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No. 434494
Vent about scrots here! Share your experiences with annoying, terrible, worthless men you've encountered. Post screenshots of men being awful. Talk about how you avoid shitty men and why.
-Please do not respond to scrotbait. Taking bait will result in a 3-day ban from /ot/, no appeals.
-No femcel sperging.
-Gender critical discussion goes to
>>429238Previous thread:
>>425761 No. 434497
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No. 434500
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Excellent choice of image, OP. I cri evrytiem.
Alright rudefems, here's to #24 being the most boisterous, man-hating-est thread ever.
No. 434504
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incels:all women are gold diggers who only want chad cock, you're not doing it right evil womyn
women:live humble lives, make their own money and mind their own business
incels: not like that either!
what do they want?
No. 434507
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This screenshot is probably fake but I find it hilarious. Recently this hideous incel tier guy tried contacting me on social media. After I didn't reply he sent the most pathetic message ''I'm probably too ugly for you''.. I'm so fucking tired of men I just told him yeah, you are. Let them fucking know.
No. 434517
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Women: We want the right to vote for the leaders of this alleged democracy in which we live.
Men: omfg why do you hate men you ugly bitches
Remember that there is no acceptable level of feminism in men's eyes, so get out there and be crudest, rudest radfem you can be, because you have nothing to lose.
No. 434522
>>434517I tried to do this, but the last time I let my radfem side sperg out here other farmers criticised me for suggesting that infanticide is actually a very
valid weapon in the war against men and it hurt my feelings a little bit ngl
No. 434523
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>>434522Keep calm and abort all male fetuses, anon.
No. 434524
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a young /r9k/ camgirl was murdered by a fucking incel. her throat was slit, he took photos and posted it on her discord alongside the caption “find someone else to obsess over”… she was so young too. it’s on r/morbidreality i guess but i don’t want to post those photos, search at your own risk. this is very recent news.
pic related: it’s who killed her.
No. 434531
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>>434524>>434527and finally this one — warning, particularly bloody.
her name was Bianca and she went by the username “oxy”. I feel absolutely sick over this.
No. 434532
Tl:dr version:
Catholic priest goes on about people not having kids, but actually blames feminism and women, ignoring all the
valid reasons why people do not want kids and actually complains about people having the freedom NOT to choose to have kids as "a cancer".
Plot twist-people calling him out for not having kids himself.
>Also insert joke about why a catholic priest is eager for people to have kidsHeres the much shorter, less waffly version, some of the comments are great! No. 434539
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>>434532men blaming women and feminism for all their problems, color me shocked
No. 434540
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>>434536Nah fuck that, I actually do want to be as bad as incels. Throw off the shackles of your "feminine" lower disposition to violence, comrades. Start luring men to their deaths. Kill your boyfriend.
No. 434548
>>434544same, I work at a military hospital, you'd think with how much men run their mouths and scream their damn heads off about how all women are evil, all women are ugly and are gonna hit the wall, all women make horrible moms, MGTOW is the only option, etc, they'd be happy so many women are choosing to earn for themselves and live without them, but nope, they desperately try to convince themselves "y-you'll come crawling back you'll see!!!!" but nope
I hate men therefore I encourage them to MGTOW because they get out of my way, assuming their version of MGTOW doesn't involve spending every breath and energy they have screaming about women, wonder why they get so offended over humble, single by choice women
No. 434550
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>>434524some caps of the discord, apologies for the quality. the censored photo is of her corpse but i’m spoilering regardless because holy fuck.
No. 434563
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I know this is a fetish, but I mean.. A lot of men think this way unironically.
No. 434567
>>434546>>434547I hate that I can't tell if you're just scrots LARPing at my expense, or if you're flirting with me, anons.
>>434554If we were to take a leaf from the book of other crusades, martyrs can never die. Then again, if I tried to memorise all the names of every woman ever beaten by her shitheel husband, or even the names of the
victims in Isla Vista, I'd run out of breath before being able to do anything. And having just looked it up, USC was in 2014. 5 years ago, and incels still aren't being regularly classified as domestic terrorists. Women's lives truly do mean so little to them. Fuck.
No. 434570
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>>434565I just wanted to add this picture of her. Still don't know what to say other than please remember her face and not her bloody body
No. 434573
>>434563yet again the stereotype of men wanting a """porn goddess""" when if you ever actually go on a porn site you will realize right away what they want is a severely underdeveloped girl who can pass as 12 and doesn't age.
and even if he does want a woman who looks like one in the picture, it wouldn't be good enough for them because we age, and then they'll want to replace us eventually anyway.
No. 434575
>>434567I'm dead serious, anon-chan. If an "innocent" man dies tonight, it's justice.
>>434568I'm planning on getting a firearm. I was on the fence for awhile but I've made up my mind
>>434570Definitely have made up my mind
No. 434583
>>434579This. I'm not bringing a child into this world no matter what. Either they'll become a
victim or become a perpetrator. I'm glad so many women around the world are WGTOWing and choosing not to marry or have children.
No. 434585
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>>434575>I'm planning on getting a firearmI have a few
military anon here again
I usually keep a 22 caliber in my car when I'm out and about I like to keep a small handgun strapped to my thigh or in my purse, I suggest an M1895, and ofc spare ammo and a repair kit
I also suggest other anons get into mechanics and welding, not only is it fun and interesting you can also make some bomb ass weapons and other things you might be interested in
another tip is to know your gun rights, thankfully the conservatives have done something right so I live in a state where if anyone trespasses on your property or does anything to make you feel like you are in danger, you have the right to shoot them (and what increases your chances of getting away with it even more is if you call the police, report and send out an ambulance)
work on your aim too ladies, ammo is too expensive for warning shots, not on animals of course however since we aren't heartless scrots who think it's fun to kill innocent animals for game
any other anons out there, I 100% encourage you to get guns, know your rights, and know how to use them and not be afraid. Always be prepared especially when you're in situations like bianca, don't let the scrots win. let them taste what's coming
No. 434591
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thank you for this, based anon. I've seen discussions of self-defense in radfem spaces before and it's always discouraged. Men in this fucking country are all about gun rights until women start talking about arming themselves, then suddenly 'it's too dangerous'.
Time to take advantage of those lax laws. There's a gun manufacturer in my area that offers courses, I'm going to sign up. There's also a firearm megastore a few minutes away, I'm going to do some window-shopping.
Scrotes always trot out that "more likely to be used against you" bullshit, but I look at it this way: if I pull a gun on a man, it's a matter of life and death anyway. And if a man gives me a reason to kill him, >gif.
No. 434592
>>434589christ anon that's horrifying. and you're right. a lot of women get murdered when they have bad feelings because they don't want to be rude.
it's depressing when we realize the dark truth behind our childhood memories. like when I was 12 I would go on to chatrooms and chat with other girls my age, and now I'm realizing most of those were pedophiles because the very first thing they would ask were things like "do you have your period yet" and one time I said yes and they just said "ew" and stopped talking to me.
No. 434602
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>>434591men who have issues with women having guns are 100% red flags to me and should be avoided
it's either
>projection, because they think because if they had a gun they'd shoot everyone that means women will too>they are planning to do something sinister against women and are afraid of getting their ass handed to themalways have guns ladies and avoid men who have issues with that, they are always no good
No. 434603
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So there's this movie called "The Autopsy of Jane Doe" and it's about an autopsy of a dead woman. I was watching a video called "Autopsy of Jane Doe Ending Explained" and SO MANY COMMENTS are pointing out her tits and saying she's hot/they want to fuck her. These are just 2 but there's a loooot of them. Men are vile.
No. 434607
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>>434589GOD that's terrible anon. Even worse to know that he was someone your mom
To add I absolutely hate how common this situation is. Like, most girls I know have at least ONE story of being prayed upon by a male family friend,neighbor,relative, whatever. Hell, the amount of stories I've heard from people about almost being kidnapped as little kids by random men is astounding. It's all so depressing.
Kinda blogposty but stories like this make me appreciate how my mom was/is hyper vigilant around men when I was a kid, and never ever allowed my dad's friends inside the house. She burned it into my mind that men are predators and I should never trust them so easily. I can't blame her for being so pink pilled since as a teen she was almost fucking kidnapped. No. 434608
>>434603you know what's depressing? when men refer to olwen kelly they bash her, talk about how dead she looks in real life, how her tits are weird and saggy, how her butt is small, etc
it's alarming to me when men would rather sexualize and drool over a depiction of a corpse but bash her while she's alive
why do men like bashing and tearing the ever loving shit out of legal, healthy, alive, adult women but if that exact same woman they just claimed was the most hideous beast in the world was dead, a child, not mentally developed enough, etc they will drool over her
No. 434619
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When scrots start calling this shit out I will sympathise and listen to them. Until them they can cry until they bleed women will never hate scrots the way they hate us.
No. 434621
>>434614Peace out, dick.
>>434619I sincerely hope that there will be a reckoning with the pornography industry soon. I know libfems are all about ~sex-positivity~ but Jesus, how fucking bad does it have to get before they get the fucking picture?
Pornographers deserve death most of all. All you'd have to do is schedule a filming with them and show up with a weapon. I think about that a lot. It would be so easy.
No. 434623
>>434617I've literally seen men claim they were DV
victims because their partner or friend playfully slapped or shoved them. They are true male DV
victims but a lot of them seem to jumping on the
victim and women are evil bandwagon for sure.
No. 434625
>>434617>>434623Reading Why Does He Do That has changed my perspective on DV a lot. The (male) author straight up says women don't/can't physically abuse men. The defining factor in DV is a pattern of fear, control and intimidation, a woman hitting a man just will not make him afraid and will not give her control over him. It's wrong, for sure, but without instilling fear in her partner it isn't really abuse.
I used to think that any hitting at all counts as DV but put in perspective, why should it when it has no actual effects consistent with abuse on the man?
No. 434627
>>434623i remember on ifunny there was a video of a girl pushing her boyfriend off the bed, men screamed "domestic abuse! domestic abuse! just as bad as men beating women! I hope he busted her head open!" but when I pointed out that no one cared when a man pushed his girlfriend off a cliff as a joke and everyone laughed, people played mental gymnastics to claim it was different
I use to try to take mens abuse stories seriously until I found out what most of them considered abuse
No. 434629
>>434625I think in that case the author is describing an
abusive relationship as opposed to just abuse, which can be a one time thing or long-term.
In a sense, I agree. How much fear does a woman hitting you even with all her strength instill in the average man? A slight bruise, at most. The fact that the person you love and who loves you is hitting you is still damaging, but wouldn't it be worse if they actually really hurt you? If you fear for your life?
That being said women are certainly equally as capable of manipulating and gaslighting someone into control.
No. 434632
>>434627There was this video on reddit this week where a woman was repeatedly hitting this guy on the side of the head. Obviously, not okay.
But the guy was laughing the whole time and filming it in selfie mode.
Meanwhile, the entire comment section was raging about why he didn't punch her back or call the cops. I mean he could have done either of those things but the whole point of it was that it wasn't even hurting him, her fist was like a fly to him. And don't get me started on trash subreddits like pussypassdenied.
No. 434635
>>434629My understanding is that abuse can't be a one time thing, that would be assault. It becomes abuse when it's habitual/prolonged.
I'm splitting hairs though, it doesn't matter much. When it comes down to it women rarely act violently except in retaliation or self defense, and on the rare occasion they are the aggressors they can't do much damage. Male on female violence is an epidemic and men make a constant effort to distract from it and silence us by focusing on the rare, trivial examples with genders reversed.
No. 434637
Statistically, 1/3 of female homicide
victims are killed by their partners, for men it's something like 3%. I do think women can be just as violent as men sometimes, it'S probably vastly under reported but the simple reason is that women just can't hurt their partners the way men do. It doesn't make it "equal" whether men or women hit each other as much, it's always wrong but it's just not the same level of violence and lethality.
No. 434640
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A man's unusable, worthless testicles boil inside their saggy ballsack like poached eggs every time a woman uses a verbal meme he doesn't understand, and his mircobeenis inverts when two separate women have a slightly different stance on a word's authenticity in relation to the speech patterns of women. Truly the superior sex.
No. 434641
>>434637And that 3% is mostly comprised of women who were abused by the men they murdered.
I dont really think underreporting is a safe assumption or that women are more violent than statistics show. That only takes self reported incidents into account, but many are reported by third parties, recorded by hospitals, then there's clear evidence like a dead body. And if our ability to inflict harm was the main cause of the disparity, it would be more equal in places where women have easy access to guns. But that isn't the case, because the disparity is caused by the inherent difference in violent tendencies. Not having a go at you but I think people are too willing to believe we're worse than we seem. But nothing supports that, sometimes reality is just as it appears.
No. 434643
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men only hate women who do typical male jobs like hard labor for two reasons
>scrots know that's the only thing they're good for, knowing women can do the same will make them truly be worthless
>victim complex. if more and more women start doing the hard jobs they can't use the whole "us poor hard working men!!!" gimmick anymore
the medical field is already filled with women who are doing much better than what males did when men ruled the medical field, now women rule it and it's better than ever and men hate it
let's run this world ladies
No. 434646
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>>434643Gotta love how they whine about how women supposedly only want equality in those "nice easy white-collar jobs" then pull this
No. 434647
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>>434645I hope homemade-poison-anon in the stupid questions thread wasn't kidding. Hope she went through with it and got away with itAnyway get yourselves some muhfuckin guns farmers. Picture yourself as the one holding the gun and scrotes as the emoji pillow. You just know they'd be crying too.
No. 434654
>>434648Die for the cause or shut the fuck up. I keep telling you martyrs live on in the memories of the righteous, and I have at least two anons here who would probably stan me within this very thread if I ever finally snap and start organising the all female death squads I love chatting so much shit about. Or just, ykno, punched back at a man for catcalling me and he killed me as retribution.
If you won't defend the future of young girls, who will?
No. 434663
>>434661>unironically defending a murder's actionsWhat she did is the equivalent if what incels do when they murder women who don't like them.
Jodi murdered and stalked Travis just cuz he didn't want her.
Shit like this is why people call us femcels.
>>434626I wish the US would do this but unlikely.
>>434657You sound underaged.
No. 434665
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>>434663I'm a grown woman, I pay my taxes, and I shitpost on lolcow in the evenings because I… I just like it, okayAnyway "people" call us femcels because they can't imagine having an opinion that doesn't revolve around having/not having sex. Incel projection.
No. 434666
>>434577took them fucking long enough
>>434524heard about this and was absolutely devastated. she was so pretty and her friends all said she was lovely. on god the reactions to this, as well as the reactions to that japanese girl who killed her bf a couple months ago just make me want to kill myself even more than i already did. what's the fucking point of living in a world where men can be like this and still be taken seriously.
No. 434669
>>434657you'll appreciate this of course scrotes send her love letters in prison wanting to marry her
No. 434674
>>434669>Dennehy hunted and stabbed men for the purpose of entertainment, telling Gary Stretch, "I want my fun. I need you to get my fun."Wow, why have I never heard of this woman before?
Also, Gary Stretch lmaoStab scrotes, collect love letters. That's the way of the crudefem.
No. 434683
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I just found this and I want to vomit
No. 434686
>>434683"Lolicons aren't pedophiles"
Men - if normal, breathing, healthy adult women aren't enough for you that's fine, go your own way or fuck each other or fuck dolls or whatever, when you start fucking children, special needs women, dead bodies, animals, etc there becomes a problem
No. 434699
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>>434657what are your thoughts on pic related
(necessaryspeed4) No. 434712
>>434554However there have been some r9k meetups where a girl and a boy got together just fine and even got married later.
Pretty much hit or miss at this point, but meh
No. 434716
>>434712I mean, I've dated within the pool of people that go on imageboards and I'd still say dating norm men is easier. Anyone who frequents these places usually has something wrong upstairs, and
both of you being damaged is a recipe for disaster.
No. 434726
>>434524He dumped her corpse photos in some random minecraft server she was part of too
>>434712Even if that hypothetically happened its incredibly likely to be
abusive or worse. To those who are unaware, these r9k discord servers (both the dozens of incel ones and troon recruitment ones like r9cute) are crawling with sociopaths, pedophiles, pimps, necrophiles, child porn procurers, animal abusers, animal fuckers, etc. and I am not exaggerating one bit. Just look at the reaction to her death from her beloved orbiters, they're celebrating
No. 434727
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I wanted to look some figures up out of curiosity and stumbled upon this. Hard pink pill.
No. 434733
>>434728The same action and motivations for a murder are not rendered unequal because of the gender.
Back with the handmaiden insults? How original kek
No. 434753
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>>434524This was posted in a Discord server discussing the whole thing. One of the /r9k/ guys sent this to her mother. The photos are of his hand covered in cum.
I just can't understand it. I'm 99% sure he never even knew Bianca, either. Why do men do these things? What possesses them to be so fucking abhorrent and disgusting? Why would she deserve this, and why would her family deserve the extra pain?
Men really fucking do this to women, but they expect us to feel bad for them for being mentally ill or lonely.
No. 434767
>>434570She's beautiful. I can't believe men are so deranged to murder their ex girlfriends and post it all over the internet like they just ordered a pizza
Wtf is wrong with people. I agree with the anon in the belle thread. We need to remember the quality of guys who are paying for our "content." It is not easy money when you expose yourself to thousands of fuckin' creeps like that.
No. 434771
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>>434767>Wtf is wrong with peopleYou mean scrotes.
As fully functioning human beings, it's impossible to understand what goes through their maldeveloped brains.
No. 434774
>>434753Holy fuck and they try to make us seem like the crazy, hysterical, unreasonable ones for even questioning men, let alone hating their fucking guts. I want to actually fucking torture and anally rape the dick who did this.
sidebar: seems insignificant but the term "e-Girl" is retarded, I saw the literal description is a woman who spends too much Time on the internet and is thus considered a "whore". Are we not allowed to do ANYTHING? Every little thing we do is mocked.
No. 434784
>>434760I absolutely agree, but I think it's hard for many women to understand. Women are simply better than men. More human. More developed. Trying to understand the male brain is like trying to understand how a diseased reptile thinks. You can't really understand something like that, but women are told the lie our whole lives that men are our equals, if not better than us, so we try anyway.
The sooner women realize men are defective and inferior and stop trying to understand how they "think", the better.
No. 434815
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>>434760This, nothing wrecks a scrote's ego more than a woman who doesn't give a shit or one that ends up laughing in his face.
No. 434817
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>>434716The same goes for Reddit and other websites then. There are some instances (rare) where a girl decides to meet some guy a for a coffee (
or blowjob…) and it appears they are the right amount of crazy to date that way but not enough to generate an
abusive relationship which leads to really bad things.
No. 434819
>>434801Morbid curiosity. It’s interesting to see posts that reflect on how warped the world views of incels and incel-adjacents are. However their lack of empathy of not only sharing the murder photos untagged but also celebrating the
victim’s death has left me utterly disturbed. Wouldn’t care if that board was shut down.
No. 434821
>>434811I've read a lot of his posts on multiple forums. He is obsessed with ''jailbait'' girls and is highly upset that in the future he'll have to settle for a woman older than 25.
His channel started off with SOME good info about lookism and how it affects society, but soon turned into woman-hating podcasts where he has fellow pathetic stuttering incel guests join him to cry about how they aren't getting approached by VS models.
No. 434823
>>434819Yes I agree completely! The places where this kind of shit mentality flows freely should not be allowed to exist. Not surprised things like this happen when we give these men a platform to discuss and circlejerk about their disgusting and warped world view. Shut it all down!
>>434820The amount of creeps who scoff at women for attempting to stay safe online is seriously disturbing. I honestly feel unsafe just telling people I'm a woman online because of the amount of hate/diminishing of my opinions/sexism it usually
No. 434829
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Oh I'm sorry I wasn't aware that you needed to have sex with every man you're nice to once or come into contact with or you deserve to be killed lol
No. 434830
>>434822The existenceof deepfakes and deepnudes disturb me. There are multiple threads of them on seedy places like 4chan, and many of the pictures used are pretty innocuous images of girls who did not consent. When I say innocuous, I’m saying images in which the girls
aren’t wearing revealing clothing at all. Taught me that moids will find a way to sexualize a girl/woman regardless of what she’s wearing, yet whatever a girl/woman is wearing will always be used to shame her in cases of sexual abuse.
No. 434832
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>>434788And she was just 16. She was a fucking kid with a myriad of mental issues and a substance abuse problem, she could've been rehabilitated. This whole case just fucked me up on a whole new level because so many young girls are in her situation. People on Kiwifarms are turning it around like she was a mastermind manipulative whore who deserved what was coming her way because s-she shared nudes when underage and totally blackmailed the people for holding cp!! With absolutely no proof. It's fucking baffling. Some autistic posters are even fanficcing that "she probably asked him to/knew he would kill her so it's suicide in a way". Jesus christ. Why do people hate young women so much?
This motherfucker almost decapitated the girl over NOTHING and this is how men are reacting:
>Not gonna be the last one. E-hoes should think twice before teasing weirdos online. If you wear a shirt that says “I hate niggers” to Detroit, don’t be surprised that you end up all bruised up in an abandoned building sucking a black cock with a gun pointed at you.>I am honestly disappointed…. everyone is going on how terrible the pictures are? Uhh guess you all haven't been around the internet very long? Would of been better if he did actually cut her head off, and his piss poor emo attempt to kill himself? Like he couldn't even do that right. "Woe is me" "so sorry you made me kill you ethot" >Well, this is one you don't go around acting like the [Damaged] Queen of Dicks and bragging about it. Eventually, you get the one crazy motherfucker willing to finally off you. These situations are more common than you think. What a damn shame.>shes dead, you dont need to white knight for her anymore. she literally cant suck your dick>It sucks people died, but it's kinda a non-story really, especially considering it looks like the people who died here were people who would soon OD or an hero anyway.>I think the message here for little e-thots everywhere is, careful which of your incels you talk shit to. #NothingOfValueWasLost No. 434839
>>434835I've been lurking on KF since 2014ish and I gotta agree tbh. Since it's gotten more popular in the last year it's become less about laughing at cows and more about being a shitty /pol/tier site.
I've noticed it in the last few weeks but this shit has solidified my opinion on it.
No. 434842
>>434835KiwiFarms can have some good milk but since it’s full of right-leaning moids, you end up seeing opinions of this kind shared on threads about a girl/woman. I limit my sources of internet drama to lolcow and even smaller forums nowadays.
>>434836At least this fucker can potentially rot in prison now. No way can they let him go free after this, but moids in the past have gotten away scot-free with rape or stupidly short sentences for murdering women so who knows. Just a sad story overall for the
victims and her loved ones.
No. 434843
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>>434840I have to admit that checking her Tumblr, the callout posts, her aesthetic, all the edgy posts about wanting to die or kill, the fetish stuff, the fact that she was at a Nicole concert, etc was sort of eerie. We ran in the same online circles. I think I even read the callout years ago, and didn't make much of it. Looking through all this shit was almost an "I have to laugh (because if I don't, I'll cry)" thing. Painful, dark irony.
It's kind of a harsh reminder. If any of us die at a man's hands and it goes public, our online and IRL footprints will probably be collated just like this. Men will find absolutely any excuse to say we "had it coming". They'll cherrypick every time we were mad, said some edgy shit or told some fuckhead to leave us alone, and they'll say we were "bitches" or "whores" who brought it on ourselves by "taunting" men. That's the world we live in. It's easier to
victim-blame than ever nowadays.
On that note, why don't these incels just kill themselves? Why not raise the male suicide rates? They're not human and they don't deserve to breathe.
No. 434845
>>434832I don't understand how people can follow the logic that it's somehow her fault. It doesn't matter how much you whore around, the fault is still on the perp and not the
victim. Yes, she could have done something else with her life but why are we comparing being a camgirl to being a literal murderer?
Also these same scrots would cry the second all their precious porn gets taken away but still somehow feel it's justified to murder women for being SWs. Which one do they want?
No. 434851
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>>434829>>434832The murderer is a self proclaimed "nice guy" of course, here are allegedly his interactions with a different girl who he was harassing at some point
Take these with a grain of salt because they came from No. 434855
>>434801I don't, but I definitely used to (I'm a bit older than anons here, late 20s) and I'll be honest, it was because I wanted to be cool according to boys. I didn't want to be a dumb girl, I wanted to know the edgiest jokes and make fun of girls and talk about tits too.
I grew out of it, thank god. But I have nothing but sympathy for girls who haven't yet, or ones like this poor Bianca who take it a little further in looking for explicit sexual praise. It seems stupid to an outside observer, sure, but a lot of the time it's just girls trying to act according to what the world tells them: be sexy, don't be a dumb bitch, boys are important and smarter and funnier and cooler than you. Especially in the teen years…'s a struggle. Sometimes you make bad choices. Bianca will never get to grow up and look back on this era with wisdom. Because some fucking boy couldn't handle not getting everything he wanted.
I hope he lives. I hope he has nightmares every fucking night.
No. 434858
>>434801I visited /r9k/ when shuaiby died and stayed for almost a year because the posts were mildly entertaining, but it got worse and worse, so I found lolcow and stayed here.
Reading the earlier replies in this thread, I'm definitely going to think twice about what I post. I've always remained anonymous on the web, avoided sharing my real name, but I still gave my address out once to a friend I made on 4chan and I'm definitely never doing that again.
No. 434868
>>434855This. I used to be a Cool Girl as a teenager too and having been there I know these girls exist in a world very different from ours. For them male validation is everything. They've probably been ostracized by their female peers and haven't had a strong father figure in their life so they've drifted to hang out with older nerd guys because they're the only ones telling them they matter - as long as they're willing to put male needs first or at least pretend to. People are more hungry for social validation than we like to admit and it's right up there with food and shelter in the priority 1 needs that have to be met.
It's so easy for an average Kiwifarm faggot to hoff and scoff at a random e-thot for "asking for it" because they're the ones living a comfy life as a man who most likely never has to be afraid of being killed or harmed by a woman. Nobody's telling men to bend a knee and being subservient to women in order to feel needed. For them this situation is so unreal and detached from reality that they simply can't empathize with it.
No. 434898
>>434868This, exactly. KF guys take being lonely weirdo asshole nerds and externalize the blame, make it all the fault of dumb bitches/SJWs/Jews/whatever. Lonely weirdo girls internalize the blame and try to hate the same people, but above all, make themselves perfect, to yank out anything about themselves that might be "cringy"/"bitchy"/whatever. Some become weird hybrids, like tradthots, but they're all just trying to find a sense of self according to men's value system. They're not stupid or crazy, they're in a society that's hurting them, at an age where trying to figure out who the fuck you're supposed to be is paramount, and desperately trying to win the game of girlhood. The game is rigged, but they don't have the confidence to know that yet.
It's like eating disorders, imho, or TiFs–we act like girls who do this are stupid or selfish, but they're not. They're listening to what the world tells them, which is that fat girls are disgusting, eat "clean," and women are dumb sexdolls but men are worth something. We're all just trying to solve the equation. Bianca was too. No one should ever have to die for being a girl trying to figure out how to exist in this fucked up world.
No. 434907
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>>434868>these girls exist in a world very different from ours>They've probably been ostracized by their female peers and haven't had a strong father figure in their life so they've drifted to hang out with older nerd guys because they're the only ones telling them they matter wow you described me to a T, anon. I'm glad I wisened up and stopped browsing brainworm sites like r9k, but in my early 20's I feel like I'm still recuperating from never really having a solid group of people to identify with in my upbringing. This Bianca situation is really depressing.
also, if it helps anyone at all: Bianca's friends + family have confirmed that the murderer was a trusted family friend (her ride to/from the party) and NOT an orbiter. It doesn't make the outcome any better (RIP), but at least it wasn't a case of a total incel stranger stalking and killing an egirl.
more info in this thread but take this Twitter journalism with a grain of salt No. 434915
>>434910Honestly For the betterment of the world the Internet needs to "shut off" for a couple months
like something happens and the whole internet is made unusable for the general Public
(necessaryspeed4) No. 434920
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Wow, they really made this thing that makes no sense lmao its oddly specific, like some kind of delusion about an everyday life of a woman
No. 434923
>>434920>Leave work, guy holds the door for youThose always crack me the fuck up! Imagine thinking that a stranger holding the door for you is peak happiness/privilege or something.
It's a fucking normal thing that people in society do for each other, no matter the gender (or at least it's like this in my europoor country). If I see a guy carrying some heavy shit, I will hold the door for him so he can get through no problem. Other women hold the door for me if I am near and I do the same for them. It's not a big deal!
Imagine being such an unpleasant and delusional dick that you thing comnon politness is an unfair advantage women get.
Not even gonna touch on all the rest of bullshit (as always, mentally ill or ugly women do not exist. Also I would love to live in the world where you don't need to get shit done at work because you are a woman lmfao)
No. 434927
>>434920He thinks its easy for women at work and that their boss lets them go with stuff.
Well nuh uh sir male bosses are assholes especially to women, just really manipulative and sadistic most of the time. My boss is the worst and I am literally so scared of him and he knows it. He knows that i need to work for a living and he knows im doing it right here in his company and he knows i have to play nice no matter how obviously sadistic he is.
No. 434928
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>>434843I agree with this, I wish I hadn't have seen the r9k thread. they sent cum tributes of her corpse to her mother. meanwhile her family is suffering the shock and tragedy of her untimely and extremely cruel and degrading death. her poor sister, her poor mum.
fuck scrots. I literally feel so fucking sick about this. RIP Bianca. a casualty of many to come if incels aren't regarded as domestic terrorists like another anon said, and soon.
No. 434933
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>>434920I've seen a lot of petty things on this website, but this image takes the cake.
Like, are incels really that pressed about a barista not calling them cute lmao
No. 434940
>>434928I saw the photo of her corpse, the one with her face showing, and I wanted to vomit. She's such a beautiful girl, she lives in my state, I wish I could have met her and gotten her away from these men. I feel so sick, I want to cry.
I hope he's hung from his ankles and tortured to the brink of death. I hope he's haunted forever, locked away in solitary confinement and loses his mind.
No. 434943
>>434929He wasn't a family friend, he was a guy off r9k who she dated. He also dated another e-whore named ciara.
And ciara is involved in some major grooming on discord via michael mantras (known r9k pedo)
Such a mess.
No. 434963
>>434958It’s literally all just scrots circlejerking over “ha ha, nothing of value was lost! Belle Delphine is next!”
Stay mad, Kiwi faggots. Sorry nobody wants your pathetic benis.
No. 434965
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>>434958you see what you want to see.
It's obvious these /r9k/ guys and /soc/ girls are mentally deranged and or disabled. I'm surprised a murder didn't happen sooner.
They are two sides of the same coin and you should stay away from those communities, they will lead to misery.
No. 434968
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The comment section for her death is horrible. Even women are honestly believing it was the little girl's fault. No. 434975
>>434971I didn't know I should stay away from those communities when I first got involved in them; I was a mentally ill kid with an
abusive father who talks just like the people who use /r9k/ and /pol/. He even married a "precious asian waifu." Come on. Stop blaming the girls. It wasn't abnormal to me at the time.
No. 434979
>>434958Scrots on kiwifarms and 4chan will vehemently defend their fellow scrots who attack people online and say “cyberbullying isn’t real lol you should have turn off your computer if you were
triggered!!1!”, but their whole logic does a 180 when the person leaving rude messages is a woman. When it’s a woman it becomes “muh cyberbullying” and “don’t you femoids know provoking people online can cause them to snap?”. Bianca clearly wasn’t a perfect person, she had a lot of problems, but nothing she did was deserving of her being murdered and having her corpse plastered all over the internet. That being said, Bianca’s killer was too worried about taking edgy pictures of his suicide to actually succeed in killing himself, so I hope he enjoys life in prison without hentai and chicken nuggies.
No. 434984
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The first two sentences of this comment. Oh my god. They're not very self aware, are they? I honestly wonder if incels are even sentient beings, and not some terrifying alien race disguised as humans, set on destroying us from the inside.
No. 434985
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Anyway, men are worthless parasites. Listening to the retarded shit they spew for even 30 seconds will make your superior brain seep out your ears. They're ugly and hygiene is not a word in their dictionary. Any man less than a 8/10 should end it. Any man with a dick less than 7 inches should go ahead and cut it off. The only thing they're better at than women is putting an end to their own worthless lives.
There's no such thing as a femcel and there's no such thing as a false accusation, because all men are guilty of having been born.
Glad we cleared that up and thank you for your time.
No. 434986
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This might be off Topic but has as anyone here ever watched Libertarias
Its about a group of OG Militant Anarchist Feminists in Spain set during the Spanish Civil War
No. 434989
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Imagine defending killing a teenager because she said some mean things and acted stuck up. You know, like how all teenagers behave.
All I can say, ladies, is that I've got a lot of grown ass men that I gotta kill for saying mean shit and being condescending to me. After all, I'm justified! But oh wait, I'm not a pathetic psycho incel with a micropenis.
No. 434998
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>>434984>when you lead a man to his personal doom and/or hellAre they trying to insult us or stroke our egos?
I wouldn't get out of bed if I didn't have personal dooms to lead scroties to.
No. 435001
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I got 12 updoots on my reply. I guess there's something the scrotes and I agree on.
No. 435003
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>>434998well if you want to live the lifestyle of being the queen of a bunch of pathetic /r9k/ beta losers for sex/drugs/alcohol/money. Then knock yourself out I guess.
No. 435017
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A pile of steaming male bullshit fresh from The "Good" "Men" Project.
>saying no to request of pee-pee touch after meal hurts our pee-pee
>stop fueling our anger by not touching pee-pee, we are good men desu
This just in: scrote's retarded expectations of women actually women's fault.
No. 435041
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>>435031Hugo Schwyzer (or sumpin like that). Male "feminists" do be like that, huh.
Anyway, ladies, if you really want to marry, marry a beta orbiter who pays for everything. Use his money to buy a house and fill it with nice shit, then divorce him and take house, the nice shit you filled it with, and half of his remaining assets. If you're feeling generous, pay for his motel room and don't forget to tip the maid who cleans up after he ends it all uwu
Nothing makes me kek like men suffering in the societal hell they created for themselves
No. 435064
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>>435048This is more common than you think, the difference is everything played out on instagram. Underage girls who are from broken/abused homes decide to associate with teen criminals and drug dealers.
Go look and there is a dead teen girl every week.
No. 435090
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>>434965very very ironic that scrotes are angry at her for having seemed unempathetic to the creep in this screenshot, and then use it to justify their far more extreme lack of empathy/regard for female life. they really have no self awareness.
No. 435127
>>434607It depresses me that this is the reality. There have been so many times I tried to not believe a man was a predator and he turns around and proves me wrong. I don't want to be wary of men but statistically it just makes more sense.
My mom pink pilled me too. She was groped by an uncle when she was 15. She drilled it into my head as a child to try to never be alone with a grown man. Teacher, friend's dad, maintenance worker, you name it. Always have your guard up. Always make it known that someone knows where you are and will look for you if anything happens. Never let people know when you're home alone, etc.
Very very few actually care about women and those few will understand why you have to be cautious and on the verge of paranoid.
No. 435134
>>435073> According to Newsweek, the Catsouras "accident was so gruesome the coroner wouldn't allow her parents to identify their daughter's body".
> Two CHP employees, Aaron Reich and Thomas O'Donnell, admitted to releasing the photographs in violation of CHP policy. O'Donnell later stated in interviews that he only sent the photos to his own e-mail account for viewing at a later time, while Reich stated that he had forwarded the pictures to four other people.[3] Catsouras' parents soon discovered the photographs posted online. The pictures had gained much attention, including a fake MySpace tribute website that actually contained links to the photographs.[3] People also anonymously e-mailed copies of the photos to the Catsouras family with misleading subject headers, in one case captioning the photo sent to the father with the words "Woohoo Daddy! Hey daddy, I'm still alive."[1] This led the Catsouras family to withdraw from Internet use and, concerned that their youngest daughter might be taunted with the photographs, to begin homeschooling her.[3]Christ. The poor family. Men are such pieces of shit. Imagine going out of your way to email them such gruesome photos.
Also, why are men so shit at keeping things confidential?
No. 435145
>>435135I agree that men are inherently incapable if exclusiveness. Dunno about being cucks though.
What I can't figure out is how men can stand to watch porn dialogue without dying from embarrassment. I can't even get through the beginning part of a porno because the acting is so fucking bad and ridiculous I literally cant handle the secondhand embarrassment. I guess it's because men have no self awareness and are incapable of feeling any kind of shame/embarrassment most of the time and can't even detect cringe.
No. 435184
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>>434928Fuck I just saw this and was gonna ask if it was in fact real, men do not deserve to live.
No. 435187
>>435184its this spoiler
>>434753 you literally cannot make up something about scrotes since they do things that are beyond belief on their own accord
No. 435194
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>>435192I hope so, pic related thread is saying how men need to rise up against women bc feminism. Men do shit and blame it on women for wanting to be treated as human. This whole event may pinkpill the female masses. After today no one can say that womens fear of men is uncalled for.
No. 435201
RIP beautiful young Bianca who had her whole life ahead of her.
Meanwhile these less than scum creatures talk bout other camgirls being next…because the logical male response to seeing a young pretty man-pleasing girl is to want to kill her. Only women who are old and ugly and avoid men should be allowed to exist, is that it?
>>435195There have already been multiple incidents of violent crimes linked to internet incels now so ideally all the places where they gather should be shut down if the hosts had any sense.
No. 435203
>>435201They are their own worse enemy. They are saying porn is turning these girls into "whores" when in reality its porn turning them into entitled pissbabies, I hope all their dicks rot and fall off.
Btw sorry I did not keep up with the story did the guy get arrested?
No. 435205
>>435200No thanks anon
Men already put enough of that shit out into the world, and I don't want anything to do with it
No. 435211
>>435205Yep. And no matter how much I hate men, or how sick and miserable their actions make me feel, I just don't have the violence (or the testosterone or entitlement) in me to feel any desire to hurt anyone. I'd say most women don't, and that's what elevates us above men. I just wish they'd leave us alone.
The alogging about killing men is getting annoying tbh. It's some real edgelord shit and I don't know what's worse, if anon are psycho enough to be serious about it, or pathetic enough to pretend they are.
No. 435217
>>435211It'd be so great if there was some kind of deadly disease that only affected men with
abusive tendencies and anger issues.
I bet you it'd shave the world's male population down to 30%, and then we could make some real progress.
No. 435219
Some time ago an anon asked about men excusing their porn use with "being more visual" than women.
Which of course turns out to be false.>Visual sexual stimuli induce activation in the same cortical and subcortical regions in both men and women, while the limited sex differences that have been found and reported previously refer to subjective rating of the content. It's not that they are more visual, it's that they are more objectifying, entitled and don't have empathy for the girls and women in porn.
No. 435224
>>435201>Only women who are old and ugly and avoid men should be allowed to exist, is that it? not that scrotes aren't also evil towards women they think are old and ugly, but this had me thinking of something. i have always seen the saying "men are only nice to women they want to fuck" but even that isn't true, they're only slightly better at sugarcoating their hatred for them. even a girl that did everything she could to be liked by robots ended up having her death mocked and celebrated by them. you can do everything considered to be right in men's eyes; be under 21, thin, beautiful, kind, care about men, have a genuine interest in "masculine" hobbies, tolerate unfunny edgy tryhard male humor, and they'll still find any reason to hate you no matter how small.
also, i read that she was sexually abused by her father and like?? no fucking wonder she didn't act like a perfect stable angel at all times! she was traumatized, mentally ill, and addicted to drugs, but incels don't care or see how that can impact a child's behavior so they continue to paint her as a demon. all because she sent slightly rude dms to a guy who was too old to be seeking a relationship of any kind with her in the first place. this shouldn't have happened, her problems started because of a man and her life ended because of one, it isn't fair and she deserved so much better.. she needed support, therapy, rehab, love, and her internet access to be monitored. the world failed her and i wish there was more we could do to prevent anything like this from happening again
No. 435244
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>>435201Last month after the Dallas Courthouse shooting one Air Force base began educating service members about incels. Usually in the face of negative media exposure reddit will take controversial subreddits down, but for some reason they let /r/braincels (/r/incels ban evasion sub) stay up, perhaps as containment or as a way to monitor them. I often wonder what the reddit admins feel about the communities they allow to flourish on their site, I don't think the incel movement would have gained nearly as much traction if reddit didn't allow them to have a hub on a relatively popular website from the start and instead they were confined to more obscure places online.
No. 435270
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>>435268/co/ is pretty nice though
No. 435271
>>435222She WAS a child. Fucking sixteen years old. There is no excuse for a 20+ man to even engage with a 16 year old. Everyone should remember what they were like when they were this age and shut the fuck up. Boys this age already spam dick pics everywhere but I can't see any of them being brutally murdered.
Now imagine if it was a young boy and a woman. She would become a staple for years to come to use in arguments on how women are exactly as terrible as men.
No. 435277
>>435258Some of them, when they see me from a distance they'll steer closer and closer so that when we walk past each other we're almost touching. Some joggers do it too, so that when we cross each other I get to hear their repulsive heavy breathing. I don't know how to explain it, but does anyone else notice this?
And men NEVER FUCKING MOVE FOR OTHERS in crowded spaces. Women fucking contort themselves to give space for other people. Once a guy actually moved out of the way for me and I was shocked. The last couple of years my mom and I made a point of it to walk just like them, and expect them to get out of the way. Do you know how many guys I've bumped into, holy shit. And they'll look at me all baffled '' didn't move??????''
No. 435284
>>435277>And men NEVER FUCKING MOVE FOR OTHERS in crowded spaces.I was just thinking about this yesterday. I go running a few times a week in my local park and I pass a lot of people on the narrow paths. Women ALWAYS move to give me more space even though I'm already moving to the side of the path, and a lot give me a polite smile or nod. But men facing me will make clear eye-contact with me and move to the middle of the path so I have to step off of it entirely. Cyclists especially will make a show of speeding towards me and passing me way too close.
I don't know if it's because they want to scare women by being close to them or if they just can't be bothered to be polite. Men act really weird towards me when I'm out running in general, I'm not sure why.
No. 435285
>>435284Playing chicken with men in public is p amusing. You should try it.
They do it exactly because they expect women to yield first.
No. 435289
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If anyone hasn't seen the news, Brandon Andrew Clark, Bianca Devins' murderer, is still alive and has been formally charged with the murder (there have been some rumors floating around he died from his suicide attempt).
He faces up to 25 years in prison. Not at all long enough if you ask me. Hopefully he won't pussy out and try to kill himself again, I hope he gets what he deserves in prison and I hope he gets the book thrown at him for any other charge that they can make stick. He literally documented everything, he has no defense and if the court system works how it should for this case, he'll be given zero mercy. Can't wait to see this fucker suffer and rot in prison. If we're lucky maybe an inmate will get word of what he did and give him exactly what he deserves.
The vast, overwhelming majority of comments I've seen on mainstream sites are of people who know how vile her murderer was and a jury is gonna see right through any sort of argument from his side. Good fucking riddance. No. 435290
>>435277I've noticed this. Sometimes I intentionally don't get out of the way for people when I'm walking, as an experiment.
Women move and give me plenty of space.
Men don't move. At all. In fact sometimes they deliberately change direction to move closer TOWARDS me, and then crash into me. They do this even when I physically can't move any farther away from them because I'm up against a storefront or a wall. They're absolutely retarded.
No. 435292
>>435213as a woman who's older than you but has been where you are: do not trust men. none of them.
that doesnt mean you can't like some of them, now and then, if you really want to. but always know, in the back of your mind, that men will disappoint you. be civil, be polite, even be friendly if you think it's worth it, but don't get emotionally invested. save that for your friendships (and/or relationships if applicable) with women. you'll save yourself so much time and energy in the long run, trust me.
No. 435293
>>434907They met 2 months prior and he was a r9k incel regardless of being her "friend" and her family knowing him.
Also I've read on /r9k/ that she used to sell her nudes when she was 15 and then extort more money from men who'd be interested in buying them by threatening she'd report them to feds.
Everyone there was like "What a sociopathic bitch, she deserved this!!! Those poor guys…" yet nobody even mentioned the fact that it was pedophiles trying to get nudes from a 15 year old girl. They deserved to lose all their money AND get thrown into the jail.
RIP Bianca.
No. 435294
>>435258This actually creeps me out more than the possibility of getting clubbed over the head by one of them. I get really hyperaware and antsy if a male is too close to me because they could just grab a part of me and probably walk away, because if you do something like punch them in the face, then YOURE the psycho.
Also what other anons said, I'm completely sick of moving out of peoples' paths. Usually its a pair of fat women taking up the entire sidewalk bc theyre chatting (and yuge), but one sole male will take up just as much space by himself. I dont know which I hate more. We really need to stand our ground on our side of the sidewalk just as we do while in cars on our side of the road.
No. 435324
>>435244An ex-admin bragged how much work they put into moderating r/jailbait so it can stay up for "free speech"
They don't give a shit
No. 435325
>>435296This is a gradual process. Show her some male-oriented media and discuss it with her without telling her the source, so she won't be influenced by it. Show her what they really think of girls like her and women in general, and stress on the fact that "incels" and most members of the manosphere are not really the basement dwelling losers that people think they are, and, though pathetic, are men that walk among us. Tell her to think about her actions, and the actions of others around her, as sort of a heads-up. I think discussing the Bianca affair would be good for her, while I do believe you should be a little subtle. Also, talk about and bring up local crime, maybe she'll see a pattern without you naming the problem. I also believe you should play the role of a male figure, but don't be too authoritarian, and give her advice that would implement a moral compass. Tell her to have a sense of self and tell her to form her own strongly-held opinions on topics that specifically affect her, so she won't be easily taken advantage of.
No. 435330
>>435296please, please do focus on the Bianca case. i know plenty girls around her age who are the same as she was. teenagers often think they know better so she won't budge to you telling her the internet is a dangerous and shady place where no one can be trusted, so try to compare Bianca's case to her own past (meeting guys online, for example), start showing her more crime cases where women are murdered by guys they met off of Tinder/Instagram (do insist that it wasn't the women's fault, but that it is a safer bet to sterr clear from those platforms). please encourage her to private all her social media and weed unknown or untrustworthy people, namely men. show her how risky and degrading instagram fame is, read through belle delphine's ig comments with her, you won't take long to find disgusting scrote comments. show her the kiwifarms thread on bianca and read it with her, so she can see firsthand that kewl edgy boards like kf, 4chan and r9k are NEVER places she should frequent or talk to people in. as anon above has suggested, get her interested in local crime, she'll start noticing a pattern in how women are murdered and by whom.
make it clear you're doing this bc you know firsthand how shitty and dangerous men can be, and that she is not doing herself any favours by putting herself out there. you do this bc you love her and care about her, you don't want her to end up like Bianca.
kudos to you for looking out for your little sister. i myself will be having a heart-to-heart with young girls i know about this case soon.
No. 435375
>>435351I'd definitely recommend encouraging her to at least lurk on Lolcow. The gossip in /pt/ and /snow/ is a good pull, and the threads in /ot/ and /m/ are good for light chit-chat.
I'd just pinkpill her with the occasional "Lmao, someone posted this" followed by an example of men's double standards or general bullshittery. Share the most unbelievable things so she eventually expresses curiosity in where you're getting all this stuff, and just say "Lolcow farm". She'll probably check out the site and figure it out herself.
No. 435394
>>435284I've noticed this when I jog or walk too! Like it's funny bc when i pass a lady (most of them) move out of the way, but
I always have to move put of the way for men!
I get really scared running too. I always feel like im going to get abducted. I loove running at night, but I am too scared sometimes. Because of men.
Do you guys carry anything while running?
No. 435403
>>435394Pepper spray isn't legal to carry where I live so I keep my keys in my hand along with my phone. When I run into a path that's more isolated and there's a man there, I put my keys between my fingers and make a fist just in case.
I find that men seem to notice when I do this and look upset/offended, which is almost amusing.
No. 435409

Have any of you looked into the Japanese male host industry vs the female host industry? Male hosts target college students, while female hosts target wealthy men. The problem is that wealthy men are able to afford $10000 bottles of Cognac while college students are obviously not. As a result, male host bars open a 'line of credit' for the young women, and then when the women can't pay it back, they're forced by the club into 'hosting' or prostituting to earn the money that they owe.
I came across this comment that sums it up:
>This is how this "industry" works:
1) the attractive host picks up a potential client on the streets, just one drink, or whatever excuse.
2) once she is hooked, she buys a few drinks under her budget. But the host does a great job entertaining her and he manipulates her to buy more, either with drinking games, seduction or plain peer pressure.
3) She realizes she didn't have enough money to pay it all, then house extends a line of credit. (Like any loan shark would do in a shady casino)
4) the girl will need to find a new "higher" paying job to support her new "lifestyle" and pay up all her debt…
4) The girl gets trapped in an unpayable debt with usurious interests, and the place offers her an "alternate" way of paying them back: becoming a hostess or a prostitute in another of their locations that caters men.
5) the "training" for her new job might also increase her debt, effectively perpetuating the debt trap.
>The hosts are pickup artists and con artists. He will get a loyal clientele of women who are addicted to his charms, who will be willing to continue the support of her host… while he will pray on vulnerable women to pimp her into the business.
>The prey becomes a predator, and the predator brings a new prey.
It is a preverse system.
I linked the video in case any of you haven't watched it, though I'm sure some of you have.
No. 435414
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>>435409Since my formatting fucked up, I've attached a picture of the comment.
No. 435435
God the reports are all over for Bianca claiming she was terrible while her murderer was the
victim. And majority of males seem either get defensive or flat out day
>some guys are crazy. Should have not done xyz. not saying she deserved it but..I hope more handmaids see this shit and realize it isn't worth camping for them. They don't care if women are "one of the good ones"
>>435403>men celebrate over dead women, harass dead women's families over her death, masturbate over women being nurdered>men get offended when women want to protect themselves from themI hope more and more women online come out to say that
women have to be safe and carry some form of protection 24/7 even around family and friends. It
triggers scrotes being reminded of how terrible they are
No. 435442
>>435424I think it has less to do with bravery but with there you live.
My town is in the middle of nowhere, I sometimes run up to 2 hours through fields behind my house and I never meet a single person. What are the chances of one day meeting somebody and that somebody happens to be a rapist? Why would a rapist hide in some field while risking that nobody will come by all day long?
One time nearly 10 years ago I saw a car from afar and immediately hid, just as a precautionary measure, but that's it.
You can't do that if you live in some big city there you know nobody, can't trust anybody, there every single stranger that passes you could potentionally attack you, pull you into some alley, a car, etc.
No. 435444
>>435441I agree with this. Protect your finances and your independence at all costs. Men will suck you dry and then discard you, or take you for granted, and before you know it that guy you married who you thought was "one of the good ones" is a lazy slob who screams that you're an
abusive whore for asking him to take out the trash.
No. 435454
>>435452Depends on where the woman is from in the Middle East. I was born in North Africa, where young women can usually meet with men in a larger group with female friends, and can even go out to publicly smoke in bars and cafés. Usually only young women do this, though, and older women usually only go out with family friends and relatives. There are still many more conservative sheltered girls, where that's not apliccable.
On the other hand, there's the gulf, where most women only hang out with groups of female friends or relatives and then later on in life they'll go out with their husbands and children. There are some exceptions, but that's the general rule.
No. 435464
>>435454In some ways, it seems Islam isn't entirely wrong.
>women can only be around other women because men are predators that can't be trusted.>women have segregated spaces of their own because men are predators that can't be trusted.Now, if only the other 98% of misogynist nonsense could be taken out.
No. 435498
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Found this under a post about Bianca Devins-can you count all the u-turns before you get dizzy?
No. 435505
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>>435465>>435482>not realizing it was all a PR stunt to boost his YouTube channelPic related, him and his new girlfriend.
No. 435506
>>435428I used to run outside in my sketchy city where these huge power lines were. I eventually attracted an unwanted suitor because he lived nearby where I ran. While on my run one day, he drove up to me in his car and requested to “get to know me better”. At first I thought he asked for directions but he just wanted to “drive me home because [I] looked tired”. I politely declined and ran fast and far away as possible. I gtfo’d the next day and moved to a new apartment. In retrospect, I realized the van he was in had been tailing me for about a month. Call me paranoid, but I’m pretty sure he was planning to abduct me.
The world is scary. I hate that we don’t have the freedom to feel safe and enjoy exercise without any male gawkers and potential rapists living near us. The gym is even worse with all those dude bros who openly check out your ass when you’re doing squats or try to flirt with you when you’re running on the treadmill minding your own business. Female fitness nuts can’t win
No. 435507
>>435498A girl is murdered, her death is celebrated, her corpse is a prop and used as masturbation material, humiliation and ridicule. Her family is harassed and insulted but women
still can't talk about how men commit these crimes overwhelming more than women, especially towards women. We
still have to bend over backwards to say men.. AND WOMEN are bad uwu all so their feelings aren't hurt. Every damn time a woman is murdered by a man we have to hear how we need to also think of male
victims of violence and include that bad women exist.
Scrotes truly just want women dead and women to accept all that bullshit they give without question.
>>435468Thing is that males don't want sex segregation truly. They want their own spaces but also full access to ours.
No. 435519
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I'm watching Lorena on Amazon.
John Wayne is a disgusting pig.
It speaks volumes that Lorena went on to be a successful DV advocate and he went into porn after this horrific incident.
No. 435523
>>435520The sad part is he probably nitpicks her and cries behind her back about how he finds her repulsive, no woman is good enough for men therefore they should just fuck each other and leave women the fuck alone if we're all hideous.
Don't fall for the ugly man meme ladies, make the best of what men sterotype us as because no matter how much you try to prove them wrong they'll never take it, so go ahead, fuck Chad, use your beta orbiters, men aren't changing their minds
No. 435524
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>>435505too bad he'll always and forever be a pathetic ugly manlet
No. 435533
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>>435523So true, I encourage women to also subtly drop pinkpills when around shitty men, since they all think you're ruined by feminism no matter what you do or how much you try to cater to their sensitive feelings. I've tried it before, and it was a waste of my life. Women should go ahead and hate and use men all they like, make them feel hopeless, because women will be hated by men no matter what they do, pic related.
No. 435534
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>>435533Funny because I remember this pic circulating on that site and the guys were like "hes hot as a woman would bang no homo" yeah theres a slight difference in the pics but not much.
So basically, men are hypocrites.
No. 435539
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And these edgelords wonder why women want nothing to do with them?
Men are so judgy and yet do worse shit.
No. 435546
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>>435533but men are the exact same way. hotness VERY circumstantial with them.
No. 435551
>>435539Fucking anime pfp. Didn't find the tweet anymore. Probably deleted it.
Couldn't screenshot this either but he did retweet this..
>The Man who Hates Balloons @man_hates>I hate women who say they wanted to wait till marriage but were "pressured" into having sex. Like nigga just don't have sex. Unless it was literal rape they are actually just whores.>4:41 PM · Jul 16, 2019But when women say no, they're fucking murdered.
No. 435596
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>>435127>Very very few actually care about women and those few will understand why you have to be cautious and on the verge of paranoid.Absolutely. The constant talk about how men are predators would get on my nerves as a kid, but the reality is that my mom was trying to help me be safe.
Watching true crime shows together also helped hammer in her reasons since most of the
victims were always women or young girls. So, if any anons out there have daughters please don't be afraid to be persistent and brutally honest when you educate them about their safety.
Another blog posty bit but, in addition to my mother almost being kidnapped in the middle of broad daylight she also told me about two experiences she had as a kid;
One was when she, her sisters, and some other kids were waiting for their parents to pick them up outside a church. All the adults were inside when a car had pulled up close to them. Inside the car was a disgusting old man leaning back jerking himself off. When the adults came around, he fucked off. Ugh, how much of a pig do you have to be to do that in front of kids at fucking CHURCH? Second time my mom was walking home alone from school and had a dude on a bike coming head on the other way. When he got close enough she realized he was jerking himself off and trying to get her to look at him. She bolted. She was only 12 when this happened.
I think all that is enough to pink pill someone for the rest of their life tbh. This all happened in Mexico btw, which if you all didn't already know is a real shitty place to be a woman especially in the 70s/80s.
No. 435597
>>435482I like how they purposefully selected a tall attractive woman to interview.
>>435505>short, old, unattractive man buys a young gfWell, is anyone shocked?
No. 435601
>>435592A good one would be when talking to a group, mention any mutually known couples and talk about how hard a time the woman is having, and how she should leave him, bonus points if you're single yourself. If you're at the age where it's applicable, mention how couples with children tend to have the "spark" die out, then bring up how men will statistically start cheating when a women becomes pregnant or when she's taking care of a young child. Say something about how men don't usually live a traditional life, if that's the case, and how women should then be better off not marrying. I'd suggest pulling the conversation out gradually, so it doesn't seem intentional.
If some of the guys are particularly dumb, talk about culture, politics, history etc., and when they inevitably make a mistake, point it out and laugh.
When someone discusses porn, mention that women are nearly just as visual as men, and see how they reply. Even better if you actually show them the source. If crime is brought up,talk about how most perpetrators are men, and that more men kill and/or assault their own children than women, and are more likely to kill and/or assault women than women are, so that the fallacy that women would be as bad as men if they were as strong collapses. Follow that up with "just saying", or "nothing personal". If they start seething, tell them that it's just facts, and give them a genuinely confused or annoyed face. If they're self aware enough they'll think that encounter over.
No. 435603
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>>435597Was about to say-maybe the GF experience now hes gotten exposure kek.
>inb4 dont do that to grumpy No. 435614
>>435607I don't think they want a bf, I think they want attention and compliments. The solution is making girls understand they have value outside their looks and men's opinions of them, but goddamn convincing women of that is an uphill battle. Society is actively geared to make us feel that way and dedicate our energy to pleasing men.
The best we can do is work on our own self esteem and project it on others as much as we can, like praising girls for other, more important traits and not being nasty about looks. Even to ourselves, I'm so sick of hearing young women be self deprecating about their age. I dont think they genuinely feel old at 25, I think we're expected to feel old and they're just parroting shit they hear from every woman older than them.
No. 435635
>>435616On the flip side, if women started killing men for real & legit reasons, the male population would be 0.01%. Thankfully women on the whole are not as bitter and petty as men despite how the media projects, and as one woman on twitter put it "men should be thankful women only want equality and not revenge."
Women arn't as violent overall, and I feel thats, as you say, because we are decent human beings overall. If men, in general would be like this a lof of their problems, as well as ours would be gone.
No. 435674
>>434936Women : *exist, mind their own business, make their own money, reject creepy guys from time to time but still stay friendly and compliment them in fear that they will rape, attack, stalk them if they piss them off.
Some random bitch who migrated from Puahate: *Makes 40 min long videos and podcasts to "expoz they evil liar femoids and serv justicce to my dicc"
No. 435675
i want to correct myself: instead of "DICC" make that "Tiny worthless peepee"
No. 435676
The Bianca situation reminds me of something that happened in my country 2 years ago.
Basically a 15 year old boy met up with a 25 year old woman he met on some dating app (lied about his age) and stabbed her in the neck brutally. I remember talking to my friends from college and the first and foremost thing they said was "how could she meet up with a minor, it's all her fault" etc.
Reddit was obviously shitting on her for not picking up red flags and agreeing to meet at all.
Being a woman is truly like being born with a target drawn on your back. No. 435679
>>435677I swear to god, these kind of men are mentally unstable. I feel like incels have literal problems. Lets be honest there are decent men out there, there are great men even, a lot of them naturally have their flaws and dont deserve to be paying attention to.
But these literal
problematic guys should seriously seek help from a professional to try and make their life a little better.
As much as I could be bullied online I can simply block and report them and not give a shit but at the end of the day they are the mentally unstable ones that probably live very self destructive lives.
No. 435698
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>>434507I've noticed Asian men do this "woe is me" schtick a lot. Except they mix it up with a racial approach.
>"Oh, no one likes Asian men, everyone thinks we're ugly because the media is against us. It's hard being an Asian guy, we're always made to feel emasculated. I bet you don't like Asian guys."etc etc.
It's all calculated. It's an attempt to make us feel sorry for them and inculcate sympathy. I actually consider it to be a form of emotional blackmail. Watch out for this behavior among Asian moids, and call them out on it when they pull it up. It's pathetic pity pan-handling with the intent of getting us to feel sorry for them and give them pity sex.
No. 435701
>>435698Really? I feel like Asian men are super popular since the whole K-Pop thing blew up. I've noticed a ton of Asian dudes dating women who are "out of their league". Then again I suppose incel mentality is all about acting like a
victim regardless of race.
No. 435705
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>>435402you can carry some deep heat spray with you anon! for you know… your sore muscles.
>>435680reddit males are pathetic. most of them think they're modern and progressive but the second a discussion about race or gender comes up they turn into squealing monkeys. r/ireland is particularly bad about this. any thread about racism or sexism is full of denial and guys claiming male privilege etc. is "american bullshit".
it sucks because most of the time the sub is okay and our population is so small that finding internet communities to talk about national issues is hard. outside of facebook groups, it's pretty much just and r/ireland and neither are great. the after hours forum on boards is particularly shitty.
No. 435706
>>435701Lately I definitely see a lot of cute (kpop fan)girls dating way below average asian dudes. It's ridiculous, as if they're blind. Often they have huge height differences too. I'm so sick of all these amwf couples on youtube, the girls are always way too young (sometimes with "halfu" kids babies already) and way too much in love.
I also see many asian guys copy western incel rethoric, like saying all american/western european are ugly fat sluts and only praising eastern european women (or rather what they think an eastern european girl looks like). They're extremely entitled, 5'5, overweight, play online games all day, get babied by mommy, yet expect young Karolina Kurkova to knock on their door one day lmao
No. 435707
>>435706>I'm so sick of all these amwf couples on youtubeThere's like a handful of them in the grand scheme of things, why do you care? I don't think it's always fair since there are some cool asian guys (I hate the woke male asian crowd though), but the fact is most non-Asian women don't find Asian men attractive either way, so not sure why it's a problem if there's a small subculture that won't. For the record I'm not a weeb/kpop fan and Asian dudes look far too childlike for me.
The only ones I care about are the ones who get stuck in marriages overseas where they can't really get out and end up miserable. Looking at a few of the lolcows we've talked about on here.
>only praising eastern european womenThey're in for a nasty surprise then: about marriage brokers in Ukraine, it says:
>Однако, говорит она, наши девушки не слишком охотно идут замуж за азиатов: «Все хотят познакомиться с европейцами, мужчин с узкими глазами украинки не котируют».Translation:
>The majority of our girls aren't willing to marry Asian men. Their eyes and physical features aren't attractive to us. Generally they prefer Western European and American men. No. 435713
>>435701Asian incels tend to be half-Asian, with WMAF parents and no connection to their Asian heritage.
The part that almost makes me feel pity for them (almost, because they still choose to fall for the incel meme) is that white incels still fucking despise them and don't wish them to succeed. The entire reason those half-Asian men feel alienated is because beta white men choose to get self-hating SEA wives and teach their sons that Asians are inferior, and their white male peers don't recognise them as part of their group.
It's easier to blame white women for not wanting to suck your dick than it is to acknowledge that your male peers are the ones treating you like second-class citizens, though. God forbid men hold each other accountable for anything.
No. 435715
>>435713>Asian incels tend to be half-Asian, with WMAF parents and no connection to their Asian heritage.I don't know about that, /r/hapas is bad, but /r/aznidentity is far, far worse, and its userbase are almost all full blooded Chinese born in America and Koreans born in America.
FWIW I think hapas are way better looking than full asian dudes. They look more masculine. Less whiny in my experience too.
No. 435718
>>435717She's a scumbag, she has to come to her own realizations. You can lead a horse to water… and so on.
It's heartbreaking people actually think Bianca deserved what happened to her. And it's doubly heartbreaking nobody actually ever helped her and just viewed her as an opportunity to easy sex. 4chan seems like such a more seedier place than when I remember browsing there. Full of young, unhappy underage girls and predatory men.
No. 435722
>>435717I don't know how you fix someone who thinks that somebody who straight-up
murdered someone is a
victim. Empathizing with a murderer is sociopath shit.
No. 435724
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>little girls not jumping on your cock is the blackpill
and they expect us to taken them seriously?
No. 435726
>>435720I used to read a blog written by a very bitter half-asian incel and picked up the lingo, sorry about that.
The "self-hating" part is accurate though, from what I've seen the South-East Asian women who marry old white men have resentment towards their origins and a lot of internalised misogyny. That's how they fall prey to the gross white men who promise them the American dream, as long as they can be subservient wives. They're
victims, no matter how much half-asian incels like to pretend their moms are evil whores.
No. 435728
>>434753Reading this makes me feel sick. I really, really want to believe there are good men in this world. Honestly. Men who don't look down on women, treat us like objects, hate us for simply being female, blame us for their loneliness, feel entitled to sex with us simply for being "nice", aren't violent, aren't hateful. But literally the only man I know who even comes close to this is my dad. There's no one else. And he's ill and will probably die within the next 5 years.
I honestly want to cry.
No. 435730
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scrots: wants a housewife
also scrots: can't be around women and act mentally stable about it
No. 435732
>>435730Remember girls you cant reject people and still be a good person.
damn this bitch is sensitive
No. 435733
>>435596That last part reminded me of some stories my mother told me. My mother was raped by her uncle. When she first got her driver's license and was on a freeway, she saw a guy jerking off to a porno mag sitting on top of his steering wheel. She's been honked at and catcalled her whole life. When she was in her late 20's, after she had me, she was walking to college in a skirt and some guy was staring at her while driving, not paying attention to the road, he crashed into a fire hydrant… LMAO
I was kidnapped when I was a child, and two guys tried to do it when I was 15 in the parking lot of a Target. Got molested as a kid by the school bully, and again by the school janitor when I was transferred to a different school :D
This was in the United States BTW, it's not much better. Men are shitty no matter where you are.
No. 435746
>>435734I think so too. men are all watching porn and talking about it together, the smart ones will just see the negative effects in their friends and peers. or they feel it themselves.
libfems, I'm guessing, don't watch the same porn men do, or don't actually watch it as much as they say they do. or don't watch it at all and just don't want to seem like a swerf
No. 435751
more fuckery from my country. even male children are monsters.
guards/gardai = police
>Gardai are investigating allegations that a five-year-old girl was beaten and sexually assaulted by three boys aged seven, eight and ten after allegedly being lured to a shed at a derelict house.>The child is understood to have escaped and raised the alarm following the incident.>It is believed that the young girl knew the three young schoolboys who carried out the alleged assault.>The incident happened at the end of June. Sources say the young girl apparently ‘fought back’ against the three boys, and that her account is being treated as ‘credible’.>The allegations are being investigated by a team of gardaí from a specialist unit, the Divisional Protective Services Unit.>Detectives are waiting to conduct detailed interviews with all four children.>It is alleged the five-year-old girl went with the three boys – whom she knew from the locality – to a shed within the confines of a derelict house and was beaten with sticks.>The child fled the scene after she was beaten and then subjected to ‘inappropriate touching’ by the boys, it is alleged. She managed to escape and ran home and informed her parents, who immediately notified gardaí, it has been claimed. The child was not seriously injured, but was taken for a medical assessment and is said to be ‘highly traumatised’ by the incident.>Local gardaí have prepared preliminary reports in the investigation, but the ‘full facts’ have yet to be established.>The case has also been referred to the Child and Family Agency, Tusla. Its role is to assess whether there is a child protection issue and whether a child is at risk.>Gardaí confirmed that an investigation is under way but declined to provide any details about the case.>Sources say it is ‘improbable’ that any prosecutions will result, as the three boys are under the age of criminal responsibility.>The Children’s Act defines that no child under the age of 12 can be charged with a criminal offence.>However, exceptions to this exist in cases of suspected rape or murder, and in such instances children aged ten and 11 can be charged. There is no suggestion the girl in this case was raped. No. 435758
>>435745he is a
very bad looking guy
No. 435768
>>435325>>435329>>435330>>435351>>435375Thanks anons. I will do my best to make her understand, although I don't think I'm gonna outright introduce her to LC. Hanging out here would be good for her, but she really doesn't seem the imageboard type (for the best, maybe).
Let's see how it goes, because she's gonna leave for college soon and I couldn't sleep last night. You can think I'm paranoid, but I know that she meets guys from the internet, has been alone in the car with guys and she didn't even seem to take the Bianca situation very seriously, she just tried to show me the corpse picture and even reiterated the
"Yeah, but apparently she wasn't a good person, she manipulated guys etc." bullshit incels are spreading. I'm gonna work on it, for her sake.
No. 435781
>>435776>That comment about women convincing men to marry themUmm traditionally men proposed, women had the power to say yes or no
Secondly old sayings don't really stand well in reality, like how people say dogs are a man's best friend but most dogs are terrified of men because they raped them and abused them, sad!
Anyways if men hate marriage then don't get married, don't date or just do women a favor and isolate yourself from us, I don't see why men who want nothing to do with women constantly go out their way to talk about how all women are horrible and evil
No. 435782
>>435778Does Shoe's husband really cheat on her?
Are there men who don't cheat? I've dated a few guys from /r9k/ and every single one of them actually physically cheated with some other girl they met online, or they exchanged nudes and sexted with other girls from 4chan (not technically cheating but still) while with me.
No. 435787
>>435782He's not her husband and he probably never will be as things are going now
He cheated on his ex wife and they're in basically in a mentally ill incels dream relationship which involves her not being allowed to have guy friends but he can blow her money on cam girls and flirt with other women all day
No. 435788
>>435749The smart ones will recognize that they only feel comfortable talking to women because of the shitty social norms and strict masculinity standards men have created for themselves but still won't call out other men on their
toxic behavior.
No. 435797
>>435795Ehhh. I had a robot I spoke to on discord sometimes tell me the other day after Bianca's death that he realizes how fucked up male subcultures online are. He told me he understands why we're afraid of men, why we're guarded around them, why from an early age we are made to feel sexualized by men and so on. Before anyone asks, he seemed heartfelt and said he wanted to leave the place for good. We voicechatted for a while about it. The only thing I argued with him about was that he said it's not his problem other men behave like that because it's impossible for him and other men who aren't like that to make those
toxic men change their minds.
There are good people on /r9k/. I think they just don't make their voices heard because they'll get drowned out in a chorus of accusations like "cuck" and "pussy".
No. 435805
>>435798Isn't it funny how 4chan racism banter went from small jokes to them actually going out and buying Nazi and white supremacist paraphernalia, vandalizing places, etc?
With their history of quite literally murdering women and stalking them, it should be no surprise to them when people call them misogynistic and don't want them around or think they're mentally stable enough to have a normal life, which brings me to another point that it should 100% be alarming when a male starts acting misogynistic while they frequent forums known for murdering women
No. 435820
>>435797It's such a cesspool that I can't imagine most people regularly posting there are especially well-adjusted, even compared to the rest of the site. People on places like /co/ might be spergs, but there proportionally are fewer full on male incel misogynists and self-hating women. /fit/ seems borderline if not outright incel homo at this point, is this their solution to not being able to get a gf? kek
I would rather them date each other and leave women alone to some extent anyway>>435747>>435749It's sad. With my bf, he has told me he wanted to hug his friends when he was a teenager, but felt like he couldn't hug his male friends. So yeah,
>>435759, you definitely aren't the only one, although mine doesn't see it as "weak". As far as I know the "no homo" thing wasn't such an issue 100+ years ago in Anglophone countries and men would be more physically affectionate. I mean, some of it probably
was homo, especially "romantic" and close friendships, but it wasn't seen as just gay. Men will talk to me about their emotions and tell me they cannot have these conversations with their male friends, that basically they're friends over shared interests and personality clicking but not "like that". It seems like the gay and bi men open up more and more with each other, I have to wonder if that's because they're already seen as "weak" and "gay" so it doesn't matter anymore. Although some like taking the opposite direction and being total misogynistic bros to compensate.
They obviously don't all like this, how and why have men as a class/sex dug themselves into this hole? I'm legitimately asking, does anyone know how and when this started? Why is it that any sort of actual emotional camaraderie is seen as gay unless it's on a battlefield or involves killing? (and even then, some of that probably actually was gay, it just seems like the assumption isn't automatically made, possibly because men are offended by the idea that this manly man killing stuff and bonding could be "gay" as it would threaten the sense of self they forge in masculinity via violence and war)
No. 435821
>>435806imho many of the men you're talking about have specifically misogynistic racism. It's hard to explain it, but think about things like blacked, or the offensively paternalistic way they act toward white women when they aren't demonizing them as roasties. Racist men are often just as misogynistic and aren't going to help you just because you're the "right" race, their protection is conditional.
At the same time, I am not going to pretend that some cultures tend to be way more openly misogynistic and that I think we should be allowing them to treat women and gays like shit in western countries to be ~accepting~ of them. The question is, how much more misogynistic are they actually on average?
No. 435829
>>435823This post is an eternal WoC mood. All the shitty racial stereotypes are from the actions of men, and it's because subconsciously, society believes the only truly
valid people are men. Women are just accessories and/or commodities.
And somehow,
somehow, everyone misses that men always find a way to be shitstains in literally every racial group, country, religion, you name it. It's not a single civilization that they haven't harmed us in.
No. 435849
>>435831This is the right way to look at it. It was almost entirely by chance that some european countries acquired world hegemony, and later on due to this precedent, and again due to lucky circumstances (especially geographic location and its perks) we got the industrial revolution.
But have no doubt that if it had been another culture or race reaching that point first, they'd be the "good" men now. Skin pigmentation and phenotype has fuck all to do with it. White men are "better" because of feminism, and feminism could only be kickstarted in a period of economical and social stability, which "white people" reached first.
This is not to say that the situation of white women isn't better, because on average, it's true. But it's not because white men are gentler by nature. It's because we took the chance and tamed them while we could. Of course a man born in a country where his mommy works, drives, and might even live by herself divorced from a phisically
abusive daddy, is going to see women as human more than a kid born in a country with sharia law…
But make no mistake, they are all rotten, and any religion and societal laws created by any kind of men will always wish to subjugate and use women. Full separatism is the only way out of this hell. Look at what's happening right now. As soon as the economy and social system enforced by men fails, they turn their pointing hand towards women and let their biological urge to abuse and oppress take over. It's always easier to have a class of slaves than to work towards a genuinely safe and free society for everyone; in men's minds.
Fuck (not) all men.
No. 435868
>>435863I actually have for a while, they're nowhere near as aggressive and
abusive as nafris.
No. 435888
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>>435724The fact that people now use loli/shota lingo to refer to actual, real life children makes me start to believe righties' claims that accepting homosexuality and transexuality would lead to acceptance of pathologies like pedophilia and zoophilia.
>>435849>It's because we took the chance and tamed them while we could.My mom says this all the time (she's African). She watched a historical drama about western women, and was very impressed by the way European and American women essentially trained their men and let them know they wouldn't take their shit. We both agree that it's the only way for men to become at least somewhat civilized (that and there being far more women in political power overall), but things like poverty, lack of education, war and strife make it extremely difficult to kick it into full gear.
It's also in this respect, IMO, that pick-mes and handmaidens hold everyone back.
No. 435896
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>>435889so you dont have empathy? cool couldve just said that from the beginning.
>>435892Thank you i thought i was crazy!!! Anyway I saw this on twitter and thought it was interesting
No. 435897
>>435698lol Asian men are so fucking obnoxious. they perpetuate patriarchal bullshit, don't even try to break out of their shells, and wonder why Asian woman don't date in their race.
even my own mother told me not to date another Korean man because of how
abusive and self-centered they are. i feel sorry for all the koreaboos that date Korean men…
No. 435899
>>435892What part of DOESN'T AFFECT ME do you not understand? Europe has not been improved by being forced to tolerate backwards people from backwards cultures. So no I wont speak up for people whose presence makes me less safe.
>>435896I wasn't the OP. I just couldn't understand how dumb you must be to be unable to see the difference between racism and sexism.
(Derailing and racebait, knock it off.) No. 435902
>>435899So, you don't care about women in general, just yourself? That's pretty shitty, hope you don't go around calling yourself a feminist in any regard.
Also, no one was even talking about the Europe immigration stuff one way or the other, you're just being an ass. It's not "people" causing problems, it's
men specifically.
No. 435903
>>435888i cant believe i read this and i doubly cant believe you wrote this….some of you on here are just as bad as the men you claim to hate sad.
Anyway the 14 year old girl who r kelly assaulted and peed on is finally gonna testify. The reason she didnt testify against him before was because he was bribing her and her family. What a sick fuck I hope he gets life. No. 435915
>>435906I suppose you can hate men without actually caring about women? Weird stance but I'll take it. Regardless, no one is arguing for you to care about women individually but as a collective. It's about human rights and treatment in society relative to men on a fundamental level, not whether or not you have or even enjoy the company of women.
>>435888You could at least sage your autism. Are we being raided again?
No. 435921
>>435916i get growing tired but to say you dont care because it doesnt affect you is pretty fucked up and thats what that anon said which confused me. But upon reflection that anon was probably a man lol.
To change the subject are any of you the "cockblock" friend and if so what is your experience? I've gotten called a bitch, ugly and threatened with violence all for telling a dude my friend doesnt want him when they are too afraid to say it themselves.
No. 435923
>>435911Swing and a miss. I'm sorry that you can't see how ridiculous this kind of logic seems to anybody not in your circles.
>>435909No need to be a condescending bitch of you just don't want to answer the question.
(*tips fedora*) No. 435924
>>435915Do scrotes even realize that women are capable of not shitting on or dismissing the struggles of other women while also helping women at home?
I suppose the lack of empathy is something they can't help, but I wish they wouldn't project it on us.
No. 435933
>>435925In my experience, racist women are usually handmaidens who want to impress the respective guys of their race really, really badly. I've especially seen this as being most obvious with white tradthots and those super pro-black women on Twitter. It's all a big, embarrassing front.
Also, I really am starting to believe the anon(s) in here who kept going on about how racism "doesn't matter" was a scrote making trouble as usual.
The pride about their own ignorance and sudden mix of passive-aggression and direct aggression ("condescending bitch!", "a swing and a miss", "nice (sarcasm)") when told to lurk more or generally disagreed with was a pretty big tip-off.
They're getting less immediately obvious these days. It's almost concerning.
No. 435935
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>>435929>Intersectional FeminismDo you know where you are?
No. 435949
>>435751This is what happens when kids hear about Ana Kriegel's tragic death combined with porn being so accessible.
All scrotes that oppose porn block are enabling this to happen over and over again.
No. 435966
>>435959You could easily bring up a different topic then?
The guy that I lost my virginity to told me my vagina was basically gross because it got “too wet” I really wish I was making this up. He would wipe it on me with disgust everytime he fingered me. It gave me the worst complex of all time I thought I was defective and had a diseased vagina. I wrote about this in the stupid questions thread because since then I would put toilet paper in my underwear to absorb it and my vagina got so dry as a result. I can’t believe this dude who was prob gay fucked me up so bad I was drying out my perfectly fine vagina. I feel so dumb lol
No. 435968
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>>435959It was actually fine and felt like a civil, mature discussion on culture/race and how man hate plays into it until the "uhm racism is totally ok!!! i'm totally a woman too and i'm new to these threads wdym" started popping up. Shit sucks, but I guess it's to be expected.
Anyway, this shit reminds me not to trust men who constantly, endlessly talk about gore and other edgy shit. "Just fantasy!" and "Just fiction!" my ass. There's a line between a mild interest in the macabre and actual wrongness of mind, and way too many men cross it.
No. 435981
>>435811You know most men are incapable of serious conversations or resort to gas lighting
>>435853I don't like it but it seems like the only option
No. 435983
>>435966I just wish men who hates women would not fuck us or even try to
Why are women expected to worship men's disgusting rotten yeasty dicks but most of them don't even want us to have normal bodily functions? Most vaginas look and smell better than dicks
No. 435987
I'm tired of all of you immediately linking racist handmaidens to the colour white.
American tradthots like Lauren Southern might spout shit on the internet, but immigrant/refugee women in europe tell their little daughters that they must cover up, that they have to serve men, that they're lesser, they keep them at home from school to help with the household, they allow their husband and sons to abuse them and so on. And the progressive, crop-top and makeup wearing female arabs act blind to these problems and instead concentrate on protecting their "muslim brothers" from the evil nazis (which usually means all locals in whatever "absolutely awful" country they happen to live in).
>>435987Black women's constant apologia for black male violence is another good example of what you're talking about. I've heard a lot of dissident black women talk about this too. How the obscene levels of violence in black communities are covered up beneath a veneer of racial solidarity with their men.
Meanwhile white women say something like "yeah I don't want middle eastern men to come here" and they get piled on.
>>435993Serious question: What's your take on someone who dislikes race-mixing not out of any muh aryan genes reason but just because it creates so many more difficulties than you would experience than in your average same-race relationship (potentially celebrating different holidays, not sharing native language, not coming from a similar value background, more likely to have hostile in-laws, having mixed kids etc)?
I'm not against it for reasons of "purity", but just because it seems a lot less comfortable than dating, marrying and having children with someone of your own race.
>>435998>nta, but you have all the shit you listed even with people from the same race.You're right. It's just that on average it's much less likely.
And it also depends on cultural different. Like my current boyfriend is from another European ethnicity and it doesn't feel like there's the same massive cultural gap despite me being a native English speaker and him being a native Italian speaker that existed between me and my Korean ex for example, even though he was raised here.
(This isnt LiveJournal, Susie.) No. 436004
>>435997NTA, but with all the stuff you listed, it sounds like you're more against cultural mixing than race mixing.
for example, i'm a different race from my bf, but i'm basically attuned to his culture and speak his language fluently from heavy exposure growing up, so none of those things are really a problem in our case. people often mistake me from being from his country if they just hear my voice.
i guess, your solution is to just…not race-mix? it's not like you have to date outside your race, most people don't.
i'm not sure why you'd be particularly against it for other people, though, esp. if you don't even know what both individuals are like and the intricacies of their personalities and relationship. everyone is different and all that
either way, i'm not sure what this has to do with man hate lol
>>435989Just look at the R Kelley situation and how many black women are defending him. This kind of thing happens all the time.
Between being black and being a woman, it's clear which is more important to them.
No. 436009
>>436008Weren't all of his
victims black girls too? And then they have the audacity to blame us for the fact he got away with it for so long.
No. 436011
>>436000That's actually a good point. Men literally have no excuse for their pedo shit, lesbians certainly aren't obsessing over underagers.
>>436008I was ready to agree with you until
>Between being black and being a woman, it's clear which is more important to them.There's tons of black women calling for the sick fuck to be jailed immediately. I've actually seen more "Lock him up already, it's been years, for fuck's sake" posts than whiteknighting at this point. Can we not try to paint entire races of women as handmaidens out of spite?
And FYI, I'm against people attacking all white women ever over people like Lauren Southern, too.
>>436009Wait a second who is us?? Do you mean white people? Not once have I heard a black women pin the blame on white women or men at least not in my age demographic most of the people who have been caping for him to be jailed have been black women it’s the reason he’s being indicted now. Also most of the women who defend him are middle aged hand maidens who are set in there ways. My generation and younger see through the difference. And the only time white property were brought up were by men defending him and comparing him to Harvey Weinstein for some reason. Just say you hate black women and go. This is exactly why race and women can’t be separated because the reason he got away with it for so long is because he was rapping black girls and no one cares about black girls. We are seen as women by the time we are 10 and then get
victim blames because we are “fast” because we develop faster than a lot of other races (obv exceptions to the rule but you get my point)
>>434539scrots: why wont hwamen show love to damaged degenerate
abusive males. this is why we are violent subhumans
woman: shows love to damaged male degenerate and gets abused by him
scrots: why did she get involved with him lmao what did she expect. not all men
No. 436057
>>436054sorry same anon i meant feelings not empathy lmfao
Slightly OT but currently its a thunderstorm outside and after 9pm and the maintenance guy for our apt decided that now would be a good time to check on our ac which we complained about not working over a week ago!! My sister got mad at me for attempting to turn him away and im like ???? he didnt call and its a fucking storm so if he rapes and kills us no one will hear our screams. Maybe im paranoid from watching crime shows but like she watches them too so i thought she would understand my anger but she didnt. LIke the dude didnt even call before coming and again its fucking nighttime during a storm??? Luckily he was nice but STILL am i crazy???
No. 436069
>>435389why wish for death penalty when he can get all the """""sex""""" he ever wanted behind bars kek
i unironically love the idea of incels getting raped in prison bc it's poetic justice
No. 436073
>>435449hot take: extreme pickmeism and handmaiden antics in western women are due to being more or less comfortably isolated from men's true nature
all these beckies screaming about how 2nd wave feminism was too mean never had to get their husband's signature to open a bank account
No. 436077
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scrots like james damore always go "AKTCHYALY EXPLAIN THE EQUALITY PARADOX" but it all makes perfect sense.
it's not true for every extremely conservative society - just iran and other states in which sex segregation works in a particular way in schools. it's proven that girls perform better in academic segregation while boys perform worse. women are able to study on their own terms without being pestered by scrots and worrying about how they're perceived by them. if they're not getting married off by arrangement, sex segregation works wonders for their education.
in "feminist" societies like sweden and norway, everything revolves around biased notions of equality and gender blindness. women and men are forced to be together which ultimately ends with women catering to men. there's porn and other crap that "liberates" no woman ever, but there's a tremendous pressure to maintain a libfem sexpozzed facade. women give up and proceed to be homemakers because they're worn down by scrots' exhausting presence.
No. 436084
>>436008theyre just black tradthots anon
women who put racial identity before womanhood are always male aligned
No. 436098
>>436057You aren't crazy. My maintenance guy never calls first and lets himself in with his own personal key. He will say he's coming one day and show up the next after I waited all day for him. I'm scared I'll get raped or robbed one day.
On that note, today pest control came by, knocked on my door while I was sleeping, unlocked the door after less than 45 seconds and let themselves in while I was walking down the hall in my sleepwear to answer the door. I was home alone and could easily have been assaulted. I moved into this place 3 months ago and I keep discovering that multiple men have keys to my apartment. I'm scared, I have a one year lease and can't break it. I expect to be raped again at some point or at least have my shit stolen one day. I'm sure if I told this to a man they'd think I'm being paranoid but I know people here will understand why I'm worried.
No. 436119
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Never get married ladies.
No. 436122
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Kevin Spacey's case got dropped and the comments are full of male white redditors reeeee-ing about how #metoo is meant to oppress them
No. 436127
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>>436125Some of the comments are like "I gUeSs YoU ShOulDn'T LeT a HaShTaG ThAt's MeAnT tO RaIsE aWaReNeSs rUiN sOmEoNe's LiFe"
Like, excuse me, what the fuck? There's 30 people out there accusing him and it's not illogical to be afraid of lashback when you're accusing a famous and wealthy actor. Case in point: R Kelly and Epstein.
But because he made every white male's TV power fantasy come true with House of Cards they're all bending backwards to suck his dick now.
No. 436131
>>436077Kinda blogpost:
I live in Pakistan. The only family I know is my mom. All the institutions I partake in have been female exclusive for the entirety of my life. I've talked to about 2 dozen men in my life, and this includes random doctors and teachers I couldn't even look in the eye majority of the time. Life is heaven, didn't get harassed ever, my dad was an
abusive fucker but he died when I was 12 so yay? And no threats of being murderered or stalked, and thankfully our extended family doesn't contact us so I don't even get proposals from ugly cousins. In places like Iraq, apparently men and boys get raped and harassed more because they interact with men and this is no surprise to anyone who lives in Muslim countries. Whine all you want bout them, but if your Muslim country has no shitty laws, you have a decent family and the circumstances are right I'd reckon you're better off than the vast majority of Western women because of the segregation. I've been a full proponent of segregation since I was 12, dammit. Men are fucking animals.
No. 436139
>>436131>places like IraqTo answer to you and tayrt: sex segregation at schools is good and necessary for girls but it turns guys into horny monsters who never learned how to interact with girls/women and see them as actual human beings.
It's all absolute hell for girls, especially for working-class girls.
As soon as they go to college they're being harassed from right and left by dudes who are in a mixed space for the first time. They get exploited, groomed etc. Its a common occurrence for girls to be harassed because they rejected guys, or when they break up with their bfs the guys release pictures of them or photoshop their faces onto nudes.
Casual harassment is also rampant. If you wear something a little tighter or if you're considered pretty enough you'll have a bunch of guys taking pictures of you secretly or not-so-secretly, cat-calling you, or following you silently or asking for your number, even when you're clearly a minor. Grown men have been doing this to me ever since I was 14. And those things I've mentioned are only the surface issues.
I haven't talked about all the pedophilia, the rapes, the honour killings, the kidnappings, the forced/arranged marriages, the laws, the lack of safe women's shelters, lack of women's healthcare…I could go on for hours and I'd still have more to add.
So I have to absolutely disagree. There are no "non-shitty" Muslim laws and I don't think that the "vast majority" of women in the west have it better.
I'm glad that you're not experiencing any of this but you best worn that even the most privileged women face some of things in these countries.
No. 436148
>>436145Shes the South European autist who is really
triggered by non white women
Why is she even on this thread ? I recognize her post from other threads and she is male identified as fuck
No. 436151
>>436145I was just talking about my experiences and out of all these things your first response to my post was to accuse me of gaslighting? How exactly did i do that? I just disagreed with that anon on that particular point and shared my reality. I didn't dismiss anyone.
>>436148If you're talking about
>>436139 that's me. I really am a young middle eastern woman. Although I made a post here and there I never really wrote anything lengthy or anything personal but since the Middle East came up I thought I'd share some of my experiences in this thread. I done why I'm getting these responses tbh I regret posting it now.
No. 436155
>>436152I think her first post was actually saying middle eastern men are more interesting in harassing middle eastern women like her?
That's still bullshit, though. In my (western European) country, middle eastern and north african men target white women the most, while white men are obsessed with porn of arab "slutty" young women. Men like to consider women of other races to be good-for-nothing whores, while women of their own race are whores they can marry and impregnate.
No. 436156
>>436152I just wanted to say that women in Iraq face these things because all middle eastern countries are like that. It was a response to that Pakistani anon saying the vast majority of women from " non-shitty" middle eastern countries have it better than western women, and I, who's currently living in the Middle East, said that I don't agree with that cause me and other women face these things here.
I'm sorry if my post wasn't clear or well-written enough, English is my third language but please stop accusing me of things for goodness sake.
>>436139 and>>436151 are my posts.
No. 436157
>>434575>I'm dead serious, anon-chan. If an "innocent" man dies tonight, it's justice.This is stupid. I'm just as shaken up about Bianca as anyone but my boyfriend was even angrier about it. "Why can't they just make that piece of shit dig his own grave then beat him to death with a rock? Why waste money and time letting him live after what he's done?" <- his words.
This stuff angers and frustrates a lot of men too.
No. 436160
>>436156>Only >>436139 and>>436151 are my posts.Uh….I was replying to
>>436130, not either of those posts. I'm not sure if you misread what I quoted.
No. 436172
>>435468Disagree, am from the balkans and we have a higher percentage of women in STEM, I was raised by my mother to fight for my own survival and a lot of other girls had the dream to get a well paying job and go to richer European countries.
If you look at statistics, more women have higher education than men in developed countries, especially black women in America are surpassing their male relatives in a high percentage.
No. 436187
What in the ever loving fuck is that shit? Charges reduced to manslaughter?
A 21-year-old man from New York who allegedly killed his 17-year-old girlfriend – and then posted photos of her body on Instagram – might have done so out of jealousy after she reportedly kissed another man while at a concert Saturday night, officials said.
Oneida County District Attorney Scott McNamara said that the prosecuting office will likely treat the murder of Bianca Devins, 17, as a case of “extreme emotional disturbance” after an early investigation into the events that led to her killing suggest that the suspect, Brandon Clark, 21, didn’t plan it.
“Under the law, there's something called extreme emotional disturbance," McNamara told WKTV. "It doesn't negate the crime, but it mitigates it.”
He went on to say that it would likely reduce the level of crime Clark would face, bringing his charge of second-degree murder down to “manslaughter in the first degree.” No. 436191
>>435607This reminds me. Women should really try to utilize having pets for companionship. Pets will always adore you and won't rape you or belittle you. This is probably why men seem so
triggered by "cat ladies" and belittle them. On some level they probably realize they can't compete with the cats. I mean look at Onision. It fucking figures that he was jealous of his ex wife's bond with her cats and cited it as a reason why she wasn't a good wife. His fragile male ego couldn't take it.
No. 436192
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>any intentional killing that involves no prior intent to kill, and which was committed under such circumstances that would "cause a reasonable person to become emotionally or mentally disturbed"
>literally posted an insta story saying "Here comes hell"
>still no intent, let's lower murder charges to manslaughter yee haw guys
No. 436193
>>436187How the fuck is trying to decapitate someone manslaughter? manslaughter is used to signify accidental death that could have been avoided. Livestreaming himself going to find her doesn't count as "planning???"
No. 436204
>>436187Sp his defence is "but your honor, she friendzoned me with chad and I was very angry about it"… and its working? Literally getting a lighter sentence because he's a bitter enough incel?
Well reading this shit gives me an "extreme emotional disturbance" so…
No. 436213
>>436187i'm so fucking sick of the news claiming this scrote piece of useless shit virgincel was Bianca's boyfriend when 1) no he wasn't 2) we all know if Bianca had gotten the help she needed and hadn't been so vulnerable to these types of online communities she wouldn't have given this pathetic piece of shit the time of day or so much as the sideways glance you give to homeless people mumbling to themselves on the curb.
men are such literal fucking crybabies, ive seen it time & time again. they act like theyre so fucking superior and yet you tell them "no" ONCE and they throw a giant shitfit or murder us out of anger bc theyre such subhuman pieces of shit they dont even have control of their emotions. real fucking rich to call us women "too emotional for x" and yet you don't see us murder every and any man who's ever denied us something.
RIP Bianca. her murderer is not gonna go to jail, and if he does he'll be let out in 5 years on "good behavior". i hope someone cuts his dick off and stuffs it down his throat.
No. 436218
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so when do we get to start rounding up men into concentration camps
No. 436220
>>436210There are good men but unfortunately they're mostly family in my circles (would unironically bang my older brother if he wasn't my brother) or older. My grandfather is an unbelievably good man for example. Cared for my grandmother for years and years without the slightest complaint. Men like that are so rare nowadays.
The problem I have with good men my age is that they don't speak up about bad men and the issues women face. They just think "I'm not like that so it's not my problem". To be fair I don't blame them for not wanting to march alongside morons who wear vagina hats but I wish they'd openly condemn bad men more than they do.
No. 436235
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>>436172No, Eastern European women only have the highest percentage of female STEM graduates in the EU, while the Arab world has the highest proportion, that is 34-57%
There is a link to the UNESCO report in the article, if you're interested.
>women make up 64 per cent of [Jordanian] students in the natural sciences, medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy” as well as 60 per cent of engineering students in the Gulf (compared with only 30 percent in the US and Europe)
>Jordan, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates are the only countries where women test better and feel more comfortable in mathematics than men, according to the OECDMoreover, it's true that girls perform better in sex-segregated schools.
>Female students in single-sex classes obtained better math grades than female students in coeducational classes, with an average performance There are multiple studies done on this topic, the majority come to this conclusion.
No. 436237
>>436187Why does it feel like they're defending him?
>killed his girlfriend>might have done so out of jealousy after she reportedly kissed another man while at a concert Saturday night>extreme emotional disturbanceSo when you put it this way, thousands of men will nod their heads and agree. He wasn't even her boyfriend, just a delusional, entitled "nice guy" orbiter whom even Bianca felt uncomfortable in the presence of.
>manslaughterHow do they keep getting away with it? I felt that they would've reduced his sentence, because white guy and first crime, but fuck it. I hope someone gets him and gives him the same treatment he reserved to that girl.
No. 436243
>>436121MPA is litrally a pro ana webside, anon, of course it's
toxic. I recently browsed /fit/ and it's not much better. These men clearly suffer from body dysphoria and can't seem to get big enough. They're also sexist as fuck, a lot of them that aren't incels, just brag about pumping and dumping women. No thanks. MPA sucks less because there's at least the option to avoid the
toxic side by going to the recovery forums. You can't avoid the misogynistic drivel on /fit/ because it's everywhere.
No. 436288
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>>436218>>436283This is why I'm scared for women who advocate for breastfeeding in public. I want to support it, but psychotic scrotes will think it's an invitation to do something degenerate. Women can't just exist in peace. I'm all in favor of the Rick and Morty matriarchy.
No. 436322
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>>436122Kinda ot but that gif reminded me of the skeleton war meme on tumblr from a couple years back.
I know people shit on tumblr for its shenanigans, but they had it right with making fun of fuckboys.
No. 436374
>>436345watch it turn out to be the same racebaiting moid who was shitting up the thread earlier lmao
they think they're clever
No. 436420
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No. 436428
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The Bianca Devins story is really hitting home hard for me. There's a lot of similarities between us when I was around that age. I even had the EXACT same hair she did in this photo. A fried cotton candy pink bob. I used to hang out on /r9k/ and attempted to make friends there until an experience that woke me up to what a bad idea that was. I was depressed, lonely, severely lacking in self-esteem, and mistakenly thought of them as kinda my people because they were also in the same boat. But the thing is, misogynistic men simply can't relate to women, no matter how similar they are. It didn't matter that I was also a suicidal weeaboo loser going nowhere in life who hated the world just like they were. All they can ever see a woman as is a piece of meat with life on easy mode who deserves nothing but pure disdain the moment you realize you probably won't be having sex with her. They are absolutely incapable of empathy toward females. /r9k/ and incel culture are what made me go from feminist lite to straight up man-hating.
It's not a coincidence that so many of the people in this thread used to be fembots. Being consistently exposed to so much rabid unreasonable hatred for women rooted in sexual frustration is enough to pink pill any woman who isn't absolutely drowning in internalized misogyny.
No. 436601
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Some galaxy brain shit from the retards of kiwi farms, because of course the solution for men's murderous nature is that women should fuck them!! Of course instead of men learning to behave, there should be a class of women to fuck these insane lunatics.
To all the lurking kiwifags: neck yourselves
No. 436612
>>436601Countries with legalised prostitution still have crime though?
It’s not women’s fault if men are psychos.
No. 436615
>>436601This is so fucking dumb. Whether or not it's legal, most men still have easy access to hookers. If hookers were the magical cure to this kind of shit then we wouldn't have the problem in the first place. Also, Elliot Roger's dad said he offered to take him to a prostitute, but Elliot declined because he wanted love not just sex.
The best solution is simple: treat any corner of the internet where these types congregate and celebrate/promote violence against women the same way places celebrating/promoting ISIS get treated. View them as terrorists. Put everyone participating on a terrorist watchlist.
No. 436616
>>436611Lol I remember a post on a certain manosphere subredit where the OP literally was like "female bodies are unattractive sacks of bones and fat while men are swole muscly vveiny greek gods uwu"
The Big Gay is showing so hard.
No. 436618
>>436607They used to do that
but woman power too strong
No. 436630
>>436601The incel shit has always been a smokescreen. It works perfectly when morons like this suggest dumb solutions. I don't think stuff like /r/inceltears actually helps either because they buy too much into what incels are saying they are.
Let's be real here. Most of the men in those servers have few problems theoretically getting any sex, as in like any female. The majority of them are average looking. The elephant in the room is that they are psychopathic, deeply entitled, pedophiles or otherwise extremely unpleasant which irl can probably be smelt a mile off. Look at how the orbiters of Bianca (herself groomed in those servers as a child) are all celebrating her death.
I dont think they envy 'Chad' for being a beautiful man with regular privileges, I think they specifically envy beautiful men because they believe beautiful men can get away with doing all kinds of evil shit
No. 436650
>>436420Why do men bother to marry if they're going to bash their heads against the walls and screech like animals on the second day?
Why do men exist?
No. 436651
>>436644>By regulating the fieldHow is this enforceable in the prostitution world?
>they wouldn't need to walk the streetsThey could still be alone with men in brothels or office spaces, it's really not a separation from danger if the man in question doesn't give a shit about the consequences and just needs to kill his target. Unless you're suggesting prostitutes service men in plain sight and within ear's reach of someone at all times.
What if the sex worker doesn't want to work in a brothel?
>they can't be taken somewhere isolatedSo you would legalize prostitution but ban escorting and women hooking on the streets if it meant they were not the ones hosting?
>turn to pimpsThis is about the only thing legalization would do. Cut out their overlords and middlemen but that's not gonna protect them from their customers.
We need to stop holding out hope that it will make things better, we just have to encourage women that nothing good comes from this line of work.
No. 436654
>>436651because what prostitutes do in the US is currently illegal there are often no legal recourses for them when something bad happens on a job, they must operate outside the systems of normal society. if prostitution was legalized more women would have the ability to seek help in these situations.
dont think prostitution should be legalized but anyone should be able to see why it could be safer in theory
No. 436657
>>436647Something can be legal without being encouraged. Stripping is legal and generally discouraged by most of society. Also, sad to say it, but sex can be bought. It already is being bought. Whether or not it's legal doesn't affect that aspect.
>>436651It isn't a magical wand that completely wipes away all the issues with prostitution, but it makes it much safer and harder for men to get away with harming them. It's not really a "hope", it's proven that it improves things. Like I said, countries where it's legal have lower rates of harm done against them, so clearly it's better than the alternative.
>How is this enforceable in the prostitution world? No. 436670
>>436657>>436654>>436647Doesn`t really help at all.>New Zealand’s Prostitution Law Review Committee found that a majority of prostituted persons felt that the decriminalization act “could do little about violence that occurred.” (pp: 14) The Committee further reported that abusive brothels did not improve conditions for prostituted individuals; the brothels that “had unfair management practices continued with them” even after the decriminalization. (pp: 17)
>A large-scale evaluation of the legalization of prostitution in the Netherlands, coordinated by the Ministry of Justice, found that licensed brothels did not welcome frequent regulatory inspections. This undermines their willingness “to adhere to the rules and complicates the combat against trafficking in human beings.” (Prostitution in the Netherlands since the lifting on the brothel ban: pp. 11)
>The German government’s own evaluation of the 2001 law that legalized prostitution suggested that fewer than 8% of prostituted individuals are “officially insured as a prostitute.” (Report by the Federal Government on the Impact of the Act Regulating the Legal Situation of Prostitutes (Prostitution Act): pp. 26)This is about the USA (specifically Nevada's legal brothels)
>Those who support the system claim that the regulations may help prevent pimping, which they see as a worse form of exploitation to that which occurs in brothels. According to Farley's research though, most women in legal brothels have pimps outside anyway, be they husbands or boyfriends. And, as Chong Kim, a survivor of prostitution who has worked with Farley, says, some of the legal brothel owners "are worse than any pimp. They abuse and imprison women and are fully protected by the state."
>The brothel prostitutes often live in prison-like conditions, locked in or forbidden to leave.
>"The physical appearance of these buildings is shocking," says Farley. "They look like wide trailers with barbed wire around them - little jails." The rooms all have panic buttons, but many women told her that they had experienced violent and sexual abuse from the customers and pimps.
>"I saw a grated iron door in one brothel," says Farley. "The women's food was shoved through the door's steel bars between the kitchen and the brothel area. One pimp starved a woman he considered too fat. She made a friend outside the brothel who would throw food over the fence for her."
>[…] legal prostitutes seem to lose the rights ordinary citizens enjoy. From 1987, prostitutes in Nevada have been legally required to be tested once a week for sexually transmitted diseases and monthly for HIV. Customers are not required to be tested. The women must present their medical clearance to the police station and be finger-printed, even though such registration is detrimental: if a woman is known to work as a prostitute, she may be refused health insurance, face discrimination in housing or future employment, or endure accusations of unfit motherhood. In addition, there are countries that will not permit registered prostitutes to settle, so their movement is severely restricted.
>Sheriffs in some counties of Nevada also enforce practices that are illegal. In one city, for example, prostitutes are not allowed to leave the brothel after 5pm, are not permitted in bars, and, if entering a restaurant, must use a back door and be accompanied by a man.In theory, it may sound good but in practice it`s hell. Just like everything else that panders to men and is controlled by them.
No. 436678
>>436674the problem with legalizing prostitution is that no government would be able to get past the problem of human trafficking. what government can protect human trafficking
victims who are being blackmailed and silenced?
No. 436694
>>436687>Men: "We only want the fittest women with the biggest breasts and widest hips. It means the women are in good health for breeding and passing on a man's genes.">Also men: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WOMEN PREFER MEN TO BE TALLER AND BE FIT AS IF THATS AN EXAMPLE OF VIRILITY YOU SHALLOW FUCKING WHORES!?"basically the incel mentality. like how retarded do you have to be to say "i like curvy girls because evolutionary instincts" yet get
triggered over women preferring taller and stronger men
No. 436722
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Implying other men aren’t to blame for most of those things.
No. 436739
>>436722>98% of military casualties are menwomen were forbidden from having combat jobs in the US until 2015/2016….
men think it's a woman's own fault if she's raped - but men killing themselves, committing crimes, ending up homeless, having high risk jobs, and enlisting in the military is not their own fault at all of course
No. 436741
>>436739Don't forget killing each other. 80% of murder
victims are men but also 96% of murder perpetrators are men.
No. 436742
>>436722Literally all of those things are the fault of other men, or the men themselves. Or they're a byproduct of sexism against women backfiring on men.
>suicide rateThe result of the idea that women are the crazy and emotional gender, thus the stigma against men discussing their feelings or having any kind of mental health issues and failing to seek help for them. Also, men are just simply less capable of coping with shit in general.
>prisonFucking seriously? This is obviously because men are significantly more prone to crime than women. There aren't even any variables that impact this statistic like socioeconomic status, they are just far more likely to participate in criminal activity.
>military casualtiesThe military is probably the worst fucking example you can bring into a debate about sexism. Just look at the insane rate of sexual assault and the discrimination and harassment women go through in the military. Women also weren't allowed in combat until just a few years ago. Not to mention, the US military is optional and when you join you are literally signing up to risk your life, so I fail to see where the male oppression is. Military participation has been totally voluntary for almost fifty fucking years.
>workplace fatalities and homelessnessAgain, not the result of any sexism directed toward men. They're just more likely to pick risky jobs because they often involve upper body strength. If you wanna blame anyone for these two, blame capitalism and our lack of solid safety nets. Which once again you can thank men for.
Also, I love how how he's acting as if there aren't countless statistics where women are the ones fucked over most like sexual assault, domestic violence, sexually charged murder, work place discrimination, the war against reproductive rights, etc.
>>436726Because all crimes men commit are somehow a woman's fault. Duh, anon.
No. 436748
>>436742Which makes me wonder, what the fuck is
wrong with men? What components in them makes them so fucking retarded? And violent? And generally awful? Like, I genuinely can't wrap my head around the causes of these statistics. I was going to go out there and blame their sexuality (because I'm exMoose and 90% of Islam's barbaric misogyny is rooted in male sexuality) but Idk.
No. 436770
>>436722>suicidesMen are more impulsive. Women attempt more. Also women are more often to develop depression and anxiety disorders.
>homeless 68% isn't too convincing of a statistic to make a point, but homeless women are pimped out and become prostitutes. What are the statistics for prostitues, hmm?
>prisonMen are more impulsive and violent. Most perpetrators of violent crime are men.
>militaryWomen weren't allowed by law. Doesn't count.
>workplaceThose jobs won't take women because they require strength, or the women will get bullied out by men on the basis of their sex.
No. 436783
>>436774scrote logic
>wants a girl to be emotionally and sexually attracted to him and only him>expects her to not care about him cheating/sexualizing other womenlol okay
No. 436784
I’ve definitely toned down my pinkpill levels in the last few years. I am pretty chill. Bianca Devins death really was an eye opener for me, though. It brought me back into that angry mindset from years ago, the one I know that other women hated.
Now that I am a bit more mature and have gone through therapy to deal with my abuse and distrust of men, I want to try affecting other women and waking them up in a way that actually works. No anger or blaming them anymore. Just nudging them in the right direction. Do you guys have any suggestions?
One of the most important things I tell women who are not “pinkpilled” is that if they browse through their BFs private stuff, they will find something displeasing and in 99% of cases, horrifying. The thing about normal women is the majority of them are shamed into never snooping for fear they become the crazy girlfriend. In my experience, this plants the seed in their head.
I always be sure to tell them my stories, and tell them that living in ignorance is blissful and much happier, and encourage them to just go on with their lives without snooping. But at the same time, I let them know that snooping results in finding out things that you don’t wanna know.
Usually what happens is the woman will inevitably start snooping a while later, not get very far, and then bam! Her and the BF are either broken up, or they’re in a very volatile relationship where she is getting pinkpilled every day. This has happened with the majority of my girl friends.
But I want a faster way, a way with less trauma, a way to show them that even their boyfriends are “like that”. I want to wake them up… because I believe that as more and more women are pinkpilled, we can finally stand up for each other and situations like Bianca Devins’ death will be much less common. I feel like too many cases like Bianca are the result of women trusting men too deeply and not being skeptical enough.
Sorry if this is too long, Bianca Devins murder really upset me more than most news has.
No. 436786

Hearing someone say it on video this brutally honest is nice.
>I know if he hasn't cheated yet, he will in 10 years when he gets bored.
>I used to think ''oh, there's still good guys out there, I could still fall in love. But then it's like.. I have literally seen every single guy you can ever think of. Lawyers, doctors, teachers, construction workers, security guards, police.. Any type of employment, any type of person come and pay for sex.
>People will always be like ''oh, not every guy is addicted to sex, not every guy is a client,
not every guy is a trick but it's like - every guy IS a trick. It just takes the right girl to get it
out of him.
>If your man has this dream crush, dream girl.. He would pay to have sex with her. All these Instagram
models he loves, he would pay to have sex with them. If he had enough money and the chance to go fuck Kim Kardashian, he would.
>I see the way these men literally have the best women that cooks and cleans for them, takes care of
their kids..
No. 436795
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>>436786All the fucking stupid ass scrotes in the comments saying they would never cheat on her.
No. 436797
>>436787I’m really sorry for making you worry but that’s just the way these things are… I don’t really know what to tell you… but there’s definitely things on that tablet that are fucked up.
You’re not crazy, by the way. Your partner shouldn’t be hiding things from you like this and being secretive.
No. 436803
>>436784I find the snooping thing ridiculous as well.
Most of the time, girls have good reason to snoop, and I've been in an
abusive relationship before so I know first hand how it's like to be driven bonkers by secretive behaviour, passive aggression and insults to my intelligence and appearance on a daily basis.
Besides, whenever à guy is confronted about his cheating, he always shoots back "but she snooped!" as if that somehow invalidates his infidelity. I've been cheated on and I found out by snooping. If I hadn't snooped I would've been played like a fiddle for god knows how long before he cast me away.
No. 436813
>>436679They aren't picky about sex, they will fuck anything. Uggos, fatties, animals, children, old people, other men, inanimate objects, etc etc. They are hyper idealistic though, their entire lives revolve around their desire for getting as many of the most attractive women as possible. And they have controlled society and the media for long enough to make OUR lives revolve around being the most attractive women possible. Everything makes sense if you see scrot behaviour as them trying to turn us into a pool of prospective partners - hating us for aging so that we're desperate and scared enough in our youth to fuck old men. Punishing women who don't fit their standards instead of just focusing on women who do, so they'll have more attractive women to pick from. Pitting women against each other, especially races, so that we compete to be the most attractive. And then drilling into our heads that women are not allowed to be shallow or visual. Everything men have done throughout history to oppress and control us is a concerted effort to give themselves the best chance of getting a harem of hot teenagers, and of course, prevent themselves from exiting the gene pool.
In that sense I absolutely see the truth in evolutionary psychology. Like the fact that 90% of them are disposable manual labour/canon fodder and the most effective sexual strategy for us is getting impregnated by the top 10% of high quality men and then living separately to them. They know that, they talk about the 80/20 rule all the time, they understand on an instinctive level how biologically unnecessary so many of them are. If women weren't desperate to please them and not so cavalier about human life to see men as mostly worthless, most would never survive.
No. 436814
>>436803I remember randomly finding a gif of a guy blowing his head off with a gun on my BF's pc. I wasn't even snooping he was right next to me and I tried to find a photo of my dog for some stupid reason.
So yeah, men.
No. 436820
>>436630I dont think they envy 'Chad' for being a beautiful man with regular privileges, I think they specifically envy beautiful men because they believe beautiful men can get away with doing all kinds of evil shit
This is something I've never thought of. You're right.
No. 436835
>>436820Beautiful men do get away with more than ugly men
Not saying it's fair or justified on the incels part, but there are SO many people willing to defend people like R Kelly because they like them while ignoring all of the terrible things they've done.
It's the Halo effect. I know I said R Kelly and he's not particularly beautiful, but I mean it's the same principle.
So many celebrities, mostly male if not completely, have gotten away with the skeeviest shit because they are icons in the public eye or look handsome
No. 436851
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>>436813The ultimate pink pill. All women and girls need to know this truth, it really will set them free.
No. 436855
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So the man on the left is the one who killed Bianca Devins. Just as you'd expect an incel orbiter to look: balding, unkempt, fucking pitiful.
This just goes to show that in a man's simple minded monkey brain, no sex=someone must die. More proof that the notion of women being the more emotional and impulsive gender is a MALE projection.
Bianca did a service to the world "manipulating" these fucking 4chan dwelling tools, it really should teach them a lesson that no matter what area of the internet they lurk on, they will never find a real relationship, end of story. I hope they all feel pain.
I hope the same thing that happened to her happens to an r9k incel. I hope they meet a girl on their shitty board and end up killed as a result. It's only fair.
No. 436870
>>436813Imagine all the loser men never procreating, when the majority of women will. They know they are a genetic dead end, that's why they do crazy shit like kill themselves, kill others, troon out, attack and destroy children.
Sucks to suck
No. 436878
>>436842Conventionally attractive, confident men absolutely get more passes even without money and fame. If a guy is "hot" and
abusive, good luck getting anyone to ever believe you.
>>No way that sexy Chad raped or abused that fat ugly Becky. Maybe in her dreams! The worst part is that these superficially prioritized men KNOW this. They target girls who are "beneath" them. Low self esteem is easy to take advantage of. People want to believe attractive people are good, ugly people are bad. You see this shit all the time.
No. 436881
>>436855Holy kek 21 and already balding like a 40 year old
Nice attempt at suicide with that cat scratch
What a loser
No. 436885
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>>436878this post made me think about this: here in South America Cristian Aldana, the (former) lead vocalist of a popular rock band, "El Otro Yo" (lit. translation "The Other Me") recently was convicted and jailed bc he raped/abused a bunch of underage girls, mostly groupies. i'm not into the band but these accusations were sort of a known secret everywhere and the local feminist movements have been out for his blood for a while.
what resonated with me when i read the articles was that all of the comments on the news were about how godawful ugly the girls who accused him were and how could he ever have raped them if they were so goddamn ugly. if you know any spanish google this and feast your eyes on the incels down there in the comments of literally any news article talking about this.
pic related is the girls he allegedly groomed and abused. these girls aren't my beauty standard by any means and any of them would get torn apart if they were posted to lolcow (like they are now lol), but someone being unattractive isn't a goddamn impediment for them being raped or abused, and Cristian isn't the only rapist and pedophile leading a rock band in the local scene. he 100% strikes me as the type who would target thirsty underage groupies who don't know any better, are insecure about their sub-par looks and have rock bottom self esteem (which having sex with their favorite rock star would boost, and they [the abusers] know this better than anyone).
being ugly isn't an impediment to being a rape or abuse
victim and i'm a bit sick of both men AND women finding it impossible for an "ugly chick" to be taken advantage of by a man.
No. 436886
>>436786>lawyers, doctors,…, police..What's a safe profession that isn't littered with infidelity? Dog walker?
Pilots, military/leo, businessmen, lawyers and doctors especially surgeons are pretty notorious for it..
>If your man has this dream crush, dream girl.. He would pay to have sex with her. All these Instagrammodels he loves, he would pay to have sex with them. If he had enough money and the chance to go fuck Kim Kardashian, he would.
And when you point out how all of those ig models edit their photos on ig, they'll get mad.
No. 436889
>>436885serial abusers are great at identifying potential
victims, a man KNOWS that a less attractive girl will be an easier target because of her "low value" to society.
No. 436890
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>>436855there is no way on gods green earth that guy is 21 years old
No. 436891
>>436748 Evolution. Men are universally retarded about women (especially female sexuality) because men cannot fulfill their reproductive function without experiencing cognitive dissonance.
For instance, the madonna/whore complex is a basic feature of the male psyche because while prudishness suggests fidelity (consistent with male interests), sluttiness suggests sexual opportunity (also consistent with male interests). Naturally, he is unable to reconcile these two contradictory objectives and thus spends his entire life coping. This is one of the instances where the male is biologically unable to know what he wants. He has to choose between feeling cucked by a dirty slut or feeling abandoned by a cold bitch. There is no way that both of these anxieties can be eliminated, which leads to perpetually simmering batshit insanity in the male's mind.
No. 436899
>>436774Whom he will resent because she caters to him.
1. What males say they want and what they really want are two really different things. Pickmes never win.
2. Males' stated demands and standards are a) coping mechanisms of an inherently defective individual or b) attempts to dupe you. They know that they're using you and they will despise you for letting yourself be used. They are aware that their sexual role is inherently parasitic and destructive, so they are organically unable to respect women (or other men) who give in to their demands. In mammalian reproduction, sperm is the worthless gamete while the ovum is rich in resources. Due to this, males universally understand being given reproductive opportunity as a form of loss on the giver's part. Any claims otherwise are an attempt to negotiate a better arrangement (in which a male provides nothing in exchange for some abstract immeasurable benefit like "romantic love" while calculating the fuck out of cost/benefit on his end).
Because women cooperate with men without any rational or utilitarian reason, any woman who chooses to be unconditionally nice to them is (overtly or subconsciously) perceived as a useful idiot/retarded and low value. Understand that it's completely incomprehensible for a male to care for someone on a non-transactional basis - if you choose to do this, you're basically mentally disabled in his eyes, like a human equivalent of a sperm cell giving way to another sperm cell for literally no reason. It's kind of why they berate women for being "irrational" while realizing that they have to be irrational to willingly get involved with men. There are no truly good men, there are bad men who a) can't afford to be openly bad or b) find it more useful to LARP as good at the moment. A male is only as moral as his options allow him to be.
No. 436911
>>436891That explains men cheating. They want a prude wife but also want to fuck endlessly with "whores", you could think they would be advanced enough (like normal humans) to control and ignore these extremelly primal impulses but nope. This inner contradiction wouldn't be that much of a deal if they didnt harm so many women while coping. Whoever decided these bitches are the "superior sex" fucked up.
>>436899>Pickmes never win>A woman who chooses to be unconditionally nice to them is (overtly or subconsciously) perceived as a useful idiot/retarded and low value.I luckily understood this very early, but many do it late. Just take a look at tradthots, they all mock them and belittle them as they would do with any other women. Protecting them is not worth it they will NEVER do the same for you, if you defend them, they will not see you as a human being that understands and values them, but as a useful and manipulable idiot. In their eyes, protecting them is not a good action, is an obligation.
No. 436920
>>436813In evolutionary terms, if the moid wins (gets to reproduce with someone hot without commitment while being a substandard male), then his offspring loses. I doubt any of the incel scrots arguing for sexual handouts would enjoy having their own equivalent as a father. That makes "hypergamy" optimal for the species. So why don't evopsych moids make sense?
It's because moid arguments are nothing but half assed bargaining tactics. "But what about muh love, you're shallow for minmaxing to reproduce with 1% chads" doesn't mean that you're looking at a hopeless romantic, what's actually being said is "I'm ugly and poor and I'm using cold, calculated guilt-tripping to increase my chances with someone who is out of my league". Of course if you tell any of them to stop dreaming about 8/10 models or porn stars, they'll look at you like you're suggesting something completely insane. Transactional mentality for me but not for thee is the scrot motto.
No. 436921
>>436912>how could he think a beautiful girl like Bianca would love him?Incels think they deserve beautiful women while being incredibly ugly themselves
>>436899>or when moids mock seemingly kind men by implying that they're only being nice to women to get laid? It's because it's true. Men cannot conceive being nice without an ulterior motiveIts almost like they're aware they're fucking scum but won't admit it, they know the only reason a scrot like them would be "nice" with a woman is because he wants to fuck her. They try their hardest to fool people into thinking they are capable of actually loving someone but then say shit likes this, it's like they're outing each outer lmao
>they also want women to love them unconditionally like their mothers do - all while despising the fuck out of them precisely because their love is devoid of conditions and therefore randomly extends towards scum like menThis shit always enrages me, how can you hate someone for LOVING you? what kind of mental gymnastics you have to do to unironically believe this? They hate women so much they even hate their unconditional love, what the fuck is wrong with them? are they aliens or something? Goddam men don't deserve women, or their mothers…or anyone whiling to care for them. Remember ladies, loving them is not a good action, is an obligation, and they won't even thank you for it.
No. 436947
>>436945It's sad how easy mens lives are
They get praised for not being bad
No. 436950
>>434608I've noticed this too. Like how flat chested women get made fun of for not looking womanly enough but these people also molest children.
It's sad when men would rather be sexually attracted to children, corpses, and animals rather than living adult women.
No. 437031
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This meme goes out to the hardcore Indian nationalists who call white women pigskin skanks but still sexually harass them online and IRL
No. 437048
>>436855Disgusting fuck. I can hear Shuwu screaming in the back "nO THEY WERE FRIENDS!!! STOP".
Why couldn't that fire have started at some kind of /r9k/ meetup or incel congregation instead of KyoAni studios?
No. 437053
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I'm sure most of you heard about the the recent Kyoani fire that happened. Out of I believe 70 employees 33 are dead and 36 are injured. Of course some of the comments I've seen are your typical edgelords along with comments about "nothing of value was lost" with a majority of the employees being female.
There were also a lot of grievances about employee names which weren't found and a grandfather wondering where his 21 year old granddaughter is and hoping shes alright and praises her accomplishments and being able to do her dream job as animator and then when her picture is released among those of the deceased theres the typical "shes probably/would become a slut anyway" "good one less whore" etc and those comments really push me off the most of how insensitive men can be with the situation at large and less empathetic because its women who have mostly been hurt. I cant say I'm surprised about the comments though at all and behavior.
No. 437056
>>436813The next time I see an incel try to guilt trip about the 80/20 thing and go on about how men are expendable, I'll just say "You know what? You're right. Thanks for opening my eyes. Most men
are worthless. Society just coddles you too much out of kindness or pity, and that's why your kind even continue to exist. This is cruel, unfair and I hope you'll support me and other women in breaking this horrible cycle by only procreating with the best men available."
Can't wait to hear them backpedal and try to argue that we should keep bringing low-quality offspring into the world, then hit back with "Sorry, but it's for the good of humanity. All of this is bigger than just you. If you're lonely, chin up. AI is getting more efficient, so maybe you can consider buying a sex bot. Living an honest life and not spreading your genes is the most noble thing you can do, anon" and link them to MGTOW communities until they fuck off.
No. 437063
>>436945Sadly this is me too. I have met too many men that cheat by grooming teenage girls and even children in some cases.
I don't know how my girl friends date men. I'm confident that half of their boyfriends have tinder downloaded and the age range set to 20 or under. Most their boyfriends are 25-30.
I've snooped through an ex's phone before, and he had tinder installed, and matched a girl whose age was set to 18, but her profile said she was underaged and looking for alcohol/weed in exchange for favors.
In the age of dating apps, I don't know how women get into relationships with men. It is so easy for them to cheat. They ARE cheaating on you, hopefully with adult women. Just avoid men.
No. 437077
>>437053I finally get it now. Watching women suffer and celebrating is an innate part of male nature, but when feminists highlight that issue, they get upset. They want you to let your guard down so they can manipulate you and then take advantage of you. Whenever you see a man, just know that this is how they'll react to your death, no matter how "nice" he seems. Just know that every man is hiding his depravity when he talks to you, and that they are all like this.
No matter what you do or say, men will always hate you for what you are. It doesn't matter if you devote time and effort into a relationship with a man, or if you devote your time and effort to a career. They will always hate you, so choose the path that will lead to better outcomes for you.
No. 437078
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No. 437082
>>437053KyoAni was also known for being one of the few studios who paid their animators well (majority of animators in Japan are paid below minimum wage).
And not only that, it employed majority of female workers too and they were known for having beautiful animations. What happened is truly a big loss.
But of course, a scrote couldn't help himself and made a video making fun of the tragedy. Complains about how the studio was "full of feminists" and that the ratio between male and female workers was 2:7, which was totally unfair to the poor moids! Then complains more about the series they did, hating the anime meant for women the most (the one with hot swimmers). Ends it with
>Maybe if we are lucky, the studio won't be garbage now. But I'm sure Kyoani will continue on its path of degeneracy. No. 437090
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>>434510Why do they have to be so fragile? Damn that's a ruined gender.
No. 437096
>>437082What a monster.
I just reported the video to youtube and I encourage you guys to do the same.
This shit can't stay up, it's basically grooming future women-hating murders.
Report this shit anons.
No. 437110
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>>435676There was a case similar to that in Brazil, a 55 year old woman met with a 27 year old man in her apartment and he beat her up and tried to kill her (it was premeditated). Of course people tried to put the blame on her saying that she shouldn't have met a younger man, or that it was her fault for trusting him yada yada. She only survived because her family members are professional fighters and she knew that her priority was to protect her neck. Pic related is the poor woman.
>>437082What the actual flying fuck is wrong with this man?
A guy just burned the studio and killed 33 people and this dude's main point about the situation is that KyoAni workers are ebul feminists??
No. 437111
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>>437004A modern S.C.U.M Manifesto would be nice
No. 437119
>>437110Poor woman. Hope she doesn't have scars now that remind her of this horrific incident and I'm glad she got out alive. Does she have a blog or any sort of public social media?
But he was 27, a fully grown man. Not a teenager. He's old enough to not be excused for his behaviour with his age. Scrotes will bend over backwards to try and compare this to 30 year olds meeting teenagers.
No. 437120
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>>437082This pissed me off, but then I checked out this guy's channel and looked at the content he uploads.
None of these topics are the type of thing that happy, well-adjusted men would spend time making content about. Does he even have any hobbies besides lifting shit from 4chan threads to make worthless, uninformed videos on?
Even in the very video you linked, this retard couldn't take the time to read the article and find out why the perpetrator actually started the fire (he thought that they ripped off his novel). He just posted that bullshit 4chan rumor thread and talked about it like it was confirmed to be factual. He's literally too pea-brained to do any actual research during the age of information. He can't even pronounce the names of any of the anime he mentions besides "Free", or the word "moe", for fuck's sake. He literally thinks "fujoshi" means "women who are into yuri". Even the random clown honks are embarrassing. Something tells me his whole existence is just an embarrassment. Does he even try at all?
Anyway, from looking at the shit he clearly surrounds himself with long enough to make 10+ minute videos on, I take solace in the very, very high likelihood that this man is depressed and has struggled with suicidal thoughts throughout his life. I hope he and the rest of the incel gang act on them. They should cleanse the world of themselves so that real humans don't have to suffer their nonsense anymore.
Sorry if this is posted multiple times, I just keep noticing things that make the video more annoying.
No. 437121
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>>437096Hope this is sufficient.
No. 437122
>>437121(Same anon) In hindsight, I probably should've added that this is officially the largest mass murder in Japan as of late.
"Praises the largest mass murder event in Japan to date in the hopes that it will stop the company from making content he dislikes or finds "degenerate"." definitely would've been more immediately pressing to whoever reads reports on YT.
No. 437126
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>>437082>most of the comments are edgelords defending le Dark humor~Typical.
At least there's also a lot of comments calling him out so not all is lost.
No. 437131
>>437128samefag but i'm a retard and just realized the guy in this vid is the same as
>>437082 and
>>437120 No. 437134
>>437125I've considered doing a short video or documentary on the Pink Pill community on Lolcow to get the word out. I'd frame it in a neutral way at first, like a "down the rabbit hole" type of thing, just to avoid angry scrotes and handmaidens crying about misandrist propaganda on YT. But, I'd make sure to focus primarily on all the good arguments, so that any girls and women on the fence watching can think about those things, hopefully get their first dose of the pink pill, and start investigating.
The only thing is, I know that it'd probably attract the attention of scrotes and more steadfast handmaidens to these threads, so I probably won't do it (plus, it's work).
If this place is still around in a few years, someone else will probably do it. These threads and the LC community in general are like an oasis. Being around other women who weren't afraid to speak the truth, even if it's unpopular, really took me off a path riddled with low self-esteem and self-destructive behavior stemming from internalized misogyny (and racism) and libfem stuff. I wish this place was around back when I was a dumb underager on 4chan. I would've been spared so many bad experiences.
No. 437135
>>436771lol I though you were gonna mention those Israeli women that want to hurt all men/take over everything.
Only read the first trade, because my library didn't have the rest and what they had was out of order.
No. 437155
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>>437052this is an /r9k/ meetup apparently.
No. 437184
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>>437082The comment section in his more recent video titled "The KyoAni Fire Tragedy Only Matters Because Women Died" is even worse. In the video he pulls up an NY times article which manages to make his audience seethe. They think a studio that hires females to produce media that caters to females is somehow feminist, and thus the
victims deserve what they got. Obviously they will hire more women in a company that caters to young women. Feminism isnt even mainstream or encouraged in SEA, but they don't care, they'll just eat it this shit up.
Why do men screech about #notallmen, but in the same breath celebrate the deaths of women. They just want to direct their rage at "feminism", or "leftists", even if the people they direct their rage at are not the enemy, so to speak. They are incredibly hypocritical.
No. 437185
>>437174I read that sub a lot just to remind myself exactly what I'm 'missing out on'. A lifetime of undeserved misery, apparently. I feel so awful for those women, they do everything for their families and get their lives ruined in return. And the thing is, they aren't rare cases… every mother I know irl has similar complaints. It's just the norm for men to leave their wife with 100% of the childcare, and cheat a lot too.
Their medical issues (incontinence, tears, etc) are also a horrifying insight into childbirth.
No. 437187
>>437075This has been a thing for decades, black men have already had 1 foot out the door ready to date white women with no repercussions during the civil rights era.
Fun fact: Malcom X only got involved with black supremacy / NOI shit because a white woman rejected him. He should've been happy his retarded ass wasn't shot at.
No. 437190
>>437187>Fun fact: Malcom X only got involved with black supremacy / NOI shit because a white woman rejected him. He should've been happy his retarded ass wasn't shot at.i looked this up, but all i found is that he dated a white woman named sophia for a while for the sex and status, but in typical scrote fashion, started to resent her… didn`t reject him, they actually stayed together for years, but she did sell him out for a shorter sentence when they were arrested for burglary
No. 437192
>>437184I wish people like this would just die. No joke. You know these are the same scrotes who go "Don't like the fanservice and catering to pedos? Then don't watch it, stop ruining anime you butthurt feminists!" but can't follow their own advice on an anime clearly catering to women.
Before this tragedy, I didn't even know KyoAni employed mostly women. I don't think the arsonist knew, or cared, either.
No. 437197
>>437192If only the male suicide rates consisted entirely of these types. Too bad they're failures at killing themselves just like they are everything else in life.
Also, isn't Haruhi kinda the original fanservice anime? I'm not super knowledgeable about anime, but my understanding is that Haruhi is usually credited/blamed for pioneering the trend of relying heavily on shameless fanservice and moe shit. They of all people should be mourning this tragedy. Yet another example of men being not only pure evil, but completely illogical in the process.
No. 437198
>>437128incels are foaming at the mouth accusing Bianca of SHE DESERVED IT!!!!11!!!11! bc she told this virgincel scrot that she thought he was worthless and that their relationship didn't mean shit to her. all of these incel shits act incredibly rude and edgy towards literally everyone they encounter and were probably x10 worse when they were teenagers, but a literal 16 year old acts the same way they do as adults on a daily basis and she deserves to get murdered for it?
i don't agree with the anons on these threads who call for the murder and torture of all men, i think it's extreme and sperg-y; but when i read these types of things, adults
victim-blaming a teenager for being a teenager, i want to lowkey unironically suggest that two can play this game and that it'd be fine if women started murdering every virgincel who ever slurred obscenities and profanities to them bc tHEy DesErvEd It!
No. 437203
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>Without the ability to recombine during meiosis, the Y chromosome is unable to expose individual alleles to natural selection. Deleterious alleles are allowed to "hitchhike" with beneficial neighbors, thus propagating maladapted alleles in to the next generation. Conversely, advantageous alleles may be selected against if they are surrounded by harmful alleles (background selection). Due to this inability to sort through its gene content, the Y chromosome is particularly prone to the accumulation of "junk" DNA.
No. 437207
In my ideal fantasy world, if I were dictator I would solve the incel problem by making ISPs create lists of users who make comments in the vein of celebrating these atrocities and then send a death squad over to their house to shoot them point blank.
>>437198I'm 110% sure if the tables were turned and the guy said it to Bianca, they would applaud him for being so alpha. They just hate women, that's all there is to it. They're a bunch of narcissists who can't accept responsibility for anything wrong in their lives, so instead they blame womankind for everything bad in their lives even when it makes no fucking sense. And to top it all off they take that misplaced blame to a literally homicidal level.
No. 437215
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>>437207>collecting incel IPs to collate data on their beliefs and entrap them into revealing their whereaboutsDamn anon that's a good idea. You could even start a chan, anonymous posting always gets people to reveal their dirtiest secrets. Think of a snappy name for the site and you're there. "farmlol.cow" has a nice ring to it.
No. 437233
>>437184These reactions are why I'm just not expecting any man to truly be concerned over violence towards women, rape, the Bianca case.. Anything.
They simply want all women to suffer and die, yet expect women to be completely ok with men wanting them to die horribly and
still wish to be a quiet little wife that only makes babies with them
No. 437244
>>437215I'm liking this idea a lot.
>>437233I hate to be all #notallmen, but most men I've seen outside of incel echo chambers are horrified by what happened to Bianca and at KyoAni. The shit we're seeing on 4chan and those revolting YT comments are not the typical male view on these situations.
>>437234It's so revolting how much people are defending him. Even worse are the people acting like he was a poor innocent
victim of Holly's manipulation and never would have done anything wrong if there weren't an evil woman pulling the strings and forcing him to cheat. Absolutely disgusting.
No. 437263
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>>437243>concept of menIn other words you like the package but not what's inside?
No. 437275
>>437243You mean like the protective, hunky dream guy in media? I feel you anon–we all hope that there's a guy out there for us who's "perfect" but the truth is, they rarely, if ever, exist. I have a boyfriend myself but every other woman I know has a scumbag boyfriend with one or more of these issues: A) has a porn addiction, B) is a man-child that gets mad when his gf acts like a mom though he can't do basic shit, C) is a cheater, D) makes fun of his gf around his friends, E) wants to impregnate her as soon as possible (hmm?), F) is a verbal/physical abuser.
I feel like the reason that men get away with shit is because we are taught to make so many excuses for them, when the truth is that our lives are unbothered without them in it; if only women could be conditioned out of the feelings that we must be mothers. We're fine on our own, except if you get randomly raped and killed, which even then has a chance of happening because men are parasites.
No. 437283
>>437243LOL anon. I love how your post sounds like a product review on Amazon.
"Review: Men by Dick Johnson.
Novel had a good concept, but the execution is poor."
No. 437301
>>437299That's so important to remember. The normie men you know hold the same opinions as ''internet guys'', they just haven't discovered these anonymous outlets.
If you have a man - keylog his computer. Snoop through his phone, tablet, all devices.
No. 437348
>>434494Disclaimer: I'm not American.
I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm from a degenerate culture, but I was skeevy over the prospect of free speech being present even when you aren't voting and shit. Like legally speaking free-speech means sense in a "necessary evil" sort of way. Then you see just how barbaric men act on the internet and these narcissists are so into themselves they cry about "free speech" and it runs me the wrong way because such guilt-tripping has been effectless on me. Mainly because I'm not American and haven't been told that there'd be nineteen-eighty-four ohmygod guys!!! When retardation on the internet is censored.
Men have porn, incels, TRAs, deep-fake photo-shopping, masturbation to violence, masturbation to children doing innocent things, on the internet. It's retarded to go "muh free speech" and expect this all to die down softly, I'm starting to lose all fate in women and can't bring myself to realise that the majority of women would recognize anything wrong in men, so activism wouldn't solve shit, and besides, their presence is enough to indoctrinate the youth. There are no female majority spaces on the internet except this, men are everywhere.
No. 437364
>>437153>>437361Off topic but The majority of suicides in the US are done by middle age working class men who live in rural communities,the reasons for these suicides is not that complicated, due to lack of proper access to proper mental health resources and the fact that their bodies are completely broken due to the manual labor and they have no health insurance so they would rather kill themselves then deal with the pain
Africa and Asia have incredibly high suicide compared to west done by very Young men and women cause of the horrible conditions they live so they too would rather kill themselves then deal with the pain
making The Suicide issue in the US about masculinity distracts people from the real issues,US Government not being able to properly take care of their working class in the long run
(necessaryspeed4) No. 437402
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Anyone has seen the Katherine Ryan special on Netflix? Nice pink pill comedy.
No. 437406
>>437402She plays to the middle-class white liberal guilt and it's a winner.
Men laugh at her sexist humour because "Haha, I'm not a misogynist! HAHA, I'M NOT A MISOGYNIST!!"
No. 437453
>>437435That's not true though, keeping your children away for safety is always the best choice considering you'll only need to deal with scrotes reeing and a law suit. Otherwise you'll still live with a piece of shit
toxic scrote, have your children growing up not respecting you or any women, feel the weight of losing your agency with time and still get reed by scrotes. I really admire women that find the strength to flee that kind of husband.
No. 437464
>>437461cause they've been given human rights
for some unknown reason
No. 437466
>>437406The bit at the very beginning about how men are like nature's gun and you're statically most likely to be killed with the one in your house and how men always deflect to the fact that they die more was like it wasstraight out of this thread.
It got a earthy chuckle out of me.
No. 437473
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Men are truly the weakest link
No. 437482
>>437466Damn, she's hilarious.
>the bit comparing men to dolphins lmao
No. 437517
>>4373271. Become distant and medium chill him until he does something useful for you. Moids are like dogs, you never dispense a reward for no reason.
2. Juggle other more useful moids in the meantime. When a moid senses that you're guaranteed to be fully exclusive, you become a secure option that no longer needs to be earned. That's when they start branching out.
3.Tell him what he wants to hear. When he asks you for favors, be a moid about it. Say that you love him and you'll do it later, then say that you forgot, then call him crazy if he tries to dig deeper.
4. Remember that moids never ask high value women to do things for them. If they like a girl, they act like orbiters and do things for HER. It's in their nature. Don't be a Great Value gf that builds him for high value women who don't lift a finger for him.
No. 437522
>>437517Nta, but I don't think becoming a manipulative sociopath is the best path if you have a shitbag bf.
Why all the effort if she can just break up with him?
No. 437542
>>437522Because it teaches men a lesson and prevents women from getting manipulated and used
If you're not manipulating him he'll manipulate you
No. 437566
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>>437389Men are utterly batshit crazy by design, see:
>>436891 . Most of what they say about you is projection. No moid on this Earth would be able to survive the kind of treatment they subject women to. That's why prison and other male exclusive spaces (with no female staff to unload their insanity on) is one of their greatest fears. TL;DR ahead.
The male psyche is characterized by mild to severe narcissism. The only reason why it's not rightfully pathologized is because it's part of their biology - they all meet the criteria, so it's their "norm". They come pre-equipped with Dunning-Kruger and positive bias because males are largely expendable (just like their gametes). Their reproductive strategy favors retarded risks because the sole reason why they exist is being a vehicle for genetic diversity and the worst possible outcome for a male is to not reproduce - it's equivalent to death (incels in particular are very truthful about this). So to them, risking everything to make it as a glorified sperm wagon (or doing absolutely anything to spread their DNA as much as possible, whether it's immoral or not) makes sense because it beats quietly waiting to perish. This is what they evolved to do, and absolutely everything about the male mind revolves around this premise. They are not full humans, they are a highly specialized evolutionary crutch with a very narrow task to perform.
Of course on a purely cognitive level they realize this, and it's a highly unpleasant and nagging realization - one that hits hardest around puberty, when they correctly observe that they're slaves to their erections. Because of this, the moment they become self aware they invest a colossal amount of brain resources into nurturing a false self - a grandiose delusion of independence, agency and humanity. This is what we commonly refer to as "masculinity", something women as a class are tasked with maintaining. If masculinity is all about independence and superiority, why does it require external nurturing?
Why? Because it's not something males are organically not equipped to perform. It's a self-soothing falsehood, a cope. The reason why it's so fragile and dependent on being propped up externally is because it's not real, and the moids fronting are fully aware of this. That's why they lash out with extreme violence if it's questioned and that's why they can't be around each other. That's why their sexual fantasies make seemingly zero sense and reek of wishful thinking and autosuggestion. That's why they'll never be content with their sexbots and porn (or whatever it is that they say is going to replace you, just wait for it!) - those things are projections of their obsolescence anxiety and only further remind men that their view of themselves is not real. Women as a collective are men's flying monkeys, their source of narcissistic supply, a class of therapists duped into enabling their patients.
In order sell this one sided arrangement to women, men tell you that the sexes are "complementary" or create artificial conditions in which you are forced to participate in the farce. They resent the fact that women can reproduce and perform labor (while men can perform labor but rely on external cooperation to reproduce), so they have created a cultural idea of labor division to create a pretense of a unique niche that's naturally fit for men only. The idea is that if you can do something that men can't, they will make it the only thing you can do in the interest of "fairness" and "being needed".
The arrangement also allows them to monopolize resources and thus get a better bargain when shopping for a female. Obviously if men's artificial "exclusive" niche was actually a part of the natural order, they wouldn't have to fight so hard to artificially keep women from partaking in it or being given credit for their work. The only evidence you need is the fact that in times of dick shortage they always send women off to work as factory workers or soldiers, and that women across the world actually do slave away in fields all day while actively pretending that it's something only men are biologically capable of.
Once again, that's because the male niche is merely a performance, they're not actually fit for any of the stuff they pretend-tasked themselves with in order to make themselves appear as essential as women are. Men's suicides are a direct consequence of biting more than they can chew.
No. 437579
>>437542This. Scrot psychology 101: men lack theory of mind and on some level don't actually understand that something feels bad until they experience it themselves. Unironically the only way to teach them empathy is to do to them what they do to you, then follow up with a verbal cue. They're not responsive to nagging, pleading or other appeals to morality that work on people, they need hands on training. You'll be doing him a favor. Build-a-scrot bitches, pay attention: this is how you actually make him a better person.
If you really care about your scrot, you will approach him in a way that he understands. Think of it as raising a dog - do you know that treating your dog as a person is actually animal abuse? You're confusing it about its place in the pack hierarchy, thus causing it great mental distress, possibly leading to canine schizophrenia and worse. You think you're treating it well by seeing it as human, but in reality you're just trying to make yourself comfortable. Same idea applies to men, you need to understand that they don't see the world the same way you do.
No. 437585
>>437566Excellent analysis and as other anons have said, it makes complete sense.
I recall another anon posting in previous threads how just the act of sex has many zombifying effects on the woman to increase the chance of procreation. There are so many pieces of these puzzles that are now making sense. I just wish it would be possible to pink pill other women irl.
No. 437592
Since other farmers are sharing their experiences with scrotes in this thread, I am feeling particularly inspired to share this one…
I had a friend I met on Twitter because we had the same music interests. He was a guy, okay cool, no biggie. We both found out we lived in the same city and we arranged to meet a year after talking to each other. We didnt flirt with each other, altho we exchanged pictures, he never showed romantic or sexual interest in me until after we met.
After we met he became a slightly different person but not much, I judged him as being trustworthy because he didnt rape and kill me despite meeting me at night time ( such low standards lmao ). The second time we met was when we got awkward. I feel the most shame writing this part but, before we met the second time we used to make sexual jokes with each other and I used to be more open with my sexual experiences and general emotions with him and treat him as I did a female friend, because in my naive teenage mind I thought men could feel and think the same way as women could. Also, he always seemed to assure to me that I wasnt his type because I wasnt a MILF or whatever and lowkey neg me despite calling me beautiful and gorgeous sometimes. I didnt feel attracted to him and I made it known to him on several occassions and he seemed to accept this or so I thought.
He tried to have sex with me the second time I met him and I refused all his attempts to, after that he began acting like a complete shit to me and ruining what I thought was a good friendship. He began to emotionally abuse me and verbally abuse me, and reward me when I would act childish an d innocent around him, which btw I do with people of both sexes I talk to most of the time as a joke because I genuinely find it funny, but not only with him but with men in general I found out how oddly sexually aroused they got by it which ended up making me feel dirty inside.
I also remember him getting strangely excited when I mentioned I was bipolar to him. Later on, I found out he was a pathological liar, and lied about seemingly unimportant things overall. And he enjoyed making me feel like shit and picking on all my physical and emotional insecurities.
I didnt like the feeling of feeling in a forced relationship with a man I didnt choose, which is something I realize a lot of men do, they seem to force you into a relationship type of thing with them like parasites no matter your interest level in them. He also was constantly deluded that I wanted him and the final straw for me was when he admitted he verbally abused me to let off steam so he could pass university.
My naive behavior at 19 and 20 about this whole shit was stupid in retrospect but I grew up as an extremely sheltered child with no friends and no surprise I got taken advantage of by scummy men in the past. This whole experience for me was the ultimate pink pill, along with my other accumulatin experiences with men, I am no longer the male identified, self internalized misogynist I used to be. Im really glad I finally see the true nature men have and that they simply cant view anything women as anything other than sexual objects or caretakers.
No. 437600
>>437316Even if a man is dating a woman, that still won't stop them from raping you. I feel like some men know that women are more likely to trust them if they have a partner, so they have one to avoid suspicion and use it to their advantage to get closer to other women. So then when they come off rapey, you say, "But you have a girlfriend," then they'll play it off like, "Of course I do, what were YOU thinking I was doing?" Next thing you know, you ignore that thought in the back of your mind, and he rapes you.
>>437482This poor woman, who is speaking nothing but truth, is likely going to be a target of hatred from men all over. She'll probably get hounded with hate and have to "apologize" and take it back to avoid getting killed by some delusional male with a fragile-ego.
No. 437673
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>>437566Anon, bravo. This is so perceptive and on the point, it's crazy.
Screencapped for future use.
No. 437683
>>437566This is the most damning post I've read about men on this site. Wow
I never considered your point
which is absolutely true that the reason why they guard their various passages of employment so fiercely is their strong, imagined belief that it is the
thing they can do that we can't. Of course we can work
and create babies which makes us…better…than them, so they force the narrative that we can
only make babies and
only they can work.
Sorry for repeating what you said in worse words, you just wrote it so well. You're absolutely right. This explains all the gatekeeping and claims that women are "just not smart enough" for x job or that their self selection into different careers is entirely merit-based.
No. 437703
>>437689Iirc their pheremones and specifically sperm is like a poison to women, it was a couple of threads back/posted a while ago. It makes us passive and bonded whereas they do not bond to us.
Also male sperm is an extremely aggressive organism (wrong word, but) which is meant to survive in a hostile environment aka our vaginas and wombs, and also carries various pathogens and diseases. Extreme paraphrasing but that was the gist.
No. 437716
>>437683Men are seething because we are outperforming them in school, while some are starting to give up and instead wasting away while masterbating themselves to death. They're so easily discouraged now that they realize they can't stop us anymore. I relish in it.
Where their famed sense of competition here?
No. 437726
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Can't imagine what it's like working with certain male directors or even actors with their attitude problems. Is it just me or when you read stories about actors being abused on set by directors like 70-80% of the victims are actresses.
No. 437732
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>They resent the fact that women can reproduce and perform labor (while men can perform labor but rely on external cooperation to reproduce), so they have created a cultural idea of labor division to create a pretense of a unique niche that's naturally fit for men only.Well-written and thought out post anon! This point in particular sheds light on a curious contradiction of the claims by all the major world religions. If women were created by a supreme (usually male) being to perform housewife tasks that serve men (cooking, cleaning, child care, etc.), then why are women able to do science, math, create programming languages, art, write novels, perform manufacturing work, and many more "male only" roles? Why would a supreme being create women and give them these gifts and then say they should be prevented from using them? How can a god be "perfect" and "divine" if he made such a major mistake?
I remember growing up Catholic as a girl, and wanting to perform the role of an altar boy so badly. I wasn't allowed to, of course, so one day I confronted the bishop. I asked where in the Bible it says that girls cannot perform the altar boy role. He couldn't come up with an answer beyond it being tradition and that's the way it is. I did some research of my own and found out it is true that there is nothing in the Bible saying the altar boy role MUST be performed by a boy. I also learned more about women in church history and found out there used to be female deacons, bishops, and presbyters. Guess the almighty infallible God changed his mind about women, huh?
Religion is clearly one of the many social structures invented by men to keep women in a low-caste, subservient position. When religion is looked at in this light, many of the things that seem odd for a divine being to be focused on -like demanding death or rape of female adulterers while issuing no punishment for male ones and the paranoid fear of menstruating women- make sense as male anxieties manifested in religious doctrine.
No. 437869
>>437811I hate that everytime a woman brings male violence/murder statistics men go "b-but men are the real
victims!! look at these stats, men are far likely to kill other men than women!!"…umm, sweaty, you only changed the
victim but the perpetrators are still men lol so the initial point remains: men have a fucking PROBLEM, whether it affects women or men, they have (serious) issues and they need to fix them asap.
>>437846At this point the handmaiden who doesn't want to assume the reality that men are full of shit, dangerous and sadistic is delusional, actually, it's more obvious than ever these shitheads don't want to change for the better and act very psychopathic, disrespectful and gross towards women, they only get worse and worse and worse.
Imagine mentally breaking a whole generation of girls just because you can't live without your stupid hardcore porn, if the feminists of previous generations saw this shit i think they would
oof themselves, we finally got the vote but of fucking course men had to get revenge, they had to humiliate us (again) in some way for everyone to see, now not only women but even minors, who are often mentally ill or abused, are internalizing all this violent shit and humiliating themselves to please them. This is what happens when you try and live under scrotal law.
No. 437870
>>437846I like how attractive the author is. She looks exactly like the type of woman these subhumans would want to fuck and hurt, but she's too smart to ever fall for any of them/that.
>>437861Don't forget "My family is very progressive, Im not like other indian men!"…
No. 437890
>>437846>>437870She is beautiful, and it’s honestly an irrelevant point, except you know that whenever you make radical feminist arguments online you’ll be mocked as some woman “who can’t get any” or an ugly woman in general. Every time I’m arguing with a cumbrain online and they resort to assumptions about my appearance, I call them out. Why is that relevant? I’m not going to post my picture and risk exposing my identity just to prove to some scrote that I’m fuckable.
Men think all women can be subdued into thinking that their subservience is “empowering,” and so they’re always caught off-guard when they encounter women who see through their bullshit, especially on male-dominated platforms like Reddit. They have to discredit us, immediately grasping at things like attractiveness and how we’re femcels who can’t get a man. Like yikes, I’ve been in a relationship with a man for 2+ years but go off, Jeffrey. Do any of you ladies also get comments like this via the internet? It’s pathetic, even moreso when they start backing each other up to try and bully your looks because you’re saying truths about the male race.
No. 437893
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>You pompous little cunt-seriously? Men Have Balls and a COCK! In case you didn`t notice? Some gay soy boys have tiny balls and a small COCK. The can cross their legs. Men spread them wide open -this is a directive from a real MAN. Some women might need to air out their cunt-go ahead and spred those too-it`s kinda sexy!can we make this one a copypasta?
>>437878I'm not Indian so pinch of salt here. From what i understand it's to do with the sexes being heavily segregated and more recently, widespread access to porn on smartphones.
No. 437919
File: 1563816853485.jpg (358.01 KB, 697x1046, 20190722_132327.jpg) thing that gets me about this article is why is a pregnant woman here at the protest getting beaten by men with sticks, bats and metal pipes protecting her HUSBAND and this piece of shit is under her being protected by his pregnant wife he must not really care about her or the hell seed he put in her if he could use her as a meat bag.
On another note with the anons talking about Indian men yes they are shit subhuman that always think with their primal sexual instincts and I'm glad that they get a death pentality when they rape young girls. I dont even know why they act so desperate like that and go on rape sprees I feel so bad for Indian women who have to deal with the bullshit moids in their society
No. 437927
>>437925I'll bite: is this men's new response to "muh feminist oppression" advocating for bestiality? Are they too frustrated by not even being able to groom children that they're now claiming screwing the family Labrador to be the solution to their woes?
Like, I'm ready to believe it. Men are subhuman already and laws around child molestation have never meant much to them, plenty don't seem to give a fuck about animal rights either. Am I close?
No. 437946
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>>437675Because moids have evolved to externalize. See:
>>437566 . It makes no sense for them to stop and self reflect, they're basically mindless cannon fodder that exists to reach the egg or die trying. You're approaching this like a woman - someone who evolved for caution, self-reflection, error monitoring and general self awareness (to make sure you survive for as long as possible, being more scarce and valuable in sexual reproduction). You also have the ability to have unconditional empathy for creatures that don't look like you, because this is what you need to raise infants. Understand that this is not what males exist for. By design, they actually require complete inability to see that anything could be wrong with their decisions in order to perform as nature intended. If a male hesitates and loses opportunity, he is genetically dead. From the male perspective this is tantamount to literal death. Therefore, being a pompous cretin yields better results than being a self aware human with sane levels of self doubt. Obviously more cerebral males exist, but they will always be a minority.
It's one of those obsolete directives that initially let us become the dominant species, kind of like extreme tribalism or being unable to resist high calorie foods. In a technological society, these behaviors are a liability.
No. 437955
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>>437938He thinks he's hot shit because a decent woman validated him. This is what actually happens when you award yourself to a moid (especially a self admitted beta male) - he sees this as evidence of you being beneath even him. Remember, they see being given unconditional affection as a loss on the giver's part because they know they're parasites with less to offer by default. In a moid's mind, if you're giving him what he wants without asking for anything in return, you're the simpest simp who ever simped, someone who willingly placed herself at the lowest place in the hierarchy. This is because moids are inherently hierarchical so they see those who are at the bottom of the food chain as scum that rightfully belongs there (as opposed to poor oppressed beings). The only time a moid sees this as unjust is when he's personally at the bottom. You will see a direct reflection of this in most moid-centric social justice movements (the Black Panthers, for instance). They're not really concerned with the abstract idea of inequality, they take issue with not being at the top of the hierarchy (not being white men). Do NOT help low value moids, it will never be appreciated. If you love a man no matter what without requiring anything, he will end up looking down on you. See:
>>436899 There are many instances of extremely high value women falling for scrot propaganda and trying to be everything MRAs say a woman should be. The man instantly stop seeing this woman's value no matter how objectively hot/rich/willing to please sexually/agreeable she is and proceed cheat on her with someone who's objectively inferior but more unwilling to please. There is also literally 0 instances in which meeting men's stated requirements has yielded any benefits for the woman. If anything, being the dream uwu r9k waifu with no self esteem will get you the Bianca treatment.
Tl;dr scrots evolved to defer to those above them and abuse those beneath them, it's either one or the other. Learn this to survive, stop wasting brainpower wondering "why", focus your tendency to empathize and please on those who are organically able to appreciate it, or continue getting clowned by moids.
No. 437961
>>437912God that gave me so much anxiety I couldn't even finish it, and it was only a 32 second video. I'm 100% sure they would have raped her if they had the opportunity.
>>437957Because they don't want the responsibility of being a parent. All these "but muh fertility" scrots only care about impregnating women, they couldn't give a shit about actually raising a child. Just read all those mothers on reddit complaining about how their husbands do nothing to help them with childcare, or just look at our own Onion boy, who contributes nothing whatsoever to child rearing and doesn't even talk to his youngest child because she can't talk properly yet. Men don't give a shit about their offspring.
No. 437964
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>>437732I don't know if you have also noticed this, but a lot of men's speech is structured like wish fulfillment fanfiction. They always come across as short circuited autists trying to convince themselves of something that even they don't believe. I don't know how to put this into words better, but it's usually a desperate barrage of unsubstantiated masturbatory claims, like a stream of consciousness from someone desperate to self-soothe after an unsavory realization.
Not sure if you've ever seen the absolute assburgers that is captioned porn, but it's a good example. Male philosophy (which obviously includes religious texts) reads very similar. It has a distinct panicky/autosuggestive tone.
No. 437968
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>>437957There are people in the modern world who are fasting on purpose or undereating because of depression, but it doesn't negate the fact that we need to eat to survive and much of our psyche is fundamentally built around pursuit of resources. There are introverts and even schizoid people, but it's undeniable that humans have evolved to cooperate and stay in close-knit groups. Cats are small prey predators, but they will often prefer to chase laser pointers. This is not to explain the reasoning of every individual human being, but rather to contextualize human tendencies at large. Scrots in general find it hard to deviate from their instinctive behaviors because a) testosterone impairs impulse control and b) they expect to be coddled and served, which is unfortunately still enabled by most women (once again because women are maternal, even the childless by choice ones). Most humans by definition are a product of archaic behaviors like this. Everyone's male ancestor has raped and pillaged, there is no way around that.
Even if a scrot's behavior doesn't follow his initial evolutionary directive fully, it's still a direct consequence of it. Many migtoes have "renounced" reproduction, but it's self admittedly a defense mechanism. One that they wouldn't need to employ if their psychology wasn't built around their reproductive purpose in the first place.
No. 437969
>>437962What were they looking to accomplish with this? Do they have any self-awareness?
God, please grant me the confidence of these haggard creatures.
No. 437975
>>437970I'm just trying to make these posts easier to see, kek. But yeah, I'll cut it out.
>>437954Dworkin had a lot of things right, but it seemed like she desperately wanted her ideas about men to be proven wrong. She was a feminist first and foremost, and feminism is inherently idealistic. Because of this, it will always be less effective. Its solutions are based on what we want men to be rather than what they actually are. Even radical feminism (one that's supposed to address the "root cause") is guilty of this.
>>437684I am not really interested in being credited for my thoughts. I just want as many women as possible to benefit from them. So if you wish to consolidate them someplace outside of lolcow then you have my blessing, anon.
No. 437980
>>437957Forgot to add - these scrots still very obviously want sex. A lot of them are childfree because they think that it will make finding sex easier. Men's higher interest in recreational sex is still a direct byproduct of their reproductive niche. Besides screwing, they also want to siphon caretaking resources from women, so truthfully they're not really deviating from any of their default programming.
A true deviation from the male norm would be someone like Nikola Tesla, perhaps (assuming that our ideas about his personality are correct).
No. 437984
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>>437975I was just about to warn you from the avatar-posting as well, please consider this comment as echoing
From what I've read from Dworkin I feel you've put words to something I've always felt, even though I was just being silly. Are there any theorists you'd recommend over her?
Picture semi related.
No. 437986
>>437075>>437187>>437190I didn't know this about Malcolm X. I'm not surprised. The American civil right's movement was woman-led, but men took the credit despite doing a lot of stupid shit within it. Honestly, men (at least taking up more active and dangerous roles) were latecomers.
Time for a tangent because this is an incredibly interesting topic for me but tl;dr: men love to project, even in movements that exist to protect their lives during a time of violent terrorism kek they're useless
Martin Luther King was notorious for being verbally and emotionally
abusive to his wife when he'd call home. He was also known for chasing light-skinned and white women while on the road (he saw anyone darker as disgusting). The motives of the men within the movement is a prime example of males being motivated towards finding new holes to stick their dicks in w/o getting killed (so they say).
I wish I could cite the person, but there was a speech in the 70s from a male civil rights leader. His biggest lament? That men weren't doing nearly as much as the women within the movement. This part isn't shocking to Pinkpill but ofc his motive was "men needing to take their place and lead the women as kings" or some bullshit and not "you're being fucking lazy and need to pull your load alongside the women." And I won't get into how thirsty the Black Panther dudes were.
I could bring up a lot of things regarding the movement and dumb horny scrotes. Being able to fuck white women is usually the first thing that will be cited if you look at firsthand accounts of men from the movement. For women, being able to live in peace and care for their families were theirs. There have been several accounts where men complied like cowards while women were ready to stand up for themselves. The men were sheep and wanted to be accepted by the society that despised them; the women had nothing to lose and wanted to live as normal unbothered humans.
Male activists and their inability to keep their dick out of a movement could be made into a drinking game. They're burdensome, if not cannon fodder.
No. 437993
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Just going to personal rant against the scrote my mother is dating. They met online through my aunt and then he was charged and convicted of being in possession of child pornography. He went to prison and my mom secretly moved away without telling anyone and on the day she left I asked her to say goodbye to me and hug me but she wouldn't take the extra 5 minutes to do it because her boyfriend was mad that she was taking so long to leave (she was driving across the country, he never would have known). Now about 9 months later he barely lets her speak to me, has drained her finances, convinced her to buy a house for him to live in while she's living off of social security checks, and so many other bad things. He accuses her of cheating on him, insists she's fucking other men every time he goes to work. He makes fun of the music she listens to so now she suddenly likes country music even though she has always hated it. He doesn't pay for anything, he tells her she smells bad all of the time and gets angry at her for farting or for taking a smelly shit in the bathroom. It's just the worst, I always thought of my mom as a bit of a feminist because she was always single my entire life so I thought she knew better. I feel so disappointed and scared for her knowing this guy is using her up until she dies. She had brain surgery last year and he's taking advantage of her delicate state and he will definitely outlive her because he's younger. I wish she would come to her senses but she's all alone over there and desperate for male attention. I wish more than anything she would take the fucking pink pill. I hate men so much, I resent them and the power they have over vulnerable, lonely women. I hate that they force their partners to erase their identities to fit their own interests. I hate that they call women boring for not enjoying the same hobbies and music. I hate that they tear families apart just so they can own a person and mold them to their own liking. I just hate them. Pic unrelated and sage for personal rant.
No. 438000
>>437912Are you fucking kidding me? They are just snatching at her. Other anon was correct, they would've raped her. Now I see how they have huge gang rapes all the time. I worry about all the Indian sisters there.
No. 438001
>>437935Scrots are intensely ashamed of what they are. When they're alone with themselves and without any female significant other/family member to scapegoat and project on, the shame starts eating them (once again, because they didn't evolve to have healthier coping mechanisms, blaming everything but yourself is what you need to do to be an effective sperm wagon). Their deficits are not only sexual, they're (as a consequence) psychological too. Many of them report this "after porn icky feeling" or "wtf did I just masturbate to" sentiments and it's that exact onset of shame they experience after acting on their objectively disgusting nature. Once the boner retardation wears off, shreds of cognition begin sparking through their hollow craniums. A painful millisecond of sanity is instantly extinguished with the only cope they know - blame mommy.
I've mentioned this before, but this is why they will never fuck off to mingle with their sexbots and why they'll never be content with prostitution/sex slavery, no matter how much they advocate for them. These things lack the fundamental ability to provide therapy to scrots. The scrot knows that the sexbot he designed, no matter how advanced, was manufactured to parrot his delusions. That a prostitute is only doing this because she's getting paid, that a sex slave is only cooperating because it's a choice between life and death. It's what makes narcissists impossible to satisfy no matter how much you enable them, they crave for you to genuinely see them the way they see themselves as opposed to playing along because you're forced to. And even if your view of them genuinely aligns with their view of themselves, they will never believe you, because that view is by definition a lie, a false self. This is partially why men have recently shifted from girlfriend experience prostitutes to sugar babies, it temporarily provides a somewhat better immersion.
Once again, pleasing a scrot is equivalent to trying to fill a black hole. No amount of cooperation will ever be enough and he will never be happy. It's not a bug, it's a feature.
No. 438006
>>437993Oh anon that's incredibly sad. I'm sorry for you and especially your mother.
If she is mentally diminished from her surgery maybe you can go to court about it. It's very costly though. I'll keep her in my thoughts with my own mother who was taken advantage of in a diminished capacity by a man.
I'll pray he dies so she can be free and no one will ever be harmed by him again. He sounds like a disgusting person.
No. 438013
>>437984Women tend to try and make the truth more accommodating, as though they're apologizing for how things are. Given that scrots will hate you whether you're Dworkin or Shuwu, you have absolutely nothing to gain from lacing your speech with disclaimers and apologies. Keep in mind that this behavior doesn't really stem from feeling threatened (being nice because you'll get you head bashed in otherwise is a male trait). What drives women is pity and guilt. Whether we want to admit this or not, we pity the scrots and we feel guilty about how they are. We internalize their deficits as something we can fix somehow. If you look closely, even the most radical of feminist theory is built around this idea. You're still telling men how to act, wasting your energy creating behavioral guidelines for them, raising them like a child. Don't manspread this, don't catcall that, in the end you're still working for them. We do this to make ourselves morally comfortable, to soothe our guilt. Men know how to exploit your maternal instincts, feminist or not. A more effective approach would be conditioning, see
>>437579With that being said, there are no feminist theorists willing to assume this approach because it's quite possibly the most politically incorrect thing you can say. Absolutely everyone will take offense: male (narcissistic rage), female (guilt guilt guilt), white, black, yellow, purple, Klingon, you name it. Academia is notoriously inbred in terms of ideas, so truth bombing is not how you "make it" as a renowned feminist philosopher. What I'm saying is actually based on data gathered by "sexist" male academics, except they try to interpret it as an excuse for male behavior rather than a rightful condemnation.
No. 438014
>>438012I posted above you, and my point still stands. That child porn having motherfucker can rot asap.
Do you have a better idea for them?
The fucks in India who gang rape can fuck off and rot too how bout?
No. 438016
>>438014Kill them all. I just don't believe in hating every guy out there.
There are still good men out there. Just today I saw an elderly man at a restaurant pull the chair out for his wife, take her coat etc. I know I'm reading a lot into this but eh, things were bad in the past in some ways, but sometimes it feels like some aspects of male behavior were better kept in check. When I told my grandfather that men my age make dirty jokes around women he was genuinely shocked.
No. 438019
>>437919Kinda related but this: scares me. China has so much influence in the US now. They're basically requiring all films and TV shows to show them in a completely positive light.
No. 438021
>>438016There are good men, just like there are female psychopaths. To claim otherwise would be empirically inaccurate.
But their existence doesn't make a difference. The majority of men have descended from feral opportunistic rapist scrots and the majority of women have descended from, empathetic, yielding, guilt ridden mothers who had their descendants raped into them. Historically, these are the people whose genes have been perpetuated. The good guy who would rather stay single and childless than rape a woman? Genetic dead end. The strong woman who doesn't give a shit about doting over a pair of balls? Killed or raped and forced to advance the genetics of the aforementioned feral scrot.
No. 438024
>>437986I'm starting to think men really don't belong in any place of real power. They're far too unstable, irrational and sex-obsessed. They shouldn't be the heads of any movements, they just end up destroying them by derailing the main point, rendering them redundant (at best) or through needless violence (at worst). They quite literally think with their dicks, and for them, everything in life is either a glorified dick-measuring contest, or about hiding their dick in a warm hole (which can be anything from a ham sandwich to a corpse). It's pathetic.
Half the most egregious conflicts that happened in the world probably wouldn't have been a thing if women had been in charge.
No. 438028
>>438021Men are way more violent than women, and that's one of the reasons I stopped being a liberal. The whole obsession with coddling violent sociopaths and making their violence out to be the result of other people, whether it was directed against men or women, just incenses me.
I'd vote for a right wing party but the obsession they have with abortion, and gutting the welfare state just puts me off.
Ideal politics would be:
>Pro-choice>Strong welfare state with lots of support for working moms>Against most immigration>Kills violent criminals after a week long trial by shooting them in the back of the headBut we have to pick between these two or three retarded options mandated by some stupid political spectrum that doesn't make any sense in the 21st century.
No. 438035
>>438028Everything men do is an adaptation. Absolutely nothing they do is truly altruistic or for the benefit of anyone other than themselves. Women are universally ashamed of pursuing overt self interest, which automatically puts them at a disadvantage.
Liberal men are (for one reason or another) not built to sexually succeed in a right wing environment. Right wing men cannot thrive in a liberal society. Both of them are after male interests only. Typically, commies want women to be public property and nazis want women to be private property.
This is partially why any nationalist (or Marxist, or any other "inclusive" branch) feminism is ineffective. If you're advancing the interests of a nation, you're advancing the interests of male tribal hierarchy. That's exactly what happened to black women's earnest desire to uplift black people as a whole - their efforts amounted to helping black men expand their sexual opportunities. Any seemingly good ideology that includes both men and women can and will be appropriated by men to benefit mostly men.
No. 438038
>>437975Do you have any favorite writers, anon? I've been reading a lot lately and want as many diff perspectives on gender as possible.
Also tbh I've been calling you Solanas-chan in my head, lol
No. 438040
>>438034What if I told you that I am dating one of those "unicorns"? You probably wouldn't believe me, so I won't really insist further. But I'm fully aware that the person I'm with is extremely rare, and that I still need to be wary.
Abstract judgments aren't always applicable on a very small scale, but they can certainly be helpful.
No. 438050
>>438038Camille, Hungerford, Wrangham come to mind. You may want to look at people like Suzanne Sadedin (hasn't authored any books on the subject yet). Despite her approval seeking tendency to apologize a million times after stating the obvious and following up with disclaimers like "but muh men do danjrus jerbs so I guess it's ok that they kill and rape", she has some interesting insights.
>>438044This reminded me of the ultimate giga-incel Proudhon, kek.
No. 438074
Reading this Bianca tragedy, does anyone else think lolcow may have saved their life?
I grew up browsing 4chan, from the first time I had an unsupervised device with internet connection (my Nintendo 2si). I was an innocent 14 year old girl who liked horror movies and heard about this edgy site where you could see dark stuff. I browsed 4chan for years, first b and then r9k. I posted my msn on r9k at 15/16 and had men in their mid 20s exclusively add me and flirt with me, saying I was a cool girl, not like normie girls irl who didn't understand his humour, and that I was so mature for my age.
I had such low self esteem and severe depression. I'm not the other Pakistan anon, I'm pakistani but lived in a western country with strict parents and had limited social contact outside of school. I'm white passing in the right lighting and was ashamed of being brown thanks to 4chan, so I never told these guys my real name or where I lived or webcammed them, but I am sure I came close. Some would even deny that they added me off 4chan and suggest I got confused. I had internalised misogyny for YEARS and thought I was cooler than other girls because after school, instead of being a normal 16 year old, I would secretly chat with incels.
Unironically what weaned me off it, besides dumblr, was discovering lolcow through cgl and realising I could have all my perks of chan culture without the disgusting men. Had this site existed sooner, I think it would have saved me a whole lot of grief. I now unironically suggest this site to girls I know who browse 4chan. I don't even hate on pullfags and redditors anymore because god bless them for discovering a site full of gender critical, blunt women that engage in a variety of discussion without being performative to men, those teenage girls can lurk all they want as far as I'm concerned if it means they don't end up talking to incels on discord.
No. 438077
>>438073NTA but the acronym itself is very good, it's neutral and accurate for what we want to do. MGTOWs obviously do not go their own way and desperately want women to want them, but that's not the case for women who just want to be left alone.
I don't love that so many of our words (pink pill, moid, etc aside from wgtow) are just gender flipped versions because it makes us seem less creative. Or I assume that's how men think of it. Realistically though, our hatred is all reactionary to how they treat us so their insults will almost always come first and be more influential.
No. 438082
>>438074I relate so much, anon. Similar story and all, including hating being the race I am because of 4chan idiocy.
I'm glad we got out of it, and I'm happy that Lolcow exists.
No. 438089
>>437019Question: what is there to not be ashamed of?
>susceptible to conditioning to the point you can make them masturbate to feet, being cheated on, giving random internet women money or literally dying
>abundant to the point of complete worthlessness
>devoid of accountability or self control, a moid will resort to any atrocity to satisfy his boner provided he's not judged or caught
>inherently insatiable and infinitely degenerate, there is no amount of "spicing up" a moid will ever be content with
>cannot coexist with the moid's basic mental faculties, one boner and he's basically retardedPlus shame and the sheer realization of how taboo their interests actually turns them on. If you destigmatize these things even more, they will cease being exciting to a huge chunk of males. Arguing for greater acceptance of male sexuality is completely defeating the purpose of making men more sexually satisfied.
No. 438098
>>438074>Does anyone else think lolcow may have saved their life?Considering she knew about chans, I think it would be presumptuous to assume she'd never browsed here once. Lolcow would not have necessarily saved her, granted her then-present mind. Sometimes we still get posters here who #notallmen and proceed to coddle and empathize men who are wholly undeserving themselves. Just because she'd be here doesn't mean she'd had taken anything to heart, or not resisted hearing uncomfortable facts.
Maybe it'll make me sound like an asshole, but she was still too young and naive. A lot of rebellious teens revel in 'forbidden' territories and think they'll be the special ones that overcome and change the way things work. Like young girls going to r9k thinking they can befriend and mend the "broken" boys. "Not ready," if you will. I'm sure had she been burned a few times by the incels and had time to grow up and reflect upon those experiences, she'd had come to our conclusions when she matured. The sad reality is she didn't get more opportunities to learn from male mistakes because the first one killed her.
No. 438099
>>438093People love to meme on North Korea but China is literally worse in every way and is constantly an imminent danger to all of SEA. No one in Asia likes China albeit having to walk on eggshells with them. They historically and concurrently oppress and commit cultural/literal genocide against all of East Asia. Japan is blessed to be on a fucking island and was given a chance to develop their own brand of bullshit.
>>438093Have they though? Pretty sure the average American think east asians (Nazi-loving Japan gets a pass bc anime) are all communist dicklets. While Asian-americans are only viewed "positively" compared to black people lol
No. 438103
>>438045as the other anon said, you sound naive. a lot of that is just projection.
my ex boyfriend always acted super outraged at pedophilia but then I found out he watched lolicon. he also had called people who were into BDSM "degenerates" but then he was into super kinky weird shit.
No. 438105
Sorry for blogposting, but I wanted to rant about my experience with porn and how it affected my adolescence.
I started watching hardcore, degenerate, blatantly misogynistic porn when I was about seven. When I was nine, I'd watch it every day. I'd cyber with pedophiles online and try to penetrate myself with household objects- thankfully, I never did myself any permanent damage- because that's what I thought girls were supposed to do. The rhetoric I internalised was disgusting, demeaning and batshit, but I was too young to know any better.
At around eleven I started browsing /r9k/. I won't go into detail, but you can imagine the effect it had upon a young girl who was already deeply entrenched in misogynistic and sexualised attitudes. This was all before I'd even had my first period. I never tried to contact men from there because I didn't want to be underage b&, thank god.
When I was thirteen, I had my first boyfriend. He would beat me, bully me, call me names, mock me publicly, and sexually abuse me regularly. Of course, I didn't see anything wrong with the relationship, because I'd heard my whole life that "all that dumb cunts are good for is taking a beating" etc etc. I'd like to point out that I was one of the most academically achieved kids at my school, by the way, and it was a big goddamn school, but I truly believed that I was less intelligent than every boy by virtue of being a girl.
There's no climactic ending- I broke up with that other kid, realised I was a lesbian, and over the years have mostly undone all that conditioning. I still cry about it. I feel like I lost my childhood, although granted, it's not the worst thing in the world. But my point is that there are so many other young girls in teenage me's position, and they aren't going to have an epiphany, or be fortunate enough to simply be sexually incompatible with what they're being told they should like. It terrifies me how accessible porn is to young girls nowadays. A ten year old who has grown up witnessing women being raped and abused on a regular basis, and is told it's a good thing, is told she should like it, does not have the mental faculty to criticise that.
It disgusts me that scrotes don't understand the ramifications of widespread porn. To a lesser extent, it also worries me that young boys are coming across this too, and becoming sexual sadists far younger than they would naturally (or wouldn't at all). I truly believe that scrotes don't care if young girls see their rape fantasies played out, because they want young girls acting like their favourite porn actresses as soon as they turn eighteen, or as much as I hate to think about it, earlier- I've heard the term pedophile culture before, and I think that's what this is. Mass grooming. Because no one with two brain cells to rub together would ever buy into their crap, they have to target girls who haven't yet left primary school. It makes me sick.
Sorry if that's all a little incomprehensible, it's very late.
No. 438112
most of the men and not all?
No. 438121
>>438119Because your 3 thousand year culture says women don't work and you have to pay a dowry to marry them.
Also your culture says you can't shit in a toilet.
No. 438130
>>438074I don't think lolcow would have saved her exactly, but I get where you're coming from. Lolcow isn't where I point people first, but I'm really glad it's there to be an anonymous space for us. Yeah, it can be gossipy and mean but many (maybe most) of us on here were once Cool Girls On /r9k/ and we know how different a male anon space is from a female one.
This Bianca stuff….I think I speak for a lot of us when I say it hits really close to home, and more than anything it makes me care about threads like this. 4chan guys can have such a hold on you at that age, when you're dying for their approval, when you're terrified of being a dumb cunt roastie. Laughing at them takes away their power.
To any /r9k/ girls that might be browsing: fuck them. You owe them nothing. You will never win by their standards, so you might as well start building your own, according to your own heart. It's big and bright enough on its own, no male's approval required. They shoot slime out of their junk and they think having depraved opinions about animated children make them elite. Every single woman on the planet, from the most basic starbucks drinking party girl to the oldest spinster covered in cat hair is worth 400 of them. Lift weights and buy a Hitachi Magic Wand.
No. 438132
>>438105Scrots understand the ramifications, that's exactly why they do it. Don't fall for the oblivious male meme.
Porn is something they use to cope and also to damage you psychologically, thus making you easier to approach. Remember, scrots are not your equals so their strategy of choice is to do something to you that would make you consider them a viable option. "Negging" is one such strategy. Many of the things they do is an extension of juvenile pigtail pulling, really.
All of this is to gain your attention. They wouldn't be even half as interested in porn if there were no actual women around to terrorize or groom with it. See:
>>438001 No. 438135
>>438105I grew up with shades of this too, and I'm starting to realize, in the age of omnipresent porn, our experiences are only going to become more common. I wish I could save every little girl from this.
I'm really glad to hear you were able to find yourself, anon. You have real bravery.
No. 438141
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>>438103Male sexuality forces them to compartmentalize. Perhaps your boyfriend was genuinely a pure anti-pedo knight of justice - until he got a boner to something that looked underage. You have no idea what it does to their brains, it's utterly terrifying. For instance, did you know that it's been observed that normal, seemingly decent men start empathizing with rapists the moment observing rape begins to arouse them?
>In the context of the present study, the sexually aroused observer of the sexually violent scenario may simply deny that anything severe has happened and reject any information that conflicts with this belief. Accordingly, a victim’s claims about sexual violence and theassociated suffering are likely to be denied or perceived as exaggerated, which in turn may make negative
victim evaluations – such as
victim blaming – more likely. In sum, this means that the visceral state of sexual arousal may lead to more favorable perceptions of perpetrators of sexual violence, which in turn may lead to cognitive dissonance within observers.
Given what we know about the conditioning and desensitizing effects of porn, can you really trust any of them to have strong enough principles to not have a sudden boner induced change of heart? That being said, maybe he was a pedophile all along and simply feigned basic human ethics to be in good standing with you.
No. 438148
Any other insightful tips for training and containing scrots like
>>437517>>437579 ?
No. 438150
>>438028>>438035Honestly, this is the middle ground i want, but both sides are so extreme, it's awful. Ironically both left and right wings ideologies hurt women. Liberals want mass immigration and trannies to be normalized. Right wants anti abortion and anti welfare and help for women with child care/day care, etc.
>>438045Yes, that's why heavily violent and rape shows like Game of thrones is so popular.
No. 438197
When I was 15 I reconnected with a female cousin of mine who I’d lost contact with ever since she moved in with a bf a few years prior when she was 18. She gets into contact with me and wants me to hang out with both her and her bf (The bf is around 26/27). So we start hanging out every day, the three of us— the boyfriend takes an interest in me, he tells me I’m mature for my age and not like other girls, he said we are all family and forming brother-sister like bonds
I believe him and my cousin, feel validated by them and feel comfortable discussing everything with them, they’ve always seemed strange to me but I tried to keep an open mind with people and had a shitty time making friends at school so I found myself being with them so often.
They introduce me to weed and alcohol though made me promise not to discuss it with anyone especially family members since I risked ruining our relationship and ability to hang out. My mom was strict, and she’s always distrusted this guy, but for some reason she trusted my cousin enough to allow me to hang out w/them.
Over the span of that year strange shit started to happen with them that made me feel paranoid like he begins showing me fucked up videos—porn, rape hentai, gore vids, idk just all-around weird shit, and I was high during a lot of these times, so it just felt worse. Even so, I kept my mouth shut (out of anxiety, stupidity, validation, idk)
He and my cousin openly discussed detailed threesomes they have had with other women. They even had even asked me to help them record sex videos of them to post to Pornhub, they’d show me their own nudes that they’d send to potential threesome girls. They once drove me to the sex store and make me wait in the car and bought me a dildo. Would constantly tell me to break up with my boyfriend
During one of our many car rides, while I was high, dude (cousins bf) whips out his dick while driving, shows me it (while I'm in the back seat) so he could show me how to suck dick (my cousin was going to demonstrate on him for me). I feel sick, yet paralyzed in the back seat, I pretend to be interested but I’m terrified.
Ever since the first time they showed me porn I had these sick fears that he wanted to sleep with me and my cousin at the same time or something. I kept telling myself over and over that something’s wrong with me for even thinking they’d want to do that, that I was the one that was sick for getting these vibes.
Can’t even remember a lot of stuff because I was either drunk or high while with them, but I remember being completely terrified and uncomfortable for some reason—yet still defending the dude in my mind because I truly thought we had some kind of family type of bond and these were my best friends for the past year.
They moved a few months later out of state because of a job opportunity but I still visit them when I travel with my family.
Flash forward to now, I’m in my 20s and I look back, realizing that this was probably grooming behavior or something, idk. My gut instinct might have been right the whole time. I used to think he was just misunderstood and weird but that he might really care. I mean I was 15—I trusted them. And they showed me porn, had sex in front of me, bought me sex toys etc. He always said he just didn’t want me to grow up and be sexually inexperienced in the world so that’s why they were showing me these things and introducing me to drugs, alcohol, porn, etc. since I was growing up so “sheltered” and that it was a way of helping me. Keep in mind this dude was almost in his 30s and I was only 15. I’m still forced to visit every now and then (more often lately) because I must accompany my family on the trip.
It feels strange now, because I can’t keep up the act like I did when I was 15 nor can I hide my disgust. Every time I go he acts like a huge baby because I don’t keep in contact with him and I rarely keep in contact with my cousin (“we are supposed to be family!!”) Last time I went he kept saying that he has suppressed murderous urges throughout his life and explained some sexual abuse he went through as a kid (and this came out of nowhere)
Sorry for blogpost but in recent years this man has found most of my social medias though I don’t know how (I don’t have my real name on any sites). I do feel bad for my cousin, she doesn't really seem to have a voice at all, but I cannot stand by him and plus he’s always been so openly misogynistic not only in words but actions too. I even fear for my family’s safety too cause of the shit he was saying last time. Do you guys think I’m just being paranoid? I even feel anxious posting this even though it’s anonymous. Again, I apologize for the wall of text.
No. 438222
>>438113Do they not understand all this is going to do is make men more desperate for sex and more inclined to rape because they are cavemen?
And then the girl will be blamed for the rape and killed anyway?
What a terrible country
No. 438226
>>438197It has been studied that male predators often lie about being
victims of sexual abuse themselves to make people sympathize with them. He obviously tries to guilt trip you into silence about their abuse.
No. 438235
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Fictional men are suicide fuel for me. The gap between how fictional male characters are and how they are in reality just depressed me. You know how in fiction you have characters who would never hurt a woman, never manipulate them into sex, never do anything perverted? And then there's real men. Where even your own brother will force himself on you if he's feeling horny enough.
No. 438247
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>>438235I had similar thoughts recently, because
I accidentally found incest brother/sister porn on my brother's pc, he didn't ever try to hide it, it was on his fucking desktop. He has also made some offhand comments about me in the past few months. So fucking weird. No. 438248
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>>438247I'm so sorry anon
No. 438250
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Female game designer creates a strong warrior woman character, but game's marketing team decided that the game needs to be more available to scrotes and turns her character into a an anime 12 year old girl.
Whole story here: No. 438254
>>438250What is their obsession with using the bodies and heights of twenty year old women with faces of five year olds
Its almost like they prefer teens and preteens because theyre easier to contol
No. 438255
>>438197From what you've described, this honestly does sound like grooming:
>going after someone socially isolated from their peers>encourage you to keep secrets for them>provide you with drugs >progressively lowering your guard to topics of a sexual nature >framing their behaviour as trying to "teach" you about sexI'm sorry, anon. Your gut was right and so was your mom's about this scrote.
No. 438257
>>438235Good thing that my dad was a fag. He died when I was young and I learned later on that he was gay. Honestly I can't help thinking how my socialization would turn out if he was straight.
>>438247Murder the kid and dump his body into a sewer.
No. 438259
>>438258Anon you responded to.
I mean, I'm an exMoose and criticise my men all the. Fucking. Time. God. An apology to all Western women who have to deal with them.
But why focus on racial differences when it's ultimately men being violent? When a guy kills someone, right-fags see his race while sensible folks see his sex.
No. 438266
>>438258Racial differences in crime are made up by men, though. That's the thing. Scrotehood is the common denominator in literally all crime, violence, etc.
For instance, a black woman is actually safer than a white man from a statistical standpoint, but because scrotes dominate this whole narrative, they quietly ignore this information as much as possible.
If [this race]
men are bad, they immediately change it to "[this race]
people are bad" so that no one has to address that it's
We need to stop letting them getting away with that.
No. 438273
>>438268IMO, some men may be more or less violent than others depending on the country, but in the end, there's no "safe" race of men. At best, you may find individual exceptions, but never a whole town or city of peaceful men of any background. They all have this propensity to violence.
I keep my guard up around all of them, because they really are capable of anything. Intraracial violence is also far more common than interracial violence on average (though I'd be lying if I said that suddenly makes me feel immune when I'm around men who happen to be a different skin color from me - in the end, they're still men anyway lmao).
No. 438275
>>438274Why do so many young girls seen to like it? I mean she was 13/14 when she started.
Also can't moids just lay off kids? Like even if she's "cute" and is talking about sex can't they just say "you're too young for me sorry".
No. 438277
>>438271Hypersexuality at this age, and especially one involving degradation and self harm, can be a sign of abuse. Not saying she was, but there is a good chance.
Also who knows what exposure to violent porn can do to a not yet fully developped teenager brain going through puberty
No. 438278
>>438275Because scrotes push evopsych garbage that women are made to be submissive, that we are at our prime at the tender ages of fourteen and thirteen, and we are biologically made to prefer men older than us, and also we mature faster and marriages with big age differences are normal, but also that other women hate other women and sisterhood doesnt exist, from birth. With all those
toxic factors appearing its hard to break out of it from a young age, especially if the female role models arent conspisicously pro women to begin with.
Also, moids like young girls because they are easy to manipulate. Even though I am currently 21, and have more sexual attention from moids and my attractiveness is objectively higher than what it was at age 13 and 14, a lot of moids displayed fascination with me for being that young and loved my naivete and innocence. There are even moids who have known me since I was 15 who are still attached to my childlike adolescence from that time and project how I was then onto how i am now and have a creepy endearingness and pedophiliac like tendency with me. Its the obsession with infantilizing women to control them and to abuse and hurt them.
No. 438281
>>438274It might be driven by mental health issues and low self esteem and not necessarily a result of porn addiction (though since Bianca was browsing 4chan, she might have been porn sick).
I just felt like pointing out you don't need to watch porn to want to self-harm with sex.
No. 438283
>>438281What the anon said in
>>438278 is still right though. Don't be put off by slight differences in terminology: porn sickness is just another component of male sexualisation of women and young girls. The internalisation of that form of rampant misogyny leads to girls playing up to it: hypersexualisation, Cool Girl syndrome, whatever. I'm probably going to get shot down here for using the Tumblr phrase "rape culture" but I still believe all these symptoms fundamentally boil down to ways to control and subjugate women to serve pathetic scrotdick.
No. 438287
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>>438250>female game designerBit of a cow, honestly. There's a KF thread.
No. 438293
>>438283I see your point but the other anon's words sounded a bit
victim blaming (maybe that's a wrong word, sorry). Like she watched a lot of porn and became so fucked up for that reason.
Unrelated to Bianca, but what if you have had those submissive/self-harm tendencies since early childhood? I was always like this and I dunno why I am so fucked up. I never even watched porn and especially not when I was 5 or 6.
No. 438294
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>>438271It's a consequence of growing up in an age where porn and BDSM are almost completely normalized, and you're especially vulnerable if you've been groomed in the past.
I was like that, too. From an emotional stance, when you hate yourself, loving, "normal" sex seems so alien and non-relatable to you. BDSM and fucked up,
abusive shit seems like the only way any person would really want to be with you, and in that sense, it feels "right". The scary thing is that this mindset is tacitly encouraged, especially by idiots who keep pushing the false "BDSM is a coping mechanism" meme.
I also think part of the problem is that fashion and pop culture have been taking cues from porn, too. BDSM culture alone has been made "pretty" by designers like Creepyyeha and songwriters like Nicole Dollanganger, most observably on Tumblr. They add a feminine, faux-empowering tinge to the whole thing. Hell, have you seen those pink edits of hentai manga pages, or shoujo art style-inspired drawings of catgirls with a million stars in their eyes and collars around their necks (and let me just remind people that shoujo manga with its trademark "cutesy" style is/was made by women and aimed at young girls, but scrotes in Japan basically appropriated it, sexualized it and made a shitload of lolicon, hentai, etc - with this in mind, who do you will be most vulnerable and susceptible to their gross sexual content using that style if/when it hits mainstream, non-adult audiences)? When they make this shit all cute, girly and aesthetic, younger girls will definitely be looped in. I have to admit I still find some of the chokers and garters pleasing from a fashion/aesthetic standpoint, but it's a form of cognitive dissonance, because everything they stand for just annoys me.
ETA: Does anyone remember the "nymphet" scene on Tumblr? It was literally spearheaded by girls and women duplicating this same "Make it pretty and girly" MO with the character Dolores Haze, a 12 year old rape
victim in the novel Lolita (which is a book written from the POV of an unreliable narrator - the pedophile who raped her), as well as other younger characters from fiction, such as Mathilda from Leon The Professional or the blond girl from American Beauty. The point for many was to look as young, thin, feminine and vulnerable as possible, often copying Dolores' outfits from the movies. What was really alarming to me when I encountered it was that part of the aesthetic was an attraction to older men in their 30s-50s. I don't know how they managed to make
that trendy, but they fucking tried it. Not everyone fell for it, but it was a huge part of the "aesthetic".
In the more mainstream scene, we've heard singers like Nicki and Beyonce call their SOs "daddy", pretty much all the current female pop celebrities dress up in full-on leather or BDSM gear for performances (looking at Ariana Grande, Demi Lovato, etc especially - Nicki and Cardi were dressed by Creepyyeha herself on differing occasions, too), and even younger singers like Billie Eilish singing shit like "Bruises on my knees for you"/"I like it when you take control. Even if you know that you don't own me, I'll let you play the role. I'll be your animal".
Even years ago, some people like Gail Dines pointed out the "pornification" of mainstream media and fashion aimed at girls, and it's only gotten worse.
I almost want to say that the rise of "porn star/celebrities" like Anna Nicole Smith, Paris Hilton, Sasha Grey, and Kim Kardashian might have been the testers for all this, and when they got exactly the results they wanted, they went even farther, but I haven't read enough to say that for sure.
No. 438300
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>>438289Yeah, even earlier than that. Marie Antoinette and other aristocrats wore them.
I mostly just mean the more obvious BDSM-oriented chokers (Sorry, I deleted my post and made
>>438294 to add other stuff). The fact that when it comes to these beautiful accessories, the mainstream would rather zero in on the sexualized ones just speaks volumes to me. It's like they don't want to glorify femininity and beauty unless it can be intrinsically linked to male-approved sexuality.
No. 438312
>>438300There was a point where women could be seen as beautiful without being completely pornified and sexualized but this modern society is even more dangerous for women psychologically and sexually than the sexually inverted prudes of past times before.
>>438299Media and messages being sent out to girls and women.. we are not immune from it even if we dont like porn
No. 438315
>>438314This is the problem I have with liberals. They can't recognize anything good about the past, even when it's incidental. When you get trapped within the idea that all history is the story of progress. This is the result.
Technology in general had fucked up social relationships. Massively. There is no denying this anymore.
No. 438321
>>438315NTA, but I agree. Things have been very "Out of the frying pan, into the fire". Women need to realize that making compromise with men is a dangerous precedent, because to men, "fair" doesn't just mean we all have rights. Part of their rights constitutes the ability to take away our rights and declare some sort of ownership over us.
There are good points to this age, but also awful things hidden under a veneer of feminism. It's wild that pointing out the bad things can have you labelled reactionary, prudish and/or regressive.
They've really made it so that saying "Hmm, putting women on leashes, dehumanizing them and calling them worthless cumdumpsters who exist only to be used might be….bad" is controversial in spaces that should be pro-woman and feminist. It's wild.
Things were so much simpler back then, because there was no real "cool girl" version of feminism.
No. 438323
>>438315Looks more like decadency than progress, for sure. I still prefer us being free humans beings even with things like bdsm and porn than be litteral 'respected' properties to men. Those women covered for their husbands just like a whore uncover for men.
>>438316Technology might emphasise this phenomenom thanks to accelerated sharing of information but it did not create it. That's just the destruction of morals, societal structures, values and god with nothing else to really replace them yet. Feminism is a negative movement for the most part, in the litteral sense. It is more against things than for something. It fails to create positive models, values and alternatives. What we are left with is degenerated male fantasies with no shame anymore.
No. 438334
>>438324Techology allows scrots to spread their perversion louder and faster. It is a tool you can use for anything. There are theories stating than a too rapid exchange of information within and between structures is destructive more than creative so I agree on that.
There is no evil reptilian or other jew or commie in that story, if that's what you were suggesting.
No. 438353
>>438352Why is it surprising ? Your dad may have given you to him if you were born in an other country.
Still feel for you, that must be a nasty feeling.
No. 438358
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>>438246Oh my god. I've watched the Masters of Horror movie about that short story and it was so horrible. It still haunts me today.
No. 438360
>>438232I read it in Lundy Bancroft's book "Why does he do that?", a book about
abusive men. I don't know if you can post pdf links here but you can find one by just googling
No. 438366
>>438361Wtf Anon. This is literally the shit
>>436420 is memeing about. That's fucked up and we forgive men for doing absolutely psychotic bullshit when they hate us eternally for rejecting them once in middle school.
No. 438368
Can I share my own story on here? I was sexually hurt by someone in my family as a young kid, he introduced me to porn and shit like that. I can’t remember how old I was but between 9 and 11. It wasn’t hardcore shit just naked porn actresses frolicking around or softcore lesbian stuff but I remember trying to imitate it constantly.
At 11 he introduced me to 4chan… from there I got introduced to graphic porn. I started talking to guys from there and there was cam sites like tinychat where groups of guys would basically sit and groom girls into doing camshows for them (I’m sure some of you remember what I mean, they used to be very prevalent before discord became a thing). I can’t believe I’m saying this but I was 11 and so stupid, so I started doing stuff on cam for lots of guys, both publicly but most often privately. I felt like I was special I guess, because in real life I was bullied and neglected. They had to have known I was underaged. I was too young to have sex toys and had to use sharpies and shit. They would coerce me into saying I was 18, because they said otherwise I would get in trouble.
Around 13, I stopped doing that but kept privately chatting with guys. I would actually tell them my age and they wouldn’t care. One guy was like 30+ and straight up admitted he was a pedophile.
Around that time too, on Omegle I would do the same things… I would even tell the guys how old I was and they wouldn’t care and would tell me they liked it. The oddest thing, looking back on it, was when some guys would pretend they disliked it so we would “talk” but I could tell they were jerking off anyway based on their body position.
The worst one was when I was 14, some 40 year old man recorded me off of Omegle and posted it on pornhub, I couldn’t get it off the site. He said he would take it off if I added him on whatsapp and did more nasty shit for him, so I did, and that went on for a year until my mom found my nudes on my phone. I stopped after that (she didn’t know and I felt like if I told her the real reason she would have been mad at me, and I felt like I was a “cool girl” to some extent). After I stopped he reuploaded the videos and more. Oh, and I forgot, at one point he blackmailed me into going and getting a dildo from the store. I was so scared and looked really young but they just let me without ID.
The videos are still on there and when I go go report them (I do every once in a while) I notice there are hundreds it not thousands of videos like this. Obviously underaged girls. And when you go into the comments sections people are admitting they know the girls are underaged. It makes me so mad.
I believe this honestly destroyed me. I’ve never told anyone about this. I pretty much hate myself because of it. Even though I haven’t sent nudes since I was 16, it haunts me.
I’ve connected with girls from 4chan and Reddit who have shared similar stories as this. Probably dozens of times. I even met a few in person and they confided in me. It makes me so sick that men are like this. A lot of the girls I’ve met who have similar stories ended up being sexworkers. I feel there is definitely grooming going on.
No. 438371
>>438368It's built in our societies. Women are abused and broken since their childhood then put to use through marriage or prostitution for the most damaged and/or rebellious ones.
How did you reconnected with other girls sharing stories but never talked about it yet ?
Seriously the idea that these dudes are getting away with it is enraging.
We can get all the proofs we need to find a lot of those men. Why can't we protect our daughters by getting rid of these animals ? When are we stooping to beg and cry for respect and start to enforce it ? It's like we consent to that shit, trapped in bitching yet willingfull servitude.
No. 438386
>>438372The ones to blame are the freaks who did that to the child, and obviously not the child.
Please love yourself.
No. 438395
>>438368Jesus Christ the rules against sperging in this thread are pushing me to the limit today. Anon, this is disgusting. Everything that was done to you by older males was disgusting. I still played with dolls at that age and you might well have done too. Fuck.
Genuinely, have you ever pursued or received any therapy for what you went through? How's the rest of your head in general?
One day I'd like to meet a woman who hasn't been abused by men in some form or another, but kek she doesn't exist does she, it really does start when we're kids and never relents
No. 438397
>>438368Thanks for sharing your story anon because it sounds so similar to mine. I was coerced into taking nudes for guys on 4chan or in chatrooms who made me feel "special" too. I feel sick looking back on it now but at the time I thought it was a perfectly normal way of making friends and getting attention (I mean, I was literally a child). I felt like I was cool and "not like the other girls". I had a porn addiction as well after being exposed it by a friend when I was a preteen. The thing that snapped me out of it was when someone on 4chan found all of my online accounts and posted screenshots. I had to find every account I had ever created and delete it. I was crying the whole time and there was nobody I could ask for help. I was so afraid that he would send my nudes to a friend or family member. Thankfully, I've never seen my nudes anywhere online but knowing that some of these guys have those photos saved on some dusty hard drive somewhere haunts me and I still feel like I have to be really careful online or they'll use it as blackmail.
Just know that you are in no way alone and none of this is your fault xx This is so fucking wrong.
No. 438398
>>438384If they did abortion would have always been legal and prostitution or child marriage forbidden.
Men use women as incubators and domestic slaves. They probably can have morals, as it's just a set of rules you learn. But they having the empathetic capabilities of a woman is doubtfull. Turns out women produce more oxytocin which is the hormone responsible for it.
They also seem to be less capable of synthetic reasoning which means they don't really connect things together but study details in an analytical, often autistical way. That means they usually fail at seeing the big picture and grasp the deep meaning of things, and probably explains why they feel psychotic to you. They don't really comprehend the world they live in, and even less the people they live with. It's a possibility they can't comprehend themselves either, and just follows where the dick leads.
In nature, males are meant to be a genetic pool for females to choose from, nothing more. You can't expect too much from them.
No. 438400
>>438398>But they having the empathetic capabilities of a woman is doubtfull. Turns out women produce more oxytocin which is the hormone responsible for it.Do you think this is why we're less vengeful?
I don't actually want all incels to die because on some level part of me still believes there's guys out there who are incel, but don't hate women, are genuinely sweet and kind, but just hopeless with girls or whatever.
The irony about the incel movement is that when I was younger I honestly loved the idea of a shy, virginal boyfriend, even if he was a 20-something virgin, super nerdy, GENUINELY nice (not a "nice guy") etc. I couldn't have given a shit if he wasn't great in bed or whatever. Most of my "fantasies" were just about loving sex, cuddling, doing stupid stuff together and so on.
I hate the internet and I hate those bad men for ruining that fantasy.
No. 438409
>>438400I dont know. It might also be socialisation. Traditional 'feminine' morals are very close to what Nietzsche calls slave morals. It makes us passive and powerless. We accept and forgive. Empathy allows you to understand, and understanding is not forgiving. In fact fully understanding and even feeling how fucked up something or someone is can make it harder to forgive.
Not wanting to shoot random people off the internet is a also a sign of sanity. And hate is a weakness, so good for you.
No. 438412
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>>438148A rule of thumb is to never listen to anything moids say they want in a woman. It's all a deluded lie at best and calculated bargaining at worst.
Women are driven mostly by guilt, obligation and pity when dealing with men. Eliminate these feelings as much as possible. It's perfectly fine to be self interested.
No. 438416
>>438246Men fantasize over this shit more than they admit. It's depressing how dark and fucked up they are. But that story was also the premise of a 2006 movie that involved aliens.. Idk if that part would happen but we already see India and China showing us extremely lonely men uwu because they kept killing baby girls. Wait for them to collapse and all the men be surprisedpikachuface.jpg
>>438307>it's legalSo? She's
16 and still developing. Your brother is approaching his 30s.
>>438335Really? I hear the complete opposite. That it's really the older gen that chose males only. I dread thinking of having a male gyno. Really wish it was 100% dominated by women
No. 438425
>>438307You should protect her. She is young and dumb, growing up in a mysoginistic culture, and doesn't know any better.
That's why the scrotes can keep harming us, we keep failing each others.
No. 438433
>>438425If she's succesfully groomed by the human garbage she is not gonna listen to her sister. You can count on the 'it's us against the world' viewpoint.
Anon should try, but in a way that will not isolate her from her sister, as that will only serve the creep's goal.
No. 438451
>>438278This. The moid narrative that sexual desirability is based around beauty or sexual skill is a lie. Moids reveal this with their nonsense view that being commonly sexually desirable makes a woman garbage while simultaneously placing her above other women. What actually attracts moids is weakness and how easy you are to manipulate in order to extract resources from you. That's why they go for children, cripples, fatties and crazies. Remember, their strategy favors quantity and indiscriminate insemination. By definition they will be more interested in easier targets while seething bitterly about the ones who are "too much work". Remember, moids wanting to fuck you means absolutely fuckall, what actually matters is where they place their resources.
Anecdotally, you'll notice that attractive but unkempt women will get more (meaningless, casual, investment free) attention than attractive well groomed women. This is because well groomed ones signal that the moid will have to put in effort. If a woman is attractive but doesn't act like it, the moid sees this as her not knowing her true value (or how to properly leverage her beauty) due to being mentally damaged and weak.
>>438245Moids consistently reveal that marriage and monogamy entirely favors men. All that screeching about "balls and chain" and how much they hate being married is just guilt tripping and bargaining.
>>438225Same reason why in nature moids kill the previous moid's offspring even when the population is endangered low in numbers. In a moid's mind, passing on his defective genetics = everything, even if it means torching his species. That makes incel mentality a logical conclusion of male psychology. He will rather kill a woman than let another moid reproduce with her because he's programmed to be paranoid about paternity. Moids are not people, they're obsolete evolutionary devices with a very narrow directive. They're not here to care about the wellbeing of a tribe or humanity as a whole, best they can do is "care" about those who share their DNA. This is why sexual selection should not be exercised by men because in the end, it will be bad for men. See:
>>436920 No. 438461
>>438454It's women's task to practice eugenics by nature. Moids try to bypass this by using violence, resource monopolization, legal limitations and good old guilt tripping because men are not actually necessary in their current numbers. In the past, we had large predators. Today, moids mostly solve the problems created by them in the first place. They are aware of how obsolete they are, hence why they carved themselves a convoluted artificial niche that's not rooted in actual utility.
Women are subjugated because they are a) trapped once they have a child with the moid b) generally unwilling to put their interests first and c) pre-programmed to empathize with males due to birthing male children. Maternal instinct is incredibly difficult to overcome. That's why rape is an effective tool of war, once you force the enemy population to have your children, they'll mostly have no choice but to accept you. Milking the mommy is something every moid instinctively sees as an effective "get this female to do what I want" tool. They never grow out of it.
Sexual socialism is objectively BAD for the species AND moids. If you have a son with an average shitcel, he will have an
abusive father who is unwilling to provide. This is what moids want for male children, because they are not programmed for anything beyond ensuring that they can ejaculate in multiple women. Any involvement past that point is simply mate guarding or limited cooperation to ensure that the female stays.
No. 438469
>>438307>>438361Case in point: a woman defending a shit male just because he's her brother/father/son. That's why men are preoccupied with "traditional family" to the point of psychosis. Bonds of guilt and obligation are incredibly effective. You don't even need to actively subjugate women, they'll happily do it themselves. Being related to the women they abuse is men's lifeline.
>>438266Males want you to share the credit for their numerous atrocities but not their rare accomplishments. This has to do with niche-carving and tendency to externalize - a) inability to accept blame and b) selling you the illusion of men being worth all the war and crime because they wuz inventions and sheit.
No. 438478
My ex once said something to the effect of "porn makes me hate women, watching porn makes me hate women". When I questioned him about it he said the sort of world that porn sets up in your head is one of women who are constantly horny, always ready to cheat on you, devoid of any dignity and self-respect and obsessed with things like dick size. He also said he realized that none of this was true, but that if you watch enough porn, it kind of drills its way into your mind and sits there, you can't get rid of it unless you go cold turkey. One eye opening thing he said is that when he was addicted to porn you'd just be looking at a random woman on the train and thinking "I bet she loves rape, I bet she wants to be beaten and choked", and that in men, it forms a contradiction in their minds because they've been conditioned to enjoying these degrading things, but that "women enjoy having them done to them too, so that makes you hate them even more for being so obsessed with sexual violence and sex."
So much of our sexuality has been warped and changed by porn. If you think it's only men driving this, just go onto /g/ and have a look at the fetishes thread and see how many times "rape", "daddy", "abuse", "hurt" etc come up on ctrl+f.
I'm not going to deny I'm mostly submissive. I like a man who takes control. But I draw the line at abuse and degradation, and I feel like the latter two are dysfunctional whereas the former can sometimes be healthy. The latter two are purely the result of pornsickness + low self esteem. Whenever I had low self esteem as a teen I'd go on 4chan and find some guy to abuse me and treat me like shit.
I wonder how much women-hatred is amplified by porn.
No. 438490
>>438478Women hatred have existed for millenaries, porn for decades.
There is no porn in saudi arabia.
It is a symptom, not a cause.
No. 438495
>>436891>>438141>>438001>>437566What you ex said is a perfect example of male rationalization/externalization. His actual thought process is as follows:
>I find rape arousing>Finding rape arousing makes me objectively repulsive and conflicts with my delusions of agency>It can't be that I'm a subhuman entity that cannot maintain his humanity the moment he's exposed to sexual stimuli, NO FUCKING WAY>ABORT ABORT ABORT>FUCK HOW DO I COPE>[narcissistic injury intensifies]>OKAY OK BREATHE SO WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS IS THAT WOMEN SECRETLY WANT THESE THINGS SO IT'S OKAY IF I DO THEM>I'M NOT DOING THIS FOR MYSELF AT ALL AND PORN ISN'T ACTUALLY MADE BY MEN FOR MEN TO PORTRAY WHAT MEN WANT>Yes, I'm actually only doing this because women want this. I'm the pure, innocent one here. The whores seduced me. I just happen to ejaculate as a result. >Completely coincidentally, this justifies my further totally not self serving consumption of porn because the damn sluts need to be punished.If you think I'm pulling this out of my ass, look up any research on sex offenders and pedophiles. They ALL universally have this "that 5 year old assaulted my dick with her vagina" mentality because by design males are organically incapable of accountability. They constantly need to defend their psyche from a neverending stream of facts that suggest that men are shit, so they need to make women the initial "aggressor". You HAVE to somehow find a way to "okay" your sexuality to yourself if it's objectively exploitative (see:
>>438089). Men cannot perform sexually otherwise. They have to turn off their rudimentary cognition in order to reproduce.
Honestly, would you be able to live with yourself knowing that this what you're like? You'd probably either try to blame someone else or kill yourself. That's exactly what moids are doing.
No. 438497
>>438451>If a woman is attractive but doesn't act like it, the moid sees this as her not knowing her true value (or how to properly leverage her beauty) due to being mentally damaged and weak.Sounds just like that boy band song. "You don't know you're beautiful, that's what makes you beautiful". They always tell on themselves.
I used to get angry about things like that, but now I think I've accepted that men won't change over our rage, pleading or bargaining. They just don't have the empathy, unless they've already invested heavily in the specific woman complaining.
It's up to us to just observe and act to our best interest. They'll only receive their punishment and learn to do better when these disgusting tactics stop working, or just backfire on them entirely.
No. 438504
>>438496False. He's been seeking them out and you're buying into his """"innocent moid"""" externalization narrative.
>>438497>In scorpion flies, when the males’ rape-arms were disabled by researchers, females fought males off. The “disabled” male scorpion flies soon brought females “food gifts.” These “gifts” threw females off-guard, enabling males to rape females even more easily.Exactly - males do not possess morality and everything they do is a transaction in pursuit of one sided benefits. You can't make them genuinely good, you can only eliminate their option to be bad and force them to consider displaying good behavior as a viable pathway to obtaining said benefits (you'll still have to counter their adaptations on the go, because they'll never stop trying to dupe you). This is why they abruptly change their behavior when you're "bagged" (see: countless stories from women whose husbands were perfect unicorns until a child was born). They no longer have a reason to feign niceness because you'll stay either way.
Optimal strategies would be countering male resource monopolization (having as much money as possible) and (for straight women who absolutely need male company) feigning commitment by leading men to believe that you will soon become a secure option, siphoning resources from them in the meantime. Remember, they benefit from your guilt and your maladaptive desire to be the bigger person. Moids want you to empathize with their violent manipulative attempts to secure reproductive success while guilting you for looking out for yourself. They live by the notion of "do as I say, not as I do".
No. 438511
>>438490Hating women has always been a male bonding theme and the hatred probably stems from how much they hate that they want women. Add in some womb envy too. So it's always been the case yet there have been countless quotes by porn producers admitting that porn is meant to make men just hate women by dehumanizing women to be sex craved and ready to say yes to anything. Porn really amplified misogyny fueled by pick mes and Cool Girls.
Sad that you can't vleven express discomfort with your partner choosing to watch porn in relationships. So many girls are insecure or feel inadequate yet they're pretty much told to suck it up because
all men do it uwu just watch it with him! or he'll just hide better from you No. 438515
Samefagging but men have always wanted this cake and eat it too know r/nofap exists and it's growing but I wonder how much of that is genuine
No. 438517
>>438400I remember reading a study somewhere, there was something about how on a purely chemical level human males get more pleasure out of revenge or vengeful thoughts. Maybe I'll find it again.
Also, guys like that don't exist, you're basically describing a woman. Men don't have morality and obviously don't choose to self-deprive for benign reasons, they can only pretend that it's the case. Same concept as most moids in the world not killing and raping because it has repercussions, not because it's bad and hurts people.
No. 438524
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>>438511They hate that they want you because arousal makes them feel powerless and reminds them that their minds are not fully their own. It's definitely in the top five of male traumas of childhood/puberty.
That's typically why the more misogynistic a male philosopher is, the more psychotically preoccupied he is with the idea of a strong independent desire-transcending ubermensch who don't need no whamen. It's a wound that keeps on festering until the male dies. If you ever wondered why they hate you so much for no apparent reason and why it seems like men are perpetually avenging something, that's exactly what it is.
Keep in mind that this idea isn't recent, feminist or pinkpilled. It's something a lot of male psychologists and philosophers have remarked upon.
No. 438529
>>438443Are you serious? I don't know the people involved but there is no way he is picking up 16 y/o girls just because ~he's the same age mentally~. He is being harmful to your sister one way or another and tbh I bet he loves how easily he can impress and control her when a woman his age would see that he is a loser.
You should be seriously worried. I am 27 and there is no way I would date a highschooler, no matter how ~special~ or ~mature~ the kid would be. If he goes on 4chan it's even more clear that there is something wrong with him.
He seems like a typical predator.
No. 438537
>>438535's another funny excerpt:
>Additionally, the authors believethat if sexual arousal is evoked in a violent context, a conditioning process can occur in which violence becomes associated with sexual pleasure, which is one of the most powerful
unconditioned stimuli there is (Malamuth et al., 1980).
There are many other studies claiming the same thing and plenty of anecdotal evidence clearly showing that porn habits escalate, but it's also VERY politically incorrect in academic circles to assert that violent themes in porn may have conditioning effects. Just so we're clear on what the actual "PC culture" is and who's actually untouchable.
No. 438552
>>438542This is especially absurd. If death penalty isn't a deterrent, then neither is prison or fines. Then why have any punishments in place at all?
Academic parasites who say this are probably self-interested, just like commie anarchoautists who want to replace prisons with therapy and restorative justice. 9 times out of 10 they end up getting outed as pedos and sexual abusers, kek.
No. 438557
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>>438551Me too, anon. Me too.
I do sometimes wonder if I was born 10 years later if I would've trooned out. I remember showing early signs of waking up to misogyny even a child; even to this day, the phrase "don't be such a girl" enrages me. I still can't bring myself to like the color pink.
No. 438564
>>438551what, you'd want to live as a
male? ew.
being female is honestly awesome. idk maybe it's just bc I'm lesbian and wgtow. happiness is an inverse function of the # of men in ur life.
No. 438565
>>438551i get where you're coming from anon.
surprisingly, i like being a woman! idk why, i just…like it, i like myself and i love being a woman. i wouldn't change this for anything in the world, even if i know how shitty it can be.
No. 438578
>>438412More tard wrangling advice like this pleaaaase.
I loved where the conversations were going up there.
Especially in "dating" scenario.
I've only recently learned how to be more cold and selfish towards men. I was never like that but now I know I
need to be or else to them I'm nothing. Not like I wasn't before, but.. there's gotta be a way to get better results right? Some guys seem like they have potential, and then they ruin randomly some time down the line for seemingly no reason.
No. 438580
>>438567NTA but I genuinely feel fucking amazed when I realize what my body can do. I don't think I'll probably ever have a kid, but pregnancy is incredible and the fact our bodies build consciousness is about as close to a miracle as anything gets. I love that I have a body that can do that AND be strong, warm, and hold a brain of its own.
I also love being part of female history. I was lucky enough to grow up in a female-heavy family and I love knowing how strong and resilient we are, how much we accomplish even when the odds are against us, how kind we can be and how high we can soar when we realize we are capable.
A lot of this tbh came from ending my last relationship. I thought I'd be devastated but god, months later, I just feel so free. My life is so much bigger than I thought it was.
No. 438588
>>438567well, first of all i like my body. i like my breasts (i'd love my body if i was flat-chested too), i like my hips, i like my face, i like my hands, i like my butt, i like my legs, i really like my body in general. i like that i was born with it, i love that i slowly learnt to love it despite the media and my environment constantly making efforts to make me hate it. not only do i love my body, but i learnt to love it with all its hairy goodness and its shape and its ups and its downs. truth be told, i do have what could be considered an "hegemonic" body so it's not hard to love, but still, i love it and it's only mine! i love that women can come in all shapes, colors and sizes, that their bodies can be bigger or smaller than mine, curvier or flatter, taller or shorter, but they're all still women's bodies and they all have a unique beauty to them; i love that a woman's beauty can come in practically any shape, any size, any form, and it can look so so different all around the world.
i like wearing clothes on this body that i have. i like both feminine and masculine clothes on my female body: i love suits and i love dresses, i love wearing baggy shirts and jeans one day but dolling up in a dress or something very feminine the next day. i don't wear make-up ever but i do love lipstick, especially red lipstick, i like the way it adds color to both my face and my outfit, like it's an accesory of its own. lately idk what's been going on with me but i feel like i've finally found clothes that i truly love to wear, that suit me and look great on me, and they've been enhancing my love for my body, myself and my femininity.
i love women, in general. i love being a woman and knowing there were others like me before that did great things, that fought for their rights to be listened to and for the rights of others. i love knowing so many great women came before me and that they probably experienced the same things that i get to experience bc womanhood can be as individual as it is universal. i love that i, as a woman, can sympathize with so many other women i've likely never met, nor will i ever, from anywhere in the world, bc i know what it's like being in their shoes and going through certain situations. i don't love that this sympathy comes from a place of pain and hurt, as it often does when it comes to women believing each other, but i still prefer to sympathize with others bc i have walked in their shoes too than to be clueless and indifferent.
i know we're socialized to be like this by the patriarchy, but i love that more often than not women are kind and sensitive and polite and patient and nurturing or motherly and expressive. i hate it that "being emotional" and expressing absolutely any passion or emotion for something is seen as "stupid" or "childish" esp by men. having feelings and having the gut to express them, whether it be through poetry, through song, through dancing, through writing or even through pure tears or laughter, is not stupid at all! i love being in touch with my feelings, i think it's part of what makes me special in my own way, part of what makes me experience the world the way i do.
i also love it that women don't HAVE to be like this. a woman can be cold and bitchy and bossy and rough and not be motherly and all, and it makes her no less of a woman than me. what i love most about womanhood is that you're born a woman, but in a way i think you also learn to be a woman, and you do it in such a way that it's both a universal experience you share with all the women in this world, but at the same time you do it in an individual, unique way, that is completely shapen by you. womanhood is something i was born with, sure, but it's also something i had to learn. i love it. i think women are beautiful and i'm grateful i get to live in the same place and the same time as them. and i wouldn't change my womanhood for anything in the world.
No. 438599
>>438368Thank you for sharing your story Anon. I'm sorry you were groomed by pedos on the internet.
I don't think people (read: porn addict men) realize how many porn videos were uploaded non-consensually. Just know most people will never find your specific ones with the amount of porn online. It is not gonna affect your future, other than the trauma you experienced which is understandable. Things will get better. Stay away from creeps. Sending you love anon!
No. 438607
>>438430Both those things sound like assault. Also the table one reminds me of "massage table porn"
Smirking and commenting on non medical matters. Men were a mistake.
No. 438623
>>438368I'd like to share as well, I related to some parts of your story and I'm so fucking sorry that happened to you anon. I was also technically abused, I don't really like using that word but time and time again I've been told it was abuse so. But it was actually done by a female, she was 5 years older than I was so as far as I can remember that was the first instance of sexual type trauma.
I stumbled across porn myself but this was mostly just me googling "boobs" and "sex" until a male neighbor thought it would be a funny joke to tell me what redtube was and from there I was basically addicted. If I had internet access and a device and some alone time I was looking at porn, even if it wasn't my own device. Then at 12 I got an ipod touch which basically meant unfiltered internet access 24/7. I really wanted to feel like I had a phone so I downloaded a 'texting' app that assigned you a phone number. This also had chat rooms. A lot of the rooms were dedicated to trading pictures. As far as I was concerned I was fucking over the moon with excitement. I started sexting strangers at age 12, I lied about my age at first (usually would age myself up to 14) but after a while I figured out people didn't actually care.
I cannot count on two hands how many strangers I interacted with in that sort of way. At its worst, I sexted with two men, one in his 40s if I remember correctly and one in his 50s. I didn't lie about my age, they didn't care. One of them had us roleplay I was his daughter. I remember being so scared afterwards that he was gonna find me. I purposely looked for men decades older than I was. I was never abused or neglected by anyone in that demographic before this, I just grew up feeling like I was supposed to be attracted to older men even though I really wasn't.
At 13 through age 14 I began self harming and I was so depressed I was convinced I was a psychopath because I could not feel a single thing unless I was hurting myself or unless I was angry and I honestly wanted to hurt other people. I was still addicted to porn too. Around that time I became 'friends' with this older boy online, he would convince me he was gonna kill himself which would send me into a panic and once also told me he was gonna get me pregnant. I was 13 at the time and he was 15 or 16. I was friends with a couple other guys online, all the relationships were sexual.
At 15 I started dating my first boyfriend, which was a huge deal to me because before this the idea of love and true, actual intimacy fucking disgusted me. I had known this boy for years and honestly at that point I was convinced I loved him and that he loved me but in the end I still ended up giving him an unwilling blow job in the back of a car, with our friend driving, even after trying to tell him how uncomfortable I was with it because I didn't wanna do it I didn't want our friend turning around and seeing, this wasn't my way of saying "I wanna do it but-" this was me trying to tell him no, I don't even know if I can call it sexual assault because I didn't actually say no. He'd always grope me and find ways to literally stick his hand down my pants in the middle of school and on the bus. I got really good at pushing his hand away. The sex me and him had would leave me with bruises and I liked it because I liked pain, maybe this was from my history of associating relief and calm with self harm or maybe it was all the porn I watched of women being pretty much tortured I don't know. Maybe both. I still got dumped and was told "I'd rather be with someone I actually like".
It wasn't until I was 17 that I stopped pushing everything down and actually started facing the traumas head on. Its been 3 years since then and I'm still healing, and I have a feeling I'm gonna spend a big portion of my life trying to make sense of everything. I never realized how much of an epidemic this was. And sorry for any typos, its late.
No. 438630
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No. 438641
>>438368God damn Anon, I'm so sorry. Very similar things have happened to me because of 4chan guys. I won't get into it to protect my privacy, but I so often felt like I was a fucking defective weirdo and I am one of the only girls who did what I did. But I guess it's happened to a lot of us. I don't feel as alone now I guess, but it should have never happened to any of us.
The blackmailing, that's a whole nother realm of terror. If you haven't, please consider getting yourself a therapist. It's helped me cope a lot.
Big hugs to you all.
No. 438673
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I hate to blogpost, but I fucking hate my boss. He's never physically tried to touch me, but he is constantly asking about my dating life, making comments about sex or talking about me having children in the future. It's even worse if i'm alone with him, like when closing.
I mostly like my job, but I may leave if he keeps it up. I have both kindly and coldly explained I don't care to date right now and that i'm not currently interested in looking at men romantically YET he insists on saying shit like "Oh, you just don't know what you want" or that "I'll get over that."
Recently, he made an offhanded comment about me having children one day and even the coworker around us got uncomfortable and interjected. I was seething with rage.
I've even gone as far as to plot out an escape plan if something were to happen.
Do any anons here have any advice for dealing with something like this? I don't think staying quiet and giving cold responses works, but I don't want to get fired for popping off at the mouth (I would go off if I ever felt physically violated though). I am currently looking for other jobs btw but it seems like men aren't much different wherever you go.
No. 438675
>>438673Record him doing it.
Keep it invade you need to defend yourself in the future.
No. 438688
>>438685He sounds decent but my god the standards for men are low. You'll never find a guy sitting around wondering if his gf is a keeper solely because she doesn't overtly look down on him as inferior.
Also this is the manhate thread, not the brag about nigel thread. You ask a fair question but it probably belongs more on /g/.
No. 438693
>>438673Not your exact situation but I had a similar case where a coworker was making sexist remarks everyday. I was just ignoring it because it was not directed at me, it's almost a male only place and he is one of my superiors. Until he made a joke on the 2 newborns daughters of a coworker, saying the dude has been cursed and should be exempt from some work because of how hard it is to raise such bitchy creatures, acknowledged it is a very sexist thing to say but added that it was true anyway. This time it was too much and I told him that if women are bitches around him, it's probably because he is an old, nasty, mysoginistic pig to them.
He never made a joke again around me.
I can afford to loose my job, I can find another one real quick. Maybe you can't take the risk but from my experience (I work mostly with scrotes), the only thing they understand is direct, 'violent' communication. You need to force your limits on him.
No. 438700
>>438696>>438696Wow. This thread was sucked dry in 9 days. Yikes. Jesus Christ you girls hate men so much…
But not enough, which is a disappointment, should have finished this thread faster.
No. 438703
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>>438700Well start submitting images for #25 then. Better ones than mine ideally
No. 438706
>>438703There's some alright ones in the thread already like
>>434665 or
>>435596 No. 438713
>>438575>an anonymous blog people submit to or something.I want this but also I'm scared scrots would use it as study or wank material
>>438430No woman should ever have to explain why something feels wrong like that. The fact you feel uncomfortable but without full freedom to tell them to stop is enough.
I actually had a really good male gyno who would always ask before touching anything, tell me what he was doing and would make it clear that my decisions were mine to make, and it revealed me to me just how bad previous male doctors I had seen were especially how they would use language in a loaded way like implying only an idiot wouldn't consent to a examination. It also made me think a lot about
toxic masculinity because there are clearly a handful of men that can control themselves for at least a few moments at a time, but rather than elevate themselves men would rather tear those few other men down as gay pussies who are just biding their time anyway, and gaslighting women into believing that they can't help behaving the way they do.
No. 438723
>>437980Tesla was an aggressive misogynist despite his celibacy. Skipping ahead and throwing Newton onto this pile. St Augustine also goes here.
I think that for an example of men who defy anon's predictive statements about male behaviour the best historical example must be the various monastic movements in the middle ages. Groups of men deliberately excluding themselves from heirarchical tokens of power, by taking vows of poverty, obedience and chastity.
None of the men who honestly observed these protocols had children, but the institutions and behaviours persisted without any mechanism for a direct genetic cause.
Monastic corruption was rife and in practice many did not live up to these ideals but it seems unlikely that there were not at least some men who deliberately excluded themselves from the masculine dominance heirarchy and meant it. It is these men who preserved the legacy of ancient proto-science in the west by reading and writing. I submit Francis of Assissi as an example of a man of good character.
I don't think I'm white knighting or notallmening with this post. I'm saying that men are not doomed to scrotdom by biological writ, and that the majority (perhaps the entirety of living specimens) who wallow in scrotdom are to be blamed for their shortcomings as individuals, without recourse to biological apologia.
No. 438732
>>438537So I only skimmed through the thesis so feel free to point me to the relevant pages but it seems like what you quoted was only the hypothesis of the author at outset and turns out to not actually be supported by the experimental data.
Which is honestly very surprising to me. I wonder if something in the experimental setup would explain it.
No. 438755
>>438520I'd break up with him tbh, even if the bodies he draws are unrealistic that's his ideal woman. Run before he starts drawing sexual content with you with a hentai body.
I hate cumbrain artists, they're a fucking plague on social media.
No. 438761
>>438520Why do men like extremely exaggerated, unhealthy and unrealistic looking bodies? At least women like bodies that are attainable for men, but women can't magically change their boob size without surgery, which men hate, or getting pregnant which men also hate unless it's with them, or having their luck tested with weight gain, pills, etc. Even then most of the time they get moderately big, not these insanely huge basketball perky tits men drool over
Only men obsess over shit like other men's wrist size, shoulder and hip ratio, neck size, etc. It seems like the harder it is for women to obtain the body naturally = more attractive she is and yet women are drooling over dadbods
I miss the days when the ideal desirable woman looked healthy and proportional
No. 438767
>>438752>>438729We have a spoiler function
>>438723I'm thankful that the monastic orders preserved the written word in the western world but I can't bring myself to see them as moral becons. They cloistered themselves away from women because they couldn't trust their own oaths of chastity or because they believed women were unpure agents of Satan, or at best were just gay/asexual/obsessed with their musty books.
Holy men that lived among the common people and supported everyone, including prostitutes, were rad though. The church doesn't deserve to lay claim to St Francis and those like him.
No. 438768
>>438767I could argue about the role of the medieval church in providing alms for the sick and the poor and providing the first rudiments of social security, and the advocacy of non-violence but that isn't the point.
The point is that it is possible for men to break free of their biological programming toward violence and inflated self worth, because it has been done in the past. (I don't think that the continued existence of the institutions is necessarily a continuation of the phenomenon, as the cultural context has changed). Failure to overcome their unfortunate biology is individual failure on a massive scale, not biological predestination.
No. 438771
>>438767>I'm thankful that the monastic orders preserved the written word in the western worldNot entirely related to your point but they mostly did it on a commission basis to make money for the church, from what I understand. Individual monks also often chose to be scribes because the scribe room would usually be placed near the kitchens, which would keep them warm in the winter, and because they didn't want to work in the fields. Even then they'd write complaints in the margins about how cold and hungry they were, how much they hated copying, etc. Basically proto-/r9k/ greentexts by privileged men crying about how hard their lives were.
Also, a lot of them gave themselves the right to edit texts and rewrite entire sections. Some monks had delusions of being writers themselves and would change entire parts of the texts they were copying and sign their name or pass it off as the real and honest work, which means manuscripts for the same original text vary immensely and it's difficult, sometimes impossible to identify what may be the original version. Sometimes they'd just get lazy and skip sections they didn't find interesting.
Medieval manuscripts are great but as you're saying, that shouldn't sway your opinion on monks. Even their work ethic as scribes was shit most of the time.
No. 438779
>>438761The tiny waist and giant violin hips is another example of this. With long torsos and even longer legs that look like slender man, yet simultaneously the girl has to be short so that men don’t feel too insecure. Like how Instagram girls Facetune their bodies to ungodly proportions.
It’s really creepy. Recent beauty trends are 100% pushed by men who have had their brains destroyed by porn and only see women’s bodies for sexual reasons. At least the androgynous figures of the 90s were “edgy” — this current body trend is literally just “porn star but underaged”
No. 438782
>>438776I've never met a man who found female friendships "sweet" (unless it's in anime and they can fap to it). They usually love the meme that female friendships are all
toxic and full of secret hatred and jealousy. I'm not sure if it's them projecting their own shitty friendships onto us or wanting women to have to rely on them for fulfilling relationships.
No. 438783
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You know how 4chan pushed the "bikini bridge" standard just to make women insecure?
Let me tell you about the "sleeve gap" standard: if you have skinny arms that leave gaps in your shirt sleeves, you are an inferior manlet. You must gain enough muscle to fill them out, or you do not deserve our attention, untouchable peasant
how do men type like this in 100% sincerity i feel like I gave myself autism
No. 438786
>>438783The true facts of the matter is that women are generally attracted to tall guys with ottermode bodies who to fill out their sleeves.
It’s only when scrotes start sperging out about how shallow women are, and then the women (handmaidens) capitulate by lowering their standards.
The height memes are a perfect example. Of course women are into tall guys. This is proven on so many levels. But scrotes literally sperged out so hard that now women have to keep it to themselves or unlearn NATURAL behaviour. I even hear some girls talk about liking short men.
Being a woman is literally all about denying your natural state and natural instincts because men are violent fucking spergs.
I know you’re kidding but I wish to see the day when women finally stand up and start being honest with themselves instead of settling for skinnyfat manlets and chubby neckbeards. Women deserve Greek gods in exchange for how much shit they put up with.
No. 438802
>>438795Let me guess, you're one of those cool girls who spends their time telling
toxic asian guys online that they're "actually really handsome!"?
No. 438804
>>438795Congratulations, you’re not like the other girls!
I can make a similar argument, there are benefits to shorter guys because they build muscle in the gym faster and muscle makes you generally burn calories more so as a result you end up with a lower BF% easier and look more fit.
Unfortunately, all of this is bullshit because countless studies show that taller men are given preferential treatment by women, in dating life and outside of it, because they are viewed as more attractive.
Whatever mental gymnastics you jump through, it just goes to show that you’ve been socialized to adopt this unnatural reasoning: “they seem less threatening to me” is just pure cope.
It’s okay if you personally don’t like tall men, but the vast majority of women and people do. My personal cope is finding all men repulsive.
No. 438825
>>438795Nah, I'm with you anon and this has always been my taste.
I think it's actually a good trait that women can have such diverse taste in men and are so lenient about looks. It's something that makes us better than men since we (generally) won't break up with a guy or cheat if his pecs aren't perfect or some bullshit like men pull with breasts. The only unfortunate thing is the way men act about our taste (it's never enough, they push it by having poor hygiene, the sperging that you mentioned, etc.). But overall it's a sign of us being better people. Not sure why that other anon wants to put us on the same level as men.
No. 438827
>>438597i've recently noticed more women going braless, not sure if it's a trend in my area but I'd do it too if it wasn't uncomfortable to me
if you want to be part of making it more normalized
No. 438916
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>>438578Here's a practical (and entertaining) one.
Let's say your bf is a moid who is reasonably pornsick, think average le redditeur level. Being an typical utterly predictable male, he insists that there is nothing wrong with finding Abused Amputee Barely Legal Cumdumpster Snuff Anal Blowjobs sexy and it says absolutely nothing about him as a person. It's just a guy thing, you see. Porn is fiction, he says. Guys' porn preferences obviously don't stem from what they actually expect from women, he says. It's just like watching horror movies, he says. Basically, your boyfriend is a very standard, average male. Sounds relatable?
Obviously, your first reaction is disbelief and cognitive dissonance. You yearn to reason with him and appeal to his non-existent morality. Logically speaking, you must be seriously fucked in the head if you cum to depictions of human suffering, right? You plead and whine and nag and all you get in response is a very clear invitation to go fuck yourself and compartmentalize your man's sexual interests from his personality like all women do.
So what did you do wrong? You naively assumed complete lack of ill will on your moid's part. At worst, he knows that you're right, he just thoroughly enjoys fucking with you. That's partially why porn is so enjoyable to him. At best, he simply doesn't bother to understand or care about hurtful things unless they affect him directly. You're not as important as Nursing Home Drugged MILF Gangbangs or w/e it is that he has in his browsing history.
What should you do instead? See:
>>437579 . Build a stash of the most vile, repulsive cock and balls torture porn you can find. Save some of that autistic captioned porn with castration and cuckolding scenarios. Spice it up with some barely legal twinks. "Hide" it somewhere where your moid will clearly find it. Wait for his inevitable panicked diatribe on r/relationships.
Suddenly, the moid is completely unable to separate your fetishes from who you are! He thinks he's completely justified in assuming that you want to castrate and cuck him. Other sweaty neckbeards on his plebbit post about you happen to feel the same, their hairy moobs jiggling in indignation. "She's crazy, leave her, wtf!!!". Upvotes firing left and right. Unrest in the scrotum kingdom!
Your moid decides to confront you about this. You tell him that it's just a girl thing and that it means nothing. The moid will obviously continue digging, and that's when you tell him that frankly, he's really boring in bed. He needs to learn to be able to take a Loboutin to the ballsack like those hot guys in porn.
No. 438988
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>>438950Literally first page:'t listen to scrot propaganda - women have absolutely nothing to gain from motherhood. If a scrot is persistently shilling something to you, it's a bad deal for you.
No. 438997
>>438567I think one of the advantages of female socialization is that you're much more aware of the world around you. Yes, it results in more stress, but avoiding danger and being able to help because I was always listening made me feel strong. I'm disappointed how often men are blind when it comes to their surroundings and relationships.
Otherwise, I really like my body and entering the science field from a female perspective and learning how strong the older women I know are was a unique experience.
Shoutout to my grandma, her sexist father sent her to another country when she was 14 because they only had money to raise her younger brother, she learned the language, came back, prevented her father from putting her 50 year old mother in a nursing home because he wanted a younger wife and made him ashamed, found a husband that listens to her every word and survived cancer in her 60s with a smile.
No. 438999
>>438996But of course none of them want to be actual childfree cool uncles, they want their own genetic offspring that they don't have to provide for or take care of. This is why fatherhood is another example of those artificial meme performance niches that men have carved for themselves in order to appear essential. A father isn't actually doing anything important or irreplaceable, but you are tasked with pretending that fatherhood does something sacred. Of course if you ask people to specify what it is, it's always abstract immaterial nonsense like "having a male figure in your life" or "authority". It's never anything with immediately evident utility like cooking, cleaning, providing, caretaking, gestating or nursing.
This is the nature of a male. If he can get away with getting everything and giving nothing, he will do just that. If he can get away with cheating, he will cheat. The only factor he considers is whether he'll get caught and lose his main relationship, nothing else. There is no such thing as a man who goes on a business trip, gets approached by a woman and says "sorry, I'm married".
No. 439004
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>>438999Old news but I never read this before. I knew she was only 21, but this is just..
No. 439031
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>>439004He never dated any women over 25. He's a pervert that preys on young girls and doesn't give a fuck that they're not in the slightest on a same mental or maturity level as him
No. 439034
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>>439032Twinks are gorgeous until they're like 25ish. Then they become disgusting balding manlets with chubby yet sagging faces, or end up looking like babies with progeria. Masculine faces retain the illusion of aging well because masculine men always look equally old and crusty, whether they're 20 or 45.
No. 439047
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I'm so sick of this retardation. For context, he was replying to a minor part of tweet about the beatings in Hong Kong. why do mra/antifeminist faggots instantly get triggered and sperg about how everyone is equal whenever someone insinuates that it's more fucked up to beat innocent women than men who are much more capable of defending themselves? men and women are NOT physically equal
No. 439072
>>439047Wasn't there a pregnant woman that was attacked as well? Men talk about how important it is for women to be pregnant yet couldn't give a fuck of those pregnant women are hurt or killed. Retard logic
>>439056>It's sad how people think equality means sinking to men's level.This so much. Whenever equality is mentioned, males will screech at how it should be fair of them to violently attack women like they do with other males. Rarely or at all is it brought up that maybe they shouldnt act like raging gorillas.
No. 439076
>>439048And we should start treating their rape cases like how they treat women's rape cases
Which means screaming liar, blaming them if they wear anything remotely sexy, questioning innocent behaviors rather than the rapist, still screaming liar even after being shown evidence, etc
Men would love to have our easy mode life right? Let's give it to them
No. 439078
>>439031>Only two attractive onesJust comes to show men's sexuality is still in the Stone age, nevermind extremely attractive older women, average or below average young women are better simply because they're younger, no matter your facial structure, your skin, your hair, your body, how your present yourself, to men the number means more than anything, also why people like Millie Bobby brown would be nowhere or even bashed if she wasn't 14 yrs old, if that isn't enough of a reason to WGTOW I don't know what is
No. 439079
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>>439072Yes, and several reporters too. I also saw men bitch at anyone who mentioned that one of the reporters was female (REEE WHY DOES HER SEX MATTER? EVERYONE IS EQUAL!!)
All of the attackers were MALE gangsters paid off by the government and the police deliberately did nothing to help the
victims… fuck mainland china.
No. 439082
Idk what to do but my boyfriend told me he masturbated to this girl's 17, do I dump him?
No. 439083
>>439082Yes, but cheat on him first.
Is he useful at all? Does he buy you things?
No. 439085
>>439084I wish it was a self post. I'm pretty much crying right now and contemplating whether I should break up with him. At first I didn't care but when I noticed she's 17 I threw up. I don't know what to do and it's not like I can tell my parents or friends "hey my bf is jerking off to 17 year olds on instagram that's why i dumped him". My mom really likes him so this is going to kill.
>>439083We moved in together a few months ago. He cooks for me and does buy me a lot of things. But sexually I am unsatisfied as fuck, and learning that I've been neglected all this time for underaged kids on instagram makes me think I'd rather be poor and alone?
No. 439087
>>439085You do realize that having a boyfriend doesn't mean you can't have side dick, right? You don't have a ring, it's perfectly fine to diversify. IG thot orbiters are usually paypigs and cheaters too, so don't stress about it too much.
I suppose if you're an average lolcow moralfag who thinks that women cheating is literally on the same level as genocide, you should just embrace the fact that he doesn't have sex with you. Honestly, a boyfriend who buys you shit, pays your rent and doesn't fuck you is a dream deal for many women. Get a vibrator and buzz away to your favorite photoshopped IG fuckboy, you won't believe how quickly you'll stop giving a fuck about whose DMs he's sliding into. Godspeed.
(femcel sperg) No. 439088
>>439085How did you even find out and why did you link her IG?
17 is legal is most places and she doesn't look underage at least
You shouldn't break up with him because he fapped to a 17 yr old you should break up with him because he fapped to a photoshopped and plastic surgeried IG hoe which most likely means he likes the extremely unnatural look and the more he faps to stuff like her the more unattracted he becomes to natural women ie finding you unattractive
No. 439092
>>439076Don't forget death sentence for men who lie about being raped.
Fun fact: men are more likely to lie about it than women. Up to 60% of pedos admit to lying about being sexually abused as children.
No. 439095
>>439087No, I just don't think I can stand him. Like being in the same house as him is unbearable. I don't even think cheating on him would be hard, but having to fake nice and be around him makes me sick.
Like I don't know how I can really stomach knowing that someone jerks off to teenagers under my roof. We split rent.
I would gladly start bringing home dudes to fuck in my bed, but seeing his smug fucking face makes me sick to my stomach.
>>439088I linked her IG because I am conflicted because she looks older than she is in some pics due to being over photoshopped. Is he a pedophile? I don't even know.
I found out because I was using his phone and saw it in his history and straight-up asked. One of the worst things is that he was honest? Like who tf admits to this.
To me, I don't care if he faps to really photoshopped/plastic looking girls and likes the unnatural look. To me, it's because she's still a child even though she doesn't look like one. I was a sexual abuse
victim as a kid and teen, he knows this, it matters a lot to me. The fact that he is unattracted to real women and attracted to plastic dolls matters less to me than the fact that he has no dignity or respect for me…
No. 439097
>>439096I have no idea if I'm overreaacting or not. I guess to give some context a LONG time ago he admitted to jerking off to loli hentai as the "worst thing he's done" – after that I've started to be paranoid.
That's why I linked her insta because she looks like an adult but when I noticed she has pics of herself half naked at age 14 and 15 on there, and as young as 12, I got really fucking paranoid. Like if this is what he admits to, what is he hiding?
Or maybe I'm just crazy. I don't even know. Thanks for talking this through with me.
No. 439098
>>439094Lmfao, I'm the pinkpill philosophy scrot wrangler anon.
You can disagree, it's fine. I'm of the opinion that trying to be the bigger person only serves the moids and makes you the ultimate pickme. Only be exclusive when you're getting the best possible deal. If he's cheating, it's perfectly fine for you to cheat too.
While you're out there clinging to the female exclusivity meme, your moid is preparing to install Tinder, Bumble and PlentyOfFish the moment you get pregnant. The money that you faithfully contribute towards his rent goes to Belle Delphine's cuckreon.
No. 439102
>>439098>>439100fucking christ anon. cheating's such a manly thing to do.
>>439097You're obviously uncomfortable with many of his actions, and you'll probably feel better if you break up with him. There are plenty of other people out there.
No. 439104
>>439102I understand how you feel. But consider this: looking out for yourself is also a very manly thing to do. Men look out for men. Women also look out for men. There is nothing wrong with doing the "right" thing and breaking up with him before pursuing other options, but I'd call it a self-handicap.
Understand that a man would never ever do this if his current gf is buying him shit or cooking for him, it's as dumb as refusing free money. Moreover, what's wrong with cheating on a cheater?
>>439101Simply let other men approach you. You're single when he's not looking.
No. 439109
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>>439085No girl, you tell people and ruin his name. Even your parents. You did nothing wrong, and if you don’t tell them the actual reason, your mom is going to bug you to get back together with him.
Picture attached is from that girl’s IG—oh my lord. Your boyfriend is sick.
No. 439111
>>439106I assumed that anon wanted sex. Obviously men are sexually useless, but some women still want PIV so it would be a "benefit" for her I suppose. Obviously anyone can branch out for other things they feel they're missing.
Don't get me wrong, I fully agree that moids are overall not worth your time because nature made it so you only lose by getting involved with them (while moids only gain). In a perfect world, not bothering to tard wrangle them would be the most efficient thing to do.
But most women in the world are straight and still desire male company to some extent, or simply unable to cut contact with all scrots due to circumstances. While there's no way to eliminate these women's losses, they can be somewhat minimized.
No. 439114
>>439109I have a recording of him admitting to jerking off to a 16 year old. Yes, I recorded the conversation as soon as I was cognizant of what was going on.
I won't tell my parents because they are hyper religious and won't care. They're conservative as fuck.
But I am thinking of posting the recordings on various social media sites along with his face and full name so anyone can do a background check. Is this crazy of me to do it?
No. 439116
>>439082To be fair, she looks like she's in her mid 20s and I'd never guess she was 17 until I saw it was explicitly listed.
>>439085The actual problem here is that you are sexually incompatible. You're not satisfied. He's not satisfied, which is why he's masturbating to girls like that on IG.
(He's not a pedophile and she does NOT look like a child, I know you're upset but get some perspective and calm down.)
>>439109I mean this is pedo pandering but she looks 21 at youngest here. IDK.
>>439114Dump him. Why the fuck are you with someone who doesn't care about upsetting you like this?
No. 439120
>>439116It doesn't matter what she looks like. Pedophilia is like being attracted disabled or mentally ill people. The main appeal is the idea that someone young doesn't have experience and is easy to manipulate. Yes, neotenous features by definition signal young age (obviously you need to be able to physically identify underage
victims, right?) so they draw pedos' attention, but they will NEVER be interested if the young looking woman in question is actually 27 and thus more likely to put up a fight. That's why those retarded ideas about having grown but young looking women LARP as teenagers to deter pedos from pursuing actual teens never work.
Tl;dr anon's bf is a pedo, it doesn't matter if the kid is photoshopped to look like a forty year old Kardashian.
>>439114You're not crazy. Get as much incriminating info on him as possible. You may be potentially saving a young girl or two.
No. 439122
>>439120Oh no, he's a scumbag. I agree. But she doesn't look 17. Objectively speaking.
And anon should absolutely dump him for not being put off by 17 year olds who pedobait and try to age themselves up.
No. 439126
>>439114>>439097>fapped to loliGetting rid of a sexual tendency/fetish entirely is impossible. Chances are that's still inside him deep down, and getting off to the psychological aspect like
>>439120 is suspicious. You're right to be worried.
No. 439151
>>439145Only when I was younger because for women, sexuality = innocence. I wanted to be innocent forever. Now I just feel like my perfectly proportional sized butt and boobs aren't enough to be considered butt or boobs and that I'm a gross fridge, but also they're not small enough to make flat jokes about myself
Average butt and boob sized women are damned, you suffer from people who think proportion = flat but also suffer from not being able to benefit from being flat