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No. 757177

General containment thread for royal drama and gossip from abroad.

While the British royal family drama is most milky, you all are free to discuss other royal families from around the world as long as you have milk.


Please familiarize yourself with the rules of the board before posting if you are new to lolcow - https://lolcow.farm/rules


*Sage before posting if you do not have milk.

*ABSOLUTELY NO RACEBAIT. This is not Stormfront, Lipstick Alley, or 4chan, please take that shit somewhere else.

*NO POLITICAL BAITING/FAGGING. No one cares if you are an Amerifag/Britfag/Eurofag, where you live, or how much you hate Americans and the United States and vice versa.

*Report posts that break the rules, please do not engage with trolls or take bait. Let the farmhands do their jobs.


General Milk:

>Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, the duke and duchess of Sussex, gave a long awaited interview with Oprah in a garden somewhere in California

>Said interview of course, blows the internet up completely, causing a wave of pure autism and nation sperging as Britbongs and Burgerchans go at it on social media, to the delight of many

>British media has an absolute meltdown after the Sussexes criticise them for their relentless reporting, despite previous generations of royals and other British celebrities complaining about the UK press's cruelty for years

>Piers Morgan decides to jump into the middle of the drama for no reason other than garnering himself attention that he does not necessarily deserve, gets his ass handed to him

>Back in the UK, Prince Phillip still remains in hospital after heart surgery for an infection, the Queen remains resolutely silent as always, and Prince William and Kate have said nary a word about their brother and sister-in-law's shenanigans, probably glad to have an ocean between them for now


No. 757179

Meghan is coming off a bit stupid not realising what a big deal the family she was marrying into. Like didn't she research them lol

No. 757185

I hope this thread doesn't devolve into sperging (it will), but I just wanted to say, I love watching youtube videos made by salty old British ladies that worship Kate and are mad about Meghan marrying into the family. I haven't watched those vids in a while, but now would be a perfect time to considering that Oprah interview

No. 757190

its goota suck to have all that pressure and stuff on you all the time but fr tho, none of this should have been a surprise. they both look extra whiny

No. 757191

I thought this was a livewatching thread as it's airing now in UK. I wonder who thought this interview was a good idea.

No. 757199

I will stop sperging. But imo they needed someone on the show that actually knows about the monarch and status because they're making a race issue out of Harry and Megan's son not being titled, but Harry isn't really in line for the throne since William has children. Anyway

No. 757201

She's been saying this since she married Harry, I remember I was in the UK in 2019 when she gave that other disastrous interview and said pretty much the same thing? I find it hard to believe she had no idea how important this family was, and how hardcore they take their image seeing how popular they in the US and Canada being a commonwealth nation.

I think Harry enjoys the attention, as usually William is the center of the universe seeing as he will be king once his father kicks the bucket and if the Queen doesn't live to be 125 kek.

No. 757206

i'm not a brit so idc but… sis shoulda known what she was marrying into. she didn't marry into some rich scrote's poshy fam, she married into a literal institution. did harry not clue her in on ANYTHING? was she too clueless to realize that yeah, she was gonna have a lot of pressure put on her and be expected to do some ridiculous but protocolar shit?

i feel for her in the sense that it must suck not to feel welcome into your new husband's family, but c'mon… you can't have your cake AND eat it too

No. 757207

I hate the royal family more than anything but don't really have any reason to like Meghan either. It just kind of sucks that this is what it takes to get the abolish the monarchy hashtag trending on Twitter.

No. 757212

Hearing Harry mention the parallels with Diana's treatment in the press makes sense why he wanted to step out of the spotlight.

No. 757214

Not even remotely a royalist so don't come at me anons, but zoomers and Americans thinking Meghan's drama will bring down the British royal family is actually laughable.

No. 757216

Harry's handlers will have clued her in before their first date, but lets not be naive and act like she knew nothing about them because she flutters her eyelashes on tv, kek.

No. 757218

yeah I remember those interviews. she literally has pics of her visiting Buckingham palace when she was a tween lmao. it's just cringe

No. 757229

Harry's just going to be a party Prince in the history books. Remember when he dressed like a nazi lol

No. 757237

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The elephant in the room in all this which I assume will always remain unspoken but must have been a conscious decision in Harry leaving is that he’s an adopted member of the royal family at best; half brother to Will, not blood related to any of the rest of them, and they all know it.

No. 757238

If he's a half brother then why the fuck would he be "adopted"

No. 757239


Because I don’t know if you heard but his mam’s dead.

No. 757240

is that Quentin Tarantino

No. 757241

At least pick a picture that he doesn't look the spit of Charles anon.

No. 757242

Harry has always been more popular than William though, hasn’t he? Well, maybe not right now.

Not really. He looks like his grandfather.

No. 757244

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It’s Di’s former lover who she was shagging around the time Harry would have been conceived and who by all accounts isn’t exactly thriving now so it’s really not in Harry’s interests to pursue a bio dad storyline for himself kek.

No. 757245

With the common people, yes, I meant more within his own family and the social circles they run in. It's always been Will this, Will that, Will's a real Windsor, Will is more handsome, on and on. Palace staff gossip a lot on British message boards and you can always spot them by how much they praise Will and deride Harry as being this troublemaker bad boy who would destroy the "institution" of Britain. He's always had this coming, but it's made ten times more awful by the fact that he married Meghan. I think no matter what happened though, he was going to leave the UK if he could and try to start a life somewhere else.

I feel like shit for laughing but top fucking kek, I do feel kind of bad for the man, he had no clue that romping around the fields of England with Diana would cause such a downfall kek. I kind of think he may be Harry's daddy but you never know.

No. 757246

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Challenge accepted.

No. 757248

>Palace staff gossip a lot on British message board
Which ones?

No. 757250

I usually go to Tattle.life, they're the most active. A few of the other ones I used to follow are dead and/or deleted, I need to find them again.

Also the Royal Foibles blog is run by someone has some interesting discussions with people about the royals from all over Europe, but he (she?) doesn't always maintain their address so it goes offline a lot, but it's really good when it's available. I think they are staff of some family.

No. 757251

How could anyone in their right mind find this even remotely attractive?

No. 757253


He gets a nice military pension and isn't dead, so he's doing better than Diana and Dodi Fayed.

No. 757255

He literally looks like his dad and grandfather

No. 757271

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I find drama caused by Meghan extremely enjoyable, IDK why people would be so mad at her when she's finally makes things really interesting and fun and also manages to get Royal Family hurt in some way which they deserve for being useless (at best). Go get them girl.

No. 757281

What is this supposed to show? Harry has the windsor inbred eyes and the same face shape, ears, nose and smile as his dad. It's unironically more believable that old lizzie is a lizard.

No. 757285

ol' Palpatine lookin good in the background

No. 757291

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holy fuck my sides anon

No. 757294

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This is so fucking accurate, guess this is where he was hiding all these years

No. 757302

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Kek now people on twitter are digging up Piers's old tweets to Meghan.

No. 757316

This guy is such a shithead, seriously. Who takes anything he says seriously? I don’t understand how he’s still on TV.

No. 757317

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He's been going all day since the interview came out, it is comedy gold.

No. 757330

You still have time to delete this, anon

No. 757338

I honestly feel bad for Meghan. Had the royal family played their cards right they could have had lots of good press with her on board. Like how hard was it to get her a therapist and let her out once in a while?

No. 757344

I thought Meghan was getting bullied by the press since the start?

No. 757346

Harry verified a connection between the tabloids and the institution.

No. 757357

It's not a connection so much that they grease paws for favourable press. There's freedom of press, all the royals have suffered bad press. They don't tend to make statements to the press unless for official announcements, if the royals had control of the press it would be undemocratic and the UK is a democracy.

No. 757359

Samefag, but also the Royal family also have a relationship with the press since its the main way they can address the public. And they need to be seen as relevant. Harry came across like he wants to dismantle the institution, which is only going to further put a wedge between him and his family.

No. 757360

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I know they really only shat on the institution and not the Queen herself, but I saw this meme and thought it was funny.

saged for autism

No. 757363

I couldn't get over that Meghan was trying to make out that it was cruel she had a massive royal fairy tale wedding and then she was like "we of course also had a private ceremony." like no shit princess, it's not an arranged marriage there's certain royal formalities when you marry a Prince

No. 757365

You really thought she was making it out that it was cruel? I thought she was just talking about it like it was a big formality. I didn't think she was angry or upset about the fairytale wedding at all; I guess we just had different takes on her demeanor.

No. 757372

Why were Meghan and Harry lying the whole time?

1) She made it sound like they mentioned Archie's skin color when she was pregnant but Harry said it was 'early on' in the relationship. So what's right?

2)Another thing is what they said about Archie's lack of title wasn't true. In 1917, George V issued a royal proclamation dropping German titles for his family and outlining exactly who gets British royal titles and style: the titles “prince” and “princess” as well as the styles “Royal Highness” would be reserved for children of the monarch, children of the sons of a monarch and, finally, the eldest son of the eldest son of the Prince of Wales. That system worked until 2012, when Prince William and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, announced they were expecting their first child. With changes to the rights of succession, that baby—whether male or female—would automatically be the future monarch. Yet, if the child was a girl, she wouldn’t get a royal title, as she wasn’t the “eldest living son of the eldest son of the Prince of Wales,” as dictated by the existing rules. Queen Elizabeth II solved the problem by issuing a new Letters Patent on the last day of 2012 that bestowed royal titles and styles to all of William and Kate’s children. Thus arrived HRH Prince George in 2013, HRH Princess Charlotte in 2015 and HRH Prince Louis in 2018. But that tweak didn’t extend beyond the direct line of succession to any future children of Harry. So the rule wasn’t changed for Archie; rather, Harry’s granny didn’t issue a new Letters Patent to bestow the title of “prince” on her great-grandson. Archie is technically Earl of Dumbarton and automatically becomes a prince when his grandfather, Charles, becomes king. He was going to keep falling down the line of succession as he grew up as a private member of the royal family. (Prince Edward’s young children Louise and James, who are technically a princess and prince, don’t use those titles as they aren’t going to be working royals.)

3) She didn't google him, my ass. Regular ppl google their regular dates and we're supposed to belive that an actress on so two bit show didn't have any prior knowledge or didn't look up anything about a prince.

No. 757374

No. He is going to be the man with wife and child who was forced to take a job after his daddy cut off his finances when he decided to move out of his grandmothers home at the age of 36. Thoughts and prayers for him at this difficult time.

No. 757410

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At least they're getting shat on in the most undignified way possible. Every single person attached to a royal family deserves a bloody dilator to the face.

No. 757432

Lmao I really don’t understand why brits think it’s so unbelievable that a bunch of pasty freeloading dinosaurs with a history of racism are still racist. Get well soon ladies, I’m sorry your prince didn’t pick you.

No. 757485

We don’t really give a fuck about them. Most of us are just here for the memes until lizzy and phil finally perish

No. 757616

If the news about prince pedo with his Epstein connections didn't abolish the monarchy, then this interview about the royals' racist behaviour wouldn't either. People love and respect the queen too much for this to happen and it's mostly Americans who think they can bring down the British monarchy kek. Wait until the queen isn't anymore, and then maybe something is going to change.

No. 757628

I was thinking about this again last night before bed and really, the only one I feel a lot of sadness for is little Archie. All of this autism and retardation is basically swirling around him, and I hate how adults always have to involve a fucking child in their bigotry.

He doesn't understand what's going on, and he's going to grow up with all this bullshit on his back that he doesn't need 'cause his mother was a naive fool who thought that she was going to revolutionize the British monarchy. Only to find out, like so many people had been telling her, that attempting to change these people was what pretty much destroyed Diana.

I am not saying that she shouldn't have married Harry, or had Archie, but she was way too idealistic and now it's biting her in the ass. I just wish that all of these people would put their egos aside for just five minutes and think about the child they brought into the world, who is going to have to endure even more bigotry than they do, assuming that the monarchy is still relevant in 10+ years. I hope he has a little more sense than his parents when he gets older. Sage for autism.

No. 757694

Buckingham Palace released an official statement:

“The whole family is saddened to learn the full extent of how challenging the last few years have been for Harry and Meghan. The issues raised, particularly that of race, are concerning. While some recollections may vary, they are taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately. Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be much loved family members.”

Anyone notice they didn’t write the - Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Archie.They wrote Harry, Meghan and Archie- seems the titles have gone.

No. 757695

>seems the titles have gone

Isn't that what they wanted though?

No. 757700

According to the interview - no. Harry and Meghan wanted stay HRH and they wanted the prince title for Archie. HRH was taken away a year ago but they could keep Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Now that's gone too apparently lol

No. 757710

Piers Morgan is leaving Good Morning Britain after it was revealed that he's going to be investigated kek

No. 757719


kek'd and wreck'd - this whole thing was worth it for this alone.

No. 757726

It's good press for the media ventures they're about to drop. To that point, I don't really understand why anyone under the age of 40 would have their panties in a twist about Harry and Meghan being fame-seeking careerists considering that Harry was born into a family of parasitic tax-suckling grifters. I think celebrity culture is a cancer, but launching a netflix deal is pretty benign in comparison to colonial conquest. Plus a netflix deal has a future, whereas the monarchy is clearly at odds to remain relevant and respectable.

No. 757738

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>parasitic tax-suckling grifters

No. 757774

Dont't fret, I am sure he will have a wonderful life as a child-star in Hollywood.

No. 757827

Truly sad, I hope I never have to face anything close to these unimaginable hardships

No. 757925

I see, so when they said they were "stepping back" from their roles, they really just meant they didn't want to have to dance and do the footwork to maintain their titles.
Hope their financial independence works out for them after they've pimped their stories and hot royal goss to the media that they've said to hate so badly.

No. 757938

You know how child stars are treated, right anon?

Say what you want about Burgerland, at least our government doesn't subsidize the Kardashians.

No. 757966

>at least our government doesn't subsidize the Kardashians

Kek. For real though wouldn't it be nice if people could hate the monarchy without ass kissing Harry and Meghan as if they don't also obviously consider themselves to be above the rest of us commoners. All the #woke Twitter girls calling Harry hot too as if he doesn't look like an inbred plasticine model. Cringe shit like this is why despite what zoomers think the monarchy probably won't be abolished in our lifetimes.

No. 757984

The government isn't funding KUTWK, wtf are you talking about

No. 758056

Had an exhausting call with my sister who idolizes fucknuts from TV and is basically trying to debunk every claim Meghan made.
I literally don't care about the royal family and the sex pistols called it like a million years ago.

No. 758087

I agree that it's completely unsurprising but what I don't get is why normal British black people feel such sympathy or like of all the problems with the royal family the idea that interpersonal racism is the main one. I don't get what the goal is, you can't 'reform' the royal family into being a 'woke' concept, even if they weren't racist it would still be a morally wrong and unjust thing. They just need to be abolished. She willingly married into one of the most racist and imperialist families on earth and has personally benefitted hugely from it. I have way more in common with like a poor white person than her.

No. 758089

Samefag, I'm a dumbass. Just now realizing I read that post wrong lmao

No. 758152

In the interview Meghan compared herself with Kate and said the worst that Kated endured was being called 'Waity Katy'. She said being rude isn't comparable with being racist. I agree with her. But what exactly did the British media do to Meghan regarding her race? Did her call her skin color ugly? What was the worst thing the British media said to Meghan?
Oh btw I googled and several people debunked Meghan's claims. The worst thing Kate has endured was a moment when she leaving her flat for work. The paparazzi called her 'bitch' 'whore' and 'slag' to get her attention. Apparently one paparazzo spit on her (I only could find comments and no article anymore but an old tumblr https://georgeslays.tumblr.com/post/119787090820/on-9-january-2007-after-rumours-of-an-engagement).
William issued a statement through his aides that they should leave Kate alone.

No. 758213

>You know how child stars are treated, right anon?

Do you know what sarcasm is, anon?

No. 758225

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I bet she never even bothered to ask Kate, or to look further than the end of her nose to make this redundant point.
This is why people love to hate her so much. She wants to live the life of an imperial princess, but she wants people to treat her like a revolutionary heroine as well, when she’s barely been in the family for five years and undertakes the easiest and most comfortable tasks in order to virtue signal. Diana went all over the world, to poverty stricken places, places with active landmines. She stuck up for aids patients, homosexuals and victims of rape, despite people urging her not to talk about such dark things. Meghan talks about all the meany headlines that she could very easily fucking ignore. Diana put herself at risk and sacrificed her comfort, her safety, etc. THATS why she earned the title “the people’s princess”. Not just by virtue of being a certain race. Megan would never do that. Meghan can’t even fucking act. She dominates the headlines when nobody gives a fucking shit about her. But when you say that, you get accused of being a triggered royalist. Like no, if they where literally gunned down in cold blood I wouldn’t shed a single fucking tear. It’s not my fault I focus my hate on Meghan because every few months or so she comes out with another pity-me interview.
Pic related is Harry being a ginger retard as per.

No. 758240

It was the “Straight Outta Compton” piece from when she and Harry were getting married. Also the sperging about Archie was rumored to have been mainly instigated by Carole Middleton and her brother.

Honestly though, I hate how these two women get played off each other when it is really their spoilt, entitled husbands who are the issue. They’ve both gone through some ridiculous, cruel, and asinine things for two below average dicks and William never seemed to give a damn about Kate during their long engagement, when he was running around with other women while she “waited” for him on the side. He only settled for her after other more aristocratic women told him “no”, same with Harry. The press trashed his girlfriends too, such as Chelsy Davy, who admitted she broke up with him due to the intense scrutiny of every little minutiae she did, from her clothing to her lifestyle. You would think these men were made out of gold the way people act around them.

No. 758300

Beyond the obvious racial issue with Meghan, I find that liberal Britain and the Americans supporting Meghan don't really understand the ingrained characteristic of the British monarchy. The fact is that people don't WANT the Royals to be representative of current culture or to be relatable. They want them to be fancy, smarter, eloquent, classier, educated and RICH and then admire them in awe.

That is why Kate is popular and the Queen is still respected. They hold out their pinky finger and they perform the act. It is like a performance art for people to watch and enjoy and project their own desires onto.

Meghan on the other hand does not want to perform the same act. She is unable to. She does not want to be a royal british lady. She wants to be an american Hollywood actress. She represents the american victimhood of POC, the woke culture, the girl who profits off her own perceived disadvantages. There is nothing to admire about her. People don't want to feel bad for a priviledged princess.

No. 758307

I will say the Royal family had a good handle on Meghan's image around the start of her and Harry and right up until the birth of Archie. I was shocked that Meghan wasn't as articulate or as smart as I thought in her Oprah special. She came across very naive or something and the tone of her voice. It was irritating.

Yes racism is bad and that radio presenter got sacked for the monkey comments about her baby,but like the British press and media agent a hivwmind. You have people for and against the British family long before Meghan showed up. Honestly her and Harry were more upset at the press and public perception than their family. Their biggest issue is apparently security and the Palace refuses to spare resources to a couple they refused to do their duties. Meghan probably thought she was going to be Grace Kelly.

No. 758312

this is bs. there are more non-working paid royal members than working ones. currently kate and william are non-working royals as well, yet they have their titles and all their children have titles.

No that is not customary, only the monarchs great grandchilds first born son legally is entitled a title. But Elizabeth changed the rules for William and Kate, so all their children have titles. Yet They wanted to make it so that when Charles inherits, Archie still won't be a prince.

No. 758313

William and Kate are going to be the Head of state being King and Queen, they will always be working lol. The Queen has other sons apart from Charles they're just not in the line of succession so you don't hear much about them apart from Andrew lol, so like Harry being even further removed it's not really that contentious he doesn't have his titles. Him and William had a lot of press because of the circumstances with Diana's death and Charles having the affair with Camilla and remarrying. Charles is never going to be King I think this point is lost a lot on Americans. Harry really wasn't t ever destined to be at the forefront of the family.

No. 758329

I see a lot of anons talking about Kate's family masterplan for her to marry William, can I read more about it somewhere? What is the proof? I know they went to the same school but that's it

No. 758331

Difference with a monarch and the kardashians is the connection to the church. I know if you don't believe in religion this doesn't seem like a big deal, but royal blood is said to be annointed. The Queen is the 'Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England'.

No. 758341

tldr; she delayed her university plans to ensure she would be same year as william. she used to brag at parties how she has hit the lottery and she will never let go. she arranged herself to be in a fashion show where she was wearing a see through dress so she would catch his eye. then she arranged that by coincidence they became flatmates. among like 10 million other things.

No. 758347

I mean, if she wanted him that badly is anyone mad?

No. 758350

Google Carole Middleton - Kate's mom. She's the pimp OG long before Kris Kardashian. Early on William's and Kate's relationship there were dozens of articles how she's an opportunist but they seemed to be vanished off the internet. Now you only find glorifying articles about her. As this anon already wrote >>758341 Carole did everything possible, so Kate would get William's attention. After both married in 2011 she tried to pimp her other 2 children with royal connections. Pippa should be a successful journalist and her brother did something with marshmallows. Both failed but Carole managed to marry off Pippa to a guy with a lot of old family money which he might get when his father dies.

No. 758353

Kate and William had an on and off relationship but apparently Carole (Kate's mom) insisted on Kate being persistent. William treated her like trash but Kate endured it because her mother said so. That's why the press called her 'waity katy'. Her mother was also the person who used her royal connection for her business and to pimp her other 2 children. Nobody would be mad if Kate was madly in love with a prince but the truth is Carole was being a true opportunist.

No. 758362

>Charles is never going to be King I think this point is lost a lot on Americans.

How is Charles not going to be king ? Why wouldn't he be?

No. 758378

He's gonna die before he gets the crown.

No. 758381

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Charles is going to be dead before his mother and he knows it. I hope he’s seething about it.

No. 758400

Very doubtful.

Did you get lost on the way to Tattle life?

No. 758403

>>tattle life
What the fuck is that?
>>very doubtful
Scrotes die in their 70s all the time

No. 758418

I love the vibe of this picture, wish it was real

No. 758435

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No. 758445

Tattle life is a lunatic forum like lipstick alley

No. 758471

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You guys still think that Harry wants all the things Meghan wants? This bitch got her boot firmly on his dick.

No. 758472

Harry is a grown ass man. If he's doing the shit Megan tells or recommends to him then that's his choice.

No. 758473

I bet my lunch she made him swap some of his daily dose of sugar or caffeine with some h20 and they're making it into this huge thing

No. 758474

Sounds like made up shit to me anyway, because blaming a woman is easy narrative to make

No. 758475

telling a british person they are not allowed to drink tea is a hate crime

No. 758479

I would usually agree with this, but this dude has severe mommy issues, his wife dresses up as his mother and gives his life a complete 180.

Maybe he is happy with her taking the reigns and telling him what to do (cause of the mommy issues), but it is a bit weird.

No. 758480

taps on the thread summary

No. 758481

Not to wk but what do you mean by dressing up as his mom?

No. 758482

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Sorry I didn't see the rule where it said we are not allowed to make jokes and that this is a humor-free thread


No. 758483

Stylist dressed both Meghan and Kate in outfits closely resembling what princess Diana wore so I guess anon is assuming it's evil Meghan controlling poor baby Harry through his mommy issues

No. 758487

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No. 758488

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I hate how adorable I found this lil ol' granny

No. 758491

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No. 758564

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Even if you ignore their history, these people are visual terrorists. There is no redeeming factor.

No. 758578

If you think that's ugly you have clearly never seen the average britfag lol
But I guess that's what generations of inbreeding do to you

No. 758580

File: 1615408817729.jpeg (Spoiler Image,63.69 KB, 640x853, 780801C1-10C1-404A-BC5B-5B3707…)

Kek they're always either ugly as sin or mentally ill. That's what happens when you marry your first cousin, who is also your uncle, to "keep the bloodline pure". Just be glad that the Habsburg line died out.

No. 758597

Oprah was the most annoying person in that interview

>WHAAAAA what do you mean royal family cares about press HUHHHH uh why do they care, they are royal UHHHH

Why was she so retarded?

No. 758626

I know people are laughing at Philip, but the dude is literally almost 100 years old kek. Who is 100 and doesn’t look awful? He wasn’t hideous as a young man.

Charles was always unfortunate though.

No. 758632


No. 758650

I didn't watch the interview, but I read that she spent 4 months on one of the royal family's properties with no passport and no id while pregnant (?!) I would expect some ridiculous shit, but not that.

No. 758653

He looks really bad, even for his age. His skin is practically see through, and I have no idea what is going on with the perpetually bruised-looking under eyes. He really is out there looking like Viktor from the Underworld, before he was resurrected kek. I bet you they don't let him walk around after dark.

No. 758654

Dude, you are nitpicking a fucking walking corpse. What's wrong with you?

No. 758659

File: 1615413845284.jpg (18.72 KB, 306x423, phillip.jpg)

Imagine getting old. CRINGE!!!

No. 758660

Camilla and bottom middle are in no way ugly. Bottom middle just looks like a teenager with braces.
Americans have a much higher rate of inbreeding anyway, which spans much further into the distant future. And they don’t even have the excuse of being a deserted island for thousands of years, or the reward of amassed wealth shared between extended families, they just enjoy fucking their relatives.
Same with a lot of faggoty European countries and Middle Eastern countries; they won’t even fully outlaw it, it’s legal to fuck and marry uncles, cousins etc.
Pretty much all royal families are horridly inbred.
I will say most of the full blooded windsors are ugly as fuqqq, except princess Margaret.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 758665

Princess Margaret was nice and she smoked a lot lol

No. 758668

It's true, some Americans think royal family inbreding is just a British thing. It is literally something that has been carried out in the past of the majority of european/asian royal families to keep the bloodline 'clean' from outsiders. Look at Charles II of Spain, he was so tragically ugly that he scared people. He couldn't walk or eat because he was so disabled as the result of a long line of inbreeding.

No. 758669

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No. 758674

Yeah Margaret was really cute, she had kind of a melancholic beauty

No. 758678

She was beautiful. Very Audrey/Grace Kelly-esque, like an actress.

No. 758680

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No. 758683

>in no way ugly
Are you British?

No. 758689

I will probably have nightmares of the descriptions of him but I also feel kinda bad for him. No one should live like that. At least he was unable to have children himself

No. 758701

She’s beautiful, you chose a deliberate mugshot you stupid nigger.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 758706

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She really had some style too. I’ve always been obsessed with this picture of her.

No. 758829

Meghan's obviously a narcissistic and the Oprah interview was incredible disingenuous, and 100% confirmed it for me. I have no fucking idea how you can sit in that interview straight-faced and say half the shit knowing PRINCESS DIANA'S SON is sitting next to you. You know, the kid whose had a front row shit to it all.

She does the typical dumb narcissistic bullshit of playing dumb and making round about accusations. Harry I'm sure liked her at some point, he be basically traded total control from mommy for total control from wifey. He got in over his head though.

>Separate the abused from their family

>Swear you're doing it "together"
>Turn the abused agains their family
>Swear you're doing it "together"
>Use your abused to gain you favor
>Swear you're doing it "together"

Harry has nothing. If they get divorced he'll lose everything and his children. If he leaves she's just more of a victim. I would feel bad for him but you know, millionaire royalty and adult man who could've stopped this at any point.

No. 758848

I agree but the royal family is a nightmare and worse than Meghan, she accidentally did something good here.

No. 758884

She didn't. She's not smart enough to be a positive role. If she was, she wouldn't be smearing his family about it on national television, continuing the time-honored tradition of keeping royalty in the tabloid limelight. She's there to make a buck by playing the victim. Always has, and always will be…in my opinion anyway. Narcs don't let you forgot they """helped""" you. It's always just manipulation.

Harry simply moved from one abusive situation into another.

No. 758894

It's hilarious that people think this is how corruption works.

No. 758899

File: 1615433674546.jpg (27.09 KB, 463x347, fuckofflahey.jpg)

>the kid whose had a front row shit to it all

This post sounds like it was written by Jim Lahey

No. 758902

I truly do not understand how you can baby an adult man so much and spin everything on the woman. I bet you’re the type to get mad at the person your bf cheats on you with instead of him

No. 758910

Suit yourself. I'm not the kind of woman who infantilizes other women as being incapable of being blatantly manipulative. I said Harry is a grown man and did it to himself, but that doesn't mean miss "I never knew a single thing about the royal family! Who could've known?? Why didn't anyone educate me??" is worthy of defense. Two shit people in a shit situation they both created. I just find it funny that people like you get all twisted out of shape if a women gets criticized too much.

She's a grown ass woman, stop coddling empowered rich women. Bitch didn't have to go to Oprah and act like one of the most racist and oppressive leeches on planet earth was news to her.

And fuck Oprah too. She looked like stonehenge.

No. 758916

>She looked like stonehenge.
Kek what does this mean anon? Is this British slang for looking old?

No. 758932

Curb your racism anon, calm down.

No. 758936

>I never knew a single thing about the royal family
I'm not coming out to bat for Meghan but when she said this I assumed she meant that she had a broad and surface-level knowledge of the BRF like the average person does. People who haven't grown up in that world underestimate how deeply structured their lives are by rigid protocols and archaic ideas of duty. Imo it's not surprising because the whole arrangement is totally outdated and absurd. Like this is a group of people that are trying to justify their place in society by essentially cosplaying as their ancestors.

No. 758990

Britbongs got those butthole eyes going on. I'd say American/Canadians are more diverse in the genetics department on a bigger scale.(don't post bait)

No. 758994

Agreed. Americans aren't exactly supermodels, but they're still in a comparatively better position than Britbongs.
Also, the way that anon called the photo of one of them a "mugshot", kek. At least they're starting to imagine those sleep paralysis creatures where they belong (jail), I guess.

No. 759094

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Thought this was a pretty good article.
The royal fam is fucked up, all monarchies are, but a lot of the people who marry into them are fame whores and Meghan certainly qualifies.

No. 759134


Thank you anon, I completely agree. Somehow people on this site think that criticizing Meghan automatically makes you a britbong simp.

She knows exactly what she is doing, she is incredibly calculated and certainly not a fucking victim.

No. 759144

Even if you specifically say that you hate the rest of them, and support the abolition of the monarchy and the redistribution of its wealth, they just completely overlook that. If you don’t worship this D list MeAgain in her ill fitting bird shit dress, then you’re a racist, bitter limey.
I wish they’d both shut the fuck up and stop clogging the British press.

No. 759312


I agree as well. she is so fake and narcissistic. the whole interview was just her patting herself on the back. this part of the interview was so insanely cringe

No. 759316

yeah, I don't know how I'm meant to feel sorry for a woman who is going to have more money than I'll ever earn in my entire life, and all she had to "endure" was some old fart wondering how dark her baby is going to be. Cry me a river

No. 759320

Seriously that's all I was thinking when I saw this shit. Boo hoo the millionaire had to deal with some mean comments from some senile soon to be dead fuck. How will she ever survive??

No. 759493

No offence to absolutely anyone but I'd die for the queen.

No. 759495

Why though

No. 759510

Why is anyone surprised that an Oprah interview is fucking disingenuous and orchestrated? Like the collective retardation is astounding on this one. Whether or not shit actually happened to Meghan, why wouldn't the interview be skewed to make Harry and Meghan look as good as possible? Everyone does know how the media works right??? Especially when it's calling out the royal family.
Also, why is there even an argument around Whether Meghan or Harry orchestrated it? If or when they get a paycheck, they're both cashing it so who tf cares. They're both going to benefit so maybe yknow let grown-ass people look like jokes by their own accord. They both agreed to the interview so why would it even matter. No one kept Harry from running his mouth. And considering that he's used to playing with public opinion, he might not need his wife to hand-hold him through it

No. 759537

No I meant her "anti-aging" injections squared out her face and 6-head, so she looks like one of those weird angry rock toys I had when I was 12

No. 759549

I doubt she'd do the same for you

No. 759565

Well, I dunno, but if Meghan had any dirt on the pedophilia carried out by royals she should have spilled that instead. But that requires moral backbone and a willingness to die. Regardless, it's hilarious to watch such a high profile cow. I thought we would never have another after Trump.

No. 759720

Even Harry is looking at her like bitch wtf during her Disney rant. Also Ariel got her voice back prior to marriage after defeating Ursula so her ranting about her voice is hilarious. Ariel went against her villain and here Meghan is whining to Oprah about hers.

No. 759734

Kek, that little mermaid comparison is exactly the kind of awkward stupidity that makes people enjoy shitting on Meghan.

No. 759812

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No. 759816

You'd be sacrificing yourself so she can live what, like three more years of life tops

No. 759817

Kek. At least Oprah earned her shit.

No. 759821

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hi fakeboi, did you forget you are no longer posting on lolcow?
At least stop being so obvious ffs

No. 759831

Ooh, drama

No. 759926

>implying she isn't immortal
But seriously, at this rate I'm wondering who'll die last between Jean-Marie Le Pen, Bouteflika and her.

No. 760013

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okay now I'm not a fan of Meghan but I love to see the royals getting dragged too. these photos of William and Kate resurfaced after his statement to the press that "we are very much not a racist family" … kek

No. 760015

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Kate laughing and clapping like the absolute ninny that she is. how ignorant to visit someone's country that your family has colonized and to allow yourself to be carried around on a throne like that. even if it wasn't their idea they should have declined.

No. 760017

Lmao anon, you’re not sherlock. I’ve seen that meme circle around especially from leftists?

No. 760029

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No. 760041

Oof… not a good look.

No. 760048

Not this stick-legged, balding, horse-faced man looking like someone's closeted gay professor enjoying a view of the school swim team while his stumpy-ass wife claps in the background. Lmao, too much.

No. 760065

I got that off a random politics twitter, tinfoil-chan.

No. 760071

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They should of declined but watch it come out this is a tourism thing they do for everyone. But this face kills me it's like she got a whiff of Kate and was absolutely traumatized.

No. 760114

Meghan is a prime cow imo, she deserves a thread more than 80% the cows in PT. I don't know why so many people fall for her bullshit, I know people think all bongs hate her because of msm, but basically everyone I know has fallen for her bs. The suicide bait cemented her cow status for me.

No. 760119

She’s milky but not that milky. It’s more entertaining seeing how people react to her than anything.

No. 760121

Half the milk on pt/snow is just calling cows fat and ugly soooo.

No. 760135

She’s being attacked by an eagle

No. 760209

I don't understand how this thread is 90% anons ranting about Meghan when there's prince Andrew and stuff like this >>760029

We get it, she's an evil, manipulative mastermind, but also dumb as bricks.


No. 760275

Prince Andrew is a fucking sick paedophile, we get it. If you want to bring some milk about that and make a decent post with links and image etc, feel free.
Another cow-like quality of Meghans is she has relentless white knights that derail the threads and provide no milk.

No. 760290

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Go away, Piers.

No. 760294

>derail the threads
Nta, but this isn't the damn Meghan thread lmao. How is that derailing?

No. 760347

Because they don’t provide actual milk, they just expect everyone else to moderate what they want to talk about. Like this person repeatedly complains that none of us talk about Prince Andrew. If you want the conversation to go in that direction, then provide some damn milk.
You’re retarded

No. 760348

She is a master manipulator. Nearly everything she said in that interview wasn't true. She deserves a thread 100%

No. 760351

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Proof that she lurks any and all discussion about her because she’s obsessed with her public image.

No. 760352

I’m going to have to watch it. The bit about Kate and the bridesmaid dresses was so pathetic. You’re not being bullied just because you had a spat with another woman about a wedding, and then one or both of you cried. Weddings are stressful AF.

No. 760550

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There was nothing to lurk, he had an epic, spergy public meltdown both on the television and tweeted nearly 50 times about her the day the interview came out. It was glorious.

Spoiler for boomer whinging.

No. 760551

No. 760585

Piers fucking Morgan is such a cow.

No. 760623

File: 1615657553099.jpg (95.52 KB, 964x676, queen is spilling the tea.jpg)

anons really say 'queen shit this' and 'queen this that' but nobody is talking about the tea the eli is spillong

No. 760696

He's an incel. Meghan didn't want to sleep with him and since this day he wants to destroy her.

No. 760727

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Are people really that surprised that the Royal Family is fucking awful? A monarchy that's been obsolete for centuries pissing away tax dollars for no other reason that they've been lucky enough to be inbred into the right family is corrupt and only cares about self image? Color me shocked.

No. 760759

> incel
> has been married twice and has 4 kids

No. 760770

>I don't know why so many people fall for her bullshit
It seems like she makes most people absolutely seethe tho; the hatred for her is completely disproportionate to her crime of being a generic narcissistic actress. The only people who like her are a handful of wokies on twitter.
Is this real? What did she say?

No. 760784

I asked this in the stupid questions thread but noone answered so thought I'd post here: What exactly was racist about what Piers Morgan said in the debate that made him lose his job? Genuine question. I'm not saying he's not racist or that he's not a shitbag (there was an episode where he mocked a Chinese advertisement and it was beyond tasteless), but all I heard in that particular interview is that he took everything Megan said with a grain of salt

No. 760789

anon…it's an edit

No. 760795

He didn't lose his job over anything. He walked out in the middle of an episode because he was getting backlash from another presenter, and then told his network that he was stepping down.

No. 760809

He has a tendency to say things just to hurt or aggravate people but he can't take anything back, so ofcom complaints roll in every time he says something controversial and/or reacts poorly to somebody else being opinionated because everybody hates his whiny ass.

This time around he had said he didn't believe Megan had suicidal thoughts but he walked out of a "confrontation" with another presenter where the other guy was speaking calmly to him. The complaints rolled in.

He's massively hated by a lot of people due to previous actions so his controversial opinions get more official complaints than most.

No. 760820

in all likelihood, he's using this as a springboard to a new job in a new TV channel being set up in the UK, which is going to be a combination between Fox News and the Daily Express/Mail.

No. 760861

>like this person repeatedly complains that none of us talk about Prince Andrew.
kek no this was the first time I dipped my toe into royal autism.

That take is kinda stale. No, we aren't shocked, but English idiosyncrasies are hilarious and a welcome distraction. Especially when they clash with American culture. If you don't find it entertaining, that's fine. In general, I agree with you, but I can still see the humor in this specific situation.


No. 760885

I mean the monarchy had been established for years. To be bewildered why we have a monarch in Britain is to ignore most of history. Meghan is just some silly actress that didn't even make it into films. She's setting herself up to be a victim then she'll dump Harry who won't be allowed back to his royal duties and Meghan will die making sure she's at least in the footnotes of history as Princess Diana's son's ex wife and the ex of King William's brother.

No. 760886

Like the Dutch and other European countries have royals. Why does no one call the fucking Dutch colonisers? They're still in Africa ffs.

No. 760889

Idk anon, where I'm from it's brought up or at least being eyerolled about quite a lot.

No. 760901

Outside of people with actual thought process behind their politics, everyone's opinion mostly gets dictated by memes and what's popular right now

No. 761049

Probably just because those countries medias are not in English, the language of international drama.

No. 761285

File: 1615732260281.jpg (93.71 KB, 695x930, Queen-Rania-official-birthday-…)

They're still in Africa? I only knew about the ABC islands in the Caribeans. Spain still has Ceuta in Africa but that one is funny because ocasionally it leads to spergfights between Spain and Morocco.

If you want milk from non britbong royals only thing I can tell you is that Juan Carlos of Spain owed some money to the state so he spent some time running away to other countries, but now that's already been settled and I think he agreed to pay the money back so it's old milk. The Portuguese pretender to the hipothetical crown (we've been a republic since 1910 fyi) said that he always sided with Juan Carlos.

This isn't really milk but it's slighly funny, I've been told by an Arab friend that whenever Jordanian media must cover their royal family it's basically lowkey simping for queen Rania.

No. 761313

If you're interested in very vague but old rumors, there's one about the Moroccan king being turbo gay. No idea where this comes from, aside from him maybe going to gay bars when he was a student in Europe.

No. 761352

File: 1615740439087.jpg (60.86 KB, 540x960, C1dAKkXUsAAzcMN.jpg)

(Nta) I actually heard of that from a friend. What he told me (haven't verified myself) is that one time he went to visit France and he accidentally entered a gay bar. According to my friend tabloids (not sure if morocan or french tabloids) talked a lot about it.

Pic semi related is him looking funny

No. 761403

I mean in South Africa the language Afrikkan is essentially Dutch. They've been there. They're still there. There's so much racism in South Africa.

The British commonwealth is 54 countries and you're not forced into it. It's also democratically enforced.

No. 761534

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Speaking of Morocco, whatever happened to Princess Lalla Salma?

She supposedly got a divorce or her husband (more likely) divorced her/forced her into seclusion because of something she did or said. No one knows for certain what happened and I can’t find any articles in English, French, or Spanish about her from late 2019. There was a pic circulating of her being in Paris early 2020 so she may be somewhere in Europe.


No. 761550

Good question. My mother told me about her "disappearance" fairly recently so I tried to look for more info about it a few months ago but all I found was a bunch of French articles just saying she's nowhere to be seen with no clue or potential explanation.

>forced her into seclusion

Would he really do that? I'm not familiar with politics over there but from what I've been told by my family members who live in Morocco Mohammed VI is way less likely to do crazy shit like this compared to Hassan II.

No. 761604

I've been trying to figure it out, too, but all I can find are rumors about how it may have been something to do with the children and a dispute over their custody. Without any clarity from the press, I guess we will never know for certain what happened.

No. 761761

I feel like this is a great video addressing all the bullshit Meghan has said

No. 761770

Thanks, it's clear, concise, and astonishingly free of the usual autism surrounding royal drama. Every other thread or vid on the subject is pure autism for some reason (including this thread, lol wtf are some of these posts).

No. 761839

File: 1615802558998.jpeg (Spoiler Image,51.86 KB, 306x488, 8BD720FA-C66D-4C71-A8E8-C2B437…)

I bet you it was William.

No. 761891

Dude looks like an animated chipmunk wtf

No. 761930

File: 1615814808925.jpeg (147.61 KB, 602x881, 9D6DED7E-B679-4631-956A-79F0A6…)

He was handsome for about 3 minutes when he was a teen. Then he hit his 20’s and those unfortunate Windsor genes kicked in, and now he looks like a soft boiled pigeon egg.

It’s why he’s such a insufferable twat.

No. 762192

File: 1615841425467.gif (1.89 MB, 320x289, 3XHltym.gif)

She wore Princess Di's perfume on the first few dates? Jesus this woman is deranged, not saying Harry is free from blame. But holy shit that is beyond vile to use his dead mother's perfume to score a royal humping.

No. 762312

They’re all weird about Diana, I don’t see how Kate wears a dead woman’s engagement ring from a failed marriage. That’s bad luck.

No. 762336

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Whatever happened to Salman bin Abdulaziz bin Salman Al Saud? Looks like he's still in prison for threatening MBS with his handsomeness.

>Prince Salman was detained in January 2018. His father was also arrested two days later.

>Salman was summoned to the palace in the middle of the night, then beaten and arrested.
>Neither were brought to trial, and there was no official recognition of their presence with the Saudi authorities.
>Sources close to Salman claimed that MBS harbored "personal jealousy" toward Salman.
>Following the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the family of the two detained expressed grave concern about their fate, because they had not heard any news about them since they were summoned to the Royal Palace 10 months prior

No. 762351

As a kid in the late 90s I remember thinking he was so cute. It sounds incel-y but god did he age terrible in his early 20s, he went from cute to balding middle aged man in like 5 years.

No. 762356

tfw it's actually men who age like milk

No. 762379

Most everyone now says all he needs to do is shave the rest of his head and get a tan and he’d look less like Jeff Bezos pre-Amazon glow up. Being bald, gummy, and pale is not a good look. Sunlight is free, William…

No. 762439

idk there's only so much you can do when half of your genes comes from charles

charles has never been cute one day in his life

No. 762442

That's not as weird to me plenty of people reuse family rings regardless of it's history. Plus that's After dating and deciding to marry. But purposely wearing a guy's dead mother's perfume the first time you meet him? That's completely fucked.

No. 762469

He carried himself well, like aristocracy. Will and Harry don’t have his charisma.

The entire family dynamic is like something straight out a Brontë novel. Just unnecessarily tragic.

No. 762473

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Mfw this was how Prince William looked like at some point

No. 762495

What a huge difference lush hair and a tan makes.

No. 762501

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the princess diaries 2 came out in 2004 (he was 22 at the time??) and it took me until like four days ago to realize that's the same person

No. 762516

why haven't they cured baldness yet

No. 762542

I see why Kate was willing to do shit like walk naked in a fashion show for him lmao. For some reason his face looks molerat-y in >>761930 though. He has some big ass teeth

No. 762915

I'd be so embarrassed if I had my extreme mommy issues broadcast for all the world to see like William and Harry. I'm not really paying attention to all that royal stuff but it seems like Harry doesn't mind this sort of things, but if I were him I'd at least want to keep this to myself.

No. 762924

File: 1615920969782.jpeg (292.53 KB, 1280x1920, 9D19E758-E7D1-45D3-85CE-BCAD9A…)

Had to google this nude runway thing and this has to be the ugliest effing dress I have ever seen

No. 762938

Holy fuck, that man aged like milk in the Carribbean summer sun.

No. 762948

I think it's long overdue for the royal family to be done away with and they shouldn't get another cent of tax payer money. I'm a diehard Diana stan, so I already hated them and am not the least bit surprised by what Meghan and Harry have gone through. Much more importantly, though, their protection of Andrew is absolutely indefensible.

No. 762951

The dress is hideous like someone ran out of the materials and took a nearby drape. But she looks so cute at the same time. I love her face.

No. 762978

Cent lol, OK yank.

No. 762979

>Much more importantly, though, their protection of Andrew is absolutely indefensible.

It is. I know Smeg & Hairy are annoying, whiny, and attention seeking, but it seriously says something about the world when you can get the public more worked up over two goofballs and their ridiculous Truman Show tier family feud, than a man who was involved with the trafficking of young girls across the globe for deviant billionaires.

No. 763020

Megan went to my high school (not the same year, obviously). The Oprah interview fucking SLAYED me.

No. 763473

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No. 763479

Wow did they bring home a corpse? He looks three minutes away from dying

No. 763488

There’s no way he’s still alive it’s a farce. Weekend at Bernies.

No. 763524

Holy shit isn't he like 100 years old? He looks green.

No. 763529

spoiler this holy shit. I know we're supposed to hate them because politics or whatever but this just makes me want to cry. People that are so old they get no pleasure out of life but they're just carrying on because it's expected, shit is so sad.

No. 763533

Euthanasia should be available for cases like this (and others too but I would digress). So many elderly tell me they can't wait to die. After 70 it's really all downhill from there.

No. 763613

what, and leave the desiccated/fossilizing remains there in the hospital?

No. 763700

weird how he looks like this but the queen who's only a few years younger looks surprisingly good for someone in her nineties

maybe she's been siphoning his life force or somehting

No. 763845

I feel like I'm capable of recognizing objectively good looks, even if they aren't for me, but I don't understand the gushing over young William at all.

No. 763929

At this age a few years is the difference between life and death. And while Philip looks like a corpse the mere fact he made it to that age while apparently being strong enough to still walk, talk, and have surgery is very impressive.

No. 764195

i hate these animals, this makes me angry

No. 764209

I hope people will have the legal right to choose euthanasia by the time I get old

No. 764758

The queen has very roundish facial features which makes you look younger and she always wears bright colors that make you look lively + maybe makeup.

No. 768565

File: 1616596588854.jpg (58.72 KB, 634x476, 40538404-9392537-The_Duke_and_…)


>The pair confessed the ceremony saw them 'privately exchange personal vows'

>The U-turn comes two weeks after they made the comments in their Oprah chat

I really don't understand why Meghan would lie about this. she can say she was misinformed but there is a big difference between being "married" days before the actual wedding, and simply sharing your vows.

No. 768575

She always loves baiting the shit out of media to make everyone write articles about them. It's her strategy.

No. 768579

don't forget how Meghan also claimed they denied a title to baby Archie because of his skin color. Lolololol they're not direct in line for the throne. Harry is far below down the line because of Wills' 3 children who are titled and the children of the future King, Harry is not going to become King, period. When Charles becomes King, he will give a title to Archie and make him a prince or duke or whatever. Meghan was barely a royal for 2 years before quitting and then going on TV to whine about having no title for her son. God she's such a stupid bitch lol. Can't wait for her to go and make more media blunders, she's truly hated and reviled in the UK now.

No. 768584

it really makes you wonder if something is wrong with Meghan. Meghan's own blood family hates her and talks shit about her. I don't think Meghan is a bad person per se, but she seems to have a victim complex mentality and thinks that everyone is out to get her. I wonder if that's why Meghan's older half sisters hate her.

No. 768591

File: 1616599406954.jpg (148.33 KB, 962x695, 40833510-9393225-A_statement_o…)

prince harry's new big boy job: chief impact officer at a mental health app… lol

>Harry has been appointed 'chief impact officer' for San Francisco-based start-up BetterUp Inc. As well as having a full say in 'strategic' decisions, the prince – who had vowed not to cash in on his royal credentials – will become a public face for the business. His photograph is already prominently displayed on the firm's website alongside the words 'Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex'.

yet he had absolutely no idea what to do when his pregnant wife "didn't want to be alive anymore". they are so damn obnoxious.

No. 768660

I thought that they are not allowed to use their titles after the royal split? I wonder if KP will demand tat they take down "Duke of Sussex" title from the website.

No. 768715

they're allowed to keep the Duke and Duchess titles but they're not allowed to use HRH anymore (His/Her Royal Highness)

No. 768787

oh ok. So these cunts whine and quit the royal family but still want to refer to themselves as Duke and Duchess of Sussex? Big fuckin lolz. Harry might think he's so happy and in love with Meghan right now, he might think he is free to do whatever he likes, but in a few years he's going to feel trapped and regretful for giving up everything for an American cunt who smeared lies on national TV about his family.

No. 769046

He also joined some thinktank's Commission On Why The Internet Is Terrible or something. Expect more whining about how the media was mean to him.

No. 769127

Meghan keeps going on about the titles but what she is refraining from saying is she wants entitlement to inheritance. That's why she kept pressing the issue of security in her interview. They're trying to establish they need funding for security and they the Palace should be giving them money.

No. 769253

I used to be a Meghan fan, but after the Oprah interview, my opinion has changed of her. She made up so many lies:

-claiming that they denied a title to baby Archie because of his race. No bitch, he's not entitled to a title until Charles becomes king and will grant him a title

-claiming she was denied mental health. Again, what a fucking liar because Harry also got mental counseling after his army career ended, and Meghan could have sought a counselor on her own instead of going to the Human resources office. Like wtf lol?

-she claimed she didn't do any research on the BRF… bitch really? She's a fucking social climber who was part of an exclusive club for wealthy people, elites and celebretards (i think called The Soho Club) in London, NYC and Toronto. That's how someone introduced her to Harry because of her exclusive membership. She clearly knew what she was doing when she signed up for a club that's very hard to get in.

-how come she only invited her mom, but no close friends or family to the wedding? All she did was invite a bunch of A-list celebrity retards who had no connections to her.

I can go on but you know what I mean. Bitch only married Harry in 2018 and barely lasted as a royal for less than 2 years. BUT MUH SKIN COLOR! RACISM!!! shut the fuck up cunt. Kate was relentlessly bullied by the media for a decade and she never quit or complained. I actually have more respect for Kate now.

No. 769255

He's such a spoiled petulant child who thinks everyone is out to get him. No, Harry, if you think everyone around you is against you, including your own family, friends, acquaintances except your bitch wife… guess what, Harry… you're the problem.

No. 770439

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No. 779266

Philip ded

No. 779269

No. 779273

File: 1617968320906.jpg (151.28 KB, 1248x832, NINTCHDBPICT000549781629.jpg)

This made me euphoric for some fucking reason, won't have to see new pics of his monster face anymore lol.

No. 779274

Gone too soon, F

No. 779275

Legit, my sister mournfully informed the family after seeing the news on tv and these pictures immediately sprang into my mind and I had to suppress a laugh

No. 779276

Some idiot I know said he had so many more years ahead of him. The man was 99. How stupid can people get?

No. 779277

kek, he was hanging on by a single thread.

No. 779282

inconsiderate of him to die on a friday kek

No. 779285

I will be taking a break from the Internet to mourn the news.

No. 779288

Let’s have a few sherrys to celebrate. RIP to the most kek worthy royal.

No. 779289

I was hoping he'd at least live another two more months to see his 100th birthday. So close yet so far

No. 779391

File: 1617980625198.jpg (73.95 KB, 620x413, GettyImages-79031600-eface1b.j…)

don't be rude anon lmao let's remember him when he was handsome

No. 779408

Just can't help but feel for the Queen.

No. 779670

File: 1618001299751.png (542.09 KB, 940x276, 465FD3C0-16D0-40F4-9696-1A9191…)

Nice work, Death, now take Harry so Meghan can be the rich gold digging widow of her dreams.

No. 779671

They were married for 70 years! I feel for her too.

No. 779672

gotta wonder if the ginger's gonna attend the funeral

you know megs won't

No. 779675

I hope she doesn’t, she’s had her fun in the spotlight recently, this will only give her more attention

No. 779693

File: 1618002564007.png (477.37 KB, 495x437, imagve0.png)

People are already making memes of this. This one might be going a tad too far, though

No. 779697

These memes are getting stale already, probably all made by Americans who’s only knowledge on the royal family is watching Harry and Meghans Oprah interview.

No. 779723

Mournfully?? KEK

No. 779742

this is so not funny, whoever made this is uncreative and has to be rude and shocking to be at least marginally funny

No. 779750

Sick of seeing people write sad posts like their grandpa just died. It’s so fucking weird.

No. 779757

I am British and am not upset or even bothered by his death, never mind writing a sad post. But he has done a lot of good things for charities and young people in this country. And these zoomer Twitter memes are disrespectful and childish af.

No. 779806

File: 1618008570137.jpeg (98.41 KB, 1080x822, Eyib6LLWUAQaO_1.jpeg)

No. 779808

Seriously, this man looked like he drank adrenochrome morning, noon and night.
He literally looked demonic. Must be all the evil manifesting on his face.

No. 779811

cringe and unfunny

No. 779917

They must’ve ran out and had to give the last few drops to the queen.

No. 780449

American women absolutely fuckin' love drama. They will ruin their own lives just so that they can create a real-life soap opera.

They are flaming histrionics and have the worst victim complexes of anyone i have ever known. Obviously a dumbfuck American marrying into the royal family was going to be disastrous

No. 780463

wait, what?! is there a source on this? i cant find any info about william fucking around on kate

No. 780516

File: 1618090080449.png (1.07 MB, 720x710, F8123189-7818-49AB-AC4A-696CB9…)

No. 780519

Anon are you a 16 year old scrote?

No. 780520

You have the sense of humour of a degenerate(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 780524

The dead man himself could make jokes funnier than this.

No. 780543

why was this banned, when it’s true? Dumb

No. 780546

File: 1618094116980.png (780.89 KB, 911x585, Screen_Shot_2017-11-06_at_12.4…)

No. 780557

File: 1618095541932.png (115.04 KB, 1250x1488, 2345432125432.png)

no statement except "thx for ur service bye"
cold ass shit

No. 780581

I don’t give a fuck about the ugly corpse man but leave the Queen outta this retard garbage

No. 780590

File: 1618099887067.png (104.9 KB, 225x225, 7271194920993.png)

No. 780942

File: 1618139791407.jpeg (105.25 KB, 1200x1200, 19B4ABA5-8904-42B0-85D6-EAF642…)

Leave the Queen out of your dumb memes

No. 780945

File: 1618140000488.jpeg (117.38 KB, 1200x600, 91DA191F-747B-4EFD-98E2-3B5808…)

Our future king. Adorable

No. 780965

File: 1618141535461.jpg (135.61 KB, 1080x1136, IMG_20210411_124541.jpg)

Me irl:

No. 780967

Optimistic, the Queen will outlive him too.

No. 780982

I'm just praying for his future hairline

No. 781000

imagine wanting to have a king lmao. anyway liz will bury that one too

No. 781027

He'll turn into a garbage scrote like all the men in his family

No. 781220

File: 1618168756874.jpeg (348.97 KB, 605x666, 82B0C212-3994-4E57-B6E0-17300F…)

No. 781262

stop cluttering up tt with your stale queen memes. no milk, not even funny, unless you are 14 and retarded that is

No. 781933

File: 1618244242570.jpg (32.57 KB, 600x450, 19b7e36647ae6cc717e288e0b4524e…)

Do anons have any takes on the supposed coup in Jordan from last week?
It would be funnier to watch if the Jordanian gov didn't shush it so much, but it's kinda funny to me the idea of basically brother vs brother spergging.
I've seen people/news agencies say prince Hamza has a lot of popular support but I can't really tell if "a lot" is supposed to mean the majority, a considerable but still minority group, a small but loud group, etc or even if it's just exagerated. Does anybody know if this is polarizing or not?

Either way, Abdullah has american support so he ain't going anywhere.

No. 783269

File: 1618372184031.jpeg (684.17 KB, 1242x754, D5815C91-561E-4C38-BE3E-98EACC…)


No. 783272

this meme isn't wrong tho anon

No. 783274

i ask myself this everyday haha

No. 783390

god, she is such a narc

No. 783517

File: 1618414863330.png (180.89 KB, 372x308, queen.png)

Liz out here embodying the "well, he ain't gettin' any deader" Yzma .gif

No. 783525

Is this bitch serious??? Jesus, what an ego

No. 783648

There are way too many people saying "Oh she'll probably die soon too :(" as if there has ever been any kind of true love between them that would cause her to suddenly drop dead from sadness.
Perfect example of her absolutely not giving a shit outside appearances.

No. 784227

Camilla and Charles are sociopaths who delighted in tormenting a mentally ill teenage girl until eventually orchestrating her murder. Both pathetic uggos

No. 784229

she has absolutely no self-awareness. How hard would it be to hire a PR consultant so that you dont fuck up so consistently? Everything she does and says is so unbelievably dumb.

It’s like she thinks that other people can’t see her and is so blatantly transparent and then gets mad when people see through her.

No. 784231

He's been dead. His body's been decaying since forever, they just stopped taping his eyes open for photos.

No. 784258

she's truely a saint

No. 784266

File: 1618518543570.jpeg (55.12 KB, 453x399, 190AB708-B7CE-44A2-A028-592D9D…)

Anyone know what happened to the Burger King?

No. 784306

Can't believe you guys are out here taking an article from the Daily Mail seriously, especially when the source is just people who claim to be Meg's pals. Maybe she's a raging lunatic but I don't want to find that out from a newspaper that just makes shit up and crosses their fingers that you don't sue kek.

No. 784476

File: 1618548294979.png (993.78 KB, 842x837, burger-king.png)

He went insane

No. 784477

File: 1618548475249.jpg (248.36 KB, 1920x1040, 4796fd04-james-may-top-gear.jp…)

James May was the Burger King this entire time. My god.

No. 784833

This just looks like a local tradition that they almost certainly do with all big leaders to me.

I'm not capable of understanding people who all of a sudden get petrified when it's a person with a different skin color getting royal treatment. Like it's fine for them to see a picture of a rich person and a poor person next to each other, and they have no reaction at all, but if they see a picture like that and the two people are different ethnicities, they panic like that's different or "worse". Can someone explain that mentality?

No. 785109

this video is so funny

No. 785442

I'm watching the livestream of Prince Philip's funeral if anyone's interested

No. 785454

Is Meghan there ?

No. 785457

Nah lmao. Prince Andrew is there in plain sight though

No. 785458

iirc she’s rumored to not be attending to avoid attention being drawn to herself, and more realistically because of the pregnancy.

No. 785477

camilla is a witch. a woman that ugly could never seduce a prince without some sort of paranormal means

No. 785501

Anon-chama, she still ended up making it about herself >>783269

No. 785526

have you looked at charles?

tbf it was his own father's funeral, they couldn't very well have asked him to wear a burlap sack

No. 785561

Yeah I figured. just thought it’d be interesting to mention because I haven’t seen him/thought of him in ages

No. 785591

imagine how hideous the boys would be if Charles procreated with Camilla instead of beautiful Diana? it would be a national disgrace

No. 785592

have you looked at the stunning woman that the deformed, ugly wench took him from?

No. 785612

you do realise he knew camilla long before he knew diana?
plus it was an arranged marriage and he made it clear from the outset he wasn't in love in her (that 'whatever love means' in their engagement interview was kind of a dead giveaway)

No. 786003

File: 1618724045340.png (204.4 KB, 671x344, meghan.png)

No. 786007

I can actually see her and Phillip getting along very well, which is ironic. They probably had some bants.

No. 786067

I'm not sure. Phil's job was to bash heads together whenever people were doing things detrimental to the family; had Meghan and Harry got together a decade ago, I don't think this drama would have happened because it's the sort of thing he would have dealt with. But maybe after sorting things out, they might have got on.

No. 786069

Lol @ the Telegraph. Megan's obnoxious but here's a prime example of how anti-Megans manage to be even more insufferable.

No. 786070

Camilla must suck some mad dick, hey.

No. 786076

They're making out that this is some weird thing but it's standard practice to send flowers when you can't attend a funeral.
>how meghan ensure she had a part in Prince Philip's funeral
And the telegraph could have foiled all of her perceived evil schemes by simply not commenting on it but oh well

It's crazy how many of them think she's a fame hungry leech and so continue to draw attention to her and publish stories about her and make sure we can't have one day without hearing her name or seeing her photo

No. 786134

sage for old milk, but I still am baffled by the visit of Charles and Camilla in Athens for the Independence anniversary and his proclamation of being Greek while his father did not wish to be associated with the country and never made an official visit after Eli's coronation.

No. 786136

charles and phil never really got along so maybe that was his idea of rebellion kek

No. 787528

camilla ugly

No. 787623

File: 1618936269150.jpeg (427.27 KB, 2000x1332, CCBF898C-E49C-4D17-8C20-6AB791…)

so is charles
truly a match made in heaven uwu

No. 788925

male mad lel

No. 794080

how can you be 20, kidless and have such saggy tits? christ

No. 799781

File: 1620244374362.png (133.76 KB, 719x915, Book.png)

No. 799902

File: 1620254491473.jpg (82.17 KB, 780x1085, book-cover-the-bench.jpg)


>by Meghan, the duchess of Sussex kek

she is so annoying

No. 799910

the queen of what? magic's not real therefore it cannot be in her blood, sorry

No. 799913

what? they're just regular looking breasts

No. 799924

Didn't she leave, though? Why still carry the title?

No. 799933

Anon, either you're a scrote or have some serious projection and esteem issues. They look like normal breasts for a woman in her 20s…

No. 799954

If she couldn't use her title her marriage would have been pointless duh

No. 800046

nothing to add but I love when I see meg stans say the most crazy shit about Kate, will and their childern, while defending Meg, Harry and their child(ren) from crazy shit being said.
Zero self awareness.

No. 800161

If you're critizing me-gain, you're racist. Don't you know?

No. 800162

This is simply disgusting. Didn't her own father invest hundred thousands of dollars in order to grant her the best education? I mean she went to a private school and then to a university, all paid by her mean esttranged father? When he didn't have money anymore she never helped him and ignored him. He's now sick and broke but she's the victim. I don't want to hear or listen anything family-related stuff by her. She's disgusting and toxic.

No. 801867

wahhh i escape meanie racist royal family
>Duchess of Sussex

have your cake n eat it huh

No. 802284

I hate her. She is such a fucking cow.

No. 802305

Her dad is an asshole. Him and her half siblings trashed her loads in the American press before the wedding.

No. 804146

Could the royal family technically sue her for this? I'm actually curious about the legallity of LARPing this hard with an official title you aren't supposed to have.

No. 805498

File: 1620885551259.jpeg (134.1 KB, 960x670, 40t66xiregx61.jpeg)

Seeing how Meghan has behaved, her family was right…

No. 805865

File: 1620927222834.jpeg (153.09 KB, 1024x1587, 1173062165.jpeg)

No. 805873

>Meghan Markle Reportedly Isn’t Having a Baby Shower Because “There Isn't Enough Strife in the World” Right Now

No. 805878

i love her freckles

No. 805938

File: 1620932824004.png (Spoiler Image,199.26 KB, 344x407, kek.png)

No. 806105

File: 1620942498725.png (249.16 KB, 1274x980, 4321234567.png)


mf out there whining about his privacy but then turns around and exposes all his family trauma on TV, ok

No. 806201

> speaks of generational trauma, "genetic pain and suffering that gets passed on anyway"
> decides to have two kids anyway
Harry is such a hypocritical dimwit

No. 806346

>This approach is very different to how the couple celebrated the arrival of their first child. In February 2019, a then-seven-months-pregnant Meghan flew to New York City where her friend Serena Williams threw her an opulent $200,000 baby shower in the penthouse suite at The Mark hotel that included a flower-arranging lesson and a multi-dessert meal for guests that included Gayle King, Amal Clooney, and Jessica Mulroney.
I thought that the Queen took away her passport and she was lonely because she couldn't see any of her friends.

No. 806385

File: 1620975618840.png (73.98 KB, 540x291, P&G.png)

No. 806431

This sounds more like they are trying to save face because no one wanted to go to her baby shower

No. 806477

based Megan&Harry for airing out BRF's dirty laundry.
Wonder if this is Harry's way to revenge how his dad treated Diana

Also I'd like to know how much money they got for Apple series. Forbes is as reliable as dog shit but they said about Spotify deal:

":Spotify’s three-year podcasting deal with Prince Harry and Meghan could be worth as much as $15 million to $18 million, according to industry sources. It’s unknown whether the streaming music service has begun writing checks—the first podcast, a holiday special from their Archewell Audio, came out in December 2020, and was not part of the deal, which will add around $3.5 million a year to their coffers, after taxes"

So they have deals in probably similar price range with Apple, Netflix and maybe Disney…? Too big numbers for us peasants to understand.
I don't know how inheritances works in royal family and if it's possible to deny Harry's share from him.

No. 806547

Is it just me or is 3,5 mill a year not so much?

No. 806660

>$15 million to $18 million
>Too big numbers for us peasants to understand.
I can see why they wanted his father to keep paying for everything. We peasants can't understand how difficult being born into royalty really is.

If Meghan and Harry can trash the Royal Family when Prince Phillip was dying and the Queen is mourning, then there is nothing wrong with her family trashing her before her wedding.

No. 807145

It's a lot for your average person but it's not for upper level celebrities. They still have to pay out for staff that need to be either round the clock or available on short notice, like security, agents, publicists, accountants, lawyers, etc.

If you're famous, accumulating wealth requires more to be spent and it's hard to stop spending that money even when you stop making as much. That's how actors go broke while unknown rich people are still living off their great great great great great great great grandaddy's money.

I still don't feel sorry for them considering most people in the world won't make 3.5 mil in seventy years of full time work

No. 807833

File: 1621149799368.png (67.02 KB, 615x267, kek.png)

No. 807871

Wasn't there any other way to move further away from the royal family without leaving it altogether? They're putting a lot of band aids on not having daddy's (granny's?) money to spend (the RF not financing them anymore is something they must have thought would happen if they left).

No. 807927

It feels more like they are airing dirty laundry to extort money from daddy. Either the Royal Family pay their bills or they will continue trashing the monarchy. So classy of the Sussexes.

No. 807992

No. 808011

File: 1621171561436.jpeg (68.42 KB, 1029x828, klmbsy6tlcz61.jpeg)

From CDAN, so take this with a grain salt.

No. 809638

No. 809732

File: 1621332794085.png (571.76 KB, 828x666, DianaTribute.png)

>Prince William and Prince Harry announced in 2017 that a status to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Diana's death and all the amazing work their mother did would be installed on July 1st, 2021 in the Sunken Garden of Kensington Palace.

>Harry is demanding the Meghan be part of the official ceremony. She will not be able to attend in person because of the couple's second child, but Harry is pushing to have comments prepared by Meghan included in the event or a video message featuring his wife released to the media the same day the brothers unveil the statue.

>And if Harry’s demands are not agreed to, the family fears Harry could do the "unthinkable" and refuse to attend himself.

No. 809734

good for him

No. 809764

I hope William calls him on his bluff and neither Meghan nor Harry are part of the ceremony.

No. 812400

File: 1621621697047.jpeg (307.28 KB, 750x1097, 05DED2D7-A447-488C-9090-52C0CA…)


tl;dr: meghan is a saint, everyone in the rf except diana is evil, harry's life is so hard you guys, mummy issues

No. 812834

File: 1621667378470.gif (1.31 MB, 244x224, 2A46DCF6-C18B-4817-8277-A9C6BB…)

>woke up in the middle of the night crying into her pillow

No. 812845

File: 1621669899785.jpeg (156.14 KB, 700x625, 03BD93BC-2CD2-48BF-8964-958230…)

I hope they do a paternity test on Harry, find out that he’s not Charles’ son and finally boot him and his annoying wife out for good. I hope to see MeAgain on commercials and Harry working as a gardener just like his real dad.
Also I hope Prince Andrew dies a slow and painful death.

No. 824205

File: 1623004877788.jpeg (174.36 KB, 828x1231, 09DF2246-44AB-4B1B-B372-C64933…)

Baby is here

No. 824237

Meghan looks like a caricature bought to life. That obnoxious fake smile will never leave her.

No. 824288

>babby name is Diana


No. 824870

Retard take but their last name sounds so wealthy. Burgerfag so I didn't even know the family name until a couple of months ago honestly kek.

No. 858901

File: 1626798073814.jpg (40.92 KB, 1200x675, E6s6oKMXIAka_tG.jpg)

brigning this thread back from the dead - the ginger is writing a tell-all book. this should be fun


No. 858922

apparently they're doing this because they want lilibet christened at the royal abbey but it looks like it won't be happening

No. 858927

I hope he talks about his partying years and then how Meghan put him under the thumb lol

No. 858928

I thought the whole family gave up on their first family name because it sounded too German during WW2, even though they're actually mostly German. Seeing it and the Windsor family name together seem weird. It makes them look like a parody of rich British people, but I guess that's what they are after all.

No. 858937

lol anon I was about to type that myself, more or less, before reading your comment.

No. 858943

File: 1626801763422.jpg (34.41 KB, 610x449, princeharrynaked.jpg)

My thoughts exactly. The orgies, coke snorting, Nazi fancy dress, racist jokes? kek (repost as I posted an allegedly fake pic, good thing there ARE real ones regardless of what the House says lmao)

No. 858955

Can we please stop with the bullshit that Meghan is controlling him? I do think they’re milky but the whole “She’s dictating his life” is some misogynistic shit that is unaware that he has his own agency.

No. 858994

agree he's a mega cunt and knows what he's doing, always has done.

No. 859029

File: 1626808160143.jpg (86.21 KB, 908x623, 783107.jpg)

Elizabeth's family they gave up their German titles and changed their name to windsor in WW1.
Mountbatten is Philip's last name (anglicised from Battenberg) so Liz and Phil's descendants use Mountbatten-Windsor. Still a rich twat name, but Harry is rich twat.

He's always been daft and she's definitely smarter than him, but he's a willing participant on his whole shitsow. He was a twat long before meghan came along.
Hope he has a good explanation for picrel since he's so woke now.

No. 859099

Every time I see this thread it's always this picture

No. 859144

File: 1626818122752.jpg (54.2 KB, 401x265, unnamed.jpg)

Anyone else would be permanently 'cancelled' in the UK for Nazi shit that's why. He should never be allowed to live it down. Prince William and St Andrews should be mocked too. PW received piss poor grades yet St Andrews allowed him to attend anyway. He got an ABC at A-levels, the media dutifully lied as usual, claiming it's acceptable grades lol. Uh, it's not and has never has been good enough for St A's. I hate these cunts. They abuse tax payers money, including as we now know, the raping of trafficked women and as the recent exposé reveals they DO have a lot of power, it's been one long fucking lie and they happily wield it for their petty needs at every turn. Young people in the UK have always disliked the Royal Family and more and more of us want to see it abolished. It's completely outrageous in the 21st century that we still have these useless cunts and no say.

No. 859174

well it is a pretty big stain on his reputation, especially since he's trying to preach about racism now

No. 859191

File: 1626822273922.jpg (214.63 KB, 1200x883, 933112a1acf-1568316137-1200x88…)

"You don't sound like a black chap" - Prince Harry.

No. 859681


At least being in the British Army prepared him for the peggings he must get.

No. 860325

File: 1626934542171.jpeg (84.16 KB, 1200x675, prince-harry-and-meghan-markle…)

Sure, he is responsible for his actions but they definitely enable each other's worst traits.

No. 862250

File: 1627155544796.png (73.6 KB, 1318x330, Screen Shot 2021-07-24 at 3.37…)

of course he has to undermine his grandmother. meanwhile, nutmeg is going to write a "wellness book" - whatever that means

No. 862274

Where are those royal family autists from like 1000 threads ago who were posting shit like "I LOVE the queen! Love her!", lmao?

No. 912898

File: 1631724155987.jpg (263.29 KB, 1000x1333, wp-content.jpg)

No. 912903

Imagine being influence by these pair of spanners

No. 912907

He's more influential than his grandma? Haha right
Do words have no meaning to journalists anymore? Rhetorical question.

No. 912908

Influenced to do what?? What do they even do with their time?

No. 912915

I'm a Lizzie Lover

No. 913036

Why does this sound so… dirty and freaky

No. 913122

lol @ the airbrushing.
also how influential are they? one single podcast episode and an itnerview about how hard they had it living in a palace? please

No. 913284

File: 1631744963325.jpg (134.25 KB, 962x1203, image29384.jpg)

even with all the $ in the world she doesn't know how to dress for her body type.
also the shooped hair on baldy kek

No. 913302

I would feel embarrassed.

No. 913327

I thought these type of magazines were left wing and didn't support the monarchy?

No. 913392

why do they look like bobbleheads

No. 913504

File: 1631763453978.jpeg (199.71 KB, 826x1091, D5FEBF17-AADC-47ED-AAC1-2DF8FA…)

No. 913521

This is one of the most awkward photoshop disasters I’ve ever seen on a magazine, wtf were they thinking? The faces, hair, upper bodies, lower bodies, it all looks put together from like 5 different composite pictures. This looks like some awkward romance novel cover rather than a real photo.

No. 913553

Spot on kek

No. 965361



So Meghan's and Harry's former comms director just produced the receipts proving their direct involvement with the “leaked” letter to her father and their contributions to ‘Finding Freedom,’ the book they apparently had nothing to do with. Their credibility is gone. The involvement Meghan conveniently forgot all about and had to appologize for in court filings.

Meghan is a cold-hearted calculated piece of shit, just like her father, sister, old friends and colleagues said.(imageboard)

No. 965367

gaslight gatekeep girlboss

No. 965388

File: 1636608643319.jpg (181.2 KB, 934x1184, FD3b-j5WQAY0wJx.jpg)

i love that faced with a bunch of evidence, her only defense is "uh i totally forgot!"
these incrrdibly detailed emails and briefing notes just totally slipped her mind. seems legit.

also my fave part is her saying she'd use "daddy" to tug at the hearstrings. incredible. she's such a blatant narc

No. 965733

Meghan is going to get some shit from the British public if the Queen dies soon. She'll be blamed lol. Guuuuuuuurl. Americans haven't a fucking clue about royalty vs. celebrity status. Unless she's fucking undercover with the CIA or some shit

No. 966335

File: 1636694563409.jpeg (210.14 KB, 1500x1060, Meghan-Markle-Red-Dress.jpeg)

that dress she wore yesterday certainly was a choice. she can afford the msot amazing fashion but she's always in ill-fitting clothes.

the evidence is really damning. she's manipualtive as hell

No. 966425

File: 1636712121246.gif (225.44 KB, 220x220, 7CCA7CFC-3A15-48DA-8AC6-C52179…)

No. 966437

she's like the woke rasputin

No. 970525

File: 1637162442756.png (1.12 MB, 1194x1156, 203948767382910.png)

meghan's gonna be on ellen.
fake ass narcisstic bullies getting together, you love to see it

No. 970527

>>970525 the hell? i though ellen ended the show. Is that some weird mandela effect or she just continues afetr she was cancelled like nothing happened?

No. 970530

it says "the farewell season" in the video so i assume the show's gonna end soon

No. 971221

Exchanging tips on bullying huh

No. 972514

No. 972594

wow this was excruciatingly painful to watch. the vendors didn't even bat an eye at her behaviour. I bet the royal family is very embarrassed by this kek

No. 972641

File: 1637347661444.jpeg (322.38 KB, 2048x2048, FEgHRvsWUAU4ERP.jpeg)

Imagine you are the left and the right is your sister in law

No. 972643

It's like a Disney movie. Kate is the demure and classy next Queen and Meghan is crazy sister in law and Ellen can be a toad.

No. 972653

imagine leaving the royal family, their milions and their palaces for a mcmansion and… whatever this is

No. 972961

Making her 'act black' by saying "my boo loves hot sauce", made her the most embarrassed. Interesting…

No. 982702

File: 1638367263900.jpeg (842.26 KB, 1242x770, 915D63C1-5147-4096-B388-939B18…)

Camilla delighted in taunting a mentally ill teenage girl 15 years younger than her and then when she died, spent the rest of her life pathetically living in Diana’s shadow by wearing her jewellery and imitating her in every way possible.

She routinely gaslit and publicly humiliated the princess despite her being the target of her abuse and Diana begging her to leave her family alone.

She is a pathetic subhuman and I’ll fucking leave this country if she becomes queen

No. 982703

She looks like my grandmother what the fuck hahahahaha

No. 982860

>>982703 mine too

No. 983084

I don't think he's necessarily ugly just because he's going bald now, but damn he really peaked early.

No. 983087

It probably helps that he's at least objectively better looking compared to most of his dumpy inbred family kek

I honestly don't understand why Diana was considered this remarkable beauty either. I guess Britain doesn't have a high bar to clear in the looks department?

No. 983105

I think it works out in Kate's favor tbh. She comes off as classier than ever compared to this dumbass who can't stop herself from behaving like a joke. Even better that they're separated by an ocean and she doesn't have to deal with MM's covert narcissism in person anymore.

No. 983422

she was pretty, down to earth and kind. That’s why the people loved her

No. 983488

The only thing that pulled her looks down was the hairstyle, but it was considered trendy and ok looking back then

No. 983778

File: 1638469437009.gif (2.23 MB, 1280x720, 57ABkR.gif)

Did anyone see the two part BBC documentary about the Royals' press relations? It seemed to lean pretty heavily pro-Sussex.

No. 983808

Kate curtsys and stays quiet while getting cheated on meanwhile Megan lives it up in SoCal and has Harry on a leash. I stan a dark triad bitch, if not for the entertainment then at least for the audacity. I'm honestly a bit jealous of her shamelessness.

No. 983818


I'm actually watching the first episode right now anon, came to this thread to see if anybody else had. It's pretty good but very pro Megan

No. 983820

Harry never stopped fucking around either. They know what they're getting themselves into, doubt K or M care.

No. 983825

So does the royal family pay the daily mail and other media to sperg out over Megan several times a day or is this an organic response to the British public's supposed obsession

No. 984252

That was a rumor that Meghan made up. Even the people who backed it up admitted to it.

No. 985944

MeAgain probably calls the press and publishers every time she’s feeling bored and attention starved.

No. 985947

Honestly this. I am tried of every country's newspaper making articles about them doing literal nothing. They are the royals of yellow newspaper.

No. 985949

As if the royal family would want the press talking shit about her? They die of embarrassment every time. It doesn’t make them look better just because she’s embarrassing herself, from their perspective it makes THEM look worse by tarnishing their image. I hate how Meghan is portrayed as a yaas qween Diana 2.0 when she’s just annoying af and fake.

No. 986059

I agree, but I worry this whole drama will bolster the popularity of the Royal Family in the long run. Once the Queen dies, they should really go…

No. 1210233

bumping the thread because its megain and harry's first royal appearance in a long time. it is kind of crazy that you can hear the booing over the bells in vidrel

No. 1210247

Glad they left this shithole for the states, tbh.

No. 1210274

the seething meghan instigates reminds me of how PrettyUglyLittleLiar used to post about bestdressed kek.

No. 1331010

File: 1662648582228.jpg (82.71 KB, 750x1276, FcIVbtnWQAAh-ZR.jpg)

The Queen could be dying soon.
Whole family has been called to come to Scotland, BBC reporters are wearing all black.

No. 1331015

File: 1662649049240.png (821.49 KB, 890x747, Capture.PNG)


No. 1331018

I think I'm psychic or something because yesterday I was listening to rule britannia and god save the king, and I thought to myself, the queen is going to die very soon.
sorry everyone, I think I made this happen.

No. 1331022

i think she may be alredy gone but they need to wait to tell the people

No. 1331024

It could have already happened, looks like Operation London Bridge is underway. I'm no royalist or even British but she has been a hard-working world-wide icon. Respect.

No. 1331029

now she is an icon but if speaking to prime ministers, waving your hand from time to time & helping your paedophilic sons sex abuse case is hard working then for sure

No. 1331030

doublepost *helping your paedophilic son pay off his sex abuse case

No. 1331033

its a shame all her sons were wastes of life and that ugly cunt chazzz is about to get the ego boost of his life

No. 1331034

Agreed, if there is no new queen the Uk might as well abolish monarchy because the male options are so bleak.

No. 1331035

File: 1662649873297.png (489.45 KB, 576x640, 42A40DB6-B198-4A47-A693-3B54A9…)

never forget

No. 1331036

true. honestly once she dies whatever "charm" the monarchy / royal family has will die with her.

No. 1331040

No. 1331041

I just realized its going to be male monarchs for the next lifetime, certainly as long as I live

No. 1331045

soon to be king charles and queen consort camilla..

No. 1331046

I can just see the memes and people laughing at the queens death. which sucks and i actually dread

No. 1331047

Not that I wish for her demise, but I feel like if she dies it will be kind of crazy. My American ass will be eating my popcorn.

No. 1331050

it's already happening

No. 1331051

i wanted the queen to outlive charles. William should be king lol

No. 1331052

yeah by burgers mainly

No. 1331053

the BBC stopped regular programming and they're just covering this, so I'm guessing she's already dead

No. 1331054

fuck zoomers making jokes and dumb memes about the queen!

No. 1331055

I wonder if she stayed alive just long enough to meet the new PM

No. 1331057

i think she has died. god couldn't save our queen, that useless bastard!

No. 1331059

This is some powerful cringe.

No. 1331060

yoo i was thinking it yesterday too. I was named after the queen and i thought that she's going to die very soon and it'll be a weird feeling for me, like i'll have to think about my own death.

No. 1331061

can someone explain how the power transition happens, so when she's announced dead they have a royal funeral, and then when is coronation for the king?

No. 1331062

>I can just see the memes and people laughing at the queens death. which sucks and i actually dread
It's cringy but so are people acting all heartbroken about this. She is a very old woman that lived a good and long life; the world order will not be in any way affected by her death since british royalty is just for the show, all the dramatic displays of shock as if their own family member died in a freak accident are ridiculous, no wonder some people go to the other extreme with jokes

No. 1331063

File: 1662651233003.jpg (352.47 KB, 2048x1152, skynews-queen-liz-truss-balmor…)

she did. kind of crazy how the first prime minister she met was fucking churchill.

No. 1331064

I hope she takes the monarchy to the grave with her

No. 1331065

kek I just went to the UK for a week and left yesterday and this is the result. Sorry anons, the Elizabeth found me so ugly she had a heart attack.

No. 1331066

Ireland doing backflip rn kek

No. 1331070

she is the longest reigning monarch, ever. of course her death will be deeply impactful. even old people in the uk have not witnessed the death of a king or queen. she is a symbol of the country. you know it is the ones that use coloniser as an insult to britfags will be making their tweet memes as we speak.

No. 1331072

it is crazy that she lived so long, and then through covid even

No. 1331076

I mean, impactful politically. I'm not british so I don't know everything but I think it won't really affect anything in that sense? But I'd appreciate being corrected if I'm wrong here

No. 1331080

They have an actual protected pedophile in the monarchy and nothing happened, they could perform human sacrifices and the people would say "b-but they're good for tourism" (as if all of the royals don't spend more than that entire sector of tourism)

No. 1331081

Holy fuck did anyone else see the second plane hit her majesty???? the live broadcast crazy I hope she doesn't fall down and cause collateral damage in new york

No. 1331082

I hope Meghan shows up to the funeral looking amazing

No. 1331084

yas meghan will slay at her funeral. yaas queen!

No. 1331088

Operation London Bridge

No. 1331089

it will actually be operation unicorn since shes in scottland

No. 1331091

literal keffals tier comment

No. 1331101

That's what she gets for letting a troon invade her isles.

No. 1331103

First lucinda, now this. Rip sweet princesses.

No. 1331106

Lucinda isn't dead.

No. 1331107

What happened with lucinda?

No. 1331108

bbc reported that meghan isnt going. harry is going alone.

No. 1331109

doublepost kate isn't going either.

No. 1331113

why are ppl on twitter making posts as if the queen was in charge of importing slaves to the US….

No. 1331115

Severe burger retardation

No. 1331116

So what comes after constitutional monarchy? I think it’s going to die with Liz

No. 1331117

I know a zoomer who thought slavery was abolished in 1920 so it's likely they actually think she was alive during that era

No. 1331123

I think Netflix’s the crown really made a lot of people think fiction is history

No. 1331124

If she does croak they'd better give us all the day off work tomorrow

No. 1331130

isn’t that what happens? mourning period ?

No. 1331133

The queen needs to make a statement on trannies before she dies. Yay or nay?

No. 1331135

she actually has far more control over policy than you'd expect, queen's consent and vetted laws that go through them. I think the family vetted over 1000 last year.

No. 1331139

Theoretically yes, but employers are apparently under no obligation to give us anything

No. 1331145

Trannies will revise history and say she was one of them, like they did with Joan of Arc

No. 1331150

Isn't she considered an evil whuite colonizer by woke people?

No. 1331152

the gov will get no less than 6 days as defined in their plan

No. 1331159

yeah that's right. only women they believe did things too incredible to have been done by a simple cis woman, like joan of arc, get the posthumous was secretly a transman or a they/them treatment.

No. 1331169

File: 1662657138181.png (63.44 KB, 897x500, yikes.PNG)


No. 1331178

Bezos shouldn't be talking.

No. 1331179

Neither should you if you've ever been convenienced by Amazon

No. 1331182

Lol she's in the comments calling people's pussy stinky and saying reply guys can't make their partner cum. Uju Anya is based

No. 1331186

Even if you've never shopped at amazon you're still helping them in other ways, i.e. by donating books to goodwill you are basically giving your books over to amazon. They have their fingers in a lot of pies.

No. 1331187

I don't use Amazon. Even if I did, what I said is still correct.

No. 1331192

shes dead.

No. 1331194

BBC just announced her death

No. 1331196

rest in peace queen elizabeth

No. 1331197

File: 1662658360164.jpg (83.21 KB, 599x464, ftrtrt.jpg)

of course this is how i found out

No. 1331200

we all got the day off school for the royal wedding (William and Kate)

No. 1331202

Any predictions about the future of the monarchy?

No. 1331203

holy shit this video on the BBC theyre playing crazy

No. 1331204

File: 1662658518132.png (250.01 KB, 592x501, twitter.PNG)

Thought you were trying to troll, but it's true. grabs popcorn

No. 1331205

I dont have access to BBC, what are they playing

No. 1331209

hopefully charles will die soon and it can be passed to william or he will pass it on to him before

No. 1331210

black screen and then a photo of her and played god save the queen–er king now?

No. 1331211

Fuck the monarchy

No. 1331214

Huw Edwards is wearing the blackest suit ever, it's like it's made of negative space

No. 1331215

Is there a BBC livestream?

No. 1331216

Harry will commit sudoku when hes old and divorced

Kate will be quietly miserable as William cheats with ugly women, like father like son

Camilla will be beaming at her new position and lose the plot when Charles dies and she becomes utterly irrelevant

No. 1331217

it's end of the era. most of people alive don't remember the time she wasn't a queen, like 5 generations were born during her rule. it's still insane she lasted so long, i wish she lived to 100. rest in peace

No. 1331218

Omg shes dead

No. 1331219

Oh fuck, we're gonna have Charles' ugly mug all over our money

No. 1331221

No. 1331226

wait this is lowkey historic ngl

No. 1331227

oh god nonnies i cant believe it

No. 1331229

File: 1662658919133.png (13.97 KB, 594x208, Untitled.png)

she's boutta reincarnate as trisha's baby

No. 1331230

Smile everyone, we are making history. Can this year get any more bizarre?

No. 1331231

File: 1662658964431.jpg (8.71 KB, 410x314, 54972518f7a3f28a685d726f78ac6b…)

No. 1331234

okay this actually made me laugh thanks

No. 1331235

twitter has crashed

No. 1331236

File: 1662659086863.jpg (77.9 KB, 602x870, main-qimg-aa668eac0a84008d4a89…)

its insane how he was ugly even in his prime

No. 1331239

No. 1331241

File: 1662659153353.png (392.9 KB, 1007x563, Screen Shot 2022-09-08 at 10.4…)

wait this shot is so good though

No. 1331242

Jesus, there's only like, a centimeter between his eyes

No. 1331243

Oi the queen's dead innit

No. 1331244

The 20th century is dead, there’s always some
transition of the old century into the first years of the new one, but we’re definitely in the 21st century now

No. 1331246

File: 1662659268908.jpg (48.6 KB, 780x470, 00-princess-diana.jpg)

Karma was a bit late

No. 1331249

I love Diana so much, fuk the royal family.

No. 1331250

He looks like an offensive caricature of british men.

No. 1331251

File: 1662659314760.jpeg (171.85 KB, 1200x900, 957B3D30-AE0E-44EC-B037-8D8756…)

Huge moment in history, losing some of the last vestiges of the 20th century. RIP Queen Elizabeth

No. 1331252

diana was killed by the bbc
martin bashir lied and provided faked documents and drove her over the edge

No. 1331254

there she goes…what a beautiful way to be welcomed to heaven
let me be spiritual for one post nonny

No. 1331255

File: 1662659364456.jpeg (281.99 KB, 1170x1872, 94E395C1-FF56-4212-ABF7-660608…)

No. 1331257

File: 1662659379582.jpg (203.73 KB, 683x1024, PKSYcP4.jpg)

No. 1331258

One thing about her that I like is the way she hoarded the throne away from charles, he doesn't deserve it.

No. 1331259

Damn, thats a harsh punishment even for the lizard queen herself

No. 1331261

why isn't the flag at half mast?

No. 1331262

File: 1662659421505.jpeg (69.26 KB, 960x700, 8905658C-CBF2-45EC-8A76-F54E45…)

Rest in peace Queen Elizabeth! She wasn’t always a fragile little lady.

No. 1331264

Her face as a kid was kind of evil-looking

No. 1331265

no male monarch has ever deserved his position or done it justice

No. 1331266


No. 1331269

so they're saying she died before everyone arrived in scotland

No. 1331271

Edgy but correct answer

No. 1331273

True, it should be reserved for girl bosses only

No. 1331275

File: 1662659541034.gif (2.84 MB, 498x498, a95bcde4735ab67cb078bdcc8dcfcd…)

KEK her ass is getting roasted in hell rn baby(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1331277

that's really sad

No. 1331278

I'm looking forward to watching English footballers struggle to get their heads around "God Save the King" at the World Cup

No. 1331280

hell doesnt exist nonna, reincarnation only

No. 1331281

could you not have at least an ounce of respect

No. 1331283

tfw now we have a male monarch for a lifetime, two lifetimes even.

name a female figure as well-known as the queen for so long, on this planet. you can't

No. 1331284

Yo this thread is poppin rn

No. 1331285

NTA but you have to expect it at this point

No. 1331287

What's worse, hell or being reincarnated as Trisha Paytas daughter "Malibu Barbie"?

No. 1331288

stop simping for the queen

No. 1331289

Having Trisha Paytas as a mother truly seems like hell, indeed.

No. 1331290

You’re so retarded. I bet you posted this exact thing on Twitter. Fuck you

No. 1331293

tbh nonny i think the way we are going charles or william will probably be the last monarch we have

No. 1331294

hope charles dies soon

No. 1331295

Oh god, is that what Trisha is naming the baby?

No. 1331297

Pls don't remind me of Charles and his sons, free me from this nightmare if they were to become the damn kings. Neva 4get William likes pegging.

No. 1331299

ugh what a shame, they will implode the respectability of the monarchy and we'll never have any well-known queen anywhere again. Kate should have had Charlotte first and poisoned Charles

No. 1331301

I’m happy I at least got to witness the 70th Jubilee in London by mistake a few months ago. Does this mean the tacky tourist shops will be filled with ugly Charles merch? Gross!

No. 1331302

there are worse ways to live, she will have food and money, its ok

No. 1331303

I feel like William will abolish the monarchy. I don't think Charles gives a fuck, he's probably not gonna last long anyway

No. 1331304

I'm thinking constitutional monarchy ends within the year

No. 1331305

Manifest it nonna

No. 1331306

nicki minaj

No. 1331308

File: 1662659823179.gif (521.8 KB, 498x498, icegif-1050.gif)

Tbh out of all the Royal family i think Elizabeth was the most decent since she always looked like she dgaf and minded her business. RIP.

No. 1331309

who's that

No. 1331311

i would love queen charlotte. she is further in line to the throne than prince Harry.

No. 1331312

File: 1662659860571.jpg (23.61 KB, 624x411, 55726d97-a25e-49b6-bf23-b12a1f…)

No. 1331313

File: 1662659874676.jpg (44.03 KB, 564x555, 696e6b262058c77e0b36a8053e4ce4…)

The queen of rap

No. 1331316

kpop posters

No. 1331317

she did her part, and had fun with her corgis

No. 1331318

no shes not
harry has been booted really far down
for harry to get it william and all his children have would to die

No. 1331319

are you a fag??

No. 1331320


No. 1331321

go back to twitter

No. 1331322

same nonny, never had anything against her, but the younger part of the royal family always seemed to be too obsessed with being obnoxious dramafags.

No. 1331324

Sorry I mean closer!! I mean closer kek

No. 1331325

>s-shes going to hell
Ummm double rainbow says different

No. 1331327

File: 1662660003333.jpg (219.07 KB, 1080x823, IMG_20220908_200024.jpg)

She had class

No. 1331328

same nona. This is why I hate these memes being mean about her

No. 1331330

and that is supposed to be an achievemnt or..?

No. 1331331

It's ok guys Chaz is like 400 years old he only has to live long enough for a woman to pull up and block Andrew from the throne

No. 1331332

I wonder how Daniel Kaluuya is taking the news…

No. 1331333

File: 1662660056942.jpg (120.87 KB, 1024x827, Why-Prince-Of-Pegging-Trended-…)

Never forget his bald-headed ass y'all, and he tried pegging before. Dunno what's worse.

No. 1331334

File: 1662660093498.jpeg (342.03 KB, 1242x903, 01A99F47-6D2D-45D5-8F72-01175D…)

she was a mechanic and had other duties in the war

No. 1331335

For me it’s the fact that she spent basically her lifetime as the Queen. Who knows when we’ll next see someone giving that many years of their life to the throne. She’s an icon.

No. 1331336

File: 1662660105588.png (25.29 KB, 624x415, 732cc008-143d-44d7-982c-731fec…)

This picture makes more sense now
she had died before they arrived and you can see it on their faces

No. 1331337

File: 1662660134518.jpg (109.53 KB, 1200x1200, queen-elizabeth-coronation.jpg)

RIP I'm sad

No. 1331339

oh come on, no one believes that it came from a celeb gossip site where they say all male celebrities are gay and all female ones are drug addicted hags

No. 1331340

harry taking his time to get there was a big giveaway too

No. 1331343

File: 1662660245997.jpg (257.79 KB, 1536x2048, FcJsGTOX0AIF-o2.jpg)

TIMEs cover for elizabeth

No. 1331344

A new King with a harlot as a Queen. I hope that monarchy disappears into thin air.

No. 1331345

didn't she say that none of her corgis would survive her?

nonnas…are they gonna nerf the dogs?

No. 1331347

File: 1662660306275.jpeg (103.43 KB, 750x1034, A499BD87-EBCA-4277-88A0-47629D…)

I had such a crush on him when I was a young child.. men age like milk

No. 1331348

That’s the problem I have with these names, if you love the the Malibu Barbie aesthetic, name your child something inspired by it. Call her Barbara, and she can use barbie if she wants. Hell, even barb works. Don’t literally name her “barbie” it’s fucking degrading, little girls are not toys. They’re actual people, crazy right?
Though I do like Malibu as a name, I can’t lie. It’s like being named Paris or İstanbul, it’s trashy but it’s fun to have it on a gold necklace. It’s like your slay name. I think it works. And if she wants to publish academic work she can call herself Barbara M. Paytas and no one will suspect a thing.

No. 1331349

Y'all, I am having a bad time thinking that old charlie boy here will sit on the throne. Not on my watch you crusty musty dusty busty hot chip eating lying biach

No. 1331350

They stopped breeding the corgis a few years ago, if I remember one correctly there is currently one still alive.

No. 1331353

File: 1662660398370.jpg (54.09 KB, 640x504, 2d3nm9j.jpg)

we're going to see the vigil of the princes again

No. 1331354

>Call her Barbara
That's almost as bad as Malibu Barbie.

No. 1331355

camilla actually comes from a long line of royal mistresses and was proud to be descended from such.

No. 1331356

what's rap

No. 1331357

alive…for NOW.

No. 1331358

does the british throne still prioritize male heirs?

No. 1331359

kek nonny Istambul is a horrible name

No. 1331360

the queen dying right after meeting the new PM is kind of wild, not a good omen for Truss Tbh

No. 1331362

no not since 2012

No. 1331363

This nonnie is up to something, you go girl

No. 1331366

Well fuck you

No. 1331370

not since she previously wanted to abolish the monarchy
people in my office were joking about here poisoning the queen earlier today

No. 1331371

Sorry Barb.

No. 1331372

True Barbara is hideous as a name to look at and to hear. It makes a 10/10 like barbara palvin seem uglier. barbed wire ass barb sounds like garg

No. 1331373

does charles get to pick a new name for his reign? how does that work

No. 1331375

Just a reminder that she gave pedo and necrophile Jimmy Saville access to the palace and was a close friend to him, so….

No. 1331376

yes, british monarchs can pick a reigning name people think he may take the name george

No. 1331377

A lot of people were close to him and were unaware of the sick stuff he was up to. Louis Theroux comes to mind.

No. 1331378

hey alexa how do you poison a corgi

jk haha unless?

No. 1331382

>a close friend
i doubt it
the queens only friends were aristocratic ladies

No. 1331383

Ur in trouble now, its nice knowing you nonna have fun in jail

No. 1331384

maybe call now or just after all the speeches stop, she may want a comforting voice especially if it has upset her

No. 1331385

she also helped her paedo son pay off his victim and also tried to use the UKs state poverty fund to heat up her fucking castle kek

No. 1331388

Good fucking riddance. Great feminist icon here and there, at the same time she couldn't be arsed to give an actual shit and care about it. Or at least make other people responsible.. Nah.

No. 1331390

idk she has a point, the queen and nicki have a lot in common. Like defending and protecting pedo rapist family members.

No. 1331391

i'll get charles too while i'm at it

No. 1331392

she's gone

No. 1331393

how could she, its a constitutional monarchy
britain is a republic with window dressing

No. 1331394

One of the reasons why it’s so hard to trace women and our lineages is because people like you find any name associated with older women to be trashy. Men can be named “buck” for three generations and no one bats an eye but with girls you have to give them a name that will let everyone know they’re fresh out of the oven, so they’re named after whatever is the trendiest “thing” of their time. Men have been naming their sons after themselves for centuries and we can even sometimes depend on specific names to trace their heritages. But I guess being called Barbara sucks because ugly old women aren’t cute.

Give your daughters a name that is specific, and your own name as their middle name.

No. 1331395

for all intents and purposes that is a JOKE it is a HAHA. a JOKE.

No. 1331397

They just announced he'll be called Charles III

No. 1331400

i hope he dies before the official coronation it would be hilarious

No. 1331401

no it’s all about who is next in line. women used to be put after males, so Charlotte would have been behind George, Louis and Harry etc. but now it is order of birth (blood)

No. 1331402

Hi Lolcow user,
GCHQ here
where can we find you

No. 1331403

What a flop

No. 1331404

File: 1662661067027.jpg (38.2 KB, 590x350, Jimmy-Savile-with-Elizabeth-I-…)

No. 1331405

File: 1662661076676.png (191.35 KB, 621x300, BC825433-0BC1-49B7-A1CE-0B4B38…)

The queen was truly based

No. 1331406

Yeah call her Barb, after Chris mom who got raped by her own son.

No. 1331407


No. 1331408

No. 1331409

You'll never get us you son of a bitch

No. 1331410

File: 1662661130120.jpg (72.49 KB, 636x382, 2993B8C200000578-0-image-a-12_…)

No. 1331411

ding dong the bitch is dead

No. 1331412

File: 1662661169389.jpg (93.57 KB, 976x549, _88443705_savile.jpg)

No. 1331413

Jeeesus Christ anon. I like plenty of old lady names and I love old ladies, I just don't like the name Barbara. I don't like the name Buck either so I'm not sure where you got this idea that I like those type of male names, or that I think women's names have to be "trendy" considering I said Malibu Barbie is a bad name. Also, giving your kids your name as a middle name is narcissist shit. So is making them a junior.
I can see this news has some of you really uptight and extra stupid.

No. 1331414

Not a great example considering her life has been romanticized to hell and back, lots of stuff about her is fake or embellished

No. 1331415

File: 1662661194548.jpeg (733.32 KB, 1782x2500, queenanne.jpeg)

Can we bump Anne in front of Charles please

No. 1331416

not close, also she wasn't even Egyptian was she?

No. 1331419

File: 1662661208361.png (612.08 KB, 800x485, F76A0102-F3D2-4DDC-B4C3-5526CC…)

No. 1331420

File: 1662661222525.jpg (235.61 KB, 1600x900, skynews-queen-epstein-maxwell_…)


No. 1331421

i want this as banner NOW IMMEDIATELY

No. 1331422

File: 1662661240134.png (35.87 KB, 600x393, xxgxdsgsgsggsd.png)

No. 1331423

whats the point of this, he was pictured with many powerful or famous people and most of the people at the time didnt even know he did those things.
I swear when i see famous male die i never see people trying to dig as much as they can to make them look bad, only to women.

No. 1331425

No. 1331426

Yeah, didn't give a shit unless it was about her, her family and everything else. They. Do. Not. Care. About. You. They. Have. Billions.

No. 1331428

HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT DA GRANDMA AT DA CABIN THO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No. 1331429

File: 1662661315274.jpg (187.82 KB, 976x1024, _118293869_mediaitem118293868.…)

we must eliminate all the obstacles to her reign, the pedophiles, their goons, the philanderers and the corrupt fiends. her rein will be brutal yet just.

No. 1331430

commonwealth is going to fall apart. uk will dissolve.

No. 1331431

Why the fuck do some people hate her, she was just a respectable old lady
Go hate on putin and trump

No. 1331432

File: 1662661339650.jpeg (732.77 KB, 1242x791, A1A2610C-4D6C-4431-AAC0-A5EC6D…)

Queen Anne I was beautiful when she was younger! She seems so kind and sweet. She also competed in the Olympics for equestrian

No. 1331433

What will happen to harry? I'm curious though, but they are both as bad as their daddy.

No. 1331434

NTAYRT but to be fair you don't have to dig to find all the gruesome shit men have done

No. 1331435

you really think queen elizabeth is more famous and influental than a female leader that lived fucking 2000 years ago and people still talk about her

No. 1331437

its the refuge kiwiscrotes and tinfoilers doing it.
and? people still dont do it, or dont do it enough.

No. 1331438

this. queen lizzie is a saint compared to any other head of state.

No. 1331439

my new wallpaper

No. 1331441

story behind this

No. 1331442

imagine being this delusional

No. 1331443

I have a friend celebrating her death online, but like, why? Royal family and shit but Charles is still gonna be the next in line, it's not changing anything. Psycho males.
She seemed like an alright royal, esp during ww2

No. 1331444

She is only influential because of the dramatic crazy love stories people invented around her, she is hardly known as the not very attractive yet very fastidious woman she really was, only as a bejewelled and tragic object of men's desires

No. 1331445

its kiwiscrote behavior to hate pedophile enabler who wants to setal poor people's money to heat up her castle(no, but it’s Twitterfag behavior)

No. 1331446

nothing. nobody cares anymore. he has no chance of being king or of any significance even if he didn't leave. Megan had her 5 mins of fame

No. 1331447

short term
hes going to probbaly get sympathy
megan will say something stupid
they will go back to america

long term
he will go bald and get a divorce and fade into obscurity

No. 1331448

It’s mostly the woke morons.

No. 1331449

she booted them from their spots and claimed their cabin. based

No. 1331450



No. 1331451

File: 1662661536841.gif (1.65 MB, 500x374, 3428734287342.gif)


No. 1331455

The next 3 in line are scrotes and now nobody cares about the monarchy anymore. Scrotes just ruin everything.

No. 1331456

The wking itt is kind of funny

No. 1331457

you're retarded, that's modern male invented bullshit. cleopatra was known as a scholar during her time but because men didn't like that they said she was only known for her beauty and cocksuckers like you believe it. kill yourself(a-logging)

No. 1331458

its kiwiscrote behavior to shit on the most powerful female figure in our modern history yes

No. 1331460

stop being retarded

No. 1331461

Family of peadophiles, blood on their hands and useless utter cunts

No. 1331462

well cleopatra isn't really influential, she influenced couple of people's lives she reined over, but the rest of the world had no idea who she is unlike elizabeth who most of the people on the planet heard of

No. 1331463

The two sons were called "the heir and the spare" for a reason. Harry will be after Chaz, William, George, and Charlotte, even if the latter two were still children. It will be interesting to see if Harry's standing changes going forward, I can't imagine Charles doing anything in that regard and maybe not even his brother because he pissed them off good.

No. 1331464

if we want to talk about 'stealing peoples' money lets talk about the money sent to the saudis to commit genocide in yemen all the mps claiming expenses fraudulently, the money spent on vanity projects
the queen was a net gain for the uk economy, the amount of tourists alone who came to see her brought so much to the economy

No. 1331465

I literally just said I didn't believe it, retard. Her legacy is tainted, get over it.

No. 1331466

The monarchy ruined that for themselves, no political power taxmoney leeches that only exist for the show

No. 1331469

File: 1662661733337.jpg (371.73 KB, 1170x1966, f1decd0fe5daf69a39b5cd6ce32ac4…)

Soooo is all the money with the queen going to become worthless soon or what

No. 1331470

RIP to the Queen. I'm actually a bit sad.

No. 1331471

> blood on their hands
anon. please don't be dramatic.

No. 1331472

I liked the queen. But I'm american so I don't know anything really, I just think the history is fascinating.

No. 1331473

Honestly I do not understand why angloids like the royals. Just think about how much you could improve your shitty country if you had all that money they waste on living in giant castles and dressing in designer clothes for your people.

No. 1331474

File: 1662661788077.jpg (81.24 KB, 647x404, Capture.jpg)

cleopatras influence literally led to the use of the calendar you use today

No. 1331475

The pope is next

No. 1331477

same nona

No. 1331479

do some random peasants in africa or rural china know who she is

that doesn't make her not-famous

No. 1331480

is that a threat nonny?

No. 1331481

which one?

No. 1331482

I wonder how much it will cost to replace E II R and God Save the Queen with C III R and God Save the King everywhere. Tens of millions? Hundreds?

No. 1331483

It's a weird feeling. End of an era.

No. 1331486

it will be dissolved soon anyway

No. 1331487

Just so you know the queen and cleopatra are sucking each other's clits in heaven(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1331490

It is weird, like losing a link to a piece of the past.
I have no hope for the future.

No. 1331492

You are retarded, the royal branding makes most of britain's tourism

No. 1331493

lizzie just died and here we all fighting about queen cleo who's ben cold for thousands of years who's non-influential now bitch

No. 1331494

File: 1662661999444.jpg (475.72 KB, 750x970, IMG_9562.jpg)

rest in piss to the queen, fuck her and the royal family

No. 1331496

this even the poorest starved african children know who queen elizabeth is. they know the queen, and they know ronaldo.

No. 1331497

the wont replace it anything done from today will say god save the king and CIIIR instead of god save the queen and EIIR
its why in some places you see post boxes that still say things like GVR

No. 1331498

do they

No. 1331499

You absolute fucking moron. I say “name your kids something specific and after yourself because it’s easier to trace female heritage that way” and you start having a stress-diarrhoea episode because of some incomprehensible reason. Room temperature IQ. Human cattle meant to be raised for it’s meat level of reading comprehension.

No. 1331500

your scrote mind, let me guess youre on the spectrum?

No. 1331501

Nonnie over here about to find out Victoria's secret

No. 1331502

If you patiently wait your turn, you too can suck Cleopatra's clit in heaven(Autistic seething over Cleopatra)

No. 1331503

I don't know a ronaldo. queen wins.

No. 1331504

congratrs to the astronomer who made it i guess

No. 1331505

So noone understands why there's so many fucking independence days out there. English troops raped and abused German and Austrian and French women for almost ten years, simply because "others".

They raped nuns, they raped children. Nah, fuck all that sanitation of history. We're still called nazis for simply existing, but all your fucking war crimes and abuses get pushed under the carpet.

Americans, English, Russians. The amount of rape and abuse.. I spit on that wishes of making it all sound "nice". You abused my country to the very core.

You occupied my fucking country for ten more years. I spit on everyone that doesn't learn proper history and makes them personally responsible. Fuck you.

No. 1331506

And your throwing a fit just because I don't like the name Barbara. The only one who has no comprehension is you.

No. 1331507

should have fought harder then Frieda

No. 1331508

File: 1662662229945.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1242x1445, 54768E40-4E25-4659-9CAF-DD47B6…)

> do some random peasants in africa or rural china know who she is
did you know there is a native tribe that worshiped prince Phillip and mourned for him when he died. So why wouldn't they not know who the queen is

No. 1331509

youre right, a woman is responsible for all of mens evil doings that ever happened

No. 1331510

stop spitting everywhere, it's gross

No. 1331511

Anon. Every country has history like that

No. 1331512

me too. ugh i dont want moids ruling over anything ever. idgaf about royals and all but if i knew a woman was next in line i definitely would not be upset and it isnt looking like the case here

No. 1331513


No. 1331514

anons itt simping for a woman who gave her nonce son 2 mil to pay off his victim kek

No. 1331515

little queen lizzie did not march through your country and do those things herself. so why are you screaming about that here?

No. 1331517

we may live to see a time where one of the great great grandkids of the queen lives a meager life as a schoolteacher or something

No. 1331518

File: 1662662373649.jpg (468.33 KB, 1600x1067, Vy9YhGG.jpg)

coronation robes are so kino.
but why does the ceremony look so catholic?

No. 1331521

File: 1662662413222.jpeg (902.59 KB, 1242x1641, F8530662-0CB3-4882-979C-600524…)

No. 1331522

people often say anglicanism is just catholosism without the pope

No. 1331524

File: 1662662451418.jpg (102.21 KB, 960x735, 293270299_2595732807227156_383…)

Nonnas, how would you fight Chaz? Because I think he's really old, one hit to the kneecaps and he'll be gone like the wind.

No. 1331527

samefag, her granddaughter is working at a garden centre. it isn't all as it seems anon

No. 1331528

give them credit, they probably think hes a demon god and can see in his eyes that he's taken peasant souls

No. 1331529

Roman Catholic church has the best aesthetics

No. 1331530

File: 1662662513151.jpeg (67.29 KB, 980x653, 2ED962CF-3226-4859-9D23-669258…)

Is it just me or does he bear a strange resemblance to a rat? I can imagine him with little rat ears and a tail, scrounging around the kitchen looking for cheese.

No. 1331534

kek anon prince Phillip sent them a signed photo of himself

No. 1331535

nta but i come from a village in southeast asia that barely uses internet at all or only recently started to anyway and yeah they definitely do kek do you think they just grunt in huts? even before the internet obviously word gets around and people go into the city to fetch things not available quite often in fact so its hard to not know like they dont just stay put together secluded from society

No. 1331536

a rapgirl married to a child rapist

No. 1331537

KEK shutup nazi

No. 1331538

They are Anglican, but tbh that's almost the same thing since Henry just invented that to divorce his wife.

No. 1331539

File: 1662662616508.jpg (69.37 KB, 355x500, roddy-3591719-normal.jpg)

No. 1331540

File: 1662662624652.jpg (Spoiler Image,90.79 KB, 640x932, gettyimages-80907349.jpg)

I wouldnt underestimate him

No. 1331541

sorry anon but they don't kek they literally saw him as a diety

No. 1331542

>Top teeth
>Bottom teeth

No. 1331543

thats just tony blair

No. 1331544

Your history got sanitised and its perfectly fine. We learn about ours for four years with no exception. We face our reality and past with no question. This is our history and we will carry it.

But even here, women won't accept that their troops took advantage of our women for ten fucking years.

Simply can't face it, or accept it.

No. 1331545

The Monarchy takes Canadian money like greedy landlords. They own lots of land here “crown land”.

No. 1331546

they did actually
it was form of cargo cult

No. 1331547

File: 1662662711165.jpg (32.04 KB, 590x393, Prince-Charles-fail-face-mask-…)

No. 1331548

Anon kek where are you from?

No. 1331550

I want to pluck PRINCE CHARLES’ eyes out like they’re 2 fat mushrooms and fill the holes left behind with shit being squirted out of a cake decorating pen. I hate that pedophile little girl rapist so much that I could grow a dick out of pure rage just so I could assrape him to death. Living the rest of my life as a m*n wouldn’t even phase me if it meant tearing this disgusting old mummy’s tinkly winky apart. I want to spend the rest of my life photoshopping his pig face onto degrading faggot porn. I wish I could insert a traffic cone up his ass and pour sulphuric acid inside. Legalise killing ugly old hogs, it’s not like their prostates will them live any longer anyway.

No. 1331551

nonny you should be greatful, less money the government can waste on troons

No. 1331552

No. 1331553

not to racebait but he looks jewish af here

No. 1331554

Top kek, y'all I cant breathe, keep up with the chaz slander

No. 1331556

File: 1662662863017.jpg (122.88 KB, 927x1227, Prince Charles, Prince of Wale…)

what a lad

No. 1331557

He's getting ready to climb on that throne

No. 1331558

prince harry's kids are now prince and princess as they are grandchildren of the monarch

No. 1331559

no offense but the deaf hand signal people on the bbc are so annoying to look at and distracting

No. 1331560

Would this nonny's mind break if she learned the modern bri'ish royals are descended from germans

No. 1331561

incredibly based

No. 1331562


No. 1331563

Austria. Anschluss. We have a general word for what happened to our country. And for ten more years we got occupied. Our districts divided for different countries. Russian, American, english.

They all raped our women and children. We got annexed, and they still wouldn't stop.

Check on your history.(derailing)

No. 1331564

File: 1662663093968.jpg (27.96 KB, 440x330, 123456.jpg)

No. 1331565

Having a king is just so lame and boring can’t you nonnas in the uk just pick another queen

No. 1331567


No. 1331568

elizabethan era over

so. charlesian era? charlesthan how do you say that

No. 1331571

Don't insult Adam Driver like that

No. 1331572

Oh no, they still raoed all our women and children and went home saying it was perfectly acceptable

No. 1331573

Don't mind her, someone clearly spat in her sauerkraut

No. 1331574

This. and we will probably never see another female queen like lizzy in our lifetimes

No. 1331575

Can we post Stinkditch Charles on here?

No. 1331576

awwwww cute kitty

No. 1331577

File: 1662663210871.jpg (38.13 KB, 460x353, Shutterstock_9470695n.jpg)

he appreciates a fat blunt tho

No. 1331579


No. 1331581

Carolingian I guess

No. 1331582

File: 1662663289149.jpg (315.07 KB, 1218x1600, 7YBTIwh.jpg)

> Austria
hmmm. but lets not bring up what was produced in your country that affected everyone else

No. 1331583

You just know he’s one of them old faggots that whimper like stray dogs when they finally get their hands on a cock for the first time in 40 years

No. 1331584

Does anyone remember Britanon a year ago? She must have a doozy reading your posts lol. Wonder where she is now.

No. 1331585

Wasn't hitler austrian?

No. 1331586

a blunt… yeah

No. 1331587

oh shit, duh.

No. 1331588

File: 1662663337593.jpg (108.38 KB, 729x728, eagle passes its judgment.JPG)

even birdfolk dont like them, cmon UK do the right thing

No. 1331589

Kek Austrian anon

No. 1331590

NONNY I am dead, you've killed me

No. 1331591

File: 1662663422579.jpg (78.19 KB, 900x473, Corgi auf dem Thron.jpg)

wish I would have grown up as a princess and had corgis

No. 1331592

Fingers crossed that Fergie performs London Bridge at the funeral.

No. 1331593

His face literally looks like a characiture of a British moid

No. 1331594

> birdfolk
did you just use neutral term for birds

No. 1331595

kek your country birthed hitler. our little queen has just died, sperg somewhere else

No. 1331596

I'll fight them bitches fr

No. 1331598

we have edwardian and victorian fashion how would elizabethian fashion look if reduced to one outfit of stereotypes

No. 1331600

who will own our swans if the queen is dead!!

No. 1331601

File: 1662663536704.jpg (211.41 KB, 866x1089, chaz.JPG)

imagine having to clap for this

No. 1331603

No. 1331604

fashion nova

No. 1331605

doubt it stands, they weren't when they were born.

No. 1331606

I hope she does the cartwheel thing too

No. 1331608

bbc just stopped airing wtf

No. 1331609

File: 1662663661643.jpg (57.64 KB, 298x439, rtx1utt5.jpg)

No. 1331610

File: 1662663671548.jpeg (357.09 KB, 2000x1453, 706DB5DD-E1EC-444E-891D-6FF730…)

queen Charlotte

No. 1331611

who's the scrote spamming pics of charles?? can you post pics of the queen instead

No. 1331612

Pussy, lolcow is where its at.

No. 1331613

Ugly moid, good thing the sons got a decent dose of Di's genes

No. 1331614

nooooooo so fucking hideous it cant be. its only recent the queen has reigned for more than a decade… please no…
actually maybe you're right there should be some fast fashion element to it perhaps the usage of polyester or something. pants maybe

No. 1331615

What kind of disgusting Scrote nonsense is this? Are you a TIF fujo overdosing on testosterone, or a larping tranny trying to derail and cause shit?

No. 1331616

File: 1662663833074.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1242x1338, 58C9AD72-397E-422B-B82D-955573…)

show some respect zoomers

No. 1331617

There are a surprising amount of images of charles inspecting phallic objects

No. 1331618

File: 1662663878440.jpeg (60.92 KB, 602x602, 816FC6E3-9FAE-409C-BA14-EEE1D0…)

If only he didn't loose his hair

No. 1331619

File: 1662663887660.gif (1.54 MB, 498x303, 4070D347-F9F9-4353-B6A2-AD938A…)

People on twitter rn pumping out the unfunniest tweets for 3 likes

No. 1331623

the unfunny tweets are coming from inside the thread

No. 1331624

File: 1662663945189.jpg (62.36 KB, 1200x675, _methode_times_prod_web_bin_42…)

Get Charles-ed

No. 1331625

File: 1662663948271.jpeg (570.11 KB, 1242x904, 0CF2BEBD-6671-4729-AEF6-186E40…)

queen elizabeth was a mechanic during ww2

No. 1331626

those are the rules in force
grandchildren of the monarch are princes and princessess, they got those titles the momment the queen died
although there could be a debate depending on whether harry is still prince or not

No. 1331627

File: 1662664015017.jpeg (620.8 KB, 1087x741, 00759541-645F-46EC-B9FC-1686A8…)


No. 1331628

File: 1662664033556.jpg (61.88 KB, 538x308, dingdong.jpg)

No. 1331629

Harry is a prince and 5th in line unless they explicitly take it away from him. Only his "official roles" were taken away which has nothing to do with the title or succession.

No. 1331630

ok anon it was funny maybe the first time. now you're just acting like a scrote

No. 1331631

Absolutely vibrating with pure power at the thought of the queen of England being reincarnated as Trisha Paytas baby

No. 1331632

I checked twitter for news and saw like eight trisha paytes child’s reincarnation tweets in a row (to no one’s surprise they were all by gay twinks)

No. 1331634

Liz is just playing a prank on everyone, she's obviously eternal

No. 1331635

Nta but you just think they're acting like a scrote because you personally do not find it funny. I think his latent homosexuality is very amusing.

No. 1331636

File: 1662664172701.jpg (8.16 KB, 178x264, MV5BMjEyNzMyNTQ4M15BMl5BanBnXk…)

Princess Diana 4ever

No. 1331637

File: 1662664173416.jpeg (568.99 KB, 1800x2700, 63620408-A14B-48C8-AAEE-86C740…)

No. 1331639

File: 1662664216087.jpg (22.76 KB, 640x360, _118086494_976-diana-1995-feat…)

Princess Diana Supremacy

No. 1331640

The royals did not deserve her.

No. 1331642

File: 1662664291965.jpg (650.92 KB, 1638x2048, e7GOW3O.jpg)

It's kind of crazy when you think about it, monarchs dying. Obviously she was mostly a figurehead, but for so long? It's crazy. No wonder it was seen as such a big deal throughout history when monarchy was the norm everywhere. I can't even imagine how insane it was during the French revolution.
No one gets emotional about presidents/PMs dying, politicians who leave office after 4-5 years. etc.
Something about monarchy is definitely more like, losing a piece of the country itself. Anyway, it's a bygone system of government and people in future generations will look back and think it's insane that remnants of it still existed during our time.

No. 1331643

No. 1331644

its not like theres anything left to discuss seriously, but as you wish

No. 1331646

I’m literally turkish what are you talking about

No. 1331647

No. 1331648


No. 1331649

File: 1662664452151.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1125x1797, 1EF5A450-D439-4263-9C9D-47ED5D…)

No. 1331650

that is actually very cute

No. 1331652

KEK anon

No. 1331653

>a turk
>bitching about subjugation

holy shit

No. 1331654

eww a turk

No. 1331655

erdoğan is literally hitler

No. 1331656

I’m really curious what’s it actually like in the uk right now? are the streets busy are the stores closed or is everything going as usual I dont see anything but reporters on tv

No. 1331657

kek sorry turkey anon i replied to the wrong anon

No. 1331658

>acting like a scrote because you don’t personally find it funny

nayrt but I’m extremely triggered by this. It’s just a repulsive post that I’m certain was typed by smegma-encrusted fingers.

No. 1331659

Oh look another retard that believes in the 1915 lies. Armenians didn’t even exist before the 30s. Kys

No. 1331661

this. also do you guys get the day off tomorrow?

No. 1331663

Everything is normal, we aren’t all looting and rioting and committing mass suicides. Sorry to disappoint you.

No. 1331666

Oh welp, it was fun talking to y'all. Im going to hit the hay now, you anons behave ok?

No. 1331667

Liz Truss became PM then Queen Elizabeth died. The laws of science say there can only be one Elizabeth/Liz/Lizzy at a time.

No. 1331668

I’m not American lol but all Ive seen was the way people were grieving on the streets for Diana so was just curious

No. 1331669

I suppose the centuries of hell under the scourge known as the ottomans is all a lie too

No. 1331670

File: 1662664750188.jpeg (43.63 KB, 495x700, 972A9BF6-221C-4BA0-82A0-778F34…)

No. 1331671

train workers & royal mail will be going on strike next week over it. theres a crowd outside the palace rn but thats about it.

No. 1331672

no but on the funeral in 10 days

No. 1331673

babushka on steroids

No. 1331675

File: 1662664790370.jpg (25.32 KB, 500x370, x8n60kwkwm651.jpg)

>>1331659(nationality sperging)

No. 1331676

And broken clocks are right twice a day.

No. 1331677

does this mean the quebec loses its sovereignty in canada?

No. 1331678

holy fuck

No. 1331679

it kinda feels surreal that the queen has died for a britfag

No. 1331680

She's so cute!

No. 1331681

File: 1662664844705.png (223.5 KB, 636x741, EABAF14C-72CD-46A0-8FE4-62D67F…)

I hope these are ok to post they are actually kind of sweet.

No. 1331682

File: 1662664845528.jpg (145.15 KB, 837x1171, Capture.jpg)

No. 1331684

Not the queen and bishie prince Phillips

No. 1331685

other countries has it been on your news?

No. 1331688

File: 1662664901688.jpeg (59.91 KB, 900x675, 68155EA1-56AA-40E3-98B1-4B5004…)

kek enjoy, or whatever emotion these inspire for you

No. 1331689

That is actually cute

No. 1331690

No. 1331692

Omg who is making these

No. 1331693

mashallah queen lizzy

No. 1331694

her tongue is splitting reptilian confirmed

No. 1331695

Why is the queen wearing a parachute?

No. 1331696

Cute. Who is the guy?

No. 1331697

reference to the olympics probably

No. 1331699

File: 1662665082545.jpg (141.73 KB, 1000x1500, hbz-queen-elizabeth-1942-getty…)

No. 1331700

Shitting myself over these thank you anon ily

No. 1331701

File: 1662665129414.jpeg (122.74 KB, 1000x575, 0194F6E5-CD86-477C-9213-0E9704…)

Maybe she dropped from the sky into hetalia world

No. 1331702

love the fit

No. 1331703

yes but only a few news sites have mentioned it for now.

No. 1331704

File: 1662665173100.jpeg (128.03 KB, 1280x1862, BFACB333-00D9-4DAF-816A-B72CC4…)

love you too anyway I'll stop now.

No. 1331705

Nonstop lmao we’re literally in asia and my entire feed is people posting and crying about her it’s kinda cute

No. 1331706

kek it's England from Hetalia

No. 1331707

that is very wholesome and sad omg

No. 1331708

>Hetalia world
Seems like a shit place to be in ngl, I'd rather be in the depths of hell thx

No. 1331710

File: 1662665266330.jpeg (798.74 KB, 2828x1908, 85684B7A-6D02-45CE-A72B-072BDD…)

No. 1331712

ive seen that rifle and her target
they are framed in the cafe/pub in bisley rifle range

No. 1331715

FINALLY. I'm glad this fucking parasite is finally dead. I wish all royal parasites dropped dead rn

No. 1331717

ow the edge, damn nonnie i nearly cut myself

No. 1331718

sperg about it on twitter instead

No. 1331719

Why would they be going on strike?

No. 1331720

Let’s manifest it together my sister in spirit

No. 1331721

what's better, democracy or monarchy?

No. 1331722

its the uk, everyone is always on strike

No. 1331723

Lighten up nonny

No. 1331726

File: 1662665556465.jpg (50.83 KB, 460x641, FcKBdZZaQAA8RS9.jpg)

No. 1331727

You probably know this already but this thread is full of clit-sucking monarchists. You won’t find much applause here.

No. 1331728

depends on how retarded your nation is

No. 1331729

sometimes they don't feel that different

No. 1331730

ayrt theyre doing it out of respect

No. 1331731

monarchy if you have a decent monarch
democracy attracts the greedy and powerhungry
good people cant succeed in politics
also monarchy relies on the general public and as churchill said the biggest argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter

No. 1331732

monarchy, much harder to influence and set up puppets within a family system. They are pretty similar in results though. A good monarch can fix a lot of problems, a good politician well… doesn't exist

No. 1331733

Tbh I did not realize how hard some anons cape for rich people and leaders.

No. 1331734

File: 1662665659047.jpeg (840.51 KB, 1170x1207, IMG_CD05A2949319-1.jpeg)

No. 1331736

Anon, you know that posting this is probably going to result in racist sperging

No. 1331737

stop posting about clit sucking, you'll get more replies on twitter and 4chan

No. 1331738

File: 1662665718320.jpeg (128.96 KB, 1080x1080, 18B9F9F1-D1BB-4423-ADD1-4CBE75…)

No. 1331739

File: 1662665722727.jpg (181.35 KB, 1000x1503, Z0xIJlt.jpg)

watch this to find out

No. 1331741

Where did you find those cute drawings nona?

No. 1331742

Why does race always have to be bought up.

No. 1331743

These drawings are very sweet

No. 1331744

humans are tribal
people like bring part of a clique
they like their little group going against the flow in makes them feel special

No. 1331745

searched "anime queen elizabeth ii" lol but I'm sure there's more tagged on various websites

No. 1331749

Found the bootlickers. Sorry I don't like twatter libtards either
Yeah I noticed, but I didn't expect to find bootlickers on lolcow of all places, pretty sad

No. 1331752

Did the UK import african slaves? Where is this diaspora from that hates the queen, were they forced to immigrate?

No. 1331754

why do
you type
like that?

No. 1331755

Then fuck off and hide the thread

No. 1331758

breaks up the lines
makes it easier to read, i think

No. 1331759

The elizabeth trisha paytas memes on twitter are pretty funny.

No. 1331760

based queen but SA80 is a POS rifle
> Yeah I noticed, but I didn't expect to find bootlickers on lolcow of all places, pretty sad
Assuming by "bootlickers" you mean "monarchists", why on earth not?
> Did the UK import african slaves?
Yes but they stopped several decades before the US did

No. 1331761

as someone who lives in both a pretty retarded nation and a monarchy we’re fucked either way

No. 1331762

I just find her cute, it's a monke impulse really
rollin my eyes

No. 1331763

No, it was 99% post ww2 immigrants the government brought into replace all the dead, slaves were sent to the carribean colonies and elsewhere

No. 1331764

What you’re seeing is biased because the people who track this thread are more likely to be followers of the BRF or authority worshipping. Most anons don’t care that much about the BRF.
That was my first post hotshot.

No. 1331765

I live in a democratic country

No. 1331766

> I just find her cute
Me too nona, and that's ok

No. 1331768

so cute

No. 1331769

File: 1662666161341.png (81.19 KB, 746x639, 1661687617177317.png)

pls no bully

No. 1331770

most of the posts on "black twitter" are americans with no education, and likely believe slavery was ongoing in the 20th century

No. 1331772

>rollin my eyes
you should be rollin the royal clit instead

No. 1331773

I love this

No. 1331775

File: 1662666234650.png (968.79 KB, 882x827, Capture.PNG)

No. 1331776

kawaii pepe

No. 1331777

'black twitter' also said british black people arent 'black' and only black americans are real 'blacks' neither are black africans

No. 1331779

I mean, being 1cm dilated doesn't mean that Trisha is going to give birth soon, as funny as that would be. Malibu Barbie could still be 2 weeks away, labor can take a long time to start.

No. 1331780

envy a clit much?

No. 1331781

no one else saw her when she died either, apparently she died before anyone was able to get to her.

No. 1331782

why are you so obsessed with clits, is it because its something you will never have?

No. 1331783

No. 1331784

File: 1662666325549.jpg (137.33 KB, 756x720, rip.jpg)

she was a girlboss.

No. 1331785

>thanks for bullying and killing my mom grandma

No. 1331786

Yes it is sad by Harry made his bed tbh

No. 1331787

only charles got to see her

No. 1331788

Most likely. Being obsessed by lesbian sex is a tranny thing.

No. 1331789

Can someone tell me why themlets on twitter are also sperging about the queen? Why do they hate the queen so much?

No. 1331791

It's 100% a tranny

No. 1331792

the press did that, did you not see the whole bbc thing admiting the lied to her and pushed her over the edge

No. 1331794

No WE live in a society

No. 1331795

Stop sucking 96-year-old clitoris.

No. 1331798

trannys hate women, the most powerful woman in the world has died, of course they would try start drama

No. 1331799

fuck off with the clit shit already fucking christ GUYS OMG A FEMALE BODY PART ISNT IT FUNNY LOL SEX like are you 12 enough with this jesus and i dont even like royals either

No. 1331800

I bet you are American. Educate yourself

No. 1331801

due to her being a true and honest women in a "man's world" who didn't feel the need to get the tit chop, I assume

No. 1331802

>every woman who's not a bootlicker like me must be a tranny
I'm referring to a clit simply because we're talking about a female royal right now. If a male royal died and you were crying about it, I would be telling you to roll the royal balls instead

No. 1331803

>What you’re seeing is biased because the people who track this thread are more likely to be followers of the BRF or authority worshipping. Most anons don’t care that much about the BRF.
You're right, it's still super disorienting to see on LC though.

No. 1331804

they think she colonized africa and enslaved black people. when her reign was in fact noted by decolonization and the fall of the british empire's influence around the globe.

No. 1331805

The Queen is so cute. Rest in power to her. I really love her outfits

No. 1331806

>infighting about race

No. 1331808

Exactly!! It’s frustrating watching anons here post black americans tweets like they represent all of africa and black people

No. 1331809

Wealthy white cis female representing tradition and dignity, she has absolutely none of the labels that would make her an "ally" and has never fallen over herself to defend and pay lip service to their causes. She was basically a terrorist to them in her indifference and silence.

No. 1331811

If a male royal died I would not be crying about it

No. 1331812

Holy shit men age like absolute shit

No. 1331813

thats the thing… nobody would be crying about it. You are missing the point

No. 1331814

being it’s edgy and punk to rebel against the common thing and side with money hungry organisations which just want your money…. ironic. Theybies just want to watch the world burn because they are ugly and hate themselves and wish to take everyone else down with them.

No. 1331815

No, no one would be talking to much about royal balls. Keep your pornsickness to yourself you gross tranny

No. 1331816

No. 1331817

No. 1331818

he looks like William in the top pic, so I guess that is what William will be looking like in a few decades

No. 1331820

if a male died in general nobody would be crying about it, they shouldnt anyway

No. 1331821

I hope jk Rowling becomes the next queen and banishes all trannies off the earth

No. 1331822

>Everyone who doesn’t support a pedophile-defender is a tranny

No. 1331825

That's funny, because the female royal parasite that just died gave birth to a male royal parasite. She contributed to even more evil in this world than an average het woman giving birth to males, which are parasitic by nature. But a male royal, that's like, a double parasite.

No. 1331826

You quoted me and I’m not even any of the other anons you quoted. People can dislike the queen all they want, cope

No. 1331827

Nta but you need to stop being a retarded bitch(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1331828

reducing queen elizabeth's life to scrote activities is tranny behavior. yes, you are a tranny

No. 1331830

And you’re a major pickme defending another pickme. Birds of a feather kek

No. 1331831

>Someone with verbal diarrhoea about sucking clits 24/7 is a fucking tranny

No. 1331832

File: 1662667019107.jpg (102.34 KB, 500x707, Royal_2011_01-500x707.jpg)

Pathetic bootlicking parasite-lovers on this site should be ashamed of themselves.

No. 1331833

I redirect you to >>1331509

No. 1331835

correct, just a while ago a tranny i know did the same thing elsewhere

No. 1331836

I'm not british so, not my problem

No. 1331837

No. 1331838

kek exactly

No. 1331840

pocket change. they should show a graphic for the billions being pocketed by politicians

No. 1331841

she made more through tourism

No. 1331842

sux for the rosbifs but it's free entertainment for me

No. 1331843

> Brand Finance estimates that in 2017 the Monarchy generated a gross uplift of £1.766 billion to the UK economy.

They essentially pay for themselves and more

No. 1331844

I knew this would turn into infighting kek rest in peace queen Elizabeth!

No. 1331845

There are several anons in this thread who use the phrase “clit-sucking” because you’re having a meltdown over someone you’ve never known and who never cared about you. Take your meds nonna

No. 1331846

If we're gonna sperg about budgets, fat people are the real parasites

No. 1331847

the only reason people want to travel and visit the UK is because of the royal family lol.
otherwise what do you have, the london eye? bitch who cares

No. 1331849

Being British seems painful honestly

No. 1331850

They only wanna hate on her for being a woman. She only passed and people are being sexist.

No. 1331852

No. 1331853

Well knock it off you bunch of troons and go dilate

No. 1331856

At least some fat people have actual jobs and contribute to society kek

No. 1331857

Someone post the trisha/elizabeth memes from twitter because im too much of a lazyass to record it and convert it to webm.

No. 1331859

yeah a powerful female public figure like the queen simply doesn't exist now, like will we ever see someone like her again?
trannies and men couldn't wait to see her die bc they're misogynists

No. 1331862

what are the "realms"

No. 1331863

Not British but l love to observe how this is unraveling because its going to be a doozy

No. 1331864

>having a clit-obsessed meltdown over people saying a few respectful words
>won't stop posting

Yeah we're the ones who are unhinged kek. Please let me know how many clits I'm sucking with this post

No. 1331865

No. 1331868

elizabeth paid 2 mil to help her son pay off the 17 yr old girl he sexually assaulted. the simping over her is weird.

No. 1331869

Yeah, you contribute 9-5, 5 days a week max if that. The Queen worked every day her entire life, yknow, being The Queen. They do do stuff and lots of charity work also.

No. 1331870

Man I don't have an opinion either way but are you just gonna ignore >>1331843

No. 1331871

File: 1662667593848.gif (102.25 KB, 220x124, nik.gif)

>At least some fat people have actual jo-

No. 1331872


No. 1331875

the lands 'ruled' over by the crown

No. 1331876

>You aren’t a monarchist???? T-t-TROON
You might just be brain dead.(S.t.o.p)

No. 1331878

Sorry I really can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not but if not then no london isn’t that great I traveled to the uk a few times on holiday and I know people who do we usually stay in other cities or even small towns on the countryside

No. 1331880

File: 1662667684529.jpeg (1.08 MB, 2560x2560, 1477701434790.jpeg)

I literally just moved here. The short-term future here is going to be bleak but I'm looking forward to some top-notch drama

No. 1331881

No they dont they cost more to the health system than the average salary. We are all supporting them. Just look up how much dialysis is before insurance

No. 1331883

>I'm a feminist so I have to support literally all women even the evil ones! I want a female american president so she can nuke kids in middle east! I want more female CEO's!
I bet you think Margaret Thatcher was an ally to women too. Would you support a female Stalin just because she was a woman? YAAAS QUEEN PUT ME IN YOUR CUTE GULAG SLAYY(can you retards stop infighting)

No. 1331884

No, you just make it too easy. Keep sneeding though, it’s delicious

No. 1331885

Would you rather she refused to pay the victim?

No. 1331887

File: 1662667788510.jpg (21.94 KB, 500x500, 12331241241441.jpg)

>Would you support a female Stalin just because she was a woman?

No. 1331888

>A grandma who kept to herself is in the same league as female Stalin

There are many XYs in this thread. Dead giveaways >>1331884

No. 1331889

she had such a high pitched voice

No. 1331892

equating the queen to stalin is crazy lol. she had essentially no power and was a figurehead.

No. 1331893

its how girls were taught to speak at the time

No. 1331894

File: 1662667931792.png (124.77 KB, 1230x513, q.PNG)

prince andrew said he was going to donate money to Virginias charity, the queen helped him by giving him 2 mil. She didnt want any connections to it though

No. 1331895

I'm ready for the Thatcher treatment on this bitch.

No. 1331898

At least she helped compensate kek, it’s not like she could have built a time machine and unbirthed him, what’s your point?

No. 1331899

Then you would be ok with women and children starving to death I guess. But as long as a woman does it, it's fine. So much for female empowerment
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor(ban evasion)

No. 1331901

No one was having a meltdown until a bunch of anons came in here all upset that we weren't celebrating her death and started calling us bootlickers

No. 1331902

jesus anon learn to take a shitpost

No. 1331903

i just hate men, simple as

No. 1331905

stalin was male just like you, keep living in theoretical fantasy

No. 1331916

File: 1662668318105.png (305.62 KB, 966x505, q.PNG)