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No. 2458042

Previous: >>>/ot/2435593

Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art (do not shill about your ai trained models key words on a prompt do not make you a artist)
-Do not post your art to be reviewed here use the designated m thread
-Screencaps are necessary while talking about milk

Articles about useful resources for improving one's art:

Tried and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix

Useful youtube channels:
>where to find art
>other useful sites
>Painting: Imogen by Herbert Gustave Schmalz (1888)

No. 2458048

Breathtaking OP pic and it’s named with my favourite name. Need to see author’s other works!

No. 2458055

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He has some lovely artwork, would reccommend to all nonas interested in Romanticism

No. 2458060

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Late to the party but i love 60s-70s Playboy artists. My favourites being Ben Denison and Dink Siegel. Siegel's art is specially breath-taking to me. As someone who loves color but struggles a lot with color theory, i am astounded at his use of color and patterns. If tried to do something similar to his work it would end up being an eyesore for sure. His art is so detailed too, despite the simple style. I love the way there is always so much going on in the background of his art without being overwhelming.

No. 2458073

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Just looked him up, his art style is very vibrant indeed but some of the subject matter is extremely creepy

No. 2458074

That one artist friend who keeps bitching about anime characters being too white, but then draws her OCs as flat 2D anime characters- only chubbier and with brown skin and they still have pink hair and no lips.

No. 2458077

She's complaining about something and doing art to counteract it. What's the issue kek

No. 2458081

The issue is when you don't know how to stylize different features and hairstyles.

No. 2458082

Anon did you even read the question i was answering? I even said he's a playboy artist in my post.

No. 2458089

So why don't you tell her if she's your friend?

No. 2458093

Good point, but I'd say more "we hang out in the same server". People aren't really receptive of unsolicited advice/critique, I try to link designs I find cool that have variety.

No. 2458190

Not every dark skinned person has big lips. Kinda weird whenever I see people trying to peddle poc characters and assuming all black people have big lips. Like, damn, kinda weird stereotype to fixate on.

No. 2458207

Anon, you're jumping to conclusions- the person in this story really manages to draw very featureless people in general. I don't wanna post the person's art because that would reveal me, but I was just salting about a hypocrite I know lol

No. 2458208

Darker skin doesn't necessarily mean black either, what is that anon on kek

No. 2458209

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Does anyone know of artists who draw realistic, expressive eyes? i struggle drawing eyes so fucking much so i want to do some studies.

No. 2458214

It would be fine even if she drew stickmen and just colored the circle head brown. She's on her little mission and you're being a hater and for what

No. 2458215

Dunno why you're so defensive, but tumblr is full of those designs drawn by the same people who shit on any official work. It wouldn't be funny without the aspect of that person looking down on others in the first place.

No. 2458223

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No. 2458261

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Innocent's mangaka, I forget his name.

No. 2458264

Anon just said she complained that anime was too white. Drawing the same inhuman blobs and coloring them brown because you want to is not really laughable or annoying or whatever

No. 2458290

Shinichi Sakamoto

No. 2458291

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NTA, but there's a difference between liking anime but also wanting to draw and research different people out of geniune love and appreciation, and the snotty "eww, anime is too white and eurocentric!!" attitude too many people have while barely if at all taking the time to actually look into what they want to represent and going off their own assumptions (ironically misrepresenting people in the proccess) and seeking validation for it. Like, which one in picrel seems geniune to you?

No. 2458301

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wow the regression is in full swing, i really wanna see how her non sketches are gonna look from now on. the shading is so off and there's so many extra lines. its like she thinks of the head and body as separate parts of the piece. i wonder if its the pandering that caused this, since the retards she cater too love going on and on about pick and choose "realism".

No. 2458303

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Kokou no Hito manga

No. 2458304

Who made the right drawing?

No. 2458306

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Onisarashi/0waxwing on twitter

No. 2458311

Oh god. The right one is actually so cute… what a shame. It’s so ugly and bad. I don’t mind her wider body, I just hope she learns how to draw it better. She regressed so fast.

No. 2458322

Samefag, the other nona was right, her 2024 art was peak.

No. 2458339

I kek'd at the tumblr comment of "making disgusting cards not so disgusting" when her drawings are so repulsive to me. I love comparing them and seeing how the artist thought >"cat ear headbands? TOO SEXY! I'm making it a hat with ears. Is that heels?! Fucking disgusting! I'm doing ugly brown boots. Why the fuck are the flowers so disgustingly big and poofy?! I'm making them small and flat-oh my god earings??? Only SLUTS wear those!!! No earrings!!"

No. 2458340

Not really a regression. Just looks like she's working on fundies and losing some of the initial appeal in the process, many such cases. You'd have to give it a few more months kek, she might just need some time

No. 2458342

Kek that's very funny because nonas discussing waifu designs in gacha sound the same

No. 2458345

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Oh my goodness, thinking about Brujo and her hypothetical shitty show reminded me that the Lovers is coming out soon. Exciting! Hope the 410K they got was put to good use.
The cards could have been made cute and "diverse" so easily but she made them the visual equivalent of soggy stale bread.

No. 2458346

I feel like this transformation is just a natural artist growing pains thing. Start out stylized and then swing to more realism. It looks ugly because she’s experimenting. I think all artists that start out really weeby go through this. Like “I’m too mature for anime now!!” and they try to move away from anime by deliberately changing their style. I did the same thing and for a while all my characters had fugly faces with tiny eyes and really stumpy legs, kek. She’ll swing back the other way in time. I think she’s very talented and needs to care way less about what people want out of her art. Filter out the static and just draw what you want girl, I’m begging you!

No. 2458350

Am I the only one that thinks she's clearly improving? The proportions of her older drawings were horrible. Their legs made up more than half of their bodies, and they all had a two inch waist. She's clearly improved her understanding of form, anatomy, and how fabric folds. The only thing that makes it look bad to people is that they're no longer stick thin. It looks like just two different styles and color palettes.

No. 2458380

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I liked the eyes in Ajin: Demi Human
Eh I see what you're saying, her forms have definitely improved, but a lot of the swag is gone. I don't think it's permanent though, we'll see how she works out the kinks. However if she ends up going back to the skinnier proportions her fans might eat her alive kek

No. 2458439

i think its fair enough to say give the new style a little room to grow, but at the same time her more recent posts just feel so lazy and pandering, like they've lost all soul. the lineart has absolutely degraded, imo that used to be one of her strengths. i can respect an awkward phase when shifting to a more "realistic" style but it doesn't feel like it comes from a place of genuinely wanting to improve

No. 2458460

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Ugh why does every modern western artist has short and fat proportions? i miss her older proportions, they looked like something out of an stylish 00s cartoon. Now it looks like every fat, safe calarts blob.
The new proportions dont fit the 00s style shes going for. Now her characters have midget proportions. They look like fat babies.

No. 2458471

File: 1742746790214.jpeg (Spoiler Image,306.82 KB, 2048x1573, IMG_1197.jpeg)

Wasn’t sure whether to put this in the fandom discourse thread or here but the Genshin fandom is currently having a field day realising that the artist who drew this much-lauded Laois fanart is secretly an extreme fat fetishist. Make of the following picrels what you will, kek.

No. 2458475

Her entire goal is to emulate 00's western cartoons with her style, and those usually have the exact opposite of what she's doing now. 00's cartoons are known for having super stretched proportions with particularly long legs and sharp corners, even for chubbier characters. right now her style just looks like a very awkward and pretty ugly midpoint between a more modern "plump and stout" cartoon style like we see in SU, and some weird leftovers from the 00's style (such as the pencil neck and the shelf tits). You're focusing too much on realistic anatomy when her original goal was never that.

No. 2458476

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No. 2458477

Damn who could have told. There were no signs.

No. 2458488

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No. 2458490

Holy fucking autism. What war crimes do you need to commit in your past life for god to smite you with these degen af fetishes.

No. 2458491

>inb4 the resifent laoisfag comes in and derails the thread
called it kek, what a downfall of anime moids are gooning off to anime children and women are coping by drawing fat moids (atleast an adult though)

No. 2458495

Waterbear/tardigrade core

No. 2458505

Petition for Brujo Ari to have her own containment thread (same as null) where her fans and haters can freely talk and discuss her without being accused of spamming this thread. I'm completely indifferent toward her, but I sincerely believe it would be the best option, as there are people in this thread who are completely uninterested in the drama surrounding her.

No. 2458508

File: 1742747863946.jpg (136.43 KB, 1179x1429, Tumblr_l_56616286759025.jpg)

Laiosfag couldn't come, I'm gonna be in her place.
>tfw your husbando fell victim to a turbo autist

No. 2458509

Thank you so fucking much, I'm the OP and I was looking for stylistically similar examples and the girl I complained about draws literally like the one on the left

No. 2458514

I am not even into brujo ari but god anons like you sound so entitled. Just ignore the posts about her.

No. 2458524

You’ll have to come pry my Brujo sperging out of my cold dead hands nonna

No. 2458531

Tbh, if her show ever comes into fruition this might be a good option. Nonnas can sperg about her there and whatever dumb shit comes out of her show. Yes I’m aware of the western animation industry cows thread. Brujo seems to be popular for a handful of nonnas

No. 2458546

not enough milk for that. just scroll past the brujos salt or post more of what you wanna see.

No. 2458554

i don't even consider this a fat fetish at that point, it's basically the same as a quadruple amputee fetish with how immobile/helpless the characters are
i agree it probably just looks 'worse' because her style is changing (+ personal preference) but i think she'd keep the less realistic body shapes if she wasn't pandering, >>2457867 is funny-looking because the boobs are still so pointy

No. 2458557

We keep saying this, but they never stop bitching about it kek

No. 2458565

hide the thread then retard why are you surprised at salt in the ART SALT thread, fanny only got her thread because she was milky outside of her art so far the milk with brujo has been with her art and not her irl persona regardless if i find her worth talking thats what free speech is for not every cow has to suit everyones taste imo i like schizo gaslighter juby the cooky bitch more than troon fujo handmaiden brujo

No. 2458568

Speaking of, has the meltdown progressed any further? Has she had anymore schizo ranting streams? I can't believe she's unable to see how badly this is coming off.

No. 2458570

she's a yuritard. Both kate and alex are girls, just gendies.

No. 2458574

isnt she the artist who drew kakyoin and jotaro fanart though?

No. 2458580

heterobended kakyoin and jotaro fanart, thats why she became infamous. Kate used to be kakyoin.

No. 2458582

this is what i dont understand, its the art SALT thread, not art MILK thread. Juby arguably needs a thread more because theres actually public meltdowns that needs to be archived for future nonnas to laugh at + kept track of. Brujo its just art nitpicking, which i feel like belongs here.

No. 2458598

please make a juby thread im pretty sure she has some nice ancient milk too, i love how much of a bpdemon she is good on genice on dipping out as soon as possible

No. 2458628

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Nta but can I add on to this and say that I also dislike when they make edits like this? It always look messy to me and I would also prefer if they just made their own artwork instead like your picrel. I love it when there's more love and effort put it to it.

No. 2458633

Oh goddamn, at that point, just make your own OC. Seriously, I think that should be the answer to when some people don't feel included and want to see more "racial inclusion" in certain media. Just make your own OC instead of coming up with some weird delusion that the media would somehow be better if this or that character was this or that race.

No. 2458671

I feel like she's trying to go for something more "gritty" and like a comic book or graphic novel. Her old barbie doll style seemed to fit being animated better than this current style

No. 2458672

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I agree with you but we both know they would complain about it sadly. I would just love to see more art like this because like I said, more love and effort. I wonder why they would do edits like that instead of making something original.

No. 2458727

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Been listening to some more of Twisted Disaster's recent streams and the BS has been kicking up even more with two particular incidents. The first one pertaining to her health and how she claimed that she didn't have her period for almost all of 2024 and was having "phantom periods" and she thought that it was fine and that she didn't feel the need to go to the doctors because she didn't think it was a big deal until she started experiencing excruciating pain at the beginning of the year which finally got her to go get checked. I was just in disbelief of her retardedness there because it should be obvious that when you've continually missing your period, there very well is something wrong and you should go get checked but this grown ass woman waited close to 7-8 months to finally do something. The take away quote she said about it was "Tee hee, is this what normal people feel like?" (in relation to not having her period for months on end).

The other thing that is more recent goes back to her continued job hunt since her art is not paying all her bills and in her last stream, she talked about how she recently applied for a company and how first, she claimed that the company told her that her background check was taking too long even though she sent her info within the 24 hour time frame (there always seems to be something when she's applying to places). But then she says that on the application, she put that she's a Jew and that she can't work on Fridays & Saturdays because she practices Shabbat and long story short, someone else got the position over her. And this bitch really thinks that she didn't get the job because she's a Jew and has experienced racial discrimination. Keep in mind, she says herself (all the time) that she's not a religious Jew as she doesn't practice Judaism but that she's an ethnic Jew but more importantly, it's obvious that the more than likely reason she was passed over for the position was because she wrote down that she couldn't work Friday & Saturday. Had she not said that, she probably would've gotten the job.

All this to say that it's just another example of her trying to play the victim as per usual. So she has decided to buckle down and just try to really push her art again as she thinks that her not getting the job "is a sign" that "she's not supposed to work part-time" and needs to continue with her art. She was able to make it into an artist alley at a con that her friend is going to pay and she'll pay them back bso I mean, good for her but honestly, she's fucking delusional and doesn't seem to realize that she's the one making it harder for herself with getting a job. She has quite the demands for someone who has been out of work for 10+ years.

>She expects to be paid above minimum wage

>She wants a job where she doesn't have to work weekends (understandable but can be tricky to find)
>Doesn't want to work warehouse job because her "chronic illnesS" (aka her obesity that contributes to her issues)
>Doesn't want to work a job where she has to look at a computer screen because it'll jetlag her when she goes home to do her art
>Applied to work at a post office but was afraid she'd face "hate crimes" for being "non-binary" and not being referred to as "they/them"

And now this. I'm just bewildered at how this grown ass woman cannot see that the only denominator that's making things hard for her situation is herself.

No. 2458738

I hate the brujo sperging as much as you, but there's nothing about her that justifies a separate thread. Like, aside from her art being ugly and her pandering to retards (typical of most internet artists), there's nothing interesting about her. She's so boring and I don't understand why she's constantly brought up. It actually reminds me of all of the lavendertowne sperging in the earlier threads kek. Anyway, I can't wait for her show or pilot or whatever to come out so the brujo spergs can migrate to the western animation thread
I'd love a juby thread but I don't know enough about her lore to make one. I only started following her after the genice thing
As far as I can tell, there's no new milk. I was hoping that genice announcing her bna artbook would trigger juby, but she seems to be laying low. It's possible she ranted in her recent streams but from the little that I've watched, juby seems to be too busy with freelance deadlines to have a meltdown
I don't follow TD anymore but I always appreciate your updates TD nona

No. 2458783

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Her fans clearly hating new Kate but framing it a different way to avoid offending her is hilarious kek

No. 2458800

i kinda feel bad for brujo because i think itd suck having people be so obsessed with ur ocs when ur still experimenting and figuring them out, although she did bring it upon herself by falling to every gendie whim. Gendie audience will eat her alive if she dares experiment with kate looking "skinny" again. lol also funny how gendies will wokify every self insert character they have, but the guy the self insert is shipped with is the most generic "attractive" yaoiboy

No. 2458813

She constantly posts her experiment posts for her fans to see and listens to them, that's her biggest issue. She should be working on this behind the scenes especially for a show.

No. 2458831

Agreed. She just needs to grow a backbone and tell these people to fuck off and focus on what SHE wants to do, not what she thinks her fans want her to do. She was clearly doing that in the first few iterations of her designs where it did feel like she was doing things that she geuinely liked before she started catering to gendies and she needs to go back to what she was doing before.

Pretty much all of what you said. It will never be good enough and never mind that gendies and troons are a fucked concept to begin with which only makes catering to them worse. She needs to focus on the Y2K vibes that got her out there in the first place because it felt like she genuinely liked it and she still managed to find people who liked that style of her work as well.

No. 2458894

So you are saying her gendie fan base will "eat her guts"?

No. 2458924

Kekkk fuck you for making me laugh at that.

No. 2458956

I'll be honest…I'm genuinely curious how much money I could make drawing autism stuff like this

No. 2458970

Please tell me you crossposted to bad fetish art thread in /m/ kek. What is the artist's name?
A decent amount, but if you're willing to dedicate the amount of grind you would need to excel at something you aren't into, go for furry art. You'll make big cash in no time.

No. 2458981

But If her goals with her art style changed then what's the problem? We don't actually know what's going on in her head or what she thinks, just whatever she tells us.

No. 2458997

>then what's the problem?
it looks worse and she only changed it because of pressure from her gendie audience

No. 2459004

Am I lost, where did she say she's doing this to pander? She's a gendie herself of course she's gonna cave.

No. 2459022

OCs are just too risky to really invest time in. The diversity helps a ton but unless you know what you're doing, no one cares.Makes me want to alog kek.

No. 2459033


No. 2459042

Did she ever say why she's changing her style? I always assumed she was trying to distance herself from her copycats

No. 2459044

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What are some artists that like to draw detailed backgrounds? kinda pisses me off that most artists nowadays only draw pinups or sterile compositions without no perspective like >>2452872 because its easier to pump that on the dozen for twitter updoots.

No. 2459056

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Naluse flow is my favorite

No. 2459064

File: 1742764501612.png (223.89 KB, 619x543, catthink.png)

I did a detailed autism math for you, anon, but then my laptop crashed. Anyways, per her price list

>full-color illustration

>the character is a furry
>one more character + also furry
>they are both beyond fat
>at least one step of a gaining sequence added

Will cost 1000$ exactly. Good luck in your deranged fetish career.

No. 2459065

NTA, if she did it partly for that reason it's not a great one because it never usually works because copycats will still copy her, she might get like a month of not being copied while she experiments with the transition to the new style.

No. 2459094

How did you personally made your following ? Which platforms do you use ?

No. 2459095

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Her success was purely off the fact that she emulated the very specific feeling of 00’s animation very well. It’s not like she has an ongoing comic or real narrative that’s being adapted into a show, it’s just bits and pieces of a general concept that she fleshes out occasionally. Her changing her style to pander to a vocal minority of 14 year olds while in active production on her show is just shooting herself in the foot. She has a large following that is there for the vibes and once you change that most people are going to lose interest.

No. 2459118

she says it every other post on her spam blog or when asked why she does it.

No. 2459119

But that circles back to the question of what if she just wants to? I prefer her older style too aesthetic wise, but she shouldn't be forced to keep doing the same art style over and over if she doesn't want to. And she is still a tif zoomer, so expect her to do tif zoomer things. Yeah, people probably aren't going to like it, but who really cares? It's such a nothingburger case of milk.
Only twitter, occasionally twitch. Just have to find something to grind at and get a close circle of supportive mutuals.

No. 2459131

Innocent is beautiful but honestly only for pictures. The story was so weak kek. Shinichi was hilarious though he would literally spend hours sitting in various overpriced French themed Cafes alone agonizing over every line of art on his iPad. Wish he did more as an artist and less as a mangaka imo

No. 2459133

Because she actively has a show with these characters in production kek? She’s not some rando who is just going through growing pains with her OCs, there’s an entire show being developed on these characters when their main draw has always been this style. There’s a reason so many old school showrunners don’t bother listening to the fans and it’s because most of their input is worthless.

No. 2459135

If she were doing it for herself for once I'd be surprised. But she always caves to her audience one way or the other because their feedback means too much to her. There's so many (now deleted) posts of her complaining about the slightest form of audience pushback to things she seems to prefer. For example she doesn't like that people ship Mary x Kate, but her audience does, so she drew it while complaining just to appease her followers.

No. 2459141

this picture is nice but the width of her legs compared to her arms and torso is so odd.

No. 2459149

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Yeah but that’s kind of a hallmark of the era she’s emulating kek.

No. 2459186

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Scums wish.
Some people say the manga sucks tho. I disagree, but see for yourself.

No. 2459198

That's the unfortunate part, it's so obvious that MTV Downtown played a huge part in her inspiration for her art style and to see her cave in the direction towards CalArts blob is so disappointing. But lets' be real, her show is going to be the dollar tree version of Downtown considering how she already shot the vibe of the show in the foot with her putting in troon/gendie bullshit in it when that stuff wasn't a thing in the 2000s.

No. 2459200

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any anons have artbooks they really like? i don't mean art tutorial/how to draw books, but ones with work by a specific artist. i just got picrel on an impulse buy, the outfits are really pretty and i've been using it as inspiration

No. 2459215

File: 1742773913692.png (404.31 KB, 620x663, Screenshot 2025-03-23 184252.p…)

i keep seeing tims theorize in the replies of shen posts that hell troon out. do you think itll happen? or is he just baiting? honestly when he started drawing more anime i figured that it was the beginning of the end. i hope he face reveals and hes ugly and humongous kek

this looks so beautiful nonna! ive been really loving the Wolf Walkers art book! i draw cartoons and find the designs so inspiring!

No. 2459222

He already face revealed a long time ago kek unless you mean he transitions and re-face reveals. If you ask me I think he was an 80% chance at trooning out, down 19% due to the current political climate. If you want a laugh go take a look at all the comments sucking him off

No. 2459232

>i keep seeing tims theorize in the replies of shen posts that hell troon out
Troons gotta groom. Nothing about him gives me tranny vibes, he's just a scrote who likes yuri and cute stuff

No. 2459237

I never thought it was going to be a classic but yeah it’s just frustrating seeing another creator lose their creative vision because of nitpicky comments. The main appeal of her OCs was always the style and losing all elements of what made people drawn to it is basically guaranteeing failure of an opportunity most will never get. It’s like how Clone High completely dropped the ball because they made the new seasons pure fanservice.

No. 2459238

He was on the path, the "girlsona" and yuri vomit was the obvious signs I've seen from him but I feel like he's not going to. The bike cuck thing really wrecked him I feel, kek.

No. 2459243

There's nothing any less "genuine" about the one on the left. They just have worse taste

No. 2459258

honestly significantly more normal than i was expecting, but jesus hes so. so autistic. no wonder the trannies are trying to get him, hes prime groom material

No. 2459268

eugh why do some pale guys get such dark skin around their eyes like this?

No. 2459274

File: 1742777741527.jpeg (521.05 KB, 1629x2182, akiakane.jpeg)

this book from akiakane, her anatomy can be wonky at times but i love her vibrant color sense and graphical design elements in her pieces. plus this book has a couple step by steps on how she works digitally which is a nice bonus

No. 2459282

This is a genuine question and not bait, but what do some of you like so much about this kind of flat, sameface art? Do you find it aspirational or a realistic and achievable goal? No hate to this specific artist

No. 2459296

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Just about any Froud book

No. 2459299

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ayrt but, i personally dont care about the anatomy as much as the bright color and graphical quality of her works, like i said. i dont even want an animu style/dont even care much for it but i like bright colors and patterns. and the flat cel shading reminds me of old internet art which i particularly enjoy replicating the styles of

No. 2459342

I have a confession, I can't handle criticism not because I'm deluded in my art abilities. No, if anything, I'm so acutely aware of my own failings as an artist that I wonder why I picked up a pencil to begin with? I feel like a freak for barely getting good while some neet can churn mona lisas like a 3d printer. I'm gonna die having an art style that looks decent enough because I never have the time nor will to get good. Well, maybe I should just quit art and stick to writing instead.

No. 2459384

could you link some of the tweets talking about this, i'm trying to look for it

No. 2459387

File: 1742786214311.webp (669.34 KB, 648x649, image_7ea5a5.webp)

I love the intense colors in this piece and how the skin is shifted to green while the blush looks yellow
>I wonder why I picked up a pencil to begin with?
for yourself because you are creating what you want to see in the world
>I'm gonna die having an art style
focus on fundies, then copy art styles from artists you love and merge them together in a way that works
>maybe I should just quit art
do what artspergs do. draw something, evaluate draw again, repeat and compare your progress. it's all in your head. why are you so afraid of criticism? directly ask other people how your art could be better and do that

No. 2459389

File: 1742786593411.png (362.94 KB, 584x864, Screenshot 2025-03-23 221606.p…)

ntayrt but @xhiaseedzz original tweeted abt it i think, plumpybread on tumblr is the fetishist artist. apparently theyre also lead artist on Project: Edens Garden which is a danganronpa fangame or something?

No. 2459391

Bunch of triggered burgers in the QRTs getting mad because "I-IT'S JUST A FETISH DON'T MAKE FUN OF THEM FOR IT WHO CARES!"

No. 2459392

Feeders gross me out, mostly because they groom women to kill themselves with food. The drawings are really gross too. The cookie fan art, he says he likes to think someone like that is living happily. No, I don’t think anyone like that could breathe much less think about peace and happiness.

No. 2459395

What in the H.R Geiger is that CR fanart?

No. 2459396

I'm keking at how they pretend justify the callout by saying he fetishizes obesity instead of just outright saying his art is gross

No. 2459400

File: 1742787890573.png (Spoiler Image,386.32 KB, 564x706, Screenshot 2025-03-23 222321.p…)

i was looking thru the account more and i think plumpy/greentail might be a tif? they have a video of their hands on twitter and look pretty generic feminine asian hands, and interests + way they draw themselves is girly. They seem to exclusively draw men, but they havent titchopped any of the genshit boys like gendies typically do. idk. pic attached is just funny

No. 2459403

>They seem to exclusively draw men, but they havent titchopped any of the genshit boys like gendies typically do
Ah, okay. Feeder faggot or deranged TIF, while being degenerate and horrific either option makes this not so bad.

No. 2459405

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No. 2459407

The 1300lbs face looks like someone irl at 250lbs. What alternative reality do these fetishists live in kek

No. 2459413

>Clone High
Ayrt and yeah I hear you. Despite the retarded gendie stuff, I can't deny that I too liked the vibe of her Y2K art style. I probably wouldn't have watched it since my tolerance for gendie stuff is depleted but gotta give some credit for superficial aesthetic.
And yeah, it totally feels like a Clone High situation before the show has even come out and she more than likely will not get another chance at this opportunity so it's such a waste.

No. 2459446

He has a lot of TIM markers that would make you think he's definitely gonna troon out, but I think there's actually a chance of him being too normie and self aware to actually do it. The "teehee toxic girlfail lesbians" posting has extreme male coomer vibes, but he might be aware enough to realize he's a moid with a lesbian fetish but also realize yuri posting is very popular in dorky internet spheres so it's a win win for him to post that stuff. He's probably just a coomer in the same way most standard moids are instead of the autist way trannies are.
Strongest red flag was that drawing of him with the "girl failure" helmet, though, I don't know how to explain that. It would be funny if he's actually baiting trannies on purpose.

Shen's lesbian posting pisses me the fuck off. It's not even directly his fault, because he doesn't engage in any of that discourse, but the way we had multiple years of seething at fujos or any woman writing gay men because "muh gay fetishization" (to the point even trooning out and claiming they were gay men themselves couldn't save them because "muh internalized homophobia"), but a guy that isn't even outwardly trans can blatantly advertise that he's a yuri coomer and all he gets is a bunch of TIMs immedeatly yass queening the hell out of him… makes me seethe hard.

Also, not about him possibly trooning out, but if we're gonna be constantly analysing Brujo Ari's artstyle regression, what's the deal with Shen's art regressing so bad? It looks so shitty compared to his old art. Did he just realize he can get the same amount of hits with less effort or does he actually think that looks good?
Some people make thick lineart work, but shen just makes all the details look cramped and dodgy.

No. 2459461

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Does anyone remember when kyle carrozza was arrested for cp and apparently he denounced another artist in the past for drawing immoral stuff (I think loli or shota stuff) which made the proshippers mad, and when news came out of his arrest people were checking in on the artist whose career was ruined because people in the industry broke ties with them or something like that? I think people were saying sorry to that person for going through that due to the irony of a guy busted with cp saying that he thought that artists drawings were disgusting so he was being fake.
I remember she had a YouTube channel of her dancing on her porch or something and that’s what the comments were, people saying that her accuser got arrested. Was this the same person who worked in amphibia and got exposed for drawing porn of the characters on her private or was that someone else?

No. 2459465

File: 1742794807601.jpg (158.48 KB, 1080x953, v3UT49g.jpg)

Brujo is so selfhating(repost)

No. 2459467

I'm sorry but I almost had a stroke trying to read this

No. 2459470

Sorry, I’ll greentext it to see if it’s easier to understand
>woman in the industry drew some questionable stuff
>some other industry folk publicly denounce her, including kyle
>fast forward a few months or a year later
>kyle is busted for owning cp
>fans of woman are enraged because this same guy said her drawings were disgusting and he did not condone them
>they leave comments on her latest YouTube video asking if she heard the news and that they hope she’s ok (she took a hiatus because of the drama im assuming)
Now I’m just wondering if this woman was the same one who got “caught” drawing aged up porn of amphibian characters on her private account or if that was someone else. I hope nonas know who I’m talking about, this amphibian drama was pretty big and mostly people mad because it was “predatory for artists who work on a kid’s show to draw porn of those characters”

No. 2459473

File: 1742795738147.jpg (1.06 MB, 1200x3473, 1688936017574.jpg)

Ang Vondra? She's been discussed in detail in past threads, go back to the ones from a year or so ago and the earliest Western Animation threads in /snow/ if you want more milk.

No. 2459476

This must be her even though I had no idea what her art looked like. I’ll try searching for those threads, thanks nona. Does anyone know how she’s doing these days?

No. 2459477

AYRT, she was having a schizo meltdown and being abducted by aliens(?) the last time I checked in. If you want a shortcut and don't want to ctrl+f past threads in vain (though in general I would reccommend reading them) you could type "ang" or "ang vondra" lolcow.farm into search, formatted like that.

No. 2459491

>check her twitter account
>her latest tweets are mostly about her begging for help because she needs to find a place to live in or she’ll become homeless and she can’t work most jobs since she’s disabled
oof, don’t join animation kids

No. 2459494

No. 2459507

1. Why does this have 22k likes?
2. In which threads aside this one has she been discussed? I wanna read up, but I feel like I also saw this shit on /m/

No. 2459510

like a broken record kek

No. 2459512

>OCs are just too risky to really invest time in.
FFS stop making social media your end all, be all as an artist

No. 2459516

>what's the deal with Shen's art regressing so bad? It looks so shitty compared to his old art. Did he just realize he can get the same amount of hits with less effort or does he actually think that looks good?
Yeah, I'm a little fatigued from the brujoari posts myself but at least some anons seemed to be rooting for her to grow out of it at least, maybe she hits a more personal note with younger anons. Nobody's checking on Shen's regression because he's an unmitigated car crash already. He makes quirky relatable cringe comics. I feel about as bad for Shen as I do for any of these washed up e-celeb males hitting the wall and plateauing art-wise. take this with a very biased grain of salt because I never liked the buzzfeed comics genre even back in the day.

No. 2459527

When I look at art like this, I'm not worried about the "same face" since it's focused more on high concept and graphical illustration (and thus, decorative with enough storytelling for a person to project upon). In fact, I'm finding that my own art is hitting a certain "wonky" level as I go into this despite being comfortable with life drawing and opting for something illustrative/manga-ish.

Anyway, I like the fast and loose, carefree storytelling; the solely decorative quality that you can lose yourself in. Some of them feel inspired by a passing thought, a meditative trance, an drug trip, or a dream. I like seeing the use of technical choices (layout, color scheme, etc.) that clearly come from knowing what they're doing.

One of my favorites is when you have a "sameface" and suddenly, a realistic character that stands out in a jarring way. I love the chance for juxtaposition as a way to show off both my own and similar artist's skills. It's why it's not a good idea to force yourself into one style: it gives you the capability to reveal your cards as you see fit once you find your stride.

No. 2459572

sounds like he genuinely knows what he was doing was unhealthy and wants to leave it behind. good for him

No. 2459688

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The tekkon kinkret artbook and Yoh Yoshinari artbooks.

No. 2459692

File: 1742816592204.webp (129.87 KB, 1000x891, Pure_vanilla_illustration.webp)

>pure vanilla cookie
holy fuck how do you look at this thing and think ''hnnngg he would look so sexy if he was morbidly obese and immobile''

No. 2459696

>Was this the same person who worked in amphibia and got exposed for drawing porn of the characters on her private or was that someone else?
No, she never got to work in the industry. She got blacklisted and went insane after that.

No. 2459699

God of course she would be a DID larper too kek

No. 2459703

I honestly believe she's schizo for real for once. She had videos on her youtube channel where she was channeling an alien dance.

No. 2459714

I dont doubt she has mental problems but i honestly struggle to believe DID is a real thing at all. But thats a totally different discussion

No. 2459715

>Why are you so afraid of criticism?
It feels like I'm never able to correct the mistakes they point out which often times are two of the most boring fundies I can think of (imo): Proportions and anatomy. Anatomy is the lesser of two evils but proportions make me want to game end myself. I just can't understand it? Every time I crack open a how to draw book it's the first thing I see? They ask you think in heads but they never factors into my art so everything feels ever so off. I can at least see some merit in anatomy since I enjoy learning the different muscles. But proportions? Each proportion exercise has left me angry with my wobbly fucking drawing hands and inconsistencies that I don't bother anymore. I'd rather sing the bone connect song while drawing arm muscles. Goes to show how much I hate it…I also have adhd. Retarded excuse, but along with that I also have rejection problems that implies the person critiquing my work hates it and it can only be loved if it's perfect.

No. 2459717

Nonnas I have a strange problem, I feel like I have too many things I believe in and want to convey using my art but I honestly don't know how to properly express them? I want to draw more people from different cultures but I feel this internal need to make them especially beautiful because
>makes her x
is kind of my thought process, that this is what they may be thinking. While at the same time I don't believe women need to be beautiful, and beauty standards etc etc. Feels like a sham, too much going on all the time.

No. 2459724

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Its interesting how men never struggle with this line of thought. Men dont care about potraying men of other races(or even their own) as attractive or worry about how others might perceive them if they draw ugly characters of certain races. I think it just boils down to most people valuing beauty above all else in women, but not in men. Thats why even gendies who draw ugly fat vitilo bipoc blobs get angry if you dont want to fuck them, because they are women and they are taught to value beauty above all else. Meanwhile men draw shit like picrel or uncle ruckus and no one gives a shit.

No. 2459729

>Thats why even gendies who draw ugly fat vitilo bipoc blobs get angry if you dont want to fuck them
That's what gets to me about bodypos slop. All people of different bodies deserve to exist but don't expect people to find all bodies attractive. I love drawing different body types but only select few make me feel good–in terms of men, women can be whatever.

No. 2459733

Same. When i draw men i think ''how can i make them attractive to me'' when i draw women i think ''how can i make them look cool to me''. I dont draw women thinking about how attractive they come off to the viewer, personally. I think thats why so many 'ugly' female characters end up coming off as annoying and pretentious to female viewers. Reminds me of the fat black pinkiepie people were screeching about. Imo if it was an original character and the artist wasnt an annoying gendie lib i wouldnt have cared about it, that character was basically female uncle ruckus, but since the artist was race bending an already existing character and was expecting us to find it ''attractive'', it really just comes off as condescending.

No. 2459745

File: 1742821494000.jpg (154.71 KB, 736x1111, 656dc5e5b8f37978fe4d62a5da879c…)

Every time I see mediocre or worse art on a book cover I feel so bad for the author

No. 2459746

I do think about my own preferences and its easier to just draw men the way I find them attractive because for the most past most people don't really care about them, but for popularity's sake alone I don't think I can get away with too much when it comes to women.

No. 2459748

“Book cover art ripped from old Tumblr” is what keeps me from not judging a book by its cover.

No. 2459750

Depends on what you want or what role a character serves in the story? Nobody stops you from drawing old women or gimmick characters, I only see people upset about really disproportionate body shapes and trying to cram in as many unique features as possible.

No. 2459751

Just draw a balance of pretty and ugly people within different cultures. If you're only doing one person per culture and make them ugly just 'cause, you're right to think that "makes her x, ugly" will be the takeaway, sorry.

No. 2459752

Slight tangent, but I am always puzzled by online and video game OC designs making every single character a different nationality/race. Even in big cities you have communities of different cultures.

No. 2459766

>she’ll become homeless and she can’t work most jobs since she’s disabled
i dont keep up with ang anymore after her schizo "phase" where she drew toddlercon porn but i doubt that shes going homeless because last i checked shes still at her grandparents who are loaded and seeing she has suicide baited in the past this is probably just another bait to scam money out of her pedo followers

No. 2459770

Do you remember her name and Twitter? I could’ve sworn she was already in the industry because of her big following, I remember seeing seethe from proshippers accusing the exposer of “murdering” this person because now she lost her job in the industry and had no way to pay her health bills kek? Or maybe that was someone else…

No. 2459771

kek im pretty sure that was ang nona this was after she suicide baited and pretended to be dead

No. 2459773

Maybe she got kicked out? Earlier this year she said that she was looking for roommates and a kitchen that can be safely gluten free because of her severe allergy

No. 2459780

File: 1742824312184.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1242x2342, IMG_3983.jpeg)

this lacryboy wannabe copycat became popular overnight and I dread her art. there is nothing to it except uninteresting problematic yaoi. Hopefully I’m not the only one

No. 2459788

>Yet another "lesbian" fujo
This phenotype needs to be studied.

No. 2459808

This is why i am not worried about AI. It can never replace true human autism.

No. 2459816


No. 2459823

>draws hot men
Saying it now they're a prison gay straight who's too autistic to find a boyfriend.

No. 2459874

fuck when will this shitty new twitter update be fixed? posts with multiple images and gifs literally don’t show up on your image tab anymore and videos are on a whole separate tab
i hope the designers who affect this are being harassed on twitter now so they rescind the changes asap, this is garbage

No. 2459889

Nonas I need some advice on better time management. I’m currently a neet and am probably living life with the most free time I’ll ever have and I have so many art related projects planned but I’m dismayed by how I still end up doing nothing art related and stick to browsing social media instead.
Maybe it’s because I’m that unfortunate combo of a perfectionist and procrastinator? I really want to draw, but I want to make sure that I 100% know what I’m doing and I have all the necessary refs but I still don’t, and I’m too intimidated to post to my socials because most of the time my art flops anyway even though I have a bit of a following and I’m trying to think of drawings that would please the majority of my followers.
The fact that I’m the type to quickly hate and cringe at older art, even the ones posted just yesterday, doesn’t help. I wish I could delete everything and start over but then people wouldn’t recognize my older stuff.
Would using a planner help? I used to use one years ago and it was alright, but a lot of times my plans for the day ended up being cancelled anyway since I ended up procrastinating again.

No. 2459893

>clone high
don't remind me of that garbage, the fact that all the jokes went from "I bet you all have seen this on a teen drama before" to "2003 was over 20 years ago! watch this tiktok!!!! ain't the 2020s great?" made me realize that Chris Miller and Phil Lord were nothing but hacks that got lucky and I bet they were the ones who wanted that tranny flag on spider-gwen's room

No. 2459915

>still end up doing nothing art related
>stick to browsing social media instead
Why do you want to draw vs why do you want to browse social media?
Do you need to browse social media?

If you have a deeper motivation to create art and use social media as mental fast food, just turn off your phone or pc or whatever, you need to force your brain to not browse. Make your drawing tools easily accessible in a cozy place and make your phone a pain in the ass to use.

No. 2459951

The time will pass anyway. Set hard limits for your browsing. Turn off your wi-fi during "work hours". Read Atomic Habits and the War of Art.

No. 2459954

Atomic Habits is just a fad book, you're better off reading a quick summary than wasting time on it

No. 2459956

>I’m that unfortunate combo of a perfectionist and procrastinator?
The thing is doing nothing is worse than doing something and ruining it because at least the latter is a step towards improvement.

No. 2459968

Do you guys think the art in genshin namecards is done in illustrator? It feels vectorial, however at the same time feels too complex and artsy to be vectorial. Maybe I'm just not familiar with illustrator, but I'm trying to mimic that artstyle, and I think figuring out what program is made on would be helpful.

No. 2459975

File: 1742835485472.jpg (12.44 KB, 183x275, book cover.jpg)

Honestly I will always prefer mediocre art over the epidemic that was live action/real people covers

No. 2460001

literally the only time weve seen this oc since her ref was posted, "lets draw kate with my fat girl oc so everybody knows shes not actually fat and unattractive!"

No. 2460009

I'm going to guess Clip Studio Paint.

No. 2460022

Paint tool sai I think? It's shows the program a little around the 2:50 mark.

No. 2460066

File: 1742839475639.jpg (27.68 KB, 540x360, Stock Drawing.jpg)

So this is more than likely going to sound so very dumb of me to ask but I really need to ask this and it has to do with taking commissions. I've been taking commissions since 2017 on the side to my irl job and I have not been doing taxes on them. I assumed that because I wasn't making a ton of money form them, it wasn't necessary but I was recently watching a video talking about commissions and they mentioned taxes and now I think I've made a grave mistake. I never heard of taxes and art together outside of it being your main source of income which is why I hadn't even thought about it. Yes yes, I know I'm dumb and naive to not have known about this sooner but I just didn't.

I'm just wondering how I should be going about this. I'm in the US and though commissions aren't my main source of income and I only take a few a year, I still feel like I need to know this but I don't know where to start so I figured I'd ask for advice here from other freelance artists who more than likely do it as a side hustle and not as a main source of income.

No. 2460082

You don't really need to I think?

No. 2460084

> I have not been doing taxes on them.
youre only supposed to pay taxes on art comms if you also have a store at the side or sell merch also if its for freelance work for companies, im not american so i dont need to pay that much freelance tax as a artist where i live since i do contractual work, heres a blog that might help nona https://www.hellobonsai.com/blog/freelance-artist-taxes

No. 2460087

I find this cute, I like the colors.

No. 2460089

>speculate on when they're gonna join them
Egg culture generally terrifies me. As somebody into some freaky stuff, I don't want a single TIF seeing me as one of their own just because I like gnc content.

No. 2460092

Its the creepiest shit. How are they so unselfaware as to not see how gross it is?

No. 2460119

Honestly that and the way some troons won't shut up about their faggotry is what peaked me imo. I can't see their art and opinions same way again afterward. Like, they see single guy or girl do something out of the norm and deemed them to be eggs in waiting, try to trans hc their lives until they give in. But that's all I have to say given this is a art thread idk how any of this relates to art besides artist trooning out.

No. 2460123

>but a guy that isn't even outwardly trans can blatantly advertise that he's a yuri coomer and all he gets is a bunch of TIMs immedeatly yass queening the hell out of him… makes me seethe hard.
God, you nailed it. I couldn't understand what pissed me off about this, but you're right on the nose, nonna. I don't care about moids drawing yuri, but I feel the same should be true about women drawing yaoi. It's literally ONLY women getting angry at other women too, as well as TIFs weaponizing their identity to go "as a gay man, I…", meanwhile troons cheer on moids drawing yuri and speculate on when they're gonna join them.
Also, I hit the fucking reply button but only just realized it didn't actually reply, why the fuck is this website so broken, jesus.

No. 2460133

Draw women instead of men and you can make bank, male fat fetish art is uncommon and low demand in comparison to bbw stuff. Or just draw furries like other anon said

Eh, I gotta disagree. I think the cartoon covers look childish, which isn’t a bad thing on its own but often clashes with the contents of the actual book, making it cringe, and then you get an Icebreaker situation where kids unknowingly pick up a smut book because the cover makes it look like a book for middle schoolers.

No. 2460135

There was an anon in the last thread discussing putting an FAQ in these threads for overdone questions, and then pretty soon afterwards there was a “how do I find my style” post, kek. I think the FAQ thing is a good idea, what other questions should we put in it?

No. 2460153

Video on contemporary artist Jeff Koons. Holy shit I hate male “artists” so fucking much. Moids are incapable of creating anything not pertaining to their rape-sticks everything these beasts touch reveals their vacuous evil nature
>created statues of himself fucking his pornstar wife
>everything is some sort of psychosexual drivel
>”one of the greatest pleasures I remember is looking at a cereal box. It’s a kind of sexual experience because of the milk.”

No. 2460165

Oh i love this channel. The sculptures being metal being painted to look like rubber is honestly really cool and it made me appreciate the effort of the people that work under this retard. But he sounds insanely pretentious. Insane to me that faggot makes so much money from his ''art'' meanwhile a norman rockwall painting normally doesnt go for more than a few thousand dollars.

No. 2460168

>Brush/CSP asset downloads
/dbag/, google
>artbook downloads
exhentai (already in op.), /artbook/ thread, google
>Should I draw porn to get clout?
No, because you're one in a thousand of artist who already thought that. Porn is a hyper saturated market as is, and you aren't even doing it for the love of it. What's your edge to people who are better than you and are more passionate about it?
>AI questions and topics
Go to AI thread on /m/.
>How do I schedule my art?
Literally google professional artist schedule.

No. 2460188

tbh the new cartoon covers made me appreciate the real people covers more. I don't think any of them looks good but at least the real people cover looks dynamic. Compared to the cover at >>2459745 where the character stands stiffly in boring poses and the background looks like a backdrop, it doesnt look like they are part of the environment.

No. 2460373

I’m the nona who posted her art to this thread and reading the call-out genuinely made me feel awful for her. Hoping she can get back on her feet (pun not intended) and turn her life around mentally and financially. Yikes.

No. 2460375

Why do you feel sympathy for a feeder kek

No. 2460384

You're on a gossip site and shes a feeder she'll probably come back under a new name kek get over it

No. 2460414

GIMP 3.0 released and apparently it's good now, they fixed the awful UI
What do you think? Especially since it's a free software.

No. 2460420

>for a feeder
Wait did she feed someone into a deathbed???

No. 2460424

Also add
>why do "non western" artist so good how can i learn?
Different art curriculum and teaching method, they have courses Google it or go on vk or billibilli
>what is this style called
Reverse search it or use the help me find thread
>art vent without asking any artistic advice
Go use the appropriate vent thread do not doompost here

No. 2460435

I know there's a help me find thread but I love when anons share artists they like or with similar styles as the ones being discussed itt. Different from someone asking about who made XYZ piece when they can reverse image search

No. 2460436

the last one is dumb, the anons who use vent thread wont be able to give you art-related advice

No. 2460437

>why do "non western" artist so good how can i learn?
>Different art curriculum and teaching method, they have courses Google it or go on vk or billibilli
I don't know about that, I feel like this is just part of mythicizing foreign cultures and thinking all Asian artists are insanely GOATed based on a handful you see really stand out on social media. Looking at Japanese and Chinese artbooks, they really don't stand out that much and you find a wide variety of skill levels on social media.

No. 2460442

If you're american and do freelance art (no, not only for companies like the other anon said) you are self-employed and need to pay taxes if you make more than 400$ with commissions in a year. You can just do research now and act as if you're starting this year. I doubt they'll care about losing out on a few hundred dollars but if you tell them that you missed payments they'll slap you with insane fees.

No. 2460461

> without asking any artistic advice
Read before you reply, I'm talking about the posters who just want to whine about how bad they are at art and they want to kill themselves because they weren't born with knowing how to draw the Loomis way

No. 2460465

Newfags like you who want to change the threads rules because you cant scroll past a post you dont like are honestly more annoying than an anon venting about how shit she is.

No. 2460482

File: 1742852506317.jpg (34.19 KB, 612x408, Drawing Stock.jpg)

Ayrt and thanks for the link, it kinda makes sense though I'm still a bit confused. I don't own a legitimate business, it's just myself and getting my commissions on places like Twitter and DeviantART with individual people, not companies or businesses. And then of course using PayPal as my main form of payment. I don't recall getting a form I had to fill out on PayPal which is why I was thrown aback when I started hearing all this talk about needing to pay taxes even as a freelance artist who occasionally draws for everyday people who just want their OC drawn lol.
Again, I have an IRL job so I don't rely on my art that much which is why I only do a few commissions a year and sell some adoptables periodically.

But anyway, thank you for your input and I'll keep that link bookmarked. In the meantime if any other freelance artists in a similar position (who also live in the US) have anything they'd like to advise or chime in with, I'm all ears, thank you.

No. 2460483

It wont kill the venters to use the right thread if they arent asking for any artistic advice and just want to vent but sure I'm the newfag here kek

No. 2460486

They just want to vent alongside fellow artfags. They most than likely also want to get advice from fellow art nonnas.

No. 2460487

Ayrt and thanks for the heads up. Yes I'm American and like I said in my OP, I've been taking commissions individually since 2016 with no knowledge about needing to pay taxes when I do them.

>if you make more than 400$ with commissions in a year

Yeah I definitely have made a little over 400 a year so I definitely got get on this. I'm going to try to do more research, I've only taken one commission this year and it was only for 95 but I do plan on opening for more in the near future so I'll keep trying to research more.

>I doubt they'll care about losing out on a few hundred dollars but if you tell them that you missed payments they'll slap you with insane fees.

With this in mind, like I mentioned in my op, I operate using PayPal. Would it be better to simply start a new PayPal that is made strictly for commission work and that can be my clean slate or is it fine if I stick with my current account (even though it has money saved in it)?

No. 2460489

You're both newfags because you both didn't read the OP

No. 2460502

IIRC the artist is a cis gay man from Romania, I stumbled across his plumpybread account ages ago and that’s what he was claiming then. His art style does seem kind of girly though so who knows.

No. 2460503

>cis gay man
probably a tif

No. 2460508

File: 1742854541924.jpg (175.71 KB, 676x850, 1234754061.jpg)

These are great! If I can be the OP again, I'll put these into the first post so it can be easier to link/to read (and I've noticed anons don't pay attention to the OP) and maybe expand upon them a bit. I agree with the doomposting thing in theory, but I think it might just cause more arguements between anons on what consitutes as okay or not okay for the thread.
These probably shouldn't be rules nor treated as such in the first place, it's just so we don't get a million "is furry porn profitable" questions. Of course, things that expand upon that can lead to new topics but the same surface level questions are very boring.
Reminder to all that East Asian artists have a similar skill variance to the rest of the world (picrel is Exhibit A), it's just that their secondary art curriculum is harsher and they are taught art differently in kindergarten/early school. A good example of this difference is this one study from the 90s that compared American and Japanese early grade student's art, and the major difference they found was that the Japanese students were taught by directly copying art from booklets and also had more time for art classes, they also had a pretty bad sense of scale.

No. 2460512

Read the essay “on the shortness of life” by Seneca. It’s from Ancient Rome but he even talks about how people waste all their time planning how to live instead of just living, and then lamenting how life is too short in their older years. It really helps sink in how much of our own time we steal from ourselves. Tbh you kind of just have to stop being a pussy (with love) and getting in your own head and just do it. A planner and timers can help if you want to structure your study time more. Such as an hour of figure study, an hour of studying a painter you like, etc. but really it’s about developing discipline and making the time to do the things that will help you reach the goals you set for yourself rather than just setting a bunch of goals that give you a little dopamine hit through simply setting goals and not following through on any of them. Also, don’t try to please the majority of your followers. You’ll just waste time and effort that could be spent trying to please and invigorate yourself. Experiment, explore, and remember why you picked up a pencil in the first place. Enjoy neetdom while you can. I regret my time spent in my own head and fucking about when I had way more free time than I do now. Save yourself from the regrets nona. You can do it.

No. 2460515

It would be better to make a business paypal just to be safe. You can use the same bank account for it though. It'll also hide your name from commissioners if you set that up. Check if you have register anywhere as a freelancer. If you make less than 400$ you still have an obligation to report it, even if it's too little to get taxed. Never save money on paypal, transfer it over as soon as possible. They can lock your account basically whenever and for however long they want.
Maybe paypal never sent you a tax form because you got money through the friends and family option? But they also only started doing that recently and the tresholds differ. It can be between 600$ and 5000$ made in goods and services per year depending on state and year.

No. 2460526

An actual man would never react to the cancellation, so it's definitely a tif like the other anon said

No. 2460544

How do I get over my hatred of learning proportions and my own issues with my hands?

No. 2460575

I doubt anyone can understand what you're even asking. Just study more.

No. 2460581

I rediscovered a quote I saved a few years ago about social media
>"I’d just love to live in a world where our most influential technology didn’t measure its success by the time it took from us."
You kind of just don't get anything from the scrolling and viewing other people's stuff. It's a really passive activity, especially if you don't actually talk to the other users.

I also like this one about cooking by yourself, just replace it with making art:

>New bakers are afraid to try to bake.

>They may live alone, nobody is watching what they do.
>I tell them. Nobody saw that it didn’t work.
>Toss the disaster and try again.
>There are no witnesses to your mistakes.

No. 2460612

>21 year old tif drawing deformed fat fetish art
As this really cancel worthy?? This is more like point and laugh at the retard worthy, why would it need a callout post? Are zoomers really calling out other zoomers for this?

Also this artist is definitely a tif, anyone who thinks an actual man draws and talks like this is a retard

No. 2460622

My english is retarded. What I meant to say is how do I practice proportions without doubting myself? I often times don't have the steadiest hand so my art comes off as weird most of the time.

No. 2460628

File: 1742860357989.jpg (Spoiler Image,175.57 KB, 1280x1152, tumblr_7cb6a00c383f42a15ef66f3…)

morbidly obese cookie fanart, i think i've truly seen it all

No. 2460632

Cookie dough more like, tlcs heaviest is like porn to her kekk

No. 2460633

So this is the art equivalent of when chefs bake their cookies stuffed with hazelnut and shit?

No. 2460635

What type of mental illness complies people to draw like this? And why a fat fetish of all things? Why not use that talent to draw cute guys?

No. 2460646

No. 2460647

File: 1742861861159.jpeg (43.09 KB, 500x500, IMG_7471.jpeg)

No. 2460649

I'm kind of thrown off because the one ridiculously skilled pokemon fat fetish aritst I accidentally found on twitter is a japanese man

No. 2460651

Some people are just into it. Can't speak for her specifically, but usually it's due to watching a cartoon with a weight gain scene and wires crossing as you watch it, autism too plays a big part. Most fetishes are literally your psycho-sexual parts of your brain awakening at the worst possible time looking at the worst possible thing.

No. 2460654

>they also had a pretty bad sense of scale
Yaoi hand explanation?

No. 2460657

Because it's not about the literal visuals, it's about the physical sensations those visuals draw to your mind. When it's this extreme, it's not necessarily about finding this body deeply beautiful, but rather, imagining yourself with those physical constraints or lack of inhibition towards food

No. 2460662

I might sound retarded for even entertaining the idea, but the thing that makes me hesitate to fully believe they’re a tif is that most tif artists drop more hints. From a brief look through their page I don’t see any gender fuckery besides pronouns in the bio, which some woke cis people also do. Maybe if they’re not American that means they’re better at being subtle about it?

No. 2460668

How can this person be a sperg yet draw so well? Like, even the most skilled autist I know have this ai feel to their art like everything feels so stiff and lifeless. This looks way too good for a fat fetishist.

No. 2460672

Some autistic people are good at drawing what they're interested in. Not every autist is a DA circle tool type.
>This looks way too good for a fat fetishist.
It is exactly that it looks so good and so realistic that I can tell it's a fat fetishist.

No. 2460673

>drawing kaeluc and pure vanilla cookie
Men would not do this. crk is just an extremely tif thing in general.
Kek, what? Autists are usually the best artist because the power of their autism makes it so they want to get extremely good at drawing a specific thing that interests them.

No. 2460677

Anon there are a fuck ton of tifs out there who dont talk about being trans or draw trans chest scar art. I've known and seen multiple who are both American and non American. You're just used to the crazy ones blowing up

No. 2460681

TD is just a lazy ass whose consistently coming up with excuses not to work. She doesn't want a working job. She wants to draw pictures and to make enough money from it to sit on her ass nearly all day. Which frankly if she wants to be lazy, okay, but stop lying about being victimized to excuse you not wanting to work.

No. 2460684

>This looks way too good for a fat fetishist.
See the thing with fat fetishists is that they like the gunt so most of the time they also study the gunt and for your teaching moment please visit the fetish art right in m for a learning experience

No. 2460716

I love the bad fetish art thread in /m/. You know when you're eating salt and vinegar chips and they're so fucking good but your mouth is burning but you're like "one more chip" and then an entire layer of skin is missing from the inside of your mouth but you still think you can handle one more chip?
That's the bad fetish art thread for me. It's so god awful but it's genuinely so fucking interesting. I am seeing things my brain could never conceive of on its own. Sometimes the art there is so disgusting I have to hold my breath while scrolling past it, it's awful and retarded and yet. I think I can handle another chip and I click to reveal the spoilered pic.

No. 2460723

that's me with the bad art thread, absolutely

No. 2460725

That guy whose fetish drawings were buff women dick torturing men and using them as slaves stuck with me.

No. 2460802

Is this game genuinely cursed? Everyday I see weird shit coming from that fandom—it is literally the Loud House of mobile gaming.

At least stuff like Blue Archive or NIKKE, it's understandable for fans to be autistic about their waifus because the devs deliberately pander them with stuff like fanservice/wish fulfillment GFs…


No. 2460803

That expression in the first panel is sexy. I can't explain it tho.

No. 2460809

Kek your whole post made me laugh. Seriously tho

No. 2460815

File: 1742879125179.png (959.8 KB, 1000x930, cookierun.png)

Ive seen people refer to the "genshinization" of Cookie Run and i feel like its a big part of how its gotten this deranged fandom. For nonnas without autism, Ovenbreak was the original endless-runner type mobile game from 2009, Kingdom is the 2021 gacha slop townbuilder game with ridiculous dramatic """lore.""" Genshin came out a year before Kingdom and i feel like you can really see the overdesigned bullshit influence

No. 2460824

File: 1742880142680.png (61.44 KB, 224x224, 1000002866.png)

Been playing Ovenbreak since late 2018/ early 2019 and Kingdom since the first day of release (stopped playing after two years), and it's obvious there's this "genshinization" as you mentioned.
You can see it not only in characters' designs and lore, they even imitate the predatory pay-to-win model Genshin Impact promotes.

A shame.

To make it worse, some of the new cookies/costumes can be very cute or interesting but most of the time they're so overdesigned and it ends looking ugly and ridiculous like picrel.

No. 2460875

>(and I've noticed anons don't pay attention to the OP)
Maybe do something like nonny nonny borders around it, kek.
NTA Honestly I just know there's AI anons lurking to see which artist to scrape next tbh.

No. 2460915

File: 1742889677971.jpg (270.13 KB, 1192x1500, GmYZ71TbEAA85zC.jpg)

>I don't follow TD anymore but I always appreciate your updates TD nona
No problem lol.

She really is and it gets confirmed with every time she's shared her job hunting stories with the latest two ("nonbinary" discrimination & Jew discrimination) being the biggest examples of it. I get that she wants to do her art full time and if she has the means to do that then she should continue pushing on with it (which she clearly can since her husband is the one who is the breadwinner), but she needs to fucking quit it with the excuses and just be fucking honest or at least stop bringing it up.

Because her self-pity in thinking that the universe is against her trying to find part time work is not doing her any favors and she's the one who's making it hard for herself. If she's serious in trying to find part-time work, she needs to be realistic as a woman who's been out of work for nearly a decade. Either take a part-time cashier job even though she'll only make minimum wage or take a warehouse-type job for more pay but may be more physically demanding. Personally I think she's better off with the cashier type job since it won't be as strenuous on her and she'll still have energy to work on her art but I'm probably bias because that's currently what I do. That or she should do a stay-at-home computer job (as much as she doesn't want to do work on a computer because of aforementioned jet-lag when moving onto her art stuff) as she won't have to worry about gas money that she's also complained about which is why she doesn't want to work for minimum wage.

Either way, she's gotta touch grass if she's serious about her job hunt.

No. 2460916

am i banned just checking(retard)

No. 2460918

words cannot express how retarded this shit is tho. Make your own or new characters.

No. 2460928

Okay then, I'll just create a new Paypal for business.

>Maybe paypal never sent you a tax form because you got money through the friends and family option?

I did a quick check in my PayPal history to see what my commissioners were paying with and if I'm correct, if they were paying with no fee added, that means they selected the "friends and family" option? Because I have a few payments where I got the full amount with no fee but I also have some payments where there was a fee added.

No. 2460961

Anon you need to make them pay through invoices in the future. There will be fees and you'll have to raise your prices a little to compensate for them. It's okay that you didn't do this before because that means the IRS probably won't care to check it but start doing it now.

No. 2460976

mento illness

No. 2460977

Ayrt and oh okay, I'll try to keep this in mind as well. I'm actually setting up my business PayPal now and I'm getting myself familiar with the invoice. I've never done this before so just trying to practice. Quick question but am I going to have to select the tax exclusive or tax inclusive before sending the invoice once I have the price laid out?
I also heard that with every payment I receive, I should take out 20% and save that towards IRS payment, is that correct?
Again, sorry for the questions but just trying to do this right.

No. 2461013

That depends on whether or not you include any taxes in the price. I think you could leave it out since you're going to pay taxes on your earnings anyway but it would be best to google and see if there are any requirements about it in your state. And yeah, saving some money would be smart. I think it starts at 15% for self-employment tax but you can check out the corresponding form online and see how the calculations go to be safe.

No. 2461048

My PayPal account was always a business one and I’ve always used invoices for commissions. I don’t need to pay taxes right?

No. 2461057

Ah okay. Yeah I guess I'll just leave as is just for the sake of keeping it simple and not complicating things more than it needs to be and I'll just stick with my flat price. I can't really think of anything else that is confusing me so thanks for your help!

No. 2461068

You need to pay taxes if wherever you live requires it. Every country has different tresholds (in the US it's 400$ per year). If you make less than that you don't have to pay taxes. You do have to tell the government that you are making money in general. They might not give a fuck if you don't and it's very little but better safe than sorry. They don't fuck around with late fees. Just google around.

No. 2461089

File: 1742908628885.jpg (46.32 KB, 736x736, 1000020922.jpg)

What did brujoari mean by this?

No. 2461096

Holy shit this looks AWFUL. Hopefully she improves out of this in between stage.

No. 2461103

I have to wonder why anons care so much about her. There are hundreds of artists posting similarly meaningless stuff. Is it because she got so popular? Is it because her popularity is thanks to aesthetics you grew up with but ditched for anime slop? Cranky you can't get the same numbers with similar skills?

No. 2461106

She posted a comparison of old Kate vs new on twitter and a lot of people were complaining about the changes, and yet I guarantee they'd also come for her if she changed Kate back. Just goes to show creators should never listen to their audiences, maybe she'll be able to find a middle ground that won't get people triggered kek

No. 2461130

File: 1742911716939.jpg (379.34 KB, 1640x2122, 1000045427.jpg)

>basic kingdom cookies
couldve chose literally any other cookie other than stardust cookie but yea the design philosophy of kingdom has taken way too much from genshin cause a lot of the newer cookies look like animu bullshit
hate how the worst of the overdesigned cookies are ones in the main story so you're going to be forced to look at them in game and online. like anyone look at picrel and guess what kind of flavor that purple cookie is at the bottom?
you can really tell which characters are designed by the artists who worked on ovenbreak and those who have only worked on kingdom

No. 2461141

They don't even resemble gingerbread men anymore. Idk what the hell flavor the purple guy is supposed to be. Poison I guess?

No. 2461142

I don't think any nonnas have pointed this out but I've noticed she's been making the background colour in a lot of her drawings this dark gray that makes the whole piece look dull and sometimes muddy. She probably learned about that technique where you make the canvas gray instead of white so it's easier to figure out the values and just doesn't bother to change the canvas colour before posting.
I've seen other zoomers keep the background colour gray, but I don't think I've seen them do that with a gray this dark.

No. 2461150

Lots of artists do it also because it helps avoid straining your eyes but yeah idk why she doesn't change the canvas color. I've also noticed her shadows have gotten muddy, her lineart messy and she's been leaving out nice details like texture out. It's a shame since I feel like she's actually pretty technically skilled, just sabotaging herself for approval.

No. 2461155

File: 1742914001015.png (5.78 MB, 3000x2000, 1221982343284.png)

Anyone else frustrated with the state of photography reference? I want to draw beautiful men: elves, fae, ethereal pretty-boy types to cater to women my age (18-24). Most photo packs that are HD with interesting lighting are coomer pinups photos of nude women. The ones with moids are abysmally ugly or too muscled, fat, are fully or partially clothed, and in stereotypical "heroic" or "masculine" poses.

I mostly reference statues from ancient Greece and make them skinnier or hotter, but there are only so many okay-looking male statues out there. Looking for stuff like in picrel. Degrading but not silly poses of nude hot men I can purchase or download somewhere. I'm tired of objectifying, hypersexualized art of women being pumped out on the daily and want to be the change I wish to see in the world. Please help me out nonas, ty!

No. 2461157

>the genshinization of Cookie Run has ruined the game and fandom
I agree with everything you said but as an outsider who knows next to nothing about this, that sentence is absolutely deranged and extremely funny.

No. 2461165

No. 2461174

just look in gay male spaces for twink pics kek

No. 2461191

I feel like she doesnt have the passion she used to have for this thing anymore. Her latest art doesnt have the amount of effort and detail her older art has, it really just looks unfinished.

No. 2461192

idk how to explain this but you sound like a elderly woman

No. 2461193

NAYRT but good idea. I look on Pinterest for cute couples or men who pose for refs and there's so many ugly pictures. Pinterest appears to have a creep problem too

No. 2461196

Sorry, am an autist and ESL, so that's probably why kek.

No. 2461198

File: 1742916437064.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.23 MB, 2731x4096, [20-07-18] 1284572569912463360…)

they are a bit raunchy but you could look into male of thots

No. 2461199

No. 2461200

This picture is fucking scary

No. 2461202

look up russian art models

No. 2461203

i wish my sleep paralysis demon looked like that

No. 2461204

Like wax sculptures?

No. 2461205

skill issue. If you have a grasp on female anatomy from references you can fill in the gaps to turn them into effeminate or androgynous figures

No. 2461206

like sexy wax sculptures, yes

No. 2461207

It seems to me like she just wanted to post her drawings, get praise, and go. I think she was excited for this project in the beginning but with the amount of work it’s taking, maybe she doesn’t feel as passionate anymore. But who knows I could just be speaking bullshit kek

No. 2461209

File: 1742916802321.jpg (Spoiler Image,214.68 KB, 1233x953, 1742916437064.jpg)

he could work on his photoshop skills cause…
some of you really need to grown up from liking deformed cosplayers and animu bois

No. 2461214

maybe when real men stop being bald i will stop liking sexy of thots

No. 2461216

This looks ai generated, everything is so smooth and plastic-looking

No. 2461217

File: 1742917047226.jpg (Spoiler Image,4.17 MB, 3141x4944, 483948938493849.jpg)

I'll try but don't want to be jumpscared by disgusting hardcore porn. It's depressing how there's no real equivalent to picrel. I love the interesting lighting and clarity there is in professional photopacks compared to Pinterest for the same reason as other anon. Lots of AI slop, mid males and 200 px photos. Spoiled for nudity.

No. 2461218

he looks ridiculous, get a grip

No. 2461219

Isn't tomato a vegetable?

No. 2461221

and? more moids should morph themselves into wax anime guys for my pleasure.

No. 2461235

File: 1742918200549.jpg (Spoiler Image,104.83 KB, 664x1000, 3ec774b91cf8d034e2c631b95eec2b…)

Thanks nona! I can work with this.

No. 2461238

A tomato is a fruit, so she is a woman? why are the arms so tiny

No. 2461251

How the FUCK do people network? I can't stand 99% of the artists I meet online or IRL.

No. 2461259

is it? then how come if you transplant a tomato branch onto a potato plant it grows just fine? and you have both food on one plant. Seems like a tomato and a potato are relatives and potato is a vegetable.(derailing)

No. 2461260

This is what I was going to say. Look up some softcore gay magazines/blogs. The attractive moid thread in /g/ is also a good resource.

No. 2461262

Sauce? Looks cursed but I want more of it.

No. 2461263

Nope, tomatoes are actually categorized as fruits, specifically they're berries (while strawberries aren't berries).

I guess she's a woman but a lot of people think she's a guy? Like a tomato is a fruit but everyone thinks it's a vegetable??

No. 2461265

holy fuck hes ugly. not even the angle could save him. i would rope if i was that ugly

No. 2461267


No. 2461273

File: 1742919910642.jpg (58.43 KB, 640x465, 9d204f4790915751fca66d12301865…)

This is such retarded logic. You can transplant a woman's kidney to a man, that doesn't mean they're both female. Plus, the tomato is still a fruit because it has seeds in it and grows above ground on the plant's branches. The potato is the root part of the plant, and it contains no seeds, so it's a vegetable. Technically if you were to graft a tomato onto a potato plant, that would almost make it a berry, because the plant is a bush instead of a vine or a tree. Pineapples are also considered berries for this reason; they grow in a bush.(derailing)

No. 2461274

22k likes for that garbage i hate this artist so much and everyone as braindead to like this edgy teen slop

the artstyle isnt even unique for every 1 artist who possesses godlike skills there is 100 TIFs who stole an ugly cartoony style from cartoon network and labeled it as theirs and gets 40x more updoots

No. 2461281

Fun fact, strawberries are more closely related to roses and cannabis than they are to true berries.

No. 2461283

Isn't that one of the only reasons to attend a prestigious art school? Or dm professional artists you like who have a smaller follower count. Compartmentalization and keeping a professional attitude as opposed to acting fake-friend goes a long way. Most annoying artists have big egos. Ask them personally about their artwork and tips, even if it's not needed to build rapport. Tune them out, then save their contact info.

No. 2461287

File: 1742920754885.jpg (Spoiler Image,174.01 KB, 640x640, 1000020791.jpg)

No. 2461289

last time i saw it, it was at around 180k likes or more. if poorly drawn gendie slop can blow up like that anything is possible

No. 2461290

>Isn't that one of the only reasons to attend a prestigious art school?
Probably. I dropped out before I could make any connections.
>Or dm professional artists you like who have a smaller follower count.
Wouldn't that get me blocked??

No. 2461295

You probably won't get blocked for one message, most likely ignored at worst. If you support their work for a while and interact with them on a professional art account, you'll have a higher chance of success, especially if you have a similar follower count (retarded, I know) but many large artists are spammed with dms and less likely to respond. Keep it small and/or local. Good luck!

No. 2461296

Thanks nona! I'll do my best!

No. 2461306

Kek, are you one of those unintegrated tra for real?

No. 2461345

Lol you probably wouldn’t get blocked, but it is possible your DM would go straight into their spam folder. I’ve sometimes looked in there and found messages from months or even years ago that I never saw and then I felt like an asshole for never replying

No. 2461357

Tempted to get one of those Coloso courses that go over anime illustration. I have a background in both studio and weeb digital art with a wacom, but I am just rusty and depressed. Its been 10 years. Anyone find the structure in a course like this helpful?

No. 2461363

File: 1742924896965.png (991.71 KB, 1341x1467, 10383847.png)

You know what, I support the uglification of Kate

No. 2461365

I don’t know Coloso but I’ve bought a few self paced courses from other artists and if you follow through it will help you ease back into it. There’s no need for pressure since you haven’t drawn in a while. Do you want to continue an anime illustration style or something else? If you’re continuing with anime there are more free resources online so you don’t have to waste money before you jump back into it.

No. 2461372

File: 1742925191161.png (326.13 KB, 540x827, 23rr3f.png)

It's totes not a kink guys teehee!

No. 2461381

>tboy beam
That's literally just a woman

No. 2461384

Me too kek atleast shes not ripping off style she clearly doesnt respect let her coomfiy her shit and lose followers, the pipeline of young promising artist to obnoxious coomtard strikes again

No. 2461389

A chubby anime girl and she didn't even draw the dandruff that's a main characteristic of Flaky, I hate retarded fake fans.

No. 2461390

Is this puppychan's work?

No. 2461391

I think this absolute poser mistook the dandruff for bandaids kek

No. 2461404

This makes more sense for an “outcast” character. If she was a lesbian that would have been perfect. Alex is just honest to god boring that I’d rather him be a boring woman.

No. 2461409

Alex is supposed to be a TIF anyway (or used to be) so this is what SHOULD have happened.

No. 2461412

Yeah. She rebranded like fifty times and her latest identity is wolfertinger666

No. 2461427

at least shes 'improving', even if slightly.

No. 2461428

File: 1742927675085.jpg (1006.99 KB, 1900x1722, tumblr_58cb6a594d9785150171350…)

I think she's improving drastically. Just… she's also declining at the same time. She's got that gendie brainrot. She's been called out several times for doing the whole he/him CLEARLY A WOMAN "trans" characters.

No. 2461430

File: 1742927874646.jpg (186.48 KB, 1357x758, puppychan.jpg)

Still nowhere near as good as her art in the left, but its def an improvement over her calarts blob era

No. 2461433

She's definitely a skinwalker; I know she's mimicking someone's art style but I can't figure out who. It's on the tip of my tongue though. But I won't sperg about furry artists itt because I know some people are weirdly sensitive about it.

No. 2461437

File: 1742928368247.jpeg (Spoiler Image,189.83 KB, 1378x2048, Gd0hY33WYAADbNY.jpeg)

My guess is she skinwalks meisharan

No. 2461439

God one boob is larger than the entire diameter of her head.

No. 2461440

Kek jfc are the moe hair vents directly proportional to the bust size?

No. 2461441

This has the potential to be cute but something is holding it back.

No. 2461442

Tbh her old tumblr era wasn't that good neither if you look closely. Motorbike and composition is the only good thing here

No. 2461443

Its the coom factor and her watermelon boobs that ruin it

No. 2461447

If it makes you feel any better, if there’s any year the IRS won’t be able to do their job when it comes to coming after people for unpaid taxes, it’s this year kek.

No. 2461449

File: 1742929206727.jpg (56.31 KB, 999x212, Meisharan.jpg)

He's not a bad artist but i wish he was just a fat fetishist instead of pushing his blatant fetish art as representation/diversity because he gets "she's literally me!" comments on his art

No. 2461463

nonas my fucking post keeps getting deleted in the csp reddit so please, how the fuck do you access the rest of the poses contained within a preset? All I get from this one is ONLY the first pose

No. 2461466

File: 1742929819491.png (45.76 KB, 978x957, run.png)

I forgot to embed the pic, is this one from CSP V.4

No. 2461487

Why do you guys want ari to do lesbian shit so bad? She could be straight and botch the landing if she did? Honestly I'm just tired of artist bending over and making their straight shit gay. Be honest and do het.

No. 2461491

Thanks Nona …yeah it’s not just Coloso i have also been bookmarking other advertised courses that with similar goals. About how long did yours take? It would be nice to self pace for about 2-3 months or something like that. I know when it comes to composition and gestures I’m gonna get my ass handed to me and I don’t want to get frustrated after only like 2-3 weeks.

No. 2461497

File: 1742931331328.jpg (148.72 KB, 1448x2048, aru.jpg)

It looks like she's skinwalking aruurara here >>2461372

No. 2461503

Not a brujo fag but they probably want it because Alex is a TIF, not an actual man

No. 2461505

I forgot to answer your question, yes, it’s to primarily be an hobby animu illustrator, I’ve got some OCs that are older than some posters here I’m sure hehe

No. 2461512

File: 1742931887590.png (86.18 KB, 1295x502, i got you nona.png)

Had to dig, myself. Click on the up arrow to progress the poses. There are a lot in this set. Hope this helps.

No. 2461520

Idk why but I thought this artist was a woman

No. 2461522

Might be. I'm thinking moreso who she's skinwalking for rendering. It gets weirdly inconsistent around the extremities like the paws and hands. She's definitely using a reference outside of photos.

No. 2461523

Watching Ari unravel the last few weeks over Kates lore has shifted my expectations from her animation project. No way this thing is going to be good, it will probably look okay because her old style is nice, but it will fumble any concepts it attempts to narrate

No. 2461527

i feel like they dont exist i had an old gay male art teacher who had like 3 mid 20s male assistants and he painted them all the time, i feel like unless you hire them or have male friends who will pose in underwear (assuming you don't want to see your friends naked) attractive male ref is largely inaccessible

No. 2461542

nayrt I wouldn't assume an artist draws heavily implied rape just because he works for playboy though now that I read it back that's on me.

No. 2461556

File: 1742933294297.png (Spoiler Image,16.36 MB, 2480x3508, 9787079f-6d01-46c4-bd5e-53bc5c…)

proly aruurara too, they both have that kinda glossy style

No. 2461567

Puppychan will never be this talented

No. 2461570

I like the game tbh, just as a timewaster but i agree with everything you said, i played the original game when it was on LINE and the designs were so charming. its sad seeing the designs go from "food flavored gingerbread man" to "literally just an overdesigned chibi anime character" the "story" is so ridiculous too, its actually impossible for me to take it seriously so i just skip it. trying to have a deep edgy lore on a gamw about sentient cookies is the goofiest shit ive ever seen lol

No. 2461596

File: 1742934958969.jpg (64.37 KB, 941x941, 1706731193041.jpg)

nona I'll give you my firstborn as a token of my gratitude thank you so much

No. 2461633

…are you sure you had your reading glasses on and mistakenly read 1.8k likes? or 180?

who the hell is kate anyway? it looks like generic run if the mill instagram “artist” slop. so why do people keep glorifying this oc? its not even unique, its just a tan and red hair. please dont tell me its just 180k for some random shitty doodle

No. 2461641

File: 1742936684438.jpg (81.78 KB, 1148x1422, 1000077002.jpg)

This one is cute, she's won me over too.

No. 2461648

Clean 2000s style nostalgia, people are interested because the artist is working on a show for her characters.
Her stuff keeps getting posted here though because she's cringe about transgender things and easily influenced by her teenage audience.

No. 2461652

File: 1742937324548.jpg (270.25 KB, 1080x989, Screenshot_20250325_211344_X.j…)

ok my memory's shit so i thought it was 180k kek, it was actually 153k. still absurd to me

No. 2461674

File: 1742938630399.jpg (208.06 KB, 1080x1080, artworks-wEIyO8cAWdTam4ne-DOdb…)

is it true that Yaelokre is behind the WHOLE visual production of her work besides the music? way too elaborated for a single person, but not impossible.
someone speculated Chapell Roan might be a pop industry plant and I am so far guessing the same for the Yael girly, but like for pop folk music

No. 2461678

I dont know but the people who were harassing her about not wanting porn of her characters annoyed the fuck out of me. I feel like its been an unwritten rule for years and years to not harass people online over dumb fandom nerd shit but xitter and tiktok subhumans seem to ignore this or are too young to get it

No. 2461680

She's been pretty open about that, has she not? I remember her expressing discomfort over people making porn of her ocs since they're all children around a year ago. I didn't know she was still making music and doing concerts though, so good for her.

No. 2461683

File: 1742939144511.jpg (4.31 MB, 2397x3000, jfk.jpg)

Is it possible to replicate the texture of traditional paintings on digital? i hate being a poorfag but i dislike when digital art looks glossy and plastic.

No. 2461691

Can you not just try it out yourself? Do you really need an anon to tell you that you can do it?

No. 2461696

File: 1742939775418.jpeg (209.53 KB, 728x654, IMG_5882.jpeg)

I thought it was a Belldandy shop at first. This is Clamp fanart but the pose struck me as similar. That hairstyle is very late 90’s, it’s nostalgic.

No. 2461699

My course isn’t that long but it’s about storybook illustration which focuses on creating than following a how-to. I would suggest figure and gesture first from real models, the anime look can come later. Figure studies would fit your 2-3 month time frame and the images and information are relatively free.

No. 2461701

I dont even know if its possible or how. Thats my question.

No. 2461706

you can literally just add a layer with texture pattern

No. 2461708

Yes, it's possible

No. 2461714

no? im pretty sure she hired or is collabing with another artist but i agree she seems like a plant

No. 2461718

File: 1742940651159.jpg (988.89 KB, 2048x2539, tumblr_cf9f94de964738fba11ffb8…)

Thats really cool, thanks. I really want to replicate the texture of Rockwell's paintings.

No. 2461721

her work and lore are genuinely interesting but It does seem too garnished to just had exploted out of nowhere.
I found a Russian tiktok artist with a very style similar to hers but that precedes hers by two years, but had the average views/following of the run-of-the-mill small indie artist.

No. 2461730

Here's another one from proko

No. 2461732

noise filters might help alot nona photoshop is the best option to simulate traditionally made artwork and also csp heres a good tool for it https://www.proko.com/tool/lp-traditionalizer/overview

No. 2461733

Nonna I just want you to know I appreciate your plant autism

No. 2461735

File: 1742941238027.jpg (484.12 KB, 2048x1638, 2023-05-15_de_bruh__1658067213…)

This one?

No. 2461745

File: 1742941500754.jpg (76.17 KB, 736x414, 1af4b568bb55c9cd06e4e5ddf43364…)

I've been following Yaelokre from literally the second her songs started coming out not really a fan anymore, I do believe she is the only one drawing anything and she's not a plant, Harpy Hare just got stupid popular with underage animation memers (to the point were even she is sick of the song kek) and I think her parents are supporting her financially.
She's not signed to any label and her producer is a no name who has a public history of making music years before her and so does the woman who does her mastering. You guys are underestimating underage fandom animation meme tards, for example GHOST's entire career is because of them.

No. 2461748

Those high socks are a fail to understand the style. I find her concepts annoying and the hair and skintone are too close in value which creates a blob. Not good for a main character concept. From what’s been posted here, the initial concepts looked better.

No. 2461754

Kek I recently stopped doing commissions for this shit. I'm an eurofag and it doesn't even help that the laws aren't clear or are grey areas where anyone can interpret anything. Where I live I would need a business license to do art commissions (I've been doing them for like 3 years, ready to get my ass blown out by fines) but I make less than $2000 a year and to open up a business I would need like $2900 alone, then add the accountant fees and additional costs. Basically they're telling me to either pay them more than what I earn so I can legally draw stupid shit for people on the internet, or fuck off and not earn anything at all. Fucking leeches.

Don't fuck with Paypal's fees, they will block your account and hold your money if they find out you're scamming them through the friends and family option. But iirc you don't even need a business account to send invoices. In Europe they don't count like actual business invoices (Paypal only needs them to keep track of your transactions) and they will fuck you up if you try to make a business account without having an actual business.

No. 2461769

Same, just not worth the hassle. I thought about doing patreon instead but that one is even more annoying because you need to figure out how to tax income from an american "employer" in an european country. And I might not even make enough to warrant that headache!

No. 2461793

File: 1742944459922.png (284.81 KB, 580x486, jg.png)

this guy annoys me so much with the "by JG GenesisKeys" on every post like yes of course its you, who else is drawing colorful down syndrome midgets with giant BBL asses

No. 2461796

No. 2461806

File: 1742945277600.jpg (218.54 KB, 1080x1158, 1000077007.jpg)

Many such cases

No. 2461807

File: 1742945403176.jpg (455.63 KB, 1080x1137, 1000077009.jpg)

No. 2461843

Is there any good online banking service for artists? Paypal has fees as does Patreon but those are the only two I see talked about when doing business online.

No. 2461874

File: 1742950530502.png (105.37 KB, 1023x882, kiddycup.PNG)

>on T
Calling it, she will fully troon out and redraw picrel (she’s the og artist) but in reversed situation, you think it’s two butches but it’s actually two “gay men” (cringe delusional tifs)

No. 2461883

how long till she gives her butch characters tit chops?

No. 2461886

>"lesbian" who claims to like "butches" that are drawn exactly like men turns out to be bi
many such cases

No. 2461888

I want these larpers to get their hands off butches we've been fetishised enough what is so hard to understand being a masculine woman? Why do they always troon or put tit chops on butch characters why do they always project their sexual insecurity onto butches?

No. 2461889

File: 1742951741748.jpg (1.2 MB, 2047x3000, GmFy5Era0AAzzo5.jpg)

I believe it doesnt matter what shortcut an artists uses (3d models, heavy references, the works) it doesnt matter as long as the artist can deliver fully rendered, coherent pieces.
That being said, It always bothers me when they never explicitly state wether they're using 3d models for backgrounds, there are some that can be reasonably understood as having been crafted from scratch but others not so much, like picrel. I know idiot zoomers and ignoramuses would pester them nonstop for "taking unfair shortcuts" and shit but still

No. 2461897

File: 1742952518836.jpg (998.27 KB, 3167x1855, 918273927.jpg)

Kinda reminds me of what happened with Lydia Fama
>”ace sapphic” married to a lesbian for years
>lesbian wife isn’t ace but goes along with your ~asexuality~ because she loves you
>divorce her because you’re a trans boy
>realize you’re a GAY trans boy(straight woman)
>around the same time realize you’re actually “grey ace” (experience sexual attraction)

Butch/gnc lesbians trooning out and realizing they’re into men sounds like such a nightmare scenario kek I have to remind myself these are just mentally ill bi/het women.

No. 2461924

I hate fujos who feel so guilty about objectifying men that they troon out.

No. 2461933

I honestly feel more bad for the poor girlfriend she roped into a 4 year sexless relationship in only to dump her to troon out and go het to fulfill her heartstopper yaoi fantasies. I would become fucking homicidal

No. 2461936

Aegyo sal looks so weird on non-korean looking characters.

No. 2461946

This is a case of fandom women on sites like Tumblr convincing themselves that they are anything other than a boring straight woman so all of their "wlw" relationships fall through and they are constantly on a kweer journey of self-discovery

No. 2461971

I'd be embarrassed to still be doing all this queer shit at 27. Plus, is genuinely psychopathic the way this retard wasted her poor wife's time like that, 4 years in a sexless relationship just to turn out straight?! Damn…

No. 2461981

Everytime I see this I feel so bad for the wife she divorced to become a "boy" I hope shes happy with another woman who truly loves her now

No. 2461986

File: 1742956890927.jpg (1.42 MB, 3264x2740, divorce.JPG)

It’s worse than that, the comic saying 4 years is from 2017. They divorced in 2023. 10 years of this kek

No. 2461989

Even in this comic, she seems incredibly happy to get out of that mess kek.

No. 2461995

the obsession with "boy" is so freakish to me. nearly 30 years old and saying "boy juice." is there a single tranny that isnt just a pedophile? Ive seen it happen to multiple online "lesbians", I dont understand how T can make you attracted to men, were they really straight/bi all along and just hopped on the lesbian train for woke brownie points or can testosterone really fuck you up like that?

No. 2462004

I dont even think shes bi, she was "asexual" until she broke up with her girlfriend and only started to "question" her sexuality after she began to feel attraction for males. aka shes not sexually attracted to women at all and she wanted to jump through hoops to make her seem like shes not a boring straight woman and roped a poor woman into the larp for 10 whole fucking years

No. 2462006

ive actually known lesbian couples who do stupid shit like this (ie. stay in relationships with eachother where they have no sex, are long distance for years, etc) its so odd. i suppose its just for the emotional convenience of having a partner you can talk to about personal stuff?

No. 2462060

File: 1742961458242.gif (376.95 KB, 240x162, IMG_5417.gif)

Poser fake fan thought her quills were hair,didn’t even realize that she’s a fucking porcupine and now she just some non-descriptive,mammalian creature.Couldn’t even be bothered to draw her dandrufff,the fucking reason why she was named “FLAKY”.I hate zoomers who didn’t grow up with this show appropriating it,especially with Puppychan’s obsession with making ‘fanart’ of things she was never into.

No. 2462073

Who’s the artist? I enjoy this, but struggle with using photos or models for backgrounds when other artists (I see it a lot in Japanese illustration) take a picture, trace over it and draw the figure on top. I assume that’s the same process foe your picrel

No. 2462151

I think she's saying she's "technically" a woman in the same way a tomato is "technically" a fruit

No. 2462153

You're asking if there's a way to get paid online without any fees? No

No. 2462160

File: 1742970958373.png (253.95 KB, 343x500, sub-jp-burger-2-popup.png)

She took this word for word from twitter, analysing this is like analysing picrel. Vapid, meaningless.

No. 2462166

File: 1742971512209.png (157.48 KB, 1341x1467, brujo.png)

Kek. I don't understand what is driving her to do this, this one is the most blatant downgrade so far. Look at this shit, as you guys all know your character and pose should be immediately recognizable from the silhouette. Drawing 1 is a tall young woman likely in a formal/modern dress from the close-fit long dress and high heels, posing cockily. It's dynamic and to use a pretentious faggot word, even has contrapposto. It's clearly competent! And what the fuck are we getting from the silhouette on the right? Is that a long lost McDonald's mascot?? A stout and stiff babushka? Perhaps a fucking astronaut? I'm all for artists leaving their comfort zones and learning how to draw fat girls but you have to draw them well. You have to fucking try

No. 2462225

>A stout and stiff babushka?
Okay so that’s the vibe nu-kate was giving me even without her blacked-out silhouette kek, she feels less like a weird teenage girl and more like a weird tubby middle aged lady with wild hair

No. 2462236

She's just channeling Janice from Mean Girls kek. The silhouette thing is stupid though, I don't think a drawing of skinny Kate with her arms by her sides would look very readable if blacked out either. Could've used an actually dynamic pose like >>2461641 for your dumb comparison.

No. 2462270

In most cases you can obviously tell.

No. 2462272

>the obsession with "boy" is so freakish to me. nearly 30 years old and saying "boy juice." is there a single tranny that isnt just a pedophile?
This is such an insane reach.

No. 2462285

It really isnt lol the link of trooning out and being an autopedo is pretty real

No. 2462290

women call themselves girls all the time jfc even anons here start their posts with ''girl…'' i know shes an annoying tranny buy accusing her of being a pedo for using the word boy is an insane reach to me. Get real, are you going to call everyone who calls their partners boyfriends pedos too?

No. 2462359

i wish she wasn't infected with gendie brainrot because i like her art and characters

No. 2462366

File: 1742990841349.jpg (366.79 KB, 1112x2048, Gm4ieG2aQAAycCh.jpg)

Sometimes, man, tutorials do things to my mood. Just… I'm sure it's a ESL issue but jesus christ.

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