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No. 2435593

Previous: >>>/ot/2405774

Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art (do not shill about your ai trained models key words on a prompt do not make you a artist)
-do not post your art to be reviewed here use the designated m thread
-screencaps are necessary while talking about milk

Articles about useful resources for improving one's art:

Tried and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix

Useful youtube channels:
>where to find art
>other useful sites
painting by :Artemisia Gentileschi

No. 2435611

hi(this isn't a chatroom)

No. 2435614

No. 2435621

I didn't know artemesia painted picrel

No. 2435714

tfw i'd love to ask my mutuals things like "would any mutuals want to do an art trade" and maybe restrict the replies to people you follow only, but i'd always think of the artists who follow me that i decided not to follow back seeing that post and feel bad that they can't reply. i'm not that big of an artist, less than 10k followers, so it feels like not following back feels more personal. then they'd get offended and unfollow me kek, maybe when i reach a really big number of followers i'll be more inclined to speak openly to my mutuals

No. 2435726

what are nonnas' favorite books on male anatomy?

No. 2435727

I dont think there is a book solely dedicated to male anatomy. But stonehouse and morpho are great. I wish there was a book dedicated to drawing attractive men, like how there are japanese books that do focus on female anatomy and are targetted towards ero artists.

No. 2435771

i also don't know of any books on solely male anatomy, but my favorite are the ones with plates to reference individual body parts like charles bargue. if your style is more animeish then the taco point drawing books are pretty good too

No. 2435772

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>openly admitted ai proompter (Mayara Ferrão) in an art museum

No. 2435780

ugh i'm from the same country as that artist (brazil) and she pisses me off. she uses ai like crazy and people give her a pass/turn a blind eye to it because she's black and from salvador, bahia (a mostly black-afro brazilian state). out of so many other amazing black brazilian artists they could've picked, they chose that lazy retard. it makes me so mad.

No. 2435792

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>el salvador
nonny i am sorry but its a museum in a shitty third world country, its not the Louvre. My country had these traced pieces of shit in a museum and its a thirdie shithole, too. Museums in SA are completly corrupt and filled with nepotism and money laundry. Art schools here are a complete joke so the few talented artists like Alke or JCM end up being nonces who resort to porn to pay the bills. I would be worried when AI makes it to real museums where actual historical pieces by talented artists are showcased.

No. 2435821

She's not from El Salvador, she's from a city in Brazil named Salvador. It's still a shitty nobody museum though.

No. 2435842

Anyone else feel insecure about how your social media gallery looks when you see all your art displayed like that? I’ve always haaated how my gallery looks, especially on instagram. There’s not really a theme and it’s too colorful which makes it look busy. Those artists who have galleries that look pleasing to look at are my goals, im so jealous of them, especially if they have under 50 or 20 images in their media tab for example. It actually pisses me off, how were they able to amass a large following with such little images? A lot of them were just one year old or younger accounts, so it’s not like they deleted their old art.
I think galleries/media tabs that have mostly sketches posted with colored pieces sprinkled in between look best. But unfortunately for me, when I sketch something I just have a huge need to color it even if the sketch itself looks nice, im too coloredpilled. I still hate how my media tab looks so I end up drawing a sketch, coloring it, then decide to not post it because it would just shit up my gallery further, so I end up not posting anything for my followers.
Honestly what I want is for fleets to come back to twitter, it’s pretty much a perfect solution for me because I want followers to see what I drew, to show that im still active, and it doesn’t have to stay on my gallery/media tab, just a temporary thing. I’m just too insecure about media tabs/galleries tbh, these artists I look up to on ig have such nice looking galleries and I know they also deleted and tailored it too. But I think my instagram is beyond saving because i feel like deleting everything, I’ve already archived so many posts. I do want to start over but I don’t want to hide oc posts for this weird reason that they act as proof this was my original idea first, in case people accuse me of copying a more popular oc or IP series. Sorry for the long post nonas

No. 2435848

What the fuck. Where is this? Some art exhibition?

No. 2435896

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>That drawing
Is from that infamous Argentinian artist who traced art for her expo?

>Ask to her, probably straight, boyfriend to "out himself" by claiming he's a gay guy and he's dating a gay NB
>Three doritos later
>She's single

No. 2435932

>A lot of them were just one year old or younger accounts, so it’s not like they deleted their old art.
Might be that they did delete their things. Maybe account hopped. Could've amassed a gallery across several accounts. I think the main takeaway is that this isn't their first rodeo, and that they likely had to also do things that appealed to normies. There is shenanigans afoot for sure.

No. 2435934

Am I dumb or does her buttcheek look weird

No. 2435967

How do you get ideas to draw something out of your comfort zone? I wanna draw more men and backgrounds but each time I go back to drawing pretty girls in a white void. I wanna chop my hands off sometimes.

No. 2435989

El Salvador is Central American and Central America is a part of North America, though.

No. 2435995

>make a male oc
>project some of your life experience and traumas onto him so you see yourself in him and become obsessed
>make another oc to ship him with
>put them in a fictional setting that appeals to the kind of fantasies you like, whether it be traditional high fantasy, modern with slightly supernatural elements, scifi, angels and demons, etc
>build on this world a little bit so that you become invested in wanting to draw it
>this solves both the male and the backgrounds issues
This is how I got better at both, though if you're not creative enough to be able to write anything this advice is kind of useless.

No. 2436020

Write down a list of things you don't want to draw.
Draw them. Suck. Cry. Spend several days repeating the process. Get excited when one attempt actually looks nice. Rinse and repeat.

No. 2436023

Unironically use AI and prompt the exact opposite of the things you usually think when drawing.
>pretty = ugly
>female = male
>white void = city
that way you would get a basic prompt like
>"drawing of ugly man wearing casual clothes, busy city background"

No. 2436028

Nta anon I have the same problem. But I want to know, where do you all get your composition ideas or inspiration from? I'm practicing right now and I'm just being curious.

No. 2436085

Do any anons know of any great/really good drawing tablets for under $500? I’ve been trying to pick one out for the longest but I don’t want to get too stuck on one option.Apologies if this is a dumb question.

No. 2436123

I do that. Using the 3d poses/background from CSP works too.

No. 2436124

do studys of backgrounds and art of men you like

No. 2436125

Will you work directly over the tablet or use the tablet like a mouse? Because now the latest versions are cheaper than the screen tablet ones.
I have heard good reviews from Huion.

No. 2436161

Haven’t exactly decided which way but I’ve only been drawing on screen surfaces.I do wonder how’s it like using it the other way.I just don’t want to feel like there’s a limit in space to draw in but still feels comfortable to draw with.(integrate)

No. 2436299

I got a wacom intuos medium back in 2022 for $300 at best buy, like they just had it at the store. Maybe you can try going there and seeing the selection for yourself? Even though it's been like 3 years it still works really well.

No. 2436300

samefag, it was the pro version, not the version that looks like the grim reaper's etch a sketch, just wanted to say(learn2delete)

No. 2436526

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on the topic of jcm2 I noticed that he purged all of his older sfw artworks from his pixiv including the well known egg painting, I wonder if that has to do with him getting doxxed

its artists like him that make me reluctant to publish content with female characters because this faggot has drawn porn of nearly every single female character from brand mascots to niche webtoons

No. 2436548

this painting is still on his twitter

No. 2436550

I thought his twitter was suspended?

No. 2436552

I guess? But this painting was posted on his new account a few years ago

No. 2436889

>I'm reluctant to post my art with female characters because someone might make porn out of them
Don't want to sound rude or anything but I seriously doubt your art is that interesting

No. 2436939

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Kinda doubt it has anything to do with the art being interesting. Moids are so coombrained that anything even vaguely female is fap materiel. If they can coom to cartoon horses they'll find a way to coom to some randos ocs.

Anyhow any artist reccs for mouths. I got super into Yuto Sano's style, but I'm open to anything really. I always struggle with mouths and want to improve. Think it might bring some more character/emotion to my pieces

No. 2437300

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Do any of you guys know Shiyado? I used to follow her many years ago and was a huge fan… Until she pivoted towards obsessively drawing Genshin Impact yaoi. I usually have no strong opinions towards fujos, but for some reason this pisses me off so badly. Picrel is one example of what would otherwise be a great piece that suddenly turns into unrecognizable slop once you realize its zhongluc fanart

No. 2437328

i've also stopped following artists for this reason. i have no strong opinions on the game itself but it sucks when artists who made a wide variety of fan art and original art just stop and make a hard turn into genshin slop. something about it is like a parasite that consumes their whole brain and sucks any creativity out of their art, it's probably all the engagement they get.

No. 2437382

So true, I’m glad somebody else gets it

No. 2437453

the new lavendertowne video is… something

No. 2437461

damn she's really running out of ideas

No. 2437475

i just noticed, did she actually drew autism speaks as Dream?

No. 2437476

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I actually called her out on how this is tasteless and this her response. I don't wanna see dupont in a dress ffs(cowtipping)

No. 2437482

You comment is stupid, honestly. I think her art is ugly but moralfagging about it is just retarded. Its just fun at the end, albeit dangerously cringe.

No. 2437490

Nta but it's still distasteful

No. 2437496

No. 2437508

you don't see anything wrong with drawing companies who hurt a lot of real people as quirky evil gijinkas in a childish artstyle as a poor excuse for spreading awareness?

No. 2437511

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They'll coom to literally any and everything, so unfortunately that's just a risk you'll have to take. I had several people request some weird shit of a character I made (vore, her taking it up the ass, etc) when I made zero porn of her ever.
People like Blitzdrachen/Sifyro have stalkers that commission porn of her sona from unsuspecting artists, too. Granted, she's a furry so that makes her chances of that amplify tenfold, but shit happens.
I say truck on anyway once the initial shock is over.

No. 2437512

No. Its just dumb fun absolutely no one is getting hurt. You sound like the kind of person that would sperg at Hetalia.

No. 2437525

Y'know, I always found it weird that people don't make separate accounts for this. When I feel a particularly strong attachment to a media coming on, I'd make a separate account for it if it deviates from what I'm usually known for. Since most people don't actively comb out their followed accounts for their inactivity, it's far more likely they'd stick around, than if you flooded the account with irrelevant things.
But that might just my OCD talking. Back in the Homestuck days, I separated and isolated my sperging from my usual artwork.

No. 2437526

No. I am just tired of women getting moralfagged over the dumbest things while men constantly get away with heinous shit. Last thread everyone was sucking Range Murata's micro cock and now you want me to believe LT is evil and disgusting for drawing shitty gijinkas? fuck off

No. 2437530

nobody said that LT is evil? It's just a cringe idea

No. 2437531

Agreed. Yeah its dumb and I don't like Lavendertowne but there are bigger fish to fry

No. 2437533

nta "Dangerously cringe" was a beautiful way to put it, I think.

No. 2437540

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I found the original comment and this is definitely moralfagging, why lie?

No. 2437541

why you lying, you were calling it tasteless and obviously moralfagging about it and now you are backtracking. No one said it wasnt cringe, just that it doesnt warrant cowtipping.

No. 2437545

This original comment sounds like it was written by a kid. The absolute state of lolcow.

No. 2437555

Nonnie we get gendies, moids, and even cows themselves posting/lurking this site you think dumb kids aren't gonna find their way here? Luckily they tell on themselves for stupid shit like this.

No. 2437652

>not knowing that she's a commonly mentioned cow here
Nona have you read old threads? We talk about her here all the time. That anon is retarded for cowtipping though but nothing wrong with posting her new milk

No. 2437660

honestly even if i don't really like her art, i find her response very tasteful and respectable. and oh my godddd this nonny really dragged hetalia too.. >>2437512 you're actually a seer

No. 2437726

Isn't jcm2 a pedophile? No big loss.

No. 2437744

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Drama in the 2000s inspired gendie community is so silly considering everyone copies each other in making slice of life tif nlog stories that are just strung together scenarios vs actual stories.

No. 2437746

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No. 2437759

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kek i went through the qrts and to nobodies surprise she interacts with fat fetish content

No. 2437771

retard on retard crime, beautiful

No. 2437774

You just have to do it. Suround yourself in a female friend group. Know they're in the wrong if they drew your character maliciously. You can't let this worry stop you if you want to create.

No. 2437775

femboy tifs cannibalizing each other is funny but I honestly hope they keep doing it just so they could make TIMs seethe and make them rope

No. 2437777

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>bimbo tif yaoi artist getting called out by their own
Kek finally, 1 down many more (like brujoari and fratboystrider) to go. I don’t care whatever reasons gendies get mad at them for, but I hope everybody looks back on this trend as an embarrassing cringe phase

No. 2437790

my favourite thing about all these people is that they draw obviously horny/fetish inspired designs but when confronted about it they act like they don't because they want to keep their audience. id respect them more if they were honest and pandered less but for such an inbred community i dont expect any less.

No. 2437896

this is so, so, so ugly. i even find ari's usual style cute and i can see it working as a regular animated show art style, but i struggle to see any redeeming qualities for this one.

No. 2437908

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>reee she's misgendering her own OC

No. 2437936

>cannibal tifs find out other tif changed oc pronouns at the last possible second for more clout and asspats because nobody would've given a fuck about her oc otherwise
I totally didn't know this. I'm so offended about so and so misgendering his or her oc, so like shocked or whatever. how will the y2k tif (self hating straight girl) high school romance prompt survive now?

No. 2437942

This sounds very OCD nonna but I’m the same way. I like my own work but kind of hate seeing it all thumbnailed out, even more now that IG changed their aspect ratio. I’m trying to vary things like background colors and level of detail to make my grid look a little less busy.
Or they built a following on another platform like a discord server or something

No. 2438118

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How depressing. This is an even worse downgrade than puppychan. I used to love her art style.

No. 2438204

You sound like a Twitter zoomer who says "media literacy" all the time.

No. 2438247

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GinjaNinja's faces are sometimes so wonky it makes me laugh. I find it fascinating that some of her characters look fine and some of them look kinda fugly, see bottom row picrel for an example. I think the first two are more classically anime, but the other two are difficult to bear looking at. I think it's a result of both trying to make her characters distinct and possibly the awkward stage of trying to change art styles.

The thing is she's been an artist for so long and makes so much art, so seeing this happen to her scares me and reminds me to keep on my toes kek

No. 2438316

what was the cause of this?

No. 2438381

The way the lineart got thicker and sloppier reminds me of the type of art degradation Shencomix had. Is this specifically a common thing?

No. 2438816

the heavy eyelids with the tooth gap look so stupid and punchable. and the orange haired character looks like a tim from that lesbian terf webcomic.

No. 2438873

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I wont go into much detail but I've managed to amass a large following because I had to adjust my art and content to a more simplistic, coomerish style (I was desperate, but the cash from kofi tips and comissions helped me move out of my previous shitty apartment).
I've thought of some elaborate ruse like fabricating a beef with my real account to draw attention to my real one kek, any tips? I feel like that line of work is starting to affect my self perception and the stuff i've had to draw is..well , any ideas?I didnt hone this skill for years to end up drawing cartoon porn,

No. 2438883

Why not just retweet your art or promo the account?

No. 2438892

Why do you want the audience from your big account to look at you real account? They followed you for coomer shit and if your real account doesn't have the same kind of content, then I doubt you'll get that many new followers even if you could manage some sort of beef that didn't backfire in some fashion (you should do what >>2438883 says if anything). imo you should just abandon the coomerbux account, draw things you actually like and return when you need money from it again. I have an account that serves the same function and honestly it's hard to lose customers just because you went on a long hiatus unless you're drawing something generic like big titty anime girls they can get anywhere.

No. 2438946

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do any Clip studio paint nonas know how to set the canvas so the 3D objects remain hidden beyond the boundary of the canvas?

No. 2438964

File: 1741652326221.jpg (178.58 KB, 736x1042, 1000020631.jpg)

Sano uses manga like MHA as reference, you can look into those artists as well.

No. 2438968

Clicking a different tool usually does it for me. Like clicking the airbrush tool. Keeping it on the object edit tool makes the entire model visible.

No. 2438973

holy shit you're right, thank you nonna

No. 2438978

No problem! Good luck on your pic, nonna!

No. 2438987

>tfw arthritis pain
How do you cope creatively when you need to take extended breaks from drawing/doing anything with your hands?

No. 2439009

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>doppo used as a reference

No. 2439011

I exercise so that doesn't happen

No. 2439085

have you always had arthritis or does it just get bad when you draw? if it's the latter then you just gotta learn to grip the pen/pencil less hard, gripping it too hard can lead to general pain such as wrist pain or carpel tunnel

No. 2439099

NTA but I also exercise and I still get hand cramps. It’s a grip thing. It’s hard to quit.

No. 2439120

Get into AI training and make a model out of your cartoon porn so uploading porn and getting money gets easier and you get more time to draw stuff you actually like.
At the end of the day it just porn I doubt anyone would care if it's AI or not as long as they can get off to it.
also it's your work so nothing is being "stolen" or anything like that

No. 2439135

how does one amass a coom following base though? i just tag my art as #oc and most of my likes come from followers, but always less than 100 likes. do you just use hashtags for popular series or do you not have to, and just draw coom? if i drew coom without tagging specific fandoms i'd imagine that my current followers would just be weirded out or something

No. 2439137

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anybody else watch captainjellyart as a teenager into hetalia? she trooned out into an insanely un-passing ftm and kinda disappeared off youtube, the whole thing makes me sad. tims make me rage but tifs just make me sad tbh

No. 2439139

i'm also wondering this, do coomers just appear naturally once you draw coomshit? i feel like if i tried to, my posts would still continue to flop anyway. my reach always sucks, twitter says my posts get around 400 views roughly

No. 2439144

kek I'm just imagining coomers rising out of ponds like frog spawn, beginning their march towards the nearest computer so that they might fulfill their purpose

No. 2439147

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I didn’t recognize that name, but I think she came after my era which was UhOh-Beek/beekwhy and shadzu. When I checked her blog seeing picrel caused a visceral reaction in me.

No. 2439151

KEK her artstyle is so insanely girly
>beekwhy and shadzu
god i remember drawing their 2p america and england designs with my friends in school… miss the hetalia/homestuck era

No. 2439158

I have my fondest online memories from being into Hetalia so that whole era is just very cozy to me. I remember Beek and Shadzu had some falling out after being besties for a few years and the most that was ever said was Shadzu answering an anon ask saying to stop contacting her about Beek. I always was curious what happened between them.

No. 2439258

NTA, in my case they were just following me from the same circle, oc anitwt. Coomers are just everywhere and reblog even simple sfw cute girls on white background they latched onto my femgaze shit just because it features a cute anime woman.

No. 2439271

do you use any specific hashtags on twitter? all i use is #oc, so aside from that i just hope one of my famous mutuals like my tweet, and them liking it causes it to show up on their followers timeline thanks to the algorithm. i still feel like most of the people liking my art are girls and not coomers

No. 2439276

Any nonas remember lilyglazed/itslyssalala? We talked about her a few threads ago. I checked her newest twitter account and it’s still dead, however her Reddit has been very active almost every day for months now. She’s posting art there now too to their respective subreddits. I wonder why she doesn’t want to be on twitter anymore, I know she used to have a big negative reputation but that’s in the past and there hasn’t been any drama surrounding her new accounts afaik. Maybe she’s too traumatized by twitter in general?

No. 2439289

I don't use hashtags, I just got in the right circles and mutuals, good luck. I honestly don't recommend getting into coomertwt.

No. 2439309

Honestly, pretty much yeah. That and luck. I have a NSFW side that stayed with 10 followers or so for awhile but then one of my pieces exploded somehow ans gained over 200 followers overnight. Porn accs tend to be the ones that retweet stuff the most as well, on my main I get 1:20 ratio of rt:like meanwhile on the NFSW is closer to 1:5 or so.

No. 2439331

One of the biggest indicators an artist is either a moid or a huge pick me is if they draw women like lolis/always neotenous/big boobied mommies with very simple facial features (so not a shoujo style or sparkly eyelashes) while the men are always guts lookalikes, ultra masculine shounen shit. There is nothing more male gaze than that.

No. 2439341

do you guys ever talk about anything other than what is male gaze or not… it seems like every discussion circles back to this topic again and again, you all need to find a new special interest

No. 2439408

Kek that's why I stopped checking these threads as often as I used to. It's always either discussion about what's male gaze or pandering to whatever group, lolicon in general, asian vs. western artists, the same few questions about social media fame, how to rendermaxx or what tablet/paints to buy or someone going "I love this artist but they're a gendie/pedo/pickme/xyz". It's so boring

No. 2439430

Apparently gobelins has been withholding degrees from third year animation students (I dont know if that's even legal) and it seems that this animation school may have the same shitty university culture as Ringling, I had a suspicion things were getting bad ever since they started promoting AI art classes

No. 2439432

I've thought about strategically drawing the OCs of smaller coom artists (1k-2k followers) so they'd be more inclined to retweet it but the idea of getting locked into that shit kills me.

No. 2439446

Not to infight but the nonnas here are so miserable. They complain about /ic/ but the vibe here is just /ic/ without testosterone fueled goonerism typed out by hands with dried cum on them. I hate soulless male gaze shit as much as the next nonna, but they'll call out lesbian and bi women for drawing hot girls and call it being a pickme. They'll call a chibi drawing of an adult character lolibait, they'll talk about why it's a bad thing to post your art online with the same stupid crabs in a bucket anxiety mentality. This place is genuinely miserable and a detriment to one's mental health if you spend too much time here, lest you start policing your own art and behavior too hard and are no longer able to just have fun and not care.

No. 2439494

At least some of the faggots over at /ic/ actually draw too

No. 2439500

> they'll call out lesbian and bi women for drawing hot girls and call it being a pickme.
I don't get it? What's wrong with drawing cheesecake of the sex you're attracted to? Are lesbian artist expecting to draw yaoi forever?

No. 2439506

No they don’t lmao.

No. 2439534

Because it's sexualizing women so it's always bad. God fucking forbid a woman wanna see another woman look sexy without it being for a man. But in the eyes of the anons here, drawing any kind of sexualized woman means you're doing it for men, and even if not, if a man finds it hot then you're sinning anyway. Oh, but wait, if she's drawing yuri and then she suddenly decides to draw yaoi, then she's a fake lesbian fujo who secretly wants dick! If she draws butch4butch then she secretly wants to troon out! If she draws butch4femme then she's secretly straight and wants to look on brand for the skittle squad! I swear to god, nobody wants to police women more than other women. I can totally get how women who like drawing hot girls would actually start catering to gooner moids when other women won't let them catch a fucking break for the most innocuous shit.

No. 2439581

As somebody who draws cute and pretty women sometimes, I hate these takes.

No. 2439601

I have my own issues with this thread, mostly how it's filled with nitpicky nodraws who don't contribute but why do you even go to this thread then?

No. 2439689

Nta, but
>that's why I stopped checking these threads as often as I used to

No. 2439712

No, I'm asking what else do you/anon expect to see in this thread if not that thing she listed?

No. 2439739

Yeah, I see a lot of anons complaining about what gets posted in this thread, but they make no effort to post things they want to see. The women who use this site aren't your entertainment or social media feeds, you need to contribute to the threads if you want them to be different.

No. 2439740

I like stupid internet drama that relates to my interests but I don't follow any cows on social media so I depend on this thread for milk kek. Same with fandom discourse but that started getting repetitive a month in so I stopped checking it. I wish art cow general didn't die, that was such a good thread. Whenever anons talk about drama in here someone will inevtiably bitch about it and ask to divert the discussion to classical art or what paper she should buy as if only one topic can be commented on at a time.

No. 2439752

>Whenever anons talk about drama in here someone will inevtiably bitch about it and ask to divert the discussion to classical art or what paper she should buy as if only one topic can be commented on at a time.
oh god i loathe those newfags. Its like they dont realize where we are and why the thread is called artist SALT.

No. 2439756

do you think maybe that's why it's called Artist Salt? Because it's a place for artfags to vent? And since the same societal bullshit from time immemorial keeps happening, our vents are gonna be the same? Post your unrepetitive enlightened posts or gtfo

No. 2439777

>If she draws butch4butch then she secretly wants to troon out! If she draws butch4femme then she's secretly straight and wants to look on brand for the skittle squad
Are you bringing up complaints that happened in a different board or thread, because I can only recall fandom discourse where their complaints weren’t necessarily unfounded and had to do with other aspects of the art, like the dynamics or designs. Like a butchfemme artist who got hate for how she drew butches with bodies that came off undeniably male then turned out she had a porn side account where she gives the butch male genitalia

No. 2439799

She's a gendie now, which probably also has something to do with her degrading art.

No. 2439805

But actual butchxbutch and butchxfemme still gets scrutinized because something something it's lesbophobic or heteronormative when it's still gay? Butches are still women yet once they stop looking like anime tomboys it's too much for supposed lesbians who love all women?

No. 2439832

Why don't we have an Artist General thread for those of us that just want to talk about art without all the retarded drama and bitching?

No. 2439838

I miss the days of big cringey artubers bc then there was so much posting about actual salt. I don't have a problem with discussion but it gets annoying when people bitch about any actual salt that gets posted because they want to discuss the same boring shit over and over again in a circular echo chamber.

No. 2439847

Check catalogs in /ot/ and /g/. If there isn't one, make one.

No. 2439848

Make one.

No. 2439849

Seriously. I miss the Holly Brown days.

No. 2439890

File: 1741724324052.png (187.49 KB, 593x405, 200704.png)

can we sperg about brujoari real quick

No. 2439899

thanks, i hate it

No. 2439910

Were crypto scams even a thing in the nineties/noughties?

No. 2439913

Because lazy retards years ago whinged that the artist drama thread needed to have art discussion as well and now we're here.
Far better days, the thread was at its best back then.

I do wonder when anons started reading the thread because the earlier ones were full of "Holly Brown is a FATTY" and the rest were filled with the usual bullshit and the exact same questions over and over. And all loli infighting itt is incomparable to the one a few years ago where anons were writing angry paragraphs to each other. We even had artists self posting to get attention itt. The only difference is that there's no drama as of late, we've always had cyclical thread wide repetitive discussion of singular people, the thread has been the same it's just severely unbalanced between artfag shit and actual drama and complaining about the drama is not helping. I'm sure tons of anons were sick to death of talking about LT for years but they changed the topic and didn't drag it out by having a tanty about it.

No. 2439936

Damn, still has to get those troon brownie points. She literally has to dangle keys for her fans and it works every time

No. 2439938

File: 1741726010120.png (94.05 KB, 298x530, Trentcropped.png)

trent has done so much damage

No. 2439950

the absolute state of newfaggots

No. 2440037

File: 1741730333897.jpg (498.38 KB, 2048x2044, 1567184124603.jpg)

Made me remember pentagrin kek. Her edgy ocs were so fucking funny, especially that Grell knockoff. She goes by c0ffin_fit now but I can't find any art besides stuff that's been reposted to ic and archived.

No. 2440061

Oh my god, I was just watching an archived video of hers where she tried to defend the fuck out of her blatant Black Butler rip-off ocs for nostalgia's sake. I miss the absurdity of the old art commentary community so much.

No. 2440069

File: 1741731766091.jpg (58.41 KB, 736x560, wtf.jpg)

>want to go to art school
>there's one nearby
>look it up
>prep everything for enrollment day
>enter as soon as the forms open
>put all my info but i don't get accepted
>get put in waitlist
>no response yet
i only have till next month anons i dont even think im getting in, i asked a friend and he knows like 6 people who couldn't apply either. Anyone have similar experiences? if so, were you able to get in?

No. 2440127

TRAs already fully succeeded in killing off the word "trap" in normie and fandomy anime circles years ago, is "trap is a slur" discourse even still a thing in 2025? I think the only people that still use the word trap are the moid hentai fans still stuck with the r/anime sense of humour.

OT for the thread, but with how coombrained TIMs are and their obsession with "reclaiming slurs", it's interesting that they didn't just appropriate it completely into their coomposting.

No. 2440133

You don't need to get in on the first try. What kind of works did you put in your portfolio?

No. 2440188

do you know of any other place that lets you shit talk moid artists without their dickriders trying to defend them? to me it's actually refreshing to see people bash on the several moid artists i've known for years, thankful that i'm not the only one. and it was thanks to these threads that i learned about a lot of hidden disgusting facts about them that i could've never learned if i stayed on social media forever, like moscannablis or however you spell his name having a side account where he draws young girls being raped, or that famous korean artist who died a bit recently that drew bestiality with women (name was kim)

No. 2440195

File: 1741736540032.jpg (97.19 KB, 735x733, an.jpg)

should have clarified this first but it's mostly not like that where im from. They just asked for contact info on the first call and the second call asked for papers (wich i had prepared). I just re-checked their website and apparently they go in order of the wait-list. So actually there's nothing i can do other than hope i get in and check some other places ig

No. 2440280

Unpopular opinion but as an artist the only thing worse than moid coomers is other women also insisting everything is coom for men. If I draw a cute anime girl because I think they're cute and fun to draw and I then share it with my female friends, none of whom think anime girls are sexual because none of us a are degenerate moids, then there is no reason for some moralfag to reee about it being lolibait or some shit like that. No, it's not. It's just an anime girl made by a female for females. "But a moid would fap to it" yeah because moids fap to literally fucking anything, it's not my personal job to control them. We're in a male-free zone like a private all female group and there's still always someone who insists it's coom for men.

No. 2440284

>men will fap to anything
True. There's a big difference between intentionally using design elements to attract coomers and just drawing something that coomers inevitably fap to.

No. 2440305

File: 1741741876125.jpeg (1.14 MB, 4096x3436, 4652FA06-40F4-49A5-A243-49F459…)

Theres a huge difference between artists drawing their cute fotm anime girl in non coomer clothing and retards frothing at the mouth from being called a goonette pickme because they draw every woman or little girl half naked with H cup tits getting sexually assaulted. I wouldn’t care if someone drew Madoka in plain clothes but I would think lowly of someone if they were drawing shit like that Dickishly tif. It’s not rare for women to post shit for male validation online or for other women to egg each other on for men like picrel either

No. 2440307

nta Yeah. It's sad that certain art styles are associated with The Coom just because it's been abused in some capacity by others for that purpose. Like it taints the art style and any who partake in it are equally viewed as evil.

No. 2440311

She is so insanely cute and then she allows that to grab up on her… this is such a sad world.

No. 2440316

I swear to god, shit was not this bad 15-20 years ago when I was a teenager. It's like I woke up and something terrible happened. I see zoomers and gen alphas co-opting fashions that were popular when I was young like scene and sexualizing them when originally they were just teenagers wearing really tight jeans and t-shirts with a ton of accessories. what the fuck happened? I mean it's not like things have not been growing more and more sexualized for decades at this point and it was pretty bad in the mid 00s, especially anything relating to rap or hip hop but it's really bizarre coming across an entire generation that was clearly conditioned by the worst porn imaginable at ages that were inappropriate. any young woman sexualizing herself is obviously doing it for meal validation like there's just no other reason to do it. It's more normalized amongst some, i.e. black girls.

No. 2440338

File: 1741743364056.png (39.31 KB, 241x203, Midnight_Man.png)

The insanity that almost all of Dickishly's social media presence is dedicated to this fantasy of being an ant-built black girl that's lusted after and preyed upon by a white gooner incel Dollar Store-Jeff the Killer, my god.

No. 2440346

I swear I can fix her with the power of friendship, I feel so disgusted seeing her so close to whatever the fuck that thing is, whoever is close to her needs to get a grip and save her from the pickme virus induced psychosis.

No. 2440350

Based take

No. 2440353

i went to comic con and saw a celebrity at artist alley, the creator of the boyfriends webtoon kek
her booth didn’t seem too busy compared to others when i passed by though, no one was there. sales must’ve been mediocre or low

No. 2440400

nonna are you a rheumatoid sister too? It really sucks and have had trouble coping as well. I basically just pursue other creative hobbies, like 3d modeling or irl painting. Obvi u can still overdo it, but its alot less taxing than holding a pen. I also just take creation with a less serious approach, and try experimenting or going out of my comfort zone in ways that lessen the stress on my hand. Also wrist braces+compression gloves, esp at night

No. 2440406

Probably shouldn't speculate about strangers online, but this is often a thing that I see self-hating women do

No. 2440471

I know a millennial lesbian artist who has been obsessed with the weebiest most degenerate moid anime since 2006, she definitely has autism or something, she draws a lot of lesbian pokemon OCs doing shit like grabbing each other's breasts in the same way Haruhi does to Mikuru and lusting after one another and giving subtle fanservice while looking cute. I love her work, she's very good at what she does, I admire the power of her autism, and she has always had a lot of male fans which frustrates her because she wants more girls to talk to, but she just ignores the creepy guys she doesn't like. Sadly though, because of people moralfagging and assuming the worst in people's art, she's too anxiety-ridden to post her art anywhere now and it's just been on nothing but toyhouse for the past few years. She was a huge inspiration to me as a kid and I really wish she was still able to enthusiastically share her work with the world.

No. 2440485

File: 1741755598214.jpg (245.74 KB, 1000x1250, tumblr_4f1da2784fb0c0e63d24730…)

Right? It's fucking bleak. I always say that I miss the age of the old internet when pedos and hypersexual people had their own bubble that the rest of us just side eyed and ignored. But as time goes on, I'm beginning to realize that every day, maybe, just maybe, I was living in a niche part of reality.

pic unrelated. I love ShiroiRoom. She makes cute candy gore (or did, idk)

No. 2440524

File: 1741759149579.jpg (313.79 KB, 1170x1141, 102839483.jpg)

Damn, that looks terrible kek and doesn’t even fit in with the rest of the face. Not a fan of the obsession with “styles” because it seems to encourage bad habits like symbol drawing.
Ok, do people just automatically click like when they see a drawing of bald people pointing out a character/style trait

No. 2440536

petty and retarded but i hate when artists do that swirly thing on the face KEK theyre always annoying and underage

No. 2440538

I honestly don't think zoomers know how relatively modest the fashions they are trying to make often were in reality because they get it mixed up with other fashions from that time period. Like assuming that club fashion affected daily wear teen fashion. IMO I don't exactly blame them I don't think it is necessarily intuitive that emo fashion didn't entail cropped shirts and bare bellies when that silhouette was more common to other fashions of the time period. Faithful recreations probably don't do as well on algorithmic feeds anyway.

No. 2440540

File: 1741760471645.png (1.42 MB, 766x840, GASSoj8XgAAk9ZL.png)

This specific thing has been pissing me off for months now kek it always looks so ugly to me, even when skilled artists do it. It reminds me of creatures from old picturebook illustrations, it should not be used on human faces.

>Ok, do people just automatically click like when they see a drawing of bald people pointing out a character/style trait

Yes. Doesn't even matter if the exact same post has been made before. If it has a clear layout and depicts something people know it'll get likes

What? Everyone who signed up quickly enough gets in? What's the point?

No. 2440552

we have pictures and video from that time, zoomers just don't want to be faithful to the period because they want whatever cheap shit from shein to be acceptable and they treat everything like it's some inclusive label with no meaning, like gendershit.

No. 2440553

I just hate the obsession with little changes in art style rather than creating meaningful pieces. As soon as you're no longer a teen and all the novelty wears off, you find it's a soulless pursuit that leads no where. There's only so many pretty with a unique twist portraits you can look at holy shit. Recently just went through unfollowing a ton of people I used to follow throughout middle to highschool and you look at these people's pages and just feel…nothing. Might as well just jingle keys in front of your face if all you wanna do is see something kinda cool

No. 2440561

I honestly don't mind a lot of the topics discussed. I like hearing about women vent about gendies because that means theres more gc artists like me out there. I like salty artists complaining about mundane shit. What I don't like are underaged newfags who can't explain bad uncomfortable thoughts and feelings without aligning it to morality somehow. And nitpickers who discuss if the art style is good or ugly ignoring the point of the post, everything is a tumblr art style to them. The thread has been stinking of tourists who aren't really practicing art for a while now. It's why it's hard to start discussions about the industry too. Tangentially I don't mind questions about making art but I dislike beggars who want to be spoonfed tutorials and resources that has been answered previous threads. Just put in the effort, ladies.

No. 2440569

Be the change in the world you want to see nona, send her a DM letting her know she was an inspiration for you!
I'm sure she'll appreciate it and maybe have more heart to post for other women if she 'sees' you if you will.

No. 2440611

Oh I've known her personally for quite some time, it was a dream getting to befriend her when I was a child, which has made it all the more sad to me seeing her lose her desire to post anything online. She had the potential to become huge, I had always felt that she could've made a lot of money by selling charms or something, but her downfall began when people began reposting her MLP and smash brothers yuri, which upset her a lot, and then around 2016ish she began getting really skittish about the rising puritanism in fandom. Her interests remained steadfast on things made by moids for moids, such as idolmaster, I think it's because there's just so little things out there for lesbian weebs actually made BY lesbians, so by default you just kinda veer towards things not meant for you. But because of that, I can understand why she would be scared of becoming a target. I miss seeing her excitedly post about her OCs, but I want her to do what feels best to her. Her toyhouse has a huge disclaimer that basically ends with "please dont attack me this is all for myself".

No. 2440635

that's just trooned out trent from daria

No. 2440681

100%, the obsession with style amongst zoomer artists is a cancer. It’s always some arbitrary little thing like square eyes or whatever that they lock themselves into out of fear that they’ll lose their “signature”. The squiggly blush thing is one of the worst.

No. 2440695

File: 1741772708020.jpeg (1.3 MB, 2048x1277, IMG_5319.jpeg)

i like tamakid’s content but man the height difference with her bf really does not look good kek

No. 2440697

Wtf, is that Vinesauce?

No. 2440708

Would've been hot if it was a real woman.

No. 2440757

Damn, she is tiny. I'd be so pissed if I was the other girl kek she makes her look huge comparatively

No. 2440760

So, did brujo Ari copy Sammy fendi or is it the other way around?

No. 2440767

That's clearly a grown woman though fym

No. 2440851

Sorry nonnas but I need to get this off my chest: Does anyone find fotm goonslop rage inducing? Idk if it's my preference for original art or me just hating porn of non-sexual characters, but I hate seeing it on my twitter and discord feed. You can't go one scroll without a face full of poke tits shitting up my life.

No. 2440855

What is/was her handle? I love this kind of female artist
They're projecting their all-devouring obsession with men, they'll never relent or hear you out because men are central in their inner world. Ignore and be the change you want to see

No. 2440858

Sometimes I really wonder what kind of art some of you are into. I know that there is tons of coomslop out there but I literally never see any of it because I simply don't follow anyone who posts or shares that shit. Start blocking people. Leave those discords. Get better taste. Do something kek. You really don't have to look at things that piss you off every day.

No. 2440875

Yes. I dislike all goonslop art in general. Even when I don't like it for some reason it still shows up on my tl too. I've muted rts and blocked people and my tl is still never fully free of it somehow.

No. 2440887

Kekkkk I remember seeing some nonna in a different thread complain that DDLG bitches were all over her feed and tried to use that as evidence that they're everywhere. Nah girl, it's only you, you made your feed that way!

No. 2440901

I don't get any coom on my feed basically, I see a lot of fanart since I like it and interact a lot but it's always like on model without weird proportions or clothes. Follow different artists and your "for you" feed will change too, for discord just leave those servers if they're full of coomers.

No. 2440928

So you still follow people that engage with it. If it's random posts on twitter you have to check the option saying you're not interested and engage more with stuff you want to see.

No. 2440935

File: 1741794615826.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1416x2048, qcymgcrz2ktc1.jpeg)

Growing up I was “the kid who draws good”. I never developed a reason for drawing outside of it being a source of worth that I could return to when forced to confront others’ advantages in other domains. I only improved my work with an eye to what would look impressive to other people: rendering, anatomy, likeness in portraiture.

My self-esteem isn’t based on drawing good anymore. I want to return to art with a beginner’s mindset, for sheer joy of the thing, but I don’t know where to begin looking for that joy. If you’ve read this far, please tell me: why did you decide to start drawing?

No. 2440937

How many discords do you know that have women that aren't secretly troons? Stuff like bsky is easy but discord feels like a maze. and to answer you're first question, I like vanilla beefcake art which seems like a rarity these days.

No. 2440938

I follow hundreds of artists so stuff probably ends up slipping through the cracks even when I try to mute their rts. I click the not interested option as well but it doesn't seem to do much. This whole thing with assuming everyone who ends up seeing these things must be causing it themselves 100% of the time is just kind of retarded to me because even on other platforms I'll get random shit I never even engaged with (not coomslop) being recommended to me by default.

No. 2440941

I'm not good at drawing and I honestly don't even publish my stuff but I do like to draw. Ironically, I got into drawing because I was bullied and people at school didn't want me to look up, so I would stick to drawing and never looking at anyone in the eyes.
That's also why I got into reading, like I literally would get in trouble with other kids for looking at no specific point and I would get sent to the director's office for looking at people somehow, just looking, not talking to anyone or even doing any weird faces.
The thing is that I ended up getting into drawing because I have ideas, I was never considered good enough in many things and I never felt any pressure to learn anatomy and such, I just draw something and if I like it, great, if I don't like it, I scribble on it until I like it or I just erase it and start again.
Even nowadays I just don't have the patience to learn all that shading and lighting stuff, so I like to just draw whatever I can or feel like drawing even if it doesn't look like some hyperrealistic portrait of some old man with water droplets falling on his face.

No. 2440943

Just weird because I don't have that problem and also follow hundreds of artists. The occasional slip-up isn't something I find "rage-inducing"

No. 2440944

I don't necessarily find it rage inducing, it's more like it's just annoying to see basically and I was just agreeing with that other anon on that basis. And just because you don't have a problem doesn't mean other people can't have one.

No. 2440946

Honestly it might be because you're clicking on not interested, you might be subconsciously spending a few extra seconds looking at it more than other posts that you don't care about, and it makes you spend time hovering over it/you might accidentally click on the post.

No. 2440950

Maybe yeah

No. 2440953

File: 1741795989726.jpg (921.09 KB, 1919x1933, La_Anunciación_de_Fra_Angelic…)

Thank you, this was interesting to read (though I feel bad that you were bullied, that sucks). It's cool that you draw completely for yourself. It's easy to lose track of the fact that drawing something and posting it online are two separate actions when by definition we just see art that someone chose to post on the internet.

There is a selfless case for posting art online, which is that other people might get something out of looking for it. But how much does this really apply to the average person's work? Like sure people are having rapturous reactions to Fra Angelico but who is going to extend the same emotional energy to a heartfelt but clumsy drawing of a cool anime boy or something

No. 2440959

See, this is why I hate seeing farmers shitfling about "ohh, you must be following those coomers, then!" Maybe that's how algorithms worked a few years ago, but every friend I have has different experiences with their feeds.
For me, I love looking at cows and cannot resist looking at milky shit. If I scroll OF twitter accounts and click their links, there will never ever be OF accounts in my feed. I search up some FOTM and for the next half day I get recommended posts from similar braindead zoomer accounts before they go away and never appear again. Strangely, the most common "uncommon" posts I get are from accounts that use Jamaicam Patois, they show up every 20 or so posts even though I don't follow or intetact with that kind of content. Also those south african "first person story" accounts.
Conversely, there's that anon who was posting in the instagram thread about how she cannot get muslim content off her feed no matter what she does and who she unfollows. One of my friends had to delete and remake a twitter account because something similar was happening to her with right wing content.
I think these sites have been datamining and trying to finetune their algorithms so much, that if an account happens to pick up one weird flag, it's over, you're trapped with whatever consumer profile it thinks you have. And it doesn't have to be something you've done intentionally.

No. 2440976

File: 1741797074501.jpg (135.39 KB, 522x760, 5l3nc2hnnag81.jpg)

unrelated to the post but i love asian miniature paintings so much (especially those with hybrid styles) but god damn is it a strain on the eyes and hands no wonder why so many miniature artists went blind

No. 2440981

>so many miniature artists went blind
uhh anon can you elaborate on this? I'm not familiar with miniatures at all but I'm having some eye issues possibly related to drawing. Maybe I need to rethink some things.

No. 2441005

kek nona youre okay just use good lighting and rest your eyes basically in the past because the art needed to be so small scale so it required alot of eye strain to focus and they had to paint under candle or lantern light (which is quite dull)

No. 2441059

Yup. I genuinely think it's by design, ragebait and somewhat irrelevant content is an excellent way to farm attention. Algorithms seek novelty to keep you hooked so you end up with weird suggestions clogging up your feed. These days i'm being fed reels/tiktoks by Pakistani ao3 smut writers about vampires and lipstick shades matching dick tips kekkk

No. 2441092

File: 1741801714335.webp (65.39 KB, 1242x1174, zoomer-artstyle-starter-pack-v…)

I'm guessing teenagers and beginners are obsessed with art style since it's an easy way to make art look better without much skill. It's always been interesting to see influence from popular art styles, like how can you almost always tell if a Japanese person drew fanart vs an American

No. 2441109


No. 2441132

> Pakistani ao3 smut writers about vampires and lipstick shades matching dick tips
how do i as a pakianon not know this community existed, good luck to them though

No. 2441135

Damn, video has been privated already
Do you have a backup somewhere nonnie?

No. 2441138

I had a coom fanbase once, I kept up to date with what was fotw and drew those characters in whatever the current coom meme outfit or scenario was, and occasionally ran giveaways for drawings
It worked at the time but I would have made more money at McDonald's, I stopped when AI became a thing because it's gotten too competitive anyway with how younger artists are less reserved about drawing this stuff

No. 2441149

Couldn't be, too much hair on his head. Vinny is balding.

No. 2441173

Honestly I don't mind this new trendy art style, especially compared to Steven Universe rehashes. I know it's the most obnoxious people who draw like this though.

No. 2441188

The new one is the Daria/mtv downtown/BrujoAri art style for zoomers

No. 2441261

File: 1741807896366.png (467.39 KB, 615x616, screenshot.png)

have these idiots ever seen an actual muscular woman? cause it sure as hell doesnt look like whatever roided up body building monster op drew.

No. 2441264

I’m tired of this dumb trend drawing. You see one and you’ve seen them all.

No. 2441267

Its art, who the hell cares. Muscular women also dont have massive titties but coomers have no trouble slapping double ds to muscle tomboys.

No. 2441268

Unfortunately I must gatekeep because I don't know who the fuck is lurking here and I don't want her to get harassed for openly identifying as proship and knowing someone who posts on the big bad terf website. She doesn't even fight back she just gets sad.
I started following that artist when she was drawing porn of these two but she keeps engaging with rarijack shippers who are trying to assert that their ship is better and her comeback is to call everyone butchxbutch-phobic and it's kinda milky tbh

No. 2441271

Hey kek I recognize her from the fandom discourse thread >>2440450 Popular cow-ish chinese lesbian artist who ships appledash

No. 2441325

what i meant was that their height difference looks extremely stupid, especially compared to the two on the right who have a normal looking height difference. tamakid looks extremely out of place and looks unnaturally small, the fact that the other girl seems to have normal looking proportions makes it look worse. if tamakid took a photo shoot with people closer to her own height it wouldn’t look so bad kek

No. 2441336

That last style has existed before Brujo

No. 2441376

Nonna, can you read the two words before brujo in that post? Respectfully

No. 2441382

she drew rainbow dash hot also blue pony x yellow pony or blue pony x orange pony for me

No. 2441415

That would explain why I got Indian (dot) Ig story templates. I don’t even live there. Also I get AI mixed in some of my feed which I report as not interested but it still slips in.

No. 2441467

File: 1741816035840.jpg (180.58 KB, 1500x1059, 2dcefd921d915ab721c757e3f0b749…)

Male model catalogue published by Maru Editorial. This book only has average-sized muscular men only though.

No. 2441521

Have you gained an audience of lesbians but want to draw cute men? How have you dealt with that?

No. 2441533

Either make a new account and promote it so whoever is interested will follow or just post the men anyway and accept you might lose some followers.

No. 2441554

I think buff women are based and I'm straight af

No. 2441570

You're right and should say it!

No. 2441703

>openly identifying as proship
Which brand of "problematic" weeb girl autism is it nonna? Autopedo lolicon or "it's not bestiality if it's a fantasy creature" autist? No shade to her, I'm sure she's fine, I just find artists like her fascinating. All the degeneracy of a moid with none of the malice.

No. 2441711

Lesbianism in an inherently pick-me habit from tomboy moms if your art attracts that kind of audience then you are doing something very wrong.(ban evasion)

No. 2441910

File: 1741840515257.jpeg (657.49 KB, 760x1345, IMG_7938.jpeg)

Oh shit juby just talked about genice on her ig stories kek
Isn’t this the first time she’s talked about this drama outside of her twitch streams?

No. 2441914

File: 1741840575194.jpeg (748.73 KB, 780x1363, IMG_7939.jpeg)

No. 2441916

File: 1741840650422.jpeg (657.83 KB, 763x1348, IMG_7940.jpeg)

Her last story
Hoping for a public nuclear melty soon

No. 2441924

squiggly blush, separated square eyes that are always grinning and looking to the side, nose that's only a horizontal line, hands that look more like a four year old's drawing of a flower, thin lines with a pencil texture… i know them all

No. 2441934

Good god how many months has it been since she started sperging out about this? She could go nuclear and post all the proof but she hasn't

No. 2441941

File: 1741841518987.png (19.18 KB, 602x672, zoomeralpha.png)

samefag here's my take on it. i'm not very good obviously that's why i'm on the artist salt thread not on the pyw one. shoutout to >>2441092

No. 2441950

How do you manage to suspend disbelief for blue and orange horse girls but not for a roided out woman?

No. 2441955

Some women are just short. How in the world are you actually critiquing the proportions of a real life human being?

No. 2441964

I think some of you are legitimately retarded.

No. 2442076

Posted in the wrong thread, nona?

No. 2442083

Thank you for responding so I can delete. You know how fickle clicking in the catalog can be.

No. 2442087

i agree tbh i cant understand how anybody would want to date somebody that much taller than them, looks creepy

No. 2442090

>i-it wooks cweepy
How do you tards leave the house. Do you even?

No. 2442093

>the fact that the other girl seems to have normal looking proportions makes it look worse
Do you even draw? I could understand you nitpicking the height difference but they both have normal proportions. The short girl is around 6.5 heads tall and is 45-50% leg, and the taller girl is 6 heads tall and is 40-45% leg. Both are very normal proportions for an adult woman, maybe a bit on the shorter side but still very common. If anything the taller girl has shorter looking proportions.

No. 2442117

yea sometimes? just saying its weird and not something id like. looks like she would have to jut up her shoulder to even hold his hand comfortably. i dont get it

No. 2442134

A skilled photographer would have positioned and posed them differently, Tamakid should be facing forward at least. If anyone should be in profile it's her friend (no, she does not look huge). Maybe bring Tama forward instead of having everyone lined up in a flat line. Some of the other pictures I saw looked better in terms of how everyone's proportions relate to each other.

No. 2442153

To me it’s the opposite, tama is the one who looks extremely out of place here. Short people, both manlets and womanlets can’t catch breaks

No. 2442160

File: 1741848802887.jpg (142.75 KB, 542x680, gatopawonhip.jpg)

No. 2442163

But it isn't your life or your bf. You do understand that, right? No one cares that it makes you u-u-uncomfy.

No. 2442165

File: 1741848883679.jpg (244.03 KB, 780x1537, mgst.jpg)

I find this artist a bit uncanny

No. 2442169


No. 2442175

the blond pixie suits her

No. 2442250

File: 1741853542901.jpeg (487.2 KB, 853x1175, IMG_7941.jpeg)

Well it’s growing..first twitch streams only, then its stories, now I just saw this, an actual post on social media, so it’s fully out there now
I just noticed that genice’s url doesn’t light up, did she deactivate her bluesky already? Damn things are heating up. Time to grab the popcorn

No. 2442252

She did not deactivate her account, @ing someone on Bluesky works differently, you have to add the whole name which includes bsky.socials thing

No. 2442256

Ngl I think it's pretty funny how the art she seems to put the most effort in is redraws of her own selfies. That's just my impression from a quick skim of her twitter though.

No. 2442267

It's crazy that she's been seething about this for months at this point and still hasn't shown proof or worked towards publishing her own christian manga first. I feel like it's going to be nothing kek

No. 2442273

File: 1741856611483.gif (276.71 KB, 220x183, icegif-130.gif)

Kekkkk I cant wait for this to blow up in her face and even then blame genice.

No. 2442283

It's neither, it's a "monkey see, monkey do" type of situation. She has a lot of OCs and just uses the same tropes that degen moids do, like sister on sister incest and cute lolis doing cute things. She likes slice of life anime, I've never seen her draw anything truly degenerate beyond just mimicking what she sees in those types of anime. Yuru yuri is one of her favorites, for example.

No. 2442288

She needs to drop the proof if she's gonna go that far because otherwise she just looks insane.

No. 2442290

It doesn't look that bad, but it's kind of uncanny because her anatomy understanding is behind her rendering skill. Everything in the top piece has some realistic elements, but she drew the pupils like they're on a flat plane. The bottom one has the same eye issue as well as lack of depth in the neck area. Her more stylized pieces look a lot better.

No. 2442309

File: 1741860422283.jpg (511.39 KB, 1080x2047, Screenshot_20250311_015036_Chr…)

what are anons' thoughts on this guy? just curious

No. 2442311

is he a troon

No. 2442312

literally who

No. 2442314

average male artist who projects himself through the imagery of hot women who are usually naked

No. 2442320

Reeks of self post

No. 2442323

No. 2442324

Around 20 years old, intp personality type.

No. 2442327

Anyone who's dabbled in rpg maker development in the past few years remember Echo607? She made some RPG maker tutorials, released two MV games with deviantart tier assets, had a kid then fucked off from the internet, but there's a weird amount of hate for her, and I don't get it.

She talks very much like an anime teenager in 2006 did, even out here in modern day, and so do the people who hate on her, so I have to wonder if there's some buried lore here.

No. 2442365

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the one with the girl and the cat painting is interesting because it's either the girl being the predator or the girl being preyed upon. i thought it was the former initially, and it rubbed me the wrong way because 1) the girl looks scared and lifeless 2) the suggestion about how this girl would supposedly predate was uncomfortable. im retarded though. it's probably based on picrel, which i like better because of its color and the subject's clear vitality

other than that i like how some of his works are geometric

No. 2442409

I hate this guy he has or used to have an alt account where he was posting nude pictures of himself. Maybe it's still out there… terrible personality too. I liked his art otherwise but he is insufferable.

No. 2442466

It's just regular photoshop narcissism.

No. 2442546

as far as i know no
report me then
i like some of his drawings but i had to unfollow when i noticed how often he depicts women in pain and suffering. he seems pretentious and is probably annoying as fuck IRL. he bitches about people qrting his art with retarded buzzwords like "me and who" but IMO that's all his art is worth.
>he has or used to have an alt account where he was posting nude pictures of himself.
i remember that. also his dick is freakishly big and not in a good way. it looks abnormal

No. 2442722

This art is probably the one that's suffering the most with the normalization of AI, since there's so many filters and apps that proud themselves on taking any image and turning it into anime or Pixar style, it's quite sad that in a few years this art will simply be forgotten.

No. 2442878

File: 1741882786868.png (8.47 KB, 312x192, 43614.png)

Anyone has good resources on how manga panelling works? i am using CSP. I am trying to make a short comic to vent my frustrations, but i am struggling to make it readable.

No. 2442882

File: 1741882938010.webp (308.13 KB, 1280x1798, nagata kabi.jpg)

Do a style similar to nagata kabi where she puts her panels in short rectangles. focus more about the content rather than the layout in which you want to express it. when you get the flow of you you can eventually break the rectangles into cubes, then triangles, then quarter pages .etc

No. 2442918

How can you even struggle with readability? You can look at your drawings and see which parts don't flow as they should.

No. 2442932

I mean being able to portray a sequence of happenings while making it make sense for the reader. Even some mangakas cant do this.

No. 2442946

Take inspiration from your favourite mangaka do you like Nippon bande desine paneling? Or do you like sleak spirsl panelling? It depends on your style arakis book has a nice chapter on paneling (look up on the internet archive)

No. 2442949

Art and ethothery looks so weird.

No. 2443020

File: 1741888513523.png (149.01 KB, 743x677, juby sperg.png)

>If she continues to dig at this
>because she privately told someone that if she copied it wasn't on purpose
Juby is seething so hard that it's been months and Genice still hasn't given her an excuse to have the public meltdown she want to have kek

I'm mostly curious for what the public reaction will be when she finally gets tired of waiting and finally spergs out the receipts. The way she's been posting makes it look like she really wants to seem like the poor lil' cinamon roll people pleaser that is only being foooorced to make a scene because nasty Genice has abused her so much and pushed her too far, but Judy being the only one to keep bringing it up for months, using the receipts as an ultimatum/threat against Genice instead of just posting them, and now publically naming Genice even tho she still hasn't posted anything about it with the only pretext being "Genice mildly defended herself in private" makes her look like a deranged dramaqueen.
Her receipts would have to be really really shitty for her to not be able to convince at least a few people to take her side, but if they're just mildly shitty it could lead to some milky infight/discourse in the art community surrounding her.

Picrel is the continuation of your post
>insinuating that I was even remotely responsible for the destruction that she caused.
Either she's retard tier shit at explaning information and she's actually talking about different messages, or she's doing some hardcore mental/semantic gymnastics so she can twist anything Genice says into the most evil manipulative thing ever in hope that she'll finally have her excuse to have a melty soon.

Do you think Genice will say something now that's she's been publically named? I hope not. It's obvious how much Genice's silence is making Juby seethe, kek. It would be way funnier if Juby had to keep squeezing water from stone and make it more and more obvious that her threats are blatant drama bait. The less Genice responds the harder it is for Juby to claim she only posted it because she was forced to.

No. 2443081

File: 1741891183750.jpg (310.91 KB, 1072x1600, 0374c2a1-da06-4741-8c3c-ba2cd0…)

Scott's McCloud's "Understanding Comics" (you can find it on internet archive), specifically chapters 3 and 4 sort of cover what you're talking about. McCloud isn't a very good comic artist imo, but I think he explains things in a way that makes reading other comics/mangas with a critical artist lens easier. I'd read those chapters and then read a mangaka you like and see how they structure scenes. imho I think ONE (Mob Psycho mangaka) is very good at paneling, even his action scenes are very easy to read despite the actual art being permabeg-tier. You could also look at some filming techniques. Obviously not everything there applies to comics, but stuff like the 180 degree rule helps with understandability. >>2442932

No. 2443113

File: 1741892553275.jpg (2.47 MB, 3567x4096, vinne.JPG)

What media is this style of coloring/shading/lighting inspired by? It feels nostalgic but distinct from 2000s anime illustrations (at least the ones I could recall)

No. 2443131

I've been tabbing in and out of her bluesky post and basically no one curr of her flopped attempt of a callout post. Just random followers liked her post, although only one big artist (Saren/sarenstone) liked the post. I don't even see Juby's usual friends even engage with it. I'm convinced she's truly isolated in her seethe towards Genice both offline and online.
P/S: I'm the anon who replied to anon three years ago when JC/Artofchira made a longertwit about Juby after Juby also had a similar public meltdown about their failed friendship. I'm kinda tempted to send an ask to JD/artofchira about this Juby meltdown but I highly doubt she's going to publish the ask.

No. 2443163

File: 1741895070583.jpg (87.35 KB, 600x480, haibane-renmei-600-79048.jpg)

This picture reminds me of 2000s anime when they had a sepia filter-like yellowish effect but still distinct like you said

No. 2443169

I wonder what layer effect Abe uses when he fills the drawing with one single color

No. 2443178

Don't cowtip, nona. Just follow along and observe.

No. 2443262

NTA because he's an actual painter (iirc) he's probably using a layer to emulate an imprimatura/underpainting and painting over it like you would traditionally.

No. 2443270

i see a lot of korean art that renders like this

No. 2443285

Her selfies look so filtered it hurts

No. 2443333

Yep, I passed my eyes through some of her Genice related posts, and the first few got some responses but not so much the recent ones. I assume even her fans that got concerned for her when she started the Genice posting picked up on how spergy and vindicative her posts come of as and would rather not take a side.

No. 2443393

>"Genice mildly defended herself in private"
This is the biggest red flag to me so far that Juby is just a bad person. Does she want genice to just degrade herself about this forever? Does she want genice to cut herself zero slack? Does she want genice to have no self-forgiveness? She's not even denying that she copied, just saying it must have been a subconscious thing, which makes sense because Juby admitted to HELPING genice make her ocs. Doing something without realizing because you can only draw from what you know is a simple fact of psychology. I hope genice stays silent and continues to make Juby seethe.

People who hold onto grudges this hard and continue to be viscerally angry 6+ months after it happened are always, always, ALWAYS, without fail, a horrible person, no matter how they try to paint themself, unless that person literally tried to ruin their life or something but all genice did was take inspiration from her OCs, like what? kek, and now she's trying to ruin genice's life HERSELF.
People get a 3 person beef limit before I start suspecting there's just something wrong with them. (cluster B's excluded because they beef with anyone who breathes)

No. 2443420

you're right nona. Ive got my impatience gotten a better of me.
tbh I've been getting annoyed at her obnoxious bluesky grift by replying to my mutuals, she googled translated her korean comments too despite being Canadian-Korean herself. she followed and commented on my post too, I also ignored her way long before I found out about the genice beef I'm just looking forward to seeing someone to tell her off instead of just plain ignoring her.

No. 2443487

File: 1741910547750.jpg (1.55 MB, 2761x2444, GlrnFglbIAAMbBM.jpg)

am i crazy or is this such an eyesore? nostalgiaslop and mikuslop too. bluh.

No. 2443488

I like the concept, but there's too much going on at the same time. Idc about nostalgiaslop though

No. 2443494

Classic case of nostalgiaslop being unable to capture the concept of and the reasons for the style they're copying, only relying on superficial impressions and "aesthetic".
I'm a huge mikufag tho, how (mostly zoomers and coomers) online artists treat Miku is disappointing

No. 2443499

ive never seen an artwork so egregiously overuse textures, it almost gives me a headache

No. 2443519

Another narcissistic pickme , like we needed more of them.

No. 2443525

Painfully tryhard and and tries to be uneek. Not like other artists vibe.

No. 2443568

Old watercolor or marker anime drawings. Look for art made in the late 1990s to late 2000s range, especially fighting games or full illustrations for magazines or dvds. Or manga cover illustrations.

No. 2443576

he does the sketch traditionally and the colors digitally , and uses colored filtered layers and textures when polishing his art

No. 2443581

Ngl I actually like this, its like their own spin of frutiger metro despite the zoomer art style.

No. 2443584

>Dishonor muh good name
>I'm the victim waah
Sure… you sure sound like the good guy victim here, definitely convinced me onto your side s/ This drama stirring egotist could benefit from stfu, but hey she wants to ruin her rep im here for it kekk

No. 2443620

long shot but does anyone here have this drawing saved or rted of Misato Katsuragi from eva that's just a black and white drawing with the drawing interface in the pic? it's one of those cropped screenshots artists take when they share a wip of a drawing, this one had her with a drink in hand, it was just line art and it looked really good. but i checked the op's media tab and literally 99% of it weren't drawings, for a moment i had doubts that he was actually an artist since it was filled with spam of irrelevant stuff but i finally managed to find another drawing of his after scrolling very far.
i regret not liking that tweet and saving that drawing to my computer and maybe even following that artist, i'm still thinking about it today

No. 2443626

Posted 2 minutes ago, /ourgirl/ just went live kek twitch.tv/jubyart

No. 2443639

No. 2443642

>it was actually a project i helped with
>i'm pretty sure i was the one willing to work with her
>i thought she was a friend
>towards the end of last year i found out she was jacking my shit
>she kept doing it is the problem and she kept giving me these false apologies
>i took them for what they were
>it came to the point where i realized i was being emotionally abused and taken advantage of
>she even used my faith to try to take control of me
>it is way worse than you think, and it gets worse
>when i started to realize that she was not being a good friend to me, like she was deliberately going out of her way to try to manipulate me
>i tried to demand her an actual apology for all the shit she put me through
>i gave her so much grace and time to stop and pay respect to what this project was to me
yup here we go

No. 2443646

File: 1741921882194.jpg (45.04 KB, 319x666, Capture.JPG)

kek her cronies d-riding her is so cringe

No. 2443652

Kek I'm watching right now and she flat out admitted the reason for her latest freakout is because Genice is in Hawaii at some convention and Juby is jealous

No. 2443656

For real?? I can’t wait to watch the broadcast reply later tonight kek, I cant listen in right now

No. 2443672

Yep for real! Her rant starts like 30-40 minutes into the stream, after shilin raids her. I was wondering why she only posted to Instagram and bluesky, but apparently she wants to save her "substantive" posts for Twitter. She says she's only going to post evidence depending on how Genice behaves. Genice defending herself to their mutuals really triggered her kek. Juby also told her viewers to dissuade people from buying Genice's merch and to spread the word about what Genice did. Juby seems really bitter that Genice is doing well while Juby is sick with a kidney infection. It seems like she blames Genice for her illness lol

No. 2443698

>tap back into juby’s stream after over one hour ago
damn ngl that’s impressive

No. 2443714

Shes been streaming for almost 3 hours and I swear she's only been actually drawing for like 10 minutes total

No. 2443719

I have heard he actually uses AI

No. 2443742

It didn’t look like ai. Do you have his url?

No. 2443743

>says she's only going to post evidence depending on how Genice behaves
>told her viewers to dissuade people from buying Genice's merch and to spread the word about what Genice did
Her fixation on having to wait for Genice's reaction and still holding on to the "oh but I'll only make a callout with actual proof if she makes a response that I can get triggered by" angle is bizarre. Does she understand how backwards it is to already be sending off her followers to be her personal army before even actually showing the proof? Anybody with a working brain would say you're supposed to show proof first before trying to ruin someone.
At this point, if she's gonna make it so obvious how desperate she is for an excuse to post that call out, it would have made more sense for her to just claim she had some epiphany about how actually Genice didn't deserve the benefit of the doubt and [insert bullshit therapy speak] so she's gonna post it anyway. Could have posted that callout ages ago if she had done that instead of having to stay seething for half a year. If she had enough braincells to realize this would come of as very blatant self-serving back peddaling and drama hungry behavior, she should have enough braincells to not send of her personal army before giving the receipts, so I don't understand what exactly is her reasoning for waiting so long for Genice's reaction.

No. 2443745

File: 1741933573544.png (941.77 KB, 707x761, F2ZmPuaaYAArJOP.png)

Kek it's so obvious she's just jealous. Did she completely stop mentioning genice's manifesto about why god would forgive her for doing the same ideas as juby or whatever? I wonder if that even happened.

But I still don't understand how she has this many followers in the first place, her style is so ugly. She must've gotten popular in the early 2010s when there was basically no competition, I doubt she'd have more than 10k on any social media if she had started posting in recent years. And her posts that aren't her sperging about genice are so cringe, imagine being in your 30s and still trying to make your followers think you're quirky and cool.

No. 2443749

> I don't understand what exactly is her reasoning for waiting so long for Genice's reaction
She's completely obsessed with Genice and the fact that Genice isn't acknowledging her at all and just living her life is making her mad. Secretly she wants nothing more than for Genice to come back to her so she can destroy her. It's the same thing that happens with stalkers as in the more you ignore them the more obsessed they become with getting your attention. With the right cocktail of mental illness this can last for months and even years.

No. 2443750

File: 1741934761861.jpeg (129.64 KB, 921x687, EW16LGOVAAA_8Fv.jpeg)

Pretty sure the main reason why she got viral is because of her dancing art..that was my first introduction to her I think, and these type of drawings she’d post would go viral every time, it’s why I followed her
I miss this type of art from her

No. 2443753

No, she talked about Genice's manifesto. Apparently she has it saved and plans on posting it if/when she makes a callout post. I think she said something about how, during their friendship breakup, Genice gave her 24 hours to save any "receipts" before she deleted everything so Juby downloaded it off of google docs. She originally gained an audience on deviantart, so you're not off with that assumption kek. I actually like the way she draws clothing and colors but her personality makes her art so off-putting

No. 2443794

She's been pretty big on deviant art and tumblr, probably before you could browse the internet.

No. 2443798

poor vampire boy has alot of dandruff, juby irc is one of the old internet "popular" artists which were huge(?) on tumblr think loish,that picolo ink moid and qinni so most def people just followed and forgot about her. her art style is definitely dated (and not in a good way but a tumblr quirky nu anime that i personally hate) and more so her story ideas( making a demon oc red isnt your trademark jubytard)

No. 2443809

Did prince canary or juby do those first? I know they are friends but I've personally never seen juby's art before she got mentioned here so I was surprised to see how similar their work is.

She's definitely stuck in the 2010s tumblr era. If genice copied her comic script 1:1 she'd still be more successful with it than juby simply because zoomers don't care about this dated style.

No. 2443812

Insane that this post is in the same thread!

No. 2443815

Is it still the same old shit with nothing new? It sounds like it here >>2443642
>it was actually a project i helped with
I think this makes the accusation lose weight, if Genice did copy her ideas then no doubt it's because Juby helped her out. How long has it been since Juby started developing her project to the point where Genice is said to be publishing hers soon?

No. 2443818

what exactly about juby’s art is outdated? i like it and never thought that it looked outdated tbh

No. 2443823

i think juby saying she helped genice with her project might be new? but it’s hard to tell because overall it’s still the same shit she’s always been whining about like
>boohoo genice backstabbed and betrayed me
>boohoo i want to ruin her career
>boohoo she is such a manipulative cunt
>boohoo my original content donut steal was stolen by this monster
>boohoo i’m just waiting for an excuse to expose her once and for all
>still doesn’t expose her after 12 streams and three months later

No. 2443827

>i think juby saying she helped genice with her project might be new?
I remember she said the same shit in one of the last threads so yeah, it sounds like it.
>still doesn’t expose her after 12 streams and three months later
I wanna say Juby's stalling because the proof she has must not be as damming as she's making it out to be but it might just be her wanting to wait until Genice releases her project.

No. 2443828

i just looked this prince canary person up. wow they are carbon copies of each other, why did juby never sperg about this artist? is it because that’s who she copied her style from kek? even her oc looks exactly like prince canary characters, more similarities than that devil oc of hers compared to genice. so genice probably did copy a whole lot more like jubyschizo is claiming, she did say that it’s “so much worse” than we expect in her recent stream kek.
but definitely awkward to see prince canary‘s art and juby’s art together. i’m guessing one of them or both of them fake being nice to each other about their art, or they just vibe together like artstyle sisters

No. 2443831

NTA but it looks a lot like voltron. I think it's fine, very cute in fact, but it does feel "this artist was famous on tumblr" kind of dated. Some anons are reaching a bit to insult her art because she's so unlikeable imo.

No. 2443834

Sans the coloring style (which is definitely modern), this drawing style is similar to the popular in the mid 10s in tumblr particularly with the fanart fujos. The voltron smirk is a dead giveaway. Considering she's in her 30s it makes sense.

No. 2443835

Yeah same, I think she has a classic semi-realistic anime art style, it's not modern but it's not something that I would ever call outdated either because it's not tied to one specific era.

No. 2443837

i dont know anyone else would remember this but her brown guy with glasses (whos a witch) was very popular by a russian artist back in the 2010s and whose style she mimics
>Some anons are reaching a bit to insult her art because she's so unlikeable imo.
i wouldnt say calling her outadated counts as a insult (her personality put aside) sinces shes fully convinced her ideas are fresh and new and everyone else is copying her when its not the reality anymore

No. 2443840

But aren't russian artists still drawing in this style? To me it's weird to call it outdated because it's like the most generic art style you can come up when you think anime and semi-realism. What's even a popular zoomer art style?

No. 2443842

File: 1741945694554.jpg (85.94 KB, 900x458, 1000005046.jpg)

> classic semi-realistic anime art style
Sorry anon but I cant see anything semi realistic anime art in this.

No. 2443843

It looks like how russian draw anime

No. 2443845

>Russians are still drawing in this style
Kek I know but it was a specific artist whose name I've forgotten (she drew Loki fanart and is now a comic artist in Russia working for marvel)

No. 2443853

I think it's fine to update your OCs design and overall art style every 5 or 6 years so you don't like, completely fall behind, but mindlessly following trends kinda kills the authenticity of it. I'll use ctchrysler as an example, I've been following him since 2012 and his art, style and designs have always been very deeply tied to whatever fashion or aesthetic was popular at the time, so just by looking at one drawing of him you can tell exactly the year period it was made. Annie mei gets updated all the time because the artist wants her to wear trendy clothes and have trendy hairstyles all the time. He kept her essence and color palette so she's still recognizable but but he started with a korra inspiration because she was the IT animation girl in 2012, and now she looks like your zoomer waifu with wolfcut. If you want an unique character design, you need to try to be more creative than just looking at fashion trends.

No. 2443867

I took a break from using Clip Studio Paint since I didn't need the features it offered for my end goal. I went to check on the 4.0 update and I realize why some of my skills may have atrophied a bit as I was learning everything it offered.

I know CSP is tailored towards making comics and animation on a professional level, so the tools involved deal with time constraints and organization. But now I understand why there's a flood of dogshit in the webcomic and webtoon scene that all manages to look the same. I'm not even talking about bad art with sincere effort (which can still be fine for good writing), but bad art highlighted with bad technical handling.

I like recommending it to people because it's affordable when it's on sale, and it pays for itself if you work commercially. If I were working on a comic to publish or as a full time animator, I'd absolutely pick it up again. But there's a part of me that wants to gatekeep some of the features from newbies who start with digital art.

No. 2443891

I like using some of the features purely for fun, but I can't for the life of me use them in good faith on something I'm trying to shill or sell.

But I'd be lying if I said drawing on 3D models wasn't fun. It will be my new hobby kek

No. 2443899

File: 1741954635424.png (27.7 KB, 372x477, ice cream.png)

It definitely lowered the skill ceiling to a lot of beginners. But despite that the skill ceiling is still pretty high. There's a few 3rd party tools that I really can't live without anymore.

No. 2443903

my beloved

No. 2443904

i never understood why this tool is so popular when you can already fill in selections of lineart with clip’s paint bucket tool already…do people just not know how to utilize the bucket tool?

No. 2443917

File: 1741956411625.jpeg (3.58 MB, 2444x2497, joodlez.jpeg)

Eh, I’m not a fan of her newer stuff but looking back at her deviantart when she went by Joodlez, I’d still say she’s made some great art, even if not as impressive as it would’ve been to a 12 year old in the 2010s. Even with some sketches she posted as early as 2005 (preteen or very early teens I guess) you can tell she was genuinely skilled. I actually miss her old project Cut Time and find Witch’s Cross too generic/vague, I’m more interested in the mysterious traveling blind girl and her seeing-eye falcon than Juby’s self-insert who she projects her trauma onto.

Personally I don’t understand “outdated” as a criticism when a lot of people, including anons here, still admire 2000s era art. I honestly think artists get worse when they attempt to adapt to more “modern” styles (which I actually think happened with Juby in a subtler way). I unfollowed her in 2016 because she was annoying then too kek, her work’s lost some of its charm for me(because there’s so many more interesting artists) but artistically I can’t really hate other than finding her boring, she’s stagnated for a while.

No. 2443921

Holy shit. I didn't know Joodlez did anything other than Zelda fanart.

No. 2443946

Anyone have certain opinions on aspects of conceptual or performance art they don’t like? I don’t seem to get these projects that involve bodily fluids like related, especially with the reasoning and meaning behind it all just seems like a pretentious way to describe basic bodily functions.

No. 2443969

I use both, this method doesn't apply well on some line art styles. Why don't you give it a try.

No. 2443989

God fucking damn, I can just tell when some of those comics were written based on the dialogue alone.
>mutters bad words with a face after it that the retarded mods will ban me for typing even if it's a direct quote
She hasn't improved much in close to fifteen-twenty years. All she did was change the way she draws faces and the way she colors. No wonder she sees Genice as a threat
>substantially younger
>working with one of the most notorious anime studios with tons of industry veterans
>met her when she was just 17-18 so she had to watch all of this unfold
>meanwhile juby is aging and losing relevance
>decides to help her create an oc project
>realizes the project she helped create is mysteriously similar to her own ideas
>bpdchan narc brain twists this into an extreme slight against her
>again, even though she helped make the project
>view the fact genice didn't want to sit down and accept being berated as proof she's evil
>genice probably didn't know how to cope with bpd splitting and the newfound idea that she's extremely evil
>this is probably why she made the "manifesto"
>juby continued to berate her and genice decided to gain some self respect and end the friendship
>juby seethes for months, trying to bait her into saying something only to be ignored
>snaps and finally makes it public outside of the few people who come to her streams
This is probably what happened.

No. 2444010

Sovl, take me back.

No. 2444014

listening to the broadcast and holy shit she really DID admit that. if someone is doing better than you months later after your conflict and you seethe about the fact that they're doing better while you're miserable, then you were the problem 100% because just fucking move on and improve your life bro

No. 2444044

someone please archive this before she dfes it kek

No. 2444080

File: 1741965496361.jpg (1.03 MB, 2880x2880, style.jpg)

what's the name of this coloring style? Cold pastel?

No. 2444090

Are you a zoomer? Why does everything need to have a name

No. 2444097

nta but having names for certain styles helps one to be able to research how to do it better. it's not a new concept, though younger zoomies definitely do section things into different aesthetics more than previous generations.
>t. 26 year old early zoomer

No. 2444098

Sometimes it easier to call a style by a name but I never saw much reason for it. It's how the artist renders and draws their art. Doesn't matter what you call it, just is. I think the better question is how these artist use these styles to branch out and elevate their work?

No. 2444099

Impasto color technique (the Chinese type), and do not ask these reddit tier questions here again use the help me find thread

No. 2444101

You have that in chinese?

No. 2444104

The artists you've posted are Chinese so I'm telling you to look up on the Chinese sns so you can have a exact course suited to the style

No. 2444105

>better question is how these artist use these styles to branch out and elevate their work
yeah, that's what i mean, i worded my question poorly

No. 2444437

Go to Pixiv for that artist. Like the post. Their immaculate algorithm will pelt you with similar artists.

No. 2444442

no idea who that is so i googled him and all he does is draw his waifu oc, more power to him but i as a spectator find it extremely boring.

No. 2444443

>Every style now has a name.
The state of the art community makes me want to throw up. But that's the perks of getting older, innit

No. 2444481

Okay, well, back in your day not many different art styles existed. It was either the same cartoony shit or the same anime shit, but people are experimenting now.

No. 2444503

Ntayrt, there were different art styles tard, we just didn't need to label everything like neurotic freaks

No. 2444518

NTA, but no? People had just as varied art styles as now, they just didn't have the autistic and retarded urge to micromanage them that obviously came from the sane place as the stupid "aesthetic" -core trend. Fucks sake, not even professional artists or curators do that to that degree for example you could see so many styles within the pop surrealism movement that would be broken down and corroded into different labels and then become seperate and disharmonious from the movement. It's a fucking retarded and annoying practice, especially because the defining traits for an entire new established TT style is so minimal.
>t. zoomer

No. 2444538

I'm old enough to remember what kind of shit was on deviantart before 2010 and while there were different styles in the sense that no two artists drew exactly the same, the coloring wasn't quite as unique and, in fact, was pretty basic, and the facial expressions remained consistent throughout.
>this person likes anime
>this person likes cartoons and comics
>this person likes anime but only the americanized shit like pokemon and sonic
>this person like anime but is being shamed out of drawing it by their cartoon artist friends
After that, it was based on the individual, as there was a very "original character, do not steal" type of mentality. Zoomies encouraging each other to go after whatever style they want is wholesome, imo, and that's probably why they're better artists than millennials, because they're less focused on individualism and destroying one another for treading on an individuals sacred ground.

No. 2444586

File: 1741989322344.png (525.77 KB, 768x416, Morrisseau-Collection-Update-M…)

This is more of a vent, but I don't think it's going to be possible for me to get the art career I wanted and it's all because I once posted my art on lolcow. It's really making me want to kms.

No. 2444587

Kekkkk did a art curator see you talking shit about a cow they liked? You'll live nona

No. 2444592

ah yes because art curators are known to visit lolcow dot farm

No. 2444598

I'm just scared of the odds, I'm naturally paranoid. Or what if some gendie sees it and snitches or tries to cancel me? What if a nonna recognizes my shit art in the future and decides to spread the info?

No. 2444601

I couldn't find a backup but here's a change.org petition explaining what took place and Holy Fuck is it cruel what they're doing. (1/2)


No. 2444602

if you posted your art on the rate my art thread then i think you got other things to worry about that arent related to that, tbh

No. 2444603

File: 1741990056082.png (145.68 KB, 519x907, gobelins_01.PNG)

Shit, forgot to post screenshots (1/2)(learn2delete and repost)

No. 2444605

File: 1741990137298.png (70.31 KB, 520x509, gobelins_02.PNG)

No. 2444625

AYRT, not what I was talking about. Yeah, yeah, it's cool that younger zoomers and gen alphas are encouraging each other to use the airbrush or whatever but does that need to be labelled as if it were a species of exotic ant?

No. 2444626

Precisely kekkk

No. 2444641

It's not that one kek.

No. 2444669

Here you go nona, this contraption may help in the future

No. 2444679

File: 1741993524031.png (298.48 KB, 537x265, 1738985365639.png)

>bpdchan narc brain twists this into an extreme slight against her
>again, even though she helped make the project
Many such cases in the online artist community. I wonder what causes this? Is being completely cut off from real life and living in a social media bubble surrounded by sycophants the thing that manifests this type of mental illness or does being a famous online artist select for insane stalker bpdchans?

No. 2444685

I don't see an issue. Sure, I've been annoyed once before when people started asking what my art style was called in a comment section, as my style was made to suit my personal tastes, but it's not malicious and should even be seen as a compliment imo, for people to want your style. It's even quite convenient if you want to see more of a specific flavor of coloring style, in the past I had been guilty of wanting to see more of a specific type of art but not knowing the keywords to use. Quite frankly, I'm envious that these teens are living their best life in this way. When I was their age, I had to practically live on the tumblr blogs of the artists I wanted to study and was frustrated that I couldn't find anything similar, and whenever I did, I got a rush of excitement. The world changing is hard to deal with, but it's not always bad because it's different from before.

No. 2444710

File: 1741995120521.jpeg (116.13 KB, 1169x975, eiwsz01eoqrc1-2283336290.jpeg)

Kek your art isn't anywhere near as unique as you think it is. Plenty of people probably have the same style. You're being paranoid over nothing. You'll be fine, I promise. If you do get accused, you can either ignore it or deny. It's on them to provide proof and to answer why they were on an evil terf ib anyway

No. 2444808

File: 1742001713553.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1312x1590, FZwER1hWYAAjxwG.jpeg)

>Personally I don’t understand “outdated” as a criticism when a lot of people, including anons here, still admire 2000s era art.
Any artwork can look dated, but tumblrslop definitely went out of fashion. No one is looking back at steven universe beanmouths and voltron yaoi and wishing to return to that. Y2K is trendy right now, most people don't actually care for original art from back then though. They want Ami0Amii or burjo ari or something. Same aesthetics but with an update. I've seen anons complain about zoomers "not understanding" alt fashion from back then because no one was dressing in the revealing way people are now but that's the point. It's not about completely redoing old stuff, it's about using it as an inspiration and making something that would be cool now

No. 2444819

It's just cylical, mid-late 2000s styles (and fanart) wouldn't look out of place right now, that my little pony picture would especially do numbers and everything else in the collage would too. It's popular styles that are more recent that looks dated, like from 2018

No. 2444942

No. 2445063

ayrt but drawing on the models is so much fun. I can see it being useful for a lot of cases, whether or not you make your own models.

I like performance art, but the automatic resort to grossness, violence, and biohazards always feel so pointless and cheap.
Give me Kirsha Kaechele's Koordinated Kunt Walk.

No. 2445139

File: 1742014524014.png (1.9 MB, 1423x792, autism.png)

autism drives people together and i love to see it, but ngl i am jealous these kind of autists can come up with these crazy pieces for fanart of silly kiddy media while my idea of fanart is… what if this time x stood inside the white void?

No. 2445169

I'm more nostalgic for when artists didn't chase art styles to follow quicker trends. A lot of the artists skinwalked now developed their style for years, like rei.

No. 2445221

File: 1742021357553.png (470.1 KB, 684x757, 4642535474.png)

i just found this on my feed. how do normies not realize his "magical improvement" is just aishit tracing? so many of the comments/quotes are people saying they want to kill themselves because they'll never improve that fast ahaha what the fuck… we are doomed

No. 2445226

Is studying from porn the fastest way to get better at anatomy and rendering skin?

No. 2445229

No. It's actually the slowest.

Those compositions didn't come to them in a dream, you could also do this if you slowly started adding more and more elements to your drawings of people standing in the void.

No. 2445230

What is the best way?

No. 2445231

No. You’re not going to learn muscle or skeletal structure any faster by looking at people in retarded strained sex positions. Just study normally.

No. 2445232

There is no such thing. It's over.

No. 2445236

Quit that, no dooming
Practice in the mirror, experiment with different lighting and distances. Start with gestures. Attend a live drawing class if you can, some colleges hold them

No. 2445245

studying photos -made- for the purpose of being drawn. I use trueref dot io. Granted you have to accept most men in these reference sites are ugly, but so are men in porn

No. 2445330

I'll provide the alternative perspective here.
Studying porn in a sincere manner allows you to find humans in weird poses that shows the elasticity and range of their bodies. Obviously it depends on what kind of porn you're studying, but it can help. I think I made the biggest improvement in studying things like the weight of breast on the ribcage shifting when arms are raised or lowered at various angles due to porn. But there is no definitive way to learn anatomy..
Rendering skin though? Nah. Probably shpuldn't use porn for that kek

No. 2445346

ayrt I am not a fan of the fact that they're giving styles a name OR the names that they're choosing. It's an extention of identity politics to me, and to see it leaking into music genres and art stuff, like >>2444518 mention "bullshit-core" drives me up a wall. I enjoy stuff resembling 2000's era mac computers, and the bumblefucks labeled it as "Fruitiger Aero Core". I'm sorry, what? I don't care that they named it after Some Guy Related or anything, I'm not jiving with that label.
Pursue styles all you want, yes absolutely. I love seeing styles! But naming it? Stop. Please. It drags people in who aren't related as well, becayse you know the way these labels spiral out of control, is by slapping it on artists that are minding their own business.

No. 2445364

File: 1742033289521.jpg (339.67 KB, 1920x1080, tumblr_3a58fbf6dbdc698027382f7…)

The rendermaxxing here is so insane, I've never seen it side by side like this

No. 2445366

>colour layer applied with a soft brush

No. 2445368

the overlay layer abuse…

No. 2445373

I'm begging you to please not become like those mean teachers in children's shows who hate on the young people just for having the audacity to have fun with the trends of their generation. Language changes, the way people refer to things changes. Even the post directly below you, >>2445364 shit like the term "(insert phrase)maxxing" is about as new as the thing you're complaining about, yet it's embraced here. "Gooner" is a new phrase that's said left and right here. Labels aren't new, scene, emo, prep, all that existed before, it's just that there's more access to diverse styles now that online shopping is so prevalent and these kids are getting inspiration from j-fashion and it helps them nail exactly what they want. Hell, even in my twenties, I find it useful, because I remember back in 2013 wanting to SPECIFICALLY find pastel goth, but it was all under the "kawaii" label so I had to wade through a bunch of unrelated shit first.

No. 2445377

I think the right is cute. The left missed the mark.
Who is the artist?

No. 2445392

ayrt I guess you have a point, yeah.

No. 2445507

>get followed by one of the most infamous drama-ridden artists of the past few months
Just gonna pretend I didn't see that.

No. 2445534

I had something similar except this one artist had been following me for around a year and I cut them off recently. Did not want to be associated with them, especially since our subject matter is similar.

No. 2446009

OMFG I remember her, yeah she was totally ripping off Black Butler and I totally remember her defense video for trying to justify her rip-off OCs. You know though, I will admit that I did think her main OC (the goat) was kinda cute. She did have one of the worst fall outs of that time with the whole Spoctor Theory thing with her, Stories, and Atari tried to say he was a pedophile and it backfired hard on them when Ponder Sprocket made her long rebuttal video.
As bad as she handled the backlash with her awful apology vidoe, I do hope that she learned from it and has bettered herself and possibly even made some more original OCs if she's still doing art.

I agree with the sentiment though, I miss the arttubers as well because even though their drama was stupid as fuck, it made for entertaining background noise when drawing or cleaning lol. From Akai Dalia to SavDraws to SimplyDad to Yoyo6969 and so on.

No. 2446023

I never heard of this Sammy Fendi person so I looked them up and I don't really see any similarities to Brujo aside from the inspiration for Y2K aesthetic. Also learned that she was cancelled or something but I couldn't find why she was? You seem to know about this person, mind sharing why she was cancelled?

No. 2446060

This is why I think it's absolutely stupid for teenagers to be getting involved serious subject matter. I mean this creator is stupid to begin with thinking that going into a community that has "drama" in it's name is going to be some utopia. Second, she's clearly sheltered and doesn't know better because the internet, even the art side of it, has always had toxicity in it depending on where you went. And kek at that dumping of all her mental illnesses like she was listing out a collection of Pokemon cards. Even if she does have all these things, there's no reason why you should be disclosing all that on your public YouTube channel when in the same breathe you're saying that the community you partake in is not kind to people with mental illness.

No. 2446077

File: 1742069729975.jpg (Spoiler Image,358.44 KB, 1536x2048, [25-01-10] 1877764005454037180…)

Yes. A lot of good artists are gigacoomer(picrel) so why would it not apply to you? kjg didnt get good from studying tasteful naked pictures of fat old ladies. Plus, studying from hot men is definetly more encouraging than having to stare at the walled scrotes from the ''professional'' ref photoshoots.

No. 2446088

>A lot of good artists are gigacoomer(picrel)
That's just generic gooner slop with terrible proportions
I don't know why but she seems obnoxious

No. 2446098

File: 1742070943552.jpg (389.42 KB, 1451x2048, [25-02-12] 1889699990143893722…)

>That's just generic gooner slop with terrible proportions
god i wish this was the level of the average male coomer

No. 2446134

iirc it's because she drew some edgy countryhumans art when she was a teenager but i could be confusing her for someone else.

No. 2446154

I believe it was because at one point she got called out for using AAVE and she isn't black herself or something like that?

No. 2446230

Wait she isnt black? kek

No. 2446233

This is the only "controversial" thing I remember happening but I don't think it was really that big a deal, nothing came of it.

No. 2446234

Iirc, she’s like Arab or Indian or something

No. 2446240

Deleted my last post because I got her confused with another artist who's actually black nvm. She still sucks for larping a another race for clout though

No. 2446247

File: 1742078053380.webp (721.08 KB, 886x1041, 1000134164.webp)

This might've been talked about before in the thread, but do you think it's easy to spot if an artist does porn by looking at their sfw pieces? This is quite an obvious example, but besides the unnecessary lineart around the boobs and the short skirt, what are other signs that you tend to notice? I also think the way many moid artists render skin is one of the biggest giveaways (e.g.: random blushing throughout the body)

No. 2446251

Any moid who draws vidya women and anime is a coomer.

No. 2446255

"Larping another race for clout" kek what? Using AAVE is larping as a black person now?

No. 2446256

Make a ref folder of just these images only to start. If you're that kind of person, make a moodboard. The more you see them the more you might notice the kinds of interesting details that go into these drawings. This might be only my personal observation but I notice a lot of these people just add things to an image because it's cool. Nobody ever needed a haunting image of pure vanilla cookie with ominous eyes and an edgy caption, but it looks cool doesn't it? This kind of artist just seems to have a lot more fucking fun even if the image doesn't seem to make sense to your eye. It's often objectively interesting to stop and look at it for more than a few seconds.

I'm also trying to escape the oc void because it's not really fun. I'm ashamed it took me so long to realize, but what people are now calling making fanart of your own ocs is far more eye-catching.

No. 2446258

>Overly shiny and/or blushy skin is a dead giveaway
>Realistic (or "realistic") body shapes with a cartoony head
>If their OCs have super tropey animu archetype personalities
>I can't really explain this one, but the way artists draw mouths tells you a LOT about their content

No. 2446289

About the mouth thing, I hate that stupid little pursed lip v-shape some moids put on a character when they're blushing. I don't have an example on hand right now.
Also, the way speedosausage draws pudgy hands bothers me. But the way he draws eyes is a dead giveaway.
Body shapes and the way in which they're exaggerated, especially around the hips and breast's. They literally cannot help themselves, no self control.

No. 2446367

How do people manage to draw so well without having to measure and sketch first? How can you train yourself to eyeball it and get everything right as you go?

No. 2446372

File: 1742083311712.mp4 (9.74 MB, 720x1280, [25-03-04] 1896964053547028607…)

>''霊長類お兄さん (@okinawanogori)'' folder contains 2000 files
by drawing a shit ton and practicing i guess

No. 2446422

…is it juby by any chance kek

No. 2446441

>But the way he draws eyes is a dead giveaway.
You can tell if somebody draws porn by the way they draw eyes? How?

No. 2446618

her boobs look like the chest joint in some articulated dolls and action figures kek

No. 2446678

I got this in my recommends and went "Is this on Lolcow yet?"

No. 2446680

Does anybody else feel kind of sorry for coom artists whose art lacks any sex appeal whatsoever? I mostly see it with female artists who draw a lot of naked women in the void, but I've seen a few male artists suffer from this too. I don't mean people with soulless or grotesque coom styles, I just mean that the art just straight up looks unerotic.

No. 2446693

No, it's an artist that's been in hot water and has had multiple videos made about them on youtube and tiktok and that's all I'm gonna say for opsec purposes.

No. 2446701

Spatial thinking, confidence in line placement, and working within limitations. The easiest way to do this is to sketch with ink instead of something easily fixable. You learn how to project.

No. 2446708

Yes; only due to the fact that I can tell they're doing it due to really bad advice ("NSFW is the easiest way to get noticed!")or playing to an easy crowd. They may not even be drawing what they actually want to be drawing, or would be drawing under different circumstances.

No. 2446716

Teenagers really need to learn how to stop laying out all their weaknesses and drama online. It's like they're trying to make getting cyberbullied easier.

I have no idea why anyone would want to make an art drama channel, aside from being able to get potentially easy clout with mediocre art. You're basically setting yourself up to get into drama, or at the very least setting yourself up to investing lots of time and energy into researching and writing about dumb shit.

I'm not gonna bother watching the whole video, but I love how in the intro she says that she is referencing over 20 people and that if anyone feels personally attacked and asks her if she's talking about them specifically, she will 'lie to them'. It's terrible how teenagers are experiencing high school drama or legitimate grooming or whatever else online where thousands of people witness that shit.

No. 2446737

File: 1742098266190.jpg (23.44 KB, 257x388, Capture.JPG)

does anyone else remember this book and how it caused a shitstorm with the tifs of social media, including the art community? one of the biggest jp publishers (if not, the biggest) had plans to localize it in japan i think, and the troonies and allies spread muh awareness about it over twitter kek
it ended up being cancelled, publisher made an official statement and all that. i just know that this book hit too close to home to the many tifs out there, and i am 100% certain they only cancelled this because it happened to japan and so many tifs are fucking weeaboos. like if this was announced in any other country, the outrage wouldn't be as severe, the twitter twats who posted about this originally probably told their troon followers to complain about it to the publisher personally.
i might be in the minority here but weebs are also a cancer on the art community so it's unfortunately extremely ingrained in art space culture, but tif weebs are the ones i hate the most. it's like 50% of most zoomer artists you see on socials are tifs now, it's so disgusting and annoying

No. 2446755

File: 1742099955992.jpg (Spoiler Image,167.76 KB, 1673x1392, 192372933.JPG)

That was my reaction when this artist attempted drawing porn (most of it is deleted now except on patreon) unsexiest stuff I’d ever seen kek even the yaoi sex was meh

No. 2446756

i know this artist, i've never seen them draw a character that looks not ugly kek

No. 2446762

You can really tell when an artist isn't into it.

No. 2446821

Because anime is one way to indoctrinate the zoomers/gen A. Back then 80% of the internet actively community shat on weeaboos (the ones who wore naruto headbands in public or did some weird kawaii desu anime controtion) and retards in general. This is because anime is a form of exaggerated cartoons, and it shouldn't be taken literally. Weeaboo cringe comps will usually feature retards trying to mimic anime movements which results in cringe. The classic LGBT even criticized new waves of LGBT who claimed to be gay for liking hentai- but not really engage in same sex dating etc.

But then corporations came in and stopped the culture of letting people say how they really feel, along with irrational gendies whining about 'toxicity' and how we all gotta hold hands and sing kumbaya. So now you have an environment of toxic positivity which is a perfect place for the troon cult to fester which uses the unrealistic anime shit to encourage retarded kids and retarded people into giving the medical industry money to fuck up their bodies.

So it makes sense they will do whatever they can to stop Asians from knowing the fuckery that is going on. But the streisand effect prevails.

No. 2446833

dude what is with these chinese artists and randomly, out of nowhere, posting pictures of their open self harm cuts?? who the hell wants to see that, you psycho?

No. 2446838

Kinda reminds me of how Korea and Japan are infamous for their suicide rates. Maybe Chinese culture is hellish too, pushing them to go crazy and self-harm (then post it online for attention.)

No. 2446842

Its literally happened 3 times where ive followed a chinese artist only to randomly be jumpscared by cutting pictures on my timeline, wtf is going on over there…

No. 2446859

Permabeg malds feverishly about some other small youtube anime art tutorial channel. I miss videos like this.

No. 2446880

>that feel when you find one or two famous actors/models that have the face of one of your ocs to make studies of
thank god for them, even if there’s no one who looks exactly like an oc they’re still close enough

No. 2446881

>all that struggle to draw one guy on the ground

No. 2446926

watching this guy try and fail to draw even though he's got a 3d model on the canvas right in front of him genuinely confuses me. how can you have access to so many tools and still draw things this bad

No. 2446948

When they draw skin very shiny and emphasize certain body parts (thighs, boobs, ass, crotch). Gross but you can tell if someone drew a child character is a loli/shotacon or not.

No. 2446949

I have a bad case of chicken scratch and watching him struggle like that makes me feel a lot better.

No. 2446974

We just convince the Japs that making an anime based on this that's critical and warning of troons will somehow raise their birthrate.
The the western troons will ree so hard their heads explode. It's foolproof.

No. 2447130

This is why I love watching Manben kek I love watching mangakas struggle to draw something

No. 2447164

people who screech about how much they hate genshit are honestly worse than genshin player. I hate attention whores.

No. 2447199

What can one do to make woman like someone's erotic art without feeling tryhard?

No. 2447205

It just feels like hatred of a popular thing for the sake of it. They'll hate on genshin for being a gacha, yet lose their minds over games that have lootboxes. Genshin actually brought people a substantial gaming experience for the initial price of $0 vs the cashgrab slop that was the absolute state of gacha games pre-genshin. Gacha isn't going away, but at least Genshin made it so that companies can't get away with making a shitty autobattler with $100 PNGs anymore.

No. 2447214

What you said is so true, I remember how the internet used to be and as mean-spirited as it could be, I feel like it also gave balance to genuinely retarded crap like what we're seeing now with the gender crap. I've been hearing this phrase with gen z that is "To be cringe is to be free" (or something along those lines) and this is the justification I see these troon weebs run with and why they have multiplied all over the internet.

No. 2447229

Ayrt, I just had to post it because it is a relevant thing in the art scene that details the stupidity of these naive teenagers who thrust themselves into the community when they shouldn't be.

I agree, they really have to stop oversharing but they lack the critical thought and foresight to understand why until it's too late. It's foolish to want to get into art drama and not expect to get involved in it yourself. If she wanted to do art commentary, she should've just talked about normal art commentary subjects.

>It's terrible how teenagers are experiencing high school drama or legitimate grooming or whatever else online where thousands of people witness that shit.

I agree and it's why I think a lot of us millennials are grateful to have experienced middle/high school before social media really blew up beyond DeviantART.

No. 2447276

NTA but look, to be cringe IS to be free, which is why I support every autistic ass anon's right to husbandos and drawing whore art of those husbandos.
Being annoying or being a creep isn't cringe, that's being a retard or a predator. This includes troons, creeps with creep fetishes, spreading your retarded thoughts and feelings to people who don't want to fucking hear it, clogging tags with inane unrelated bullshit, sending fics and art to actors and creators, trying to talk to and "parent" kids online (I don't mean in a "looking out for them" way, I mean like those disgusting gooners do when fishing), disruptive cosplaying, starting online "social movements" against art trends, etc.
Maybe I'm soft-hearted, but I'm glad we don't have a bunch of adult men making fun of and harassing young girls and women for their cringe OCs being super shit or whatever.
I do think we need a hard turn back to understanding and following basic etiquette in fan spaces, and shunning obnoxious speds who think they're above it.

No. 2447295

>struggled sketching and rendering a single panel before starting the rest of the page

No. 2447299

Navel shadow or crotch shadow on clothing even when the clothes aren't super tight

No. 2447308

Ayrt and honestly I wasn't really thinking about people who have husbandos and obsess over them (as funny as it is, I was referring to more of the other stuff you highlighted as a lot of those things run rampant in the art commentary community and I just can't help but find it cringe. Like the fact that roughly half the gen z population in the online fandom art scene are some sort of troon or gendie, I find this to be cringe but maybe you're right that "cringe" probably isn't the right word for this and it really is just internet retardation so I can concede that it may have been a wrong use of term.

No. 2447480

Trannies were barley a thing in that time,of course not.I hate when artists have era specific characters and completely disregard what did/didn’t exist at that time ugh.

No. 2447505

Nonnie this is so based.

I agree a lot of places the distinction between cringe and genuinely being unpleasant or uncomfortable to be around just doesn't exist. Especially in art because artists are historically "weird" so a lot of shit that wouldn't fly in most spaces does in art communities.

No. 2447532

File: 1742158337342.png (Spoiler Image,4.76 MB, 2738x2935, slugbox.png)

Not sure if it's a right thread, but does anyone know an artist with a similar coloring style to Slugbox, minus the pornographic brainrot? Preferably also creature art. His style is really basic and simplistic, but captivating. Not sure what exactly I like about it, probably a combination of clean shading and really vibrant color palettes, gradients, etc.

I'm sure there are similar less degenerate artists out there who render like this, but it's hard to google an art style. I kept those for rendering inspiration but I can't stand having them on my laptop anymore.

No. 2447538

i feel like this sort of style was very common on deviantart previously. maybe look there? also i saw this guy streaming full on nsfw art with his facecam once and idk if it was brave or embarassing, i could never

No. 2447545

The only similar artists that comes to mind is Mr psina and gashi gashi

No. 2447555

unrelated but when i was a teenager i thought his anatomy was incredible and i admired his poses, but now it looks pretty basic imo and it's hopefuel that even if i hate my art, at least people who don't draw will think it's cool

No. 2447705

File: 1742165871751.jpeg (420.48 KB, 1170x1162, IMG_6198.jpeg)

Might be an unpopular opinion but Kate’s new anatomy proportions suck and the lines on her navel have never looked worse.

No. 2447706

>Kate is not my self insert!

No. 2447707

I thought this was fanart. Her art skills deteriorated at lightning speed.

No. 2447732

wtf are those boobs

No. 2447740

I made a folder for my favorite manga artist starting from when they had a personal site and there are over 2K illustrations, not even including the manga series they’ve also published or doujinshi I haven’t bought. I think people really underestimate how much professional or good artists draw

No. 2447741

what the FUCK happened to her anatomy??? her tits are turning into actual shelves???

No. 2447745

Wtf is that line on her shirt, and why does she always need to show her pubic lines all the time

No. 2447747

Her head looks pasted on.

No. 2447771

This is what happens when you pander to coomers

No. 2447796

File: 1742168322663.jpg (413.98 KB, 1170x786, shit.jpg)

>Kate is going to be wider like in my current art moving forward in the production of the show
Shit it’s going to look so bad kek

No. 2447806

If Katie's fat now, Why does she still have that stupid looking long giraffe neck of hers? Should she have a double chin or something idk. It's so funny seeing her regress like this though kek it's what she deserves.

No. 2447830

both of their boobs look fucking weird. Even the fatter girl's

No. 2447859

I was a fool to think the bobbleheads were bad this is infinitely worse

No. 2447863

Her shitty show is doomed. The only appeal was the Y2K style.

No. 2447882

holy fuck how are you ever going to make a webshow when you cant decide on your characters gender and body types after years of developing them? i swear she changes their identities every month?

No. 2447887

File: 1742173053684.jpeg (44.36 KB, 729x420, IMG_9847.jpeg)

No. 2447904

so many changes to kate but somehow alex still has the personality of a door. It's doomed.

No. 2447908

and looks exactly like trent from daria

No. 2447944

Oh it’s over now.

No. 2447977

I get the feeling brujo is just trying to appease the genderspecials who get pissed at her for "queerbaiting" or whatever it was and is trying to beat the fatphobia allegations at the same time kek

No. 2447989

When did she get fatphobia allegations? Is there a chapter I missed?

No. 2448000

I feel like Ari just woke up one day and suddenly remembered all the "bratz/barbie dolls/winx proportions are unrealistic and making teen girls become anorexic and we need more normal body representation/fat acceptance/whatever" discourse from years back and suddenly started feeling self-concious about how she drew Kate's body type.
But yes, it's completely ridiculous for her to still be constantly changing a bunch of stuff about her characters even with a whole studio already working on a series. I wonder if anybody from the studio has had any talk with her about this and casually tried to explain "hey, Ari, we will not be able to be constantly changing stuff midway through production, you really have to start making up your mind about this", and if not I wonder when will be the breaking point. Not to mention that Ari's whole appeal is the 00's aesthetic and making her characters rounder/wider to make them look more organic completely messes that up (and the triangle boobs keep getting uglier and uglier the more she the rest of the artstyle.)

She's definitely not gonna do this, but I really think given Ari's tendencies to be constantly ship of Theseus-ing her characters ad infinitum, it would be better to treat the show and her personal work as semi-separate. I.e. let the studio make its own character sheets, start working on an actual show scrip now with Ari as part of a team of writers, and maybe treat the show and Ari's personal work as slightly different AUs. It would be confusing, but that way Ari would be free to keep changing her personal OCs as much as she pleases without leaving a whole team of animators/sound designers/voice actors/editors/etc hanging in production purgatory while they wait for her to make up her mind (or ruining the writing quality by making them retcon a bunch of stuff every episode).

If you've seen how she's been talking about "making Kate wider" it seems she can't even decide if she wants this to be just a style change or if she wants to make Kate actually chubbier. Given the way her fans react to it, she might end up making her canonically chubby for online validation or for the "ticc" coom points.

No. 2448009

>My Little Pony shipping wars in this day and age

Other than the nasty Bronies I love this fandom. Also Rarijack is better don't fw with me. At least they're semi-canon in EQ.

No. 2448012

There's a game dev thread in the catalog, nonnie. Your post will suit better there.

No. 2448107

File: 1742184241589.png (383.66 KB, 660x694, Screenshot.png)

meanwhile genice is dropping her art book of the drawings she made for BNA. living her best life while juby seethes rent free

No. 2448120

File: 1742185308261.png (26.08 KB, 627x267, hrm.png)

speaking of female characters, i wish she'd just drop the "im trying to make valid representation" angle and admit she just wants to make a romance focused on kate and alex with some reverse harem sprinkled in. i thought all the other the female side character designs looked cool too but that would mean having to draw someone other than kate.

No. 2448164

File: 1742188286285.jpg (116.12 KB, 1271x1271, mydariaoc.jpg)

kek at the amount of replies. anyway kate's body does not look like it belongs to that body anymore, she looks like a head body swap experiment now. it doesn't go well with ari's toootally y2k grungey late night obscure show style either, now it looks like an imitator trying to get it. she's cowish but i wanted her jojo au show to succeed aww, she shot herself in the foot.

he's still ugly as hell. i remember skimming through her tweeting and seeing a post of her complaining that solo alex fanart is rare and i just want to tell her… do you even wonder WHY??? kate has cute fits and accessories and an easy to remember hairstyle but her moid is super basic in all aspects. also it's funny how girl alex (picrel) looks like that other girl from daria.

No. 2448183

She was kind of cowish but I was also happy to see her unabashed y2k autism and how she tried to imitate the styles at the time even if it was imperfect, but goddamn…
>moral ocd followed by artstyle/writing deterioration
Don't fall for these tumblrfaggot moral ocd psyops brujoari, for the love of god, I was actually kind of rooting for you to grow out of the cringe and make your zoomie bratz doll show. There is nothing that internet strangers can offer you that is more valuable than your creative fulfilment and following your passion.

No. 2448192

god i hope this triggers a mega spergout from juby. this is the most fun i've had following an art cow in a long time

No. 2448233

I still don't get why she chimped out so damn bad for hours on stream at a time even after reading through all the posts. All that and there's still going to be an artbook, one that I imagine is going to be sold out pretty quickly. Grim.

No. 2448248

File: 1742199700906.jpg (10.46 MB, 4286x4201, autotwinkdeath.jpg)

She has to learn she can't please everyone, I've seen a few of these oc het artist constantly reinvent their designs to be less "boring" and more "inclusive" and "queer".

No. 2448258

You can tell so much love was put into the first iterations. Actually a bit heartbroken by this image even though I don't know the artists.

No. 2448284

do anons have any recommendations for youtube channels with advice on color theory, choosing colors, color composition etc? I enjoy the format of yt videos but I mostly come across tutorials by people who can’t draw that well themselves (or are good, but their advice is just “idk what I’m doing this is how I wing it”), OR tutorials on the very basics of color theory which I’m already ok on. Specifically resources for digital painting would be nice, I’m a lot better at coloring on traditional since that’s what I grew up doing, but I really struggle to translate it to digital. I usually just go off what “looks right” but then if I stare at it too long it doesn’t look right anymore. I’m also fine on base colors (since that’s the most basic color theory they teach you in a high school art class) but once I’m doing shading and highlights and basic rendering I feel pretty lost.

No. 2448287

Marco Bucci and Lighting Mentor

No. 2448325

File: 1742209120877.jpeg (557.97 KB, 1180x1173, IMG_8169.jpeg)

Mary is back but at what cost? The volumes of the body and the flat graphics of the face don’t match up. Her old style was better.

No. 2448342

They look like characters from Doug now. How do you downgrade your art style so badly your shit looks like DOUG of all things. Patty Mayonnaise ass bitch

No. 2448349

The pointy boobs don’t work well with everything else looking a bit more realistic. It looks off putting

No. 2448388

is it possible to become a big enough artist like yoshitomo nara without having a very distinct and simple artstyle? I feel as if the more detailed and complex your drawing, the less likely are you going to be on the same level as the big artists.

No. 2448397

That's because simple stuff is easier to look at and remember. That guy paints the same thing over and over, it's like a trademark. But I doubt you'll ever reach that level of popularity if you're asking dumb questions like this on lolcow of all places so why does it matter

No. 2448420

Probably. I think it's all about networking these days.

No. 2448422

Art has always been about networking, ever since ancient days. It's always been about who you know and why you know them, a big part about art schools is making industry connections. Most big artists in history have always been extremely well connected and that's why they got all the prolific projects that remain well-preserved and documented to this day.

No. 2448429

ayrt Yeah, probably. Which, honestly, sucks. I've seen some garbage artists out there with a huge following, and great artists with nobody looking their way. Wonder how different this would be if it were a hierarchy of quality rather than socializing.
I know I'll never make it because lolcow dot farm is the only place I can actually communicate with others, given the state of most art locations being super sensitive to political topics and focusing less on art. But that could just be a social skill issue on my part.

No. 2448434

The pointy boobs and weird ass pubic lines are ridiculous. It's so bad. I'm also wondering if in the future Brujo will be cancelled for sexualising a high school aged Kate. Even if she stops or ages Kate up in her coomery art, I'm certain at least one person will try to call her out for it. The question is if other woke teenagers will jump on that bandwagon or not.

Holy shit, I was aware that the bottom left made the guy fat and ugly but the top character change truly baffles me. That blue guy's facial proportions are so bad, I don't care if he's an alien.

As for the bottom right design with the bald guy, it's similar to fatter Kate's design in that the heads don't match the bodies very well. I wonder why the artists won't give the characters fatter, rounded faces and thicker necks to suit their fat bodies. If you're going to make them fat, might as well go all the way. It might make them uglier overall to some people, but at least it'll be more well-balanced and less uncanny.

No. 2448441

AYRT, I just draw alone in my corner of the internet. I barely have followers because I just post art, I don't take any part in fandom or political discourse because I'm not interested in involving my art with those topics. It's all about branding which I simply don't have an interest in doing because I just want to draw to express myself and my feelings. Most of the artists that I know who broke it into the mainstream either befriended someone more popular or just took the NSFW route, both strategies regardless of their skill level or subject matter really, so if you just want to make something you love it's all about chance if anyone who matters happens to see it and take a liking to your work.

No. 2448445

ayrt Thanks nona. I really needed to hear that.
I took the NSFW route and gained a following but they were so disgusting I ditched the NSFW persona I made on the side. I want to make money off of people that like my art, but seeing artists that enjoy making art instead of being shackled to it as a life-long abusive commitment is rare but pleasant. Forgot the real reason I started drawing for a second.

No. 2448453

Glad to hear it. I tried clout chasing for years (also tried the NSFW route for a moment) but gave up because it was exhausting and made my art not feel authentic at all. I didn't recognize the pieces I created and felt uncomfortable looking at them. But once I started drawing just stuff I felt like drawing and subject matter that I was truly inspired by, I began drawing and painting a lot more authentically. I started enjoying looking at my own art instead of hating every single piece I put out. It's been a healing process and sometimes it does sting when the art I post barely gets any reactions sans from my direct group of friends while absolute /beg/ level dogshit is admired like it was a nugget of gold, but each day it gets easier to ignore that nagging voice who's telling me to watch the numbers.

No. 2448466

I started to notice a shift in views when I changed my subjects to attractive men and non-sexualized women. No one seemed to give a shit but honestly, It was best feeling I had since I started my drawing journey. I still do nsfw but it's like the erotic artistic variety that barely shows any genitals or anything gross like that. Does it suck no one seems to care anymore? Frankly, hearing stories of popular artist getting cancelled by smaller, jealous people has really made me reconsider my goals tbh. I don't want the wrong crowd seeing me, and if that means going under by not drawing mainstream fotm smut porn than so be it.

No. 2448476

A take beyond based. I switched into drawing the same subject (attractive men and non-sexualized women, mostly just original content) and everyone stopped giving a shit but I would rather have 10 likes max on my work than deal with schizos trying to cancel me out of jealousy or having an audience of braindead gooners.

No. 2448568

the right ones looks fucking disgusting coomshit. her brain is fucking fried

No. 2448573

What the fuck is wrong with their face? Also what is with these artists and making every “POC” with the stereotypical “shitskin” appearance when you know damn well most Hispanics don’t look like that.(racebait)

No. 2448581

File: 1742225824872.jpg (316.69 KB, 1200x847, brujo_ari_ - DHOkcikJKqb - 1.j…)

No. 2448583

Sending good luck to you nonna. Being a niche artist is the best.

No. 2448587

is it just me or do they have t rex arms? appealing to coomers is really fucking up her art

No. 2448592

Of course they do. They look like chicken wings and they always seem to be holding them up like chicken wings. If you had weird little arms like that, you wouldn't exaggerate it by posing that way all the time, unless it was a fetish thing

No. 2448595

A lot of coomer artists develop the T-rex arms habit, it's legit confusing. Is it because they're all tracing/referencing each other? Awful attempts at perspective? Trying to make the characters look less obese by trimming down all the non-sexy body parts? We just don't know.
Poor Kate, it wasn't enough to be a genderspecial now she's gotta have dwarfism too

No. 2448599

File: 1742226789743.jpeg (122.46 KB, 1080x680, D12F6C14-5F79-4CC8-8C3F-A40EE6…)

Even if it’s cringe her old style emulated that Y2K feeling really well. Ignoring the gendie shit the designs did feel like they could’ve been from the actual time period. Most of these OC accounts can’t capture that properly IMO. These look so fucking bad. If she really wanted to make the characters bigger there’s ways to do that to preserve the original charm but she just fucked it up so bad kek.

No. 2448603

What's t Rex arms?

No. 2448604

This girl does not know what she wants.She better figure it out soon if there really is some kind of production because she’s gonna end up wasting other people’s time

No. 2448629

Damn I didn’t realize how skinny she was originally

No. 2448642

File: 1742228442573.jpg (41.39 KB, 640x451, 1000011080.jpg)

brujoari is a great case study into why you shouldn't chase audience approval or sacrifice your vision to "represent" a million different things at once. it's best to just thank people for their interest but don't pander to them or talk to them. the less you say, the better. people meme on the tobyfox interview but he had the right idea.

No. 2448647

Kek I've never seen this before. Toby was right to just flat out refuse to answer those questions, especially with the fandom Undertale has.

No. 2448648

He skipped the last question because he didn't want the fandom to know about his harem fantasies

No. 2448665

What the fuck happened to Brianne Drouhard's art? I loved her work on tumblr back in the day when she was working on Amethyst for DC.

No. 2448675

I don't like the before or after art styles on the top but the toothpick head on the monster man looks hideous. His design could work if someone was good at drawing bishies

No. 2448680

Artist who never cave to fandom whims earn my respect. Same with the dunmeshi author. I'm tired of tards forcing artist to be their personal validation factory when they're people wanting to make their passion a reality. God forbid it doesn't center on you.

No. 2448736

I don't care if you hate the original styles.(infighting)

No. 2448749

Oh, her character designs are so adorable. Also kek, apparently Harpy Gee got an animatic but it predated the fat ugly redesign for the male character

No. 2448767

No clue, I got jump scared by the fat male character too kek. Currently she's a part of the new Starfire animated series where Amethyst is a part of the cast, though I don't know what the art style looks like but here's to hoping it looks nice at least.

No. 2448777

File: 1742234431272.jpg (202.44 KB, 862x1739, tumblr_3061d6ad231b78d5a588c28…)

Right? Anons just say she's fat in the new style because they are so used to these borderline vivzie proportions.

Kek I love creators that do this. The Ryoko Kui interview everyone got mad at was also good

No. 2448828

I don't think Ari experimenting with character proportions itself is bad, but it makes the art look awkward (like other nonnas already said, the bodies getting more and more realistic while the faces stay stylized looks strange). She's probably just getting better at/more aware of proper anatomy and going through the growing pains of figuring out how to fit that into the art style she has, and will most likely come out better in the future, but seeing her go through a visibly awkward phase like this makes the show production feel precarious.

No. 2448850

>what is with these artists and making every “POC” with the stereotypical “shitskin” appearance
What..? Is your issue with the brown skin?

No. 2448985

The proportions are a mess. People in the comments go and go about how realistic they look, but they aren't! They're just wider. Kate looks like a manlet because she has a massive head while also only being 5 heads tall when the average adult is drawn 7 heads tall. If her goal was to draw Kate more realistically she failed because Kate has the same proportions of a child.

No. 2449052

File: 1742243096587.jpg (219.74 KB, 1170x582, height.jpg)

It’s funny how one of her reasonings for the change in proportions was to better reflect Kate’s height (5’1”) but I don’t see why she doesn’t let Kate look a bit tall? It’s just numbers on a screen, she could just add a few inches to the “official” height instead of revamping her design.
Not to mention the og design looks more feasibly 5’1” while the new one looks 4’ with mild dwarfism kek.

No. 2449067

File: 1742243286107.png (Spoiler Image,1.33 MB, 1178x1292, auroretardation.png)

Went on a shallow dive through Auroradiation_'s accounts and didn't realize how similar to mgong she is outside of art style. And not only her being an open pedophile yet still somehow having a following, her 18+ account is so strange. What is it in the water that makes good chinese female artists fat moid enthusiasts?
>makes multiple 3D models of the characters from Terminator 2
>makes fat terminator in several moid porn and calls it games her waifu
>makes the 3D model based off the real kid have sex with fat terminator in all her games

No. 2449082

>kate's head is the same size as the tall girl's who has about a foot on her
>kept the pencil necks
>still have relatively skinny arms
>blonde girl's thighs are larger than her waist
It's still not realistic, they just look broad. I don't see why she couldn't have just given kate a normal sized ribcage and arm width.

This artist is dumb as fuck, she traced the left sloppily, gave it literally all rounded curves, didn't bother drawing her neck/traps/chest/armpits, and used concave curves on her torso and excessive lines/curves on her thighs/arms make her look fatter. The right one looks "right" because she actually depicted all of those things instead of leaving them as blobs + used convex curves to depict weight. If she wants a realistic depiction of a skinny woman she'd better give it the form and face of a skinny woman as well, not a flat stylized cartoon, and not make it blobby and shitty on purpose

No. 2449141

Did anyone else see this…kekaroni(this is an imageboard)

No. 2449148

her giving Schwarzenegger fat tits and a pussy will never not make me laugh, what an insane woman

No. 2449166

>pumpkin just got doxxed, got exposed for lying about being half Japanese, and deleted all her social media

No. 2449176

File: 1742245863818.jpeg (631.36 KB, 1270x848, IMG_8063.jpeg)

No. 2449178

This is so funny KEK too bad she DFE. I am glad we made a thread just in time to archive all the milk.

No. 2449196

Not just lying about being Japanese, but also lying about being an adult when she was actually 17. She was posting coom art and even nudes and her followers were under the impression she was an adult. Someone cowtipped and told her dad so that's probably why DFE'd

No. 2449197

Isn't it strange how this happened a few days later when the thread got created?

No. 2449202

As much as Pumpkin might be a cow, that user is also posting proof of possessing her underage nudes. I know she was insanely popular, but she's still a minor and her life will forever be impacted by her stupid decisions as a kid. I honestly can't help but feel bad for her, teenage retardation and everything.

No. 2449218

Not really, someone was already leaking her face before the thread was made, only when she was being discussed in the personal cows thread. She said it was totally her underage cousin

No. 2449302

I don't think this situation is funny at all. These people are accusing her of owning CP (said CP being her own nudes that she was probably exploited into producing). She's annoying, but I don't think a teenage girl needs a bunch of moids hounding her for potentially being a victim

No. 2449308

It's not even realistic for the time period because everyone was starving themselves kek being fat was worse than being gay.

No. 2449322

I agree, it was funnier when I thought she was an adult but now that I know she's a kid it just makes me upset for her. I once knew someone posing as an 18 year old online who turned out to be 15 and she had a really traumatic reasoning behind it, these doxxers just seem like terrible vindictive people.

No. 2449338

File: 1742250819844.jpg (614.42 KB, 1170x1064, kareena.jpg)

Trent- I mean Alex kek is so boring it makes Kate x every other character she gets jokingly teased with actually look more interesting.

No. 2449365

kek, is this not queer baiting?? she makes kate so into guys in canon. If Kate isn't with Trent she's with random white guys

No. 2449381

File: 1742252310360.jpg (157.02 KB, 1170x710, bi.jpg)

She’s “bisexual” so expect more baiting kek

No. 2449440

I wish she’d ditch Alex for literally any of The Dolls. They rarely show up but when they do they do more than stand up and look bored. Personally I think her storytelling sucks because everyone orbits Kate and vanished when she has nothing to do with them. The shows she’s mimicking have casts that don’t have their motivations tied to the mc.

No. 2449511

who is this and where can i find this thread?

No. 2449526

>same format
As opposed to what? Its an ID. The point is they have the same template. There's proof in her thread she at least lived in Japan but who cares, the fucked up part is her age

No. 2449534

Read through older threads, or carefully read the replies and find her name.

No. 2449535

I want her to lose her job to AI so bad, it's unreal

No. 2449536

Can you send the link? i want to archive the account before it gets suspended

No. 2449568

There would need to be AI completely fed her art to do so kek. I’m honestly surprised there hasn’t been yet. Her shit is everywhere

No. 2449576

I don't follow her anymore but has a personal tumblr sideblog (forgot the name but it was also a single word without numbers) and she would have meltdowns because another (less popular) chinese artist was drawing the same obscure terminator pedo ship, until that other artist ended up deleting them. She also would lash out at people who compliment how she draws the little boy but not the moid with fat tits, among other spergouts. She's more insane than mgong IMO, I recall her making a post about how she had to study art for over 6 hours daily instead of going out and playing with friends or something like that and that might be why good artists like these are so mentally ill, it's kind of sad.

No. 2449599

That is a TIF art style if I've ever seen one. Also this is fairly standard discordfag drama.

No. 2449600

File: 1742260997933.jpg (1.07 MB, 1040x4792, seymour guy.JPG)

I have no idea who this artist Sam Borbulor is kek but apparently he’s infamous enough to get a callout with this much attention

No. 2449602

Undertismm sounds obnoxious as well

No. 2449607

>callout with no proof by a tif
You could really claim anything on twitter now

No. 2449609

File: 1742261471793.jpg (279.21 KB, 1178x2016, whatever.jpg)

i remember this originally happening lol, everybody was always in her comments sucking up to her cause she used to get alotta likes. If i remember this was the tweet (top) that caused them to turn on her kek. Im truly addicted to witnessing the cycle of gendies maiming their own kind over and over again, its so fucking entertaining

No. 2449658

>I recall her making a post about how she had to study art for over 6 hours daily instead of going out and playing with friends or something like that
damn i wish that was me.


No. 2449668

If the fat girl is an entirely head shorter than Kate who is 5ft1 than she's built like Mike wazowski standing close to 4 feet

No. 2449671

File: 1742264618799.png (1.29 MB, 1816x2400, 97095103_NM3swF9PRqKhZIJ.png)

have you all seen navimoons/constellor/penporo etc's detransed version of karo lol

No. 2449680

File: 1742265128035.jpg (398.04 KB, 1500x2000, karo.JPG)

Damn, couldn’t at least let her be a tomboy kek? The tradwife coomer phase has rotted her so bad, all her women have the exact same shortstack bimbo body

No. 2449695

huh, she didn't post this to any of her socials yet has she? i wonder if she's probably too nervous to post this publicly yet for fear of backlash for her fanbase that still loves her old twink ocs kek

No. 2449698

This is so cringe and sad. She could have just gave the original design small breasts and hips and make her into a cool androgynous girl. She's just trapped between two ideologies, tradwife female ojectification and gender roles, and gendieism.

No. 2449699

File: 1742266655233.png (1012.56 KB, 1410x687, Capture.png)

is art fight still a triggering topic for nonnies here? it's now 3 and a half months away and i'm very excited…to those that got banned, do you consider remaking accounts? we've learned some hard lessons last year, and as long as no one signals to anyone that they're from lolcow thanks to the self-hating troons who lurk here, i doubt the mods would ever know that a new user was previously banned if you just make a new account and switch ips probably.
even if you post the same characters from a banned account, i don't think the moderation team has the time or effort to keep track of that

No. 2449702

No. I find ocs ugly and cringe.

No. 2449707

OCs are much more soulful than soulless fanart slop thoughbeit

No. 2449709

>more soulful
>most of the time they are drawn in a white void or using shitty meme templates
aha, sure

No. 2449710

Just looked into it, that artist is a tranny and simply not interesting enough but I would be happy to scrape the web if anyone is up to make an AI for that.
We could make stuff like a KKK guy or Elon Musk in that style and then gaslight retards into thinking the tranny also drew those, imagine the death threats, it would be so much fun.(encouraging cowtipping)

No. 2449711

go back

No. 2449713

Ayrt, that’s autistic as fuck. The artist is just annoying

No. 2449723


She annoys me but that's a stupid and overkill idea. Plus her fanbase will implode on its own cause she can't please everyone and herself at the same time.

No. 2449725

File: 1742269098864.jpg (1.19 MB, 1314x1458, 1649308464726.jpg)

Just found out about some underage artist that draws loli art that panders to adult men on twitter alongside hetalia porn, i'm at a loss of words

No. 2449738

I'll pass, I made a good amount of terfy friends from the last one.

No. 2449739

i dont get how these actual kids post their nsfw art, im 22 and still scared to post anything risque. not to mention how im pretty sure thats illegal, can you report her?

No. 2449751

File: 1742270625864.png (23.79 KB, 533x174, abcdefg.png)

She honestly seems like an epi victim, i could link her account here so you all could help me report it but i think that can count as cowtipping on lolcow. Picrel is the type of people interacting with her.

No. 2449754

Qrd on art fight?

No. 2449765

So report it then

No. 2449767

Thanks for the super thoughtful input

No. 2449769

How many reports does it usually take for a pedo trying to groom kids to get banned?

No. 2449776

I mean it wouldn't be cowtipping initially but now it is because you've given the incentive to report it. Anon, I'm sorry to say but I don't think reporting is going to help, she's likely interacting with these people off of Twitter so even if her account is taken down she's still in harm's way and will make a new account later. There's not a lot you can do bar finding her personal information and contacting her parents or school but that's a bit psychotic.
I mean it's Twitter, what do you think?
Any anons who participated shouldn't respond to this for the obvious reasons.

No. 2449781

Doesn't your country have an online portal where you can report pedos directly to the police? Most western countries created these specifically for situations like this, you can even report ai porn

No. 2449782

I did report this weirdo and her but Elon's twitter is a bitch in this regard i don't know if anything will get done

No. 2449787

File: 1742273130365.jpg (Spoiler Image,521.87 KB, 2140x3027, GlFjA2tWEAALdWJ.jpg)

You're right, jfc i don't even wanna begin thinking who shes interacting in discord since she has one

No. 2449790

AYRT, my country is quite fucking bad at responding to those types of reports and I'm not really sure how other places' proccesses with these things go. The other anon can try that but I've seen so many of these cases occur and nothing happens despite anyone's best efforts so, I don't know. It's just fucking depressing.
Jesus christ that's vile. Also you probably shouldn't doublepost, combine your two posts into one, you will get red texted.

No. 2449791

wtf is wrong with zoomers

No. 2449793

File: 1742273742851.png (801.7 KB, 642x638, gradientmap.PNG)

I think I’ve seen a few that really stand out to me, but I realized I actually tend to find art made with gradient maps boring. It might be because of people going for boring/commonly used palettes or because of how the colors are distributed?
Tbf there’s probably a lot of amazing art done with gradient maps that I’m not aware of, but most of my favorite artworks that stand out to me into terms of color/values were done traditionally.

No. 2449794

>red text
I already reported it as cp kek
>this child porn is so wrong
>look guys, isn't this child porn wrong?

No. 2449800

i just associate overuse of gradient maps with fanny now so yeah its over

No. 2449802

i agree, it reminds me of purple multiply shading or those premade palette websites. Not necessarily bad looking.. just overdone and uncreative. I think they always pick the preset ones too rather than editing or handpicking the colors to actually match the piece. Just gives like kinda new digital artist vibes

No. 2449803

File: 1742274450455.jpg (Spoiler Image,637.28 KB, 1988x2661, GiBAJtdWIAA5Wla.jpg)

You get redtexted for posting two times now? Lolcow jannies are ass nowadays.
It's a literal drawing faggot i'm reporting the kid because she is about 15 or 16 with pedos orbiting her not because of drawings. Holy shit what is up with some you retards on /ot/ being weirdly passive agressive, fuck you in specific and heres her page

No. 2449805

File: 1742274630913.png (47.67 KB, 589x268, pedoloser.png)

damn little bro i wonder why nobody likes you

No. 2449806

I don't want to see cp anon, really that simple. Keep posting it tho I guess, they're "just cartoons"

No. 2449808

fuck off back to /ic/

No. 2449811

Says a lot that you're more worried about the drawings and not the kid putting herself in danger, trying to silence me by crying to the jannies about it
Good, this fag deserves that and worse

No. 2449817

Ignore the newfag they are always looking to start infights. Posting loli is permitted in lolcow as long as its spoilered and its related to milk. I really hope this artist is just larping and pretending to be 16yo, but after seeing how pumpkin posted nudes of herself on twitter i doubt so. I really miss when kids stayed on myspace and gaia online. Mixing adults and kids was a monumental mistake. I hate socmed.

No. 2449820

idk nonna she seems like an obvious minor down to the shitty tiktok memes and more on her page

No. 2449822

>when you become the pedo posting loli, ironically or bc you're "concerned"(infight bait)

No. 2449825

isnt she that one artist that was the niece of some popular rapper? or is it a copycat?

No. 2449828

no thats canihavepromo and yes a lot of people copy her for some reason, even though her artstyle was just copying 2000s moe art, its like a copy of a copy

No. 2449875

Posting lolishit is only allowed when theres milk attached finding children who are groomed into pedo shit isnt new nor milky (and also against global rules) sadly next time just report these types of accounts rather than reposting them here for personal army requests.

No. 2449881

Okay good. It just seems like a way for troons/dumpy female pedos to continue posting their content but also get to act "girly" and disgusted by it. I just wouldn't post the content, not like anyone's going to think I'm making it up

No. 2449882

nta but this is literally a imageboard if you are going to talk about milk you must provide it. Otherwise we end up with cluttering posts that link to deleted posts like >>2449141

No. 2449892

As per global rules, if she's 16 it's fair game to post about her. We've also had lolishit posted itt for less/similar levels of milk. I do agree anon trying to get anons to take action is retarded but it's not anything new to the threads nor rule breaking.

No. 2449894

File: 1742283745585.jpg (13.5 KB, 554x553, Pedobear.jpg)

>she's 16 it's fair game(bait)

No. 2449898

it takes 5 minutes to read the lolcow general rules, retard. Posting about underage cows is fine as long as they are over the age of 16. Its why pumpkings thread is still up.

No. 2449902

If you didn't post such embarrassing pedophilic things, anons would stop noticing and responding to it. You are in full control of whether anonymous people think you are a pedo or not and still choosing to call 16 year olds "fair game" on an imageboard for women. kys, hard(infighting)

No. 2449903

I am not that anon, she obviously mean ''fair game'' , as in its fair game to post about her and her milky behaviour because its whitin lolcow rules. Insane lack of reading comprehension going on. Its actually weird as fuck that you interpreted that as anon saying something sexual about her, holy projection.

No. 2449906

How could anyone on the planet be dumb enough to refer to posting about a 16 year old girl as "fair game" and not realize that's weird?

No. 2449911

If you can read above the level of a fourth grader who eats crayons and follow the chain of replies, and read lolcow rules you would not think its weird at all. Are you ESL?

No. 2449915

File: 1742284547671.png (263.63 KB, 1278x736, i18e89y8ye9.png)

That's not me kek, nor am I the anon who originally posted about that artist.
Fair game for milk, which is said often. Stop clutching your pearls about something I didn't mean to imply.

No. 2449921

So far no matter who I reply to, they're not the anon. No one cares. If you are an anon who agrees that it's okay to say a 16 year old is "fair game" and then post her weird groomed content that is literally cp, I also think you're an idiot and a pedo. You're included under this umbrella. I don't need to know that you're a separate anon(infighting)

No. 2449924

just ignore her, i am sure she wants to infight. She literally lef the ''if she's 16 it's fair game to post about her '' part of your post when she quoted it because she was baiting for an infight. I have a hunch its probably the artist herself or maybe a pedo simp trying to deflect from the criticism. The way she writes sounds very underage.

No. 2449927

File: 1742285291327.jpg (114 KB, 1080x442, rules.jpg)

Antbody with a brain would understand that anon was refering to LC's rules wrt posting about individuals

No. 2449935

Exactly, she's being willfully obtuse and knows exactly what that reply meant, obvious bait atp

No. 2449940

I've never spent any amount of time defending my right to post a groomed 16 year old's loli content but I bet it's a great feeling to be "technically" correct. I never debated the rule, the same way I don't debate scrotes when they correct me that they have "ephebophilia" and not "pedophilia"

No. 2449941

Yeah this is just soft cell shading, super basic, not sure why that anon is so enamored with it tbh

No. 2449945

This is like a millenial furry art style, i mostly only see furries in their 30s both shading and drawing like this (sfw or not). it's interesting how sometimes you can guess the age range of artists based on their style. even for people who emulate 2000s anime artists or old video game artist you can tell when they're a bit younger/older

No. 2449949

AYRT, this is spot on lol nice job nonna.

No. 2450001

Her proportions aren't bad but her shading and linework got lazier. It also looks weirdly 2010s which is a shame

No. 2450007

File: 1742291869463.png (212.29 KB, 851x857, limon.png)

The comments under the redesign are split between liking her old design or new design for "valid rep" or pointing out the weird proportions or that she intended Kate to be skinny to begin with. I wonder if she's gonna rework Kate again within the next few days. Personally I liked her old style when the lines were more thick, this new style has too many details and lines too thin.

No. 2450017

>having to ask your own followers for input for the 283949482772th time

No. 2450022

File: 1742293628801.jpeg (870.28 KB, 1257x2360, IMG_6651.jpeg)

I was about to bring up the topic myself since a pooner's pretentious analysis of the cover image went viral on art Twitter just a few days ago.

No. 2450026

Draw things you are genuinely interested in because you are also a woman and others that share your tastes will come to you.

No. 2450029

Holy fuck this troons "analysis" makes me sick they keep reeing about this book for calling out their bullshit and here they are trying to convince this book cover is totes a pedo reference! These same cunts read lolita the book about a child being groomed and raped and Jack off it but a book about the troon epidemic is the real pedophilic danger

No. 2450042

This reminds me of bitches who post pics of their books full of stupid notes. Seeking patterns and connections that aren't there to appear smart instead shows how dumb you are

No. 2450056

isn't that the point? the cover is supposed to be disturbing because of nature of the topic
sometimes i wonder if gendies are purposefully giving themselves brain damage

No. 2450061

She literally just wants brownie points when she posts things like this

No. 2450074

I don't care about Kate as a character and I'm not a fan of the style BUT I find this drawing really cute because I love girls in baggy clothing ♥
Unfortunately these are a dime a dozen, we live in a hell world

No. 2450112

Neither of them look like how she draws them? Her old design has a tiny waist 1/2 the size of her heaed, and both of them have longer/thinner legs and huge ass

No. 2450131

>1920s Children's book illustration style
>Static posture likeness to a doll or medical illustration
>Dress is sleeveless and short made to look like a nightgown or swimsuit
>School shoes yet no school dress
It's a vintage paper doll art…

No. 2450137

File: 1742302631224.jpg (322.17 KB, 1448x2048, GefS1GZWMAAbHpA.jpg)

Oh i recognize this artist because canihavepromo quote tweeted her. Tbh she shares a lot of similarities with her

No. 2450156

Maybe I can offer perspective? When I was 12 I acted extremely similarly, I was a child rape victim with neglectful parents so sex shit was already normal to me at that age, I loved anime and I heard /b/ was where all the funny memes came from so I began lurking there and long story short, loli shit got normalized to me SUPER easy by going there. This was back in 2010-2011 and there wasn't really much pushback against loli content online, so I imagine the extra edginess today is just to go "lol fuck you i do whatever the hell i want"

No. 2450158

ntayrt I was in an art discord and it was filled to the brim with kids having scantily dressed, big titty characters with womb tats. I tried reporting to a mod during my time there, and they said
>This is an accepting space where we allow the expression of LGBTQA++ and all queer adjacent artists. I understand your concerns but this is meant to be non-judgmental.
Left the discord. Those children are absolutely beyond help.

No. 2450232

File: 1742307927661.png (1.61 MB, 915x1144, 1000020781.png)

What are some artists that you like? There's this artist I follow on Tumblr who draws beautiful Cars fanart 90% of the time, it's so cute.

No. 2450235

File: 1742308109605.png (621.92 KB, 1079x1214, 1000020728.png)

Her love for Lightning McQueen is so adorable

No. 2450247

I wanted to participate again but decided against it seeing as how one of the old long-time mods/current contributors is a 4chan tif that posts on DAD. AF staff is hypocritical and retarded.


No. 2450255

Good art but it feels like it's straight up traced from a photo

No. 2450264

nonas, there's certain artists in my circle that I'm so sick of seeing but it seems like everywhere I turn they've stuck their finger in everything, took up all the air in those community spaces and left nothing for anyone else. Their art is not even all that special, in fact I think it's ugly but people are going crazy over it because their marketing skills are insane so they're ubiquitous. How do I break into a scene that's been locked off by like 1 or 2 people who have a devils grip on it while ignoring them? There's no way I can saturate that market like they have. It all sounds so fucking vague but I'm sick of trying to claw my way past their shit. Even when I block them people are sharing their work constantly so I have to look at it either way.

No. 2450290

The staff is shit and was also super shady when it came to donation money. I don't want to bother with a site run by shady hypocrits, I'm going to just do art trades with my friends.

No. 2450311

Discovered it last year and had no problems. The main issue I do have, which is a severe nitpick, is how they judge for points. I've seen some dogshit art get more points than things people put effort into.
But I don't really care; I just LOVE drawing peoples' characters. Good time.

No. 2450352

File: 1742314422674.jpeg (674.36 KB, 1343x778, IMG_8064.jpeg)

Which artist? Personally im tried of this artist, his art is mid af but I think lots of people try to cozy up to him and draw his oc or designs for clout just because he has a lot of followers. If you’ve seen his art before, you’ll know it’s nothing special

No. 2450356

File: 1742314511334.jpg (7.39 KB, 244x206, 2102193.jpg)

i love drawing art for the kids on there, they are so sweet and excited, and its so cute when they revenge me. It reminds me of my baby sister. Although i determine theyre kids based on their art, im sure ive accidentally drawn for a 40 yr old autistic man before.

No. 2450359

I think art fight is fun, tho I get a little bit salty when I take the effort to draw everyone who attacks me back, but the people I attack don't do the same for me (despite them clearly not being popular/too busy). Like you got a total of 3 attacks all month and you still couldn't be bothered to draw something back for me?
But if I stick to low effort doodles (that are still cute just not high quality perfect renders) it doesn't bother me since I didn't put in too much effort anyway

No. 2450361

agreed kek, I like trying to incorporate amateurish design elements onto my art style, its a fun character design challenge. One of my favourite art games I would play with my younger sister is to make a character based off an animal/emoji then redraw each others design in our art style. I would join artfight just for this if it weren't for the bleak factor of seeing self harm scars and gender nonsense in young children's ocs

No. 2450373

Yup that’s actually why I brought it up kek, that tweet quoting the op posted that cover again which reminded me of that whole fiasco.
On one hand I hate those alt right weeb incel moids on twitter who will dickride Japan nonstop and I’m eagerly awaiting for the country to legalize same sex marriage for the seethe from them, but on the other hand I also hate the web gendie/troon side of tifs and mtfs who also praise Japan when they do progressive stuff, such as cancel the translation of that book. I wish it still went through so more nips can recognize how popular the gendie trend is with kids these days. I’d hate being Japanese because so many freaks are obsessed with your country in the wrong way tbh.
Take dungeon meshi for example, the moid incels were annoying that the “anime only” crowd ruined the fanbase, particularly with all the gay ship art that was made even if it’s not canon. I’m not exactly rooting for anyone here, both sides are extremely annoying. But I have to admit that the gendie side that constantly spams farcille art and insists they’re canon while accusing anyone who challenges that as muh “lesbophobic” is much more annoying, the new fan base unfortunately ruined DM for me because of how infested it is with obnoxious gendies. It’s sad how most art is ship art, but I suppose that’s how it is for most fandoms anyway.

No. 2450377

I feel you Nona, I talked about this in a previous thread recently in how I drew art for a select number of artists, all in my bookmarks for that year, and not a single one drew me back. I put so much effort into them, one of them even made it as their fucking banner but they didn’t even follow me back or anything like that. I still feel so used, even if I know no one is obliged to revenge you.
This year, I won’t be attacking anyone at all, I’ve learned my lesson. I’ll just prioritize trying to make revenge for the people who do attack me instead.

No. 2450386

NAYRT but she probably means the strange green or gray undertones that's commonly found in art of dark skinned people

No. 2450390

no she doesnt kek

No. 2450414

>I would join artfight just for this if it weren't for the bleak factor of seeing self harm scars and gender nonsense in young children's ocs
nta but I blatantly just ignore drawing things like self-harm scars and any other details I don't care about. If they call me out I'd just delete it and ignore them. If you don't appreciate the art you got, then you get nothing. I don't know them so I don't care if they get upset, they're usually too meek to complain or just so excited anyone drew their oc that they don't care

No. 2450418

If you want in on their market why would you block them? If your art is near their skill level and you draw similar work and interact with them there's a very high chance they follow you back, even if you have 1/10 the followers (speaking from experience). You're swimming against the tide here

After looking him up, 90% of the people doing his challenges are pretty bad but he retweets them all so it's more clout than they'd get normally

No. 2450448

To clarify, I don't block them because I did realize that, I'm just being a salty bitch. There's a good chance they won't connect with me even though my skill is, not to sound arrogant but, objectively better.theyre the type of artist who has a thousands of followers but only follows a few hundred so constantly watching them shill their ugly art would just make my experience in those spaces miserable. I'm probably being stubborn, I should just be using them to gain their audience at this point. I don't necessarily want to interact with them.

No. 2450454

Honestly some people would chimp put on you for that. I'm not doing AF this year because of what happened but in the past years, I had a "rule" of not drawing any characters with dumb shit on them to begin with. I'd rather pick a cute character than do free art for someone who has "DO NOT IGNORE THEIR SCARS" in the character permissions who's gonna complain that they were ignored or that they aren't big enough or whatever.

No. 2450468

These kind of visual analyses tickle my brain, I wish people would share more dumbass gender garbage aside. Keking at how this is the whole point of the book and cover, there are 8-13yo girls on socmed rn who want to chop their breasts off

No. 2450479

>8 year olds
please dont tell me this is true..

No. 2450492

>Honestly some people would chimp put on you for that.
Don't care kek but also for the record I don't associate my artfight account with any other accounts. If someone knows my art they'd know it was me, but with my tiny following and not tagging or using the same name nobody has found me yet

No. 2450504

Both are really ugly

No. 2450507

Speaking from experience; you just need to keep posting consistently. There's no such thing as "taking up all the air" in fandom spaces. New people can always join in and rise to the top because fans don't give a fuck about anything as long as they get more slop. And if your slop comes in consistently the little piggies will start to develop a craving for it. You really don't need to interact with anyone, you can literally mute them or blacklist their usernames and it won't matter.

No. 2450512

i hate that vapid pick me canihaveapromo so much. her art is so mediocre but people treat her like shes modern day van gogh, if she didnt have strings of controversies surrounding her nobody would care about her pedobait drawings and she would just be a twitter nobody. and i also hate people who buy that lie of “omg shes actually healing!! so we can support her now!!”

No. 2450519

Yeah I just don't draw those. The beauty of Artfight is that you get to choose what characters you fanart. It's like any other part of the internet; people draw gross aspects of a character so just ignore/block and move on!
I had this one moron constantly drawing my OCs in what I could only assume was 10 minute sketches on paper with poorly lit photographs in order to bait me to revenge their characters. Very cute. I ignored them kek

No. 2450521

I most certainly don't make a habit of drawing women for a reason adjacent to this. I'd rather draw fictional men doing dumb things all day every day.

No. 2450525

Is Lottie still on the internet talking to her enablers on discord?

No. 2450540

So true, nona. Thanks for the reminder.

No. 2450574

yes, she posts on twitter now because apparently shes too pretentious for tiktok. posting the same lolibait soulless slop again and again i dont know why the very few people left idolize her and defend her its so tiring. i think people are still trying to righteously bully her off the internet (?) still, and she nearly roped because of the mean internet comments LMAO. its about time people saw her as an lolcow than someone to be taken seriously

No. 2450576

Nonna could you post caps that aren't just the similar usernames? Can't use AF since I got banned last year kek. Watch the TIFs lurking here who sperged about terves last year completely ignore this.

No. 2450598

>still, and she nearly roped because of the mean internet comments
She was just suicidebaiting, she's too much of a coward to actually do something like this

No. 2450603

File: 1742325460568.png (1.56 MB, 2000x2000, 1000012525.png)

Sorry for the shitty collage, I'm on my phone. If you can look at her galleries, its obvious she also traces and paints over AI art.

No. 2450647

Why the fuck are people talking about brujo Ari now? Because of the weight change?

No. 2450648

Right has a thigh gap lmao

No. 2450662

This thread has always talked about her, what are you on about?

No. 2450667

I should have meant on social media like Twitter and Instagram.

No. 2450734

File: 1742331943400.png (249.71 KB, 569x581, mingingas.png)

What is up with that zit tit lmao

No. 2450744

File: 1742332345828.jpg (121.4 KB, 800x889, tubular-breasts.jpg)

kek someone tell her they look like tubular breasts and that she is super duper woke body positivity for giving them to her oc

No. 2450745

>only ever dating guys
I think it’s fine to nitpick since she posts every single thought she has about this character, instead of saving it for the show or whatever.

No. 2450749

eurgh. looks like a gross little pimple. im pretty sure this artist is trying to resemble or take some part of inspiration from total drama island, but those proportions are horrid, these kinds of artists can never resist giving characters the thick thighs + thigh gaps combo to everyone

No. 2450751

Samefag her body looks retarded. The thigh gap.

No. 2450756

Is this where "totally tubular!" comes from

No. 2450759

No. 2450761

I feel bad for women who have these bc troons always get them and show them off online. Imagine being insecure about something and then the ugliest and most asocial males in the world are flashing them in your face everywhere

No. 2450766

I don't get why the body positivity crowd goes gaga over this because at no point has Kate been depicted as out of shape or ugly. They're acting like she's hamplanet rep when she just keeps getting shorter and more petite. I bet she gave Kate a mastectomy when she got older not because of dysphoria but because she's scared of something that's actually seen as "off-putting": saggy boobs.

No. 2450778

>"moar realistic proportions"
>look inside
>curvy figure with thigh gap

No. 2450782

this girl is either really tall or anachan because short women normally struggle with not being able to eat more than a meesly amount of calories without ballooning out

No. 2450786

>look exactly the same except with shittier artstyle
i have never seen an actually good redesign video ever

No. 2450787

You are talking about a groomed child, give her time to realize she's a retard.

No. 2450798

shes 18 and still acts like a rude vapid pretentious uninspired whore. just because she was a minor then, it should all be forgiven so that she can have her cake and eat it too? my ass. its so tiring, all of these people victimizing lottie for what?

also, she is never going to get a job or a career or anything like that because the first thing that will come up when you search her real name is how she drew cp/gore for pedos. willingingly. nobody had a knife to her throat telling her to do that. people act like shes hot shit but in 3 years for now shes going to be making minimum wage, if she has a future at all.

No. 2450803

I think she's average height and overweight herself. She wants to give "accurate representation" but she's putting her own or an idealised version of her own experiences into her totally not self insert and so Kate ends looking like a taller character whose had her body squished with the transform tool. I'm a womanlet myself and wouldn't mind this normally but considering she's tearing her hair out over getting everything perfect by Tumblr standards, it's fairly laughable.
Like clockwork. These exact redesign trends keep happening over and over again and they're always ugly.

No. 2450810

File: 1742335433079.jpg (889.31 KB, 1170x1182, kate.jpg)

>Teenage kate is a nlog pickme
>20s kate is changing herself to appeal to moids and dating an older man
>40s kate troons out
This sounds like the most insufferable character arc ever

No. 2450818

File: 1742335941757.png (346.54 KB, 877x709, fifa.png)

it doesnt come off as self aware imo

No. 2450831

File: 1742336359671.png (6.14 MB, 2400x1486, choosemeloveme.png)

Maybe people wouldn't call Kate a pickme if she wasn't constantly antagonizing every other female character while sucking up to and being doted on by all the moids. The dude who "gwoomed" Kate gets briefly touched on mentioned but the girl who thinks her jeans are ugly or flirts with her boy gets this.

No. 2450843

honestly this doesnt read as pickme to me? shes a teen girl and teen girls arent perfect and their hormones are crazy. I was jealous of other girls in hs too. I am so tired of female characters not being allowed to be flawed.

No. 2450855

Yeah I don't get it, of course a fake document would have the same format as a real document. What's the proof? Someone explain. The original twitter thread is gone. I still think it's just an expat kid who moved around a lot in their childhood and latched on to Japan.

No. 2450860

She dates an older guy in her 20's and ends up cutting off her breasts at 40 and taking HRT. That is just a symptom of never having grown out of that teenage pickmeism as a retarded teenager.

No. 2450865

i was talking about teen kate though

No. 2450886

Teen Kate is 20 year old Kate is 40 year old Kate who is a self insert made by a loser nonbinary pickme NLOG, it literally makes no difference.

No. 2450887

File: 1742338628042.jpg (186.83 KB, 1080x994, brujo_ari_ - DABrwBUxyMX.jpg)

theres nothing wrong with kate being flawed. she has the most flaws only because she's the character with the most info of all the ocs. its just unbalanced because most of the other female characters are villainized (if ever mentioned at all) in the story for things that arent close to what kate does to them. she states that all the female characters are "representation" but they all just exist to be obstacles or rivals. she said she wants to subvert tropes but all she does is reskin them. kate'sso called friends were only seen a few times, we see her hang out with alex's bros more. its implied she gets bullied but its only ever drawn that she's worshiped by boys. i wouldnt be that annoyed by the story if she owned up to just having kate as a favorite and acting bizarrely when people like female side characters or dislike kate. i prefer the bullies because they are flawed but ari doesn't apologize for them like she does kate.

No. 2450927

Her character only works if there's a rival to directly confront her about her shitty nlog behavior. But there is none. It's very telling the only character that had an actual conflict with Kate was declawed and delegated to a side character (Mary). Brujo wants to write about a flawed teen girl that needs to let go of her internalized misogyny but there is nothing forcing her to confront her problems or change. Instead, every other female character is villainized and Kate is borderline worshiped by the narrative and the men in her life. Kate's internalized misogyny never leaves it just morphs itself.

No. 2450932

Ew I think I found the page of the person you're talking about, her lolis have realistic bodies too which makes it even grosser.
Her account fascinates me because she reminds me of my younger self who was raised on Transformice and 4chan at the same time while being a huge fan of Hetalia, except for her replace Transformice with Gacha Life. How do you know she's for sure underage though?

No. 2450948

>why are people victimizing a kid who got groomed?
You don't just magically learn the secrets of the universe the moment you turn 18, the fuck? How old are you? You still have dumbshit teenage brain at that age. Grooming also affects you for a long ass fucking while. Kids who get groomed usually come from vulnerable situations where they're not getting the type of attention they need, so they do anything for the people who ACTUALLY give it to them. It is RIDICULOUSLY easy to downplay the severity of lolicon to kids who don't know any better.
>nobody had a knife to her throat telling her to do that. people act like shes hot shit but in 3 years for now shes going to be making minimum wage, if she has a future at all.
This sounds weirdly personally vindictive. Why does the idea of someone who was manipulated as a child not having a future fill you with such glee? Stop playing good victim vs bad victim. Teens generally aren't charged as adults because they don't know the consequences of their actions yet because they've never been in the real world. Christ, you're such a fucking filthy person, I don't care if I get banned for infighting for saying it but you need to give into the intrusive thoughts next time they come through and kill yourself because with that type of attitude towards victims, there is nothing you can give this world but pain.

No. 2451073

File: 1742347222849.jpeg (551.58 KB, 1815x2341, IMG_5605.jpeg)

She wants the Daria-Bruce Timm style but forgot breasts don’t resemble shirt collars kek

No. 2451122

If you are fat, do you draw yourself/persona/avatar meant to represent you as skinny? Why/why not? It seems to be very common from what I see

No. 2451123

can someone please god make a brujo ari thread i am sick of her ugly ass nothing ripoff character cloging up this thread every damn day

No. 2451127

Everyday I wish catcel would burn in hell

No. 2451144

File: 1742351956255.jpg (75.83 KB, 800x399, resized_265633-1eplatform20200…)

I don't know about capeshit but why couldn't we have that for Harley Quinn? Why is the modern representation's aesthetic so tacky and ugly. She looks chalky and "garish"

No. 2451158

File: 1742352777625.png (129.82 KB, 273x581, 4546164.png)

It looks weird because the artist doesn't understand how folds in clothing look. It's less grotesque-looking if you just fix the hoodie.

No. 2451169

I roll my eyes so hard whenever someone makes an "oc" that's basically just a self-insert who all of the opposite-sex characters are in love with. Obviously it's worse when men do it with their harem retardation, but I still find it kind of sad and cringey when women do it. My first thought is, really? Your fantasy is just to be the object of desire to a lot of moids? In a world where men fuck McChicken sandwiches and sofa cushions, that's just pathetic.

She purports to be influenced by Daria, but Jane and Daria put their friendship with each other before moids. They remained friends after Daria started dating Tom, and they ended up going to college close to each other after Daria dumped Tom and graduated. Kate is so antithetical to that; she seemingly has no female friends, and will rip another woman's throat out for a scrap of male attention. Barf.

No. 2451190

because of suicide squad irreversibly ruining harley quinn's design for life

No. 2451193

There are many reasons but they changed her character into a lesbian girl boss when her original character was more fun being psycho, a bonnie and clyde relationship with Joker (can’t have villain couples anymore), and she almost unmasked Batman. The audience knew all this and that her character wasn’t about being a boss. The classic look had to be divorced from her new characterization so we got a bunch of trash looks until they settled on your picrel.

No. 2451195

She just reads as underdog since she's picked on by the popular girls. Brujo reads like she's always compensating for feedback she gets.
Is it only objectification when women give their female ocs reverse harems?

No. 2451196

File: 1742355298836.jpg (489.15 KB, 1944x1071, Illustration.jpg)

>Jane and Daria put their friendship with each other before moids
It would've been so much more interesting if it was about kate and alex pre-trooning out and the two bonding over being quirky women that dont fit in

No. 2451206

i've never heard of this brujoari person ever (and i'm pretty chronically online on social media for browsing art) until i visited these threads, aside from the gendie shit nothing she does strikes me as particularly milky so maybe thats why she doesn't have a thread. the posts are always just "omg she changed her art style slightly look at how shit it looks keke" and it'll get like over 15 replies. maybe her getting a show in the future has something to do with it too so she's got more attention than usual.
it's pretty much the only thing i can complain about in these threads but it's not really a big deal. wish more people would talk about the juby and genice drama instead kek now that is truly milky

No. 2451209

File: 1742356725579.webp (27.91 KB, 1296x730, batman_animated_series_harley_…)

ty for the explanation anons. It's kind of weird bc that character and voice actress on the 90s series made the sexism easy to tolerate, esp. since it was kind of necessary in that context. It was kind of magical how they made her equal parts based and hilarious, in addition to being a pick-me from hell. I guess that's why the psy-op used to work so much better than it does now

No. 2451213

Kek I thought your picrel was Jane Lane fanart at first

No. 2451214

>Is it only objectification when women give their female ocs reverse harems?
Learn to read:
>Obviously it's worse when men do it with their harem retardation, but I still find it kind of sad and cringey when women do it.
>Obviously it's worse
>It's worse

No. 2451221

if brujo just admitted kate is her self insert she would be based, honestly. Its a shame that the cringe culture of the 10s made zoomies insecure and weak. I would pay money to see a comic of kate and her qte boy harem. That nerd on the top is super cute.

No. 2451224

I say abandon all pretenses and just make an otome game with Kate as the protag and all the moid characters as LIs.

No. 2451226

I really would have preferred it if Harley had just gone back to civilian life after leaving the Joker, but we all know that would never have happened because she's too marketable.

No. 2451227

NTA but ugh, no thanks. I can't imagine how horrid Brujo would handle it, it would be another western "deconstructed" VN by someone who has never played anything other than western "deconstructed" VNs at best.

No. 2451228

I hate her relationship with poison ivy because i think it brings down ivy's character, because imo i think Ivy is better as an irremediably evil fanatic. But I recall Paul Dini who is credited as creator for Harley Quinn beside Bruce Timm saying that the intention for her character was always that she was one day going to go off on her own separated from the joker and essentially learn to stop being such a huge pickme. I do find her fun when she is with the joker, but he always saw her as another henchman first and foremost since the joker isn't actually capable of loving anyone traditionally.

No. 2451229

Brujo was mostly milky when she would have meltdowns and talk about her family “trauma”. She’s just annoying at best now

No. 2451231

File: 1742358829985.jpg (53.1 KB, 720x712, Gb73WapXMAAYEde.jpg)

as someone who's completely out of the loop regarding this Brujo chick, is she a nepobaby in her country of origin or something? How else is she getting a tv show based on her sub par art compared to hundreds of more talented artists from Lat Am? what Am I missing here?

No. 2451234

if anyone deserves their own thread it's juby

No. 2451235

She's popular. That's it. Lots of people are better than other people at something but are less popular. This girl is in that situation. She's just popular. By a quirk of the algorithm or because 'she got their first' in some way. She made an animation and it got a lot of views, enough to get funders interested. If you make something amazing but it only gets 10k views then investors have reason to think it didn't get more because the subject matter lacked strong enough appeal for more views. Meanwhile Brujo has a built in fanbase and her animation got a bunch of views so adapting it into a full show looks like a safer investment than something that 'looks better' but has lower views.

No. 2451236

>y2k otome
hell yes, please brujo become based and make this

No. 2451241

That does sound more interesting than a show

Honestly I don't see Brujo as being milky enough to deserve a thread and criticism of her output falls flat to me too because she hasn't actually produced a coherent story to critique, it's just illustrations and flavor text. Maybe you think this Kate character is annoying but maybe that's the point. Maybe she gets character development and outgrows that or maybe it's gonna be a Seinfeld or Always Sunny kind of thing where the characters are all shitty people because that generates comedy. Or maybe she'll be badly written we don't know lol.

No. 2451244

File: 1742360012268.jpg (31.61 KB, 636x364, 3a59012391bc89461271ae64367332…)

That happens in Batman Beyond. Harley becomes a grandmother and her grand daughters become the new villains of the week. This is basically her canonical conclusion since Paul Dini wrote that episode.

No. 2451247

Interesting proportions on the creepy futuristic granddaughters

No. 2451254

Yeah I don't know how that happened, my bad

No. 2451256

It's less of a tv show and more of a crowdfunded pilot by an indie group trying to be the next Studio Yotta. Like >>2451235 said, she's a popular artist on social media rn (mostly for gendie shit that's biting her in the ass) so of course a literal who animation startup is gonna want to latch onto her. It's a win-win: She gets to say she's got a show and they get a shiny popular toy in their portfolio

No. 2451258

That's how all women were drawn.

No. 2451259

I feel like random studios picking up artist's ocs and catfishing them on this fantasy of making their own show is about to become stupidly more common

No. 2451260

File: 1742360741619.webp (16.79 KB, 299x792, c707546511099dfaa17d1737c1d855…)

I've never seen it. Are you sure about that?

No. 2451264

File: 1742361321413.png (Spoiler Image,309.17 KB, 488x844, mcdingledangle.png)

is anybody familiar with RavioliCraft on twt? shes a grown ass woman obsessed with the king from the fucking Fallen Kingdom minecraft parody song, blocks ppl who also like him, and draws weirdly model accurate horny art of him (picrel). Nothing milky aside from her being a pissy oversensitive gendie, but i find her entertaining and thought some other nonnies might

No. 2451266

She absolutely 100% NEEDS to get an entertainment lawyer or she might inadvertently end up losing the rights to Kate

No. 2451267

> blocks ppl who also like him
Please don't tell me there is more than 1 person thirsting over a minecraft moid nona

No. 2451269

How autism manifests in women is so charming. I cant help but find this endearing.

No. 2451278

Agreed. I noticed this in the early days of the luigi thread and enjoyed it

No. 2451296

I want whatever these morons are smoking. She really didn't change anything but was so fucking proud of herself KEK

No. 2451297

I’m sorry I can never be mad at women like this it’s so funny

No. 2451298

I will never understand the need to pander to people who obviously do not like the original portrayal whatsoever.

I will also never understand the need to make both of them be more heroic either.

No. 2451300

Anyone got recs for a tutorial on background/perspectives for dummies? I'm so intimidated by it that I instantly give up and convince myself I'm too dumb to ever learn it if it looks too hard

No. 2451304

Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling

No. 2451306

File: 1742365943905.jpg (1.35 MB, 2181x3659, [23-09-16] 1703061740672757876…)

Whats the part of the body that you struggle drawing the most? for me its legs.

No. 2451308

File: 1742366415348.jpg (31.93 KB, 479x560, 852caf5eb39fc7b438c72472a4efcd…)

The back.

No. 2451309

torso for both sexes since i end up making the women's too short and I overall need to look at thin or fit mens body more to get the muscle down. I love all the curves on women's torso when stretched from the clavicle, breast, under rib, stomach, and hip divet.

No. 2451310

check anatomy for sculptors it helped a lot with the back. The back muscles are actually pretty easy if you study them for a while. Do a lot of ecorche.

No. 2451312

wormburrow's long lost cousin?

No. 2451315

I understand nonnies feeling a certain fondness for female autists, but the cuboid penis will haunt me for the rest of my life

I find a lot of character design youtubers are usually mediocre or maybe sometimes straight up bad at art, or they are male coomers.

No. 2451317

The head. I can never get the size of it right sometimes. I also can't do sideview of the face either. It just doesn't click for me for some reason.

No. 2451318

the fucking face when drawn facing front. when i flip my canvas it's always skewed. heck, face shapes in general tbh, they're always super annoying to try and get right

No. 2451322

detailed noses

No. 2451323

I think I've done all of that but still can't make it natural. Currently a work in progress. 5 years on and off back studies kek. I improved, sure, but it isn't to my standards yet. The transition to drawing convincing surface plains with skin without over rendering it is my main issue. Shit ends up looking like muscle fetish art if I'm not careful.

No. 2451324

yes because im a furfag and figure if im already drawing myself as a sexy cartoon animal why not go all the way with the idealism

No. 2451325

ngl mad respect for confessing to being a fat furfag who self inserts as a coomerfied wolf in lolcow of all places

No. 2451329

Insanely based.

No. 2451333

File: 1742369037199.png (140.47 KB, 540x433, 1aeefa33ad8f2040138ef65a763831…)

Absolutely sick of seeing this person be ripped into. I've seen so much worse that goes by in this thread. My assumption is that it's the same handful of nonas vendetta posting. I'm chronically online too and have never seen this chick pop up outside this thread. Like, shit, you want a milky artist to post about? GlitchedPuppet is right there.
I have a fat ass so I gave my character a fat ass when drawing her normally. This attracted moids so I drew her like a fucking scromblo shitpost with stick proportions instead. Self preservation, really.

Unrelated to the replied posts, but I wonder why people swear by the "Person is X heads tall" method like pictel. If all adults have a skull about 8" tall (sorry burger units) and people vary wildly in height, why would this work??? Don't adults have larger heads than children, too? I've seen notes where people insinuate that taller people have massive torso-sized heads compared to short people. Drives me fucking nuts.

No. 2451344

Nona do you do commissions? I’m not a furfag but have been considering taking commissions from them to help make ends meet. I don’t have any online presence so I would be starting from scratch, I’m just curious if you have any advice for a non-furfag considering it.

No. 2451357

Yes I draw myself fat as some sort of lucky charm to keep away moids from my art. I think it works well enough.

No. 2451362

no, i draw myself as a cartoon bunny or an animu boy.

No. 2451365

yeah her art is boring, and the drama surrounding her is boring gendie shit too, i don't understand the obsession with her

No. 2451376

File: 1742373873115.jpg (31.48 KB, 460x314, 4761532853186fc58c21ca103aab70…)

heads tall makes more sense than going by a set 8" skull length, the latter is pretty dumb tbh since that will also vary. common adult proportions are 6.5-7.5 heads, height nonwithstanding. 6 and 8 are also possible but less common. adults do have larger heads than children but that's because they are taller. it's possible for an adult to be 4"11 and be 7.5 heads tall, whenever that happens people will look a bit taller than they really are if they're not near anything that will show their height like a doorway or a desk. and they'll look shorter if it's the opposite, i'm 5"5 but i'm 6 heads tall so if i post pics in front of a blank wall people always think i'm 5"0. kind of like how if you see selfies from models next to fans the model will have a smaller head even if they're both the same height, small head in addition to height is a trait models are scouted for since it makes them look taller. this is of course in relation to everything else, you'll likely be using other things like facial proportions, bone structure, etc in addition to heads tall to signify baby/child/adult characters

No. 2451378

File: 1742374129357.png (601.75 KB, 850x637, sample_f0ddb157c9bf41c629778c1…)

ayrt This makes no sense at all. It's suggesting someone that is 6'3" has a significantly bigger head than someone 4'11". Maybe I don't get it and never will. The number of people that post shit like picrel is so common, I am convinced the "heads tall" thing is wildly inaccurate.
>heads tall makes more sense than going by a set 8" skull length, the latter is pretty dumb tbh since that will also vary.
Man, I just… don't fucking understand it. I know head size varies but I feel like it varies less (in adults) than the "x hesds tall" thing.
>this is of course in relation to everything else, you'll likely be using other things like facial proportions, bone structure, etc in addition to heads tall to signify baby/child/adult characters
I appreciate you explaining it though. I'll probably die on the head length hill alone kek

No. 2451380

ayrt unfortunately i don't, but it wouldn't hurt to try if you can handle having to draw coom to get yourself out of permanent lowbie status

No. 2451385

what the fuck is this arasol? lmao

No. 2451393

File: 1742375597396.png (3.84 MB, 2771x1339, model.png)

somebody 6'3 would have a larger head than somebody 4'11 pretty much all the time, the difference would not be as extreme as that pic that's more like somebody 4'0 with a 9'0 giant kek. however they are still mostly proportionate, the difference from the top of their skull to the bottom of their ribcage is around 2.5 heads for both

on the left of my picrel the left girl is a random person and the right is taylor hill a model who is 5'10, her head is significantly shorter and smaller. as a model she was scouted for her looks and small head is a part in that, most people that height do not have heads that small. some bishoujo manga like sailor moon or very girly cartoons would probably draw somebody with her proportions

then compare sabrina carpenter to taylor swift who are singers and not required to have model proportions, you can see taylor swift's head is not like 2x as big like in that homestuck pic but it's still much larger than sabrina's head, and they are 5'10 and 5'0. and for that girl on the very right, she's taller than taylor swift but her head is almost the exact same size, this is because head to body proportions do vary. there's no set proportion but it's just a general guideline to make your characters look taller/shorter/younger etc

No. 2451404

File: 1742376408703.png (2.01 MB, 1786x1235, Screenshot 2025-03-19 at 09.25…)

thats what distinguishes models from ogres

if you're a tall woman with a big head you look like an orc mage,
tall female supermodels are supposed to have tiny heads(ban evasion)

No. 2451512

ayrt Overlaying their heads onto one another and I'm barely seeing a difference. If anything, the hair is giving the illusion of a larger head. And besides, there are people that have dwarfism with normal sized heads. Not to say have dwarfism is what we're aiming for when drawing people, I just think the perceived difference on skull size isn't due to height but probably genetics elsewhere. It definitely varies, but I just don't see this as being accurate.

No. 2451527

I would participate if i could find an actually well-designed OC to draw among all the sparkledogs and retarded polyamorous hijabi amputees with vitiligo and self-harm scars. I set a rule for myself to not draw for people with pronouns in their bio and that gives me even less options.

No. 2451529

It's almost as if everything you learn about human proportions in theory is an idealized default that is supposed to be used as a point of reference and not an absolutely accurate template. Obviously people aren't always shaped the same way. You sometimes need to think for yourself and study from life.

No. 2451535

ayrt And that is why I use the head measurements by inches measurement instead of the X heads tall method. Because it doesn't match what I see in reality.

No. 2451547

How do you use that in practice? I doubt everything you make is life-sized

No. 2451551

NTA but that's just a bad screenshot. They have the same proportions as every other woman in the show most of the time.

No. 2451566

If she gets a thread it would help to provide examples of both their work (I get lost in the discussion because there are no visual aids lol) but she spergs too much and became boring to me throughout her thread mentions. We get it, she was part of Marvel (?) burned her bridges and hates her ex-friend.

No. 2451567

I love bad guys as much as good guys and neither Ivy or Harley need to be heroes. They should still be villains and in Harley’s case like >>2451244 I can see her quietly retiring from that life. Maybe still hanging out with Ivy or Catwoman from time to time but not as a villain anymore.

No. 2451590

That's what the art cow thread in snow is for

No. 2451607

File: 1742392463196.png (3.51 MB, 2075x1356, example.png)

original anon here, added in a drawn example to deter retarded moids

idk what to tell you if you can't see the difference, the left is not so extreme but it's still there, but sabrina carpenter's head is far smaller because of the 10 inch height difference. here for the characters the height difference is 20 cm/8 inches and you can also see the size difference. both are also about 7 heads tall, but as you can see it does vary slightly. this is from the official arcane height lineup, the same principle applies to the female characters, caitlyn (the tallest woman) also has a taller head than all the other adult human woman characters in the lineup since she's around 20 cm taller too and they're all 7-8 heads tall. it varies even more for the fantasy species since they are more stylized. if you still can't see it i can't do anything but it's genuinely a useful principle

No. 2451673

ayrt I have a chart set up complete with a default head and everything. I make tools to use so that I can map out character heights (for instance, if someone commissions me with specific character heights, then I can draw them with appropriate height differences). I don't need to utilize it constantly, but if I am drawing a character of a specific height, I use that method and eyeball it for quicker drawings. It helps with proportions as far as I know, as I use things like torso, thigh, and lower leg height to fill in the blanks. It's not an exact science, but it gets the job done.
ayrt I feel as though the wah these skulls are measured is off due to the angle they're facing. I see what you're going for.

No. 2451683

File: 1742396752369.png (186.14 KB, 803x561, inconsistencies.png)

Samefag as >>2451673 Picrel is what I mean. This is the same 3D model head pasted twice on the canvas. I altered the angles ever so slightly and it gives the illusion of one head being larger than the other, not to mention hair doesn't lay completely flat on the head and as some volume in how it lifts off the scalp. That's why I'm having such a hard time with this.

No. 2451688

File: 1742396987832.jpeg (185.94 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_5606.jpeg)

Nta but this might help. Dividing the head into sections will help you measure better than eyeballing the top of the head because angles do make the top small or larger depending on if it’s tilting forward or back.

No. 2451689

I'm trying to explain to the other nona how the way she measured the heads feels off to me because of this very thing.

No. 2451725

File: 1742398120590.jpg (44.74 KB, 584x602, 0HmFPvO.jpg)

I can't help it nonna, he used to rule land!

No. 2451766

File: 1742403886251.png (16.26 KB, 275x232, 1737750941264.png)

How do you draw characters of different body types and ages in perspective?

No. 2451990

What a stupid question. You draw it the same way you draw literally anything else in perspective.

No. 2452003

Hate when moids find the mentally ill female artists who are crazy good that I follow. Fuck off

No. 2452122

Didn't she originally grow her audience by drawing Jojo fanart of a popular m/m ship and then just made them into her own boy and girl OCs who became these two and people just stuck around?

No. 2452136

Yes. This happens more often than you think, too. Years ago I followed someone who made her version of an AU, and then eventually re-designed it into an original comic. Her mistake, because all the drama and retarded fans followed. It eventually all fell apart, but it still helped drive her popularity in certain circles, which is what she wanted.
I wouldn't be surprised if BrujoAri sees this all as a stepping stone for a wider audience/fame.

No. 2452156

This also happened in literary circles. Look at Mortal Engines (?) and City of Bones but they could be two different authors. One of them filed of the serial numbers to Harry Potter and got her Draco/Hermione ship and 50 shades was originally an Edward/Bella fanfic.

No. 2452282

Thanks for taking the time to reply nona, I appreciate it.
Yeah I’m not going to draw anything completely degenerate like feral nsfw or diaperfag stuff, but furries seem like a good market to tap into if you have the skillset and a high tolerance. I was mainly curious how the community generally treats outsiders. I’m trying to decide if I need to larp as a furfag at all for people to feel comfortable commissioning me in the first place, or if just posting some examples is enough. I would rather not have to do anything more than is really necessary.

No. 2452327

Yes and every time she draws them cis/hetero looking she has to backtrack with some big explanation to assure it's still a T4T relationship. She's now at the point of saying Kate (the redhead) will transition in her 40s

No. 2452392

Someone posted a video in the previous threads that I can't find anymore, does someone have it? It was a "tutorial" on how to spot AI generated images, I think it was by separating the RGB channels and checking the values. Does anyone remember it?

No. 2452417

Praying for you nona

No. 2452488

This one?

No. 2452646

how do you know that moids found them

No. 2452655

She used to post in tandem with her instagram spam account on Twitter but people threw a fit about her drawing Kate pregnant (twansfobic heteronormative) and she eased down on tweeting. Kate is obviously her favourite but she should let go of thinking Kate can represent every brownie point trait her retarded audience has. She obviously only cares about drawing normie domestic 2000s stuff, the tranny shit is negligible.

No. 2452659

They comment under her posts. This is on twitter.

No. 2452795

What happened to the artist? Are they bothering her?

No. 2452872

File: 1742435845962.jpg (1 MB, 1957x2802, Capture.JPG)

anyone else hate that dino illustration moid on twitter? all he does is draw female characters naked but in a le artistic way and get a billion likes
i remember he drew asuka, an underage character completely topless but of course no one cared, i hate moids

No. 2452876

I really hate how he paints the body super realistically but the face is just flat,hes just a shitter reddum copycat

No. 2452919

Everybody gives Eva a pass.

No. 2452925

Man I've always hated EVA because it showed a 14 year old girl's tits on screen and being ejaculated on, I will simply never trust moid creators who try to cover sexual assault when you just know it's an excuse to draw a teen girl naked. And of course the moid fanbase probably got off to those type of scenes too.
Berserk and Dandadan also come to mind

No. 2452955

The dramatic lighting and composition of his pieces always feel weirdly fake and vapid. Like he's trying to artificially inject soul/meaning into his pieces when there is none. It just looks odd because all of the characters he draws don't read as characters but more like dolls he throws mindlessly onto the canvas

No. 2452974

>it showed a 14 year old girl's tits on screen and being ejaculated on
Are you talking about when the black haired guy jerked off into his hand over seeing that and then had a mental breakdown? Or did somerhing new come out? I like Eva for the robots and angel designs, but the fanservice is obnoxious. So are the fans of the "two waifus".

No. 2452982

Yeah I was talking about that, it’s the infamous scene
I also watched the reboot movies and of course those have fan service too, the last movie that was released a couple years ago had this very obvious ass scene of Asuka

No. 2453051

he has a good painting style but he uses it to draw boring, generic sameface anime girls standing doing nothing. leaves no emotional impact on me so it sucks. many such cases
God i hate when an anime tries to have some deep commentary on how sexualizing young girls is bad, but also has fanservice of the characters? Like asuka has a whole arc about how she isnt an adult, and how kaji wont be in a relationship with her because shes too young, and then she has a bunch of overtly sexualized moments anyways? I was actually thinking on this earlier, kodomo no jikan couldve actually been a good commentary on how awful early sexual exposure is and how much it messes up young girls mentally, but instead it has so much lolicon goonfuel that that whole point is completely nullified. sad shit.

No. 2453069

Like I get what you are saying but I gotta ask, is that picture AI?

No. 2453071

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What are some artists that have a good use of color? I want to do some studies. Prefeerably with flat styles like picrel and interesting vibrant color palettes.

No. 2453072

he is a real artist but its funny that you asked that, shows how generic his shit is

No. 2453080

that's because eva is supposed to be hateful to it's audience.

No. 2453089

That's the one, love you nonita

No. 2453354

>kodomo no jikan
Absolute hell terror suppressed memory unlocked. Browsing free Crunchyroll days did me no good holy shit.

No. 2453431

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Is this the reason why he's so popular? His art isn't bad, it's just on basic rendering and coloring level that isn't hard to copy, he doesn't even finish certain ares that look like smeared spots. I don't understand why he got so much attention for it
>Picrel 335k likes for this shit

No. 2453486

If he didn’t draw a ton of >muh naked anime girls I doubt he’d have as much followers and likes, pandering to coomers will always get you further

No. 2453499

I think it's the type of art that appeals to weeb moids who care about muh aura level and other corny sigma shit like that. They're easily impressed by certain compositions and color palettes and character expressions cause it looks cool and edgy to their monkey brain.

No. 2453508

I remember getting exposed to it because I saw a fan parody of the ending and thought it must have been a nice anime. Imagine my shock when I saw the real version lol

No. 2453572

This. I've been saying it for ages, but with the rise of AI, you can't just draw naked women and hope to get popular anymore, your naked ladies need to have some type of story to it, something that makes people go "i'm 14 years old and this is deep". Same goes for SFW art, drawing characters smiling at the camera in a void is gonna do jack shit.

No. 2453645

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I wish they never revealed the Flynn concept arts, it’s a movie for girls not gay fatfuck lovers so just move on already

No. 2453646

Gore artist nonas, do you guys use references? How do you make something feel visceral in a real way and invoke emotion without giving yourself PTSD by looking up shit like actual injuries?
I've been trying to design a monster with degloved hands, where you can see its tendons and the like, but looking at IRL degloved hands makes me sick to my stomach kek

No. 2453653

A conversation for /g/, but I don’t even see the appeal in this design whatsoever. Fat moids stink and can’t even wash their ass why would that be a cute fantasy thing for girls?

No. 2453670

im not a gore artist but i think a good alternative can be animal bones and guts? or even just taking reference from horror movies (i take reference from that whenever i need to draw a realistic wound) if you have a strong stomach look up medical book examples (so you wont fall into any sketchy or illegal shit)

No. 2453680

I would also recommend medical journals. Usually there is some level of consent from the patient or their family for them to be studied and shared like that, which personally helps me when I view it. Alternatively you can look at the GRS/SRS thread on the other farms, that was all shared willingly and can get pretty gnarly kek.

No. 2453739

Also recommending medical journals. It takes away from the exploitative aspect because it's very clinical and for medical use and like said there's consent involved. I definitely wouldn't go looking up ISIS beheadings and other liveleak videos for drawing references.

No. 2453752

Isn't this literally the guy from frozen? They got their wish so why whine about it

No. 2454036

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What are some good art channels? i only know of proko, manga materials, sinix and marco bucci. Are there more that make good content that is actually on an academic level and not for tiktok toddlers?

No. 2454076

Do you really need more than those? If you actually watched them you'd get similar recommendations anyway.

No. 2454098

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You do not learn anything from actual gore, if I showed you say, a photo of a car accident and then asked you what exact parts of the body are exposed and damaged you probably wouldn't be able to name much. I myself draw gore in a realistic style and never have to look at gore to do so (cadavers could technically count as gore but you still need to know your basics before you go on to that), illustrated medical journals are fantastic for this as other anons have mentioned but also learning about the body is super, super helpful. Even learning something as simple as the exact differences between veins, capillaries, arteries and the whole azygos system. As you've specified what you are trying to draw, I can give you some notes;
>The hands have a thin layer of fat on them, fat has a sort of waxy texture and can be yellow to orangey in colour- typically in a hand degloving this is stripped away so would only be noticeable on the edges of the wound
>The hand is made up of a lot of tendons (picrel for reference), they're white to pinkish yellowish and are textured like rubber bands. Blood doesn't really stick on them, and a lot of the average laymen assume they are bones in a injury.
>The hand has a lot of capillaries, so the blood from the injury is going to be a bright red (this will also help dictate the colour of the muscles), if it's a deeper degloving that ruptures veins you're going to get some dark reddish purple blood in the mix.

No. 2454115

Women have been brainwashed by low quality men for too long,I was just going on about how terrible it would’ve been if Flynn was a generic fat fuck male a while ago

No. 2454118

They all have different approaches to teaching. I like MM the most but she doesnt upload as much anymore.

No. 2454140

Is fundamentals really necessary when studying anatomy? I study a lot from photo/models and feel that my anatomy skills naturally progress without having to know all the names of muscles, bones, things like that

No. 2454152

That's not fundamentals, that's just anatomical knowledge and you only need to learn that if you're a medfag or autistic about anatomy (and/or want to draw gore.) What you should know is how particular joints move so you can keep things realistic but as long as you have good form and proportions you don't really need to get into the medfag realm of things.

No. 2454161

I don’t think you need to know the names of every single bone and muscle in the body by heart, but you should definitely know the general look and location of them, how they move, etc. Studying from models is plenty. If you’re doing anything complicated it can definitely help to study more in depth though. For example I find it helpful to see how the bones in arms and legs twist in certain positions, it can give some context to how everything else should be laying on top of them.

No. 2454165

>What you should know is how particular joints move
>as long as you have good form and proportions
Yup I think I have a pretty good grasp of them at this point..I want to say that whenever I try to get into fundamentals in general, like Loomis or any other type of art such as perspective or storyboarding, everything seems so redundant because it just ends up being info that I already knew. Maybe I can study more about the fundies of perspective, but with human anatomy specifically it always feels like it's not necessary anymore.
If you try to study fundies and it ends up feeling redundant to you does that mean you can just keep studying from real life and photos to keep sharpening your skills?

No. 2454171

How do you do that? dont you struggle not knowing what each bone and muscle is? I see a lot of people who make dumb mistakes like mistaking the serratus anterior with the ribs, and its something that used to happen to me too before i started studying the bones, muscles and how they connect with eachother.

No. 2454173

I just observe the human body a lot and memorize how they look tbh, and translate it again on paper

No. 2454181

But again, how do you identify them without the knowledge of knowing what they are? kinda wish i could know how your art looks now

No. 2454192

I mean you don't really need to know the name of every single bone or muscle, if there's a nook or cranny, particular curve in this area of the body I will remember that and draw it accordingly, take the ear for example. As for my art, it's not really too detailed, it's usually just cel shading for the body and some coloration on the skin, most detailed rendering and painting happens on the clothing and hair

No. 2454214

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are you not sick to death of seeing fanart of the same few series? in particular the big ones like frieren, spy family, arcane, genshin, sonic, jjk, my hero academia. but especially any shounen slop like frieren, jjk, attack on titan, mha, spy family, one piece. a piece can be drawn beautifully but it's the same characters you've seen over and over countless times on the tl so it just feels saturated. and it's worse if these character designs are ugly on top of that, that's why i hate shounen slop the most because most of the character designs are so fugly and/or boring. i think everyone in frieren has such a boring and ugly design imo.
i know there's a bunch of unoriginal or dumb ocs from zoomies with a white background but there's lots of great oc artists out there too with great designs, and since they're ocs from random people it never feels tiring to see. would rather see shitty oc art than shitty fanart

No. 2454232

Its not so much about them drawing fanart but rather that most oc artists have boring or ugly designs and they never do anything interesting with them. I have never seen frieren or most popular animu slop but i can appreciate the skill in the piece you posted. If it was ocs i would still like it, but most oc artists are too busy drawing memes and the 50th reference sheet to do actual interesting art with their characters. There is an oc artist that always pops up in my timeline called some1else, he only draws his ocs. I think his art is good enough to give him a like sometimes, but i have 0 interest in his characters because they are simply not interesting. I think most OCs artist overstimate how interesting their characters are.

No. 2454250

Really put the feelings out of my head nonna.
> I think most OCs artist overstimate how interesting their characters are.
That is true but people forget many characters started their lives as one off character sketches which blew up to the multibillion dollar franchises we know now. It's not the OCs are uninteresting, the creator just needs to put them in a medium which enables a story?

No. 2454256

But with those series people feel attached to the characters so they like seeing art of them. Nobody feels attached to someone's random OC so naturally they're not going to give a fuck about art of them unless it's genuinely incredible quality. Or unless the creator puts in the effort to make an actually interesting proper story with their OCs that people will care about, but hardly anyone does this.

No. 2454260

>the creator just needs to put them in a medium which enables a story?
almost nobody does this

No. 2454262

>the creator just needs to put them in a medium which enables a story?
either do that or have incredible art. Otherwise, i am not caring about someones ocs. Like i said, i follow artist for their skill and not for the stuff they draw, but at least fanart artists eventually hop onto new things and draw different stuff. Oc artists only draw their ocs and it gets really boring to see the same characters over and over and over again when the artist doesnt put any effort into actually making the viewer engage with said character.

No. 2454263

I like kaiteki art
I don't really have this problem within my own fandoms, most artists I follow draw artwork of what they are fixated on rather than very generic big series

No. 2454265

Anon, you replied to the wrong post

No. 2454266

The people in this thread have a raging hate boner for all OCs because most posters are literally teenagers and have only seen their fellow teenagers' bipoc vitiligo self insert characters doing nothing but standing around. Whenever you bring up how most well-known artists who don't draw fandom slop have OCs and draw them they start backpedaling and coming up with excuses how those are "not OCs but actual characters".

No. 2454269

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it's not really about how interesting random people's ocs are, it was always about the art itself. i rarely care for other ocs either, i just like seeing good art styles and like i said earlier, there's plenty of very skilled oc artists if you find them.
i DO like characters from popular series but honestly i don't really care about any character to see them a billion times over and over again. basically i just love the oc artists who have exceedingly high skill, they're my favorite type of artist. i do enjoy artists who draw fanart too if they also have amazing skill. i admit that no character out there moves me to care about them too much but i can appreciate some fandom meme art too. but that's obviously not something i want to see all the time, and as an artist i could never do meme shitposts because they always scream desperate and low effort to me

No. 2454270

File: 1742512425964.png (613.29 KB, 800x800, 1000011981.png)

Has anyone ever tried gel printing? I'm thinking of getting a kit to do some mixed media stuff

No. 2454273

I love it when anons get so pissed that others dont share their opinions they have to resort to ''d-dont listen to them they are (insert fanfic to discredit their opinion)''.

No. 2454276

Hit dogs holler.

No. 2454280

Speaking for myself, it's because I tried doing a comic only to get overwhelmed and quitting on the spot. People suggested I do refs when I wanted to keep characters from wildly looking different each panel, but once I was done, I was too burned out to move forward. I did settle for something at least, visual novels but they're not popular in the west and has same effect as getting people read–it's simply not possible unless one knows what they're doing. Tbh, I rather draw what makes me happy then caring about others who want turn me into a fotm churning machine. If means drawing "oc slop" then so be it. Most of y'all aren't my audience anyway.

No. 2454281

File: 1742512750236.png (227.32 KB, 507x387, 1000033880.png)

I'm not reading all that whining itt but OCs just seem like the most harmless and random thing to get mad about kek. Wouldn't you rather have the gendies create a new blorbo than bastardise a canon character

No. 2454282

They're just mad artist aren't drawing their glorbos and OTPs. Lord forbid the world doesn't revovle around you.

No. 2454283

File: 1742512839063.jpg (66.45 KB, 826x496, _nonsense__by_caramelcraze_dav…)

I don't know anons, stuff like picrel got crazy popular despite having not much of a story and not very good art and it wasn't just teens or permabegs into it either. I think you just have to have somewhat interesting art and concepts and a geniune, palaptable passion for your own characters, you may not like that yourself but there is an appeal to it. I bring up caramelcraze because people are still skinwalking her to this day somehow.

No. 2454285

to be honest with you nonas, whenever i visit an artist's page and see that they draw nothing but fanart i can't help but judge them. do they not have any sort of creativity at all? do they only draw fanart of popular series to chase clout and traction? it just seems so boring to me, maybe because there's no series in the world where i love enough to draw autistically for other fans.

No. 2454288

No one is mad. Whats up with anons thinking someone having a different opinion means they have a seething hatred about something. I just find OCs boring but oc artists itt cannot imagine someone not being interested in their super special donut steels.

No. 2454292

Genuinely, though. The people I meet off anon who have this really obnoxious vendetta against original characters as a concept are usually ultra consoomers who want to be coddled and either can only draw fanart because they're creatively bankrupt or the thought of not getting validation from a huge fandom horrifies them. Are people just supposed to grind fanart until they get to the level shown in >>2454269 's picrel and thus gain their right to create original content?

No. 2454300

How are you idiots misunderstanding the whole point? absolutely no one said they hate OC artists and only want FOTM slop. Most people follow artist for their skill, not for what they draw. That korean artist who only draws fanart of that forgettable kyoani slop from 10 years ago had a shit ton of followers, and i assure you very few of them cared about an anime that aired over 10 years ago. People followed her because her art was good and her autism was charming. I dont even know the name of that anime she drew and i stilled followed her because her art was cute. Its not about what you draw, its about your skill.

No. 2454306

Anon get your head back in the game this is literally what started the discussion, you're the one talking beside the point lmfao >>2449702

No. 2454307

are you traumatized from people you know shitting on your for drawing ocs or something because literally nobody itt has said anything like that or to not draw ocs. just that they would rather see fanart in the void than oc in the void because they already are conneced to the characters from storytelling. if you actually do something with your oc and draw them doing something interesting that tells a story like art showing them in the environment, in a comic, in an animatic, then none of the discussion of boring oc art applies to you? why are you taking it as a personal attack?

No. 2454310

I know I'm probably the minority but I usually only buy OC prints at Artist Alleys with a few exceptions. I don't really care about fotm slop because I'm picky but a lot of good artists usually have some really neat pieces featuring their OCs and you can tell they put a lot of passion into them. Good artists can tell a story and have you wondering more just with one image. Sometimes I see a print I like but then realize it's a character from some dumbass show I'll never watch and lose interest. But if it's an OC, I can just buy it because it looks nice and is well-made. I like when artists have a specific OC section for this reason. I don't think I'd buy OC keychains or pins or anything like that though.

No. 2454311

>Are people just supposed to grind fanart until they get to the level shown in >>2454269 's picrel and thus gain their right to create original content?
That's the worst advice heard since "reference's bad". Maybe writing some fanfic or drawing fanart might help with understanding character writing and design. But just like training wheels, shouldn't be relied on as a crutch, It's simply insane to keep on making fan content until you're presence is good enough for original ideas? What if you're followers abandon you the moment you change your art goals? There's this meme going around where a person's fanart evolves into their original art and that seems to work fine for some but not all.
Then why does poorly drawn fanart preform better than original art with actual soul put into it?

No. 2454314

and >>2449707 called fanart slop, so who cares, everybody knows >>2454269 and >>2454214 would not be called slop (unless you are a braindead crab) whether they were rainbow furfag ocs or genshin impact characters

No. 2454315

and why are octards so angry at that comment? i had no idea hating ocs means you can only like fotm slop. artfight is literally the epitome of oc consumism. Most posts are boring ref sheets of overdesigned characters with null personality and most of the attacks are poorly done and boring just to farm fanart of their ocs.

No. 2454317

>Sometimes I see a print I like but then realize it's a character from some dumbass show I'll never watch and lose interest. But if it's an OC, I can just buy it because it looks nice and is well-made.
Same. I don't follow FOTM slop at all so I just skim to an artist's original section immediately.

No. 2454321

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I feel this, I used to draw mostly genshin fanart only because it was a fast way to gain followers on twitter by using fandom hashtags. I did get followers but whenever I would draw something else like ocs barely anyone would like my posts. That was when I realized most genshin fans are soulless consoomers so I try to just stick with original content so most followers know what to expect, it feels nice to weed out the consoomers. But I want to mention that I did try drawing fanart from other series too and it barely gained likes. If I tried alternating between fandoms more, maybe I would get more followers overall but I just know my heart wouldn't be in it.
When you see someone like your post and follow you about a particular fandom with their pfp and retweets dedicated to that fandom only, you just know that they will never be interested in any other thing you post, whether it's ocs or other fandoms. So I'd just prefer not to try and pander to all sorts of different people, especially when it feels like I'm drawing fanart for clout and not out of genuine love.

No. 2454322

I'm not the anon you replied too but you might have put it into words why I have always thought this argument was kind of pointless. It does suck to get less reach even when you put effort into your ocs (not a void), but at the same time I can admire the creativity of fanartists. I have never really made fanart so I'm always really curious to hear what makes drawing fanart so enjoyable for my friends, and they're often really creative and inspiring people themselves. I can't hate it when I know so many people who make fanart that brings them joy just as fulfilling as when I draw my ocs. Obviously fotm is an exception.

No. 2454324

>Then why does poorly drawn fanart preform better than original art with actual soul put into it?
What does that have to do with anything itt? no one is saying fotmslop is better. There are a lot of original pieces that go viral. Instead of worrying about drawing ocs or fanart you should worry about improving your skills.

No. 2454325

Based. I know this is counter-intuitive because it's an anime convention but I personally care more about what artists are doing with their creative freedom than how well they can draw all the accessories on a Genshin design kek.

No. 2454327

>Sometimes I see a print I like but then realize it's a character from some dumbass show I'll never watch and lose interest. But if it's an OC, I can just buy it because it looks nice and is well-made.
word kek, it's like seeing a seemingly nice design but realizing it's a dumb anime shirt of some shounen fotm slop so you decide not to buy it. but if it was just a normal design that didn't come from any series then there's no meaning behind it, just a cute design that only exists for the sake of design

No. 2454330

What if art is just a hobby for me where I improve on my own pace? If I get better because of something new that's cool, won't change that social media has made art a number games.

No. 2454337

NTA but same, many times I've seen a really nice piece that I've loved, thinking it was original content but after realizing it's just fanart from a show I don't give a shit about it always kind of bums me out.

No. 2454340

People who draw fanart for twitter likes are the most pathetic people on earth.

No. 2454342

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>hen why does poorly drawn fanart preform better than original art with actual soul put into it?
so real, this is a big reason why i see fanartists and fanart consoomers as soulless tbh. they care more about muh characters than the art. and to be honest there's nothing wrong with that, because people are allowed to be fans of popular series and enjoy content of it, and not care about content outside of that. it's just my prejudice as an artist, this is the artist salt general after all

No. 2454343

The moment you realize fame is meaningless is the most freeing feeling imaginable.

No. 2454345

I legit can tell if these characters are original and fanart because they look like hoyoslop.

No. 2454346

for me it's a
>amazing artist with generic series fanart, niche series i like fanart, oc art
>i would consider buying both niche and oc, but ooh and ahh over everything, even if i wouldn't spend on the generic series stuff
>meh artist with generic series fanart, niche series i like fanart, oc art
>i would only consider buying the niche series fanart

No. 2454349

File: 1742514340460.jpg (7.77 KB, 250x250, CJFQyTcUwAABb7z.jpg)

While we're on this topic I just wanna say that I never gave a fuck about Miku or vocaloid in general and always thought vocaloid music was garbage. Mikufags genuinely puzzle me in how they treat her as god and are completely obsessed with her. I wonder how many people draw her and hype her up just to fit in with the rest of the crowd. It's so prevalent with zoomers

No. 2454352

They're ocs because iirc this was a commission. Yeah this artist does have a kind of generic animu face but it works well with her lovely rendering and coloring so I don't mind

No. 2454353

They're posers. They've latched onto Miku because Vocaloid is such a quirky staple of anime culture, but only because she's the only Vocaloid they can actually name.

No. 2454356

I love Miku but I can definitely see when artists draw her for engagement and twitter likes and gendie brownie points

No. 2454362

Len and Kaito are better

No. 2454363

Most Mikufags don't even listen to any Vocaloid songs besides the awful shit that gets pushed out on TT. I don't know why they like Miku beyond a meme, her new voicebank is fucking horrendous and they try to pretend to be uber knowledgable about Vocaloids while they think Neru has an offical voicebank. I hope the Miku meme dies soon, I've been putting up with this crap since 2018 and it's only getting worse.

No. 2454371

Same, I mostly blame Project Sekai. I feel like such a pretentious fag but some of my favorite banks are wholoids and I've been into this shit since like 2009 and I hate the new fans so much. My tinfoil is that stan twitter culture and that retarded "miku made minecraft" meme started to ruin vocaloid from 2016 onwards.

No. 2454372

>poorly drawn fanart preform better than original art with actual soul put into it?
That's because if your art is good enough, people will follow you regardless of what you draw. Like that girl >>2454300 mentioned, I also followed her before she nuked everything. That is unless they genuinely hate the series you're drawing fanart of, I think that would deter them. Vs if your art is mediocre, if you draw lots of fotm randoms may still follow you because they want to see their favorite character. Especially applies to fotm coom artists.

No. 2454374

File: 1742515228157.jpg (36.75 KB, 251x728, Capture.JPG)

>I hope the Miku meme dies soon, I've been putting up with this crap since 2018 and it's only getting worse.
oh nona…she gets new anime figures pretty much every single month (and i'm 100% certain she's the character with the most figures ever), gets winter miku design contests held every year, zoomers being familiar with her because of project sekai, i think miku will always be part of animu culture because every generation gets to know her one way or another. and she was added to fortnite recently which is more exposure to zoomers and perhaps gen alpha

No. 2454375

Don't even get me started on the new fans of Luka.

No. 2454381

please dont i was happy she was irrelevant enough so i could enjoy my waifufagging in peace

No. 2454382

>if you draw lots of fotm randoms may still follow you because they want to see their favorite character.
word, i followed a lot of artists whose art was mediocre but they drew my fave characters often. then i grew tired of those series so i unfollowed most of them kek

No. 2454384

I'm just glad they seem to ignore Meiko and Gumi kek

No. 2454386

>ignore gumi
no they dont…theyve troonfied her along with teto now, i wish death upon all troons in the vocaloid fandom who keep ruining things

No. 2454389

Is it narcissistic to not give a shit about FOTM stuff and only draw stuff from your mentally deranged daydreams?

No. 2454390

No, absolutely no one said this ever itt. But dont expect people to follow you because of your ocs alone.

No. 2454395

as a non vocaloid fan, what i see from every social media combined like twitter, ig, and tiktok, is that it's 90% miku art and the other 10% is everyone else, i barely even see rin and len if it gives you comfort. maybe you just see more troons attaching themselves to the other characters because you follow more vocaloid fans than me idk

No. 2454400

Why should I when I use social media to broadcast my thoughts and feelings through art? I don't really have the spark to draw fanart of any kind so I'm stuck with one-off character art.

No. 2454403

File: 1742515964807.jpg (46.54 KB, 419x764, 1000010309.jpg)

Since everyone is probably awake, does anyone have any recommendations for good male ryona artists? I'm trying to get out of my comfort zone more this year.

No. 2454404

File: 1742516051694.jpg (782 KB, 3408x4096, sdasa.jpg)

so whats your problem then? just keep drawing your ocs

No. 2454405

File: 1742516052754.jpg (105.2 KB, 827x1030, liquid_leakage_by_isaaki_dejfb…)

I like isaaki

No. 2454408

I know, I can only hope a new trend will come along so people stop LARPing as hikkineet kawaii Vocaloid megafans.
You're right, even back in 2017 there were people trooning Vocaloids and Utaloids (ugh now I'm remebering TIF Oliver, gross)
Check /ex/ on FC and reverse image search.

No. 2454421

Nta but what's /ex/? It's a hidden thread?

No. 2454427

Board on a different ib that is very much not hidden

No. 2454436

What does FC stand for? Is it like guro imageboard?

No. 2454443

Nta but fujochan and the /ex/ board has vomit and amputation boards

No. 2454457

from one oc artist to another: I think very few anons here like that badly drawn fanart or fotm slop scores numbers far ahead above innovative autistic fanart and buried quality original content. There is nothing one person can really do to solve this problem other than honing our skills and having fun until the art that we make gets picked up by the algorithm. It sucks having no one care about your ocs sometimes but that's exactly why numbers will suck you dry without an internal motivator. Have fun and make art that is cool to look at and like minded people will come even if it's not fanart numbers.

No. 2454477

File: 1742518572828.jpg (281.17 KB, 994x1624, ohsunnyside.jpg)

>think artist’s oc is kinda cute
>scroll down
>it’s a troon
So sick of this cancer kek. Not really a loss because I’m not fond of the style and she draws most of her women like bimbos (I hate her vampire oc especially), but it’s so cursed how black ocs get lumped in with gendie/troon shit by default because they’re both ~progressive~.

No. 2454479

Thats why you get for liking shitty art like this what did you even expect?

No. 2454492

>TIM character
>draws him with female body

No. 2454501

is the second tweet talking about brujoari or is it about some other artist

No. 2454510

She is working with brujo on her show so I think it’s a dig at someone else

No. 2454512

she's talking about Disney's Win or Lose and how she has better black trans representation. From what I remember though, she's never talked about this oc being trans and I'm half convinced she just made it up on the fly kek

No. 2454515

All I did was scroll the artist's media tab for a second kek but I'm not super strict on art quality, I check out any artist to see if there's anything interesting. I mainly really liked the shade of green

No. 2454519

Why are octards crying about not getting attention on xitter when this ugly soulless slop right here has so many likes and rts

No. 2454520

This artist is actually a prime example of generic nothing ugly oc art in the void

No. 2454532

nta but thank you

No. 2454538

People only care about OCs if they're "diverse" or well drawn. Having some fanart helps too.

No. 2454541

KEK they literally just toned down the trans story line by not saying anything
twitterfags always expect everyone to put their jobs at risk for trannies its absurd
the art style reminds me of some other artist except their drawings were trad and they had this oc that was just a fat ass horse/unicorn femboy/tranny with pastel colors

No. 2454569

>People only care about OCs if they're "diverse" or well drawn. Having some fanart helps too.
Unfortunately the easy way out if you don't want to draw better is putting diversity slop in your ocs even if you do it last second like >>2437746 and >>2448248

No. 2454575

I think I'm in the minority when I say people rarely gaf about my fanart but doing comics about my OCs does numbers, though I think comic is the keyword there because I only get like 200 likes on drawings with no text or anything.

No. 2454682

ntayrt but also a furfag. You might have to larp as a furfag in terms of interacting with furry art from others so more furries see your handle. They generally don't search outside of their in-groups for commissions if they aren't the kind desperate for any artist that doesn't have their niche degen kink on their "will not draw" list. I'm not quite sure what the bare minimum for that would be, but the bottom line is that they'll want some indication that they aren't burdening you by asking for furry stuff at all. I've noticed furry clients can be kinda squirrely even when what they're asking for is more vanilla than what I publicly post, so they'll definitely pass you over in favor of artists who mainly/only draw furries if it seems like a thing you only do for money. This is all in terms of the big spender moid nsfw audience, you'll probably get the occasional gendie-flavored furry client if you only post some furries in your examples, but you generally can't make repeat clients out of those.

No. 2454687

File: 1742525446336.jpg (182.98 KB, 1280x720, _Coalgirls__Nichijou_05_(1280x…)

A bit late but thank you nonnies for the help! I wish I can draw this stuff without chickening out.

No. 2454812

I honestly don't think that Flynn design is bad it just doesn't suit the story and doesn't look good juxtaposed against Rapunzel. They already have a large age gap for a Disney princess film (8 years iirc) and that concept design definitely makes him look a lot older than her. I don't think that would have worked for the story and wouldn't have suited the personality they gave him either. Flynn ends up looking more like a typical rogue type in design and body and it works well.

No. 2454832

Ntayrt I can’t exactly pin point it, where I feel the immersion is broken and I can’t view the fictional character as their own character. Bonus points if the creator keeps making their main character look like them once you see a face reveal of the creator. I’ve seen artists that will make a character and it’s just a replica of them physically with minor changes. The ones that look exactly their creators amuse me because I wonder if everyone else is feeling some form of secondhand embarrassment and the creator is just oblivious to it.

No. 2454845

Ayart, thank you so much nonny!
That has been my read as well and that I will need to have some sort of double life as a furfag. I’m lucky that I have a friend of a friend who could probably get me some furfag contacts as a start and vouch for me, but ultimately I will need to do some larping it seems. Thanks once again I do appreciate it.

No. 2454914

Sorry for venting but my brother knows I love art and it's my thing but he keeps bringing up AI art and how amazing it is to me. He doesn't even use it himself, he just praises it and whenever I've mentioned AI is bad at X or Y thing and has no soul he come back months later all excited like "AI can do X and Y really well now!" and he doesn't get at all why I'm upset in any way by him acting like this. Growing up adults around me always told me art is useless and there's no money in it so it's stupid to pursue it, now as an adult instead my literal AI-bro keeps telling me AI art is the future. It's just a new hell. I just like creating, sharing and consuming real art by real people why is that too much to ask for?

No. 2454917

>"my totally trans fully female looking oc"
The funny thing is that I have no idea what that means. At this point I literally assume it's an "afab fem-presenting trans man" aka just a feminine female character anyway

No. 2454925

Just tell him to shut the fuck up kek why are you being so passive

No. 2454928

ayrt Holy shit you guys are amazing. I have a lot of artist anatomy books, and they skip things like hands and feet in terms of degloving, going into the bones and details on how the skin lays, rather than indepth. You've opened a new world to me. Can't thank you guys enough!
>You do not learn anything from actual gore, if I showed you say, a photo of a car accident and then asked you what exact parts of the body are exposed and damaged you probably wouldn't be able to name much.
Very true. I think when someone's hand gets degloved, I can see things that are there, but they're damaged, yeah. I was using surgical images posted by people with injuries or vids by doctors originally.

No. 2454930

In my experience these types of aibros are incredibly narcissistic and they do this intentionally to upset you and get a rise out of you. The best you can do is try to ignore him or cut him out of your life if the opportunity arises. Or do what I did and start a fight kek

No. 2454944

Same situation here. Not only have I been told art was useless by most people, but also that I should become an artist because my kiddie scribbles were the bestest or some shit. These same adults say AI art is amazing, which, as we all know, is funny because the mass majority of humanity is filler without a brain. Just don't talk to your brother, moids hate the silent treatment. Let him stew in it, or take a page from >>2454930 's book and punch him square in the face.
In Minecraft. Yeah.

No. 2454946

>in Minecraft
Go back

No. 2454948

It was a joke. Please spare me.

No. 2454959

Anon you still have time to delete this and spare everyone the cringe.

No. 2454960

>Just tell him to shut the fuck up kek why are you being so passive
He'd never tell me that, we don't have that kind of sibling dynamic. Despite him saying AI is the future he is also the only person in my life who has never looked down on my art and never called it useless, and despite this AI shit he's always encouraging me to make my own art too.
>In my experience these types of aibros are incredibly narcissistic and they do this intentionally to upset you and get a rise out of you.
I know he really isn't trying to do that, he's not a true AI-bro he's just a slightly autistic male normie fascinated by AI. Best I can compare it to is how my fujo friend also keeps bringing up her new favorite ships despite knowing I'm not into yaoi at all, prefacing it with "I know you're not into it buuuuut" and then excitedly going on a tangent about how amazing that ship is. Honestly if he was just doing it to be mean it wouldn't bother me as much because then I could just ignore it.

No. 2454971

It's cringe self-censoring on par with "unaliving" or "corn".

What are you upset about then? You're not threatened by AI if art isn't even your career and he's not telling you to drop it either. And what would an autistic normie know about the future of art anyway kek, just don't take it to heart

No. 2454974

I love making Eastern European artist mutuals on Twitter. Sure they’re probably a little racist but I have yet to meet a single slavic woman who puts up with troon shit and isn’t openly loud and proud of being a radfem. Bless these ladies, they are the last bastion of sane fandom creators we have left x

No. 2454978

"A little racist" yeah a lot of the time they're full on white supremacists and also homophobic as fuck. Them hating trannies because they hate anyone who's not a heterosexual white person isn't much of a win.

No. 2454981

make deepfakes of him taking a cock up his ass, print them and paste them all over his room

No. 2454985

File: 1742551579912.png (825.07 KB, 1031x555, 724187.png)

Where are you finding so many racist radfem slavic female artists? The ones I often see are either normal, deranged yumes (in a good way) or troons themselve (horrible). You run in strange circles.

No. 2454987

>What are you upset about then? You're not threatened by AI if art isn't even your career
It literally is my career though, never said it wasn't. Regardless it's still annoying and hurtful to have someone I actually care about repeat AI art propaganda to my face.

No. 2455009

she's probably talking about russians

No. 2455037

If it's something I like then I never get sick of seeing fanart of it. I really don't care about most OCs because most are not actual characters. I'll only care about OCs if they have an actual story to them that I can read, like a webtoon or something. So I guess what other anons here have said already.
Kek I have the exact opposite opinion nonna, but I am someone who only started to learn how to draw because I wanted to see more fanart of unpopular series/characters I like.

No. 2455055

>I'll only care about OCs if they have an actual story to them that I can read, like a webtoon or something.

I'm not saying you do this, but I've seen people say this all the time and then still not care kek. Not everything caters to everyone though, I get that.

I've seen shitty art get lots of support because they fell in with the right people. This is especially true for comics. I know someone who's getting so much support and attention on her comic but it's shitty basic beg porn while some other oc artist I know is making a nice sfw comic and can barely get traction. She's lucky she loves making it so much because she would've given up ages ago otherwise.

No. 2455067

File: 1742561154456.jpeg (210.77 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_5359.jpeg)

nonas i’ve been drawing on an ipad for so long that i finally starting drawing on a tablet connected to a computer again and it’s so uncomfy. aside from drawing more on it, is there any other advice to help me get used to it again? i did try using a slanted surface by placing my tablet against a book so it was at a slight degree but it didn’t really change the feeling

No. 2455070

File: 1742561657609.jpg (617.86 KB, 2048x1579, tumblr_2b86eda9e5f6fae29ad3a3e…)

Gotta love artists that straight-up trace the fucking CSP models. I recognized those facial features a mile away. I remember some places discussing CSP4's new tools lower the skill level to accomplish things, but I always recall that people that rely too heavily on models and assistance end up being pretty obvious.

No. 2455073

Yeah, this looks incredibly flat and stiff. I hate those anime styles where it looks like the eyes are sliding off the face.

No. 2455101

File: 1742564578626.webp (11.83 KB, 360x330, 98246777-AD6D-4241-94B2-6BE434…)

Please nonnas, help me not become an alcoholic ! I would like to create a game or a webcomic, ultra tragic, like Puella Magi Madoka Magica, but with cute boys who suffer a lot instead of girls. I have lots of ideas, my mind is twisted as fuck and I can draw, but I'm afraid of failing and this days I need inspiration so sooo bad I feel crazy. So I need inspiring manga, anime, animated films, books, series or live action films with young boys who suffer. Please Nonnas, help me ! Feed me ! I'm fucking disappointed by Bokurano right now aaaaaah

No. 2455112

God I wish I could help you. I am sending you my best vitual hugs and will be a customer if you finish it and post the resulting product!

No. 2455113

Old milk to the point where it became cheese but the fact that Joel Jurion/Jjfrenchie would draw fucktons of shota porn, redraw said shotas as girls by just giving them boobs and removing their bulges to put on his main accounts under his real name and then have the gall to ask people not to tell the children's animation company he worked for that he likes little boys still makes me laugh. He was also so assmad that france changed their laws regarding lolisho that he drew Marie Antoinette's beheaded corpse getting raped by a horse as vent art.

No. 2455114

Anon, I think you're the change we need because I've been racking my brains and can't think of a single one. Sorry nona.

No. 2455116

File: 1742565949844.png (680.58 KB, 599x938, 48332155574653.png)

this artist 1000% uses midjourney (probably touches it up afterwards) but no one has called them out on it yet, i've only seen someone say the art looks like ai as a compliment because 'the rendering is so smooth' kek

No. 2455122

Gin and Ranmaru from Your Turn to Die maybe?
Looks awful and obnoxious

No. 2455123

Use AI to materialize your ideas, that might help you with inspiration, i do remember that in the early days of the tech I would see moids include tags like "trying to escape" and "about to be raped" in their prompt to make really distressed looking anime girls, it's been a while since those days so I assume you might be able to not only do distressed men but also get better distressed expressions with current gen models.
After getting your "trying to escape , about to be raped" anime boy you can use that as inspiration or a starting point to draw your own art that's how I use AI myself anyway.
Good luck nonna.

No. 2455130

Can you provide screenshots?

No. 2455133

And you can't tell him not to mention it to you because it upsets you? Just make it obvious you really don't like hearing it. Start crying next time he tells you how awesome generating images of anime girls is.

No. 2455134

File: 1742566607624.jpg (73.36 KB, 1080x1175, 1000033469.jpg)

Why are all French men like this?

No. 2455135

This is the worst advice I've ever read
Try Banana fish or maybe Evangelion. Maybe you could set your story in a war. Soldiers act pretty gay and war is filled with suffering.

No. 2455145

File: 1742567203596.jpeg (38.32 KB, 499x411, EBEA15D1-C0A4-4F3B-823B-3DB5F4…)

Thanks but I view/read the two. I need MOAR. I’m trying to read death in Venice actually but gay scrotes point of view isn’t subversive actually heh. I want the point of view of other women or young boy suffering themselves siiigh

No. 2455174

There's Re:Zero, there's suffering/death scenes and compilations on Youtube. The books have more ryona than the show, it does take a while for other male characters to show up and have a bad time though.
deleted the other comp since it was too general/spoilery

No. 2455177

If you're okay with mech, Aldnoah Zero isn't really that good but there's a cutie who suffers a lot there's a scene where he gets whipped and it rewired my brain and also Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans is pure suffering.

No. 2455179

Unfortunately it looks like he nuked his hentaifoundry account so I can't find the post asking people not to tell his work what he draws but most if not all of his galleries are on sadpanda so I should be able pull a few examples from that and his deviantart once I get to my PC.

No. 2455180

File: 1742568657505.jpg (26.36 KB, 700x465, 1000033975.jpg)

Play Room No. 9

No. 2455190

I got a set but I barely used it. It feels very "mum hobby" to me. Lino print is more fun

No. 2455194

File: 1742569184453.jpg (Spoiler Image,124.02 KB, 409x600, 226686l.jpg)

Does suicide boy webtoon counts?

No. 2455204

File: 1742569363934.jpg (34.55 KB, 285x399, omihiko-yamada-1-285x399.jpg)

You may enjoy Total Eclipse of the Eternal Heart

No. 2455217

File: 1742570275024.jpeg (321.6 KB, 1200x847, IMG_3808.jpeg)

just me or does this artist have sovl? @tamawatercolor btw.

i know its technically experimental but it feels so much different from all of the other stuff

No. 2455243

Obviously she does.

No. 2455283

im so lucky i have a full book of her art shes a old school dark lolita artist but her style still feels fresh

No. 2455316

gross coomslop made by a mtf tranny

No. 2455321

I really adore this kind of stuff, I wish I had the chops to create something as alluring as this.

No. 2455477

its shit (pun intended)

No. 2455516

Batman Beyond had some incredibly stand-out "off model underpaid overworked inbetweener moments" for such an ambitious show.

No. 2455521

It still surprises me that the same va does the Japanese dub for Xavier from LaDS.

No. 2455547

I would seriously consider reading something by Anne Rice. She's very good at writing and romanticizing male suffering in a way that inspired me on how to fixated upon it for my own artwork. Cry to Heaven is a good starting point because it has many examples of her throwing fucks out of the window for her own enjoyment.

No. 2455607

I would love to support you but I don't know of many shoes where the male suffering is the focal point but the world of kanako has male rape

No. 2455618

Also Salo

No. 2455627

I think the worst part is that I want this artist to have skill. Truly, I do; she has great ideas that are fun or touching. But then when her art pops up on my Tumblr For You I get sent into an unholy rage because I know she's not putting forth as much effort as she can just purely because of convenience. And all of the popular artists on the site reblog her shit, so even with her blocked it pops up on my dash multiple times a day.

No. 2455642

salo has women getting tortured alongside the males as well as a lesbian subplot, the torture isn't inflicted against the males enough. not a good recommendation.
Its like recommending a serbian film because the mc got sodomized by the guard for a brief scene

No. 2455659

File: 1742585837907.jpeg (507.63 KB, 800x1200, IMG_5819.jpeg)

Kek speaking of DC you reminded me of this awful comic. Yes Starfire has a daughter who is grumpy, not magical and cool but not cool like Starfire (her mom) because she’s not her mom and her mom just doesn’t understand. The super special OC daughter looks like the author if course lmao.

No. 2455666

Stop, you already sold me on slavic women.(racebait)

No. 2455728

Gel printing can be a good way to experiment with color theory, different mediums, and letting yourself be okay with "mistakes". It gets pretty fun if you have a lot of magazines and craft scraps lying around. There's a lot of goofy accessories sold for gel printing. I bought the acrylic guide lmfao At most you'll want to pick up some oil pastels or wax resist sticks, and even then you don't really need the unless you plan on tracing paper printed photos or something.

No. 2455730

KEKK so THAT'S what Yoshi Yoshitani has been up to lately.

No. 2455769

Am I having a stroke or are these supposed to be megaman X and Zero as idols?

No. 2455852

File: 1742591156140.jpeg (342.92 KB, 1280x1280, 1627528167323.jpeg)

You should’ve seen the drama back when it was released

No. 2455857

File: 1742591310904.jpg (12.31 KB, 290x290, 55569218.jpg)

The author in question

No. 2455889

I’ve been thinking about taking commissions to raise money but I don’t feel like actually being public about ~art that truly speaks to me~ and have considered doing pony/mlp focused account. I thought since furries can overlap with bronies, maybe they might pay well? But I don’t know the overall experience and want to know if anyone can compare the differences between those two demographics.

No. 2456100

>Did you know that Mandy and Claire are both mixed race?
Implying that an alien princess have any kind of ethnicity? what is this dumbass even saying?

No. 2456102

Starfire is an alien lol. The other girl looks like a ganguro gal.

No. 2456217

Why exactly did the famous hyouka artist Mero get bullied off the internet again? I know that some jap made a rude tweet about her but why were they mad at her for? I only remember them mentioning something about Koreans.

No. 2456226

God forbid women do anything, I forgot comics were supposed to only be for male power fantasies and self inserts. Its cringe either way but the backlash that stupid comic got was insane

No. 2456228

the BA incels found her because she worked for the blue archive pedoshit company (tbh she shouldve seen it coming considering how infamous korean companies are known to treat female artists ) was doxxed or not who knows got harassed and then dfe'd

No. 2456230

its basically the meguka of spokon, just ignore the troon

No. 2456269

Wait seriously? I had no idea it was because of BA
If bapedos were the one who started drama against her then why would they care that she's an artist for that game? Wouldn't they like her more even? I'm confused

No. 2456274

Nona you haven't heard of the limbus company fiasco firing women artists have you? Korean companies will drop female artists at a hats drop if it pleases the pencil dick average korean moid.

No. 2456276

File: 1742609733711.jpg (294.76 KB, 1080x2262, Capture.JPG)

nona thats misinformation i don't know where the fuck you got that from, but it basically all started with this dumbass in picrel and a jap and/or korean user misinterpreted the word "mf" and said something like "even westerners hate this artist for drawing hyouka so much" which led to more harassment of basically mery's autism on drawing so much of the show i guess. maybe they were mad that she drew them in a sort of nsfw way

No. 2456278

File: 1742610008470.jpg (165.08 KB, 1060x1704, Capture.JPG)

this was the user who misinterpreted the tweet
that's one of the reasons why artists don't really like their art being quoted kek it's always some uppity westerner quoting art from asian artists with an obnoxious comment all the time

No. 2456279

this is so sad, her autism was so harmless. Meanwhile there are moid artists who have the ''worst fetish you have ever heard of'' autism and those never get bullied off the internet

No. 2456281

File: 1742610176623.jpg (221.77 KB, 1080x1312, Capture.JPG)

this yutorleu person was definitely mentally ill though
true, i wish mery had thicker skin and just ignored it all, i was shocked when i saw that she had 1.1 million followers before she deactivated. but i heard that she streamed on twitch during november or december last year so she's not completely gone. i recall that she said she'd be going on a hiatus so maybe she'll return one day. her original handle was taken by someone else to prevent impersonation

No. 2456282

File: 1742610313759.jpg (245.61 KB, 1080x2400, Capture.JPG)

here is someone who bitched about mery ruining muh pure image of hyouka because of her spicy fanart

No. 2456286

File: 1742610517712.jpg (268.87 KB, 1600x1904, mery__S2_-1585295330794274817-…)

god this is so sad, her art was so pleasant even if it was fanart of an anime i have never watched. I wonder if she works for a game company or her parents are loaded, being able to just autism your way into 1mil followers is fascinating

No. 2456288

It is impossible to draw if you get a full time job? I don't have one yet and I'm so scared I'll be tired all the time and never be in the mood to draw again

No. 2456289

I dont have a full time job but i go to college and i find it impossible to draw anymore. I wish i was loaded, i hate having to study. I envy rich artists.

No. 2456293

Having a full time job takes a lot of time out of your day. Sometimes I draw at my desk when I have down time but I'd have to make it a habit to get used to drawing more in the evening when I just want to crash. I use some self help books for prompts when I draw to sorta force myself to continue making stuff.

No. 2456294

I have a full time job and ngl, it's really hard sometimes to draw after work when you have chores and errands to take care of. I have to force myself to draw every few days even if it's just for half an hour.

No. 2456311

File: 1742612472947.jpg (81.01 KB, 640x901, k13u125jdey61.jpg)

Tayrt went back and checked the archives I might have confused her situation with another artist who got harrassed by BAincels this happened a year ago I think? (though she did drew ba fanart and I'm pretty sure she has designed a character it too ) but I'm pretty sure this wasnt the reason she deleted but some user saying she was larping as Japanese when in reality she was Korean and thus was exploiting the fanbase

No. 2456316

weird, if you checked mery's profile anyone could easily tell she was korean, she tweeted in korean often and has hangul in her bio didnt she

No. 2456320

arent you confusing her with dorontabi?

No. 2456331

File: 1742614049596.jpg (656.66 KB, 1831x2048, GGxHiLWaMAAKSM4.jpg)

do you guys know any artists with a similar messy painting style like this? i really like her loose painting style but she only has about 8 pictures like this

No. 2456333

File: 1742614253510.jpg (507.35 KB, 722x1018, GmKeXSIb0AA3WRO.jpg)

KSUWABE, who I call the schizo painter.

No. 2456342

literally any male that does digital concept art

No. 2456344

I don't care what you think about the art style.

No. 2456354

no i know who that pedophile is and i hope he chokes on his own vomit, you can look up her up on old art salt threads

No. 2456355

lmfao, the fuck? these are the same japanese people who get angry at foreign women for not wanting to see an 11 year old child in a sexual position? it's literally just misogyny.

No. 2456356

this shit is pissing me off
>disgusting unwashed old men asking to get scenes of close ups of female characters' busts and them randomly getting blushy and sweaty out of nowhere
>woman drawing mildly nsfw art of a female character

No. 2456357

maybe, and maybe not, because i know that purityfags are a thing and they genuinely get mad when their favorite waifus are sexualized, probably because they feel like only they get to see their waifu sexualized and "sharing" her with others feels like cuckoldery

No. 2456390

File: 1742618049008.jpeg (269.48 KB, 828x664, IMG_9219.jpeg)

How does one’s art deteriorate so quickly this is unreall

No. 2456396

File: 1742618177683.jpg (496.24 KB, 1729x2048, GIHzuDjaEAActcG.jpg)

yeah this is neat, i love using blocky textured brushes like this too
its hard to find stuff similar by asian artists, like i was wondering if theres a hashtag or something? i just like the photobashed/concept art look
…ew, whats with the realistic proportions? it looks gross on such a cartoony style

No. 2456397

why is the tif yellow?

No. 2456400

That's what she gets for pandering to her retarded follower base kek

No. 2456418

Yeah. I’m chubby but with semi-okay fat distribution, so I could probably get away with calling myself curvy or thick, but all my life I’ve wanted so badly to be stick thin. Plus I don’t see myself as a mature or “sexy” woman, so why would I draw myself like that? I guess it’s almost a way to portray myself as how I feel on the inside, childlike and clinging to innocence. Maybe it’s internalized misogyny or something kek.

You can probably get away with never diving into it, but knowing what’s underneath the skin can help you not over-rely on references, like letting you tweak/alter poses, angles, and proportions however you want and still make it look good. Or if you just want to be able to sketch a muscular character without needing the perfect reference all the time.

> Not only have I been told art was useless by most people, but also that I should become an artist because my kiddie scribbles were the bestest or some shit
I wonder what the thought process behind that is, because I was told the same thing. Everyone around me said I would grow up to become a great and successful artist, but when I got older and seriously considered pursuing art in college my mom all but said it was a stupid idea. It really hurt at the time, but less so now since I realized she was right. But no one ever pushed me toward a different path or suggested something else before that moment.

> I think you just have to have somewhat interesting art and concepts and a geniune, palatable passion for your own characters
I prefer OC artists over fanartists for this reason (besides not bothering to keep up with every single fotm thing). It feels like a neat little insight into the way someone else’s mind works and what they like, and their pure, autistic passion for their characters inspires me to imagine making stuff with my own characters.

No. 2456419

What's with korean BA fans and larping as japanese

No. 2456420

I'm so tired of seeing this bitch ugly ass art everywhere so I'm just praying for her downfall, thankfully it seems like it's coming soon.

No. 2456430

Older/classic BL and yaoi sounds like it might have you're looking for.

Consider yourself warned for problematic content pls

>somebody already mentioned "banana fish" by akimi yoshida

>"song of the wind and tree" by keiko takemiya
>"a cruel god reigns" by moto hagio
>ai no kusabi 1992 OVA

everybody is young, male, going through horrors and shidding n crying in these so i hope they help

Some Gundam series also have much young male suffering so that might be another lead. Good luck

No. 2456433

File: 1742620109268.jpg (29.96 KB, 640x480, tETivww.jpg)

>"See this is why I fucking hate comic books it appeals to like the male fantasy…"

No. 2456488

You do get less time, and you will feel tired, but for me at least, it just meant being more thoughtful about what I do want to make/understanding what my art is for. In comparision, I felt like I was drawing on autopilot in highs school and most of it I don't give af about. But the very fewer pieces I've made since mean more to me

No. 2456507

I mean, you yourself admit it was cringe. DC itself professionally publishing such a fanfic-y cringe comic with an amateurish tumblr-y style was bound to get a bunch of flack. Original graphic novels never get anywhere near the same ammount of flack. Trying to shove pre-existing characters that are already well established as male fantasy into ya high school coming of age slice of life tumblr graphic novel is trying to shove a square peg into a round hole and shooting yourself in the foot.

No. 2456520

File: 1742626114681.jpg (465.91 KB, 1300x1400, 56484.JPG)

This is what happens when you make art with the intention to pander and worry too much about what others think of you. You overthink every aspect of your art and overcorrect until your art becomes ugly shapeless inclusive blobs. Her early-mid 2024 style was perfectly fine, she could’ve been based and detransed Kate and did her quirky loser girl thing, but nope she just dug in deeper to appeal to woke zoomies who will cannibalize her over anything.
It’s too late for her now, we will never retvrn… ignoring Alex’s arms in picrel kek

No. 2456551

a gritty coming-of-age lesbian story with this artstyle wouldve been so cool actually

No. 2456573

Her art is so fucking good. Now it just looks so bland. What a shame.

No. 2456576

File: 1742630900422.jpg (29.12 KB, 630x277, Capture.JPG)

you'll be having a good time on twitter browsing the timeline and all of a sudden here comes juby with her totally not desperate habit of cozying up to other famous artists. i swear she pops up everywhere kek

No. 2456577

I just know they are talking about venture bros. God i hope gendies leave it alone. They invade every single thing i like.

No. 2456580

File: 1742631044303.jpg (79.76 KB, 1049x869, Capture.JPG)

kekk don't worry nona it was about nezha 2, which is a really good movie and i'd recommend it to anyone. the 1st one is available for free on youtube actually (you can choose between eng dub or mandarin audio)

No. 2456583

Looks so weird like disneyfied LADS.

No. 2456585

File: 1742631624022.png (9.34 MB, 2096x3646, img.png)

tezo don lee animations

No. 2456589

File: 1742632181747.jpg (39.58 KB, 512x457, SFb0f1Y.jpg)

It is fascinating to me how invisible this show is on the internet, some other nonna on this same thread said that the art of this show was everywhere but I find that hard to believe after looking into it and really not seeing any real hype, very few fan art and the most viewed "episode" is a 30 second teaser (401k views) of a 1:30 minutes episode that released a month after and only got half as much views (270k views) not sure why this thread seems to be obsessed with it but to me it will be over there with Becky Prim, Meta Runner and Sunset Paradise, indie animation that existed but just never quite made it.
and even then, Meta Runner despite the little recognition, hype and fantasy it seems it was enough to get government funding, 2 seasons and kickstart the production company that eventually made Digital Circus, Indie animation can sometimes be so souless

No. 2456605

File: 1742635039279.png (41.62 KB, 596x373, firefox_8ESR1twTJL.png)

Damn, you can get banned from patreon for drawn porn? Sad when furries and AI coomers still get away with it, it's a shame she had some good stuff.

No. 2456613

hasnt patreon been dogshit for nsfw artists for years? i thought most nsfw artists used subscribestar or fanbox now

No. 2456619

Bit of a personal vent/blogpost but I have a personal cow artist that I sometimes hatefollow/check up on when I'm bored (not going to name her because she's not that big or popular), and she pisses me to no end. Not because she's cringe and incompetent, quite the opposite. She has a really awful attitude, constantly bitches and meanposts, openly picks fights with people, acts ungodly smug with no mental filter. Her art is really good though, especially her work with her webcomic. She's great at paneling and portraying her characters and their actions. But my god, her stories are SO boring. So, so fucking boring. Which is why her webcomic really didn't grow much of an audience or get her anywhere. People always rightfully compliment the artwork but agree that the characters are flat as hell with practically no depth or interesting personality to them, the dialogue is disconnected and uninteresting, the protagonist is a soulless self insert, the story is unoriginal, bland and moves at a snail's pace. I've read more fascinating web comics from literal teenagers because they were able to tell a more compelling story. It always kind of makes me feel glad knowing that no matter how good you get at art, you can't compensate the lack of a good story with art fundies.

No. 2456620

File: 1742637729989.jpg (95.26 KB, 736x1011, 7528e57e6630ccee9a4220361450c1…)

check out tatsuro kiuchi, his use of colour is excellent

No. 2456633

Is it just the angle of drawing that makes it uncomfortable or is it also the fact you're not looking at your hands while drawing? If it's the latter I can't imagine a solution, maybe just moving the tablet closer to the screen so you can see your hands in your peripheral vision while drawing. I'm really just making it up as I go though. I'm also going to assume you positionned your tablet like your picture, where the center of the tablet is vertically aligned with the center of the screen. I've seen people shift their tablets to their drawing hand side and I have no clue how they draw like that, it's really weird.

No. 2456654

ntayrt It's like using a mouse. Hell, one of my tablets lets you use your finger like a trackpad and everything. Feels super natural to me. But my tablet is square and my monitor is rectangular, so I think I have a lot of alignment issues that have compounded over the years into whatever the fuck this is.

No. 2456658

i use tablet and computer unlike the pic i posted
i think it's mainly the posture with the screen further away from you and not exactly having full control of the brush tip like you would if drawing on a screen such as an ipad. i actually did think that my hand being in the way when drawing on the ipad was inconvenient and it's nice that you get to see everything when drawing on a tablet, but i'm still trying to get used to sitting at a computer and drawing on a tablet since i draw on my ipad on my bed which is super comfy
i did try moving my monitor up close a little and adjusting my chair to be a little lower. i googled on ways to help get used to drawing on a tablet again and someone mentioned to try tracing your art which sounds good, i'll try that later on. i also saw that it could take around 3 weeks to get used to it.
for the record, i first started drawing digitally by using a tablet too, so i was probably very used to it once, but ever since i got an ipad i've been drawing on that instead so i hope i can regain my tablet skills again. it still feels weird and it's hard for me to lock in and draw the subtle curves and details right now

No. 2456673

File: 1742643148705.png (9.81 KB, 326x196, forceprop.png)

Is it a wacom tablet? Try going into mapping settings, under "screen area" there should be a button that says "force proportions". If you haven't ticket it yet, do it and see if things feel a little more natural.

No. 2456674

File: 1742643266768.jpg (38.67 KB, 512x512, Capture.JPG)

Say you buy a brush from the clip studio asset store that costs clippy. If you export it as a .sut file, is there anything preventing users from uploading that file to google drive for example and letting anyone download it for free? I just tested this with a brush I bought for like 10 clippy, I was still able to export it as a .sut file with no strings attached it seems. If someone who didn't buy the brush tries to download it, would the program detect that that brush was being sold in the asset store not for free and prevent them from downloading it?
If there really is no type of security measure on that then it really would be so easy to get free brushes, as long as someone uploads the .sut file

No. 2456693

if you feel like posting a link to the file, i'll test this for you. i'm willing to bet that csp doesn't have measures against this but who knows

No. 2456697

Try this nona, and enjoy the nice pen https://limewire.com/?referrer=pq7i8xx7p2

No. 2456709

File: 1742646918046.jpeg (194.47 KB, 2048x974, EzOzJfmVkAcZtOm.jpeg)

No. 2456718

looks like it just takes me to the basic front page of limewire. i think you accidentally gave me the wrong link nonnie, unless i'm doing something wrong

No. 2456725

Yeah sorry seems like I must’ve gotten the wrong link. I just googled “temporary file hosting” and that was the first site to pop up. But im in bed now so I’ll try again tomorrow

No. 2456739

Nonas on twitter heads up on another shitty update by muskrat, i saw a tweet reporting that they changed the media tab again and the images under Photos in picrel only show single image tweets. Tweets that had multiple images are gone and straight up don’t exist in this tab anymore and can probably only be found under posts and replies. Not everyone has this yet so check your devices to see if any have this update. I checked my phone and iPad and it’s on both, but it wasn’t on my desktop.
If you have multiple accounts, it could still be different for each of them.
I remember a similar update happened last year or in 2023 but it was changed back eventually to include multiple images again

No. 2456740

File: 1742650107050.jpeg (180.74 KB, 1329x557, IMG_8080.jpeg)

No. 2456772

I remember sunny literally admitting to getting aids by some ugly moid on that public account, wish I had the screenshot to show

No. 2456823

There's a thread on /ic/ that provides paid brushes all the time. It's called /dbag/. Would highly recommend browsing there first before paying for anything with clippy.

No. 2456926

Lol god yoshi is so annoying, she's half japanese but looks white and it's so obvious that it pisses her off cause she has to project her insecurity onto every other mixed race person.

No. 2456930

File: 1742657425599.png (3.57 MB, 1221x1767, dasdasdasd.png)

Probably too niche but does anyone know of more artists with a similar style to eguchi hisashi and eizin suzuki?

No. 2456940

File: 1742658063449.png (1 MB, 800x1200, floraverse.png)

I've noticed that people who are just extremely aggressive can't write for shit. They may be able to develop their art skills, but their shitty personalities are always going to get in the way. I personally theorize this to be that they get too angry to be able to understand perspectives that aren't their own, which is integral to being able to write a good story. You can assign motivations to a character to create the illusion of a story, but if you can't get into their mindset, it's just going to fall flat.

One of my favorite examples of this is floraverse, zoophilia furry cult aside, the creator is a HUGE asshole who believes people should just take her screaming and bitching if she gets upset and that trying to stand up for yourself amidst it is abuse (sound familiar, juby stans? kek) and it bleeds in through her comic. Characters yell at each other and we're supposed to believe that it doesn't cause any friction and would just be silently accepted. Even a meek character would begin to silently feel resentment, or in the case of a meek character with no self worth to speak of, would begin to wonder just what is wrong with them to be pissing people off so constantly. It takes empathy to write a good story, something that cruel people often lack.

I also have a personal cow who is a passive aggressive bpdchan who plays the part of innocent victim constantly, is always bragging about bad things that have happened to her and talks about her ex like she's hitler incarnate. Has said she wants to be the "ethical version" of a popular creator who is controversial for drawing a lot of rape but never fucking does anything and has said she struggles to write characters because she "only knows how to be herself" as if that's charming. Everyone only knows how to BE theirself, but it takes empathy and kindness to put yourself in the shoes of another that you may not understand, and may even be hurtful to try and understand the nuances in their behavior, should you be writing a villain.

No. 2456947

I've only ever seen horror mangaka draw that way unfortunately.

No. 2456989

"Eastern fandoms are so chill compared to Western ones!!" — Anon who can't read Japanese/Chinese/Korean

No. 2457021

she only looks white to zoomer retards

No. 2457035

AYRT and a very good analysis, nonnie. Something that I've noticed about her work is that no character really has any motivation on their own and act like pre-programmed trope bots moving forward or dropping one-liners which aligns with the claim that self-centered creators who don't really care about the world or the people around them can't write believable characters who aren't their personal self inserts. They find no joy in putting themselves inside the character's head or really thinking what drives them and how their inner world is built to be what it is, everyone exists simply to bounce off the main character and hype them up. And when everyone else but the main character acts like an NPC and the main character themselves is simply an avatar for the creator, it's self-indulgent work made for them and them only. It reminds me a lot about the criticism against Doug Walker (the Nostalgia critic) and his godawful writing skills.

No. 2457041

If you have time, you may enjoy this video on the FMA creator, which I don't think I have to say how much her story resonated with people even this many years down the line. The video goes into how much she deliberately attempted to hear the perspectives of as many people as possible because she understood the fact that she just did NOT understand. She didn't understand, and that's okay. Nobody can ever really fully understand another person, but that's why it's important to work to try and come to that understanding for the sake of being good and fair.

People like the person you're talking about just lack that quality. They believe they're always correct and that people need to work to understand them instead, which makes for a frustrating reader experience because nobody is actually experiencing any satisfying character development, because the author is too self centered to realize they also have a ways to go as a person. I don't get what people like that get out of telling a story besides egofuel, but maybe that's all some people in this world need to be happy.

No. 2457043

File: 1742662495675.jpeg (78.83 KB, 330x330, IMG_2348.jpeg)

nayrt this looks pretty white to me, sorry for crushing your weird dreams i guess

No. 2457048

nayrt but I would believe her if she said she was part hispanic because her eyes and lips are pretty dark but I would also believe someone if they told me that she's racefaking for internet points.

No. 2457049

Now i am curious. Who?

No. 2457052

The best creative advice is to broaden your experiences and engage with life. If you’re not living, what’s the point of writing? That’s not to say indulgence is bad—some of the best stories are self-centered romps that still remember to entertain. That’s why I’ve never liked the idea of creating art purely out of social justice spite—it often forgets to be engaging. I don't want to race bait but some artist I use to follow made their race their entire brand and get mad when media "slighted" them in someway that they'd rather sperg about it on social media than actually drawing. when they do make anything, it feels…very unfun? Like it's always the same shit they whinge against with added shoving a square peg into a triangle.

No. 2457065

File: 1742663610043.jpg (294.15 KB, 1170x1370, mxbxm.jpg)

She basically admits it herself

No. 2457092

ayrt, agreed, i'm mixed and "white passing" myself and we look like we can be loads of things but we look white at first glance pretty much. there's nothing wrong with it, you get dumb comments sometimes like everyone else does but it's something you learn to let go of (once again, like everyone else on the planet) esp once you're past, idk, 25 years old and have self esteem etc and don't get into robin diangelo brain worms or whatever the fuck YY has going on. Yes i got/still get told "i don't look it" etc but come on. At a certain point you have to realize that means nothing, your heritage is your heritage and you move on

Anyway, her art is ugly and mediocre to me. I always roll my eyes when I come across these types who seem to get all these opportunities and meanwhile I have friends who blow her shit out of the water and they're ignored. "it's all about who you know" strikes again I guess.

No. 2457123

This guy really pisses me off. If you like something, don't you want to see cute fanart of it? So why is he getting annoyed that she draws it so much to the point of accusing her of hijacking the anime?
I've heard it's because in Korea there's more limitations for nsfw art, so Korean artists larp as Japanese to get around those limitations. Something like that, but I'm not sure.

No. 2457132

File: 1742665995467.png (71.08 KB, 596x646, firefox_1HBHRoI8E4.png)

Oh. I knew it was shit, but it's getting even shittier. How is kinky 2D fictional art of adults supposed to even persist online when everyone wants to shut it down?

No. 2457152

It's unironically because of the fantasy vs reality argument. This is what fandom elders meant when they took the proship side not because they like pedophilia, but because censorship is a slippery slope. Anime high schoolers often are indistinguishable from adults in anime, but the difference is that it's the fantasy of fucking someone that young and inexperienced that pedophiles like, but because of the "it's just a drawing, she doesn't even LOOK like a child!" arguments, people took that as free reign to ban whatever the fuck they want if it looks anime.

No. 2457193

Non-consensual intimate images means revenge porn, as in sharing intimate photos (nudes, sexual acts etc.) without a person's consent, not rape fetish porn. Takes you two seconds to check the website. https://stopncii.org/

No. 2457199

This includes art too

No. 2457206

Drawing porn of a real person without their consent is fucked up and should be illegal, yeah.

No. 2457219

They are taking down artists who depict such porn of fictional characters from established series. It's peak retardation.
It's just a drawing of an imaginary adult who isn't based in reality but a popular game/book/tv show.

No. 2457230

Where are they doing this besides in theoretical scenarios cooked up by gooner anime pfps on twitter?

No. 2457242

Nayrt but nonna was literally replying to a post where a cancer patient got her art taken down. Went to her page and saw "dark BL" so she was probably drawing rape but if a woman wants to draw fictional men raping each other, that is entirely her business.

No. 2457248

That's an entirely different issue. Patreon banned most forms of fetish porn (basically leaving only artistic nudity) and nsfw in general years ago, that's why everyone went to subscribestar and onlyfans. The people who are using it to produce NSFW just haven't been spotted by Patreon's moderation yet. It was a huge thing. Payment processors don't want to collaborate them because enabling all NSFW including stuff like rape kinks and ABDL etc. creates a back door for child porn and human trafficking, like what happened with Pornhub. It's not meant to target women drawing gay anime porn but scrote monsters who use the platform for dubious purposes harming real life humans.

No. 2457252

It's not an entirely different issue because it's the exact same thing you just stated was only being fearmongered by gooners, in fact, actually happening and was documented in this thread. With the kind of ideology you possess, I'm sure you are not ignorant to the fact that when people present laws that are meant to protect women, they always look for the loopholes to harm them instead. Meanwhile, these degenerate moids are able to go to places like fanbox and continue as usual.

No. 2457263

Nta but fanbox is Japanese and you know how they deal with cp there, patreon was under extreme pressure since most youtubers and companies use it too and most people dont want to share a site with pedofags ruining everything and porn being the norm (i support patreon banning porn since it attracted those retard of whores)I've seen enough female artists still make a living though they just dont post full on porn but give drive or vimeo links.

No. 2457293

I'm just throwing out random shit that I've seen people switch to, I don't draw a lot of porn so I don't keep up with what platform bans what. I wish platforms would just ban pedoshit and use their brains to differentiate pedoshit instead of just acting in bad faith. Sexuality is a normal part of being human and artists being told they can't express themselves in that way because pedophiles can't control their deviancy is disappointing. Maybe artists should just make subscription based comic anthology websites again like in the 2000s.

No. 2457328

File: 1742674518410.png (668.24 KB, 629x654, 373688.png)

artists with great technical skills but shit personalities fascinate me. sage for blogpost but does anyone else keep up with _heretic_ceramics? i think he's been mentioned before but he's this chinese artist who near-constantly drew weird art of his tranny ocs and had schizo meltdowns anytime he received criticism which is why his xitter no longer exists. on his secondary account all he does is complain and spiral over mental illness. seems like a totally unlikeable person to be around. picrel is one of his very rare non-tranny works.

No. 2457356

Isnt this a TIF? The one who drew a troon pissing in the sink?

No. 2457418

File: 1742678000375.jpg (170.37 KB, 1200x848, d1489a98cb5248f9fa6ecfa4030bec…)

I have to whip through a fucking portfolio in less than two months, I 've been drawing and painting digitally for years but had great trouble putting together coherent large pieces instead of just individual studies/sketches, i've trying using AI to come up with quick compositions and light direction, etc. ..But I fear someone might recognize the originals (they're not straight up copies as I recreate them from scratch) and outing me kek, what should I do? coming up with a single artwork without that help might take days and I dont have that luxury

No. 2457428

Learn to draw. If whatever you're trying to apply for doesn't accept you, then that means your skill isn't there yet. If you can't do what you want to do without AI, then you're not ready to do it yet.

No. 2457439

File: 1742678815724.jpg (Spoiler Image,41.48 KB, 354x500, underwater kneesocks.jpg)

Study anime figures and dynamic poses. Underwater girls in kneesocks was probably invented for gooners, but the poses they make are incredibly dynamic, the swimsuits make it so the anatomy is apparent, and the lighting makes it so you can see each curve of their bodies. The poses are so incredible that it's not hard to imagine what type of interesting image you may want to make with them.

Then, study the composition style of artists you like. If you can't think of any, study the cards from gacha games. A lot of project sekai cards have genuinely lovely composition, particularly the ones from 2024 and 2025. Don't rely on AI, those aren't actually your skills, and then what are you gonna do when people actually expect you to make work from scratch? Frankenstein elements from pieces you like and you'll eventually absorb it and it'll become second nature to you, that's how artistic improvement works.

No. 2457441

What is the portfolio for and why such a specific timeline?

No. 2457444

Not going to quote everything but seeing so many platforms going anal over fictional adults having sex is making reconsider any plans on doing erotic art. Should just bite the bullet and go underground nonnas? Just draw this for me and post it on a private discord sometimes?

No. 2457448

>don’t rely on AI
you’re setting them up for failure because you’re a pretentious artist(baiting)

No. 2457451

Post it on the /m/ thread

No. 2457473

you know they'll know right away if they hire you? (if this is supposedly a studio job)youll ruin your future chances by replying on ai, i would say take reference from artists who do work in that particular setting or job youre applying to, look their portfolios up if possible contact them directly and genuinely ask what they put in theirs to get the gig some studios will prioritize concept design over character design and vice versa (and if you keep using ai it will show if they ask or give you feedback on the spot and you stutter which can land you in a tough job please dont ruin your reputation forever because of quick ai gratification) good luck nona and dont rely on fraud rely on your own real strength

No. 2457475

NTA but what

No. 2457515

can anyone rec more shitty comics like this? i like to hateread things

No. 2457522

>study from gachashit and anime
Genuinely horrible advice. Study from the masters and learn actual composition. Unless you're going for an anime field, studying anime to try and break into the industry is horrible. If you want to study anatomy, either do figure drawings or gather references with lighting good enough for you to see muscle structures. You'll learn nothing about real anatomy from drawing those underwater girls considering half of their body is obscured.

No. 2457531

Nta but what masters exactly?

No. 2457542

Nonna posted an anime image so I figured she was trying to draw anime. I also figured that if she needs to build a portfolio then she's already practiced anatomy enough to have a decent grasp. The underwater girls are not to study anatomy with, but people who already know anatomy can use them as dynamic pose references for interesting illustrations. She wanted to know about composition, not anatomy.

No. 2457583

Whatever artists that appeal to you, but I think taking classes to study composition is the best way to go. Or if you're on a budget, reading art books is even better.
I had said that because you mentioned the anatomy you can see in the pictures, but they're not good reference for anatomy. Dynamic poses, sure, but those are also common poses you would find on any zoomers pinterest board, or worse, on tiktok. But I agree, it is a good thing to study composition from people you're inspired by. I just personally believe studying from gacha games is not good, especially since their compositions are made to be cropped for either, cards, icons, or promotional images, and usually follow the same rules for each drawing. They might all look different because its slathered in a bunch of colors, but the composition isn't particularly innovative.

No. 2457593

All my artists that appeal to me draw nothing but anime slop, so what masters should i study?

No. 2457598

File: 1742685935673.png (999.38 KB, 1212x688, Screenshot 2025-03-22 192245.p…)

I mentioned the anatomy because the girls are scantily clad and the clothes they do have on are skin-tight, so you can see the way their bodies curve, the way their rib cages prod out in certain positions, the way their legs bend backwards in positions one would normally only see during an action scene. It's not a conventional means of practicing anatomy, but it's still a real live human being and drawing an actual person still familiarizes yourself with the human body.
>I just personally believe studying from gacha games is not good
Different strokes for different folks. I cited 2024-2025 project sekai and not another gacha for a reason. The recent cards are actually extremely lovely and go far beyond your typical gachaslop. They always seem to be experimenting with colors and themes now, to the point I'm quite excited to see what the artists do next. It's always a pleasant surprise.

No. 2457619

Different strokes for different folks I suppose. Enjoy your gacha, and to the other nonna, I hope your portfolio gets you a job someday.

No. 2457647

File: 1742688739083.webp (18.95 KB, 800x556, crying-cat-meme-template-full-…)

Artsavvy nonas please help me out on this one. I spent too much on the rendering and I am proud of it but the actual theme subject looks boring as fuck.
Its a brother and sister in their early forties walking through a field, they're wearing 1920's clothing and thats it, I cannot think of ways to make it more interesting, what sort of elements I would add?

No. 2457651

Can you show us?

No. 2457654

>”good art”
>it’s just over rendered anime with a painterly style
Can we really keep blaming AI when that’s all artists really draw and care about?

No. 2457658

Difficult to do without the actual art but let's try. What kind of style is it in? When I think of 1920s era fashion I think of people in big cities, so maybe you could make the piece very naturalistic as a contrast? Think about what they could be talking about, where they could be geographically, why are they walking through a field anyway?

No. 2457659

Dresden Kodak is like the defacto shitty comic layout webcomic and as a bonus the author trooned into his donut steel cyborg lesbian heroine that’s totally not motoko kusanagi

No. 2457660

not to sound rude but what is good art to you nona?(learn to reply)

No. 2457661


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2457662

>, why are they walking through a field anyway?
you just unlocked something inside my brain nona, it doesnt serve much of a narrative backdrop and thats why it looks so empty even if the main subjects are rendered.
I'll take this into consideration next time, this is why planning the literal larger picture first is so important.

No. 2457663

People who engage in offline art spaces generally don’t do anime art, too many of you are either young and chronically online or get too influenced by the interests of weeb/otaku scrotes

No. 2457668

File: 1742689608229.png (65.78 KB, 1000x1000, b7d.png)

I wish I could join some art discords to ask for ideas/suggestions and receive constant feedback. I know some people do it here but I cannot afford to expose myself as a raging terf nonas..

No. 2457669

So what’s good then? Muh hyperealistic painterly European art?

No. 2457670

I’m neither of those things but we’re currently in an “online art space” so what does that say about you? Kek

No. 2457671

>he trooned out
Man, I remember reading about that comic before that, I can't believed I miss when that happened, fuck.

No. 2457672

File: 1742689833185.jpeg (109.86 KB, 373x648, IMG_4116.jpeg)

Those suck too. Picrel is what I like the best honestly. Nobody wants soul anymore. They’re all just trying to accomplish some feat of advanced digital skillz on being “the best” at rendering, no different from people who draw hyper realism of green lips and celebrities. Digital art is a psyop, painting like a retard is unironically beautiful and very natural and candid. Nothing tryhard or attention-seeking about it, it just is

No. 2457673

> I cannot afford to expose myself as a raging terf nonas..
Why would that be a problem, just hide it then? Ignore any moments where someone mentions gendie shit. Are you the type who literally can’t control themself kek

No. 2457675

I'm glad nonna. Narrative is a really big part of art. I get this feeling of just wanting to draw for the sake of it all the time, but I realized that I only really make pieces I like when I connect it to a logical thread like a story or a moment. Not to get cheesy, but it turns the mechanical process of drawing into the creative process of giving life to something that was only in your head

No. 2457678

I assumed nona was making a portfolio to show industry people in hopes of getting hired and if she had those pieces in her portfolio, close to no one would hire her. But if it’s just for school then yeah no one cares

No. 2457679

I like both so I don’t see the insult you’re trying to imply

No. 2457680

>trying to get hired with one of the most useless jobs ever with no promising pay and thankless labor
>or trying to make a portfolio to waste time in art school where that entire industry just like the rest of the entertainment industry is 99% nepotism
My sweet nonna, she’s still innocent kek
Your insult made no sense either

No. 2457682

Why the fuck would nona be working on a portfolio then

No. 2457684

Because nobody told her the harsh truth kek

No. 2457687

File: 1742691069493.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1329x1314, IMG_8082.jpeg)

>all of them literally have the most generic animu archetype designs
I don’t even know what this is but god most animefags have the shittiest taste ever. It’s what happens when you watch boring glorified kid cartoons
For the record, i like a lot of anime styles but not this one

No. 2457692

Most of the anons in this thread would agree that is “peak art” as well kek

No. 2457693

Can't wait for this thread to lock, jesus christ. Hope we do better on the next one.

No. 2457696

Don’t be shy passive aggressive chan tell us what you’re secretly upset about

No. 2457698

Kek they would

No. 2457700

Same shitty character tropes I see everyday

No. 2457703

I mean that pic witt the two girls and the book is from an artist working in videogames so it depends on the industry

No. 2457712

Shitting on people's different taste in animu faces while being a weeb yourself is so pretentious.

No. 2457715

nayrt but literally. we're currently in a shift from the previous popular anime style to the next one so I don't blame people for getting excited over new character designs. I remember seeing the modern urusei yatsura season I breathed a sigh of relief realizing we were over the moeblob pedoshit that permeated the late 2000s and 2010s and characters were actually getting normal proportions again.

No. 2457717

File: 1742692989808.jpg (207.01 KB, 1825x1557, 1000014048.jpg)

Bruni ari started making the characters thicker but tbh I don't like it… stylistically I like the old ones

No. 2457721

People not reading through the thread and posting/asking things that have already been discussed for starters.

No. 2457722

they're both ugly

No. 2457724

It would look better if the blonde girl was stylized as thin-set to offset Kate's squat thickness but having them both be uber thick and bursting at the seams is way too porny as opposed to genuine cartoon styling. The left was perfect, if she wanted Kate to be smaller just size her down and make her a bit wider.

No. 2457733

Left isn't perfect but right is a huge downgrade and it's not just the characters' physique (although it seems like she doesn't know how to draw fats kek), the lines are so much lazier compared to her normal style

No. 2457744

Samefagging but this is truly bumming me out… it went from something exceptional to looking like something I'd see on any random Twitter account. I don't think she can backtrack on this though the comments are already praising the more realistic proportions. The only good change i see is Kate had a weirdly tiny hand in the old one, but besides that the 2000s flare is just decimated

No. 2457753

These two would have been bullied relentless for being ''fat'' in the anachan 00s

No. 2457756

nayrt but if you know where i can download this i'd be much obliged, i'm not having much luck in my searches for some reason

No. 2457759

I've seen anons on this very site do this too kek, I think the funniest was when someone posted a literal fetish character with a generic animu head and someone said "it's a shame because her face is really nice"

No. 2457764

I think this is just self-posting at this point because why is this mediocre shit always constantly being reposted here? No1currs

No. 2457799

Yeah we’ve had like three instances of that image and near duplicates of it being posted in this thread alone, all comparing her old style and new style and it’s barely different too
I hope you guys at least backread because it’s been talked about three fucking times already, what else is there to say. “OMG LOOK HER ARTSTYLE CHANGED SLIGHTLY” there’s so many other artists with drastic changes in style, plus artists who are actually milky instead of this tired garbage

No. 2457803

Agreed, we need more artists like Juby to be posted itt. Do any anons have any interesting personal cows to mix things up? I don't mind the brujo posting normally but I'm fucking sick of that image.

No. 2457816

I've tried asking anons who complain about the quality of salt or milk in this thread to post their own complaints and cows (at least three times!) but nobody ever seems to have anything.
I'll even take something petty at this point!

No. 2457817

I think this is one of the most egregious of the “new style” sketches, Kate’s posing and proportions are just god awful

No. 2457823

File: 1742697538481.png (741.74 KB, 1237x901, Screenshot 2025-03-22 213541.p…)

Haven't found the exact pdf but it looks like a lot of the photosets are on wayback
Maybe you could request it on /ic/? I'd do it for you but I'm banned and couldn't be fucked to get around it right now tbh

No. 2457829

These books are very interesting but is this really a fetish? there are way too many of these to not be a fetish. I swear moids coom to the most retarded stuff. Thanks nonny for these.

No. 2457831

Does anyone know of some active art discord? I guess ill endure gendies as long as theres contant feedback

No. 2457832

ayrt, thanks so much. i have no doubt idiots coom to these as they do to everything, but these specifically are pretty good for foreshortened/dynamism like you said.

No. 2457857

Some of them look kind of underaged…

No. 2457859

Its insane to me how obvious it is to point out when something is obviously AI for people with trained eyes. Like there is something about it that just looks plastic and soulless no matter what.

No. 2457864

Ngl I get ptsd seeing this style of covers thanks to 4chan

No. 2457867

File: 1742701819802.jpeg (412.11 KB, 1145x1120, IMG_0091.jpeg)

This is a reach but she’s definitely trying to make Kate fatter so she can make people hate her, she desperately wants people to hate Kate

No. 2457885

I thought Kate was her self insert, why would she want people to hate her? Genuine question idk much about this cow

No. 2457888

File: 1742704033530.png (Spoiler Image,571.96 KB, 1080x1322, 290t90950950.png)

The only thing I can really offer is picrel (NSFL), morguepimp.
>3edgy5u TIF furry with diaper, scat and age regression fetishes
>keeps drawing memebers of Slipknot in diapers
>gloats about how dirty her living situation is
Fuck my fucking retarded fucking life I thought I spoilered it, I am so sorry nonas.

No. 2457889

Damn, Nona, now I really wanna know who you're talking about.

This is definitely not the artist you're talking about because they have a huge online following, but I remember finding the webcomic "Heart of Gold" really fucking boring despite having beautiful art. Story moved at a snail's pace and felt like pretty images with little to no substance.

No. 2457893

Sex with top right

No. 2457894

Wish we could revive or make a general art cows thread. I like that this thread is about everything art related but i wish we had a single thread to post milk so that its more organized. There used to be a thread but it would be necro to bump it now.

No. 2457895

>Some Gundam series also have much young male suffering so that might be another lead. Good luck
Gundam Wing is great for that. They went all-in on the boy idol material during its airing period, too. An entire boyband of PTSD.

No. 2457896

>yet another double post
Brujo is that you?(hi cow)

No. 2457901

anon might be thinking of junji ito but it reminds me of Netflix Great Pretender background art

No. 2457904

I don't think this is seethe-worthy cuz probably this just a 14 being slightly retarded and not being able to differentiate between "character design" and "art style", and character do look well drawn and bishie-cute, but you're kinda right that the actual character design is comically generic kek. Every single one of them looks like a clone of another character.
>Natsume but yankiified / normified Bakugou
>The girl from that sailor suit anime with the suspicious foot scenes
>Dazai BSD
>Genderbend of Gojou from JJK or Yuri from Yuri on Ice
>Japan Hetalia
>The MC from Food Wars

No. 2457911

Do you think there should be a FAQ next thread? Too many of the same questions keep getting asked and it's been an idea that's been getting tossed around for the past few years.
I'm sure if anons keep posting consistent milk/salty skim milk we'll eventually be able to reclaim the thread. Artist Salt was at it's best when it was 3/5 milk and 2/5 art discussion. Even historical milk could be entertaining.

No. 2457913

These reposts tell me who’s an insta user and who’s a twitterfag kek, those images probably got reposted because Brujo posted them on twitter today after she posted them on insta 6 days ago.

No. 2457926

fuck i messed up kek i forgot her name but it always seems like she’s trying to cheerleader effect everyone around kate. Never post when you’re tired, my bad

No. 2457927

We literally have one. Someone please just move the brujosperging over there

No. 2457932

Glip is absolutely a huge narcissist and she literally needs her zoophile cult sucking her ass 24/7. i read her thread a long time ago and seeing how she literally had channels on her discord cult server just to literally scream at people for the tiniest of mistakes made the constant screaming on her comic make a lot of sense KEK. i know she supposedly had a terrible childhood (although i got the impression most of the stuff she said happened actually happened to her tif sister) but jesus christ, what a fucked up human

No. 2457935

File: 1742709625409.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1291x998, IMG_8083.jpeg)

Does anyone else notice how Japanese artists’ art always look the same because they constantly draw the same scenes over and over again
Like these are some of the most common themes:
>girls in school uniform
>train station
>sunflower field with a white dress and straw hat
>japanese residential area
>kids sitting out the house during summer with watermelon and a fan running
>hydrangea flowers while it’s raining, someone using an umbrella and there’s a snail (bonus points if they’re wearing yellow boots and a yellow raincoat)
>summer festival scene with food stalls and fireworks and yukatas
>the same Japanese urban infrastructure backgrounds, think makoto shinkai
I get that this is where they live so it’s natural for them to draw the scenes of their daily lives but I swear that no other ethnicity or nationality of artists are as creatively bankrupt as they are. It’s like most jap artists draw mainly these things and there’s barely any variation.
You can actually see this reflected in their media such as movies and shows too. Their film industry is pretty unoriginal, usually the same old familial drama slop.
In general, the country is very closed minded and the people barely consume media from other countries aside from their own which is why their art is so same-y if that makes sense.

No. 2457936

File: 1742709770453.jpg (775.01 KB, 1170x1113, discoelysium.jpg)

Even though the newer image technically shows improvement in skill and has more dimension, I still think the older one looks more interesting?

No. 2457940

Most anime and manga takes place in high school for a reason…it’s probably because that was the best time of their lives and now they’re regulated to be wageslaves until they die so that’s kinda sad

No. 2457941

The use of colour on the old one is way better, the composition is clearer while being fairly simple and the newer one kind of looks muddy due to the overuse of orange and it's way more warm than cool which takes away the impact of the orange dude.

No. 2457942

Saying this when modern american artists cant even draw and chinese artists only draw the same rendermaxxed sci fi shit is insane to me. Weeb haters are honestly more annoying than weebs themselves.

No. 2457943

Yeah the 2025 one is too over-rendered. Over rendering is a real problem, the old one has much better colors

No. 2457944

But how is what is being posted in this thread about BrujoAri milk? It's not. She isn't much of a cow, just a dumbass.

No. 2457945

I agree. The first one conveys a feeling, the other one conveys "y'all look at my dimension and perspective skills" failing to see it made the framing awkward

No. 2457946

Like what american artists? There’s such huge variations of genres for both american and chinese artists but I can’t say the same for jap artists. I have 551 folders dedicated for saving different artists artwork and I know for sure that the jap artists I follow always draw the same subjects which is tiring, so I only save their art on my computer just because they have a nice style nonetheless. Yes the art is pretty, but from an entertainment view point it really is just a dime a dozen

No. 2457949

I prefer this to every single american artist posting a diversity lineup of their "unique" ocs yet they all somehow have all the same characters like a big strong beefy black female, an obese fashonista, a shy perfectly passing troon, one hijabi girl, and one single perfect hourglass figure conventionally attractive white female

No. 2457951

File: 1742710672308.jpg (53.99 KB, 1024x1024, Hiroshi_Nagai_For_Pacific_Bree…)

>but I can’t say the same for jap artists
Maybe stop using twitter to find art and instead open a book. Ofcourse you are going to complain about only seeing popular themes when you use an app thats designed to algorithmically shill you the same garbage over and over. Its like going to Artstation and complaining that all the art there is repetitive photobashed concept art and overdesigned soulless character sheets.

No. 2457953

File: 1742710781822.jpeg (707.41 KB, 2160x916, emilyamiao-hNJpb5loJWg8XIY3v5R…)

To be fair though, I wasn’t comparing the zoomer artists with like 3k followers on social media who pumps out fotm oc slop. I’m mainly thinking about the popular artists in general, for both Japan and the west, so the best western artists offer a lot of variety and interesting subject matter at least, something that I’ve found lacking in japan’s popular artists and industry professionals

No. 2457954

It’s the same everywhere though. If Japanese artists posted on artstation then they’d be uploading the same generic high school settings or countryside studio ghibli-esque scenes. I do follow a lot of artists on most social media out there including twitter, tumblr, instagram, etc and it’s the same no matter where you go

No. 2457955

Every culture has cultural staples that inevitably bubble to the top of the public's consciousness because humans seek comfort and/or familiarity. Japanese artists aren't uniquely creatively bankrupt, their cream of the crop is just boring to you. It is what it is.

No. 2457957

NTA, she said open a book not go to a different social media.

No. 2457958

Thats like saying guweiz represents all chinese artists. Those chinese artists you are bootlicking so much are heavily inspired by animu too and weebs which makes it funnier you are putting them above japanese artists.

No. 2457959

I feel you nona, this issue is really prevalent especially on pixiv kek. I liked browsing top ranking of the day, week, and month as a kid but seriously, everyone there seems to have the same art style and love the same crap. I’m not weeb enough to like the same copypasted animu girl with seifuku #842311335. I don’t know how they don’t get sick of it

No. 2457962

I would never say a singular artist represents all of china because their artists are actually extremely varied at least. That’s why I cannot say the same for Japanese artists, they simply don’t explore out of the same overdone japanese anime themes and tropes that much. If you’ve followed East Asian artists on social media for years, you’ll easily be able to distinct when an artist is Korean, chinese, or Japanese. Yeah there are a lot of chinese artists that mainly focus on the anime aesthetic but at least there’s tons of other subjects you can see from other cn artists too.

No. 2457965

i think japanese artists suffer from creativity because anime is ingrained deep in their culture so its kinda hard to escape from it and try new styles instead.
korean artists are probably the worst though, they suffer from webtoon syndrome hard, if you know you know. it’s always the same soulless thin black lineart, ultra pale skin, sharp eyes, detailed lips, messed up proportions where the head is usually too small. though i suppose it’s not too different from american zoomers with their squiggly blush line style kek

No. 2457969

Pixiv is basically as bad as deviantart now, since it became flooded with AI garbage.

No. 2457971

File: 1742712140607.jpg (635.01 KB, 2000x1000, suburbs.JPG)

I want to see an online american artist who mainly draws the suburbs. It’s beautiful in a weird way. Why do no zoomers or pretty much anyone draw in this setting? Does anyone know of artists who include suburbs in their art

No. 2457974

I think suburbs have a very specific perception, it's where couples move to raise a family and most of the perceived benefits are aimed at small children. As a teen or young adult suburbs aren't a lot of fun to live in so they aren't aspirational so young artists aren't drawn to depicting it. Newer American suburbs also aren't very aesthetically pleasing.

No. 2457976

What's fucking strange to me is >>2457974 is correct in one sense, but so many traumacore bloggers will use the images of suburbs in their edits and covers? My guess would be it's not "exciting" for them to draw, and signals a more "depressive" mood?

No. 2457978

ntayrt but isn’t anyone else just tired of japanese culture? i swear to god it’s everywhere from youtube tiktok twitter ig whatever you name it. there’s so much weebs in the art community you literally can’t escape from it. i’m tired of the most mid and downright terrible writing animes and manga being hyped up and shoved down your throat. it’s just so cringe when some teenager in england or nebraska draws oc yuri wearing sailor uniforms because it’s sooo kawaii and trendy :3 tired of miku too, tired of those cringe tweets that say “a japanese artist will have an url that’s like “shdev3747hdhe” and then have godly art!!!1”. i get that some people can bootlick chinese artists but it’s still nowhere near the level that japanese artists get. not even close. and does anyone even bootlick american artists? i know that troon ocs from western kids with plenty of diversity is disgusting but copy pasted japanese slop gives me the same levels of disgust at this point.
it seems like everyone and their mother is obsessed with japan and it’s sad seeing even western artists dedicate their whole accounts to copying the same tired japanese aesthetic.

No. 2457979

literally almost any 1950s artist

No. 2457982

File: 1742713058090.webp (48.4 KB, 640x360, v0-hg3sevxlhs0a1.webp)

NTA, I've noticed that a lot of American horror artists will also use surubs as their backdrops, I'm no burger but could it also have something to do with the American Dream? Like yearning for a nice house in a nice neighbourhood with a white picket fence but ulimately it's a massive sham and a way to push factory made copy paste residential buildings that can only be obtained by people who are already rich or working themselves to death yada yada retarded high school essay stuff and they use it because it's oppressive and eerie and a good contrast between normalcy and the supernatural.

No. 2457991

I do like anime but for purely visual reasons only. I kinda stopped consuming anime and manga when I realized that the writing just…isn’t very good in general, and is mostly catered towards moids who only care about consooming their loli and waifushit and/or pander to people who are easily impressed.
Might be a nitpick but I always found non-jp artists using the word “rkgk” super cringe and hilarious, and the ones who use hiragana in their display names and bios. Too many people wish they were Japanese and it’s a genuine problem, Asian fishers are so milky and their threads are guaranteed to be goldmines.

No. 2457999

>Why do no zoomers or pretty much anyone draw in this setting?
Because the uniformity and lack of nature for visual diversity makes it ominous/unsettling.

No. 2458008

File: 1742714967818.png (573.51 KB, 720x1369, Vivinos.png)

> oc yuri wearing sailor uniforms because it’s sooo kawaii and trendy
Kekk I despise yurifags so much these days. I’m a lesbian and it’s shameful that these people are supposed to be my “comrades”. They are probably in the top 5 worst types of twitter users to be honest. There will be an extremely hateful tweet that was unwarranted for and it’s some yuri-obsessed zoomer with a kpop or yuri pfp. These girls are so unfunnily edgy and will attack fangirls of male characters (yumes) or fujos because they like twink characters, but they never attack the literal misogynistic moids in their same fandom.
Yuri fans will make it their whole personality to hate male characters like it’s their job, don’t they realize that the fans of those characters are 99% women? I will never care or attack about male characters that way because of that. And these same people will cheer when gachas release more female characters when in reality they are not the target audience, it’s for the pedophilic and misogynistic moid fanbase kek.
Did anyone see this post about these yurifreaks getting mad at the Alien Stage creator for drawing a het couple? This makes my blood boil because I know these same people would be like “T4T couple so true” if their troon mutual drew their tranny ocs. This generation is beyond doomed

No. 2458015

I mentioned it earlier in this thread but I hate how farcille fans from dungeon meshi basically ruined the fandom for me. It’s not like I hate the ship itself but everyone kept drawing it so much and most of the viral posts from the fandom were about farcille and close to none about other topics. I have a feeling they drew farcille a lot because it gained you quick attention and clout. But yeah it’s cringe how so many yuri fans make being edgy as their whole personality trait. I remember when the author of dm had an interview where she didn’t really affirm that farcille was canon (the interviewer was obviously an obnoxious shipper trying to get her to confirm it) and they were coping hard that their ship can still be canon kek.

No. 2458018

i hope vivinos draws more het art so they seethe more kek

No. 2458021

File: 1742716205265.png (208.63 KB, 1000x1000, kawiwi crab.png)

Does anyone else struggle to develop a 'style'? I dont mind it but i have no idea how most artists can draw in the exact same artstyle over and over. I tend to take inspiration from several artists so i am always hoping from new inspiration to new inspiration and my art never looks consistent.

No. 2458023

> vivimeng for not centering women enough
Fucking bizarre thing to harrass/shit on her over because before ALNSTG so many of her works were focused on lesbian relationships.
Art styles are cumulative, it's not just the way you stylise things it's the subject matter and common themes you use, as wellas your personal colour palette you subconiously lean towards.

No. 2458024

File: 1742716439296.jpg (151.11 KB, 1169x805, t.jpg)

A funny thing I’ve noticed is every time there’s ALNST fandom drama over entitled “himejoshi” “lesbian” fans shitting on vivimeng for not centering women enough, those fans are literally troons. Too bad the fandom is full of handmaidens, they need to put 2 and 2 together.
That dreya zeii person was making even more retarded posts before he locked, I wish I screenshotted, he was calling vivimeng bourgeoisie capitalists and shit KEK.

No. 2458026

I think it generally comes with time, as one draws and draws and draws some more, they collect habits and techniques that appeal to them, blending into a cohesive style. The young artists who are trying to force themselves into a style are doing things backwards.

No. 2458033

File: 1742717203559.png (956.76 KB, 845x971, Screenshot 2025-03-23 at 1.02.…)

Wait so this girl that Juby has been drawing since..2019 or 2020 is from a witch’s cross and not cut time comic, her twitter url? I always assumed the ocs she draws these days are from cutimecomic but apparently not. She needs to hurry and release it before evil genice releases her plagiarized project kek

No. 2458034

Sorry nona didn’t mean to reply to your post

No. 2458049

>every time there’s ALNST fandom drama over entitled “himejoshi” “lesbian” fans shitting on vivimeng for not centering women enough, those fans are literally troons
Many such cases. Reminds me of how the people sperging out over muh “MLMs and yaoi are NOT for your fetishization!!” are always, ALWAYS he/him tifs. I hate them so much, like you are quite literally the #1 fetishizer of gay men and yaoi and were into it so much that you started identifying as one. These losers became troons because they want authority over yaoi, and obviously being a fan of yaoi as a girl is no good and super icky so they had to become “one of the guys” kek. It’s literally internalized misogyny at that point. Actual gay men don’t give a shit about yaoi discourse.

No. 2458052

So many tifs will literally admit that the “yaoi fan as a child -> trans male as an adult” pipeline is actually true for them. It’s pure insanity and disgusting degeneracy

No. 2458053


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No. 2458054

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