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No. 2457739
A thread for the daft, the dim, the silly and the merely confused.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/2437966Please follow all global rules and remember to report and ignore bait: avoid infighting.
If you want to ask random questions and hear other anons’ personal answers, check out the Random Questions thread instead. This thread is more for asking silly questions and getting concrete answers.
Random Questions thread:
>>>/ot/2361589 No. 2457822
>>2457791if you have an insecurity and it fixes it, like dark under eyes, thin lips or short lashes, then the makeup will give you euphoria. And you might feel a slight sadness that you don't look that way naturally. But as for it becoming an addiction? That's not going to happen. Because the process of putting it on, and taking it off is so tedious that you'll be repelled most of the time to restart the process even if you enjoy the results. Sort of like a runner's high, or endorphins from going to the gym. Yes you'll feel euphoria from doing it but it's not strong enough to keep you hooked on it if you're a lazy person. Addictions come from quicky and easy to achieve highs, not so much labourous tasks. Especially since the feel of makeup on the skin is so suffocating, which makes the euphoria a brief excitement. It's most fun to wear to take photos, or just for sort events like clubbing in the evening, or group-outings. Where you can come home after a few short hours. But the irritation of feeling it on your skin will grate you if you wear it an extended time too. Plus the relief from washing it off is it's own intense euphoria. Take that from me who was raised on beauty guru youtube, but I still spend most of my year makeup-free despite having a 5 story shelf of makeup products sitting on my desk. It's like how you treated toys as a child, super fun before you got so used to it you grew bored.
No. 2457873
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Can men train themselves to have multiple orgasms?
No. 2458180
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I always wondered, why do the Steam community forums allow you to ask questions and post walkthroughs of games that aren't even available on Steam?
Don't get me wrong, it doesn't bother me, it's useful sometimes. But why?
No. 2458186
>>2458163I think it's a combination of the tech getting more advanced and streamlined, countries banning irl casinos and their promos, and non-stop advertising.
t. work in that field
No. 2458199
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I’m sorry if this is really too stupid but where do nonnas watch free anime these days? I recently finished Death Note and wanted to watch older animes again like. Vampire Knight and Rozen Maiden. I’m not a burger though and it’s ok if it dub because most of the time I’m multitasking anyways
No. 2458204
>>2458199Torrent on nyaa
Hianime for when I'm too lazy to download or if it's spur of the moment
Look up Plex too
No. 2458393
>>2458360How do you know she was threatened by you, or that it automatically becomes super tense (and not that
you are just tense) when she's around? Also how do you know she's flirting with the moid? What does she say? It honestly sounds like you're the one threatened by her nona.
No. 2458525
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Can I get dried blood out of a white duvet? I washed it in the washing machine but I think I just made the blood stick to the fabric harder
No. 2458603
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How many times should I forgive someone who has basically "betrayed" me nonas?
No. 2458615
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>>2458613I do. I just wanted to hear it from another anon, ty
No. 2459266
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Is Japan actually a heaven on the earth?
No. 2459329
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Would this comic be considered “millennial”? Or just attracts very specific types of people that exist in most generations?
No. 2459367
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>>2459329Definitely very unfunny millennial "humor" which is mostly cringe. Only super old people would find this funny, like age 25 or above. I remade the comic to be way more hilarious and hip with the times. My comic is probably 3 to 4 times more funny then the original cringe millennial slop.
No. 2459385
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>>2459167tfw thou are wont to run in the treadwheel but thine castle wall’s merlons are completed.
No. 2459495
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>>2459375>>2459376Zoomers also smoke less cigarettes than previous generations (not a surprise) but apparently millennials both vape and smoke weed more than zoomers lol.
>vaping>weed No. 2459838
this sport seems to be quite physically demanding, how come she doesn't lose any weight, and it's in fact not even slightly chubby but overweight?
No. 2459850
>>2459828Write about deep sea creatures
>>2459847Maybe she records some videos from time to time but otherwise remains inactive? I suppose she learned most of her techniques at a young age and
then gained weight later in her life
No. 2459890
>>2459269Anime is mainstream now. I saw a lot of normie female tourists during the last trip to Japan.
>>2459466I traveled to Japan 3 times and never felt unsafe at any time, even at night.
No. 2459939
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>>2459266Reminds me of this lmao
No. 2460004
>>2459997The simplest root of it? Gays hate women and lesbians are women. Their entire personality is a rip off of women after all, gays wouldn't even have shit without lesbians and they act like it's vice versa. They're jealous women can get men easily (because their fag minds are even more malecentric than straight moids) and not have to risk it with STD-ridden hookups from Grindr in crackhead alleyways. So lesbians are an anomaly they really don't understand, don't fit into their snowflake worldview. It's a combination of all these factors. Meanwhile, average "bihet" is just mad lesbians keep pushing her out the door to their spaces because she only dates moids.
Idk, I'm talking out of my ass probably though.
No. 2460296
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is she sucking in her stomach? she was 31 here
No. 2460298
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No. 2460705
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Forgive me for asking this question, but I must.
is coercion rape? If it is considered to be a form of rape, what would be considered coercion in rape? Is it pressuring someone into having sex? Or is it really coercion if blackmail or life threat is involved?
No. 2460779
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Why does it bother nobody that none of the climate propaganda stuff from the 2000s came true?
I remember watching this in school and New York was supposed to be underwater, the ice was supposed to have all disappeared off Mount Fiji in ten years. It was all supposed to have happened but none of it did.
Yet shit's still going the same and they've shifted the apocalypse further down the road.
I feel resentful because being 13 years old and being made to watch the movie, it gave me a bit of anxiety about the future. I feel cheated.
No. 2460786
>>2460779To be fair to them, I think a lot of the overly dramatic imagery and timelines used in movies and speeches about climate change at the time like this were basically them using the most pessimistic predictions to spread awareness and fire people up about climate change, because our policies were not (and still are not) moving fast enough to combat it. A lot of predictions have come true, like the global temperature rising past 2.5C, carbon dioxide levels at an all time high, more intense hurricanes. I don't know about you but the climate in my area is definitely changing, just very slowly. The big flashy changes like NY and Florida underwater, acid rain filling the skies etc, it seems like they were just scare tactics, a way to try and get people to care by illustrating a consequence viscerally. I don't think it was the best tactic but I'm not a climate scientist and it's not like they could see the future anyway. That doesn't mean the climate isn't changing and it's not a huge concern, though.
No. 2460790
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>>2460779It bothers this anon. I defend reality whenever I see climate people making things up or lying about obvious things
No. 2460812
>>2460779Like other anon said, they were worst case scenario predictions, using projections based off our (then) current trajectory.
But a lot of nations committed to clean energy projects, anti-pollution laws, and legislation controlling emissions! And that helped slow down climate related disasters. Depending on how old you are, you might remember a lot of talk about the hole in our ozone layer. It was going to be pretty devastating. Well, due to a lot of work put in to reduce the production of chemicals contributing to it, the hole is not getting any bigger, and is starting to close up.
It's pretty cool having evidence that climate activists were able to achieve their goals, it helps combat doomerism.
No. 2460957
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What does this mean?
No. 2460982
>>2460779Because vast majority of people with an opinion on environment are either "it's all lies" or "apocalypse is tomorrow".
Climate doomsayers are lying and doing damage to their movement.
>>2460812The predictions were just wrong. We did nothing to combat greenhouse gas emissions, outside of the dip in 2009 and 2020 caused by economic recession, our GHG emissions are constantly growing.
Why do people have to mix up all the environmental stuff in one big group? They're unrelated issues and often fixing one would exacerbate the other.
Ozone hole has nothing to do with global warming and climate activists. We fixed the ozone hole problem because we had replacements for CFCs and HCFCs which weren't significantly more expensive. These replacements though have a huge greenhouse effect. So fixing the ozone hole made global warming worse.
No. 2460990
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>>2460986I like your theory nona
No. 2461075
>>2461065It's better if you don't know (it means: Dom daddy and little girl) it's basically incest pedo roleplay where the woman in the relationship roleplays a
Little girl and the man her fathe…
No. 2461076
>>2461065It's better if you don't know (it means: Dom daddy and little girl) it's basically incest pedo roleplay where the woman in the relationship roleplays a
Little girl and the man her fathe…
No. 2461636
>>2461610Girl, this boy knows what he is doing and is 100% taking advantage of your timidity. My mom was a teacher and no way in hell would any of her kids had just walked to up her and hugged her like that, she had them check. Anyway, you are not responsible for his mental health. He has parents and, a counselor, that's their problem.
Just stiff arm his pervert ass whenever he tries to come in for a hug. Also, talk to your mentor or principal or counselor or friend whoever can you give you some decent advice on standing up for yourself.
No. 2461645
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I’m 20 and have a loose grip on reality. What are some early signs of schizophrenia? Internet is kind of vague about it from what I’m seeing when I search? Like it could apply to anyone going through shit. But I hear typical onset for women is around early twenties to early thirties.
>Inb4 just go see a therapist lulI know… I just don’t even think I have crazy warning signs now, I’m mostly just kind of curious
>>2461590Funny, I was just stalking this girl and was wondering that. Videos like this make me realise they’re just modern pickmes and a couple decades ago they’d be doing something else quirky for male attention. They think it makes them any different from any of the other “whores”. Sad. They especially love to larp as “amab” too, it’s like a fetish or something I swear. It’s funny that a lot of naturally uberfeminine women like this go the route (by stalking/prior experiences with others I can kinda tell she’s coming off of testosterone + ED and yet she still looks this feminine) and I’m kind of assuming a bit of drug use too, their heads are genuinely fucked up.
I unfortunately find her and others super cute and it kills that me they go this far for male validation, especially the “tomboys” (not her) - there are more that cater to men than ones that like women kek (link won’t embed for some reason)
No. 2462096
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How do i donate to this site? Ovarit closing down made me kinda worry about this site meeting the same fate. I dont even use this place for milk anymore, i just need one place where scrotes are banned and i can hate on them freely.
No. 2462116
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Nonnas who use a period tracker app, which do you use? I’m looking for one that is preferably not burger based. Please don’t say LaDs.
No. 2462202
>>2462116mine is called P.C.
t. not a burger
No. 2462210
>>2462180Yes, it is possible. Damage in the Wernike's area.
>In the classical Wernicke-Lichtheim-Geschwind model of the neurobiology of language, Broca's area is crucial for language production, Wernicke's area subserves language comprehension, and the information exchange between these areas (such as in reading aloud) is done via the arcuate fasciculus.The causes may be: hitting her head in childhood (which is reversible for the most part), brain cancer or a stroke.
Maybe just an extremely lazy dyslexic (but then she'd have issues with non-italic text too, no?). Maybe she is just autistic, or has OCD, who knows?
Anyway, here is a video of a severe case of what she might have.
No. 2462313
>>2462287There’s a fine threshold. It’s either:
>scrote who knows he’s handsome and sleeps with everything that movesCommunity dick, only good for fucking
>scrote who’s mostly aware of his looks, has always been handsome, but wants something genuineSuper rare, but very sweet when you encounter it. A nice experience I wish on every nonna.
>ex fattie who started going to the gym and who is still insecure and fucks anything that movesWill cheat on you
No. 2462354
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>>2462116drip. i use it becase your data is locally saved.
No. 2463199
nonny same. Whenever i go to mcd and see a bunch of teens eating together it makes me deeply jealous because i never got to experience that in hs. I missed out on being cringe and free and it haunts me.
No. 2463210
>>2463199I have horrible OCD probably because all i do all day is scroll on my phone daydreaming and shower every 5 days but i can't stop because i simply don't want to be an adult and not interested in the things real life has to offer. I live in a gross 3rd world country with nothing to do.
If i somehow manage my illness, by the time im done im gonna be like 30 and never experience dressing like teenagers and doing fun things because everyone is trying to get married or whatever.
OCD > caused by excessive phone use and maladptive daydreaming > can't quit maladaptive daydreaming because i don't like reality
Am i autistic?
No. 2463215
>>2463210>thirdie>wastes life away daydreaming>arrested development>23wtf
nonnie are you me? seriously, we have so much in common. What thirdie shithole are you from? if you say argentina i am going to find it and we are going to become autistic loser besties.
No. 2463263
>>2463242I hope this doesn't sound judgemental but that sounds sad. I understand it's not your fault, your circumstances seem to be holding you back a lot. You mentioned fear of looking for mental health treatment due to feeling like it will be lost time. If you have access to it I really think you should try it. I'm in my 30s, also a thirdie, also hated myself and felt like an empty shell of a person. Started treatment at your exact age. The journey was hard but very rewarding. Building the person you want to be through dedication, discovering the good parts of yourself you were never able to see, realizing who you are and how capable you are is amazing. It's not lost time, it's an investment into your long term happiness. 23 is young, 30 is young. You missed out on some experiences, so did I, but these things don't create an emptiness, you still lived during that time, your experiences were just different. Your introspection and daydreaming were still experiences and they can be valuable if you invest in working with them instead of resenting them.
No. 2463305
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>>2462823I pronounce it the same as husband but with an o at the end. But if we're going for a Japanese pronunciation, then according to a dictionary I'm using, it's hazubando. Vidrel.
No. 2463458
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Is the person on the lefts anatomy super off or am I tripping
No. 2463474
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>>2463458og image. I think they have fucked with it somehow.
No. 2463490
>>2463458Yes. Someone used
>>2463474 as a reference for a painting and distorted the black lady's trapezius muscle, so now she looks like some kind of weird llama creature.
No. 2463536
>>2463309Im not interested in dating with lesbians and bisexuals. I want to be nurtured, i dont want to deal with it alone
>>2463460Yeah but as a romantic relationship
No. 2463557
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Does anyone have any recommendation for manga and or artists who use a similar style of drawing characters like Hideo Azuma in Disappearance Diary? Something chibi-ish and simplistic but still detailed?
No. 2463565
>>2463563Ah, cheers
No. 2463574
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i saw this sign for the first time in my life today, and apparently it's a roundabout sign? why the fuck does it look like that?
No. 2463579
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>>2463574Different roads with the roundabout centerpiece?
No. 2463790
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Am I a freak for liking these shoes?
No. 2463873
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My friend is coming over this saturday to celebrate my husbando's bday and spend the night. What should we watch?
>kill bill
>silence of the lambs
>dr strangelove
The menu is burger king burger + snack box with onion rings, fries and chicken wings. I accept movie recommendations too, we both really like Martin Scorsese, Park Chan Wok and Wong Kar-wai.
No. 2463891
>>2463873>the menuReally going all out I see.
But the obvious and correct answer is Strangelove
No. 2464517
>>2464371Feminine doesn’t equal woman and masculine doesn’t equal man. This is annoying.
If you pick a random person they’ll posses both attributes, which are attributed arbitrarily, there’s no reason why confidence or being outspoken should be masculine while being nurturing and kind feminine.
It’s retarded.
No. 2464523
>>2464358Pretty sure I know what post you're talking about. This is just natural, of course straight women like the good qualities associated with men. It's only whiny loser men who claim otherwise and that women only want shitheads who abuse them and hate nice guys ("like them"). They refuse to realize they need to improve themselves if they want women to like them.
>>2464497>i find masculinity to be strongly tied with insecurity. A man who thinks nail polish is ughh ickky gayyy just tells me he is deeply misogynistic and insecureIt's not a positive masculine trait to be insecure, so you just kinda confirm the theory. I think the kind of gymcel bros you mentioned are part of the "nice guys" who are less masculine than they think. They don't realize that them being insecure little worms afraid of some natural female body hair is an instant turn off to women. The performed masculinity, or what those gymbros THINK is masculinity, is not the real masculinity that's being discussed. It's what women find masculine and attractive - features those men lack.
>>2464487The post wasn't really about physical features though. A man can absolutely be masculine while slim and beardless, same as a man can still be non-masculine while fit and bearded (just think of gay men)
No. 2464553
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>>2464551LOL Culver’s is just a fast food restaurant but kind of more luxurious
No. 2464571
>>2464562NTA but for masculinity to be just insecurity (fear or rejection of being feminine) of feminity, then we assume that feminity is innate or given. Then we assume femininity is the default state, which masculinity, according to you, must reject to exist.
Maybe I'm just thinking too much about it. But doesn't make sense to me.
No. 2464606
>>2464604>Your evidence is a video from a shithole where they're wildly more misogynistic and less civilized and some other bullshit.and 90% of crimes being commited by men
> It's not like I can prove there are guys that are still empathetic but still have confidence in a "masculine" way that probably exist besides the jackasses you encountered.if they existed you could prove it lol. But whatever keep trying to find your nigel unicorn thats both empathetic but abides by all the masculine rules of moids like andrew tate. They totes exist!!
No. 2464613
>>2464604>Your evidence is a video from a shithole where they're wildly more misogynistic and less civilized and some other bullshitSo because it's not from wherever you're from it's less real?
>>2464608The problem is that you simply can't tell. Plenty of evil men caught everyone off guard because of how good and decent they acted in their "normal" (fake) life. Serial killers, abusers, rapists, there are always people close to them who never would have believed their friend/brother/boyfriend/husband/father was capable of commiting the atrocities they did.
No. 2464617
>>2464613I'm saying there's obviously a cultural difference. Shitholes are more misogynistic.
>>2464613This is getting off-topic. Anon was basically saying guys that are more feminine are better, that masculinity is the rejection of femininity, and masculine guys are only masculine because of insecurity.
No. 2464619
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>>2464497>A man who thinks nail polish is ughh ickky gayyy you the type of retard to get played by picrel
No. 2464655
>>2464641Kids will bully anybody for anything. They're not really the best litmus test to use. I think some anons here really are hikkineet losers that don't interact with the world or socialize, so they have all these crazy misconceptions about society based on the fake shit they see online. That's why so many discussions here are so pointless. At my gym a lot of the moids that work out there have longer hair. Nobody really gives a fuck about long hair, at least in my country. I thought people stopped giving a fuck about hairstyles after the 1960s.
If your current boyfriend is getting "bullied" as an adult by teachers then he should stop being a retard and go report that to the superiors. People who willingly allow themselves to be bullied as adults are usually very stupid, lazy, and conflict-adverse.
No. 2464658
>>2464358The trendy social defitions of masculinity and femininity are made up. I've never met a man or a woman and thought "wow they're so masculine/feminine". Maybe for sexual dimorphism, like the physical frame (bones) of a man or a woman, or very noticeable beahviours like a very hyperfeminine gay man or very hypermasculine butches but in those cases those behaviours are very specific to those types of people, women don't act like hyperfeminine men and men don't act like hypermasculine women. If i meet a assertive, confident and outspoken man i don't think he's "masculine" i just think he's a assertive, confident and outspoken man. If i meet a meek, nurturing, empathetic, sympathetic, sensitive woman i don't think she's "feminine" i just think she's those traits i mentioned. When most people call a man masculine or a woman feminine they don't even know what they're saying, they just say it to compliment them even if they both have the exact same traits. Masculinity and femininity being pushed as innate personalities like something akin to being spiritual, is a cultural psyop to further atribute and define men with "good", superiority and dominance and women with "bad", inferiority and submissiveness with women.
No. 2464663
>>2464658>When most people call a man masculine or a woman feminine they don't even know what they're sayingI don't think that's true. I think
you don't know what they're saying.
No. 2464664
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>>2464661We're just not philosophical enough to understand her super deep thoughts. She's so intelligentical and different.