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No. 439139
Vent about scrots here! Share your experiences with annoying, terrible, worthless men you've encountered. Post screenshots of men being awful. Talk about how you avoid shitty men and why.
-Please do not respond to scrotbait. Taking bait will result in a 3-day ban from /ot/, no appeals.
-No femcel sperging. An example of femcel sperging is 'kill your father to even things out'. Posts in the vein of 'Aileen Wuornos did nothing wrong' 'rapists deserve to die' are allowed.
-No racebaiting as it derails the thread.
-Gender critical discussion goes to
>>429238Previous thread:
>>434494 No. 439154
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Why do men hate women so much they believe that women having features they consider unattractive is some sort of weird sinister hoe thing? How insecure and ignorant are men?
No. 439157
>>439143I can relate to this and the feeling of security being underweight brings, looking less like an object to be used and more sexless.
However, it isn't true in reality, scrots will have sex with anything despite what all their whining about 'muh fertility' and giant asses would have you believe.
Underweight women get raped and fetishised, obese women, children, ashley-tier skellies, grannies, what have you. Your body is not the problem here.
No. 439196
The anon from the previous thread who was talking about how much pleasure she gets out of complying with scrotal breakup threats just reminded me of something. Tl;dr another tard wrangling post ahead.
If any of you still have any pickme tier reservations about diversifying or branching out, allow me to introduce you to a redpill concept called "dread game". The idea is that your scrot will attempt to boost his value in your eyes by pouting and blinking at you (expecting you to feel anxious that something is wrong) or making empty threats to leaving you for someone else to "scare" you into being his slave. Moids have zero guilt about manipulating you to get their way. Here's a random redpill scrot absolutely buttdevastated about his "dread game" not working because the women just go "lol k bye" and replace him immediately: point is, most redpill "game" tactics are male projection. They only work on men or women who are psychologically damaged/low value. Men WILL appease you as long as they feel as though you have other options, so you should leverage it as you see fit. A scrot should never be certain about where he stands.
Redpill "game" revolves around the idea of leveraging the prospect of a long term relationship to extract as much casual sex out of you as possible. Once you realize that relationships aren't necessary for anything other than utility and that he has more to gain from tying you down than vice versa, you are completely immune to it. A moid can't "game" you if he has to invest material resources in you before being allowed to access the relationship. He only gamed himself if he leaves after he's been paying for you or doing favors for you. Once the "he's not worth stressing over unless he's useful" or "his distress is his problem" mentality settles in, you'll never miss a moid again.
No. 439206
>>439154I've had an incredible amount of sex with countless different partners in my youth (bpd). My majora still covers my minora. That's been the biggest most annoying lie ever. Anytime I hear it, I want to snap.
I've wanted to pour acid on my labia to disfigure it. Honestly, because men are such disgusting perverts. I won't go more into it.
No. 439229
>>439222True, but it's 25+ for me, they hit the wall but the thing is their idea of romance is calling you over at midnight and getting a blowjob and leaving, I'm currently dating an 18 yr old and he tries really hard for me and never does any sort of "haha girlfriend bad I wanna fuck all these other women" shit men like to do but have mental breakdowns if you do anything close to it things. Not to mention the lack of emotional energy males refuse to put in a relationship most of the time
Men like to play games, always be distant and reel them in. What men want and what men say they want are two completely different things
No. 439247
>>439222When I was about 24 I tried an experiment on OKCupid. I changed my age from 24 to 30. Didn't change anything else.
It was crazy, the quality of messages I received went up overnight. And the age of the senders went down. As a 24 year old most of the messages I got were from men who were 35 or older either just saying "hi" or saying "What's up you fucking slut wanna suck my big fat cock? Bitch."
As a 30 year old most of the messages I got were from men around 22-28, and they were almost all kind, respectful and had clearly read my profile since they talked about things I'd said in it. The number of messages I got didn't go down either, it was roughly the same amount, just better.
No. 439249
>>439222Men like to say older women are shit because women get all jaded and bitter from riding the "cock carousel". As usual, it's projection.
All men of all ages come with inherently negatives, but older men also get more bitter and jaded. God forbid a 30yo man didn't get to fuck super hot girls when he was younger, he will resent womankind forever. I've seen so many older men going into manwhore phases because they feel like they missed out and their masculinity and self-esteem is tied to the number of women they had sex with.
Another thing is how they like to put down women their age. They'll go out of their way to tell you that they only date much younger women because women their age aren't good enough for them. Obviously they usually treat those younger women like shit as well, but in different ways.
No. 439252
>>439249In my highschool at least guys would act head over heals for their girlfriends and would go through an emo phase after a breakup (mind you they were good looking guys not incels lmao). But now it feels like guys my age (27) and older just do not care to make a woman feel special or loved. I'm probably looking back at memories with rose colored glasses and of course guys are
abusive at all ages but they lose their spark that's for sure.
No. 439268
>>439139Would you all abort a male fetus?
I mean, I'm the type with no respect for any symbiotes I'll host. I can get pregnant to enlarge my breasts or increase my plasma supply so I can later donate it. So if the parasite is male, retarded and ugly, and not female, 200IQ, Stacy, down the toilet it goes.
(shitty larping) No. 439291
>>439222Younger men>the rest. Anons, do yourself a favour and never date above your age.
I personally always try to avoid any interaction with men over 25 y/o. Life is much easier that way.
No. 439297
>>438250Turns out Olivia Hill is a tranny and was never involved with the character creation. The actual artist was a real woman.
Trannies being crazy as usual.
No. 439306
>>439143YES and also I have never even been molested or anything.
It's only recently I've come to terms with men contributing to my disordered eating (I've never been diagnosed besides my doctor saying "she might have an ED") but I noticed I
definitely get
triggered after men treat me as an object or treat me like I'm nothing. Then I start
feeling like an object,
triggers my depression, then bam I'm unable to sleep or eat, start counting calories and starving myself so I don't have to think about it. Then sometimes during it I think well maybe if my body doesn't look so good it will keep those types of men away from me, anyway.
No. 439335
Was browsing tinder last night, and matched a guy. Seemed cute and nice from the pictures, really eager to meet up, all of the pictures were clearly his face and stuff so he didn't look like he was hiding. Just seemed like a really normal guy. Not the best looking, slightly balding, and was 30 (I'm 23) and maybe a bit short, but hard to tell from pics. Didn't have the best job either but honestly was nice and his sister works in the same field as me so I guess we hit it off.
Fast forward to today, I realized since his sister works in the same field as me, I can easily find her and find him. I mostly just wanted to see if he was less attractive than his tinder pics…
Lo and behold, he has a girlfriend. They've been together for four years. I WASN'T EXPECTING THIS. All over her facebook is pictures of them together, his mom comments on all her profile pics, his sister leaves comments like "love you sister" – like their two families are together. I don't think she suspects a single thing.
And she's cute. I love her body. Her face is so cute. She can do honestly better.
Wtf do I do? Obviously I'm not going to meet this guy knowing he has a gf. But do I have any duty to notify his gf? Or just leave her alone? My gut instinct is telling me to leave her alone, since it's not like he actually cheated on her yet. But honestly, if I was her, I would want to know. I'm really conflicted.
No. 439344
>>439222In my experience, yes. I think they reflect cultural shifts (the way I'd expect someone who came of age in the 40s to be more sexist than someone younger) and these shifts are apparent enough to be noticeable even within a gap of 10 years. Otherwise I think there is self selection at play where the nicer and more open minded young men are the ones open to dating older than themselves. And When you're looking at age gap relationships there is self selection the other way as well, I think a lot of jerks specifically choose to try dating younger women thinking they'd be easier to manipulate.
Lastly, time just allows for more heartbreak and emotional callouses so I'm not particularly surprised that a 30 year old man is more jaded than a 20 year old one. On my part I've almost exclusively dated younger men, usually by a few years. They're not magically perfect or anything but they've always been better partners than the older guys I've dated.
The high school comments are ooging me out though anon, ngl.
No. 439346
>>439341I don't want my face getting out there in her friend's circle because his sister works in the same field as me, I don't want to be blacklisted. I wanted to do it anonymously so that at least I don't get implicated in this.
I assume he has some other matches on tinder, so I was thinking of just screenshotting his profile and sending it to her maybe. But idk
>>439342Part of me feels like its none of my business… like she's probably so happy and shit, and I feel like I would be a bitter old harpy stirring drama for no reason. I don't know if I should be minding my own business or not.
No. 439348
>>439346One thing I will say (sorry for the constant blog posting, maybe we can have an outside thread for Man hate problems? I just feel like at least girls that read this will see this anecdote and wake up, because it could be their men too. Like honestly, check their phones. Snoop the fuck out of everything.
You are not the exception. He is not faithful to you.
Let me just say that his girlfriend is gorgeous. Blonde, skinny, long legs, big boobs, probably works out. She looks classy as fuck and has a real job. And yet he is STILL trying to cheat on her! What the fuck, you guys? I wanna say she's hotter than me. Men are just pigs. If she's not safe, none of us are.
No. 439354
>>439335what I would do is
>meet up with him>make him eat you eat (take pictures)>show pictures to his wife and mother>degrade himI'm pretty sadistic though
No. 439355
Some pinkpill links I just found via a link in the kinkshaming thread.
Good article about the rise of men claiming their murders were "sex games gone wrong." It has risen 90% in the last ten years. Also choking is a female gendered crime - men go for the neck. This plus Bianca's story makes me want to invest in some protective "necklaces" and collars.
Link: article about economic/financial control in relationships. An incredibly common form of hidden abuse.
Link: with femicide stats which mentions "overkilling" which is something I find particularly horrifying - when a woman is stabbed dozens or hundreds of times, or like Bianca, it was an excessively violent murder.
Link: a website collating information about the aforementioned strangulation deaths which are brushed off as "sex games gone wrong" despite swathes of evidence to the contrary.
Link: No. 439357
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If he don't eat snatch
drop him fast
No. 439362
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>>439318Where's Dory ,mofo
No. 439379
>>439335>30>bald>shit joblmao tf, love yourself
if a moid is 5 years older than you then he should be paying all your bills
No. 439387
>>439378This is going to be controversial, but it's kind of like when women vehemently disagree with redpill drivel. A typical woman's reaction is to NAMALT, rationalize that manipulative redpill tactics are only employed by incels and say nothing about normie men or go full redpilled pickme tradthot. Ascribing humanity to men against all evidence is the universal female cope. Moids benefit from this greatly, they know that they can treat you like shit and you will basically ghostwrite his own lies to you. A moid plays on Team Me, a woman plays on Team Him. This is how most women approach cheating, they're like used car dealership customers desperate to tell themselves that they didn't just buy a beaten up piece of crap.
Rarely does it occur to women that redpill is a free manual on male psyche, not female. Men tell you that they will always strive to "spin plates" and pursue all available options, and your response is "I wIlL NeVeR sToOp DoWn tO hIs LeVeL ChEaTiNg iS BaD"? Congratulations, you're doing exactly what he's expecting you to do. He knows that you're naturally equipped with a sense of ethics and that it's highly exploitable. His greatest anxiety is you spinning plates of your own because of your naturally higher sexual value, but you choose not to do it out of guilt and slave morality. If women didn't have unconditional empathy, what feminists call "patriarchy" would be much more difficult to maintain in the modern world.
Pinkpill doesn't work until you kill your inner mommy who just wants to be fair to her precious sons who call her a bitch as she heats up their tendies. Stop caring about becoming "just as bad" as men by feeding them their own medicine, you'll never be as bad as them no matter what you do. Pursue self interest unapologetically or stay losing.
No. 439391
>>439348She's getting cheated on because she's a pickme. Supermodel looks, financially independent, but fell for the "don't be shallow, go pity fuck that balding dad bod, muh hypergamy, you should love a man for his personality" guilt-trips. That's what sexual charity does.
It only leads a man to think you're a) a safe boring monogamous option, b) that he must be hot shit if a hot woman is committing to him for no reason and c) that he should try and see if he can do better either through quantity or quality.
If a man doesn't have to invest resources in order to get you, he thinks a) you're what he deserves by default and therefore nothing special or b) extremely dumb and thus deserving of abuse and infidelity.
Men don't have morality and don't self deprive or self handicap like women do.
No. 439406
>>439397I think the best part is how anally devastated scrots get when you agree with them.
Scrot: Men are manipulative, opportunistic and only as faithful as their options. We have no moral reservations about pursuing self interest to the detriment of everyone else. The only reason why we're not raping and killing more is because it has repercussions, not because it's bad. We are unable to control our penile impulses and we will never leave you alone because of it. If we appear "good", we're probably just making temporary concessions to get sex. We only bring up "love" when we want to extract resources from you without providing anything of substance in return. We are perpetually lying to you to get a deal that favors us entirely.
Us: I agree, this is exactly what you are.
Scrot: wtf misandrist bitch, not like this
No. 439408
>>439379This is what gets me. He's not even attractive.
Let this be evidence that ugly men will not treat you any better. Maybe his gf thinks that by being out of his league he'd be more loyal. Instead being with her puffed up his ego. Lots of ugly men mistreat their wives and girlfriends all the time so criticism of women for chasing 'Chads' that will mistreat them due to lack of gratitude falls on deaf ears to me. Jerks exist across all levels of physical attractiveness. I've definitely seen the sentiment (shared by men and women directed at men and women) that one's characteristics are set like in an RPG. someone being unattractive isn't due to a person allocating all their points towards kindness.
No. 439416
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2000s pop-punk/emo was so sexist and creepy in retrospect. Yuck.
No. 439417
>>439408It's because women project their own heterarchical, bleeding heart, fairness based mindset on men. Men cannot conceive this approach because they evolved a hierarchical, zero sum mindset due to their role in sexual reproduction. Women see someone at the bottom of a hierarchy and think "poor oppressed thing, this is so fucked". Men see the same thing and think "lol serves you right retard, idgaf as long as it's not me, let me kick you while you're down". There's a reason prisons, militaries and other male-exclusive spaces follow this formula precisely. If a moid is personally not the one at the bottom, he will never see those beneath him as anything other than scum that naturally belongs there.
The chick you're talking about lowered herself for a man thinking that he'd be eternally grateful and loyal because of the hotness overkill. She probably thinks that he'll be paying her back by being a good, gentle father to her kids or something. Wrong. What he actually thinks is one of the following:
>Lol what a dumb bitch>If someone this hot fell for me that easily, I can probably do even better>There must be something special and irresistible in me, let me try my luck with others to confirm>She's hot and has her own resources, so if she fell for my broke bald self then she must be naturally beneath me and thus fair game to use and abuseIt's like expecting a dog to comprehend what the color red is. It's not that they aren't trying hard enough to see it, it's just that they're literally fucking red-green colorblind. A man does not understand unwarranted concessions and he will not be grateful if you willingly put yourself beneath him, he will only see this as an invitation to (rightfully) punish you as a subordinate.
No. 439420
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>>439417Thing I've seen this post word for word before on
Genders switched of course
No. 439424
>>439418I remember being in a Discord server VC where some guy was talking about his relationships.
He said he was ugly, and bragged about how he'd always take the opportunity to treat pretty girls like shit when they actually gave him a chance.
He also laughed about blackmailing a girl to do his homework or else he'd spread her nudes in HS.
None of the other guys checked him on this or voiced any real disgust.
No. 439425
>>439420One of the established facts in psychology is that male defense mechanisms are mostly built around externalizing and projection, especially when dealing with women.
It's only natural that incel copes can be made factually accurate if you switch genders.
No. 439428
>>439424>None of the other guys checked him on this or voiced any real disgust.That's not the real problem. The real problem is that women would definitely chimp out and whiteknight left and right if it was a woman bragging about abusing a male, even when there's no males around to witness it and dispense asspats for being a good little cuckqueen. I will never understand the indignation women feel on behalf of some men they don't even know, this is ultimate pickmeism in my mind. You're trying to impress some imaginary moid in your head.
If I saw a chick talking about blackmailing some scrot, I'd shrug and look the other way. Exactly what all "good" scrots are doing when their bros are known rapists or pedos.
No. 439433
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No. 439440
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>>439433Thought this was the femcel comic artist at first
No. 439446
men truly are autistic at heart
No. 439456
>>439222I'm not too sure about this. Guys in their early 20s and younger tend to be very vapid, and are far more likely to play mind games. I've never seen that kind of sweetness/vulnerability you're talking about from them. All they do is think with their dicks and are barely more sentient than insects. They also all seem like they have something to prove, further making them act like douchebags.
My bf is 30 and he is a lot more thoughtful, romantic, innocent, and gentle than the younger guys I've met, and thankfully he looks like he's in his early 20s as well. Strangely enough he acts more how like younger guys SHOULD act. Maybe he is the exception.
No. 439462
>>439456I don't think it's an age thing, it's a cultural/mental/biological thing. Some guys are just dumb and innocent and gentle because they grew up sheltered. I know a couple of guys like you describe and they are basically mommy's boys. Honestly some of them have like asperger's probably. They're really "nice guys" not in the r9k sense but at the same time the women they want are like secondary moms. But men like this are rare because not everyone grows up with aspergers or is sheltered.
But I don't think it's an age thing. There plenty of 20 year old douchebags I know. Maybe they are a bit more naive but whatever.
No. 439463
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All I can think of when men claim society is "so hard!!" on already attractive men, even other men think it's bullshit
No. 439467
>>439416Yep, don't let the "uwu nice emo boy who plays guitar" act fool you
All emo dudes for whatever reason, are depicted to chase Stacy, because a lot of them did in real life as well. Not to mention the geeks and everyone else. You'd think
Emo boy = emo girl
Geek boy = geek girl
Goth metalhead boy = goth metalhead girl
But despite a few exceptions, ALL men like Stacy, just comes to show how what men want and what men say they want are two completely different things, especially after how all of them went on and on about how they wanted a girl who ~wasnt like other girls and liked music and vidya~
As for their music, a lot of it was typical "wah Stacy won't fuck me" shit or them being hung up on their middle school ex girlfriend, don't even get me started on panic the discos "lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off" song
No. 439474
>>439466Lol, bold of you to assume I'd be performing any kind of emotional labor for my husband. Let alone after I've traded him for someone else.
What I'm saying is that if he fully provides it doesn't matter. As long as I get my money and gain more from staying and diversifying as opposed to divorcing and leaving him. What makes you think I'm describing a situation in which you're some 50/50 pick me roommate kind of wife? I'm talking about a marriage in which he's giving you more than you give him, the only conditions under which it may be worth getting married in the first place. Alpha fux beta bux is unironically a great strategy.
I'm not here for cheating only to "teach a lesson" and end up slaving for two men simultaneously. I'm here for not feeling guilty about cheating that makes sense in terms of utility. My point is, if you're choosing a suboptimal option out of some misguided moral obligation, don't.
No. 439483
>>439479It's when women waste brainpower on covert scrot accommodation. You think his feelings (muh skuleenity!) and attitudes are your responsibility. Basically, what the vast majority of women are biologically and socially predisposed for, largely because of our role as mothers.
Think of it as having a baby. It's small, dumb, completely dependent yet unable to communicate why it's been screeching nonstop for the past 3 hours. Your brain evolved to "guess" what it wants based on its nonsensical nonverbal cues. 90% of stress of motherhood comes from this exact process, the quintessential emotional labor. It's so mentally taxing that your brain actually rewires itself and loses volume to "streamline" you for caretaking. You lose brain cells to become a better doting machine (see: mommy/pregnancy brain). It's also proven to age you at a devastating rate.
Women extend this excessively considerate approach to other people in their lives, especially men. Men take great advantage of your inclination to make their personal problems your responsibility, make you worry about them, make you guess their intentions, make you wonder if they're hurt or distressed. Fun fact: the actual reason why non sex segregated societies have fewer female STEM graduates than progressive countries is because of this disparity in cognitive load. When you are responsible for another human's wellbeing, you have fewer brain resources left for hobbies, creativity or science. Scrots know this, which is why they are viciously preoccupied with keeping you out of more cerebral pursuits. They know that they will probably cancel out your ability and/or desire to perform caretaking and emotional labor for moidkind. This is proven by the fact that the more educated a woman is, the less likely she is to want children.
No. 439486
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>>439483I guess I'm just not very considerate then, though the men I've dated haven't exactly complained. Ever now and again I buy them a juice and they're pretty happy with that. It never really occurred to me to do much more than that given that the juice seems to do the trick. Men love juice. I was far enough apart in age from the siblings and nephews I was never expected to dote on them or take care of them so I guess I grew up kind of spoiled.
Men really do love juice though.
No. 439503
>>439499I'm probably gonna get shit and probably banned for this
but what's the issue? you signed up for a dating site and are shocked that men are flirting with you? you'd have a better point if you point out genuinely creepy messages, you're either a scrot or some stuck up karen who follows the "we can't call women pretty without them saying we raped them!" shit
No. 439512
>>439507>it's hard to get to know someone when they don't put their best foot forward and you have to sift through almost a hundred messages a's a dating site, most males are only there to hook up, if you want a real relationship you'd have better luck getting to know men in real life
>These guys get pissy but I can't focus my attention on every single one.then block them?
>It's really creepy when you try to have a normal conversation, but all they talk about is how you look.again, dating site, I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish with this "uwu a bunch of men on a dating site I signed up for can't shut up about how pretty I am" stuff
>My entire profile talks about my career and hobbies, but they fucking ignore it, when women on dating sites don't. Jesus.most males use dating sites to hook up and nothing else, go meet men in real life if that's what you want and men calling you pretty on dating sites gives you a mental breakdown and you have to go to your safe space
yes men are creepy, yes dating site males are annoying, I just think you're being overdramatic and weak if we are here talking about men raping, cheating, abusing, etc. and your worst issues that send you into anxiety attacks are men on dating sites complimenting your appearance
No. 439517
>>439512My best options aren't men in real life; I haven't met any in my age group due to my job and hobbies. My page is literally set to only looking for serious relationships, so yeah, I want to talk about other shit? Men will compliment literally any woman, no matter how bad she looks, just to butter her up and get her in bed. I have been molested; I was kidnapped by a pedophile when I was a child. I'm not comparing dating sites to those experiences; I just thought I'd dick around about a more lighthearted pink pill topic. Like
>>439516 says, you're probably a scrote. Too many strawmens. I'm done replying.
No. 439525
>>439523How can you derive taboo pleasure from the idea of being cucked if you're not anxious about fidelity? You can't really be cheated on by someone whose loyalty you dgaf about.
The fetish you're thinking of is hotwife, not cuckolding.
No. 439533
>>439532>I am endlessly amused by moids who think that paying for dinner entitles them to sex. I notice this too, but I look back on my ex relationships and see how I often had sex with absolutely no strings attached and no bargains. I "did it for free" like what men think good girlfriends do, and then even cooked the damn dinner and paid half the rent. Most weeks I didn't get a nice date or a meal out unless I nagged, and if so I was seen as a spoiled princessu if I didn't dutch my half.
Society calls it "love" and for many women it's thankless and cheap. Sometimes I envy hookers, and those mom bodied washups who at least monetize their efforts.
No. 439537
>>439516>>439517She doesn't sound like a scote to me. It is dumb to come into a man hate thread and then humblebrag about getting so many messages on a dating site that you signed up for. Like boohoo, you got the attention you wanted. Unless they are saying milky things to you that you'd like to share I don't even see the point of the post. It's like you're posting it just to say that men are attracted to you which really doesn't make them look bad.
No. 439539
>>439533Romantic love is a male scam. He doesn't love you if he isn't paying you or doing things for you. Moids confirm this themselves. They admit that they don't put in effort in you if they think you're ugly:>>439535Lol what gold? Bitch where? If $75-$100 is gold to you then you're a hobo who can't afford to date. Relationships are a luxury, not a necessity. One would think that moids would lower their expectations to match their wallets.
Basically, scrotal objections to providing resources stem from their inability to get the kind of sex they want cheaply. They want $1000 per hour looks and service for the price of a casual date with a dutch becky.
No. 439540
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Farmers I'm dying. A popular hentai site is shutting down because lolicon is illegal in the country it's being hosted, and the classic autism of scrotes in 4chan is delivering.
No. 439552
>>439540I hope someday all online porn gets removed.
The horror of loli/shota aside in this case, reliance on porn is so dumb. After overcoming addiction it's just annoying and makes me so sad that kids find it.
No. 439553
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>>439543Reminds me of this article that's been going a bit viral recently. I personally always felt a bit uneasy with animators sticking inappropriate adult jokes into children's cartoons. I also feel like sometimes the way some cartoons designed the bodies of the female characters was a bit questionable. Now this article claims that these former internet cartoon porn artists are now the talent working at cartoon studios and some even share porn images on their twitter and other social media pages which kids researching their favourite shows can easily stumble upon. I agree that it can be really disturbing for kids who come across these types of pictures. No. 439555
>>439540What are you talking about? This is wonderful news! Nothing good can come out of porn and it instead encourages that depravity. Just like
>>439552 said, I'd love it if it all was outlawed.
No. 439564
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>>439558I've never given a blowjob in my entire life and never will, pickmes who like the taste of pure base in their mouth and moids can die mad about it kek
absolute cuck tier behavior
No. 439571
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just found this gem on r9k
No. 439580
>>439571>deluded moid stumbles upon pinkpill posts explaining moid copes>hits close to home>in a true moid fashion, he is ashamed yet turned on>jerks off to it while while choking back tears of humiliation>ebin onset of self loathing shortly after nutting>crytypes a standard autistic captionfic in which the women laughing at him actually love him and his boiled rice grain of a dick can "corrupt" anything>awkwardly concludes that he wants to be the paypig cuck he was born to beI see the last thread has been getting to them, kek.
Making moids angry yet aroused by having their underdeveloped psyches raped is one of my biggest fetishes. Probably the only scenario in which a male can be sexually useful.
No. 439592
>>439571never date a robot, ever
I believe in leagues, broadly speaking, and its rarely a good idea for people to date discordantly. If a guy really thinks you are a 5/10 and isnt deeply, genuinely attracted to you the relationship will not go well. Same goes for the women here who'd stoop so low as to date men they admittedly don't find attractive (bald, fat, old, etc). One or the other, be it the 'low value person' or the 'high value person' will start acting up and being shitty to the other.
No. 439607
>>439564This tbh
I don't give blowjobs either, if men expect blowjobs from you you're probably ugly
No. 439629
>>439582We don't have dicks, dumbass.
I wish I had a dick tbh. Like, I wish it a lot. A vagina is incapable of inflicting humiliation and degredation in ways a dick can,(choking, anal) and I hate men so much that that gets me off.
I sometimes feel that nature gave us vaginas and made us physically weak and it makes us so easily degraded. Fuck. Sorry for the autistic sperg.
No. 439635
>>439629You can still do both of those things with your hands. There are still degrading and humiliating things you can do with your vagina if you get a bit creative.
Also this:
>>439631 No. 439672
>>439607Why are you dunking on ugly women in the misandry thread? It's like that post last thread who implied she'd abort non-staceys.
Are ugly ladies men now?
No. 439674
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Lighthearted joke but an actual problem. It's like men are self aware enough to realize porn is to blame but too lazy to actually try to stop their habit.
No. 439682
>>439680He's talked about porn openly on the podcast with Hila there, too. But this is pretty far.
I also think I recall him saying something in the early days about it being natural for women to get raped.
No. 439692
>>439680>>439684A few YT commenters wrote about Hila and how bad it is. Albeit it seems a few scrotes are trying to rationalize it by saying "BUT IF SHE DOESNT HAVE LOW SELF ESTEEM THEN SHE SHOULD BE FINE WITH HER HUSBAND SAYING HE FINDS OTHER WOMEN ATTRACTIVE!1!!" Another comment, "HILA IS TRYING TO HIDE HER JEALOUSY AND ANGER HAHAHA!"
Tbh Hila shouldn't have sat in on this. She should've made an excuse about not feeling good or needing to be with her newborn. This is really beneath her, and look what trying to be the "cool wife" got her? A bunch of scrotes rubbing her patience in her face.
No. 439700
>>439696I hated Tinder. There's a lot of dudes wanting sidechicks to their gfs, as well as married dudes pretending they're divorced or separated in order to have a hookup.
Don't do it. Get a traditional dating profile. While it won't filter all infidelity, it definitely wards away all the lazy low efforts, and it's easier to tell when a guy is invested.
No. 439702
>>439689Ugh. I actually feel so bad for Hila, she deserves better and I don't believe she's actually okay with his interactions with Belle
I was watching another videoclip from one of their podcasts and at one point Hila voices a differing opinion to Ethan (or he thinks she's about to) and seems really annoyed by the fact?
Free Hila!
No. 439705
>>439704they also have a large audience of stupid teenage boys who are going to think this is acceptable when this is clearly
abusive behavior. She just had his kid and is in a super vulnerable position to leave and he knows it so he continues to push her buttons and see how far he can go. I fucking hate him and he doesn't deserve her at all.
No. 439715
>>439700I don’t want to make a traditional dating profile. I don’t date men, only women. I’m not interested in these men for a relationship, I just want to either fuck then or use them for a free meal (is that bad to say? I like going to nice restaurants). I’m not on tinder to find a life partner because my life partner is not going to be a scrote. For me men are just for resources.
I just don’t want to fuck a guy with a girlfriend because I feel bad for their GFs. Their GFs live in a delusional fantasy world and I don’t want to wake them up.
No. 439720
I love this thread. Especially when pink pill anon drops those paragraphs of truth of the male mind and behaviours.
Really eye opening, allows you to adopt better strategy in dating and relationships to make it work in your favour.
I really don't care if my boyfriend leaves. There'll always be another one. But because of my indifference towards him, he treats me better. I'm not afraid to lose him.
And if he acts a little scrot to me (says things to me or does stuff that's nasty or I don't like), I go stone cold, no contact and either do my own thing or consider other guys. He comes back apologising for his behaviour, writing lengthy paragraphs begging, saying how sorry he is.
He thinks we're in a relationship and I'm his girlfriend but really he's just some company and I just use him for his dick when I feel like it. Gets me things as well. Not entirely useless after all.
One time I fucked him so hard on top, the friction caused a painful burning sensation on his balls possibly because of the friction.
I laughed at him, it was hilarious. He didn't like me laughing at his comical misfortune and turned nasty, pouting and whining 'It's NOT funny!' 'You're a fucking asshole' to which I responded laughing 'You wanted sex, you got it, don't complain.' He was scratching his balls all night, had to take a trip to the bathroom to slather his balls in weleda chamomile baby cream to soothe them somewhat. I laughed the whole night.(jerking off)
No. 439722
>>439715Why don't you just date a woman?
There's safer ways to pilfer resources from scrotes these days, like camgirling.
You can't have it both ways, sorry. You either have to settle with the idea that a scrote who would treat you like fuckmeat might not have the best morals, or you just opt out.
No. 439726
>>439722I’m at the point in my life where I’m not really interested in being in a relationship with anyone, serious or not serious. If the right woman comes, I’ll date her. But right now I just want to blow of steam after work and have funny stories to share with my friends. My tinder profile is set to bi, but most of the women are in relationships with men and just want a third girl. I’m not into that shit.
I haven’t fucked any guys off the apps yet, and I doubt I will. At this point it has turned into a game for me. I match with them, find just enough info to find their real name and profile, see if they have a gf. My next steps are probably contacting their gfs anonymously lol.
This was completely unintentional but I feel like I’m waking up women. But also feel guilty that they have to deal with bags of shit as BFs.
No. 439730
>>439724I have a sinking feeling that if it were possible for anon she wouldn't be seeking these types of arrangements.
Not that I don't agree with you.
>>439726Are you okay? Your story keeps changing.
No. 439732
>>439731Holy shit, context much? Anon was originally talking about meeting up with scrotes to fuck them, and now you're accusing me of being a scrote because having a physical barrier is still way more safe even with the remote possibility of doxxing than meeting up with a scrote in an isolated situation every single time?
No. 439736
>>439730>>439724I have a job, I make my own money, but honestly I dislike men and want to regain control by using them, which is what brought me to tinder. It’s pretty maladaptive, I know. I can afford dinners fine on my own, but why should I when a scrote will pay for it? I have not been interested in a relationship with men, only sex and resources. They have nothing to give me other than that.
I have male friends. I’ve heard them complain and cry about tinder dates ghosting them after a dinner without sex. I’ve seen one guy breakdown because one girl fucked him and then he found out she was fucking other guys (he was also fucking other girls.) I thought “maybe I can hurt men the way they’ve hurt me in the past” — but I draw the line at hurting women. The fact that they all seem to have gfs makes me rethink everything and see this was a stupid idea.
My story keeps changing because I’m currently in the process of going through this. I genuinely didn’t think that all these men would have perfectly normal, cute, smart girlfriends. It’s a little bit unsettling? I wanted to fuck around with them initially to treat them the way they treat women, but now I just want to wake women up to the fact that their bfs are on this site.
No. 439737
>>439566>I still think the glorification of porn stars and ditzy bimbo types of women in the 2000s compared to the strong feminist types or womanly vixen types in the 80s and 90s did a lot of damage in pop culture for men but especially women.To be fair, I'm pretty sure (at least in pornos) that the bimbo types were still very popular in the 80s and 90s. I have a strong attachment to some 80s portrayals of women very much due to how there were so many women in media who were these strong hardass women who were fashionable and pretty as well. However…to some extent, I think that usually only the pretty, feminine women with those personalities being portrayed as good people is a definite representation of how many men see unattractive women as "lesser". For better or worse, people prefer attractive people and tend to find them more trustworthy, but ugly men seem to get more of a pass from everyone than ugly women do, save for from other women, esp pinkpilled ones. Think about it: a hardass butch woman who isn't very attractive is a common negative character, whereas a hardass feminine woman with all of the hallmarks of "common" attractive characteristics to men are more positive or strongly sexualized in their being "bossy" and straitlaced.
I think at the end of the day, even if you find positivity in it like I can, you recognize that it's still about being the "right" kind of woman.
No. 439738
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>>439684I can't stand Ethan and so much of his shitty behavior went under radar during Hilla's pregnancy.
No. 439749
>>439736Chill. You're not more "woke" because you'd prefer to be treated like a fleshlight by men and rationalize it as a transaction, as opposed to just living a normal life with a nice woman who–at least so far–you've not given a good reason to not date.
You care about no-name girlfriends and wives of these gross neckbeards but you won't care about dating a woman who's not going to have a clue about how you've let yourself be used by so many disgusting men?
There's something wrong here, very wrong. It's unsettling because it makes no sense and you shouldn't do it.
No. 439750
>>439503I find these creepy now due to the similarity between dating site language and "sexy asian woman wants to chat with you now" porn ads
Men view dating sites as places to pick up women for free sex. 633 men have selected that they want free sex from anon. The numbers of drooling men smashing the yes/like/confirm button on every image of a woman they see online (read: their desperation for free sex expressed via click) is the exact opposite of what women are generally looking for in regard to dating
No. 439759
>>439749I’m not claiming to be more woke.
Do you know how hard it is to find a long term relationship with a woman who you are both sexually and emotionally attracted to? The vast majority of women are straight. Most women on dating apps are looking for a third wheel. I’ve had a crush on girls before, but they have girlfriends! Or sometimes even boyfriends.
I will be honest with any woman I meet. I haven’t fucked anyone off a dating app but I’m sexually attracted to men too, so I have wanted to.
What is a woman who is only attracted to men supposed to do based on your standards? Be celibate? Because getting into a relationship with a guy is stupid. Women live longer when they’re outside of relationships with men. Relationships with men mentally and physically drain you.
No. 439763
are extremely ugly.
No. 439764
>>439759I agree with you anon. I think some other anons are being too hard on you. I think these men deserve to be used and I think their girlfriends deserve to know that their boyfriends are on that site.
Everyone would want to know if their partner is cheating, unless they want to continue living in a delusion (some ladies want to I guess). Obviously don't take it personally if the women you tell don't take it well.
Just please stay safe, anon, because it's dangerous to meet up with random men. I'd recommend you just go to dinner and leave without the sex to be extra safe.
>>439750Also this, I agree. I wish men didn't ruin dating sites. Aren't there things you can filter so that not everyone can message you and such? I was almost going to make an okcupid but I don't know much about it. I'm also not looking for anything serious so it doesn't matter for
me if they want an actual relationship, but still.
No. 439766
>>439556Hollywood is deeep into dark pedo shit. I don't believe their pandering especially to women. It's the same as before - women are props and kids are sexualized.
>>439558>>439560Im kinda under the suspicion that alot of women on male dominated subs are larpers tbh.
>>439692>Another comment, "HILA IS TRYING TO HIDE HER JEALOUSY AND ANGER HAHAHA!"What the actual fuck. Why can't women hate porn or just not feel comfortable with it? She just gave birth too..Fuck his retarded audience and fuck him. I can see her posting anonymously on r/breakingmoms talking about this shit too. Poor woman needs to just vent. Also this is just more evidence that having a degenerate scrots kids will not make them change whatsoever.
No. 439774
>>439771I should also add that the type of guys that you could maybe benefit from in some way
will avoid you in favor of a woman they can useYou will be/are being pursued by men who see value to extract from you and they
will extract it if you let them. Your attention, company, sex, social status and ego boost he gets by spending time with a woman. The only way to "win" is to have your own resources, money and ignore all men. If you get a partner, keep them at arms length and do not allow unlimited access to your resources (work, time, companionship, sex)
It's not a game a woman can win, you win by not playing it
No. 439775
>>439774>>439774Now that you put it this way I can see where you are coming from. You’re right that they will view sex as beneficial to them. I guess I was naive.
I think I will keep trying to wake their gfs up though. These women need to know.
No. 439778
>>439556Eww I was looking forward to this movie, but I've been hearing some sketchy shit about it
and Tarantino recently and now i'm not so sure I want to see it.
No. 439802
>>439652Broke: complaining about degenerate moids jerking off to being degraded, humiliated and ignored.
Woke: having them send you money and gifts for one liners and being left on read, because that's "dominant".
Ascended: not having to interact with a dirty meat dildo in any way or form (not an option yet).
Stop having secret Disney expectations that a moid will awaken somewhere and become an actual human being, he won't. Just meme them into displaying sexual degeneracy that's convenient for you. I don't give a shit if a moid is adapting to enjoy pinkpill, he better be.
>>439629I take it you haven't heard of gyaku ryona.
No. 439804
>>439778I would either skip it or pirate it if you really want to watch it. The first 2/3rds of the movie was meandering and self indulgent.
There was also a scene where (mild spoiler)
It was heavily implied that Pitt's character killed his stereotypically nagging wife with a harpoon gun, which every redditor found completely hilarious. No. 439810
>>439684All porn serves a dual purpose. Wanking is secondary, the primary one is supplying the moid with maladaptive copes he craves so much. One of them is selling the moid a deluded idea that he's "showing" irl women what they have to "compete" with, that he has "options". It's how they avenge the fact that it's much easier for you to diversify. That's why moids think of ethots and pornstars as actual gfs. No matter how "intelligent", they actually do on some level think that they have a real chance and that's how they get robbed blind. Ethots make moid narcissism and Dunning-Kruger work for them.
If you have ever been in a long term relationship, you have probably noticed that your moid suddenly wants you to dress more conservatively, gets uncomfortable about you speaking to other males and wants you to get pregnant as soon as possible. This is moid "securing" behavior. It doesn't mean that he is serious about you or that he loves you, what it means is that he wants to reduce your number of other readily available options to soothe his inherent anxiety over fidelity. Of course once he achieves this he won't be happy and he will hate you, because moids are generally at their happiest pouring resources into a void, stuck chasing a carrot on a stick forever. See:
>>439505 .
>>439762No, they fantasize about being people. Moids are deeply traumatized by the realization that they are slaves to sexual arousal, it clashes with their grandiose self image. Porn is capitalizing on their petty need to "avenge" that somehow. Like most porn, moid copefics generally revolve around a theme of regaining control/upper hand in response to having a boner and "punishing" whatever it is that made them horny. The moid in question is trying to repair the anal fissure he sustained from having his defense mechanisms ripped to shreds (which no doubt aroused him too)
No. 439816
>>439788They want a Hila but not the human. Women are suppose to take all their shit, listen to them praise porn and every other cam girl with a smile. God no wonder they're going to live and die. What a miserable fanbase.
>>439804>that spoilerMen laughing at murdered women, depressing but not surprising.
No. 439817
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>sadpanda shutting down
>cumbrained scrotes on suicide watch
It's a beautiful day.
No. 439826
>>439823Lmfao, tbh this is what you get when you pursue streamcel trash. All scrots are garbage, but ugly ass letsplayers and youtube funnymen are the pinnacle of absolutely disgusting. I've actually asked streamer fangirls in their designated threads why they find these 2/10 monstrosities attractive just because they play video games and it's always some premium pickme shit in response.
God, it's truly incredible. A disgusting sweaty neckbeard hits on you at gamestop and you think "ew", same disgusting neckbeard appears on youtube and you flood the premises. I will never understand.
No. 439831
>>439684Hila is such a cuck I feel bad for her.
The comments are fucking disgusting too.
No. 439836
>>439827Tarantino is hit or miss but at least the Bride in Kill Bill is an actual character, her being a mother particularly is something most scrot writers/directors wouldn't do (because motherhood is gross or something). I've been seeing people try to explain the character away as a fetishisation of violence against women but these are the same people who only allow "strong" female characters to be flawless beautiful women who never suffer any hardships, because any flaw would make their boners deflate. I appreciate that the Bride is a woman who's allowed to be dirty, wounded, violent and serving her own revenge, rather than supporting a man's narrative.
The other female characters apart from the Bride are mostly shallow and the footfag scene wasn't necessary, though.
No. 439852
>>439720my sides
i know this is scrot fic but deadass this is me with my bf
No. 439871
>>439854It's because of the tone. It always sounds like unnecessarily drawn out wish fulfillment, or ramblings of someone who's deeply
triggered and desperate to convince himself of something that isn't true. This is because (heterosexual) scrots are perpetually fighting cognitive dissonance and narcissistic injury due to impending realization that their free will does not extend beyond their (female inflicted) boners.
Read any reputable book on narcissistic personality disorder. There, you have a manual for your average scrot.
No. 439902
>>439788>But now that she's clearly hurt, they laugh at her and think it's super epic how she has trouble hiding her sadness/jealousy.Men laughing at women they go out of their way to make sad and insecure, just another reason why AMALT and a reason women need to go their own way, women are truly better without men and men even admit this themselves by making them sad and insecure just to laugh at it
Imagine if a woman fawned and obsessed over Chad and her boyfriend was clearly sad and insecure, scrots would be put on suicide watch
No. 439920
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Have these idiots ever talked to a woman before?
No. 439930
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No. 439939
>>439930I was about to defend some of those, because you should be allowed to be attracted to people outside of relationships as long as it's in a healthy way, but I actually read some of these
>I told her a few times that I think she should have her breasts augmented>My Girlfriend has small tits… Should I dump her?>girlfriend's boobs to small, she is not attractive enoughdisgusting
No. 439940
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reminder that men think women not dressing how they want women to dress is harassment and manipulative
No. 439947
This reminds me of the scrotes who thought a wife not having dinner ready in time was
abusive No. 439948
Dude blowing stuff out of proportion never helps, it actually hurts your argument. Anyway, use your brain and tell me how shitty jokes make you a cheater why don't you? I don't agree with what he said but its not cheating.
No. 439950
>>439556>>439755Sorry to necro a day-old tangent, but this is quite a good read about DiCaprio and his scrot-gang's pattern of dating 20-year-old Eastern European models that hasn't changed for, oh, 20 years: Sure, it's on Vice, but the content itself is solidly pinkpilling.
No. 439953
>>439948Not her but even though it isn't fully cheating, he's a bit too excited and invested in this. And Hila is obviously hurt. He would fuck Belle if he had the chance to.
Saying they're just shitty jokes is exactly what men do to women all the time. ''haha relax babe it's just a joke chill''
No. 439971
>>439953I get what you're saying, I see it made her pretty uncomfortable but overreacting and calling it cheating just gives men the opportunity to say we're hysterical and dont know what we're talking about, call it like it is. He joked at being half cubbed and he was looked thirsty as hell after that clip. You cant tell me that isnt new, men are ALWAYS looking at other women.. if you're going to breed with one you better get used to that! Also, if the joke is
abusive or demeaning of course that isn't right, I wasnt dismissing it hurt her feelings. Hes still nasty.
No. 439994
>>439971Not if you keep your man under control, my previous ex would never ever stare at other women or even think of joking about cheating, my current boyfriend has some work to do but overall I got him under control with "jokes"
The key is to let him know you aren't taking his shit, tell him straight up, don't be afraid to leave when you need to and let him KNOW you aren't going to stick around if he acts miserable and wants to cheat. The less you're willing to deal with the harder he will try for you
No. 439999
>>439994Or, instead of spending all that time and effort and doing non stop emotional labour to curb an inherent part of the (
toxic, harmful, unpleasant) male psyche, you could just not bother with men at all. I really cannot relate to wanting a man so badly I would try to force him to be less horrible than he is naturally inclined to be. That's energy I could be expending elsewhere, for something of more value.
No. 440002
>>439997Hide it then, be a gentleman, letting men gawk over other women in front of you just shows you have no self respect, control your man
>>439999I figured, but outside of my man hate I live a fairly normie life, in a way they mean nothing to me but sex , but my current man tries really hard so I just keep him around and let him know I'm not afraid to kick his ass to the curb when he wants to start acting up, and by doing that he would be giving up the luxury downtown apartment, 5 star meals, clothes, skin care, etc I pay for. I don't play that shit and I control him before he can even think of controlling me
No. 440007
>>440004Because I'm loaded and make 150k a year
he's a waiter that's 7 years younger than me
the only problem is scrots not being able to control you and I'm not the one who has to be afraid to being put on the streets
No. 440012
>>439947Yeah, and not buying me a pair of Manolos every time he gets his paycheck is literally rape.
This is why scrots shouldn't be in charge of making laws. They have no idea what initial aggression means if the matter involves their penile fee-fees.
No. 440017
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TIL sexual molestation of a family member is okay if you're ~sleepwalking~
No. 440025
>>440015I know that sub is jerk off fodder, but it somehow comes off as a big pinkpill. The pics have the same energy as
>>439930 tbh, just a compilation of shitty things men think contrasted with images of women just existing.
On a side note, shit like this makes me feel more at ease about just fantasizing about doing horrible things to men I see in public. Sometimes I forget that they're undeserving of respect and concern. No. 440034
>>440018Hila may be a cuck but she still doesnt deserve this. To get shit on for something natural like disgust over hearing your husband and the father of your child openly admit to jerking off to a cringey cam girl is rough
Porn already is giving men ED on top of that too
No. 440035
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it's difficult to be straight and want to date when you hate men and realize how useless they are.
No. 440110
>>440013Date someone who wants a pickme. It's the biggest pink pill. You'll feel like trash because that's how they'll treat you. Being someone's mother, paying for everything, having bad sex; that's enough to clear any woman's mind. Men will never put the effort into making you feel good. They won't lift a finger if you don't demand it. It's so not worth it.
Reposting because autocorrected pick me to pickle.
No. 440111
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>>440107samefag but what the fuck is this shit
No. 440113
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Men: men have it SO HARD, being a female is truly life on easy mode, remember the male suicide rate and how many men have depression!take men's mental health more seriously!!!
Also men:mocks women with mental health issues
No. 440120
>>440116women tend to be a lot better at bouncing back from those mental states and re joining society, finding new friends, building new bridges, new bfs.
Men just keep digging until the hole is deep enough that they can't get out or reach anyone to drag down with them anymore so there's only the rope left.
No. 440138
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>men going their own way
>Goes out of their way to pretend to be scared of women
No. 440146
>>440138kek, I would never think it has anything to do with my looks, and I'd find the whole thing hilarious. It's not like I look like I'd launch myself at a guy and try to steal his bag pack or something, and the only other possible explanation is that he did or is carrying something illegal.
Men are incapable of even trying to think how things look from another perspective.
No. 440148
>>440144Eh. If it's crap, it's crap. Are people more critical of crappy things if girls like them? I wouldn't doubt it.
The solution here is not to
stop trashing things like Twilight and Fifty Shades– we need to have
some fucking standards. What needs to happen is more ridicule towards the stupid bullshit men like. 90% of action movies are dumb shit for retarded apes who need big shiny explosions to keep their attention. Professional ports are boring and a huge waste of resources. Fifty Shades' misinformation and rapiness is nothing compared to the sheer volume of myths and violence glorified in porn made for men.
No. 440150
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>>440138I enjoy cringe incel shit
No. 440153
>>440148That's basically what the video says. Twilight definitely has shit writing and criticism is deserved. But on the other hand, tons of pop media does. Fast and Furious, Transformers, GoT etc…
But what's are the differences?
1) Widely popular media meant for men and teenage boys gets criticised but at the same time it's widely enjoyed and you mostly get the argument "yeeeah its shitty writing but its for fun okay???"
2) Twilight as a media meant for teenage girls that got popular didn't simply get criticized and then acknowledged for its "fun" value, instead it got massive hate campaigns because fuck women and girls having their own shallow fantasy media.
No. 440166
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>>440162Fucking finally ahahahah, i was waiting for a video like this to be made. Already has more than 30% dislike percentage lmaooo delicious scrot tears.
Be sure to leave a comment on how you can't wait for a perfect man to be made so you don't have to deal with balding unwashed real ones, that will make scrots even more butthurt.
Also I love searching for
triggered scrot comments.
>when your only value is being able to open a jarlmaoooooo I bet this weak fatso can't actually do it
No. 440168
>>440162Ask a woman why she would want a sex doll, she'll say it's because the doll won't beat, yell, scream, manipulate, age, etc
Ask a man why he would want a sex doll, he starts talking about evil women not being attractive enough and can't refuse sex and how putting their dick in silicone will somehow get back at women and replace them
Says a lot about each gender
No. 440174
>>440162>"I think we've been lied to our entire lives about sexuality. I think that women have been brought up to believe a thing about their sexuality, that it's not supposed to be important, that it's only supposed to be about procreating"this applies to everywhere in the world. men made it all about themselves. as usual
sex dolls and human-like robots in general creep me out because of uncanny valley. i don't think there will be a time where so many people will own sex dolls and pick them over real humans, so i don't understand why this offends people so much.
No. 440176
>>440166LOL Lot of those mgtows downvoting truly hoped for sentient submissive sexbots before anything else. Now that women have a replacement too, they throw a retard tantrum
>can't pay for her, fix things, move furnitureWomen have jobs, can fix things and open jars just fine lmao and hire people if she needs furniture moved thats too big
>protectmore women are open about carrying protection be it guns, a knife, taser or a trained dog
They truly just sell themselves short out like that huh
>>440168Yeah it's telling. They really just want to off women entirely but can't. Well, most but not all. I did watch 1 doc on sex toys and sex dolls. And 1 man interviewed had one because he didn't want to contribute his money to sex trafficking that is mostly the case with prostitution and escorts. He had the right idea
No. 440181
>>440171Scrots are literally too stupid to realize that hypergamy is a necessary course of action for women to pursue when they live under a patriarchy where their access to resources is contingent on their relationship to a man. If they’re so
triggered by hypergamy (rational mate selection on the part of women), then they should be in favor of female independence and socioeconomic programs that enable women to access material resources on their own terms irrespective of their choice of romantic partner. But they are too consumed by mindless hatred and resentment to even realize that.
No. 440194
>>440187Trump has also said creepy incest shit about Ivanka in public interviews for decades but no one cares
>"I've said that if Ivanka weren't my daughter perhaps I'd be dating her" as she sits right next to him on The View while talking about how he wouldn't mind if she was in Playboy>"I was going to say "sex" but I can't relate that to her" when asked what they have in common, again with her sitting right next to him on a talk show>"yeah, she's really something, and what a beauty, that one, if I weren't happily married and, ya know, her father…">"you know who's one of the great beauties of the world, according to everyone? and I helped create her: Ivanka, my daughter, Ivanka, she's six feet tall, she's got the best body">"she's actually always been very voluptuous, she's tall, she's almost 6 feet tall and she's been- she's an amazing beauty">agreeing with howard stern that she's "a piece of ass">kissing her on stage and declaring "I kiss her every chance I get!"he also said of Tiffany as a young girl
>"she's got Marla's legs, we don't know whether or not she has THIS part yet, but time will tell" while motioning to his chest to indicate breasts as Marla sits beside him No. 440201
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No. 440202
>>440138if someone did this i would just think they were autistic or something
reminds me of the guy who posted about how one time he "owned" a woman when they were walking toward each other on the street and he "made" her step off the sidewalk to get around him, thus proving his "dominance". imagine being such a beta that your biggest 'fuck you' to someone is mildly inconveniencing them and acting like a retard in public.
No. 440203
>>440201lmao fucking hypocrites. i read that one long comment and it doesn't make any sense. why does a man having had sex with many people shows that he is desirable but a woman doing the same thing doesn't?
>Sex causes a deep bond. A woman who had many sexual partners may not be able to bond as well. She therefore, may not be the best mate.why doesn't the same thing apply to men? are women the only ones who have to keep the bond in a relationship?
>Previous sexual partners also increase the risk for diseaseagain, this applies for men too. men in general have higher stats of stds,
thus lowering his sexual value even furtherlong story short, if you are going to make a huge deal out of virginity, make it about both sexes. it's not that hard.
No. 440204
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>>440203Something something Key and Lock analogy.
Those men are retarded.
No. 440239
>>440162Not sure if relevant, but do you think women would seek sex dolls more than men do? Do sex dolls benefit women?
Who wouldn't want a doll that is attractive with abs and shit unlike the balding, fat, hideous creatures that are modern men, that doesn't bitch and doesn't screech at you animalistically or masturbate to porn or whine about you on Reddit? Straight women still seek out men for some reason, so there is something that makes them desire men despite how destructive that desire is.
I feel like acceptance of sex-dolls is the last thing I'd want but I also feel it's inevitable so I'm going to go out there and contemplate how this benefits me. I've already giving up on hoping men would give up porn and am just aiming to restrict my involvement with them. If I choose a seperatist lifestyle but still want a partner I can see myself picking up something that is actually attractive and more human than modern men. Not saying I support men getting one for themselves, but we all know that's not double standard because men are freaks and monsters while women aren't.
Of-course, men are spasming on the keyboard and foaming at the mouth about this, and they will likely do too in the future about this. And it's no secret that they're hypocritical animals likewise.
No. 440244
>>440138That just makes him look like a creep with something to hide.
I'd think a guy like that was extremely shady, lmao.
If I were a Karen type, I might even call the police to report suspicious behavior, especially if this was happening at night.
>destroyed self-esteemWhy do they always project? Embarrassing.
No. 440247
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Youtube comment sections are full of this shit.
No. 440270
>>440247Sounds like a load of crap. The Middle East and Japan's birthrates have plummeted lower than Europe or the US yet this retard would probably praise the 'based sexism' and lack of work protections women face in those places.
Scrotes want to make women workhorses (the norm throughout history) yet expect us to also somehow sit at home and shit out 12 of their incel offspring. After modernization of any country (regardless of how sexist it is, but sexism actually makes it worse by not giving maternity leave, etc) this is just not fiscally possible unless you go the octomom route. /r/breakingmoms is full of people at breaking point from just one child
Not only that but it's western countries (Ireland, Norway) with the highest levels of productivity per capita so I don't even know what the fuck the scrote is babbling about
No. 440282
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Men are praising this.
No. 440285
>>440013>>440110's suggestion is usually what happens, but it's pretty easy to deprogram yourself without the emotional trauma of dating a horrible scrot.Who is a Cool Girl? Simply a girl who spends more time and energy forming "meaningful" (usually just to her) connections with men, over women. They are also girls who can't/don't/won't see the value in gendered activities, specifically girly ones. There's nothing wrong with playing with dolls, makeup, etc. things that girls grew up with. And, they're girls who've internalized prioritizing males.
>The Simple, Easy Trick that Scrots Don't Want You To Know: girls rule and boys drool. so go out and talk to women who see the value in other women. make female friends, join women's groups, center women as much as possible, consume media created by women. it's like exposure therapy, just like we became Cool Girls by too much exposure to worthless scrot copes, exposure to other women on meaningful levels will prove that you are just like those other girls.
No. 440290
>>440288Literally the same shit everyone in the entire world has been telling them, but they plugged their ears and screamed "Shut up NORMIES! You just don't get the life of a sad virgin like me! Sex is
Truly pathetic.
No. 440293
>>440270>>440254Yeah none would actually move to a country that treats women like cattle. Being in the ME would require them to give up alot and practice islam. They just want to hurt and abuse women with no consequences in a western environment.
>>440282>/fit/Story is fake so he probably came to this after going to a gym a few times realizing that it doesn't solve anything.
No. 440294
>>440284Russia is absolutely terrible to women. What's worse, mocking feminists is kind of built-in in our culture and even most women think that women who fight for their rights to be more than a fucking fleshlight are delusional and insane. Being a feminist or even a self-sufficient women gets you bullied to no end so no woman in her right mind would admit that they want equality. We're a nation of "cool girls".
Women CAN'T go out at midnight without getting harassed, I don't know what your relatives are talking about, there wasn't a single time I went out at night when I wasn't either threatened, laughed at or hit on. Not a single one.
Russia is truly a third world country and I can't wait for the day I am able to leave.
No. 440299
>>440201RPW are less brainwashed than most people would think
I think most of them could be pinkpilled with time
No. 440333
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>>440247Reminds me of once when I was watching a video about "why men never get fully get over a break up" and it was full of comments like this. I know if the genders were reversed and it was only women who supposedly could never get over a breakup, they would be making comments about how women must be incomplete humans, they're incapable of have a fulfilling life independently unlike men who can find it in other areas of life, etc. Literally anything associated with women they will try to twist into something bad and try to make men look good.
No. 440362
>>440288If men are so fucking incapable of controlling their sex drives why don't they take estrogen and dump testosterone? (Not talking about Tims). It's not like they've made use of testosterone in the modern era, they're as useless as wet rags.
Some freak on trp equated his sex drive with female menstruation because apparently they cannot control thesex drive like we can't control blood flow. Fucking wow.
No. 440371
>>440162I wish this were a solution but how would you get over the gross feeling that you're like, fucking a dead body or something??
I'd consider it and the way the girls talked about it in the video is tempting but I feel like I'd feel so off about it.
Just a dildo and a vibrator and a pillow is good enough for me to replace a real man, actually.
No. 440392
>>440203>why does a man having had sex with many people shows that he is desirable but a woman doing the same thing doesn't?I understand the evopsych logic they use to justify it. What I don't understand is how they always contradict themselves with regards to men sleeping around
>men who sleep around are studs, they are high value and have achieved their partner count by being an awesome, successful human being. They cannot be criticized for this.>women who fuck men who sleep around are stupid roasties, they are making terrible life choices and should be fucking virgins insteadLow value men can't hide the fact that they desperately want women to artificially lower their standards and actively choose not to fuck men with value, to the point that they'll do a 180 when faced with the reality that obviously we would rather fuck someone with something to offer.
No. 440428
Pretty much
Men:how do we romance women?
Women:umm we like when you're nice to us and respect us and buy us flowers
Men:no no no that's not what you want
Men:how do we romance women?
Other men: neg her, ignore her, abuse her, never do anything for
Men: genius! I'm going to try this
Also men: why don't women want me? I hate women!evil picky bitches!
No. 440431
>>440364my favorite thing about shoujo and josei is how non-sexual it often is. even if it touches upon sexual topics it's rarely fanservice-y for men, it's usually about having your first time and the emotional experience that comes with it, or the sex is barely shown/hinted at.
i love shoujo and josei bc it's one of the only media where i can watch heroines and women not be bimbofied objets for men to ogle at in any way. if men could take a hint that us women love not being treated like objects and to be respected, listened to, supported in our own personal projects and dreams, maybe we'd have less shitbags to deal with.
No. 440434
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No. 440442
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Even if these MGTOWs got their perfect 18 year old mute virgin, they'd hate her for aging. This pic has nothing to do with nagging or being some entitled ''Karen'', it's all about how they dared to go out in public while being over 40.
No. 440452
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>>440445they can't be around women and be mentally stable about it, women existing literally offends them but they claim feminists do this to men, it's projection
men are pathetic and need to have their cameras taken away from them literally go out their way and violate women, take pictures of their body, post them to the internet just so strangers can make fun of them…
or if they are attracted to womens bodies they still creepshot it and post it to the internet for other men to judge, nitpick or fap to
or men who get insanely bothered by womens bodies offending them by not being attractive they let it ruin their day, men are spoilt babies who need to have all their technology taken away until they can prove they can have it and act like a mentally fucking sane person and not a child
No. 440467
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why do womens bodies offend men so much?
No. 440492
>>440467Nothing is ever enough for men and even if they did find a woman with the "perfect" body they would still look at/watch porn of/seek out and fuck women with other body types. I'm tall with a big ass and large-ish tits but my ex would watch porn of petite women with small tits and ass as well as porn of fit women with defined abs and sometimes even porn of women with giant monster tits.
Even if a man has 10 wives he can fuck he will still want that 11th wife who has some small thing that his other wives don't. Everything is about novelty and taboo to them. Not only are men never satisfied, they dont even know what they want most of the time.
No. 440508
>>440442I've started noticing the cultural hatred and disdain for like….lack of a better word, moms with minivans, sparkly flip flops, who share silly memes and live laugh love stuff and I hate it. MRAs like this, but you see it also on the left, the right, among kids and men. Soccer moms, "bingo wings," all that. And you know what? Those boring normie moms fucking rule. Working in the nonprofit sector taught me that those are the women that volunteer, that shelter families in need, that work on political campaigns, that make our society fucking run. Even the "momspiration" stuff we make fun of is them working hard to remain optimistic in spite of a world that mocks them constantly. These women are out enjoying a lovely day and I fucking salute them. Honestly, for all we bitch about "karens" and "can I speak to the manager" shit, as a weird little hispanic girl who went through the school system with a lot of red flags, these were consistently the women who gave a shit. Not the loud "activist" teachers, let alone any male in my life. It was these women are school nurses, teachers, and office ladies who were the ones to ask if I needed a hug or a buck for lunch.
No. 440511
>>440467Like the other anon said it's all memed into them. East Asian men find 'thicc' women repulsive. I tend to find what women find attractive about male bodies fairly static in comparison
The penny dropped for me when I realized how ridiculously common pederasty (not homosexuality, pederasty specifically) is across all civilizations regardless of affluence or race or religion. I don't think scrotes are even honest with themselves, nor will I never understand their true inclinations
No. 440513
>>440490i'm not a radfem, just radleaning so idk for sure. I'm of the position that there's nothing inherently wrong with makeup, as long as you're critical about your usage. part of cool girl syndrome is believing that anything girly is inherently lesser, and not that girly activities also have levels to them.
it might help to look into the technical/scientific aspects of these activities. my whole opinions on makeup, nail art, skincare, etc changed when I saw the actual skill or science behind them.
anyway, these were tips on dealing with women in general, not just radfems. most women aren't radfem, or even radleaning, so we gotta do what we can to connect with and pink-pill pickmes, cool girls, etc.
No. 440521
>>440515I fundamentally disagree, and this is part of why cool girlism is so rampant. there is literally no difference between applying makeup in an attractive way within a subculture, or within the larger culture. a goth girl who applies makeup to be hot to goth boys is the exact same pickme as stacy applying makeup to be hot for chad.
cool girls have been clinging to the 'it's better if a subculture does it' for far too long. it's the exact same shit, just in a different shade of eyeliner.
No. 440545
>>440543Lundy Bancroft gives me hope for men tbh.
Reading his book was interesting though, I've never been in an
abusive relationship but the descriptions of
abusive male behaviour seemed extremely familiar to me. I realized that it also accurately captures the way so many men (incels, mgtows, etc) talk about women online, in general terms and when discussing their expectations from us. It doesn't even take an actual girlfriend for men to indulge and develop
abusive tendencies.
No. 440580
>>440545Sometimes meeting good men and dating good men make you realize how awful and
abusive men are, ever since I started dating a good guy it made me realize how disgusting men have treated me before
No. 440591
>>440586Many autistic women go diagnosed because the standard idea professionals have of autism is how it's expressed in men. Women have a different expression of autism that's not the robot like shallow affect being of males.
If you look up differences between Asperger's and Anti-social personality disorder (another overwhelmingly male diagnosis) you'll see they overlap in symptoms even if the cause and source in the brain is different.
No. 440592
>>439940why are men this pathetic? It reminds me of the episode of Seinfeld when Kramer got into a car accident because Elaine's friend was walking around in just a bra and he crashed into a pole. He tried to sue her for 'causing his accident' but it didnt work.
Imagine being so utterly useless that you blame women for how they dress instead of driving safely. It was a parody episode 20 odd years ago and yet , here we are
No. 440594
>>439842the belle thing is really being dragged out too. it's not like ethan mentioned it once. there was the initial talking about her (on a podcast Hila was absent from as she was talking care of their days? weeks? old baby) then there was the DMs from belle to ethan and then the package with the jar of spit and then I think ethan was doing something with the spit on the last episode? Idk.
it's incredibly disrespectful to Hila. to make your wife who just gave became a mother sit there as you go on about this 20 year old and talk about the jar of spit she sent you. Hila laughs and goes along with it but if I were her I would be pissed.
I'm like you, I don't think Ethan is a bad person but like other anon said, imagine if it was Hila was interacting with some young guy (to the disgusting extent it is with belle)! would ethan be okay with that? would the fanbase (of mainly young guys) be okay with that? nah
No. 440598
>>440591I know two women with mild autism irl and they dont act violent or crazy like men do. They're shy and a bit self conscious, but i honestly wouldnt have known they had if they didnt tell me.
Men with autism are always violent and creepy af towards women and dont understand how to read the situation. they should be locked up
No. 440601
>>440598men get away with being pieces of shit if they use the autism card, women aren't even allowed to be depressed without men going "them crazy western roasties its because you arent being abused by your husband and force to pop out babies and cook!"
women are taught that having mental issues is shameful and since people like cherry picking which women to represent all women, a lot of women are forced to hide and never open up
No. 440641
>>440442mgtows are so damn transparent it's gotten retarded. You'd assume their sub is just a resource for guys to go to for support or discover new hobbies but nope. Just a giant center to shit on women that don't know they exist. No wonder even red piller hate them. No wonder they tried to make mgtow2 a thing to remove the woman hate because it's too much.
Really, I get shitting on anti vax Karens, but it's really just becoming a thinly veiled excuse to shit on just older moms with kids in general. Despite it being the 1 thing males try to force all women to be.
>>440434Countdown to when braincels is banned
No. 440642
>>440640Hypatia of Alexandria
Florence Nightingale
Marie Curie
Ada Lovelace
Heidi Lamarr
Anyone else want to do another five?
No. 440643
Rosalind Franklin
No. 440644
>>440637I do think IQ is commonly accepted to be the most accurate measure of intelligence we've got, but the thing men like to ignore is that the average scores between genders doesn't actually differ at all.
The shape of the bell curve is just different and women tend to gravitate towards that average more. So while probably more men are 120 iq more of them are 80 iq as well.
No. 440664
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Dont reply to the soyboy invading the thread.
No. 440691
>>440643Lise Meitner
Grace Hopper
No. 440693
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No. 440697
>>440692Annie Jump Cannon
Jane Goodall
No. 440702
>>440678Why do men have no problems being pieces of shit?
Seriously they take pride in being sick but women try to improve themselves, and they have the nerve to believe they're superior and always right when they can't even take constructive criticism like a child
No. 440736
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like fine wine
No. 440770
>>440152>they sound like autistic neanderthals.These threads are starting to be the same though, I don't know why it's happening but things are getting real spergy
>>440239What's the point? A sex doll only fulfills one single purpose and you have to invest a lot, upkeep it and move it around yourself. Just get a decent vibrator instead.
No. 440779
>>440775>>440778Is it the same picture that gets posted everytime? Idk who posts it, but I know the artist who drew the one that was posted here some minutes ago. He's a 30 year old loser from south america. Mm, I wonder if he posted that himself.
sorry for slight derail
No. 440783
>>440508Yes yes yes
People love to shit on the ones who actually do all the work, my theory being they want to diminish and discount them to avoid showing gratitude and payment (which they deserve)
No. 440784
CP? As in actual children or hentai or what?
If it was an actual child then good fucking lord
No. 440798
>>440787Deleting actual CP is one of the most draining jobs. I feel bad for the mods that are conned into technically breaking the law by scrotes, makes me kinda glad that the only recurrent pedo I deal with is obsessed with posting bullshit graphs about "muh fertile 13 yr olds"
sage for ot
No. 440803
>>440773I reported the loli pic and moved on but you guys just had to derail about it while some cheeto-fingered scrote sits back and laughs at the hysteric women because of his le epic troll prank.
Come on. Don't be as easily baited as cgl is.
No. 440836
>>440831>males will try to take their condom off during sex (and then insult you/get angry when you point it out), they’ll try to bargain your prices right down True, true, true.
Been there girl. Glad you're getting out. Anyone who defends this line of work is bullshit or delusional.
Enjoy retirement anon. I hope it hasn't scarred you too much.
No. 440847
>>440831I don't want to seem like a creep but this is why I encourage people to post about their experiences in the sex industry. It's given me a lot of perspective that I otherwise wouldn't have had, lest I remained with my totes prosti-posi views.
Can't even say based on the things that I've read that I'm shocked that men tried to stealth condoms or talk you down about the prices.
I'm glad you're elevating to a better life for yourself anon.
No. 440865
>>440831i'm glad that you are getting out of it to start a healthier life anon.
i had a retarded male friend who would say shit like "if i was femalw i'd definitely be a prostitute, you get money and you get sex!!". like.. do you not have any idea what people in that industry go through? scrotes see it as all rainbows and butterflies but the reality is so different.
No. 440876
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>>440869Lmao I complained about the same thing, women in this decade are extremely sexualized to fit into porny standards, while men dont have any type of standards at all, especially nothing as intense as women have. It seems like theyre actively pushed into being sloths and as shitty looking as possible, especially in places like the US.
I have been noticing this pattern started since the 2000s and never went away. Look at the ads in the 1970s for male fashion. Now everything that is considered cleanly and attractive to women in any slight way is gay or lame meanwhile women have to look like strippers and porn stars to be considered gorgeous.
No. 440878
everyone ITT with some variation of "why are men like this"? the answer is always conditioning. this is the result of the patriarchical societies we live in.
it's literally just different manifestations of basically the same entitlement. violent men will express their entitlement violently,
abusive men will do so abusively, smart men will use their education/intelligence, etc.
>>440634this is a common abuser tactic. lying about childhood trauma or mental illness or other disorders so he can continue to get away with his abuse. we can see this most blatantly with men like jonathan yaniv.
No. 440879
>>440166Okay, setting aside the fact that EITHER sex buying one of these things is fucking degenerate and autistic…
If she can afford a two-thousand-dollar sex doll, she can afford to pay for her own expenses. They make rubber grips for opening jars, and sliders to put on the feet of furniture to make it easy to move. A woman can get a dog and/or a gun to protect herself.
Lmao "millions of other things". That's code for "I can't think of anything else". Face it, dude. Men and women don't need each other.
Relationships aren't about "needing" the other person for material bullshit anyway. It's about having companionship. The fact that men don't understand this is why 98% of them are horrible romantic partners.
>>440490No. Most feminists I've met just want to change society's misconception of makeup as a "tool to attract" and a form of deceit.
Makeup is fun. It's like wearing your own artwork on your face everyday. It gives you a reason to wake up earlier and take better care of your skin. Rationale for wearing makeup varies from person to person, but a handful of sad girls wearing it to impress men does not mean that's why ALL women wear it.
Full disclosure? I wear makeup and shave my legs for other women. I don't give a fuck about what men think lol. I'm just afraid that other girls will view me as gross.
>>440876The seventies were based as hell when it came to fashion IMO. Men could have long, well-kept hair and high-heeled shoes and it was actually seen as cool.
Also black women could have natural hair, and women were allowed to have fucking pubes and not be seen as "gross".
No. 440886
>>440876I have to disagree, to an extent. Male fashion and grooming standards are leagues better than they were in the 2000s. Guys looked positively slovenly then. That isn't to say men are expected to maintain their appearance as much as women, just that it was even worse not that long ago. If you are disappointed by male fashion now you don't know what it was like coming of age in the past decade, it was fucking dire. I really hope things don't backslide in this regard.
And men have always complained about the men women found attractive as being gay. Fora recent example just look at musicians, Justin Beiber was constantly mocked by other men for his appearance (as if teen girls are supposed to be attracted to bearded men with dadbods).
No. 440891
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>>440889we should be doing our daily makeup like this tbh
No. 440894
>>440889I mean, makeup is an art of illusion. I think the confusion comes in trying to equate it with a creative art, which it is not.
It's okay to admit that it's a self serving practice that is practiced solely to reap the benefits of being considered attractive by other people and society.
Certain men lash out against women wearing makeup because it is trickery that benefits women and not men.
The joke is that the only power women are afforded in society, historically, is sexual value.
So if she asserts her sexual power, the man will lash out because it reminds him of his own sex drive and need of a womb, which he hates because it's base.
No. 440904
>>440896those studies say they're taken more seriously with makeup, but up to a point. the business makeup styles that are taken most seriously is far more stripped down than what most anons are referring to by having to put on makeup, which is the idiotic part. anons think we have to walk around looking like literal instathot bimbos to be taken seriously, when the standard is to just look professional (and bimbos are never taken seriously anyway).
the exaggeration is tiring. yes there is the double standard, no it is not as bad as you think it is.
No. 440905
>>440166Wow. My mom, sister, and I lived together for years. It must be a miracle that we ever managed to open jars and pay the rent and bills without men around.
>>440889They don't want to be honest with themselves and admit they aren't secure with their natural faces if they feel the need to plaster on a literal mask everyday to feel comfortable. Sometimes I play around with makeup for fun, I rarely leave the house with it on though. Those cool, creative looks makeup artists post on Youtube aren't for daytime wear.
No. 440908
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Why are males like this
No. 440929
>>440908Jesus Christ, all those lengths to avoid being accused of rape which rarely happens anyway. They act like getting a false accusation is worse than actually being fucking raped.
Going off on a tangent here but I really hate that scrotes think false accusations are worse because an accused rapist gets vilified whereas a rape
victim gets asspats and pity. For starters tons of people don't even believe women who were sexually assaulted or tell them shitty things like to "just get over it" so it's certainly not a warm welcoming experience. Also just because a
victim of a traumatic event gets love and support doesn't change the fact that they had something fucking awful happen to them. Imagine being like "Well who cares if you survived a genocide, everyone fawns over genocide
victims, but when I get accused of being a racist everybody is mean to me! Think about my feelings!"
No. 440931
>>440908Dude said he keeps a WALL between him and the women. Lmfao. Then makes himself look incompetent by asking for a camera after he lost something. And the allergies.
You know everyone there thinks he's a fucking weirdo.
No. 440934
>>440908If I'm reading this correctly, this scrote is so deathly afraid of muh false rape allegation that he's now come full circle and is actually protecting this woman as much as possible from any form of contact between them? Like, from her position, she's actually now in an overly safe structure full of cameras where he couldn't touch her without being caught? Which…well, that sounds like what women have been asking for all along, which is to not get harassed at work.
Horseshoe theory as applied to rapists, I'm amazed.
No. 440935
I saw a post in the unpopular opinions thread that pissed me off, and I just want to say that I'm sick of women being blamed for shit that men do.
When men do and say disgusting things, it becomes an "everyone" problem, a "bad people" thing, not a "bad men" thing, even when 99.9% of the people doing it are men, and the majority of the women who make up the remaining 1% participate are staunch defenders of the men who do it, not "evil feminazis" everybody points fingers at. No one wants to talk about the elephant in the room. The same is not true of women at all.
Alternatively, if someone's feeling extra dishonest, they'll outright make up shit. They do this by "genderbending" an actual issue, complaining loudly about their fake version of a very real problem, and pretending to be on a whole other level of woke, as if they've noticed something the whole world somehow overlooked. It's what the post I saw was doing, and it's as if they think we're all fucking blind or something.
I'm honestly starting to think the truth is that some women just can't help but want to attack other women. It's so bad that they'll scramble for literally any excuse to do it, reality be damned. It's like they get a sick high off of it, almost like it gives them the illusion that they're escaping the cage of a misogynyistic society for just a second whenever they become part of the problem.
Nitpicking and laughing at fat/ugly women doesn't scratch that social justice itch, either, so they make up these grand fantasies in their head so they can pretend to be underrated activists. I hate it. Being a tradthot is one thing, but there are other, more nuanced forms of internalized misogyny, and I worry that they're a sort of scar on many women's minds that can't really be healed.
No. 440937
>>440908lmfao this is so fucking funny
imagine being able to inconvenience a misogynist like this just by existing. absolute goals.
No. 440938
>>440908I have no problem with this. If this is what it takes for men to keep their so-called, self-admitted "rape urges", "sexual emergencies" and "need for sex" at bay, it's good.
In fact, we should be rallying for men to be watched like hawks at all times in every workplace. They should never get too comfortable in any space with women. Let's make all societies into a surveillance state where men aren't to be trusted. They revoked the right to trust and privacy by taking advantage of it too many times.
The voice recording thing can be bad, but it's all the more reason to keep your private life private and never tell scrotes anything remotely personal.
Honestly, maybe we should be recording things, too. We don't want all the surveillance material in their hands, because it means they can just delete the evidence if they decide that they want to act out anyway.
No. 440946
>>440940What, legitimately, do men have to be afraid of? Their sexuality is put on a fucking pedestal* so much that the only thing that could endanger them from being caught cybering is if they have a wife and it gets back to her, but even then most men live in ass backwards countries where a wife trying to start divorce proceedings for adultery is laughable because of the social protections afforded by marriage to men. In plenty of places women still are largely expected to stop working when they get married (if they're even allowed to work at all) and are then trapped by financial reliance on the husband. Even if it was a man from a Western culture, you'd still have to do the legwork of finding out his wife's details and contacting her. If you have screencaps of him masturbating on webcam, how much damage do you really think you can do to a man's ego or social status compared to how revenge porn and deepfakes can utterly destroy a woman's livelihood? He's a stud, she's a slut, the Madonna-Whore dichotomy wins out every time.
I think the only thing you could really do damage to these men with to hurt them would be unrelated to their sexuality entirely, like using their horniness to entrap them enough to get personal information enough to commit identity theft or other forms of fraud. And, again, this isn't really a gendered crime: it's mostly men running both SIM jacking forums and revenge porn websites, but the
victims for the former are evenly mixed where the
victims of the latter are overwhelmingly female. It's just never the same.
* I accidentally typo-ed this as "pedostal" at first and after correcting it realised it's actually a very succinct description of society's tolerance for male fascination with underage girls.
No. 440982
>>440974Men in general are so fucking revolting when it comes to interracial relationships. One of my husband's brother's friends told him I was probably only with him to "get out of the ghetto"… my parents live in a gated community and make six figures a year. Literally all he knew about me is I'm black, so he assumed I must be some gold digging hoodrat getting with white guys to increase my status. He also assumed I was into freaky shit in bed and good at dick riding because apparently it's some weird stereotype that black women fuck like hardcore porn stars. Men are pigs.
>>440977The shit men consider abuse is laughable. I've seen men attempt to say not letting your SO look at porn is
No. 440983
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Genuine question, why do Staceys post things like this on instagram?
This girl is beautiful and has a seemingly perfect life yet she’s degrading herself online by saying her husband is a lazy deadbeat who forces her to care for a newborn despite probably being exhausted from giving birth. If this was my life I would be hiding it away as much as possible. What is this? A coping mechanism? An attempt at normalization? A cry for help? And attempt to be quirky and relatable? Discuss.
No. 440986
>>440983I think it's sad because I imagine both moms and future moms will look at this and think ''if this gorgeous influencer has to deal with it, surely i can't expect any better?''
It's so normal and relatable to other moms that they try to make it this funny, cute thing.
No. 440988
>>440983How embarrassing. She probably calls him "hubby."
Yet if she was on his ass to be responsible and pull his weight, she would be called a nag. Girl got herself 2 babies.
No. 440994
>>440899>rest in hell thot??? What the fuck. I know they literally hate themselves for jerking off and wanting women but shit, they're just fucking evil. How much you wanna bet they're pro sex work? They hate women yet want them. Chemical castration or just go full enuch would be a better option for them.
>>440964It is nice as some anons of pointed out. She won't be hurt or abused. But I'd expect mgtows to just quit and find another job if women are there. Not moan and complain about how much of a cunt she supposedly is because she's a a woman. Makes me want women only businesses just to not deal with males like that
>coworker is bluepilled but slowly bringing him to the dark sideMisery loves company. They can't fucking help themselves.
No. 441008
>>440983She's no Stacy she's a beta.
Stacy would let no one to walk over her.
No. 441046
>>441041Similar experience to you regarding men.
Also can I ask if men got more bold about making comments about your appearance when you got close to "conventional attractiveness"? I found as I lost a lot of weight men seemed more comfortable in passively being critical, almost like grooming me to please them a little further or maybe trying to jolt my confidence with negging.
When I regained weight I've noticed men have left me alone or are a lot more careful about comments when they do make them.
No. 441066
>>441041When I was anorexic (I’m much heavier now, my BMI is 25…) I got so much attention from old men at my lowest weight. I remember being so unhealthy, my hair falling out, constantly stressed and breaking out, and that’s when I got hit on the most in public by older guys. I wasn’t even attractive. Just skinny.
At the time I thought I was huge so I didn’t realize what was happening. I was looking at old pictures from that time. I had the body of a malnutritioned 14 year old and this is what they preferred me as? It kind of disgusted me. This was older men, ranging from 25 to 65!
Now, the only creepiness I receive is from younger guys. Honestly I find it even worse. The other day I was walking around with a male friend, we were walking close together practically holding hands. Some guy, couldn’t have been older than 18, comes up to me really close, like a inch away from my mouth, and makes it obvious to look me up and down and ogle my chest. Then he walks past me but not before “accidentally” grazing my side/hip/ass.
I’d never actually had that happen with an old guy before. Plus this young dude had the balls to do it while I was with a male companion and accidentally . At least the old guys didn’t touch me or ever come close to me (they tried to lure me in) but incels these days really think they can invade your space?
This reminds me of yesterday too. Similar situation. Was riding the tube with my male friend. We were alone in the cart with a couple around our age. I was wearing a low cut top (its like 30 degrees outside) and me and my friend were flirting and having a nice time. Every time I looked past my friends head, the guy was looking me up and down. The guy wouldn’t stop ogling me. It was making me uncomfortable so I asked my friend to block me so the guy would stop staring at me. Like I have to repeat, I’m not that attractive, I was sweaty and gross from a long day outside. It was so gross because his GF was right there. After 15 min I noticed his gf looked sad, and he was comforting her. I don’t wanna draw conclusions but I feel like it was definitely because he was ogling me. And from their convo it was definitely something that happened frequently.
Men are just pigs. They see us as meat that they can ogle and shout obscenities at and touch.
Sorry for the sperg. It just makes me so uncomfortable and very paralyzed and awkward when men act like this. Especially if I’m with male friends or my dad or family. I would never be interested in ANY of these guys in a million years and I think they know it.
No. 441069
>>441066That is sad anon, I hear this from a lot of women so much. Men just enjoy girls or women they perceive to be weak and vulnerable. Even my friend tells me at her thinnest at like 18 bmi and she has a very young looking face she gets the most attention.
I can relate to it, but for some reason my experience is opposite to a lot of people regarding this. I would get more sexual attention a higher weight than at my lower weights,, but maybe that has to do with the fact I am always a physically active person and my body fat distrubition is different from a lot of people, also tbh I doubt it will be the same next time my weight is low again,
also and I was not pursued much by the opposite sex until my 19th year. I doubt it is because scrotes find me mature enough for them though. When I was 20 I almost got sexually asasaulted by a man twice my age who thought I was 15. He seemed disappointed when I told him I was actually 20 lmao. Also, a lot of men in particular assume I am a teenager, but interestingly enough as an actual preteen or teenager I looked older for my age and that is when I was virtually ignored. It seems like just the idea of adolescence and the naivete that comes with it drives most ephebophiles and hebephiles, rathe tha genuine appreciation of the youth as a lot of them posture online, which makes it more innately predatory and
toxic. If that is the case, why cant they just go for women in their 20s and 30s with naturally youthful features and in shape bodies? Its all cumbrain and animalistic projection
No. 441071
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>>440869Ikr I got this commercial for some crappy mom smut game and the amount of photoshop on the girl compared to the normal looking guy is infuriating. How come men are allowed to have actual eyebrows and human neck folds?
No. 441072
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>>440876standards for men have gone all the way down, it’s sad because late 70s/early 80s men were the perfect balance of self grooming and masculinity.
even fucking comedians known for being slobs (look how many dress up in a dirty tshirt and hoodie for standup) dressed nice
No. 441076
>>440892>and it's like…. no, not really. you wear it because you're insecure. Firm disagree anon. It's true that wearing no makeup and being confident can get you taken seriously if you're in the position where you can have your work valued separately from your appearance in the first place, but that's not a majority at all. Women get criticised for not wearing makeup all the time, both by customers and coworkers, especially in low earning jobs where something as small as that can lead to them being replaced with a younger, prettier girl who smiles more. It's an endless cycle. Being confident isn't going to magically make the sexism disappear.
>>440904Anons have the right to be a angry that we're pressured to wear makeup when men don't, even if you're happy with how the double standard "isn't so bad". If you want to call women idiotic and exaggerating for expressing their experiences with sexism, go to reddit
No. 441079
>>441071Its so fucking obnoxious like.. look at Farrah Fawcett or Sharon Tate.. I have seen dumb moids insult famous women in the past and call them unattractive because they dared to have visible eyebags or some skin imperfection on their skin instead of having a creepily photoshopped hyper perfect face.
Is this the post feminist world we live in? Women get more objectified and our simple femininity tied to sexuality while men can be as lame, loserly, and messy as possible and still be considered hot for having le ebin personality bro? Wow.
No. 441080
>>440904Alright, anon, I'll bite. Help me understand why a woman's bare face is "unprofessional", while a man's isn't.
I'm genuinely curious.
No. 441082
>>441079Not on their skin lol oops
>>441072Right? Its sub bottom for men now
Also, I noticed for women we are either limited to childish lolita subtypes like Ariana Grande or Billie Ellish or porn fantasy ig thot like Nicki Minaj or Cardi B to be considered very sexy. Women either have to look like kids or sex workers
No. 441085
>>441080Women's bare faces offend people
And women aren't allowed to have imperfections like dark circles and acne without it being seen as gross and unprofessional
No. 441118
>>441109Huh, your story with the bike reminded me of an incident last summer where the roles were reversed and I was walking home from lifting during a heatwave wearing gym shorts. (I don't ever bare that much skin normally but my gym is an old industrial unit without AC so it's a fucking sweatbox, though this is besides the point, I should be allowed to wear short shorts on the fucking hottest day of the year regardless). Some little teenaged shithead on a bike was cycling past me and my friend and decided to shout "you look like a prostitute" at me, so as he came past I stepped into the path of his wheel and made it skip so he had to adjust to not lose his balance and keep pedalling. I can tell it shit him up and that he didn't expect me to fight back at him shouting abuse at me in the street. The entitlement of the typical scrote really does start young.
My friend was upset that I responded at all because she's more fearful and less rage-filled than me, but I just wish I'd not reigned in my impulse at all and had fully kicked his bike into traffic. I don't give a fuck if he's a kid, maybe he'll think twice before trying to harass further women.
No. 441125
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>>441116Billie Eilish is a weird case. She's an androgynous "model" type, feature-wise, and her way of dressing hides her body, but things aren't just baggy, they're
ridiculously baggy. It seems like it's purposely done to make a contrast with how (comparatively) small and pretty she really is. I can see why anon would say she's a "lolita" type, from that point of view, but IMO it's not really that egregious.
Billie is basically just what Halsey packaged herself as like five years ago. A better, more effective Tumblr incarnate. Cara Delevigne meets Avril Lavigne meets hip-hop and pop art culture.
I feel like maybe Charli XCX or Kim Petras would be better equivalents to Ariana style/type wise (though the latter is a tranny lmao).
No. 441137
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>>441124I'd say same to you, but if you had carried on into him it would've probably ended up damaging your bike more than that creep. And I wouldn't want something of actual material worth like your bike to be harmed. <3
The sooner they all perish the better.
No. 441151
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Why is he so bitter about not being able to please women?
No. 441158
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Guys who label themselves alpha are almost always cancer
No. 441164
>>441158This whole thing is disgusting.
>I know because I'm a doctorTell me again why I shouldn't avoid male gynecologists like the plague.
No. 441170
>>441158But you know what else? Fuck the pickmes who enable this attitude by rewarding guys like this with the puss.
Someone needs to remind women that even if they fit a male's exact fantasy it is fundamentally not permanent.
No. 441184
>>441080men's bare faces are unprofessional too tbh, that's why all men on tv also wear makeup.
that's just it tho, men don't give a fuck and we're all supposed to deal with it. take a page from them and stop giving a fuck, what are they going to do, fire us? the world IS changing, slowly. anyone who fires you for being barefaced would get canceled online immediately, you could probably go viral. I'm sorry for being optimistic that the standards are changing.
again, the only people who would get buttblasted at your bareface is a scrot or pickme. are their opinions really with internalizing? do you really want to wait until the standards totally change, or do you want to be the change. as corny as it sounds.
No. 441185
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>>441125Billie is dressing up like a hip hop star. She might as well have dreads with her chains and bandanas because shes only collabed with one black person, DJ Khalid, and it was just more singing bullshit. She took one pic with XXX and now they were BFF's! I cant find the picture of her wearing a Boondocks TShirt bc she deleted her insta for some reason?
No. 441200
>>441151What sub is this? Lmao definitely bitter that he's a failure who lost to a vibrator. More we see men consume porn, more stories and cases rise of younger and younger men frustrated that they have ED and can't keep up.
>>441163 thank lib fems for being "pro sex work" too sadly. I have more hope that they realize how bad it is soon though.
>>441171Sounds like an insecure asian fetishist white incel judging by his USA comment mainly. I don't see alot of asian guys give a fuck about sucking trumps dick. But in the end, yeah, fake profile.
No. 441216
>>441200>>441201There's about 2^^32 IP adresses in the world, just for IPv4. Stop being childish. Plus the reply anons did not break any rules.
Also I still don't deserve to be called male anything.
As for spamming, the issue seems to be on your side, if not, my bad.
I'm right through, look at our closest monkey cousin the bonobo, same dismorphism, matriarcal society. Look into how the females maintain it, the scrot status, etc.
>>441208Right? My dad always dates women who clearly are just interested in his money. When I was a kid there were days where I didn't have anything to eat because he would spend huge amounts of money on his (multiple) partners and didn't really care that much about my sister and I.
I've always assumed that my dad loves being in control, and having money gives him "power" over women, so he keeps taking advantage of that.
I find it a bit amusing because my dad always goes for women who are at least 20 years younger than him, but he doesn't have a problem with those women being ~gold diggers~. It is some kind of weird balance where everybody wins, lmao. It was extremely shitty when I depended financially on him, though.
Pretty sure men just love feeling like they are in control, and money is a good tool for that.
No. 441218
>>441184>anyone who fires you for being barefaced would get canceled online immediately Awesome I'm glad the seeds of change that I'm planting by being fired or passed over at work can pay my rent
You're right that things are changing slowly but right now it's the most privileged women than see those benefits. It's one thing to call for women to make a stand but again, it's women who can't afford to miss a paycheck who are going to be working jobs where they have less power
No. 441220
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>>439139We had elections in my country like a month ago and it's fucking bullshit how they are talking about extending conscription to us too. Scrots are ecstatic here, going all "you wanted equality, now you get equality" bullshit, while we have never even had a woman prime minister. Scrots start wars then they want us going out and die in the fucking Aegean so they can be safe, it's absolute horseshit. And when you tell them that the women who can actually be effective soldiers are few and far between they keep talking about Israel, skipping the fact that Israeli women serve in the frontlines in extremely rare situations. God I fucking hate our government, I should have voted for Syriza.
No. 441226
>>441220Look at the the women in the rojava, while facing the islamic state they took the weapons themselves and built their own army. Every power position in the army is hold by a woman and a man.
It is not about fighting other wars, it is about fighting for yourself and your daugther.
Don't like where men send the army? Get in it and change that.
The mostly kurdish women knows they are weaker, but they are also more precise and most importantly, they have an even more vital reason to take the fight.
No. 441227
>>441225Sorry but that's complete bull anon.
If you go for a richer guy there's the chance he'll get you to stop working or you'll just accommodate yourself and then you'll be financially dependent and left fucked over when he leaves you.
No. 441231
>>441226Anon, I respect your courage and all, but these women are an exception, they have survived in an Islamic world as women and Kurds are pretty damn terrible when it comes to how women are treated, they are the only Muslims in the Middle East to routinely perform FGM.
I don't have a daughter yet, I am young myself and with all due respect, let's not claim that the average woman is as physically capable as the average man. Physical condition is important in the army.
And I wish I could change it, but I can't, my country's population are nationalistic idiots. What happens in case of war is terrible if it happens (which seems plausible considering the Turks are fucking insane warmongers), but the fact that I have to waste a year of my life being a slave to the state is what is the most immediately egregious to me due to the fact that I am in the age range.
No. 441237
>>441226Ah shit, I know I'm being entrapped into letting my guard down to reveal the massive bleeding red star tattoo on my chest, but I feel I should really point out that the existence of the YPJ is not all that comparable with >>441220's situation. Grecanon is objecting to bring forced to fight in men's wars that don't affect her, whereas the Kurdish Yezidi women and their comrades
were forced to fight because Daesh were literally kidnapping and selling them as sex slaves to jihadist fighters. Mobilisation of the women's fighting units was very much a case of life or death, either after their own liberation or to liberate their sisters from literal sex slavery. That's not exactly the situation in the Med just yet, and I struggle to see how that anon can liken it to her situation where she's more likely to just be drawn into protecting Greece's economic interests that don't directly affect her, or being subject to the type of weird state propaganda that is national service in the IDF.
No. 441245
>>441239>I mean, I have heard the issues the American army has, but thankfully this is not an issue here. I think it's mostly due to the fact that our army is not comprised of professional mercenaries, but regular men. This line resulted in an incredibly sharp intake of breath. Your army never has problems with rapes and sexualt assault? Citation very much needed. And it doesn't happen because your army has…regular men?
Ah, yes, regular men. Regular men who never rape or abuse women. We hear a lot about them, these virtuous regular men, in this, thread
>>439139, the "Man Love and Praise" forum.
No. 441250
>>441246Bless you anon, I was not talking about the women obviously, what woman would want a war? It's the men I am blaming and the fact that they keep voting for conservative idiots who keep funding the army. I hope everything turns out well for you. Seeing what Erdogan keeps pushing in Turkey is absolutely terrible, I could not believe what was happening in that whole coup thing.
And thank you, if this shit ends up passing I am going to hate that year, it really is damn slavery, I do not know how they can justify this.
No. 441251
>>441237No it's just a current example of an all female army.
The link is obviously the army part. The point is it takes women to face litteral hell to start defending themselves. But when we do, we make it work.
Otherwise we will keep analyzing precisely why and how we're getting wrecked.
We will figth each other to know who is right through.
An army of 50% of trained and armed female soldiers makes a difference, especially in troubled, moving times.
Obviously we are not good at the same things, they are better as infantry, we are at driving planes or snipping for example.
No. 441253
>>441252Dammit anon I know the thread I am posting in, but do I have to hate every man, can't I just hate some men, namely the ones who make the decisions that affect me? I am not racebaiting in that I don't think race plays a significant part in criminality, I think it's mostly culture. The foreigners simply do not share the Greek culture, not being part of the Greek people and all. Greece legit has very little violent crime, we get our cases of insane murderers and rapists, but it is genuinely rare. And boys do get a mental evaluation to make sure the nutjobs don't make it into the army.
So please, allow me to respectfully disagree with
>Common men are rapists, and they are the same everywhere No. 441256
>>441253No. I demand that you at least hate all men on alternate weekends, unless it's summer in which case it can go down to the first Thursday of the month.
Also wait hang on, are you the same Grecanon who I was previously defending on why you'd object to conscription? Anonymous posting strikes again kek I can't even keep up with who I'm arguing with
No. 441257
>>441247>Normal, average men are not rapistsIsn't a rape
victim most likely to know her rapist personally, not be grabbed by some insane stranger?
No. 441258
>>441256>No. I demand that you at least hate all men on alternate weekends, unless it's summer in which case it can go down to the first Thursday of the month.I have to admit I chuckled
>Also wait hang on, are you the same Grecanon who I was previously defending on why you'd object to conscription? Anonymous posting strikes again kek I can't even keep up with who I'm arguing withYeah that's me, thanks for the support btw, I feel like I am in a madhouse by the atmosphere in my town regarding that issue.
>>441257I did some criminology in University and it's fucking insane the statistics on rape, at least in the EU. Basically if you made it into adulthood without getting raped, congratulations, you are not within the 60% (or sth like that) of rape
victims who are raped as children, it's frieking vile.
No. 441261
>>441250i need to vent. erdogan ruined fucking everything. me and many others believe that the coup was his attempt at trying to divide the country even more and make himself some kind of historical hero. since the economy started fucking up and both the left wing and right wing got mad at him for the immigration problem, they took a massive l in the latest mayoral elections. i'm hopeful we're going to get rid of him in the next presidental election because i've started seeing many conservatives who also got sick of his shit.
back to manhating, him and people in his party are a bunch of sexist pieces of shit. there are multiple instances of them talking down upon and belittling female politicians, erdogan himself has said that gender equality is "against human order", they are against abortion, they fucked up the justice system and constantly finding excuses to lower abusers' punishment or let them go. i am fucking exhausted of this atrocity.
No. 441263
>>441261Erdogan really is a piece of shit, but doesn't most of the country support him? I know that the more liberal parts, like Western Turkey dislike him, but don't you have a ton of farmers who can barely read that just watch him on TV and think he is the new Messiah? My apologies if I am wrong, but this is what the Greek media presents about how Turks see him.
The things you describe are unspeakable here, for all our issues, we thankfully are pretty ok when it comes to gender equality, except places like Crete, where they are stuck in the 15th century, it's like our version of Alabama. None of the things you mention would even be considered seriously here. If anything our conservatives are kind of centrists really. Hell this whole "conscription for women too" is touted as an equality measure to "protect men's equality".
No. 441268
>>441263>a ton of farmers who can barely read that just watch him on TV and think he is the new Messiahlol yes so many of these people actually exist. it's mostly conservative boomers who have been traumatized by past events that happened between the left and right. like you said they have been the biggest chunk in votings. i'd say maybe around 45% of the population likes him, but the rest is divided into such different ideologies. i think erdogan has started to lose his power, especially this year. they've lost in all metropolitan cities for the last mayoral election.
idk how it's going to happen but islam really needs a reform. it's always dragging women in muslim countries down against any progression.
No. 441272
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Men actually think this
No. 441292
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No. 441295
>>441292So, what's the scrote excuse for this one?
Are they going to do like they did with girls and women being better at school, and say something like "The medical field is too woman-centered! Men need to have their needs understood so they can be good doctors! >:("?
No. 441300
>>441280It really isn't that uncommon especially within certain subcultures and socioeconomic strata. I'm shocked that this is shocking to anyone. I grew up seeing a lot of these types of relationships. Hell I never knew my grandfather to work while my grandmother did. I don't think it's that men don't want to be providers it's that they couldn't be even if they wanted to. The low hanging fruit of employment has either offshored or automated and the types of jobs that remain are ones women do better in (receptions customer service etc). So in a sense there are lots of leftover men who are unfit, and potentially unwilling to adapt to a new job market. Their lack of skills and disposition makes them superfluous whereas they may have been ok farmers or something in eras past. If they can't provide financially they may as well be attractive and good partners. Someone that can't manage that has no business being in a relationship.
I've paid way for past bfs, I've pretty much only ever dated college students (I'm older and fully employed).
No. 441301
>>441295I once saw a man claim that the education system is gynocentric because most teachers are female, and I quote, "males and females learn differently"
or that time milo claimed the education system favored girls because they don't let people beat each other up
all while men are admittly addicted to video games and porn growing up, fry their brains with fast food, mock teenage girls for reading and drinking tea and going on diets, but turn around and claim it's oppression when surprise surprise women achieve more than them
No. 441306
hi, just wanted to share a story about a coworker at my previous gas station job, was going to post it in the vent thread but think it fits better here
>21 year old male coworker
>extremely loud, outspoken, has no filter, always yelling
>commands me to do things like change the trash. Like actually yells "CHANGE THE GARBAGE" at me like I'm a slave instead of asking
>plays pathfinder on saturday afternoons, spergs about it every saturday always rushing me so he can leave
>randomly tells me one day that he is obsessed with Asian girls, whinges that he can't have a "hot Asian weeb girlfriend who is shorter than him"
>obsessed with men's rights, always upset about false rape accusations etc yelling about it to me when I first get into work
>perpetually trying to convince me there's not a wage gap (I never even disagreed with him, just wanted him to shut up)
>forced me to watch shoeonhead video about the Pink Tax
>was really upset that people were saying female soccer players should be paid the same as male soccer players, even brought it up to a female customer who agreed with him (probably to shut him up) even though we were explicitly told NOT to talk about religion or politics to customers
>tells me statistics about how black people commit the majority of crime in the USA (which wasn't even a true statistic)
>tried to make me watch a PJW video about muslims in paris
>always showing me memes that I don't understand at all nor care about
>tells me he goes to r/watchpeopledie because it's the best way to feel emotion or something like that
>randomly tells me he's sad/jealous that Bull Dog (a youtube gamer?) has an Australian Asian girflriend, continues to whinge
>frequently quoting movies and video games completely randomly and out of context
>avid trump supporter, defended the "grab them by the p*ssy" comment saying trump "didn't know he was gonna be president back then"
>says to me before he left his shift one day "I can't jack off because it makes my dick bleed"
>later found out he had gotten circumcized
>tells me he wants to go to Poland (his parents are Polish) because it's "all white people"
>tells me about how Asia and Asian people are superior, says he's going to "become" Chinese, starts squinting his eyes and trying to do a "Chinese" accent
>always yells at me and treats me like shit but was angry when he found out I was quitting
No. 441307
>>441306Laugh at him whenever he spews dumb shit, and don't laugh at any of his jokes. There is NOTHING that
triggers men more.
No. 441319
>>441307I hate myself for not doing this more, I would sometimes force a giggle at what he was because I was uncomfortable but most of the time I would just try to not respond
>>441311he recently quit, I know someone where he works now and apparently everyone hates him because he's always on his phone
>>441313exactly, that is such a perfect description of him. he lacked all self awareness.
forgot to mention he would also talk about he liked this one type of fried chicken but it would give him really bad burning diarrhea. would do a japanese accent and pretend like he was his stomach yelling at him.
also, he thought we were friends.
No. 441328
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>>441082>billie eilish purposely styles herself as unsexy as possible to keep sexual attention away>still gets called a "lolita", "drug chic", is still made to sexify her song lyrics for the publici hate billie eilish's music a lot and find her annoying but it sucks she can't just be a person like a guy artist could. if she was male no one would be commenting on her sex appeal/lack of
No. 441336
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That guy sounds like a shawn
why is it everytime some guy says something stupid he is
1.misereable and hides it with shallow youtube
2.bias due to their sexual frustration even if they have a girlfriend porn so much his poor girlfriend has to put up with all kinds of crazy requests that amount to coercion and possibly rape
we need to give the nice guy misogyny a name
these guys are shawns and any cariation of the name!
No. 441337
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Dumb rant. I fucking hate the dumb “respecting women” meme. It’s sad that being respectful towards others is now twisted into a joke. You never hear someone joking about respecting men.
I’m into gaming and weeb shit so of fucking course I have to hear men spout out the same “I respect women bro” or “respect wahmen” joke like 80% of the time. Shit like this is the reason why I refuse to talk on mic/vc unless there is another woman there.
No. 441360
>>441358Anon, why do you have a pedo scumbag for a boyfriend? Love yourself.
>>441272I hate how feminism is reduced to misandry. Even so, a misandrist on average will never commit the severe amount of atrocities that your average misogynist would.
No. 441366
>>441363Your boyfriend actually joked about wanting to have sex with a teenager though. It's not even funny as well. Even if he doesn't mean it/isn't a pedo, that still would be a yellow flag to me as it shows he doesn't have the most respectful views of women/girls.
>just shit he says to his friends onlineIf he's saying those kinds of things to his friends and they're okay with it, well, I don't know, man.
No. 441367
>>441363Ah yes, because 'constantly going on' about how he wants to fuck a girl SPECIFICALLY for being underage is just a fun lark and there's no part of him that could possibly actually want to fuck teenagers like 99% of men do
Sis get a grip
No. 441375
>>441220Another Greeekanon here and after reading all you have written I have to say that you and those who supported you are tragically ignorant. Conscription is slavery you say? Risking a horrible death is terrible you say? Have you thought that the boys who are going through this process right now feel exactly like that? What you want us preferential treatment, you claim men want women to go die while they stay safe, but this is exactly what you want!
I have never seen a more hypocritical person, i would be scared to be conscripted if I was of age, although thankfully I am older, but if men have to go through it, then so should we! Have some damn empathy
(he's not going to fuck you) No. 441378
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incels claiming to be more oppressed than rape victims and male homosexuals.. incelocide when
No. 441382
>>441375so, following your logic that "if men have to suffer this, we do too"… do you think males would view things like violence against women (domestic abuse/intimate partner violence, rape, sexual assault etc) or childbirth (if they had the capacity to carry a child to term), or prostitution the same way, and cry for other men to have empathy?
they don't even have enough respect for the women in their lives to help with raising their kids or running a household, because mommy always silently slaved to make them happy and safe and content and they expect and demand women in their lives (gf and wives, you even see this with strangers) to meet their twisted oedipal checklist of "ideal complacent mommy gf who never complains and worships the ground i walk on despite being superior to me and out of my league"
men don't see women as fully realized, complex and autonomous human beings. they would never defend your rights on the basis of empathy, they would only whiteknight you or declare themselves allies in a transactional manner, expecting to gain something beneficial to them in return. you are wasting your breath defending them, when they wouldn't even give it a second thought if a random male online was outright violently misogynist, because they're desensitized to the suffering and struggles of women.
seriously, flip the script and ask yourself if any given man would stand up for women like this when they take us for granted in every possible sense.
No. 441399
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A woman voicing her valid concerns gets posted on r/Braincels and the results are exactly what you'd expect.
No. 441403
>>441399>>441400autism. what's there to get offended for? these retards are constantly going on about ~~special snowflakes~~ yet they get
triggered over the most simple shit. man up.
No. 441411
Another Greekanon (didn't know there was that many of us here) and I can not but agree with
>>441375 I get not being ok with this if you live in Turkey where misogyny is daily life, but it's not like that here, I don't know why you all get
triggered so hard when you hear that not every place is terrible to live as a woman.
>>441379Gender relations are pretty good here tbh, better than Sweden i say and I have lived there.
>>441382Anon,please realise that what you are describing is not what men are like in Greece, maybe it was like that in the 50s but we are great when it comes to understanding between the sexes. Men care for us and are almost universally appalled by sex crimes. Greek men are actually great fathers and as much as I am not a fan of it, that is why so many other Euro women marry here. I hate our masculine government of mostly men too, but the other Greeekanon is right, average men are really nice here.
>>441384Anon, your ex sounds like a
victim of propaganda that teaches boys that their lives are worse less than girls, essentially creating a hierarchy of worth of life. The purpose of the military is to protect national sovereignty, not women. People are not worth living or dying based on sex, that's the definition of sexism and really the worst example of it.
No. 441413
>>441411Will men in Greece intervene if they see a woman being hit by her partner?
Honestly I think most European guys are pretty decent. The problem with Northerners is less anything inherent and more that they drink too much. Still I'd rather be a European woman than an Arab, Chinese, African woman etc.
No. 441417
>>441415Yeah I saw it in Russia once. Some dude was shoving and slapping his girlfriend and a bigger guy came up, slammed him up against a wall and shouted at him.
I love it when men are chivalrous. I don't give a fuck if it's "benevolent sexism" or whatever deranged radfems claim. It's so touching.
No. 441434
>>441431i didn't compare them, i just answered the question within my perspective
>>441430i really don't understand what's going on in these people's minds. a serial killer murders multiple women, women go out to march and bring attention to this issue, and these people have more things to say about feminists than condemning the killer.
No. 441438
>>441425Makes me really sad to hear that, but it might just be a statistical anomaly if you are a generally peaceful area. Did something change in recent years that could cause this increase?
>>441430Russia anon? My friend is from St Petersburg and she absolutely hates the culture and how they treat her for being 30 and single.
>>441434>>441435It definetely is more of a man issue since way more murderers are men, but these people are oviously insane, no one of sound mind kidnaps, rapes, tortures and then murders random women. Regular violence, sure, I do think we can change men from that through culture, but I doubt we can do anything about people as messed up as this.
No. 441443
>>441440Drugs must be completely destructive to a community, worst we got here is weed, which I can't really say is a big deal. Immigration I kind of get, same with us, some groups are way more prone to criminality than others. Again, not talking about race, talking about culture.
>>441441Depends on the immigration anon, we get quite a few people from various euro countries moving in and it's never really an issue, one exception being Russian, but I blame the mob for that.
>>441442Women commit way less crimes than men, so your average criminality would drop. A gender imbalance is of course not a desirable thing one way or another.
No. 441458
I'm from a Muslim background. ExMuslim now. But I did engage in discussions about Islam.
Nevermoose men in general are such cows when it comes to discussion pertaining to Islam. I can milk them for days. Unfortunately, we don't have a single space dedicated to that.
But I will point one thing out. These narcissists have a lot of double standards. We'd be in heaven if we banned a bunch of retards in some platforms. We wouldn't have incels, misogynists, porn, retarded teens, etc, if we straight up banned then. No demented oranges or shootings or dumb fucking incel cunts or debates on symbiote extraction or whatever. But these dumb things foam at the mouth about "free speech" and screech and spasm and make monkey noises and bash their heads against the wall and fall in the ground and have a seizure about "free speech." If they care so much, what don't they allow Muslims to have "free speech?" Why do they want Muslims to "assimilate" or want to ban the hijab or want to restrict immigration? Why spasm "When in Rome, do as Romans do" ad-nauseum? Fuck, deal with Muslim men however you want, IDC, but Jesus Christ the lack of awareness these dumb things have is astounding.
Another thing, why do these dumbasses alternate between going "Not all Men REEEEE" to [insert refutation about "Not all Muslims / Blacks / SJWs / whatever, here]. These dumb things know the flaws in the "Not all men" argument, because they regularly refute arguments in the same vein all the time. Yet why the fuck do they barf it out so much? Why are American men so retarded and narcissistic?
Another thing. Whenever a Muslim man does something retarded, I look at the headline: "Muslim man does something retarded" and sigh and ponder as to why men exist. These dumb things ponder over how Muslims exist. These dumb things do the same thing with black men, gay men, Hispanic men, etc, and often I wonder why they do such an effort hating so many demographics. Why are they trying so hard to steep away from the truth?
I'll list more on how retarded these cunts are when I've thought some more on it.
No. 441461
>>441458racist white scrotes have no self awareness. they have no actual problems in life, they have nothing to worry about or build their personalities on, which is why their heads are so up their asses for accomplishing something as mindblowing as being born white. they'll bitch about "immigrants destroying their civilization" while living in america, canada or australia. how hypocritical can you be? they'll claim that they are fighting for the good of white people while constantly putting down white women who don't live the way they want.
the "anti sjws" are just as sensitive, just as easily offended as their opposition. they complain about feminists criticizing mansplaining and then they start weeping about how the female ghostbusters is the end of the world.
No. 441478
>>441466It's one of them trying to blend in and derail the thread by screeching about "SJWs".
Notice the way he immediately turned "racist white scrotes" (ie men) into just "white people". Typical male behavior to involve everyone else when they don't want to acknowledge their faults.
Also notice the sudden "Muslims BAD! Even the women bad!" derailing going on.
They're all so painfully transparent.
No. 441482
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>>441249The amount of coping in the sub-comments is really sad..
No. 441486
>>441482The reason we tell men to fuck off and marry women their age is because teen girls are fucking horrified of hoards of hideous, fat and balding skunks perpetually courting them.
I have to
applaud teenage girls. Men are trying so hard to fuck them. Men try to brainwash them about "muh personality", screech at them and hate them for the smallest things and interests, and sexualize them so heavily, but teenage girls stay resiliant and give them nothing they want.
No. 441488
>>441482>middle aged women with promiscuous pasts who are usually not capable of children>36do they not understand how pregnancy works
and why would young women would prefer some ugly old hag over young guys lmao
No. 441498
>>441486Why aren't young women allowed to like young men?
I'm sick of all these gross male-written stories about a pretty young girl with some wrinkly, hideous ballsack of a middle-aged man. I was sick of them as a teen (because I hated and still hate ugly men. Don't we go to fantasy to escape ugliness??), I'm sick of them as a woman in her early 20s, and I'm pretty sure I'll be sick of them in my 40s, 50s, etc.
I hate that these people are trying to tout this shit as "natural" and "normal" when no, it's fucking not. The Wall has always only really applied to men, and absolutely nobody actually wants ancient, haggard scrotes.
The only girls/women who like this dynamic typically have some sort of trauma or neglect in their lives, and others pretend so they can have a shot at a comfortable life using a rich old guy who will hopefully keel over soon (and notice, the latter is far less common in "gender equal" societies where women aren't in a shit position when it comes to making money).
No. 441499
>>441497This is the pink pill thread, not the immigration thread. How do you think it's going to look when you're pointing fingers at women in a thread where we're shitting on men?
Don't derail and then whine when we think you're one of the main groups responsible for derailing.
No. 441502
>>441500The gag to me is that 40 year old women look leagues better than 40 year old men. Women are far, far too forgiving and men don't deserve it at all.
And like, even then, why should those of us who are young waste our youthful days on men who've completely pissed theirs away? If youth is to be treasured, why do old men think they have the right to siphon it from us?
No. 441511
>>441458At the risk of adding further fuel to the racebaiting fire, I have a direct question for you as an ex-Muslim: what do you think the hijab and all associated forms of veiling boils down to? I ask because recently the common discourse around hijabis is "it's ok for me to bang on about modesty (indirectly implying that the opposite is immodest lol) and veiling as a part of my culture because I'm making my (culturally reinforced) choice to veil!" Try as I might, I still can't see it as anything other than that political cartoon with the bikini-clad woman and the niqabi simultaneously thinking "what a man-controlled culture! Everything/nothing covered but her eyes!" and it just seems true to me. They're both different responses to the same coin, which is men telling women that their bodies are inherently sexual and need to be controlled. Both sides are screaming to be recognised as humans regardless of what they're wearing, but men will still rape you whether you wear hijab or go on a slut walk.
I hope I'm making it clear that I feel, I think like you do, that the fundamental problem is that men don't respect women whatever they're doing, whether they kowtow to any aspect of their racial culture as regards dress. I don't have any bright solutions for how to achieve this full liberation, mind you (that's what I'm in this thread for, kek), I'm just wary of being called a racist for expressing any doubt about the "choice" of veiling.
No. 441520
>>441511Don't know how to respond to this. I mean, it's enforced by a man-made religion with a spectrum of reasons varying from pressure by mentally deranged male family members to simple religious stupidity and a thriving masochistic desire to die in the heat.
I do know how to liberate yourself from it. The Muslim community where I live in is so segregated by sexes that I practically live a seperatist life-style with minimal interaction with men. No women I know wears the hijab in such an environment except for the ultra-mental ones.
No. 441548
>>441482If these pigs so badly need a teen bride, fine. Then they shouldn't marry a woman their age when they're both young, or have children with her. Tricking good women into being practice wives.
Men will literally break all contact with their kids if the kids disagree with them and find it gross that they're dating teens or women who are way too young.
No. 441555
>>441430>women standing up to shed light towards a horrific case involving a murdered girl >men: you're being irrationalMen's total retardation when it comes to seeing women want to live in peace and be safe is astounding
>>441482Could be a scrot larping as a perfect 18yr old waifu though. It happens lot more frequently than we think
No. 441569
>>441558Anon, that's how Muslim societies were created.
>>441559>Implying she was not pandering to pathetic sub scrots who want to be slaves to a gynarchic worldShe is fetish fuel.
No. 441629
>>441558>>441559Read about the Paraguyan War (War of the Triple Alliance).
Paraguay was defeated in 1870 and according to some estimates, the pre-war population of 525,000 was reduced to 221,000, of which only 28,000 were men.
That's about 12,66% of the population.
Those weren't very good times.
No. 441653
>>441648Also this
>>441650Men invade, men go to counter invade, why the hell would women be involved in men's penis measuring contests that evolve into mass murder ones?
No. 441669
>>441651You're so disrespectful it's unbelievable.
I don't think war is usually right, but it's fucking tragic how many young boys end up getting treated like expendable meat. Do you know how many 15 year old boy children signed up to fight in World War 1 and were
allowed to for example? And how many died?
No. 441670
>>441665It wasn't such a massive ration, but Islamic societies became what they became largely because there was a disparity between the number of men and women due to constant warfare in the area. It's why polygamy is legal and actually encouraged in Islam, when it was being established there literally were not enough men, they were rotting in the desert.
Also tbh, we wouldn't be doing just fine, inbreeding seems like an issue with only 10% males. Also, is the rest 90% of women just going to turn into Lesbians or what?
No. 441672
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Not only is this article heartbreaking the comments are full of anti-feminist mras comparing killing babies when they are born to abortion. What a fucking joke, men are a disease. No. 441674
>>441669You do realise that males (yes that includes young boys) ARE expendable? There is quite a lot of academic writing on the disposability of males in human societies. War has been part of human society for ever and has been started and fought by men. They recognize in their souls their disposability, it's why they are so happy to "die for their country" and "sacrifice their lives for their flag" or what other bullshit they talk about.
I am not disrespectful, I am treating them exactly how nature and themselves treat them they treat themselves.
No. 441688
>>441680You have no idea how much is owed to Europe being able to beat back the Islamic invasions and establish its own independent path of development. Whatever you want to say about Medieval Europe, you would still much rather be a woman there than a woman in Medieval Arabia or Medieval China. You don't need to be a "scrot" to recognize this, just someone with an interest in the Middle Ages (women actually had more rights in this period of European History than they did in the 19th century arguably).
Stop sperging out on random people in this thread because they don't share your hateful views.
(Stop infighting) No. 441697
>>441673Cultures are NOT equal, humans are. Don't forget the
victims here are women and girls.
No. 441705
>>441688Get out of the fucking man hate thread if you get so
triggered by hateful views, anon
Unrelated, this seems really spergy but sometimes in public I like to angle myself so only women are in my immediate view and imagine I live in a world without men. It is a pleasant and wholesome little form of escapism.
No. 441719
>>441714Any woman who needs therapy, especially due to experiencing sexual abuse, should be automatically directed to a female therapist. This is so sad and disgusting. Someone posted earlier about how male therapists tend to ask for more details of the rape/sexual abuse, obviously because they get off on it. You sitting there talking about your worst trauma is straight up erotica stories to them.
Out of many I've only had 1 male therapist. It felt uncomfortable but I thought I was being judgemental, so I tried seeing him as just any professional. He asked why I seemed nervous and I told him sorry, I just think you're sitting a bit close. The other female ones always kept a normal distance. Immediately he sits down next to me on the couch so close that our thighs are touching, and insists we continue our sessions like that from now on to ''practice closeness''. I was 15 and didn't need any fucking closeness with a 30+ year old man.
No. 441749
>>441714Rage inducing. This poor girl. Scrots should be forbidden from working in therapy, healthcare esp gynecology, child care. . what else.
>>441722I saw 1 who just had to say she should have done xyz because she should have known how to react. Once again, men not understanding shit and then they wonder why women avoid them.
Sometimes it's nice to believe there may be nice guys who are chill out there. Then I'm reminded of Junko Furuta or others then it all becomes depressing again
No. 441852
>>441487I didn't know NH was getting Nepalese immigrants. That's terrible about the man who stabbed his wife to death. Disgusting.
I'm in MA so hi neighbor. I guess in NH you don't have to deal with men trying to take your spaces there. There was a man in my locker room once who was quite lazily attempting to BE a woman.
No. 441859
>>441749I'm just wondering why she continued to see him when he was acting highly inappropriate and did a lot to make her uncomfortable? I'm guessing since he had her address and contact information, she felt like she had to go and see him to placate him, so he didn't stalk her or anything? Maybe he threatened her? I didn't see anything about that though. I'm confused when abuse
victims don't seem to avoid situations and
triggers like you think they would. Like someone on cc got raped multiple times and they went to an orgy with their bf and then got raped AGAIN. Obviously this is a much more extreme example, but it really boggles the mind.
I'm not trying to
victim blame because no one should get hurt for simply existing, it's just highly confusing to me. I am extremely suspicious of men despite not having any trauma, and if there was the slightest hint of predatory behavior I'd be out of there like the flash.
No. 441863
>>441842Actually this hate boner for 'Abrahamic religions' is just reddit tier atheism.
Christ was supposed to be an example for how men are supposed to live - besides all the examples of being strong enough to kill your enemies.
When I brought this up earlier ITT apparently St Francis didn't belong to the church and all the men who chose to opt out of the violent feudal society of the middle ages were probably just homosexuals. Way to shame scrots into being scrots.
To be clear God has been dead for more than a century now and the Church isn't what it used to be but it's ultimately the reason why we have things like:
No slavery
Social security
I just get mad because this thread is otherwise on point but there's 'muh Abraham' brigade spreading shit-tier ahistoric bitter atheist crap.
I am an atheist but that just means I don't believe in God, not that I buy into edgy fedora tipping DARVO attacks on medieval Europe.
No. 441902
>>441863>no slaveryreally? all three of abrahamic religions condone slavery in their holy books instead of opposing it. how did they play a role in getting rid of slavery at all
there is a point in criticizing these religions because they have been used as an excuse to oppress women for centuries, christianity would still be just as oppressive as islam if it hadn't gone through a reform.
No. 441918
>>441916anon, that's polygamy. How on earth is this matriarchical? Matriarchy would have it around, with a woman having access to several men. what you are describing is what is going in male countries.
Also why the hell would you want to share?
No. 441920
>>441914On top of this you don't know how to sage like a typical scrot.
Who says we have to keep a system of compelled heterosexual monogamy.
Even nowadays straight women aren't clamouring for male company even though cheap dick is abundant.
No. 441921
>>441914Even today some straight women value female friendships more than a sexual/romantic relationship with a man, and focus on those while ignoring the latter entirely. It's not hard to imagine that a matriarchy would raise girls to value relationships with women and not put too much stock in men's validation of them.
I'm uncomfortable with that scenario still because the whole "last men on Earth" thing is a turbo scrot fantasy. I always assume anyone who brings up that shit up is one of the males who come to this thread to masturbate.
No. 441922
>>441921Men seriously think we're as obsessed with them as they are with us, lmao.
If there were very few men left, and there were no barriers to keep women from living happily on our own and providing for ourselves, women's interest in men would just end up dropping dramatically. All the women who'd want kids would just opt for sperm donations when possible.
No. 441928
>>441920Ignoring the first "point"
>Who says we have to keep a system of compelled heterosexual monogamy.No one is keeping the system anon, the overwhelming amount of people happen to be heterosexual. Please enlighten me as to how you would change that.
>Even nowadays straight women aren't clamouring for male company even though cheap dick is abundant.Now I have to turn the "are you a male" to you. Women don't generally care about dick outside of a relationship. They care about relationships and try to find a man they can have a good relationship with. Reminder that casual sex is propogated by scrots and most women do not even get off with it. Why would we just go for some random guy who wouldn't give a fuck about our pleasure?
>>441921>I'm uncomfortable with that scenario still because the whole "last men on Earth" thing is a turbo scrot fantasy. I always assume anyone who brings up that shit up is one of the males who come to this thread to masturbate.My point exactly, few men with many women is legit a male fantasy, not a female one.
>Even today some straight women value female friendships more than a sexual/romantic relationship with a man, and focus on those while ignoring the latter entirely. It's not hard to imagine that a matriarchy would raise girls to value relationships with women and not put too much stock in men's validation of them. Anon, while raising our girls in that way would be great and we can actually do that already, friendly relations do not replace sexual and romantic ones. So I say to you what I said the anon above, how would we avoid this turning into women desperate for affection trying to please that minority of men?
>>441922>Heterosexuality would suddenly stop existingAnon, unless you are asexual, a romantic partner is something you are wired to want. Refusing reality is not a productive way to conduct yourself.
>>441923Ok, so am I insane or what? Do you all get off to casual sex and me and my social circle are the weird ones? Casual sex with someone you don't have a romantic connection with is pretty much pointless to us, only men talk about shit like that positively.
No. 441929
>>441902Actually you're right I checked myself and I think I have been overestimating the role of the church on that point.
Can we have a thread for discussing religion? Men are trash.
No. 441936
>>441928>B-But heterosexuality!Well
1. You're forgetting that a lot of us are bi or gay, lmao
2. Remember all those scrote arguments about how we femoids can and will be replaced with advanced sex bots? Well…
No. 441941
>>441936Anon, I am bi myself, although I have never dated a woman, but we are a small minority. What would happen to the majority of women?
And obviously sexbots can not replace a human being, the robot tier men who claim this are either delusional wastes of society who never had a chance with a real woman and the only thing the sexbot would replace is their hand, or incels trying to make us angry as if we would care if they stuck their dick into a silicone hole.
No. 441944
>>441943>I will admit that I've only gotten into long-term relationships to get my parents off my backUnderstandable to want to get your parents off your back anon, but why didn't you have a relationship for companionship?
>to be able to go out at night and travel a lot with a male "protector"Do you live in Saudi Arabia or sth?
>plus the ease of thwarting male interest with "well, my boyfriend…" is nice.You don't actually need a boyfriend to use that line silly.
No. 441947
>>441941I just mean to say that in a time of extreme scarcity, women would adapt. We wouldn't lose our minds and go berserk the way men would.
Whether that's turning to other women (including masc women) or sex bots that resemble, feel and behave like men on only a superficial level, we'd cope.
When it comes to companionship, emotion and romance, they really don't offer anything that a woman couldn't, in a hypothetical sense. Take away the social pressures and benefits to having a male mate, and they bring even less to the table.
The most they have to their name is their sexual organs (and I've never met a woman who would literally kill and die just for some organic dick - the same is not true for men by any stretch of the imagination).
No. 441951
>>441947Oh, my bad for misunderstanding, Yes, I am not saying we would turn into savages fighting over the remaining men. I am saying we would compete with each other for their attention, which would lead to them basically dictating the desirable female behaviour. As for the rest, I don't know anon, I would be fine, being bi and all, but I don't think heterosexuality is a social construct. Bullshit elements of it, sure, but not its existence. I can not see this scenario that for some reason we started discussing being an issue, since the few men would basically try and likely succeed controlling the larger population of women through projecting the behaviour they would want. It's how we came to where we are now tbh. This being the scenario of few men being around. The scenario of no men is really different, since we don't really have an example of such a thing outside of primitive tribe like societies.
No. 441955
>>441951>them basically dictating the desirable female behaviour>men would basically try and likely succeed controlling the larger population of women through projecting the behaviour they would wantAnon, this is where we're at. And it's not because there are/were too few men and women just want dick so badly that they'll do anything for male companionship. It's because men controlled the resources that women need for their survival.
Men would love to have several women and lots of casual sex but that doesn't work well for a stable society. Having one woman and one man pair off is a good compromise because the men have to take responsibility for their own family and this in a way "civilizes" them. But overall it's a compromise and possibly to the detriment of women, who make a sacrifice for the good of society by having to take on a male companion, bear his children, be his domestic servant etc.
No. 441980
>>441928It's the other way around.
Men want a relashonship because it's the only way they can have children to and a lineage. It's also convenient to find another mommy to take care of you.
Women have absolutely nothing to gain from it. In matriarcal tribes casual sex is the norm. There is no father except for marginal cases of true love between the partners, and even then the relashionship tends to be temporary.
You wouldn't dislike casual sex if your pleasure came first instead of the scrots one.
No. 441982
>>441955>Men would love to have several women and lots of casual sex but that doesn't work well for a stable society. Generalized casual sex if the death of their status. That's why they hate 'sluts' so much. They only want wives and prostitutes.
As for the stable society part, considering the general state of the world, it's a quite laughable argument.
No. 441983
>>441978Strapons exist.
>>441980>You wouldn't dislike casual sex if your pleasure came first instead of the scrots one.Yes anon, that is true, but how exactly would I get that outside of a relationship? Men can come in 3 minutes, I don't. Outside of a loving relationship, a casual one night stand has no actual reason to get you off other than his goodwill.
>>441982Men absolutely love promiscuous women, what are you talking about? They love to fuck them, to clarify, and then shame them for it, but they absolutely love the first part. Most of them abhor chaste girls until they are 30 and want to find a "pure" girl to marry, after they finished their Tinder years of fucking every random slut in town.
No. 441999
>>441926I just finished watching this. It was funny in some parts, but like, the end is basically "Straight women junk entire species".
Bisexual women and lesbians truly are the master race lol
No. 442003
>>441983>>441990They have sex with sluts but they truly hate them. A few decade ago when the patriarchy was still strong they would not even exist.
Even today most of the women who adopt this lifestyle are softcore prostitutes, or somewhat 'whoreish'.
No guy would want them as a close relative. They go as far as monitoring their sisters about it. It's the utter shame for a men to have a slutty female family member, in a lost of societies murdering in the name of honor is accepted.
And what they most hate, is when they taste their own medecine and get ghosted while they actually liked the girl. They also often try to kill for that.
You will hear men rant about how we need porn and prostitution, how mother are sacred, you will never hear them explain that we need more
completly independant women using them for sex and then deny them access to anything else including a family of their own.
No. 442009
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Men…not even once.
No. 442019
>>442008Its not true lesbianism or bisexuality but just for argument's sake its not totally uncommon for previously straight women to turn to other women for emotional and physical intimacy in the absence of men. Its a pretty shitty example but its estimated that anywhere from 30-60% of women in prison engage in same sex behavior and/or relationships ( only study I could find). Sexual orientation doesn't change necessarily but sexual behavior can. So its not really that far fetched to think straight women might just turn to other women for intimacy than go touch starved for the foreseeable future or even the rest of their lives in situations where men are no longer accessible.
No. 442030
>>442025I mean, not every single relationship for sure, but reading that paper I'd wager it's most of them. They even say it's usually about safety and money. and if you don't do it willingly they will just rape you, it's the same as in male prisons.
>>442026Yep, I think that is the overwhelming amount of them.
No. 442035
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What is it with these folks and "I can't find a study, but it exists! I swear!"
No. 442044
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>>442039Or males who act like they're doing women a favor by fucking them
Men are truly delusional
No. 442056
My boyfriend was falling asleep in a taxi the other day and he was going to rest his head on my shoulder but he stopped himself, I asked why and he said that an ex had told him it was really unattractive and unmasculine when men do that.
Why do some women do that kind of shit? It compounds men's emotional retardation massively.
No. 442079
>>442067>>442070>>442073Nice strawman.
Some women, some (not all) are complicit in upholding
toxic masculinity.
No. 442094
>>442044I forgot the dick is the biological tampon and stops our constant periods.
Also three dicks = width of babies. Men are super smart.
No. 442097
>>442077>Well documented history is not realAnon, open a book.
>>442083I was referring to this
>Unfortunately women cannot sexually use men and degrade them in the same way they do to women.I meant you can use and degrade a man, meant it in the context of a relationship though, not casual sex. Obviously scrots that engage in casual sex would not be ok with it. Also
>And then even if they did they'd probably shit the bed tooThat is like the ultimate degradation, as long as they clean afterwards it can actually be pretty hot.
>>442079That is well known, I don't get why the other anons are sperging out, you made a very true oservation and they act like you now excuse every bad behaviour of men and attribute it to women. Women most certainly affect how men conduct themselves in a relationship, the men who give a fuck about the gfs anyway.
No. 442235
>>442172You're wrong.
I just don't think women would chimp out and start wars over getting a man if there was a sudden shortage. I don't need a husband, and would certainly not in a matriarchy. I'm sure there could be some temporary solutions to such a situation.
No. 442237
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>>442233Putting this shit into someone's ass isn't a kink it's straight up fucked up and
abusive. What a psycho.
No. 442239
>>442233They have a massive point, since kink is used an excuse for men to be violent and even murder women.
>>442237It's a no-brainer that it would cause a lot of damage and potentionally be lethal. The man is a murderer.
No. 442336
I lurk a forum centered around mental illness that mostly targets women, and a lot of them are sympathetic toward men to the point where a trivia question that noted, "This disorder mostly targets women," was called biased for not including men, even though it's factually true; yes, men suffer from this mental illness, but they are a minority.
I think it's so funny how easy it is to call out a man larping as a woman online because any time they're on a majority-female space they can't resist saying, "Hey, male here…" because they're so desperate for attention. They have to preface every comment they make with "Male with x disorder" here and then show off about it. There's an eating disorder support forum too, and the moderation team is p good so most of the content really is asking for support without talking about specific numbers and weightloss to focus on the mental aspect, like how to get over eating something you didn't want or whatever.
But men are so transparent with their need for validation from a bunch of mentally ill women and have to comment, "I didn't eat for a month and lost 50 lbs," asking for tips like a pro-ana preteen. But lo and behold, you look at his profile, and you see a bunch of it is dedicated to screeching about false rape accusations and MGTOW.
No. 442350
>>442321I'm wondering, too.
Also, the Greek anons further up inspired me to ask, if you were to have a long distance relationship, where would you choose to look to find one?
I live in the US, which is definitely not the worst place but I'm sick of men treating me like an object. I started talking to a guy from Italy and he did the same. But at least then I realized I would much at least prefer a foreign guy than the shitty guys we have here who all look the same, treat women like they don't matter, do bare minimum even when they
are in relationships AT BEST. If Greek men are good, are there any other cultures that are healthy like that regarding relationships?
Like, it's to the point where I am emotionally withdrawn from men now because having feelings for them is a dead end. The Greek anons kind of gave me some hope.
No. 442363
>>442355Anon, I used to be very into MBTI and after I looked into it a lot I have observed that a very large portion of men with Aspergers get typed as INTJ or INTP and they're not even those types, it's just that their mental illness makes them fit into those types. You can get along with anyone regardless of MBTI type because MBTI doesn't really represent your personality as a whole but only certain aspects and predispositions towards certain behaviors and thinking/feeling patterns. You also have to take into consideration that the same type manifests differently in men and women. A lot of people are not even the type they claim to be and just get mistyped by those stupid online tests and they start believing whatever result they get on those tests and start subconsciously acting like that type because they're void of personality. Don't get too involved into the MBTI community because most of them are asshats that see MBTI as the only and absolute truth when it comes to personality, some people completely dismiss it but personally after years of looking into it I have come to the conclusion that it does hold truth but the theory is just not very well put together, a lot of people are stuck between two types even if the theory says that's not possible and some individuals can't even be typed because they have mental disorders that affect their personalities too much. If you learn the cognitive functions and start observing people around you and try to mentally type them you will see that many women are actually thinkers and that many men that claim to be thinkers are just autistic and void of personality. I'm very sure a lot of women on here are introverts and thinkers, we used to have a MBTI thread and a lot of the anons typed as introverted thinkers or introverted feelers. You can see this place has a very high number of intuitives just by the way a lot of subjects are analyzed and by how so many anons have "out of the box" thinking. Don't let those mouth breathing retards trick you into thinking they're smart just because they typed as INTJ or INTP.
Sage for MBTI sperg
No. 442374
>>442321Find one who isn't sexist, I did. Granted now I have to hear him keep repeating the "compulsory female conscription is only fair" motto, even thought he knows our conservative government is just going to reject the plan, but that's what I get.
There are men out there who don't hold sexist views, although they tend to be shy. They will probably not make the first move, so you have to be proactive. That's how I got mine.
>>442350The average man is pretty meh here (Greece), but compared to what I hear from other western countries they are saints. Just find a younger one who doesn't have the issues of the older generations, it's not that hard. Look for my answer above for tips. Also note that these men WILL whine about male conscription so be ready to deal with that.
No. 442379
>>442376I've heard a lot of East Asian men pretend to be something they aren't to appeal to white women and then turn when you're married.
That said I don't find them physically attractive at all.
No. 442387
>>442350Idk, don't you think you're generalising a bit? You sound like those guys going to Thailand because the women there are "more feminine and submissive". There's all kinds of men here and all over the world and maybe you'll find a good guy if you go outside and not lurk on the internet and date guys from Discord or Twitch. People have personalities and world views that are different from one another no matter where you go, nationalities aren't a fetish and the novelty wears off quick.
My friend is married to a Canadian guy for the exact same reasons you said. She doesn't like that Greek men are lazy and expect the wife to do all the work and child rearing while they go and drink with friends and talk about random women's tits. I've dated a Chinese guy who was incredibly sweet and loyal albeit a bit clingy. My ex was a cheating loser just like many other anons' exes here. People here talk shit about Russian men but most of the ones I know are super nice and have been with their girlfriends for years. So surely there must be some nice yankee guys too.
No. 442400
>>442387>I've dated a Chinese guy who was incredibly sweet and loyal albeit a bit clingy. And I dated a Chinese guy who thought raping women during times of war was okay (I obviously bailed when he said that).
>People here talk shit about Russian men but most of the ones I know are super nice and have been with their girlfriends for years. Russian men are notorious for dying young from alcoholism; it's pretty well known that Russian men cheat on their wives and girlfriends, and it is considered normal. It's actually more socially acceptable to cheat and keep in a secret, than to confess your affair with another woman. Don't get me started on the fact they tend to be poorer and less educated than the women, but still expect the women to have at least two children, do ALL of the housework and childrearing, all while getting incredible degrees (Russian women are well educated), working hours on end, and did I mention they're BEAUTIFUL? Russian women are stereotyped as attractive because they are expected to maintain their appearance at all times. Russian women almost never leave the house without full garb and makeup. Russian men look like they threw up on themselves as far as grooming goes. Godawful acne and bad haircuts.
Sage for sperging, but the moral of the story is there is shit men everywhere. If you meet one who defies the odds, then congrats, but don't go out of your way to find one. Focus on yourselves. It's not worth moving to a whole new country, and basically starting your life over just to deal with a different version of the same scrote bullshit.
No. 442402
>>442400Russian alcoholism stats are actually skewed by older people and some of the Asian Republics where alcoholism is rampant. Your average young russian man in St Petersburg or Moscow drinks less than your average young British man does. Russian alcoholism is a huge meme. The guys are pretty gentlemanly though. Only place where young men have given up their seat for me in public transport.
>And I dated a Chinese guy who thought raping women during times of war was okayWhat the fuck. Story time anon.
No. 442403
>>442355>>442363I feel like I agree with this. I am now placed as an INFJ-T while in highschool, when i was heavily depressed, I got the results of INTJ.
It's so easy for men to get their ego stroked, especially when little tests tell them they're speshul or ~super smart~
No. 442406
>>442402I'm considering the whole of Russia, not just popular cities. That's like saying Los Angeles, Seattle, and New York, New York represent the United States. Moscow and St. Petersburg are urban, modern, educated cities. A vast majority of Russia still clings to its Alabama equivalent Slavic culture. Men give up their seats because they are still very traditional; the men will also fight on busses if they catch someone else looking at their girlfriend "the wrong way." Violence and theft in Russia is high, even in urban areas.
>What the fuck. Story time anon.This was like two years ago, so I hardly remember the exact details, but we were discussing his fetishes which had to do with bride kidnapping, which is a thing in Asia. At first (back when I was not pinkpilled on kinks), I thought it was just a fantasy of his, however, as the discussion went on, he started telling me this was something he ACTUALLY wanted to do, and started going into bizarre sociopathic detail. The conversation also had some topic of battles and wars in history, marriage, whatever, and somehow it just lead to him talking about his hatred for foreign women, and wanting to rape them in order to bring shame to the men of the country he would be fighting.
That whole conversation just gave me autism.
No. 442408
>>442402Too bad the wifebeating is almost legal in Russia.'s like reading some dystopic novel.
No. 442422
>>442419I think Southeast Asian men can be handsome. Some types of Korean and Japanese. I think it depends tbh.
Really depends of the genetic diversity of the ethnic group or race honestly
No. 442427
>>442423I just can't stand an overly pale or soft male, just reminds me of the neet life too much.
I find asians really attractive if theyre tall, have some hairstyle that goes upwards rather than an emo kpop bowlcut and have more angular or mature features. I find asian men more striking when they don't look like a doughy baby like half the kpop idols I've seen scattered over the internet.
Asian men often turn me off however, as I know I can't connect to their culture or be accepted by their family. Europe has some pretty interesting culture in some countries at least.
No. 442431
>>442416That is what makes them so fucking entitled. I think they really believe everybody gets the same treatment and chances as they do.
The ones that are failures are even worse and more entitled, since they could not manage to thrive even with the best chances someone can have.
No. 442457
>>442447>>442449I think anon might be drawn to the uniforms as well.
In any case, when did this thread go from being "man hate" to "nationality preferences". Men will do shitty man things regardless of where they're born.
No. 442461
>>442457>>442458I deleted to clean up the thread a bit. I just chose the men in uniform because that pic gave multiple examples of average looking men from Mongolia, moving on though.
I posted
>>442400, at the very end, I noted, and agree that men are shit regardless of where they come from.
No. 442481
>>442461Oh that was you then
Theres certainly a moid posting here right now though
They are too obsessed with what women do, I am not surprised if there isnt at least 20 viewing the thread atm
No. 442483
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Men cannot create life so they do this shit to make themselves feel important.
Men are the greatest mistake the world has to put up with and thats just fact.
No. 442487
>>442481Yeah, I reported some of them. Someone posted pedo nazi porn earlier. That one should get a perma IP ban imo.
>>442483I feel like I'm living in a simulation, a dystopian. nightmare. simulation. I'm glad none of those are states I ever had the intention of visiting anyway. Notice how they're all religious?
No. 442491
>>442392It's the Jomon blood.
>>442402Someone giving up their seat because you are a woman is benevolent sexism anon, they are treating you as less capable to stand. Unless you are pregnant that is not a thing to celebrate.
>>442412Lol I am Greek from a small town, I don't have anything to do with the USA. I just see the tourists here and they seem unnatractive to me, feminine actually is a good way to describe it, even when they have muscles. I think it is the face.
>>442416Not Jewish men.
>>442427I like soft boys, although not pale, I like them a little tanned.
>>442428They are flat, it's a characteristic of their phenotypes.
>>442321Some good rules of thumb for finding a less-scrotey scrote to settle for that I've found so far, because let's be honest, being het in a het-norm society is a fucking meme and some of us are still optimistic:
- good, healthy relationship with his mother, ideally the mother herself should be quite a strong, independent character herself with some feminist leanings appropriate to her generation. A woman that takes no shit, especially male shit, usually raises a better than average male child
- if you show him incel-related media or "memes" showcasing their ideology, especially their sense of violent entitlement and he spots or comments on it with incredulity or an attitude "wtf are these losers for fucking real?" this is a good sign. The documentary that was posted in this thread is a real good one.
- lets you say no to sex for any fucking reason AND says no to sex sometimes himself. This second one is a good indicator that he has a healthy relationship to his sense of masculinity as attached to sex, and is capable of setting his own and should therefore respect others healthy boundaries
and last but definitely not least
- eats the puss like he's a starving desert man at an oasis like lmao why you ever fuckin bothering if he don't/won't do oral FOH
No. 442514
>>442510I agree.
Let's be real. AIDs is real.
No. 442518
>>442516>Most of them are pedos anywaylol
>You don't see lesbians acting this way with barely legal girls.absolutely lol
No. 442522
>>442386if you aren't racist and understand that not all asian men look like kpop boys then it's not hard to see why
>>442503that's like saying all bi people are sluts which is such a tired old stupid stereotype
No. 442526
>>442431>>442434As an Asian woman who's interacted with both white men and Asian men, I've found white men to be more entitled
and much more racist when it comes to how they view women and really any non-white guy.
However Asian men can definitely be entitled too. Go visit any westernized Asian manosphere-ish forum (like r/AsianMasculinity) and you will find Asian men whining and making hyperbolic statements about how every Asian woman is to get them and only wants white Chad's cock. There are definitely unfortunate biases against Asian men in many domains that are worth addressing, but they obsess over white male-Asian female pairings as the root of all evil is kinda pathetic. Not to mention that these guys will always rrreeeeeeeee over anything that hurts Asian
men specifically, but will either turn a blind eye to stuff that hurt Asian women or use it as an opportunity to
victim blame Asian women.
No. 442539
>>442402>The guys are pretty gentlemanly though. Only place where young men have given up their seat for me in public transport. oh boy these low standards
the more traditionally savage a culture is the more ceremonies with no meaning
No. 442544
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It looks like The Red Pill is dying. I've been lurking a subreddit where people have discussions with red pillers and I was surprised to see they're all over 30. Many over 40.
The younger generation of men would rather embrace their subhumanity with the Black Pill.
Pic related, abusing his wife even when kids are in the picture.
No. 442564
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saw this on Twitter the thread is full of men saying “NOT ALL MEN”. A reminder to never marry or interact with (when possible ) a scrote .
No. 442590
>>442584I linked a Lundy bancroft video in pink pill thread #25 about a week ago, it's a good place to start. all
abusive men are entitled. he talks in general terms and specifically about
abusive relationships, but I think it's a good insight into the male psyche in general. specifically the intersection of the male psyche and patriarchal conditioning.
>>442586it is not personality, it is his value system. how he feels about women and society and his level of entitlement.
No. 442592
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>>442590sorry I thought I was in the Radical Feminism thread. Anyway, if anons aren't still convinced, this is what he wrote about one type of abuser in 2002, the
Victim No. 442594
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>>442593if this doesn't immediately remind you of incels, mgtows, and every loser in the loser ex-bf's thread than IDK what to tell you.
No. 442599
>>442596>>442598samefag, but imo a man who purposefully avoid talking to people is a red flag. men are rarely paralyzed by shyness like women are. most men who i've known to be Very Quiet have been secret misanthropes and
No. 442601
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while I'm at it.
No. 442603
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No. 442633
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>>442593This bit in particular is so fucking damning. Not only are men full of shit when they try to claim women abuse men just as much or they were physically abused, it actually makes it more likely that THEY are an abuser themselves. I mean, it's no surprise considering it's MGTOW/MRA/incel types who are particularly convinced women are beating men up with any sort of frequency, but it's still crazy to see it confirmed by someone who has really studied them in depth.
No. 442652
>>442386Lmao you
triggered the fuck out of the lurking kboos and asian moids.
No. 442673
>>442633>Be particularly careful with a man who claims to have been the victim of physical violence by a previous female partner.Anon, I liked most of the other things you linked about this subject but this is fucked up. My now boyfriend was abused and this is an absolutely abhorrent way to approach the subject. Domestic abuse
victims often are traumatized, asking them to go in depth and pushing them to se if they "were really abused" is messed up to an extreme degree. I agree with point 4, but point 3 is legit disturbing.
Also when you say
>Not only are men full of shit when they try to claim ….. they were physically abusedYou are legit denying a
victim the fact that they were victimized, this is the terrible thing a lot of men and some women do to victimized women. Doing the same thing to abused men is not something you should advocate for,
victims are
victims regardless of gender and they should be helped and supported.
No. 442676
>>442673a hard truth is that
abusive men co opt the language of true
victims and oppressed classes, and prey on our natural and conditioned needs to nurture and advocate for people. are all traumatized men lying? obviously not, use your discretion.
maybe it's important to note that these are all just red flags to look out for. Bancroft makes a distinction between a liar and a truly abused man, that's pretty easy to look out for that doesn't require
victim blaming. do what works for you and your way of life.
Bancroft wrote this book after years of counselling
abusive men. he's coming from a place where he's had to deal with and call these men out on their bullshit and sociopathy every day for years.
No. 442678
>>442676Ah, sorry anon, I guess I was a little emotional, since it's an issue that I have in my immediate life and have seen how if affects my bf. I see what you mean,
abusive men act like
victims to approach women to victimize, ok that makes sense, like a wolf in sheep's clothing. I just had an immediate reaction to your post because it seemed to claim that this was the general case and it should be how we should approach the subject in general.
No. 442700
>>442698realities about abusers:
1. He is controlling.
2. He feels entitled.
3. He twists things into their opposites.
4. He disrespects his partner and considers himself superior to her.
5. He confuses love and abuse.
6. He is manipulative.
7. He strives to have a good public image.
8. He feels justified.
9. Abusers deny and minimize their abuse.
10. Abusers are possessive.
No. 442705
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>>442700types of abusers:
the demand man
mr. right
the water torturer (gaslighters)
the drill sergeant
mr. sensitive (male feminists)
>>442601the player (fuckboys)
rambo (
toxic masculinity)
victim (incels, mras, mgtows)
>>442594the terrorist (this one is so scary, genuine psycho)
mentally ill and addicted abusers
>>442603 No. 442706
>>442698Links between early childhood abuse and becoming an
abusive man as an adult please, Nick. It's the one area where I have a shred of understanding for some men, but then again there are plenty of men who were also violently abused as children who don't go on to be wife beaters themselves and I'd be interested to know what needs to happen in someone's life to go from maladaptive to not a piece of shit.
No. 442712
>>442706MYTH #1: He was abused as a child, and he needs therapy for it.
The partners of my clients commonly believe that the roots of the man’s abusiveness can be found in mistreatment that he suffered himself, and many professionals share the same misconception. I hear explanations along the lines of:
>He calls me all those horrible things because that is what his mother used to do to him.
>His father used to get angry at him and beat him with a belt, so now if I get angry at all, he just freaks out and starts throwing things around the house. He says it’s because deep down, he’s really scared of my anger.
>His stepmother was a witch. I’ve met her; she’s vicious. So now he really has this thing against women.QUESTION 1: IS IT BECAUSE HE WAS ABUSED AS A CHILD?
Multiple research studies have examined the question of whether men who abuse women tend to be survivors of childhood abuse, and the link has turned out to be weak; other predictors of which men are likely to abuse women have proven far more reliable, as we will see. Notably, men who are violent toward other men are often
victims of child abuse — but the connection is much less clear for men who assault women. The one exception is that those abusers who are brutally physically violent or terrifying toward women often do have histories of having been abused as children. In other words,
a bad childhood doesn’t cause a man to become an abuser, but it can contribute to making a man who is abusive especially dangerous. If abusiveness were the product of childhood emotional injury, abusers could overcome their problem through psychotherapy. But it is virtually unheard of for an
abusive man to make substantial and lasting changes in his pattern of abusiveness as a result of therapy. (In Chapter 14, we’ll examine the differences between psychotherapy and a specialized abuser program, because the latter sometimes can bring good results.) He may work through other emotional difficulties, he may gain insight into himself, but his behavior continues. In fact it typically gets worse, as he uses therapy to develop new excuses for his behavior, more sophisticated arguments to prove that his partner is mentally unstable, and more creative ways to make her feel responsible for his emotional distress.
Abusive men are sometimes masters of the hard-luck story, and may find that accounts of childhood abuse are one of the best ways to pull heartstrings.
For some
abusive men, the blame-the-childhood approach has an additional reason for being appealing: By focusing on what his mother did wrong, he gets to blame a woman for his mistreatment of women. This explanation can also
appeal to the abused woman herself, since it makes sense out of his behavior and gives her someone safe to be angry at — since getting angry at him always seems to blow up in her face. The wider society, and the field of psychology in particular, has often jumped on this bandwagon instead of confronting the hard questions that partner abuse raises. Abuse of women by men is so rampant that, unless people can somehow make it women’s own fault, they are forced to take on a number of uncomfortable questions about men and about much of male thinking. So it may seem easier to just lay the problem at the feet of the man’s mother?
My clients who have participated extensively in therapy or substance-abuse recovery programs sometimes sound like therapists themselves — and a few actually have been — as they adopt the terms of popular psychology or textbook theory. One client used to try to lure me into intellectual debates with comments such as, “Well, your group follows a cognitive-behavioral model, which has been shown to have limitations for addressing a problem as deep as this one.” An
abusive man who is adept in the language of feelings can make his partner feel crazy by turning each argument into a therapy session in which he puts her reactions under a microscope and assigns himself the role of “helping” her. He may, for example, “explain” to her the emotional issues she needs to work through, or analyze her reasons for “mistakenly” believing that he is mistreating her.
abusive man may embellish his childhood suffering once he discovers that it helps him escape responsibility. The National District Attorney’s Association Bulletin reported a revealing study that was conducted on another group of destructive men: child sexual abusers. The researcher asked each man whether he himself had been sexually victimized as a child. A hefty 67 percent of the subjects said yes. However, the researcher then informed the men that he was going to hook them up to a lie-detector test and ask them the same questions again. Affirmative answers suddenly dropped to only 29 percent. In other words, abusers of all varieties tend to realize the mileage they can get out of saying, “I’m
abusive because the same thing was done to me.”
Although the typical
abusive man works to maintain a positive public image, it is true that some women have
abusive partners who are nasty or intimidating to everyone. How about that man? Do his problems result from mistreatment by his parents? The answer is both yes and no; it depends on which problem we’re talking about. His hostility toward the human race may sprout from cruelty in his upbringing, but he abuses women because he has an abuse problem. The two problems are related but distinct.
I am not saying that you should be unsympathetic to your partner’s childhood suffering. An
abusive man deserves the same compassion that a nonabusive man does, neither more nor less. But a nonabusive man doesn’t use his past as an excuse to mistreat you. Feeling sorry for your partner can be a trap, making you feel guilty for standing up to his abusiveness.
I have sometimes said to a client: “If you are so in touch with your feelings from your
abusive childhood, then you should know what abuse feels like. You should be able to remember how miserable it was to be cut down to nothing, to be put in fear, to be told that the abuse is your own fault. You should be less likely to abuse a woman, not more so, from having been through it.” Once I make this point, he generally stops mentioning his terrible childhood; he only wants to draw attention to it if it’s an excuse to stay the same, not if it’s a reason to change.
"Why Does He Do That" Lundy Bancroft
No. 442714
>>4427005. He confuses love and abuse. or
8. He feels justified. please
No. 442717
>>442714REALITY #5: He confuses love and abuse.
Here are comments my clients commonly make to me:
>The reason I abuse her is because I have such strong feelings for her. You hurt the ones you love the most.
>No one can get me as upset as she can.
>Yeah, I told her she’d better not ever try to leave me. You have no idea how much I love this girl!
>I was sick of watching her ruining her life. I care too much to sit back and do nothing about it.An
abusive man often tries to convince his partner that his mistreatment of her is proof of how deeply he cares, but the reality is that abuse is the opposite of love. The more a man abuses you, the more he is demonstrating that he cares only about himself. He may feel a powerful desire to receive your love and caretaking, but he only wants to give love when it’s convenient.
So is he lying when he says he loves you? No, usually not. Most of my clients do feel a powerful sensation inside that they call love. For many of them it is the only kind of feeling toward a female partner that they have ever had, so they have no way of knowing that it isn’t love. When an
abusive man feels the powerful stirring inside that other people call love, he is probably largely feeling:
-The desire to have you devote your life to keeping him happy with no outside interference
-The desire to have sexual access
-The desire to impress others by having you be his partner
-The desire to possess and control you
These desires are important aspects of what romantic love means to him. He may well be capable of feeling genuine love for you, but first he will have to dramatically reorient his outlook in order to separate
abusive and possessive desires from true caring, and become able to really see you.
The confusion of love with abuse is what allows abusers who kill their partners to make the absurd claim that they were driven by the depths of their loving feelings. The news media regrettably often accept the aggressors’ view of these acts, describing them as “crimes of passion.” But what could more thoroughly prove that a man did not love his partner? If a mother were to kill one of her children, would we ever accept the claim that she did it because she was overwhelmed by how much she cared? Not for an instant. Nor should we. Genuine love means respecting the humanity of the other person, wanting what is best for him or her, and supporting the other person’s self-esteem and independence. This kind of love is incompatible with abuse and coercion.
"Why Does He Do That" Lundy Bancroft
No. 442721
>>442714REALITY #8: He feels justified.
Several years ago, I had a client who began his first group session by declaring: “I am here because I’m a batterer.” I was impressed with his ownership of his problem. However, the next week he softened his words to, “I’m here because I’m
abusive,” and the third week he stated, “I’m in the program because my wife thinks I’m
abusive.” Within a few more weeks he had quit
coming, having comfortably wrapped himself back up in his justifications.
Abusers externalize responsibility for their actions, believing that their partners make them behave in
abusive ways. Each of my clients predictably uses some variation of the following lines:
>She knows how to push my buttons.
>She wanted me to go off, and she knows how to make it happen.
>She pushed me too far.
>There’s only so much a man can take.
>You expect me to just let her walk all over me. What would you do?Many clients express guilt or remorse when they first begin attending counseling, but as soon as I start to press them to look at their histories of
abusive behavior, they switch back to defending their actions. They don’t mind glibly saying, “I know what I did was wrong,” but when I ask them to describe their verbal or physical assaults in detail, they leap back to justifying.
Abusive men are masters of excuse making. In this respect they are like substance abusers, who believe that everyone and everything except them is responsible for their actions. When they aren’t blaming their partners, they blame stress, alcohol, their childhood, their children, their bosses, or their insecurities. More important, they feel entitled to make these excuses; when I point out that other men under the same pressures choose not to be
abusive, they tend to become irate or contemptuous.
Does this mean that abusers are psychopaths who lack any conscience that could cause them to feel guilt or responsibility? Generally not, although I have had a small number (perhaps 5 percent of my clients) who are. Most abusers do have a conscience about their behavior outside of the family. They may be willing to be answerable for their actions at work, at the club, or on the street. At home, however, their sense of entitlement takes over.
abusive man commonly believes he can blame his partner for anything that goes wrong, not just his abusiveness. Did he just suffer a disappointment? She caused it. Is he embarrassed by a mistake he made? She should have prevented it. Is one of the children in a difficult period? She’s a bad mother. Everything is someone else’s fault, and “someone else” is usually her.
"Why Does He Do That" Lundy Bancroft
No. 442760
>>442564>My husband has changed ever since I got pregnant and he's a lot less calmThe same happened to my dad when my mom had me, and to another couple I know. Apparently men care a lot about "spreading their genes" and impregnating women, but when they succeed, they
feel jealous of the baby getting all of their wife/girlfriend's attention. Men are literal babies.
No. 442764
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>>442387>Idk, don't you think you're generalising a bit? You sound like those guys going to Thailand because the women there are "more feminine and submissive". There's all kinds of men here and all over the world and maybe you'll find a good guy if you go outside and not lurk on the internet and date guys from Discord or Twitch. People have personalities and world views that are different from one another no matter where you go, nationalities aren't a fetish and the novelty wears off sound really retarded. like the environment men grow up in doesn't affect them on average. take a nice good look at south america. obviously there are all kinds of men all over, but on average men from countries that are bathed in really violent or very obvious misogyny are going to be worse, or better if not????? idk where men would be best, but i SURE as fuck know where men are worse on average. idk if nordic countries are any better, i haven't had so much exposure romantically to men from more "progressive" countries but uhhh there's nothing fetishy or remotely comparable about looking for men from places where they might actually tend to be more sane and kind on average????
No. 442789
>>442748MYTH #14: There are just as many
abusive women as
abusive men. Abused men are invisible because they are ashamed to tell.
There certainly are some women who treat their male partners badly, berating them, calling them names, attempting to control them. The negative
impact on these men’s lives can be considerable. But do we see men whose self-esteem is gradually destroyed through this process? Do we see men whose progress in school or in their careers grinds to a halt because of the constant criticism and undermining? Where are the men whose partners are forcing them to have unwanted sex? Where are the men who are fleeing to shelters in fear for their lives? How about the ones who try to get to a phone to call for help, but the women block their way or cut the line? The reason we don’t generally see these men is simple: They’re rare.
I don’t question how embarrassing it would be for a man to come forward and admit that a woman is abusing him. But don’t underestimate how humiliated a woman feels when she reveals abuse; women crave dignity just as much as men do. If shame stopped people from coming forward, no one would tell.
Even if abused men didn’t want to come forward, they would have been discovered by now. Neighbors don’t turn a deaf ear to abuse the way they might have ten or twenty years ago. Now, when people hear screaming, objects smashing against walls, loud slaps landing on skin, they call the police. Among my physically
abusive clients, nearly one-third have been arrested as a result of a call to the police that came from someone other than the abused woman. If there were millions of cowed, trembling men out there, the police would be finding them.
Abusive men commonly like to play the role of
victim, and most men who claim to be “battered men” are actually the perpetrators of violence, not the
In their efforts to adopt
victim status, my clients try to exaggerate their partners’ verbal power: “Sure, I can win a physical fight, but she is much better with her mouth than I am, so I’d say it balances out.” (One very violent man said in his group session, “She stabs me through the heart with her words,” to justify the fact that he had stabbed his partner in the chest with a knife.) But abuse is not a battle that you win by being better at expressing yourself. You win it by being better at sarcasm, put-downs, twisting everything around backward, and using other tactics of control — an arena in which my clients win hands down over their partners, just as they do in a violent altercation. Who can beat an abuser at his own game?
Men can be abused by other men, however, and women can be abused by women, sometimes through means that include physical intimidation or violence. If you are a gay man or lesbian who has been abused by a partner or who is facing abuse now, most of what I explain in this book will ring loud bells for you. The “he and she” language that I use obviously won’t fit your experience, but the underlying dynamics that I describe largely will. We’ll explore this issue further in Chapter 6.
No. 442790
>>442748>>442762MYTH #15: Abuse is as bad for the man who is doing it as it is for his partner. They are both
My clients get over the pain of the abuse incidents far, far faster than their partners do. Recall Dale from Chapter 1, who insisted to me that the first ten years of his marriage had gone swimmingly, while Maureen recounted ten years of insults and cruelty? Certainly abusing one’s partner is not a healthy lifestyle, but the negative effects don’t hold a candle to the emotional and physical pain, loss of freedom, self-blame, and numerous other shadows that abuse casts over the life of its female target. Unlike alcoholics or addicts,
abusive men don’t “hit bottom.” They can continue abusing for twenty or thirty years, and their careers remain successful, their health stays normal, their friendships endure. As we’ll see in Chapter 6, abusers actually tend to benefit in many ways from their controlling behaviors. An abuser can usually outperform his
victim on psychological tests, such as the ones that are routinely required during custody disputes, because he isn’t the one who has been traumatized by years of psychological or physical assault. No one who listens carefully to the tragic accounts of abused women and then sees the abusers each week at a counseling group, as my colleagues and I have done, could be fooled into believing that life is equally hard for the men.
No. 442799
Rambo is aggressive with everybody, not just his partner. He gets a thrill out of the sensation of intimidating people and strives to handle all life situations by subtly or overtly creating fear. He has an exaggerated, stereotypical view of what a man is supposed to be, which goes hand in hand with seeing women as delicate, inferior, and in need of protection. Rambo often comes from a home or neighborhood where he was the target of violence himself and learned that the only way to feel safe is to be stronger, tougher, and less caring than everybody else. He has little patience for weakness, fragility, or indecision. Often he has a criminal record for violence, theft, drunk driving, or drug dealing.
Early in a relationship, Rambo is likely to be loving and kind to his partner, like most abusers. Because he lacks fear — or pretends to — he can make a woman feel safe and protected. This style of abuser can therefore be particularly appealing to a woman who comes from a violent home herself
or to one who is in the process of leaving another abusive relationship. Rambo can make you feel as though his aggressiveness would never be directed toward you, because he loves you; he wishes to look after your safety as if you were his daughter. He enjoys the role of protector, feeling like a gallant knight. However, he lacks respect for women, and this disrespect, combined with his general violent tendencies, means that it is only amatter of time before he will be the one you need protection from.
Many highly “masculine” men are not Rambo. The notion that all macho men are likely to abuse women is based largely on class and ethnic prejudices, the same misconceptions that allow Mr. Sensitive or Mr. Right to skate by undetected. There are plenty of “tough guys” out there who are friendly to everyone and avoid aggressive interactions whenever possible but enjoy lifting weights, playing rough sports, hunting, and other aspects of stereotypical masculinity. They may be good fighters, but only in self-defense. It isn’t macho that women need to watch out for. The danger signs are violence and intimidation toward anyone, and disrespect and superiority toward women.
Sometimes Rambo is a psychopath or sociopath, which can make him all the more emotionally abusive and in some cases physically abusive as well. Later we will take a look at psychopaths and other mentally disordered abusers.The central attitudes driving Rambo are:
-Strength and aggressiveness are good; compassion and conflict resolution are bad.
-Anything that could be even remotely associated with homosexuality, including walking away from possible violence or showing any fear or grief, has to be avoided at any cost.
-Femaleness and femininity (which he associates with homosexuality) are inferior. Women are here to serve men and be protected by them.
-Men should never hit women, because it is unmanly to do so. However, exceptions to this rule can be made for my own partner if her behavior is bad enough. Men need to keep their women in line.
-You are a thing that belongs to me, akin to a trophy.
No. 442836
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>>442800That hair comment honestly is going into some racist territory.
>>442761AskReddit is pretty shitty but stuff like this applies to most communities on there outside of left-leaning political ones.
Scortes’/MRAs fixation on male rape cases and false rape accusations is so weird. Them bringing it up whenever anyone discusses sexual assault is often a way to dismiss female rape
victims more than it is to help male rape ones imo. I also find it telling that they never mention how other men are usually the assaulters in cases involving male
victims. It’s very telling that they have an agenda they want to maintain. The shitty pic I have here shows that innocent women by far are gonna come out worse in rape cases than a man ever will.
No. 442848
>>442789I am not going to bother engaging with the massive nonsense that is this post, but anyone who gives enough of a fuck can look at the relevant crime surveys and find out that the number of abuse
victims are about the same. There are different degrees of abuse of course and male perpetrators tend to hurt their spouses more often due to the fact that they are stronger, but when it comes to the
victims then the number of men and women is quite similar. This little part of his book is not stastical in any way and is simply full of his own bias. He did a lot of good work, but he is tremendously wrong in this particular area.
No. 442864
>>442848he is specifically talking about male
victims of abuse that perpetrated by a woman.
No. 442905
>>442705Curious about the water torturer (gaslighting).
Also any other anons with an experience like that. How do you tell who is going to do this?? I always think I'm good at reading people except when it comes to fucking gaslighting! And in my experience I don't think the men even knew that is what they were doing. Which makes it even
more frustrating because when you call them out on their shit, and then they have even more of a reason to think they can call you crazy or that you're overreacting, because they're too fucking dumb to even know how manipulative they are being! Even now sometimes I still feel like I could have been overreacting, especially once more time passes and I get over it more. I fucking hate it.
Actually, one guy blocked me once
BECAUSE "I said he was gaslighting me." When what I actually said was something like, "this is the definition of gaslighting, which applies to what you are saying like so".
You can never win with them.
No. 442990
>>442848lmao where did you read that? Reddit? 4chan? That one study that showed men consider their wife not making dinner to be
No. 443016
I wish there was a way to see if the fly you book is piloted by men or women. Pilot-suicides are so damn horrifying but of course lonely :(( depressed :(( scrotes can't just end their lifes without ruining those of others too.
In case you every wondered what happened to the "vanished" malaysian flight:
>53 yo wealthy scrote with friends, 3 adult children and a wife that moved out because he uses his freetime to orbit IG models and cheat (which is somehow the wifes fault because all pilots cheat dude how are they supposed to keep their penis in their pants with remotely pretty stewardesses in their work environment)>decides to kill himself>but only after incapacitating and killing his 227 passengers including several children, his crew and his soon-to-be-married co-pilot who was on his last training-fly>flies around for 1-2 hours after it and deliberately destoys all traces which will lead to no real closure for their loved ones>drives into the indian ocean at full speed so it will be even harder to find remains>this inspires another scrote to do the same thing years laterIt just baffles my mind. Those people died for literally no reason. He could've just killed himself alone but he took them all with him because ??????
Imagine you're on the way to a great vacation you dreamed of for months, something you looked forward to and planned in excitement, only for it to end this way and leave the people you care about in shambles. Only scrotes can reach that level of narcissism.
No. 443039
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Ok but how many goddamn times is that dude gonna post that easy mode pic? Just say you have womb envy and you're secretly gay and go.
mods don't ban me pls
No. 443055
>>443053It's the same /pol/ guy who's been shitposting these threads forever.
>something something asian men>something something everyone is jealous of white men>something something black menPathetic old incel.
No. 443110
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>>441672The comment section is atrocious.
No. 443119
>>440545I don't agree with Lundy about his stance that most
abusive men do not hate women. I think all men are sexist because they are born into and socialised into a misogynistic world. Even women harbor misogynistic sentiments although misogyny has been so normalised in society that many would not realize it.
No. 443126
>>443121I’ve been a babysitter for rich families this past few years for extra cash
Stay away from
Eastern European
All of the men that I worked for treated their wifes like shit, and so did their entitled MILs who babies them from day 0 until they die
The amount of times I’ve watched them break down and cry is absolutely disgraceful
Except the dude that was amazing with his kids but he was so in love and happy I still can’t believe he existed, he was self reliant and had his own business.
His family was well adjusted and caring though without being coddling
No. 443137
>>443135Black, SEA, and Native men are also safe, dw anon lel.
But I think she was just talking about men who are generally more entitled due to both male ego AND culture.
No. 443139
I'd like to add this perspective as a blonde woman who lived for a year in India.
Lots of Indian men make so secret how they view women especially in their attitude towards white women, who they view as sluts.
I've had men take their little penises out on the street and wiggle them around, make wanking gestures and kissing sounds as I passed them on the street, share disgusting fantasies out of the blue.
Condom use is basically non existant, wives are seen as responsible for all the chores, and you'll almost never see a woman that is working class (waitress, shopkeeper, driver, etc.).
But there is also a very strong familial culture that just does not exist in the west. The divorce rate is like 2%, and men are often extremely involved in the lives of their children, in terms of pushing them towards education and feeling a duty to provide for them. Once married, men are socially expected to be bound to their wives and families. In fact, indian woman were expected to burn themselves on the funeral pyres of their husbands (sati).
Random, also you see many people worshiping the Shiva lingam, which is a giant penis of shiva. There are phallic statues set up in many homes and temples.
No. 443164
They know a lot of women really want kids too so they try to dangle it in front of their faces ''settle for our broke ugly asses NOW or else no babies! no one's gonna want you or take care of you!''
>>443160Same. But some trad women will fall for their tricks. Most of these traditional men don't earn enough to even provide for their wife, how the fuck are they gonna have their precious 4 white sons?
No. 443202
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>>443110lmao… that happened. I would probably be cheered up by the hilarity of something so dumb if I was about to get an abortion, like way to make an unpleasant situation light hearted.
Anyway just dropping one of my fav quotes about anti abortionists.
No. 443210
>>443201I'm Asian too (Japanese), I have no interest in white men because they piss me off but a lot of my friends and relatives are
obsessed with them. They would say Asian men were boring or looked like their brothers but white men are "princes" or "gentlemen". Then they fetishise their own hypothetical mixed race children who will have "beautiful" white genes which will "improve" their Japanese ones. I know of many Eurasian people because of where I live (I hate the word "hapa" because it's specifically for Hawaiian people but keep flinging it around for white/Asian mixes) and they can get issues if they have parents who fetishise each other and them. Children who are Japanese but mixed with something non-white are seen as 'zannen hafu' or 'disappointing half Japanese'. It's honestly disgusting.
No. 443211
>>443200Hopefully this won't start a shitstorm, I do think pro-life people genuinely care about 'baybeez' and see it as a human.
I don't think it's entirely about controlling women for the sake of it but I think it's all linked. I think they see the potential life as more important than the woman's life, like because the baby/fetus is alive that means the impact on the woman's life, the threat to her health and wellbeing is irrelevant. Also I guess as an appropriate punishment/consequence of having sex, mixed in with some sexist ideals about birth being 'all women are good for' or whatever.
Hope this doesn't come off as white knighting or scrotb8, just trying to articulate my thoughts.
No. 443214
>>443126>latinoa more diverse ethnic group than you could ever imagine, your racism is showing
>>443137>native american menso their women having the highest murder rate in the country proves these men are … safe?
No. 443217
>>443211I was talking about that scrot in particular who 100% stops caring once the forced mother can't abort it anymore. Basically this
>>443202 , some pro-lifers might care about the children in their early baby stages too, but they sure as hell loose all their "compassion" once that baby grows up to be a burden to society due to being raised by someone who was pressured into parenthood.
No. 443222
>>443214Nearly all the men who rape and murder Native women are white. This is because there are legislative loopholes which allow white men to commit violent crimes in Native American territories without any repercussions. Huge numbers of Native American women and girls become a part of human trafficking schemes hence the high rape and murder rates.
>>443221The Y chromosome is dying out but disappointingly it is going to take another 4.6 million years.
No. 443226
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Men truly are inferior lifeforms.
No. 443227
>>443211>>443218I see the points you're trying to make, and I agree that that's how most forced birthers probably see the "debate", but I don't buy for a second that the convenient added bonus of controlling women's bodily autonomy and sexuality through restricting abortion access doesn't come into play SOMEWHERE in their worldview. Especially their views around sex or keeping it "within" a marriage, or concepts of "modesty" and women "not showing off" their bodies in the way they dress (but men can cheat and walk around named with less punitive response, naturally), anything you could pick from the classics - I guarantee it'll pop up somewhere. I agree with you that
consciously the majority of people standing outside of a clinic threatening women going for a pap smear don't start their day thinking to themselves "hoo boy how can I best reduce women as a group to a second class of citizen today" and rubbing their hands with Disney villain glee, but subconsciously their worldview IS built on a bedrock of "somewhere along the line, women should be controlled" and it'll come out in other ways, even in as subtle a form as "it's not correct for women to make the first move in dating" or "women with unshaved legs are weird and gross". All of this bullshit is predicated upon the core idea that women are different (inferiorly) to men and should be treated accordingly.
No. 443242
>>443139I hear Punjab(the mainly sikh state) is nice and women don't experience much harrashmment.
Is this true ?
No. 443249
>>443214I was "joking" by pointing out other ethnic groups she didn't bring up. Of course no groups of men are completely safe, and as a half Native woman myself I'm not going to claim Native men are pure uwu. My own father was a monster as are most men in that side of my family…but you know what? So are the men on the white side. And the point that other anon made about white men murdering Indigenous women is also relevant.
Of course not all men applies to every group also and I'm sure there are good Native guys out there. Admittedly I'm kind of holding out for one heh.
(But also as a disclaimer pls don't take my word as 100% if another Native anon wants to come and say her rez was amazing and healthy go off. Also invite me.)
>>443242Nta and a even more anecdotal since it's a "case study" (lol) but a punjabi Sikh guy befriended me at university this year and he's alarmingly respectful and kind.
No. 443260
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Piece of shit scrote, eating his own child's future and health Kronos-style.
Why do we have the term "gold-diggers" for women, but no term for men who do this shit? "Deadbeat" doesn't suffice, as it primarily describes neglectful fathers.
No. 443273
The Water Torturer’s style proves that anger doesn’t cause abuse. He can assault his partner psychologically without even raising his voice. He tends to stay calm in arguments, using his own evenness as a weapon to push her over the edge. He often has a superior or contemptuous grin onhis face, smug and self-assured. He uses a repertoire of aggressive conversational tactics at low volume, including sarcasm, derision — such as openly laughing at her — mimicking her voice, and cruel, cutting remarks. Like Mr. Right, he tends to take things she has said and twist them beyondrecognition to make her appear absurd, perhaps especially in front of other people. He gets to his partner through a slow but steady stream of low-level emotional assaults, and perhaps occasional shoves or other “minor” acts of violence that don’t generally cause visible injury but may do great psychological harm. He is relentless in his quiet derision and meanness.
The impact on a woman of all these subtle tactics is that either her blood temperature rises to a boil or she feels stupid and inferior, or some combination of the two. In an argument, she may end up yelling in frustration, leaving the room crying, or sinking into silence. The Water Torturer then says, “See, you’re the
abusive one, not me. You’re the one who’s yelling and refusing to talk things out rationally. I wasn’t even raising my voice. It’s impossible to reason with you.”
The psychological effects of living with the Water Torturer can be severe. His tactics can be difficult to identify, so they sink in deeply. Women can find it difficult not to blame themselves for their reactions to what their partner does if they don’t even know what to call it. When someone slaps you in the face, you know you’ve been slapped. But when a woman feels psychologically assaulted, with little idea why, after an argument with The Water Torturer, she may turn her frustration inward. How do you seek support from a friend, for example, when you don’t know how to describe what is going wrong?
The Water Torturer tends to genuinely believe that there is nothing unusual about his behavior. When his partner starts to confront him with his abusiveness — which she usually does sooner or later — he looks at her as if she were crazy and says, “What the hell are you talking about? I’ve never done anything to you.” Friends and relatives who have witnessed the couple’s interactions may back him up. They shake their heads and say to each other, “I don’t know what goes on with her. She just explodes at him sometimes, and he’s so low-key.” Their children can develop the impression that Mom “blows up over nothing.” She herself may start to wonder if there is something psychologically wrong with her.
The Water Torturer is payback-oriented like most
abusive men, but he may hide it better. If he is physically
abusive, his violence may take theform of cold-hearted slaps “for your own good” or “to get you to wake up” rather than explosive rage.His moves appear carefully thought out, and he rarely makes obvious mistakes — such as letting his abusiveness show in public — that could turn other people against him or get him in legal trouble.
If you are involved with a Water Torturer, you may struggle for years trying to figure out what ishappening. You may feel that you overreact to his behavior and that he isn’t really so bad. But the effects of his control and contempt have crept upon you over the years. If you finally leave him, you may experience intense periods of delayed rage, as you become conscious of how quietly but deathly oppressive he was.
This style of man rarely lasts long in an abuserprogram unless he has a court order. He is so accustomed to having complete success with his tactics that he can’t tolerate an environment where the counselors recognize and name his maneuvers and don’t let him get away with them. He tends to rapidly decide that his group leaders are as crazy as his partner and heads for the door. The central attitudes driving the Water Torturer are:
>You are crazy. You fly off thehandle over nothing. >I can easily convince other people that you’re the one who is messed up. >As long as I’m calm, you can’t call anything I do abusive, no matter how cruel. >I know exactly how to get under *-your skin. No. 443287
>>443226A crime of this nature should be an automatic death penalty, as the evidence is undeniable since she has medical records of being on a bed for 14 years, and the pregnancy carries his DNA. He was given special privileges with his medical profession to look over and care for someone in their literal most vulnerable state, and took advantage of that.
I read by another anon they let the pregnancy continue; that should also be an automatic abortion, hands down. Could you imagine the parent's grief if her life support was in vain because the pregnancy killed her due to her condition? And now there's a baby that doesn't know it's father (and will probably figure out what a piece of shit he is in adulthood), and may never know it's mother… and the family has to figure out what to do in the midst of knowing their daughter was raped.
Whoever the authority was on letting this decision pass needs his professional license or degree revoked; possibly a death penalty too. This isn't sperging, you're violating someone's (and their family's) entire lively hood. Death is the only way to eradicate the sick fucks who keep making women's existence miserable, since peaceful protests doesn't seem to get through their thick fucking skulls.
No. 443296
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He's such a bad liar… So many things wrong with this
>All these women are having sex with dogs
Why is he keeping track? Must be a busy clinic if he's able to count all these smears, at my clinic barely 80 people would come in a day
>They're told not to have sex 2 days before a smear
False, maybe some clinics are different, but most won't say that
>If you've had sex with different men we can tell
Nope, sperm varies insanely even in the same ejaculate, if you can tell if women have been fucking different men they would have been using it as a fidelity test ages ago
>Canine sperm looks vastly different
It does look different but dog and human sperm look so much alike you wouldn't be able to tell the difference unless you really were on the hunt for dog fucking women
>It gets added to your record
Why is he acting like they're so sneaky about this? Why would they put "found dog sperm" on your record? Especially without telling you? The medical field is heavily regulated, they aren't gonna sneak around and add things to your record without telling you
You'd think this guy would have tried harder before sprouting such an obvious lie then just packing onto it more and more
No. 443318
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Decided to browse relationship advice subreddit, and all these posts are not even 2 days old…
No. 443356
>>443322I mean, I'd prefer a man want me to shit on his face than cheat on or abuse me. As long as he's cleaning up, whatever.
Also he seemed to just be smelling her BO in general which isn't…as bad.
>>443330It's like when your cat licks your leg once and you feel so grateful that they're showing this tiny amount of affection that isn't even real because they're incapable of love anyway.
No offense to cats.
No. 443363
>>443356I didn't mean it in that way, it's more that while those other things are all revolting in themselves, they're all standard scrote behavior no matter how abhorrent. I find them all horrific, but I expect them to happen
He was going in the bathroom to smell her shit and scooting inbetween her buttcheeks to sniff her ass. And the worst thing is that the comment section is warning her not to kinkshame him and telling her to get over it and that she has to accommodate his desires by shitting on her underwear because they're in a relationship and maybe it's her problem for not being comfortable with the way her ass and shit smells. There's not even an expectation of basic decency in a relationship anymore, everything has to be geared toward the satisfaction and depravity of a scrote
No. 443384
>>443318These are all absolutely heart breaking, but the one that's extremely ringing red flags (as if the others weren't the worst already) is the brother who is choking his sister, who shows a mix of anger and happiness when he does it. I forgot the name, but there was a show from the investigation discovery channel on homicide, and there was a serial killer who choked all of his
victims to death. Prior to the murders, he strangled all of his ex wives, and his current (at the time) wife. All of them described the experience like this sister: seemingly out of nowhere, angry/pleased facial expression, and then gaslighting at the end with "I was just trying to calm you down."
You could have a potential murderer on your hands.
Also, I got that, "You deserve better" line when I was cheated on… lol. I knew he was cheating the minute he said it to me.
No. 443452
>>443356>I mean, I'd prefer a man want me to shit on his face than cheat on or abuse me. Well when you put it that way you can literally use that argument to justify anything in a relationship.
>well, I'd rather my man steal my car than cheat or abuse me!Scat is disgusting.
No. 443469
>>443452Comparing stealing cars to shitting lmao
Not even that anon, scat fetishists aren't doing anything illegal
No. 443498
>>443484>in ways you deem acceptableBut isn't this whole argument because you deem scat unacceptable?
Again, who cares?
No. 443509
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If scrotes could stop shooting up places that'd be great. This fucker posted his manifesto on 8chan.
Also why do they always look like this? Genetically inferior incel lookin ass
No. 443559
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>>443509I came here to post this.
Hey dipshit, it's not Mexicans' fault you look like McLovin. Maybe instead of pointing the gun at them, you should have started with yourself.
Also, white men are the perpetrators of the VAST majority of domestic terror, but they're not the ones our retard president keeps trying to ban from the country.
EVERYONE who uses 8chan needs to be on a government terror watch list. ALL automatic and semi-automatic guns need to be banned. Period.
No. 443567
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>>443509There's also apparently an active shooting right now in Ohio, 10(?) people have died.
Men should not be allowed guns (imo neither should women, but men are obviously the actual problem).
No. 443574
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>>443532I think after having one fucking shooting after another we are officially in panic mode. Can't even go to walmart or to a bar without having some loser come in and taking out his delusions on innocent people.
>>443567I heard it was because the guy was denied entry to the bar LMAO LIKE?? if that's the official reason on why he shot people, I'm gonna lose it.
No. 443617
>>442350There are some decent guys in Greece but bear in mind life is really hard there, guys even with STEM degrees are finding it hard to find work. In general men are good, they're less likely to play up their whole "le med man" image like Italian dudes are and cheat 24/7. I think lots of Italian men, while handsome, have let that image the world has of them go to their heads.
I'd also recommend Spanish men, some of them are unbelievably handsome, especially with the ones with slightly lighter features. Baltic men are also good family men.
No. 443637
>>443636>defending any men>at all >everAnon, stop. Misogynistic black men are definitely not going this hard to defend you or literally any other black woman in their spaces
at all lol. In fact, they're the first to jump up and say "Black bitches are even worse!" whenever anyone attacks women of any other race.
Hold white men accountable, but when it comes down to it, it really is just all men.
Racism is not an excuse for the way they damage and hold back the community.
No. 443653
>>443650im pretty sure the person asking for "proof" is a white scrot. but thanks for posting it!
>>443647i am so sorry this happened to you thats fucking disgusting and humiliating. Especially since you put so much energy into this man. I know its going to be hard but seriously you need to break up with him. I honestly cant guarantee that the next guy wont be just as porn obsessed but i know for a fact they are out there. I know you put 5 years into it but think of this as a blessing! Imagined if you married this disgusting shell of a human and had kids with him? You would have to put up with this for the rest of your life instead of only a small fraction of it! Get out there and get you someone new!! you got this~~
No. 443654
>>443642From the FBI, maybe?
In 2016
>Of the 5,770 known offenders, 46.3 percent were White, and 26.1 percent were Black or African American. Other races accounted for the remaining known offenders: 0.8 percent were Asian; 0.8 percent were American Indian or Alaska Native; 0.1 percent were Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; and 7.7 percent were of a group of multiple races. The race was unknown for 18.1 percent.In 2017
>Of the 6,370 known offenders, 50.7 percent were white, and 21.3 percent were black or African-American. Other races accounted for the remaining known offenders: 0.8 percent were American Indian or Alaska Native; 0.7 percent were Asian; less than one-tenth of 1 percent were Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander; and 7.5 percent were of a group of multiple races. The race was unknown for 19.1 percent. No. 443660
>>443656>>443653i appreciate your responses. I know I need to leave him… but we are in a foreign country together for the next month, we have a cat and an apartment together, we have a business that we built together.
It's so hard to untangle…
He also gave me his herpes, which makes me suicidal because I've only had three sexual partners at 24, and now my sexuality is permanently damaged at the hand of his carelessness.
And it makes me wonder if the grass is actually greener on the other side, or if all men just default to the same behavior, and have throughout all of history.
Life is suffering, isn't it.
No. 443683
>>443660All men are like this. Do not believe the grass is greener. It’s not. Men will gaslight you into thinking they’re different and they’ll trick you by talking about how bad porn is (as someone who is in the dating world right now) while secretly jerking off to it.
All men are like this. All men will cheat given the opportunity. Do not let anyone lie to you.
No. 443710
>>443703The best we can do is probably report them. Even if it's not a scrote, you can't argue with these people in good faith, because they don't come in looking to learn or grow. They come in looking not only to deny, but outright promote blindness and stagnation so that these things can continue happening. It's like they
want women to turn a blind eye and be endangered. It fulfills their creepy traditionalist/hierarchical fantasies.
They actively choose not to recognize a problem with men, and whether that's based on religion, racial/cultural ties, ideology, or just a generalized, all-encompassing internal misogyny, that's their own issue to solve.
No matter what we say, they'll just make excuses up until they or someone they love is actually caught in the crossfire.
No. 443712
>>443509he said he was influenced by the christchurch terrorist. when will first world countries start taking this white supremacist shooting issue fucking seriously? how many more lives have to be lost? how retarded do you have to be to get so radicalized by imageboards and go shoot up civilians?
i am really sorry for all minorities who are living in america. i can't imagine what it must be like to live with the fear of some retarded white boy coming in with a gun out of nowhere and start shooting up everything. this is the kind of shit that makes me afraid of visiting america.
No. 443739
>>443733The thing that fucks with me most is that they most have always agreed with it secretly. That and white nationalists have been perfecting their outreach for decades, since the 60s, and they know which types to go for.
They know how to use memes, how to use dog whistles, how to use irony and sarcasm, they know to get them with their hatred of women. Did you know that most of the first alt righters got into it via gamergate, aka lets blame women for why video game casts aren’t all white men any more.
It’s funny but it used to be a stereotype that the meatheads and Chad were more likely to be “sieg heil” than the quiet dweeby Dwight who likes warhammar.
No. 443743
>>443733It's men with
victim complexes and autists who usually get radicalized.
No. 443765
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What's with the short obsessed incels who are convinced women hate them because they're short and not their hideous personality?
Also kinda petty but the incel clearly didn't pay attention to the movie
No. 443776
>>443765Bruh. Farquaad rejected
her at the end because she was secretly an ogre and "ugly." He was also just an asshole in general while our boy "Sherk" wasn't.
This fool is just telling on himself. Also manlets don't struggle in dating, it's all lies. Most women really don't give a fuck.
No. 443778
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>>443765Reminds me of this gem
No. 443779
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>>443778This is how scrotes see the world
No. 443796
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>rape list
No. 443800
>>443631and they only attack black people and anyone else that gets close to them
white men attack everyone and gloat how they are right becuase they are superior.
No. 443822
>>443796>rape list>bomb threats>Threatening to hurt women because rejectionWhat a shocker. /s And men have the audacity to argue that they're the coolest of cucumbers when it comes to emotions lmao
Also reminder that shooters are always the bullies and not misunderstood uwu baby
victims who were bullied into doing it.
No. 443833
>>443825If MtFs taught me anything it's how distanced from the reality of physical violence most men are.
They don't even think about it. Their threats are misgendering. For normal men violence is women talking feminism and wanting to be seen and treated as the human beings they are. Rejection is violence. Not having a bangmaid to make you dinner is abuse.
They're on a different level.
Meanwhile most women wont even reach old age without having been eaped, sexually assaulted or domestically abused.
No. 443837
I am exclusively against the delusion that men and women are equal. It's a nice thought, and no doubt do men get relieved hearing it (that is, unless they're the retarded ones who want the bar to go lower) but no. Men are much more violent. Believing otherwise harms women of other races who are lumped with their men. The dumb grown-ass scrotes in r/ExMuslim, exmuslim or Nevermoose, would never stop believing that they're "oppReSsed" by all Muslims because they have such a lapse of brain processes that they genuinely forget the discrepancy in the culture probably due to Western brainwashing. The stupid scrotes there refuse to believe they're still at the top of the heierchy in Muslim communities to bitch about their women, that, or they're just misogynistic cunts lapping at an opportunity. Nonetheless, fuck them all. And the Nevermoose men there are much more embarrassing with their bitching about Muslim women, with one Indian freak going out his way to be completely nuts over hijabis, like, Jesus Christ was he insane, and I suppose he thought it was okay because r/exMuslim apparently bitched about Muslims (not Muslim men, Muslims) all the time
[Yeah, I can't help talking about this although I suspect it qualifies as race-territory, but it's personal experience, so before any of you race-fag I'll already say I'll apologise in behalf of my men to avoid accusations.]
No. 443839
>>443829There’s also white men stalking their
victims and planning out more elaborate attacks because they think of themselves as heroic characters who are doing good by “purging” their nation. It’s not just randomly seeing a Muslim and beating them up although that happens a lot too.
No. 443849
Anon, the
male 30y/o ones have nothing to fear from the Muslim women. They're at the top of the heierchy regardless of their beliefs.
>>443840Extremely porn-sick too.
I'm an exMuslim too btw
No. 443856
>>443851Thanks for proving my point, anon. Lumping Muslims with Muslims, and exMuslims with exMuslims. I lump men with men, and women with women.
Now tell me, what kind of oppression do the 30 y/o exMusoim fucks face from Muslim women? Do Muslim women do anything to hurt exMuslim men? Are exMuslim men more oppressed for not not making other men mad or are Muslim women more oppressed for possessing a vagina? Or are you just a dumb scrote?
No. 443872
>>443469>>443471>>443478>>443498Yeah let's pretend most scrote scat fetishists are totally into everything as some consensual ~~fun~~ 1v1 activity (despite the fact the scrote in that thread was basically sexually assaulting her and she was being told to shut the fuck up and it being turned into a joke by reddit) and can keep it publicly contained. For fuck's sake. Scat is not like liking big boobs or whatever, it's correlated with being an atavistic freak. Are you going to rant about SWERFs next?
Some freak at my school went underneath toilet cubicles and took photos of girls shitting, he was also a babyfur and a child rapist (what a surprise). These things all correlate, things that sex poz retards and reddit throw out the window. And the fact shitting down someones throat is now the baseline expectation for ANY relationship (not just ones with scrotes, the 'expectations' of shitholes like reddit perhaps are enforced even moreso for lesbian ones) is really worrying
No. 443888
>>443874From what I understand our government is currently trying to pass a gun reform bill, but we have NRA nutjobs coming in left and right trying to block it.
It's a mess right now.
No. 443901
>>443872All this sex positivity and "anti kinkshaming" shit has gone too far.
I almost want to tinfoil and claim it's part of some massive conspiracy to make sure not only literal physical disease spreads among people, but also dysfunction in relationships (and mental health).
How are you going to live a healthy life or build a family (or even just a strong support unit when it comes to interpersonal relations) when you're literally shitting in each other's faces and doing all manner of degenerate things? We all know how drama-filled "kinky" groups are (especially ones filled with furries). People on the internet need to understand that there's line between a bit of unorthodox fun and just pure aberration.
No. 443937
>>443935*emotional needs
Also for women to make, birth and raise their children yet the children will be his progeny and not hers.
No. 443943
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Has anyone heard of the ex-model Suzy Perez? She was most likely a
victim of sex trafficking by, disappeared for year ands reappears mentally ill and addicted to drugs. poor fucking woman, her life was destroyed by these worthless men.
No. 443962
>>443906There was a campaign I remember a while ago that was advocating for normalizing sex work. Plenty of billboards had women quoted saying they were moms, doctors, students AND proud sex workers. And alot of people had said it was really an agenda being pushed by multimillionaire pimps behind the scenes. That it was never and has never been about making sex work safe for women - only get more women
When porn blogs were everywhere on tumblr, whenever there was a popular post going about on the site regarding women there would
always be a porn blog voicing some misogynistic view. How women should have rights, how women should stay at home etc. All while running a porn blog exclusively featuring women with rights, not at home. And yet that was the audience these pimps sell to and the audience they encourage women to pander. It's all fucking insane. It's like they're really trying hard to convince us that men would treat women better if all of them went into porn but we know that will never be the case
Nofap and life after porn are nice starters imo. Shallow but ok
>>443908Yup. Already I've read how men don't believe /will ignore all women who say they were raped or sexually assaulted because "all women are manipulate liars" while they will listen to little boys who say they were.
No. 443973
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Retarded incels laughing at this woman.
Imagine laughing at a woman because she likes something about her boyfriend.
No. 443993
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>>443992Speaking of which, men continue to be shit.
No. 443994
>>443992the problem is those risks exist no matter how many men you have sex with. het sex in a long term monogamous relationship has just as much risk of pregnancy and pain.
i’ve been lurking tradfem subreddits and it’s funny how much of what they say could fit in this thread. the only difference is the women there just accept it and try to play by red pill rules. they accept that the “rules” they live by means that men will never truly love them and will always want a younger/hotter woman, but they insist it’s okay because “a true high quality alpha male cares about more than looks!” some of them are so close to taking the pink pill but just in denial about it.
No. 443999
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>>443992not to mention how much it lowers the standards for men back then men had to have good jobs, have a career, work on their looks, be charismatic, actually treat women and go out and stuff, nowadays men can live in their moms basement and not lift a finger for women and still get laid
men also don't have to put any emotional labor in anymore, women have become so use to the whole "come over, maybe eat some fast food, give a blowjob and maybe have sex and leave at 5 am" type relations that a man doing literally anything other than that has his ass-licked like he just cured her cancer, but women are expected to cook, clean, do his laundry, do things for him, go to the gym so you keep a nice body for him, etc, and for what reward? to get TOLERATED, not loved
I started dating this romantic guy and ever since it just reminds me how horribly other men treat me and just women in general
No. 444002
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>>443977You're absolutely right.
No. 444012
>>444008I knew a woman who enjoyed it but I think she had some weird hang ups on PiV sex.
>>444006One look at any internet forum about relationships will tell you that just isn't the case most of the times.
>>443999I dunno, the guys I know of who promote hook up culture are still all into self grooming and being successful. is an alpha wannabe who posts about his totally red pill dating tips, he claims to be rich and successful and has women throwing themselves at him. He's actually a total lolcow and I wish his stuff was discussed here more often.