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No. 389948
Not trying to vent? Not annoyed? Not asking a dumb question? Post it here.
Previous threads :
>>322192>>363779 No. 389950
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There's this person I used to follow on Tumblr who posted/reblogged a lot of Japanese food pictures and was some sort of YouTuber (don't really remember what she posted).
She had some sort of /r9k/ orbiter problem where they kept harassing her, so she ended up deleting everything. I found a thread about her new blog after visiting the board for the first time in weeks, so I checked it out of curiosity, thought it was aesthetically pleasing, decided to follow and reblogged two posts.
The next day, I found out she softblocked me and changed her URL. I kinda feel bad, I hope she didn't think I was an orbiter and freak out or anything.
No. 390019
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I miss Sweet Guy. I feel like it was finished earlier because of the artist's illness, which is justified, but still kind of a bummer.
I know it was just dumb porn, but it was kinda sweet and funny. And the art was gorgeous.
No. 390065
My ex watched a lot of porn and only said something vague about getting off to unrealistic things when I asked what his kinks were, and also was vehemently against male dogs bc their dicks freaked him out. I know these are unrelated facts, but I'm high and my brain says otherwise. Just needed to get that out.
>>390053They probably think you're a bot.
No. 390132
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I'm not into hip-hop, and I don't even like her music, but I find Saweetie really cute. She has a very "snobby but lovable" persona. It reminds me of Paris Hilton in her heyday.
I'm not sure whether I want to be like her, befriend her or date her.
No. 390247
>>390246lmao anon.
Are you ok? Something happened?
No. 390486
I think farmers are way too hard on themselves and others. I also could not give two shits if someone has nasolabial folds or saggy boobs, that’s not something they can control for fuck’s sake. Give me a real reason to hate someone.
>>390163Quality post, happy for you anon!
No. 390500
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What is it with meth addicts and Satan?
No. 390507
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okay gyns…need your opinions.
Do you also loose interest or get extremly suspicious if someone you like likes you back?
>meet guy on tinder
>cute, 7/10, smart etc
>he texts me every two weeks for 4 months but i'm always unable to meet due to personnal reasons
>finally meet him
>mfw he's a 9/10 hottie irl, super funny and charming
>we go out with some friends of mine
>he's super into me
>I'm a chubby average-faced chick, he could score so much better than me
>he has some flaws but nothing that a way hotter chick than me wouldnt disregard
>something must be wrong with him for him to be this much into me
Its obviously low-self esteem and internalized mysoginy speaking but also…maybe there is something wrong with him? He objectivly could score a much more charming and better looking girl than me. He kept texting me even though I wasnt free for 4 months. Now he likes me a lot??
No. 390514
>>389950You most certainly weren't the only one coming from /r9k/ who started following her after she got posted there. She probably did that to anyone who followed her and looked out of the ordinary, especially when they reblogged posts.
Because you genuinely liked her aesthetic you reacted on impulse but in a difficult moment for her and she interpreted you as someone potentially threatening. Maybe she just doesn't want anyone coming from /r9k/ to follow her out of principle or precaution. Which is understandable if you have been harassed by incels.
No. 390522
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2018 should've been the year of evangelion, not that many people were wearing the sick kaworu fits back in 2015 but it's like the softboi uniform rn.
No. 390523
>>390507He could have a thing for chubby girls, or he thinks average women are less likely to cheat on him/treat him as disposable or will worship him (gross, I know). Or maybe he's 1 in a million and actually likes your personality. I say don't put the entirety of your trust in him, but don't push him away either.
Also iktf, although even with men who are """objectively""" lower in """smv""" than me (I have weird tastes and find em cute, but they conventionally are not). Even if I make the first move.
Anyone liking me or acknowledging my existence continues to be painful even if I want them to. Fucking useless.
No. 390524
>>390507I wouldn't think too much about it if you're not looking for an LTR; just enjoy your time together.
I'm a plain Jane twig who gets rated a 6/7 on /soc/ and some really gorgeous guy spent months talking to me, who I thought was a solid 10. Of course, I got ghosted (…lmao), but it was nice while it lasted. Might as well just take things as the come, anon. For all you know, he could be plain to most women, but gorgeous to you. Or you could rate yourself lowly, and be much more objectively attractive than you think. It shouldn't matter either way though.
No. 390535
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Any time I express a desire to get married people are just like "anon it doesn't mean anything, it's an outdated construct, it's just a piece of paper" etc. I know that! But my monkey brain still wants to get married and "belong" to someone. (Plus tax benefits.)
No. 390543
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This place has messed me up
>look at how graduation picture turned out
>nasiolabia folds???
>google it
>this must be it
>worry and think about skincare excessively for a week
>today, google "woman smiling"
>realise the difference
>realise everyone has smile lines
I am borderline retarded
No. 390545
>>390535Same. It's just nice to know there's someone you can always come home to, and know your partner loved you enough to want you in the same way (ie want to come home to you for the rest of their life as well). There's something about that bond that just transcends all else; it's just a shame not many people see it that way anymore. I'm not into dating culture. I don't want a partner if it only entails sex and someone to go to activities with, and then move on when it is no longer loaded with hormonal highs. I want an adopted family member, something that mimics the bond with our parents, someone we trust each other to tell everything to, without fear they will ever sever ties. I want a love that is for life, as long as it remains healthy (non-
abusive/violent)), even when the sparks don't fly.
No. 390564
>>390543I almost never smile in pics thanks to smile lines
have chubby ish cheeks and they emphasize my smile lines, looks like I have fucking folds there and they're only fucking smile lines
ugh they're so ugly and they make my candids look hideous
it's probably my exposure to excessive shoop and flakes that's made me feel this way, it wasn't something I used to fret over
No. 390590
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>>390578wow thank you anon.
No. 390594
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So we found out someone in my husband’s extended family (his cousin and his cousin’s gf) who have been dating the past 3.5 years have been lying about her age the whole time. They told everyone she was born in 1996, until last month when they told everyone she was actually born in 2000!!
And they had a baby last summer (2018), making her pregnant at 17–when they told everyone she was like 21-22.
Worst part is he was born in 1992, and like I said, they’ve been together 3.5 years.
This is some dumb ass shit I thought I'd share cuz god damn, were we ever bamboozled.
No. 390600
>>390598Yes. He was aware.
And yes, I agree wholeheartedly.
No. 390644
>>390634Yeah, I grow hair near my bungus too, but not nearly enough for me to put a razor near it
Jesus the things you guys get ass blasted over, why do the slightest things set people off here.
No. 390645
>>390564I always felt ugly when smiling normally in photos until I started to do the big ass fuckin open-mouthed smile.
Like hey not sure how you look right now? Oversmile, slant your smile, close your eyes on purpose to make room for your smile. People will know that youre exaggerating and they'll see a lot of face lines. But they'll know that all those face lines are because you're being silly, and that you're making all those squinty wrinkles on purpose, and that you're being overly expressive. Plus it feels good. Win-win. Its a competition to see who can have the most insane nasolabial folds, and you're in it to win.
No. 390702
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this is /pt/-tan's sister /ot/-tan!
No. 390755
>>390507One of the most stunning girls I know (fit, 9/10 face, tall, amazing body, talented, a nice personality) is in a LTR with a girl who physically wise is… just the opposite. 6/10 face on a good day with makeup on, frumpy, doesn't know what the gym is, many days can't even be bothered to brush her hair. And yet their relationship is strong and they love each other. Girl 1 could have any woman she wants, but she chose her, and she finds her beautiful.
So, don't think about it. Perhaps you're actually better looking than you think, perhaps he's not as stunning as you think, perhaps he likes unconventionally attractive women, perhaps he doesn't care about those "way hotter chicks" because your personalities align so well he found out what he's looking for. It could be anything, but what matters is that he likes you and you like him. Sure looks play an important role in attraction, but relationships are based on so much more.
No. 391013
>>391002No one really believes people who say they "accidentally took something without paying for it". LP/security is trained to be suspicious of people and rarely give the benefit of the doubt. At least the ones I work with are that way.
>>391010Just saying if your LP/security is anything like my store's, they have "hidden" cameras even in employee only areas. I would do your best to return the stuff but just know even if they don't have the footage of you taking it out of the store, they might end up with footage of you bringing unpurchased merchandise back into a store and sneaking it back onto the shelf kinda speaks for itself. But you know your store's culture better than anyone else, if security is lazy and only checks cameras when they need to then you might be fine. Maybe consider not working in retail if you can't help yourself from shoplifting.
No. 391144
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I must be deprived, ovulating or developing a new kink (most likely all three), because I got into Far Cry 5 recently and some of the cutscenes are making me so unbearably horny, it's almost embarrassing. For the past week, at least five times a day I've been thinking about getting spitroasted by the cult guys. The Horny Police needs to lock me the fuck up ASAP.
No. 391266
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The Ayuwoki meme cracks me up. I've just spent one hour watching dumb videos related to this meme, mostly of guys doing scare-pranks dressed up as him. All videos were in Spanish (it's not my first language but I understand it most times) which somehow enhanced the comedic effect.
No. 391325
>>391301No actually quite the opposite, I have always had a very active brain and lots of vivid memories from very, very early on.
I lived though a war as a little kid and had debilitating panic attacks later on so it's actually a pretty shit deal.
No. 391326
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>>391301No, but I had an issue with thinking other people were fake/I was the only person truly conscious. Yeah, I know, bad sign. Grew out of it when I was like 10 or so but I spent the majority of my early childhood believing other people were just “tests from God”
No. 391331
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This BuzzFeed dude just gives me slimegirls vibes. I'd be unsurprised if he was a creep.
No. 391450
>>391448I don't know how it was approved! I'm not sure if we have an ethics board (small european country) but I know for sure the director approved it. Our country is pretty lax on drugs but I'm still sure the authorities wouldnt be okay with students taking drugs as part of their curriculum.
Yes, students are allowed to drop out but… I already know 3 people who plan on doing it and
really shouldnt because of their current mental state.
What shocks me even more is that its planned to happen on May 10th which is the week before our theory exams and a month before our Grand Jury thing.
No. 391470
>>391288It's the kind of dumb humor you laugh at when you're high, but here you go.
Hispanic Youtube is a wild ride
No. 391661
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it’s pathetic but my bf and I have been together for 3 years, lived together for 2, and sometimes I just worry that he might not be attracted to me anymore and I’m overly paranoid because of horror stories from other people. he has absolutely never done anything to make me think otherwise but I’m an insecure person naturally and beat myself up a lot
the last few weeks he’s been super touchy and loving, it’s really nice (I have a feeling he’s gonna propose soon, woo) and today I was looking up at him and smiling thinking how happy I was to be home from work spending time with him. he was looking into my eyes and I was looking into his for like 30 seconds and then he got all embarrassed and said he got a boner
we both laughed but idk it felt really good and warmed my heart. like yeah he got a boner big deal but it’s different when a guy gets a boner looking at your naked body or something but we were just staring at each other not really touching or anything
ok I’ll stop writing now I know I’m pathetic haha
No. 391666
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>>391301On the contrary, I have a very clear memory of when I was four and I thought about what it is like to be dead. Not in an edgy way, I was just was like "i will close my eyes, hold my breath and block my ears". And I did. When I finally was out of breath I came to the conclusion that "dying is actually very boring and I am glad that I am alive" kek (I don't remember what I went to do afterwards, though)
non related pic.
No. 391684
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>>391661That’s not pathetic anon, it’s reassuring to know that the person you love is still attracted to you, even if you’re finding that out a little crudely. I understand and I’m happy for you, from one overly paranoid anon to another.
No. 391709
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That new thread in snow about monkey haters I am intrigued but I can’t handle another zoosadism thread
No. 391714
>>391709I first heard about through YouTube, really disturbing shit.
people who derive gratification from watching animals get abused are disgusting.
monkeys aren't the nicest creatures on the face of the earth but they sure as hell don't deserve to be tortured either
No. 391716
>>391711Depression and adhd are often comorbid, especially in women. Go to a psych, explain your treatment history with both. There are other treatments for adhd if Ritalin and adderall both really mess you up.
You probably need to be treated properly for both at the same time. Best of luck, anon.
My family doesn't really believe in (adult especially) adhd either and made me stop taking meds, and it sucked; it really helped me keep my shit together. Then they berated me when I was sad and unfocused constantly lol
No. 391717
>>391711I have a friend with ADHD who explained this to me, something to do with your emotion levels not being able to keep up with your energy levels so what
>>391716 said
>Then they berated me when I was sad and unfocused constantly lolcalled you lazy too probably? Really sucks, hope you're doing better now.
Related, possibly stupid question, does weed actually work for ADHD? People used to say I have it but I calmed down and started feeling better when I started smoking every day.
No. 391996
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I once read a porn story were the first half was the normal guy sees his wife getting cucked in a gang bang. The story doesn't end their, but continues as the man falls into a depressive spiral as he has multiple hollow relationships to fill the void his wife left.
He finally finds a women he likes, but when when they finish having sex she gives him a letter
The letter is from his wife saying she had a special type of brain tumor that made her lose the ability to control who she has sex with and that she currently lives on a cruise ship having lots of sex. Finally, she says that if he was getting the letter she was probably dead from the tumor.
This was all in chapter 1 out of 4
The only other porn story I read as weird as this was the one were a guys girlfriend cheats on him and he goes MGTOW
Luckily I forgot the names to both of these literary mistakes
No. 392103
>>391756yes I love people like you
there were stray kitties who showed up outside my house last year ish at different times. they both seemed to be abandoned or lost housecats who'd wandered into the neighborhood. I started feeding them. unfortunately because I'm really at my limit with pets right now on a responsibility level, it's hard enough taking care of my 60 lbs dog while being a student, I couldn't keep them. I would've adopted them in a heartbeat if i didn't have my plate full with my dog. luckily the first one went to the animal shelter and was adopted, the second one was adopted by my neighbors. I really wish I could've kept them, I used to volunteer at shelters and am a firm believer in adopting not shopping. Maybe in the future a furbaby will show up who I can actually keep.
No. 392217
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My extended family invited me down to the beach over the summer but I'm super pale and I feel like I'll just be constantly thinking about it. I can actually tan but I'm way more likely to burn and as much as I want a small tan I know that tanning is basically just sun damage and I don't even have a family history of skin cancer but it still freaks me out
No. 392238
>>392217Anon that image, my sides
I agree with the other anon. Your best bet is sunscreen and sitting in the shade.
No. 392327
>>392322You’ll probably feel better inside because the employees are always nice and give free sample stuff
And the new bath bombs came out today
No. 392613
>>392601I like how it's supposed to be an ode to love but they use Chandelier and just stick to the lyric "from the chandelier" and go as far as erasing the "drink" from "1,2,3 drink" because any of the rest of the song would make it obvious that it's about being lonely af and a mess. How ironic.
They couldn't find another song to convey being mad in love other than one about drinking yourself into a stupor?
No. 392935
>>390535I used to think the same way about marriage. I decided I wouldn't do it outside of tax benefit reasons because I figured if I loved someone so much, whether we're dating or married won't change how much I love them. Also I was super against changing my last name and didn't understand why people would even do that (the whole "fuck men and taking their names" thing).
I recently got out of a relationship but during it, it made me realize that maybe… marriage wouldn't be so bad. Yeah it still wouldn't change how much I loved and care for my s/o, but getting to call someone my wife makes me feel warm and fuzzy. Taking their last name makes me feel warm and fuzzy. It became something really hard to explain for me.
No. 393017
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>le wrong generation whining incoming
God damn, I seriously wish I was a teen in the 80’s or 90’s instead of the 00’s and could have gone to stupid/silly night clubs and danced to Astley and Ace of Base and wore the ridiculous fashions. I’ve been to a club in my city that has an 80’s/90’s night sometimes, but it’s not the same. I remember thinking about how much fun it would be to go out dancing as a kid/tween and once I turned 18/21 I was so disappointed.
No. 393089
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Sometimes I like taking a cow’s picture and editing them to make them look cuter—Shay is a favorite to do since she literally just needs to take care of herself more.
No. 393094
>>393017Not really wrong generation but I do wish I lived in a world where the Internet never evolved
like it just stayed like it was in the 2000's and never changed beyond that point
No. 393096
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>>393094I think about this all the time….like depressingly so. I feel like we've opened pandora's box.
No. 393103
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>>393100>>393099You guys are so right, she's much cuter here. How could I be that stupid to think that heavy eyebags, bad skin, horrible eyebrows, and grossly done nails were unattractive?
No. 393123
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>>393118Here, I used Meitu too. Did a small nose adjustment but kept it fairly light. I think this is more along the lines of an improvement, rather than just blasting her face with white and severe lipstick
No. 393130
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>>393118Jesus after using the app you really did try too hard.
No. 393178
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>>393089You still made her look too tranny like with the ridiculous make up. Second anon did it best but I tried too, too blurred but def an improvment
No. 393312
>>393277either cheating or looking for a threesome
or maybe he swiped right a while ago before he started dating his gf
No. 393332
>>393277They tend to do this usually for:
ego boost
It's usually the second one. Fucking terrible how many of them complain that no one wants them, then once they get a gf they instantly go online to cheat. Ew.
I agree with
>>393310 if you can tell his gf anonymously about it, with screenshots and all.
No. 393348
>>393312Definitely isn’t the last option since I only started using the app a week ago and he’s been with his girlfriend way longer than that. There’s also no indication on his profile that he’s taken or that he’s looking for a threesome.
>>393310>>393332I think I’m going to do that. I don’t want to get personally involved so going about it anonymously is best. Already got screenshots of his profile too.
No. 393411
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these cakes taste pretty damn good actually
No. 393412
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>>393411lemon flavoured popkek is the absolute masterrace anon
No. 393463
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Alright ladies… It's time for a game of fuck, marry, or kill. If you haven't heard of this game before, the objective is to pick which three people from a list that you would either fuck, marry, or kill. Suicide is not an option, unfortunately. The three people to decide upon are Onision (Gregory Avaroe,) Johnny Craig (from Taylor Nicole Dean threads,) and Shoe0nhead (June Laporta.) You could choose cows from your own list as well.
I would kill Johnny because he's a waste of flesh, air, and space. I would hate fuck Onision because I killed Johnny, and I would marry June because she's the most attractive and tolerable of the bunch (somehow…)
No. 393488
>>393463I don't visit TND threads but at first I thought that Johnny guy was Sweeney from American Gods, kek.
Anyway you made it too difficult, I choose the "run away" option
No. 393490
>>393463Kill Greg as he's a fucking piece of shit, fuck the other duded as I don't follow his thread and am unaware of his bs, mary Shuwu as she's the best out of the horrible choice.
How about Luna, Shayna and Nicole Dollanganger?
No. 393497
>>393490is shayna the muslim one? I don't follow her thread. Marry Nicole Dollangagner, kill Luna (she'll kill herself with drugs anyway) and fuck Shayna I guess…
That fatvegfemme chick, Mystery, toopoor
No. 393523
>>393490Kill Greg (this seems beyond obvious? am I crazy? he does way too much damage to his children/dogs/wife/wetlands to continue) marry Shoe (she'd be trad and cook for me, easily ignored) and fuck Jonny because I like to smoke heroin once in a blue moon. I'd also like to tie him up and beat the shit out of him as payback for his exes. I felt overly mean I might shove something up his ass before I left, just so he knows what it feels like to get raped.
Creativity is key.
No. 393539
>>393463kek, this could be it's own thread.
hate fuck johnny (with a strap-on - I'm not letting him anywhere near my vag) marry june since she's straight and i'll never have to actually touch her. kill greg.
>>393488pablo schreiber is actually attractive tho.
>>393490fuck luna. marry nicole because she seems the most stable out of the three. mercy kill shayna and steal rib to raise as my own.
No. 393566
>>393541You’re a brave one to fuck shay.
I’d marry Luna too. Once you fix her up a little she’d be pretty okay. You’d come home and she’d have washed the dishes and want to tell you all about how beautiful moonstone and clouds are.
No. 393589
>>393571fuck Kelly (no-brainer), marry Pumpy (doesn't she like to splurge money on partners, too, sometimes?) and fix her up, kill Momo (don't want to be assaulted)
>>393497fuck TooPoor, marry Mystery, kill fatvegfemme (also don't want to be assaulted)
I guess fuck and marry can be interchanged depending on if marriage requires sex.
Zoosadists, monkey haters, messytails
just kidding, Nemu, plaaastic, Kandajin3 No. 393592
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No. 393685
>>393682Let's be honest
>>393667 was just unnecessarily defensive over literally nothing lmao. They said they were new so not surprising.
No. 393690
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>>393685I got help for mine, so it's time for you to to get help with yours, newfag.
(samefagging) No. 393989
>>393694Kek me too anon. I cry about dumb shit like kittens and my mom. I had a weird moment last fall where I started tearing up during a math lecture thinking about short men and how small they are.
I've started to accept I'm kind of soft. It's funny because I'm otherwise a bit stand-offish and struggle with rage issues.
No. 394099
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I… I think I developed a fear of blood or something?? I was cleaning my fresh piercing today and it bled a little. My hands started to feel week just like me legs. WHAT THE FUCK
I was NEVER squeamish and used to self harm in the past (not extreme but there was blood and I still got the scars) so how and why is this happening??
No. 394167
>>394162Pls no bully anon. I just think they're cute and it makes me emotional. Just want to hug em.
I know it's dumb lmao.
No. 394317
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>>394170I cry for old people too! And animals, of course.
I also cry when I see/think of homeless people, when I see them on the streets and I don't have anything to give to them I have to walk away really fast and clench my jaw to avoid a crying fit.
Now this is a little weirder, but I cry when I think of my little sister when she was small. (She's alive and well thankfully.) Not only that, but when I see small kids that remind me of how she was I tear up. A couple of months ago I was with a friend of mine and we were watching her nephew, who was just learning how to stand up on his feet and walk, and the view of him coming to me on his feet slowly and clumsily, with his hands reaching out to me, made me cry right on the spot.
And of course I'm crying writing this post, too. It can't be helped I guess
No. 394402
>>394398I like this idea. There's a small beauty youtuber I follow that does really good tutorials but she's also really casual and easygoing. She just chats away, jokes and doesn't go crazy on the editing or anything so there's mistakes and silly little things. A lot of her followers say they get the same fuzzy feeling, it's like just chilling with a really cool friend who's good at makeup.
It'd be nice to have a podcast that's like that, but without the focal point. Just a relaxed, friendly sounding person chatting away about random stuff.
No. 394412
>>394408If you want to create that genuine kind of vibe then it really needs to be about something that feels natural for you to talk about. What are your interests? You don't have to actually know much about it, just read up a little before each podcast and say what you find interesting and chat about it in your own way
Even podcasts that spiral randomly are nice when they have a genuine atmosphere
No. 394438
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Reminder that if you've made the decision to move on from someone, stick with it. No second guessing or reconsideration.
t. stupid regretful anon
No. 394673
>>394620I was anorexic for nearly a year when I was 15. Personally I think I turned out fine. I don't like to talk about that time in my life, or my ED to others in general because it was a very dark time and not something that I'd make public.
Maybe it's because she's still anorexic and indirectly seeking attention from her peers.
No. 394732
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Why do guys send selfies seeming randomly in conversations? Is that a new thing or something? Over the span of maybe 6 months I had like 5 dudes send me their selfies while having a conversation and it had nothing to do with it. I never complimented them, flirted or said anything that would suggest me wanting to see their face.
I just find it so damn odd and off-putting.
No. 394752
>>394743Well that's their own fault more or less. The second you like their picture they assume they have a chance and sprint to your inbox.
I also assumed it might be tactic of some sort, as in "I showed you a picture of me, now you show me yours", that's creepy and I hope I'm wrong lol
No. 394777
>>391301I had that aswell!
And now as an adult I look back at a lot of moments in my childhood and get upset about the dumb shit I did or the opportunities i missed for no fucking reason
No. 394810
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Reminded me of you guys
No. 394838
>>394789r/stupidpol >>>> r/chaposhithouse
tho stupidpol stans the trans a little too much, at least they make jokes and don't get butthurt all the time. chapotraphouse the podcast is like the opposite of the sub, idk why its so full of ancom trans catgirls lol
No. 394841
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>>394820I have a sort of similar feel, where I wish I could escape from society and all the fears and worries that come with being a responsible adult and just live my life somewhere else. Isolated somewhere serene, beautiful, and calm. In my own little cottage, living off the land, keeping to myself. No worries about relationships, mortgages, paychecks, health insurance, etc. Just simple living.
No. 394895
>>394892They ALWAYS find a chance to play some shitty song on it, don't they?
Every single person I've know with one did that every single time we hung out.
No. 394966
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This comic reminds me of you anons.
No. 394980
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No. 394982
>>394966I don't like the idea of rape, but mpreg is wholesome.
>tfw ywn impregnate a man who is also the love of your lifeWhy live?
No. 395164
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Why are body positivity girls so bitter lmao
No. 395215
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I think I've found a new regular D&D group. My last one wasted away with a DM that was never consistent or would just bitch about his own problems the entire evening. First game is tomorrow night, I hope I don't fuck it up by being an autist. I want to have fun with people again.
No. 395217
>>395164What else do you expect from a group of people who need a whole movement dedicated to the mental gymnastics they do to cope with having a body they hate, rather than just eating less?
No shame in being fat and legitimately ok with it, but if someone relies on externally driven 'body positivity' it's obvious they need to convince themselves that they're happy the way they are because the alternative (dieting) is too hard.
No. 395247
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Is it me or was Dipsy never this dark, like, not even remotely? Why are the creators of the show saying he's black?
Why do the teletubbies need to have human races??? I don't mind inclusive shit but I never remember Dipsy being this dark and I just don't see why he would need to be black, like, human black. The creators literally said "he's black".
No. 395283
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It's my birthday and I am in a really good mood! Haven't felt that way in ages. I hope you also have a good day anons
No. 395290
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>>395278I get why someone would say no TERFs but why centrists?
>>395283Happy b-day anon!!! May all your wishes come true and may you lurk for many more years on lolow.
No. 395293
>>395290People think centrist is code for "baddie in disguise"
Terfs tend to be left wing anyway so who knows what kind of person they are looking for, since process of elimination gets them right wingers or handmaiden left wingers, two not-good groups of people
>>395283Happy Birthday Anon! sending warm bitchy lolcow hugs from me
No. 395333
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>>395283Happy birthday anon!
No. 395423
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People who make "any other english speakers" on non-english youtube videos are weird to me.
This may be unintentional, but the comments carry a '(x language) is not the norm, but english is'/eurocentric vibe. It also dosnt help that the only comments that do this are english speaking ones. This may be me over thinking this tho.
The picture is what made me first think about this.
No. 395424
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I hate how the gym is getting more and more packed with summer approaching. You're not gonna get your ~SLiM tOnEd BOdY~ in a month or two.
I know it's petty as fuck and I'm usually supportive of newbies but I have my limits.
No. 395429
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>>395283Happy (late) birthday, anon <3
No. 395445
>>395435I do mind my own business, it's not like I'm yelling at anyone to leave lmao
Guess I hit a nerve there aye
No. 395501
>>395498It's also been hard for me to fully visualize our consciousness just disappearing in death. I assume that it doesn't really cease to exist when you die, it just changes form. It may turn into something that functions from a different angle, with rules that humans can't comprehend or relate to, but it still continues.
It wouldn't be that different from the way a corpse doesn't "cease to exist" as much as it becomes part of the earth (or worm food).
I've heard that your brain naturally releases DMT at the moment of your death. That would explain the concept of heaven and hell, IMO. If you die without any guilt or anger about your life, it'll feel good, and that's "heaven". If you die full of guilt, hatred and spite, it'll feel horrible, and that's "hell".
No. 395507
>>395501If you think scientifically, nothing is wasted, for example flesh becomes soil or food (and then soil), I think the electrical energy or spirit is likely to move on to another body. I'm not sure when, probably when we're in the womb. I've read a lot of people saying their toddler would "remember" something they can't possibly have known, and say odd things which suggest they were born with some memory of what occurred before. Heaven might be where all the energy congregates until it feels time to join a new body. Hell, I think is when the spirit is so weak (for example they are a shitty person) that their energy is too weak to make it up to "heaven" and gets consumed by spirits or energies on the earth, instead. Or perhaps just drops into a lower life form, like a worm, and has to work its way up to being human again. A very wise and compassionate animal or human, has a strong spirit and enough energy to be reincarnated. Just some theories I came up with based on what I've read and experienced in life.
No. 395546
>>395501Consciousness doesn't really have "form" though. It's an ongoing manifestation from electrical processes in your brain, which was selected by evolution to give our species greater spatial awareness, a huge advantage for our ancestors.
It may seem strange to you subjectively but the eventual cessation of your brain activity, and thus your consciousness, is the most natural thing in the world.
Now the moments leading up to death can definitely be a wild ride. You can simulate it under certain conditions and/or with certain drugs. I've been there a few times and it's just indescribable.
>>391358 more thoughts on this subject
No. 395580
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This comic reminds me of you anons.
No. 395598
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How do I get past this
No. 395615
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I got wasted alone last night and cut my chest length hair to above my shoulders.
I didn't know how to cut hair just kept going lol
Good thing I don't need perfect hair for my hair in the summer
No. 395620
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>>395615Tfw the alcohol still impairs your brain the next day
*Don't need perfect hair for my JOB in the summer
No. 395662
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>>389948This guy makes those cringy "how to pick up chicks" videos, and he doesn't even add anything valuable to this age old discussion, just the absolute basics of redpill theory and some reiteration of "be yourself/get fit." It's not even articulate or well spoken; he jumps from one idea to the next without elaborating.
I still watch his videos anyway. What the fuck.
No. 395689
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Moomoo's ragdoll cat is such a cute, handsome boy. I'd like to save him from the goblina and take care of him.
No. 396144
>>395689All her cats are really pretty. I feel bad that they have to have her as an owner.
I wish she'd adopt and not buy from breeders though. Or at least rescue, there are breed specific rescues.
No. 396180
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>looking for DMC fanarts on twitter
>went through so many artists' profile that I somehow see something about the Snotgirl artist
>she's getting shit on by SJWs for liking a fanart about Dante and Nero because it's incest
>mfw watching the shitshow from afar
No. 396273
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This is the fucking ugliest fashion I have ever seen
No. 396289
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I had a dream where ricardo milos was trying to teach me stuff about love and intimacy(non sexual stuff).It was weird af but weirdly comforting.idk if I should take this as a sign or be concerned
No. 396392
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>>396278God, bucket hats are disgusting. Whoever brought them back needs to be banned from fashion forever.
No. 396393
>>396310To me, he genuinely seems like a nice guy that truly believes in doing good and justice.
He's also handsome but it's his personality that gets me. In RE2 he has that boy next door vibe and in RE4 he's cocky.
No. 396398
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He is exactly my type lol (Remake and Re4) longish hair, no beard, muscular with a cute face and cuter personality
No. 396782
>>396739>>396759I'm from a Balkan country and the guy is Czech
Also yes, it did remind me of the simpsons episode, dude was a bit odd
No. 396793
>>396736I was at a tech presentation where everyone was wearing business casual but the presenter was wearing shorts and no shoes or socks. I was in the front row. It was so uncomfortable and all I could think was
No. 396809
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Engagement rings keep coming up in my boyfriend’s newsfeed. We scroll through together when we are bored or waiting for something and I’ve seen the suggested rings come up 5 times, which must mean he’s looked it up or clicked a link for engagement rings because that’s how the algorithm works.
Our anniversary is coming up, so, maybe
No. 396842
Old people are so damn entitled, I'm a typical college age kid, I curse and get into trouble, I work at a fast food place as most college age kids do, some old bitch thinks it's a good idea to start working with a bunch of kids for some reason and my boss thought it would be an even better idea to hire some dumb old bitch who can't tell an asshole from a hole in the ground, she starts having a damn heart attack because -gasp- young adults say no no words, talk about going out all night, drink, smoke weed, dress skimpy, etc. She doesn't even tell you to your face she goes and bitches to the manager and tells the manager to tell you.
I wouldn't even care but she can't do her damn job right and everyone else gets in trouble, middle aged people do NOT need to be working in fast food unless they're the boss
No. 396873
>>396809Aw, that's really sweet and I wish you both good luck <3
The way it works for me and my boyfriend is when he looks up something on Amazon, I get ads for it on Facebook. I have no idea how it knows we're a couple. It's pretty funny though.
No. 396984
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Its 2019 why do we still have to call the doctor's office to make appointments. Even the places I've seen that do have online forms they still most of the time require a follow up phone call or they never reply to your online request at all so you have to call anyways. It would be so much quicker to just fill out a form that takes 3 mins vs a phone call that can take up to 10-15 mins depending on how large/busy your dr's office is.
No. 396989
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I wish I could go back in time and have people like this aborted.
No. 396991
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>>396989The fact that it's not even an isolated incident is the thing that makes me sick. Seems like it's a real "thing" people do.
I know there are probably people who might defend it because "something something dogs are bad reee dog culture" or [insert 2017 /pol/ dogwhistle about pitbulls here], but I don't care. Disgusting behavior.
No. 396997
>>396989>>396991I don't even like pitbulls but this makes me sad and it's obvious these people are doing it not out of concern but because of sadistic desires.
Nobody with some empathy would brag this way about killing non-offending dogs.
No. 397007
>>397004I've encountered more shitty dogs of other breeds than pitbulls. Even if the breed is
problematic, you fix this by mixing them out with other breeds with more desirable traits (and by prioritizing training against aggression), not by being a sadistic subhuman.
No. 397010
>>397004I want to add what
>>397008 says demonstrates that it's inherently sadistic. That, and the bragging they do about it. These are not the actions of someone trying to "protect children" that aren't even harmed.
These are sadists trying to use flimsy reasoning to "safely" brag about their compulsions. Only a brainlet or someone who's the exact same way can't see that.
No. 397026
>>397019Reducing the rate of domestic cats being abandoned by human owners does far more to help the feral cat issue than euthanasia or "purging".
Humans continue to make problems for themselves when it comes to animals, whether that be by being irresponsible owners, or deliberately breeding certain traits that are hazardous to both it and others' lives because they want to be masters of the dogfighting rings that they established.
Then, instead of accepting their fuck-up and trying to do better, they proceed to blame the animal for existing and go on insane rants about how it "deserves" to be killed. I'll never understand it. IMO, those are probably the real specimens that need to be euthanized, since they probably unconsciously take that nonsensical logic to human politics.
No. 397030
>>397024I wonder. If pitbulls are wiped out, won't humans just mess with another breed of dog and turn it aggressive and shitty for selfish reasons? Or is that not possible?
If it is possible, what will people like the "Pitbulls deserve to die, they are evil" camp end up saying when the cycle just repeats itself? "KILL ALL DOGS, THEY ARE A MENACE AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN"?
No. 397035
>>397030Probably. Before Pitts were so popular, they did the same with rotties (though not to this degree). People always have their hands in fucking everything up for animals and then blame them as if they're evil. It's horrible. I really don't like dogs, don't like being around them, etc, but dogs are nothing but
victims of human cruelty and their loyalty makes them especially susceptible to abuse, even for pitts. The Pitt problem and dog problem in general needs to be dealt with, but demonizing these animals isn't how it needs to be done. Look at the python issue in the Everglades and other reptile issues (tegus, monitor lizards), humans are fucktarded and can't be normal. It's not the fault of the animal that humans are huge faggots that want to bring a boa constrictor into an apartment complex. Countless animals have to suffer for the sake of negligent pet ownership. It's a terrible thing.
No. 397078
>>397077This graphic novel artist, Leslie Hung, supposedly helped her friend with their fan-art, which was some incest ship of characters from Devil May Cry.
People got really mad at her on Twitter over it, and it was posted about a lot in the Artist Salt thread.
No. 397165
Am I an absolute retard for even considering doing AV in Japan? I’ve been communicating with a (legit) Av/gravure company and they’re interested in me and say my appearance is cute and I’d be “popular” and how it’s hard for them to find foreigners with visas that allow “adult” work (mine does) so I would be in demand.
On one hand I’m an anxiety and depression filled ball so I can’t even see myself doing that kind of shit on camera with who knows how many people watching/in the room, but on the other hand, their offer of ¥100,000-150,000 for a day’s work is tempting as all hell, especially since I’m so depressed right now and cry myself to sleep because I literally make half that in a MONTH of work at my current job.
Then there’s the possibility it’s some scam. I might be a retard but I’m not naive though so I’m wary of that possibility. I would not sign anything that looked sketchy and it looks legit so far. I’ve seen their other “models,” found them linked to other av model sites, their professional photo shoots, av tapes, reviews, price list, their terms, etc.
The if this was basically prostitution I’d fuck somebody in a heartbeat for ¥100,000+ but the whole having to sign contracts, video of me possibly biting me in the ass later, possibly working with people who don’t know English & my Japanese is shite and having communication problems is making me think this is a garbage idea.
No. 397172
>>397165How did they find you, and what kind of Visa do you have?
If your Japanese is shit, how will you make sure there's no hidden clauses or dodgy fine print in whatever contract(s) they get you to sign?
I have depression/anxiety myself, and I once starred in a music video where I basically had a meltdown after/during the fact because it was so overwhelming. It wasn't even close to porn, either, lmao.
I don't know if my case might be more severe or something, but keep in mind that these things can definitely be overwhelming if you're not the kind of person who likes lots of attention.
Think a lot on whether they'd be understanding of that on set (if you must, maybe reach out to other western models who've worked with them to see what the atmosphere is like before signing anything?), and consider if the whole thing is 100% worth it. And yeah, IMO something like AV/gravure can definitely fuck you over in the future. Be careful, anon, best of luck.
No. 397173
>>395620thats a really cute gif
i should try making one of those cute pixel sprites gif this summer
No. 397197
>>397165Don't. It'd be an awful idea even if you weren't depressed. Plus it's dangerous as fuck, you're a vulnerable foreigner and AV is a fucked up industry. Sometimes they even have ties with yakuza, ffs. Foreign models go missing in East Asia all the time.
Try maid bars instead, maybe hostess (although I have limited knowledge of that one, afaik they just keep company to men in bars and don't owe them anything physical but it might be a dodgy job as well so I'll wait for other anons to prove me wrong)
Google says that 50,000 yen is $450, are Japanese minwage salaries that low? I thought it was an expensive country. I'm sure you can find better anyway.
No. 397198
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Any anons here play Love Nikki?
They just launched Shining Nikki (3d version basically), what do you think?
It looks cool and all but I'm afraid the 3d aspect will eat your battery in no time. Plus the clothes look better 2d imo
No. 397200
>>397165This is a bad idea anon.
1. Your Japanese is bad so you will struggle to read the contracts, and they will take advantage of your communication issues to get you to agree to shitty stuff.
2. You could get trafficked, and again, communication issues will make it hard for you to get out.
3. AV (porn in general, but Japanese porn is particularly bad for this) is notorious for introducing last-minute shit to shoots that the actresses didn't agree to or even know about. It will be 100x worse for a foreigner who doesn't speak fluent Japanese.
No. 397348
>>397200>>397197>>397195>>397172>>397170Thanks for telling me what I already knew in my gut I guess. Goddamn. I’m jut so sick of being stressed out about money and this felt like a golden ticket to escape being poor and stressed and depressed. But yeah I’d probably be even more depressed doing AV.
I just feel like I’m going to be a stupid English teacher here forever and never make anything of my life or enjoy my work or have a good paying job.
(And I cant go back to my home country.. at least not for a while. Sorry for not answering more of your questions and kinda being vague but I don’t really want to talk about the rest, even anonymously..)
No. 397426
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My little sister's fujoshi friends are basically "cancelling" her because she drew romantic shipping art of her female character and Arcade Gannon from Fallout New Vegas. This is the dumbest situation I've ever encountered.
No. 397433
>>397348anon i've considered almost doing camgirl shit before in the US, to earn extra cash, and then i decided it wasn't worth it either, can't handle the idea of getting harassed by thirsty men all the time, let alone pandering to them. the sex industry is a magnet for creeps and i for one am not prepared to deal with them.
i felt like i wasn't above it for awhile, to some degree i still dont. i'm a pretty lowly person. nevertheless i decided sacrificing my mental health for camgirling or any form of sex work would've been worse than sticking with a shit wage job if i wasn't prepared for it.
No. 397642
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>>396809 here.
A large amount of money is missing from my bf's savings account. This gives me even more reason to believe the ring was purchased. We live together and don't make big purchases without consulting each other so I don't know what else it could be. He also doesn't have debts or anything.
No. 397683
>>396809Plot twist: he has bought a ring, but for someone else
(It's probably you…damn algorithm)
No. 397715
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>>397460Ehh I’m not really into cosplay. I don’t really have any skills or anything to have a patreon, I don’t even have a desktop pc right now so most of that stuff is out of the question.
I was in contact with an escort company here in Tokyo too though. I asked A LOT of questions bc although I might sound like an idiot here for considering this shit, I’m not. The recruiter is surprisingly honest. For example he send me a screenshot of the girls working for that company’s salaries last month and the highest was like ¥1,800,000, and the lowest was like 300,000. Although it is misleading at first, since you would assume even the lowest paid girl makes 3k a month, I asked him if that was really the bottom of the list, and he was honest and said no, the screenshot was only the top half of the earners.
It actually seems surprisingly legit. I mean he could easily lie and say “no even our lowest earner gets ¥300,000 a month!” But he was honest. Also honest about the fact that if you sit 8 hours in their waiting area but never get a customer you don’t get any payment, you only get paid for seeing customers. He showed me the price points. I’ll attach the photos here since I think it might be interesting/useful on this site. If you suspect a j-cow is escorting here’s what they may be making lol
The silver, gold, diamond is like the “quality” of the escort, I guess you’d start at silver. He even showed me other foreign girls profiles he hired. They were all silver except one who was diamond and also did gravure.
There’s no penis in vagina sex since that’s illegal in japan as prostitution. As an escort, or “delivery health” as they call it in japan for most customers you get in the shower together, wash them, they leave and the girl would wash herself, go to the bed, handjob/blowjob and finish by basically dry humping him. But of course there’s other things they can pay for as you can see in the list. But I would get to choose which things I’m okay doing and it would be listed under my photo. & you can choose the days you work.
Im like 50/50 on this tbh. I am actually considering going to the face to face interview. I probably won’t though, bc again, I’m not confident in my Japanese and although the recruiter says it’s ok, I just.. eh. And the thought of having to do that shit with a really gross/old guy makes me cringe.
No. 397721
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I can't wait for my first girlfriend. But also, I'll wait and work on my life and myself and my happiness. And then maybe one day, there will be so much of everything that I can share it with a special someone
No. 397747
>>397715PIV is illlegal but anal sex isn't? what is this madness
I can imagine some old guy selecting golden shower, threesome and anal sex all in one package, not as simple as just having a shower and a blowjob as you suggest anon. My fear would be the fact as a foreigner you will be less attune to clues that might protect you, in behavior and appearance and such of the man. Also they would expect the foreign woman to be more filthy than a local woman, so you would get all the shittiest options selected constantly.
No. 397776
>>397715English teaching may not be fun, but selling your body is not something you could take back. Even if you really love sex, do you want to have it with someone you feel zero attraction to? There are so many weirdos in Japan, even just on the streets, I’d be way too scared.
Is there a reason you have to stay in Japan? How about moving to another country where salaries are higher?
No. 397783
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So the other day I was sitting in a bar for about five hours since I was waiting for the bus, and the whole time I was the only one there since it was a weekday. We had some nice small talk with the bartender, he introduced some bands to me, including one that he was in. At one point he came from behind the bar to do some unrelated stuff, and on the way back he leaned in and asked to see the embroidery thing I was working on. I've been thinking about that evening a lot. It's not like I have a proper crush or anything, but it was just really nice. I feel like I'd like to meet him again. I'm thinking of maybe going back in a couple weeks to see his band play live.
The thing is though, I don't know if he was being nice to me, initiating small talk, etc. just because it's his job, he was being polite and/or he was bored. It would probably be incredibly awkward if I came all the way from a different town and he had no interest in interacting with me outside work. Like those incel memes where some guy falls in love with a cashier just because she smiled at him. I guess I could always bail to a different bar to wait for the next bus home if I end up completely embarrassing myself. Idk. I have at least two weeks to debate myself on this.
No. 397940
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Hi. Not really a thought, but may those responsible for the worst of human suffering receive what they have wrought tenfold. Everything they've taken in pursuit of greed will be paid back in the form of the same blood, sickness, trauma, rape and poverty they imbued on everybody else. Everything they do to us will be returned to sender, with interest.
No amount of virtue signalling and false promises of reform will obscure the truth, or wash the blood off their hands.
No. 397957
>>397940Sad truth is that once global warming kills all of us all the millionaires will be living on mars safe and sound.
Our only hope left is the idea of heaven and hell
No. 397977
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I think he had a really cute smile
No. 397990
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>>397957>>397940Originally I was gonna blogpost about how doomed I think humanity is in terms of global warming but if you guys wanna feel better about something, there is a Canadian company that has developed a source of fuel that is carbon neutral, and can apparently also help get carbon emissions in the negative in the long run too. It works by pulling carbon out of the air and using that to make different kinds of fuel. The company is still in its infancy but a lot of people are hopeful and excited for it. They're supposed to have a bigger fully operation facility open in 2020, and are looking to license the technology out to other people and companies. Humanity very well could be fucked, mostly by oil and gas companies imo but its nice to know there's an alternative.
>“We think this is very scalable and will have world-wide markets,” says Oldham. “All you need is air and water as feedstocks, and some electricity.” And a license to their tech. No. 398051
>>397989I actually buy that wine and it's good. The name and label caught my eye in Safeway (I live on the east coast , USA)
I can't remember if it says the crimes the person did, cuz i saw a few different bottles.
No. 398197
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>>398076She used to sing about it, doesn't really do it anymore.
I think he was okay with it, as far as I remember his twitter interactions with fans. Who knows what he really thinks tho
No. 398296
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I hate pinterest sometimes
No. 398396
>>397721anon, I just want to let you know that this post really struck a chord with me. My girlfriend broke up with me a few months ago and I'm slowly healing, but in the process of it, I've learned a lot of things, mainly about myself. I'm working on figuring out my own needs and limits now. It's weird and feels awful sometimes, but now I know that there comes a time and place to prioritize other people, and a time and place to prioritize myself, and I shouldn't feel bad about my own feelings and needs. I recently quit my retail job because it was pushing me to the brink of suicide. I'm scared about the future, but hopeful. Your post makes me really hopeful.
I didn't start ever dreaming about getting married and taking someone else's last name until I dated this girl, I didn't even realize someone could think I was as beautiful as I though they were (I still think she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life). I didn't think someone could ever be so reassuring and make me feel so safe in every sense of the word. After spending so much of my life noticing the smallest details about my crushes, having someone tell me things about myself that I never knew and that they thought it was cute… it feels good.
I think your post was a perfect summation of what I've been trying to put together. I hope that you'll find yourself a beautiful, loving girlfriend that you might one day call your wife (if you're into marriage, that is)! Thank you anon.
sage for really gay blogposting
No. 398670
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I found out this person on Tumblr randomly blocked me, so I blocked them back and kept it moving.
Today, I came to find out they had actually gone out of their way to repost an image I had originally posted on my blog. I know they got it from me, too, because the original source was pretty obscure and hard to find. If they were capable of finding it, they would've posted it long before I did.
Their post flopped with like 2 notes, while mine has 100+ notes.
They also ripped off a URL I had saved for a while by taking off one letter. It's dumb, but I feel a petty smugness about this all. Keep hating from outside the club, sweaty.
No. 398683
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Maybe I got influnced by today's standards, but I really wish I had naturally big pillowy lips.
They always look so cute and feminine to me
No. 398788
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I got a farming-related browser ad (not pre-roll) on Youtube the other day and I just got this one on Twitter. I think somewhere my browser has picked up the words of and taken it to be a genuine website about farms and cows. There's no other explanation, I've never looked up farm related stuff and don't own any farm animals.
I do delete browser history and change IP often (I'm on a phone) but I think it's because I'm also logged in on laptop to both Twitter and Youtube and I opened lolcow like twice on that browser a little while ago.
No. 398835
Had some weird shit happen to me a few years ago that I’d rather not get into but caused me to cope in some pretty unhealthy ways. I systematically cut off every person who cared about me, developed an eating disorder, and developed anxiety that could be sliding into angoraphobia. During this, and probably because of it, my life has slowly fallen to absolute shit. I was normal before this. I know normals relative and yadayada but I was a fun person to be around, I had wild confidence and knew how to be an actual person. I don’t know how the fuck I became this sniveling little bitch, but I’m fucking done. I don’t have anyone to tell so I’m posting it here. I’m not sure what clicked but lately my intense fear has been completely replaced with empathy. And I know that’s probably a sign things are getting worse but I’ve been trying to use it to my advantage, to be the person I used to be without thinking about it. I’ve been getting out of the house more, talking to strangers, and eating more. Today I saw someone who used to terrify the shit out of me, someone partially responsible for my mental breakdown, and I fucking smirked at her. I don’t know why I did it, but I don’t care? No one can hurt me worse than I’ve already hurt myself. It’s like I’m invincible now. This isn’t a brag or a vent or a rant, I guess I’m just trying to tell someone or maybe just myself, that I’m finally ok.
No. 398873
>>398869i think they look nice tbh
it reminds me of old marble sculptures
No. 398883
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well what do you do ?
No. 398909
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I guess men try to squish down their love handles too
No. 398927
>>398909Oh goody, a way sweaty dick and ass stank can really fester to it's full potential
I actually do welcome this dumb shit though, the first step to overthrowing it is to equally enforce it on men too
No. 398938
>>398763>massive headBouncing off of this, how to cope with having a big head? There's no surgery for it and I don't want to suicide over having weird proportions because that's rarted.
What do?
No. 398956
>>398938I got a big-ass head and I don't give a rat's ass, nor does anybody else in my life. Honestly I just think it's kinda funny. It's really not that big of a deal, I guarantee most people wouldn't even notice or think about it unless you brought it up, and even then, who cares?
Also, I'd much rather have a head that's a little too big rather than too small. Not trying to look like Pinhead Larry you know?
No. 398966
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Re-watching the Lion King the other day, and it made me realize that Nala is too good for Simba. Simba is a lazy fuck who ran off and got to live in a paradise for years, while his mother and friend, and pride all starved. And Nala went to actually find help. Mufasa's fucking ghost had to literally appear and guilt Simba to get off his lazy ass. Also the movie needed more Sarabi.
No. 399042
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I can't say why but my heart is bleeding about this whole situation. Fuck that.
No. 399043
>>399042Mine too and Im not even in Europe.
Just seems tragic to lose so much long standing history. It was 800 years old. 200 more years and it could have celebrated its 1000 birthday. That would have been remarkable
No. 399045
But on the bright side, you can have two different "looks" just by choosing what to stick on your face or in your eyes. Want big eyes? Contacts. Self-conscious about nose? Glasses.
That's how I try to look at it now after the initial dysmorphia subsided a bit.
No. 399052
>>399042This is so upsetting. I hope it doesn't get
too destroyed but things aren't looking good…
No. 399072
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>>399042updated pic from 20 minutes ago from a police drone.
The fire service says that the walls are being able to be saved. The most important art pieces has been saved but a lot also has been destroyed, like the famous colorful windows.
Seeing all this just reminded me when I was there 3 years ago and did this small tour between the two towers and how everything was made of wood inside those towers. Damn, lucky I had the chance to see all this before this but sad that there will be no chance to see it in it's original state ever again.
No. 399091
>>399072Is the cause really an accident?
I know fire is unpredictable but how could it have spread so quickly
No. 399103
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Here's a video of people singing a hymn outside that made me absolutely sob.
The guardian's liveblog about the incident if anyone's interested: No. 399118
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>>399103that's sad but this guy from the begining is cute. he looks kind of like idubbbz though… :/
No. 399123
>>399116I agree. And it's annoying how people are trying to downplay it. "It's art it can be rebuilt!" "This is an opportunity for rebirth!"
No… that's not the point. It has survived centuries, even wars and revolutions. It has not burned like this before. It has fallen to disarray but this is different. I hate how people are trying to downplay it but if you were to downplay their personal tragedies it would never fly.
No. 399139
>>399042This is sad, but I can't help but feel that with its age, they honestly should've seen this coming and taken measures against this sort of thing. Emergency planning and prevention.
It's almost poetic that it's survived centuries, only to finally succumb in our lifetimes. It's like a powerful, eerie reminder that faith, no matter how unwavering, cannot overpower the harsh, cruel reality of the world we all live in. Things catch fire. Sacredness is manmade.
No. 399153
>>399139They were actually in the process of maintenance when the fire broke, so they do try to keep up with the structure, but it's almost impossible to fireproof an old building that's literally built to burn. Everything about the building is a perfect storm for a fire, and you can only do so much to stop it once it's started.
It's being said that they believe the current maintenance is what caused the fire in the first place, too. It's really sad.
No. 399165
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>>399106the statues were removed for the restoration work, so I believe the gargoyles are safe.
the golden cross also survived.
No. 399190
>>399072Tinfoil alert:
Do you think this fire was an accident? I don't think so because a month ago the second biggest church of Paris 'Saint-Sulpice' was also burning. Apparently there were hundreds of cases of vandalism executed on Christian churches in France since last year like smearing human poop on Notre Dame.
No. 399300
>>399183Be as lethargic about it as you can be. When I was going through my obnoxious fakeboi phase my best friend, god bless her heart, didn't buy into my shit so she didn't really fight me about it but didn't give me validation either. It's usually just a way to seek attention and escapism from your problems tied to your persona so treat it like you would any other delusion. Her feelings are
valid, but the delusions aren't.
No. 399643
>>399626At that point she had already just left her husband and was doing all that good stuff, she was looking after me better than I would have known how to so I guess I would try to do exactly what she was already doing for the next ten years, but also have confidence that I was doing the right thing because my dad was a dick. He gaslit her constantly and used me as emotional manipulation to stop her from taking legal action to get her half of the house. It was such bullshit, she was so strong.
I guess I'd also also get some therapy, swerve her next partner and invest in Amazon. No idea how I would then begin to derail brexit.
No. 399657
>>399626My parents loved each other very much and had an active sex life
………………………Um so I'm in an awkward position now
No. 399689
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>>399686Sounds like someone on Tumblr.
You should publicly expose her racefaking ass (if she does use it), or at least not-so-vaguely vague her where people who know you both can see.
>"How some of you look when you're white as mayonnaise but claiming everything under the sun just so you can say slurs">"fellow ethnics.png" No. 399694
>>399688when i met her she told me she's white, months later she said she discovered her puerto rican heritage so i was like ok maybe she isn't white i'm happy for her discovering a part of her heritage and now it's been years and she's just out there, pretending to be a full woman of color. some people have gotten mad at her for saying the n word so freely and all she had to say was "you people just love obsessing over my race". she also gets validation from her actual black friends who are always there to defend her which is so hypocritical, because they don't seem to realize or care that she's just pretending for "woke" points.
>>399689i'd actually love to call her out but she has a really big following and even though i'm not a wimp, i really cannot defend myself when people start attacking me which isn't helping anything at all.
No. 399699
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I just started watching The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (I binged season 1 the last couple of days and I'm starting season 2) and holy fuck I hope they're not going to trans Susie.
She's a great tomboy character but with a few things that happened in S1 like the blind medium grandma calling her a boy and the social justice undertones of the series I have a bad feeling about this.
No. 399703
>>399694>she also gets validation from her actual black friends who are always there to defend her Lol I haaate this. People who want white validation and to "claim" every person who claims to even be 1% mixed so badly that they'll let themselves be walked all over by the most disrespectful trash because "umm ackshually she's black (mixed) too sweety, she's just white-passing, we come in all shades sis". And then they'll pretend to be woke by rabidly attacking white people who do/say largely the same things (but without lying about their heritage).
They're the reason why Rachel Dolezal isn't 100% ashamed of herself, and Halsey feels comfortable saying she "identifies as a black woman". America is so fucked up when it comes to race sometimes, I swear.
More on-topic though, it's probably better for you to block your ex and ignore her BS. Let her marinate in her culture vultureism on her own. If she's not fully delusional, she's not even trying to claim any of these races outside her Tumblr sycophant bubble, or rest assured she'll be laughed out of the room.
Best case scenario, someone may ask you about her, and you can show off some sort of proof that you're actually one of the races she's LARPing as, then point out she won't/can't ever do the same because she's a liar.
No. 399704
>>399699susies/theos timeline was so off-putting. i have to keep in mind that the show is aimed at teens and ya but at least she had a few moments in the series that redeemed her. i was more put off that it initally seems like
there was some weird incestuous stuff with sabrina and lucifer but it all seemed to work itself out.
i hate that im 30+ and looking forward to the next season of a show aimed at teens but it was really p good.
No. 399712
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I'm watching Lords Of Chaos right now, and I appreciate that it has attractive male actors.
Too many filmmakers focus on actresses being beautiful, but somehow think it's perfectly fine to assault people's eyes with hideous male actors. They expect us all to just LARP that their orclike faces and wrinkles are handsome, or ignore that they're a chore to look at for the sake of the movie (a permissiveness they almost never extend to women).
Whoever did the casting for this movie was far more merciful.
No. 399715
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>>399699the show is so embarrassing in its pandering to identity politics. Susie is so obviously female but the characters all act as though they can't decipher her gender and people call her 'thing' etc. just for being a tomboy. + the characters casually make highly politicized jokes about 'smashing the cis-gendered patriarchy'. so fucking cringe.
No. 399747
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>>399699 here. That's it, I'm two episodes in and at the scene where
SusieTheo wants to use the boys changing room along with the rest of the basketball team and I'm cringing so hard from second-hand embarrassment I don't know if I can go on.
No. 399778
>>399699Oh boy have I got news for you anon.
I like the sweet sweet irony of the fact that the actress is so fucking tiny and feminine compared to even the other actresses. And I straight up cackled when they chose the name Theo, I was half surprised it wasn’t Aiden.
But the actress herself is either a fakeboi or nonbinary from what I remember
No. 399785
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I snorted
No. 399787
>>399778haven't even watched the show but what the fuck
why does every single butchy/nonfeminine woman have to be trans nowadays
why do they have to push this shit on teen girls
why can't they just be who they are and not have a storyline dedicated to trans bullshit
i blame degrassi for starting this bullshit honestly
No. 399789
>>399699It was very heavily implied early on in the first season that Susie is intersex, not trans. I can't remember that much of it, but I remember thinking it might be a case of an intersex child being chosen their gender by their parents from birth and then rejecting it later, but idr if that was actually stated or implied in the series.
Pretty sure there was a House episode that did that, too.
No. 399846
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>>399699god why are "non-binary" pronouns so cringe sounding and dehumanizing
I swear to god every time I read shit like this I question why anyone would want to be referred to in third person it's so unnatural and cringey
No. 399870
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Lately I've been doing this thing where I put on music I enjoyed from a happier time and age and like project my memories of physical space in my mind to imagine I'm really there and young again. It's not quite age regression cause I'm not trying to act younger but I'll put on some Passion Pit close my eyes and pretend I'm in highschool in my old bedroom and everything is still how it was back then with politics, culture, my own responsibilities, worries, etc. I feel like this doesn't seem that weird but it feels really vivid like some weird coping mechanism and feels really good and comforting.
No. 399928
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This chick is into cool stuff and I feel kinda bad for posting her but she is truly impressively hideous. That's kind of her schtick tho so she's making it work but god damn.
No. 399930
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No. 399944
>>399938Don't worry anon, I'm pretty sure she's too busy fighting dozens of people on tumblr (as usual) to put in the effort to find and punish a "first time offender" kek
Just recently I had an interaction with her and she proudly stated once again that she's still a virgin (but not because of Kyo!1!1) and that she's been defending him for 16(!) years already lol
No. 399976
>>399928>>399930This is the first time I've ever looked at someone else and been so profoundly glad that I'm me and not them.
I like her style, though. She really makes it work somehow. She's like a sphinx cat or a witchy goblin woman. I'm so tired of the samefaced Killstar nu-goth girls in alt wear, but she breathes new life into the aesthetic.
I hope she's living her life happy.
No. 399999
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I fucking hate it when people are so american-centrist. What is this bullshit? He's even trying to backpedal by saying the higher ups at kotaku didn't give him a choice in publishing (even though he wrote it)
No. 400010
>>400007People have tried to make points that korea should change the word for "you" because it sounds like that word. It is honestly the most pathetic thing I've ever seen. Imagine honestly wanting a completely different country and culture to change a word because of america's problems.
No. 400021
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>>399999Update: this shit is so sad for real… "This is what the lyrics sound like but we're too retarded to understand that this is a japanese accent thing so no lol"
No. 400051
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Don't know where to dump this since it isn't a vent but: I'm like 100% sure my crush actually likes me back. It was a really unrealistic crush to begin with so I'm ridiculously happy. I'm just really excited to see where this goes.
No. 400119
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One time my boyfriend got a boner while we were watching a Maangchi video and I don't know how I feel about this. Relieved I suppose, that his age taste goes so high.
No. 400126
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I'm really glad that we have lolcow as a girl alternative to 4chan. I used to just think of this place as an extension of /cgl/, somewhere to talk about Kota etc, but with the new /w/ and /m/ boards it really feels like a smaller yet viable alternative to discuss my favorite Malaysian moving images without any obnoxious red pill atmosphere.
At first I actually thought the new boards were stupid because of how slow this place is, but I get it now. I hope more women anons start using more of the media threads soon.
>>400125Just correct them and report them if need be. Post actively to bring up the quality, we could benefit from more active discussions anyway
No. 400157
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>>400122so i actually had a conversation about "random boners" with my bf the other day and apparently that's not a thing once you're past like teenage years??? i don't know if he was just blowing smoke up my ass but i told him i thought it was just like a reflex and you could randomly get them at any time and he said that's not the case at all once you hit adulthood. so he might've been legit aroused lol. no idea though.
No. 400437
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I just finished watching this and holy shit what a disappointment. The animation was well done which was the only saving grace, everything else about the show fell flat IMHO. It wasn't really endearing or relaxing it just felt so pointless and unsatisfying. I blame myself for getting hyped for a Rilakkuma show.
No. 400453
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>>400437Speaking of bad Netflix shows I just got around to watching Super drags… It was horrible. It was like watching the tumblr kid who thinks his gay fetish fanfiction is peak representation write a show. The only interesting part of the show is how they tried to sexulize males instead of females, but that falls flat because all the characters look like stock art.
Another weird thing in the show is that in the subbed version a character is Bisexual in the English dub he's 'Bigender'. The worse sub and dub diffs is the fact the dub multiples the 'fabulous gay' way of talking by 100%.
The shoulders in this show also horrify me.
The only saving grace is the somewhat decent theme song.
No. 400466
>>399870I was feeling a little nostalgic a week ago and felt something like this when I turned on some Mindless self indulgence (ik, ik) for fun. My whole time listening, all I could think about was me being so into the band when I was younger and the mindset I had of not giving a fuck and generally being a happier place.
Things were so much simpler and I had better people in my life. It was clearly more depressing for me lmao but I feel you on the memory lane thing.
No. 400497
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Change starts with us, the more the better.
No. 400561
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This is so fucking stupid.
No. 400596
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So a couple days ago on /co/ someone posted about hollywood promoting bed wenches in animated film s
I didn't know what it was so I googled it and this is what I found seems to be this bizarre side of black youtube and twitter where black men post about black women dating white men and view them as race traitors
Can an African American anon explain this whole thing better to me
No. 400611
>>400596Not much to explain. It's the black version of white men calling white women mudsharks, coalburners, etc and screaming about cuckoldry and interracial porn for dating black men.
The male sense of ownership over women carries over in all races, and largely manifests in the same ways. Go figure.
No. 400614
>>400596Men:"women of my race are all EVIL gold diggers who are racetraitors and will cheat, lie and steal if you get in a relationship with them!they are all fat/flat/ugly, smell bad, women of the other race are all pure sexy perfect goddesses who will never betray you and her farts smell like candy!"
Women: ok I'll date men of a race who likes me
No. 400763
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I had a vision of ricardo dancing but instead of ricardo it was tyler1. I'm sad it'll never become a reality.
No. 400778
>>400776Any Manlets or a specif type of Manlets
one my friend usually dates buff manlets,while I prefer dating manlets that look like normal dudes just scaled down and from I have read online their seems to be plenty of women who like somewhat young looking feminine manlets
No. 400789
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pic related, I can't seem to type faster than 95wpm and it's driving me mad.
There are people on who type as fast as 140+ wpm and I can't even break the 100wpm threshold.
I suck so much even with touch typing.
No. 400795
>>400789I can type pretty fast but I have tremorous/shaky fingers that cause me to hit the wrong keys and often misspell words on both my phone and keyboard… errors in those types of tests take away from your final wpm.
tbh 95 is still good, the majority of the population isn't going to be able to type 140wpm, I feel like kids these days are way slower typists even on their phones and never learn touch typing… so be happy you're even close to 100. I learned touch typing in elementary yrs ago and yet I can barely reach 100 bc of my shaky fingers and reliance on autocorrect
No. 400799
>>400763This is a fucking hilarious mental image thank you anon
also I unironically like the song in the Ricardo memes it's catchy
No. 400801
>>400795Thanks anon and sorry to hear about your shaky fingers.
I know it's not a big deal but I just wonder how some people have this superhuman typing speed.
I'm going to continue practicing until I manage to be faster than 100wpm, but I fear the 140wpm is going to remain a dream.
Though, all of that matters very little in real life unless your work requires you to type fast. I do programming but I don't need to type that fast.
>>400796> but if you position your fingers the way you're supposed to then you'll be pretty fast.That's the thing, I've learnt to touch type and still suck.
Also, it's never too late to touch type.
Here are some resources to get you started: because it has touch typing in different languages (I'm learning Russian so…)
And this is super handy if you're on Linux's really nice to type without the need to look at the keyboard, you'll be slow the first week or two but then it just gets better.
No. 400815
>>400806Repost from the vent thread
Liberals and leftists are so focused on
Triggering The Right, that there turning themselves into the caricature that the alt right has of them: as anti white racists (the one they always denied).
and in this case defending sharia law
No. 400835
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Out of all the trends in recent years, eboy is by far the worst one I've seen. Its just a worse version of mid 00s scene boys if you replaced the sadness with vapidity and upped the narcissism.
No. 400842
>>400806I think there might be some among the influencers of the left that realize the more the culture war heats up the less power they have. At the moment the left choose what's allowed to be discussed and what language can be used to discuss it. Now there's a growing minority on the right that doesn't want to play by those rules, or are already refusing to. While the left is still able to get people fired for not playing by those rules I can't see that minority on the right ever being anything significant. The problem for the left is that businesses are already recognizing that pandering/dog whistling to the right is now an option. As this right wing market grows so will the number of people on the right that refuse to engage on the lefts terms.
When the culture war reaches the stage that the response to the cry of "you're _ist/_phobic" becomes "So what?". The BASED and enlightened misanthropes will get to chow down on the spicy meatball of overpopulation solving itself.
No. 400863
>>400806It's kind of alarming that his only argument is "W-Wanting sharia law isn't THAT bad". Yes, it fucking is. People are dying over this. And not even just innocent non-Muslim people, but innocent Muslim people as well. Women are being deprived of human rights, and little girls are forced into marriage. "I'm sure I could get my mom to agree to honor killing, too, and she's Christian"? How is that a good point? How does it make agreeing with honor killing any less fucked up? Stop. If the shoe were on the other foot, and Christians in the modern age were starting entire terrorist groups in a bid to push their religion, we wouldn't be in the wrong to find these stats alarming on them, either.
His only decent point in that whole video was criticizing the way Shapiro conflated "positive" views with "mixed" views purely to inflate numbers for fear-mongering purposes.
No. 400891
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I wonder why the Japanese government says it's okay for the evacuators to return to the town Naraha. The animals around the exclusion zone are still radioactive and the soil can't be that safe either. I just don't trust what the government is saying. They hid the fact that TEPCO were releasing radioactive water into the ocean until 2013.
It feels as if they're just doing this to show off for the Olympics. Or just so that the government won't have to pay the victims anymore.
No. 400961
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I fucking lost my shit when I saw this kek
No. 400974
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Despite me regularly brushing and flossing, yesterday I started getting extreme pain in what I think is a tooth. It may be the gum. Pain when I drink my sweet coffee or drink something cold. I had a few pastries with my family yesterday, so I wonder if that is the cause, but normally I don't eat very much sugary stuff so it is weird that it would hurt all of the sudden. I decided to try this meme tooth paste and I really hope it works to make my tooth not hurt!
No. 401039
>>401026right wing memes are still cringeworthy anon, "[insert racist/offensive joke here] and LAUGH AT IT" is not clever or inventive and anyone who thinks alt right memes are honest satire or irony need to check wtf those things actually mean
remember when memes weren't political? when it was just random nonsensical shit that everyone could laugh at that was sometimes offensive but nothing gratiutious? I miss those memes.
No. 401053
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>tfw made the wholesome image thread>it's still going strong to this dayGood stuff
>>400437>>400647I do think it was a little aimless?
I liked it regardless tho, very cozy and nice to watch if you want to see something cute to wind down.
No. 401131
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just found sex tapes of my bf with his ex lmao. curiosity got the best of me, mfw I saw dem areolas.
No. 401206
>>401155>>401166Bet you didn't have the ex gf's consent to watch her sex tape with your current bf.
Wish you good luck with leaving the piece of shit and hope he does not have any intimate pics and videos of you.
No. 401240
>>401219kinda like Radfemtori
she was a "lesbian" radfem on Tumblr that would shit on straight and bi women and call them cock suckers and say they could never be true feminists only for it be revealed that she had a boyfriend who was a Marine
No. 401249
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>>401240Hmm, makes me wonder about all of the self-righteous "radfems" on this board who say similar things.
No. 401254
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>>399999After a autistic tranny tarted this bullshit which ended rightfully in a shit storm and backpedalled after people got really mad about this (he even wanted to quit twitter because uwu so much hate and negativity but still posts because the attention is good) the next one comes around about being upset that the new super smash stage builder bans all kind of political symbols as the trans flag, to keep the place that was made for fun and political neutrality. Of course this ban means for trannies that they can't promote their shit on a platform that isn't made for this kind of trash so they are now upset about it and of course nintendo is a transphobic piece of shit for not making an exception for them.
No. 401257
>>401240Methinks lesbians who have pseudo-grudges against straight and bi women for liking dick are just bi in denial.
And this is coming from a lesbian
No. 401265
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IDK why but I've really been wanting love recently? This is the happiest I have ever been so I want to share it with someone else. But the guys at my school are kind of immature, and I feel like the type of guy I want doesn't exist? Also even if they did exist, I def don't feel pretty enough for them lmao. I think it's time I lower my standards when it comes to appearances.
No. 401268
>>401254lmfao jesus christ, now we're gonna have to hear AGAIN how "everything is political! this is discrimination!" like okay how the fuck is a Nintendo Switch console itself related to politics?
Is there a list of other stages with political symbols that were banned?
No. 401290
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>>401268I just saw some hitler related ones and of course a lot of penis.
No. 401291
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>>401290samefag but here is the whole list and pure cancer about this because trans flag is on the same list as nazi symbols, so nintendo compares trannies to nazis or something like that idk it just gave me a headache after reading a bit into it.
I just wanted to see some lulzy creations and not this bullshit again like everywhere else … No. 401316
No. 401323
I am a feminist but women with this holier-than-thou attitude do exist in the radfem community and are annoying as fuck. No one said all.
No. 401355
>>401345>not a Buck AngelSeems weird since you're attracted to men and vaginas, but not men with vaginas.
Although I guess I get it, you're into the rest of the masc body but pretend the crotch doesn't exist when looking at them?
Your best bet is probably to either date exclusively butches or just desensitize yourself to dicks. The febfem choice is probably preferable although it would take longer to find someone.
No. 401370
>>400776>>401364nta, but do you like them shorter than you?
I feel the same, I've even found dad-aged men cute if they're around 5'2" and fit my racial preferences. Not that I'd fuck or date them for real but it's the reason I'm manlet exclusive (so I'll be attracted forever).
It's probably a power or proportion thing. In my case I know it's a mix of those. Short men have more childlike proportions (big head, small body, sometimes tiny hands and feet) and it just activates the nurture and protect instinct. But also mixed with arousal. That probably sounds pedophilic but I'm not into teens or kids or anything, and like I said have even been interested middle aged men. It's just some weird crossed wire and I work with it.
Face has also never really mattered to me, just presentation and body. Do any of these resonate with you?
No. 401375
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I love this image
No. 401392
>>401383Generally non-white. I have a main preference for men of a similar race to my own (full or mixed Native American, even if Hispanic), but also desi guys for some reason. Also been into several black guys.
The very few white men I
have been attracted to happened to also only be very short haha.
No. 401393
>>401370>do you like them shorter than you?I love them shorter than me but it's rare to find a guy in my area shorter than me.
It is a power thing for me. I kind of have a nurturing personality but I'm not responsible enough to take care of animals or kids.
No. 401401
>>401394Yeah, like I said mainly South Asians but I'm also into SEA guys and some East Asians.
I think the shortest guy I've seen at my uni is SEA, he must be 5'. He's quite adorable but he seems social and is in a different major so I have no chance to pursue. Tragic.
>>401393It's probably those aspects outweighing your desire for a perfect face then.
Halo effect but being short is the halo lol.
No. 401434
>>401404They’re not xenophobic so much as deadly afraid of having to speak English and fucking up.
Have you seen their English test scores? It’s hilarious.
No. 401439
>>401434Lmao they’re not xenophobic?? Japan is a hugely xenophobic country, look at how they treat any foreigners or look down upon non-Japanese cultures.
Also, they wouldn’t have to necessarily speak English, they’re hugely unwilling to work with even neighbouring countries, so I’m not sure what your point is.
No. 401522
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>friend and I want to make an effort to engage less with the internet
>decide to get a puzzle
>now spending more hours on Amazon scrolling through hundreds of choices than we will spend solving one
No. 401526
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>>401522You want to make an effort to engage less with the internet and the first thing you think of is a puzzle…?
No. 401539
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>>401531>>401522>trading submission to dynamic and complex information for submission to static pieces of cardboard and paper.DO SOMETHING CREATIVE
No. 401564
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You're in the club when this woman comes over and slaps your bfs ass. What do you do?
btw she's 6'3 and 230lbs
No. 401573
>>401564My bf is 6'2 and 200 lbs and a former boxer
I think he can handle himself
No. 401584
>>401577I'm tall 5'11 1/2 and I used to be pretty fit but I don't go the gym as much as I used to
I think he could beat her in a fight but I would be scared of him falling in love with her
he really likes tall women and loves women near his height,(I'm actually one of the shortest girl he's ever dated lol)
No. 401592
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>>401564Don't have a bf and don't want one.
Ask her to spank me instead
No. 401603
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>>401599If his height doesn't start with a 7 then he isn't a man.
No. 401634
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>>401606Looking at pictures like these always makes wonder how these interactions go. It must be pretty irritating to put in so much work only to be made to look small even though you're 6'9 and 420lbs.
No. 401668
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>>401636I've considered it too, but I've also purchased "prints" of terrible ms paint artworks off deviantart just cause I thought it was hilarious that they deemed it worth selling.
No. 401678
>>401660Not this again.
Short men still look like and are adults. They're just small adults, which is cute.
In your universe are men who date women any shorter/lighter than them also pedos? Only exact same size couples are okay?
No. 401695
>>401606He probably clogs the toilet every time he takes a dump
Andre the Giant had to shit in a bathtub
No. 401826
>>401820Yeah, this plus she says liking short men is
pedophilia but liking short women is
Liking manlets is just the reverse of what you stated (dominance), and neither involve lusting after minors.
No. 401866
>>401860This has always been a thing
According to my great aunts child sexual abuse was rampant back in the 50's, but mainly for boys. They all said they never had any problems but the boys did.
I bet it happened to girls too, but since boys had a lot of "outside" supervised (by pedo coaches/priests/Scout leaders/..e.t.c) activities and girls stayed more at home (where most of female sexual abuse actually happens).
my own grandfather was molested and my great grandfather and great grandmother knew but didn't tell anyone because they were afraid that their child might be gay and it would be a humiliation towards them
No. 401907
>>401900>>401866one of the main reasons this abuse was kept hidden was because the
victims themselves and the
victims families didn't want any to know,men being raped by other men is sorta of the ultimate wound on their masculinity,thats why my grandfather only revealed his abuse to his wife and children when he was in his late 60's
If MRAs really cared about men they would try to get more men to speak up about their abuse instead of attacking feminists,I don't believe its feminists responsibility to help male
victims other then showing some sympathy
men themselves have to speak about it
No. 401939
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ig slime vids have gone too far
No. 401943
>>401939this is stupid but harmless.
my major beef with these fucking slimetards is their obsession with floral foam and glitter. these dumb fucking useless wastes of oxygen, instead of getting a real job and doing something meaningful for humanity, make these videos for useless parents who plop their unwanted crotch goblins in front of a sticky iPad to watch this mindless guff and rake in the fucking cash.
glitter and fucking floral foam. glitter, that shit that literally kills everything it touches once it makes its way out into the ocean, which is fucking inevitable because these retards clearly do not give a single shit about the environment or how to properly dispose of things whatsoever. floral foam unless specifically designated as biodegradable is the equivalent of sprinkling some fucking styrofoam directly onto a coral reef.
i fucking hate these people and everyone like them so much. this world doesn’t exist for your useless ass to just mindlessly pollute it for easy youtube bucks. they can die in a car fire.
No. 401980
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I know I shouldn't but I love posting manlet memes. I'm short myself.
Is this toxic femininity?
No. 401986
>>401980I only go for guys that are taller then me or are my exact height
some women can get a bit ridiculous with height standards though e.g a 5'2 girl I know rejects any man thats not 5'10+
No. 402192
>>400774Hey, I've struggled with cocain and amphetamine (not meth, more like eurospeed) addiction and have been clean for 3 years (with the exception of 2 lines I once accepted at a party a year ago). Addiction also runs in my family though its mostly alcoholics and not drugs.
I don't miss it at all and have kinda turned my life around. I still go out and party (although way less because I dont have the incentive to get high) and still hang out with some friends who do drugs. And I'm fine with it. It doesnt
trigger me much.
However, I must say that to get clean, I really hit rock bottom. It involved a weird-ass intervention, my father loosing his finger, me getting all my things confiscated by my mother and then getting sent away to my homecountry for 3 months, away from the drugs but still in a positive environment.
No. 402318
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Man I'm such a weeb. I love arroz con gandules.
No. 402322
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>>402318Real weebs eat risotto
No. 402362
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I really resent morons who are popping out babies without having a proper financial net, family structure, and just being unintelligent and ill-prepared for children in general.
Worse yet they're rewarded for their bad reproductive choices with first world societies safety netting them with limitless welfare and help because–yes–no child should have to suffer because their birth parents can't be relied upon to treat them right.
The world is truly doomed for idiocracy.
Empathetic and educated people are going to choose to have no children or have significantly fewer due to quality of life issues, which is going to result in the world being populated by offspring of darwinism rejects almost guaranteed to repeat the same dumb mistakes.
I fucking hate it. A part of me wants to make being a parent super fucking difficult with permits, government intervention, and regulation but that would only punish the okay to good people who genuinely don't deserve scrutiny.
No. 402371
>>402364Chinese culture favored voluntarily aborting female fetuses over males, causing a gender imbalance and a reproductive problem for a nation that now wants to become the next hot superpower.
Limited child policies are actually pretty effective at reducing births.
But I'm not talking about one-child policies, I'm talking about unfit imbeciles breeding like rats while societies enables the outcomes.
No. 402384
>>402372I know this is basically about domme-sex-workers but…the sub should always want to be there, regardless of gender.
Technically the sub is always in control.
Is the only BDSM you "take seriously" rape? lmao
>>402377Depends on the size of the man and woman honestly. The ideal malesub would be very short and ~100 lbs.
Say what you want about test but he can't waste her if she lifts and has several inches of height and 50+lbs on him. It would be at least a fair fight.
No. 402390
>>402384>Knowing the man can pretty much waste the woman with his bare hands if he wanted to kinda ruins it eh?Yeah pretty much
>>402384>The ideal malesub would be very short and ~100 lbs.most teenage boys don't even weigh 100 lbs
No. 402393
>>402390It's certainly attainable for 5' or 5'1" men who have little muscle mass. They're rare but special gems.
That said, I've met skelly men who were possibly ~120 lbs that I could lift more than/had better grip strength than at work. If they lifted for a month I'd be out, but in their current state they couldn't "waste" me.
If that doesn't please you, there's always drugging them. Non-consensually since apparently that's what you consider BDSM (?).
No. 402439
>>402372Maybe you just don't like femdom anon, it's totally fine not to
(neither do I tbh)
No. 402445
>>402418It won't matter because it would take you more food to feel satisfied.
I wish I was smaller so I could I could feel delicate and smoll-uwu instead of a stomping giant.
No. 402478
>>402372This implies that you think M/f is good because the woman actually could be a rape
victim who isn't consenting since she's smaller and physically weaker. How creepy.
I'm not into BDSM but femdom is better because you know it's always 100% consensual.
No. 402496
>>402490I think there is, compared to the SKs I have an interest in. Maybe not in the tc circles where it's mostly with teenage girls who want to obsess over the most "daddy" killers, lol. Reddit's few serial killer based communities have a defined interest in him.
Easily manipulated? Psychopaths, while having lower intelligence on average, are very manipulative people. When you have a psychopathic personality that is intelligence I imagine this is tenfold, no? So anyone could be manipulated by that.
If I recall correctly, Ed had comorbidities with schizophrenia to his ASPD, which can provide a certainly interesting color to his pathology, especially as someone as self-aware as he is.
No. 402498
>>402490Ignore the way he phrases himself and the way he speaks and look to the core content of his words – what he is doing is making excuses for himself, with the outcome of making him appear sympathetic and intelligent.
There's all kinds of ways people can validate their behaviour. Some men genuinely believe that it is justified to beat their wives for not cooking dinner on time or any other ridiculous thing. Take those men to psychologists and they don't change their ways, they just develop more sophisticated ways to make their excuses. To them, their behaviour must always be rational and justified. They never truly believe they are at fault for anything.
I strongly believe the same principle applies to the dude in the video.
Highly relevant excerpt:
No. 402513
>>402498I don't think he does make that many excuses for himself though. Having been abused all throughout my childhood (and I don't mean to
victim blame his mother, however, his father, even left her claiming that his time in the war was far less traumatizing than living with her). I'm fully aware of the ways men victimize themselves over silly bullshit, but I don't think this was simply a case of her not being submissive or motherly enough. I also can't pretend that lifelong abuse during childhood isn't hugely destructive. The interesting thing about Kemper is that Kemper doesn't seem to hate women. Most male serial killers do. I also don't think the irrumatio on his mother was anything but humiliation and I don't necessarily think the necrophilia was sexually motivated in the same ways Dahmer or actual, primary necrophiles engage in necro. As I recall, he had a healthy relationship with a fiancee at one point, as well. The thing that separates Kemper from the rest for me, is that I don't know that the sexual degeneracy was or is as ACTUALLY as sexually motivated as it was for the rest of these nutjobs, despite them being sex crimes. That's very odd and unusual.
>>402496Which others are you interested in? I wish there were more recent interviews with him. People often say "he's manipulating you!" or "he seems so excited to talk about it!" but I don't even get that feeling when he recounts the murders. Bundy, however, when you hear him decline to talk about the 12 yo, you can FEEL how much he relished thinking about it and tried his hardest to supress his joy in reliving it.
No. 402522
>>402513Phil Jablonski, Rodney Alcala, Paul Bernardo + Karla Homolka, many of the historical ones like LaLaurie or Vlad The Impaler and the like. I read about them all though. Pathologies are always interesting. The ones with the unidentified
victims get me the most though since I always want to find them
No. 402536
>>402528Huh? I mean.. he still has a
victim count so clearly he did act on it. He didn't completely resist his murderous urges, cause if he did, he wouldn't have killed his grandparents to begin with.
I think Ed's behavior as a serial killer wasn't too abnormal per se, but rather his willingness to talk about it in a candid matter and have the ability of intelligent self reflection was. No, lust was not the primary motivation, as he wasn't a "lust" killer, but sexuality was involved, whether or not it was the primary function of his killings. But idk which type of SK he's classified as, in particular.
No. 402562
>>402520There is usually a psychological reason lurking behind being a ____phile. Acknowledging that underlying reason doesn't actually absolve guilt or anything like that, it's just part of the list of facts. I'm sure it's very easy to live life labeling people as "evil" and not understanding that the trauma-elevated symptoms eventually took them to an extremely horrific place. What they did is unforgivable and they should be punished as harshly as possible but looking at their cases with awareness off human psychology is not the same thing as excusing them or justifying their actions. Murder/rape can't be justified. They are accountable.
Some people end up having similar traumas and grow up to be completely normal people, some people don't.
No. 402570
>>402562And that's the thing with Kemper. Kemper specifically asked for the death penalty (there ended up being a moratorium on it) but ideally said he deserved to be tortured to death. He hasn't attended a parole hearing and has no interest in getting out. He, and countless psychiatrists have admitted that likely none of those deaths would've occurred had he killed his mother first. He put off killing his mother because he didn't have the balls to, until he did. That's not to say his mother deserved to be killed - no, never - but she herself did some terrible things that I'm sure affected his development and attachment to people. He had two pet chickens. She cut their heads off in front of them and forced him to eat them. Would call him a 'faggot', 'pansy', etc, was an
abusive alcoholic, and such. Even he, himself, though, has said, the chicken decapitating, all of that, none of it is a reasonable, justifiable, or logical conclusion, excuse, or justification to what he ultimately ended up doing. Kemper's story has pathos and that he has never tried to deny that he deserves punishment and doesn't try to justify his crimes as being anything but horrible and unreasonable is pretty remarkable, all things considered. Supposedly the grandmother was the same way, incredibly
abusive toward him. After he was released from having been imprisoned for killing the grandparents, they released him to the one person all of the psychiatrists adamantly demanded he not be released to, but the state did it anyways: his mother. All people reported the only person he truly loved was his grandfather and he claims to have only shot him to spare him the pain of the fact that his grandson killed his wife. Kemper called the police on himself immediately after. I mean, his attachments to people, the methods, everything is pretty highly unorthodox considering most serial killer MOs.
No. 402576
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I wonder what this "TIFs" goal for joining the boys swim team would be,with all those fit young males
No. 402634
>>402570Didn't he said he won't be released from prison and won't even try applying from parole simply because he knows he's gonna kill again? I mean that just destroyed the first part..
>>402562Tbh yeah but I'm kinda tired of the stupid psychological fluff of shit. It doesn't actually get anywhere ime but yeah I get it
No. 402712
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Last year I adopted an older cat that was returned to the shelter twice, but stayed with her original family for about 8 years. The volunteers said she was going to be a handful because she has attachment issues, she hasn't acted out at all like the people who returned her said. Sometimes I wonder if she misses the family she grew up with as a kitten, and that's why she acted out. I wish I could ask her if there's anything she's missing. Probably humanizing her, but if I had to go to a new place as an older person, I'd occasionally draw comparisons, you know? She seems happy though. I hope she's happy.
No. 402742
>>402712Anon i love you so much for adopting an older cat. You are making her very happy i'm sure, kittys of all ages can adapt to a new living situation as long they are not feral… even if she remembers being abandoned.
I'm trying to rehome an abandoned kitty i found but all people who dms me are like: "oh sorry i wanted a baby"… she is 1 year old. Fuck kitten supremacy
No. 403030
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I love Natasha Lyonne’s hair.
No. 403044
>>402871Whenever I look at adoption sites, my eyes always happen to be fixated on older animals or those with "defects" not to feel morally superior but just because I happen to stumble upon those animals' pages and fall in love at first sight lol but my mom is one of those people that wouldn't want to take an older/in-need pet in and when I ask her why, she just says she doesn't know. There's literally no reason for people to be as obsessed with puppies and kittens like they are.
I've never owned a dog but cats get more endearing and have more of a personality when they get older compared to their younger selves. They're a lot more fun to be around.
No. 403147
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I have no idea where to put this but came across this and idk but not wanting to have all video game characters with big tits and tight clothes isn't "erasing all traces of femininity". Giving characters fitting and functional clothes isn't sexist or whatever they try to say here.
No. 403150
>>403147I feel the same way. I saw this tweet too and I felt weird about it- she doesn't understand that artists overdo drawing women in skimpy clothing that doesn't make sense for practicality and that not all women are gonna be busty and curvaceous all the time.
But with that aside, susu went downhill after the momo rape thing. I use to like her a lot but she just feels different to me now. More annoying and attention hungry.
No. 403228
>>403147I didn't like the "redesigns" because the people who did so sexualized the character themselves and their only reason was because she was showing some skin. She wasn't wearing lingerie, it was a leotard. She's a dancer. Also, I personally never saw it as an erasure of femininity with masculinity. Besides how the fuck is a tutu considered masculine?
Susu is spewing some shit. Her argument is irrelevant. I agree with her second tweet, though, but she's obviously using the situation to gain popularity.
No. 403233
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Reminds me of Rick james tho
No. 403261
I know it pisses people off when girls refuse to share where they get their clothes, but I have to admit that I understand why they don't share (at least when it comes to certain items).
I used to dress pretty basic (and I still do on lazy days), but now I spend a lot of time finding specific clothing items. The whole process of discovering things that fit the look I want is very near and dear to my heart. When I find an "exact" thing in a sea of objects that don't quite hit the mark, it's like I've stumbled on a holy grail. When someone asks me where I found a bag or tee with a specific design or something, I feel flattered and excited that someone else likes the same things as me, but then I also feel threatened, and get a weird "Lmao i had to dig to find this, now it's your turn" thought. I don't get this feeling with "normal" things, just rare items.
There's also that irrational fear of the things you like becoming very popular all of a sudden and turning "basic" as a result of overexposure, so you want to protect them somehow. It's stupid, because if a design on its own is popular enough, people seeing it will be enough for them to just make their own rip-offs. There's no need to know the original when there's high enough demand (like what happened with those Milk bags). Still, it's a pervasive feeling.
I typically share the shit anyway, since 1) if it's a small, obscure indie brand, it supports the creators and 2) I know I'd want someone to do the same for me if the tables were turned, and I'm not a hyprocrite.
I definitely get why others don't, though.
No. 403286
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>>403283A lot of them are, in fact, bots. They have a whole agenda to spread their bullshit as far and wide as possible, pic related. They say the exact same things repeatedly because they're spammed mantras.
The current state of things isn't sane.
No. 403287
>>403269I second anon's rec.
>>403262Have you seen Phoebe's previous show
No. 403369
>>403249That show fucking sucks, they couldn't have picked a less sympathetic lead to play Sabrina. The plot is always dumb and the writing is really cringy imo.
I do like the costumes usually and it's a nice hatewatch.
No. 403522
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There's something so satisfying about a ramen with a fried egg thrown in. It's one of my favorite comfort foods.
No. 403559
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>the unpopular opinion thread
I now understand why a lot of farmers hate weebs
No. 403694
>>403598Most of the girls are still cute and holy crap at the twin who got ripped kek.
Too bad about Maxxie hitting the wall huh.
No. 403699
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I'm so close…
Soon, I must reach 100 wpm!
No. 403703
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>>403699I finally did it! Also, I'll stop spamming this thread.
now I go for 150+wpm No. 403720
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I know it's not healthy, but recently I've been having fun and enjoying myself when going through my ex's new gf's facebook.
She shares a lot of "I'm depressed and I wank to kill myself/I have a lot of trauma that I overshare then and I'll isolate myself/People hate me and pretend to like me" kinda posts with her comments like "this is actually me". Along with that, she also shares really old and stupid memes. He doesn't react to barely any of these posts, not even ones he's been tagged in.
I knew her before they got together, and I don't harbour any ill feelings toward her for being with my ex, but the fact that he's with someone who has my (old)issues but on full blast just really interests me. She's an amalgamation of what I dislike in social media culture, especially since she's not some angsty 16 y/o, so that's probably why I've become a little fixated. When he dumps her, she'll probably be hurt the same way I was, it makes me wish she'd reach out to me so I can warn her or something. She seems alright though.
No. 403769
>>403749Whatever floats your boat. Personally I can’t stand kids books because they’re so simple you don’t have to think.
It’s really bizarre to see middle aged men saying “zoo wee mama” and other references to it when they don’t even have kids.
No. 403785
>>403769NTA and I dont particulary like children's books but some
do make you think, like The Little Prince fot instance. Alice in Wonderland and Where the Wild Things Go are also very good quality and enjoyable books even though they're for children.
No. 403863
>>403731Probably a combination of nostalgia and the books actually being good?
I honestly have fond memories of that series even though I wasn't a kid anymore when it came out, for a series of children's books it was very funny and enjoyable to read imo.
So while the redditors being manchildren thing is kinda true some children's books are actually worth checking out.
No. 403896
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I just dropped a whole box of thai noodles in the train. It cost me £7.05 too, now I'm broke broke AND hungry. If these people weren't around me I'd shed some real fatty tears ;-; I fucking hate this, now I'm sad
No. 404070
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I remeberd something from my childhood today and I'm not sure what to think of it. Like is it normal child stuff or was it some for of abuse? Everything gets labelled abuse today so maybe anons can help?
So basically what I remember is that I was like 5-7 years old and I had two neighbours, let's call them A & B. A was around 3-4 years older than me and B's brother, who was 2 years younger than me.
A would sometimes make B and me touch each others genitals. He didn't watch (iirc) but found it funny? I also remember us (A and me) "having sex", which was basically our genitals touching but no penetration since we had no idea how sex worked.
I'm cringing thinking about this but I guess it's normal, curious child stuff??
No. 404094
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>>404077>>404088Me and the neighbour kids also did weird shit like this. I remember one time, when we were maybe 9 yo, we (a group of maybe 6 girls) all lined completely naked next to each other and one by one we would inspect all the other girls genitals.
Ugh, I cringe so hard remembering and writing about that. And I have other instances of weird semi-sexual group shit like this happening during my childhood.
No. 404111
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Model Tales Soares collapsed and died today on the runway at Brazil Fashion Week. My first thought was, how thin was he? This was taken moments before.
He was definitely thinner than he was a year ago. No. 404120
>>404070>>404077>>404094>>404118Jesus Christ, I had two friends who did some suggestive shit but my mom made me cut them off before it escalated to anything involving me.
Has it affected you gals in adulthood at all? Any weird hang ups?
No. 404123
>>404120I saw kissing in movies when I was about 6 and "practiced" with my brother, who was 5. Ugh, I feel gross just remembering it.
Anyway when I got a bit older I looked back on it and felt so ashamed and repulsed I literally couldn't even talk to my brother for a bit. I've never brought it up with him because I hope he just doesn't remember at all.
No. 404125
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Silent strokes are fucking terrifying. I suspect I might've had one at some point, because I feel like my right eye and eyelid are recently more numb and dumpy than my left one and I've had occasional, short heart rhythm problems in the past 2 years. There is no good doc in a radius of at least 15km and I'm not even sure what exactly I supposed to tell them to get my heart checked.
No. 404129
>>404114Too early to say. The Sun is the only outlet reporting speculation by unnamed doctors about a congenital disorder. But being a tabloid, grain of salt. He was 26. of his collapse is out there. I think I saw it on The Independent.
No. 404167
>>404102Tae Kim guide learning is going to be way faster than following a class if you actually have talent.
No. 404171
>>404120All of the things that happened to me were with friends of the same age so I don't feel like any of it was bad, it's just an awkward truth that kids do this stuff.
I'm bi so I think kissing practice with other girls made me much more at home with my sexuality. But also like the other anon I had the internet before anyone else so that plays into it too.
Slightly related but I notice that sissies and predators always write fictional sories about childhood scenarios or try to ask people about their childhoods. I believe it's normal to develop sexuality early on, but creeps try to use it as justification for their perversity. It makes me try to avoid thinking about those memories at all or admitting them to friends, in case it messes me up or becomes part of a someone's spank bank.
No. 404209
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I've really been wanting to do my boyfriend in a cute bunny suit like this, but i don't have the money nor the body to pull it off.
One can dream
No. 404250
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No. 404261
>>404245It’s spoilered, what’s the big issue? Oh no, anon wants to fuck her boyfriend in a costume, the utter degeneracy of it all~
the people on this site sometimes, jfc this is so tame
No. 404613
>>404262same, i wish i could just move into the arctic circle sometimes lol
warm weather is hell
No. 404658
>>404653TMNT, Pokémon, Sonic… Can they please stop. Can the people who go to watch these STOP
And they always give them generic white boy asshole voices
No. 404669
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>>404666thats fucking horrifying. i feel the same with dt. pikachu. it all looks like nightmare fuel
No. 404670
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>>404669ayart, like i don't understand why people say that pikachu looks cute, the fuck?? like the only passable poke i've see is bulbasaur but even then his eyes are like that of sauron. all the fluffy ones just look wrong or straight up horrid (see jigglypuff).
maybe some designs just aren't meant for live action stuff and should be left as their original medium?
No. 404703
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>>404666Who thought this was a good idea?
No. 404707
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>>404669>>404670Sonic looks like shit and probably will be shit but I am hyped for Detective Pikachu. IMHO the Pokemon look cute/interesting (I hope Eevee, Vaporeon or any Eeeveelution shows up…). The movie genuinely seems fun and I wanted a Pokemon movie/tv series that is targeted toward everyone (including old fans) and not just kids. Occasional good fanfiction and fancomics are a proof that you can do so many interesting things with the Pokemon world, but sadly Nintendo is just not interested in that.
I agree that Jiglypuff could look better, they really fucked up trying to make him hairy instead of following up logic like in pic related.
No. 404751
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No. 404934
>>404929She has Glioblastoma (a brain cancer) which usually has an expected prognosis of about a year until death
Even if she is extremely lucky and survives the disease she will suffer significant brain degeneration and damage from the tumors and treatments.
either way she won't be making any new videos
No. 405230
>>404653They sure posted a DP Trailer one day after this mess because it really shows how much more potential it has.
But I'm still not sure how I personally feel about this, but gonna def going to watch it next week.
No. 405414
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This is true
No. 405501
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Watching Jenna Marbles with her new rescue dog makes my heart grow 3 sizes and brings tears to my eyes. She is so earnest and devoted to doing right by this dog.
No. 405542
>>405501In her video last week when she gently talks to Bunny and says "hey… we're going on a long, long life journey together" brought me so close to tears.
I know some people might think her (not dog) content is really stupid, but god do I enjoy it. She's really the only youtuber that I've kept up with for more than a few months because her content is just so… refreshingly good. It's not clickbait, even if it's something ridiculous like "how many balloons will it take to lift up my dog". She's so sweet and funny, and such a good role model for her younger audience. The patience in her voice when she was trying to teach Marbles to sit on hardwood floors, god what a beautiful soul. I hope she's able to stay on the platform for years to come.
No. 405546
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Seeing all the backlash that Artikun0 (and his gf) are getting is great. While I do think cancel culture can be extreme, it just feels so good to see people mercilessly telling him he's a piece of shit. I don't condone the rape or death threats, but the hundreds of "your personality is shit" makes me feel good enough.
To some extent I do think people deserve second changes/can change, but then I saw another clip of him yelling "GIVE UP!! JUST GIVE UP!!", presumably to the Neko girl him and his gf were making fun of. Like yeah, I also think her art isn't that great, but other people have said she only started about a year ago, and everyone starts from somewhere, so it's just really awful to see someone with "good" art put down an aspiring artist is such a straightforward manner. It's like your kid coming up to you with some fucking crayons scribbled on paper. It's fucking god awful, but you hang it on the fridge anyway. Who the fuck gets off on telling apprising artists (of any age) to just give up, especially when they've barely just started?
Going as far as to contact his school and ruin his future medical career is something I won't step into (though people pointed out that his awful behavior here probably means awful bedside manner too), but I hope his future in the art world is ruined. No one needs this kind of awful negativity. No. 405557
>>405550Same, anon.
I wouldn't say she's aesthetic but…idk. I kind of like chubby women anyway so I think that may be it for me.
No. 405561
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>>405546Sounds like it was his girlfriend that said that. Inb4 they break up because he gets kicked out of med school lol No. 405564
>>405561 is the clip I was referring to where Kuno's explicitly the one that says give up (although now I'm unsure if he's telling his audience to give up (I'm assuming he says this because they'll never make it as far as Neko) or still just telling Neko to give up). Either way they're both shitty people lol.
I saw a reply where someone said they contacted Berkeley about her behavior. I don't think her school gives a fuck, but I hope they do get banned off twitch. He's limited comments on his ig now too lol.
No. 405924
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adopted my cat a few months ago. hes finally laying on me and letting me give him tons of belly rubs and curls his tail around me. i am so fucking happy. i want him to be happy forever.
No. 406090
>>405924So happy for you anon! There's nothing better than the joy of pure, untainted love from your pets.
I've had my dog for 15 years and it was only in the past 2 years that she's started snuggling up to me for cuddles. Thought I had a broken dog lol
No. 406103
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>>405924I know that feel. When cats start actually warming up to you and being affectionate… following you everywhere, start purring loudly when you come home or when they see you first thing in the morning, laying on your keyboard when you're working, demanding cuddles… I love my cats, dammit.
No. 406265
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I want him so bad but the cost of international shipping is almost as much as he is and also I'm a 30 year old lady.
No. 406349
I still remember when Molly Soda, jamjars, Felice Fawn, Charlotte Free, Shmegeh, Berry Tsukasa, Dakota Rose, Casper Keith, etc were basically e-celebrities and "alt" aesthetic kings/queens on Tumblr. Even earlier than that was scene queen/king culture on MySpace.
Are there even "alt" e-celebrities like that anymore? I feel like the market's oversaturated with all these basic people on IG and YouTube. The internet used to be so full of people you'd think were cool and popular. The difference between then and now is that their growth actually felt organic. They were people chosen by the youth for popularity, there was no weird handshake or corporation ensuring their success. It was just teens with good cameras, copies of Photoshop and an eye for fashion. Now, all we have is whoever the algorithm decides we're going to see. Like James Charles or the Kardashian/Jenners, lmao.
No. 406406
>>406394I think it has changed a lot as we age though. These days it's just churning out incels, MRAs and right wing traditionalists because they live in an highly politicized echo chamber where women are the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems. Back in the day the fucked up shit was channeled into shitty memes like pedobear rather than earnest discussion on how women are worthless after 18, for example.
Growing out of the memes is definitely accurate though, now I look back and I can't believe the dumb shit everyone found funny. Memes are much, much better these days thanks to normie influence, they've improved on 4chan as well. Even if it's weird as hell to think of memes as something really mainstream and beloved by kids and parents alike, rather than secret in jokes for nerds.
No. 406447
>>406425>>406429I guess I'm so used to the site culture that I can easily ignore/consider it bad jokes.
Sucks not really belonging on any site…
No. 406455
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>>404653idk if anybody still cares about this mess but the director (?) of the sonic movie said on twitter that they want to change/fix the design and some other things because of the criticism. No. 406474
>>406464I think this recipe is based off of a similar plantain peel recipe from times of scarcity (or more likely a recipe happening right now in Venezuela). It probably tastes fine as a replacement for meat when properly prepared.
Attached is emmymadeinjapans plantain peel video.
No. 406491
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Decided to do some lurking out of boredom and found a small trickle of milk from my own personal lolcow. It's not really anything new to me but regardless it's hilarious to see her being a degenerate retard as always. I guess I'm bitter and petty for even checking up on her but god is it a great show.
No. 406492
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>>406478Sliced fruit
>abominationSentient animal birthed in battery cage and taken from mother then for years pumped and injected with chemicals and growth hormones, continually raped and/or jacked off, murdered, body shipped off to be shredded and mixed with barbeque sauce. Packaged and sold to corporations with colorful fun branding.
>not abomination No. 406497
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>>406425I have a love hate relationship with /cgl/ but at least gulls on there have the balls to bully the autists back.
No. 406507
>>406499Agree, feminism is for human women.
Animals shouldn't be abused, but women shouldn't be shamed into giving up nutritious, iron-rich food either.
No. 406553
>>406537incorrect, pick up aldi's burgers that are supposed to kind of be like the impossible burger. they're far better than the impossible burger and they're actually legitimately amazing.
people talk a really big game about the impossible burger and the beyond burger but they're absolute garbage and taste nothing like meat. this, however, does. i promise.
No. 406555
>>406553Must be personal taste cuz Impossible burger tricked me and several meat eating friends
Beyond is good but has a distinct 'vegan' after-taste. Never had Aldi's
No. 406564
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>>406562sorry deleted my post bc i was able to find like one veg person blogging about it when i specifically put it "meatless". "aldi vegan burgers" or "aldi veggie burgers" or anything of the sort returns absolutely no results for these and idk why i dont see it on their website. the rest of the burgers aldi has are complete dogshit. if any anons are interested, pick these up if you see them. they are amazing!
i'm sorry to hear that, anon. i think aldi has different, possibly even better alternatives in the UK that are supposed to be a lot more meat like, but they're even packaged more like the beyond burger, so i think they might be even better than these, and i figure they'll bring that whatever european locations they have sooner than they'll bring it to us, so you might get better than these even sooner than i, anon!
>>406555impossible, to me, has a horrible, horrible flavor and so does beyond. neither are passable at all for me. i fed these to my dad and he couldn't tell at all, and i honestly can't. these are incredible and i have no idea why these haven't gotten the recognition they deserve. no one is talking about them and they're the best kept secret
No. 406578
>>406492calm the fuck down anon. i’m the original poster of the video and i don’t even fucking eat animal products. i was being hyperbolic because bananas are literally disgusting, natures baby food, and their shitty condom wrapper outside evidently sucks too.
god this is why people hate us you know.
No. 406634
>>406633honestly lolcow really does "feel" a lot early 2010's 4chan
current 4chan is just a dumpster fire thats not even funny
No. 406638
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do people on instagram seek out photographers for their feed or do photographers reach out to them? it always amazes me how so many IG influencers have professional photos
No. 406777
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>>406638i guess it depends on how successful your influencer business is
No. 407010
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>>406975Partyprat, a furfag who regularly throws large room parties at furry cons and shitposts unfunny “ironic” tweets all the time on Twitter. There’s a lot online that paints him as a typical, pathetic troon who abused his exes. However, CB blatantly white knights him in his KF thread, calling posters in it “cringy” for mocking his dumb tweets while saying that prat is “good people.”
No. 407014
>>407010How is this not considered "
problematic" as fuck?
No. 407054
>>407051okay looks like it comes in caplets and it's not too expensive, thx anon
I don't know if it's sudafed for sure but we might have restrictions on that here that only allow u to ask for it behind the counter and my local pharmacy might be closed, but it's still worth a try for the bronkaid since I'm going out to buy energy drinks
No. 407118
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I want some fucking bacon.
It's 2019, why haven't we figured out how to illegally download food yet?
There are no Doritos left. I've had it. This is the last straw.
No. 407228
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>>406142I ended up asking my mother (subtly I hope) what her favorite exotic/"un-ownable" animal was and she said elephant, so this is the baby elephant I "adopted" in her name. I wanted to read about every single one they had at the sanctuary, but there were 9 pages of orphans and I can't spend all day crying, so I went with a little girl that they found wandering around exactly 3 years ago today (today is my mom's birthday so I thought that was nice)
Her name is Tagwa
No. 407254
>>407228long live tagwa!!!
>>407233I laughed
No. 407257
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>>407228fuck, this is great and I support this so much! I wish Tagwa and her pals the absolute best. She is adorbs.
We need to protect animals so much tho.
No. 407275
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>>407228Elephants are so fucking awesome
No. 407350
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why is r/TrollXChromosomes full of males
No. 407373
>>407350I love how there's a billion subs dedicated to hating women and promoting violence against them and nobody cares or does anything but if you post something as innocuous and factual as male murder statistics on a female-orientated subreddit, men get
triggered beyond belief. Just nuke all of Reddit as this point tbh.
No. 407407
>>406265I’m almost 30 and I got a Squirtle Build-A-Bear last year. Planning on getting a Pikachu and Evie eventually. No regrets.
As long as you don’t act exceptional but rather an adult in most aspects, I don’t see what the big deal is.
No. 407411
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>>407407i'm in my twenties and own a shitton of stuffed animals. haven't been to build a bear in a hot minute but i would love to go back with a friend maybe
don't really have any shame buying stuffed animals. my workplace carries squishmallows and I bought a mini version of this fox recently
No. 407463
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I'm having a lot of fun making stupid shit like this. I almost want to make thread where we create/share farmer image macros of all sorts.
No. 407543
>>407530Just delete it. I deleted mine ages ago and it's just better without it. Your friends will still talk to you without it and nobody will expect you to reply if they know you've deleted it.
And honestly it's just nice to be free of the validation wars and the oversharing.
No. 407586
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tfw no /fit/ bf
No. 407598
>>407589Well unfortunately a lot of people don't know how to write good female characters, I could've said that myself a few years back. It's not that they're female, it's that either they're written badly, belong in a chick flick or are written badly (2nd case here) but they're there for pandering to the #SLAYQUEEEN twitter people.
The Handmaid's Tale is one of the few shows that I really like that has a female protagonist. There's also Penny Dreadful.
I've been focusing on literature for the past months so I can't recommend more shows.
Ask him the reasons why he feels like this. Is it just because they're female or?…
No. 407711
>>407543>>407543I'll delete it once I graduate, so in a few months. Some of my friends live abroad though and not being on social media in my teenage years made it really hard to have a decent social life back in the days so I'll try to see if I can delete FB but still use messenger.
>>407547>I found out they had data on female users about their menstrual cycles What the fuck, that's so specific. I never post anything on FB and I changed the default settings as soon as I made my account but my friends always tag me in posts about weeb shit and I have an instagram account so I'm sure it's too late and they have a lot of info on me already.
No. 407901
My cat Luna meows at the weirdest times. She'll do it mid yawn and make the funny fox "waaa" sound because of it and it's really funny.
>>407891Me too anonnnnn
No. 407969
Remove the space before lolcow.
No. 408042
>>408000I have squatted on a toilet before for this exact reason. Whenever I try to poop without a "squat" position, I feel like my intestines will prolapse lol (not really it's just so uncomfortable.) I was in a psych ward for nine days and had to share a bathroom with three other girls, I always washed the seat after my shoes were on it, but I was like I'm not going to grow increasingly uncomfortably full of shit while I'm trying to get better so like just gotta do it
when I'm out in public I try to use the handicap stalls because sometimes they have their own little trash can and I use that to prop up my feet
No. 408239
File: 1557368825973.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 750x1200, 46132682-C281-4B1A-AF8A-AD7230…)

I found an ig page called som.asmr where this girl eats huge amounts of bugs/frys live centipides it’s like disgusting yet so interesting to watch
No. 408294
>>408292Everyone on the internet claims to look waaaay younger than their age and can't help humblebragging about the suffering of being carded. It's obnoxious af in a world that tells women that aging is the worst thing for us, and obviously bullshit since most people don't look like youthful babyfaced cuties the way they imply.
I was in a group of people talking about getting mistaken for younger and make no mistake, they all look their age (30s). I can just imagine them going online and talking themselves up about it. The only one of them who genuinely seemed younger has a squeaky ass voice, acne and a very round race from being overweight. She looks and sounds like a 16 year old but it isn't a flattering perception tbh.
No. 408312
>>408292>my age isn't anywhere near "old" to begin with (20), I'm average height and I'm not petite.This reminds me of whenever I see "young" men who are baby-faced but who are very tall and buff. It's such a weird contrast to me so I find it a bit hard to guess how old they are. Sometimes it's really just the face that makes someone look older or younger than they are.
>>408294>I was in a group of people talking about getting mistaken for younger and make no mistake, they all look their age (30s).I had a friend showing me pictures of her friends and herself in cosplay not long ago and she was bragging about how her friends looked like lolis. Even though they were in their early 20s and looked like they were in their early 30s. She was the only one who looked younger than she is and that's not for good reasons at all so it was very embarrassing to witness, I told her straight-up that her friends don't look like lolis at all, whatever she was implying with that word.
No. 408321
>>408292Exactly, people are fooled by certain things way too easily and are terrible at telling someone's age. Clothes and height are usually the biggest culprit.
In my country people can go from short, chubby plainsfolk in the north and tall, burly mountainfolk in the south and the difference between the two can sometimes be slightly comical.
My best friend in middle school was easily 2m tall. We were both 16 at the time and people would constantly mistake her for my mum because of the height difference and her body shape. Especially given that where I'm from, it's not uncommon for younger girls to hold hands as they walk.
I think now things would be a lot different since I'm slowly starting to assume my ultimate form of a chubby Hungarian auntie who made you cookies.
>>408294Somehow everyone on the internet is a youthful, petite girl with giant titties and a huge ass. I think Instagram also warped people's perceptions of age, I sometimes see 14 year olds who look older than me thanks to 2kg of glam makeup, and Kylie Jenner and Bella Hadid both look like they could wipe my ass and scold me for having dinner without washing my hands first and they're both super young. I've started to see more and more young girls (as young as preteens) with overfilled lips walking around my local mall and as weird as the nipponese obsession with youth is, at least it gives girls more time to be girls instead of training them to become creepy thotlets from age 9.