit 27 they will be too old to get a man (and really she was paraphrasing what jordan peterson had said). meanwhile she's pushing 25 and prioritizing her journalism career, and getting butthurt when people ask her why she's not married.
No. 446365
>>446134yeah wait until you two have met
not even because of what the other anon said about manipulation but just wait how you get along irl
i used to have a mad crush on this girl i've known online for years but when we met there was oddly enough no attraction, we just ended up as really close friends
some things vibe differently in text and you might just interpret messages more to your liking and make him fit more into your type than he is
No. 446379
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The MBTI stuff can be fun but I can never take it too seriously because I know this dumbass who's obsessed with being an ~INTJ~ and plasters it everywhere and talks about how super speshul she is all the time. She wants to be an edgelord so badly and it makes me laugh to think of her reading this shit about how INTJs are such cool edgy masterminds when she's airheaded as fuck, like legit one of the dumbest people I know, and flies off the handle because she has no control over her emotions and is insecure as hell.
No. 446435
>>446379Lmao. I think MBTI is bullshit. I would even go so far as to say astrology is more believable to me.
I've taken a bunch of different MBTI tests and gotten different answers but I still get INTJ the most, and yeah it fits me BUT every thing you read about MBTI says INTJs are ~super rare and speshul~ yet almost every female I've ever seen who has taken an MBTI test has gotten INTJ. Not to mention one of the traits of being INTJ is supposed be that you're a critical thinker yet they just buy into all this Myers-Briggs bullshit even though there is literally no scientific evidence to back it up.
No. 446439
It's my birthday in a week and I bought myself my gift this year because I had the spare money to buy myself tickets for two concerts/shows next year which I'm super excited to see. At least one good thing to be an adult and be able to buy shit for yourself that sparkles a lot of joy lol
>>446433how the fuck did this stupid joke start anyway? Wasn't it musk or pewds? I swear both of them are one of the biggest reasons why internet humor went to shit.
No. 446449
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I wish money was no object to me so I could buy beautiful toys without a second thought.
No. 446470
>>446435Also supposedly an INTJ and I feel the same way. For what's apparently the most rare and super special type it sure seems to be common. I'd say 50% of the women I know who take the test get INTJ.
Just seems like astrology for people who think they're smart to me.
No. 446542
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I just remembered about the Pon and Zi comics and I'm gonna lose my mind lmao
No. 446589
>>446581lol some aspects of my physique get laughed at on here too. don’t sweat it, it’s rarely actually bad and more just an easy way to nitpick a cow when all else fails.
also fuck the whole body type trend, period tbh. It’s annoying as fuck and really only matters to people seeking clout, most people don’t want/care about that super intense hourglass figure
No. 446609
>>446602I swear "get therapy, leave him and make an appointment at a good hairdresser" should be lolcow's version of "delete the gym, Facebook up and hit the lawyer".
For fuck's sake, anon, this boy's bad news if him and his shitty attitude are making you pull a Britney. Get the hell out of that mess.
No. 446614
My mother likes to boomerpost on Facebook. She has over 4,000 friends and over 5,000 followers I believe. She gets constant thirst from the absolute nastiest guys. I looked through her photos on her phone (she lets me), and today I found memes of "feminism is cancer," "women are entitled," and all the typical shit an incel would post. She absolutely enables their behavior. I was completely dumfounded, because we always talk about how awful men are. She's the one who pinkpilled me at a young age, about the awful things men do that are just now gaining traction again, like "gender critical." We even had a discussion about it this week! She's a total pickme; all of her replies to the guys on her profile are flirtatious, and the guys honestly think they have a chance. These guys keep at it even though she says she's married, and a lot of them are married as well! Honestly, what the fuck. Ew.
No. 446630
update since shaving my head
i called my sister to come over and help me with this and she told me roughly similar things as you gals
>>446627>>446623>>446622shes having me stay with her this weekend and that shes going to be talking to him but im convinced shes going to end it for me but how do i even fix what i did i look like an ugly boy now
No. 446633
>>446630I'm glad to hear that your sister is there to support you.
Buzzcuts on girls are fucking hot. Try not to look at your new haircut as an Eleven, but as a Furiosa
No. 446689
>>446633>>446635>>446643>>446657thanks for the responses, anons my sister is really one of my idols for how quickly she responded to this fucking mess
i think i needed to reach a point where enough is enough and this was it for me. i just need a way to end it once and for all and get him out of my apartment & figure out what im going to do about work coming soon
No. 446852
>>446689I'm proud that you still took the steps to
accept your sisters help and GTFO that piece of shit relationship. You will be better, and we're rooting for you.
>>446825You can do a more emotionally available thing and talk to her about your feelings, and say that if she doesn't see the possibility of giving you a chance, you'd like to take some time away to get over your feelings so you can continue your friendship without it ruining your mental health. Let her become a part of the decisionmaking imo. If you're close friends then dumping her without an explanation is a huge blow. Let her know what is going on with you.
No. 446881
blogpost incoming, sorry for the length
I finally figured out why I have these deep issues of hating everything related to performative femininity, wearing makeup, dresses, girly stuff and activities. It's because of my mom. Maybe this should go into the confession thread instead but I feel a bit of contempt towards women and girls that are over the top feminine, waifu types, housewives, and trad types. I know this isn't healthy and I know what I'm feeling is wrong but I can't dissociate that sort of appearance and interests from my mom and certain friends that have made me deeply repulsed of being a woman.
The reason being that my mom is that sort of trad type that is an ardent anti-feminist and thinks that the world would be a better place if we went back to good old days when women were in the kitchen and were at home with the kids and men were men. I cringe even typing this. I've also met other girls with similar thoughts and opinions and it doesn't matter how much I try, I just can't stop associating femininity with vapid housewife attitude. My mom's interests are gossip, soap operas, fashion, makeup, romcoms. I cannot but judge people with the same interests as stupid and empty shells with no ability to form their own opinion. I utterly hate my mother's urge to always appease men and gain a man's approval. For example, when I complained about getting catcalled my mom told me I should be happy because when I grow older, I will regret not getting catcalled. And when once there was a topic on TV about women that are into dominating men, my mom said that all women desire being dominated because it's in our nature which resulted in me having a disturbing relationship with other men. She completely mocked the metoo movement and even think Epstein did nothing wrong.
I'm aware that it's not a nice thing to say about my mother. Sometimes we get along just fine, but sometimes, I just want to cut all the ties and never speak to her again.
In contrast, my father's pretty chill and has no such opinion of women. I have no idea how these two got together.
No. 446886
>>446881Nah, that's pretty legit anon. Not the projection onto all feminine women, but disliking your mom for her shitty views. I think I'd flip if my mother held those beliefs.
If it helps at all, gender conforming women who hate men or who are at least progressive exist. I like dresses and skin care but fucking despise men at worst and want a reverse-trad FLR at best.
Ironically I went through a similar issue when I was presenting GNC myself because I thought I had to be submissive and uwu weak if I was feminine, what a joke. I used to get angry at myself for even making gestures that may be read as feminine and was always on the verge of flipping shit if I was interacting with a woman who had a high-pitched voice. Don't know if it's the same for you?
I hope you can overcome it since it is quite frustrating.
(By the way I'm not implying femininity will be your ~true form~ if you overcome this issue, that was just my personal case. Butch and stag women are based.)
No. 446889
>>446744If you've never done it before, just start out by looking at the nutritional information on the back of packets and become aware of how many calories, sugar and fat is in what you're eating. You may find that you start avoiding higher calorie foods from doing this.
About five years ago I started eating a strict keto diet because I kept getting brain fog and it was interfering with my ability to do my job as a bookkeeper. I used to write down everything I ate and then sit down at the end of the day with a calculator to work out my exact macros. It's easy enough to do once you know a few tricks. Supermarket websites will have all the nutritional information you need. The nutritional information will usually be given for 100g of product. For example if you ate 35g of chocolate, the easiest and quickest way to work out how many calories you consumed is by taking the number calories per 100g and then multiplying it by 0.35. So if 100g of chocolate contains 534 calories that multiplied by 0.35 is 186.9 and now you have the exact amount of calories you ate. If you ate 70g, you would multiply the value per 100g by 0.70. If you eat more than 100g, say 125g, the number you would need to multiply by would be 1.25. I hope that's understandable.
No. 446895
>>446886Thanks anon. I'm aware that my projection is stupid and it's embarrassing to admit it. Also, hearing that you sort of went through the same and overcame it gives me hope.
> verge of flipping shit if I was interacting with a woman who had a high-pitched voice. yeah, same. Gestures, interests, crying too.
I still can't cry in front of others or even when I'm alone. Coincidentally, I developed anger issues that I'm working through right now.
I really appreciate what you wrote. It feels good knowing that I'm not alone. I don't think I could admit this anywhere else. And I feel like a piece of shit for writing shit about my mom but today was the last straw with the epstein bit.
No. 446896
>>446881I'd like to say that I sympathize with your situation, consider this though:
>I've also met other girls with similar thoughts and opinions and it doesn't matter how much I try, I just can't stop associating femininity with vapid housewife attitude.This could probably be corrected by just meeting more women, specifically what you might call professionals. What you do for a living or just who you're around all day can shape this.
I also feel like the radfem take on aspects of performative feminity being instruments of the patriarchy (like heels are meant to cripple us) to be kind of bullshit. Imo it's just too much of a stretch, though I do agree with most other radfem theories.
For me, I enjoy the ritualized aspect of "making myself up", it can be therapeutic in a way. Similarly how having a skin care routine helps me wind down and relax. I see it like taking extra time to pay attention to just yourself.
Anyways, best of luck to you anon. You sound like you already have a good head on your shoulders in regards to this issue, like recognizing it as a problem, so you'll be okay.
No. 446915
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Just realized it's been at least 3 years since I begun lurking on lolcow. Probably more. I always thought it was way less.
No. 446922
>>446896Thanks anon.
> This could probably be corrected by just meeting more women, specifically what you might call professionals. What you do for a living or just who you're around all day can shape this.True. Unfortunately, all my previous work experience has been in an office environment where women were like carbon copies of my mom. I've had great friendships with other women but they were all GNC, or at the very least, they didn't wear makeup and didn't gossip.
I'm going to move places soon but regardless, I want to change how I feel about this. I never bothered to analyze my thoughts or talk about my feelings before because I thought it was stupid.
No. 447019
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i want to pet crystal exarch and protect him with my life
i would kill a man
No. 447080
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>>447019i just moved to xiv from another mmo and the idea of maybe meeting other farmers made me so happy just now thank you anon
No. 447102
Watching the bpdfag sperg out in the ana thread makes me wonder if the person who caused me to stop streaming had BPD. She talked a lot in chat and hung out every day. Generally she was really nice. The channel got a little bigger, and I made some people mods, and she asked to be one, and I said sure, but once the chat gets more active and the mods can't keep up with filtering bad comments. There weren't a lot of bad comments to filter, so I thought it'd be a while.
The next day, there was around ten accounts that popped in and called me names and spammed curse words. I thought it was a freak occurrence, and everyone was doing okay with moderating, but it kept happening every day in increasing numbers. After a couple weeks of the random spamming, I was kind of anxious about it, and then one of the accounts, after insults, said something like "boy it looks like you need an actual moderator" and the girl who I promised mod to agreed in chat.
It hit me that she was making all the accounts, creating a toxic enough environment that would get her mod. I banned her quietly and told my other mods my suspicions, and waited to see what happened next.
Several "friends" of the girl, all on new accounts joined and demanded to know why she was banned, what she did wrong, why it was wrong. That I was mistaken, that it couldn't be proven. I told her friends I was disappointed in her, and that I may unban her in the future, but not right now.
Then the account attacks increased. More people joining, but this time starting or joining a conversation innocently, then landing insults that were really specific. It went on for weeks. I didn't really know what to do, so I took a break for two weeks without telling anyone. It wasn't until the break that I realized how much stress that dealing with that girl had caused me. I stopped streaming altogether.
I always wondered why it happened. It was really weird and tiring and toxic. I wasn't even a large stream to obsess over… but yeah I was just reminded of the behaviour that she exhibited. I realize it must've been mental. If not BPD then something else.
No. 447130
>>447102some people are just manipulative spergs anon tbh. i hope some day u can stream again without that issue if u liked it doing it ://
(i had a good chuckle from the bpdfag tbh. the ana chan board attracts too many of these fuckers its lowkey pathetic)
No. 447153
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guys i still cant get over the teddy geiger thing
No. 447287
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My local fruit vendor was selling avocados for a dollar each and I ended up buying two and have been making myself avocado toast for breakfast all weekend. I topped it with prosciutto the first day, but then yesterday and this morning I decided to top it off with cherry tomatoes and raw shallots.
I know avocado toast is a dumb meme but fuck, I love it so much and I'm so happy I get to eat a bunch of it without paying out the ass for it.
No. 447343
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I wish I wasn't so garbage at games. My favorite game is Animal Crossing because it's so chill and I can still get a nice house and pretty town just by spending a few hours here and there working on it. I don't have to be a "super good gamer" to get all the best stuff.
I bought a Switch almost a year ago by now, but I haven't finished any of the games I bought. I first bought BoTW but I stopped shortly after picking it up because I'm so god fucking awful at fighting monsters and it stresses me out that weapons will break after some time, so it amps up my hoarding mentality to save all of my weapons. I picked it up again recently but I'm stressed about having to do the Vah Ruta dungeon because I fucking suck at fighting things. I literally spent hours just getting to the Zora domain in the first place because I didn't want to walk the main path. I kept trying to find other ways through the mountains before I eventually settled on making my way by following the path but still staying far off of it to avoid fighting. I see people do speedruns and shit but my brain is so bad at timing and pressing buttons correctly and quick enough. I know there's no point in being a "good gamer," but I'd like to just enjoy games without getting easily frustrated because I fucking suck and can't stop dying.
I just want New Horizons to come out so I can just enjoy being a basic bitch and use my switch more.
No. 447350
>>447345Thank you anon, I will!
I played on my friend's switch a long while back and I had so much fun doing dumb mindless shit like climbing up every single mountain that I could find, I just wanna do that again LOL
No. 447356
>>447350Absolutely do that! Just ignore the game quests for now and climb up mountains. Once you get more stamina (which you can get as well once you get more shrines) you can climb up pretty much everything. If you have any more questions, anons can probably answer in the games thread on /m/. But just fucking around climbing shit, finding shrines, and avoiding everyone for the time-being is a great way to get more gear/hearts/travel points.
Delete and repost to say that if you find a shrine that is too hard, it can still be used as a fast travel point, so you can come back to it later and continue exploring.
No. 447372
>>447356Thanks!! I'll definitely check that thread out!
>>447367Bad at timing, bad at aiming, stress overtakes me easily so I button mash constantly when fighting with bad results. I also constantly forget which buttons do what lol
No. 447826
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>>447796Is the lolcow art discord dead? I recently switched disocrd accounts and haven't bothered rejoining.
No. 447839
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Holy shit. Kids born in 2005 are turning 14 this year. Kids born in 2005 are about to enter high school. How did the time go by so damn fast?
No. 447856
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>>447843i wonder why dudes come here to post their dicks. what do they get out of it? it's not like its tinder where its one on one and maybe a girl will respond. why do men?
No. 447908
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>>447839Mood, anon. Earlier today I was scrolling through old pictures of a vacation from 5 years ago and… it feels like yesterday. I was 19, now I'm 24. I can't believe it. Time goes by so fast it's scary.
No. 447928
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>>447864That's what I often think about trees and rocks I see outside, how many hundreds of years they've been around for, the history is all around us. Some animals are even considered immortal like pic related which just keeps alternating between sexually mature and immature phases indefinitely.
No. 447957
>>447956Nah bro, I was born just a year after you and I'm determined to always have an open mind towards new technology. I'm gonna do my damnedest to at least show willing to learn Neural Snapchat or whatever comes next, and keep my opinions on how technology is shaping society to myself.
I refuse to become a boomer. I refuse.
No. 447975
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>>4479715000 iq move is to stay on the fringes of society your whole life so when you're older nothing changes that much
No. 448124
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I have been emulating a few psx games because i am stressed and kind of regressing, i had a few issues with stuttering playing Legend of mana and went on google to see if there was a fix and turns out most threads talking about it were from 2002 , 2006. Like wtf, it triggered the worst dreadful feeling on me to realize how much time has passed since i was a teenager, somehow reading the date on the posts talking about it made it more real for me, i feel like a fucking looser that wasted her life on the internet and is only good for distracting myself from how shitty i am at the real world.
No. 448224
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Not gonna lie, whenever i remember this retarded fujo i used to be friends with up until last year i have many keks but also my day gets a little worse. Dunno what made me think that bitch was worth keeping around desu. She used to constantly beg for me to change my male OC's sexualities in chat and voice chat. She used to put this really raspy sad begging voice too.
Man, so glad i dumped all those shitty friends. They wanted me to listen when they had to vent, babble and explore their creativity, but didn't want to be there for when i wanted to. Fuckers came back crying when i left them without saying a word. Never stick with bitches who will lie to your face, but run towards you crying when you put up a defense. I'm living my best life without people that just wanna use me. Trust your gut. People who treat you like shit and only superficially support you are NOT your friends.
No. 448515
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My coworkers brought some sweets to me and I was thinking they looked familiar so I looked it up… and it's from this expensive wagashi shop in the city…
No. 448633
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i live in the same city as momokun and somehow have managed to avoid running into her for like 10 years despite having been to the same events and even working with one of her parents, and the other day i finally saw her. she was in front of me in traffic in the part of town she lives in and i recognized her plate. my partner gets all the lolcow gossip secondhand and was like what, really? and when we got close enough to look in, it was definitely her in the passenger's seat. i recognized her fried-ass grey hair and awful acrylic talons, she was on her phone. idk who was driving, it was really quick.
made me feel a little bit like a creep, not gonna lie
No. 448827
>>448615It is! People will leave treats for the whole office in the kitchen, and sometimes my supervisor will come back from one of his smoke breaks with a cookie! I have such a sweet tooth and I love all food, so I'm always super happy about it.
It's funny since I'm the receptionist and in the interview they said "yeah we just don't want someone who's going to be munching on food at the front desk" but the same people are occasionally giving me snacks haha! I try my best to keep it out of view and sneak bites in case a surprise guest comes in.
No. 448830
>>448693Oh shit I work in the area too lol.
There's a public database about all property sales in NYC and I shifted through that but then I realized I probably need to find information on the tenants rather than owners and I don't think that information is going to be easy to find… The NYPL listed a whole bunch of online databases but most of them don't have the info I'm looking for and it looks like there might be more info in the physical archives so maybe one of these days I'll stop into the library and take a look. It's really frustrating going around in circles but feels so satisfying.
No. 448852
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Imagine being some kid expecting another teen titans go sucks rant only to be hit in the face with this.
No. 448879
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I still cry over this random reddit post sometimes lol it helps me cope idk
No. 448976
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A little upset that my friend ended up bailing on me and I dressed a little cute today, but it's fine because that means I get to go home and have dinner with my mom, and to make up for bailing on me, my friend said he would watch this movie with me next week!! I'm excited.
No. 449056
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I used to want to be a gyaru in my teens until my mother saw my tumblr and said they look like Moria Casan. That's all I think about when I go through the gaijin gyaru thread lmao
No. 449108
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Since I saw this zombie snail video, I've been feeling a weird mix of disgust and fear.I remembered how humans,no matter how big and andvanced they are,can be affected by something so small that has such an impact.
It frightens me that something so small could potentially fuck me up like this.It makes me feel scared and weak
Putting a spoiler because it makes me feel sick ugh
No. 449135
>>449129but thats not scary. Like, I
know I have toxoplasmosa and I'm completely fine with it.
No. 449176
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my fashion insta keeps getting over 100 new followers a night after i hit 2k but social media is useless for me aside from playing number games
i wonder if i can do anything with it aside from being offered sponsorships by overpriced chinese resellers but prob not
No. 449288
>>449257I personally wouldn't bother talking to guys who have never had a ltr and or aren't looking for one now. Only guys who've had long term relationships will make a good friend to another woman and they tend to want a relationship themselves, too. Guys who sleep around or "let's see how it goes/maybe I'll x or y" are like cardboard cutouts of men. They have no personality and just say whatever is required to continue the communication with the end goal being sex 'n ghost
If you want male friends look for ones already in or previously in ltr
No. 449303
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I own an exact version of that pillow that appeared in petscop. I'm paranoid for some reason now
No. 449307
>>449303Petscop makes me weirdly paranoid and anxious. I can't explain it.
Normally, I
love things like it, but something about it gives me a very unpleasant feeling.
No. 449332
>>449327The fuck? I was just looking through old EA shit and enjoying the old drama, and I realized her antics reminded me of AB's. Calm down.
I still want to know if she really does know about this site. I'd like to think she'd deliberately leak shit about other public figures in the celebricows thread to shit-stir and bump her own thread with fake milk for self-promo if she did.
No. 449415
>>449350god i'm glad to read that. i get so nostalgic for EA's trashy myspace edits and the weird audio quality of enchant and all her melodrama with the asylum plague rat stuff too. it's a little sad thinking that all that was weirdly meaningful to me at some point.
No. 449418
>>449415what bothers me about her is that with her classical training, great education, lithe body and model face, she could've done her shtick but done it WELL, like, not having everything be totally hot topic-tier? without calling everything "crumpets", like, without all of the really bad british larping, especially because she's from fucking malibu and her well-to-do background and education should've kept her from turning into a woman with the sensibilities and tastes of a family dollar cashier? like, she could've just done a blend of genres and a blend of 'funky' and whatever, without it being so trashy and histrionic. it's too bad, because she has a nice vocal range and skill, but terrible taste.
No. 449533
>>448879"just take the easy way out dude, trust me, be lazy, take that semester off, gain 20 pounds, loose contact with family and friends, get a loan with shitty interest rates and forget to pay on time, i did it and it worked out great"
classic reddit advice.
No. 449714
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I actually love when I see some handmaiden or pick-me talking shit about women on Twitter, and then I reverse search their profile pic (usually an attractive woman) and get multiple pages of results.
Either it's a man who's too stupid to catfish well (and we know this to be common), or a pick-me who's insecure as shit (and we also know this to be common).
I sometimes consider actually using Twitter just to call these people out, but it's not really worth it.
Keep talking tough and picking at other people's appearances. You already know your own level of ugliness is so bad that it wasn't even fit for a profile picture.
No. 449739
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Shane Dawson just announced he has misophonia and it makes me worry that a bunch of his fans will read about it and be like “omggg, chewing is so annoying, i totally have misophonia too!!!” because they misunderstand that it’s a severe disorder. I don’t know if it’s dumb to care, but things like that infuriate me since having misophonia has meant that I haven’t had a meal with either of my parents for maybe 7-8yrs now and that certain noises have enraged me to the point of tears or wanting to hurt myself.
No. 449741
>>449714Holy shit I never considered that would be the case. Do you have any results that stand out? Like specific tweets where it turned out to be true?
I just came here to post something similar about how I noticed non-white gay men like to incite misogyny between women under the guise of "it's only okay because theyre white EXDEE!!!"
No. 449761
>>449741I'm pretty sure there was an article exposing some "conservative traditional wife" Twitter accounts for using fake pictures and generally catfishing back in 2016 or 2017, but I can't find it anymore, rip.
I don't screencap or save specific instances I've seen in the wild, but the last one I noticed was some tard basically saying 80% of the women from my country are sluts, gold-diggers, feminists, etc. The typical incel shit.
I really, really wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that all the main shit-stirrers on Twitter who hide behind being a "minority" or a "woman" to talk shit are catfishes.
>>449754Wasn't there one that straight-up used a stock image and unironically said shit like "Don't you be tellin' me, sista!", trying their hardest to "sound black"? It was fucking cringy.
I'm Googling like mad but can't find any of this shit. It's annoying.
No. 449789
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i hope people staying hydrated this summer. its been fuckin hot. drink some mf water. dehydration no joke
No. 449797
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idk where to ask this so this is a good place as any, if anyone have a mega or drive link with occultism books in italian or spanish that they can share i would rlly appreciate it, its so easy to find them in english but i feel like there are books that probably haven't been translated and i dont wanna miss them
No. 449828
yep this is going in the dumb shit thread what the FUCK am i looking at here on google maps
at first i thought it was a horse coming at it from the left but when you get close to it it in no way resembles a horse
and i can clearly see a fucking human face on the back when looking at it pretty much head on from the right,-3.0670913,3a,90y,169.97h,102t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s6WRIbE4BYUCO0qEvPlvNXw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 No. 449833
File: 1566109789361.png (575.03 KB, 686x686, Screen Shot 2019-08-18 at 02.3…)

>>449828It's literally a horse.
No. 449842
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>>449834So now instead of it "in no way resembling a horse" or "clearly having a human face" it's now too suspicious for being a stupid animal that moved too slowly for the passing google vehicle. Jesus christ anon, it's just a horse.
No. 449931
>>449918Canadian rednecks have some semblance of their own identity.
Instead of hating mexicans, they hate natives.
They love stag and does, especially when hosted at legions.
Hockey culture.
I mean there's probably more but I (grew up in the country near a town of <5000) always thought there was a slight difference from American rednecks. I think of the Southern stereotypes first though, but we're probably pretty similar to the midwest.
It was a joke that it took 5+ years for trends to hit rural schools. Trucker hats were done in the states by the time they got popular here.
Wait maybe they are just posers.
No. 450016
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YES I'm so excited!! I've been on the hunt for a PS Vita and I just snagged a used one in good condition for a really fair price. Ugh I can't wait for it to come in the mail so I can play some good ol vidya
No. 450188
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>>450184It's Yakui-san. She's a Nijiura Maid.
No. 450191
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from that shy.yume account posted about in the gc thread. men have literally no eyes. when able to construct the perfect cgi butt this is their ideal. it shocks me that men, even ones employees by huge companies to be blender artists, have no artistic or anatomic understanding
No. 450464
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A couple of years ago I had something really weird happening to me.
It was late evening and I was doing something on the laptop, playing a game iirc. Then at some point it's like I lost awareness of my surroundings… then I snapped out of it, and when I did, I felt extremely confused and forgot everything I had been doing for the last hour. I kept on feeling weird, confused and scared until I went to sleep, and on the next day I had a migraine episode (I have migraine sometimes).
Someone suggested to me that it could've been a small stroke. What do you think…?
No. 450514
>>450464This is called a fugue, and it can be caused by a lot of different things, anon.
Possible causes:
Depression and anxiety
Drug usage
If you feel otherwise OK, I wouldn't worry about it, but if it happens regularly I would consult your doctor.
No. 450560
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I saw this on my TL being made fun but god, just looking at the image makes my blood boil. I know I'm probably looking too deep into it, but the troon vibes this gives off is nauseating. As if being a woman or a lesbian is just a dream come true and it's sooo sexy and easy.
No. 450573
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If depression and trauma wouldn't have almost completely nuked my sex drive, it would be much easier to understand my sexuality. I'm jelly of people who can be so confident in theirs.
No. 450755
>>450753I have kinda similar issue but I have recurring dreams in which my ex is trying to get back with me. This keeps happening for over a year. What the fuck.
It's like my past self from many years back is resurfacing when I fall asleep. I hate this
No. 450863
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>>450560oh my god anon are you me
i saw this on my TL and thought the exact same thing lmaooo. bitter bitches unite
No. 450867
>>450755My ex played mind games while we were together so in the year since splitting I still dream of his fucking games, the girl he dated before me would blow up his phone with texts in the middle of the night calling him an
abusive shit… I thought she was crazy but I can see how his mind games got her.. tbh
I never turned crazy on him and he messages me every couple months almost like he wishes I would've stayed hung up on him lol
No. 450928
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Someone mentioned 7cups on another thread and I logged into a really old email address yesterday and found an email about me deleting my kik and it made me remember that time I used 7cups. I didn't use any paid professional services from it, just talked to the free users. Experience was meh, but this one fucking dude really stood out.
I was going through a crazy rough time in my life, studying abroad in a foreign country (no one else from my school went that year so I was completely on my own making friends), and super depressed from the combination of loneliness from lack of friends and a stupid fuckboy that I got caught up with (pls no bully I know it was stupid and it's been like 3 years- I've learned to love myself now). I can't remember if this was before or after I started going to my school's counselor, but fuck man. I wish I had the brains to screencap all of it but I didn't. By the time my friends woke up (I was halfway across the world so 13 hour time difference) and I talked to them about it, this was the only screenshot I grabbed. I was gonna send more from the beginning but didn't realize that older messages would just be deleted or whatever. Looking back on it now I'm laughing because holy shit it's so cringey, but man was I crazy uncomfortable. He made me download kik and I sent like 3 messages tops, then reported him on 7cups, and deleted my kik (hence the email).
I'm also pretty sure I was hesitant to report him in the first place because he had crazy good reviews from a fuck ton of other people. Everyone was saying how he was so understanding and helpful to them… like uhh, did we deal with the same person? Anyway, I'll probably never go back to that site.
No. 451123
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I just discovered the aesthetic "hot guys reading books" and I couldn't be happier.
No. 451253
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>>451166there's something about the mildly condescending contexts in which I can use emojis in that actually makes me like them
especially the party hat one for some reason
No. 451647
>>451345If I lived near a Disneyland location and had an annual pass I'd probably go and just hang out too tbh. I don't really like Disney properties but the parks are usually pretty neat looking. If you already have the pass then it's just another place to go and hang out with friends, you don't need to get merch or wait in line.
Would I buy an annual pass in the first place? I mean probably not…
No. 451756
>>451647I've seen a whole bunch of UK based disney obsessed nuts where it's less about visiting disney (though they do that too) but more about collecting every disney toy or item that the disney store releases or disney gives a license to
It's one expensive form of hoarding and they constantly post about waiting til payday to afford the next batch of toys that they'll photograph once and then put on an overcrowded shelf
No. 451769
>>451756Similar to some funko pop collectors on youtube, it's fun to collect something but aren't we being told to cut down on unnecessary plastic while some people are collecting literal thousands of these things?
I follow a few collectors on youtube and insta that obviously live for the buzz of shopping, the second they pay for one item they're already thinking of the next five
No. 451935
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>tfw you got such hot tea you don't need to read lolcow but it's about someone in your family who has fucking betrayed everyone's trust
No. 451969
>>451936>>451938it's complicated but I'll try to make it as short as possible.hope my suffering is intertaining kek
>sister(teen at the time)used to lie a lot>her shitty lies cause problems and drama>sis eventually gets bf from the internet in a faraway country which causes more drama>trying to hide it from my father makes things worse>said bf eventually comes here and overstays his travel visa while trying to find a job>all that while trying to hide him from my father btw which stresses the fuck out of my anxious+depressed self>second time he comes around I got so stressed from this(among other things)that I got an anxiety induced seizure and went to the hospital>sis implies for years that he is threatening her and that he is the one attached to her(she was too but not as badly)>guy comes again(while hiding from my father ofc)and we go on vacation with him and my sister >all this time im thinking he came here on his own and dont feel that bad about my sister ignoring him and him becoming a burden>parents are away and sister goes out too much while hanging out TOO much with another guy and leaving her bf alone>eventually got to talk about this with a common friend>friend says she was lying to her about stuff and that my sister's bf was complaining about her leaving him alone,ignoring him,and texting that other guy a lot etc>friend says the guy didnt even want to come here bc of money issues but my sister begged him and now she leaves him alone the whole day>before ignoring him completely he wanted to break up with her but she cried and said shit like "but what am i going to do then">sis was implying that HE was the one who was overly attached and harrasing our common friend by texting her a lot while he was just trying to reach out>sis obviously kept the habit of lying which became way bigger>twists events to fit her narrative and making her bf to be the bad guy>disappointed-but-not-surprised.jpg>confronted bf about all that and he started heart fucking broke>sis has lied to that other guy about her bf to hang out with him(and even more than that)and surely has told him other lies>idk what/who to believe anymore >want to learn the truth and help her bf as much as i can(considering he is honest which i think he is)>maybe even get my sis to fucking therapy because this shit has taken years off of my lifetheres a lot more to it and i emitted many parts of the story but i tried to get the main points.sorry if my greentext is shitty.
tl;dr my sister is still a huge liar and lies to friends and family to get her way by taking advantage of their tolerance.hurts people on the way
No. 452419
>>452395I remember growing up when Disney was seen as a once in a lifetime trip that some kids got to go on, it wasn't seen as an adult thing or a multiple trip kinda thing back then
Now as a childless 30s woman I see others in my position having a bit of an 'inner child' that they spoil, I wonder what causes it
No. 452424
>>452395I known these women who are 30+ and still go on and on about Harry Potter and still buy the merch and save for the trips to the theme Park. The nostalgiafagging industry has become huge. Imagine you can sell the same cartoons and the same capeshit you sold to kids but to woman/manchilds too. Its an endless stream of revenue, every few years you can simply remake or remaster the same shit and sell it at full price with the same people buying it, i feel millenials are the generation that normalized this and sperging about their 80s and 90s feels is what we are going to be known about. Not even octogenarians reflecting on their death beds keep repeating "when i was a kid i remember i…" so god damn much as a fucking millenial.
Btw, aren't you excited by the FFVIII remake coming soon? :3
No. 452670
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End me, anons. Imagine having a kid with someone and they turn out to be a fucking pedo.
No. 452685
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hardly even a pink pill opinion tbh. dumb to literally put your body through the hell that is pregnancy and childbirth to carry your bfs or husband or whatever's child, when there's a good chance they'll fuck you over, too, and being a single mother puts you at risk of falling into poverty, plus, the risk of dvt and embolisms in general, which happens to be the biggest cause of maternal death after birth, postpartum hemorrhage, postpartum endometritis, vaginal or uterine prolapse, fecal and urinary incontinence, hernias, abdominal separation, perineal ruptures, and this is all just after birth assuming you had an otherwise uneventful pregnancy, and doesn't include the obvious cosmetic changes. it takes a huge toll on the body. why would anyone want to do this, let alone for men?
No. 452715
>>452713Samefag, but I’m sick of people saying that completely natural biological desires are in any way comparable to severe disorders like narcissism. Like, are the people who genuinely think this thick or something? Do you view any other species that reproduces to be narcissistic also?
We have reproductive organs to reproduce, the want to have biological children isn’t in any way indicative of a personality disorder and the people who try to claim this have pessimistic double digit IQ’s
No. 452725
>>452713are you like, actually retarded? like a few people doing something historically subversive would ever catch on enough to prevent ALL pregnancy? lmao. 15,000+ births an hour and showing no signs of stopping. talking about it on a Malaysian bread baking board isn't gonna touch that shit, even if more women became more conscious of it globally. even if many women saw it as unappealing, there still would be so many births thanks to religion and anti abortion sentiment, their parents/family, rape, no access to abortion or birth control, etc. but there would ALWAYS be a sizeable portion of women who would have kids for some reason or another, plenty against their will. either way, it really still is physically harmful to women and unethical for countless reasons, chiefly that a child can't consent to being born, let alone born into an uncaring world that's like, literally on fire and losing its lungs right now.
>>452715>Do you view any other species that reproduces to be narcissistic also?this is an impossibly stupid question. as intelligent as animals are, they're not capable of human levels of introspection. you're right, actually. it isn't just narcissism, it's also stupidity. people will reproduce unnecessarily and at their detriment, to the point of existential threat. not only is it not altruistic as people claim, but literally physically harmful and pointless considering the state of the earth. congrats. if you need to justify your behavior by drawing parallels to animals incapable of long term thinking or self awareness, that's really sad.
No. 452749
>>452738I live in a country where the benefits for single mothers are pretty generous compared to others. For years young women would get pregnant as soon as they left school, even if the had a bf they'd keep him a secret to secure benefits. They'd have a minimum 2 kids to secure the nicest free housing .. and lately that bubble has burst.
The housing benefits are being cut for everyone and there's a shortage of properties. Now all the newspapers are full of sob stories where women are living in emergency accommodation (hotel rooms) with multiple kids, long term, and that's the kids shitty life. It's also why homeless people without kids will never get help because those moms get priority over them and the government is paying 12 month long hotel bills cos these moms won't work or even try
No. 452844
>>452813Out of curiosity what character is it?
I'm happy that you have all this cute fanart and fics of your husbando to enjoy, anon. I feel like most things I see of my favorite characters are so cringy or unappealing, maybe I'm just too defensive over my husbandos ha… I'll live vicariously through you lmao
No. 452850
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>>452844This angry fluffy boy right here. I love him and I love this game.
No. 452864
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>>452856>there's tons of husbandosSay no more, I'm sold.
But for real, sounds like it lives up to the hype and is right up my alley, I'll definitely buy it now! Thanks anon!
No. 453031
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For some reason I still breakout in hard laughter for minutes when I get remembered about fucking Markiplier and those pesky LA Gangs. The other night I woke up my boyfriend because I was laughing so hard. Just the fucking Markimoo thing. The fact some fan thinks he's in danger and gonna hang around these gangs. God I love it all.
No. 453195
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>>453031I love the Markiplier vs LA Gangs meme
No. 453219
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>>453195This is fucking hilarious, I can't
No. 453328
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Old dilbert had the better art style
No. 453331
>>453195>>453219God thank you anons I'm laughing again
Wasn't there a similar thing going on with BTS or some other kpop group a few months ago? Some violent shit was going down in some neighborhood and they were touring that city a few days and fans were like "BTS PLEASE BE SAFE. TELL THEM IT'S OKAY TO DELAY THEIR CONCERT IF THEY NEED TO"
No. 453335
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I saw "Disconnect" a few months ago and I really liked it. There was this scene where a camboy is talking to a woman about his job and she says something like "why would you sell yourself??".
So he starts asking her how much would she accept for fucking a homeless/hobo guy. She settled on 5 million (?) and he smiled saying "everybody has a price" (pic related).
Would you accept the money? Any amount is valid. Do you think you have a price?
PS: There was a girl I asked this question who said "are you implying homeless guys are gross????". I keked too hard when she asked that, I guess she wanted to be ~uwu smart and understanding~.
No. 453471
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i dislike when people say "___ is a grown ass adult!!" as if that means they're necessarily capable of thinking clearly. most adults are not especially intelligent, knowledgeable, or mature. and unrelated but lots of people have experienced abuse that prevents them from maturing, and plenty of people in general are just impulsive and immature. most 50 year olds i know are not self aware.
No. 453496
>>453471Even emotionally stunted/abused people know basic right from wrong. You would literally have to have the mind of a 6 year old child to not be able to grasp that.
If this is about Lainey, as I suspect it is because this same exact shit is coming up in the onion thread regarding pedogate, she absolutely knew that engaging a minor in romantic/sexual talk was wrong.
No. 453688
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i can't look at andy biersack or listen to black veil brides without thinking about onion boy and cracking up hard. thank you for ruining my emo phase's group greg.
No. 453699
>>453323A lot of them thought that their bodies weren't sexualized because they lacked any curve aka what they consider as fat. Maybe they thought they were truly just in a competition with other women to be thinnest.
What they didn't account for is male pedophiles and how they are extremely attracted to frail bodies that have been stunted to look little. And they know just how to manipulate and neg women who are terrified of gaining weight too.
No. 453702
>>453471I only get annoyed when people use "grown ass" in context of talking about someone relatively young, say early 20s.
I don't really consider people true adults until they're established and in their 30s. It's really stupid to be so harsh on people who for the most part are finally finishing their educations, are figuring out their living situations, and working on relationships. There's ten times as many expectations and responsibilities that young people are expected to have today as opposed to young people 100 years ago and that's a fact.
No. 453813
>>453795Sorry for the incoming blogpost but I can kind of relate to that.
I haven't had a friend since I was around 15 and I'm 24 now. I don't know if I would say I don't 'need' friends but I hardly ever think about it anymore and have no desire to try to make any. It's just more comfortable to be alone because it's how I've always been as an adult. I don't have a great life or anything and am pretty sad but most of my negative feelings stem from career failures and being ugly/inferior, not from not having friends. Although it's probably all related. The main negative thing is that I feel like I'm emotionally stunted from not having normal friendships/relationships, so if I ever tried again it would be hard to form bonds.
Even if someone doesn't need friends or prefers being alone I think they would still benefit from having friends. It just seems like part of being a well adjusted human being. Basically what I'm saying is that eventually you get so used to not having any that it feels like you don't need any because you've made it this far without any.
No. 454122
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I fucking love holding my dog's head like this. She'll rest the weight of her head onto my hand, and sometimes her tongue is sticking out and when I feel its tiny wet coldness on my hand I want to cry over how much I love my dog. I think she hates it when I do it, but she's tolerating/indulging me in it lol.
No. 454134
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I just got back from Starbucks, the barista was so damn cute. Normally, I might of said hello to him, but I ordered online and he was busy with other customers so I got my coffee and left. It's nice to start to feel things for other people again, especially after a previous bad relationship where I was ghosted… for a barista. I've been really depressed these last couple of months, and feeling that way for the first time in almost a year was nice and bittersweet.
>>454122CUTE. Good post OP. My doggo doesn't like when I hold her head up, but she still loves neck scratches or to rest her head like this on my thighs when she wants attention.
No. 454254
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Lolcow has really inspired me to become an 'independent' woman of sorts. I think I'm in a better place in my life now because of the politics here, unironically, even if I disagree with some of you.
No. 454399
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>>454254Wholesome anon, I agree. Although I've always been sort of radfem without actually knowing what it was, I repressed those feelings because I got shunned when I shared my views when younger. To see an entire website with threads dedicated to women who've observed the same or similar experiences to me is such a relief, and has added so much more confidence in myself to move away from the dogma I grew up in, relying on a man.
Blessed Korrasami post.
No. 454441
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>>453457my nervous system is in shambles but i can make a really good netflix series out of whats happening to me
No. 454460
>>454254>>454399I'm glad LC has done something positive for someone other than providing lols.
Those Korrasami posts make me nostalgic.
No. 454483
>>454254>>454399those korrasami fanarts are so cute
it's a shame the couple was a rushed decision to satisfy the fandom rather than a nicely thougth out couple to represent lgbt
No. 454519
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i've been learning english for like 4 years now and i have always practiced listening and speaking with the american accent. now i'm talking with a mix of my own language's accent and an american accent. my friend has been practicing with the british accent so he adapted to more of a british accent. i've lately been listening to some british and australian podcasts and i kinda think "damn, i wish i studied these accents instead". after getting so used to speaking with an american accent, my attempts at british accent sound extremely forced.
No. 454525
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>>454134Fuck, I'm a day late now, but happy international dog day! Ugh, your dog sounds so cute. Growing up, my dog was never that affectionate, but now that she's old as shit she'll wander over to me for pets and loves to sit under my legs. A few weeks ago she fell asleep in my arms for the first time while we were chilling on the sofa.
No. 454526
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I'm looking through local listings for cats up for adoption and actually burst into tears because I love animals so much and want to save all these cats. I want to adopt a senior cat so badly but my anxiety makes me hesitant to take on the commitment of caring for another living being. God I wish I was one of those people who didn't really care for animals, my heart feels so empty without a furry friend.
No. 454530
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I finally finished collecting sources for my thesis. Not everything will be needed and I will have to search new stuff while I write it, but at least is the first step!
Wish me good luck, everyone
No. 454547
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>>454543I hear some disgusting cutesy anime sound in my head when someone writes that.
No. 454622
Me and some friends were talking about how we feel about boyfriends watching porn, and one who's gay started going on about how it's natural and said she hasn't met a single guy who doesn't enjoy it. She also said girls who are against it are way too up-tight and just wrong.
I got annoyed at that, so I was like "Aren't you a lesbian? Stay in your lane" half-jokingly. Everyone went silent, then she said "Isn't that sad? The lesbian knows more about men than you", and I just responded "Evidently not" and someone just changed the subject before it got too heated. Things were kind of tense after that.
One of our mutual friends later texted me saying that she thought the "stay in your lane" thing was fucked up and I should apologize for the sake of peace, but I didn't reply. I don't see anything wrong with what I said.
She doesn't date men. Who the fuck is she to tell us what we should put up with when it comes to them? I do kind of wish I hadn't said that, but just gone full pink pill, told her porn actively harms women, anyone who supports it is disgusting, and to fuck off with her libfem bullshit. But I don't think anyone in the group would've supported me on that, they don't know much about this kind of thing and a lot of them are also libfems.
I'm still somewhat pissed. Who was in the wrong here??
No. 454629
>>454622I think that porn from decades ago could be referred to as natural when boys didn't know what a woman even looked like naked and photos in a magazine answered their curiosity, the porn that we have today is far from natural
'stay in your lane' was a poor choice of wording though, I can see how it came off as harsh
No. 454634
>>454622You're both in the wrong here, however…
>She doesn't date men. Who the fuck is she to tell us what we should put up with when it comes to them? I can't "this" enough. She was being a huge bitch, much moreso than you. Lesbians very rarely have to deal with pornsickness in their partner and my guess is she's never even seen enough porn to know how horrifically
abusive and cruel to women it is. I think you should apologize for saying it so harshly, but also point blank tell her she also needs to apologize for dismissing your feelings on a subject she actually DOESN'T know anything about like she thinks. Explain that while "stay in your lane" was a mean way to put it, she doesn't know what it's like to date a man who regularly looks at porn. Explain to her how it negatively impacts your sex life tremendously: men having issues with getting hard or cumming, men expecting/pressuring for things you don't want to do, needing to hurt women to be aroused, thinking women should look like blow up dolls, etc. Not to mention how it's an industry fueled by desperate women selling their bodies in the most degrading ways. Tell her to do some actual research into how former porn stars feel about the industry.
No. 454636
>>454622>>454626think this anon worded it nicely, yeah, you were in the right, but you ruined your own argument/chance to turn others by the "stay in your lane" comment as now you've come off as slightly unhinged/homophobic.
>>454634or she could be one of those normie/libfem lesbians who are alright with mainstream porn. tbf the friend does come off as a bitch but like so does OP.
No. 454638
>>454637>Your friend probably only thinks you calling her out was haram because you mentioned her being a lesbian which is stupid because context matters.Exactly. I'm sorry, but the fact this was coming from a lesbian just makes it so much more idiotic than it if were coming feom a straight girl because wtf does she know the subject?
Also, she comes off as one of those NLOG lesbians who thinks all men see her as "one of the guys" and are gonna be super open with her about "locker room talk" type shit like they do with their closest male friends.
No. 454644
>>454611My best friend sleep talks a lot. Once when we were roommates in college, she said the freakiest shit. It was late at night and she had already gone to bed, the only light on was my desk lamp and I was working on an assignment when she suddenly laughed. I thought she was awake so I said "what?" since she sounds so clear when she sleep talks that she sounds awake, but she didn't answer. Then suddenly she said "why's there a child in here?" Absolutely freaked me the fuck out.
I asked her about it the next morning and she said she had a dream where she was in a classroom teaching some kids, but had to change in the classroom for some reason? They moved the kids out so she was supposed to be alone, but one kid got in and that's why she asked lol. Usually it's harmless nonsensical thing, but this one time really freaked me out.
No. 454651
>>454622You're absolutely in the right.
What would we say to gay men being opinionated about women? That they should shut it because it's none of their business.
So why should a lesbian be allowed to give you unsolicited "advice" when it comes to relationships with men - something she has zero knowledge about? She was basically backstabbing you by trying to teach you how to be a good little straight woman.
Your friends are likely only trying to fish for woke points by being on the side of the lgbtblahblah "
victim", no normal woman would be okay with her partner jerking it to others. Saying "all" of them do that also shows how lowly she thinks of men, including you and your friends boyfriends.
No. 454694
>>454622I dont want to 'not all lesbians' but your friend just sounds like a cunt tbh. I'm a lesbian and would be 100 percent against dudes watching porn. I talk to my straight female friends all the time and listen to their guy problems. i wouldnt put them down.
i dont think anyone was right in this situation, tbh. dudes watching porn is disrespectful and gross no matter what
No. 454704
>>454680As someone who did competitive dance as a youngin, the choreography IS lacking. Shake hips, do a hair flip, add some arms. Walk from one formation to the next.
The dances are made so that they look flashy, but they don't expend too much energy as to be out of breath for singing (not like that matters). The dances are more like cheer routines than actual dances.
No. 454839
>>454831this is why i read all the stuff from there even tho im not into kpop anymore.kpop sites also have filler shit like "5 idols who are real anime bois uwu" or "pictures that prove that x idols rocks negative rainbow hair" or some shit
at least the critical thread has the important shit plus the occasional nitpicking
No. 454927
>>454622as a lesbian i thought your joke was absolutely fine, she's an uptight cunt
but to be honest that's kind of part of this generation nowadays, you could have expected it to not land well
sucks, but not surprising
No. 455401
poop spell for anon! hope ur bowels relax and good luck moving!
pls no ban just having some fun
No. 455426
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I almost completed a list of video games I've beaten until now since childhood and it seems I've beaten over 100 games so far. I think it convinced me to not buy anything else until I'm done with my backlog more than anything else.
>>455410Regular crocs are really comfortable too, the only reason why I haven't bought a pair yet for when I stay at home is literally just the price tag.
No. 455453
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Anyone have any tips for entertainment when you have no electricity for 3+ days? Hurricane is coming.
So far I have: books and uno.
No. 455500
>>455462i like lizzo too, and the line
>if you feel like a girl, then you real like a girlin "Like A Girl" lowkey validates me as a slightly GNC woman, who feels deeply tied to womanhood but is rarely treated like a woman, but I know it's just tranny pandering.
No. 455549
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>>455453Save Audiobooks and music to your phone and stock some power banks.
No. 455562
>>455453it doesn't hit for another 2-3 days right? stock the fuck up on power banks honestly. our brains are fried, you might go nuts without electronics. they might be sold out locally but amazon prime might get some to you on time. Podcasts and puzzle games keep me going when I don't have internet for long periods.
Also, adult coloring books and books like Wreck This Journal in addition to the things
>>455461 mentioned.
No. 455598
>>455588Hate to break it to you but if you get that insecure about not being told thank you or feeling like you're being taken advantage of even if there's no evidence to suggest that you are, then you don't have good self esteem.
Obviously I don't have the whole story (and I'm not a doctor anyways) but you can have symptoms of BPD without actually having it (just for example, having a bad self esteem along with anger issues and mood swings doesn't automatically mean you have BPD) and splitting can sometimes be a stand-alone "ego preservation" mechanism and it most likely is if you don't have any other of the life-damaging symptoms of BPD, either way talk to a professional.
No. 455722
>>455707I wish I was born back when women weren’t expected to be bald babies
But I guess I have access to abortion now, can’t have it all
No. 455799
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I bought this granola yesterday because I love lemon flavored things and holy shit!!! It fucking slaps!!!!! 100/10 good job target
No. 455841
>>455810here, and hell no. i just want peace. this process is always hell tier. anyone choosing to live in this fuckass state is monumentally stupid, i cannot believe anyone with the ability to leave stays here.
>>455811>>455810are you guys on the coast? im literally 2 miles from the beach and like 4 feet above sea level so i am pissing my pants re: flood damage to my house. i would give anything to live out west instead so it could weaken by the time it gets to me
No. 455861
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>>455810i'm way too excited for it.
i'm organized and i thoroughly enjoy planning and preparing. get to spend the hurricane in a big empty clean house with just myself, my partner and my cats. i really love the rain and wind as well. plenty of tasty snacks and beverages stocked up and i rent so i don't have to worry much about damage. during the actual storm it's like living in a cozy human aquarium lol.
No. 455882
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I wonder how botched this person looks
No. 456327
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where did the "white guy with dark hair that looks like he hadn't slept for the last 5 years" trend come from? it's like everyone's ideal type rn.
No. 456336
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>>456327Tumblr guys have been popular forever tween/young girls tend to like soft ish guys until they grow out of it
No. 456348
>>456334>>456336It's kind of interesting how in every era, there's a different kind of "pretty boy" that girls like. I don't even think it's just a tween thing, remember the #Moms4Twilight thing or whatever it was called from back in 2014 or something?
Whenever this happens, (ugly, insecure) men get really buttblasted about some women preferring beauty to ogre aesthetics.
But it's okay for them to hold us to ridiculous, porn star and/or quasi-pedophilic standards, I guess.
No. 456366
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>>456327He looks like Lynndie England.
Spoilered because torture.
No. 456392
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I am super constipated and have a hyper active fetus spinning around in my uterus, being this full of shit makes it incredibly painful please god let me have mercy
No. 456634
>>456618I feel this so hard. The thing that's helped me is looking back at pictures of myself with various hair lengths over the years (even minutely different) and see which one makes me feel more like "me." I always go back and forth between growing mine out and keeping it shoulder-length (and whether or not I want to have bangs), but then I went back and saw myself with shoulder-length hair and I was like "yep, that me."
I think that you're focusing more on the inconvenience of having to grow it out in the future and not focusing on whether or not you genuinely like your hair at that length. Yeah, it may suck and take a while if you hypothetically want to grow it out again in the future, but does that outweigh the comfort of having the hair length you love?
No. 456638
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I just had this Idea for a film about an elderly lesbian radical feminist her slightly less feminist younger partner and her 6'7 misanthropic stoic giant son and I'm also sad that this film will never get made
No. 456640
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>>456616Personally, I treat them like queens.
No. 456646
i really suck at organizing digital media files. irl my apartment is tidy and clean, but on my phone + laptop everything is so, so messy. i got a new phone half a year ago and thought that it was time to start doing better, but i didn't, and now i have more than 6000 pictures of dumbass shit on my phone. i bet that if i deleted everything i don't want to keep, i'd have maybe 1000 photos left. it's been like this for years and i have a few old, broken phones and laptops that are filled with shit as well, i'll have to either completely destroy them or have them fixed so that i can organize everything and save what i want to save. the thought of dying and having someone find my old phones and get access to everything really freaks me out. i also keep thinking, what if someone hacks me? i'm not even embarressed that they might find nudes, just that they'll see how unorganized i am, how i save so much dumb shit, photograph weird things, and write cringy notes at 2 am. i know it's stupid because all i have to do is just start deleting and organizing before it gets too bad. so idk why i don't
No. 456651
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I wish I didn't have a yellowish undertone so I could wear yellow/gold eyeshadow. I've done a few looks from tutorials on youtube I really love but it makes me look near-jaundice. I wish I had a versatile skin tone for dramatic and sunny make-up. I've been doing my nails the same color as pic provided but that is goals.
No. 456664
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sometimes, only sometimes i wish i didn't speak english (not american, im a third world poorfag) because i think it opened the doors to a lot of fucked up blackpills from the internet, weird ideologies and their communities, conspiracy rabbit holes, clown world epiphanies and gazillion other things i would never have known or understood otherwise and i would probably be happy as a clueless normie girl laughing at adam sandler movies, listening cringy melodic metal music and thinking about nothing but my studies or some mainstream meme anime. Like, i wish i didn't even know what a furry or a brony even is, i remember how it seemed like the most fucked up thing in the world for me to discover that and the DA atrocities back in the day and that was so long ago, i want to go back.
No. 456671
>>456664tbf the Internet wasn't always like this anon,I have been using the Internet since the early 2000's to current year and it has changed drastically
Its not that the Internet didn't have weird and disgusting stuff in the past (it did),but to get to that content you had to have already known about it and had to go on specif edgy sites and forums if you wanted to see offensive stuff but now you see bizarre and weird stuff on mainstream internet sites on a near daily basis
something happened in the early 2010's that sorta ruined everything
No. 456673
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>>456664no idea, probably just epic memelord nonsense.
>>456670absolutely nothing but i am too cinical to appreciate unironical stuff anymore because my head is fucked, i just wish i could enjoy stuff like that like i used to. I am too used to meta, detachment and sarcasm i don't even know anymore.
>>456671I'd say around 2008 when facebook was becoming mainstream is when things started getting weirder and the internet started shifting the mentality of normiedom. Xzbit memes and the Cloud song were super funny, now its a post-ironic hellscape of sorts but the internet was always kind of a scary place were weirdos, schizos and stalkers lurked.
No. 456679
>>456593>why are people ok with shitting on tall womenfixed
people praise tall men all the time and shit on short men.
No. 456683
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Rats are beautiful, smart, and have human hands. Look at their beautiful little fingers! So sweet. Please send prayers to all the rats with no mommies or protection.
No. 456715
>>456708There's a weird amount of posts about height here lately but I mean anyone super skinny, fat, short, big nosed, whatever gets jokes or comments
The amount of incels, heightcels and r/smalldickproblems posters obsessing over one physical trait and complaining about the world hating them..yeah we're all judgy fucks but most of us have one thing we hate about our body too
Reading r/smalldickproblems today I saw a post mentioning that women who've survived cervical cancer can sometimes prefer small penises for medical/pain reasons.. the literal 2 inch dick posters whinged by saying they don't want 'damaged' women..
No. 456719
>>456708The same video with a tall man bullying the hell out of a short girl doesn't exist though - and never will. There wouldn't even exist enough short girls "slurs" and jokes for that.
It just really annoys me, that while taller men are probably cruel to short guys and short/average women reject them despite not necessarily being taller than short guys, the same short guys decide to take their anger out on tall women instead. As if we didn't get enough shit from others already.
No. 456734
>>456719>>456722nothing strange about it, tall men can shit on anyone more easily, so short men just shit on who they can shit on easily, women, and women can shit on eachother easily so that's what we do.
it's terrible but it makes sense. i personally go out of my way to call people out regardless because i couldn't care less about male power, it really pisses them off when they think they're at the top of the food chain.
No. 456785
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had a nice evening sorta saying goodbye to the neighbourhood i've lived the last 3 years in, had lots of good times, lots of sad times, it has been alright.
also I'm an actual retard apparently but big dipper is fucking huge (for some reason I thought it was small) and it was the weirdest feeling when I noticed these random ass stars looking like the typical big dipper picture in books and shit kek
No. 456830
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I'm just super giddy I bought this penguin plush I've wanted a while. I've had it on my Ali wishlist for almost a year bc I didn't want to spend $5 on a small stuffie. I finally caved. I'm really excited, I don't want to wait a month for him to come, AH. I feel like a dumb little kid again.
(I got the red one w/the bow btw)
>>456804That's really hot anon. Also, I'm sorry you have to live with this feeling at work, bwaha. Does he have any clue?
No. 456845
>>456836>Ex Soviet townThat's brutal anon. I'm probably extremely wealthy by those standards. I should be more thankful I live in such a beautiful area, even if I do miss the simpler days of childhood. I plan on moving soon anyway, I can't afford to stay much longer. My childhood friends left years ago. No one can really afford to stay except those on social programs and the people who are funding the construction. The middle class is being driven out. I live two streets away from a house that cost 2 million USD to build. I live in a small cottage type home my parents paid $100k for. To put it roughly, minimum wage is $29k a year here because you rarely get employed full time.
Honestly, there aren't really any jobs here either aside from grocery stores and a bowling alley a few miles away. Most people I know work about a 45 minute to 2 hour drive away in another city.
No. 456997
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i'm unironically sad the area 51 raid won't happen for real.
>tfw no rescued alien bf
No. 457099
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I'd really like a Greek gf.
No. 457106
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I just had this Idea for a film about an elderly lesbian radical feminist her slightly less feminist younger partner and her 6'7 misanthropic stoic giant son who hates everyone except his mothers
No. 457128
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>>457099Oh God, she's so beautiful. I aspire to look like that. Patrician taste anon.
I'm 4% Greek, can I be your gf No. 457138
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>>457128Another woman of taste, nice.
Yes. No. 457261
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>>457192Yeah. It feels smaller, because it IS getting smaller, as more and more sites get bought up by the same Google/Amazon/Whatever giants and more and more people use the web while less make their own content. I remember people making their own websites for themselves with Piczo, now people don’t even bother with custom Tumblrs with those fancy themes because everyone has Twitter or Instagram with 0 customization. Like the other anon said it’s sterile and the same shit all the time.
I was born in 97 so I hardly remember life without the internet or a computer but since the mid 2000’s the internet and its culture has changed so much and absorbed other parts of my life I don’t want it to be in (I liked it for fandom things and gaming but now it’s for news, politics, celebrities, jobs, can’t even befriend someone in real life without eventually being given their social media or referencing obnoxious memes when I used to feel like such a cool kid for knowing all muh trollfaces). I think: "there has to be more to life than this" and that thought gives me hope that I can exist without needing to be online all the time. Maybe the poor fucks who were born after 2005 will find some kind of instinct that will make them look beyond the internet that seemingly gives them everything.
It feels really pathetic whenever I reflect on my interactions with friends and discover most of what we say is shit about memes, "
oof", "big F" and trying to verbalise reaction images because we forgot how to talk like… whatever came before this. I don’t even feel human. Am I a fucking NPC?
No. 457267
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>>457261Hey , i remember that thread from your pic. Another wizard of culture , i see.
No. 457274
>>457261Should I just play Deus Ex?
But yeah, I feel like I've already seen everything I wanted to see on the internet, but it has killed my hobbies so I have nothing to fill my time with.
I've been thinking about unpluging, or cutting down internet usage
No. 457275
>>457274Should I just play Deus Ex?
I tried and the game was pretty boring, the cool stuff is just nuggets. Listening Behold a Pale Horse on audiobook was way more fun .
No. 457283
>>457261I remember complaining about all of this in another thread. I agree with you, with how society works now you're almost forced to use the internet for basic social interactions even with people you know irl and necessary things like job hunting, paying taxes, the news, etc. I remember as a teen I spent a lot of time making friends with people my age on forums and blogs and I wasn't allowed to have a mobile phone (no smartphones yet at the time) and to go outside so I had a hard time making friends, but now that it's the reverse I feel like I have a hard time meeting new people outside the internet because interactions irl became so different. If you don't have a smartphone with all social media possible good luck keeping up with what your friends and family do because they post everything online and expect you to read and watch everything before having a normal conversation with them irl. Obviously that's an exaggeration since it depends on each person a lot but you get the idea overall. Now if you don't know about minor e-celebrities on tiktok doing some dumb shit again some people are going to act like you forgot who Mariah Carey is.
>now people don’t even bother with custom Tumblrs with those fancy themes because everyone has Twitter or Instagram with 0 customization.I remember you could customize your twitter profile a little until early 2014 or 2015, you could add a banner and a background. People didn't like it at all but they don't care anymore.
I think a lot of this has to do with how everyone uses smartphones for everything now and all the time, and even before that it started with fb being accessible to everyone and not just college students and graduates. Everything is less niche now, and I don't remember myspace being as mainstream as tumblr is for example
the actual equivalent for frogs like me would be more like comparing tumblr and skyblog, they're both blogging platforms but tumblr is just used to reblog other people's shit by most users, unlike lj, myspace, skyblog, etc..
No. 457287
>>457274It ruined art for me, it became a shitty popularity contest, i've even come across employers that expect their artists to have a strong online presence. Is like you don't exist if you don't gather enough followers.
It started as a novelty and kind of a nuisance to becoming more and more something you need to understand and engage constantly as a base level pre requisite to have a normal life.
No. 457355
>>457287Yeah, it seems like everyone is trying to churn out fanart of the newest popular thing as fast as possible, or is stuck with drawing with the same subject over and over.
Why do they want you to have lots of followers? To ride off your popularity or?
No. 457357
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I was having a good day, until I washed my hair and inspected my scalp thouroughly because I saw a grey hair.
Well, turns out I have many now, too many to rip them out like I used to do until now. I'm only 24, goddammit. And I'm a brunette. And my parents didn't go grey so early. Why the fuck is it happening? I really didn't need this shit too, on top of all the things I have to take care of. I already have problematic skin and meh hair, plus other stuff, and I'm broke.
For the moment they can only be seen if I do a scalp check because they're within the deepest layer of hair, but you can still see some if you look with attention under daylight.
I want to fucking die. I just have bad luck in everything.
No. 457375
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>>457367Same. For example I don't really like cooking but I love watching Bon Apetit vids because Claire is so cute and hot and I think it's the hair that does it for me.
No. 457383
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Rats are so cute I wish I could have them
No. 457389
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>>457383aren't they beautiful? i'm going to say it again but look at those marvelous little hands, with nails! nails! beautiful. we need to teach people to respect rats and mice. i want to kiss each of their little fingers.
No. 457412
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>>457359It's an added cost and bother that I didn't need, plus the self esteem blow. No one I know dyes their hair to cover greys before the age of 30-35 minimum.
>>457367>>457375Thanks anons, but I still hope that somehow it's just stress related and will slowly disappear to only return at a more proper age. I wouldn't be able to embrace it.
No. 457423
>>457261I think the worst part is how all of this has affected my attention span. I remember reading 100s of books a year as a kid and I was really big into watching films. I'd go to the library/rental place and just pick whatever off the shelf. I even remember playing video games for hours trying to complete one specific level. Once the internet came along, I was making loads of online friends.
Fast forward to college and I really struggled to even read one paragraph for class. I don't have the patience to watch a 2 hour film or read a book without reading reviews to see if I'll enjoy it first. I don't have the energy to get to know people anymore and tbh whenever I do get to know someone beyond a surface level (or referencing memes, as you said lol), I end up falling out with them. Maybe it's all a symptom of getting older but I'm kind of jealous of the generation older than me because they still enjoy going to the cinema or reading or painting while me and my friends just watch old vines and get drunk when we meet up.
No. 457447
>>457261Man anon, I loved reading this haha. This is pretty much exactly what I was thinking about the other day. I love browsing forums and such but I feel like they've gotten so niche as social media has taken over everything and that's where the majority of discussions take place. I just really dislike it's expected and encouraged nowadays that you have to put your whole life online, like your job, friends, convos, photos, keeping everyone updated etc. It's so unhealthy in the long run. The kids growing up today are fucked because their dependence of the internet is only gonna get worse. Like before we could get on by easily without many things that have been introduced in the modern age, why do we feel like we suddenly can't live without them? I feel like we're getting tricked into thinking we need this shit in our lives when it's only poison
Also, this is gonna sound so snobby af, but I hate the way people use the internet as an excuse to just talk so stupidly. Like they use certain words and ways of talking and phrases etc that drive me up the wall and make them look so moronic. Even worse is that people say this shit in real life, it's so embarrassing. I don't get why they can't at least type in a more sophisticated manner
No. 457493
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>>457375God Clarie is so cute. Good taste anon. I have such a "thing" for salt and pepper ladies I think it started with watching too much what not to wear growing up.
I really like the contrast with dark hair but I had a dance teacher who had SUPER long hair that transitioned from grey to blonde and it looked so cool too.
No. 457595
>>457447>>457423>>457287>>457283>>457261I really feel you anons. I have become way internet addicted and as soon as I cut down on my use I notice how lonely it gets, because everyone I know irl wants to send messages and chat these days not do normal fucking phone calls to catch up. Still want to jump on this thing: Anyone else wanna join?
No. 457637
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>>457269I finally found that other graphic which was more relevant which I would have attached in that original post. This shit is real. It’s a little outdated since the most recent year is 2014 and I’m curious as to what the internet looks like now. Probably even worse.
>>457283I can absolutely relate to that. I spent so much time online as a teenager because I was socially awkward but now real life interactions have to involve the internet when I want to practice socialising like a normal human being. Hey, if the internet has done at least 1 good thing today it’s letting a frog and a bong talk without going to war.
I thank my RPG games and older-era internet for teaching me to stay inquisitive and search things out in person rather than turn to the ~magic box~ and ask it questions it will try to shill products on. Page 1 of Google search results is basically a glorified ad list. Hey Leeloo, you wanna know what war is? Well you’d better look it up in a textbook because the computer just wants to conscript me and tell me _ politician is terrible because he looked ugly while eating some food in a candid once! (Yeah, that was real.)
>>457423I definitely recall a study out there about heavy internet usage inducing ADD-like symptoms in people, something about their neuroplasticity? I know having Tumblr sandblasted my working memory (and everything else) to shit when, before, the internet was more of a digital encyclopaedia I’d spend evenings reading articles/stories from. And it’s sad to me that hardly anyone questions it. I’m acquaintances with older people who basically roll over and bow down to the magical search engine that can tell me everything, and how "wow, technology has come so far". Except it’s still a tool, one that can be misused or just plain break. Why keep in touch with whoever when you can see how they are on Facebook? Except I don’t want to do that (and I don’t have Fuckbook anyway), I want to physically meet them, talk to them, walk around the street for some fresh air with them. And this is coming from someone who is fighting agoraphobia.
And why take my phone in the bath with me (with all the risks) when I can take my physical diary and a pen with me? A book is just as good and I can decorate it with things, the physical act of writing forces my brain to focus on one thought at a time and not ADHD around, and since I am very privacy-minded a physical diary circumvents all the problems with my personal life being stored as data on a cloud (aka: someone else’s computer).
>>457447One of the differences I remember most is how it was drilled into us to never give our name, phone numbers or address online to strangers. Now it’s mandatory to give a phone number if you want to sign up anywhere. I don’t know anyone younger than me but those YouTube channels ‘led’ by tweens gives me a bad feeling. Did we not learn that fame isn’t everything? Some random person’s son or daughter should not be a public figure with several thousand people following them. I can’t worry about it too much but I question if anyone who’s internet era was 2012+ has the critical thinking to avoid click bait or understand the ways in which content is only being shoved in your face to keep you occupied and them monetised. Things are a lot more sophisticated now, it’s not like a page will be obvious back-alley bait trying to steal your credit card when it’s a legitimate company that controls everything you see until "hey I guess I’ll buy that minecraft T shirt for my son after all, he loves it!"
>>457595 I don’t really use SM (I stick to forums and chans) but I have a problem with the internet anyway so I’ll honour it in my own way. Definitely encourage people you know irl to try it out.
No. 457850
File: 1567621881411.jpg (116.3 KB, 1280x674, link-ed2.jpg)

I posted a while back on one of the ot threads about how frustrated I was about sucking at games and how I could barely make it through botw. A kind anon told me to just avoid fighting monsters and complete shrines to get more hearts and stamina so I could stand a chance against them, so that's what I've been doing, and I've really started to have a lot more fun with the game.
I'm really terrible and I'm sure if I had someone watching me play they'd be ridiculously frustrated by the roundabout and stubborn ways I go about climbing up a tower or getting anywhere, but I'm having a lot of fun exploring the map and thinking up stupid but unconventional ways to make my way somewhere. Actually I'm just really glad to be using my switch more because it's my first game system that I bought brand new for a little under full price, so it felt like a real waste that it was just sitting in my room collecting dust.
No. 457860
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college anons who like ramen; I'd seriously recommend giving the nissin raoh a try, that or the sapporo ichiban brand (the original is the best imo, they also have the "chow mein" dish which is more like a soy saucy fried noodle dish). buy one pack locally if you can find it, and if you like it, it's well worth that you can buy it in bulk for cheaper online.
was stingy on instant ramen for awhile but the more "authentic" stuff from the asian aisle of the grocery store brought me back bc it's way better than the nasty 25 cent shit. the broth in this miso pack is particularly good.
No. 457861
>>457860The fucking yakisoba is my savior. I love that shit. It tastes amazing and so simple. I like to add cabbage, corn, and a few lil Smokies to mine when I want to be a bit fancy with a tiny dab of Japanese mayo mixed in.
It's so simple and only 75¢ a packet, at least where I'm from. My struggle days have never been so tasty.
No. 457868
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>>457850Glad that you've started to have fun with BotW! I too struggled with it in the beginning and was happy no
true gamer saw me playing.
No. 457870
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No. 457872
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>>457868I didn't think anything of your image until I enlarged it and saw the fish, and now I'm cackling like an idiot.
I posted on my ig story last night of me being dumb in the game and my friend joked that I should start a twitch but all I could think of was elitist neckbeards absolutely raging at me being a filthy casual gamer grill doing things all the wrong way. I think it'd be funny just to see them mansplain to me how things are done while I run around like an idiot.
No. 457873
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>>457872That would be a funny concept really! I think the gamers are best that are kinda chill with their attitude. Like they know they aren't that good but it's okay because they still can enjoy the game.
No. 457975
>>457934you mean like Gaston from the Disney movie?
idk why but thinking of him makes me giggle
No. 457980
>>457932I feel this. I've never gotten into social media and stuff like discord. I don't regret not getting into social media because I feel like it's mostly a waste of time but getting all my online interaction from anonymous imageboards has made me really dislike talking in group chats with a name attached.
This makes me feel really left out because that's the way most of my friends like to keep contact and I just can't muster up the energy for it. I love meeting irl but with how little people seem to want this I feel like I'm drifting away from all my contacts.
No. 458020
>>457952Its happening to me with Chrono
Trigger, i loved the game so much, i am just at the end of it before the final battle but i keep procrastinating beating it because i know after the ending credits roll i will feel sad it ended.
>>457932I don't like undertale and Jojo, no matter how many memes flood my feeds i'll never change my mind. I actually tried to sit down and watch a few episodes of Jojo, it was so terrible and not in a funny way.
No. 458021
>>457980>>457932We’re not missing a lot, I can promise that. It’s only a few moments of being shocked and outraged at whatever e-drama is happening when I’m getting older every day and I want to grow and learn stuff with my time on this earth. Which, by the way, our peasant ancestors coped just fine on without being connected to a device telling them to be obsessed with some random fuck the next realm over who’s cancelling his cobbler for making him the wrong shoes. Social media is an actual chore to use. Those guides on how to grow and maintain a follower base that tell you to post in certain times of the day seem ridiculous to me, it’s practically a job for 0 satisfaction. Instead of working on their ‘brand’, people should work on their personalities and things wouldn’t feel so vapid and manufactured.
Sometimes I wonder about how being off social media would affect dating because I’m burned from online dating and want to meet someone who doesn’t know what a bloody meme is but the chances of that is 0. I’m a little nerdy & into computers but I’d rather date someone who doesn’t share that hobby because whew lad, the amount of pathetic guys who misplace all their self worth into their e-peen and streaming/gaming career at the cost of their hygiene and social skills! One of my friends talks about how he got pretty big in DOTA tournaments and my eyes just glaze over because it’s not something to admire, in what way is straining yourself at a desk clicking on things in a room with other sweaty men supposed to be impressive? The only thing impressive about that was the pay check which he saw less than 10% of as the sharks took their cut.
Anyway, I dislike Discord in particular because of its nature as closed off little rooms. I remember fooling around on Chatango and IRC but all the Discord groups feel so bland and cliquey for some reason, and there’s always one asshole mod. I don’t chat with that kind of slang either and it’s discomforting having to change the way I speak to attempt to connect with someone who only has "mood" to say to me.
Yes, and…????
I can’t even remember any sites I went on before 2012, Quizilla and Piczo? Neopets is a cheat answer. I miss those weird but aesthetically pleasing ‘shrines’ people made for their favourite characters, those were standalone sites that were like wikis all of their own for just one character with some fanart and stories to go with it. But now I’m just getting nostalgic.
No. 458022
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>>457932Jojo memes are old af, I remember seeing this shit all over 4chan over a decade ago and not understanding it til years later
No. 458092
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people always talk about french or italian accents sounding nice and romantic in other languages. does the american english accent sound nice in ANY language, or does it just sound like shit?
No. 458098
>>458095Because I'm jelly of you and people from native English speaking countries. I hate you but wish I were born where you were.
Like in US the movie, that movie will always be about the first and third world in my head canon.
No. 458100
>>458092American accents are seen as more annoying and/or comedic in Europe, not sexy.
Personally I like some American accents, but I don't think they sound romantic or attractive, I just think they sound quirky and different. Like the Brooklyn accent, it's not turning me on but it's an interesting accent to hear in small doses.
No. 458106
>>458100On a funny sidenote. In Latino dubs southeners hillbilly type characters are always translated to have this thick mexican accents, sometimes even when the dub is not made by mexicans.
Is hilarious because some of this shows are translated to mostly have a very neutral spanish accent and suddenly the texan character start talking like a mexican and using mexican lingo.
My favorite mexican hillbilly is Cletus from the Simpsons. No. 458108
>>458061You know people can learn survival skills, right? It's not that difficult actually if you get used to it, i think the actual problem is this
>>458065, people always joke about dying on a zombie apocalypse because they know they wouldn't last one week. I think at least some women on poorer countries could do it since they actually need to farm and kill animals to live, they're already used to it, i learned to do so living there.
No. 458115
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Capped this yesterday and forgot to post
No. 458119
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I know people really hate chihuahuas, a lot of my dog friendly friends and family vehemently hate them, but I love them so much. They look so fucking stupid but are so lovable, I want a chihuahua so bad. I follow so many chihuahua instagrams and I want to cry over how cute they all are.
No. 458144
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>>458121I want to cry just thinking about your chihuahua. Just reading that he doesn't like booties is like an arrow straight to my heart- something about dogs having preferences about things always makes me so soft even though it's not that strange or new of a concept lol. Thank you for not ripping me a new asshole about how they're dumb rat dogs like I usually get from people.
I have a Pekingese right now and I absolutely adore her and the breed, but fuck I really want a short haired Chihuahua.
No. 458163
>>458146agreed. French accents sound muddy.
It's a meme, but I think the Finnish english accent is cute.
No. 458169
>>457874Probably some biblical shit
I guess you're a prophet now
No. 458224
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>>458170Pugs are so cute too! I know people shit on Marzia and Pewdiepie but I'm so weak for their pugs, especially Maya!
My dream is to own and raise a beautiful cotton ball like this, but my short haired peke is already a grooming nightmare for me (I still love and try my best with her though) so just a dream it'll stay…
No. 458227
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>>458144My friends have chihuahuas and pekingenses and one of the female chihuahuas bred with 2 of the boy peeks and they have pekichus now. They're so cute. The chihuahua also bred with a yorkie. These are two half sisters in the photo lol
No. 458233
>>458180 I knew someone will attack me fir this.
I am not a fan of how pugs got changed throughout the years. I am all for reverting the breed to how it used to be (bigger snout and smaller eyes). If it would be possible, I would buy a retromops, but there are no reputable breeders.
I still love my pug and do everything so that he lives a comfortable and happy life, like plenty of responsible pug owners.
No. 458401
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I kind of miss YouTube culture from back in like 2007-2011.
I miss there being YT groups, private messaging and communities, too. No idea why they got rid of that.
Also, comment sections were even trashier back then, if you can imagine that. It was fun reading a particularly inflammatory comment, going on to the troll's channel and seeing their comment section in shambles from people fighting with them, with each other, with thin air, etc. No one has time for that anymore unless it's a celebrity, lmao.
People would also have horrendous channel themes. So many repeating images. Also, this shit:
☻/ This is Bob . Copy and paste him
/▌ all over Youtube
/ \ so he can take over and take down Google+
No. 458411
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check my dubs
No. 458422
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>>458411nice ones anon, checked
No. 458448
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christ I feel manic as shit today
it's almost nerve wracking
No. 458456
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>>458401One thing I remembered recently was when youtube introduced annotations onto videos, and eventually they briefly added the option to let any user add whatever annotations they wanted onto your video, so some videos would just have the entire screen covered with random shit the whole time. That was always hilarious to young me.
No. 458462
>>458456nta but I also miss old YouTube too, back before it was less commercialized and more about user interactivity idk
nowadays everything gets copyright creators striked and it's become a literal business for some ppl but I remember when it was just dumb memes and moviemaker/imovie lyric videos and 3 part episodes of anime/tv shows
No. 458464
>>458401I can't remember if the rot set in before or after the Google+ integration in 2013, the one that tried to force everyone to use their real names. Remember when they let you customize your profile and have wallpapers?
>>458456They have fucked over thousands of perfectly good videos that relied on those annotations as interactive buttons.
No. 458510
Has anyone heard of Kris Gage who writes "essays" on Medium? Apart from her fluffy "writing" about MBTI (bullshit, more concisely), she seems like a Cool Girl type and that's pretty frustrating, since she's a 30-something.
For example:
Some points, such as some friendships being "codependent" and "
toxic", do ring true, but it seems like she's just so vehemently against friendship. Glossing over her points, it seems like she's never had healthy relationships with good boundaries, with people who share common interests.
Like goddamn, this passage makes me snort out loud:
> I rode a motorcycle cross-country in the middle of Midwest winter. I went from making six digits, then owning my own business, to being a bartender. I’m an attractive woman in her early 30’s and marriage is nowhere near the top of my list of priorities.Wow, congrats. You sound so unique. Not.
The other thing that pisses me off is that a lot of people think she's an amazing writer, but she sounds like an edgy teenager trying to sound wise. Nothing amazing about that.
No. 458657
>>458401I'm getting hit by nostalgia rn. I remember making a Youtube account in 2008 when I was 13, and immediately getting to make friends thanks to communities. I vividly remember spending time customizing my channel, setting background, profile picture, colors, bio with fancy characters… and then lurking through other people's channels to see how they customized theirs. Exchanging comments in each other's channels, being in actual communities.
I still talk to some of those people, 11 years later.
No. 458828
>>458401i miss the channel themes so much, i remember how i spent hours on mspaint drawing hamtaro characters onto a template i found on deviantart
there's so little options to customize your channel nowadays, it's boring
No. 458848
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I'm so fucking sad. I was so upset when they had to put Oakley to sleep, and now Shelby's passed too.
No. 458894
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My fiance proposed to me about a month ago with a dummy ring and is letting me pick out my own ring myself. We kinda live in bumfuck nowhere without any fine jewelry stores to access easily, so I was planning on ordering online. I fell in love with a custom ring I made on a site, then saw how suspiciously cheap it was and investigated reviews. They have overwhelmingly positive ones (that feel almost fake) but the critical reviews seem to think they don't use real diamonds/gems or use bad cuts.
I guess what I'm asking is, anyone know of a reputable place to buy an engagement ring online? Budget is roughly 2k USD. I just want something sparkly and elegant, not necessarily the most expensive looking.
No. 458909
>>458902Interesting, is coloured moissanite a thing? (Since I was interested in getting a gemstone or semi precious stone in my ring.) Will have to look into this when I'm home from work.
>>458906Yeah I guess I should just educate myself since it'll ideally be the ring I wear for the rest of my life.
No. 458928
File: 1567813635465.jpg (30.84 KB, 750x735, fdf5d0b8a87f27e02543f58e147f6a…)

>mfw I started the man-hate/pink pill thing on lolcow
>I made most of the man-hate posts in the teenagers thread
>I made most of the first man hate threads before they became banned and we switched to pink pilled
>more and more people just started jumping on it and getting pink pilled
>I got more pink pilled and ended up leaving my abusive ex
>I learned to stop defending men
>helped pink pill other women irl including my ex boyfriends sister
>happiest and most free I've ever been in my life despite starting a pseudo-cult
No. 458930
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>>458928Thanks anon, you've done an actual service to my life. The pink pill pushed me to wgtow and you're absolutely right about being so much happier and carefree!
No. 458970
>>458928I think I've only browsed those threads around 2 times, but thank you so, so much. A lot of what I read there I was able to apply recently when I was helping a friend through a bad breakup with one of the most delusional scrotes I've encountered irl. You dun good,
No. 458973
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this was funnier in my head
No. 458978
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>>458928Congrats, anon (and thank you). Those threads have been a light in the darkness for so many of us, even as some people (who may or may not have even been the intended audience for this whole site) were crying for their deletion.
They've been such a huge help for me, and others, as you can see.
No. 458984
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>>458928Thank you for your service, anon
No. 459008
I know its dumb but im still kinda sad that f(x) is dead. I had a huge crush on amber and krystal when i was 13.
>>458928Thank you anon
No. 459034
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>>458928bless you sister anon
No. 459101
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>>458928Keep fighting the good fight sister.
God bless you.
No. 459275
File: 1567880042215.png (445.53 KB, 640x605, km479m6ldj331.png)

Okay I'm this anon
>>452864 who was asking about Fire Emblem Three Houses and I bought it a few days after making that post and I just beat it right now! Oh god it's such a great game and I couldn't put it down. I'm so glad that other anon encouraged me to buy it but now I'm sad because it's over.
also Dimitri is absolutely best boy and to whoever initially posted about him, you have great taste. help I'm in love. No. 459336
>>458928the man hate/pink pill thread has helped me and a lot of my friends who were on the fence with shit men do. their
toxic behavior masked as 'masculinity.' really appreciate it, anon
No. 459477
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>break off with a group of friends because i found out they were backstabbing bitches
>almost all of them were buddy buddy with a fujoshi in the group despite them claiming to hate fujos
>said fujoshi harassed me and 2 other people with creepy, perverted behavior for months
>our "friends" constantly defend her
>many months pass after i've left
>fujoshi trooned out and identifies as a he/they transmasc nb
>she used to identify as a lesbian
>mfw i saw this coming from a mile away
>we still have mutual friends so i can't shit talk her for being a retarded fujo fakeboi
>but still mfw when fujos troon out like clockwork every time
>mfw when i've dodged a bullet
>mfw when i'll be inevitably told i should forgive her constant harassment
Who else /comfy/ here? Some friends are not worth it. Burn some bridges with people who don't give two shits about you. Tell some shit people in your life to shove it and fuck off. Be gay, do crimes.
No. 459502
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i really hope its greg drunk posting in his thread. those two fanfic posts have me laffin
No. 459587
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>>458973Kek, I've seen those posts. Don't worry, it was funny for me too
No. 459603
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>>459591No, I only played the BL route, but I was really curious about the story so I looked up all the endings for the other three routes. Maybe when the DLC comes out I'll come back and play another route but I just love the BL story line and am so attached to all the BL characters
and don't want to see them die.
>time to hit fanfiction sitesOh shit, for real? Pic related is me going to AO3 now lmao, I need that good shit
No. 459655
>>459604Can I take a wild guess and say he's eastern Euro and you're in Britain or western Europe? Or am I wrong?
>>459652All I can say to any of you is to watch it, or you could be next on the shitlist. You're still not from there, it doesn't matter if you're white. They can still turn on you.
(racebaiting) No. 459662
>>459655In my experience british people tend to dislike eastern europeans
Most people I know think the black people in their area are generally fine and the eastern euros are trash. Not saying I agree, just what friends living in more mixed areas tell me
Something about black people integrating into the community more and east euros remaining in their own circles/being unfriendly to live next to
No. 459664
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I seem to have caught food poisoning. I'd stay at home but tomorrow my bosses are coming over to see how we work and my coworker has been here for only two weeks. It's also only me and her.
Idk if I should go to work or not because both sides will think I'm trying to get out of meeting the bosses.
No. 459670
>>459668Quote -
Any race related posts or discussion is prohibited per global rule 7.
Repeat offenders are subject to a permanent ban from /ot/
No. 459677
>>459664How can you be sure that it's food poisoning and not a bug? I always assume I'm contagious when I get anything like that just to be thoughtful and not spread it
I've had people with noroviris come in to work and you can imagine the knock on effect lol
No. 459701
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>>459604Yeah, cause nothing says cute like hating 'shitskins and chinks' like a copypasta alt right /pol/tard
No. 459752
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They laughed at me in high school, I laugh at them in college.
No. 459762
>>459604>hates being a foreigner in the UK>because of other foreignersThe fact that you laughed along with it and find his appalling behaviour cute makes me side eye you, what other company does he keep if he thinks it's okay to be like that? As a 'chink' I hope he chokes, we're all just trying to live on this rock we didn't pick and I'm sad I don't have the money to get away from people like him (for being an asshole, not Eastern Euro) but I wouldn't be any more welcome anywhere else.
>>459658That sounds utterly terrifying, what a maniac. I hope you got help with it or had someone to comfort you after the ordeal but you sound like you're over it now which is the most important thing. Fucking christ, I'd be traumatised. City life can be cancer.
No. 459770
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>>459752this is a murder case in the making
No. 459781
>>459658The language thing is alienating at first, but it's really just something to adjust to. It's weird watching an area change and missing some aspects of it, but that's how the world has always continued on.
As for the awful man you lived with I'm sorry you went through that and I'm glad you're safe from it now. I don't want to risk derailing this thread by turning it into a race discussion but I just wanted to ask that you don't let his sexist, homophobic ass speak for all Eastern Europeans, I have polish friends that would never accept someone like that in the same way that many Irish hate to be parodied as alcoholic supporters of paedophilic priests. A country might have a cultural norm but not every person from there will adhere to that norm and cultural differences don't make any of what he did ok, people that try to defend hateful behavior as cultural differences need a slap.
No. 459880
>>459603I feel you so much, I cried my eyes out when I played BE.
NG+ makes it way easier to recruit people so recruit everyone you can and play it. BL is my favorite house but GD has the most satisfying final boss map and ending.
No. 459896
>>459883I mean…it's literally in the rules that political threads aren't condoned anymore.
>*No more politically charged threads outside of gender critical and pink-pill. Also, we don't need homophobe-chan (as well as the /pol/ scrotes and 8chan refugees who routinely come to lower board quality) to be given a hub.
Combine that with the sudden, random increase in racebaiting and political shit-stirring we've been having this past week
without such a thread, and that idea just sounds bad for everyone.
No. 459967
>>458894Maybe Mejuri? They have a specific page for engagement rings over here personally always like looking through their stuff because I really love super simple, minimalist rings but they also offer some with gems. Everything is pretty cheap, and if you happen to care about it, their gems are ethically sourced (or so they say).
No. 459975
My dad was off all of last week and I was really looking forward to spending time with him. He wanted to go out of state but the plans just fell through (no proper planning/buying tickets in advance/research/I can't really afford to travel anywhere atm), but it's still just nice to spend time with my dad. Unfortunately, we got into a 'fight' because he was upset that I bought a tiny bottle of handsoap for the kitchen. He said "seriously, stop buying stuff, there's no counter space and look at how little room I have to work with" yet everything he pointed to was his lol. I have eczema and dishsoap irritates the fuck out of my hands so I got fed up and bought handsoap for myself to use.
Anyway, our fights are usually just ignoring each other and giving each other the silent treatment. He finally talked to me yesterday, which was the last day of his week long break off of work. Now I'm just kind of sad because I hate it when he gets all huffy and whatever (speaking to him while he's still giving me the silent treatment doesn't work and he just snaps back, I've learned to wait it out), but we rarely get to see each other because of our work schedules. Just the other week was his birthday and I stayed up late for once and he said "I wish you would stay up late on the weekends so that we could talk when I come home" since I go to bed by 10pm/wake up at 6am everyday, even on the weekends. I try my best to avoid conflict and appease my parents, even if I do think they're being absolutely fucking ridiculous and stupid, because I realized their time is finite and the thing I'm terrified the most of is something bad happening to one of us while we're fighting and then that's the end.
Not much I can do now but I might buy a slice of black forest cake (his favorite) and leave it in the fridge for him.
No. 460051
>>460045It might be because TV series usually cast people in their 20s to play teenagers, so their idea of age is warped. It might be because men are attracted to youth in itself rather than actual attractiveness, and they exaggerate their appearance in their mind.
One of the most glaring examples I can think of is Japanese school girls. They are massively fetishized, but if you ever actually see them IRL… 99% are just frumpy kids, totally normal for their age. Their skirts go to their knees, they can't wear makeup, they don't do anything with their hair, they look a bit square with their blazers, typical acne/greasiness etc. The girls in their 20s are gorgeous though, because they have the money and opportunity to dress up and so on. I wonder if schoolgirls are so fetishized is because they
aren't hot IRL and Japanese men create tonnes of schoolgirl porn to compensate (the way they create a tonne of big tit porn because the girls there aren't very busty).
No. 460057
>>460050obviously you're referencing my post from like, 2 minutes before you posted this from the other thread, but all i said was "corsets are less harmful than high heels tbh", because they are. both are not good, both are terrible and oppressive, and i never claimed corsets were good, but high heels affect your toes, ankles, knees, hips, all the way to your spine. corsets never actually really damaged people the way they claim. i don't think women should wear corsets but really, a lot of the stuff claimed about corsets isn't historical fact. the fact that high heels look less torturous make them seem more innocuous when really, they damage women's bodies severely. my mom has awful problems with her feet, toes and ankles from wearing high heels for years and her only option is surgery
No. 460059
>>460046There are a lot of bad qualities to him and I've posted about him a bunch of times in the vent thread haha. I've been dealing with it my whole life which I realize isn't the best thing, but he's toned it down as I got older (and I left for college/studied abroad a few times so he held back his hissyfits or else I just straight up wouldn't call home for weeks). He takes it out on my mom sometimes (never physically, just yells) and sometimes it makes me wish they would divorce, but I know my dad is so financially irresponsible he'd end up living out of his car in no time and the thought of that makes me really sad.
There are times when I really can't fucking stand him and I know the terrible qualities he has are
the worst and that I shouldn't put up with them, especially as an adult, but I know he's trying his best to be a good dad. I chalk up a lot of his anger management issues to upbringing since a lot of my uncles tend to be the same way (I'd go as far to say that out of all of them, my dad is probably the tamest. Leaving his home country and raising his one daughter in America did some good for him, I guess).
Thankfully I'm a lesbian, so at least I won't be dealing with any manchildren after my dad.
No. 460085
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Any of you ladies into skateboarding?
I'm like an absolute beginner at the tender age of 22, got a shitty plastic mini cruiser in July bc I've always wanted to get into skating but I'm very shy about like moving my body in front of others and the skatepark in my hometown was just overrun with teen boys so I avoided even walking near it kek. I chose it bc it was like 20 euros so in case it turned out I hated skating it wouldn't be a big loss you know. I haven't skated much bc I'm still shy and paranoid of people judging me lol (I know no one cares but I just can't get over it you know) so I only do it around like 2am around the more deserted sidewalks of my neighborhood but it's fun! Can't do much else besides pushing and like some semblance of turning as I haven't really practiced much due to my aforementioned mental retardation and the fact I had to work a lot of night shift overtime so I didn't get that many free nights. Considering buying a normal board from my bonus at the end of the next week but not sure if I should?
Not sure tf I wanted to express with my entire post, guess just wanted to know if there are any sk8r g0rl farmers out there!
No. 460092
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I love this image they use for the thread on Metal so much - I kinda look like the girl in it which make sure me like it even more. I’m gonna watch the movie it’s from when I get the time!
No. 460099
>>460085That's adorable anon, I used to skate on my dad's 70's-era board when I was a kid (it was thin and SUPER fast). The more you get used to your body being a tool of navigation and speed, the less you'll care about whether you look funny doing it or not. You're more likely to be seen as a street hoodlum instead of an awkward weirdo.
>>460092I loved this movie so much, it's called Deathgasm right? There's some full-frontal female nudity but its part of a joke, in case you wonder about that kinda thing. Metal movies are such an underrated niche.
No. 460110
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What do you guys think of this kid? He lures predators by posing as a 12, 13, 14 yo girl or boy and confronts them and gives evidence to the police or tips or whatever. He seems like a pretty likeable and fairly intelligent guy, but I feel like being a young guy raised on the internet (he's a computer programmer), maybe he isn't genuine about actually caring about this issue, though he is very believable in how he acts and has an interesting personality. He has a lot of American flags and gun waving stuff so if he is a conservative, that'll be really shitty.
No. 460125
>>460099aw that sounds fun! I remember me and my cousins found their mom's old skateboard in their shed when we were like 8 (honestly idek how she got it with Soviet union and all), we just butt slid around as the pavements were horrible haha.
I hope I do get used to it, I think once I feel myself become more skilled, I will also feel bit more comfy with being seen doing dumb hoodlum shit in public lol
had rly nice 1.5hrs skating around just now, I moved last week to a more outskirty area and there's this big junction with nice, wide and smooth pavements all around it, super deserted past like 11pm too! just praying for dry autumn now kek
No. 460126
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I gave blood for the first time today, the lady who stopped me said I had beautiful veins lol. I mostly just wanted to see what it was like and if I could handle it if that makes sense? I was always too light to donate blood while in high school so now seemed like a perfect opportunity! I almost passed out twice! It was a weird feeling and they had to throw cold water on me. I got a giant T shirt, cooler, and free movie ticket. The people running it were so nice to me and even walked me inside the school buildings after since it was so hot outside. I hope my blood can help people, and I’m curious to see what’s blood type I am :)
No. 460163
>>460110Oh shit I'm glad he came up, because I do not respect him at all.
The point of To Catch a Predator was that pedos were lured by Perverted-Justice: decoys who knew what they were doing, and knew how to lure out compromising info and dialogue from pedos. And the other point was that they were CONNECTED TO THE POLICE. The police knew that a sting was in the process, they knew that they had to be there when the pedos were lured in, and they KNEW THAT THEY HAD LEGIT, LEGAL EVIDENCE. And during the actual sting, the police would actually arrest the pedo. Because it was all calculated.
This dumb neanderthal-lookin' ass thinks he's hot shit for luring in a pedo and then screeching "hehe I knew it!" during the meetup while the pedo runs away. The PEDO runs away UNSCATHED. And then this idiot is just left in a Target parking lot feeling like he actually did something? Fuck off.
So, basically, I hate this fucking moron. He's literally just warning pedos what to look out for so that next time they can get away with it. No police backup, no legal backup, no nothing. Police do not care about your antics unless you are a legitimate organization and you have made a deal with them.
I don't know if he actually cares, but from what I've said, yeah. I don't think he gives a shit beyond being a "haha got 'em!" youtuber who never really got anyone at all. It's like when Kiwifarms collects shit on Johnathan Yaniv thinking that they totally captured a predator, but requirements for arresting a dude online are more specific than singing "tampon man."
No. 460173
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I got a shitload of ANTM clips in my YT recommendations for some reason, and it's good for mindless entertainment, but I don't get why Tyra Banks gets away with being so awful.
>makes girls cut their hair if they seem too confident, sometimes piling more shit on that clearly has no use except to break them down further, only to send them home packing
>lets her judges make unnecessary sideways comments without ever standing up for the girls (at best, she just looks in their direction with a disapproving look and some retarded "tense" sound effect plays, or at worst, she makes weird or shitty comments herself)
>dismisses the stress the girls go through, and sometimes literally just spergs out at them for no good reason (one she yelled at because she didn't break down and cry at being sent home, the iconic "we were all rooting for you" video)
There's a line between being tough to show the contestants that it's a harsh industry, and just being a bully. Half of this shit just feels like Tyra trying to live out her dream of LARPing as Naomi Campbell with her trademark "alpha bitch" attitude. The problem is, she doesn't really come off as naturally strong enough to pull it off, so the whole thing just borders on intolerable. How do people not find her unlikable?
No. 460188
>>460173Sounds like entertaining tv to me tbh. Compared to Heidi Klum in GNTM Tyra is a downright no-nonsense professional. But I only watched up to cycle 10 or so, so as
>>460175 said it might be worse now.
No. 460194
>>460057It's not really
about you, but it did remind me of the retarded corset community that harps on about this stuff. Chill.
No. 460200
>>460175I don't know, the way she treated Yaya DeCosta in Cycle 3(?) pissed me off, specifically during the hat thing.
Also, one of her judges telling another girl in the same cycle who said she'd be
completely blind in 5 years "You'll have to find a way to overcome that :)".
No. 460220
>>460122you're lucky it took you this long, i've seen several fedora neckbeards with my little pony tshirts around, and one car plastered with mlp stickers and figures and a whole ass dakimakura in the back window
maybe my city is cursed
No. 460221
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>>460126nice!! I donated for the first time this summer and passed out because the male nurse made me stand up again too soon
was also super disappointing to find out my blood type is A+
no vampire romance for me
No. 460261
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>>460245Me too anon, except I have no irl male friends either. I've had female friendships, but they were never like what you see on TV. They were always unhealthy in one way or another. I want another girl to love me like a sister and have my back.
No. 460286
>>460245I'm the same way. Lately though I've been spending more time with a girl I met at uni and I'm really glad about it. I feel like generally time together with guys is mostly playing videogames and watching stuff together, conversations being about media or more abstract ideas. With women it's a lot more talking about our lives, feelings, exchanging advice. While I really enjoy both types of hanging out I did miss talking about more personal things. Especially sex, it's nice to talk about it irl for a change and from a female perspective.
For whatever reason I do feel way more insecure and afraid to make them hate me somehow with women than with men. Maybe it's because I want to be friends a little too badly.
No. 460302
>>460294I have come to believe based on various pieces of evidence, my own experiences and reading others, that men kinda have a "men's network" via group chats and forums, where they spread information about specific girlfriends and local women among the group. Guys at school or in certain hobby groups sharing nudes they obtained among the whole group, or guys have stalker groups where they post photos of local women along with their current locations. A link about guys sharing nudes of their girlfriends on a forum in order to negatively discuss her body with strangers was even posted on lolcow a few days ago. It's common enough that the idea of a man working completely alone is quite unlikely, unless he is a true hermit NEET.
What I'm trying to say is I'd be VERY surprised if your boyfriends did not know about each other, and maybe even communicate together about you.
No. 460307
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>>460302So, male lolcow? kek
I think when they don't do it on 4chan kids these days hang around discord, a shit ton of private discords are giving predators and pedos a space to hang around and its pretty hard to blow a whistle if only perverts have the link.
Here in Latam there is, its the worst, and if you research about them you'll be disturbed, is straight up men planning to rape, dox, kidnap and do all sorts of shit to women irl, the nudes are the tamer thing that goes on there, the owner was facing criminal charges recently and he killed himself, i don't know if the site is still up but they had discords groups were they planned assaults and i am completely sure that those are either still up or they created new ones because on discord its that fucking easy. I really hate Discord.
No. 460351
>>460347he told me a story about how he cheated on his last gf, Although he had a deep love for her (not the same girl he's talking to now)
I told him I would not sleep with him if we were not dating. He told me that he was afraid to be in a committed relationship because of him cheating and being impulsive in the past and would hate to hurt me in that regard. We had a good friendship actually before all of this, and he actually came on to me. I wouldn't have engaged him. I'm not blaming him or have any expectations at this point I just wish I didn't still want to be with him. It's hard when I see him every day. That's all. This is the "dumb-ass shit" thread after all.
No. 460370
>>460361nayrt but i think it's because everyone who started back when things were just telling a story and having some good adventure times either grew out of the hobby or peaced the fuck out when they saw it was fetish central.
i hate the state of things rn though. it's all NEETs who have no sense of what being an actual human being is like who sit around trying to get an e-bf/gf and living fetish fantasy 24/7, and if you're not into that you're a boring prude.
i hate that i like rp as a hobby so much
No. 460484
>>460477>anyone who has an issue with low dose birth control probably has some weird reproduction complextrue for people (read: incels) who spout the "birth control=roastie" meme but birth control often fucks women's bodies and mental health
so much and there's no denying the fact that we are the ones supposed to sacrifice our health if we don't want to get preggers while the men who fuck us whine about "condoms feeling bad uwu". really happy it worked out for you but also my friend has been bleeding for 2 months straight so ymmv
No. 460490
>>460484>true for people (read: incels) who spout the "birth control=roastie" meme but birth control often fucks women's bodies and mental health so muchvery rarely, but low dose hormones are the best, usually if it negatively affects you, you can just ask for a lower dose or different types of birth control, you just got to find what works for you
>my friend has been bleeding for 2 months straight so ymmvthat doesn't mean birth control is evil or anything, many medications can do that, hell some women can just have different health issues that cause periods to do that, I don't see why birth control is labeled as some insanely risky drug to take for side effects almost anything or any medication can cause
>>460486shitty man but taking birth control, for most women isn't some sacrificing health,end it all drug, most women rarely notice anything when taking birth control, all it does is just change your hormones and there are very low doses of it too, if taking birth control pills is considered "sacrificing your health and body/mental state" then why not protest soy and companies who use soy (literally most restaurants and fast food places), soy contains even higher amounts of hormones than birth control but no one does anything, almost anything you eat or drink can affect your hormones, hormones aren't poison anon, birth control companies aren't out to get you
No. 460491
>>460477They're mad because they want to see women who enjoy sex punished by forcing them to birth babies, and birth control is "cheating" in their twisted worldview.
Regardless of the birth control outcomes, way more women have permanently fucked bodies from carrying pregnancies to term than birth control has ever done combined. I'll take my chances.
No. 460494
>>460490I personally still don't see any real point in risking it.
Just…why shouldn't he wear a condom, lmao? Why should I be expected to take a pill when there's a far easier, more straighforward solution?
I don't see anything wrong with other women choosing to take BC, but I'd rather not.
No. 460495
>>460494>>460494>I personally still don't see any real point in risking it. pregnancy is more dangerous and effects your hormones way more lmao
>Just…why shouldn't he wear a condom, lmao? Why should I be expected to take a pill when there's a far easier, more straighforward solution?no one's saying birth control is for men who don't want to wear condoms, condoms can break, men can stealth (I actually got stealthed by an ex which is why I am on BC), rape can happen, maybe one day one of you forget the condom, whatever
>but I'd rather not.that would be great if you didn't try to convince women birth control is some evil risky drug to take when pregnancy or even just eating a slice of papa johns pizza every other day is more risky and fucks with your hormones and mental health way more than low dose birth control
No. 460497
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why do so many high school and college shows made past the 90s think women just talk about their vagina, eating disorders, and boys 24/7
No. 460498
>>460495When did I try to convince other women of shit? All I said was I personally won't touch any guy who whinges about not wanting to use condoms. I also won't fuck any man who I don't 100% trust not to stealth me (and even then, I'll definitely be checking before letting him in), and if I do get raped or have the condom break, the first thing on my mind will be the police, a pregnancy test and an abortion ASAP if needed.
Jesus christ, go shill BC elsewhere. Not all of us are into it, and that's not the end of the world.
No. 460500
>>460498>>460498>When did I try to convince other women of shit?>no point in risking it>as if taking minimum hormones is some crazy out there risk
> I also won't fuck any man who I don't 100% trust not to stealth methat would be great if we lived in a perfect world where people don't change, hide things, etc
>the first thing on my mind will be the police, a pregnancy test and an abortion ASAP if needed.abortion is much more risky than birth control lmao. there are more women who have problems because of abortions gone wrong than women who have had problems from birth control. I knew a woman who had to get a hysterectomy because of the damage an abortion caused. On the other hand I never met a woman who had any serious health issues linked to birth control
>Jesus christ, go shill BC elsewhere. Not all of us are into it, and that's not the end of the world.don't engage if you don't want to? all I'm saying is to not scare young girls out of taking something that is often very helpful to them
No. 460504
>>460500So, do I have to add "for me" to every single sentence obviously referring to myself, just in case the reading-impaired might misconstrue things as me somehow trying to persuade them to change their decisions simply by stating my own opinion?
The rest of your post is "what if" nonsense that'd be pointless to argue about, because unlike you, I'm not discussing this topic with some sort of strange conversion agenda, and never have been. I've just stated my own point of view, and why I feel that way, and that's that.
Stop trying to push random strangers into making the same personal choices as yourself. It's fucking weird.
>don't engage if you don't want to? Except I didn't engage. I was posting in agreement with another anon, which you somehow took as an attack somehow and started launching your shit at me.
>all I'm saying is to not scare young girls out of taking something that is often very helpful to themGood thing I didn't do that. Now, stop trying to scare young girls into taking BC with worst case scenario bullshit just because you think it's the best choice for yourself.
No. 460505
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>>460497scream queens was made by ryan murphy, a gay man who thinks women think like he does. this is true of american horror story too, even though i enjoy it. the female characters seem more like drag queen personas than real people.
most tv writers, producers and show runners are men. the number of women is increasing but they're still outnumbered and men looove shutting down women's ideas and contributions.
No. 460508
>>460501I've never heard of not carrying hair genetics from the father. Both my mom and dad have gone grey late in their years but I, at 25, already have a few grays coming in. I supposed you need to go back to punnett squares from biology class - recessive genes and stuff, to find out where it came from. Tbh it's not a bad thing at all. It kinda looks cool imo. Just look at Stacy London and how she keeps her grey streaks in, it looks beautiful. Obviously it can also come from stress, so that's something to think about.
I promise you look amazing, anon, and your grays just make you look like you know your shit!
No. 460529
>>460490>she thinks phytohormones are same as human, mammal and not a plant, hormones kek it's not that hormonal birth control is inherently evil but rather that it and it's negative sides are constantly minimised and the entire burden of avoiding pregnancies is placed on women. do tell me again what sort of negative side effects "any medication can cause" are there to condoms lol. also a further discussion about the difference in the frequency of those side effects occurring in like cold medicine and birth control users could be had.
lastly hormones are
really important, anon, they literally govern cross talk between all your tissues and your very state of being.
No. 460547
>>460484You're not exactly wrong on any point, but if your friend has been actually bleeding for two months, she's on the wrong pill. Unfortunately with hormonal BC you may have to try more than one before you find a fit, and some people aren't suited to it. BC has helped with my acne and stress levels, as well as giving me more regular periods (withdrawal bleeds,) and, best of all, helped me not get preggo.
I think the risk with hormonal BC is more in the very long-term and with wrong formulations for people. Anon is right about the importance of not writing it off if there are girls and women who would seriously benefit. I did and so have a lot of others.
>>460498Again I get your point and agree about men needing to take on more responsibility, but if you had any serious doubts, maybe something like a non-hormonal IUD is a better option. I kind of want to stop hormonal BC at some point so I've considered it, I'm just scared of the potential cramps and bleeding.
I'm just hoping for an effective male pill to get approved but I feel like even with similar side-effects, they'll coddle men's side-effects in a way they won't allow us. Have to wonder if they will get implants equivalent to IUDs eventually as well.
No. 460551
>>460547she's on Mirena and even their own sales pitch says that bleeding of up to 6 months can happen. how the fuck can drugs with expected side effects like that get approved idk. iirc there were some experimental male bc trials but apparently the reported side effects of like moodiness and nausea etc were too serious to proceed with that lol.
like I'm not anti bc or anything, I just think that, at least where I'm from, it is taken too lightly and girls are put on it as soon as they hit like 15 like it's just ibuprofen or buying 1st bra or something and the downsides of it are thought of as freak accidents or something that's just part of womanhood. also yeah, the long term implications are also something girls need to be better informed about.
>inb4 but abortions can also give long term complications!1!yes, but people
generally treat that process with bigger severity than getting their 17 year old some hormone pills.
also I
wish copper iuds would be a perfect solution ughhh
No. 460558
>What the western Vocaloid scene could be
Filled with experimental creatives who make interesting content, but don't typically share much about their personal lives. Lots of young musicians who are technical geniuses, but can't sing, and/or are unable or unwilling to hire a vocalist. Every once in a while, it'd push out someone who gets famous with a similar appeal to the mainstream as Death Grips. Weeaboo shit as a trademark because of the origin, but mostly in the sense of self-parody, deconstruction of otaku/internet culture, or a simple aesthetic choice (as opposed to unabashed, sincere enthusiasm in said culture). Mild crossover with the noise and/or industrial scene, and as of 2019, some of the people who are into what 4channers have termed "doomer music" appreciate it, too.
>What the western Vocaloid scene actually is
Filled with cringy weeaboos, Tumblrites, children, "music" ranging from generic to awful, "Miku says trans rights", Twitter beefs and callout posts. Most legitimate thing it managed to push out was Porter Robinson. One of many embarrassments on the internet. Almost no space to critique the culture it's entrenched in, precisely because it's so heavily saturated in it.
It's a shame.
No. 460569
>>460551copper iuds are more likely to cause ectopic pregnancy, which is highly dangerous, it's better just to take low dose hormones, yeah people should be more careful with it but again, if it's low dose there's not really much of a risk, medical professional have even said themselves, I don't see an issue with stating all the anti bc myths, I think it's good girls are more responsible with their reproductive health, I'd rather girls go on birth control and have a weird period once in a blue moon than to have girls run around pregnant at a young age
better to be safe than sorry, birth control isn't some evil hormones the jews are trying to force down womens throat
No. 460604
The scale in the house im staying at keeps reading my weight as 94kg, when I first came here it was 75kg, and now its 94kg. How would it be possible?
Before I left here I weighed 74kg on my own scale which means the original reading was in line with the first one I got, until the scale started creeping up to numbers like 80, 85kg. The strangest part is that I have visibly lost weight, everyone notices, my measurements are smaller, and my clothes are bigger, despite the scale increasing. It doesnt make sense for me to have inaccurate readings despite everyone else getting a good reading of their weight, so WTF is going on?
Im honestly scared, im only 163cm and never been 94kg in my life, but visibly look like I would at 68kg, 94kg on me would be extremely huge but I feel more in shape and look more muscular than ever. But still, how would I even gain that much muscle weight?? Water weight? How?
Idk man, something is clearly up and im wondering if I Secretly have gallstones, a tumor, or some cysts im unaware of. I do have menestrual problems and a lot of stomach pains often, and have been having it for over a year and I used to fast often and diet and exercise tons all at one time. Idk man..
No. 460661
>>460625My friends aren't even the judgey type though, they haven't been involved in fandom related activities in their entire lives and they're probably more normie than me for only really getting into those types of shows in the past few years. Like "fuck off dude, you weren't actually there or know the process at all", lol. I kind of get what you mean about sexuality, it's like most creative content online is made by people fueled by lust, not everyone cares about making something for the sake of it but everyone wants to fuck at some point. There was an anon up here somewhere who was lamenting about most RPs being able sex and it frustrates me too, I check adult RP places because I don't want to talk to minors but nearly ALL of the ads involve romance or sex and all of the sex involves kinks.
>>460629Right? Every character from an established property was original at some point which is what I said to one of my friends and he seemed unconvinced, even though that was the other half of my point: not everyone is making a fan character to have adventures in their fave thing, some of us are trying to write an actual narrative. Dull minded people never even think to ask themselves "how can I craft my own?"
On the other hand I'm trying to duck crazy people like the ones that make up that Tearzah girl's fanbase. Circles like that around an artist's OCs are a clusterfuck of plagiarism, witchhunting suspected plagiarism, shipping, nitpicking, blind adoration, it's like a weird cult for paper dolls without even a narrative to follow together. It's a whole lot of madness for imaginary people who haven't even done anything yet.
No. 460754
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I started to keep a journal a couple of years ago because one of my favorite artists is really into it and it seemed like a fun thing. It really helped me deal with my depression, it was the emotional release that I needed. I enjoy handwriting out my feelings (I've kept private blogs and private vent twitters, but it all feels like I could constantly scream and not feel any better, the hand cramps I feel from handwriting really help lol), and I really liked to collect washi tapes and stickers to decorate my pages with. It's really nice when my friends go on trips and bring me back stickers or stuff, I feel like I'm putting parts of them into my journal. My newest journal is from the artist who got me into journalling, and it's super nice and has thick grid paper that I can do light washes on without the paper warping, but it's only about 50 pages so I've been trying to sparingly use it.
As a consequence, I've barely written in it because it felt like a waste to write about boring things. Over the years it went from a place to store my feelings, to a sort of… book of fun things I've done for my future self to look back on and read, and I would start thinking "wow it'll be really boring to read this a couple years down the line" when it came to writing entries on days where nothing really special happened. Simone Giertz posted a patreon entry where she translated and posted journal entries, and it really hit me to read all of the vulnerable thoughts she put into hers. Last night, for the first time in a month or two, I decided to just write whatever. I actually had a lot more to write than I thought I did. It feels good to write again. I'll be sad once I finish writing in this journal, but there's a lovely stationary store near me and I look forward to visiting there to pick out my next one.
No. 460907
>>460829Reviewbrah made me realise that people can have autistic traits and still be charming
I'm not autistic but an ex pointed out that I had traits and after doing one of those online tests I scored high.. Reviewbrah eased my worries with his wit and charm and super autism all in one
No. 460935
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Hey y'all <3
I know this is pretty cliche but i felt like lolcow has been a safe place where i cant vent and have an overwhelming sense of sisterhood here <3 although we fight over some petty shit lol. But i wish you guys the best, get your degree, do what you love, pursue your dreams and be well-rested ~~ Dont forget to drink water and eat well, go to therapy if needed and get the life you always wanted, take care of yourself alright?
No. 460938
I stopped being a little bitch and finally bit the bullet and signed up for rock climbing classes this weekend! A little expensive for a month intro, but I'm excited to try it out. Even if it doesn't work out and I don't want to do it anymore after a month that's okay, at least I'll have tried and won't be constantly just daydreaming about 'what if~'.
>>460935I love you anon, this is cute. I hope you're living your best life/on your way to living it. This place has been a nice little corner of the internet for me to run away to and has helped me while I try to get my life back in order. Love you, LC!
No. 461198
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i'm so in love and i'm in bed crying over how nice my boyfriend is. nothing in particular made me cry, he's just such a fucking good person. so gentle and thoughtful. i must be on my period but i just love him and i'm resisting the urge to send him a mushy wall of text so i'm here instead
No. 461211
>>461150I mean he goes into in depth convos on his podcast, covers all sorts of subjects and does give an idea of who he is.
Judging him from his 10 min YouTube vids is different but the philosophical subjects on the podcast, his concern any time there's a natural disaster in another country.. dudes nice
No. 461436
>>461150I'm the anon and omg, I was just trying to be positive that not all male autists are doomed disgusting neckbeards. The aforementioned ones I know irl made the fact that they are very obvious very quickly (think ahegao shirts, constantly talking about how much they love girls asses to legit everyone, retweeting hentai on their twitter with the handle being their full name, having 2kg worth of anime charms, I'm sure you can conjure the image). I'm kinda sure that's part of the whole autism deal that they have no filter/tact and thus are shit at hiding their degen angles if they're present. Besides reviewbrahs 4chan history, he is literally as wholesome as a 3d person can get.
Sure, mby
>>461254 is right and he's an absolute mega mind running an underground pedo zoophile cabal or whatever, but he has put so much of himself out there for so many years and nothing implies that he's anything but a weird yet sweet guy. I'll eat my hat if that turns out wrong but I'd rather give him the benefit of the doubt and I rarely ever do that for men lol
Also that was my 1st ever post about him on this site
No. 461445
>>461439I'm happy for you anon!
I always like to think of it as I'm removing my thoughts from my head and sealing them into the paper, so they aren't a part of me anymore. Or that the pain from handcramps is the physical manifestation of my bad thoughts that are now leaving my body lol. It sounds lame as fuck, but it helps so whatever! What app are you using? I hope one day you'll be able to keep a physical one- I really like the decorating aspect of physical journals hehe, but at long as it's helping you that's all that really matters!
No. 461447
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Our dog seems to have forgotten me? We had him for 7 years and while we aren't super mega close, I still play with him, go with him and my father for walks almost every weekend, feed him occasionally while my father's gone, give him treats and today he started aggressively barking, growling and baring his teeth at me. I haven't changed anything about my appearance, haven't had anything that would cover my face, even called him and all but he wouldn't stop.
I'm low key offended. He forgets about me, the person who is basically the second in command and spends the second most time with him, feeds him but remembers my fucking brother who he sees maybe once every 3 months? Damn dog…
No. 461489
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>>461447yes, yes , anon, join us in the dog hate side of ot/ , feed your anger
No. 461493
>>461482I'm Irish and noticed the change happened on the app but when you go on normal browser it still shows
Definitely see it as a positive thing
No. 461544
>>461537halloween spook house, I expected there to be freaks, I just don't understand how someone can be so shameless and have no issues with going out their way to remind everyone they get off to roleplaying child molestation and mimicking a child/parent relationship with their SO
the pagans don't bother me too much outside of their edgelord auras. I do have a day job however but it's no wonder to me that most of these idiots do not.
No. 461671
>>461544>halloween spook houseThat makes sense lol, its just that i was imagining a regular office job with some coworker screeching about cummies with a tail up his ass lol.
Still sucks that you have to deal with these freaks on the loose though, even if it is halloween themed place i would never think this is ok thing for me to do, that is not spooky at all, its just uncomfortable., i love halloween and i wish adult halloween parties were about scary skeletons and not kink fests
No. 461673
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I’ve been trying to implement minimalism into my life, not impulse buying, selling stuff I don’t use/need, using money for experiences and not things…. but this animal crossing merch you guys. I’d only want the teapot, leaf plate and fossil plate - I’ve looked on eBay and I cannot in the right mind justify buying them at the price they're at, not to mention it’s completely frivolous and against the values I’m trying to live by. That doesn’t stop my brain from going aW I NEED IT every time it crosses my mind though lol..
No. 461674
let's say you're very poor, have been homeless, your family also has nothing, you date a guy who comes from a decent family with money, has a good job, but whenever you express that you're so miserable and suicidal and terrified about money, they never console you, let alone try to help, even in like, the form of a loan, or just offering to help lessen your burden. they also claim to want to marry you. biggest piece of shit ever tier or what?
No. 461687
>>461674To be honest you sound really entitled and bitter, and that's not a good thing. People will be willing to disagree with you just because of that.
But putting that aside, if you're in a serious relationship with someone and they're in a better position by all means they should help. Obviously not if they gamble or have some sort of shopping addiction, but if they are in genuine trouble. My bf was struggling at one point and I would have never thought to let him struggle on his own. I've bought him things he's needed and I would never expect him to pay me back. If you care about someone you don't let them struggle and suffer day to day… How can you say you love them if you do? Part of love is helping someone through the hard times, even if that is financial.
No. 461688
>>461687>To be honest you sound really entitled and bitter, and that's not a good thing. People will be willing to disagree with you just because of's not entitlement. you don't bring up legal entanglement when you're barely half in and essentially lovebomb someone to oblivion with such things when they have no hope and you know they've been suffering endlessly, physically, in terms of safety and security, and financially. it's impossibly cruel and if anons are too stupid to see that and interpret it as "entitlement", they need to re-evaluate the criteria that constitutes what a love and marriage should be based on
>But putting that aside, if you're in a serious relationship with someone and they're in a better position by all means they should help. Obviously not if they gamble or have some sort of shopping addiction, but if they are in genuine trouble. My bf was struggling at one point and I would have never thought to let him struggle on his own. I've bought him things he's needed and I would never expect him to pay me back. If you care about someone you don't let them struggle and suffer day to day… How can you say you love them if you do? Part of love is helping someone through the hard times, even if that is financial.exactly, yeah, that's what i mean. i feel this is fucking obvious. if i was in that position, holy shit i'd help so fast. i can absolutely understand if you're casually dating or whatever, but this is entirely different. and imo "even if it is financial" is not something that occurs to me. especially financially when that finance comes to ability to remain housed and healthy, wtf, not even a question.
No. 461693
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I don't know why but I find it so interesting to look at how some scientists shoop their figures. It's just funny how some of them copy and paste shit so blatantly and the reviewers don't even see it and let it pass. Pic related was from an article published by people from Harvard Medical School in Nature (one of the top science journals). Just ridiculous. How many more are out there that never got caught? No. 461703
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>>461698That is something called a western blot which is a method to separate and identify proteins. The scientist who pointed out the shooping said none of those black "bands" (proteins) should look identical, it's like if you took a picture of the sky and you saw 2 clouds that were exactly the same. Again it's just the sheer audacity of some of these people that's hilarious to me. This seems like a huge problem in life science fields with possibly up to 1/5 studies having shooped pics, and funding these studies isn't cheap either.
No. 461707
>>461688Have you brought the situation up to him? What's his excuse for watching your mental health decline? Or does he just totally ignore it?
I can't imagine watching an SO in that situation that I said I'd marry and just doing nothing. Whether it's helping financially or getting them therapy or whatever.
No. 461721
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I thought the thumbnail on YT for the song "Reptilia" by "The Strokes" was Magdalen Berns when I first saw it
No. 461785
>>461761uhh no shit? why would normies want to hang out with fandom spergs. I'm not even normie and can barely handle classic fangirls, much less
toxic, autistic fandoms.
No. 461902
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Went to the bathroom and realized my roommate somehow broke the toilet seat and now it's only hanging on by one side and the lid came completely off. Why. Why? I just want to shit in peace.
No. 461932
>>461929Apparently not! They're just small horses! Merriam Webster defines a pony as "a small horse. Especially : one of any of several breeds of very small stocky animals noted for their gentleness and endurance."
I feel like I've been lied to my entire life. A foal is a baby horse, which then either becomes a colt or a filly (young male or female horse), then eventually a horse (or I'm guessing, a pony if their size is too small to ~*~technically~*~ be a horse).
No. 461946
>>461703oooh, that's spicy! as a baby undergrad taught to glorify
the sciences from primary school onwards, it feels like the big, adult scientists would
never cheat or make mortal mistakes and it is such a weird feeling when you realise they're also only human.
No. 461950
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>>461926>>461933>>461932i can't deal with this today
No. 462040
>>461926>>461929>>462005I'm crying what the shit anons
shetland ponies are angry bastards though
No. 462113
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i don't understand when csa/nccsa victims make things like this. i'm not mad or anything, everyone has their way of processing trauma. i just don't know how they can push into that and pull it out to create graphics.
all i feel is shame and mild nausea when i think of the messages i was sent. i never want to go back to that account and look through the DMs, and thinking of them possibly being deleted or otherwise unavailable gives me relief because that makes it 0.1% closer to it never happening.
No. 462403
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>>462387I just came here after rewatching this after many years, what the fuck anon. Also of course you should make that cake.
No. 462462
>>462408metalheads are some of the biggest
abusive misogynists on the market. "sophisticated" or "intellectual", lmao they're
abusive chuds that think liking songs with unusual time signatures makes them smart
No. 462469
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Speaking of horses (coincidentally I was going to post this even before knowing about all the recent horse talk)…they are legit the scariest creatures on the planet. Look at those damn muscled legs and tell me they won't hesitate to trample all over you. Just the sheer size and mass of these things makes me so anxious. With their huge ass face nuzzling yours and breathing all over you, eugh no thanks.
No. 462474
>>462462In my experience they’re an incredible mix.
Some of the most intelligent, philosophical, and generally pleasant people and some of the most retarded, meat-head, cum-brain troglodytes to have ever tarnished the human race.
Lots of violent men for sure, and definitely somewhere to be cautious. It’s like a 5% cool people vs 60% rage monkeys and the rest are normal.
>>462469Their legs are specialised fingers and it makes them worse. Love riding horses but they are definitely monsters we put little seats on, not a friendly pet.
No. 462497
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This is too fucking stupid for the vent thread, but I'm listening to Puff Daddy's "I'll Be Missing You" and thinking about one of my favorite character's who dies and getting all emotional.
No. 462542
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>What is the political leaning of this site>Thread >>462523 lockedIt keeps changing over the years. Used to be an anarchist as a kid, then a technocrat, then a centrist, then national socialist, then zen-fascist, regular fascist, AI-fascist, then national democrat. Right now i believe that humanity possesses as much collective free will as a cocktail of bacteria inside a test glass that are fighting for last remaining resources. I'm turning into an apolitical misanthrope who suffers from pathological altruism - a true neutral.
No. 462544
>>462114fashion youtubers in general suck ass, i hate watching someone buy a say size L in every fucking video and then complain every time that "this brands L is wrong, it doesnt fit me :((("
no, you just keep buying the wrong size! the fuck
happens in the other direction too though, used to watch this girl who'd always buy a size S and complain that it's too big
just buy an XS then, why even be in denial about that? it's mad distracting and makes any review worthless
No. 462688
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>>462387anon, why the fuck did you have to post this?? I can't stop watching these ahhhhh lmao
No. 462759
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I was looking through my ancient tumblr for shits and giggles and found this deep in my likes. Lost my absolute fucking mind
No. 462785
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>>462759Lol, there definitely was a time when tumblr was filled with these comics and we thought it was super funny for some reason. Is like looking at rage comics, can't believe i found that stuff to be hilarious when i first discovered it, it was so bad.
No. 462826
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>>462820No idea but i was probably lurking there when the site was fairly recent. Is kinda interesting how it mutated over the years, the first few memories i have of it is that it had a reputation for being a place for very unpopular and akward kids hanged around, so a lot of very cringy fan fiction and sperging about Disney and trivial stuff no one cared that much about and it had a lot of Deviantart refugees when DA started slowing down and becoming fetish central, so tumblr the person was like an invisible chubby girl that likes Sanrio and Invader Zim. Then they kinda spined it around to be a site for alternative kids who were "not like other kids" in that "cool to be nerdy" kinda way and stuff, so a lot of hipsters and goth stacys started coming in and i remember a lot of tea from the local music scene. The teenage sperging remained but tumblrinas started adding a political angle to their teenage angst and trivial rants about cartoons to make it cooler and deep and thats more like the image tumblr has today, but i really could not say too surely because i haven't been in there for a few years now.
No. 462847
>>462837You're envious over those simplistic material gains? A hundred dollars and a PS4?
For destroying your own integrity and respect?
Anon, come on now, you're better than that.
No. 462865
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>join a shadowverse newbie discord - porn of middle school age girls on leashes
>join a sinoalice discord - people laughing at a teenage character commiting suicide after getting impregnated by her teacher and spamming memes like "fetus deletus"
>join any fucking gaming discord and it's alt-right stuff and middle schooler spam humor
Yeah, nah, I had all channels muted and just used it to get pings for news because I can't be arsed to follow Japsnese sites, but I'm done with being in the same group as pic related people.
No. 462866
>>462865weebs are shit people no exceptions
also any male that uses discord, shit person, guaranteed
No. 462869
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had to wash my hair before uni but now it's too late to make it on time on foot and I've missed the bus too. it's a double lecture so I could go for the 2nd part but it's in a really small room and I'm an awkward bitch so that's a no go. love being an idiot?
No. 462903
>>462869enjoy your day in!
I wish I had called into work! I am so tired. Stay cozy.
No. 462909
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>>462869Call in club reporting!
I texted my coworker today and said I wasn't coming in. Stayed up late and I'd rather have my bf come over and cuddle me anyway.
Fortunately at this job, the heads up is mostly courtesy. They probably don't even believe my excuse. I can make up the hours later in the week.
He's gonna take me to Red Lobster for endless shrimp.
No regurts..
No. 462920
>>462857Is it stupid that I think about internet privacy measures in relation to starting a family? If I ever had kids I'd strongly consider installing a filter and only allowing them a certain amount of time on the computer (not just internet access) a day but it's hard enough in current year to go without a device for a single month and I don't want to end up being the no-fun parent sounding like a conspiracy theorist because I won't allow shit like Alexa in my home.
>>462909What's this painting from?
No. 462930
>>462903god, I didn't realise I could think of it as a free holiday! instead I've been agonising and sulking over not going kek. thank you for opening my eyes
nonnie, shall go to the faraway store to buy batteries for my vibe (why tf are N batteries so rare anyways?) and carpe that diem while I can!
No. 462936
>>462787>>462688>>462387This made me decide to randomly google her and holy fuck I did not know she's currently dating/in a domestic partnership to the current governor of my state lmfao. Damn what the fuck.
>>462935Terrace House? I'm watching the new season and I'm living for drama happening so early, but it's also making me cringe lol
No. 462943
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Make me sad that so many people won't stop shitting on the art of sun and moon. Yeah it's super different compared to the old seasons, but I think it's really cute in it's own way.
I've always enjoyed anipoke since I was a kid, but I wasn't really into any of them enough to seek out watching all the episodes in order until I started SM lol. The slice of life aspect and focus on characters other than Ash really warms my heart.
No. 462975
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All right I keep talking about how addicting the internet is and how we all should use social media etc less but here I am, stuck on LC. Anons I love you but now it's cold turkey for a couple of days. Remember to take breaks too and stand up and stretch.
No. 462999
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>>462975Thank you Turkey anon.
I want to get off this site for good tbh, I feel like its making me sicker. Plus, all the cows/flakes I originally followed are all boring or did the right thing and got off the internet.
No. 463003
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>>462999Honestly the cows aren't really that interesting any more. I mostly come here for interesting discussions and tips.
I wish lolcow had more off-topic activity. Like the manga recommendations and nostalgia threads. I also wish that we had
more threads about things like gaming, politics, beauty and tech/societal trends. I read a lot of reddit but I feel like the user base is at times heavily dominated by men. That's fine many times but I think having more perspectives would be great. Girl power and all that.
(I also wish hate threads like the pink pill and man-hate could disappear. So much nonintellectual gibberish)
No. 463006
is male dominated but also I feel like a lot of people hold back and aren't keen on sharing tips because the posts are searchable and everyone is in it for the updoots.
No. 463074
>>463003>wants more political discussion>pinkpill is ebul!!1!Ok then.
So basically you want Reddit, but with more women and less opinions that you disagree with. Sounds like you don't even really like lolcow and just want to overhaul it in to your own type of website. Why are you even here then?
Also did you think pinkpill was
suppose to be intellectual? Its a place for women to vent their frustrations about men actually its literally the only place on the itnernet ive ever seen for that. Meanwhile there are literally thousands if not millions of incel forums talking about how all women deserve to be raped and sharing child porn, why dont you go there and whine about their nonintellectual gibberish? Exactly, you wouldn't. But women arent allowed to have any negative opinions about men I guess.
No. 463452
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>>463074Well, aren't you a beautiful ray of sunshine? Sorry for
triggering you so much kek
No. 463711
>>463003> (I also wish hate threads like the pink pill and man-hate could disappear. So much nonintellectual gibberish)All gossip falls under the nonintellectual gibberish but that doesn't seem to be bother you for some reason. And all the vile nitpicking of women based on their appearance isn't hateful enough for you.
> manga> gaming> beautyyeah, that's a high iq non-gibberish intellectual material right there lol