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No. 363779
Not trying to vent? Not annoyed? Not asking a dumb question? Post it here.
Previous thread :
>>322192 No. 363810
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What's a good and safe mobile browser? I tried firefox but it's really slow and often doesn't even react when I click on something.
No. 364139
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i just will never understand what is so appealing to you guys about nip cartoons and nip culture. so many years of being on imageboards and having weeb friends and boyfriends, and i will never ever get it. living there doesn't even seem great at all, but anything nip related is like crack to so many weirdos. how is it that there's such a rabid obsession with anything remotely related? i don't think i've ever seen a community more rabid about boring bullshit than weebs. i wish i had that kind of enthusiasm
No. 364159
>>364139Japan has some cool architecture, fabrics, and ceramics. A lot of their old artisanal crafts are interesting to me, but lots of cultures have these things too so it's not particularly unique in that sense.
I agree though obsessing over any one country is really dumb, especially if that obsession stems from poorly made cartoons exclusively created to sell toys and uncensored blurays. I have enjoyed some anime in the past but it's very rare to find a truly well-animated, well-constructed show. Most of it is ugly, slideshow tier, lifeless animation with terrible narrative.
Most of my friends have been weebs as well and it's hard not to shit on them for it.
No. 364276
>>364139I agree and on that note I have a question for you guys : why is every part of internet culture so tightely tied to weeb shit? Not LC specifically, but EVERY single imageboard, tumblr, twitter, every single more "underground" internet community that has ever existed is infested with weebs. Like ok, props to you, I also like some dumb shit and I'm not trying to shame you or whatever but I just wonder HOW COME everyone on the internet is a weeb ?
inb4 "you're just a salty ex weeb!" no, I was always almost exclusively into "western" media.
No. 364289
>>364276that's what kind of annoys me tbh. like, as an outcast, there's kind of no space for us online that isn't infested with weebs. it takes over every online space, it doesn't matter where. like, i get that imageboards were made for and by weebs, but every other space on the internet is just totally swarming with them, and i just can't relate to people as well when they've got this autistic childlike obsession and glorification with a culture that isn't as fabulous as they make it out to be (it's not like there are aren't tons of oddities and intricacies in other countries and cultures), and media that is nowhere near as good as the hype is for it.
where are the 'normal' outcasts???
No. 364314
>>364144>i feel sorry for japanese peopleWhy?
Weebs are essentially a bunch of western people who spend a lot of money on japanese media, and merch, and tourism, and clothes, etc. A bunch of western people who think their country is the best in the world and their people the most beautiful. A bunch of westerners willing to move there and join the work force as mad cheap labor only so they can spend a couple of years in the magical land Nihon.
They're cringy, and japanese people probably shun them, but it's not like the existence of weebs isn't hugely flattering and profitable for japan. And with the rise of kpop, I bet Japan is kicking itself for being too stuck-up and feeling too superior to invest in an international audience while they still had the upper hand.
Don't feel sorry for them. They're not some poor babies being abused by weebs.
No. 364334
>>364139I can see why girls are into Japanese shit but not men. Only because nip cartoons are super cutesy and they have really cute mascots like Sanrio and tamagotchis that is just totally different compared to a disney princess, mickey mouse, or spongebob.
Also if you like video games but not anime, you're still always going to be tied into the whole japanese thing because so many games just come from japan, if not, most of them.
No. 364343
>>364314not a kpopfag but
>kpop>japanisnt kpop from SK hence the K? jpop is from japan and afaik its not that big, right?
No. 364407
>>364343Jpop could have been bigger if Japan cared to appeal internationally, is what anon is saying.
>>364279Western geekdom has stronger gatekeeping, I think. You don't even need to really watch anime to be a weeb anymore. Just 1 or 2 flavor of the months, load up on merch, use a catgirl pic in your socials.
>>364289>i just can't relate to people as well when they've got this autistic childlike obsession and glorificationtbh I find this true for most people into any kind of fandom, not just weebs.
No. 364413
>>364349>Happy 95% of the timeAm I weird for being
triggered the most by this despite all the other fantastical misogynist horse shit like looking like a perfect waifu?
There's just something about how controlling and invalidating that is, and I've definitely been around guys who allowed themselves to be miserable shits while fully expecting women to be bubbly and perky 24/7.
No. 364443
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i love the new banners!
your legacy will forever live on, amada-chan.
No. 364447
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>mom slept in until 2pm
>I make ramen, dress it up so it's real nice instead of usual packet powder
>make poached egg and candied bacon to add on top
>mom comes out of room
>eats bacon, leaves egg, has tiny cup of ramen to be polite
No. 364453
>>364413They want cute girls to mommy them and save them from their depression. They don't want to deal with her problems.
That's usually the plot of many animes. Loser with a boring personality then comes a long some 10/20 perfect Stacy who is happy/perky who gets him out of his comfort zone and saves him from lonliness.
No. 364633
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>>364615That's so sweet! I'm very happy for your friendship and hope the pregnancy goes along smoothly!
No. 364772
>>364459I struggle with knowing that my bf's exes and crushes have qualities that I will never, ever have (they are all extremely cute and short, I look like a giant troon compared to them) but what helps is concentrating on how he treats me, how he shows his love. I feel like he genuinely loves and appreciates me, he's with me despite not looking like his type, so there must be some qualities to me that are better than the girls before me. Besides I tend to look at the people I love like they are the hottest thing to ever exist no matter how they look like, I'd like to think this applies to his way of thinking as well lol.
And I try to get my mind off of the comparison thing the moment I notice I'm in that place again, it does me absolutely no good, so why bother making myself sad over something that stupid.
No. 364783
>>364453This goes for most men, tbh. They want an idealized version of a fictional female TV show or movie character. Weebs want ~uwu waifus~. Normies want women like the character Megan Fox played in Transformers. The "cool girl" monologue from Gone Girl has been posted on lolcow several times, but it perfectly summarizes what some men want.
A lot of men want a woman who shares their interests, especially if it's stereotypical male stuff like sports (football, hockey), cars or video games. But the girl has to dress very feminine, have a nice body and fit mainstream beauty standards. They want someone who constantly provides them with emotional support and comfort, but also someone they can look down on in some way (a bunch of men are terrified of making less money than their gf/wife).
I work in customer service and once I realized this, communicating with male customers became incredibly easy. I just have to look conventionally attractive, be bubbly and stroke their ego. Boom, they are satisfied and I get more money.
No. 364867
>>364712This is amazing, please never show it to him
I wish we had more anons sharing their embarrassing emotional creative outlets, it's so pure
No. 364933
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i need to get fucked rn
No. 365074
>>365053Aw, I'm glad you were able to find such a supportive best friend. I hope I can find friends like that one day.
Do you have any specific tips for appearing more confident? I always hear people say "fake it til you make it" but I'm such an anxious wreck that it's hard to come off confident when my voice is awkward and shaky and trembling like a chihuahua.
No. 365082
>>365069are you me, anon?
I miss her so bad. I was exactly like you, I did not nead anyone else while she became more and more of a social butterfly… I am a piece of shit tbh and I am also afraid I will never experience such deep connection and understanding. I wish we had a huge fight instead of me suddenly finding out she was ghosting me and not just busy with messy life.
No. 365113
>>365074I think one thing you can do that helped me is practicing speaking while you are alone. You can practice while you are driving or getting ready for the day. You can do interview questions or things that you would like to potentially like to talk about with people in general. Personally I always liked to talk but I've had problems being coherent so I feel like it is a good way of getting into the habit of speaking clearly for me.
Another good thing to keep in mind is a lot of the times if you are confident, people won't judge what you have to say. For example, I was scared of talking about my nerdy hobbies, but then I heard a confident girl talk about her love for YA books. Earlier this year, I also heard another confident girl say "You've never pooped your pants before?" as if it was the most natural thing in the world. I realized that instead of feeling embarrassed, her confidence was able to make people agree with her. That's why I think being confident matters.
>>365069That really sucks. I love my best friend and I would be heartbroken if they cut off contact with me. However, I've also learned that while they are the foundation of my relationships, it helps lower the stress on them if I don't rely on them alone for friendship. By making attempts to reach out, my friendship structure is much more balanced.
No. 365197
>>365187>>365187I think it is so funny that hammerhead is sooo insecure of her FAS, sid from ice age face. And she constantly rags on Anisa's pear face lmao!
Unfortunately for hammerhead there is no cranial surgery to fix her fucked up far apart eyes. She is as screwed as stef sanjati lmao. Gross ugly bitch.
No. 365235
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Dani Adriana has the worst body I’ve ever seen. How does a person get this much bad luck in the looks department? She looks like a fucking orc and she’s not even sad about it.
No. 365243
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>>365239Cause we’re mostly fat as fuck and if you’re rich enough to live in the cities like Dani and her pals, you’re so sheltered that getting picked on when you went to private school is legitimately the worst thing thats ever happened to her.
As a nation we’re just like America. Overfed, over indulged, and coddled into learned helplessness by boomer/genx parents.
>>365240Her legs are, in comparison to her torso, Betty-spaghetti thin. It’s fuckin amazing.
There is literally nothing going for her except a lack of acne.
Before she got it fixed, she had a massive underbite as well. This poor bitch has a face like she was chasing a parked truck, hank hills ass, and a body like two hose pipes sticking out of a beanbag.
No. 365331
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>>365235>>365243Holy fuck, and she's only 26.
Her waist-hip ratio must be well above 1.
No. 365350
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>want to make a Taobao purchase via Superbuy
>for some reason, they removed the option to use your credit card on-site, now only the PayPal option is available (PayPal is unavailable in my country, and it's not even in the drop-down option when I try to use the site without registering) and I can't load credit onto the account itself without bank transfer (ughhhhhhh)
>try to contact customer service and ask them to put it back so I can pay
>immediately receive an e-mail stating all services are suspended until the end of Chinese new year (Feb 12)
>mfw I already purchased something before they removed the option
>mfw when it arrives at the warehouse, I won't be able to have it delivered
Kill me. I don't know what to do.
No. 365401
>>365340Read it a few years ago and fucking loved it (I was very disappointed with the movie, it did not live up to the way the story and characters in the novel were portrayed). Why did you dislike it? I am genuinely interested in seeing a different perspective.
I've recently read The Butterfly Garden (or however it's called) and wow, was it shitty. Can't believe there is more in the series.
No. 365418
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I have finally mastered the art of waking myself up in the middle of a bad dream.
I have an extreme fear of heights so I have a lot of dreams of being stuck near a window in a skyscraper and the floor starts tilting and wobbling.
Instead of trying to make the terrifying climb down or using the elevator I just count down from 3 and squeeze my eyes. Takes one or two times and I wake up in bed.
No. 365998
>>365384To be honest, Superbuy is the best, IMO. They check for quality, send you photos once your items arrive, communicate with the sellers, let you make a ton of packaging decisions to make parcels lighter/sturdier, etc etc all for free.
The scammiest thing about them is 1) this, potentially (I'm holding out on the hope they'll add back the option after CNY is over) and 2) that you can pay a small fee to have them confirm package weights for you before you have them delivered to save money (if you don't go for this, they just estimate otherwise, have you pay according to said estimation and if the actual weight is less than they thought, they refund what you paid in shipping back to your account), but sometimes that "confirmed weight" is actually more than both the real and estimated weight - literally trying to loop you into paying more for shipping. I almost got screwed over like that once, but I didn't fall for it, lmao.
I've only used Yoybuy besides that, and it's a bit more bare-bones, with less special options, but it still works. It's gonna suck if I have to go back to them.
No. 366454
>>366449I would just try and find comparable ingredient lists, Anon.
Most of the shit they put in skincare literally does jack shit.
There are only a handful of molecules that can actually penetrate your skin cells vs. just "lying" on top of them and having you sweat/wipe/wash them off.
Look for simple serums of hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, retinol/retin-A.
No. 366460
>>366454I'm actually not interested in their skincare! Their skincare line is decent but The Ordinary literally has the same serums for 5 bucks each, their moisturiser (with retinol) sounds aweful and I'm very content with my current cleanser.
However their skin tint sounds glorious. I hate heavy make up, I just want the tiniest coverage. I also dislike BB cremes because I feel like the pigments would "enter" my skin in the same way the cream would… Their cloud paint blush also look so beautiful.
No. 366462
>>366449Fwiw I bought the concealer and some blushes in a flash sale and I'm very satisfied with them. Will last you a while too.
Don't bother with the lipstick, that's just tinted Burt's bees
No. 366779
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>>366777that was me and you totally just brightened up my night with this post, anon. thank you!
No. 366808
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Sweet Victory was fucking robbed
No. 366821
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Oh, you like cantaloupe? Have you ever thought about WHY you might like cantaloupe??!!! You've been CONDITIONED to like cantaloupe!!!
No. 366833
>>366827It's really not bad, not like how you're making it sound anyway. I wasn't a fan of the man-hate a few months ago because I was tired of anons who were so casual about "hurr all men must die~" and sounding obsessed, but that has nothing to do with what is being posted at this hour in the vent thread–what I'm assuming you're referencing.
Except all I see them venting about are shitty kinds of men, not all. Sad that shitty men make you feel in such a way.
No. 366839
>>366837then organize! go join a group! protest and fundraise!
posting the same shit over and over on an anon board dedicated to making fun of women is fucking autism
No. 366844
>>366840learn2read. i'm talking about anons who nag other anons for not being redpilled on gender enough.
>>366841except you guys aren't "venting", you're replying to other anons who are venting and trying to get them to join your cult. other women are allowed to have fun, you know that right? not everything has to be centered around the plight of women.
No. 366845
>>366837I agree anon, this poster just seems needlessly
>>366839We make fun of men here too.
I don't want to burst your bubble, but since we're a diverse group of posters here, it's completely possible that the people who post their pro-women stances aren't necessarily shitposting other women on pt and snow. Even though at that, there's a difference between making fun of the things a lolcow does versus acknowledging that women aren't respected as a whole by society and how that shows in our reproductive rights or lack thereof.
>>366844>trying to get them to join your cultLol calm down, if you want to have fun I think you still have the option to post something else or ignore the posts you don't like. It's not like every thread has an active discussion about men.
No. 366847
>>366833It's not necessarily shitty men but it's more that I get annoyed that anons get derailed by these topics so often. And it bugs me more to see it in the vent threads than anywhere else. I didn't look more into the replies though, I admit. I mostly skimmed the first page and all I saw were anons going back and forth, calling eachother names, rather than seeing genuine vent posts.
>>366834I never looked at the misandry threads but I remember them being around. I don't remember them being as much trouble as the man-hate ones though. Those inspired multiple raids on here.
No. 366848
>>366845anon 1
>lol this guy i'm dating is so annoyingradfem anon
>MEN ARE A DISEASE AND THEY'RE ALL EVIL!>links to feministcurrentanon 2
>i'm a subradfem anon
>>366844>trying to get them to join your cultWhat the actual fuck are you on about. Recognising that men try to control women and shame them when they step out line is now cult think? Even non radfems recognise that as a whole men treat women like dirt
If you don’t like women expressing their distaste for mysoginy maybe you shouldn’t be on a board that’s made for women
No. 366853
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A moment of silence for this thread
>>366846I think it's pretty normal to be afraid of ending up on a site like this if you put yourself out on the internet.
But, as long as you don't do anything especially cringe most people don't care
No. 366899
>>366893Arguing that men rape more than women or that it's not ok to blame the victim isn't SJW-y stuff anon, back then we called crazy people speaking in the names of minorities SJWs now popular sites with male users use it for anything that's not chauvinist.
I agree that it would be nice to have a site or blog that's an archive of well documented studies and government statistics, though idiots will probably link to some alt right site and say "prove it wrong".
No. 366900
>>366893When people throw out shit like "men get raped just as often" I just don't bother arguing beyond "They really really don't." and then ignoring them.
It makes them even madder than if you actually bothered to refute their points.
No. 366910
>>366893I try to take screenshots of good info (data, studies, etc especially), it makes me rage when I see some scrot argument I KNOW has been debunked with sources to prove ot, but I can't remember where it is. So the best I can do is save it when I see it.
I dont have a tumblr but people who do also use tags to keep track of stuff like that, seems convenient to me.
No. 367202
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man hate rebuild 3.0 has been given the go ahead
>>>/meta/8684someone make up a new name for it and let's get this shit on the road
No. 367211
>>367202I have no ideas, I'm torn between serious stuff and funny but offensive shit that would probably get the thread deleted.
Shit misogynists say? An incel's worst nightmare? The pink pill? Against sexist bullshit?
somebody more creative do the work
No. 367218
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>>367202omg yes i love this artist
No. 367219
>>367202Y chromosoid/scrot animosity or Y chromosome receipts? They sound pretty try hard but they're all I've got at the moment.
>responding to men or bait will result in a 3 day ban from /ot/, appeals will not be acceptedThis needs to be mentioned in the OP
No. 367822
>>367816Don't know why this makes me laugh so much
Are you the chad or virgin today ladies?
No. 367837
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Pic related mixed with a bag of microwave popcorn is my ultimate fatass premenstrual snack. The cheetos are meh but the chips in the same mouthful as some popcorn is amazingly delicious.
Thank god for exercise. Lol
No. 367943
>>367922Hell yes, live your life!
I love reading these kind of posts!
No. 367961
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My boyfriend has driving test tomorrow and I pray he passes and gets his license, he's been studying hard and taking a lot of lessons. he's a bit unhappy with how things are at work rn so this would cheer him up so much, he deserves it.
No. 367992
>>367959With the exception of staminarose and maybe the first year of lolcow (mainly because we didn't really have a dedicated ot where we could discuss issues), we've leaned more feminist for years.
Newfags need to get out of here or adapt to our culture, not the other way around.
No. 368004
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this site has made me realize how much better female-dominated internet communities are. not that they don’t have a lot of faults, but there’s a lot less mindless trolling and it’s generally so much easier to have thoughtful conversation. i grew up on 4chan and the difference between lolcow is night and day imo. love you gorls
No. 368008
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same, i love lolcow. havent even been on here a full year yet but i post regularly, stopped being a cringe shoeonhead fan who was antifem, and ditched my gross neckbeard discord friends. i feel like i finally have a female-oriented space online. and thank god for the GC threads. they made me see the light. i love all u anons too.
No. 368010
>>368004I agree
also thank you for posting that image oh my god
No. 368020
>>368017"It's like walking on eggshells around here."
Yeah, totes not acting oppressed for pity at all, baka.
No. 368333
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There's something kinda slimy about male artists who only draw softcore porn because they're "just appreciating the female form :)))"
No. 368532
I dont really know which thread to put this in but I just remembered that my step-dad used to watch porn/hentai tapes with my siblings and I in the livingroom with him.
It was a one bedroom apartment. Me, my younger sister and little brother all shared the couch and werent allowed in the bedroom, so he just made us stay on the couch, but turned around so that we faced the coushions
He didnt let us do anything else either, like play behind the couch or in the dining area, he just made us sit there. Didnt turn the volume low or anything, so its not like we didnt know what was going on and I ended up catching glimpses cause I was a kid, it was a tv, and it sometimes looked cartoonish and we had nothing else we could do. He wouldnt even let us talk to each other or make noise
It just feels wierd thinking about it now because I didnt really notice it back then. Like he was your typical abusive dad, like a character straight out of a movie, but I grew up being mad about what he was doing to us. I was already mad in the moments it was happening cause I knew we werent supposed to be treated that way, but this in particular never registered as bad when I was a kid. Unusual and frustrating, yeah, but I didnt know what was going on well enoughh to be upset about it at the time.
It just had me feeling kinda dirty and uncomfortable for the past half hour. Like I need to shower asap but I dont even like the idea of being unclothed right now
No. 368550
>>368532Sorry you're going through this, my uncle did similar things. Kids don't realise anything is wrong because it's normality to them and are taught to just accept whatever the adults are doing.
In my situation I see my uncle as just a selfish asshole rather than a deliberate abuser, that doesn't mean that I forgive him and I'm always going to be left with the question of how this stuff might have affected me, but talking through it with friends helped.
I hope you can find your own kind of peace with these shitty memories, if it continues to trouble you then seeing a counselor could help. None of this is your fault.
No. 368554
>>368403Oh no baby don't talk shit about blueberries. And cantelope, the one fruit that doesn't taste disgustingly tart.
I'm ready to fight about this. Meet me somewhere.
No. 368580
>>368554Sorry anon, I like sour fruit. If I want to eat something sweet, I'll eat sweets.
>>368562I actually like the small ones but can't stand the big ones because the small ones taste sour. The big ones taste like I'm eating sweet chemicals.
No. 368604
>>368550>>368557Oh wow, thanks guys, your kindness really means a lot. I was thinking about visiting a therapist for a while so i guess its about time, huh
>>368581you know what? youre completely right anon
No. 368626
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the cafe was out of the iced tea I like so ordered an ice latte instead. An hour later and I need to dump every 10 minutes, my stomach feels like it’s been pumped and I have what feels like period pain but it’s in my ass. I usually avoid coffee because I know it gives me the shits but it’s never been this bad. what the fuck.
anyone know how to ease coffee shits or do I just have to deal with it?
No. 368650
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please help, what kind of coat is this?
No. 368857
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>>368851of super sonico or one of her fatty-chan friends
No. 368881
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>>368804very proud of you anon! keep up the good work!
No. 368882
File: 1549557476129.png (Spoiler Image,550.32 KB, 466x700, almost poopin.png)

>>368859momo "cosplays" pochaco a lot
No. 368920
>>368882ahhhh! now i recognize it. im not much of a weeb and am just slightly familiar with momokun but that all makes sense now.
shes almost poopin but i would love a pt fig so bad lol looks more like i wanted a mariah one haha
No. 369016
>>368920why do you want it? for the lol funny meme effect?
I bet you can commission a custom figure from some artist, but it will cost you. Seems like a waste of money for an ugly figure. I feel sorry for PT that someone wants a memorabilia of her delusional, shameful days.
No. 369057
>>369031No photos inside so nobody can criticize or realize its mediocrity.
Can't talk about it outside so nobody can collaborate experiences or said criticisms.
It's the perfect marketing scheme. People pay a good membership to see the fuss, realize it's like any other club, but their pride and feelings of sunk cost manipulates their minds into thinking they've got something good. They justify it with 'exclusivity.' And aren't all exclusive things just swell after all!
Idiots. Idiots with more money than sense.
No. 369701
File: 1549664228961.jpeg (94.34 KB, 736x877, 3E952405-5B4D-4EC6-99EC-D0A7F0…)

I know these bags have become trendy, especially among “art hoes” but I still think they’re really cute. The color selection is so insane!
No. 369756
>>369701i have the mustard yellow one, looking to buy the orange one soon.
they aren't just cute, they're also pretty comfortable. other backpacks and purses hurt my back after lugging them around campus all day, but my kanken never does.
No. 369787
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I've noticed that the reason why I have a hard time watching anime nowadays is because of the openings. I usually want to binge watch and I'm stuck with ugly and cringey openings that don't even always have nice songs to listen to and whenever I skip them I go too far into the episodes.
I'm watching Supernatural right now after years of waiting until I had enough free time for that and even though episodes are 40min long they're way more bearable because there's no opening or ending to skip.
No. 369857
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I wish I was intimidating
No. 369885
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wow, they weren't bluffing. every single one of the bloggers I liked just up and left tumblr. my dash is a fucking ghost town. guess it's officially time for me to pack up the rest of my things and move to twitter too.
sure wish I had some soda right now. pic unrelated.
No. 369930
>>369885rip Tumblr.
I fucking hate twitter.
No. 369931
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The dudes in Yakuza are the biggest fucking nerds
No. 369982
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>>369931i want to hold hands with majima!
No. 370266
>>370250For some reason people just don’t understand what they really are. My sister has been involved in a mlm for a few years, and recently said
>“I figured I’d be making six figures at this point.”She also idolizes all these self-made California momboss women on Instagram and doesn’t get that they’re either born into rich families already or have rich husbands behind them. I have had zero success with trying to get her away from these businesses.
No. 371279
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To preface this, I already know how autistic it is to get triggered over wallpaper; you don't have to tell me. But lmao imagine having taste so shitty that you'd actually be willing to use any of those hideous weeb wallpapers posted in the wallpaper thread. I couldn't bear to look at that trash every day. You do you though, anonymous.
No. 371301
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A guy friend of mine apparently wants to send me a gift on Valentine's day. He started talking to me after I cut off from my abusive ex a couple weeks ago, and I think this is some attempt at courtship. I'm not sure.
Anyway I was straightforward with him about how I don't have money atm due to my current unemployment so I'm not able to send anything back besides maybe a thank-you.
Yet I'm not really sure what to put in this letter. I'm pretty romantically numb and I can't say this guy makes me hot at all. We had a hookup five years ago but it's been that long and only once. We live states away now.
I don't know what to say and I'm typically good at writing. I don't want to come off as an ingrate in case he does get me something thoughtful, but I don't want it to come off as romantic because I am not emotionally available.
No. 371399
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>>371279I'm not trying to be snarky or anything anon, but if you really don't like the wallpapers posted, why not post your own favorites? The more people posting the more variety there is imo.
To add, some anons on this site have a bad habit of complaining about what's being posted in a thread and do absolutely nothing about it
it's strange
No. 371436
>>371432I just don't get why people who are so
triggered by weebshit don't just make their own board with their own rules instead of bitching at everybody else for liking what they don't like.
It takes what, 20 minutes on 8chan to create an imageboard of one's own?
No. 371457
>>371401It’s just easier to complain than do anything about it.
No. 371475
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y’all seen this?
No. 371485
>trolls make fun of people with physical and mental disabilities, minorities and autistic people. >those very people are stalked, harassed and slandered until they commit suicide.
>anonymous criminals can upload screenshots of anyone's social media to make fun of them. >They have recently been targeting social media support groups for people with chronic or terminal illnesses, accusing members of "faking their illness", being "overdramatic", or "attention seeking".
And isn't Chloe Sagal a tranny?
No. 371486
>>371478I don't know about GG or PULL, but when did Lolcow ever know about TerriBerri? Geez. This is strictly KF territory. No idea who Chloe Sagal or the "redacted" individual who apparently only "attempted" suicide is, either.
>LOLCOW & KIWIFARMS:>Joshua Conner MoonWhoever made this is stupid as fuck, lmao.
No. 371498
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>>371489The last thread pic is an uncensored picture of her naked asshole…
>>371491I agree, but we're still miles better than kf. They want to see people dead and encourage doxxing of family members, that wouldn't run here.
No. 371505
>>371502PULL neither (no idea about GG). They're only weeby teens whining about shit, while we're basically the same, just older.
Meanwhile KF is full of autists who sperg for a living. There's a good reason that they always joke about it being one of them, whenever there's a shooting happening somewhere…
No. 371599
>>369701lmao literally everyone as a child had these here in Sweden. It was my field trip bag in elementary school. I'll never get why art hoes find them to be so special. (Also I'm a lil bit
triggered that everyone calls them "kanken". It's fjällräven, no one says the kånken part)
No. 371617
>>371475Imagine a world where petitions actually did anything
>>371487and nothing of value was lost kek
No. 371620
>>371600ahaaha that poor anon needs to locate their handler asap
>>371603same. i know im not a high quality contributor but man the guise of being anonymous will bring out the true sperg in someone
No. 372323
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thank god nintendo FINALLY announced a direct (and that the titles featured in it will be switch only)
No. 372333
>>372202Even back then I'm not sure if she'd be a good cow
And yey, there's at least 3-4 of us kek
No. 372338
>>372333I had a boring evening like 5 years ago and scrolled through her facebook to see some cringe, but if she had a thread during that time updates would probably be rare.
Then again threads on /snow/ sometimes get updates for the smallest shit lol
No. 372395
>>372363i had to look up who that is. i’m insulted to be compared to some maga ethot, but i know i deserve it.
the 2016 election was heated and i was Incredibly Online during it. k&t represented so much of what i hated and feared that my brain went full cuck and i started to desire him. fake accent or not lmao
No. 372424
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Does anyone else have a very small mouth that makes it hard to eat? This isn't intended at all to be ~uwu smol bean~ posting at all, I don't like having this feature. I was eating a toasted sandwich and now the corners of my mouth are scraped up and irritated like I have angular chelitis or something. Also I got the double whammy of TMJ, so I have very little room lengthwise for biting food, in addition to my already small width.
No. 372549
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was looking for yarn, seeing this really took the wind out my lungs
No. 372584
>>372471Yes, the whole point is not to alienate normal people so they don't hit that rock bottom to be converted to any retarded fringe ideologies. I give a shit because the thing they're being converted to is
No. 372629
>>372624it's a regia 100g skein, it's is like middle of the road pricing for sock weight yarn I think? there are cheaper ones like debbie bliss etc but I'm a materialistic girl kek (not materialistic enough for like the really posh hand dyed yarns or expensive fibres tho)
really wonder if some middle-aged woman at regia headquarters was trying to appeal to teenagers or what kek
is it much more expensive in us? though yarn of all things would cost more or less the same across board
No. 372662
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I wish I could find some damn non-normie/non-straight friends near me. I have zero. im not weeb enough to meet people and im too old to use typical means of going to places/stuff. I just want to talk about cute comfy anime or yuri and shit
No. 372715
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>>372692May I recommend electric razors? Not epilators as they’re the devil but regular foil razors/shavers? I prefer to shave even in the winter because my body hair is kind of coarse, dark, and crazy itchy in tight pants, so using a Remington razor is much easier for me to stay smooth. You don’t need shaving cream, oil, anything - ideally just dry skin. Some of them can be used in shower but I think they work best on dry skin. I love that I can wake up in the morning and shave before a shower or the night before and no longer break out in a rash from irritation. It’s easier to maintain and I don’t have to wait for my hair to grow out a few cm to avoid tugging and pinching. Plus I feel like I can keep my bikini area more trim without fear of getting bad nicks or cutting myself, which has happened before with regular razor blades.
No. 372763
>>372715I do this. I actually have an epilator and don’t mind it but it just takes too long to use because the hair has to grow long enough to be epilated. Also you have a 12 hour rash from the hair being pulled.
I use a simple $15 rechargeable men’s trimmer on my legs/pits/groin & am saving up for a fancy expensive one now that I have established what works for me.
Great advice anon! I second it.
No. 372874
>>372427hey now, i never said i was a kraut fangirl. i've only ever watched response videos to him, not any of his actual vids.
i just have a strange sexual fascination with him. or at least, i did before i cringed my way through this livestream. jesus.
No. 372964
>>372940Ugh, been there… A man on a motorcycle craned his neck/back all the way around when he passed me and it didn't cross my mind that my shorts were see-through until a few days later when it suddenly clicked and hit me like a ton of bricks.
Shudders That's what I get for wearing cheap Wal-Mart boys' compression shorts.
No. 373039
>>373031I feel you. I started treating my body better than ever and then suddenly started having health issues and am breaking out everywhere.
I've heard of this sort of thing from other anons too. I wonder if there's an explanation for it.
No. 373190
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This asinine shit is why god doesn’t want to talk to us anymore.
No. 373248
I think the man hate thread makes people more uppity here and it leaks to other threads. Those few weeks without that thread were much calmer. Coincidence?
>>373190Why would anyone care about decorating their room for other people they don't live in it, you do.
No. 373287
>>373286Lily of the Valley is a
friendly choice for them! :^)
No. 373294
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is this weird of a seller to ask? i feel like i shouldnt reply even though im out 15 bucks now lol, damn aliexpress
No. 373341
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This Valentine's Day I realized that I'm slowly getting an impossible crush but it's great as I always used them as motivation. In high school the thought of seeing my crush made me happy to go to school everyday, because at the beginning my anxiety made me skip classes and I was at my fittest when I had a crush on the trainer. Sometimes I notice that some youtuber glo'd up thanks to a crush. Didn't do more research on it yet so I don't know what to call it.
No. 373708
>>373696What fucking losers. I didn't even know it was Valentine's Day.
Do they seriously have no responsibilities or tasks in life that they could attend to? How can you be so hung up on a pointless, empty captialistic cash grab.
They'll just be as much as a fucking loser tomorrow so why would it matter today?
No. 373731
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I broke things off with an abusive ex recently. A few guys have come out of the woodwork to try to take their shot at me, one guy in particular who I've known for a few years asked me if he could send something for Valentine's and I said sure. I wrote him some hokey sentiments and sent them off in return.
Kind of felt some excitement because he mentioned using work materials to pack said thing he was sending, asked me what my favorite flowers were.
His letter came today. He works at a card shop.
He sent me a MTG card, along with a story about why it's sentimental to him but that's where it stops making sense. I think he tried to explain why he sent it to me, but I don't get it. The card itself doesn't even portray anything romantic, it's barbaric and common.
Maybe because the tournament stamp is a heart? I'm guessing he maybe has a twin with the same stamp in his possession?
So I'm sitting here under a blanket, with my 'Butcher' card, for which I don't understand its significance about why it's now in my possession. But I have no choice, no choice but to accept that it's here and that someone else felt compelled to give it to me for Valentine's day.
I feel so weird.
No. 373738
>>373733I don't even play, nor have an interest in MTG.
I really, really, really need to move away from gamers.
No. 373780 (some small interview-type things with 100+ year old russian ladies)
>Sometimes I wake up and think what a fool I’ve always been. Did so many stupid things. And never became smarter. I have a bad character, I have never been able to swallow my pride.this really resonated with me in a way. i've always thought i'd just grow out of my dumb bullshit and become an adult but recently i have come to realise that adults never
really grow up, not sure if that's disheartening or not.
also dunno why but thinking about old people makes me so sad. not in a pitying way, it just feels like they're too vulnerable. probably a combination of being brought up by mostly my grandparents and feeling like i don't/didn't treat them as well as i should.
it's late and i'm very emotional No. 373789
>>373783Well not to mention, why do we consider the milestones we've culturally accepted as being important or necessary for growth?
What do they actually mean and represent?
It feels like every single one is a surefire ticket to encouraging breeding, consumerism and entitlement against others.
Almost none of the milestones have anything to do with maturity, integrity or character.
Any pair of smhucks can get married, so how does marriage represent maturity?
Buying a house represents nothing but slavery to the banks and your ability to rationalize working ONE THIRD of your life at a job you probably hate/is meaningless.
Having children also means nothing because there are no emotional or maturity requirements to have them.
I don't understand why the average person doesn't think about why we have the milestones we do and what are the core themes behind them. They just accept them without thinking and deeply critize others for not working towards them the same way they do.
No. 373792
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i'm still mad about megan markle's dress. that dress was a literal abortion and i'm still annoyed that anyone should have paid anything about $400 for it. all of it is stupid, forcing the people to pay for their bullshit, but at least based on the intricacies, length, fabrics and time devoted to, say, diana's dress, the price tag could somewhat be justified.
it literally looks like a peasant doll's best sunday dress. it still makes me mad. i hate overspending on fashion, but it makes me so angry when it's on something needlessly hideous. as a designer, you literally have to go out of your way to make something so ugly and ill-fitting.
No. 373807
>>373792The actual farce is how someone surrounded by wealth, privilege, and connections opts for the simple look when we all know better.
These assholes should just own it, accept that they live better than 99% of people and get the big ass dresses to at least put on a spectacle for the peasants who pay for it all anyway.
No. 373810
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>>373792It was so goddamn wrinkled. Ridiculous
No. 373817
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>>373807>These assholes should just own it, accept that they live better than 99% of people and get the big ass dresses to at least put on a spectacle for the peasants who pay for it all anyway.thank you. that's why i liked diana's dress. it was ridiculous. everything about it was ridiculous. the only appeal that the monarchy has at this point is to be OTT and a throwback to when everything was ridiculously OTT, so truly, that dress was an offense to all senses.
>>373810i hate the fabric so much. i hate how it lays. literally how was this green-lit? imagine all the channels this dress went through to be 'ok'd and it still was. it shocks me. that this dress was approved by so many people is the only proof you need that there's no god.
>>373814because it's an exceptionally hideous dress that the people had to pay for? idc about meghan markle. this has everything to do with that campaign of genocide she calls a wedding dress.
No. 373823
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>>373817I think kate's was pretty, it was elegant and simple without being boring like meghan's
No. 373871
>>373814nta (or any of them) but its kinda funny how Markle got a ton more attention than Middleton. Markle was some mixed race rando who was a fangirl of the crown and then got what she wanted, and the hate for her is sometimes so transparent. Most people I ever hear talking about her are full of jealousy because nobody realized that marrying a prince was possible if you werent a fully white Brit, I guess.
Her dress is ugly tho, never saw it before just now.
No. 373876
>>373409I've had some dreams where cows make their appearance even when it makes absolutely no sense. It's usually just because I fall asleep browsing on my phone.
I mentioned it in some other thread but I'm the anon who had a sex dream about fahrlight. Really weird but I like it. Mariah Mallad was in another in passing.
No. 373946
>>373871I read some Daily Mail article of some random, trashy looking woman who was someone important's daughter or something getting exposed for sperging out about her. Talked specifically about how she's "obsessed with race" (I've never seen Markle talk about race excessively, but I don't pay attention to royal shit), then said some weird racist shit about her that I don't really remember.
Heavy, heavy salt from angry royalty autists who like to live vicariously through Kate Middleton, and really just wanted another woman they could easily self-insert on (but I guess they can't because she's mixed race, lmao), as well as "born and bred" British women who feel like they're way more entitled to what she "got".
No. 374060
>>374052Maybe she had bad experiences as a kid where her gifts weren't appreciated? Or insulted? Or doesn't know how to receive a thank you?
I personally have issues with receiving gifts or favours (makes me very anxious), I imagine it can happen the other way around too.
No. 374084
>>374060oh man I never saw it that way. Thanks for the new insights. I will try to make her more comfortable about these things in the future.
Do you think it's good to give her a big thanks upon receiving something to boost her confidence? Or is it better to leave her alone?
No. 374085
>>374052That’s really weird, maybe gifts weren’t really a thing for her growing up so she wasn’t exposed to how to handle giving - is she weird about receiving things too?
It may also just be like another anon said that it makes her uncomfortable, I wouldn’t draw extra attention to it if you think this may be the case
Or I guess there’s always also just the possibility of her having no idea what to say so she’d rather someone just ‘stumbles’ across said gift, but at the end of the day can’t you just gently ask her about it? She might not even realise she’s being weird about it
No. 374120
>>374052I do that when it comes to money.
I have social anxiety and my family was really weird about money so for me it's just very stressful to do anything to do with giving or receiving money, so in my internal logic the best way I can still give the money I need to give someone is to leave it for them in a place they'll surely find and will know what's it about.
No. 374135
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My family is going out to dinner today to celebrate our own Valentine's Day and I'm really excited for the food lmao.
No. 374141
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what's a good place for surreal/cursed/weird abstract humor images? I'm not on tumblr anymore and don't know who to follow on twitter and instagram.
I'm so sick of Kardashian memes in my feed.
No. 374149
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>>374141Might wanna go back to tumblr bcs all other sites suck for them. the toilets with threatening auras twitter is decent though.
No. 374314
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The main character in the drama Hajimete Koi wo Shita Hi ni Yomu Hanashi reminds me of farmers
No. 374385
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I fucking love tamarind candies. Eating pic related rn. Rip my waistline
No. 374633
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Italian gluen-free kibble anon here.
Just made a oven baked kibbeh with some of the kibbles, it was very nice. Recipe bellow:
-a cup of grain free kibble
-an egg
-half a chopped onion
-two chopped garlic cloves
-chopped chives and cilantro
-ketchup or tomato sauce to counter the bitter after taste
-any other spice and salt to your taste
-1 spoon of vinegar
-some olive oil
Stir fry the onions and garlic with some oil or butter till they are golden.
Bend the kibble roughly in a bender and then add it to the stir fry together with the vinegar.
Add the chives/cilantro/spice after a couple of minutes.
Transfer the whole mixture to a bow l and add the egg and the rest of the ingredients till you get a dough like texture, it needs to be humid enough to shape it with your hands.
Taste if the spices are ok and then shape it like kibbehs to deep fry it or put in an oiled baking pan into the oven until the top and edges are crispy.
pic unrelated
No. 374759
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I'm tired of seeing people on steam posting links to their SO's profile or having a long list of 20 rules I'm supposed to read. Am I supposed to give a shit? I get typing a small bio of yourself if you're social, looking for friends, and active in groups but I'd rather not read a bunch of rules on if I generally qualify enough to add you as a friend. That tells me a lot about you already.
Also I appreciate people with good looking profiles if not done over the top, but background screenshots that have an anime girl layed over it are pretty cringy and it doesn't look good. It's an eyesore. I can't imagine caring that much and putting all that effort in for your profile to look tasteless.
I know this is dumb but someone had to say it.
No. 374841
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Time takes all qts from us. RIP Rob Lowe.
No. 374901
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>>374841my biggest beef with male aging will always be because of Alain Delon. He was such a major cutie and now he's disgusting.
No. 374983
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>>374841>>374901brando is another one.
No. 374989
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thank you amazon this is exactly the kind of fit i was looking for
No. 375071
File: 1550394728588.png (Spoiler Image,633.73 KB, 779x600, 779px-Shane_6_Hearts_2.png)

I know this is the dumbest thing to get upset over but the fact that Shane is the most popular bachelor in Stardew Valley pisses me off to no end, the dude is literally an abusive depressed alcoholic ass.
I wished he'd jumped off that cliff during his six heart event
No. 375307
>>375297Yeah, I usually had something with rice or pasta for supper.
But I have been sleeping better, maybe that's it?
No. 375652
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i lov post-Valentine's sweet discounts, managed to snag nearly 400 grams of Haribo for 1£
No. 375711
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>>374149Kinda late but I wanted to add that dark souls toilets is good too
No. 375791
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I want to shave my hair off, I did it back in high-school when I had a mental breakdown and it felt so good but a lot of people would make fun of me or I would get weird looks on the street from random people and it would make me feel really uncomfortable. I realize I don't have a nice head shape but it felt so good, I really wanna do it again.
No. 375794
>>375791I want to shave my head so bad but my partner doesn’t want me to, and I can respect that because I’d immediately be turned off if he ever shaved his body
But god damnit the urge to do it so I don’t have fuck about with my hair every day is real.
No. 375881
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I seem to be allergic or at least not be able to tolerate corn. It makes me want to throw up like 5 minutes after eating it. But only corn by itself, the stuff from the cob, not like corn bread or anything actually MADE from corn.
I wish I had the guts to go to my doctor and get this investigated or something but she'd just blow me off or I had to go through a shit ton of procedures for months. Eh
No. 376103
>>376005It’s the perfect term for so many fuckups though.
Incels, furries, ddlg, autogyneophiles..
Degenerate sums them up so perfectly.
No. 376123
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I looked at my ex bf's instagram recently and he still wears visual kei in his 30's, in 2019
the awful j-mullet hair, ancient h.NAOTO clothes, bad makeup, everything
No. 376148
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>>376081It makes zero sense to me when i learn about guys who don't understand basic human hygiene. Taking care of your skin, your laundry, your health, your place of living should be basic. I used to live with a family member (Uncle) who couldnt do anything but make sandwiches and pasta (because it only required boiling.) He didn't learn to do his own laundry until after his mother died. He was 39 years old.
It isn't a 'women's thing' to cook or clean. We just learn or teach ourselves from a younger age because that's basic human knowledge. I can't imagine not changing my pillow case at least once every few days or not spraying down my glass shower door with vinegar to prevent build up.
No. 376162
>>376148He’s so goddamn coddled.
His mum will do his laundry, (so often that he deliberately leaves full loads of washing in the machine for her to wash) clean his bathroom for him, makes him dinner nearly every night. It’s insane.
Maybe it’s because I left home at 15 but it seems so absolutely pathetic. He doesn’t even clean his own cats litter but will throw an actual tantrum if asked to do much as take his own rubbish off the kitchen bench. (He can’t put shopping in the cupboard or rubbish in bins)
I’m honestly excited for how much his family will shame him after he moves and they see how he lives without a SIL to clean up after him.
No. 376258
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the ugly step sisters from cinderella had nasolabial folds
No. 376325
>>376162I'd be so embarrassed for him. Why do some women do that? coddle their disgusting male children? i'd be appalled if my son didn't know how to do half the things i did by the time i was 16. It also re enforces the extreme negative stereotype that only women know how to cook and clean, and men will want to find wives like their 'mothers.' Literally anyone can learn how to properly cook, clean, do laundry , etc. Men are just lazy trash who skate by in life.
Men like that need to hurry and die
No. 376454
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I don't really like Amy Poehler, but good for her for aging really well. To me at least, she doesn't look any different than she did in the Mean Girls era.
>>376258Those bitches!
No. 376458
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i like it when admin gets sassy with retarded posters
No. 376565
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this just came to me, been smoking pot, so sorry in advance, but i want a sexbot that looks and sounds exactly like this person. why isn't the tech here yet, like, we can put a man on the moon, come on. i'd probably sleep with it exclusively, too. i love my husband but we've been together since our sophomore year in high school and he's gained some weight over the past decade. it's all good but i think fuckbots would be fun as hell.
No. 376607
>>376580lol i feel you anon i been sat here refreshing this thread hoping someone out there would get my mood
someone needs to get on our shit for real lol
No. 376660
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Just searched up how to sell my soul after talking about it endlessly today, and now I'm pretty sure there's a demon in my room. I wished I had never spoke that into existence.
No. 376701
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Sachiko Kaneoya's character reminds me a lot of a young Paul McCartney, and I like him even more for that.
No. 376709
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My stupid Mormon step cousins don't like my boyfriend and think he's awkward and creepy after having spent a total of about 30 minutes in the same room of him at a crowded restaurant where he met most of that side of the family for literally the first time ever.
Stupid step family, you are nasty bitches.
No. 376714
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>>376701Okay, so I didn't know anything about the lore of her characters (still don't, tbh), but looking further I learned that she's actually a huge beatlefag, making a lot of obscure-ish Beatles' references in her art through the Macaroni band.
And it's also pretty clear that Macca is her favorite as well. Good taste.
Glad to know I wasn't only imagining things.
I guess because I used to draw '67~68 era Paul pretty similarly No. 376813
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>>376808You do you anon, as long it isn’t little boys getting raped
No. 376819
>>376799Same anon, im a total historical fashion fag but never have I gotten the appeal of "loulihtas" (majority of lolita amerifags ive heard on video say it like that as if its more ??? Japanese idk) nor do I find it fitting in most situations as its always an overuse of tacky prints, frills and volume to pad out an ugly outfit. Even when they toot their horn about "simple elegance" it is still just a mess of lace and bows? Lifestylers are the worst by far though, people into historical fashion who do it as a lifestyle thing tend to actually wear modern pieces in day to day life but have clear stylistic choices that tend to clue you in on where they lean.
Lolita however seems to be every bad trait that comes out of jfashion located in a singular style named after pedo media.
Also so many of them out of lolita still dress in really garish clothes, i love excessive fashion but i do not love shit that reminds me of 14yr autists at conventions with the whole yahoo auctions accessories and F21 basics get up. Whenever I see the /w threads I lowkey always suspect majority posters are different iterations of the cow they talk about considering they are (actively) in the same community of weirdos.
No. 376828
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>>376819don't even get me started on the bad accessorizing! the fake pearl accented bows, the bows in general, the frills, the cheap lace, the gloves, it's an absolute eyesore, and it does not say 'whimsy' or 'elegance', ever. also kek @ 'historical' lolitas looking like frilly blueberries while wearing chocolate bar cotton/polyester prints. what really bothers me is that 99% of the actually cute dresses would look so much better in silk taffeta or some actually appropriate fabric, but nips have no taste or something, because the fabrics used are not justifiable for the look they're going for. seeing floppy cheap cotton not supported by, again, say, structurally sound fabric like taffeta, is suifuel. and the shoes, anon, for the love of god – the shoes. why god?? is it possible for shoes to look more tacky? is it possible to overspend and exert so much effort to look so bad? plenty of these lolitas have money, yet lolita is literally dressing like the 'poor man's idea of a rich man', or in this case, a poor woman's idea of a dolly princess.
No. 376839
>>376828THANK YOU, the fabric choices of most pieces are literally trash of the earth picks yet come from brands that charge 2-5k. I mean buying knock offs from Ebay really only means getting something that might not be sown as nice but alot of girls are fooling themselves if they think the fabrics are somehow better when the only real difference is that the brand one has a sliver of lining.
I understand why they feel the need to be skinny to wear it too when its 90% chunky elastic bands, nothing is tailored to actually fit their physique and with god as my witness the petticoats you can purchase from their sites do the outfits more harm than good. its clearly specifically designed to bulk out any drab circle cut cotton dress than to create nice shapes that suit that specific dress type. I need to stop sperging over this but you're not alone and I fully agree that its insane people spend several grand to look as absolutely tacky as possible from feet to bow covered head.
("Historical" lolitas are fundamentally a joke and its sad they even tried to co-opt lolita into any historical fashion to give the style more credibility)
No. 377009
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One day I'd love to have saved up like £10k, go to London and pretend to be rich for the day. I'd book one of those £1k+ a night suites, and then spend the day shopping at places such as Balenciaga and Gucci without much thought to how much I was spending, going to stupidly expensive salons and restaurants.
It's a pretty retarded dream, and I don't like the idea of burning £10k in a day, but I feel like it'd be fun
No. 377070
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>>377009I feel you. I'm a pretty simple frugal person and I don't think I would want to have a ton of overpriced designer stuff even if I could afford it… but I still secretly want to have my own big iconic shopping spree like that Rodeo Drive scene in Pretty Woman.
No. 377316
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The LGB… sorry, the QUEER community is a fucking mess lmao. Someone discovers they don't want to fuck everything that has a pulse and suddenly they're coming up with a fucking quinoasexual pride flag.
No. 377523
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I just updated my Galaxy S9+ and now everything looks like shit
No. 377736
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I love my cats, and I'm so glad I rescued them, but I can't wait for them to grow up. The oldest one has been fixed already but the young one is already peeing all over the house to claim his stuff and the vet asked me to wait for another month cause he's still too young.
God give me patience.
No. 377801
>>377779I don't like anal and so many of my boyfriends have become obsessed with trying to have it with me.
My best friend actually loves anal. Most of the guys she dates lose all enthusiasm for it when they discover this.
There's only one conclusion I can draw from this.
No. 377844
>>377800You want it, have a use for it, and have the means to buy it. Go for it! Not every purchase has to be a 100% life or death need. I'm trying to unlearn this mentality myself, I have so much anxiety over money and hesitate to ever treat myself to anything fun but not "necessary".
I actually bought an iPad fairly recently. I do use it to take notes for uni, but I have a laptop and obviously good old pen and paper, so it's not like I 100% needed it, I just like having digital handwritten notes. It's a really fun thing to have. It's much nicer to lie in bed watching movies/TV or doing light browsing on my iPad than my clunky beast of a laptop. And I can do digital art on it too, which is nice. I would highly recommend biting the bullet and going for it, I don't think you'll regret it at all.
No. 377845
>>377816I don't understand this.
They literally have prostates. Anal sex for them, if done correctly, would actually feel good.
No. 377899
>>377779>>377801I once had a conversation with my ex about anal and I asked him what was so special about it. He said it's because the girl is letting the guy do something "forbidden and taboo" to her. It's more about getting the girl to submit to it than the actual physical feeling.
Then I asked why he still wanted to do something that was clearly uncomfortable and sometimes even painful for me (we had done it a couple of times and never found it pleasant at all). I couldn't get a clear answer from him.
The stuff people tell women who aren't into in anal is kinda fucked up. "Oh just use more lube, relax and go slow, you'll get used to it, you just need to practice". You almost never hear anyone say that you don't have to do it if you don't like it, instead they just give you more advice on how to just power through it. I doubt there are many guys who would be willing to do something during sex that required excessive amounts of persuasion, preparations, practice and "getting used to" and still felt uncomfortable or even painful to them.
I'm never letting any guy stick his dick in my ass again unless he's ready to get railed first. Haha just relax and breathe bro, you'll get used to it, just use more lube :)))
No. 377907
>>377844Thanks anon. I can relate. Though I haven't had a problem with using money on experiences like food or tickets but buying stuff is really stressful.
Usually I think of it as a virtue and being mindful of my money. Then I need something and just hover around it for days or weeks, like bitch, you are buying a frying pan, just take one!
No. 377929
>>377899>The stuff people tell women who aren't into in anal is kinda fucked up. "Oh just use more lube, relax and go slow, you'll get used to it, you just need to practice". You almost never hear anyone say that you don't have to do it if you don't like it, instead they just give you more advice on how to just power through it.Its funny because its almost always porn stars, who literally already have to wear diapers so ofc it doesnt hurt anymore and is easy for them because they've already depleted their assholes to smithereens, sex "experts" and journalists, who literally get paid to shill shit, and men, most of who probably have bisexual tendencies that developed from porn addictions where they watched women(or men) get plowed by other men. So in other words, normal females have to comply to this bullshit now because society has normalized something extremely unnatural and dangerous. You want to fuck someone in the ass? Find a boyfriend. Women werent created for that shit.
No. 377933
>>377929Losing control over my bowels or bladder is one of my hugest fears holy fuck.
If a future bf begs for anal I'll just offer to shit on him tbh.
No. 377943
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>>377779A lot of it is because porn, but also my bf likes the idea of cumming in there because "no pregnancy hurr"
It's all pretty stupid honestly, and like this
>>377816 anon mentioned if a dude pressures anyone here to do it, just tell him you have to do anal on him first. Usually they back off. What I like to do with my bf if I'm feeling especially mean is tell him he has to let me fist his butthole and tickle his intestines first. It's extreme I know, but it's shuts him up real quick.
No. 378005
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I like anal, like physically not mentally. I choose to masturbate that way. Natal woman btw.
No. 378006
Soooo, personally, I didn't hate anal. Actually, it felt pretty good the few times I've had it. That being said, guys are waaaaay too obsessed with it. Like, completely off-turningly obsessed with it. Every dude I looked at sexually who was into it just turned into a disgusting, brute, primitive ape on the topic. Even if they start out saying things like "yes, no pressure, sex is all about having fun together and taking it easy, your boundaries are so important uwu" they end up being pushy about it. You just can't have normal sex without them being dissatisfied like annoying, entitled little manchildren. Even if the sex is great, it always needs to be escalated further somehow. That's why I actually never wanna do it again and don't care for it at all. Somehow, the guys I've been with were either bad sexual partners or complete freaks. I can die without ever doing it again and I'm not gonna date anyone like that again.
No. 378007
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>>378005I've never done full anal penetration but I can only cum with a finger up my bum. Yes, I am a woman.
No. 378008
>>378006I like it every now and then, but the pushyness and lack of boundaries around it is so off putting. And why am I expected to put out while even suggesting butt stuff on them makes them physically recoil?
As much as I enjoyed it it just not worth the tears that will eventually lead to my asshole being permanently damaged, sorry that my literal fuckhole is apparently no longer good enough for men
No. 378014
>>378007Thank you anon, now I have the mental image of
spongebob putting his index finger into someone's butt>>378008Exactly. At what point did the novelty of PUSSY and SEX wear off? I don't get it.
No. 378145
>>378010>>378029yeah theres definitely some fans masquerading as antis in the thread and they're really obvious
especially the ones obsessed with bts
No. 378412
Because first we need to riot over our coal sucking PM, our church sexual abuse and subsequent cover-up, the highway robbery of tax funding for schools, hospitals, and child protection services.
There’s a whole country going to shit and nobody is gonna riot because some girls parents failed her and she let 8 guys destroy her colon. Australia is literally dying, nobody can care about one girl who decided to spend a weekend being asa akira.
No. 378430
>>378412>one girlIf only it was merely one girl who had ever been harmed by the porn industry. Would still be too many though.
And I am talking about it as a general and worldwide issue.
No. 378500
>>378430Yeah I get that, but my point is that I’m Australia, where the girl is from, we have bigger issues than porn despite how harmful porn can be.
We’ve taken to the streets over climate change and things like the rape and murder of Jill Meaghr but at the end of the day, it’s hard to focus on porn when our oligarchy is marching is head on into destroying the entire planet.
No. 378514
>>378500Honestly, know what would be a pretty easy fix for majority of our climate change issues? If baby boomers weren’t allowed to run for pm or ministers, they don’t give a shit about anything other than lining their own pockets and they’re not gonna live long enough to deal with the consequences of their actions
All the oldies in government should retire already, it’s not their world anymore.
No. 378516
>>378514For sure. Australian politics has been an old boys Christian club for decades now and their disdain for everyone who isn’t them is so blatant it’s offensive.
These people literally demanded a man who lost an arm provide yearly proof that he was still unable to work as a mechanic because his arm was still missing. That’s not even touching the approximately 2,000 deaths related to the Centrelink fake debt crisis and their decision to harass their most vulnerable consumers. (Aged pensioners, severely mentally ill people, and people with disabilities)
The cronyism won’t end because we can’t vote them out fast enough and theirs too many old people voting for the liberals purely because that’s how they’ve always voted, even though the libs are fucking them just as hard as the rest of us.
Country is doomed either way. It’s popular as all hell to talk shit about the aboriginal people but they managed to live here for 50,000 years and do fine. 300 years after the first fleet and the entire place will be some mad max bullshit.
No. 378524
>>378521Labor’s fucked, greens have some dodgy shit going on. They’re all shitty and filled with money grubbing creeps who care more about getting another few million into their kids catholic school budget before upgrading decades old public hospitals.
The place is fucked. That’s why it’s so ridiculous for anon to think we should prioritise marching against porn. You gotta pick your battles and having a planet trumps porn.
If any politicians invested properly in public education and health education instead of circle jerking each other over how entitled they think millennials are, there’s be fewer 16 year old girls letting 8 guys fuck their rectum to shreds anyway.
No. 378525
>>378524I don’t think there’s any chance of anything being done about porn without more female representatives, nothing makes men get up in arms like their right to wack off to abuse.
One of the few countries I can think of that has actively banned it is Nepal, and that’s because they noticed an absurd rise in rape and domestic abuse in the decade of porn rising in consumption.
No. 378533
>>378525Eventually we will get to it, but the few women we have with any sort of power waste it doing retarded shit like swapping out pedestrian lights so the figure now has a skirt.
Instead of y’know, spending that money on getting women off Melbourne streets, now the pedestrian light is a lady not just vaguely human shaped. There’s no saving this place.
No. 378556
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Sorry if this belongs in GC I just thought it was too stupid to post there. Do any anons into /co/shit speculate that Gob might secretly be a tranny? He likes and retweets a lot of stuff about trans rights on his Twitter, and It Hurts! could be seen as his self insert becoming a tranny and Please Forgive Me living as his perfect waifu version of himself.
No. 378690
>>378556yes anon is possible that he is in fact a trans person, as
>>378603 say trans people use art to "come out" and be "the true and honest" women they are "supposed to be", i'm so sorry but be prepared the comic may become extra tran focus
No. 378725
>>377929>>377929 Its funny because that's exactly what this guy said when he wanted to try anal after I protested and I ended up getting HSV from him after that.
Having an std really open your eyes in the dating field. It's like people show their true colors when they realize they can't fuck you.
No. 378770
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I can’t get over the fact that this is obviously satire and they think it’s real
No. 378847
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>>378826Yeah I know it was retarded.
The closest grocery store to me is 30+ minutes away, it just didn't seem worth it to walk all the way there and back just to get more of their shitty chicken. I'll just avoid from buying meat there.
>>378839I definitely boiled and heat treated the hell out of it, but the worst bacteria just spores/cannot be killed through heat. I've eaten my fair share of expired/questionable meat and I've yet to have a problem, so here's hoping LOL
In case I do get sick or die, I'll make sure to come back so you guys can laugh in memory of me.
No. 378990
I want to find a Pokemon roleplay where you can be the mon but I don’t want to roleplay among literal children or do a PMD-E like thing on DeviantArt where DA roleplay groups use arbitrary stat systems I don’t care to learn about.
>>377119I’m not a fan of Miku specifically but I fucking miss that comfy 2008 era of Vocaloid with covers and spin offs of anything and everything. I don’t really like the music that gets produced nowadays, it’s mostly J-rock-ish and feels ‘too’ professional. I think I’m yearning for that doujin, home brew feel, it felt like anyone could be involved in Vocaloid but now you have to be a Super Serious(tm) producer to even make a blip. The fandom, or at least the Western English speaking parts feels like it’s dying and UTAU is similar: I lurk UTAforum and it’s the same old shit in discussions, the population is shrinking, everything’s already been done and the obsolete software is killing it even faster than V5’s (apparent) unpopularity. I hope SynthV saves our weeb asses.
No. 378992
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I've been really into Fjallraven Kankens and Hydro Flasks recently and I feel like the most basic of bitches. I just want things that are cute and will last me a long time.
No. 378995
>>378993If you’re asking, I guess you can’t feel it. Just leave them alone?
My wisdom teeth came out in my early teens, they’re a little impacted but they never hurt and my jaws set comfortably so I’ve never had to do anything to them. Save yourself the pain and money and don’t forget to really reach in when you brush there.
No. 378997
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I picked up an illness somewhere between the night before yesterday and yesterday.
It bothers me that I can't really triangulate where it came from, because there's more than three possible variables. It wouldn't help to know, but it would just give my mind something concrete to hate on so I could keep occupied while I suffer through.
I met a new guy and we decided to hang at the bar on the night before yesterday. I remember getting a headache as we were about to leave, but I chalked it up to not eating anything all day and having a drink.
I took a painkiller and got some food into me, and I felt fine.
Could I have picked up a bug from the geriatrics at the pub?
Then I made out with the new guy. In the past I have gotten a cold from kissing new bfs, so did I catch a cold? My throat isn't sore though.
The next morning, he made me eggs for breakfast but they were undercooked with runny yolks. I asked if he could cover them and let them steam just so the slime white can cook at the top, but he insisted spooning some hot cooking oil over them was adequate. I was polite and ate them.
So is it food poisoning?
I don't remember feeling ill until I got home and settled in a few hours later.
I have a fever, and body aches and pains. Some stabbing pain particularly on my left side every now and then. Green diarrhea. Dizziness, lethargy, but unable to sleep due to discomfort.
No snot, mucus, or vomit. Yet.
It sucks because I start a new job literally in a few days, and ofc I get sick. What a feckin state.
No. 379075
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I recently got into Fallout properly and now I can't stop thinking about how much I want a cute ghoul bf
No. 379135
>>379105Thanks learning everyday
I’m in a great mood now I think I’m out of the woods.
No. 379189
>>379008Yeah it was definitely the eggs.
My fever is gone and body ache is going away gradually. I still have the runs and I'm sure my gut biome will be messed up for days to come.
No. 379319
>>379268This is what it sounds like every time I've had burritos
Then I can REALLY feel it in the air tonight
Oh Lord
No. 379400
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Mr.X can get it
No. 379403
>>379400walk around the dumbass shit thread
fuck all life
No. 379453
>>379450I saw his videos a few years ago and it looks like not much has changed about him.
>introduces video with his own shitty example of cooking>REEEEEs at ingredients and presentation as if convenience and packaged foods were ever known for betterSometimes he defends absolute garbage products though, as long as it tickles his nostalgia boner just right. It's funny how he's an obese fuck who videos these trash foods implying he eats this stuff all the time while getting so upset in some cases, as if he's above any of it.
No. 379463
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I like anonymously fucking with "trad/alt-right" women and men on tumblr.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but they're even more pathetic than the anons actually on 4chan. How can you seriously run an alt-right pandering tumblr of all things? Isn't having a tumblr kind of going against the whole anonymity thing?
It's just so fucking weird that they're trying to build clout and flex on "sjws" while posting ~aesthetic~ tumblr pictures.
Maybe I'm just an old fuck, but I just can't take these kids seriously and feel like they're just trying to be edgy. I wonder how many of them will put on a new identity after they grow up a little bit lol
No. 379487
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No matter how bored and lonely I get, I still can't force myself to take the plunge and download a fast dating/hookup app like tinder.
It feels like a meat market to me and inherently dirty. I know nobody in their right mind expects anything serious to come of those things but it still skeeves me out to think I'd be nothing but a face, warm hole and a quirky message to these starved men.
Slightly related: This guy I've known for a few years due to being a friend of my ex has been trying to woo me recently. I'm not sure how I feel about him in return. I told him I wasn't feeling well today and he decided to send me "funny" screencaps of horrid looking tranny profiles from tinder to try to make me feel better? Adding that the caps were "locally sourced" meaning he took them. I don't know what to be more disgusted by; that he was looking at trannies or that he was on tinder yet switched to going after me when I became available.
No. 379502
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>>379450If you press that vertical "…" icon you can tell YT that you don't fuck with that content and it will stop recommending that shit. If you use the "tell us why" feature that comes up after, you can straight up blacklist the channel the video belongs to as well.
No. 379687
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my collection.
i am not a camgirl, just incredibly single.
No. 379696
what's the total cost here
No. 379750
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>>379687I don't have a collection as extensive as yours. Just a
magic bullet, and a rabbit tickler dildo that I don't really use.
But I'm really jelly of that coordless
hitachi wand. All the quality ones I've seen are $100+ and I'm too afraid to order a cheap one online because of all the bad reviews of people getting bogus ones.
The hottest thing someone ever did to me was
tie me down and force me to orgasm with that thing. Never had a more powerful
orgasm since, it was one of those ones where your entire top half and face turns red. I wish I woulda stole it.
No. 379918
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I am forever triggered that Whismur has the ugliest evolutions ever.
No. 379945
>>379700How are you fellow ladies?
A man's alive for a start, try thinking of people as more than walking sex organs, it might help
No. 379998
>>379936Why would you share any of this? Like, what happened the day you decided “yeah let’s photograph everything I put in my ass and show strangers”?
What’s the motivation behind letting people know this?
No. 380109
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I can't believe the Mugman mask is more than the Cuphead mask! This is the mug tax.
No. 380186
>>380024I’d rather die than stick things in my ass but thanks for the “inspiration”.
Maybe next time save photos of things you’ve taken out of your rectum for somewhere else tho?
No. 380192
>>380024>>380186This is such a chan board type thing to wake up to, I love you bitches.
>>380189If he goes in some kind of general population he will get treated as he deserves for being a paedo. Apparently he snowed no emotion through the course case so he's probably a psychopath.
No. 380194
>>380190He’ll be going into protective cause he’s old and a pedophile.
If they don’t seek out chemical/mechanical castration the same day they pop a boner over a kid they should be put down.
>>380192Protective custody and solitary for sure. He’s old af, and they won’t let their precious catholic man get what he deserves.
I can’t imagine waking up and seeing a strangers ass toys without asking to. That’s an exposure that should at least wait until after lunch.
No. 380196
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>>380001These bitches need Jesus.
No. 380216
>>380128I know everyone is different but my first reaction was that it was a huge amount of anal toys compared to clit /g spot vibes for a woman's collection.
…Jonathan Yaniv, is that yours?
No. 380217
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>>380216Inspirational legend.
No. 380270
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No. 380333
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>>380330jordan b peterson and one of his functionally retarded chantard right wing worshippers
>>380327i really hope you're commenting on how faggy jbp acts and appears and aren't calling him hot in any way
No. 380370
you're onto something here..
maybe that's why jbp is so christian kek, just praying the gay away
No. 380393
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No. 380394
I suffer from hirsutism, I did since I was a child, I would complain to my mom that my legs were so hairy and she would reply that that's simply how I was and there s nothing I could do about it. I remember having a high sexual drive as a child before even having my period, I was also obsessed with meat, I would eat it at breakfast lunch and dinner if I could and I often did. As I grew up, my hirsutism got worse too, slowly but surely it seemed as if the hair just keeps on spreading. I used to often have daydreams about going to the doctor but I would feel ashamed to show myself cause I believed that normal girls simply did not have body hair and that I was some kind of monster, maybe one of those people who were actually boys but with female genitalia…. all my life I suffered from an unexplainable anxiety and fear from change the futur the pressure of school, ( I d throw every morning except at the weekend and this is at primary school). My period did come atat an early age of 11 and increased this anxiety ten folds and added depression to it. My periods were regular though.
In September 2017 I have decided to go vegetarian as I have read that it can help, I wasn t sure if my abundant meat eating is what brought this to me and I had a feeling that it was already too late but I decided to do something.
In late 2018 I finally went to an endocrinologist and did an echo on my uterus, I did not have PCOS, my testosterone levels are normal ( but I know that this is die to my diet) , I bared myself to her I told her that my body is covered with hair that gets darker and longer there is not a single inch of my body that doesn t have hair in it, and the fact that I don t have a beard doesn t mean that I m not sick, but she didn't listen, she said what my mom told me as I cried and I was crying to my mom then, and that s just how I am.
No. 380453
>>380394Doctors just cannot be bothered to help anyone these days
>obvious problem>"can't see anything sorry"Just know that it doesn't matter in the long run, if you are otherwise healthy it's fine. Hopefully you can find a more useful doctor in future.
No. 380499
>>380217ily anon
>>380495I've been here for almost 2 years and its better now tbh
No. 380522
>>380495I didn't browse /ot/ at all until maybe a year ago. It was genuinely petty and vicious just for the sake of being petty and viscous. I might be mis-remembering but was it not modded properly back then?
>>380519In what ways?
No. 380524
>>380522>In what ways?Generals galore and the transgender threads have truly gone off the deep end.
>I didn't browse /ot/ at all until maybe a year ago.That explains why you haven't noticed anything. This board went to shit long before a year ago.
No. 380587
>>380333>>380332I was wondering if I should specify. Maybe not entirely as old. But I like the suit and pose. I've been avoiding dating for a long time now. I guess I'm a bit sexually frustrated. But actually, even a dude looking like that could get it.
I actually don't know Jordan Peterson. I've seen the name a lot and that he's sorta controversial. That's all. Maybe I could stare deeply into his eyes, lay a finger on his lips and say "sshhhh" before he bursts my bubble of ignorant bliss.
Sorry for my thirst, anons. I'm gonna reconsider dating in the future.
No. 381813
>>381448The PK thread?
I’m sick of them going soft over every person running from Glip’s side to the forums and letting it slide when those people inevitably don’t understand site culture. I came here for milk from the lolcow, not this fucking soy juice alternative. Glip herself isn’t even interesting anymore and Eevee’s art isn’t remotely good beyond its surface appeal despite kiwis beginning to circle jerk it.
No. 381865
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what apps do these smoking hot anime babes (belle delphine, various skin walkers) use?
for research purposes, of course.
No. 381866
>>381865to clarify:
editing apps
No. 382009
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Listening to old music that I haven't heard in years always makes me nostalgic and a bit somber.
It's so interesting how your brain keeps those memories and feelings "in the dark" until they need to be brought out. I wonder how much of the information we receive is truly forgotten and what just needs to be triggered.
No. 382202
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I would appreciate some instant ramen recommendations. I always get either pic related or sapporo ichiban but I want to try something new
No. 382207
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>>382202I know spicy ramen is a bit of a meme, but these cheese Samyang noodles are pretty dang good. The spice and cheese powder packets come separately, so you can adjust the levels accordingly.
When I really want to glut myself I fry up some garlic and toss that in, and top it with extra shredded white cheese.
No. 382218
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>>382202not ramen, but this stuff is the shit. my boyfriend and i eat this like every few days. add a squirty of kewpie mayo and some cabbage and a slice or two of bacon and you got yourself a filling meal.
No. 382240
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>>382202im a big fan of these and anything with oil/veggie packets.
No. 382265
>>382249I dug around in it with his paws but he was thoroughly unimpressed.
>>382253Thanks. He seems pretty content but I'm super paranoid because it's my first cat so I don't know what to expect. I was told he would probably hide for days and be super scared but he's acting like he's lived here his whole life.
No. 382277
>>382274He's not a kitten, the shelter told me he was about 3 years old. He's definitely an adult cat. He's just been sort of wandering my apartment then coming back to lie on the sofa. I took the hood off the box (I read some cats don't like it and he's kind of chunky so I was worried he didn't fit) and dug around in the box while he watched. He just kinda sat there then rolled over for pets.
It's 4am and I haven't slept because I'm worried about him but he seems totally fine.
No. 382315
>>382277if he knows how to use a litterbox, don't worry, he'll use it. It's their instinct, they're clean creatures. I've fostered a lot of kittens and most of them would go to the litterbox on their first pee even though it was their first time seeing litter.
Go to sleep because you're probably stressing him out by keeping an eye on him constantly lol. Relax, let him settle
No. 382470
>>382440I would definitely attempt to make little comments about how the troon train is basically homophobic in itself around your mom. Most troons end up transitioning because they like things that are gender stereotypes to the opposite sex and a lot of them are gay and in denial. Majority of them grew up in conservative homes/neighborhoods.
I'm glad my family and SO are already aware how all troons are insane and have other bigger issues they don't want to address.
No. 382535
>>382277Me again…I left him alone to sleep for a few hours. Got up to feed him and was in the process of burying his shit finally.
Also, any tips on getting him to scratch things that aren't carpet? My landlord was pretty adamant that if he saw any damage to the carpet the cat has to go. I got him corrugated cardboard and a sisal post and put catnip and his paws on them like Google says but he doesn't seem to care and prefers the carpet (luckily his nails are cut). Should I try a carpet post instead?
No. 382660
>>379638brutalmoose is goat and funny
He should be more popular tbh
No. 382800
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I just ordered weed from the government wtf
Never thought I would see this day
No. 382818
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Would taking iron supps be dangerous or anything if I'm not sure if I have anemia? I had it in the past but the doctor never mentioned it ever again so I assume it went away?
I still have symptoms that fit but they could also be caused by depression. The doctor doesn't want to me to take blood tests since "there's no reason to" and the last blood test was 2-3 years ago.
Basically I just want to make sure my retarded ass doesn't poison myself
No. 382882
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After hearing my weed dealer say he can make 1000 bucks in two days, even though it's a small dead town, kind of makes me want to grow and deal some weed myself.
I'd just be kind of scared since our shit police likes to run after people for such small crimes when there's actual mobsters hurting people and getting away with it, and I wouldn't know how to get started and get clients, but for someone in desperate need of money in this jobless shithole it's obvious that the idea sounds appealing. I just want the money to leave, dammit.
No. 382993
File: 1551639752185.jpg (384.27 KB, 2048x2048, D0hLreZVAAAEbZv.jpg) thread pisses me off. she even said she was just calling herself goth for fun, but the comments are filled with bitter people acting like they're the authority on what 'goth' even means.
it's like women can't do any damn thing
No. 383001
women can be rude and petty like men too
No. 383007
>>382993As a human, sssniperwolf is trash, but I love looking at her and for some reason can't help but route for her.
Also, yeah people who make a big deal of being the authority on goth are so fucking annoying.
No. 383067
>>382993I agree it's very annoying when girls do the whole "i'm a big tiddy goth gf" thing when they're just hopping on the bandwagon were never goth or even appreciative of alternative fashion/music/culture, but honestly, this girl is way, way too attractive for me to be mad at her for this. She's not hurting anybody.
What do men even want? It's like they never stop reaching for reasons to bitch at or about women who wouldn't even blink twice at them.
No. 383081
>>382993I agree it's not goth, looks like someone who chose to wear a black outfit with fishnets today. I can totally see the backpedal about calling herself 'goth' in a "joke" way but had secretly hoped people would have gone along with it.
Is it a big deal? Fuck no. It just pisses alt people off to see an attractive normie jack their labels. They're like little high schoolers getting mad at the lunch table.
No. 383141
>>383111I don't know anything about her, I've never paid attention to her and I just thought "Oh, cute girl wearing fishnets and black outfit".
It sucks if she really is an awful human being, but I don't make a habit of watching Twitch streamers.
No. 383225
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Does anyone f else ship Meghan Murphy and Benjamin Boyce
No. 383241
>>383239Centrist Youtuber who interviews people both in the right and left
he's done about 7 Interviews Meghan Murphy and theirs this weird sexual between the two
No. 383404
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No. 383453
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>>383404>blue armsnot this shit again. how many gamestop employees must fall before they learn their lesson?
No. 383468
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Is gay alien skull a good band name?
No. 383471
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>>383454You can talk to me anon! I'm 29 and I'm the same way. I've decided to just accept it because this is who I am and if I haven't grown up yet I'm never going to.
No. 383489
>>383468sounds overtly edgy and not the type of edgy that stands out but one in a million edgy band names
just use a bible and pick some random cool sounding words
No. 383496
>>383454I don't think there something wrong with this unless it's affecting your life in a negative way. A lot of famous novels were written by self-inserting authors - although they are usually not that great heh.
I'm also "older" and I also love my husbandos. Not sure if it'll go away.
No. 383497
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I just found out that there is a community on tumblr full of young women who are "lifters" - but they don't lift weights. No, it's shoplifting, and they post pics of their "hauls" and write about how badass they are.
How is shoplifting makeup badass? I'm sort of fascinated, and wish these saddos went to the gym instead.
No. 383522
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>>383499Correction, they were in /pt/
>>383505I forgot how great they were lmfao I'm gonna reread some. Wish they'd make a comeback.
No. 383565
>>383492I agree anon. Art vs artist is the only acceptable selfie on an art account. A lot of small artists need to learn if they want to get more followers they need to keep their profile professional and art only, and make a separate personal account.
I also think artists should only post sketches on twitter and just have finished pieces on instagram.
No. 383828
>>383822They say that shit because they’re dumb but convinced they’re enlightened and also have depression/self hatred issues.
All incels are is a cult for young men with low self esteem and the desire to blame someone else for their failures.
If they can convince themselves they don’t want women in the first place, it’s easier to perceive yourself as a
victim of a new age of oppression. Imagine how hard it is for them to accept that they’re average and your failures are about work ethic, personality, and below average intelligence when they have gotten used to cushy victimhood excuses like thin wrists, all women are cock gobbling monsters, and male models. They’re comfy in their safe space and too arrogant to grow up. It’s
No. 383846
>>383726I think most anons who are attracted to these guys are ashamed because they're focused on their appearance, not their morals. Tbh I would rather be attracted to Alex Jones than a serial killer.
It's not that deep…
No. 384110
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What’s with cows like moo and shayna and their weird obsession with getting long acrylic nails? I guess I’m out of the loop with nail stuff in general since I never liked painting mine to begin with. But are those in style now or something? They look god awful and ghetto as hell and the more little details on them the cheesier they look. Mariah’s stubby hands look like a possum’s pair of paws with those claws on and I’m disgusted
No. 384139
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>>384138oops, dropped image
No. 384142
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>>384141I agree! I am just cringing due to her tagging it with hijab.
No. 384154
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>>384141Wear one Soraya Montenegro style with a low cut mini dress and no one would think you're muslim
No. 384188
>>384180Eh not really, I don't feel bad for naturally attractive people not being stunners, they already have it pretty good and probably don't suffer for not looking amazing.
On the other hand, people who are both unattractive/fat and dress badly are depressing. If I see someone who might not be attractive but is well dressed/groomed, they still look confident and put together. But if they don't try at all they just look like they've given up on life and embraced frumpiness.
No. 384210
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>>384141I also think the delicate silk scarves women used to wear are super cute. It's unfortunate that they've become synonymous with Islam because there was a time when women wore scarves on their heads when driving, to protect their hairstyle or I've even seen women wearing them to church. Where I live it's only really old ladies and people who forgot their umbrellas that still do that. You can't wear a scarf like that as a young person here without someone approaching you and saying "salaam sister!".
I'd 100% support it if they made a comeback for non-Muslims. They're practical and dainty and ngl it feels really cosy to wear a scarf over your head.
No. 384222
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>>384210i still wear headscarfs but not really this way but kinda like in pic related maybe you can try these! Us black women usually do this to protect our hair from the elements or if we just washed it and our hair is still wet
No. 384228
>>384222Ugh, I love these head scarf styles too, but since I’m white I feel like I’m the current climate it’ll be
problematic for me to wear a headscarf in any way which is utter bullshit because I just want to be cute and fashionable and headscarves are the bomb dot com
No. 384299
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No. 384302
>>384249>until women's clothing companies start to make jackets with hoods that actually stay upWhy are female clothing so full of shit. I hate how hard it is to find things that actually serve its purpose when it comes down to female fast fashion.
Male hoodies are way superior, cheaper and comfy, talk about unfair.
No. 384314
>>384228You will be fine! its a protective style anyone can use. If i saw a white woman I would be like "okay sis" but thats just me lol.
>>384228You can use any type of fabric as long as its long enough to do the styles. I even sometimes use old dresses or t-shirts. Just try to get a jersey material because its much more stretchier. There are tutorials where girls even use leggings! Just look up headwrap tutorials on youtube. I linked one for ya!
No. 384315
>>384314T-shirts are the best for this!
I wrap a t-shirt into a scarf to sleep in and it protects my hair so nicely, I get way less split ends than I used to.
I wouldn't wear it out because like the other anons I'm scared people would get angry at me, but it's perfect for sleep.
No. 384351
>>384249Maybe it’s because I live in a diverse area, so when I see a white person in a headscarf I usually assume they’re either Eastern European/Orthodox, Roma, Sikhs, or even Jewish. Head coverings and wraps aren’t exclusive to the black or Muslim community, and black women get shit on a lot for wearing scarves in the corporate workplace too, so don’t be ashamed to wear whatever you need to stay dry. Hell, if someone wants to give you attitude, just tell them that you’re Orthodox and leave it at that. Don’t waste your time trying to defend yourself against gatekeepers, most of the time, they don’t know as much as they think they do.
No. 384812
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This IG is lolcow worthy.
No. 384860
>>384826dude are you serious? she uses egregious amounts of shoop. her regular pictures are extremely plain and she has shoe's weird dr seuss whoo features.
i hate that looks are so black and white with anons, she can be
average she doesn't have to be pretty or ugly.
No. 384878
>>384871again, she can still be
average. i agree there are saltychans in her threads, but the flipside is that it feels like people stressing to call her pretty are just insecure because they have similar features. the average person won't think she's pretty. she doesn't even slot into any traits that average people think are pretty, especially since she tries to style herself like a teen.
No. 384881
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>>384880>objectively prettyThis is
not objectively pretty. You must be extremely ugly to be white knighting this.
No. 384882
>>384881Meant to quote
>>384879 But again, she looks really average.
No. 384883
adverb: objectively
in a way that is not influenced by personal feelings or opinions.
No. 384884
>>384879nta but i was with you on her not being fucking hideous, but she's not pretty either, definitely not objectively pretty (which isn't a thing btw) she looks weird without all the shoop, which is why the shoop makes her so uncanny valley. the people calling her average are correct, again, attractiveness is a scale, you're acting as if she's either pretty or disgusting, while claiming people who think she's average assume pretty is model hot.
if you think she's pretty, it's your opinion, but you seem oddly defensive about anyone who disagrees with you when most of the people here haven't even said she was ugly.
i do't want to accuse you of being her or anything, but she was in her own thread so…
No. 384886
>>384884nah i think ive posted in her thread once to laugh at a whiteknight, i like to say away from threads that attract sex workers and cosplayfags but imo they are extra spergy.
i dont think she is hot. i dont think she is super pretty but she is not hideous or an ogre. people a little pull specific with looks
No. 384889
>>384881This is such a dumb argument. She's average, maybe above average or higher, depending on personal taste and/or how attractive people are in your surroundings.
I remember this same meaningless debate over who between Lainey and Billie is "ugly", when they're actually both normal, conventionally attractive women by any realistic stretch of the imagination.
Almost none of the cows and flakes people call "ugly" on LC are ever actually "ugly", lmao.
No. 384906
>>384878>people stressing to call her pretty are just insecure because they have similar featuresKek, not at all, it would actually be the opposite. Only insecure people have such high standards for beauty that barely anyone fits at all.
>>384881I don't know what else to say, try to ask random, unbiased people you know about it.
>inb4 normies are all insecure uggos No. 384953
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Jani and Bodhi Schofield were finally removed from their munchie mom this morning! No. 384957
>>384912I remember Cuddlegate in the Onion threads. When Billie was staying at their house and Onion was cheating on his wife with her, anons called Billie "ugly" or "average at best", posted the screencaps where she isn't wearing makeup, called her pigface, cumdumpster etc. Then when she got away, spilled the milk about the Onions and permanently distanced herself from them, suddenly the general consensus was (and still is) that she's gorgeous and beautiful. I learned that many people on this site can be very influenced by personal bias, and with some cows saying anything vaguely positive is basically taboo and the discussion will get heated very fast - case on point.
>>384937Don't say that anon, now you will get accused of being ugly/insecure/Shay herself
No. 385064
>>385030Probably because he was a holier-than-thou asshole.
Also he was barely ever mentioned for years (especially with younger generations) until this movie came out recently. I don't get the big popularity boom over him again.
No. 385155
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Seeing Yuri's cankles makes me feel better about my own.
She's still thinner and more attractive than me though, obviously.
No. 385185
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>>385160She has cankles, same with Lily Rose Depp which is totally fine. It seems cankles are more common in pear shaped bodies in combination with shorter legs, so nothing to worry about and it's pretty too imo
No. 385199
>>385185It's fucked up to me that women's appearances are so heavily policed that even our ankles can't be too wide or else it's considered ugly or something. They're just ankles, ffs. Next up, we'll unironically have to be concerned about our elbows being too pointy or knees being too wide.
Do men ever have to worry about their fucking ankles being chunky? They don't, because of course not.
No. 385230
>>385199You're right of course. But men do it too. Talking about cankles remind me somehow of incel topics such as long and short faces, hunter eyes and something with mandibles. It's okay to have insecurities bc everybody has them. Some people don't like specific character traits about themselves and some don't like their nose or ankles or whatever. This anon
>>385155 found a celebrity with the same trait as herself and it makes her happy. This topic fits right into this thread: random shit that's on your mind.
No. 385231
>>385230Not that anon but normie men don't think about incel feature or even know what they are. Normal women worry about cankles.
But I'm glad that other anon feels better about their ankles. If it makes you feel any better I don't think that people notice cankles especially if you're slimmer. I honestly didn't know what cankles were until I started using this site. Same with nasolabial folds or whatever.
No. 385243
>>385242nta but what makes her sound like a middle schooler regarding this? She said she's going to put it off because it would be irresponsible atm and everything.
I personally think the people who actually want their children should be the ones who
do have them. That's a good thing.
No. 385282
>>385269Not them but why are you waiting until 27 specifically?
Despite being out of college my job isn't all that financially stable and I feel like I could go a few more years into my early 30s before finding a partner mature enough to consider having a baby tbh. So many guys my age are still unreliable and selfish.
No. 385286
>>385271>Again you’re a fucking idiot who didn’t read that I’m waiting until 27.Really? Because I literally said here
>Desiring a child and recognizing that having a child at 21 isn't responsible and wanting to wait a few years isn't the only requisite for being an ideal parent, sorry!Your point was acknowledged, it's just that anyone without a comprehensive grasp of our outlook, and actually, the inherent shittiness of forcing someone into being, isn't mature enough to be a parent. Literally everywhere you look irl, everyone will give you approval for this self-serving shit, so really, quit playing the
victim just because one person on an obscure imageboard thinks holding off on having a child until you're 27 isn't a remarkably self aware act that's so indicative of maturity, lmao. Either you've not done your research, or simply don't care about the suffering your child will face, and in either case, you've disqualified yourself from being an ideal candidate for bringing a child into being. Sorry about it.
No. 385290
>>385233There’s no point waitin until a specific age like 27, you’re best off waiting until you’ve finished your education and just seeing where the world takes you from there. I imagine you want to wait until later because of your career, but let’s be completely honest - women don’t have a career to come back to majority of the time. If you were climbing the ladder, they will stop you in your tracks, hell you might not even have the same position or they’ll start limiting your hours/projects (this is global brw, not US exclusive)
It sucks, but if you want kids and to give them the amount of attention and love they need, you live in a time where a woman has to decide between a fruitful or children 8 times out of 10.
I had mine very young and while on one hand I feel like I’m falling behind in terms of education, I feel like I’ll have a much easier time making a name for myself when I finally do enter the workforce because I’ll still be young. My only regret is not getting a degree first, but then again I still don’t know what to do lmao
This turned into an essay, but all I’m trying to say anon is that planning kids later sounds like a good idea on paper because of finincial stability and a career but there’s a lot more you have to take into consideration
No. 385309
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>tfw no headphone jack
No. 385362
>>38528227 is like my minimum age but who knows, I might be broke by then. Ultimately I want to have kids by 30 but once you're past 30 the age increase means higher likelihood of potential disabilities for the baby. I will definitely wait until I have some financial stability though.
>>385290True. My boyfriend is wanting to be a stay at home dad bc of our careers' potential earnings (I'll likely earn more than him). But we'll see how that plays out. I put 27 as a minimum but will probably be around 30 if I have them.
No. 385438
>>385419It depends on which instrument you'd want to try playing. If anything, check out a few resale groups online, people sell guitars and keyboards for cheap. I've seen violins, trumpets, clarinets, flutes and whatnot being sold.
Trying out the instruments, most music shops where you can buy keyboards and guitars have a couple out for you to test, if you live in the US near a Guitar Center.
No. 385504
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I just wanted to thank anons that recommended me zenni optical in the vent thread (after I was venting about high lens prices).
I was skeptical at first because it sounded too good to be true but I got my glasses today and they not only look good but more importantly, they are superb. I'm seeing the world anew in all its splendor. I was admiring everything today, the leafs, the raindrops, the vibrant colors in a candy shop, the flowers in the park, the art in galleries. Even browsing lolcow seems like a whole new experience!
The chances that the anons who are responsible for my happiness read this are small but just in case, huge immense thank you! You made a girl blind on one eye see again because with the regular prices in my country it wouldn't have been possible. I wish I knew you so I could treat you with something or send a gift.
No. 385510
>>385504Dude, I think it was me.
I'm sad to say I have shelved the one I bought with cat eyes, they underlined the fact that my ears are not level and I don't know how to fix the issue.
Glad you can see again on the cheap,though.
No. 385515
>>385510Let me thank you once again! And please tell me if you'd be comfortable giving me your PO box or something so I could at least send you a small gift or a postcard, or if you have any particular wishes!
> I'm sad to say I have shelved the one I bought with cat eyesI'm really sorry to hear that. Maybe it's possible to request some custom changes to the glasses?
No. 385538
>>385519I've tried adjusting them and I had the issue with another pair that the shop just didn't fix (until I broke them in half fiddling with them because it was litteraly driving me mad). I'll guess I'll give it a try again this week and hope I'm not just that wonky and condamned to small rectangular glasses to hide it for the rest of my life…
>>385515You're good anon. I'm just glad knowing I helped someone, it's more than enough.
No. 385544
>>385538Well, if you do change your mind you can always post somewhere on lolcow.
Thanks, you're a great person and I hope you manage to resolve your issue with glasses.
No. 385551
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sally beauty spamming me with this shit that they call 'denim nails' and assure me are all the rage. who is in charge of marketing for this company because this is damn near the most ratchet shit i've ever seen and i do not want to see it. just send me in-store coupons, fuckers!
No. 385573
>>385494I've always thought of doing something like that, since I'm good at keeping my personal accounts clean of any possible dirt, I know what companies dig for when they go through your social media, and I can see if someone is letting out enough info to have embarrassing stuff exposed.
I didn't think anyone would actually pay for it though. Time to log on fiverr then
No. 385669
>>385573I was thinking of doing the same, but then I realised that you would need to prove that you're not going to turn around and blackmail the people with what you find. It's the thing that stopped me from just asking any randoms on the internet to rate/vet me for free
Anon let's start an agency so we sound more legit
No. 385807
>>385803Cocaine feels a lot better too and it's easier to snort
Heroin and meth is good to make money but they're not fun to do except meth sometimes if you make it a certain way
Weed is meh, just makes you feel tired and paranoid, easy to sell to dumb teens though
Basically cocaine > all other drugs
No. 385819
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Who would've thought that lc is swarming with degenerate subhumans who unironically discuss which drug they prefer…
No. 385824
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>>385803>>385807Enjoy your levamisole poisoning.
Who's the cow now?
No. 385830
>>373784my mom suddently turned from a well kempt, reasonable normal woman who enjoyed tv series and dressing nice into this kind of person and i'm at a loss
she also believes she can talk to angels, goes to ritual drumming classes and spends a shitload of money on online seminars about chacras and energy bullshit
the worst thing is that my brother is feeding into her delusions, I can't tell if he's trying to manipulate her or if he believes in it aswell
sorry about the TMI blogposting your post just
triggered my feelies about this
No. 385839
>>385832Ok Karen, don't you have to drive your kids to soccer practice?
Careful not to drive through the hood though you might see a tweaker
No. 385871
>>385803Cocaine is a terrible drug. Don't do it.
I can see the appeal of heroin but it kinda fucks up your life, ya know?
>>385551lol wtf
No. 385887
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>>385573>>385669>>385494Google your names, usernames, e-mails, Skype names, nicknames, etc. in quotation marks. Instead of like, Sally Smith, google "Sally Smith" in quotations. It searches the exact phrase without breaking up the words. That's how I dig up stuff on potential boyfriends to see if they're terrible or not, or even find the facebooks of online pedos and scaring them when I'm having an exceptionally boring night.
No. 385904
>>385887>>385895Not original anon, but what are the chances of employers finding an art account that had my name attached to it back in 2015-16 but now is not associated with it? Will they go through archives to find things like that? If I had no indicator that it is absolutely me (no pics outside of some cartoon versions of me)? What if I have art accounts that have never been associated with me outside of email? Can they find that? Should I make a new email for it?
Lots of questions but. I draw shirtless guys often and don't want my chances as an accountant ruined because of it lmao. I'd also prefer to not have to stop posting.
No. 385909
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I got my window seat back baby!!!!
No. 385913
you able to find it using the info disclosed in an application or in your CV?
If you use a picture of yourself on your CV or Linkedin or other reference that you have used elsewhere, perform a reverse image search (or don't use the same image you have used anywhere else).
Speaking of archives, check the Wayback Machine at and Chances are your pages are not archived. You can request your site be blocked from
>>385887Also perform site specific searches using site: and don't forget image searches.
No. 385916
>>385895Stuff like that isn't deep web in the US, its public info. You just need to find your state's online databases for it by Googling it. That's how people got Onision's court dates and lawbreaking records. Other countries idk.
>>385904I can't imagine this being a problem but if they are looking, but if your name/email isnt written anywhere on the webpage anymore, they probably wont find it.
No. 385923
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>>385504Your happiness is my happiness!
The fact you can actually function in life now and not have to sell an organ to do so is all I need to know.
Plus it's important just making people aware of near monopoly corporations like that. If enough people are aware and buy somewhere else they have to make a change to their prices. Or ideally they go bankrupt and all of their CEOs/elites die of starvation but that's different story for a different day.
No. 386593
>>386566I always wonder about this: many people say that short women and especially asians are tighter, so is it true that the taller you are the more loose you feel down there?
Do I need to add another item to the "why it's shitty to be a giantess"-list?
No. 386615
>>386593I don't think height has much to do with it.
I'm not short (or tall…5'6") and have been able to orgasm from a single finger before. Preference is probably just due to a combo of placement of g-spot and canal length.
The answer to your op (are girls lying about preferring smaller weens?) is that everyone is different. Some women will never feel pleasure from ANY vaginal, let alone come from it. Not a satisfying black and white answer but that's how it is.
No. 386657
>>385394Have a stock answer anon. Push yourself to say "i didn't know that thanks" as a reaction instead and remind yourself what
>>385490 said. It'll become habit over time.
This is a great way to deal with condescending assholes too.
No. 386731
>>386715That's Fashion Forward! I spent a fair bit of time on that too but I wasn't a big fan of the real time clock system haha. I haven't heard of fab style actually, so thank you!! It looks great and I'm going to look into it!
But yeah, I wish they had a romance part too, doesn't seem impossible what with all the customers talking about dates and boyfriends, so kinda weird they didn't implement it. Ah well.
No. 386916
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Why did Vizvie give a man titties? It looks dumb and weird. I know it is not really titties but it is still basically titties.
No. 386937
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I'm happy she's still poopin
No. 386980
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I swear to god who the fuck approved of this article
No. 386982
A family revelation I just discovered that isn't really a rant or anything but I have to tell someone, even though I've kind of been told not to, so here goes:
For the past 7 years I have been told that my stepdad was a serial cheater. This is still true, but also a very very vague version of the real story.
I just recently moved back in with my mum and stepdad. Last night, my mum came across a pair of lingerie underwear in the bathroom. She asked me if they were mine and I said they weren't, the size was far too big. She gave me this very cold look and said "okay, thank you", and then I heard them rowing in the living room, and my mum calling him a liar repeatedly. I presumed as we'd all been out that day he'd probably had a woman over who'd used the shower and left them.
So my mum again talked to me this morning after a very tense night. She asked me if I had any questions, but I presumed I knew everything that I needed to or that she did so I said not really, it's easy to piece together.
I was so so wrong.
The next twenty minutes were spent with my mum telling me that, since he was 18, my stepdad has been involved in a kink community where he prostitutes himself out to others dressed in lingerie. My mum found this out 5 years into their marriage and they went to couple's counselling for a while, and he did it again in 2014, and then now it seems he's doing it again. This is FAR more shocking as he is a director of a very big company in the building industry and he comes across as your typical well-spoken business guy. I also would have really preferred to know the other story, but I was younger when it last happened and now I'm 21 I'm considered mature enough to know the size my stepdad wears in women's underwear.
Still don't know if they're going to divorce but this was a lot of information to process in one day.
No. 387256
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i am so triggered by the way this chick is pointing her feet, like she's crunching her toes instead of elongating them and it looks so bad and wrong
No. 387265
>>387256Non dancer anon here
Wtf do people that dance mean by pointing your feet?
No. 387486
>>387443a lil bit of
nonnie by my side
No. 387641
>>387486Wait, why is
nonnie in red? Did the word upset some anons a few threads ago or something?
No. 387643
>>387641What the fuck is a
No. 387646
triggers me personally because on other anon sites (not lc) it's either infantilizing or passive aggressive af, like calling someone sweetie in an argument. It might be a knee jerk reaction at this point and I don't know why it's in red but I'm glad it is.
No. 387940
>>387926Wouldn't be surprised. But if her stories are legit, she must get off on being a bad person and us telling her how trash she is.
In any case, the way she posts about it so often is attention whoring and we shouldn't respond. Probably shouldn't discuss it like this either but eh.
No. 387959
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I don't feel bad about having brown eyes anymore, brown eyes aren't really ugly at all. They're just common. Since cats mostly have green eyes, when they have brown eyes it really stands out!
No. 387961
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any crafty anons here ? I want to start making UV Resin stuff but I have no idea which lamp to get. Heard that torches weren't strong enough to cure properly, but for a big one, I have no idea what to get. Should it be a 36W one ? 48W, 72W ? pls halp
No. 387969
>>387967I have never heard anyone with brown eyes get complimented on their color, while blue and green seem to get them all the time.
I used to really hate mine for being so basic and boring.
No. 387970
>>387969brown eyes are cool! particularly when the light hits them.
the general idea of someone being insecure about their eye color is so weird to me, because it's one of those areas i think it's impossible to go wrong. someone can definitely have an ugly nose or weird chin or whatever, but eyes look pretty no matter what color they are.
No. 387976
>>387959Good! Are you the og ""poop eyes"" anon?
Last time she checked in I recall her really working through it…
>>387969For real? I've had mine called doe eyes before (because they're kind of round and down turned) and warm or like chocolate. Because they're super dark I've had them called cool for being almost black too lmao.
Might be because I live in a place with a higher concentration of blue eyed white people though. Regardless, I agree with
>>387970 I'd never heard of insecurity over eye colour until lolcow.
No. 387980
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You can't even read the title
No. 387981
>>387967Different anon. I live in a country where blue/grey/green eyes are quite common and I grew up hearing people call brown eyes boring and ugly and only blue/grey/green beautiful. Kids at school sometimes called them "poo-colored" and I'd get in fights with them because I'd insist they were chocolate instead lol
The closest thing I ever get to a compliment on my eye color is when people ask if I have some ~exotic~ immigrant ancestry because full native/white people apparently can't have brown eyes. It gets really weird when they keep insisting on it, though. No I don't have any mysterious windchimes in my backyard tyvm.
No. 387996
>>387983I've never seen this.
I've seen a lot of brown-eyed people insult light-eyed people for no real reason though. Saying stuff like "Light eyes look mean" or comparing light-eyed people to lizards.
It's all unnecessary to be honest.
No. 387998
>>387996i've seen both but i get the impression it comed from two different places.
blue/green eyed people insulting brown eyes: a feeling of superiority and like they really are better than brown eyed people.
brown eyed people insulting blue/green eyes: a feeling of intense jealousy and inferiority and like they need to drag down people with the eye color they're jealous of to make themselves feel better.
that's just the impression i get when i see either thing happening. both jealous and pride are very easily identifiable emotions, even online.
No. 388006
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>>388000This weirdly reminds me of how XiaXue always says her son has "storm gray eyes" because he's half-white even though she has brown eyes, her husband has brown eyes, and their son has brown eyes.
No. 388011
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>>388000That's fucking stupid. If you both had brown eyes and you had a blue-eyed child, that's fishy, but there's nothing abnormal about blxbr having a bl child.
>>387996Usually men who like darker women or darker women, lol. I have very pale blue eyes (my one redeeming feature) and I was complimented in the vicinity of my black "friend" and she immediately invalidated me by saying "idk they're pretty plain to me". It's always in extremes. Either darker-eyed people fawn over them or are contemptuous. My eyes are the furthest thing from conventionally boring and because the rest of me is so ugly you brown eyed beasts won't take that away from me
No. 388012
>>388011I have standard blue eyes, nothing exceptional but not bad either. I've had a similar experience to you, brown eyed people going "Your eyes are so watery and gross" or "People with blue eyes don't seem fully human."
I don't think they realize how insecure it makes them seem.
No. 388016
>>387996If you've honestly never seen this, not even IRL, literally try making a thread or post anywhere saying "Brown eye appreciation", and then some of the first few replies will be "[something something] shit-eye, shitskin, ugly, boring", lmao.
I feel like part of it is insecurity around wanting to maintain at least having the "best" eye color. I personally think all eye colors can be beautiful (though the rest of the face is more important - light eyes upgrade an already pretty face because they're striking, while dark eyes add warmth and often look very cute/doll-like, especially when the person has wide eyes and thick eyelashes), and it looks stupid coming down on someone over eye color, of all things.
No. 388018
>>387976>>387970I also have brown/black eyes and even if i look straight into the sun they don't get that super cute light color you just see a bit more brown.
I always felt like having dark brown eyes and hair while being white was a waste lol
I never got insulted for them or anything, but all my friends had blue or green eyes, and most celebs i looked up to as a kid also had light eyes so i guess that's where the insecurity came from. It doesn't help that light eyes get praised more and described better in books, songs etc.
No. 388020
>>388017No one actually attacks blue eyes (except jealous people), or compares them to shit or calls people "shitskins" when they see them, anon. At most, they get "oh they look so cold and scary, no warmth".
This is such a false equivalence, kek.
No. 388022
>>388020I've never ever seen someone called brown eyed people "shitskins." What are you even talking about right now? Brown eyed white people are incredibly common, it's not like brown eyes are unique to brown-skinned people.
People call brown eyes boring, people call blue eyes creepy, people call green eyes overrated. You sound really mad, and it's over eye color of all things.
No. 388023
>>388022I'm…really not seeing how I sound mad, especially when I pointed out all eye colors are pretty to begin with. I just pointed out how some people seem to get salty over brown eyes being called nice. I think you might be projecting just a tiny bit.
I've also never heard of anyone calling green eyes overrated, they're actually one of the rarest eye colors IIRC.
No. 388025
>>388024This is the first time I've mentioned eye color on LC, but it sure looks like you've had this argument before.
I didn't know this was a
trigger for farmers, I'll step out lol.
No. 388026
>>388025Couple of months ago an OT thread had a big fight about eye colors and whether blue eyes are disgusting and inhuman or not. Culminated in some anon claiming that whenever she said "I like my brown eyes" blue eyed people would surround her and start chanting racial slurs at her, particularly "shitskin."
It stuck in my mind because it was an over the top lie.
Anyway LC is crazy about eye color for some reason.
No. 388032
>>388028I don't really get it. If someone said my eyes reminded them of a ghost or a lizard or something, I'd probably be flattered, like a spooky/ethereal, cold, piercing kind of beauty.
It's better than being called poop-eyes for sure. Grass is greener, I guess.
No. 388036
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So I think I really need help with this one. I have a job interview tomorrow (applied yesterday lol) and I'm not sure what to say about why I got fired on my last job.
Esentially it all boiled down to them thinking I'm too antisocial. I have a resting bitch face and I always try to smile when someone is around but sometimes I don't because I'm too invested into something. I also came earlier back from lunch break (30min break, came back after 20min) to continue work, make personal calls (doctors etc), fix my makeup or take meds so I wouldn't have to do it after the break, which is rude. Most of my coworkers were older than me so I didn't have much in common with them but liked listening to what they had to say due to having more experience. Add to all that social awkwardness I can see how it would be percieved wrong.
The whole situation was a mess from the start - they educated me wrong, my supervisior was a bitch to everyone, we were more than understaffed and other random shit.
So… do I just lie or make up a generic excuse?
No. 388039
>>388036I'd personally just lie. If you explain that it was just a misunderstanding, they might think "She has no social skills, bad for the job" or "She must've done something very rude that she's leaving out of this story to get outright
fired" and not hire you.
No. 388040
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>>388026LC is crazy about any features because a lot of people here are very insecure
Farmers here obsess over really mundane things…
>>388036I agree with the previous anon, lying is probably the way to go. Good Luck anon!
No. 388041
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>someone mentions eye or hair color
>pic related happens
Wars over skin colors are not allowed - why is this allowed?
No. 388307
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>tfw no femboy bf
>tfw no butch gf
No. 388336
>>387162same anon, same…
I'm just 20 though but I've mostly had guy friends as a teen and now that my interests have shifted I feel like I missed out
I'd still be up for it but making new friends is harder the older you get
No. 388338
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I am in a committee hearing right now and people are packed into here like sardines. My stomach is growling so loudly. Not just loud either, the growls are long and drawn-out. Why can't I be a normal person, I'm literally a freak
No. 388380
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/r/redpillwomen is a wild ride.
No. 388408
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>>388397Also why would you condition yourself to be turned on by using a teddybear?
No. 388413
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i work at my city's pound and i am always so happy when we get kittens because i LOVE kittens. i love puppies too but kittens are something else. i like talking to them and being around them. they're so cute. when they meow their soft meow it's like a shot to the heart. they're little sweet faces, ears and paws give me maternal feelings that i have never felt for a baby (it's just not my thing). when we have kittens it makes my day 1000% better. i like to go in after my bosses leave and give them lots of kisses and hold them until they fall asleep
No. 388419
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>>388380I guess she has a stank fetish? Lmao.
No. 388510
>>388508>Are you considering Kiki to actually be a farmer? Your original point was that 4chan
the website is not good for you and you used the presence of gore and CP to support your argument, moron.
No. 388529
>>388497op here, i only ever use the tame threads in /cgl/, sometimes /po/ (the origami board, not pol). i avoid the hellish ones like the plague so i've never come across any bad images and i stopped visiting the
toxic threads on cgl after i realised they made me feel like shit. i'm a legit user so i'm a little miffed i can't visit the site, but it's fair enough they blocked it. i understand.
No. 388544
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Pic related, me and myself examining my shitty ex's pitiful scrambles for (You)s after I leave him on read upon realizing he was always a waste of my time.
No. 388547
>>388536No matter how many times I clarify that the conversation wasn't even about the userbases you just keep bringing it up, huh? If I open up a website and gore is plastered all over my screen why would the identity of the person responsible for posting it change the fact that I'm having a bad time?
That being said, unless you're exclusively visit /b/ and /pol/ I don't understand how you'd come across gore all the time.
>This post is u
No. 388582
I'm not into witchcraft, but I found this. It doesn't seem to fit the pink pill or GC threads, but I'd still like to share with farmers because I thought it was food for thought:
>“It was witches who developed an extensive understanding of bones and muscles, herbs and drugs, while physicians were still deriving their prognoses from astrology and alchemists were trying to turn lead into gold. So great was the witches’ knowledge that in 1527, Paracelsus, considered the ‘father of modern medicine,’ burned his text on pharmaceuticals, confessing that he ‘had learned from the Sorceress all he knew.’”From Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English, Witches, Midwives, and Nurses - A History of Women Healers (1973)
PDF: will always try to downplay or outright erase women's achievements and contributions in societies, and history will always prove them wrong.
No. 388592
Speaking of access, for some real reason I can't reach lolcow using either my mobile data or most public wifi such as the free wifi on my bus. I wouldn't mind except I can usually access 4chan so the hypocrisy annoys me. Once I even sat and opened all the worst sites I could think of, I'm probably on a list after that, but now I'm wondering if it's maybe more about the security of lolcow than the content itself. Either way it's a pain in the ass.
>>388487Has Australia done this before? Seems Orwellian. After this 4chan will get a wave of Australian activity from people remembering it exists, or even discovering it, after it being mentioned on the news. Glad it's not lolcow.
No. 388605
i'm pretty fucked up in my feels tonight and i read this, idk, i liked it.
You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
For a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about your despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting –
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.
No. 388727
>>388723I mean I at least think I would have a memory of forcing my naked butthole on my sisters face if that ever happened??? I have some vague memory of making her smell my fart or stupid kiddy shit like that, but, like, I really have hard time comprehending how making your sibling smell your ass/fart counts as sexual abuse. We have suffered from legitimate abuse, and that's how I originally found her account by recognizing the things she wrote being about our family, but sometimes she has posted things that have actually happened to me as her own experiences and stuff like that.
I mean I kinda get it if she has some need for attention (she was heavily neglected as a child) or if she's the kind of person who feels she hasn't suffered "enough" so she does stuff like this to feel like she can view herself as properly traumatized, but it's like, we suffered from legit abuse and have every reason to consider ourselves traumatized without her having to use my experiences as her own and so on, but idk.
No. 388755
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>>374901Lucky for you if you still here he cloned himself
No. 388899
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I've been playing Soul Calibur online and I hate that I'm not good at it. I keep getting my ass kicked.
No. 388960
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If Jeffrey Star, with all his riches is aging THAT bad I really do have no hope.
No. 388973
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>>388970That would make a lot of sense, it might also be that he is pretty skinny. Even though his skin is very clear, he just like he is in his 50s to me, when apparently he is only 33.
No. 388978
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My SIL is very active on Instagram, posting once or twice a day every single day. She uses 10-30 hashtags per post and created a personal hashtag for herself and another one for her cat. All her posts are awkward selfies, photos of her cat or pics of random shit she found in the street. She currently has 11 followers and gets 3-4 likes per post, from her mom, her aunt, her roommate and I. Occasionally her mom, aunt or I leave a comment but she rarely acknowledges them.
I’m completely baffled as to what she gets out of this. She’s in her 30’s and has been at it for almost five years. It doesn’t seem to be a way for her to keep in contact with friends and family since she doesn’t really interact with anyone, and if she were trying to build a following for validation or clout or whatever it’s very obviously not working. Most of the time I only like her posts out of a sense of obligation. It may sound harsh, but I don’t think anyone cares about her face, her cat or the view from her balcony enough to want to see them on their feed every day. Does she really just enjoy uploading random pics with practically no feedback? I don’t get it.
No. 388979
>>388970>>388973>>388975His diet is basically 100% sugar and he proudly admits it. Scarce vegetables. That is why he is ageing like garbage. if you can't be fucked googling.
No. 388981
>>388980I think it's funny.
I get the image they're looking for, I had a couple family members who were basically cholas in the 90s, but it's definitely really stripped down.
No. 389001
>>388890Fuck man, I had been on 4chan from 2005-2012, left for about 1.5 years and I still went back.
It has gotten more cancerous just due to it's popularity, but I always get so confused when people get nostalgic over the early days.
The early days were full of obnoxious, shit for brains SAgoons that tripfagged like crazy, emojis included. Sure, there was a bit more focus on varied OC (instead of just remaking whatever pepe/wojak for the 100th time) and people tended to use Photoshop more, but 4chan was still as hateful and spiteful as it is today. Raids were common, blasted all over the news as the "internet hate machine", murderers and terrorists always posted their plans on there, anonymous was constantly DDOSing whichever sites they felt needed it etc.
I suppose if anything, it's gotten overall more politically charged because it brings in more users, which Hiroyuki allows because it means he has more user data to harvest and sell.
The reason why I keep coming back and to LC is because I can't participate in non-anonymous discussions anymore. Everything else just feels so faked or biased with WHO is posting rather than WHAT is being posted. In a way, I've been spoiled by being able to discuss almost all of my feelings and thoughts anonymously my entire life.
No. 389059
>>388973Unpopular opinion: People who get plastic surgeries and fillers on the face look older because it's obvious they're trying to convince others they're younger.
Never met a plastic surgery client who didn't look their age, just "smoother."
No. 389540
>>389529Oh it's embarrassing, but V from Devil May Cry 5 is a big one right now. I don't know what it is but I don't even really find him super physically attractive, I just want him to fuck me so badly lol.
The other boys from the series are husbandos too but V is a new character so I'm all hot n bothered cause of the newness I s'pose.
No. 389607
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>>389571Why are you embarassed? It's not like you wanna fuck some ugly troll from WoW or something.
I'd sit on V's face anyday No. 389697
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>>389571But V's full name is (V)alid Husbando
No. 389702
>>389067He's really old and very sick. He can't even get up without help and his hands tremble every time he tries to pick something up…so it really isnt a danger.
Thanks for worrying tho! I would be suspicious of the situation as well just from reading my post but he's just too physicly weak.
No. 389895
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>>389697I fucking loved V. I loved the twist and i dont even feel bad because
Vergil was already my husbando since DMC
3 No. 389910
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I was just browsing this stupid site where you can rate how much people look like celebs. Its really old and was clearly around in the myspace days. I was looking at people who think they look like Gwen Stefani, and Stevie Ryan is on there. She posted it before she was famous. She never got super famous or anything but I found it interesting personally.
No. 391401
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My fave insta girls are now pushing laxative tea.
Amazing, I mean at least they get paid but this shit is horrible for your system
On the bright side I found a vegan protein that doesn’t have any milk solids or any fillers… I’m so fucking happy bc I don’t get any bloat
No. 398837
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Well what would you do ?