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No. 408296
Not trying to vent? Not annoyed? Not asking a dumb question? Post it here.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/389948 No. 408311
File: 1557387524830.jpeg (72.17 KB, 512x444, 6CE5942D-6827-41AD-9F40-EA2B22…)

I got a job after two entire years of being a depressed neet!! Gonna be normal and productive and succeed!!!
No. 408319
>>408317Determination is your best bet!!
Be that annoying person who repeatedly applied if you see positions cycling in and out. You’ll get it eventually anon!!
No. 408347
>>408333I think it gets a bad rap because it's THE "default" position
I fucking hate doggy style. It's uncomfortable and it hurts no matter how aroused I am.
No. 408353
>>408333It's not photogenic enough for porn so it gets labelled as "boring" and "vanilla".
>>408347With some guys doggy felt nice for me while with others it was painful. I think it's because factors like the guy's height, his penis size and curvature will influence how the penis is placed in the vagina and make it either pleasant or unpleasant.
No. 408374
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I can’t.
No. 408379
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I have a crush on this guy who I just find so perfect guys
>friend runs up to me all excited, telling me she has some good news
>I start getting exicted, maybe he likes me fuck yeah
> "Anon, This guy Not my crush really thinks your cute and he wants to go on a date with you!!"
>mfw my crush ends up dating my friend
> mfw Ive been bamboozled
No. 408386
I've been feeling really good the past few days. I've posted here and there on various ot threads about how shit I've felt, how much my shitty retail job made me want to actually kill myself, how much I felt like a worthless, garbage piece of shit after the girl of my dreams broke up with me, but I think I've been doing alright. I quit my job and it's been a struggle trying to apply for office jobs, because even if I do get invited for an interview and turn up my charm, I always get passed over because I just don't have any experience outside of being a sales associate at retail companies. I always try to tell myself that it's just hard because I just don't have office experience, that it has nothing to do with me as a person. While I'm just at home job hunting, I've been trying my best to control everything that I possibly can so that my depression doesn't spiral out of fucking control. I've been going to bed/waking up early so that I can have some semblance of routine. I go on early morning walks (7am to 9am are my favorite hours of the day- I love the way the sun hits the buildings, the quiet hustle and bustle of parents getting their kids to school, and if I need to pick something up from the store, it's usually pretty empty). I've picked up drawing again, and for once, I don't hate everything that I draw and it feels so good to mindlessly create and indulge in a hobby that I've loved all my life. I'm shit at best, but I like what I make, so it's okay. My parents have been sweet enough to not hassle me so much about it. I figured that my mom might've started yelling at me for not having a job yet, but she doesn't really bother me. I told her I have an interview and she was like "oh okay, I'll do laundry tomorrow morning then" so that I could wash my interview clothes. My dad (who's vaguely been aware of my depression since high school) is traditionally really bad at handling my sad shit self and thinks you can just will away your depression, will come into my room randomly and ask how I'm doing, or he'll just give me big bear hugs before he leaves for work. They're getting old, so I'm happy that we get to have loving, tender moments with each other. I think we're closer now than we've ever been.
This post was kind of all over the place. Anyway, I have an interview today, at major foreign media company. They're looking for a receptionist and there's no experience needed, although the pay is just minimum wage and there's no benefits (but I'll be given full time hours) and it's just a temp position for 9 months, but god do I want it. It's a step towards the media/creative industry that I'm trying to get into, plus it's finally experience outside of retail, and it'd be fucking great to get this company on my resume. Wish me luck anons! Really hoping I can win this lady over.
I know happiness is fleeting and I might cry about still not having a job later this week, but I'm happy right at this moment, knowing that I'm trying my best. Even if I don't get this job, it's not the first one to turn me down, so it's okay.
>>408311I'm very happy for you anon! Let's do our best to live our best lives!!
No. 408411
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> girl from high school who’s I kid you not 120kg+ gets offered to study overseas by her parents
> chooses to get gastric bypass instead
> continues to be fat after bypass
>she’s now a body postive model on insta
>She even got a spot on local tv soap opera where she plays a fatty looking for love and breaking a chair after sitting down
It’s stupid and petty to talk about so posting it here
No. 408457
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I like it when I think of something, then find out some philosopher from decades (or even longer) ago came to the same conclusion. Makes me feel like my thoughts aren't completely insane or retarded.
If I had just existed a long time ago, and been born male in a part of the world that greatly revered philosophy, maybe I'd even be praised for speaking my mind.
I guess it's not all that different from overweight women looking at Rubenesque paintings, thinking of how they were once the beauty standard of another generation (though whether or not this is true is kind of a debate), and feeling less bad about themselves. It's self-indulgent, but also comforting.
No. 408469
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This banner made me wheeze with laughter oh my god
Tron guy's face makes it even funnier
No. 408522
>>408447The youtuber:
His wife: No. 408531
>>408386You’ll get there too anon!
God knows how fucking awful it is trying to keep yourself together in the meantime, but better things are coming because you’re working to make them happen.
Control what you can control and try to remind yourself that the rest is out of your hands but you’ve given the best you’ve got to give out. The continuous effort to improve your life and happiness says more about you than unemployment does.
Fingers crossed a good job comes your way soon anon!!
No. 408538
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What is even happening right now?! So much milk in so many threads!
No. 408549
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>>408547Great timing! We have a new Admin and farmhands and just had Hell Week. Admin added /m/ and /w/ which I think has improved the site. It seems to have inspired anons to create more varied threads. Admin is very communicative and is working hard on improving functionality of the code and hardware.
No. 408664
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I saw a post on 4chan and I'm sure this has been pointed out before, but it mentioned a pattern with shows that autists are attracted to. (Steven Universe, Sonic the Hedgehog, MLP, FNAF, Undertale, etc) I was wondering if any farmers had noticed this before and what they think of it.
>Template characters that allow the autist to be creative but not creative enough to create their own series (-sonas)
>Heavily colour coded characters (makes it easier for autists to decode the character's personality)
>Extremely expressive but single dimensional characters (easy to pick up social cues)
>Fandoms comprising mostly of young people
>Often light hearted cartoons/games (with key exceptions like FNAF)
>No conflict/Fake deep conflict
…That's all i can remember from the post since i couldn't find it. What do you guys think? I don't think it means that these series are nececssarily bad. Heck, i enjoy steven universe and MHA. But just why autists seem to swarm these fandoms is fascinating.
No. 408665
>>408531ANON I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT I GOT THE RECEPTIONIST JOB THAT I INTERVIEWED FOR!!! There might not be benefits and it'll only be minimum wage but I'm so so so excited to work again and gain the experience!!
The best (??) bit is during the interview they asked me what I do when it's slow/boring and I pulled out the whole "work is never done" spiel and one interviewer said "no I mean, it actually gets pretty slow here. we won't get mad if you do non work related things, but what would you do?" I was so taken aback by how straightforward they were, but if they want to pay me minimum wage to sit around and read then so be it!!!!!!!!! gosh I'm so so so excited!!!
No. 408669
With all this Holly Conrad nonscence I decided to look up her age and - holy moly, she's 32. I thought she was the same age as me, around 25. I had no idea she existed at all until yesterday, it's just thickness of the milk that caught my attention.
But I saw her, and her tattoos, and if she wasn't such a bitch snake, I would kinda have a crush on her. I, myself, am too indecisive to have tattoos or dress like manic pixie at 25 y.o., and seeing women like her makes me a bit more confident in starting to dress like I want and not being seen as an immature idiot. She's a terrible person tho. I wish she didn't close all her accounts, her tats are neat and I'd like to see them better.
No. 408683
>>408681IDK, It's not about her face mostly? Just full look, a figure maybe, plus some nerdy vibes. Something between "wow, she's squishy cute!" and "as a nerdy woman i wish i could pull off that look!"
All of that is not so
valid since she's a cunt of course.
No. 408690
>>408686Carpal tunnel is a wrist injury so I don't think it's that.
I'm no doctor so take this with a grain of salt but it kinda sounds like the symptoms of arthritis to me? I don't think it's actually caused by just cracking your knuckles but it seems concerning that you need to crack them every 15 minutes or else it hurts. Do you have a history of joint problems in your family or something?
No. 408718
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I know this will sound super autistic but it the fact that moo is getting into Zelda out of sudden just for making cheap ass porn out of it bothers me more than I want it to admit. I love the Zelda series for so long now and I just have so many great memories with it. I haven't played all games but the ones I experienced were a wonderful journey that I loved from the beginning to the end.
Specially BOTW has a very special place in my heart because this game was just so wonderful that I felt in love it in so many ways. Now seeing moolester getting into it out of nowhere feels just so wrong and I don't want it to have it connected to her in any way. I know that everybody can do and play what they want but it just feels so damn wrong to see things that you have such a wonderful connection and have a great artistic value are being dragged through the dirt for ~l e w d i n g~ the shit out of it for the quick bucks.
I know it's stupid to think this way but I can't help it.
No. 408725
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This is just dumb
No. 408749
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There's something so wonderfully endearing of older paintings depicting women to me.
No. 408755
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The nurse thread made me remember this old confession site called grouphug that’s been defunct for a while. There was a confession a nurse made about how frustrated they were while having to help a person who was dying from a suicide drug overdose.
So now I’ve been using wayback to read all the old posts that got saved for nostalgia
No. 408761
>>408759(nta) Now that you say that, the bodies in
>>408749 look extremely masculine. The Hank Hill ass and feet, especially.
>>408755I'm starting to just assume all sex fantasies written by anonymous "women" are larping males.
No. 408842
File: 1557573945300.jpeg (202.89 KB, 1080x1211, 25D10BB4-E080-428F-8CB7-DF2E03…)

Shaved my head today. It feels fucking amazing and I love how I look, but my dumbass internalised misogyny is making me feel like I’m doing my partner a disservice by being ‘unfeminine’ even though he was fully on board with the idea (even helped me shave it) and seems love the ease of access he now has to my entire neck. Just hoping this stupid feeling goes away soon, had the same doubts when I stopped shaving my pits/legs/vulva. I’m lucky to be with someone who loves me for who I am and wants to fuck me no matter what, and I need to learn that this should be the case for everyone and that I’m not being selfish by practicing bodily autonomy.
Tbh though I’m also just worried that people will now assume one of three things when they see me now
- I have cancer
- I had a mental breakdown
- I’m an ebil feminazi (i guess they’re not wrong about that one lmao)
No. 408890
>>408842Shaved heads are cool anon, especially on girls.
Hair is a pain in the ass to maintain anyway imo
No. 408975
>>408968I had two thoughts watching this trailer:
1. This is just Lipstick Alley: The Movie.
2. The director got mad about The Associate, and this is his revenge, lmao
No. 408979
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Today has been a good day and for the first time in awhile I feel peaceful.
Woke up early and had nice passionate sex with my finance. We watched our show for awhile and then went to breakfast. Convinced him to come into WholeFoods with me (normally he doesn't come to the grocery store with me because I get anxious and snippy, lol) and we had a great time just walking around laughing & looking at everything. Came home and did some chores and self-care stuff. Even got some work done in time for Monday. I decided to go for a run 'cause I haven't in awhile. Came home feeling great. All chores are done, ain't got no worries until tomorrow when the finance's family comes over for Mother's Day proceedings.
Always feel like there's something for me to do, but in those moment I feel really peaceful and I am just sitting on my couch in my nice clean apartment with my dog next to me playing OSRS.
No. 408980
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All I want is an appropriate opportunity to use this image.
No. 408997
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Just saw Detective Pikachu and I really hope they make more pokemon movies after this, and hopefully ones that don't feel as short.
My dream would be a CGI pokemon movie based on the mystery dungeons series. Just them going wild with environments and 3D pokemon.
No. 409008
>>408997The movie was adorable, I agree it seemed too short. I really wanted to see more Pokemon and more of the universe. Like, it should've felt super corny, but I loved it. The CGI was pretty seamless and didn't look cheesy or creepy at all. I know people have been bitching about the story but what did they expect? A gritty Pokemon reboot?
Also when I went the theater was full of adults, not a single kid in sight, and I went to a early evening showing. It's just cool to see how many people grew up with and still love Pokemon.
No. 409025
>>409022he was most likely chosen due to name recognition. you know a way to get more normies in the theater.
that's what happens a lot in hollywood. ppl so unfitting for a role only ever get it due to their name being known
No. 409181
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>>409126That sounds hilarious, I would see it if that were case and I'm not even big into nerd culture
>>409174>Pic relatedI personally wouldn't mind because locals editing is so obvious it doesn't do much good anyway.
No. 409210
>>409201It's been known a large group of people are attracted to those who look like themselves or their parents. I don't think it's going to create any issues, it's just a filter.
I used the filter on my boyfriend and he ended up looking like that photo of black Superman you'd see all over the internet in the early 2000s rather than a woman. He's got a sister too and it didn't even look like her lol.
No. 409216
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>>409201>worried they'll start raping their sisters because they may think they look attractive as womenIf they weren't going to do that already I don't think it's going to inspire perfectly healthy men to do this, anon. jfc.
Wasn't there also already an app that did this a few years ago? It's not new.
Anyway, personally I'm attracted to men that share my features and would 100% date myself as a man. Or a woman. I'd just date myself in general. Degeneracy or powerful self-love? You decide.
But I'd still never hurt a family member. I have no siblings but this wouldn't inspire me to hurt a little brother if I had one.
No. 409256
>>409224Just be honest, but be nice. It's worse to let it go on because eventually you'll get so sick of it that you say something mean and hurt her.
>>409236omg that's horrible! I am so sorry that happened to you but food is not the solution. It's not going to make the files come back. I have been eating more healthy and less for a while and I already lost 40lbs. I still have treats every now and again. If I really need to eat something bad, I will take small bites and chug water in between bites. That way I get full faster and don't end up eating half a gallon of ice cream.
No. 409290
>>409283My older sister(who is a lesbian) is best friends with a straight guy whose she's been friends with since Middle School,this guy is also happily married with kids and swears that he views my sister well like a sister
so I guess its possible
No. 409298
>>409283Yeah, especially if he's the kind of guy with a "type" and she doesn't fit it.
I have a straight male best friend but he loves tall alt women (which I'm not) and I like turbomanlets (which he's not) so we've never had an issue.
No. 409400
>>409392That's maybe the dumbest reason to dislike a cow though
>>409362I don't know much of who she is but she seems like a cool person
No. 409421
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>>409419pic related though
No. 409431
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I don't normally like designer stuff, but these are so great-awful. They're tacky done right. I'm not sure how solid the construction would be irl but they look well made while remaining so tacky and terrible. I kind of love them.
No. 409449
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I wish I could have a job where I get paid to have ideas.
Inspiration is endless, but my concentration is not.
No. 409520
>>409513But I eat dairy normally usually. I often have kefir for breakfast or creamer in my coffee and I'm fine.
I ended up throwing up, drinking a chamomille tea and taking a muscle relaxant and now I'm fine just exhausted. I think it's stress.
No. 409527
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I see a lot of people online making fun of french women for having horses faces, especially americans, maybe it's true, but it seems to me that we just have a higher appreciation for different kinds of beauty, american actresses often have a very bland perfect face and heavy styling (full face of makeup, hair always done in curls…), it's kinda boring.
No. 409531
>>409527It's because American celebrities are pushed to look like blow up dolls and everyone else is called ugly for not fitting the standard, and then those same people start crying or get creepy plastic surgery lizard faces when they turn 40 and people don't care about them anymore. They're
victims of the system and they can't imagine other kinds of beauty exists other than what is pushed on them by the media.
It's the same as British/American guys who say "why do French girls act like they're the hottest girls in the world when they're nothing special?". What are we supposed to do, hate ourselves and hide under a paper bag or mutilate our bodies because they don't like how we were born to look? They let themselves to be told whether they're allowed to be confident and "act like they're pretty", we are less likely to tolerate that.
No. 409678
>>409670met a 19 year old at work who legit had one single widowspeak-located wisp of hair ala kewpie left. thought he was in his 30s at first (he had big beard too ok) so was
this close to vocally expressing support for mature students when he said he's a freshman lmao, so glad I didn't.
No. 409688
>>409678tbh the bald patches dont bother me as much, but when they have them in combination with those giant charles darwin beards, they always look at least 20 years older than they actually are lmao. either embrace your balding or wear a wig instead of trying to compensate.
i cant wait for this trend to end
No. 409812
File: 1557818033424.png (575.87 KB, 632x514, what.png)

I would like to address you all to the fact that Buzzfeed and popular culture is so delusional about male attractiveness, with a bar so low, that this is being hailed a 'MAJOR GLOW UP' and people are thirsting. I think that says a lot how women are so accepting of so many retarded and ugly things men do. Men are so lucky.
No. 409828
>>409820Yeah, what the actual fuck is cute about that outfit? And I say that as a sucker for anything pink and pastel.
The hair/beard is the worst part though, especially compared to his super cute long hair and youthful face on the left.
No. 409904
File: 1557846425606.jpeg (63.33 KB, 624x936, A727E2E0-2F72-4A69-B994-B1A5C2…)

I shaved my head literally 4 days ago and I already have enough peach fuzz for it start laying flat on my head. I had no idea hair grows so fucking fast, I’m digging the look but damn I don’t know if I can be arsed to upkeep it if it’s just gonna grow out so damn fast.
I am enjoying how men seem too grossed out to even stand near me now, helps keep away the weirdos that fetishise pregnant women
No. 409926
>>409911When it's short it feels like hair grows hella fast bc you can easily observe the length in relation to the scalp. When hair is a bit longer it becomes hard to tell it's growing.
If you want that specific shortness you will have to maintain it weekly forsure.
No. 409931
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>>409904Congrats on shaving your head anon! I've been bald for 3 years now, definitely invest in a decent razor & hair gel. I say hair gel because there will be days where you get too lazy to actually buzz it & the gel will help it from not looking so fuzzy. Weird, but I've seen like 3 other anons saying they shaved their head on this site. Have we all collectively lost it kek
No. 409944
>>409931Nta but I wish I could pull of a shaved head or buzz cut like that, especially since I suffer from hairloss and will lose my hair either way, but I don't think it'll look good on me, and in my country a hairstyle like that is unthinkable.
I'm happy to see women being confident in doing that though.
No. 409951
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I don't know where else to put this, but I want to share a very unfortunate and embarrassing story that I have not been able to tell anyone else.
So first of all, I use(d) laxatives. Horrible, I know, but my story has a happy ending because I have since stopped after this experience.
A little background on laxatives… yes, they make you shit, but they also give you horrible half-solid-half-liquid diarrhea filled with undigested food. It's not just one doodie explosion either. These episodes come in bouts over a period of like 6 hours, and it happens 4-6 hours after initially taking the laxative. So, in this story, I was suffering the effects of laxatives taken the night before.
I had an early morning flight to meet my relatives. Had been dealing with the shits all morning and let me tell you there is absolutely nothing worse than having to shit in a crowded airport. The first time I had to go the bathroom was largely unoccupied and I was able to go in peace. The second time I was rushing and the bathroom was exceptionally packed and loud, so I was able to shit but rushed myself.
I had my first flight and then landed at my connection. Shit again and also rushed this time because I only had 14 minutes to board my next flight.
There were a bunch of babies on this flight and before taking off I noted that something smelled horribly like shit. I even texted my mom and boyfriend about it lamenting about being stuck on the plane with a shitting baby. The plane took off and I had the row of seats to myself and I stretched out. I noted that as I lifted my legs onto the seat to sit Indian style I got a waft of shit smell again. In that moment I realized that it was, in fact, me that smelled like shit. Horrified I ran to the bathroom once the fasten seatbelt sign came off and checked my pants. Somehow, because I had rushed myself at some point during my shitscapade earlier, I had managed to get diarrhea on the inside of my leggings. You can imagine the thoughts that might go through one's head when they are faced with the fact that they have been walking around with shit stuck to them for God knows how long, stinking up the crowded airport and the first flight (which had been completely full). I did what I could, threw my underwear out and used bath tissue to remove the chunk of poo. I soaped my leggings and washed them out in the sink and put them back on. The smell subsided luckily but I still had to bare with the fact that I was sitting in wet, shitty leggings and wouldn't be able to change until I landed.
Anyway, it was the experience I needed to stop abusing laxatives. I think it's rather funny but I am also way too embarrassed to tell anyone I know IRL.
No. 409972
File: 1557859712512.jpg (6.94 KB, 275x265, 1531450242281.jpg)

>visit chan's /toy/ board
>decide to check the doll thread
>instantly regret it
Men were a mistake.
No. 410039
File: 1557871037198.png (474.58 KB, 1366x705, Capture.PNG)

Usually .chartboost just contains video game adds to be played off line, but for some reason my .chartboost had this file? It's just a dude nodding.
feels like some developer joke
No. 410360
File: 1557929575481.jpg (Spoiler Image,88.67 KB, 680x612, ac2.jpg)

I'm obsessed with these spooky images this artists drew and I have no idea why
Unrelated:I keep fucking running into disturbing shit on pinterest without seeking it out. I feel like an ass reporting shit but it has to end. Why is pinterest like this?? it's like tumblr's back-alley
No. 410371
File: 1557930806124.jpg (Spoiler Image,166.49 KB, 1024x768, gorefield1.jpg)

>>410360the gorefield illustrations are creepy, but they also look pretty awesome
No. 410389
>>410360like what? I never see anything too weird on pintrest, but then again I only go for pictures of yoongi.
On a related note, I've been getting recommended gore blogs like crazy on tumblr lately. Not sure why. I can't tell if gore blogs have gotten more intense than they used to be or if I've stopped being an edgy kid and am now skeeved out by gore but it gives me the creeps. I'm also seeing a lot less "this post has been removed for violating community guidelines" on gore pics than I remember… Tumblr needs to reevaluate their priorities.
No. 410440
File: 1557937802027.jpg (Spoiler Image,131.81 KB, 507x1024, 39890454953_6be433204f_b.jpg)

this is what my body dysmorphia makes me see in the mirror everytime i wear a dress lmao
No. 410444
>>410389That's kind of what pinterest is doing! Please tell me it isn't IRL gore… I've seen stuff like that on Pinterest too, but only because of the aggressive vegan images that also seemed to be spliced in. What I saw reminded me of those comics that someone posted here a long time ago. Maybe someone remembers? I think they were of touhou blob things or something. Maybe MLP? I know anime tends to attract a lot of psychos, so I guess it should be expected to run into that kind of thing.But the content that I saw was just spliced in there among the more wholesome content. It was a sucker punch to my face when I clicked on it and realized it wasn't a cute comic. And there were more too. ugh.
I've had a similar thing happen to me on Pixiv, and it makes me so anxious to browse through anime art now. I don't what is going on
>>410408I am! and I'm can't stop watching it, it's so well made and I love the soundtrack choices!
I'm a sucker for the original Clocktower game. Also 1 million views already? Dang.
No. 410468
File: 1557940662599.jpg (154.53 KB, 1242x1429, 827z9c0t17301.jpg)

>>410440Oh god that picture is horrifying but I can relate. Logically I know I'm a tall and fit woman and I still experience pic related; I was actually amazed when I saw this drawing because I always said my body dysmorphia makes me see my body as Danny Devito's. People think I'm nuts when I say it but I still see it that way lol.
No. 410801
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Lizzo actually has such beautiful features, and she wastes it all on being fat. I didn't realize it until I mistakenly came across a gifset of just her face. It makes me sad.
The body positivity movement is honestly bullshit. Good food is not worth your health and beauty, I don't care what anyone says.
No. 410809
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is beautiful.
And sure, health is important, but it's better to be a chubby/fat person and be able to love yourself than be a self-hating wannabe anachan mess. This is a stage a lot of women go through and it's so sad. Not to mention girls obsessing over their weight, nitpicking other women's bodies, constantly bringing up how they need to lose weight etc.
Not everyone will be thin. The world is a better place where people of different body types are able to feel comfortable and happy.
I will take body postivity over 90's-00's belief that only thin women can be considered attractive.
Sidenote - did know know her but now interested in listening to her music. Thank you!
No. 410820
>>410810>chill out???
Why it's so popular on lolcow to claim that the other anon needs to 'chill' if they have a different opinion?
Back to the topic. I don't believe that you can be healthy at any size, that is a dangerous myth. Treating fat people like shit is not the solution though.
Some people will seriously harm themselves before they reach the normal size (which is what I meant by wannabe anachans). Sure, it's better to strive to be more healthy, but no need to find your reflection disgusting in the meantime. Low self-esteem can be incredibly dangerous.
Besides, often overweight/fat people have more serious issues than their weight, yet no-one cares about fixing those as much as about weight loss even though tackling them is a necessity to living a more healthy life… Wonder why.
It's true that being fat is not healthy, but most people that constantly talk about that are just virtue signaling.
TLDR women have the right to exist in their bodies and they have a right to love themselves, even if they are not perfect.
No. 410823
>>410820I agree with all of your points anon, this is also how I feel about body positivity and all.
As someone who used to be obese (not death fat, but over the 200 mark) I wouldn't have been able to lose weight without first fixing some emotional/mental issues and then accepting my physical existence before exercising. Food was (and still is unfortunately at times) a go-to comfort and changing that can be hard if it's all you use to cope.
Increasing self esteem, then switching to healthier coping mechanisms, then tackling weight loss is the way to go 100%.
No. 410833
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OkCupid is wild
No. 410918
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I know it says right on the tin that it’s just water but I was still expecting something more when I bought it. It was neither disappointing nor exciting, it was just fucking water with a bit of lemon. Exactly what it says it is
No. 410927
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>>410918I'm sorry but jesus that's so fucking funny
>bottle literally says "just water">"huh not what I expected" No. 410944
>>410927Bottled water usually has some sort of novelty taste to it, but no, this literally just tasted like tap water with a squeeze of lemon
It was nothing but water
No. 411170
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I saw a farmer here mentioned the show Tuca & Bertie, and I decided to give it a watch.
I was kinda skeptical at first but it's actually really cute and I like it a lot!
No. 411174
>>411170Does it get better or more serious/thoughtful in the next episodes or is it like the first one all the time?
I'm not sure if I should continue,
the grandma cake thing was a bit too quirky and wacky for me No. 411176
>>410918Is it not supposed to be… Just water ?
I'll never understand yanks and their hatred towards tap water/need for water to have a flavour. Do you breathe lime flavoured air too ?
No. 411283
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why can't a younger(legal) age male character have a relationship with an older female character without retards complaining
No. 411285
>>411283mcu Peter is like 16-18 and Carol was kickin it in her 20's in 1995 anon have you seen a single mcu movie other than Endgame
I get that lcf usually hates capeshit but holy cow at least stick to having opinions on ehat you know
No. 411292
>>411283I don't know anything about capeshit or the Moomins, but I saw the reaction image and honestly believed for a hot minute that all these people were complaining about people shipping Moomins characters up until I read "Spider-Boy" in the last image.
I can't believe how easily I accepted Moomins shipping discourse as a concept.
No. 411397
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>>411176They literally do, it's called vaping
No. 411407
>>411176yanks? Certified "yank" here and people drink tap water. Don't got half a clue why the hell you think we all just drink nasty shit like La Croix or whatever the fuck. Like most Americans, "yanks" barely drink water, and the ones who do drink water drink tap because we're not all rich/stupid. A lot of Americans are trying to drink more water so this new fad of flavored water has started.
Why can't Southerners drink iced tea without a pound of sugar in it?
No. 411430
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lewd but I saw this on twitter and immediately thought about lolcow due to all the leonfags and obsession with femdom kek
No. 411441
>>411439what she means is
"Your not valuing femininity that means you hate women who are feminine"
No. 411457
>>411436>I don't like this thing, so neither should youCan you calm down? Some people don't care about having hair that much. I certainly can't relate, but it's not that deep and there's also nothing inherently male about cutting your hair.
Do you get this mad about metalheads or male models growing out their hair and insist it's "copying females and praising estrogen"?
No. 411462
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Does this mean that he’s not interested anymore? He has been slowly ignoring me
No. 411466
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>>411463How long should I ignore him?
>Tfw he literally looked for me first I didn’t even start this shit and now he ghosted me after I admitted that I liked him Yeah after typing that I realise how stupid I sound but I’m still unsure how long I should ignore him
No. 411485
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I'm currently pursuing acting and art, and making money from both, but man, I fucking hate it when my confidence is stumbled by doubt, or people telling me to chose one thing.
No. 411487
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I'm about to have sex.
No. 411488
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>>411485Terry crews did both, just know you will have to work twice as hard and own it
No. 411496
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>>411488Holy shit! I didn't know he did both. This might just fuel me even more to keep going with both. Thanks anon
No. 411509
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I'm not even really mad about troons/AGPers anymore (except when they do tangible damage to women via rape, physical assault, destruction of establishments, censorship of female-centric discussions, etc).
I just find them funny, in a twisted way. Their whole existence, down to the exaggerated male entitlement blended with rampant fetishism is like God shitposting on all of us.
Like, how can you not look at this and laugh?
No. 411532
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there seems to be scrote 'trolling' up this board right now.
>>411529For some reason I'm paranoid I'll upload a picture of myself instead of a reaction image (even though I keep the files in to separate places?) Like I'll click choose file multiple times to make sure I have the right file.
No. 411670
>>411457>Can you calm down? Can you?
what did i say that implied i wasn´t calmed? that haircut is ugly as hell, thats just how i feel in a good mood, a bad mood or any mood.
>>411457>about metalheads or male models growing out their hair They´d actually look good, rather than like a skinhead, a reclute or some choir boy.
No. 411702
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I love my friends.
No. 411711
>>411697Just carry around a pair of tweezers in your purse if you can't help picking at it.
Lasering is expensive so there's no point doing it for a single hair.
No. 411727

>>411716do you have any co-workers that would be willing to escort you? or headsets or anything? I'm sure it's just a building cutie, but it's understandable being that freaked out. I'll still run from the kitchen to my bedroom in the dark because it's terrifying somehow.
unless you believe in like paranormal/spirit imprinting and stuff, I think you're pretty safe. if you're genuinely freaked out, I really suggest watching stuff that will immerse you in the same irrational fear as you feel when you're in a similar place (sorry dude not saying your fear is irrational), the whole exposure-leads-to-comfort thing.
this movie is a great one, lots of hectic unnatural stuff goes down and tbh it makes you feel better, knowing the fiction behind it all. if you're one of those who are seriously freaked out by scary stuff maybe dont tho
but yeah fear-immersion of phobias that aren't full blown can sometimes help. give us an update if you do see anything scary.
No. 411837
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After ages of being depressed and unmotivated I've been suddenly hit with a ton of inspiration to start writing a new story. All I can think of is this idea and how I want to develop the plot and characters. For the first time in months I picked up a pencil to draw, just some simple sketches for character designs, and instead of feeling shame and dread towards my shitty art skills, I was proud at how decent it came out. I don't know what's going on but I'm just so glad that I found something to spark my creativity again. I was starting to think all my passion had dried up and disappeared. It's like I'm 13 again, spending hours writing dumb self-indulgent shit without caring about how perfect it is. I love it.
No. 411880
I just had my first kiss today and it was the weirdest shit ever. Was this the same for any of you? Does it get better because I genuinely am not sure how I feel about it.
>>411837I'm really proud of you Anon. I'm still waiting for my turn lol I just want to draw and think of really creative things but it's so hard. Though I feel it slowly coming back to me.
No. 411885
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I'm having a really good and comfy day watching Nipponese doramas and translating shit as a hobby and even though nothing changed in my life at all and I'm still a trash person I'm feeling really great uwu right now.
No. 411897
>>411885Awh you're so cute anon, that was comfy to read. Hope you have a lovely rest of the week (and more) doing ya thing.
- fellow trash (but we're not really)
No. 411908
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>mfw I can never decide on a damn hair length
No. 411916
>>411898Yea that doesn't sound too great. I don't know man, I think I just wasn't ready for it. Like when he did it I had this really weird feeling like it never happened despite it happening literally a second ago.
>>411908I mean you just go with the flow, Anon. But make sure to take into account your face shape, I feel like it helps a lot. I kinda just went ham and had my hair chopped in layers and it came out pretty well.
No. 411920
>>411916Dw anon, it's really common. My first kiss was with a guy who was really nice but pretty damn autistic and he almost sucked my face off. It felt like kissing a sea bass. I don't regret it at all but it's not like I remember it fondly either except to laugh at the situation.
You'll have plenty more kisses and you'll have many more enjoyable ones. Take your time.
No. 412071
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>>411920>>411926Thank y'all so much. I guess it was just so weird because we're both inexperienced (I assume). Definitely felt like I was trying to make out with a snail, but now I guess I won't be so scared to do it again.
No. 412082
>>412077>countryNot a fan of country but this would be amazing. I want everyone to act like a cowpoke and country boy/girl in the 2020's.
No more drug romanticism and face tattoos. Cowboy hats, boots, and big trucks.
The chaps seemed to be in at coachella and I've seen it trending to have a laugh about country people. This could happen.
No. 412089
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>>412077>>412082west Pakistan(khyber pakhtunkhwa formerly NWFP=North-West Frontier Province ) is our wild west that never ended
its littered with criminals with bounties on their heads,bounty hunters,terrorists,spies,bandits and frontier rangers who enforce the law and its just an unreal place thats \why I think the country type music genre would fit in
No. 412091
>>412089That's interesting, who knew I'd get educated on lolcow.
I'm sure a lot of countries have had something akin to the wild west at some point. I hope it catches on lol.
No. 412100
>>412092anything is better then Rap
seriously Punjabi/desi rap is the worst thing to listen to
It came from Indian artist trying to copy American rappers and then spread to Paksitan
luckily the only one's who like it are Muhajirs and other esthetics are safe for now
No. 412108
I have been a loner all my life, even as a kid. I've worked in jobs like truck driving, where I was alone all the time. I never had any family bonds, and always had to back out of other relationships using any excuse because I just kept knowing I'd be happier alone. I kept trying, because I wanted to be like other people who seemed so happy. I finally married, hung in there for 5 years, but then left, filled with guilt because nothing was wrong.. Again, I just wanted to be alone. That was 10 years ago, and I've been in no relationships since, and don't plan to. I was diagnosed with this personality disorder, and after the initial horror (Seriously, I think "Schizoid" has to be the most mislabled, misunderstood psychology term there is for the general public!) after reading up on it, a lot made sense.
I could function fine most of my life, but now I'm turning 50, and have gotten to the point of being a hermit, unable to face the outside world, like just exhausted from trying so hard to seem normal. There's this detatchment, like it's all fake, all the people, the things, unreality. It makes even a shopping trip pretty tough! I'm confident I seem normal to others when I have to interact, but it's really uncomfortable.
This is the first time I could relate to anyone. It's a yt comment on schizoid personality disorder and everything makes sense now. I wonder how many anons suffer from it. It makes it even better that it's a woman that has written that because it's often expected from us to be social and extroverted all the time.
No. 412183
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I don't give a shit about my facebook account but since I was extremely bored today I decided to log in. I was mindlessly going through the "people you may know" thing which I really dislike but I was really really bored, but then my ex bf appears. It's been months since the last time we talked, so I coudn't control my curiosity and clicked on his name. Not much to see on his profile because we're not friends there, but I noticed a comment on his profile picture that I think it's from his girlfriend. I already knew that he's living together with her, he told me himself the last time we talked. But I had this strange feeling that isn't exactly jealously. We broke up more than 3 years ago and he was an asshole to me many times after that happened. But somehow, after all this time, I still wasn't able to date anyone. I haven't had sex in more than 3 years, the last time was with him. Also, I only kissed another person only once, only because the girl cornered me. I don't like him anymore, but I don't know what's happening to me. He used to be not only my boyfriend, but also my only best friend. Now I'm still alone, with no bf or a close friend. I never thought something like "no one can replace him", but never tried to that either. I'm becoming more and more isolated and lonely but I don't know what should I do…
No. 412236
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>>412223You can also just… not want to fuck everyone without trying to make it a sexual orientation.
No. 412248
>>412236>>412237You can have romantic feelings for someone and not be attracted to their genitals. Asexuality exists. I'm not attracted to either gender physically, but I love having romantic relationships with either. Asexuality is a
valid orientation. One can be sexually attracted to males, but want to emotionally invest in a woman and make her their wife. It's understandable to get confused and call yourself bi because there is so little representation.
No. 412255
>>412254Sage jesus what typos *different, romantic
Anyway asexuals acting as if sexual orientations don't include romantic attraction is dum dum
No. 412256
>>412248Asexuality is not ~
valid~. Seriously, fuck off, tumblrchan. No one cares.
No. 412261
>>412254Bisexuality implies sexual attraction. Telling people I'm bisexual has caused grief since the other partner thought I had sexual feelings for them as well, but I was literally unable to feel anything during sex nor achieve orgasm. Biromantic. That's the term.
>comes off stupid Not an argument
>sometimes even homophobic when you all act as if homosexuals just wanna fuck and doesn't include roantic feelings.Strawman, never said this. This is your interpretation.
>>412256I've never been attracted to anyone my entire life; I had bloodwork done and all of my hormones are normal. My sexuality (or lack-thereof) is genuine, whether you accept it or not. There was a time homosexuality was not considered
valid, but a choice, and there are people who still think this today. You remind me of them.
No. 412298
>>412261Don't compare your special snowflake sexuality with the real oppression gay people faced, it's not the same.
Your lack of libido is
valid. ~asexuality~ is not
valid and equating it to homosexuality is fucking embarrassing and offensive.
No. 412301
>>412296Not her or asexual in the least, but why? Just because they annoy you by trying to be oppressed?
It's not like they're breeding lmao.
No. 412314
>>412304Yeah, I agree some may be that and the rest is lesbianons who are annoyed by aces comparing their struggles to lgbt struggles.
THAT SAID, if asexual bi anon dates another asexual woman…they'll still be socially treated like a same sex couple. So..?
But I can see subconscious jealousy from some straight misandry-chans who want to WGTOW but still fall for men sometimes.
No. 412333
>>412325idk man I'm not asexual myself. I've heard when they date they make out, cuddle, hold hands, get married, etc. but don't have sex. And they experience desire to do those things and find certain people (of both sexes in that anons case) aesthetically appealing.
Just like married people who have no sex but are still "in love" but it's always been like that. Warm fuzzies without wanting to fuck.
I don't think they're oppressed at all though, especially if straight. Also if you're the anon saying it's just a synonym for low libido, then…you agree, right? A person can be low libido and still want to do romantic things (from what I've witnessed).
No. 412422
>>412400nta anon but isn't this garbage called biromantic asexuality?
i hate that i know this.
No. 412443
>>412429- still attacked and murdered purely for being gay
- less likely to be employed if employer is even remotely suspicious of their sexuality (unless they’re filling a quota)
- gay marriage was only recently legalised, and still isn’t in many countries
- children are to this day being disowned for being gay
- gay youth are now being targeted by TRA
- conversion camps are still a thing
Do I really need to go on?
No. 412457
>>412443All of that seems to apply to fat people to lol they probably have it even worse.
If you live in The US there´s nothing legally or otherwise separating you from any other individual, you probably get brownie points and bypass meritocracy with woke quotas. At the end of the day it doesn´t even matter if you parade around who you fuck or not, the only real complaint the lgbt community has nowadays is wanting more validation and getting to decide what the non lgbt can o cannot think or consume in popular media
No. 412463
>>412462>low calorie foods like vegetables still by far cheapest and accessible >NOT MY FAULT IM FAT!! It’s literally CICO, being poor has little to do with it. As someone whose extremely low income, it just not an excuse - the cheapest foods are often some of the healthiest, making meals from scratch with fresh produce is by far the most financially friendly option when you have little means to live off of.
And isn’t it strange that the fattest countries are by far the most privileged? Silly me for thinking being overweight has absolutely anything to do with eating in caloric excess.
No. 412465
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i consider myself lesbian but i've had an incredibly intense crush on a male actor lately that i've been binge watching all of his shit shows and my girlfriend definitely has noticed lol
No. 412480
>>412472do you also work full time, and overtime? are you a single parent? do you have picky kids? do you live below the poverty line? do you live in a food desert? do you have any allergies? do you have thyroid or digestion issues?
i’m done sperging about this topic but it’s hilarious that you refuse to look at evidence and genuinely think that the west has an obesity epidemic because they’re all just lazy and refuse stop eating snacks. you sound like an idiotic boomer/facebook mom.
No. 412516
>>412480If someone can afford to eat fast food, they can afford to buy a slow cooker. Put frozen prechopped vegetables in there with a cheap cut of meat, add a sauce mix or spice packet, cover with water, switch on the slow cooker and leave it to cook while you're at work. Depending on what you're making, you can add lentils, split peas, pearl barley or beans to bulk it out. That's how easy it is to make a cheap healthy meal. Soup, stew, casserole, chili and curry can all be made like this. Time is a luxury when it comes to cooking but it's not essential. Ignorance and apathy is the bigger issue.
No. 412533
>the west has an obesity epidemic because they’re all just lazy and refuse stop eating snacks.But this is literally it. You have easy acces to a vast amount of food but are too ignorant, spoiled and ungwilling to pick and choose what is healthier. Americans are self serving as fuck. Also, your poverty line is well above what any other citizen in any other country would consider middle class.
Fat burguers have no excuses
No. 412534
>>412459Gay people in the US sound even dumber, they are not only not oppresed, not even slightly inconvenienced.
You have bdsm furries walking down the street and if an old lady looks at it funny is literal fascism and oppresion.Like seriously, even fat people get ostracized more, just answer proves it.
No. 412546
>>412534I'm not in the US but I am in a first world country and I feel like this discussion lacks so much nuance everytime on LC.
My best friend is a gay man and he is virtually not oppressed at all. He says himself that he doesnt feel oppressed in any way and tbh he isnt. But I'm a GNC lesbian and who was sexually assaulted (almost raped, but it didnt happen in the end) by a guy trying to "convince me" that I would actually "love dick". I still havent come out to my family because while they wouldnt out right be violent towards me, they are homophobic and our relationship would change for ever (for the worst). Many of my gay male (gnc) friends were denied jobs and one was even denied housing. It's even worse for the gay people around me who are second or thirs gen immigrants. Like yeah, their oppression doesnt come
from being in a 1st world country but they are oppressed never the less.
Also "hurr duurrr there are laws to protect you" … people break the law all the time. Sexual harrassment is also illegal and yet here we are. Killing black unarmed people for no reason is also illegal and yet it happens all the time in America.
No. 412548
>>412438Anon…I don't think making out with your friends is something most people do.
I've never kissed my friends on the mouth, personally, and feel no urges to do so.
No. 412555
>>412438>you can be romantic with anyone, it's called friendshipI've got some bad news for you Anon. You're being taken advantage of by these "friends". Romantic activity and friendship are two different things. Friendship generally designates a bond, or sharing company
without romance. You can also be romantic
without friendship. What's going on in your life that you think they are the same thing?
Friendship+romance = relationship. Someone or multiple people are denying you relationship status here by saying this is "friendship." Reminds me of those old pics of lesbians kissing and embracing from like 1910 which were captioned "friendship kiss."
No. 412617
>>412550>>412561Okay, but in my original post I talked about asexuals in relationships and how they partake in kissing. This is what the original discussion was about (can asexuals be in romantic relationships with the same sex?! and arguments about terminology).
Also to that anon calling me a retard, I never called them bisexual, just bi, alluding to biromanticism like the other anon clarified. It's just an easy way to refer to them being romantically interested in (so, wanting to make out with and marry) both men and women. Even if you just believe asexuals are simply "low/no libido" this still fails to disprove their existence. Like I said, low libido people still date.
Unless the argument now is "kissing is sexual so asexuals don't exist if they kiss, even if no genitals are ever involved!"
At this point believe what you want. idk why I got in this mess of an argument, I'm not ace and am even bisexual myself. It just makes sense to me since I know it's possible to find someone sexually appealing without a romantic connection(anons who have done hookups on /g/ have mentioned this, too), and for me romantic feelings are different than how I experience friendly bonding. Also people have friends-with-benefits, so what's that? What's missing from that formula? All of this just makes romantic feelings a separate entity in my mind, emotionally.
If you don't experience it that way I can see why you wouldn't believe asexuals when they recount their experiences, though.
>>412592I feel like this depends on cultural norms, but I know in the US/Canada lip kisses with your friends is odd. It's reserved for relationships and maybe family.
If I kissed my best friend he'd definitely think I'm interested and be weirded out lmao.
No. 412642
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My bf and I always go to get coffee from the same spot. The barrista there is a nice gay lady (I only know cause she had asked me to follow her on social media and saw she was). Anyway she flirted with me today while my bf was sitting down. I feel absolutely mischievous
No. 412644
>>412642this reminds me of a post on reddit some time ago
a woman's bf was friend's with a a butch lesbian turned out the bf was cheating on her with the butch lesbian
No. 412667
>>412665Your childhood animal guilt-dream is a lot more wholesome than mine, but I can relate to you completely. I think it comes from having a lack of control as a child while still being aware/privy to the chaos, which is a terrible feeling.
As a child, you might be able to lend some responsibility to the animal but you cannot be blamed for an animal living in poor conditions. That's on the parents.
I have a similar dream about my newts. We had red-efts
all around my daycamp when I was a kid and one day I brought a tank in and caught like 20. My dad helped me set up a cool ecosystem inside and we had the tank down in the basement. I let that shit sit and it was like a god damn newt concentration camp. I remember waking up with a pang of fear one night realizing I had forgotten about them. The cage was disgusting, overrun with mildew, water had crusted over… there were dead ones in there and the ones still alive were emaciated (who knew a little lizard thing could get to such a state)…
I was a kid though, only 7 or 8, and my parents too shared responsibility. I still feel absolutely horrible about it to this day and have dreams about the newts. Specifically dreams about the panic and shame I felt the moment I realized I had forgotten about them.
No. 412745
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it's 4am and I'm sitting under an awning on campus territory while it's pouring and I must look like a literal insane person but this is so relaxing and comfy. there's a pokestop here and i wanted to try out mossy lure kek, so far literal trash only but this whole experience is so nice.
No. 412751
>>412730>>412703>>412667ty guys for sharing and helping me feel less alone today.
newt anon i'm so sorry you went through that.
No. 412786
File: 1558422012065.png (1.3 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190521-024306.png)

this man?? cis????? tell me how
No. 412793
>>412786I'm also astonished, anon.
QT either way.
No. 413020
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I was thinking about how the early humans ate and stuff and I came up with a theory on how cheese, non curated at least, came into existence.
Humans ate every possible part of the animal after they discovered fire, so I think that once upon a time a group of humans hunted a lactating prehistoric cow, started to eat it little by little and when they got to eat her udders the milk had already gone bad or coagulated and after they boiled her full mammary glands they found out a weird tough tart milk thing inside them and found it was actually good. That's how kid was discovered kids.
Someone should tell Harvard to hire me.
No. 413027
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The "Heidi is the one at fault in the ProJared fiasco"/"Vic is innocent"/"Don't be mean to men"/"I'm not like other girls" anon who got exposed for being a raging KiwiFarms autist who complains about this site but can't stay away had a bitch fit when she got caught, only to post in the same Game Grumps thread again and get banned for ban evasion for at least the second time. It has me rolling.
Even the only other KF user that replied to her said to just stop posting here, but she couldn't help herself. Is this some twisted thing that happens when you're deprived of female friendships?
No. 413044
>>413020im p sure its because back in the olden days nomads would transport sheep milk in animal stomachs, and there was an enzyme in the animal stomachs that caused cheese curds to form
idk why youd want to taste coagulated stomach milk tho but early humans were savage asf
No. 413064
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>>413055I can drink to that
No. 413099
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I sit here and wait patiently as my pregnancy test ferments in the bathroom. My bf went in after I did and he’s been shitting/browsing on his phone for 45 minutes.
I just wanna know.
No. 413128
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Excuse the shit collage, but which tile type do you girls like better?
Am going to sell my house eventually because I can't stand having stairs, so I need to consider what most people would like better. What do you guys think is more marketable, a classic cream polished porcelain tile, or a woodlook ceramic tile in like, grey or greige?
No. 413134
>>413128Personally I absolutely despise tile flooring in spaces other than the kitchen and the bathroom. I feel like the wood grain look on the right is much more palatable to the general pop. We have those kind of tiles in our house now and you're able to get the feel/look of hardwood with the resilience and cleanability of tile floors.
When we sold our last house that had hardwood flooring it was a big selling point to prospective buyers if that says anything, people like wood.
No. 413147
>>413130>>413131>>413133Thank you guys. I was hesitant about the woodlook but you guys are right, it is trendy and it is homey. Will def be going with it.
>>413134>Personally I absolutely despise tile flooring in spaces other than the kitchen and the bathroom.Just curious, why don't you like tile in bedrooms and living rooms?
>it was a big selling point to prospective buyers if that says anything, people like wood.Will definitely keep in mind. I honestly don't get the hardon for hardwood people have. It's such a bitch to maintain and is so easy to ruin, and you get a much larger return on your investment for tile given the durability.
No. 413349
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i started playing this game and i really really REALLY enjoy it so far, all the boys in it are very cute but the main character keeps on giving me extreme second embarrassment it's seriously killing me. i had to stop playing that game to lay down for a few minutes earlier because the mc is that bad. i'm now kinda avoiding continuing it because i left off where the mc tries to play the hero or whatsoever and it's just all Very Bad. it's just fiction i know that but i cannot stop thinking over how her ass is embarrassing herself in front of the other characters (and my 2d crush especially) by trying to act all "tough" ü9eauge9rw8ujwrss0yhde90theuthd9ßtg why must things be this way
No. 413573
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Im really tempted to reply to my employer who has upset me with an email containing nothing but pic related
posting it here to help quell that urge
No. 413685
>>413678haha yes sorry, my bad
>>413683 is right,
I meant their email upset me, so I wanted to send the cat as a reply because he expresses how they made me feel.
No. 413714
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i laughed so fucking hard at this
No. 413780
Even though it's rainy/gloomy in my city today, I had such a good fucking day. Nothing spectacular, but I've just felt so good all day.
This morning, my usually yappy as fuck dog was surprisingly quiet and calm. Flopped down on my legs while we sat on the kitchen floor together waiting for water to boil. Work was slow at my new job (as usual), but I feel like I'm starting to settle in finally (it's my second week). I'm a receptionist so my biggest anxiety is someone calling the front desk while I'm in the bathroom, even though the bathroom is literally like 10 steps away from the desk. I usually hold in my pee and go back and forth about when is a good time to go for maybe half an hour to an hour but I'm slowly getting over it and I just go when I need to. Coming back home, I caught the local train (which goes right to my station) and even though every day there are delays, today we at least were delayed while at a station so I had cell service to browse around while I waited for train to move again. I came home and really wanted to cuddle my dog, and she came and sat on my lap while I pet her for a while (which she usually just barely tolerates for just a few minutes). I bought some thai desserts on my way home, ate them after my dinner, and holy FUCK this shit is so good. I didn't blow through my weekly cash allowance (that I set for myself so I don't overspend) even though I indulged a few times on some unnecessary food treats for myself. What a good fuckin day.
No. 413815
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There are really people like this that exist in the world
No. 413820
>>413815annon I thought that was some lolcow tongue in cheek edit mocking his persona, but that pic is his persona.
not surprised hes a gamer
No. 413886
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I use keekweek style everytime I go on lc. Makes me feel like I'm browsing MySpace.
No. 413887
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mfw i've been verbally abused the entire week by my managers, called mentally retarded and had them jokingly refuse to help me behind my back, made me pay out of pocket for a stolen item that was apparently my fault and im quitting over the phone tomorrow morning
No. 413891
>>413887:( btw you need to file a complaint if possible. I hate bullies so much.
>is on lolcowI mean irl bullies! :^)
(emoji) No. 413893
I really don't wanna involve myself with them; I did fuck up a few things but I worked there for like BARELY two weeks, and it's my first "real" job. When I say they yell, I mean straight up yelling in my face to stop talking ever and just to shut up and listen 'because I never do that in my life,' I mean to the point where coworkers tried to get me to come aside with them to make sure I was okay. I'm admittedly not totally okay, I literally had NO schooling in my childhood, and I told my coworker who also yells at me and she scoffed and went "Uhuh. Makes sense." etc etc.
Also i fucked up a credit card transaction and they took the 20 dollars out of my paycheck which is apparently illegal, dunno.
No. 413935
>>413932What they are doing is still illegal. This is not how you treat a coworker. Also, workplaces are obligated to train you when you start working and you cannot be fully trained in 2 weeks.
>>413893You need to stand up for yourself, threaten to sue/report/whatever measures exist in your country, go crazy. Grow a spine. It's sad that they're doing what they're doing, but they aren't going to stop anytime soon so long as they think they can do it without facing any consequences.
No. 413944
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My hair's already long and it grows nicely, but I really wish I was like those Southeast Asian women who grow super-long, shiny hair. So beautiful.
I know that shit has to be heavy and inconvenient for daily life, but I'd cope.
No. 413964
File: 1558697945440.png (721.39 KB, 944x1242, growls in disgust.png)

I'm still laughing over this dumb post, the fact that someone called the anon out, and the redtext.
>growls in disgust
No. 413966
>>413964I laughed at that too, the red text made it so funny.
I do think anon was trying to make a joke though, to mock whoever she posted.
No. 413972
File: 1558698888568.png (976.55 KB, 1080x1507, Screenshot_20190524-124631~2.p…)

>>413951It's so beautiful, I try to keep my hair long but I'm lying to myself by doing it, mine looks like shit compared to this
Kind of related, but I'm disgusted at how the beauty/drag craze is boosting support for human hair wigs and extensions. I keep seeing paid advertisements springing up for these creepy pages that all steal the same photos from each other of hands holding anonymous chunks of hair tagged something like Indian or Afro human hair factory. We don't know where that hair comes from, but we know from the price that the person it grew out of didn't get paid much.
Have none of these girls buying literal human hair just for one instagram shoot ever watched that horror film, exte?
No. 414008
Thinking about some qt who is friends with someone I know from high school. She works at a shop in the mall near my house, I could probably reconnect and get to him if I tried (also could use a female friend tbh, and she's nice). At first I thought they were dating but she's actually with a tall white guy.
I'm considering it, but I'm feeling shy about it and who knows if she'd care to talk to me anyway. I want friends who are women and I want a boyfriend, but I'm also so asocial.
>>413888What did she mean by this?
No. 414128
>>414108Thank you anon, I do feel better, and I'll definitely check out that thread!
I guess sort of good news is that my craziness over it and opening up this rabbit hole made me find out my skin is, in fact, dehydrated, so I'm gonna switch cleansers and try to remedy it lol. Thank you again!
No. 414138
¿Qué acabas de decir sobre Pewdiepie? Bueno, eso es un montón de suposiciones acerca de la vida personal de alguien, ¿quiénes son estos infames hombres que acosan a Pewdiepie? Sus editores? ¿Su prometido? ¿O sus amigos personales cercanos? Si te refieres a su base de fanáticos, entonces él casi no está rodeado de nadie en ese sentido porque él es su propia persona, y como su propia persona incluso le dice a las personas que se consideran a sí mismas como sus admiradores que no dañen a las personas que aparecen en algunos de sus videos, ¿cómo se determina? tampoco tiene experiencia? Él vivió los mismos 29 años que todos los demás y él hizo lo mejor de ellos; si acaso algo debido a su carrera, él sabe mucho más que la mayoría, en un momento en el que contrató a cientos de personas para que hicieran videos con él. Trabajar con muchas compañías haciendo cosas diferentes, sin mencionar que él mismo ha estado en la universidad, no estoy seguro de si lo dejó.
Él no hace videos de los cuales puedes concluir que él haya sido educado? ¿Cuál es su criterio de educación? De nuevo, estoy de acuerdo con usted en que las personas pueden obtener educación formal o informalmente, pero ¿qué constituye una persona que tiene y no tiene y por qué cree que no lo ha hecho? ¿No consideraste que tal vez sus videos no son más que un personaje de entretenimiento o crees que cada actor que interpreta a un idiota también es un idiota?
No estoy fingiendo nada
Yo tampoco estoy troleando
Simplemente disfruto realmente diseccionando a las personas tribales como tú
Y generalmente explorando pensamientos razonables.
No. 414164
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It's been a year ever since I played the Doki Doki Literature Club game and it still makes me so unbelieveably sad. I'm listening to the soundtrack right now and suppressing the urge to start sobbing, I don't even know why but something about it makes my heart ache so badly. I have never felt this way over a game before, especially over a cheap indie game, and it's kinda pathetic.
No. 414179
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RooshV is now a Christian that disapproves of pre-marital sex
No. 414181
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>>414180I think this may be the best outcome for an irredeemable brainlet like him, honestly
No. 414265
>>414217What are you going back to school for?
I don't know if there is a homework help thread but I tutor students to prepare them for college level math, if you ever need help.
Good luck with your future!
No. 414319
>>414154Hell yeah anon! I made some bean burgers the other night and they were amazing. My spouse and I always had a hard time finding meals with minimal to no meat that filled us up. Beans was the miracle food!
What kind of beans do you like anon? I love making recipes with lentil, pigeon peas, and red kidney beans.
No. 414330
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these replies are all some of the most depressive things I have ever read for my own story my Husband was a combat engineer who served in Iraq and he reuses to talk about what he witnessed but its clear to me that something happened that fucked him up and he lost a part of him
No. 414333
>>414330That's really sad to read.
All my grandparents served in WWII and are all fine and flourished. I believe the government has just gotten more unscrupulous. They also have more money and research on how to exploit people. Anyone who just blindly trusts the US gov is a risk to themselves.
No. 414335
>>414168Mfw I could never concentrate at school, would rarely hear what we have for homework, can only focus if I’m doing 2 things at once, can’t even browse if I’m not switching between 5 tabs, could never even finish a song without switching to another one if I make it half way through, can’t even have a phone conversation if I’m not reading something at the same time or have face to face conversation without removing and putting back the phone case thousand of times. Let’s not mention I rarely notice anything around me, I’ll wont notice my own parent passing by me on the street. My mind is a constant stream of thoughts and meditation is extremely hard to perform.
I don’t know girls, I’m kinda worried about ADD, but it’s a bit hard to get diagnosed in the Balkans and everyone keeps screeching it’s a made up thing or that I’m just tripping.
No. 414455
>>414333Are your grandparents Americans? Because I come from an occupied country which went through hell and back. None of the people came back from WW2 without mental consequences.
>>414345Thanks, Anon, there is a definite information overload that I feel is weighting me down. I’m just not too sure what’s going on, if it’s maybe anxiety or ADD, because I’ve had problems concentrating and needed constant stimulus long before internet and way before smartphones.
Help ADHD Anons, how did you notice something is not right?
No. 414464
File: 1558811055603.jpg (55.14 KB, 600x600, swedish_chef.jpg)

>>414459Holy shit this is perfection, the shitty pixelated quality, the Lucky Star OP at the beginning, comic sans, and of course the ever iconic Bad Boy by Cascada. A true 10/10, thank you anon
No. 414469
>>414459When I was younger I used to think "nothing is truly popular unless it has a skillet AMV". Teen titans and dark Ash AMV's where my shit back then. I still like that Robin x Slade just like you amv.
Video unrelated
No. 414471
>>414470I am sure some people still make AMVs but you would probably have to go to other sites to view them. YouTube would not be as lenient with the AMV crowd today since it uses 100% copyrighted content.
I used to make some AMVs but I wouldn't say any of them made it big. I remember those creators who had access to RAW anime episodes (no hard coded subs or TV station logos) were highly esteemed. And don't forget the classic "this is the ORIGINAL (anime name) (song name) AMV so DO NOT STEAL!"
No. 414489
>>414488>just as nuts as RDJ Forgot to add was*
So yeah you are still a zoomer whether you remember her as the girl everyone wanted to be or not :^)
I just hope she'll get a glow like every other celebrity who stands up after losing and picks up her acting career because she really deserves it, it is getting a bit too long, even home alone guy is shining ffs. No I am not stanning her, I just cringe when I look at her to the point I pity her. How can someone fall so hard? Jesus.
No. 414500
>>414494nah I was later on just kidding, you're not a zoomer.
>>414495Because it is sad, that's why. She's going through very rough times and I'm surprised she hasn't an heroed. People bully her so fucking much and have bullied her a lot. These celebrities are all soulless and subhuman so she just needs some fame again to shine and be healthy, sorta like a succubus, the fame is her flesh. So really, as I said, I just pity her a lot.
No. 414522
>>414455original adhd anon here
basically I couldn't do any work at my job at all (data analyst) bc I couldn't focus and it got to the point where I would be in meetings and wouldn't be able to focus on anything anyone was saying at all. it wasn't even like I was thinking about other stuff, my mind was totally blank and it was like I was hearing the words they were saying but they weren't going into my brain. I would start talking and by the end of what I was saying I would have no clue what I was talking about. I would have to read a report and my eyes would glaze over and it would take me an hour to read a 5 page report, it was bad and really affecting my work performance
when I was in school I saw a few doctors and they said that I was just bored in class and that I needed to just "try harder," I did not show a lot of the hyper symptoms as much so I guess it wasn't as obvious to doctors.
I did not see a psych to get diagnosed, I went to my gp and casually mentioned that I was having issues focusing not trying to get a prescription at all. she had me take a test and said I showed high propensity for adult adhd, which can present differently than it would in a child. she prescribed me adderall on a trial period to see if it would help me. it's kind of ridiculous, in the usa at least, you have to get drug tested before you can be prescribed and in my state apparently every month as well to make sure you're not taking any other drugs. so if you even smoke just weed or anything you won't be able to get adderall. I had to sign a lot of paperwork too and at the pharmacy they logged that I was filling a prescription for a schedule ii drug.
I would recommend seeing a doctor and explaining your symptoms - like I said it didn't even cross my mind that I had it
No. 414575
File: 1558842737264.jpeg (319.69 KB, 640x632, 1546632856224.jpeg)

I did and said a lot of dumb shit when I was quite young, ex: talk/post about anti-feminist garbage (shoe0nhead level) and political topics. I'm glad I grew out of it when I enter my mid teens.. I'm 18 now, and can say I grew up and have learned from that time. Even though I'm going through a rough patch now, I want to continue learning and educating myself more!
No. 414580
>>414575where the fuck did you find that picture of my cat and the only hobbies i have?! i will crochet you a blanket to remove it!
but really though, youre really young. chances are high that you find yourself learning and discovering more and more things about yourself as time goes on. maintain a sense of what you believe in for sure but never lose the ability to listen to an opposing belief.
No. 414709
>>414674Do you have female friends ? I mean this in the nicest possible way but it might be possible that you are unable to write good and complex female characters because you don't surround yourself with enough women so your mind doesnt have enough references to work with.
on another note, I'm having a really tiring day. Just finnished writing my contemporary litterature essay for college and it sucks so bad. I will get the passing grade but like… not anyting honorable. And now its not even 4pm and I'm already so tired and I still have to wax my legs, cook, and start writing another essay for another class. Ugh.
No. 414750
>>414575Like the other anon said, you'll definitely continue to change and grow. I actually found my old livejournal entries via the emails I saved (I deleted the actual entries) and while they weren't anti-feminist garbage or political things, they were worse than nails on chalkboard. The level of 3edgey5me wouldve probably landed me on lolcow honestly.
Enjoy life, and read a lot of books! It's okay to change opinions!
No. 414817
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'This waifu does not exist' is good, but when its bad its bad. Mis matched eye colors, melting faces, and random sploches.
No. 415175
>>415172Yeah, I've seen it called the normalfag board before. The guys there are
generally less tolerant of robot nonsense, although it still comes up.
No. 415182
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I just saw The Perfection on Netflix and idc what anyone else say, i fucking loved it. At first I was like here we go again, gays can’t have anything nice! Then I was like OH SHIT this is my csa revenge fantasy!!
No. 415262
File: 1558993898812.webm (554.33 KB, 180x224, key dressing up as the average…)

>>415251Its like anisa's old threads but worse because none of the /snow/ or /pt/ board rules even apply to it so the mods leave it to fester. I hate it and every single anon in it but I can't stop reading for some reason. But the first two threads were nice.
No. 415553
>>415546You really don't have to spend hundreds of dollars for those looks… All the people I know who wear fanny packs buy them at thrift stores, for exemple.
Also it isnt about looking "pretty" or "beautiful" but interesting (wether it is actually interesting is another question). Fashion serves as a way of showing other people who you are or who you appear to be. Like, if I'm at a party and don't know anyone, I will be more easily drawn to people who have similar styles to mine.
Many fashion movements are "ugly" by standard definition yet they are pertinent in fashion history.
Like its ok if you want to dress super basic and the only prerequisites for what you wear are "ohh its pretty!" and it flatters you're body…but dont expect it to be the same for everyone else.
No. 415621
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>>415251I hope the mods never try to clean up that thread. The amount of autism there is honestly so funny.
No. 415636
>>415416lmao my dad wears fanny packs too (we call them 'bum bags') and our family has teased him forever. I love telling him he's become fashionable now.
The styles aren't really similar though, what I see in stores tend to be really thin and low key whereas his is gigantic and filled with stuff.
No. 415805
>>415651honestly there are some legitimate criticisms in those threads but the autism about x idol being ugly or the constant nct bashing to spite the nctfags in the general thread is dumb as shit and i wish that'd stop
there are some good criticisms of the industry in the threads when you overlook some of the appearance related circlejerking
No. 415826
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>>41146712 days later and he hasn’t contacted me at all
At least I can move on now
No. 415924
Posted a bit on the stupid questions thread when replying to another anon but it really got me thinking about my own university years and joining a club that meant a lot to me.
Man, as stressed as I was during uni, I really fucking miss it. I love my college town SO much, my ideal birthday plan is to rent a nice airbnb in my college town for a weekend and stay in it with some friends just because I wanna fuckin be up there so bad. I miss the smell of cut grass when they mowed the campus, all the really big, wide open quads for people to lay in. I miss our nasty stupid pond too.
Even though I'm no longer friends with a lot of people (and honestly fuck them, they're awful people and I hope they get hit by a truck), I'm happy to have spent my uni years with them. I miss living in a suite with them - when we would all wake up and get ready and walk to the academic buildings together, to coming back home from class and watching family feud while snacking on food. I miss playing games and watching anime all together, or scrolling through someone's tumblr dash and reading out memes (especially those astrology signs as ___ where we would call out our signs and tell each other what we were). When convention season rolled around, our common room would be a warzone of fabric and pattern pieces and dangerous things all strewn across the floor, but god was it was fucking fun to descend into madness with your friends. It felt so nice to have friends to help you troubleshoot machine problems or help you figure out how to pattern something, or if they even offered to help you do some shit like iron down your shit for you!
A lot of my friends filled in the eboard positions when other friends stepped down/graduated, so we would play pranks on them when waiting for them to come back from their meetings. I would love helping them set up for club events, would love hanging out with new club members and grabbing a snack to eat after club time was over. I loved making new friends who loved the same shit I did, and seeing them around campus and greeting them, or having a new friend to wait with on the mail line!
I went abroad for a year and was super fucking depressed, but it was so nice to wake up to loving and kind messages from all my friends back home. I loved hearing club updates or seeing videos from them. I would send them a care package full of snacks and trinkets, and my best friend sent me a heartful letter. Even though I felt so alone in this foreign country, everyone was eagerly waiting for me back home. I never really feel like I had a group of people outside of my family who actually loved me and loved being around me like they did.
Yeah, fuck some of these people, I really hate some of them now, but god for the first time in my life I finally felt like I belonged somewhere. I'm an only child and my parents work full time, so I never grew up celebrating holidays or birthdays. These girls would make super elaborate and funny surprises for each other. We would have a Christmas get together and have a small tree in our common room and exchange presents. I loved experiencing all of that. I'm glad to have met the friends who I'm still friends with. We've graduated and changed, but we're still good friends and I love them so much. I have student loan debt and am not even pursuing a career in my field, but damn, I wouldn't go back and change a thing. University was fucking great, even if all I got out of it was a fancy piece of paper and a handful of really, really great friends.
No. 416033
>>416005i think most of the anons in that thread are closeted kpop fans kek
i cant imagine anyone else giving that much of a shit about random idols. its really gone downhill, i remember lurking in the first few threads where people were shut down for sperging about specific idols.
No. 416091
File: 1559188149242.jpeg (378.4 KB, 1242x2208, 06752A69-FE8B-493D-BD3C-60D19A…)

>Terf-y bangs
Part of thinks she would hate having short bangs because she doesn't want to be associated with terfs.
No. 416097
>>414680>>414689I have no idea why this dude is still on my mind, I ended up coming clean to my boyfriend that I developed a random crush and we talked about it. I think the reason it startled me so much is that I've always been in really shitty
abusive relationships and never had the option to think about anyone else, and I ended up rushing into the relationship with my current. I guess I missed the phase where you have healthy crushes and explore your sexuality and wants and needs in your teens and now my brain is trying to play catchup.
I'll try avoid the guy and see if the feelings are still there when I'm sober and if so, I've no clue what next.
No. 416170
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I found this while digging through 4chan archives, and couldn't help but wonder if the salty co-worker in this story might've been part of the small pool of farmers who really, really hate Lolita fashion, lmao.
Probably not, but their persistence was impressive.
No. 416350
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Just put in my order for this cute lemon beret!! It's so cute and I'm so sad I missed the first preorder, so I snatched this shit up so fast. Happy early birthday to meeeeee
No. 416416
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I really want to contact my best friend from ages ago, but my life has been such a disaster that I'm embarrassed to even talk about it. We aren't on bad terms, just living different lives in different parts of the country. I know she probably wouldn't really judge but I'm just so damaged at this point that I'm scared of bringing her down. It doesn't feel right to pop up out of nowhere if I haven't made progress or have anything to offer. It's like a long lost friend calling you from jail or an asylum. Are you happy to hear from them or was it better not knowing? Would you feel annoyed or like they were trying to guilt you or make you sad? I just want to tell her I still care. Over thinking this is making it worse.
No. 416431
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TYping this shit just to remind myself I'm not as cute as I think I am and that having an ego about looks is disgusting and completely off-putting.
No. 416497
>>416353Thank you anon! I'm really looking forward to getting it! I wanna wear a lot of cute summer outfits with it hopefully!
>>416406 This is the artist's etsy! She doesn't have the listing up right now to the public, only for patrons on patreon (I signed up specifically to preorder it early lol). I think she said they'll be going up for the public on June 2 if you're interested! She also has some new strawberry ones going up too, but I fucking love citrus fruits so much so the lemon was a no brainer for me lol.
No. 416724
>>416709I’ve never seen it used in that way myself, my family would be considered it. Poor, drugs, abuse, and general grossness tbh
I love my family but it can be embarrassing watching all the girls juggle baby daddies…
When I mean juggle I mean making schedules of who comes over while they are “with” multiple guys so the others don’t find out. But maybe it’s used differently in different places though
No. 416800
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Does anyone itt know about or have read Goodbye Chains? It's kind of bad sometimes but so charming too.
Any webcomic recommendations?
No. 416820
My new bralettes came and they're so fucking cute and soft. I'm so happy and I feel so cute in them. I wish I had a girlfriend to show them off to, but it's fine.
>>416800I really like This Is Not Fiction! I always stop reading it when I catch up with the updates, and I've probably restarted the comic from the beginning like 3 times now but I always enjoy it so much that I don't mind. I also like Todd Allison and Petunia Violet, though I know Nozmo has a scammy background. Shame since I do think it's funny and charming.
No. 416836
>>416833…in the bathroom? He doesn't have to watch you lmao. Does your mom watch you poo?! I've read wildER things on this site.
Bring one of those deodorizing sprays or something if that concerns you.
No. 416841
>>416833I had the same issue just with my friends. I love them but I really wanted to get my own hotel room while the rest of the group insisted on sharing.
Other people don't seem to have any problems doing poopoo when others are in vicinity. I can't even do weewee.
What I'd do is find a nice shopping mall, they usually have well maintained wcs and those on the top floors are quite empty and with less traffic. Also, in the hotel, I would just go to the general wc. There were some odd floors where I would be the only one using the bathroom.
So, my suggestion is to get to know your environment and make a strategic map for "urgent" situations. There's no other way.
I tried to do number two when others are closeby but I just can't. I'm litterally constipated then. I need to have a clear radius of at least 30 meters.
Good luck anon!
No. 416844
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>>416829I usually only buy from aerie, but I was looking for a specific type of bra/braletter with useless front straps (pic related) because I think they're cute and it led me to find , so I ended up buying my most recent set from them. They're a little sheer and I don't know how well they'll deal with my nipples when winter rolls around, but for the summer they're cute and comfortable as fuck and I can't wait to wear them.
It sucks that aerie can be sort of pricey, but their shit is almost always on sale anyway. As someone with mosquito bites for tits, I usually don't wear bras since I can get away with it, so I never really understood the weight of the fuss about bra prices, but $30 full price for the sheerest piece of fabric with zero support on my tits made me realize how god damn ridiculous this shit can be. But anyway lol. I've looked at the ones from F21 but F21's quality is always sketch and I'm worried that the lace will become too scratchy to bear after a single wash. I've tried on some from Target too and they're alright, but when it comes down to it, aerie always has the best quality and cutest styles to me so I always end up back there (but I'll definitely be buying more from that etsy store again too).
No. 416877
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I keep getting likes on tumblr from blogs that basically reblog minors in underwear and honestly I have no idea how those creepy fucks find me. And no, I'm not a minor myself and I only post in the fitness tags so what the shit. At least I can get their blog deleted.
No. 416932
>>416881>>416911I dont mind slang, abbreviations, or typos unless its severely constant. and if a convo falls flat normally, thats okay. But I'm talking extremes where I cant understand what theyre saying or I cant gauge any kind of tone, context, etc. and they give me nothing to reply on. Theyre the type who text you "wyd?" every few hours because they have nothing else to offer when it comes to communicating, and trying to go into detail with them about anything is fruitless cuz they only give you an "oh cool."
and then a few mins later, "wyd?" once again. Its starting to sound so specific but so many people are the "personality of an adidas sandal" meme when it comes to texts.
No. 416960
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>develop crush on guy who works in mall that I know has checked me out both there and at uni
>have cold approached 5 guys in the past
>can't even go up and buy something from him
>can see he's slowly losing interest because I can't get past simply smiling at him and it's not like he can jump the kiosk and talk to me
wtf the fuck is up
I'm pretty sure he's a STEMfag and a bit older than me anyway, but he's quite cute. He's very skelly and has a nice complexion.
Maybe I've just tired myself out since nothing has worked out so far.
No. 417020
>>417016Are there any good left-leaning male YouTubers who are political commentators?
I've been watching Vaush because he makes good arguments, but he's like….aggressively pro-trans, Shaun is okay (he's also pro-trans, but not as in-your-face about it) but been kind of MIA, and Destiny is just low-key a whole pedophile who claims there's "nothing wrong" with wanting Sharia law lmao.
Why can't any of them hit that sweet spot? And of course, I'd rather die immediately than expose myself to the cancer of the alt-right.
No. 417025
>>417020there was some milk recently from Vaush where it turned out he was sexually harassing an autistic girl on discord and excused it away by saying he was just le sexually dominant pansexual, think he managed to get most of the material about it removed but it was under the username IrishLaddie
think the only sane left leaning youtubers are the ones who also do it on radio like David Pakman and Sam Seeder since they don't get caught up in demented internet drama
No. 417029
>>417025>where it turned out he was sexually harassing an autistic girl on discord and excused it away by saying he was just le sexually dominant pansexual,KEK, exactly the type of douchebag I figured he'd be. Fucking greasy fatass.
>>417020I really like Michael Brooks a lot. He focuses too much on international politics to focus on trannies. Sam Seder is good too, but I like Michael better. Vaush is too much of an annoying neckbeard, and I can't take anarchists seriously. Unfortunately all of them still approve of trannies, but there's less trans hysteria with Michael and Sam. I feel like Sam would probably be a pretty okay guy in his personal life, which is cool.
Kyle Kulinski seems like he'd be
abusive to women too.
No. 417161
>>417157Yeah I figured.
I just love the dress so much, it's so simple and the print is great for what it is. Most occult type prints are too ott for me. Hell, most prints period.
I'm probably a fool for not doing more research, but well. My other bodyline pieces are completely fine. You win some, you lose some.
No. 417239
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>Are there any good left-leaning male YouTubers
No. 417296
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>>417206>>417262>speciality vegan food has come a long wayImagine paying 56% more for carcinogenic processed imitation foods with ingredients sourced from the bloody hands of piss poor third world workers instead of just eating meat in moderation
No. 417321
>>417296If we're concerned about cancerous foods and third world workers then surely you never eat fast food or food at all unless you can confirm it has an ethical source and you never ever indulge in anything remotely unnatural, never eat pretty much any produce imported from other countries (and probably a lot of the produce from your own country too) and also only ever eat locally sourced meat where the workers aren't treated like animals themselves and their employees don't have to deal with the mental and physical ramifications of butchering things in horrible industrial factory settings for years? Cool, cool.
Point is, you can point out the unethicalness of almost any western diet granted its not one entirely based on eating natural and 100% ethically sourced foods, vegan or not.
No. 417382
>>417296KEK, meat is so mutagenic it's not even funny. Have fun with your colon cancer. Meat is a HUGE contributor to it, but "muh wheat gluten totes causes cancer!". Are you under the impression that """oppressed workers""" aren't also picking and processing cashews or mangoes for you?
>>417318Anon is a dumbass. There's nothing for her to elaborate on.
No. 417414
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Are there any political anons up? What do you think is the answer to capitalism's problems?
I like the luxuries afforded to me by a capitalist system, but the more I learn how fucked up it is and how many people suffer as a result of it, the more I realize how wrong everything is.
What are the benefits to communism? Haven't many people died because of it?
No. 417418
>>417414Many people died because of communism but even more people keep dying every single day as a result of capitalism.
I don't think communism is something we will be able to achieve in our lifetime or that we should try to achieve it.
I reccomand you to start reading theory though because there are very few things more annoying than meme communists who never read anything about the politics they're spouting about. Forget Das Kapital (hell book), but try reading The Communist Manifesto (engels & marx), generally the early works of Marx. Imo you should read some Lenin because its easy to read and has interesting ideas BUT i dont think leninism is the way. Try also more contemporary writers who were influenced by Marx or writers who talk about the way capitalism is today. If you're into art, check out Walter Benjamin and Frederic Jameson.
No. 417927
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I really don't get why people come here to WK. I don't go on 4chan and argue with incels, it just seems so pointless. You're not going to change anyone's mind and it seems like a ginormous waste of time. I can't help but lose my shit everytime some WK starts shitting up a thread. It's just so fucking pathetic that it's hilarious. And then there are the ones who think they can start a petition or movement to get the site removed, top fucking kek. Imagine being so narcissistic that you would have an entire movement to start legal action against an anonymous imageboard. The cows are interesting but really what makes this site great are all the dumbasses who jump to defend them.
No. 417928
>>417927I mainly assumed the WKs that usually come here are friends/family of the cow. (Or at least the first initial few)
I agree with you though, majority of them tend to just be rapid fans with blinders on.
No. 417941
>>417927Not gonna lie, sometimes I feel the need to defend flakes because I see anons say some shockingly dumb shit. Some people hate certain cows so much it's pathetic.
Filing a LOLsuit or trying to get threads taken down seems like something only a personal friend or the cow themself would do tough.
No. 417943
>>417942This. I agree with
>>417941 that sometimes the nitpicking and tinfoiling are irrationally dumb but I wouldn't call that true WKing. I'm talking the full-on caping retards. It's even more pathetic when they're an SJW and try to play into the 'muh e-bullying!' narrative.
No. 417961
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I just typed sage in an email at work. What's wrong with me? Am I retarded? I need to stop posting on this website.
No. 417983
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>>417982Bicycle crunches??
No. 417987
>>417956Even that doesn't work, if the anon is enough of a psycho with a hateboner. Some farmers literally do not function logically when it comes to certain people.
There are cases where a cow can post "The sky is blue", and an anon will take a screencap, post it and say "This dumb bitch actually thinks the sky is blue. It's
light blue".
I remember one thread where a cow posted about not wanting to watch some Asian YTer because he used the n-word. One anon unironically tried to argue that the n-word isn't a slur, then accused other anons of being "whiteknights" after they disagreed and/or told them to stop nitpicking because the cow in question has said plenty of actual stupid things.
No. 417988
>>417982This might sound retarded but I was doing this motion with my pointer finger and think it’s the one where you
>lie down>bring your knees toward your chest>straighten your legs as you raise them up>lower your straightened legs>bring them back knees to chest I used to do that on a yoga mat along with opening my legs after bringing them back down
No. 418000
>>417995Better to wait/better for the government to have a stipulation of 24-25 and up, but there's nothing wrong with this, imo.
>>417993What political Youtuber?
No. 418001
>>417995I'm sad for her, but if someone wants to die then they will find a way. Better for them to have a dignified and relatively painless death that they can plan, and properly say their goodbyes to loved ones and get anything else they need to in order.
Some women can be raped and recover with relative ease, for others it's a grueling life filled with inconsolable grief and PTSD. It's not ours to force someone in pain to live.
I think she was being very responsible and I'm interested in her book that she wrote.
No. 418002
>>417995What the fuck is wrong with Europe? I looked up some other stuff and apparently you only need parental consent for euthanasia when you're 12-16, and after that you can make the decision on your own, so it's possible her parents didn't want this.
It's fucked up a doctor would approve of this, it gives me vibes like they don't actually want to deal with improving mental health if they're gonna let people off themselves over it. I get she must've been going through a lot of suffering, but letting her give up life at the age of 17 is just insane.
No. 418003
>>418002She also had anorexia that was crippling her body that required her being hospitalized multiple times.
I get that we see her age and ask if more could have been done for someone young, but it's not like she rolled into a walk-in clinic asking for death because she was a wee bit depressed. She suffered a condition that was affecting her quality of life as well. If the prognosis was truly promising then I doubt medical professionals nor her own parent would have signed off on it.
No. 418017
>>417995Why shouldn't it be legal? She was suffering. If this was any other kind of illness, people wouldn't think twice about euthanasia and would say it was "for the best". If she wasn't improving, wouldn't it be selfish for her parents to keep her alive? Like
>>418001 said, if she made the decision to end her life, isn't it better that she had a painless death that didn't traumatise her family? Is it really "weird" or "scary" when you look at it from that perspective?
>>418002What is the alternative? For her parents to find her dead body in a horrible way when they get home one day like many parents have to do all over the world? What parent wants that?
>the country does have specialised clinics where youngsters can be treated for psychological or physical trauma>Kids as young as 12 can be euthanised in the Netherlands but only after a doctor agrees that their suffering it unbearable with no clear resolution in sightThat doesn't sound like they're euthanising people willy-nilly or avoiding the problem, it sounds like they're really exceptional cases. You're omitting a lot of information there.
No. 418032
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I tried to show my dog the matcha latte I made and he was afraid of it. He sniffed the mug and then ran off, and any time I tried to bring it close he would run. What an asshole
No. 418140
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I'm so over my anxiety manifesting as irrational fears lately ffs
I fixed a crack in my bathtub about 6 months ago, but of course I didn't even realize the crack was an issue until I noticed a small drip downstairs underneath where the tub would be. The drip only happened the one time I took a bath, and I noticed it as the water was draining, and I only showered until I got the tub mended but now I'm, like… hyper worried that my tub is going to fall through the ceiling while I'm taking a bath in it because what if that drip was actually bad enough to rot the floor under it??? Even though my downstairs ceiling shows absolutely zero indication of major issue and uggghhh I hate that I can talk myself logically through this, but here I am, sitting in what should be a relaxing bath, but instead I'm listening to every little noise around me in case everything starts to break under me.
this irrational worry brought to you by the bath I'm currently sitting in, jesus christ I'm sick of my brain.
No. 418373
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I know it sounds weird but I feel like this place has made me a stronger person. I used to be too shy to voice my opinions out of fear of backlash, but having an anonymous place where I come to to have people call me a retard for my opinions makes me realize that being called a retard isn't even that bad. I'm fearless now. If anon can call me a retard and I don't cry, anyone can.
No. 418396
>>418320…is this remarkable?
I have a close male friend and he's het and I'm bi, but neither of us have ulterior motives either.
Happy for them anyway. Friendship like that is nice.
>>418373lmao me too, anon. I was pretty soft for years but arguing on here, reading threads that are so harsh on appearance, and generally involving myself more on imageboards has had an oddly positive effect overall. I care less about people being mean and have also begun to take care of my appearance more.
No. 418444
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I have no idea where else to post this, since it's neither about a celebrity cow, nor j-music.
Actress Aoi Yu married ugly af comedian Yamasato Ryota. They started dating this April and registered their marriage on May 3.
Before she dated Haruma Miura - and now him… Some say it must be more than just pregnancy, that he blackmails her with something, especially considering how he said really gross things about her in the past, see pic. No. 418448
>>418446I've been watching her for a while (her first "big" break with Onion) and I kind of agree. I watch her vids because she's cute to me and gives off friendly/goofy vibes.
It's videos for lonely losers, anon. I think a lot of people watch mellow and low effort youtubers because they feel like friends without having to make the effort to actually have friends.
No. 419047
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>>408296I feel ashamed of myself whenever I interact with creepy people (as in they seem like wanting to get into my pasts) and i get turned off by their behavior, but then i see a picture of them and they're attractive. That's when their actions seem just a tad more acceptable to me. Yes, it's the whole "If that creepy psychopath wasn't ugly he'd be charming" trope". I still keep in mind that they're skeevy and shit, but i feel a bit drawn to them If i like what i see in a face. I just fucking hate feeling conflicted and shit
No. 419106
>>419080idk how you can blame americans for this when charlie brooker is still writing all the episodes, blame him. each episode this season was directed by non-americans too.
this season isn't that great. if you like the grimdark black mirror episodes you might like Smithereens okay. Skip the miley cyrus episode because i know you'll hate it.
No. 419169
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I just want to use this image
No. 419260
>>417995>>418002Wow looks like in your anti-Europe rage you forgot to mention:
>she was not euthanised>the clinic actually turned her away because she was too young>she actually died from refusing to eat/drink So in the end, there was nobody in "Europe" euthanising kids for no reason and it turns out that suicidal people will find a way anyway. Shocker. I guess the American anons got the happy ending they wanted…
No. 419451
>>419435Honestly I don't even know how I've managed it lol. It's mainly out of sheer hatred of crowds. I also really enjoy morning walks, so I force myself out of bed so I can soak up sun on the mostly empty streets of my neighborhood. It's a really great feeling.
I definitely still wake up groggy. Sleepytime used to work great for me, but even though I'm in bed early enough to give myself time to fall asleep at the right time, I always wake up groggy no matter what. On the weekdays, I force myself up because I have to get ready for work. On the weekends, I force myself up because it's the weekend and I know everywhere will be crowded, so I have to savor the quiet emptiness of the early morning.
No. 419584
>>419577Not that anon but I highly doubt straight farmers are the ones watching for hours and paying into a camgirl's livestream like Shay/Dolly's for instance. Then making deriding comments about the appearance of her vulva.
Nope, I don't believe it.
I may be going too far with my anecdotal-based belief but I, as a straight woman, have never cared to delve so deeply into camgirls or other thot based cows like what goes down in their threads. No less have such strong opinions about the appearance of their bodies since I am not attracted to them.
These farmers sound just like scrotes, because they're after the same shit.
No. 419586
>>419584I'm lesbian and I've never been interested in the camgirl cows (except Charms but that's been since her lolita days) and would never make fun of another woman's vulva. Just face it, it has nothing to do with sexual orientation and just that there are a subset of farmers who are mentally ill and/or self hating enough to pick on other women's genitals.
That said, isn't it pretty well known that camgirl threads are full of other camgirls bitching about each other?
No. 419587
>>419586>That said, isn't it pretty well known that camgirl threads are full of other camgirls bitching about each other?So basically it is whores calling each other whores
No. 419627
>>419584I thought it was other camgirls who contributed mostly to the camgirls thread? (I wouldnt know because I took a look at that thread once and it truly ruined my day)
Also, I seriously doubt lesbians are the one saying a vulva looks ugly because lesbians seem to you know… love vulva and have seen enough of them to know that very few vulva look like the apricots in porn
No. 419711
>>419709i don't know how you stand it, i used to do that back in my handmaiden caping for troons days and the cringe was overwhelming even then
what do you even tell them? in my experience they spazz tf put whenever you give them legitimate criticism
No. 419782
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>>419764This is so funny, you remind me of myself when I was 13 and wanted to die at 27 year old to be in the 27 club. Now that I'm 23 I just wanna live as long as I'm in good health.
Beauty is over-rated especially if you base it on youth and your heart isnt that big if you place value on such superficial things. Also 34DD is a shit size.
No. 419785
>>419782Same here. An old friend of mine died, probably suicide but still unknown, just before I turned 28 and it reminded me of how when I was a teen I had also just expected that to happen to me. I thought youth was the only thing worth having. I feel almost embarrassed that I can't live up to those beliefs I had as a teenager, but as an adult I just don't want to die, I wasn't even a cute kid so I can't even understand why it was so important to me. I used to think 30 was old and 40 was miserable, but now the happiest people I know are in their late forties and I hope I can stay healthy long enough to one day make good use of a seniors bus pass.
Aging is brutal but some parts aren't so bad. Boobsanon needs to find something more to her life.
No. 419802
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This is just a weird hunch I’m having and I’m probably incorrect but I think I might know the person who’s been making all these bizarre posts in the ProJared/Holly thread. I swear I know someone who acts just like this. Crazy anon, if you see this, does your name start with a C?
No. 419819
>>419711Whatever they ask, like makeup tips or hairstyles or clothes. No idea if I've pissed anyone off yet.
>>419730Yeah spoonfeeding is annoying and some are just so incredibly dense. I like to tell them where to start and they can suffer through the shitty middle-school makeup the rest of the way just like we did. Small nudges I guess.
Reading about them dilating their neovags is vomit-worthy tho
No. 419823
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>>419774>>419782Bahaha right? I used to think that most people peak in their 20s or earlier. Being in your 20s is actually a miserable time in life as you’re just figuring out adulthood.
Now I fantasize being 30 something and walking into a room in my pantsuit, my presence commands respect just by virtue of being a grown and put together woman. The bartender knows exactly how like my drink, the men immediately know they need to play their best cards, no broke loli-loving retard would even be in the same room as me. I am comfortable and genuine in being myself, I don’t have to worry about rents or school work, I’m fucking great at my job. I’m surrounded by women my age with whom I have mutually supportive mature relationships. Ugh, that’s the fantasy bitch!
No. 419882
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>>419873I'm sorry for laughing anon but that is pretty funny. Your cat likes you plush and soft.
No. 419987
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Being on your period, in the 32°C summer heat wearing a pad, is the worst shit ever
No. 420027
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I feel really weird and stupid. Lately I've been really.. porn repulsed? not sex repulsed, I love sex, but seeing porn unless I specifically look for it (like people posting it or showing me etc etc) I just have this sort of disconnected weird feeling, or even disgust. I think it has to do with how I was groomed online with hentai by pedophiles and I kinda had this phase where I tried hard to be "l-lewd uwu" and 'addicted' to hardcore porn and stuff.
It makes me feel bad cause nobody seems to understand I just kinda stopped liking porn, I also greatly hate porn sites esp pornhub for being.. disgusting and a lot of my (mostly male) friends including my boyfriend don't seem to get it?
No. 420036
>>420027I feel similarly, although I wasn't groomed I just fell into porn addiction by myself as a teen. I'm sorry that you were forced into it by adults anon, that's obviously so much worse. Hopefully you were able to get those disgusting fucks out of your life.
But yeah, as I got older (maybe around 20?) I just stopped enjoying it. My sex drive is still high as fuck but I gradually watched/read/viewed less and less.
No. 420052
>>419987everytime I see paintings of Napoleon I cant help but laugh because my father has the exact same face. Once he changed his icon on skype to a Napoleon Portrait by JL David and people thought it was a picture of him (it was cropped).
I know it sounds fake but like… They're complete dopplegangers.
No. 420098
>>420052Is he just as short? Lol.
Is anyone into gunpla or mecha musume like Frame Arms Girls here? I want to get into it and they look really fun with a slight crossover with my interest in dolls.
No. 420123
>>420114God, yes! I used to be
too sexual, because guys ate that shit up and like, if I'm searching for a porn image? fine, whatever! I barely do but, yknow, but seeing stuff, even if it's beautiful art or photography or whatever it just makes me feel uncomfortable. Especially in the anime community everyone is so obsessed with hentai and every discord I try to join they spam hardcore porn, and if they're not, they're talking about how bad they wanna fuck a character or just how hot she is. I s2g porn rots the brain after a certain amount of time and it's sick how like, I can't search for the new pokemon girl without TONS OF PORN. EVERYWHERE. When she fucking got released so many responses were like "ok but wheres the porn i gotta see her tits"
It's so gross and I feel so uncomfortable I end up just steering clear from a lot of places bc porn is everywhere
No. 420179
>>420164She has. Not denying that. I am thankful for a lot of things she done for me. Still, when she said that after expressing that I didn’t like what she did was a straight up guilt trip at best and really manipulative at worst. I think one of her biggest flaws is admitting fault. Especially when from the start I told her this was a bad idea. I have no doubt that she loves me but I don’t think she really respects me. She clearly sees me as a fuckup and not her equal (I’m well into my 20s). I mean, yeah, I made mistakes and mad plenty of irresponsible decisions but I’m trying to learn from her mistakes and become a better person. She, in my honest opinion, doesn’t and keeps making the same mistakes.
She has done similar shit like this in the past but nothing was this bad. I will always love her no matter what but I can’t depend on her anymore. I depended on her for everything (partly because she would encourage it, which is pretty weird now that I think about it but I digress) and it was actually making me miserable. I need to be my own person. But it’s easier said than done.
No. 420201
>>418373Cgl in the salty old days did that for me too, those bitches were the reason I started moisturizing and more regularly washing my bedsheets.
I also like how anonymous boards encourage you to be critically minded, including things like low key trolling or false flag posters. Image board culture has negative effects too but at least we can call out most misogynistic
toxic behavior here.
>>418516The same anon that calls you out in one thread is agreeing with you in another thread, don't take it too much to heart.
However even though I'm ok with anons calling me names, I sometimes feel embarrassed that mods have to read my spergy reports and can see my hypocritical post history
No. 420211
>>420098No he's not that short, he's 1m78 tall. But he has the same hairline, the same hair, the same eyes and sort of "apples" under his eyes, same mouth. Same face except my father's face is a tiny bit longer.
Fun fact: my ancestors on my father's side were part of an incredibly rich noble italian family and my great great grandmother was duchess (or countess idk) of Venice. They were also very pro Napoelon which was kinda weird for their geographical placement. But when communism came to Yugoslavia they were like "we dont need these richies" and gave it all away.
>>420181I mean… remember Gilmore Girls ?
No. 420232
>>420225Reminds me of this lol.
Not sure if it's an actual thing? You could probably market yourself as an e-gf and some sucker would buy it.
No. 420283
After my girlfriend broke up with me, I started isolating myself. I didn't know where the line was drawn between me trying to copy my now-ex (she's very independent and prefers to spend most of her time alone and doing her own thing), and my own desire to be alone (from the inevitable depression and actual want of wanting to enjoy my own company). It's been a little over half a year and I'm still mostly spending a lot of my time alone. I interact with people at work, but after work and on the weekends I stay home or go out and do things by myself. I rarely ask friends to hang out now.
I thought it would be a sad existence, I used to be super extroverted and motivated to get through the workday and workweek by the promise of seeing and hanging out with my friends, but now I really, truly enjoy being alone. Of course, I still really like seeing my friends and cherish the time I spend with them, but I don't really feel offended when I see a whole group of them out and realizing they didn't bother to invite me.
I still don't know if this is me trying to become a person that my ex would like better (I know that those efforts are futile)- but I'm happy right now. I'm arguably happier now than I've ever been. My days can be slow and boring, but I really appreciate running on my own schedule. I'd really like to pick up a new hobby though, maybe crochet.
No. 420329
>>420285i hate most psych students in general. one of my friends (who is a huge personal cow) seems to think her degree gave her intuition and made her psychic, despite being a total moron. she's already been fired from a few jobs for not being able to keep herself together and separate her personal life from her therapy clients. she constantly diagnoses my friends and talks shit about them based on her diags.
i also knew a really pretentious piece of shit (mutual friend) who "dabbled in psych" but was just a typical neckbeard, so i can believe the evolution of that is much much worse.
No. 420496
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>>420492Are you me? I saw DN when I was 12 and I’ve been in love with it ever since. I own all the mangas and could sperg about it all day.
The episodes at the end where Light gets caught in the warehouse and becomes unhinged in front of the whole team he’s worked with for so many years is probably the part that makes me the most emotional. Just seeing him break down and be humiliated in front of the people who trusted him. Sperg with me anon.
No. 420500
>>420492>>420496Why did you like Light for?
The best part of that anime was the ending because
he finally got what he fucking deserved and it was satisfying seeing his arrogance and ego crumble under people with actual integrity who outsmarted him despite not having a magical book that kills people.
No. 420505
>>420500I actually rooted for Light
and almost cried when I watched the last episode. I know he ended up being an egomaniac and lost a lot of his humanity in the process but I think he had good intentions at the beginning. I felt emotional seeing the flashbacks of him as a teen during the last episode when he was running away from the warehouse. Maybe 12yr old me naturally rooted for Light because I thought he was cute, lol.
No. 420514
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>>420496op here and same.
i remember first watching it when i was around 11-12 with shitty german dubs during christmas and i used to think it was the best fucking thing to ever exist. and now it's become a yearly tradition to watch it every christmas until i grow tired of it (i never did and i probably never will).
have been rooting for light ever since 11 year old me laid her eyes on him and years later, i still do. the ending never fails to make me cry though even though it's just karma doing its own job. i love light a little too much to accept that lol.
something about death note makes me feel so nostalgic and feel really sad but happy at the same time, i don't know how to describe it. as pathetic as this sounds, i'm sure that i will never find any other anime which makes me feel this way.
No. 420523
>>420496 and
>>420505>i'm sure that i will never find any other anime which makes me feel this way.Anon ily. You sound so much like me. I didn’t know anyone else was this autistically obsessed with DN lol. I feel so nostalgic when I think about it too. I loved it during my childhood, teen years, to this day… I remember watching the episode where Light was following Naomi Misora and thinking “oh my god i love this.” I also really like the soundtrack too, it makes me emotional.
No. 420533
>>420523just listened to that soundtrack again after so many months and i can already feel the tears coming up nsjdjdjd. now i have to watch all the openings and endings again and ignore the overwhelming urge to start sobbing right here and there.
i love you as well anon, glad to know that there’s still people to this day who (autistically) enjoy the masterpiece that death note really is!!!!!!!!
(kinda unrelated but ending 2 will forever have a special place in my heart)
No. 420542
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>>420512I gotta watch it again holy fuck
>tfw haven't touched it since 2009 No. 420543
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>>420533I also love ending 2! I really liked the 2nd opening as well, the same band made both of them. I’d be open to exchanging contact info if you’d want to talk about this more, but if not I hope you have a good day death note anon!
No. 420604
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In my cool girl days, I used to hold a bit of smugness about being sooo woke and not shallow that I only cared about personality.
>mfw i'm just really, really gay
No. 420615
>>420605I agree about the manga being better but anon please love yourself
L > Light >>>>>>>>>>> Everything else > Misa
No. 420682
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>>420496Same. I'm not even into anime/manga that much anymore, but DN will always have a special place in my heart. I get nostalgic re-reading it. Plus, the art is fucking cool.
No. 420732
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>>420729It's delayed until 2020. Fuck this gay Earth.
No. 420735
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>>420732It's so cute I want to play it nooooooow. At least we have a solid release date rather than a vague one. I guess I'll just cry on pocket camp until it comes out.
(When the first caption said "Your attention please" I almost flipped over my laptop but then I saw Nook mentioned and was like… ah ok… finally lol)
No. 420805
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I dozed off with my YT on auto play last night fully expecting it to just stick to similar music but at some point a video of an amateur VA doing character specific 18+ ASMR came on. ((thanks YT))
When I snapped back into reality he was talking about getting busy while using the voice of my fav character from an anime I've been really into. He then started doing kissing sounds and little moans so I turned it off feeling slightly grossed out and fell right back asleep.
Now I'm sitting here trying to work but I can't stop thinking about the moaning. What grossed me out last night is turning me on now and I want to try listening again. I know liking anime already makes me a degenerate to some people here but I feel like I've transcended that now kek
No. 420827
I miss the early internet,but then I remember stuff like this: think heavy regulation and censorship might not be that bad
No. 420830
>>420827Q3) What do I do if a dolphin wants to mate with me?
A3) Accept, if possible!
No. 420849
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>>420827>they have links to other webpages at the bottom of this monstrosity>one of them is a guide for necrophiliacsinternet was a mistake.
No. 420857
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Might as well reband your entire company if you got stuck with a name this bad. It's like a flour company named white power.
No. 420877
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Every time I saw images of Zendaya's character in the new Spider-Man films something bothered me about her face…I finally realized it's because they gave her a bare face but still filled in her eyebrows. So it looks like she has no make up on her face but her eyebrows are kinda off. Idk why it bothers me so much but they just look too thick and it distracts me. I appreciate them giving her the plain jane look but now I'm imagining her character filling in her brows and then doing nothing else lol.
No. 420883
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>>420877I think she looks fine- but I'm biased because I have thick eyebrows and they look a lot like hers.
What bothered me is mostly that her character seemed really snotty and know-it-all. She's also clearly the new "Mary Jane" (yes I know her name is Michelle but she goes by MJ and we see her with Peter in the trailer), so we're going to see
lots more of her! I don't know anything about Zendaya, but it seems like she's just playing herself here.
Why do people find
bitchy-ness empowering? The MCU has done a lot of weird stuff with female characters from the comic books. Like in the book Carol is really level-headed while also being sensitive. Movie Carol is just… passive aggressive to everybody for no reason? Also, the movie just straight-up deleted Mar-Vell, you know, the dead guy whose name Carol took as a way to honor him!?
I'm a radfem, but I don't like this shrink-wrapped corporate "feminism" that equates empowerment with bitchiness. Empowerment is female characters being normal fucking people, represented fairly! With normal motivations, emotions, relationships, capabilities, etc!
Don't even get me started on what the did to Scarlet Witch- the opposite extreme. Literally one of the most powerful, story-significant mutants in the comics got nerfed to all hell and turned into a shrinking violet. And also whitewashed. Ugh.
Sorry about the autism.
No. 420891
>>420681I don’t think men are actually debating it. At first I too wondered about the obsession with traps on those sites, but now I think it’s merely troons trying to win straight dudes over, into thinking other men actually want “girl dick” (hate that they say girl dick, it’s a dick, there’s nothing girl about it. It’s the total opposite of what a girl is). Also most trannies are open to or do sex work so there’s a somewhat large amount of porn for it available not necessarily because of demand, but because of how many willing and desperate troons are lining up to make it.
>>420781It’s pathetic how dudes can never sound like girls even when they’re trying their hardest. That shit about troons having female brains is such a joke because they sure as fuck can’t talk or act like us.
No. 420911
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i'm on the ring so i don't have regular periods but every couple months i just ooze old blood for a little less than a week. i feel like i look so much thinner afterward.
No. 420915
>>420883>Why do people find bitchy-ness empowering? The MCU has done a lot of weird stuff with female characters from the comic books. Like in the book Carol is really level-headed while also being sensitive. Movie Carol is just… passive aggressive to everybody for no reason?This. I don't know if it's the male writers who have a soft femdom kink or something when they connect the dots between "strong" and "a massive fucking cunt to everyone". I would go fucking insane dealing with Zendaya-MJ's two-dimensional character in real life, why do they think I would like to watch her in a movie and find her relatable? Pepper is literally the only relatable female MCU character, she's the only one who isn't an insufferable bitch, she's independent and intelligent but doesn't act smug about it. And now that
Tony died we're probably never going to see her again.
No. 420921
>>420919Oh my god anon I feel you. I secretly have never stopped wanting cute figures, dolls, stuffed animals, etc. and I feel like such an autist but I just love pretty and cute stuff okay? I don't know what it is about cute miniature things but they especially make my monkey brain go into overdrive. I would kill a man for Re-Ments, don't try me.
I hope one day when I'm out of uni and working a good job I can have the steady income to buy all this guilty pleasure plastic junk with no shame.
No. 420925
>>420918Well troons took it and made it about their disgusting shriveled microdicks, so now it's gross.
>>420915Jessica Jones is written pretty alright (if you count the TV shows as being in the MCU).
They're going to make a show about Hawkeye and his successor Kate Bishop. I'm worried they'll turn Kate into a bitch, because in the comics she's smart, assertive, and logical, which translates to male screenwriters as "bitch". There's also Cassie Lang, who is likely to be in future shows/movies because (spoiler) she has the same powers as Ant Man. Cassie was sensitive and passionate in the comics, which I imagine will turn into blubbering crybaby on screen.
If Cassie and Kate are appearing, we'll probably see the other Young Avengers soon. I can't wait to see how they fuck up the two gay kids on the team. Knowing the asshats at Disney, they'll probably hold hands in an out-of-focus shot for .2 seconds, then the shitty writer will go virtue signal on Twitter about what "AmAzInG RepReSeNtaTion iT iS OmG!!1!"
I'm really cynical.
No. 420965
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just watched my 17 yr old neighbor make tik tocs at 10 in the morning dancing around with a cigarette and a 40. great start to a day lel
No. 421074
>>420883Passive aggressive? She just has a dry sense of humor, like almost every single marvel male and nobody is calling them bitchy and rude.
Tony Stark is an outright asshole and everyone loves him but god forbid a female hero make sarcastic comments.
No. 421171
>>421069I usually deal with some spam calls but this was the first one I dealt with so far where she was jumbled and flustered- it took me by surprise!
I just got another call from the fraud prevention dept of a bank looking to speak to an exec, so I tried to transfer and he told me to tell them he was out of the office… Um sir, this seems serious lol. I looked up the number afterwards and it was a legitimate number too…!!
No. 421281
>>420971Literally every man is defending trannies because they have one pornsick white dude trooning out in their close friend circle and they think it'll make them woke if they'll throw women under the bus for it. Annoying.
>>421074>>421078No anons, I would absolutely hate Carol's character even if she was male. She was a bland deus ex machina Mary Sue and not allowed nearly as much emotion and character growth as Tony was given. Tony is an asshole, but his character has gone through a lot of development during his own movie trilogy and a billion MCU spinoffs. To add to it, RDJ is a ridiculously charismatic actor who simply owns the role, Brie Larson is a smug, virtue-signaling cunt. I guess the actor choice strongly affects peoples' opinions on the characters as well.
No. 421392
Fart anon again.
Last night I ate an umaibo from like 2 years ago. I know it was a stupid idea but they were in a airtight glass jar that my stupid weak self couldn't open and my dad finally opened the jar and I couldn't resist because theyre my favorite snack and for some reason the corn potage flavor isn't sold anywhere near me. It didn't make my stomach hurt or anything, but now my farts stink like hell. Even tiny farts. Fuck. Now I'm farting into my office chair hoping the poor chair will absorb my farts. I sit in a secluded area away from everyone else in my office and when people walk by they'll KNOW the smell is from me. I'm sad.
>>421386I'm sorry anon. Let's suffer together.
No. 421411
>>421392Fuck. I stand with you in solidarity.
I am on the toilet YET AGAIN. I’ve also been begged to go out to lunch with coworkers and I am terrified that I’m going to get the shits while I’m there. I feel like I’m going to be like one of those playdough things if I eat at this point. Shoveling more food in while still blowing my ass out.
No. 421450
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I got banned from a leftist YouTuber's Discord (Vaush) because he said graphic child rape can be justified in art on a stream, and I disagreed and said that it wasn't okay to use it for shock value. Someone said they think it's okay, I said they were probably a shit person if that's how they feel, and someone else got upset at me for that. They called me "triggered", and I said I'd rather be that than a pedophile. Instant ban.
Why is it always something with these YouTubers? Like, what stops someone from being able to say something as rudimentary and true as "Nazis are bad" without having to tack on some dumb shit? And why is there always a specific subset of their supporters who are braindead and don't seem capable of disagreeing with the person on anything? I'm pretty sure at this point, some of these YouTubers could say "I think some children should be raped, the trauma gives them character, and pedos also need an outlet", and some losers would be going "Uhm ackshually i agree with them on this, if you disagree you have no actual thoughts and just icky feelings ://".
The admin (his SO) was pretty clearly already pissed off at me for arguing about it at all, so I'm not too surprised or even mad about the ban. It actually felt freeing for some reason, but I actually sort of enjoyed the community until the pedo/child rape for shock value shit came out. It just disgusts me that some people think that way. I'm kind of glad that I didn't get super invested in that that place, it's clearly full of clowns.
Should've seen the signs when he was defending incels, to be honest.
No. 421453
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>>421450Can I ask what is your personal qualm with child content in art? It doesn't appear to correlate with harm of real children.>Results from the Czech Republic showed, as seen everywhere else studied (Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sweden, USA), that rape and other sex crimes have not increased following the legalization and wide availability of pornography. In addition, the study found that the incidence of child sex abuse has fallen since 1989, when child pornography became readily accessible – a phenomenon also seen in Denmark and Japan.>The research results are published online in Springer's journal Archives of Sexual Behavior.>The findings support the theory that potential sexual offenders use child pornography as a substitute for sex crimes against children. While the authors do not approve of the use of real children in the production or distribution of child pornography, they say that artificially produced materials might serve a purpose.FYI, I accept "It's disgusting" as a qualm, but not as a reason for prohibition. I'm disgusted by many, many things that I don't believe should be prohibited.
No. 421460
>>421453There is nothing wrong with depicting CSA in art as long as it's handled in a nuanced, intelligent, non-grpahic way. My qualm is with graphic child rape (this is the YTer's own phrasing) being cheapened for the sake of shock value, especially when we live in a society where it's not uncommon for child sex offenders (in the US) to offend within one year of viewing child pornography.
IIRC, in Nepal, porn websites were literally banned after there was a sudden 300% increase in rape cases over ten years. Like it or not, real life is influenced by media.
No. 421466
>>421463Oh, if you're not talking about criminalization than nevermind.
As for justifying graphic rape of children in art, there are many works which focus on historical instances of rape. These manga often center around downtrodden children forced into prostitution, "comfort girl" situations, etc. The intent is to immerse the reader in the abuse suffered by the character, rather than to coldly relate it through text. I think that's fully justifiable.
As for graphic rape for pornographic reasons, I would say its justifiability depends on whether or not it causes harm to real children. I haven't seen evidence that it does. And generally I just don't see how it's possible. The kind of person who is capable of raping a child can not be created by art.
No. 421468
>>421466You can create a piece that focuses on the topic without graphically depicting it, IMO. At a certain point, you're basically just pandering to actual pedophiles, and even veering into outright disrespect, in the worst case scenario. Everyone but a complete and total retard has at least some understanding of child rape and what it does to a person's psyche, so there's no reason to make it as graphic as possible unless you're deliberately making content
for that audience IMO. Or shock value, which, like I said, just cheapens the weight of the issue and makes a person trash if they'd defend that.
Just like you can tackle the topic of slavery and not pull punches without needing the whole thing to devolve into some bizarre BDSM torture porn, you can discuss or address CSA and make it as gritty and real as possible without needing it to devolve into a scene of graphic child rape.
>As for graphic rape for pornographic reasons, I would say its justifiability depends on whether or not it causes harm to real children. I haven't seen evidence that it does. And generally I just don't see how it's possible. The kind of person who is capable of raping a child can not be created by art.You should really read Pornland by Gail Dines. It dives into this subject far better than I could in a handful of posts on an imageboard, and it honestly changed my views on a lot of things.
No. 421472
>>421468>You can create a piece that focuses on the topic without graphically depicting it, IMO.There are many female mangaka responsible for such works who would argue otherwise. No one is reading The Cliff For Those Would Be Parents for sexual pleasure. Without the ability to freely depict whatever content she wished, it would not have been as impactful.
I think on some level your feelings on this subject are predicated on a natural, instinctive hatred of pedophiles. You do have to separate the issue of harm and ascertain it independently.
No. 421475
>>421472>female mangakaDo you have any specific examples you're talking about? Because a lot of manga that depicts CSA as a main subject is literally lolicon/shotacon, which is masturbation fodder for pedophiles. There's no way around it, so I'm not sure how it would fit here.
>No one is reading The Cliff For Those Would Be Parents for sexual pleasure. Without the ability to freely depict whatever content she wished, it would not have been as impactful.I've never read this, and couldn't find anything from searching it. I don't know the context of the scenes depicted therein, or the reception toward it, so I can't actually comment on this. Could you elaborate a little bit?
>You do have to separate the issue of harm and ascertain it independently.The thing is, though, they're interlinked.
No. 421483
>>421477I can't find scans of this manga anywhere (all download links are dead or behind paywalls) or find out about the scenes themselves to evaluate whether our definitions of "graphic" even mean the same thing, anon. There isn't even any discussion on it to be found on MAL or other sites. I really want to discuss this thoroughly, but I can't on good faith if I don't know anything about the example being discussed. Do you have any other examples that exemplify what you mean, that can easily be referenced back/forth?
>Essentially there is no way to tell this story without including graphic content. There are books and films dealing with CSA without being overly graphic, though. There are ways to touch the subject without actually depicting graphic child rape. As a writer (and this is assuming it's as graphic as possible), the mangaka definitely did not have her hands tied on this subject, she just chose that specific method.
No. 421484
>>421483There are many manga like that. Not so many are scanlated because, well, it is dark and non-recreational manga, and a lot of it focuses on domestic Japanese events that would be less emotionally relevant to foreigners.
I honestly am shocked that you didn't immediately go "oh, I agree that kind of graphic content is alright." That's what I expected when I initially brought it up. It is totally non-pornographic and has an objectively noble purpose. For you, it should be forbidden merely because it is theoretically possible that a pedophile could be aroused by it. I just can't understand that.
No. 421487
>>421484It really depends on whether we have the same definition of "graphic", I guess. Because "graphic", to me, is Soren's CP warehouse tales, not just any reference to a child being raped at all in a piece.
You might be reading a little too much into my posts.
No. 421492
>>421489They're trying to lower the rate of incels shooting places up.
In all seriousness, though, maybe you're just in an area with a higher concentration of unattractive men?
No. 421493
>>421489There is an "ELO" system for Tinder that quietly matches attractive people with attractive people. A while ago they did this big PR thing where they said they were abolishing it, except they quietly replaced it with a different (more complex) ELO algorithm. fact: the "VIP" version of tinder (given to celebrities & company friends) has locked, maxed-out ELO. Lol.
No. 421496
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>>421493>mfw I used tinder while they still heavily relied on ELO and I was intimated by all the """""hot""""" men I sawI did it guys I'm beautiful
No. 421497
>>421493Oh Christ how bleak lmao well I’ll just have to make sure I have my best pics on my profile lmao
>>421492I’m in a major city and I have seen some hot guys they’re just few and far between I really do think they’re being hidden behind a paywall smfh
No. 421598
>>421074But that's Tony's personality in the comics. He's
supposed to be a tool. Also, RDJ is a really charismatic actor, whereas Brie Larson has the charisma of stale bread. It's not a fair comparison.
America Chavez is similarly "bitchy", but she's really well-liked by fans. Her mean-ness is fun and it suits her feisty personality. Her characterization makes her bounce off of kid Loki really well, too.
Carol isn't "sassy" or "quippy" in the comics. She's serious and compassionate. You think someone who back-talks that much would've lasted in the military?
Movie-Carol is more like America Chavez personality-wise than she is like Carol Danvers. Which is a problem, because it doesn't gel with the other aspects of her character.
>>421285Charisma/being a good actor doesn't mean he's a good person, anon. It just means he's fun to watch on screen.
>>421388Agreed. It would be better to compare her to Spider-man, since he's quippy and sassy and has only been in 2 MCU movies so far.
Again though, Peter was like that in the comics. He's shy in civilian life, so when he has the anonymity of the Spidey costume, he feels free to reinvent himself.
Also, Tom Holland is a fantastic actor, easily the best to play Spidey. He manages to be sassy without being annoying, and dorky without being cringe-y.
No. 421681
>>421645Typical virtue-signaling Hollywood actor, talking about how "woke" she is and then quoting Ayn Rand.
Also everyone I've ever met who liked The Fountainhead is a massive narcissist.
>>421609It's totally possible, because a movie character is written by one person and performed by another. She's written as bitchy, but her actor is boring. It's not rocket science.
No. 421763
>>421645I was about to say that I also had a spergy Ayn Rand moment when I was younger and grew quickly out of it but I just realized Brie and I are the same age.
Welp, that's cringy.
No. 422135
File: 1560543616151.jpg (128.79 KB, 720x720, pCbcW.jpg)

I don't know what's wrong with me but I think my sense of humor stopped evolving in 2013 or something because I still secretly laugh at the same absolutely retarded tumblr shit from six years ago. I'm not over slices bed I think I have a double digit IQ
No. 422143
File: 1560544720982.png (185.36 KB, 500x281, tumblr_ocd2s2lbcV1tdpeqjo1_500…)

>>422139OK thank god I'm not the only one who thinks that's still hilarious. I'm glad I could share a laugh with you on this fine Friday evening
No. 422275
>>422261It's a line from the first Avengers movie, he's talking to Captain America.
Just a cute little bad pun.
No. 422512
File: 1560634229269.jpeg (94.4 KB, 640x640, 3A59BBE2-643D-4BC2-8624-6E92BE…)

How most lolcow s would look like if they weren’t stuck in 2009
No. 422572
File: 1560649925097.jpg (49.85 KB, 505x472, 1553800056454.jpg)

>>414168I'm in the same situation you were in. I wish i could get adderall but It's illegal where i live. Shit sucks and the closest I've been able to find is concerta (aka ritalin) but i haven't shown improvement. I'm taking all this expensive ass medications, trying my best but still not improving.
>>422566I only go on the Holly threads now for laughs and an ego boost. Bitch is so stupid and bad at drawing It's not even funny. Makes me feel good about being a hobbyist artist on hiatus and being miles ahead of her. It's also a good cautionary tale for anyone looking to make a comic in the future and wondering what NOT to do.
No. 422610
File: 1560667788322.jpg (47.48 KB, 498x750, a612b67196d4049095bff4d1ed03c8…)

Wtf did Liz Gillies do to her butt? Men are saying this is amazingly hot
No. 422674
>>422610I can't help but imagine if this exact picture was taken in the 90s, the time of skinny white girls with fashionably flat butts, and imagining how instead she would be mocked for this.
Humans are so fickle
No. 422745
>>422683almost same
Really miss drugs but seriously cant allow myself to take them anymore
No. 422926
>>422890Thank you anon!
I've turned off all notifications and badge icons and it's really helped curbed me checking my phone constantly. It's still a work in progress to keep myself from constantly manually going into the apps to check, but slowly I'm starting to forget that I have notifications turned off so I get off my phone a lot faster/easier when I see no badge notifications on my home screen.
I really feel so much happier after emptying out my instagram. It sucks that social media used to be so great for keeping in contact with friends and reconnecting with people, and I feel like has just become one big game of who lives the best life or just one big fat advertisement (via actual ads or influencers pushing shit) in recent years.
No. 422932
>>422874Social media is engineered to be addicting. They do tons of research on how to
trigger dopamine release and get you hooked on the effect. Tons of addicting things work through the same mechanism. It's completely designed to make you obsessed…
>>422926Turning off notifications and maybe even deleting some of the apps (I personally don't have Facebook's main app on my phone, just the messenger app) really helps. Like you said, not seeing the push notification on the lock screen is a huge help.
If you haven't, look into mindfulness meditation. The more you get yourself used to observing the world around you, experiencing the present, etc. the less easily bored you become. You'll also be better at things like waiting in line or in traffic. Not being able to escape the present and even learning to enjoy being alive just in a moment is a huge benefit.
Influencers and social media are extremely dangerous and can take over your life, much like narcotics or gambling. It's fine to allow yourself to dabble a bit but you have to have control over the situation. Glad you're making progress!
No. 422936
>>422932Thank you anon! I saw videos about the dopamine release thing as well as how the "drag to refresh" motion resembled gambling machines and it really made me take a step back and realize how fucked up social media was becoming. I think more than anything, I also hate feeling like a guinea pig to these people haha.
I'll definitely look into mindfulness meditation! Even just the getting better at waiting in line is convincing enough for me to start lol I'm terribly… not patient.
No. 422941
>>422936If you have an appreciation for nature, it's a good gateway to centering oneself. If I'm getting impatient I focus on the trees, random weeds that sprout out of the concrete, and birds. Maybe observe the color of the sky and how try to feel the humidity of the air, etc. Sounds around me that I tuned out as "noise" are also good. Nature in general, in all its elements, is my personal favorite way to get focused on the moment. If you do yoga, you also open up bodily awareness for a gateway. Relaxing muscles and redistributing your weight to be more balanced across your body etc.
So many options, basically.
No. 423202
>>422951I have one of the slightly older fitbit models (old charge 2)! It tells me time and has very basic "smart" functions (tracking exercising, stopwatch, tells me when someone is calling/texts (but can't pick up or reply)) and I hate it when people chastise me because it's not technically touch screen or a smart watch lol. I just need something to tell me the fucking time (and keep track of my steps, which I like because I used to have the first gen fitbit before this), not the entire internet on my wrist while I already have it in my pocket.
I considered an apple watch for a while but I decided against it because I would catch myself turning off my ipad and then immediately getting on my phone and realized how fucking awful that was, and throwing a smart watch into the mix would make things even worse for me.
No. 423286
>>423272>do they stress out 24/7 No they just lock down their boyfriends and gaslight them into thinking they don't need to go outside and be social.
Dead serious there's a guy I like who's being treated that way. Everyone thinks his girl is a huge bitch, she once called him and screamed at him for going to a dance once with our group and demanded he return home. Nobody is allowed to tag him in any group pics, esp with other women, on social media because she will see it and go psycho. Meanwhile she allows herself to go party and flirt all the time to suit herself.
Yet she's manipulated him into thinking they're so in luv uwu
It's sick.
No. 423290
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Cursed Image
No. 423428
>>423320>>423397It's annoying how anons tip them on behavior that makes them entertaining in the first place. It's not that anyone thinks they'll actually change, just that they'll jump through more hoops to conceal their behaviors which leads to less obviously milky things.
Most cows seem to graduate to greener pastures eventually anyway, we just wanna enjoy the ride.
No. 423443
>>423428They aren’t very milky if thats all it takes for them to get their shit together. Cows will be cows. It’s autistic to try to tell people what they “shouldn’t” talk about, you know how much advice pixyteri or luvmonkeys/Asherbee received from strangers and close friends? They didn’t care and continued to milk themselves.
It’s not a big deal, just something I noticed every so often that just makes me roll my eyes is all.
No. 423535
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>>423530Same anon, and my country's culture is completely balls to the wall compared to American/British culture so a lot of people wouldn't even get it. We just behave too differently. Most people who come to my country say we're really weird.
No. 423545
>>423530>>423533>>423535I can't imagine what it's like to do that, anglophone here with no experience creating videos, but I would really love to see more international content creators especially if the videos have any human interest element. It's always weird to me that the internet is international but I mostly see American content.
It's true some people struggle to understand accents, especially young viewers and Americans without a second language, but you would get better as you progressed.
Swedish Pewds managed to become one of the biggest content creators despite everything
No. 423549
>>423545Also an anglophone and I totally agree, I love watching international content creators and I don't mind accents at all. In fact I even like with watching videos spoken in their native language with English subtitles, I don't mind reading subs and I like to hear other languages but maybe I'm just weird.
I'd love to see people share their own local cultures instead of trying to Americanize everything. In general I just want to see more unique content, I don't care about Los Angeles and tropical beaches and shit. Even content creators from different parts of the US try too hard to fit the LA mold and it's so fucking boring.
No. 423563
>>423530same. everytime i try to write a video script in english i get insecure like "is my vocabulary kindergarten-tier? did i make any basic grammar mistakes that would make me look like an idiot? is my accent going to suck? what if people don't take my esl ass seriously?". i don't want to make videos in my native language because things i'm interested in aren't popular in my country, people wouldn't watch it
>>423552my native language isn't indo european too, i feel you. but from what i've seen finnish people tend to be really good at english, finland has good stats in level of english texts.
No. 423568

>>423552Don't know how many other natives would agree but I'm American and I genuinely like Finnish accents, they're kind of endearing to me. Also Finns have a great sense of humor, even if their accent is thick or whatever, what they're saying is almost always worth hearing lol
>>423563I know it's really easy to feel insecure but I think it's also good to keep in mind that when you make English content, you're not just speaking to a native English audience but also the rest of the world who are also non-natives. If you look at the comments on various popular YouTube videos SO many of them are comments like "love from [insert random country here]" or "I'm [x nationality] and I love your videos". Considering how much reach the internet has across the world I'm betting a shit load of viewers are ESL themselves and definitely willing to cut other non-natives some slack.
I guess it's easier said than done especially from my perspective as a native but I don't think anyone should let their insecurities stop them from creating content, especially when most non-natives I encounter are much better at speaking English than they give themselves credit for.
No. 423633
>>423568it's kinda relaxing to know that many english speaking people online are also esl. thanks for making me feel better anon
>>423581it's kazakh
>>423615one of my close friends is canadian. i haven't sent her a script to check before but she wouldn't be so judgmental with my dumb mistakes so that's a good idea
No. 423755
File: 1560978872548.jpg (418.29 KB, 800x600, w-800h-600-2878365.jpg)

I downloaded the sims 4 when it was free a few weeks back and have only really gotten into it in the last few days. I started modding it last night and found a bunch of stuff like this. What is wrong with these people? Why are they sticking the heads of adult women onto the bodies of toddlers and calling it cute?? It seems like it's women doing this too. ick.
No. 423762
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Has anyone heard of LOL surprise dolls? They’ve always set off my pedo alarm bells and seem creepy as fuck, but now they are coming out with an “omg” version, pic related, on really … thicc bodies. I can’t decide if it’s worse or better
No. 423849
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>>423762holy shit yes I bought one as a joke gift and it was so disturbing opening it up. Somewhere in the world these dolls are definitely covered in pedo jizz. Like some of them are in straight up fishnets and lingerie.
No. 423851
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sometimes i have to wonder how the fuck people find this site.
No. 423854
File: 1560998743874.png (1.66 MB, 1317x497, wtf.PNG)

>>423849Thank you guys for posting these. I was like two seconds from buying some cute squishies by this company because they were on sale, but I definitely wouldn't have if I knew they were making these. This is a profoundly sick society.
In the same vein, there's a unicorn poop doll thing (it poops slime, I can't even believe this toy is so popular, it's like $50 for a 'sexy' pooping baby unicorn), but it's all fucked up. They're trying to make a sexy baby unicorn. Parents are really buying this for their kids. Companies with boards of directors are actually approving these toys. Children's networks are approving this item to advertise. How is this real life?
Is this the horrifying work of a deviant art misfit that unfortunately was allowed into the toy business? A 'sexy' pooping unicorn baby. This has to be some brony's brainchild.
No. 423866
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>>423854Oopsie Starlight's mouth is giving me SBAHJ
No. 423870
>>423843>>423849I adore bratz dolls and like, at first I loved LOL dolls, the normal ones are cute to me, but god.. then you get to the ones that are supposed to be 'sexy'… it's so uncomfortable. I like the pet ones though.
>>423854But this is downright horrid.
No. 423877
File: 1561008642870.jpeg (413.14 KB, 640x1050, EEEAE94D-501B-40B9-A8CD-CC21BA…)

every time i see the alt cows thread in snow being bumped it’s like a 50-50 shot that it’ll be a screenshot of someone’s instagram story, or a full fucking novel written by the ultimate nOt LiKe othEr GiRLs, TrUe GoTh anons in the thread. sometimes i wonder if they know how ridiculous this shit sounds to people who aren’t maladjusted enough to invest their whole identity in a style.
No. 423887
>>423879>yeah I meow at my cat sometimes fuck you!!What kinda soulless bastard doesn't meow at their cat on occasion? It's super cute.
For my own cute cat story - mine rarely sleeps with me but he did the other night, he purred the whole time even though he's not a big purrer and he slept by my side under my arm. When I got up to pee he followed me to the toilet and back to bed. I'd been away for a couple of weeks so I think he missed me aww.
No. 423889
>>423877this is basically why i hate the art salt threads too amongst a few others, tends to be teeming with other edgy artists/weebs. pathetic
threads like those STAY hidden for a good reason
No. 423911
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>>423877>>423889Agreed on both the Alt Cows and the art threads. The artfags here think all art but their's is crap, and the gothfags here think that everyone but them is a poser.
The redline art thread is particularly bad. The point of the thread was to critique cows' art, but it quickly devolved into infighting, and continues to be mostly arguing. The hideous art thread in /m/ is the only art thread that isn't a giant pile of one-upsmanship.
I've seen goths call other goths posers for the most retarded reasons. What benefit is there to "posing" as a fucking goth in 2019, when it's not even remotely cool? Is it really that hard to believe that some people just like dressing that way? A cow being a "poser" is not milk, ffs.
The same problem is also the case with anime and manga threads, to a lesser extent. Lots of slapfights where people call eachother fujoshis and weeaboos, when literally everyone in there is a fujoshi and/or weeaboo lmao
No. 423974
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Why do things like Tifa's boob size and Nessa's skin color matter?
Why do people care about these things when there are clearly more pressing issues? We are all truly doomed as a species.
No. 423984
File: 1561038929928.png (238.81 KB, 632x645, a bad idea.PNG)

I saw this shit on twitter and it made me so upset. I just got out of the job hunting grind (temporarily, my work right now is on a 10 month long temp basis- better than nothing), and it was an absolutely awful time. I wasn't even in it for that long, but it's so soul crushing and makes you start to question yourself and a lot of people inevitably fall into depression when it goes on for too long. I feel like people who are working hard to job hunt are so vulnerable, and to do a prank show on them? Are you fucking kidding me?
Maybe I'm just being too uptight, but I'd absolutely lose it if I thought I finally found a job only for it to turn out TO BE A SHITTY PRANK. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
No. 423986
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>>423854Poopsie, LOL, and bratz are all from the same company. Brats bother me much less than the other two.
Maybe not as creepy, but pic related (from a different company) give me furry vibes
No. 424022
File: 1561043517704.jpg (27.87 KB, 639x359, aggretsuko2-144x144-406_0-1151…)

Aggretsuko is the first show I've binge-watched to completion in a long time. The last few years I have found it difficult to watch anything, really. My mind races and I can't concentrate.
I found the show very wholesome, endearing, and relatable… especially because I watched it in my own office, lol. It made me feel something I haven't felt in awhile. Can't really describe it though.
I am depressed because I've finished it.
No. 424040
>>423877>>423911Lmfao I love the alt thread for these posts specifically. Its like I've been transported to 2007 and nu-goths are gatekeeping their subculture with their "What kind of dragon are you?" Quizilla results on their profile.
I've read about/dabbled in different subcultures over time and its ridiculous how much drama each one stirs up within their niche and how the world outside of it still spins. There are like 5 layers of understanding to every community's drama that real life doesnt care about. Goths, lolitas, sex workers, media fandoms, soundcloud rappers, etc. any community that can thrive on the internet. The drama is laughable because it just has no bearing on the normie life we go back to every day.
No. 424054
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>>423762I remember seeing these on before they appeared in the west. The Japanese adverts featured a fat man in a dress. There's definitely something disturbing about it.
No. 424057
File: 1561048508207.png (3.56 MB, 1764x1212, nw.png)

>>424054That looks like Naomi Watanabe, anon. She's not a man, she's a plus-sized model/TV personality.
No. 424100
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I wanna rewatch chernobyl so bad rn
No. 424126
>>423986Lmfao, this is an abomination. What really freaks me out is that the bodies don't even match the face. Literally just BJD bodies.
>>423983It's good, but "Your Love Is My Drug" is her best song. Animal was a great album. Like, not actually, but it was a really fun one with great drunk replay value.
No. 424139
I've been so horny for the majority of my life, ever since I was a small child (really weird and fucked up looking back on it, may or may not stem from childhood rape but I don't really have any trauma from it). Sex was constantly on my mind, I always wanted to masturbate, I was always thinking about sexual encounters and shit like that. Then suddenly, a few months ago, I stopped being so fucking horny all the time. I'm not repulsed by sex now, but I don't really care for it, I don't really want or need it.
But now there feels like there's a weird disconnect inside of my head. The old constant sexual thoughts are still there, but now it's inside of a brain that doesn't care. It's weird. I know I can just stop thinking them but it's like I have to take an extra step and catch myself and tell myself "no, I don't care about that anymore" or "no, I actually don't want to masturbate right now." It's so fucking weird.
No. 424154
File: 1561069394775.png (148.69 KB, 500x640, the-early-2000s-popular-girl-i…)

>body fantasys perfume
>flavored lipgloss
>colorful victorias secret
>movie dates with chad
>prom and homecoming
>going to the mall with friends
>going home and gossiping with friends while eating little ceasers and drinking coca cola while doing facials and curling hair
>putting makeup on each other and styling each other at the mall
>watching simple life on MTV
>blasting top hits pop music in your honda while singing with your friends
why do I keep missing the 2000s? everything was more simple, socialization was more simple, people actually enjoyed going out and not moping at in their rooms, no one cared about not trying to be basic
No. 424158
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>>424154I loved early 2000s jeans. They were the greatest. Does anyone remember this dessert skincare line from Bath & Body Works? It was absolutely disgusting and I have no idea why I liked this shit but I'd buy it again for the nostalgia.
No. 424169
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>>424154>>424158I'm absolutely craving the smell of the coconut lotion from this line. Would buy most if not all of these products for nostalgia's sake.
No. 424170
File: 1561071649713.gif (485.94 KB, 177x177, tumblr_niaum9cvDT1qejm2wo3_r1_…)

>>424154> no one cared about not trying to be basicWhat are you talking about? The entire focus of counterculture was just tearing down girls that enjoyed trends by calling them clones
>>424100Top quality memes from a top quality show
I'm not excited for all the lower quality disaster shows that other production companies will scramble to put out now
No. 424207
>>424175Lol what? Literally half of every school is emo/goth in the 2000s. The other half are Paris Hilton wannabes who just grew tits but were always trying to out-skank each other.
The preppy Jesus loving normals were the minority. And I’m from the south lmao social media existed in the 2000s and cyber bullying and bullying in general was totally acceptable . Maybe you just lived in a really nice conservative suburb. Reality is, youth culture today is wholesome compared to all that bullshit.
No. 424209
File: 1561078390240.png (165.79 KB, 448x387, 1527884936145.png)

>>424158im going to be so depressed once low waisted jeans come into fashion. they are so ugly and even make models and actresses look bad
No. 424233
>>421027pretty sure stomach acid would kill the sperm immediately
>>421033bacteria aren't animals lol and they don't mate, they reproduce asexually
No. 424252
>>424232Different body types
I’m an hourglass and anything other than high waisted jeans/pants looks absolutely abysmal on me, it often won’t even fit unless I upsize a huge amount because of my hips and ass. I don’t go for true jeans, never 100% cotton - always make sure that there’s a bit of elastic in them so they hug my hips just right but aren’t baggy around my waist. Maybe this would also fix your problem? If it weren’t for stretchy materials I’d probably have to get all my stuff tailored
No. 424264
>>424154Is that a pregnancy test above the MTV logo?
>>424221Wear a thong and do the "whale tail" look lmfao
No. 424377
File: 1561120934680.jpg (105.18 KB, 780x438, things-you-dont-know-about-mar…)

This is Mary Kate Olsen and her husband. Thoughts?
>>424252>>424240I was more asking about the type of high waisted casual 90s jeans, not the thotty skinny leg but high waisted stuff. I havent tried those type of high waisted jeans because I don't like the look. I really like the 90s jeans but they add bulk to my midsection.
No. 424382
>>424377She looks like an anxious dog, down to the whale eyes.
Definitely something "off".
No. 424396
Dumb story time.
There was this relatively attractive fuckboy on Okcupid (which I was misguidedly on to make friends, lmaooo) who was extremely neg-y and ultimately didn't even meet up with me IRL. That's cool, hurts my ego to be stood up but I wasn't even looking to date so no harm done really.
Years later, he messages me on League of Legends, I guess we gamed a bit back in the day. He tells me he saw me today with an "ugly dude" and also proceeded to describe what I was wearing. I was extremely creeped out bc I was unaware, just in a public space on a date and this guy that has only seen a few pictures of me years ago not only recognized me but also had the nerve to harass me about how ugly my date was???? My hair was different, I had changed my entire wardrobe etc since he had seen those few pictures of me… I talked a tiny bit, mostly scared that maybe he was stalking me, but ended up blocking him bc he kept on negging me about my date and my shoes, for some reason.
Months pass and I get a Facebook request from him and it's a profile with like… 20 friends or something. I didn't accept the request and just kinda ignored it for a long time.
Years passed now, and I'm still not sure what his deal was. He never seemed to want to date me and I was looking for friends anyway so I thought that was fine. He got too rude with me, tried to put me down too much and was trying to weirdly ghost me so I stopped talking. Then he goes and does this creepy shit so long after our last interaction. Idk y'all.
No. 424444
File: 1561136381464.gif (58.02 KB, 220x311, dance witch.gif)

Me listening to Black Dresses and Nero's Day at Disneyland/Lauren Bousfield, but with radical feminism and misandry in my heart
No. 424469
>>424444 (checked)
I really wish posters like you would go the fuck back to radfem tumblr. Just because we hate men and trannies too doesn't mean anyone wants you chodes here.
No. 424483
>>424481NTA, but I don't even think you're a pick-me. Typically, it's trannies that would get so
triggered by such an inoffensive post. Must be the BPD and narcissism in full swing.
No. 424487
>>424482Except Tumblr is home to liberal feminists and troons who hate TERFs.
Maybe you should go back there, it's clear you're missing your home.
No. 424488
>>424483why can't radfems on this site just accept that some of us aren't radfems and don't like them? you'd think one would act less mentally unstable.
also i'm CG so sorry again for letting you down.
No. 424491
File: 1561141990241.jpg (41.45 KB, 500x324, teaparty1.jpg)

>>424476Anon probably got
triggered because your animated witch didn't look anime enough.
No. 424496
>>424491I like how you can tell it's the same person sperging out by the fact that they're responding multiple times and don't know sage. They also don't know how to spell GC for some reason.
Somehon's hormones are making them rather mangry today.
No. 424500
>>424496Nope, still not samefagging and still not a man. I like how you got so fucking
triggered about someone making fun of your shitty post that you immediately chimped and started calling everyone a man/pick me.
No. 424507
>>424502what is it with
people on this site not accepting that there are other opinions and then accusing everyone of being men?
i'd say go to tumblr or c.c if you want an echochamber but they won't accept you there either.
No. 424509
>>424502Anger at the feeemales doing something they don't like, like talking together without male interruption.
>>424505What is sage?
No. 424529
>>424523what's so evil about radfems then
idk what he has recently but taemin genuinely looks better with black hair than blonde damn
No. 424532
File: 1561145210643.jpg (143.25 KB, 941x1390, isabella-queen-of-edward-ii-13…)

Witches and their hats are cool and all but this is a fashion that should come back in style.
No. 424533
File: 1561145497832.jpg (346.41 KB, 404x482, 1410.jpg)

>>424532If I lived in the 1400's I'd totally want to rock the devil horns look.
No. 424536
>>424529NTA but i think radfems are stupid, not necessarily evil. they're extremist and work on ideals and in reality those ideals and extremism become a detriment to women's rights. the lack of women's rights starts at the top, it's merely perpetuated by men at the bottom. to act like ignorant people are your enemies, rather than trying to utilize them is insane.
it's the same with libfems, instead of trying to utilize men's ignorance, they baby them and cater to them more.
No. 424541
>>424490Trans Exclusionary
Radical FeministIt's right there in the fucking acronym.
No. 424542
File: 1561146261673.webm (5.53 MB, 1280x720, 1134186716988870656.webm)

>>424529They're not ~evil~ they just tend to be very annoying pushovers who suck at getting their points across. And their jokes are lame. They should stay on tumblr and reddit.
But neways, Taemin has always looked better with dark colors. He has a meh teal dye job rignt now but his outfits on this arena tour are more than making up for it. Here's a superior fancam I couldn't find on youtube.
No. 424556
>>424537Because the ladies with cooler clothes have higher rank.
It was common to draw important people larger and vice versa.
No. 424563
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Why is everyone so tense today?
No. 424564
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I'd be okay with video games and media sexualizing women if they'd sexualize men at the same levels too. Where are the shirtless men in booty shorts? Give me a butler outfit that's all ripped up or some shit.
No. 424569
>>424563it's summer.
happy solstice btw.
No. 424615
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i watched many videos of his, is he a troll with top notch acting skills or a legit retarded incel? i still have no fucking idea.
sometimes i almost have a dumb crush on him thinking "well maybe he is some kind of genius clickbaiter and is actually a nice person" and shit. idk this bitch is confusing
No. 424645
>>424615He's just a horrible person and a shitty incel.
I personally avoid his videos because his personality just pisses me off too much.
No. 424690
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No. 424781
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A guy I know troon'd out and now he looks so much like Riley J. Penis (Dennis) that it's seriously creeping me out. He has that same weird gaze in his eyes and face shape.
No. 424890
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Some more terrifying sims cc I had to share.
No. 424899
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>>424890Neo genderbend virgin mary and jesus.
No. 424908
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I really like bug fights, but i feel bad for the bugs.
No. 424925
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idk who this dude is, but I saw this pic in a /w/ thread and I fell in love with his body
I thirstily looked up a face pic, and that was a mistake.
No. 424931
>>424921what's the track? I feel like this about records and songs I really like (movies, books etc too).
Recently I was overwhelmed with how perfect Tears by Health is in my opinion.
No. 424933
>>424930lol, teary anon gets so many questions. i'm
>>424931 and he mainly cries listening to orchestra music, whatever it's called in english. also the soundtrack to LOTR but I think the attachment to the movies and books also factors.
No. 424953
>>424931's not that sad out of context but it plays in an area you go to after you die, like an afterlife/revival place, so that added to it. i started thinking about death i guess
>>424930i usually get quiet in tense situations and my confrontation tends to come later after i've sorted out what i want to say, because ignoring conflict makes me feel anxious. i don't like talking about my feelings but i've been trying to do it more. i feel embarrassed, childish and weak if something is bringing me down, which is pretty dumb but like i said i've been working on talking about how i feel more
No. 424974
Fuck's sake I'm waiting for a model kit to finally release this month so I can ship it with everything else I bought from HLJ which is already available and ready to go. IT SAID JUNE RELEASE HURRY UP REEEEE
>>424921Me too anon, but I embrace it (and healthily, I think). Like don't be embarrassed, if it's a complex piece of creativity I assume the creator would
want to inspire emotions in you because you're empathising with their art, their message
which is a major goal of mine in a serious story I'm developing, of course I want my audience to care. I don't get majorly obsessed over pieces of fiction like they're core to my identity but I am attached to certain songs and such for listening to them at certain times in my life or the words are just very beautiful and sophisticated.
I see fiction as an elaborate way humans try to understand themselves. At least, the good shit lol.
No. 424979
>>424953thanks for the answer anon ! you do sound a lot like him (needing time to know what it is you want to say if there is conflict + feeling like you have to be okay all the time). is there something you wish people close to you would do or understand in tense situations or even in general ?
by the way, good on you for the opening up about feelings, that shit is hard.
No. 424994
>>424984yet her hypocrite ass is still trying to be her after years.
i thought the boxxy is our queen song was kinda gay but i was probably made to attract other weirdos who were obsessed with boxxy.
No. 425067
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Currently watching Bungou Stray Dogs Season 2 and man I love it so much.. the ending and opening themes are so pretty.
No. 425195
>>425130I love the 2000s because it was my childhood, but also because there was less pressure for perfection. tweens weren't expected to have perfectly threaded and filled in eyebrows, but we had glittery eyeshadow, lip smackers and stick on earrings, which were fun.
our rooms looked like actual rooms with posters and knick knacks when now teenage rooms look like IKEA commercials.
people had to code their own pages or at least write or draw their own content on LJ or DA, and I feel like you were on the web for a purpose, often to participate in creativity in a community with known usernames (pixel dolls anyone ?) which fb pages don't really do. by the way, having to hang up the phone to go online and waiting fo pictures to load made the web that more precious as opposed to now where you can google anything at anytime on your phone. the internet was a wayyy happier place before it became a monetised abyssal clickhole. also no crazy trans activists / MRAs / vloggers.
the 2010's feel so pretentious and contrived with sjws scrunching up their noses at people, liking things "ironically", instathots (vintage thots like kiki at least dressed in an unusual, "counter-culture" way whereas insta celebrities just look like blow up dolls). the 2000s seem way comfier - neopets, gel pens, tattoo chokers and fantasy.
my younger sibling is a child of the 2010's and I don't envy him one bit.
No. 425196
>>425053I've watched some of her videos, I don't think she's lying. Like
>>425079 said, she can see light to a degree and I'm guessing when she films she uses the ring lights to tell where the camera is. Also if you look closely at her eyes you can see them shake (nystagmus), which would be near impossible to fake unless you're actually vision impaired.
No. 425197
>>425195You sound like you have intense nostalgia vision. The overly sexualized tweens and teens on your ig explore page definitely aren’t the norm. What do teens’ preferred bedrooms have to do with anything? There are still tons of alternative teens you know.
Yes the TRA shit is a downgrade but youths are more body-positive than ever and more politically and socially and environmentally aware than ever. 2000s society was so fucking trashy, 1000x more misogynistic, homophobic, racist and full of pedo grooming shit.
Sure a lot of girls want to be bimbo blow up dolls now but a lot of girls wanted to be anorexic coke whores then too. Surprise, societal pressure on women has been a thing all along.
Are you seriously saying that the internet was a happier place in the 2000s?? It gave birth to places like 4chan ffs, it was soooo easy to find cp/illegal shit. The most popular memes were tasteless shock pics. Bullying someone to suicide was socially acceptable. The internet may be corporate hell now, but it’s more sterile and “safe” than ever.
“neopets, gel pens, tattoo chokers and fantasy” still exist today. God people like you make me roll my eyes so hard like no it wasn’t better, you were just sheltered as shit.
No. 425209
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>>425197i do have nostalgia goggles on and I WAS sheltered, like I said I was a child in the 2000's. i think we can agree to disagree, I don't deny cocaine chic was the aesthetic back then but I feel teens had more time to be teens rather than look and act 25 right away. the bedroom thing is just a symptom of superficial culture - teens' rooms now don't have to be comfortable and "you" but a nice minimalist bg for selfies. the internet had a shitty side, but the fact that it was less regulated and monetised made it more genuine and enjoyable for the parts that were good (and for cyberbullying - see Tyler's tweet). I have to add in materiality - having printed pictures, flipping through magazines, having your movies on dvd.
what I agree with you on is environmental awareness by ppl, but even then many people are woke for likes and there's this whole greenwashing scheme by companies. I would argue new internet also is less eco-friendly by firing up servers like never before (streaming sites and clouds that replace hard drives are an example, as well as increasingly heavy and numerous webpages and using google all day everywhere).
No. 425279
>>425195>I love the 2000s because it was my childhood, but also because there was less pressure for perfection. tweens weren't expected to have perfectly threaded and filled in eyebrows, but we had glittery eyeshadow, lip smackers and stick on earrings, which were fun.I feel you anon. I miss thinking I look good with dollar store makeup and tacky accessories, now one can't help to bend to the 20 step Skin care regime, "This foundation was only 50 bucks" craze.
What I personally also miss is that people were more active and spent more time outside. It's horrible how often I come across adults, sometimes young parents, sometimes people who are already in their 50s, who all stare into their smartphones instead of actually interacting and talking with their kids, friends, etc.
>>425197Those kids might not be the norm, but you can't go anywhere without getting them, their style and their lifestlye pushed onto you. Maybe not for our age group, but amongst younger girls there are definitely many who try their very best to emulate the Kardashians (I see this even as a non-American).
>youths are more body-positive than ever and more politically and socially and environmentally aware than ever. 2000s society was so fucking trashy, 1000x more misogynistic, homophobic, racist and full of pedo grooming shit.>Sure a lot of girls want to be bimbo blow up dolls now but a lot of girls wanted to be anorexic coke whores then too.The trend of body positivity hasn't reached outside of the US yet (and maybe never will).
Being skinny is a lot easier to achieve for your average teen girl than growing a gigantic ass, tits while maintaining abs. As a white girl "thin" is what most of my friends and I looked like naturally.
And were you aware of politics etc as a kid? I wasn't, therefore those things you listed didn't bother or influence me at all. Same for 4chan, even if you weren't completely "normie", as an average kid you didn't not come across these things. Of course from an adult's point of view those things are horrible, but a child/teen either doesn't know, understand or just couldn't care less.
The world did not suddenly turn into a better place anon, all those things you listed more or less still exist. In fact I'm actually quite sure that livestreaming and sharing videos of beheadings etc is a rather new thing.
But maybe you just had a very different upbringing than most of us.
I study teaching, and (at least in my country) there's the trend of confronting children at an Always earlier and earlier age with the evils of this world, e.g. they want us to show shock images to 6-year-olds because they want them to understand that we as humans are destroying earth. Children nowadays have no choice but to see horrible things, 4chan being less bad than 10 years ago doesn't change that.
Same for porn, it gets easier and easier accessible.
Nowadays parents hand iphones to kindergarteners, back then adults saw the internet as a scary place and limited your access to it. The only thing I did was chat with friends from school and look for fashion pics. And even those were made by average young women and not by an instathot/youtuber who hires people to perfectly photoshop every tiny detail about her.
No. 425367
>>425352Looks like we got the ultimate Lil Nas x or whatsoever fan here. Everyone bow down and make some place before she tells you to fuck yourself too.
All jokes aside, have you considered not being retarded?
No. 425377
>>425367Looks like we got the ultimate mudslime or whatever here. Everyone bow down before he starts shooting.
All jokes aside, have you ever converting to a religion that isn't vile or not being an entitled prick?
I'm not a fan and I think the stupid cowboy song is annoying but come on now.
No. 425410
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Someone is playing twinkle twinkle little star on their tuba at 9pm… are you fucking serious?!