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No. 757177
General containment thread for royal drama and gossip from abroad.
While the British royal family drama is most milky, you all are free to discuss other royal families from around the world as long as you have milk.
Please familiarize yourself with the rules of the board before posting if you are new to lolcow -
*Sage before posting if you do not have milk.
*ABSOLUTELY NO RACEBAIT. This is not Stormfront, Lipstick Alley, or 4chan, please take that shit somewhere else.
*NO POLITICAL BAITING/FAGGING. No one cares if you are an Amerifag/Britfag/Eurofag, where you live, or how much you hate Americans and the United States and vice versa.
*Report posts that break the rules, please do not engage with trolls or take bait. Let the farmhands do their jobs.
General Milk:
>Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, the duke and duchess of Sussex, gave a long awaited interview with Oprah in a garden somewhere in California
>Said interview of course, blows the internet up completely, causing a wave of pure autism and nation sperging as Britbongs and Burgerchans go at it on social media, to the delight of many
>British media has an absolute meltdown after the Sussexes criticise them for their relentless reporting, despite previous generations of royals and other British celebrities complaining about the UK press's cruelty for years
>Piers Morgan decides to jump into the middle of the drama for no reason other than garnering himself attention that he does not necessarily deserve, gets his ass handed to him
>Back in the UK, Prince Phillip still remains in hospital after heart surgery for an infection, the Queen remains resolutely silent as always, and Prince William and Kate have said nary a word about their brother and sister-in-law's shenanigans, probably glad to have an ocean between them for now-
No. 757201
>>757179She's been saying this since she married Harry, I remember I was in the UK in 2019 when she gave that other disastrous interview and said pretty much the same thing? I find it hard to believe she had no idea how important this family was, and how hardcore they take their image seeing how popular they in the US and Canada being a commonwealth nation.
>>757190I think Harry enjoys the attention, as usually William is the center of the universe seeing as he will be king once his father kicks the bucket and if the Queen doesn't live to be 125 kek.
No. 757206
>>757179i'm not a brit so idc but… sis shoulda known what she was marrying into. she didn't marry into some rich scrote's poshy fam, she married into a literal institution. did harry not clue her in on ANYTHING? was she too clueless to realize that yeah, she was gonna have a lot of pressure put on her and be expected to do some ridiculous but protocolar shit?
i feel for her in the sense that it must suck not to feel welcome into your new husband's family, but c'mon… you can't have your cake AND eat it too
No. 757237
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The elephant in the room in all this which I assume will always remain unspoken but must have been a conscious decision in Harry leaving is that he’s an adopted member of the royal family at best; half brother to Will, not blood related to any of the rest of them, and they all know it.
No. 757242
>>757201Harry has always been more popular than William though, hasn’t he? Well, maybe not right now.
>>757237Not really. He looks like his grandfather.
No. 757244
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>>757240It’s Di’s former lover who she was shagging around the time Harry would have been conceived and who by all accounts isn’t exactly thriving now so it’s really not in Harry’s interests to pursue a bio dad storyline for himself kek.
No. 757245
>>757242With the common people, yes, I meant more within his own family and the social circles they run in. It's always been Will this, Will that, Will's a real Windsor, Will is more handsome, on and on. Palace staff gossip a lot on British message boards and you can always spot them by how much they praise Will and deride Harry as being this troublemaker bad boy who would destroy the "institution" of Britain. He's always had this coming, but it's made ten times more awful by the fact that he married Meghan. I think no matter what happened though, he was going to leave the UK if he could and try to start a life somewhere else.
>>757244I feel like shit for laughing but top fucking kek, I do feel kind of bad for the man, he had no clue that romping around the fields of England with Diana would cause such a downfall kek. I kind of think he may be Harry's daddy but you never know.
No. 757246
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>>757241Challenge accepted.
No. 757250
>>757248I usually go to, they're the most active. A few of the other ones I used to follow are dead and/or deleted, I need to find them again.
Also the Royal Foibles blog is run by someone has some interesting discussions with people about the royals from all over Europe, but he (she?) doesn't always maintain their address so it goes offline a lot, but it's really good when it's available. I think they are staff of some family.
No. 757271
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I find drama caused by Meghan extremely enjoyable, IDK why people would be so mad at her when she's finally makes things really interesting and fun and also manages to get Royal Family hurt in some way which they deserve for being useless (at best). Go get them girl.
No. 757291
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>>757285holy fuck my sides anon
No. 757294
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>>757285This is so fucking accurate, guess this is where he was hiding all these years
No. 757302
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Kek now people on twitter are digging up Piers's old tweets to Meghan.
No. 757317
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>>757316He's been going all day since the interview came out, it is comedy gold.
No. 757360
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I know they really only shat on the institution and not the Queen herself, but I saw this meme and thought it was funny.
saged for autism
No. 757372
Why were Meghan and Harry lying the whole time?
1) She made it sound like they mentioned Archie's skin color when she was pregnant but Harry said it was 'early on' in the relationship. So what's right?
2)Another thing is what they said about Archie's lack of title wasn't true. In 1917, George V issued a royal proclamation dropping German titles for his family and outlining exactly who gets British royal titles and style: the titles “prince” and “princess” as well as the styles “Royal Highness” would be reserved for children of the monarch, children of the sons of a monarch and, finally, the eldest son of the eldest son of the Prince of Wales. That system worked until 2012, when Prince William and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, announced they were expecting their first child. With changes to the rights of succession, that baby—whether male or female—would automatically be the future monarch. Yet, if the child was a girl, she wouldn’t get a royal title, as she wasn’t the “eldest living son of the eldest son of the Prince of Wales,” as dictated by the existing rules. Queen Elizabeth II solved the problem by issuing a new Letters Patent on the last day of 2012 that bestowed royal titles and styles to all of William and Kate’s children. Thus arrived HRH Prince George in 2013, HRH Princess Charlotte in 2015 and HRH Prince Louis in 2018. But that tweak didn’t extend beyond the direct line of succession to any future children of Harry. So the rule wasn’t changed for Archie; rather, Harry’s granny didn’t issue a new Letters Patent to bestow the title of “prince” on her great-grandson. Archie is technically Earl of Dumbarton and automatically becomes a prince when his grandfather, Charles, becomes king. He was going to keep falling down the line of succession as he grew up as a private member of the royal family. (Prince Edward’s young children Louise and James, who are technically a princess and prince, don’t use those titles as they aren’t going to be working royals.)
3) She didn't google him, my ass. Regular ppl google their regular dates and we're supposed to belive that an actress on so two bit show didn't have any prior knowledge or didn't look up anything about a prince.
No. 757410
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>>757207At least they're getting shat on in the most undignified way possible. Every single person attached to a royal family deserves a bloody dilator to the face.
No. 757925
>>757700I see, so when they said they were "stepping back" from their roles, they really just meant they didn't want to have to dance and do the footwork to maintain their titles.
Hope their financial independence works out for them after they've pimped their stories and hot royal goss to the media that they've said to hate so badly.
No. 757938
>>757774You know how child stars are treated, right anon?
>>757726Say what you want about Burgerland, at least our government doesn't subsidize the Kardashians.
No. 758152
In the interview Meghan compared herself with Kate and said the worst that Kated endured was being called 'Waity Katy'. She said being rude isn't comparable with being racist. I agree with her. But what exactly did the British media do to Meghan regarding her race? Did her call her skin color ugly? What was the worst thing the British media said to Meghan?
Oh btw I googled and several people debunked Meghan's claims. The worst thing Kate has endured was a moment when she leaving her flat for work. The paparazzi called her 'bitch' 'whore' and 'slag' to get her attention. Apparently one paparazzo spit on her (I only could find comments and no article anymore but an old tumblr
William issued a statement through his aides that they should leave Kate alone. No. 758225
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>>758152I bet she never even bothered to ask Kate, or to look further than the end of her nose to make this redundant point.
>>758087This is why people love to hate her so much. She wants to live the life of an imperial princess, but she wants people to treat her like a revolutionary heroine as well, when she’s barely been in the family for five years and undertakes the easiest and most comfortable tasks in order to virtue signal. Diana went all over the world, to poverty stricken places, places with active landmines. She stuck up for aids patients, homosexuals and
victims of rape, despite people urging her not to talk about such dark things. Meghan talks about all the meany headlines that she could very easily fucking ignore. Diana put herself at risk and sacrificed her comfort, her safety, etc. THATS why she earned the title “the people’s princess”. Not just by virtue of being a certain race. Megan would never do that. Meghan can’t even fucking act. She dominates the headlines when nobody gives a fucking shit about her. But when you say that, you get accused of being a
triggered royalist. Like no, if they where literally gunned down in cold blood I wouldn’t shed a single fucking tear. It’s not my fault I focus my hate on Meghan because every few months or so she comes out with another pity-me interview.
Pic related is Harry being a ginger retard as per.
No. 758240
>>758152It was the “Straight Outta Compton” piece from when she and Harry were getting married. Also the sperging about Archie was rumored to have been mainly instigated by Carole Middleton and her brother.
Honestly though, I hate how these two women get played off each other when it is really their spoilt, entitled husbands who are the issue. They’ve both gone through some ridiculous, cruel, and asinine things for two below average dicks and William never seemed to give a damn about Kate during their long engagement, when he was running around with other women while she “waited” for him on the side. He only settled for her after other more aristocratic women told him “no”, same with Harry. The press trashed his girlfriends too, such as Chelsy Davy, who admitted she broke up with him due to the intense scrutiny of every little minutiae she did, from her clothing to her lifestyle. You would think these men were made out of gold the way people act around them.
No. 758307
>>758300I will say the Royal family had a good handle on Meghan's image around the start of her and Harry and right up until the birth of Archie. I was shocked that Meghan wasn't as articulate or as smart as I thought in her Oprah special. She came across very naive or something and the tone of her voice. It was irritating.
Yes racism is bad and that radio presenter got sacked for the monkey comments about her baby,but like the British press and media agent a hivwmind. You have people for and against the British family long before Meghan showed up. Honestly her and Harry were more upset at the press and public perception than their family. Their biggest issue is apparently security and the Palace refuses to spare resources to a couple they refused to do their duties. Meghan probably thought she was going to be Grace Kelly.
No. 758312
>>757925this is bs. there are more non-working paid royal members than working ones. currently kate and william are non-working royals as well, yet they have their titles and all their children have titles.
No that is not customary, only the monarchs great grandchilds first born son legally is entitled a title. But Elizabeth changed the rules for William and Kate, so all their children have titles. Yet They wanted to make it so that when Charles inherits, Archie still won't be a prince.
No. 758350
>>758329Google Carole Middleton - Kate's mom. She's the pimp OG long before Kris Kardashian. Early on William's and Kate's relationship there were dozens of articles how she's an opportunist but they seemed to be vanished off the internet. Now you only find glorifying articles about her. As this anon already wrote
>>758341 Carole did everything possible, so Kate would get William's attention. After both married in 2011 she tried to pimp her other 2 children with royal connections. Pippa should be a successful journalist and her brother did something with marshmallows. Both failed but Carole managed to marry off Pippa to a guy with a lot of old family money which he might get when his father dies.
No. 758381
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>>758362>>758378Charles is going to be dead before his mother and he knows it. I hope he’s seething about it.
No. 758400
>>758378Very doubtful.
>>758381Did you get lost on the way to Tattle life?
No. 758403
>>758400>>tattle lifeWhat the fuck is that?
>>758400>>very doubtfulScrotes die in their 70s all the time
No. 758435
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No. 758471
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You guys still think that Harry wants all the things Meghan wants? This bitch got her boot firmly on his dick.
No. 758479
>>758474I would usually agree with this, but this dude has severe mommy issues, his wife dresses up as his mother and gives his life a complete 180.
Maybe he is happy with her taking the reigns and telling him what to do (cause of the mommy issues), but it is a bit weird.
No. 758482
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>>758480Sorry I didn't see the rule where it said we are not allowed to make jokes and that this is a humor-free thread
No. 758488
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>>758381I hate how adorable I found this lil ol' granny
No. 758564
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Even if you ignore their history, these people are visual terrorists. There is no redeeming factor.
No. 758578
>>758564If you think that's ugly you have clearly never seen the average britfag lol
But I guess that's what generations of inbreeding do to you
No. 758580
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>>758564Kek they're always either ugly as sin or mentally ill. That's what happens when you marry your first cousin, who is also your uncle, to "keep the bloodline pure". Just be glad that the Habsburg line died out.
No. 758626
>>758564I know people are laughing at Philip, but the dude is literally almost 100 years old kek. Who is 100 and doesn’t look awful? He wasn’t hideous as a young man.
Charles was always unfortunate though.
No. 758650
>>757206I didn't watch the interview, but I read that she spent 4 months on one of the royal family's properties with no passport and no id while pregnant (?!) I would expect some ridiculous shit, but not
No. 758653
>>758626He looks really bad, even for his age. His skin is practically see through, and I have no idea what is going on with the perpetually bruised-looking under eyes. He really is out there looking like Viktor from the Underworld,
before he was resurrected kek. I bet you they don't let him walk around after dark.
No. 758659
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>>758626Imagine getting old. CRINGE!!!
No. 758660
>>758564Camilla and bottom middle are in no way ugly. Bottom middle just looks like a teenager with braces.
Americans have a much higher rate of inbreeding anyway, which spans much further into the distant future. And they don’t even have the excuse of being a deserted island for thousands of years, or the reward of amassed wealth shared between extended families, they just enjoy fucking their relatives.
Same with a lot of faggoty European countries and Middle Eastern countries; they won’t even fully outlaw it, it’s legal to fuck and marry uncles, cousins etc.
Pretty much all royal families are horridly inbred.
I will say most of the full blooded windsors are ugly as fuqqq, except princess Margaret.
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>>758669She really had some style too. I’ve always been obsessed with this picture of her.
No. 758884
>>758848She didn't. She's not smart enough to be a positive role. If she was, she wouldn't be smearing his family about it on national television, continuing the time-honored tradition of keeping royalty in the tabloid limelight. She's there to make a buck by playing the
victim. Always has, and always will be…in my opinion anyway. Narcs don't let you forgot they """helped""" you. It's always just manipulation.
Harry simply moved from one
abusive situation into another.
No. 758899
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>>758829>the kid whose had a front row shit to it allThis post sounds like it was written by Jim Lahey
No. 758910
>>758902Suit yourself. I'm not the kind of woman who infantilizes other women as being incapable of being blatantly manipulative. I said Harry is a grown man and did it to himself, but that doesn't mean miss "I never knew a single thing about the royal family! Who could've known?? Why didn't anyone educate me??" is worthy of defense. Two shit people in a shit situation they both created. I just find it funny that people like you get all twisted out of shape if a women gets criticized too much.
She's a grown ass woman, stop coddling empowered rich women. Bitch didn't have to go to Oprah and act like one of the most racist and oppressive leeches on planet earth was news to her.
And fuck Oprah too. She looked like stonehenge.
No. 758994
>>758990Agreed. Americans aren't exactly supermodels, but they're still in a comparatively better position than Britbongs.
Also, the way that anon called the photo of one of them a "mugshot", kek. At least they're starting to imagine those sleep paralysis creatures where they belong (jail), I guess.
No. 759094
File: 1615464141344.jpeg (194.25 KB, 750x492, 44F7B0D3-2E7C-43FB-AC20-BE2F0C…) this was a pretty good article.
The royal fam is fucked up, all monarchies are, but a lot of the people who marry into them are fame whores and Meghan certainly qualifies.
No. 759134
>>758829>>758910Thank you anon, I completely agree. Somehow people on this site think that criticizing Meghan automatically makes you a britbong simp.
She knows exactly what she is doing, she is incredibly calculated and certainly not a fucking
No. 759144
>>759134>>759134Even if you specifically say that you hate the rest of them, and support the abolition of the monarchy and the redistribution of its wealth, they just completely overlook that. If you don’t worship this D list MeAgain in her ill fitting bird shit dress, then you’re a racist, bitter limey.
I wish they’d both shut the fuck up and stop clogging the British press.
No. 759812
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No. 759821
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>>759812hi fakeboi, did you forget you are no longer posting on lolcow?
At least stop being so obvious ffs
No. 760013
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okay now I'm not a fan of Meghan but I love to see the royals getting dragged too. these photos of William and Kate resurfaced after his statement to the press that "we are very much not a racist family" … kek
No. 760015
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>>760013Kate laughing and clapping like the absolute ninny that she is. how ignorant to visit someone's country that your family has colonized and to allow yourself to be carried around on a throne like that. even if it wasn't their idea they should have declined.
No. 760071
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>>760013>>760015They should of declined but watch it come out this is a tourism thing they do for everyone. But this face kills me it's like she got a whiff of Kate and was absolutely traumatized.
No. 760209
I don't understand how this thread is 90% anons ranting about Meghan when there's prince Andrew and stuff like this
>>760029We get it, she's an evil, manipulative mastermind, but also dumb as bricks.
No. 760275
>>760209Prince Andrew is a fucking sick paedophile, we get it. If you want to bring some milk about that and make a decent post with links and image etc, feel free.
Another cow-like quality of Meghans is she has relentless white knights that derail the threads and provide no milk.
No. 760347
>>760290>>760294Because they don’t provide actual milk, they just expect everyone else to moderate what they want to talk about. Like this person repeatedly complains that none of us talk about Prince Andrew. If you want the conversation to go in that direction, then provide some damn milk.
>>760290You’re retarded
No. 760351
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Proof that she lurks any and all discussion about her because she’s obsessed with her public image.
No. 760550
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>>760351There was nothing to lurk, he had an epic, spergy public meltdown both on the television and tweeted nearly 50 times about her the day the interview came out. It was glorious.
Spoiler for boomer whinging.
No. 760623
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anons really say 'queen shit this' and 'queen this that' but nobody is talking about the tea the eli is spillong
No. 760727
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Are people really that surprised that the Royal Family is fucking awful? A monarchy that's been obsolete for centuries pissing away tax dollars for no other reason that they've been lucky enough to be inbred into the right family is corrupt and only cares about self image? Color me shocked.
No. 760770
>>760114>I don't know why so many people fall for her bullshitIt seems like she makes most people absolutely seethe tho; the hatred for her is completely disproportionate to her crime of being a generic narcissistic actress. The only people who like her are a handful of wokies on twitter.
>>760623Is this real? What did she say?
No. 760809
>>760784He has a tendency to say things just to hurt or aggravate people but he can't take anything back, so ofcom complaints roll in every time he says something controversial and/or reacts poorly to somebody else being opinionated because everybody hates his whiny ass.
This time around he had said he didn't believe Megan had suicidal thoughts but he walked out of a "confrontation" with another presenter where the other guy was speaking calmly to him. The complaints rolled in.
He's massively hated by a lot of people due to previous actions so his controversial opinions get more official complaints than most.
No. 760861
>>760347>like this person repeatedly complains that none of us talk about Prince Andrew.kek no this was the first time I dipped my toe into royal autism.
>>760727That take is kinda stale. No, we aren't shocked, but English idiosyncrasies are hilarious and a welcome distraction. Especially when they clash with American culture. If you don't find it entertaining, that's fine. In general, I agree with you, but I can still see the humor in this specific situation.
No. 760885
>>760209I mean the monarchy had been established for years. To be bewildered why we have a monarch in Britain is to ignore most of history. Meghan is just some silly actress that didn't even make it into films. She's setting herself up to be a
victim then she'll dump Harry who won't be allowed back to his royal duties and Meghan will die making sure she's at least in the footnotes of history as Princess Diana's son's ex wife and the ex of King William's brother.
No. 761285
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>>760886They're still in Africa? I only knew about the ABC islands in the Caribeans. Spain still has Ceuta in Africa but that one is funny because ocasionally it leads to spergfights between Spain and Morocco.
If you want milk from non britbong royals only thing I can tell you is that Juan Carlos of Spain owed some money to the state so he spent some time running away to other countries, but now that's already been settled and I think he agreed to pay the money back so it's old milk. The Portuguese pretender to the hipothetical crown (we've been a republic since 1910 fyi) said that he always sided with Juan Carlos.
This isn't really milk but it's slighly funny, I've been told by an Arab friend that whenever Jordanian media must cover their royal family it's basically lowkey simping for queen Rania.
No. 761352
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>>761313(Nta) I actually heard of that from a friend. What he told me (haven't verified myself) is that one time he went to visit France and he accidentally entered a gay bar. According to my friend tabloids (not sure if morocan or french tabloids) talked a lot about it.
Pic semi related is him looking funny
No. 761403
>>761285I mean in South Africa the language Afrikkan is essentially Dutch. They've been there. They're still there. There's so much racism in South Africa.
The British commonwealth is 54 countries and you're not forced into it. It's also democratically enforced.
No. 761534
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>>761313Speaking of Morocco, whatever happened to Princess Lalla Salma?
She supposedly got a divorce or her husband (more likely) divorced her/forced her into seclusion because of something she did or said. No one knows for certain what happened and I can’t find any articles in English, French, or Spanish about her from late 2019. There was a pic circulating of her being in Paris early 2020 so she may be somewhere in Europe. No. 761550
>>761534Good question. My mother told me about her "disappearance" fairly recently so I tried to look for more info about it a few months ago but all I found was a bunch of French articles just saying she's nowhere to be seen with no clue or potential explanation.
>forced her into seclusionWould he really do that? I'm not familiar with politics over there but from what I've been told by my family members who live in Morocco Mohammed VI is way less likely to do crazy shit like this compared to Hassan II.
No. 761839
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>>761770I bet you it was William.
No. 761930
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>>761891He was handsome for about 3 minutes when he was a teen. Then he hit his 20’s and those unfortunate Windsor genes kicked in, and now he looks like a soft boiled pigeon egg.
It’s why he’s such a insufferable twat.
No. 762192
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>>761761She wore Princess Di's perfume on the first few dates? Jesus this woman is deranged, not saying Harry is free from blame. But holy shit that is beyond vile to use his dead mother's perfume to score a royal humping.
No. 762336
File: 1615855377296.jpg (29.31 KB, 540x282, 20150996lpw-20152076-article-j…)

>>761313Whatever happened to Salman bin Abdulaziz bin Salman Al Saud? Looks like he's still in prison for threatening MBS with his handsomeness.
>Prince Salman was detained in January 2018. His father was also arrested two days later.>Salman was summoned to the palace in the middle of the night, then beaten and arrested.>Neither were brought to trial, and there was no official recognition of their presence with the Saudi authorities. >Sources close to Salman claimed that MBS harbored "personal jealousy" toward Salman.>Following the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the family of the two detained expressed grave concern about their fate, because they had not heard any news about them since they were summoned to the Royal Palace 10 months prior No. 762379
>>762351Most everyone now says all he needs to do is shave the rest of his head and get a tan and he’d look less like Jeff Bezos pre-Amazon glow up. Being bald, gummy,
and pale is not a good look. Sunlight is free, William…
No. 762439
>>762379idk there's only so much you can do when half of your genes comes from
charlescharles has never been cute one day in his life
No. 762469
>>762439He carried himself well, like aristocracy. Will and Harry don’t have his charisma.
>>762442The entire family dynamic is like something straight out a Brontë novel. Just unnecessarily tragic.
No. 762473
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Mfw this was how Prince William looked like at some point
No. 762501
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>>762473the princess diaries 2 came out in 2004 (he was 22 at the time??) and it took me until like four days ago to realize that's the same person
No. 762542
>>762473I see why Kate was willing to do shit like walk naked in a fashion show for him lmao. For some reason his face looks molerat-y in
>>761930 though. He has some big ass teeth
No. 762924
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Had to google this nude runway thing and this has to be the ugliest effing dress I have ever seen
No. 763473
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No. 763700
>>763473weird how he looks like this but the queen who's only a few years younger looks surprisingly good for someone in her nineties
maybe she's been siphoning his life force or somehting
No. 768565
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>The pair confessed the ceremony saw them 'privately exchange personal vows'>The U-turn comes two weeks after they made the comments in their Oprah chatI really don't understand why Meghan would lie about this. she can say she was misinformed but there is a big difference between being "married" days before the actual wedding, and simply sharing your vows.
No. 768591
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prince harry's new big boy job: chief impact officer at a mental health app… lol
>Harry has been appointed 'chief impact officer' for San Francisco-based start-up BetterUp Inc. As well as having a full say in 'strategic' decisions, the prince – who had vowed not to cash in on his royal credentials – will become a public face for the business. His photograph is already prominently displayed on the firm's website alongside the words 'Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex'.
yet he had absolutely no idea what to do when his pregnant wife "didn't want to be alive anymore". they are so damn obnoxious.
No. 769253
>>769127I used to be a Meghan fan, but after the Oprah interview, my opinion has changed of her. She made up so many lies:
-claiming that they denied a title to baby Archie because of his race. No bitch, he's not entitled to a title until Charles becomes king and will grant him a title
-claiming she was denied mental health. Again, what a fucking liar because Harry also got mental counseling after his army career ended, and Meghan could have sought a counselor on her own instead of going to the Human resources office. Like wtf lol?
-she claimed she didn't do any research on the BRF… bitch really? She's a fucking social climber who was part of an exclusive club for wealthy people, elites and celebretards (i think called The Soho Club) in London, NYC and Toronto. That's how someone introduced her to Harry because of her exclusive membership. She clearly knew what she was doing when she signed up for a club that's very hard to get in.
-how come she only invited her mom, but no close friends or family to the wedding? All she did was invite a bunch of A-list celebrity retards who had no connections to her.
I can go on but you know what I mean. Bitch only married Harry in 2018 and barely lasted as a royal for less than 2 years. BUT MUH SKIN COLOR! RACISM!!! shut the fuck up cunt. Kate was relentlessly bullied by the media for a decade and she never quit or complained. I actually have more respect for Kate now.
No. 779273
File: 1617968320906.jpg (151.28 KB, 1248x832, NINTCHDBPICT000549781629.jpg)

>>779269>>779266This made me euphoric for some fucking reason, won't have to see new pics of his monster face anymore lol.
No. 779391
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>>779273don't be rude anon lmao let's remember him when he was handsome
No. 779670
File: 1618001299751.png (542.09 KB, 940x276, 465FD3C0-16D0-40F4-9696-1A9191…)

Nice work, Death, now take Harry so Meghan can be the rich gold digging widow of her dreams.
No. 779672
>>779670gotta wonder if the ginger's gonna attend the funeral
you know megs won't
No. 779693
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>>779269People are already making memes of this. This one might be going a tad too far, though
No. 779806
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No. 779808
>>779273Seriously, this man looked like he drank adrenochrome morning, noon and night.
He literally looked demonic. Must be all the evil manifesting on his face.
No. 780557
File: 1618095541932.png (115.04 KB, 1250x1488, 2345432125432.png)

no statement except "thx for ur service bye"
cold ass shit
No. 780590
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No. 780942
File: 1618139791407.jpeg (105.25 KB, 1200x1200, 19B4ABA5-8904-42B0-85D6-EAF642…)

>>779806>>779693Leave the Queen out of your dumb memes
No. 780945
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Our future king. Adorable
No. 781220
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No. 781933
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Do anons have any takes on the supposed coup in Jordan from last week?
It would be funnier to watch if the Jordanian gov didn't shush it so much, but it's kinda funny to me the idea of basically brother vs brother spergging.
I've seen people/news agencies say prince Hamza has a lot of popular support but I can't really tell if "a lot" is supposed to mean the majority, a considerable but still minority group, a small but loud group, etc or even if it's just exagerated. Does anybody know if this is polarizing or not?
Either way, Abdullah has american support so he ain't going anywhere.
No. 783269
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No. 783390
>>783269god, she is
such a narc
No. 783517
File: 1618414863330.png (180.89 KB, 372x308, queen.png)

Liz out here embodying the "well, he ain't gettin' any deader" Yzma .gif
No. 783648
>>783517There are way too many people saying "Oh she'll probably die soon too :(" as if there has ever been any kind of true love between them that would cause her to suddenly drop dead from sadness.
Perfect example of her absolutely not giving a shit outside appearances.
No. 784229
>>783269she has absolutely no self-awareness. How hard would it be to hire a PR consultant so that you dont fuck up so consistently? Everything she does and says is so unbelievably dumb.
It’s like she thinks that other people can’t see her and is so blatantly transparent and then gets mad when people see through her.
No. 784231
been dead. His body's been decaying since forever, they just stopped taping his eyes open for photos.
No. 784266
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Anyone know what happened to the Burger King?
No. 784477
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>>784476James May was the Burger King this entire time. My god.
No. 784833
>>760013This just looks like a local tradition that they almost certainly do with all big leaders to me.
I'm not capable of understanding people who all of a sudden get petrified when it's a person with a different skin color getting royal treatment. Like it's fine for them to see a picture of a rich person and a poor person next to each other, and they have no reaction at all, but if they see a picture like that and the two people are different ethnicities, they panic like that's different or "worse". Can someone explain that mentality?
No. 785526
>>785477have you looked at charles?
>>785457tbf it was his own father's funeral, they couldn't very well have asked him to wear a burlap sack
No. 785612
>>785592you do realise he knew camilla long before he knew diana?
plus it was an arranged marriage and he made it clear from the outset he wasn't in love in her (that 'whatever love means' in their engagement interview was kind of a dead giveaway)
No. 786003
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No. 786076
>>786003They're making out that this is some weird thing but it's standard practice to send flowers when you can't attend a funeral.
>how meghan ensure she had a part in Prince Philip's funeralAnd the telegraph could have foiled all of her perceived evil schemes by simply not commenting on it but oh well
>>786069It's crazy how many of them think she's a fame hungry leech and so continue to draw attention to her and publish stories about her and make sure we can't have one day without hearing her name or seeing her photo
No. 787623
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>>787528so is charles
truly a match made in heaven uwu
No. 799902
File: 1620254491473.jpg (82.17 KB, 780x1085, book-cover-the-bench.jpg)

>by Meghan, the duchess of Sussex kekshe is so annoying
No. 800162
>>799781This is simply disgusting. Didn't her own father invest hundred thousands of dollars in order to grant her the best education? I mean she went to a private school and then to a university, all paid by her mean esttranged father? When he didn't have money anymore she never helped him and ignored him. He's now sick and broke but she's the
victim. I don't want to hear or listen anything family-related stuff by her. She's disgusting and
No. 801867
>>799902wahhh i escape meanie racist royal family
>Duchess of Sussexhave your cake n eat it huh
No. 805498
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>>802305Seeing how Meghan has behaved, her family was right…
No. 806105
File: 1620942498725.png (249.16 KB, 1274x980, 4321234567.png) out there whining about his privacy but then turns around and exposes all his family trauma on TV, ok
No. 806385
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No. 806477
>>806105based Megan&Harry for airing out BRF's dirty laundry.
Wonder if this is Harry's way to revenge how his dad treated Diana
Also I'd like to know how much money they got for Apple series. Forbes is as reliable as dog shit but they said about Spotify deal:
":Spotify’s three-year podcasting deal with Prince Harry and Meghan could be worth as much as $15 million to $18 million, according to industry sources. It’s unknown whether the streaming music service has begun writing checks—the first podcast, a holiday special from their Archewell Audio, came out in December 2020, and was not part of the deal, which will add around $3.5 million a year to their coffers, after taxes"
So they have deals in probably similar price range with Apple, Netflix and maybe Disney…? Too big numbers for us peasants to understand.
I don't know how inheritances works in royal family and if it's possible to deny Harry's share from him.
No. 806660
>>806477>$15 million to $18 million>Too big numbers for us peasants to understand. I can see why they wanted his father to keep paying for everything. We peasants can't understand how difficult being born into royalty really is.
>>802305If Meghan and Harry can trash the Royal Family when Prince Phillip was dying and the Queen is mourning, then there is nothing wrong with her family trashing her before her wedding.
No. 807145
>>806547It's a lot for your average person but it's not for upper level celebrities. They still have to pay out for staff that need to be either round the clock or available on short notice, like security, agents, publicists, accountants, lawyers, etc.
If you're famous, accumulating wealth requires more to be spent and it's hard to stop spending that money even when you stop making as much. That's how actors go broke while unknown rich people are still living off their great great great great great great great grandaddy's money.
I still don't feel sorry for them considering most people in the world won't make 3.5 mil in seventy years of full time work
No. 807833
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No. 808011
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From CDAN, so take this with a grain salt.
No. 809732
File: 1621332794085.png (571.76 KB, 828x666, DianaTribute.png)

>Prince William and Prince Harry announced in 2017 that a status to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Diana's death and all the amazing work their mother did would be installed on July 1st, 2021 in the Sunken Garden of Kensington Palace.
>Harry is demanding the Meghan be part of the official ceremony. She will not be able to attend in person because of the couple's second child, but Harry is pushing to have comments prepared by Meghan included in the event or a video message featuring his wife released to the media the same day the brothers unveil the statue.
>And if Harry’s demands are not agreed to, the family fears Harry could do the "unthinkable" and refuse to attend himself.
No. 812400
File: 1621621697047.jpeg (307.28 KB, 750x1097, 05DED2D7-A447-488C-9090-52C0CA…);dr: meghan is a saint, everyone in the rf except diana is evil, harry's life is so hard you guys, mummy issues
No. 812845
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>>809764I hope they do a paternity test on Harry, find out that he’s not Charles’ son and finally boot him and his annoying wife out for good. I hope to see MeAgain on commercials and Harry working as a gardener just like his real dad.
Also I hope Prince Andrew dies a slow and painful death.
No. 824205
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Baby is here
No. 858943
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>>858927My thoughts exactly. The orgies, coke snorting, Nazi fancy dress, racist jokes? kek (repost as I posted an allegedly fake pic, good thing there ARE real ones regardless of what the House says lmao)
No. 859029
File: 1626808160143.jpg (86.21 KB, 908x623, 783107.jpg)

>>858928Elizabeth's family they gave up their German titles and changed their name to windsor in WW1.
Mountbatten is Philip's last name (anglicised from Battenberg) so Liz and Phil's descendants use Mountbatten-Windsor. Still a rich twat name, but Harry is rich twat.
>>858955He's always been daft and she's definitely smarter than him, but he's a willing participant on his whole shitsow. He was a twat long before meghan came along.
Hope he has a good explanation for picrel since he's so woke now.
No. 859144
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>>859099Anyone else would be permanently 'cancelled' in the UK for Nazi shit that's why. He should never be allowed to live it down. Prince William and St Andrews should be mocked too. PW received piss poor grades yet St Andrews allowed him to attend anyway. He got an ABC at A-levels, the media dutifully lied as usual, claiming it's acceptable grades lol. Uh, it's not and has never has been good enough for St A's. I hate these cunts. They abuse tax payers money, including as we now know, the raping of trafficked women and as the recent exposé reveals they DO have a lot of power, it's been one long fucking lie and they happily wield it for their petty needs at every turn. Young people in the UK have always disliked the Royal Family and more and more of us want to see it abolished. It's completely outrageous in the 21st century that we still have these useless cunts and no say.
No. 859191
File: 1626822273922.jpg (214.63 KB, 1200x883, 933112a1acf-1568316137-1200x88…)

>>859174"You don't sound like a black chap" - Prince Harry.
No. 860325
File: 1626934542171.jpeg (84.16 KB, 1200x675, prince-harry-and-meghan-markle…)

>>858955Sure, he is responsible for his actions but they definitely enable each other's worst traits.
No. 862250
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of course he has to undermine his grandmother. meanwhile, nutmeg is going to write a "wellness book" - whatever that means
No. 912898
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No. 912907
>>912898He's more influential than his grandma? Haha right
Do words have no meaning to journalists anymore? Rhetorical question.
No. 913122
>>912898lol @ the airbrushing.
also how influential are they? one single podcast episode and an itnerview about how hard they had it living in a palace? please
No. 913284
File: 1631744963325.jpg (134.25 KB, 962x1203, image29384.jpg)

>>912898even with all the $ in the world she doesn't know how to dress for her body type.
also the shooped hair on baldy kek
No. 965361 Meghan's and Harry's former comms director just produced the receipts proving their direct involvement with the “leaked” letter to her father and their contributions to ‘Finding Freedom,’ the book they apparently had nothing to do with. Their credibility is gone. The involvement Meghan conveniently forgot all about and had to appologize for in court filings.
Meghan is a cold-hearted calculated piece of shit, just like her father, sister, old friends and colleagues said.
(imageboard) No. 965388
File: 1636608643319.jpg (181.2 KB, 934x1184, FD3b-j5WQAY0wJx.jpg)

>>965361i love that faced with a bunch of evidence, her only defense is "uh i totally forgot!"
these incrrdibly detailed emails and briefing notes just totally slipped her mind. seems legit.
also my fave part is her saying she'd use "daddy" to tug at the hearstrings. incredible. she's such a blatant narc
No. 966335
File: 1636694563409.jpeg (210.14 KB, 1500x1060, Meghan-Markle-Red-Dress.jpeg)

that dress she wore yesterday certainly was a choice. she can afford the msot amazing fashion but she's always in ill-fitting clothes.
>>965361the evidence is really damning. she's manipualtive as hell
No. 970525
File: 1637162442756.png (1.12 MB, 1194x1156, 203948767382910.png)'s gonna be on ellen.
fake ass narcisstic bullies getting together, you love to see it
No. 972641
File: 1637347661444.jpeg (322.38 KB, 2048x2048, FEgHRvsWUAU4ERP.jpeg)

Imagine you are the left and the right is your sister in law
No. 982702
File: 1638367263900.jpeg (842.26 KB, 1242x770, 915D63C1-5147-4096-B388-939B18…)

Camilla delighted in taunting a mentally ill teenage girl 15 years younger than her and then when she died, spent the rest of her life pathetically living in Diana’s shadow by wearing her jewellery and imitating her in every way possible.
She routinely gaslit and publicly humiliated the princess despite her being the target of her abuse and Diana begging her to leave her family alone.
She is a pathetic subhuman and I’ll fucking leave this country if she becomes queen
No. 983087
>>763845It probably helps that he's at least objectively better looking compared to most of his dumpy inbred family kek
I honestly don't understand why Diana was considered this remarkable beauty either. I guess Britain doesn't have a high bar to clear in the looks department?
No. 983778
File: 1638469437009.gif (2.23 MB, 1280x720, 57ABkR.gif)

Did anyone see the two part BBC documentary about the Royals' press relations? It seemed to lean pretty heavily pro-Sussex.
No. 1331010
File: 1662648582228.jpg (82.71 KB, 750x1276, FcIVbtnWQAAh-ZR.jpg)

The Queen could be dying soon.
Whole family has been called to come to Scotland, BBC reporters are wearing all black.
No. 1331035
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never forget
No. 1331063
File: 1662651233003.jpg (352.47 KB, 2048x1152, skynews-queen-liz-truss-balmor…)

>>1331055she did. kind of crazy how the first prime minister she met was fucking churchill.
No. 1331169
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No. 1331197
File: 1662658360164.jpg (83.21 KB, 599x464, ftrtrt.jpg)

of course this is how i found out
No. 1331204
File: 1662658518132.png (250.01 KB, 592x501, twitter.PNG)

>>1331192>>1331194>>1331196Thought you were trying to troll, but it's true.
grabs popcorn No. 1331216
>>1331202Harry will commit sudoku when hes old and divorced
Kate will be quietly miserable as William cheats with ugly women, like father like son
Camilla will be beaming at her new position and lose the plot when Charles dies and she becomes utterly irrelevant
No. 1331229
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she's boutta reincarnate as trisha's baby
No. 1331236
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>>1331219its insane how he was ugly even in his prime
No. 1331241
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wait this shot is so good though
No. 1331246
File: 1662659268908.jpg (48.6 KB, 780x470, 00-princess-diana.jpg)

Karma was a bit late
No. 1331251
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Huge moment in history, losing some of the last vestiges of the 20th century. RIP Queen Elizabeth
No. 1331252
>>1331246diana was killed by the bbc
martin bashir lied and provided faked documents and drove her over the edge
No. 1331257
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No. 1331262
File: 1662659421505.jpeg (69.26 KB, 960x700, 8905658C-CBF2-45EC-8A76-F54E45…)

Rest in peace Queen Elizabeth! She wasn’t always a fragile little lady.
No. 1331275
File: 1662659541034.gif (2.84 MB, 498x498, a95bcde4735ab67cb078bdcc8dcfcd…)

>>1331254>heavenKEK her ass is getting roasted in hell rn baby
nonny i think the way we are going charles or william will probably be the last monarch we have
No. 1331308
File: 1662659823179.gif (521.8 KB, 498x498, icegif-1050.gif)

Tbh out of all the Royal family i think Elizabeth was the most decent since she always looked like she dgaf and minded her business. RIP.
No. 1331312
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No. 1331313
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>>1331309The queen of rap
No. 1331318
>>1331311no shes not
harry has been booted really far down
for harry to get it william and all his children have would to die
No. 1331322
nonny, never had anything against her, but the younger part of the royal family always seemed to be too obsessed with being obnoxious dramafags.
No. 1331333
File: 1662660056942.jpg (120.87 KB, 1024x827, Why-Prince-Of-Pegging-Trended-…)

Never forget his bald-headed ass y'all, and he tried pegging before. Dunno what's worse.
No. 1331334
File: 1662660093498.jpeg (342.03 KB, 1242x903, 01A99F47-6D2D-45D5-8F72-01175D…)

>>1331327she was a mechanic and had other duties in the war
No. 1331336
File: 1662660105588.png (25.29 KB, 624x415, 732cc008-143d-44d7-982c-731fec…)

This picture makes more sense now
she had died before they arrived and you can see it on their faces
No. 1331343
File: 1662660245997.jpg (257.79 KB, 1536x2048, FcJsGTOX0AIF-o2.jpg)

TIMEs cover for elizabeth
No. 1331345
>>1331251didn't she say that none of her corgis would survive her?
nonnas…are they gonna nerf the dogs?
No. 1331347
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>>1331333I had such a crush on him when I was a young child.. men age like milk
No. 1331348
>>1331287That’s the problem I have with these names, if you love the the Malibu Barbie aesthetic, name your child something inspired by it. Call her Barbara, and she can use barbie if she wants. Hell, even barb works. Don’t literally name her “barbie” it’s fucking degrading, little girls are not toys. They’re actual people, crazy right?
Though I do like Malibu as a name, I can’t lie. It’s like being named Paris or İstanbul, it’s trashy but it’s fun to have it on a gold necklace. It’s like your slay name. I think it works. And if she wants to publish academic work she can call herself Barbara M. Paytas and no one will suspect a thing.
No. 1331353
File: 1662660398370.jpg (54.09 KB, 640x504, 2d3nm9j.jpg)

we're going to see the vigil of the princes again
No. 1331359
nonny Istambul is a horrible name
No. 1331363
nonnie is up to something, you go girl
No. 1331370
>>1331360not since she previously wanted to abolish the monarchy
people in my office were joking about here poisoning the queen earlier today
No. 1331378
>>1331363hey alexa how do you poison a corgi
jk haha unless?
No. 1331382
>>1331375>a close friendi doubt it
the queens only friends were aristocratic ladies
No. 1331385
>>1331375she also helped her paedo son pay off his
victim and also tried to use the UKs state poverty fund to heat up her fucking castle kek
No. 1331393
>>1331388how could she, its a constitutional monarchy
britain is a republic with window dressing
No. 1331394
>>1331354One of the reasons why it’s so hard to trace women and our lineages is because people like you find any name associated with older women to be trashy. Men can be named “buck” for three generations and no one bats an eye but with girls you have to give them a name that will let everyone know they’re fresh out of the oven, so they’re named after whatever is the trendiest “thing” of their time. Men have been naming their sons after themselves for centuries and we can even sometimes depend on specific names to trace their heritages. But I guess being called Barbara sucks because ugly old women aren’t cute.
Give your daughters a name that is specific, and your own name as their middle name.
No. 1331402
>>1331395Hi Lolcow user,
GCHQ here
where can we find you
No. 1331404
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No. 1331405
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The queen was truly based
No. 1331410
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No. 1331412
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No. 1331413
>>1331394Jeeesus Christ anon. I like plenty of old lady names and I love old ladies, I just don't like the name Barbara. I don't like the name Buck either so I'm not sure where you got this idea that I like those type of male names, or that I think women's names have to be "trendy" considering I said Malibu Barbie is a bad name. Also, giving your kids your name as a middle name is narcissist shit. So is making them a junior.
I can see this news has some of you really uptight and extra stupid.
No. 1331415
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Can we bump Anne in front of Charles please
No. 1331419
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No. 1331420
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No. 1331423
>>1331410whats the point of this, he was pictured with many powerful or famous people and most of the people at the time didnt even know he did those things.
I swear when i see famous male die i never see people trying to dig as much as they can to make them look bad, only to women.
No. 1331429
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we must eliminate all the obstacles to her reign, the pedophiles, their goons, the philanderers and the corrupt fiends. her rein will be brutal yet just.
No. 1331432
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>>1331415Queen Anne I was beautiful when she was younger! She seems so kind and sweet. She also competed in the Olympics for equestrian
No. 1331437
>>1331431its the refuge kiwiscrotes and tinfoilers doing it.
>>1331434and? people still dont do it, or dont do it enough.
No. 1331447
short term
hes going to probbaly get sympathy
megan will say something stupid
they will go back to america
long term
he will go bald and get a divorce and fade into obscurity
No. 1331450
No. 1331451
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No. 1331463
>>1331433The two sons were called "the heir and the spare" for a reason. Harry will be after Chaz, William, George,
and Charlotte, even if the latter two were still children. It will be interesting to see if Harry's standing changes going forward, I can't imagine Charles doing anything in that regard and maybe not even his brother because he pissed them off good.
No. 1331464
>>1331445if we want to talk about 'stealing peoples' money lets talk about the money sent to the saudis to commit genocide in yemen all the mps claiming expenses fraudulently, the money spent on vanity projects
the queen was a net gain for the uk economy, the amount of tourists alone who came to see her brought so much to the economy
No. 1331469
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Soooo is all the money with the queen going to become worthless soon or what
No. 1331474
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>>1331462cleopatras influence literally led to the use of the calendar you use today
No. 1331479
>>1331462do some random peasants in africa or rural china know who she is
>>1331465that doesn't make her not-famous
No. 1331480
>>1331475is that a threat
No. 1331490
>>1331483It is weird, like losing a link to a piece of the past.
I have no hope for the future.
No. 1331494
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rest in piss to the queen, fuck her and the royal family
No. 1331497
>>1331482the wont replace it anything done from today will say god save the king and CIIIR instead of god save the queen and EIIR
its why in some places you see post boxes that still say things like GVR
No. 1331506
your throwing a fit just because I don't like the name Barbara. The only one who has no comprehension is you.
No. 1331508
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>>1331479> do some random peasants in africa or rural china know who she isdid you know there is a native tribe that worshiped prince Phillip and mourned for him when he died. So why wouldn't they not know who the queen is
No. 1331518
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coronation robes are so kino.
but why does the ceremony look so catholic?
No. 1331524
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Nonnas, how would you fight Chaz? Because I think he's really old, one hit to the kneecaps and he'll be gone like the wind.
No. 1331530
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Is it just me or does he bear a strange resemblance to a rat? I can imagine him with little rat ears and a tail, scrounging around the kitchen looking for cheese.
No. 1331540
File: 1662662624652.jpg (Spoiler Image,90.79 KB, 640x932, gettyimages-80907349.jpg)

>>1331524I wouldnt underestimate him
No. 1331544
>>1331511Your history got sanitised and its perfectly fine. We learn about ours for four years with no exception. We face our reality and past with no question. This is our history and we will carry it.
But even here, women won't accept that their troops took advantage of our women for ten fucking years.
Simply can't face it, or accept it.
No. 1331546
>>1331541they did actually
it was form of cargo cult
No. 1331547
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No. 1331556
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what a lad
No. 1331560
>>1331544>>1331505Would this
nonny's mind break if she learned the modern bri'ish royals are descended from germans
No. 1331563
>>1331548Austria. Anschluss. We have a general word for what happened to our country. And for ten more years we got occupied. Our districts divided for different countries. Russian, American, english.
They all raped our women and children. We got annexed, and they still wouldn't stop.
Check on your history.
(derailing) No. 1331574
>>1331565This. and we will probably never see another female queen like lizzy in our lifetimes
No. 1331577
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he appreciates a fat blunt tho
No. 1331582
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>>1331563> Austriahmmm. but lets not bring up what was produced in your country that affected everyone else
No. 1331588
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even birdfolk dont like them, cmon UK do the right thing
No. 1331591
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wish I would have grown up as a princess and had corgis
No. 1331601
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imagine having to clap for this
No. 1331609
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No. 1331610
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queen Charlotte
No. 1331614
>>1331604nooooooo so fucking hideous it cant be. its only recent the queen has reigned for more than a decade… please no…
actually maybe you're right there should be some fast fashion element to it perhaps the usage of polyester or something. pants maybe
No. 1331616
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show some respect zoomers
No. 1331618
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>>1331613If only he didn't loose his hair
No. 1331619
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People on twitter rn pumping out the unfunniest tweets for 3 likes
No. 1331625
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queen elizabeth was a mechanic during ww2
No. 1331626
>>1331605those are the rules in force
grandchildren of the monarch are princes and princessess, they got those titles the momment the queen died
although there could be a debate depending on whether harry is still prince or not
No. 1331636
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Princess Diana 4ever
No. 1331637
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No. 1331639
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Princess Diana Supremacy
No. 1331642
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It's kind of crazy when you think about it, monarchs dying. Obviously she was mostly a figurehead, but for so long? It's crazy. No wonder it was seen as such a big deal throughout history when monarchy was the norm everywhere. I can't even imagine how insane it was during the French revolution.
No one gets emotional about presidents/PMs dying, politicians who leave office after 4-5 years. etc.
Something about monarchy is definitely more like, losing a piece of the country itself. Anyway, it's a bygone system of government and people in future generations will look back and think it's insane that remnants of it still existed during our time.
No. 1331658
>>1331635>acting like a scrote because you don’t personally find it funnynayrt but I’m extremely
triggered by this. It’s just a repulsive post that I’m certain was typed by smegma-encrusted fingers.
>>1331550 No. 1331670
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No. 1331681
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>>1331670I hope these are ok to post they are actually kind of sweet.
No. 1331682
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No. 1331688
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>>1331678kek enjoy, or whatever emotion these inspire for you
No. 1331699
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No. 1331701
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>>1331695Maybe she dropped from the sky into hetalia world
No. 1331704
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>>1331700love you too anyway I'll stop now.
No. 1331710
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No. 1331712
>>1331710ive seen that rifle and her target
they are framed in the cafe/pub in bisley rifle range
No. 1331717
>>1331715ow the edge, damn
nonnie i nearly cut myself
No. 1331726
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No. 1331731
>>1331721monarchy if you have a decent monarch
democracy attracts the greedy and powerhungry
good people cant succeed in politics
also monarchy relies on the general public and as churchill said the biggest argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter
No. 1331734
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No. 1331738
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No. 1331739
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>>1331721watch this to find out
No. 1331744
>>1331742humans are tribal
people like bring part of a clique
they like their little group going against the flow in makes them feel special
No. 1331749
>>1331716>>1331717>>1331718Found the bootlickers. Sorry I don't like twatter libtards either
>>1331727Yeah I noticed, but I didn't expect to find bootlickers on lolcow of all places, pretty sad
No. 1331754
>>1331744why do
you type
like that?
No. 1331758
>>1331742breaks up the lines
makes it easier to read, i think
No. 1331760
>>1331712based queen but SA80 is a POS rifle
>>1331749> Yeah I noticed, but I didn't expect to find bootlickers on lolcow of all places, pretty sadAssuming by "bootlickers" you mean "monarchists", why on earth not?
>>1331752> Did the UK import african slaves? Yes but they stopped several decades before the US did
No. 1331762
>>1331733I just find her cute, it's a monke impulse really
>>1331749rollin my eyes
No. 1331764
>>1331733What you’re seeing is biased because the people who track this thread are more likely to be followers of the BRF or authority worshipping. Most anons don’t care that much about the BRF.
>>1331737That was my first post hotshot.
No. 1331769
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pls no bully
No. 1331775
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No. 1331784
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she was a girlboss.
No. 1331832
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Pathetic bootlicking parasite-lovers on this site should be ashamed of themselves.
No. 1331847
>>1331832the only reason people want to travel and visit the UK is because of the royal family lol.
otherwise what do you have, the london eye? bitch who cares
No. 1331859
>>1331850yeah a powerful female public figure like the queen simply doesn't exist now, like will we ever see someone like her again?
trannies and men couldn't wait to see her die bc they're misogynists
No. 1331880
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>>1331863I literally just moved here. The short-term future here is going to be bleak but I'm looking forward to some top-notch drama
No. 1331885
>>1331868Would you rather she refused to pay the
No. 1331887
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>>1331883>Would you support a female Stalin just because she was a woman?Yes
No. 1331894
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>>1331872prince andrew said he was going to donate money to Virginias charity, the queen helped him by giving him 2 mil. She didnt want any connections to it though