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No. 396901
Last thread:
>>384143Bitch about artcows, ask advise and generally commiserate on the woes of being an artist here.
No. 396912
File: 1554850939402.png (531.43 KB, 896x477, w1.PNG)

>>396910I get that, but that's next level imo
No. 396942
>>396912I've found that gouache is easily one of the least beginner-friendly paints, so even if it didn't turn out well, bravo for attempting to use them, Waffles.
There's a reason beginners are often told to start with oils, because oil paints are incredibly forgiving.
No. 396958
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>>396938Samefag and I hope I don't come off as a total douche but one thing that may help you all beginner painters (and I truly feel your pain, 'cause I've been there) is to lay don't colors more carefully. The secret of painting is that the less you have to blend the better. Make a palette and make the colors flow naturally like as it was a gradient, then
place* them down to the canvas, don't smack them there or just try to wing it but actually think what color goes to where. It's a lot like drawing really, you don't need to worry if the line-art shows,in fact don't try to paint over it right away, instead use it, since it's there. Color within the lines not over them and after you're confident with what you have you can leave them or hide them. Don't start out too big either, just focus on getting used to the paints, you can add detail later.
I tried painting over the sketch (I know douche move but it's easier to show than tell) and honestly the whole painting just is pretty much just one big gradient with a tiiny tiny color difference here and there.
No. 396990
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>>396981Ok well is ms paint good enough for you? I worked with oil brush only, used 0 other tools. Oh and ms paint oilbrush only has 4 sizes so the brush stokes are really hard to control yet I still got decent results, weird.
No. 397090
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Ops, the last thread already closed. Here again.
No "real" milk, her art ist actually really nice
No. 397091
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>>396971>>397085Spergy fuck learn to sage Kay
No. 397096
>>397090Ah yes… girl looking over shoulder holding a cat or object…. definitely not an idea that has EVER been done before… She definitely had this 100% unique idea…. definitely…
But yes her art is pretty. Just a bit silly this conspiracy.
No. 397097
>>397090The cats arm is
triggering me
No. 397102
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>>397090This has literally never been done before. Can't believe the audacity. She should sue.
No. 397103
>>397085Ah yes. The ability to move from one location to another. Must mean this person can do this on a daily basis, with no assistance. It isnt like Waffles has talked, on numerous occasions, about her hands being shaky and unable to hold a pencil, taking medication, scheduling several MRIs, talking with hospitals, or qualifying for Make-a-Wish. You know, the organization that gives kids that have a high chance of dying one good memory. But hey, she went to a park with her dog that one time, shE’S nOt HOUsE BOUnd.
No. 397124
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Saw this on my feed today. Apparently this user became suicidal after someone publicly trashed them.
Link to the post rizzydraws is referring to: too sure who these users are, but apparently the suicidal one is notorious? It's pretty crazy.
No. 397132
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>>397124idk who the fuck this is but this tweet made me laugh
No. 397134
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>>397132Did they just roast themselves? Their art looks like a bastard version of SU.
No. 397137
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>>397134they literally put their sexuality and "genderfluid" in their twitter bio, not sure how that's better than pronouns but whatever.
anyway this seems like a disproportionate response to a pretty mild callout.
No. 397141
>>397090Oh man is she serious? LOL
the people in the replies are saying to lawyer up…. Just look up fan art on google or anywhere else and it'll bring up hundreds of pics with either the same pose, features a pentagram or both.
No. 397162
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>>397126Yeah I remember him from shoe0nhead's thread and dug this up real quick. He seems less than stable.
No. 397180
File: 1554907623534.jpg (90.7 KB, 639x1050, IMG_20190410_093509.jpg) anybody know anything about goregheist? She's a 21 year old fakeboi basing her whole life around being kin with Deidara from Naruto. She's claiming she's homeless, has cancer, and recently had a heart attack.
Also, her Amazon wish list looks sketch as fuck No. 397184
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>>397180there is no way this thing is under chemo lol
No. 397427
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No Lemia.. It's most definitely you. So insufferable…
No. 397446
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>>397419the twitter replies are full of cringey 'sue them girl!!!11! much cashdolla for you' it's embarrassing as fuck. luckily there's also plenty of people pointing out pic related
No. 397466
>>397457i dont think so. i know art comes with the idea that you need to die for your craft and uwu poor struggling artist is an aesthetic that people want but its your wallet. make your paper.
its hilarious to see people be shocked to learn that their favorite actor or actress didnt like a role that is iconic to their image or was insanely lucrative for them. while acting is their craft, they also just want income the same as we do.
ive seen an anon every now and then ask on whether they should get into furry art just because of the money. i dont support that nasty shit but if it will pay a bill, then why not?
No. 397476

>>397457I don't think it's ridiculous, tbh I've been pondering doing the same thing.
one of my favourite YT artists is lulusketches, she works at Disney and talks quite often about how the people there saw her tumblr and liked it, and it's full of fanart as well as original art. from her example, maybe a mix of fanart to bring the punters in and original stuff can be successful.
obv if you're doing nsfw stuff that's a different thing. but people are always saying that you need to be consistent and stick within one thing - so maybe you could have a separate nsfw account and then think about mixing fanart stuff into your regular account?
IDk, I have no interest in doing nsfw/porn or furry or whatever so I don't think there's any point for me personally because it would be rubbish because I don't wanna do it, so I was thinking more about the first option of just starting to add in fan stuff to my normal art account. but if you're gonna be good at it and enjoy it and want to do it, I bet you could earn money and if so why the hell not.
No. 397633
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>>397180>Fiance>1 year since they metThis girl literally has no idea what she's doing
No. 397677
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Why does LemiaCrescent always manage to come across as condescending lol
No. 397696
>>397671this is correct, she hasn't ever stated it. in one of her recent videos she says that her nails are yellow due to the medication she takes and that's why she paints them, which is a side effect of chemo.
I don't think it's worth speculating over, because she has obviously taken great pains to keep the extent of her illness hidden. I think it's enough to know that she was very sick as a child and continues to struggle to this day.
No. 397816
Some Christian furry artist/tranny drama -'s a month old but I just found out about this and the artist involved is/was popular in animation and furry circles for being groomed by John K so I thought I'd post it here as its kind of funny.
No. 397840
>>397838I followed her too, I knew she was Christian but had no idea she was THAT Christian lol
The animation community is full of LGBT people, I'm not sure what she and her husband expected. Doug TenApel stood up for them though I guess.
No. 397868
>>397842Depends. Certain Christians don’t follow the Old Testament so certain clothes and foods bans don’t apply to them.
>>397840Honestly. Like the art community online is full of people who identify with LGBT labels. She should’ve known better
No. 397883
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This promotion thing on insta needs to stop. Look at this mangled girl, god it’s almost graphic how bad it is. Complete with glowy fishy to really polish up the turd
No. 397892
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>>397883did some investigating and decided to go to the instagram page. this image is misleading. it is a cropped image of a full original piece with a format not suited for instagram. not only that, but the instagram page has majority realism portraits until about feb of 2018, where a visible journey into cartoon illustration and surrealism began. there are many sketches in this style, but not many finished works, 3 of which being dtiys memes. this artist seems to be experimenting with what they enjoy doing. stylization is a new thing for this artist, and the account here has just over 1500 followers and has been posting since 2015. she's seeing a trend in the industry and is trying to survive in it. my promoting her work, she is doing what instagram put the feature there for; exposure in a over-saturated platform.
image was piece made in late dec of 2018. maybe if the hoards didnt subscribe to the previous style of art, artists like this woman wouldnt need to do a complete 180 to make an artistic living. just a thought.
No. 397913
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>>397907dear god the comments are even worse. It's like this in every fucking field, people keep their learned secrets secrets for a reason, it shouldn't be any different in art lmao
the skills you learn about art from hard work is worth money and shouldn't be free if you don't want it to be
No. 397915
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>>397913This part especially got me because it sounds like she was blaming the people who didn't want to share information with her for her own mistake, yiiikes
No. 397926
>>397915Ugh, this is why I never make friends with other artists at cons, like yeah no shit this is a competition, it's not like con attendees have unlimited money to spend on us. Damn right if I keep where I order my special made products a secret because then I have a unique product people will not be able to get from all those people who blow their money on generic acrylic charms.
Why should I spoon feed someone information I painstakingly collected throughout the years? Because it's "nice", oh fuck off.
No. 397941
>>397935I might just do this lol. Imagine though,
"So where do you-"
"Oh! I got everything I know from Baylee Jaes Vlogs! Can't remember which ones though!"
No. 397983
>>397842"What does this mean for artists who follow the Christian faith?"
Lol, as if people are attacking them for being Christian an not for being transphobic. Like, oh no, they were bigots but other people not liking them being bigots is bigoted.
If you don't like trans people, that's your prerogative, but don't act like a
victim when they don't like you back.
No. 398061
>>398059Idgaf what people in this thread think about transgendered people, I just think it's hysterical that an artist desperately trying to break into a field full of trans/gay people is shocked and cries Christian persecution when people don't take kindly to them quoting scripture to condemn them
And then the spergy whiny article written by her husband for a "conservative nerd blog"…yeah that'll get your wife hired for sure!
No. 398066
>>398059Been around since the third board dude. The fact that I think trans women are real women and trans men are real men, zero bearing on art or artist salt.
And frankly you can hate trans people and still be aware of the fact that if you're public about not liking trans people they're gonna shit all over you too. You don't get to condemn a group of people and cry oppression or bigotry when them and their friends decide they don't like you back. It's basic business. If you want to make a positive name for yourself as an artist, don't use bible quotes to say certain groups of people are abominations. It won't be received well.
No. 398075
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anyways back on topic of artist salt and not the current OFF TOPIC discussion i found some milk about the emily artful youtuber gatekeeping saga from jan that nobody posted. did we ever come to a consensus on who we think it was about? I still think Kattvalk, and since the whole emily video, katt has been taking a "personal" break, maybe to reconsider her thought process?
No. 398107
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>>398077>>398078She posted a long rant on her instagram today saying she didn't want to post su art anymore and whining about her engagement lol
No. 398123
>>398108Okay wow lol how is her new obsession with anime any different than her obsession with Western cartoons? She's still emulating the styles of her obsessions. She doesn't seem to get that styles grow with you as you learn and take in all the images you've studied to create something from your own head. What she really needs is some real life study cuz damn the profile view from her video was all sorts of jacked up kek
I'm not all about brush pens and cartoons! Now I'm all about dip pens and anime! Yeah you and everyone else in a weeb phase so what lol.
No. 398129
>>398109yeah but she's a boring fake piece of shit who makes up drama to compensate for her life being boring now that she isn't a drug addled prostitute or whatever. literally nothing about her is interesting besides how desperately she self-posts to get attention.
>>398107refund your backers, jellie, we know you read here
No. 398236
>>398077 Serves her right for running off to those cons and catching con crud. She is doing literally everything BUT addressing her Kickstarter, and nobody is calling her on her bullshit. Guess new shiny fan art and generic acrylic charms are enough to distract people from the major fuck up she left to rot for some years.
Then she has the nerve to bitch and moan about numbers on IG and consider starting over? I think she's using that as an excuse to go under a different name to try and get people to forget she left her Kickstarter for dead and all her backers empty handed. While she and her partner gets a mortgage, take trips to Japan, sell at cons and live it up.
But she's "So Sad about her IG engagement and her worth as an artist", guys.
Maybe she'd have more staying power and integrity if she'd just followed through. She's got no excuse.
Sage for sperg but I genuinely dislike artists who act like that and then blame the people who just wanted to support her.
No. 398259
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>>398244The proportions of the end result seem kinda fucked to me (but I understand her struggle with the coloured pencils, I'm not great with them either)
No. 398363
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People are paying 200$ for this "artstyle"?
And Im struggeling getting over 5k followers xD
No. 398392
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No. 398408
>>398393but would you pay over 200 bucks for it is the question
those are very expensive potatoes
No. 398434
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Does Nerd E crafter count as an artist? Cause im honestly so fed up of her popping up on my feed with that stupid frowny face and a cheap product meant for kids that she, a 30 year old woman, is gonna shit on in the most unfunny way possible.
No. 398470
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>>398259Ugh, one thing that irks me about Waffles is when she's brainstorming she has lots of cool ideas but then the one she settles on for the final product is always so generic. I hate that she went with a generic blonde girl for this. The bald tattooed lady was so much cooler.
No. 398671
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>>398659>>398666I have zero idea what I'm looking at and it's creepy (post a pic next time, dudes, this is an image board after all)
No. 398691
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To be honest she had a nice style in 2015, then it went downhill
No. 398696
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>>397180holy shit i know them, i was in a server where their partner (someone kin with sasori from naruto) was sharing abuse stories. gorgeheist apparently dated tons of sasoris and everyone was abusing each other. they posted images of their sex talk lol gorge has a feederism thing
No. 398701
>>398671>>398696i'm so fucking confused by both of these posts
this is the definition of chaotic evil
No. 398704
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>>398701I could actually post more but idk if this is the right place for it
they have so much horrible art tho posting that is fun enough
No. 398713
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Emilia's nose so blended into her deformed face you can barely see it anymore.
No. 398718
>>398717I had the same question! But I'm gonna go ahead and assume blue hair girls boob is behind white haired girl's.
Or they're just conjoined.
No. 398719
>>397781It's not, I think you're thinking of polterheiist
>>398696I-is this… Polyamory
No. 398769
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>>398579Honestly I’m digging their new banner and icon. If their content picks back up I’ll happily subscribe again, their videos were very much ‘children’s tv budget presenter’ for a while, and I don’t need that in content I’d like to watch considering I’m not 9 years old - I genuinely miss their old format from their first 10 or so videos, I understand why they don’t go outside, but I miss how it was just watching two people hangout without them playing up really obnoxious personas.
No. 398813
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>>398713The long spine is only a step away from this
No. 398828
>>398813oh god you are right, I hadn't noticed !
I wonder how she can both render so well and not see such huge anatomy mistakes when she probably works tens of hours on these pieces.
No. 398832
>>398828Sakimi-Chan sold her soul to normies years ago. Seriously, she just makes things that look impressive to the general public, aka people who have no clue how art works, and makes serious bank off low effort yet excessively rendered crap.
I won't even pretend I'm not jealous cause damn if I could be in her position I totally would.
No. 399058
>>399049was just gonna post this!
I'm torn. it's good to hear her be honest about how she feels about stuff, etc, and a promise of fewer 'drawing by holding an eyebrow pencil in my mouth while following a hack from pinterest' videos is good…
but the reason your art is bad Rae is because you think that copying a photo exactly is 'art', because your drawings are super tight and stiff, and because you have a bizarre conception that art is divided up into 'realism' and 'illustration' and that is super restrictive. that pink hair drawing is not great but it's more interesting to look at that that horrible tight thing next to it
No. 399089
>>399049Ok so basically she admitted to skimping out on the art because she wanted that youtube muns with less effort on her part- and now she's going back to realism and oil painting because she was stressed out and asked her fans what she should do? Haha, what a liar.
The only reason she's going back to her roots is because she wasn't making money or getting views.
Bet you that if her views didn't decline so badly she would have continued with the "EPIC ART HACKS FOR BACK TO SCHOOL UWU IM SO QUIRKY" type of vids.
A+ for that "i cant believe im crying" in the middle there Rae, totally genuine sounding and not sympathy seeking at all
No. 399105
>>399100The nose with only one nostril lmao
I hate those fucking drips, they look nothing short of nasty
No. 399109
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What is it with her and those drips anyway? They always look like an accident
No. 399140
>>399130not really. 40hrs of work is only 8 hrs a day. 2-4 hrs a day for class, 2-3 for homework, 1-2 hrs for art, at minimum thats 7 hrs of sleep a night if managed properly. my 2 days off were always my days for classes and relaxing. my social life has been entirely digital since middle school. and i have my degree now, so all i have to do is go to work and then come home because i worked hard to get to this point. overwork would be another job, or being a parent, or some other task, which now, with my degree, i can do. having 3 responsibilities everyday is not that hard. i'd argue its needed, for structure if nothing else.
maybe that is what some of these tubers need, something that gets them out of the house and gives them more structure. bartenders are always in need, could be some good art inspo there.
No. 399151
>>399049>>399149Also not to white knight or whatever, but Waffles uploads every week with a fucking illness and I’ve never seen her make a 14 minute video complaining about hurrdurr my life is hard. It really shows how lazy you are.
>hurr I can’t express myself :(( Shut the fuck up, also hi Rae, we know you lurk here.
No. 399154
If cranking out a video a week is difficult, and you're making some bank off of this, maybe hire someone to edit, or make thumbnails.
Or, better yet, if doing a video a week is getting difficult, take a hiatus from posting for a little bit, and make a buffer. part of being a business/brand is planning and occasionally doing shit in advance so you don't get fucked later.
No. 399161
>>399049whinging about 1 video/piece of art per week? for real? most people work 40-60 hour work weeks, not including commute times, at completely soulless jobs where no one gives a fuck about them, and this bitch can't take a couple hours per day of drawing (her passion, supposedly) and editing ONE video? Hell, there are even content creators that work a 9-5 on top of putting out at least 1 video a week. but I'm supposed to feel bad for Rae??
I'm seriously so tired of this culture of entitlement that surrounds youtubers. like you have to work for your views/money? what a novel fucking concept.
No. 399174
>>399109I just can’t with those drips.
Also it kinda annoyed me that she was filling the background with those tiny 1/2 inch brushes
No. 399179
>>399169it was a personal comparison to rae and only rae, why are you so butthurt? if what works for me doesnt work for you, it doesnt make me better, and it doesnt make you worse, or vice versa.
at least we can agree that rae has no need to complain, and her situation is of her own creation. can we stop this dick measuring contest please?
No. 399186
>>399179You’re the one who started this whole dick measuring contest anon by feeling the need to go on about how much more you do than here but go off
Regardless what is with the lazy entitlement that a lot of youtubers have, I don’t see other social media influencers/workers have the same attitudes. I rarely see someone even on Instagram whining about how much work they have to put in compared to youtubers and that’s saying something considering the type of people that are drawn to being insta influencers.
No. 399210
>>399199The post specifically states that youtubers whine a lot?
I don’t think it’s the posting itself that causes the burnout of influencers as much as it is the constant need to engage with their audiences, but I’m sick of youtubers constantly going on about how hard it is when they chose this job and nothing is stopping them from changing careers
No. 399225
>>399215>it was a personal comparison to rae and only rae, why are you so butthurt? if what works for me doesnt work for you, it doesnt make me better, and it doesnt make you worse, or vice versa.Made it sound like you’re the anon who felt the need to talk about how they overwork themselves and I’m not sure how pointing out that they begun the whole thing is sensitive, but again go off
No. 399227

>>399179I definitely do agree that if you choose youtube as your career you kinda gotta deal with the shit that comes with it but I would also say that this idea of "if I can do it, you can do it" is not healthy towards anyone. The world is created to be industrial (work 9 to 5) and it's created that way because majority fits into that mold but just like there's a group, there's also going to be a deviants from that group. Some of these people turn out to become successful millionaires because they break the mold and create something new and innovative but sadly most people just fall between the cracks wondering what the hell to do with their lives. Artistic spaces used to be mostly for these deviants, for them to be productive in their own way but now when you look around to see what types of artists are the most popular, it's always the people working 9-5, same with youtube, instagram or anything else really. I think the issue is that a lot of these people who do youtube etc, are the deviant type of people getting stuck into the industrial norm and not even realizing it, creating all kinds of trouble.
Anyway I think adam duff made a good video about this, so I'll just link it. It's a nice 40 minutes but works just great as a background noise while you do something else.
No. 399229
>>399227This is a great post Anon. I agree completely. Taking the people who deviate from the norm and then trying to push them back into a normal structure again
while making art? It explains the lack of creativity I see in popular art these days. How can someone churn out artwork every day to fit a specific schedule, but be innovative at the same time? They can't, and a lot of artistic skill and talent is wasted with people churning out thoughtless people-pleasing art to a schedule. I will have to watch that video you linked.
No. 399308
>>399108>>399093>>399089Editing videos and recording can be a tedious process. I can post one artwork a week but it takes forever to actually record because you have to make sure that everything is perfect. Once you hit record, you are stuck there. You have to be careful when you move the camera to not disrupt it too much, you have to skim through hours of footage (depending on how long you took) and edit out anything that isn't interesting/where you aren't speaking.
Editing videos is a whole different monster to tackle than uploading artwork once a week lmao
No. 399311
>>399308Rae’s videos aren’t exactly cinematic. They’re one camera angle. Voiceover. with a decent computer editing like hers shouldn’t be taking more than 8 hrs tops even if you got a lot of footage. It’s her full time job. She should be filming-editing full time.
Yes, she’ll get burnt out, but who doesn’t get burnt out with their jobs? A lot of youtubers either suck it up or hire editors. If she has no time to do art (not that it’s that good anyway), she needs to find somebody who’ll edit videos for her so she can churn out more one nostril paintings.
No. 399313
>>399308Editing videos is often all these people do though, they have no responsibilities on top of it. Doing the dishes is time consuming and a pain in the ass too but I don’t feel the need to constantly whine about it because no one wants to hear it, it’s tactless how much they go on about it as though all work isn’t tedious and time consuming
Again they chose this line of work by themselves, if they can’t pump out a single video every week or two which is quite a reasonable amount then it’s time they look towards different career paths. In the grand scheme of things it doesn’t actually take that long for someone to record and edit a single video compared to more traditional work, even casual workers are expected to put in more hours. I’m against the idea that people should spend majority of their time working but one days worth of editing and maybe another on top of that filming is really nothing - that leaves 5 whole days for you to spend just doing admin here and there and the rest is free if you’re not a retard and can actually manage your time.
No. 399401
File: 1555445510949.png (178.69 KB, 627x331, chloesocial.PNG)

yeah. hands up who looks at chloe and mistakes her for a teenager
No. 399415
>>399313Not to be that person, but as someone who works from 9h to 19h doing a a creative job I find all these youtubers complaining about posting 1 video a week a big joke TBH
I actually gave making youtube videos a go last year and I perfectly understand how filming and editing is both very physically and mentally tiring, as well as time consuming, so if you’re not that passionate about it it can really drag you down. Do you know what I did though? I stopped posting videos and got a job I actually enjoyed.
Yeah it sucks to work long hours but it sucks a lot more to be stuck doing something you don’t actually love for money, which is what a lot of these people are clearly doing.
Honestly fuck their pity parties lmao
No. 399445
>>399418she moved out to live with her boyfriend recently I think.
wanna hear Emily and Rae discuss that time someone put Rae on r/delusionalartists? then it's your lucky day
No. 399455
>>399450I'd like her a lot more if she wasn't so sour and stubborn sometimes. Her style isn't my taste but I do think she's talented.
>>399403The only thing childlike about Chloe is her obsession with Disney. She has a very dry sense of humour that doesn't come off as quirky or childish at all. That profile is either a hard cope or an attempt at a humblebrag.
No. 399474
>>399227It's interesting that you posted Adam Duff's video here because I was just thinking about how I used to really like listening to his videos.
I say 'used to' because he has a lot of good advice if you can stick around for it. The rest of it is him waxing poetic about how long he's been a professional and 'trust me, i've been doing this for well over 30 years now'. Maybe I shouldn't have listened to more than one of his videos back to back, but his talks can get kind of longwinded, braggy and meandering, for me at least.
No. 399563

>>399450I'm not sure that she should get points for using different mediums when this is a subscription box opening. A lot of art youtubers use different mediums when they're opening these boxes or doing a ridiculous "art challenge" where they use cheap/gimicky supplies or something similar. These are the only videos of Kasey's that don't use watercolors that immediately come to mind. She admits in this video that she hasn't used poscas in a while, and 90% of the time she's using watercolors.
She also doesn't always have complete illustrations. I watched one of her turning snack inspired videos earlier today and she flat out says that when she makes these videos she just makes characters, not illustrations. The last thread's op image was one of her 7 deadly sins designs and I sure wouldn't call that a complete illustration. (also sidenote: in this linked video she states multiple times that her designs weren't creative. i am amazed that she recognized that, acknowledged it out loud, didn't fix the problems in her art and designs, and left her comments in for her audience to hear. it just underscores how little she cares about this.)
No. 399582

>>399563>more often than not have complete illustrationsKey words being more often than not, I didn’t claim they’re always finished illustrations
But she does sew, uses poscas, has done digital work extensively, did those paper cutouts for a while, among other mediums and there’s nothing wrong with an artist having a preferred medium I was just pointing out that it’s nice that she’s dabbled with multiple things and doesn’t just buy the supplies then drop them immediately like a lot of other arttubers
And while I’m certainly not a stan you can’t just post a single video as though it will discredit the fact she does a lot of illustrations when just one upload prior to yours it’s a finished illustration which is a running theme for her channel. Also, I’m honestly not surprised that Easter themed Weeb snacks drawings aren’t particularly creative, it’s a sponsor that has nothing to do with the channel and approaches just about anyone much like loot box did a while back - I still prefer even videos like this in comparison to everyone licking Arteza’s asshole even though their products are shite
No. 399635
>>399563she recently did an entire series of illustrations with her iPad and also dabbled in copics. not going to say she's super diverse but she's been trying lately, at least.
tbh I like the videos where they use everything in the sub boxes. probably my favourite waffles videos are the sub unboxing ones.
No. 399651
>>399644Yeah, that’s kinda why I feel she’s neither good nor bad, I’d say she’s a good artist because she’s diverse, can visualise stories and concepts well, obviously understands a lot of fundamentals even if her anatomy can often be wonky but she’s bad as an entertainer because of her shit attitude and how much of a downer she can be which dampens the whole experience significantly
I feel like if she worked on her public speaking and general social skills a lot of the issues that are brought up here often would be close to nonexistent, she should at least consider putting up a more pleasant public persona
No. 399828
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So there's this old photograph of wwii japanese propaganda going around, and people are retweeting it because yasss gotta be woke againat the white people. So someone called out these people, and funny enough, the artist who whitewashed beau from another thread commented saying it was aesthetic.
No. 399829
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The white washing artist / my2k saying how aesthetic this post is. Despite Japan's crimes.
No. 399948
>>399926Oh boy here we fucking go.
Ive been dreading the alcohol markers ever since I first started seeing them on IG. I wished I could block every instance of the word "arteza" on YouTube.
The only things I have from them anymore is the paper and the shitty watercolor sketchbook that flip flops its texture every other page. (no wonder they give you two of them, they're shit tier). Had the gouache but ended up just giving them away and getting holbein acryla gouache. Arteza gouache was OK to learn on, but in the long run they were difficult to open and reuse even after cleaning the tubes.
Too many art tubers are wasting their time reviewing sub par student grade products.
No. 400042
>>400022I feel you, anon.
Commissions are definitely a stress. I try and include my clients for a lot of the process so that they have the opportunity to pitch in early if they want any adjustment (saves time, stress and effort for me in the long run).
It definitely gets easier the more you do and the more confident you become (in your art and in handling clients). Plus the more you have in your portfolio, the more comfortable you can feel in that the client knows what to expect of you.
But the nerves don't go away- I always feel jittery when sending a picture of the finished piece for approval, but I also feel really great when a client is over the moon with their piece. That makes everything worth it!
Commissions aren't for everyone though although I feel that's where the money's at. Maybe I'm wrong. Perhaps try selling originals and prints?
No. 400198
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A happy arthoe vent, I have two exhibitions lined up, one of which being a pretty big fucking deal as it’s in a place with high foot traffic, is a solo show and I’ll have a launch event along artist workshops. I’m stressed out about getting enough pieces done for both and organising the workshops, but honestly, I happily welcome this sort of stress as t means my art career is finally starting to get off the ground and I can start considering myself to be an emerging artist rather than just aspiring/hobbyist
No. 400242
>>400198Best of luck anon. If you ever get too stress, don't forget to sleep, drink water, and take things one step at a time.
>>399828Woke culture is a mistake and it does nothing but humiliate well-meaning liberal activists.
No. 400288
>>4001981. Thank you kindly for that gif I love it.
2. Congratulations! As much as it means from a random anon at an imageboard I wish the best for you and your art. My shriveled little black heart is genuinely happy whenever an artist who loves their craft gets recognition.
No. 400465
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>>400463Finished piece, tracing her basic outline would’ve helped the proportions
No. 400496
>>400463> no more stupid challanges! just art!> 3 days later hmm….
>>400465The funniest part about this is how she drew her own makeup look on it.
No. 400547
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>>400536Having a gallery show doesn’t make me an entertainer, I’m not doing a performance of any kind - I’m receiving recognition for my work. Emerging artist most definitely fits this scenario, words do have meanings anon
Art careers are entirely dependent on audiences otherwise I’ll make no money off of it, expressing myself is all well and good but it doesn’t pay the bills
I also never said that I wasn’t an artist? I specifically said emerging artist as that is the next step of my career, whereas before I would have very much just been a hobbyist
No. 400553
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>>400535that's what happens when you try to copy a photo when you have little understanding of the form of what the photo is of.
mind you what Chloe made was just as bad.
No. 400575
>>400553Since the mushroom house was unplanned I wouldn't expect it to be anything special. Rae on the other hand always talks a big talk on the topic of her charcoal portraits, when they look to be made by a 14 year old.
I wish she would do studies of a wide variety of noses, ears, and mouths so her skills might match her confidence someday
No. 400593
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what rae needs is to stop using references so heavily, it doesn't seem to benefit her. she really needs to start dabbling in creative pieces instead. she needs to learn how to conceptualize an idea of her own and put it down on paper. the one millionth copy of some generic stock photo from pinterest is mediocre and it would still be mediocre if done well.
No. 400706
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>>400676totally agree, I love Robin, I really like how experimental she's being and how she shows us her progress and her thought processes. not everything she does is super great and therefore her videos are so much more interesting and informative.
contrasted, not impressed with Danica's ytac piece - a head and shoulders portrait, when the subject has so much potential?
No. 400818
>>400780Hi golden
Seriously though no one else cringed at “as a creative..”? Shes trying so hard to be a parody but kasey when you actually do believe you’re such hot shit it doesn’t really come off as sarcasm.
No. 400833
>>400831This. It was so obviously a joke, yeah her delivery was really dry but that’s just how she talks - she’s monotonous. It’s not something that any offence should be taken over
If you guys are so desperate to rant about art and artists why not discuss one of the plethora of issues art communities have rather than nitpicking mediocre videos
No. 401000
>>400919I hate to say but I do believe the girl to be in on setting up a series of topics with people to make it appear bigger than it actually is.
It wouldn’t be the first time a collaboration of you tubers all collectively agreed to post something in selective order to get drama out of it. Honesty, it’s disgusting
No. 401001
>>400859what a transparent way of self promoting on reddit, how is that thread not deleted for obvious self post?
i bet this move was "inspired" by rae talking about being posted on that exact same subreddit on emily's video recently
creep, your views tank not because not enough people have heard about you but because you keep drawing the same ugly ass girl every video and you're very annoying to listen to, get a clue
No. 401014
>>401001I agree with the lack of progress, same content, lack-of-self she produces out there, but I personally do believe that a lack of publicity dawning on artists like her is a problem too.
Actually, in this case, it’s not much of a problem because bringing attention to artists like Creep who thrives on envy and expects attention for it, is actually one of the reasons why I don’t appreciate the direction most entertainment platforms are moving these days.
No. 401102
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I wish I didn’t live in a rental so I actually set up a nice cosy studio, I’m not even allowed to drill in the walls which makes storage difficult
No. 401119
>>400022I feel you too anon. I don't often open commissions because I know it drains the hell out of me. I can't even bring myself to draw a straight line after doing some.
But having money is nice.
>>399829anime is an effective propaganda
No. 401185
>>401119I know how this feels. As soon as I closed commissions this month, so that I can draw stuff that actually makes me happy, is when they figure they start asking. I hate finicky crowds and bad timing.
It isn't like I'm hurting for money, but where the fuck were all these people when I was struggling??
No. 401385
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I still want one of these stupid fucking advent calendars - I don’t need it, it’s way past Christmas, they’re only student grade paints, but god damn it do I want that novelty!
No. 401391
>>401350What the other anons said. If you're good, people will come to you and ask for commissions. Don't be afraid to advertise though, just don't be obnoxious.
Also speaking of drawing whatever you want here's a bit of a sperg: i wish it was profitable not to follow trends. I like to draw what i like, my own little fandoms, my OCs etc etc. But i can't help but feel like I'm missing out when i see these artists draw pretty IG girls and get lots of money… I think I'll just stick to drawing fanart.
No. 401402
>>401391Unpopular opinion, but not following trends is absolutely profitable as long as you’re a great artist. There are plenty of extremely niche artists out there content wise that are still popular even with the average art consumer and it’s because they’re really good and are clearly passionate about what they create, if a mediocre artist follows all the trends and is constantly up to date with what’s hot they still more likely than not won’t be all that successful.
Sorry, but if you’re not a GREAT artist you most likely won’t succeed regardless of if you follow trends or not and your best bet is to work hard and get better both creatively and technically
this wasn’t directed at you personally btw anon but more so the general consensus of ‘oh I would do sooo much better if I just followed trends!!!’ when majority of the time it’s a load of horse shit and the differences would be negligible in success/popularity No. 401433
>>401391>>401267Mini ramble but I think the further away I got from trying to follow trends, the happier I got with not trying to cater to social media's standard or frequency. I feel like people try to rush the process of what they think success is by trying to keep up, but end up burning themselves out.
Short of participating in fun things like that recent relationship meme, or hopping in and out of a monthly art prompt, I don't think I have to draw yet another 'pretty gorl' or piece of fan art. I'm not in it for the numbers anymore, it's unhealthy. Sometimes it's easy to get sucked back in though.
Kinda just want to make my own stories now. It's tough without the fan art hook to get eyes on my work, but I guess I just have to be OK with that.
No. 401495
Thank you anons for the input, i think i feel more confident now. I'd say i feel the same as
>>401435 as in it feels kinda soulless to limit yourself at what's hot at the moment instead of what you actually enjoy, you know? I want to start my own story too and i definitely notice the disparity of views when it comes to this. At the end of the day i don't know how people keep up with social media trends, it's insane! Some people know the algorithm so well they might as well be bots. I'm not even medium sized and i already feel my stomach turn when trying to keep up with it.
No. 401616
>>401533I'd love to hear you tell a botanical watercolorist that their skill level is sub-par to that of an oil painter. If anything oil paints are amongst the easiest paints to work with considering it dries slowly and is easily workable, blendable, and changable.
Oil is just expensive and less safe than other pigment based paint and that's why it isn't as widely used by younger artists.
No. 401618
>>401533I'd love to hear you tell a botanical watercolorist that their skill level is sub-par to that of an oil painter. If anything oil paints are amongst the easiest paints to work with considering it dries slowly and is easily workable, blendable, and changable.
Oil is just expensive and less safe than other pigment based paint and that's why it isn't as widely used by younger artists.
No. 401644
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Like the artist did say to check out and @ another artist who actually knows what there doing but man it bothers me when artist who cant draw properly is giving a tutorial or teaching. Cause like, it's just passing on false info and now other artist who want to learn gonna fuck up more. Like look at the fookin man
No. 401777
>>401537Oh anons you’re
valid and loved and appreciated no matter what art medium you choose. But isn’t it just a fact that some mediums take more time to learn and money to set up? I’m saying something like oil and dip pens are not as accessible as watercolor and microns to a low skill artist, and that’s why there’s so much low skill watercolor art around. I don’t think watercolorist in general are hacks or anything, that’s not my point..
No. 401783
>>401777You’re very condescending. An artist grade watercolour palette still costs a lot to set up just as oils would, and both mediums take a lot of time and dedication to become proficient at. And a good brush is also expensive regardless of what medium it’s for
Again, it doesn’t take less skill to become proficient at one or the other, watercolours are just significantly more economically accessible due to there being more student ranges readily available and are also significantly less
toxic than oils - just because something is more readily accessible to those starting out doesn’t mean it somehow takes less time or money to master it. Watercolour unlike oil is also portable which makes it a much more attractive option to a lot of high skill artists
Also, honestly, I can see why the vast majority of artists would go for other liners over dip pens, one of the big reasons being that they’re actually portable and also take up significantly less space which can be important to a lot of artists given the vast majority don’t have a dedicated studio space
Slaving away at a single painting because it takes months to dry also doesn’t mean that more productive time was involved during that process when someone using faster drying paints could’ve completed multiple pieces of the same skill level within that time.
No. 401788
>>401777>But isn’t it just a fact that some mediums take more time to learn and money to set up?Sure, but money is mostly irrelevant to skill level. For time learning, oil itself doesn't really take much more time to learn than other paint mediums. The actual skill level between 'master' watercolour vs oil painters probably takes about the same time and dedication to build. They have such different skill sets that comparing them is pretty inaccurate, since both have their easier aspects, and both have their more difficult aspects.
>I’m saying something like oil and dip pens are not as accessible as watercolor and microns to a low skill artist, and that’s why there’s so much low skill watercolor art around. Okay, maybe that's what you meant, but that is not what you said. The way you phrased it indicated that you thought watercolour required less skill than oil paint, and that's why it was trending. That statement is blatantly false, hence the backlash.
No. 401801
>>401796I personally dont give a fuck about people drawing pretty girls often, I mean thats been the status quo in art for literally hundreds of years lmao. What I have a problem with is people ONLY drawing pretty left facing cartoon/anime inspired girls with a blank stare and refusing to study other subjects then complaining about how their art has stagnated and they 'dont know why???' Haha.
As for me, my pretty anime girl facing left is big hulking monsters with lots of flesh and folds and fur, usually rendered in ink and watercolor. But I try to do studies on landscapes and anatomy as often as I can even if that shits boring to me.
No. 401821
>>401801>>401804Another monster loving artfucker, I wish I knew you both. Damn. The least I can hope is that I'm already following you.
But overall I think most of us are just sick of looking at these tired ass videos with these tired ass trends. Nothing has really budged in the art community except for maybe the technology. Most artists got copics, Wacom, ipads, some arteza crap, and it's all been reviewed from front to back with your choice of skill share or squarespace as a side.
No. 401870
>>401856Hey art youtuber!
Yeah, personally I lean more towards studio/art vlogs. I like listening to what other artists are up to while I'm working and like to see how they carve out their personal space in the art community. What inspires their growth, what they're working on or doing, and how they're challenging themselves, and what things they'd be willing to share, like what art allies they're tabling at and what that's like. Stuff like that. It gives a personal touch and encourages a more organic engagement with their audience especially if that artist wants an opinion or needs help with something.
I'm over art challenge videos, art boxes, reviews and hauls. Unless I'm looking for a video review on an item in particular I don't tend to go looking for videos like those. And those "do this not that!" and most "storytime" art time lapses are kind of gimmicky and off the table for me too. I guess I'm looking for a more genuine experience.
I'd also like to see more artists actually going places to get inspired more. Not just sitting at a desk telling people they found out about this one thing, Google searched it and started drawing (although I can see accessibility/means being an issue for some folks in which that last point doesn't apply to them).
These are sort of the things I'm looking to make content for when I start back making art YouTube videos for myself. I hope I don't sound too picky but I just really prefer the casual, natural creative process. It doesn't even matter that the artist doesn't upload every week to me.
No. 401914
>>401856NTAYRT but most people are just over sponsorship videos. They’re all the same, it’s the same few companies sponsoring everyone and the video formats are all pretty much exactly the same.
We get it, you need income, but it’s so goddamn offputting when someone just keeps uploading sponsorships and you’re obviously just viewed as a dollar sign rather than valued as a viewer
But like another anon said, studio vlog type videos are much more organic and tend to draw in an older crowd as it humanises the content creator and gives a sneak peak into someone’s creative process and their mundane life. Majority of the posters here are most likely in their twenties and above so we’re all over the shitty art challenges, ‘do this not that’ type tutorials, nonsensical story times and hauls (many here have expressed discomfort of constantly seeing compulsive shopping and hoarding). Honestly, if you lurk more and read through older threads anons have made very clear time and again what kind of content they enjoy and would like to see more of
No. 401933
>>401914The issue with this is that the content you guys all say you would prefer is low view content. People don’t watch that content for whatever reason, even if they already have an established audience. That content on average gets 50% less views, regardless of the youtuber.
Meanwhile, in terms of saying no to sponsorships. I’m a small art channel that gets only half of the views of these people, but getting sponsored means that a company is paying me 1,000 dollars to make a video, garuanteed. Which is important because YouTube’s algorithm is so weird that sometimes all I make in a month on youtube is 300 dollars.
People who say that we should say no to sponsorships are asking us to forfeit income for some kind of respect from a group of people online who rarely show respect to any one. I think it should be incorporated cleverly and not just “HERES AN ARTEZA REVIEW” but still, the idea that we should forfeit a healthy income to be respected is silly in my book.
No. 401937
>>401796Don't get me wrong, i draw pretty girls and pretty boys, but as the other anons said not always in the same vapid expression, neck up with kim kardashian makeup and lips, or with a generic anime artstyle. There are tons of artists that can draw aesthetically pleasing people but not in the same boring way. And i say this as the type of person that has a strong preference for japanese artists, you can often tell which ones just want to draw the same girl over and over, and which want to put effort into creating their own thing and honing their craft.
As for my little echo chamber i really just like to draw pinups. I love the feeling of drawing fat, muscles and skin mushing against each other. My color theory and landscape skills are weak so anatomy is probably how i cope.
No. 401942
>>401933As I said, we get that you need income but you need to understand things from the view of your audience - it’s offputting and annoying to be shoved ads all the time when YouTube is a space to unwind, if we wanted to see nonstop ads we’d be watching TV. You’re free to take sponsorships if you wish but your older audience is most definitely sick of it
As to the lower viewership for the types of videos anons here tend to enjoy, as I mentioned everyone here is most likely in their 20’s or above so we’re most likely not watching as many videos as younger viewers, and from what I can tell majority of the youtube art communities audience is made up of teenagers or very young adults who eat up challenge type videos or hauls because they’re easily consumed and kids tend to prefer straight to the point videos (not saying that’s a bad thing, but why do you guys even bother asking us what we’d prefer to see if you’re always justifying the type of content you create - just do whatever but then don’t be surprised when your videos draw in certain crowds)
As for the healthy income - sorry, but shit income is just part of being a youtuber unless you strike big or shill yourself out, and that’s 100% on you as you chose that career path knowing it’s not lucrative. Nothing is stopping you from doing things on the side, not everyone is going to make it in YouTube land
No. 401949
>>401947They’re not just 30 second sponsorships, I couldn’t give less of a shit about those, I’m talking about the dedicated sponsor videos that are all the same shit
I’m also not going to chuck on Adblock since a few small ads are a non-issue as annoying as they are, I’m talking specifically about videos like skillshare or Arteza, sorry if that wasn’t clear. Don’t understand why art tubers come to an image board for advice in the first place, in particular a thread full of complaining about youtubers.
No. 401951
>>401949Why even bother make an interesting video drawing something with a theme, experimenting, doing a challenge… When you can just do a full sponsored video?!
I dont mind 30 sec sponsorships but damn these videos are annoying!
Especially when ive seen them for more than 100 times especially with skillshare
No. 402001
>>401984I agree! Most of the time they dont try other palettes for the drawing or any other ideas, or even show us how they got to the final idea of the drawing. It would be nice to at least see some thumbnails or quick sketches of alternatives for the drawing…
It seems like an idea just pops in their head they immediately go with it, it also feels kind of lazy… maybe its just me.
No. 402006
>>401933If you're the same anon who asked for suggestions, I feel like I just wasted my breath. If not, even so, nobody here is asking you to forfiet your income. I know that the ways in which you present sponsored content is limited (read: stale) but you still have to meet your audience half way on it. It's a bit of a double edged sword: most teenagers who eat up the haul/challenge/review videos don't have money for your sponsors anyway, and the older audience, is sick of seeing skillshare and arteza and most likely won't be buying from you or have already gotten these products elsewhere.
Unless they just feel like supporting you in those ways, don't expect your audience to respond like it's a product they want.
For Christ's sake, we were JUST discussing social media and 'stuff you make to pander to an audience' vs 'stuff you actually like to make'. Folks forget youtube is still social media. If you wanna expend your energy trying to make some kind of income on YouTube by shoving ads and sponsorships in all the corners of your videos that's fine.
No. 402007
>>402004I don’t think it ever really works out well. I know people often say to go outside your comfort zone, and I typically agree but outright banning yourself from creating something you enjoy will more likely than not negatively impact your art in the long term by taking away the fun
Also, unpopular opinion, but comfort zones aren’t entirely a bad thing - they’re part of your artistic identity and help define your art and stylistic choices
No. 402015
>>402011NTAYRT but a video like that would be a lot less grating than the typical skillshare videos
Honestly what I personally would love to see is vlog style video where I get to watch from beginning to end someone learning something from skillshare and enjoying the process of incorporating the new technique into their artwork without it seeming forced, kinda like ‘oh, I just learnt about so and so and here’s me applying this technique to this piece! It didn’t turn out great so I’m gonna try again, I might even add my own twist this time around’ I just want it to be natural and for the youtuber to genuinely enjoy what they’re doing and be actively learning without trying to teach their audience (after all this is literally a skill they just learnt). I hate the skillshare videos where it’s a clumsily made tutorial based on a tutorial they just finished watching 30m who
I’m not sure if I’ve articulated well what I mean but hopefully my point gets across well
No. 402023
>>401933I mean as an artist there is a value in thinking about who your audience is (at college we were always allowed to get away with saying "my audience is just me" and that is obv fine but then it depends whether or not any other people are interested and if not, you aren't gonna sell much)
I've heard youtubers say exactly that, about how the content that gets the views is the OMG I TESTED A HOT GLUE HACK ?!?!?! with a gurning face on a bright neon thumbnail while the quiet studio vlogs get ignored. And then yeah that's about your audience, and what other anons have said about younger kids making a lot of views is true. But I look at someone like Chloe Rose - she made a video a while back saying "I want to make more proper art" and literally has not done anything since then except wacky art hacks and product reviews. And I know this is because views matter. But then you're a youtuber first, not an artist first. If you're OK with that, then cool.
But there must be ways around it. I know some artists who have separate instagrams, one for their 'serious' work and one for their illustrations aimed at kids' picture books, etc. I'm not necessarily saying have two channels, but I like the idea of maybe having different strands within your channel? If someone uploads twice a week and one is a fun 'I made a sculpture out of make up sponges and
crayons' and one is about an aspect of actual artist's life like dealing with galleries or how to get commissions, etc, then I might end up watching both when I wouldn't have watched just the fun ones if that was all there was.
I like youtubers like makoccino who do this sort of thing, she has a wide variety of content and there is a lot of it that's actually about processes. Plus, high production values. I also really like lulusketches for similar reasons - her channel is mostly about digital cos that's what she does. Robin Sealark is putting out a lot of content about actual painting as well as some silly videos and the mix works well. Or some of Sara Tepes' old content is good in terms there's a lot about what actual techniques she uses etc - and she draws pretty girls but she draws them well (although I'm not that keen on her more recent work).
For more 'fine art' content I like channels like Andrew Tischler and Stuart Davis, oil painters who show the process in detail. Or Proko for tutorials etc. And these channels do have large (for arttube) subscriber counts.
And yeah back to the problem at hand, there must be more but YouTube's horrible algorithms do keep herding me back to yet another 'OH NOES! ART MYSTERY UNBOXING?!? WHAT DO I DO WITH CRAYONS?!?!1?' Kasey or Waffles video.
As for sponsorship - if someone says 'this is brought to you by Skillshare' at the start and then does a two minute pitch for Skillshare at the end, that's fine, and i know they let people do that because there are plenty of videos like that.
But in the end the only way you'll keep doing it is making content you want to make. Idk, I have an idea for a YT channel, I know it won't gain much interest but I wanna do it for me, I don't need it to be a job. I respect those for whom it is a job, but they have to then make choices based on that.
tl;dr Own what you want to do, decide if it;s a job you compromise your standards for in order to earn £££, think about ways to diversify so your income isn't based on any one thing, enjoy what you do, etc.
No. 402024
>>401765>>401765>>401765more disney art??
thanks for telling me the whole plot of wall-e i guess.
why was this video titled weird art supplies when it only contained one art supply
why did she spend ten minutes lecturing me about the planet as if i've not heard anything about it before
No. 402027
>>402015yes! content where the artist watches one skillshare course and then makes something bad based on it is surely a terrible advertisement for skillshare anyway.
makoccino's acrylic pouring videos were more what I want to see = learning about a technique from multiple sources, trial and error, explaining what went wrong, more learning, something more successful. trouble is that kind of content has to take upwards of a week or two to really be good, so I guess you'd need to be in the process of making several at once.
No. 402039
>>401942not that anon but as someone who is both part of an audience for many artubers and an artist myself, you're still asking someone to forfeit a portion of their income. Hell, there are times when I'm sick of sponsors and advertisers, but I know they gotta live. It's in the same vein as people who get tired of seeing an artist do commissions all the time and want more non-commissioned work bc they're sick of seeing commissions all the time.
getting tired of seeing them is understandable, but even if they do things on the side like commissions, eventually people will get tired of seeing them do commissions all the time. if they do fanart and prints on the side, people will eventually get tired of seeing that too, etc. etc. at a certain point everyone will get tired of seeing someone do something.
and in either case, you're still asking them to give up a portion of their income if you ask for them to stop doing them while offering no other alternative other htan just "do something on the side". Not to mention, if they do something on the side and it takes away from regular uploading, people will complain about how they don't upload as often.
Damned if you do and damned if you don't.
No. 402042
>>402009 It’s an audience based platform and you’re in audience based industry, you have to listen to those that enjoy your work enough to view it otherwise you’ll eventually lose them. It’s also not your audiences job to spoon feed you solutions as to what you should do income wise, it’s up to you work that out as a professional and working adult.
And as many anons have already said, feel free to make as much spon con as you want just don’t whine about it or try to justify it - especially to an artist salt thread on an image board, like what do you even have to prove here?? We don’t know who you are and quite frankly majority probably don’t care because we’re here to vent to one another specifically about art related issues like art tubers stale content.
No. 402052
>>402051It’s incredible how entitled people feel to money when they’re uploading their work to public spaces for free
And again, most anons here aren’t complaining about 30 second ads. Keep up lol.
No. 402281
>>402243Last time I’m replying since this topic will never end otherwise, I never made any sort of indication that I only watch art tubers but the point I keep making is that youtubers are essentially buskers - you’re providing your content, for free, within a public space. Of course the pay is going to be shit, what the fuck do you expect?
And I don’t know how many times I have to reiterate this single point
So saying
>Anyway if it bothers you THIS much, so much so you think youtubers don't care about their audiences or w/e, watch literally anything else. Please lol.just reinforces my point. That is exactly what people will do when they get sick of shit, and have proven to do so time and again, and everytime youtubers are surprised it happens, and the weird mentality they have of ‘if you don’t like just leave’ just further drives people away which seems to surprise them yet again??
Go off if you want but I’m done reiterating my point over and over just to get a ‘then leave lol’ although it does make me wonder which youtuber you are
No. 402367
File: 1556158796732.jpeg (74.85 KB, 480x480, BDA7A95C-CF2A-4D9F-A1C6-486FA5…)

Have any of you guys tried this paper? I usually buy in rolls and would like to dabble in pencil work more but have been working watercolours for ages now and have become a bit out of touch with what I should be looking for in terms of good pencil work paper. I’d probably also use pastels and/or markers on it and would preferably get a roll so I can work in many sizes for a single purchase, any input would be helpful
Aus artfag if that helps
No. 402560
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>>402558I use the Canson Moulin Du Roy rolls, I have a roll of hot press and another which is rough. Both work amazing; the colours turn out extremely vibrant, they’re able to handle many washes without buckling, tearing them feels like bitter it’s so smooth, and the colour of the paper itself is nice.
Granted buying in rolls is more costly upfront, but it’s the best way to get good paper as it’s in bulk and you can work in any size you’d like, I even make myself sketchbooks out of these.
I can’t imagine going back to buying pads or sheets tbh, I do like the convenience of a precut size but nothing seems to beat the aesthetic of freshly torn paper. As I said though I live in Aus so I’m not sure if these are available where you live or if they’re competitively priced. Here’s a link to where I got one of the rolls, the other I managed to snag during a closing down sale of a local art shop and it only cost around $100 No. 402628
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Guys, what do you think about xrainey? Some of her art is "characteristic" but most is just weird or a simply copy of Audra Auclair with nosebleed.
No. 402629
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One other example
No. 402697
>>402575Honestly, I just go for what I can get on sale. I've got quite a few W&N professional paint just because it goes crazy on sale where I live. I have a couple Daniel Smith (mostly just grabbed some quin gold before it ran out). Also a few shinhan PWC, which is a nice affordable paint to work with, but the line as a whole bunch of mixes/hues and fugitive pigments so not my go-to except for the few lightfast single pigment tubes. Also Van Gogh, despite being a "student" paint, it performs well with my professional paints and is a great price.
I've been hoping to try some Schminke and Holbein since my local art store started carrying them, but I'm just waiting for a sale.
No. 402698
>>402558I find the constraint of having a specific size of paper useful at times, but I have to admit I hadn't really thought about how great being able to completely customise a piece of paper would be… I am gonna look into rolls.
>>402697lucky you getting hold of some PO49, I'm envious
No. 402723
>>402704Agreed! I have a few tubes of Schmincke and while they're very luminous, they cost an arm and a leg in my country. I'm currently looking into more of Daniel Smith's primatek paints because the g r a n u l a t i o n is amazing! While I love M Graham, I've had problems with some of the paints leaking (except for Anth. Blue which is nice because I use it as a substitute for Ultramarine Blue), so they stay in my bigger palette.
>>402715Yep, that's why I stopped using them. I remember a few youtubers were promoting them when I was a nube to watercolors so I picked them up. Not only was lightfastness an issue, but I found their earth tones to be pretty crappy and too opaque for the work I was doing. In addition, their Ultramarine was a multi pigment mix and had started to fade. If I could do it over again, I would have just picked up a beginners set from either Daniel Smith or M Graham since neither bloom as much as Qor which can be a bit off putting for beginners.
Thanks for watching my tedTalk
No. 402735
>>402698I only got two tubes it, but they cost the price of one so it was definitely a worthwhile purchase. I wish I bought more but hindsight is 20/20 I guess. I try to limit my use with it if another yellow will do, but it's definitely a nice luxury to have.
>>402708>>402706They've had issues with lightfastness and using multipigment mixes instead of single pigments. Mixes have a tendency to perform poorly in, well, mixing (especially if you don't have the colors that were used for the mix), so that was a huge part of their iffiness for a lot of artists. Their "pure pigment" paints I think have been received a bit better due to being single pigment paints and having better lightfastness.
No. 402854
>>402575Mijello all the way. The only downside for me is that they are
too vibrant and tend to bleed through light watercolour paper or are harsh on brushes. Schminke and Holbien tend to be best for nature painting's imo, Schminke is very smooth.
No. 402898
>>402801 I hear Holly's opening up shop soon.
Jokes aside, I'm actually interested in this answer too, I'm considering ink-it labs as an alternative since I'm in the states anyway.
No. 402963
>>402801I've only ever used Zap so far for single sided charms on opaque acrylic and it's been good so far. I think some people use Vograce on Alibaba? A lot cheaper and comes pre-assembled, but customs charges if you're in the UK etc.
In general, Zap is really good (from my experience) but they also only do single board acrylic, which is potentially why your two sided designs were seen on both sides. I hope you manage to find better merchandise maker though!
And for Enamel Pins, try finding a manufacturer on alibaba. There are a couple middlemen which can help (Awesome Merchandise, Made by Cooper) but they are middlemen and much more expensive.
No. 402983
>>402801vograce on alibaba is nice, i did a test batch with them and the lady i talked to was nice and very accommodating
just order in bulk to make the shipping worth it
No. 403028
>>403025I was genuinely surprised at the backlash I got when I expressed that youtubers are like buskers - they literally perform for people within public spaces and hope to have some loose change thrown at them. I don’t understand the entitlement for a liveable wage when
- they’re not employees
- they’re not freelancers (in terms of video creation)
- they’re not seasonal/contract workers
What wage are they apparently supposed to be getting?? YouTube shouldn’t be viewed as anything more than a sharing platform, the fact that you can make money off of ads is a bonus.
I feel like we must have a few arttubers lurking for so much whining about how unfair it is to even be entertained, if you wanted to earn a living then why the fuck are you spending the majority of your time providing content for free to people
No. 403034
>>403028I think some of the entitlement comes from the amount of asspats they get for doing minimal work and the power trip they get from having influence of children and teens. I know Baylee has her own thread, but I think she's a good example of an entitled arttuber whose lost a lot of viewer ship from getting lazy and snarky when people ask her for more art and less bullshit challenge videos. I remember during Arty Advent she took away a day to bitch about how she "doesn't listen to the haters" and how she doesn't have to post videos if she doesn't want to, which threw her fans into a tailspin. Also, when she had more engagement and was starting to show her true colors of being an entitled brat, she started throwing around how when she has kids, she's going to take a year off social media. While this isn't necessarily bad, the way it was phrased sounded like a "if you keep asking me to make art then I will leave forever HA."
If you think about it, most arttubers have insulated themselves in a little world where they can censor all criticism or in their terms "hate" and in some cases they have a following comprised of children and teens who will go after any nay sayers. If they got a real job, they wouldn't have the ability to tell their fans to go after someone their employer if they did something the arttuber didn't like. I hope this made sense, just a thought I had. I don't think everyone is this delusional lol
No. 403048
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I feel mean but this thumbnail is just so very very frightening.
No. 403089
Guys, sorry if this has been asked before how can an artist be likeable and how can an artist be unlikeable aka end up here? I imagine nitpickers to be laughed at by the "cows" they mock so I'm not asking those to reply to me.
>>402628>>402628Not a fan of either. They are doing this style wrong imo. Looks tacky.
No. 403122
>>403048It really is a little frightening…
Maybe thats her try to be genuine? Or she just doesnt like her face and beeing "goofy" feels more natural for her.
No. 403202
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>>403048She's def trolling kek I'm honestly loving it. ~WelC0me T0 My crIB GuYYz!
No. 403322
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sorry for being childish but jazza's new thumbnail seems… ill thought out
No. 403330
>>403322The fact that that carrot is so short and stubby will haunt my dreams jesus fuck why is that so disturbing to me?
O and look theres JB at it again with the posting on anon boards specifically meant to shit on sketchy people, what a lil rascal. Haha
No. 403331
I deleted my post because it sounded a bit hollow, tbh i feel it after making the video.
anyway for those that are so desperate to know whats been going on, here you go.
havent been on here in over a year but my friend told me to just 'get it over with'.
theres gunna be people who still want to chat shit about me and thats fine, can't stop you but also for those that probably just want to know what really happened, it's here.
not shifting blame on anyone, but thought i'd update you guys to let you know its still being worked on.
friends told me that i didnt need to justify myself to some anons on a thread, that's true.
i wanted to clear up about the ig story though, i threw a tantrum and i realised why i wrote what i did, and now why i dont feel the same any more. it was stupid and sometimes you just gotta say what you think, write it down to see how stupid you sound.
anyway, its a long video, feel free to chat to me about it.
No. 403333
>>403330its a free country, i can come on here if i want lmao. people can shit on others but im not allowed? i originaly found it and replied to people to clear up about my ks, so nothing new there.
anyway, restored my post
No. 403337
>>403290Ooh! I love St Petersburg/ Yarka, they're great quality paints for a fraction of other artist level watercolors! The sets aren't that great tho, some colors they choose are rather fugitive and the white plastic palette they give stains like no ones business.
For anyone interested in an affordable but high quality watercolor I would just suggest getting the individual whole pans after a little research on the pigments and lightfastness tests (of which you can find online).
If you go to Jacksonsart (they ship most places and have great prices) you can get most of the whole pans for $2.50 each, which is honestly a steal, you can get a good split primary set for only $15. It's basically less than student level prices but professional performance.
Woops sorry for my sperg out over russian watercolors, but like seriously if you're on the fence about/ dont want to spend much on watercolors try these
No. 403341
>>403333same anon.
And yeah you're completely in your right to come on here. We won't hiss at you to get out or whatever woo free speech.
All I said was you were posting on on lolcow (which you know the name is pretty indicative of what kind of site this is) again and said you were a lil rascal. This is an anon imageboard, you're free to shit on people and share your opinions but don't be surpised when others do as well.
I don't particularly think you have any serious milk, or at least interesting milk, but I have seen you on here before in past threads which was all I was remarking on.
Chill, I wasn't attacking you. I was making a snide remark as a rather weak joke.
No. 403345
>>403341my bad anon, i just spent two hours writing a script and filming a video about how i was controlled monetarily and sexually abused by my ex so its taken a lot out of me. feeling really weird and unsure about a lot right now.
i dont come on this thread, i actually read kanadajin's a lot - i used to love her and her actions lately have been insane so thats what i come on to read.
im up for converstation about stuff though, honestly if people wanna crit me for whatever or just ask questions im down for that.
sorry for snapping anon.
No. 403353
I know this won’t mean much since I’m on anon and we’ve never met
But my heart breaks for you. I’m only 20 minutes in and I genuinely hope both your bf and dad eat shit. Having been abused this really fucking hits home, I hope all the men in your life that have caused you suffering will in turn suffer for the rest of their lives.
I hope things look up for you, I’m at a bit of a loss of words which is unusual because usually I don’t know when to shut up, but I truly from the bottom of my heart hope that things have gotten better for you and continue to do so.
No. 403356
>>403353im crying again now haha. thank you…honestly thank you. i dont want anyone to think im just trying to pass off the mistakes that i've made. im trying my best to fix it all, but its like holding onto water sometimes. i just wanna move on, make up and be honest for my past mistakes, because its killing me how much ive let people down. im getting there, promise. Even if it is bit by bit.
im actually no longer a full time artist, I've demoted myself to hobbyist. I used my art youtube as an escape and when really it was never my biggest passion. i was just forced to do it because of him. ive found myself a new career and starting november im actually working in a whole new environment. im very excited, it puts me in a place of security that I've wanted for years.
No. 403358
>>403353 said, I'm so sorry and I hope you know you are supported and believed. I honestly hope things get better for you. take care of yourself, take the time you need. xx
No. 403371
>>403345Nah if anything your comment just piqued my interest. Wasn't gonna watch your vid because I wasn't one of those anons who cared either way, but I did.
As someone who's half a decade away from their abuser I can sympathize. I totally get that 'not wanting to seem weak for letting the abuse happen in the first place' mentality because I had that bull in my head too. I'm glad you seem at least partially over that, and if you're not I want to say it's not your fault. His actions were his own and so were his words, nothing you said magically made him do those things (unless your parents were killed by a madman and you live under the stairs).
You're a bit younger than me and I'm guessing there are still times where you feel like you're still with him, like you're trapped, like you'll never leave him and he won't let you- but that's not true, you're with people you love and trust and they would probably gladly knock him down a peg or two if he deigned to try anything.
That part of your life is over. Hear that? It's OVER.
You made it.
Fucking hell yes sugar you made it!
And now that it's over you can grow into that strong woman you wanted to be.
Inner strength comes from adversity and struggle and the acceptance that 'hey this happened to me but I won't let it define me'.
Beyonce has had her struggles and heartbreak, as a mother it breaks my heart, but she has her blue ivy to live for and show exactly what it means to be strong.
Hermione was ostracized for being a know it all and was shunned for her status by the elitist purebloods, she was tortured by Bellatrix at malfoy manor. And what did she do? She smacked Malfoy, went to a ball with an internationally renowned seeker,helped Harry destroy the Horcruxes which helped end the wizarding war.
Look, as an anon who has been through this, as a woman who has been through this, it will get better.
You might not ever be %100 but so what? Everybody has their issues, and everybody has their scars.
Life gave you lemons and you chucked them at life's face and left before it could give you more lemons.
As much as it means from an anon I want to say.
It will get better.
Not sorry for longpost.
No. 403463
>>403371I cant even put into words how amazing your comment is. thank you, I…honestly cant even begin to describe what it means to me. Thank you. I'll get him out of my life for good one day. It's the fact he still has my bird, if I could let hbumble go I would….its so hard. He did that on purpose, saying because i'd decided to go to canada, I didnt deserve my birds.
one day….one day at a time. Thanks again, honestly.
No. 403489
>>403463Ah, this is wild I saw someone close to Jellie Bee mention this on the Holly Brown thread and honestly glad you'e decided to just speak up about it. It's hard to face things head on but it's probably for the best to rip the bandaid off now than to continue to let it fester. That way you can leave this all behind you and hopefully move on to a better career and future. Like it probably sucks right now, but now that you've said it you can hopefully move on with less stigma and questions surrounding you and your ex.
Give it time and things will get better. It's a great big step forwards talking about it in public now, and things can only really go up from here
No. 403496
>>403337I use them too but I'm kind of a beginner and still learning.
Do you have the same granulation/granulating problem?
I use a porcelain palette but the pigments and water break apart And I need to keep stirring it like soup !! Is this normal or am I dumb ?!
I know a lot of people love the effect but I really don't.
No. 403501
>>403496NTA but some pigments just granulate, it's one of those things you need to look up before buying a color, in a set that's ofc harder.
But you might be diluting the paint too much in the palette as well, you could just check that by adding less water
No. 403573
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Am i the only one who thinks these are kinda bad??
No. 403589
sage for stupid rant.
I have this mildly successful acquaintance who recently showed me her process for creating realistic digital artwork. To be clear when I say "mildly successful" I mean like in a sort of normie alternative crowd, if that makes any lick of sense lol.
I was looking forward to seeing her workflow since a few of her pieces really appeal to me but what she showed me was essentially her photo bashing pre-posed models and photos then adding basic gradients/shading to smooth stuff out and finish the image off. I mean, of course it does require some artistic knowledge to do that and make it look good, but she barely draws anything herself and I can't help but be salty that she gets so many sales, job offers and praise for doing what she does. To top it off she showed me a piece she did without using her normal technique and it looked like babby's first digital art. Wonky anatomy, muddy colors, shitty perspective..the works.
>>403573Even for a quick drawing meme this is pretty embarrassing…
No. 403597
>>403573Naw they are objectively bad tbh. The Madoka one in particular
No. 403675
>>403463Ahh, yeah I get it, it's a bit different but I had a baby with my abuser and only recently got full custody (the ass is in jail for a good while haha) and in troubling times you take a large amount of comfort from these pure innocent beings that you take care of and are grateful- they don't judge and their love is given freely- no matter if they have a few feathers or fur or not they're basically your babies.
Sincerely hoping/knowing you'll get em back!
No. 403678
>>403496Original anon.
I don't have the same problem as you with constantly mixing the paint with the water, but then again I work rather quickly so I'm not sure if it's just letting them sit or something else.
What type of water do you use? Depending on where you're at some tap water has certain minerals that affect paint quality. Look up "water hardness and watercolors" on google, that could be your problem in regards to granulation as well.
However some pigments will just granulate no matter what, it's just in their properties.
Be sure to research individual colors online, google is your friend lol, that's really the only way to determine whether your paint is acting normally or not.
No. 403779
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Does anyone know what this is about? I know she's been mentioned in previous threads but most of that milk was really weak and definitely not enough to warrant deleting all your tweets.
Is she trying to hide something? Lol
No. 403788
>>403783Deleteing all your tweets is kinda suspicious, the post didn't sound like vendetta, a small artist is still an artist and this is the general art salt thread, and the op saged their post.
It was a tame post, relax dude
No. 403811
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>>403801But presumably only 1 out of 550 would’ve posted this
Also, I’d still say that deleting tweets isn’t milk. Yeah it can be seen as a bit suss but it’s not at all uncommon
No. 403814
>>403801Op here.
And yeah I found out about her from her youtube, saw that she was previously mentioned on here, checked her twitter to see if she'd acknowledged lolcow and saw she deleted her tweets which y'know suspicious
I waited a couple days to see if she would address why she did so.
Was just genuinely curious if anyone on here knew why.
No. 403829
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Any anons have experience with these? I’m looking to upgrade from my Prismacolor, I enjoy them but would much prefer something oil rather than wax based. I have a few of the Faber Castell Polychromos, and while I do love them they’re extremely expensive. I have a few of these Lyra Rembrandt pencils as well but as it’s not my primary medium I feel like I can’t adequately judge the quality
No. 404072
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Heikala‘s anatomy sucks
No. 404080
>>404072Wow that legit looks like me at 13 drawing people with their hands in their pockets and feet in the sand because I couldn't draw either. Not even going to talk about the limbs.
Everything else is pretty but that's some fridge doodle-tier art on the girl.
No. 404087
>>404072Honestly there's nothing wrong with the anatomy, everything is about right proportion not counting in the slight stylization. It does seem a bit stiff which could be due to style considering the whole picture is meant to be constructed from very simple shapes or just simply laziness as I don't know how heikala usually draws (I've heard of her just not too familiar with her work).
To me the whole works seems like it's meant to be sort of cute and cartoony where everything is simplified down to very basic shapes and colors but it could also just be lazy work, who knows.
No. 404124
>>404087Do you not see the entire broken leg?
The pose is also not only stiff but it looks unnatural and oddly placed on the stairs, but I'm not sure if it's the lean of the back or the pelvis that's bothering me.. Or perhaps it's the slump of the shoulders with the placement of the arms. Either way the anatomy is off
No. 404135
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How do you guys feel about @mutatedeye? pic related, it's her art before she announced she was taking a break.
No. 404284
>>404196nobody brought up realism, genius. even stylized drawings need to have good anatomy, which isn't the same as realistic anatomy, and which this drawing completely lacks.
~muh style~ isn't an excuse to draw uneven limbs aymmetrical wonky joints and hiding hands, and the more simple this kind of style the more precise the placement of your lines has to be.
No. 404291
>>404196No one wanted the girl to be realistic, just proportional and not so off looking.
Look at the work of Miyazaki, obviously stylized but everything looks correct, no broken limbs and wonky proportions.
Accurate anatomy doesn't mean realism, just no wonk
No. 404379
>>404183It annoyed me a little bit too - watching her sketchbook tours, it seems like she's barely improved from her high school days.
I think she puts more time into the concept of her art than the actual visual components.
No. 404394
>>404379She's like a time capsule back to 2008
Anyone remember her video where she made characters based on sex toys?
I thought it was pretty weird, considering it was probably a sponsored video and i doubt it's appropriate for her audience
No. 404406
>>404296do you have a pair of eyes ? what I see is a single oversized meat mitten not clasping on the back of the knee or holding onto the opposite wrist, but just extending there straight across with no interaction with the legs, and it doesn't help that the rest is all out of perspective.
I have to agree the concept is good and the scenery not as badly drawn.
No. 404473
File: 1556575513293.png (64.05 KB, 792x369,…)

>Is Whimsipop
>Pro-fat girls
>Fat girl crop tops
>Sells a crop top to a plus sized woman
>Doesn't fit Customer who is a 3x
>Won't take any returns or exchanges for it not fitting
Is that just ironic or-?
No. 404497
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>>404473Somewhat related but a cow artist I follow was complaining the other day about a clothing label not carrying larger sizes. But of course, she’s not bothered by it - totally wouldn’t wear their stuff anyway, guys!
No. 404527
>>404447Using references isn't the problem, you technically do that when drawing from life too. The problem is when people can't draw without heavily referencing, tracing, or down right drawing over existing pictures. Those things in the end won't benefit anyone.
Use the references anon, it's not some horrible thing when used for its purpose.
No. 404617
I was mostly a digital artist for a very long time. I only started doing traditional inking two years ago for inktober (I was awful) and started watercolours last summer. I'm not GREAT but it's really fun to get out of the usual trend of digital art. I may have also gone on a paint buying binge just before deadline season and I'm itching so hard to just paint anything with my new palette.
I recommend someone like Khantaya as an art youtuber who does digital and traditional work. Also Teoh Yi Chie has really great tips for watercolour for beginners, and urban sketching. I see a looot of watercolour artists who make these perfectly pristine paintings but I think Teoh is a great reminder that watercolours can be as rough as you want them to be.
No. 404775
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>>404394The drawings were also just bland and generic looking.
No. 404776
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>>404775And the nsfw version… I would say the face and torso area, especially on the right drawing, look pretty awful.
No. 404780
>>404617I love Teoh Yi Chie! I love finding watercolor painters who aren't obsessed with control of the medium and take advantage of the wildness of it without the end result looking like a bad mess. He has lots of good pen+ink and art book reviews, too.
>>404710>>404721>>404735I don't understand why Arteza, since it's been the biggest offender lately of throwing around these terms, not just market themselves as a mid-tier supplier that's still above children's grade, but not quite (or at least along the lines of) student grade? I think there's a gap on decent supplies for people who just want to make art for fun, but not break the bank.
It's nice that they're listing pigment info, but if the pigment load is crap, no professional is going to have time to work with that. I can't think of what drawing and painting material they sell that would be okay for a professional. Maybe their brush pens and fineliners for someone who doesn't sell their originals, but…
No. 404808
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Will any others in this thread indulge me? Just say this Disneyesque-iLlUStrATOR!1 style will die within the next yr and I can sleep soundly tonight.
No. 404814
>>404796That isn't a reliable fix tbh, certain pigments also react to other outside factors such a acidity of the air.
Even lightfast watercolors need to be protected behind uv glass and kept out of direct sun. A sealant isn't going to do much of anything and some can yellow over time.
No. 404821
>>404817Agreed, fugitive pigments and materials shouldn’t ever be considered as anything but that, even if you spray UV protectant - you’re risking it failing and tarnishing your professional persona.
Besides, if you ever get asked about your practice it’s not a good look if you’re not using artist grade supplies, or at least scholastic grade. Other professional commission based industries would catch a lot of flack for using student/children’s tier materials so I’m not sure why artists and illustrators think they would be able to get away with cheaping out
Obviously I’m not talking about hobbyists here before someone jumps down my throat about how they’re not gonna spend a lot when it’s just for fun.
No. 404824
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>>404821Agreed! You can see even in her preview shot for her painting she's using a KNOWN fugitive colour Quin Opera and selling the original for 400+ yikes
No. 404861
>>404841Lurking artuber here…
From my experience with Arteza you are not paid to make videos directly (so not really sponsored) but given affiliate links to be able to make a tiny commission off any purchases made using them.
I hate their term “premium” for supplies since most of them have been just a step up from children’s supplies imo. A few are alright and most the “expert” supplies I’ve tried I’m fairly happy with.
No. 404863
>>404846In a discussion about fugitive pigments you expect anons to cater to you by bringing up something that doesn't matter contextually?
Bring it up yourself if it's something you wish to discuss.
No. 404867
>>404864Right newfag
1. Learn how to reply
2. Reading comprehension.
I’m going to pretty safely assume you’re talking about this post right here
>>404821 and that’s what’s set off your rant, but at no point was it stated that other mediums are ‘inferior’. And of course anons are going to relate their arguments based off of their own experiences and practices, what else do you suggest they go off of?? I’ve never seen a single anon in any of the artist threads imply that painting is above other mediums except for that one retard ITT that immediately got ripped a new one
No. 404870
>>404863I know this is like general artist salt/
discussion* but it's still lolcow and having half of the thread be nothing but people asking about what paint or paper to use just makes it feel like bunch of randos talking about weather only to have some jackass jump in the middle of the group and being like "hey I need help". I know people say to bring milk but if you guys want some supply advice, can't you just google that instead doing it here? I swear there's plenty of places to go where these things are already talked about. *cause most people now cannot participate in the conversation even if they wanted to.
No. 404872
>>404864What are you on about, lmao
We were talking about pigments, not my fault the only thing else brought up, uv sealant, does shit to pigments.
That's not a painter anon issue, it's something artists should be aware of. I use different supplies, from ink to gouache, and it stands the same across the board. Know your materials, and use artist grade shit if you sell for a noteworthy sum.
No. 404875
>>404870You answered your own question - it’s because it’s the
discussion thread. This is just the containment thread for all the art fags, and people may want opinions on supplies from others who are less likely to be biased as they are anonymous and also purely the fact that a lot of artfags enjoy talking about supplies, I’d even say the majority of artists do
No. 404899
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Forgot the pic
No. 404950
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>>404899diff anon but not to mention the price she put on this piece when she first put it on her etsy
No. 404959
>>404950Jesus christ, I was drinking coke through a straw and snorted when I saw that ridiculous price.
Is she supporting people affected by macrocephaly?? Lol
No. 405114
>>404924I mean I got to the point where i HATE even the word 'lineart' (argh) and the fact that every single youtuber thinks that you have to follow a sketch>ink lines>colour in process - do they get this from comics? it's weird -
so anything lineless makes me happy.
but if it's gonna be a thing where everyone just does it badly and imitates everyone else then, ugh
No. 405254
File: 1556739484857.jpg (259.97 KB, 600x396, Simon-Pasieka-Tanz-and-Rausch-…)

>>405229Can someone explain to me why the same-face-syndrome is so bad? A lot of famous artists did this and still do this. Audrey Kawasaki and Simon Pasieka are good examples and they are celebrated by critics although they have the same-face-syndrome. As long as it's intentional and part of the concept, it's totally okay imo.
But some artists do this because of laziness, lack of creativity which is boring and sad indeed.
No. 405262
>>405254Honestly it's not and I even think people like to confuse same-face syndrome with art that clearly does not have it even.
Same face syndrome usually stems from a lack of skill where person can't draw any other faces, while similar face syndrome is usually just artist finding a certain type of face type appealing and re-using those features. Now there are certain artists who do have a same face syndrome while actually being able to draw variety of faces (ie. kronprinzs) which is honestly due to them just liking that one single face and not bothering to draw anything else.Even so I do feel like a lot of people are really fast to judge something as same-face while not actually being same face. There's plenty of artist who draw faces that are similar to each other and have same features but are still a different face. Sometimes this happens due to lack of skill, because they might not be familiar with certain type of features and end up recycling a small amount of features they do know but mostly I believe that it just stems from personal taste. The more you draw the more you realize how irrelevant same face really is. It's one of those "beginner donts" that you tell to aspiring artists so that they wouldn't fall into that art blackhole trap. Kinda like telling people to never shade with black. You totally can do it, if you know how but beginners often end up messing it up so badly it's just easier to tell them not to touch that area at all. In art all rules can be broken, it's just good to know the rules first. Same face is not big deal if you have it, because you choose to have it, instead of just not knowing any better.
No. 405268
>>405262It depends on the style. Some people choose to have a style that's not focussed on the face. You could argue that Heikala, who is a technically skilled artists in terms of landscapes and environments, has same face syndrome. Whilst true, it's not the focus of her art. The same goes for the image shared by anon, the focus is not on the characters but on the entire illustration.
I think it's something that is important to keep a note of for comic creators or animators. It's important to make sure silhouettes are readable and that it's obvious from first glance that the character is someone new. It's definitely something that should be kept in mind for character driven work. Because a bad case of same face syndrome will be looking at not just two characters with the same face (it happens, everyone has something they like to go back to) but several different characters who look exactly the same.
Anyway this is getting off topic. The fact is that if your focus is on characters and storytelling, just give your characters a different face so they don't look like clones. If it's about composition and colour and all sorts of everything else, then go ahead and draw the same face, it's all based on context.
No. 405327
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>>405254Honestly I can only think of a few instances where it’s actually an issue
1. You’re trying to tell a story
Comic illustrators, animators, book illustrators, you get the picture - these people should NOT have same face syndrome when they need to be creating discernible characters for good story flow
2. Character designers
It’s kinda on the tin as to why they shouldn’t be creating the same face over and over
3. Beginners
Like another anon said it’s a trap you can fall into, beginners should be learning enough fundamentals that no one face should look identical unless they’re studies of the same face and it is intentional
4. Characters of different ethnicities
If you diversify the ethnicity and race of the people you draw you should really know how to use racial markers and not recreate the same face over and over
Otherwise I’d honestly argue that people who like to throw out ‘SAME FACE SYNDROME!!’ are the same who would yell about anatomy but not offer any fixes - they’re just using buzz words to criticise for the sake of criticising, people who are further along in the art careers know that both are context sensitive and that the former isn’t a huge issue in a lot of cases. There’s a reason why you’ll hear criticisms about something like anatomy rather than colour theory, and it’s that anatomy is something even someone who doesn’t know a lot about art can tell is off and can just pull things out their ass.
People that reee about sameface probably also reee about tumblr style or pretty girl paintings with no reason other than ‘I don’t like it >:(‘
No. 405392
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anyone else feel like this girl is vaguely copying Audra Auclair? idk it might just be me but I swear every time her stuff comes up on my explore tab it looks similar to Audra’s just from the color pallete alone
No. 405404
File: 1556769653023.png (1.23 MB, 1280x720, shirobako_s01e24_7.png)

>>405327God, fuck Shirobaku. Samefaced pretty young moeblob girls because god forbid a female character be anything but, and male characters of varying attractiveness and age with diverse features.
No. 405411
File: 1556771091826.jpg (105.53 KB, 947x1488, souwu.jpg) of a youtube artist, but this manlet is a predator who posts alt-right memes/hangs out with alt-right types "as a joke", admits to and participates in what he claims is the "emotional control kink" [re: emotionally/psychologically manipulating women and young girls that join his discord server], and "teaches art" on said discord server despite not having any talent and being a self-admitted NEET with a zoology degree. He also has an so-original asian fetish that he is quite vocal about, paying special attention to girls on the server who happen to be underage/asian.
He also likes to tell everyone various and conflicting stories about his childhood/abuse/etc whenever confronted on his predatory or seedy behavior, or unwarranted sense of self importance in conversations. One of his favorites is to claim he was a CSA survivor, despite frequently making jokes about rape. Considering his raging narcissism and the fact that many girls and women seem to get mysteriously banned after claiming Jimi has manipulated them/forced them to do nudes/etc, this may be the closest to the truth about why he's like this.
I don't have many screenshots to give, as I only had DMs with this person [in which he tried to manipulate me and subsequently blocked and banned me when I refused/set boundaries] but I can post them in a bit after I unblock him. For now, have an example of the "art" that totally warrants him being a predatory psychotic racist and possibly pedophile, as well as an "art teacher."
Has anyone else experienced an issue with this dude? I'm trying to re-contact a previous [possibly underage] girl he'd chased out, but she's not responding.
No. 405413
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>>405411An example of the creepy shit he'd say. This was after I told him I hated doing BDSM with my ex, as well. We were discussing relationships/expectations.
I wish I had more concrete evidence, but all I have is skin-crawling commentary like this and the claims I saw from various girls on Jimi's server. I was hoping that lolcow might have more information, because I really can't get over the thought that this kind of person may be the "big brother" figure to teenage girls/women, and what he may be trying to do with that "power."
Especially with
>putting someone in a position where they can't really refuse No. 405415
File: 1556772837150.jpg (626.5 KB, 896x484, jimiscreenshot1 (2)_LI.jpg)

>>405411His response after I dared not respond to discord for 15-30 minutes, as I was leaving a group, and I'd known him for exactly one day. He assumed I wasn't responding because of what he said in the previous screenshot + some vaguely sexual/"negging" comments he'd made towards me. After this, I told him to calm down, was told I was "being
abusive/difficult" and was subsequently blocked and banned from both servers.
>But I can be so much worse than thisAnyone else get major fucking creep vibes? It's this and the claims I saw from other girls during my time on the server that are really unsettling me.
Does anyone have more info/sauce/stories/etc?
No. 405416
>>405411>emotional control kink Can kink shaming please come back full force so that creepy abusers can stop saying that it’s just their kink and it somehow absolves them of all morality and responsibility. This seems to be a huge issue in the art community in particular, especially if you do commissions. I’m sick of seeing degrading artwork and being shouted at to stop kinkshaming because some guy getting off is apparently more important than all the women he dehumanises throughout his
abusive depictions, a lot of it is also used to groom minors. I don’t know about you guys but I learnt very quickly to be wary of older ‘sex positive’ artists because even though they knew I was a kid they’d still insist on showing me their latest porn they drew whenever we interacted
No. 405421
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>>405417>>405417Sorry if I sound weird or if I'm posting too many screenshots [seriously, don't be ashamed to ban my ass if I'm being dumb, I need to learn lol] but I'm not over-reacting, right?
This was the thing that warranted him saying that stuff in the second screenshot. Admittedly, it was weird of him to say that about plastic surgery specifically after I said I did not want it for my deformity, but it's not why I didn't respond to him. I literally had to physically leave a building and talk to real life people.
I also find it very strange that he tried to brush it off and act like things were normal. When I said that his comment upset me, he responded the way he did in the second screenshot, plus some other jive.
The underage girl isn't responding to my friend request. I don't really want to post her discord here, and I don't have screenshots of what she said in-server because Jimi banned her and deleted them super fast. I'm kind of hoping he's just a creep and not a predator, but if anyone reading this has info or experiences with this dude, say something. He gives off major creep vibes.
I could also post the story he gave me of his "abuse" that conflicts with what other people have said he's said to them, but idk if that's disrespectful, considering it was lengthy and [to me] felt "heartfelt" I guess? Plus idk if that's against the rules or not, since it involves CSA.
Edit: Whoops, accidentally my name. Some of you can guess my ethnicity now, I guess, lmao.
No. 405437
>>405433>if a person has a similar color palette or style of coloring, etc etc- to a more popular artist, is it immediately considered copying? If artist A copies the colour palette, style and motifs all at once from artist B and is indistinguishable overall, then artist A is definitely a copycat. When I saw
>>405392 I thought it was Audra indeed. It's beautiful but there's no trace of originality. This artist could take certain aspects of Audra's pictures he/she likes and add personal aspects to her/his picture to make it more original.
No. 405451
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>>405392I mean…you be the judge
No. 405467
>>404473Does she not have bust measurements for her clothes?
Even with regular sizes it's hard to find the right size when you're busty (sometimes it's S, sometimes L), I can imagine it's even harder when you're big and busty.
No. 405471
File: 1556795620137.png (420.29 KB, 857x699, barf (2).png)

I found this tweet-thing by alt-right Nazi "comic artist", Emily Youcis. Google her work incognito if you wanna see some horrific shit involving CSA, furryshit, tradthots and Nazis.
I know it's not technically art but fucking topkek
No. 405493
>>405421I really wouldn't say you're overreacting here, there's a lot of alarm bells and red flags going off in my head right now, especially if he's talking this way to teenagers.
Definitely report so discord can take a look into it. At least that way it's out of your hands, and you can move on.
No. 405499
File: 1556801162349.png (434.22 KB, 942x926, surejan.png)

Er, Found this comic through DSP and don't really know how to handle it, so here you go. It's about "anti SJW's" are totally oppressed and stuff, also I think they have superpowers?
No. 405504
>>405493>>405483Thank you both. You're right, it's better to report and move on.
>hurr durr why did you do something you didn't want to do with an ex boyfriend>actually defending literal emotional manipiulation/abuse/THE LITERAL CLAIM OF GETTING OFF ON PUTTING SOMEONE IN A POSITION WHERE THEY CANNOT REFUSE as "uwu you just don't understand ~ThE CoMmUniTy~"Scrot or handmaiden? I genuinely can't tell. Maybe you've never been in a real adult relationship, as well, if you think sexual abuse/manipulation is completely separate from the sort of man who asked me to do "totes kinky" stuff with him and threatened me if I didn't.
No. 405505
>>405499This screams butthurt edgelord trying to prove they're all superior because they 'earned' privileges like what a hysterical comic. It even has stick figures.
I always get surprised when idiots act like this like I'm always caught so off guard
No. 405517
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>>405499lmao what fresh hell is this? it's like an xkcd comic but somehow worse. dat comparison tho. reminds me of pic related.
No. 405522
>>405498NTA but you’re saying this like people don’t get coerced into sexual acts they don’t want to partake in, and if they were in the BDSM community and sadistic then it would not be in the slightest bit surprising if that’s what happened.
A lot of the anons ITT sound very young a lot of the time, I do wonder if we have a lot of teens with the way some of you type and the things you talk about
No. 405538
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>>405517Well, in a nutshell it seems to be weeby white supremacy stuff written by a conspiracy theorist, hard to tell since it's so subtle though.
No. 405579
so this guy was streaming and his gf (i think) started talking shit about a lesser known artist. they both laugh about it, say she's autistic and show her profile for their followers. what got me though is that the guy says "i feel like i need to chill online to get friends"
karma's a bitch though, the person they were making fun of gained 20k followers in like a day (not sure if he lost any) No. 405591
>>405579I’m gonna be honest, I expected something super mild, no big deal shit talk blown out of proportion by people (because internet just loves that) but then holy shit when I actuslly listened to that clip. I’m not sure if I’ve ever heard someone being so bitterly jealous before it made my jaw drop.
Like wow lady, you must be a fun to hang around. Ranting can help you let off steam and I don’t fault people for that but some people just talk so horribly about other people that it makes me feel sick and she’s definitely one of those.
No. 405604
>>405602Yeah I'm not sure what her damage was. She was acting like it was high school gossip. She must not be an artist, but I'm not that sure. All I can see is that she got bitter, and he encouraged it further.That's the problem with a lot, but not all, of popular artists on social media. They get so arrogant and think that it's okay because they're popular.
I'm honestly glad we're coming to the point where just because you're skilled, it doesn't mean you can get away with dumb shit like this. These are the few instances where call-outs are appropriate.
Too often it goes sideways for stupid reasons.
Though like most people who get caught on their shit, he's probably going to let it blow over so he can save some kind of face, because that public non-apology wasn't going to cut it. Going forward MAYBE he and his girl can take steps to do and be better people.
No. 405614
>>405604>MAYBE he and his girl Naw, he obviously looked pissed when he said she made the
victim popular.
Looks like they're going to breakup and he's going to lose his medical school degree at Berkley, which he put up online himself (idiot) so people can't say he was doxxed.
No. 405624
>>405591yeah same, i thought it was clickbait but the gf was super violent.
and if you want to be that critical and abrasive, sure why not, freedom of speech includes shitting on people even if it's just unfunny inelegant low level jealousy, but you have to stand by what you say and not delete your account to avoid criticism / apologise like a little bitch to save your career.
let them suffer the consequences.
No. 405625
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>>405392I always thought she was copying Audra.
No. 405636
>>405624Exactly and if you really wanna have a petty rant, which we all do at some point (though maybe not ever
that petty) then at least be decent and don't fucking name and shame them on a stream where everyone is watching. She could've easily said there's this artists who's bad but who's more popular and it's annoying and this whole thing would've been ok. She would've still sounded like a bitter bitch but at least she would've had a good excuse for it.
No. 405657
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Lanajay's insta story where she's begging for Kofi donations because she screwed up.
No. 405670
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>>405646>jfc that is literally almost tracedI would say she's stealing ideas from Audra and changing just a bit. It's like buying knock-off shoes: same same but different.
No. 405813
>>405759NTA but do you not read? Anon said they received more creepy messages but didn't post since they weren't about the underage shit.
Don't try to give creepy behavior a pass by calling it some type of flirting. And having a kink doesn't excuse gilt tripping someone when they don't respond to your aforementioned creepy behavior.
And I also don't see why the reason anon talked to this person in the first place is of any big significance, so idk kill that curiosity of yours in that regard maybe.
No. 405998
>>405411Making rape jokes doesn't necessarily mean someone isn't a
victim of sexual abuse . People have odd coping mechanisms sometimes.
He sounds like a piece of shit though
No. 406139
>>406136I once didn't draw for half a year because of an art-block and only thing I can recommend is to try to figure out what causes it. Trying to force yourself to draw won't do you any good and if you haven't been able to draw for the past 5 months, it's not gonna be fixed by "just drawing".
For me what caused the art-block was my perfectionism. I would always accept that art can never be perfect but I would still demand that every picture be better than the last one. This ended up driving me up to a wall 'cause I demanded results from myself I just didn't have the skill to achieve and I couldn't recognize how cancerous my own mentality was, because I
thought I knew that art just can never be perfect. It was kinda like "well I'm not saying my art needs to be 100% perfect, but at least make it 99%".
Part of what 'caused this was my own competitive nature and my feelings of not wanting to disappoint my followers. After I figured it out, the solution came easy. I told myself that it's ok if I sometimes create boring work, that creating something is better than nothing for half a year. If I want to create a messy, bad quality pretty girl portrait, I can do so. I can also draw big detailed illustrations and both are fine.
I still have art-blocks ofc but never that bad anymore and everytime I do have an art-block, instead of trying to force myself out of the rut, I take it as a chance for self-discovery. If you can't draw, do things you can do, play games, see friends and also try to think what you want to do as an artist and what is really holding you back. Art-block can actually open many doors if you allow it to.
No. 406149
>>406136Honestly, I just go with the flow of it. I take a break and then once my motivation is back I create shitty art just for the sake of it and it tends to pick back up from there.
One crucial thing though is that I make sure to keep consuming art made by others, even if you’re not creating you’re still learning by looking at the work of other artists and dissecting it, it can have a really positive influence on your work through taste and stylisation after an extensive break, even if technically you’ve become a bit lacking from not practicing. I’ve found that after all of my art blocks my art practice and stylisation evolves so there’s a bit of silver lining to an otherwise shitty scenario
No. 406178
>>406149>>406139>>406136How about an art block that lasts several years?
I haven't drawn anything other than some small sketches on some side paper. I think I'm slowly giving up on art but being good at art is kind of part of my identity since I've been drawing since I was a kid
No. 406194
>>406178I had an almost 5 year long art block. I still drew, but it was down to about less than 3x a month. Part of it was due to an illness creeping up that I hadn't been aware of, which explains why the block went on for so long.
Even then, I doodled, watched tutorials, and really got into art history. During that last year, I started taking up other creative hobbies and outdoor activities just to keep my hands busy. Being able to let that energy out in other ways helped me loosen up and get back into it. It wasn't gradual, either. It was like a freight train.
It also gave me something new to integrate into my artwork, a new set of eyes, and a new way to present it.
Sometimes these blocks are exactly what we need to keep our work improving.
No. 406199
>>406178Gonna need more info on that. I've personally found that art block tends to stem off of having standards. When you think back to when you just started drawing, you could draw all day multiple pictures just one after another and thing like art-block never even crossed to our minds. That's usually 'cause back in then we would care more about just drawing for the sake of it but how good or bad it was, it didn't matter or how original or unoriginal it was, had no factor either, Only joy of creating something really mattered.
Now that you've grown as artist, there's a lot of things we end up thinking about when creating art. What do I want to say with this piece? What is it going to say to others? What's the mood, is it original, etc. Even if it's something as basic as a pretty girl portrait we still end up thinking what type of pretty girl is she, is she an innocent type? An emo? What's her expression gonna be, hairstyle, any object she's holding? This ends up creating a lot of pressure for us since we're constantly thinking of this stuff and it eventually causes our minds to get overgrowded and thus the block happens.
If you're experiencing several years long art block, there must be something blocking your creative stream badly but I cannot tell you what it is. One anon said above that changing medium might be solution and I've heard from other people who that has helped as well. A friend of mine actually used to draw but then just over the years slowly quit, now couple of years ago she discovered photography and she's totally into it. But ultimately the solution is something you have to figure out yourself.
Few questions to ask from yourself are:
Why do I draw?
Who do I draw for?
Do I like drawing?
What do I want from my art?
What kind of artist do I wanna be?
There's plenty of other things you can ask from yourself but writing it down might help. And I recommend constantly asking yourself
why. Why do I draw, "because I like it", why do I like it? "because I can bring my imagination to life", why do I want to do so?", etc. Just keep going and eventually you'll probably figure something out, though you may end up digging into some personal trauma territory too.
No. 406207
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You could always create your own motivational quotes and hashtag instead of art.
No. 406208
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>>406207My apologies if this belongs in the bad art thread but the ego on this one seems big to me
No. 406221
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>>406208Samefag but I'm 99% sure it's traced from a generic stockphoto, atleast the face
Can't overlay cus mobile
No. 406226
>>406136What works for me is:
*taking it easy and not drawing at all for a while (art isn't my job or anything, it's just a hobby so there's no pressure)
*consuming other media that can inspire me (books, movies, TV series, podcasts- you can do fanart or studies of your favourite scenes if it was a movie/ TV series)
*doing some figure drawing from Croquis Cafe videos (I love those, and they also help with anatomy and gesture)
*blind contour drawings (mine always turn out hilarious)
*trying a completely new art medium (it can be anything, from dip pens to oils to watercolours to digital art to sculpting to knitting to making jewelry to collage)
No. 406228
>>406199I don't know if this is the true reason but I believe it's because of uni. It started going downhill and anytime I'd do anything other than study I'd think about how I'm just procrastinating and wasting time, and so pretty much all my hobbies stopped being fun.
Since time has past I got rusty and whenever I start drawing something I get reminded of how bad I got and that discourages me from continuing
No. 406230
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>>406221Good find, anon. It's definitely traced, I think. He's changed the chin slightly and the neck to throw people off, but the nose and upper lip are identical.
I've made a gif to show you.
No. 406233
>>406228Well there can be many reasons for it but a school stress is no doubt a very real reason to get stuck artistically. Artistic free flowing mind and strict and disciplined schedule does not work that well together. School pretty much suppresses creativity like that, question now is what are you going to do about it?
One thing is to convince yourself that there's no shame in what you're doing and enjoying hobbies. If you feel like you're wasting time, then remind yourself that scientifically, hobbies release the "feel good" hormones (ie. dopamine and serotonin) that make you happier and being happier makes you more productive overall, betters your memory, you sleep better (and thus feel better), you don't overeat and ofc helps to cure depression. So you having hobbies and feeling good about drawing actually makes you overall better at studying even if you spend less time on it.
How to make drawing enjoyable again is a little trickier if you feel bad about not improving or drawing consistently. I'd say the first step is to accept that, it's ok to take detours in your life and not focus on art 100% at the time and during this time you've still sketched so it's not like you totally lost your skill either. Maybe you could mark little goals for yourself, nothing too big but doing a little studies sometimes to pick up the skill you feel you lack. Someday maybe sketch like 5 different face (best if you do this irl), another day, draw a tree you see and just overall draw small things that are around you.
If you get the feeling of wanting to do a bigger illustration or "an actual" drawing then do just that and if the drawing fails, ask yourself why. Do a little bit observing and if you think "ok well the anatomy didn't turn out the way I wanted" then focus on anatomy for a while, forget trees and faces and just draw couple of figures here and there or find some tutorials.
Since you're kinda rusty the point is not to like dedicate your whole life to art suddenly and grind back the skill but if you feel your art lacks somehow or that you didn't get good enough, then find a part in your art that especially displeases you and focus on that for a while till it gets even just a little better, from there you usually tend to improve pretty fast and if you've kept your artistic eye open all this time, you usually end up consuming a lot of knowledge that's around you, it may just take a little push to unlock it, so you can actually use it.
Hope this was at least somewhat helpful and you're welcome about your free therapy session.
No. 406284
>>406230Blessed be thy fellow anon
He made the neck look disgusting geez
No. 406468
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Hopefully this isnt too off topic but character design is something that I'm really interested in as an "artist". What do you guys think about this shit? Sonic spergs are my favorite thing to laugh at but I cant even enjoy their REEEEEEEing over the new character design because it is so fucking bad. Why is he shaped like a tiny human man? Why does he have human teeth? Who approved this?
No. 406489
>>406468Yeah that Sonic design is so fucking abominable and disgusting that I can't believe somebody would even think it up let alone approve it for an actual movie.
I heard a tinfoil that they made Sonic's design so bad on purpose to generate publicity and that the 'redesign' wasn't them scrambling to make fans happy last minute but was planned all along. Probably not true but it wouldn't surprise me. It certainly made people talk about the movie, that's for sure.
No. 406625
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Her real paintings are usually dope, but what is this? It looks like she paints the first time without a reference…
I am really confused about that huge skill gap.
No. 406628
>>406625Everything is kind of off, but the ear and the neck are just wtf…
And she sells her art for thousands
No. 406639
>>406625That bird neck
That ear
That outline
No. 406645
>>406642Oil seems to be her usual medium, most of her stuff seems to rely heavily on references. So she might have a hard time making stuff without that.
Her wave paintings are cool at least, the other stuff mostly reminds me of Instagram girls
No. 406804
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When You fuck up so much that even the singer of the background song used in the stream calls you out on your bullshit.
I've seen a stream where neko cries after getting to know she's been exposed in Kun0's stream and that is really heart-breaking. I'm not one to go on a extreme witch hunt on Kun0, but at least the biggest consequence I want him to face, besides soiling his reputation, would be the loss of revenue through his art, because there's the wound it hurts the most when poked.
No. 406838
>>406823Don't know about you, but if I was young with a beginner tie art such as neko's and a big artist decided to shit on me live on a twitch stream I'd have cried too. He's an asshole among many but an asshole who also had the capacity of discouraging many young artists from drawing or posting their stuff online.
Besides, Kun0 published an apology video and Neko published an answer, also apologizing because on her previous stream she said she didn't receive any private apology on Kun0's part but his message actually got buried under so many notifications. She also said she wanted this to be over and for them to move on.
It's not a fact of "the internet wants to ruin him", although I do agree people are going too far with this, I just wish he'd get a financial blow over his shitty attitude.
People can change for the better, he already broke up with his girlfriend, but still the sting of the insult is too fresh when he said shit like "I got clipped omegalul" and "I guess I'll have to make an apology later
No. 406919
>>406871Personally I like 'em cheap. I'll splurge on paint, on paper/canvas, but tend to go cheap for brushes. I tend to just go for synthetic brushes, usually taklon. I rather like the ones by Royal and Langnickel, the "Zen" line, although I had to glue the handle back onto the ferrule for one of them. But they're affordable and hold a fair amount of water.
I really want to try those black velvet brushes because people seem to love them, but I've been wary that they might not be worth the hype, and I don't get to paint super often lately so I've been avoiding investing in nicer brushes.
No. 407024
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>>406969The tracer is also making bank.
No. 407033
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(Also his apology video in case anyone's wondering: )
No. 407043
>>407033>so I can focus on myself Really taking the
victim role in this and letting his ex gf take the brunt of the blame
No. 407192
>>407190Don't worry about that. It's what sells for
them. You need to figure out what works for you.
If you don't draw NSFW, then people won't expect it of you. Some people get stuck there and it's all they end up known for. So don't worry about it. It takes work but you'll figure it out.
No. 407222
>>407196tbf i remember something going around about how Sakimi did nsfw stuff even before she got popular. If it's true, the nsfw on the side was something she more or less always did.
but yah find whatever works for you. a lot of artists who have the nsfw tier for patreon, have some type of nsfw background. It's just that before patreon, a lot of people were on the "don't do nsfw it ruins your reputation" so a lot of them just hid the nsfw they did or stopped doing it entirely. but there are still plenty of popular artists (like Yuumei) who don't do nsfw stuff on patreon.
it's just a matter of what works for you. trust me, only good nsfw stuff sales (unless you are filling a super niche fetish or something) because people won't jump at badly drawn and colored porn. like with selling any art, you gotta be good at what you do. if nsfw isn't for you then don't do it because you probably won't end up selling anything.
on a side now, what's with everyone trying to get their patreon like Sakimichan's? just because doing fanart and porn works for her doesn't mean it will work for you.
No. 407336
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>>407321I personally know middle schoolers who are more competent artists
No. 407344
>>407336>>407321This isnt looking good for Rae, actually it never is.
Also i thought all art teachers have at least decent art skills but wtf? Even i draw better than that
No. 407398
>>407396if arttubers are to be believed, teachers are there to go "please stop only trying to draw manga/anime" so they can accuse them 5 years later of "not being encouraging enough" and "not recognising how ZOMG AMAZING!!11! my art is, I bet that bi9tch was just JEaLoUS!!?"
anyway fucking hell this video is hilarious. a laptop? why? modelling yourself on the old masters? what?
No. 407421
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>>407321Jesus lol, I was expecting more professional quality. I wouldn’t trust her critiquing my art, she needs to get her fundies right.
No. 407422
>>407222It's a lot of "follow the leader" going on. It worked for her, so they see it as a financial formula even though it might not apply to them and what they do best. The ones that really stand out to me are the ones who clearly followed Sakimi's tutorials and now have a Patreon with fanart that looks like an even weaker version of her style with similar tier models.
Customwaifus is one of the ones that comes to mind, though she's more blatantly pin-ups vs pinups/tutorials and such. I wanted to compare their tier models, but her Patreon is under review. Whoops.
No. 407424
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>>407336Her tattoo design… that someone actually got
No. 407433
>>407193TLDR (im summarizing my long brush rant lmao before you have a chance to read it but my brush rant is more or less my personal preference that really doesnt need to be read but also might be good info????)
I'd recommend simply simmons because you can purchase them in packs of like four and its normally around 8$CAD, Holbein is great (might be more expensive) and then micheals sells a brand called 'zen' by Royal & Langnickle. The Zen ones are silver and micheals has them under 'level two artist'.
simple simmons if you don't want to use dollar store brushes. They're a good 'starter' brush (idk the proper term but they're what i used when starting out for all of my paints.)
I personally like using brushes labeled for 'watercolour' because I like a softer brush just in general for all of my paintings, but simply simmons has a good variety of different brushes besides soft 'watercolour' brushes.
Holbein is also a decent brush (this is what is sold in my schools store for all painting mediums), and the 'zen' royal & Langnickle is another brush I commonly use when painting with acrylic.
brush preference though like everything with supplies is also a big personal preference. Also what you're wanting to spend is also a good consideration when investing (which im sure you know and this part is all useless info).
there are some decent dollar store brushes that you can purchase that work well as well. My dollar stores sell like a golden bristle and they do me well as long as they're taken care of, mine also sell like a multicoloured bristle brush like where each brush is a different colour.
a tip that i've learned from experience is keeping my brushes for different types of paints separate. Because acrylic will do damage to brushes that you use for watercolour/gouache and its super frustrating purchasing new brushes. I do find cheaper brushes work better though for acrylic.
No. 407434
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>>396901“Famous” instagram artists that apppear on the explore page everyday to rack in their thousands of followers on a daily basis that all have the same art style. There’s no difference between these feeds and it irks me so bad that these people are getting away with this.
No. 407436
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>>407433ntaryt but do you (or any of the other brush anons further upthread) have any opinion/experience with those watercolor brushes that you fill with water? I wanted to buy a set so I can go out and sit outside and do watercolors without having to carry a cup of water to dip in lol
No. 407440
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>>407434>mfw these are all different artistsI can see why they rack up a ton of followers though, normies love portraits.
Especially ones that pull the classic "omg Can you draw mee??".They love the idea of being drawn or their favorite celebrity/whoever being drawn.
No. 407521
>>407516I’m kinda weirded by the sudden huge craze around them, I find that majority are tacky and honestly what the fuck do you even do with them? Like you said, if work they’re easily lost and they’re such small pins that displaying them looks silly unless you have a hoard and then it’s too cluttered to appreciate.
On another note though I’m annoyed by the popularity of ceramics currently, everyone is suddenly getting into it and selling extremely crude wares, not the nice crude either but the very obvious crudeness that comes from amateur mistakes. I feel like it decreases the value of entire craft tbh with how quickly oversaturated it is becoming, and with the huge cost comes with getting into it it’s like Copics all over again - it’s more of a financial statement than an artistic one
No. 407546
>>407436I've been using these style of brushes for the past 4 years and I've never looked back. I hate the aspect of painting where you have to clean and dip paintbrushes, so personally these were a life saver, I prefer being able to paint more in a way that I'm using copics, getting detail is far easier with this style of nib. They work like normal brushes, except you can squeeze the brush to get water out of it, and it also cleans itself. Things such as picking up and dispensing paint is fine.
The only problem is that they have to be replaced every 5 months or so (of daily use) due to the brushes fraying and losing the ability to squeeze water out, but since they're cheap, it doesn't matter too much.
No. 407620
>>407436they straight up start smelling mildew-y if you leave the covers on when you're done using them which is a downside and different brands I find you have to have a lot of squeeze power to get the water out.
they do what they're supposed to and work to do plein air/urban sketching. but i find I run out of water because I paint relatively wet and like building my colours through layers.
plastic bottles also make a good travel cup and i find are better for painting for longer periods of time/if you switch colours frequently and you just chuck 'em in your painting bag.
No. 407625
>>407447>>407452>>407502>>407546Thank you so much! Will probably buy a set from Michaels to start out and test them (yay coupons lol), but I'm really looking forward to being able to spend time in parks and do some painting there since summer is coming!
>>407620Oh I never thought about the water bottle thing! I'll probably buy one of those really small ones and keep it specifically for water colors! Is there anyway to avoid the mildew-y smell or is it just a trade off of using these brushes? Do you empty out the water in them when you're done with them for the day, or just chuck em in your pencil case or whatever until the next time you use them?
I'm hesitant to spend any money on quality materials because I'm still novice at best and I've only recently picked up drawing/painting again for pure fun.
No. 407628
>>407408I think high school teachers are required to have a previous degree in their subject of choice. So most high school art teacher probably have at least gone to art school or something, so they tend to be at least educated on art history and art critique. Some are probably actually accomplished artists who just enjoy teaching (probably especially for some older art teachers who went into teaching much later in life).
I suspect there's some junior high and elementary school teachers who went into teaching because it was 'safer', or art was just a hobby for them at the time of being 18 and having to select their university program. The art teachers who are good are probably the ones doing it on the side and continuing to develop their skills beyond graduating a teaching program at the age of 23.
No. 407635
>>407436I've got this exact set, I love them for plein air. I wouldn't use them for at home by any means, but they're perfectly good for painting on the go.
I used to do the bottle thing, which can work well if I know I'll sit somewhere sturdy, but I often paint on the bus, and these are much better for that.
No. 407699
>>407625i think its just a trade off to have them smell. It could be helpful to empty the barrels and leave the caps off.
I do much prefer using a water bottle or a mason jar to do plein air/urban sketching personally and I like using my regular brushes just because its easier for me and then I don't have an issue with the smell. I also like caring more water on me then the brushes allow and I find if im using them out and about I need to bring all of them and thats just a lot of supplies to bring
for me.
They're definitly worth trying out though, and seeing if they work for how you like to paint. It might even be cheaper to just purchase on amazon rather then micheals. even with a coupon i find for what they are they're still super expensive unless you're using a 50% off one.
i do like the kuretake co. ones that ive used in comparion to pental and at least at the store I shop at they're less expensive.
im also wondering if using india ink might have contributed to the mildew smell on mine cos i just smelled two that didnt touch india ink and theres no smell.
No. 407702
>>407652I'm Canadian, but sometimes, yes. There's a lot of "colleges" that are in it for the money, so they don't really care about your skill level, just the money you can pay them. People can still learn a lot there if they're motivated enough, but you can get by without any talent, as long as you do the assignments. On the other hand, schools with more solid reputations do what you mentioned for their fine arts programs. But even still, once your in you just need to pass to get the degree, so someone could start out as promising, but totally stagnate through the program. So there are still a few people who graduate with so-so art skills.
No. 407703
>>407652I mean art teachers in schools aren't always artists. I literally had an english/theatre teacher be an art teacher once in high school. needless to say that year was a complete right off lmao.
Teachers have to have teachables and there isn't a lot of money going into art programs in public schools soooooo you could literally just be handed the job of teaching art, especially because in my experience they generally just gave us sheets/explained what they wanted/a power point and didn't really teach us anything. If you have a degree in art you're probably gunna be teaching at a college/university/expensive private school/vocational school level rather then a high school/middle school level.
No. 407710
>>407317this entire video made me cringe. it would've been better to have gotten an art teacher that teaches at a higher education level who has also been working as a professional artist for years. imo those are the teachers that give real valuable advice in terms of critique and marking.
If you're too nice as a teacher when marking the students don't learn anything and can't improve. Also having a friend doing the critique and marking probably means that her friend was being nicer then she possibly is towards students? but judging by her own artwork I'd say she nicely marks her students so I don't think this was a valuable video for rae.
sidenote has rae mentioned what school she graduated from? would be nice to know how many of her teachers are working artists not.
No. 407717
>>407516Idk why people would be possessive or hush over a good manufacturer. It's not like you own it or it's something you've come up with lmao
I can understand keep trade secrets a thing when it's something you've actually come up with and do by hand (like soap making techniques, etc.) or recipes but a manufacturer? lmao it's like not saying who your hairdresser is because you don't want other people to use them
No. 407777
>>407516manufacturers have become more accessible through the years for fan merch stuff. Sometimes the quality would even be on par with official goods.
(slight salt) It seems acrylic charms aren't cutting it anymore gotta have things made as enamel pins now.
>>407717something something manufacturers apparently dip in quality once there's a flood of orders come in
not my problem if these companies become greedy
No. 407785
>>407777I hope acrylic charms become more popular again. They're my favorite out of the buttons/charms/enamel pins trilogy.
Also do any artist anons mind sharing good places to get acrylic charms made? They're not enamel pin so I assume people will be more likely to share.
No. 407792
>>407785Zap Creatives bay bee. They're really good and they do acrylic pins as well! They do wooden stuff too which is nice.
I've heard people use Vograce for bulk orders (they have more choices like epoxy, double acrylic board, spot gold colour, etc) but they are shipped from China, so if you live in a country with bad customs rates (like UK), it may just cost more than they're worth.
No. 407802
>>407785Just go with Vograce. They attach your accessories to save you the hassle and are probably a quarter of the price. I’ve been using Vograce for four years and had one customs fee for the UK. They don’t use Royal Mail or Parcelforce - they use RPX - which was the cheapest import fee ever. I paid £18 on a box worth $1100. That was a group order.
Zap are like 30% good. I just hear bad things about them and their customer service. They don’t print as nice or as many fancy things either.
Vograce also do middleman for a lot of things like enamel pins and washi tape and can also manufacture standees and a lot of different acrylic things. If you have the dollar that is. They are 1 MOQ too.
No. 407934
>>407721No accredited college will skip liberal arts courses. If you're working toward a degree, then you'll have to take the courses or transfer in credits from another college for similar courses.
>>407880It's the same. The only places that don't require liberal arts are just giving out certificates. You can always just take classes, but you won't earn a degree without completing math, lit, etc.
As far as advancing and improving in an art-based college/program goes… Credit IS spelled with C's and D's.
No. 408016
>>407628That’s true nowadays but if you’re like me and had a 55+ art teacher, that’s not the case. My art teacher has a general education degree for ages k-12! So not even specialized in art or a certain age group. He was really not the best artist or critiquer, but he had a loud voice that could make kids shut up and do their projects, which is key in a small school w a graduating class of 60 where art class was a substitute for the principals office.
Education in the US, especially public education is not the route i’d personally go if I wanted to do serious art study.
No. 408023
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>>407717I always assumed the reason were tight-lipped about manufacturers was because they didn't want more artists producing their own and flooding the market. I do like enamel pins and I think there's neat ways to display them at home.
Can I ask what the most common enamel pin suppliers used are here?
Also this is the first I'm hearing of acrylic charms. I can see the appeal and would probably like it more if they were picked up by more artists outside of chibi and anime character stuff. Are they relatively new or?
No. 408127
>>408076lol anon ??? Maybe they're popular amongst weeabo and anime culture but they haven't hit mainstream for regular artists/illustrators obviously.
Etsy results
"acrylic charm": 32k (with a lot of unrelated products coming up)
"enamel pin": 110k
Insta results
"#acryliccharm": 10k
"#enamelpin": 867k
No. 408166
>>408154>>408160tl;dr- She's talking about how basically she 'didn't ever think she was going to be an artist, and it just never occurred to her to be a full time artist, blah blah don't give up on your dreams', people on forums are mean… That's basically it.
I hate it when artists especially say shit like "oh well i wasn't even trying to do this, i wasn't really taking it seriously, but here i am now and i'm
so thankful". It just makes me salty because there are so many other (and I know this thread hates this argument) artists who are on their grind and never get see for all the work and effort they put in. Not saying that she didn't but she kept emphasizing how being a full time/working artist 'was never her intention' and 'welp, here i am (: don't give up on your dreams guys!' it's such humblebrag bullshit and it comes off as super disingenuous.
Sorry she had a rough year and all but like, I just can't empathize with a person who talks like that, about how seriously she wasn't taking her study. Not saying she didn't work hard after the fact, but….just don't think this is coming off as honest as she thinks it is.
No. 408171
>>408154Yeah she mentioned her mom wasn’t well in 2015 and how that affected her and i get it, and i sympathize, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that she puts in zero effort on her art videos. She even mentioned she spent like 20 hours on that drawing of the supernatural guy but she took down the video with an artwork she admits she rushed through.
Then don’t rush through them for the sake of a video?? Take more than two hours filming??
No. 408172
>>408166it does feel disingenuous, that's it. you can't claim to be trying to improve as a serious artist and at the same time only put out "testing hacks" and "crayons from wish" videos
also yes this is very salty jealousy but - she's very beautiful. and that does have something to do with popularity much as uggos like me wish it didn;t.
No. 408202
>>408133i fucking hate it. im a lazy ass bitch so clicking the _____ & others part is annoying as fuck. and apparently its only happening to canadians right now.
for people that aren;t business accounts then whatever I don't care about not having easy access to seeing who has liked my photos (my art account is set up as a business account and since engagement is super important in order to grow your audience not seeing it really is a pain in the ass with the other steps to go through to see whose liked it, i dont care with my accounts that arent business accounts because one is a private account where i post all my useless shit and selfies and talk about my anxiety so like don't mean anything for a private account. and then the same thing with my photo account. im not trying to have a reach with that account).
Keep in mind that business that want to do sponsorships look at both likes and followers so its another way instagram is fucking over people.
No. 408205
>>408202I think it's pointless, because it's not entirely going away. YOU as the user can still see your own likes. Which doesn't help with the 'mental health' bs they're trying to pass out as one of the reasons. Their hope is that if other users can't see your likes, the engagement will be 'more genuine' because they're not following the crowd of 'oh this person got that many likes, I should like it too' that humans tend to do. Gaming the system and buying likes/followers is hoped to be obsolete with the change too I'm speculating.
Also another guess is that sponsors and other businesses will also be able to see your likes, because it's not totally obliterated. They're doing this on the grounds of 'more genuine engagement' which means more $. They've been pushing stories so much and now that the actual feed, the fundamental thing that IG is known for, is slowing down, they want to try and amp up activity there again.
I like the idea of people not being able to see my likes, but I don't want to see em either. I don't care if my notifications are barren, I'd much rather see comments and my actual feed than who and how many people are liking my stuff at all hrs (whether or not i turn off notifications).
No. 408232
>>408205personally the amount of likes i get on something doesnt effect my own mental health. Having to hit my insights pop up to see the like and compare what people are enjoying vs what they arent is just annoying to me. i liked seeing my likes quickly by just going to the posts.
instagram needs to honestly just go back to how it originally was in terms of showing off whats posted when its posted, I hate seeing posts that were posted a week ago come up before recent posts. And since its ______ and others i think it just doesnt look good while im scrolling idk its not for me
I think it would be a better system if you as the user could turn on/off whether you want to see the likes or not.
instagram users: we want the old instagram back
instagram: lets take away their ability to see likes
No. 408243
>>408241I appreciate that artanons have more realistic standards than the rest of lolcow. I've even seen anons in the Holly thread call her cute before.
Is it because you gals spend time studying the human form so appreciate a variety that isn't solely absolute perfection? I'm not in art school like most of you (or serious beyond hobbyist by any means), but I've found it to be like that for myself as well. Beauty in flaws, blah blah blah.
Godspeed artanons.
No. 408263
But then again her fans will come after him but i actually rlly enjoyed this video
No. 408314
>>408291I agree anon
The faces and anatomy looks wack af
No. 408352
>>408241i feel like she has an unfortunate combo of horse face + nasolabial folds on an otherwise pretty face, although I think I would actually find her cute if she was at all articulate or talented and not a hollow unimaginative dimwit with bland taste and copied drawings. but having a spark of originality and developing the depth of your inner world by being observant and feeding it quality media is undisney, the easiest thing to fix right now are the cringe expressions.
writing this made me depressed and unsure how someone as empty as her has an audience, i guess like always the answer is kids. anyway if she elicits in some of them the love of drawing (though he doesn't have it herself) that's at least a good thing, but maybe that's too optimistic.
No. 408398
>>408320…what? Where did you get bitter from my post?
I was agreeing that it's nice that artanons tend to not expect women to be plastic dolls to be cute. Or are you one of the anons calling her a horseface?
If growing up means thinking cute people are hideous I'd rather become a womanchild.
No. 408401
>>408352I'm the anon who said she was beautiful. and I do agree with every word of your post. if I watch her videos it's with a combination of dismay at the lack of quality of the art, the terrible taste, etc, but most of all a sense of wanting to understand WHY the comments are always so full of 'you are so talented, your art is so brilliant'. And of course, yes, the answer is kids, but I also think what the kids are responding to is looks, demeanour, personality.
I dislike Baylee's art just as much, but I respect her ability to present a video in a way that keeps people watching - she has a way of making a vlog interesting which is quite an achievement given her interests start and stop at disney. Whereas I find Chloe's content of 'I tried this hot glue hack' to be much more boring, so I guess I fall back on her prettiness as a much more major part of the explanation of why the kids like her.
of course I would rather watch someone with a slightly less conventionally attractive face who makes more engaging content - eg Robin Sealark maybe because her personality shines much more.
No. 408403
sorry for double post, but also just to add
>>408352"but having a spark of originality and developing the depth of your inner world by being observant and feeding it quality media"
is a really, really brilliant way of describing what we need to do as artists and I'm going to remember it.
No. 408428
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>>408398Are anons ITT unable to comprehend the fact that someone can have both desirable and undesirable features at the same time? I’m the anon that originally said she has a horse face, and she most certainly does, but that doesn’t somehow discredit all her other ‘prettier’ features. She certainly isn’t beautiful though, she’s pretty average, and recognising that isn’t somehow a bad thing considering not everyone has to be beautiful and it is completely disingenuous to claim otherwise. As was even stated in my original post that set off the shit fits beauty is entirely subjective, so this may surprise some of you but not everyone will agree with you. And stop reaching, no one at any point called her hideous. I swear this pops up every thread and anons try to act like they’re above talking about artists looks when they’re on a site that is filled to the brim with bitterness.
NTA you replied to btw
No. 408463
>>408403i'm ayrt, bless you for this heartwarming compliment, and i wish you the best of luck in your creative growth.
people like chloe rose, in a backwards kind of way, encourage me to further my curiosity, seek challenges and curate more tightly what shit I want my brain to absorb, and it's difficult with the internet (hell, I'm on lolcow right now lol).
its unhealthy, but some art yters do have the same use as fatspo does for anachans.
No. 408529
File: 1557442395051.jpeg (155.59 KB, 640x622, 22DE555C-4365-462A-B04F-7EBEE4…)

why do art tubers try so hard to be trendy lol
No. 408532
>>408154Trying to get a glimpse of her art via scrolling her Youtube video thumbnails and it's all just photos of her holding objects. Are we sure she's an artist now? She's obviously an "online personality" who also does art, otherwise there would be
some focus on the art itself.
No. 408534
>>408340>At home she is the sole breadwinnerWhat a fuckin' surprise. Her family seem to be Russian/Slovak correct me if I'm wrong, and from observation, Russian people tend to be very talented and to work
incredibly hard to be the top of their game in order to make money and escape from their current lifestyle/be successful in general. She has obviously been schooled to repeat the "Jesus" theme knowing the average stereotypical American will love it. Just a typical family sending their kids out to work, like all the child stars, but at least she's safe at home and not being preyed upon like the kids in Hollywood.
I predict her dropping this once she's old enough that her talent is in line with her age. These adults should have their own jobs…imagine the pressure of being a
child who is the sole breadwinner of the family in 2019.
No. 408535
>>408534Also I remember hearing about her when she was about 8. I'm a bit concerned as to
who is buying the art, as independently they are good quality but not masterpieces (if done by an adult) - like…are pedos buying them just because it was done by a child? Religious people with a lot of money?
No. 408536
>>408535Samefag, she was born in 1994 and is 25 now and is still making art so…I guess she is still going and I bet they are still living off her art.
No. 408561
>>408540She's technically incredibly skilled but equally boring, mostly just a bunch of Jesus stuff and the rest is just dull subjects.
Who in their right mind would pay a shit load of money for something so boring beats me
No. 408565
>>408540Not trying to whiteknight because it's a boring as fuck painting, but there is a blackened entrance (well at least one I can see) and I think the end of the bridge is meant to follow on behind the mountain.
I can definitely see the opening it's meant to be going into.
No. 408666
File: 1557505119534.png (293.08 KB, 720x1055, 20190511_001720.png)

Lavendertowne made this after ppl started to tell her that her anatomy is off
Definitly because of dangelo wallace vid
Still, the anatomy here still looks a bit off imo
No. 408703
File: 1557511550607.png (272.14 KB, 725x1048, spine.png)

>>408680>>408666Yea I had no fucking idea what is she trying to prove with this skeleton. There's actually a lot of things wrong with this rather than the spine alone but it clearly is the biggest problem here.
No. 408762
>>408703"people are saying my anatomy is bad so here's a skeleton with bad anatomy to prove how good at anatomy I am"
like bitch either own it or accept that your anatomy sucks and improve. Like jeebus christ. A lot of her stuff has much worse anatomy than this.
No. 408769
>>408666didnt this girl go to art school though? how can someone be this shit at literally everything after getting a whole ass degree on it lmao
i think she needs to drastically improve her "style" or change it entirely. i thought the drawing she made where she tried to draw more realistically looked so much better than her usual style. i dont even think theres anything inherently wrong with preferring to draw cartoons, but its so obvious that she has no understanding of basic anatomy.
No. 408772
>>408666…she knows damn well that she doesn't study her fundamentals, why is she trying so hard to prove herself? It's okay to say you're still learning how to draw the human figure.
…or you aren't and you're just hiding behind your popularity to justify your excuse for not learning more.
I seriously dislike her wobbly, discombobulated junky style. They're all blobby masses of unrefined features and colors. None of them are memorable.
Actually…i gotta be honest…I think she got worse.
No. 408801
>>408791U got me
Ya see when i was a wee bab me pa looked at me naruto X sasuke ms paint fanart and said it was "gay and bad lulz" that moment was seared into my fragile babby mind and ever since then ive had a sick urge to tell people THEIR art was "gay and bad" to minimize my own pain! And i totally got depression and anxiety from that moment so u cant call me out on my shitty behavior bc u cant attack a mentally ill person uwu
Oh but you anon! You've shown me that that's wrong! Bless you for making me remember what is all about!…
Quoting twitter posts apparently haha.
Here's a gold sticker for morality and participation and a smiley face sticker for saging your post.
No. 408839
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I’m pretty surprised that the Tokyo Treats is her most popular series. I guess weebs?
No. 408863
>>408858God, am i the only one who hates that obnoxious type of editing with zoom ins and outs to appear funny?
I also feel bad for the people who worked on the paintings, Jeebus…
No. 408879
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>>408858Holy shit I just checked out the comments. She is so pompous. 'Yeah you're painting sucks, let me fix that for you :^)'
No. 408889
File: 1557591009818.png (38.38 KB, 863x423, e77ce791a887ad9d28debaf6e4a357…)

One of the paintings she ruined is from the 1800s and was even worth a small bit of money. 'Money aint everything' Yet you did the entire video for youtube clicks Kasey.
No. 408893
>>408858I'm pissed and heartbroken.
My pappy was actually a 'professional' artist for a while in his youth. Did the same exact ""boring"" landscape stuff she defiled in this. He gave up on art as a career because he needed to provide for his family and subsequently lost most of his paintings to either time or a house fire from their first home.
One time I asked him if he was sad that he lost so many paintings.
He said no, because he had sold some of them as prints to various companies, so even if he didn't have them, complete strangers did! He was so genuinely fucking happy at the thought of random people enjoying his art and I just can't help but wonder if whoever painted these have similar or more emotional stories?
I'm not even salty, I'm seething.
What a stupid and genuine vandalization of actual art.
But don't worry Kasey.
That's just my opinion.
No. 408894
>>408893"money isn't everything"
"i thought they were boring scenes"
like oh my god shut up… this was so cringe worthy. She's so convinced her art is top tier god tier art that she can't actually see that landscapes are beautiful in their own right. We get it, Kasey, you like defiling art!
No. 408895
>>408889Imagine being an artist in the 18th century. Times are shitty, if art doesn't work out then you're fucked cause at this time you have to COMMIT to learning this shit your whole life.
Now imagine having someone 300 years later paint a mangled unproportional uwu cartoon thing on one of your paintings???
Also "money isn't everything? Haha"
I too dont give a fuck about money. But Kasey. That wasn't money.
That was HISTORY.
Something that survived so fucking long only to get the 'middle schooler learning to draw like their favorite cartoon' treatment by a grown ass woman who should know better.
No wonder other anons chose this thread picture.
No. 408902
>>408895And she painted acrylics on top of oils…which is gonna crack over time. This painter took time to learn how to prep and finish an oil piece only some dumb Youtuber 300 years later ruining it with a rookie mistake.
>>408895Yeah I figured, my bad. All of this makes it even worse…
No. 408907
>>408858Imagine how many kids are going to beg their parents to go to their local thrift stores and buy actual paintings to also scribble on them to be like their 'favorite youtube artist.
Kasey just go back to drawing backwards legs and dog dicks plz. I liked you better then.
No. 408911
File: 1557593920621.png (208.91 KB, 720x1229, Screenshot_2019-05-11-09-51-21…)

Chapman Brothers defiling one of histories most evil mens watercolour paintings = Cartoon youtube artist slaps acrylic over oil paintings by 18th century artist and others
That… That doesn't really add up Kasey and Kasey's friend.
No. 408913
File: 1557594046667.jpeg (61.43 KB, 213x307, EE1AE24B-870E-450D-9746-35DD75…)

I can’t understand why Kasey acts so high and mighty and thinks she’s amazing at art when she literally drew this.
No. 408919
File: 1557595408594.png (617.74 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190512-010844.png)

So I was scrolling through Twitter when this popped up. Basically an artist was angry that someone was "using" her art. I thought it was another case of stealing/tracing/heavily copying I take a look and…
The first one? Maybe but that's still a reach. I've seen people draw Mulan with that same pose before she did. If you check out the next few replies it starts getting fuckin ridiculous.
Like… A few generic elements popping up here and there. As in line styles and hair/some parts of clothing designs?
Her art style's common. I've seen about 5 artists with it, and that's being conservative.
(sorry I've never actually written a reply before, and can't be arsed to use imgur but you can check the tweet)
No. 408921
File: 1557595478682.png (16.55 KB, 542x143, 1d85a41fbb1c533c85c48574f6a8f9…)

It is not really a collab if the artist never agreed to collab with you, Kasey.
No. 408922
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No. 408923
File: 1557595628571.png (1.25 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190512-011103.png)

This is drawn by sangledhere on Instagram
No. 408928
File: 1557596324008.png (163.65 KB, 339x440, w345678987654324567896543.png)

>>408780yep, its quite hard to believe that she drew this looking at the basic bad anatomy characters she draws now.
No. 408941
>>408919that's for sure the way to get recognised as an original artist with your own unique style, drawing disney princesses with disney faces and disney arms and disney poses and disney clothes.
imagine thinking that gives you the right to claim some moral high ground, let alone to claim to be this oh so original creative thinker
No. 408945
>>408921here's the thing about collabs, kasey- BOTH PARTIES NEED TO SAY YES
if someone took kasey's art and started posting it with their own drawings, their own edits, their own work over it, she would have a fucking fit. no one likes have art taken and used for someone else's gain. this isnt a dtiys meme, this isnt a study, this isnt a re-painting, this isnt a collab. she just straight up ruined someone else's work for youtube clicks.
just go back to your basic isometric rooms and dog dicks, kasey, that is the only thing you're good for.
No. 408947
>>408921I'm a commission artist, I often get requests to finish a sketch or lineart someone else did for them and I do.
But only if the original artist has CONSENTED/AGREED to it.
I honestly thought that was common sense?
Also is it just me or is she using "haha" a lot in her replies? Might our nippled pubed puppet making, dog dick drawing mistress be getting
Here's some new nicknames for our golden girl she's earned today!
"Kasey 'Collabs without Consent' Golden"
"Kasey 'opinions are subjective' Golden"
"Kasey 'money isn't everything haha' Golden"
"Kasey 'history defiler' Golden"
"Kasey 'haha im not mad' Golden"
No. 408948
File: 1557600359464.jpg (98.52 KB, 870x312, art-ai-weiwei-dropping-a-han-d…)

>>408947maybe she thinks she's a kind of Ai Weiwei dropping a Ming vase iconoclast
No. 408969
File: 1557607817129.png (53.14 KB, 524x388, 04fa027861a65e339a6c438c6741d9…)

Just because other people do it doesn't make it ok, Kasey
No. 408972
>>408969You can look up videos of people mutilating themselves on the internet as well but I'm not gonna take a butcher knife to my right hand Kasey "i dont believe in artist's consent" Golden.
And oh wow I think
>>408947 is right, she uses haha at the end of sentences when she's t r i g g e r r e d kek
No. 408977
File: 1557612015617.png (102.07 KB, 720x692, Screenshot_2019-05-11-14-53-03…)

So Daw-chan agrees with Kasey 'if your friends jumped off a cliff' Golden. Odds on him pumping out a juicy lil video today/tomorrow saying people are overreacting and acting stupid while saying 'oh boo hoo the art community is always full of drama' despite him being an art drama channel?
No. 408996
>>408987she should have just stuck with taking a picture of it and doing the paint over digitally instead of actually messing up someones work
it still would have been stealing, but at least she wouldnt have ruined the painting i guess
No. 409005
>>408969it's funny how the precursor to this tweet is "let's have a discussion about painting over other art :)" and immediately devolved into "what I'm doing is FINE and you guys are just
TRIGGERED SNOWFLAKES" like she just can't stand not being right or having the last word. 0 humility
No. 409009
File: 1557621467696.png (66.8 KB, 870x407, fun.PNG)

whelp good to know that half if not most the art community is fine with kasey being immature about this .
No. 409010
File: 1557621596805.png (106.97 KB, 994x622, of corise emiliy.PNG)

and emily had to join in as well
No. 409011
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No. 409012
>>409009I like doodledate. I don't care for their stance on this but hey yknow they're backing their friend I guess so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Def never gonna watch Kasey tho lmao
No. 409013
>>409009this will always be the weirdest friendship to me. i don't know how casey, steph and adam are so close when the latter 2 seem like genuine, nice people and kasey is…kasey.
>>409010this doesn't surprise me though, they're two abrasive peas in a shitty pod.
>>409011i swear kasey has zero empathy. anytime she has any controversy she always makes a point of saying how everyone's letting their emotions get the best of them, regardless of whether that's a
valid critique or not.
No. 409039
File: 1557626806982.png (12.93 KB, 585x88, 2019-05-12…)

p r e s s e d
No. 409041
File: 1557627214548.jpeg (204.82 KB, 1242x668, A07D7A01-441B-41C4-B7D1-A029DF…)

>>409039God the youtube comments are such a mess, you can so clearly see a divide between the tweens/young teens and anyone with an even mildly developed prefrontal cortex.
No. 409056
File: 1557628821034.png (88.66 KB, 932x553, Capture.PNG)

idk what she expected when she asked for peoples input on the subject .maybe some ass past on how eveyones trying to bring her down ,when only portion of the comments on twitter think that what she did was disrespectful while the rest are kissing ass all the way.
No. 409072
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No. 409076
>>409072There's this saying… Something about kitchens and heat and getting out if it's too much?
Idk might just be my hivemind so nvm haha :)
No. 409078
>>408986I always felt the same way. I like her videos but I can't stand the subjects she draws. It's like
only gnomes and clowns and they're just so boring. Something about it just weirds me out too. Not in a sickening way, it's just one of those things I guess I just don't like looking at. Too doughey and cutesy for my tastes I guess.
>>409034 I always knew vivziepop was utter trash, I just couldn't put my finger on why that was. She always seemed kinda sketch to me but I'm not at all surprised. People would show me her work just cause I studied animation and I was repulsed. Plus I hate her goofy-ass over-worked characters and expressions. She's always trying too hard.
No. 409089
>>409079It was disrespectful to the artists, it doesnt need to be "precious" or "popular" or whatever to be wrong. You dont get the point.
If you worked hard on a piece of art just after 30 years later for a random bitch to buy them and ruin them with shitty and childish cartoons, wouldnt you feel disappointed that thats where your art went to? It cant be a "collab" without the other artists consent, this is vandalism
No. 409093
>>409091Dude, no…. Recycled it? Aka doodled over the hard work the artist did? Are you serious now??
I wouldnt feel flattered at all, i would feel hurt that someone thought they were so "bad" that they thought theyd look better with crappy doodles over it. Its just disrespectful, its like buying an unpopular book and writing over the pages, that isnt right my dude…Just because it wasnt bought by anyone doesnt make it right to draw over the paintings, thats what a 4 year old would do
It also wasnt even a good video.
No. 409095
>>409091Or y'know someone else could have bought them and used them for their intended purpose? Namely hanging it in their home as decoration.
Honestly I'm not too hung up about that part.
I'm more invested in her reaction.
See I'm quite sure if she didn't react the way she did, to a fan wgo expressed disappointment in her actions no less, it would have never escalated to that point.
Ok so Kasey recorded and uploaded the video. Way too late to do anything about those ruined pieces. A good amount of her fans have shown they were disapproving of her actions.
Now what?
Really all she could control was her reaction to this ordeal.
And she handled it poorly.
I think that's the main point.
No. 409099
>>409095my house is literally decorated with paintings and prints from the thrift store. a lot of people decorate this way. it's a cheap and easy way to make your home look nice, especially on a budget.
that said I also don't care about her "upcycling" it, though I think people's feelings regarding it were
valid. no one likes to see a nice piece of art being scrubbed over with shitty cartoons. but her reaction was super over the top and showed her true colors, that she can't stand being criticized for anything and has to always be right. to the point where she rather just look like a complete fool instead of apologizing or politely disagreeing. she was seetheposting like an angry 15 year old and it was embarassing.
No. 409100
>>409097I'm assuming you're new here.
Type sage in the email box to sage your posts if you don't have anything very important to say.
No. 409102
File: 1557640556035.png (213.63 KB, 1008x326, KaseyGolden_5_11_2019.PNG)

>>409099Your comment about her acting like a 15 year old made me curious how old she really was…
No. 409143
>>409140It seems quite closed minded and frankly "fascist" to try to block anyone that does not share of your opinions, and is not even being actively vocal about their own, from having a career or any professional project. Where does it end? If she crazy snake girl decides to change her interests to appease the teenage critics they won't even forgive her because apparently they have no concept of "people change with time", probably because they are so young.
You can't just build an eco chamber for a whole industry, it will just hurt your own cause in the long run.
The internet was a mistake.
No. 409148
>>409143You're not wrong but again a lot of it has to do with being a shitty person in general. There are conservatives (maybe not "alt right" conservatives) that get steady industry work because they produce undeniably quality output but being an asshole + producing ugly amateur work + aligning yourself with alt-right personalities is a death sentence.
I don't really think any of this will stick to her though as the person who tweeted the callout seems to be a fucking nutcase judging by the rest of their feed lmfao
No. 409159
>>409095yep, I'm
>>409079 and I agree her reaction is the mistake in this whole ordeal. YouTube is so fake nice and YouTubers are under such scrutiny that if you dare say the thrifts paintings are boring, you have to be prepared for some push back, that's just how it is, and she could have been less whiny about it, but oh well it's Kasey.
maybe the best way to go about it would have been to make a print of the painting and paint over that, but it's less interesting for a video.
No. 409164
>>409161Ironically I had watched a video by Danica Sills before hand where she states how chemically you can paint oils onto acrylics but NEVER the other way around because acrylics on oils would fuck up the medium, and she had gone to research all that before she starter a piece.
But I don't expect Kasey to give enough of a shit about art mediums to actually know or try to google that.
No. 409165
>>409079Artists have moral rights ('droit moral') over their artwork- that their artwork should be protected from being destroyed/defaced. Sometimes this is even founded in law though it probably varies state-to-state or from country-to-country.
The value of art is always going to be subjective and multifaceted so it's essentially impossible to say if the artwork has really been improved or not.
No. 409166
>>409157I dont have as much of an issue with the fact she did it, i think it is a creative idea, its more that she called it a collaboration. because it wasnt. a collab implies both parties involved wanted to exchange work and make something together and that didnt happen here. it is hard to do that, considering the premise of the video, but really it is just the semantics that bother me.
also, why do research on a painting, find out it is over 300 years old, and then paint on it anyway? regardless of its worth, that is just a cool find, now it just isnt as cool. am i one of the few that, if i found that out, would not want to paint on it? and then she calls it boring after finding that out? just the fact it is 300 years old alone, idk if i'd want to do anything more than hang it up on my wall.
No. 409168
>>409167The issue is that not everybody feels equally unattached to their art, which is why it's important to get permission first.
If you can't get permission (and it's not a work in the public domain), assume it's off limits. The same goes for using other people's work/photos as reference.
No. 409171
>>409167Why are you bringing up studies when that has absolutely nothing to do with what happened here. These weren’t studies - people don’t frame studies. And a huge chunk of artists would have an issue with someone defacing their work, especially if it were first called boring. Why are so many of you anons acting like just because it came from a thrift store it suddenly loses all sentimental/artistic value and is no longer worth a shred of empathy, it probably went through many hands throughout its lifetime and could have been rediscovered by someone who would have appreciated its value. And at the end of the day, Kasey didn’t actually add anything of value to these paintings.
As I’ve said in a comment before regarding this, my biggest issue personally is that it was done as a means of entertainment and profit rather than someone doing it for their own leisure. And as other anons have pointed out she also acrylics on top of oils and she’s a complete novice at acrylics, which I feel like makes so much more tacky. Obviously not everyone is going to agree on this but the overwhelming majority of artists (judging from this thread, her video comments and the Twitter feed) do have an issue with defacing others work/having their own vandalised.
No. 409173
>>409171My family framed countless of my studies since they felt like it was "too beautiful" to go to waste. Studies can be full on illustrations and I did many for school and similar things.
I used to work in a goodwill and after a few months if things are not being bought they just are thrown out to the trash. At the least the one I worked at handled it this way since our limited storage space. Kasey is definitly an ass the way she handles the situation and demeans the artist and art but I don't the the issue in taking art that would have otherwise landed in the trash to make something new with it.
No. 409177
>>409166idk, a painting that's 300 years old wouldn't interest me that much if it wasn't either beautiful to my eye or displayed an old technique that intrigued me / represented a scene painted from life from that time. idk whether you're from a new country like australia or the us, but in european countries we live among, for example, buildings from the 1800s that nobody pays attention to. even in the country there are old as fuck churches from the xiith century and really, not all of them are breathtaking.
I don't think those paintings were anything special, though maybe I can imagine it's a little bit different when you hold it in your hand irl knowing a single person painted it.
I feel like vintage art supplies are more interesting, because objects change so quickly and there's an exotism you can't really get out of landscape paintings, it also hints at the technique differences in a lore obvious way.
No. 409223
>>409177Being in Europe myself, what are you talking about? We constantly celebrate our architectural history lmao.
That said, an oil painting takes time and dedication, many, many artists can tell you that a piece of them goes into every painting. I'd assume, or at least hope that bit of info coupled with the fact that piece survived hundreds of years would matter beyond the visual appeal to someone.
The painting survived literal centuries only to be destroyed by another artist. That's just fucking sad man.
No. 409255
>>409010remember when Patricia Cornwell ripped up some Sickert paintings to try to prove he was Jack the Ripper. She owned them so she had the 'right' to do that.
I mean there are arguments about coopting art and originality and ownership and blah blah blah that would make what Kasey did completely OK if she was writing an essay at art school. (one of the students in this documentary does that kind of thing; artists whose work she responded to/stole from/entered into a dialogue with/coopted didn't like it, her teachers did. it seems to be about artwork being a product or a commodity.)
and maybe adding something to it is more creative than the kind of artist that just exhibits found objects? maybe it's worse. Idk. Remember that guy who just took people's insta posts and blew them up and exhibited them without permission and made money off them?
>>409164 yes the 'fat over lean' rule.
No. 409266
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I actually do find the concept of repurposing old and abandonned pieces of art and giving them some brand new life actually really interesting and quite beautiful in some ways. Though I definitely take offense in the fact that it's Kasey and her uglyass simple cartoons that we're talking about here unfortunately. I would have far prefered actual artists that are into realism complimenting those arts with new details and embelish them in some cases.
And obviously the most problematic thing in this whole shitstorm is Kasey's crap attitude. I'm increasingly sick of that that she's seen as a respectable and ~quirky~ artist that makes "cute" illustrations because of her vids, while she's a complete and utter bitch with no shame once she touches her keyboard. At least Holly was fair on her attitude by actually displaying it in her videos.
No. 409271
>>409223yeah i realise I wasn't very clear. here's what I mean : a shitton of monasteries universities churches townhalls etc are quite old and nobody except specialists gives a rat's ass about those among them that are nothing remarkable aside from being old, because some look common and the quality of execution can greatly vary. architecture is celebrated as is art, but old certainly doesn't equal excellent, and if we do confuse the two it's in fact because we selectively remember only the best and most striking. any old painting existing doesn't mean it's watteau-level, and while kasey was a bit disrespectful I wouldn't say she robbed humanity of a cultural treasure.
(I'll add though that it may have been better received if she actually could paint as well as those old painters could).
No. 409281
>>409272though i get why it may make you sad she painted over someone else's work, didn't Kasey on the contrary widen their imprint on mankind's collective consciousness by bringing his work in 2019 to the eyes of thousands of people all over the world who would never have seen any of their paintings, and also by sparking this debate ?
btw I'm not implying she did that on purpose.
No. 409295
>>409281sure, you can say that. she isnt smart enough to do that herself, but it happened. but the thing about that is how you go about it, and Kasey went about it like a bull in a china shop. that merits criticism, if not to be ostracized, since the act in question took paintings from other artists and defaced them, ignoring any historical value, reducing the possible value of the original pieces entirely for current or future art historians/collectors.
a better way to do this would be to go to a supermarket, get a painting there that is mass-produced/royalty free and do it that way. she would have spent three times more, but avoid this bullshit. the thing about thrift stores is the items belonged/were made intelligently by someone before their arrival at the store. that is what risks things like this happening.
No. 409301
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By that logic people who kick puppies and steal from sweet old ladies are doing something right.
Or do you just cherry pick your own meaning to make yourself feel better Kasey?
No. 409304
>>409301Honestly I'm not even pissed at this point. Just disappointed a 'fellow artist' (and I use this term loosely) didn't see how others (a good portion of her own fans at that) might perceive her actions as disrespectful and STILL refuses to apologize.
"no regrets-"
I am almost half her age and cannot even imagine myself acting that way.
I'll write it out since you don't seem to get it.
Kasey, what you did was seen as disrespectful to other artists especially considering you call yourself one as well. Your "that's your opinion" comment to a fan gently informing you how they did not like the concept of your video was childish- and I hate to say but you're not in middle school anymore, that excuse doesn't work.
No. 409318
>>409311She has to show how NOT pressed and unbothered she is about this, haha :) :) :) Haha :)
(The emojis are just to mimic Kasey, don't ban me plz)
No. 409348
>>409332kek. some excellent OC for next OP image
>>409347better yet, someone buy one of her prints and do and winter landscape on top of it.
No. 409367
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>>409363Visited her store with a plan to buy an original and nah.
I don't care enough about kasey to drop 100 on her cartoon network style art, even in a petty spiteful way.
Haha :)
No. 409372
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Saw this and it really occurred to me how much male artist draw woman with such disproportionated breasts and hips.
No. 409377
>>409367would much rather buy the Barrister she ruined than her 'high school watercolourist kid who wants to work for CN' at that price.
Too bad that's not possible.
Thanks to Kasey.
No. 409389
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So she's trying to find the artists whose art she scribbled on. Probably hopes the artists are gonna be all like "OH WOW A FAMOOS ARTTUBER DEFILING MY ART?? ITS TOTALLY OK WOW PPL ARE SENSITIVE" and she can be like " IKR SEE GAIZ IF THE ORIGNL ARTIST ARE OKAY Y R U GUYZ SO BUTTHURT SUCK MY DOG DIK"
Also fucking topkek on the third tweet.
She literally said the reason she painted on them was because they were "boring" in her own video- that she edited- and uploaded- of her own free will.
No. 409395
>>409389 God she's so fucking fake. If she were really interested she would have searched these artists before she decided to make a spectacle out of painting over it. This is a poor attempt at damage control and desperately trying to save face. Nobody is convinced you're "suddenly so interested"
after you painted your mindless bullshit over it, dumb bitch.
No. 409398
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>>409381Yeah ikr?
Theres not much improvement and for some reason she didnt redraw the background of the og pic
Like shes trying to prove that she improved but in reality she her art barely changed from 2 yrs ago and plus it kinda got more obnoxius looking overtime especially that wierd object looking stuff she does with the eyes
No. 409409
>>409381>>409398She's so fucking pressed.
YouTube artists try entirely too hard when they get people who start disagreeing with them vocally.
No. 409453
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The full side by side pics
I actually like the old one more its so much calmer to look at and gives off a certain atmosphere, i like the colors of the new one better but the face and those god forsaken eye are just…no. and the way the new one holds the teddy bear is just wierd
No. 409454
>>408893Honestly, it almost makes me think she's a sociopath, the way she acts.
Also, sorry to hear that - it's Kasey's problem that she can't appreciate the time and effort put into art.
No. 409468
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literal child Kasey Golden continues to dig her own grave and alienate her critics.
No. 409470
>>409468Oh no…
She got us guys…
She said she's right so that automatically makes us wrong AND GASPS SHE CALLED US HATERS????
Forsooth this humiliation cuts deep into my soul!
We should stop being meanie haters guys! Our kween who's always right said so!!
No. 409473
>>409469i think she's serious. so much for having that 'discussion' she wanted to badly. no one wants to talk to you if you call people that disagree with you 'haters'. she's being a typical cow, i am loving all this backpedaling and bullshit.
keep it coming, kasey, maybe draw your haters as red rocket dogs while youre at it, then you dont have to deface art to get clicks!
No. 409475
>>409473Yeah, that discussion was more her wanting to validate herself while getting pats from her adoring tween girl audience so she could justify her actions and subsequent behavior.
I think
>>409332 sums Kasey pretty well.
No. 409477
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>>409389Honestly this whole situation with Kasey Colon reminds me of this. Obviously the artists she drew over were significantly less known but the stupid cartoon babby drawing over an artists (much better) original work bit is the same.
I wonder if the paintings she drew on were her fans fav anime artist/cartoonist's work would the half that agrees with her still so adamantly defend her?
No. 409480
>>396901>>409468up until this point i've been staying away from this ass drama but now i have to step in and say LMAOOOOOOOOOOO honestly what a fucking miserable baby, what kind of attitude is this for an "influencer" who's near 30 years old. there are 11 year olds with more maturity than her.
i almost wanna say "shut up and just apologize you whiny brat" but tbh this is funny and at this point i just want her to burn herself further. absolute pisschild.
No. 409482
>>409468>>409301This is just pathetic
this is a 30 year old woman who dresses and acts like a edgy teenager
No. 409498
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>>409472There isn't that much difference between the first and latest season. I think One Piece was more appealing to the eye during the Winx, Kim Possible, old school anime era because the bimbo figure was everywhere.
Thank god the Barbie body is not as common nowadays on cartoons.
No. 409507
>>409468No one:
Kasey: im right haters!! I still have NoReGreTs
No. 409615
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>>409498I know this thread is supposed to be dead but, lmao, anon, One Piece has 800 episodes, this shit got wayyy worse than at 453. Idk what episode this is from, but it's certainly a lot more indicative of the current bimbo style the show is going through.
I do appreciate the analysis of stuff like Winx tho, considering the show has definitely had a lot of popularity change depending on the era of cartoons/anime it was in. I think compared to BNHA and other current shows, it just looks horrible in comparison, especially when it's such a drawn out show with tons of filler so you get lots of panning shots of wonky character art.
No. 438701
>>438436If the person is well off financially and can afford it who cares?, they might as well buy them, is not like having the nicest tools will hurt you as long as you have the means to procure them.
If you can´t afford it you can live with cheaper alternatives but don´t get all butthurt of there being people richer than or else you´ll spend your entire life salty af and focusing on the wrong things.